#Danny Hastings
warhead · 2 months
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strathshepard · 2 years
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Jay-Z by Danny Hastings, Stress Magazine, 1996
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vintagehiphopmusic · 2 years
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brokenpiecesshine · 2 years
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The Pretty Reckless on Instagram, 22/10/2022.
Belfast, Dublin, Glasgow, Manchester, Newcastle, Birmingham, Bristol, South Hampton, Norwich, London, Tilburg, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Zurich, Milan, Cologne, PARIS!!! We start the EU/UK #deathbyrockandrolltour2022 TOMORROW!!! 🙌🙌🙌🤘🤘🤘📷 @dannyhastings
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comicwaren · 2 months
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“For the record. No matter what I was going through. I wasn’t gonna let myself kill you.” -- Blade
Cover art for Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #003
Art by Ken Lashley and Juan Fernandez
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Troian Bellisario and Zoey Deutch
Requested: Anon
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asadfangirlbitxh · 2 years
Blogmas #10
The fictional characters that I am attracted to with no explanation
Nick Miller
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2) Draco Malfoy
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3) Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou
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4) Ryuji Takasu
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5) Eve from Lucifer
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6. Danny Castellano
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7. Simon Bassett
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8) Maeve
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9) Jess Mariano
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10) Jade West and Beck Oliver
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
He could overlook a lot of things, but this was getting ridiculous. You’d think seasoned vigilantes would have better excuses prepared, but Danny had caught that flash of panic that crossed Tim’s face as Danny came face to face with Tim dragging an unconscious Steph to her designated room in the manor.
“Danny! Uh, Stephanie brained herself- uh, sliding down the bannisters and- pleasedon’ttellBruce.”
Danny blinks, staring at Tim and then very pointedly, very slowly, turned his head back towards the direction he came from: the main hall… where the bannisters were. He wonders what vigilante hijinks they were trying to hide from B this time.
Tim coughs, trying to inch Stephanie away. “Uh. She was doing… cartwheels?”
Danny let his eyes slowly take in the bruises that were clearly not from “cartwheeling in the mansion” on the both of them. There’s a huge bandaged cut on Steph’s forearm and a giant bruise on the edge of Tim’s jaw. Tim’s face twitches nervously, not that anyone else would have noticed- except Danny has enhanced ghost senses and could feel the panic coming off of his adopted brother.
“You know…” Shit, what does he do? Not knowing would be so much easier if these idiots gave him good excuses! “I don’t think I want to know what you two have been up to… but should I be worried for your, uh, physical health?”
“… Okay.” He says. Tim opens his mouth to make further excuses but Danny adds quickly, “But don’t tell me, because if Bruce asks, I want plausible deniability.”
Cartwheels, Danny’s ghostly ass. Luckily, this show of doubt reaffirms Tim’s belief that Danny believes them all of the other times. Danny grins inwardly, planning capitalizing on the guilt that flashed over Tim’s face.
“Want help?” The halfa points at Steph, who’s still being dragged over the carpet by a noodle armed Tim. Danny knows Tim’s strong, he’s a vigilante, but it’s funny watching him pretend to struggle.
“Please. I’m so tired right now.” He looks it too. Danny’s brows furrow with genuine concern when he takes in Tim’s drowned raccoon look. He picks up Steph, firmly removing her from Tim’s suddenly weak grip. Being careful to avoid her injuries, Danny nods at the door to her room. Tim cracks it open and does a little showy gesture towards the inside.
“C’mon, we’ll tuck her in and then I’ll tuck you in.”
“What, you don’t have to do that.”
“If you don’t let me tuck you in and make sure you sleep, I’ll tell Alfred who really accidentally poured boiling hot coffee on his azaleas last week. And I’ll sic Dick on you and tell him you haven’t been sleeping enough.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” Tim grumbles. “But fine. It’s really not my fault I’m this tired. A missing spleen is hard to handle, you know.”
“Yeah, missing an organ sucks,” Danny says, shit eating grin hidden long enough to catch the contemplative bloodhound look that passes over Tim’s face.
“Which- uh, which one of your organs is missing?”
“Liver.” Danny says, remembering the flashes of pain. He tilts his head away to hide the grin at Tim’s panicked face.
When he tucks Tim in, he pretends to believe Tim’s sleeping act and left his room while mumbling about the Wayne’s clumsiness and bruises and stocking up on bruise cream. He couldn’t even enjoy Tim’s floundering, this time, worried as he is.
“Brother.” Danny half turns his head, just to beam a sunny smile at Cass. He signs an exuberant hello. The halfa hangs up his coat as he addresses his adopted sister.
“Cass! What’s up?”
“Dinner.” She smiles back, signing that Alfred wanted them to the dinning room post haste. The main dining room, because rich people were fruit loops and Batman is totally included. Cassandra looks down and gasps.
Oh. Fuck. Danny glances down. He genuinely forgot about that.
“Okay?” Suddenly, Cass is right next to him, hand reached out and hovering over the actual knife Danny forgot was sticking out of him. At least it’s where his liver should be, so he won’t have to pretend.
“Oh. Yeah, I’m good. Don’t have a liver.” Danny decides on the spot that he’s not gonna mess with Cass. She smiled the same as him. “Got mugged on the way back but I think they said I could keep the knife, right?”
“Danny.” She’s frowning at him. He feels like he just kicked tiny Cujo. But he doesn’t feel bad enough to blurt everything out.
“Here. You can have it if you want?” Danny casually pulls out the knife and holds the wound together with his bare hands. Cass looks more alarmed. She bodily picks up Danny and starts running.
Cass throws him at Alfred, gently.
“Miss Cassandra! Why, I never-!” Alfred pauses in surprise.
“Uh. Wow, Cass. You’re really strong.” Danny pipes up, hand still over his gushing wound.
She ignores him, pointing at Danny and telling Alfred, “Hurt. Got mugged. Dumb.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault Gothamites are ready to jump people at any moment. Besides, it’s daytime. It’s not like the vigilante furries are out to save my butt. I think I did really well coming back safe, you know?”
“Hurt. Forgot the knife. Was in him.”
“Master Danny!”
Danny pouts. He also knows there’s a discreet camera in the corners of the sitting room, so he’s definitely hoping he could phase into the cave when Barbara eventually tells the group that he called them “vigilante furries.”
Alfred clucks his tongue and set to work patching him up. Danny tries not to bask in the careful way Alfred tended to his wounds. It reminds him too much of Jazz, if Jazz was British and a man with greying hair.
But because they were watching him and he was watching them in return, Danny noticed the moment Alfred’s hands stalled and Cass’ gaze got intense. What now…?
Oh, fuck, his vivisection scar. Oops. Danny smiled, channeling Dani (his lovely clone sister) at her most innocent.
Cass smiled back, just as sunnily, fists tightening at her side in repressed fury.
“Cass? Why’d you call us?”
“Yeah, baby bat. I got a couple o’ smugglers to talk to.”
Cass paces.
“What is it, Cassandra?” Damian tuts impatiently.
“Danny. Has… scars. Autopsy. But was struggling. When cut.”
“A vivisection, Master Jason.” Alfred’s voice was crisp and eerily cold. His hands are folded, rage only held back by his sheer will and a well practiced sense of propriety.
“We find. Who hurt him,” Cass snarls. “We. End.”
Jason’s eyes glint green, hands going to his guns. “Fine. By. Me.”
“It does tie in with the dead comment. I wonder what happened to him.” Tim clacks away at the bat computer, furiously looking into the matter already. Bruce has taken to prowling, stressed out at the prospect of one more of his children- not a vigilante at that- getting hurt the way Jason had. Worse, even. A vivisection. He was alive, dissected. Aware enough to struggle. Dick looked like he was torn about hunting down and lunging at whoever hurt Danny to rip their throats out with his bare teeth versus the urge to go back up to the manor and wrap Danny in bubble wrap.
In the corner, Danny was having a quiet breakdown because he came here to watch them react to vigilante furries, not offering to murder the people who vivisected him. What the fuck?? He ran his hands through his hair, invisible.
“Oh, by the way, we should consider more daytime shifts.”
“Why?” Spoiler asks Barbara.
“Danny got mugged. And called us the nightly furries.”
“The fuckin’ what-?” Jason chokes out, laughing. Bruce stops his pacing, body language becoming slightly offended.
Danny muffles a laugh only Alfred would have heard.
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
DCxDP Fanfic idea: Love at first (club) Meeting.
Damian wants to make friends in school. He asked Colin what he should do to get this accomplishment after months of failure.
The friend recommended joining school clubs, affectionately telling him that he was in a sewing club at his own public school.
Damian didn't see how getting into an organization dedicated to some hobby was going to cause friendships, but Colin seemed to have a decent amount of friends when he wasn't running around as Abuse.
He went to check on the clubs available, but nothing really got his attention. There was the art club but only one meeting told him that it wasn't for him. The club was more for his classmates to stand around and chit chat.
None of them actually did any art, seeing as the ussually club advisor was away on maternity leave. The substitute is the baseball couch on off-season, and although he encouraged everyone to draw, it wasn't the same amount of fun as normal activities.
The other kids assured him that they would be painting and sculpting once Mrs. Flor came back, but Damian didn't want to wait.
So he leaves and tries to find a new one. The world history club bored him with useless trivia, and the chess club had no worthy challengers.
Damian decides to try one last time before giving up, when he encounters Daniel Fenton trying to get a second signature for his Ghost Hunting Club.
Fenton is from outside of Gotham. He moved here with his family after Father bought out his family business, having turned their research into defenses against aliens. Damian had seen him around school, but other than the occasional bully, no one paid too much attention to him.
Gotham Academy had four requirements for a student run club. There had to be two members to be officially started. They needed to keep a clear recap of their club minutes, a teacher had to sign as their advisor and, for the first two years, had to be without a bank account.
Fenton held up his pathetic sign-up sheet in front of passing students. He stammers, "Would like to join the Ghost hunter-um if I could bother you for a moment - are you interested in-excuse me"
Damian watches Fenton try over and over to ask for a second club memeber, but no one bothers to even hear his full question. They walk right by him as if though they could see through Fenton. He can't say why but that upsets him.
Before Damian knows what he's doing he finds his feet marching towards Fenton. The boy is staring down at his clipboard with a disheartened expression before he spots Damian.
Fenton's jaw drops, and his eyes grow impossiblely wide as Damian gets closer. He draws his clip board up to his chest, staring at the Wayne as if he was the most fascinating thing he's ever seen.
Surely Damian is not that different looking than any other human. Why is he acting like that?
"Good morning," He says when he finally stands in front of Fenton. The boy's face turns s red "I am Damian Wayne."
"Hi, I'm Danny, um Fenton, I'm Danny Fenton," the other rambles while nervously tapping his fingers on the back of the clipboard.
"Well, met Fenton. I overheard you are requesting signatures for a club?"
"Oh!" Fenton turns the clipboard but in his haste it slips from his hold, landing on the ground with loud thump. Damian raises a brow while Fenton breaks out into a sweat.
Damian leans down to grab the board at the same time, Fenton throws himself forward, and he sees the collusion before it happens, but Damian knows that a regular child wouldn't be able to dodge it without raising questions. He allows Fenton's forhead to slam against his with a hiss.
"I'm sorry!" Fenton gasps out, but Damian heeds him no mind, as he signs the form with a flourish. The harsh strokes of his pen echo in the hallway, informing Damian that he needs to head to class before the second bell.
"I shall see you after school. We can see the famous haunted bathroom in the gym. " He tells the fool, slapping the clipboard into the boy's hand. Damian twists on his heel, strutting away. He throws a hand over his shoulder, calling back. "Ta"
He misses the look of utter awe adoration aimed at his back or the rapid growing infatuation in his clubmates' eyes.
It's the start of Damian's very odd club because he finds he actually enjoys walking around the school trying to find readings for ghosts. He even enjoys following Fenton to abandon buildings, dark sewers and sitting around with childish recordings asking for any signs of the afterlife.
That's mostly due to how nervous Fenton was when wandering into haunted places. He finds great joy in watching Fenton try to put a brave face on despite shaking in his boots when a ghost might be around.
It may be cruel of Damian, but it's highly entertaining.
Danny is not scared of ghosts - that would be a bit counterproductive given his Halfa status. He is crushing hard on Damian Wayne, and when he has a crush, he gets ridiculous nervous around them that it's easier to blame the shaking, the sweating and shuttering on phasmophobia.
But could anyone blame him? Damian Wayne is a walking work of art, so much that when Danny first saw him in the hallway, he was half sure, the surroundings had dimmed.
He wasn't exaggerating when Danny thought Damian had stardust and white doves floating around his head at all times. He was that stunning.
And he had walked up to Danny to join his club, the one he had been trying for almost a week to get started because he was tired of being a friendless loser and took up Sam's advice in a desperate last ditch effort. He is so glad he had that video call with her because without it, he would never have gotten to speak to Damian.
They were in different classes, had different lunch periods, and frankly, Damian was the son of the richest man in the country. Danny was the random kid on scholarship with creepy ghost powers hunting other ghosts.
He wrote poems about Damian's eyes when flying over Gotham, sighing like a pathetic school boy. He also dodges a kuni shoot at him by Robin.
Ugh, he hates that guy. He's so rude and has been trying to hunt Danny down ever sense they arrived in Gotham. He was scary good at what he did, and the only reason Danny stayed free was Robin not understanding that he was after a ghost.
Robin thought he was a meta and had attack because of that. Which, racist much? Danny openly mocked him just to get on Robin's nerves.
Batman let Robin cause after the meta because he could tell from that little smile as he raced after the glowing figure that Damian found the other attractive. It reminds him of his early years chasing Catwoman across the rooftops.
Maybe Gotham wasn't so bad a move after all.
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phant0mc1d3 · 6 months
It was lunch when Danny got the notification of a large scale attack spearheaded by Bane on his phone. He hadn't wanted to be overt about his vigilantism but based off what he was seeing this attack was getting out of hand fast. He'd be caught dead before ignoring something like this.
Luckily the halfa had forseen something like this happening and not long after having transferred to the school he'd found a perfect out of the way janitors closet to transform in for occasions like these. Now the only issue was making way through the hoards of students milling around the halls like ants by the cafeteria.
With haste pushes through people leaving a litany of complaints by individuals in offence at being shoved past. At one point a teacher had called for him to stop running and without thinking too much of it he loudly prattles off the first excuse that comes to mind: bathroom emergency. He'd look back on it with embarrassment but at the time it served it's purpose.
However after finally reaching the closet and slamming the door shut he'd been faced with a major problem. There was already someone in there. Someone with their blouse halfway off and staring at him with wide, fearful eyes. Danny stopped dead in his tracks, hand still on the handle of the door and they stood there in silence for a beat.
The other teen -Tim from English class, Danny's brain supplied- spoke, "It's just- uh- kind of warm out today, you know?"
Danny blinked.
It was October and most definitely one of the colder days of the year. His eye travelled downward to a backpack that stood wide open, which seemed to have some sort of black and red coloured clothing inside of it. He looked back up to Tim with an expression that he hoped portrayed his deep sense of 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬.
He slowly backs out of the closet. Maybe he'll try his luck at the bushes outside.
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oughttobeclowns · 2 years
Re-review: Cabaret, The Kit Kat Club at the Playhouse Theatre
Re-review: Cabaret, The Kit Kat Club at the Playhouse Theatre Well, Callum Scott Howells is a bit good ain't he
Callum Scott Howells and Madeline Brewer do wonderful work leading the new cast of this still-striking Cabaret at The Kit Kat Club at London’s Playhouse Theatre “That is what comes from too much pills and liquor” I would have loved to see Fra Fee and Amy Lennox in Cabaret’s first lead cast change but the truth is, the presence of a certain someone in the supporting cast meant that I would be…
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strathshepard · 2 months
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Wu-Tang Clan photographed by Danny Hastings for Raekwon's first solo album Only Built for Cuban Linx.... (1995)
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vintagehiphopmusic · 2 years
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rboooks · 1 year
Alfred's Boy: Part 2
Bruce felt his blood pressure rise as Damian shoved another pair of swimming trucks into his cart. His youngest insisted that he needed something flattering, as his previous outfit was "functional but not attractive to the youth of today."
Damian had never cared that he wasn't up to the trends, but that was before Danny moved into the manor. Now he had to wait hours for Damian to find a satisfying outfit, knowing darn well its only because Danny mentioned he was interested in taking a dip in the inner pool.
The boy, technically being staff, felt it was essential to ask permission before taking a swim. Bruce had spent years telling Alfred he had free range over the manor, only to always have the man ask before doing anything. He hopes Danny won't develop the same habit.
He wanted the young man to feel at home with them.
His younger children- who honest to God forgot they even had a pool- had all scrambled to go swimming with Danny. Tim had practically thrown himself over the table to change from his WE suit into his swimming wear, Duke use his grappling hook to zoom up the stairs and Steph begged Cass to lend her a bikini.
Damian remained seated, despairing that his old swimming shorts had been bought by Dick the year previous. Dick had gotten him green shorts with little cats and dogs. Damian- who refused to even go near public pools- wore them to the family pool with no desire to purchase new ones since he saw no point in it.
And now he was paying the price for keeping childish wear. Personally, Bruce thought they were adorable and perfect for his fourteen-year-old son, but being two years younger than Danny gave him a terrible disadvantage, and Damian could not afford falling futher behind.
He just sat there, staring longingly at the retreating back of Alfred's assistant after telling him he had nothing to wear. Danny had told them he could join the rest another time before scurrying away to finish his cleaning of the right wing.
What else could Bruce do besides offering to take him to the nearest outlet mall and get him something nicer?
"Damian are you almost-"
"I am ready, father. Make haste to purchase our wears. Daniel must be finishing his duties, and I wish to get back." His son announced, yanking the cart out of Bruce's hand and practically running to the cashiers.
Bruce sighed.
It's not that he minded his son's crush on a boy or that it was Danny. It just felt like he shouldn't be encouraging his children to try and romance someone going through a lot.
Alfred had forbidden anyone from looking into Danny's background, and he had respected the request. There was a lot Bruce and Batman were willing to do but defying a direct order from Alfred was not one of them.
(Honesty, if Alfred ever turned evil, Bruce's contingency plan for him was simple: Die.)
Danny took his assistant butler job very seriously. Often wearing a neat and pressed suit, finishing his work in record time, well mannered and very intelligent but kept a distance from the family. Alfred also had a small wall of professionalism but he would crack a joke and be in their presence like a grandfather.
Danny only spoke when spoken to, tried to refrain from being notice and basically kept the reminder that while he liked them all he was always going to be a employee first and foremost.
Maybe it was due to his parents? Danny probably couldn't relax until he felt safe once more. Not for the first time, Bruce wondered what type of monsters the Fentons had to be to make a boy capable of discovering the Batcave without so much of a blink, flatter.
"Father!" Damian called impatiently, tapping his foot before the nervous-looking teen who what been attempting to ring him up.
The Wayne's made everyone nervous.
"Yes. Yes. Here put It on my card-" Damian snatched it out of his hand before Bruce even took it out completely from his wallet.
Suddenly his phone rings. Seeing that Damian could handle punching in the Pin, he accepted the call, not bothering to check the screen.
All his children have personalized ringtones, so only one person would cause Gun and Ships from the Hamilton musical to blare from his phone.
"Bruce!" Jason yells in a wheezing voice "Tim almost drowned!"
"Is he alright!?"
"He's fine!" Jason assures, voice breaking to manic cackling. "He's just really embarrassed. He forgot about the bruise on his back, so when he tried to do cannonballs with Danny, he cramped up. Danny had to help him out of the pool and then lectured him about jumping in the deep end because of peer pressure. He thinks Tim can't swim, Bruce!"
Bruce felt a headache building behind his eyes. "Jason-"
"Wait, wait, there's more! Do you know how Steph never wears bikinis because she is uncomfortable? Danny clocked that as soon as she walked in and offered her the old t-shirt he was wearing. Took it off right then and there, and do you know what Steph did!? She walked into a wall! A wall Bruce!"
"Duke hasn't stopped staring at Danny. I think his brain is in a permanent blue screen. I'm actually thinking he's-"
"Jason!" Bruce cut in which finally seemed to get his second oldest attention. Don't get him wrong, he was thrilled that Jason was spending so much time around the manor but the constant updates on his children tripping over themselves for Danny was not well for his heart. "I think you need to make sure your siblings give Danny some space. The poor chum might not be comfortable-"
"I'm not helping you stop Danny from finding true love, old man"
Bruce rolled his eyes as his son hung up. He can't wait for school to start up again. Danny will be homeschooled by his own request and Alfred's agreement but at least most of his kids will not be around him as often.
His phone started playing Sk8er Boy and he considered not answering. He really did but honestly his son probably needed him.
With a sigh he presses the accept call button "Tim-"
"He thinks I can't swim Bruce! He banned me from the pool!" Tim sobs and Bruce sees Damian perk up, happy Danny had put distance between one of his suitors ans himself.
Was it too late to ask Alfred if he was sure his contact Clockwork had no where else to foster Danny?
Being Batman on the night all his rouges broke out was easier then this.
( Part 1) (part 3)
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giuseppe-yuki · 1 month
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daniel ricciardo x raccoon shapeshifter!reader
w.c.: 2.1k
warnings: none :) (reader lowkey bullies danny though)
part of my shapeshifting!reader series
summary: you find ways to keep cool in the paddock
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picture credits from tumblr :)
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there were no words to explain the feeling you felt right now. your mind was fuzzy, your arms and legs goo. you groan as another wave of heat spreads across you. 
you were talking about the weather in monaco, of course. this time of the year, the temperature was hitting record highs. you were left a sweaty mess every time you stepped an inch outside. to battle the heat, you frequented trips to the pool, often dragging your boyfriend along with you.  
unfortunately, the sunscreen on your bare skin right now did you no justice as the harsh sun’s uv rays pierced straight through the sun protection and gave you sensitive, itchy skin. adjusting the sun umbrella above you, you took another sip of the cold lemonade that danny freshly squeezed minutes ago. 
“good?” he asks, peering at you through his sunnies from his spot on a sun lounger. 
you flash a thankful smile at him. “yep, thank you baby! it tastes so good in this monaco heat,” you reply. the lingering taste of the sour citrus mixed with just the right amount of sugar cools you off as much as the cold pool water does. he nods once, satisfied with your answer. 
once you finish your drink, you set the glass aside and pick yourself up from your own sun lounger, and cannonball into the pool, purposefully soaking danny in the process. when you kick back onto the surface, you see your poor boyfriend sopping wet, dangling his moist phone out in front of him with two fingers. 
“hey!” he protests, trying to dry off his phone as quickly as possible. “you are so dead when i catch you!”
you squeal as daniel tosses his now-dry phone off to the side and yanks off his muscle shirt before jumping in after you.
the rest of the evening is spent with danny chasing you around the pool with a pool noodle, trying to bonk you in the head, while you try to drown him (unsuccessfully) by climbing onto his shoulders. 
by the time the sun touches the line of ocean in the distance, creating a hazy orange glow over everything, you are both exhausted. daniel helps you push together the padded sun loungers into a makeshift bed, and the two of you simultaneously sprawl yourselves horizontally over the soft cushions. the weather starts to feel nice, with a little breeze cooling your sunburnt skin. you lie there in comfortable silence, a hand playing with danny’s curls, legs tangled together. it was moments like these that you were grateful for. no stress, no intrusive paparazzi, and no work stuff. just you, danny, and the quiet gurgles of the pool suction cleaner. 
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there was no escaping the demanding world of f1 for long. like clockwork, you were back again the in paddock the next day, decked out in enchanté merch. like the day before, it was an insane temperature that you were sure allowed you to cook an egg on the pavement. you practically dragged danny past the paparazzi and screaming fans to get to the ac-conditioned driver’s room.
you weave through several vcarb employees on the way to the driver’s room, and almost fall trying to shove the door open in the haste to get inside.
“be careful!” danny chastises. “i don’t want you to fall.” reaching around you, he softly opens the door and pushes it open. 
you press a quick kiss to his stubbled cheek and chirp a quick “thank you!” before racing inside. 
before he can even set down his keys and his phone on the desk inside the room, you had already cracked open a cold red-bull from his fridge and stretched yourself out on the sofa.
“it’s not even that hot,” he laughs.
“yes it is!” you shoot back, sitting up from the couch. “it’s not fair you’re from australia where it’s always a billion degrees in the summer, so you’re used to it.” wiping a few drops of sweat from your heat-reddened face, you collapse back into your original position. 
he rolls his eyes.
“you know what,” you continue, taking a sip of cold red bull, “i should totally shave my entire head right now. i bet that would make me way less sweatier!”
daniel whips around from where he picked up his phone a second ago, eyes wide. “baby, you are not shaving your hair. we both know you will most likely regret it the second the last hair leaves its hair follicle.” he pauses a moment, stifling a laugh. “also, i can’t promise i won’t laugh when you show up in the paddock completely bald. not to mention, i haven’t seen a hairless raccoon before!”
it’s now your turn to roll your eyes. “okay, danny, what do you suggest i do to battle the heat then?” you scoff. “should i…stroll around in a bikini?”
you watch as your boyfriends eyes widen in shock. “ha, i bet you would like that!” you tease.
“absolutely not!” he retorts. “you in a bikini is a sight only i should be able to see.”
to that statement, you let out a giggle. 
before you can respond, a knock sounds on the door and daniel’s manager sticks his head in. he greets you with a quick wave before turning to your boyfriend. 
“hey, just want to let you know that laurent is calling a team meeting in around two hours. i just wanted to let you know early so you can set an alarm or something. you better be there!” 
to you, he instructs, “make sure danny gets to the meeting. last time he was late twenty minutes late and laurent was pissed!”
“aye, aye, captain!” you exclaim, giving him a mock salute. 
he nods tersely, and shuts the door after himself.
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fifteen minutes later, you find yourself padding out of daniel’s driver’s room in your raccoon form. it’s easier for you to hide in a little patch of shade when it gets too hot than if you were a regular human, you reason. like when you were entering, you weave through the vcarb employees, but this time through their legs. some of them stop to give you a few pats, since they are all used to you always scurrying around their feet. daniel shoots a few of them a wink and finger guns as he follows you out of the vcarb hospitality.
as soon as your paws touch the scorching pavement outside, you immediately know something is wrong- it’s way too hot for you to walk with no paw pad protection outside. 
sensing your hesitation, danny kneels down, looking at you concerningly.
“you okay?” he asks. he touches the ground with the pads of his fingers experimentally, testing the temperature. within seconds, he retracts his hand with a yelp. “wow, the pavement sure is hot!” he states, shaking his hand to cool it off. you sit in the frame of the vcarb hospitality doorway, looking up at danny with your sad raccoon eyes. there’s no hesitation before you scoops you up into his arms. he supports your hind legs with one of his hands and loops his other arm around your body, keeping you feeling safe in his arms. 
“alright, now to red bull,” he declares. (he always found himself going to annoy max when he had free time)
unfortunately, the red bull motorhome was all the way on the other end of the paddock from vcarb. as your boyfriend walked, he kept getting distracted by fans wanting autographs. like the kind man he was, he of course stopped and signed everything before continuing on. after being stopped by the sixth fan in the span of ten minutes, you weren’t even halfway across the paddock yet. you squirm in his hands, feeling a little uncomfortable by the sun beating down on you and your thick fur. daniel takes notice, and immediately pulls out a tiny tub of frozen grapes out of absolutely nowhere. you jerk back in surprise, because what kind of guy carries around a random tub of frozen grapes?
he laughs at your reaction before pulling the lid open and handing you a grape. you lick his hand as a thank-you and grab the grape with both paws. immediately, you shove it into your mouth. it’s cold, crunchy, and perfectly delicious. reaching out, you make grabby-paws, gesturing for more. your satisfying purring attracts the attention of some teenage fans nearby. they run, squealing, overjoyed to find not only daniel ricciardo, but also a cute raccoon.
“can we feed your raccoon some grapes too?” they ask hopefully.
you give danny a small nod with your furry head and he hands them several grapes. one of the girls hands you the frozen fruit as a boy pets your head. after a few grapes, they pose for a photo with you (they make danny take the photo), and leave shortly after. 
“huh,” daniel notes. “it seemed that they were here more for you than for me!” 
you flash him a smile with your canines out. 
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once you arrive at the redbull hospitality, danny lets you down. while he asks one of the engineers for the location of max, you pad around the eating area. snatching a piece of corn-on-the cob from catering, you settle down underneath one of the tables to eat your stolen snack. 
your boyfriend pulls you out from under the table a few minutes later, ignoring your pissed-off hissing for dragging you away from your corn. 
“we gotta go back to my driver’s room,” he says exasperatedly, giving you a few calming pats on your back. “you can have your corn later. anyways, max is apparently in his drivers room ‘playing with his pet cat’ or whatever that means. i didn’t even see him bring a cat into the paddock!” without another word, he picks you up and starts heading to the exit.
you chitter, expressing your annoyance. you probably had to introduce him to max’s shapeshifter girlfriend later.
before he can leave the red bull hospitality, you wriggle in his arms, conveying your distaste for going out into the sun again. frowning slightly, he turns around before setting you back on the ground. you scamper as far as you can into the motorhome, away from the doorway leading you to the blazing outside. making sure danny is following you, only stopping when you reach some stairs. both of you climb up the stairs to find another seating area. to your surprise, yuki lays on one of the cushioned couches, a grey bunny in his arms. he waves to daniel and raises his eyebrow at you walking around near your boyfriend's feet, but doesn’t stop hand-feeding the bunny watermelon cubes. you spare the animal a suspicious glance before inching yourself towards a second set of stairs at the end of the seating area. 
when you reach the top of the stairs, you find yourself again in the heat. blinking your eyes to adjust from the sudden brightness, you realize that in front of you lies a big pool with a red bull logo on the bottom. it’s surprisingly empty. behind you, danny steps into the top level of the red bull hospitality too. you turn around and blink at him innocently. he realizes your intent a second too late. 
you sprint straight towards the pool and jump in headfirst. the cool water feels so nice against your overheated body. 
danny sprints over to the edge of the pool, looking extremely aghast. 
“oh my god, baby! get out of the pool right now! i’m not sure they’re allowing people to swim in there right now, much less a raccoon!”
you intentionally pretend not to hear him, paddling in little circles around the middle of the pool. 
suddenly, you hear a person clear their throat from the stairs. you look away from danny, who was currently circling the pool trying to find the best way to fish you out. 
in front of you stands geri halliwell-horner, dressed in a modest white dress. 
“i don’t see a problem with your girlfriend swimming in the pool, and i’m sure christian agrees with me!” she says, smiling. 
you both gape at her, mouths open. not only were you blessed by the presence of ginger spice herself, but she also knew your secret shapeshifting ability? that was wild.
you chatter appreciatively at geri, and swim over to the edge of the pool. 
“geri!” your boyfriend says sheepishly. “thank you for clarifying. i just wanted to make sure it was okay to be in the pool, but my girlfriend-” he shoots you a glare- “decided it was a good idea to just jump in!”
making sure daniel was distracted explaining himself to christian’s wife, you climbed onto to a the sofa before jump-kicking your unsuspecting boyfriend straight into the redbull pool. 
he surfaces a second later at the edge, gasping, to your taunting raccoon squeals and geri’s surprised laughter. 
“great!” he grumbles. “i’m cooled off now, but how am i going to explain to the laurent and the rest of the engineers why i’m sopping wet?”
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taglist: @ilivbullyingjeongin @ale-522 @formula1-motogpfan @aceyalonso @my0hmary
@mbappebby @madkohi @rakshatos @heartsforleclerc @papaya-twinks
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p1nkprincess444 · 3 months
𓇢𓆸 sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ʙᴏʏ - ᴅᴀɴɴʏ ᴄᴏᴏᴘᴇʀ 𓇢𓆸
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female!reader x danny cooper
word count: 1,170
contents: 18+, use of mommy, overstimulation, smut with no plot, aftercare
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Danny was on his knees pressing kisses to your inner thighs. He was begging you to let him touch you, it was pure torture for him not be able to touch you. His cheek was pressed against your thigh as he watched your fingers move in and out of your cunt. 
“ Please- Please just let me touch you mommy.. Jus’ wanna be in you. ”
It was almost adorable the way tears were welling up in his eyes as he pleaded with you. You pulled your fingers from your cunt before pushing them into his mouth. Danny’s lips wrapped around your fingers, his tongue swirled around them greedily lapping at your juices. You withdrew your fingers causing Danny to whine as he tried to pull your hand back. 
“ You want to touch me baby? ” Your question was answered with a haste nod as he looked up at you. 
You pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before giving him the go ahead to touch you. He buried his face in between your thighs lapping at your cunt as if he had been starved of it. His fingernails dug into your thighs as he held your thighs apart. His nose rubbed against your clit while his tongue pushed deeper inside of you. Moans fell from your lips as your hips rolled forward pressing your cunt into his face. He moaned against your clit sending vibrations through you. Your nails clawed at the blankets that laid underneath you. Your thighs squeezed around his head as you came on his tongue. 
You practically had to pry him away from in between your legs as he lapped at your sopping cunt. When you finally got him away his lips were puffy and glistening with your cum. Danny was so drunk off your pussy just from one round. It was precious the way his head was resting on your thigh as he looked up at you with his big blue eyes. You cupped his cheeks and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before helping him up onto the bed. You rolled Danny onto his back before your hands moved to yank off his belt. You used the belt to secure his wrists to the bedpost before tearing off his clothes. You placed kisses down his torso while your hands groped at his bulge through his boxers. You straddled his hips grinding your cunt against his bulge that was straining desperately against his boxers. 
“ Baby- please s’not fair. ” 
His hips bucked up desperate for something more. His whines and pathetic pleas were going ignored as you slowly grinded against him. Tears were brimming his eyes as he was growing needier for release. You could feel his cum leaking through his boxers as he let out a pitiful cry. A wet stain grew on his boxers as you continued to grind your cunt against his shaft through the wet fabric.
“ Please- I jus’ wanna feel you mommy. ”
Danny had turned into a pitiful mess under your ministrations. He laid there against the bed as his hips rolled against yours. Your hands slowly moved down and began pulling off the damp fabric. You pushed them down letting his cock spring out. His cock was leaking and glistening with his cum. You wrapped your hand around his girthy shaft as you began to stroke him slowly. A small moan fell from Danny’s lips as he felt your hand pumping his cock up and down. His eyes fluttered shut as soft noises slipped past his lips. His hips bucked up to meet your hand while he began to grow louder. You slowly moved up on top of him making your entrance press against the head of his cock. A guttural groan shot out from Danny’s mouth as you brought the head of his cock into your tight cunt. He was desperate to push deeper but your hand stopped him. 
“ Mommy- please just- just let me inside you.. Please. ”
A smile graced your lips as you teased him. You wouldn’t allow anymore than the head of his cock inside you even as he was begging and crying. As your relentless teasing went on you could tell he was growing closer, before he could cum you pulled away your hand from his shaft. You quickly followed this action by slamming yourself down onto his cock. A pathetic choked moan fell from Danny’s lips as his cum shot deep inside of you. 
“ Did my sweet boy already cum? ”
You were met with a small nod as tears stained his cheeks. You placed a gentle kiss on his puffy lips as you wiped his cheeks. 
“ You can give me one more, right baby. ”
Danny nodded as he kissed you again. His forehead was pressed against yours as his hips slowly thrusted up into yours as his nails dug into the leather belt that bound his wrists. His overstimulated cock was already twitching inside of you as your hips slowly moved up and down. 
“ Don’t cum yet- fuck just hold it for me a bit longer baby..”
You didn’t care about being dominant at this point as your hips rolled against his desperate for your own release.
“ I- I can’t mommy.. I can’t- ”
His voice was cracking as tears pooled in his eyes. Your hands moved to his hips as you sat up. Your movements increased in speed as your head fell back. Moans and curses flowed freely from your lips as you bounced up and down on his cock. Your movements grew faster and sloppier as your hips rolled against his. Danny’s face was stained with tears as he tried so hard not cum until you did. You bent down kissing him deeply as you came around his cock. Once he felt your cunt squeezing him so tight his release was immediate. You relaxed against one another as you both caught your breaths. After you had caught your breath you reached up unbuckling the belt that held his wrists in place. I took his wrists in my hands kissing the red lines that marred his pale skin. You slid off of him before padding off to grab a washcloth to clean Danny and yourself off. When you came back to bed Danny was asleep. His lips were slightly parted as soft snores slipped from his lips. Your movements were slow and gentle as you wiped away his tears and drool from his face. You moved down wiping away the cum from his cock and thighs before you curled up in bed beside him. You pulled the plush duvet that covered your bed over your naked bodies that were pressed together. You stroked Danny’s hair while he buried his face into your chest. 
“ Mommy..? ”
“ Yeah baby, you okay? ”
He nodded as he pressed his face further into your warm smooth skin.
“ I love you. ”
His words were muffled as his face was pressed into your chest.
“ I love you too, now go to sleep. ”
Danny nodded before shutting his eyes and dozing off once more.
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