#Danny's Inn
rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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Downtown Vancouver (No. 7)
The Dominion Building sits across the street from Victory Square, site of the former provincial courthouse, which was relocated to Georgia Street in 1913. The Dominion Building was at the hub of the city's financial and legal district until that move.
The backside of the building (containing the emergency staircases) and Cambie Street was filmed during the street scenes of The Neverending Story. It can be seen from Water Street.
The Dominion Building can also be seen at the end of Jennifer Lopez's 2023 film,The Mother, as she looks down into Victory Square from the 14th floor, nearing the end of the film.
The Dominion Building, as well as other elements of Victory Square, were filmed for scenes in an abandoned city in Battlestar Galactica.
The initial rooftop chase scene from Blade: Trinity was shot at the Dominion building.
The 2012 TV show Alcatraz also used this as a location in the opening episode, although the program was set in San Francisco, a lot of the location work was done in Vancouver. The Dominion building can also be seen in the background later in the series when a landmine is found in Victory Square.
Can Lit. author Timothy Taylor. maintains a writing office in this building.
Source: Wikipedia
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mensministry · 2 years
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Off-Grid Inn, Unit 2, Fall Creek, Wisconsin, United States,
Designed by Danny Lindstrom and built with Duff Davidson
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mandoreviews · 30 days
📽️ White Christmas (1954)
I absolutely love this movie. It’s so simple and heartwarming. I understand that this movie isn’t for everyone, but it’s totally a classic. I personally believe that you’re basically a Scrooge if you don’t like Christmas movies, and this movie falls firmly into that category. It’s just so much fun. Now, there are several musical numbers that are a bit hard to swallow at times, but the storyline totally makes up for that. I want to watch this every Christmas season from now on.
Sex/nudity: 1/10 (some revealing dancing outfits, kissing)
Language: 1/10 (one instance of d*mn)
Violence: 1/10 (brief war scene with no injuries shown)
Overall rating: 9/10
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zinnia-inn · 2 years
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Here is the master post of all my characters!
In order it is Danni, Fres, Lep, Ceti, Zelen, Squank, Babs, Mawan.
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secondhandmckie · 2 years
Henry Ian Cusick +👥
Send me an FC and I'll make a character
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FC: Henry Ian Cusick
Name: Michael Gill
Bio: Born to a Scottish father and a Peruvian mother, some might have said that a small town like Mulligan was an odd place for Michael to grow up. Michael, for what it was worth, flourished in it. There was a sense of community, where he could greet neighbors daily and have every need met locally. Where else did he need to go? He'd decided to become a teacher, as history was his passion and he wanted to help blossom that love and curiosity in young minds. He'd still been there, teaching his class when the outbreak began. At first, there wasn't much uproar in the small town--it had hit the major cities, but the fear was a gnawing thing. And then it felt like all hell had broken loose. Michael hadn't picked up a gun before that day, and it felt like he hadn't put it down since. He helps secure one of the town's inns, as it's now become sort of a safe haven for any survivors that manage to wander its way.
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wandering-moon · 2 years
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danzsoldier · 23 hours
I love the concept of Glitch Inn but I have very mixed opinions on the fact that it’s behind a paywall 😭
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im-med · 9 months
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Everytime i see you falling, i get down on my knees and pray.
I’m waiting for the final moment you’d say the words that I can’t say.
I finished the seasons for 2 days due to constant boredom at my dorm and nervously waiting for my quali exam. This masterpiece right here, is a boredom killer and an absolute magnum opus. 🙏🏻
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lindaseccaspina · 1 year
Livingston Island AKA Colonel By Island - History of Wag's Lodge- Part 2
Portland on the Rideau Historical Society Might this photo of Wags Lodge, Big Rideau Lake spark some descriptions/memories? Wag’s Lodge was named after his dog Wag. Part 1-Ted Bain Danny Arnstein and the Checker Cab Home to a fishing lodge called the Angler’s Inn during the 1890s, the island has as its centrepiece these days a sprawling maroon, glass-fronted cottage built for business tycoon…
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i-miss-breathing · 3 months
DPxDC prompt idea
So everyone believes Danny is some ancient being, and in this one, he IS.
In a time travel incident with clockwork he got stuck in like the beginning of time, clockwork got idk captured or something and wasn’t able to, or didn’t want to, get him out of the past before it happened, and Danny has been trying to find a natural portal for millennia to see what happened to clockwork, and to get back to his time. But they either don’t stay open long enough or he does go into one and appears in the past infinite realms, aligning with the time he’s in instead of the time he’s from.
He becomes a master at fitting in, learning all the languages keeping up with the fashion trends, both as Danny and as phantom.
He meets all the immortal heroes in this time, he avoids himself in the time periods he already time travelled to, and he just continues to be a hero throughout all of it. Knowing after the first 10 years he’s immortal as he hasn’t changed at all, he knows he’ll see his family and friends again one day, the thought playing in his head like a mantra for like 10,000 years, he sees a little bit of history everywhere, becoming a nomad, traveling from place to place, doing odd jobs for whatever currency his newest home uses, staying in inns or with whoever’s kind enough to let him, he’s in a constant state of mourning and keeping his need to protect fed and trying to keep his morale up, refusing to break
he does things like watching the Industrial Revolution and pushing oil and coal instead of the newly discovered substance ectoplasm, as ectoplasm is radioactive and they don’t have a way to make it safe, and they also don’t have any access to solar power yet and he wouldn’t know where to start. Sam was going to kill him.
He sabotages nazis in ww2, he frees prisoners in concentration camps, and he meets Wonder Woman, who has apparently heard stories about him.
He doesn’t do anything to change any major event, as much as it hurts, because clockwork isn’t here to guide him on what’s going to lead to something better or worse, and if he changes something too much he may never meet his friends again.
He’s finally in the 21st century.
He can see his friends again.
He’s future Danny sent to the past by future clockwork, present Danny still has present clockwork, who is probably aware of what’s going to happen but isn’t going to say anything, future clockwork is nowhere to be seen, and Danny is finally in the 21st century. But he’s not their Danny.
Several more years of traveling, contemplating, saving people, reminding himself that his friends are so close and yet refusing to see them. His memory never changes, he barely forgot anything in 10,000 years, he still remembers their last conversation as if they’d just had it, but he also remembers all the friends he’d made in that time without them. He knows even if he doesn’t go back, he’ll be ok.
He can feel the portal open. He knows what’s happening. He almost wants to stop it just so that present him, past him, doesn’t experience this eternity. He doesn’t.
He leaves Illinois, he sees the debut of Superman, he sees the creation of the justice league
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 245
Now Danny would openly admit, if only to himself, that he had a type when it came to relationships. If they were strong, if they were a threat to him, then chances were he would develop some sort of crush. It was how he had dated Sam and Valerie (And Johnny & Kitty) when he was a bit younger, and hell, Sam had technically succeeded in killing him, even if partly. 
Attraction towards smart people who could kill him was honestly par for the course for a Fenton or Nightingale anyway. 
And he’d also admit he enjoyed a bit of time travel, learning about times and culture long before his time, to the point that he could blend in in ancient times just as easily as the time he had been born in. That it was natural to mutter in a language lost to time. 
So color him surprise when another man perks up in the bar he had paused to get a drink in, vibrant green eyes gleaming in interest and responds in turn. And not just in the language, but able to keep up when he talks about things that once existed but haven’t been rediscovered yet. 
And one thing led to the other, and there might have been some assassins and some shenanigans that end with them both laughing together in an inn and then more and- Okay he has a type alright, and he’s ticking each box! How is that fair? 
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wolfjackle-creates · 4 months
Answer My Call Chapter 2 Part 2
Happy WIP Wednesday! So last week, we had a tie between Bring Me Home and Answer My Call. The tie breaker didn't come in until Monday after I'd already finished the entire Bring Me Home chapter and half the Answer My Call one.
So y'all will be getting two fic upates today then I'm going to sleep. I'm tired after a full day of work with a call out. XP
If you want a say in next week's update, vote in the poll!
Story Summary: Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
Chapter 1: AO3 (user locked), Tumblr
Chapter 2: Part 1
Word Count: 1.3k
After the performances—an odd mix where the main band yielded the stage to a poet or an accordionist when they needed a break—Jazz and Todd continued to mingle.
Jazz waited until about fifteen minutes had passed before reaching into her bag to search for her phone. “Todd!” she cried.
“Jazz? What’s wrong?”
“I can’t find my phone! Shit, what time is it?”
Todd pulled out his. “Eleven fifty. Did you have it when we arrived?”
“I don’t know! I haven’t checked it. Where could it have gone?”
One of the other attendees broke into the conversation. “Lost your phone? What does it look like? We can help you look.” She was a woman in her forties or fifties. Next to her was another woman who nodded her agreement.
“Thank you, that’d be great.” It didn’t take much effort to bring tears to her eyes—all she had to do was remember that Danny was still missing. “It’s a Samsung in an unfortunately standard black case. The lock screen has picture of and my brother. My name’s Jazz, by the way. And this is Todd.”
“I’m Mel and this is my wife Jayden. I’m sure we’ll find your phone soon enough.” Then, in a voice loud enough to cut through the chatter, “Oi! Anyone see an unattended phone lying around? Jazz here misplaced hers?”
Even Mel, though, had to admit defeat after half an hour of searching through the entire apartment yielded nothing.
Jazz sat down on the floor and let herself cry. “And by now we’ve missed the last train. I’m sorry, Todd. What a disaster.”
“Hey, no. None of that, now. Tonight’s been a blast. This sucks for sure, but I can get us an uber or something—”
“How far are you kids going?” asked Jayden.
“Too far,” cried Jazz. “I live out of the city. Parked at Alewife and took the red line in.”
Jayden winced. “Well, we parked nearby. Is there somewhere close we can drive you?”
Jazz blinked up at them. “You’d do that?” She turned to Todd. “I just want to go to sleep. Is there a motel nearby we could stay at?”
Todd pulled out his phone and searched. “Looks like there’s a Holiday inn just down the street or a La Quinta that’s a little cheaper just a bit further out.” He smiled ruefully at the women who’d been helping them. “If you could get us to either place, we’d be more than grateful.”
One of the residents, an older man named Rob, took a seat next to them. “Hey, kiddo. What’s your email? We can contact you if anyone finds it.”
Jazz smiled at him gratefully and gave it. If it wasn’t so necessary, she’d feel bad for lying to and worrying all these people. But they were in so much danger. To the women, she said, “Would the La Quinta be too far out of the way? If I end up having to get a new phone, I’d like to save as much money as possible. Thank God I still have my wallet.”
“Sweetie, it’s totally fine,” assured Mel. “We’d take you all the way home if we didn’t live on the opposite side of the city.”
“Thank you, but that’s really okay. I just want to go to bed and worry about it tomorrow.”
“Come on, dear.” Mel reached out a hand to help Jazz up. “Let’s get you cleaned up then we’ll be on our way.”
Jazz thanked Rob for his help before Mel led her towards the bathroom with an arm around her shoulder.
Less than forty minutes later, Todd and Jazz were alone in a hotel room together. She pulled the blinds shut and finally let herself relax.
When she turned back to the room, Todd was looking at her with one eyebrow raised. “Want to explain to me what all of”—he threw out his hands—“that was about?”
Jazz glared back at him. “You didn’t tell me you died! Damn it, if I’d known in advance—!” she cut herself off and took a deep breath. “Never mind. What’s done is done.”
Todd was deadly still. “How do you know that?”
Jazz threw her hands in the air. “It’s obvious to anyone who knows how to tell. Including the Guys in White who I told you are dangerous to ghosts and liminals! I had plans for what I’d say when they found us, but those won’t work if you’re dead!”
“Wait.” Todd held up his hands. “You’re saying I can be persecuted under those Anti-Ecto acts?”
“Yes! You’re more ghostly than me, and I am watched every minute of every day.”
Todd narrowed his eyes and stared at her for a moment before asking, “Have you heard of Lazarus Water or had any dealings with the League of Assassins?”
“No! I have no idea what you’re talking about. Quit changing the subject. My brother is the only thing that matters and you and Red Robin promised to help me find him.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do!” Jason’s eyes flashed green, and Jazz glared right back at him. “The League of Assassins are the ones who brought me back to life with Lazarus Water. I need to know if you and your brother are mixed up with them because that would change our approach. If it’s a rogue government agency, that’s one thing. If it’s also the league, we’ve got a whole set of other problems.”
Jazz sat down heavily on one of the bed. “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t— It’s been a long few months. After a long few years.”
Todd sat down across from her and nodded for her to continue. “Tell me what happened.”
“It started three years ago. My parents, they’re ghost hunters. Been building weapons to detect and hunt ghosts since before I was born. But three years ago is when they finally finished their life’s work: the ghost portal. Only it didn’t work at first. Then my brother Danny and his friends decided to be stupid. They went to check it out. I wasn’t there and the three of them don’t talk about it, but something happened down there that day.
“My brother died and the portal was working. Only, he didn’t die all the way. He became half-ghost, half-human. And that would have been bad enough, but with the portal open, ghosts came through from the Infinite Realms, sometimes called the Ghost Zone by humans. Some were benign, but many of them came to cause problems or hurt people. Danny stopped them.”
Todd held up a hand to stop her. “Your brother became a supehero? How didn’t the Justice League hear about this? How old was he?”
Jazz shrugged. “I don’t know about the Justice League. It could be that no one ever contacted them. It could be they didn’t believe us. And it could be that no one cared. Danny felt responsible though, since it was his fault the portal turned on. And he was the only one with the ability to stop the ghosts, so…” She held up her hands in a what-can-you-do gesture.
Todd closed his eyes and let out a careful breath. “I can guarantee you the JL didn’t know about your town. A fourteen-year-old would never have been left alone to monitor an interdimensional portal if we had.”
Jazz had no idea what she thought of that. Danny had done it all alone. So finding out he could have had help? She shook her head. What-ifs were a waste of time. “Well, he did. But the government didn’t like that a ghost was the main defense against ghosts. So the Ghost Investigation Ward, more commonly called the Guys in White or GIW was formed. At first, they were as incompetent as any other ghost hunter. But they didn’t stay that way.”
“What happened to your brother, Jazz?” asked Todd.
Sorry to end it there. But it's the right length and I need to go to bed. XP
Hope you enjoy!
I no longer do tag lists, but please check out the Subscription Post if you want notifications when I update.
Not much to say about this one. When I went to the event at this location, my friend and I very nearly missed the last train. It was pulling into the station as we entered. If we'd been 2 or 3 minutes later, we would've been stranded so far from my car, I don't even want to know what that uber or cab would've cost.
Luckily Jazz and Jason had a few good Samaritans nearby.
Next up: We learn more about what happened to Danny!
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zinnia-inn · 2 years
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Inktober 2022 14-18! My idea for this inktober is OC-Tober is my OCs in different aesthetics. In order honeycore, kidcore, milk, mori kie.
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faeriekit · 6 months
Health and Hybrids (XVII)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWOis here PART THREE is here PART FOUR is here and PART FIVE is here PART SIX is here and PART SEVEN is here PART EIGHT is here PART NINE is here PART TEN is here PART ELEVEN is here PART TWELVE is here PART THIRTEEN is here PART FOURTEEN is here PART FIFTEEN is here PART SIXTEEN is here and we're limping into part 17...
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... Two! Words! In! English!!! And a television? Hardcore!
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Danny can raise his head now.
Only a little. It still hurts his neck for a while after. But his arms and his head both rise, now. His fingers curl, now, too.
The result is that Danny can now watch and change his own television channels. No more news! Now it’s all Food Network, all the time, baby. The result is that sometimes the doctors tending to him get distracted by various pasta dishes, but also. Danny is also distracted by various pasta dishes.
And roast chicken.
And fried potatoes. Every potato ever, actually.
…It makes eating his oatmeal a more awful ordeal.
“Aw, dyrling, na þa sæd egean,” the lady says to him, spoon at his lips. Danny weakly moves his arm towards her, but only manages to hit her elbow with the heel of his thumb. “Inne cwic tima, gise? Hiere þa læce.”
Danny is pretty sure his face is a nightmare to look at at the moment, but he still makes the world’s saddest expression at the lady, because she hasn’t blasted him or hit him or even sedated him yet, and he needs something. Anything.
He’s pretty the lady makes an equally sad look under her medical mask, but Danny is hungry and he’s tired all the time and he’s sad and he wants a cheeseburger. Or fries. Or…or anything at all!
Danny’s look gets progressively sadder, and the lady gets progressively sadder to match, and then they’re both just looking at each other so very sadly until a doctor physically has to cut between them to reach for Danny’s green-speckled blankets.
Ugh. Great. Now he’s cold too. He can’t quite muster a glare, but the doctor gets an extremely stern squint from him for their “help”.
The only response Danny gets is a half-strangled laugh. That is not the response Danny needs. He needs immediate respect and a Nasty Burger number two special.
And a new blanket.
“—Eall dæg?” the doctor asks the woman, but not Danny, and then he has to listen to everyone talking about him in a weird language without even pretending to ask for his input. It’s extremely annoying, and Danny half-considers falling asleep to avoid it. His gaze slides back to the television. He’s just as capable of ignoring everyone else as they are. He bets it sucks. He hopes it sucks.
They talk for a while, but then the lady takes the oatmeal away—and hey! Danny’s eyes widen and sting from the stretch. Uh. Maybe he didn’t think this one through. He’d still thought he’d get lunch out of this.
Um. He would like to continue to receive meals. But he’s watching her walk out with his oatmeal, which is the only human food that’s ever been given to him here, and…
Danny’s stomach cramps. It’s probably just anxiety.
He wishes he’d eaten the stupid oatmeal.
The doctor stays with him, setting the blanket into a laundry bin and checking over Danny’s body (ew) (gross) (nasty) for whatever they have to check on him, and Danny tries to go intangible at least four times during the check only to get oWOUCHOW jerks inside his core. At least one time, he flickers invisible. Not much, he thinks. Probably just an arm and the chunk of his torso.
The doctor pauses. Danny waits for things to (start to hurt) get worse.
“Mæg Ic?”’
…Danny doesn’t move. It hurts to breathe. Every time air scrapes through his nose and mouth, it burns a little more.
The doctor doesn’t move.
So they just.
“Mæg Ic?” the doctor asks again.
They move very, very slowly. They touch him, and his—skin—and they rotate him to check underneath him. If they find something of whatever it is they’re monitoring him for, he gets wiped down with something gooey and wiped clean, and sometimes he even thinks they bandage him.
Danny wishes he had a bath. A whole, real bath. Where he could wash his own hair. And wipe off whatever this goo is.
When they’re done, the lady comes back in.
The sound of the door latching shut makes Danny flinch. Is she going to punish him? She walks to his bed. With her medical mask over her face, Danny can’t see if she’s visibly mad at him or not. She doesn’t look mad though…does she?
She stands to his good side, presumably so that Danny can see her. The oatmeal is back—it looks kind of gloopy, though, like it’s been badly reheated. The lady shows something to the doctor, who makes an irritated groan, and then they start talking to each other again. She cuts off to show him something, though—
Danny blinks. She’s showing it to Danny. He…looks down at it.
It looks like a mustard packet. It’s a black packet with yellow streaks, with writing on it with those letters Danny’s never seen before coming here, and it takes his eyes a second to focus on the package before realizing that there’s a little bee and pot on one end of the packet.
Oh. It’s honey?
Danny jerks upright, and, OW, and he definitely scares the lady and the doctor who rush to settle him but there’s honey?? Flavor??? His food can taste good again??!
He wheezes— and slaps a stinging hand onto the packet. “Pl’s?” he begs. He’d stopped begging in the old labs, no one there had listened to him—and he’d stopped begging for them to be gentle, to stop hurting him, to let him go. But for food. For food that tastes, Danny might do anything. Anything. “P’lease? Ple’se? Pleese?”
“Pleece?” the woman repeats, baffled. The word doesn’t mean anything to her; she’s only repeating the sounds. But Danny can’t stop begging.
“Pleece? Pleace?”
“Awrite þis,” the woman mutters, and the doctor leaves. “Bist wel. Eom hebbjan eower wist. Es wel.”
And that still means nothing to him, but the lady gently lifts him up until his back can lay on the pillows, and he can sit more than lay. Danny watches in raspy silence as she rips the packet open and dumps the contents into the oatmeal. She stirs with gloved hands, ensuring that the packet is equally distributed. And then there’s a glob on her spoon, and the spoon to his lips.
Danny takes a bite. Tears well.
“Shhh,” the woman coaxes. “Wanian ma?”
Ma sounds kind of like more. Danny opens his mouth, and is rewarded with another spoonful.
He doesn’t start crying in earnest until the bowl is gone. But that’s alright. The lady finds tissues, somewhere, and he gets to look into her human-blue eyes as she carefully dries over and around his still-soft, green-edged wounds.
It’s a very nice gesture.
Danny sobs a little harder.
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Um, for mermay...
I was thinking of what might be fun to write for dcxdp, I thought I might be able to hash something out as I drove home from work earlier...
Listening to a random Spotify playlist that contained 'two' songs right after each other.. (this will come up later)
People know about pirate!batman right?
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My mind went about updating leatherwing to include all the bats and birds. Then it went to how I'd introduce danny.
Danny, who learnt he was a mermaid when he was 14, after being knocked overboard unconcious, into the port he fell, getting brained by a stray lumber spar, caught in fouled rigging and then dragged over the side by dead weight all on accident by his port-friend sam.
He didn't drown, but it took a while to wake up then realising you were staring at the underside of the ships keel.
not a good thing to discover when your parents hunt mermaids and other mythical creatures. "Dangerous creatures danno my boy, once you anger a mermaid best ready yourself because they don't forgive easily!"
Even worse when they're constantly travelling by ship with their benefactors: the GIW (the gentlemen in white).
A privately sponsored armada of hunters: whether their prey is pirates, mermaids or any creature they consider a threat, you don't want to be hunted by them!
So danny, doing his best to not be caught but still learn what he's capable of, learning how to use his voice to stun and enchant... finally he gets discovered freeing their captives.
He has to flee and flee he does, escaping them and striking out on his own.
(I assume jazz stays in Port and isn't aware of what's currently happened-away at 'college')
Sometime in the future though, constantly dodging his parents attempts to track him whenever he comes to a port, Danny happened upon captain leatherwings pirateship.
He follows them as a mermaid, watching them work. Sometimes they attacked a ship and other times they fled, being chased by pirate hunters but never caught! It was fascinating to watch despite the danger of being seen (he's seen).
At night he'd wrap himself around the rudder and hum or quietly sing listening to the ocean, hoping another mermaid would answer his call (he's never met another)
One day as leatherwing's ship, the flying fox. Starts to sail into port, danny hears them say they will put up a request for new crew (some leaving, some died).
Danny slips away ahead of them to shore, stealing some dry clothes (without holes to look presentable) and camps out at the inn by the docks looking for hire.
It takes some work but Danny gets hired on, excited to be among people again. He's introduced to the crew and does his best to fit in, it becomes apparent some of the long term crew are more then just crew, they act just like family...
Danny gets close to them, curious about their relationships with each other. One night (I'm picking cass for this but it could be anyone) he finds 'orphan-blackblade' sitting on the stern of the ship.
her feet through the railing on the back trying to hum a strange tune that sounds familiar, another of the crew sees Danny watching and laughs, 'orphan doesn't talk, but she sits on the back of the boat every night listening to the 'music of the sea' (you do the math)
That would continue building a relationship at a pace but now, we come to the part where danny is revealed.
leatherwing and the flying fox is attacked by the GIW who stumbled on them looking for danny with whatever dark magic's they use to track him. This coincides with a storm approaching and as the battle rages Danny gets pinned under water by debris and is forced to start transforming.
He breaks free and seeing the fight going poorly tries to help using his cry to shock the GIW, it works. This is where things get a little angst as the flying fox crew don't recognise danny as a mermaid...
Danny seeing the mainmast of the GIW ship coming down tackles orphan out of the way but in saving her gets attacked by her and everyone else forcing him to take her hostage to save himself and flee, whisking her away into the dark of the stormy sea.
This is where the songs literally came in:
Fish in a birdcage: 'rule #34'
(Awkward timing, forcing me to decide which was the priority: getting my ace asses mind out of the gutter or keeping my car wheels out of the gutter as I did some specific driving on the freeway to avoid some surprise gridlock traffic ahead!)
So play that song and imagine pirate!cass waking up in a cave of an unknown island being stared down at by an angry, shirtless, very familiar looking mermaid who you'd just stabbed...
My brain while trying to drive:
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The second song was: fin- ship in a bottle
What comes to mind (as I was now stuck in gridlock) is an angry danny fighting back as leatherwing tries to find his daughter orphan after she was taken by a mermaid that suddenly attacked them during the fight.
He'd interrogated the GIW who invaded his ship, those who hadn't been able to flee in time as he chased after his daughter, they were hunting the mermaid and assumed he was on-board (a thought backed up by nobody knowing where danny had gone-they found his torn off shirt though...).
He tore the knowledge from them on how they tracked the mermaid, learnt the consequences of using the magic, forced them off the ship because they were now 'deadweight', cast the magic and set sail.
And now that he'd found him he was going to get his daughter back... But as said before, dannys angry and they fight...
- that's all I got at the moment.
The only other things I have is cass going non verbal in the cave and humming her song which could calm danny down as he recognises it as the song he sung when wrapped around the rudder at nights.
Cass stopping the fight between Danny and Bruce (and her siblings) threatening to beat both their asses
Ellie showing up as a mermaid, trying to find danny, she bumped into jazz and they've been trying to find danny for a while (Danny forgets to check in every now and then)
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windsweptinred · 5 months
January 5th, Headcanuary prompt: Pet (Dreamling and Corinthiel)
The New Inn always seemed to be a beacon for the local feline population. It was begrudgingly accepted by the regulars, that their after work pint or weekend tipple would always be shared with one of London's many resident moggies.
Until recently, the pubs offical cat had been a large, jet black creature by the name of Murphy. Standoffish and haughty, but a beautiful animal. Often seen trailing after Robbie, the pub landlord. Or occasionally conceding to let visiting children pet his long furr, or tug at his ears and tail with regal exasperation.
Sadly, in the summer just passed Murphy had seemingly vanished. In his place however came the landlords new husband, Morpheus. A striking man, just as dark and unsocial as Murphy, but as similarly kind in his own way. And oh, it couldn't be missed how much Robbie glowed in his presence. How his smile lit his eyes, how he laughed freer and louder and how their beloved inkeep looked for all the world like a man so contented, he desired for nothing. As such, the loss of Murphy in exchange for Morpheus was eventually accepted as a worthy one.
It was in the following September that a new cat graced the doorway of the New Inn. A young little critter, barely passed its kitten years, with an immaculate white coat and vibrant green eyes. Friendly and curious, it would greet each patron in turn, accepting pats and all manner of affectionate nicknames from Snowy to Casper. Untill the daughter of the pubs chef declared him Dandelion, or Danny for short and it had stuck.
Unlike his predecessor, Danny would sit amongst the pub patrons, listening to their chatter with an enraptured expression. Or play with the younger visitors, bounding after them with an identical, youthful glee. But most often he'd be seen chasing the heels of the Morpheus, weaving between his black clad ankles and pawing his thighs for constant attention and affection. They made mismatched pair, Danny's bright, white furr against Morpheus's all black attire. But they never seemed happier then when they were together. Danny curled about Morpheus's shoulders, batting playfully at his wild locks as the other watched on indulgently.
As the Christmas season arrived, so too did what was generally assumed to be Danny's owner. An undeniably handsome blond with a natural charisma, that immediately endeared him to customers and bar staff alike. His strange obbsession with sunglasses in the depths of British winter notwithstanding. It was accepted that this must indeed by Danny's owner, for whenever this rakish fellow graced the inn with his presence, neither cat nor man could be torn asunder. Together they'd haul themselves up in this corner or that. Danny curled blissfully in the blondes lap, or held possessively against his chest. The man, seemingly euphoric with the undeivded attention and decidedly foreboding if anoyone dared come between them. Much to the evident amusement of Robbie and the chagrin Morpheus.
Unlike so many of its counterparts, the New Inn stayed closed over the New Year. But if any of its customers had chanced a peek through its windows at the strike of midnight, they'd have seen the hearth lit and a table close by, original designed for two and a little too small for four, occupied by two couples. To one side Robbie and Morpheus, cheeks ruddy with with wine and leaning into each other with a loving ease. And on the other, that same tall, blond accompanied by an angelic looking young man, pale haired and bright eyed. Clasping at each other with all the adoration of new love. Four glasses raised in a toast to happy endings and new beginnings.
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