#Dark but not evil Harry
girlmadegrave · 1 year
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Silent Hill 2 (2001)
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sunflower-gumi · 8 months
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if you are interested I can also publish the whole image ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ
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lilithofpenandbook · 1 month
Seriously how can M*r*uders stans like random Slytherins (who tf are Evan Rosier, Pandora (is that Luna's mum and why tf is she Evan Rosier's twin in half of these), and I don't even want to discuss Regulus) and make them Actually Misunderstood Good People Who Were Forced Down That Path when at least one of them *coughreguluscough* was obsessed with Voldemort
And then turn around and make Snape an awful person?
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hmdaaaa · 16 days
tom and harry are in different houses but tom takes harry's gryffindor scarf and put his slytherin one on harry to mark territory 😊
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gurugirl · 11 months
The Séance Experience
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ghost!harry | ghost!reader | horror | dark
Summary: A pair of spiritual mediums decide to host an underground seance on Halloween morning at the old abandoned Styles’ house, well know for being haunted. Things go awry. Not everyone escapes.
A/n: I'll have warnings listed below but just know this isn't for everyone! Read at your own discretion! This is dark and horror based. If you'd like some background on the story read the original one shot - On Halloween Morning but this can be read as a standalone.
Word Count: 9224
Warning: 18+ only, smut, dubcon, death, violence, murder, ghosts, evil spirits, use of Ouija board, horror, dark content
Cooper had been planning this for nearly a year. It had meant a lot to her. It wasn’t just a gimmick to make a quick buck and trick gullible souls like one would think. No, she was a real spiritual medium. Sensitive to energy from the presence of the dead among the living, as well as entities of the evil kind. And every time she passed the old Styles house she felt it call to her. It truly was a cursed graveyard, now home to dead souls and dark spirits alike.
Almost everyone had heard of what happened in that house on Halloween morning in 1968. An entire family was slaughtered. At first, the police didn’t know who did it but eventually determined it was the 20-year-old son, Harry Styles, who had killed himself after killing his entire family in their beds.
But it didn’t end there. Over the years people would sneak into the house and many would never be heard from again. And there was never any evidence of anyone being in the house. A missing person without a body is hard to investigate. Police had gone in numerous times to check out calls when neighbors heard screams or family members were concerned when a loved one never returned. Nothing was ever found except usually a few loose boards and pried-open windows or doors but they always chalked that up to squatters coming and going or the occasional thrill seeker.
All those missing people who’d gone in and never come back out led Cooper to believe the house was inhabited by a dark force. Not just ghosts of the dead. It could be common for a home to turn into a cemetery of sorts when people had died on the premises. But it wasn’t common for a home to harbor the darkness of evil and to lure and then collect the souls of the living.
But she still needed to go in there and make contact somehow. There was an intense pull. Something drew her in, called to her, and it only got stronger as time went on. She became obsessed with the house. Read every news article she could find, all the missing people connected to Styles house, police reports, and supposed first-hand accounts of those who had escaped (she knew to take most of those stories with a grain of salt).
She found out as much as she could about the original family members, especially Harry Styles, who she was sure was the cause of all the chaos that had surrounded the house for over half a century. Even in death, he was something to be reckoned with. There was some talk, accounts of old friends of the Styles boy before his violent passing, that he was evil. That he had a violent temper, and that he was into the worship of a malevolent spirit called Angra.
Then, after learning all she could, she put out a small ad in the paper, just to get some interest from other psychics and seers like herself. Anyone who would take seriously the idea that the Styles house was haunted and in need of someone to go in and communicate to the dead or to whatever kind of spirit it was that held domain over the premises. Perhaps they could do some good.
A few calls and texts came in. Most of them were just curious and nosy. Finally, one was like her. A spiritual empath and guide. He was interested in joining her in reaching out to the home and the spirits within. But he also had contacts with others who would consider themselves psychic or clairvoyant. He was in the business of healing and reading for a living. Cooper was hesitant at first but the least she could do was meet up with the man and get a feel for him in person.
When Bran arrived (she imagined Bran was short for Brandon but never bothered to ask) and sat down across from her at the diner off Spring Street in Chinatown, she looked up from her phone and smiled at the man, “Hi. Thank you for coming,” she reached her hand out to shake his and immediately she felt it. He was deeply intuitive and came with a wealth of psychic energy. But she still needed to be sure of his intentions because she was picking up something a little off with him.
They discussed the things they’d seen and felt over the years and shared stories amongst themselves that most would scoff at. Bran told her about his small business. He knew a lot of people who would be interested in doing a séance at the old Styles house.
“I need them to all be sensitive to what could happen. To be aware. I don’t want just anyone coming. I don’t want this to be a free-for-all and have disrespectful people who just want to have a thrill for fun. It needs to be people vetted and serious.”
Bran nodded with a somber expression on his face, “Of course. I can get the word out to the right people and to my group of contacts. I can already think of a handful who would be interested in joining and would take this very seriously.”
She nodded, “That’s great. Because the more of us the better. This house is seriously dangerous. That’s another thing I want everyone to know. That people who visit the house don’t always come out.”   
He took a bite of his tuna fish sandwich, “Well I don’t want to scare anyone off but I’ll tell them if you think it's necessary.”
Bran was a tall ghostly pale man. His eyes were sunken and dark, his nose long and pointy and his skin was smooth and free of any inkling that he could grow facial hair. In all honesty, he looked underfed. He was only a few years older than Cooper herself yet despite his smooth skin, he appeared to be 20 years her senior. He wore a brown corduroy, long-sleeved button-down shirt with loose-fitting, navy-blue athletic pants that dragged the ground. And Birkenstocks. He was balding at the front and his hair was already going white.
She reached out to some others, in hopes that she’d find someone she could truly trust. There was just something about Bran that didn’t sit right with her. She knew to listen to her intuition. She knew not to ignore the little warnings going off in her head, but there weren’t that many people like her. And even if he was a bit sketchy, he was truly like her and she knew it deep down.
So, the séance would move forward with Bran and whoever he could find along the way. She would keep her eye on him and make sure he stayed in line, but he was her best option, unfortunately.
She did not have a good feeling about what was to come.
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30 minutes before Halloween
Harry and Y/n were preparing for their yearly Halloween ritual when they were disturbed by boards being ripped from the back door of their house, “They’re early.” Harry said.
“Well, early is good, right?”
“We can just have some fun. Fuck with ‘em a bit,” Harry grinned and thread his fingers into hers.
“But we can keep them, though?”
“Of course my love.”
Often when humans came into their home, Harry and Y/n’s favorite game was to lure the unsuspecting souls toward them with the delicious sound of sex. Make them think they’d caught someone fucking when in reality, they’d just fallen into their trap.            
Peeping Toms would peek into the bedroom door and see two lovely beings going at it, bed rocking, skin slapping, moaning… the whole nine.
Sometimes Y/n would seduce whoever it was, or maybe Harry would do the seducing, depending on the preference of their new victim. And people were dumb. They had no idea that they were being groped and kissed and fucked by a ghost. Worse than a ghost. Something dark and sinister. Something that was about to claim their soul and their life.
“Fuck, Harry…” Y/n was on top this time. Rolling her hips over him, one hand pressed into his chest, her other yanking at his long hair to keep his head down. He kept trying to flip her over but Y/n wanted the top this time.
“There we go… Good boy… just stay down. Let me ride you,” she moaned and worked her wet pussy back and forth.
“What’s that sound?”
“Fuck. I don’t know.”
Rick and Jacob began to unload their suitcases to start setting up for the séance. Just a few things were really needed. Signage was taped to the side of the house so the rest of the group knew where to enter. A table was set up outside the door (after the boards were pried off and the doorknob smashed in with a hammer). Candles would light the pathway to the basement, which is where their friend Bran told them they’d be holding the séance.
“There it is again. Hold on…” Jacob held a hand up as he stood from his position over his suitcase.
“Shit. This isn’t good. I’m getting a vibe man…” Rick whispered.
Both men stood silently and listened to what sounded like…
“Someone’s having sex?”
“Holy shit… I don’t think it’s human because I’m picking something up, but shit…”
“It’s a trap.”
The rhythmic clank of the bed and Y/n’s moans of pleasure grew louder. And both men knew it was a trap. Knew it was dangerous to go further but it was like they were in a trance. Without another word, the pair began to follow the sound up the hallway until they could hear the mattress bouncing.
And as expected, the door was pushed open just enough so both men could take a peek inside and feast their eyes on what was happening before them.
“You’re gonna regret this,” Harry smacked her bottom but it only made Y/n laugh as she ground over him harder.
“I never regret fucking your brains out, Harry,” her tits swayed as if made of real, warm human flesh.
Harry lifted his thigh and put his feet flat onto the mattress in another attempt to roll them over so he could get on top but before he got any momentum the two onlookers watched as the female slapped the face of the man under her.
She took her hand out of his hair and wrapped her palm around the front of his neck, pushing him down further, “Fucking said stay still.”
Harry loved it. Loved having someone to play with. He’d really gotten the answer to his prayer to Angra with her when she was led to him the year prior. From the beginning she was perfect. A little more spicy than he imagined but he liked her this way. She was always mad at him, which led to lots of fighting but then of course lots of sex as well. He never adored anyone when he was among the living. But Y/n? He adored. She was his gift. His eternal mate. They were bonded and even when she was smacking him around he couldn’t get enough.
Y/n squeezed tighter around his neck and Harry grinned at her, his eyes going wide at the sensation. He would have spoken back but he was busy feeling the euphoria he only got from his mate.
Rick nudged Jacob and jerked his head in a motion for them to leave but Jacob put his finger up and continued looking in.
“Like what you see?” Y/n sang out as she raised her hips just enough so the men could have a nice view of her pussy riding up and down Harry’s big, evil cock. She turned back to look at the door and made eye contact with both of them as she kept rocking over Harry and held him down with her hand on his throat.
“Fuck! Shit!” Both Jacob and Rick stood to run but before they could even make it to the kitchen Y/n was standing before them naked, holding her hands out, “Where are you going? I can’t believe you just left in the middle of the show we were putting on for you two. You didn’t like it?”
“I think these two have a special gift. That’s why they didn’t just come in and join us,” Harry spoke behind the pair causing them to startle and turn to see Harry right behind them. Also naked.
“You know? You’re right. That explains it doesn’t it?” She stepped in toward Jacob who looked like he was about to piss his pants. She drew her long finger over his collarbone and walked around his frame slowly. Inspecting. “You’re special aren’t you?”
She looked up at Jacob as she stood back in front of him.
He shook his head and looked at Rick, who was in the same state as Jacob.
Y/n’s finger pressed into Jacob’s chin and she pushed his head back so he was facing her, “Keep your eyes on me. Don’t you like this? Look…” she gestured with her free hand along her body. “You don’t want any?”
Jacob quickly shook his head again and Harry leaned in to speak to the man who’d just rejected his mate, “I’d say yes if I were you. Because this will be the last time you ever get to touch her in this way again. And you’re going to want to touch her once you belong to the house, belong to us. So yes is the answer. Not no.”
Harry stood up and placed his hands at Rick’s shoulders and squeezed, giving him a bit of a neck massage, “And you. You can have me. I can just feel the gay energy rising off your prick right now,” Harry whispered into Rick’s ear. He was trembling. Absolutely terrified. Both men were.
“See? This is all just about a proper introduction and welcome to our home. Come…” Y/n grabbed Jacob's hand and led him toward the bedroom where she and Harry had just been.
“I really like a man who lets me do all the work. Just lie there and enjoy. Okay?” She pointed at the bed but Jacob didn’t move. All of his senses were firing off. Run, hide, fight, give in… This was unlike anything he’d ever experienced and he’d considered himself someone very sensitive to spirits. But these two. They were different. He could feel the power coming from the male and the female ghost. He knew he was no match. In fact, he was sure none of the others, who would be joining him and Rick in the next twenty minutes or so, were also no match.
“What are you?” He finally found his voice.
“I’m Y/n. This house is our domain. We feed it and we take care of it. We’ll all get to know one another a little better once everything is said and done. Then you’ll understand more.”
She didn’t want to waste any more time as she saw Harry behind her with his prey. Harry was already sucking at the man’s neck, making his move.
“Come sit with me… what’s your name?”
She took his hand and led him to the bed, “Uh… Jacob.”
“Jacob,” she spoke his name like she was already having sex with him, “A nice Christian name. I hope you know God can’t save you here. You’re mine. So you might as well enjoy this.”
Harry kept his eyes on Y/n and Jacob as he cupped Rick’s crotch, “Oh? Does being scared turn you on?”
It did in fact. Rick’s connection to the dead was more than just a spiritual guiding. It was physical. He got turned on anytime he used his gifts to contact the unliving.
Y/n had slid her hand up Jacob’s thigh and made sure he kept his eyes on hers, “Just keep looking at me. You’re doing so good for me.”
Jacob’s chest began to rise and fall heavily as the hot naked woman got nearer and nearer to his crotch. He tried not to let the way she looked human and so supple get to him. It was a façade. Yet her breasts were soft and round, her nipples hard, and her tummy looked like he could nuzzle into it. Her thighs and legs were long and silky. She was breathtaking. She looked more like an angel than the evil thing she really was which had him confused.
“It’s okay to be confused, Jacob. Just let me take care of you. Let me show you why you came here tonight. The real purpose of your life. It’s all led up to this very moment. You and me, Jacob.”
His gaze dropped to her plush lips and that was her cue, “Do you want to try a kiss? See how real and warm and wet it is?”
She licked her lips as his eyes plunged to her mouth and then her pretty tits. But before he could nod she already had her mouth covering his. And that’s all it took for Jacob to surrender. She tasted real. She felt real. He put her hands up to her breasts and gently squeezed as she laughed into his mouth, “That’s right. Feel me. Enjoy me.”
Harry moaned as he pressed Rick’s lips down over his cock. Rick was much easier to convince. All it took was Harry’s dirty words in his ear and his lips on his neck and he was a goner. Rick had been turned on before he’d even stepped foot into the house.
He had one hand at the footboard keeping himself steady as he used his free hand to guide Rick over his cock. But he kept his eyes on Y/n as she kissed the other man and he groped her luscious tits. Harry tended to get jealous a bit. Sometimes more than others but he never enjoyed being a cuck. Because Y/n was his. But he could admit, it was awfully fun playing with their captives.
She backed away from the kiss and grinned, “See? So nice,” she thumbed at his bottom lip and then pulled at it, “I know it feels real. And it is real in a way. I’ll feel just like a human and for me, I’ll get pleasure if you’re good. I know you’re thinking a ghost won’t feel this since we’re technically, dead,” she laughed, “But I always feel it. Harry and I fuck every day and it’s just as good as when I was alive.”
Jacob didn’t move an inch, “Don’t you want to make a woman feel good, Jacob?” Harry grunted, “She’s offering you something special and you’re just sitting there like a dope.”
 Y/n shushed Harry, “He’s just nervous my love. Either way, we’ll get him naked,” she turned to look at Jacob, “I want you to take all your clothes for me. Can you do that for me, Jacob?”
The man nodded and with shaky hands began to take his clothes off.
Y/n smirked at Harry who had his mouth dropped open. Rick was pretty good with his mouth, he had to be honest, “Don’t forget the balls there Ricky poo,” Harry pulled Rick by the back of his hair to drag him off his dick before pushing his head lower to which the man quickly began to kiss and lick.
Jacob pulled his shoes off and then his pants down his legs before looking at Y/n.
“Take your underwear off. Can’t very well fuck you if you keep yourself tucked away,” she pointed at his black briefs.
Jacob looked toward Rick and Harry and then to Y/n, “I’d… uh… like some privacy maybe. Feels weird having them in here with us.”
Harry pushed Rick’s forehead, causing him to fall back onto the floor with a thud, “You want privacy with my girl? I should rip your throat out for even thinking you’d be allowed that kind of indulgence.” Harry rounded the bed and walked up behind Y/n, putting his lips on her neck with his eyes on the intruder. “No. You get no privacy in this house. Everything that happens here happens under my watch,” he spoke as he dotted kisses along her skin and up to her jaw.
Y/n laughed and turned in Harry’s arms, “He doesn’t know any better, Harry. Just… go back to your toy and I’ll go back to mine. Ignore the ignorant comment he made,” she stroked her nails down his chest. But she knew the look in Harry’s eyes. He wasn’t going to let this go that easily. He was in a mood, which shouldn’t be a surprise. Because soon, it would be Halloween morning and they’d be quite busy.
Harry walked away from Y/n, back to where Rick was still on his knees on the floor. He dragged Rick up to stand, “Remove your clothes as well. Let’s see what we’re working with.”
With both men naked and looking as if they were about to be devoured by a bear, Y/n hummed and circled around Jacob, “Lie on the bed for me. You’re free to jack off if you want. I’d actually prefer it if you did,” she gestured toward to the bed and the man hesitantly climbed up and laid himself flat as he was told. “See, I need you to stay hard for me, and sometimes when a man gets really scared he can tend to go limp. So I just need you to let go of all your thoughts and stroke your cock and just be in the moment with me. Can you do that, Jacob?”
He swallowed loudly and blinked his eyes as he kept them on Y/n who knelt next to him on the bed, waiting for him to answer, “I… I don’t know…”
She ran her cool hand up his sinewy thigh and brushed her fingers over his cock, “I know you can do it. You’re halfway there. Just submit to me, Jacob. Do as I say and this will be a lot less painful for you. In fact, you might even enjoy it if you let all those rational thoughts in your head disappear into nothingness. I need you as dumb for me as possible. Let me do all the thinking.” She squeezed his cock before straddling his thighs and grabbed his hand, pulling it down to his prick, “Here you are. Here’s your penis. Keep it in your hand and jerk yourself slowly. I know it’s a hard task but I believe in you, Jacob,” she spoke darkly. The insult was missed by no one in the room.
Harry had Rick bent over the footboard, his ass bare and open for him as he kept his eyes on his mate while she sat over Jacob’s face and placed her hands on his chest. She kept her own eyes on Harry’s as she began to rub her pussy over the stranger.
“Not bad…” she laughed, “But I want more tongue.”
Harry groaned as he pushed himself into Rick. The man cried out in pain at the sudden intrusion. And Harry had gone in dry so it was quite unpleasant. But Harry didn’t care about Rick’s pleasure. He was too busy watching Y/n. He didn’t like it when she enjoyed herself too much with anyone but him.
“No. No, no, no, Jacob. No good. You’re really not good at this are you?” She lifted herself and peered down at the man. “I feel bad for all the girls you attempted this with. Let’s try something else.” She climbed off of him and stood next to the bed pointing at Harry, “Can you be done with him already? I need your assistance over here.”
Harry grinned as he rammed himself into Rick one more time, causing a howl to fall from the man’s chest and he gripped the footboard with white knuckles.
“Ricky poo, it was a pleasure. Truly. It’s time for you to meet the rest of the house, now,” he spoke darkly to the man as he brought his slender fingers up to Rick’s neck and began to squeeze. Rick’s face grew red as he began to shake and struggle to get free from Harry’s grasp. But Harry had him pinned and he was far stronger than Rick.
Jacob lifted his head to watch in horror as the evil spirit began to choke his friend but Y/n sat on his chest and blocked his view, “Best not to look, Jacob. Focus on me and keep stroking your cock. I see you’ve been slacking off a little.”
Rick’s face turned from bright red to purple as the air was blocked from his lungs. Harry tightened his grip even more until the man was slumped and his neck was crushed.
Harry grunted as he dropped the man to the floor and then looked to Y/n, “Done.”
She gestured with her finger, a come hither motion as she opened her legs up, still sitting on Jacob’s chest, her back to his face, “Let’s show poor Jacob how it’s done,” she spoke teasingly.
Y/n climbed off Jacob’s chest and turned to look at the sad man, “Sit up, back against the wood. I want you to watch this. And even though you’ll never be able to use these newly learned techniques I think it’ll be enlightening for you nonetheless.”
Harry grasped Y/n’s hips as he dropped to his knees and pulled her to the edge of the bed so her ass was hanging off, “Got a good view, Jacob?” He eyed the man teasingly before dipping into lick over her cunt and moaning at the taste.
Y/n stuck her fingers into Harry’s hair and looked at Jacob, “See where his tongue is going? That feels so good. That’s the hood of my clit. That’s a spot a lot of terrible lovers don’t ever think about. I bet you’re one of them aren’t you, Jacob? No idea where the clit was before now?”
Jacob shook his head, “I know what the clitoris is! Please this is… I won’t tell anyone. Please let me go…” he sat up further and pressed his hands into the mattress as if he were about to push himself off the bed.
“Stop!” Y/n’s loud growl along with her grip on his cock had him immediately stopping. He hadn’t expected her to reach out for it like that, “Sit the fuck back and watch my pussy get licked by a pro. Unless you want me to tear your dick off? I will if you’d like. Just try that again and find out what happens.”
Jacob put his hands up and leaned his back into the board behind his head and looked to the floor at Rick lying lifeless. He was trembling and his heart was pounding in terror.
“And why do you keep defying my rules? Stroke. Your. Fucking. Cock. I need you hard for what I’m about to do. So chop chop!” She laughed and then looked back down to Harry sliding his tongue against her. His eyes were on her. She loved when he’d get on his knees for her. He did it often.
“Fuck… I don’t want to come yet,” she moaned as she pushed at his head, “You’re too good at that she smiled. “I want to come on Jacob’s cock. Really give him a special going away before the house takes him.”
Harry sat back onto his haunches and scowled at Jacob who was slowly pulling at his cock.
“What is it, darling?” Y/n placed a finger under Harry’s chin to turn his attention back to her. She knew what it was. Knew how jealous Harry would get when she’d play with other people. Cooing at him she leaned down to kiss him and reached a hand out for Jacob’s leg, “Aww… don’t be jealous. You know your cock is my favorite. Your lips and your hands… Baby, this is just for fun. You are forever.”
Harry clenched his jaw and shook his head at her condescending words, “Can I be inside of you too?”
Y/n laughed as she straddled Jacob once again, “Sure. You wanna share a hole with him or have your own?”
Harry got behind her with Jacob lying flat as he put himself between the man’s legs and reached his arms around to pinch Y/n’s nipples, “I’ll fuck your ass while you fuck his skinny prick with your cunt. Give you something to feel in one of your holes at least,” he laughed sinisterly.
Y/n laughed with him as she looked down at Jacob, “Is that okay, Jacob? Mind if I have two cocks inside of me? I will need a little something more because you really are a bit underwhelming,” she flicked at his shaft. Her words were filthy and rude.
“I umm… Please, I…” Jacob wined as Y/n took his hands and held him down by his wrists.
“Oh? Begging already? Well, that’s certainly a good sign,” she laughed dryly before lifting her hips to allow Harry inside of her first.
He gripped her hips harshly and began to slowly push in, her anus stretching out before him and she moaned. Jacob was lying still under the pair as they began to move together, his hands pinned down.
“Fuck me… Harry your cock is the best. Oh shit!” She turned to look over her shoulder and nearly forgot all about the man under her. The man she was supposed to be playing with.
Harry began to fuck into Y/n as his thrusts had her rocking back and forth. She moaned and clenched and hissed at the feel of Harry poking into her.
“Oh fuck!” She panted as she leaned in down to give Harry more access, her face only inches above Jacobs. She looked down at the man and grinned, “You never got this kind of response from anyone, did you? Can’t use your tongue or your prick properly. Poor man. We’re doing you a favor here. And all the women you might have tried to get into bed in the future as well. No more disappointing sex from you I’m afraid.”
Harry was pleased that she hadn’t put Jacob inside of her. He pounded himself into her harshly and made it so that she wouldn’t be able to angle herself enough to get the human’s prick anywhere near her pussy.
“Goddamn! I might not even want your prick anymore, Jacob. Ahhh!” She let out a guttural moan, “It’s too little for me anyhow. No fun in that…” Her words came out in punched breaths as Harry rocked into her.
Harry laughed as he heard her give him insult after insult. The bed was squeaking and the candles along the edge of the room flickered.
Y/n looked at the shadows on the wall and gasped when she saw the spirits arrive.
“It’s midnight. Let’s get this over with…” she said as she released one of Jacob’s hands and pressed her palm down over his throat.
Harry leaned in and placed his fingers over her clit and thrusted in harder and faster.
“Oh fuck! Yess… Make me come, Harry. I want all the spirits to see this.”
Suddenly Jacob gasped and his muscles tightened in his release. He hadn’t even meant to but the restriction of his airflow and some strange involuntary physical arousal had taken over. He poured out over his tummy as Y/n reared back into Harry’s cock with a gasp.
“Oh, he’s coming, my love!” Y/n laughed before groaning at Harry’s stiff cock slipping out of her.
Harry pulled her off of Jacob and angled her hips up as he sat back onto his haunches, “This is my fucking girl! Her body is mine!” His chillingly sinister voice sobered Jacob right up as Y/n’s hand loosened its grip with the new angle she was in.
Harry began to fuck into her pussy rapidly. His groans grew louder as he railed her deep.
Y/n coughed out a moan, “The best cock I’ve ever had, Harry. Right there. You’re gonna make me fucking come. Don’t stop!”
Harry pushed his thumb into her ass as he plunged into her pussy repeatedly. Jacob was caught in fright, unable to move to speak as his own throbbing cock splashed his come all over his tummy so he was a wet sticky mess as he watched the pretty ghosts fucking between his legs.
“Shit!” Y/n reared back into Harry and gripped her hands over Jacob’s thigh, her nails digging into his skin.
The scene of Jacob lying untouched with come on his tummy and Y/n and Harry orgasming together was watched by the ghosts of the house as midnight meant it was Halloween morning.
When the pair had finished and were slowly moving together in their come down Y/n looked at Jacob with a pout, “Sorry, Jacob. You didn’t get the chance to feel my pussy around your tiny cock. My lover here kind of took over and you’re a bit of a bore.” She laughed as the dark shadows grew near to the bed.
Jacob turned his head as he saw the obscure silhouettes moving in and began to croak out in distress but his neck was sore and his voice was caught in his throat.
Harry pulled Y/n with him off the bed as the spirits descended over Jacob until there was no body left and Jacob’s fate was sealed into the house.
Y/n turned to Harry with a smile, “The morning has arrived. I can already hear the rest of them. They’ve come. Let’s go play.”
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“Where are Rick and Jacob?” Cooper could see two suitcases opened but nothing was done. Candles were still wrapped in paper, the planchette was still inside, and nothing had been set up. “This house hasn’t been cleansed either. I’m going to need to prep it and set intentions here.”
Bran looked around the space and cupped his hands over his mouth, “Jacob! Rick! You guys here?”
Cooper quickly stood up and grasped Bran’s forearm, “Shhh! This isn’t your home. You cannot come in and act that way. You need to be respectful of those at rest.”
“No one’s at rest in this house. Can’t you feel it? Today is their holiday. They’re preparing for a party. A feast. They knew we were coming.”
Cooper sighed and turned to look behind her as Marin, one of Bran’s acquaintances, bent down to start pulling items out of one of the suitcases, “Well, either way, we need to get set. Russ is coming in with the table and I’ll bring the chairs down to the basement. We’ll have people coming soon.”
When Cooper saw the table leaning up against the outside of the house with the chairs next to it she knew right away something bad had happened. Rick and Jacob were meant to come and set up everything. Cleanse the house, set intentions, light candles, and have the table and chairs set and ready to go. It shouldn’t have taken long. Yet nothing had been done.
The last two invitees arrived as Cooper went from room to room with a candle and spoke a protective prayer, asking the spirits for their permission and to safeguard them from the evil that lurked.
She could feel the house as if it were alive. Every room had a story, a haunted retelling of the horrors that had happened over the years.
“I invoke light and pure intention. I am a clear and kind channel. Light is my guide. I will not harm and my request is for knowledge and safe passage.”
Cooper repeated her words as she descended the stairs to the main floor, already feeling the way the spirits in the home were at odds within. Some were receptive, some were not. She knew this could lead to trouble if everyone inside wasn’t on the same page. If they weren’t sensitive and receptive.
She lit candles to guide everyone into the basement of the home. The rest of the people who had been invited to join would be arriving shortly for the séance.  
Bran, Marin, and Russ had set up the table and chairs, put the black cloth onto the table with candles in the corner, and Cooper’s old Ouija board and planchette atop.
She took a deep breath to center herself and felt the chill of the spirits all around.
“Bran?” She held her candle close to her heart as she stepped down into the basement and looked at the tall man.
Without responding to her verbally he turned to look at her. The shadows that cast over his face made it hard to see his expression.
“Jacob and Rick are still here. I can feel them. Maybe we can draw them out. I can’t tell if they’re alive or not.”
Bran nodded, “I can also feel them. I don’t know what happened but this house is full of darkness and despair. Are you open?”
Cooper nodded, “Yes. I feel the guiding of the good spirits here. I’m protected. You?”
Bran looked at a dark corner of the basement and back to Cooper, “I don’t know. I keep lighting that candle and it keeps getting blown out. Something here is trying to warn us.”
Marin suddenly ran into a chair and gasped, “What the fuck!”
“Are you okay?” Cooper rushed toward the young woman who shook her head in disbelief.
“Something just pulled me into that chair and whispered but I couldn’t understand. I… I’m okay. I think.”
Cooper looked down at the chair and back to Marin, “Have you spoken your intentions to the house? Are you protected?”
The young woman looked at Bran and then back to Cooper, “Protected from what?”
Cooper set her candle at the edge of the table and gazed toward Bran, “You told everyone about this house, correct? About its past? What to expect?”
Bran cleared his throat as three young men suddenly descended into the basement, laughing and speaking loudly.
Cooper pointed as she kept her eyes on Bran, “Who are they?”
Bran took Cooper’s arm and pulled her away from Marin, “Observers. I found a group who were interested in coming to watch.”        
Cooper yanked her arm from Bran and walked toward the three men, “Excuse me, you three will need to leave. It’s not safe for you here. I’m sorry that you were misled–“
“Who are you?” One of the men laughed as he took in Cooper’s appearance wearing a shawl and hood as if she were some old witch.
Bran interrupted, “They’ve paid to be here. They’re not going anywhere, Cooper.”
“Paid? Why would you charge anyone? What are you trying to do here? This isn’t some game!”
“Calm down. Nothing will happen to them. I’ll see to it.”
Cooper scoffed and rubbed her hands over her face, “How many outsiders have you invited?”
“Just four.”
“Four outsiders? Bran, they can’t be here. Two of our own are already gone. Maybe dead.” Cooper began to raise her voice. She knew it was a bad idea to get Bran involved. She felt it from the beginning that he was up to no good. There were only meant to be eight people in total for the séance.
The fourth outsider made her way down as well as Russ and two of the others Cooper already knew.
“We can’t do this. Not like this.” Cooper rushed out her words and grabbed for her board at the center of the table but Bran stopped her, putting his hand over hers.
“We will. The show must go on. I can already feel them. They want to be heard.”
Cooper shoved Bran away, “You’re making a big mistake. I’m out. This is reckless.”
She wanted her board and her planchette but she could already tell the evil that resided in the house had already gotten Bran. He was channeling the dark and she needed to leave before it was too late.
As she took the stairs up to the main floor the basement door slammed closed and everyone in the basement had their attention on Cooper.
“No one leaves this home, Cooper. Don’t you understand? The spirits are already among us,” Bran’s voice crawled through the chilled air of the damp, dark basement and one of the outsiders laughed.
“Fuck. This is creepy as shit. Worth every penny.”
“My cellphone doesn’t work at all down here. Not even the camera. Dude! What kind of show is this?”
“It’s not a game! It’s not a show!” Cooper’s voice wavered as she held onto the banister and made her way back down the stairs to join the other 9. She already knew the house was locking them into the basement. She wouldn’t be getting out by turning the knob. It would be useless for her to attempt it.
Harry and Y/n watched from their shadowed corner with pleased smiles. Bran was right. No one would be leaving unscathed, if at all. The ten living souls trapped in the basement were now theirs.
“This is going to be fun,” Y/n whispered as they watched the humans gather around the table and another candle blew out.
“Shall we begin?” Bran spoke loudly. An old fixture above the table flickered on, casting light down over the board, making the edges of the room appear darker.
Evil had arrived. Cooper knew it and she knew some of the others could feel it as well.
“Everyone, welcome. Tonight, we are in the presence of greatness!” Bran’s voice boomed as he stood at the table and lifted his arms upward, the features on his face morphing as if he were a decrepit old man, “You will be witness to the experience of a real séance tonight. You may see or hear things that frighten you but if you stay connected with us and keep your mind open you are bound to enjoy yourself.“
“Stop!” Cooper shouted, “There is something evil here and the four outsiders are acting as skeptics,” she looked toward them and continued, “It’s breaking the bond we might have together and this is dangerous. I need to…” She lifted her candle blowing out the flame, “I bind you evil!” She sat her candle down and tore her shawl, ripping a long section off. With the candle in her hand, she began to wrap it with the torn material, “Evil spirits, trouble us no more. I bind you from doing harm to others or to yourself. Your actions will only be for the highest good.”
She repeated the chant as she wrapped the candle and one of the outsiders laughed quietly.
Bran slowly moved behind Cooper and placed a hand on her shoulder as she continued her binding spell, “Useless. The spirit is already here. You cannot stop it, Cooper.”
She could feel it was useless but she needed to try. Sitting the half-wrapped candle down she looked at everyone in the room, “Everyone! Take your candle and repeat after me,” she tilted her candle toward the one next to hers and relit the flame, “Repeat!”
“Elements of the sun, elements of the day, please come this way,” she looked around the room, and only a few repeated, “Please everyone. I need you to all repeat. This is a protection spell. You may find this funny but in just moments things will be getting very serious and this is the only thing I can do for you now. Please…”
Repeating the first part of the spell she noted that still only a few repeated, but she continued, “Powers of the night and day, I summon thee. I call upon thee to protect me!”
The three men who were last-minute invitees chuckled and whispered amongst themselves. The fourth outsider, a middle-aged woman, seemed to take Cooper’s instructions more seriously.
“Hold your candles up,” Cooper demonstrated and she heard Bran sigh as he walked around the group slowly, “I infuse the power of the flame so that it may burn away all negative energy. We pass through the smoke so that it may protect and shield this home.”
The sound of Bran clapping slowly drew attention back to him, “Are you quite done? It’s time to give the people what they’ve come for.”
Cooper knew her bindings weren’t going to work on everyone, if at all, but she had to try. She didn’t have the proper equipment in reach and now that four of the people in the room were skeptics it damaged the circle of empathy and the channel of openness.
“Come. Everyone, have a seat at the table. Let’s begin.”
All but the three young men seemed hesitant. Pulling up chairs and looking around the table Cooper knew this wasn’t going to go down how it had been planned. Cooper was meant to kick off the séance. She was supposed to be the medium, the vehicle for communication but it was clear that Bran was going to be doing it now.
“The spirits are already here trying to make contact. I want everyone in our circle to place a finger on the planchette,” Bran spoke as he touched the wooden stylus.
Everyone reached across the table, chairs dragging over the cement flooring closer to the table and fingers were placed on the planchette at Bran’s direction.
“Spirits, we are here. We are listening. I feel your energy all around. Give us guidance. Show yourself!”
Cooper closed her eyes and felt the chill of something along her back and breeze along her neck. Slowly, everyone in the circle began to gasp or mumble something under their breath about having felt the wind.
“Shit!” One of the guys laughed in surprise and turned in his chair to look behind himself.
“You,” Bran pointed at the man who had just laughed, “What is your name?”
Cooper could see the shadow behind him. Something, someone, was already there and it had already selected its first victim. It wasn’t a surprise that it would be a skeptic. A person who would not know they were being hunted. Ignorance is not always bliss.
“Fred,” he answered. The light above the table flickered softly and Cooper was surprised none of the outsiders found it odd that an old, abandoned house with no electricity had a light working. Marin’s face told Cooper she was absolutely terrified.
“He’s chosen you first,” Bran spoke darkly.
“What?” Fred laughed again and let go of the planchette.
“Do not let go from the circle!” Cooper shouted but it was too late. Suddenly Fred was pulled away from the table, his chair dragged into the dark shadow of the edge of the room and his cries for help were quieted nearly as soon as he had begun to scream.
The woman who had been sitting near the men started to panic, letting go of the circle and standing, “What is happening?”
“Don’t break from this circle! Keep your hands on this planchette. It’s the only thing we can do to protect you,” Cooper rushed out her warning.
One of the men got up from his chair and turned toward where Fred had been dragged, “Fred?”
“Please sit! Come back to the table!”
A candle that had been placed on the floor was suddenly illuminated and there were sharp inhales of breath and gasps as everyone in the room witnessed Fred’s limp body hanging from the ceiling.
“No! What the fuck?” The man turned to look at everyone at the table and pointed toward his lifeless friend, “What is this?”
The woman who was standing began to grasp her neck and struggle when a dark figure appeared behind her. She was being choked and pulled into the corner where Fred was hanging.
The third man stood and looked at Cooper, “This isn’t funny anymore.”
The overhead light flickered and illuminated everything behind the man and by the time everyone at the table could warn him, it was too late. The light fizzled out and then the room was left only lit by candles. The glimmer of the fire danced finickily on each of the wicks and cast an unstable glow over four outsiders who were hung in a row in the corner of the dark basement.
There were only 6 left.
“Now that they’ve been taken out of the equation,” a strangely upbeat-sounding voice spoke. Raspy, dark, unmistakably male, “We can get down to business tonight.”
From the shadows appeared a tall young man with dark curls and nearly clear, jeweled eyes, and a young woman next to his side. Harry was pleased to be taking over this get-together.
Bran stood up and just as he was opening his mouth to speak Harry took the floor once again, “No need to speak. This won’t take too long. And the Ouija board’s not necessary. Contact is made. I am the spirit that dwells in this house. This is my domain and you all have trespassed.”
Everyone was stuck in silence as they watched the haunted pair near the table. They looked just as alive as everyone else there if you didn’t pay close attention. If you didn’t know better. But if you were someone like Cooper you could surmise that they were sinister beings. Not quite dead but certainly not alive.
“I apologize for trespassing,” Cooper spoke softly, “I tried clearing the energy and making my presence known in the most gentle–“
“You’re cute,” Y/n spoke with an eerie smile, “Nothing that happens in this house is nice or gentle. You’ll see soon.”
“You haven’t met spirits like us before, Cooper,” Harry stated, “But we’re so glad you couldn’t shake the call of the house. We knew you’d bring us some company. You did very well to listen.”
Cooper shook her head trying to wrap her thoughts around what they were telling her.
“We didn’t need the four extras,” Y/n commented, “But the house will make use of them.”
“What are you going to do with us?” Bran spoke finally, still standing in his spot as he looked at Harry.
Instead of responding Harry just smiled toward Bran as a shadow covered his face from above. The room was already dark but soon Bran’s figure was completely shrouded in darkness. His mouth opened wide to shout but no sound could be heard.
“That… that is what we are going to do with most of you.” Harry watched on as Bran’s face contorted and the darkness slowly pulled him from the table in silence. As if he was disintegrating into smoke.
“But why?!” Russ stood up and his metal chair fell back into the cement floor.
“Because it’s part of the deal,” Harry’s voice was dark as he began to pace slowly behind everyone at the table, “Angra requires sacrifice. The house needs life. We take care of the house and feed it with the souls of the living.”
“Angra,” Cooper spoke the name quietly to herself. She knew of Angra. Angra was a high deity of destruction. A demonic force of greed, wrath, sexual deviancy, and envy. And he was there in that home, and it was clear he was orchestrating everything from the handsome ghost, Harry.
“That’s right, Cooper,” Y/n smiled, “This is his playground, and Harry and I get to keep it all running like a well-oiled machine. It’s fun for all of us, really.”
Y/n pulled at Cooper’s hand suddenly, “Stand back,” she whispered as Cooper was moved away from the table.
The moment Cooper was out of the circle she felt a cottony soft cocoon surround her. Her arms were pressed down to her sides, her legs melded together, unable to bend or part, her mouth sealed closed, but her eyes and ears opened as she watched and heard every one of the people at the table struggle and scream when they were being dragged away by dark shadows until they disappeared.
Harry and Y/n only stood and watched with scary grins and hands intertwined. The flickering of the candles intensified and a howling wind blew through the basement and brushed over Cooper’s face before there was nothing but blackness and the smell of damp cement and smoke from blown-out wicks.
“You need to understand what’s going to happen now, Cooper,” Harry’s voice could be heard but he could not be seen. “You are bound to this house and you will not be able to deny your desire to return here every year.”
Finally, one candle was lit, and then a second one. Harry and Y/n each held a candle in their hands as they stood before Cooper.
“It’s going to follow you. It might take a week. Or maybe just a day or so, but you’ll recognize the scent, the draw, the torment,” Harry's disturbing words crawled over Cooper’s body. She was still unable to speak or move. “But you’ll get used to it and soon you’ll enjoy coming to visit us.”
“Oh, and maybe you can bring some really attractive people for us. Yeah? Because… Jacob and Rick? I mean…” Y/n laughed and her flame jumped as if her breaths were real, “We make due, but sometimes it’s nice to really enjoy the body before we give them over to the house.”
It didn’t make sense to Cooper, what the ghosts were telling her. She was frightened and desperate to escape but she was stuck.
“Are you ready to be released, Cooper? Are you ready to finally begin living, to finally be free of the mundane?” Harry grinned and suddenly the basement door at the top of the steps was shoved open and Cooper found herself dropped to the cold floor. There were no lights. No candles, no table or chairs. It was as if nothing had ever happened in the basement.
With shaky hands and limbs, she gathered herself and began to ascend the stairs, gripping the railing as tight as she could and looking behind her in search of the spirits or the bodies or anything that was after her.
But the moment her feet hit the wood floor beyond the basement door she ran toward the exit. The door was open and she rounded the corner and dashed to the front in a panic as she reached for her cell phone to call the police. Inside the house, her cell phone had been dead. But the moment she stepped out it functioned normally again.
The house looked so unassuming in the daylight. So old and in disrepair, but it didn’t appear anything like what it really was. And the daylight was surprising. Y/n was expecting it to only be around 1 in the morning but according to her cell phone, it was already 9:30. She must have passed out in the basement for hours before finally getting out of the house.
As she was questioned by the first cop on the scene she couldn’t shake the feeling of needing to stare at the house. She recalled the warning from Harry. That something would follow her. Something would continue to draw her to it.
She didn’t know why she was chosen but her fate was sealed. She was just glad she was still alive. Harry and Y/n were also glad she was still alive. They would be waiting.
The Halloween Call (can be read as a short follow up to this one shot)
Cop!Harry takes a call to check out the scene of crime at an old abandoned house, well known as the Slaughter House with a grim history.
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deaditedvd · 1 year
I love seeing dudes do this one like stare. like this
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brown eyed man stare. literally wtf you thinkin about bro
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browneyesandhair · 9 months
Dark/Evil Tom Recs for Tomione
I was pulling this list for someone on discord and thought I’d share here too. Please mind the tags and be aware that these are DARK Tom stories. Yes they’re Tomione but they probably won’t have happy endings.
The Darkness Sings to Her by Ariel_Riddle (E, Mermaid AU, 6K)
She was always watching him.
From beneath the cover of the water, or from behind a rock a ways from the shore, she would find herself lurking behind the waves and sneaking surreptitious glances whenever she could.
King of Nothing by NinjaFairy (E, Cruel Prince AU, 7K)
As a child, strange creatures visited me. The left me gifts, sung me songs; they adored me. One day, an odd boy arrives and vows his revenge on me, then vanishes without a trace. Years go by, and on Samhain night, I wake up to a fey nightmare. I will do anything to survive this labyrinth. Anything. I wonder if he knows that.
[Tomione. The Cruel Prince AU.]
The Heir From District 2 by PenelopeGrace (E, Hunger Games AU, 16K)
They thought he would win.
Hunger Games AU + District 2!Tom Riddle + District 12!Hermione Granger
Murky Waters by Nekositting (E, psychological thriller, 28K)
“Do I frighten you?”
Lips pressed against her ear, an arctic wind settling over her spine. It drained her of her warmth, left her with nothing but the chill its words only could evoke in her.
Hermione’s vision swam, the constant flow of water along her back dissipating into nothing. It was as if she’d been stripped bare. Unmade in that moment. She was only consciousness, only a mind wading through the nebulous unknown.
“—Remember this fear, Hermione.”
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taygra5shaon · 6 months
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if would like a request, please send me a description of your OC or favorite character!! References and pictures are required (all tipe of sketches are greatly appreciated)
💗Anime and Comics
💗Creatures of all kind
💗Transformers and robots
💗Romantic scenes
💗Gore and Monsters
💗Mermaids and Sirens
🖤Anything sexually explicit
🖤Realistic portrait
🖤Heavy violence (or Tumblr will censure me...)
INKHEART trilogy
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit
Queen and Labyrinth
Resident Evil
The Dark Pictures anthology
Until Dawn and Quarry
Good Omens
Marvel and DC
Stranger Things
Harry Potter
The Last of Us
The Walking Dead
The Witcher
Dirk Gently
Mystery Skulls Animations
Drawing will take some time, don't despair if i dont answer or post quickly. I'll try my best to finish all!
-Payment on Paypal, Bancontact or Maestro
-Payment is required upfront
-Art for NO commercial purposes
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loisfreakinglane · 12 days
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DOLLHOUSE // 2.12 “The Hollow Men”
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livrosencaracolados · 10 months
"Rose" (Rose #1)
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Sɪɴᴏᴘsᴇ Oғɪᴄɪᴀʟ: A grandiosa mansão do Sr. Fountain, o famoso alquimista, é um mundo bastante diferente do orfanato escuro onde Rose foi abandonada. Quando vai para lá viver, Rose começa a perceber que a casa está a transbordar de magia cintilante - e consegue senti-la. Pouco a pouco, Rose apercebe-se de que, também ela, é capaz de ter um pouco de magia… Mas quando algumas crianças do orfanato começam a desaparecer misteriosamente, a magia de Rose é colocada à prova. Conseguirá ela encontrar as crianças desaparecidas antes que seja demasiado tarde? A primeira das enfeitiçantes aventuras de Rose…
Aᴜᴛᴏʀᴀ: Holly Webb.
O Mᴇᴜ Rᴇsᴜᴍᴏ: Se há uma coisa que é clara no orfanato de St. Bridget para meninas abandonadas, é que há regras. Desde a forma como se come, a quando e com quem se sai à rua e até ao comprimento exato que as unhas de uma órfã devem ter, tudo é regulamentado. Nem se pode usar um balde sem autorização! Mas não faz mal, Miss Lockwood apenas tem os melhores interesses das suas raparigas em mente, afinal, o grande objetivo da instituição sempre foi formar criadas capazes de ganhar a vida de maneira independente num mundo frio que não oferece ajudas. Assim sendo, não pode ser permitido o espaço para explorar ou brincar quando a futura sobrevivência das pequenas órfãs está em jogo. Para garantir o foco das meninas no trabalho e não lhes corromper as mentes com fantasias e aspirações impossíveis, as janelas do orfanato são poucas, pequenas e estritamente proibidas, escondendo por trás dos seus trincos o segredo de um tipo de riqueza que as órfãs não conseguem sequer imaginar, e que cobre as ruas do mundo exterior na forma de damas pomposas e crianças propriamente alimentadas. Mas nem as restrições da diretora nem a falta de comida conseguem impedir as raparigas de sonhar, e é isso que elas fazem todos os domingos, quando lhes é permitido ver os poucos artefactos que as ligam às suas famílias biológicas. Isto não é o caso de Rose, que além de não ter nenhuma relíquia que tenha pertencido aos pais que não conhece, não sonha, nem o quer fazer. A sua única ambição é ser contratada como a criada que foi treinada para ser, alcançando um sustento autónomo. Ora, quando um dia uma senhora elegantérrima chega ao orfanato com a intenção de levar consigo uma rapariga pronta a trabalhar, Rose vê o seu desejo realizado, fazendo do seu novo lar a mansão do Sr. Fountain, um alquimista de renome. Rose, que nunca sequer imaginou ver magia ao vivo devido à sua natureza cara e rara, acaba a trabalhar numa casa onde ela existe em abundância. Quando as histórias que inventa começam a materializar-se em superfícies brilhantes, os miados de um gato majestoso passam a soar como palavras e se torna aparente que nem todos veem a mobília a dançar, a mais recente criada do palacete chega à conclusão de que, se calhar, a magia não pertence exclusivamente às classes altas. Infelizmente, o povo repudia todos os feitiços, e por conseguinte todos os feiticeiros, que não estão envoltos em cerimónia e teatro, então até os próprios empregados do Sr. Fountain, que interagem diariamente com o supernatural, encaram muito do que é mágico com desdém. Aterrorizada com a ideia de perder a nova família que encontrou na criadagem da mansão, Rose decide abdicar dos estranhos poderes que ameaçam chegar à superfície, para não ser posta na mesma categoria que os detestáveis snobes mágicos com quem ninguém simpatiza. No entanto, os seus planos são interrompidos quando, para salvar a vida do aprendiz do Sr. Fountain, ela agarra um espírito elemental com as próprias mãos, mostrando em aberto as suas capacidades. Entretanto, muitas das suas amigas órfãs parecem desaparecer sem deixar rasto, e o clima de medo intensifica-se perante a descoberta de que crianças abastadas também estão a ser raptadas. A única forma de a Rose garantir que as suas amigas regressam com vida é unir-se às pessoas de quem se queria afastar, e abraçar o lado mágico que pode afastar todos os que realmente quer à sua volta. Sessões de vidência, assaltos ao orfanato, encontros à luz da lua com um aprendiz de mago altivo (que só quer alguma atenção) e um plano arriscado, onde a preciosa filha do Sr. Fountain é usada como isco, vão levar à cave da raptora de crianças e a um segredo macabro que revela os contornos mais horríveis da magia. A questão que se coloca é: estará a Rose preparada?
Cʀɪᴛᴇ́ʀɪᴏs ᴅᴇ Cʟᴀssɪғɪᴄᴀᴄ̧ᴀ̃ᴏ:
Qᴜᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇ ᴅᴀ Pʀᴏsᴀ: É deliciosa no que toca a descrições, adorável e emotiva quando a Rose fala e aterrorizante na conclusão cortante do livro. Em suma, transmite todos os momentos com o tom perfeito, e a história consegue criar a sensação de um abraço mesmo quando a situação não chama a isso. Adorei.
Hɪsᴛᴏ́ʀɪᴀ: Só o conceito da história já é super interessante: um mundo onde há magia e ela é conhecida por toda gente, mas que não é mágico, encantado ou especial em nada que importe, pelo contrário. A magia existe numa espécie de pedestal, estando demasiado alta para que alguém que não consegue comprar a sua viagem até ao topo lhe toque. É assim que as coisas funcionam e o povo não se importa, habituando-se, para manter a sanidade, a ver a feitiçaria como um iceberg, confiando apenas nas doses controladas que, normalmente, estão à vista de todos, e apelidando de bruxaria, com repulsa, tudo o resto. A perspetiva dos mais pobres sobre o funcionamento do sobrenatural só encoraja a propaganda dos abastados, que mesmo que não sejam abençoados com o dom que, supostamente, só eles podem ter, se vangloriam do contacto regular com a magia que o dinheiro lhes permite. E é desta forma que, uma benção maravilhosa e inocente, acaba por se infiltrar na complicada teia que é a ordem social, encontrando uma entrada nas concepções já podres que separam as pessoas e, inevitavelmente, explorando-as de forma a transformar a linha que distingue cada classe num fosso que não pode ser atravessado. À boa moda humana, algo que não lhe pertence passa a ser dominado e usado como ferramenta de chantagem pelos poderosos, que materializam os seus sonhos mais loucos num mundo onde todos têm de viver, justificando o seu poder de decisão com a superioridade que lhes foi concedida pelos Céus. Isto é, até aparecer uma pequena órfã escanzelada e com tendências pessimistas, que nasceu com habilidades tão inegáveis que quebram por inteiro todo o discurso que tem sido martelado nas cabeças do povo por décadas. O status quo é, pela primeira vez, posto em causa, e quer a rapariga decida inserir-se exclusivamente num dos lados ou não, chega a hora da classe alta descer alguns degraus do seu pódio e do grande público reconsiderar o nojo que adquiriu por algo que também lhe pode ser inato. Este é o enredo e é executado perfeitamente, tendo também à mistura alguma comédia, sentimentos nus e crus, maravilha e mistério. A única crítica que posso levantar a este livro é a questão de o final, apesar de explosivo e de subir ainda mais as apostas (o que é raro, os autores não costumam conseguir lidar com as expectativas que eles próprios criam), ter uma resolução que parece demasiado fácil. Depois disso, o livro conclui-se quase com pressa e somos deixados à deriva. Isto não é um problema muito grave, é óbvio desde o início que este volume só nos está a introduzir ao universo magnífico da Rose, que tem tanto potencial que uma pessoa fica aos pulos a querer mais, mas é um pouco exagerado da parte da autora despedir-se dos leitores com tanta prontidão.
Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀɢᴇɴs: A Rose é uma protagonista fantástica. Em termos técnicos, ela tem tudo o que faz uma ótima personagem: características distintas de personalidade, motivações, um conflito interno que se reflete no seu ambiente externo, algo a ganhar e a perder com o seu envolvimento no problema central da narrativa, a capacidade de fazer sacrifícios e de mudar ao longo do enredo... Mas mais do que isso, uma menina que é brutalmente leal, ridiculamente humilde (ela quase chora ao receber o seu próprio conjunto de costura, de tanta gratidão que sente) e o epítome da responsabilidade e do compromisso, traços que não estariam tão desenvolvidos se ela tivesse tido a infância que merecia, funciona como um símbolo de rebelião a tudo o que está imposto. Ela nem o quer, não tem oposições ao valor que lhe ensinaram que o seu baixo estatuto merece, mas a sua mera existência vai contra as leis conhecidas da magia e da sociedade, e isso faz dela algo que nem todos estão dispostos a compreender. O seu trabalho é perceber se prefere ser apenas uma observadora do mundo mágico, sacrificando a única parte de si que lhe diz algo sobre de onde veio, para não arriscar ficar sozinha, ou se aceita o que é e se transforma em muito mais do que alguma vez sonhou. Além dela, todos os outros personagens têm uma voz própria e singular, mas entre eles, o Freddy destaca-se. Sinceramente, ele começa a história como um autêntico idiota, revelando uma excessiva arrogância e um claro sentido de superioridade que explicam a antipatia que todos (incluindo o Sr. Fountain) têm por ele. Quando a Rose, inadvertidamente, começa a descuidar-se com os seus poderes e se mostra naturalmente talentosa para o que lhe exige horas e horas de esforço e estudo, a raiva vem-lhe ao de cima, e todas as ideias elitistas que lhe foram incutidas explodem em direção à rapariga. Mas, nem ele consegue fingir que ela não lhe desperta a curiosidade, e ao arranjar desculpas para a observar, vai ficando fascinado com a novidade que ela representa. A paciência que a Rose tem com ele, se é por empatia ou por não querer perder o emprego é debatível, vai-se tornando na primeira experiência de amizade da sua vida, e, pela primeira vez, ele começa a pensar noutra pessoa que não seja ele próprio. A convivência com ela, muito devagar, inspira questões e o reconhecimento da estupidez que são as extremas divisões entre classes e, no fim do livro, ele prova que está substancialmente mais maduro, defendendo o direito da Rose de aprender magia. Ele finge que não, mas é um fofo.
Rᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇ: Não há, PORQUE ALGUÉM (chamada Holly Webb) decidiu fazer os seus protagonistas crianças para a narrativa ter mais impacto. Já ouviram uma coisa destas? Não faz sentido nenhum, nah-ah! Mas...na minha cabeça, há algum romance, porque a Rose e o Freddy têm uma química irrefutável (é o que dá quando adultos escrevem miúdos, depois o leitor sofre quando as coisas não se concretizam). Se fossem mais velhos, poderia dar-se o caso de inimigos para amantes, já que ele gosta tanto de fingir que é sério e importante demais para a Rose quando, na realidade, age como um cachorrinho abandonado, andando sempre atrás dela.
Iᴍᴇʀsᴀ̃ᴏ: A linda prosa da escritora aliada ao cenário cativante de uma Inglaterra alternativa do século XIX, torna impossível não ler a obra toda de uma só vez. Os encantamentos, a ilusão da beleza das ruas e o perigo só adicionam a essa sensação.
Iᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛᴏ: É a segunda vez que leio este livro e, apesar de me lembrar de o ter adorado (e de ter ficado enjoada com o fim), não tinha ideia da complexidade do universo da Rose e da importância de toda a simbologia presente. Agora sim, vai-me ficar na memória.
Cʟᴀssɪғɪᴄᴀᴄ̧ᴀ̃ᴏ Fɪɴᴀʟ: ⭐⭐⭐⭐+ ½
Iᴅᴀᴅᴇ Aᴄᴏɴsᴇʟʜᴀᴅᴀ: É uma obra ótima para todos os amantes de fantasia, contudo, não aconselho que gente com menos de 13 ou 14 anos a leia. O final é realmente marcante de uma forma perturbadora e, mesmo que não sejam sensíveis ao sangue, é impossível passar pelo capítulo com indiferença.
Cᴏɴᴄʟᴜsᴀ̃ᴏ/Oᴘɪɴɪᴀ̃ᴏ Fɪɴᴀʟ: Creio que já disse tudo, este livro é um início de coleção praticamente irrepreensível e oferece tudo. É reconfortante, interessante, assustador, tem animais mágicos, diabretes ricos que só precisam de um bom abraço (nunca percebi isso, como é que alguém que tem o poder de transformar objetos banais em ouro, não sabe levar os filhos ao parque?) e, questiona, de uma forma que aparentemente só as obras para os mais novos conseguem, o sentido das classes na sociedade e a natureza do preconceito. Estou ansiosa para ler o segundo volume e sei que vocês também ficarão se derem à Rose uma oportunidade. RECOMENDO.
Pᴀʀᴀ ᴏʙᴛᴇʀ: Rose, Holly Webb - Livro - Bertrand
Assɪɴᴀᴅᴏ: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝐿𝓊𝓏 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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bitkahuna · 2 months
“Is he called Herpo the Foul because he invented herpes?”
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goldkirk · 6 days
little me, you were so cool and you were so right about Elizabeth Swan
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stfumons · 1 year
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I guess this is what flirting looks like
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the-most-faithful · 2 months
Hello, I hope you are well. What do you think about the dark arts being bad? I think they are to a certain extent but any spell does damage so what's the difference? J.K Rowling doesn't even know what the dark arts are, could you give your opinion on this please?
Hey hello, yes I'm fine (apart from the heat here in Italy) You asked a super interesting question. Let's say that in the saga there is no clear explanation of what the dark arts are, the only canonical definition is the one that Snape gives us which is very poetic but unclear.
"The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible." — Severus Snape's description of the Dark Arts
The Wizarding World definition doesn't help much either:
Dark Arts referred to any magic that was mainly used to control, harm or kill its target. Brewing harmful potions, using hexes and curses, and breeding dark creatures could be illegal, not only because of the terrible consequences of using it but also for the corrupting nature of the practice which affected the practitioner themselves. - wizardingworld.com
I think it's all about intention. Let me explain, magic is not good or bad in itself, it's like a knife, you can use it to cut tomatoes or to hurt someone, it's up to you, but in itself magic is just a tool and depends on who uses it. Now let's talk clearly, the world of Harry Potter is beautiful but it is lacking in naivety, practically every spell is potentially harmful. A simple Diffindo that is used to cut branches could seriously hurt a person to the point of killing them, yet it is not considered dark magic, why? For the same reason that having a knife in the house is not illegal. It is not the object or the spell itself that is dangerous, or rather it is not born with that purpose. Here we return to the intention, everything that follows is my interpretation.
Dark spells were born expressly with evil intentions, aimed at hurting the target.
The Avada Kedavra is the most obvious, kill and in the magical world it is the worst thing you can do, it is the act that breaks the soul.
The Cruciatus was born to torture.
The Iperius to take away the free will of a living being.
Other Dark Spells consist of creating Inferi that is disrespecting corpses and using them as puppets.
The Sectumsempra leads to the target's exsanguination and unlike the Diffindo is very difficult to stop.
The Engorgio Skullus swells a person's head painfully.
So all Dark Spells are clearly born with a negative intent and no matter how they are used, they always have a harmful effect. BUT, and this is an interesting point, it is a simplistic view, even “neutral” magic could be used for evil, but it cannot be denied, otherwise wizards should be prevented from doing anything, while Dark Magic is not always evil.
An Avada Kedavra apparently kills without pain, it does not break the victim's soul and from what we see in the saga it can be an act of mercy, see Snape with Dumbledore. Could it be used as a form of euthanasia? Obviously I'm going ahead with theories, but the morality of the wizarding world is very malleable. The Unforgivables are such and yet many “good” wizards use them. The Aurors used the Cruciatus and Avada Kedavra against the Death Eaters during the war with the idea of ​​“fighting on equal terms”.
This is a delicate point because there is a risk of overriding morality and going over to the other side. If everything can be legitimate for defense, it goes to excess. And I think this is exactly the point. In reality, If someone attacks you, you are entitled to defend yourself but there is a limit, if you get to the excess you pass on the wrong side. Therefore neutral spells are legitimate, until you cross the limit. Dark Magic, on the other hand, is born beyond the limit and one can only try to "justify" them or use them for specific non-evil cases, but they are exceptions.
I don't know if I actually answered your question, it's a topic that deserves to be debated. Thanks for bringing this up, and sorry for the length of the post.
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gurugirl · 1 year
Ghost!Harry Masterlist
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October/Halloween 2023
On Halloween Morning
A horror-filled Halloween one-shot. Harry is a ghost and you don't believe in ghosts but you find out you were dead wrong.
Super Dark - Beware
This one shot contains the edited out parts for the ghost!Harry piece I wrote. It’s a sort of behind the scenes with extra bits you didn’t get to read the first time. I tried to make this as cohesive as possible so if seems anything feels out of order or is repetitive, just know I tried - these bits were pulled from the original one-shot and this is the result
Ghosty Blurb
Requested: i can see ghost harry using yn to attract dumb man to the houseor even fuck her while some visitors are around
The Halloween Call - A cop!harry crossover
Harry takes a call to check out the scene of crime at an old abandoned house, well known as the Slaughter House with a grim history.
The Séance Experience
A pair of spiritual mediums decide to host an underground seance on Halloween morning at the old abandoned Styles’ house, well know for being haunted. Things go awry. Not everyone escapes.
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sophiaphile · 9 months
trump's tarot reading on fox news
Jesse Watters: What is that? psychic: I mean.. do recognize that I'm at Fox TV... a sense of loss
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