#Daydreaming my beloved
kagedbird · 2 years
Was thinking while decompressing in the bath earlier of a story where Y/N is taken with some "friends" (acquaintances that really didn't have their best interests at heart) take them to Monty Golf in the Pizzaplex, and they try to goad Y/N into jumping into the waters with the fake gators.
In comes Monty, wondering why there's a human standing tensely next to a safety bar and death staring at the water. Sidling up and asking if they lost a golf ball. Joke that he's gotten one in his mouth one time by a kid who thought he was just a fake gator. Cracking jokes and semi flirting with Y/N.
All while the bullies stare at you, gobsmacked, at how you somehow got the Monty Gator's attention.
He tries to impress you, after you explain- awkwardly- how the sounds from the fake gators are bellowing- mating calls- by bellowing at you and you just. Try to hastily brush it off as, "Oh, haha! Great impression!! :))) Whoever you do that to will certainly be smitten!!!! :))))) Anyways,"
Cue giant puppy gator robot dogging your heels for the rest of your evening as you try to desperately ask your "friends" for help who are clearly no help to anyone at all.
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jesterofthecourt · 1 year
Daydreaming in the car while listening to music is a gift from the gods
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teddybeartoji · 6 months
Do you think Jason fucks or makes love to his girlfriend/wife?
it's both at the same time - he fucks passionately
in missionary, he's resting his elbows right next to your head, trapping you in this little space as he stares down at his beloved - taking in every single one of the sounds you let out and every single scrunch of your eyebrows and the way your lips part and the way your chest keeps brushing up against his stronger and bigger one. he's pressing kisses all over your face - kissing away the tears of pleasure brimming in your eyes while smiling into your skin. when he feels you getting close to your high, he cradles your face, squishing your cheeks together and forcing you to look at him. this is definitely one of his favourite things of all time - your pretty little orgasm face, eyes rolling right back into your head and your body trembling under his. he's so in love with you.
and i think he would absolutely love prone bone position; he's putting almost all of his weight on top of you and it's almost too much but it feels so fucking good; he's whispering praise into your ear while he's so deep inside you it's making it hard for you to breathe; his one hand is under your head/neck almost like a chokehold but it's not too rough, he just wants to keep you close; his hips roll into yours at a steady pace, pushing you into the mattress. and when you cum, he doesn't stop - fucking you through your orgasm and straight towards the next one.
i know u didn't ask for positions but your question just got me thinking hehehe anyway merry christmas nonnie!! thank u for the ask i hope u like it!!
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i'm gonna say this one time and one time only, if john winchester was alive in season ten demon dean would've killed him with absolutely no hesitation
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akai-anna · 3 months
it's been a while on my rewatch, but i'm watching the fake wedding case and... can we just talk about how shinichi's reaction is so different in the anime compared to the manga?
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bland. boring. WHERE IS THE FEELING IN THIS. just. No.
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bonus: shinichi peeking at ran with a blush on his face at this bit (and ran blushing too, pretty please)
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We Were Robbed.
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dragon-in-a-kettle · 8 months
Listen I don't need therapy, okay? What I need is to be chased down through a forest by a 6'3"- 7" tall mask wearing man, get captured, and carried on his shoulder as if I weighed nothing, then taken to a secluded cabin as he fucks me so raw and so good that I'm not able to think, as the latest album of Sleep Token is playing on the background
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bloody-gh0st-thing · 2 years
bpd be like :
i love u. i hate u. i want to be u. i want u to kill me so i can haunt u. everytime i see u i want to throw up. i hate ur friends. i wish ur friends liked me. i wish you hated me because at least u wouldnt ignore me. i wish u were unhealthily obsessed with me. i wish ur friends were gone so u’d only focus on me. i wish u loved me as much as i love u. i want u. i need u. i spend every waking moment thinking ab u. i wish u were toxic n u healthily in love w me. i wish our relationship wasn’t healthy n normal. i want us to b codependent on each other. i’m unable to live w/o u.
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shine / step into the light
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awwjade · 1 month
i want you. I need you. I crave every ounce of your attention. I need your focus on me. At all times. No one else can have you, you’re mine. No one else’s. Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.
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see-arcane · 8 months
considering it was the late 1800s, do you think Seward and VH are oblivious to Jonathan's watchfulness because Stoker couldn't justify writing Jonathan implying that "vampirism and blasphemy are fine if it's for Mina, actually" beyond his initial declaration? We don't seem to get much more of it directly from Jonathan's entries either after that, just by implication.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was a factor.
Considering all the very potent metaphors at work in the premise of 'God has denied love and protection to my beloved over X Violation and/or X State of Being which is beyond their control, and I have decided our love is more holy than any decision of the Almighty, and I would rather be a monster with her than shun/destroy her As Is the Righteous Thing to Do,' Stoker was already dancing on the edge of acceptability with Jonathan making his secret vow even once.
But thankfully, that single vow--and the adamant refusal to even pretend to make a new 'Yes honey, I will absolutely vampire martyr-murder you like a good Christian boy! God says it's chill just like it was for Lucy and everyone else Dracula has snacked on for untold centuries! God's will be done!'--likely flew over a lot of heads back in the day (as it does now) and simply landed in a lot of hearts with the more obvious factor of...
"Oh. He is literally willing to brave Hell and eternal damnation as the conscripted undead, possibly even cutting down his stake-wielding friends, just to protect and be with his beloved? ...That's kind of hot."
Especially during a period when romance was basically just a bonus to tack on to the Job of Being Married. Jonathan Harker is proven multiple times to be the un-Victorian Victorian man, running from the Brides (mistress stand-ins), happily letting his wife take the lead and holding her up as his equal until he's peer pressured out of it (which leads to dangerous consequences! Social mores fucked everything up! And He Only Follows New Directions with Mina's Approval Going Forward!), and now here's this romantic motherfucker ready to skin Dracula and French kiss the Devil so long as it sees his beloved safe and un-slaughtered, even if she isn't ~perfect and saintly and non-monstrous~.
Girls gays and goths of 1897 were definitely fanning themselves at the next tea party book club once they reached October 3rd.
Even without the ell gee bee tee undertones to glean from Stoker's own romantic leanings, the idea of 'selfish' personal love, of a mere human being, getting held up as more important than God, someone worth Hell, was extremely spicy to depict during that period. If Stoker had had Jonathan repeating himself over and over regarding his secret plans, it would have started to sound a bit like writing a smitten Poe protagonist. Which would also be sexy! But it'd risk taking some of the heroic shine off of him towards the end.
Better to let it hang over the narrative's neck in silence like an axe waiting to fall.
Or a kukri.
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everyone-with-a-para · 8 months
I hope everyone with a paracosm containing a religion that does not exist in the real world has a great day
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teddybeartoji · 10 months
another movie night at jason's. but oh no you spilled your drink all over your shirt:(( and even though you literally live next door, it's so much quicker to just give you one of his shirts. when you come out of the bedroom with it on, he feels an immediate need to sit down. and to grab a pillow. and smoothly place that over his lap. he hopes you don't notice. you jump over the couch and get comfortable while rambling about the movie you're about to watch and the poor boy can't even look at you:(( he feels like a stupid teenager, getting all hot and bothered because of a damn shirt, but here he is. about fifteen minutes into the movie, he can't take it anymore and finally excuses himself to the bathroom. it's unbelievably hard to keep quiet, so he bites his lip so hard that it bleeds. the thought of you being in the next room, on the couch and in his fucking shirt, makes him finish in record time. he washes his hands, splashes some water on his face and tries to level his breathing. he needs to get his shit together because he's got the most beautiful girl waiting for him in the next room. he is being very rude.
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redactedgender · 1 month
redacted audio headcanons: elliott & sunshine edition
im in my elliott & sunshine era rn it seems. i cant stop thinking abt them. so heres some of my hc for them! the sunshine hc’s are specifically for my oc (charlie, he/they), but im keeping it neutral so others can apply it to their oc’s/sunshine hc’s maybe :0
; t4t elliott & sunshine. i don’t make the rules, i just enforce them
; following that thought, sunshine, geordi & guy were all elliott’s caretakers after he got top surgery
; elliott & aaron’s last name is hawkins, but elliott is technically elliott lewis-hawkins. his last name is hyphenated because ‘lewis’ was the name of his first foster family (they were the best one he had had at that point, but when the mom got pregnant they realized they couldn’t support two kids), so he uses their name to remember them by
; sunshine has a prosthetic leg from their accident. they walk with a cane or sometimes use a wheelchair during extra bad pain days, or when it rains. their prosthetic starts under their knee. they also have lots of small scars from the glass across their body, mostly arms
; elliott has called sunshine “sunshine” since they first met basically. but, when guy heard sunshine call elliott “dreamboat” one random day, he made the joke that their ship name would be “daydream”. since then, whenever guy talks about the two of them, he refers to them as “daydream” (ex: “yeah i’m just in a call with geordi and daydream, what’s up?”)
; they have matching yellow lego charms that make a heart when you put them together (like this but yellow)
; (18+) they both have horrible oral fixations (canon but still). they both could live between each others thighs. the 69 position is one of their favorites because of that
; sunshine and cutie used to go to school together, but after cutie’s powers manifested they kinda stopped hanging out. sunshine never really liked cutie tbh. they aren’t aware that cutie is empowered
; sunshine and treasure are cousins, and treasure was the first person sunshine told about their (completely obvious) crush on eli when they realized they liked him
; eli’s favorite color is lavender, and also loves lavender scented things (he has the lavender & iris spray from bath & body works and practically douses his bed in it. it smells divine btw)
; elliott had a wattpad account. what he read on that site is between him and god
; elliott is a lord of the rings nerd. you mean to tell me the guy who made a whole-ass fantasy d&d session dreamscape with his partner featuring a full-ass dragon isn’t a tolkien nerd??
; elliott also loves d&d. he hasn’t played a lot, but has enjoyed it when he did; he once dm’ed a one shot for his friend group and it was a crazy ass story. he likes worldbuilding and character backstories the most
; sunshine collects cds from thrift stores. even from artists they don’t know anything about
; besides their house, elliott and sunshine have also discussed getting animals together. they decided on a dog named thor and a cat named mercury
; honey is elliott and aaron’s cousin. they don’t know elliott is empowered. honey and aaron are the two cousins who would disappear when they both got overwhelmed at a party
; elliott loves watching competition shows like “blown away”, he eats that shit up
; (18+) sunshine is a big reader, and absolutely eats up all different kinds of genres. sometimes elliott likes to “punish” them for not paying attention to him by using him mouth on them while they read erotica & edge them until they finish a specific number of chapters
; elliott hates tuna. like, haaaaates tuna. can't stand the smell, taste, texture, anything about it. the only thing he can handle about it is when its alive and intact; he can't even handle it in sushi
; in pjo, sunshine would be a child of apollo, and elliott would be a child of hypnos
; sunshine didn’t tell the group about the accident until they had a panic attack over a car crash in a movie. they had told elliott bits and pieces before that (and obviously he had seen their nightmares), but they felt as though they didn’t want to burden elliott and the rest of the group with their trauma
; OK SO. elliott and sunshine’s favorite movie collectively is “tangled”. i mean its their absolute fave. they watched it together on their first official date, it’s their comfort movie, they have matching jewelry of the sun symbol, theyve cosplayed/gone as flynn and rapunzel a bunch of times for halloween, etc. like these guys LOVE tangled. and apparently there’s a new disney ride of the lantern festival in disneyland tokyo. so, in a world where the balance didnt separate them, and theyre together and happy and healing, i like to imagine they decide to visit a disney and go on the ride if they have it there. and id like to imagine that when theyre in the lantern section, they both reach into their pockets and pull out boxes. and, with tears streaming down their faces and the biggest fucking grins imaginable, they propose to each other (and ofc they both say yes) <3
; the couple that are stoners together stay together <3 elliott likes to shotgun sunshine
; elliott is always the big spoon. he likes knowing hes protecting sunshine in both their dreams and in real life
im so normal and regular about these two i promise (<- lying). i will add more as i see fit. also i might have a fic idea based on one of these headcanons, hehe :3c
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wolvertooth · 5 months
me: fuckkkkkkk i wish someone would draw logan n vic in a bar fight together n bein all happy n havin fun....sigh......
origins sabretooth: hi :)
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me: WHAT?????????WHAT????¿??????????HUH??????????????????
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operagirl · 7 months
At what point does it change from maladaptive daydreaming about a specific character to you being 19 years old and having an imaginary friend.
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seven-tastic · 1 year
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