#Dead wizzards
j4m3s-4pp0ll0-ch1ld · 5 months
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probably--tired · 2 years
hear me out.... modern au where Remus has eds, pots and gastroparises with a peg-j ( I know gp doesn't usually require feeding tubes but I have an NJ and want my representation okay). where he is covered in scars from surgeries and eats chocolate because it's his safe food. where he struggles with sh and mental health from feeling unworthy and like a burden. he's also autistic because co morbidities and I said so !!
Enter meeting Sirius black in hospital who is recently diagnosed with eds and pots and fnd and is struggling to come to terms with it all after being disowned for being queer (gay and non binary).
they make their own little support system as Remus gives them all the tips. where they help each other and Sirius sets up Remus's feeds when his chronic fatigue is bad. where they help each other with joint dislocations and taping, where Remus helps sirius feel less ashamed of using mobility aids and they slowly fall in love.
heavily inspired by @moonyspadfoot793 you are the best tiktok mutual and spur my chronically ill/ disabled wolfstar HC <33
if anyone wants to write this , or help me write this I would love you forever
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vanillen · 7 months
excerpt from my Jegulus fic that i hope to finish sooner than later
Raw draft
„What do you want?” Serverus asked and Barty looked at him with a dead pan expression.
„Purge of the wizzarding word,” he said coldly. „Death of all muggles, yey!” He rises his hands in a cheering gesture, and Severus squeezed the bridge of his nose. Maybe Severus would kill him and end his misery.
„Crouch,” Severus signed, and Barty just shrugged his shoulders. „Dark Lord is getting impatient.”
„Well,” Barty said, spreading his arms. „I was fired, why should I care?”
I love Barty. He is so done with everything.
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heretherebedork · 9 months
I've been tagged in this like five times so let's do this while I'm not distracted, a rare occurrence...
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yep, actually doubly so, because apparently I was actually named after living relatives which is frowned upon so my dad also found some dead relatives on the other side of the family with the same names to be my 'official' namesakes.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Honestly? From laughing at DFF.
3. Do you have kids?
No, though I do have students.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
None. Never. My skills at sports are nonexistent.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes but not as much as I think I do.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
It depends? I can be drawn to people by many, many things but I'd say most often it's something specific that stands out? Whatever got me to look towards them?
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy ending! Scary movies tend to just make me laugh inappropriately so, yeah.
9. Any talents?
Maybe? I can touch my nose with my tongue! I can also write paragraphs of meta that are designed the be read somewhere between analysis and prose.
10. Where were you born?
Just outside Chicago.
11. What are your hobbies?
BL, meta, hiking (only a couple times a year), the occasional watercolor painting, baking
12. Do you have any pets?
Yup! Wizzard the dog and Zhadum the bunny.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Science and reading, typically, with social studies next as long as there was no geography. The instant you add geography I lose my mind.
15. Dream job?
Running an Autism classroom in a public school without any ABA presence and Autism-educated support staff aka the impossible dream to dream
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shionxion · 4 months
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I finished up TTYD Remake on Wednesday. Beat the last secret boss and wow what a game! It feels so nice to come back to TTYD after all these years! (But with QoL changes and other new stuff, of course!) Like, a lot of love was put into this game and I believe that this is the best way to play TTYD! Also, I'm really surprise at how I played TTYD this time! I mainly focused on BP. I got damn near 90 BP in this run! And I don't normally do that because of how nervous I get with HP that's under 50. (Same goes for FP) Also I hit B List star before getting to Chapter 2 because I wanted the strange sack early . I usually hit B list star during Chapter 3. Yeah, I was a bit over powered lol! It was so bad that when I equipped the Bump Attack badge during the last chapter, some enemies just dead! XD
Yeah, too much power and a bit of luck from that Dark Wizzard dropping me my third Power Plus P badge for this final badge setup. Honestly I didn't even need the mega rush, last stand, power rush or close call badges during the last secret boss. I was just a bit paranoid. Then again I don't know if it was RNG since that boss only healed once during my second attempt. Then after that it was smooth sailing. Oh and thanks for that new try again option! It's another good QoL change! (Thought I had to get back to floor 100 again after dying!) I can go on about this game, from the new QoL changes, the new music, the textures, the new expressions! the two new bosses. This game really put a smile on my face. Just smiles all around! :D One of those new bosses is the current holder of the title for my favorite theme in the game! What else?... Oh! little Pyro (Yoshi) is my goat! Carried me so hard in most fights. I was out of practice with the power bounces, so he was the next best thing! (And his stampede attack was very good too! Was spamming it on the final boss lol!) Vivian, Koops, Ms. Mowz and Bobbery help out a lot too! Especially in the Pit of 100 trials! I kept leaving because I got nervous at the lower floors. It was probably for the better since I didn't have my partners ultra ranked yet. Good thing I waited! Especially since I ran into to some amazee dayzees. And I enjoyed charging Vivian to 99+ to punch the hell out of her bitchy sister! (Happy Pride Month!) Okay, now that I'm done with TTYD Remake, the next game that I'm gonna tackle before Dawntrail will be SMTV: Vengeance! Which, literally comes out next week! I'm really hoping that this version of the game will be better and I enjoy it. The vanilla game felt unfinished and just overall meh. I really wanna like this game so we'll see how things go next week!
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toaster-os · 1 year
Listen, I know this sounds not ok, but stay with me:
I love games that let the player inflict over-the-top brutal violence like Doom, Carrion, Dead by Daylight, etc. It's just really fun to be the bad/morally ambiguous character and go all the way. The reason? The same reason we have actors who play villains and serial killers.
It's just really fun to be oh so brutally , mustash twirling, viscera pooling, over-the-top!
And chances are, the actors who play the evil parts, the people who get a kick out of campy gorey horror, are really nice people in person with a great example being the actor for the wicked witch of the west in the Wizzard of Oz movie (the old one that started actors unions).
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marypsue · 1 year
Anyway. Who here likes evil cheerleaders, melodramatic teenage goths, homoerotic loathing, Christopher Pike and Fear Street books, the Satanic Panic, and cheesy horror-comedy? Who here would like an exclusive sneak peek at the first chapter of Fearleading Squad?
Well, tough luck, because you're getting one anyway.
Bad Moon Rising
Steve was the first to go missing.
He had a last name, probably, but Avery didn’t know it. She was just used to seeing his lanky, zitty self, limp greasy hair and facial piercings and ill-fitting black clothes, reading a comic book with his feet up behind the counter of the Movie Gallery. Or seeing the rusted-out camper van he was rumoured to live in parked in the gravel lot behind the tourist information centre, where he sold shitty weed with about as much enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit as he brought to the video store gig. He was a fixture around town, as much a part of the landscape as the sign on the highway advertising the annual rodeo or the grain elevator by the train tracks. Something you saw so often that you stopped seeing it at all.
Until he wasn’t.
It was the van Avery noticed missing first. It took her a while to register that it was even gone. Steve was in the tourist info lot some days, and wasn’t on others. Avery never really paid attention, unless she wanted shitty weed, which wasn’t often.
So the camper van had been gone for a week or more before it really registered.
Once Avery’d noticed that the van was gone, though, it was impossible to miss. Steve was never at the Movie Gallery anymore, and when Avery asked the manager, Trish made a face and said he’d been a no-show for all his shifts for the last week and a half. “He might at least have had the decency to let me know he quit,” she grumbled, passing Trick or Treat under the scanner and accepting Avery’s handful of change. “Asshole threw off my entire shift schedule. I had to rework the whole thing from scratch.”
“Is that…like him?” Avery asked, and got a shrug and an eyeroll in return.
Even Arlon didn’t know, when Avery cornered him at the library to ask. Arlon Thwaite, who swore blind that his middle name, Wizzard, was an old family name and only by fortunate coincidence a Terry Pratchett reference, was one of maybe three people in the world Avery considered friends. He was also the most insufferable person she knew. But then, Avery was the most insufferable person a lot of people in town knew. Maybe that was part of the reason why they were friends.
“Yeah, he’s flaked on our last two Pathfinder sessions,” Arlon offered casually, in between reshelving Danielle Steel novels. “But he’s always flaking out on us for one reason or another. I didn’t really think anything of it.” He paused to look over at Avery, his eyes growing brighter behind the thick lenses of his aviator-style glasses as he offered, or maybe threatened, “If you wanted a seat at the table -”
“Over your dead body.”
“Don’t you mean, ‘over my dead body’?”
“No, because I’d kill you and desecrate your corpse before I’d play a tabletop game with that crowd of wastoids you call friends.”
A middle-aged woman with a truly impressive feathered bouffant, sitting in one of the overstuffed chairs by the window, looked sharply up from the Agatha Christie she was nose-deep in to frown at Avery. Avery threw the horns in her direction, and snickered when her frown got deeper and more alarmed.
“People in this town,” Avery sighed as she turned back to Arlon, who nodded agreement.
“She can act all innocent and scandalised. But she and her ilk are the biggest borrowers of these bodice-rippers.” He paused, holding up the copy of Fine Things he was tucking back onto the shelf. “And you know I once found pubes stuck in between the pages of one of these? I don’t even want to know what kind of horrors our patrons are committing against these poor, innocent former trees.”
Avery barely managed to stifle a horrified burst of laughter.
Arlon shrugged, and went back to reshelving romance. “Hope Steve didn’t skip town. He’s still got my copy of Neuromancer. And I don’t think he even started to read it.”
School started again three days later, and Avery mostly forgot about Steve and his mysterious disappearance. She had other things to worry about. Ms. Feldman, and her one-woman crusade against nose rings. The idiot jocks in shop class.
And the new girl in her homeroom.
“Why would any sane person move from LA to here?” Avery grumbled to Courtney, over her clingwrapped tuna sandwich. “What could we possibly have to offer that LA doesn’t?”
“Manure?” Courtney suggested. “Tornadoes?”
Avery had to stop herself from snorting chocolate milk out her nose.
“Tiffany Bright,” she said, once the coughing had subsided. The words seemed to warp her mouth into a sneer around them. “What kind of a name even is that? Might as well just call yourself Barbie Hollywood.”
Courtney took a sip of her Tab before cautiously offering, “She’s really not so bad. Seems nice. We’ve got tryouts for the cheer squad tonight, and she said she’d be there.”
“My condolences,” Avery said, and Courtney snorted.
Avery wasn’t obsessed.
There was just…something off about Tiffany. Something too fake about her perfectly coordinated outfits, her perfectly combed, perfectly curled perky blonde ponytail, her big, perfectly blue eyes with their fan of thick dark lashes, her perfect pearly smile, never too narrow or too wide. Something about how everything she said came out sounding faintly mocking. Something about how she looked at you, like she knew something you didn’t. Like she could see toilet paper stuck to your shoe or something stuck in your teeth, and she’d decided it’d be funnier not to tell you about it.
She got onto the cheer team. Of course.
“I just don’t like that bitch,” Avery grumbled to her beat-up black boots, behind the gym, where she was sneaking a cigarette and Mallory was trying to avoid breathing in her smoke. By the way Mallory was coughing into the pin-studded lapel of her hand-me-down denim jacket, it wasn’t working. Mallory’s dad worked in demolition, and she had seven older brothers and sisters. Avery didn’t think she’d ever owned a brand-new anything. “She’s such a kiss-up, acts like she makes sugar taste sour. But we don’t know anything about her. For all we know, she killed Steve. Shit, I’ll bet you five bucks she did kill Steve.”
“Oh, yeah,” Mallory agreed sarcastically. “For some kind of Satanic ritual, probably. Really seems like her style. Bet she ate him, too. I hear human tastes kind of like chicken.”
“Pork,” Arlon corrected her, and Mallory shot him a glare. “Human’s the other other white meat.”
“What is he even doing here,” Mallory demanded of Avery, darting a sidelong glare at Arlon, who’d gone back to ignoring her. “Don’t you have freshmen to try to corrupt to the dark side?”
“I don’t play with freshmen anymore,” Arlon said haughtily, giving his ginger ponytail a dismissive flick back over his shoulder. “After that last little shithead spent three whole sessions constantly yelling ‘I cast fireball!’ and trying to seduce everything with tits, I’ve sworn them off. They can get themselves corrupted by the dark forces behind tabletop gaming without my help. The only person I’m interested in corrupting is this one.” He nudged Avery with one shoulder, and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re never getting me to join one of your stupid games.”
“Maybe not,” Arlon admitted, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Maybe not. But you will listen to Rush.”
“How many times do I have to tell you -”
Mallory thwacked Avery square across the chest with the back of one arm, interrupting her. “Hey. That’s her, isn’t it?”
Avery looked.
It was, indeed, Tiffany fucking Bright making her way across the football field, unmistakeable and unmissable in her bright red nylon shorts and perfectly fitted pale pink tee shirt. The way her perfectly-curled ponytail bounced – and her perfectly-proportionate bust didn’t – as she jogged up to the brick wall beside the dumpsters where Avery was smoking seemed vaguely unnatural. So did the way the little gold cross she wore on a fine gold chain around her neck winked and flashed with each bouncing step, but never tangled, never twisted, never worked its way around to the back. The scrunchie tying back Tiffany’s ponytail perfectly matched the red of her shorts. And the stripe along the top of the slouchy white socks peeking out above her pristine white sneakers. Her smile was almost as white as the sneakers.
God, Avery hated her.
If Tiffany felt the same, she was hiding it well. “Hey. It’s Avery, right? Avery DiAngelo? You’re in Mr. Dancy’s homeroom?”
“Yeah.” Avery took a long, exaggerated drag on her cigarette, and puffed the smoke out toward Tiffany’s face. Tiffany, unfortunately, did not evaporate in the puff. She also didn’t start to look at all uncomfortable. Only vaguely annoyed. “What do you want.”
Tiffany gave her head a little toss, making her ponytail flick back and forth behind her like its namesake. “I was wondering why you didn’t try out for the cheer team. We’ve got a vacancy, and Courtney said she used to do gymnastics with you. That you were really good.”
On the list of things Avery might have expected Tiffany to say to her, that was at the very bottom. She had no idea what to say.
Thankfully, her friends had her covered.
Mallory took a step forward, putting herself halfway between Tiffany and Avery. Beside Tiffany’s wheat-gold curls, Mallory’s brassy box-dye blonde looked especially loud and cheap and fake, her mousy roots dark in the crisp September sunlight. “Who died and made you head cheerleader?”
The little smile that quirked up the corners of Tiffany’s perfect lipgloss-glistening rosebud mouth was, as usual, too knowing. Like something about what Mallory had said was funny, and not for any reason Mallory knew.
“Nobody,” she said, with that constant mocking edge and a flash of blinding teeth, eyes darting past Mallory to meet Avery’s. “Yet.”
God, Avery hated her.
She also kind of hated Arlon for snorting, like he actually thought Tiffany’s bullshit was funny. Honestly. Boys. Let a perky blonde say two words in front of them, and even the most determined nonconformist completely loses his mind and starts thinking maybe he’s got a chance.
A quick elbow to the ribs seemed to momentarily cure Arlon of that disease, though. He coughed into a fist, before hastily agreeing, “Avery’s not part of your juvenile cult of physical attractiveness. And doesn’t want to be.”
Tiffany smiled, a slow, spreading grin that showed off the blinding white of her teeth. Like she’d also caught that bit about ‘physical attractiveness’.
Avery applied another elbow to Arlon’s ribs.
She took one last, long drag on her cigarette, before giving the butt a flick. It landed on the crumbling asphalt right between Tiffany’s pristine white sneakers. Tiffany looked down at it, and then back up at Avery, with something other than sneering fake-friendliness for the first time since she’d come over.
“What are you still doing here,” Avery suggested, into Tiffany’s laser-blue stare.
Tiffany blinked those blue eyes shut, for a second, giving her hair a toss as she fixed a smile back onto her face. This one was…not quite perfectly even, not like every other smile Avery’s ever seen her wear. Avery couldn’t look away, trying to figure out what it was that the smile was slipping away to reveal. “Avery hasn’t given me an answer yet. Have you, Avery.”
Her eyes bored into Avery’s. “Unless you always make your friends do all your dirty work.”
God, Avery hated her.
“If Courtney told you we used to be in gymnastics together,” she said, after a moment’s consideration, “then she also told you she’s tried a million times to get me to try out for cheer. What makes you think I’d do it for you if I wouldn’t do it for my actual friend?”
Tiffany’s eyes narrowed like a cat who’d just spotted a mouse.
“Nothing in particular,” she said, the bubble back in her voice. Along with that mocking, knowing edge that made Avery want to grind her teeth. “Fine. I’ll let it go. For now.”
She started to turn, ponytail bobbing, but stopped to glance back at Avery. This time, the smile was seamless. “But you’re going to find out. I can be very persuasive.”
The heel of her sneaker crushed Avery’s cigarette butt into the asphalt as she started to jog away.
“Hey, did you – stop screaming, it’s me – did you tell that Tiffany girl I was in gymnastics?”
“Avery!” Courtney slammed her bedroom door behind her, her Jack Russell terrier slipping through behind her with a shimmying little wiggle right before the door met the crisp white trim of the frame. “You have got to stop coming in that window without warning me first. Aw, Grady, how many times! Not on the bed.”
Grady looked up at Courtney from the pile of pillows at the head of her bed with his long, pink tongue lolling out of a wide, guileless doggy smile, and wagged his tail.
Avery reached out and gave Grady a scratch behind the ears, and his eyes sank shut in obvious bliss. Courtney rolled her eyes before she bounced down onto the tattersall-checked comforter, sending a pillow shaped like a stubby pencil crayon tumbling to the floor. “You’re the reason he thinks he can be up here,” she scolded Avery mildly, reaching out to give Grady an absent stroke herself. “You keep rewarding him for doing what I tell him not to.”
“Oh, like I’m the only one scratching his ears right now,” Avery teased back.
“You started it.” Courtney gave Grady one more good pat on the rump, before scooting back on the bed, grabbing another brightly-coloured pillow and hugging it to her chest. “And it might have come up that we did tumbling together as kids. Why?”
“Because your new best friend sniffed me out during gym class to ask me to fill a vacant spot on the cheer team.” Avery gave one of Grady’s ears a gentle tug. “What do you think, boy? Should I finally toss your mama a bone and join her silly pompom-waving airhead club?”
Grady barked, as if on cue, at the word ‘bone’. Avery stifled a laugh.
When she looked up, though, Courtney wasn’t smiling.
For a second, Avery thought she’d gone too far with the airhead comment. But Courtney didn’t even seem to have noticed. She’d drawn her knees up to her chest, ankles crossed, and she’d gone from hugging the pillow to gripping it like a life preserver. “Courtney?”
Courtney gave her head a little shake, her permed chestnut curls bouncing with the movement. The smile she forced looked wan and unconvincing. “Nothing. Just – I’m kind of glad right now that you always say no, whenever I try to get you to join. It’s just so not you. And now that we’re going into senior year…honestly, I don’t even know if I’m going to have time for the team.”
Avery stopped moving with her hand resting between Grady’s shoulderblades, his fur silky-soft and so warm under her fingers. “What? You live and breathe cheerleading.”
Courtney grimaced. She didn’t say anything more.
Avery sat up on the bed, Grady whimpering a little at the loss of her scritches. “Is that bitch making trouble for you? Because you’re still the head cheerleader, you know. Kick her ass out.” When Courtney only hugged her pillow a little tighter, burying the bottom half of her face in its poof, Avery added, “If you don’t wanna do it, I’d be more than happy to. I’ll take her up on her offer, and then you and I can -”
The force behind the single word surprised Avery into silence.
Courtney sighed, and leaned back against the white-painted iron frame that curved up along the long side of her bed like the back of a couch, where it was pushed up against the wall. “I can handle Tiffany, okay? She’s not the first new recruit who came in with a twisted idea of what being part of the cheer squad is all about. I just really don’t want you getting caught up in the middle of it. That wouldn’t be any good for either of us.”
Avery wasn’t sure why that stung the way it did. It wasn’t like she’d wanted to join the cheer team, anyway.
“Okay,” she said, uncrossing her legs and pushing herself up off the bed. “But then actually leave me out of it, okay? No more hot gossip about how I used to be able to touch my toes to the back of my head. I don’t really feel like being a pawn in you and Tiffany’s power play, either.”
Courtney shot her a tight-lipped smile. She didn’t look happy.
But all she said was, “Okay.”
A week later, Mallory turned up to school in a brand-new cheerleading uniform.
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divkazkdovikde · 1 year
it’s so funny that five/six/seven years ago (idk how long i have this blog), when i was new on tumbrl and then the few years after, my posts were so dramatic and this blog was basically my diary and then look at my blog now
and honestly, me back then? i was as if from that tiktok sound, yk the one “you don’t have to. i can fucking feel it” yeah, that was me until like three or so years ago, and then me nowadays, looking at those old posts is like “oh she needs a fucking exorcism”
and it’s absolutely hillarious to me, because even tho i’m still as depressed and miserable as i was back then, if not more, now my blog turned mainly into fangirling over marauders
but i have to hand down to my teenage self, that some of the posts were really deep and i can’t believe i was able to put words together like that, when i was like fucking fifteen years old. because looking at it now, drowning in all this shit i’m not-so-dealing with, it really wasn’t that deep back then for the posts to be on that level.
i sometimes feel like i was more mature back then. or maybe maturing is realising it’s easier to just give up crying and being pathetic about it, cuz that’s not gonna help. (lol i still cry and am pathetic but like in a different way yk, in more mature way.)also i’m not gonna lie, marauders fandom really saved my life, so i’m glad i’m where i am. because even though, it’s really shit sometimes, now i’m enjoying the good days and moments as much as i hate those bad ones, and i’m not wallowing in self pity that much now, and i’m learning how to ask for help. it’s as much better now as it’s worse. does that make sense? it does to me.
anyway live love laugh dead gay wizzards.
and let’s leave my old self burried in history, i like this older version of myself better.
(also i kinda pity my old followers, those who started to follow me because of those deep posts, because i bet now when you see some of my fanart and stuff reblogs you sure as fuck are like “where the hell did that came from” yeah, from me, girl grew up a little, she found out that happiness from fictional characters is better than to be that much dramatic. don’t worry, i still can be dramatic, but i use it for freaking out over fanfictions and fanarts now, i think that has to be at least a little bit more healthy, no?)
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dougielombax · 1 year
Behold my anti-sex music playlist!
For music that just won’t work when you’re planning on doing it.
Not saying any of these songs are bad. Just that they won’t be good for sex.
In my mind…
Here they are:
1. Chumbawumba - Tubthumping.
2. Blarf - Banana
3. Eric Andre & the Last Seed - Beef Patty
4. Midge Ure - The Man Who Sold the World (OH NO. NOT ME)
5. The Serbian National Anthem! (Bože pravde) - by I Don’t Fucking Know. (Yes I’m serious)
6.Geometry Dash theme tune
7. My Country ‘Tis of Thee (Boston Pops version)
8. Peaches - Fuck the Pain Away
9. That FUCKING Pina Colada song!
10. Aerosmith - I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing
11. Otis Redding - Shake
12. The Trashmen - Surfin’ Bird
13. Liberty Bell March - John Philip Sousa
14. That weird boingy Delaware version of the Dr Who theme what was only used once in the Australian broadcast of Carnival of Monsters.
15. Swans - She Loves Us
16. The Platters - My Prayer (for any David Lynch fans, if you know, YOU KNOW!)
17. Grieg - In the Hall of the Mountajn King (it HAS to be the Portsmouth sinfonia version)
18. Georg Friedrich Handel - Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah (also the Portsmouth Sinfonia version, ideal for maximum awkwardness)
19. 1800 Pain - Hurt
20. Weezer - Buddy Holly
21. ANYTHING by Nickelback (especially Photograph (LOOK AT THIS FUCKEN’ SHIT!) or Rockstar)
22. The Cure - Friday I’m in Love
23. Nine Inch Nails - Mr Self Destruct (only an animal could fuck to this!)
24. Hanggai - Drinking song (this is actually a fucking banger but still)
25. Jamie Christopherson - The Stains of Time (except every single lyric is AND IT WILL COME)
26. Babylon Zoo - Spaceman
27. Suede - Filmstar
28. Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (on full blast)
29. Ligeti - Lux Aeterna (may induce existential crises)
30. Korngold - Theme from King’s Row
31. AJCW - Wonderland (very loud, this is some cosmic horror shit)
32. Girl Talk - Play Your Part (Pt 1.)
33. Akira Yamaoka - Black Fairy
34. Ludvig Forssell -204863
35. Bach - Chorale BWV 645 (slow instrumental organ/trombone version)
36. Akira Yamaoka - My Heaven
37. Kikagaku Moyo - Dripping Sun (the beat drop at the end is some next level shit)
38. Carpenter Brut - Le Perv
39. Dawn of the Dead - The Gonk
40. de Wolfe music - Lubricator
41. Wizzard - I Wish it could be Christmas Every Day
42. Venetian Snares - All the Children are Dead
43. Van McCoy - Do the Hustle
44. Roy Orbison - In Dreams (look, it’s a great tune, but still).
45. Smash Mouth - Walking on the Sun
46. Mansion Basement - Resident Evil Director’s Cut Soundtrack
47. Happy Days (as in the main theme tune from Happy Days!)
48. Exhumed - As Hammer to Anvil
49. Muddy Magnolias - American Woman (David Lynch Remix) (if you fuck to this then you are legally not a human, you are a CREATURE)
50. Sonny Terry - Old Lost John
51. Hanatarash - My Dad is Car (VERY LOUD!)
52. Clubbed to Death (instrumental)
53. Jerry Manolas - Midnight Dream
54. Guided by Voices - Game of Pricks
55. Ludvig Forssell - Death Stranding theme tune
56. Glenn Miller - In the Mood
57. Venetian Snares - Winnipeg is Fucking Over
58. BJ Thomas - Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head.
59. Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
60. Huun Huur Tu - Eerbek Aksy
61. Whitney Houston - I'm Your Baby Tonight
62. Mussorgsky - The Great Gate of Kiev
63. Low Roar - Give Up
64. Ludwig Van Beethoven - Rage Over a Lost Penny
65. Neon Indian - Slumlord’s Release
66. The Caretaker - All You are Going to want to Do is Get Back There.
67. Horace Heidt - This Time It’s Real (instrumental - slowed down)
68. BluntedBeatz - I Am
69. Eddie Vedder - Out of Sand
70. Olga Wojciechowska - Remember When the Light Came (unfortunately I can’t find it ANYWHERE!)
71. Blarf - The Me in Me
72. Chuck Person - Lightning Strikes
73. Polkas y Huapangos - Los Dos Laredos. (Pretty sure you legally CANNOT fuck to this)
74. Tom Jones - What’s New Pussycat (VERY LOUDLY)
75. Merzbow - Ultramarine Blue
76. Fool’s Garden - Lemon Tree (I NEED Wes Anderson to use this song in his next film! FIND A WAY to get him to do it!)
77. Big Brother Theme Tune
78. Fanfare Vagabontu - Batuta Din Moldova
79. Lvovsky - Now the Powers of Heaven
80. Tuvan Ensemble - Arbyn Ossun
81. Weird Al - EBay song
82. Marathon 2 main theme (I mean come ON!)
83. Electric Light Orchestra - Mr Blue Sky (SHUT UP!!!!)
84. My Chemical Romance- Famous Last Words
85. Van Halen - Panama
86. Powermad - Slaughterhouse
87. Bjork - It’s Oh so Quiet
88. Sigur Rós - Hoppípolla
89. Richard Strauss - Zueignung (specifically the version performed by Jessye Norman (RIP))
90. Apollo 100 - Joy (especially if you speed it up)
91. Carol Anne McGowan - Sycamore Trees (look it’s beautiful but you cannot fuck to it!)
92. Brian Eno - Weightless
93. Jean Sibelius - Symphony no 2.
94. Handel - Hallelujah Chorus (as performed by the Portsmouth Sinfonia)
95. The White Buffalo - I Know You (it’s a great piece of music but it’s really depressing)
96. Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe
97. Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance
98. Blink 182 - I Miss You. (WHERE ARE YEEEEEEEW)
99. Francis Stanfield - O Sacred Heart. (Yes I know it���s a Catholic hymn! That’s the point!)
100. Surasshu - The Penis (Eek!)
101. Non Phixion - The CIA is Trying to Kill Me
102. All-American Rejects - Move Along (SHUT UP! It’s a good song but come on)
103. Big Data - Bombs Over Brooklyn (their curiosity for learning has skyrocketed)
104. Adam & the Ants - Stand and Deliver
105. Animal Collective - Derek
106. Ludwig Van Beethoven. Symphony no. 5. Movement 1.
107. Hong Kong 97 Soundtrack - I Love Beijing Tiananmen.
108. Mr Bean animated series theme tune (piano, obviously).
109. John Williams - The Immolation Scene. (From the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith soundtrack)
110. Ludwig Van Beethoven. Again. - Ode to Joy. Symphony no 9. Movement 4.
111. Vague003 - Tonight
112. Tchaikovsky - Serenade for Strings in C Major Op. 48.
113. Old Gods of Asgard - Take Control
114. Zbigniew Preisner - Lacrimosa, Day of Tears
115. AJCW - Fog Horm
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occultdaddy · 2 years
I'm not gonna lie. Sometimes if I don't scroll past the shitty wizzard game and actually see short clips of it I do occasionally think it could be fun to play.But I immediately correct myself. Even if I were to pirate it: I do not want to play a game with blatant antisemitic tropes and plot.
Even if Rowling did not make any money of it, even if she was dead and thus couldn't take ppl playing the game as support... I STILL don't see why you would want to play it after finding out about the harmful stereotypes and plot.
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theoneuntold · 2 months
The first master of death ?
I was talking alternative takes on christianity in fiction with a friend, mostly revolving around VtM's twist on the figure of Caine and the many re-interpratations of the apostles as the antedeluvians and so on... When the subject shifted to the Wizzarding world, an intriguing idea came to me and bear with me : Jesus was the first master of Death and presents ressemblances to the only other one we know of.
His birth was prophesied by three magi, each of whom brought him a gift (understand here one of the three hallows).
In the gospel of pseudo Matthew (declared apocryphal to reduce suspicions from muggles) an infant Jesus tamed dragons by speaking with them. Now, in latin (and even more importantly greek) dragons are not the flying fire-breathing lizards we know and love but additional keepers/denizens of the limits of the underworld (best puppy Cerebrus can't be everywhere) and thus would be assumed to be... large serpents. Jesus speaks parsletongue.
The many miracles are now easily explained with simple transmutation and multiplication spells.
Judas didn't want the Romans' gold, he wanted the elder wand.
Jesus rose from the dead because he had the stone with him.
We can't find him nor the holly shroud because it's our beloved cloak of invisibility.
Yeah, no that's all. I do have additional thoughts but I'll take some time to properly sort them first.
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probably--tired · 2 years
Remus lupin is a chronically ill man. He has chronic pain and in Muggle au I headcannon him having fibromyalgia/me and EDS (the chronic dislocations and joint problems). He 100% uses mobility aids and I will die on this hill.
Fuck maybe I'm projecting, but god do I feel a connection to that. He's capable and kind and strong and adaptable despite his chronic illness and it makes me feel so seen :')
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hiddenticket · 1 year
Essential Instrumentals [Mix] I’ve chosen some of my favorite hip-hop producers and instrumentals for this mix. I hope you enjoy it! -- Tracklist 1. Amel Larrieux - Sweet Misery (instrumental) / Produced by Laru Larrieux & Amel Larrieux. 2. J -Dilla - Flowers / Produced by J-Dilla 3. Luchini AKA This Is It (instrumental) / Produced by Ski 4. Atmosphere - God's Bathroom Floor (instrumental) / Produced by Brent Sayers 5. Drake - going in for life (instrumental) / Produced by Exchange student and TJ Garner 6. OutKast ATLiens - Elevators (Me & You) (instrumental) / Produced by Outkast 7. D'Angelo - Lady (instrumental) / Produced by D'Angelo and Ali Shaheed Muhammad 8. AZ - gimme yours (instrumental) / Produced by Pete Rock 9. 702 - I still love you (instrumental) / Produced by Neptunes 10. The Notorious B.I.G - Ten Crack Commandments (instrumental) / Produced by DJ Premier 11. Little Brother - Lovin' It (instrumental / Produced by 9th wonder 12. Eazy- E - Boyz N The Hood (instrumental) / Produced by Dr Dre and DJ Yella 13. Dead Prez - Mind sex (instrumental) / Produced by stic.man and M-1 14. Amy Winehouse - He Can Only Hold Her (instrumental) / Produced by John Harrison 15. LL Cool J - I Need A Beat (instrumental) / Produced by Rick Rubin 16. Pete Rock - Take the d train / Produced by Pete Rock 17. Kanye West - Last call / Produced by Kanye West and Evidence 18. 9th Wonder- December 4th (instrumental) / Produced by 9th wonder 19. Fugees - Fu-Gee-La (instrumental) / Produced by Wyclef Productions and Refugee Camp Inc 20. Craig Mack - Flava In Ya Ear (instrumental) / Produced by Easy Mo Bee 21. Nujabes - Feather (instrumental) / Produced by Nujabes 22. Musiq Soulchild - Soulstar (instrumental Remake) / Produced by Jerome Hipps, Michael McArthur, Musiq 23. Raekwon - Sneakers (instrumentals) / Produced by Pete Rock 24. Wu-Tang - C.R.E.A.M (instrumental) / Produced by RZA 25. Atmosphere airlines - Long life (instrumental) / Produced by Dela 26. Nas - It Ain't Hard To Tell (instrumental) / Produced by Large Professor 27. Common - I Used To Love H.e.r. (instrumental) / Produced by No ID 28. Ludacris - Pimpin' All Over The World (instrumental) / Produced by Donnie Scantz & Polow da Don 29. The Roots - What they do / Produced by Grand Wizzards, ?uestlove & Raphael Saadiq 30. Dr Dre - Still Dre (instrumental) / Produced by Melvin Bradford (Mel-Man), Scott Storch, and Andre Young (Dr. Dre) 31. Talib Kweli & HiTek - The Blast (instrumental) / Produced for Hi-Tek Productions Inc. 32. Mobb Deep - Shook Ones, Pt II (instrumental) / Produced by Havoc 33. Queen Latifah - U.N.I.T.Y. (instrumental) / Produced by Kay Gee and Mufi 34. Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg (instrumental) / Produced by Warren G 35. Kanye West - I Wonder (instrumental) / Produced by Kanye West 36. A Tribe Called Quest - Award Tour (instrumental) / Produced by Q-Tip, Jay Dee and DJ Scratch 37. Digable Planets – Rebirth Of Slick (instrumental) / Produced by Mike "Hank" Mangini, Shane Faber & Digable Planets 38. Pete Rock & CL Smooth - They Reminisce Over You (instrumental) / produced by Pete Rock & CL Smooth 39. Souls of Mischief - 93 'Til Infinity (instrumental) / Produced by A-Plus 40. Main source - looking out the front door (instrumental) / Produced by Large Professor -- Photo captured by Hannah Faith / Joshua Tree (girls trip) -- NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED. I DO NOT OWN OR CLAIM ANY RIGHTS TO THESE TRACKS. Uploaded by Eden Hagos https://ift.tt/P1a9ZwE via SoundCloud https://ift.tt/SrEWiaC August 07, 2023 at 11:59AM
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chupacabracrafts · 3 years
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New rabbit feet available on my Etsy Shop! Link on main. I am super proud of this batch of listing photos lol
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tu-vieja-steve · 5 years
Alright, let's talk about Max being a Shadowhunter
Okay, Max wants to be a shadoshunter and his lovely fathers of course let him do whatever he wants
So, imagine that Max is the son of a prince of hell, the adamas would catch on, as when Magnus touches the magic light, and walk by his touch and WHO KNOW WHAT POWERS WOULD HAVE THOSE ARMS
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fuzzkaizer · 2 years
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seamoon - fresh fuzz
V1 1973
“ So if you want an extensive history of Seamoon, there are a couple places to look online. The first is A/DA's history as Dave Tarnowski began his career at Seamoon. The second one, that Gearphoria printed, specifically focuses on this pedal, the Fresh Fuzz. Reverb won't let me post the actual website info, so you'll have to do a little digging, sorry. This is BY FAR, one the most unique, elusive and RARE fuzz pedals in existence. There are 2 variations of whats known as the "V1" era of the pedal, all of which seem to have been made exclusively in 1973. The earliest Version 1 pedals are extremely rare because most of them shattered upon use (they had a plastic casing). The second incarnation are still pretty damn hard to come by as most people who own them don't want to give them up. By this time, Seamoon abandoned the plastic case of the early Version 1's and opted for the slanted metal casing. This pedal for sale is one of those Version 1's with the newly adapted slanted metal casing. As you can see, it has the same circuitry as those earlier ones, notably the 741 op-amp chip and the perforated, hand-wired circuit board. It's cosmetically impeccable. Sonically, its amazing. You'll read that a lot of people prefer the V2 Fresh Fuzz as they changed to the dual 4558 op-amp, which doubled the power of the V1's 741 chip. “ (Fuzz Wizzard)
“... Fresh Fuzz history a while back, and it looks like late 1973. They had released the Funk Machine earlier that year and it did quite well, so they decided to release a distortion unit under the Seamoon brand as a result. The first version of each pedal was made in a plastic Bakelite box (you can see an example on effectsdatabase, and I have also seen a photo from a guy who messaged me around 2013 about his. Shortly after this, around 1974 they switched to the metal casing you posted there. But not too much later they revised the circuit, making much louder, fuzzier and just better tbh; and they changed up the graphics slightly on the case. It doesn't appear as though they made them for more than a few years in total, as Seamoon switched over to those smaller enclosures in the late 70s and released that Controlled Tone Preamp became the only distortion in their lineup. ...  based off an interview i read with Anderton where he said Seamoon first true release, the Funk Machine, was out in 1973 and that later the same year they released the Fresh Fuzz. ... when i was looking into Seamoon I couldn't find any old ads, or manuals, or print stuff of any kind. “ (Ed Skymall)
“ The Phases of Seamoon      In the early ’70s, Berkeley, California was a thriving hippie community (and in some respects, it still is today) that attracted flocks of creative individuals to its hills. The main campus of the University of California is situated there, and many aspiring electrical engineers came to Berkeley to study. Of course, the San Francisco Bay Area also enjoyed a thriving music scene, and many of these engineers found employment for bands like the Grateful Dead and Santana (Furman, Alembic and Mesa-Boogie are just a few of the companies that got off the ground by making products for Bay Area musicians).      Seamoon  Ltd. was established in Berkeley  in 1973, when Craig Anderton, who later gained fame for his articles and  columns in Guitar Player magazine, and for his book Electronic  Projects for Musicians, solicited a music store in hopes of selling a pedal  he developed. “I had come up with the circuit for an envelope follower that  later became known as the Funk Machine,” says Anderton. “I had a friend named  Larry Schreiber, who was familiar with a music store in Berkeley called Skatzenbag Music. I took it  in there to see if John Lang, who owned the store, was interested in selling  it. He ended up taking it to a NAMM show and got orders, so we decided to make  the thing.”      Shortly  thereafter, Lang founded Seamoon, and started making their first product, the  Funk Machine. The original units featured range and sensitivity controls, and  were housed in a Bakelite box. However, too many overeager funksters crushed  the box with their feet, so later versions were housed in simple aluminum boxes  held together with six screws. The circuit was deceivingly simple.          “It contained two op-amps with an  opto-isolator to do the actual envelope detection,” says Anderton. “It’s that  famous opto-isolator sound that everyone is rediscovering. Because the  opto-isolators are all a little different. Every Funk Machine varied slightly.  It wasn’t anything obvious that would make someone go, ‘Oh, I’ve got to have  this one instead of that one.’ But there was a tiny variation. It was an analog   world, and in some respects that added to the character of the thing. Part of  the testing process was very subjective. If it didn’t work properly, we would  pull the opto-isolator and solder in another one.”Martha  Davis, who later became famous as the lead singer of the Motels, was an early  Seamoon employee who did a lot of the company’s assembly and testing. According  to Anderton, she developed a peculiar method of testing the Funk Machine. “She tested them by running her fingers over  particular parts on the circuit board. By noticing how the hum was affected,  she was able to really nail what was going on with the unit. It was very cool.  Her finger hum testing technique was flawless.”        Soon  after hitting the market, the Funk Machine fell into the hands of several  famous musicians, including Steve Cropper, who bought one of the very first  units, and funk bassist Larry Graham. “He was really big on it,” says Anderton.  “When he was on TV once, he held it up in front of the camera. It was a big  part of his sound.”  Shortly after  designing the Funk Machine, Anderton came up with the circuit for Seamoon’s  Fresh Fuzz distortion pedal. This circuit was a simple op-amp based device with  gain and bite controls.  “It was  really basic,” says Anderton. “It used regular diodes. If I was to design it   today, it would be a lot different.” The unit was a favorite of Tom Scholz, of Boston.  These products remained the mainstays of  Seamoon’s product line through most of the mid ’70s, although the company also   introduced an ill-fated battery-powered solid-state amp called the Peter  Portable.      By  1976, Seamoon had undergone significant changes. Anderton departed the company,  the cosmetic appearance of the products was redesigned and several new products  joined the lineup. However, it was also the beginning of the end of Seamoon and  the dawn of a new company that would carry out Seamoon’s ideals and ideas with  even greater success.      Sometime  in 1975, a young Berkeley  musician named Dave Tarnowski started working for Seamoon. He got the job after  walking into Skatzenbag Music and impressing owner John Lang with his technical   knowledge. “One thing let to another and I started working on some musical  effects,” says Tarnowski. “The first musical effect I designed for them used  early bucket brigade devices from Radicon. These are earlier than the bucket  brigades from National or Panasonic. I actually did some R&D work at  Radicon Corporation. I picked up a few of the chips to see if I could make a  time modulator.”      Tarnowski  designed the Studio Phase, an impressive phase shifter with intensity, shift  and speed controls that originally retailed for $129. Other products in  Seamoon’s line at this time included a cosmetically updated version of the Funk  Machine, and a distortion box called the Controlled Tone Preamp, which featured  volume, tone filter and distortion controls. A product called the Two-Track  Delay was announced in the summer of 1976, but it was never released to the   public.” (adaamps.com)
cred: reverb.com/Fuzz Wizzard’s Vintage Gear, facebook.com/Ed Skymall, adaamps.com/History.htm
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