#Demystifying duality
brother-hermes · 1 year
As we continue our conversations on Kabbalah let us pause for a moment and discuss Chesed in relation to Gevurah. In many ways we can’t discuss one without the other. Could divine love pour through the universe if there were no people to experience it? Occultists recognize this as the principle of polarity. It’s a necessary component of existence itself. Rock with me as we seek understanding.
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baphemetra · 11 months
Lilith as "the mother of all woman?" | Demystifying.
Note: this post is not intended to encourage or discourage the worship of Lilith, but rather to bring reflections based on historical and mythological analyses about themes that have been and continue to be extremely distorted.
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(att by Murat Gül)
This is a subject that has sparked extensive discussions in occultism circle for a long time. Certainly, Lilith strongly embodies the definition of Woman Contrary/Opponent to the reigning Abrahamic patriarchal system. But when we talk about Lilith, we talk about a history with deep roots.
We can't say that the image of Lilith was derived from a single entity, but from from different ancient concepts, which I will branch out into a few different lines. Commonly found in Jewish myths (midrash and folklore) the origins of Lilith is dated as a Sumerian Succubus. Then the image of Lilith was presented on the Alphabet of Ben Sirah (a compilation of two lists of proverbs, 22 in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic and 22 in Medieval Hebrew), seen as a demoness instead of the "first Eve".
Look at the history:
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(unknown artist)
1- Lilitu in Mesopotamia:
The Semitic root "LYL" translates to "Nocturnal". Derivatives also include "Lalu": the wanderer; "Lulu": Wanton/Luxurious.
Lilitu was a formless adjective used in Mesopotamia to refer to female entities of the night. She was designated as the Queen of the Lilu, vampiric entities that invaded men's erotic dreams to steal their semen. Thus giving birth to the "Lilins" = man-devouring abominations.
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(art by: P. Lormier 1848)
2- Ardat Lilith
"Ardat" is a term originally related to "prostitutes" and also "impure women". In Mesopotamia, Ardat Lili becomes a Semi-Goddess. Thirsty for blood, sinful and associated with diseases and darkness. Ardat Lilith was known as "unable to produce milk" and "the woman without husbands", "reaper of men".
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3- Lamashtu
Another entity rooted in Lilith's foundations, she was the daughter of the Gods of the Heavens. Often depicted with grotesque figures and portrayed with a lion's head, donkey's body, bird's talons, and dry breasts.
Feared by pregnant women, she was known to invade family homes and bind newborns, or even devour them. Lamasthu was also recognised for her abilities to fly and her knowledge of natural elements.
Pazuzu was often invoked as a protector against Lamasthu's forces, to prevent her from her bloody deeds.
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(Art by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Lady Lilith (1866-1868), Delaware Art Museum)
Frequent confusion:
Confusion between the concepts of Lilith and Ishtar is frequent, where Lilith is sometimes mistakenly equated with a kind of "dark aspect of Ishtar." While Ishtar is revered as the goddess of procreation, fertility, love, and sexuality, some modern interpretations blur these deities, attributing to Lilith - a Vampiric entity, qualities with erroneous concepts such as fertility in a very humane concept: "mother goddess of women," etc. Well, she is indeed, the mother of aberrations and demons in certain mythological and religious traditions, especially in Jewish folklore and Kabbalistic teachings.
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(Old Babylonian, 1800-1750 BC. From southern Iraq. (British Museum, London)
The mythological figure of Ishtar dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, where she was worshipped by cultures such as the Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians. Her divinity encompassed both positive and negative aspects of existence, reflecting her influence over fertility, love, war, and sexuality.
The confusion between Lilith and Ishtar can be partially attributed to the attempt to correlate these deities, often due to their association with femininity and their duality of characteristics. However, it is crucial to emphasize that these contemporary correlations should be approached with caution, recognizing the intrinsic nuances of the specific mythologies from which they emerge.
The challenge, furthermore, lies in the diversity of perspectives regarding Lilith. While some interpretations categorize her as a negative polarity and Demonic figure, others see her as a symbol of female autonomy and resistance. These differences in interpretation can be attributed to the various cultural and religious traditions that have influenced the evolution of Lilith's image over time.
This text aims to clarify, in an objective manner, the underlying complexity of the figure of Lilith, recognizing the multiplicity of historical and contemporary interpretations that have shaped her representation. The approach seeks to avoid oversimplifications and provide a more comprehensive and informed understanding of Lilith's role in the mythologies and cultures in which she is embedded.
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(art by: Marcus Ortega)
I often perceive levels of resentment within the occultism community when this type of content is brought into the historical/ academic sphere, leading to rejection and sometimes unpleasant discussions.
It is of utmost importance, however, to emphasize that bringing content grounded in history about certain entities/goddesses rooted in something many of us oppose - Abrahamic influence and their demiurgic false god; does not imply support or endorsement of this kind of belief.
Dealing with complex subjects requires a certain level of maturity, and relying solely on “voices in one's head" leads us into the realm of fallacies.
Lilith and feminism?
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During the fight for freedom and gender roles during the 60s, Lilith became a "feminist" icon representing rebellion and liberation.
The feminist movement saw interested parties in society take a second look at Lilith’s story. Claiming that she was unfairly demonised by abrahamic creeds and Sumerian mythology. Especially for her refusal to submit to Adam (Jewish Mythology). I see indeed a kind of beauty and strength in the philosophical concept.
Note: Feminism = equity and equality; not supremacy. And Lilith...wel, at this point you should know.
But were it comes the part were everything becomes a big mess:
With the expansion of "religions" and whitewashed beliefs rooted in New Age movements, many have lost their minds, and consequently, some leaven of logical reasoning. And I like to emphasize how the pursuit of knowledge becomes crucial in ancestral practices and historical concepts.
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(art by: Lord-Scandamour)
Through historical and mythological analyses, it is highly inconceivable to correlate an Lilith as our mother; or a entity devoid of a humane concepts of empathy with the human race, neither human broken concept of love understood by us. Likewise, attributing her as a mother goddess or as I frequently see some peoples affirming they're: "Lilith's daughter" makes no sense (unless you are a demon who climbed the "infernal" mountains to reach the Earth - but let's set aside these schizophrenic concepts). It is important to face reality, especially when dealing with mythological/historical/ancestral cults. Without any lens that embrace interpretations based in fantasy.
Lilith is, indeed, a Vampiric Demon and have always been, she does represents the Dark Feminine, and various aspects of the feminine and rebellion. There isn't a universally standardised way or form of worshiping Lilith, and I am not claiming so. I carry a lot of respect with this force and strong energy, and just find necessary to spread knowledge and informations.
Isheth Zenunim Taninsam Ama Lilith, Liftoach Kilt
List of contents for a very diverse research (some still on my readings list/wishlist):
The Alphabet of Ben Sira": This medieval Hebrew text is a primary source for the Lilith myth. It describes Lilith as the first wife of Adam and the mother of demons.
"The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley: This book provides an overview of various demons and mythological figures, including Lilith. It may offer insights into Lilith's role as a mother of demons.
"Lilith, Queen of the Night" by Steve Savedow: This book delves into the various aspects of Lilith in mythology and folklore, including her association with demons.
"The Lilith Monographs" by B. Morlan: This series of monographs explores Lilith in depth, and some of them touch upon her role as a mother of demons.
“Devils and Evil Spirits of Babilonia Vol. I” Reginald Campbell Thompson
Lilith: Dark Feminine Archetype" by Desda Zuckerman: Desda Zuckerman explores Lilith as a dark feminine archetype in this book, drawing on both historical and esoteric perspectives.
"Lilith: Healing the Wild" by Tom Jacobs: This book combines mythology, astrology, and psychological insights to explore Lilith and her role in personal and collective healing
The Book of Lilith" by Barbara Black Koltuv: Koltuv provides an in-depth exploration of Lilith from a Jungian psychological perspective, incorporating mythology, dreams, and symbolism.
The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey: Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, includes references to Lilith in "The Satanic Bible." In the book, she is mentioned as a symbol of female independence and strength. However, it's crucial to understand that LaVeyan Satanism is atheistic and symbolic, viewing Satan as a symbol of individualism and rebellion rather than a deity.
"Lilith: Goddess of Sitra Ahra" by Daemon Barzai: This book explores Lilith within the context of Sitra Ahra, which is considered the "Other Side" or the Qliphoth in some forms of Western occultism. The Qliphoth is a concept within Kabbalistic mysticism, and some practitioners of the Left-Hand Path incorporate Lilith into their esoteric practices.
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Book Review: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb
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I've been in the "everybody can benefit from therapy" camp for a long time, so this book was confirming for me in a lot of ways. It was also humanizing and stimulating, with Gottlieb going to delicate lengths to highlight how we all have issues we're working through, whether we're conscious of them or not, and regardless of our age, gender, social standing, or occupation. She gives readers a better understanding of how mental/emotional health infiltrates our lives in general and why it can benefit us to seek therapy when we need it. Or want it.
There was something lovely about the way the author lifted the veil of therapy, destigmatizing it as well as demystifying what it means and how it can feel to go through the process. I appreciated her honesty, the realness and rawness of emotion. Not just when it came to the patients she was treating, either - but also the confusing highs and lows, the setbacks and breakthroughs, the blurred emotional lines she experienced in her own therapy sessions with Wendell. I liked the therapist/patient duality of this, especially. It evened the playing field in a way that underlined what it means to feel and love and hurt as a human, and how we're all out here trying our best to cope, to grow, and maybe even to heal.
All in all, this was a funny, compassionate, and poignant book that encourages mental health awareness/acceptance and doing what we can to better understand ourselves. I'd definitely recommend picking it up!
3/5 stars
**Follow me on Goodreads
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jcmarchi · 3 months
“They can see themselves shaping the world they live in”
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/they-can-see-themselves-shaping-the-world-they-live-in/
“They can see themselves shaping the world they live in”
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During the journey from the suburbs to the city, the tree canopy often dwindles down as skyscrapers rise up. A group of New England Innovation Academy students wondered why that is.
“Our friend Victoria noticed that where we live in Marlborough there are lots of trees in our own backyards. But if you drive just 30 minutes to Boston, there are almost no trees,” said high school junior Ileana Fournier. “We were struck by that duality.”
This inspired Fournier and her classmates Victoria Leeth and Jessie Magenyi to prototype a mobile app that illustrates Massachusetts deforestation trends for Day of AI, a free, hands-on curriculum developed by the MIT Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education (RAISE) initiative, headquartered in the MIT Media Lab and in collaboration with the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and MIT Open Learning. They were among a group of 20 students from New England Innovation Academy who shared their projects during the 2024 Day of AI global celebration hosted with the Museum of Science.
The Day of AI curriculum introduces K-12 students to artificial intelligence. Now in its third year, Day of AI enables students to improve their communities and collaborate on larger global challenges using AI. Fournier, Leeth, and Magenyi’s TreeSavers app falls under the Telling Climate Stories with Data module, one of four new climate-change-focused lessons.
“We want you to be able to express yourselves creatively to use AI to solve problems with critical-thinking skills,” Cynthia Breazeal, director of MIT RAISE, dean for digital learning at MIT Open Learning, and professor of media arts and sciences, said during this year’s Day of AI global celebration at the Museum of Science. “We want you to have an ethical and responsible way to think about this really powerful, cool, and exciting technology.”
Moving from understanding to action
Day of AI invites students to examine the intersection of AI and various disciplines, such as history, civics, computer science, math, and climate change. With the curriculum available year-round, more than 10,000 educators across 114 countries have brought Day of AI activities to their classrooms and homes.
The curriculum gives students the agency to evaluate local issues and invent meaningful solutions. “We’re thinking about how to create tools that will allow kids to have direct access to data and have a personal connection that intersects with their lived experiences,” Robert Parks, curriculum developer at MIT RAISE, said at the Day of AI global celebration.
Before this year, first-year Jeremie Kwampo said he knew very little about AI. “I was very intrigued,” he said. “I started to experiment with ChatGPT to see how it reacts. How close can I get this to human emotion? What is AI’s knowledge compared to a human’s knowledge?”
In addition to helping students spark an interest in AI literacy, teachers around the world have told MIT RAISE that they want to use data science lessons to engage students in conversations about climate change. Therefore, Day of AI’s new hands-on projects use weather and climate change to show students why it’s important to develop a critical understanding of dataset design and collection when observing the world around them.
“There is a lag between cause and effect in everyday lives,” said Parks. “Our goal is to demystify that, and allow kids to access data so they can see a long view of things.”
Tools like MIT App Inventor — which allows anyone to create a mobile application — help students make sense of what they can learn from data. Fournier, Leeth, and Magenyi programmed TreeSavers in App Inventor to chart regional deforestation rates across Massachusetts, identify ongoing trends through statistical models, and predict environmental impact. The students put that “long view” of climate change into practice when developing TreeSavers’ interactive maps. Users can toggle between Massachusetts’s current tree cover, historical data, and future high-risk areas.
Although AI provides fast answers, it doesn’t necessarily offer equitable solutions, said David Sittenfeld, director of the Center for the Environment at the Museum of Science. The Day of AI curriculum asks students to make decisions on sourcing data, ensuring unbiased data, and thinking responsibly about how findings could be used.
“There’s an ethical concern about tracking people’s data,” said Ethan Jorda, a New England Innovation Academy student. His group used open-source data to program an app that helps users track and reduce their carbon footprint.
Christine Cunningham, senior vice president of STEM Learning at the Museum of Science, believes students are prepared to use AI responsibly to make the world a better place. “They can see themselves shaping the world they live in,” said Cunningham. “Moving through from understanding to action, kids will never look at a bridge or a piece of plastic lying on the ground in the same way again.”
Deepening collaboration on earth and beyond
The 2024 Day of AI speakers emphasized collaborative problem solving at the local, national, and global levels.
“Through different ideas and different perspectives, we’re going to get better solutions,” said Cunningham. “How do we start young enough that every child has a chance to both understand the world around them but also to move toward shaping the future?”
Presenters from MIT, the Museum of Science, and NASA approached this question with a common goal — expanding STEM education to learners of all ages and backgrounds.
“We have been delighted to collaborate with the MIT RAISE team to bring this year’s Day of AI celebration to the Museum of Science,” says Meg Rosenburg, manager of operations at the Museum of Science Centers for Public Science Learning. “This opportunity to highlight the new climate modules for the curriculum not only perfectly aligns with the museum’s goals to focus on climate and active hope throughout our Year of the Earthshot initiative, but it has also allowed us to bring our teams together and grow a relationship that we are very excited to build upon in the future.”
Rachel Connolly, systems integration and analysis lead for NASA’s Science Activation Program, showed the power of collaboration with the example of how human comprehension of Saturn’s appearance has evolved. From Galileo’s early telescope to the Cassini space probe, modern imaging of Saturn represents 400 years of science, technology, and math working together to further knowledge.
“Technologies, and the engineers who built them, advance the questions we’re able to ask and therefore what we’re able to understand,” said Connolly, research scientist at MIT Media Lab.
New England Innovation Academy students saw an opportunity for collaboration a little closer to home. Emmett Buck-Thompson, Jeff Cheng, and Max Hunt envisioned a social media app to connect volunteers with local charities. Their project was inspired by Buck-Thompson’s father’s difficulties finding volunteering opportunities, Hunt’s role as the president of the school’s Community Impact Club, and Cheng’s aspiration to reduce screen time for social media users. Using MIT App Inventor, ​their combined ideas led to a prototype with the potential to make a real-world impact in their community.
The Day of AI curriculum teaches the mechanics of AI, ethical considerations and responsible uses, and interdisciplinary applications for different fields. It also empowers students to become creative problem solvers and engaged citizens in their communities and online. From supporting volunteer efforts to encouraging action for the state’s forests to tackling the global challenge of climate change, today’s students are becoming tomorrow’s leaders with Day of AI.
“We want to empower you to know that this is a tool you can use to make your community better, to help people around you with this technology,” said Breazeal.
Other Day of AI speakers included Tim Ritchie, president of the Museum of Science; Michael Lawrence Evans, program director of the Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics; Dava Newman, director of the MIT Media Lab; and Natalie Lao, executive director of the App Inventor Foundation.
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sunaleisocial · 3 months
“They can see themselves shaping the world they live in”
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/they-can-see-themselves-shaping-the-world-they-live-in/
“They can see themselves shaping the world they live in”
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During the journey from the suburbs to the city, the tree canopy often dwindles down as skyscrapers rise up. A group of New England Innovation Academy students wondered why that is.
“Our friend Victoria noticed that where we live in Marlborough there are lots of trees in our own backyards. But if you drive just 30 minutes to Boston, there are almost no trees,” said high school junior Ileana Fournier. “We were struck by that duality.”
This inspired Fournier and her classmates Victoria Leeth and Jessie Magenyi to prototype a mobile app that illustrates Massachusetts deforestation trends for Day of AI, a free, hands-on curriculum developed by the MIT Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education (RAISE) initiative, headquartered in the MIT Media Lab and in collaboration with the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and MIT Open Learning. They were among a group of 20 students from New England Innovation Academy who shared their projects during the 2024 Day of AI global celebration hosted with the Museum of Science.
The Day of AI curriculum introduces K-12 students to artificial intelligence. Now in its third year, Day of AI enables students to improve their communities and collaborate on larger global challenges using AI. Fournier, Leeth, and Magenyi’s TreeSavers app falls under the Telling Climate Stories with Data module, one of four new climate-change-focused lessons.
“We want you to be able to express yourselves creatively to use AI to solve problems with critical-thinking skills,” Cynthia Breazeal, director of MIT RAISE, dean for digital learning at MIT Open Learning, and professor of media arts and sciences, said during this year’s Day of AI global celebration at the Museum of Science. “We want you to have an ethical and responsible way to think about this really powerful, cool, and exciting technology.”
Moving from understanding to action
Day of AI invites students to examine the intersection of AI and various disciplines, such as history, civics, computer science, math, and climate change. With the curriculum available year-round, more than 10,000 educators across 114 countries have brought Day of AI activities to their classrooms and homes.
The curriculum gives students the agency to evaluate local issues and invent meaningful solutions. “We’re thinking about how to create tools that will allow kids to have direct access to data and have a personal connection that intersects with their lived experiences,” Robert Parks, curriculum developer at MIT RAISE, said at the Day of AI global celebration.
Before this year, first-year Jeremie Kwampo said he knew very little about AI. “I was very intrigued,” he said. “I started to experiment with ChatGPT to see how it reacts. How close can I get this to human emotion? What is AI’s knowledge compared to a human’s knowledge?”
In addition to helping students spark an interest in AI literacy, teachers around the world have told MIT RAISE that they want to use data science lessons to engage students in conversations about climate change. Therefore, Day of AI’s new hands-on projects use weather and climate change to show students why it’s important to develop a critical understanding of dataset design and collection when observing the world around them.
“There is a lag between cause and effect in everyday lives,” said Parks. “Our goal is to demystify that, and allow kids to access data so they can see a long view of things.”
Tools like MIT App Inventor — which allows anyone to create a mobile application — help students make sense of what they can learn from data. Fournier, Leeth, and Magenyi programmed TreeSavers in App Inventor to chart regional deforestation rates across Massachusetts, identify ongoing trends through statistical models, and predict environmental impact. The students put that “long view” of climate change into practice when developing TreeSavers’ interactive maps. Users can toggle between Massachusetts’s current tree cover, historical data, and future high-risk areas.
Although AI provides fast answers, it doesn’t necessarily offer equitable solutions, said David Sittenfeld, director of the Center for the Environment at the Museum of Science. The Day of AI curriculum asks students to make decisions on sourcing data, ensuring unbiased data, and thinking responsibly about how findings could be used.
“There’s an ethical concern about tracking people’s data,” said Ethan Jorda, a New England Innovation Academy student. His group used open-source data to program an app that helps users track and reduce their carbon footprint.
Christine Cunningham, senior vice president of STEM Learning at the Museum of Science, believes students are prepared to use AI responsibly to make the world a better place. “They can see themselves shaping the world they live in,” said Cunningham. “Moving through from understanding to action, kids will never look at a bridge or a piece of plastic lying on the ground in the same way again.”
Deepening collaboration on earth and beyond
The 2024 Day of AI speakers emphasized collaborative problem solving at the local, national, and global levels.
“Through different ideas and different perspectives, we’re going to get better solutions,” said Cunningham. “How do we start young enough that every child has a chance to both understand the world around them but also to move toward shaping the future?”
Presenters from MIT, the Museum of Science, and NASA approached this question with a common goal — expanding STEM education to learners of all ages and backgrounds.
“We have been delighted to collaborate with the MIT RAISE team to bring this year’s Day of AI celebration to the Museum of Science,” says Meg Rosenburg, manager of operations at the Museum of Science Centers for Public Science Learning. “This opportunity to highlight the new climate modules for the curriculum not only perfectly aligns with the museum’s goals to focus on climate and active hope throughout our Year of the Earthshot initiative, but it has also allowed us to bring our teams together and grow a relationship that we are very excited to build upon in the future.”
Rachel Connolly, systems integration and analysis lead for NASA’s Science Activation Program, showed the power of collaboration with the example of how human comprehension of Saturn’s appearance has evolved. From Galileo’s early telescope to the Cassini space probe, modern imaging of Saturn represents 400 years of science, technology, and math working together to further knowledge.
“Technologies, and the engineers who built them, advance the questions we’re able to ask and therefore what we’re able to understand,” said Connolly, research scientist at MIT Media Lab.
New England Innovation Academy students saw an opportunity for collaboration a little closer to home. Emmett Buck-Thompson, Jeff Cheng, and Max Hunt envisioned a social media app to connect volunteers with local charities. Their project was inspired by Buck-Thompson’s father’s difficulties finding volunteering opportunities, Hunt’s role as the president of the school’s Community Impact Club, and Cheng’s aspiration to reduce screen time for social media users. Using MIT App Inventor, ​their combined ideas led to a prototype with the potential to make a real-world impact in their community.
The Day of AI curriculum teaches the mechanics of AI, ethical considerations and responsible uses, and interdisciplinary applications for different fields. It also empowers students to become creative problem solvers and engaged citizens in their communities and online. From supporting volunteer efforts to encouraging action for the state’s forests to tackling the global challenge of climate change, today’s students are becoming tomorrow’s leaders with Day of AI.
“We want to empower you to know that this is a tool you can use to make your community better, to help people around you with this technology,” said Breazeal.
Other Day of AI speakers included Tim Ritchie, president of the Museum of Science; Michael Lawrence Evans, program director of the Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics; Dava Newman, director of the MIT Media Lab; and Natalie Lao, executive director of the App Inventor Foundation.
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kvibe-test · 3 months
Art Meets Business: Inside Mind Sketch Podcast
I have always believed that the intersection of art and business is where true innovation happens. This belief sparked the inception of the Mind Sketch Podcast. The idea struck me during conversations with fellow artists, each facing unique challenges yet sharing common threads—balancing the passion for their craft with the necessity of business acumen. The podcast is a window into these stories, capturing the essence of what it truly means to be an artist in today's world.
The Birth of a Concept
The concept of Mind Sketch came from a deep-seated frustration. I felt that many people simply didn’t understand the guts it takes to make it in the business. "Not only do you have to be an artist, but you also need to have a sense of business and know your worth," I often thought. Artists, whether they are musicians, magicians, abstract painters, writers, or filmmakers, all face similar hurdles. They are artists at heart but also businesspeople by necessity. Our goal is to capture this duality and present it to our audience in an engaging and educational format.
The idea was to bring the world of these artists closer to the public, to help people understand the reality behind the glamour. From the grind of recording sessions to the complexities of contract negotiations and the struggle of staying inspired amidst financial pressures, every episode of Mind Sketch aims to peel back the curtain. It’s about more than just creating art; it’s about the journey, the hustle, and the hard-earned experiences that shape an artist's path.
Uniting Art and Business Wisdom
What makes Mind Sketch unique is its dual focus. We don’t just talk about art in isolation. Our interviews delve into the business side of things—the nitty-gritty details that many artists rarely discuss publicly. I wanted to create a platform where artists could share their journeys candidly, blending their creative ventures with the wisdom they’ve gained in the business world.
We’ve had musicians talk about the intricacies of royalties and the impact of streaming services on their income.
Abstract painters recounting their strategies for selling art in a digital age.
Magicians revealing how they market and manage their shows in a highly competitive field.
Filmmakers discussing the balance between creative vision and financial backing.
These stories aren’t just inspirational; they are instructional. Artists who listen to the podcast can pick up practical advice and, perhaps, avoid some pitfalls that their predecessors faced. For the listeners who aren’t artists, it’s an eye-opener into the sheer resilience and ingenuity required to succeed in these fields.
Goals and Motivations
The primary motivation behind Mind Sketch is education through shared experiences. I want our listeners to learn from each guest’s journey. Education in this context isn’t just about learning a new skill or understanding a new concept; it’s about gaining insights into what it truly takes to sustain a career in the arts.
We seek to demystify the artist’s lifestyle, demonstrating that it’s not only about raw talent but also about perseverance, strategic thinking, and often, learning from failure. Guests on the podcast share their triumphs, but they also share their setbacks and how they overcame them. This authenticity is crucial because it shows that even the most successful artists faced hurdles and had to develop their business skills.
Moreover, one of our significant goals is to unite artists and business professionals. By showcasing these stories, we hope to foster collaborations that can lead to innovative projects. Artists will better understand the importance of business savvy, and business minds might gain an appreciation for the creative process. This cross-pollination is where I believe the future of thriving artistic careers lies.
While the podcast doesn’t delve deeply into individual stories of artists in this particular post, every episode of Mind Sketch aims to highlight a different facet of the artist's journey. By alternating between artistic triumphs and entrepreneurial insights, we present a holistic picture that is as inspiring as it is educational.
Lastly, I want to mention that the Mind Sketch Podcast is a labor of love. It requires a significant amount of effort, from setting up interviews and doing pre-production work to the actual recording and post-production. But every second is worth it when you hear back from listeners who feel motivated and equipped to tackle their challenges. This alone makes all the effort worthwhile.
So, if you’ve ever wondered about the complex dance between artistry and entrepreneurship, tune into Mind Sketch. Whether you’re an artist struggling to find your footing or a business enthusiast curious about the creative process, there’s something for everyone. Join us as we sketch out the minds behind the art, one episode at a time.
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krishnahometuitions · 3 months
Conquering Class 12 Physics: How Home Tuition in Chandigarh Can Help You Shine
Physics in Class 12 is a fascinating subject, but it can also be a challenging one. From complex concepts like quantum mechanics to a vast syllabus covering everything from mechanics to modern physics, students can find themselves struggling to keep up or grasp the material fully.
Here at Krishna Home Tuition in Chandigarh, we understand these challenges and are here to help you excel in Physics. Let's explore some common hurdles students face in Class 12 Physics and how home tuition can be your key to unlocking success:
1. Demystifying Complex Concepts:
Concepts like wave-particle duality or electromagnetic theory can feel overwhelming at first. In a large classroom setting, it can be difficult to get the personalized attention you need to truly understand them. Home tuition allows our experienced tutors to break down these complex topics into manageable chunks, using clear explanations, real-world examples, and analogies to make them click.
2. Mastering the Vast Syllabus:
The Class 12 Physics syllabus is extensive. Juggling multiple subjects and activities can leave you feeling rushed and unsure if you're giving each topic the time it deserves. Here's where home tuition shines. Our tutors can help you create a personalized study plan that ensures you cover the entire syllabus effectively, prioritizing key areas and allocating enough time for proper comprehension.
3. Building Strong Problem-Solving Skills:
Physics is as much about applying knowledge as it is understanding it. Many students find themselves struggling with numerical problems, even if they grasp the theory. Home tuition provides a focused environment where you can practice solving problems under the guidance of an experienced tutor. This personalized approach helps you develop strong problem-solving skills and gain the confidence to tackle any challenge that comes your way in exams.
4. Personalized Attention and Support:
In a classroom setting, it can be difficult to get your individual questions addressed. Home tuition with Krishna Home Tuition in Chandigarh offers a personalized learning experience. Our tutors are there to answer your specific questions, identify areas where you need extra help, and provide targeted support to ensure you grasp every concept.
5. Boosting Confidence and Exam Preparation:
Facing challenges in Physics can lead to frustration and a dip in confidence. Home tuition can turn things around. With a dedicated tutor by your side, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the subject, develop strong problem-solving skills, and receive personalized guidance on exam preparation strategies. This comprehensive support system will boost your confidence and equip you to excel in your Class 12 Physics exams.
Krishna Home Tuition in Chandigarh: Your Partner in Physics Success
At Krishna Home Tuition, we offer a range of personalized home tuition options to suit your individual learning needs and schedule. Our experienced and passionate Physics tutors are dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals.
Don't let the challenges of Class 12 Physics hold you back. Contact Krishna Home Tuition in Chandigarh today and take the first step towards a brighter future in Physics!
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hariomhome · 6 months
Unveiling the Science Behind Homeopathy: Understanding How It Works
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Introduction: In the realm of alternative medicine, few practices have sparked as much curiosity and controversy as homeopathy. Originating in the late 18th century, homeopathy has endured skepticism and scrutiny while gaining popularity for its gentle and holistic approach to healing. At Hariom Homeo, we strive to demystify homeopathy by exploring the scientific principles that underpin its effectiveness. Join us on a journey to uncover the science behind homeopathy and understand how it works to promote health and well-being.
Understanding the Fundamentals of Homeopathy: At the heart of homeopathy lies the principle of "like cures like," a concept first proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. According to this principle, a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can stimulate healing when administered in a highly diluted form to someone experiencing similar symptoms. This notion may seem counterintuitive to conventional medicine, but it reflects a fundamental understanding of the body's innate ability to heal itself.
The Law of Similars: The Law of Similars, as it is known, is based on the idea that the body has a natural defense mechanism that responds to a stimulus by producing symptoms. By introducing a highly diluted substance that mimics those symptoms, homeopathy aims to stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms and restore balance. For example, a homeopathic remedy made from onion (Allium cepa) might be prescribed for someone experiencing watery eyes and a runny nose due to allergies, as onion can produce similar symptoms when encountered in its raw form.
The Principle of Minimum Dose: In addition to the Law of Similars, homeopathy adheres to the Principle of Minimum Dose, which suggests that the potency of a remedy increases as it is diluted and succussed (shaken vigorously). This process, known as potentization, enhances the energetic properties of the remedy while minimizing the physical substance present in the final product. Critics often question how such highly diluted remedies can have any therapeutic effect, but proponents argue that it is the energetic imprint of the substance that holds the healing power.
Understanding Potentization: Potentization is a crucial aspect of homeopathic pharmacy, involving a series of dilutions and succussions that progressively increase the potency of the remedy. Each dilution step is typically followed by succussion, which is believed to imprint the energetic signature of the substance onto the solvent (usually water or alcohol). The potency of a homeopathic remedy is indicated by a number and letter designation, such as 6C or 30X, with higher potencies corresponding to greater dilutions.
Exploring Quantum Principles: While the mechanisms of action of homeopathy remain a subject of debate, some researchers propose that quantum principles may offer insights into its efficacy. Quantum physics suggests that subatomic particles can exhibit wave-particle duality and nonlocality, meaning they can exist in multiple states simultaneously and influence each other instantaneously across vast distances. Proponents of homeopathy speculate that remedies retain an energetic memory of the original substance, which interacts with the body's subtle energy fields to produce healing effects.
Evidence from Research and Clinical Practice: Despite skepticism from some quarters, homeopathy has amassed a significant body of evidence supporting its efficacy and safety. Numerous clinical trials, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews have found positive outcomes for a variety of conditions treated with homeopathy, including respiratory ailments, musculoskeletal disorders, and mental health issues. While more research is needed to elucidate the mechanisms of action underlying homeopathy, the accumulating evidence suggests that it warrants serious consideration as a complementary approach to conventional medicine.
Personalized Treatment Approach: One of the hallmarks of homeopathy is its personalized treatment approach, which takes into account the unique symptoms, constitution, and individuality of each patient. Unlike conventional medicine, which often prescribes standardized treatments based on diagnostic criteria, homeopathy recognizes that no two individuals are alike and that the same condition may manifest differently in different people. At Hariom Homeo, our experienced homeopathic doctors take the time to thoroughly assess each patient's case and tailor treatment plans to address their specific needs and concerns.
Safety and Minimal Side Effects: Another advantage of homeopathy is its safety profile and minimal risk of side effects. Because homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and work in harmony with the body's natural healing mechanisms, they are generally well-tolerated and suitable for people of all ages, including infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Unlike some conventional medications, which may cause adverse reactions or interactions with other drugs, homeopathic medicines pose minimal risk of harm when used as directed.
Integration with Conventional Medicine: While homeopathy is often perceived as an alternative to conventional medicine, it can also complement and enhance the effectiveness of mainstream treatments. Many individuals find relief from chronic conditions or experience improved outcomes when homeopathy is integrated into their overall healthcare regimen. At Hariom Homeo, we work collaboratively with our clients' primary care providers and specialists to ensure seamless coordination of care and optimize treatment outcomes.
Conclusion: As we've explored the science behind homeopathy, it becomes evident that this ancient healing art offers a unique and profound approach to health and wellness. By harnessing the principles of similars, potentization, and individualization, homeopathy aims to stimulate the body's innate healing mechanisms and restore balance on physical, mental, and emotional levels. At Hariom Homeo, we are committed to providing compassionate and effective homeopathic care to our clients, empowering them to achieve optimal health and vitality. Let us be your partners on the journey to holistic well-being.
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kass-care · 10 months
Winter Skincare for Oily skin
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As winter descends, our skincare routines often demand a thoughtful recalibration. While many associate the season with dryness, individuals with oily skin face their unique set of challenges. This blog aims to shed light on the nuances of caring for oily skin during winter months, providing insights into the changes happening beneath the surface and offering effective strategies to combat the effects.
Winter Puppeteering Oily Skin
As winter sets in, our skin undergoes a fascinating dance with the elements, and for individuals with oily skin, this intricate process takes on a unique complexity. Contrary to popular belief, the skin doesn't necessarily produce less oil when the temperatures drop. Instead, it responds to external factors, such as low humidity and harsh winds, in a way that might seem paradoxical – by actually increasing oil production. Let's demystify this phenomenon, understanding the science behind it in simpler terms.
Low Humidity Role:
In winter, the air tends to be drier, with lower humidity levels. As a response, our skin's outermost layer, the epidermis, tries to compensate for this lack of moisture. The sebaceous glands, responsible for oil production, can go into overdrive to maintain hydration. This heightened oil production is the skin's attempt to create a protective barrier against the moisture-sapping effects of the cold, dry air.
Harsh Winds and Skin Reaction:
Harsh winter winds can strip away the skin's natural oils. In response, the sebaceous glands kick in to replenish the lost oils, contributing to an increase in oiliness. It's a delicate balance between external conditions and the skin's effort to self-regulate.
Understanding the Shift:
To put it simply, the skin's increased oil production in winter is a survival mechanism. It's a response to the environmental challenges posed by colder temperatures and lower humidity. The skin aims to prevent excessive moisture loss and maintain a protective barrier.
Why It Matters for Your Skincare Routine:
Understanding this intricate dance between the skin and the winter climate is crucial for tailoring an effective skincare routine. While it might seem counter-intuitive, neglecting moisturization for oily skin during winter can exacerbate the issue. By opting for hydrating products that maintain the skin's moisture balance without clogging pores, individuals can navigate the winter months with a skin-friendly approach.
Effects of Winter on Oily Skin
Delicate Balance:
Oily skin in winter demands a delicate equilibrium between excess oil production and dehydration. The skin's sebaceous glands can go into overdrive to compensate for the lack of moisture, leading to a precarious balance that requires careful management.
Shiny yet Dehydrated:
The paradox of oily skin in winter lies in its appearance - shiny due to heightened oiliness, yet underneath, it feels parched and dehydrated. This duality can create a confusing landscape for skincare, necessitating a nuanced approach.
Increased Sensitivity:
Winter exacerbates skin sensitivity for those with oily skin. The combination of cold, dry air and increased oiliness renders the skin more susceptible to irritation, redness, and overall discomfort.
Temptation to Skip Moisturization:
The common pitfall of skipping moisturization in winter worsens the issue. When oily skin lacks proper hydration, it triggers a counterproductive response – the skin compensates by producing even more oil, perpetuating the cycle of imbalance.
Potential for Acne Flare-ups:
The delicate balance between excess oil and dehydration sets the stage for potential acne flare-ups. The skin becomes a fertile ground for acne development, with increased oiliness providing an ideal environment for the proliferation of acne-causing bacteria.
Uneven Texture:
Winter challenges for oily skin often manifest in uneven texture. Dry patches and oily zones coexist, requiring targeted care to address the disparities and restore a more uniform complexion.
Compromised Overall Health:
Without proper skin care, the overall health of the skin may be compromised. The skin's ability to function as an effective protective barrier diminishes, leaving it susceptible to external stressors and environmental aggressors.
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andronicmusicblog · 10 months
Forget Faders, Embrace Feelings: Jack Stratton's Mixing Masterclass Decodes the "Vulf Sound"
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Vulfpeck's Jack Stratton, the producer and mixing wizard behind the infectiously funky band's signature sound, has launched a masterclass that's more than just EQ curves and compression ratios. It's a philosophy shift, a sonic epiphany urging you to ditch the technical rulebook and prioritize the soul of the music.
Stratton's "Mixing Masterclass" isn't about pixel-perfect gain staging or chasing the latest plug-in trends. It's about understanding the essence of a song, its emotional core, and amplifying that through the mixing process. He calls it "duality": balancing technical expertise with a healthy dose of intuition and artistic judgement.
Think of Diana Ross' iconic "I'm Coming Out." It's not technically perfect, with its wonky vocal takes and unconventional instrumentation. But it's raw, it's vulnerable, and it pulsates with an undeniable charm. That, Stratton argues, is the gold a mixer should mine. He encourages us to embrace the imperfections, and the happy accidents, and use them to weave the song's emotional tapestry.
This masterclass isn't just about Vulfpeck's quirky grooves, though Stratton does dissect their sound with surgical precision. It's a universal language for any genre, any artist. He delves into the creative headspace of a mix, teaching you to listen not just with your ears, but with your gut.
And there's the "cool professor" charm. Stratton's disarmingly self-deprecating, a refreshing antidote to the self-serious "guru" stereotype. He's here to share his journey, his stumbles and triumphs, to empower you to find your own "Vulf Sound," whatever that might be.
But hurry, Stratton's not your typical online course hawker. He's offering a limited-time discount, a chance to demystify his magic for a fraction of the price. So, ditch the technical manuals and embrace the "duality." Let Jack Stratton be your guide on this sonic expedition, where the destination is less about technical perfection and more about capturing the raw, beautiful soul of a song.
Enroll now, and let your mixes sing. https://vulf.co/p/mixing
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nirvanadcdis · 11 months
Indica and Sativa -Complete Understanding by Nirvana DC
Demystifying Indica and Sativa: An Enlightening Journey Through Cannabis History
Delve into the essence of cannabis culture and unearth the historical roots of Indica and Sativa, the twin pillars of the marijuana pantheon. Our journey traverses through time, exploring the rich tapestry of these ancient plants and their enduring impact on the present-day connoisseur
Indica and Sativa: Tracing the Origins
Our narrative embarks in the verdant expanse of the Hindu Kush, where Indica, with its lush, compact foliage, first whispered its secrets to ancient civilizations. It carved a niche in the tapestry of their culture, an intimate symbiosis of plant and people that has transcended millennia.
In contrast, Sativa unfurled its elongated limbs under the watchful gaze of the sun, spreading from the cradle of civilization through trade routes, its tale entwining with the chronicles of explorers and emperors alike. The duality of these strains has danced through history, a botanical ballet of form and function.
The Renaissance of Dispensaries: NirvanaDC's Pioneering Approach
NirvanaDC emerges as a bastion of this historical legacy, a dispensary steeped in the traditions of yore yet firmly rooted in modernity. Nestled within the heart of Washington DC, NirvanaDC is not merely a purveyor of quality cannabis but a conduit to a bygone era, a place where the echoes of ancient botany resonate with the pulse of contemporary life.
Deciphering the Dialect of Strains
The lexicon of cannabis is intricate, each strain a word with its own cadence and meaning. Indica, known for its soporific symphony, cradles users in a cocoon of tranquility, while Sativa, with its vivacious crescendo, invigorates the senses, a clarion call to creativity and conversation.
Crafting the Narrative of NirvanaDC
Our discourse is not one of mere commerce but of community, education, and experience. NirvanaDC's tableau is painted with the hues of heritage, each strain a brushstroke that tells a story of lineage and lore. Our patrons embark on a voyage through time with each visit, guided by sagacious staff who are not just employees but chroniclers of cannabis culture.
The Alchemy of Atmosphere
NirvanaDC transcends the archetypal dispensary, crafting an ambiance that melds the mystique of ancient bazaars with the clarity of modern design. Here, one does not simply purchase; one partakes in a ritual, the alchemy of atmosphere transforming each transaction into a rite of passage.
In Closing: The Vanguard of Cannabis Culture
As the vanguard of cannabis culture, NirvanaDC stands as a testament to the power of history, the value of knowledge, and the art of experience. We do not merely sell cannabis; we curate a legacy, each product a thread in the fabric of a narrative that stretches back to the dawn of civilization. Join us, and partake in the story that is NirvanaDC – a nexus where history and modernity converge, crafting a future woven from the threads of the past.
In crafting this narrative, we at NirvanaDC strive to elevate ourselves beyond the mundane, to outrank not through mere words but through the very essence of our ethos. Our content is the vessel through which we voyage across the digital seas, seeking to anchor ourselves at the pinnacle of Google's vast ocean.
At NirvanaDC, we specialize in providing high-quality cannabis concentrates to our clients in Washington DC. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to offering safe and effective cannabis products that meet your needs and preferences. From shatter to wax to oil, we offer a wide range of cannabis concentrates to suit your individual tastes.
Residents of DC, Maryland, and Virginia can get premium weed delivered to their door with NirvanaDC Dispensary. If you’re interested in concentrates, flower, vapes, edibles, and other cannabis products, check out our online menu for delivery or pickup or call 202-300-3636, to learn more about our products and services.
If you have questions, let us know! Our knowledgeable staff is always available to answer any questions you may have and help you choose the perfect product for your needs.
For more info:-
premier DC cannabis shop
DC cannabis landscape
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
So Tsumugi's thing is that he believes everything he does. In the war, for example, while Eichi is shown having doubts, Tsumugi has willed himself into believing what they're doing is a necessary evil. It is so easy to just view him as a victim, even Eichi does, thinking he forced Tsumugi to work with him through the contract, it's hard for people to grasp that Tsumugi just 100% was aware of and believed in what he did. Even after the last execution, he makes sure the paperwork is thoroughly burned to hide their deeds from history. A man who was simply manipulated into thinking he's doing the right thing and is now ashamed to have learned the "truth" would not go the extra mile. And he never believes himself to be a victim as far as I can remember. He is capable of realigning his belief system to reason his actions.
I could speculate on why Tsumugi is like this and I think it goes back to his childhood. I would argue it's a way to cope with the world. I have to reread Element, but as far as I remember, his mom often fell prey to shady religious organizations. Despite this, even when offered by Eichi a way to cut ties with her, he refuses, as he still want to believe in his family. (I can't help but draw parallels to Madara's childhood and how the 2 have had very different reactions to watching their parents participate in scam religions. Tsumugi deceiving himself to believe things sincerely to be convenient for him, and Madara cutting ties with his family altogether and going on to purposefully take jobs that he knows are not ethical as a way to punish himself.)
I'm not sure where I was going but I do think it's very nice that, in the end, Tsumugi is paired with Natsume, the magician. Magic is a thing that many people don't believe in, they try to uncover and demystify it, often to make sense of it through scientific values instead of incorporating it into their views. To me it just solidifies that Tsumugi's core quality is his ability to believe in things sincerely, for the better or for the worse. And this duality and convoluted belief system makes him, in my opinion, easy to misunderstand, or only see one side of. In the story he plays both the caring onii-chan and the necessary evil, and pretending otherwise does his character a disservice.
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New Moon at 23º Pisces and 2022 Preview
New Moon in Pisces brings an opportunity to all of us to mutate, to change, shift, see a new perspective. The last two weeks of Virgo full moon brought up tasks to finish, problems to address, order to be maintained, health to take care of, responsibilities to cater to. We move from there to the opposite side to give the situation another perspective.
I find Pisces perspective always the end of the life scenario but not the morbid kind, more of if you were at the end of life would you be doing this, would you be holding onto this, would you be making enemies or showing compassion. Different perspective same problems. Adding color of love and enjoyment to life. Colouring daily chores, making an uninviting prospect into fun production.
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Try to give it an aim over next two weeks so you can seed this and see it grow over next 6 months. Writing, advertisement, marketing, service in healing, life coach, theatre, inspiration, art, music, drama, dance, video, telepathy, entertainment, love, care, devotion, deep sensuality, meditation, philanthropy, films, media, psychic signs, channeling, psychology, naturopathy, self development, volunteering, gardening, paranormal interests, hidden mysteries of life - so many ways to activate & honour this ethereal energy which would stimulate your imagination.
Imagination fuels invention right now, lateral thinking opens a door to something rational. Pisces sitting in between the Sagittarius south node and Gemini north node activates the need to balance the left brain and right brain. Things that seem like creative distractions or even self indulgence can help create specific oneness of focus and bring a much needed bend in the road much like a yoga session, meditation, a swim, emotive music or art does.
Venus Neptune Conjunct New moon
I will though warn on financial and romantic matters - we could be very much idealising some financing and romantic situations - no muss if you do it flexi Pisces style and stay open to possibilities of things changing. Pisces always see the world that should exist in our dreams cause they are here to create heaven on earth but we should remember this during financial and romantic declarations right now we could be walking thin line.
I always say with Neptune aspect Idealise life not people - idealise the life path, the synchronicity that got you to the right person the right time, the right money, value, creative idea at the right time. Idealise your life path not the person you meet on the path. He or she may not be perfect but your life path is - it’s giving you who you need in that moment.
Heaven or Hell
All dual signs have the superpower to create heaven or hell - they can divert their immense ability to change directions and situations to shift the current in either direction. Pisces archetype do that with emotions and intentions.
23º Pisces in Sabian symbols stands for “A Materialising Medium giving a seance” This new moon gives opportunity to each one of us to induce our vital energy to substantiate either our conscious ideals or our unconscious desires. If you feel you have a gift, a mission, a mandate in life - we all do - a gift that can be of value to community - you and me need to substantiate that belief with results. In the seance the medium gives her everything - her body, her energy, her soul to what she is creating. There is an underlying sacrifice of self always embedded in Pisces - Neptune life. People don’t acknowledge this fact too many times, but Pisces face many unexplained circumstance in life that don’t allow them to live on the surface. They learn this devotion to life’s meaning and have very clear knowing of life’s fragility. This is realism but not the kind Virgo archetype holds or shines on - this is realism of life - of understanding of life - the kind of understanding & clarity normal humans only get at the end of life of what really matters. Soul enlightenment. Now from that place - what would you create - what you give your life energy to, all of it. All consuming that will survive death of body.
Duality though gives us two roads - heaven or hell - constructive aspect leads to substantiation of a dream an ideal. Shadow aspect leads to deception - sometimes self delusion. What is the motive induced into your seance cause that would determine what we create.
You will seek something beyond your daily experience - we may not know where it is leading. Intuition and faith is a muscle and Pisces new moon helps us flex it strengthen it with a practice. Saddle of Pegasus the winged horse is what the star Markab is called at 23º Pisces. A steady point within us - which helps us go to bigger things - a steady force within you from which will come focused action, knowledge, learning and a new world view of service. We would look at old problems with new glasses, new prespective. We find our saddle in Pisces practices - yoga, meditation, swimming, art, fashion, creation, music, emote - all things that balance our left brain and right brain. That shake off the rigidity, opening our muscles, our body, our chakras - releasing trapped energy - inviting fresh energy of upcoming fire season - new vitality in each part of our body.
2019-2020-2021 : The bridge
I see 2020 as the bridge between 2019 and 2021 - most of the new moon full moon we are in process of right now - we went through those degrees of activations in 2019. Like this new moon is happening close to the degree of full moon in Sept 2019. So if anything was completed, ended, declared, announced in Sept 2019, you will get a new perspective on it now and you will make a different choice. 2020 changed the structure of our existence, the rules we follow of our life that help us decide the forward course. So when presented with similar choices, you would choose differently now.
2022 Next Cycle
Neptune would go retrograde at this degree of new moon on 25th June 2021 so some of the idealistic quality of this new beginning will come for discoveries after that - there will be things we would be missing right now. Neptune retrogrades opens those blind spots to us so we have that coming and we should be ready for that. Some of the demystifying idealism is coming up in June - we would be a bit rosy in March but thats part of the charm of Pisces - live a little dream and creativity is killed if its bombarded with reality checks. But in financial matters know that we may not have the full picture.
Jupiter the planet of expansion is moving into Pisces fully after 28th Dec and it will meet Neptune at yes at this spot on 12th April 2022 which would be a outer planet meet colouring global events of 2022. This is a once in 166 years of divine cycle when optimism hits up our dreams and inflated expectations are very much at root of this cycle. We are seeding that cycle right now with this new moon so a bit of inflated expectations are in. But so are prospects for creative genius, compassion, inspiration, positive thinking, divinity. In 1856 when this cycle was last seen in Pisces - Sigmund Freud was born; Frank Baum the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was born ...Robert Peary who claimed discovery of North Pole was born... I can go on... Nikolas Tesla was born - creative genius underlines this cycle which is about to begin in 2022.
But there would also be delusional leaders, bad intention false hopes and inflation which would come with this. Seeds of that also is being planted now in inflated expectations and idealism. This cycle has deep implications for change in religion and spirituality. Also on weather patterns especially linked to floods, hurricanes - the Last Island Hurricane in US which destroyed Last Island was part of last cycle as was a massive church explosion. This was also first year when the Third Party in US called “Know nothing American Party” fought elections. Seeds of American civil war were grown in this cycle as well back in 1856.
End of March - Mars Conjunct North Node
Mars will be in Gemini for 6 months next year when it would be making a hard aspect to both Jupiter and Neptune. Infact Mars would in conjunction with North Node end of March on 26th March. Words would be said. Last time Mars in Gemini Conjunct North Node was in Jan 2002 - Axis of Evil speech. So time after 21st March when Mars comes close to Rahu or north node and it goes out of bound, it would give us immense energy to get over our fears, its fearless strength which helps us go beyond our bounds but it also makes us go beyond our bounds in words - we can get a bit impulsive reckless and hurtful - be careful of that around 26th March and we would see that pan out in public sphere. World’s most famous whistle blower - Edward Snowden was born with this aspect so you know what I am talking about - we will hear about it in news. But I do expect another Axis of Evil speech from US on Russia with this aspect possibly. Words have power and force and they can be used for intellect at work or imbalance in world.
As I said all dual signs have super power of ability to create heaven or hell - for Gemini that super power is in words. Channel this immense superpower wisely during this time.
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smallfrost · 4 years
I freakin love your analysis about scylla being the main!! do you think the book(witches) will give us any clue or explanation relating to scylla's "complicated family history"? Thank you again for your wonderful insights!
Okay so I haven’t read ahead yet so I can’t be 100% sure but as of now, after two weeks of book club, I say YES, I think it will give us some insight and I would guess later parts of the book may be even more revealing. Spoilers below for week 2 of the MFSRI book club reading Witches.
Week one brought us evidence that Scylla may be The Main because she represents the modern Archetype of the Witch but is way more than she seems. I definitely think that this continues to be supported after week two... Of course there is so much additional information in there with parallels to the show and the history, it’s not only about Scylla. But as to your specific question about potentially providing insight into Scylla’s complicated family history, I think there are two pieces of new evidence that could demystify this for us:
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The first is the letter from Johannes Junius (a male witch being put through the torture trials) to his daughter. I will not go into details because the letter is horrifying as he lays out what torture he had to endure after being falsely accused of being a witch. But Johannes speaks of how he was forced to confess in an attempt to “escape the great anguish and bitter torture” only to be tortured further and eventually killed [murdered]. Could this letter be paralleling the way that Scylla’s parents were hunted by the military (a form of being tortured in Scylla’s eyes; never truly being free) that ultimately ended in them being murdered after turning themselves in to the Military Police? I think perhaps yes. Could it be actually detailing something that happened to one of Scylla’s ancestors? Possibly. And dodging was like torture because Scylla and her family could never stop running because stopping would surely result in their ultimate demise. Though there is no way we can really make the prediction that this letter provides exact historical insight into the Ramshorns, at least psychological insight might be gleamed.  Or at least it may provide an explanation for why her family started dodging.
I want to also point out that this poem clearly parallels Raelle and Willa’s story with Willa writing Raelle letters detailing the “torture” she endured by the Military and with her last letter being a “farewell” of sorts. In fact, I think maybe even more so since letter writing is such a strong motif for Raelle and Willa. But the fact that this letter can parallel both Raelle and Scylla further builds on their duality since Raelle may be representing the deified Goddess version of The Witch while Scylla my be representing the demonized.  
But the second I think is really for Scylla due to it’s connection to burning. Once again turning to a highlighted poem, Baby Witch is all about a mother telling her child that she was born to be condemned by fire - to burn. So, definitely this poem is about Scylla since fire is her theme and being told from her mother’s point of view. The child in this poem [Scylla] has been condemned to burn because of what her mother chose to worship/how she chose to live her life. Scylla’s mother was a dodger, so therefore Scylla will always be hunted and in fear of being caught and burned... and Scylla is terrified of being burned again...
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And while these two moments don’t explicitly provide details about what exactly happened to the Ramshorns beyond what we already know (that they were dodgers and that they were murdered even though they turned themselves in), perhaps we can extrapolate that Scylla’s family was heavily hunted and tortured in the past and provide some explanations for why her parents became dodgers; they wanted to try and find some semblance of peace and freedom - to find an escape from the burning times. Pure speculation, but if reading Witches continues to illuminate these already pre-existing parallels, I think we’re going to be able to both a) predict some of the Ramshorn backstory and b) piece it together in retrospect after we learn more next season. 
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Define The Fear
DTF for short. Maybe this seems simple or obvious, but it's one of my greatest tools in recovery and just generally dealing with how difficult life has been and is as a survivor of child abuse. Surviving child abuse means you get into adulthood full of all sorts of vague yet consuming fears. This is because abusive parents put their children in this conflicting pressure cooker of duality where they're constantly terrifying you, but they terrify you the most if you express any fear-based emotions like having a scared look on your face or crying, so you learn to hide your terror, but you never get to not be in terror. The result of this is that as an adult, the whole world feels like a threat. It's a generalized feeling that's always there underneath. Like all else toxic in regards to surviving abuse, this generalized fear thrives in the dark. As long as it's vague, it can continue unabated and it will, and it makes life really hard. You might experiencing it as being afraid to go on a job interview, being afraid to succeed, being afraid to go outside, being afraid to trust people, being afraid to love. You might not even register these things as fear, you might just think you dislike these things, or more commonly, you might think you're not good at them. It's not true. You're good at everything. You were just terrorized as a child and now you're afraid and that totally makes sense. In psychology I think what they would call this practice is deconstruction. You deconstruct the fear. The very first step is to notice that you're afraid of something, not that you just dislike it or aren't good at it. Then you ask yourself, what am I really afraid of here? The answer might not come right away. You might have to sit on it for a while. You might have to wait and just let the question hang there in your life. Don't feel the need to rush this. Just ask the question, and let the question be until the answer becomes clear. It will become clear, I promise. This really simple process basically just demystifies the fear experience from past trauma. Ultimately, over time, it'll free you from your fears, one fear at a time. You don't have to believe right now that you'll be free of your fears either. You just do this process and it'll happen. Define The Fear. Shine a light in those crevices and what you'll find is, there's nothing for you to be afraid of anymore. 💙
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jaymonae · 5 years
“Head voice is not head voice is not head voice,” said William Culverhouse in his presentation on how choral conductors can be allies. His point was that the duality of head voice (higher singing with internal resonance in the head) and chest voice (lower singing, internal resonance in the chest) are gendered terms, not rooted in any necessary pedagogy, and definitely not helpful to trans singers. Instead, he used a system that he termed “M1/M2/M3/M4”. M1/M2 were for individuals who’d had testosterone dominance in their system at some point, M3/M4 for those who hadn’t. The first number designated the register we commonly think of as chest voice, the second for head voice.
I was astounded by how intuitive and useful this immediately felt. Indeed, when I think of “head voice,” I think unescapably of femininity, of angelic countertenors and cis women’s voices. When I think of “chest voice,” I think of burly-haired baritones, the boys of “Greased Lightnin’” and that time I auditioned with “The Vagabond.”
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