#Detective's Nocturne Case
gffa · 1 year
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I'm halfway through the "Nocturne" storyline--which is the story that was going on in Detective Comics right before Gotham War started--and I need you all to understand, Bruce Wayne is Going Through Some Shit. He's already feeling paranoid and anxious and like something is deeply wrong and he can't figure out what it is, except turns out THERE'S A DEMON STALKING HIS MIND, so like this is on top of Failsafe, Insomnia, and Zur-En-Arrh also hitting him in deeply personal places, AND it's very much leading into this idea that maybe Gotham doesn't need Bruce, but Bruce is the one who needs Gotham. The more I'm reading the comics around Gotham War to catch up on while I was away, the more I'm seeing just how it's not really one thing or another that's going on over there, that Bruce has been fracturing for awhile, he feels desperate to hold onto Gotham because he needs it, despite that he feels it slipping away, there's a literal demon stalking his mind and likely leaving him vulnerable to Zur-En-Arrh, he slips between "I" and "you" in his thoughts, from first person to second person, like it's not named specifically but it feels like a different consciousness is starting to bubble up to try to handle all this, and don't even get me STARTED on all the whump he's going through here. I feel like Gotham War works better for me when I'm aware of more of what's going on with Bruce around the same time and even considering some of the run-up stuff like as far back as the break-up with Selina or how it's still fairly recent in-universe that Alfred died or that Bruce had to deal with Dick's amnesia and the gut-wrenching truth that maybe the kid he's closest to/understands him the most maybe doesn't inherently want to be there to emotionally support him, given how hard Ric spurned him, you have all that and THEN pile a demon haunting his mind, Insomnia digging around in his brain, his own actions looming over him with Failsafe, and events start to make more sense. Gotham War isn't just Zur-En-Arrh, but it's not just "Bruce woke up and decided to be an asshole today", either. It's all of this stuff coming to a head and BOY IS THERE A LOT OF IT.
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sakura-code · 11 months
So this is coming from random reading of stories where characters have anxiety disorder, stating that sometime a character could have discomfort in physical contact,( not much of a touchy person) so that my random/weird/Baka question this time
In the Misfit AU, how does Yuma feel about physical contact, is he still ok being touch, or with all the experiments he endured with his forte( involves hand holding) it effects him somehow,that also can explain him wearing gloves,or he still hold hands but hides and tries to tolerate the discomfort for the people and mostly for investigations?
I already answered just now, but I can elaborate more about his hand scars and gloves and such.
Yeah, he would be uncomfortable with hand-holding due to the scars he have gotten from the experiments and the recent trauma he developed from working as a Peacekeeper. He is still healing them at the time since the beat-up he got from the Peacekeepers made the healing harder for him. And he would wear bandages, which he then cover with gloves in order to protect them from anymore injuries while he heals.
Second, Yuma would be more reluctant to use his Coalescence due to his trauma from the experiments, and not having a full grasp in knowing how to use them. Especially since using Coalescence has to have physical hand contact, which is even more out of his comfort zone. But he would swallow that discomfort for his teammates, clients, and the investigations. Though while the detectives would respect that, they would take note not to push his boundary too much and check on him before, during, and afterwards.
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pureconancommentary · 3 months
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First off, excellent talk from Agasa about Shinichi rushing into things being why he got into this mess to begin and why he's not really a mature detective. And it still takes a long time before he starts to take a breath and think things through before taking action. He's fully aware of our tiny detective's biggest shortcoming, and tbh it makes the Kudo parents actions later make more sense. Agasa probably told them that their son just keeps running headlong into danger.
Secondly, the security guard being killed is literally only brought up this once (and has another translation that makes no sense - 'tried to seize the robbers without knowing' is just - anyway it's saying the guard was unprepared or careless like Shinichi tends to be with his confrontations atm). But I suppose this is the best we get for a motive for why Hirota tried to take the money for himself. What was a big payout robbery accidentally involved the death of the guard, and Hirota was the getaway, so he tried to run first and lay as low as he could. We don't know any more details, we don't know if one of the three killed him or if, say, the BO had more involvement than just letting Akemi organize the robbery. So there's also a possibility that Hirota became more aware of other people at play who were more than willing to kill anyone in the way.
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trixiegalaxy · 6 months
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loremaster · 1 year
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hi rain code fandom. i finally finished cleaning up some months-old doodles about an au that has been living in my head rent free this whole time. i call it “boba au” off this image i made during the game (and also took months to finish). the concept is that they all get off the train and get boba, and then everyone joins the nocturnal detective agency and yuma gets TWO assist characters per case. many things change.
^ above: chapters 1-2
v below: minor spoilers for chapter 3, BIG spoilers for chapter 4
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and now you understand why i have been going feral with this au sitting in my head for so long. yes there is more where this came from. this is just the beginning of boba au. be afraid
(also yes that is zilch alexander the real zilch alexander, with the world’s most expensive hat)
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devilfic · 1 year
❝nocturnal animal❞
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plot: okay, maybe the caped crusader is a vampire. and maybe you just want to know what it would feel like for him to sink his teeth into you. it's not weird. pairing: vampire!battinson!bruce wayne x detective!gn!reader. cw: vampires (duh), vampire-typical erotic descriptions of blood drinking, vampire hypnotism/compulsion, teasing martinez (lovingly). words: 2.6k.
a/n: I had a rough month last month and writer's block was the icing on the cake, but I picked up a vampire encyclopedia at the library and found out batman has been turned into a vampire... several times. more times than I thought, actually. this is what came of it. happy halloween month!!
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"How does it feel?"
Gordon cuts his eyes to you for a moment, still thumbing through rows of manila folders. You sort of do the same just to appear a little less eager. "How does what feel?"
"The... well, you know." You awkwardly gesture to his wrist where the sleeve had fallen back a hair.
Your lieutenant flicks back his coat sleeve as if he were checking the time, but the watch face is laid flush against the inside of his wrist. He tugs at it. Frowns. Shrugs. "Feels like nothin'."
"Oh, do not bullshit me."
Gordon looks at you again. Then he glances around the storage room, quieter and emptier than every other room in the precinct right now. It's just the two of you here. You'd made sure of that before you decided to ask.
He props his arm on the box of cold cases and gives you a hard, judging stare. "I'm not describing what it feels like to have a grown man sucking..." He glances around again just to be sure no one had slipped in all of a sudden, "...if you wanna know, go ask him to bite you."
You... hadn't considered that. "He'd be okay with that?"
"I don't know, probably. It's not like he has a preference."
"I thought he didn't like Martinez."
"Well, you've seen Martinez. He eats like a high schooler."
You press your thumb into your own wrist, clenching and unclenching your fist until the veins show. You're possessed with a shiver as the draft from the vent above cools the skin. "So I... what? I just go up and ask?"
"Yeah, sure. Worst he can say is no."
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About a third of your coffee goes flying, splattering milky brown onto concrete. You're lucky it had gone cold on your way up here or else it would've singed the skin off your ankles, but you're still not happy.
"Christ- get down from there. I'm not talking to you like that."
The Bat is perched comfortably above the doorway, looking down on you from above, but makes no move to get down. He keeps himself crouched, "Where's Lieutenant Gordon?"
“Night off with Barb. He’s been overworking lately, you know how he is. I told him I’d take care of you.” You stare up into the darkness and feel your heartbeat pick up a bit. You force yourself to still it, keep it tamped down under the years of poker face your career had honed for you. “I’m serious. Come down and talk to me or I’m making Martinez do this.”
You usually negotiated with people on the other side of a table, and none of them could ever hear your heart going ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump… so this was fairly new to you.
He drops down in front of you, cape fluttering gracefully. The first time you met him, Gordon had warned you to keep your cool. I mean, six foot something unknown, dressed in all black armor with innumerable resources and connections, endlessly prowling the night sky, whose intentions were murky and who was only on your side until he decided he wasn’t? Everyone thought Gordon was crazy. You were the first to give him a chance.
You noticed the little things. You rarely saw him during the day, never could get him to come out of the shadows when you did, always skulking about and never seeming to slow down. Weekdays, weekends, holidays. At one point, you’d wondered if he was even human. You’d wondered it out loud, in front of Gordon, expecting him to rip off the cowl to reveal a labyrinth of wires and then-
And then you’d realized you’d been paying an awful lot of attention to the Batman, and absolutely not enough to Jim Gordon.
He doesn’t sway or make faces like other people, doesn’t give away his thoughts like you’re used to. Instead, you’ve noticed very minute ticks: prolonged staring (even worse than his normal staring), not bothering to take a breath, the stillness of him and around him. The cityscape in the background might as well be a wide, empty plain when you’re standing next to him. Eventually, he lies, “Martinez is fine.”
"Worst he can say is no," your ass.
You try not to be offended by that. “You don’t like Martinez.” You sound pretty offended, against your best efforts.
“That’s not true.”
“I- you know what I meant. You said it yourself. Gordon told me.”
“It's fine."
You squint, “Am I not good enough for you?” A rare look of surprise flickers in his eyes. "You just said you’d prefer the guy whose blood you don’t even like.”
“I said he’s fine.” You hear a little edge to his voice that gives you pause. You’ve heard it before, coiling around the margins of his words. A tell-tale sign, Gordon had said, that you were trekking into dangerous territory.
You press your lips into a firm line but stand your ground, “I already made my choice. If you really want Martinez, say so. Clearly. Use your words and mean it.”
The Bat stares, unreadable.
You know how this goes with Gordon. It’s nothing intimate. The wrist most of the time, other times the neck when it’s closest. Or when Gordon’s busy on his computer. It’s always quick. You don’t even see Gordon flinch.
But with you? You don’t know how it’ll go with you. You don’t know where to start, only that you’d been thinking about it all day after you’d finally called Gordon and promised “I can take care of him.”
Batman takes your wrist, brings it to his nose, and flinches away. You panic at the thought that it might really be he prefers Martinez to you until he plucks the coffee out of your hand and sets it down on the ledge. His eyes follow yours as his mouth falls to the inner wrist and you feel wet, cool breath against it. It tingles all the way up to your ears. Those eyes flicker away a millisecond later, inspecting your arm in its entirety.
His leather-gloved thumb caressing your skin should make you something other than what you’re currently feeling, that’s for sure.
“Thank you,” Batman starts, sounding reluctant. His eyes quickly flicker to your throat and then away again, “Do you have a preference? Anywhere I should avoid?”
"Anywhere someone might look. A friend... or partner, perhaps."
Your lips part, sucking in a breath, “No, uh- no. No one like that. Wrist is fine. O-Or neck. Whichever is… easier.”
He doesn't say anything more. His lips curl up. Two pointed fangs reveal themselves behind the parting of his mouth, fangs that weren’t there before when he spoke. You ruminate on that, a reminder that the man under the mask could be anyone if he could hide so easily like that.
You watch—transfixed, barely registering the pain—when those fangs pierce skin. Blood beads where his teeth push in slow, and the icy sting you're expecting is no more than a needle prick at best. But the strangeness of a mouth pressed there, suckling at the wound as blood dribbled out of it… you stretch your fingers and stiffen. It was all you could do not to scare yourself and rip that hand back, tearing a vein in the process.
His tongue unmistakably presses to the flat of your inner wrist and before you can question it, he’s got his eyes on you. All of it goes quiet after that.
You no longer feel the sting, nor his lips pillowing around his teeth, nor the grip of his hands holding your wrist to his mouth. All you see is blue. Endless, reeling pools of blue. Not red like they were in the movies, or yellow, or black all over. Blue. Human blue. Wondrously beautiful blue. Had you ever liked blue eyes this much before? It felt like this was your first time truly seeing them. They were just so… radiant. And here he was, swathed in night, with pale skin peeking out like a waning crescent. Had you ever seen skin so pale? It felt like this was the first time truly seeing it. It was just so...
Your train of thought wanes. Sweeping over you is a dizzy spell so abrupt that you think you gasp. Or whimper.
Feeling returns to you as soon as he breaks your gaze. All at once, your skin is flush, your breathing concernedly slow, your knees weak. It’s so shocking that you buckle at the slightest gust of wind.
Just as quickly, the Bat clings to your wrist and pulls you flush to his chest, holding your bleeding arm in between the both of you while he holds you in a half-dip (like a pause in a waltz), suspended over you. Your eyes catch on the darkness staining his bottom lip where his fangs are still poking out, and you watch as a drop of blood gathers, swells, and falls… right onto your cheek. It’s still warm.
You feel a subconscious warning thrum through you. Perhaps it was because you were so close now, that the blue looked more hypnotic than radiant and his skin looked more undead than celestial. You understand in one sweeping, chilling second, what you’ve just let sink its teeth into you. “What the fuck was that?”
“You were starting to panic,” he explains, low, using no effort at all to hold you, “I calmed you down.”
“How? It’s like… it’s like you hypnotized me. Did you hypnotize me? Do you do that to Gordon?”
You don’t mean for it all to come out like an accusation, but the feeling had been akin to walking on a cloud, only to wake up the minute your foot falls through. In the time that you’d been lost in his eyes, waxing poetic about his otherworldliness, he could’ve… well, he could’ve… he could’ve done anything.
The feeling was untethered. Wild. Alien.
When he’s sure you won’t hurt yourself, the Bat lets your hand fall back to your side, straightens you up but never pulls away. Your eyes keep glancing between his and the points right above his brow, unsure that he wouldn’t draw you right back into that place if you looked directly at him again. “Gordon doesn’t panic.” He simply answers.
You go to defend yourself but you had felt it; the mounting pressure of it, the strange pain toggling on the instinct to get away, get away, get away. Your heartbeat was so slow when you came back to, like he'd damn near put a stop to it. “I panicked?”
The Bat doesn’t laugh at you, even when the answer is so obvious. “It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's a common phobia.”
You're struck by his implication, “Are you seriously trying to say I’m scared of blood?”
“Maybe just your own.”
“I'm a detective. I see blood all the time. Maybe it's because you're a fucking vampire and my ooga booga brain is rightfully terrified.”
“You offered.”
Your ears burn, “As a favor to Gordon.”
“I can hear you lying.”
The sureness of his statement stops you quick. You feel yourself choke on nothing, sounding strangled as you respond, “Excuse me?”
“I could hear it,” your heartbeat thrums in your ears as the Bat continues to hold you, less waltz now and more hostage situation, “I heard it when you lied just now. I heard it earlier, on your way here. And I heard Gordon on the phone… not with Barbara.” He's blocking the wind sweeping over the ledge, making your flush feel hotter than before. “I don't prefer Martinez to you, but I know why you offered.”
You swallow, exposed. He'd make a damn good detective. "And?"
Your offended wrist is seized once more, and he studies the small holes there, as well as the teeny-tiny drops of blood still lightly flowing from the wound. It looks like it'll stop soon.
Achingly slow, Batman brings it to his mouth and licks away the last of you.
You have no choice but to watch, of sound mind and body, because he refuses to look you in the eye. You're forced to see him in his entirety. Forced to keep down that mounting pressure. A test, to see if you're just a little bit better than Martinez.
You steady your breathing and stare, trying to make this unnatural thing feel natural. Trying to not like it so much.
When he peels away, your skin is clean, and you can tell your blood is beginning to coagulate. "If you come back to me, I won't stop you. But if we're going to do this, I'd prefer somewhere with less concrete. In case you faint."
Your eyes narrow in on the slight pursing of his lips. Almost as if he were trying not to laugh. "I'm not scared of blood." You can’t tell if it’s because he’s so good at his poker face or if he really just doesn’t want to tease you further, but something about the clearness in his expression convinces you to speak up for yourself, “It’s probably because I missed dinner. That's all."
For one single moment, his face shifts. Then it smooths out again. You watch him climb onto the ledge, next to your long-forgotten excuse of a coffee, and turn back to you, "Will you be alright?"
You want to be annoyed about it, you really do, but the concern in his voice is true. As a compromise, you take a seat on the ledge, "Well, if you see the signal in the sky tonight, just assume I ate shit going downstairs."
As one final surprise, he smiles at you. Then he's disappearing into the darkness below.
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You can hear Gordon in your head as you slip a bag of chips out of Martinez' upper drawer. After the vending machine had eaten six of your dollars, you'd given up just short of kicking a hole in the glass. You didn't want to think about what kind of hell Chief Bock would put you through for that one.
After the Bat left, you'd stumbled your way down several flights of stairs with the hopes of ending your shift only a little past midnight. There were still cops around, most unusually idle for a night in Gotham, and you supposed they had Batman to thank for that. Not that they ever would.
The very thought of him flashes images of his tongue on your skin, lapping at your blood, and you immediately force yourself to think of anything else. That was going to be a long-lasting memory.
If you were lucky, you at least wouldn't see him until tomorrow night, and that might give you time to get some sense into you. And food, too. The chips in your hand are no Michelin star dinner, but they'd hold you over until you made it home.
Just as you turn the corner to your office, you notice that something isn't quite how you left it. The door, for starters, is cracked where it was once closed.
You take a beat, then two. You listen for movement in your office, careful not to cast a shadow under the door and give yourself away, but hear nothing.
You push the door open in a rush, staring into the dimly lit room searching for the barrel of a gun staring back at you. Or, considerably worse, a person.
Instead, on your desk where it definitely wasn't before, is a bag of something that smells suspiciously like good food. You approach cautiously. Sure enough, you recognize it from Gordon's favorite lunch spot... your go-to, as only Gordon would know it.
A note is stuck to the side of the bag, a message written in neat curves and lines. The penmanship of a steady hand, not at all like your lieutenant's fast-moving scrawl. You read the note and feel a phantom sting where your wrist is patched up in band-aids.
Thanks for dinner.
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @marina-and-the-memes @angxlictexrs @moonlightreader649 @geekyfer @thescarletfang @navs-bhat​ @yehet-moi-ohorat @bluestuesday
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yakool-foolio · 4 months
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To celebrate, I've decided to write up the summary of my personal interpretation on Yakou's childhood! Enjoy!
The Tale of The Silver-Tongued Street Rat
Yakou could only pick at the scraps of a decent family life after his parents abandoned him at an early age. Forced to survive in the harsh environment of a big city riddled with gangs and backdoor merchants, Yakou had no choice but to adapt, lest he be doomed to be easy pickings for those with far more experience living in a dog-eat-dog world. Yakou proved to be a quick learner, familiarizing himself with the local gangs and how they function. He also gained his most important skill: the ability of persuasion through quick wits and spoken words without having to raise a single fist.
However, Yakou refused to live his new life alone. He still held tightly onto his dreams of being a detective, serving justice to criminals and giving closure to those who need it most so they won't have to feel alone in their struggles anymore. And so, he rallied up fellow kids all around Kamasaki District to join in his newly formed Nocturnal Detective Agency! Of course the only proof of concept were some handmade badges, but it was enough to solidify Yakou's lifelong goal.
His adventures as a young and spunky detective didn't come without rivals. One kid on the block shared in Yakou's vivid imagination, but played a different game than him. Little Yomi was the leader of a different group of kids who wanted to be peacekeepers, much like their parents who were already employed to Amaterasu Corp. While they didn't directly oppose Yakou's rebellious band, Yomi considered the pre-teen detectives to be 'not as cool' as them. The two groups often play-fought out in the streets, but an unlikely alliance formed between Yomi and Yakou. Yomi decided that Yakou would be his sidekick, working as his companion in case he ever needed a helping hand (such as acting all high and mighty in front of some very angry gang members). Despite Yomi being admittedly prissy, Yakou couldn't back down from his purpose to protect, so he agreed to be Yomi's assistant. The other kids in both groups were altogether surprised by the sudden change of heart between the two, especially to a boy with blue tattoos under his eyes and a girl with ever-changing sunglasses.
But all good things soon reach their end. As Amaterasu continued to rise in power and control over Kanai Ward, the job as a detective became far less appealing to the masses. The peacekeepers could fit the role just as well, if not better, and be paid more reliably to boot. Yakou's detective agency fell out of fashion, and many of the teens who allied with him became nothing more than strangers once again. Yomi remained one of the very few who stayed by his side, but not without reinforcing Yakou's shame of feeling lowly compared to the up-and-coming teenager destined to become a high-ranking peacekeeper. And yet, it was a sensation he felt like he could hold on to, keeping him motivated to be a detective and prove Yomi wrong.
In the meantime, Yakou would have to get a part-time job to sustain himself. Maybe working as a bartender would be enough...
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sasheneskywalker · 2 months
Weekly Batman/DC Fic Recs (1)
This week I've read two delightful character studies, one focused on Barbara Gordon and the other on Jason Todd. There's also a hilarious SI/OC fic from the perspective of Tim Drake and two fantastic fics where Lonnie Machin/Anarky plays a major role. Apart from that, two delicious smutty fics got an update: Bruce/Dick/Jason college au and Slade/Jason western au. We also have an amazing DCU, MCU and X-Men crossover oneshot! Hope you enjoy the recs <3
Delta T by Havendance In one universe, mere seconds stop Barbara Gordon from sniping Black Mask. In another, she takes the shot.
G | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman (Comics) | Helena Bertinelli & Barbara Gordon
this city is the place to be by Jezebunny Gotham city is going to be destroyed in twelve hours.
Jason doesn't see any point in stopping it.
What does he owe anybody, anyway?
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Domestication Protocols for Nocturnal Fauna by rozaceous, vermillion_crown It’s been years since Tim's thought about the secret identities of Gotham’s winged wonders. A chance encounter while searching for college roommates that won’t burn the place down gives Tim a lead and the hope of new accommodations. The only thing he has to do is pretend that he doesn’t know anything.
("—and they were roommates!" SI/OC edition)
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Batman - All Media Types | Jason Todd/Original Female Character(s), Tim Drake/Original Male Character(s), Dick Grayson & Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s) & Original Male Character(s), Tim Drake & Original Female Character(s)
The Assassination of President Luthor by the Radical Lonnie Machin by NiteWrighter "Hi. I’m Lonnie. So I guess I should start out by saying, I don’t believe violence is a sustainable tool. It’s not. It’s a reflection of our ugliest, most base instincts. But it is the current language of the state, so I apologize for bringing my voice to the conversation."
President Luthor has been brutally killed by a magical weapon, and Anarky has claimed responsibility. The Justice League is struggling with the ensuing fallout, instability, suspicion, and speculation, while a power vacuum opens up in the world of the Rogues. What does a world without Lex Luthor look like? Is he truly gone? Has a greater chain reaction been kicked off by this single death?
T | Major Character Death | Superman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) | Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Diana (Wonder Woman) & Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Lana Lang/Pete Ross, Tim Drake/Lonnie Machin
The Half-Life of Sixty Seconds by sunnymusings "The problem with thinking like a detective is not actually that thinking like one is too strict or structured. There’s organization on a document, but Tim’s mind is not a bullet journal. It’s not a legal form, it’s not a spreadsheet, it’s not a ledger.
It’s messy and human and creative. Loose, unstructured, instinctual. Detectives aren’t good at solving cases because they work like machines; it’s much the opposite. It’s that creative mess which aids in seeing between the structure of presented facts, reading the code, and then cracking it. It’s like tracing a spider web back to its center. There’s an observable track leading exactly where one needs to go— a veritable method to the madness— but it’s still art, all the same, even to the broom that ruins it.
So, when Tim is presented with a countdown, it’s not just a mechanical, factual understanding of time that pushes hard against the inside of his ribs; it’s a too-clear visual of a digital clock-face, neutral and unyielding, counting down from sixty in his neocortex. Artistic and messy and emotional.
There is only one place to go once one is caught in the web."
Based on Red Robin #16. Missing Scenes and Relationship Building.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types, Red Robin (Comics) | Tim Drake & Lonnie Machin, Tim Drake/Lonnie Machin
Making The Grade by MelodramaticMrTails Jason partners up with the rich and beautiful Dick Grayson and quickly finds out the Wayne family secret- and that Dick wants him to join in on it.
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Nothing to Nobody by Jae_Cillian The kid—Jason—stared at Slade with wide, alert eyes. Big and round like a doe—startled in its grazing, frozen in the sights of a predator. He leaned forward, one hand still gripping the pistol but the other anchoring his weight against the floor as if to stand and chase after Slade. But with Slade’s eye on him, Jason didn’t dare move an inch. All tense lines and silent shudders of breath that Slade could see quake along the kid’s ribs, Jason reminded Slade of a stray dog. Snarling and snapping its canines when he got too close, but whimpering and whining when he walked away.
Slade wondered how long it’d take to tame the kid; and, thereupon, realized he might enjoy the challenge of it.
In which Slade, while chasing after the Joker gang's bounties and stolen payroll, finds Jason—battered, beaten, and abused at the gang's hands—alone in the mountains. Intrigued by the kid's feral tenacity, he offers Jason a chance at revenge.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Deathstroke the Terminator (Comics), Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics) | Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
Five Supersoldiers Walk Into a Bar by bittercape He spots him through the binoculars, far away and disappearing fast. Logan is, more than anything, a hunter. He knows how to watch, and he watches the sniper moving away, after a single well-placed shot. He moves just like Barnes did. Everyone has a particular way of moving, if you know how to watch. And Logan, as mentioned, knows how to watch.
Logan knows it cannot be him, knows he died, falling from a train. No normal human could survive that. And yet …
He drops down from the watchtower. He’ll catch hell for this, sure. But he has to know.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men (Comicverse), DCU (Comics), Deathstroke the Terminator (Comics) | Logan (X-men) & James "Bucky" Barnes, Logan (X-Men) & Natasha Romanov, Logan (X-Men) & Slade Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Slade Wilson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) & Slade Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Slade Wilson
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about-faces · 5 months
I'm still loving Gotham Nocturne and I wish it was getting the love/respect/attention is deserves. I've spoken several people who haven't been reading the current Detective Comics run because they're Batmanned Out (good lord, do I get it) and they see it as just another attempt at some kind of "ultimate Batman story with Batman fighting the ultimate evil," which I strongly disagree with.
THAT SAID... as time has gone on, and the story seems to be reaching its finale, there are a few things that stand out of me as problems with this epic storyline.
1.) It's one of the most egregious examples of "writing for the trade paperback." This simply isn't a story that's meant to be read month-to-month. It's too slow, with too little "happening," at least on the superficial level. Paradoxically, it's NOT a story that should be binged! The best comparison that comes to mind is Better Call Saul, since that's the only other example of serialized media that's meticulously slow-paced yet INCREDIBLY RICH for those willing to engage with it on its level rather than expecting it to be Breaking Bad (or in Nocturne's case, a typical Batman story.) Ram V is capable of writing super-engaging monthly issues, as the fantastic Rare Flavours proves, but that brings us to...
2.) The story is sprawling. Maybe even TOO sprawling. When it comes to people who are sick of Batman, I try to sell them on the fact that this story is about GOTHAM AS A WHOLE, right down to the villains who call it home, and how everyone there is as intrinsically a part of Gotham as Batman is. But ensemble stories like that are tricky, and it makes the focus feel all over the place at times, with alternately too much and too little attention being paid to the main players, Batman included. It's a balance that was handled beautifully with Batman: The Audio Adventures, but it seems a bit more awkward here. Again, it's hard to pull off!
Like, we have characters pop up and then vanishing without explanation. We got Azrael back in the AzBats armor for the first time in decades, like, holy shit! That should be a HUGE development! And then, poof, he vanished! There's simply no time to explore Jean-Paul's character because there's so many other things the narrative needs to explore.
This feels like it would have really benefited from a companion series, something to focus on the characters the way the backup stories have done, but just more so. I think about how Peter Tomasi would write companion books to the main big storylines written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, and Scott Snyder, and how he'd focus on character, which always enriched the greater "big important storyline." Which, in turn, also brings me to...
3.) The backup stories have really lost a lot of their punch since they stopped being written by Si Spurrier and were taken over by Dan Watters. Watters is incredibly capable, make no mistake, and his Cheshire/Lian Harper story is one of my favorite parts of this entire saga. But by and large, his tales focus more on the spooky and weird sides of what's happening with Nocturne, whereas Spurrier's stories were more focused on characters navigating the weirdness of the events. As a result, Spurrier gave us what I consider to be some of the very best stories about Jim Gordon, Harvey Dent, and Victor Fries ever written. I really miss those, and how they enriched Ram V's (possibly overly-ambitious) narrative.
Ultimately, Gotham Nocturne feels like the Batman equivalent to an arthouse film, which means it's going to be appreciated by a handful of nerds while leaving most other fans cold, and I can't really blame them. If anything makes me sad about all this, it's how all this incredible character work with Bruce, Harvey, Victor, Talia, and others is going to be ignored. Hell, it already is, given the complete lack of acknowledgement we've seen in other Bat-books for what's going on in Nocturne.
At this point, I just hope it sticks the landing in the finale, because I want to be able to have a complete, satisfying epic to recommend to people who want something a bit richer than the typical "guy in Bat costume punches clown" stories we usually get.
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Does anyone have non-bird wings in the winged AU? Whether natural or artificially changed somehow
Sanguine has bat wings.
Something I've forgotten to add is that they can have similar abilities or habits as the bird/insect/winged animal they take after. People with bat wings can use Echolocation, which comes in handy for Sanguine. People with insect wings can create poison depending on their species.
Vampire wings change to vampire bat wings or vampire moth wings. If you were a sorcerer before you were bitten, your wings look how they used to (like an owl or sm) during the day and in the night it's revealed to be something else.
(I go beyond the ask here)
Crows (like Skul and Val) are more intelligent than normal people, which goes with their detective thing. Skulduggery takes advantage of his intelligence obviously and those who weren't around when he was alive, they don't know what sort of wings he has.
Crows mate for life, those with Crow wings take this very seriously. When Caelan first kisses Valkyrie, she's disgusted on instinct and the whole cheating plot never ends up happening because it just goes against everything she is. Same as Skulduggery. He's never cheated on any of his partners. Has he betrayed them? Yes. But he has never dated two people at once so it doesn't count in his eyes. Sockets? Whatever.
Crows remember faces and can hold grudges. Let me introduce you to Skulduggery Pleasant. THE Grudge Holder.
Crow Winged People get along well with wolves and dogs. Omen once found a stray, befriended it, and it ended up barking at his parents when they yelled at him, leading to the dog being taken to the pound. (Omen becomes resentful earlier because of incidents such as these.)
Moving on from crows.
Nightjars are nocturnal, feeding on night-flying invertebrates like moths and flies. Tanith follows the nocturnal part and has an instinctual dislike of those with insect wings. Fun fact: Nightjars are migratory, arriving in the UK from Africa during spring. This is how she and Frightening met, Tanith flies to Africa every once in a while. She was groomed into ignoring those parts of her instincts but she enjoys the trip.
Sometimes male Emus really don't like each other and may chase other males away- This is what happened shortly after Fletcher gained his wings. Cameron Light was also an Emu and Fletcher decided that he didn't need his opinion. As he matured he chilled out and was excited whenever he met those with Emu wings like his. (someone can correct me on these btw, I'm no bird expert.)
As it turns out, Ravens and Crows don't get along. As it also turns out Solomon and Skulduggery don't get along. Solomon is mildly standoffish to those with crow wings, minus Valkyrie because he saw her magical potential and decided that she was the exception not the rule.
Eagles are outgoing, confident about their abilities and have no problem telling you what they are thinking. Nefarian is all of this, but he's often laughed off due to the fact he's grounded. Eagles do not eat dead things but fresh prey, this ends up translating (in Nef's case) to him killing Skulduggery because he became a thorn in his side and it would have been unsatisfying if anyone else killed him.
I'll be happy to talk about individual characters to go more in depth on them because the more I think about this au, the more attached I get. Thank you for the ask.
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lazlolullaby · 1 year
temporal temp work, a Batman Beyond and WFA style fluid comic canon crossover (but mostly Bruce amnesia recovery/character study)
Bruce lost his memory. He has no idea who Batman is, or what he's done for the past 30 years of his life.
Bruce is still a detective, despite the holes in his memory. He keeps noticing little tells, bruises, signs of lying. He knows he did something in his spare time, he's not sure what.
The batfamily decide that if it's not going to come back easily, then they should treat it as a retirement for Batman. They all came to an agreement, that they would be "as civilian as possible" around Bruce as to not put pressure on him to perform as Batman when he's not ready.
Alfred and Dick had gently explained that they won't tell him anything until he comes to a conclusion by himself and tells the family. If he gets it correct, then they can talk about it. If he doesn't, they can't. The Batcave is still open for him to find.
(he's in the world's most elaborate detective game, basically.)
in the meantime, Bruce focuses more on the company, on bonding with his suddenly large brood of kids, and legal methods of fixing Gotham.
Everyone's backstories remain similar to what the press knows. Jason's case is special, as he's dead. So Jason explains that he did survive, he was mad at Bruce for a while, so he got out to get his own place. They are slowly repairing their relationship.
Damian also flat out goes: "Yeah I was grown in a jar for the League of Assassins." and everyone nods and goes along with it. Jason even says he's seen the jar.
He even starts to bond with Tim, Jason, and Duke again over investigating crime. (well. More for the kids to solve it.)
The ones that fight the most for Batman to come back, the ones that make the most progress in getting Bruce to remember are Tim and Terry, since they were the ones that got him out of his funks in canon.
Bruce has nightmares. Despite losing the context of the fears, he still has them, he still can remember some Caped Adventures. He blames that for his nocturnal sleep schedule.
The Justice League dropped by in capes, trying to get him to remember.
Bruce gets totally suspicious that he's funding an entire space station. It takes him a week to crack every. single. founding JL member's ID, and even some sidekicks...Except Batman and his merry brood of birds and bats. (It doesn't help that the Dark Knight has been missing. no new data.)
The Gotham Rogues are starting to get gutsy. The Batfamily is stretched thin. It gets to the point where either scientists or magicians step in and try to "Summon Batman".
This is where Terry comes in. He gets summoned with Ace the Bathound. They survive on the streets of Gotham, then find Nightwing and Red Robin facing off against a Joker that's "pining for his eternal rival"
Tim is barely in danger but Terry's instincts go full throttle and he starts to roast. They see Ace has a harness with a Wayne Security badge and a license that are both dated for decades in the future.
Dick and Tim take Terry home. Say he's a friend in a tight spot, but Bruce sees right through it. Terry is the seventh black haired kid to be sheltered by Bruce and he knows it's a ploy to jog his memory. He's not having it. Terry also isn't interested in playing along with that either, instead loudly acknowledging he's got family already.
Ace gets along well with lots of the Batfamily. Terry makes a comment that he was trained as a PTSD-support dog. He knows how to sit and block people from getting into your space, how to use his weight as a grounding method. Bruce starts researching getting one for the house.
The batfamily train Terry on the streets for a few nights just in case. Nightwing goes back to Bludhaven. Dick does as well, and Bruce figures the connection quickly. The Justice League is seen with a new Batman.
Terry decides to annoy Bruce into becoming Batman again. Being ever so slightly off kilter, but still dedicated to helping. Always saying "If the guy I'm temping for doesn't like it, he can come out and do the job again."
Terry sees Bruce's psych profiles and list of Batman and Batman II suspects and makes a comment. "You writing a murder mystery or something?"
"Or something."
"What's the seventh rule of Knox's 10 commandments of detective fiction?" Terry asks.
"The detective must not commit the crime?"
"Mmm-hmm. Good thing you're not writing."
Bruce is getting tired of not knowing. Not getting better. Terry talks about how he was an assistant to an old man. That he also had trouble with being less active than he used to be.
Batman II shows up to save a hostage Bruce Wayne, and Bruce plays 20 questions. "why are you here in Gotham?"
"someone has to. And I already promised that I would."
"who did you promise? Why does it have to be you?"
"What makes this work is that I chose it. I work so I won't destroy this legacy. Me. My choice."
"You didn't say who you promised."
"The last guy who wore the bat...he got swallowed up by it. Didn't even think of himself as anything but Batman at the end." He shrugged. "Separating yourself from the mask is important. You know about Superman, yeah? He needs that job. He needs his friends and family, if not to feel human, just to be the best he can. Bruce. You have your friends and family. What are you willing to do to protect it?"
idk i can't figure out a suitably appropriate and dramatic emotional situation where Bruce figures it out. But he does.
Bruce gathers all of the family in the Wayne Study for a Classic Detective Reveal. He goes through the Batfamily one by one an unmasks each of them correctly, even confirming the ones who had other identities.
Bruce takes up the Cowl again, this time with a little more restraint and respect to his Bruce Wayne identity.
Terry goes back to Neo Gotham, stronger and happier that he knows the Batfamily.
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pinklovely05 · 1 year
RAIN CODE SPOILERS - rant on character utilisation
alright so I've ranted in tags of reblogs before but I think it's time I made my own post. I enjoyed rain code, I thought it was great. but I think one of the game's weaknesses is lack of screen time for the main characters, particularly the master detectives of the nocturnal detective agency, I'm actually rather satisfied with yakou's role so I won't be touching on him.
while I like each character getting focus per chapter, I kinda don't like how the other characters are virtually nowhere to be found for essentially the entire chapter, the only chapter that I think used all the characters well was chapter 4 (fucking EXCELLENT chapter, best one in the game) and the end of chapter 3.
but you know what?
even then, I can forgive some of the earlier chapters for not having every character at least be around, in fact I think the single character per chapter could have worked if it weren't for one thing. what really bugs me is the lack of involvement for any of the NDA in chapter 5, you know. the FINAL chapter.
I kind of hate? that they were just believed to be dead and had zero involvement in the unravelling of kanai ward's ultimate secret whatsoever despite the fact that they were ALL sent to solve it. I get it was supposed to instill yuma with hopelessness but I think main characters getting no involvement in the final chapter hinders the game more.
you know. what I liked about danganronpa is that every living character was required to participate in every trial, every living character was also forced to have screentime every chapter as a result, so the final survivors of the game always ended up unravelling the final mystery together. to see all these characters we have come to know react to mind-blowing revelations at the end. this was what I was hoping for rain code.
honestly, some part of me wished all the detectives formed some sort of coalescence chain when they all held hands so they could all enter the mystery labyrinth and solve the case together and have some bullshit convenient side effect of sharing vivia's forte or something make it so they all keep their memories. the ending can still happen the same way, yuma just cancels his coalescence on all the other detectives so they can leave and then he takes the emergency exit.
I would've loved to see all the detectives bouncing around ideas inside the mystery labyrinth, losing their minds over the revelations. of course, vivia and halara likely would've figured out earlier than others but it still would've been nice to see. god it would've been nice to see more of them in the aftermath of chapter 4 too.
in fact, even having the other detectives in on the investigation would have helped!! can you imagine all of them reuniting and getting closure with yakou? they all loved him, I think they deserved to get the same closure as yuma.
anyways this is kind of messy, ended up being longer than I intended but tl;dr, NDA should've been involved in chapter 5, they were all sent to solve kanai ward's ultimate secret and deserved to unravel the mystery together
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
Yuma and Eevee
You Heard of Detective Pikachu... Get ready for Detective Eevee!
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Yuma's Eevee is also a top detective. (it also strongly resembles him) Raised in the WDO all it's life, it has a lot of strong insight and can usually tell if a culprit has malicious intent behind them. (but since it only senses malicious intent it isn't always right on the culprit) It's also very helpful during investigations. (its had lots of experience) With Yuma having amnesia, Eevee is very helpful to him during crime scene investigations. It has a serious nature and it has a strong will.
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Of course, because of this, it does not get along with Shinigami. Because of Eevee's strong insight, it can sense her. (and pokemon and human are bound in this world by a link, so whatever yuma can see, eevee can usually see too) Being the jealous type, she calls it a “rat” constantly telling Yuma that it would just get in his way. With both of them being Yuma's partner, they became rivals. They fight and argue a lot (shinigami can understand pokemon speech) causing poor Yuma to get a headache. Yuma also has Shinigami translate what Eevee says during investigations. (tho she almost never complies unless yuma says "please" or begs her, causing eevee to get annoyed with her again) The fighting never ends with them.
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Eevee does get along fairly well with the rest of the nocturnal detective agency’s Pokémon partners. It becomes best friends with Desuhiko’s partner, it has a fellow kinship with Halara’s partner since both are oddly colored, when it later meets Fubuki’s partner for the short time it comes to their aid it gets along pretty okay with it, its a little wary of Vivia’s partner, but it doesn’t hate it. And it likes to hang and take naps with the chief's partner when its at the agency (though it isn’t often) Outside of the agency, the only other Pokémon it knows personally is Kurumi’s partner. It actually has a huge crush on Eevee and loves following it around whenever Yuma and Kurumi are together. And it eventually meets Makoto’s partner, though it isn’t until MUCH later. Makoto lies saying he doesn’t have a partner when he first meets it and Yuma. But in reality, he's hiding it from sight.
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Eevee can join in the Mystery Laybrinth as a guest due to the Coalescence ability since it is usually on Yuma's shoulder. Meaning it does sadly forget the case it helped it's master investigate. But it helps in other ways. When in a Mystery Labyrinth, Eevee holds onto the Solution Keys until Yuma asks for them. It carries them in a little keyring. After the mystery is solved it forgets the event like any other guest. But it makes Yuma bond with it more, since he remembers.
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Being the partner of Number One of the WDO, Eevee completely objected to his master using the Book Of Death to erase his memory for the Kanai Ward Mystery. (so it already didn't like shinigami) But he told Eevee to look after him and always be by his side to help Shinigami form him into a detective using the skills they both learned in their journey becoming Number One, together.
Since this was a command from it's master, Eevee obliged. It cared deeply for him and made sure to keep a watchful eye on him.
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Through Yuma's amnesiac journey, Eevee remained by his side. Despite Yuma forgetting about it, he still allowed it to stay with him no matter how much Shinigami protested. It proved helpful in every case and even in the Mystery Labyrinth. And is even a good source of comfort for Yuma whenever he gets anxious. (he gives it hugs :3) It was always cheering for him, even if he lost his memory.
Though the memory loss does cause a bit of friction in their relationship. It even causes them to fight in Chapter 4. Due to it having the same worry as Vivia, because Eevee knew who the culprit was from the start. (Sensing the murderous and malicious intent from the culprit when he rescued Yuma) It felt conflicted and caused it to be distant from Yuma. It was both disappointed in his reluctance and worried for his feelings. Even though it knew feelings had to be discarded in these situations, with the methods of the WDO (and Number One himself) it knew for so long.
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Though after Yuma got stronger from the ordeal and before the final battle, the two were practically inseparable. Shinigami even earned a bit of respect for it (though she still calls it a rat)
Up until they reach the ugly truth and Makoto reveals himself behind the mask, as well as the partner he's kept hidden all this time.
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Shinigami and Eevee finally make attempts to team up to help Yuma get through the last laybrinth and final battle with his homunculus. Helping him out of the despair he feels losing who he is when both of them remember who he truly is and that he shouldn't give up. Because they're both by his side.
Once he snaps out of it the final battle between the two begin. Eevee fights Mimikyu while Yuma fights Makoto.
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In the end they are both defeated. And they find the solution for Kanai Ward's mystery. Eevee comforts Mimikyu the whole time Yuma is talking to Makoto.
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In the end, Shinigami acknowledges Yuma's partner and admits defeat. Allowing Yuma to leave from the emergency exit. Telling him he already has a great partner. Though the goodbye was still tearful and emotional. Even Eevee shed a few tears. It had began to get used to Shinigami's company. But it knew this would happen, but she would be missed. Eevee comforted Yuma until the fated goodbye kiss from her, as both of them left through the emergency exit.
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Upon the Epilogue of the story, the final labyrinth, and Yuma getting his memory back after parting ways with Shinigami, he embraces his beloved partner as Eevee squeals in joy with it's beloved master's memory returned.
"Thank you, Eevee. Good work."
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Eventually with his resign from the WDO and journey through the world to erase all unsolved mysteries, his Eevee eventually evolves into Umbreon during a case at night. Becoming ESPECIALLY more useful in night investigations. Using it's glowing rings to help navigate through the dark, AND it can now produce ultraviolet light to help investigate in crime scenes (in a way it became its own forte although its rings are blue it can also produce purple light) The duo was stronger than ever now that they've both evolved from the Kanai Ward experience, together.
The Noir Detective and his Partner of the Night~🔎
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(Yuma and Eevee were more like business partners when he was Number One with it as his partner, but the journey through Kanai Ward made Yuma love and care for Eevee as a friend, and thus post game when Yuma appreciates Eevee more with his memories back from the experience, the friendship evolution finally happens. The Journey helped them both grow as individuals, and as friends)
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entomolog-t · 6 months
Got an Idea
In the world of "Bite Me" vampires are real tiny parasitic things, right? But they're still vampires. Does that mean there are people like paranormal hunters or something? There's so much potential in these...
So to avoid spoilers I'm going to be pretty vague-
Vampires in the Bite Me universe are abnormal but not paranormal (though I will be doing a paranormal au because there is SO MUCH potential so by all means I can try to answer some more trad vampire stuff if talking about the potential au).
THOUGH- that doesn't mean that the tiny lil bloodsucking activity has gone completely unnoticed right? I mean, Aedes can't possibly be the only vampire who's been caught...
Vampires are completely normal biologically speaking, in that they don't have supernatural powers. The vampires in the Bite Me universe are essentially just a type of well adapted parasite. Some lil tidbits about their biology-
⚠ Nerd Alert ⚠
They are nocturnal- and hunt at night. Their eyes are adapted for low light conditions, though they can still move freely in the light.
They have an instinctual fear towards light (feels open, the feeling of being watched etc...) essentially to avoid predation by animals or being spotted by humans
Vampires have keen senses (hearing, smell, taste, sight) and phenomenal reaction time in order to help hunt. With their processing speed and keen senses, unless you catch one in the act or manage to corner/trap one, vampires are extremely hard to catch by just grabbing (cough cough, unless a certain lil someone likes to be grabbed) His senses dull when not in active "bloodlust" in order to keep the mind from being perpetually overwhelmed by everything all at once, though even dulled they are remarkably keen.
They are stronger than humans (relatively speaking), and quite durable. They have a high density of fast twitch muscles that helps further bolster their reaction time.
I've dabbled with the possibly of them having mild electroreception (basically in order to have a 6th sense towards heart beats as the muscle contracts) BUUUT I want to play around with the speculative biology with that. Mammals don't typically have an electrosense (more of a fish thing) but there are exceptions- yet those are still water based (with the semi exception of the echidna) so I'd have to do some pretty hefty playing around if I wanted to make it work.
They're allergic to garlic (along with a lot of other foods). Carnivorous, especially blood based parasitic diets leave an organism with an extremely reduced gut (Fun fact, theres actually a reason behind Aedes' slutty lil waist 😭) so they typically lack the ability to digest some harsher irritants, garlic being a big one. The smell is also extremely pungent so, yes, it absolutely will keep Aedes away (though it would have to be crushed)
Vampires in Bite Me do have one ability that feels almost supernatural- they are natural mimics. Vampires have incredible vocal control and ranges. This is incredibly useful to both ward off predators and lure in prey. Because of this- there are some typical tactics they use to avoid being caught (Some in more remote regions will mimic a rattlesnake rattle to deter a person from coming closer if they get spotted- and are usually able to slip away while the human calls pest control). This skill has led to both folklore and urban legends, about weird sounds occurring in strange locations. With their speed and skills in avoiding detection, a person would likely assume their house is haunted well before thinking theres a little vampire running around their house
Typically their bite is mildly numbing- though a very small number of people have a mutation that makes the numbing nearly completely ineffective (June being one of them). In that case, the numbing tends to work against its intended purpose- the numbing instead being noticeably tingling, and without the numbing agent, the anticoagulation factors and vasodilators within the saliva increase sensation in tandem with the increased bloodflow to the bite area, as well as giving the overall area a warm sensation.
That was a chunky lore dump.
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kaely1916 · 21 days
Context: feeling really bored and lonely, the Cat King decide to start visiting his favourite detective during the nights.
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"What should we do tonight?"
"You should sleep."
"But then my favorite detective would feel lonely~🥺"
"You've already kept me company for three nights. You need to take care of your health. Besides, I'll be perfectly fine.😮‍💨"
"I've been sleeping during the day. Cats are nocturnal creatures, you know?~😽 And I enjoy spending time with you. I'm not going to waste this opportunity.😏"
"...In that case, very well."
"How about a little sightseeing? I've never been to London."
"You've never been to London? In your looooong life?🤨"
"Okay, that's way too many 'o's! That hurts. And no, I've never been to London in this life."
"So, what do you say? Want to be my guide~?"
"I suppose I can do that.☺️"
The End.
Pd: I was not even planning to post this because it is nos painland but wathever
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spxcedreamer · 2 months
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Hi superstars! Just wanted to show a OC I wanted to bring back. Meet Riku, she used to be a Bungo Stray Dogs OC, but I redesigned her into Rain Code now. :3 💚
Meet Mrs. Furio, also known as Yakou’s wife Riku, the second chief of Nocturnal Detective Agency. Although she wants to help Yuma and Vieron in some cases, she prefers to stay at the submarine for the time being. She seems to be protecting herself from the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers, but is that really what it is? Or is she hiding something from Yakou that she’s waiting to tell for so long…But he’s always busy.
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