#Doctor who hybrid oc
wandersoul8 · 2 years
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Eyyyyyy it’s finally time to share DM-664’s new reference sheet alongside her backstory (I finally got the confidence to share itt!) hope you like it and I hope you like my beloved Kaled-Dalek Hybrid OC 💙✨⚡️
Name: DM-664
Nicknames/Aliases: 664, Hybrid, Creature, Failed Experiment, Lightning Rod, Muto, Dalek Mutant 664, Death Merchant 664
Species: Kaled-Dalek Hybrid
Home Planet: Skaro
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Them
Height: 6’5
Sexuality: AroAce
Neurodiversity: On the Autism Spectrum
Personality traits
When interacting with 664, It really depends on who you are most of the time. Though geelllbut some 664’s traits that she tends to show the most are her aggressive, loyal, blunt, violent, and is more reserved. She will occasionally be sarcastic if she feels the need to.
She has a lot of sadness and insecurities within herself which she tries to supress whenever around others and let it out when alone and can’t be seen or heard. though she’ll occasionally let it slip.
As well as that she often tries to hide her fear when encountering people like The Doctor and honestly Davros as well when she eventually encounters him again.
Some of her lesser known traits and traits she’ll grow to have) are currently
Empathy towards others, she’s slowly been developing this since Earth and when she crossed paths with the Doctor.
Only people who manage to get to know her properly will find out that 664 is actually quite respectful to those she likes or she seems as “superior”
- Loyal to those she supports, will go to most lengths including putting herself at risk in order to protect those she is loyal to
- Physically strong & great at combat
- Very knowledgeable and smart when it comes to her interests (Creating and using weaponry (specifically long range, bombs, and electrical weapons) Dalek Kaled History, Flora and Fauna of Skaro and select other planets)
- High endurance levels to physical pain, especially high voltage electric attacks/shocks thanks yo the experiments she was put through.
- She also has a natural tolerance to some radiation
- Self Aware of her actions & has her own moral compass
- Suffering from Long Term Mental Illnesses being Deppression & PTSD
- Forced emotion suppression that can lead to extreme anger outbursts and mental breakdowns
- 664 can be incredible destructive both to herself and to others and at times is often merciless
- can *rarely* handle and process compliments from anyone, especially her superiors (or those she sees as above her)
- Struggles trusting others as she is well aware that most either try to use her for something or backstab her. It takes a while for her to trust a new ally/friend fully because of that
- Despite having skills in the weaponry field, she isn’t very good at using heavy weapons while in battle as they are “too slow” for her to use
- 664 while holding respect for Davros and other Daleks, she does genuinely fear them from time to time
- To die in a way that she seems “honourable”
- Somewhere to belong & feel welcome
- To be seen by those who know of her as more then just a failed experiment (wants to be seen as powerful & reliable)
- Getting some form of vengeance on those that have betrayed her
- For Davros to recognise her notable achievements & for him to see her as one of his own
(Keep In mind that while Davros has grown fond of 664 over time due to her ability to survive, her loyalty, and skills in weaponry & combat. Even though they haven’t interacted in a long time- when they do eventually cross paths, He’ll rarely show it as it would be considered “weak”)
DM-664 is a genetic experiment created by Davros on Skaro a few years before the Time War broke out. The Hybrid was supposed to appear more Dalek then Kaled.
Due to unknown circumstances she ended up resembling more like her a Kaled Ancestors.
Despite her mindset and speech was more like that of a loyal Dalek.
Following the first days of her existence, DM-664 was experimented on daily by Scientific Daleks as well as Davros and endured many kinds of experiments such as bone removal, replacement and implantation (including one that prevented 664 from screaming even though she always stayed silent), fusing Dalekanium into her bloodstream, and was even used as a live subject for some weapon testing.
664 though, was able to somehow endure it all.
664 was also used as a scapegoat for Davros, and often would get struck on the back from afar by his electrical manipulation which is where she got the lightning flower burns on her back from.
She was also put into areas with other Dalek experiments that would always try and kill her and each other.
After a few more years The Dalek Empire at the time had no more use for her & exiled her into the radioactive wilderness of Skaro which actually turned out to be much better for her in some ways.
During the time she was there she taught herself how to scavenge for small insects & create primitive weapons such as spears & daggers to hunt out of bone that would be used for hunting.
It didn’t all go well though as she did get sick when she had to drink the poisoned water.
the adapt in the different biomes as well as functioning on limited resources.
She traveled a lot in the span of 2 years, even coming across ancient wreckage from the 1000 year war, especially weapons, which sparked her interest in both Skaro's history and weaponry.
664 continued her journey along Skaro and eventually came across a small Thal colony camp (6-10 Thals) that was secretly trying to monitor what was going on in the Dalek city from a distance.
664, despite everything she had been put through was still extremely loyal to the Daleks, devised a plan and eventually took them out mercilessly one by one using the weapons she had created from the bones of animals she had previously hunted. She then raided the camp for what she needed and left.
Eventually the rotting bodies and raided camp from the small Thal colonies got found by a few Daleks while on patrol in the wilderness. A few days after the discovery they were able to trace the cause of the Thal’s deaths back to DM-664.
The higher ups decided that 664 could prove some use to The Daleks.
She was eventually located & was found mildly injured with a broken leg not far from a cliff face.
She was taken back to the city, healed , questioned, cleaned & after 2 weeks of having some of her more “feral” like behaviour being “corrected”.
DM-664 was questioned again & then given a small cell to live in within Davros' lab as well as getting her own custom Dalek like amour and a custom modified gunstick as her new weapon.
From there, she didn't do too many notable things aside from getting frequently used as a test subject and would occasionally be allowed to help Davros out.
She also got proper training on how to use her gun properly and other forms of Dalek weaponry.
At the time, the Daleks didn't have too much of a use for DM-664 just yet.
So they decided to cryogenically freeze her and store her on one of their more secure ships until she had some form is use.
Davros, at this time has actually began to slowly grow fond of 664 due to her interest in weaponry and her survival abilities, though it was never shown.
He ends up giving 664 his sonic screwdriver by slipping into the chamber 664 was stored in while she was unconscious, as he believes that she may get more use out of it.
About 1000 or so years, right at the very end of the Time War. DM-664 is unfrozen & re-awoken.
While she was little confused about the sudden appearance of the sonic screwdriver, she kept it close to her.
She then gets briefed about the current situation and then is put straight onto the frontlines in Arcadia.
Her purpose there was to back up Dalek squadrons and to take out powerful gun towers used by the Time Lords.
Towards the final days of the war, while patrolling with 3 Daleks. They cross paths with the War Doctor who kills all 3 Daleks instantly, leaving 664 the only one standing.
Confused the two stare at each other waiting for one to attack the other for a minute before 664 silently retreats in the other direction confused as to why he spared her life.
On the last very last day of the Time War. 664 having an instinct that things will get much worse from here decides to check out and see what sort of technology from some of the fallen.
She scavenges a small emergency temporal shift device from a casing of a dead Dalek and while toying around with it, accidentally activates it, sending her to Earth in the 2010's.
Unknowingly to 664, the temporal shift device she activated was slightly damaged was able to sub-consciously open her mind slightly to new, “impure” emotions.
DM-664 ends up detained, gun confiscated, & stranded inside an Extra-Terrestrial Detention Centre run by UNIT’s Australian Branch in Melbourne. Thankfully due to 664 looking more like her Kaled Ancestors, she was able to deceive her captors into believing she was something else more humanoid.
Over the span of 8 years, she and many other detained aliens that were considered “low risk” by UNIT were put on a study/re-educational like program where they were made to learn about Human societies & history & other misc skills.
One day, The Doctor eventually gets word about this UNIT run detention centre in Australia and decides to show up to try and put a stop to the operations of the centre, unexpectedly crossing paths with DM-664.
The Doctor confronts and exposes 664’s Skarosian origins in front of UNIT & the other captive aliens.
This news caused mass panic from the UNIT soldiers & a riot from the captive aliens.
While the masses were distracted, 664 and a couple of other aliens slip out of the crowds and head towards the highly secured room where their confiscated alien technology is stored, attacking anyone that tried to stop them.
664 was able to break into the room & retrieve her gun while the other aliens with her armed themselves too and they continued with their escape attempt. Unfortunately the escape attempt was foiled as the Doctor was able to calm both UNIT and the rioting aliens down.
664 and the few aliens with her were located and reluctantly surrendered.
The UNIT centre admins after all of the chaos decides that 664 was “too dangerous” to be held in the centre and they forced the Doctor to take 664 with him in the TARDIS.
The Doctor was open to the idea, though 664 reluctantly agreed and left with what little belongings she had.
She ended up traveling with the Doctor & his small group of companions for a number of years. Seeing new worlds, crossing paths with new enemies,as well as gaining some allies/friendships.
Eventually 664’s time in the TARDIS ended after an unexpected encounter with multiple incarnations of the Doctor and some Daleks shook this current TARDIS team & left DM-664 more traumatised after it had finished.
The Doctor ended deciding that it would be best to say goodbye to 664 for now.
He ended up leaving 664 on a quiet habitable alien forest like planet known as Icarro that was uninhabited by any alien civilisations, only a few species of animals.
DM-664 while still mentally recovering from everything that has happened before, began to take on this new stage of her life & see where it would take her.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
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No depth perception gang let’s go (but carefully, might walk into a pole)
(The guy on the right is an OC)
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firewolf-pyro · 9 months
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A re-design of Blueton’s Human-Dalek hybrid.
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Quick little sketches of Wren (my oc)
Here's some random facts about him cause why not! :>
. He's a bird (Owl) hybrid.
. He has Green eyes.
. He's in a secret relationship with Xylo (my other OC) - probably gonna make a fic abt them and their little hybrid world.
. He's 17
. He loves Butterflies
. He has a sister called Mapel who's a snowy owl (the only one in their hybrid group)
. He has a friend called merlin that he barely sees because apparently they are working for a king. *wink wink bbc Merlin*
. His favorite flowers are Daisies.
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bobowrites · 1 year
Promoting my Doctor Who fic! Adventures with 11th Doctor and a custom companion! Give the first chapter a go :]
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sunderwight · 2 months
Thinking about an SV scenario where TLJ had kids before the whole Su Xiyan thing went down.
Like he was an emperor, right? And we don't actually know how old he was, though he was at least old enough that his sister's son was mostly raised to adulthood by him by the time catastrophe struck. It wouldn't have been at all strange or even improbable for him to have been married already, perhaps several times over, by the time he met Su Xiyan and actually fell in love with someone.
Obviously any known kids TLJ had would have demons queuing up to install them on the throne after he got sealed under the mountain (and others probably wanting to kill or oust them), but we could explain the perception that TLJ had no heirs with a little bit of deliberate planning or cleverness on their part. Maybe they also showed up at the ambush, saw an opportunity to escape a life they detested, and pretended to have been killed/sealed too before just walking off to go life their dream life as a theatrical performer or country doctor or fortune teller or something. Maybe there were a bunch of them and they all engaged in brutal in-fighting for the throne, except one who just took the first opportunity to fake their death and then nope'd out to the countryside. Maybe they were a hybrid like Zhuzhi Lang whom everyone discounted from the succession due to not inheriting the "good" genes, so they went and stayed with their mother's faction and dropped out of political events.
Honestly I'm kind of surprised we don't seem to have loads of Heavenly Demon OC's and self-inserts in this fandom. I bet PIDW fandom was flooded with them. Bet there were tons of "Binghe's long-lost cool older brother who gets his own massive harem and adventures and separate realms to conquer" type OCs and probably just as many "distant cousin of Luo Binghe's is a beautiful Heavenly Demon and the only woman fit to be his equal who does away with his need for the harem because she can keep up with his desires and cleanse xin mo all by herself" and etc.
God it would be so funny if Peerless Cucumber had a Heavenly Demonsona. The world's most unselfaware combination of those two types, Luo Binghe's long-lost distant male cousin who has no interest in building his own harem (seriously guys stop trying to compete!) but only wants to support Luo Binghe and offer him the companionship and compassion (brotherly, platonic!) that he truly needs and can't seem to get from all those 2D hussies he surrounds himself with.
Even funnier if the System makes Heavenly Cucumber a real character, and suddenly Shen Qingqiu is faced with his own idealized self-insert who is blatantly obsessed with Luo Binghe, obnoxiously over-powered, and living in the kind of glass closet that makes post-canon Shen Qingqiu want to crawl into a hole and die.
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
Read a fanfic a while ago where Red Robin gets Surgeoned by (OC? Canon? Idk) the villain The Surgeon to have wings that are hinted to work
Now imagine this; Everybody in the Batfamily has bat and bird wings and bat and bird instincts, minutes the token human Timmy
And Tim suddenly has wings thanks to a villain Playing Doctor + God and the Batfamily's bat/bird brains are going crazy going stupid because one of their flock members has wings now!!
Except Tim got wings, and nothing more.
Tim doesn't have the instincts to act as a bird should, he can act, he can pretend, but it can only go so far
He doesn't have any other traits of a bird person, be it Talons, feather sin his hair, natural chirping, etc
He can register that hey, his wings will need to preened but his subconscious doesn't register the gravity unhealthy wings can have
Furthermore energy and blood flow and more has to go into maintaining those wings like he rest of his body. The Surgeon gave him wings and wings only, no other modifications.
Tim's body is only equipped to maintain a human body not a human body with wings
He has to eat for more body mass and feathers and bird bones than his body is made for and—
Yeah Tim is not having a good time and nor is the rest of the family
There's probably ideas I've missed
Feel free but not pressured to expands/explore/etc with this idea as you wish
Hmm... All of the batfam members? I do think it could be interesting if Alfred was human too. This could be a representation of the emotional disconnect he often displayed throughout Bruce's childhood. Not only does Alfred employ a professional distance between him and his charge, but he doesn't understand the instincts (and overwhelming needs).
Besides that, this is a super interesting concept! I love the idea that the instincts the Bats have support their ability to take care of themselves and their wings. I bet finding flock members is part of that end goal. I'm also curious about the dynamics pre-wing transition.
So Tim, as the token human, has never felt any of the flock needs that the others do. Since he's human, would their instinct be similar to a human's adoption tendencies for cute animals? Would Tim treat it as a cultural difference? Like, Tim gets invited to cuddle in the nest, something he doesn't feel the need for and has never done himself, so he politely declines at first. From what he knows (and has researched about hybrid cultural needs, behaviors, traditions, etc.), this is a ritual done with close loved ones.
When does he get invited to the first one, and who invites him? I don't see Bruce, who is at first pushing Tim away, as the one to invite him. Because it is such an intimate moment, it would take Dick awhile too. Even if he saw Tim as a brother, the difference in species, instincts, the grief of just losing a brother, and living in a different city (meaning less quality time over a period of time) probably combined to Dick needing a while before his bird brain could allow it.
I like to imagine maybe Cass, who has less notions about safe flock connections (aka not imprinting on people immediately), saw Tim and immediately invited him to the nest. It's a small point of contention for Dick cause he's been trying the entire time to work up to it (by combing Tim's hair, offering him small gifts, showing his back [a lot to the point Tim becomes concerned] to the younger one, and offering customary greetings in chirps). Dick has been putting in the effort, and then Cass's instincts immediately grab onto Tim.
Tim being human could also explain some of the tension between him with Damian and Jason. Bruce was already breaking some of the typical hybrid standards of conduct by mixing hybrid of different types (prey birds, bats, predator birds, etc.). Then Bruce just throws in a human and claims he's flock despite him not having the instincts at all.
I also love the symbolism of Tim being considered an outskirts member (as maybe not truly apart of the family) until right before he gets his wings. I think we can tie Jason into this as well (like maybe his death fucked with his wings and/or instincts. As he slowly gets integrated into the flock again, he starts to heal or get those instincts back).
Basically, everything is settling down with the batfam dynamics. Then Tim gets his wings.
It's symbolic of him finally feeling accepted in the family, but it also fucks him over. The others see him as a hybrid, their instincts are desperately reaching out, and they unintentionally feel hurt because Tim doesn't reciprocate. Tim is trying, by the gods is he trying to deal with everything new, but he just doesn't have those instincts.
Thus, the family has to rework through their dynamics as the hybrids battle their instincts and Tim has a mental breakdown about his identity.
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A The Other Shelby story
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Pairing: Alfie Solomons x fem!reader (OC hybrid)
Summary: A Jewish gangster resurrecting from the dead and his love trying to deal with the situation.
Words: 2.500
Warnings: none
A/N: Big thanks to @cillmequick for beta reading and being so supportive of me 🫶 Same goes to @queenshelby for the emotional support 🥺
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Her hands were fidgety on the steering wheel as she navigated the car through the streets of Kent. She wished she could've distracted herself from her nerves by petting Cyril next to her but the Bullmastiff was too big of a beast to properly fit into the passenger seat. He got that from his dad. Instead, he was resting in the backseat, looking out of the window from time to time whenever they drove past something mildly interesting for a dog.
When the car came to a stop half an hour later, she allowed herself a second to take a deep breath and mentally prepare. For what exactly, she didn't know.
Cyril had his snout on the ground the entire way from her car to the front door of the welcoming beach home, his tail constantly wagging, as if he knew something she didn't.
She sighed before she pressed the doorbell and moments later, the heavy door opened, revealing a tall middle aged woman wearing a housekeeper uniform. The lady stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of the short redhead and the huge dog in front of her.
“Miss Shelby…”
“Hello Mary” she replied shyly.
It has only been two months, yet it felt like an eternity to her. An eternity filled with what had felt like incurable grief, and a strange kind of hope.
“Is he home yet?”
Mary kept staring at her, as if she couldn't process what that question was supposed to mean, who “he” was, before she nodded slightly and took a step aside to let the young woman and the dog enter.
“He released himself from the hospital two days ago. The doctor comes to see him twice a day now, to make sure he…” Mary paused, apparently unsure about what was left for the doctor to heal at this point, “I have to warn you, Miss Shelby, it's not a pretty sight.”
She didn't give her a response to that statement as she followed the maid upstairs to what she assumed to be the master bedroom. Of course, it wasn't pretty. Her brother had shot him in the face. It was a miracle he was still alive.
Mary gently knocked on the door before slowly opening it, even though no one inside the room had given them permission to enter.
“Mister Solomons… there's someone who would like to see you.”
Alfie was lying on his bed, eyes closed, hands folded on his stomach and if it wasn't for the slow smacking of his lips, she would've thought he was dead for real. The big wound that covered half of his face was still slightly red and swollen, a very prominent scar was about to stay right below his eye.
“Tell’em to come ‘ere another time. 'm resting.”
“Only God knows why you're not resting in hell right now.”
On the way from London to Margate, she had told herself that she would be gentle with him. He was still healing so the last thing he needed was her taking out her anger on him immediately. But the way he was lying there, in a big four-poster bed with several flasks of medicine, empty and full, next to him on the bedside table, with the aftermath of her brother's assassination attempt so obvious, she couldn't control the variety of feelings that went through every inch of her body. She was angry, oh so angry at him. At the same time, she was happy he was still here.
Her Alfie.
The sound of her voice made him open his eyes slowly, squinting against the sunlight that flooded the room. He was looking at her, not showing the slightest reaction to her standing here, in his bedroom, two months after he had tried to fuck over her whole family and her brother had shot him for it. Alfie cleared his throat before he started speaking again.
“Y’know, treacle, at the hospital… they gave me some pretty strong shit I s’ppose. You were there all the time. But Cyril is new, look a’ him. Good boy. Does mamma take good care of ya? Bet she does.”
He was interrupted by a nasty cough that had him screw up his face in pain as the skin around the deep wound seemed to stretch due to the sudden movement. It made her painfully aware how much recovering he still had to do and that was only what was visible from the outside. The damage Tommy’s bullet had done inside his skull, physically and mentally, was to be explored by her in the upcoming days.
She took a few steps closer to his bed until she was at the height of his stomach where she carefully put her hand on one of his arms.
“I'm real, Alfie. This has nothing to do with the morphine. Cyril is real too.”
As if to prove her point, the huge dog sat down on the other side of his dad's bed, lying his big head onto the mattress and getting it wet with his slobber. Alfie reached out to him, petting him softly as if to test that he wasn't touching a pipe dream of his.
“I reckon I died in my sleep and went to hell with ya, treacle. But Cyril belongs in heaven, so ‘is not right.”
The fact that he saw both of them rotting in hell while his dog had to go to heaven made her chuckle. He wasn't wrong though.
“How did ya find out your little cunt of a brother failed in putting an end to my life?”
“Sorry right, yeah. Your big cunt of a brother.”
She rolled her eyes at him but smiled nonetheless. Even with all the unresolved anger, grief, sadness and heartbreak inside of her, he still knew the way straight to her heart: by making her laugh.
“You wrote me a letter from the hospital, giving me your address here in Margate. I have to say, it was pretty rude of you to keep this place from me the whole time. We could've come here for holidays.”
“Yeah y’know, treacle, I would've told you but then everything went south and I figured, I should die here alone. If your brother had done his job right, that is.”
There was a lump building in her throat. She would've told him something too, before everything went south.
“I bought it for us, for when we retire. But now 'm officially dead so you could say my retirement is long overdue, innit?”
He had his eyes closed again as she absentmindedly stroked his forearm and thought about his words. They could've had it so much easier, hadn't he cheated Tommy with the Changrettas. She cleared her throat and left his bedside as she approached the bedroom door.
“I'd like to stay a few days, if that's okay with you. Nobody knows I'm here, you'll stay a dead man for the rest of the Shelby family for as long as you want.”
“You could put it in the papers and it still wouldn't make up for half of what I did to you, treacle.”
She didn't know how to feel about his sudden mea culpa. Something like that didn't come lightly from a man like Alfie Solomons but the nonchalance with which he had said the words made her swallow hard. He allowed himself to look at her again, the gaze of his good eye was as soft as she remembered it from happier times between the two of them.
“Tell Mary to give you a room and if there's anything you need, tell her too. She'll take care of it.”
“I'll be fine, Alfie.”
Mary was kind enough to prepare one of the other bedrooms in the house for her, even though she had reassured her that she was more than capable of taking care of everything herself. Unlike a certain Jewish gangster peacefully snoring next door, now that the doctor had given him another dose of medicine.
Within the next few days, she made sure to support Mary in her chores, against the harsh protests of the middle-aged housekeeper. But besides helping her in the kitchen, making breakfast, lunch and dinner, she first and foremost took over the nursing duties for Alfie. The wound needed to be cleaned regularly and treated with ointment to help the healing and prevent further infections. Apart from that, he needed help whenever he wanted to get up. His bad hip and the sciatica didn't take well to all the lying down he had to do.
On his good days, they walked a little, his arm linked with hers for support, although she knew that in the worst case, there was no way she could catch and hold this beast of a man. Sometimes they even made it to the beach, letting Cyril stroll through the sand as they watched the ships passing by. It was risky business to be outside with him because if the word got out that Alfie Solomons was still alive, the peace he had found for himself here would come to an abrupt end. Not that it was likely anyone who knew Alfie, let alone was interested in his business, would wander the beaches of Margate but at the same time, she hadn't expected the man himself to settle down here of all places. You never knew where those gangsters were causing trouble.
“Even if, and that is a big if, love… even if there was someone strolling along the beach trying to kill this old fragile man,” Alfie had said to her one day after she had voiced her concern for his safety, “I have a gun and you, luv, are the best shot in all of England, aren't ya? Nothing to worry about.”
He had shown her said gun he was carrying under his big black coat, making her roll her eyes at him. If she had thought a shot to his face had changed anything about his ways, she had been wrong. How naïve of her. But who was she to judge? Not like her ways were any less brutal.
That had been the first time she had let Alfie intertwine his fingers with hers while they still had had their arms linked, him slightly leaning onto her every time his hip had sent a stinging pain through his leg. When they had arrived back at the house, he had brought her hand to his face and gently kissed her knuckles before looking into her eyes, searching for a reaction that would've shown him that they were getting better. She had known he couldn't have said it, hadn't had the words or the courage to make himself even more vulnerable in front of her. Nonetheless, she had felt his silent “thank you” through the little gesture and she had known it hadn't been just for keeping him company on a walk to the beach. It had stood for everything he hadn't said thank you for yet and even when she had sensed all that, in that moment, she had wished he had said it out loud, so not only her mind had heard it, but her heart as well.
The treatment of his face had become another ritual of theirs that they'd cultivate before every meal they had together. With the nurses and then Mary taking care of it, he had been annoyed each time he had heard the noise of a washcloth being wrung out. This wasn't his first gunshot wound and if he chose to resurrect, it wouldn't be his last either. But now that his love, the love he had thought he had lost - and maybe he had - was gently petting over the scarring tissue, being babied didn't feel so bad to the former King of Camden Town.
She was sitting on the side of his bed, her hip touching his as she was leaning over, trying not to hurt him while also getting rid of the matter his skin produced regularly to heal the wound.
“I wanna ask you a favour, treacle.”
She sighed as she put down the washcloth from the bad side of his face.
“What is it, Alfie?"
“I want one of ya special kisses.”
“For fuck’s sake Alfie, I'm not gonna blow your-”
“Not like that… a kiss from you. It’s special to me.”
He looked at her, studied her face with his good eye while the other one felt like it was piercing through her, making her look away from him.
“I love ya, treacle. And I think there's a reason you came ‘ere, and stayed.”
Her hands were soaking from the wet cloth in them so she put it back into the small bowl of water on the bedside table while she was processing his words. There was a reason indeed.
“I love you too, Alfie, still do. That's the problem. After what you did to my family, I should've come here to finish what Tommy couldn't,” she had been staring at her wet hands the whole time, trying to keep her composure as her nerves felt like they were eating her up from the inside, “but I could never.”
She now turned her head towards him, taking one of his big paws between her delicate fingers to lead it underneath her blouse, onto her stomach, as she looked at his face.
“There is a reason I came here, and I stayed. The doctor says it's four months, size of a pear now.”
Alfie had never been known to be the emotional type but the way he stared at her belly, hand still resting there, with an expression on his face that she couldn't read, he scared her.
Did he not want it?
As his fingers started to move, gently stroking her slight bump, she relaxed a little.
“Four months you say, eh? So when it's coming in five… is it gonna be a Solomons or a Shelby?”
His question hurt her, the fact that he was unsure if he was allowed to be a father to the child or not, but at the same time, it made her love him even more. He knew he didn't have a right to stay in her or the baby's life, not after everything he put her through. He always made sure to keep her safe, making her part of the deal so she wouldn't be harmed. But that didn't change the emotional damage he had done to her by threatening her family.
When she let go of his hand on her stomach, she put hers on the good side of his face instead, the pad of her thumb caressing his beard.
“We have five months to figure this out,” she smiled at him before leaning down to carefully touch his lips with hers in a soft kiss.
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jiminrings · 2 years
478 drabble of the hours leading up to the baby’s arrival pls miss jay em rings <3 knowing 478jk he’d probably pass out just seeing oc in pain 😭😭😭 homie would have to be sedated i bet
478: drabble
alternatively, your baby girl decides to be ahead of schedule :)
[ 478 masterlist ]
Jungkook wakes up without you on his side.
It’s a rare occurrence as it is, especially now on the last month of your pregnancy where you don’t feel the energy to wake up as early as him. He’s used to the sight of you sprawled out one way or another, barely grumbling at him in the morning with Miso passed out on your bump yet neither of you were nowhere to be found.
“What are you doing up so early?” Jungkook hums, peeking at the bathroom. You’re still bundled up in his clothes because you’ve been cold since last night even when he didn’t touch the thermostat this time around so you would cuddle with him, your tossing and turning ironically lulling your husband to sleep.
“Couldn’t sleep at all,” you groan, washing your face with cold water because you’ve figured that if you can’t commit to sleeping at all, you might as well do a good job in staying awake.
Jungkook still swoons at the sight of you yet not so much at the thought of danger befalling on you, instantly tutting when he sees the wet floor.
“Careful. Don’t want you to slip, baby,” he holds out a hand for you to step over, sighing as he goes over his plans for the today which now apparently includes fixing a leak from the bidet.
“Huh?” you wonder out loud, furrowing your eyebrows as you take Jungkook’s hand nonetheless before looking down where his eyes are fixed on.
Your eyes widen immediately, your throat going dry at the sight. 
“Jungkook,” you gasp in urgency, making him jolt immediately even if you aren’t halfway through your realization. “The floor wasn’t wet when I came in.”
“What does-…”
Jungkook slaps a hand on his mouth, rendered frozen as he clutches your hand even tighter. There’s a hybrid of a shriek and a squeal that builds up in his throat, one he didn’t even know would be let out two weeks earlier than your due date.
Your water broke.
“Fuck, fuck, I knew I should’ve started packing the hospital bag last week,” Jungkook mutters under his breath in panic, a stark opposite to you who’s pleasantly leaning against the wall while you wait for him to finish. 
“It’s okay. We didn’t know Hwayoung would come earlier than expected,” you hum, your breathing shallow but not to the point that you’re actually grunting in pain. You’ve already got off the phone with your doctor and everything’s set up back in the hospital, the only variable you’re waiting for now being your husband.
“God, I’m so stupid,” he continues and it’s as if he’s completely tuned you out just to curse at himself, the whiplash he gets from fetching your slippers and your clothes momentarily clearing when he sees you with your eyes shut. “Are you going into active labor? Are the contractions bad? Can you breathe? Is Hwayoung’s head-…”
Jungkook stops himself, out of breath from fetching everything you’d need and more. He jumps from assumption to assumption, paling the further his mind races.
He exchanges a look with you that only he can discern himself because you’re confused at the way he zeroes in on you, his lips parting open in an unsure tremble.
“D-do… do you want me to uhm, check?”
“Check what?”
“If Hwayoung…. if you’re dilated a-and Hwayoung’s head is uhm, is there?”
You almost laugh directly at your husband’s floundering state, knowing that he means well but it’s painted directly on his face that he’s ghastly queasy yet knowing he’ll stomach it if it means he can help (?) you.
“I think I’d know if she’s crowning, baby,” you hum, pushing yourself off the wall to go and pry him off from overthinking the hospital bag checklist and to go grab the car keys already. You hold onto his arm firmly while you walk to the garage and Jungkook makes it his life’s mission to walk you there as seamlessly as he could, his wide eyes darting all over you every five seconds.
“I’m going to be okay. Hwayoung’s going to be okay,” you coax him, pressing a kiss to his temple when he secures the seatbelt around you. “Now, stop worrying and don’t pass out on me just yet, okay?”
“Gave a heads-up to the parents, Miso’s feeder is working, Jimin’s making all of the hospital staff hush up so nothing gets leaked, I turned off the stove, I got-…” 
Jungkook goes through his checklist out loud, pacing your hospital suite with nothing but nerves. You’ve long decided to keep your eyes off him because it just makes you even more jittery, his repeated circles outbesting your cat’s when she’s on a mood.
You’ve already changed into your hospital gown and you’re tempted to ask for one for Jungkook too because he’s just that involved with the whole thing that he brought his own clipboard, doing the same 4-7-8 breathing exercise every time he’s close to passing out.
“Is Jungkook okay? I went out half an hour ago and he’s still going through his checklist,” Jimin furrows his eyebrows, setting his bag down that’s also full of your items as instructed by Jungkook.
“This is regular programming,” you yawn, looking at the clock. It’s either a matter of minutes or hours before you go into active labor, the waiting game becoming all the more exciting (and overwhelming) with Jungkook thanking you for carrying and about to bring your daughter into the world every two minutes. “The nurse asked me if I wanted to give him a pill to calm down.”
You’re gonna have to start pushing within the next hour.
“Well you seem calmer now than awhile ago,” you tease Jungkook who innocently looks up at you, lips pursed and eyes wide. He’s been uncharacteristically quiet in the corner after your doctor checked in on you, his usual chatter dwindling.
“Oh, I’m really not. I still feel like passing out,” he corrects you in a calm demeanor with a smile that holds more than it can actually bear, blinking away the tears that are already forming in his eyes because this new part of your lives is already so close.
You barely get another word in until a mug (from home; not just a paper cup the hospital offers) is thrust into your hands, your husband meekly smiling behind it with the tips of his fingers trembling.
“I’m sorry, I know you could only have ice,” he frowns, pointing inside the mug with a hopeful look on his face. “Made a sculpture out of it though if it makes you feel better.”
It’s with great difficulty that you try to push Hwayoung out.
You’re breathless and the sweat that clings to your forehead is the proof that you haven’t even been breathing completely for the most part, preoccupied in pushing that you shoved yourself for second place.
The medical staff that keeps pushing you on and yet you barely hear each one of their encouragements, the only things grounding you being your doctor’s counting and Jungkook’s hand who keeps squeezing you by the side.
You’re focusing on the burn and you try not to be distracted by anything else; not by the pain that makes your eyes turn white and neither the pressure that rises up your chest for each nudge and push that you give. It’s what reminds you anyway that you’re here and you’ve already come so far — with Hwayoung and Jungkook.
You push until you hear a shrill, distinct cry that pierces your heart before it pierces your ears, the relief of your daughter finally being out weighing down your shoulders before they rise up again in anticipation to hold her.
Jungkook feels like he can finally breathe again the moment you tilt your head back, his lips pressing a warm kiss to your cheek that’s already damp with tears of your own before his.
Hwayoung’s placed so tenderly on your chest that you could just cry feeling her weight on top of you, her tiny fists looking for solace because she won’t stop crying and neither you nor Jungkook.
Your daughter’s tiny and warm but she already holds the weight of the entire universe; the proof of you and your husband.
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yanderehsr · 10 months
For the HSR OC request, I chose Puji.
Age: 30
Looks: Puji is a hybrid human and a hedgehog. She has black ears on her head and a small tail. She is short which gives her "cute" looks. Puji has spiky black eyes and medium hair. She wears a white blouse black overalls, garden shoes with the drawing flowers, and a pair of small silver piercings on her ears. (The picked picture does not show it, since it didn't had special ears for hedgehogs).
Background: Puji was born on the planet Downhill. The reason the planet is called like that is because the hedge-people live in the dark underground. Puji has two sisters, Morana (who is the eldest one), and older twin sister Khalida whom she is always close.  
On this planet,  at the age of sixteen every civilian is required to get power. They also get the path depending on their power. For example, Puji got healing power and was chosen by Yaoshi. Unlike in Xianzhou (whom they also had war with), in Downhill, the civilians worships Abundance, since they also believe that eternal life is a "bliss."
The planet also prohibited their civilians from living on the planet, due to "safety." The other characters from another plant also cannot enter the planet, due to their government's lack of trust. Nevertheless, Puji always has a dream to travel around the universe.
Puji's healing power is viewed as important, especiallyat her planet. Once she heals someone or something,  is not only returns to life but raises the life. Even the plants, fruits, and vegetables, that were out of season were healed by her. She also can create flowers from her hand and uses them to heal other characters.
Puji was abused by her parents and was constantly forced to train her powers. The hedge-people who got their power must train a lot and fight or else they lose their power, as well as their eternal life. One day Puji gets into a fights with her dad and kills him in able to protect herself from his attacks. Her mom forced Puji to bring him back to life, but Puji refused.
As her mom kills her, she suddenly dies. Puji believes it's all her fault and escapes from the planet,  by using space ship. However, it was Yaoshi who killed her parents, since they abused her powers and they were bad at worshiping her. Unfortunately,  Puji crashes into Herta's space station. When she wakes up she meets Himeko and agrees to join Astral Express. Puji is not only a trailblazer but also a doctor.
Personality: Puji is a shy, awkward, quiet.  introvert, and anxious bean. She was also popular during high school, due to her "cute" looks. However, Puji never liked that her classmates liked her just for her looks. She always wanted them to like her for who she was. Even though Puji does need to be more confident, she is a smart character and always thinks twice before jumping to the action. Puji also despises crowds.
Cannon: Puji has a crush on Himeko. She loves how genuinely kind and gentle Himeko is. Puji is also intolerant to alcohol and when she is drunk she becomes clingy. Puji is afraid of foxes since they hunt hedgehogs. (Fun fact: foxes eat hedgehogs).
For the prompt can you please choose any fem yandere(s) who is jealous of Himeko, because Puji likes her instead of them. Plus they believe that Himeko does not care about Puji's safety. How would they kidnap her, what kind of yandere they would be, what kind of love language they would show to Puji, and how would they react if Puji wanted to be with Astral Express? You can choose multiple fem characters if you are okay with that. Sorry for the long oc's bio.
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The kind of shoes Puji wears.
Alright, Hope you'll enjoy😁
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping, Murder
Topaz: She meets Puji when she tries to get back the money that Belebog owes the IPC, she takes one look at her animal features and immidiatly falls in love, it isn't obsessive yet but it wont take long.
Topaz is greedy, she hates that Puji is part of the Astral Express, she has offered Puji a position as her assistant but was turned down, and why was she turned down, cus apparently Puji has a crush on the navigator of the express.
Topaz can't bear being away from Puji for too long, much less when she knows that Puji has a crush on Himeko, she wants to tear the navigator to pieces, but she calms herself down, she is so close to put Puji into debt, and when she does she will take her away, she'll be Topaz property until she can pay off that debt, and Topaz will make sure that never happens.
"All you have to do is pay back what you owe, if you can't then I'm afraid you'll never see Himeko ever again, don't worry, I'll keep you close for a long long time"
Herta: she saw Puji through the cameras of her station before Himeko even met her... and she didn't care one bit about her, why would she, Herta sees herself above most people, she didn't care about Puji until Puji ran into one of her dolls, Herta thought that maybe she should strike up a conversation, she was a bit curious how she arrived here.
Herta introduces herself, she feels interested in Puji, she gives off a strange aura, she almost never finds herself interested in anyone so she asks Puji multiple questions about herself, it doesn't matter to her that the questions may be a bit personal, she wants to know.
Herta has never felt as jealous as when Puji and Himeko meet, but she reasures herself that Puji will stay here, no one would refuse an offer from her of all people, she wants Puji to live on this station, but when Puji chooses to go with Himeko instead, well she grabs Puji when she is alone and decides to kidnap her, what Herta wants she'll get, no matter what or who it is.
"You aren't leaving me, I've decided that I want to keep you so that's what I'll do"
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wandersoul8 · 5 months
"No Sense of Belonging" A DM-664 (Doctor Who OC) Inner Monolouge Mini Comic
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AAAAHHHHH I FINISHED IT!!!! I FINALLY FINISHED ITTT!!! I've had this in the works for a while now! but have been on and off working on it due to balencing it out with University work! I hope you guys like it! I know its another OC post but I'm really happy with it!
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
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Commission of @/zetyal (Twitter) 's Dalek hybrid OC!
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ivymarquis · 1 month
How did Honey come about to exist? She's such a firecracker, I adore her.
CW: Part of this will get Very Real due to me losing a friend IRL but will place it under a cut SO if yall just want the soft/silly answer dont click the read more!
So fun fact! While Honey is the first little reader/oc hybrid (what do we even call these????) Ive released to the public, I have another one that Ive yet to do anything with named Rabbit who’s paired up with Ghost. Im still stuck on the transition from the set up of the story to the transition into the smut, SOS it’s been a year and a half BUT anyway something prompted me to think it would be absolutely fucking hilarious if Soap just fell head over heels for this woman who takes one look at him and immediately brushes him off as being for the streets and assumes it’s just her turn to be the object of his desire, and she wants to protect her feelings so keeps him at arm length :(((( and then when I actually get far enough along to write more stuff for them they’re just obsessed with each other, but she still unabashedly remains a holy fucking terror for everyone else while Soap just watches her with hearts for pupils.
But yeah she is kinda a manifestation of like, who I wanna be professionally (not a nurse but applying to school this fall!); good at her job, takes no shit from anyone and is willing to go to the ground to advocate for her patients, and a self insert on location/physical build. Of course I’ll try to write her as neutrally as possible beyond those stated parameters, but that is how she came to be as a “character”
CWs: Medical neglect, fatphobia and as mentioned, me speaking about the death of one of my friends
I had a very, very dear friend of mine who died due to a doctor brushing off her breathing concerns due to her weight. She was a big girl, but had always been very active; “farm build” so to speak. We bonded over both being horse people, which as anyone knows is labor intensive caring for them. She could put in a day’s work. Not being able to breathe after performing day to day activities was not normal for her
Granted I havent gone to medical school and Im not even a nurse yet, but based on what her mother told me, Im pretty convinced it was nothing but neglect and she only died due to the doctor’s incompetence, lack of interest in looking beyond her weight. She had a pulmonary embolism that killed her. It’s been years and I am still SO fucking angry about it. And nothing will fill the void she left, but getting to write out scenes where doctors get their asses chewed on gives me some sort of catharsis.
I’m still really angry about her death and miss her, and while she’s not the reason I’m tracking towards nursing, I will be extremely mindful in what capacity I can of advocating for my patients and their best interests. It’s a job for us, but it is people’s actual lives on the line so we don’t really get to make mistakes and it’s not a “¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoopsie” when we do.
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skellymom · 11 months
"Vagabonds" Chapter 6 "Job Gone Wrong"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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To read Chapter 5:
ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
Word Count: 1.5K
Background: Mad takes a job that's more than she bargained for. Hunter and Wrecker go shopping. Omega and Sil bond over shared experiences.
Warning: Fear, the "F" word, Star Wars swearing, droid prejudice, brief mention of medical experimentation on unwilling participants, brief conversation of abuse and PTSD, supporting character death by blaster.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
Recap: If what the butcher back on Coruscant said was true, Tiggy was a hybrid between two Force sensitive breeds of canine: Vornskr hunting dog and wild Loth Wolf.  Seems her tail was docked to remove the venomous barb at the end and blunt any aggression.  Mad was concerned about any residual Vornskr aggression against Force users, but hoped the lofty Loth Wolf would dilute this.  Either Tiggy was going to be a great pet or a total disaster.  Mad was going to have to consult with Tech later to see if he had any knowledge or advice on the matter.  
She tiptoed toward the refresher to clean up and get ready for the next job...
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"Job Gone Wrong"
Mad strolled across Ord Mantell and arrived at the meeting place for her next pick up.  She knocked 3 times on a non-descript door, waited for 2 knocks on the other side, then knocked 3 times again. 
When the door opened, an older bespectacled gentleman appeared.  He was short and wearing a clinician’s uniform.   
“Dr. Zebba?” Mad inquired. 
He nodded, “Mad?” 
“The one and only.” 
The doctor stepped aside and Mad entered. He seemed VERY nervous.  Not the best sign, but not totally out of the ordinary, as he didn’t seem like the type used to smuggling. “Come with me, please.” 
Mad rested a hand on her blaster...just in case. 
Dr. Zebba led her through a small entryway, then another door.  The room she stepped into was a clinic.  Rudimentary, but well kept.  The doctor walked over to a handheld cooler and lovingly caressed its top. A 2-1B med droid was busy cleaning and organizing the facility. Mad eyed it suspiciously. Its unemotive “face” and skeletal-like design was the furthest thing from providing comfort in her mind. 
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“This is ‘Remedy’” Dr Zebba fondly motioned to the droid. “She’s been my assistant for quite a few cycles now.” 
Mad stood silently, hand still on her blaster, staring warily at the droid. 
“Remedy, meet Mad.” 
“Hello, Mad, pleased to meet your acquaintance.” A very calm electronic female voice emanated from the droid. It... she extended a metal hand in greeting. 
“NOPE!” Mad backed away from the meddroid with one hand up to block the greeting. The other now gripping the handle of her blaster. “Don’t touch me.” Mad’s hip firmly bumped into the table and jostled the cooler sitting on it. 
“Remedy is gentle, she would NEVER hurt anyone.” Dr Zebba looked slightly hurt by Mad’s reaction. The droid stood in place silently. 
“The Nomaadi have...a ’history’...as unwilling medical experiments, doc.” We are VERY wary of medical staff...and meddroids.” Mad was starting to sweat. “You can thank the fucking Kaminoan’s.” 
Dr Zebba was stunned by Mad’s very frank reply. An uncomfortable silence hung in the room for a few minutes. 
“Shall I step out for a while, Dr Zebba?” The meddroid politely inquired. 
“Yes, thank you Remedy.” He watched her exit the room, then cleared his throat. “Shall I brief you on this job?” 
“Go ahead.” Mad kept her eye on the door the droid exited from. 
“Well...as you know, the deal was to ferry humans across the galaxy. Unfortunately, the courier and the clone soldier sent to accompany her were...intercepted.  Instead of two individuals and this cargo...well, it’s just this cargo.” 
“Clone, huh? I don’t work for The Empire. Sorry.” 
“No worries.  I assure you this was and still is purely a mission for The Rebellion.”  The doctor seemed legitimate in his sincerity.  “Since we lost our courier, I am requesting that you carry it.  Otherwise, this mission will fail.  Several lives are hanging in the balance here.” 
“You will be compensated handsomely for the inconvenience.”  He pulled an extra case of credits out of drawer, setting it upon the table. 
Mad opened the case to see twice the number of credits that was quoted for the job. 
“When you deliver the cargo at its destination, another payment will be given to you.  We will supply you with any chain codes to ease your journey, of course.” 
“Ok, so what’s the catch?” Still eyeing the door and rubbing her bumped hip. 
“Please sit and I will explain the details.”  Dr. Zebba gestured to a chair. 
Mad sat down to hear what crazy plan would earn her more credits than she had the past 6 months of smuggling. 
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Meanwhile, at the Marauder, Hunter emerged from the refresher.  Tech and Echo had already left for the antique parts junkyard.  Wrecker was snoozing in the pilot’s chair.  Hunter’s night with Mad played back in his head.  He looked forward to seeing her again tonight. Hunter wanted to get her something special.  No kriffing idea what, though. 
He wished he had asked Echo about such things.  Echo was good at choosing heartfelt gifts.  Tech perhaps might even suggest something unique and exotic.  Hunter glanced at Wrecker sleeping while tying up his hair in a clean bandana. 
This wooing a woman stuff was new territory for Hunter.  Especially such a vivid woman like Mad.  No simple trinket would do.  Something significant, with meaning, but maybe not too much.  He didn’t want to seem desperate.  Oh, but he was...desperately falling for Mad. 
“Wrecker, wake up” 
“I uh...need help.” Wrecker could see something was eating at Hunter.  “Have to make a stop at the Vendor’s Market.  Come with me.” 
“Oh?  Can’t be food, we just stocked up” Wrecker stretched, then peered mischievously at Hunter, then lowered his voice, “Oooh, it’s for Mad, isn’t it?” 
“Matter of fact, yes.” 
“You really got the hots for her!  Even more than that girl back in basic training...or that Twi’lek at 79’s... or...” 
Hunter chuckled and shook his head at Wrecker.  
“Never brought them gifts, though.” 
“Sure, I’ll help ya”  Wrecker grabbed Hunter and squeezed him tightly.  “Must be serious!”   
“Just don’t want to show up empty handed to the ‘Dame for dinner.” 
“Whatever you say” Wrecker chuckled and winked. 
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Mad accepted the terms of the job. Dr Zebba was able to talk her into it if “The Droid” stayed in the other room. The extra money was going to be a boon as well.  Meeting at the extraction point sounded like it would be quick and easy.  
“Now remember what I said about...” a sudden explosion in the next room interrupted the doctor’s instructions. He dropped the bacta patch he was about to adhere to Mad’s hip. 
“WHAT THE KRIFF???” Mad jumped from the sudden loud noise. 
Dr. Zabba immediately grabbed the cooler, shoved it into Mad’s chest and yelled, “RUN!  No time, our security has been breached!”  And pushed her along frantically towards the back door to the clinic.  He opened the door which led out to an alleyway.  Another explosion in the room behind her and blaster fire.  As Mad crossed the threshold of the doorway, a heavy weight fell onto her back.  She stumbled, slammed into the ground, cooler flying out of her grasp and into the alley.  The wind was knocked out of Mad, with Dr. Zabba’s dead body sprawled across her legs.  Mad squawked in terror and struggled to shove his body aside.  She felt the adrenaline surge, kicked herself free, got up and started running. Pulled her blaster and squeezed off a few shots for good measure.  Mad grabbed the cooler and took off down the alley as fast as her legs could run.  Abdomen cramped with stress, she bit her lip and kept going.   
“Shitshitshitshit”  What the fuck was she going to do?  Who was pursuing her?  The Empire?  Mercenaries?  Bounty Hunters?  She had nowhere to go except the Beldame.  No backup plan, no alternative hiding spot.  This job was supposed to be simple. 
Mad ran blindly in the direction of her ship.  Crossed the vendor’s market, hoping to find cover and lose her pursuers.  Whomever was after her didn’t care about causing a scene as there were still active laser blasts and screams of people running away from danger. 
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Hunter and Wrecker had successfully acquired a gift for mad, with time left over to sit in the vendor square and relax.  Their respite was short lived, however, as the sound of blaster fire and screams filled the air.  They both shot up to their feet and drew weapons.  Vendor tents caught fire and smoldered, filling the air with thick smoke and affecting visibility.  A crowd of vendors and patrons ran in all directions adding to the confusion. 
Hunter heard her voice before he even saw her.  Mad was still swearing to herself as she ran through the smoke.  A crazed exercise in self-soothing.   
“Mad!”  She heard Hunter’s voice and slid to a stop, quaking in place.  “Stay still, I’m coming to you!!!” 
She was enveloped in thick grey smoke. Voices, screams, and blaster fire coming from all directions. 
Mad was easy to find.  Hunter could smell sweat and fear, hear her frantic breathing.  Wrecker followed behind his brother. 
Hunter reached through the smoke and grabbed Mad’s hand.  She spun around wildly with abject terror on her face. 
“They’re after me.  It all went bad!” 
“You ain’t kiddin’!”  Wrecker quipped. 
“Who???”  Hunter implored. 
“I don’t know for sure.  Didn’t stay around long enough to find out!” 
“Let’s get out of here.  Wrecker, I'm taking Mad back to the Beldame and leaving.  You run to the Marauder and get off world with Echo and Tech. Comm them ahead to prepare the ship.  We can meet up later.  Hopefully this smokescreen will buy us some time!” 
“I’m on it!”  With that Wrecker was gone. 
“C’mon!”  Hunter and Mad took off towards the ‘Dame. 
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“Where did she get this?” Omega marveled at the bobbling plasticine Rancor affixed to the ‘Dame's dashboard.   
She and Sil had been sitting in the cockpit conversing and watching Love levitate Tiggy.  The puppy was happily executing the doggy paddle through the ship.  It was an easy way to tire her out and restrict access to anything chewable. 
Omega bumped the Rancor to make it bobble again.  Mad had “modified” the toy so the Rancor was holding a severed doll head by the hair.  The head bore a certain likeness to Emperor Palpatine. 
“Mad picks up all sorts of odd things all over the galaxy.”  Remarked Sil.  “From traders, other Nomaadi, odd shops, even things cast aside on the street.  She’s got an eye for it.  Used to bring me and the family exotic and funny gifts when we met for Reunion...that was before I was taken away.” 
Uncomfortable silence for some time. 
“It’s ok.  Talk to him.” Love urged Omega telepathically. 
“I’m sorry they hurt you.” Omega hoped she wasn’t speaking out of turn.  But she could tell by Sil’s expression he was dealing with some heavy scars.  Love had Force spoke to Omega briefly about how they found Sil and that he had been missing for several years. 
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He nodded and sighed.  What could he say?  There was so much.  Certain triggers: A tone of voice, a touch, certain body postures, even random noises.  Panic attacks during the day and nightmares after dark.  Physical and psychological scars from things done to him.  Sil was trying the best he could to heal and not be seen as a burden to others. 
“You’re NEVER a burden, Couzin” Love whispered in his head. 
Sil glanced over to Love.  He forgot that occasionally his Couzin could sense intense emotion and snippets of internal dialogue with individuals they emotionally bonded with. 
Omega proceeded carefully, “The Kaminoan’s...they would run tests on me.  Sometimes I didn’t want them to touch me, but I had no choice.  The first time I ever left Kamino was with my brothers.  The Kaminoan’s would have kept me locked up at the facility forever.  It took me a while to heal...not completely.  Not sure that’s possible.” 
Sil was quiet for several minutes, thinking about Omegas words.  She extended her hand and held it open.  Sil reached out, took it, and gave a little squeeze.  They smiled at each other. 
Behind them Love smiled. 
Tiggy, sensing the emotion in the room wagged her tail and continued to doggy paddle in levitation. 
The ‘Dames comm lit up with Mad’s voice, “Love...Sil...Hunter and I are en-route to the ship.  Start her up!  We need to leave Ord Mantell NOW!!!”  Laser fire and screams could be heard in the background of the transmission.   
Sil spun around in the pilot’s chair with wide eyes.  “Love, lower the gangplank and meet them there.  It sounds like they’re in trouble.  You might have to do “that thing” again...like on Coruscant.” 
“What ‘thing’???” Omega demanded to know exactly what. 
“No time!  Take Tiggy and belt into a seat!!!”  Love Force spoke inside Omega's head, handing her the pup, and running to the gangplank. 
Sil fired up the ‘Dame and kept it running.  He used the thrusters to turn its nose towards the city.  Smoke and fire came into view through the cockpit windows.  Ships around them were taking off and leaving in a hurry, more than usual.  Something big and emergent was happening. 
“What the kriff is going on???” 
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To Read Chapter 7:
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thegreenfiles · 2 months
aight, I want to work on my WIPs today but I’m having trouble deciding which one to start with. So! Which one should I work on?
Propaganda under cut
Don’t Call Me A Hero
Super hero au fic for DSMP, Techno-centric with a heavy focus on the favor system, attempting to live a normal life after being yanked out of villainy and forcibly rehabilitated, all while investigating the disappearance of a hybrid that leads to the discovery of something much worse. Also takes a look at Sam and Techno’s dynamic because I think that’s an underutilized relationship that isn’t examined enough.
The Grave Sting
Zombie apocalypse au fic for Hermitcraft. It’s a heist to steal the cure for zombification from the Perimeter and Mumbo is in the process of turning into a zombie. Featuring the soup group plus Scar and Grian with background watcher lore. 4/6 chapters posted with about half of chapter five written.
The Price You Pay for Arrogance
A post canon Hermit! Niki one shot where Niki has crashed on the Hermitcraft server and has to slowly heal with the help of the other hermits before she can even think about fixing the space ship that got her there. Featuring Gem and Pearl talking Niki through the trauma of leaving a dying server, Bdubs and Niki bonding over horses and just a nice bit of fluff.
How Dare You Speak of Grace
Detective Pikachu AU for the Junoverse of the Penumbra Podcast. An examination of Junos relationship with his mom and his brother after Benton’s untimely death as Juno unravels just what Ben was up to, befriends a talking Pokémon who sounds strangely similar to him, and maybe falls in love with a nosy and cologne drenched journalist.
Right Me When I’m Wrong
Murder mystery set in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist with a heavy focus on a couple of OCs, one of them being a veteran doctor from the Ishvalan war who has seen firsthand the horrors of what State Alchemists’ power looks like and wants nothing to do with it (they moved to that small mining town for a reason), so when former state alchemist, Edward Elric, comes knocking at their door, accusing them of commuting the crime of human transmutation, they’re bound to be a little angry. Elric reveals that Central has received reports of a serial killer who’s struck the town and seems to be using the bodies of their victims for sick experiments that could only be that act he understands all too well.
Secret Sixth Option
Wouldn’t you like to know weather boy?
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thenntrewrite · 3 months
I love making OCs, and this rewrite will inevitably have a lot of them, or at least a good handful of them. I'll write out a list and make little blurbs for each of them—the skeleton of the characters, if you will! Aleron/Morgan le Fay: The main protagonist of the rewrite that's a celestial-faerie hybrid. She's the former princess of the Kingdom of Tintagel that becomes a traveling mage that lives for thousands of years. She's the oldest companion of Meliodas and the main alchemist/doctor of the group. Also the stocker of the Boar's Hat. Prior to that, she's usually the royal court mage of kingdoms. Rhiannon/Igraine Pendragon: The mother of Aleron, the wife of Gorlois and the older sister of Avalon. Once was considered the best of the Goddess mages, but she died during the war. She gets reincarnated as Igraine le Fay many, many centuries later and marries Uther Pendragon to have their son, Arthur Pendragon. The memories of her past are restored early in her life, and she was the one who hired Aleron as her own personal royal court mage—a counter to Merlin and simply to have her daughter from another life closer to her. Gorlois: The father of Aleron and the husband of Rhiannon. He was once remarked as a great king, and a remarkable battle tactician. He was friends with Gloxinia until the faerie king deflected to the demons. Gorlois survived the war and died when he reached old age. Avalon: The younger sister of the dearly departed Rhiannon. A Goddess warrior that lives and breathes the path of the blade. She sealed her soul in the body of birds, living on for thousands of years. She harbors a deep hatred for demons. Eventually, she wound up in a pet shop in the Kingdom of Rheged and purchased by King Urien due to her beautiful feathers. Bavmorda: One of the best mages around. She was one of the many teachers Aleron has had. Not much is known about her, but she has a deep seated fear of her former student and vowed to kill her. Kilia: The younger sister of Ban, and a beast-man. She was thought to be dead when Ban couldn't find her, but she miraculously survived thanks to unlocking her ability to shapeshift into a human. Kilia lives on to prosper and eventually leaves Ravens behind to pursue a career in helping others, like how her big brother always did for her. She'll either become a nurse or a schoolmaster for young children. Shivani: A vampire that acts on her own. Not trusting Izraf, she deflected to build her own kingdom of vampires. She tries to marry a human king the same time Aleron became the royal court mage in the same kingdom. Eventually, they go from enemies to frenemies (She was once fused with Kilia as a character, but I decided last minute it's better if they were two separate ones). Urien Rheged: The human king of Rheged and the younger brother of King Lot of Lothian. He hired Aleron as a royal court mage, and finds himself going through the seven stages of grief when he's charmed by the stoic mage who could care less about the human. It's a one-sided hate-love relationship. He disliked Arthur Pendragon when he first ascended to the throne, but eventually became one of his closest allies and friends, often involving himself in any wars or affairs with Camelot. Dinah: A mischievous beast-man crow that Aleron saved from hunters a decade before the main story. She becomes loyal to the hybrid and refers to her often as master, even though Aleron told her many times not to call her that. Usually she stays a small crow and perches on Aleron's shoulder or staff, opting to stick with the mage at all times. She becomes the unofficial familiar of the mage.
Part II
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