#Elyan giving Arthur Gwen advice
shana-rosee · 1 year
I feel like we as a fandom don't talk enough about how Arthur and Elyan are literally brothers
Do you know anyone who does post about this more? Bc I'm afraid I don't but id like to get involved
(Sorry if this sounds rude. I'm not trying to be mean I just struggle with words a lot)
First off, YESSSSSSS!!!!! Yes yes yes!!! I am, forever bitter, that we never got to see Arthur & Elyan do some family bonding, and wish more people wrote about them being brothers (image how excited and unsure Arthur would be over having a sibling who isn’t trying to kill him 😆☺️)
I even started a fic in this vein but sadly got drunk while writing and the next morning could not for the life of me remember where the plot was going and end up never finished it😅
While I sadly don’t know anybody blogging about Elyan and Arthur bonding as siblings, I saw @groundbreakingdot872 posting about Elyan/Lancelot today so maybe she might know of some?
And no worries! You didn’t seem rude at all, in fact your ask made me so happy! If you find any Arthur & Elyan brothers fic please let me know!!!
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angelynmoon · 2 months
Kilgharrah calls for Merlin two weeks after Morgause's siege, Merlin hadn't known he could do that but he answered the Dragon's call anyway, curious.
At least Camelot's re-introduction to Magic was going well, as was Morgana's penance, she found comfort in helping Gaius with his rounds, apologizing for her actions under Morgause and tending those with illnesses or injuries. Gwen often helped her with Percival, Leon or Elyan trailing behind them.
Sometimes Merlin and Lancelot joined them but they were often called to Arthur's Council room to help with Magical issues, Lancelot for advice and Merlin to unravel whatever had been done.
As it was, Lancelot was on patrol with Gwaine and Leon to make sure the Druids and Outer Villages were aware that having and practicing certain Magics was no longer punishable by death.
"Merlin." Kilgharrah greeted when Merlin arrived.
"What did you want, Kilgarrah?" Merlin asked.
"I have long since thought I was the last of my kind, I was wrong, I have found an egg in a distant region." Kilgharrah said.
"That's great, I can't wait to meet them." Merlin grinned up at the golden Dragon.
"And meet them you shall, for only a Dragonlord can call a Hatchling from their egg." Kilgharrah informed him, "It will take several days to get there."
"Oh." Merlin said, "Let's go then."
Kilgharrah nodded and bent down for Merlin to climb upon his back, then they leapt into the sky, on their way.
Most of the flight was quiet, Merlin taking his sleep in Kilgharrah's claws to avoid falling to his death when night came.
"While I have you here, I want to ask if you can breath fire on another Sword?" Merlin asked.
"And why would I do that, in the wrong hands it can do great harm." Kilgharrah reminded him.
"I want to give it to Lancelot." Merlin admitted.
"Ah." Kilgharrah said as he landed, "You wish to court the knight."
"No, yes, I mean, we've been courting, ever since he first arrived in Camelot." Merlin blushed a little.
"It'd be an anniversery gift, for his Knighthood." Merlin explained.
"He has not been a knight very long." Kilgharrah said as they approached a small cave.
"Not his Camelot Knighthood, his Old Religion one." Merlin climbed Kilgharrah's foreleg to get to the opening of the cave, too small for Kilgharrah to fit.
"So, he is a Knight of the Old Code."
Merlin nodded and looked up at Kilgharrah, "Please?"
Kilgharrah nodded, "Very well, a Knight who can swear the Old Oath of Knighthood is rare indeed. Bring me a blade and I will temper it with my flame."
"Thank you." Merlin hugged Kilgharrah's side before entering the cave to find the egg.
It was hidden behind a handful of enchantments that Merlin gently detangled. The egg was a soft blue with purple streaks through it. Merlin picked it up with great care and walked back to Kilgharrah.
"Now you call the Hatchling forth by speaking their name." Kilgharrah instructed.
Melin let his eyes close and searched for the name of the Dragon, only, he was hearing two names.
"Elpis, Efrosyni." Merlin called and opened his eyes to the cracking of the egg, smiling as two little tails flopped out.
"I have never witnessed a twin pair of Dragons." Kilgharrah said in awe as Merlin coaxed the two little ones into his arms, "Which is which?"
Merlin looked at Kilgharrah, "The blue is Elpis, her name means hope, and the purple is Efrosyni, her name means joy. It suits them."
Merlin giggled as Elpis nipped at his fingers.
"We'd better get back to Camelot." Merlin said, " Lancelot should be back by now."
"You will have to keep the Hatchlings with you, I have other places to search, and I am much too old to keep up with young Dragons." Kilgharrah told Merlin.
"Okay." Merlin said as he tucked the two Hatchlings into his shirt, against his chest, figuring the tiny Dragons would appriciate his warmth.
Within moments the Hatchlings were asleep against his chest, hatching was hard work.
"We should feed them when they wake up." Merlin said.
"Yes, but they will sleep for the trip to Camelot, hatching can be a tiring process." Kilgharrah said as he lifted Merlin up to his back.
Merlin cast a small heating spell to keep the winds' chill from his Hatchlings and hummed a lullaby his Mother had sang to him as a child.
Eventually Camelot came into view and Merlin parted ways with Kilgharrah after he kindly caught a deer for the twins' first meal, laughing at the face Merlin made when he learned he'd have to half chew their meet for a few weeks, luckly they would not come to harm from cooked meat since a Dragon would often roast their food with their fire.
High on energy from the meal Elpis and Efrosyni jumped and danced around Merlin as he walked back to the Castle, climbing up onto his shoilders as he reached the lower town from the forest.
"Where have you been, Merlin?!" Lancelot yelled as Merlin entered the courtyard, the Knights of the Round Table geared up for what was probably meant as a rescue for Merlin.
"Are those Dragons?" Gwen squealed, "They're so cute."
The group looked at the two Hatchlings.
"So, Lancelot is like most of impulse control, I may or may not have gone off with an Elder Dragon to hatch two baby Dragons." Merlin admitted.
Lancelot looked at the two Dragonlings and they stared back.
Lancelot sighed, "Sire, we're going to need a bigger room."
"We?" Merlin asked.
Lancelot smiled as he took Merlin's hand and brought it up to his lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
"We." Lancelot confirmed.
Elpis chirped and glided over to Lancelot's shoulder.
"Hello, you." Lancelot scratched her head.
"Her name is Elpis, but she likes being called Ellie." Merlin told him, "And this little mischief maker is Efrosyni, Effie for short." Merlin cuddled Effie against his cheek.
"Hope and Joy." Morgana said softly, "Very good names for a new beginning."
"If they eat anyone..." Arthur trailed off unsure how to end the threat as Gwen and Morgana both stepped forward to coo at the Hatchlings, "Why is this my life?"
"Well, it's never boring." Gwaine offered, as Ellie sneezed and let of a burst of sparks.
"We'll get Gaius and Geoffery to look up fireproofing spells." Elyan said and pulled Percival along with him.
"But I wanted to pet the Dragon." The knight whined, even as he let himself be pulled along.
Eventually Lancelot, Merlin and the two Hatchlings would be settled in one of the towers, which was great once the two started flying, they could come and go as they pleased, Merlin too, once he learned how to change his shape.
But for now Merlin lets Lancelot pull him into his rooms amd tucks the two Hatchlings between them, laying a heating spell on the blankets to make the Dragonlings comfy. In the morning Langelot would watch with disgust as Merlin chewed Ellie and Effie's food for them but would do the same at the dinner they shared with Arthur and the other knights.
He had chosen Merlin, just as the man had chosen him and if a life with Merlin involved Dragon Hatchlings and and half chewed meat then so be it.
A/n: is this an excuse for Merlin and Lancelot to raise baby dragons? Yep.
For those that care Merlin's gone like a week or so without telling anyone.
The names come from Greek.
Elpis — Hope
Efrosyni — Joy, mirth
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You were the one to teach me how to use knives (Merlin re-write Series)
Fandom: Merlin BBC
Author: Obsessedwithfanfiction, @turnsoutnoonewasexaggerating​
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, Major Character Death
Word Count:  318,538
Pairings: Arwen, Mergana, Merthur, Gwencelot, Freylin
Characters: Merlin, Morgana, Arthur Pendragon, Gwen, Gaius, Uther Pendragon, Lancelot, Leon, Catrina, Aredian, Morgause, Freya, Kilgharrah, Mithian, Mordred, Trickler, George, Hunith, Alvarr, Elyan, Balinor
Tags: Some of these feature more in this part than others, If you're in it for Merlin/Arthur be prepared for a slowburn, None of these pairings are necessarily their endgame, We're still in the early days, Pairings are only ordered by when they first appear in the story, Endgame potential is still v much in the air, And will be updated as we go- no one panic, Fix-It, Season 2 onwards rewrite, If Merlin had told Morgana about magic but not that he had it, Lol I promise it makes sense, What if the Merlin writers were actually capable of continuity and emotional catharsis, Morgana doesn't just suddenly become evil, But neither is everything magically fixed knowing she has a friend in the castle, And everyone is in love with Merlin fight me, Merlin finds out about Balinor slightly earlier than canon, Even I don't know who's going to end up with who, Every character in this show has romantic tension with every other character, I'm just taking the romantic tension where it leads me, One day the title will make sense I promise, This part covers Nightmare Begins-Lady of the Lake Vol 2 but we're still on S2 because I cannot control myself, You defo need to read the first part to read this part don't jump in here, My continuous crusade to bring emotional catharsis to Merlin, Everyone is still in love with Merlin and everyone can still fight me, I have slightly more of a plan about who ends up with who but I can still be persuaded, by myself, Don't try and persuade me yourself lol, Still just taking that romantic tension that is between everyone wherever it leads me, But probably not any time soon, This part covers Sweet Dreams- The Last Dragonlord, Whoo boy here we go again, Season 2 onwards re-write, WE'RE FINALLY ON SEASON 3 BBY, Pls read the other parts first or this will make little sense, What if BBC's Merlin had emotional catharsis?, And consistency?, Wouldn't that be... Beautiful, Everyone is still in love with Merlin, Except Merlin, He is in a bit of a guilt phase, We're still following that tensionnnnn, Probs not in this part, Maybe the Next One, who knows certainly not me, Posts every other Friday atm
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 1
Merlin chose to save Mordred against the dragon's advice. He should have made the same choice for Morgana. In which Merlin is more than a little fed up of old men and old dragons telling him what to do, and gives Morgana some hope. Maybe it won't change the dark path she's destined to walk down... Or perhaps in doing so, Merlin saves all of Albion from her wrath. Featuring the emotional catharsis and continuity we were denied in canon and a systematic re-writing of what could have been
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 2
Merlin's trained Morgana in magic against Gaius & the dragon's advice, hasn't killed Mordred, and honestly thought he was doing a pretty good job of moving his destiny along. Then, he lost Freya. Has his faith in Arthur been shaken enough to make the prophecised Albion further away than ever? Featuring Merlin actually reacting to Arthur killing his beloved, Morgana realising that Merlin's role in keeping Arthur alive is even harder than she thought, and Arthur still trying to come to terms with his own opinions on magic- and his father
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 3
Merlin's lost his first love and his father in the space of a few months, and he's not sure how much more he's willing to let destiny take from him. But with that loss has come the unburdening of some of his secrets, and now with fewer distractions, he can't deny his relationship with Arthur is changing...
Arthur's between a rock and a hard place; between his childhood and what he's learnt as an adult, between being loyal and being just, between his father and Mer- the magical community. With a heavier burden placed on him from the king's more frequent bouts of insanity, he's bound to break under the pressure, but perhaps that's the only way to heal straight...
Morgana's magic's been revealed to everyone, but somehow she's got to find a way back into her position in Camelot's court if she ever wants to make a change. The problem is, Morgana's only ally now is her sister, and she doesn't know how much she can trust her...
Gwen's going to get her answers. No matter what.
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4artfriends · 2 years
Ever Think about the fact that while Merlin and Arthur will be reunited again, they wont ever see the others. Like gwen is dead. Gwaine, Lance, Elyan, Percival, Leon (but hes immortal too so we will see him), Gaius, Morgana and also mordred (still not sure if I hate or like him...).
Like....they are gone. Even the servant who looks dresses like merlin whose name I always forget.
Well probs on being a merthyr shipper cause for me, I want Merlin and Arthur to be husbands after arthur rises again. That's the only good thing. THE ONLY.
Do you think kilgharah is still alive and gives merlin bad advice? Do you think they live together? Maybe even Aithusa is there, but idk Merlin is probably kinda pissed at her....well it was kinda his fault-
But no merlin shaming. I love him.
But Aithusa was a child-
Merlin is a bad parent.
I want to know how strong Merlin got. Is he better in healing magic now?
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weakforarwen · 2 years
Oh Gwen... She was banished, forced to leave her home and friends, and to travel for months until she found someone willing to take her in and give her work (toiling away in the fields all day :/). She'd been alone, walking for days on end, making camp whenever she could, probably eating and drinking very little, scared and heartbroken...
What the fuck did you do Arthur? Was he even aware of the fate he was condemning her to? Almost worse than death. She could've been attacked by bandits, or worse. And she was attacked, by mercenaries or whatever they were, and almost became a sex slave. Luckily, she escaped, but Helios's men and Morgana went after her, so she was forced to flee for her life, again, after she had finally found a place to start over, knowing she would certainly die if she were caught. And she did get caught, but for some reason Morgana didn't just kill her. No, she did one better and turned Gwen into a deer, so Arthur nearly shot her. He missed, courtesy of Merlin, but Mithian didn't and Gwen almost died...
I fucking hate these writers. If Morgana wasn't such a sadistic piece of shit, Gwen would've been dead already. Why have Lancelot ruin Arthur and Gwen's wedding, when Agravaine could've killed just Gwen or found someone else to do the job? Arthur would've been left heartbroken, vulnerable, weak, and Camelot ripe for the picking. In The Hunter's Heart, too, Morgana could've just killed Gwen. Instead, she chose to humiliate and literally dehumanize her.
I wish Arthur had actually shot Gwen (not fatally of course) and I wish Gwen had reverted back to her true form in front of his very eyes. The guilt and horror he would've felt should've woken him right up, but it still wouldn't have been punishment enough for what he did. He deserved so much more, to feel as desperate, hopeless, remorseful, as disgusted and angry with himself, as Gwen did. It wasn't his fault Gwen "cheated" on him, but casting her out like she was a threat to Camelot or had committed murder was appalling. I understood his decision at the time, but to throw her out without any safety net, without helping her find a home or a job? Shame on all her "friends" who let her go without a goodbye, without giving her money or food, without leaving with her to help her settle down somewhere safe, without any word of advice or encouragement, without any kind of help at all. What kind of brother was Elyan anyway? And Merlin was so upset with her banishment, yet the only time he actually helped was in this episode. The writers did Gwen so dirty. There's no excuse for how any of the characters behaved, Arthur included. It was OOC for all of them. They acted like they lived in a perfect world where being banished just meant you couldn't come home again, but you could easily find work and shelter and start fresh. Lancelot and Gwaine were proof that life outside Camelot was hard.
Anyway, knowing how much certain fans liked Mithian made me unwillingly like her less in this episode. She was fine - kind, intelligent, beautiful - but I don't see how she had amazing chemistry with Arthur. Whatever, I don't want to engage in ship wars. Arthur was truly taken aback by how beautiful and nice she was, but it's quite easy to explain his attitude around her. The moment he found Gwen's ring, she became invisible to him, much to Merlin's delight. Merlin was truly one of us in this episode. He felt betrayed and appalled by the very idea that Arthur would marry a non-Gwen. Nothing wrong with Mithian, she just wasn't Gwen. Hard same. He felt so strongly about Gwen and Arthur that he took it upon himself to sabotage Arthur's engagement. He felt it was his duty as Emyrs to stop Arthur from marrying Mithian, because marrying Gwen was Arthur's destiny. Bless his heart.
If only Gwen had personally told Arthur of Agravaine's betrayal, Morgana's plans, and what Morgana had done to her, then maybe Arthur would've believed it. As it was, Merlin didn't have any proof and he couldn't tell Arthur about Gwen, so Arthur didn't trust him nor wanted to. The timing sucked too, because Arthur was so upset after finding Gwen's ring and half-angry at Merlin for being so pro-Gwen. He ignored Merlin's advice the whole episode, since he knew Merlin disapproved of Mithian. That's why he hadn't even told Merlin of the engagement in advance.
In the end, though, Arthur did ask Merlin for advice, because he hadn't actually needed it. He'd already known what Merlin would say. He just needed to hear it so he wouldn't feel foolish for sabotaging a potential alliance and giving away the disputed lands of Gedref, all for a woman who'd cheated on him. I can understand him.
But Arthur's heartbreak didn't excuse his treatment of Merlin. He threatened to banish Merlin twice. He thought as King he could do or say whatever he wanted? "Hurt me personally and I will banish you.". That's the King he wanted to be? He thought so little of Gwen's fate that he casually threatened Merlin to share it? Arthur was a real asshole this episode. The last time I watched it, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but I felt so bad for Gwen this time that I couldn't.
Mithian: Tell me...who is it that trumps a princess? Arthur: No one. And everyone.
I used to like this bit of dialogue, but now I'm personally offended by it. Who is it that trumps a princess? Mithian, you think you're the first princess to want to marry Arthur? You think so highly of yourself that you can't imagine anyone better than you? You treated Merlin nicely, but you still think servants are beneath you, right? You think you're all that because you're a princess?
And what does "no one" mean? I get Arthur was trying to appease Mithian, but the idea that "no one" trumped Princess Mithian made me feel offended on Gwen's behalf. Was Gwen "no one" because she was "no one", just a servant? Was Gwen the "no one" and Arthur was actually answering Mithian's question, or was he literally saying no one was better than Mithian? I'm too mad to think positively. Wasn't Gwen better than any Princess? Isn't that why he wanted to marry her? "And everyone" meant, what? That he couldn't marry Mithian and everyone was equally unappealing to him, or that Gwen was everyone to him, like everything?
Also, why didn't we see Elyan's reaction to the news of Arthur's engagement? Why didn't Agravaine tell Morgana that Mithian was to become Queen of Camelot? Did it only matter who Arthur married when that person was Gwen? An alliance with Nemeth would've strengthened Camelot even further, so shouldn't Morgana have tried to prevent it? I guess Morgana hated only Gwen for breathing and daring to rise above her rank, right?
I also have a question about the ending. Arthur said: "What's the point of loving someone who cannot be found?". What did he mean? After finding Gwen's ring in the forest, had he sent men to look for her? Is that why Camelot's patrol had been in the forest when Merlin found Gwen?
This episode made me so angry, I almost didn't want Gwen to marry Arthur. But I have to keep in mind that Arthur thought Gwen had cheated on him and the writers fucked everyone over with this storyline. It was heartbreaking to hear Gwen say she deserved what happened to her because she betrayed Arthur. Even if she had truly cheated on him, no one deserved to be abandoned by everyone they knew, forced to run for their lives, and nearly getting killed or raped. But kudos to Gwen for being such a fucking badass. She didn't even look scared when she got taken by Helios. She played his game and survived. She managed to trick his men too, and was only caught because Morgana knew the forests of Camelot too well. She's a real survivor. She's so smart and brave.
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Suppose the Gang™️ live together. Who does which chore? Who makes messes and who nags? & ukw you can add characters like Will, Mithian, Daegal, Kara, Morgause too!! (If you don't want to that's fine :)
(Headcanon Masterlist) (Full Masterlist)
OHOHOHOHOHO I like this anon, lots of crack potential, thank you :D
Ok so. Lets say they all live in the same apartment complex, and become buddies through that (because upwards of 15 people living together is... too many lol). Arthur lives in the nicest, biggest apartment, the penthouse, which is where they all hang out (much to his annoyance) most of the time. Eventually they all get keys to each others' places which is a huge annoyance because like... that's a LOT of keys they all have to carry around.
Merlin and Will are roommates, shortly joined by Gwen, and then Elyan a little while later, after he returns from travelling. Mordred and Daegal live with their uncle, Iseldir, who is the only sane one and tends to stay out of everyone else's way. Percival, Gwaine, and Lancelot share, and are across the hall from M+W+G+E. Leon lives on his own because he has his life together, and prefers having his own space to living with friends, but has also lived in the building the longest. Gaius also lives alone, but he's Merlin's uncle, and is a retired doctor or nurse or something, so he's always being woken up at God knows in the morning to treat various injuries and illnesses. It can literally be needing to tell them anything from "Take a paracetamol and fuck off" to "Jesus Fucking Christ what do you mean he accidentally ate half a kilo of rat poison call a fucking ambulance??". Mithian lives in the building next door, in her own penthouse, and Kara and Morgause live in their own apartments downstairs. Morgana used to share with Arthur, but as much as they're still on good terms, they argued all the time and it was annoying, so she eventually moved in with Morgause.
Gaius tries so hard to stay away from all the weird ass youngers that congregated in his apartment building, but they're all so stupid, and he finds himself looking after them more often than he'd care to admit. He doesn't like... make them meals or anything, but he gives them all mini medkits and looks after them when they're sick. Though with lots of sarcasm and general attitude. Iseldir is the same, but he's a little more removed. He'll occasionally show up to offer sage advice or a helping hand if Mordred/Daegal ask for it specifically. People sort of forget he's there most of the time, but he did save Leon's life once when he was a victim of a hit and run right outside the building.
Merlin, Will, Gwen, and Elyan’s place is like... halfway between messy and tidy. It never gets ridiculous, because Will+Gwen won’t let it, but Elyan and Merlin are fairly messy. You’d think that Lancelot, Percival, and Gwaine’s place would be messiest, purely because of Gwaine, but he’s actually the neatest of them all. Though that isn’t because Gwaine is a neat person, like Lance and Percy are, it’s because he has barely any belongings, and all his shit basically never gets taken out of his suitcases and moving boxes. The others reckon it’s something to do with him hiding from his family maybe? Or an ex? Always being ready to run? But they don’t pry, they just hope he sticks around. Arthur’s place is a MESS and he refuses to tidy, despite it making his life so much harder because he never knows where anything is. Leon’s place is always tidy of course, as is Mordred, Daegal, and Iseldir’s place, and Gaius’ place. They’ve no clue how the girls in the building next door live (very cleanly, or very messily, depending on the mood they’re in), because other than Gwen and Mordred, no one else is allowed access.
The best food is always found in Merlin, Will, Gwen, and Elyan’s place. All of them, bar Will, can cook: Merlin because his mum taught him, and he’s always been pretty self sufficient, Gwen because she was the cook in her house growing up, and Elyan, because both Gwen taught him, and he learnt how to cook all sorts of interesting foreign food when he was travelling. Leon cooks well, but boring-ly, as does Gaius and Iseldir. Arthur can’t cook at all, and actually ends up going to M+W+G+E’s place pretty much every night, to the point where they set a place at the table for him automatically, and if he doesn’t show up without a warning, someone will go check on him.
Will and Arthur have never got along, but like... they keep it on the down low because neither of them are prepared to give up on the rest of the friend group just to avoid the other. But also... once Arthur sees how fiercely protective Will is of his friends, especially Merlin, and once Will sees Arthur punch someone for groping Morgause and Morgana at a bar, they both lay off. They’re secretly rather fond of each other actually, not that either of them would admit it.
Daegal and Mordred kind of idolise Merlin a bit, which everyone thinks is super weird because other than his ability to cook, the man is a bit of a disaster. He’s mid way through medical school and is a mess for it. But you know, he tries to look after them, tells Mordred to shoot his shot with Kara (who he’s been communicating with posters stuck on the inside of his window, because their rooms are across from each other), and teaches Daegal bits and pieces of first aid.
Morgana, whenever she comes over, Gwen, and Merlin are naggers when it comes to Arthur’s untidiness, but no one else really cares, and Morgause just rolls her eyes at it all. Merlin and Gwen meet up maybe once a month to sneak into his apartment and tidy everything up, and he simultaneously hates and loves it. Lancelot nags Merlin into looking after himself, especially when Merlin is in turn nagging everyone else to look after themselves. Lance will pop over when he knows that Merlin has been studying six hours straight without a break, or has spent a whole afternoon helping Arthur out with paperwork (Arthur has him paid as a part time personal assistant or something, so it’s not like he’s working for free), to make him stop and nap and rehydrate. He and Gwen tag team “looking after Merlin”.
Everyone’s like... least favourite thing, is when Arthur and Morgana’s father comes to visit. He’s always an arse, and though the others don’t really see him, except maybe Merlin if he happens to be working at Arthur’s when Uther visits, Arthur and Morgana are always in foul moods for days after he leaves. He always manages to spark arguments between the two of them, which Morgause somehow ends up involving herself in. He’s a bit of a xenophobic twat as well; he’s been pretty cruel to Daegal, Mordred, and Iseldir in the corridor, and the only reason he’s not cruel to Merlin is because he hides his accent/takes care to never speak his native tongue around the man. Everyone always bands together to fix everything when he goes though. Merlin, Gwen, and Elyan will take over Arthur’s massive kitchen and cook a feast and everyone will come and they’ll eat and drink and have Mario Kart tournaments on his huge TV.
There’s also kind of a running joke about Arthur almost or actually dating almost everyone in the group. He and Leon had known each other for years before they knew anyone else, and won’t expand on the friendship they had previous to everyone else showing up. There was a weird tension between Arthur and Lance for like... the first week after he moved in, then it happened again with Gwaine. He and Gwen had a relationship for maybe a year before they realised they were besties and it was weird. He and Mithian had a short lived romance where they both went “meh, no thanks” after maybe a week. He checked Elyan out a handful of times in full view of everyone when they first met, but nothing ever came of it. The only thing that’s lasted more than that year with Gwen, is the obvious thing he has for Merlin. That Merlin also has for him. That both of them are entirely unaware of. Pretty much everyone in the building has money on it now, even people in other apartments who aren’t part of the group. Gwen, Will, and Elyan both really want it to happen, because they won’t have to witness Merlin mope every time Arthur brings a date home anymore, and really don’t want it to happen, because Merlin will move upstairs and they’ll have to start paying more rent.
ANYWAY!!! The whole apartment complex is a MESS but... none of them ever consider leaving because they kind of love it. Half of them are on the same casual football/rugby/pub quiz team. Arthur gave a few of them/would give any of them jobs at his company. They don’t want to leave behind Elyan’s cooking, or Gaius’ odd brand of caring, or Iseldir’s fortune cookie advice, or Morgana and Morgause’s judging, or Gwaine’s ADHD induced bouts of learning to play the drums at three in the morning. It’s just all very special, and homely, and lovely.
Whew, that’s a lot!
I know that’s not exactly what you meant anon, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!! :D
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whumpookies · 2 years
Arthur: what's the best Christmas advice you can give?
Merlin: Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and receipts for all major purchases.
Leon: You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
Gwaine: I love Christmas. I receive a lot of wonderful presents I can’t wait to exchange.
Elyan: Santa Claus has the right idea – visit people only once a year.
Gwen: Anyone who believes that everyone is the equal has never seen a person trying to wrap a Christmas present.
Lancelot: It’s all fun and games until Santa checks the naughty list.
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merlinspussy · 3 years
What your BBC Merlin comfort character says about you (based on my opinion and experience - aka these aren’t to be taken too seriously 😗✌🏼)
Merlin- You are a beautiful, wonderful, amazing, talented, funny, witty and an empathetic person but for the love of god please locate therapy I’m worried about you-
Arthur- You have Mummy and/or Daddy issues. You doubt yourself even when you really shouldn’t. You might also have Imposters Syndrome lurking in you somewhere and how is it being emotionally stunted and unable to express/receive affection easily?
Gwen - You are either somehow really mentally stable or this >< close to going off the deep end yet you’re the therapist of your group and you probably give great hugs and advice. Also if you are close to losing it you probably don’t listen to the advice you give your friends or you don’t open up because none of your friends know what to do because none of them are mentally stable and you are their lifeline??? If you get that somehow then yeah.
Morgana - Parental issues part two. Also anger issues?? Or your temper blinds you . You’re also very strong minded, you strive for what’s right and are very passionate. Did you have an emo phase as well because that seems to radiate as well-
Gaius - You’re mature for your age, maybe it’s trauma or maybe you’re just built different.
Leon - You’re the mum friend. You’re quite stable and have you’re life together yet you’re lumbered with what feels like children for friends but you wouldn’t change them for the world and you know it.
Elyan- You’re severely under appreciated, you also most definitely have the best sense of humour. Also I bet you are great at cooking I just get the feeling. You’re also genuinely a really lovely person to be around because you care so i love you-
Gwaine- You use humour as your coping mechanism. Sorry. But you’re loyal and fun to talk to as well. If not then you have commitment issues and maybe even abandonment issues.
Lancelot - You are the "chill" friend of your group but in reality you’re likely the most chaotic and reckless.
Percival- You are the best hugger in your group and probably are a himbo/bimbo. You are really nice but you could kill someone if you wanted to...
Morguase- You’re the gay cousin or the middle child that’s always forgotten about in favour of the oldest and youngest.
Mordred - Mummy issues 😜, you seek validation constantly. Also very determined?? How’s life being a burnt out gifted kid? Or a child who had their innocence shattered very quickly? Who knows.
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aftertheskyy · 3 years
The Knights + Emotional Vulnerability
Give me Arthur becoming more visibly emotional after being with the knights and Merlin
Give me Gwaine having a heart to heart with Elyan and Percival about his father
Or Lancelot having an especially rough day of training and talking to Leon about how he’s scared to mess up being a knight since he’s dreamed about it for so long
Elyan talking with Percival because he wants to be able to protect Gwen and how he’s worried about being a knight for his king, friend, and brother-in-law
Leon liking someone in the village and going to Gwaine for advice
Percival seeing a flower patch in a field and going over to pick some for his chambers
Gwaine inviting some of the new trainees to go to the tavern with them later in the day
Or at Lancelot’s funeral and the other knights of the round table are openly crying and hugging each other while the other trainees try to keep steady faces even if they want to cry
Arthur seeing all of this and learning that it’s okay to talk about your feelings and to not be bottled up all the time
And Arthur realizing that there are people are worth his tears
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Anybody else been kept up at night thinking about a BBC Merlin JATD crossover? No? Too bad! If I must suffer so shall you!
I can’t decide if it should be before of after the magic reveal.
They have a wizard! But he makes fireworks and has never been said to do any actual magic, so I’m thinking he’s more of an alchemist.
Merlin would be so conflicted when he hears the knights talking about a wizard, because on one hand, he’s so lonely. He perks up like a sleep deprived little puppy because, friend? Magic friend who gets it?! But also suspicious because poor boy is traumatized.
Arthur is doing his best to be chill with the wizard because this isn’t his kingdom, they don’t have any treaties yet, he can’t just execute him.
Then the wizard is just a person.
Theodore voices his surprise that more experienced knights didn’t accompany the king. Leon explains that he IS the most experienced knight. Theodore has now adopted Arthur’s round table.
King Carodoc feels for Arthur, he knows what it’s like to suddenly be thrust into the role of a young king.
Arthur did not blink twice when he met Jane. He grew up with Morgana and is married to Gwen and I’m giving him realistic character development. That makes Theodore like him more.
Gwen likes to hide in the kitchen with Pepper. Pepper is super scared/uncomfortable at first, but then they swap recipes.
Arthur sees so much of his younger self in Gunther and so he offers him a lot of advice. Most of it unhelpful.
Merlin sees so much of Arthur in Gunther and it makes him want to punch his dad.
Everybody freaks out. Arthur wants to kill him and just like that he gets on everybody’s kick list.
Merlin is so happy he starts to cry. Arthur just thinks he’s scared and remembering the trauma of before.
Merlin has to tell Dragon that there are only two others out there. He introduces him to Athusela.
Athusela loves him and he’s working on teaching her to talk like humans.
Levinia plays with the baby dragon, still the size of a pony, and declares them best friends, like Jane and Dragon.
Maybe Merlin would give Dragon a name.
Dragon loves messing with the knights. Gwaine especially has a similar sense of humor.
Speaking of humor, Jester brings the group to tears nearly every night from either laughter or moving songs/poems.
Smithy(Jethro) talks shop with Elyan and Gwen. They are super impressed by all his innovations.
Rake and Merlin talk about medicinal plants and where they grow best. Rake plans to send Merlin home with some little herbs that will grow in close, indoor environments.
Percival knows a lot about flowers and their meanings, he and Rake talk about them all the time. Percy gives Rake the courage to give Pepper a red tulip, symbolizing romantic love and royalty, because he just loves her that much.
Gwen gets in on the matchmaking and suggests to Pepper that Rake was in fact flirting when he compared her to shrubbery.
Arthur gets dragged in and thus is redeemed from the whole, trying to stab dragon thing.
Jester totally catches Merlin doing magic on accident and just nopes himself right out of the room.
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Can you please write headcannons about aroace Sir Leon?
-Leon first realises hes aroace when Gwen and Morgana start dating became they're the first real relationship he's been around and he's like hmm no. this is not my thing. you guys look happy but this would make me really uncomfortable. not my jam no thank you
-He likes to say how it means he'll outlive the rest of the knights because they're always getting distracted but he can't pull that around Gwen, Elyan or Arthur because they know him too well
Leon, stitching up Gwaine's forehead: buddy what the fuck, this is your third "i saw Merlin looking pretty and i forgot how to walk" injury this month. thank god this doesn't happen to me
Gwen: i love you but you're full of shit. just because you're immune to romantic relationships it does not mean you are immune to stupid. i've watched you trip face-first down the stairs because you saw a pretty butterfly and tried to chase it
-The lamia episode goes a bit differently in that all the other knights are infatuated and Leon is pretty indifferent like i don't get it. she seems like a very nice girl i suppose and then she starts attacking them and he's like never mind i do not think she is very nice
-Leon under a love potion is the quickest anyone in camelot has ever worked anything out
Leon: i'm planning a big romantic proposal to my dear Lady Lillian, my one true love, do you have any ideas?
Arthur, immediately: who broke my Sir Leon
-Despite not being particularly into it himself, it's well know that Leon gives great relationship advice, which if you cross him he will use to his advantage
Elyan: i heard you're pretty good at this kind of stuff so i was wondering if i could ask you something
Leon, remembering how last week Elyan beat him to the last cupcake, pulling an EvilSmirk™️ worthy of season 3 Morgana: go on
-Leon has a fake wife on standby in case any Lords ever try and give him a hard time about it. He's only had to do it once but the look on everyone's faces when Leon walked in with Merlin as the Dolma and introduced her as his wife was priceless
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🌹🌹🌹 from any three? <3
Ok so this is from the everybody returns fic I tried to write for xmas last year and didn't finish but who knows maybe this year 🤣
Even in his gloomy thoughts Merlin was dimly aware of some thuds and few muffled yelps, as though a scuffle was going on.
A minute or two Gwen came into room looking a little dishevelled. “Sorry,” she said briskly. “I had to fight my brother, my brother-in-law, both your knights and both my husbands to be the one to talk to you.”
His eyes widened at her last words. “I don’t even think about- I’m sorry.” He looked up at her “How’s that going?”
“Rather well, honestly,” she said cheerily. “Helps that I was only romantically involved with one of them. “
He grinned. “I guess that would.”
This is from the next in If Lancelot stayed basically an AU of 1x08 where they all work together to save Mordred and Merlin is done w Kilgahrra's shit!!
“What do you want?” he asked wearily.
“You cannot be thinking of saving the boy.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m thinking. Also why does he call me Emrys?”
“Because that is your name. You have many names.”
“Great. Always wanted a surname. Why shouldn’t I save him?”
“If you do, you cannot fulfil your destiny.”
“Here we go,” Merlin muttered.
“Heed my words young warlock! Your destiny is to protect Arthur. If you let the boy live, one day you will no longer be able to do that.”
Merlin raised his eyebrows. “You’re telling me that little boy is going to kill Arthur?”
“That is up to you.”
A smile was tugging at Merlin’s lips. “No no. Killy my dear scaly friend. How many times in the last few months have I taken your advice?”
Smoke drifted out of the dragon’s nostrils as he sighed. “None.”
“And is Arthur still alive? Is Camelot still standing?”
“And do you know why?”
“I daresay you’ll tell me.”
“Because I’m not alone. And three heads are far better than one.”
“Besides, he’s a kid! Does it really matter what he’s going to grow up to do?”
“He’s going to ki-“
“And Arthur would gladly give his life to save a child! What kind of monster do you think you’re rooting for!” Fed up, Merlin turned to go.
“Be careful young warlock,” Kilgharrah called after him. “You are walking down a path that has not been foreseen.”
“I think I’ll take my chances,” Merlin answered, not bothering to turn around.
Aaaand this is from Modern polycule chaos in which a certain someone returns and it's very very lucky that Elyan's the one who opens the door...
Knock knock!
The big shaggy dog lying in the carpet looked up and started barking. Elyan looked up from his laptop and frowned. “Who could that be?"
"Delivery?" Gwen said absently. She, Arthur, Percival and Gwaine were grouped on the rug around the fireplace, trying to find out what happened when you set party poppers on fire. Leon was sitting on the sofa with Elyan’s feet on his lap, head buried in a book in an attempt to ignore what was going on and therefore not have to deal with it. Merlin and Lancelot were lying top to toe on the other sofa throwing popcorn in each other’s mouths and watching the scene with interest.
"Its 10pm and tipping it down, it’s not a delivery."
Knock knock!
"Who could that be?" Elyan wondered aloud. "Maybe someone’s got lost? Someone should go check."
Elyan waited, and nothing more came. Sighing, he paused his Sims game and lifted Leo the cat of his legs, who complained bitterly til he settled him across his shoulders. "Guess I’ll go then."
"Love you Elyan!"
"Fuck you."
Thanks for the ask!💕
Send me 🌹 for a wip excerpt!
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gwenieartjyo · 3 years
The family dynamics in BBC Merlin’s family show was amazing🙃
1)Uther, a single parent who cheated on his wife before she died, lied to his daughter about who her father was and made his son insecure and feel that he was never good enough. 2)Hunith, a single parent that sent her only son off to live with a man she hadn’t seen or heard from since before her son was born, because she didn’t know what to do with his magic (never mind the fact that magic was banned in Camelot and he stood to be executed had Uther found out he had magic, potentially sending him to his death). 3)Tom, a single parent who’s only son just took off and left him and his daughter to get by on their own and wasn’t even around when his father died. 4)Arthur, had a half sister that hated him for no reason, and an uncle that conspired with his sister to betrayed him, although his sister was no relation to his uncle at all. Plus Arthur was the only child of his uncle’s sister Ygraine and he had no reason to betray his only nephew. 5)Morgana, killed her father, hated her brother for no reason, repeatedly tried to kill him and had a half sister that gave her bad advice. 6)Although we didn’t see Gwaine’s sister, he made it clear that he could care less about her. 7)Plus all the deaths and tragedies that took place - Ygraine dying, Gwen’s father murdered by her husband’s father (try explaining that to their kids😞) Gwen’s mother dying (didn’t even bother giving her a name which was tragic), Balinor murdered, and Elyan murdered for no reason. BBC Merlin Family Dynamics, gotta love it😟 The least they could have done was illustrate and drive the point that family isn’t always blood but the people in your life that love and care for you no matter what by allowing the surrogate families they created for each other come full circle. Arthur and Gwen create their loving, beautiful family with their children (they would have been such good parents😔). Surrounding them and their children would be Gaius as a grandfather, Hunith as a grandmother, Merlin and the Knights as uncles. A family created not by blood but by tribe!
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Modern Merlin AU — With Gays and Churches
Slight CW for religious homophobia, and ofc I know that the majority of Christians are loving and beautiful people 💕
The Cast:
Uther: A firmly anti-gay pastor who is well known and mostly respected by the congregation and the community.
Ygraine: Uther's ex wife who divorced him after she found about an affair he had once had with a woman who named Vivian.
Arthur: Their son, who lives entirely with Uther and attends a religious school nearby.
Leon: Arthur's friend who also attends that school, who's parents have been going to Uther's church for years and years.
Merlin: A boy who recently joined the school after moving with his uncle, who teaches there. Also a closeted gay.
Gaius: An old friend of Uther's, a teacher at the school, and the only other person who knows about the affair.
Morgana: Uther's child from his affair with Vivian. She moves in with Uther when she's 10, since her mother can't financially support them both anymore.
Gwen: A girl at the school, who Arthur dates briefly in order to "prove" that he is straight.
Elyan: Gwen's brother, who lived with more distant family for a few years and has recently returned.
All other "round table" knights: New kids (they arrive at different times) who's parents have recently converted to Christianity and enrolled them in the school. Gwaine's family actually came from another church but he doesn't talk about that much, since he's not actually religious himself. Also Gwaine picks fights with homophobic teachers.
Kilgharrah: Either an angel, a demon, God Himself, or the school principal, I can't decide. Whichever he is, he occasionally pops up to give both Merlin and Arthur utterly useless life advice, in whatever form that takes depending on who he is. If he's somehow celestial, it's probably through sarcastic comments in dreams. If he's the school principal, he's just... That teacher that decides that stopping you in the corridor to Impart Words Of Adult Wisdom is a great use of everyone's time.
The Plot:
Uther becomes pastor at a church, and marries Ygraine. She disagrees with many of his views, but doesn't speak up about them, wanting to be a "good wife". That is, until she discovers that he once had an affair with a woman named Vivian and gave her a child. Ygraine then quietly divorces him and leaves, too afraid of making a fuss to try to get custody of Arthur. Uther tells everyone, including Arthur, that it was her choice to leave and that she willingly parted from the ways of the Lord. No one knows about the affair except him, her, and Vivian (and Gaius).
Arthur grows up with only Uther, not having many close friends, only Leon, who he's known his whole life and who's parents are also very religious. When Arthur is around 10, Vivian turns up on their doorstep, insisting that she has fallen into financial trouble, and cannot look after her child anymore. Uther takes Morgana in, insisting it was an act of charity on his behalf, and that Vivian was only an old friend. Everyone believes he is being a good samaritan, but secretly he hopes that if he "redeems" his child to the church, he may find redemption for what he did. Arthur and Morgana are the same age, and Uther begs Morgana not to tell Arthur the truth (threatening her for if she does), so he doesn't know she's his sister. They get on, mostly, but Arthur's a bit of a prat in lecturing her about God sometimes because he thinks that's how you make friends.
Anyway, a few years later, when Arthur is around 14, Merlin joins his school (they're roughly the same age here, Merlin only a few months younger.) He was sent to his uncle by his mother, since he came out to her and she didn't accept him. She wanted him to go to church and a religious school to "fix" him. He now lives with Gaius, and goes back into the closet for the time he's at school. He quickly becomes friends with Gwaine, who doesn't have many friends and is constantly in trouble for arguing with bigoted teachers.
Because he's really academic, Uther asks Gaius if it would be possible for Merlin to come round and help tutor Arthur in order to catch Arthur up with his studies, so Merlin starts coming around every Tuesday and Thursday. They slowly become friends, despite Merlin being quite rude, and Arthur having the most frustrating "holier than thou" attitude because he's the priest's son. Merlin develops a crush on him, and quickly gives up on trying to deny his sexuality to himself, but he can't tell Arthur, or anyone else.
In time, Merlin stops being so afraid of his own sexuality, and sneaks off to a pride parade and attends an LGBT group a couple of times. Gaius suspects what he might be doing, but says nothing.
When Morgana turns 16, she tells them all that she thinks she might be a lesbian. She's scared, but hopes that Uther may be understanding. Instead, he kicks her out, despite Arthur's protests that it isn't fair. She goes to live with some friends in similar situations, and over the next few months, cuts off Uther completely, changes school, and starts regularly attending LGBTQ+ events and just generally living her best lesbian life.
This makes Uther incredibly angry, and he takes it out on Arthur a lot, who starts going to Gaius and Merlin's after school to avoid him. He texts Morgana a bit, but is afraid to keep close contact with her, and still sees homosexuality as a sin. However, this whole situation has made him actually think about his own sexuality, and he's now afraid that maybe HE himself isn't totally straight. To prove that he is to himself, he asks Gwen on a date, but he can't ever truly like her, and she knows that.
At the same time, Merlin is trying to get rid of his crush on Arthur because he doesn't want to ruin that friendship, so he starts going to pride groups weekly, to meet others. He meets Will, a trans guy, and they almost date for a while, but Merlin can't commit to it because of his own feelings. Morgana happens to meet him there, and at first that interaction is a little awkward, but instead of pressuring him, she just gives him a hug, and tells him it's okay, she's learnt that now. She'll always be here for him if he needs to feel safe away from Uther/Arthur, or the school as a whole. He tells her that he hopes Arthur could be different from his father, and she says she hopes so, but she doesn't believe he would be — he seems to hate her too now. But that's okay. She's got a new family now. She's happy.
And then, eventually, Arthur comes to accept his own feelings, and Gwen does hers. He talks to Merlin about how he isn't sure if he's straight, and eventually they date, and then kiss. Gwen has a Bisexual Awakening™, and she reconnects with Morgana (they were friends before Morgana left) and they date too. Hunith (who's been having a side plot of researching things and learning and becoming a better, more accepting person) comes to stay with Gaius for a while, and tells Merlin she loves him, and will always love him no matter who he's with, and she's sorry she never said that before now.
When Arthur turns 18, his mother reaches out to him. She was too afraid to risk upsetting Uther and the church before, but she wants to know if he's okay. He's angry at her for all the years she was silent, and all the things he didn't know, and for leaving him, but in time, she tells him the truth. Morgana also tells Arthur the truth, knowing now that he doesn't blindly believe his father, and this won't tear a rift between them. Uther's affair is then revealed to the whole congregation, most of whom are appalled, and his reputation is ruined. The church gets a new pastor.
Some of the kids realise that they don't need religion to be valid and happy, and others realise that they can have both religion and love, and God can love them no matter who they are with. Both are okay, and everyone accepts everyone. They all live their best, gayest, cutest, and happiest lives.
Feel free to add stuff I love this concept. Also someone needs to write something like this and tag me bc I cannot write this myself — I'm incapable of managing the 3 fics I'm writing at the moment.
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I really love all of your works and I just finished reading your Merlin/Leon head canon! (It was amazing ❤️) And I was wondering if you have any ‘big brother Leon’ head canons? (Whether for Arthur or Merlin or any of the others, it’s up to you)
(Masterlist) (Headcanon Masterlist)
I always have thoughts about Leon!! Especially when he's in Big Brother Mode!!
Ok so with Arthur, it takes a while for them to get there, but Arthur eventually gives in to the fact that... yes, he sees Leon as a slightly older brother. It's fairly subtle, what Leon does for him, mainly just taking the pressure off slightly when Arthur is King, giving him the odd pep talk when he needs it, subtly supporting him against arsehole councilmen, encouraging him to act on his feelings (be they romantic or political or whatever).
With Merlin, they definitely act like friends most of the time, but there is a constant undercurrent of protectiveness from Leon. It was infantilising and condescending at first, but when they get to know each other, Leon begins protecting Merlin because he adores him, because he wants him to stay alive and happy on a personal level, and not because he sees him as a stupid little peasant who needs looking after. The two of them are very close, and he's probably the only one, bar Elyan, that Leon will actually voice his Big Brother Feelings for. Leon is definitely the one Merlin goes to when he needs comforting with no strings attached. Lancelot knows about the magic, and Gaius isn't always that comforting, and he just doesn't have that relationship with Arthur, but Leon will keep Merlin company and give him a hug without asking why it's needed. He just asks what he can do in the moment to make it better, and Merlin appreciates that no-pressure comfort.
Leon and Elyan basically grew up together, so they have a brotherly relationship already, but a boisterous play-fighting and messing around brotherly relationship, instead of a soft brotherly relationship, like Leon and Merlin have. They're wildly protective of each other, but I don't imagine there's much comfort in the friendship, just the knowledge that they'll always have back-up, back-up that will behave as aggressively as needed in whatever situation they may find themselves in.
Gwaine is an odd mix of the toddler who gets waved around in the air by his ankles, and the sulky teenager with issues. Leon is very aware of Gwaine's vices, but tends not to mention them, just looks out for him quietly, because he knows Gwaine will run if he's backed into a corner. But he also forces him to deal with the consequences of his actions, but also pranks the hell out of him and blames it on Percival when he's in the right mood.
Gwen, Percival and Lancelot don't get big brothered. They and Leon get on really well, and a big chunk of it is because Leon doesn't feel the need to look after them so strenuously. Of course he looks out for them, and he loves looking after everyone else, but he's on a more equal standing with these three in terms of emotional responsibility within their friendships. As much as he and Gwen grew up together, they're slightly closer in age, and Gwen was always more mature and responsible even as a child.
He's more like an uncle, the smart and responsible uncle, to Mordred. He needs friendly advice and a pat on the back occasionally, not comfort through tears or to be aggressively pranked.
Morgana is... difficult. Leon certainly looks after her, but more from a distance like Arthur. She's incredibly fond of him and all he does for her, but she's also very prideful, again, like Arthur, and isn't fond of being looked after, especially by men, so he has to be careful in the sort of help or comfort he offers.
This was cute to think about!! Keep 'em coming!!
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merthur-fanfics · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin), Leon/Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin), Gaius/Eternal Frustration Characters: Gaius (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin) Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Almost Crack, Gaius is a Love Doctor for a day, he hates every second of it, Morgana is back and on the good side because I said so, Everyone is hopelessly in love, Gaius and his great eyebrows, Gaius hates everyone, but somehow is the best advisor, his is peak stressed, five times he gives advice on love, five times he resists the urge to commit mass murder, this is an attempt to be funny, i'm sorry in advance, Gaius swears a few times, wouldn't you, Humor, terrible sense of humor, no regrets Summary:
"Have you ever..." Lancelot pauses for a moment, clearly uncomfortable, "ever been in love?"
Oh gods, Gaius thinks as he feels dread sit over him. First Merlin, now Lancelot. Who's next? Percival?
 Or, Gaius becomes a love specialist for a day and he hates every second of it.
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