#Eres Daughter of Aphrodite
ejochsner · 2 years
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Champions of Peace OC Aesthetics 10/18
Eres, Daughter of Aphrodite (She/Her)🌀
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aphroditesmoon · 9 months
the look of love, the rush of blood
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clarisse la rue x aphrodite's!daughter hcs
warnings: none, fluff.
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• It wasn't exactly rare to see an Ares kid with an Aphrodite's kid getting along. Logically, it made sense that they would prefer eachother's company, with context of their parents are together.
• But what was rare, is to see Clarisse La Rue being soft with anyone at all.
• The two of you have a reserved kind of relationship. Everyone knows you two belonged with eachother, but you kept the details to yourself and almost never publicly show off your relationship.
•There are certain moments excluded of course. Many campers would say that they've seen you out with her, holding hands and all. Or during social gatherings like parties and feasts where anyone attending would find you attached to her hip at all times throughout the whole night.
• But intimacy and gentleness was often kept aside for times in private.
�� While other people are gathered for dinner in big tables around eachother, youband clarisse would either use the currently empty cabin 10 to enjoy eachother’s company. It was a sight to behold, her sitting with her back to your front as you braid er hair.
• Or if you're both feeling lazy, she's laying on your lap as you tell her about your day, indulging her in the latest gossips and tales that passes through aphrodite's cabin.
• She could listen to you talk forever, and she also feels that you're the only person she could talk out of her ass to. You're always on her side no matter what, but you're also not afraid to counsel her on her actions, keeping her grounded.
• If the cabin has people over, then you'd would find solitude in between the trees, a bit further from the cabins. With a picnic mat set up, you'll enjoy the food that Clarisse have grabbed from her cabin earlier that's enough for the both of you, under the glow of the moonlight.
• Her love language is acts of service and quality time. yours is gift giving and words of affirmations.
• She has a box filled with love letters you wrote her, and also some trinkets and gifts you found that reminded you of her.
• Clarisse is the queen on remembering anniversaries.
• It's easy to think that it should be the opposite, but you're not really good with dates.
• Meanwhile with her, there's always an occasion that deserves celebrating.
• There's a monthly anniversary for when you first started dating, and then there's a yearly anniversary for that.
• There's a first kiss anniversary, first dance anniversary, first date anniversary.
• The two of you understand eachother in ways others can't.
• She's grateful for how you can understand her rage and need to impress her father and be the best at everything, and she understand the way you view your worth on what you're able to give others because of how misunderstood aphrodite and her children are with all the internalised misogyny that comes with it.
• For your birthday she got you a rose quartz necklace in the shape of a heart.
• You got her a matching golden bracelet for hers.
• After a lot of pleading, Clarisse finally agreed to teach you how to fight and the two of you spar a lot.
• Though you don't really notice that she lets you win and go easy every time.
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lixzey · 4 months
sincerely yours
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luke castellan x athena!reader
word count: 3.7k
warnings: none, i guess? just some good old fashioned capture the flag shit
a/n: i'm so sorry this took so long! yeah, i know i promised i'd post this yesterday, but my daughter is sick. we just got back from the ER a little over an hour ago bcs she was vomiting like crazy. so, i do hope y'all understand that i have a child to tend to, even though i already finished school.
anyway, this shall be my official early apology for lovelorn part two, which is titled “you're losing me,”
i'm gonna try my best to get that out as soon as i can, but please, do not rush me! thank you!
special thanks to my girl @jennapancake my wonderful bestie @lilmaymayy
“There was something 'bout you that now I can't remember, it's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender,”
Dear Luke, 
I bumped into you today. Gods, you looked so majestic from my point of view. I got lost in your eyes, again. Pretty sure if I stared just a little bit longer in your beautiful eyes, all the molecules in my body would combust.
There was something 'bout you that now I can't remember, it’s the same damn thing that made my heart surrender.
“For the love of Ares, write your damn letter after we get the flag!” Clarisse groaned, her electric spear sparking slightly, snapping you out of your lovesick daze.
“Why not? It’s not like the other team’s here,” You shrugged, crossing your legs over the  other. “I have plenty of time to write.”
“It’s not like the other team’s here,” Clarisse mimicked the tone of your voice, rolling her dark eyes. “We are at battle, Y/n! Write the damn letter after we win!”
“Let the girl write, Clarisse,” Silena chuckled, sitting beside you with a soft smile. “She’s just so in love with pretty boy, Luke.”
“Silena!” You shushed, craning your neck to glance around if someone was nearby. “Someone could’ve heard you! He could’ve heard you!”
“Relax, lover girl,” Silena smirked, flicking her long dark hair over her shoulder. “No one’s here, no one would dare to approach this side as long as Clar is here.”
Clarissed bobbed her head to the side. “What she said.”
“Shut up,” You grumbled, folding the paper and stuffing inside the back pocket of your shorts along with your pen. “Someone from our team still could’ve passed by.” you huffed, folding your arms over your chest.
“Yeah, so shut up about your pretty boy.” Clarisse rolled her eyes. “Not everyone wants to hear how beautiful his eyes are.”
“Can���t blame her, though,” Silena shrugged her tan shoulders. “He’s so pretty, a sight for sore eyes.”
“He’s a sight for my sore eyes,” You sighed dreamily, resting your chin on your hands.
“Ugh,” Clarisse scrunched her nose. “Are you sure you’re not a daughter of Aphrodite wrongly claimed by Athena? Or at least a legacy of the love goddess?”
“If she was a daughter of love, I would know.” Silena answered, picking up a pebble and throwing it gracefully into the creek right in front of the three of you. “She's definitely not a legacy either. Just an Athena kid in love with a son of Hermes, stupidly in love with said son of Hermes.”
“Hey! I am not stupidly in love-” 
“You aren’t?” Clarisse raised a brow. “You were literally just babbling about bumping into him ten minutes ago.”
“Yeah, but-”
“And, you were blushing when you found us.” Silena added, smirking. “Oh, Sil, Clar, I bumped into Lukey! He smells so good, oh gods I love him so bad!”
A blush crept onto your cheeks, the shade of strawberries down at the patch invading your face despite trying against it.
“Aw, you look like a strawberry,” Silena giggled, pinching one of your cheeks.
Before you could utter a word, you heard the sound of rustling leaves and branches snapping to your left.
Clarisse’s head whipped to the side, most likely hearing the intruding sounds. “Get ready,” she muttered, lifting her spear in fight mode.
You nodded, quickly rising up to your feet, grabbing your shield that was sitting unused on the forest floor as well as your celestial bronze sword at the ready. Silena stood beside you, red and pink armor shining in the sun as she held her sword in one hand and shield in the other. She looked so effortlessly beautiful, making you slightly jealous.
Silena was your best friend, and has been since you first arrived at camp. But you couldn’t help but wish you were as pretty as her. She had long gorgeous hair, striking eyes, and angelic features, the look you wish you had. Maybe, if you were as pretty as her, Luke would give you his full attention like how boys did with Silena or any daughter of Aphrodite.
“Oh, hey guys,” A voice you knew oh so well brought you back to reality. Your eyes snapped upward, meeting the eyes of Luke Castellan.
You look at Silena and she’s already grinning at you. Clarisse, matching Silena’s with crossed arms. 
“Hi, Luke,” Silena greets him with a smile, a slight teasing tone in her voice directed at you.
“What’cha girls up to?” Luke asks, leaning against a tree. Even when he’s sweaty, gods, he’s handsome.
“Nothing!” You quickly answer, averting your gaze away from him, the blush you had earlier still not leaving.
“Where’s the flag?” Clarisse asked, peeking behind the counselor of cabin eleven.
“It’s with Annabeth, don’t worry,” Luke assured with a chuckle. “She isn’t letting the flag out of her sight, won’t even let me touch it.”
“The other team’s flag?” Clarisse raised a brow expectantly. 
“The Stolls are on it, Chris too.” Luke answers, running a hand over his chocolate curls, making you gulp. Fuck, he’s too damn hot.
Silena cleared her throat, noticing how nervous you are. “Hey, Clar? Let’s help the boys.” 
Clarisse looks at her incredulously, but Silena raises a brow at her. “Okay, fine. Let’s go.”
Your eyes widened. “Wait, what?”
“Luke, you okay with keeping Y/n company for a bit?” Silena asks with a smirk, fixing up her armor.
“Yeah, sure, no problem.” Luke smiles, oblivious to the fact that you are blushing like a ripe red fruit in season.
Shit, shit, shit. You thought, watching the teasing looks of your friends as you stood there obviously frazzled. “No, no, I’m uh, coming with you!” You stammered, nearly stumbling forward. “I’m gonna help!” your voice sounded a little squeaky, making you visibly cringe.
Clarisse snorted, slamming the end of her spear onto the forest floor, the tip sparking like fireworks on the fourth of July. “You stay here, smartass,” she says with a teasing grin. “He's got you covered, right Castellan?”
Luke nodded, a lopsided grin on his handsome face. “I got ‘er, don’t worry,” he chuckles, walking towards you, slinging his muscular arm around your shoulders, pulling you slightly closer to his armored chest. “Wouldn’t want to get maimed by three cabin heads.”
“You’ve got Annabeth, Clarisse, and me to deal with if she gets hurt.” Silena says, pink glossed lips curling into a smirk.
You scowl, folding your arms over your chest. “I can fend for myself, thank you very much.”
“You wouldn’t mind if Lukey here protects you?” Silena chuckled, flicking her long hair over her shoulder, her eyes changing to the shade of Luke’s—chocolate brown, amber in the sunlight.
You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at your best friends. “I’m perfectly fine without a man,” you grumbled, trying your best to sound nonchalant.
“Uh huh,” Clarisse smirks at you. “Say, Luke, you wouldn’t mind saving our smart ass friend, would you?”
“Not at all,” Luke replies, his lips mirroring Clarisse’s. “What’dya say pretty girl? Y’ mind if I save you?” he continues, nudging you slightly with the arm along your shoulders.
Silena and Clarisse snort at Luke Castellan calling you pretty girl. You were a hundred percent sure that Silena would be teasing you relentlessly after the match because of it. 
You narrow your eyes at your ridiculously annoying friends, before slowly averting your gaze towards Luke. Good lord, does this light do him good. “N-No, I don’t mind…” You trail off, your face becoming a little too hot as Luke's perfectly handsome face just inches away.
You feel your heart beating loudly in your chest, making you wonder if the decibels of said beating were audible enough for the boy who’s causing your heart to beat so rapidly.
“That settles it!” Silena clapped her hands together, snapping you back to reality. You quickly push Luke’s arm off of your shoulder, taking a step back away from him as if he had some sort of deadly disease.
I can’t risk him knowing I have a crush on him!
“See you later, pretty girl!” Silena chuckles before grabbing Clarisse’s arm, pulling the daughter of Ares along with her.
As soon as your friends faded from your view, you immediately scramble towards the log you had been sitting on a while ago. You were desperate to hide the fact that you had feelings for the boy standing just meters away. You had to act all tough and calculating, just like your little sister.
“You know,” Luke started, walking in your direction, sheathing his sword in its holster. “From this angle, you look like Annabeth.”
You look up at him, raising a brow, hoping you looked at least intimidating. “How so?”
Luke hummed, taking a seat beside you, placing his shield down on the forest floor. “You had your lower lip out in a pout, just like Annabeth when she’s in deep thought.”
“Who says I’m in deep thought?”
Luke smiles, shaking his head with a chuckle. “I just assumed, since Annabeth is my sister-” he cuts himself off momentarily, looking at you like he had offended you. “I mean, she’s your sister, not mine, you know? Godly parent wise.”
“It’s fine, Luke,” You laugh, giving him an assuring smile. “You have been Annabeth’s family since she was seven. We all know that no one, and I mean no one, can ever replace you as Annie’s big brother.”
Luke sighed a breath of relief. “For a minute there I thought you were going to get mad at me.”
“I mean, there is nothing to be mad about.” You smile, before suddenly remembering the unfinished letter you had sitting in your back pocket. 
You quickly whipped your head around to see if the letter had fallen out of your pocket, before reaching in your back pocket to check. Thank gods, it’s still here. You push it down deeper in your pocket, if that was still even possible. It's better to be safe rather than sorry.
“You know, you and Annabeth have a lot in common.” Luke says, leaning slightly to the side, looking you up and down, causing you to feel a little shy.
“Yeah?” You squeak out, your eyes visibly widening like stormy gray drachmas before quickly clearing your throat like nothing happened despite the pink tint on your cheeks. “What makes Annabeth and I so similar?”
“Well, for starters, you’re both smart and wise. I mean, yeah, it’s already given because your mom is Athena.”
You playfully raise a brow at him. “What else?” you ask, the corner of your lips twitching into a small smile.
If you were being honest, you were liking this. Just you and Luke, alone—well, not technically—in the woods just chatting about the similarities between you and your younger sister. Personally, you’d prefer something else as a topic. Although, Luke pointing out the similarities between you and Annabeth would mean that he looks at you like you do with him.
It wouldn’t be wrong to assume, would it? Since he had just implied that you and Annabeth had a lot in common. Perhaps even in ways you don’t even notice.
Does this make you delusional? Maybe. But there’s no wrong with that, right?
“You both zone out,” Luke chuckles, wiping off the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. “Usually, during mornings. Annabeth, she says that it’s because of lack of sleep from reading all night.”
You stifle a laugh, fully knowing that Annabeth spends a lot of time reading during the night. She says that it’s the only time she has during her day, since she prefers getting all of her chores done before getting into leisure activities. You often wonder how on earth does she manage to function with only three to five hours of sleep, when a child her age is supposed to have more than eight hours of rest.
“Well, that’s an acceptable reason to zone out.” You chuckle, pushing back strands of your hair behind your ear, simultaneously wiping off sweat on your brow bone. “I stay up most of the time too, but I don’t overdo it like our little sister. Quite frankly, I do get cranky if I get little to no sleep.”
“I’ve noticed,” Luke snorts, giving you a teasing smile. “You won’t talk to anyone until you’ve gotten your morning tea. A cup of hot peppermint tea with two slices of lemon, a drizzle of honey, and sometimes you add sprigs of mint you ask Katie to grow for you.”
“You know how I take my tea?” You ask, confusion in your features. “I mean, why do you know how I take my tea?”
“It’s kinda hard not to memorize your tea preference when I hear it every time I pick up Annabeth for training.” Luke answers, causing heat to rise up to your cheeks which you hoped that Luke would not notice.
“Oh,” you mumble, realization kicking in. “That makes a lot of sense, actually.”
“Also, you don’t drink it right away. You wait at least two to three minutes—at least from what I see from my table—before taking a sip.”
You suddenly feel butterflies inside your stomach, your cheeks felt like they were getting hotter by the second. You hoped so badly that Luke wouldn’t notice how you were blushing profusely like a teenager in love—which you are, obviously, unless Luke was utterly oblivious to see right through your facade.
Before you could answer, you hear leaves rustling along with heavy footsteps heading towards you and Luke. You quickly rise to your feet, grabbing your sword at shield in defense.
“Enemy team, nine o’clock,” You simply say, the gears in your head moving around to come up with proper battle strategies. 
Luke laughs at you as he stands up. He had his sword still in its holster. “Let me guess,” he chuckles, placing his hands on his waist. Gods, he is so fucking slutty. “Calculating ways to beat their asses?”
You roll your eyes at him. “Obviously.” Luke Castellan was the love of your life, but you were not going to lose a game of capture the flag because of him. “Why aren’t you in position?”
“Relax, pretty girl,” Luke waves a hand dismissively as he smirks at you. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You glare at him, a scowl on your lips. “I can protect myself, thank you very much.”
“Eh, humor me,” Luke nudges your shoulder, a lopsided grin on stupidly handsome face. “It’ll be fun.”
“If you weren’t-” you tried to retort, only to be cut off by Lee Fletcher’s voice. 
“Where’s the flag, Castellan?” Lee demands, moving closer towards you and Luke, his siblings following closely behind, ready for a fight.
You wanted to laugh so badly. It was like they were still new to the game. It made you wonder whether they were purposely forgetting the fact that Luke Castellan is the best swordsman camp has seen in the past three hundred years or they’ve never learned their lessons.
“You’re not getting it, Lee. You’d have to get through me first. If you happen to get through me, which I highly doubt, then you’d have to get through Luke—which I can guarantee will not be good.” You taunted, sword at the ready. You then turned to Luke, who was smiling at you. “What?”
“Didn’t know you think so highly of me,” Luke grinned, pulling his sword out of its holster. “Careful, that might get to my head.”
“Whatever,” You roll your eyes at him, trying your hardest not to blush and fall in love with him even more—if that was even possible at this point. You then turn your attention back to the enemy team. “Let’s get this done and over with.”
“Done flirting?” Michael Yew teases from behind Lee, a smirk plastered on his lips.
You scowled, heat rising to your cheeks for the nth time this day. “We weren’t flirting.”
“Eh, looks like it,” Lee snorts, causing his siblings to erupt in laughter. 
You glared at Lee, but before you could say anything, Luke charged at Lee—instantly disarming him without even breaking a sweat, the tip of his sword just below the son of Apollo’s chin and his sword in Luke’s hand.
“What she said,” Luke growled, glaring at him as he pushed his sword forward, grazing Lee’s neck.
Lee whimpered at Luke’s mercy, his eyes closed shut as his siblings stood behind him like scared little kids—well, most of them were. 
“Luke, stop,” You gently placed your hand on his shoulder, feeling a thousand sparks coursing through your veins. When he didn’t budge, you sighed. “Come on, Luke, he’s not worth it.”
It took a minute, but Luke moved his sword away from Lee, though he was still glaring at the son of Apollo. “Get out of my face before I-”
“Luke,” You sighed, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the side before casting a glance at the son of Apollo. “Go, if you know what’s good for you—all of you—go.”
You then turned your full attention back to Luke, his eyes meeting yours with just a few inches separating your faces from another. You felt his breath hot on your skin, sending shivers down your spine. Oh gods, help me.
“No can do,” Lee mutters under his breath, pulling his sword out from its holster. “Attack!” he yelled, charging towards you and Luke.
Acting on your instincts, you immediately grabbed your sword, blocking Lee’s attack, maneuvering your sword, putting your whole weight into a downward thrust. Lee’s sword rattled against the stones, the tip of your sword poking his armor. You then pushed him back with the flat of your blade, causing him to stumble back over a rock, falling on his ass.
You whipped your head around to find Luke disarming Michael Yew with ease, he then grabbed the son of Apollo’s arm, twisting it before shoving him to the side. “You should’ve used arrows.” he taunted the younger boy, a smirk on his lips.
To the side, you saw another child of Apollo—Dawn, you think her name was—sneaking up on Luke, aiming her sword just above his jugular vein.
You quickly ran towards Luke, sliding under his legs, causing Dawn to trip and land face first in a pile of leaves—well, you hoped it was more than just leaves.
“Wrong move,” you laughed deviously, blowing strands of your hair away from your face. 
“Thanks,” Luke chuckled, helping you back on your feet. He then rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh, before jerking his head behind you, only to find Lee charging towards you.
Luke immediately passed you a shield, which you quickly slid on the ground in Lee’s way, causing him to trip and his sword to fly out his hand and fall just below your feet.
You quickly knelt down, picking the sword up and passing it to Luke with a grin. “Nice save, Luke.”
“You flatter me too much.” Luke chuckled, tilting his head to the side. “I should be flattering you! By the gods, you looked like a warrior princess!”
“I did not,” You laugh nervously, feeling your cheeks heat up again. “I simply did what I was trained to do.”
“Yeah, well- stay down!” Luke pointed his sword at Lee, causing the boy to sigh heavily. 
“Fine, we surrender!”
Luke turned his attention back to you, giving you a lopsided grin. “Where was I?”
Before you could utter a reply, loud cheers and laughter rang out from the distance, making its way closer to where you and Luke were standing. You see the Stoll brothers along with Chris Rodriguez waving the enemy team’s flag in the air as Clarisse waved your team’s flag in victory. 
“We won!” Clarisse laughed heartily, smiling victoriously as she slung her arm around Chris’ shoulders. “Wave it in their faces, Rodriguez!”
“We won!” You squealed, looking at Luke, your hair bouncing in the air as you jumped up and down. “We won! We actually won!”
All of a sudden, Luke picked you up by the waist, twirling you around like a princess in those movies you watched as a child.
“We won!” Luke laughed as he spun you around like you didn’t weigh anything, causing you to erupt in a fit of giggles. “I knew we’d win this!”
“Victory!” You laughed as Luke stopped twirling you, your stormy eyes meeting his chocolate ones as you felt the world pause around you, their cheers fading as Luke smiled at you—that annoyingly handsome smile you’ve come to love—as you felt your heart beat like a bass drum.
You sighed contentedly, yours and Luke’s faces just a few inches away from each other.  “We won,”
“Yeah, pretty girl, we did,” Luke grinned, you could’ve sworn you felt his hold on you tighten as if he was bringing you in closer, but you didn’t want to be delusional so you just laughed it off.
“You guys done flirting?” Clarisse’s voice snapped you and Luke out of your little world. Your eyes widened drastically, your cheeks reddening like a tomato as Luke placed you back down on your feet. You then quickly scrambled towards Silena, Annabeth, and Clarisse, looking embarrassed as ever.
“We..we weren’t flirting!” You quickly told your friends and younger sister, as you reached into your back pockets for some extra hair ties you kept to tie your hair up.
“Uh huh,” Silena teased, smirking at the way your cheeks reddened up. “Whatever you say, pretty girl,”
“Shut up,” You grumbled, tying your hair up when the realization settled in.
The letter was gone.
Oh fuck. 
“Oh shit, fuck, god damnit!” You immediately started looking around for the crumpled paper hoping no one had noticed it yet, unfortunately there were still a lot of campers around, and one must have seen it already.
“What is it?” Annabeth asked, raising a brow at you as she slipped her dagger in its holster. “You okay?”
“Yeah, fuckin’ fantastic!” You say frantically, still scanning the area for any sign of your unfinished letter. You mentally pleaded to your mother to help you find the letter, desperate measures require desperate solutions. Hell, you even started praying to the goddess Aphrodite for help.
Mom, come on, if you love me, help me find my love letter!
Aphrodite, oh goddess, help me in the name of love!
“Oh fuck, you have got to be fucking kidding me.” You say, finally spotting the letter.
In Luke Castellan’s hands.
taglist: @ma1dita @m00ng4z3r @woodlandwrites @sflame15-blog @the-sylver-dragon @ceruleansx @evsolostheuniverse @patitotodd @emryb @onecojg @caramelandvenus @yourfavoritereader @fennecswife @lynbubble @scarletsapphic @lvrgirl6999 @harrysnovia @nyxikae @mxtokko @sc4rl3ttdafoxx
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shanastoryteller · 9 months
Happy holidays! Do you have any zagreus interacting with other gods? Thanks so much
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Other people are learning about Zagreus.
Not that they know it's him, of course. He goes by the moniker prince.
Just enough to direct prayers and pay tributes, but a nameless god standing against Demeter? It's enough to send the whole pantheon in an uproar.
It's enough to send Demeter to heights of rage that Artemis previously thought her incapable of reaching.
There are gardens that her frost can't touch. Fruit she she has no hand in growing.
There are people who will not submit and die as she wishes it, blaming mortals for her daughter's death and so making them pay the price for a lost goddess.
Not even Zeus has rained destruction upon the mortals like Demeter had and not even Zeus can stop her.
It's too much. Too much taken, too much suffering.
Persephone was a sweet girl. But her loss is not worth the life of every mortal upon the earth.
Artemis is with Aphrodite, both of them having been evoked powerfully enough to send shivers down their spine. She leans against her spear and tried to think of any other way to fix this.
It's a town on the edge of collapse, a thick forest between them and the rest of civilization. In spring the journey is long but easy enough, but it hasn't been spring for a long time.
There's no game to hunt. Loved ones are dying. They beg and beg to any god that will listen but while every god can hear them no god can save them.
None but one.
But how would they know? This far out, there only contact is other isolated villages too deep in the world.
"I'm tired," Aphrodite whispers, knees pulled to her chest, something about her coltish in her helplessness.
Artemis has never tried this. She doesn't even know if it will work. But he won't ever find his way here on his own. "Can you keep a secret, Aphrodite?"
She shifts her head enough to look at her with a single garnet eye. "What secret do you have, sister mine?"
"Aphrodite," she says warningly.
She huffs, amusement aging her. "Yes, yes, my silence or my life. What is it?"
Artemis hopes she doesn't regret this. She hopes it works. "Prince Zagreus!"
"What's Zag going to do?" Aphrodite blinks. "He can't even-"
She cuts herself off and Artemis knows she's thinking through the first part, coming to the obvious conclusion and rejecting it out of hand.
They both turn and Zagreus is standing there. Not as image or projection like he was the last time they met face to face, but solidly beside her in the flesh.
He grimaces in pain and raises a hand to his side before straightening and forcing his arm down. Whatever it is that keeps him in his father's realm still has some hold on him, it seems.
"I'm kind of in the middle of something," he says. There's blood on his teeth. There wasn't any a couple seconds ago. "Oh, hi Aphrodite. Er. Please don't tell anyone."
"It's you?" Aphrodite demands. "You?"
"I am me," he agrees.
Artemis would beat him if they had the time for it. "Can you help them? This village will die. Word of you hasn't reached them and your temples are too far to travel too even if they had."
He grins it's all red. His blood drips down his chin. "It's not going to be pretty."
Artemis has never thought about how exactly the god of life and blood spreads his blessings. She thinks she's regretting that now.
"Pretty's my domain anyway," Aphrodite snaps. "Help them."
Zagreus moves too quickly for Artemis to stop. He grabs her spear and slices down his chest and then there's blood everywhere, pouring out of him, more than should be in any one body.
Aphrodite screams and Artemis wrenches the spear away, horrified. "This is celestial silver! You can't - even gods can't heal from it!"
"Death heals all wounds," he says and there's blood down his chin, spilling out his mouth with his every breath.
Then he's running.
They talk off after him and it's easy to follow his trail, the deluge blood and smell of copper filling her nose as they chase him.
Zagreus is mad. When she wasn't looking he went insane and now she's killed him.
They have to slow him down, have to get him to Hermes. It should be easy, they're goddesses and he's dying, but he stays fast enough to stay just out of their grasps.
He's lose a body's worth of blood a dozen times over and yet still more flows.
He finally trips and falls, giving gurgling breathes.
"Zagreus!" she shouts as she and Aphrodite fall into the snow beside him. "Zagreus, hold on, it's going to be okay."
He laughs and pats her cheek. He's too pale. "Relax. I die all the time."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Aphrodite demands, trying to put her hands over the wound but it's too long to stem.
Zagreus doesn't answer.
His body goes slack and it takes Artemis several seconds to realize the person screaming is her.
Aphrodite is sitting there shell shocked and bewildered and then Zagreus's body sinks into the earth, not even reacting to Artemis's attempts to hold on.
She looks up and Aphrodite is looking behind them. Artemis slowly follows her gaze.
Every place blood touched the ground, there now grows bushes of bright purple berries, more vibrant than any fruit she's seen grow that shade. They grow thick and fat on every branch and if there anything like the other food in Prince's gardens, it will keep them alive and they'll be able to grow more themselves.
If they're willing to sacrifice the blood.
The next time Artemis sees Zagreus, she's going to kill him.
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thekissofaphrodite · 9 months
Heart of Stone
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Jessica Parker Kennedy!Medusa X Blind!wife!reader
Summary: Humans after creatures were petrified by her blinding eye, but it seems like Medusa's heart of stone was fixed by a certain someone she calls a wife.
Warning: Flashbacks of Rape and Death of child (I think that's all)
Author's note: Percy Jackson this, Luke Castellan that. I'll take medusa.
"You think I'll hold a grudge on you just because you are a daughter of Athena?" Medusa said sweetly as she stared at Annabeth through her veiled hat whilst pouring freshly made lemonade into one of the cups.
Annabeth kept a neutral expression, carefully watching Medusa's movements whilst keeping an eye on grover, who munched happily on one of the snacks.
Medusa watched grover with a smile, barely glancing at percy.
"You like them?" She asked Grover, The Satyr nodded enthusiastically.
"My wife made them." All of the eyes were now on medusa's.
The trio shared a confused glance, Percy and Grover threw Annabeth a 'What the actual hell did she say?' and Annabeth threw back a much confused glance, saying 'I dont know either'
Percy was the first one to break the silence, His head still low as he played with the strawberry cheesecake on his plate with a silver fork.
"Er..Wife? you said...isn't that impossible since you're.. You know..." Medusa chuckled wholeheartedly, Annabeth just rolled her eyes and nudged Grover.
"She's blind.. The gods also punished her a long time ago.." After that statement, the trio immediately turned their heads, curiously sitting down and patiently waiting for a story.
"She was once a beautiful nymph that served Circe... Goddess of Aiaia. She was beautiful, then...Hermes.. The messenger God fell in love with her whilst he was still in a relationship with Circe, She rejected him multiple times, but in desperation he—" Medusa Inhaled sharply, Her fist curling up into a ball in anger, she was hesitating to continue the story.
"He asked Aphrodite to make him a draught so she can sleep with him..and it worked, When Circe found out she was so outraged and jealous that she poured every potion she had into her eyes..Her once beautiful green eyes, and cursed her saying 'You shall never see the light of day, Again' " The story finished, Annabeth, Percy and Grover went silent, Medusa however looked at the demigods, watching for any signs of mercy or pity in their eyes.
Then, the silence was interrupted by someone, behind the door.
"Emmy? I think the food you're making is burnt— I smell brownies— Oh! please tell me you're making them!" You. She were gorgeous, with waist length red hair and pale skin, a line of dark freckles trailing down your breasts and arms. you was wearing a floral dress beautifully. you almost looked like a goddess. If it wasn't for your grey eyes, that was once green that made you less perfect.
Medusa's expressions changed neutrally to cheerful. The trio noticed a pair of ring Medusa and Her wife had.
The blind woman, who was Medusa's wife, had a snake ring on her finger, while medusa had a simple gold ring with an emerald stone.
"We have visitors?" You asked, As Medusa walked towards you and looped her arms with yours.
"They're demigods, Dear" Medusa whispered to your ear, making you frown a little.
"I'll go back to the kitchen. You can handle them, yes?" Medusa nodded, and you a kiss on your cheeks before watching her wife go.
It wasn't that long when you heard screams and running footsteps, It was definitely the demigods.
Years after years, you lived with Medusa, The bravest warriors to the most cowardly men had stepped inside your home, and none escaped. Not with her deadly eyes.
But you knew those demigods don't stood a chance.
You stared at the blowing kettle, feeling the heat wash over you as sweat trickled down your neck.
And why should you and medusa hide your capabilities and powers when you two are far more superior?
You remembered it all too well.
Hermes drugged you and forced you into his bed, shamelessly raping you all over again until he's content, Circe in fury punishing you. You begged and explained, You really did...But she never listened.
Circe, Banishing you out of Aiaia... You being pregnant. You giving birth near a cave.. Your baby boy dying... Medusa finding you...
Life was hard.. The Gods gave no mercy and pity. But here you are. Still standing with the woman who saved you.
You heard footsteps coming upstairs. You smiled thinking that your trap might work.
"Do you find everything pleasant?" You whispered sweetly.
there was no response.
But then, someone grabbed you by your long hair and slashed your neck.
Medusa ran as fast as she could when she heard screams, But her heeled sandals failed her.
You were now lying on the ground, blood spurting out of your neck as you tried to gasp for air. Tears poured down your cheeks as you tried to say Medusa's name.
Medusa screamed. A blood curling scream as she fell down and held your body. The wife she had protected all these years. Her wife. Her soul mate. Her one and true love, Dead.
You tried to speak, but no words came out of your mouth. Instead, as you were dying, Your green eyes gained a clearer vision of your wife. Her beautiful face was crying, Snakes hissing as her hair..But you never mind, Her beauty never scared you after all. Her blue eyes looked at yours. As you slip away from consciousness, you can sleep peacefully after taking a look at your blue-eyed beauty.
In the small cottage, Medusa stood up, Your blood staining her hands as she glanced at the trio, She slowly walked towards them, and grinned.
"I don't mind three additional statues filling my home..."
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raphael-angele · 7 months
If Hades raised Bianca and Nico and took them to camp later-er
Bianca's Hair
Bianca's hair means a lot to her.
She's often told by everyone that she looks like her mother. And whenever Nico misses their Mama, he would go to Bianca and seek comfort because she reminded him of her because Nico was too young to remember what she looked like.
Bianca has vivid memories of their mother brushing her hair and styling it. Which is why Bianca's very protective of her hair; it's the last thing her mother had done for her and it was her favorite memory of her. It reminded her of something that was only between the two of them.
She used to decline Persephone whenever she offered to help her with her hair. As much as she loved and adored her, it wasn't the same as her mother.
Bianca froze at the sound of the snip of scissors
"There! Fixed!" The girl behind her, Chloe, exclaimed, unaware of what she had just done.
Bianca was having trouble detangling her hair again and it was worse than most. After failing, she gave up and asked one of her co-hunters to help her out.
Bianca turned around and looked at the girl and saw how much of her hair she had cut off. She looked at the chunk of hair then back at Chloe.
"Hey, I'm ba-" Thalia came in and locked eyes with them. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" She exclaimed.
"W-well her hair was really messy again so I helped her out" Chloe explained. "So you cut it off?! Did you even bother asking her if she was okay with it?!" Thalia yelled, marching towards them.
"She asked for my help"
"I asked you to help me detangle my hair. When I said to do whatever it took, I meant to pull really hard!" Bianca cried. She felt a somewhat familiar feeling in her stomach as she looked at the section of where Chloe cut. From the waist (almost hip) length she had, it had been cut to only reach midtorso. She wanted to scream and shout.
"You always had trouble fixing it, so, I thought that maybe I could help you out. I mean, even during quests, your hair always gets in the way"
Both Thalia and Bianca looked at her. "Excuse me?" She said it like she was being polite but you could hear how much she heard what the girl said and took offense.
"Your hair is always a mess, it's too long, it makes you look like you have a mop on your head and you always braid it wrong." Chloe listed.
"Chloe! What the hell?!" Thalia shouted. "I only did what was for the better. Bianca, trust me, this is for the best" Chloe said.
Bianca didn't know what came over her as she stormed out of the cabin. The moment she bursted the doors open, she saw black thorny vines creeping onto the cabin. They wrapped around the pillars, crept towards the entrance, climbed up the walls; they were everywhere. The violet veins that crept inside the vines and roots glowed. She stepped back at the sight of it.
Then she heard Thalia and Chloe coming up behind her and seeing what she did.
Thalia stared before grabbing Bianca's wrist and dragging her to the Aphrodite Cabin.
"Wait, Thal-" the older pushed the door open and bursted into the room, shocking the residents. "Any of you guys know how to fix this?" She points to Bianca. Still stunned (both by the door and Thalia's audacity), they just stared. Then Silena stood up and walked over to them.
"What happened?" She asked. "Something happened with one of the co-hunters and now her hair is ruined" Thalia explained. Bianca narrowed her eyes at her. It wasn't that simple.
Silena raised a hand to touch her hair but Bianca flinched away. The daughter of Aphrodite tried again and when Bianca didn't flinch away, she ran her fingers on her hair and examined it.
"That was a lot of hair." She remarked. Bianca blushed abd looked away. "I guess we can fix it. I'm guessing you want it to be as long as possible?" Silena smiled. "Yes, please!" The younger replied almost immediately.
"We'll see what we can do"
Thalia groaned. "Good. Now once you're done, you can clean up the mess you made of the cabin. For now, just calm down and trust them. I'll deal with Chloe"
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Webby: Dear Scrooge, I cannot adventure- Sweet Aphrodite has stricken me with longing for a girl!
Scrooge: Stricken? No one's strickening my daughter with anything! APHRODITE!!!!
Webby: Wait Scrooge it’s just a poetic metaphor-
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yeehawstate · 1 year
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nevermore modern + pjo au.... i don't have it all fleshed out but..
Annabel lee - daughter of aphrodite
Lenore - daughter of hades (least angst route imo bc it makes sense with her character and style) or daughter of zeus (most angst route bc she's the opposite of how he's perceived and hates him based off of morals)
For Lenore:
Lenore was locked away from the world with her brother, Theo, by being homeschooled in rural upper New York. She comes from an old money family, and only really mingled with the upper-class when she was allowed to see other people. One of the people they mingle with is a satyr-esque character (The Raven) who is undercover at these events to keep track of them and is supposed to convince them on going to the camp. He is mostly neutral on if they survive or not, and mostly sows seeds of doubt into Lenore about her home life.
Her character growth is similar to the webtoon where she is more meek/lets people walk all over her but still hotheaded in the beginning due to her upbringing to being more cocky and rebellious as she grows older (and is at camp longer and grows into her own person).
Both her and Theo are demigods because her parents sacrificed possessions (people, money, blood, etc.) to Hades or Zeus to be able to have children (an oracle said they could not conceive and that the family was cursed if they had 'children of their own' which Theo & Lenore still count as their kids).
Theo and Lenore are either both from one particular god or either or. Because of their family's ties, they have had ties to one or both of the gods throughout history due to their old and prestigious family line.
Because they were mostly hidden away and in a reclusive area, the pair was not tracked by monsters, until Lenore runs away from the family home after an argument with her father about her future and how she is 'supposed to grow into being a proper woman'. She runs away in a direction that 'The Raven' recommended she goes 'if she ever wants to get away from that dreaded place'. She is younger than canon when this happens, but Theo still chases after her to return her home.
Theo still dies, either on the way to the camp or in the beginning of their time at camp in a self-sacrificial manner, and Lenore manages to survive. She is burdened by the fact she lived and Theo didn't because she always believed Theo was the 'better person' out of the two of them. She lives in the Hermes Cabin as her godly parent does not claim her.
For Annabel Lee:
Born into a wealthy family across the pond, she moves to New York after she raises suspicion during her youth about her capability to best every chess opponent in the UK. She lived in New York City before she took residence at Camp Half-Blood. She was able to go undetected until she was 14, but then strange occurrences started to happen around her school and chess tournaments and her father confessed her godly relation to Aphrodite and sent her to Camp Half-Blood to protect her (Ira is a decent-er dad in this AU).
She takes after Aphrodite's beauty, but particularly she takes after Aphrodite's prowess as the goddess of war. She is cunning and always one step ahead of her opponents whilst hiding behind a pleasant and friendly smile.
Her father, and family by an extension, were always hard on her about appearing normal. Her father saw it as a way to have her stay undetected by monsters, but it was harmful for her mental health and how she thought of herself (similar in the way it was in the webtoon).
As for the AU as a whole:
The Deans are the directors of the camp in place of Dionysus. They are minor gods of different emotions who were punished to be the directors of the camp due to past behavior.
The Raven is a satyr-esque character, maybe not a satyr but has a similar role that is more neutral than positive.
Connection with the gods have been ceased (due to the Deans intervention), and the Deans control the camp and how people within perceive the problem at hand.
As for some of the cast, their potential godly parents goes as followed:
Duke - Son of Hermes / Hecate
Pluto - Son of Caerus / Hecate (Turned into cat & gave cats special treatment)
Morella - Daughter of Athena
Berenice - Daughter of Hephaestus
Eulalie - Daughter of Demeter or Iris
Montresor - Son of Ares
Will - Son of Hermes / Apollo
Ada - Daughter of Melpomene / Medusa / Nemesis
Prospero - Son of Thanatos
The Deans are basically the Titan (big bad) in this AU. They are trying to control the demigods to compete with one another to scheme a way to get back at the gods. They could care less about the demigods, but give special treatment to the 'good campers'.
Lenore does not like the gods because they let her grow up in a bad environment and has never been claimed. She plays a similar role to Percy in this AU. Annabel Lee is unique because she pretends to be on the side of the gods and to 'be a good camper and honor our godly parents', but aligns with Lenore. She wants to run away with Lenore to not have gods/the fates dictate who she should be or who she wants to be, similar to Lenore.
Annabel Lee's group finds comfort with the status quo and profit off of being related to 'powerful' gods/goddesses who claimed them immediately. They look down on the unclaimed campers or children of lesser gods/goddesses because they think their godly parents somehow make them better than other people.
Lenore's group all met in Hermes' cabin, and get claimed throughout the story as they stick up for one another and try to piece together why [plot] happens. Lenore does not get claimed and manages to survive with wit, strategy, and perseverance. There are hints to who her godly parent is throughout the story, based off of what captures her attention/preferences in fighting style, but she is not claimed at any 'heroic' or super important fighting moment.
Feel free to add or change anything from what I've come up with. Share your thoughts, suggestions, or questions in the comments as well. I would love to know what y'all think.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 11 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: One thing I love about these two is how blatant they are about their feelings, there is no hesitation (there is a lot and is drowning them) -Danny Words: 2,634 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Message In A Bottle' -by Taylor Swift
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XXVII: I Don't Have High Hopes but I Think Leara Should Be Our Ship Name
"You remember when Annabeth explained to us how Athena kids are born?"
"I get it now," Ara mumbles absentmindedly. "The meeting of minds thing."
Lily peers over the chariot. "What?"
"I've got a crush," Ara tightens the nave, hunching so she doesn't have to face Lily.
Her friend gasps and pulls Ara up, dragging her to a tall bench. "Who is it? You always go for the craziest option available!"
"That's not true!" She scowls.
"I always thought Aphrodite kids had good taste, but you don't."
"I'll ignore that," Ara leaves her tools on the workbench. "Cause I really wanna tell you."
Lily smiles eagerly. "Okay. I'm listening."
"Well... It's a boy."
"Yikes," she sits on the bench next to Ara's and supports her elbow on the workbench. "Do I know him?"
"Yeah, er... just met him."
"Oh," Lily's expression shifts. "Oh no, Ara."
"What?" She pouts. "You can't say that's a bad pick!"
Her friend wrinkles her nose. "Leo Valdez? Are you sure?"
"You don't approve," Ara sighs knowingly.
Lily rolls her eyes. "I get why you like him... but is he really the safe option?"
"Well," she frowns. "All I'm saying is, you get along with Jason just the same!"
Ara's taken by surprise. "Jason?"
"Why not?" Her friend insists. "Your siblings love him, like, they're obsessed—"
"Piper likes him, Lily," Ara makes a face.
"Ugh, fine! But Leo is bound to get you hurt," Lily explains like it's obvious.
"No, he wouldn't! Why would you even think that?" Ara's getting upset for no reason, she has to wrap it up.
Lily crosses her arms and Ara knows she's in for a lecture. "He's insane, Ara. Have you talked to him for more than just five minutes? I have the feeling he doesn't even like people at all."
"That's not fair, you don't like talking to people either," she reminds her.
"Yeah, but I like you, and I make an effort for you," she insists in an exasperated voice.  "Nothing against him, he just doesn't have time to be a good boyfriend, and you know it. Don't pursue him, Ara."
Telling Ara she can't do something is giving her entrance to prove others wrong. "But I like him, isn't that enough?"
"Listen, if you date Leo, you won't be his priority," Lily tries to reason. "You shouldn't settle for the bare minimum. Also, you're Olympus's go-to girl—"
"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you," Ara snaps defensively. "You go on about common sense like it's so easy. I know better."
It's not up to her to decide anymore, Leo's soul light matches hers, and all she can do is come to terms with it. Lily's observations aren't wrong, but she doesn't understand just how much of a dead end Ara is facing. 
Lily's eyes darken. "Right, because you have always made the right choice."
Ara knows what she's insinuating, and she won't allow it. "Thank you for helping me with the chariot, you're dismissed for the day."
"Naí, Strategus." 
Lily grabs her stuff so she can leave, but someone else storms into the room before that can happen.
"I'm going to gut you!" Nico Di Angelo stops in front of Ara, holding the old aviator jacket to her face.
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We convince Nico to stay for the rest of the summer, but it doesn't matter how much we try to include him in our routine, he doesn't like it here.
Lily hands him a bag with food and drachmas. "Thank you for helping us this summer."
"You won't try to stop me from leaving?" He asks reluctantly.
"We know you'll be careful," I smile. "Ghost King."
Nico makes a face. "Shut up."
"It suits you," Lily teases him. "It's an honor to be friends with a king."
"Whatever," he turns away.
"You didn't deny we're friends, though!" I laugh. "Wait! We have one last favor to ask you!"
He glances back over his shoulder. "What?"
"Look for the children of Olympus!"
"What's that?"
"Nothing important, just... if you contact any of them, ask them how they became it. Heracles and Achilles."
Nico's face is hard to read, but he nods. "I'll try."
"See you later, Neeks!"
"Maybe," he replies shortly.
Percy runs into us at that moment. Lily goes away claiming she has business to attend to with the Stolls, but I know she wants to be sad in private. Nico's the only kid who resembles her around here, and now he's leaving, claiming this is not his place. I wonder what that makes her think.
Mr D asks Percy and me to walk with him. He takes us to the campfire, where Clarisse and Chris are having a moment. 
Percy doesn't understand Mr. D's sudden change of heart, but I do.
"...remember that a kind act can sometimes be as powerful as a sword. As a mortal, I was never a great fighter or athlete or poet. I only made wine. The people in my village laughed at me. They said I would never amount to anything. Look at me now. Sometimes small things can become very large indeed." He gives me a look. "That weapon you carry is flashy... Make sure it doesn't dim your brains."
He leaves us, and I stare at the purple aura surrounding Clarisse and Chris. Percy speaks beside me. "Hey! That's right, you got a sword!"
I smile. "Hephaestus gave it to me. It's called Pantodýnamos."
Percy cocks his head to the side. "That's weird... I feel like I've heard that before."
"Almighty? Yeah, about a hundred times in every book of ancient history."
"Right," he grins. "And it sure is almighty, I saw you killing all those monsters—How did it feel?"
"Like small things can become very large indeed," I quote for Percy's amusement.
He pauses for a moment, suddenly worried. "But why did Hephaestus give it to you? He didn't seem to like you at first."
I open my mouth to reply, but I'm his little sister, he'll freak out if I tell him what my fate is. "I guess he changed his mind," I lie. "Maybe he likes that I chose him over my mother."
Percy seems to believe it. "Well, I feel better knowing you have a good way to defend yourself."
He ruffles my hair and walks me to the campfire. Lily's with the Stolls, next to her is Michael, and he's staring at me. When we lock eyes he smiles and winks. I look away feeling self-conscious, and a golden light brightens my skin.
"Oh, crap..." I mutter in distress.
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During the campfire, Ara realizes Leo is nowhere to be found. It comes to her that if he's not here then he probably didn't have dinner either, and she can't ignore that.
The girl leaves the amphitheater and goes to get drinks and her on-the-verge-of-dying T-Rex bag, then approaches the forest, where she whistles and Apollo is quick to appear on her side. Ara rides him to the bunker, it's dark out and she's not looking to fight monsters at this hour.
She enters the bunker quietly, all the lights are off with the exception of one on top of Festus's platform, next to it Leo is scribbling something on a blueprint.
"Holy, Hephaestus!" Ara gasps. Before her, the ship's shell is already being built.
Leo gives a start. "Hi, doll!" He hastily tries to clean his workspace. "I know, I know, dinner time. Let me just—"
"Dinner was two hours ago," Ara walks up to him.
"Oh," he blinks. "Whoops."
The girl places a soda and a sandwich on his workbench. "You forget to eat and your reaction is 'Whoops'?"
"You can't judge me, Miss 'Huh'," Leo grabs the food. "I just thought—"
"You can think?" Ara sits on the platform and pats Festus' head, Apollo curls next to Leo's workbench ready to take a nap.
"Ha ha," Leo rolls his eyes. "I'm a genius, you know..."
"Don't get too comfy, boy," she speaks to her lion. "We'll head back in a moment."
Leo pouts. "You're leaving already?"
"You're coming with us," she raises a brow. "I can't let you stay here."
"You're no fun," he sighs. "My mom and I used to sleep in her workshop sometimes."
"You have a good bed in cabin nine," she insists calmly. "And I'm a fun girl, you just push my buttons."
"I've noticed," Leo smirks. "But you keep coming back, so maybe I don't push them enough."
"Hm," Ara looks around curiously. The bunker's full of life already; Annabeth was right after all, she's dying to work here. "Anyway, hurry up and eat. I gotta leave Apollo with the pegasus, he'll spend the night chasing the poor harpies otherwise."
Leo makes a face. "You know how batshit that sounds?"
Ara smiles a little. "You'll get used to it eventually."
Leo walks over to where she is. "Can I ask you something?"
"Is it true what they say? That you can't fall in love?"
Ara laughs. "Who says that?"
She shakes her head. "No! That's nuts!"
"It's not true?" He asks, sitting next to her.
Ara notices the faint glow of his skin. "Love is the one thing that keeps me going."
He tilts his head. "Really?"
"I mean, if I were incapable of loving, my life would be pointless."
"So you're willing to date?" His voice turns a bit hopeful. "Let's say, a mechanic genius with amazing looks?"
"Are you asking me out?" She inquires with amusement.
"Yeah, I think I am," Ara's shoulder is touching his, and Leo's breath catches in his throat as he leans closer.
"Leo..." Ara's not sure this is how she wants things to happen. "I... I..."
A playful smirk appears on the boy's face. "Are you about to confess? It'd be great if you said something like 'You're so attractive it makes me insane', even if it's a lie."
"Are you teaching me how to flirt with you?" Ara's head is spinning but his teasing annoys her enough to clear her head.
"You look like you need help. And you're not threatening to maim me for sitting this close to you like the day we met," Heat spreads across his cheeks, and he finishes the sentence quietly. "I can stop if you want."
Ara blushes, looking down at where their hands are placed, one next to the other. "I've gotten used to you, that's all..."
Leo glances at their hands and he lightly touches hers with the tip of his pinky. He looks up to her eyes and waits. She's not doing anything, but his heart is throbbing painfully as he sits in expectation.
"You're doing a great job here, by the way," Ara tells him.
Leo nods, not listening to a single word of what she just said. He moves slightly closer, closing the gap between them until their faces are just a few inches apart. The boy tilts his head and softly brushes his lips against hers for a brief moment. 
The proximity makes him so dizzy he pushes himself away almost instantly. He's in honest disbelief, no girl had ever allowed him to get that close, he nearly wants to ask Ara if she's in her right mind.
In spite of his attempt to stop, their noses are still brushing. He's right there, he could kiss her if he wanted to, and he is dying to, but he wants her permission. 
"I know I don't know a lot about you," he places his hand on top of hers. "But since I met you I've had this feeling... I don't even know what it means, but I'll try my best to be whatever you want, just..."
Ara wants to kiss him so badly that her chest hurts. The girl clears her throat and moves away, desperately trying to de-escalate the situation. "I don't date guys that could set me on fire, though."
For a moment, the sound of his heart pounding is all Leo can hear and process. Then Ara's breathing, slow and strained. It takes him a while to make sense of her words. 
The way she's acting gives him hope. He feels so close to getting all he ever wanted, even if he doesn't even know what that entails.
He moves away too, trying to calm down. He drinks half of his Coke in one gulp. "You're gonna talk about cons? Let me talk about yours, then."
Ara's mouth falls open. "You've known me for like three days!"
"Six, actually," he replies. "So it's a looong list." Ara punches his shoulder. "Ouch! That a yes or a no?" Leo laughs, he can't help but think how cute she looks when she's pouting. 
"I'll give you one and you gotta say one in turn, alright?" She replies. "Let's see who's got more."
A devilish look appears on Leo's face. He tilts his head slightly. "You're bossy."
"You're a flirt with every girl you find pretty."
He grins. "That sounds more like a compliment." 
"It's not."
"Are you sure?"
"Just give me a con!"
"You're impatient."
"Some of your jokes are cringe."
Leo gasps, pretending to be insulted. "That's harsh."
"I give you permission to be a little harsh, then," Ara grins.
"Alright. You're a terrible flirt."
Ara responds with a feisty look in her eyes. "You have no proper strength for a demigod."
"Dang, now this is just roasting," Leo takes a bite of his sandwich. "My powers are a work in progress, sunshine. I'd try my best to protect you though, if that counts for anything."
Ara sighs and stares at her feet. "If you're not sure you can, then don't do it," the girl nudges his arm. "Your turn. You said you had a long list, right?"
"I was lying," he admits casually. "But feel free to keep going, I need the reality check."
Ara groans and looks away. "I ran out of cons too."
Leo pats her knee. "At least we tried. Now what?"
Ara's knee is tingling where he touched it. "I'm not a flirt," she blurts out. "Silena taught me to be kind and hand out compliments to everyone. If I'm a terrible flirt it's cause I've never tried to flirt with anyone, this is just how I am."
Ara is kind of weird, but Leo is starting to get her. She isn't as hard to understand as most people, maybe cause she always says what she means. "I'm a bit of a flirt," he replies, "but I try not to flirt with you at all, 'cause if you were to flirt back, I'm pretty sure I'd drop dead."
Ara giggles, her face is as red as the strawberries they grow in camp, but she doesn't seem to mind. "You're so dramatic—But you make me laugh, like, real laughter. Can't do that easily nowadays..."
"Wow," he says, trying to sound like he's joking. "You like me a lot."
He lets the statement sink in, giving her the opportunity to deliver a firm rejection. 
"I never said I didn't."
"What?" There is a whirlwind of emotions inside of him, too much data has entered his hard drive. He can't even feel his face at this point. "What do you mean?" He urges her. "Cause it's kinda sounding like you've got feelings for me—"
"I know how it sounds," Ara scowls.
"But... then..." He stammers.
Ara fixes her eyes on the lion. A sudden wave of panic is making her second-guess everything, maybe she should follow Lily's advice. 
"Listen, Leo... You have a ship to build, and I have to find my brother. Those are the priorities. After that, we have to defeat Miss Dirt-face. We don't have time for feelings."
It's like she's trying to convince herself, but what he hates the most is that it's true, and it hurts like hell. The first time he meets a cute girl who's attracted to him, and they can't be together. His life is just that great.
"Right. Let's focus on the prophecies now, and maybe if we survive that, we can think about dating," he replies, sounding overly sarcastic. "Sorry for asking..." Every fiber in his body wants to scream. Is he destined to be rejected even by the people who want to choose differently?
Ara gets up as gracefully as possible. "Please, don't stay here for long. Go to sleep."
She heads to the door in silence. The boy doesn't go after her, all he does is reply under his breath. "See you."
Pollo gets up and follows Ara out of the bunker, leaving Leo alone with his longing.
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Next Chapter ->
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littlesparklight · 6 months
Focusing a bit on Troy, here's how I arranged things, starting with the first sack:
1270 BC; the first/"lesser" sack of Troy. Priam is 26. I use the myth (in Diodorus Siculus) where Priam helps Telamon out of Troy after Laomedon imprisons him when he's sent on embassy by Herakles to request/demand the horses and Hesione, so Priam would be no child. Considering that the sons of Laomedon aside from Priam named in the Bibliotheke are the same ones seated with Priam in the Iliad, I also ignore the "Herakles killed all of Laomedon's sons". He clearly didn't! 1267 BC - Priam sends a delegation to Delphi to ask the oracle when it might be the right time to request Hesione back [it's not specified what the oracular question was]; the delegation comes back with Panthoos, Delphian priest of Apollo, who has come along to "interpret the answer given"/explain it to Priam. He ends up staying in Troy and is given the same position in Troy as he'd had in Delphi. 1258 BC - Priam assists his future father in law Dymas and his sons against an Amazon incursion, meeting Hecuba (~21) and getting married to her. [He divorces Arisbe and either he or her father then marries her to Hyrtakos.] 1251 BC - Paris is born, and exposed. I don't have him be the second son, but he's among the earlier ones. (Hecuba is also in general giving birth to a lot of multiples to squeeze 19 sons and a handful of daughters into the years required!)
For Paris' return to Troy, I went and played freely with things. Because I wanted to. So Paris is ten (1241 BC) when he returns to Troy, using none of the more "established" myths for that. However! If I was going to use the funeral games version I'd probably have him be ~18 (so he returns then in 1233 BC). The reason for this, aside from still giving Paris at least two years in Troy prior to the Judgment, is that Hyginus says he was come to "young manhood" when the funeral games and murder attempt happened, and the hypothesis for Euripides' Alexandros play specifies he was twenty. And since it's always floating when the Judgment happens (before or after recognition) having the Judgment happen at 20 regardless seems like a good spot to me.
And since I wilfully ignore the part where Paris has ships built, or Aphrodite orders ships built for him, because Troy would already have ships, and it'd take years for such to be built, Paris then leaves for Sparta in 1231 BC.
I do go with there having been ~5 years between Paris and Helen reaching Troy and the war actually starting. It makes sense, even if one doesn't use the full ten as both the Iliad claims and the Bibliotheke accounts for. So that means the Trojan war properly starts in 1226 BC.
Originally I'd gone with the most usual date for the end of the war (1184 thereabouts), deeming the other, earlier dates, as too early. But when I wanted to lean more into the Bronze Age collapse, which means certain cities (like Mycenae) have already been destroyed by 1184 BC, I moved things up to still be close(er) to the 1184 BC date but not close enough I couldn't accommodate later events to align with a date around there for the destruction of Mycenae.
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
Timos Mother, very solemn: You might not like your husband at first, and that’s alright! You’ll grow to like him eventually. And you should have a few months before he asks to sleep with you-- though he is a god, so it might be sooner. Just remember it’s your duty as his wife, and only has to last as long as he does. Then once it’s over, take a nice long bath and focus on your weaving.
Timo, nodding very gravely: Right Timo’s brain: don’t think about climbing him like a tree until after the wedding, don’t think about climbing him like a tree until after the wedding don’t think ab
Timo’s mother: Good, now-- lets try to find a suitable veil. My daughter, marrying a god! He’ll keep you comfortable and safe. But.. so very far away...
Timo: Mother, he’s.. he’s wonderful. You have nothing to worry about. I’ll be the happiest and most cared for woman in any realm.
Timo’s mother: Oh, by the gods i pray so. Now, before i cry, come-- we have to find something that will be well enough for a gathering of the gods. Oh, if only we hadn’t given the latest weaving to Aphrodite!
Timo: Mother, it shall be fine. Anything i’ve made won’t rival the garments of the gods, they won’t expect it to.
Timo’s mother: Still, what kind of mother would i be? Sending my daughter off to her husband’s house unprepared. Maybe this blue..
Nyx: It is important you respect your new wife, my child. She will likely be downhearted at giving up the surface, even if she loves you truly. You must give her the space to come to terms. Mortals expect a year of courting after the wedding, though she may not be able to mark time here for longer. Help her acclimate, but do not make yourself over-present. I will ensure she feels welcome, as a mother should. We do not separate the people here in the same way, but she may wish for separate chambers for a time. Do not take this against her.
Hypnos, nodding very seriously: Of course, mom-- er, mother. I’m sure glad i have your help. I’ll take every detail into consideration! I don’t really think adding a new set of chambers will be necessary, though-- you know how long i work these days or nights! She’ll have all the space she needs! Hypnos’ brain: don’t say you picked out a pillow just for her already, don’t say you imagined her hair splayed across it already don’t think about her curled up in your bed, focus focus focus fo--
Nyx, nodding: True enough. Come, let us see to preparing the feast for her arrival. Hera’s presence brings the others upon Olympus, and we must be ready to make a good impression. In truth, the only problem i forsee would be Zeus-- though i doubt he would soil his brother’s hospitality, or Hera’s well mood with trouble making. Regardless, we must plan the seating so as to keep you from interacting too much... I am proud to be planning this with you, my son. You have grown so much, as of late.
Hypnos: I-- Love you too, mother!
Nyx: [shakes her head slightly] There is also the matter of your clothes. Queen Persephone and I have woven you a garment... though you must treat it well. It would not do for your wife to come, only for you to have spilled something on yourself.
Hypnos: Ha! I guess not! Thank you so much! [pause] Really, though, mother. Thank you. I know you’re... Well, *I’m* still not like how Thanatos is, or Charon in terms of being.. on my own? I want you to know this means a lot. It’s a lot easier now, but i know i’m still learning. And with Timo, i’ll be learning even more! I just.. You’re going to love her, mother. I hope i do everything right, here.
Nyx, smiling softly: You shall be fine, my child.
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thewebpage · 1 year
Hymn to Aphrodite
Beautiful-throned, immortal Aphrodite,Daughter of Zeus, beguiler, I implore thee,Weigh me not down with weariness and anguishO thou most holy! Come to me now, if ever thou in kindnessHearkenedst my words — and often hast thouhearkened —Heeding, and coming from the mansions goldenOf thy great Father, Yoking thy chariot, borne by the most lovelyConsecrated birds, with dusky-tinted pinions,Waving swift wings from utmost heights of heavenThrough the mid-ether; Swiftly they vanished, leaving thee, O goddess,Smiling, with face immortal in its beauty,Asking why I grieved, and why in utter longingI had dared call thee; Asking what I sought, thus hopeless in desiring,Wildered in brain, and spreading nets of passion —Alas, for whom? and said thou, “Who has harmed thee?O my poor Sappho! “Though now he flies, ere long he shall pursue thee;Fearing thy gifts, he too in turn shall bring them;Loveless to-day, to-morrow he shall woo thee,Though thou shouldst spurn him.” Thus seek me now, O holy Aphrodite!Save me from anguish; give me all I ask for,Gifts at thy hand; and thine shall be the glory,Sacred protector!
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zeddpool · 5 years
Speedpaint of this drawing
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mayasaura · 3 years
so i’ve been thinking…
we all know Priamhark was named after Priam, father of Hector
and the popular interpretation of this being that if Priamhark=Priam then Harrowhark=Hector
…but the root (or suffix maybe?) of Harrowhark was taken from Priamhark, so what if Harrow isn’t Hector? what if her parallel is meant to be drawn to Priam through her ties to her father’s name?
who else in tlt would have cause to go out and beg an enemy for the rightful return of a desecrated corpse?
Oooo~ooh, great point! That reminds me of something! In the Iliad, Achilles tries to desecrate Hector's corpse and fails, because the Gods protect Hector. Book 23, lines 183-191:
"...but Hector, son of Priam, will I nowise give to the fire to feed upon, but to dogs.” So spake he threatening, but with Hector might no dogs deal; [185] nay, the daughter of Zeus, Aphrodite, kept dogs from him by day alike and by night, and with oil anointed she him, rose-sweet, ambrosial, to the end that Achilles might not tear him as he dragged him. And over him Phoebus Apollo drew a dark cloud from heaven to the plain, and covered all the place [190] whereon the dead man lay, lest ere the time the might of the sun should shrivel his flesh round about on his sinews and limbs."
Now that sounds extemely familiar. How did BOE test Gideon's corpse? (All images have embedded alt text)
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With Hector no dogs might deal
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Apollo drew a dark cloud from heaven to the plain .... lest ere the time the might of the sun should shrivel his flesh
And from all this treatment, Gideon's corpse has sustained no further injuries:
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The Illiad, 24:410-414: the squire of Achilles, Argeiphontes, speaking to Priam: "Old sire, not yet have dogs and birds devoured him, but still he lieth there beside the ship of Achilles amid the huts as he was at the first; and this is now the twelfth day that he lieth there, yet his flesh decayeth not at all,"
You're so right. Gideon is Hector here. It may be that Harrow is meant to invoke Priam by having a patronym, or it may be that 'one flesh, one end' means that Harrow's allegories are also Gideon's now, and Gideon's are also Harrow's. After all, at the end of Gideon the Ninth, Gideon embraced being a daughter of the Ninth; and in Harrow the Ninth, God tells Harrow that he would like to think of her as a daughter. If Harrow ends up being the one to harrow hell, it may be by the same transitive principal. We'll have to wait and see for that, just like we'll have to wait and see who, if anyone, tries to ransom Gideon's body; maybe it will be Harrow, or maybe it will be Gideon's father.
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momowho34 · 3 years
So that story about Dionysus being the son of Persephone is awful and gross for like 10 different reasons but can we stop and just appreciate how amazingly they would get along? Like dionysus has mysterious chthonic connections on his own and both of them show evidence of being preceded by really old and dangerous figures and they both have rebirth themes and agricultural themes and I just keep imagining
(This isn’t for a fandom it’s just straight up Greek mythology btw)
Styx: Yeah idk, I just... found him here?
Dionysus, after wandering into the underworld and passing out next to the river Styx, wearing dramatic grape vines, drunk as fuck, tired, entirely oblivious to anything ever, should be totally harmless but still has the faintest aura of the maddened screams of the dying and the roar of lions drifting around him: hnngh???
Persephone, tearing up: *gasps* new bestie!!!!
Styx: ??????
Persephone, during their weekly visits, painting his nails: *sighs* it’s just.... so exhausting to be raised from the dead every year, y’know? Really fucks with my beauty routine. I love seeing my mom but being brought back to life is just a little tedious. Dying is like so much easier.
Dionysus, feeding Cerberus ghost pork chops under the table with his other hand: oh sweetheart I know. I’ve died and been reborn three times, did you know that? Exhausting. Every. Single. Time.
Persephone: omg dish!!!!
Persephone, on the way to the fields of Elysian with Dionysus: I just don’t understand why you had to kill him! He was so close to reuniting with his wife... er- whatever her name was, but they were really cute and you know how I am about love stories I just... I’m so upset!!!
Dionysus, carrying Orpheus’s soul over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes: look, he was ruining my vibe, okay? I really value my vibe! That’s just how it is. Besides, he lost his chance to find her in the living world when he turned around and saw her. Now he gets to reunite with his lover.... dicey-universe or whatever her name was.
Orpheus, weakly: Eurydice, my beloved that I lost, oh how her beauty was- ack!
Dionysus, frowning, wacking Orpheus over his shoulder: hush, you. We’re almost there. If you start waxing poetic or singing about tragic love again I will throw you into Asphodel so fast-
Persephone: oh don’t pretend that you didn’t come down here to save your wife a long time ago.
Dionysus, scoffing: okay, but that’s different! I am allowed to be here. Ariadne just came down for a little visit, she wasn’t planning to stay dead!
Persephone: .....I’m not entirely sure you understand how death works, dionysus.
Hades, sighing: honey I don’t want to limit your friend circle, it’s just that it’s dangerous for someone to traverse between realms like this!
Persephone: I’m telling you though, he is a death god!
Hades: darling I’m finding it hard to believe that the god of wine and partying is-
Dionysus, turning the corner, with his horns and thrysus and slit pupil eyes and leopard skin and somehow giving off ancient old god eldritch abomination energy despite wearing sunglasses and drinking a smoothie: ‘Sup fuckers.
Hades, backing away: dear fucking Kronos yeah that’s a death god, that’s a really old death, that’s an old as Tarterus death god, holy fucking shit okay have fun sweetie he’s free to hang out down here whenever he wants I’m going to go throw up have fun you two bye no way I’m fucking with this shit not today-
(tw: people talking about sex)
Persephone: okay but you can’t have had sex with that many nymphs! I know those girls! Boroe, Khonoris, Nikaia, Methe, Pallene-
Dionysus, sighing: Okay, okay, it wasn’t that many nymphs and humans! Just... look, let’s stop talking about my love life and talk about yours, hmm? Like did you have any other romantic escapades other then Mr. Scary Pants here?
Persephone: hmmm.... well there was this one really cute guy that I hung out with for a while, Adonis. He was pretty great, honestly.
Dionysus: ooh, Adonis... I remember him, he was really cute- shit, sorry, I had a fling with him too but this isn’t about me, go on.
Persephone, rolling her eyes: ugh, of course you did. Anyway, he’s no use to me dead, and he got killed by Ares.
Dionysus: oof, Ares. Fate worse then death. Why was he killed by Ares?
Persephone: because he slept with Aphrodite, Ares really hates it when people sleep with his girlfriend.
Dionysus, reminiscing: oooohhh, Aphrodite. Now she was definitely something, I remember this one time we- why are you looking at me like that?
Persephone: you.
Persephone: you never told me you slept with aPHRODITE- *assorted sounds of screaming and crashing*
Demeter, exasperated, during the summer months: oh by the Titans, you can’t seriously be telling me that you’re friends with Bacchus of all people.
Persephone: but why! He’s an agriculture god, you two should get along! Plus he’s not dangerous- ok, he’s a little dangerous, but like, not to me!
Demeter, sighing: sweetheart I assure you, it’s not about if he’s dangerous-
Dionysus, popping through a window, looking at Demeter: heeeyyyyy! yo, it’s Bread Basket, my favorite bestie!!! I’m doing real good at this domesticated planting thing, I’m a born natural at it hahaha!!! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been taking really good care of the vineyards you helped me plant, absolutely no fires or villager beheadings so far! I promise no more screw ups- *glances behind him* oh my gods you stupid fucking satyr’s, that is the ONE plot of land that you’re not supposed to- Sorry Demi, gotta go good luck with the.... whatever it is you do, bye!!!
Persephone, staring in awe as Dionysus runs back to the fields and desperately tries to corrall the satyr’s in his cult that are munching on grape vines as the maenads cheer and throw sticks in the background: wow. I’ve never... ive never seen this side of him before.
Demeter, putting her head in her hands: yet another reason why I wish I had your luck, Kore.
Dionysus, standing next to persephone, watching Psyche skip away with a box of beauty cream tucked under her arm: ....You know she’s gonna open that box.
Persephone: yep.
Dionysus: and that it’s going to kill her?
Persephone: yep.
Dionysus: and that doesn’t bother you?
Persephone, sighing: look, have a little faith in Eros. He’s a resourceful little shit, he’ll figure something out, and watching Aphrodite realize she’s been bested by her own son will taste like poetry. I can’t wait to see it.
Dionysus, whistling: damn gurl you hold a grudge.
Persephone, narrowing her eyes: only against Aphrodite. Only against Aphrodite.
Dionysus: anyway I was *Baby Melinoe grabs his arm and he freezes* oh my god what is that
Persephone, laughing: that’s just my daughter, Dionysus. I think she likes you.
Dionysus: fuck. Oh gods. um- uhhhhh- what I do with it, I don’t know- I don’t know what to do with it-
Melinoe: *laughs*
Dionysus, sweating: oh no. Why did it make that sound? Did I break it? Is it- is it broken??? What am I supposed to do with this??? Is it okay????
Persephone: gods this is so going in the fucking scrapbook.
Melinoe: *latches onto Dionysus’s arm as he continues to panic*
Dionysus: persephone is it okay? Is it broken? Persephone I’m not kidding your husband honestly freaks me the fuck out I don’t wanna break your kid oh my gods
Persephone: she usually doesn’t like people she doesn’t know-
Melinoe: *starts to climb on him*
Dionysus: oh fuck, no no no what is it doing, Persephone I’m not kidding what is it doing, what is it doing Persephone get it off me oh my gods I’m not joking perSEPHONE-
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
Found Family ||Demetri Volturi x Female!Reader||
Part 2 found here: Baby’s First Christmas 
Warnings: Anxiety and panic, mentions of child endangerment 
Words: 7565
Summary: A request for @kpopgirlbtssvt
There are things Demetri never thought he could have, things he had never dreamed would be within his grasp ever again. He has plenty of experience with newborns…just not your kind of newborn. 
He was absolutely perfect. You couldn’t imagine anyone better for you than Jeremy. He had always been the sweet kind, the kind that complimented you when he held doors open and gave you his jacket when you were cold, the kind that paid for one date if you got the next. He was a hit with your parents and your friends. You were just so sure about him, more sure than you’d ever been about any of the other idiots you dated throughout university. That was why you were confident it was going to be okay when you missed your period that month, because this baby was Jeremy’s and he was your perfect match, your partner for life, so wasn’t it time to start living it? You’d told him the same night your first pregnancy test came back positive.
You’d never seen a man pack so fast.
Everything that was his in your shared apartment was gone and with no one to fill the space you had been forced to move home. Moving home meant telling your parents you were pregnant and that your baby daddy had run off into the wind, and that had gone down about as well as sticking a fox in a henhouse would. For the past eleven months it had been constant snubs, snide little remarks and complete overreaction to everything you did from your parents. How were you supposed to learn how to be a mother if your own constantly hovered and took over at the slightest perception something was wrong? Your daughter had been in this world for two months and she had most likely been held by your parents more than she had you. The timing of your friend’s sudden job offer was perfect for you.
She had planned a holiday in one of the more scenic cities of Italy, shutterbug that she was, but the job required her to move across your home city post haste. With her holiday deposit on the line, everything had been transferred into your name and the ticket dropped off at your doorstep. Your parents had done their best to convince you to stay of course.
You’re not ready to go on a holiday alone with her.
What’ll happen when she gets fussy on the plane hmm? You think she won’t? How will you handle all the people looking at you then?
We still help you with night feeds, how are you going to do that on your own?
You ignored every single one of their pleas and got yourself and your daughter out of there. The moment the heat and the sunshine and invaded your senses you knew you had made the right decision. Lyra wasn’t sure what to make of the sunglasses you put on her little face, and more often than not she pulled off the wide brimmed hat on her head, which left you in a very cyclical routine of putting hats and glasses on whenever they came off. There was lots of green space in Volterra, and so many beautiful alleyways hiding quaint little shops to wonder about in. Your spending money was limited but it didn’t mean you didn’t splurge on a few treats. Your favourite place by far though had to be the fountain in the centre of the square.
Though it was often bustling in the daytime, come the evenings it was calmer and quieter, cooler to. Laying back in the crook of your arm, Lyra seemed to find the splashing sounds of water and the way the light reflected off of it absolutely fascinating. If you had had a full day she sometimes napped, but when she was awake her little eyes were wide with wonder and she looked between you and the water a lot, trying to communicate with you exactly what she thought about it. You pandered to her of course, rocking her gently as you had a one-sided conversation about how beautiful Volterra was. If you didn’t have responsibilities back at home you could happily see yourself adapting to this slower pace of life. As it was, this small dose of peace in your newfound haven was all you would get, so you decided to make the most of it.
It was one of your last days in the city when you were approached by her. She was Aphrodite incarnate you were sure, statuesque with flawless skin shrouded in shadow, yet her hair couldn’t hide from the sun. No, it caught the beams and threw them back at the world with a dazzling amount of shine that left you utterly awed as she approached you. She looked down at Lyra, plush lips pulling into a smile and revealing perfectly white, straight teeth.
“Buon pomeriggio, hai bisogno di assistenza?” she asked. Her voice was like honey, sweet and smooth, trickling through your consciousness until all other noise simply faded away. You blinked yourself out of your stupor, your brain scrambling to try and translate what little Italian you had picked up over the past week you had been staying here. You could hazard a guess at the last word, and you knew the greeting well enough, but you weren’t sure about the rest.
“I’m sorry, erm, I don’t know that much Italian, Er…erm… non capisco?” you tried. Her laughter was as sweet as angel song, as feather light on your ears as a lover’s whisper.
“I see. I asked if you need assistance. Are you perhaps waiting for someone?” she questioned. Her accent was thick but oddly out of place, seemingly a mix of many different accents mingled into one. It wasn’t unpleasant to listen to however.
“Oh, no we’re okay thank you.” You smiled up at her, squinting slightly in the harsh sunlight. Her head tilted, glossy waves of caramel falling like satin over her shoulder, one strand slipping over the next in a gorgeous waterfall that left you more mesmerised than even her voice could.
“Then perhaps I might interest you in a tour of Castello Volterra? It’s so hot out here, the ancient stone will keep you cool and give you chance to take many more marvellous pictures.” Her head turned, a silent indicator that your camera had taken her interest. Your cheeks flushed pink – how much more obviously a tourist could you be? Lyra had yet to stir in your arms and you glanced down towards her, biting your lip. She’d been asleep for quite a while now and had been safely in the shade of her hat, but a cooler indoor climate would probably do her some good.
“How much?” you asked, cautious of spending your remaining money. She trilled a laugh.
“I’m looking to make up numbers, some turiste dropped out and I have spaces spare.” She waved you off with ease and, well, who were you to look a gift horse in the mouth? It never occurred to you in that moment that you hadn’t even caught her name or asked for a badge; the woman was enigmatic and honestly you were more than a little enamoured so her name seemed quite irrelevant as you hurried to gather your things and walk after her. You left Lyra’s buggy at the front desk with the secretary, your daughter finally stirring some and grumpily making her displeasure known with quiet half-cries and a pouty lip. The rocking movement as you walked and the strange décor of the place was slowly drawing her attention, your hand patting her back while your free one held your camera aloft.
When you had been told you were going to tour a castle you had expected more opulent decoration, tapestries and chandeliers, maybe some plush carpets. At first you had seen what you expected, a grand library decorated in deep reds and blacks with a stain in varnished wooden flooring that came with a ghostly story of blood spilled within medieval walls. You were thrilled, your eyes magnetised to your tour guide as much as they were too any painting or gilded book cover. It wasn’t until Lyra began to fuss and take up more of your attention that you started to notice how…odd, the place felt. The stone walls did little to keep heat in and compared to the outside the castle itself was freezing. Lyra had nestled into her shawl, sharing body heat with you, but you were starting to feel goosebumps pebble your flesh now.
It was not just cold but dark too. Very little natural light entered the castle’s rooms, and on the odd occasion you found a square patch of sunlight streaming through admittedly pretty windows, your tour guide avoided it with effortless grace. The further into the castle you went, the colder, darker and less extravagant it got. Bare stone walls were embellished with little decoration and the warmth in your guide’s voice was now gone, her pace hurried and heels clacking off the stone as though she was impatient to get you to the end of this tour for some reason. You struggled to keep up and quickly fell behind, Lyra’s fussing growing worse as she too started to feel the chill in the air and odd atmosphere. Her wriggling grew more intense and you had to lower your camera to tighten your grip on your daughter, hushing her gently when she began to snuffle, huffing breaths through her nose.
They were signals you knew well. With the nappy bag over your shoulder, you slowed your pace and started to rummage through the contents of the large satchel, producing a cloth for Lyra and settling it beneath her chin as you pulled her upright somewhat, pausing in the corridor to readjust your grip on her lest you drop her. A soft cry escaped her, face scrunching in the build up to something louder when you felt the ominous presence behind you. Turning around you were face to face with a man at least a head taller than you were, dressed entirely in black with dark dreadlocks hanging over his shoulders. He radiated something dangerous, made every instinct in your body scream at you to turn and leave him be. Lyra seemingly sensed it to, letting out a wail on demand. In the brief moment where you turned your head to look at her you swore a flash of dark red, the same kind of colour as wine, caught your eye. It wouldn’t have been so strange to you if that flash of wine hadn’t appeared quite high up, at eye level, say.
Lyra was far more important though, her cries cutting off into a gurgle as she spit up just as you had expected her to. The warm vomit splashed onto the cloth, dribbling down as you scrambled to catch it and wipe her mouth. Her screaming grew louder at that, the horrible smell of bile and acid reaching your nose and making it scrunch.
“Keep moving.” The man’s voice was deep. It rumbled in his chest and shook you to your core.
“Is there a bathroom up ahead? Somewhere I can clean her up?” you asked.
“Keep moving.” He repeated, closing in on you with slow, deliberate steps that set your nerves jangling. Holding Lyra closer to your chest you clasped the back of her head tenderly, bouncing and rocking her to try get her to calm. Your daughter was here in your arms, unsettled and in need of your comfort. You had to be calm for her, even if your heart was racing in your chest.
“I need to see to my daughter.” Your voice was firm and left little room to argue, but he didn’t stop moving towards you. Heart leaping into your throat you took a step back, shaking your head and struggling to calm Lyra as you tried to remain firm and not give anymore ground. Your heart raced, a hot flush overcoming you as anxiety made itself present in a sudden, nauseous wave. Why wasn’t he stopping? Why wouldn’t he listen? Couldn’t he see your daughter needed your care? See he was scaring you?
“Keep moving and you can see to her then.” His voice wasn’t comforting in any way and it was difficult to believe a man so intense. He was twice your size and built well, very capable of man-handling you if he so chose to. You had tried to avoid looking, tried to play it off as a trick of the light, but when you looked into his eyes it was plain as day that you had been correct. His irises were the colour of rich red wine, and to your astonishment they only seemed to darken as they stared back into yours with such intensity your thundering heart was all you could hear for a moment. There was no ring around the colourful part of his eye. Nothing indicated that he was wearing contact lenses, but he couldn’t have had red eyes could he? It wasn’t possible…
“I think I better leave. Where’s the exit?” you asked shakily. Something was wrong here, wrong wrong wrong. The corridor was long, not a single door in sight. You could navigate the hallways again right? There had to be an exit somewhere close. Lyra was only growing more unsettled, screaming now at the top of her lungs. People were whispering behind you and the man was growing ever more annoyed, shooting your daughter a disgusted glare as if she had physically offended him with the noise. You instinctively held her as close to you as possible, turning slightly to shield her from him.
“Keep. Moving.” He ground out.
“My daughter isn’t well, we just need to leave! There has to be an exit near here!” you snapped. It was more fear than anything else that had made you snap, desperation more so than anger, but the man seemed to take it as such. He seemed to inflate somehow, shoulders squaring and lips pulling back over his teeth as he stalked ever closer when a pale hand intervened, gripping his arm. Given the way the man flinched, you guessed the newcomers grip was hard. Head snapping to the left, you turned to try and convince our saviour to help you, only to freeze at the sight of apple red eyes. They were the same red eyes, just different shades. He inhaled sharply as he locked eyes with you, his expression somewhat distant for a minute as you tried to make sense of the sudden and inexplicable relief. It was small, barely made a dent in your anxiety in the grand scheme of things, but it lessened some of your nauseous gut feeling to simply lay eyes on this man even if he was clearly a part of this strange tour company.  
“Is the little one alright?” he asked. His voice was smooth and rich, the deep bass reverberating through your head. He had the kind of voice you could listen to all day, the kind you could envision being good for audiobooks. Lyra was still screaming in your arms, her wailing echoing back to you off the walls. You bounced her again, rocking her side to side with a shake of your head.
“No, no I need to take her back to the hotel, please, tell me where I can find the exit?” you were almost pleading with him at this point. He nodded slowly, his gaze strangely intense, unwavering and unblinking. On one hand you didn’t mind it; you liked the way he looked at you actually, with a hint of wonder and trepidation, as if you were the thing in the room to marvel at and the expensive paintings on the wall weren’t worthy of a second glance. Given the general atmosphere of unease that you had picked up on now however, his stare also left you feeling minorly uncomfortable. He held a hand out towards you, his arm open and separating you from the man with the dreadlocks.
“Allow me to escort you to a quieter room so you might tend to her needs.” He said. You swallowed thickly, itching to agree despite barely knowing him or his intentions towards you and Lyra. It felt safe, like his waiting embrace was something you could depend on. Getting you away from the strange man had to be your new priority, but could you really trust a stranger?
“Demetri, what are you doing?” your tour guide was back, her musical voice distracting you somewhat from the beautiful man before you. He was made with the finest of nature’s ingredients you were sure, with high cheekbones and a jawline that could have cut steel. His hair was the most beautiful shade of chestnut brown, his stature tall and lean, posture exuding confidence and grace. His smile was dazzlingly white and so very comforting as he ever so gently guided you towards him.
“Escorting the young lady to a room where she might see to her daughter. I will join you momentarily for the…conclusion, of the tour.” He seemed to choose his words carefully and despite how much more on edge that made you, you still stepped into him with a nod. Your eyes were drawn back to your tour guide again, unable to stray too long as her gaze turned somewhat dangerous.
“The child will be cared for as always.” Her voice was like wind chimes and you unknowingly leaned closer to hear it. The man, Demetri, immediately pulled you back and began to lead you down the hall.
“Indeed, by her mother.” He spoke as though she was still stood right beside him, yet you were sure she shouldn’t have heard anything given she was already four steps behind you both. His pace was quick, only slowing when he realised you were struggling to keep up. You could see the way his jaw clenched as Lyra screamed and you tried to shush her again, swallowing past the lump in your throat as your clawed fingers held tight to your baby.
“Where are we going? Surely there’s a bathroom or something near-“
“Somewhere we will not be disturbed, can you soothe her?” he asked, looking at your daughter with a grimace. You stumbled over your own feet a little.
“I – I’m trying.” Your stammered. He gave a terse little nod, eyes flitting about as he led you down a maze of corridors. By the time you emerged at the top of a flight of stairs you had no clue what way was up and what way was down. Perhaps that was what he had intended. Demetri quickly pushed his way past a heavy looking door made of dark, expensive looking wood; surprise flooded you, and it melted into horror as quickly as it came. A bed, you were looking at an extravagant, four poster bed, a room with a desk and a bookcase and a fireplace. This was a bedroom. Why would he bring you to a bedroom? Was it his? You shouldn’t have followed him. Tears welled in your eyes as you imagined all the horrible ways this once nice trip could turn out, and when Demetri caught sight of them he quickly shut the door with the most pained expression you’d ever seen on a man.
“I mean you no harm, truly, but there are things I am not at liberty to explain right now that you cannot conceive of. Use whatever you require from my bathroom to tend to your daughter but do not leave this room. I beg of you.” The urgency in his voice shook you to the core and your tears spiled over. His room? Why was it so imperative you not leave? What was wrong with this place that it was so dangerous to you you couldn’t leave this strange man’s room? His finger was as cold as marble and just as hard when he wiped the wetness from beneath your eye. You recoiled with a soft whimper.
“Please, just let me-“
“Stay, here. Please tesoro…Per il mio bene.” His finger delicately trailed your jawline before he was gone, the door closed behind him. It was like you had blinked and missed him. Lyra was quieting a little in your arms, though still crying she seemingly had run out of energy, not bawling anymore. You slowly sank to your knees, fresh tears springing to your eyes. You had doomed you both. What kind of irresponsible mother followed a strange man to his bedroom? Rocking back and forth, you shakily stroked the soft tufts of hair on her head, trembling and praying to a God you hadn’t really believed in before now that somehow, you would be okay.
With a quiet sniffle, you wiped your eyes hastily with your hand. Your daughter needed you to be strong right now, so even as you crumbled inside you pushed to your feet and paced towards the large bed, setting the pillows up in such a way Lyra would be securely confined away from the edges of the mattress. With quick, practiced movements, you cleaned her face with a baby wipe and changed her pretty little dress into a loose top and shorts combo, one you had packed for occasions just like this. Lyra wriggled, not enjoying the changing procedure and reaching for you. Maybe she was just as perturbed by the situation to, wanting your embrace, your comfort.
“It’s okay, we’re going to be okay, we’ll be alright baby.” You whispered shakily. You could make no such promise. Time seemed to drag by slowly, seconds feeling like eternity dripping by through the thin neck of an hourglass. Lyra had calmed after a few minutes of you rubbing her tummy, now enjoying the feel of the soft sheets maybe and being in fresh clothes, and her big eyes watched you as you paced beside the bed. It took a long time for you to pause, your mind coming to the shocking and horrific realisation that just because this Demetri fellow had told you not to leave, it didn’t mean you couldn’t.
Dashing to the door, you pushed down on the handle. Relief swept through you when it went all the way, the door clicking open, and with a soft gasp you raced back to the bed to collect your daughter. Her bag was of little consequence, though your purse and phone were so you pocketed these as you picked her up, cursing your old school phone and it’s poor battery life. With Lyra swaddled to your chest again in her shawl, lips smacking and a serious little frown on her face, you turned back towards the door only to find it closing behind the one man you didn’t want to see.
Your heart sank.
“You stayed.” He sounded surprised.
I didn’t mean to you thought hopelessly. Shaky hands came up to hold your baby girl again, Lyra sensing your obvious anxiety and beginning to shift again restlessly. She tried to turn her head, find the source of the noise, but you wouldn’t let her. Whatever he was about to do to her, you silently vowed your daughter wouldn’t see. You would suffer in silence, your lips pressed together in a firm line and your will caging your voice if only so Lyra wouldn’t suffer with you. Demetri held his hands up in front of him but the gesture was meaningless and empty – his eyes were now a vivid ruby red. The brightness of his irises frightened you. Deep down, you doubted he had simply gotten his irises retattooed in the time since he’d separated from you.
“I did, I did everything you asked, now please let us go.” You tried to keep your voice steady but the slightest warble gave away your fear. Demetri’s expression twisted into regret, an ugly expression his godly face somehow made it impossible to look away from, like you were the one who needed to comfort him, as though he was the one suffering and you weren’t.  
“Next time you ask me something please, try to make it something it is within my power to do.” He said softly. Tears welled in your eyes, one spilling down your cheek.
“Okay,” you swallowed, “Then whatever you can do, are going to do, please don’t make my daughter watch. She’s so young, please-“you choked, cutting yourself off with a sharp inhale as you tried desperately to hold in the sob building in your throat. Lyra let out a noise of discontent and you immediately loosened your grip. Demetri shook his head.
“Nothing is going to happen to you tesoro. My oath was true, I mean you no harm,” he promised, pausing slightly as his eyes flitted to Lyra, “Neither of you…how old is she?” his question caught you off-guard. It was such a mundane thing to ask, given he’d more or less kidnapped you from a tour group to steal you away to his bedroom it seemed out of place almost in the conversation. You swallowed.
“That’s of no concern to you!” you snapped, turning to shield Lyra from his view some. He winced slightly, stepping closer to you.
“Will you let me explain?” he questioned, “The things I wish to tell you, need you to know, are not easy to digest, but perhaps if you know them you might yet change your opinion of me.” He ventured. His voice was casual, as though he was discussing the weather with you and was not trying to beguile you into trusting him. In truth, part of you already did, and that part had made you lean towards him ever so slightly, your ears so focused on the sound of his voice your eyes hadn’t noticed how close he was until he was mere feet away. You backed up immediately, scolding yourself for being distracted by the honeyed words of a pretty man; last time that had happened you had ended up pregnant in your childhood bedroom while your parents lectured you about condoms for three hours.
“And why would my opinion matter to you?” you demanded, cringing when your back hit stone. A window to your right gave you a beautiful view of a garden, a garden with high walls and vibrant flowers and…a disco ball? No…no wait that was…a man? You were sure the outline of a man was quite literally glowing in the sunlight, his skin reflecting the warm rays and turning them into the most beautiful diamonds that scattered along the wall he stood by. As if he sensed your eyes the bulky figure turned his head, and though his features were too far away for you to make them out you were certain he was looking at you.
“There are things in this world you dismiss as fictious but should know are very much real, tesoro.” Demetri’s voice was soft by your ear and you jumped violently, whirling around to face him. His skin did the very same thing. He stood before you, an Adonis carved straight from marble that shone bright in pure light, his room lit up by rainbows that bounced off of the prism of his skin. You reached your hand out without thinking, pure instinct driving you to both fear and question this beautiful man. When your thumb came back glitter free, your stomach churned in silent horror. There was no make up, no illusion of any sort you could see or imagine, so how was it possible he could literally shine?
“What are you?” you whispered. Demetri’s eyes never left yours, his gaze soft and somewhat sad, as if he already knew you wouldn’t like the answer.
“Vampire.” His reply was simple, yet it set off a chain reaction in your head. Every instinct that had screamed at you to run before was now screaming that it had been right and you should run again, but your rational mind scoffed and forced those feelings down even as you tried to put more distance between you both. Vampires weren’t real, and so far he had kept true to his word. Demetri had yet to hurt you, though he seemed plenty ready to lie to your face.
“They aren’t real.” You denied.
“Because my coven made you believe so,” Demetri countered, following you with slow, cautious steps, “Look at me. What man do you know of that has skin like mine? What man has these eyes? Your body knows Tesoro, it’s been telling you all along that I am wrong, has tried warning you that there are differences between us your brain cannot put a name to.”
“Stay away from us!” you warned. He froze in place, letting you put as much distance as you could between you both. With your back to the wall you stared him down, afraid to move for fear he would to. Within a blink he was in front of you, and you were falling to your knees, like he had almost anticipated your obvious collapsed. With the way your knees were knocking together it shouldn’t have been surprising really. He had moved so fast and with such startling efficiency you were left completely in awe of the smooth series of actions that led him to catch not only you, but Lyra as well. She squealed in delight, the first time you’d ever heard her make such a noise, while you could only stare with wide eyes at the man who had yet to take his arm from around your waist. He was busy watching Lyra with his own wide eyes.
“Take her,” he whispered, giving you a little nudge to get you upright, “Take her now, please, before I drop her!” he insisted. You hurriedly made a cradle and accepted your daughter back into your embrace, somewhat spellbound. Demetri had moved faster than any human could, had horrifically red eyes and skin that literally glowed…yet a baby had undone him? There was literal panic written all over his face the minute his arm had curled around your daughter and he looked quite relieved you had her now. You could only stare at him as he carefully guided you back towards the bed. Once Lyra was settled back between the pillows again you sat and listened to every tale he wished to tell you, your mind spinning.
He spoke of where he had come from and how he came to be, your mind reeling as he told you of a far off, sunny land where the Gods had ruled his life before he was given life anew. He spoke of Aro and Marcus and Caius, and the war with Romanians that had ended the slavery of your kind and sparked the dawn of an era of secrecy. He chuckled as you tentatively listed off myth after myth, taking great delight in your obvious amusement that he had been the one to circulate the rumour vampires were weakened by garlic simply because he didn’t like the way it smelled. As impossible as it all seemed, you believed him. Demetri had maintained a respectable distance from you at all times, looking more relaxed and at ease the longer you spoke. Not a toe out of line.
The cadence of his voice had lulled Lyra to sleep, your own nerves soothed by the rhythmic rise and fall as he told his stories with the kind of expertise only extensive practice could bring. The wonder couldn’t last however, not when you remembered there were other people beyond the door to his room.
“Our tour guide…” you trailed off, shifting uncomfortably. Demetri looked regretful.
“Less a tour guide and more a fisherwoman. Heidi is like me, as is the man who dared try to confront you in the corridor.” His eyes narrowed a bit, the memory clearly unpleasant to him. You swallowed, your heart skittering in your chest.
“A fisherwoman?” you questioned, your voice weak. Demetri observed you carefully, looking reluctant to speak now. You were by no means stupid; you had a fairly good idea what he had meant but you wanted to hear him say it. He seemed impossibly perfect and as silly as it sounded, hearing him admitting to this one great flaw might actually soothe some of your own insecurities you were struggling with by just being near him. You were still losing a baby fat after all and the stretch marks…well your skin was not as unblemished as his.
“I think you know.” He said finally. You exhaled in a rush, fingers curling into the fabric of your skirt so tightly your knuckles turned white.
“She’s not even a year old,” you whispered, “My daughter isn’t even a year old, and you were going to…she brought us here to…” you couldn’t even finish your sentence, squeezing your eyes closed as you thought of the rest of the people in your tour group and the fate they must have endured. There was an elderly couple, Americans you thought, talking of how their history loving granddaughter would adore the pictures they were taking about the place. A young couple of Indian origin you guessed who were speaking their native tongue as they walked arm in arm, their gazes adoring as they stared at each other, a honeymoon couple perhaps whispering sweet nothings and fantasising about the life they were embarking on together.
“We would not have laid a hand on her,” Demetri swore, his voice somewhat cross, “We are not monsters, tesoro. Your child would have been taken to the authorities and given a good home.”
“Without me. You would have killed me and let my daughter grow up, without me.” Your voice was rising in pitch now and you pushed to your feet as the hysteria began to rise once more. Demetri shook his head.
“I would have done no such thing!” he snapped, losing his temper with you for the first time since you’d met. You took a hesitant step backward, afraid now you knew what he could really do but reluctant to leave him so near Lyra. Lyra…so small and vulnerable and still utterly asleep. He took a breath, running a hand through his hair.
“Why not? Why would you save us?” you couldn’t wrap your head around it. Your tour group had met a grisly end so why hadn’t you? Why had you been spared this fate? Why did he favour you? Demetri looked saddened again, his entire expression crestfallen, like a puppy who’d been scolded for being too close to the Christmas tree.
“I had hoped you would feel it, that you would know, at least on some superficial level.” He seemed to be speaking to himself, distracted by watching Lyra’s chest rise and fall as her mouth moved, eyelids fluttering. It was your favourite expression on her, the one she wore when she dreamed. For a moment Demetri looked wistful, as though he was watching something he desperately wanted but was out of his reach from a distance too great to cross.
“Feel what?” you groaned, your exasperation now obvious. It was difficult to be afraid now he’d told you everything. It didn’t make sense for him to spare you just to kill you now, especially not now he’d divulged what you guessed was a great secret to you. What exactly did he expect you to feel that you hadn’t already? The whole afternoon had been a roller coaster that left you thoroughly exhausted; fear, anxiety, awe, disbelief, scepticism and more had all been prevalent in your heart today and you weren’t sure how much more it could take.
“The mate pull,” Demetri said finally, tearing his eyes away from Lyra to look up at you, “My kind, we feel so much more deeply than humans do. Some people appeal to us so much it sets a bond. Fate has a hand to play in this to of course, making a pair so compatible that neither can deny the other was made for them.” You stomach dropped, mouth forming a perfect ‘O’. Without thinking your hand whipped up to slap him, your hand almost breaking on impact with his cheek. His head barely moved, though he did blink a bit in shock, something you had yet to see him do despite the time you spent together. The sharp sound woke Lyra up and she let out an abrupt, piercing cry, startled and upset while you hopped up to shake your hand out with a curse.
Demetri looked absolutely flabbergasted, his head turning between you and your daughter as if trying to figure out which one of you to approach first. His hand reached for Lyra, his lips protruding in the perfect pout as he tried to shush her.
“Keep your hands off of her you pervert!” you cried, hurrying forward to scoop her up and taking a few steps back from him. There was no fear anymore, just pure rage. It boiled in your veins and curdled in your stomach, the intense disgust you felt towards him unparalleled by anything else.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me! I don’t care what you are or what your world’s rules are but in mine, you keep your ancient ass hands off of my infant daughter!” you warned. Demetri paused, his eyes widening slightly before he recoiled from you with an obvious shudder.
“You think I – no! Gods no tesoro! Your daughter is not – I do not – it was you! I meant you!” he hurried to amend himself as your glare grew more vicious, and the simple confession made your mind fritz. There was nothing for a moment, a blissful few seconds of pure silence in your head, no frantic thoughts or feelings, just pure nothingness as you tried to comprehend what this gorgeous stranger was telling you.
“I meant you, tesoro. The moment I laid eyes on you I was sure…do you truly not feel it?” Demetri asked, hesitantly stepping closer. You let him this time, swallowing thickly.
“What should I be feeling? Beyond confusion, there’s…there’s a lot of confusion.” You mumbled, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. His lips pulled into the slightest smile, but it quickly disappeared when Lyra let out another piercing cry. Neither of you had seen to her yet and you quickly set to work making sure she could see and hear you as you rocked her, patting her bottom as you swayed side to side. As she began to quieten down once more, looking confused and tired and grumpy with you for the long day you had turned out to be having, Demetri very hesitantly moved closer to you both again.
“Perhaps you feel curiosity, a desire to know me better. You may feel something when I am close to you, that tries to keep you near to me. There are many things you might feel, I could not possibly guess all of them as we all react differently to the mate pull, but I know I feel it quite acutely when I look at you.” He confessed freely, his eyes fixed on Lyra’s head. He lifted his hand, pausing to look at you for permission as his fingers neared her head. You glanced between them, finding Lyra looking at him with big eyes, no doubt confused as to why his eyes were a vivid shade of red while yours were a bright Y/E/C. If Demetri had proven anything to you so far it was that he really meant to uphold his oath, he wasn’t going to hurt either of you.
When you nodded, he ever so gently began to stroke her hair like he was touching the most precious and delicate of diamonds. Maybe it was this so-called mate pull, maybe it wasn’t, but your heart almost burst in that moment as you watched him share such a tender moment with Lyra, a moment her own father couldn’t even be bothered with. He looked absolutely enraptured with her, murmuring soft things in Italian you couldn’t hope to understand with the faintest wisp of a smile.
“Would you like to hold her?” you asked. The thought had escaped your mouth before you could fully process it and it made Demetri pause, his expression twisting quickly into concern.
“I better not, I fear I might hurt her.” he frowned. Lyra’s lips smacked, a slight huff escaping her – she clearly didn’t enjoy not holding his attention.
“I think she might hurt you if you don’t. It’s easy, I’ll show you.” You encouraged. Demetri was still shaking his head when you expertly jostled your daughter in one crooked arm and used the other to start moving his.
“Tesoro I think that I shouldn’t-“
“So long as you remember to support her head it’ll be okay, she’s only two months old, the support is key for her right now.” You explained, already handing him Lyra. There was no hesitation there, not anymore, you knew he wouldn’t hurt either of you. Demetri let out a small, panicked huff as he tried to settle his arms somewhat, relax into letting Lyra fit there. She looked thoroughly perplexed for a moment as he did his best to adjust his grip, head turning to you as if to say ‘what’s with this amateur Mom?’ before she lifted a tiny hand to place it against his chest, snuggling down into the cradle of his arm.
“Is this okay?” he asked. You nodded, unable to fight back your smile. He was adorably flustered, something you were surprised the suave vampire could be. All wide-eyed with awe you had to wonder if this was the first time he’d ever held a baby before. He stood still as stone, afraid to jostle her it seemed as they had an intense stare off. Lyra was the first to break it, a wide yawn splitting her face as her blinks grew longer. You watched her fall right asleep in his arms, slowly perching yourself on the edge of his bed to contemplate everything this meant. Demetri was a vampire, something out of your wildest imaginings, maybe a nightmare even. He had been going to feed on your tour group, on . He had been going to feed on your tour group, on you, but some supposed bond between you had made him save your life instead. Now, he held your daughter like she was precious gold in his hands, whispering sweet nothings to her in a language you couldn’t understand with eyes as doting as any father’s should be.
Did he already see himself that way? The thought made you mildly uncomfortable. He had a lot to prove to you before you’d even consider giving him the title of boyfriend, never mind father. It clicked suddenly, the realisation that your heart had already decided and was waiting for your brain too catch up. Demetri had captured your attention in more ways than one and his world sounded…fascinating.
“What if you stop feeling this pull? Are we in danger then?” you asked finally. Demetri seemed to struggle to tear his eyes from Lyra for a moment, but when his eyes met your’s they were flooded with sincerity.
“Vampires mate for life tesoro…even if I wished to fall for another in the midst of an argument perhaps, I physically no longer have the capacity to. It is you and only you who was made for me.” He vowed, moving at a snail’s pace to carefully sit himself beside you.
“We’re a bit of a package deal.” You pointed out. Demetri nodded.
“It was not expected, that I might find my mate with a child, but I confess I find myself in awe of her. Two months, did you say?” he questioned, glancing briefly at you. You nodded.
“Yeah, yeah two months old.”
“So she will not stay this small for much longer?” he sounded almost sad and you giggled slightly.
“Believe me, the sooner she sleeps through the better.” You lifted your hand to gently run a fingertip down her cheek.
“If you stayed I have no need for sleep, I could see to her in the night with some guidance, but I know I cannot ask that of you.” He sighed. You swallowed, the nerves fluttering in your gut. He was already asking you to move in with him? You wanted to see a red flag but you couldn’t. Demetri clearly wanted to look after you both. Why shouldn’t you let him?
“My parents would go mad.” You agreed hesitantly. Demetri chuckled.
“I shall have to win them over then. A child complicates matters, buys us more time to figure out exactly how we might proceed. She is a blessing, tesoro.” He promised you. Your brows pulled low together.
“What does Tesoro mean?” you asked.
“Ah, it means darling…I may have neglected to get your name.” he admitted bashfully. Your eyes widened, mind replaying all the time you’d spent with him that afternoon. He wasn’t wrong, you hadn’t introduced yourself once.  
“It’s Y/N. Y/N L/N. That there, is little miss Lyra.” You told him. Demetri sighed.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful pair…her father must be missing her, no?” he was clearly hesitant to ask and you didn’t blame him. You couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be to just…walk into someone’s life, knowing they were made for you and find they already had a child that wasn’t yours. Come to think of it could vampires even have children? You had so much to learn…
“He left the minute he found out I was pregnant…you’ve spent more time with her than he ever has.” You informed him, the bitterness in your voice obvious. Demetri looked upset by that but you didn’t question or comment on it. With slow, careful movements, he gently began to rock her. You doubted he would relinquish her to your grasp anytime soon.
“He is a fool…but I’m not.” He whispered. You smiled slightly, a strange warmth filling your gut. Who’d have thought you’d find your very own Prince Charming while touring a castle?
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