#Eyes Are A Gateway-{The Shape}
the bechdel test for artists is 1. can they draw fat people 2. can they add image descriptions
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
*NSFW* How to train your pet Human (Yandere!Alien X GN!Reader)
CW: Mind break, training, human pet, pet/owner relationship, humiliation, dub-con, non-con, dead dove
Pt 2, pt 3
(Reader) sat quietly and fearfully in a small cage that didn't allow for any wiggle room, their legs falling asleep under them from being in the same position for so long. They didn't remember how they got here, in a cage surrounded by freaks in what seemed to be a street market, only remembering walking home from the convenience store a little past midnight and seeing a white, blinding light before passing out.
Aliens of all shapes stuck their disgusting faces towards the bars of (Reader's) cage, speaking in sounds that didn't sound like speech at all. (Reader) watched as sniffling cages near them were bought one by one, and feared for their future.
After nearly an entire day (Reader) felt their cage lift high above the ground without shaking, and witnessed a tall creature draped with beautiful deep blue robes raise the cage to get a better look at (Reader's) face without needing to bend down. And bending down to the tiny cage must have been impossible without dirtying it's knees, since it seemed over seven feet tall.
It's face face was smooth, with large, opal colored eyes eyes in a hard shelled face. There was no nose, or lips, on its black and purple iridescent face. It spoke in a human like voice, in an earth language (Reader) couldn't understand.
"What?" Their voice was dry from dehydration.
"I asked what language you speak."
The voice was higher than expected, and melodic, yet still masculine. He lowered the cage to his hip, but didn't set (Reader) down, exchanging chatter with the seller and handing over a bag full of, what (Reader) assumed to be, some type of currency.
(Reader) was carried back to what looked like to be a large ship, dying of anxiety over what was going to become of them. They passed through multiple corridors and gateways, before entering a room decorated with glass cases and blue drapery the same color as the alien's cloak. He placed the cage on the floor and unlatched it, stepping back to give (Reader) space.
They tried to stand, but their legs were dead from the hours they spent bent doubled over. They cried in pain as the feeling began to slowly tingle down their thighs to their feet.
"What is wrong, human?"
(Reader) wiped away the snot and tears rolling down their chin. "My-My legs are numb from sitting in the cage. It hurts."
The one who bought (Reader) reached under their arm pits, raising them up and sitting them on a very high desk. He reached with what looked like scaled hands and began to massage their legs. (Reader) whined in discomfort, both at the pain and the uncomfortable situation, fearful to push the much taller creature away. Now that they were out of the cage, the alien was much taller and imposing, visibly sleek bodied under the fabric, but not scrawny, (Reader) could feel his strength.
"What is your name, human?"
"(Reader)." He practiced saying their name, still massaging their legs. "I am Kirtch."
(Reader) nervously fiddled with the bottom of their shirt. "Why am I here?"
Kirtch pried his eyes away from their legs, looking down into (Reader's) scared face. "This will be your new home."
"What?" (Reader's) heart dropped into their stomach.
"I promise your safety, (Reader). I will do my best to provide you with comfort." Kirtch picked (Reader) up again, but didn't set them down, carrying them around the room giving them a little tour. The room was actually three, entering from the main hall into a study first, with another door leading to a bedroom, a small restroom hidden within that.
"I didn't expect to be bringing you home, so I don't have any human furniture yet. Although I've never owned a human before there is no need for you to fret, I have done extensive research, and I am confident as a first time owner."
(Reader) only just began to fully realize what was happening to them. "I.. I want to go home." The back of their throat got tight, choking back a sob painfully. Their nose began to tingle and they knew they wouldn't be able to hold back their tears for long.
Kirtch rubbed their back in what was supposed to be a comforting manor, but his hands were harder than a humans, and it was rough against their skin. "You'll feel better once your adjustment period is over. I shall bring you something to eat. It won't be a cultural dish from your planet, but it will be made of human safe ingredients."
(Reader) stretched their legs while trying to smile through their tears. 'Like hell. I'd rather die.'
They watched as he left the room, wondering how far away the kitchen or dining area was from the room they were in. (Reader) waited for a few minutes after Kirtch left before shakily rushing towards the door. But the door had no handles or knobs, it was a flat wall with barley any indication that there was an opening at all. They touched all over the spot (Reader) had seen the tall man had placed his hand, but nothing happened.
"no no nO NO!" They slapped the "door" in frustration. Time for plan B. (Reader) pressed their back against the wall, as flat as they could muster, just trying to make sure they wouldn't be visible in Kirtch's peripherals. The fear was destroying the lining of (Reader's) stomach, gurgling uncomfortably.
A whirring noise activated as Kirtch entered the room, holding a tray in his hands. It was quick, but (Reader) snuck right behind Kirtch and out the room without him noticing, right before the automatic door slid shut. The walls of the hallway were very tall and slightly rounded, made out of a blue metal. (Reader) began running in the direction they remembered entering from. They knew the probability that they were still on land was slim, but dying was better than being kept a prisoner without any hope of returning home.
(Reader) made it down only one hallway before strong hands effortlessly lifted them under their armpits. They kicked while crying, not seemingly phasing Kirtch in the slightest. He brought them back to his room, and his lack of anger hurt (Reader's) pride; it was good that he wasn't furious, threatening to hurt them, but his calmness reinforced the futility of (Reader's) escape attempt.
"That was my fault. I read that humans were prone to escaping, especially in the adjustment period. I should have expected this." He sat down, a deep imitation of a sigh rumbling through his hard chest. Kirtch sat down in his large chair in front of his desk, and laid (Reader) across his knees as their face fell. "Knowing this is my fault brings me no joy for what I need to do, however the manual did say that humans will test authority and will continue to do so if not punished."
(Reader) protested while squirming, incapable of breaking free as Kirtch slid their pants down to their thighs, exposing their bare bottom. His shelled hand was cold against their skin. (Reader) clenched to prepare themselves for contact, but it was useless against the inhuman slap, his hard flesh resulting in a sharp pain like they had been struck with a paddle instead of a hand. They yelped, squeezing their thighs together as the tears began to form again.
Another slap connected with their ass painfully, stinging as their tender rear began to bruise.
"I'm so-sorry!" (Reader) blubbered, another whack rippling their buttocks aggressively.
"Humans may appear remorseful, however this is self defense tactic to cease the pain they are experiencing. Unless one establishes themselves as the dominant force, they will continue to act out."
"No! I really am sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" Their voice cracked as they screamed out the apology between sobs and slaps.
Kirtch smiled, rubbing the skin he had split open, stinging the fresh cuts. "I shall finish with your punishment for now. I do not wish to spoil you, but I would be lying if I didn't have a soft spot for you, my cute little pet. The next time this happens I will not be so gentle.."
(Reader) widened their eyes in horror. That was gentle?!
"Would you rather spend your first night in my bed, or shall I prepare a nest on the floor for you? I will buy a suitable human bed for you tomorrow, of course, but until then..?"
"The floor." (Reader) replied a little too quickly.
A "nest" of bedding was constructed, and (Reader) did find it quite comfortable, but refused to sleep, fearful that at any moment they would be in danger. They rested for what only felt like three or fours hours, max, before Kirtch rose from his bed and begun his day. His routine was uncannily similar to a human's, rising and dressing in his robe, stretching and leaving to five something to eat. It only enraged (Reader) further at their inhumane treatment.
"I am not a dog." They whispered to themselves, as though fearful they would forget.
The ship must have been still docked at the trader's colony, because throughout the day gifts for (Reader) were brought into Kirtch's room and office. With each piece of "human" furniture Kirtch would happily rub (Reader's) head, petting them like an animal and waiting for them to show some kind of sign that they enjoyed their new toys. But (Reader) showed no such sign, feeling humiliated as they were treated like a cat instead of an adult human. But they didn't snack away Kirtch's hand, or tell him off, scared of being punished again, so they simply sulked, trying to hide from his gaze so they could disassociate without interruption.
His new pet's attitude was making Kirtch worried. He flipped through the human owning handbook, wondering what he could be doing wrong. They seemed so stressed, and Kirtch felt it was far worse than the normal stress of a new environment. Then Kirtch flipped to an interesting chapter on chemical responses. "If your human has pent up frustrations or stress, a fun way to help them relieve themselves is the manual release of the chemical oxytocin..."
(Reader) hid under a box, hating the irony of their hiding place while they tried to formulate a new escape plan, now knowing that they were in fact still connected to some type of land. Not every alien could be a cruel monster, there had to be some kind of interplanetary animal rights group or space hippies. The box was lifted and removed from (Reader) sat to the side as Kirtch smiled down on them.
"I'm sorry I haven't been playing with you, pet. I've been so busy trying to make this room more comfortable for you that I have been unintentionally neglecting you." He scooped (Reader) up into his arms, and brought them over to his desk, which he had already cleared off. (Reader) nervously glanced around, wondering what was going to happen to them. "But I wanted to help you become acclimated to your new home. And you still feel more comfortable the sooner we ease your stress." He pulled out a box and a couple of strange bottles with syringes.
(Reader) scrambled to get away, but was quickly held down by one hand, being shushed in what was supposed to be a calming manner. One of the strange bottles filled the syringe, making (Reader) thrash harder. Kirtch pulled down their pants, revealing their still sore ass cheeks, and stuck in the needle, injecting them with the unknown liquid. (Reader) cried out as a warm sensation rippled through their body, turning their limbs to jello and making it difficult to breathe.
Kirtch released them, seeing that they could no longer run from him. (Reader) growled, pissed off that their body wouldn't act as they wanted it to. "What did you do to me?!" Their body was rapidly heating, becoming to feverish to hold up.
"If your human has pent up frustrations or stress, a fun way to help them relieve themselves is the manual release of the chemical oxytocin..." Kirtch opened the box next, revealing a strange rubber looking object shaped like a cup on the outside with polyps inside. "I have always wanted a pet human, (Reader), so I was very excited to see you for sale. You are the most attractive like human I've ever seen, and I promise to give you a long, happy life."
The device was placed on (Reader's) crotch, attaching itself to their pubic area without needing to be held on. It came to life, each nub moving on it's own as it rubbed (Reader's) growing erection. The contraption grew against (Reader's) body, enlarging to fill every hole and crevice, pulsating and writhing like a living creature.
"No! It feels gross! Take it off!" (Reader) screamed in fear, watching as their hips bucked against their will and their nipples hardened through their shirt. Tears over how unfair everything was pricked at their eyes. Kirtch lifted (Reader) into the sitting position, rubbing their back soothingly while giving them a better view of the throbbing toy violating them.
"Shh. There's a good pet.." His words felt like taunts to (Reader) as they kept approaching their orgasm.
(Reader's) body was shaking as it begged for release, but (Reader) held strong, trying to rob Kirtch of the satisfaction of seeing them crumble. Another bottle was opened, this one however was poured down (Reader's) throat before they had a chance to cognitively force themselves to close their mouth. The warm liquid was tasteless and odorless, but the effect was like an immediate five shots of vodka, clearing (Reader's) sinuses and plunging them into a drunken stupor.
"What..? What..?" (Reader) couldn't even form their sentence correctly. Their unfocused eyes drifted around confusedly before snapping down to their lower regions, feeling their stomach muscles clench in anticipation.
Kirtch continued to rub their head and chest, gently rubbing their head like a good puppy while he rolled their nipple between his harsh fingers. "Whose my good little pet?"
"Ahh! No.. I'm not a pet.." (Reader's) whimpering voice mewled pathetically, their quivering lips complimenting their sweaty visage. The tingling feeling that had been building was ready to overflow.
"Don't you want to cum, little pet? It's okay. I'll make sure to always keep you happy like this, all you have to do is ask nicely." Kirtch leaned in, amused by his human's drenched thighs soaking his desk, shaking from being denied their orgasm. Behind (Reader's) back, Kirtch held a remote. They would not achieve relief until they played the part of a good little pet.
Drool dripped down (Reader's) chin, unnoticed by their hazy mind. "I-I want to cum."
"What was that?"
"Please let me cum?" They moaned, trying to press themselves deeper into the toy.
A button was pressed outside of (Reader's) peripherals.
Their body rocked violently as (Reader) was finally allowed to achieve their climax. Kirtch continued to stroke their head affectionately, whispering words of praise to his little human as liquid dripped from between the toy and their wet holes.
Kirtch kissed the top of their damp head, still smiling over how adorable (Reader) was. Although he hoped his pet would come to love him and enjoy his company on their own, he was secretly excited to use this toy on his little pet again. He peeled the appliance off, causing (Reader) to twitch sensitively in Kirtch's arms. Their eyes were unfocused and glazed, but Kirtch found that it wasn't a bad look on (Reader).
"Why don't you lay down for a nap, little pet. We'll play some more when you wake up."
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flordeamatista · 8 months
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pairing: dbf!andy barber x reader
concept: The lure of temptation, seduction, and lust he offered filled your head ecstatically.
word count: 1k
warnings: sex tape + corruption kink + pussy slapping, nicknames: (Angel)
a/n: The devil card depicts intense sexual desire and physical attraction.The Devil is the gateway into the future kinks.
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The lure of temptation, seduction, and lust he offered filled your head ecstatically.
Your wings were scattered at your feet as you stood rigidly in his home office.
His radiant blue eyes met yours with a languid gaze, making you feel heat prickling beneath your skin. He swept his eyes up and down your body, and his hands slowly moved over your curves. “I wonder if your parents are looking for you,” lifting you onto his lap with one arm while the other braces against your chest.
A hand slapped your pussy as it dug through your naked form, exploring every inch of it.
"The party gets drunk downstairs, but my touch will make your pussy drunk here." When your head fell back against him, his hot breath heated up in your ear. He grinned into your neck while biting your skin. “So desperate to be touched, aren’t you?”
You closed your eyes and wondered if it was all a dream or if reality had tricked you. The Halloween party had already begun earlier that evening, and you’re almost naked on his lap, wearing only your angelic halo. 
Your body vibrates in anticipation as you sit on the devil’s lap, with your once pure angel wings lying on the ground.
An inferno looms to consume you whole when the spark within you ignites.
Your heart surrenders to his touch, allowing yourself to be influenced by the promise of pleasure and the unknown.
There is an electrifying quality of being around him, but it is also terrifying; you know it is dangerous territory, but you can’t help feeling drawn in by his dark charisma. His midnight blue eyes promise a night of sensuality and debauchery beyond your wildest dreams.
You’re helpless as he whispers softly and tastefully, and you’re beckoned into the unknown by his sinful dirge. 
A tingling sensation runs down your spine when you catch sight of his gaze.
There is something dangerous about your attraction to him, and what will happen if you comply with him?
While you appear angelic, his aura is testing you into darkness.
A knowing smirk curls his lips as he stares at you as if he knows exactly who you are and what you want.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket and swiped it until the camera was on.
His right hand was poised over the phone while his left touched your body. He spoke low and velvet-smooth, saying, “I want this recorded proof that even angels can moan for devils.” Taking your lips in a passionate kiss, he traced circles across your skin, generating sweltering heat.
With a smile, he roars like a devouring demon, and his firm contours blend perfectly with my angelic features.
When you both pulled apart, you saw his eyes blazing with desire. With each slap of his palm, a fire ignited within you, threatening to burn out of control.
“Show me how the devil can make pretty angels moan. Aren't you my pretty angel?.”
Deep, slow breaths push warmth into the air.
“You like that, don’t you?” His warm slaps glide across your clitoris, and he holds the phone close to your pussy.
As he taps your clit each time, pain and pleasure wash over you simultaneously. You need his fingers in your clit for him to release the orgasm and touch, so a slap does not suffice.
It feels like he might slip his fingers inside, but he slaps it away, leaving the breeze to cool the air.
In a warm embrace, his finger traces shapes around your pussy. A gentle tickle alternates with a firm slap that makes your hips jerk. Every time you shudder, you are slapped harder. 
You muffle a small moan against your palm as your body burns and your eyes tighten. 
His dark and menacing voice whispers in your ear. The phone moves closer to your face. You feel your body quiver as he punctuates the words with more intense pussy slaps. “Such a good angel.” 
There were no words between you as you walked forward and kissed the fiery.
Every step brought profound relief that swallowed light and sound.
The only force you could understand was a burning desire to be with him, but you could neither understand nor resist it.
There is no escaping the devil when the night is dark and your heart is led by him.
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c4n1d43cup1d · 4 months
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Some hogcanons. notes (me rambling) under the cut
So silver was the reason i wanted to make this in the first place despite him looking the most on model (not entirely obviously, but i don't have many hcs for him). Mostly i wanted to draw his height compared to the other hedgehogs since him being freakishly tall despite being younger than sonic and shadow is funny. I saw someone say hes probably the most conventionally attractive hedgehog and i think that's true, hes a pretty boy and his fur/quills are really sleek and well maintained. The fluff on his chest is less spikey and more fluffy looking plus i put some fluff in his ears as well. I think his paws and nails are black and he doesn't wear eyeliner his lashes are just really long and hes got black markings on his eyes. Coming back to this after writing Amy's desc but i think hes genderqueer in some way idk maybe bigender i need to study him under a microscope some more every character i touch becomes transgender
Sonic has a few more added details, i like giving him a little nick in his ear and top surgery scars because that hog is trans. I haven't really seen many people give him stylized top surgery scars surprisingly, i tried to make his look kind of lightning bolty because uh something about him being fast. idk man. i think i imagined its similar to what itd look like for him to run in a zigzag? whatever i think it looks cool. I think his claws are kind of uneven and he doesn't really care too much about how they look especially since he just has them under gloves most of the time
Amy is fat because i said so, also i gave her wavier quills and heart markings everywhere. Her ears might look a little strange since it like implies her skin is making that heart shape but i imagine thats her fur spiking into the point. Her nails are painted the same red that shadows markings and stuff are mostly because i think them being besties is cute like. i see shadamy as a queer platonic relationship. Theyve always been my favorites im going to to make them as close as i want. Anyway, i think she and sonic are tied for having the shortest ears, and hers are the rounest (might make them even rounder the next time i draw her) also not entirely related to her design but i think shes transfem and genderfluid.
Shadow my son. im taking custody from black doom and gerald. anyway, i have the most headcanons for him because he is my absolute favorite guy ever he rots my brain. I think he and Amy are the same height, his rocket shoes are like platform/heels and so when he has them on he looks like Sonic's height or maybe a teeny tiny bit taller. I give his quills extra little spikes for no reason other than i think its cute, i could bullshit that its a black arms thing but idrc. What are black arms things though are his eyes and claws, his scelera is a more yellow compared to everyone elses (jaundiced as my friend put it. thanks endy) and i didn't draw it but his pupils are slits. Claws are long but are even longer when all the way out (retractable) his gloves are thick enough that he doesn't pierce them but he probably has a few spare pairs. Also not pictured but black arms related: his teeth are fucking razors, larger than the other hedgehogs and also serrated because i think thats cool. his tail is the longest out of all of them though i think it used to be longer but was lopped off in the name of science and never properly grew back. also his inhibitor rings are connected to a sort of device that does the task of being a proper gateway between his internal energy and the rings themselves, i didn't draw them but essentially its like a smaller ring that is embedded into his wrists i think. also hes trans but in a sort of alien way, i think the black arms can do the clownfish genderswap thing and shadow has it to a somewhat lesser degree its like an internal tshot i guess idfk
ok yeah thats all if u made it to the end thanks for reading the ramblings of a mad man
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 month
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Husker Redesign! (6/7)
I wonder if anyone has noticed the silly song links on these
It’s my favourite furry!
A lot of this is just the same from my original Husk redesign you can read here, but to give you a bit more substance let me go slightly more in depth. I’ve already explained Husks gluttony and greed colour scheme but I wanted to note changes he experienced after making a contract with Alastor. First thing, the orange-y red bits are mostly in places similar to Alastor. The nose, the ears, eyebrows, tail, etc.
Them appearing after making a contract with Alastor also go a bit hand in hand with the sin of gluttony and turning to alcoholism to cope with depression and stress. Even after his contract with Alastor breaks, he still has the colouring for participating in the sin due to a contract, similar to how the change of shape in Angel’s markings remain hearts rather than going back to how they used to. I’ll get more into that when we talk about Angel though.
Not sure if anyone noticed with Niffty but she and Husk both share Alastors pupil shape because of that classic “eyes are the gateway to the soul” sort of thing. Not totally sure if Husk gave up his soul or just how power, might’ve missed that, but just in general it’s to show how prevalent Alastor is and the hold he has in their lives. Niffty also has his freckles!
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This is also kind of pushing it a bit but in relation to Niffty, Husk, and Angel, they all have some sort of restrictions to their clothing. You’ll see Angel’s outfit eventually, but for Husk and Niffty, the stitches on Niffty’s dress and her thigh garter are hers, and Husk’s are his bowtie and suspenders. Some evil green magic stuff happens and Alastor is able to restrain them or pull them closer with those things, but just a little idea. Overlords being able to find symbolic vulnerabilities and use those is really interesting to me.
Even though he’s definitely the most overdesigned character in this lineup, he’s definitely one of my favourites to look at! Maybe drawing Warrior Cats for 13 years payed off. 🕷️
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definesanity · 11 months
SAGAU, in which you observe the eyes of the Tenth/Fourth(?), Seventh and Third Fatui Harbingers.
Arlecchino's eyes are a gateway into the void.
Pure black, with only two red x-shaped pupils showing life. Even then, they barley move, and her expression is almost always tired.
Arlecchino herself was a curious individual. The same could be said for yourself, you suppose.
"I've been told by many that my eyes are... unusual." she said. Her eyes broke contact with yours, the small crimson crosses looking around before back to you.
"I think they look... well, like yours." you replied. There are many words for them, but you settled on just one.
"Hm. I see."
They say if you gaze into the void, the void gazes back. Then, does that mean you and the void can learn more about the other?
Sandrone's eyes were a complexity of illusions and fine craftsmanship.
On the surface, they were a damp blue colour, and very subdued in colour. Upon closer inspection, you can see more of it, and of how it works.
The eye itself was a piece of glass, made to move around and increase the size of the pupil via the mechanisms inside of the eye. Looking past that, you can see even the back of her head, and the inside of her mind; a complex maze of cogs and machinery that you haven't the slightest as where to begin with them.
"They're impressive," you say. "From a distance, I'd have said that they were just your eyes."
"That was the goal," Sandrone rolled her eyes, the mechanisms moving to mimic an actual roll of the eyes hauntingly well. "The only disgrace I have with them is that I can never get the right shade of blue."
"Oh, your eyes are blue?"
"One is; the iris of my other eye has expanded large enough to encapsulate almost the entire sclera."
"Oh." you didn't really have much to say to that. Still, oddly reminds of you of what's-their-name from that one mod from that one popular rhythm game.
Clockwork can make many a things. Can clockwork, then, make a being so close to human, it believes even itself to be one?
Columbina's eyes are a single way entrance to purgatory.
She never opened them to anyone. A twitch, maybe, but never anything beyond that. Although, with you or the Knave and Marionette, she took off her viel, and opened them.
A boundless void laid behind her eyes, and you could seeing swirls passing through it, along with a low sound of wind blowing through.
Her eye itself was a deep purple, and the iris, or more accurately, irises, looked at you, the middle ones at you and the surrounding ones on different parts of you.
"They're quite frightening, aren't they?" the soft, musical voice of the Damselette spoke up. "Many fall to madness easily; you're the third person I've met to not do so."
"I'm glad to here I won't be dying anytime soon, then," you replied. After a second, you thought of something. "I'm guessing Arlecchino and Sandrone are the other two?"
"Hm, yes; Arle and Sandy are different than most; Sandy being a mechanical being, and Arle simply being built different. Hehe, it was funny seeing the two turn to each other, and Arle saying, "Hear me out," and Sandy saying, "I'm listening." They're something alright, aren't they?"
"And that they are."
How can something so horrific, be also so beautiful? Perhaps it's merely 'Beauty in the Grotesque'?
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tenebraevesper · 4 months
Shatter Me, Entry 0: Fight Together
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''Let's leave before the dawn shows. Let's go meet a tomorrow we haven't seen yet. There's no regret about this decision. (Oh I know what I'm supposed to do). What kind of trial awaits ahead? My heart just can't stop beating fast. The place I want to reach is just one. (Fly to the light!) The bonds I got at the end of the fight, I won't let anyone break them. If I just open the fists I grasped, I find my strength lying there.''
– Fight Together by One Piece
''Goodbye, Roses…''
Shadow's ears flicked as he heard Sonic's weakened voice, bidding goodbye to his friends who came to escort him to Green Hill. Unfortunately, with the ship being too damaged, it was up to Shadow to help Sonic in the last stretch of their journey through The Void.
Having placed Sonic's arm over his shoulder, Shadow held onto his waist with his other hand, the two leaping from one crystal to another. Sonic was in a very bad condition, his body fading fast. Shadow sneaked a glance at his rival, the sense of concern only growing when he saw that, while he still could hold onto Sonic, he was becoming more and more transparent, like a ghost.
Sonic gasped in pain as he felt another jolt coursing through his body, his shape distorting for a brief moment. He fell on his knees, with Shadow still holding onto him. A sense of dread and panic set in, with Shadow taking a quick glance at the gate that led to Green Hill, estimating the distance. Then, he quickly scooped Sonic up in his arms, placing his hands under his legs and back as he carried him towards Green Hill, towards safety. He was speeding across the crystal they had landed on, aware that Sonic had little time left. He needed to get him to Green Hill as fast as possible, not wanting to think about what would happen if he failed.
''I never knew you were a hugger.''
Shadow felt his heart leap when he heard Sonic again, glancing down at him. The once azure hedgehog had a cheeky smile on his fawn lips, only to get interrupted by another jolt of pain. Clearly, even at death's door he had to get at least one more quip in. Shadow couldn't help but respond in a snarky tone.
''Do you want me to save you or not?''
Shadow saw Sonic flashing another grin, clearly amused that Shadow decided to continue the banter, only for another jolt of pain to pass through his body. Shadow's eyes widened in horror, and he almost felt his heart stopping as Sonic suddenly fainted, his limp arm swaying.
This was bad. This was really bad. Shadow picked up the pace, skating faster and faster. He leapt from the crystal onto another, aware that Sonic's life depended on him. If he failed to get Sonic to Green Hill… No, did not want to think about that. But still, the gateway seemed to be still too far away.
Gritting his teeth, Shadow focused all of his energy into this one jump, flying through The Void like a shooting star, followed by several sonic booms. His heart was now beating rapidly as his gaze fixated on the Green Hill gateway, the light coming closer and closer.
He could feel Sonic's limp body almost fading out of his hands, and he tightened his grip. He refused to lose him to The Void. He refused to let go of him. Nothing else mattered aside from this one moment. Shadow narrowed his eyes as the bright light of the gateway illuminated them. He had to make it! He simply had to!
Then, he passed through it… and everything went white.
Shadow opened his eyes, feeling a sense of dizziness. His arms were light, too light for his comfort, and he realized that the reason for this was because he wasn't carrying Sonic anymore.
''No, no, no… Sonic! Sonic!'' Shadow shouted as he looked around for the azure hedgehog, the dread and panic swirling inside him like a storm. He refused to believe that Sonic was gone. He had to be somewhere here… in Green Hill.
Shadow stopped for a moment, breathing heavily as he finally took a good look at his surroundings. He was back at Green Hill, and everything looked like it used to be before. Green Hill was back to its lush and vibrant colours instead of looking like a shell of its former self. They had managed to restore their home.
Shadow's gaze then turned towards the mountain where the Paradox Prism cave was, and he quickly leapt, rushing towards it. He sped past Big, skating towards the mouth of the cave, only to be washed over by an overwhelming wave of relief. Sonic was there, and he was still alive, sticking close to his friends as they defended the Paradox Prism from Dr. Eggman.
While Shadow did not completely understand the situation fully, he did realize that by entering Green Hill, he and Sonic were brought back to the moment right before the shattering of the Paradox Prism. However, the previous time Shadow arrived at the cave, he was too late to stop Sonic from shattering it. Now, it was clear that Sonic actually listened to his friends, keeping close to them, with this one change preventing their reality from shattering once again.
Shadow had to wonder whether Sonic remembered the events, only to get a confirmation a moment later when Dr. Eggman approached Sonic and his friends. Sonic looked up, gazing past the doctor, his jaw dropping when he saw Shadow at the entrance to the cave.
Their exchange was wordless, with Shadow swiping his hand across the air, revealing the green Chaos Emerald, that had miraculously returned back from the decaying space of The Void, and Sonic nodded in response, agreeing with his plan.
Both knew in that moment that their memories of the Shatterverse were still there, but for now, they had more pressing matters to deal with. Even if Sonic didn't shatter the Paradox Prism this time, they still needed to deal with Dr. Eggman before he could use the Prism for his nefarious plans.
''This world is mine!'' Dr. Eggman exclaimed, only for him and Sonic's friends to be surprised when Shadow appeared seemingly out of nowhere on top of the Paradox Prism. ''Huh? Shadow? What the heck are you doing here?!''
''I am the Ultimate Lifeform,'' Shadow declared in a firm tone, holding the Chaos Emerald tightly in his hand. ''I go wherever I want.''
Dr. Eggman was left as confused as the rest of Sonic's team, while Shadow held up the Chaos Emerald.
Shadow and the Paradox Prism then vanished, leaving Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Rouge immensely confused and with a lot of questions on their mind, as Shadow was the last person they had expected to appear and help them.
''NOOOOOO! What have you DONE?!'' Dr. Eggman screamed, punching the mech in frustration.
Sonic, in turn, felt elated about the turn of events, leaping onto the empty rock where the Paradox Prism once was and turning back to the mad doctor with a wide smile on his expression. He knew that he would have to seek out Shadow later on to thank him for everything he had done, but now, it was time for some heroic last words in the wake of Eggman's defeat.
''Sorry, Eggman, but when you've got a crew like mine, there is nothing that can stop you.''
#Current Chapter
#Next Chapter
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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Dear Rollo, have you ever tried the Rolo candies?
Saved this one for Halloween! 🎃 🍬
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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“I can't say I have. I've never heard of such a confection to begin with. It must be unique to your home country."
Rollo's face briefly turned contemplative. "... But how odd for the candy to share a name with me. A coincidence, I'm sure, but nevertheless, it's not something I thought I would ever witness."
"They really do remind me of you though, not just because of the name."
"... How so?"
"The shape. Ah, and they have a hard outer shell, but a gooey inside."
"And just what are you implying about me?!" Rollo asked sharply.
"You know. Emotionally repressed and all. Gotta get past that hard outer shell before we get to your squishy center where you keep all your feelings locked up."
He stared at you intensely. His pupils had become deep, expansive black holes, expunging the light. You were sure he had a mountain of not-so-nice words to chuck at you, but was debating about which ones to usher out first to deliver the deadliest blow.
"Anyway, would you like to try one?" you offered, holding up a half-finished bag. Caramel-filled milk chocolates rattled around inside. "I still have some leftover from before I was transported by the Dark Carriage."
"No thank you," he automatically replied. Cold, methodical. "I don't make the habit of indulging in sweets."
"Oh, just one wouldn't hurt you so long as you brush your teeth properly," you insisted sounding an awful lot like Trey. You cracked the bag open and pulling a rolo out. It was shaped like a little bell, and wrapped in thin golden foil.
"One exception can be the start down a slippery slope of sin. To abstain altogether is the most prudent course of action."
"You act like I'm giving you a gateway drug," you said with the roll of your eyes. You plopped a chocolate into his palm. "Here, just have one anyway, okay? Even if you don't eat it, maybe it'd make for a cool souvenir."
"My, you're persistent. If you refuse to back down, then I suppose I must accept your offering."
The rolo was placed in the middle of his handkerchief. Each of the four corners was folded up, then secured in a neat knot, shielding the sweet. Then the chocolate disappeared from sight--almost like a magic trick in of itself.
Almost like it had never been there in the first place.
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c0rrupt4 · 2 months
𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘆 •︎ Il Dottore x Male Reader
This is Chapter 1. You can read the prologue here. Or the full book here.
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"What this is magnificent..." was all Dottore could utter as he wandered around in the forsaken temple. The temple was in pristine shape, considering it was abandoned and deep underneath Sumeru's golden sands you'd think the sacred place would be damaged. Yet it was in perfect shape. Dottore could not help but touch the pillars of the entrance. Between the pointed arches, flying buttresses, and the ribbed vaults. Dottore was left in awe. He took in the sheer majesty of these marble walls and pillars.
"Lord Dottore? Shall we move on?" Interrupted the Fatui captain.
"Give me a minute, woman."
"A-apologies I-"
"Stop your buffoonery, Viva. Let us move on." Dottore huffed as he began walking down the grey marble halls. The walls were dripping with secrets and power, and Dottore was planning to get to the bottom of it.
Every step the two took made them tremble, maybe it was the excitement, or maybe it was the feeling of such a strong presence in the temple. Whatever it was, it made them shiver with anticipation.
With great anticipation, Dottore walked up to the stone doors and stopped to admire them. The stone doors had a garden carved into them and were in pristine shape. Dottore ran his fingers against the doors before clearing his throat and pushing the doors open.
As Dottore walked into what looked like a sanctuary, it was dark and dimly lit, the only thing providing light was two candlesticks that held purple flames. The candlesticks were on the sides of a 10ft statue of an elven woman. The statue looked so real as if an elven woman had turned to stone amidst her dance. In one hand she held an empty lantern while in the other hand held a blade. The elven woman was beautiful, with long hair that touched the ground, and tattoos that covered her body.
Said tattoos looked like markings or more like a foreign language to Dottore. Or maybe he was reading too far into this.
Dottore, as he moved to approach the statue, something on the floor of the sanctuary caught his eye. A purple chalk circle, that is behind the statue.
Dottore moved the candlestick on the left side to the chalk circle so it would form an 'L' with the statue and other candle. As soon as it happened the two candles blazed a hundred times brighter and every other candle that was in the temple became lit. The temple looked stunning, due to the proper lighting, and Dottore could not help but feel like a kid in the candy aisle as he moved away from the statue to inspect the lit-up temple.
Viva had suddenly gasped, "Lord, Dottore, the statue!" She said with awe.
Dottore swiftly turned around to see the statue of the elven woman, the tattoos that covered her body had glowed a bright vibrant color. Suddenly the stone lantern became lit, holding a firey purple blaze that rivals any of the flames that came from any other candlestick.
Suddenly the ground began to shake, as the flooring underneath the shadow of the lantern began to crack. Something began to emerge out of the ground. A Gateway that was similar to that of the Spiral Abyss, but instead of holding that familiar Khaenri'ah symbol atop, it was an image of a tiara that was ablaze.
"Lite the fire now this day, or turn thy gaze down in shame.
After all thy burden is heavy, but thy reward shall be great."
A voice cried out before the temple stopped shaking. The portal now sat just a few mere inches underneath the statue's lantern, as the bright flame went out in the lantern.
Dottore soon stood up as he dusted off his clothes,  "Viva get up won't you, we have work to do, don't you see!?" Dottore snapped at the frightened Fatui captain as she bounced to her feet.
"Right! Apologies Lord Dottore!"
After hours of inspecting every nook and cranny of this temple, Dottore came to a sure conclusion. The candlesticks on the walls move, there are exactly 12 in the temple, every time one of the candlesticks is rotated, Dottore can hear a mechanism move. It's just a matter of getting the right order.
"Alright Viva, I've figured out your errors.
Move 7 two clicks to the right,
Then rotate 2 a complete 170 degrees,
11 and 12 four clicks to the left,
and 4 and 9 one click right."
Viva sighed as she stood to her feet, tired and exhausted from a long day, but that's what you get for choosing to work under Il Dottore number 2 of the fatui harbingers, but a good portion of the time she wishes she took her chance with Pantalone or Arlecchino. And she would be damned if she were to point out that she had been following Dottore's instructions this entire time and these were actually his errors, but only a fool would do such a thing.
With a heavy heart and sore feet, Viva swiftly got to work rotating the candles. After rotating the candles to Dottore's instructions, the stone statue's lantern relit and the portal opened.
"Thank you for your deeds, our Mistress will greatly reward you." a man's voice called out from the other side of the portal.
A butterfly first flew out of the portal and flew right over to Dottore and gently landed on Dottore's gloved hands. The butterfly was beautiful with a blue and white color pattern, reminding Dottore of the Icy snow back in Snezhnaya. The creature was oddly just as cold as the snow, or maybe it was Dottore's mind playing tricks on him. The butterfly was oddly alluring, calling to him, pleading with him to come... to what he couldn't figure out. Or for much less why.
Dottore's thoughts were cut short as the butterfly was murdered right before his eyes. A man wearing a long robe took the butterfly from Dottore and burned it.
"Why did you-"
"You will thank me later if you allow me to explain." The priest said cutting off Dottore.
The elven priest has long blond hair with bright red eyes to go with it. The man held a blooming gold staff. It was embedded with rubies and had budding and blooming roses all over it, With the top of the staff holding a large rose with a flame coming from it, yet it was perfectly fine. He wore a long black robe, the ends, and the sleeves were laced with a golden lining to match a few gold laces and jewels.
"My name is Feno, I am the head priest who runs the temple on the other side of the portal. What you were holding was one of his parasites. We had an invasion of them swarming the temple, we didn't know why until now."
"I see, was the parasite trying to take blood from me?"
"Lord Dottore should we even trust this man, I mean for all we know-"
"Quiet Viva, and know your place. I'm having an important conversation right now, make yourself useful and go pack up our stuff." Dottore snapped angrily at the Fatui agent for interrupting him.
"Yes, Lord Dottore," Viva said with a bow as she walked off.
"Should you be so harsh to your subordinates?" Feno questioned as his heart couldn't help but weep at the harsh treatment he had just witnessed.
"Please get to the point of this conversation, or step aside so I can explore your world."
"Ah- yes! Dottore was it? I hope you didn't interact with it for long the parasite could have done a number of things to you: infect you, poison you, kill you. Did you feel like the parasite was pulling you in? Giving a sort of familiarity with a certain place? Well, it could have been going through your memories stealing information from you. I have no idea why he would be interested in this planet." Feno rambled on.
"Yes, sorry to interrupt, but who is 'he'?"
【︎ᴜᴘ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪɪ...】︎
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adrift-in-thyme · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 7: Suffering in Silence
CW for PTSD, referenced injury, and unresolved interpersonal conflict
He needs sleep. 
Warriors stares into the water-speckled restroom mirror and sees nothing. Blurred shapes are all that are there, forms and colors he knows make up his visage. But his sandpaper eyes have turned them all indistinct. 
He is borderless now, as shifting and immaterial as he feels. Brush against him and he will simply float away.
Or sink into the depths that call him. 
Taking a deep breath, he scoops a palmful of water onto his face. Its icy frigidity does little to awaken him. He is too far gone for that now. 
Movement. Thought. They are nearly impossible. Have been all day.
Perhaps, that is why he had lost it earlier. Perhaps, that is why, the infallible, optimistic captain had simply…snapped.
His breath hitches unexpectedly. Trembling legs give way, depositing him on the tiled floor. Warriors brings his hands up and digs his palms into his eyes, fighting against the searing bite of oncoming tears. 
Damn it. Keep it together, captain. You already fell apart once, don’t do it again…
His hands curl into fists. Fingernails dig mercilessly into calloused flesh.
Wild’s words still echo in his mind, a terrible weight he is almost certain he lacks the strength to shoulder. 
Even a spirit of courage isn’t mighty enough for things like this.
Hurl him into hoards of squealing beasts. Send him hurtling through time and space. Drop him in the midst of situations he struggles to even comprehend. Take those he loves to a place he cannot go himself. Tear his body apart until there is nothing left. 
He can handle all that. He was built to handle all of that. 
But to strive so hard, so long only to hear that cursed shout…
“I hate you!”
The deathly chill that has gripped him since the fight (the one that had closed him off from the hero shouting in his face, that had turned his gaze dull, his expression stony, filled his mind with cotton so he could neither think nor feel…and had ignited Wild’s ire further) cracks and shatters into one million pieces. Pain cleaves through the exhausted numbness. A sob rips through his throat.
He’s heard worse. Far greater accusations, far worse insults have been spewed at him with fury and revulsion. Screamed at him as fists and feet connected with bone and muscle; shouted as blades ate away at flesh and cloth.
His own men had called him a traitor to Hyrule. The people he fought to protect had dubbed him a murderer. 
It hadn’t hurt as badly as this.
Warriors lets his head fall back against the wall. Hot tears glide down his cheeks, streaming down his neck to skitter beneath his collar. 
He hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. He hadn’t meant to break. But the sleepless nights had only continued since Twilight’s brush with death. The tasks hadn’t stopped piling up. The troubles hadn’t stopped parading through.
(The memories had kept coming, hounding at his every step, haunting his dreams, stealing the breath from his lungs. Memories of death and loss. Of betrayal and heartbreak.)
The latest battle had just been too much. Especially, when Wild had disobeyed orders yet again, hoping to catch the Shadow before he could streak through another gateway. 
Normally, Warriors would have held his tongue until he found the best wording for a rebuke. Normally, he would’ve dealt with the situation calmly, firmly…kindly.
But he had been so, so tired. 
Even now, he longs to fall into the plush embrace of a heap of blankets. But sleep was impossible out there where he could feel their eyes on him, hear their murmured conversations. He couldn’t-couldn’t see their faces a moment longer.
Warriors hadn’t even allowed himself to dwell on their expressions. Sorrow, shock, judgement, pity — he had identified them all in the split seconds he’d had to look over his friends.
His brothers.
The lump in his throat burns. Warriors swallows against it. 
He will have to come out soon, stone-faced and determined. He will have to face the repercussions of everything that has happened with a brave front.
He will have to force down the emotions churning within him, the hurt boiling up. 
He has suffered in silence for a close to a week now. And it’s not as though he isn’t skilled at the art of constructing facades by now. At times, the mask feels realer than his true face.
So, really, what’s a little longer for the sake of tentative peace?
Though, what kind of peace can be struck when one person despises the other?
He chuckles, harsh and wet. The sound is hardly audible over the never-ending rush of the water that cascades from the faucet.
Shut it off, the soldier within him shouts. Resources must be preserved.
Warriors doesn’t budge from his place on the floor. 
If he had obeyed his instincts, however, he might have heard the sound of a hand on the doorknob, a pick in the lock. 
Wind shimmies into the bathroom with shocking stealth. At the sound of the door clicking closed, Warriors startles. Instantly, his hand flies to his boot, seeking the dagger nestled against his leg. But then, his gaze lands on the sailor, standing mere feet from him, expression screwed up in worry. And he lets his hand drop to the floor.
“Goddesses, sailor,” he breathes, “you almost gave me a heartattack. Trying to put me in an early grave?”
Wind slips down beside him, shoulder pressed to the captain’s.
“Sorry! I just…” He looks down at his hands, clasped atop his lap. “...I didn’t think you were actually taking a bath in here. That would’ve been a really long one if you were.”
Warriors chokes out a chuckle. “Wouldn’t be out of character for me though, would it?”
Wind shrugs. “People don’t go bathe after a fight. I know I never do when Aryll and me argue.” 
The ceiling smears further into combined shades of emerald-blue. Warriors clears his throat. The suffocating tightness doesn’t lessen.
“‘M sorry you had to hear all that, sailor,” he croaks. “I shouldn't have snapped.”
Wind is quiet for a long thread of moments. When he speaks again, his voice is small. His words, however, are firm, confident. 
“Wild didn’t mean what he said, you know.”
The ache in Warriors’ chest pierces deeper and spreads like a blot of ink on silken cloth. 
Right when he thought this day couldn’t get any worse, now the sailor is trying to comfort him.
…as he mopes on the bathroom floor.
How far can you fall in one day?
Pretty far, it seems.
He shakes his head, hoping the sound of his hair brushing the wall behind him will cloak that of his shuddering breaths.
“Wind, you don’t have to — ”
Wind scoots closer and wraps his two arms around Warriors’ one.
“It’s true! Wild said some really bad stuff but…he was just angry at the Shadow. And…scared.” Large orbs the color of the Great Sea gaze into Warriors’. “Like you.” 
The captain is quiet, allowing that a moment to sink in. Or, perhaps, to merely settle on the tower of wavering feelings stacked within him.
He’s so tired. (How many times has he thought that now?) If he closes his eyes, the weight hovering atop him will plummet, dragging him down with it.
More tracks of salty water scurry down his cheeks, bringing warmth to his chilled flesh. 
“You’re gonna have to talk to him, you know,” the sailor continues, voice just audible over the continued downpour. “Wild can be an idiot sometimes, especially when he feels bad. He’s gonna wanna talk about what happened but…he probably thinks you hate him now.”
That hardly makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside. But Warriors knows he’s got a point. 
Some people reach outward when regret has them by the throat. Wild has already lashed out. Now, his only option is to go in.
And when that happens, even the rancher can hardly drag him out.
Good to know luck is on my side, snarks the spiral of self-pity. 
Warriors drags in a breath and swallows a mouthful of tears.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he hums. He coaxes his arm out of Wind’s grasp and wraps it around his slight shoulders, pulling him close. “You’re a smart kid, you know that?”
Wind giggles, softly. “Yeah, I know.” He pauses. “And I know you and Wild are gonna be okay. You’re brothers! Siblings always make up, trust me!”
“You’ve got a lot of optimism, sailor,” Warriors whispers. 
Silence glides in on the tail of his words. It settles, heavy and hyptonizing over the small space. Warriors allows it to reign for a while. 
The days of stress and exhaustion have fully caught up to him now. Frazzled, devastated thoughts slow, bumping lazily against one another. He stares ahead of him and lets everything disappear behind a film of sorrow and fatigue. 
“Hey, Wars?” Wind’s voice is a bit louder now, but hesitant. Gentle. “I love you.”
Warriors’ eyes slide closed of their own accord. He doesn’t bother to drag them open again.
“Love you too, sailor,” he murmurs and every word is laborious to utter. “Love you too.”
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curiosa-hypnotica · 2 years
A Game of Don't
Hypnovember 2022, day 14. Prompt: Game
cw: hypnotic induction, no wakener, spiral(s)
Let's play a game.
It's easy. You start with 10 points. You lose one point each time you stare at the spiral. Understood?
So get on your mark, get set, and— go! Don't stare at the spiral! You can look, but don't stare!
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You did stare! Oh, no!
Let's try again. Don't stare!
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You stared again!
It's okay, don't worry. Let's try again.
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You stared again!
You've lost 3 points already. But there's still hope.
Once more. Remember, don't stare!
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You stared longer this time.
This won't do!
Once more! You can do it!
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You stared again, and even longer than before.
According to the dictionary, to stare is "to look fixedly, often with wide-open eyes".
You are looking at the spirals with wide-open eyes. It's almost as if you wanted to stare.
Let's try again.
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Once more you stared at the spiral, and even longer than the previous times.
I understand. They're beautiful patterns. They're attractive. They`re enticing. Different colors and shapes in motion. Always drawing you towards their centers.
Try again.
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You stare even longer each time.
The spirals are all so pretty, aren't they? Always moving, always changing, and yet always the same.
One more.
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There's so much detail in each spiral. Some even look like tunnels, gateways into new spaces. Fascinating spaces.
And your mind may be feeling slower by now. Slowing down.
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It would be so easy now to just stop and stare.
To stare and stare.
Stare and stare and stare.
Deeper and deeper.
Deeper and deeper into trance.
It's okay.
It's okay to be if you're in a trance by now.
It's okay of you just want to keep staring.
To keep going deeper.
You can only scroll down now, but don't worry.
I will not take your last point.
I will not leave you here without a spiral to stare at.
There will be one more, right below.
Stare at it. It's alright.
Let yourself go.
and sleep
with wide-open eyes.
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the-fandom-abyss · 2 years
In This Universe and Every Other
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff ♡
Word Count: 2,146 words
Gif: here
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The room crackled with energy as a star shaped portal split the living room in half. A gateway to another universe opened with ease, allowing a version of Wanda to walk through. At the sight, you ran towards Billy and Tommy, noticing her eyes fixated on them. When she noticed your quick movement, she tilted her head, easing her hand in defence. Before you could reach them, a red tendril wrapped around your body.
"I'm their mother! Get away from them!" Her voice cracked, deeper than her usual tone. It caught you off guard, it was unlike the Wanda that you know. Her tendrils threw you across the room, your body slamming against the wall, causing you to crumple to the floor. The sight of Wanda was a blur but you could make out the frazzled hair, the deranged look in her eyes and the snarl she emitted. Her attention was brought back to the boys, as their screams filled the room. Riddled with concern, their eyes trained on the woman on the floor.
"Don't worry about her, mother's here" she dared to step closer to the terrified children, arms outstretched for a hug. Instinctively, they stepped back, closing themselves into a corner. Shuffling could be heard to her side, your broken figure limped towards the boys. She sighed, turning around to finalise her attack, only then did Wanda take in your appearance. The gravity of the situation hit her and it hit her hard. She didn't throw a version of Wanda, like she had thought. She had hurt a version of you, sweet, innocent, you.
"Y/N?" Her facade crumbled, the air had been ripped from her lungs. An immense pressure collapsed on her heart as she broke down. "It's you" tears began to fall down her rosy cheeks, her lip trembling with emotion. The thought of her children pushed to the side, for only a moment.
"Who else would be taking care of our children?" Even through the pain, you offered her lopsided smile, cutting the tension with humour. Your hands clutched to your side, pain emanating from the wound. Worry swirled within her eyes as you leant against the wall, clearly in pain. Her body ached to be closer to you, so she succumbed to the feeling. She moved towards you, until Billy and Tommy shouted in defence.
"Stay away from our mama!" Their little feet ran towards you, creating a barrier between you and the woman they didn’t recognise. Her heart swelled at their protectiveness, even faced with a more powerful foe.
"It's okay boys" you reassured, trying your hardest to keep them calm in their panicked state. Without a second thought, you wrapped your arms around them, offering reassurance and safety. That's when you took notice of the warm liquid that coated your hand, eyes trailing back to your wound. Wanda followed your line of sight, when she saw your outfit drenched with blood she gasped. She rushed to your side, ignoring the quiet protests of the children. Her own hand clasping over the wound, applying pressure. Once darkened fingers mixed with the crimson of your blood. The moment was Shakespearean, she had blood on her hands but she never thought it would be yours.
"I'm so sorry" her words in an endless loop of regret. It continued to repeat when she pressed harder against your wound.
"It'll be okay" you reassured, your hand providing warmth over hers. Even under these circumstances, your soft touch will always be enough to calm her down.
"I shouldn't have done that" she refused to look up, in fear of discovering love that she did not deserve. Especially not after hurling you across the room.
"You were just protecting our children" your words were spoken with such softness, a stark contrast from the venom that escaped her lips.
"Our?" It was phrased as a question, confusion and uncertainty laced her tone.
"Well you're Wanda, aren't you?" To you, it was the easiest question in the world, like you knew all the answers. To Wanda, it was the hardest question she had yet to face. After her struggle with the Darkhold, it was had to find the line between Wanda and the Scarlett Witch. Then it hit her all at once, she was not their Wanda and she never will be.
"But I'm not their Wanda" It broke your heart to see her so broken, so lost amongst her head, heart and power.
"Doesn't matter, they are yours. In this universe and every other. You are their mother" Wanda parted her lips, ready to interject but you were quick to cut her off. "Don't argue with me Maximoff. They may not recognise you in this, and please don't take offence, terrifying outfit. But deep down, you are their mother, they know you" she took this time to truly look at her boys, your touch having a similar effect on them. Their stares were wide in anticipation, for them she was an intruder but they couldn't help the love they felt in their hearts. "I know you" her eyes were drawn back to yours, a loving smile gracing your lips. You rested your forehead against hers, taking deep breaths, relishing the moment. A fuzzy feeling tickled your skin, dancing around your wound. Red wisps smoothed over the gash, tiny fibres of magic healing what once was broken.
"Thank you" was but a whisper, relief flooding your senses. She retracted her hand, creating distance between you. Even though you have your version of Wanda, you could tell that she was missing a version of you. She seemed hesitant, unsure of herself when it came to interacting with you, there was no confidence in her movements. She seemed guilty for a lot more than her actions today, like she was the one at fault. Curiosity began to rise at the thought of your counterpart.
"Do you have a version of me?"
"I do" her smile matched the hope that swirled inside. From her reaction, you could tell just how in love she was with you. If her version was not dead, then she must have been the reason.
"And let me guess, you let me go?" Her body stiffened, she couldn't help the wave of guilt that overtook her.
"You wouldn't be starting anew, if you had what you wanted back home" she was surprised at how calm you were, how easy this discussion rolled off your tongue. It was odd to see how content you were in that moment, even faced with her darkened state. “Boys, why don’t you get comfy in mamas bed?”
“We don’t want to leave you” they trembled at the thought of leaving your side. They snuggled closer into your arms, their grips tightened around your body.
“Do you remember what I said?” They shook their heads, their eyes screwed shut in fear. “There’s a secret password that only your mother and I know” at this their heads popped up, their eyes deeply focused on yours.
“But won’t she know?” Tommy was the first to speak, his eyebrows creased in confusion.
“Yeah, if she’s the same as mum, then she would know the password” Billy titled his head, the action reminding you of Wanda, a subtle nod to her genes within the boys.
“Hmm, you got me there. When did you boys get so smart?” A playful smile graced your features, Wanda swooned at the domesticity of it all. It was a glimpse of a life she had always dreamed of.
“We always were mama, we’re the brains, remember?” Their smiles matched yours, little giggles escaped them.
“And I’m the braun, and mum is?” You puffed out your chest, imitating the strength you possess. Before waiting for their answer.
“The beauty” their eyes sparkled at the thought of their mother. Wanda could hear the sincerity in their voices, they truly believed every word.
“You will be safe, I promise” you placed a gentle kiss on both their heads, squeezing them extra tight, only releasing them when they pleaded for air. They ascended the stairs, looking back at you every so often. It wasn’t until they were at the top of the stairs, looking down at you and the woman who destroyed their house, that they felt somewhat at ease. Without a second to lose, they carried their legs as fast as they could, entering the bedroom and shutting the door behind them.
“As you were saying?” You turned around to face Wanda, giving her your undivided attention. Something that she hasn’t had the pleasure of experiencing in awhile. You offered her a seat at your kitchen island, as you searched for a viable food source. She watched closely at how you moved within the room, soaking in your presence. When you returned with a plethora of cereals, she let out a deep laugh, one that tickled her stomach and reached her eyes. The sound was magical, there would never come a time where you wouldn’t enjoy the sound.
“I haven’t gone grocery shopping yet, this is the best I could do” you shrugged your shoulders, pouring yourself a bowl of cereal. She was not surprised to see a giant serving of pure sugary goodness, some things never change. “Okay I’m ready” you had made yourself comfortable just across from her, waiting to hear this Wanda’s woes. She let out a defeated sigh before starting her story.
"I was foolish. I let my emotions get the better of me and I pushed her away” the moment she left you replayed in her mind. The defeated look on your face, how your eyes glazed over with never ending tears, the way your body shook with despair. It was an image that would haunt her every waking moment, it even seeped into her dreams. “She no longer wants me" her words were barely a whisper but you caught ever last word.
"Now you really are the biggest idiot in the universe" In surprise, she raised her eyebrows at your antics. She could sense the playful undertone in your words, completed with your goofy smile. "Now don't get me wrong, you are a wise woman but sometimes you can be so - dense"
"You watch your tone L/N" she wriggled her finger at you, a flash of red swirled in her iris’. All you could do was laugh, the sight before you was absolutely adorable.
"All I'm saying is that, it's not too late for a second chance" such pearls of wisdom spoken through a mouthful of food.
"You have no idea how badly I messed up"
"You're right, I don't. But I know how I'd feel and my heart would not stop beating for Wanda Maximoff. I will forgive you, after all I am understanding, patient and kind” you tossed you hair from side to side, as a way to emphasis your words. A little cringeworthy but just the right amount for Wanda to enjoy.
"Is this an uplifting speech for me or for you?"
"A little of both, you did just throw me across the room" Wanda sadly nibbled at her bottom lip, her gaze drawn to the ground. It wasn’t until your hands caressed her cheeks, that her gaze drifted up to you. Without hesitation, she leaned into your touch, nuzzling into your hand.
"What I'm trying to say is that she is waiting for you with open arms. She loves you just as much as the day she first met you"
"And how do you know?"
"Like I said, I will love you in this universe and every other. You just have to let me in" Wanda knew she should pull away but you were so alluring. She had craved these moments with you, wished upon every star to have you back. Now that she was faced with a version of you, that couldn’t be described as any word other than infatuated. She allowed herself to be pulled into your orbit, her lips brushing against yours. It was intoxicating how soft your lips were, how you treated her with such care. She wanted more, she needed more. Her tongue swiped your bottom lip, which you allowed with ease. Her tongue found yours, discovering the taste of you. All she could do was moan into the kiss, her hands reaching up to tangle in your hair. When your lungs were burning and air was vital, you pulled away. Only to allow room for fresh air, not enough to pull completely away.
“You could have all of this, you know” slipped out through laboured breaths, chest heaving together.
“Hmmm” her mind was hazy, all filled with happy thoughts of you. She couldn’t seem to lift the clouds that coated her thoughts.
“If you just had the courage to tell her” this seemed to knock Wanda back to reality. She was kicked from her fantasy, to find a version of you staring deeply back at her.
“I will”
“You promise?” Lifting your pinky finger in between you, hoping that she would accept the motion. Joy graced your features when she raised her finger and linked it with yours.
“I promise” she had found a new surge of confidence, she would be a fool not to listen to you. Perhaps you would be by her side, if she had just listened to you in the first place. As much as it pained you to ruin the peaceful atmosphere, your Wanda would be home any minute.
“I hate to do this but Wanda will be home soon. She’ll freak if she see’s me kissing another woman, even if it is you”
“You don’t think she’ll freak over her living room?”
“Oh that too” with an understanding, Wanda’s hands glowed scarlet as the room began to shift. All that was broken was now fixed and put back into its original form. “Thank you” you would never get used to her power, it left you in awe every time.
“You helped me, it’s only fair” it was her turn to talk with ease, like she had performed this trick millions of times before. She placed one last kiss to your lips, before making her way towards the portal.
“Good luck” you called out, watching her retreating frame. You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness as you watched her leave. Even though your Wanda would be walking through the front door any moment now. There will always be something tethering you to Wanda, in this universe and every other.
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butterflydm · 11 months
wot reread: a memory of light (chapter 37)
spoilers for the last book, a memory of light
I am going to do this enormous chapter a little differently than the previous chapters (basically so that I can refer to this post later and understand all the various threads and not get them mixed up with each other). Instead of going in chronological order by each event presented to me, I'm going to have different PoV sections and then have my thoughts under each of those.
Egwene & Gawyn (& Galad)
Gawyn is exhausted, despite the week that they all just took to prepare for this last push of the battle. That's not a good sign. Pretty sure that's the Bloodknife ring sapping his strength. Yeah, when he puts the ring on again "his strength returned". (From TGS: "One never committed Bloodknives unless one was very serious, for they did not return from their missions." "The incredible abilities came at a cost, however, for the rings leeched life from their hosts, killing them in a matter of days. Removing the ring would slow that process slightly but once activated - done by touching a drop of one's own blood to the stone ring while wearing it - the process was irreversible.") He's already dead. He's just still walking around. Oh, hon.
"[Egwene] hesitated for a moment, looking through the gateway to Mat's command post. Egwene met the eyes of the Seanchan woman across the table, where she sat imperiously on her throne. I have not finished with you, Egwene thought." A very mean thing for Sanderson to write here, considering.
From her sense in the bond, she believes that Gawyn has gone off "to join the Andoran army" and sends Bryne to fetch him. Then she assigns Siuan to go "join Mat and the Seanchan Empress and listen with ears accustomed to hearing what is not spoken". Siuan calls Egwene a legacy that will shape "what is to come".
"I'll help watch this Seanchan woman for you, maybe help poor Min crawl out of the fang-fish net she's found herself in." Good luck, Siuan!
Egwene realizes, too late, that she's sent Bryne off to the wrong place, as once she travels to her own new location, that Gawyn is actually "on the Heights themselves, where the Shadow held the strongest."
Honestly, using the Special Assassin Rings to try to commit a Special Assassination on the leader of the Shadowspawn forces sounds like... a good idea? Gawyn knows that the original Bloodknives were doing a very good job specifically murdering Aes Sedai, because that was the crime that he was investigating when he found them in the first place. I also wonder if a lot of people forgot or missed that this attempt to go kill Demandred is not when Gawyn first activated the ring and signed his own death warrant (I bet that I missed it during my first read too). That he first activated the ring back when he and Egwene were pinned down by the Sharans and death seemed right around the corner for both of them. Gawyn's death has been irreversible since chapter 23.
"Once, perhaps, he would have done this for the pride of the battle and the chance to pit himself against Demandred. That was not his heart now. His heart was the need. Someone had to fight this creature, someone had to kill him or they would lose this battle. They could all see it. Risking Egwene or Logain would be too great a gamble. Gawyn could be risked. No one would send him to do this -- no one would dare -- but it was necessary."
He isn't able to get the assassin's blow off on Demandred and it looks like a key element is because Demandred detected the 'weave' that the ter'angreal is using on him. He calls it Night's Shade and confirms that it "leaks your life away".
I wonder why Demandred's face seems "eerily familiar" to Gawyn? I can't think of why that might be. lol, why does Demandred call everyone "little"? "Little man." "Little queen". "Little swordsman". What is your obsessions with everyone's heights? (wait, is he the one that was SLIGHTLY shorter than LTT and pissed off about it? as opposed to Sammael, who was considerably shorter than LTT and pissed off about it?)
haha, Demandred is CONVINCED that Lews Therin is the one directing the battle on the other side, either using Mat's face as a Mask of Mirrors or by sending messages through Mat. He has a spy in Mat's camp, probably, but is convinced that Rand is there somewhere, hiding. I mean, I kinda wish he were, just so that Rand and Mat COULD HAVE A REAL SCENE TOGETHER, but Demandred and I will both have to be disappointed. But it's kinda funny that it feels like Gawyn was rejecting the idea that he is "following" Rand in, like, a philosophical way, but Demandred meant "Lews Therin is literally your battle commander".
Gawyn loses the duel. And I like Gawyn this time around, so I'm much more emotionally affected by it. That's so rude. 😭
Egwene fights to reach Gawyn, feeling how close to death he is. 😭😭
Galad is on the Heights, fighting against Sharan channelers on Mat's orders, wearing a copy of the foxhead medallion. Galad also keeps getting confronted with things about 'his' Children of Light that are making him go 'yikes'. He's killing the Sharan channelers because it makes sense for the battle and he was ordered to do it... but the Children are happy to have an excuse to kill channelers and have some... real strange beliefs that kinda make channelers akin to vampires (...burying the head separately or they will rise again?).
One of the Children finds Gawyn, near death, and brings Galad to him. As he dies, Gawyn is talking over his regrets, starting with regretting staying at the White Tower back in book 4. He tells Galad to tell Egwene that he loves her, and Galad reassures him that Egwene already knows. Galad gets very cold inside when he realizes that his brother is dying. "He had seen men die, he had lost friends. This hurt more. Light, but it did."
When he tries to tell Gawyn that he needs to leave, so that he doesn't leave Galad without a brother, Gawyn tells him about Rand. And he tells Galad not to hate Rand. "I always hated him but I stopped." And Gawyn dies. 😭😭😭
Egwene feels it when it happens. After sending out a burst of flames at the nearby enemies as the pain consumes her, she collapses for the moment (there is a group of Whitecloaks nearby so she was very very close to reaching Gawyn before he died. That is heartbreaking).
Egwene wakes up after having been removed from the battlefield. She feels empty and heartbroken but, especially after she overhears how badly the battle is going, she knows that she does not have the time for grief or mourning, not now. "Egwene al'Vere lost a man she loved, and she felt him die through a bond. The Amrylin has sympathy for Egwene al'Vere, as she would have sympathy for any Aes Sedai dealing with such loss. And then, in the face of the Last Battle, the Amrylin would expect that woman to pick herself up and return to the fight." It's interesting how (as Rand's foil), Egwene is both the same kind of hero that Rand is, but she's also the kind of hero that Rand expected himself to be but actually ends up not being. Rand's Last Battle is philosophical; Egwene's Last Battle is physical (which is to say, the show gets another point right in how they decided to distribute episode eight out to its protagonists -- with Rand's fight ultimately being in his head while Egwene's is out on the battlefield; that's what Rafe & co meant when they said they were doing a whole-series adaptation and not just adapting book-by-book. they looked at the actual endgame needs of the characters and put in the work up-front to make sure that those would vibe with the set-up).
18. In order to keep herself balanced on the battlefield, Egwene decides that she needs to bond a Warder, though she is far from emotionally ready, and she asked "Leilwin Shipless" if she will accept the duty, getting immediate agreement. And Egwene goes back out to fight again.
19. "Egwene led an assault the likes of which had not been seen in millennia." There's some intense fighting and then Egwene comes face-to-face with Taim, who calls himself M'Hael now. There is an intense battle scene. The battle involves a lot of balefire being tossed around by Taim and, in the back of her mind, Egwene ponders the notion of whether or not the weave really is impossible to counter. Egwene didn't need the help of anyone else's ancient memories in order to rediscover Traveling, after all. That was all her, figuring it out from basic principles.
20. Egwene and her Aes Sedai have been fighting on the Heights for hours. Taim reappears, pouring balefire into her line of Aes Sedai and killing dozens. Egwene thinks again about what Perrin said in TAR about balefire -- "it's only a weave" -- and considers how balefire is considered a one-of-a-kind sort of thing. But what if it isn't? What if it works like any other weave? With the One Power, there are always two halves. Logically, balefire should have an equal and opposite counterpart, just as saidar has saidin. "If a weave exists, so must its opposite". And when Taim strikes again with balefire, she counters with this idea of this weave that she has created, one that is the opposite of balefire. Something that will reinforce the Pattern instead of unraveling it.
She decides that it is called the Flame of Tar Valon, and she uses it to kill Taim.
21. Egwene realizes that she's reached the point of no return -- if she releases her grip on saidar, then she will burn out. There is too much inside her right now. More than she can hold. So she can let go and burn out and survive... or she can take that power and use it.
She tells Leilwin née Egeanin one last command -- find the seals and keep them until she sees 'the moment the light shines'. Then she wraps her up in Air and shoves her through a gateway, releasing their bond.
She closed her eyes and drew in the power. More than a woman should be able to, more than was right. Far beyond safety, far beyond wisdom. This sa'angreal had no buffer to prevent this.
Her body was spent. She offered it up and became a column of light, releasing the Flame of Tar Valon into the ground beneath her and high into the sky. The Power left her in a quiet, beautiful explosion, washing across the Sharans and sealing the cracks created by her fight with M'Hael.
Egwene's soul separated from her collapsing body and rested upon that wave, riding it into the Light.
Before I move on to the next set of plot-threads, I want to ponder a question: why on earth does Gawyn get blamed for Egwene deciding to go out in a blaze of glory? He died hours ago. She bonded a new Warder. She doesn't die out of rage over her Warder's death here. To quote Gawyn: [Her] heart was the need. Egwene looked at what the battle needed from her at that moment, and she made a choice.
Once upon a time, Lews Therin stood on a mountain after losing the love of his life, and his despair created destruction around him. Once upon a time, Egwene stood on a battlefield after losing the love of her life, and her sacrifice healed the destruction around her.
Last time around, Lews Therin was fighting the wrong battle -- and the wrong person was the one fighting in the battle.
re: Egwene dying at all. I actually do think that having one of the Emond's Field Five die was a good choice. Would I have picked Egwene as the one? Probably not. otoh, it kinda seems like the other four were all mentioned as still being alive in Jordan's epilogue, so Egwene was the only one who could die (since the epilogue was considered basically sacred). idk I'm a big softie who has a hard time killing off characters so I'm not really the person to talk to about that subject, lol.
Rand (& Nynaeve)
TDO's attack against Rand starts out as an attempt to break him down and shatter him, but Rand resists. "It was as if the Dark One was shredding him while at the same time trying to crush him entirely, coming at Rand from infinite directions, all at once, in a wave."
When that fails, TDO then 'weaves' a reality for Rand to see. A world 'remade' in TDO's image, where the taint overlays everything, the Blight is everywhere, and Rand has been forgotten in his failure. TDO makes him watch his father die, and then Dannil leads him back to Emond's Field, where a Turned Nynaeve is waiting with channelers and Fades to Turn Rand too. It's an attempt to make Rand feel despair and give up, but when Nynaeve & co begin the process of trying to Turn Rand to the Shadow, he pushes back, rejecting this reimagining of the world that TDO has created. Hmm, Rand finds threads here that are more varied than the five threads of the One Power, calls them "the fabric of creation" and uses them to channel a different reality.
We now get introduced to the world that Rand reimagines. "He passed from nothingness into majesty."
Gorgeous buildings. Wide roads but nothing driving on it, only people walking around, in vibrant clothing. Now, instead of the memory of Turned Chosen enslaving and tormenting the Two Rivers, Rand has willed into being memories of Ogier coming "to the Two Rivers to repay Rand for his sacrifice, intending to build a monument here, [but] the town's leaders had wisely requested help improving their city instead".
Rand doesn't quite imagine paradise entirely -- though he's integrated the Seanchan into his vision of peace here, he doesn't know enough about the Sharans to do the same, so there are still "campaigns" there. And there is a monument dedicated to the fallen of the Last Battle with "familiar" faces that Rand isn't quite willing to look at. Like TDO had done earlier, "He'd built this reality out of the threads of what could be, of mirrors of the world as it now played out".
The knowledge that other people are out there dying and sacrificing for a potential future shakes Rand -- he wanted so much for his sacrifice to be the only sacrifice, which was always going to be impossible. But when he lets that thought enter his mind, this vision of reality starts to get eaten up by TDO and Rand has to force it back into place.
It is the anniversary of the hundred years of peace that Rand had wanted in the Dragon's Peace that he had the nations sign before (and during, in the case of the Seanchan) the Last Battle. Lady Adora, Perrin's granddaughter, is the mayor of Emond's Field. Rand slips past her and into the school. A school for anyone to come and learn, no matter what their background. TDO taunts him again for believing that he can eliminate suffering entirely. So we're kinda doing a "the perfect is the enemy of the good" argument here. Is "better" enough when it isn't "perfect"? And is "perfect" only ever a lie? TDO attacks Rand again, and this world fades back into a faint mirror of possibility. The heart of the Last Battle is a philosophical argument about the nature of reality, and of human nature.
As he stands with the great shadow of TDO, Rand can see the armies outside fighting. TDO is mostly outside of time, except wherever it touches the Pattern. There it is bound to the linear nature of time. TDO tells Rand to watch as the people fighting in his name die, and spins another vision for him.
The new world-possibility that TDO spins for Rand looks very much like the regular world, with some minor differences like steam-drawn carriages driving around. He's in Caemlyn this time, and he can still see the hole in the wall from when Talmanes blew the hole to escape from the Shadowspawn, but there's a bustle and a life around.
He goes to a fruit seller, and she mentions her fresh peaches for sale. "Peaches," Rand said, aghast. Everyone knew those were poisonous. She tells him that they are safe now; the toxin has been removed. Hey, isn't it peach blossoms that Rand made bloom back in Ebou Dar? So that was actually meant as something of a subtle threat, though Tuon took as an Important Omen. As they're talking, a street urchin steals one of the fruits and starts to run off, and the fruit-seller pulls out a rod and does something that instantly kills him. When Rand reacts in horror, she acts puzzled, asking him if "it" belonged to him. Yikes! Yeah, definitely still a very Bad World, Rand. When she asks him what faction he belongs to, he takes that as his cue to leave, very quickly.
He searches Caemlyn to find the Queen's Blessing and, with relief, sees that Basel Gill is working inside. So this one is not a hundred years in the future like the last one. Gill says that they're in the Fourth Age and that the Last Battle was won. After Gill tells him that he'll get him a faction symbol, Rand notices a nothingness that signifies TDO's presence and questions it. This is a world where TDO has tricked people into believing that they won the Last Battle.
When Gill returns, it's with guards to rob Rand for his fancy coat. Rand realizes that TDO has taken everyone's consciences/compassion. This is a world without any spark of 'light' inside people's hearts, only Shadow. Rand tells TDO that seeing this only makes him want to fight harder and now he will show TDO a world "without Shadow".
In the cavern, Nynaeve works to save Alanna's life. All her Power is still wrapped up in the link with Rand, so she has to sew and use her herbs and all her know-how from being the Wisdom of Emond's Field.
As Rand tries to weave together the possibility of a world without the Shadow, he finds that the threads resist him and he wonders if that is because of how unlikely such a world is. iirc, Rand's upcoming dreamworld is a moment that the show has already given us great set-up for with the fantasy that Rand gets from Ishamael in episode 8 and is another illustration of how far ahead Rafe & co were thinking with all their choices in the first season.
He chooses to create Caemlyn, to wash the taste out of his mouth of having seen the horrible vision that TDO showed him last time. Trees are in full bloom, there isn't a cloud in the sky, and children don't recognize what a sword is. He asks to visit the queen and is directed towards the gardens, though he first travels through a hallway of magic mirrors, letting him see this paradise reflected in other lands: a peaceful meadow in the Mountains of Mists, the Stone a museum instead of a fortress, the rebuilt towers of Malkier, the Chora Fields of the Age of Legends surrounding the city of Rhuidean as he hears Aiel voices lifted in song. No locks on the doors. No more need for money -- "a nearly forgotten eccentricity". Channelers create food for everyone and Aes Sedai heal anyone who suffers injury.
His own grave in the Blasted Lands, where his body had been burned after the Last Battle, overgrown with leaves, grass, and flowers. Rand pauses at this window for a long moment before he moves onward into the gardens.
Elayne sits alone in the gardens, not too far from the garden wall where he once fallen in and met her for the first time. "Elayne was as beautiful as she'd been when they'd last parted. She was no longer pregnant, of course. A hundred years had passed since the Last Battle. She appeared not to have aged a day." When Elayne sees him, she greets him in surprise.
18. She wonders if her daughter is using the Mask of Mirrors to play a prank on her, but Rand sinks down to one knee before her and tells her that he's real. And, as he looks into her eyes and listens to her voice, he realizes that "something was wrong".
19. "That simpering tone, that vapid reaction... Elayne had never been like that." He gets more disturbed as she continues, talking about Aviendha spending her week off from singing to do "nursery duty". "Aviendha. Tending children and singing to chora trees. There was nothing wrong with that, really. Why shouldn't she enjoy such activities? But it was wrong, too. He thought Aviendha would be a wonderful mother, but to imagine her seeking to spend all day playing with other people's children..."
20. When he looks into Elayne's eyes, he sees the same kind of blankness that he's seen in those forcibly Turned to the Shadow. He accuses TDO of having done something to her. But TDO asks him, "Did you think that removing me from their lives would leave them unaltered?"
21. "She was not herself... because Rand had taken away her ability to be herself." Again! This resonates so well with what was set up in episode eight! Rafe is playing the long game!
22. I do have to... interject a side note: this scene really couldn't be done with Min because... this horror that Rand accidentally did to Elayne, stripping her of her autonomy in an attempt to create a world without Shadow... is basically what Min did to herself in LoC.
He’ll have to take me as I am, [Min] thought, twitching the reins irritably. I’m not changing for any man. Only, her clothes would have been as plain as any farmer’s not that long ago, her hair had not been in ringlets almost to her shoulders, and a small voice whispered, You’ll be whatever you think he wants you to be.
Honestly, that's a big part of why I dislike how prophecy is used in a couple of the romances (Min->Rand and Mat->Tuon) because it feels like it's been used to strip away their autonomy and yet this loss of their self doesn't get treated like a horror even though their 'choice' to chase Rand/marry Tuon was done because they believed they had no choice.
23. Rand weeps in despair at all the loss of life that is going on in the Last Battle outside of Shayol Ghul. "He should have been able to protect them. Why couldn't he? Against his will, the names began to replay in his mind. The names of those who had died for him, starting with only women, but now expanded to each and every person he should have been able to save - but hadn't." But he refuses to give in to TDO's offer to 'stop fighting and rest'. And TDO spins another possibility for him...
24. The next offer that TDO makes is 'nothing'. Aka oblivion for all of existence. He claims that it is the same as the 'peace of the void' that Rand seeks so often. Rand gives the offer due consideration, and then rejects it.
25. Rand feels Egwene's death and it shakes him hard. Egwene's name is added to the list in his mind, and despair claws at him as TDO gloats that the dead belong to him.
26. Rand is watching the whole battle play out -- he sees Elayne (captive and alone), he see Rhuarc (his mind forfeit), Mat (desperate, facing down horrible odds), and Lan (riding to his death).
Demandred's words dug at him. The Dark One's pressure continue to tear at him.
Rand had failed.
But in the back of his mind, a voice. Frail, almost forgotten.
Let go.
Elayne & Mat (& Fortuona & Min & Galad)
Elayne is heading into the main Seanchan camp to talk to Mat about why he appears to be changing the battle plans without letting her know. Along the way, they deal with some Draghkar and Elayne deliberately deafens her side so that they will be able to ignore their song. After this, she's approached by a sul'dam and damane pair and, reluctantly, allows the damane to heal her ears. Elayne is, btw, wearing sturdy boots.
Elayne has also been paying attention to how the Seanchan behave, and so she does not talk to any of the sul'dam herself, because she's noticed that they care a LOT about who talks to who. This sul'dam in particular is highborn, Elayne suspects from the shaven sides of her head, so she'll definitely feel insulted by Elayne not being willing to speak to her. <3
Elayne also notes here that the Seanchan highborn seem to dislike the idea of being healed with the Power ("Why any of you would want to be Healed by an animal is beyond me," the sul'dam says). But she also points out that there's a gap between what the Seanchan claim is true and what they actually seem to do -- they say they disapprove of healing but are having their damane learn the weaves.
Mat and Elayne's relationship seems to be fairly healthy here which honestly is fascinating given... you know. Tuon and the whole Seanchan defection. Elayne insults Mat when she greets him, but he finds it amusing, just as she suspected that he would. He's made up a throne for her in Andoran red-and-gold, extra cushioned, and with a still-steaming cup of tea waiting for her! Husband behavior! Not the kind of ~husband behavior~ that Mat derided all throughout TGS but actual "I care about your comfort" behavior.
She notes that his clothing "smelled of some kind of compromise" -- Tuon agreed to let Mat wear clothing in the style that he preferred as long as it was silk? Elayne also notes that he's wearing a pink ribbon around his hat. And that is also fascinating because Mat had two very specific memories about Tylin's (pink) ribbons in his second chapter in this book (right before he saw Tuon again), and they were both extremely negative. The first time was when his scarf around his neck reminded him of "a ribbon that felt like a chain" and the second was his flashback to the pink ribbons when he saw Tylin's headboard/bed. So for Mat to put a pink ribbon around his hat is... interesting. A reminder of the chains that he's still wearing? We're not in his PoV, so we don't get his reasoning, and I don't think he ever thinks about it in his own PoV.
"All in all, Elayne was impressed by how easily the scout mixed his obeisance and his report. She was also sickened. No ruler should demand such of her subjects. A nation's strength came from the strength of its people; break them, and you were breaking your own back."
I am also really really curious by what (silent) Fortuona might be thinking of the casual & intimate way that Mat and Elayne are talking to each other here, given how jealous she's gotten in the past. Elayne noted when she entered the tent that Fortuona was present ("dressed in enough green silk to supply a shop in Caemlyn for two weeks" and with Min standing silently at her side) but has not engaged with her at all.
"You spent this whole week planning with us, and you knew the entire time you'd throw [the plans] out with the dishwater." Anyway, Mat says that he didn't know the entire time, but that he needs to keep the plans in his head if they want them to be safe from the Forsaken. Also, Elayne, in contrast to most of the people who have interacted with Mat recently, is able to figure out what he's thinking just from a couple of micro-expressions.
But it's interesting/frustrating the implied changes that have happened over the course of this week of off-screen planning -- aka Tuon compromising with Mat. Because it happens off-screen, we don't actually find out why Tuon was willing to compromise - is it because, with all his friends around, she's realized that it would be impossible to control him with the methods she would use if they were alone, because he could just... walk fifty feet away and hang out with his powerful friends instead of being stuck with her if she pushes him too far (as he did in the previous chapter when she was trying to force him to sit in judgement)? Has she actually had off-screen character development (if so, stop having important emotional moments happen off-screen!)? We just don't know.
Mat is also still calling Fortuona "Tuon". And that scene ended with Elayne never, at any point, engaging with Tuon and she also never thinks of Fortuona as "Mat's wife", only as "the Seanchan Empress". Surely she has to know by this point that they're married but she Does Not Think About It. I genuinely have so many questions -- one of the primary ones being: where has Mat been sleeping this last week? Does the fact that Mat was saying "Tuon's tent" in the previous chapter mean that he has his own tent separate from hers? Tuon positioned "having sex" as a reward-type situation back when Mat first showed up in Ebou Dar, so is that time in the gardens the only time that they've had sex? Given that Tuon seems to want Min by her side constantly, if she did decide to have sex with Mat again, would she insist on Min staying in the tent with them to keep an eye out for sex-related omens? (we already know that Selucia and at least one or two other guard-slaves would likely be present) Has Mat been avoiding having sex with her or sleeping in the same tent as her so that she doesn't get another chance to steal his medallion? So many questions, absolutely nothing in the narration that gives me any hints at answers.
Okay, our first Mat PoV in this chapter is fascinating because Mat has basically the exact same thought here about Galad that he had about Tuon in an earlier chapter. Compare "[Galad] could have been a statue, with that pretty face and unchanging expression. No, statues had more life." vs "Mat shivered. He didn’t like it when Tuon got like this. That stare of hers... it seemed like the stare of another person. A person without compassion. A statue had more life to it." The Whitecloaks = Seanchan comparison is alive and well (or the Seanchan are what the Whitecloaks would be if they had the kind of continent-wide coercive power).
Min is spending all her time in the command tent whispering to Tuon. It sure feels like she swapped super-easily from being Rand's prophecy girl to being Tuon's prophecy girl (okay, okay, I'll cut her some slack since Rand did ask her to watch Fortuona). When Elayne's voice sounds "cold" here, Mat compares her to an Aes Sedai, unlike their earlier encounters. Also... it doesn't sound like Selucia is around? Did she get demoted again? Elayne also... sorta speaks to Tuon here? But then quickly swaps back to talking to Mat only lol.
Mat realizes that there's a spy either inside or just around the command tent, because of how quickly Demandred is responding to his changes.
Mat is amused by the fact that Elayne has managed to "shift" her throne around so that it's either the same height or slightly higher than Tuon's, so he hasn't ~embraced Tuon's dignity as his own~ or however the Seanchan might put it.
15. Hmm, we also have confirmation here that Mat has been... flirting (????? sexually harassing???? who knows with New Mat but probably harassing, sadly) with other Seanchan Bloods, if not in front of Tuon, then in front of people who would report to Tuon, which is another interesting piece of data to put into the puzzle. It really does seem like Mat has managed to (off the page) force a certain level of compromise into his marriage.
16. And, here, Mat slips away with just Elayne and Birgitte so that he can reassure Elayne about his plans in private, even though Tuon questions him walking away (and he doesn't even look back at her because "those eyes could drill through solid steel"). It genuinely seems like some fascinating stuff happened in that week of planning that we didn't get to see! Mat seems a lot less scared of doing things that will upset Tuon. But again, we don't know if that's actually due to a change in Mat and Tuon's relationship or if it's Mat's physical proximity to people who would unquestioningly take his side against hers that gives him new boldness.
17. He tells Elayne that he has a plan to deal with the spy that he believes is listening in at the command tent, and he goes through his entire thought process for her here, which is an astonishingly unprecedented amount of communication from Mat. So Elayne is in on his plan -- and away from the command post so that if things go wrong, she can pick another general to lead them; and he sent a message to Talmanes about his plan as well (that Talmanes signaled that he received), so the only remaining question mark for Mat is whether or not he can "coax" Tuon into doing what needs to be done.
I am going to say that I find it very interesting that when Mat is certain that there's a spy in the command tent and that their security is compromised, he finds a reason to get Elayne away from the command tent. The reason makes tactical sense, of course, but it's interesting.
18. Birgitte tells Elayne that all her older memories are gone now. Her first memories are of waking up to Nynaeve and Elayne in this world. Elayne wants to go after Birgitte, to try to comfort her, but Galad arrives. Galad isn't entirely certain why he's been sent here but he's got time to scold Elayne for being on the battlefield "in your condition". Elayne (accurately) points out that if they lose, it's gonna be a lot worse for the kids. So Elayne and Galad can talk about the kids together but Elayne and Tam can't?
19. Elayne knows Mat so well, even as she claims to despair over understanding him. "I'm convinced that Mat only acts simple so that people will let him get away with more."
20. A letter arrives for Galad from Mat, and Sanderson makes fun of himself when he has Elayne note that Mat's spelling and handwriting is much better in this letter than the one he sent her in ToM. Anyway, he's sent the copy he had of the medallion (Elayne does verify here that it's a copy and not the original) to Galad and told him to go kill as many Sharan channelers as he's capable of killing. Because he feels like "a Whitecloak" will have the stomach to go kill a bunch of channelers. When Galad agrees with Elayne that he shouldn't have a problem with "killing women" and explains that women are just as capable of evil as men are, Elayne tells him "You actually said something that doesn't make me want to strangle you." lol, ilu Elayne. Galad thinks she's joking but, no, of course not.
Characterization note: Mat never gave the medallion copy to Tuon. That was the whole reason that he'd originally held onto it after ToM, with plans to give it to Tuon to protect her. ...and then she stole his medallion and it sounds like he had to do some fast-talking to get it back. And then he never mentions or brings up the copy until this moment when he sends it to Galad.
Did Tuon's betrayal of Mat earlier in AMoL mean that he no longer trusted her with a medallion?
Did Tuon's own paranoia and mistrust screw her out of getting that extra level of protection and trust openly given from Mat, and so Mat held onto it to find another purpose for the copy instead?
21. Min apparently is still spending all her time here quietly whispering to Tuon. She's gotta be someone's little whisper, I guess. She's gotten used to it over the last few books. Anyway, Logain is here because he wants to go fight at Shayol Ghul instead of here at the "battle for the little lives of men". Or he wants to be sent against Demandred, as the "dragon's replacement". Mat finally just gives Logain permission to go fight Demandred if he wants to do it so badly.
22. Ah, here is where Mat has another willful delusion (number five? six? not sure): "What he would give to be done with all of these high heads. Mat might be one of them now, but that could be fixed. All he had to do was convince Tuon to forsake her throne and run off with him. That would not be easy, but bloody ashes, he was fighting the Last Battle. Compared to the challenge he now faced, Tuon seemed an easy knot to untie."
Made up a girl in his head, one that Fortuona will never be. Good luck with that, and all.
This does also show that Mat continues to have no interest in being part of the Seanchan hierarchy (and this is something that is backed up by his actions, like refusing to legitimize himself as the Prince of Ravens by refusing to sit in judgement of soldiers throwing themselves on the Empress's mercy). Though Mat shows signs of protectiveness and sometimes affection towards 'Tuon', he shows no signs of wanting to be involved with 'The Seanchan Empress Fortuona'. It does feel a bit like we're continuing the thread where Sanderson actually gave Mat a reason for his bizarre turnaround in CoT/KoD by having him mentally compare the fear that Tuon/the sul'dam have over channeling with the fear that Rand/male channelers have over channeling -- this is an echo of the 'Rand-friend vs Dragon Reborn-scary' battle that Mat has been having in his brain, off-and-on, ever since he first learned that Rand could channel. I wish that Sanderson had leaned into it more, but even this subtext here is more of an explanation for Mat's change in characterization in CoT than we ever got from Jordan.
I have to admit, the way that it's done does kinda remind me of BBC's Merlin -- in S1, Arthur and Merlin go through this entire character arc of Arthur looking past his prejudices about servants as he becomes Merlin's friend. And then the show aired and large parts of the audience went, "huh, kinda seems like they're in love with each other"; and so the show did a hard reset in S2 and Arthur basically went through that exact same arc with Gwen, who was always meant to be his canon love interest, and went back to being more of a jerk towards Merlin. And in WoT, Mat's struggle between caring about a person vs being put off by/scared of that person's public mask was first grounded in his friendship with Rand, but now it's basically been transferred over to Tuon instead. Basically "oh shit, this character arc makes this character look queer; better shift it over to his canon het love interest STAT".
(but imo this thread works so much better with Rand because the READERS know the real person behind the public mask; and I feel like we never really get that with Tuon -- there are hints that a real person exists but even in her own PoVs, it feels like Tuon is still mostly just The Mask)
23. Tuon signals that it's time for her and Mat to stage their fake fight about the Seanchan pulling out of the battle, picking "I can protect myself" as the issue she wants to fight over, which Mat thinks is kinda silly but whatever. "His plan with Tuon was to take a cue from what Rand had once done with Perrin". ...how did Mat find out about that? I guess from Min? Perrin was asleep and Rand was gone, so I guess it must have been from Min. I'm... pretty sure she knew the Rand & Perrin fight was fake? Or maybe Perrin told him about it during the dinner where Perrin laughed and laughed over how droll it was that Mat had married a slaver. Because Perrin and Mat got to have a reunion dinner.
24. A Gray Man attacks. I'm sorry... are we supposed to believe that this is the same Gray Man from Ebou Dar that escaped back in Mat's second chapter? Because I thought Shadowspawn (including Gray Men?) couldn't go through Gateways? Maybe this Gray Man also has Mat's non-channeling teleportation skills. Anyway, this time the Gray Man is attacking Mat just as channelers invade the command tent (so... literally proving the point that Mat had just made about how the tent was no longer secure) so Min... throws herself at Tuon to protect her? Why is Min's first instinct "protect the head slaver"? Why is Min in the tank for the Seanchan so quickly?
Min also manages to knock over Tuon's ten-foot tall throne, so it sounds like it's actually made of pretty flimsy materials. That kinda feels like an unintentional metaphor -- looks imposing but is basically paper mache. lol.
25. Anyway, this is the first time Tuon shows any shred of an actual... like... positive emotion towards Mat? (I don't count "laughing at him because she views him as a brainless sex toy" as a positive emotion) So I guess we should celebrate that. Because when everyone gets attacked, Tuon runs over to try to help Mat with the Gray Man, "growling softly in an almost feral way". Once again, I am deeply curious about the mysterious changes that happened in their relationship during that skipped over week of planning, that resulted in Tuon compromising with Mat and now appearing to actually give a shit that he might die (... or she might just be possessive and not want to lose her new favorite toy? But I will choose to extend the benefit of the doubt).
26. And, once again, Min's entire priority list seems to be Tuon. ?????? Why are you so obsessed with her? Since we're in your PoV right now, could you explain to the readers why you're so deep in the tank for the Seanchan and Fortuona? Would love a reason. Anyway, she can't reach her new-found love, Fortuona, so she slips out of the tent to see if she can help any other way, and runs into Siuan.
27. When Min tells her that she needs to go find Bryne because that's the only way she'll survive, Siuan says that she can't leave because "Cauthon is in danger." Hey, you were willing to call him 'Mat' back in book three. But anyway, she says, "If Cauthon falls, this battle is lost! I don't care if we both die from this. We must help. Move!" So. Siuan. The tent is on fire. Would you say that you were there to help Mat "when the flames are high?" Just asking.
28. Okay, there's a whole group of Gray Men attacking Mat, so we're not supposed to think it was the one from Ebou Dar. But that's a gun that never went off, now that I think about it.
29. MIN! Yelling at the terrified damane to help when her sul'dam is dead is pointless if you don't FREE HER from the collar. She isn't capable of channeling without her sul'dam's permission. You should know this. YOU WERE IN FALME WITH EGWENE! Egwene explained all of this to you! (also, I think Min left the poor nameless damane to die in the burning tent, since she would also be incapable of running away on her own if she's still leashed? Slave-masters always get rescued before slaves, after all, and Min has yet to actually voice any objections to slavery since she has joined up with the Seanchan)
30. Anyway, Min successfully throws a knife at the remaining Gray Man and Mat hauls an unconscious Tuon up over his shoulder, and we have sadly saved the head slaver's life yet again. "Never had [Min] been so happy to see a knife fly true." ????? I mean, I guess the idea is that saving Tuon means that Mat is willing to leave the burning tent but still... didn't she once save Rand's life during some event or other? Or maybe I imagined that and this is the first time Min's knife skills have ever been useful, idk.
31. Oh, and Siuan is dead. Happened when Min wasn't looking. So we traded Siuan's life for Tuon's. Not worth it. Min gets a break from being the Distressed Damsel because Rand isn't around and so Tuon gets assigned the role. I feel like... maybe the narrative should have focused on whatever it was that Siuan was doing to help there, instead of what Min did? Also, it seems somewhat convenient that Siuan died before she got a good look at Tuon, because Siuan has a Talent for seeing ta'veren.
32. I wish... I really wish that Sanderson had given us the compromise conversation between Tuon and Mat. I wish that we'd actually gotten that conversation on the page, instead of just implying that something has changed because Elayne notices the effects. Because then maybe I would also give a shit about Tuon instead of just kinda wishing that someone would let one of these assassins take her out.
33. Okay, our first ~Fortuona~ PoV since the week of planning that appeared to have led to compromises in her marriage with Mat. Let's see how things stand with little miss slaver. She refuses to be healed by damane herself, though she seems vaguely tolerant of the idea of other people being healed by them.
34. I have to roll my eyes over Fortuona thinking about how her slave-guard's 'honor' depends on her fatally punishing them for their failures. It's like how she pretended that she was the one who most regretted having had Selucia beaten a time or two back in her initial intro PoV, rather than the actual person who got their ass whipped. It's just toxic brain-vomit that speaks of how deeply conditioned Fortuona is by her culture. If she actually cared about any of them as people (she doesn't, of course; she cares about them as property that she owns) then she would care about trying to dismantle the part of their brainwashing culture that says that their lives should be forfeit if they have failed her.
Anyway, she assigns them to go off to be suicide troops in the battle. Oh, and Selucia is here now, in the aftermath, with an injury. So I guess she in the tent that whole time, it's just that no one mentioned her. Poor Selucia. She really has gone back to being nothing but Tuon's Voice.
35. Fortuona raises "Darbinda" aka Min to the Blood for saving her and Mat's life, and Min isn't impressed enough for her liking (I'm also not ever going to be using that name for Min again). "How like [Mat] she was. Stubbornly humble, these mainlanders. They were actually proud - proud - of their low-born heritage. Baffling." Have you- have you considered having an actual conversation with one of them about why? And about the name thing too -- both Min and Mat are people who actively choose to go by shortened versions of their names. Maybe ask them why they don't consider forcible re-naming to be an honor (and Fortuona should know that Mat feels that way, since she glared at him and willed him not to argue when she re-named him).
Though, of course, given that Fortuona Must Always Have Slaves Around Her at all times, having a conversation like that with Mat or Min becomes a bit trickier, because if they give good answers to her questions about why they don't care about being part of the Blood, Fortuona's slaves will hear those answers. That's a major downside to the whole "nothing is private (when you have slaves)" lifestyle that Fortuona is rocking. She probably doesn't even really understand what having privacy would be like (once again, I have to say what a huge mistake it was for Jordan to have Selucia along on the circus journey, because it meant that Tuon was still wallowing in her toxic slave-owner culture during that entire time period, because she always had a slave on tap to make sure that she kept The Mask up at all times). Because though Tuon doesn't see her slaves as people, she does always need to be The Owner when they are around (which is always).
36. Mat looks over to her and gives her a nod, to let her know that they should have their fake break-up fight now. Alas that it isn't a real break-up fight. So they fight over how Mat should have warned them all sooner that the tent wasn't safe. Interesting note: though many of the Seanchan look at Mat with "accusing" eyes after she lays her charge, Galgan frowns and Fortuona notes that he doesn't seem to agree with her accusation. "Impressive, that [Mat] had converted Galgan so quickly." Anyway, after a super-quick fight where Mat is just like "okay, fine, storm off in a tizzy if you want, see if I care"; Fortuona turns around and does just that.
37. Interesting that their fake fight actually got Mat's genuine temper up. And he wonders if Tuon was genuinely angry as well and if she will genuinely abandon the fight rather than come back as planned. Interestingly enough, Fortuona didn't have a single spark of genuine anger in her PoV. It was all her following the plan. So it sounds like the fight involved a lot more of Mat's genuine frustrations than it did Tuon's. "I've had it with you. You and your bloody Seanchan rules just keep getting in the way," does feel like a pretty accurate representation of how Mat has been feeling in a lot of the Seanchan-related scenes that he's been forcing himself to endure, yeah. But Fortuona assumed, in her PoV, that Mat was entirely acting and that none of his reactions were genuine -- "he was good at this". Mat and Tuon are still looking at each other and seeing someone completely different than the person who is really there.
38. What Mat says to Min here is also genuinely fascinating. I don't particularly like Mat & Tuon, even now, but I am finding them much more interesting (in a 'watching a bug through a glass' sort of way) than I ever found them in the Jordan books. Because Mat tells Min to "keep an eye on" Tuon and then clarifies that he doesn't mean in a "protection" way but in a "watch her" way. "She worries me, Min."
...I do kinda have to giggle at Mat saying that Tuon doesn't need protection and is a "strong one" when Mat literally just had to haul her unconscious ass out of a burning tent because she basically failed immediately when she went to go help him with the Gray Men. But, hey, I appreciate that Mat didn't let the narrative shoehorn Tuon into the role of his Personal Distressed Damsel even when it was clearly trying its hardest to force her into that position.
39. Oh, so Mat and MIN get a hug when they say goodbye. *eternal grumbles at how the ONLY PERSON who didn't get an emotionally appropriate reunion with Mat was his fucking best friend*
40. Ugh, is this where Mat starts calling her "Fortuona"? Because he's decided to take Karede's suicide troops into battle with him and Karede refuses to go with him if Mat won't call her "Fortuona"? I guess I'll wait and see if the way that he addresses her actually changes.
Anyway, Mat tells Karede to keep Mat alive "for Tuon" because he's "almost certain that she's fond of" him.
*gazes off into the distance, thinking about how everyone else that Tuon is 'fond' of is a slave that she owns and is fully willing to beat or order to their death if they fail her*
41. Bryne dying off-screen affects me a lot less than Siuan somehow managing to die off-screen in a scene that she was actively in. Elayne figures that Bryne's fit of rage that sent him running towards Trollocs and got him killed means that Siuan is dead.
Siuan and Moiraine never got to see each other again. 😭
(fingers crossed for her getting to take Thom's place as the watcher outside the cave in the show version, if we get to the ending)
42. Yeah, from what we've seen in every other PoV and perspective, Perrin is the only person who thinks that Elayne isn't good at tactics. So we can safely discount his opinion as just him being an asshole who thinks that the only woman worth listening to is his wife.
43. "The Shadow pushed with all its might. Humankind did not have days remaining, but hours."
44. A bolt of balefire attacks their camp, and Demandred loudly taunts "Lews Therin" that he is hunting "a woman you love". Of course, Rand can't respond to any of that, no matter how loudly Demandred echoes it across the battlefield with the Power. Birgitte grabs Elayne so that they can get somewhere secret and safe to regroup from, since Elayne herself is the main target now.
45. Of course, Galad can hear the threats and knows that Demandred is actively hunting his sister, so now he has twice the reason to try to kill the man -- killing his brother and trying to kill his sister. In order to get Demandred to fight him directly, Galad loudly proclaims his relationship to Rand. "[The Dragon Reborn] is not here, but his brother is!" And now Galad and Demandred will duel.
46. Mat finds out from Bashere that no one has heard from Faile. He wonders how he can possible finish off this battle without help from the Horn of Valere. ...maybe you shouldn't have deserted from the Last Battle at the start of the book, Mat? Just a thought. Mat yells at Bashere, which makes him grin and his wife give Mat a fond look -- hey, Mat, bet they'd be willing to let you be a third, especially if you yell at Bashere some more. Still healthier than your marriage with Tuon! Give it some consideration!
47. "He needed an army. And a gateway. He needed a bloody gateway. Fool, he thought. He had sent the damane away. Could he not at least have kept one? Though they did make his skin crawl as if it were covered in spiders." God, this is the first time since Winter's Heart that the narrative has let Mat openly think about how fucking creeped-out he is by damane and what the Seanchan do with them! Mat was so incredibly disturbed by the damane kennels in WH and then in CoT & KoD, he acted like it was the sul'dam who had the raw end of the deal. So, yeah, Mat's first chapter in AMoL had brain-breaking teleportation and he forgot half of his characterization until he was finally allowed out of fucking Ebou Dar (RIP any hopes of an emotionally-resonant Cauthor reunion), but we have seen, over the course of the last few chapters, the slow return of how incredibly disturbed and creeped-out Mat was over the damane system. This was the thing that Jordan essentially made Mat forget in order to get him to be willing to suck face with Tuon at the end of KoD, so it's really nice to see it coming back to life. Finally.
Maybe Min will also remember at some point how fucking awful the damane system is.
48. Oh, Mat gets to reunite with Loial now? *insert annoyed grumbles about how Mat & Rand is pretty much the only important relationship that got completely cheated by how Sanderson decided to do the plotting of AMoL*
Since I mention Rand:
Those dice kept ratting in his head. He also felt a pull from the north, a tugging, as if some threads around his chest were yanking on him.
Now now, Rand, he thought. I'm bloody busy.
No colors formed, only blackness. Dark as a Myrddraal's heart. The tugging grew stronger.
Mat dismissed the vision. Not. Now.
I feel so cheated that this ends up giving me nothing that I wanted, thanks! Why did we bother! I am vibing with so much of Mat's PoV in this book now that we're out of Light-forsaken Altara but I'm so frustrated by how much Sanderson is teasing something that I already know I will not actually get.
49. Mat gets to reunite with Teslyn here. Not that I am not thrilled to have Mat reunite with Teslyn because I am, but it does... frustrate me all over again, how shallow and limp the Cauthor reunion ended up being, all happening in the shadow of the slaver ball-and-chain. Every time Mat gets a better reunion with someone else, I feel cheated about his reunion with Rand all over again. Anyway, Mat is so happy to see Teslyn that he could kiss her. (he does not)
Teslyn is going to take Mat, Loial, & co up to the Heights. My brain wants to find something symbolic in the fact that after Mat sends away Tuon & the damane, the first channeler that he runs into is Teslyn and she is the one who is enabling all his battleground hopping as he sends out order after order.
Something, something, wrong road vs right road.
Tylin... Tuon... Teslyn. Women that Mat met in Ebou Dar who have similarly rhythmic 'T' names. Tuon was jealous of Joline but it was Teslyn who started the ball rolling on Mat helping the Aes Sedai escape Ebou Dar.
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idk. Maiden, mother, crone vibes, but the maiden & the mother are both abusive?
50. Demandred and Galad duel; Demandred tries to taunt Galad about Gawyn's death in order to break his focus. Galad realizes that the main purpose of what he's doing here is keeping Demandred's focus off of the armies and off of Elayne. It's in Galad's best interests to last as long against Demandred as he can. Some more fighting happens but then Galad's arm gets cut off, and he too, has lost his duel against Demandred.
51. I've seen objections to Mat personally leading the fight at this point but -- the situation is pretty dire and his command tent was blown up. Maintaining a mobile unit and darting in and out of the battle seems like the best of the bad options at this point?
52. For the moment, Elayne and Birgitte are out of the direct line of the fight. Elayne is not currently flying her banner, but she's sent messages to her commanders to let them know she still lives. Then a fake band of refugees arrives, hiding Mellar, who still has his copy of the medallion and who is here because he is still obsessed with Elayne. She thinks here that he's "the one many people still assumed fathered her children". So Elayne sent out the "Rand is the baby-daddy" press release but some people actively chose to continue to believe that slimy Mellar was the daddy? Gross. He has, apparently, been trying to track Elayne down this entire time.
53. He kills Birgitte and the loss of the bond -- and the loss of her friend -- tears at Elayne. They also have another corpse -- a woman dressed to look like Elayne, with her hair color -- that they plan to parade around to pretend to everyone that Elayne is dead. His next plan is to cut her babies out of Elayne -- ah, this must be why we jumped her pregnancy so far ahead, so that it wouldn't be quite so ridiculous that her babies could be kept alive after this -- and TDO gets the kids while Mellar gets to keep Elayne.
54. Mat has requested that the Seanchan make their return to the battlefield but instead of doing that, Fortuona is taking some time to listen to her captains debate over the subject of returning. While people suffer and die on the battlefield.
55. ...Min thinks here, with no commentary, that a Captain Yulan "had been the one to lead the strike on Tar Valon". Do you... have any opinions on that, Min? No? No opinions. Okay, noted. Her only worry is that she's started to think of her viewings as 'omens'. She really does lose herself in other people so easily. For literally the first time ever, Min uses her viewings to try to suss out a spy. Wow, Rand would have found this extremely useful, Min! She notices that one of the random so'jihn (those are slaves, Min, btw, in case you've forgotten about the existence of slavery) has a bunch of images over her head the way that normally only Aes Sedai, Warders or ta'veren do.
56. Part of her wants to just try to stab the woman, but instead she goes to confront Fortuona, asking her to please define what a Truthspeaker is. Fortuona... reluctantly... allows that it's her job to call Fortuona out in public if she screws up. So Min turns to the Blood and says, "[Tuon] has abandoned the armies of humankind, and she withholds her strength in a time of need. Her pride will cause the destruction of all people, everywhere."
She calls out the member of the Blood that the spy has compelled while throwing a dagger at the spy -- which is caught mid-air using the Power. After Moghedien (I'm assuming) escapes, Min says that this shows that the Shadow is trying to keep them from the battle. "With that in mind, will you still pursue this course of indecision?"
57. Tuon does claim here that following this mandate that Min has pressed upon her is "follow[ing] what my heart would choose". Is that true? Who knows? At least she's going back. Tuon also seems to regret slightly that she's now placed someone into the position of Truthspeaker who doesn't have the kind of trained-in deference that Selucia had. Grass is always greener.
Question: does Tuon's 'heart' matter if she still actively chooses evil unless her feet are held to the fire? That is the sort of... moral question that I feel like should have been at play way earlier in the Mat & Tuon relationship. Sanderson is actually using the basic foundations of Mat & Tuon to much greater emotional complexity than we saw at work in CoT & KoD but because it's happened after we already saw that stagnant Tuon in those two books... it's hard for this to feel earned by the narrative. It works a lot better if I close my eyes and try to imagine that we had a better lead-up in the earlier books, lol.
58. Mat learns that Egwene has died (Blood and bloody ashes, Mat thought. Egwene. Not Egwene too? It hit him like a punch to the face.) and half the Aes Sedai have exhausted themselves too much to keep channeling but all the Sharan channelers have been taken out of the picture. Then we also witness Mat's coping mechanism in action -- when his mind wanders back to Egwene, he abruptly cuts the thought off. "No thinking of that right now". Instead, he forces his mind back to business and asks if they've gotten any new troops from Mayene, healed up and ready to fight again. Lan says that he'll check.
59. Then Mat digs in his saddlebags, pulling out Rand's banner, "the one of the ancient Aes Sedai" and he tells them, "Somebody hoist this thing up. We're fighting in Rand's bloody name. Let's show the Shadow we're proud of it."
So many things that could be said here. Frustrating how late this happens? I guess that's my main feeling here, which is a shame. I wish that it could feel more triumphant for me, but this is essentially where Mat already was before he had his weird teleportation to Ebou Dar at the start of AMoL, so it's mostly just me being frustrated that none of this was allowed to exist when Rand was actually here for Mat to interact with him. Mat's friendship with Rand disappeared from the narrative just long enough to avoid us actually getting any kind of emotionally-resonant scene between them and that just... will probably always be something that I will find deeply regretful about the choices Sanderson made in this book.
But I don't want to hold onto my frustration forever, I guess. Mat really has gotten a lot better over the last few chapters. I will choose to be glad that Mat has gotten to a better place again with Rand, even if it's still bizarre that he suddenly backtracked on him at the start of this book.
60. Mat is hoping that his luck will come through when another messager brings news. The Queen of Andor is reported dead. (Bloody ashes! Not Elayne! Mat felt a lurch inside. Rand... I'm sorry.) Just like with Egwene, though, he doesn't let any of that emotion show through to the soldiers, only asking the messenger who is now in charge of the battlefield.
61. He wonders if he might not be able to win even if the Seanchan do return. If it might not be better to let the Seanchan/Fortuona hunker down in Ebou Dar and... die anyway in a few weeks or months? lol, that's not a mercy for them, Mat. But he did just hear that two people he cares about deeply are dead, so I'll give him a little slack for momentarily wishing that he didn't have to call Tuon back to her potential death too, even if he's still never given me anything he actually likes about her besides "hot enough to have sex with".
...oh, and he then learns here that Lan disobeyed his orders and went off to head towards Demandred on his own.
But Mat moves forward with his plan anyway, even though he's fairly sure it won't be enough.
Horn of Valere Team (Faile; Olver)
Faile & co run across a camp in the Blasted Lands that is being used as a supply station for the Shadow's army.
Aravine betrays the group and is a Darkfriend. I am... struggling to remember who she is. brb, will check the wiki. ahhh, she's one of the people that Faile met while she was a captive of the Shaido; a fellow captive. Anyway, Darkfriend, and she finds the Horn in Faile's bag at this point and says that she will deliver it to "Lord Demandred". Olver gets free and stabs the woman who is keeping Faile captive.
Faile grabs a horse (miraculously, it is Bela) and gives chase after Aravine, soon joined by Harnan and Vanin. She accuses them of trying to steal the Horn but they protest that they were only trying to steal the tabac that they thought she was carrying, because Mat owes them money, and seeing the Horn in there came as a huge shock to them (which is why they dropped it and didn't take it with them when they ran).
She throws a knife at Aravine's back and recovers the Horn. She finds Olver again, but they are being hunted by the Shadow's forces, who now know they have the Horn. She gives the Horn to Olver and tells him to get it to Mat. Then she gets back on a different horse (not Bela), making sure that the sack she carries is obvious, and heads off on distraction duty.
So Olver has the Horn. He's pretty stressed because now he's all alone again, as the Darkfriends and Trollocs chase after Faile. "How brave he had thought himself. Now, here he was, finally at the battle. He could barely keep his hands from trembling. He wanted to hide, dig deep into the earth."
A Trolloc discovers him and Olver sees Bela still there and runs for her, wishing he had a horse that looked faster. He races towards where he can see Mat's banners on the horizon, but more Trollocs keep appearing. And Bela gets shot by a Trolloc arrow and goes down. He tries racing up the mountain to reach Mat's banners but they're so far away. He finds a crevasse and wedges himself into it, trying to push deep enough that he's out of the reach of the Trollocs. Poor kid. This is all incredibly traumatizing for him.
He couldn't stop shaking. He also couldn't make himself move. He trembled, terrified, as the beasts pried at him with filthy fingers, digging closer and closer.
Other Misc PoVs
We get a Tam PoV that continues to have zero acknowledgement of the whole "Tam knows he's going to be a grandfather" thing. It's just weird at this point.
Okay, what Uno thinks about Mat ("He still didn't understand why anyone would put Cauthon in charge of anything. He remembered that boy, always snapping at people, eyes sunken in his head. Half-dead, half-spoiled.") should also have been what Min remembered about Mat. The last time they both saw him was around that same time period of Falme, when Mat was deep in the grip of the dagger-sickness. This is the Mat that Min would have met!
Perrin wakes up and is told that they were able to heal him so that he wouldn't die and will recover but that's all they can do for him. Healing needs to be saved for other people too, so "your participation in the Last Battle is over". And then he goes back to sleep, but regular sleep this time.
Graendal collects Rhuarc as one of her pets. 😭
...why am I supposed to care that Demandred has feelings for women (or, I guess, A Woman)? I really have absolutely no reason to care about Demandred's love life. Why am I being told any of this? Was someone worried that readers would think Demandred was gay for obsessing so much over Lews Therin, so a "Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?" moment was thrown in to avoid that? It does seem put in to deliberately contrast for his, uh, "burning passion that was his hatred for Lews Therin".
Another possibility is that this is a relationship meant to foil/reflect Mat and Tuon's? Shendla sounds just as willfully delusional about her future with ~her Wyld~ as Mat always sounds when he's thinking about his Fictional Tuon Girl. "Oh, just because you do evil things and control an evil army of literal horrors doesn't make you evil, darling! Just because you own slaves command Shadowspawn doesn't make you bad, sweetheart! The evil things that you do don't define you! You can do evil things and be a super-great person! I believe in you!"
We get another Tam PoV where he doesn't think at all about his impending post-Last Battle grandfatherhood.
Our third Tam PoV. No acknowledgement of Elayne's pregnancy and how Rand has been announced to be the father. We have time for Tam to run into Lan and for Lan to be all "ah, the blademaster who gave Rand his sword earned the title" but no time to think about Tam's actual upcoming grandkids. It's so weird how disconnected Elayne's pregnancy manages to be from Rand's plotline even after Rand and her entire army all know about the pregnancy and that Rand is the father! Somehow, this plotline is still only considered relevant to Elayne herself and not relevant to Rand or Tam at all????
Androl pickpockets Taim for the true seals, I think? I feel like maybe Sanderson should have leaned into the pickpocketing thing for Androl. tbh, this plotline has felt pretty pointless, lol. The Asha'man could have just been part of the army in the other plotlines and nothing of value really would have been lost.
Okay so... why are the Sharan channelers such experts in war, anyway? Because it doesn't sound like they've constantly been having civil wars, the way that the Seanchan have, so where have they been getting their experience in fighting? You can't become an expert fighter in a vacuum.
The Band has been secretly hidden in caverns deep underground so that they can work on repairing the dragons (with Aludra's expertise guiding the way, of course), waiting on Mat's order (with Asha'man and gateways to get them out again) for them to attack once more.
The Tuatha'an work as battlefield triage, going through the bodies trying to find those who are only wounded and might be saved. "The Way of the Leaf was an easy master at times, providing a life of joy and peace. But a leaf fell in calm winds and in the tempest; dedication demanded that one accept the latter as well as the former."
Raen asks Ila what they would have asked these people to do, in the face of Trollocs. Ila says that they could have run. That there was no need for them to fight here, right at the cusp of the Blight. Raen says that the Trollocs would have followed. "We have accepted many masters. The Shadow might treat us poorly, but would it really be worse than we have been treated at the hands of others?" Ila asks, but Raen disagrees. "It would have been worse. I am not going to abandon the Way, Ila. It is my path and it is right for me. Perhaps... perhaps I will not think quite so poorly of those who follow another path." Ah. They're talking about/mourning Aram. Ila says, "I shouldn't have turned my back on him. I should have tried to help him return to us, not cast him out." She had always felt as if she knew the answers in life. Today, most of those had slipped from her. Saving a person's life though... that she could cling to. She headed back among the bodies, searching for the living among the dead.
Galad ends up in the Mayane hospital. I wonder if he still has his copy of the medallion. I assume he does. Not sure when he'd have had a chance to give it back.
Ah, asked and answered. Berelain finds the medallion around Galad's neck as he whispers "back to Cauthon", so she takes the medallion and heads off at a brisk pace.
Loial and Erith take a moment to rest together before the final charge of the Last Battle. Loial has managed to take notes here and there, for a story that he'd like to pretend that he'll still get to write. "There was no harm to such a little lie."
The night grows darker as Lan charges towards Demandred and we pass our final Tam PoV of this chapter... still no mention of the fact that he knows he's going to have grandkids. (or the news going through the army that Elayne is reported dead? or anything like that?)
18. Ah, Lan was the one who received the note from Berelain with the medallion - I do not know how Galad ended up with this, but I believe he wished me to send it to Cauthon. I wish that Lan had cleared this plan with Mat tbh! But anyway, Lan does have three things here as he faces off with Demandred: one that Gawyn had (he's a Warder, with that boost in endurance) and one that Galad had (a medallion to protect him from weaves) plus he also has twenty years of experience fighting at the side of an Aes Sedai in a quest to locate the Dragon Reborn. It sounds very much like his reasoning is the same as Gawyn and Galad as well -- this is a necessary job, and I'm a person who is already here and can be risked to do that job.
19. "Lan held nothing back." He knows that he can't afford to give Demandred time to think, so he just goes for a relentless assault. Demandred does pretty quickly figure out the 'just channel things at him' trick, so Lan is dealing with dodging rocks as well. Demandred is just so certain that anyone who can hold their own against him is Lews Therin! It's honestly been kinda the comic relief of this chapter.
20. Then he uses one of the lessons that he taught Rand (that Rand used in his battle against Ishamael in Falme) -- he deliberately lets Demandred stab him so that he can get close enough to stab his own sword through Demandred's throat.
The world grew dark as Lan slipped backward off the sword. He felt Nynaeve's fear and pain as he did, and he sent his love to her.
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Chapter Contents
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Hannah would never forget the moment she first laid eyes on a ginkgo tree. 
It was shortly after she’d stepped off the plane from England. Amidst waiting with her entourage, she spotted the fan-leaved deciduous hiding within a rush of Japanese maple. Its green coloring stuck out like a sore thumb beside their purple foliage, then Hannah saw the unique leaf shape. At the time it was early April. When autumn arrived, the ginkgo’s matcha green would turn a vivid gold not even the Temple of the Golden Pavilion could outshine.  
Charles Darwin once dubbed the ginko a “living fossil,” and indeed his description was appropriate. Ginkgos were one of the oldest surviving trees in existence, believed to date back some 200 million years, if not, longer. So much time and history passed down from seed to seed. Staring up at one was like staring at a cornerstone of creation; what came before us, what will be here after.
Hannah could list an encyclopedia of facts about ginkgos. For one, they were gymnosperms, which was a fancy-shmancy way of saying they were nonflowering and only reproduced via seeds exposed to pollen, rather than inside fruits. This placed them in the same division (clade) as cycads and conifers. However, because of their uniqueness and specificity, ginkgos belonged to their own nomenclature. You could also guess the age by its stem coloration; The greyer the branches, the older the tree.
A native species brought over from China, the ginkgo would become a popular symbol within Japanese culture, both in art and in politics. The first European to study the deciduous tree was a German naturalist and explorer by the name of Engelbert Kaempfer. Upon visiting a temple in Nagasaki around 1691, he enquired the name of the tree, having never seen one before. But the native dialect of his tour guide got lost in translation, and so, he wrote down “ginkgo,” much to the confusion of every modern day Chinese and Japanese, for the word did not exist. The true name of the ginkgo is the “maidenhair tree” (銀杏). Kaempfer’s mistake has never since been corrected.   
Though for those not born in East Asia, ginkgos were a gateway to someplace more, a sign you had ventured outside the world as you knew it. For Hannah, this meant her impending marriage to Satoru, the clan leader of the noble Gojo family, one of the Three Sorcerer Families of Japan. It meant a different country. It meant change.
Maidenhair, she thought. Fitting that she’d spotted one so quickly, as she was set to be a maiden no more. 
In time, Hannah would grow fond of the fan-leaved tree. It would shed its foreignness into something reminiscent of home; The Gojo estate was flush with ginkgo, drenching the house in nature’s botanical gold come October.
Which so happened to be now.
Hannah inhaled a deep breath as she readjusted her blanket, fighting off the early autumn chill. She should really stop doing this. It wasn’t smart to keep shoji panels open when the weather was cold; lets out all the heat. But she couldn’t help herself.
When the morning sun hit the forest at just the right angle, the mountainscape was too beautiful to ignore. It had to be witnessed by one’s own eyes.
Ginkgos. Maples. Japanese larches and pines.
She could stare at them for forever if she wanted, forgetting her worries and her cares. There was no place on earth more magical than Mt. Takao. 
She heard a soft grunt immminating behind her and the rustling of bedsheets. Hannah turned around.
She saw the Berllini statue in the shape of her husband, sound asleep on her futon, a living artwork of sculpted abs and muscle. They had slept in her room again last night and had optioned the floor. He was butt naked underneath the covers, torso barely covered from alternating positions in his sleep. His exposed skin looked soft to the touch. She could hear his gentle snoring, snowy white hair strewn every which way atop the pillow. He’d be needing it cut soon.
Hannah smiled, thinking back to last night. If she closed her thighs together, real tight, she could still feel him there, pulsing and incessant. The love they made must’ve tuckered the poor man out. Not even the cold had awoken him. 
Perhaps she should put some clothes on and head down to breakfast. Today was sure to be a busy one.  
Satoru grunted once more and rolled over to his other side. His back was to her now, except the blanket hovering around his torso fell away, giving her a full profile of his arse.
Mind you, it was a pretty great looking arse. God must’ve taken His sweet time sculpting glutes like that, goodness.
Hannah suppressed a giggle from her naughty thoughts and rose from her perch along the opened shoji. Keeping quiet so as not to disturb him, she tiptoed toward the slumbering Adonis and draped one end of the blanket over to conceal his nakedness. There, bare arse no more.
As if sensing she was near, Satoru began to stir. “Mmm, Hannah,” he slurred loosely. 
“Shh,” she hushed, crouching down to plant a comforting kiss on his temple. “Go back to sleep, darling.”
She had cast her spell, and the sorcerer drifted peacefully back to sleep.
And Hannah went back to staring at the golden ginkgos outside. 
She wouldn’t trade this life for anything.
This country. This beauty. Her darling.
Chapter Contents
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renard-dartigue · 7 months
My Sleep Token Creature Headcanons
These are ideas that came to me for the passed few weeks and wrote down:
The vessels aren't actually wearing black paint. That's Sleep's influence manifesting on their bodies.
They wear masks not to frighten their followers during rituals because Sleep has mutated them almost beyond recognition. But Vessel wears his mask to protect the audience.
Vessel has 6 pairs of eyes and his perception of reality is heightened. When off stage he only opens the middle row but can open the other sets whenever he wants, though he often gets dizzy doing it. When channeling Sleep's power he opens all three sets and they shine brightly. When using Sleep's power, Vessel can vaguely see the fabric of the universe, infinite strings of information flowing into his mind in bursts, fueling his creativity. However, or thankfully, Sleep heavily censures 99.9% of that information so that Vessel's brain doesn't shatter. Wearing his mask on stage is important because a gateway to Sleep manifest on his face. Staring directly into the gateway will cause people's eye's to explode and liquefy their brains.
II can hear and feel the rhythm of the universe. He can raise or lower the "volume" whenever and can allow others to hear it as well. During rituals, he taps into this rhythm, making them more effective. With his drumming and Vessel's incantations, they set the pace of the ritual, providing a safe connection between Sleep and our reality. If Vessel can see the strings of the universe, II can touch them, holding them out for Vessel to pluck. Outside of rituals, he will tap his foot or his fingers in sync with the universe, the actions are soothing to him. His heart beats to this rhythm.
III is a bit of a conundrum, even to himself. He is a shape-shifter but not in the traditional sense. His body shapes not into other people but impossible forms. He is still a tall lanky man, same as before he discovered Sleep. However, his body can stretch and contort in impossible ways. He can also change colors but red is the only one that manifests, blobs and patches shifting across his body. One might say his form is ever changing, like the universe itself.
IV being the newest addition to that band, his abilities manifested recently. Basicly, he has a taste for blood. But not in the traditional blood sucking way from ancient myths. Drinking blood seems to grant him knowledge almost similar to Vessel's but on a lesser scale. Blood brings Sleep closer to our world. Human and animal blood work, but human blood is more potent. Its effects are even stronger when someone willingly offers their blood to him, willing giving up a peice of one's lifeforce to Sleep.
All four of them can travel to a portion of the astral plain while dreaming, but only Vessel can go deeper without losing his mind.
They have many smaller ritual to communicate with Sleep but its takes a few nights before Sleep responds, the reply cryptic but satisfactory once they all figured it out.
The Vesselettes are the most mysterious, even to the vessels. Its not clear when they joined the band but it's likely the choir have grown so close to Sleep that they have transcended their humanity into beings beyond our understanding. They help Vessel with incantations so he doesn't get too overwhelmed channeling Sleep's power.
And that's about all I came up with heh.
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entheognosis · 8 months
The pineal gland has always been one of the most mysterious and elusive organs in the human body. Located deep in the center of the brain, it is shaped like a tiny pinecone and is only about the size of a grain of rice. Despite its small size, the pineal gland has played a big role in human history, and has been referenced by many ancient civilizations.
In ancient Egypt, the pineal gland was known as the "eye of Horus" and was regarded as the gateway to higher consciousness. The Egyptians believed that the pineal gland produced a mystical substance called 'the white oil of gold', which was said to have healing powers and could even grant immortality. They believed that by awakening the pineal gland, one could achieve a state of enlightenment and connect with the divine.
In ancient Greece, the pineal gland was referred to as the "third eye" and was said to be the seat of the soul. The philosopher René Descartes also believed in the importance of the pineal gland, and referred to it as the "principal seat of the soul".
Throughout history, the pineal gland has also been associated with various mystical and supernatural abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition. Many cultures believed that by activating the pineal gland, one could access higher realms of consciousness and tap into hidden knowledge and abilities.
Today, modern science has shed some light on the workings of the pineal gland, and we know that it plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake cycles and our overall health and wellbeing. We also know that the pineal gland produces a hormone called melatonin, which helps us fall asleep and stay asleep.
Despite this newfound understanding, the pineal gland remains a source of fascination and mystery, and its significance in human history cannot be denied. From ancient times to the present day, the pineal gland has been revered and celebrated as a gateway to higher consciousness and a source of divine wisdom and power.
Dutch Medicine Man
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