#Firefighting Teamwork
defensenow · 5 months
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twicecut · 8 months
thinking again about how good diego could've been as a firefighter. cop? yeah, that was his dream, but he should've known he wasn't cut out for that (too many authority issues, would have butt way too many heads running against the grain of cop culture). but a firefighter? i think he could've managed that.
he'd get to save people and he'd get his big adrenaline kick. win/win.
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staydandy · 5 months
The First Responders Season 2 (2023) - 소방서 옆 경찰서 그리고 국과수 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : The season continues to follow the joint operations of the police force, fire department, and paramedics. The three stations jointly respond to fierce scenes between crime, disasters and emergencies, showcasing their bravery and teamwork in the face of danger. (MDL) AKA : The Police Station Next to the Fire Station and National Forensic Service | The First Responders 2
Whumpee : Jin Ho Gae [detective] played by Kim Rae Won • Bong Do Jin [firefighter] played by Son Ho Jun • Kang Do Ha [NFS] played by Oh Eui Shik • Gong Myung Pil [detective, Ho Gae’s partner] played by Kang Gi Doong
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Action, Thriller, Mystery, Drama, Crime, Bromance
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Autopsy scenes are vivid. Be wary if you're squeamish. • Uh, yeah, I had a few rather emotional responses to some eps, you'll see a few of my thoughts in blue • TW : Animal Cruelty, Child Abuse
Related List : The First Responders Season 1 (2022) - Full List
Episodes on List : 11 Total Episodes : 12
*Spoilers below*
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left to right : Ho Gae, Do Jin, Do Ha, Myung Pil
01 : Jin Ho Gae falls several feet, connected to Bong Do Jin by a security rope, who's supporting him, hanging, suspended, unconscious … Ho Gae & Do Jin ditch their helmets & oxygen tanks, Ho Gae coughing from smoke … hand burned, treated
02 : (near end) Do Jin falls through a collapsed floor to the floor below, knocked out briefly
03 : (This episode hurts so much 😭 - literally in tears here 😭) Dead … [flashback] Hurt from the fall, trapped, surrounded by fire
04 : (near end) tw: animal cruelty
05 : (A new face appears; Kang Do Ha .. i don't trust u yet (ᓀ_ᓀ)) Kang Do Ha trips over himself & pushed off balance (comedic)
06 : (near end) tw:child abuse
07 : Blown back by an explosion, hits his head, knocked out briefly … (near end) Ho Gae swallows a handcuff key, retching
08 : … continued from previous ep. ... Do Ha has nosebleed, also leaking cerebrospinal fluid (protective brain fluid) from concussion … head pain, blurry vision, collapses … Ho Gae punched
10 : (near end) Gong Myung Pil blown back & severely burned from explosion.. painful treatment
11 : … continued from previous ep. ... Ambulance transport, hyperventilating from pain … [flashback] Ho Gae stabbed with a needle, drugged, passes out … [present] kidnapped, unconscious & transported in a coffin-like box … wakes, bleeding from a stitched incision behind his ear.. dizzy, blurry vision, collapses.. [flashback] surgery of microchip imbedded.. [present] electric shock from imbedded chip, pain, collapses … Myung Pil hospitalized … Ho Gae shocked with electricity from chip, falls off moped … chip removed on the field with no pain meds … forced to vomit (not shown) … dead (?? FUKIN EXCUSE ME?! WTF?? HOW DO U KILL OFF HO GAE?!?!) … Myung Pil wakes in hospital, collapses off bed … collapses in grief
12 : (@ 36:30 NOT DEAD, thank fuckin god! - that's right! fuk him up Ho Gae!) Ho Gae in fight; stabbed in leg, wounds stepped on, crate broken over his head.. Myung Pil & Do Ha blown back by explosion & collapsing wall … treated by paramedics … Ho Gae, Myung Pil, & Do Ha hospitalized (aw, they get to share a room 😆) … [flashback] walking with a crutch … [present] walking with a crutch
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xxavengingangelxx · 1 year
Long Way from Home 1/?
Ok, so here is chapter one of I don't know how many. I have 25 pages of this. My goal is to immerse the reader in this world and put them into the OC's shoes as she questions her sanity and breaks down. I don't know how it's going to end yet.
Same intro: 141's translator isn't able to escape after Graves's betrayal. He takes her, thinking she has information. Things go horribly. Stockholm Syndrome eventually sets in and our OC feels her 141 identity being ripped to shreds while a new one, possibly loyal to Shadow Company takes hold.
Idk how this is going to do because it's a darker fic. War Criminal Graves for sure. Really insecure about this one :/
READ: Trigger warnings (for the whole fic): Kidnapping, eventual dub-con, threatened rape, torture, mind fucking games, implied/referenced suicide, self-harm.
TAGS: Dub-con, violence, torture, implied/referenced suicide, self-harm.
You looked up at him as your vision became clearer. Your head was pounding. You realized you were lying in the street. Did someone hit you over the head? You couldn’t recall. Graves started shooting and everyone ran for cover or tried shooting back. You shot back maybe once or twice. Truth was you were terrified of Graves’s Shadows and wanted to get the hell away from them.
You were able to camouflage into the woods and managed to make it to the streets on your way to the agreed upon rendezvous point, which was planned in case just an event happened.
The coldness, hardness, and wetness of that same street took your attention away from the sharp pains seemingly crushing your skull. Raindrops made your vision blurry every now and then as they landed in your eyes.
But that didn’t stop you from glaring at Graves. If looks could kill the man would’ve dropped dead on the spot. After all the missions, all the teamwork, and especially all the nights spent with him…you felt disgusted.
But you still felt small, vulnerable, like prey, even with all your gear on. You were flat on your back surrounded by Shadows (demons)…and Graves. You were beginning to worry. Sure, you’d received the training required to tag along with the 141 but definitely not quite all of it. How the hell were you going to put up with being tortured for information or being held captive if it came to that?
“141’s translator.” Graves smirked. “Good to see ya again, Valdez. Been better though, yeah?”
You said nothing. The firefight had stopped although you didn’t know how much time had passed between the end of the fight and now. You only hoped Soap, Ghost, and Alejandro were okay. You didn’t know what all had happened. All you remembered is that gunshots rang out and everyone ran.
You apparently didn’t run fast enough.
“Where are your friends?” Graves commanded, looking down on you with his hands clutching his vest.
Arrogant bastard.
“I dunno,” you answered simply. “You kinda fucked everything up when you started shooting.”
He laughed. He sounded cruel.
“Where are they?”
“How the fuck would I know?”
“Don’t act. You had to have a rendezvous point.”
You remained silent.
Graves paused before saying, “Actually you know what? Let’s get outta this rain.”
Rough and careless hands grabbed your arms and pulled you into a sitting position, soaking the rest of your clothes.
“Watch it,” you snapped. “Cabron. No me vuelvas a tocar,” you added in your native tongue, demanding he not touch you again.
You heard Graves scoff from the inside of a dilapidated building. He then said, “Cuff ‘er and bring ‘er to me.”
You felt those same rough hands placed thick plastic zip ties around your wrists after pulling your arms behind your back and he pull them tight, almost painfully so. You were then pulled to stand in the same coarse manner before being led into a building that looked like it was barely standing. It had been gutted inside and out. The same Shadow shoved you and you fell onto your knees and shin hard in front of Graves. You felt your knees scrape and bleed.
“Forgot how good you look on your knees,” he smirked. He reached towards you and you almost bit him. He ripped your radio off, also taking your earpiece with it and cutting your ear. He gave it to one of his men, telling them to get rid of it.
You ignored what Graves had said because how could he fucking forget when you’d just seen him last night? You instead decided to temporarily focus your anger on the Shadow that had roughed you up earlier. “Fuckin’ asshole,” you snapped at the faceless man. “Tu mama no te enseño que los hombres no les pegan a las mujeres?” You then shot back, asking him if his mother never taught him that men don’t hit women.
“Now you need to knock that Spanish shit off,” Graves mentioned. “You’re in the presence of Americans so speak English.”
You said nothing, only scowled at him even though he was currently towering over you.
He laughed. “Still got that mouth on you I see. Good for telling others off, translating, and…other things, too, huh?”
You felt your cheeks blush but out of anger. Your ears felt hot despite the cool rainy night. Apparently Graves liked to kiss and tell. The fact that the last time you’d slept with him was right before this mission left you feeling absolutely disgusted. You felt like he’d raped you in a way as he didn’t tell you who he really was.
“Where’s 141?” He asked again, standing before you and again reaching up to grasp his vest. You saw that lines or scratches and scars lined his forearms.
“I told you I don’t know.” You paused before adding, “Si te lo digo en español lo entenderás mejor? No se.” You asked if you telling him in Spanish might help him understand better.
“You really need to start cooperating here,” He walked about you in a circle and you felt like he was a wolf circling injured prey.
“I don’t know, man!” You snapped. “We all had to run for cover when you and your goons started shooting.” You paused before adding, “Heard they knocked a few of your Shadows off.”
One of the Shadows from behind you kicked you and your vest roughly, almost making you fall sideways. You gave a scowl in that general direction before focusing back on Graves. “You’ve been planning this shit for awhile haven’t you?”
“Look at you, so perceptive,” Graves cooed. It was creepy. “All I did was told them I was in charge and they didn’t like it.”
“So you betrayed them?”
“No, no,” he stopped dead in front of you again and knelt so you were both at eye level. His eyes were cold, icy, like the arctic. You smelled blood and gunpowder and you wondered if it was his blood or some of your teammates’. You silently prayed they were okay. His eyes had never looked like that before. “They betrayed me.”
You laughed callously. “Bullshit,” You tried to stop yourself from saying the next thing but it was said before you even knew it. “You’re a traitor, Graves. And a fucking war criminal.”
With that he smacked you across the face. Hard. You cried out, tasting blood. You shook your hair from your face and turned back in his direction.
“So you hit women, too now?” You gasped, spitting blood in between his boots as he kneeled in front of you. “At the very least you have treason and usurpation.”
“It doesn’t need to be this way. I need to know where they are.”
“Why, to kill them?”
“Nah, I wanna keep ‘em,” he added threateningly. “Some brainwashing and they’d make a good team for me.”
“Go to hell, fuckin’ traitor.”
He reached out, grasping your hair so tightly you yelped. He tilted your head up to make sure you made eye contact with him.
“If you use that word again I will kill your friends when I find them. Not before I kill you in front of them first, though.” He didn’t break eye contact, almost expecting a reply from you. “Are we really gonna have to do this the hard way?”
You didn’t speak.
“Fine,” he responded. He stood up, his height allowing him to tower over you again. He drew his sidearm and pulled the hammer back, placing a bullet in the chamber.
So this is how you were going to die. On bloodied knees in front of what you now considered an enemy combatant. He placed the gun to your head and you felt the cold barrel through your thin, wet hair.
“Call them,” Graves demanded.
You weren’t expecting it when he hit you with his sidearm across the side of your face. You screamed in pain, falling flat on the floor. You vision was blurry and the sounds around you were going in and out. You saw him step closer is you flinched, mumbling, “Don’t!” When you thought he was about to kick you. Graves grabbed your vest and hauled you back to your knees.
“Call them,” Graves commanded again, his voice louder in volume and deeper in tone.
“I can’t,” you gasped, your head throbbing. You shut your eyes, wanting to be anywhere else but here. You opened them and you were still there, effectively being tortured.
Graves stepped out in front of you. It was dead silent, the only sounds being the crickets and the rain. You met his eyes trying to muster any sympathy. You were likely concussed at least two times over and you were in pain. His eyes didn’t soften and his men didn’t even flinch. Were they seriously okay with this?!
He raised the gun at your chest.
And he fired.
The force of the bullet forced you onto your back and you felt ribs possibly break underneath your vest. You yelled in pain as you found yourself glancing up at the ceiling of the gutted building you were in. Your vest had stopped the bullet from penetrating but it still hurt like a motherfucker.
“Get ‘er back up and take her vest off,” you heard Graves tell one of his men.
Your body protested as you were again hauled up on your knees. The Velcro of your vest easily gave way to the strong arms ripping it open. It was tossed aside. You wanted to ask them to at least have some respect for the American flag on your vest but your energy was sapped. It was focused on staying quiet and surviving.
He was kneeling in front of you again and you wondered if he was going to shoot you point blank because he wanted to look in your eyes as you died. Pulling at your zip ties was useless.
Graves reached into his vest and pulled a large, black knife.
“You’re torturing a captive!”
“There’s the military and me,” Graves stated simply. “I’m not as bound by the rules.” He then leaned forward and sliced through your uniform shirt. Underneath all you had on was a pink tank top. He signaled to one of his men who then knelt directly behind you and pulled you up off your shins and onto solely your knees. He grasped your chin from behind and pulled up, forcing your line of sight up and away from Graves. Graves was completely out of view and you had no fucking idea what he was going to do.
“What’re you doing?!” you voice broke as you began panicking.
“I’m about to scar that pretty body if you don’t talk or call your friends.”
“I don’t know! I don’t!” you yelled out desperately. “You know I can’t do that to them,” you sniffled.
The first cut was deep but not deep enough to cause vital injuries. It went from your collarbone to just over your heart. At this point you just sputtered and cried.
“Either tell me where they are or call them.”
“I can’t!”
“No, you’re choosing not to.”
“I don’t know, I don’t fucking know!” Your breath came out in hurried, panicked gasps.
“Sounds like a rehearsed response to me,” The second cut Graves inflicted mirrored your first except it was on the opposite side of your chest. You couldn’t help it. You screamed.
“Graves what the fuck!” Your words echoed Soap’s from not too long ago. You believed you heard him sheathe his knife, presumably without cleaning it, almost as if he wanted your blood to adorn his vest.
“Let her go,”
The Shadow behind you released his grasp and you immediately fell onto your knees and shins, Doubling over in pain. Your once-pink tank top was covered in blood and the cuts on your chest would need stitches at the minimum.
“Hmm, they must not care about ya anymore,” Graves taunted. “Maybe you should come work for me.”
“Never, fuck you,”
“There’s that attitude again,” he laughed callously. “But you have to admit that would be a neat trick.” His voice was sickly sweet as he added, “Imagine that. You at my beck and call before I sicced you on 141.”
“Never,” you repeated.
“We could really, really use you,” Graves stood back up. “You speak Spanish, have experience with surveillance, countersurveillance, know the culture…”
“You wish,” you sighed.
“Well if this isn’t working and asking nicely isn’t working, we can try something else.”
You were past trying to hold back tears. Luckily your dark hair hid your face. You started at the ground, not daring to meet his gaze. With what he had said earlier you were scared another look at him would brainwash you. We circled you again and you couldn’t help but flinch when he got close.
“You and I had a pretty good working relationship, didn’t we?”
You didn’t answer.
“Answer me, soldier,” he demanded.
“Yes,” you snapped. “Not anymore.”
“You’re right not anymore. Maybe soon though.” He paused, scoffing before adding, “Didn’t we also agree to have certain friends with benefits activities?”
“Fuck you,” you half sobbed.
“Yeah you actually did,” there was that cold laugh again. He continued walking around you in a circle as you watched blood drip onto your dark pants.
This was humiliating.
“Man you worked wonders with that little mouth of yours,”
“Argh!” the yell came from your lips loudly. You were frustrated, concussed, in pain, had been betrayed, and now you were finding out that man you were starting to have feelings for was betraying not only but everyone. “You’re so fucking disgusting!” You shouted, raising your gaze to glare at him.
“How ‘bout a repeat?”
Your glare lost its edge for one of surprise and fear. Was he talking about…
“I’ll go first and they,” he signaled around to his men, adding, “Then they’ll go next. And if you keep pretending not to know we can make things…invasive. How’s that sound?”
“Jesus Christ, Graves,” you whispered, “you’re talking about torturing and raping a captive.” Your voice sounded weak, fearful.
“It’s up to you,” Graves shrugged. “You can stop this anytime you want. Or if you really wanna get laid without admitting it you can keep not talking.”
You whimpered.
“I mean, think about it,” Graves knelt in front of you again, keeping that sadistic blue gaze locked onto your darker one. “It’d happen right here when anyone can see what a fuckin’ slut you are. No one would help, either. They’d just watch it happen.”
You cried because what the hell else could you do? You weren’t used to this. You translated for fuck’s sake. You wouldn’t have ever imagined you’d be captured. Not in your worst nightmares. That was something for the movies, for fiction books.
“Keep up the charade and you’re going to suffer. I promise.” He glared at you with those blue-grey emotionless eyes. “I mean hell when I get sick of ya they’ll pass you around however the fuck they want to. I’m sure they’d love to have a shot at a 141 bitch.”
“Fuck yeah,” a Shadow said from behind you. “She’s a cute little thing. Love to see her cry some more.”
You were floored. How was this happening?
“Graves—” you started.
“Commander Graves to you from now on.”
“Commander Graves. I don’t know. Even if I did, they’ve moved on. They’re mobile,” you tried to reason. “I’m of no use to you.”
You saw his jaw muscle clench. “No, you’re gonna be useful, trust me.”
Your hopes that he would just untie you and send you back to 141 bloodied, beaten, and tortured to send a message fell to zero.
“Pick her up and bring her with us,”
“Fuck no, man,” you shook your head. You knew that you under no circumstances could you allow them to take you to a second location. It dropped your chances of survival to almost zero.
You were pulled to your feet roughly and you suddenly felt a wave of nausea. You were definitely concussed.
“Take her vest. Leave her name tag.” Graves wanted to send a message: she’s alive…come get her before I rip her to shreds.
The Shadow who pulled you up whispered hot and heavy in your ear through his mask. He had to lower himself to your level he was so tall. “Cry some more for me.”
He was so close to you, so close to your face you tried to bite him. “Try me, asshole.”
Graves, further again, laughed. A few other Shadows chuckled. Not because it was funny but because they were probably thinking: awe, how cute…she thinks she can take us.
You pulled and struggled and screamed and cursed. They easily kept control of you. They were too tall and too strong. They tossed you in the backseat of a black Tahoe and your cursed inwardly when you failed to get the plate.
Graves got in on the other side of the backseat. He easily reached over you, grabbing your seatbelt.
“Don’t! Don’t you fucking touch me!” you yelled.
The doors slammed shut and two more of his team got up front.
The van took off and you heard your seatbelt click into place.
You glanced in his direction. Your glare was gone. You were about to resort to pleading when you thought of one more idea. The windows were so dark you couldn’t see anything but you had to try.
You quickly leaned sideways towards Graves. The quick movement threw him off and he didn’t react immediately. It put you in a position to where you could kick the window. One, two, three kicks before Graves grabbed your hair, pulling you upright.
“You need to stop,” he warned darkly. “You almost broke my window.”
The cracked glass might be of some use and so you screamed. Screamed for help. You didn’t mention names but you just screamed for anyone to help.
“If she doesn’t shut up we’re gonna get pulled over,” someone said from the front. “There’s a few non-corrupt cops out here ya know.”
You felt a gloved hand tangle itself further in your hair and the other gloved hand place itself over your mouth.
“Hand me that,” you heard Graves say.
You tried biting but the gloves were too thick.
Graves untangled his hand from your hair and produced a roll of duct tape. “You need to stop biting,” he said darkly. You decided you would keep biting and scratching and kicking.
Using no gentleness at all, he wrapped the thick, suffocating tape over your mouth and around your head, effectively silencing you completely.
“Shut up,” he snapped.
And with that you gave up. You were going to die. You only hoped the US would at least get your body. Things quieted down. Graves worked on a laptop while the other two Shadows up front chatted about nothing in particular. It seemed like hours passed and your head injury wasn’t letting you keep track of the twists and turns.
Exhaustion and your concussion got the best of you and you surrendered to the darkness.
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Transformers Random Headcanons:
During their time on Earth: the Autobots picked up on human habits. Good and bad.
Humor: Bee picks up a love for cheesy jokes and movie references, much to Optimus' exasperation. Arcee develops a dry wit, delivering one-liners that leave the Decepticons sputtering.
Curiosity: Bulkhead becomes fascinated with human inventions, tinkering with old radios and trying to understand the mechanics of a toaster. Ratchet, ever the scientist, finds human medical advancements intriguing.
Empathy: Optimus Prime, already a leader who values life, becomes even more empathetic after witnessing human compassion. He encourages the Autobots to understand human emotions.
Teamwork: The Autobots, already a team, learn new forms of collaboration from human military operations. They incorporate human tactics into their own strategies.
Selflessness: Inspired by firefighters and first responders, the Autobots develop a deeper sense of selflessness, putting the protection of others above their own well-being.
They all pick up on human swear words (They’re working on getting better).
Social Media Addiction: Bumblebee, with his playful personality, could become obsessed with social media, constantly checking his energon-powered equivalent of a phone and neglecting his scouting duties. This could lead to some close calls where the Decepticons almost catch the Autobots off guard.
Optimus Prime: Ever the logical leader, Optimus would likely approach fictional stories with caution. He might research the origins of these stories, recognizing the elements of storytelling and mythmaking within human cultures. While he wouldn't dismiss them entirely, he wouldn't believe them as literal truths either.
Bumblebee: This impulsive bot would be more likely to take fictional stories at face value. He might become obsessed with finding Bigfoot or encountering a real ghost, dragging the other Autobots on wild goose chases based on legends and folklore.
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yabagofmilfs · 8 months
So in Australia we have a thing called the Rural Fire Service (RFS) which is made up entirely of volunteers and operates in rural areas not covered by the urban fire and emergency services. One of our former prime ministers is one, so fame is no obstacle (he sucks otherwise but he ate with that one thing). The RFS fight property fires and bushfires, but they also do community outreach and education, hazard prevention, and disaster management response like coordinating evacuations.
My question is: does Canada have an equivalent and if so, how quickly will Sid sign up post-retirement? Because it’s got all his boxes ticked imo; disappearing into the wilds of Nova Scotia ✔️, able to spend most of his days skating/psychosexually tormenting Nate/coaching timbits ✔️, occasionally going to schools and preaching about fire safety ✔️, getting an emergency call and leaping into his sexy firefighter uniform to go fight fires and be a quiet under the radar everyday hero ✔️, helping little old ladies and their cats evacuate to safety ✔️, being treated like one of the guys™️ in an adrenaline filled teamwork environment ✔️✔️✔️
Do u see my vision
I DO, and i assure you that whether he's let himself think about it or not (probably not), sid sees it too.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, do GI Joe and Cobra exist somewhere in the Viron cluster?
Dear Real Anime Hero,
Indeed they do! Under the purview of the United States military, the G.I. Joe Rescue Corps worked tirelessly to combat the evil terrorist organization Cobra, who caused disaster from the shadows. By inoculating key individuals with their behavior-altering "Venom" serum, Cobra could engineer crises such as dam breaks, reactor meltdowns, bank robberies, and forest fires. When the call came in—"YO JOE!"—it would be up to Sergeant Duke and his emergency response team to fight back and save the day!
To challenge the dragon cult's mystic brainwashing and command over the elements, G.I. Joe was equipped with state-of-the-art high-tech vehicles—like Duke's "Attack Cruiser", a weaponised police car and peacekeeping machine. Joining him were the serious-minded pilot Scarlett, who flew the "Sky Hawk" helicopter; empathetic paramedic Lifeline, who drove the "Road Defender" ambulance; hot-headed firefighter Hot Zone, who drove the "Inferno Engine" firetruck; and boisterous construction worker Heavy Duty, who operated the "Drill Bit" mining machine. Depending on the mission, they would sometimes be joined by laid-back coast guard Beach-Head, who used the "Wave Crusher" hovercraft, and stubborn engineer Steamhammer, who drove the "Silver Streak" train. With General Tomahawk's tech-savvy son, Vinnie, backing them up at Rescue Corps headquarters, they used teamwork and ingenuity to defend the free will of every citizen.
Most curiously, the confrontations fought between these iterations of G.I. Joe and Cobra are repeated in an entirely separate timeline, deep in the megaverse! There, it was not Sergeant Duke who fought Cobra, but rather Officer Morishita of the Shinsei Foundation who investigated and counteracted the machinations of the Black Dragon Empire. Events played out almost identically between these two timelines, but where Duke had utter conviction, Shun Morishita was gripped with doubt over whether the Black Dragon Empire's rituals truly held sway over the minds of men—or if it was simple human apathy and incompetence which precipitated these daily emergencies.
This version of events may already be known to you! They are recounted in Kinkyuutai Shinsaver, a Toei anime and accompanying toy series from the year 2000. In certain markets, pleased with the cost-effectiveness of importing Car Robots for western audiences as Robots in Disguise, Hasbro would then do the same for this series—adding their own iconography and references that might be more recognisable, along with two new toys designed from scratch to fit the more militarized concept: the "Night Raven" stealth jet piloted by Snake Eyes, and General Tomahawk's "Super Slugger" battle tank. The line was unpopular with existing fans in the US, as the gimmick-heavy vehicles and 2" figures with limited articulation did not scale nicely with their older toys, but it sold well with its target audience, and the vehicles' action features went on to inspire similar gimmicks in Transformers: Armada toys developed later that year.
Anyway, I can see why you might not at first draw the connection to the continent-spanning battles between Optimus Prime's Autobots and Megatron's Predacons, as these groups never directly interacted at the time. It was only many years later that hidden "Ask Vector Prime" text in Transformers: Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II would declare that both Transformers: Robots in Disguise and G.I. Joe: Rescue Corps, together with A.T.O.M. - Alpha Teens on Machines, all took place in the same universal stream, Viron 901.8 Alpha.
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cranberrymoons · 2 months
Do we know why Eddie choose to become a firefighter after coming to LA?
yeah! he talks about missing the teamwork part of being in the army, and in his Begins episode there's a line about him having offers from departments in a few different cities, so I think he was probably looking for fire jobs all over the place and not just in LA
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xstrike · 2 months
Top 10 Fun and Educational Kids Activities in Dubai
Dubai, a vibrant city known for its luxurious lifestyle and architectural marvels, is also a haven for children. With a plethora of fun and educational activities, it offers an enriching experience for kids of all ages. Whether you're a resident or a tourist, here are the top 10 kids activities in Dubai that blend fun with learning, ensuring a memorable time for your little ones.
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Xstrike UAE
For those looking for action-packed indoor activities near me, Xstrike UAE is the perfect spot. This state-of-the-art tactical entertainment center offers an immersive experience that combines the thrill of video games with physical activity. Kids can learn about teamwork, strategy, and problem-solving while having a blast.
- Tactical entertainment
- Immersive gaming experience
- Promotes teamwork and strategy
Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo
Located in The Dubai Mall, the Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo is a must-visit for families. Kids can marvel at the 10-million-liter tank, home to thousands of aquatic animals, including sharks and rays. The underwater zoo offers educational insights into marine life, making it both an exciting and learning experience.
- Glass-bottom boat rides
- Interactive sessions with marine biologists
- Shark diving experiences
Kidzania, also situated in The Dubai Mall, is an interactive mini-city where children can role-play various professions. This unique concept allows kids to learn about different careers while having fun. From being a doctor to a firefighter, Kidzania provides a realistic and engaging environment for kids to explore and develop new skills.
- Over 80 role-playing activities
- Realistic city layout
- Educational and entertaining
Dubai Science Park
Dubai Science Park is an excellent destination for young minds curious about science and technology. The park offers interactive exhibits and hands-on experiments that make learning fun and engaging. It's a fantastic way to spark interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects.
- Interactive science exhibits
- Hands-on experiments
- Educational workshops
Green Planet
For a taste of the rainforest in the heart of Dubai, head to the Green Planet. This indoor tropical rainforest is home to over 3,000 plants and animals. Kids can learn about different species and ecosystems, making it an educational adventure. The Green Planet also offers interactive sessions with biologists, enhancing the learning experience.
- Indoor tropical rainforest
- Over 3,000 species
- Educational biologist-led tours
Dubai Dolphinarium
Dubai Dolphinarium offers an opportunity for kids to interact with dolphins and seals. The live shows are not only entertaining but also educational, providing insights into marine life and conservation. The Dolphinarium also offers swimming sessions with dolphins, making it a memorable experience for children.
- Dolphin and seal shows
- Educational marine life insights
- Swimming with dolphins
Children’s City
Located in Creek Park, Children’s City is a dedicated learning center for kids. It features interactive exhibits on various subjects such as space exploration, human body, and international cultures. The center also includes a planetarium, adding to the educational value. It's an excellent place for children to learn through play.
- Interactive learning exhibits
- Planetarium
- Focus on space, science, and cultures
LEGOLAND Dubai is a theme park designed specifically for families with children aged 2-12. It offers a range of rides, shows, and attractions based on the iconic LEGO bricks. The park promotes creativity and problem-solving skills, making it a fun and educational outing for kids.
- Over 40 LEGO-themed rides and attractions
- Water park
- Creativity and problem-solving focus
IMG Worlds of Adventure
As the world's largest indoor theme park, IMG Worlds of Adventure provides a variety of thrilling rides and attractions based on popular cartoon characters and superheroes. The park is divided into themed zones, each offering a unique experience. It’s a fantastic place for kids to enjoy and learn through interactive exhibits.
- Four themed zones
- Cartoon and superhero attractions
- Interactive exhibits
Dubai Miracle Garden
Dubai Miracle Garden is a floral wonderland, featuring over 50 million blooming flowers arranged in stunning designs. It’s a great place for kids to learn about different types of flowers and plants. The garden also includes a butterfly garden, adding to the educational experience.
- Over 50 million flowers
- Butterfly garden
- Educational on flora and fauna
Dubai offers a wide range of activities that are both fun and educational for kids. From exploring the wonders of the underwater world at the Dubai Aquarium to role-playing various professions at Kidzania, there is something for every child’s interest. These activities not only entertain but also provide valuable learning experiences, making Dubai a top destination for family fun. So, the next time you search for kids activities in Dubai or indoor activities near me, you’ll know exactly where to go for a perfect blend of fun and education.
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defensenow · 5 months
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 months
20 Q's for 20 Authors
i wasn't actually tagged by anyone, but i saw it floating around and i was bored
1. How many works do you have?
on ao3 it's 95, but there are a few more on tumblr that i never posted anywhere else
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
whew, a ton.
4. What are your top 5 fics by notes?
on tumblr:
tomato faced
a little fashion show
just for tonight
the palace guards
on ao3:
perfect little toy
various spencer reid blurbs
5. Do you respond to comments?
i mostly just respond to the comments made in reblogs (mainly because that is the best way to support a writer here on tumblr)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
maybe the murder at evergreen university? that might be as sad of an ending as i've ever gone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmm... i mean, most of them tbh. i'm a fan of wrapping things up in a nice hug, especially if I've brought the drama.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
luckily, not really, it's extremely rare and the few times it has happened i don't recall it really having anything to do with the story itself. just someone having a tough time took it as an excuse to get it out on someone and something not relevant to what they're going through.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, i very much do. many many kinds, i think it might be easier to make a list of the few genres of it i don't roll around in then the many i do.
10. Do you write crossovers?
yes. not often, but i have. the murder at evergreen university and its prequel sour summer for one was a major one that took me a long time to write. if i've written others then i don't remember, but i'd love to do more.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge and it is legit one of my worst nightmares.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
never really been a big shipper, so i don't have a go to answer for this, sorry
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh boy, there are multiple....
there is this one i've had going for ages, but i've never found the right fictional hottie to center it around. it's a historical one where it's basically farmer's daughter x farmhand
i also have a firefighter!bucky x paramedic!reader series that is essentially all fleshed out, but i've never gotten to
some smutty one shots and blurbs for each of the dudes in the murder at evergreen university. i even reference them in the story, but i never got to finishing them...
and even more, i mean, the list just goes on, but those were just the tops off my head.
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and knowing when to shut up
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i'm dyslexic lol, that brings enough relevant "weaknesses"
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i like it if it makes sense for the story and if the foreign language is grammatically correct and stuff and not just whatever google translate has spat out.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
criminal minds
20. Favorite fics you’ve written?
the eflorr trilogy
the murder at evergreen university
no pressure tags: @chvoswxtch @inklore @fettuccin-e @ghostlyfleur @oncasette @mypoisonedvine @appocalipse @vhagarlovebot @slvttyfied @venuslore @fushic0re
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safeguardsfety · 5 months
Fire Safety Training for Oil and Gas Industry Workers in Nigeria
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In the bustling landscape of Nigeria's oil and gas industry, ensuring robust fire safety measures is paramount. The high-risk nature of these operations necessitates rigorous training for workers to effectively prevent, manage, and respond to fire incidents. This article delves into the importance of fire safety training in nigeria for oil and gas industry workers in Nigeria, emphasising key practices, certifications, and regulatory compliance.
Understanding the Risks
The oil and gas sector in Nigeria is inherently susceptible to fire hazards due to the presence of flammable substances, high-pressure equipment, and complex industrial processes. Fire incidents can lead to catastrophic consequences, including injuries, environmental damage, and production downtime. Comprehensive fire safety training equips workers with the knowledge and skills to identify risks, mitigate hazards, and respond swiftly in emergencies.
Regulatory Requirements and Standards
Nigeria has established stringent regulations and standards for fire safety in the oil and gas industry. Compliance with these guidelines is mandatory to ensure workplace safety and environmental protection. Fire safety training programs adhere to national and international standards, such as NFPA, OSHA, and ISO, to provide industry-specific insights and best practices.
Importance of Fire Safety Training
Effective fire training in nigeria goes beyond theoretical knowledge; it involves practical exercises, simulations, and hands-on experience to instil confidence and competence among workers. Training modules cover various aspects, including fire prevention, extinguishing techniques, emergency evacuation procedures, use of firefighting equipment, hazard communication, and first aid response.
Tailored Training Programs
Recognizing the diverse roles and responsibilities within the oil and gas sector, fire safety training programs are tailored to address specific job functions. For example, offshore workers undergo specialised training focusing on maritime firefighting, helicopter evacuation protocols, and offshore platform safety. Onshore personnel receive training tailored to refinery operations, storage facilities, and pipeline infrastructure.
Practical Fire Drills and Simulations
Simulating real-life scenarios through fire drills and simulations is a crucial component of fire safety training. Workers participate in mock drills to practice fire response tactics, evacuation routes, communication protocols, and teamwork under pressure. These simulations enhance preparedness, decision-making skills, and coordination during emergencies.
Certification and Accreditation
Obtaining fire safety certification is essential for oil and gas industry workers in Nigeria. Accredited training providers offer certified courses, such as Fire Prevention and Firefighting (FPFF), Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET), Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET), and Industrial Firefighting Training. These certifications validate competence and compliance with industry standards.
Continuous Learning and Updates
Fire safety training is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires continuous learning and updates. Industry advancements, technological innovations, regulatory changes, and lessons learned from past incidents necessitate regular refresher courses, competency assessments, and knowledge reinforcement among workers.
Collaboration with Emergency Response Teams
Effective fire safety training involves collaboration with internal emergency response teams (ERTs) and external fire fighting agencies. Workers undergo joint training exercises, drills, and tabletop simulations with ERTs to enhance coordination, communication, and mutual support during emergencies. This collaborative approach ensures a cohesive response and minimises response time in critical situations.
Safety Culture and Behavioral Awareness
Beyond technical skills, fostering a safety culture and promoting behavioural awareness is integral to fire safety training. Workers are educated on risk perception, hazard recognition, situational awareness, safety protocols, and personal protective equipment (PPE) usage. Encouraging a proactive approach to safety empowers workers to identify potential hazards and take preventive measures proactively.
Continuous Improvement and Incident Analysis
Post-training evaluations, incident analysis, and lessons learned sessions contribute to continuous improvement in fire safety practices. Feedback mechanisms, safety audits, and corrective actions help identify gaps, address challenges, and implement preventive measures to mitigate fire risks effectively.
In conclusion, 
fire certification in nigeria for oil and gas industry workers in Nigeria is a cornerstone of workplace safety, operational resilience, and regulatory compliance. By investing in comprehensive training programs, certifications, practical simulations, and collaborative initiatives, companies can safeguard their workforce, assets, and reputation while fostering a culture of safety excellence in the dynamic energy sector.
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gvngsigns · 7 months
open to: f / m / nb. plot: back from an intervention, alec calls your muse out for risking their life during a rescue. could be just colleagues or maybe more?muse: alec knox, 28-31, volunteering firefighter and personal trailer.
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"you put everyone in danger when you walked back into that building. what if the building had actually collapsed while we were in there?" alec held teamwork high in regard, so naturally he had followed his colleague into the burning apartment block even after their captain told them they were to withdraw because of safety reasons. he wouldn't admit it, but he was partly pissed off at himself too. "we could've died in there because you're too stubborn to follow orders."
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karlyanalora · 2 years
Dead on Your Feet
Read on AO3
Once upon a time, there was a little boy that was taught weakness was unacceptable, and limits were made to be broken. The little boy’s new family tried to teach him differently, but some things are harder to unlearn than others. Especially when the greater good is placed on a pedestal.
It had been one crisis after another, all hands on deck. Yes, Father had sent him to bed many times, but Damian knew there was more he could be doing, so he did it. But things had finally calmed down, and Damian needed only to complete this last patrol before he could sleep. He knew the others were exhausted as well, that there was no point in his complaining and asking to shirk this responsibility. It had been his choice to forgo sleep when it was offered, and he would deal with the consequences.
Father had been wounded and was unable to patrol, so Grayson had volunteered to assist Damian tonight. He does not seem pleased, undoubtedly wishing he could be in his own bed at the moment. Damian himself was nearly overcome with the urge to sleep until the next world-ending crisis, but he could do this. He had to.
He was standing on the rooftop when it happened, a feeling like bursting out of the water after a deep dive, and after it passed, he realized he’d just missed what Grayson had been saying. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on what Grayson was still saying.
“-so we need to keep an eye out for him.”
Damian nodded. “Of course.”
Grayson nodded and leaped to the next roof, grapple flying and carrying him smoothly over. Damian was horrified to find he stumbled a bit with firing his, and while he stuck the landing, it hurt a bit. A few minutes later, they spied a thief fleeing a corner store with his ill-gotten goods. Robin chased after him doggedly in an undeviating straight line, ignoring Nightwing’s instructions until the older man dropped on top of the thief from a nearby roof, and it became blatantly obvious that the less direct path of pursuit was far more effective.
“You don’t have to do this alone, Robin,” Nightwing chided. “Teamwork makes the dreamwork,” he added sarcastically.
“I had him,” Damian snapped. Was his weakness really so apparent? But no, he could have done it. Surely Grayson had more faith in him.
Whatever Grayson was going to say next was cut off by the distant sound of sirens and the smell of smoke. Instinct had them both running toward the fire, to see if they could help, to free anyone who might be trapped inside who would be dead before the firefighters arrived. And, of course, there was a child inside. Damian could just make out the silhouette of them through a  window. Nightwing was yelling for Robin to stop, but that was because he underestimated him and didn’t believe in him. Damian crashed through the window, but Grayson tackled him from behind, dragging him back out again. Damian fought back, desperately trying to explain there was a child to be saved, but none of the words came out right. He barely managed to hook his arm around the child’s waist before he was falling. The line of the grapple went taught a second later. The trip wasn’t a fun ride.
That feeling of emerging from a deep dive happened again, and Grayson was yelling when Damian’s senses returned. “-ran into a burning building to save a lamp. What is wrong with you?” Grayson’s anger was a fierce thing, and with shame, Damian realized that the “child” he had been trying to save was indeed a bedside lamp.
He could feel his eyelids drooping, and if they closed, he knew it would be game over. He had to keep moving, but Grayson’s hands were on his shoulders, tight as irons. Damian tried desperately to shake him off. “Nothing!” he snapped. “Now let go of me.”
Grayson does not, instead eyeing him up and down, searching for something. Damian blinked and found himself boneless against Grayson’s chest, his brother’s voice loud in his ears and dragging him out of unconsciousness.
“Did you hit your head? Drugged? Poisoned?”
“No, no, no.” Damian slurred, fighting to finish waking up. The silence above him stretched on for eternity as he tried to pull away once more.
“Robin, you’re hallucinating, and your speech is slurred. If it’s not any of those things, what is it?”
“I am not…” why couldn’t he remember the word? “Seeing things.”
“I’m calling the Batmobile.”
The drive back to the Cave was rather tense, or at least the two minutes Damian could remember of it before Grayson was flicking him in the face.
“Stay awake, Robin. We need to figure out what’s wrong with you.”
How about everything? Damian wracked his brain. Had he been drugged? He was too tired to trust his memory at this point. Why was he so tired? 
Grayson was shaking him, and he sounded angry. “Stay awake, Robin; that’s an order.”
It was a good thing the Batmobile was on autopilot because Grayson wouldn’t have been able to do much driving. Damian tried, he really did, but it took both their full efforts to keep him awake. At last, they pulled into the Cave, but Damian was starting to panic now. This mysterious drug had turned his bones to jelly, and Grayson had to carry him from the car to the medbay where Alfred and Father were waiting. Test after test came back negative, and Damian could feel his panic rising.
“There has to be something,” Grayson said. Was he going to die or be crippled for life, Damian wondered.
“Oh, indeed there is,” Alfred said calmly, “and I feel a bit foolish for not thinking of it sooner. Master Damian, when was the last time you slept?” Damian hesitated as he struggled to come up with an answer.
Father was frowning. “I sent him to bed though.”
Grayson laughed, and Damian couldn’t label the emotion in it. “Doesn’t mean we sleep. I did this once too, you know. Stayed up three days trying to finish a paper after patrols so I could hang out with the Titans and promptly passed out in front of them.”
Father nodded. “I remember that phone call.”
Grayson hopped onto the table and pulled Damian onto his lap, resting his head over his heart. “You’re going to be ok, Dami, just go to sleep.”
How could Damian disobey with his brother's warm arms around him and gloved fingers running through his hair? He was dimly aware of Grayson adjusting his hold before the darkness took him.
Damian doesn’t want to wake up. He’s warm, and the hand gently running through his hair, the strong arms wrapped around him, the heartbeat beneath his ear, it was all very soothing. But something is driving him to wake up. He’s expecting Grayson when he does, not warm sunlight peeking through the drawn curtains of his father’s room or for his father to be gazing at him fondly with a soft smile on his face. Damian is lying on his chest in bed, the bed Father had been confined to by Pennyworth.
A part of Damian wanted to spring up immediately, but he lacked the strength, and he could already feel his eyelids growing heavy again. His father must have noticed because his smile was even bigger now. “Go back to sleep, Damian. It’s alright.”
The lecture would come later, Damian was sure. But for now, he would pretend the future does not exist. He closed his eyes, and a second later, all was dark bliss.
Damian was older now, a Batman with his own Robin. Father and Grayson had been dead for years now, but he still remembered their gentleness in that memory with fondness. And maybe with a bit more understanding of how they could have missed out on the fact he hadn’t slept in three days now that Benjamin has up and done the same thing. Unfortunately, there is no series of crises that has come to an end or one last patrol before Benjamin will surrender himself to sleep. No, this is grief. Drake is gone, and Benjamin feels the loss keenly, and in a way that would have made a much younger Drake proud, he is desperately searching for ways to bring Drake back. But Tim had reason to believe Father wasn’t dead but merely lost, and Benjamin does not have that. Which is why Damian must put an end to the madness.
He sat next to his Robin, who startled but hid it quickly, and said, “I did this once too, you know. Stayed up for three days even though I’d been sent to bed several times. Ended up risking my life to save a lampshade from a fire. Not all that different from mistaking a stop sign for a firefighter.” He handed the boy an ice pack and tried for a bit of humor. “I’m sure it appreciated you trying to tackle it to the ground to avoid the falling beam even if your face didn’t.”
At least this time, Benjamin had readily identified the problem. But a thirty-minute power nap wasn’t going to cut it. Benjamin was ashamed, whether for saving a sign or being caught awake, it didn’t matter. “People come back all the time in our profession-”
Damian sighed. “But they stay dead often enough. You can’t spend your whole life waiting for them to come back or trying to drag them back. I know it’s hard, but it’s life.”
Gently, because he knew Benjamin might reject it, he drew his last brother into a carefully placed hug. Ear pressed to a beating heart, fingers running through dark hair, everything needed to lull an already exhausted boy to sleep. He hadn’t expected the tears, but he would try to make Grayson proud and roll with it.
“I miss him,” Benjamin said softly through his tears.
“I do too,” Damian admitted, “and I don’t want to lose you. This kind of behavior will get you killed. Please.”
Damian doesn’t move for a long time, watching Benjamin’s face slack in sleep and occasionally wiping away the tears that still fell. Is this how Grayson had felt about him? To know you are only brothers but love with all the fierceness of a father? Damian could feel a few tears of his own slipping out. Grayson and Father had been far from perfect, but how he missed them. He missed them all. He would die before he let Benjamin fall.
He could feel the boy stirring, trying to wake up and continue his work. Or maybe it was a nightmare. The cave was cold after all. Damian stood smoothly and made his way upstairs, climbing the sweeping staircase of Wayne Manor to Benjamin’s room. He leaned down to tuck Benjamin in, and tired eyes flickered open to gaze at him in confusion.
“Go back to sleep, Benjamin. It’s alright.”
And Benjamin believed him.
Thank you @whetstonefires for inspiring this.
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insidethis4head · 2 years
My brother showed me how to be a pirate and here I am, still a pirate 🏴‍☠️ but now I understand I am not actually that bad of a pirate 😎
Getting a pen drive full of movies and games from my friends when I was young was most likely the biggest gateway for me to go into gaming, films and the internet really. I have always thought that my friends was loaded with cash and are able to buy all of those and just save it into a small hard disk but later on my elder brother taught me about uTorrent and The Pirate Bay. That is where my pirating started ☠ ☠
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Why am I talking about uTorrent and The Pirate Bay when it is just a platform for pirating content? Well I learned today that there is actually a feature in uTorrent called seeding. This happens when an individual finishes downloading a content and it helps distribute to other pirates that is downloading the same content. I would consider this as a form of crowdsourcing that I personally participated in a lot. Pierre Levy in 1994 says that crowdsourcing is a kind of collective intelligence by people and even though it is most likely ran in a server now, without people it just does not work. Talk about teamwork, like a true pirate 🦜. Collective intelligence can not survive is there is no actual human giving any intel to the computer (Peters, 2015)
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Other great examples of crowd sourcing can be also found recently where scientist actually shared links for the full information of the Covid-19 virus to the internet in hopes that every expert on the certain topics are able to help combating the virus, big teamwork energy ⚡. There are some who utilize social media as an information source which makes it crowdsourcing too because people nowadays like to share everything in socials.
Sarawak firefighters actually does analyzing on social media to get notifications if there are any emergencies in the state, thinking the public would probably go live on Instagram or Facebook before thinking about giving them a call. What an era to live in now 🥵. People just love to record everything, even when their own neighborhood caught on fire they probably just go for the record button first. As the Gen Zs would say, its lit 🔥🔥
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To put my words in short, I think crowdsourcing is a very strong tool to understand and help everyone out. I just love the idea of people helping people out and that for me is everything. Was feeling guilty all the times I have pirated content but now thinking about it, at least I am helping someone who has the same interest and probably in the same shoes as I am to pirate something. Do not get me wrong pirating content is still stealing and bad, but give me this one alright? 😶
This is Loren's Beautiful Mind, thank you for staying in my dangerous place. Peace ✌
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sickbybirth-blog · 5 days
You and Your Duo 🎮👨‍👨😅 #shorts #fortnite #gaming #games #videogames #esports #spongebob #comedy #lol
When you and your duo are running through the dynamic world of Fortnite, every match feels like a high-stakes adventure. From landing in hot zones to grabbing loot, there's a rush of excitement as you strategize together, navigate unpredictable terrain, and engage in intense firefights. Whether you're building epic defenses or chasing that Victory Royale, teamwork is everything. Each win or narrow escape adds to the bond, making each game a unique blend of chaos and camaraderie. And even if you don't make it to the end, there's always the next drop to keep the adrenaline going! 🎮
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