#Fluffy Headcannons
hype-blue-fixation · 3 months
Self indulgent and wholesome RadioApple thought:
So imagine that as Lucifer reconnects with Charlie, he gets back in touch with his dad side. He's funny, passionate, comforting, tries his best, and always make sure his little girl smiles.
Alastor sees how, despite being so powerful, Lucifer is able to be tenderhearted and a safe space. Everything Al ever wanted in a dad, and he's actually envious of Charlie.
At first he just dismisses it as his emotions being stupid and that there's no possible way he could be anything more than a rival. But as time goes on, Lucifer treats him with the same parental care. In spite of how much he tries to push him away. At some point he just snaps and realizes that Lucifer is the kind of father figure he always needed in his life.
"It's okay to cry and let someone else take care of you."
"Don't forget to smile, little buck."
And after some intense emotions and comfort, Lucifer informally adopts him. And he's okay with that.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
To give more love Raiden, may I request for headcanon or fic (you pick which you prefer is better!) of the reader fixing up MGR Raiden and pampering him with love?
Ooooh yes, I chose to do headcannons for this. Hope you enjoy!
MGR:R Raiden x Reader pampering headcannons
-Pampering Raiden usually consists of one of two things, sometimes both. Either A, you'll be polishing his metal body to keep it from rusting, or B, you'll be helping him reattach a broken or dislocated limb; regardless of what you're doing, he's glad you're there helping him.
-If you're assisting him with polishing his "skin", he'll be more than happy to let you scrub his back.
-If you're helping replace his body parts, he will hold your tools with whatever appendages he has left and patiently instruct you on what to do, where to do it, and why.
-He is normally very cagey and closed off towards anyone (except Doktor) who tries to touch his body, but with you, he's more relaxed; joking, even.
-When he's around you, Raiden lightens up a lot more than usual, even reverting back to his old, kinda goofy self that he claimed to have left behind "in the past".
-He likes having you repaint areas of his body whose paint coats have begun to chip away or fade.
-Bonus points if you do his nails tactical claws; it makes him feel beautiful and special.
-He'd do face masks with you if he had much of a face, but alas, he only has two cheeks, one upper lip, an eyeball and his nose, so looks like the only thing he can put on without damaging his metal parts is a nose strip.
-While massaging him with your hands is impossible (since he can't feel anything) using a massage machine works wonders for him. It's one of the few human comforts he can still enjoy.
-Most days, the two of you lounge on the couch watching TV or someting; you with a bag of snacks and a drink, Raiden with a fresh coat of paint and a vibrating massager pressed against his back.
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literally-noone83 · 11 months
Supernatural Headcanons: Receiving Affection (1/?)
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About: female!reader×platonic!everyone, teenage/young adult reader, reader's love language is touch: hugging, hanging off the boys' shoulders, falling asleep on their shoulders and the like :) just wholesome things (with some angst).
Word count: It's a long a one...
Warning: Angst, Shouting, other than that it's just fluffy :)
A/n: This reallt isnt a head cannon tbh. Started with an idea, created an OC then a background and then and then and then — it spiralled into this mess haha.
I meant to go further - provide that conclusion to create a holistic narrative... but it's already really long and atm felt uninspired to keep going with it. So we wait, sorry !
Welp, enjoy!
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Let's imagine your love language is touch. The crave and the lingering need to touch, hug, lean on, hold onto someone, some one you felt safe around and loved by was a instinct you've always had.
Surrounding yourself with some of the most emotionally stunted and constipated people — emotionally unavailable car, pie and ACDC loving hunter, his emotionally neglected brother and monotonous 'I don't understand the reason for handholds if you're not lost' angel boyfriend — your touchy feely nature was met half-heartedly.
Given the moment you first met them was amidst a series of tumultuously devastating events — one easy case turned bad, the loss of family was never easy on a adolescent. And for the most part that's all you were to them. Another poor young soul caught up in the cusp of a terrifying world Dean and Sam intended to protect. To save. It never came without consequence — it's just this time in came in the form of a teenager, tear stained and alone.
Dead of night, once the vampires who took your mother and little brother were resolved with a few knife swings and burning bullets — it was the embrace Sam offered that changed things.
You needed it. Solace, comfort. Something to keep you grounded.
The Winchesters would do more than offer a hug. Decisions and shots were called, arguments sure did occure — another mouth to feed, a head to look out for — but in the end life kept moving and this was all you had left; a reason, an opportunity, to help.
A Winchester. You were the rookie who could barely hold a gun. Then you were the amature that fought to fight; snooping for cases, sneaking out for a chance to shoot and to prove you can contribute. Couple years fly by and now you're family.
So many night spent trading stories, on the stupid shit Dean pulled and Sam moments of pubescent embarrassment among the pockets of normal school life, or your gems of memory with your mother you missed and a brother you had teased. The banter was rich on both ends — most prominently with Dean. It was just so easy. A grumpy old man who dished out the rules and stomped around with that voice of his — you couldn't help yourself.
*in Dean's voice* "Its too dangerous, me macho man will take care of it" *normal voice* "y'know I didn't realise you were one grey hair away from being my father..."
He lets out a humorless laugh, rubbing his chin and gesturing to you at Sam. "She thinks shes funny huh? youre real comedian— thats it!"
He chases you down the bunker and you run away. Deans yelling and your laughter ringing behind Sam.
Sam truly was enjoying to have someone on his side — till at times he wasn't so lucky. You and Dean were a little too powerful once you joined arms...
Amidst this new found family, Dean and Sam quickly noticed how much you liked to hug them... almost clingy.
Granted, it wasn't like you smothered everyone who walked into your life — with Dean and Sam it was different. They saved you, welcomed you, took care of you. You trusted them.
It qas noticeable during the early days of your stay. After long hunts when you were left behind, in security of the bunker, those hours felt like days and days felt like years. Crippling fear of losing the only formed tether of family and safety frightened you.
The moment the door clicked open, "Hey, Y/n, we're back," a bag of take out ready and jackets being torn off in lethargic movements of a day's struggle, "got some burgers and those curly fries as remembered and—"
Frantic steps and a leap, Dean was almost knocked down by the force of your hug. Wrapped around his neck, face buried in his collar. "Woah there, Kid." He stumbled and huffed from the suddenness.
"Y/n? you ok?" Sam asked at your long passing moments in embrace. Words of gladness and "Thank god"s poured from your lips, stepping back to look at how they're really here. Alive. Safe. The brothers noted it was probably because of your family — you were dealing and I think they are one of few people who could really understand that.
However, this passing moment became everytime. They'd come home and you'd hug them briefly. Once you were coming with them than waiting patiently, you'd embrace them before bed.
Huddled around the table, Sam reading, Dean nursing a cold beer whilst flipping through a magazine as you ate and prompted Dean into weird topics of 'never have I ever - monster edition'. You'd bid yourself adue.
"I'm gonna hit the sack, weirdos." You'd walk around to them. "Enjoy your light reading, Sammy. And enjoy your pervy magazine, old man." Passing by, wrapping your arm their shoulders, affectionately nudging cheeks with them — Sam would accept them graciously, the loving gesture comforting to him. And Dean would simply hum at you, trying his best to look indifferent or exasperated by such contact. But you knew he silently enjoyed them, and Sam did especially; knowing his older brother, the boundary of affection was never crossed but from you — a semblance of a younger sister — was soothed but this entry of comfort. Shoulders slacked, posture less tense, you were a reminder of everything was okay.
"Now get off me - you need a shower."
When Castiel was around it, too, didn't take long before he was another victim to your embraces. Seeing how close Cas was to Dean and Sam, it meant he was good.
Late night car rides, slumped against the worn leather of Baby as the soft rock channel hummed alongside the murmuring engine pushing the hunters and a angel home. The orange street light continuously ran over their laps, exhaustion lingered in the vehicle — Dean's raw red knuckles were prominent, wrapped around the steering wheel. Sam sported a scrape on his cheek bone, exchanging hushed words between his brother and Castiel. Sat in the back with Cas, you couldn't bother chipping on the discussion. The headache you endured only just subsided, with just a bruise that ached at your side, both the dull music and gentle voices did well to block it. Soothing you into a lul.
"Someone's uncharacteristically quiet..." Sam humoured. The two shared a peak through the review mirror to catch your heavy eyes and tilting head you struggled to hold up. Dean couldn't help but smirk, chuckling under his breath at your disgruntled hum towards Sam.
"It's a nice change," he joked.
"Dean," Cas warned, glancing attentively to you, "She did a lot today."
"Yea... she did." He said silently proud. Of course she did.
Moments passed and next thing you know, Cas felt your held fall on his shoulder. Almost surprised, he didn't move an inch. Tossing and turning, laying on him finally made you settle. Staring down at you, he was glad to see you sleep — you took too many nights to sitting on thay laptop keen that every minute need not be wasted. And so he laid back a bit more comfortably, mindful on how much he moved. He understood, humans needed their rest.
Dean couldn't help but find it endearing.
The boys did their best to revieve your affection in stride. Cas was always naturally stiff when you slung your arm over his shoulders. Dean tried his best to act annoyed when you attack hug him from behind, and awkwardly patting your back. Sam never minded the time you'd sit beside him, leaning against his larger stature while he read or researched.
Then Jack showed up. Between losing Mary, Crowley, the fright of Cas' death and so much more — times weren't the easiest. Lucifer's son, the premeditated anti-christ that was the cease all life and goodness, the first day of getting to know Jack was a rocky path. While Sam continuously sympathised the young man and Dean couldn't even look at him, you remained initially indifferent. Just like your brothers, you were scared more than anything, grieving over the losses especially Cas — you didn't know what to think but you did know they needed you.
Jack noticed how you kept wrapping your arms around them every time you left off to somewhere or twist your twist your face into something warm at the much angrier man. It was so peculiar to him that he asked Sam when they were in the cellar, "why does she do that?"
A look of seriousness worried Sam, "Do that - hold him. Dean." And he looked at him confused.
"You mean— she hugging him." Jack's face didn't change, "she's embraced him because she's worried about him," it sounded more like a question as he mimicked the gesture, "you embrace someone when you want to comfort them, or show them affection."
"It's means to show care for someone."
Jack looks at him, "She does it a lot." He noted.
Sam omitted a breathy laugh, "Yea. She does - she cares a lot, I suppose."
Soon your apprehension grew to empathy for the nephillum. His innocence and innate kindness baffled you at times. He borne no essence of evil - he rather carried Kelly's sweetness, and a fear that made you realise that Jack was far from anything like his father. He was just Jack.
The realisation settled within you as you sat on that crate where your breath transpired in the cold, facing Jack curled up beside the dumpster. Large shadows drew over his furrowed brows, deep with sadness and hurt as he said, "Maybe I'm not worth all this". Your heart sunk. All alone without the comfort of his mother and guidance of the angel she promised, made to feel like he was something he wasn't — worthless.
"Stop." The words escaped your lips faster than you could think and he stared at you saddened. "Don't..." You hesitated, too many things you want to say and you settle with reaching out a gentle hand. "Can I please uhm..." Jack slightly confused gave his hand at your hushed question. And he was surprised by your warm and firm grip; holding his palm with your other hand instantly clasping over his knuckles, you told him "Jack, you are worth all this..." staring intently into his eyes. "Sam thinks your worth it, so did Castiel, your mother. And so do I."
His eyes softened, and a small smile slipped onto your lips. Hope seeping into his features, he asked, "Really?"
"Really." You said.
That night you shared a room with Jack, agreeing with Sam things were too tense with Dean. You'd continue to be at Jack's side, speaking to him, answering his questions, simply being with Jack whilst mediating your brothers. Meaning, your constant defense of Jack caused a constant bickering and arguing with Dean. Unlike Sam the Diplomat, you two were almost explosive. Dean hated how close you'd stick by that thing, that freak; he was dangerous, he could hurt you! And you hated Dean's merciless disdain for him — always throwing warnings at the names and disregarding statements Dean would say without a thought with Jack.
At times, when Sam was with Jack, the moment he'd leave you and the eldest alone, stiff muttering of words escalated into loud yelling. Seething at each other until your red faced. Sam would always have to intervene, assuring Jack they're just "hot headed".
This anger festered into Dean's asserting orders; regulations, rules, reprimanding of your interactions with Jack. You were holding Jack's hand cause he seemed nervous, Dean would explicitly say no handing holding with devils. Alone in a room with him on an off chance again? Dean's dragging you out on errands or telling you to go to your room. Walking around the table offering your bidding night hugs, your affectionate squeeze on Jack's shoulder earned a warning glare from Dean.
You always made a face back, countering his overprotective as overbearing and stupid. When you finally had a go at him for it, Sam was out and there was nothing holding them back. You both pushed at each other to your limits. Comparing Jack to you when you some kid helpless and alone too, or Sam deemed bad before he could do any good, really sent Dean down the rails — because you're family. Jack is Lucifer's son, not you.
"Does he look like Lucifer's son to you, Dean?! He does nothing but be kind, gentle. He listens to your orders, he's even terrified of you!"
"And so he should be!" His voice booms with anger you hadn't heard from Dean till now and it shakes you. "You think I care that he can smile nicely at you, and say 'thank you' and 'sorry'? That doesn't matter. Cas is gone because of him, Mum is gone because of him. Wake up, Y/n, he can't change what he is and what he is, is a freak, an inevitable danger to you, to us, this entire freaking world- I'm sorry youre too damn stupid and niave to realise that." His starn, harsh words push past his lips in a burst of thoughts that seemed like he's been holding in forever, and he has to lean back for a moment to sigh. You stood there without moving, your eye glisten against your will as you swallow his words. He paused before turning to walk away without another word — the knife sunk a little deeper.
"I know you're hurting, Dean," your voice went small, and you caught him mid step. "but you're not the only one." His face grew sullen: he was too angry, too tired. He hadn't the energy to say or do something. Looking at you, he noticed your quivering lip you tried so hard to hide and instantly in his eyes you reverted back into that small 14 year old girl he and Sam decided to take under their wing. An image that flashed by and then you were walking away. To the other side of the bunker. And after a few heart beats, he did too.
Without either of you knowing, Jack had heard the entire altercation. Your purposeful steps rushed past him and you didn't see him — too busy fiercely wiping away escaping hot tears you didn't want. Jack had never seen you this upset and quietly he followed you to your room. He heard you slam the door shut and heard you sniffle inside. Hesitant he slowly cracked the door open to see your back facing towards him, sat on the edge of your unmade bed, silently crying.
A sensation of sorrowful guilt imbued in the centre of his chest. This was his fault wasn't it?
"Y/n?" His sudden appearance finally made known surprises you and you whip around. "Jack," your voice is thick with emotions, harshly sniffed back as your wiped your cheeks several times. "What are you..." You took a deep breath. Seeing his worried eyes you realised your attempt to appear unphased and normal was feeble — your eyes were puffy, flushed cheeks and red nose. And then it hit you, "I'm sorry, Jack. Sorry you had to hear that it's just, he's just..." you lett your hands fall to your lap defeatedly and head hung low. You looked him and flashed a weak smile, "Don't worry," Jack moved to sit on your bed, "It's just everything's a bit weird."
"I'm sorry." He finally said simply.
"What? Jack-"
"I'm sorry," he looked at you with those same eyes that night. "that you, Dean and Sam are hurting - because of me."
You shook your head, "No, no Jack, you have done nothing wrong, we're fine. We will work this out-"
"But you are crying, you are upset."
"I'm fine, Jack, don't-"
"Why are you lying?" He places a hand over yours, catching your evasive and scattered gaze. He pulls you to a halt, forcing you to meeting his big attentive eyes. They were so kind and gentle. And the warm of his hand stopped your racing heart. "You can tell me." He said softly and such simple words crashes over you. Your eyes locked onto his, you let silence hang in between as you soaked in this blooming comfort from someone you least expected it. It was overwhelming. And the longer you looked at him, all thoughts and emotions started to feel too real, too much, and your eyed began to well up in tears. Trying to blink them away made them fall faster and your gaze fell to his hand. "I- I'm sorry."
Your voice cracked and your instinctively tried to cover your face; to hide from Jack which you were sure you were confusing him even more with your immense and sudden outpour of emotions. You muttered your apologies, intending to turn to avoid overwhelming him further until the mattress dipped this way and there and a pair of arms embraced you. The foreign feeling of his body against yours made you hold your breath for a second — digesting the unexpected gesture of comfort from Jack and one that you didn't know you needed.
He held you firmly, his head tucked beside yours, eyes scrunched tight as if desperate to make you feel better. Seconds pass before you relent into his touch, wrapping your arms around his neck and burrying yourself away into the nape of his neck. And Jack squeezed you a little tighter.
You and Jack would stay like that for a while. Until your quiet sobs muffled into his shirt quietened down to weak sniffles and your arms loosened, feeling yourself wafting into sleep.
Once Sam came home from his grocery run, he was met by the unsuaul silence and brooding Dean who fixing himself a sandwich.
"Dean, I literally went shopping to cook now why are you-"
"'s not for me." He finished it before pushing it towards Sam, "Mind giving this to Y/n?" It was hardly a question.
The way his brother barely looked at him leaning back with a drink, and the sullenness of his voice, Sam knew something must've happened, "...And why can't you do that?"
"I don't think she's in the mood to talk to be right about now."
Sam walked up to your door, sick with worry and anger to hear what had gone down between you and Dean. The steam from yet another argument with Dean came to a simmer seeing your door not locked but left ajar. He slowed, softly calling out "Y/n?" coming closer he heard not only your soft snores he knew well after years but another's.
Entering he stopped — there you were deep in slumber. And in the arms of the nephilum. Your head lay in the croock of his neck, arms loosely fallen across his torso while his around your shoulders. Sam noted your red eyes and nose, stains of tears that revealed the severity of this argument with Dean had a toll on you. It pained his heart yet seeing Jack with you overturned such hurt — he comforted you. A cosmic being does not need sleep yet Jack visibly chose to rest with you — to show you he cared too. However it there was no doubt you had fallen asleep on him first — a sign of your trust.
The two of you have connected, and Sam quietly left, clicking the door shut with a relief and no plan on letting his older brother know about this.
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chaoticklesblog · 6 months
Helluva Boss Tickle Headcannons:
Super ticklish despite not being tickled very much in his younger days, (Blitzo is definitely the first one to discover this weakness when they were kids and never really forgot how ticklish Stolas was, or is, for that matter.)
Is a switch, but is definitely is more lee leaning! He enjoys the bondage aspect of it and definitely experiences the most anticipatory giggles.
Has one of the most adorable laughs ever. It doesn't take much to get him laughing. He has such a high-pitched laugh that gets squeaky if you get the right spots.
Worst spots are wings and beneath his feathers.
As a ler, my goodness is this guy fucking RUTHLESS.
Is a demon, so expect to receive whatever tickling is dished out tenfold in return.
His feathers and claws are horrendously evil tickle tools and the mothefucker KNOWS it.
Uses tickling as a torture method for those who most deserve it (cough cough, Blitzo).
Regularly involved in childhood tickle fights with Fizz. Used to win most of the tickle fights until the accident happened.
So playful and silly, he was the first to initiate a tickle fight with Stolas and the first to realize what a ruthless tickler Stolas is.
Also a switch, very needy as a lee and super teasy as a ler.
Surprisingly a very gentle ler unless otherwise provoked.
Definitely tickles Stolas the most of anyone because Stolas absolutely loves it. Also frequently tickles Millie and Moxxie but mostly Moxxie because he deserves it. Doesn't DARE tickle Luna (he doesn't have
Most ticklish spots include ribs, tummy and underarms.
Super silly laugh, loves provoking others to tickle him, and is so shameless about it, the little shit.
Is ticklish but is much more of a ruthless ler. Mostly tickles Moxxie to get him to relax or not be so uptight.
Absolutely ruthless. RUTHLESS.
Not only does she know Moxxie enjoys being tickled, but she encourages the other IMP's to tickle him.
Doesn't mind being tickled by Moxxie but will destroy anyone else who tries.
The worst spots are her hips, thighs, and knees.
Has a bright, carefree laugh.
Will 10/10 dish out absolutely unholy revenge to those who dare to tickle her.
Is such a lee! 100% lee. Is baby.
It doesn't take much to get him all flustered, just a few well placed pokes, a wink, or teasy voice.
Prefers to be tickled by Millie but is the frequent victim of gang tickles. Not that he minds.
Is wayyyy more susceptible to gentle and teasy tickles.
His back is an absolute death zone. Absolutely cannot handle back massages AT ALL.
Screechy and screamy laughter. AHAHAH.
Hides his face a lot, or at least he tries when tickled. Lol. He can't even help it.
Will literally beg to not be tickled.
Deserves to get his shit WRECKED!
WE AREN'T gonna pretend this man isn't ticklish.
I mean, he is. Has a super boisterous laugh.
I mean, if this anyone has a tickle kink, it's him lol.
I feel like he's got tons of ler energy. He tickles Fizz so much, lmao. Surprise tickles, tickle games, tickle hugs, teases, etc. ASDFGHJKL. Fizz eats it up, of course.
Is kinda ticklish in a couple secret places only Fizz knows about. I mean, I don't even know, and Fizz didn't tell me lmaooo. It's a secret, do with that info what you wish.
Is actually the tickle monster. Hehehe.
Is such an adorably ticklish imp.
Arguably, the most ticklish character.
Literally used to be nearly tickled to death by Blitzo as kids. And ganged up on by the other imps. Was pretty much defenseless lol.
Blitzo used to knock him down a few pegs for getting all the attention by tickling the everloving snot out of him.
Literally never won tickle fights until after the accident. The robot arms improved his tickle fight game tenfold.
His robot arms are indeed also ticklish but offer an advantage in tickle fights by being able to stretch or tickling people far away.
Bottom ribs, hips and sides are his worst spots.
Cannot handle his ribs being counted. (Ozzie found this out, and the poor guy can't rest ahah).
Wheezy laughter that eventually goes silent, and he also thrashes a lot.
Uses his robot arms for tickling and bondage purposes with Ozzie and to also get well deserved revenge on Blitzo, haha.
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skeleboiii84 · 2 years
any scenarios with the swap bros and an s/o swamped with assignments but couldn't find a reason to continue them? like they loved the course but after a while they got really tired and unmotivated? (Also can I be butterfly anon?)
Ofc! You can darling! My own hellish exams are coming up soon so I'm inspired especially because id love some stretch comfort myself!😌 And I'm not 100 percent sure what you mean by butterfly anon? But suuureee??👀
Swap bros helping an unmotivated reader headcannons!
Starting off strong with the best boy😌
He'd definitely get worried when he sees you just kinda laying face down on your desk (as anyone would)
He'd pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and carry you to his & your shared room and plop you on the bed
He's getting your favorite blanket, favorite snacks, favorite movie and video games and ordering your favorite take out for later
Once your all cozy he snuggles up behind you pressing sweet skele kisses all along your neck, cheek & collarbone
He'll then shower you in praise like "yer doin' so well honey, keep it up because trust me it's all gonna be worth it, promise", (did I forget to mention how amazing he is-)
He won't let you leave your place of pillows and will literally get anything for you, medicine for your sore head gotcha! Need water sure thing! Cuddles on it honey!
No, no no, no he's not letting you overwhelm yourself with assignments he knows the're important but what would it hurt for a mental health day
He's taking you outside to go get coffee at muffets while he holds your hand tightly as he gently kisses your cheek
He constantly reminds you about how hard you work and it's ok to take a break every now and then
He takes you home and makes tacos as he dances to your favorite music with you
"Come on sweet pea! Dance with me!" He'll take your hands and kiss all over your face
After all your dancing he's made his tacos and let's you snuggle time your watching TV show
He's kissing all over "I love you, baby"
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Summary: Fluffy Headcannons
Characters: Denki Kaminari, Ejiro Kirishima, Shoto Todoroki
Writing: Headcannons
Content Warning: N/A
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He smells like Bananas
So you pick on him and give him that nickname
He pretends to dislike it and makes a fuss out of it just for fun
He gets really excited when talking about things he likes
Talking with his hands
And bouncing a little bit if he's standing
Sometimes little sparks of electricity can happen because of his excitement
It's adorable really
His face when he sees something he likes?
He's like a kid in a candy store
Touching it and staring at it all the time
Will not walk away from it
Until he either gives in and gets it or someone gets it for him
He's the type of person to always walk around in pjs
Doesn't bother to get dressed half the time
But when he does he puts so much effort into how he looks
Always does his hair though no matter what
Probably has a load of plushies
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Absolutely loves to cook for people
He will note down what everyone likes
And make them their comfort foods when they are upset
Mom friend material even though he's kinda dumb at the same time
Gets little gifts if he sees your upset
Absolutely a plushie person like Kaminari
Makes little chompy noises when he gets excited
Because shark teeth
Speaking of sharks he loves them
Said he was a plushie person so he absolutely has a shark plushie
Gets matching plushies with all his friends
Claims that its a manly kind of bond between them
He will dye peoples hair and cut it if asked
He just likes helping people out in general
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He likes to go out to cafes
And likes to go to the library
Absolutely brings soba and iced coffee to the library for when he reads
He goes only to cafes that have soba so that way he can order it
Sometimes a little strawberry pastry if he wants to
Speaking of strawberries that's his favorite fruit
And flavor in general
Probably smells like strawberries or coffee
Maybe soba?? Don't know how that one would work haha
Prefers iced coffee or boba
Only drinks cold drinks really
Refuses to have warm drinks
He reads books to Eri to help her go to sleep sometimes
Or just reads to her in general if asked
He's not good with kids but he figures this is the least he could do for the child
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kisakis-boyfriend · 4 months
In the animal kingdom, typically the male birds are the ones who are super colorful and do complicated mating rituals such as singing, dance, or gift giving to attract a mate. Since Xiao is a bird type illuminated beast, could you do hcs about what kind of dramatic things he would do to seduce the reader? I wanna see his serious self wearing the gaudiest outfit ever while break dancing lmao
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Pairings: Xiao x reader
Warnings: GN!reader, courting rituals, tiny bit of angst
Genre/Format: Fluff; Headcannons
Author's Note: I was today years old when I found out that Xiao is a sort of bird-like creature 😶 Anyways yeah! Hope these are to your liking~
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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I cannot picture Xiao ever breakdancing lol. But! I think he would perform some sort of traditional dance to impress a potential partner.
If you recall the end of Ayaka's story quest (I think?) I'm picturing something very similar; albeit a traditional Chinese dance. Something truly breathtaking and emotional.
Xiao has trouble expressing his feelings and emotions, as well as even understanding human emotions in the first place...but he would still try to convey how he feels about you through song and dance.
Reluctantly, the adeptus may even ask his good pal Venti for a bit of help. Maybe the anemo archon would be generous enough to play the flute or lyre while Xiao courts you?
I also think Xiao is the type to want every detail to be perfect. Elaborate, but not entirely over the top.
A specific location where the scenery is gorgeous; the breeze passes through, the moon shines down on his graceful body as it moves and flows to the music, maybe some leaves fall around him? Or perhaps some aromatic petals?
Of course he's going to wear the most beautiful ensemble during his performance as well. Some sort of hanfu, or hanfu-inspired clothing that flows like the wind.
Xiao is also the type to bring you little gifts in an attempt to court you. He is quite perceptive and can pick up on the things that interest you easily.
A bracelet crafted from crystalfly cores and noctilucous jade. A bookmark made of pressed qingxin flowers. A wonderful blend of tea that Xiao created himself (with a bit of help from Zhongli, of course)
I can definitely picture the adeptus flaunting his strength oh so casually in front of/around you.
He's not the type of guy to flex his biceps for you to squeeze (unless you really want to? Then maaaybe he can make an exception...just this once...just for you)
Though he will jump in to 'rescue' you. By this I mean that he will rescue you from a tiny cut while you're cooking. Not even bad enough to need a bandage, just a small knick.
Xiao will appear next to you ready to whisk you off to the hospital or something...you have to firmly decline and remind him that you're not made of glass. 😐
The sweetie means well, he's just overly protective of the person that he desires spending the rest of his life with 💕
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For a Fluffy Movie!William Afton x reader thing:
Just him having an SO that loves rabbits/bunnies.
You know, they have some cute bunny stuff. They always say rabbits are their favorite animal, etc.
And when they would visit his job, the subject of Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria would eventually come up. It being a favorite restaurant of theirs when they were middle-late teen.
They would always talk about how Bonnie was cool, but Spring Bonnie had always been their favorite, and "It really is a shame that they had to get rid of him. I always thought he was really cool."
And then William would be like, "Oh really now?".
While on the inside, he's kicking his feet and giggling because his personal animatronic was his SO's favorite.
And just basic fluff issues where William buys bunny/rabbit stuff that he thinks his SO would like as little gifts when they're having a bad day.
Maybe even get them a rabbit of their own at some point if he thinks they would be good with one.
He also makes sure to have a bit of rabbit/ bunny decore around his counselor office.
Both because it makes him think of his SO and because he likes how his SO reacts when they notice it.
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🌸Tokyo Revengers Father and Daughter Moments🌸 Ft: Taiju, Hakkai, Ran, Rindou, Draken, Kakucho, Hanma, Mikey, Mitsuya, Nahoya Masterlist / Resident: @enchantedforest-network / WC:2.6kSynposis: Random moments of TR dads with their sweet little ones. Different scenes for each one of them! this is pure fluffy goodness! (unedited) Click below!
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Slightly exhausted, his sleep was interrupted once again. It only lasted 10 minutes when his wife put the baby down after feeding. Walking into the lowly dimmed nursery he saw his newborn daughter in her crib upset. Carefully picking up the fragile newborn, in his arms, cradling them close to his chest. “There there now…” he spoke in a low tone. He made his way into the nursery  sofa. The man who once had a short fuse in his younger days is now a father of this little one. He wouldn’t admit it but he was scared of holding his child for the first time when they were born. Doubts in his mind he wouldn’t be a good enough dad but that moment when he held his child those father instincts began to kick in. He wanted to protect them with every inch of his living soul.  
The newborn was calming down little by little hearing the steady heart beat of her father. Taiju closed his eyes for a brief moment, resting his head back slightly. He took a deep breath “I know you're fighting your sleep.. It’s okay.” The newborn seemed to calm down more as he spoke. Opening his eyes looking down at the newborn against his chest. His child knew his voice, not that he would often speak to his pregnant wife's belly but his wife was around him a lot during his pregnancy and accompanied him during the opening of his restaurants. “My voice is the only thing that seems to calm you down… usually it's the opposite for others..” he smirked. Taiju repositioned himself on the couch as laid his head down against the pillow as  the baby was still against his chest. He looked down at the newborn, his thumb gently caressing the delicate cheeks. 
He was on his ipad in his dressing room he had about a half an hour before the show began. He promised his daughter he would facetime her before the show. He had sent her a gift and was eager to see her open it. On the other side of the screen his daughter  was opening the gift he sent to her. Leaning against the counter “I hope you like it.” Hakkai smiled
Opening the pretty rose gold box with a gold ribbon around it her eyes lit up “It’s a bunny!!” She exclaimed, holding the white fluffy stuffed  bunny in her hands then giving it a big squeeze. “Thank you daddy!” Seeing his daughter's raw reaction to the gift made his day. “Your welcome sweetie. I’m glad you like it.” 
She nodded “When are you coming home?” she asked and looked at her dad. He gave a softer smile. “Soon baby. I know daddy has been away for a while now. But soon I will be home with you and mommy.” With his  career it did interrupt his family life. He did manage to still be active in his daughters and wife's life, face timing, photos and every now and then they would join him on his trips. Still he didn’t want his daughter around the cameras and the paparazzi since she was still so young he still wanted some type of privacy in his personal life. 
Looking at the time as it seemed to fly by “I’m sorry baby but daddy has to get going. I will call you when I’m done.” A soft pout on his little one's face “okay daddy, you promise?” “Of course, daddy loves you.” “I love you too daddy”
“9…10… ready or not here I come.” Ran called out opening his eyes as he found himself observing the living room. Walking around the living room searching for his child who was hiding from him. “I’m gonna find you.” he called out. 
He couldn’t hear a giggle nor a movement. They learned from the last time they played not to respond to their fathers comments. Ran began walking down the hallway carefully listening to see if he heard any sort of movement. Ran began to check obvious places they would hide that he knew about under the beds, in the closet, even behind the curtains but nothing.
He was rather impressed that he wasn't able to find them yet. He began to question where they could be hiding. He began to search for her in more and more places he thought she would be weren’t there. Few more minutes passed and no luck.  “Oi my  little one I give up. You can come out now.” he called out.
He waited to hear for some type of movement giving some type of idea what their hiding place was and what it could be. He didn’t hear a response, he was now assuming she wanted their father to look for her. He began walking through the rooms again checking them thoroughly. 
He noticed one thing in particular, the laundry room was slightly cracked and opening the door he noticed a large basket that had a blanket he knew he put in the dryer now it was in the basket. Coming closer he noticed a bit of movement. Gently pushing the blanket down he saw his daughter in a deep slumber. The blanket was still slightly warm, Ran carefully picking her up in the blanket still. In a groggy voice as they let out a yawn “daddy you found me.” 
“I did.” letting a low chuckle out.
Rindou squinted his eyes seeing his daughter who was in pre-k holding hands with a little boy in her class. Every dads worst nightmare when they become a father of a little princess. Holding hands with a boy. As his little princess saw her father she let go of her friend's hands and waved to him as she darted towards her father. Crouching down as he greeted his baby. Embracing him with a tight hug. After a bit of small talk Rindou placed her in the car as he began to drive home. “So who was that boy you were holding hands with?” the father questions were coming out now
“Oh he is my boyfriend!” 
Luckily he was at a stop sign and he looked at his daughter who was in the back seat. “Come again? Boyfriend?” The words boyfriend ached his poor soul. 
Hearing a car honking for him to go, his eyes went back to the road. “Yeah daddy. He is a boy and he is my friend.” Taking a calming breath he was relieved by the comment. “I see… you don’t like any boys yet right?” 
“No, they are just my friends.” she chuckled
‘Good’ he thought to himself. “You would tell daddy if you did right?” 
“Mmmmm” she thought about it for a moment before responding “No.” “What??? Why not?” “Because I don’t want you to scare them away.” 
“I wouldn’t do that to them…”  he was lying to himself of course he would. 
“Are we doing this right now?” Still on the edge of the bed seeing the covers pulled up little fingers holding the blankets up. 
“Mhmm” with a small cough.
Letting a small sigh out as he  placed the small cup of medicine down on the nightstand. “You know you need to take it.”
“It’s gross….” Lowering the blankets down to see the red cheeks of his kiddo. 
“I know it is, But the quicker you take this the quicker you will feel better.” 
The tiny child sat up in her bed seeing Draken reach for the small cup of medicine handing it to them. She looked at the cup of medicine scrunching their nose before taking the medicine. 
“See, it isn't that bad.” rubbing her head.
As she laid back on the scooting the covers up more. “I’m sorry you had to miss work today…”  
Giving a small smile, “It's fine I wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. Your my top priority everything else is second” A small smile on her lip appeared. “Get some rest, I will check on you in a little bit, okay?”
Throughout the day Draken checked on her. Checking her forehead to see how the temperature was going down each time he checked on them. He was relieved each time going in, still as a parent he did worry about his little one getting sick. They weren’t their happy go lucky self he is so used to seeing. As she were still asleep he checked on the one more time his hand lightly touching her forehead the fever seemed to be gone. He leaned down pressing his lips on their forehead.
A storm was passing through Tokyo. The sounds of thunder and lightning echoed in the quiet room. Walking up front her she could hear the rain and whistling from the wind. She looked around and her night light was on. The sudden lightning and thunder once again prompt the little one to rush to her fathers room. Opening the large door she crept to the side where her father was sleeping. She nudged her dad gently and whispering “daddy” 
Kakucho, feeling the small push, opened his eyes to see his daughter in front of him. “Baby why are you out of bed?” speaking in a groggy tone
“The loud noises outside.” She looked towards the window and then at her father.
“Do you wanna sleep with me and mommy?” He asked.
Nodding at her dad's question he scooted on the bed as she climbed in. “You don’t have to worry about anything sweetheart, daddy is here to protect you.” 
Another  struck from thunder and lightning his daughter snuggled into him more. Kakuchou’s arms holding his little girl making sure she felt protected. “I got cha.” He spoke in a soothing voice stroking his daughter's hair. He wasn’t going to sleep until he knew his little girl was okay. Kakucho watched as his daughter was becoming more tired. The sound of the rain was all they both could hear.
“Can I name him?” his daughter spoke as she held the tiny small black kitten. The walk from the convenience store just for snacks ended up being snacks and small kitten they found on their way back. 
“I was thinking Cujo, he looks dangerous.” He looked at the kitten who didn’t want to come to him, only his daughter.
“No! He is not a rabid dog! He is so cute!” she laughed, petting the kitten in her arms. “Figaro! 
He looked at the kitten who seemed to resemble the kitten from the movie she watched. With his free hand he scratched behind the kitten ears making the kitten let a little meow out. “Ferocious Figaro.”
“Do you think mommy will be okay with us keeping a kitty?” asking as they were approaching the home.
“We will see we were only supposed to get snacks. We came back with the snacks, kitten and food for the little terrorizer. I mean Figaro.” he was getting his keys out of his pocket. “Don’t worry mommy will be fine with the kitty, let me sweet talk her.” “Yeah! Tell her she is pretty and she is the best mommy!”
‘Among other things to convince her,’ he thought to himself. “That will work.” flashing a smile at his daughter as he opens the door. “Hey babe we’re back, we got the snacks and a kitten~!”
“How do they make it look so easy there?” Mikey looked at the screen and the ingredients as he thought he measured correctly. He looked at the cookies they were supposed to be nice and pretty just like one the video he was watching. Instead he got flat cookies that resemble crepes. 
His daughter looked around the countertop that was messy and behind the mixing bowl and she saw another cup of flour. “Daddy, we forgot the other cup of flour.”
He turned his head towards his daughter, seeing the other measuring cup of flour as she was bringing it close from behind the mixing bowl. “That could have been the reason the batter was a bit runny…” Mikey scratches the back of his head. 
“It’s okay daddy, we tried our best.” giving her father a chipper smile.
Mikey looked down smiling at the child who had flour covered on her. “Let's try again and make sure we add that cup of flour.”
After the final attempt both of them were looking through the glass window of the stove seeing the cookies rise. “We did it princess.” “I bet they are going to taste yummy daddy! I want that one.” pointing to one of the corner cookies. “Next time we can make taiyaki daddy!”
Feeling a bit more confident in his baking skill “Why not right now?” Mikey couldn’t pass up making his own Taiyaki. He wanted to enjoy every moment of his vacation with his little one as much as possible before he returned to racing. 
From the moment his daughter was born they had a strong bond. Mitsuya doted over his daughter any chance he got. Getting home he had a routine the moment his daughter's eyes landed on him he automatically picked her up. Today he had his hands full of items. Opening the door he saw the pretty bright wide lavender eyes of his daughter looking at his directions. The coo’s and excitement was all on her face as she sat on her mothers lap. “My little jellybean.” he smiled “Let daddy put this up really quick.” leaning down kissing the top of her forehead. 
Mitsuya shuffled to his office, placing the fabrics and sketch pads down. The moment his daughter lost sight of her father. Her eyes began to tear up wondering why he didn't pick her like he usually does. He could hear his daughter crying from the other room. Walking back to the living room he saw the little stream of tears from his daughter's cheeks. His daughter reached for her daddy as he picked her up. “I’m right here.” he slightly chuckled, “Jellybean daddy is right here.” 
Moments as she was in her father's arms the tears stopped and a smile peered on her cheek. He did get a kick out of it, how just picking her up in a matter of seconds made a difference. Confirming he was the favorite parent of his daughter. He wiped her eyes then placed a kiss on her temple. “This is a definite confirmation that I'm her favorite human.” flashing a smile as he looked at his wife who playfully rolled her eyes.
“Is it yummy?” Nahoya rested his elbows on the table as he watched his daughter eat her ramen. 
“Mmhmm!!” she was slurping the noodles. 
Few things he loved doing was watching his daughter eat. The expressions she would make as she ate made the food look 100 times better than someone else eating it. The way she did a little dance in her chair as she continued to eat. This was a sign the food was extra good.  Nahoya’s daughter was also his biggest critique too if something was missing she would point it out.
“Papa did you want some?” she asked, looking at her dad as she grasped more noodles with her chopsticks.  
“I’m okay. You eat.” he slightly chuckled 
She held the chopsticks closer to her father “papa have some please!” At that point he couldn’t say no anymore, leaning in as he ate the noodles from the chopstick. “It’s yummy!” 
Swallowing the noodles “It is. Now here is the biggest questions: whose Ramen is better, mine or Uncle Angry’s?” 
Angry was listening to the conversation he was behind his brother. He made eye contact with his niece. To slightly tease his brother a bit he lifted a bag a gummy bears up and pointed to himself. 
“Ummmm sorry daddy it’s Uncle Angry.” 
“What?!” He stood up from his chair. Angry, placing the gummy bears in his pocket. Smiley was now determined to challenge his brother to a Ramen battle.
 In a split second Angry walked to his niece, of course he loved his brother but him and his niece were pretty tight. Handing her the bag of gummy bears. “Atta girl.” 
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tichiox1 · 1 year
Bill kaulitz☆ headcannons (with nsfw)
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Word count:560
Sorry yall i was thirsty and bored
☆-When you two met you two instantly clicked like puzzle pieces before you knew it the both of you started to become friends .
☆-Bill started the first conversation (he's chatty ) you were tense and nervous at first i mean why wouldn't you he's Bill Kaulitz!!
☆-The favorite thing you two do together is either shopping or just talking to each other about anything (gossiping).
☆-Bill sometimes ask for your help with writing songs and translating it to english (he wants it to sound good in both!!).
☆-But before you realised it you started to have feelings for Bill , He's always so sweet and nice about everything but he's also a menace .
☆-Bill was the one who confessed , The two of you was just watching Tv and hanging out and he just dropped the bomb and blurted it out .
☆-"I like you" He suddenly said and you were like "Huh" (but of course you accepted but it was very unexpected).
☆-Tom's really happy for Bill ! He sometimes makes jokes that he's not gonna be a virgin anymore infront of everyone which makes Bill flustered.
☆-Bill's public about his relationship with you which makes some fan girls sad and some of them bad mouths you but you don't care (At least you got your mans).
☆-Bill writes songs about you!!
☆-He likes to go on dinner dates with you and watch movies at home after.
☆-He likes cuddling , he doesn't mind if he's the big spoon or little spoon he just wants to hold you.
☆-He makes you wear matching bracelets or rings with him (It's really cute ngl).
☆-Even when you aren't looking you sometimes feel him looking at you and smiling.
☆-Holding hands ✅✅
☆-You sometimes hug him or kiss him before he performs (he gets really nervous).
☆-If you don't like the Paparazzi he'll take off his jacket and cover you with it .
☆-He likes to make out with you after performing .
☆-He's really sweet in bed but also very kinky(Chains , collars , blindfolds , handcuffs , ect) .
☆-He likes to take his time , not that rough but if he's extra sexually frustrated buckle up and get ready.
☆-When he makes out with you there's always tongue if it's heated then expect it.
☆-Whenever you two make out he leaves alot of hickeys like a shit ton of it all over your neck , collarbone , shoulder ect(Mans just kinky like that).
☆-He's a switch don't fight me ,i get that feeling he is , (he radiates that feeling jk).
☆-He likes to grunt , groan if he's really feeling it he'll softly moan .
☆-He likes to eat you out like a full course meal .
☆-When i say he's sweet he really is , when you feel uncomfortable he'll stop immediately and ask you "what's wrong?" "Are you ok?" softly almost a whisper.
☆-Whenever you two make out he rubs his knee on your crotch .
☆-He wants to make out with you anywhere anytime if you're up for it , against the wall , On the bed while he's on top of you , Just as long as you give him permission it's all good .
☆-He's good with his hands.
☆-If you do want to lead it's fine with him , he doesn't mind .
☆-alot of teasing like alot lot , but he'll feel bad eventually and touches you where you want him too.
Nah bro why did i write this i haven't even held someones hands romantically before what am i doing😦
I was once an innocent gorl just a year ago idk what happened 😭😭
But hope you guys enjoyed and ill write more don't worry (i was also bored when i wrote this so )
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fluff-n-cookies · 6 months
Hey, love! I’m new to this, so sorry if I’m doing this wrong :) You can call me Moon btw. I love your writing and appreciate how it’s all platonic!!!! I was wondering if you could do Aizawa (and maybe Mic or whoever else you want) with an introverted teen he took in asking to braid his hair, and getting lost in thought and humming while listening to him complain about work or something. It’s fine if not <3333
Hi Moon! It's nice to meet you! I am so so so so sorry for replying so late. I was feeling burnt out and just really needed a break. I hope you understand. I was also hoping I could use this prompt for other characters so if you’ll give me permission I’d love to use your idea again for different characters. :)
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Aizawa never liked coming home. He never liked the blinding white light bulbs that came with his crappy apartment and was too lazy to change, he didn’t like the smell of coffee and dirty dishes he felt were too overwhelming to do. He used to only have the energy to eat some soggy cereal and pass out on the couch before getting up to do hero work in the morning, or 2 am, or come home at 11 pm but that didn’t matter, it was just the same thing every day. 
But now, he had you. Being the sole survivor of a strange house fire at 1 am and having no memories whatsoever and having been considered shy and introverted. You were one with no guidance, no past and a future unknown and uncharted. And while you had been proven to have the intelligence of a child your age and then some, you had little to no knowledge of much else. You were a young girl in need of love and protection. (at least to him.)
So he took you in, begrudgingly, at first, but he soon felt a sense of comfort in your presence, a sense of happiness even. 
He even decided to pick up a parenting book or two, and found some mommy bloggers as well. I mean, what else is a man to do except try and be a good parent to a child he loves ever so dearly?
He learned he needed to make food for said child, instead of living off take out and what he can find at the convenience store next door. Children also need to live in a clean environment, so that is what he did, he tries to at least do the dishes and laundry regularly now. 
Guess he needs to listen too, because he often finds himself listening to your rants about school and homework, as well as the rants of your hobbies, about what you did today, how you felt today, so many things. And I guess, just a hunch, that his life was finally falling into rhythm. 
But it remained mostly the same.
Tonight was no different.
It goes;come home, take off shoes and coat, check if you’re awake, make some ramen (and some for you too if you are awake.) complain, go to bed. 
So here he is, tiptoeing to your room at the end of the hallway, careful not to wake you if you are asleep. Only to find that you are, in fact, awake. The warm light bulbs he installed in your room peaked through the crack in the door you had left for the cat to come at the ungodly hours of the night. You could also see the various trinkets and hobbies you had picked up over your 4 years of living together and made your room the heart of the whole apartment. Lively and bright. And there you were, hunched over your desk watching a video on your computer, fiddling with a piece of origami paper, attentively following the instructions from the video to try and make an origami frog. 
It took about 10 seconds to recognize he was there, smiling, happily at your antics. You smiled a little, but that smile made it all worth it to do what he does, be a hero and a single parent both at the same time, a smile that could light up even the darkest of nights. You did a little run too, you ran a little run to get to him but still tried to be light on your feet so as not to bother the neighbors.
Always so considerate. He thought. 
It was a regular routine really, for him to get you from your room and make some ramen, but as you two sat on the couch, TV was buzzing with the latest new stories (who needs a dining room table? Just use the couch! Why waste the space? It is the perfect space for your plants so for your plants it will be!) Something different happened today. 
For in the smallest little voice, he heard you squeak out,
 “c-can I braid your hair.” a slight tremble in your voice 
Now that was a surprise,
“What do you mean?” 
“I’m sorry, I meant it as in can I do your hair, I’m sorry I shou-”
“Sure.” he replied nonchalantly.
“You can braid my hair. Go on, the hair ties are in the bathroom.”
“Oh.” there was a pause. “Okay.”
Here he was, out in the dead of night at 12 in the morning, a young girl braiding his black locks of hair while he complained about PresentMic’s antics while eating convenience store ramen. For once in his life he felt at peace, as the world slowed down he felt himself slowly understanding. Understanding that it may be over, the repetitive nights of the never ending loneliness. It’s over.
And it starts here, with you, with tonight where you braid his hair and listen to him rant about the outside world. But here it’s safe, in this crappy apartment with the cool light bulbs and the distant stench of dirty dishes and the coffee he had this morning. It's okay. Life is okay.
Maybe he wasn’t doomed to have the same routine every day over and over again.
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hype-blue-fixation · 2 months
Okay, I saw your Neurodivergent Alastor post and Dadcifer post and thought, why not both?
Lucifer notices his little Buck’s odd behavior sometimes both through observation and from stories Charlie or the others would tell. It doesn’t take Lucifer long to realize that Alastor is on the autism spectrum (which he totally knows about).
Cue Lucifer being best dad while also still engaging in witty banter with his deer son.
I'm sorry the word DADCIFER made me lol fjjfdksks /pos
But I do love this idea! Since Lucifer is also neurodivergent, I'd imagine he'd be able to see through others' masks and encourage them to just be their true self.
So when Alastor (inevitably) becomes comfortable around the people in the hotel and shows more of these behaviours, Lucifer treats it like it's normal or even encourages it.
"Aww, you're so happy, aren't you~?"
"Is someone feeling giddy and kicky today?" (he would say something dumb like that)
And sometimes it leads to banter, but it's the good-intentioned kind. Like where they can poke fun at each other's behaviour and laugh about it at 2 AM.
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Dantes reaction to fem reader bringing home a cat?
Yes! Here it is! Extra fluffy!
Owning a cat headcannons (Dante x Reader)
-You bought a cute and cuddly looking cat, aiming to surprise Dante with it.
-You took it home and hid it behind your back before shouting for Dante to come to you.
-He showed up quickly, wondering what you needed. When you brought out the cat, his eyes lit up with joy.
-He squealed--yes, the man actually squealed, and gingerly scooped up the kitty from your hand.
-He cradled it like a father would a newborn baby, tickling the cat's stomach and running his fingers through its fur.
-He loves this little fur ball and begs you to take him to the pet store so he can pick out furniture and toys for the cat.
-"You like that one? Of course ya do, cute lil' kitty, you're like me. Got good taste."
-The cat's name is now Pepperoni, and there's nothing you can do about it because that name's been printed on it's adoption certificate.
-Treats the cat like he would his own child, even baby talks to it.
-"Good morning, lil' Pepporoni!"
"Want some breakfast?"
"Alright! Let's see...I got some leftover pizza from last night. Sound good?"
-Honestly, getting a cat was one of the best decisions you ever made. He frigging loves it.
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lookismfanfics · 1 year
Thank you all for the support! I’ll do my best 🫡
𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐.
Warnings: Fluff, jealousy, mild cursing, J*mes L**, DG spoilers
Zack • Johan • Gun • Goo • James L. • Kouji • Vin • Samuel
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🝮 One thing you’ve learned about teenage boys since you began dating one, is that the combination of tiredness and trust is a deadly one.
🝮 You watched Zack train today. He called you to his gym, showed off, and wore himself out.
🝮 So now that you’re home, you can see his displays of fatigue more clearly.
🝮 He becomes a puppy 😩
🝮 Maybe a grumpy puppy. But his eyes are soft and warm like a protective guard dog.
🝮 You help him out of his jacket and shoes- seeing as his hands are still sore.
🝮 The cold weather has its effects- even on your moron of a boyfriend.
🝮 You push his flopping bangs out of his hair, rubbing extra lotion onto his cracking hands.
🝮 The motion of your hands rubbing against his makes his eyelids droop.
🝮 You both fall onto the couch a few minutes later.
🝮 It doesn’t take long for you to see that Zack is on the brink of falling asleep.
🝮 “Come here,” you say as you open your arms to him.
🝮 Zack’s eyes, dark and soulful, don’t betray the doubt he feels. He hesitates.
🝮 “How come?”
🝮 You shrug- ignoring the sheepishness you feel crawling at your insides.
🝮 He looks at you full of trust, like this is secretly what he wanted the whole time, and all you can do is nod understandingly. You already know.
🝮 The thing about trust is that Zack has put all of his in you, and when he’s tired, he trusts you to tend to him in his vulnerability 🤲
🝮 Soon enough Zack is leaning onto your shoulder, breathing heavily against the fabric of your hoodie.
🝮 And gradually the two of you shift, and he relaxes his cheeks into your chest.
🝮 You play with his hair— trying desperately to stay cool while he drifts off to sleep.
🝮 I’m not gonna lie to you, sometimes he drools in his sleep, so watch out
🝮 You were the one that initiated it- sort of. In the morning he wants to pay you back. 🫣
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🝮 You’re sitting on your armchair.
🝮 And Johan is sitting across the room.
🝮 Your hands rub gently between Eden’s perky ears, spurring on his excited tail wags and tip-tappy paws.
🝮 With Eden sitting in between your feet, Miro has no choice but to jump by your legs and wag her tail.
🝮 And as you smile, whispering sweet pet-names to the dogs, Johan frowns.
🝮 “They’re not usually this excited—” You laugh, looking up to Johan
🝮 Johan: 👺
🝮 You shift in your seat, releasing the fluffy ears of Eden and directing your attention at his owner.
🝮 “Is something wrong…?” You get the feeling like it’s something stupid, but to Johan it probably won’t be.
🝮 The corners of his mouth continue to perk downward, his brows furrowing gently.
🝮 Then he stands, walking towards you, kneeling down in front of you.
🝮 You’re on the edge of your seat, staring at him blankly. Waiting for him to explain.
🝮 And then, with his dark eyes still holding your gaze, Johan leans forward and rests his cheek against your chest.
🝮 🫠🫠🫠
🝮 “Johan…?” You suppress a chuckle, watching silently as he leans further into you, wrapping his arms around your middle.
🝮 The two of you gradually relax into the arm chair. He ends up straddling your lap a bit, head still firmly placed in your chest.
🝮 You listen quietly as he falls asleep, his breaths becoming heavier and evening out.
🝮 You stroke the bangs away from his eyes, pressing your lips against his forehead as she slumbers. Soon enough you fall asleep too.
🝮 Sweet bbb. A little jealous…?
🝮 He didn’t initiate it. You didn’t either. It was Eden 🫵
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🝮 He’s leaning forward on the edge of the couch, head sagging as he inwardly relays his day.
🝮 Your legs are wrapped around his hips, fingers pressing into his taut muscles.
🝮 “You look tired,” you mumble against the fabric of his shirt.
🝮 Jonggeon has just returned from a long day at work. His muscles are tight and sore, his hair begs to be played with after being styled for so long, his eyes are glazed and unfocused.
🝮 “You think I’m tired…? I don’t get tired.” You can hear the smirk even if you don’t see it, and you press harder into his shoulder blade.
🝮 He doesn’t flinch but he does shut up.
🝮 Your hands move to the sides of his face, cupping his porcelain cheeks that you know are secretly pudgy.
🝮 You use your fingers to stoke at the sides of his face, closing your eyes are you press against his muscular back.
🝮 “Aren’t you using that technique to help babies fall asleep?” Gun asks, turning his head towards you.
🝮 “So what if I am? Maybe that’s how I think of you…” you smile against his back, prodding his cheeks to further your teasing
🝮 He huffs indignantly, turning back to the front.
🝮 The room is cluttered- as a man’s flat should be. Except Gun’s place is usually neat- so it makes sense that the two of you are house sitting for Goo.
🝮 You feel Gun’s body getting warmer and his head sagging forward.
🝮 Gun is hot 99.9% of the time. That 1% is when he turns into a lap potato 🥔
🝮 You retract your hands away from his face, pull your legs out from his sides
🝮 “You should get some sleep,” you murmur, standing and planting a kiss on the crown of his head.
🝮 Gun grabs your wrist, “Where’re you going?” And you’re about to reply—
🝮 Wait a minute 😃 ☝️
🝮 You’re not standing anymore. You’re lying down?
🝮 Gun hovers above you, arms encasing you on either side.
🝮 You: 🐭
🝮 He can sense your embarrassment, even if you stubbornly refuse to show it. A smile appears on his face as he lowers onto your chest.
🝮 *Alarms go off in your head*
🝮 “Gun- get off-!” You try shoving this hunk away. It’s not working.
🝮 You close your eyes, willing yourself to calm down. You feel Gun’s eyelashes fluttering against your chest as he stares up at you.
🝮 His arms are still holding you to him. He’s still in control. He’s still on the verge of falling asleep-
🝮 You hear his breaths even out. You release a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in.
🝮 Now that Gun is asleep on your chest, you’re free to admire whatever part of him you can get a glimpse of. 👀
🝮 He initiated it. He knew exactly what he was doing. If he’s gonna be vulnerable he’s taking you down with him.
How did this one get so freaking long—?
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🝮 Goofy starts reading the trophy encased in his large gloved hands, voice reaching peak emotion. And as his son Max nods to his words, the sunset cascading shades of orange and pink in the background, pride radiates from the—
🝮 “Achoo-!” a very forced sneeze.
🝮 “Goo you idiot-!” You wail, turning to him with a scowl on your face.
🝮 “Excuse me-? And anyway this movie is boring! Let’s watch something else!”
🝮 Your frown deepens and you smack his hand away from the TV Remote. If you have any say, you two are going to finish An Extremely Goofy Movie.
🝮 But beside you, your goofy- Goo- is pouting like a baby.
🝮 As the movie continues you watch him in silence through the corner of your eye. You watch him stifle a yawn. Rub his eyes with his busted hands. Mumble about his sore neck.
🝮 You frown. It’s easy to recognize that his boredom has made him tired.
🝮 At first you just ignore him and let him be… at least until the end credits start rolling on the screen.
🝮 Your heart flutters as Goo reaches out for your thigh, crawling over you and resting his head on your legs.
🝮 You laugh, staring at the obnoxious expression on his face, “What if I was tired? How am I supposed to fall asleep?”
🝮 He lets out a gasp and frowns, stroking your arm lazily with his finger.
🝮 His expression remains the same… (° v °)
🝮 “How abo-o-u-ut… we b-o-t-h lay down, huh?” He asks slowly, dragging out the syllables
🝮 “Lemme turn on another movie first-” you mutter, leaning across his lean form to grab the remote. Beneath you Goo squirms.
🝮 Your finger barely presses the button before he snatches the remote out of your hands.
🝮 “Kim-!” You hiss irritably.
🝮 He ignores you (of course) and knocks you beside him on the couch.
🝮 “Shh, I got a good movie in mind-!”
🝮 Goo is laying with his back against the couch, surprisingly muscular arms wrapped around your waist.
🝮 You both face the TV screen; your head rests on a decorative pillow; his head lays on your chest.
🝮 By now you’re used to cuddling. Even if you’re not the biggest fan, Goo certainly is.
🝮 So when Newt dies and you’re the only one crying, you have to pause The Death Cure to glare at the man resting on your boobs.
🝮 Goo is sound asleep, rhythmic breaths ruffling your shirt. He looks calm for once.
🝮 Goo: 😴
🝮 You: 👺
🝮 He initiated it— and in return for falling asleep was banned from kissing you for the day.
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𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐞
🝮 Today has been a long… long day.
🝮 You heard about the increased vocal training James had been undertaking…. And a little birdie also noted that he was more than good
🝮 You weren’t sure what to expect, really.
🝮 When you arrived at his newly furnished flat, you found him staring at the fish tank.
🝮 His hair looked neater. His eyes looked dull.
🝮 He looked incredibly tired, incredibly handsome, and made you feel incredibly unhappy.
🝮 “Hey Ja— Diego. What’s with the soft boy look?” You try quietly, smiling as you lug the groceries into the kitchen.
🝮 He remained stationary at the fish tank, shoving his hands into his pockets.
🝮 You: 🧍
🝮 He shrugged his shoulders, turning his angular face towards you lazily, “It’s my new face. If you got a problem with it then too bad.”
🝮 You shake your head slowly, releasing a heavy sigh.
🝮 You knew this transition would be… hard.
🝮 Especially now that your boyfriend was realizing just how much he would have to change to fit into his new persona.
🝮 And even if he agreed to it and claimed it was for the best, you couldn’t help but feel a little irritated.
🝮 What happened to that wolffish boy? The legend of the first generation? The boy who had winked at you when he had just pummeled your would-be-assaulters as though they were nothing but animals
🝮 James Lee was being restrained. Limited in this new form of himself- Diego. A K-Pop idol.
🝮 That’s not to say he didn’t look handsome, or still act like his charming self. He did. But his previous ferocity was extinguished… and it was leaving him feeling empty.
🝮 “You look nice,” you say, opening the fridge with the milk carton in hand. “It’s just different.”
🝮 “This was supposed to make me look hotter. Do I not look hot to you?”
🝮 You try to hide your smile. That’s a trick that won’t work on you. Whatever he’s doing will not seduce you.
🝮 You turn. And sure enough there he is.
🝮 Yeah. He does look hot. With his gently molded muscles flexing as he leans onto the kitchen counter, bangs curtaining his aristocratic face.
🝮 You thought James was handsome before. But this sealed the deal.
🝮 “Uh huh, whatever you say DG,” You turn away with a smirk. “Looks like someone needs a nap though~”
🝮 In the reflection of the shiny new stove you can make out his hand reaching for his eyes, rubbing tenderly beneath them on his dark circles.
🝮 “It looks that obvious?” “Only to me, babe.”
🝮 You walk over to the large, luxurious couch. You’re still getting used to being around all this fancy furniture.
🝮 The black leather sinks into your weight as you sprawl across the length of the couch, resting your back against the arm.
🝮 James trails behind you, laying next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
🝮 “Nuh uh…” you adjust, shoving him down. “None of that alpha male crap or whatever. Go to sleep.”
🝮 DG rests his head on your chest, looking up at you with watchful, dark eyes.
🝮 You play with his tufts of tamed pastel hair, smiling as he relaxes into your touch.
🝮 This is the result of years of trust stacking up. This is the result of James humbling himself and admitting he had caught feelings. You weren’t just another string attached to the whole conquering sham. You were his (Y/N).
🝮 His eyelids fluttered shut, long eyelashes resting against his soft pale cheeks. His breathing evened out, and James was officially asleep.
🝮 You smiled, leaning your head back onto the pillow. He was still just James.
🝮 You initiated it… but this wasn’t the first time.
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🝮 You never expected it to be such a mess.
🝮 Sure, you weren’t envisioning a neat, Candy-wrapper free environment that mirrored a magazine master bedroom, but still…
🝮 “Kouji… how can you live like this?”
🝮 You catch a glimpse of his cheeks flaring red.
🝮 “It’s not that messy. Don’t complain if I’m gonna be doing the actual job, otherwise I won’t do it.”
🝮 You nod to yourself, watching him flop onto his bed with his laptop.
🝮 He vaguely gestured for you to sit down, and you do so.
🝮 And then for the next hour or so, all you do is watch his purple head bounce up and down as he works his computer magic.
🝮 You: 😶
🝮 Kouji: 😪
🝮 By now the two of you have your backs to the wall. You’re actually leaning against it.
🝮 You watch wordlessly as his body slowly reclines backwards. His hands rub at his eyes more frequently.
🝮 His usual factual mutterings turn into nothing but incomprehensible gibberish
🝮 Those pudgy, mochi cheeks that drive you crazy are finally resting against your shoulder.
🝮 You try not to smirk— seeing as the arrogant genius is now out-of-his-wits and asleep on your shoulder.
🝮 And then as the two of you slide downwards, you begin to relax. After all, you and him have gotten pretty close-
🝮 Those baby-pudge cheeks make you want to melt.
🝮 Especially now that they’re on your chest—
🝮 🚨 🚨 🚨
🝮 It was an accident. It was awkward. Maybe he banned you from his room? Or maybe it turned into a make-out session, who knows.
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𝐕𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐧
🝮 You don’t normally spend your weekends in his living room, surrounded by piles of snacks he doesn’t want to share.
🝮 Yet here you are.
🝮 Up until now, you and Vin haven’t hung out without Mary.
♕ Mary insisted she was sick today. And couldn't make it. 🙄
🝮 It was a load of bull. But whatever.
🝮 “Well what am I supposed to eat?” you snap.
🝮 He ignores you, but you continue: “You’re taking all the good snacks bro. I can’t survive on the crumbs- I’m growing to—”
🝮 Another obnoxious crunch.
🝮 Vin pulls his hand out of the bag, extending one measly puffy Cheeto.
🝮 “Here. Now shut up so I can focus.”
🝮 “Focus on what? Growing your overinflated ego? Just give me an actual snack.”
🝮 He has an entire hoard of chip bags surrounding him- as well as some pocky sticks and instant ramen that you know he’s hiding from you.
🝮 Vin looks up in your direction, his expression one of clear irritation.
🝮 “You aren’t even trying to write your song!” He grumbles, crunching on another Cheeto and crumbling up the now-empty bag.
🝮 You rub your temples, turning towards your music draft.
🝮 “I can’t focus with all your crunching. I need my own snack.”
🝮 “Why are you so hungry?” He asks, pencil scratching roughly on his paper.
🝮 You watch his side profile wordlessly. The seven-times-tinted sunglasses and swoop of bangs are sure to block his view…
🝮 You’re desperately hungry. Won’t someone give you something to eat~♫
🝮 You reach for the nearest back of Potato Chips, sliding the bag over to yourself as quietly as you can.
🝮 To your surprise; delight; shock; amazement; Vin doesn’t notice at all.
🝮 And then you try opening the bag-
🝮 “The hell?! You mother-“
🝮 Vin is grabbing your waist and you’re kicking at his abs.
🝮 “VinJin you jerk-!”
🝮 “(Y/N) you ass!”
🝮 “Potty-mouthed idiot-“ you roll on top of him, arms straining to hold out as you clasp hands with his larger ones.
🝮 “Snarky— perverted—” He grunts, his hands encasing yours as you two wrestle onto the couch
🝮 “You really fighting me, you coward?” You grit your teeth, kicking at his shins until he gives and falls onto the sofa.
🝮 You both pant, out of breath, until Vin flips on top of you-
🝮 “You started it!” He growls.
🝮 You refuse to look at him, especially now that you’re realizing he can be somewhat attractive…
🝮 His hands are still clasped firmly onto your own, and his brows are still knitted together angrily. “What? Are you mad at me for winning? Cmon, don’t ignore me… jeez you’re as annoying as Mary… (Y/N) come on—”
🝮 He’s about to flop his head into your chest.
🝮 You’re about to shove him into your chest to make him shut up.
🝮 His head is slammed onto your chest, and neither of you can find the words to complain.
🝮 And so it works out… and now the two of you are calming down. Actually… it’s getting a little too calm.
🝮 You open your heavy eyelids, glancing down at Vin. Sure enough, he’s asleep. And you feel the biggest urge to push him off the couch— but somehow you have the feeling that you shouldn’t ruin this moment.
🝮 Hell it was weird. You both initiated it…?!
🝮 This one is also freaking long… oopsies. Y’all got spoiled 💅
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🝮 When you’re dating someone as sadistic as Samuel, who’s alliance seems to always be jumping from one person to the next, and who’s mental stability relies heavily on how he lives up to his own standards, then you’re sure to experience the wipeout days.
🝮 The sort of days where the old person is gone, and he’s replaced by an empty shell of himself.
🝮 For Samuel- today is one of those days.
🝮 You sit on the modern lounge chair that overlooks the city below, feeling comfortable despite your usual fear of heights.
🝮 (If you aren’t afraid of heights then shut up and pretend because you are now 🤡)
🝮 Your legs are crossed, your laptop rests on your thighs, and you listen attentively to the streamer you’re watching.
🝮 Samuel stands by the window with his back to you.
🝮 Every now and then you glance up at him worriedly
🝮 He’s not normally this quiet around you… or so tame. Normally it’s a war zone of snarky and perverted remarks.
🝮 “Samuel…?”
🝮 He turns to you slightly, defined jawline taut and tempting. You see his eyebrows draw together tightly and his lips purse.
🝮 “Hmm?” he hums from deep within his throat.
🝮 “You okay? You seem kinda tense.”
🝮 He turns to you, and then you can see it.
🝮 The depressed, empty shell of your normally sharp-witted boyfriend.
🝮 You can see past his sterile gaze: a glint of short-temperedness in his eyes. The frown on your face continues to deepen.
🝮 “I’m fine. Thank you for being so thoughtful,” he smiles rigidly.
🝮 “What’s with you?” You ask as you set aside your computer, giving him the attention he deserves.
🝮 He shrugs his shoulders as he approaches your open arms, kneeling in front of you.
🝮 You slide out of the chair and sit on the floor with him. “Come on Sammy…”
🝮 And then you’re both laying on the floor, and his powerful form is suddenly vulnerable now that he’s wrapped in your arms.
🝮 You stroke his hair, combing beneath the buzz cut and into his thick roots, calming both him and yourself down.
🝮 His cheek rests on your chest, and he smirks up at you every now and then.
🝮 When he feels in the mood again, it’s sexy time and he’ll die before you find him in this position. But for now he feels comfortable… so he’s going to stay like this.
🝮 That angular face of his is pressed into your breast, and you can’t help but feel a little hot at the thought.
🝮 “Let’s just fall asleep right here.”
🝮 That’s exactly what you did.
🝮 You initiated it— since you’ve done it before. But it doesn’t happen often- so treasure his vulnerable side while you can 😩
🝮 Also I know his character design is just for sex-appeal…. But come on guys he needs more fluff content 🥺
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slashv1xen · 3 months
dating bo sinclair head cannons - fluff
these are only SFW, i don’t write NSFW sorry 💗
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he is DEFINITELY a show off, he will do anything to hear praise (he also definitely has mommy issues). and when he does? oh boy he’ll do either 1 of 2 things:
he smirks and says some teasing line, but the tips of his ears would be red and he would be thinking about that little praise CONSTANTLY (though he’ll never admit that)
if he’s in an emotional/vulnerable state (ex. he’s having a breakdown and you soothe him) he’ll probably either start crying or cry harder. (this is due to the awful treatment his mother gave him, plz give him the love he deserves)
his type is either an extremely feminine bimbo OR someone who is grunge/alt (if you’re grunge/alt, the two of you will listen to old rock/metal CD’s)
following off the last one, bo would definitely listen to nine inch nails/deftones/type o negative, that kinda music. and if you like that type of music he would take the CD’s from his victims so the two of you could listen to them together
on the other end of the spectrum, if you were a bimbo he would teasingly make fun of your naivety and stupidity (only him, we all know what happens if someone else made fun of you, especially if they were passerbys in the town)
he would stare at you with a soft smile on his face as he admired you getting ready (brushing your hair, putting on makeup, brushing teeth etc).
he is traditional and old-fashioned, he expects you to take on housewife duties while he works kills
as often he’s portrayed as “constantly grumpy and cruel” (which isn’t much of a shocker) i think that he has a soft side (possibly the softest of the sinclair brothers), although he has an extremely strong exterior (he’s also the definition of toxic masculinity, thanks trudy) so it is very difficult to see the softer side of him
he loves cats and you can’t tell me otherwise (ex. if you asked him for a pet cat he would say something like “there’s enough things to take of ‘n this house ‘nd you want a damn cat?” but he would return from work luring victims with a small kitten (probably a ragdoll or a york chocolate) and a small grin on his face)
he’s HEAVY on pet names, such as darlin’, baby, sweetheart, etc.
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deadghosy · 2 years
How would the boys react if you got jumped by their enemies and are hurt now?
◯Reactions to if you got jumped◯
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Robin Arellano
Oh you got jumped? Bet. Robin is pulling up with a gun and a bat.
Robin would be angry and mad for who jumped you like a pussy.
You can’t tell me robin does not have a bat in his room. This mf is prepared for the worst in the right time.
Of course he patched you up. He loves taking care of you from time by time.
You would tell him who did it and he would go full Batman on them mfs. He don’t care if it’s a bunch of high schoolers or grown ass men. He killin them.
Finney Blake
Would be worried sick.
When you walked in bruised he was so worried and scared for you.
“Omg, omg, omfg omfg.” He would saying that immediately when he brought you into his house to patch you up.
Would kiss your wounds gently.
Vance Hopper
Mad. Absolutely mad.
When he sees you beat up he would be ruthless and ask you who did it.
You tell him it was bunch of kids Vance knows cause of how many times they messed with Vance in the past.
Vance would walk up to the assholes and beat them shitless and make sure they don’t touch you again.
Bruce Yamada
Patches you up immediately, no question he would asked of you. Just pure comfortable silence.
Would calmly ask you who did it and why like a teacher asking you who pushed you off the swing.
You told him who did it, and he nods. Getting up while softly patting the bandages he had put on your wounds.
Well, he had some business to attend to after he made you rest. :)
Billy Showalter
He is crying and shaking in his boots. Literally.
This man is crying cause he doesn’t want you to bled out by how bad you got hurt. He doesn’t like seeing you hurt cause it hurts him more than ever to see you in pain
His dog is whimpering by how you hiss at every little touch Billy is giving you to patch you up.
Billy holds you after he is done patching you up. Sweet little baby just wants you to be safe. He just want you to never experience that ever again as he cuddles you and kisses your head
Griffin Stagg
Patches you up when he sees you immediately just like Bruce
Asked you who did, you told him don’t worry about it cause you got some of them beat up as well.
Griffin is your personal nurse cause you be getting injured out of no where. It’s insane
He would tell you how his day went so you could be distracted from the pain.
Then after he is done, he will start looking or who hurt you having a thick ass book ready to hit and run for.
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