#Friendly spirits disguised as humans
sliverswords · 2 years
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doing some character design for the spirits of my little brain child story! I’m calling the world Loriair enjoy!
they are in order love, friendship, mind, spirit, emotion, life, and death
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tiredwitchplant · 7 months
It's Time for Samhain! (Oct 31- Nov 1)
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What is Samhain? In the Celtic calendar, Samhain marks the end of summer and the harvest season, and the beginning of the dark, cold winter months. It falls opposite Beltane on May 1, which represents the beginning of spring and the life-filled growing season.
It’s believed that the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest on Samhain. Historically, people were worried that they would encounter ornery spirits if they ventured outside on Samhain night, so they dressed as ghosts or wore masks to disguise themselves. Folks would leave treats on their front porch or place an extra setting at the table to welcome any friendly spirits who stopped by. You can see how these Samhain rituals easily morphed into our modern-day version of trick-or-treating in costume.
Nighttime bonfires were another of the long-standing Samhain rituals - this one was thought to help combat the impending darkness of winter and the fearful chill that accompanied the idea of roaming spirits. Because the veil between living and dead is believed to be the thinnest on this night, Samhain is also a powerful night for divination and spellcasting by candlelight.
Usual Symbols of Samhain:
Ale or Mead
Besom or Broom
Apples and Cider
Herbs and Plants for Samhain:
Rosemary – Associated with remembrance and is needed during this season in taking time to honor the memories of our ancestors and other lost loved ones. Can be used in an incense blend and at ancestor altar
Fall Flowers – Includes flowers like marigolds and chrysanthemums. Are associated with protection and chrysanthemums come in handy with connecting to the spirit world
Apples (the fruit, branches and blossoms) – Is considered sacred to a lot of gods. A good apple harvest means that the gods have shown the community their favor. You can use apples in different rituals, especially divination
Pomegranates – Is associated with the realm of the underworld and helps with communication with the dead. It is also associated with fertility of the fall.
Squashes, Pumpkins and Gourds – Is associated with abundance and provides sustenance for your family when the fields become bare and covered in snow. Is linked to psychic awareness and development and protection.
Mugwort – Is associated with divination and dreaming. Using Mugwort baths or incenses in the rituals can focus on treating depression, especially with the seasons changing
Rowan Trees – The branches and berries are a way to keep evil spirits out of your house and are associated with good health. If you plant a tree near a grave, it will prevent the dead from rising.
Sage – Is associated with cleansing and grounding. Is a great incense to cleanse your home to bring in the new and out with the old
Hawthorn – Has been associated with the gateway between humans and the spirit world. Is also rumored to an area where you can see fairies.
Crystals for Samhain:
Amethyst – Aids in opening one’s third eye and is valuable to be able to see Samhain’s spirits around
Black Obsidian – Is great for grounding and protect from evil spirits. Can be used in scrying when speaking to deities and spirits of Samhain
Citrine – Is used to honor the sun. Aids in prosperity spells and carries joy
Black Tourmaline – Wards off unwanted spirits from your property and can be buried into the ground to protect from psychic attacks and spirit intrusion
Orange Calcite – Orange is a sacred color to Samhain. This stone is associated with one’s sacral chakra and can cleanse and align reproductive organs, sexuality and get creativity flowing
Bloodstone – Known to heal cardiovascular illness and disease. Can help with ancestry links and work
Spirit Quartz – Is great in helping communicate with the spirits of Samhain and releasing old and toxic habits
Lepidolite – Used to appease the fairies that roam during Samhain
Serpentine – Is associated with snakes and aids in remembering past lives. Loki seems to like this stone and may be great to use for him if you work with him during this season
Dragonstone – Dragons are guardians of the earth, spirits of place, and connect us to Mother Nature. Helps say goodbye to the old years and our old selves
Skull shaped Stones – Since skulls are symbols of Samhain, skull shaped stone can help with symbolism during this holiday. They represent the life-death-rebirth cycle, wisdom and our ancestors
Spells and Rituals:
A Samhain Tea (Apple and Hawthorn Berry)
1 apple, sliced
2 Tablespoon dried hawthorn berries (or 4 Tablespoons fresh)
1 cinnamon stick
A pinch of cloves
4 cups water
Honey, to taste (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a small stockpot.
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes.
Strain the plant material from the tea, then transfer the tea into two mugs.
Enjoy one for yourself, and leave the other on your table or front porch to nourish any wandering spirits who may pass while the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest.
A Pumpkin Spell for Prosperity
A pumpkin
Some paint
Go to the pumpkin patch (or local store) and select a pumpkin. Or let the pumpkin choose you.
Bring it home and paint prosperity symbols on it – money signs, runes for prosperity or harvest glyphs (whatever means prosperity to you).
Then place by your front door to invite prosperous vibes into your home this Samhain season.
Bonfire Release Purification Spell
Source of fire (bonfire, fireplace, candle flame)
Gather your materials and sit by the fire.
Take a few minutes to just listen to the fire crackling.
Gaze into the flames and connect with this powerful element.
Next begin to think about what habit or person you are releasing this Samhain. Think about why you’re purifying your life from this thing or person.
Then write the habit or person down on the piece of paper.
Fold it away from you 3 times.
Hold it in your hands and allow all of the negative thoughts and energies inside of you to “drain” out of you and into the paper.
Then throw it in the fire and say,
“After this Samhain, never again. Never again. I release _________ from my life by the power of the Samhain fire. So, mote it be.”
How to Make a Samhain Altar
Beautiful autumn leaves or flowers that you collect on a nature walk
A candle
A mugwort bundle
A string of rowan beads
A bowl of apples or a small pumpkin
A hawthorn wand or bowl of freshly picked hawthorn berries
A picture of your ancestors
To make an altar, first find a corner of your home or a table surface where you can arrange a few treasures. You don’t need a ton of space. You could use the top of a dresser, the corner of your desk, an unused side table, etc. 
After you’ve assembled your altar, spend some time sitting quietly in the space. Light the candle and/or mugwort wand, sip on a cup of Apple & Hawthorn Berry Tea and meditate on this energetically powerful day. 
I could find specific written instructions for a crystal grid but I found a video!
Crystal Grid for Samhain
Let's get ready for Samhain and have a great and safe time!
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moontheoretist · 5 months
"It was true that Anders had been changed by his union with Justice.  But Justice had begun to change him even before that, from the moment of their first meeting.  
Back before Kirkwall, before Hawke, in Blackmarsh near Amaranthine, where the Veil had been stripped tissue-thin by dark magic, Anders and his companions had been thrown into the spirit world, and there they had found Justice.
Anders had, on occasion, encountered other friendly spirits in the Fade.  But those were like shy woodland creatures, fleeting about, silent and inscrutable.  Intelligent in their own way, but preoccupied with matters in which human beings played little part.
Justice was different.  Imposing, undeniable, like something out of a storybook.  Like something out of Anders's own childhood dreams, when he had drifted to sleep in petrified silence each night during his first lonely months in the Circle.
From the beginning, Anders had felt a sort of silent awe in Justice’s presence.  But with time, he realized that what he felt, more than anything, was shame.  
He could see, now, his own veneer of carelessness, of casual disregard, for what it was.  A protective posture.  Armor against the world.  He had long ago learned that selfishness was something to hold onto when cruel experience made believing in anything else too painful.  Selfishness meant that he was permitted to save himself, even if he could save no one else.
But in Justice's presence, all of this, everything of his former life, suddenly struck him as pale and wanting.
There were, Anders knew, certain beliefs that he had always held onto, in a locked away, guarded part of his heart.  That the vulnerable would someday find the strength to unite against their oppressors.  That their oppressors would be cast down and face atonement.  And in Justice, these ideas suddenly stood before him, given form and voice.  They suddenly seemed not only possible, but necessary.
For his part, thrown into the mortal world and confined to the decaying body of Kristoff,  Justice could not help but take note of Anders as well.  It first struck him as odd that a person who burned with such a painful longing for righteousness was regarded by his mortal companions as little more than a charming scoundrel.  Then came the realization that this was intentional on Anders's part - a disguise.  Then, the realization that the disguise was not for others' sake, but for that of Anders himself.
He noted this, for example:  Anders liked to speak about the Circle's cruelties, or the templars who now hunted him, in an attitude of annoyance, glibness, arrogant superiority.  Always masking pain, masking anger.  
When Justice finally named those things in earnest - You were a helpless child when you were taken and caged.  They should never again be allowed to lay their hands on another mage as they did you - Anders looked at him in real fear.  
He was afraid because he knew what this would mean:  to acknowledge that feeling, to face it, to give it weight.  He knew where his desire for retribution would lead him.  
That part - the endgame of all of this - was never in doubt.
But even back then, when Justice was still Kristoff and not yet Anders, his presence at Anders's side was a source of strength, almost intoxicating.  When they fought the templars who had come to recapture Anders, Justice did not hesitate to deliver the killing blow.  He seemed to regard the act as unquestionably right, as no more blameworthy than removing a dangerous weapon from the hands of a child.  
Anders envied this certainty, fed off of it, felt emboldened by it, and desired it for himself.
Justice was able to recall the first moments of their union in a way Anders could not.  Feeling the different weight and motion of a living body around him, overcome by the blinding flare of a living consciousness, colliding with the surge of conflicted emotion that Anders carried within him, and, finally, merging with the mirrored longing for justice already present there.  More painful than Kristoff, more bewildering, but more ecstatic as well.
For Anders, it was different.  Unconsciousness, panic, a sense of absence, of his body suddenly becoming foreign to him.  The experience of possession.  He was lost for some time, even as Justice worked solicitously to help him find himself again, to lead him back to the surface.  
In the days and weeks that followed, Anders found that all of the old parts of him were still there - memories, desires, fears, faults.  But something had cracked open inside him.  He had a sensation as though his innermost heart were suddenly bared to the world, raw and unprotected."
~ unison by zerodignity
I dislike people who prefer Awakening Anders and sneer at DA2 Anders, not because I dislike Awakening Anders (I didn't play it, so I can't say I dislike him), but because they miss the point of his character, just like the writers of his did. Anders is not a "bipolar terrorist" that was destined to blow up the Chantry in a misguided act of heroism that is actually a villainy. Anders is a person who commits something unthinkable because there was nothing else left. He tried for 7 years to change the fate of the mages and the only thing he got in return were more oppression, abuses and injustice. If he didn't do what he did, if he didn't remove the status quo forcibly, there would be no foundation to build mage's future on. His action was necessary. He didn't start the war, as it was started by the Templars themselves when mages voted for independence from the Chantry, but it had to be done to show that mages have enough of the status quo, that the change needs to happen. Anders before Justice was a man who hated Templars and desired justice, but never could actually pursue it, because his survival was far more important at the time. He acted the way he did, because it was easier, it was a convenient mask to hide behind, so he didn't have to face the reality of his own feelings. Justice changed all that. He allowed Anders to be truly himself. And albeit I mourn his ending in which he lives happily with the Wardens (which was retconned for the sake of DA2), Anders needed this change in himself. He needed this realization that his own survival is no longer the most important, and that he finally can put his anger to good use.
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rs-hawk · 6 months
Just gonna say it: Guild Wars 2 has so many good monster bf/gf options
- race of plant people who are all born from a tree (sylvari)
- race of muscular cat people with horns and four ears that are essentially a mix of big cats and bulls/minotaurs (charr)
- race of tall humanoids that via communing with nature spirits become werecreatures (norn)
- race of 10-20 ft tall four armed desert dwelling elemental spirits known for disguising as humans and other creatures occasionally. their voices have an almost serpentine quality and are confirmed to live multiple centuries at least (djinn)
- race of 10+ ft tall interdimensional muscular humanoids known for their circular black wings and only ever seen with helmets covering their heads. both males and females look identical in body shape (mursaat)
- race of 10ish ft tall genderless four armed beings known for advanced magic abilities and likewise live exceptionally long lives (seers)
- race of four armed (seeing a trend yet?) serpentine interdimensional beings that are kinda like nagas but with snake heads (the forgotten)
- demons exist and come in a variety of body shapes but they all look like hodgepodges of flesh and teeth. also they can smell emotions and mentally communicate with others (some of them are friendly)
- there's multiple instances where you fight giant tentacles the size of trees. it's implied the tentacles are attached to a larger creature. whether any of those creatures are sentient is up for debate, but considering an entire map-wide event chain is focused on fighting tentacles, they deserve a mention
- the elder dragons that are the size of islands can corrupt people in different ways. sometimes the corruption is consensual (it depends on the dragon)
- a romance novelist (it's stated he writes smut) in game who's main gimmick is writing interspecies relationship romances. also he kinda looks like the Beast from Beauty and the Beast (Snargle Goldclaw)
- basically the entire repertoire of enemies if you really want to go through it
Also it's canon that queer relationships & people AND interspecies relationships are accepted in said universe! There's only a handful of blatantly obvious examples from the main story but a lot of side quests and ambient dialogue reveals a lot of other examples. Yes there's even agender characters with they/them pronouns and at least one trans person.
So what you’re saying is me and every other monster fucker needs to play this game
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icanseethefuture333 · 8 months
and how to banish demons and trickster spirits?? 🥲 please help thank you
How to spiritually protect your home from unfamiliar entities 👻
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When faced with paranormal activity, it can be scary for anyone! We start to question ourselves and feeling silly thinking: "Did I really just see that?! No, no, it my must be my imagination..." but you still can't shake the feeling something is there in your room.
How to decipher between a high or low vibrational entity
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Every spirit takes form in a different shape and color. I am unsure what it means but I have seen just about each one. So I will be giving each one a name for it. A fair warning though to use your intuition because my interaction with each spirit could be different from yours. Always use caution.
The in-between:
This spirit is mainly gray and fuzzy but has a rainbow outline. Similar to a broken TV. I believe these spirits are going through a period of healing and transformation. They are more neutral with their approach but overall have good intentions.
Holier than thou:
This spirit looks pure white. It's just a plain white or almost milky translucent color, they are typically friendly. If they are white, but look like it's sparkling or shining, it is a low vibrational entity or demon trying to pose as a angel.
The ones that appear in the corner of your eye or when you feel a presence randomly pass by. This is the most famous type of spirit that everyone has said they have come across. They come as shadows and are quick on their feet. They are black in color and their origins I am unsure, but they haven't bothered me per say. They startle me though, so because of how they sneak around. I mainly believe that they are trickster spirits.
Fairy lights (also known as orbs):
Orbs of light are considered to be a manifestation of energy present in your home. I have interacted with this type of spirit the least. When I first began doing deity worship with Aphrodite, I would see pink orbs, and that is how I knew she was present when I prayed to her or asked her for guidance. I have also seen orbs when interacting with archangels.
These spirits fade in and disappear once they get what they want. They usually appear with a message and then leave once they're done. They can be pretty lonely, so sometimes they just like your company. I went to a garden memorial once and I had a spirit follow me home just so they could spend time with me. They left after two days.
I feel that most of the time my interaction with an angel was presented as a human. You ever had someone that just was really sweet and kind to you in when you were having a really rough day? Yeah I mean that. Those feel like angels to me. Archangels I view them as orbs.
*cracks knuckles* the moment you've all been waiting for. Now these are masters of disguise. Demons present themselves as anything or anyone just to get closer to you. Whether that's a living human being, an attractive person in your dream who sexually arouses you (incubus/succubus), or a monster who keep causing you to have nightmares in your sleep. Their main desire is to suck your life source and take over your soul at your weakest moment or make you do malicious things that are out of your character.
The different types of demons:
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Before we touch upon this topic, if you are someone who struggles with a mental health condition such as anxiety, PTSD, BPD, etc. Be aware that some of your symptoms could align with some of the things I will mention down below. You have to understand the difference of just being anxious/paranoid and genuinely having an encounter with an entity that's dangerous.
Creepers are literally what they are. They creep up on you quite randomly. They mostly appear in your dreams to scare you and cause you to have nightmares. In most cases, these ones are just annoying because they scare you out of your sleep, but the more severe ones can physically harm you. One time in middle school I had a nightmare of a demon wanting to attack me in my sleep and I woke up with scratches on my back that were bright red. Nobody else was there in my room that night to have left scratches on me like that. Anyone of any age can deal with creepers but it is most common for children to come across them.
A hitman is usually a demon that was sent by someone who has given you the evil eye or decided to hex you or wish malicious things onto you. This is scary for most people to experience because you can't tell if you're going crazy or genuinely feel an attack on your peace of mind. A sign of a spiritual attack is when you are around someone and suddenly that person gives you a bad vibe, you start to feel physically ill or energetically drained. Intuitively, you should know when you feel unsettled by a negative entity.
Inner demons:
You guessed it. Demons that come from you. We all have our own inner demons that manifest from a place of pain, envy, anger, bitterness, or hatred. They are the ones who stick with us through our darkest times. Inner demons have a codependent relationship with us. It's almost as if being with a narcissist. Instead of helping you, they enjoy that you are helpless so they can stay with you longer. They conveniently appear or come around during severe periods of depression. Since it is a inner demon and not a hitman demon, you have to learn to forgive yourself for the manifestation of this entity, since it has come from you. Instead of fighting them or being angry with them, allow them to be set free. Wish healing for them as well, since it was not their fault they were born out of agony. They may come and go, but they should know their place from now on. For witches, these demons could be at your service for more baneful magick if anyone decides to fuck with you 🤫
How to deal with negative entities and banish them from your sacred space:
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Ultimately, it comes down to being brave and asserting your dominace. Let these entities know that they cannot and will not fuck with you from this day on. When they know you are a pushover, they will just keep messing with you. Scare them like how they scare you. Here are some different methods you could use to banish these entities from your home.
Clean up your act 🧹:
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Have you ever felt the strong urge to clean your house after being in a funk? That's right! Cleaning is one of the most popular ways of getting rid of low vibrational energy and to invite new energy into your home. I mean what's a witch without her broom right?
Mainly dusting, sweeping, mopping, wiping windows/mirrors, and vacuuming could be done for banishing negative energy/entities
You can chant while sweeping away from yourself, you can make this up on your own so it can be more fitting for you and you can memorize it more easily
Florida Water is considered one of the holy grails and can be bought at any local botanica or even online. It is a cologne that is famous for its magical properties and multi-purposes. You can pour Florida Water into the bucket of water that you use for mopping 🪣
Cleaning products that have magical ingredients (I.E: Lemon / lemon scent is a popular tool for spiritual cleansing)
Pillow sprays, febreeze, essential oils, or room deodorizers are a cheap and easy way to cleanse your home (Lavender pillow spray can be sprayed around your house and on your bed sheets or curtains for peace and tranquility. It is also a refreshing scent and helps you sleep better 😊!)
Boiling a concoction is another method you can use (ever wondered what was in those witches' cauldrons?). Most people boil bay leaves, rosemary leaves, or cinnamon
If you are pregnant or someone sensitive to chemicals or smells, you can use crushed eggshells or pour salt in the corners of your home, window sills, and doors🚪
Plants and crystals can be used as protection wards for your home. You can put them anywhere that you prefer.
Other popular methods for protection spells are spell jars, mojo bags (hoodoo, closed practice), enchanting a necklace or piece of jewelry to wear as a tailsman/amulet, or egg cleanse (common method in Latin American culture).
Team up:
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There's nobody who will be down to protect you more than yourself than your spirit guides. Simply calling upon your ancestors (who wish you good intentions ofc), guardian angels, animal guide, or deity should be enough to protect you in moments of fear and feeling unsafe. Remember to show appreciate to them and give them offerings for their assistance. They cannot consistently be there for you if their energy source is low (especially ancestors!).
Remember that you are loved 🤍:
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Experiencing the evil eye or a spiritual attack can be scary for just about anybody 🥺! Just remember that the situation is temporary and there is always going to people out there who love you and wish for your happiness (including your higher self). Paranormal activity is a weird but interesting thing many people in their lifetime have come across, so you don't have to feel alone. I hope this was of help to you and that you feel better about being able to protect yourself 😇
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cat-and-fox-hub · 21 days
[Yōkai AU] Fiend & Menace
Made by Cat, aka Researcher Serif/AW
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"I know I'm quite the catch but for you to look at me like that, you trying to tell me something, Master~? You don't need to look from so far, you're free see my true self as close and as often as you please~. Just know you aren't escaping me that easily~."
(The Kitsune no Mado, or "Fox Window", is a Japanese hand technique believed to reveal hidden Yōkai through your fingers as with above.
It's comparable to the Celtic hag-stone or adder stone, a stone found in riverbeds with a naturally formed hole which can reveal witches or faeries through it.)
Sometimes, I really hate colors. I spent so long agonizing his color palette it ain't funny, I swear. At least I think I did better on colors this time. Not by much but decent enough... (lighting's hard)
Either wae, here's @cosmica-galaxy's Fiend and Menace! They're apart of my Yōkai AU, very much based/inspired on @twstedforyou's own original Yōkai Twisted Wonderland AU.
Below is some lore if you wanna know! I recommend reading up this post for further AU lore if you wish.
Do hope you enjoy either wae!
For those who don't know what Yōkai are, "Yōkai are a class of supernatural entities and spirits in Japanese folklore."
They can range from your classic demon, in this case Oni, to objects gained spirit and sentience such as Kasa-Obake, a friendly and playful one eyed, one legged sentient umbrella.
So now that that's outta the way...
[Yōkai AU Lore]:
꧁ღ⊱ | Oni!Fiend |
Fiend is an Oni, a kind of yōkai, demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. They're known to be big, terrifying and having great strength. They're also known for their violent and short temperaments with a hunger for humans and alcohol.
In this AU, since people are pretty much wiped out, skibidi's are the suitable replacement. While not as fun as human prey at times, there's something a bit more satisfying playing with them. (The answer is abundance and the fact no one cares about them. He can be as sadistic and cruel as long as he wants with his food, something he couldn't with humans to avoid getting caught with his pants down so to speak.)
Fiend is a young Oni, reflecting his canon self being a Gen 0 mimic born after the fall of humanity, but he's still quite older than a century at least.
Due to his experience and the fact that the Yōkai District is quite traditional, he's a bit different. A tad wiser and more eloquent in his words for one. Not that he chooses to be, preferring to be a bastard most times. He's still the tsundere little shit who gets turned on when you make the battlefield red with the blood of your enemies.
Due to his heritage, he's quite the alcoholic. Because of that, he's also quite a bit more aggressive with skibidis because there's just some types of alcohol exclusive to the human realm that isn't made or sold in his District.
In this AU, Yōkai can shift forms to disguise themselves as the most dominant species in the human realm via shapeshifting or illusions. For some more humanoid Yōkai like Yuuki-Onna, it shows in their true forms. The believability of a Yōkai's disguise vary between Yōkai and those with skills more inclined to disguise like Tanuki and Kitsune are better at it than most. Fiend has an unusual competence in the art for Oni, Yōkai known to be quite dog shit at their disguises, especially for one as young as him.
With his surprising competence in illusions and Menace being too young to create his own disguise, Fiend extends his own over Menace until he can learn for himself. It also means when his transformation goes, so does the tuggle's.
Before the War, Yōkai had the option of either human or mimic guises but considering mimics themselves mimicked humans, it was mostly human disguises. Now though, the option is either Alliance members or mimics who mimicked them. Fiend in particular chose the mimic option because it gave him more freedoms so to speak. Disguising himself as an Alliance member would've burden him with the role of acting like one which, as apart of a military operation, is a heavy one to play.
Fiend spent most of his time in the human realm. When the fall of humanity came, he was mostly wandering and hunting alone and only rarely going back into his District when bored. Despite the solitude of the empty cities, not even he knew why he stayed in the wasteland as a TV mimic as he did. At least, not until he met you.
In this AU, his meeting with you was much like his canon self. He decided you were interesting at first and pretty much stalked you. Though, he was much more… open, so to say, with his less than mortal nature. He didn't necessarily show off he was of an Other nature but he didn't necessarily bother with blending in too much. Humans are pretty much dead and gone and he only kept a thin veneer up for the Alliance to not get up all over his ass after all.
Let's just say it was quite a surprise when he confronted you for the first time and found out you were his beloved Master all along. (He did not let go for the next week, still closely shadowing you for the rest of the month after. Your presence— no, your existence is simply too much— too intoxicating— for him to simply ignore and leave be.)
Bonus! He'd never admit it but sometimes, he'd head over to his District and find baubles for you that he makes seem like they're old belongings he'd never touched and left to dust. He's always terribly smug when you like it and gloats it over the others with a smirk.
꧁ღ⊱ | Oni!Menace |
Menace is also an Oni, a very young one
He's pretty much canon Menace but more of a little shit with a nasty temper when really angry
Though, instead of the whole 'parents dying leaving bby orphaned', its more he was orphaned at birth
Unless a hybrid of sorts, Oni are traditionally born from the death of a horrible human's spirit which is why Oni, at their base nature, are cruel and violent. By using the dead spirit of a horrible human to bring them into existence, they're bound to take bits of the violent and cruel parts that make up said spirit. Luckily for Fiend and you, it's something that could be taught to be managed but anger is always something present that'll have to be managed for the rest of his life.
Despite being essentially a toddler, he still has the absurd strength Oni are known to have. He can easily carry you with no problem which is a bit troubling considering he likes get mischievous. Often with Byte at that...
He's also a a bit of a nipper considering human flesh is apart of the natural diet of Oni. He knows better than to harm, Spirits forbid consider you prey and eat you. Adopted Papa Fiend is hovering over his back with a critical eye after all.
Bonus! Menace, underestimating his own strength and your human constitution, had accidentally thrown you once. Luckily, it was at Fiend. Unluckily, it was at Fiend. Possessive shit extraordinaire. (Yōkai won't let any slight against their Master stand, kid or not. Someone boutta get their little ass cooked.)
Check out my main blog: @researcher-serif
Here's my NSFW blog if that tickles your fancy: @grandfather-of-sin
[Read under cut for those that can't see the image text or colored text]
Fiend: "Hmm...?"
Fiend: "Oh..."
Fiend: "I see~"
Fiend: "Ahuhu~"
Fiend: "How flattering~"
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I was a changeling child. My parents begat a child who laughed and giggled and played as babes do, but it was taken from them. The fair folk came in the night, and they spirited my parents’ true child away, and in its place they left me.
Though I looked identical to the taken babe, in the morning my parents knew immediately that I was not truly the fruit of their loins. I did not laugh as children do, nor play as children do, and as I grew up I behaved in strange ways and knew secrets I should not have known. They did not know why the fair folk took their child and left a duplicate in its place, but they tried their best to send me back and to have their true progeny returned.
They cried, at first. They despaired. That night my father, deep in his cups, rushed out into the woodlands beyond the village and bellowed out a demand that the fair folk take this creature back, that they retrieve this thing, this mockery in human skin, and give him his true child. But if the fair folk heard his demands, they did not heed them. No matter what my parents did, they could not return me.
So they reconciled themselves to the simple fact that their child was gone, and they settled on secrecy. They did all they could to hide the truth of me from the others in the village, did all they could to help me to blend in with the people and affect some semblance of humanity. Gradually, I learned.
In time, I think, they came to love me. In time, I think, they came to forget their true child—or at the very least to convince themselves that they had been mistaken that morning, that no switch had ever been made. Yet there was always a distance between us, and though that distance would grow shorter with the passing of the years, it never truly closed.
I was a changeling child, and though I sought to hide this fact, it seemed that the humans could always tell. Countless were the times when I would meet someone and they would look at me oddly, and later I would overhear them speaking with others about what a strange and off-putting creature I was.
It seemed that, even if they did not know for certain, even if they were unaware of the secrets of the fair folk and the nature of the changeling, they knew upon speaking with me that there was something different, something not quite right, about this stranger in their midst.
Oftentimes they would attempt to be friendly, at least at first. A man would reach out to shake my hand. A woman would look me in the eye and smile. But I would recoil at the man’s touch, and when I looked the woman in the eye in turn I would be greeted by all that she was.
I would see an intensity, a vastness, a wealth of humanity so overwhelming that I would have no choice but to turn away. Thus I would be deemed “rude.” Thus I would be called “cowardly.”
My thoughts were not their thoughts, and my actions were strange. The other children of the village would make a game out of mocking me, though it was rare that I would realize at first that that was what they were doing. I would gladly participate in my own humiliation, thinking it nothing more than a game, and thus would receive even more of their mirthful cruelty. When the truth of the situation would—belatedly—come to me, I would run home and cry into my mother’s skirts, and she would offer me all the hollow tokens of comfort that a mother is obliged to give to her child.
But she did not understand why I cried, and she would resent me for my difference. Over time, I grew to recognize this truth as well, and I grew distant from her. I learned how to hide my feelings, to disguise the intensity of my emotions. When they threatened to rise up and consume me, my mind would go numb and my soul would still itself, and so I would become empty and shielded from the turmoil within my own heart.
I was a changeling child, and as I grew, I learned all the ways to hide what I was. I learned to wear a false smile like those upon the faces all around me, and I learned to hide my discomfort at others’ touch. I forced down food which was revolting in texture, even as my stomach churned and I desired nothing less than to retch it up.
But even as my proficiency in this farce grew, the suspicion of those around me never truly faded. No matter how well I hid my difference, now matter how adept I became at wearing my human mask, they could always sense that I was not one of them, that I did not belong among their kind.
Still I worked to bury my truth. I stilled my emotions and I hid their intensity, but this ruse did nothing to quell their power. That intensity, though denied an outlet, remained. It roiled and it churned within me, and whenever I was fool enough to let my guard down, to relax my control just a little, it bubbled to the surface and overwhelmed me. I would scream and I would thrash as these emotions took hold, and my parents would take me and beat me and scold me for my outburst. And still I would scream until my voice was hoarse, until exhaustion claimed me and my bruised body fell still once more.
I was a changeling child, and when I was on the cusp of adulthood I wandered through the forest outside my village and basked in its peace. I let my mind grow still as I walked, and I left behind all the worries of my daily life. This became a routine, and I would often find time to walk beneath the trees.
One day in the midst of that wandering, I happened upon a pond of clear water. Standing there, at the edge of that pond, I looked down upon my reflection and I pondered the question of who I was. I desired to know the truth of myself, and to know what sort of creature had truly been left in that crib all those years ago.
I reached up with my hands and I grasped my face and tugged at my skin. It came off without resistance, peeled off with an ease that I never before would have imagined. There was no pain, not the slightest discomfort. Instead, with each new tearing, as each strip of flesh fell away, I was filled with a greater and greater sense of elation and freedom. When I was done, I stared down into the pond, and in my reflection I now beheld for the first time my true face, and I saw that I am grotesque and I am beautiful and I am alien and I am me.
Turning from the pond, I walked once more through the forest, and by the time I returned to the village my human face had grown back, for the people there could never look upon what I truly was. I left the forest, and I slipped in among humanity, masking the truth of my heart.
I was a changeling child, and when our village was in the grip of its harvest festival I stood alone at the edge of the crowd. The people danced, though none would dance with me. Humans played instruments and sang songs and the volume and the cacophony of it all filled my ears and filled my head until I felt that familiar numbness creeping through my senses to protect me.
All made merry. They drank and they laughed and couples snuck away into the shadows, giggling to themselves as they did was couples do away from prying eyes.
Alone, I watched it all play out, until soon enough I grew weary and retired away to quiet solitude, exhaustion heavy upon me though I had done so little.
That night I slept deeply, so thorough was my fatigue. I slept alone, with a weight heavy upon my soul. I found myself yearning for touch, even as I feared it.
I was a changeling child, and always I have been averse to the company of humans.
It was on the farms, and in the barns, and in the wilderness surrounding my village that I found kinship. Dogs swiftly grew to trust me, and the cats who hunted rodents in our food stores felt no fear of me. The people of the village soon learned that I had a knack for working with animals, and many were the days that I spent among the sheep and among the cattle, caring for them and protecting them and comforting them.
Even the wild beasts beyond the village did not fear me. In the forest I would find wolves, who sat by my side and rubbed their snouts against my arm as though they were tamed hounds. I found deer; the fawns and the doe would accept my hands against their fur, and the stags would bow their heads before me and allow me to pass them by unchallenged.
I was no threat to the creatures of the wild, and they understood this and accepted me. I did not challenge them, and my presence did not rile their passions nor offend their senses. When I was not working in the barns of the fields, I was in the forest, resting with a fox curled up on my lap as I watched the birds flit through the trees above me, and I was thinking deeply of this world I had been left in, and of all its wonders.
I was a changeling child, and when a troupe of performers came to our village I was among the crowd that gathered to watch them. I was soon drawn deep into the tale they spun and the story they pantomimed, and soon enough my attention settled upon one player in particular, who took note of me in turn.
We were the same, such was obvious. We were both changeling children, and when the play was done we found each other and shared with one another our truth. We bore ourselves openly in a way that we never had before, and we retired together and shed our skin and our disguises and for the first time exposed our beauty and our strangeness to another.
Together, we shared an intimacy both intense and magical. Together we were ourselves, bare and without pretense, our masks forgotten for just a little while. We held each other without discomfort, and we knew each other in our minds and in our hearts and in our flesh.
When the morning came, we said our farewells. The troupe left the village, and I returned to my everyday life.
I was a changeling child, and I live now in a little house at the edge of the village. I tend to my garden and to my chickens, and I care for my dogs who guard the coop and my cats who patrol my plants.
When I go to the market to sell my vegetables and my hens’ eggs, the people are courteous but they are not warm, which suits me well. We complete our transactions and I return home to my quiet and my animals. Children point and whisper among themselves as I pass, and the people of the village give me a wide berth.
My parents, for that is what I call them and that is what they were, are gone now. I live a simple life, and I am satisfied. Sometimes, however, my heart yearns for companionship; the sort that cannot be found among the beasts, and I recall the theater troupe and I wonder if I will ever again meet another who is like me. On occasion I will try, in my own fumbling way, to reach out to a villager, but the intimacy I crave continues to elude me.
For I am a changeling child, and my place is not among the humans of the village—nor will it ever be.
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ploppythespaceship · 21 hours
Please Watch My Adventures with Superman
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This show is just so delightful and manages to capture the essence of Superman in a way a lot of adaptations just don't quite get. If you've ever been curious about Superman, if you've ever felt Superman is too boring for you, or you just enjoy a fun superhero story, I highly recommend checking this series out.
The first season has ten episodes, and the second season has just aired its third episode. In the US, it's available on Adult Swim and Max.
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What It's About
If you aren't familiar with Superman, he's an alien -- the last survivor of planet Krypton, sent to Earth as an infant where he was found and raised as Clark Kent. Being an alien, he has extraordinary powers which he uses to lead a double life as a hero. This show focuses on a core trio of Clark, his girlfriend Lois, and their friend Jimmy, all of whom work at the Daily Planet newspaper.
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Clark Kent / Superman
One of the main reasons this show works is it understands that Clark is Clark, first and foremost, and Superman is his disguise. Clark is a big friendly nerd. He's a huge sweetheart who cares so deeply about the people around him and the planet that adopted him.
This version of Clark is starting out very young (early 20s), so a lot of this story is about him just figuring things out. He's gradually learning the truth about his origins, the extent of his powers, and how best to be a hero -- all while grappling with the fact that he isn't human and his people of origin may in fact be a massive threat to Earth.
Clark is voiced by Jack Quaid, which you might not expect to work well, but he honestly nails it.
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Lois Lane
Lois is loud. She's ambitious. She's intelligent and quick-witted. She doesn't take no for an answer. She has jumped off a building to prove her point -- twice. She is an unstoppable force of nature, and this show refuses to dumb any of those traits down.
But above all, she's kind. She wants to use everything she can do to help people. Her relationship with Clark is also everything you could ever want from a Clois dynamic.
This version of Lois is Korean-American, and voiced by Alice Lee, who does a phenomenal job.
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Jimmy Olsen
Jimmy is Clark's best friend and roommate. This version portrays him as a supernatural/paranormal vlogger, running a web series called Flamebird. He's easily excitable, very passionate, as well as one of the most dedicated friends you could ask for.
Following in the footsteps of several previous iterations of the character, this version of Jimmy is African-America. He's voiced by Ishmael Sahid, who's just perfect in the part.
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Why It's Great
The characters are all fun and interesting in their own right, while also having a great dynamic with each other -- as duos and as a full trio. And because the characters are shown as being very young and just starting out, they're very relatable. Additionally, every character feels very true to the spirit of their comics counterpart, despite taking a lot of liberties with the specifics.
There's a great cast of villains so far -- Livewire, Task Force X, Mxyzptlk, Parasite, Silver Banshee, and plenty of others that I don't want to spoil. They've also been teasing some really interesting stuff for the Kryptonians, which is noticeably different from any previous adaptations I'm familiar with.
The show is very anime-inspired, giving it a distinct flavor from other Superman adaptations. The creators are clearly having a ton of fun with it. Classic Superman villain Mxyzptlk, who's typically shown as an imp, now looks like he just walked out of a Dragon Ball episode, in an episode called "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal."
It's also the same animation studio as The Legend of Korra and Voltron: Legendary Defender, who do excellent work. The character designs are unique while still fitting the characters perfectly. I particular love Clark and Superman's designs -- they've struck a balance between making sure he's big and muscular while also retaining a certain softness to his appearance. The fight scenes are fluid and dynamic. It all just works.
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lassieposting · 4 days
Lassie's Fic Prompts: Tolkien Edition
Usually I haunt mutuals or the prompt channels of Discord communities but the Tolkien ones are all massive and I have anxiety, so I'm gonna shove them in the tag instead! Fic concepts from your friendly local prompt goblin, because god knows my ass will never get around to writing them. This post will get updated as ideas occur to me. Tags are mostly to help express The Vibe™. Anyway feel free to come talk to me about this shit I have feelings.
T+ || Fluffy || Post-Canon, Reunion Fic
When the ringbearers arrive in the Blessed Realm, as a reward for the great peril they have suffered on behalf of all of Middle Earth, they are granted a single boon by the Valar.
Bilbo Baggins knows that elves, dwarves and men go to different realms after death. But Mahal's halls are vast and grand, and he is only a very small Hobbit. Surely room can be found for a single burglar in the dwarven afterlife?
G+ || Angsty || Post-Canon, Loss, Closure, Bonus Points For Bard's Memorial Surviving To Be Unearthed In The Modern Day
Before leaving Middle Earth, Thranduil pays a final visit to the memorial he had carved for Bard.
T+ || || Debates & Bickering, Sauron Drawing Parallels Between His Life & 'Halbrand's', Sauron As A Calming Influence On Morgoth's Genocidal Tendencies, Galadriel's Black & White Thinking, Small Moments Of Goodness
Halbrand takes Galadriel out to eat with his first week's wages from the forge in Armenelos, but the puppetry performance going on in the plaza - in which she is the heroine and he one of the villains - proves a distraction from their definitely-not-a-date.
When Halbrand admits that he's never seen the Sauron/Morgoth duo portrayed as utterly evil before, coming as he does from a land of their allies, Galadriel asks him what kind of stories the Southlanders tell. Sensing an opportunity to humanise himself in her mind, Halbrand dredges up some painful memories to introduce her to Mairon, Melkor and the path to hell paved with twisted love and good intentions.
T+ || Comedy || 5+1 Fic, Sauron Doing His Best, He's Not Spectacular At Being A Human But He's Trying, Galadriel Is Suspicious But Doesn't Know Enough About Humans To Call Him Out, Entirely Normal Mannish Behaviour™, Galadriel Will See A Guy Leave Scorchmarks On The Bedsheets When He Comes & Be Like 'It's Fine They Probably All Do That'
Halbrand is quite possibly the most realistic fana Sauron has ever created. He's designed to be so believably human he'll fly completely under the radar. But ultimately, a disguise is only ever as good as the actor wearing it. Halbrand is a fire spirit piloting an exquisitely crafted meat suit, and Sauron's idea of Totally Normal Mannish Behaviour is sometimes...slightly off base.
Galadriel is beginning to suspect the truth: her new significant annoyance is many things, but human is not one of them. But that's a terrifying prospect. And - and she hasn't spent all that much time around the race of Men herself, really. She's used to other elves. So it's probably fine. It's totally fine. Men are just Like That, is all.
AKA, five times Galadriel notices Halbrand's weird-as-fuck Maia traits/behaviours, but deliberately excuses them as Just Human Stuff because she doesn't want to deal with who and what he really is.
And one time where she already knows who and what he is. Many years into their marriage, Galadriel is mostly accustomed to her king's more unusual quirks. But sometimes, Mairon can be so human it almost breaks her heart.
T+ || Future Fic || Redemption Arc, Sort Of, Ainur Family Drama, Where Is Celeborn? Who Knows, Sauron Slouching Less Into The Light Of Goodness & More Into The Mist Of Moral Ambiguity, For Galadriel™, Dagor Dagorath
At the close of the Third Age, the last of Arda's elves take ship for Valinor, leaving Middle Earth - and the disembodied spirit of its former Dark Lord - to the race of Men. For thousands upon thousands of years, the Undying Lands enjoy a hard-won peace.
But when Morgoth manages to escape the Void, that peace is shattered, and with Valinor itself under threat, Ossë is dispatched to the world left behind to find the one soul who knows the enemy as well as Morgoth knows himself. He tracks Sauron to the deep south, where he's managed to claw back a physical form and has been living out his powerless exile as Hal Brand, old-timey blacksmith to the local ranchers.
When Ossë appears on his doorstep with news of Morgoth's escape, offering clemency in exchange for information, Sauron suspects a trap, and turns the offer down, intending to go into hiding rather than face his old master's rage at what's become of his dark kingdom and faithful servants. To sweeten the pot, Ossë leverages Sauron's greatest regret: the knowledge that Galadriel is in Valinor, and the implication that she'd like to see her old enemy again. Unable to resist the opportunity to reconcile with her, Sauron agrees to finally go home and share what he knows of Morgoth's plans and likely next moves with the Valar.
But with age-old grudges and rivalries causing trouble in Valinor, and Morgoth determined to retrieve his wayward lieutenant at any cost, can Sauron really turn back from the darkness long enough to hand victory to the Valar in the Last Battle?
T+ || Hurt/Comfort || Trauma, Nightmares, Identity Reveal, Sauron Has Seen Some Shit, He Probably Has Impressive Telepathy Defenses Most Of The Time But Shh, He Loves Her & He Wants To Be The Person She Thinks He Is,
Fighting for his life on the road to Eregion, Halbrand slowly succumbs to a murky world of fever dreams and infection-addled hallucinations. Trying to ease his restless sleep, Galadriel reaches out to to touch his mind...and finds herself dragged into a disjointed maelstrom of her most hated enemy's worst moments and greatest fears: Morgoth's bitter rage, the judgment of the Valar, the agony of bleeding out in the snow at Adar's feet, the inevitable pain of her own rejection if ever he's discovered.
Too weak to repel her or even really realise what he's sharing, Sauron lets her in, taking comfort from her presence. Presented with an opportunity she never thought she'd have - to look through the mind of her enemy unhindered - Galadriel stays her hand long enough to look for closure, for confirmation that he is the monster she's been hunting, that he's been manipulating her all along. Instead, she might just find something worth saving.
T+ || AU || Enemies To Lovers To Enemies To Friends To Lovers Again, Yelling At Sauron As Therapy, Halbrand!Mairon, Probably Because He Feels The Most Himself With Her Or Something, Aulë Knows Whats Up, He 100% Lets Slip On Purpose, Healing
After the destruction of the One Ring, what's left of Sauron's spirit is rounded up by the Valar and imprisoned in Valinor.
Galadriel does not find peace in the Undying Lands. After everything she has seen and done, she struggles to settle back into the realm of winterless spring. When a slip of the tongue from Aulë gives her the location of Sauron's prison, her restless nighttime wanderings begin to take her there to see him.
Sometimes, she is incandescent with rage and betrayal, and she vents her age-old anger on him without expecting any answers. Sometimes, she comes for information, and her questions are cold, cruel, demanding things flung through the bars. Sometimes, she is just sad and tired, and her questions are quiet things passed between them as they sit either side of the door. At first, there is no fight left in him: he takes what she throws at him in defeated silence. But the more she visits - to berate him, to needle him, to call him names, to ask him why, to reminisce - the more he starts to respond to her. And as her anger finally begins to die out, and their time together is increasingly spent remembering, and talking, and getting to know one another anew, the more the broken, amorphous creature in the cell begins to resemble the Man she once thought she knew.
M+ || Shameless Smut || Romance, Sauron's Complicated Relationship With Sexuality, Service Top Galadriel, Maybe Grayspec Maiar, The Mortifying Ordeal Of Emotional Intimacy, He Thinks She Wants To Subjugate Her Enemy, She Actually Wants To Love Her Idiot
Millennia ago, Mairon learned the value of sex as a bargaining chip, and he's been using it to get what he wants from the Incarnates - and Melkor - ever since. It's become a well-honed staple of his negotiation toolkit, a performance so well-rehearsed he barely needs to think about it. It's almost unheard of for anyone to notice that he tends to zone out partway through.
Halbrand's tendency to seduce his way out of the doghouse hasn't gone unnoticed by his new queen, and nor has the way his eyes glaze over just as things start to get interesting. She's beginning to wonder whether anyone ever actually told him that intimacy is supposed to be fun. Determined to keep him in the moment with her, she decides she'll just have to teach him that herself.
AKA, Galadriel notices that Halbrand tends to dissociate and put on the act he thinks she wants from him in the bedroom. Concerned, she makes it her mission to show him he's safe to relax and enjoy himself with her - and absolutely wrecks him to make her point.
T+ || Angsty || Outsider Perspective, Ainur Family Drama, Melkor Is A Mess But He's Mairon's Mess, Even Evil Has Loved Ones, The Valar Concept Of Love & Melkor's Concept Of Love As Very Different Things
Angband is a smoking ruin. The Enemy is a captive of the Valar. The war, it would seem, is over.
But the Ainur are uneasy. Not all of Morgoth's forces have been subdued. The Enemy's favourite servant has slipped the net, and getting information out of Melkor is like pulling teeth. Under questioning - and even the threat of the Void - in Valinor, he still refuses to tell them where his devoted lieutenant Sauron has gone into hiding.
Aulë, waiting for news of his wayward Maia, tries to make sense of how even the most corrupted of them all can be beholden to forces like love and loyalty, and how it can be that none of them ever saw this coming.
T+ || Fluff & Comedy || Epistolary Fic, Long-Distance Relationship, Leading Armies Means Being Apart A Lot, First Age, Love Letters, Complaint Letters As Well Lbh They Probably Bitch To Each Other A Lot About Everyone Else
Melkor's rise and fall, as told by the orders Melkor sends to Mairon, the reports Mairon sends back, and the informal postscripts attached to both.
M+ || PWP || Creative Use Of The Mind Palace, Telepathy, I Could Not Find A Mention On The Wiki Of Where Sauron Was During This Siege, So Let's Assume He Wasn't Like. Also Stuck In Angband
During the 400 year Siege of Angband, Melkor uses ósanwë to leave the surrounded fortress and spend some quality time with Mairon.
T+ || Angsty || Sanity Slippage, Hallucinations, Melkor Trying To Envision His Happily Ever After Even Though He Doesn't Know What Happily Ever After Looks Like
Sentenced to eternity in the Void, and slowly losing his mind to the isolation and sensory deprivation, Melkor comforts himself with visions of his little fire spirit.
Poly/Multiple Ships
M+ || Saurondriel/Angbang || Past Abuse, Telepathy, The Mortifying Ordeal Of Learning To Make Better Romantic Choices, Sauron Loves & Fears Melkor Equally, Letting Go, Saurondriel Is Not Healthy But In This Case It Is HealthIER, So Like. That's Something
Sauron and Morgoth were still telepathically connected when Morgoth was thrown into the Void. A fragment of his consciousness remains in Sauron's mind, manifesting as a hallucination that only he can see and hear. At first, he is Melkor, the doting lover Sauron chooses to remember, amusing and affectionate and comforting and so, so missed. But, as rage and fear take over and the Void begins to drive Melkor mad, he increasingly behaves like Morgoth, the side of himself Sauron would rather forget - the cruel master whose wrath he fled after his defeat at Tol-in-Gaurhoth. With 'his' Melkor appearing less and less, Sauron becomes more and more burned out under the slew of criticism and mockery, and his confidence in his own ability to lead takes an additional battering when his subordinate turns on him at Forodwaith. When he happens to cross paths with Galadriel, he realises almost immediately that the light in her silences Morgoth's voice in his mind. As they grow closer, her unwavering belief in him - or, at least, in "Halbrand" - makes him want to do good, to please her and prove he's worthy of her support. But Morgoth is not the only voice silenced by proximity to Galadriel, and letting Melkor go is an agony he's not sure he can survive.
T+ || Angbang, Saurondriel, Galadriel/Celeborn || Having The Same Conversation While Thinking About Entirely Different People, She's Thinking About Celeborn, He's Thinking About Melkor, Halbrand's Species Has A Mayfly Lifespan & A Casual Approach To Intimacy So She Is Not Expecting Him To Understand At All, But He Really Really Does
When their flirty banter turns to their respective races' romantic customs, Galadriel finds herself opening up to Halbrand about elven marriage, about her long-lost husband, and about her feelings of guilt over her attraction to him.
Halbrand empathises. More than she ever thought he could.
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goddness-lunafreya · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Characters' Pokémon Team (Part 1)
—Astarion, the Pale Elf—
Read the other parts at the end of the post.
Hello everyone, I had this idea for a while and decided to put it into practice. I will talk about my ideas for a Pokémon team, analyzing the characters' profiles, thinking about their narrative and gameplay functions within the Baldur's Gate universe to find the best pocket monsters for them.
The only rules are: 1 Starter, 4 common Pokémon and 1 Legendary or Mythical. The team also needs a Gigantamax or a Mega Evolution.
Today's character who will win a Pokémon team will be Astarion, the Pale Elf.
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Let's start with your Starter, the one that the coach starts by forming a strong bond. They are small, friendly creatures that are easy to train, and they are also rare.
And your Starter could not be other than the Paldea Grass Starter, Sprigatito.
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Sprigatito is an extremely friendly cat. And cat suits Astarion! They are fast, cunning beings, perfect for a rogue. But it's not just because this little one is a cat! They evolution, Meowcarada, is perfect for Astarion.
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Meowcarada are Pokémon with a bold attitude, they like to appear to distract opponents while they perform a trick or cheat. Yes, this cat is the spirit of the liar! All theatrical to distract from the truth!
And its typing matches Astarion a lot, the second type being Dark, which gives the feeling of evil that surrounds a vampire.
The second Pokémon I thought of is Noviern, the evolution of Noibat.
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This huge Dragon/Normal Pokémon brings all the vampiric energy of Astarion. Being a huge, powerful bat, fast and with a resistant type.
Furthermore, it is a Pokémon that I see Astarion using to impose his strength. While Meowcarada is his more deceitful side, Noviern is his more fighting side.
Astarion's third Pokémon would be a Weavile, a Dark/Ice type Pokémon!
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Weavile are even more cunning and dangerous than Meowcarada, as they behave much more perversely. They are cats specialized in attacking from behind, hiding, they are fast and lethal. If Meowcarada had the personality, Weavile has the way of acting like a rogue.
Furthermore, they are Pokémon with a strong personality, hardly giving up on their goals, just as Astarion never gave up on his.
Astarion's next Pokémon represents his hatred, everything he accumulated in the years he was a slave to Cazador. This is Hisuian Zoroark, Astarion's fourth Pokémon.
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This ancient form of Zoroark is not a Dark type, but Normal/Ghost. This Pokémon is practically a spirit, full of hatred for humans and aggressive behavior.
He even has the ability to change shape, disguising himself to deceive. However, this Pokémon has a less cunning behavior in general, and is more direct.
White skin with red, with a hunchbacked expression and posture. Sometimes, we just want to avenge those bad feelings we felt, and Astation knows very well what that is.
(Bonus: a friend of mine told me that this Zoroark reminds me of Astarion when he does the Ascension ritual! And well, it really seems!)
Astation's fifth and last common pokemon is unusual. But I think he manages to convey his less aggressive side well. This pokemon is Leavanny.
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Leavanny may seem like a strange choice on this team, but it makes perfect sense! They are gentle Grass/Bug Pokemon who love to sew. That's right, sewing and weaving clothes, mending them.
I can see Astarion using this pokemon to help sew his beloved white t-shirt! Not to mention that he is someone who understands fashion and could give their opinion on it. Furthermore, they are gentle Pokémon, who make clothes to keep other Pokémon warm. They are attentive, calm and affectionate.
Not to mention, look at their claws! They're like two blades, these Pokemon are great for cutting and fighting too! In the end, Leavanny rounds out this team very well.
And lastly, we have the team's legend. One that even represents Astarion, Mewtwo, a powerful Psychic Pokemon.
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See, Mewtwo was once a slave, trapped by his creators, forced to follow their orders. Totally lost, without anyone, alone... Deep down, Mewtwo wanted to be understood, and perhaps our Pale Elf understands they on several points.
Mewtwo would be your Mega Pokémon. And to top it off, he has two megas!
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Mega Y is purely a Psychic type, much more mentally powerful and with an air of superiority. They is a Mewtwo above, ascended. It conveys well the absolute concentration of power in a single being.
And the Ascended Astarion would love to have you by his side. The best for the best.
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Mega X has a secondary type, Fighting, and is much more humanoid. It's Mewtwo who has connected to their human side, who understands their strength. They doesn't need incredible psychic powers or superiority, he just needs to connect to his hidden side.
Spawn Astarion would choose them, as he sees the strength that change brings. This Mewtwo may look different from the original, but it's they, just with a different vision. Another force.
And now, we have the conclusion, where based on what was analyzed, I say that Astarion's favorite type is:
Dark type!
The Dark type is linked to Pokémon with the characteristic of "Doing evil", they are not always evil, but they do evil. They can be silly actions or really cruel actions, it all depends on the Pokémon.
This would be his favorite type, but as we saw, it's not the only one he would leave on his team. Let's be honest, Astarion would love Dark-type pocket monsters, with their greedy and cunning behaviors and incredible powers.
And I hope you enjoyed the analysis! I really want to team up with the other characters.
Other parts:
—Part 2 (Halsin)
Replots and reblogs are always welcome. Support the artist by giving a follow and like. Feel free to give suggestions for Pokémon and teams. 🌙 —Goddness Lunafreya
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snakegorl212006 · 1 year
Scarabia Journal Entries
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-------------Kalim Al-Asim------------------------------------------------------- -relatively open and easy to trick -he acts the most ��human” -half of the time he forgets that he’s dead -he was part of a rich and wealthy family who were practically royalty -he and his family took a vacation over to this place which was renovated to fit their style -for years this wing was kalim’s home away from home up until the day of his death -he was backstabbed by a servant who was a assassin in disguise -for years he was lonely and craved for interaction -when his family walked away from him as he was running to to the door only to realized his hand went right through them -this dose explain his behavior when we met face to face - around the 90’s were he met jamil -he talks so fondly about jamil and his sister how they’re were the only one who could see him when jamil was alive -he also expresses deep guilt when jamil joined him in the afterlife -despite what he’s been through, he was very friendly and helpful -I guess it’s a nice exchange. He’s nice but clingy -i amit this whole ghost thing is taking a toll on me and i was even think about selling the property not knowing kalim was around -same day after cleaning Scarabia i was locked in a guest room by kalim himself -it took a lot of convincing,which was just kalim begging me not to go and promising he’ll be better, and dealing with the waterworks to get him to ask jamil to open the door
-------Jamil viper----------------------------------------------------------------- -bipolar opposite of kalim -he grew up in as a servant in a wealthy family -the wealthy family moved into the wing were jamil met kalim for the first time -he explains that kalim stuck to him like glue and sometimes would take a lot of convincing to get him to leave him alone -though he felt pity about kalim’s story but he still leaves him irritated -i guess his bubbly personality definitely rubbed him the wrong way -stress was put on to him as he doesn't want his family and masters to think he’s mental as it would put his family in jeopardy -this made him feel responsible and obligated to protect him -I remember that sam once told me about spirit attachment and how it can have long lasting effects even after death -i assume that kalim unknowingly made a attachment to jamil out of fear that he’ll leave him which ended up being a curse on jamil henceforth he’s now trapped on this property -Jamil came to the same conclusion when he was watching some ghost hunter show on the TV. -for someone who’s been through a similar situation as I(being taken care of the property, helping with cleaning, seeing ghost ect) he wasn't very encouraging nor suggested me to leave with my life -infact he was just as against me selling the property as kalim -it was his idea to lock me in in the first place -literally threatened me not to pull that stunt again or he’ll kill me himself(His words not mine)
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thebaldchoicemachine · 2 months
What if each of the Main Characters had killed one of the 6 humans (except for Papyrus; and in Toriel’s case, it was an accident) … What if even when the Souls are harvested, and in jars… Their Spirits can still haunt their Killers… What if the Spirits haunt their Killers, by sitting on their shoulders and quietly death glaring them (their sins; literally on their shoulders) … And only the Killers can truly see the Spirits… Killers: Toriel + Asgore + Undyne + Alphys + Mettaton + Sans! 👻
what if the ghosts join Frisk after they make friends/peace with the killers... or by having their power absorbed. And each monster loses their trait after killing them.
Toriel - Patience
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They were such a sweet child but were very ill. They'd been sick for as long as they could remember (part of the reason they ran away). Toriel completely broke down while caring for them, unable to take the memories of Chara and her past failures. Panic and intolerance overtook her. In the end, her neglect caused her to fail. Again. Toriel gave the soul to Sans in misery.
The child was grateful and un-vengeful. They were, after all, a patient and tolerant thing. That's not to say they were happy with her. Their hauntings consist of a wordless presence. It's chilling, instilling in her a deep irritation and panic. Enough to make her fight instead of losing another child. Total kills: 0
Sans - Bravery
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They were scared, but they went on anyway. Sans could see it, and he could respect it. They were tough. They reminded him of Papyrus in a way. ...Or, that's what I'd say if he had taken the time to get to know them. He caught them on the outskirts of Snowden and they were dead where they stood. It was a lazy, cowardly kill.
The kid faced death head-on with an ire. They knew from the moment they fell that it was likely, maybe even inevitable, and they went on anyway. That's what made them brave. Their hauntings are wordless, blunt-force trauma that pierce Sans's numbness with flat and gripping terror. They LOVE to taunt him. Especially by hanging around Papyrus. Sans is too busy being protective to think about what good friends they would have made. Or maybe it's just easier to pretend he doesn't notice.
Total kills: 4 (defending themself)
Undyne - Integrity
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They were a good kid. They'd been doing well in the underground, being upfront and sincere about what they wanted: to go home. Their plan was to meet with the king and plead their case, believing that integrity was their best weapon.
Undyne, at first, did not realize they were a human. They were the first one she encountered. Their mistake was telling her the truth. If they'd just been a little less moral, a little more dishonest, Undyne may have been a very good friend of theirs. But between Asgore and this new human, Undyne knew where her loyalties had to lie.
Their hauntings are loud, mournful, and direct. They knew what was happening was wrong. Everything about it was wrong, the other children, them, and they fought back. Undyne's honor was stolen from her the second she landed her first blow.
Total kills: 0, but they took Undyne's eye.
Alphys - Perseverance
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Alphys didn't mean to kill them. She watched them march onward, curiosity and resolve equipped like tool and weapon. They journeyed forward with a persistence Alphys envied. She didn't mean to kill them, but it was her traps that did them in.
They were the first soul she experimented on. It was mostly their extract that fed the amalgamates. When they haunt her, it's in the shadow of her own failures. Her eagerness worn away, her willingness to give up and hide rather than press onward and face her consequences.
Total kills: 2 (accidents)
Mettaton - Kindness
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They tried their best to be a friendly face. A select few monsters took pity on them and helped hide/disguise them on their journey to Asgore so they didn’t run into many people.
Mettaton’s original body was designed to find and kill humans, however. He discovered them sneaking their way through the core. Their death was messy and slow. Bombs will do that to humans. Even as they died, they tried to talk to him. Their hauntings are cold and quiet. Trying to cope Mettaton threw himself harder than ever into being LOUD—visually, audibly, metaphorically, every way possible—and in the process became unkind to his friends, especially Napstablook and Alphys.
Total kills: 0
Asgore - Justice
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The only child to make it all the way to him. They knew what had happened to the monsters was wrong. They also knew the kings decision was a cruel, repressive, immoral, cowardly, and intolerable one.
Asgore is burdened by every soul he holds, but they haunt him directly. They talk to him. They ask him questions about every decision he makes. They sit across from him while he eats. They are the judge that carries his soul. His act destroys him.
Total kills: unknown
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doomed-era · 1 year
Sentient Monsters/Enemies in Zelda
People seemed to enjoy my last list so I'm going to touch on probably one of my favorite topics in LOZ! I'm mostly focusing on monsters and enemies that are shown to be not completely affiliated with any sort of Big Bad or are demonstrably capable of speech or independent thought but I'll also be including other enemies and monsters. I'm not going to really include bosses unless I find it necessary (hence the lack of Maz Koshia, Gohdan, Byrne, Bellumbeck, etc) As usual, I may touch headcanon territory a little, and I'll happily take any corrections/suggestions and reblog them!
...Actually I might just edit the post, not sure.
This contains gameplay spoilers for...a lot of Zelda games, so please proceed with caution!
Batlike enemies from The Adventure of Link. They are usually hostile, and will disguise themselves as villagers, revealing their disguise if spoken to. There is a friendly Ache that can be found in the Town of Nabooru that Link can speak to.
A reformed demon from Skyward Sword who has a secret house on Skyloft. He expresses a desire to become human, and requests that Link bring Gratitude Crystals to him so he can become one.
Namely King Bulblin, but I personally think this applies to regular Bublins as well. Throughout Twilight Princess you fight King Bulblin in various boss fights, but he always retreats before Link can kill him. In your final battle with him, he finally speaks, claiming that he "always follows the strongest side," before leaving and dropping a key to the inside of Hyrule Castle. Bulblins in general are shown to be fairly intelligent, riding on large boars called Bulbos and Twilit Kargaroks, creating structures, and cooking food.
Dark World Creatures
Many of inhabitants of the Dark World in A Link to the Past are heavily implied to be people who sought after the Triforce but were trapped upon entering the Dark World and transformed into monsters according to their true nature. These creatures can be aggressive at the start, seem initially friendly and attack you later, like Blind the thief, or can be completely passive.
Deku Scrub
These are plantlike creatures that spit out seeds to attack. In Ocarina of Time, Deku Scrubs seem to have made an allegiance with the first boss, Gohma. When attacked, they will surrender and either give you information or sell you items. In Majora's Mask, not only can Link transform into a Deku Scrub, but there is a Deku Scrub palace to be explored. Like in Ocarina of Time, Deku Scrubs are hostile to outsiders, and will refuse to let Link into the palace if he is not in Deku Scrub form. In Minish Cap, a sick Deku Scrub blocks the way by sneezing out seeds at Link and Zelda.
The Garo from Majora's Mask are a tribe of undead, ninja-like hooded creatures. They reside in the Kingdom of Ikana, though they're not originally from there, and will only appear to Link if he is wearing the Garo Mask. At some time in the past, the Garo came to Ikana Valley as assassins, but like most Ikana residents they were killed and their ghosts linger around the area.
A slightly more obscure enemy from the original Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Link's Awakening, and the Oracle Games. Goriya are moblin-like creatures that attack with a boomerang. In the original Legend of Zelda, a hungry Goriya blocks a door in a dungeon. In Link's Awakening, there is a hidden friendly Goriya that can only be seen using the Magnifying Glass, similar to the friendly River Zora.
Iron Knuckle
Armored enemies in Zelda II and Ocarina of Time, serving as minibosses of the Spirit Temple in the latter. In the last room of the Spirit Temple, the Twinrova control Nabooru, the Sage of Spirit, and force her to fight Link as an Iron Knuckle. Looking closely at the ordinary Iron Knuckle model reveals a Gerudo face inside, so many people believe that the other Iron Knuckles Link fights are also possessed or evil Gerudo.
Mad Batter/Li'l Devil
A batlike creature from A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening that lives in an underground cavern. Link can disturb him by tossing Magic Powder at a statue, where he will become angry and "curse" Link by giving him a magic upgrade.
Featured in the original Legend of Zelda, Moblins are one of the quintessential enemies in the Zelda series. They have been shown multiple times to be capable of speech and seem to be able to defect from Ganon's horde in some instances. The original game also contains the first instance of a friendly monster in Zelda, the famous "it's a secret to everyone" Moblin. In the Wind Waker, a girl named Maggie has fallen in love with one of the Moblins in Forsaken Fortress, and sends a letter to him. Moe the Moblin sends a letter back, proving that Moblins are not only capable of speech, but probably writing.
Guardians of the Tower of Spirits in Spirit Tracks and invaders of the Temple of the Ocean King in Phantom Hourglass. Phantoms are highly intelligent enemies that will chase Link down, and are capable of speech. In Spirit Tracks, Phantom Zelda can converse with them to distract them while Link makes his way through the Tower of Spirits.
River Zora
River Zora are featured in the original Legend of Zelda, a Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, A Link Between Worlds, Oracle of Ages, and Phantom Hourglass. River Zora are highly territorial creatures that inhabit bodies of water in most of the games they are featured in. They will usually shoot fireballs at Link and dive under the water if confronted. However, in many games, there are several Zora who will not attack you and may give you helpful items. In A Link to the Past, Link can speak to King Zora to get the Zora Flippers. In Link's Awakening, there is a secret friendly Zora that can be seen after Link has obtained the Magnifying Glass. In A Link Between Worlds, the Zora Queen Oren will give you the Zora Flippers.
Hylian Soldiers have a long history of either getting possessed, turning evil, or being extremely incompetent in the Zelda series, and A Link to the Past is probably what started it. Soldiers are the primary enemy fought in the Light World, and are friendly to Link at the beginning of the game, telling Link to go home to bed on such a rainy night. One soldier mentions that they have noticed something strange about the other soldiers, and expects that they will soon succumb to whatever is possessing them. This is of course Agahnim, an evil magician and Ganon in disguise.
Featured in almost every game in the series, Stalfos are undead skeleton-like enemies. Stalchildren are weaker, more common enemies that are featured in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Ordinarily Stalchildren will attack you in Majora's Mask, however if you wear the Captain's Hat—the hat of their leader, Skull Keeta—they will talk to you, and give you access to secret underground areas each night. Stalchildren, like the Garo, are also one of the undead races from Ikana Valley, and their king can be fought there.
(they get a shoutout cause I love them. mwah)
Featured in Breath of the Wild, the Yiga Clan are an offshoot of the Sheikah Tribe that separated ten thousand years before the events of Breath of the Wild. After Calamity Ganon emerged for the first time and was destroyed with the help of Ancient Sheikah technology, the Royal Family turned their backs on the people who helped them, forcing them to abandon their work. The Sheikah went into hiding, but some of them fought back. This group became known as the Yiga Clan, and they are well known for their affinity to Calamity Ganon and their murderous tendencies. Dorian was originally a member of the Yiga Clan, and served as an informant to them for some time.
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fluffypotatey · 9 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well so far. What do you think of these headcanons: Bai He is one of LBD's descendant. That's why her body took so well to LBD's powers. Also, Wukong had met and spoken Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing pre Havoc, and during the journey he's just avoiding mentioning that he knew them before they got expelled from Heaven, and midway both the pig demon and river demon remembered that the friendly mischievous stableboy and the monkey menace that terrorized Heaven were the same person. Or, more funny factor, only the horse knew that the three were acquainted with each other before their disgrace and is just waiting for them to notice that they knew each other. When did you think SWK met Macaque, before he went to train in Subodhi's place, or after that?
hey <3 this will prob be a long answer, so imma just put everything under the cut :)
let us begin with headcanon #1
Bai He is one of LBD's descendants
ok, i have some issues with this hc tbh
1) LBD is a bone spirit, not in anyway a celestial or a human, also she's labeled as a demon simply bc the term yāoguài (妖怪) is synonymous to demon & evil spirit (and LBD falls into the "evil spirit" category, although from past showings it appears that she wasn't always "evil" but by lmk canon she is).
2) despite being in the "demon" category like DBK and Spider Queen, she feels very separate from them. idk, maybe it's just me, but LBD feels like one entity, like there cannot be ancestors or descendents of her bc she is way too connected to her own spirit essence (i don't know how to word that better). what i mean is, LBD's powers and statures feels a lot older than the celestial court itself. she holds herself with such high stature, she talks about destiny and fate as if she was there when they were created. she is old as bones (pun fully intended) and knows it. there is no one like her because there cannot be.
and 3) if Bai He were to have some ancestral connection to LBD, i think it would make more sense that an ancestor of hers was a priest to LBD rather than LBD herself.
but also, there's a part of me that feels like inserting Bai He into some past connection with LBD takes away from the chilling notion that LBD just picked Bai He for the sole reason that Bai He was a child, that Bai He was innocent, that Bai He was a casualty of her greater goal that she was willing to sacrifice. Bai He demonstrates LBD's uncaring and apathetic cruelty towards humans (the people she originally wanted to help) bc to her, once she builds that "perfect world," the humans will not remember her past actions or what it cost to create a Heaven on Earth.
she got that "end justify the means" mentality, ya know?
Wukong knowing his companions pre-JTTW
so, yes, i do love this headcanon, but i am also so conflicted bc on one hand: hilarious dramatic irony that these guys were familiar with each other in the past but because of centuries of shit, neither of them remember or one of them remembers bc reasons.
but i also think no bc i highly doubt Sun Wukong would remember every single celestial he interacted with while he was in Heaven. i think it would be funnier if he never recognized them bc both Zhu Baije and Sha Wujing have changed dramatically (Zhu Baije looks like a pig now, Sha Wujing.....i don't remember....shit). maybe he would think, "hey, these guys remind me of some idiots i met in Heaven lol," but it wouldn't really click unless it was made super obvious to him.
personally, i think Sha Wujing and Zhu Baije know but mostly because everybody knows it was Sun Wukong, Handsome Monkey King, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, who wreaked havoc in Heaven (twice, i might add) and went to war over it and almost won. like, in the books at least, Zhu Baije was very aware of who SWK was when his "wife" (whom swk was disguised as in order to sneak into the pig demon's house that wasn't actually his house) informed him that the monk he captured was accompanied by the legendary and horrifying Sun Wukong.
however, Sha Wujing would be the only one of the three to recognize Zhu Baije as the celestial guard who tried to flirt with Chang'e and faced the consquences but i highly doubt they even talked to each other before JTTW.
the Ao Lie addition is very funny, but idk if the guy would even remember any of the Heavenly court's faces or names unless he had to interact with them a lot (i will add it to my lists of headcanons tho bc it is funny and i like it, so my logical brain will have to suck it up).
When did SWK meet Macky
oh dear, i change my mind about this all the time. like, both work pretty good in my mind and would still illustrate that these monkeys were old, old friends who were close long before the brotherhood. even before s4 special came out my personal headcanon was that SWK & Mac met at most before SWK crossed his name from the Diyu, soooooo props to me.
tbh it doesn't really matter to me when they meet, but i'll go ahead and say my "range" for when they met and became besties is after SWK became monkey king to right after SWK trained under Master Subodhi (hey, maybe they even met when SWK was heading back to FFM and they hit it off so well, SWK just invited Mac to come over and the idiot never left)
so yeah, there's my thoughts :3
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Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side B: Round 3
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Chel | She/her | @toonfanstars
CW: Body horror (in other images in toyhouse gallery)
She was just an average guy. She would wake up, eat breakfast, and get ready for work. She didn't particularly like her job, but her coworker was friendly enough, even if a little too ambitious. She likes to keep her routine as normal as possible, and any little deviation usually bugs her but she tries to deal with it. Whether it be that she can't find a matching pair of socks or suddenly getting possessed by a demon, nothing is stopping her from getting her morning coffee & bagel from her favourite bakery.
Promos: https://toyhou.se/11556109.chel
Zena | She/her/hers, it/its/its, and ze/zir/zirs, but all pronouns are acceptable | @spark-ocblog (CW: mentions of blood and murder on this blog)
Zena works a variety of retail jobs and lives in a boring, cheap, low-quality apartment. She is entirely oblivious to the various supernatural happenings in the town she's in, despite being one of the oldest supernatural creatures in the area. It likes to participate in mundane human activities for fun, such as "Lie Down On A Cushion For Eight Hours With Your Eyes Closed," and "Pet Animal." Zir biggest worries are busy shifts and managing human finances.
Levi | He/him | @cyikess
An unwilling chronic isekai protagonist. He can't catch a break! He keeps getting thrown to new and different fantasy/sci-fi/whatever worlds when all he wants is his normal life back. He's just a guy!
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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[no extra description provided]
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Zena is an immortal plant spirit who really wants to participate in human life. After zir move to the city, ze hops from job to job trying to sample the human experience as best ze can. She tries to keep a houseplant and care for it manually (without any magic) and it dies immediately. She's aromantic and orchidsexual, but alloplatonic. It's very awkward trying to socialize with its coworkers, especially because its first language is not a verbal one. Ze's very easily tricked and oblivious to many things... including the many witches in the area that stop by the cafe ze waitresses at. The cafe is perfectly normal, but its primary clientele is criminals and illegal magic users from the surrounding area (just because of where it's situated, locationally). She sticks out like a sore thumb because her human disguise isn't particularly stealthy, but most people politely assume her appearance is due to some sort of curse and avoid commenting on it. It likes reading corny romance novels and hanging out with people in its spare time. It's autistic and obsessed with puns, and fascinated by human languages. Zir whole entire aspiration is basically to be just some guy.
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He is one of the guys ever tbh. All this crazy shit happens to him/around him and he stays normal! This crazy shit includes being sent to other worlds again, and again, and again. He does not know why this is happening. And in all these worlds there's cyborgs, and non-humans, and all sorts of people and then there's him. With his stupid glasses and failboy energy. Love him. All my friends love him too. He's even on my water bottle!
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Would you do hc's for bay Hound, bee, hotrod, and mtmte tailgate and rung. For what two Halloween movies they would watch with a friend, ranging from not so scary to super scary horror. For example what's a not so scary family friendly yet spooky movie they would watch. And what's a very horror/slasher/bloody movie They would watch. And what's their limit on scary?
He doesn't have a limit on scary. He'll watch anything. He doesn't really get scared by anything, especially not human horror films because he knows they are all fake.
He jumps right into the horrors by watching The Exorcist. And he is completely unaffected by it.
His friend however was. So now he'll sit and watch Nightmare before Christmas, so his friend can call down. He doesn't mind though, he thinks it's an entertaining film.
Hot Rod:
Hot Rod and his friend start off watching Paranorman. He thinks it's quite a fun movie. He likes the animation and the story. Afterwards his friend suggests a scarier movie.
He asks if they are sure, he has no problem watching scarier, but he doesn't want his friend to have nightmares. They settle on The Thing.
Hot Rod dislikes it. He dislikes the idea of a horrible creature coming out of the ice. He hates the idea that it takes the form of humans then turns into a disgusting monster.
He wants to cling to his friend. But he also wants space from them, fear that they could actually be a monster in disguise. It takes him a couple days after the film to stop thinking all his friends could be a monster in disguise.
He has now decided he does not like horror films and is quite happy not watching them.
They start out watching Hocus Pocus. Bee enjoys it, he thinks it's quite fun. He's watched a few films with Sam and he's never really been scared before.
So he decided to go up and level. He and his friend watch paranormal activity.
He hates it!! He hates the idea of ghosts, invisible entities that can't be seen or touched but they can hurt you? No he's not interested in that. He is not interested in watching any more ghost films.
His friend does suggest Casper. But Bee refuses. No more ghosts, it's a terrifying idea.
He thought he could handle scary films no problem, so he wanted to start out with the scariest. But his friend suggested they start off small.
They watch Gremlins, and he somewhat enjoyed it. He thought Gizmo was cute. The other gremlins were a bit ugly but he enjoyed the film. So he excitedly states they should watch the scary one, because obviously he is fine with scary films.
They end up watching The Conjuring. And oh he was wrong. He refuses to turn the lights off, and will not let go of his friend. He's terrified if he lets go they are going to get possessed they go around hunting him. He can't deal with the idea of an evil spirit being inside his friend.
This was his lesson, and he'll NEVER watch horror films again.
He is intrigued that humans watch scary films for enjoyment. He doesn't quite know why being scared is enjoyable, but he's willing to give it a go for his friend.
They start of with the least scary to test the water. His friend picks out Monster House. Seeing as it's an animated film, Rung knows it's obviously fake. He enjoys it. He thinks it's quite a happy ending, and he says he would watch it again.
Next up was a really scary movie. They decided on Scream.
Rung spent the entire movie, trying to analyze and diagnose the killer. He wondered why humans would want to become murderers and why they wear a mask. He understands why humans would find it scary. Unlike monsters or aliens, murderers actually exist and could happen. So he rates it as a successful scary movie, just because it could be realistic. Although he was not personally scared by it, he will say it is a good enough movie to scare other people.
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