#Ghost of love past
somnimagus · 7 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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kabukiaku · 8 months
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tribute to one of my favorite tracks from Infestissunam. (let's be honest, every single track on that album goes so hard.) I love this album so much.
bonus silly doodle:
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nelkcats · 9 months
Secret Boyfriend
Jason met his boyfriend in a rather peculiar way: he was doing his usual rounds, disposing of the dregs of society with a couple of bullets and offering shelter to hapless victims when one of his victims began to...revive?
The easiest way to put it was that the bastard turned glowing green, and Jason had collaborated enough times with Justice League Dark to know that something supernatural was coming.
Before the whole process was complete, however, another portal opened and out stepped a pretty pissed off guy. The spirit that had just been born was intimidated by the new spirit and Jason could only watch dumbfounded as the twink destroyed the former serial killer with scathing words and scolding.
He was instantly smitten and began flirting with the rabid spirit. It wasn't long before Danny reciprocated his flirtations and well, Jason could tell it was the best thing that had happened to him all year.
On the other hand, the Batfamily was worried about Jason's constant disappearances and his sudden calmness. Fearing the worst (and seeing that they couldn't leave a matter unresolved) they decided to investigate, much to the chagrin of the Crime Lord who responded to their interrogations with deflections and continued to hide his boyfriend as best he could.
Danny thought it was a fun game and just went along with it. Tim was stressed and wanted to get it all over with.
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de-righty · 5 months
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 2 years
When you’re involved in a so-called relationship with an emotionally AND physically absent/distant person, that’s called having a solo relationship with yourself. That’s called having a relationship with a ghost.
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devilbunzz · 7 months
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ghost trick style diu sprites part 1
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kafkaguy · 4 months
literally the craziest experience ever when you watch something and you feel it affect you deeply and you come out of it wanting to throw up and cry and turn your whole life around. and then you see what your friends think about it and they're like. "yeah it was sad" "yeah it was pretty good" "yeah i don't really know how i feel about it." ok well im eating my hair and ripping my clothes and howling at the moon so.
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silksongeveryday · 4 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 374
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Requested by @/sunsetcannon !
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tried to make it a little more interesting by altering their outfits a bit to look more like the other’s
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ghosts-cyphera · 3 months
hi my darlings <3
it makes me sad to post this, but I think it's time for me to delete my blog. it was amazing to be here with you all, and I'm forever grateful for all the love you sent my way. I just don't see myself getting back into CoD, and sadly my blog has become a source of stress for me rather than happiness. it's not because of any of you—if anything, I doubt I'd be here today if it wasn't for so very many of you. please know that your love and support made a difference.
if you want to save any of my fics for future reading, please go ahead !! I only ask you to keep them for personal use, and to not repost them, even with credit.
I love you all and wish you nothing but the best. 💗
with tons and tons and tons of love, lo 💕
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callofdooty69 · 5 months
part 1 - könig
ghost: loving like a dog
ghost doesn’t love like a pet. he doesn’t love like a domesticated dog, no no. ghost loves like a stray. he loves like a flee-ridden mutt, one that has matted fur and smells like charcoal and covered in dirt.
ghost loves like a stray dog because it’s all he knows. no one has ever loved him like you do. he’s used to people judging and pushing him away to the point where his guard is constantly up. he doesn’t know any better. he doesn’t know how to love.
once you truly understand him, he slowly becomes a domesticated lover. he no longer has flees. he doesn’t reek of sadness and pain, but of calming shampoo and soft fur. he doesn’t have a matter coat and damaged personality, his teeth aren’t yellow, and his nails are no longer sharp and threatening.
ghost loves like a domesticated dog, once a stray mutt with no one to love. now, he has you. you helped him, you healed him. he doesn’t go hungry in the street anymore. he doesn’t scare away anyone that gets close to him. now, he has someone to protect and care about instead of shutting himself out from the world with the interior walls he’s spent his life putting up.
ghost used to love like a stray, flee-ridden mutt. it took him ages to get used to the walls he put up slowly crumbling and breaking down. he doesn’t stay up all night, lost in the thought of being alone for the rest of his once miserable existence. he has you.
ghost loves like a dog. and it’s all thanks to you.
as always, feel free to send requests via comments/anons╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
- 𝓀.𝒿
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DPxDC media story prompt
Okay first off, this sort of thing has been done before, but here’s a different version involving Jazz Fenton.
Popular in DPxDC fanfic is that the GIW have a media blackouts—or whiteouts, there’s kind of a difference, where whiteouts work more like… there is a file, but you can’t edit it or it may be locked out for certain users, or an edited version of events where things are ‘whited out’ like with correction paste, among other definitions.
Point is!
The GIW have a media restriction, and among these is social media, probably with certain words or phrases pinging to location restrict the post. There was probably a phase for a while where the A-Listers tried to get around it, but ultimately failed, and since they could only get information IN rather than information OUT, and possibly still a limited amount of outside information in the first place, social media didn’t take off as much in Amity Park than in other places in the world. There’s still a small local presence, but at this point it’s almost like a city wide chat room than actual social media.
Enter in, Jazz Fenton. She’s chronically behind on trends, so by the time she decides to get on social media, the GIW aren’t being as militant on it. And she has that habit of calling the ghosts by code names instead of their actual names, such as Crate Creep instead of The Box Ghost, or Ghost X instead of Skulker. By pure coincidence of her personal language use and Tucker messing with all of Team Phantom’s phone locaters for easier excuse giving, Jazz manages to dodge all the word censors.
She accidentally creates a whole online story community convinced it’s some kind of altered reality game or role playing game, what have you. Meanwhile, Jazz is letting off steam by ranting online with, of course, made up names of all the people involved. She doesn’t even notice the numbers, and that’s assuming the GIW didn’t just—region lock the ability to see them for whatever reason. The few Amity Parkers on social medias see Jazz, maybe look at a complaint post or two, then move on because this isn’t even an unusual video inside Amity Park’s social media sphere.
Heck, PHANTOM has a social media presence and he’s done several rant videos too! One particularly famous one is him complaining about keeping his boots and gloves white while being chased and one of the GIW agents actually stops and gives him advice before shooting at him again.
Those outside Amity Park, of course, only see Jazz’s videos. And she has no idea that she has an entire online presence and mild amounts of online fame. And again, almost everyone thinks the whole thing is just a fun little game, if oddly detailed.
Until, that is, a certain young man by the name of Bernard comes in. One of the few who are totally convinced this is real, he tries to also convince his boyfriend—Timothy Drake-Wayne. Who, in turn, finds it incredibly suspicious that it’s this hard to get news and posts from one random town in the Midwest.
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note-boom · 1 year
See here. BSD is a story about how all of our characters were once children. How the scars and wounds and secrets of their past will always haunt them to the present. We see it with Chuuya, Yosano, Ranpo, even Odasaku briefly, Atsushi, Tachihara, Akutagawa, Kyouka and Kenji right now, even Kouyou just a little bit. They've all overcome it or they've allowed it to consume them. And yet that brief glimpse into a past where they were young and scarred shows us once again just how human they are...every criminal, ever person, was once a child wounded by or protected from the world and doesn't that count for something even if it doesn't excuse the atrocities they commit today?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Jellyfish Prince 💙
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soapskneebrace · 3 months
It's funny to me that I've literally written the least for Ghost--less than GAZ--considering Ghost is the cod character who reeled me into the fandom in the first place, and also I'm thinking about him constantly and how much potential Ghost has as a character in fic.
Like--bro did everything kids who lived his life dream of. He got away from his shitty father, grew up and got big and strong, beat the shit out of him and sent him packing, and then pulled the pieces of his family back together. He kept his mom's fridge stocked and got his brother clean. He had good Christmases with his family and watched it grow.
Then they all got killed.
Listen, that caretaking instinct isn't just gonna disappear, and I have too much fun thinking about how smothering he'll be when he finally lets himself love someone again--someone who really, really needs him to be everything he made himself into, no less. Someone who needs him to be the big scary Ghost and Simon who fixes their radiator. Someone who needs his quiet and his body heat and his strength and his ability to scare people off with a scowl.
He made himself into someone who could care for other people--people who needed him to look out for them. I think he wants, needs, to be needed, and once you've shown that he makes your life a little better he's going to take that and run with it.
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jorvikzelda · 2 months
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i have played hollow knight for approximately 80 hours in the past 11 days
(alternate version with autism creature eyes/face as requested by my friend below cut)
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nelkcats · 1 year
Love me, Love me not
To gain power and cause chaos Klarion summons the Ghost King; when Danny appears in the summoning circle Klarion confesses that he is in love with him, and he is what he always dreamed of, the halfa is confused at first but the witch boy sounds so certain that he starts to believe it.
After some time with him Danny starts to like the witch and considers dating him, but the more time they spend together, the more doubtful he becomes about his decision and one day the halfa finally asks "Why do you love me?" Klarion immediately replies "Because you are powerful"
Danny is confused by that answer. He had been helping Klarion for a couple of days and the boy always praised his power, but surely he had to love something else? Feeling his heart in his throat the halfa asked "And what else?", Klarion remains silent.
Is a bittersweet revelation for Danny, who thought someone finally loved him for more than just his power, he probably should have seen it coming; but they had been through so much, discovered so much about the world together, that the Ghost King foolishly thought they were really falling in love.
Before the boy can break his heart into more pieces, the King runs away feeling like the world's biggest idiot. Of course Klarion only wanted power from him, he said so from the beginning. But Danny wanted so badly to believe otherwise.
He could go back and kill him with a snap of his fingers, but what good would it do? He would only be destroying himself, because at the end of the day the Ghost King fell in love with the Witch boy.
When Danny runs, Klarion realizes that he was in love with him, but maybe it's too late for that
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