#Glitch is already written at least
lizthewriter · 1 year
i think there's been a glitch / theodore nott
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PAIRING  Theodore Nott x studious!shy!Reader
SUMMARY  Theodore Nott was well known for the sort of happenstances that occurred in his dorm. However, the new transfer student seems to catch his eye in particular - that transfer student is you. His friends think that, at first, he has his eyes set on you for more sinful reasons, but he soon proves that his intentions are more romantic than anyone ever thought.
TAGS  Theodore Nott x Reader, angst, if you squint, idiots in love, cursing, kissing, study buddies, friends to wtf is this to friends with benefits but also wtf is this to lovers, theo is a simp, reader is not slytherin, can be any other house, reader has social anxiety, references to sex, underage drinking, headmaster's list = dean's list, gender neutral reader
"We were supposed be just friends, / you don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weekend, / depending on what type of mood and situationship I'm in, / and what's in my system," - Glitch by Taylor Swift
WRITTEN  27.08.2023
A/N This came as a burst of inspiration during calc class when I realized I was really the only person answering my professor's questions in my classes, lmaoo 😭😭 so this is purely self-induglent. i hope you guys enjoy <333
When you had transferred to Hogwarts, you hadn't made very many friends. All right, you hadn't made any friends. Because you had transferred to Hogwarts so late in your academic career, everyone had already formed their own friend groups. No one had any real interest in you - that was, they were interested in why you transferred, but not in assimilating you into their social circles. Your professors, however, had grown quite fond of you, most likely due to your dedication to your studies. And eventually, around midway through the fall semester, you were called into the Headmaster's office. It had kept you on your toes all day - had you done something wrong? Gotten in trouble? Your mind had come up with most elaborate and unlikely scenarios that might have cause you to get called into the Headmaster's office.
You were awarded the honor of being added to the Headmaster's list. Only two others in your year were granted the same honor - Hermione Granger and Theodore Nott. All three of you were maintaining straight O's. You and Hermione had never gotten the opportunity to grow close - it might have been the fact that she was much more close-mindrd than you, or the fact that she didn't have the time to spare to make new friends between her studies and all the "Chosen One" stuff going on. You wanted to at least make one friend, instead of an academic rival, which you made the mistake of creating at your previous school.
So, you approached Theo after the meeting, your hands clamy and shaking while you stuttered out your request to study together. Theo simply watched you with those dead eyes of his before nodding. It had unnerved you but you pushed yourself to confirm a date and time with him. And so began your little friendship.
You were never meant to be more than study partners. Weekly study sessions in the library grew into bi-weekly gatherings, which then grew into daily meetings. And then you were meeting each other after class, making inside jokes, hanging out just because. Slowly, but surely, you and Theo grew close. You weren't sure you had ever been this close with anyone before. It was like he just knew you, not only like the back of his hand, but like every square inch of his body.
And Theo? Theo had never saw you coming. He didn't know that he wanted to be friends with you until you were friends, and then he couldn't stop coming back. You were like a drug. He needed another hit each and every time he saw you. Soon enough, he was aching to spend every waking moment with you. It had started as nothing more than a mutually beneficial partnership, but it grew to be much more than that.
It took him a while to realize he loved you. Cared for you. He was well reputed for sleeping around and having a general devil-may-care attitude. He knew that he loved you when he began to grow tired of the constant flings and one-night stands. When he called off the on-and-off relationship he'd had with a particularly vivacious Slytherin girl. He hated the way girls threw themselves at him, vying for his attention like wildcats fighting over a piece of meat. You weren't like that. You were perfect.
He knew he wanted to ask you out. His friends scoffed at the idea, thinking he was joking. They were shocked when they realized he was serious. Mattheo had even knocked on his head, asking if Theo was really in there. It had to be perfect, so he went to the only people he knew who had ever been in serious relationships. Mostly everyone had told him the same thing - find out what you liked. Woo you. It was rather simple. "For someone who is so smart, you're rather stupid, you know," Blaise had told him. He secretly agreed.
First, he had bought a collection of muggle novels for you at a book store on a forgotten. It had beautifully decorated covers, guilded with golden etchings. When you had sat down to study one day, Theodore had dropped it on the table in front of you while he pulled out his books.
"What's this?" You had asked in confusion.
"It reminded me of you," he said simply, pulling out his spellbook and flipping through it to find where he had last left off.
You furrowed your brows as you pulled the box towards you, unclasping the front of it and pushing it open. You let out the small gasp at the gorgeous hardcovers resting inside, hands trailing along the sturdy spines. Five Muggle Classics, the interior of the box cover said. "Theo . . . " Your voice trailed off at the thoughtfullness of the gift - you were left utterly speechless. "I can't take this. I can't imagine how expensive how this was." You slid the case of books back to Theo. He stopped it, pushing it back towards you.
"Take it. I can't return it. Besides, I got it for you. I would hate to see these go to waste."
You bit your bottom lip before pulling the box back towards you, a smile spreading across your face as you pulled out one of your favorite muggle classics. You flipped through the pages, allowing that paticular new-book smell to wash over you like the waves on a shore. "Thank you," you mumbled softly.
You never came to parties. Mostly because you hated all the drinking and crowds and the mixture of stroking lights and booming music that made you dizzy. But you had started to develop feelings for a particular friend of yours. He was tall, devilishly handsome, and more intelligent that anyone you'd ever met. He smelled of evergreen trees, cigarettes, and lilac. You felt for him in a way that you had never felt for anyone else. You were always so laser-focused on you studies, but you realized that your attention had been straying towards a paticular someone as of recently.
You knew he hung around these sort of parties, finding pretty girls to have a fun night with. You wore the most insanely inappropriate dress you could find, hoping to catch his attention. You weren't exactly sure what your goal for that night was, but you were certain you wanted it to end with you and Theo, alone.
Of course, Theo was shocked to see you there. Even more shocked to see you out of the jeans and sweaters you usually wore, standing in a tight little number that had him practically frothing at the mouth. Not that you weren't always stunning, but you were stunning stunning. He wouldn't have approached you normally, but with the alcohol currently coursing through his system, he had a boost of courage and stupidity.
Five seconds later, he was standing right behind you, calling your name. You turned around to face him with a grin. "Hey, there you are."
"What are you doing here?" It sounded much more like a statement than a question - he was seemingly distracted by something else about you.
"I came to see you, silly. And to see what all the rage is about."
"I've come to the conclusion that parties suck."
Theo laughed, something hearty that rumbled through his chest. "Want to go somewhere else?"
"Please," you responded with a role of your eyes. "I'm starting to get a headache." You had stupidly accepted a drink and chugged down the bitter alcohol earlier - that didn't bode well for your head when you were already bothered by loud music sober.
Theo's eyes searched the room for somehwere that might be a little quieter - his eyes landed on the staircase to his dorm. Well, where else was there to go? He lead you up the steps, the two of you laughing as he kept you from stumbling down the stairs, and guided you to his dorm. He sat you down on the bed, grabbing a glass on his bedside table, and filled it up with the spell Aguamenti.
"Thanks," you said sweetly, taking it from his hand and taking a long sip. You took a good look at the room, easily able to tell whose area of the roo. was whose. Mattheo's was messy - clothes strewn across the bed and floor. Draco's was neat and filled with a variety of potions book, his bedside table cluttered with potions of a variety of colors, lined up in orderly rows. Blaise had a poster of his favorite Quidditch team plastered on the wall, as well as a family photo filled with all his siblings. Theo's, however, was minimal and tidy aside from the piles of books. His bed was neatly made, the corners of the covers tucked under the mattress.
You finally met Theo's eyes and finally saw some sort of emotion - it took you a moment to identify it as hunger. You glanced down at the outfit you were wearing and flushed, your eyes staying firmly on the ground.
"You look very pretty."
You felt your heart stop in your chest. Had Theo called you . . . pretty? You were in shock - sure, you had come to the party with more than friendly intent, but you had never expected that he would actually notice you the way he had noticed other girls.
"Y-you - you look very handsome."
Theo watched you for a moment - he was standing only a foot away with arm wrapped around the four-poster, hanging off from it slightly. There was an odd sort of tension in the room - you both knew what you wanted and you both knew you wanted it now. Both of your inhibitions were lowered because of the alcohol, so it was that one split desicion that changed everything. Soon enough, his lips were planted into yours, one hand cupping your cheek and the other trailing along the side of your body. Everything had happened so fast - it went from the hand on your hips guiding you down onto the mattress to clothes strewn on the floor to sleeping heavily within each other's arms. It was hours before you woke again, and you were grateful that none of his friends had come up from the party yet. He helped you get dressed, a look of almost disbelief settled into his features as you left, sending him an awkward smile before you closed the door. What had he done?
The next day you had studied together like nothing happened. You cracked a joke. He laughed. You helped him with Transfiguration, he helped you with Ancient Runes. Another day passed. And another. And another. Theo was going beyond mad - what were you two now? Were you still friends? Were you dating? He felt like he wanted to yank all his hair out of his head.
That was, until about a week later. Late at night, the two of you were studying in the library. He was huddled next to you, embarrassingly distracted by your beauty while you were trying to help him with a homework problem he got stuck on. He finally snapped back to attention as you pointed to something on his parchment, leaning downwards to see exactly what you were pointing at. At the same time, you had turned your head to see what had him so distracted. The resultant situation: your noses bumped together and he could feel your heavy, hot breath on his lips.
Flashbacks to the night you shared soared through both of your minds. And it was you, this time, who had made the stupid desicion. You lunged for his lips with desperation, fingers snaking through his hair, a hand planted on his chest. He had tensed in surprise before returning the kiss with equal fervor. It wasn't long before you were quickly packing your things and Theo was dragging you to some abandoned room, your lips entangled as he pressed you up against the wall. The moonlight seeped in through the red glass-stained windows, dancing deliciously on your skin. Forever engraved in his memory was the picture of you, the only word on your lips being his name, grasping his shoulders with need.
Neither of you knew what kind of relationship you had descended into. It involved rather intimate gatherings from time to time, but for the most part, you were just friends. It was an almost seamless friendship between you two - except for the nagging thoughts at the back of both of your minds that kept you wondering if the other really felt the same way.
Theo buried his face into his hands, surrounded by a group of friends who had utterly no idea what to do. Their eyes watched him with trepidation and worry. It was oddly concerning how much he was stressing over this. Theo never seemed to stress about anything. But here he was, hands fisted in his hair, staring down at the ground in utter disillusionment.
"I've ruined everything. All cause I couldn't keep it in my fucking pants."
"That can't be it, mate," Mattheo tried reassuring him. "Look, you said they're different, yeah? All the other girls you've slept with found someone else after you. But they keep coming back for more. That has to mean something, right?"
"Yeah, you've just got to romance them," Blaise said. Theo groaned.
"Please never open your mouth again."
"I'm serious. Take her to Hogsmeade, that'll show them."
Theo leaned his face upwards, staring at Blaise. He was right - taking someone to Hogsmeade virtually meant asking them out on a date. You had to know the innuendo by now, being at Hogwarts as long as you have. "Blaise, you're brilliant." He clapped his friend on the back, rushing out of the dorm to find you.
You scanned the bookshelves for books with more information on Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration. The idea fascinated you - how come you could conjure any sort of non-edible object from nothing, but with food you couldn't? At the root of it, everything was made of subatomic particles, then atoms, then particles, and so on. So, theoretically, anything could be created from nothing, correct?
You were so enraptured by your own thoughts that you had no conception of your surroundings and bumped right into someone walking straight towards you. The books in your arms tumbled onto the floor and you flushed a bright red, bending down to pick them up.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry!" you exclaimed, hastily collecting the books from the ground. The boy, who you hadn't really looked at yet, bent down to help you collect them as well. "I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm really -"
As you stood up, you finally got to look at his face - and it turned out to be Theo. His face was just barely flushed, and the emotion in his eyes held a deep meaning that you couldn't quite decrypt. You didn't have a chance to ask him what he was doing, because he beat you to it.
"Go to Hogsmeade with me."
"I'm sorry?"
"Hogsmeade. You and I. Interested?" His tone was strained, and you realized what emotion finally lay beyond those dead eyes. Fear.
You knew what he was insinuating. Was he - asking you out on a date? Did that mean he really did like you? More than just as someone he could have a little fun with time and again, someone who was just a friend. You stared up at him for quite a while, not realising how silent you were as you sunk into the rabbit hole of your own thoughts.
"I - erm - all right, then." You were still quite in a bit of shock. "Will you -"
"Yeah, I'll wait for you outside your common room." The fear in his eyes seemed to dissipate, his shoulders sagging in relief.
"Right. Yeah, sounds good. Great."
You had bundled up for the cold weather, a thick scarf wrapped around your neck and a hat with your house emblem on your head. You tried to dress in something nice underneath the layers of warmth - it had taken you a long time to decide what exactly you wanted to wear, but you had eventually come to a conclusion.
When you exited the dormitory, you found Theo bundled up with an equal amount of layers, yet he looked just as attractive as he always did. In his hands, he held a single rose. You flushed a bright red, especially as a group of first year girls giggled as they exited the dorm behind you.
"Hello," Theo said simply, handing you the rose.
"Hello," you responded shyly, taking it gratefully and holding it in your hands. You smiled nervously, rocking back and forth on your feet. "So."
"So. Are you ready?"
"Okay." Theo grabbed your hand, holding it gently. You hid your face from his view, not wanting him to know the kind of affect he had on you as he lead you through the castle. "What do you want to do first?"
You had weaved your hand through his arm, resting your head on the edge of his shoulder. "Hm. I need some more quills. But we should definitely stop at the bookshop first. I want to see if they've gotten anything new."
Theo had never been a talkative person - and you had never really minded it, not until now. You wish that maybe he might just tell you he had feelings for you, more than feelings that only arose every once in a while. It would make this so much easier on you. But you were nervous and shy and had a hard time talking to people, even one's you've been friends with. So you remained silent on the walk there.
Theo could tell it was an uncomfortable silence. Not only did being the quiet one meant he could read a room easily, he had also been around you long enough to know when you felt uncomfortable. He stopped the two of you from walking - you were already walking the path to Hogsmeade, snow lightly covered both of your heads.
"What's wrong?"
"You don't have to lie to me."
You bit the interior of your cheek nervously. Did you really want to destroy what you had with him? You were content with keeping your relationship the way it was. At least, that's what you convinced yourself.
You felt your gaze being drawn back to Theo, his fingers resting under your chin. "Don't hide from me, love, tell me what's on your mind."
"Love." You felt your heart melt into a puddle of hope and embarrassment. "Theo . . . what are we?"
Theo grabbed your hand and held it up, intertwining your fingers together. He looked at them, with something akin to fascination, and muttered, "What do you want us to be?"
You paused. "I want us to be together," you whispered, looking up at him with eyes of despair. Theo felt his heart wrench at the sight of it. He raised his other hand, brushing it lightly against your cheek.
"Then let's be together," he whispered back. He leaned downwards, meeting your lips in a soft kiss. It wasn't like any of the kisses before that - no, those were passionate, desperate, lust-filled kisses. This was loving, caring, blossoming. He dropped your hand to cup both of your cheeks in his hand, his nose biting into your cheek. "You and I. I like the sound of that."
tags: @plants-are-pretty-cool @annaisabookworm @maricardigan
Thank you all for reading! Be sure to like, reblog, and comment! I really appreciate it ^^. If you have any requests, by inbox is open but make sure to check the list of characters I write for here. If you want to be tagged in any upcoming fics/headcanons of mine, let me know. If you want to see more from me, go ahead and check out my masterlist here!
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 days
Not rlly asking for romance hcs for this one but can you do Jeff Eyeless Jack and Laughing Jack x reader who is immortal and keeps coming back after they get killed by the creepypasta? Thanks!
Jeff, LJ, EJ x immortal!reader who keeps coming back from the dead
Oooooohoohoo I've always loved prompts like this, very interesting me thinks
Notes: reader is GN, not romantic but you become weird friends, written on mobile
CWs: murder and technical cannibalism if you count ej as a human
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Oh he is so.... over it... but he's too stubborn to throw in the towel and stop trying
Hardly ever let's you get a word out before he chucks a knife at you, he might be too mad to actually aim properly... will probably miss
Bonus if you lean into this and greet him like an old friend, it will drive him nuts
If you two do end up becoming friends it's going to take a long long long time... and maybe jeff cracking and/or having a fit over not being able to kill you.. that's like.. his whole thing
More curious than anything, he doesnt even really kill out of malice- hes just copying isaac, and you being able to come back from the dead has him curious
Its... morbid... given that he kills you at least a few more times to get it out of his system
How do you do that? Can you show him? Can you tell him? Were you always like that? What happens if he destroys your entire body at once instead of damaging it- do you die then or do you just reform? Or stay a messy mush pile?
Will cool it over time if you keep crossing paths, but hes noticeably careless with you.. at least more than he already would be with any other reader
It makes him feel... weird... hes killed you and harvested meat from you, and here you are sitting in the corner alive and regrowing the missing pieces, even worse if you're trying to make conversation with him
Infinite food glitch/j
He tries to kill you again.. will think hes going mad or that he didnt actually kill you the first time and you somehow didnt succumb to your other wounds but you just.. come back..
Sometimes talks to you before killing you again, but his responses are usually short and curt
When/if you do become friends he does stop using you as a food source, and will shoot down any offers of being one
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divine-donna · 1 year
hey, can you make Miguel O'Hara X gender neutral reader? Where reader (Miguel lover) accidentally get teleport or glitch in the spider verse where they (the Spidey's) were in the middle of chasing miles? Thank you! <3
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hi anon. i'm happy to write this for you.
i wrote this in the form of headcanons rather than a fic. i'm still recuperating from finishing dragon age: inquisition, the succession finale (even if it was like a week ago), my adrenaline high from the across the spiderverse, and the other things i have written already.
some creative additions i made: this is a spidey! reader. i think it naturally made more sense to have a spidey! reader rather than a civilian. i would have to jump through a lot of hoops for a civilian reader to make sense and my brain does not have the capacity to jump through those hoops right now.
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you deserved a well needed rest. after all the work you had been pulling to keep the multiverse safe, it was the least you deserved. especially a nap.
what you didn't expect when you went home was to just fall asleep on the couch.
you had gone out with your friends, finally caught up with them, and changing into some comfortable lounging clothes. you had plans to watch the newest 3 hour long ego project the director called a movie. and naturally because it was 3 hours long and an ego project filled with nothing, you ended up falling asleep.
what you forgot to take off was your multiversal band. you always kept it on in case of emergencies.
you also had a habit of rolling around in your sleep a bit. and you don't have the best luck with technology.
naturally your band malfunctions and you're thrown into the portal and transported back to hq.
ideally you didn't want to be falling through the space. but you were. and that woke you up.
"fuck! fuck! fuck!"
you had no web shooters. why would you? who sleeps with web shooters anyways? (actually there are some spider people that might)
and the worst part is, no one seemed to notice that you were falling. because they were busy doing something else.
when you squinted your eyes, you saw what was happening: every single spider-person that was at hq was chasing after one singular spider-person.
you didn't know who it was but from the looks of it, it looked like a young spider-person. someone who was only a kid.
if only you weren't just free falling-
"(y/n)! what are you doing here!" a familiar voice exclaims.
he caught you in midair, swinging safely to the nearest platform that wasn't stampeding with spider people and other variations of spider totems to set you down.
you took in his appearance. his hair was disheveled and his fangs were poking out. you also noticed his talons were out too and his breathing was heavy.
"i...i was teleported here on accident." you explain. "what is going on?"
"i can't talk right now. go back home! it's supposed to be your day off!" he gives you a small kiss on your cheek and prepares himself to jump off the platform.
"miguel, who is that?"
"miles morales. he disrupted a canon event and now the multiverse is at stake! and we're trying to prevent him from causing another one."
"okay well did you try talking to him?"
"of course!" he exclaims, turning to look at you. "it's the first thing i did. but he doesn't want to listen. now i have to catch him before he disappears!"
he doesn't even wait for you to respond before jumping off. as much as miguel loved you and loved talking to you and cherished your presence, he had to catch up to miles. he had to stop him.
he had to save the multiverse.
you were left with a sinking pit in your stomach. something told you that today was not the day to take off.
but first you needed to find lyla or margo to help with your watch so you can grab your suit and equipment and come back.
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chaichaiiskai · 2 years
Hello, can I request a Baki x male reader smut
Like baki was in class and they were doing a quiz and he didn't do it and never even wrote on his paper because he was staring at reader who sat in front of him, and reader is a really pretty boy and pretty thick and smol like bunny And baki kinda has a thing for him, so the teacher assigned pretty boy as bakis tutor and they go to bakis place, and baki admits his feelings and they do the dirty 👉👈
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baki hanma! x pretty boy! male reader
note: i’ve never written for baki before but fuck yeah i accept this request!! (if you see repeated paragraphs, its a tumblr glitch and i cant delete them w/o fuckin’ up the actual post so im sorry in advance 😭)
warnings: amab reader, male reader, he/him pronouns, homophobes dni, anal, fingering, unprotected sex,
How can a guy be so pretty? It doesn’t make sense.
Not to Baki at least, and he’s a pretty smart guy when he wants to be, which reminds him of the empty quiz paper on his desk.
For just a split moment he looks down at the paper after tearing his eyes away from you, sitting in front of him, diligently completing your quiz like the good student you are. Baki thinks you’re cute. Fuckable, actually, but he wouldn’t mind getting to know you better…
Eventually, his mind begins to wander as he stares at you, daydreaming, and sometime after, the teacher comes by and snatches his unfinished quiz from the desk, observing it. Baki hadn’t even written his name on it, let alone fill out of any of the answers. And what’s worse, pretty much everyone had already left the classroom for break besides Baki, you, and the teacher.
With a frustrated sigh, the man rubs at his forehead with one hand as Baki turns his attention from you for the first time in an hour to stare lazily at the irritated man in front of him.
“What’s the problem, old man? You’re gonna get wrinkles if ya keep thinkin’ too hard.” Baki smugly teased, crossing his arms over his well-built chest that’s a little too built for a third year High Schooler, leaning back in his seat with the most carefree look present on his face.
The irritation on the instructor’s face only gets worse but then he sighs, shaking his head. “If it weren’t for you, the class average wouldn’t be so low. You need a tutor…” His eyes roamed around the room for a split second before they landed on you, currently tapping away at something on your phone, completely unbothered and not listening to the other men chat in the classroom. That was until your heard your name being called, causing you to look up in curiosity at your teacher who’s now standing in front of your desk, motioning to your fellow classmate who’s now shamelessly staring you down with a smirk on his face.
Somehow, you’d ended up accepting your teacher’s (pleading) request to tutor the laziest (and hottest) student in your class. Now, you were walking by his side, looking like a tiny little thing in comparison to his hulking form despite being the same age and you were pretty sure you were a couple months older than him.
As Baki suggested, you would be tutoring him at his place and so here you were, walking with him to his home. As you approached, you took note of the egregious amounts of graffiti on the walls as well as the outside of his house, which piqued your interest. This seemed to not go unnoticed by Baki whilst you began to approach his front door as he spoke up, explaining the meaning behind the vandalism.
“‘s lot of people out there that I’ve fought who’ve lost, or people who want to fight me but know they can’t win, so this is the next best thing, the only thing they can do to save face. I don’t really mind, ‘s not a big deal.” He said, shrugging his shoulders as he took out his key to slide open the door and led you inside, taking off his shoes near the front door to start walking further into his home. You nodded sheepishly at his explanation, frowning a little at the thought of people being such cowards to do such a thing instead of facing him head on.
As you followed him deeper into his home, you realized the place was a lot cleaner than you’d anticipated and before you knew it, you were in his bedroom.
Baki watched curiously as you sat down on the floor at the table beside his bed and started to slowly unpack things from your bag, setting them on top of the table. He could practically smell how nervous you were and it amused him greatly. He was also thinking about other things (like how soft and pliable you look) but he saved those thoughts for later.
Following your example, he sat down at the table right beside you, barely leaving any space between the two of you, your knees knocking together. Subconsciously, you shivered and set the last of your things down onto the table, not daring to meet his observant eyes as he stares at the side of your face, waiting for you to do something. In your peripheral you can see him with his elbow resting on the table now, his chin propped up in the palm of his hand, staring at you with amusement lingering in his gaze.
Your tongue darts out of your mouth and swipes at your lips in an attempt to wet them which doesn’t go unnoticed by Baki. In fact, he wonders what it would be like to kiss you, better yet, to get beneath your school uniform.
Before he can open his mouth to /insinuate/ these thoughts, you’re already speaking up.
“So.. I suppose we should work on homework first for class and… and you can ask me for any help i-if you need it..?” You suggested, though it sounded more like a question than a set plan of action.
Baki grinned lazily.
How cute.
He thought about it briefly but then hummed in acknowledgement, deciding to play along for now before he could put his own plans into action.
Surprisingly, to you at least, Baki had started working on his own homework beside you, what was even crazier was that he’d finished before you and now he was just staring again. Almost like he was waiting for you to finish up with your responsibilities before he’d swipe down and attack you. The thought made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but it wasn’t exactly out of fear.
Some time passed, the room filled with strangely comfortable silence aside from the sounds of your pencil and your breathing. Noticing you finish off the last question, Baki set his plan in motion.
“L/N-san… anyone ever tell you how pretty you are?” Baki nonchalantly asked, watching as you skittishly flinched at the compliment, snapping your gaze towards to him to look at him in bewilderment, reminding him of a startled animal.
Unable to help himself, he reaches towards you and cradles your chin in his hand, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip in curiosity. His eyes are studying your face as he looks down at you, once again reminding you just how easily he could snap you in half even if he barely lifted a finger. However, the hold he had on your chin was gentle and caring, he was mesmerized by the feel of your lips over the rough skin on his calloused thumb, along with your skin.
Soft. Pillowy. Moisturized. You take care of yourself. He likes that. It is a strike contrast to his skin that’s been hardened by brutality and overzealous training that’s turned his entire body into borderline stone. You were just so soft, he wanted to see what other parts were the same.
And despite not getting a verbal and coherent answer from you regarding his previous question, he continues.
“Prettier than any girl I’ve seen. I’d call ya handsome but…” He watches as you blink in surprise, your cutesy lashes kissing your cheeks as you look back up at him, slightly pouting at the start of his backhanded compliment. “— don’t think that fits you. Y’know… ya kinda remind me of a little bunny. You’re skittish like one. And you’re tiny. Bet I could pick you up with one hand.”
His sultry voice and the teasing tone makes something stir inside of you, along with an unneeded erection in your pants. Were your pants always this tight? Sure, they always fit a little snug around your hips and thighs but— What was he trying to say? It would probably be in your best interest to ask him.
“A bunny…? Is that a compliment or.. or an insult?” You softly ask, awaiting for his answer, hanging onto every word that leaves his mouth. For some reason, your gaze has dropped from his eyes to the little beauty mark above his his top lip, and then down to his lips as they move, speaking sweet things to you.
“A compliment, of course. I wouldn’t insult the guy I like, after all.”
You paused, looking back at his eyes, your nose scrunching up along with your eyebrows as you decipher his words, the shock apparent in the look you’re giving him.
Baki smiles.
You really are a little bunny. Makes him want to protect you at all costs, even though he’s sure you can take care of yourself, which is something he also likes about you.
And then you parrot his words right back at him, mainly in disbelief as you feel the heat rise in your face and the rest of your body.
“You… you like me? Like— romantically or..?”
“Pfft. Yeah, romantically. I think you’re cute, smart, adorable, pretty… I wanna get to know you better, and I think I know how to get started.” His words make you curious, eyeing him in suspicion as you may or may not have an idea at what he’s hinting at. “Is that so? Alright, well, I’m open to whatever you have in mind..” You whisper, not rejecting his advances in the slightest without directly stating that you felt the same way about him.
Truthfully, you’ve had a tiny bit of a crush on the class’s sweetheart, but who didn’t? You weren’t even sure if he liked guys, especially not with the rumors of him having a girlfriend or two. But here he was, leaning in and smashing his lips against yours like he was trying to steal the oxygen straight from your lungs and give you the oxygen from his own.
You’d never been so passionately kissed before so it was easy to get lost in it, not even minding the way he effortlessly lifts you into his lap, your fingers tangling up in his cherry red hair, scratching at his scalp, causing him to moan at the unexpected affection.
As he’s holding you in his lap and your kiss turns into a flurry of open mouthed kisses, the sound of your soft pants being swallowed up by the larger man as he kisses you, his hands move down to squeeze at the plush of your ass, enjoying the feel of it in his hands. Rarely does he get to experience such softness beneath is fingers, he was going to cherish every second of this for as long as it went on.
With a little maneuvering from the both of you, you’re both soon rid of your school uniforms and were now in nothing but your boxers, bulging tents furiously rubbing against each other. Baki continued to fondle your ass while guiding your hips, rocking them back and forth so that were dry humping his cock with your own, his lips now connected to your neck. The sweet sounds you’re making spur him own as he litters your neck in love bites and marks that display that you’re his and only his.
The impatience between the two of you steadily grows but Baki takes the first step, standing up with you in his arms as he takes you to his bed and lays you down on top of it, moving to hover his bulky and muscular frame over your small but curvaceous one. In a moment of clarity, watching as he goes into the nightstand beside his bed to pull out a bottle of lube, you speak up.
“W-wait, what about your parents…?” You worriedly ask, not wanting to be caught in the middle of your risqué behavior by the adults in Baki’s home, to which he only chuckles and tugs your boxers down, exposing your bare lower body to his eyes. “I live alone. Don’t worry.” You squeak in surprise when you feel a rush of cold air brush over your cock, your shaft twitching as a bead of precum lands on your belly.
Baki grins at your reaction, finding you even more adorable as he tugs his own boxers down but not fully off, giving you a clear view of what he’s packing.
It’s big just like the rest of him. Should you really be all that surprised?
You gulped worriedly, instinctively backing up a little further up the bed away from him. “I— woah woah woah, I don’t think that’s gonna f-fit me.. Uh.. maybe I could just—“ “Ah ah ah. C’mon Y/N-sama,” he says, purring your first name in a way that instantly turns you into butter, “I’ll prep you first. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
Wait, boyfriend? Did that mean you two were exclusive now?
You had no time to ponder the thought when you felt something thick and slippery in your hole, instantly making your back arch off of the bed, a mewl of surprise, pain, and pleasure erupting from your parted lips.
Looking down to see the culprit of this strange feeling, you see that Baki’s lubed up his right hand and had stuck one of his calloused fingers in your ass, stretching you out with the meaty digit. After giving you a little time to adjust to the intrusion, he starts to pump it in and out, purposely hitting your prostate each and every time while he watched you squirm and call his name, begging him to slow down and give you some more time to adjust.
Baki does the opposite, in fact, he doesn’t stop fucking you stupid with his fingers until he watches you spray cum all over your belly, decorating your skin in your own white sticky nectar. Then, he slowly pulls his fingers out, watching you pant and tremble on top of his bed, your eyes glossy with blissful tears. You then watch as he scoops up the cum from your belly and sucks it from the fingers he’d just finished fucking you with.
“Fuck, you’re so cute… Think you can flip over on your stomach for me or do you need some help?” He asks you, watching as you looked up at him, still trying to calm down from your first orgasm of the evening, as well as seeing him eat your cum. When he gets no response, he laughs lowly and decides for you, promptly grabbing onto your plush hips and flipping you onto your stomach, propping you up on your knees so he can get a full view of your ass.
Pumping his cock a few times, he bites down onto his lip and grabs up the forgotten bottle of lube that was dropped onto the bed a little earlier, he pops it open and squirts a generous amount onto his cock and on your hole.
Then, he leans over you, pressing the tip up against your puckering hole while pressing his hand onto the bed beside your body, caging you in as he leans over to whisper in your ear. “I’ll go slow, just relax for me, will you? I know you can, bunny. You’re my good boy after all.” He whispers, kissing between your shoulder blades. The gesture and his words make your cock harden again even after cumming and you shake a little in shock at just how easily your body responded to him.
And that’s when you felt it, the ridiculous stretch of his tip as he began to push himself into your lubed up and slightly stretched hole. Baki grits his teeth as you start to swallow him up, making him groan in delight and satisfaction, going in inch by inch until his balls are snug against your perineum. He doesn’t move once he’s fully inside you and you don’t either, crying out as he’s stuffed you full. You’ve never felt so full in your life. It burned. It tingled. It hurt. It felt amazing. There were too many sensations going on at once and it was overwhelming you to the point of becoming delirious but Baki’s calming voice reeled you back down to reality with ease.
“You alright? Doesn’t hurt too much does it?”
You have half a mind to shake your mind but you know that any little movement would make the rest of your body move so you verbally responded instead, though your lips remained shut, a hum would suffice.
“Mm… mm.”
Baki chuckled and you lurched forward at the movement, making you gasp and suddenly scratch at his bed sheets, pulling at them as you buried your face into his pillow, smothering your face in the lingering scent of the shampoo he used. Sighing, he leaned back and rested his hands onto your hips, still not moving as he observes your body in this position. Your body was just as pretty as your face, he had his suspicions but this was exceeding beyond his expectations. He wanted to move, fuck you through the mattress and maybe even break the bed frame but he refrained, wanting to give you time to adjust. He knew that once he started he probably wouldn’t be able to stop or let up any of his movements so this was a the best course of options for the both of you.
However even he had his limits. As content as he was with you cockwarming him with your sweet ass, he wanted to start moving, and so did you.
Pulling about halfway out, he slammed back in, watching as your body bounced, especially your ass, and licked his lips, hearing the muffled scream come from you at his sudden movement. Then he waited a couple seconds to see if you’d protest but when you didn’t, he pulled back and thrusted again, watching in fascination as your ass rippled in waves with the impact from his hips. This earned yet another broken moan of pleasure from you, and so, he continued, rocking his hips at a slow pace, listening to your quiet cries of pleasure as he continued to grip on your hips.
The slow pace gradually increased in speed, and before you knew it, he was fucking you hard into his bed and you were pretty sure that if he wasn’t holding onto you he would have sent you right through the wall and out onto the street in front of his house.
Your little mewls and moans were music to his ears, mixing with his own groans and moans as he continued his rapid movements, his heavy balls slapping against your ass, the tip pushing against your prostate each and every time. The rigorous movement made your own cock bounce around without any restraint and you were sure you’d ended up dirtying up his sheets soon if he kept up like this.
What you weren’t expecting was him to suddenly pull back and slap your ass with his hand, making you cry out in shock, turning your head to the side so you could breath and then look back at him over your shoulder.
Looking back at you through his half-lidded gaze, he grinned at you and picked up his pace, just to watch your eyes flutter from the pleasure, your head lolling to the side as you were overcome with ecstasy and pain.
“Haah… sure this is your first time, bunny? You’re gobblin’ me right up with this fat jiggly ass of yours. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think your body was made for my cock and my cock only.” He teased, smacking your other ass cheek to leave them raw with two matching handprints.
Good luck going home after this, he’s not letting you leave, plus, its not like you’d be able to walk properly afterwards anyways. Luckily, you’ve got a loving new boyfriend to take care of you.
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triangular-static · 2 months
someone might have presented this idea already, i'm definitely not early to the party, but hey given the language of euclydia would have to be readable in 2d, it couldn't be bill's normal cipher, at least, not unless it's some weird way of being 2d somehow.
so. one of the things we know euclydia has is colour, and for a thing that could be written to be readable as a line in only two dimensions.. the colour substitution cipher could be a possibility, right?
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other than the fact that it's the only cipher that fits the bill so far (deliberate pun) (sorry) from what i've seen it was introduced in the book of bill, which is where we're learning a bunch of other stuff about bill's home dimension
though i will note, all pictures we've seen of euclydia so far don't seem to follow 2d rules with the way characters are posed. so it may mean it's not 2d in the sense we imagine. but also worth noting is that a lot of it might be through bill's eyes, who Could see in 3d, which may account for the discrepancy.
or it could be like. localised for us, in a weird sense. or i'm thinking about the implications too much, but hey, that's where the fun is, right?
there's also the note that it looks like a glitch effect, which with the tv static themes and everything might even be another connection between the colour code and euclydia.
TL;DR the color code was:
introduced in the book of bill
might fit the rules of a 2d writing system (if that applies here)
does encode things from bill's home dimension, but i don't believe that is unique to this code?
looks like a glitch effect
so my theory is that it's a candidate for the writing system of euclydia.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Robots | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐬 - 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲.
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Kinktober masterlist.
This is my submission to @strawberry-nugget​‘s Perfect Girl collab. Please check out the masterlist here! The first part beneath was actually written by her too it’s so so good💕 
This entire thing was basically inspired by Alesana - The Artist. It’s completely different from anything I’ve ever tried to write before, and I really hope the dark vibes come through and the flashbacks aren’t too confusing! If its not your cup of tea that’s totally fine, I just really wanted to try and get this down on paper. This was supposed to be such a cyberpunk collab and I made it so dark I’M SORRY!
Summary: Bakugou always loved you, even in death. With cutting edge technologies making it possible to bring people back to life, maybe he wouldn’t have to prepare himself to actually let you go. 
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x robot!reader.
Warnings: 18+, italics used as flashbacks, not proofread!, mentioned murder, strangulation, android/robot decapitation, Bakugou is obsessively in love with us, yandere!Bakugou, cheating (hinted), sex with robots? Cause we’re a robot I guess?😂, creampie.
Word Count: 2.8k.
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“I remember things from human life” The voice says. Monotonously, like it’s irrelevant and bleak. “I remember how water feels against your hands and how it feels to step on endless fields of grass. And the way lips swell after a kiss. And how they shrink after”
He chuckles. The sound is so throaty that even he can’t pin it as real. There’s nothing real around him nevertheless. Perhaps it’s you standing before him that’s deceiving; it doesn’t stop his heart from burning in his chest, but it’s your image that hurts- then again, these days, everything hurts.
There’s this echo that surrounds him that’s similar to what lingers after a fight. Yet, this time, he has not been the one on the receiving end of a smile and he’s not the one who claps back with an angry click of his tongue. There’s silence. Lack of emotion.
A cluster sound of disaster in the background doesn’t scare you, it doesn’t even make you flinch- more so blink.
“Do you remember anything?” He asks but a voice on the break of tears and crying shall never come out the way one wants it. At least there are no bags under your eyes to indicate a rainfall on your cheeks
“I remember you” He thinks he hears
And silence fills the void of a second in space and time, or even how much it takes for him to process what you said
“At least I think she does. The memories of her brain that are installed into my hard drive are too be vague according to-”
By the time rivers spill in tears of love from his eyes the droid before him looks anything but you. It’s still your voice, Your eyes, your lips, your hair but he misses the way your eye would gleam and how you’d smile.
“We did our best to save her, Dynamight.” The words echoed in his ears as he watched them work on you. Tools digging into the cogs at the back of your neck as your lashes flickered erratically. Glitching in front of him as he took a tentative step closer, focused on you as though you were the only one in the room.
“We’ve implanted her memories, but some of the fragments have disintegrated through the transfer, so there is a chance the fusion could be unsuccessful.” The scientist spoke as Bakugou raised a palm to stroke your cheek.
“I thought you said you could do it.” Bakugou rasped back, his patience wearing thin.
He’d already spent too long without you.
Bakugou hadn’t been ready to lose you yet, not after everything you’d been through together. So desperately in love with you that he couldn’t imagine living without you, breathing without you. Some would say he’d sold his soul to the devil as he contacted a Scientific corporation set deep in the criminal underbelly in Musutafu to try and keep you alive. If anyone were to find out the number two Pro was doing unscrupulous dealings with the criminals he was tasked to apprehend he would surely lose his entire career, even if he was doing it for one reason and one reason alone— love.
“We can- I mean that is, we have, Dynamight.” The man continued, “But these technologies are new and still advancing, we don’t know how unstable they are and with little trials-”
Bakugou stopped listening as he allowed his thumb to trail across your lips, feeling his heart hammer against his ribcage as he felt the love for you continuing to swirl around him.
“I’m taking her home.” Bakugou cut the man off, uninterested in anything else he had to say. It didn’t matter, not when you were finally reunited, you were finally his again.
“She isn’t ready, we still need to-” Bakugou delved into his jacket pocket to thrust a wad of money against the man’s chest as he staggered back from the force. Glancing down at the money as he held it in his arms before sighing softly.
“Just keep an eye on it.” He muttered.
“Her.” Bakugou snarled.
“Her,” The scientist was quick to correct himself, “And if there’s anything unusual just call me.”
It felt good to have you home again, to share the same bed. The number of lonely nights he’d spent without you in his arms had been unbearable, the thought of losing you completely was too much to bear.
He should’ve been quicker, if he’d just made it to the crime scene on time he’d have been there to save you. No matter how many times Kirishima and Midoriya would say to him that it wouldn’t have mattered, that you were dead for hours, the body was already cold. Dynamight still should’ve done something.
“You gonna protect me, Dynamight.” You laughed, taking a sip of your drink as you swayed to the music thumping through the speakers in the dingy dive bar, “Keep me safe from all the creeps in here?”
“I’d do anything for you,” He replied simply.
You looked the same, pretty eyes staring back at him as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You even smelled the same, although that could be the essence of your perfume he’d doused you in to try and surround himself with you again. But there was a difference that Bakugou couldn’t seem to come to terms with, something that no matter how hard he tried filled him with a sick sense of dread.
You were cold.
And not like the cold he used to experience when you’d put your feet on his calves in bed, giggling as he tried to push you away. This was a chill that ran straight through you, permeating your insides as it made it feel like you weren’t even real.
“We’re working on that,” They’d told him the first time he’d questioned it, the scientists clearly aware of all the drawbacks of this new technology, “There are many issues that can always be solved with a software or hardware upgrade, she’ll be perfect eventually.”
But even with all the faults, being with you was still better than being alone. Clinging to your body as you lay with him at night, his face pressed into the curve of your neck as he spooned your smaller frame. The length of him almost curled around you as he let his hands wander, pressing into the plush skin of your hips as he let himself have the first night of peaceful sleep he’d had in weeks.
Of course, the good times were short-lived, the dreams slowly turning to nightmares as he was plagued with past memories that infiltrated his consciousness and turned dark.
“Bakugou, Bakugou— please, don’t do this. I’m sorry, I can’t— no, please.” The terrifying sound of your voice still repeated in his ears, hearing it in his nightmares.
He’d been selfish, selling his soul to the devil in the desperate hope of keeping you alive. He wasn’t ready to let you go.
How could he ever be ready to let you go when you were his entire world?
“Missed you so much, sweetheart,” He murmured, a hand tentatively reaching up to palm your soft breast, “Did you miss me too?”
“Yes, Bakugou.”
“Call me Katsuki.” The faintest hint of a snarl flashed across his features as you called him by his given name.
“Yes, Katsuki.”
“That’s my good girl,” He hummed, leaning down to take one of your nipples between his lips, “My perfect girl.”
“Man, you gotta leave her alone.” Kirishima stepped into his office without knocking, causing his friend to growl as he kept his head buried in paperwork, “She put the restraining order in this morning, it’s about to get signed off.”
“She doesn’t know what she’s thinking,” Bakugou dismissed, “She’s not well.”
“She‘s scared, man.” Kirishima tried to reason with his friend, “She doesn’t want to be with you.”
“Shut the fuck up, you don’t know shit.” Bakugou snarled, standing up from the desk as papers flew in all directions. His palms crackled as he activated his quirk, Kirishima taking a slow step back as he prepared to brace for impact.
“I know she just wants to be happy,” Kirishima replied solemnly, “So why don’t you let her?”
“Shitty hair’s a fuckin’ idiot, ain’t that right princess?” Bakugou murmured, pressing his forehead to your own as he plunged into your tight cunt, trying to remember how warm you used to feel when your walls clung to his fat cock— now you just felt cold.
Bakugou released a heavy breath through his nose as he began a languid pace, hands mapping out your body as though he was rediscovering your body. Checking it for any differences that he had yet to notice, but you were the same. Even down to the exact shade of your areola as your nipples peeked from the stroke of his calloused thumbs.
“Missed this, sweetheart,” He hummed, ruby eyes watching his cock plunge in and out of your tightness, “Missed you.”
“Yeah,” You replied robotically, eyes staring up at him vacantly.
“I know you’re still in there, princess.” Bakugou’s warm palm cupped your cheek, his thumb gripping your chin to try and search your irises to find your soul. The scientists said most of your memories would stay intact during the transfer, and Bakugou only hoped that meant only the good would remain, “I know you love me fuckin’ this pretty pussy.”
“I do,” You sighed, “Feels good.”
“Yeah?” Bakugou replied smugly, increasing his pace as he began to fuck into your pliant walls with more vigour, the lewd paps of his hips meeting yours filled the room but it was different. No longer the sound of skin against skin as it was more akin to parts rubbing together. Like the sound of him fucking into his fleshlight on those lonely nights alone when he wished you were with him. The times during the night when he’d tried to call you over, to be with you or even just hear the sound of your voice.
“Please, leave me alone.” You pleaded on the phone to him, your voice hoarse from the amount you’d cried, “My boss let me go today because he said he didn’t want to be threatened by Dynamight.”
“It was just a one-night stand, you knew that.” You continued, “I told you when I left in the morning I wasn’t looking for anything serious.”
“Yeah, but we had something special that night.”
“We had nothing, Bakugou.” You cried, “We are nothing. Please, stop calling me.”
You hung the phone up as your words ruminated, repeating in Bakugou’s mind. You did have something, something wonderful. It wasn’t his fault that you couldn’t see that, that he needed to convince you. And he would.
Slipping his boots on as he left his home to see you, ignoring the incoming call from Kirishima as he turned off his phone so that he was untraceable as he moved through the quiet streets of Musutafu.
“You feel so good, sweetheart.” Bakugou groaned, moving your arms to wrap around his waist as he continued his sloppy pace. Burying his cock inside you to the hilt as he peppered kisses against your neck, “So perfect for me.”
Bakugou's warm breath fanned against your face as he pressed his weight against your body, fooling himself that the heat was radiating from you. Remembering how it felt when you'd rake your nails along the apex of his back, leaving crimson lines in their wake.
Your breasts began to bounce as his pace became more erratic, uncaring about how merciless his movements were becoming as the blunt head of his cock plunged against your cervix with each ferocious thrust. His balls tightening as he found himself reaching his peek, standing at the edge of the cliff as he prepared to fall over the edge. His crimson eyes bore into your own as he pressed a wet kiss to your pouty lips.
“I love you.” He whispered gruffly, his nose bumping your own as he continued his rough pace.
"Wha?" You hummed, the slightest scrunch to your nose indicated that the real you was still there somewhere, wracking your brain for the memories that would aid you in this stiuation. Memories that would help you recall what was happening right now, how you felt-
“Say it back.” Bakugou barked harshly.
“I don’t know-” The words weren’t wired to your programming when you thought about him, the man that held your heart was no longer here.
You couldn’t describe the sensation- it felt as though you were no longer here but you were still entirely present. Wondering whether you may be a ghost as you stared up at the familiar ceiling inside Bakugou’s room, and maybe you were. Just a ghost holding on to superficial memories that no longer mattered, not when you weren't here- or were you?
The memories you had with Bakugou certainly felt otherworldly, remembering the drunken night you’d spent with him while you’d been on a break with Shindo Yo. A tangled mess of limbs as you spent the night in Bakugou’s arms before leaving the next morning.
The one-night stand may have been just that for you, but to Bakugou it solidified your feelings for him. And his feelings for you intensified, texting Kirishima that you were going to be moving in with him.
Kirishima[8.04AM]: That’s great man, but don’t think you should be moving that fast?
Bakugou[8.05AM]: Why not when I know she’s the one?
Bakugou[8.06AM]: I’m going to be late to work this morning, I’m going to try and find a ring.
Kirishima[8.08AM]: Bro, I really don’t think that’s a good idea.
Kirishima[8.20AM]: Can I at least meet her first?
Kirishima[9.30AM]: Kats?
Kirishima[3.01PM]: Bro? Text me back. You’ve never missed work?
“Say it,” He snarled, his hips knocking against the backs of your thighs as the sound of his balls slapped against your ass, “Tell me you love me.”
I love you, I love you, I love you repeated in your head. The memories beginning to come back as you felt them enter your consciousness, surrounding you with that feeling of adoration as the words flew from your lips.
“I love you, Yo.” If only you’d been honest with your feelings and allowed him to love you as you deserved, none of this would be happening right now.
"What?" Bakugou growled, "No- Katsuki. I told you to call me Katsuki."
"Katsuki?" You repeated the word as if it were foreign on your tongue.
You were broken, you had to be. He was the only one that should hold your heart, not him. But at least now he’d have you forever, the man who you’d claimed was your boyfriend Shindo Yo, Pro-Hero Grand, was now incarcerated in Tartarus for life for committing your murder. Even his best friend Kirishima seemed uneasy about that verdict, knowing Bakugou was more than capable of killing you— thinking an innocent man was now behind bars paying for his crimes no matter how many times Bakugou would try to convince him that he didn’t do it.
"You're mine," He growled, grinding his teeth, "You'll always be mine."
“What did you do?” Kirishima looked at his best friend nervously as he sat behind the desk in his office sorting through paperwork.
“What do you mean?” Bakugou didn’t look up as he signed the bottom of a mission report.
“Man, I got like 8 voicemails from her last night. Did you go to her house?" Kirishima asked as he lingered in front of Bakugou's desk.
“You’re a Pro-Hero and she had your number, she was probably looking for help with something.” Bakugou scoffed.
“She sounded petrified, though. Did you say something to her?”
“I didn’t do shit.” Bakugou snarled, "It's probably that prick Grand, he's enough to upset anyone."
“Where were you last night, man?” Kirishima continued, “Your secretary said you were out on patrol but I didn’t see you anywhere.”
“You fuckin’ following me now?” Bakugou growled.
“No,” Kirishima mumbled, “But it’s not like you to disappear like that.”
“I didn’t disappear, I was doin’ my fuckin’ job.”
At least now Bakugou could identify why the cold sensation of your android body upset him so much, it was because this is how cold your body felt on the day he murdered you. The chill encapsulated you as he watched the life slowly drain from your eyes as they held the same distant gaze you held now.
There was a morbid news report playing in the foyer of Dynamight’s agency as Kirishima made his way in to see his best friend, the same report had been on a loop on the channel all morning as he’d dropped his coffee mug on the kitchen floor. Breaking off into shards as the hot liquid scorched his skin, but nothing could conceal the feeling of dread he’d felt hearing the words as he began to try and call Bakugou’s cell phone with no response. 
A body has been found in the early hours of this morning at the residence of the current number thirty Pro-Hero Grand. Police and forensics are still investigating the scene, but the death is being treated as suspicious. The body is thought to be that of his girlfriend, a civilian who was also working beneath the recently retired Pro-Hero Manual at his agency here in Musutafu. We will have more information when it becomes available.
The mechanical robot in front of him is now like a macabre mausoleum, capturing you in time for eternity. It was as though even in death you didn’t want him to be happy, even now you wanted him to suffer.
“Fuckin’ bitch,” Bakugou felt his large palms weaving around your neck as he continued thrusting into your pliant body, fingers pinching against your jugular as he increased the pressure, “Sayin’ his name when you’re with me now? You’re mine, you were always mine.”
Except this time there was no colour draining from your face, your eyes were already gone.
You were already gone.
Bakugou's eyes were almost as vacant as your own as he managed to rip your head clean off your neck in a sheer display of power and brute strength. Calloused palms heated up as the rage continued scorching through his body, melting the fake skin and wearing it down to the cogs and gears inside you, showing him who you really were.
A machine.
Bakugou gave a few more messy thrusts as he came inside your pliant walls, painting them white with his release. Pulling out of your spent cunt with a groan, his warm spend spilling from your ruined hole as it dribbled onto the bed. Leaving you lying motionless much like you had the last day he saw you alive, the last day he got to hold you.
“You fuckin’ made me do it, I didn’t want to do this,” Bakugou mumbled, a stray tear trickling down his cheek as the lifeless, lax android version of you lay broken atop his sheets. This time there was no blood, just broken cogs and the toxic stretch of burning silicone, "I just wanted us to be together forever."
Picking up his cell phone Bakugou searched for the science lab's contact number, hearing the familiar ring until the call connected.
“Hey Dynamight, is everything okay?”
“The transfer was unsuccessful.” Bakugou snarled, “Try again.”
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aestherin · 2 years
11: are you my heart?
NOTES Hello! Sorry for the very late update haha this took me way longer than I thought it would?? That's it I have no excuses bahahaha </3 My very first attempt at writing a written chapter (semi?) im so bad at this omg apologies in advance abdhadhaha Anyways, I hope u guys enjoy!! 🤍
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"The heck?" You muttered as you saw Ayato waiting for you silently in the lobby.
Aside from his mask and sunglasses, he was wearing almost exactly the same thing as you. Well, except the bottons on the upper half were open, revealing his turtleneck underneath. Your sightseeing was immediately cut short when he walked towards you.
"Good morning, love," he beamed.
As he reached your spot, he leaned in playfully, bringing his mask down using those slender fingers of his. "Missed me?"
"I think you missed me," you smiled sweetly. Attempted to, at least. "Seeing as how you're bringing your face so close to mine."
If Ayato were to be truthful, he really did. However, the prideful Kamisato (albeit a worshipper of even the mere ground you walk on) does not wish to lose a game he started himself.
"Come now, love. Just admit you missed me just as much, seeing as how you're not pulling away from me, hmm?"
"Using my words against me? That's not fair."
He just chuckled as you finally got to distance yourself away from him. With arms crossed, you gave Ayato the eye, scanning him from head to toe. "Are you sure you weren't trying to copy what I'm wearing?"
"I was already at the lobby when you messaged me about your outfit, [name]," the man grinned. "You're really good at assuming things wrong."
It was embarrassing, really. To have Ayato win every single argument. No matter who starts the banter, it's always him who gets the last laugh.
Therefore, you, who shared that prideful trait with him, swore to one day win at least once against him.
For now, you just ignored Ayato and walked straight towards the entrance of the building, but you suddenly felt him tug on your shirt's fabric. "What?"
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I parked at the back. Less exposure that way, hun."
"Well, fuck."
The back, was in fact, not deserted. No. Not at all.
Contrary to what your companion thought, it was now swarming with... pests.
"When, how, did the media get to the rear parking lot?" Ayato started rambling, keeping you close next to him as his right arm was placed around your waist and the other trying to protect your face from the continuous flashes.
You rolled your eyes in an attempt to fakely mock him. "I can't believe I agreed to be in a fake relationship with someone dumb. If I knew you'd be bringing your flashy sports car again, I would've just called for a taxi."
"Excuse me? Me? Dumb?" He sighed, backing down. "In my defense, I just wanted to give you the most comfortable experience possible."
"Yeah, running from the paparazzi is real comfortable, love."
You heard him laugh, making you smile too despite the situation at hand. "Well, love, I didn't know they'd follow me here. And for that, I apologize."
"By the way, Ayato. Seriously speaking," you poked his side. "I can manage. Prioritize yourself."
"No." Even through his mask, you can note how his expression slightly changed. His jaw. His jaw freaking clenched so fucking attractiv— No. Stop. Oh my God self.' "You're my priority, [name]."
At that very moment, you wanted to go to the hospital because you were certain that something was very very wrong with both your stomach and your chest. 'I think there's been a glitch. Is my whole system in error? What the heck?'
"You really have a crush on me," you joked as the two of you were still looking like idiots trying to avoid getting drenched by the rain... when really, you were just trying to get past through the nonstop flickering of lights.
"Oh wow. How did you know? Was it that obvious?"
"Shut up."
"What if I really do?"
"No you don't."
"Are you my heart? How would you know my feelings better than mine?"
"Feelings are processed by the brain."
"So? You're not my brain either. My point still stands."
"God, stop."
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"[Name], this is Hirotatsu. Hirotatsu, this is my lover, [name]," Ayato motioned towards the guard standing near the gate.
Hirotatsu bowed his head to you, even going as far as placing his hand over his chest. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, madam. Sir Ayato has been talking about y-"
"Ahaha," your boyfriend started pulling you away from the well-built man and towards the main frontyard. "I think this introduction's been a little too informative." He then guided you towards an old woman, all while muttering something along the lines of how his security personnel should have 'keeping-mouths-shut lessons', or something like that.
He introduced you to everyone outside the estate, every single person there, including the housekeepers, the guards, his staff, as in everyone.
It was as if you really were his girlfriend that he was bringing home to meet the family.
"What about your p-" Flashbacks of the time you saw the articles about this renown actor (also now your fake lover) being an orphan stopped you. "Hmm?"
"Your power bill? How much is it? Your house is so so huge how do you afford to pay the bill?"
The blue-haired man let out a laugh before smirking at you. Suddenly, you felt a light flick on your forehead. "Hey! What -"
"Well, love, it just so happens that my net worth is also so so huge."
You made a face.
And again, he laughed.
"Would you like to tour the inside now?"
"I'm tired."
"Then let's rest first. Inside."
You groaned.
Unbeknownst to you, the people previously introduced to you were enjoying the endearing scene playing in front of them. Who knew their young master would ever be so fond of someone to this extent?
Yes, the people of the Kamisato Estate find banters endearing. Don't ask why, don't judge.
"The lady that Sir Ayato has been talking to me nonstop about is very attractive indeed," Granny Furuta stated. "I really do hope they last and end up together."
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privacy — ayato x reader smau
prev. masterlist. next.
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TAGLIST I (still open!)
@catsrkool @sukunasrealgf @redactedhimbo @layla240 @mxlkytea13 @itsactuallylina @milza12 @aixaingela @tatiratty @kimiesstuff @laventiseriou @kunihaver @bibisbestgirl @lunaavity @coquettemaiden @opchara @slvdsjjk @cotton-eee @lady-elodie @dearxiiao @wheneverthesunrise @heartswonder @chuduchok @r1tas @lleoll @vnderthesunn @lizzardlady1234 @nekogakuro @rifran @atlatcaheart @ani-st @creammpuff @lunastarjay @kittycasie @poisoned-candy-apples @zannivrs @b0bafl0wer @moonlightaangel @elsoleil
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pocarinapyon · 1 year
absolutely obsessed w your sagau posts!!! out of curiousity, have you ever considered similiar concept but with the girls? 🫡💗💛🧡 happy pride month!!
Hey, hey! Thanks so much for reading and enjoying my works. 😁
Actually... I have only ever written for Genshin hubbies but the thought of including girls did cross my mind (because I'm running out of husbando-only team comps for my Jealousy-Jealousy series, lol).
One team comp and scenario that I imagined before is....
WARNING: mini NSFW below! Based on Jealousy-Jealousy (reverse isekai glitch version). Contains chilis 🌶️🌶️
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"W - wait...! Wait...! Uwaaah~!!" you squealed as another orgasm was forced out of your weeping pussy.
Kokomi, who lapped up the honey oozing out of your hole, looked up at you and chuckled playfully.
"Ufufufu~ I can't help it, [Your Name]. You taste so good~" she chortled before burying her face between your legs once more - eager to give you another climax.
Even if you wanted to stop this madness, the other woman gripping your wrists rendered you powerless to resist the onslaught. You could only squeal and squirm as the Hydro catalyst user relentlessly pleasured your womanhood. And from just a few flicks, another orgasm crashed down on you, making you convulse in ecstacy.
"The potion you made is very effective. [Your Name] has become really sensitive," Raiden Shogun remarked and commended Collei's work.
"U - u - uhm...! Thank you! I - I just learned it from my master!" the Dendro Forest Ranger squeaked.
Collei's face was red as a tomato, but not because of the praise she received from the Electro wielder. Your sweet erotic voice; your adorable lewd face; your bare quaking body. You were the reason for her flushed face. But as a timid girl, she could only gawk at you and do nothing. She reckoned she could never pleasure you the way Kokomi did, yet she wished she could at least do something to you.
"Oh. Collei, would you like to have a taste?" sensing Collei's distress, Kokomi offered with a smile.
"Uh - uhm...! I...!" Collei hesitated and immediately glanced at the stoic man observing the pornographic scene.
The virile man seated across the room looked as if he was merely watching. But in his mind, he was already calculating everything - most specially your weaknesses.
"I - is it okay if I do something like th-that?" Collei asked the sole man in the room.
"Hmm? You don't have to ask permission from me," Alhaitham said.
That night, the three women pleasured your body until pretty tears from overstimulation flowed out of your lust-hazed eyes. Finally, the scribe abused your hole with his hard eager cock to end things with a bang.
"End things with a bang" because Alhaitham banged you in the end. Heh!
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omeletcat · 5 months
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I am not sure if its actually a demo? or a gametest? BUT I'M RELEASING SOMETHING!!!!!!!! I have been getting more and more close to finishing the main combat mechanics in my game!!!! And to make sure the main mechanics are all functioning i am planning on releasing a super itty bitty demo to see if people like it!!! I will try and gain as much advice, critique, tips and any other kind of help to improve the main combat system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And just the game in general!! any art tips as well!!
It will take a bit of time before that is ready tho! Here is a tiny list of things that i will need to add/fix before i will release this demo!!!! - All player animations are finished and added!! - All attack code is written and functioning! (I am expecting massive amounts of gamebreaking bugs and glitches so i will try to find some stuff myself before i post this demo just to minimize the insane amount of bugreports.) - At least 1 functioning enemy with all their animations (Already have this! just need to fine tune the animations to be less ugly and fix the ai a tinyyyyy bit!) - An Hp system and a death screen!! - A small tutorial to explain all the attacks and mechanics!! - A small play area where you can spawn new enemies and test out the game!
Most of these things are already 75% finished but still need to be completed!!! And besides those things i also would like to add these things but they aren't rly that important and could be skipped if y'all think it isn't that important. -A short repeating music track! -A title-screen!
and thank y'all so much for following me so far already!!! i would have NEVER been able to get this far without the support i have had from all of you!!
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Hi! Could I request a reader insert for Funtime Freddy? Basically, readers had a harsh week and Funtime Freddy cheers them up? Readers personality is up to you! ❤️
P.S, Love your work!!
Oh. You know I have never written for this fella (fellas?) before. Let’s see how I do? You can’t have Funtime Fredboi without his trusty left hand man BawhnBawhn, so you’re getting a two for one package deal!
Battery Low
“Hello. Welcome back to your existential crisis repackaged as a promising career—“
“Oh fuck off…” You mumbled at nothing. Who programmed that annoying Hand Unit anyway…?
“We value the ideas and feedback of our employees here at Afton Robo—“ The audio glitched out, “—Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals. So, we would like to let you decide which of our friendly cast you want to visit first today. Please enter your selection into the pinpad.”
You looked in the beady googly eyes of that horrible excuse for a pinpad, thinking for a moment. Do you want to get the easiest one out of the way first, or start with the more difficult animatronic? After a second more of deliberation, you begin to type.
“It looks like you’re having trouble with the pinpad. I see what you were trying to type and will autocorrect it for you.” Hand Unit paused, “You entered: Funtime Freddy.”
“What?! No I didn’t, you dumbass computer—” You hissed, kicking the metal stand and wincing at how much it hurt.
“Let’s go see how Funtime Freddy and his best pal Bonbon are doing tonight.”
“Hell no. I’m going to Ballor—“
“Let’s go see how Funtime Freddy and his best pal Bonbon are doing tonight.” Hand Unit repeated more firmly.
“Fuckin— Fine!”
You trudged into Funtime Freddy’s area, flashlight in hand. You did not want to deal with any of this shit today, especially not Freddy’s shit. He loved to toy with you and make your job that much more difficult than it already was. It felt like eternity and you were only a week into this purgatory of a job. You get paid at two weeks, if you don’t take the choice of a gift basket, which you weren’t.
Baby said on your third night that you must not value your life too much if you keep choosing to come back here, but frankly you have no choice. You need the money. You need to escape your house for at least some time. Sure you’d even make more doing dishes somewhere, but it wasn’t worth the trouble to keep applying to other places that would reject you for “lack of experience”.
“Ohoho! I hear something!” His shrill voice echoed in the darkness, “Someone’s here to play!”
“It’s only a mouse.” Bonbon’s slightly less annoying voice whispered, “Go back to sleep…”
You took advantage of that to try and sneak back into the vents, but of course, the giant metal deathtrap of a bear had found you before you could scramble in.
“Why hello again~!” Freddy cackled, “See, Bonbon? I told you our friend was here to see us!”
“Hello, night guard!” The periwinkle rabbit waved his mitten-like paw, but paused, “Oh my! You look like you’re running out of battery…”
“Silly Bon! Humans don’t run out of battery!”
“Actually, we very much do.” You snapped bitterly, instantly regretting it as you saw Freddy’s free hand grab a sparking wire nearby.
“Well then! Let us help y—“
“NO!” You dropped the flashlight and put your hands up, “That is NOT how we charge!”
“But when other humans touch it they jitter with excitement!” The bear’s ears wiggled, “They even leak a little on the floor!”
“Look, can you stop being a total fucking sadist for ten minutes?!” You ran your fingers over your scalp, “Please, just— just ten minutes—!”
You sat down on the grime covered floor, shaking as you tried to control your breathing. It was silent apart from the buzzing of machinery for a few seconds…until Bonbon spoke.
“Freddy, I think our friend is sad.” The rabbit spoke, “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing you two can help with…”
“Sure we can!” Freddy stated proudly, “We are the best at making people smile!”
You paused. Actually… Why not just vent your problems to these two robots? It wasn’t like they could do anything worse than torture or kill you…
“It’s… just been a tough week.” The employee began, “Dealing with this new job and other things… I look happy on the outside, but on the inside I am so tired. It’s like my life is passing me by, but I can’t even enjoy it, you know?”
“Boy, we sure know how that feels!” Freddy laughed in an almost unstable manner, “Every day we perform show after show… Then we end up back here waiting to do it all again tomorrow! AHAHAHAHA—“
“Calm down…” Bonbon soothed, “What he means to say is it gets pretty lonely down here… It’s hard for us to keep being happy, too…”
The human looked up at the towering animatronic from their sitting position with a new spark in their eyes. Damn… You didn’t realize the robots would be having the same crisis as you. Now you were curious…
“So…What do you both do at night when I’m not here?”
“Well… We try to get some slee—“
“Wait for someone else to come play with us of course!” The bear cut off the rabbit, “As long as someone is here to distract me, I forget the pain for a little while!”
“That doesn’t always work, Freddy… It helps sometimes, but the best thing we can do is take care of ourselves and rest so we can keep going another day.” Bonbon looked to the guard, “Maybe you need to recharge and sleep too?”
“But that’s boringggg!” The larger funtime groaned, “Can’t we play a game instead?! I want to play chase! That will wake us all up!”
“Freddy, our guard friend isn’t in the mood for games tonight… Don’t you remember how it feels when you’re battery is low and you don’t want to play anymore?”
“…Yes…” The bear answered with the tone of a pouting child, before laughing, “It’s okay though! When that happens the silly voice in the walls says we aren’t performing at capacity and gives us zaps until I feel happy again!”
Wait, is that why he immediately went to try and shock you earlier?! You were surprised by how much his sadistic behavior suddenly made sense given that grim context…
“Sorry, guys… It’s only been a week and I am already slipping…” You growled in anger at yourself, “I didn’t mean to—“
“What are you apologizing for?!” Freddy blinked, becoming cheerful again in an unstable sort of way, “It’s okay to be out of battery! I mean… Everyone runs out eventually, right?!”
“Yeah, I-I guess…?”
“So, take a moment to recharge! Do something that zaps you with energy and makes you feel ALIVE—“
“Or take it slow.” Bonbon added tentatively.
“Slow sounds good…” You nodded, “Can I just sleep in here?”
“A sleepover?! Of course you can!” Freddy beamed, “Baby can make the voice in the walls be quiet too! I can go ask her—“
“It seems my audio is malfunctioning—“ Hand Unit blurted, “I will be offline momentarily…”
“Oh, Baby! She’s always listening!” The bear giggled.
“Shhh. Our friend is already falling asleep…” Bonbon whispered.
You were made uneasy by that last statement about Baby, but you passed out before you could really process the implications of it… God were you really falling asleep in this dangerous place? Yes… Yes you were.
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snezario · 2 months
Catch Me I'm Falling (Part 3); Vo/x
dipping a bit into Ala/stor's POV. it's also been a while since i've written a fever-induced delirium scene so hopefully readable.
the next part will probably take a while because like i mentioned before, this fic is adapted from a vanilla fic and i used some scenes from it, but this one is diverging a lot now so i don't have anything already written to springboard off of
part 1 / part 2
Alastor sipped his coffee, it was lukewarm now, but the drink’s temperature was of not of much importance to him anyways. He mainly enjoyed the bitterness of it, so he always had it black and sneered at those who had the gall to add cream or sugar to it. checked his pocket watch again. Not that they had agreed on a specific time to meet today but Vox had yet to show up and it was almost noon. How much sleep did a television need anyways?
After waiting for another half hour, he sent his shadow to badger him into dropping by Alastor’s room again. However, when his shadow returned to him in under five minutes looking puzzled and with no silly picture box demon in tow, he decided to pay Vox a visit himself. He faded into the shadows and made his way to Vox’s room.
Rematerializing into the room, he rolled his eyes when he saw Vox facedown, splayed across the bed. He really should not have been surprised to find the Overlord still asleep and proceeded to prod the demon with his staff. When Vox didn’t stir, he approached the foot of the bed only to recoil at the heat radiating from him.
Did Vox always run this warm? He squinted at him suspiciously.
“I don’t have all day, you know,” Alastor said to the unconscious demon. Again he was met with silence. Fine, if Vox wanted to waste the day away by sleeping then so be it. He had other matters to attend to.
The radio demon turned to leave but hesitated, finding himself rooted to the spot. Despite his better judgment, Alastor slowly turned around. After a few seconds, he stepped towards him, looming over Vox’s motionless body. Now that he was closer, the temperature emanating from him was somewhat alarming. He knew more about modern technology than he tended to let on but he most certainly had no clue how to “fix” it.
But perhaps an “old-timey” remedy could prove helpful. With a snap of his fingers, an ice pack appeared in a flash of green light. He proceeded to place it on the back of Vox’s head. As he stared at him, Alastor debated the merits of staying. On one hand, it seemed like a waste of time, after all he had other things to do, more important he might add… but he supposed it wouldn’t hurt to postpone his other engagements for a little while.
It had only been about fifteen minutes before Alastor heard Vox stirring. Finally. For just a second, he was afraid that–no, no, of course he wasn’t actually worried about the other demon, he just wanted to make sure that Vox would be able to hold up his end of the deal. Nothing more, nothing less.
Snapping the book he was reading shut, the radio demon approached the bedside once more. He leaned forward, putting his entire weight on the staff.
“It’s about time you… you–Vox?” Alastor trailed off and his brow furrowed when he realized that Vox was still asleep? At least that’s what he thought. Vox’s screen had switched on but it was glitching every couple of seconds and his face was contorted into a grimace.
“What’s going on in that absurd box of yours, hmm?” he murmured.
“Wait!” Vox’s unexpected outburst reverberated in the confines of the small hotel room, causing Alastor to shrink back, startled. Guess he was awake now?
“Well now–”
“Don’t go–” Vox pleaded. After the second outburst, Alastor looked over to see that the demon’s eyes were still closed. His ears flicked back in annoyance. Sleep talking wasn’t that uncommon, he mused and turned away.
“It doesn’t have to be this way! Please stay! We can work this out.”
Alastor stopped in his tracks, his ears pinned to his skull. He heard those words before. Not only that, but it was the tone and cadence with which Vox had said it.
“Alastor… please.” 
The utterance of his name hit him square in the chest, the corners of his smile dropped a fraction. His jaw clenched as the once buried memory glimmered to the surface of his mind, flashes of it coming to the forefront. Alastor forcefully shoved down the memory before it could fully manifest.
He waited to see if Vox was going to say anything else but the television Overlord merely whimpered and rolled onto his side. The ice pack flopped onto the floor. He already melted through it? Must be one hell of a fever. After a beat, Alastor conjured a second ice pack, a slightly larger this time, and snapped the other one out of existence.
Gently placing the new ice pack on his head, Alastor meandered back to the chair and pulled out a newspaper, silently waiting for the demon to awaken.
Lo and behold, his patience was rewarded, a mere two hours of his time.
With a sharp gasp, Vox sat up breathing laboriously, the ice pack sliding off his screen onto the bed, unnoticed. How long had he been out? He grimaced. His entire body ached, it felt like he’d been run over by a truck multiple times. Just as he was starting to become oriented to his surroundings, Vox’s breath caught. Because why wouldn’t it?
“Oh, for fuhh–ck, seriously?–ihh–ihh’KZZHHHhuu! hh…hh’DZTCHhiew! KTSSH! ihhZ̷͕̟̭̓̑̐͛̂͌̎̍̈́͆̔͘͝͝Z̸̖͇̜̝̈́̀̑̌T̵̢̛͉̩͈̓̈͆͑Ç̴̧̭̼͕͖͙̻̣̫̘͎͗͑͊̋͜͜H̸̛̺͋̉͆͗͒̈́͐͌̂͘͠!”
When the lights in his room flickered and one of the bulbs burst, Vox cringed and hoped that it was only his room that was affected. He gently pressed his index and middle fingers to his neck, the last couple really ripped their way out of throat, leaving it feeling terribly raw. There was no denying it now, somehow he managed to pick up a virus.
When it rained, it poured. To be honest, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been ill, or well felt this horrible–from the incessant itch in his head, which also felt like it was filled with cement, to the overall malaise and achy feeling in his muscles. Considering everything that had been going on lately, it didn’t seem too far of a stretch for anti-virus software to malfunction, admittedly it picked a terribly inconvenient time to do so.
He could probably get away with locking himself in the room for the next couple of–
“My my, you really don’t do anything by halves.” Vox whipped his head around at the sound of Alastor’s voice. Bad idea. He squeezed his eyes shut as the room spun in a way that made him nauseous. When was the last time he even ate? When he opened his eyes, he could just make out Alastor perched on the chair in the dark corner of the room, the day’s newspaper in front of him.
“A-Alastor?” Vox croaked, cringing at the sound of his voice. He cleared his throat before continuing, “What are you doing here?” 
“In case you’ve forgotten, I live here,” Alastor reminded him lightly.
“You know what I mean,” Vox said flatly, muffling a rough sounding cough into his fist. Alastor opened his mouth, but closed it, looking puzzled. He couldn’t really pinpoint what prompted him to check on the television demon himself or what compelled him to stay but luckily Vox was overtaken by another bout of coughing so he could shift the focus away from himself.
“Goodness, you sound positively awful,” Alastor abruptly stood up from the chair, approaching Vox with a condescending smirk. He leaned on his staff, looking annoyingly expectant.
“I’m fine. Why do you care anyways?” Vox growled, swiping a hand across his screen. Also, was he just imagining it or did Alastor look a little…perturbed? He had come to recognize some of the radio demon’s eccentricities but the demon was not one to wear his heart on his sleeve.
“Aha, I don’t! I just thought it would be fun to confirm my suspicions about your little malady,” the demon exclaimed with a flourish of his staff. 
Fucking asshole.
As he shifted his weight on the bed, his hand grazed the melted ice pack, surprising him. Vox looked down at the object. He definitely did not remember falling asleep with that. As he reached out to pick it up, it disappeared in a cloud of smoke and green light. What was that all about? Then it dawned on him.
Vox slowly turned back towards Alastor. He couldn’t hide the disbelief in his voice as he asked “Did… did you do that?”
Alastor looked askance around the room, appearing not to have heard him. And before Vox could stop himself he blurted out the question that had been on his mind since the conversation with Alastor on that first night.
“Do you ever think back to when we first met?” He said the whole sentence in one breath, the words bleeding into one another. Vox worried that the radio demon would simply ignore him again. Alastor tilted his head as he contemplated Vox’s question.
“You mean when you stalked me for weeks before finally plucking up the courage to approach myself and Mimzy at the speakeasy?”
Vox’s screen glowed pink. He had a suspicion that Alastor knew that he’d been tailing him for a while but the embarrassment was quickly replaced by shock. His pupils shrank, what was Alastor talking about? 
“Wait, I don’t remember–”
“Yes, well you were quite intoxicated so I would have been surprised if you did remember that. If I had as much to drink as you had that night, I would have not been able to stand, let alone dance like you did that night,” Alastor’s grin widened at the memory. Vox quickly turned away as the whir of his fans increased, trying to push down his escalating embarrassment. He touched the side of his screen–unfortunately for him, his older configuration didn’t have the memory capacity of his current model and that particular memory seemed to have been lost in the upgrade.
“I can only assume you’re referring to the evening you barged into my radio tower then.”
“I did no such thing,” Vox scoffed, although he couldn’t look Alastor in the eye. To be fair, he hadn’t “barged in” but the radio demon was not known for welcoming visitors of any kind. He merely invited himself over.
“I’m surprised you managed to climb all those stairs up to the booth, with that egregious head of yours,” Alastor said snidely.
His first encounter with Alastor was not a memory he could ever forget.
Alastor was just about wrapping his radio show, and despite showing up at the booth unannounced, Vox at least had the decency to knock on the door. He nearly short-circuited when the door flung open (almost hitting him in the face) and he found himself face-to-face with an understandably irritated radio demon, dark Eldritch tentacles bound him where he stood.
“To what displeasure do I owe this visit, you insolent miscreant?” Alastor snarled, his tentacles yanked Vox from the doorway until their faces were less than an inch away from each other.
“You might want to consider changing up your program,” he managed to breathe out as the tentacles threatened to cut off his oxygen entirely. As he was about to lose consciousness, he felt the tentacles’ grip loosen before he tumbled onto the floor. He coughed violently as his lungs lapped up the oxygen that they had been robbed of and shook his head trying to clear out the stars that were clouding his vision. When he looked up, Vox noticed that Alastor had reverted from his demonic form.
“Apologies, but it sounded like you were criticizing my radio show. I would skin you alive right here, if I weren’t marginally impressed by your brazenness,” Alastor said as he stood over Vox’s crumpled frame. 
“You’ve already captured everyone’s interest but you have to be able to maintain your audience,” Vox panted as he struggled to catch his breath, “Otherwise, people will move on to the next thing.”
“Oho and what do you know about entertaining an audience, my odd square-headed friend?” 
Vox smoothed down his shirt, stood up, and faced him. Huh, he was about Alastor’s height now that the radio demon had shrunk down to his usual form. “Well there’s this new thing on Earth, called television. It’s all the rage there. In fact, radio has already started to become irrelevant.”
“And what is this visit, you telling me to watch my back? That you are going to one-up me because you’re doing a fine job so far,” Alastor jeered. Vox took a deep breath and stood up straighter. This is why he came all this way. He couldn’t back down now.
“No, actually I had an idea. I believe that television and radio can work together, a mutually beneficial relationship.”
It was subtle but Vox caught the briefest expression of shock on Alastor’s face. They silently stared at each other for several seconds. Just as Vox thought he was able to become the next “guest” on Alastor’s show, he responded.
“Very well, let’s hear it,” he sat down in front of the panel of dials and switches before motioning for Vox to pull up a chair.
“You then proceeded to annoy every Overlord or demon that held an ounce of power,” Alastor said, abruptly cutting through the flashback.
“Oh fuck off, you liked that I was assertive, you liked where things were headed. I pushed the envelope in ways you never would have!” Vox shot back. Alastor’s eyes narrowed but he didn’t push back.
“I will admit that I did grow to value our alliance. At first, I merely agreed to your proposal because it seemed mildly entertaining. And when our combined efforts began to pay off and both our individual shows were thriving. So who was I to put an end to our success?”
Vox blinked, staring down at his hands while Alastor traced his fingers along the microphone part of his staff, which induced sharp feedback sounds that made Vox shudder. When he spoke again, his tone was softer, almost rueful.
“If things hadn’t gone south all those years ago, perhaps… matters could have turned out differently.” 
He clasped his hands behind his back, turning away from Vox and dissolving into the shadows. The television demon had been rendered silent, his screen buffered as he processed what Alastor said.
That evening...
Staring at his drink, Vox thumbed away the bead of condensation that was trailing halfway down the glass. His thoughts drifted back to the earlier conversation with Alastor and his increasingly odd behavior. Surely the guy had an agenda or some ulterior motive, he always did. He gave up the notion that Alastor could ever care about anyone else, especially him, ages ago. Unless–
“Something bothering you?” Husk’s baritone voice startled him from his musings and he slowly looked up from the glass to see the cat bartender staring at him curiously.
“You could say that,” Vox said with a sigh before returning his gaze back to his glass, “Do you ever think back on a particular memory and wish you could have done it all differently?”
Husk said scornfully, “Who hasn’t? You’re not the only fuck-up in Hell, far from it.”
Vox picked up the drink and took a sip before lowering it from his screen. He gently swirled the glass in his hand, the amber liquid sloshed against the walls of it as he spoke, “Okay, but I’m not talking about forgetting to wish someone a happy birthday or picking up the wrong brand of soap from the store. I’m talking about life-changing interactions.”
“Yeah, I got that,” Husk’s tail flicked back and forth, agitatedly. “Are you going to continue to be vague or are you going to fucking spit it out?”
Vox tensed at his tone but his annoyance died down as quickly as it surfaced. He couldn’t help but smile a bit at Husk’s bluntness. Between all the posturing, smoke and mirrors, and general underhanded behavior that he had become accustomed to dealing with whether it was from dealing with the press or his colleagues, it was kind of refreshing. His mouth became a thin line as he thought about where to start, or rather, what he felt comfortable with sharing.
“I’m not sure if you were aware but Alastor and I used to be business partners before I formed the Vees. I honestly was waiting for him to get bored or kick me to the curb one day but we chugged along for a good while. But eventually I had to go and fuck it up… I wanted to keep pushing the envelope and well, you know Alastor–he was content to stay in the past, relive the golden days. When push came to shove, he wouldn’t budge and we parted ways.”
“‘Parted ways’ huh? You make it sound fucking cordial. I heard you two nearly leveled a section of the pentagram,” Husk snorted in disbelief.
Vox shot him a dry look before staring melancholically at his glass again, “I was putting it nicely. Technically, the initial dissolution wasn’t so destructive or public but uh, we ran into each other before he disappeared for seven years, exchanged some barbs that escalated into well… what you probably saw on the 666 News.”
He lightly dragged a claw on the rim of the glass, his brows knitted together as he frowned, deep in thought. Husk started to turn back to the shelves of alcohol behind him, only stopping when Vox sighed again.
“I’m starting to wonder why I even want to go back to the Vees. I don’t want to lose my Overlord powers or status but I’m not sure I’d be able to hold my own if I try to do a solo act again. Maybe Alastor was right, I am powerless without them,” Vox slumped in his stool. Not usually the type to play into the “woe is me” shtick, he realized how far he had really fallen.
He felt like absolute shit and it didn’t help that he was simultaneously fighting, and losing, to the virus running rampant through his immune system. As luck would have it, he was about to be reminded of its presence. What started off as a ghost of a tickle was escalating into an urgent need. Not again, not here! He blinked rapidly and pressed a closed fist to his screen, a futile attempt of course. This one didn’t even give him a chance to–
“ehh’KTSSHhhuu! ih’DTSHHiew! hh’TSHH!”
“Fucking Christ,” Husk frowned and slid a stack of napkins towards him as Vox lurched away from the bar. He flushed, grabbing a few to muffle the rest of the fit into the handful.
“Kill me now,” Vox grumbled, congestion muting his pronunciation. He snatched up the remaining napkins and proceeded to mop up the ensuing mess.
“You good?” Husk was staring at him, a skeptical brow raised.
“I’m fine,” Vox said icily. Boy he was getting tired of saying that. Husk rolled his eyes, no skin off his teeth if the demon was too proud to admit it.
“You know, I used to be an Overlord too,” Vox raised a skeptical brow at Husk’s admission but stayed quiet. Husk looked towards the ceiling, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips.
“Yeah, it was before your time. Back when we got souls the old-fashioned way, you newer Overlords really have it down to a science. But I had a bit of a gambling problem and it worked well for me, in terms of acquiring souls, until it didn’t.”
Now that Husk mentioned it Vox vaguely recalled the commotion surrounding an Overlord with a gambling habit who lost everything in one fell swoop. He was only a lowly news reporter at the time and the story wasn’t assigned to him. Although, the story hadn’t gained much traction because at the time, there was more clamor regarding the identity of the sinner who was toppling Overlords left and right. Of course, Alastor eventually revealed himself to be the culprit by broadcasting his victims' screams.
“One night, I was on a hot streak and someone I’d never seen in the casino before asked if I wanted to make a wager of a lifetime. Real creepy, mysterious fella. Anyways Alastor–”
Vox choked on his drink and did a double-take, “Wait, you’re on Alastor’s leash?”
Husk’s eyes narrowed briefly before his shoulders sagged and he nodded solemnly. Vox cleared his throat, realizing he had interrupted Husk’s story. He motioned for Husk to continue.
“Didn’t think much of it at the time, but I should have been more careful with all those missing Overlords. ‘Course I didn’t know he was behind it all, none of us did. Pretty fuckin’ sure the bastard cheated somehow but I can’t prove it. At least he let me keep my power but if I could turn back time, Hell knows I would,” Husk grumbled disgruntledly.
Vox let out a low whistle as he processed the information. Vox always knew Alastor was calculating, conniving. In his early days, he had been envious of anyone who knew anything about the enigmatic individual who was taking down renowned Overlords. By the time Vox had met Alastor, he had already made a name for himself as an established Overlord.
They shook their heads simultaneously and Husk took a swig from his bottle before holding it out to Vox. After a beat, Vox accepted the bottle from him and took a large gulp himself. He coughed, ugh Tequila, before handing it back to the bartender. No wonder Husk always looked so miserable, Vox couldn’t imagine someone owning his soul, let alone Alastor of all Overlords.
“Do you miss it, being an Overlord?” Vox rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He’d become so accustomed to the Overlord lifestyle he couldn’t really imagine trying to survive Hell without it. Sure he was known for being a bit extravagant and despite what people probably thought, it wasn’t about the money. It was the power and adoration, god it was intoxicating. He used to worry he’d have to choose between having others fear or respect him but here he had it both ways. Just how he liked it.
“Eh, sometimes,” Husk shrugged, tossing back the rest of the bottle, “But it’s been kinda nice not having to keep up with the power creep and territorial disputes. Don’t get me started on those Overlord meetings.”
When Vox pulled a face, Husk held up his hands. “Look, I’m just saying it's not as bad as you might think. But hey, you didn’t become an Overlord for nothing, wouldn’t you like to prove everyone wrong? Show them that you aren’t some washed-up motherfucker that you’re actually Overlord worth his salt?”
Vox stared at his drink silently as he mulled over Husk’s words before polishing what was left and stood up from the bar. He tugged his blazer down before glancing over his shoulder at Husk, who proceeded to whisk the empty glass from the counter. Before he could respond, Vox gasped and doubled over.
“hh’DSHHH! ihh..hh…ihhh’TZSHH’uhh! ehh..hheH?” If he wasn’t so preoccupied with the stuck sneeze, he would laugh at the ridiculousness of his plight. Vox shook his head trying to coax out the lingering buzzing in his head. “hihh… Motherfuhh–ehhSHHhiew! ZTTCHhuue! eh’Z̵̛̺͉̞̓̽͊̄̏̚͜͠S̵̡̨͇̫̻̦̱̦͇̫̱̐̄́̂H̵̢͈͈̹̣̎͋͐̎͐́̏̆̋̇͋́̂͜͝H̴̢̢̥͚̝̫͓̦̺̽̃̈̇͠ͅH̸̡͇͔̞̪̳͈͖̺̼͚̯͍͂͒̋̄̅̕uu!”
“Maybe you should take it easy,” Husk suggested, eyeing the flickering lights as Vox tried to suppress a couple of staticky coughs into his fist. “Or not,” he said, when Vox gave him a withering look.
“I, uh, thanks for listening, but I’d appreciate it if you could keep all of this between us. I hope Angel knows how lucky he is to have you. Relationships like that are hard to come by in Hell.”
Husk stiffened, taken aback at the mention of Angel, his ears flattened against his head. Vox was more perceptive than he seemed. He raised a finger in defiance, his mouth opening to argue but chose not to follow through. Instead he dipped his head as Vox gave him a knowing smirk before he teleported into the old 1970s television in the parlor.
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sleepyfan-blog · 3 months
Curious Diversions
Author’s note: This was written for @au-roulette’s 2024 challenge! This is my Ren Fair AU fic! I hope you enjoy it. AO3 link here
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @whorety-k @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @i-am-a-dragon34
warnings: thoughts of conquest, please ask me to tag if something bothers you
Summary: Trai lands on a world full of mortals to decide whether or not to bring it under the protection of his warband.
Trai had been sent by his warband leader to explore the only potentially living world in the far-flung star system that they had come across. From initial scans of the world, there were certainly at least one if not multiple civilizations upon the world that lived there. From the amount of pollutants in the air, Trai was expecting that the world was semi-industrialized, and perhaps had very limited space-faring capabilities. There was certainly an irritating amount of space-trash that orbited around the world, just above the point at which the space trash would fall into the gravity well of the world. He had picked a relatively less-inhabited portion of one of the large land-masses. The area was populated enough that once he landed he would find mortals relatively quickly, but not so densely populated that his ship would be immediately spotted and potentially swarmed by curious, terrified and/or hostile natives. Especially if this world was inhabited not by humans, but xenos. Apart from the abundance of water - which could be seen from space - there were quite a few untapped resources upon this world that would be a significant boon to the warband... Not in the least bit were the roughly eight-billion mortals souls who called this world home...
Which was far less than a world like this could sustain, if they were concentrated into the correct Hive Cities, but much more than the meager numbers that the handful of feral and death worlds they'd come across in their recent travels and liberated them from their backwards ideals and into the worship of the true gods in the ways of Chaos Undivided. Higher tech level worlds like this were tricker to take over, as the arms and martial forces that they could bring to muster were often wary and unwilling to submit to new masters without at least one or a half-dozen bloody and wasteful battles. Still, his Legion when they had followed the Corpse Emperor had been able to get many worlds to come into compliance with their silver tongues alone, and when met with initial resistance, a swift and devastating show of force brought even the haughtiest into compliance. 
Trai was certain such tactics would bring this world into compliance with the warband. These mortals would be liberated of their false gods and fearful ideologies, and he and his warband would gain the resources this world had to offer. An excellent bargain in his mind. 
The Word Bearer meditated silently until his drop pod once more landed with a thud of metal on dirt. He waited another moment as the resulting shaking from landing stopped before standing up, stretching and leaving the pod, the door opening automatically as he drew in close. 
A small frown appeared on his face as he noted that he had landed not in the forest clearing he had intended, but in part of the large, grasslands next to it. The rolling hills did hide his drop pod from the nearby mortal settlement, but given that it was already mid-morning in this hemisphere, there was a good chance that he had been spotted at this distance by one or more of the mortals who lived there. Hopefully they had assumed that his drop pod had merely been a falling comet or asteroid that had landed nearby and was thus nothing important to immediately investigate. 
It did not take long for him to arrive at the nearby settlement. He paused, a small frown appearing on his face and he removed his helmet, just in case the sensors were glitching or were being fooled by some sort of technical illusion. Trai rubbed his eyes and activated one of the minor blessings that he had been gifted by one of The Four, the ability to Truly See through any deception or lie - magical or otherwise. It made his eyes glow with a holy red light and burned viciously, but... His surroundings stayed the same. Trai turned off the truesight before he closed his eyes, waiting until they healed to open them. 
Before him stood a brown painted castle wall that stretched a good hundred feet or so in one direction before taking an abrupt, ninety degree turn and continuing onwards. He could hear the sounds of mortals, music and laughter within the castle walls. Trai followed the castle wall until he found an entrance - which was wide open, with no gate or door of any kind in sight. There were several mortals dressed as knights on top of the battlements, though their armor did not look like metal, despite the way it shone in the light of the midday sun. It was too flexible and too light to be metal... or proper armor for that matter. The spears that they carried also appeared to be made out of some sort of painted foam, rather than anything that was actually damaging to a human being.
And there was a line of humans as they made their way into this strange castle. Some were dressed in plain cotton or linen shirts and pants. Others were dressed in very shiny and fancy fabric, obviously affecting nobility though the eagerness with which they talked with those around them belied their fancy dress. Others were wearing different kinds of material that was pretending to be metal or leather armor, but was clearly nonfunctional to Trai's expert eye. Still others were wearing cloaks of false-feathers and crowns of fake-flowers woven into their hair, carved or painted wooden staves in hand. 
Trai could taste the pollutants in the air. He could see a crude aircraft flying high in the sky, it's design and likely carrying capacity speaking to the true technology level of this world... Indeed, the very neat, tiny stitching on many pf the mortals clothing, the plastics and the evenness of the metal clasps and fastenings spoke to a greater amount of automation than a civilization that they were... pretending? To be could ever hope to match, unless they were trading with a far more advanced civilization. He knew that different parts of a world sometimes had differing levels of understanding of both the warp and technology... But this seemed startlingly extreme. The Word Bearer was fascinated by  what he had discovered and walked over to the group of mortals.
It did not take long for his larger than normal form and glorious armor to be spotted by them. But rather than being struck by transhuman dread at seeing a space marine - or the instinctual terror of seeing a *Chaos* Astartes such as he, the mortals peered up at him with open curiosity and earnest glee on their faces. Several teenage mortals from their size and slightly awkward way of moving rushed up to him, calling out to him in one of the local languages, the tongue flowing beautifully if incomprehensibly. They gestured to his armor, to his weapons, voices lilting in curiosity. 
Trai shook his head, a rueful smile appearing on his heavily tattooed face "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't speak the language you're talking in."
The handful of teenage mortals chattered rapidly to one another for several minutes as several of the adults came wandering over. He could hear the awe and delight in their voices as they marveled at the sight of him, which made the space marine puff up and preen just a little. He was indeed a glorious creation and servant of the dark gods, and their clear joy and awe of such was gratifying. 
One of the mortal teenagers pulled out a small, handheld device, pressing a button and interacting with the screen for a couple of minutes, a small frown of concentration on their face. They then held up the device, clearly gestruing to Trai's lips a couple of times.
"Do... Do you want me to talk? I'm not certain what that device of yours is supposed to do. Is it a kind of auto-translator?" If so, that was an incredibly handy device to have, though he was unsure if he would be understood. While all of humanity had once come from Terra, and the languages that the mortals spoke on the many worlds that they had settled were once languages that had been spoken upon that ancient world, millenia of lingual drift had made conversing with worlds that had little to no contact with the corpse-emperor's imperium difficult. 
The mortal teen pulled the device back, clearly reading something on it. Their eyes lit up and they interacted with the device for several more moments before speaking into the device clearly and a little bit slower than their normal cadence. They pressed something on the interface of the device and a robotic sounding voice started to speak "My communication device has a translation feature on it, yes. Your armor and weapons look so cool and really detailed! How long did it take you to make them? I thought I had one of the more intricate costumes at this fair, but wow. Yours is really amazing. May I see your sword closer?"
"It took me many months to get my armor the way I liked it, and I do maintenance on it frequently, to keep the carved litanies intact. You may see my sword, but I'm not sure that you can lift it. It probably weighs more than you do. If you do not mind, I am... A stranger to these parts. Would you care to explain this fair you mentioned?"
"You're not here for the historical fair? It's not like there's much around here but the fair for a couple of miles, unless your automated vehicle broke down... and I'm not sure where else you might be going dressed like that. Unless you're headed to one of the Paper Entertainment Conventions? You do kind of look like a mechanized robot fictional character of some kind. Your tattoos are really cool too! Are they just on your face?" The teenager asked through the little translation device, moving a little closer to Trai, showing not an ounce of fear or anxiety as they approached.
... This world must truly have not had any contact with the corpse-god's Imperium. Which was fantastic for his warband, although he would need to talk to Amadus, the leader of the warband before revealing more of why he was really here. But for now... Why not indulge their questions a little and get a bit better of an understanding of the nature of the mortals soon to be under his protection? An indulgent smile appeared on his face as he said "I have tattoos all over my body, as a matter of fact. What is this historical fair about?"
"It's a way for us to explore a different time in our world's history, sort of. Mostly it's an excuse to camp with a bunch of other people, eat different foods, drink different drinks and look at the crafts that others have made to sell! Also to see different kinds of demonstrations. The big ones today are a demonstration on how medieval canons worked at mid-day and a fire-dancer after dusk. There are smaller events as well, learning how to tie different kinds of knots, swordsmanship exhibitions. Sea shanty competitions, stuff like that. I've been going here for three years now, and the entertainment changes from year to year, but it's always a lot of fun. And it's an excuse to dress up differently than normal, too!" They gesture to the colorful outfit they were wearing, beaming proudly at their creation. It looked like they were wearing a dress of differently colored leaves in different shades of brown, yellow and orange. They were also wearing a cloak of fake feathers and had a hand-carved wooden staff that was nearly as long as they were tall. they were also wearing a mid-sized leather pouch, from which the translation device had come from.
"The handiwork on the dress is remarkable, and did you make that bag yourself? I know a couple of cousins of mine who would kill for the ability to make leather stitching that small and even." Trai asked earnestly, allowing himself to be drawn into the mixed group of teens and adult baseline humans, able to communicate with them through the translator. One of them was kind enough to pay his entrance fee as they showed him around this charmingly anachronistic representation of a medieval space. It was far cleaner and less terrified and desperate as such worlds tended to be, but he kept that bit of information to himself. There was no reason to ruin their fun. 
Trai spent several pleasant hours interacting with these mortals, learning more about their larger culture as well as their individual passionate interests, genuinely fascinated by each of them. He stepped away when they were all distracted by the demonstration with the canons to inform Amadus about what he had found on this world, and the initial receptiveness with which he had been treated by the locals - though none of them were any sort of ruler. From what he had learned, this world was ruled by several dozen large nation states that did not get along with one another, often getting into border skirmishes and proxy wars in weaker nation-states for resources and to prove who had the best weapons or some similar sorts of nonsense. An overt invasion would likely unite these nation-states against them, which would prove to be annoying. But they did have a couple of Alpha Legionnaires in the warband... and it had been some time since they'd stretched their particular sets of skills. Toppling the world order and gaining control of a single world was well within the capabilities of the pair of them, particularly with the rest of the warband ready to help as needed. 
It may take a couple of decades, but in the grand scheme of things, that was not long for an Astartes. Besides, with the absolute mess that the Imperium of Man was, there was little chance that they would be noticed by any of the corpse-worshippers long before they had this world in thrall. 
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bamsara · 2 years
I have a SL question, sorry if it’s been asked already.
So we know that the events in the game play out later in the storyline and the glitch starts to effect other animatronics.
My question is: are any of the other animatronics( Glamrock gang, staff bots, etc) able to hold off the glitch, thanks to Y/N influence?
(I’m honestly vibrating for those scenes, because the way you write out the violence and horror-esqe scenes is amazing.)
Not to the extent of how they can help the Daycare Attendants, but in a way, yes.
Some glitch-related incidents have already happened before Y/N was hired (Moon killing the previous Daycare Assistant, Sun's undocumented incident, Monty's incident, ect) so there's a little bit of virus in everyone, but no yet to the extent that you see in the game. The virus has been a long time cooking, long enough that it's written off as a characteristic or development in the animatronics and not something overriding their thoughts and coding for a brief amount of time, in bursts.
It's also going to be different for everyone to how it manifests; for example: the staffbots will not have the homicidal and deadly urges that the glitch produces, but the virus is 100% capable of wiping memories, or at least overriding them/blocking them out to the point where they're not going to see Y/N as a friend and coworker, but as a stranger and intruder in the pizzaplex, like Gregory.
All this will also expand when Eclipse is unleashed, too.
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backup-baby-backup · 1 year
Very preliminary and speculatory writing of Midnights timeline
Disclaimer: All the exact dates are based on tracking Taylor's private jets, which is a controversial activity (to say the least). Those are sourced from @youareinlovees' detailed masterposts.
Aaron Dessner confirmed that High Infidelity and Would've, Could've, Should've were written and recorded during Grammys week in March 2021. Since Taylor was in LA between March 7th and March 15th only, we can safely assume that those songs were written within that period.
The Great War and Hits Different were probably written before Jack Antonoff became the main co-writer of Midnights, because (according to Dessner in the podcast above) that signified a change in concept, but they probably also weren't written in March 2021 since Dessner mentioned them separately.
According to Taylor, most Taylor/Antonoff co-writes were written in New York, when JA and Jack's fiance were filming in Panama. This means they were written between November 22nd, when Taylor flew back from Panama to New York, and December 16th, when Taylor flew to Panama.
According to Rolling Stone, Lavender Haze and Glitch came out of a session where Jack Antonoff, Sounwave, Sam Dew and Zoe Kravitz worked on Zoe's debut album. This was before Jack started working on Midnights (so before November 2021), but also Jack only sent those tracks (demos?) a few months later, which might put the date around late 2021/early 2022.
Also in the same article, Karma was a "last-minute Hail Mary"-- wouldn't be surprised if it was the last song to be written on the album.
Sweet Nothing mentions a trip to Ireland "last July", i.e. July 2021, which probably implies the song was written in 2022. Additionally, on 19 April 2022, JA did an interview where he mentioned he didn't intend to write any more songs under a pseudonym, which either means 1. he signed an NDA or 2. he had already written Sweet Nothing at this point. For wishful thinking purposes I will assume the latter.
Snow On The Beach, which was co-written with Lana Del Rey, was finished by 4 April 2022, as on that day Lana posted this photo on her Instagram, a colourized version of which was later included in this Instagram post.
Now on to the solo writes: Vigilante Shit is a mystery. It mentions Scooter Braun's ex-wife so that puts it after July 2021, but that's it. Maybe she saw the news of Scooter getting a divorce and cackled manically? (also I don't think the FBI line points to anything concrete-- more of a revenge fantasy than anything IMO)
Bigger Than The Whole Sky is also a mystery, but if you believe that it's about Claire Winter then that would place it after March 2022.
You're Losing Me... um... I really don't know? I think there is a possibility it was written along with most of Midnights in that Nov-Dec 2021 session, especially since JA was in a different country then, but it also could have literally been written last month and we would be none the wiser. Here I'm going to give Taylor the benefit of the doubt. Also Hits Different is a breakup anthem but we don't talk about that...
Midnights was most likely finished by May at the latest, when she quoted a lyric from Labyrinth in her NYU speech and may or may not have teased the name of the album in this Instagram post.
To conclude:
7-15 March 2021: High Infidelity, Would've, Could've, Should've
March-November 2021: The Great War, Hits Different, Vigilante Shit
22 Nov-16 Dec 2021: Maroon, Anti-Hero, You're On Your Own, Kid, Midnight Rain, Question...?, Bejeweled, Labyrinth, Mastermind, Paris, Dear Reader, You're Losing Me
Late 2021-Early 2022: Lavender Haze, Glitch
2022 (before May): Bigger Than The Whole Sky, Snow On The Beach, Sweet Nothing, Karma
Feel free to comment if you think I've missed something important or got something wrong, though I might not respond immediately (busy week coming up).
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fersrsbizniz · 2 months
Sooooo tell me about your fanfic ideas
Well, hmmm, I admit I usually don’t get responses to these so I am actively having to pick through what I do have going on in my brain rn, lol.
The ones that are immediately at the top of my mind are both Vampire Hunter D related, but I don’t know how much you know about that so I’ll pick the one that is a crossover with Baldur’s Gate 3. You see, in that one, I had already written two chapters and was beginning a third—but the more I write it, it has me thinking that D (being the Dhampir he is) has a lot in common with how people react to him and hate his kind as Drizzt does (who is mentioned but not in the game). HOWEVER, whereas Drizzt is a sweet guy who just is so much of a goofball in hiding behind the stoic concept the author reminds us of, when scraping through what I do know of D’s personality, he’s a lil bit of an ass. An unintentionally funny one at times, but he really is. The talking being in his hand is worse, but the man is built for dry humor and really that should be leaned on more in the books rather than the millionth time discussion about his looks, but I digress. I mean he can be sweet too, but tbh there’s much more brushing off and tired of it all that comes off of his character in most of the books.
Seeing these similarities in skills and differences in everything else makes me so curious as to how D will manage dealing with all of these people which such vastly different backgrounds, when he is so used to going it alone, and a lot of the situations he will be placed in are new.
There is that as well, that technically he could do this all alone, but that’s just boring (and I could just write some other story if I wanted those parameters) and in my game there was a glitch with Astarion that made me laugh so hard because it kind of makes sense for an interaction between the two and I need to make it happen. Not to mention D has worked with vampires before and I want him going through the dilemmas.
Specifically ones that he can’t just 100% get out of. I want him frustrated, I want him to connect with the side that only rarely comes out in the books because he’s supposed to be the cool and collected one that everyone leans on—and we all know those characters have so much going on inside. A lot of people might argue that’s impossible, the fights would be too easy, he’s OP, but I also think the tadpole is a wonderful excuse to stop a lot of his abilities. And it would get him to actually lean on a bunch of someone’s for a change (for as long as he’s there at least—dimension tomfoolery is pretty much canon for both worlds so ha!)
So I am super excited to see where I can take that one, and if I can make it even a little bit viable.
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technovillain · 1 year
I think you should go off about the autistic transmascness of raz, sasha, and otto. Right now. Forever if you are so inclined
.....maybe I will....... (i gathered my thoughts on ye olde psychonauts fic ideas google doc lol)
I tried to make some of it make a little bit of sense with the vaguely established time periods they have lol. In terms of awareness of trans identities and stuff....but I'm not playing the self-hatred stuff, just the lack of understanding of how that works based on general public social understanding of what I imagine the Psychonauts universe to be like....plus I imagine that like Psychics can sort of tell when people are related (in canon) a lot of them just also sort of have this understanding (even if highly vague) of gender difference from the very start when they are trans.... at least a lot of them do, specifically these three I'm headcanoning. And final warning. This is VERY VERY long. Like so very long. But I will share it since you egged me on :]
I will put it under the cut for length reasons. In case Tumblr glitches and tries to show the whole thang ding to people.
Otto: afab, questionable relationship with his parents. Outright always refused femininity boldly and outwardly. Pretended to be a boy all the time, strangers sometimes believed it when he was a kid. His parents tried to make him be more feminine on many occasions, and he always fought against it. After a while, they got busier and became less involved parents. At this point they gave up on making their daughter look presentable. They had written him off as past fixing as far as a female reputation went. They just told him sort of that he was up to his own devices if he was going to act like that forever. They’d be there if he wanted some help getting his act together, but otherwise he had to fend for himself. Got older and assumed he was some sort of lesbian or something. Just vaguely identified as some sort of butch lesbian identity, but a lot of people called him ‘he’ all the time and he wasn’t sure if he connected with womanhood or lesbian identities at all really. He eventually read as so masc that a lot of people assumed he was a guy anyways. And he liked that but never put a name to it because he didn’t really know about trans people. Had some sort of shroom(psitanium? dunno. something. they did psychic hippie drugs together.)-induced gender awakening with Ford one day when they were younger, before all the Psychonauts stuff. His eyes were finally randomly opened and he changed his whole outlook on his psychic abilities and gender. Decided to actually socially and medically transition after this.
Sasha: afab, gender presentation change brought on when he had to be raised by his father. Lars Nein was so disconnected from femininity that he had no clue what to do with a daughter. So he made Sasha work with him in the shop and gave him the same haircut that he gave himself for utilitarian reasons. Sasha accepted this, long hair bothered him for sensory reasons. After a few instances of Sasha having psychic encounters with reading the minds of strangers, Lars was accepting of the psychic identity but immediately knew that it would set Sasha apart from his peers even more than he already was. Sasha started wearing tinted glasses when he was around this age. It was good for his light sensitivity and also good for Lars’ store customers, many of whom claimed to be disturbed by his tendency to stare right into people's souls. Lars felt feelings of guilt over not being able to be a good father to a daughter quite often. He would not talk to Sasha about this, though, and it was another thing that Sasha had to feel guilty about when he read Lars’ mind.
When he left home, he kind of didn’t know what to do with his presentation. He was no longer under his father’s care, so he could do whatever he wanted, technically. But being so very Sasha Nein, he just kept the same look. He didn’t have to think about it if he just kept it all the same. He never let his hair get long, he never wore feminine fashion. He ditched the androgynous childlike overalls and just moved on to men’s clothes. He probably kept a few pairs of womens clothes just in case. But probably could never get himself to wear them for some reason. He’d sooner skip out on whatever event would require them anyways and convince himself that he had better things to be doing than something frivolous. Besides, men’s clothes were just more practical for the type of odd job work he was doing. He just assumed that there was something really wrong with him because of what his childhood had been like, like the absence of a mother had messed him up somehow. [This man had a heavy Freud fan phase, sorry. It definitively shaped him and it is obvious lol.] I can see him just not understanding this aspect of himself at all for a long time. Spending a long period of his life “correcting” people to let them know that he was in fact a woman by birth. He just felt some sort of obligation to always “eliminate social falsehoods to avoid later conflict” and figured that was the right thing to do. He didn’t allow himself to engage in gender euphoria at the expense of others’ “mistakes” the same way that had been so formative for Otto. By doing this, he unknowingly held back his own confidence and self-understanding for years. As he shadowed all sorts of assorted jobs, he eventually found himself pursuing something regarding his burgeoning psychic powers, working under Otto. Otto was quick to question exactly what Sasha “was”, because he felt that there were some obvious connections to his own childhood. I mean, you don’t just find trans people often back then. (Except you do when you are psychic. This is part of the deal. More psychics are LGBTQ+ and they tend to find one another easier. This almost feels canon to me...dunno) Sasha had always been the master of repressing his feelings, and Otto was basically like “Hmm okay. Smoke this weed or something. Think about your gender. I implore you. I am going into your little square head and we are going to figure this out, alright?” And Sasha was nervous working under him at first because he had no clue the job was going to become about himself. Sasha preferred not to think about himself at this point in his life, only to think about the work and research he was doing. At least the research was really interesting at Psychonauts HQ. But Otto easily made him feel on edge. All this introspective stuff was difficult for him. But Otto sharing his stories and feelings about transgenderism and aromanticism helped him significantly.
Otto was able to describe things like this in such a fundamental way that made them seem like irrefutable scientific fact. And Sasha started to understand and believe it. And he started to internalize it. And this internalization led to acceptance. And for the first time ever, Sasha loved himself. Otto offered him his home-grown hormones he had been taking and gave him a lot of general guidance. Sasha started to feel a real sense of brotherhood, of guidance and understanding. He had never worked under someone and not felt lesser than them before. This was different, this was personal and special. Sasha finally had a real friend. Also he was totally a man. Wow.
Raz: afab, but given a gender nonconforming name due to Aquato traditions. Grew up feeling fine "being a girl" for a while. It was more like he was fine with being a sister, because his relationship with his siblings was good, especially with Frazie. He was okay with having a label like sister or daughter because it was defining his life through his loving connections with other people and that was very real and accurate to him, he didn't even think about the female part (this is me projecting. cough). Raz's experiences with gender are very much tied to his psychic powers. He was never as close to Dion as he was to Frazie. Frazie also had a "boy's name" and Raz always figured that the whole name thing was why he felt the way he did about boy stuff. After Frazie reached a certain age, though, it became clear that their feelings were not the same. She didn't want to share psychic things with him anymore, and she didn't want to be called a boy name anymore. Raz could not understand this at all. Frazie felt like these were things that for her own identity to evolve properly, she would have to drop, and deep down she had always known that. But Raz doesn't feel that way at all, in fact he has always known that the boy name and the psychic business was more him than anything else possibly could be... Raz takes great joy in “pretending” he is a boy, pretending he is a famous psychic...he gets his first cases of gender envy and gender euphoria from magazines of Sasha Nein. Shapes his whole new identity on him because of it.
He comes out to Frazie. Frazie is understanding because she is a psychic and she can sort of secondhand feel what he is feeling and believe it despite social influence that would lead her to not understand what being trans is like. After coming out to Frazie, they decide to start acting like they're playing a game again, just not psychic stuff this time. Frazie makes it clear that they can’t do that anymore. Raz takes on a silly persona oftentimes, and the two act like they're playing a game where Raz is an action hero man. So she gets to keep treating him like a boy all the time. Augustus and Donatella become suspicious when the so-called "game" seems to be taken too seriously, in that everything Raz does seems to be to the end of not being seen as a girl anymore.
Now this is the 80s, but Dona is also from a long history of showbiz. I like to think that Dona had a brother who was exceedingly fruity and on occasions other than performance, gender nonconforming. Meaning that she had been forced to think of the idea of gender fluidity before. Which is part of the reason for her gender nonspecific naming of her children in the first place. Augustus cares very deeply about Raz here and wants to make sure he is faring well with the others. So I think Raz is confronted by Augustus and reluctantly comes out to him when asked if the whole "pretending to be a boy thing" had grown more serious than just some sort of game. Gus was extremely welcoming to the idea, even if he couldn't completely understand it, he was hit with this sudden pang of intense empathy [it's the psychic thing again]. Donatella finds out the result of the conversation thru Gus afterwards. Dona encourages Dion to give Raz his old circus clothes and a few other old things they were holding onto just in case. Dion does not get what is happening. Over time the whole family gets it and they decide it is for the best. Raz has been performing better and has been so much more happy since this development. The only concerning part at this point was his increasing interest in psychics...
Yada Yada the events of PN1 happen. Lili is his first real crush. He never thought a girl would like him back and is honestly thrilled at the development of getting to have a girlfriend like a real boy would. He decides to keep his transness to himself when it comes to Lili. He doesn’t want to feel like an imposter. When Raz gets to meet Sasha, he does everything in his power to make Sasha think that he is the number one coolest boy in the world. Sasha really sees himself in Raz for reasons he can't quite put his finger on...I mean it's not like he acted anything like that at his age. [It's the transness and the 'tism] When Sasha finds out that Raz is trans, he suddenly realizes what it felt like to be Otto all those years ago when he began his mentorship. Raz is scared and embarrassed that Sasha will tell on him but instead receives a cool and collected "It's okay, I used to be [a girl] as well." And Raz is absolutely mind-blown. He can't believe it. The two have a talk about their experiences that is like a much more dry version of he and Otto's past discussion. He doesn't mention that Otto is too, or Milla. The general standard in this universe is that people just don't talk much about being trans publicly. You just have to learn to accept it and adjust. Some of the 80s taboo has to creep in there and make people at least not used to talking about it openly, even if not out of shame.
When Raz finds out about the hormones situation and how it is in fact not illegal drugs fueling an addiction (lol) he goes to Otto like "hang on who all here is like that!! Like me and Sasha?" And Otto is like "oo-hoo doctor-patient confidentiality!" And Raz is like "Please, I just don't want to feel alone!" And now Otto knows that Raz is trans too and he is very happy about this information because to him,  Raz is like the perfect blend between a young version of himself and a young Sasha. And Otto knows he isn't going to use this information for bad so he tells him that it is himself, Sasha, Milla, Norma, and now Raz.
GIANT THUMBS UP. I broke Tumblr a couple times trying to post this.🏳️‍⚧️
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