hopkei · 7 months
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bun-lapin · 11 months
TWST Voice Line Scene #7
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🦐Yuu: (looking through a spell book with Grim) Do you see any that you think you can do?
🐱Grim: (flips a page) Hmmm… "Speedy Mushroom Growth"? Why would anyone want a spell like-
🐬Jade: (pops out of a nearby bush) Good afternoon, Yuu-san and Grim-san.
🐱Grim: MYAAH~!?
🦐Yuu: Jade! What were you doing in that bush??
🐬Jade: I was studying the formation of mushroom primordia when I overhead you discussing a very interesting sounding spell.
🐬Jade: (looks over Yuu's shoulder and reads the spell) Ah yes! A spell utilizing bursts of lightning to stimulate mushroom growth!
🐬Jade: (takes out his pen) The magic they have here on land is fascinating. I'd like to try my hand at it.
🦐Yuu: Uhh… Did you just say "lightning"?
🐬Jade: (smiling while sparks of electricity starts to surround him) I wonder if I can grow this mushroom to the size of a house…
🦐Yuu: (picks up Grim and starts sprinting)
TWST Voice Line Scenes Masterlist
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funishment-time · 9 days
recent kodaka birthday posts!
⚔️ Munakata:
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Munakata: "I can't believe there are still people who celebrate my birthday like this. I thought I had nothing left after I lost them. But I have to keep fighting. This is the least I can do to atone for not being able to save them. But I have no intention of being forgiven. This is just atonement. I will continue to live and make amends for them."
and...oh my god 🧵 Tsumugi:
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(deep breath) auto-translate:
Shirogane: "These days, people have started cosplaying casually and without any sense of guilt. Yes, I think that's totally fine. Cosplay doesn't require any permission or license, so I think people should just enjoy it however they want. But, if you're going out in public dressed like that, I think you should be careful and considerate. Oh, I don't mean to be nagging or anything. I'm not complaining, I agree that I don't like nagging old timers. I also think it's weird that there are annoying otaku who always find fault with people, yeah. Oh, speaking of annoying otaku, I'm not really comfortable with the term world otaku. Whether it's a compliment or an insult, isn't it weird to put levels on the depth of love? I think everyone should love in their own way. Isn't it a bit old-fashioned to put a label on it? All you need to do is savor the things you find precious and feel happy. Is there really a need to put a label on the depth of it? That's what I'm saying. This community is a bit like that, isn't it? It's freedom that transcends age and borders, so it's kind of old-fashioned and exclusive. Well, I guess that's what I'd say, but still, it goes back to the point about the need for consideration for others. But. Ah, maybe saying it's necessary is an exaggeration. That would be like imposing something on others. I think it's better to have it, but it's just my personal opinion. So that everyone can continue to enjoy it freely. Of course, I think it's fine if some people ignore opinions like this. That's also a personal freedom. Well, what I'm trying to say is that it's fine if you're just enjoying your cosplay by yourself, but if you go out in public with it, other people will know that you're expressing that character, so I think there should be a minimum of consideration there. For example, if it's arranged in an excessively revealing way, don't you think people who genuinely like that character will feel a little awkward? It's not very pleasant to have a third party who doesn't like your favorite character look at you in that way. Ah, I don't mean to make a definitive statement. I'm just talking about my own case. Well, but I think that there should be a little consideration that there is at least one person who thinks that way. Of course, it's up to that person to ignore it even if they understand, and other people have no right to stop them from doing so. Well, it's fine if everyone can enjoy it, including cosplay and fan activities. Ultimately, it's something we do because we love it. It's not good for everyone to fight. It's just people who love it. So, in conclusion, I'm going back to what I said at the beginning, but I think it's a great thing that people have become more casual about cosplaying recently. That's why I wanted to tell you that in the beginning. Yeah. That's how it is."
...i think this was longer than nagito's manifesto this year
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cowboyfatgum · 6 months
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heynikkiyousofine · 7 months
Happy Birthday @jeremymarsh💕🎂 I hope you've had the best day! Enjoy a little InuKag fluff that goes along with @clearwillow's amazing art that you can see here.
Springtime Naps
She had forgotten how much she enjoyed sitting in the grass, appreciating the earth around her. Spring was in full bloom, with flowers coloring the fields and the cloudless sky giving her a perfect view of the village, of her home. Sighing happily, Kagome leaned back on her hands, aware of soft footsteps approaching behind her, his aura caressing hers in a loving way.
“Whatcha doin’ up here by yourself, wife?”
“Just admiring the view.” 
He didn’t say anything, just merely collapsed to the ground beside her and snuggled his way into her, his head perched on her thigh. While this particular position wasn’t new to them, Inuyasha having done so outside of their home was. Running her fingers through his silver locks, she thought back on the last year, the year she returned to the place she now considered home.
It was late into last spring when the well reopened and she was married to Inuyasha by the end of the summer, taking the time to build a home together. The image of her husband cursing up a storm when he clipped his finger as he hammered down the roof, made her giggle.
“Oi, what’s so funny?” His deep voice pulled her from the memory, Inuyasha pulling her fingers from his hair to intertwine his own with hers.
“I was just thinking about the past year, particularly when we built our home and you being on the roof.”
“You were laughing because I kept hurting myself with that damned hammer.” he wasn’t angry at her, but the faint blush of his cheek told her he was still slightly embarrassed at reacting the way he did by the time the roof was finished. He all but flung the hammer into the woods and somehow managed to hit Miroku as he was walking down the path towards their home. Sango almost beheaded Inuyasha for knocking her husband out when he was supposed to be helping her deep clean their home. That had been a day to remember.
“It’s amazing how many hits Miroku has gotten over the years and he’s still the same, just like my favorite hanyou.” She teased him, leaning down to place a quick peck to his warm cheek.
“Favorite? You only know two other hanyou. I don’t think that’s a good enough title.”
“How about my favorite husband?”
“Now you’re gonna get it.” Using his youkai speed, he managed to flip their positions, so her head now settled in his lap and his fingers danced along her side, making Kagome squeal. Begging for him to stop, he repeated her action from earlier and placed a kiss to her cheek, his happiness contagious. Her yawn snuck up on her, causing Inuyasha to chuckle as he shifted his leg once more, making her as comfortable as possible. 
Closing her eyes, basking in the sun's warmth, she felt him recline his body, their hands somehow still intertwined as if it were their lifeline.
The last thing Kagome thought before she fell into a light doze was the quick prayer to whatever kami was listening that they would have peaceful springtime naps together for the rest of their lives.
@blairex ; @mamabearcat ; @enchantedink-ag ; @splendentgoddess ; @mandirox89 ; @sailorlolo ; @mustardyellowsunshine ; @knittingknots ; @yukinon-writes ; @clearwillow ; @keichanz ; @serial-doubters-club ; @malditamigs ; @zelink-inukag ; @shinidamachu ; @banksdelivers ; @that-one-nerdy-gal ; @sarahk21 ; @dchelyst ; @anisaanisa ; @lavendertwilight89 ; @otaku-108 ; @sailorbabydoll92 ; @queerkagome ; @chit-a-to ; @liz8080 ; @lightmidnight ; @shikonstar ; @soliska ; @inukagbot ; @brain-rot-hour ; @xanthippe-writes ; @hahaalaine ; @moonkissedart ; @lostinfantasyworlds ; 
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Story - What's Important
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Summary: Beelzebub seeks advice for a new phone background. Main Character: Beelzebub Other Characters: The demon brothers and MC Word Count: ~3.3k Warnings: None, just silliness with a fluffy ending Notes: This story is inspired by a page from the short Obey Me! manga on Twitter (as seen in the panel at the end).  It also serves as a headcanon for what each demon brother has as their phone background (when their relationship with MC is purely platonic, that is). Happy Holidays, everyone!  However you choose to celebrate these final days of the year, I hope you’re able to spend it with the people and/or things that are most important to you. 😊💕
“And...done!” Leviathan declared.  “All the data from your old D.D.D. is now transferred to your new one.”
“Thanks, Levi,” Beelzebub said as he retrieved the phone from his older brother’s outstretched hand.  “You’re a lifesaver.”
“No problem, but try not to eat your phone anymore.  I don’t want to have to keep doing this.”
“Right, sorry...” 
Leviathan picked up his wireless controller and resumed the video game he was playing before Beelzebub had entered his bedroom.  “I meant to ask earlier, but why did you eat your old phone anyway?”
“Oh, it was because of the background I had on it,” Beelzebub explained.  “I was really hungry, so I was going to order some food on Akuber.  But when I grabbed my phone and saw the photo of the Bloody Terrine that Barbatos made for my birthday on the screen, I ate it without thinking.”
“Seriously?!” Leviathan shouted.  “Geez, your stomach always manages to act before your brain can, huh?”  He continued pressing away at the controller’s buttons without looking at the larger demon beside him.  “You’d better choose a new background then, otherwise Lucifer will do worse than just giving you extra chores.  You’ll probably have to pay for the new phone next time, too.”
“You’re right,” Beelzebub agreed, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.  “What if he won’t let me eat until I have enough money to buy it?  Or he puts a curse on the fridge so I can’t ever open it again?”  A loud growl from the Avatar of Gluttony’s stomach seemed to make Leviathan’s room shake.  “Just thinking about it is making me famished.  Levi, what should I do?  I don’t want to eat my phone again.”
The aforementioned demon felt a pang in his chest in response to his younger brother’s worried tone.  “Uh, well, you just need to choose a background that isn’t food-related.  Then you won’t accidentally eat it, right?”
“Sure, but...I don’t know what to change it to,” Beelzebub admitted.
“How about an epic screenshot from a video game?” Leviathan suggested.  “I’ve got a ton of them saved on my consoles’ photo galleries!”
“Is that what you have as your background?”
“My gaming PC, yes.  My D.D.D., not a chance!  Only the lovely Ruri-chan is allowed to grace my phone screen!  Take a look!”  The otaku paused the game again to proudly hold out his phone for his brother to see.  “This is a screenshot from the Season 3 finale when Ruri-chan gives an epic yet heart-warming monologue about her time in the human world.  She talks about the friends she’s made, the battles she’s fought, and the things she’s come to love about that realm, and how she’ll continue to protect the human world no matter what evil tries to stand in her way.  It’s my favorite speech in the whole series!  And by this episode, the animators have mastered Ruri-chan down to the tiniest detail, which is easy for a true fan to notice when you think about the animation style in Seasons 1 and 2—”
“Most of the anime I like has food in it,” Beelzebub interjected nonchalantly, “and there aren’t any games that I like that much.  What else could I do?”
“For starters, don’t interrupt me!”  Leviathan then sighed while pocketing his phone.  He redirected his focus to the screen, unpaused his game, and said, “I don’t have any other ideas right now, so try asking Belphie or something.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a legendary weapon to find!”
“You’re trying to come up with a new background for your phone?” Belphegor questioned, sitting up from his nest of pillows and blankets in the attic to give his twin his undivided attention.
“That’s right,” Beelzebub answered with a nod.  “I need something that won’t make me think of food.”
The younger twin mulled over the dilemma for a few moments.  “Why not just copy my background?”
“Yours?  It’s a picture of some of the Devildom constellations, right?  That suits you well, Belphie, so you should keep it for yourself.  I don’t want to copy it.”
“Are you sure?  I honestly don’t mind.”
“I know, but I’m sure.  That’s special for you.”
“All right.  Then maybe you could use a different photo of outside scenery.  Is there a specific view that you enjoy?”
"I like seeing a huge meal being placed in front of me at an outdoor restaurant," Beelzebub replied matter-of-factly.
Belphegor shook his head tiredly, partly blaming himself for not clarifying his question further to avoid this predictable response. "Beel, I meant 'outside scenery' as in something in nature, like how I chose the constellations."
"Oh, right."  Beelzebub considered the question more carefully this time.  "I like the beach.  I had a fun time with everyone when we went there last summer.”
Belphegor smiled at the memory.  “That’s a good one.  We did a lot on that trip, didn’t we?”
“Yeah.  We had swimming races, water gun fights, snowcones, broiled deathfish—”  A familiar rumble abruptly silenced Beelzebub.  “Uh-oh, the beach makes me think of all the things we ate there.  I don’t think I can use it as my phone background after all.”
“In that case, any photo from the trips we’ve gone on probably won’t work either,” Belphegor realized, lightly scratching at his cheek.  “Hmm, what else might work?”
Just then, the pair heard footsteps reaching the top of the attic stairs and saw their blond-haired brother peeking inside the room.
“There you are,” Satan sighed.  He appeared somewhat disgruntled at the sight of Belphegor—bedhead, dried drool, and all—sitting comfortably atop the low rounded bed.  “I had a feeling you’d be napping up here when you didn’t show up to our Anti-Lucifer League meeting.”
“Ah, sorry,” Belphegor apologized half-heartedly, “I overslept a bit, and then I got distracted while helping Beel.”
“With what?” Satan inquired.
“I’m trying to pick a new background for my phone that won’t make me want to eat it,” Beelzebub explained.  “What do you have for your phone, Satan?”
“Mine is a photo I took the other day of two stray cats sleeping beside each other,” Satan answered.  “They looked so peaceful snuggling together that I couldn’t help myself.  Before that, though, it was a photo I found of Cat Island in the human world.  Images of cats are always wonderful to see.”
“No surprise there,” Belphegor commented.  “Well, did that give you any inspiration, Beel?”
“Actually,” Beelzbub began, “remember that animal documentary we watched last week, Satan?  I think a background of one of those animals would be nice.  Can you help me find a picture?”
“Sure,” Satan agreed, “but then Belphie and I really need to get to work on planning our next prank, okay?”
After searching through online photos of Devildom animals, Beelzebub settled on a picture of some baby devil chickens, which Satan promptly saved to set as his younger brother’s new phone background.
“Nice choice, Beel,” Belphegor remarked, having gotten off the bed to look at his twin’s phone screen.
“It’s not as good as cats,” Satan noted, “but devil chicks aren’t so bad either.”
Beelzebub smiled warmly, glancing between his brothers and then back to the image within his hand.  “They’re cute, especially that really tiny one that’s with them here.  Ah, that makes me think of how nice and plump they’ll all be when they grow up into big devil chickens.”  His rumbling stomach echoed through the room.  “Oh...  Now I want to eat fried devil chicken.”
“I guess you’ll have to forego a background with animals, too,” Satan concluded with a shrug.  “Belphie and I have to get going now, but we can help you brainstorm some more ideas later, if you still haven’t decided on one.  In the meantime, why don’t you ask Asmo for advice?”
“My wallpaper?” Asmodeus repeated while fixing his long bangs.  “Why, it’s me, of course!  I pick a different selfie every day to admire on my phone screen.”
In retrospect, Beelzebub realized that he should’ve seen this coming.  Nonetheless, he figured that some follow-up questions may better aid him in his quest to choose his own phone background:  “But why?  You see yourself in the mirror and on Devilgram every day, don’t you?  Why do you need to see yourself on your phone screen, too?”
Asmodeus immediately ceased fidgeting with his appearance in his vanity mirror and twisted back to stare at Beelzebub with a gobsmacked expression.  “Um, isn’t it obvious?  Who wouldn’t want to see such a gorgeous face gazing at you any chance you get?  I mean, look at me!”  He stood from his chair to gesture to his entire body.
Beelzebub’s brow furrowed as he stared back at the Avatar of Lust.  “...I’m looking?”
Asmodeus huffed in surrender.  “Give me your D.D.D.,” he ordered.  “Maybe it’ll make more sense if you had a photo of yourself as your background.”
“I’m not sure...”
“You won’t know until you try!  Just hand it here!”
Without further protest, Beelzebub relinquished his phone to Asmodeus.  He watched quietly as his older brother opened the Devilgram app and scrolled to a particular photo from his AsmoBaby account.  A few taps later and the image was boldly displayed as Beelzebub’s phone background.
“Is this one of the photos you took of me while we were working out together?” Beelzebub asked, the device now returned to him.
“Yup, that’s right!” Asmodeus admitted with a cheery nod.  “It blew up on my page after I posted it.  You even gained more followers, as well!”
“Really?  But it’s just a picture of me doing a push-up.”
“What are you saying?!  Look closely!”  Asmodeus started pointing at specific parts of the image while he spoke.  “That determined expression, those toned arms, the sweat dripping from your face, your fitting clothes...   Whether it’s this photo or one of my countless selfies, don’t you feel absolutely enamored and energized upon witnessing such a breathtaking figure?  That’s how everyone in the comments felt!”
Beelzebub tilted his head quizzically, not understanding his brother’s—or his fans’—enthusiasm over the photo.  “I just feel hungry,” he stated simply, his hand resting on his stomach.  He had been trying to solve his phone-background-predicament for quite a while without a single snack, and the hunger was now becoming too much to bear.
“Ooh, yes!” Asmodeus exclaimed excitedly.  “Plenty of the comments here mention that they experienced a sort of ravenous urge when they viewed this photo.”
“That’s...not what I meant. ...I think?  Never mind.  A picture of myself—or you—won’t work for me, but thanks for trying, Asmo.  I’m going to the kitchen.”
“I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!  I won’t do it again, Lucifer!  I promise!”
Beelzebub halted briefly at one of the breaks in the staircase within the entrance hall area.  He glanced over to find an annoyed Lucifer in the midst of restraining a pleading Mammon who will soon be strung from the ceiling (i.e. a common scene in the House of Lamentation—nothing noteworthy, in Beelzebub’s opinion).
“If I had a Grimm for every time you’ve ‘promised’ that, then your latest debt would be easily paid off,” Lucifer remarked, unfazed by his younger brother’s begging.
“I mean it this time!  I swear!” Mammon declared as he squirmed relentlessly within the strong rope being tied around him.  He then noticed Beelzebub wordlessly walking around them to head to the kitchen, hoping to remain unseen.  “Beel!  Hey, Beel!  You believe me, don’tcha?!  Tell Lucifer what a great and trustworthy demon I am!”
“I’d rather not be involved,” Beelzebub responded, uncomfortably rubbing one of his hands over the other.
“I’ll buy ya a meal at Hell’s Kitchen!” Mammon bargained.
“Mammon is a great and trustworthy demon,” Beelzebub promptly stated to Lucifer.
The eldest brother shook his head with a sigh.  “I can assure you that Mammon doesn’t have the funds to buy even a crumb of food,” he said.  “Perhaps spending the night here will remind him why he needs to manage his money better.  Speaking of managing things, have you refrained from consuming your new D.D.D. thus far, Beel?”
“Yeah, I still have it.  I’m trying to decide on a background that won’t make me want to eat it again.  Belphie and the others have given me suggestions, but nothing’s worked out.”
“That’s probably ‘cause they were thinkin’ about stuff that they like,” Mammon asserted.  “Lemme guess:  You’ve been told to try something with fictional characters, cats or animals in general, selfies, and relaxing outdoor views, right?”
Beelzebub blinked in astonishment.  “Wow, you listed everything they said.”
Mammon gave a short victorious laugh before exclaiming, “Of course I did!  You guys are so predictable!”
“Is that so?” Lucifer questioned with a knowing smirk.  “I believe you’re just as predictable, Mammon.  If I had to guess, I’d say that every time you unlock your phone, you’re met with a picture of my credit card, correct?”
“Her name is Goldie, ya know!”  Mammon paused as the rest of Lucifer’s words caught up to him.  “W-Wait, how did ya—  Whatever!  That was just a lucky guess!  Now it’s my turn to prove how predictable you are, Lucifer.”
“You’re awfully cheeky for someone who’s about to be hanging upside down for the next several hours.  But go ahead, let’s hear it.”
“Your phone background—”  Mammon stopped for a second to create a dramatic effect.  “—is just the default one!”
“You mean the image that’s already there when you get a new phone?” Beelzebub inquired.
“Impressive,” Lucifer complimented the second-born demon brother.  “You were right, Mammon.”
“HA!  I knew it!” Mammon cheered.  “Man, that’s so lame—  OW!!  I-I meant ‘tame!’  ‘Cause, y’know, you’re so prim and proper and a total straight-laced stick-in-the-mud—  GAHHH!!  Quit tightening the rope so hard!”
“Apparently you didn’t hear me,” Lucifer stated with another sharp pull on the ropes, “I said you were right.  As in, that used to be my phone background until some time ago.”
Beelzebub was once again amazed by Mammon’s skill in guessing such information about his brothers, but now he was curious about Lucifer’s phone.  “So, what’s your background now?” he asked.
“It’s a photo of Diavolo, Barbatos, and myself at the castle," Lucifer explained.  "Diavolo discovered that I never changed my background ever since I got my D.D.D. and pestered me until I agreed to replace it.  Making it a group photo was Barbatos’s idea, and that’s how it ended up including all three of us.”
“Do you not like it?” Beelzebub wondered.
“I wouldn’t say that.  I don’t see the background that often because I’m usually using an app on the phone, so that’s why I was indifferent about what the image was.  Diavolo believes that choosing a background makes a phone more personal and special to each individual.  I suppose I can’t disagree with him on that.  Should I ever misplace it, I’ll know right away that it’s my D.D.D. from the one-of-a-kind picture on the screen.”  Lucifer tied the last knot on the ropes and added, “But that's enough talk for now.  I need to finish with Mammon's punishment.”
Blocking out the sound of Mammon’s wailing as Lucifer proceeded to string him up to the ceiling, Beelzebub slowly trekked toward the kitchen while mulling over all of the ideas that his brothers provided.  However, no matter what he came up with, each potential background made him feel hungry in some kind of way.  
Beelzebub was about ready to bury his problem under the weight of all of the food in the kitchen when he passed by MC’s bedroom.  He peeked through the crack in their open door to see them working on something at their desk, their familiar refreshing appearance effortlessly subduing his hunger pangs.  They always seemed to know how to aid him whenever he felt troubled, so maybe they would know the perfect phone background for him.  A knock on the door was all it took for him to be granted access to his favorite human and share his dilemma with them.
MC hummed in thought as they processed everything Beelzebub told them.  “When you think about it,” they began, “all of your brothers chose pictures of things that they like, right?  Or things that are important to them.  What’s most important to you, Beel?”
“Most important to me...?” Beelzebub murmured.  Within the next few moments, a grin stretched across his face.  “I got it.  I know what I want my background to be, MC.”
“Okay, everyone!” Asmodeus called out cheerfully after adjusting the tripod that held Beelzebub’s phone.  “Move in closer so we can all fit!”
The seven other inhabitants of the House of Lamentation attempted to maneuver into two straight rows in front of Asmodeus.
“Ugh, I don’t want to be any closer to Lucifer than necessary," Satan grumbled as he settled into place in the front row.
“Are you still bitter that I caught you and Belphie preparing that shoddy trap for me in front of my study?” Lucifer inquired with his arms crossed while he stood tall behind the Avatar of Wrath.  “Next time, the two of you should plan it out better.”
Satan gritted his teeth.  “Oh, believe me:  We will.”  He then shot a glare at the youngest brother beside him.  “Won’t we, Belphie?”
“Yeah, yeah, I shouldn’t have nodded off while we were working,” Belphegor admitted.  “More importantly, Mammon, stop pulling MC away from me so that they can be closer to you.”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” Mammon argued.  “I’m just makin’ sure ya don’t try to snuggle up to ‘em and take a nap on their shoulder during the photo!”
“At this point, it looks like I’m the one snuggling up to you,” MC noted, their side pressed against Mammon’s.  “Let’s all just be next to each other in a normal way.”
Mammon released his tugging on MC and turned his head away to hide his blush.  “F-Fine.  Just don’t come cryin’ to me if ya get drool all over ya.”
“Sounds like someone’s salty about getting rejected, LMAO,” Leviathan snickered.
Mammon turned around to bark at his younger brother, “Shaddup!” 
“Levi, make room for me at the end there so I can be more behind MC!” Asmodeus instructed.
“Huh?!  I have to move over even more?” Leviathan inquired in disbelief, already feeling claustrophobic.
“HA!  Serves ya right!” Mammon jeered.
“Will you stop shouting, Mammon?” Satan complained.
“All right, all right, let’s all calm down,” MC spoke up.  “We’re supposed to be taking a nice photo for Beel to make as his phone background, remember?”
“That’s right,” Lucifer chimed in.  “I expect you all to behave, or else we’ll be retaking this photo all day until we get it right.”
“Beel, is this fine with you?” Belphegor asked worriedly while glancing back at his twin.
Beelzebub nodded with a bright smile, grateful that everyone had accepted the request he had made the previous day.  “Yeah, this is perfect.”
“Looks like we’re all in,” Asmodeus announced.  “I’m starting the timer now!”
The steady ding of the phone’s camera timer counting down echoed in the House of Lamentation’s living room while Asmodeus hurried over to his spot and everyone else prepared themselves for the photo.  Beelzebub’s gaze grew more tender as he looked at each member of the group from the back row.  These were the individuals he was happy to call “family,” and they were more important to him than anything else in the three realms.  Overcome with joy and love, he leapt forward just as the camera’s flash went off, wrapping his arms around those next to him and leaning closer to those in the front row.  The action startled most of them, evident in their expressions captured in the photo.  Although it turned out to be a more candid shot than originally intended, Beelzebub treasured this picture that he kept as a permanent background on his phone.
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itscanditime · 9 months
Happy birthday Idia!! My favorite otaku!
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banqanas · 8 months
happy taiki day!!!!🥰🌻 in honor of taiki's birthday pls tell me your 3 favorite things about taiki :3
As a professional Fantaro I will put my differences aside and properly oshi Taiki for once.
1) when they were at Okinawa for Summer Bike mv shooting, Taiki bought matching hawaii shirts for KetoSota. It made me realise that Taiki's the one who has been raising them as twins so I love him for that
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2) I love how he's always gives Keito hugs and is the first one who always laughs at Keito's hit-or-miss gags
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3) I love that Taiki has more or less, been looking after Keito ever since he was a kid. Keito is a very easily influenced boy who has always been mimicking whatever Taiki is into. I don't think Keito would be the specialest most wonderful boy he is right now if it wasn't for Taiki's influence through his childhood, and for that, he has my sincerest thanks
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Okay, okay, here’s my real answer:
- he's very hardworking, it’s hard not to like him when you see how sincere he is to his work. It's amazing how he works on multiple tv shows on top of having rehearsals, shootings, interviews or studying languages. He always mentions how he didn't have a lot fun memories when he was a student because he's always working part time to afford his classes in EXPG. He’s probably a masochist. He's almost hitting the 30's so hopefully he takes care of his body properly (especially his heavily bleached hair)
- his SNS posts. Not only does he updates all his different SNS accounts daily, prepares different contents for different sites, he also puts different languages in his posts too. He always puts a lot of thoughts into his SNS posts, they look very professional. He mentioned that other group's managers have come to him asking how he does this or that or the apps he uses. I really appreciate how much he visibly works hard to spread Fanta's name. I think it's because of how good he is at the front that Sekai can focus on them from behind the scenes
- he's literally a genius. Becoming EXILE's youngest member when he only had around 3 years of dancing experience just shows how he's naturally talented. He's also good at communicating and making connections with people around him regardless of senpai or kouhai (as someone who's struggling at this irl, it is amazing to see how Taiki does it). as expected of Sotasota's mentor. Also if you mention any EXILE or Fanta song, he can remember it and sing in a heartbeat. It’s scary how much of an otaku he is
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kanazawa-division · 11 months
The sun was beginning to set on a certain homicide detective's birthday. Joey was currently hanging out in his living room playing a video game when the doorbell rang. Pausing his game, Joey walked over to the door and opened it. Bouncing in front of him was Kaoru Shinozaki.
"Quicksilver! Happy birthday!" Kaoru cheered, showing off a bag with the gifts she brought with her.
Stepping inside, Kaoru gave Joey a quick hug before shoving her the bag with her gifts in his hands, a manic smile spreading across her face.
"I got you a few gifts, including one that I personally built myself." Kaoru gleefully explained, waiting for the blond haired Otaku to open his gifts.
"Uh….Kaoru? When was the last time you slept?" Joey questioned, not sure if he wanted to know the answer.
"It's Monday, right? So last Saturday. Not the one that just passed but the one before. Don't worry about me, though I'm fine!" Kaoru flashed Joey a thumbs up. "Don't worry about me. It's your birthday, so go on." Kaoru motioned for Joey to open her gifts.
Joey just stared at Kaoru as if she just didn't confess to going over a week without any sleep. It explained a lot, and Joey just knew she was running on fumes and enough caffeine to kill a full-grown elephant. However, considering she came all the way out to Kanazawa to drop off his gift, Joey quickly pulled out the first gift and began to open it.
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Inside the first gift was a collection of graphic tees, each one with something quite weird on it. Joey laughed as he read what was on them. His personal favorite was the shadow wizard one.
"I was strolling through TikTok when I saw these, and I knew you'd get a laugh out of them." Kaoru wheezed.
"They are pretty good." Joey agreed, putting them aside and pulling out the other gift Kaoru had given him, opening it.
"I feel like I'm forgetting something." Kaoru muttered to herself.
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Inside the second gift was a lightsaber. Joey could feel a huge grin spread across his face as he picked the sword up, swinging it around. Seeing a button on it as well, Joey pushed it.
"JOEY! WAIT! ITS..." Kaoru shouted, trying to stop him.
It was then when Joey heard the infamous sound of a lightsaber turning on with a bright purple beam sprouting from the handle. Only to watch in shock as the lightsaber sliced through his living room curtains like butter.
"...real." Kaoru finished watching Joey's curtain fall to the floor. "Well…that was something."
Joey could only stare at the lightsaber in his hand, wondering if what he just saw was real.
"Kaoru, what the hell?" Joey questioned his mad genius of friend, his mind wondering how he was gonna explain this to his boyfriend.
"In my defense, I've spent the last week awake and giving you a real lightsaber as a gift seemed like a good idea." Kaoru defended. "Speaking of lack of sleep. It seems like it finally catched up to me. Damn I probably should've listened to Yuriko. She's gonna give me shit for this."
It was then that Joey watched as Kaoru tilted forward a bit before she collapsed onto his living room floor, and much to his relief, a loud snoring could be heard from her prone form. Joey blinked, not sure what to do when he suddenly heard a chime from his phone. Pulling it out, he quickly saw a message from his old friend.
Hey Joey! I'm coming over soon to drop off my gift. - Lyall
“…..Honey sugar sweetie baby bear.”
Mamoru repressed the urge to both sigh and cringe at the convoluted nickname as he stared blankly at his blonde boyfriend who stared back with just an equally blank expression except Mamoru could clearly see the amusement dancing in his lavender eyes.
He loves his boyfriend, truly, he does, but sometimes he worries about the company he keeps, not to say that he doesn’t trust Joey or don’t want him to have friends, of course not, but ever since Joey joined the Division Rap Battles, it seems like the shenanigans that would sometimes occur increased nearly tenfold.
The horribly singed and ruined curtains they had just put up was a testament to that.
Mamoru pinched the bridge of his nose while Joey grinned sheepishly. “To be fair…you did say that we should get new curtains…”
“We just put those up!”
“….yeah, I know, that was a shitty excuse, even for me.” Joey deflated with a sigh as he placed a pillow under Kaoru’s head, he had placed her on the couch after she had passed out but not before being grilled by Mamoru on what the hell just happened, why is Kaoru unconscious in their living room, and why are the curtains so badly damaged, which lead them to now.
“Is she going to be okay, at least?” Mamoru asked, keeping an eye on the unconscious Kaoru, while she was more of Joey’s friend, the two of them do manage to get along well, especially since they both work with computers. Joey looked at the purple haired girl and nodded, while he hadn’t known Kaoru for a long time, he was familiar with the girl’s horrendous sleeping habits…minus the sleeping. “Yeah, this happens a lot, she’ll be fine and besides, a friend of mine is coming to pick her up in a little bit.”
Mamoru nodded, somewhat satisfied with his answer before turning back to the curtains, really he wasn’t that pressed about it and honestly he found the situation pretty funny, he knew that hijinks and the like would become the norm when dating someone like Joey but it seems that everyday seemed to find a new way to keep him on his toes.
Joey, seeing where his boyfriend had set his sight on, moved to where he was and pulled him into a hug, nuzzling his neck and looked at him with apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry about the curtains, I promise we’ll replace them.” He said and Mamoru shook his head and lifted a hand to ruffle Joey’s blonde locks, “Don’t worry about it, they’re just curtains, what I’m thinking about is how badass that lightsaber is, you do realize you definitely need to go as Luke Skywalker this Halloween right?” He smiled and Joey grinned widely, pressing a huge kiss to his cheek.
“Babe, I love you so much but we both know that I’m a Han Solo guy.”
Thank you for the gift!
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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I'm in tip-top shape today as well~💕 🌙A fan of Tsukipro・Fan of a God🦋👑💜 ❄️Rarely expresses my emotions ❄️An adult ※In the afternoon of November 1st, I will switch from my fan mode to my work mode
My fav... is shining today too💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 (He's already asleep but... I can still see him)
#Mind's Eye
Everyone, it's because you're all asleep that this is happening!!! I'll delete these tweets tomorrow so the TL will be crime-free! Pure white! No traces left at all! I'm the Demon Lord after all!! It's no problem for me!!!!! Night is the time to express your loves!!! Ah~~~~ I've lived well today!!! I'm sure my favorite is also thinking "The way you breath through your lungs is cute"!!!
"I'm following a suspicious account"... is what you, the night-owls, might be thinking♪ It's okay!! It's not suspicious at all!! In fact, this is the normal way it operates!!! This is an annual rite that happens every November, something nobody ever forgets!!! Are you all doing good~~~??!!! I'm doing quite fine (calmly)
(Right now, I'm looking at the screen with a very pleased face)
#I hope this reaches you
Come to think of it... it's already been 10 years. The first time (my heart already started pounding as I wrote 'the first time') I met my idol, you looked a bit aloof. Thinking back, the you in the promo pictures looked a bit uncomfortable. You looked straight at the camera, powerfully.
He says he had no interest in the entertainment world until he was scouted... Since ordinary people don't usually have the experience of being photographed by the cameraman, it must have been an unfamiliar time and space to you then. Perhaps, you may have been slightly nervous? With your hair half-up and being nervous.... to imagine that.... (squeals)(ฅ́˘ฅ̀)💜
Even after being a fan-boy for 10 years.... I'll continue to be one!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 (My idol, you just tossed and turned around... I could see it)
#Mind's Eye #Midnight Exploding Love #Everyone, thank you being with us every year #I'll be in work mode tomorrow💕
Ah, sorry, just one last thing...! Naosuke Oyama⭐️ Happy birthday!!🎂🎉
#From a nameless otaku
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Happy Albion❄️
#Midnight Fan party #Goodnight
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Obey Me 25 Days of Ficmas Day 19: Christmas Songs
Note: These are just headcanons
Lucifer: The Nutcracker Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairies
-Enjoys soundtracks, classical, and instrumental
-Hates any Christian Christmas songs
-Thinks the majority of non-Christian Christmas songs are written about stupid things
-Thinks the play is enticing and enjoys it a lot
-Probably watches it live yearly
-Loves the fast part
Mammon: Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
-Specifically the Jackson 5 one.
-Also a fan of the more goofy songs like Grandma Got rum Over By A Reindeer
-Definitely listens to Michael Jackson
-Definitely does a cringy dance to it
-Loves upbeat songs you can really jam to
Leviathan: Some Anime cover of a normal Christmas song
-Thinks normal Christmas songs are for Normies
-Found some anime girls singing a song and it's automatically good now
-He hates the lovey-dovey Christmas songs, they make him dick with envy
-Can't stand most upbeat songs, but he loves his anime girls
-Only upbeat songs he listens to are anime openings
-This sounds like I am making fun of him for being an Otaku, I'm not, I am one too. He's just built like this
Satan: Happy XMas (War Is Over)
-A big fan of the 70s music
-Likes how it's more calm and not scream your head off
-Likes more choir-like songs
-Lays down and listens to it in the dark
-Feels like it's a more realistic song
Asmo: Last Christmas
-Enjoys Wham! And George Michael
-Loves all the lovey-dovey Christmas songs
-He originally thought Christmas was a romantic holiday and still holds onto that
-Yes, he does also like All I Want for Christmas Is You
-He's a part of the LGBTQ+ community
-That's a valid reason
Beel: The Chipmunks Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
-Sad to find out that there aren't many food-centric Christmas songs
-Loves Alvin and the Chipmunks
-You know he does
-Has watched the movies a ton
-Thinks the Chipmunks are legitimately amazing singers (He's right)
-Bops his head along to the beat.
Belphie: Wonderful Christmas Time
-I don't have a good explanation
-It just feels right
Diavolo: Is That You Santa Claus?
-This feels right up his alley
-Also likes the super goofy ones
-Sings along to it despite the fact that it isn't really made to be sung along to
-Everyone expects him to choose Mariah Carrey or something
-No, it's this
Barbatos: Christmas Eve/12/24
-Type of guy to go to churches to watch the choirs sing this song
-Except he doesn't
-He's a demon and he's busy
-Definitely does watch choirs sing
-Diavolo once hired a choir to sing Happy Birthday to him
-Barbatos enjoyed it but blushed
Simeon: Santa Baby or O' Holy Night
-Loves both
-Yes, they are on two different ends of the spectrum
-Has many different favorites
-Don't ask him which is his favorite
-He either lists hundreds or can't think of one
Luke: One More Til Christmas
-By Kermit :)
-Is a man of culture
-Loves Muppet Christmas Carol
-Of course he chose one from a kids movie
-Also listens to the super Christian ones
Solomon: Please Come Home For Christmas
-Usually listens to classical or calm songs
-This is still calm but different from his usual taste
-Mostly likes the peaceful Christian ones
-Also jams to romance ones with Asmo
-He never really knows what he likes
-This song gets him doing some silly slow dance
Thirteen: Christmas Wrapping
-Likes rap and fast songs like this
-It makes so much sense with little explanation needed
Raphael: God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman
-My favorite too
-I'm right
-The Pentatonix one
-Christian ofc
-Goes fast and has a very serious undertone that fit his serious warlike persona
-It makes sense
Mephisto: It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
-I have like no explanation
-It makes sense
-He hardly listens to any music
-Christmas music is very rare
-Settles for a classic
That's all, boys. Hope you enjoyed.
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bishie-haven · 1 year
Happy Birthday Levi! Part 1: “Twisted Fairytale (aka “The Sleeping Sheep”)
Man I haven’t used this to post in ages… Hi everyone, I’m still among the living, internet-wise! I’m back to grace this platform with more writings and musings from my silly little brain. In fact, I’ve got three for you today! I’m a part of the 2023 Leviathan Birthday Collab (@leviathanbday), a project where creators of all types came together to celebrate the birthday of Obey Me!’s favorite otaku on April 9th!
I’ve created three short stories for the collab, each based around a different theme. This first story is based on the theme “twisted fairytale”. While I am a huge Twisted Wonderland fan, this didn’t have anything to do with it. Instead, I wrote a little tale similar to ones of my childhood. Hope you enjoy!
In a distant kingdom far away from where you call home, there lived a young prince in charge of a dark land. He loved his kingdom, and all of the beings living within. However, he felt as if there was a disconnect between the other kingdoms and his own, that others saw it as “evil” or “demented”. 
The prince wanted to change this. One day, he called his seven lords to his chambers. Brothers having been cast out of a former kingdom, the prince took them all in and gave them a place to reside and feel appreciated. He brought up a plan to invite a resident of a neighboring kingdom to live with the lords and experience their culture, being able to spread a good word when they returned. 
The lord of blue agreed with the prince’s ideas. The lord of purple thought it was an ordeal too troubling. The lord of pink fantasized about who the resident would be. Everyone had to agree to stop the lord of red if they ever wanted to taste them. Overall, though, everyone agreed that it was a fine idea to put into action.
Everyone…except one.
While silent about the issue, the lord of orange did not like the idea at all. He saw it as not a troublesome venture, but as one that would most likely cause him ridicule. This being from another kingdom would see how weak and antisocial he was, leading to word being spread about him when they returned. He didn’t care about the reputation of the prince’s ruling grounds, he cared about the little good reputation he had!
To him, it felt like his fears were coming true. The resident of the neighboring kingdom arrived, and all of the other lords besides himself were all over them. The lord of yellow kept clinging to the resident, saying that he was responsible for them as “they looked at him first”. The lord of green had to deny allegations from the lord of purple that he would go into a fit of rage if he was compared to the lord of blue. Meanwhile, said lord of blue simply nodded his head.
The lord of orange watched as the resident was swept up by everyone’s attention. He hadn’t said anything since they had been summoned, and they had not said a word to him. However, at multiple points he had seen the resident looking at him, unable to take their eyes away. 
An occurrence like this happened while the lord of pink had them in a tight hug. Noticing the diversion of attention, he saw who the resident was looking at. Giggling, he told them to not worry, as the lord of orange may be quiet, but it was charming…at least to some. The resident responded with only two words.
“…I see.”
The lord of orange heard that short conversation, and he couldn’t stop replaying it in his mind. That was all they had to say? No, they were developing the ugly, disgusting picture in their mind about who he truly was. He didn’t have to say a word of his own for it to happen; it was obvious! It was right in front of their face!
That night, the lord of orange tossed and turned, terrified of what the resident would say to the others who lived in their kingdom. He would become a laughingstock! He was desperate for something, anything, that would be able to save his dignity, that would put any rumors to rest before they even began.
Thinking that, he sat up stiff. Putting rumors to rest…it gave him an idea, the perfect plan. He just needed his true friends to help him out. 
Within minutes, he had gathered everything he needed. His two precious pets had given him the biggest hand in the process. A bird with a topaz gem around its neck in the shape of a fish, one that he had affectionately named Henry, had taken the role of fetching a hair from the lord of purple's tail. Using his own innate magical abilities, he was able to fuse it into an essence and pass it to his other pet, a serpent named Lotan. 
The essence was only powerful enough for one use, but it was all he needed. The lord of orange only needed to utter one sentence to his reptilian friend to have it slither off in search of its target. It only had one command to fulfill:
"Find the resident."
Cries could be heard the next morning all through the castle, lamenting the horrible fate that had befallen the one from another kingdom. The lord of blue called for every guard to surround the castle, the lord of pink was sobbing on the chaise, it was absolute disarray for everyone of the royal Court. No one could figure out what had happened to them or why they couldn't wake up.
No one except the lord of orange. 
He was able to feign ignorance of the situation, but he knew exactly what happened. His beloved Lotan had carefully bitten the resident in their sleep, part of the essence allowing the marks to heal, sending them into an eternal slumber. Despite seeing his fellow lords in a panic, he himself breathed a sigh of relief. There was no way he could be humiliated further…
That is, until the others were discussing ways to lift the spell. The lord of orange began to sweat; he had forgotten this would have inevitably happened. He remembered what the only way to end the slumber was…as much of a cliche as it was, he had selected the kiss of true love as the only antidote. It was mainly out of haste, but in hindsight he knew it would serve to silence his thoughts and confirm them with himself.
If one of the others kissed them, they would wake up, confirming their love to anyone but him.
After suggesting this, every other lord took a chance at waking the resident. Some were eager to be first, others begrudgingly came forward. Even the prince was willing to give it a try. Regardless, everyone wanted to release them from the captive slumber.
The lord of orange stood to the side and watched as they all took a turn. He studied carefully, waiting for which one would make the spell, and his hope, disappear. It had to be one of them, it just had to be.
But it wasn't.
Even after every one of them tried, some even multiple times, none of them succeeded in waking the resident up. The tension was even higher, and no one knew what to do.
Then, the lord of red noticed that the lord of orange had not tried to kiss them, asking them to give it a chance. Initially he refused; the resident had not even learned his name, how could they love him?! But after many of the others pestered him, he agreed to try it once. In fact, it would prove things further to him. If he kissed them and they didn't wake up, it was for certain.
Kneeling at their bedside, he looked at their sleeping face. A flood of guilt rose up in him, and he almost wanted to run away and never set foot in those chambers again. But everyone was watching, he couldn't stop now.
Leaning in close, the lord of orange hovered over their face, almost afraid to try. However, he soon found just enough strength. Before he placed his lips on theirs, he only had one thing to say:
"I'm sorry."
The kiss lasted longer than many of the others', but it didn't matter. As he pulled away, he waited for any sort of movement. Nothing. A few more minutes…nothing. The lord of orange had given up, ready to hide away and never return…
Until the quiet sound of rustling bedsheets was the loudest noise in the room. A soft yawn broke through, and everyone was overjoyed. Hugging, cheers, and various forms of happiness spread throughout the whole castle.
This was especially true for the lord of orange and the resident. Waking up by his hand meant the two loved each other, but all he could feel was shame. He caused all of this just to save face, and now he was being applauded as a false hero. 
As the excitement spread to other groups, he looked at the resident, tears starting to form in his eyes. "I'm so…so sorry," he said, trying not to cry in front of everyone.
The resident asked why, there was no reason to be sad. 
He then broke down every wall, revealing every truth. He explained that there had to be a mistake, as no one would love someone as hideous and cruel-hearted as him.
This last statement left the resident confused. "What ever made you think I didn't like you?"
The lord of orange was shocked; this had to be a mistake. 
But it wasn't. The resident explained how they were always watching from afar, wanting to talk but never having a chance. They had actually wanted to try that night, but then they weren't able to wake up from more than just a case of drowsiness.
And finally, there was one statement that made the lord of orange realize something very important.
"If you didn't care about me, you wouldn't go to the trouble of trying to keep me from anyone else, would you?"
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bread4innie · 1 year
happy birthday to our favorite otaku!!! ☺️🎉🐙🎮
my tt is @/chifuyus.manga41
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purplegays · 2 years
Finally Ranking the Obey Me Dateables
Full disclosure: I’m only on Lesson 17, but I’ve been playing almost every event since I started over half a year ago.
1. Leviathan
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I have adored Leviathan ever since I first laid eyes on him. The only wrong he has ever done is having the audacity to assume that MC isn’t every bit as otaku as he is. Cute, humble, protective. Just as touch-starved as MC, and they’re happy to provide the company for each other that they both need.
Playing video games together and staying up late ranting about anime to each other. MC joking that they’re jealous of Ruri-chan and Levi making up for it with kisses. Blushing when a MC calls him attractive.
His demon form is really cute, and his angel form (as well as the image above) is one of the few times he goes form adorable to HOT. While I don’t have it unlocked, I also really like the Yokai form!
Also, I think he’s the most gay-coded out of all the brothers, but that could just be because he’s my favorite lol. But come on, you can’t tell me he doesn’t have at least one BL he’s obsessing over. Not that reading BL makes you gay ofc. But gay people are definitely on his radar at the very least.
2. Solomon
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Used to be lower because I didn’t really know him as well, but after his birthday event he skyrocketed up to #2! He’s so nerdy, and his magic is just objectively cool. He really cares about MC and is super romantic. His inability to cook is a cute quirk, and MC doesn’t mind doing the cooking. Not to mention he’s ALSO a TSL fan and has plenty of fandom nerd to match his science nerd. And he gets along with Levi, which is an automatic plus in my book. If I HAD to pick a ship that doesn’t involve MC, it would be Solomon and Levi. Like come on there’s NO way they haven’t smooched at least once during a TSL marathon. Levi probably falls asleep on top of Solomon all the time. A poly relationship with both of them and MC would be so chaotic and great. Even just Levi and Solomon being friends is so great. And if it was just MC and Levi together, I feel like Solomon would be a chill third wheel and wouldn’t mind too much.
Two humans leaning on each other as they try to navigate literal Hell, exploring their magic together and experimenting with potions. Conspiring to annoy the demons and representing humans as a force to be reckoned with. Sitting in the flowers and watching the aurora borealis for “research” and totally not as a date. Making fun of him for being old but secretly being impressed at how savvy and progressive he is.
And his everyday clothes look so fucking good on him.
3. Beelzebub
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I don’t find him particularly attractive compared to the other brothers because I don’t really go for that muscular body type. But his exterior is deceiving because he is so adorable. He cares so much about his siblings and about MC. He doesn’t really get upset. (Unless he’s hungry, of course.) He’s surprisingly sensitive and has a such a kind heart.
Cooking for him and just watching the pure love in his eyes as he watches you. Big teddy-bear hugs when you’re sad. Trying new foods together.
I like the color palette of his everyday clothes!
4. Asmodeus
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He used to be #2, but his vanity can be a bit annoying at times. The most physically attractive of the brothers, and his voice is really cute! His self-confidence and emphasis on his appearance can be kind of attractive, but it’s often overdone. Probably would make you do all the chores.
Aggressively flirting with each other to show your love. Painting each other’s nails and sharing gossip. Constantly complimenting each other’s beauty. Trying on cute matching skirts.
Asmo is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING in his angelic clothes and rocks those heels in the suit.
VERY MUCH bisexual-coded.
5. Simeon
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He’s hot, that’s for sure, but he kind of has the personality of a wet towel. He’d probably interrupt a makeout session to ask who Google is. But he’s kind and pleasant to be around and would make a good boyfriend. He could probably also use MC’s help keeping track of Luke. I’d probably get bored of him after a few months.
I can’t even do the second paragraph because, like I said, he doesn’t have much of a personality to work with.
6. Satan
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I love the catboy bookworm vibe, but he’s often too aggressive for me and too hard to please. His Surprise Guest always annoys me because he’s the only one you can’t get big hearts from, no matter what you do.
Having different interests in literature but finding those few special series that you can obsess over together. Owning one pair of cat ears between the two of you and constantly stealing them off each other’s head. He can’t write for shit but reads you his favorite poems.
7. Luke
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Just… why? Why does he exist in this game? I really want to know which dev was like, “Yes, let’s put a minor-coded character into a dating sim and mechanically treat him the same as all the dateable characters.”
I’ll try not to fault Luke himself for the weird meta circumstances of his existence, though. Obviously I would not date him. He isn’t too insufferable to be around, though, and if I had to choose between being stuck in a room with Luke or one of the characters below, it would be Luke.
8. Barbatos
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Barbatos is… fine… I guess. I think he’s supposed to fulfill the submissive househusband trope. As much as I love my subs, I’m also a sub myself so I need at least a little bit of vers in there somewhere. But it’s also weird because he’s submissive to Diavolo, but when talking to MC he carries Diavolo’s authority. I don’t really know what to make of Barbatos because it kind of seems like his whole personality is just being Diavolo’s messenger?
He’s also the most formal character, which is a bit of-putting for me. Excessive formality often comes off as cold and uninviting, and it makes it feel like the wrong context for romantic prospects. (This is kind of a theme as we continue further down the list.) It also makes it harder to get to know their personality, which adds to my indifference toward Barbatos. Still, I��m giving him the benefit of the doubt that he might be more interesting of a person behind closed doors. (He also may get more characterization in later chapters that I’m not aware of yet.)
9. Diavolo
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I don’t really particularly like any of the Diavolo or Lucifer cards I have, so I’m going to skip them to save my 10-image limit for the last two
Diavolo is pretty great. But he gives uncle vibes, sometimes big brother vibes, depending on the situation. I can’t imagine dating him. His physical appearance is also a bit too masc for me. I feel like there could be potential there if he hasn’t been born a prince. It makes him seem more old and boring, and it sets up a really weird power dynamic that kind of puts me off.
10. Lucifer
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Gives dad vibes, but not in a DILF way. Or maybe it’s just because I’m not really into DILFs. All the romantic developments between him and MC feel forced and choppy. He’s also kind of a tyrant. But he has his moments, I guess.
Also, this man SCREAMS straight. Just saying.
11. Belphegor
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I thought he was cute before I met him but HOLY SHIT HE LITERALLY MURDERS MC! Sorry, no way I’m dating my murderer, alternate timeline or no.
And he just… I can’t even explain it. I thought he was going to be sleepy in a cutesy uwu way, but he comes off as more of an “I’m tired because I stay up until 3am plotting murder on 4chan.”
It’s cool that he cares about Lilith, I guess. He was in a really shitty situation, so I give him a bit of a pass. Still, we see Beel face the same situation, if not worse, and he handles it infinitely better.
I’m still convinced he’s secretly an alt-right conspiracy theorist. One of those Nazi femboys, maybe.
12. Mammon
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This little shit. I know this is going to put me at odds with a lot of the fandom, but I totally respect everyone’s opinion about Mammon. He’s not an objectively bad person, and how you feel about him depends on your individual type.
But holy fuck. Mammon manages to cross almost every single one of my hard lines. He constantly objectifies MC, is flagrantly selfish, steals and manipulates without remorse, makes it abundantly clear that money matters more to him than people, and has an ego the size of Beel’s stomach. MC is just a shiny gold trophy he has to win and keep away from his brothers, no matter how uncomfortable he makes everyone in the room, including MC, feel.
He constantly refers to himself as マモン様 (Mamon-sama), appropriating the highest term of respect reserved for deities and extremely polite situations for himself, without even a trace of irony. So constantly, in fact, that I still picked up on this even though I play the English version of the game. The audio clips are enough. I’m not a native Japanese person, and I’ve only been studying Japanese language and culture informally for about two years, but I’m pretty sure someone talking like this in real life would be almost laughably offensive. Which is probably the appeal for some players, but I just don’t understand it.
To be clear, I’m not shitting on the devs or insinuating that Mammon is a poorly written character. He’s one of the best written characters in the game, actually. I think he was written exactly as intended, and what was intended happens to be the exactly kind of person I can’t stand. Sometimes when I get him for Surprise Guest I’ll literally just 3X Ignore him. It feels wrong to raise my intimacy level with him any more than the minimum needed for some of the Devilgram stories.
God I hate that guy. I don’t think I’ve ever truly hated a character more than Mammon. But I’m glad he has his fans out there to support him in my place. And to all the Mammon-supporters out there, I’d love to hear your reasoning. I really do want to like him, I just… ugh. Everything he does gets on my nerves.
(I’m at least willing to admit that he looks super adorable in this one specific card, though.) (The left one.)
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magicalgirlagency · 3 months
Since you love Obey Me!, I wanna know something: Which events are your favorites?
Personally, I've enjoyed all of the events that I've participated, but of course, I do have a hefty list of favorites...
[FYI: This list is done in an non-specific order and does not include Birthday Events]
We're All Bad Here (Wonderland themed. MC plays the role of Alice, as they explore through Wonderland in search of the Queen of Hearts);
Ruri-chan is my Bae! (Ruri-chan themed. Leviathan drives his brothers wild with his otaku obsessions);
Demon de Butler (Butler themed. To better understand relations with humans, the Demon Bros. become butlers for one week, with MC as their master);
Good Night Devil (Sleep themed. As told by Lucifer, MC must help the Demon Bros. into developing better sleeping patterns);
Whose Glass Slippers Are These? (Cinderella themed. Playing the role of Cinderella, MC lives a fairy tale fantasy);
Summer Festival (Yukata themed. The Demon Bros. enjoy a japanese-style summer festival);
Sun, Sea and Demons! + Pearls and the Beach (Beach themed. The Obligatory Beach Episodes, where the gang enjoys some summer activities);
A Surprise For You (Happy Devil Day 2k21. MC is surprised by the Demon Bros. with a special party to thank them for the pleasant memories);
Magical Eggs 🎶 What Will Hatch? (Egg themed. The gang is tasked with taking care of little monsters as a school assignment);
The Great Yokai Parade (Yokai themed. The gang participates the Hyakki Yagyō, the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons);
Paws & Claws 1 + 2/Liar Liar, Animal Attire! (Animal themed. A series of magical events where the gang turns into furries/kemonomimi);
Welcome to the Bunny Show! + Bunny Boys at Your Service (Bunny themed. The gang works at The Fall as waiters/hosts, while dressed up as Bunnies);
The Three Worlds Festival (Happy Devil Day 2k22. The exchange students organize a major event to celebrate Diavolo's long-run harmony project);
Wedding Vows (Wedding themed. The Demon Bros. organize a proposal competition to win a chance in becoming MC's groom for a wedding-themed photoshoot);
Body Swap Panic (Body/Personality Swap themed. When MC's first attempt in spellcasting goes awry, they must use their charms to set things right with the Demon Bros.);
Trick or Treat! (Happy Devil Day 2k23. The gang goes all out while organizing a Halloween-themed café at RAD);
All Aboard the S.S. Devildom! (Sailor themed. MC and the Demon Bros. get a part-time job as sailors in a luxurious cruise for the whole weekend);
Henry and the Seven Lords (TSL/Musical themed. MC and the Demon Bros. play as their TSL counterparts in a musical, directed by Simeon, the novel's author himself);
I Kid You Not (Kid themed. After a magical mishap, the gang is transformed into little children, and MC acts as their guardian for the time being);
A Devildom Halloween (The FIRST Halloween themed event ever. With Diavolo's birthday just right around the corner, the gang organizes a belated Halloween party);
A Masked Halloween (Another Halloween themed event, with a yandere-ish twist. After wearing a set of magic masks, the Demon Bros. fall under a curse and are now preying after MC's soul);
Toys Galore (Toys/kigurumi themed. The gang is spirited away to a magical world made of toys, and they must solve a puzzle to return to the Devildom without getting caught);
Get Arty With It (Art themed. Leviathan organizes a manga relay for an art project, but everyone's ideas just keep on clashing);
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Constellation themed. The gang is given an assignment to magically recreate a planetarium);
The Vampire Special (The second Vampire themed event. MC is advised to temporarily stay away from the Demon Bros. due to a vampiric disease);
Sacrifice of Darkness (Chuunibyou themed. The gang starts speaking in shakespearian tragedies thanks to a strange disease, and act out on cringy edgelord fantasies to cure themselves);
Like A Dame + Princess Rose (Crossdressing themed. In which we're reminded that the gender binary means nothing to ancient demons, as they dress up as Dames to please a fellow royal colleague of Diavolo's);
Blue Spring Paradise (High School themed event. Leviathan is depressed and the Demon Bros. try to cheer him up by helping him live his Slice-of-Life anime fantasies);
Halloween Prank Problems (Yet another Halloween themed event. MC has a weird dream about the Demon Bros. and the Triworlds gang engaging in a prank war);
Valentine's Day Canceled?! + A Weird White Day (V-Day themed events. The gang tries to calm down angry and heartbroken spirits so they can celebrate the holidays in peace with MC);
Happy⭐Holidays! (Christmas themed. RAD's decorating event and Diavolo's wellbeing are in jeopardy as an ancient evil threatens to ruin the holidays);
Absolute Zero (Carnival/Mardi Gras themed. MC becomes the representant of a major winter event, all the while trying to solve a huge crisis of dying crops);
Revolution of the Stained Glass Flower (Band themed. When ancient demonic treasures are unearthed, a powerful reality-bending relic is discovered).
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thisisryderinjapan · 4 months
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May 14 - Ueno Park, Ueno Museum, Akihabara, Shibuya
Today we started the day by waking up and walking to Ueno Park which was a little bit underwhelming to be honest, but I am really happy we did it because it was something that I was going to do on my own and now know I do not have to do. The thing is, it was a pretty park, but we have seen so many beautiful parks during our study abroad in Japan that this one looked ugly in comparison. There was also a little path of tents where merchants were selling some assorted goods. We also saw a shrine in the park and were able to take a really cute photo in front of the lake (bottom right photo). After the park we headed over to the museum where there were a plethora of different artifacts. My favorite one was actually the vessel by which important people would travel pictured in the top left. It resonated with me because it made me realize that you are only as good as the technology that you have. By this, I mean that you could've been the most important person in all of Japan, but you would still travel in something similar to what is pictured above, slow and bumpy and long. Even lower class Americans today travel far quicker and way more comfortably than emperors of the past. I like this reality because it demonstrates how historical time period you live in dictates the life you will live. After the museum we walked over to a popular food area where we had a really good stir fry and then took the train over to Akihabara where we got a crepe and went to a maid cafe seen in the bottom left photo. I have to say I was not a fan of the maid cafe; it seemed really sad to me. There was literally a middle-aged man celebrating his birthday all by himself at the maid cafe.
Academic Reflection
Something that I thought was interesting from the reading was the fact that the Otakus like to make their favorite characters their own in small little ways that are just enough to make the relationship between Otaku and character personal. What I thought was even more interesting was the fact that sometimes the actual character creators and animators play with the imaginations of the Otaku and integrate some of their ideas, which further blurs the lines between what is real and what is an Otaku fabrication. I am glad that we had this reading though because I have tried to watch some anime in the past and found myself getting really confused because I wouldn't understand the plot so I would try to look up some explanations for help but then the explanations would have their own explanations and many of them weren't even the same. Now I realize that what I was reading was probably content produced by Otaku, which is why I was getting confused because what they were saying was not exactly true to what was happening to the characters in the shows.
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