#HC: Hildegard
moonypears-blog · 8 months
do you got any hcs for Cedric and Sofia if Sofia was Cedric's bio daughter?
I also heard you're making a story where Sofia sees Cedric as her dad (idk if I got it wrong) and I cannot wait to read it, also don't stress yourself and take breaks whenever you need it! :)
I love your blogs btw 🫶
Thank you! I am working on that, it's going to be a one-shot series, basically Sofia asks Cedric to unofficially adopt her, but they keep it secret because Sofia doesn't want to cause drama, as it would involve explaining how she doesn't see Roland as her father, she doesn't want to upset her mom or change her relationship with Amber and James. I'm currently working on a different fanfic, but the first one-shot in that series should be my next project!
Headcanons ↓
When Sofia was little, she'd always try to wear her father's robe, so much so that Cedric got a smaller copy made just for her.
Cedric calls Sofia his little sorceress.
At the time of Sofia's birth, Cedric was still incredibly bitter towards the to royal family, he had plans to take over the kingdom, make Sofia his little princess and rule together. It was her who made him change, just like in canon. He gave up on his plans because he realised how risky it was, if he got caught the chances are he'd never get to see her grow up. He was determined to be a better father to her than his father was to him, and he couldn't do that if he was locked away in the castle dungeon. So he cleaned his act up. The sweetness of his young baby was enough to warm his heart completely.
When Sofia was a baby and toddler, she often tried to grab Cedric's wand out of his hand, not knowing it was a dangerous beacon of power, just thinking "Pretty stick." Cedric found it so cute he struggled to scold her for it.
Sofia's first word was "worm." She'd said it whilst pointing at Wormwood on his perch, she'd heard her father call his name, but didn't quite have the syllables for the full thing.
For the first 5 years or so, Wormwood wasn't exactly fond of Sofia for two main reasons. One, he didn't like children, two, she'd unintentionally spoiled his plans of taking over the kingdom with Cedric. He went into lots of timeouts for harshly pecking Sofia with his beak. She'd only giggled, but Cedric was a rather anxious parent for the first few years and was terrified of her getting hurt.
When Sofia was a newborn, Cedric didn't like other people touching and holding her. He was very protective, anxious about contamination and worried someone would drop her.
Goodwyn didn't hold back on his criticism like usual. "You're holding her wrong." "That's not how you do it." Cedric almost never let him hold Sofia, not only was his father a somewhat rough parent, but he was worried about him getting too cocky and dropping his sweet baby to the floor.
Winnifred was welcomed to hold Sofia though. Cedric trusted her to be careful, he'd seen her handle other people's babies before, she was beyond gentle, and he could only imagine how she'd be with her grandchild.
The royal twins are a few years older than Sofia. Sofia's scared of some of Amber's friends, mostly Hildegard. She gets along well with James's friends and often gets invited to play with them.
When she was young, Sofia had severe sensory issues regarding food, there wasn't a lot she was capable of eating, much like Cedric at that age. He got told by many castle workers to just make her eat it and she'd be fine. But he completely refused. With time, she branched out to different foods, while there's still a lot she doesn't eat, she has much wider tastes.
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randomnameless · 11 months
Do we know if Humans and Nabateans can have children? I thought Flayn's mother was a Nabatean too, since she got her crest.
Technically, Flayn never says she got her crest from her Mother !
Nopes wise, in the jp version, Sothis doesn't seem to know her (she knew another Light Dragon?) and calls her a wonder - but jury is out whether she thinks Flayn is a wonder because she was born after, or during, her Big Nap, or bcs she Flayn is a hybrid.
So Flayn being half-nabatean is, basically, headcanon.
Immediately after the war, Flayn disappeared from Garreg Mach. At the same time, Linhardt mysteriously abandoned his claim to House Hevring, and also vanished. It was suspected, among those who knew them, that they had eloped, although no one seemed to know just where they went. Over a decade later, well after the Officers Academy had been rebuilt, something strange happened. A sleepy young girl with antiquated clothing and the Major Crest of Cethleann enrolled. Over the next two years, a young boy and girl with that same Crest also enrolled. Though Crest scholars deduced that they must be siblings, the truth of their lineage was never definitely proven.
Flayn's ending with Linhardt in FE16 is explicit, they got at least 3 children who were "viable" enough to enrol (also, are we supposed to understand in the new GM, children as old as 10 can enrol?).
Canon-wise, Nabateans and humans can have children !
Headcanon wise...
It has always been a possibility that fascinated me, especially because Supreme Leader is so biased against Nabateans when she could be of Nabatean descent herself, via Lycaon - but headcanons are fickle things lol
So there is an AU where Lycaon is a half-lizard, and is killed because of that - which leads Willy to ditch Adrestia and Rhea to abandon hope in Humanity to work on her rez Sothis plan.
Half-lizard Lycaon managed to fuck before dying, which would later lead to the Martritz siblings being hybrids too (but with 500 generations between them and Lycaon lol) - Supreme Leader and her ancestors descends from Empress Hildegarde, the scion of a kid Willy got after receiving his crest, who was never supposed to sit on the Adrestian throne but who took it nonethless when Lycaon "accidently died".
tldr : the matritz sibs are Rhea's far removed descendants
Noa, the apostle, was a Nabatean, and got her own children who ultimately formed the elusive House Nuvelle - they swore an oath of mutual assistance with House Hresvelg (their supposed cousins!) but with time that oath and its origin was forgotten, House Nuvelle just remembers they have a vow of allegeance to House Hresvelg.
Seteth's wife being a human (per his and Flayn's recollections, she was someone like Manuela and Judith??? Why couldn't we see her IS? KT?) is a HC I'll die for, her presence and support might have influenced some Nabateans on thinking maybe all humans weren't bad, and how they could work with some of them.
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annachum · 1 year
Some MCU! Nidavellir HCs :
. In Nidavellir, there are shield dwarves, mountain dwarves, gold dwarves, artic dwarves etc
. Actually all the 9 Realms operate in similar tribal/Feudal like systems as Alfheim's
. The shield dwarves are famous for their weapon blacksmithing and inventing skills
The mountain dwarves are famous for their incredible nomadic like inventions ans technology
The Gold dwarves are generally lovers of gold, mines and gemstones
The Artic dwarves have amazing cold resistances
. In MCU, Hildegund's dad is a shield Dwarf while her mother is a mountain Dwarf
. In MCU, Andrhimnir ( Volstagg's dad and the Chief Chef of the Asgard Royal Kitchens until Ragnarok ) is a hill Dwarf from Nidavellir
The hill dwarves predominantly live on a hilly landscape in Nidavellir and are known for its hill related survival and invention skills, oh and also a number of the hill dwarves came to have remarkable culinary related skills
. The Seacliff Dwarves in Nidavellir are a predominantly seaside residing bunch, famous for their incredible naval inventions and seafare related matters
The Seacliff Dwarven Realms have Ancient Nordic and Balkan influences
. The influences of several Nidavellir tribes :
. Gold dwarves : Ancient Magyar ( aka Pre Medieval Hungarian ), Hunnic and Ancient Germanic
. Hill dwarves : Ancient Germanic and Hetleva ( aka pre Medieval Switzerland )
. Mountain dwarves : Ancient Nordic, Germanic and Slavic
. Shield dwarves : Ancient Nordic, Germanic and Hunnic
. Blacksmithing and inventions are big in Nidavellir btw. In fact, blacksmithing and invention are amongst major backbones of Nidavellirs
. There is a Nidavellir dance called the Stomping dance, where dancers be wearing platform boots with jingles and be dancing and stomping their feet. It has several nods to Ancient Pictish dances, Scottish folk dances, Ancient Germanic dances and Ancient Nordic dances.
. The dwarves in general may be shorter in size yet the dwarves are born with SUPER STRENGTH.
. In MCU, two of the former Valkyries who survived Massacre of Valkyrie and are amongst Frigga's ladies in waiting are Hildegarde and Krista ( before they eventually became amongst diplomatic guards of rhe Nidavellir Embassy in the Asgard Cosmic Embassy ). They are Aesir - Dwarven hybrid, with their mom being a gold dwarf, which is a reason why Hildegarde and Krista love shiny things and feel deep connections with mines.
. Hildegarde and Krista are also amongst Sigyn's valkyrie friends btw.
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
Places to find my DAI Companions: Haven Edition
Aurora Amell - Near one of the buildings near the Apothecary. I imagine the one Dorian hangs around might be a makeshift infirmary, so she’d be located inside that one, tending to the wounded.
Seigfried Trevelyan - Down by the training area, I’m going to say there’s an archery range in that area as well and he’s helping with training their archers to be better shots.
Xoras Pharae - Outside of the Haven gates, you go right and you’ll find him training the snow, making an effort to avoid the shemlen.
Hildegard Cadash - The opposite corner of Sera in the tavern. She’s set up a desk there typically with letters and papers for her underground contacts. And typically has a mug of strongest drink on supply.
Inatar & Shamut Adaar - Typically together in Haven. As you go up the stairs where Varric is, you go left and they’ll be hanging out by the building there.
Sergio di Vasco - In the Chantry on the pews which are on the opposite side of where Vivienne usually is.
Etienne de Rousseau - In his advisor verse, he’s located just outside the Chantry to the left corner, looking towards the Breach.
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thescreaminghat · 2 years
not to indulge myself in very specific ideas that appeal only to me and me alone but i think oberstein and mariendorf should be friends, in the way that two people who accidentally get involved in manslaughter and now hang out with each other to avoid the other person from leaking their dark secret of having killed a man are friends
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megasocky · 2 years
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was going to do this for free day for tesfest but i dont like how its turning out so heres the doodle 👾
hc somewhere in the 2nd era Stefur and Sorley's shenanigans in Vivec city caused some sort of anti occult movement and Stefur tried creating a haven for occults though it resulted in him having to kill some people he didnt deem fit to stay in his haven where Sorley believed all is welcome, regardless of their background. Ended up causing a micro war against the two where Sorley loses everything he respected and loved abt Stef and kills him (but he comes back cause idk) also bonus pic of my lesbos Stefs daughter and Hildegard from the gold coast dlc
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
dirt esp with your omori hcs
“You literally have so many braincells holy shit”
Hahaha okay so me and my best friend share one braincell. Her name is Hildegard and she works double time simply so I can put out Omori content. She’s overworked and if she had a Union she would sue us. Haha thanks for the ask tho 💙🦫 (pretend the beaver is holding the heart out to you….I wish I had discord emojis on my phone)
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charmmycolour · 4 years
Answer questions about Dakavendish pls UwU
YES! I love any excuse to talk about my dorks!
1. Who kissed the other first?
I know, I know, but hear me out! Let me put a short and a long answer because the long one is long.
Short answer: Cavendish kisses Dakota for the first time without realizing, because he’s simply too excited and not thinking properly. And we know how touchy he gets when he’s excited.
Long answer (you can skip): It’s a personal headcanon that in the future Cavendish alone will get a better job at PIG, and at Dakota insistence he will accept. There’s a ton more to that hc, but basically at some point Cav would be in danger and, in his usual fashion, Dakota would rush to save him. But because they are trying to blackmail PIG and Cav is now important, they kidnap Dakota.
Cavendish tries to convince PIG to send a team to save Dakota, but Bob is all “he’s just the janitor, we can’t waste resorces on a rescue mission for him. Don’t worry about it!” and Cav is FURIOUS, but can’t really do anything about it and he’s too scared to go on a rescue mission on his own. This is too dangerous and he’s clumsy and insecure.
So Cavendish is mopping alone, not knowing what to do. At some point, Milo, Melissa and Zack find him and unaware of the situation just ask where is Dakota. And Cav is like, I can’t tell them the true! They would want to help and get worried, and I can’t involve three innocent children on this. So he lies and tells them everything is fine and Dakota is doing his own thing somewhere else.
But since the topic is there, Milo mentions Dakota is a cool guy and the rest agree. Cavendish, still on his "everything is fine" act tries to act like usual pointing Dakota's flaws "you won't say that if you had to work with him, he's messy, irresponsible, impulsive, always hungry, has no sense of fashion..."
But then he starts to trail off "and he gets excited with the smallest of things, can you imagine? I guess that's quite admirable on it's own way, but... I mean, I don't hate him, Dakota can be pretty helpful sometimes. He knows how to act under pressure, can talk his way out of situations, made our job a lot less boring, and to be honest, he's quite funny, even with that odd sense of humor; and he's the most loyal person I have ever know, he's kind and  witty and selfless and..."
He ends listing all kind of virtues and the kids look at each other and Melissa goes: "Wow, someone likes-likes Dakota, uh?". And Cavendish is just "What? No! I don't... I would never... Dakota is not..." then he suddenly is hit by the realization and just stares in the void, eyes wide. And Melissa of course would tell Zack "I told ya" and he would give her five dolars, because they absolutely have a bet going about this.
The kids will leave saying "Tell Dakota we said hi!" and after a few more moments of existential crisis, Cav would change to absolute determined and will go "I will" and decide to save Dakota on his own. And he goes and is BADASS CAVENDISH rescue mission.
And THEN, when he finally gets to Dakota, and sees him, and screams his name and hugs him, he kisses Dakota out of pure joy, and then smiles at him and says “Milo and his friends said hi”.
2. What was their first fight about?
We know it was about using the training car to get burritos hehe
3. Who sleeps in the couch more often?
Once they had a proper bed? Absolutely Dakota. Cavendish gets super huffy and Dakota would rather use the couch that listen to his complains (also Dakota probably don’t have problems sleeping everywhere, not because of the place at least.)
4. Who drinks coffee and who drinks tea?
Easy one! Cavendish drinks tea, Dakota drinks coffee.
Although I will say Cav secretly puts a lot more sugar on his tea that the average person would find acceptable, and despite his sweet tooth in other deparments, Dakota likes his coffe very bitter to keep him awake.
5. Who goes grocery shopping more often?
Dakota. Cavendish had been so sheltered all his life that he’s blissfully unaware on how much money food cost, or what is truly needed in a house. If you let him go shooping, he ends getting too much, and half of it totally unnecessary.
On the other hand, years and years of poverty had made Dakota an expert of how to buy cheap. However he also buys a lot of unhealthy food, but fortunately Cav is improving that part.
6. Who brings breakfast in bed?
Dakota does so often, the thing is that his concept of “breakfast on bed” consist mostly of a cup of tea and whatever sparse pastry was around at the moment.
Cavendish only does so on rare ocassion, but when it happens, he gets flowers, the most fancy breakfast he’s able to prepare and a a sweet note, if not some small detail. He takes the gesture very seriously.
7. Who sleeps first?
Cavendish. He enjoys routine, wakes up at 6:30am every day and it’s in bed at 9:30pm. By 10 he’s sleeping.
8. Who watches the other sleeping?
Dakota has bad sleeping habits, but it’s mostly due to night terrors and nightmares. He often watches Cavendish sleep, just happy he’s there, and he’s alive.
He also enjoys watching him mumble on his dreams, except when it’s about Hildegard or any of the other previour crushes of Cavendish, which Dakota hates. Not as much because the jealousy but at the fact Cav always gets rejected and hurt on these dreams.
9. Who met the parents in law first?
Assuming they ever get to see their families again, Dakota would be the one meeting Cavendish parents for sure. In fact, I’m not even sure Dakota wants to ever introduce Cavendish to his abusive mother and probably absent father, if father at all.
10. Who does the laundry?
Sunday is laundry day (Dakota doesn’t wear much on Sundays!), and the shorter man is the one that takes care of it. Putting clothes on a washing machine it’s easy, so he jumped at claiming the task inmediatly.
Plus he can pretend there’s no clean clothes he can wear for the day...
11. Who washes the dishes?
Cavendish, altough Dakota had to teach him because he hadn’t washed a dish before in his life prior to his job at BoTT.
12. Who clean up the house?
Cavendish. Again, he needed some help, but now he knows how to keep the space clean and tidy, he WILL keep the space clean and tidy. Dakota really don’t care much for order, but Cav can’t live without it.
13. Who washes the car?
You can bet Dakota not only washes the car, but absolutely does a lewd spectacle of it. There’s always more water and soap over him that over the vehicle.
14. Who brings take outs?
Both of them take turns, as take out is one of their favorite things. Sometimes Dakota just appear with them without warning, though.
15. Who calls the other to ask if they want something from the street?
Dakota is always too loud “Hey Cav, Cav, what do you want?? I take a large or an extra large?? What’s better? Cav, Cav, CAV!”
Cavendish often wants to sink on the ground out of embarrassment.
16. Who’s more likely to make plans?
Count on Dakota making plans on the spot and making most of the day. Cavendish has problems with changes, but still obliges because, well, it’s Dakota.
17. Who dreams about a big wedding?
Cavendish always had imagined his wedding as the most big, fancy, white party in the world.
Dakota was unexpected on that plan, of course. Wearing white around him can’t end well, Cavendish knows it. But somehow... he doesn’t care as much about the wedding anymore.
Dakota didn’t even want to get married, but now the idea looks a lot more appealing, if only to have the change to carry Cav around on his arms.
18. Who breaks the cups?
Cavendish, actually, all the time. Too clumsy for this world.
19. Who holds the umbrella?
When raining starts, Dakota usually silently puts the umbrella over Cavendish, which more often than not doesn’t even realize it’s raining and what Dakota is doing for several minutes. Dakota ends wet a lot, but he don’t care. When Cav finally realizes, though, he makes sure to put both of them under it and hold the umbrella, since he’s a lot taller. Dakota is thankful because his arm was starting to hurt.
20. Who takes the other to the dance floor?
Cavendish is a good dancer, but he absolutely never dances on his own volition. Dakota drags him to dance every time, and every time, Cavendish ends enjoying it.
21. Who does the big romantic gestures?
I think sacrificing yourself hundreds of times to save the other’s life counts as a big romantic gesture, so Dakota.
Cav tries his best, but is misfortune doesn’t help. Not that Dakota cares.
22. Who’s more likely to serenade?
Dakota. Not only has he the better singing voice, but he can make songs in the spot. Plus he likes to fluster Cavendish serenading him in public.
23. Who forgets the wet towel in bed?
You can bet Dakota does and you can bet Cavendish nags him for it.
24. Who don’t pick up things when they fell?
Dakota. What’s another thing in the floor?
25. Who keeps losing the keys?
Cavendish is CONSTANTLY missing everything. He don’t even understand why, his order is impeccable! Meanwhile Dakota, that thrives on his own messes, can locate any item in seconds.
26. Who sings the rap part?
The idea of Cavendish trying to rap anything is making me laugh too hard, so Dakota.
27. Who pretends to be sad just so the other will cheer they up?
Dakota is always cheering Cavendish up, although Cav is genuinely sad. It’s possible that he gets more pouty than necesary just to get Dakota’s attention, though.
28. Who wakes up ready for a maraton?
Cavendish does exercise every morning. Dakota hated it, until he discovered Cav wears a really ridiculous and tight 80 workout aerobic outfit for it. Since then, he wakes up early too only to watch Cavendish doing exercise in front of the TV.
29. Who buys them tickets for shows?
Cavendish. He insist they need to do more cultural things. Half of the time they end leaving at the middle and going to some childish activity instead, though.
30. Who choose the movie?
Oh, they are always bickering about who is choosing the movie and who has better taste. True is, both have terrible taste.
31. Who says ‘I love you’ more often?
After the first time (that took more than ten years!), Dakota finally feels free to say I love you, and will absolutely use it. Dakota reminds Cav he loves him several times a day for the tiniest of things.
Cavendish is more reserved, if only because he still gets flustered with the idea. He likes his words to hold a sense of uniqueness, and so he limits his love words to the most intimate or romantic moments.
32. Who keeps waving at people after they got engaged?
Half the city knows all the details about Dakota’s ring, because he can’t stop himself from bragging about Cavendish to everyone.
33. Who uses the most ridiculous nicknames for the other?
Cavendish is not a fan of pet names and only uses Dakota, and sometimes Vinnie or at most dear. Dakota don’t extend the courtesy to him.
Dakota calls Cavendish every pet name under the sun. Babe, handsome, amore, casanova, cutie, cupcake, muffin, sugar plum, sweetie, tesoro mio... even mister hot stuff or sexy pants.
Cavendish hates it.
He tried to make ridiculous names for Dakota, but Dakota loves every one of them. So now Cav calls him teddy bear.
34. Who’s responsible for date nights?
Date nights, as an event, is mostly Cav’s job. He organizes wonderful dates, but gets frustrated quickly if anything goes wrong, so Dakota spontaneous nature it’s a blessing.
35. Who wakes up one day and decides to stay in bed?
That’s Dakota 90% of mornings.
And 85% of the time, Cav doesn’t let him.
Sometimes, though... a few extra cuddles can’t hurt anyone.
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reginacrinita-blog · 7 years
also, with that said, i’m striking a lot of the pagan aspects of eda’s faith. maybe her women are a bit more pagan than she is, but i think she’s not so much pagan as wildly heretical all the time always
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persephoneggsy · 2 years
my hc is that my inquisitor, Hildegarde Trevelyan, was childhood bffs with Sebastian. getting into all sorts of shenanigans. maybe they were even going to be betrothed to each other before Hilde’s magic manifested and she was sent to the Circle.
then they reconnect when she becomes the Herald of Andraste (absolutely shocking Varric, who had no idea they knew each other). 
just immediate bonding over the fact that they both have ferelden lovers who are a bit gruff and standoffish in public but very affectionate in private, and who also gave them their lucky charms as a token of their love (cullen’s lucky coin and marian’s meteorite necklace).
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davismotomiyuh · 5 years
Sofia from sofia the first for the character ask :3
do I like them: I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3
5 good qualities: Brave, extremely loving, sweet as a button, independent, always there for other
3 bad qualities: Easily frustrated, can be tunnel visioned and jealous, too easily trusting
favourite episode/etc: Honestly? I have a lot o3o, I like the enchanted ice dancing one, the whole finale, the episode where she meets her mentor to become a protector, the aunt tilly eps, any eps where she bonds with her siblings, the mothers day episode, a loooot
otp: Sofia w Vivian :3
brotp: does Sofia and James count owO
ot3: Sofia Hildegard and Clio!!!!!!!!
notp: Sofia n Cedric pls dont put that anywhere near me cause y’all nasty n ya need Jesus :/
best quote: Does song quotes count bc this part always chokes me
“I’m more than that, but you can’t see! I may be small, and on my own, but I can feel how much I’ve grown.”
head canon: hc huh……. I like to hc traits on her Idk if it counts but I do see her as a bit of an airhead even tho its not a trait of hers, but u get me? like she just has like 239129300214325 things going on all the time i feel like shes stuck in her brain often and someone is like what is this math question and shes like “:]…. Wait, what?” Idk if any of that makes sense xD but yeah
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lcgacyofages · 4 years
Places to find my DAI Companions: Haven Edition
Aurora Amell - Near one of the buildings near the Apothecary. I imagine the one Dorian hangs around might be a makeshift infirmary, so she’d be located inside that one, tending to the wounded.
Emrys Moysten - in the apothecary building.
Etienne de Rousseau - In his advisor verse, he’s located just outside the Chantry to the left corner, looking towards the Breach.
Hildegard Cadash - The opposite corner of Sera in the tavern. She’s set up a desk there typically with letters and papers for her underground contacts. And typically has a mug of strongest drink on supply.
Inatar & Shamut Adaar - Typically together in Haven. As you go up the stairs where Varric is, you go left and they’ll be hanging out by the building there.
Seigfried Trevelyan - Down by the training area, I’m going to say there’s an archery range in that area as well and he’s helping with training their archers to be better shots.
Sergio di Vasco - In the Chantry on the pews which are on the opposite side of where Vivienne usually is.
Shalelan Amalasis - Outside of the Haven gates, you go right and you’ll find him training the snow, making an effort to avoid the shemlen.
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ultraxuma · 6 years
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((A bit of a creepy hc about Hildegarde but
What if Hildegarde hears voices in her heads that are actually the screams of the robots whom she’s eaten the cores of in the past, trying to haunt her and make her repent for her past actions
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
Places to find my DAI Companions: Skyhold Edition
Aurora Amell - If an infirmary is constructed, she would be there. If not, she’d be tending to the wounded on the lower level.
Ironina Lavellan - Just outside the door to the rotunda that goes to Cullen’s office. It’s typically the best vantage point of who’s coming and going from Skyhold as well as any agents which may have loose lips so she can listen.
Seigfried Trevelyan - by the bar in the tavern.
Xoras Pharae - Just outside the smithery.
Arik Tabris - Near the broken area of the battlements by the rotunda, just outside of a tower.
Hildegard Cadash - The guardhouse door by the gate. The area is the quickest way for her to send and receive her letters.
Inatar Adaar - if a training area is constructed, she’ll be there. If not, she’ll be hanging around where Cassandra is, probably leaning against the tavern wall.
 Shamut Adaar - If a mage tower is constructed, he’s on the roof of it. If not, he’s in the library but opposite side of Dorian.
Sergio di Vasco - One of the towers on the battlement closer to the garden area.
Etienne de Rousseau - In Etienne’s advisor verse, if a mage tower is constructed, he’ll be in the thick of it there. If not, one of the quarters over the hall to the war room.
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reginacrinita-blog · 7 years
here’s the biggest difference imo between hildegard and eda, and it’s not even the paganlike aspects of eda’s faith...
hildegard, one of my favorite historical figures, a person whom i love and admire and respect, was an asshole. THERE I SAID IT. she was an asshole! she did good, she did plenty of good, but she was also very bullheaded, kinda power-hungry, and she was CONTROLLING. she wrote to the POPE to keep her girlfriend in her convent. RICHARDIS. WANTED. TO GO! SHE WAS GOING TO BE AN ABBESS IN HER OWN RIGHT! HILDEGARD WROTE TO THE POPE TO KEEP HER!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!! how controlling is that dudes!!!! and her visions, her voice of the “living light,” always seemed to intervene to give her what she wanted. that makes her kinda fcking manipulative, don’t you think? (which isn’t to say that i don’t think she believed the voice of the living light was genuine, just that it’s Super Fcking Convenient that GOD HIMSELF apparently really wanted her gal pal to stay in her convent.)
eda is not an asshole. that’s kind of a blunt way to put it, but she’s really not. she has zero interest, unlike hildegard, in the accumulation of power, worldly or otherwise. i think that most of all what she wants is self-determination. and i think that unlike hildegard, who played the revelation of her visions to her advantage and used it to bolster herself, once eda saw the possibility that she could use her visions that way... that’s when she turned tail and left her original cloister and took all her gals with her to found the new convent, because she wanted None Of That. she was put in a position of power when she was elected magistra and when she founded the new community but it wasn’t about an active desire for power; more that she was the person chosen by her peers as best suited for it. she’s also NOT controlling, at least not in the same blunt and self-serving way as hildegard. i think that eda can be controlling if she thinks she knows what’s best, but she has a greater respect for individual autonomy than hildegard did, and doesn’t think of herself in quite the same way; she’s not the Vessel of the Voice of the Living Light--and if she does ever use that Poor Little Woman bit, it’s from an actual place of humility... although she probably does use it with some humor.
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
for Hildegard: self-assuredness, excitability, tall people
Try and guess a trait my muse finds attractive | ACCEPTING
“I like someone who knows what they’re doing and acts like it, so yeah. Excitability depends on the type. I’m not interested in young pup excitability but other than that, sure. As for height, I really don’t care how tall or short someone is. So not necessarily.”
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