dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
playing the new book and uhhhh lmao
not only are the character designs literally batshit dumb (the outfits look uncomfortable and also they rly went crazy on the boobs and thighs), but the characters already suck
ngl i miss the days of fjorm when we had actually decent heroes ocs
like i swear they just use ocs to slowly progress more and more to basically naked women every book and that’s the real purpose of progression in this game
like the story is predictable and all and for a mobile game that’s fine (not every game has the capability to be crestoria; i know, my thoughts on a good mobile game are skewed now bc crestoria was too good to be a mobile game but it was), but the designs are progressively getting more and more stupid
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devoutekuna · 19 days
Stupid things their child does
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna slept whenever he was bored, even if it meant in the middle of the vacant room. Soon his daughter would take advantage of his large body by playing on him. "Would you like more tea?" Nodding as she poured the tea into the cup. You and your daughter were having a tea party on her father as he slept, taking advantage of how still he always was and how broad his body was. Laying down next to your husband as you checked if he was actually asleep, poking at his cheek before sitting back up. He was a heavy sleeper most days. Feeling the traces of your clothes getting wet as you realize that it was your daughter's doing, spilling the cup of tea all over the blanket which rested on him. "Oh no" rushing out of the room to find some tissues, whilst you sat all the cutlery up properly.
Coming back with a roll of paper towels, starting to dab them on his clothes. "Hurry before he wakes up" giggling to yourself. Only to stop as soon as you heard your husband starting to shuffle about, rolling over onto his back as he saw his two loved ones sat beside him. A cheeky grin plastered on both of your faces.
His daughter had a thing for art, always drawing something or glueing something down. So when she wandered into her father's office whilst he was working, she realized that he had two copies of most books, some of them having a really pretty front cover. Taking into consideration that he was still reading them, she only took one off each shelf that she could reach which was about 4 in total. Bringing them towards the living room as she already started with her art. Placing her painted hand on the first page as she carried it on, marks of her fingerprints adorning the pages.
"I'm home" it had been a few hours since she had found the books and started her massacre of them, walking into the living room to find the copies laying on the floor with stickers, drawings or paint all over them, fortunately only 2 had been touched whilst the others were kept in their original condition. "Do you like it daddy?" Holding the book up to his face.
Leaving his daughter alone with paint would be one of the worst mistakes, most of the time she never acted on her curiosity after learning that the hard way. But when she gets left alone with a set of paint, she can't hold back. Sticking her hand onto the plate as she placed it on the table, unfortunately it was acrylic paint too, so it would be nearly impossible to get off. Placing her hand all along the table, a mixture of colours like pink, purple, blue and red, decorating the table with her small hand. Only stopping when she hears the footsteps of her father, unfortunately for her he was quicker and saw all the mess before she could put the paper back on. "Oh.." realising that she may actually get in trouble. Only sighing in defeat, he wanted to get annoyed at her but he knew it was his fault for leaving her alone.
It was his son's birthday and they had a bunch of balloons out, making sure they were filled with helium for his plan. Attaching a few strings onto his son's clothing. "Don't tell your mother about this, she'll kill me" blowing the balloons up with helium, noticing how he already started to lift off the ground. "Ahh! I'm going to fly" wrapping some more balloons on his small body. Body already leaving the ground. Putting his hand over his mouth as he tried to stop giggling, he was so excited to fly, just like his father. Head hitting the ceiling as he got to high. "Take me outside!" Dragging the boy by the strings towards the outside, this was a really stupid idea, already noticing how high he would get if he wasn't holding on. "Satoru!" His wife's voice made him jump as he dropped the string. "Are you stupid?" Running towards your son. He had completely forgotten about his son when he saw you. "Hi mummy!" Saving down as he got higher and higher.
"Help daddy!" Legs wailing in the air as she was laid down on the floor, she wanted to go on the mission with her father but he'd never allow that, but she really wanted to go so she did her last resort, trying to fit inside his worm. "What the-" refraining from swearing as he walked up towards the girl. Grabbing her by the legs as he dragged her out, tears streaming down her face, she thought she was going to get eaten by the thing. "I just wanted to come with you, b-b" crying her eyes out as she gripped onto his shirt, "But it started to eat me!" Getting it all out in one sentence before crying, getting his shirt all wet. It was stupid but he had to bring her on a mission after such dedication? "Your fine" leaving the worm alone, he didn't know if someone could survive inside of the worm since he never tried it before.
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notspiders · 2 months
Oh, Honey! (Bumblebee! Reader x Monster! 141)
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General Warnings: Mostly fluff. Reader is female and is described as rather small and chubby. Reader is clumsy. Reader has a very large family. Characters may act out of character. Poor grammar is likely. Cussing. Part 1??? Note: Monster! 141 belongs to @bluegiragi
Price watches you through the window.
Truthfully, he isn't sure how he and his team ended up here. One day they were being chased by a bloody team of zombies/cannon fodder, the next- he's laying on this extremely cozy bed (although it is a bit small) with his wounds nicely patched. Soap has gone hunting with the other women. Ghost is satisfied that they're all safe in this... rather massive cottage and has been snoring away in the next room for the past hour. Gaz has told him that he's going to just fly around and keep an eye out- just in case if the enemies somehow find themselves through the dense woods and into this clearing.
They really were lucky, Price thinks. According to you, the woods were a force themselves. Navigating through it, especially at night, is practically impossible. Compasses don't work. There's no signal and, of course, any type of aircraft just fail here. The woods are miles long and unless you packed enough supplies- it's suicide to dive back in and try to find your way out. It's just that sometimes the woods can help you, and sometimes the woods just gives you Mother Nature's middle finger and kills you. So there's that.
Naturally, the team was suspicious.
1) The explanation made no sense. 2) They were just outnumbered by a ton of enemies and to stumble upon this welcoming lot is... well, it's too good to be true, yeah? 3) You and your family are just way too happy. 3.1) There are no guys in your family. Your mother stated that men generally just wandered in, the family would treat them, and then they go away by themselves after a few nights. 3.2) Honestly, all of you look the same. Maybe there's like, a difference in hairstyles, body types, and obvious age gaps between the women here and there, but Jesus… Gaz has already made the mistake of confusing you, your cousins, your many sisters, and other random girls multiple times last night. 3.3) Scratch out the 'massive cottage' you guys claimed it to be. It's a mansion. Your 'family' is very large. There are many aunts, other women, cousins, other girls that were adopt into the family- Just no men. All living under the same roof and might as well be an army itself with how efficient you all did your tasks.
That said, it's very rude to point guns at innocent, clueless civilians. You, an adorably chubby, little bumblebee-hybrid (identifiable by the two rather pathetic buzzing wings behind your back), opened the door to them last night and stared blankly at their guns before cheerily ushering them in without freaking your head out. Next thing they knew, they got some quality homecooked meals cooked and served before them, plenty of drink (the honey mead everyone shared is excellent), proper treatment with their wounds (with... herbs), and warm beds. Ghost had stayed up the whole night and snooped around (just in case) but reported nothing interesting except for a few old hunting rifles and some overdue library books. Yes, each girl did carry a tiny foraging knife, but he's pretty certain they could still punt them like footballs ten at a time.
Morning comes- the team properly introduce themselves without being too specific of their occupation. There was a great deal of oohing and aahing as Price unfolded his one wing. His smoke did cause one girl to faint and her mother quickly asked for Price to... stop. He did his best and has, for now, stopped smoking his cigar. Everyone just steered clear from Ghost. Many children were petting Soap's head and playing with his fluffy tail, and others were stroking Gaz's wings.
Despite all the attention, Price's gaze is always on you. Maybe it was because of the fact that he's seen you first. You were just the cutest out of all of them. He wanted to whisk you away just to squish every soft part of your body and have you cuddled up beside him in his nest back home.
He's sorely disappointed to be told that he needs to return to bed so that his wounds can heal faster. No matter. The window gives him a very nice view of the clearing outside. Some girls are tending to the farm. Others are beekeeping. Plenty have gone to the outskirts of the forest to forage or hunt. Soap has offered to go out with the girls and they gladly accepted his help. (Tomorrow, he'll get off of this bed and join everyone too.)
Right now, you're picking the berries in your garden. It's amusing to watch you. Sometimes you bend over to pluck a few pretty flowers too- he's gotten a very nice view of your plump arse here and there. He's watched you buzz your small wings to just barely get a foot in the air and pluck an apple off the tree. Oh, how he wished to simply go out to lift you up himself... Your weight would be nothing to him.
From his observations, he's smartly deduced: Your body is round. Your little wings aren't designed for distance.
He loves the way you'd burrow your nose into any flower. Sometimes you remind him of Johnny's eagerness by the way you'd get a bit too enthusiastic and faceplant into the bed of flowers to take in the scent.
Price watches you get up, bump into your cousin (or is it sister? Or is this another girl? He couldn't be arsed), and the two of you collectively squeaked and apologized at the same time. Adorable. Fascinating. Beautiful. He hasn't felt this way ever since the time he xaight the glimpse of the shiny Excalibur in that stupid rock.
The lunch horn has been blown. He's been told that today's meal would be freshly baked bread and creamy chicken with wild rice soup. There’ll be tea and coffee for the drinks.
Price wishes his lunch would just be you.
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sp1d3rzz · 3 months
The Devil's Bride
Ryōmen Sukuna
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Warning!! : Mentions of death/killing, forced marriage, and basically Sukuna being an asshole and having no respect for reader.
Summary : After Sukuna reclaims his throne and becomes known as the King of Curses once again, he decides on bringing forth a Queen. You
A/N : I somewhat switch pov's during this so don't get confused. Part 2 coming soon!!
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Days have passed since Sukuna has once reclaimed his throne. Yet, he seems to be bored out of his mind. There's nothing to occupy him from his apathy.
Sure, he has countless people at his feet he can order to do as he pleases. But what's the fun in that? He needs something exciting to happen. Something to fill his empty pit of boredom.
He contemplates on whether or not he should start a war, find more slaves soldiers to do his bids, or perhaps even go on a killing spree somewhere random in this dark, dark world. Better yet— why not just kill everyone??
Well, not yet at least.
His teeth grind together and his fists clench in annoyance to this endless pit of nothing he can't seem to shake off.
But just before he rips someone's eyes out with his bare nails from frustration, he forges an idea. And with that idea, comes a no-good smirk spreading across his face.
What does every king have in every fairytale, movie, and book? That's correct. A Queen.
"You." His thundering voice reaches the ears of a guard who could be approximately 52ft ahead of him. "Come here." he motions with his fingers.
Almost immediately, the soldier makes his way up the steps and to the throne of his King. "Yes, my Lord?"
Sukuna makes a simple face of boredom, supporting his head with a propped up fist. "Gather 5 of my best soldiers and find me my Queen." his eyes squint, which silently says 'Hurry it up.'
And without another word, the guard takes off to seek out to the Kings orders.
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Not many people could get in the mind of Ryōmen Sukuna. To understand what goes on in that so called empty mind of his is mildly impossible. But, taking a wild guess, the soldier puts together things the King takes an interest in.
Power, Control, and Cruelty.
To find a Queen fit to the Kings likings, she must be innocent. A girl who can't stand up for herself, but when she attempts to, she cowards out.
A girl who needs someone to make the decisions for her. But also a girl who has a little spark in her soul. A spark that can carry her to victory no matter the battle.
This shall be the woman who Sukuna finds quite delightful.
The next step was finding a girl who fits this description.
While this soldier is pondering off into space, he almost forgets about his group of men. Which, he's surprised to see catch up to him with a younger looking woman.
"P-Please!! Let me go!" she sobs, loud enough the birds in the trees fly away and flee from the scene.
Tears flow down her cheeks and onto the dirt. Her clothes are scrunched up and dirty, most likely from how roughly his men handled her. And her breathing is so uneven, she might just pass out.
"I swear I'll never tell a soul—" hic! ",if you just let me go!"
There's two men on each side of her, both practically dragging her through the ground. "We found her out here by herself. She seems to be lost." The one on the left inquires.
Once she's dragged to be met face to face with the lead soldier, he grins.
She's a mess. Forehead so sweaty strands of her hair stick to it. Panting so rapidly, she might use up all the air she has left in her lungs.
The soldier takes one last look at the girl, eyes scanning her over, just to analyze how fit she is to take the role as Sukuna's Queen.
"What do you want for me?! Why– why are you doing this!" the girl begs to know any sort of information. Anything to get a grasp on herself.
No one responds.
She looks to her sides, expecting any kind of answer. But is instead met with the men completely ignoring her.
"She'll do perfectly."
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Heavy footsteps echo throughout your head, which by now has been ruined with a horrible headache. Lucky you.
It's hard to tell how long you've been out for. If they've hurt you, or if you've somehow died and awoken in the after life.
The only thing you're sure of is how much pain is coursing through your body. It's to the point you're numb all over and you can barely lift your head up. Barely lift a finger for that matter.
"My lord." A familiar voice rings in your ear and back out. "Your Queen." Another one seems to say in-front of you.
In a desperate attempt to figure out what the hell is happening, you weakly lift your head, blinking a couple of times to regain your focus.
Your vision still remains slightly blurry, but you're only able to make out a set of stairs. Stairs that lead to what seems to be a throne. And in that throne, sits a man.
As you concentrate on this mysterious man, your vision slowly begins to recover.
He has spiky pink hair, long black nails, two eyes on one side, with a plated set of 2 more next to it, and 4 arms? His chiseled shirtless body seems to be tattooed with stripes and dots on each of his shoulders. No, no, this can't be right.
"Bring her here." his voice practically echoes into the air.
Your eyes widen to this sudden command, and you wiggle your arms, attempting to loosen yourself of the men who have you a strict hold over you.
Though it seems to not work, because the men ignore you and continue to their orders. Step by step, the men take you to who appears to be the lead of this whole situation. The man who looks to be the devil himself.
In protest, you kick your feet a little, trying to gain balance and hopefully escape wherever you've been brought to.
But before you can successfully break away, it's too late.
You're met with the horrifying (but somewhat sexy) face of the man who has caused you all of this misery. You scowl at him, which in return earns you a small look of satisfaction.
His men hold you up to him like a piece of meat, dangling you in-front of his nose as if he was meant to devour you with one swift bite.
His eyes scan up and down your figure. Almost like he's purposely invading your personal space. "Pretty little thing, aren't you?" his words taunt you in a sense you'd never thought you'd feel.
You avert your eyes from his. Turning your head away so he's only in view of your cheek. You're mentally unable to face him.
The prideful moment you had was quickly interrupted. With one swift move of his arm, his hand snatches your chin and snaps you back so you can looking him eye to eye. "Did I say you could look away?" he growls.
His sharp nails press into your skin, making you wince. With how tight his grip is on you, it feels like your skin might tear.
His brows scrunch together lightly as his eyes lock with yours.
"Silence." he's quick to cut you off.
Your mouth closes shut almost instantly, and your head drops once he releases you from his grasp. Pathetic.
Everything hurts so much. Your head, your body, and apparently your voice now too.
Small whispers spread around you. From one person to another, you can hear all sorts of comments the strange people are making about you.
If the men holding you up right now were to let go of you, you're sure you would collapse and never get back up again. Fall into an endless abyss and never awaken.
"Take her to the cellar. I shall deal with her later." he orders.
You groan a little when the men tighten their arms around yours. But your vision fades back to nothing as they take you away.
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It's been hours.
Hours of crying, screaming, and wishing upon your own death. To end this confusing mess that has somehow been brought upon to you.
You're curled up in the corner of the cell, cold walls and bars keeping you away from whatever source of life might be out there.
It almost pitch black in the haunting cellar. The only things in sight is your arms, which wrap around your legs to pull yourself into a tight ball.
Everything feels dirty. You feel dirty.
Small droplets of damp moisture fall from the ceiling and hit the rough concrete. Your skin is hot, tingling up your bones to the point you might overheat.
Your mouth is dry, deprived from the lack of water you've had in the past week or so.
Before you were captured, you were on the run from home, escaping the endless chains of torment your parents had put you through.
It might have been a stupid decision, especially since you had no where to go at the time, but it had to happen. Your life wasn't meant to be lived like that, and neither was it for this life.
Your eyes close shut, mind struggling to block out the unbearable sound of water meeting cold, hard, ground. It itches down your skin with every fall.
Abruptly, the creak of a wooden door captures your attention quickly. Lifting your head up out of curiosity to see who's there.
"H-Hello..?" You call out, but it seems useless since no one replies anyways. Though you know someone has to be there. The evidence of lingering footsteps tells enough.
Seconds pass by to what seems to be an eternity before the footsteps stop in-front of your cage cell.
Everything, including the man in-front of you, seems so unreal.
He doesn't say anything, just stares down at you as if you were just some dirt on the floor.
"What do you want from me!" You shout at him, but it appears to get you no answer except a irritating frown.
Your teeth are gritted together, and it take everything out of you to not pounce at him. Well, not like you have the strength or energy to do so anyways.
He rests his bottom two arms on his hip, and crosses his other two over his bare chest. "Y'know, you're starting to piss me off."
A moment of silence rests between the two of you before he finally speaks up again.
"What's your name?" it's more of a demand than a question, but you don't care. You don't owe him anything.
And once again, another pass of silence flows by.
He raises a brow, giving you another chance to answer. But, it seems you wont of any use for the time being.
"Name's Sukuna, but you can call me your King."
His words catch you by surprise, lifting your eyes up in a shockingly manner. "W-What..?" you have to confirm what he just said was actually him and not just an imaginary voice in your head.
He let's out a huff, shaking his head to your stupidity. "Do you know why you were brought here?"
Well obviously not, or else you wouldn't have been taken aback to his statement. "No, I don't."
"You were brought here to stand beside me as I rule over this.. kingdom of mine."
And just like that, his words crash and bring down your whole life. Everything you've been through, fought for, and accomplished are all worth nothing. It was all useless.
"No, I refuse–"
A hand slams down on the bars, causing you to flinch. "I don't remember asking how you felt, did I?"
Immediately, you go quiet. The hurtful beating of heart being the only sound audible as he glares down at you from behind the bars.
"Tomorrow shall be the wedding. I'll have my men bring you to me first thing in the morning."
Leaving you no time to protest, question, or even give him a snarky reply, he disappears.
You're left all alone, mind now pounding with how quick this is all happening. You have no say in anything, it seems.
Nothing seems to matter when you feel your eyes flutter close. Too exhausted to reject this rest, you fall asleep.
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Thank you for reading! I'll try to have part 2 out as soon as possible (which contains the smut 👀) but I hope you guys enjoyed this so far ^^ Reblogs are also greatly appreciated 💗💗
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feyascorner · 5 months
5 | The Fangs Between Us
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summary. When he had his cold hands wrapped around your neck, it felt as if they belonged to death themselves. And in that moment, you knew that even if you struggled against him, if he genuinely wanted you dead, you would have no power to push him away. You would have no choice but to let the grasp of death pull you into the ground, underneath the surface, into the unknown.
You realize that, perhaps, the Astarion you knew was nothing but a pretty lie.
warnings. angst, comfort, slow burn, reader is a bard, italics are flashbacks/dreams
pairing. Astarion x GN!Reader
parts. TFBU masterlist
a/n. 6.4k words?!!? 😆 whenever i write for this fic i have the constant urge to make him grovel out of nowhere, and to compensate, i make him even worse
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“You were my first, you know.”
You raise both your brows, your eyes still trained on the lake stretching out to what seems like forever. The boulder beneath you feels cool to the touch against your skin. “Really?”
He nods, setting his book down to his lap. “Cazador, that crazy bastard, never let us drink from anything besides rats. We were strictly forbidden from humanoid blood because it would let us become too powerful.”
You squint at him. “...Well, what does it taste like?”
“Your blood?”
“Humanoid blood.”
He looks nowhere, as if he’s in thought, before humming, pleased at the taste that lingers on his tongue. “Exquisite.”
“That’s it?”
“Your blood was sweet, almost. Rat blood is terribly bitter, you see, and I only drank it for survival. But yours,” he grins widely. “I could drink nothing but yours for the rest of my immortal life, and I would never tire of it.”
Your face heats, and of course, him being him, it doesn't go unnoticed. He sets his book aside and shifts so he has one arm propped up next to you, his face dangerously close to yours. “I think you rather like the sound of that, darling.”
“It doesn’t sound…terrible,” you mumble. “Better than turning into a mind flayer, at least.”
His lips are inches from yours, so you instinctively tilt your head, allowing space for him to reach your neck. But his free hand reaches your cheek and tilts your head back, making you meet his eyes. It’s so close. So impossibly intimate that you pray he doesn't hear the way your heart pounds in your chest.“That’s not what I want right now, love.”
You nod slowly when his eyes flicker to your lips, and he’s pressed against you in an instant, your lips molding together as if they were made for one another. Even though you know they’re not, his arms feel warm when wrapped around you, and you bury yourself closer as if there’s even any space left between the two of you.
You know this must be a dream. But you’re not sure if you want to wake up at all.
But suddenly, your entire body feels terribly cold. Too cold, as if your very life is being sapped away from its roots, leaving nothing but a husk of a person behind. So you tear away, as much as you don’t want to, and see that you are no longer sitting before your lover. The spawn that nearly killed you in the alleyway is sitting in Astarion’s place, his teeth stained with blood as he smiles at you. Instinctively, you shriek and try to crawl away, but the sharp pain at your throat ceases your movement, making your hand fly up to the puncture wounds you’re sure to find.
Instead, you only find that your neck is sore from the bruises that bloom on your skin.
And as you stare at the spawn in horror, you realize that he’s not a random spawn. He’s covered in so much blood that you can’t even see his snow-white hair beneath the carnage, and all that stares back at you is a man who only resembles your lover. He lifts a hand, reaching sharp, maintained nails toward your face, and all you can do is brace yourself for what’s to come.
You just hope he ends the pain quickly.
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The last tenday has been nothing short of hellish.
The walk home from Sharress’ Caress had been a deathly silence—one where you refused to look anywhere but your feet–-and even once you arrived home to the chaos between Shadowheart and Lae’zel unfolding right before your eyes, you only watched Astarion pace up the stairs as if nothing is wrong. Even as they yelled at him, asking what he had to say for himself, he’d only scoffed and shut the door to his room.
‘A man child,’ Shadowheart had called him. Lae’zel said her offer of skewering him with her spear was still available.
You hadn’t corrected her that time.
As you clearly had too many personal emotions, you swallowed your pride and decided to pass the investigation off to one of your companions. You gave the list of spawn killings to Gale, asking him to take charge of the investigation starting that very night. He didn’t ask why.
The days after that were spent in a blur. Aside from the nightmares that only seem to get worse, your life in the daytime is as it was before the bodies started piling up. You spend every waking moment focusing on rebuilding the rest of the city now that you have all the time in the world. Only without the workload did you realize how time-consuming the investigation had been, and without it, your life feels strangely dull. It’s not unwelcome–at least, not now, anyway.
And as another day passes in a state of mind that is not your own, you slump face-first into your mattress. 
You only ever seem to return home in the dead of night anymore. Construction runs through the clock, and by the time you’ve managed to say your farewells to the people in the city, the sun’s long past said its own goodbye. Still, you suppose coming home late is better than falling asleep outside.
The handle of your dagger sticks into the side of your stomach, and you fish it out, laying on your back as you examine the bejeweled blade. It’s a pretty little thing, no matter how many sleepless nights you’ve spent staring at the beauty of something that’s taken countless lives. Most of which were his doing, even if you’re racking up quite the number on your own.
You want to hate him, but you’ve come to accept that perhaps you’ve grown soft. Maybe you’ve been surrounded by warmth for too long and now find that the hate you were once so accustomed to has now rendered itself to mush. You’ll learn to hate him—that much you’ve sworn—but you don’t want him dead as he seems to do with you. You have plenty of reason to hate him, and a part of you does, but it’s not enough to rival his distaste for you.
He’s made it clear enough that you cannot hate him the way he hates you.
You pace over to your drawer and place the blade in the deepest corner, where nothing but shadows will know of its existence. As you push the drawer shut, you hope that the next time you see the dagger, you’ll have forgotten it had been there in the first place.
You hear the window in his room slide open and then shut closed again. And if you were anyone else, it would cause an instant panic, but you’ve grown accustomed to the sound of it opening each night. And while the responsible thing should be to let the others know that he’s sneaking out every other night, you can’t find the energy to. Your sentiments toward him may be mixed, but you don’t want the only lead for the spawn case to be taken away just because he was sneaking out like a teenager in their rebellious phase.
There’s a more selfish reason why you’re keeping this secret of his, though you plan on taking it to your grave. It keeps him from approaching you with the request to go hunting. With Gale and Shadowheart busy with the spawn and Lae’zel not to be trusted around Astarion, you’re the only one capable of following him to his weekly supply restock. But you doubt he needs much animal blood when he has others ready for him at the pleasure house, and if this is his only way of getting there, then so be it.
You’re not really sure how to feel about it. It’s not a nice feeling, though.
“There’s someone here for you.”
You look up toward the doorway where Shadowheart leans with crossed arms. She points toward the stairs, and you force your legs up despite their insistent soreness from the past few days. They ache, but you’d rather burst into flames than stand another second longer than you have to in this room. You don’t have the energy to assess the look she’s giving you as you pass by her shoulder.
The man at the door is one your intuition seems to recognize, but your mind comes up empty. The emotions don’t seem mutual, as he straightens his back the second he spots you.  “You.”
You glaze your tired eyes over his attire–one with the mark of the Flaming Fist proudly posted on his chest. He shifts, and you notice his short brown hair peeking from under his helmet. “Yes, me. You called for me.”
He clears his throat, blinking wide grey pupils with a hesitant glint. “I apologize for what I said the last time we met. It wasn’t for me to step out of line like that.”
You stare at him quizzically, unsure of who this man even is. He notices. “Wait, don’t you remember me?”
“I was at Roger Highberry’s murder scene! Yevir? I interrogated you for nearly an hour!” his jaw drops, and you somewhat make out his face from the blurry segments of your memories. All of which are not entirely pleasant, from what you can recall. The accusations thrown in your direction for being responsible for the murders were already cruel enough, but you remember how a fight nearly broke out between the two of you, making your lips purse.
You rub the side of your head to soothe whatever headache is sure to follow soon. “What do you want? Are you here to ask if I’ve been murdering people again?”
There’s one you might be so inclined to murder right now, just upstairs. Figuratively. Well, maybe…
“No,” he seems flustered, and you’d feel bad if it were not for your last interaction. “Like I said, I wanted to apologize. I was in no place to accuse you of something so horrid, and I did so without solid proof. I was—desperate and lost my composure.”
At this, your ear perks. An apology after the complete bullshit you’ve been through the past few weeks doesn’t sound bad at all. Still, your caution remains as you lift your chin, eyes lidded. “...You just came to apologize?”
“Yes. Ah, and–” he reaches into his pocket, scrummaging around until he pulls out a scroll wrapped neatly with a red bow. You arch a brow, and he holds it out to you. “My men were attacked last night at the pier next to the Blushing Mermaid. This is the file report I wrote up this morning.”
The Blushing Mermaid. Despite the hopes that had sparked with the conversation with one of Cora’s orphans, Shadowheart had come up completely empty after numerous visits to the tavern. She only mentioned a few brawls, which quickly had Fist rushing in or a couple of drunk smugglers, but that was it. By now, you assumed the tavern itself had no connections to the spawn murder sprees that increased in numbers nearly daily. Perhaps Roger Highberry had just been at the wrong place and the wrong time.
“We tried to talk to them—one, at least,” he continues as you let the scroll unroll on itself. “They seem to be looking for someone. They said they were only willing to listen to the ‘bard’---which I assume is supposed to be you.”
Your face hardens as you scan the report, acknowledging the details scribbled into the sheet in messy handwriting and the bags under his eyes to go along with it. “What were they looking for?”
“Another spawn, we think, judging from what we gathered before they became hostile.”
Despite how your heart sinks into your stomach, you swallow the lump in your throat and tear your eyes away from the report. Who else could it possibly be? And though you want to lie to yourself that perhaps, on some strange chance, this other spawn is someone other than the one residing right beside your room, you know it’s a foolish belief to pray on.
Astarion had tried to sacrifice all 7000 souls of the undead right before their very eyes. The ritual–if you could even call it that–-was mass murder. One he very nearly executed.
You were only unsure if the other spawn sought him out to reconcile or for something much bloodier. You’d likely bet on the latter.
“Have you shown this to the Duke yet?”
“No,” he admits, almost shamefully. “I couldn’t.”
He must be able to tell your shock because his face crumples. “There was someone among them. A friend. I thought she’d gone missing years ago, but…On this small chance that maybe she’s still there, I came here to ask…”
His fists clench, his gaze darting anywhere but your own with a hesitance you’ve become all too accustomed to the past few weeks. Still, they have a glimmer of hope as he swallows hard. “...If you’d be willing to help me.”
You can’t mask the way your eyes widen. He blinks rapidly and immediately reaches to dig around his other pocket, where he hauls out a bag that jingles with the contents inside. The familiar ring of gold. The sack itself is shabby, old enough to split open at any second, and it’s only the size of his palm, but he holds it as if it’s a fragile glass piece. “It’s all I have. I know I’m in no position to ask you for help, especially with how I treated you last time we met…but I’m desperate, and I know the Duke must trust you for a reason.”
“You want me to do what exactly?”
“Let me speak to her. Please.”
Almost instantly, you push the pouch back to his chest, eyes narrowing. “A vampire spawn won’t be the same person you knew.”
“I know. But surely, she would at least recognize me-”
“She’ll be different. She won’t hesitate to kill for blood. Not even yours, if she’s hungry.” This much, you know.
“I know,” he blurts louder. “Please. If I go to the Duke, he’s sure to raid the tavern, and she might get killed in the process. If I was the reason that she died, I don’t know—I can’t even—”
She’s already dead, you think. The words nearly escape your thoughts, but you bite your tongue hard enough to draw blood, sealing it shut.
“Her heart no longer beats for you.” Just give up, you plead. Understand that she is not the woman she was. You notice the irony of the statement, but it doesn’t stop you, desperate to prevent this man from making the same mistakes as your own.
“My own heart beats enough for the both of us.”
And perhaps it’s because of the glint in his eyes that feels all too familiar to your own. Or maybe it’s because of the way he appears on the brink of tears and the eyebags dragging at his skin. Or perhaps it’s a more selfish reason of your own. But regardless of what the reason is, the report crumples in your fist as you nod stiffly.
“We’ll do what we can.”
You swing the door shut harder than you probably should, but the sun feels too bright on your skin. And his imploring eyes only hinder your resolve to drift away from all that’s happening. You claimed you’d try, not that you’d produce results. It might be a selfish thing to do—ignoring a person in need—but does it matter, really?
Is it so bad for you to be selfish for once?
Gods, who are you kidding? You’ll end up helping anyway, especially after he came to ask you in person.
Thinking too long hurts your head. When you turn to climb back up the stairs, your heart nearly stops as you realize you’re not alone in the room.
Blood-red eyes bore into the side of your head, his presence almost nonexistent with how his chest doesn’t even move to allow him to breathe. He stands across the room, unmoving and still, as if time itself has stopped for the two of you. You suppose for him, it has.
But you know better now. At least, you think so. For him, time may be something irrelevant, but for you, it continues flowing, leaving no chance to catch up if you dare to fall behind. And you no longer want to chase the ticking hand of your own clock to attune yourself to his. He’s made himself clear, and you refuse to waste away precious years of your own life to mourn his. So, instead of gawking at him like a deer in headlights, you lock the door and pace up the stairs, barely brushing past his shoulders. You have half a heart to shove past him, but considering you barely manage what you did, you think better of it. 
The entire time, his eyes follow you like a hawk.
“What was that Fist here for?” he asks as you reach the top.
You don’t bother looking back at him. “...Spawns killed a few soldiers last night.”
A pause. “Surely that’s not all.”
“That’s all you need to know unless you plan on helping us,” you snap. You wish you sounded as cold as you would’ve liked, but instead, it comes out like a last-ditch effort, as he barely acknowledges the bite in your tone.
“Are we not discussing the very spawns whom I called my dear siblings for two centuries? It’s very much my business.”
“And you think those spawn—which you tried to kill for a bloody ritual, might I add— still consider you their brother?”
That shuts him up.
He doesn’t say anything else, and you take the opportunity to march straight into your room. Your chest swells in a pitiful pride as you force yourself not to glance behind you, admittedly relieved you were at least able to manage some semblance of a cold shoulder, even if it wasn’t as dramatic as his own. Ignoring him is childish and quite frankly, a bandage on a more significant wound, but even this feels like a small victory after his last words to you.
“Do you?”
“Do I what?”
“Hate me.”
“Yes. More than anyone.”
You try not to let your face fall by rubbing your temples with your thumbs again, soothing the headache that threatens to wrack your body. He’s drawn his line, and it’s time to draw your own.
Shadowheart, who hasn’t budged from where you last saw her, grins. Judging from her smugness, she must’ve heard you. “Didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Me neither.”
She holds out her palm, and you weigh if you should even give her the report before giving in, placing it for her to read. Her eyes skim over the contents as you anxiously shift your weight on both legs. And eventually, she lowers the sheet. “I’ll deal with this.”
“But they’re looking for me. They won’t cooperate unless–”
“I’ll deal with this,” she repeats, folding the report before pocketing it into her pants. “Focus on repairing the city.”
“You entrusted us with this, and we plan to follow through. You’ve done more than enough for this city already,” she sighs. “And besides, we could use a bard around here.”
She gently shoves you toward your door. Despite your hesitance, she gives you an assuring nod and begins heading for the stairs, giving you no space to insist on offering your aid. You’re left standing idly in the hall, brows knitting together even as you reassure yourself that she and Gale are more than capable of handling themselves.
But then again, you’d thought the same for yourself. Clearly, after the night you nearly died and the nightmares that haunt you of that very same night, you’d been wrong.
You hear footsteps you’ve memorized as ones to avoid, and just as you see the tips of his white curls, you rush into your room, slamming the door shut behind you.
You need a drink.
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“Haven’t seen you in days.”
You slump onto one of the wooden stools at the bar, rubbing at the soreness of your own shoulder from hours of hauling rubble and debris from more crowded parts of town where they could pose a danger. The other citizens who had worked alongside you trail in through the tavern door, laughing and cheering at today’s accomplishments as they sit across the tables. In an instant, the relatively calm tavern becomes rowdy and filled with life. Your eyes glaze over their victorious expressions as you respond. “Been busy.”
“You’re the only customer I don’t want to see, you know?” Alan wipes at one of his glass cups with a cloth. You wonder if he ever tries on his bartending uniform or if it just rots in the back of his closet. “Thought I finally got rid of you.”
“I bring plenty of business, so what’s to dread?” you offer him a lopsided smile, watching him as he pours your favorite beverage into a cup, almost routine-like. “I brought in plenty of customers when I performed here, too. If anything, I’d think you’d be grateful to see me.”
“I said I don’t like you as a customer, not an employee. I’d rather not watch the so-called hero of Baldur’s Gate passing out on my tavern floor.”
“Business is business,” you shrug, sipping at the drink. You reach for your gold pouch, but he shakes his head.
“You know you don’t have to.”
You toss him a gold coin anyway. “I want to.”
As you drink, you gaze blankly at the bard playing at the corner of the room, a crowd of half-drunken patrons surrounding him as they toss gold, hats, and even a shoe at them in applause. This only prompts the bard to sing louder, their fingers plucking at the strings of their lute. Of course, with the nature of the tavern, the song is rather ambitious rather than soothing, but it’s nice to listen to nonetheless. You watch as another bard, this one with a drum, perches next to them and begins playing in unison. The patrons clap louder to the beat.
A man sits next to you, ordering himself a booze before turning to watch the bards. You’ve never seen him around, but he seems comfortable enough, thanking Alan when he receives the drink. He gives it a sniff, then sets it down. “Nice song, no?”
Your eyes never leave the gleeful expressions of those listening, only recognizing moments later that he’s speaking to you. “Yes, pretty nice.”
“My daughter loved this song when she was younger. Even wanted to learn it herself on her flute,” he says, and a part of you wants to ask why he’s initiating conversation, but you bite your tongue. Surely most people come here to drink, not to talk with strangers? There’s a strange familiarity to him that you can’t put your finger on, and it’s enough to keep you intrigued. “She even wanted to be a bard at one point.”
“I’m assuming she didn’t become one?” you indulge him.
“She died before she could, unfortunately.”
You finally look away from the crowd and turn to him, face falling. And while you should console him, your instinct tells you that’s not what he needs. His face is solemn. Dull as if he’s become accustomed to the death of his own child, and it reminds you of the hopelessness of yearning. Any kind, really, whether it be yearning to love and yearning to care. “Was she any good at playing?”
He stifles a laugh. “Oh, she was the best. Could play better than half the bards at the circus a couple of months after I got her that flute.”
You sip at your drink again. “Being a bard isn’t the most stable of career choices when you’re alive and have a stomach to feed. Wherever she is now, I’m sure she’ll be free to sing all the songs she wants in this world.”
Perhaps your words may be insensitive, but he doesn’t look to take it that way, keenly listening to the song while you wager if you can afford one more drink.
“You know,” he says again. “Most people tell me that they’re sorry for my loss—or something along those lines.”
“Do you want me to say that?”
“No, I prefer that you be honest,” he shakes his head. “It’s refreshing.”
You return to watching the bards, who seem nearing their piece's end. The man lifts his booze to his lips and takes a large swig. “You seem acquainted with loss. Have you lost someone recently?”
“To death?”
“Doesn’t have to be.”
You’re not sure why, but you feel that confiding in this stranger comes easier than confiding in your companions. The guilt eats away at you for being unable to trust the people who care for you most, but a stranger cannot judge you. A stranger does not know you, so they cannot see you differently for your thoughts. And most importantly, a stranger cannot pity you. “I almost lost them. But I didn’t.” 
He hums, telling you he’s listening.
“I saved him, I think. Well, to be honest, I’m not so sure anymore. I like to think I did, but I don’t think he thinks the same.”
“Why’s that?”
“I…” you trail off, looking into the half-empty cup reflecting your face. Gods, you’re a mess. “I took something from him to save him.”
“No, nothing like that,” you mumble, swirling your cup mindlessly. “I took his choice away.”
“I see. He must’ve not wanted to be saved, then, is that right?”
You don’t answer him. The air becomes silent again, but the soft tune of the lute, and even the bartender is no longer paying attention to anyone in the tavern, only watching how the bard’s fingers file through the strings. The only person who doesn’t seem distracted is the man beside you.
“Do you regret it?”
“Saving him?” you pause, and maybe it’s the drink getting to your head, or perhaps it’s the way the music seems to fade out, but the words stumble out of your mouth before you can even process them. “I want to regret it.”
From the corner of your vision, you finally notice that his booze is still filled to the top, untouched.
“Does Astarion regret it too?”
Realization dawns on you.
You can see them now—the fangs that peek out from the smile stretching across his lips. And yet, it is not a malicious smile that confuses you even more. It would almost feel genuine if you weren’t in such a vulnerable position, and immediately, you’re thinking of ways to defeat him with just a bottle of wine with your head still spinning. 
The door to the tavern swings open.
Lae’zel almost looks out of breath as she sprints to you, a sight you don’t see every day. “Come! They were ambushed.”
When you turn back to the man sitting at the bar, you only see a gold coin beside a full cup.
You don't have time to delay, as Lae'zel yanks out of the tavern.
You've never run faster in your life. But your mind remains elsewhere, unable to keep up with the speed of your body because it's too busy being stuck in the past. Do you regret it? Does he? Until now, before Astarion’s arrival, you'd been sure it had been the right thing to do to stop the ritual. And now, after hearing all the resentment he harbored toward you as a result, you wonder if it was worth it at all. If losing him was worth the ache you endure now. Before you can snap yourself straight, the memories flood in like a dam breaking open.
“Do you love me?”
“I do. I do love you.”
You don’t expect him to say it back. Not when he looks taken aback at how quickly you’d answered him, his eyes flickering with something you can only describe as a false sense of confidence overwhelmed with a glimmer of fear that means so much more. You know love is hard for someone who hasn’t felt it in 200 years. You know this and, therefore, cannot expect it from him right now.
He cares for you, and that’s enough.
He presses his lips to your temple, and you ignore the restless aching in your chest.
Did he regret being with you then? What did he regret? There's so much you want to know, but nobody willing to answer them.
Shame floods you as you realize you’re distracted, even in such a dire situation for your companion. One more reason to hate him, you suppose—not that you’re keeping count. There’s too much blood drenching your hands, sticky and weighing on you like a pile of bricks as you burst into your shared home in the dead of night, the unconscious body of Shadowheart slumped over your back. Gale rushes to the kitchen immediately for supplies while Lae’zel slams the door shut, shoving her sword against the wall.
“Give her to me,” the githyanki demands as she picks up Shadowheart like a sack of potatoes. The half-elf groans loudly, and you hiss.
“She’s bleeding, Lae’zel, be careful!”
“I’m always careful,” she snaps back and lays your companion across the dining room table. And finally, in the light of a few flickering candles, you can see the damage that’s been done.
A large slash runs through her pelvis to just below her chest, and you can hear Gale swallow the lump in his throat before desperately resuming his rummage through the cabinets for a healing potion. Even if he’s injured too, he doesn’t seem to notice. She’s bleeding—too much for you to handle but enough for you to keep your eyes glued to her pained expression. Even unconscious, the pain seems to seep into her dream as she grunts, gasping for her breath.
It was a mistake. You should have gone in the morning. You should have been with them.
“We used all our healing potions in the battle. We need to make more,” he reaches for the cabinet where he keeps most of his ingredients. However, as he begins grinding them together, he stops and whips around to Lae’zel. “Victims outside the Blushing Mermaid. They might come back for them.”
“For corpses?” you answer for her.
“For their blood, dammit! Their children were there, alive and afraid,” he hisses at the pain of his own injuries. “Please, go check on them in my stead.”
She glares. “Tchk. What a stupid suggestion. In this pathetic state that all of you are in-”
You push her toward the door with all that remains of your strength. “Go. We’ll be fine.”
Her brows furrow, but she scoffs, relenting. “Fine. This is the last time I clean up your messes.”
You know she doesn’t mean it.
Once she leaves, you’re hunched over Shadowheart, dabbling in your less-than-effective means of soothing her. You can only hear Gale, who keeps feeding her healing potions, but it’s not nearly enough if her groans tell you anything. She needs a potion of greater healing at best, and those haven’t been exactly plentiful in supply after most of the city’s potion shops were destroyed in the war against the illithids. Another thing you should have done is stock up on potions. But you’d thought your group had had enough—at least, sufficient for a few more battles.
He rushes into the other room, mumbling about making a potion from scratch.
You clutch at Shadowheart’s hand, praying Gale would hurry up to cease the way she writhes under the candlelight. All you see is the red staining her clothes.
When you think things can’t possibly get worse, you hear the top stair creak under someone’s weight.
You must be cursed by at least one god. You’re sure of it.
He looks nearly starved. Almost as if he hadn’t drunk in days—but surely he hadn’t been this bad just this morning? His face is pale, though it’s always been white as a sheet, and his crimson glare is glued to the blood dripping off the edges of the table like a harpy with their luring songs. You feel your stomach drop as you recall you hadn’t even had the guts to stare at him in the face, and perhaps he had looked this bad. Maybe that’s why he’d approached you in the first place and asked about the Fist—not to spite you in a taunting manner, but simply because he was starving.
Whatever happened to drinking from the ladies at Sharess’ Caress? 
You don’t have time to ask; honestly, you don’t want to know the answer either.
You’re convinced he might have fed off of nothing but the rats he loathes with how sunken his eyes appear from the bags forming beneath them. The overwhelming scent of blood must have lured him out. Even you would have plugged your nose if you weren’t so concerned over your friend's wellbeing, and it’s then that you realize what he’s truly here for.
Almost instinctively, you step in front of Shadowheart, hand going to reach for your dagger. You grasp at nothing but the air.
His lips stretch into a dangerous smile. One that is not welcome right now. “Why the hostility, darling?”
“Go back upstairs. I’m warning you.” It’s just you, Gale, and an unconscious Shadowheart in the room at the hands of the hungry vampire, practically ravenous for blood. While you’re sure Gale could handle himself as long as he doesn’t succumb to his injuries, you have nothing in your possession but Shadowheart’s hand and a candle on the table. And on top of this, you’re unsure if you’ll be able to protect Shadowheart in the crossfire if a fight breaks out. 
Your mouth feels dry. You can taste blood in your mouth, but you only realize moments later that it’s your own.
Your mind flashes back to the spawn who nearly killed you mere weeks ago. They’d had the same simmering hunger in their eyes, keen to kill in favor of satiating the endless longing for blood. The same spawn managed to overpower you with such a drastic difference in strength, making you wonder what Astarion himself is capable of. He’s had decades more experience and killing—perhaps he’s even stronger.
No, he’s definitely stronger.
When he had his cold hands wrapped around your neck, it felt as if they belonged to death themselves. And in that moment, you knew that even if you struggled against him, if he genuinely wanted you dead, you would have no power to push him away. You would have no choice but to let the grasp of death pull you into the ground, underneath the surface, into the unknown.
“Oh, poor Shadowheart,” he taunts. “She’s already lost so much blood…”
“And she’s not losing anymore.” You don’t dare to lift your eyes from Astarion. 
The hammering of your chest, the quickening of your breath—they are all things that he does not feel. You wonder if he feels anything at all. You’re sure he’s capable of hatred, he’s capable of reveling in the blood of his enemies, and he’s capable of laughing as he stabs a blade into a man’s eye.
But you wonder if that cold, dead heart of his can feel anything but for himself.
“You look unsettled,” he mocks. “Shall I drink from her? She certainly wouldn’t survive in the state she’s in, though…it would be a bit of a waste, don’t you think?”
You taste blood again from how hard you’re biting your lip.
You’re not sure if it’s just the booze driving insanity to your head or the encounter with a spawn just minutes ago, but the look in his eyes makes your chest tighten. The hunger, the bloodthirst, and the sheer drive to satiate his vampiric needs are enough to make you feel like prey cornered by a starved owlbear. He doesn’t look himself. He seems more like the spawn who’d nearly killed you. And for the first time since you awoke to his fangs bared at your neck during a night at the camp, you see him for what he is.
A vampire spawn—a monster.
This is not your Astarion. In fact, he’d never existed. He’d never loved you, and while you believed his care was enough at the time, you think that might’ve not existed either. This is not the same man who reassured you in your times of need, praised your very being, and gazed at you with nothing but love as you excitedly showed him your new pieces of music. This is not someone who had looked utterly confused when you confessed you wanted more with him because he could not imagine being a priority to someone else. This is not the same man who you once called your lover.
Your lover would not choke you to the brink of death, with nothing but malice urging him on. Perhaps you stopped the ritual from taking his soul, but maybe something else had taken it anyway. And you’re finished making a fool of yourself, hoping he reciprocates a love he cannot give.
When he steps down the stairs, the butter knife that sat on the table seconds before, flies through the air.
Whoever this is, you decide you do you hate him. You’ll force yourself to forget what he was to you if you have to, the same way he did to you. And this time, there is no hesitance or lingering feelings behind your words that represent the weak, naive part of you that can’t help but hold onto memories that no longer matter.
You truly, utterly hate him.
The knife barely flies past his skin, piercing itself into the wall, and it relieves you of the tension that’s weighed on you for the past few months, like plucking a thread from a poorly sewn piece of cloth.
“I won’t miss next time,” you snarl, your words laced with poison and your glare filled with daggers. It's a tone you rarely use on enemies, much less your allies, but all you can think about is your unconscious companion lying behind you.
For once, he looks almost surprised. His eyes are wide, unblinkingly staring at the bloody butter knife that nearly sliced off the tip of his nose before drifting over to you. You heave, your chest rising up and down as you try to catch the breath that doesn’t seem to exist, and he raises both his brows. 
“Threatening me with a butter knife? Really?”
You've never threatened him at all, really. Not even when he first asked you for your blood. But now, even that seems like an afterthought.
“Go,” you spit.
He looks at the blood dripping wastefully on the floor, then at you. His face finally falls, but he wets his lips with his tongue glazing over his fangs, and it boils your blood enough to make you lightheaded. And though the breath you’d been grasping at comes back to you when he turns to disappear back upstairs, his parting words do little to ease the squeamish feeling in your stomach.
“I prefer this spiteful part of you far more, darling.”
You fight the urge to use the candle as a weapon next.
Tags:@ayselluna@littleenglishfangirl@bg3obsessedsideblog@iwillpissyourpants@cyberpr1m3@ukeia-uchiha@snowlotr@road-riot@spacekidnova@madislayyy@lordfishflakes@nicalysm@djarinsway@tinystarfishgalaxy@brainz00@hopeful-n-sad@ohdeerieme@madisban@chrismarium@chonkercatto@fanfic-share@bitterrenegade@sleepyred1703@miskouly@ravenswritingroom @iamlowkeycrying @deezus-roy @spiritraves @mariposakitten @dinobae-replyacc @whisperingwillowxox @bdudette @misscrissfemmefatale @atropapurpurea @cosywinterevenings @phoenixgurl030 @generalstephkenobi @shadowsmusical Please let me know if I didn't add you to the list or if you'd like to be added!
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yawnderu · 7 months
K-9 — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader | Chapter V
Sick as a dog, and just as vicious.
1 2 3 4 5
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''Stop looking at me, Johnny.'' Your voice is strained, currently being crushed by the mass of pure muscle currently laying on top of you.
''Cannae keep my eyes off of ya, doc.'' You roll your eyes, attempting to change positions before giving up. The man is not going anywhere.
''Or your hands. Let go of me.'' You gather the strength to try to push him away again, just for Johnny to make himself heavier and shoot you a cheeky smile. As if being woken up by the man running into your room and crushing you wasn't bad enough, he was refusing to let go or move, arms wrapped around you tightly, legs caging you in.
''Next time I'm letting you die.'' You sigh, stopping the struggle just for your best friend to lay down next to you, an arm wrapped around your shoulder.
''Saved my life out there, bonnie.'' The man is like a golden retriever and it's practically impossible to resist his charms, not when he has been in a coma for two whole weeks after the surgery, leaving you alone with the rest of the team. Your hand comes out of the blanket to gently pat his cheek before your arms are wrapping around his neck, bringing him closer, foreheads pressed together.
''I kinda missed you, you know?'' His arms wrap around your waist as he brings you even closer, hearts pressing together. He sighs, looking away before looking back at you.
''Thought that was the end of me, doc. Fuckin' Makarov got away an' I get a bullet to the heid.'' Johnny has always been an open book, anger and frustration clear on his face, yet his eyes showed the fear he felt at the idea of being an inch from death. Your chuckle brings his attention back to you, eyebrow raising in a display of attitude only Gaz can surpass.
''Took me 12 hours to bring you back, Johnny. Got help from Ghost for the chest shots, but your head...? If anything that shouldn't be touched was messed with, we could have lost you— or made you into more of an idiot.'' He playfully tugs on a strand of your hair, a small smile on his lips, yet his eyes were just as haunted as before. He took a deep breath before holding you closer, your face buried on his chest, warm hand on the back of your head.
'''t was scary, bonnie. Thought I'd wake up in hell with all the fannybaws I've killed.'' A dry chuckle escapes his lips as he lets go of you, giving your forehead a small kiss before getting up from bed, looking around your room before his blue eyes go back to you.
''Thank you. For saving me.'' Your gaze softens as you look up at him, finally getting up from bed and gently patting his shoulder, looking at the small patch of hair that had to be shaved off in order to have more space to operate.
''Should have shaved that stupid mohawk while I was at it.'' He gives you an overexaggerated look of mock offense and you grin up at him, happy to at the very least, have your best friend back. He's not ready to be out on the field yet, so you can already expect him to be bothering you or Simon as much as possible.
His hand drapes over your shoulder as he guides you out of your quarters and drops you off in an interrogation room, your eyebrow raising as you look up at him for an explanation.
''L.Ts teaching you how to interrogate people. Said something about ye becoming more involved in field work.'' You don't question it, knowing if anything happens to the team while out on a mission, you'd have to take over. Johnny gives you a smug smile as he walks away, fully aware of what at the very least seemed to be Ghost's attraction to you.
You open the door just to see him already waiting, sitting on an old chair with rope held in his hands. His brown eyes immediately go to yours, softening slightly as he offers you the rope. He knows it's a bad idea, but at the same time, he wants to ensure you know as much as possible about psychological warfare, even when it's completely different from your field. It's an excuse to spend extra time with you, that much is clear— but he also knows you're a fast learner.
''Simon.'' There's a smirk threatening to tug at your lips as you grab the rope, already getting on with tying him up. It's something you're very familiar with, not needing further instructions and ignoring the way his muscles tense up slightly in mild surprise as your hands move with pure expertise as if this is nothing but a second nature to you.
It takes a few minutes until you're done, looking down at the artwork with the perfect muse— there's a knot tied up on top of Ghost's chest, rope running over his chest in three different sections, uniting where his hands are tied behind his back. The rope goes up, binding his mid-section to the back of the wooden chair. His thighs are held apart with the tight rope, ankles tied to the front legs of the chair, his prominent bulge standing out even more with the tightness your knots have.
''Right.'' He interrupts after you stare at him for a second too long, already feeling the sweat pooling up on his forehead underneath the balaclava.
''You already got the intimidation part down, so let's move with torture. In that table there's tools you can use on me. When interrogating the enemy... make sure you start slow before you build up on the most damage you can do without killing. Anything is fair game in this field, love.'' He looks down before looking back up at you, trying to keep his eyes from wandering as he looks at you in civilian clothes for the first time.
''Torture, psychological tactics of intimidation, even amputation, if you're not afraid of being discharged.'' He's clearly joking about the last part, but his voice remains serious as he focuses on the task at hand.
''Go get something from there and try to make me talk. I'll be an enemy holding back information, get it out of me.'' He gestures to the table with his head and you hum in acknowledgement. The corners of your lips tug into a smirk as you see it— a red candle among the many different tools, a zippo lighter you recognize as his right next to it.
''Interesting.'' He doesn't even have to look to know what caught your attention. Your hand reached out for the lighter, flicking it on and staring at the flame for a few seconds before looking over your shoulder, gaze catching his. His eyes follow your movements, from the way you slowly walk up to him, to your hands lifting up his shirt, wrinkling the fabric together underneath the knot of the rope, his strong body exposed.
His breath hitches when your cold finger trails up and down from his abs to his chest. He watches you light up the candle, waiting until the wax starts to melt before slowly tipping the candle closer and closer, pausing before the burning flame makes contact with his skin, waiting for his approval. All he can do is stare down at you and nod his head once.
Your eyes focus on his strong torso, tipping the candle until the wax began slowly dripping into the pale skin, muscles flexing underneath. He takes a deep breath, trying his best to not give you a reaction despite the burning pain on his sensitive skin.
''That all you got?'' He challenges and that does nothing but make the dangerous glint in your eyes dance along with the fire. Your hand goes higher, tipping the candle again until a new bead of wax drips down his chest, not a single sound coming out of him besides his heavy breathing.
''Not yet.'' There's a small smirk on your lips as you notice the jolt that runs through his body, flinching slightly when the hot wax lands on his nipple, yet he still doesn't let out any sounds of struggle. His rock-hard cock twitches in his jeans, another deep breath coming out of him as the muscles on his stomach flex involuntarily. He takes his eyes off of you when the wax drips onto his other nipple, staring at the ceiling as he tries his best to calm down, body shifting in discomfort as much as possible despite the rope binding his whole body to the chair.
''Try harder.'' He orders, gravelly voice growing deeper. A small snicker escapes your lips at his words, nodding your head. From this angle you can see how his pupils dilate, the black specks quickly overpowering his dark brown eyes.
Your free hand travels from the now dried wax, all the way down to his jeans, fingers neglecting his hard cock and undoing his belt instead. His eyes snap back down on you, yet he doesn't deny you. You pull his cock out with your free hand, freeing him from the tight fabric before you let it go, allowing the thick shaft to rest on his abdomen. The candle goes up again, teeth softly biting on your lower lip out of excitement as you look at the red wax drip on his shaft.
''Fuck.'' His stare is firm, but the moment the wax touches his skin, he winces in pain. There it is. His head leans back on the chair, eyes closing tightly as more wax drips all over his painfully hard cock.
''Stay with it... It's nothing.'' He reassures himself, voice nothing short of a pathetic whimper. He shifts his body as you start letting the wax drip higher and higher, movements slow and calculated. He shifts his body, trying to escape the searing hot pain of the wax yet being unable to.
''Fuckin' amateur.'' He spits out, eyes opening to look down at you. His muscles are tensed, jaw clenching underneath his black balaclava. You can see a drip of sweat spill down from his masked forehead, moisture gathering at the bits of skin you can see from his face, eye black looking shinier than before.
''You seem to be enjoying what this amateur is doing, sir.'' Your words are taunting, clearly trying to get a reaction out of him, yet he gives you nothing other than a soft, low moan, half-lidded eyes looking down at you intensely. Your smirk grows at his silence, looking down at the hardening layers of wax all over his thick cock.
''You wanted me to break you, so I will.'' You watch the wax drip down to his glistening tip, mixing in with his precum. He can't help the way his body thrashes against the rope, trying to get away from the pain as a deep moan of pain escapes his lips. You say nothing this time, simply moving the candle around, angling it up so the dripping wax lands on a different part of his tip.
''Fuck! H- I cant—'' He whines out, eyes closed tightly as his body reacts involuntarily. He's still struggling against the rope, yet he doesn't have it in him to ask you to stop.
''That's all you can take?'' You taunt with fake pity and he inhales sharply, beads of sweat running down his forehead, pain showing in his face even when the balaclava is covering it. He finally lets out a quiet whimper, eyes struggling to remain open simply to stare down at you as he always does, yet there's no confidence behind them anymore.
''Do better.'' He's clearly trying to spite you and it works. Your free hand comes up to flick his tip harshly and this time, he doesn't fight himself, a low moan of pain and pleasure escaping his lips. His hips thrust up slightly and in that moment you know— Ghost's resolve is being broken.
''Fuckin'... hell.'' He moans out, bound hands behind his back becoming tight balls, veins bulging in his arms. His head tilts back when he feels a new drop of wax falling on his tip. He can't help it, really, the way his hips thrust up in nothing but pure desperation, ropes of thick white cum staining his abdomen as he groans out in a mix of pain and pleasure, muscles flexing underneath your touch.
''I win, Simon.'' Your taunt does nothing to him other than to make more cum spurt out of his throbbing cock, looking down at him in a mix of amusement and fake pity. Your gaze connects to the pair of wide brown eyes staring at the scene through a half-opened door, cock throbbing in his pants.
A/N: fun fact! Vamp was created with K-9 in mind, but I couldn't keep the idea in my drafts for long enough to use it in this fic so it was published as a one-shot. I decided to use the one-shot in this chapter, as things will get more interesting in the next ones!<3
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fshigur0 · 7 months
heartburn — suguru geto x fem!reader
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synopsis: suguru geto has left, that happened many years ago. but when all of a sudden he texts you back, hinting to an urgent matter you have to discuss, you accept out of curiosity. but we all know the story of how curiosity killed the cat.
warnings: MDNI! basically smut with a bit of plot, angst in the beginning, mentions of death, suguru is sadistic, praise kink, begging kink, use of pet names (such as love, dove, sweetheart, princess, etc.), manipulation, unprotected sex, teasing, vaginal penetration, slapping, creampie, dirty talk, suguru is just cruel, angst at the end. it might have left space for a part two? who knows
a/n: this is a repost! hope u like it hehe <3<3
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The sheer lightness of being was something extremely unfamiliar for a sorcerer. Your existence was inexorably intertwined with a fate that was, to say the least, cruel, and at the mere age of sixteen — in the very spring of one’s life, it all felt excessively tragic.
You couldn’t really retrace the rapidity of how it happened, but although death should have been a gradual concept to learn for a group of teenagers, it loomed over you; watching from afar like a predator does with its prey, and when you least expected it, it would engulf you like a cruel serpent, completely stealing your breath away.
As soon as the spring of your youth was abruptly shattered – reduced to ashes by an uncontrollable fire – you realized you had lost Suguru as well.
Perhaps out of denial or maybe as a form of protection, you had always told yourself that noticing the pain Suguru was going through had been impossible: after all, you were suffering too. In fact, everyone was suffering, but none of you shared the experience of pain with each other.
You suffered in silence in the darkness of your rooms, in the emptiness of a classroom, but you couldn’t show weakness for fear of weakening each other as a result. Yet, you realized – now almost ten years since the events that had mercilessly changed your life – that all that “care” would amount to nothing. You and Suguru had already lost from the start. When he had decided to leave your life completely, he himself had said that ’it was going to happen anyway, eventually’.
It was at that particular moment that you focused on the details of his face: purplish dark circles dominated the lower part of his eyes, which you had always admired before as they were brimming with love, now devoid of any emotion.
You loved him and, truly, you had loved him ever since you sat next to him in class. His stature and expression might have seemed intimidating to everyone, but having him beside you conveyed a sense of… safety; the first time he cracked a small, soft smile at you, your cheeks ignited and your heart drummed in your chest so hard you feared it might burst from your ribcage. Suguru was kind, and always addressed you in a low but delicate tone, as if he feared that raising it even a little would shatter you.
Sure, you had fallen in love, but Suguru had fallen harder. He loved the way your eyes would slowly trace the pages of your favourite book, their intense colour lit by a ray of nomadic sunshine. He loved the tenderness of your fingertips on his scalp and the way you could send shivers down his spine just by running your hand through his hair. He loved the way your voice syllabled his name, it was pure music to his ears. Suguru loved you, but you both knew it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough, because the world he so yearned to create was much more valuable than you.
The stabs that his words had inflicted soon gave way to a disturbing sense of guilt: if you had realised this earlier, could you have changed the course of the story? Could you have prevented his transformation into a mass murderer? Could you have saved the Suguru Geto you knew? The questions plagued your mind, never to be answered.
And just as the first love of your youth walked out of your life, his silhouette growing smaller, that sense of guilt which tormented you morphed into disgust. Spring had come to an end, making way for a long winter.
〔From Suguru Geto〕 : there are some urgent matters we have to discuss. i’ll come to your place.
He’s sitting on your couch, manspreading. His arms crossed over his chest and his head slightly tilted back, eyes firmly glued on you; his gaze is unbearable, and that mocking grin on his face does not help your cause.
You want to punch him so badly, to scream and yell at him, to ask him why on earth he has decided walk back into your life after so long: but it was you who had allowed him to do it, who had opened the front door for him despite your hands shaking — your mind trying in vain to stop you, to warn you that what you were about to do was morally wrong.
Surely, you won’t be able to look the others in the face any more, not after you have welcomed a criminal into your home, a murderer whom everyone wants dead.
“So, cat’s got ya tongue?”
You take in the last drag of your cigarette, now consumed, savoring the remnants of nicotine tingling your brain. You want to snap back at him for asking such a dumb question, what are you supposed to say? Welcome him back like nothing happened? Throw a party?
“I have nothing to tell you, Suguru. Rather, it was you who texted me out of nowhere,” You acknowledge that you have raised your voice slightly, as if just hearing him speak irritates you to your core, “So speak.”
“Mhmh, you really haven’t changed much, have ya?” His smirk only grows bigger, like he is getting amused at that sight of you. “You still get heated up pretty quickly, I see.”
You scoff, an expression of sheer disbelief on your face. “Seriously, Suguru?” It hadn’t even been ten minutes and he was already taunting you; you hated him, hated that he was treating you like that after breaking your heart, hated that he was breaking it once more right after you had managed to glue the pieces back together. “Listen here, Geto,” and he raises an eyebrow, the smirk slowly vanishing, as if your use of his surname had wounded his pride, “What on earth do you want from me? You don’t show up for years and now you’re here, acting like nothing’s wrong and, and…”
“… And that hurts your feelings, love?”
A stab in the chest would have hurt less, you think. But right now all the suffering you’ve gone through erupts into an anger that blinds you. “You better not fuck with me or I’ll make you regret coming here.”
Silence suddenly drops in your living room, and for a moment the black-haired man remains stunned, blinking. Then, much to your surprise, he starts laughing: it’s that kind of laugh that pierces right through you and rumbles in your chest. However, you don’t understand why a part of you doesn’t mind.
You sit still, unable to utter a single word, an overwhelming feeling of shame washing over you.
You are currently sitting on two different sides of the room, however you now realise that you are actually extremely close. He shakes his head and leans forward slightly until one of his hands rests on your knee. The cool skin of his palm makes direct contact with yours. You quiver. Dammit, you think, did I really have to wear shorts today?
“Oh my, who thought you threatening me would be so cute?”
“Cut it out, Suguru, or else-”
“Or what, sweetheart? Will you snap my neck?” Suguru grabs your wrist, completely disregarding the strenght he does that with, and brings your hand to his neck, wrapping your palm around it. He applies some pressure, and it looks like he’s enjoying that.
“Or will you pierce my chest?” He then leads your hand to his chest, pushing it right over his heart, so hard that you feel his heartbeat vibrate on your skin. “Scream at me that I’m a jerk, that you have every reason to hate me — because you fucking do, Y/N.”
He pulls you in, so close the points of your noses are almost touching, and you feel his minty breath on your face. You should push him away, you really should, but you don’t want to.
“I really do.” You’re barely able to breathe out, lips chapped up.
You are essentially sitting on his lap, Suguru’s hand finding a way to the back of your thigh, squeezing your flesh. You let out a surprised squeal, and he knows he has you wrapped around his finger.
“I can see that” He responds, deep-brown eyes locked on you. “My sweet, sweet, little dove.”
Before you know it, Suguru closes the gap between the two of you, mouths clasping together. The kiss you share isn’t in any way chaste, and it doesn’t take long for you to start feeling breathless.
His hand caresses the abused spot he has just grasped, before cupping the curve of your ass, boldly ignoring the pink fabric of your shorts. The action makes your cunt throb, and you feel ashamed that not wearing a bra underneath your shirt had caused your hardened nipples to be so exposed.
“Suguru, please…” You beg, yet at this point you’re not sure what you’re begging for.
“Mhmh, I didn’t quite catch that, sweetheart. Can you repeat that for me?”
You know this has to stop, you are perfectly aware of that and the situation on its own is seriously unbelievable. Have you lost your mind? You have to tell him before it’s too late, you have to…
The impact of his palm on your butt is sudden, but it takes your breath away for a second. Your mouth slightly parts, yet there is no sound coming out of it. You’re taken aback.
“I think I asked you to repeat yourself, haven’t I?”
He sticks his tongue out, tracing a vertical line along your neck, viciously nibbling on your sensitive skin as his hand rubs circles on your aching butt. His teeth then reach your earlobe, sending inebriating vibrations throughout your core.
You hesitate, and he slaps you again, this time it stings so much you bury your face into the crook of his neck. You bite the bottom of your lip, exhaling.
“P-Please, Suguru…” Stop it, let go of me, “Please, fuck me.”
He chuckles, and gently grabs you by the back of your neck, only to connect your mouths again. “You’re such a good girl,” he murmurs in a husky voice before sucking on your lower lip, releasing it with a light pop, “I missed you so fuckin’ much.”
As he pulls away, a thin thread of saliva separates you. Suguru’s hands grab the hems of your Kuromi shirt, uncovering your breasts, and he wastes no time as he starts sucking on the hardened buds.
“S-Suguru, mhhh…”
Your hands firmly grip his shoulders, head tilted back in pure bliss. You are drenched, and Suguru is quick to notice that: with a swift movement - which produces yet another squeal from you - he has you laying down, back against the soft cushions of the sofa.
You feel extremely defenseless as he positions himself above you, arms secured at the sides of your waist. You take a moment to admire how his long hair gracefully drops down, perfectly framing his face.
“I forgot how pretty you looked underneath me.”
He hums, and this has you clench your thighs together, yearning for some so much needed friction. Suguru then leans forward and places a soft kiss to your temple, and at the same time, his hands roughly grasp your legs to separate them exposing your drenched shorts.
“Would you look at that, already so wet for me, aren’t ya.”
You glance away for a mere second, your eyes scanning your surroundings just not to look at him. However, before you can tilt your head back in place, his mouth is on your clothed pussy: the warmth of his breath makes you throb in anticipation, as he taunts you, sucking on the fabric of your pyjamas.
Suguru adores the way you whimper, hips moving relentlessly as you attempt to grind against his mouth — needing more than what he is giving you. Yet, seeing you struggle for his attention makes his cock twitch. He pulls down your shorts, playing a little with your lace panties before leaving you completely naked.
“You’re so wet, princess, so fucking needy. You want my cock so bad?”
You let out a loud moan as he slides his fingers through your slick, coating them in your sweet juices. You don’t respond, and that seems to displease him, because he suddenly stops.
You’re about to protest when a stinging pain vibrates throughout your cunt, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, your first instinct is to close your legs. But Suguru slaps you across your pussy again, a stern look on his face, eyes entirely darkened.
“I asked you a question, sweetheart.”
“Y-Yes!” You whimper, the pain fading away all too quickly.
“Yes, what, mh?”
“Yes, yes I want your cock- please…”
“What do you want, again?”
He was tormenting you, knowing to be the only one in control of the situation. But you were a mess already, and you really wanted him, no, you needed him.
You stretched out your arm, hand groping his bulge making Suguru inhale through gritted teeth.
“I-I want your cock to fill me up, Suguru.”
Normally, you would wish you could wipe off the grin that had formed on his face. Yet, as he starts rubbing his tip against your folds, you forget about all that. Your ankles are positioned on his shoulders and his hands grasp your waist tightly, probably leaving marks as a result. He then pushes you into him without any warning, leaving you breathless, and speechless once more.
“F-Fuck, Y/N, you feel so fucking amazing, princess.” He grunts, taking a moment to feel your plush walls embrace his cock perfectly. “Haven’t felt this perfect pussy in a while.”
His thrusts are rough, hips relentless as he fucks deep into you, your walls clenching at his words. It feels so fucking good, and it doesn’t take long before you’re a babbling mess, moaning his name and earning even more mean thrusts from him.
It makes no sense, you should hate him. You should hate the man who abandoned you, who turned his back on you when…
Suguru squeezes your cheeks together, forcing you to look directly at him, eyes locked with his. “Don’t think, you always think too much, pretty,” He then bends your knees with both his arms, literally squeezing you against the couch and his body, angling his cock so deeply that your eyes roll back.
“Look at that, I’m fucking you dumb. You’re such a good girl letting me fuck you dumb like this, huh? I bet you touched yourself thinkin’ about- mmh, fuck!- about me all these years.”
You try your best to nod, incoherent words leaving your lips as your eyes start getting glossy. The lewd squelching sounds his cock makes as he goes in and out of your pussy combined with your sweet mewls are driving Suguru crazy.
He slows down watching the creamy ring formed around his cock, a mixture of his pre-cum and your delicious juices. Then he lifts his gaze to look at you: tongue slightly stuck out, saliva on your chin, tears of pleasure streaming down your face.
“Aren’t you precious? Mhh- fuck, baby, I think I’m close.”
Your walls clench once again as he begins stretching you out once more, steady thrusts slapping against your cunt. The stimulation the friction gives you, and his cock constantly hitting the spot you love most is enough to make you arch your back, shock waves of pure bliss and pleasure making you scream his name.
“Sugu- Suguru… mhhh'love this, love you so much-”
Suguru can’t take it anymore, the sight of you being subdued by him, your body melting into his own as his pace slows down, but the thrusts get harder. Only you can look so heavenly underneath him, and only he can manipulate you however he wants.
He finally reaches his high, throwing his head back as he fills you up with his warm seed, making you reach your second orgasm. His breath is hitched as he pulls out of you, his cum leaking out of your over-stimulated pussy. Your forehead is sweaty, and some strands of hair are attached to it, yet you don’t seem to care.
There are no other words exchanged between the two of you, and the silence yet again fills up the room. Your eyes are fixated on the ceiling, and although you can’t see him, you hear him standing up.
“You leaving?”
“Yeah,” he responds without a hint of hesitation in his voice, the tiniest inclination of sympathy, “I have to.”
“So you got what you wanted.” You try your best not to sound hurt, but you can’t hide the piercing pain in your chest. “Is this why you came here, just because you wanted someone to fuck? Was that the urgent matter to discuss?”
A low chuckle, that’s when you sit up on the couch. He’s looking directly at you, the glimpse of a smile you once loved depicted on his lips.
“Not just someone, Y/N.” He corrects you, but it doesn’t make it any better. No, in fact, it hurts even more.
“I didn’t mean it,” you utter, voice only a whisper as you ponder whether it’s worth it or not, to hurt him like he hurts you. “I didn’t mean it when I said that I love you.”
Checkmate, you think. Only, it is not pain that you see morphing on Suguru’s face once your gaze focuses on him again. In return, you receive nothing: his gaze seems to be devoid of all emotion, and that only magnifies the void formed in your chest.
“I can see that.” You look down, fully aware that you have just made a very dangerous mistake. You swallow the knot that has formed in your throat.
“But you see, Y/N, the big difference between you and me…” Suguru crouches down, lifting your chin with his index finger, lips a breath away from yours. “It’s that I don’t care.”
And with that he is gone, once again casting the enormous weight of his absence on your shoulders.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 3 months
Face Your Fears
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: You get into a fight with your brothers, but your recklessness that follows creates problems for everyone.
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“You were hunting before you were my age! I don’t get why—“
“It doesn’t matter if you get it or not! I said no!”
Sam rushed to the library when he heard his siblings’ voices raised in argument.
“What’s going on in here?” He asked, trying to keep a calm and neutral tone.
“She—“ Dean started, but you cut him off.
“Dean is being completely unfair!”
“Ok, ok, calm down,” Sam sighed.
“Calm down?! You two are off all the time, actually helping people, putting your lives on the line, and I’m—“
“Exactly! You don’t need to be putting yourself in danger like that!” Dean interrupted.
“It’s what you do! And I sit here and read books!”
“Don’t downplay what you do,” Sam said. “We need you here.”
“But I could do so much more out there with you!” You argued. “I’ve been training, I know I can help!”
“Yeah, or you’d screw it up and get killed, and I don’t need your blood on my hands!” Dean exploded.
The silence that followed was deafening.
“Dean—“ Sam tried to speak up, but you interrupted him.
“So that’s it, really? You think I’m some kind of screw up?” You scoffed, and continued before Dean could speak. “It’s not like you’re perfect! You’ve screwed up the world before, and no one’s stopped you from going out to screw it up again!”
“Y/N—“ again Sam’s attempt to calm the situation was met with resistance.
“Well fine then, if I’m too much of a screw up for you, then I’ll get out of your way!” You shoved past your brothers and beelined for your room, slamming the door behind you.
Your brothers didn’t try to go after you. They were probably angry. You knew you went too far with what you said to Dean, but he called you a screw up; were you just supposed to take that and not say anything back?
It didn’t matter either way. You didn’t want them to try to talk to you, because you had something to do.
You had a hunt to go on.
You’d been researching one before you went to ask Dean about joining the next one; since he’d said no, you would take this one whether he liked it or not. And you were going alone.
It wasn’t hard to sneak out—back when you lived in motels, it would have been almost impossible to leave without one of your brothers waking up, but with the bunker it was easy.
You didn’t take the Impala—that would be too far, even for this rebellious streak. Instead, you took a cab to the next town over; you had struck gold, finding a hunt so close. It was pretty simple, too; three victims with hearts ripped out, definitely a werewolf. You had more silver bullets than you’d need packed up with a couple of guns in a duffel at your feet.
Dean was wrong about you, you could do this. After all, how hard could one little werewolf be?
Dean was right, and you were suffering the consequences of being wrong.
You struggled to pull your phone from your pocket, your fingers fumbling as your phone slipped around in your blood-soaked hands. Your breathing was labored, and every breath brought stabs of pain to your slashed-up abdomen.
You hadn’t noticed the signs of the second werewolf, so determined were you on taking the first one down. You hadn’t even seen him until he’d been right on you, ripping into your stomach. You’d had your gun in your hand, and by some miracle you’d managed to fire off a round into the werewolf on top of you, but not before he’d injured you pretty bad.
You finally got the phone in your hand, and you didn’t hesitate to press Dean’s number. You held the phone just slightly away from your face, wary of irritation the cuts on your cheek.
The phone barely had time to ring before Dean’s voice flooded your senses.
“Where are you?” His voice came out in a growl.
“D-De…” you hadn’t realized you were crying until you had to push your voice out past your tears.
“Sweetheart?” Dean’s anger was gone in a second when he heard your pained voice. “What’s going on?”
“I’m-I’m sorry, De,” you sobbed. “You were right, I’m-I’m sorry.”
“Shh shh, hey,” Dean soothed. “It’s alright sweetheart, I forgive you. Just tell me where you are and I’ll come get you.”
“I-I turned on my phone’s location,” you said. “Ple-please hurry. It hurts…”
Dean tried to ask you more, but a bang from somewhere nearby had you flinching, and the phone slipped out of your soaked hands and shattered on the concrete floor. You realized it was only your own gun, slipping off the table you’d laid it on. But it was too late; your phone was broken, and you had no way to call Dean back.
You could only hope that the tracker would still work.
Dean broke both the law and probably some speed records getting to your location. Sam was in the passenger seat, a first aid kit in his lap as he held on for dear life.
“I should’ve known she’d do something stupid,” Dean grunted.
“Dean, you couldn’t have known,” Sam reasoned. “And blaming yourself isn’t going to help her.”
Dean didn’t speak, and the rest of the ride was tensely silent.
“Here,” Sam said as navigator. “Turn left here, and she should be close by.”
Dean swerved the Impala to the left and screeched to a halt in an empty parking lot near a warehouse. Sam was right at his heels as he burst into the warehouse.
“De?” Your pained voice echoed throughout the building, so that it took Dean a moment to find you. When he did, he swore his heart skipped three beats. You were sitting in a pool of your own blood, propped up against the wall. Dean rushed to you, kneeling next to you and almost slipping in your blood.
“Hey, hey,” his voice was a mixture of soothing and panic as he brushed your blood-stained hair away from your face. “Alright sweetheart, tell Doctor Dean where it hurts.”
It was a pathetic joke, but you laughed anyway; Dean’s jokes always made you laugh.
But your laugh sent you to a fit of coughing. Dean winced as he examined the long gashes on your stomach.
“Ok, you’re ok,” Dean leaned back in relief when he saw that it wasn’t too deep; you’d be ok. “But I’m gonna have to carry you to the car, ok? Brace yourself.”
You gritted your teeth and clenched your fists, but you still couldn’t hold back the cry of pain when Dean lifted you into his arms.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” Dean cringed. “I’m sorry. You’re gonna be ok.”
Dean laid you on your back in the backseat of the Impala, before taking the first aid kit from Sam and retrieving a needle and thread.
“Can’t we just bandage it up?” You whimpered, already squirming away from the needle. Dean’s finger froze for a second before he shook his head, his features softening. Both brothers were very aware of your fear of needles, but sometimes it couldn’t be helped.
“Sorry sweetheart, it’s gotta be stitched. Just close your eyes, it’ll feel worse if you watch.”
You closed your eyes, trusting your brother completely. However, before he could make the first stitch, your eyes popped open and you grabbed into his wrist.
“Wait,” you said. “I-I…I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” Dean sighed. “I’m sorry too. I said some things that…that I didn’t mean. You aren’t a screw up, ok?”
“What do you call this?” You gestured to your own banged up body.
“Inexperience,” Dean answered. “And you never should’ve been out here alone. Going solo on your first hunt is never a good idea.”
“I’m sorry about that, too,” you mumbled.
“It’s ok, kiddo. Maybe later we…we can talk about you tagging along on one of our hunts.”
“Really?” You grinned.
“Later,” Dean said sternly. “After you’re all better. Now let me get to this.”
As Dean lifted the needle, you closed your eyes again. You felt Sam’s large hand grab onto yours, and you squeezed his hand gratefully, holding on as Dean started to stitch you up.
“I didn’t really think you would screw up the hunts,” Dean said as he worked. “I just…I don’t want you out there. It’s dangerous, and I…I’m scared something will happen to you. But I guess I can’t keep you from it if it’s what you really want.”
“It is,” you said. “I want to do what you guys do. I want to help people, and I wanna be with you guys.”
“Ok then,” Dean said, tying off the stitches and patting your side to let you know he was done. You opened your eyes, and he smiled at you.
“I guess I’ll just have to face my fears.”
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bettyfrommars · 3 months
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Death Becomes Us
Part 10: The Man Who Made a Monster
vampire!Eddie x supernatural!Fem!Reader
masterlist playlist
WC: 7.6k
18+ONLY, MDNI, mention of wounds, car accidents, a bit of body horror, angst, guns, gunshot wounds, reader gets physically hurt (but bounces right back), blood, drinking blood, allusions to smut, evil men, supernatural powers, a demobat fren, fear of the unknown, a fire, werewolf!Steve, Dr. Brenner. References to one of my favorite 80's shows, the Incredible Hulk with Lou Ferrigno, and mid-90's MTV. Tiny references to FOI that you won't even notice if you haven't read the book.
Summary: Eddie, Jareth, and Steve come to your rescue, but do you even need to be rescued? Bad men surface and reader finds strength she never knew she had. Eddie confesses more than one secret to us, and the tension is thick. Reader is called Dove as a nickname.
Author's Note: I covered quite a few bases in this chapter, but there is still a lot to explore in the next and final part. We get to see reader in action and get some much-deserved satisfaction. I 've been staring at it for so long, I really hope you have fun reading this, love you. As always, Jareth's face claim is Jamie Campbell Bower.
this starts right where Part 9 left off
Eddie snatched his keys and shoved Steve out the door before he quickly put some food down for Dio and locked the dead bolt.  
Steve called shotgun in the air, vaulting over the hood like an extra from the movie Grease, making Jareth roll his eyes.  “Is he part werewolf or labrador?” Whispering under his breath to Eddie, but Eddie just nudged him out of the way.
Jareth paused on the opposite side of the Pontiac GTO.  “We should go on foot, it would be faster,” hinting to the lightning-speed with which vampires moved.
Eddie inclined his head to Steve.  “Not when we’ve got the pup with us.”
“Fuck you,” Steve sneered, brushing back a flop of hair from his forehead.  “I can keep up with you two geezers, trust me.”
“What if I just kill him and rid us of the dead weight,” Jareth grumbled.
“You can try,” Steve bit, growling deep in his chest.
“Enough!” Eddie snapped, swatting the top of the car with his hand.  “Everyone get in and hold the fuck on. We’re goin’ for a ride.”
Heat scorched through your veins like lava, and as your eyes fluttered open, you passively wondered if the car was on fire, and you were about to be cooked alive.
You were no longer in the vehicle.  Squeezing your eyelids tight to find the memory, recollection came flooding back as your fingers curled into dirt, cheek pressed into the forest foliage.  There might have even been a pinecone acting as a pillow at your ear.  
The muscles in your arms and shoulders throbbed, not to mention the feeling of your skull being cracked open by a catastrophic neurological event.  A migraine to rival all migraines.
You remembered being taken…the conversation about Brenner…and Bela…
You called her name, but it came out as nothing but a puff of air, a whine deep in your chest.  
What if she got hurt in the crash? What if she —
The crash!
Adrenaline flushed through you like a swarm of bees and you sat up, cracking your stiff neck as you went, and your head swam.  
Where the fuck were you?
A car passed a few yards away on the highway and you realized you’d been tossed into a ravine.  In the distance, the SUV you’d been kidnapped in was on its back and smoking as if something inside had caught fire.  Where was that awful witch and the man who was driving?
A memory of ripping the door off by its hinges and climbing out of the vehicle flashed behind your eyes, but that was impossible.  You must’ve been able to jump out and then hit your head or something. You weren’t turning green and ripping out of your clothes; you were no Lou Ferrigno.
You moved your legs to make sure they worked, and soon you were on your feet, using tufts of grass to crawl along as if you were about to fall off the earth.
In the distance, thunder rolled.
“Turn here, take the shortcut!” Steve shot his hairy arm between the two seats, pointing to right after the stop sign.
“I know what I’m doing!” Eddie roared.  “Just sit the fuck back and stay cool.”
Eddie could feel you, and his heart was jackhammering in his chest.
He floored the gas, tires squealing as they ghosted the road, peeling down the old highway through the woods that barely anyone used anymore.  The velocity shot Steve back against his seat, and Jareth’s fingers dug into the console while music from Sisters of Mercy blared from the stereo. 
“We’re close,” Eddie lowered his chin, laser focused on the scene ahead of him.  He could feel that familiar static fill his body whenever he was in your vicinity.  
You were not the first human whose blood he’d tasted, not by a long shot.  In fact, for the first few years after he’d been made vampire, he didn’t care about  himself or anyone else, and it seemed there wasn’t a willing human in a 100 mile radius that he hadn’t tasted.
But with you, it wasn’t even about your blood.
You made him feel a certain type of way that he’d been missing for over a decade, perhaps even his whole life.
The clouds trembled, and a crackle of lightning shot a silent burst of light through the midnight sky. All three of them could smell the wreck before it was ever in view, and Eddie released his foot on the gas to slow down a bit.
You stumbled onto the main highway, and the headlights came at you too fast to understand what was happening.  
Everything was so bright, it hurt your eyes. It made you swipe your hands in the air and groan, fighting the illumination as if it were a tangible enemy. 
The car coming at you screeched on its brakes, twisting to the side so that it wouldn’t hit you, skidding sideways.
In a blink, you recognized the stunned faces on the other side of the windshield.
The other two men in the car didn’t see that it was you at first—but Eddie knew.  He’d witnessed those shock white eyes before, void of color or pupil.
Electricity snapped off you, as if  you were a live wire. It crackled and skipped off of your skin like the lightning that appeared above them in the sky.
One of your arms was twisted unnaturally backwards at the elbow, but you somehow flexed the joint back into place as you stood there, correcting your posture.  You stood on one side of  your foot as if your ankle was broken, but then that righted itself with a sickening twist.  Your limbs jerked like the walking dead trying to move for the first time after reanimation.  All of this, and yet your face appeared unphased, as if you were impervious to the pain.
Your face was set in surprise and fear and confusion, and his heart nearly leapt out of his chest to be able to hold you.
With a curse, he slammed the GTO to a halt, tires burning rubber as they locked and skidded on the asphalt.  
Something told him you were fairly invincible, just like him, but he wasn’t taking any chances.  
Steve slid across the backseat, knocking his head on impact, and Jareth’s fingers dug so deep into the console that they left puncture marks.  
Eddie didn’t have time to think about what the other two were doing or the danger of leaving his car in the middle of the highway, he threw the gear into park and jumped out to check on you.
From above, there came a loud squawking, and Bela soared down from where she’d been circling in the sky to land on your shoulder with a weight that almost made you lose your balance.
Bela bared her teeth and screeched at whoever was approaching from the vehicle.  The headlights were too bright, and your ear canals were on fire with hot noise.  A loud, shrill ringing filled your skull cavity like sharp a million tiny pinpricks.
But then you recognized his silhouette
You’d know  it anywhere
“It’s me,” he assured you.  “Are you hurt?”
Bela settled once she knew it was him, lowering her wings, and his body came to block the light so that you could see the distress in his face.  He reached a hand out to touch your arm, but then he yanked it back with a hiss.  It was like you’d given him an electrical shock, with volts like those from a cattle prod or taser.  
“I didn’t mean to do that,” you hesitated, hoping he’d dare to touch you again. 
And he did, rushing closer without pause, not caring about how bad the last one stung. He cupped one hand at your jaw while the other went to your hip, searching your mouth for temptation's sake.  “Let’s get you home.”
He got zapped a few more times from seemingly stray sparks, in the chest and the side, making him wince, but he did not relent.  It was a good thing the violent stabbing did not force him back, because just then your knees gave out and you slumped into his arms. Bela took to the sky again before landing on the hood of the GTO with another high pitched wail, wings spanning out as if she were about to conduct an orchestra.
Eddie dropped to his knees on the ground next to you, careful to protect your head from the pavement with his hand.  In wolf form, Steve trotted over to nudge your face with his snout and lick your cheek with a whimper.
“She’ll be okay,” Eddie took his jacket off and made it into a pillow for you, before angling to sink his fangs into his own wrist.  “She needs blood.”
“Use mine,” Jareth hovered nearby, and you could vaguely hear them arguing as your adrenaline crashed.  “I’m older, my blood is stronger.”
“No,” Eddie growled, and then the two bared their teeth at each other.  
Eddie knew that, more than anything, Jareth wanted to be in  your head, to be linked to you in the same way he was.  To know where you were at all times and for you to have…those special dreams about him.  No way in hell would Eddie let that happen.
He’d already punctured a vein and had his tattooed wrist over your mouth, leaking his life force into your trembling lips until you were able to latch on and suck.  
Jareth’s stare bore into Eddie.  “Maybe I should tell her you’re the reason Brenner knew about her in the first place.”
Eddie glared at him.  “You don’t know fuck about it.”
Jareth smirked.  “I know more than you think about the little ‘job’ you were hired to do for him.”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed and he shushed him. “This isn’t the place for this, Jareth.”
A car had to navigate around the GTO to continue down the old highway, and the person shouted their disapproval, but then the driver slowed once he spotted you on the ground and the SUV that was rolled over on its side in the distance.
Jareth and Eddie turned to him and hissed with their fangs out, glaring at him with obsidian eyes, until he slammed on the gas and sped off in the direction he was headed.  Steve growled and chased after the car, keeping up with it for a while before hanging back to sniff around the wreckage that you’d managed to somehow survive.  
You mumbled, gurgling on a spurt of blood, and Eddie took his wrist away.  Your eyes were closed, but your tongue flicked out to lick more of his essence from your stained lips.  Were you conscious enough to know what they were talking about? He’d planned on telling you everything, but the time was never right.  He never expected things to get so…messy.  Never expected you’d become so…special to him.  
Some rich dude offers you to keep an eye on someone for a couple weeks for an abnormally huge chunk of cash, you do it.  He’d had no skin in the game when he initially accepted the offer.  
Caring about you as much as he did was the last fucking thing he’d expected to happen, but he didn’t know how to make it stop.
Jareth leaned over you to get closer to Eddie.  “If you don’t tell her soon, I will, and your little fairytale will be over.”
All Eddie could do was grind his teeth: Jareth was right, he should’ve explained the whole thing to you that night when he’d waited for you to get back from your date with Steve.  But by then, he was afraid he’d lose you.
Yet, how could you lose someone you never had?
“We need to get out of here,” Eddie eased you into a sitting position, your head flopped, and then held your chin in his hand.  Your eyelids were fluttering and your skin was beginning to cool as the healing properties of his blood took effect.  
God, how badly he wanted to press his lips to yours.
“What about the witch?” Jareth stood to full height to look over and see Steve sniffing around the crash. “What if they survived?”
Eddie had you off your feet and lifted in his arms by then, but Jareth was right.  As much as he wanted to get you far away from there, he’d watched enough horror movies to know that you never turned your back on a killer until you knew they were dead.  Knocking them unconscious with the back of a shovel wasn’t enough; you had to chop their whole head off and throw them in a cement mixer.
Steve morphed back into human form halfway back to the group, butt naked again, to report back on what he’d found.
Eddie waited for him to announce that there was no one in the vehicle and the bodies were gone…
But instead, Steve shook his head.  “Looks like they didn’t survive.  His neck is broken and she’s—-”
“Are you sure?” Jareth blurted with an air of irritation. “Maybe I should check for myself.”
“I think I know what a dead body smells like, asshole,” Steve grunted, pushing back on Jareth’s chest.
The headlights of another car was approaching, and Eddie reiterated that they needed to get as far away as possible from the scene of the crime. He threw the keys to Jareth, and made Steve sit in front so that he could crawl into the back with you while you healed.  Bela billowed into the sky and hovered there, waiting to see where they were taking you so she could follow.  
It wasn’t his blood that healed your broken foot or your fractured arm though—you’d done that all by yourself.  Maybe you didn’t need him after all, maybe you’d be better off without him.
“Put your pants back on,” Eddie tossed the clothing from the back seat over to Steve.  “I don’t need you teabagging the upholstery.”
Next to him, you had your head on Eddie’s shoulder and your hand on his thigh when Jareth sped off just in time to miss being clipped by the oncoming semi truck.  It blared its horn just as you lifted your head to look up at Eddie with groggy eyes.
He licked his lips, feeling his throat close up at how near your face was to his.
“Did you save me?” Your voice was strained, sounding like your esophagus was constricted.
Eddie put his hand over yours and you interlaced fingers.  “I think you saved yourself,” he mumbled.  “You don’t need me.”
“I do,” you said it so fast, and he leaned over even more, thinking maybe he hadn’t heard you correctly.  “I do need you.”
Your hand in his, he brought it up to his chest, searching your eyes as an avalanche of words trembled at the tip of his tongue, right there wanting to roll out like a carpet of devotion to you.  
He took a deep breath to calm his nerves because he was shaking so fucking bad.
Jareth caught his eye in the rearview mirror and the two glared at each other before Eddie broke contact and wrapped another arm around your shoulders to bring you closer.  “We’re almost home,” he hushed, planting his lips to your forehead, blushing at the way you refused to let go of his hand.  “I won’t leave you.”
By the time you got back to the trailer park, your energy and strength had been fortified and you urged everyone to go home to let you get some rest, except for Eddie, who’s hand you were still holding as you got out of the car.
The witch and her companion being dead felt too good to be true, and a measure of palpable dread hung in the air.  It was unspoken knowledge that Brenner was still after you, and he knew exactly where you lived.  
Jareth stepped forward, tipping your chin up with the crook of his finger.  “Are you sure you don’t need anything, love?”
“She has me,” Eddie growled.
Jareth fluttered his eyelids in that bored way he’d mastered.  “If you’re so concerned, we’d be better off at Sacrament.  I can keep her safe there more sufficiently than she’d be in this…” he fanned his hand around a few times, “...this place.”
Bela landed on the railing with a swoosh and squawked.
“I hate to say it, after everything,” you angled toward the steps, exhausted.  “But I don’t think this Brenner person is going to stop until he gets what he wants.” You glanced sideways at Eddie. “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me.”
“I’d like to meet this guy myself,” Steve said through gritted teeth.  
Jareth flipped the collar of his coat up and ran a hand through his golden hair.  “Well, my offer stands.  Sacrament is at your service if you should require shelter or protection.”
“Sounds good,” Eddie said dismissively, reaching for the railing to cage you away from the two men. “We’ll let you know.”
“Thank you, Jareth,” you told him, and he winked at you, returning the genuine curve of your smile.
And Eddie hated it so much, he wouldn't have been surprised if steam were coming out of his ears like a cartoon villain.
But he let it slide because Jareth could make things fucking awkward in that moment if he wanted to.  
You turned to Steve.  “Would you like to come in? I don’t have much by way of food, but—”
“He’s fine,” Eddie answered for him.
The two glared at each other for a beat, but then Steve relented.  “Thank you, but I’m not hungry.  Still, I think I’ll stick around for a while, check the perimeter,” he ignored the tick in Eddie’s jaw and waved at you as he backed up to disappear around the backside of the trailer. 
“Hey Harrington, my vest!” Eddie shouted, and it wasn’t long before the denim came sailing through the air to land on the dead lawn near the porch.  Eddie bent to pick it up with a huff, and by then Jareth had disappeared into the night.
Now you were finally alone, and as much as it was what he wanted, it made his stomach drop.
Eddie paced the living room a bit before taking a seat, perching precariously at the end of the sofa to bounce his knee and gnaw at his bottom lip.  
“Listen,” you took a beer and a half-full bottle of NuBlood out of the fridge to put it in the microwave for him.  “I figure there’s no use asking you to leave with people obviously hunting me down, but I really need to take a shower.  So just…make yourself at home I suppose?”
The microwave dinged and you walked the warm glass bottle over, and then waited for him to wrap his hand around it, fingers grazing yours, before you spoke. “I feel like there are some things we should talk about.”
Eddie was already nodding. “I’d like that,” he gulped.
Eddie waited until he heard the shower running before he sank down into the cushion and used the remote to turn the TV on.  He needed to distract himself from letting his mind wander to how you were absolutely undressing in there, about to be naked and wet and…
He squirmed in his seat and turned the volume up.  It was an MTV music video for Metallica’s Until it Sleeps, but he only vaguely cared as he puffed his cheeks for a forceful exhale. In his head, he practiced what he would say, how he would beg your forgiveness, and how he never really understood what this guy Brenner was all about until it was too late…
In the shower, you made the water as hot as you could handle it, leaning into the burn, and stood there for the longest time without moving. Eyes closed, you could feel Eddie step into the shower behind you, sneaking his hands around to pluck at your nipples.  “Room for one more?” He rumbled in your ear, just before he nibbled it.
He wasn’t really there, but you couldn’t help but touch yourself with a soapy hand as if he were, biting your lip around a moan.
The water ran cold by the time you were ready to step out, swooshing the curtain aside with a swift swipe of your arm.  
The thump of something heavy falling to the ground out in the living room had you straining to hear what it might’ve been as you pulled a clean t-shirt and jeans on.  Music videos were on, playing In the Blood by Better Than Ezra, and you called Eddie’s name.
The only response you got was from Bela, and she let out one long screech that felt like it had the power to break glass.
“Eddie?” You shouted this time, flinging the door open to let the steam roll out and fill the hallway. “Bela??”
The door to your trailer was wide open, but Bela was there, scrambling from the back of the couch to perch on your shoulder the second you came into view. 
“What happened?” You asked your demobat companion.  “He just left us here? Without a word?”
The potted terracotta plant that had once been above the TV right by the door was on the carpet, shattered.  
You crossed your arms over your chest, and shivered as you stepped one foot out on the porch to look around, a chill breeze nipping at your flesh.  “Eddie? Are you out here? Steve?”
The whole court was eerily silent, even the crickets and frogs were holding their breath.
You backed up into the house, pulling the door shut.
The TV screen went from MTV to static, and you stepped back to stare at it while Bela swished her tentacles around nervously, leaving red, raised scratches on your arm and neck.  She was heavy, but you’d gotten used to her weight and hitched our shoulder up to accommodate.
The static changed to the image of a man standing before a black backdrop.  He was tall and thin, wearing a business suit with a full head of silver hair. 
“Hello Dove,” the man on your TV said.
He was looking right at you.
You glanced around for a weapon, but as if he could read your mind he said.  “No need for that, I don’t want to hurt you.”  He was handsome in a “trust me”, evil doctor kind of way, but the last thing you felt like giving him was your trust.
“What did you do to Eddie?” It felt stupid, talking to an electronic device as if it were a person, but that was the situation you’d found yourself in.  
Brenner said nothing, but you got a bad feeling and swallowed to wet your dry mouth before taking cautions steps over to the window facing his trailer to peel back the blinds.
But you could already see the flames inside, and just then, you smelled the smoke.
His trailer
It was on fire.
“Nononono no,” You chanted, charging for the door.  
“Come with me quietly,” the man on the TV said, calmly. “Or your vampire boyfriend will meet the final death.”
You halted in your tracks, glaring down at the older man, nostrils flaring with anger.  “Come with you? Where are you hiding?” You chided; hands balled into fist as you cocked your head. “You’re not afraid of me, are you?”
Brenner looked down before meeting your eyes again.  “Your father underestimated the capacity for your powers.  I don’t plan to make the same mistake.”
“How did you know my father?” You barked.
Outside, one of Eddie’s windows blew out, glass shattering everywhere, and his curtains went up in flames.
You ran outside and flew down the steps before the man's voice could stop you.  Dio, Eddie’s cat, ran by to hide under your trailer.  
Maybe Eddie had gone in like a crazy person to save some photos or something, and somehow, he’d gotten trapped in there.   Bela took to the sky while you rushed to his door.
But then there he was, staggering out on a dark cloud of smoke, holding an electric guitar in his hand.
“My sweetheart,” he held it up.  “I couldn’t let her burn.”
He was smiling at you from the top of his steps, dimples popping, and you could help but mirror it, flooded with relief.  He really didn’t care that his whole place was burning, as long as he had Dio, his guitar, and you.
He’d lost much more in his life to a fire once when he was younger, so this one wouldn't sting half as bad.  
And it suddenly didn’t matter that some creepy old dude could somehow talk to you through your TV: Eddie was okay.  
But then something else happened. 
He took the first step, never taking his eyes off of you, but something knocked his shoulder back, like an invisible punch.  
And then another and another
The smile on his face quivered and his forehead creased, trying to understand what was happening.
He tucked his chin to look at his torso, and your eyes followed.
Dark blooms were appearing on his shirt like liquid spilled from an inkwell.  On his chest, over his heart, from his stomach.  
He stumbled down the last two steps and then fell to his knees, dropping the guitar so that he could brace himself with his hand.
Had Eddie been shot?
You didn’t have time to figure that out.  Some strange voice in your head told you there was a chance the trailer could explode—or maybe you’d watched too many movies—but you had to get him away from there.  He was a vampire, and even if he had been shot, he could heal, but you weren't sure how he would survive his body being blown to bits.  
The next thing you knew, you were carrying him, much like he’d carried you in his arms earlier.  You didn't need to summon the insane strength; it was just there. There was that buzzing in your skull, and you could feel violent sparks crackling through your muscles.
Everyone was coming out of their trailers at that point, and Dolores was screaming frantically into her phone wearing a nightshirt and curlers in her hair.  You didn’t know how long it would take for the fire department to get there, or if there was a possibility that the wreckage would spread to the other trailers.
You put Eddie down on the other side of your hearse and leaned him back against the tire to find there was blood trickling from his mouth, but he still tried to grin at you.
“See,” he sputtered.  “You’re like a superhero.  You don’t need me.”
“But I do,” tears clouded your eyes while another window blew out from the trailer.  You put your forehead to his and your lips brushed together.  “Please, don’t leave me.  Eddie I—”
“The bullets,” he winced.  “They’re silver.  My body can’t reject them.”
There were three or four different holes in him there that were steaming as the silver burned him from the inside.  You cupped your hand on his jaw, and he grabbed your wrist, turning his head to kiss your palm.  
“Here, take my blood—” 
You yanked your shirt down to give him your pulsing jugular, but all of a sudden you were forced back by some unseen force, flying through the air until you landed ass first in the gravel and skidded to a stop, rolling over to find yourself face first at the feet of someone wearing a pair of black, shiny shoes and slacks.
“Dove,” a familiar, deep voice said. “We meet again.”
You pushed back, scuttling away to find that it was the man from your TV; he was standing in your trailer park.  Flanked by two menacing looking men with bald, tattooed heads, wearing sunglasses.  Each of them in suits and ties as if they were the actual Men in Black.  
“I don’t know you,” you grumbled, getting to your feet that were bare and bleeding, but healing rapidly. You checked around each shoulder cautiously to see that there was a handful of other men in suits, all of them holding guns, and then a tall guy with a scalp of strawberry stubble, no more than 20, in a red jumpsuit. The guy had his chin down, eyes pinned on you as if he might shoot lasers from them.
His expression was deceivingly kind.  “My name is Martin Brenner.  I met you before you died the first time,” he said casually.
“You see, your father and I used to be friends,” he walked a circle around you, before coming front and center again.  “He stole valuable information from my laboratory in order to bring you back.  You're my property as well, but he decided to keep you from me.”  
“My father never mentioned you,” was all you could say.  In your peripheral vision, you could tell the others were inching close.
“We could’ve been so great together, Dove.  Imagine your contribution to science.  And you would not be so uncertain about your powers,” he stepped back to gesture at the boy in the red jumpsuit.  “I want to introduce you to Kane.  He was reanimated the same way you were, but under my expertise and supervision.”
Kane had a railroad scar on his forehead, and a hand that was a different skin color than the rest of his body.  It wasn’t just a different skin tone; it was a body part from an entirely different person.
You thought about all of the love you were raised with, and though your dad fumbled the ball on attentiveness quite a bit, you never doubted how much he cared for you.  You were beginning to understand that maybe he didn’t explain what abilities you might have because it would lead you back to Brenner somehow.
The surge of power was growing inside of you, and instead of pushing it down, you let it grow and churn and spill out, creating a type of electrical force field around your body, a vibrating aura of protection.
“Show her what you can do, Kane,” Brenner said.
Not sure what to expect, you watched Kane rubbed his hands together, creating a bright bolt of lightning from the friction, his eyes went milk white, and then he shot an arm out towards the nearest hulking security guard, palm open, and it sent the man in black off his feet, sailing back as if he were hugging an invisible beach ball.  He smacked into the side of the opposite neighbor’s trailer with a bone to metal thwack.  
Your eyes were fixed for too long on the man slumped in the gravel, and when you turned to face Kane again, he was a few steps closer, peering through his lashes at you with an evil twitch of his lips.
Apparently, you were the next example in his bag of tricks.  
Your feet were off the ground before you could process another thought, catching air like a rag doll only to drop down and skid face first into the cold, dry earth.  
Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be, eh? Lifting into a push up position, you spat dirt and blood from your mouth with a curse.
Gathering yourself up and into a crouch, you vaguely heard Eddie call your name, but he was still rendered temporarily helpless by the silver, and your head was spinning.  Not so much from confusion and fear this time, but more…anger.
You nailed Kane with a heated look, and then your hand lashed out in his direction, though he was yards away, and actual sparks flew from your palm, spitting like fireworks.
Kane was pummeled in the gut with a force he obviously wasn’t expecting, and you kept going before he could find his footing again, knocking him down before he could raise a hand at you again..
“How does that feel?” You bit, towering over him. 
In a heartbeat, you lifted Kane’s limp body above your head with a roar that you could not believe came from your own mouth.  Arching back, you aimed to drop him over the nearby trailer hitch, which would surely break his back, if not kill him, but then you remembered who you were and faltered.
Blinking, trying to quiet the buzzing in your skull, you knew you did not want to kill this boy.
You understood, even under such duress, that he was only doing what he was told.  
But Brenner was actually applauding you, pupils blown from the intensity, urging you to keep going, to murder this stranger at his bidding.  
You could’ve very easily ended up just like Kane, if not for the love and protection of your father.  
Heaving, trying to calm yourself, you threw Kane’s body in the opposite direction, so that he landed on flat ground that would absolutely hurt, but he’d be able to walk away.  
Brenner beamed at you like a parent watching their child take their first steps.  “You’re stronger than I’d imagined.  Your powers have somehow increased since your inception, and I’d love to know why.”
You squared up with him, making him step back to avoid the sparks actively snapping off of you.  “What do you want from me?”
You didn’t have to look to know that all of the guns were trained on you.  
“I want you to work for me, Dove. We could change the world together, you and I.”
It felt like he was trying to sell you a car, not asking to hook you up to electrodes and make you his own personal soldier.  
“Never,” you were calm now, and you wanted nothing to do with this man or whatever he thought he could do for you.
The flames went higher on the trailer, and in the distance, wails of a fire engine could be heard.  
You caught sight of Eddie, but he was flat on the ground now and no longer sitting up.
You rushed by Brenner, slamming into his shoulder as you went, but two of the guards caught you by the arms.  It felt like they were stronger than normal men, and when they bared their fangs, you realized they were vampires.
Growling, you flung them off of you, and they went stumbling back as if they weighed nothing, as if you were suddenly impervious to their supernatural strength.
“Kill the boyfriend,” you heard Brenner bark at the men.  “Use the wooden bullets this time.”
A gun cocked, and you ran a few steps, but then vaulted over Eddie’s body, arms wide, using yours as a shield.
You felt the bullet impact like a dagger in your back, but it was as if it bounced off somehow instead of penetrating.  Eddie barked in pain as you covered him, but then he clung to you as you rolled him under the hearse, away from the gunfire.  
Caging yourself on top of him, knees on either side of his hips, and stomachs touching, you could feel how weak he was; the silver enabled his body from healing, and you had to find a way to get them out.  
You watched the feet of the one with the wooden bullets approach the vehicle, thinking of your next move when Eddie whispered into the side of your neck: “You’re so fucking beautiful—”
If this was the end for him, this was how he wanted to spend it: with you, being able to see your face one last time.  
Before you could respond, there came a shrill, tortured scream, and the booted feet you had your eye on stumbled back.
More agonizing screams, until the body in question dropped to the ground, limbs writhing, and you could see that Bela had attached herself to his head like an Alien facehugger.  
Only because he was a vampire, he was able to pull her off, but she took most of his flesh and his nose off with her.  
Bela took to the sky again, out of view, and they aimed their guns up at her.
“Not so fast, boys,” a new voice rumbled from the shadows. “I want to play, too.”
Eddie’s shallow breaths moving under you, it was all you could do not to cheer out loud when you realized the voice belonged to Jareth.
And apparently, Jareth brought friends; enough to fill the entire courtyard.
They were crouching on the roofs, on cars, everywhere.
Brenner and his crew were surrounded; Bela had gone to get help.  
In the woods, a pack of wolves howled their attendance as well.  
Jareth pierced the closest vampire in the heart with a wooden stake and he exploded, guts flying everywhere.  
As far as the human bodyguards went, the rest was a bloodbath.  
From what you were told later, Kane ran, and Brenner tried to get behind the wheel of the SUV, but instead he was dragged into the war zone and drained dry before being ripped limb from limb. 
Jareth wanted to keep the doctor in his dungeon to torture him, but a few of the vampires knew of Brenner and the experiments he’d done on their kind over the years.  It was all nothing short of sadistic torture, keeping them barely alive so that he could run experiments on them over time and sell their blood for a profit.
They’d been wanting to get their hands on him for a long time.
By the time the rescue team and fire truck showed up, all of the vampires had evaporated into the shadows, and you’d snuck Eddie up into your bedroom, carrying most of his weight as he was only able to hobble.  You collected his guitar as well, and brought Dio inside, since those were the only two things from the burning wreckage, he voiced a care about.  With the lights out and the curtains closed, you used a modest bedside reading lamp to assess the damage.  While you were concentrating on him, his eyes never left your face, his heart bursting. 
“You might have to suck them out,” he cleared his throat.  “The bullets I mean.  I’m sorry if that’s weird.”
“You mean, weirder than all of the other shit that happened tonight?” You mumbled, coming back from washing your hands.  There was still dirt caked under your nails, possibly some blood, but whatever.
“Good point.”
Until you got the bullets out, any blood you gave him would be useless, so without another moment of hesitation, you crawled up on the bed, springs bouncing, and knelt next to his torso, bracing a hand at either side of him. He was burning up around the sight of each wound, and the skin sizzled as the alloy continued to roast him alive.  
The first one was at the surface and came out fast, hot metal on your tongue.  The next one, under his right nipple, was deeper and you had to suck harder, making Eddie’s toes curl.  You spit each out onto the floor, and strings of his blood mingled in your saliva.
One hand behind his head, the other rested at his hip with a thumb in his belt loop.  “So, you’re like…the incredible Hulk, but with powers.  That’s pretty badass.”
“I don’t know what I am,” you scoffed, sucking out another, and then pausing to watch the openings seal up and heal.  “I’m a waitress, that’s all.  That’s all I want to be.”
He nodded, musing on how many times he’d wished he could go back and not be a vampire. He wanted to tell you the story of when he was reborn, but that could wait for another time.  Now it was time to put some very messy cards on the table. 
The last bullet was deep, and you had to swirl your tongue around in the hole to loosen it.
“I have something I need to tell you,” he blurted while your lips were near his belly button.
Fuck, here it goes…
“First, I just want to say that I had no idea who this Brenner guy was before, like, a few months ago,” his next swallow felt like he was chugging a grapefruit. “If I’d have known what a creep, he was I never would’ve…”
You stopped what you were doing to raise your head, waiting for him to finish, the final bit of silver still lodged in his abdomen. “You knew of Brenner? Before all this?”
He couldn’t look at you, he had to stare at the ceiling.  
“Uh, yeah, that first week you were here, he tracked me down at the chop shop and said he’d pay me a shit ton of money to keep an eye on you. I didn’t ask a lot of questions.  As far as I knew, you were his long-lost daughter, or some shit and he wanted to make sure you were safe.”
You sat back on your knees, trying to let that sink in.
He lifted up to brace himself on an elbow, wincing at the sting of the remaining bullet.  “I didn’t know you then, that was before we were…” he fumbled with what he wanted to call you and what you actually were, “...a friend.”  
“So,” you frowned down at your hands.  “You’re the reason I was kidnapped tonight? The reason all of this happened?”  Your wide eyes snapped to him.  “Did you set me up?”
He sliced his hand in the air a few times, shaking his head vigorously.  “No..nope…I had nothing to do with any of this,” he pleaded.  “I only reported back to him for a couple of weeks, and then I stopped, really.  After that night I first took you to Sacrament, I told him I was too busy to—”
All of the horrific memories were rushing back to you.  “What about the Klemp’s? Did you pay them to hurt me or something? So that I’d have to drink your blood and let you into my head?”
Eddie spoke so fast; he stuttered over his words.  “No, absolutely not, never! I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I would never let anyone hurt you like that.”
“But they did hurt me,” you muttered.
Now it was you who couldn’t look at him, working your jaw muscles as you tried to decide which emotion you should be feeling.
“Why should I even believe you?” Your voice was small.
“Please believe me I—”
“If you knew this guy was stalking me, why didn’t you tell me sooner? If you’re as concerned for my welfare as you claim to be?”
You couldn’t tell if you wanted to cry or scream; maybe both.
Eddie didn’t have a chance to answer.  You were on your feet at the end of the bed with your arms crossed.  
Suddenly, you were shaking, and you couldn’t control it. “After Sacrament, I didn’t see you for a long time, it felt like you were avoiding me.  Was that because you no longer had to fake interest in me for your scam?”
Eddie pushed himself up into a seated position, blinking back the memory of how painfully hard it had been to stay away from you for all that time.  “No, you have to trust me, that had nothing to do with—”
“Trust you?” You barked a sarcastic laugh.  “Tell me why then? Why avoid me for so long, huh? Because you weren’t getting paid to—”
Eddie’s voice wavered and he spoke in a rush.  “Because I started to have feelings for you, that’s why. Happy? Because ever since that first day I saw you, you’re all I can fucking think about.  Because I can’t even look at another woman without seeing your face, and believe me, I’ve tried. I’ve gotten real good at disappointing people and leaving people behind, and all I know is, I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Your lips parted to say something, but he figured what the hell, he might as well scare you all the way off while he was at it.
He relaxed his shoulders and wet his lips. “I never told you that I was made vampire against my will.  I died and was brought back, but my heart went cold, and I never thought I’d feel anything for anyone ever again.  I didn’t want to feel anything.  I should’ve stayed dead, I wanted to be with all of the people I’d lost…”
His suede brown eyes sought your face.  “When I’m with you, I don’t feel dead anymore. When I think about you, I feel fragile and human again.  Like maybe I’ve got something worth giving away.”
Silence filled the room like helium in a balloon about to burst.  
He’d gone for broke, and there was nowhere left to hide. He was officially at your feet, where he’d always been.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he whispered when you didn’t respond right away. “I get it.”
You tilted your head all the way back to stare at the ceiling.
“I dream about you every night,” you admitted on an exhale. “Logically I know it has to do with ingesting your blood, but it’s…it’s more than that.”
He bit at the inside of his cheek, picking at a thread on the comforter.  “Every night, huh?”
You gave a few slow nods, and you could almost hear the smile pull across his teeth. 
“Yeah, so, blood induced dreaming should only happen a handful of times after it’s ingested,” he said, shifting in his seat. 
You kept nodding, since that was something you’d already suspected.  “The dreams are always so vivid, I wake up…”
He dared to finish for you after a long pause. “Wanting more?”
“No,” you corrected, turning to face him.  “I wake up wishing they were real.”
I la la la love you all who have reached out to me about this story and continue to cheer it on. Comments, reblogs, and asks about this world mean everything to me.
Taglist: @trixyvixx@sllooney@writinginthetwilight@sidthedollface2@atomickaratel8dy@probablyin-bed@kiyastrf94@briamunson92 @joannamuns9n@jasminelafleur @@bellalillyrose @dashingdeb16 @alba8688 @corrodeddeadlydoll@brassreign@likedovesinthewnd @ilovetaquitosmmm @skrzydlak@onegirlmanytales@angietherose@probablyin-bed@reidsbtch@moonbeamsandmayhem@eddiesxangel@hideoutside@secretdryrose@nailbatanddungeon@thorfemmes@corkadymu@kellsck@mrsjellymunson@poofyloofy@dream-a-little-nightmare
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
I have read the fic with witch! Oscar but can I have it with Charles? If not that's okay!
Thanks in advance!!
I took this chance to write out one of the fics from my list i've got so two birds one stone
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"You're not dead."
Charles couldn't quite believe his eyes. He'd seen the werewolf snap her neck, had seen her limp body fall to the floor, and had checked for a pulse that wasn't there. There was no way she should have been alive.
But she shrugged her shoulders and rubbed at her neck. It hurt, but not enough to kill her, that was sure. "Do you even remember what happened?" Charles asked as he stepped closer and looked at her neck. No puncture wounds, no sign of a vampire bringing her back.
She shook her head. "We went to that warehouse and boom, nothing until this morning."
Charles stepped closer to her. He grasped her hand and pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her. She was alive. How the hell was she alive?
She slept over in his apartment that night, clearly exhausted after coming back to life. Not that she was aware of it. But, as she slept, Charles pulled out the book that Sebastian had given him and performed a spell.
The magic wrapped around her, telling him everything he wanted to know. "Shit," he hissed and closed the spell book. He put it back onto his shelf and climbed into bed beside her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
Charles was different around her after that night. She couldn't put her finger on why, but things were different. It was almost like he was avoiding her. And she needed to know why.
One day, one of the few times days that Charles had invited her to stay the night, she confronted him. Well, confronted might be a strong word. Instead, she slipped into his lap and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Charlie, what's going on?" She asked, resting her head on his shoulder.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. "Try and remember this time," he said.
Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her back. She let out a gasp, her eyes growing wide. "... Fuck," she choked out. "Charles."
Her body dropped from his lap onto the floor. Charles pulled the knife from her back, cleaned it and put it back. He just hoped the spell he cast was enough to help her to remember.
Just an hour later, she was standing up, body uncomfortable from where she was laying on the floor. "What the hell?" She groaned as she looked around from her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend who was at his piano. As soon as she laid eyes on him, the memory came flooding back. Sitting on his lap, the pain in her back, falling to the floor and then dying. She was dead. Holy fuck, she had died.
And, with the way Charles was looking at her, he wasn't surprised to see her alive.
She began running. "Fuck," he hissed, lifting his fingers away from his piano keys. She chased after her, trying desperately to catch her. "Y/N! Wait! Let me explain!" He shouted, desperately reaching for the back of her shirt.
He wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and taking her back to the apartment. "Charles! No, put me down!" She shouted, trying desperately to get away from him. "I'll go dead weight!" She completely slumped her, making it near impossible to hold onto her. But it was no problem for Charles.
Charles took her back into the apartment. He used magic to lock the door and dropped her onto the couch. "Just hear me out," he said as he crouched in front of her. He didn't use magic to hold her there, but she didn't try and move.
"Two weeks ago I went to a warehouse to deal with werewolves," he said. "You followed me and I didn't know until a werewolf snapped your neck and you were laying there, dead. I had no choice but to leave your body there but, by the time I went back for you, you were gone."
She shook her head. That didn't happen, that never happened.
"The next day you showed up at my apartment and I couldn't believe it. So I did a spell and I learnt that you... can't die. I had to make sure, so I stabbed you, and here we are," he said and let out a sigh. "I wouldn't have done it if I knew it really would hurt you."
She couldn't quite believe it. But it had happened. She knew it happened, she'd remembered it.
"So, I can't die and you're a witch," she said as she looked down at him. "What do we do now?"
"We could go back to normal?" Charles suggested. But it would have been a miracle if she'd take him back.
But they tried it. She wanted to go back to normal, wanted him to hold her, to make her feel loved like he normally did. Charles didn't bring up her immortality. She didn't bring up the fact that he was a witch. Everything was normal.
But then his mentor, Sebastian, came to him with a little problem. "Charles, I need a human sacrifice for a protection spell," he said to him one day.
Charles swallowed the lump in his throat. He knew exactly what Seb's problem was. He was a pacifist, he didn't want to have to kill anybody for a spell. If Charles did it, his hands were clean.
He didn't know Y/N was listening in on his conversation. Not until she nervously stepped towards them. "I can help," she said, somewhat nervously.
Instantly Charles shook his head. "Ma chérie, no," Charles said softly and pulled her close.
"No, Charles. I can do it and he won't have to kill anybody."
And that was how Charles started using his girlfriend as a sacrifice, because she couldn't die (it was the perfect arrangement).
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bagsyy · 9 months
warnings! 18+ mdni, fem!reader, oral (m receiving), slight throatfucking/overstim if you squint, cum swallowing, lovesick atsumu. 1.6k words not proofread at all because if i look at it again i’ll throw up. happy birthday atsumu<3
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atsumu’s brain has felt hazy for a while now. he couldn’t exactly pinpoint when it had started though. he didn’t have the mental fortitude to. he’s not sure if it began when he saw a glimpse of you getting ready in the bathroom. you were sitting atop the counter wearing one of his shirts as you curled your eyelashes. you pretended to scold him for daring to look at you before the wedding.
“it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, dummy. if we ever get divorced it’s gonna be your fault” you say, hitting the tube of mascara against the heel of your palm.
“want me to piss with my eyes closed?” atsumu snaps his head at you. “i’m not that talented, baby.”
“you know what? i think i’m actually getting cold feet. maybe we shouldn’t get married.” atsumu is silent for a moment before he leans back and pokes his head through the crack in the door. “really? they seemed pretty warm to me when you were beggin me to book the next flight here. ‘i just wanna get married, tsumu! i don’t wanna wait! i’ll marry you right now.’” he mocks you in a high-pitched voice.
“that is not what i sound like! can you save the theatrics for when you’re not actively pissing?” you side eye him, unable to prevent yourself from letting out a soft laugh. “m’trying to get ready, atsumu. i don’t wanna look ugly when we get married in front of an elvis impersonator.”
“sweetheart, we both know that’s impossible” atsumu says as he walks to the sink next to where you’re sat atop the bathroom counter. “you tryin to look good for another man? you’re killin me” atsumu’s honey colored eyes lock with yours, and you swear he’s never looked more lovesick in his life.
it was only after that, he decided, that you were really killing him.
it was his idea to do a “first look” in the hotel room before the two of you left to get hitched. his argument was that a lot of people get married in las vegas, what if he loses you in the crowd and he accidentally marries the wrong person because he can’t remember the dress you were wearing?
your phone is propped up on the window, hidden from atsumu’s view but still in the perfect position to capture this moment. the two of you are standing back to back, and you can feel him getting antsy as he clenches and unclenches his hands, fiddling with the sleeves of his suit. it’s cute, really, how soft atsumu gets when he’s with you. his heart never ceases to pound every time you take his hand in yours and squeeze it three times. when you kiss the crease between his furrowed eyebrows when his stress is visibly consuming him. when it’s 3 in the morning and you can’t sleep, so you softly whisper atsumu’s name until he wakes up and you beg him to stay up with you so you have someone to talk to.
“okay. we turn around on three.” you reach behind you, searching for atsumu’s hand with your own. his fingers intertwine with yours as he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, feeling the absolute rock on your left hand brush against his knuckles. “one, two, three” you turn around to face each other, and atsumu looks like he’s about to pass out. the two of you are completely unable to form any coherent thoughts, just softly laughing in shock as you take each other in.
atsumu looks handsome as ever, messy blonde hair styled into something more neat and presentable. he looks like a husband, you think to yourself. you imagine a day where the two of you are sat out on your front porch, watching the sun setting over the horizon as soft beams of light glimmer on the laugh lines and crows feet adorning atsumu’s face. and you swear you’ll love him then just as much as you do right now.
atsumu smoothes his hands over his suit jacket. “damn baby, i’m feelin a little underdressed next to you.” you don’t miss how his voice quivers ever so slightly. “you didn’t tell me you were gonna look this gorgeous.”
your hand is still in his, and he lifts your arm up to get a better look at you. your dress is simple, satin, knee length with a slight v-neckline. it’s not the most intricate dress, but it’s timeless. elegant. you’re wearing a simple gold necklace, one that atsumu gave you, that sits pretty on your collarbones. his favorite part about your entire getup is, by far, your veil. it’s secured to your hair with a pretty white bow and stops just a little bit past your shoulders. atsumu wipes the smallest tear from the corner of his eyes and sniffles a little bit before pulling you into him, wrapping his arms around you. in typical atsumu fashion, his hand slides down to grab a handful of your ass and you jump in surprise. “c’mon let’s make you a miya” atsumu grins.
the next two hours are a complete blur. you were all satin and soft skin, and atsumu felt like he was going to pass out at any given moment. he hardly remembers anything, really. he’s extremely grateful that you found a chapel that included a recording of the ceremony in the cost, because the only thing he can remember at this very moment is the man in the pink suit and aviator glasses telling him to kiss his bride. he’s been ready to marry you for nearly as long as he’s loved you, and there was nothing else going on inside his little brain besides making you his wife.
but now, here in this hotel room, he’s sure he’s been lobotomized.
“atsumu” you pout as you pull away from his cock, resting your head against his toned thigh. “you’re gonna rip my veil.” your hand squeezes his sensitive tip, demanding his attention.
“shit, shit baby m’sorry. just tryin to hold it for you” he throws his head back into the pillow, upset by the sudden loss of warmth from your mouth. “i’ll buy you another one just—please. please baby” he whines. “what kinda wife would leave me hangin like that?” he peers down at you, grinning ever so slightly. it’s amazing how he still manages to be cocky when you have him like this.
“what kind of husband-” you pause, softly nipping his inner thigh, placing a feather light kiss on it as an apology, “-rips his wife’s veil because he can’t keep still when his dick is in her mouth?”
“said m’sorry” he whines, throwing one of his arms over his eyes. you place more kisses along his inner thigh, slowly making your way back to his cock. you kiss the base of his shaft, trailing all the way up to his leaky tip. it jumps with every single kiss. “do something. please, angel.”
you give in, lightly licking the underside of his dick before taking him into your mouth. you hollow your cheeks around him and he bucks into you, fat tip hitting the back of your throat. atsumu groans as you swallow around him. you try your best not to gag, but atsumu is too fucking big. no matter how many times you’ve done this, it still takes you a second to become fully accustomed to him.
“god damn baby, shit” atsumu’s lower abdomen begins to twitch as you continue to bob your head. “so pretty. y’look so pretty with my cock in your mouth. so fuckin’ messy.” and he’s right. between the heated makeout session that led up to this and the sheer amount of spit that’s on atsumu’s dick, what’s left of your crimson red lipstick is smeared all over the both of your faces, on his thighs, near the base of his cock. and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
your hand left hand strokes what can’t fit in your mouth as you continue to swipe your tongue on the underside of his fat pink tip, and your right hand moves to cup his balls. he looks so fucking pretty like this. you can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter with every pretty sound your husband makes. you moan around him, and his hand grips your hair (and veil) just a little bit tighter. atsumu is whimpering at this point, face beet red as he looks down at you.
“gonna make me cum. please make me cum. you gonna swallow, pretty girl?”
you let out a soft hum, giving him an unspoken “yes.” he doesn’t last much longer after that, spilling his seed into your mouth with a deep groan. he moans your name and babbles something about how much he loves his pretty wife, how you’re so perfect, so good for him. you swallow everything he gives you, and you kiss his tip as you take him out of your mouth. not being able to resist the urge, you start to jerk him off, and he lets out a choked sob.
“okay, okay. s’enough. it’s enough baby, fuck” he tugs on his blonde hair, back arching.
“oh? is it, though?” you coo at him, admiring the way he looks right now. he constantly does the same shit to you, eating you out until your legs lock and you can’t stop shaking. but when he’s the one on the receiving end, he’s far whinier.
atsumu grabs you by your wrist and pulls you on top of him before you can overstimulate him any further. you yelp as you fall onto his chest, placing your head on his shoulder. “wanna kiss my wife now” he pouts, tilting his head to kiss you. he can taste himself on your tongue and it makes him sigh into your mouth. he runs his fingers down your back, tracing the curvature of your spine. “that was some of your best work, mrs. miya.”
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
Trans Spidey reader and Miguel where the reader is really really into Miguel’s talons and muscles and everyone at HQ knows but Miguel (basically just sexual tension between oblivious people)
Imagine crushing on Miguel and being reciprocated haha couldn't be me FHSFHFJKDF I really do like this idea anon tysm! I love writing oblivious trope, its always so fun! I hope you all enjoyed this btw!
Exclusively Yours
Tags: Miguel O’hara x ftM,!reader, Spidey!reader, Miguel O’hara, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabakhar, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Margo (Spider Byte), Jessica Drew, Peter B. Parker, Mayday, Fluff, sexual tension, soft!Miguel, Maybe OOC, Miles’ group being a menace, a bit nsfw-ish maybe, kissing, humor, confessions, feelings realization
Maybe you're not the first Spiderman to notice Miguel's arms and claws, and maybe you're not the first person to fall in love with him because of those too. But you're certainly the first to make Miguel fall in love.
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1st Month
“I can't be the only one seeing this, right?” The other tree turns to Pavitr, his eyes following the new guy that just got into the Spider Society, next to him stands Miguel. 
“I mean, he made Miguel walk outside his office for once!” The new guy laughs, a flash of a blush on his cheeks while Miguel says something the group couldn't hear. 
“Honestly a bit scary ain't it?” Hobie chews another chip. “Boss man never smiles, now look at tha’,” 
The group snickers as they watch those two walk past the cafeteria, before they turn a corner and disappear from their vision. Gwen takes a sip of her smoothie, her head tilted slightly. “You’ve seen how he looks at Miguel?” 
“I mean, I've only been on a mission with those two once…” She grins. “Pretty sure he kept sneaking glances at his arms,”
“There’s no way they don't like each other!” However, what Pavitr said made Hobie scoff.
“Miguel or new guy?” Pavitr tilts his head.
“I wouldn't bet on that mate, man’s so blind might as well be walkin’ to a pole,”
“Both to be ‘onest,” 
“Impossible! Did you see the tension? I can practically feel it,” The shorter boy grips at the edge of the table, his eyes sparkling.
“Y’know, yesterday, while me and Peter reported back to Miguel’s-” The group leans closer to their shared table. “He was showing the new guy his claws!”
“What?!” Pavitr shouts, the group erupts in laughter. “No way that's real!” 
“Wait wait, were they like-” Suddenly, Pavitr grabs at Hobie’s wrists, bringing them close to his face. “Oh! They are so sharp Miguel! Must you always be so dangerous!” 
Pavitr brings one hand to his crown, pressing the back of it to dramatize his impression of the new guy. Hobi snickers, before he plays into his friend's bit, one hand holds Pavitrs face while the other fists, pressed to his chest. “Never for you, my love,”
“Oh Miguel!” Pavitr turns his head to the side and Hobie closes his eyes, both of them making kissy faces at each other.
“Oh my god!” Gwen and Miles doubles over in laughter, the girl holding on to Miles’ shoulder while she holds on to her stomach, Miles already cackling over the table. Hobie and Pavitr join their laughs, Hobie holding his sides while Pavitr slapped the table repeatedly, tears gathering at the corner of his eyes. 
Miles shakes as he brings his head up. “Miguel would kill you!” 
“Who would I kill?” The group halted, turning slowly to find Miguel standing beside their table, arms crossed, one dangerous brow raised. Gwen looks away, Pavitr and Miles audibly gulp while Hobie rolls his eyes, huffing. 
“N-nothing- No one! Nope, haha,” Miles shakes his head, a nervous smile on his lips. Miguel simply raises his brow higher, eyes narrowing.
“Oh! Would you look at the time!” Gwen glances at nothing on her wrist. “We should get going, right guys? We have that meeting, right?” 
“Oh yeaah! The meeting, yes,” Pavitr shakily grins, shaking Hobie’s shoulder. “Come on Hobie we should go, haha,” 
The team shuffles awkwardly away from the table, before they all booked it and ran in the same direction, Miles and Pavitr already jumping off the ledge and swinging away, followed by Gwen and Hobie who’s running behind them before also flying away. Miguel rumbles lowly, before he sees the new guy approaching him with his tray of food and joins him in looking for a seat.
5th Month
Gwen pulls off her mask as she enters Margo’s lab, the girl nods her head to the music she's listening to, her eyes on the monitors. She adjusts the files inside the small box she's carrying before walking towards her. “Hey Margo, Jessica told me you needed these?” 
“Oh yeah, just put them there,” Her hologram glitches as the headphones disappear. She stands, walking towards where Gwen set aside the box before riffling through it.
“What’s in those anyways?” Gwen perches herself on one of the empty consoles. Margo opens one and flips through it.
“Oh it’s actually from Miguel,” She closes the file, setting it aside, before looking through the others. Gwen hums, looking around the various screens, briefly at the Go Home Machine, before she turns to Margo again.
“Hey, speaking of Miguel, you’ve seen the new guy right?” 
“The one that sticks with Miguel, like, all the time?” Margo smirks, setting aside another piece of paper. Gwen nods, now intrigued. “Oh have I,” 
“They were here, like, a couple of weeks ago right, and lemme tell you,” Margo pushes the box away, sitting up where Gwen is also sitting, pulling one leg up to her chest. “His eyes were all over Miguel's body, I swear!”
“Holy shit?” 
“Im serious! Jessica was right there, by the way, and he was eating Miguel up,”
“Shut up!” Gwen giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. Margo laughs too, now her legs are crossed over the console. 
“Especially his arms, like boy get a room!” Miguel laughs, throwing her head back while Gwen holds at her side, almost doubling over from her own laughter. 
“You think-” Gwen tries to stifle her giggles. “You think Miguel notices?”
“I’d be surprised if he didn't! We both know he’s dumb about these things, but come on,” 
“Yeah, I’d feel sad if Miguel doesn't know,” Gwen sighs, leaning on her hands behind her. “Though, I’m pretty sure he’s also been checking out the new guy,”
“Don’t get me started!” Margo’s grin widens.
1 year
“So how’s Miggy been treating you?” 
“Really? Right now, Parker?”
You’re currently swinging through another universe's version of Brooklyn, chasing a rouge Doc Oct from another dimension. Peter was now running on top of a building while you swung under the elevated railway. Mayday giggles in her baby carrier when her father leaped off the building and joins to swing next to you. Your back aches a bit when you swung to another building, maybe wearing a binder today wasn’t your best choice, then again you didn't know the fucker was gonna run this long.
“Hey, we haven't got time to catch up ever since Mr. Dark and broody’s been stealing you,” He shrugs, sharply turning just as you swung above him, Doc Oct meter away, still running with his metal arms. 
“First of all, he hasn't been ‘stealing me’-” You made quotation marks mid-air. “And Secondly-” 
A car was suddenly thrown at you, at which you narrowly slide past the opened passenger and driver's window, before webbing it up so it doesn't hit the pedestrians below. “Miguel’s been treating me great, okay,”
“Has he asked you out to dinner yet?” He twips another web, swinging on it.
“What?!” Just as you said that, Doc Oct threw debris toward you, which you quickly swing away and secured that too. “Oh shit…”
“You’ll never catch me Spidermans!” He shouts and does that damn annoying meniscal laugh.
“Let’s wrap this up?” You suggested to Peter as he stops at the same lamp post as you.
“Yup, hold on to daddy, baby,” Mayday nods her little head as Peter adjusts her straps, then it’s off against Doc Oct. 
Peter swings behind him, effectively catching his attention as you landed a punch straight to his jaw. He shakes away the pain, imminently turning and letting his metal arms attack you, the sharp appendages reach towards you before Peter shoots at it, pulling it down towards the ground. Doc Oct hits concrete hard, at which you quickly tie up the rest of his appendages. He sharply turns to you before you could tie the last arm, sweeping you off of your feet, which makes you fall as he cages you on the ground, the sharp end of the arm almost slicing your next if you didn't duck quick enough. Peter lands meters behind Doc Oct, the hologram cage in his hand. He nods curtly, his eyes on you.
“Now!” You threw off Doc Oct with your legs, Peter throwing the cage just where he lands. When he went to chase after you, the cage clicks open, effectively containing him. 
You catch your breath, before deciding to lie on the concrete floor and covering your eyes with one arm. “Nice going man,”
“Thanks,” You say as Peter stands beside you. “You too,”
Peter shrugs before he releases Mayday from her carrier, holding her in front of him before he kisses her nose. “And you too young lady, very brave,” 
Mayday giggles, hands patting Peter’s cheeks. You huff, resting your arms on your chest while keeping your eyes closed. You can still hear Mayday's little voice, before Peter turns to you. “So he hasn't asked you out yet?”
“I really don't know what you're talking about Pete,”
“Oh come on! You’ve been with us for a year, probably longer with Miguel-”
You sharply sit up. “What?”
“I’m just sayin’,” He held his hands up, Mayday hanging on his hip. “You guys should be official by now,”
You scoff, crossing your arms. “And what makes you think he likes me?” 
“Oh my god, Jessica is right, you’re way too oblivious,” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You stand, brows furrowed while Peter laughs with his daughter. Clearly, your confusion is hilarious to him. “There’s no way thee Miguel O’hara likes me, okay,”
“Sure sometimes I feel his eyes on me, or how much he asks me to hang out with him, but I’m probably not the only one!”
“No, you are-”
“Plus, he’s busy okay, he only ever makes time to eat lunch with me, or to train, sometimes, if I'm lucky, maybe even a coffee break together, but that's it! He doesn't like me, he doesn't trail me with those sharp eyes, we don't accidentally make eye contact, he doesn't smile at me or laugh along my lame jokes, and he definitely didn’t blush when I asked about his claws- oh my god he does like me…”
“Bingo,” Peter snaps his fingers, followed by Maydays giggles as Pete holds her by her legs, red hair covering her face. 
Your face reddens, eyes blinking as you recall all of your and Miguel’s interactions for the past year. The first month you showed up, Miguel paired himself with you and you thought he was just being nice. He indulges in your curiosity, showing you his claws, a bit worried but couldn't help the steady red that appears on his cheeks when you leaned closer. He makes time for you, joins you for lunch, which had the teens curious. He only ever trains with you, letting you spar with him, those widened eyes whenever you managed to pin him down. The longing gazes that you sometimes caught, smiling at him when you do which only makes Miguel turn away. The way he lets you on his platform, hanging out with him where others usually had to wait until Miguel dramatically descends. When he encourages you, lingering hand on your shoulders, and back, the ghost of a smirk only reserved around you. 
And you have been eyeing him too. How could you not when a man that good-looking, that dedicated to his work, is right there?! But the idea of Miguel reciprocating your feeling…
“Alright, let's get you home buddy,” Peter moves behind you, pushing your shoulders and walking towards the opened portal. You’re still in a daze, confused and embarrassed with how many signs you missed from him. 
The next day, you're still clouded with the possibility of Miguel liking you back, making you hesitant to ask him to eat lunch with you. The activity has become a constant now, but ever since your revelation, you were second-guessing yourself. 
You take a breath, closing your eyes briefly, before pushing the doors open. You jog your way to where Miguel's platform is and swing your way up easily. “Hey Miguel, join me for lunch?”
“Sure, let me allow Lyla to take over,” He nods toward you before turning back to his screens. You hum, shifting your weight from one leg to the other. 
“Alright, let's go,” He turns around, stretching his arms above his head briefly, the sight of his muscles taut makes you gulp. Now or never…
“Wait, I have something I wanna talk about,” You blurted out, looking anywhere but at Miguel. He stops in his tracks, putting one hand on his hip.
“Sure, go ahead,” He nods, patiently waiting. You inhale slowly, and let your breath out.
“I hope I'm not reading the room wrong but- I’ve noticed the way you look at me, Miguel,” You meet his red irises. They widen slightly, Miguel stands straighter. “You follow me with your eyes, and I know what they mean. You make time for me and we train together, you let me up on your platform, hell, I’m the only one allowed to get close to you without you getting irritated!” 
You laugh nervously, swiping back your fallen fringe. “What I’m saying is, am I wrong to think that you like me?” 
A beat passes. Silence aside from the writing of cables and soft beeps from the monitors. Your hands turn to fists ready for the rejection, maybe a condescending laugh from the man you’re pining, until-
“No, you're not,” He sighs. “ I do. I like you a lot, but I didn't want to ruin what we had. You're so close to me, and I’m afraid that if I told you, you’ll…”
Miguel turns slightly, averting his eyes, which is unlike him at all. His blush is now prominent, which spikes your own blush. You gulp, slowly stepping towards him. Your hand reaches for his arms, your touch making him blink and meet your gaze once again. “I like you too, Miguel,” 
“If you couldn't tell, I’ve also been sneaking glances at you,” You chuckle, placing one hand on his jaw as Miguel also chuckles, his voice reverberating around the room. “God, they were all right, we’re so oblivious,”
“‘They’?” Miguel grins, his hand holding your wrist, tilting his head against your hand. 
“The others noticed before we did,”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah,” You giggle.
“Wow, okay,” He follows your laugh, bumping his forehead against yours as the two of you laugh. You close your eyes, breathing in the scent that is Miguel, Basking in his warmth as he holds you close. Slowly, as the laughter dies down, you open your eyes, staring into his bright reds. Your hand brings his chin closer, you felt his breath stutter. After months of build-up, Miguel's lips against yours feel explosive. His hands are on your hips, pulling you closer, the reminder of those sharp talons beneath them. One hand reaches to tangle in Miguel’s hair, making him grunt, deepening the kiss. You feel his large hands caressing your sides, sending shivers down your spine. When you two pull back, Miguel's eyes are blown wide while you smirk, licking the remnants of him from your lips. 
“That year-long pining?” You smirk, pulling his shoulder closer, your nose brushing his. “Fucking worth it.”
Requests are open! Reblogs appreciated &lt;;3 
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: my girl tell me to shut up and i do
hobi: do you have schizophrenia
jk: ong
my girl tell me to shut up i kill myself
yoongi: it’s 6 in the morning
tae: so…
i’ve been seeing someone…
jimin: as in dating??
namjoon: therapy?
hobi: hallucinations?????
y/n: gm 😚
jk: omg my girl online what do i do >.<
jin: send nudes
jk: u first
jin: ?
jk: ??
jin: send it to HER
jk: ohhhhh
yoongi: ur girl?
namjoon: our book is out btw
tae: we wrote a book?
jk: did my story about the aggressive zebra in my room make it in
jimin: what
tae: i don’t remember writing a book
namjoon: no
jk: wtf :/
hobi: he needs to leave those drugs ALONE i’m telling you
jin: awoman
tae: did you write it without me??
y/n: if exo and superjunior are at our doors with ak47’s and bombs in the next 48 hours don’t act surprised
jimin: i could take them all tbh 🥱
jk: in bed?
jimin: stop talking to me
tae: do i still get paid for the book?
namjoon: ur overreacting
jimin: ????
namjoon: not you
y/n: I AM NOT
they’re gonna come get us i’m not joking
hobi: what if they bring all of nct with them
yk for back up
y/n: the end of bts for realzies
yoongi: dramatic
jk: let’s bomb the sm building
tae: is it like a colouring book?
namjoon: tae stop talking
tae: ur not my girl i don’t answer to you
hobi: where do we get a bomb?
jimin: bet namjoon knows
namjoon: ??
why would i know
jin: but i like shinee
y/n: REAL
we have to think about this
yoongi: still 6 in the morning btw
jimin: okay big ben like???
jin: yoongi can you not be a hater rn
yoongi: get a job
jin: i just wrote a book actually
namjoon: technically
jin: shut the FUCK up
hobi: what if we bombed it while shinee wasn’t there
jk: what about nct??
i think they’re cool
jimin: idc what you think tbh
y/n: i agree
jimin: great minds think alike
y/n: make sure shinee and nct are out
ALL of nct
jimin: nvm
jin: isn’t there like 400 of them
lowkey impossible
namjoon: 400 is a major exaggeration
there like 20 of them??
something like that
y/n: gotta make sure marks safe >.<
yoongi: ?
jk: what
tae: is the book only in korean?
jin: someone put a muzzle on him omg
hobi: isn’t he into that?
jin: ur right the only option is to kill myself
jimin: this bomb plan is getting long i’m out
hobi: yikes
y/n: hobi :C
hobi: sorry :c
jk: i’m also out i have a new mission
jimin: to shower??
sorry couldn’t help myself
i’m actually not sorry
i could help myself
i like to lie sometimes
jin: kim seokjin is also out
y/n: fine me it’s gonna be me yoongi and joon to save us all then
namjoon: i never said i was in?
y/n: you never said you were out?
namjoon: out
yoongi: i’m not involved
y/n: FINE
you all SUCK
poor lonely y/n will save the day then
we have to get them first
like are you guys suicidal??
hobi: a bit
y/n: i’m just gonna save myself then
hobi: saving you saving me
i really love nct
y/n: hope they get you first
hobi: i’ll literally become an nct member
i’ll be in wayV
jk: ur not chinese
jin: wayV isnt nct that’s two different groups??
namjoon: isn’t the group just called nct 127?
jin: like they are all under 127?
yoongi: so what’s nct dream then?
jimin: isn’t there an nct u??
jk: me?
jin: so the people that sung the perfume song are 127 not wayv???
y/n: no dojaejung are a separate unit
but they are also in nct 127
namjoon: what
yoongi: superm is also 127?
jimin: i’m having a stroke
this is so jin core
jin: excuse me??
jimin: ??
hobi: fake fans
you would never understand this nct life i live
namjoon: ur right
yoongi: what is going on
jk: have fun with nct i’ll miss you
jin: i’m back on the plan of bombing sm cuz wtf was that
unnecessary as HELL
down with sm
and all their fucking units
tae: can i get my money from the book now or…
yoongi: why are you still talking about the book
jimin: the broke era is really getting bad
y/n: begging for money is insane
tae: i’m NOT begging
y/n: so what are you doing?
tae: humbly asking for my cut?
i’m a businessman
i’m a millionaire for a reason
namjoon: act like it
tae: um?
rude but i’ll let it slide
pay up
preferably now would be nice
jimin: don’t have it millionaire?
tae: ofc i do!!!!!
but why in my right mind would i give YOU out off all people any of MY money
y/n: if you are in ur right mind i must be fucking insane oh my god
jin: about to cut some watermelon
hobi: yummy
jk: what if nct are all robots made by russia to spy on all of us
tae: what
jk: i’ll kill mark first
to test the theory
tae: ur not talking about my money and it’s making me itch stfu pls
yoongi: itch?
hobi: are you a crack addict?
jimin: namjoon would know a lot about that
namjoon: no i wouldn’t
stop saying that
jin: this watermelon just squirted on me
feeling violated
y/n: wtf?
hobi: i don’t think that’s normal
jimin: how tf a watermelon squirt
jk: pics
yoongi: what is wrong with you
namjoon: let’s do a phone detox
let’s all turn our phones off
for a month
jimin: namjoon 1 hour off the drugs
hobi: highkey gross get some cream or something??
jin: right i’m trying to eat here
namjoon: i don’t do drugs
jin: what if i sent a watermelon with a bomb in it to sm
namjoon: leave sm alone
jin: never
i’ll send a bomb for every unit they confused the poor world with
jk: 82
jimin: something about that number seems wrong
jk: 127
yoongi: didn’t laugh
y/n: think you did
tae: itched so hard i’m bleeding
hobi: we’re gonna let them kill tae before the bombs are sent right?
tae: ??
jin: that’s stupid
tae: right like 😭😭
jin: ofc lmao
tae: what
y/n: now we have a book out can we start a book club
namjoon: that would be cute
yoongi: idk if tae knows how to read like that
jk: i love boobs
jimin: i don’t believe you
jk: PLS
tae: i love the sound of “book club”
hobi: ???
y/n: “book club”??
tae: what?
jin: he’s gonna say something dumb
tae: book club is code for sex?
jin: told you
y/n: what
hobi: bro
jk: it is?
yoongi: no
tae: guys i think ur getting old
all the kids know that
jk: i would like to try book club
did i say it right?
like the kids would
tae: no it’s gotta be more like
wanna join my book club 😉
jk: wanna join my book club 😉
tae: perfect
jk: i don’t have a book club tho
tae: that doesn’t matter
jk: i don’t like lying
i don’t think i can do this
yoongi: same
yoongi left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
tae: he’s mad he’s old
doesn’t know the slang of todays children
jin left left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
tae: lame
@y/n wanna join my book club 😉
y/n left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
jk left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
tae: lol wtf he mad as hell
hobi left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
jimin left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
namjoon: i really hope the person that you’re seeing is actually a therapist
namjoon left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
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iamthecomet · 1 month
𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯: 𝘊𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘈𝘜
Rating: T? there's a couple off color jokes and Mountain has some thoughts but it's all pretty tame. Pairing: Mountain/Rain (hints at past Mountain/Swiss.) Word Count: 1k+ Mushy May brought to you by @forlorn-crows Divider by @ghuleh-recs
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The new guy is cute. 
Mountain doesn’t know where he came from–didn’t realize there was a new guy at his regular coffee shop at all until he came in today and spotted him behind the counter. 
He’s lanky, shorter than Mountain but still tall. With a mop of dark hair that keeps falling into his very blue eyes and Mountain’s stomach did that annoying flip it does every time he sees a cute guy. Tumbling over itself in his stomach and making his hands shake. 
Rain–at least that’s what his name tag says–doesn't seem to notice. Too engrossed in the cash register in front of him, trying to figure out how to make it work–how to find Mountain’s order in the system. A blush rising to his cheeks as he fumbles. Mountain feels faint just watching him. 
“Just—uh—find a seat and I’ll bring it out to you,” Rain offered him an uneasy smile. 
Mountain waits, Rain brings him his tea latte with a small smile, then he retreats. Mountain spends the rest of his morning reading his book and peering over the edge of it to watch Rain stumble through what is definitely his first day. 
The next day, he comes back. And the next. And the next. He’s a regular at this coffee shop anyway, but now it seems like he’s there constantly. Spending extra time, barely reading his book–more just watching Rain. Trying to decide how to approach him, how to talk to him. How to get to know him. It all seems so complicated. Impossible. Mountain doesn’t want to be upfront and offend him. 
But just watching every day is turning into torture. He wants to talk to Rain, wants to know him. Wants to do more than just watch. 
“Here again?” Rain smiles at him, it’s day eight. Rain was off yesterday and Mountain had to hide his disappointment when Swiss was there to wait on him instead. Not that he doesn't like Swiss, just, been there done that. 
Mountain wonders if maybe he just has a thing for batistas. But that's stupid. This coffee shop just has a habit of hiring unreasonably hot men. 
Today, Rain's smile is warm. Easy. Genuine. He seems relaxed behind the counter now and it makes Mountain's heart warm to see him getting comfortable. Becoming himself as he chats with customers and his coworkers. 
“I'm always here,” Mountain says with a shrug. 
Rain snorts out a laugh. “You must really like the tea.”
“Something like that.” 
When Rain hands Mountain his latte their fingers brush. Mountain feels like a teenager again. Stomach fluttering as that warm electric shock passes  between them. Rain's fingers are cold, Mountain thinks of a thousand ways to warm them up. 
Two weeks in and Rain has his latte ready for him when he walks in the door. Mountain tries to hide his blush–the way that makes him stammer out a thank you as he taps his card on the reader. Swiss never had his latte ready for him. 
But Swiss–that was more of a handful of parking lot hookups than anything else. And while Mountain has thought about taking Rain home just to fold him in half over his kitchen counter, most of his thoughts are about candlelit dinners at fancy restaurants and sitting in his living room listening to vinyl while they drink wine and–Mountain doesn't even know if Rain likes music, or wine, or fancy dinner but the fantasy doesn't care. 
Mountain catches Rain looking at him as he retreats to his table. Plush lower lip pinned between his teeth–his canines are sharp. Something about that makes Mountain's stomach lurch. Everything about Rain kills him--he's down bad. He doesn't know what to do about it. 
The next day, Rain is off again. And Swiss is behind the register barking something at Dew who just flips him off and pretends not to hear. Swiss sighs, looking at Mountain with an eye roll directed at the back of Dews head. 
“Can't find good help these days,” Swiss says, mock dramatically. Dew throws a dish towel at him. “Your regular?” 
Mountain looks around, glancing toward the door he knows leads out back. Hoping to see a flash of dark curls and pale skin. Swiss shakes his head. 
“He's off today.” 
“Your boyfriend,” Dew says, yelling it over the hum of the milk steamer. Mountain winces. 
“Why? He's not here to hear it.” 
“Other people are!” 
Dew laughs and swings his arm out to indicate the very empty coffee shop. “No they aren't.”
“Dew, shut up,” Swiss turns back to Mountain his smile isn't teasing anymore. Just really encouraging. Like they’re friends instead of strangers who hooked up a few times. “Just ask him out already.” 
“He'll say no.” 
“No he won't,” Dew butts in. “You're all he talks about on our smoke breaks. Mountain this. Mountain that. Do you think he has a big–” 
“Shut up!” Swiss growls.
“HEART. You pervert. I was gonna say heart. We all already know about his dick.”
“I'm never coming here again.” Mountain groans. Mortified. 
“Yes you are. And dews Gonna get fired if he opens his mouth again.” 
“Try me,” Dew says with a laugh. Sliding Mountains tea to him. 
Swiss ignores him. Knocking him out of the way to take center stage in Mountain's field of vision. 
“You're going to come back tomorrow. and you're going to ask Rain out. And he's going to say yes.” 
Mountain nods in agreement. If only to get away from this situation. 
The bell on the door dings and an older white woman wearing giant sunglasses and holding a purse that probably cost more than Mountain's car walks in. He retreats to his table and his book. He tells himself Swiss and Dew are crazy. He can't just ask Rain out. That's insane. 
But the next day, as he’s standing in front of Rain, holding the latte that was once again already ready for him. The words just tumble out. 
“Do you–uh–” Mountain clears his throat, looks at his feet. He wishes he could pick the words up and shove them back in–but he’s already started, and he can’t seem to stop.  “I just–do you think you maybe would want to–”
“I get off at four,” Rain cuts him off with a knowing smile. “Pick me up?” 
Mountain's heart might hammer out of his chest. He feels lightheaded, but he nods so enthusiastically that a strand of auburn hair slips loose from his bun and slides into his face.  He bats it away. 
“I'll be here.” 
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elliotsblunt · 1 month
Girl in New York | FINAL PART
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pairings - art donaldson/reader | challengers au!
"__"= Y/N
masterlist | last chapter
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sypnosis - Art gives you an ultimatum.
warnings - none, angst
authors note — this is the last part!!! i hope everyone enjoyed this short fic. it was a fun journey to write a complex character such as this one. enjoy the last chapter and stay tuned for my other works in the future! (NOT PROOFREAD)
word count - 1.5k
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© elliotsblunt 2024. do not repost, modify, or
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You didn’t get to see your friend June before her game, so you took a seat in the front row and anxiously waited for her match. It hadn’t been your first time at a tennis event, and you very much enjoyed the sport. But the only reason you felt a strain of dread building within you was because of who else was playing today. But you tried your best not to think about it—you were sure Art had already played. Well….
…..you had hoped.
It was considerably sunny outside. The sun shined without mercy onto your slightly damp skin. Sunglasses perched on your nose, you took a sip of water to cool your nerves and throat.
And then a voice ran throughout the court on a microphone announcing the first set. A very thin man who was so pale you he was translucent walked into view. He must’ve been the one to go against your friend. You didn’t like to judge books by their covers, but considering he tripped while walking onto the court—you didn’t worry to much for June.
Speaking of her, she made her way onto her side of the court, wearing a cute lavender two-piece skirt set. You noted to ask her where she got it from before the game started. Her eyes briefly swelled the crowd before landing on you. You held your hand up and smile, in which she returned the gesture before beginning the game.
Her strokes were exquisite. You had suddenly remembered how talented she truly was. Apparently teaching academies for professional Tennis teams reach out to her to train the newbies—and that Puma uses her as one of their sponsors.
It was a quick game. After about thirty minutes, you had assumed correctly. She didn’t only beat him, but kicked his ass.
It was now the next set’s turn. June jogged off the court, smile beaming, as she wiped her sweaty sunkissed skin with her own white tiny towel. “Oh my god, _ _!” She pulls you into a sudden hug as you stand up. “I’m soooooo glad you made it. There’s this guy I wanted you to meet. He’s like, god level. I think he’s playing right now.”
You laugh, wind blowing your hair out your face. “I’d love to—but I doubt he’s better than you. I mean…you totally killed it out there for sure.”
June had pretty brown eyes, almost as if she was a bunny or baby deer. Very soft and youthful looking. She was really popular with the guys when you two trained together, even the instructor himself. You wouldn’t doubt the guy you’re about to watch flirted with her already. At your compliment, she grabbed your hands whilst her smile grew even bigger if possible. “I’ve missed you so much. We should def hang together more often! Once again, you don’t understand how much it means to me that you came.”
You smiled at June before the match begun. The announcer had already introduced the players whilst June and you were talking—so when your eyes fell upon a certain blonde…
…..you didn’t know if you could do it anymore.
It was him. The person June had personally wanted you to meet—who was amazing at Tennis. It was Art.
“I’m sorry.”
Your hearing was muffled, as the blonde boy walked solemnly onto the court. Your fists balled at your sides, standing up onto your feet, June looking up at you with a confused expression. It seemed impossible to look at him for another second—so as you tore your eyes away from him, Art spotted you in the crowd since you were stationed close to the front.
Before turning to walk away, you glanced at him again. His eyes were already trained onto you, his lips slightly parting as the wind kissed his hairs. Your throat grew dry. Why did you feel so betrayed? Damn him. He was a parasite that had burrowed into your brain, and had completely taken over your senses and thoughts.
He felt so far.
So far.
You couldn’t believe he had bad mouthed you.
You turned to walk away, muttering to June you were going to the bathroom. But in reality—you were going to go home and end up calling her telling her you threw up or something. You don’t know, all you knew is that you had to get away from there. From that stupid building with that stupid fucking man.
As you’re about to exit the hallway, and make it to the front entrance, a hand wraps around you and yanks you back. You gasp, hitting a rough chest, locking eyes with the devil himself. Shock hit you like a freight chain. “Art…you’re supposed to be playing.”
Subtly glancing down at his hands, you noticed bloody nail marks indented into his palms. Something twitched in your heart as Art released a shaky breath. Dropping your wrist, his chest heaves. “I’m sorry, _ _. I’m sorry for being a fucking idiot. You’re more….important than a match. Please just—meet me at our place tonight. If you wanna give us a chance…and if you don’t…then I’ll get the hint.”
His words were frantic and incredibly vulnerable. He looked completely hopeless. Biting on his lip, he watched as you gulped before slowly nodding. His nostrils flared before you turned around and walking away, Art’s words sinking into your brain.
“You’re more important than a match.”
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It was growing closer to nightfall. You sat by your window in your bedroom, blowing another life of your cigarette out the window.
June hadn’t been mad about you taking off. She said she understood and actually wanted to get together soon again. You agreed with the idea and thankfully saved your friendship. But as bad as it sounds, you didn’t even fret about the situation with June today. Your mind was consumed about Art’s offer.
“If you wanna give us a chance…”
Didn’t he have a girlfriend?
Did they break up?
Did Art…break up with Tiffany…for you?
Because of the things she said?
Your heat pounded in your chest. Deciding to call up Pat, you dialed his number before hearing the line ring. In a few moments, it picked up. “Hey bitch. Bad time—I’m eating toaster strudels right now.”
He earned an irritated eye roll from you. But he couldn’t see it, so instead, you scoffed. “Food over your cousin? Fat ass. And no…I need advice.”
You heard him laugh on the other line, snickering before random shit cluttered on the other line. It sounded like he was re-adjusting before his voice popped out again.
“Okay okay. What happened?”
Jesus. What didn’t happen?
You picked at your nails anxiously. “There’s this guy I’ve been hooking up with—“
“Art? Oh—honey that’s old news.”
Your eyes bulged, “What? How?”
“Because he basically drooled whenever he looked at you. I also caught him getting hard and checking out your ass literally every thirty minutes.”
Your face twisted, the sound of it being nice but not from your cousin. “Gross. But yeah…he asked me to meetup with him tonight.”
“What about Tiffany?”
You shrugged, but realized he couldn’t see you.
“I dunno. He didn’t mention her.”
He hummed on the other side. “I think you should do what feels right. If you like him, then yeah.”
It was odd. When he mentioned you liking him, you didn’t shudder in disgust as usual. Instead, something warmed up in your chest and made your cheeks bloom.
“And if you ask me, I think you do. But I know you don’t do relationships so.”
And then you make a decision. Just from that sentence.
“Pat. I gotta go. Thanks. Love you.”
“Loveuwyou.” His voice was muffled, sounding like he had been chewing. The phone line clicked as you hurriedly grabbed your keys and leave your house. It was peculiar how excited you were, hastening your pace and already on your way to the tennis court.
The night was calm. Clouds were clear from sight, the full moon shining brightly in the dark sky. Your fingertips drummed on your steering wheel as you made sharp left and right turns, humming lightly to the random tune on the radio. Your mind flashed with images of the first time Art and you had kissed. It was when it had been raining, the image of him soaked with wet hair covering his eyes making your throat hitch.
And as if on cue, drops began to hit the surface of your windshield. A shocked laugh escapes you, shaking your head. You hoped he showed up.
Slamming your car door shut, only wearing some sweats and a long sleeve. Your hair instantly got drenched as rain soaked the strands on your head. It felt as if cold needles kissed your flesh. Wiping the water away from your eyes, you jogged to the spot.
"I hate how you make me feel. You're like a parasite for fucks sake-“
"Fucking dreamed about this," he groaned, watching you cry out as his teeth pierce the flesh of your nipple. Something flashed in his eyes at the sound-grabbing your throat with his hand and looking you dead in the eyes.
"Get in the fucking backseat now."
"Fucking mine," he growled out, your other hand gripping onto his chest. His hips stuttered as you began to twist your wrist towards tip of his cock.
His words were a fire in your brain, and with every gas filled thought, it continued to cascade as you grew closer to him. You weren’t cold at all, the adrenaline keeping you warm as you finally make it. As you walked up, you saw him….
….standing there under the rain…..
….looking at you.
You did something that shocked the both of you.
You smiled.
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Hey, you could do an Edward Cullen x reader where the reader is his blood singer but, unlike Bella, isn't obsessed with him? As if he really had to work hard to win her over? (sorry if i wrote something wrong, english is not my mother tongue)
Taking It Slow
You dropped Jessica and Angela off at Jess’ car still in the parking lot of the dress shop. They were leaving Port Angeles early while you were going to meet your brother for dinner later. Sometimes you wondered why you agreed to move in with your brother. Well, you knew. It was either go live with your older brother or move to Portugal during your last years of high school. You learned French in school, not Portuguese. Forks, Washington was your only real choice. 
There was still some time before your brother got out of classes and met you. It was nice of him to let you use his car, stating he could take the bus instead. With time to kill, you decided to grab a coffee and just walk around. A gasp left your mouth when you ran into someone. 
“I’m so sorry. Oh, hi, Edward.” 
You looked up to see Edward Cullen, your… you didn’t know what to call him. You guys weren’t really friends. But what exactly were you supposed to call the vampire you knew who claimed your blood was made for them? Aside from telling him that it wasn’t exactly a compliment you were a blood singer, you didn’t know what to do with Edward. He wasn’t mean. On the contrary, he was a decent guy. But you weren’t the type to just fall for someone because they were hot and nice. Plus, you didn’t like your guys having all the girls falling for him. 
Edward scratched at the back of his head. “Hi. Oh, I wasn’t following you, by the way.” 
You pursed your lips for a moment. “I wasn’t exactly worried about that.” 
“Right, sorry, I’m kind of guessing. I promised not to read your mind so I’m not really sure anymore.” 
“You could just ask.” 
“Right, right. Uh, right, do you want another coffee?” 
“I’m actually meeting my brother for dinner.” 
“Well can I walk you?” 
The two of you were side by side with each other. You could feel Edward twitching next to you. The vampire wasn’t sure what was going on with him. He had never planned on getting close to you but he couldn’t help it. It was impossible not to want to be near his blood singer. He felt awkward and unsure about everything he did when it came to you. He wasn’t even sure if you were still single because you knew of his feelings for you or if you just didn’t like any of the boys that asked you out. 
Your brother raised an eyebrow when he saw you coming up the street. A sigh left your mouth. He was going to ask about Edward and you just didn’t have the patience to answer anything. You gave a wave to your walking companion and entered the restaurant. Like you expected, your brother didn’t stop asking questions. He wouldn’t even give it a rest when he dropped you off at school. 
You always got to school a little early because of your brother’s classes. You blinked in surprise at a very tall and rather pale man standing next to your locker. Awkwardly, Edward stuck out a hand. He was clutching a small bouquet of flowers. 
“I don’t know what your favorite is but I thought these daisies were nice.” 
You took them from him. “Thank you, Edward.” 
He nodded, walking off. You held the bouquet in the crook of your elbow as you grabbed some books. Not even a minute later, Edward came back. You watched him take in a breath he didn’t need. Edward pointed at the flowers until you got the hint to give them back. He thrusted them out in front of you once more and you had to stop yourself from laughing. How was a century old vampire so awkward in life? 
“I want to ask you out. Do you want to go on a date with me?” 
“I… I haven’t thought that far.” 
“Well, when, then?” 
“I haven’t thought that far.” 
You took the flowers back from him. “It’s a Teacher Work Day on Wednesday. You pick me up at seven, we drive to Seattle. Breakfast at the Original Starbucks and then we go to the waterfront.” 
Edward was flustered, muttering a small okay. You laughed as you watched him walk away. This was certainly going to be an interesting date. 
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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