bakudekublogblog · 4 months
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i’m sorry but izuku offering another gay blond man his hand and kacchan going wide-eyed is so funny
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Marlene’s little brother has a thing for Sirius, because who doesn't have a thing for Sirius? Marlene is freaking out, and everyone thinks it's just hilarious. Remus would've thought it was hilarious too, had Marlene’s little brother not been very close in age, cute, witty, and oh so bloody charming.
Somewhat longer fic that will be added to my Crush Confessions Series! 3756 words, so not that long. Wolfstar Fluff, of course😎
Muggle Charms
James Potter’s garden party is the event of the summer. Everyone gets together at the Potter estate for a day of listening to music, swimming in the lake (yes, there’s a lake on the grounds of the Potter estate), and playing friendly Quidditch matches. Mrs Potter walks around with all sorts of delicious foods, James and Sirius fly their brooms above the lake and make bets who dares to jump off from the greatest height, Mary and Emmeline are sunbathing and make bets who will need to be healed first.
It had started the summer after first year with just the four Marauders, but every year, their number has grown, and this year is the largest group thus far.
Marlene McKinnon is last to arrive, and, as usual, her arrival doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Everyone, come meet my little brother!” She shouts across the field.
The McKinnons have four children. Marlene’s mother and two of her siblings are Muggles, while the rest have magical abilities. Marlene’s sister is the oldest of the siblings. She’s a Muggle who works as a primary school teacher. Despite growing up with a father who’s a wizard, she has always felt slightly uncomfortable around magic, but she loves her family fiercely and is very protective over her younger siblings. As she’s much older than Marlene, she has always been more like a second mother.
Next comes Marlene’s older brother, who’s wizard, but has finished Hogwarts long ago. He now works in the Sales Department for a company that develops novel potions against levitation- and portkey-sickness. According to Marlene he’s a serious businessman by day, and a giant goofball by night.
Last is Marlene’s younger brother. He’s a Muggle, but where Marlene’s sister likes to pretend magic doesn’t exist, he thinks it mighty fascinating. He and Marlene are incredibly close, writing each other constantly and hanging out as often as they can when Marlene was home from Hogwarts. She has never brought him to James’ garden party, though. He works in the Food Service Industry, and the bright summer days on which James plans his parties are the days on which he most likely has to work. This year, however, he had managed to get the day off.
The first thing Remus thinks is that the McKinnons have good genes. He can’t really tell which of the two siblings is older, which means they must be very close in age. The boy has the same thick, blond hair and bright blue eyes as Marlene, as well as the same freckles from the sun. He’s short for a guy, barely taller than Marlene, but he’s quite muscular, with broad shoulders. All in all, Marlene’s younger brother is a very cute guy.
“Everyone, this is Miles!” Marlene says, when everyone has gathered around. “Let’s see... Here we have James Potter, he’s the host.”
Miles grins at James. “Some house you’ve got here, mate. Thanks for having me!”
James grins back and lifts his beer. “Cheers, mate!”
“James is Lily’s boyfriend,” Marlene says. “You’ve already met Lily-” Miles gives Lily a warm smile “-and of course you know Dorcas.”
“Hullo Dorky.”
“Hiya Miley.”
“And here we have my other girls, Alice Fortescue, Mary McDonald and Emmeline Vance.” Marlene points each of the girls out, and Miles gives them all a friendly nod.
“And these two are the Prewetts, Fabian and Gideon- don’t worry about who’s who, none of us actually knows.”
“And this is Caradoc Dearborn, and this Benjy Fenwick, so miraculously you’re not the shortest guy here.”
“And here we have the rest of the renegades, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black.”
The chance in Miles is instant.
The polite smile he was wearing turns into a coy smile, as he gives Sirius a not-so-subtle once-over, though Remus doesn’t think it was ever meant to be subtle. Miles takes a step forward towards Sirius. “Well, hello there.”
Remus can’t blame him. He would’ve reacted the same had he been in Miles’ position (alright, maybe he would’ve turned into a blushing, stuttering mess and forget his own name if he were suddenly faced with a guy like Sirius, instead of step forward with an enticing smile and flirtatious greeting, but that’s beside the point). Sirius looks bloody amazing. His swimming trunks are clinging to his legs, and his damp hair is hanging over his bare chest, with little droplets dripping down his muscular body.
Sirius grins knowingly at Miles. “Hi.”
Marlene’s head whirls around from Miles to Sirius to Miles and back to Sirius, so fast Remus worries she might get a whiplash.
“No,” she says. “No, nope, uh-uh, absolutely not. Not. Happening. No.”
She steps between her brother and Sirius, facing the latter, and jabbing a finger against his chest. “You are not going to try anything on my little brother, got it?”
Sirius holds up his hands and takes a step back. “I only said hi.”
Marlene looks at him suspiciously, like she suspects Sirius saying hi is some sort of secret seduction technique (which would actually explain a lot).
“C’mon Marls.” Miles moves to stand next to his sister, and throws an arm over her shoulder. He winks at Sirius. “We all just want to have a good time, don’t we?”
Marlene’s face is getting more red by the second. Her fingers are clutching her cardboard plate, causing it to rumple. She’s clenching her jaw, while intently staring at the pair a bit further on the field.
“I can’t bloody believe it,” she hisses. “If Black thinks I’ll let him hook up with my little brother, he has another thing coming!”
Miles had managed to catch Sirius when he went to grab a drink, and they have been chatting apart from the rest of the group for about half an hour now, to Marlene’s great distress, and everyone else’s amusement. Well, everyone else except for Remus, but he thinks he’s been hiding it quite well.
Remus doesn’t know how the guy does it, but Miles somehow manages to stand closer and closer to Sirius. He’s looking up at him through his lashes, with those big blue eyes and that damned smile, sometimes even going as far as to bite his lip. Sirius has definitely been blushing at some point!
While Remus is the only one who can emphasize with Marlene’s distress over the situation, he really doesn’t like how she’s blaming it all on Sirius, while evidently its her brother who’s acting like a little minx.
“Honestly, Marlene,” Lily says, shaking her head. “Didn’t you talk to Miles about there being an incredibly hot, single gay guy present?”
Remus agrees. Marlene should’ve known what would happen when she decided to introduce her brother to Sirius! You cannot bring him here knowing Sirius is looking like he does, and expect him not to react!
Marlene huffs indignantly. “My little brother is a precious angel who’s not interested in such a thing as ‘hot, single men’!”
Lily looks at Miles and Sirius. Miles seems to be laughing at something Sirius said, and touches his upper arm while doing so, letting his hand slide down Sirius’ bicep. Lily turns her head back to Marlene and raises her eyebrow.
Marlene just folds her arms over her chest and pointedly looks away.
Later, when Miles reaches up to brush a strand of hair from Sirius’ face, Marlene’s face has taken on a more purple colour. By this time, she has started angrily chewing on her cardboard plate.
Luckily, everyone’s too busy making fun of Marlene to notice Remus looks like he’s going to be sick.
Normally, a day at the Potter estate flies by, but Remus is positive this day lasts at least three times as long. But Remus has been getting through it. He hopes that after today, he won’t see Miles McKinnon of ever again. Well, he mostly hopes Sirius won’t see Miles McKinnon ever again, he can admit that . To himself, that is.
Currently, he’s sitting down with James, having a butterbeer. Just when he thinks he might make it through these last hours without further additions to his misery, Marlene comes striding their way, Dorcas on her heels.
“Potter,” she says, stopping in front of them and placing her fists on her hips. “You’ve got something I need, and I want it now!”
“Sorry McKinnon,” James says with a smirk. “I’m a one woman man.”
“In your dreams, you wanker,” Marlene snaps. “You’ve got an Invisibility Cloak, no?”
James takes off his glasses and starts polishing them with his robes. “I may or may not possess such a thing.”
Marlene rolls her eyes. “After seven years of going to school with you, I think I can safely say that you do. Well, I need you to use it. Miles asked Black to take him on a tour around the lake.” She scrunches up her nose. “And you have to follow them so you can report back to me whether Black has kept his paws off of my little brother!”
“More the other way around,” Remus mutters, but Marlene hears and glares at him.
“My sweet and innocent little brother would never do such a thing! He simply... wants to see the surroundings and needs Black for directions.”
Dorcas throws her head back and cackles loudly. “The only directions your ‘sweet and innocent little brother’ is interested in, is the fastest way to get into Sirius Black’s pants!”
Marlene directs a deadly glare at her.
Just when Remus thinks at least Dorcas knows what she’s talking about, she continues. “C’mon Marls, Miles can make his own decisions. Let the boys have some fun!”
Let the boys have some fun? That’s not a good idea! That’s the opposite of a good idea! That’s a terrible idea!
“Well,” Remus says, managing to sound surprisingly calm. “We’re on Mr and Mrs Potter’s property, and Miles has only just been introduced to the gang. I mean, he and Sirius barely know each other. I’d say it’d be rather inappropriate if something happens between them here and now. You don’t want Marlene’s brother to give off the wrong impression.”
James sighs. “What if I lend you the Invisibility Cloak, and you can follow them yourself?”
“Oh, no!” Marlene holds up her hands and takes a step back. “There are certain things I don’t ever want to see my little brother do, or hear my little brother say. If I were to... accidentally stumble upon them, I’d either have to Obliviate myself, or be scarred for life.”
Remus snorts. Not so sure about her brother being so innocent after all, is she?
“Well, Padfoot’s my brother!” James argues.
“Remember when I put in a good word for you with Lily, and finally got her to agree to go on a date with you?” Marlene plays her final card, and effectively.
“Fine!” James puts down his butterbeer and gets up. “Remus, let’s go.”
“What? Me? Why?”
“Because you got me into this, Mr ‘it’d be inappropriate’. And besides, I’ll feel like some perverted Peeping Tom spying on them alone.”
“So better to have two Peeping Toms?” Remus argues, but he knows it’s an argument he’s not going to win.
That’s how Remus finds himself in the place he wants to be least of all, crouched down under the Invisibility Cloak with James, and, after casting a quick Silencio over their footsteps, following on Sirius and Miles on their ‘casual, totally not romantic, definitely not a date’ stroll.
“-and once I’ve gained enough experience, I’d like to come back to London and open my own restaurant!” Miles finishes.
“That’s amazing, Miles!” Sirius exclaims. “I’ll definitely frequent!”
“As long as you don’t expect any free food just because you’re so handsome,” Miles teases.
Sirius gasps in pretend-shock. “I would never use my looks for such purposes!”
“Right,” Miles chuckles. “You be careful, Sirius Black. A face like yours is a powerful weapon.”
“Wow,” James whispers admiringly. “He’s good!”
Remus grits his teeth. Of bloody course Miles McKinnon is all charming and smooth, chatting Sirius up.
“What about you?” Miles asks. “What are your plans for the future, now that you’re some kind of strong and powerful wizard?”
“I’m starting my Healer training soon!” Sirius beams, and Remus can’t help but smile at the pride in his voice.
“That’s... like a doctor, right?” Miles asks.
“Yeah,” Sirius replies. “But without the cutting people open.” He shudders. “Definitely no cutting people open.”
“Oi!” Miles protests, bumping his shoulder against Sirius. “Doctors cut people open to save lives, you know. They don’t do it for a laugh.”
“I’m sorry!” Sirius quickly says. “I didn’t mean to offend. It’s actually very impressive what Muggle doctors can do without magic, and the things they’ve come up with! I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s alright,” Miles says, glancing at Sirius. “Don’t worry about it.”
Sirius smiles sheepishly. “Sorry. It’s just... I was raised in this really conservative pureblood Wizarding family. I’m always afraid I’ll say something Muggle-phobic without realising.”
“It’s okay, it wasn’t that bad, honestly.”
“Good,” Sirius says, relieved. “I’m just... trying to be better.”
Miles smiles softly at him. “Just the fact that you’re trying already makes you better.”
They walk in comfortable silence for a moment, until Miles speaks again. “That must’ve been hard though, growing up in a family like that. Marlene already mentioned you’re living here now. Is that why?”
Sirius nods. “I ran away from home the summer before. Best decision I’ve ever made.” There’s a tightness in his voice, though, and an emotion in his eyes that makes Remus want to run towards him and pull him into a hug.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Miles says sincerely. Then he gives Sirius a teasing smile. “Though I must say, it’s a good look on you, the whole ‘sexy rebel’-thing.”
Sirius barks a laugh, and the pained expression slides off his face. “Well, I’m glad my issues at least fit my anaesthetic!”
Remus doesn’t know whether he wants to bless Miles McKinnon for being able to turn Sirius’ mood around and make him smile, or whether he wants to curse Miles McKinnon for being able to turn Sirius’ mood around and make him smile.
“I bet you love provoking your family, don’t you?” Miles asks.
“That might just be my most favourite pastime,” Sirius replies sincerely.
Suddenly, Miles stops walking, so Sirius stops as well and turns back to face him.
Miles takes a step towards him. “I bet it would really provoke your family if you were to make out with a boy, a Muggle boy at that.”
Sirius swallows and his face slightly flushes. “That... That’ll definitely do the trick, yeah.”
Miles comes even closer, now almost standing chest-to-chest with Sirius, and he tilts his head up and leans in.
James still looks mighty impressed with Miles’ flirting tactics, while Remus wonders if the sound of his heart shattering might give them away.
Suddenly, Sirius steps back. “Wait, stop. I... I can’t.”
Miles looks disappointed, but not too shocked. “Why not?” He asks. Then he jabs his finger against Sirius’ chest, much like his sister did earlier. “And I swear to god, Sirius Black, if it’s because I’m a Muggle you can stick that wand of yours up your-”
“No, no, no!” Sirius quickly says, whilst letting out a breathless laugh. “It’s not you, really, it’s me.”
Miles gives Sirius a stern look, while placing his fists on his hips, making Remus wonder whether they’re sure Marlene and Miles aren’t twins. “If you’re gonna give me that lame excuse, at least elaborate what it is about ‘not me, but you’ that makes you reject me. I mean, I’m not proposing a marriage here!”
Sirius sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “There’s... someone else. I mean, there’s not really, I don’t have someone else, but I have feelings for someone else. So therefore this-” He gestures between himself and Miles. “Just doesn’t feel right.”
Remus exchanges a look with James, who looks just as stunned as he is by this information.
Miles, though, just folds his arms over his chest and looks at Sirius thoughtfully for a moment. “So, Lupin then?”
Remus freezes. What? Him? Oh no. He’s not sure he can bear to hear Sirius’ denial. ‘Lupin? Remus? No, of course not! What in Godric’s name gave you that idea? Why the hell would I fancy Remus?’
However, Sirius just sighs and looks down at his shoes. “I’m that obvious, huh?”
Remus stares dumbfounded. It’s... true? He feels an eruption of butterflies in his stomach. Well, he always feels some butterflies when he sees Sirius, but now it’s like all those butterflies had babies, and those babies had babies again, creating an immense flutter.
“Nah,” Miles says. “If I had known for sure, I wouldn’t have made a move. I only had a suspicion, but I decided to take a chance anyway. I’m not too surprised by this turn of events, though.”
“It’s really the only reason,” Sirius says. “Because you’re bloody great, you know that? You’re gonna make some guy really happy one day. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
Miles groans. “ ‘Its not you, it’s me’, ‘anyone would be lucky to have you’. Shall we go before you start telling me we can still be friends?”
Sirius grins. “Normally I’d suggest we at least pretend to have had a good snog, just to see if Marlene’s face can get any more purple, but I don’t want to give Remus the wrong impression. Not that he’d care,” he adds with a mutter.
Miles stops walking again. “What? Are you seri- No, Marlene warned me not to say that. Really?”
Sirius just blinks at him.
Miles shakes his head. “I mean, you asked if you were being obvious, well, you were nothing compared to Lupin. Although, that could just be me. I couldn’t help but notice when he’s looking at me like he wants me to catch fire every time I come near you. Wait. You wizards can actually do that, can’t you?”
Remus huffs. He wouldn’t have actually set Miles on fire! At least he doesn’t think so.
Sirius frowns at Miles. “You must be mistaken. Remus is nothing but pure kindness! He always makes everyone feel welcome! You can’t help but like Remus!”
A warm feeling spreads through Remus’ chest.
Miles just looks at Sirius, shaking his head. “You’re actually in love, aren’t you?”
Sirius blushes and looks away.
“Well,” Miles says. “You should tell him how you feel. He clearly feels the same. Then you can both stop this pining.”
James, who just had to process the shock of one of his best friends fancying another one of his best friends, now has to process the shock of his best friends fancying each other. He’s staring at Remus, and consequently trips over a rock. He does manage to catch is balance, but he lets out a loud yelp.
Miles stares at the empty spot behind them on the path, surprised, but Sirius’ eyes narrow in suspicion. He lifts his wand, and the next moment a gush of wind blows the Invisibility Cloak off of Remus and James.
To his credit, Miles recovers pretty quickly from seeing two people appear seemingly out of nowhere, including the person they were just talking about. He blinks a couple of times, then says “I suppose this works as well.”
Remus and Sirius are just staring at each other.
“Uhm...” James says. “I was sent here by miss McKinnon to escort the younger McKinnon back to the estate.” Because apparently awkward situations make him talk like he’s an eighteen century nobleman. “Off we go, young lad.”
Miles doesn’t protest when James grabs his arm and starts dragging him away, but he does turn around to give Sirius a thumbs up.
“We were sent here by McKinnon,” Remus quickly says, when he and Sirius are alone. “She wanted to know if anything would happen between you and her brother.” Remus takes a deep breath. “And maybe I wanted to know if anything would happen between you and him myself as well,” he says softly.
“Were you jealous?” Sirius asks. It sounds curious, not angry, judgemental or smug, just curious.
Still, Remus can’t help but pout, and he looks away. “Of course I was jealous. Bloody Miles McKinnon, with his big blue eyes, batting those ridiculously long eyelashes at you, and being all cute, and witty, and charming.”
“You know, if you want Miles to snog you instead, you should hurry and you can probably still catch him,” Sirius says irritably.
“No!” Remus quickly says. “No. I just mean, I wish it was me. When he calls you handsome, when he brushes your hair away from your face, when he leans in to kiss you... I wish it was me doing those things.”
“Why don’t you?” Sirius whispers, staring at Remus intently.
“Because!” Remus says desperately. “Because I know how to be your friend, but if I even think about flirting with you, I turn into an awkward, rambling mess.”
The only thing that can possibly be going through Sirius’ mind right now is how the hell he let the sexy, confident, flirtatious boy walk away, to be stuck with the flustered heap of awkwardness that is Remus Lupin.
Remus stares down at his shoes. “I mean, I like you a lot, and also because I feel comfortable around you, I do, but when it comes to flirting, I suddenly get scared that you’ll laugh at me or something. I even think it’d be easier if you weren’t my friend, if we didn’t know each other so well. Then maybe I could-”
Remus stops talking when Sirius gently cups his cheek and tilts his head up. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leans in, giving Remus enough time to pull away had he wanted to. Which, for the record, he absolutely doesn’t. Sirius presses their lips together. And it’s...
Well, it’s not awkward at all.
It’s fireworks, and symphonies, and the sun breaking through the clouds. It’s a sense of belonging, and knowing all is right with the world, and a feeling of coming home.
Both boys are a little out of breath when they pull back, more because of the intense emotions than because the kiss had been that passionate.
“See?” Sirius smiles at Remus. “If I want you to stop rambling, I can always just... interrupt.”
“Rude,” Remus mutters, before pulling Sirius back into another kiss.
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everlarkficexchange · 3 years
Hold Me Up
Prompt 42. Group of friends. Economic disaster, no jobs; eventually in desperation someone in the group suggests making a porno for $, the idea takes off, as they work on a script and put out ideas, a lot becomes clear, like who has kinks, who has tried a lot, and that one is an inexperienced virgin. Does the writing experience have consequences to the group dynamic, will they actually film and sell it, will they stay friends? Are any couples or siblings part of the group? Are secrets revealed through brainstorming?
Submitted by @567inpanem
Author: JLaLa
Rated M
Summary: “What the hell are you suggesting?” Gale asked.
“I thought it was obvious,” the woman next to him said. “I’m suggesting we make a porno.”
Strapped for cash, a group of friends—plus two strangers—decide to go all out.
Multiple pairings, and of course, Everlark. 
“Hold me up in the palm of your hand Lying to you is a river of sin Your metaphors, your silent calls Your feelings are too real…”
Hold Me Up
Part One
Katniss closed her eyes as the rush of hot water hit her face. It had been a hell of a day.
Her boss cut her hours at the record store due to the lack of sales. She had done everything short of offering to blow the man—wouldn’t have worked, he was gay—to get as many hours as possible. However, everyone was suffering due to Panem’s economic disaster and Heavensbee’s hands were tied.
All she wanted to do tonight was eat the leftover Chinese in the fridge, binge watch Bridgerton for the hundredth time and use her vibrator until she climaxed to the image of Simon Basset eating her out—
“Katniss!” There was a quick knock before the door opened. “Sorry, but I have to piss like a racehorse—”
She pulled back the shower curtain to the sight of her roommate and friend, Peeta, unzipping his jeans.
“Seriously, couldn’t you do that somewhere else? Like, maybe get a plastic cup or do it in the sink?”
“Last time I did, Gale totally flipped out on me,” her friend replied. “It’s not like you haven’t seen my dick before. You’ve seen it plenty of times, most of the time it was erect.”
The peril of living with two boys was that you always seemed surrounded by morning wood…any kind of wood really.
“Fine.” Katniss closed the curtain. “Try not to be loud about it though.”
“How am I loud while I pee?”
“‘Oooh fuck, finally…I’ve been holding that in all day!’ Katniss mimicked mockingly. “You’d think that you were doing something else instead of emptying your bladder.”
“Honestly, sometimes a good pee is better than sex,” Peeta retorted. “I don’t think that I’ll be able to stop it once it starts so just sing something really loud or you’ll be hearing me hitting the porcelain pretty hard.”
Katniss walked under the shower to rinse her hair and belted out the first song that came to her.
“I got a new life
You would hardly recognize me
I’m so glad
How could a person like me care for you?
Why, why do I bother
When you’re not the one for me
Is enough enough?”
“I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes…” Peeta sang along and Katniss giggled hearing his melodic baritone. “I saw the sign…life is demanding without understanding—”
“We should start a group,” she offered as she turned the nozzle and the water stopped. “Especially since I’ll likely be laid off soon.”
“Oh shit! I’m sorry, Katniss.” A hand peeked through the curtain, holding a towel and she took it, quickly wrapping it around herself. “We’re all taking it up the butt, aren’t we?”
She pulled back the curtain and stepped out. “What do you mean?”
“Haymitch and Effie will probably have to close down with everything happening,” he informed her. “The rent for the bakery space is just too much for them. I mean, we still have our regulars, but they’re not making enough to pay me to make a dozen danishes and scones.”
“That sucks.” Peeta was still wearing his apron around his waist, a red bandana covering his blond locks, along with his usual baking uniform of a fitted white tee and jeans. “I know how much you love that job. Not to mention, Haymitch and Effie are pretty kickass.”
“Well, at least we have Gale,” her friend replied as he opened the door, letting her step out first before putting a companionable arm around her waist. “Old reliable Gale—”
There was a cough and they found Gale sitting on their couch lighting up their emergency joint.
This was bad.
“My whole department was pretty much eliminated,” Gale explained once he stepped out of his daze. “They led us in, one by one, into that small office and gave us the whole spiel about making cutbacks before handing us our severance checks. This will hold me for about six months of my piece of the rent—”
“This is probably the worst time to tell you,” Katniss started. “But Heavensbee reduced my hours at the store and I’ll probably be getting the boot soon.”
“Effie and Haymitch can’t afford to keep me at the bakery,” Peeta told him. “They’re also likely to lose the business, too.”
Gale nodded, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together. “Well, we’re fucked.”
“Now there’s that positive attitude that we know and love,” a sharp feminine voice said.
The three looked up to find the rest of their friends stepping into the apartment led by Johanna, who lived across the hall from them. Madge, her roommate, followed in with a pizza box and the group was finished out with Finnick, who lived downstairs and was—until today—Gale’s teammate.
“Well, we’re fucked!” Gale repeated, his voice hitching up at the end. He looked to Johanna. “Good enough?”
“We’re all getting it,” Madge said, sitting next to him calmly. “The Forever 21 I’m working at is closing. So, I’m screwed, and I won’t even have severance like you and Finnick.”
“I have thousands of dollars in debt over the camera equipment I just bought,” Finnick told her. “I’m supposed to be working on my documentary.” Their friend was a budding director. “Now, I’ll be using the rest of my severance to pay it off.”
Johanna plopped down in their lone seat, putting her feet on the table.
“Not that I don’t love you guys, but I’ve been out of a job for months, so your sob stories mean nothing to me,” she said. Grabbing the joint, their friend took a long inhale and breathe out in relief. “The job market is non-existent at this point.”
“God, maybe I should’ve pushed on blowing Heavensbee,” Katniss muttered.
Finnick snorted. “What?”
“He’s gay, but probably not getting any,” she replied, next to Peeta. “If you close your eyes, it feels the same.”
“You might have something there,” Johanna suddenly said, her oak eyes contemplative.
Peeta glared at her. “Not funny. You really want Katniss turning tricks for rent?”
“Hardly,” their friend replied. “No offense—” Johanna looked to Katniss. “—you alone have no sex appeal, and this is coming from a full-fledged lesbian.” She turned to Madge. “She would—with the pouty lips and the big titties. Not to mention those golden locks. Put a little red hood on her and you’ll have those Fairy Tale freaks begging to see what’s underneath.”
Katniss crossed her arms. “Well, thank you for telling me that I’m undesirable.”
“I didn’t say that.” Johanna looked between Katniss and Peeta. “I said you alone would have no sex appeal but put you with him—” She nodded at Peeta. “—or her.” A hand waved over at Madge. “People will pay big money to see that. A nice little ying and yang.”
“What the hell are you suggesting?” Gale asked.
“I thought it was obvious,” the woman next to him said. “I’m suggesting we make a porno.”
Several beers in, the idea started to make sense.
“Babe, if this thing took off, we could pay off the camera equipment,” Annie, Finnick’s fiancée, said. She had joined them a little after the major freak out over Johanna’s idea. “Also, you could get some experience in handling the equipment and I could get experience with the boom mic.”
“That is true,” Finnick mused.
“Guys, do you know how many different types of porn there is out there? How would we make one that people would be interested in?” Gale asked. His voice had taken on a rough slur, five bottles in, as he leaned against a drunken Madge.
“Simple,” Johanna smirked. “We do our research. This neighborhood is full of not-so-reputable places; it’s why rent used to be freakishly low. We can ask what men and women would like to see. Also, we’re all decent looking.”
“What about the fact that you’re talking about us having sex with each other?” Peeta asked, eyes bloodshot. Katniss laid on his lap, singing along to the music on her phone. “No offense, but I don’t want to have sex with you. You scare me a little.”
“Well, who would you want to have sex with?” Madge asked with a buzzed grin.
“Easy.” Peeta looked at the giggling woman on his lap. “Katniss.”
“Really now?” Finnick leaned forward in interest. “Why her?”
“I’m comfortable with her,” he explained. “We were each other’s first kiss, granted we were only five—but also, she’s seen my dick plenty of times.”
Katniss drunkenly waved her finger at him. “I’m not scared of it…”
“Dude, why aren’t you together?” Annie asked.
Peeta shrugged. “Seemed better to stay friends.”
“Those two are such chickens,” Gale called out. “They just tiptoe…and tiptoe…and it’s all like ‘I think Katniss is beautiful’…or ‘I want to have Peeta’s babies’…and I’m just like why don’t you just fuck already?”
“Fine.” Katniss slid onto the floor and held her hand out, palm down. “We’ll do this. I get to fuck Peeta because everyone is so invested…but we all have to be in this.” She looked at the rest of the group, her eyes landing on Peeta. “Do we agree?”
Johanna placed her hand over Katniss’. “I’m in.”
Madge followed immediately. “Me, too.”
“Fine,” Gale muttered before his hand landed on the pile.
“We’re down,” Finnick said, adding his hand.
“But only as the filmmakers,” Annie added before placing her hand on top of her fiancé’s.
Katniss looked to Peeta; nervousness laced in her grey eyes. “And you?”
He examined her, almost losing himself in her gaze before placing his hand down to seal the pact.
“Let’s do this.”
“Do you like oral?” Katniss asked the scantily-clad waitress. “Giving? Getting?”
“Yes, to both,” the pretty blonde answered.
Johanna and Gale had gotten to work quickly, both making up the questionnaire that they were using for research. While that was happening, Annie and Finnick put up an ad looking for available actors and actresses to add to their production.
Two days ago, their questionnaire had revealed that threesomes, double penetration, and girl-on-girl were high on the list. Unfortunately, they didn’t know who would be doing what except for Katniss and Peeta.
“And anal?” Katniss continued as Peeta joined her at the table.
“Sure,” the woman answered. “I’m pretty open. Me and my ex used to film ourselves all the time.” She looked at the two. “You two looking for tips?”
“Maybe,” Katniss replied. She turned to Peeta. “Did you want anything?”
“Coke, please,” he told the woman. “I’m still recovering from the past few days.”
“Coke for him and a Lagavulin for me,” Katniss told the waitress.
“You like the good stuff.” She gave Katniss a saucy wink. “I’ll be right back with your drinks. I’m Delly, by the way.”
“Katniss.” Katniss gestured over at Peeta, who gave Delly a light wave. “Peeta.”
She nodded. “Nice meeting you.”
As soon as Delly walked away, Katniss turned to her friend. “What do you think?”
“Decent rack, sweet face, and she has experience apparently,” Peeta replied. “Thoughts on having her on the team?”
“Well, she seems friendly,” Katniss replied. She eyed him. “Would you do her?”
“If I had to…sure,” her friend replied. “How about you?”
“Me and Delly?” Katniss looked to the woman at the bar, awaiting their drinks. She was pretty with wavy, shoulder-length hair and wide eyes. Not to mention, her body was banging—the bejeweled bustier made her breasts look incredible—and her personality was easy. “Sure. Why not? I mean it will make me more…desirable.”
“Are you still pissed off that?” Peeta asked. “Johanna loves to rile you up.”
“I hate that she can.” Katniss sighed. “Are we really going to do this?”
“Haven’t you ever been curious?” Peeta’s gaze fell warmly on her. “How it might feel like between me and you?”
“Sometimes,” she admitted. “We kissed that one time, but nothing came of it. I thought maybe you didn’t like it…or me.”
“I do like you. I love you.” Peeta reached for her, pulling her onto his lap. “I guess we were just both too scared to explore what kind of love we could’ve had.”
Her arms wove around his neck as Katniss pressed her forehead to his. “I love you and I like you, too.”
“Your drinks, lovebirds.” Delly approached them, a bright smile on her face. “Anything else I can get you?”
“Actually.” Katniss stood up, pulling out the business card with Johanna’s number on it. “I have a proposition for you.”
“What are your special skills?” Johanna asked as she looked over Delly’s resume.
Delly gave the group a bright smile, her eyes landing on Katniss with a wink.
The group gathered the following day for auditions for the two additional actors at Finnick and Annie’s place.
Currently, Annie and Peeta were reviewing resumes and headshots in the hallway while the rest of them assessed the auditions.
The group had agreed to hold them at Finnick and Annie’s since it looked the most professional. The couple’s apartment was stylishly decorated thanks to Annie’s chic but budget-friendly taste—most of their furnishings from Target and IKEA.
“Can you look into the camera?” Finnick asked from where he stood in the center of the living room.
“Sure.” Delly looked straight into the camera, smiling into it. “Well…I can do a handstand and suck dick at the same time.”
“Can we see?” Madge asked from where she stood next to Finnick.
“The sucking dick part or the headstand?”
“How about we just see how it looks?” Finnick suggested. “Have Annie bring the next male audition in.”
Gale stood from his seat. “I’m on it.” He quickly came back, followed by a tall, dark-skinned man who flashed them all a handsome smile. “Everyone, this is Thresh. Thresh, why don’t you join Delly in front of the camera?”
“Sure,” he said easily and walked over to Delly, holding out his hand. “I’m Thresh.”
Delly shook it, her mouth widening in a grin. “Delly.”
“Okay, whenever you’re ready,” Johanna told the two.
Nodding, Delly bent over, pressing her palms to the floor. Then as she steadied, the woman easily lifted her hips…then her legs…before straightening them, her toes pointing in the air.
“Amazing,” Madge whispered.
Next to her, Gale nodded in agreement.
Katniss stood from her seat, going to Finnick, and looked at the camera’s viewfinder.
Delly and Thresh made a strikingly good couple on camera. They were at ease, chatting as if Delly wasn’t in front of the man’s crotch and at a perfect angle to go at his junk.
“Thresh, any special skills?” Gale asked, handing Johanna the man’s resume.
“I can get an erection on command,” Thresh told them.
“Okay, we all need to see this,” Johanna said. “Someone get Peeta and Annie in here.”
“Delly, you can get off your hands now,” Katniss said.
“Let me help—” Thresh held her hips as Delly eased down. As she did, the crotch of her leggings met his groin, and she wrapped her legs around his to steady herself.
“The perfect standing wheelbarrow,” Finnick remarked from behind the camera. “Bravo!”
Peeta and Annie stepped inside as Thresh helped Delly onto her feet. She smiled gratefully, kissing his cheek before dashing over to where the rest of the group was gathered.
“Even if you don’t hire me, I need to see this,” she told them.
Peeta joined Katniss’ side. “What are we looking at?”
Finnick signaled Thresh. “Whenever you’re ready.”
The man simply undid the top button of his jeans, unzipped, and holding the sides of his jeans lowered them down.
Taking a deep breath, the man closed his eyes, as the group watched his cock—a rather thick one—go from half-mast to full in less than a minute.
“Well, that deserves some applause,” Peeta told everyone and began to clap.
The group quickly joined in, but not before hiring both Delly and Thresh.
“Okay, two things,” Gale announced, going to the easel and whiteboard that he had set up in their living room. He wrote out ‘Location’ and ‘Plot’. “First, location. Any thoughts?”
“We can’t just do it in one of our apartments?” Finnick asked.
“Would you want to sit on your living room couch thinking that Johanna ate Delly out on it?” Gale asked him. “Or Katniss and Peeta on your kitchen counter—”
“True,” Annie said. “Let’s not shit where we eat.”
“Maybe we can rent out space for very cheap,” Thresh said. “I might know some club places where I work security that might be in our price range.”
They learned that Thresh was a part-time security guard and a returning student at the local community college. He was trying to get his Business degree and planned to open a gym after he graduated.
“Great idea,” Gale wrote down, ‘Thresh-club spaces’. Anyone else?”
“That bar I work at might be willing,” Delly told them. “I might have to give the owner a boost—”
“No way,” Peeta interrupted. “We don’t want you doing those kinds of favors just to get us a workspace.”
“Definitely,” Katniss agreed, smiling at the girl. “We’ll figure it out together.”
“Okay, what about a plot?” Johanna went to the board. “Every porn needs one to entice an audience. Why don’t we do a round robin and everyone says one thing that turns them on? I’ll start.” She turned around and wrote on the board—‘A clean bush’.
“Doesn’t everyone like it to be clean down there?” Finnick remarked before looking to Annie. “I mean you keep it pristine—”
“No need to tell everyone about my cat, love,” his fiancée retorted.
“I mean, I don’t mind it being wild down there,’ Gale told the group. He took the marker from Johanna and scribbled, ‘Bossiness’. “I like a dominating woman.”
“Definitely a good BDSM storyline,” Madge remarked as she walked up to the board, writing ‘Rough play’. “I like manhandling and being manhandled. I worked with this guy and we use to hook up all over the office. Once after everyone left, we were going at it and he takes me and lifted me—” She mimicked her lover with her hands. “—onto the copy machine before pounding the living daylight out of me.”
Everyone stared in shock at the seemingly sweet blonde twirling a tendril of her hair.
“Come Monday, everyone was trying to figure why there were a hundred copies of someone’s bare pussy on the copy machine tray,” she said in a daze.
“Damn—” Gale swallowed harshly. “—thank you for your contribution.” His gaze went to the person sitting next to Madge. “Katniss?”
“I…I…” Katniss bowed her head. She wasn’t thrilled with everyone knowing just what got her going. However, at some point, they were all going to be seeing her being thoroughly fucked by Peeta. “I like…dirty talk.” She shifted in her seat, aware that next to her sat her soon-to-be co-star. “I don’t have any experience, but when I’m…masturbating, the voice in my head is usually whispering very depraved things in my ear.”
“Care to expand, sweetheart?” Thresh asked from where he sat across.
“Well—” Katniss folded her hands in her lap. “The voice will tell me how much he loves feeling his fingers being squeezed by my cunt, how drenched I am around his dick, how he wants to fuck me until I can’t feel my legs…sometimes he talks about fucking me in both holes…his dick in my pussy and his thumb in my asshole—”
Peeta suddenly jumped from his spot. “I’m going to grab some water from the fridge. Anyone?”
He quickly disappeared into the next room before anyone could even answer.
“You just gave Peeta a boner,” Delly cackled from her seat on the carpet. “Why aren’t you dating?”
“Because—” Katniss searched for a reason, finding herself unable to answer. “—let me check on him.”
She found him bent in front of the fridge.
He pulled back sans water and turned just as she stepped in.
“We ran out of water.” Peeta met her eyes fully, watching as she approached. “I didn’t mean to run off—”
“Peeta, what turns you on?” she found herself asking.
Katniss stopped in front of him and her gaze took her friend in—swept-back blond waves, a firm jaw, and blue eyes…hazed with arousal. They never really talked about the fact that they had admitted to their friends that they were curious about fucking one another.
To be entirely truthful, the voice in her ear, the one that spoke such deliciously sinful things—was Peeta’s voice.
She didn’t know when the mystery man had morphed into her best friend, but sometimes the image of him—in his usual uniform of a pair of jeans, a tee, and an apron—would cause a heat that threatened to burn her to the very core.
However, this precipice between friendship and whatever it was, scared her.
So, Katniss held back.
Peeta shook his head. “It’s kind of stupid.”
“I just told everyone that a mystery voice gets me wet with talk of double penetration.”
He laughed roughly. “That is true.”
Meeting her eyes, Peeta leaned back against the door of the fridge.
“I like sex in different places…the element of danger…of being caught.” His golden complexion tinged with pink. “It’s a major turn-on.”
She nodded, toeing in closer to him. “Have you ever—"
“No, just fantasies,” Peeta said. “Compared to the rest of our friends, I’m pretty daisy fresh.”
“Tell me the last place that you’ve fantasized having sex in,” Katniss said. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“I know you wouldn’t,” he replied, his hand reaching to cup her cheek.
His thumb grazed the corner of her mouth and she resisted the urge to take it into her mouth to taste.
“The bakery.” His gaze fell to her lips. “Specifically, against one of the ovens as it’s warming up and y—whoever and I just get so caught up in the smell of sugar…of rye…and one another that we don’t know where the heat is rising from—”
Katniss suddenly straightened. “Ohmigod…the bakery.”
“The bakery,” she repeated.
His eyes widened in realization. “The bakery.”
This will be multiple parts, not sure how many though.
Yes, before you ask, this is loosely based on Zack and Miri Make a Porno which I think is a hilarious movie with some great music.
Speaking of music, the title comes from Live’s ‘Hold Me Up’, which was used in the soundtrack of Zack and Miri. It also plays during a pivotal scene.
Other music used: ‘The Sign’-Ace of Base
I hope you’re enjoying it so far—as if now, I have just completed the second part.
Thanks for reading!
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delta-roseblr · 4 years
Ficlet for your reading pleasure
Look at me posting a prompt (that really wasn’t a direct prompt but lets not focus on that) in the first time in a while! I’m proud of me!
Hope you enjoy!
"Where is this place again?" Felix asked as he made what felt like his one-hundredth right turn. They were going in circles, not that Felix was going to admit that. All the streets just looked too similar, and Felix wasn't familiar enough with Nashville to have any idea where he was going.
"It's off Church," Kyle answered as he sat forward in the backseat of Felix's jeep so Felix could see him in his rearview mirror. He and pretty much nothing else. He kept fucking talking about Church Street like Felix knew where the fuck that was. If it was Burlington, Felix could have drawn a map of Church Street from god-damned memory, but he really knew next to fucking nothing about Nashville. He had told Kyle multiple times, but he still just kept talking about fucking Church Street. Kyle held his arm out in the space between the driver and front passenger seat and gestured at the darkened street in front of them as he added, "I think you go two more blocks and then take a left."
"It's three blocks, and you need to take a right if we want to find parking," Dean declared from the passenger's seat as he looked up from his phone. The fact that it had taken this long for Dean to chime in was surprising. Dean had actually pitched a fit when Felix had said he would be the one driving that night. Since Leonard thought Felix was studying at Kyle's and had no idea Dean was home from college yet, and he definitely didn't know they were going to a gay bar, it made the most sense. Also, Felix would never say it to Dean because he loved his car so much, but the old Honda was just filled with the weirdest mix of unpleasant smells, and even after the engine was rebuilt, it still made strange fucking noises like it was ready to fucking die. Felix appreciated Dean's car, especially when it was the only car they had access to, but now Felix had his jeep. His jeep was an old piece of shit, too, but it just wasn't quite as old or quite as shitty as Dean's POS.
From the corner of his eye, Felix saw Dean slip his phone into the pocket of his jeans before bringing his full attention to the road. "And I won't point out how much easier this would have been if you had just let me drive," he commented.
It was dark, but the streetlights lit up the inside of the cab, and Felix could see the little satisfied smirk playing on Dean's lips. He thought he had won something which should have been annoying, but it was just kind of cute. Dean had really been away for too long.
They came to a stop at a streetlight, and Felix took advantage of the moment. He turned to look at his boyfriend. He was all blond hair and warm skin as always. "Dean," he said his name sweetly but also with a warning, "Unless you've figured out how to suck your own dick, you should probably stop fucking talking."
"I retract my previous statement," Dean stated seriously. Of course, it was Dean, and he was just as bold as he always was, so he reached out and brought a hand to rest on Felix's thigh. It wasn't so high, but it was high enough to up Felix's heartbeat a little. "Your driving and understanding of the city of Nashville is amazing, and I really can't complain," he stated with a bright smile.
"You two are so cute," Kyle faked cooed from the backseat before adding (mockingly), "I think I'm going to puke."
Eventually, they found the bar, found a place to park, and then made their way to the bar. It might have just been because Felix was comparing it to Burlington but getting into the place was beyond easy.
Once inside, they found a pretty thin crowd, but Felix didn't expect much more for the time of year. They had managed to hit that sweet spot where most of the younger people that came to the club were probably already tangled up in family holiday stuff, but most of the college kids hadn't returned home yet.
They were just a few feet into the place when they all collectively decided to stop and look around. To be honest, it was pretty much what Felix expected for a gay bar on the outskirts of Nashville, so it was pretty much par for the course, but other people clearly felt differently.
"This isn't….what I had been expecting," Kyle admitted sounding more disappointed with each word.
"What were you expecting?" Felix questioned. He sounded annoyed, which was because absolutely was, and yeah, he knew that made him an asshole, but this had been Kyle's idea. Not only had it been Kyle's idea, but Kyle had asked Dean after Felix had said no. He didn't go as far as to ask Dean behind Felix's back at least and asked Dean about it right in front of Felix. Much to Felix's surprise, his boyfriend that had also expressed a dislike of bars, immediately said yes. Felix was fucking shit at telling Dean no, so he was fucking stuck going, and both he and Kyle knew it. So Felix didn't care if the place was a little on the dingy side. He didn't care that the lighting managed to be both too bright and too dark at the same time. Felix didn't even care that the music playing overhead sounded more like static than anything else. He expected Kyle to be his typically overly excited self. "Pride flags and a rainbow-colored bar?"
"I was expecting to get ID'd at the door," Dean admitted. His voice was carefully neutral, and one look Felix found his expression matched his tone, but his eyes were scanning the room critically. Felix knew Dean well enough to know that this place was dive bar enough to bring up some daddy issues, not that Dean would say anything or suggest they leave. No, Dean would suffer silently.
"This is supposed to be an under 21 bar," Kyle informed quickly and matter-of-factly. Felix was half surprised Kyle didn't start reading the place's description from the website from memory. Felix was sure he could have because Kyle had been internet stalked the place for a while. Apparently, the website painted a different picture than what reality had to provide, and the shock was clear on Kyle's face. "And I don't know what I was expecting really," Kyle offered, and to his credit, he was obviously trying to hide his disappointment, and he mostly succeeded with his neutral tone. It was his face that gave him away. "I at least expected half the people here to be around our age."
"Yeah," Felix agreed with an unnecessary look around the place. "For a bar that is supposed to include people under 21, a lot of the people here look to be over forty," he pointed out. Really, it would have been impossible not to notice even if the place was hopping, but since it was moderately busy at the moment, so it stood out. Felix saw more guys that looked like they might hang out with his dad instead of kids around his age. He guessed divorced middle-aged men embracing the gayness they had been suppressing for years needed to get out too, but it was weird that they were choosing an under-21 bar when Nashville has several more traditional gay bars.
For the briefest of moments, Felix had a little bit of hope that the difference between Kyle's expectations and reality would be enough to make Kyle want to leave. They could get pizza or something. That hope died almost the moment it was born. It was almost like someone snapped their fingers, and Kyle got over his disappointment and shifted back to being excited, even if it was a bit more tempered now.
Kyle turned to him with a fucking smile on his face and asked, "Do we find a table?"
"I guess," Felix conceded with a sigh. He wasn't surprised, but he was disappointed that he wasn't going to get to escape. "Dean?" he questioned and got no reply. "Dean!?"
He looked to Dean just in time to see him looking up from his phone with a confused and bewildered expression. "Sorry, what?"
"We are going to find a table if you can look away from your phone," Felix informed with mostly fake annoyance.
"Yeah, sorry I was trying to translate this text message from Nico," Dean explained, which made sense even before he added, "For a guy that speaks several languages he can't spell in any of them" He shifted his phone so he was holding it in one hand and moved to put it in his back pocket before commenting, "But we should definitely find a table."
Felix would have fucking sworn he felt every ounce of positive drain from Kyle, so it wasn't a fucking surprise that when Felix looked at the guy, he looked tense, and his expression was carefully stony. "So Will is bringing the boyfriend?" he asked in a painfully neutral tone.
"Oh no," Felix exclaimed. He wasn't buying Kyle's attempts at neutrally, mainly because they were shitty attempts. If anyone could understand having an inconvenient, inappropriate crush, Felix liked Kyle too much to watch him continue to do this to himself. Felix had grown to think of Will in a somewhat positive way which was a journey, but he still didn't think of him as much in the way of dating material. Still, that wasn't why he was so bothered by the fact that Kyle couldn't let that crush go. It was never going to fucking happen, which was why it bothered Felix. Will was the most unavailable person on the fucking planet. He and Nico were practically fucking married, for fuck sake. Even if that wasn't the case, Will came with a load of baggage in the way of demigod shit. Kyle, of course, didn't know about that, but Felix fucking did, and he didn't think Kyle needed or would want any of that fucking drama. Fuck had Felix been trying to get Kyle to see the fucking light and shift his interest to someone more appropriate, even if at times it felt like he was banging his head against a wall. Felix didn't have any fucking desire to once again go through all that shit with Kyle, so he just shook his head insistently as he stated, "We're not doing that tonight."
"What!?!" Kyle questioned, but he sounded too outraged for Felix to believe for one second that he didn't know exactly what Felix was talking about, "I asked a question."
"No, you're starting to pine over a self-absorbed ass," Felix summarized indigently. In truth, Felix knew now that Will was pretty far from self-absorbed. Still, he did come with abandonment issues from like a dozen siblings dying in battles and a need for attention that came from having a fuck ton of siblings because Apollo is a fucking whore of a god. Calling Will self-absorbed was just easier, and maybe it was a little be of a reflex still. "Have some self-respect and standards."
Kyle huffed and rolled his eyes dramatically. "A smart, funny, attractive, blond, soccer play," Kyle declared with a heavily sarcastic tone. "No way you could get that attraction," he made a show of looking pointed toward Felix before turning and smiling toward Dean, "Oh, hi Dean! I forgot you were right there."
"That is totally different, and I resent the comparison," Felix growled as he pointed his finger aggressively toward Kyle, "There are plenty of age-appropriate guys around here. We will find you a better one that is available." So plenty might have been a bit of an exaggeration, but the point remained valid. "Now, let's go find a fucking table, so I can see if this bartender won't look too hard at my fake ID."
Surprisingly, the argument or discussion or whatever ended there, at least for the moment. They made their way through the bar's crowd with ease and found a large table that wasn't so far away from the bar that getting drinks would be annoying but not so close that they had to be worried about being overheard by the bartender. They still had the leering older men wondering the place to deal with, but Felix got a general impression that there was no escaping that.
There was some discussion about not wanting to lose their table even though Felix thought the likelihood of that was slim. Kyle suggested waiting until Will arrived (and made no mention of Nico) so there would be someone to watch their table. Felix wasn't exactly sure what Kyle was thinking with that one, but in the end, it didn't matter because Dean reminded him that he didn't have a fake ID so he could stay at the table while Felix bought his drink. Dean suggesting Felix buy anything was a surprise but not a bad one.
"How don't you have a fake ID?" Kyle ended up asking Dean with bewilderment, "You're in college."
Felix had asked the same question the first time Dean mentioned he didn't have a fake ID, although Felix's shock had been he had been in high school without one. The general feel of the question was the same, though. Of course, when Felix had first brought it up, he and Dean weren't dating yet, so he didn't know the details of Dean's home life. Now that he had that knowledge, it all made sense, but at the time, it seemed absurd.
Dean's response to Kyle was almost identical to the reaction Felix had gotten almost two years earlier. He shrugged casually as he replied, "I've never needed one."
Kyle sputtered for a second before reiterating, "But you're in college."
Dean's only reply was to shrug again. Dean wasn't going to explain that he always had unfettered access to alcohol if he wanted it, so something like a fake ID didn't make sense to him. He certainly wasn't going to waste his money on one.
"All the people he hangs out with are older," Felix interjected so they could move on. He patted Dean on the shoulder, ignoring the fact that he had to get up on his toes a little to do it so and gave him a sarcastic smile, "Don't worry, I've got you covered, College Boy."
Dean smirked back at him as he replied dryly, "My hero."
One playful eye roll, and then Felix was off to the bar with Kyle in tow. Considering the place wasn't that crowded, the bar itself was pretty busy. Felix blamed all the old dudes for that. Whatever the reason, he and Kyle ended up standing at the bar waiting for the bartender to notice their existence for a while.
As they waited, Felix pulled on his wallet and dug through the variety of cards and other random shit he had shoved in there to find his fake ID slide behind a stack of used gift cards. It wasn't the most obvious spot to keep it, but it wasn't exactly well hidden either. He was surprised his dad hadn't found it by now. After Leonard had found out about Dean, he had search everything Felix own on more than one occasion.
"Won't the out-of-state ID draw more attention?" Kyle asked as he leaned over Felix's shoulder.
"Don't know," Felix admitted with a shrug as he looked down at the fake Vermont license, "But I guess we'll see." Honestly, if anything was going to be a problem, according to the ID, Felix was almost twenty-six years old. Hopefully, the bartender wasn't too good at mental math because there was no way Felix looked that old.
Felix actually got a little worried when the bartender finally made his way toward them because the guy looked annoyed, but then it became clear that some middle-aged dude was trying to hit on the guy from the other end of the bar. As soon as he was away from that, he cheered right up, took their drink orders, barely looked at their ID's and started on their drinks.
Felix had ordered two beers for himself and Dean while Kyle had ordered some mixed drink, so Felix was handed his beers first and headed back to the table while Kyle remained behind. When he got back to the table, he found that Will and Nico had arrived, and they had apparently brought a third.
"Hey, Cecil," Felix greeted as he deposited one beer in front of Dean before taking a seat. "Wasn't expecting to see you."
Felix liked Cecil, at least for the little he actually interacted with the guy when he was at camp. He was glad he was there if for no other reason then it made it so it wouldn't be two couples and Kyle the whole night. Still, the guy hanging out at a gay bar seemed at least slightly risky if he was still trying to keep quiet about actually being gay thing, not that Felix was going to mention that.
Cecil shrugged, and he might have even had something to say, but Dean interrupted him by tapping Felix's shoulder and catching his attention before Cecil got a chance. "Where's Kyle?" he asked as he looked over Felix's head as if he was still looking.
"Waiting for his drink."
"And you left him!?!" Will questioned with absolute shock.
That was the type of reaction that had made Felix not like Will at first. Okay, it was one of the many things that had made Felix not like Will at first. The guy could just be so dramatic and over the fucking top about small shit. And yeah, Felix now sort of got why but that didn't make it any less annoying at the moment.
"He's a big fucking boy," Felix assured dismissively, "He can take care of himself."
Felix picked up his beer and took a long sip before turning back to Cecil, "What brings you to boring as fuck Tennessee."
"Hey!" Dean protested.
Felix didn't bother to turn to look at Dean, but he did reach out and patted his cheek dismissively. "I love you, but I hate this boring as fuck state, accept it."
Cecil chuckled at their interaction. Felix guessed, even though that was pretty much par for the course for them. "Will and Nico invited me to Thanksgiving," he explained.
"Cool," Felix replied with a nod even though he wasn't sure about that. Camp Half-Blood had pretty good food, and Felix would imagine that they put out an impressive spread for the holidays. Maybe it was depressing to hang out when many campers were away for the school year to spend with their families. Everyone needed a change of scenery every once and a while. At least he wouldn't be missing out on some damn good food because Dean's aunt was a fucking incredible cook.
A surprisingly loud buzzing sound began coming from his pocket, and Felix pulled out his phone, half-convinced it would be a message from his dad saying he had to go home because that would be a very fucking Leonard thing to do. Luckily, it was just a text message from Kyle, even though Felix couldn't think of why Kyle would have to text him when they were literally in the same fucking place.
OMG, come to the bar, NOW!
Felix had no fucking clue what that was about, but he didn't see how he got out of it, so he guessed he was going to have to go back to the bar. "Um, alright," he declared with a heavy sigh as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. "I'll be right back," he informed before hopping off his seat.
He only had to walk about halfway back to the bar to find Kyle standing with his drink in hand, half-hidden behind a wall craning his neck as he stared in the direction of their table. Felix had to admit that wasn't what he had been expecting, and he had no fucking idea what it meant.
"Alright, you got a drink, so now I'm confused," He admitted as he pointed to the drink in Kyle's hand, "Why did I have to come over here?"
Kyle looked at Felix for maybe a second before glancing first at his drink, and then he was back to trying to see their table through the crowd. "Who's the mysterious handsome with Will?" he asked instead of acknowledging Felix's question at all.
Felix looked back toward their table with confusion. He seriously didn't know who the fuck Kyle was talking about. "You've met Nico before," he reminded because that was the only thing that made sense even though it only barely did.
Kyle turned and glared at Felix like he was an absolute idiot. "You are such a fucking ass," he responded with more contempt than Felix had ever heard from Kyle before. "I have zero interest in Will's punk rock underwear model boyfriend, thank you very much."
Every once in and while, Kyle would insist that he wasn't bothered by the fact that Will was dating someone and that he was totally over his crush, and then there were moments like this where it was painfully apparent that neither of those things was true. Felix felt bad for Kyle and was impressed that he managed to make "underwear model" sound like an insult.
Kyle didn't want Felix's sympathy, and he wouldn't appreciate him pointing out that Will and Nico were a great couple either. So Felix just rolled his eyes as he commented sarcastically, "And you're not bitter at all."
Kyle just ignored him and huffed, "The cute guy with the curls."
"Who?" Felix questioned before looking back toward the table again. There was only one person there with curls, but Kyle couldn't have been talking about him, right? "Cecil?"
"That's even a cute name!" Kyle cooed.
What the fuck was happening? Felix thought to himself.
"No, it fucking isn't," Felix replied with absolute bewilderment. Felix liked Cecil but considering the guy wasn't a ninety-year-old man. His name didn't fit him at all. And since when did anyone comment on another person's name being cute?
Kyle glared at him again, which was really starting to feel like a weird turnaround in their friendship. "Who is he?" Kyle questioned. He didn't wait for Felix to answer. Instead, Kyle turned, so he looked back at the table again as he continued to ask questions. "Is he single? Is he gay?" Kyle's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Felix again, "Please tell me he's gay!"
Of all the things Felix had expected to happen that night, he could honestly say Kyle finding a new crush, at first sight, wasn't one of them. He didn't know how he felt about it either. He was all for Kyle moving on from the idea of Will because that was never going to happen, and Kyle was a cool enough guy and deserved to be happy, but another fucking demigod, really? That was not something Kyle wanted to get dragged into. The guy was fucking attracted to trouble, and he didn't even fucking know it. The worse thing about it, Felix knew exactly why Kyle shouldn't get his hopes up, but he couldn't say shit about it.
"Oh my god," Felix groaned and rolled his eyes, "You are fucking hopeless." Hopefully, Kyle would take that statement to mean that Cecil was straight and would just let it go. "Come on, I'll introduce you," he stated and waved for him to follow.
They walked back to the table. At some point, Kyle ended up a few steps behind him like he was fucking hiding or something, which was especially dumb because Kyle was the same height as Dean, so he was at least a head taller than Felix.
"Hey, what did we miss?" Felix questioned as he went right back to his seat next to Dean. That, of course, was the moment he realized that the only empty chair left was between himself and Cecil. That was inconvenient but not nearly as annoying as Kyle sharply poking him in the back the moment Felix had sat down. The point was taken, so Felix gestured to Kyle to do the whole introduction thing. "Oh yeah, this is Kyle," Felix then gestured around the table without much enthusiasm as he continued, "You've met Nico and know Will, and that's Will's friend Cecil."
"Hey," Kyle greeted with a bit of wave and a smile. Of course, he seemed to look at Will and Cecil and completely ignored Nico's very existence. Baby steps, Felix guessed.
There were waves and a few greetings. Nico might have seemed a little less enthused, which was kind of funny. Felix remembered hearing some vague story about Nico putting a skeleton in some guy's bed because he showed an interest in Will. Maybe that was what Kyle needed.
"Again, sorry we took so long," Will offered, apparently unaware of Nico's subtle disapproval of Kyle's presence. "We had kind of a hard time finding a place to park."
"They were arguing about Will's driving and kept driving past parking spots," Cecil informed with a smirk.
It was an amusing thought. Felix had never really seen the two bicker before. Usually, they were too busy being all over each other to do things like that. Felix didn't get to enjoy his amusement long because Kyle had to chime in. "These two did that too!" he exclaimed with far too much excitement as he pointed at Dean and Felix. The pointing especially seemed unnecessary, considering it was obvious who he was talking about.
Nico smirked slightly in a way Felix guessed was sort of mysterious. He didn't see it personally, but that didn't really matter. "That doesn't surprise me," he commented knowingly.
"We don't bicker…like….at all," Felix defended, and it was the truth. He and Dean could easily break into lively debates over absolutely meaningless shit, and Felix was pretty sure most of the time they both dug down on their side to drag it out, but that wasn't bickering. Hell, at times, that was practically fucking foreplay. Felix couldn't see how it could be mistaken for actual fighting.
"Oh, I know," Nico admitted, "It's just in my limited experience Dean's driving is…interesting."
"Bad," Will interjected, "Dean's driving is bad."
"You didn't complain when I drove you to school every day," Dean commented even though he didn't have the heat behind his words for them to have any real impact.
Nico seemed to ignore Dean and Will's little exchange and focused his attention on Felix as he continued, "And you have a tendency to be….vocal."
Felix really didn't know how to take that. If it were anyone else, he would have probably taken offense, but with Nico, he just couldn't. Nico wasn't the type to sling insults, or at least that Felix was aware. So he was at a complete loss, and if it had been a year earlier, Felix would have covered his bewilderment with some comment that would have come out way more hostile than he meant it to be, but Felix was really fucking trying to be better than that. Instead, he tried to make a joke out of it by turning to Dean with a fake look of outrage and questioning, "Did your cousin just call me a screamer?"
"I don't think so," Dean replied, although he didn't sound as certain as he probably should have, "But I could see how it could sound that way."
"Well, are you?" Kyle questioned with a laugh in his voice and a smirk on his face before Felix could even think of something else to say.
Felix wasn't overly loud in bed. Of that, Felix was sure. Actually, Dean was louder, at least when he bottomed, and even then, Felix wouldn't call Dean a screamer. There was no way Felix was explaining any of that to Kyle, and Kyle knew it. That was probably why he asked, to get a bit of a rise out of him.
Felix responded with a glare that, in reality, didn't have as much heat behind it as it would have it was anyone else that asked.
Dean missed the memo about not answering questions about their sex life because he gave it a moment's thought before answering, "Not normally."
Felix actually wouldn't have cared if he could have been classified as a screamer. All that would mean was he was vocal while enjoying sex. Sex was amazing, so why shouldn't he be vocal about it? Also, he knew he loved it when Dean got loud during sex because it usually meant he was losing his damn mind from the fucking pleasure, and that was sexy as fuck. That didn't stop him from giving Dean a 'What the hell man?' look. If nothing else, it gave Felix something to tease Dean about later, which was always fun.
Nico chuckled, and it was hard to tell if it was from amusement or nerves. It could have been both. "I just meant you don't seem to be shy about giving your opinion," he offered.
It was really fucking hard to take anything Nico said as offensive, but Felix was pretty sure if anyone else said that to him, he would have been bothered. "I guess," he muttered in reluctant agreement.
"Yeah, that's very true," Dean agreed, maybe a little more enthusiastically than was really warranted, at least in Felix's opinion, "Also, irrelevant because I wasn't the one driving."
"Oh," Nico exclaimed with obvious surprise, "I retract my previous statement then. What were you arguing about then?"
"Parking," Felix answered.
Kyle hissed like he had something to say about that, but Felix shot him a look because he really didn't need Kyle offering his opinion on the matter. That was enough for Kyle to think better of it. "Well, parking was definitely part of it."
Dean was smart enough to remain silent on the topic, and Kyle already seemed to be distracted by making eyes at Cecil (and Cecil seemed more into that than Felix would have liked). Felix guessed it was better than Kyle just spending the night openly ogling Will, so he let it go for the moment being.
Nico was quick to offer a change of topic. "Is someone going to come to take our order?" he asked as he looked around expectant.
Considering what Nico looked like and what he did for a living, Felix imagined he usually didn't even have to order a drink at a bar. People probably just brought him drinks in hopes that he would acknowledge their existence. Nico did seem like a down-to-earth guy, so Felix figured he wouldn't expect something like that, but he was probably just used to that sort of thing.
"This isn't Gladiators," Will reminded, "I think we have to go to the bar."
Not entirely surprising, Nico looked confused by the idea, which confirmed what Felix had suspected. He was a smart guy, so Felix was pretty sure he would figure it out. Besides, there was still a chance someone would present him with a drink in the hopes of getting a chance to bang an underwear model before he ever made it to the bar.
"The bartender barely looks at your ID, so it isn't a big deal," Kyle assured.
Good for him, Felix thought. He could tell Kyle was trying to be nice even though he disliked Nico at least a little for the simple fact that Will and Nico were dating.
"Perfect," Cecil declared as he pulled a wallet out of his pocket and dropped it on the table before moving to another pocket and producing another wallet. Cecil made at least half a dozen wallets from various places on his person appear in a matter of thirty seconds. "Let's see what I have to work with."
Cecil started flipping through the wallets in front of them in a way that made it very clear that he had some experience with that sort of thing. That reminded Felix that Cecil was the child of Hermes, and Hermes is the god of thieves. He wasn't sure if he should be horrified or amused by what he was seeing.
The look on Kyle's face was definitely tipping it more into the amusing category. He was clearly fluctuating between absolute shock and confusion, and his expressions were so extremely exaggerated it reminded Felix of a cartoon.
To Kyle's credit, he didn't stay silent, but that wasn't surprising. Kyle usually didn't have a problem speaking his mind. "Um…." Kyle hummed and then pointed toward the pile of wallets on the table, "Are all of those your wallets?"
Kyle continued to flip through the wallets, pulling out IDs and credit cards as he did. "Well, I mean, they are in my possession now," he offered. Pausing briefly after tossing one of the IDs aside, and looked up just a little in Kyle's direction. Felix thought he saw the smallest of flirtatious smiles spread across Cecil's face directed toward Kyle, but that couldn't have the case. "And you know what they say about that," he offered.
So stolen. That was pretty much what Felix had figured. Even if he didn't know Cecil was the demigod child of the god of thieves, it was more than evident. Will apparently wasn't so quick on the uptake because he sounded genuinely outraged when he shouted disapprovingly, "Cecil!"
"You know I can pay for everything, right?" Nico offered without clearly as much shock and outrage in his voice.
"That isn't the point," Cecil returned as he tossed the last of the wallets aside. He looked up and seemed to talk more to Will than anyone else even though he had a captive audience in Kyle from its looks. "It's about the challenge, and the guys around here are not much of a challenge."
"It's a gay bar," Felix reminded as he tried to contain a laugh, "Most guys are expecting a little fucking groping." That wasn't true for Felix, at least not in the sense of a stranger. Now Dean was another fucking story, and hopefully, that was how the night would end. But there were plenty of guys in the bar, and Felix had his money on the vast majority looking to hook up.
Next to him, Felix heard Dean laugh. "He isn't wrong," he admitted.
Cecil just shrugged unapologetically, "That doesn't mean they shouldn't mind their wallets."
Felix was fucking flashing forward to when Will and Nico had kids because the look of disappointment and disapproval on Will's face reminded Felix of disapproving parent. "That isn't a valid excuse for pickpocketing strangers," Will reprimanded.
"Don't worry, no one noticed," Cecil assured like that was the problem, the getting caught part and not the actual pickpocketing part. Felix almost laughed at Cecil's bravado. The thing was, Felix's dad thought he was studying at Kyle's, and if he found out Felix was really at a gay bar with Dean, Felix would be grounded for a fucking eternity. So if Cecil got caught pickpocketing people, that could present some problems. Cecil clearly didn't see the issue as he smiled brightly. "I'm very good," he stated with confidence.
Will's brain had apparently broke at some point because his only response was to stare at Cecil slack-jawed. Felix would think since Will and Cecil had been friends for a while, Will wouldn't have been so surprised. He got the feeling this was pretty standard for Cecil. Nico at least didn't seem overly surprised or worried about it. If anything, he seemed sort of amused by the whole thing, but it could be hard to tell with Nico.
"I'm going to get a drink," Nico declared as he hopped down from his chair. He looked between Will and Cecil briefly before asking, "Do you both just want a beer?"
"Sure," Cecil replied as he started to tuck away the various wallets he had collected into his pockets, "Thanks, Nico."
"Um, I guess," Will muttered uncertainly. Felix was pretty sure Will was just still too distracted by Cecil's kleptomania because it was seriously out of his character for him not to jump up to follow Nico around immediately.
You would think that Will simply refraining from following Nico around like a lovesick puppy would have been enough for Kyle but not. At least some part of his horny teenage brain viewed Nico as competition or at the very least as something close to an advisory which was just incredibly stupid, to say the least. Kyle decided that was the moment to get what seemed like it was meant as a dig. "Do you even have a fake ID?" Kyle asked Nico with almost a disgusting amount of doubt.
"No," Nico replied, "But I don't foresee that being a problem."
No one in their right fucking mind would look at Nico and believe he was twenty-one; of that, Felix was fucking sure. That didn't mean he didn't think Nico was probably right about his lack of an ID not being a problem. Not only was Nico good-looking, which seemed to go a pretty far way, but he also had a 'Don't fuck with me or else' vibe that was pretty fucking hard to argue with. Felix would bet the bartender wouldn't even bother to ask Nico for an ID.
Kyle at least had the common sense not to push the topic further, which satisfied Nico greatly if the glint in his eye and the slight grin that spread across his face was any indication. It wasn't an over-the-top expression by any means because it was fucking Nico. Felix was pretty sure the guy didn't know how to do over the top, or at least that kind of over the top. Even subtle, it was noticeable enough  
It probably didn't help that after giving Kyle a few seconds of his victory face, Will decided to jump into the conversation in full lovesick puppy mode. Felix got that Will was oblivious to Kyle's lingering crush on him even though he had been told on multiple occasions, but how he missed the little exchange between Kyle and Nico, Felix didn't fucking understand. He had most definitely missed it never the less.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Will asked Nico.
"I'm sure I can handle it on my own," Nico replied with a shrug, "But if you want to, I could use the extra pair of hands."
That was all Will needed to hear. He hopped out of his chair like a tiger from Winnie the Pooh or some shit. "Be right back," he declared quickly before trotting after Nico as he headed toward the bar.
They watched the two walk-offs for a few seconds before they were lost to the crowd. "Oh, codependence," Felix commented dryly in hopes of cutting off any of Kyle's potential pouting. "I'm so glad that isn't a family trait because I'm pretty sure I would murder you," he added with a humorless smile directed at Dean.
Felix wasn't actually all that worried about that sort of thing. He and Dean were pretty independent, so neither would take on the relationship's lost puppy role. Sure, between texting and phone calls, they probably talked for hours most days, and Dean had been trying to talk Felix into applying to Berkeley so they could be at the same school, but that was just….different.
Next to him, Felix heard Kyle snicker at that comment. He was fucking loud about it, so Felix wouldn't have been surprised if half the fucking bar heard. Felix couldn't help but turn to look at him, and the amused fucking grin on his face was just even more fucking confusion.
What the fuck did I miss?
Felix probably should have just let it go but hated feeling like everyone knew something he didn't. "What?" he asked as he stared at Kyle critically.
"Nothing," Kyle assured, but he sounded far too amused to be even remotely believed. Before Felix could push any further, Kyle had already turned his attention to Cecil and changed the subject. "Um, so Cecil, what brings you to Tennessee?" Kyle asked with a smile. He was clearly trying to be friendly, but it was over the top, so Felix found it awkward. It was also pretty out of character for Kyle. It was an interesting development, to say the least.
"Oh, Will invited me to Thanksgiving," Cecil answered with a bit of a shrug, "And Nico insisted. Saying no to Nico seems kind of …."
"Dangerous?" Felix offered without even thinking about it. Nico was actually really nice, but he was also scary as fuck. Felix wouldn't want to tell him no either.
Dean was less than a second behind with an equally valid suggestion, "Terrifying?"
"Yeah," Cecil agreed with a laugh, "Pretty much."
"So, you had no choice," Felix summed up. He paused to sip at his beer before adding, "Only legitimate reason to come to Tennessee."
"Hey!" Dean immediately protested, "I honestly don't know how to take that."
Felix looked at Dean to find him staring back, looking genuinely outraged. Maybe that should have made Felix feel at least a little guilty because of that, but honestly, he found it a little funny. He didn't actually laugh, but it was a close call. "You should be fine with it," he retorted. "I can hate the state I met you in and still love you," Felix explained matter-of-factly before taking another sip of his beer.
Dean's reaction was precisely what Felix had hoped for. He grinned from ear to ear. "You love me? Really?" Dean leaned over and made a real fucking show of kissing Felix on the cheek, "Because I definitely love you."
It wasn't like Felix wasn't used to Dean being affectionate. He wasn't used to Dean being so openly affectionate in such a large crowd, but around friends was normal enough. He still blushed at it, which officially killed any chance he had to even try to play it cool. That didn't mean he wasn't going to try, but it did mean he knew going in it wouldn't work.
"God, you've had like two sips of beer," Felix grumbled under his breath even as his cheeks continued to burn, "You can't be like this already."
"So," Cecil point at them while looking at Kyle, "They are just as bad as Will and Nico?"
"Um," Kyle hummed, still being a bit awkward about the whole thing, "I'm more used to these two, but yeah, they're pretty cutesy."
Felix swallowed down the urge to argue that by taking a large sip of his drink. Dean got kind of cutesy when he had a few drinks in him, but otherwise, they weren't like that at all. Besides the few affectionate gestures, they acted just like they did when they were just friends. He even got Kyle to admit that he claimed that didn't mean they weren't cutesy a few times. It wasn't worth arguing about, Felix was sure, so once he swallowed his drink, he went to change the topic. "Alright, Cee," Felix declared, "Why did Will drag to this great state for the great food holiday?" The state of Tennessee might have sucked by Will's mom was a fucking fantastic cook. In Felix's opinion, her cooking rivaled the food at Camp Half-Blood, so at least Cecil was in for a treat.
"Sympathy, I guess," Cecil replied with a shrug, "He's making a bigger deal over the breakup than either me or Lou are."
Felix opened his mouth to say without even thinking about the fact that he would be outing Cecil. Luckily Dean saved him from accidentally spilling the beans before Felix got a chance. "You guys broke up?" Dean questioned with great disappointment in his voice, "Sorry to hear that."
"It's cool," Cecil assured a little awkwardly before adding, "We are better friends."
Felix guessed that was one way to put it, considering that Cecil was gay. He guessed Cecil had finally worked up the nerve to end his fake relationship but not enough to tell people he was gay. Felix wasn't judging, but he figured pretending to be upset about a breakup would get old fucking fast.
"That's a positive attitude to have," Kyle chimed in, and suddenly the awkward energy he had just a few moments before was gone, and Kyle seemed way too excited to hear about Cecil's break.
Felix liked Kyle, but the boy was beyond fucking obvious. How anyone thought he was straight, Felix would never fucking understand. He also had horrible taste in guys. First, he spends years drooling over Will, and now he was getting hot and bothered over Cecil. Sure, Cecil was an improvement but still.
Cecil sort of smiled at Kyle, and it struck Felix that this might be a problem. Luckily Nico and Will decided that was the moment to reappear, drinks in hand, and they interrupted the whole thing before either Kyle or Cecil could attempt any awkward flirting that Felix would have to stop.
"We are back," Nico declared as he placed his drink on the table before pushing himself up into his chair.
"And we have drinks," Will declared from half a step behind Nico, holding up the two beers he was carrying as proof. He placed one beer in front of his seat before placing the other squarely in front of Cecil. "There was actually a guy about to send you a drink," Will told Cecil as he took his seat. He waved his hand in what Felix was sure was met to be a reassuring gesture as he added, "Don't worry, I told him you were straight."
Felix had to physically bite his tongue to stop himself from calling Will a cock block which made him wonder if this was going to be a problem. They were in a fucking gay bar, and Cecil wasn't a horrible-looking guy. If Will was going to keep help his friend out by explaining Cecil was straight, Felix didn't know if he would be able to take it. He was going to slip up and say something he shouldn't and outing Cecil like a fucking asshole.
Maybe he just had a lot of practice because he had to lie about all the demigod stuff, but Cecil did an impressive job of hiding any disappointment or frustration he might have been feeling. "Thanks," he replied. He wasn't exactly enthusiastic, but he didn't sound annoyed either.
"Um…..," Kyle hummed, which matched the confused look he was wearing quite well. His one finger in the air to signal he had a question was a bit much but to each their own.
"Lou is short for Lou Ellen," Dean offered quickly.
Kyle, unlike Cecil, did not school his emotions at all. The guy visibly deflated as he tried to cover (poorly) by saying, "Oh, that's an interesting name."
Felix had to admit that he did feel a little bad. Kyle was a cool enough guy, and he really shouldn't have to wait until college to date. But, at the same time, it really was for the best. Kyle did not need all that crazy demigod shit in his life. It was better for him just to think Cecil was straight than for Felix to have to play interference all night.
23 notes · View notes
exhaustedfander · 4 years
moxiety with fake dating? mayhaps with some gay panicking because ahhh cute stranger hold hngg hand??
I was having such stupid technical difficulties ith Word, but here it is, sorry it’s been like three weeks, lol. I’d love to hear what you think! 
a03 link
word count: 3,008
Fake it Till You Make it 
Virgil’s always careful whilst staking out a seat in the coffee shop he frequents. He makes sure not to sit in an area that’s too crowded, as to bypass unnecessary human-contact, while simultaneously avoiding the table too close to the door that lets a draft in. He’s been coming here a long time now, as it’s the closest place to his College, as well as the fact that the coffee is reasonably priced, and the atmosphere is pretty damn cozy. Also… there’s a barista that happens to be the cutest man Virgil’s ever laid his eyes on, but that’s beside the point! 
By now, all of the staff know his order – a cinnamon Cappuccino with enough whipped cream to drown in – like the back of their hands, so he has to worry about social interaction a lot less than usual. The adorable barista in question, Patton, has only ever taken his order, sweet as can be while doing so, but Virgil’s never really talked to the guy. Not that he plans on it! That is waaay too nerve-racking to so much as think about, thank you very much. Sure, he can get lost in those ocean-blue eyes and often fantasizes about running his hand through those strawberry-blonde curls but talking to him is strictly out of the question. He likes this coffee spot and would really hate to have to find a new shop all because he’s made a fool of himself. 
So, it’s not hard to imagine Virgil’s utter shock when he finds that very same barista standing beside him, a dazzling smile on his face.
“Is this seat taken?” He asks, in reference to the chair beside him, and Virgil’s fairly sure he forgets how to breathe for a moment. 
“Uh – no,” he manages to stutter, “It’s all yours, man.” The barista grins, sitting beside him. 
“Thanks… Virgil, right?” Virgil blinks surprised he’d remember something as inconsequence as his name. 
“Yeah,” Virgil says, “My, uh, friends call me Virge. You can, too, if you wanted to.” Virgil despises the way his voice is trembling; why is he so fucking nervous? It’s just basic, human, social interaction (with the most beautiful man to grace this Earth, but basic, human social interaction nonetheless)
“Sure, thing, Virge. I’m Patton,” he says, as though Virgil hadn’t memorized the name on his nametag the moment, he saw him. “I like your pin, by the way.” 
Virgil glances down at the Bisexual pin on his backpack, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. It’s not like he’s missed the rainbow shirt he’s seen peeking out from behind Patton’s apron sometimes – an apron he doesn’t currently have on, meaning he’s off the clock, also meaning instead of going home, he’s sitting here, talking to him. So, yeah, Patton’s probably gay, and he’s talking to him, but that doesn’t actually mean anything. It doesn’t stop Virgil from panicking quite a bit, though. 
“Thanks,” Virgil says, trying his absolute hardest to keep his cool. He’s wanted to talk to Patton for so long, but he hadn’t imagined it would ever actually happen. 
“You come here a lot, huh?” Patton asks. Virgil rubs at the back of his neck, struggling to maintain eye-contact. 
“Uh- yeah. This is a cool place, and it’s not too far from my school.” Virgil fails to mention the fact that Patton’s a big reason he comes in nearly daily, thinking such a detail might come off as super creepy.
As awkward as Virgil is, a conversation is struck up. He learns that Patton is a student at his college, too (How the fuck did he manage to miss a face like that??) and that he’s studying to be a Veterinarian, which Virgil finds a little funny, considering he’s terribly allergic to cats. Patton’s a big fan of dad-jokes and puns, and while he can try and groan, it just manages to make Patton all the more adorable. He also discovers that yes, Patton is gay and that he first came about a year ago. 
“Yeah, my parents weren’t too thrilled,” Patton says in a voice that’s desperately trying to stay chipper, but the sorrow creeps in all the same, “They still aren’t.” 
“Mine either,” Virgil says before he really knows what he’s saying, “I haven’t, uh, talked to them in a long time. I might never again, honestly.” A look of sympathy crosses Patton’s face, though it’s clear that he relates, maybe more than he wants to admit to himself. 
“I’m so sorry to hear that, Virge.” 
Virgil shrugs. It’s nothing new. He came out to his parents at seventeen, a choice that was quite the feat considering the level of anxiety he suffers from, and it hadn’t gone well at all. His folks hadn’t kicked him out, but they’d insisted that he was never to take a boy home. At first, Virgil had tried to get on their good side, they were his parents, after all. But it didn’t take long for him to realize what a fruitless venture that was. They weren’t going to change, regardless of how much he wanted them to. 
Once he got to college, he had an opportunity to meet a few really great people, despite his social-anxiety, individuals who had shown him how important it is to have positive relationships in life. At this point, it could undo a few years of positive change to let his parents back into his life, and Virgil wasn’t about to go and do a thing like that.
“It’s alright,” he says, “They’re assholes, anyway. I got some pretty cool relatives though, and some really good friends, so that helps.” Patton frowns, and suddenly Virgil decides he despises the sad expression on him, wondering what the hell he could do to make it go away.
“My parents are assholes too,” Patton murmurs, as though saying such a word is incomprehensively bad, and as if Virgil hadn’t said it too about three seconds ago. “They really are. I’ve been trying. Trying so hard to be patient with them and allow them time to adjust but… it just isn’t happening. They’re still talking about when I end up with “some lucky lady.” I don’t know…” Patton pauses, his eyes widening, “Oh my goodness, I’m sorry.” Virgil tilts his head. 
“What for?”
“For dumping all that on you. I mean, we hardly know each other. It was rude of me.” 
“Nah, man, you’re good. I was just talking about my parents, there’s no reason to apologize. And I should know, I’m kind of the king of apologizing for shit I didn’t do.” Patton cracks a small smile at that, and Virgil swells with a pit too much pride. “My point is, you didn’t overshare, or anything. We’re just having a conversation, you’re good, I promise.” Patton looks relieved. 
“Thanks, Virgil. You’re really nice.” Virgil’s heart can’t help but soar a little bit at that. Sometimes, he’s convinced he’s a massive asshole, despite his friends insisting that it isn’t. but it’s really nice to know that Patton thinks he’s nice.
“No prob, Pat. You’re nice too.”
“Well then, I’m glad we were able to break the nice,” Patton says, earning a half-hearted groan. “I’ve kinda wanted to talk to you for a while, actually.” Virgil’s heart skips a beat. 
“R-really? Why?”
“Because,” Patton says with a smile, “You always seemed so interesting. Mentioning your Pin was, uh, kind of just an excuse to talk to you,” Patton admits and, holy shit, is he flirting?! Virgil can’t tell, but sirens are going off in his head regardless. 
“I – uh,” Virgil bites his tongue, trying to come up with a dignified response of some kind, but failing to do so. “Thanks?” Despite Virgil’s criminal lack of tact, Patton just smiles, a look that quickly disappears when he gets a notification and checks his phone.
“What’s up?” Virgil asks, before realizing it’s hardly his business. He’s known Patton for what? An hour or so now – oh my god, Patton’s been talking to him for over an hour – and that doesn’t give Virgil the authority to inquire upon the barista’s personal life beyond what he’s already been told. Patton shakes his head.
“My cousin Dalilah getting married next week,” Patton explains, despite Virgil’s hesitation, “She’s one of the only family members who I’m really close to; she’s such a sweetheart.”
“Then what’s wrong?” 
“My mom and dad are going to be at the wedding,” Patton sighs, “And I don’t have a date. If I show up without some guy on my arm, I know they’re just gonna assume that the crisis is over, and they can set me up with the next available girl. They already think me being gay is a phase, this is all the reason they need to think the phase is over.” A sad look flickers in Patton’s eyes and instantly, all logic or uncertainty that Virgil’s clinging to goes out the window.
“What if I was your date?” Patton’s eyes go as wide as saucers and, oh shit, he really just said that aloud.
“L-like a fake date,” Virgil backpedals, his heart rate spiking in a matter of seconds, “So t-that your parents aren’t dicks to you. Or at least, are less of dicks.” 
For a moment, Virgil almost dares to think that the explanation made Patton look kinda… disappointed? Not that it would make much sense, it’s not like he’d actually want Virgil to be his date. 
“Virgil you… you can’t be serious.”
“Well, why not?” Virgil asks, knowing he’s most probably going to regret this later, “You’re a cool guy who’s in a shitty situation. Your parents are going to be relentless to you, and I don’t like the idea of that, so… why don’t I make things a little easier for you?” Virgil says, impressed he gets through it without feeling as anxious as he had a few moments ago. 
“I couldn’t ask you to do that,” Patton mumbles guiltily, his eyes cast on the table, “I wouldn’t want you to sacrifice your weekend just for me.” 
“Pat, I was just gonna aimlessly scroll through Tumblr till two in the morning and watch shitty TV. And– erm– being your fake date sounds a lot more interesting to me.” (Not to mention nerve-racking!) Patton meets Virgil’s gaze once more, relief etched into his features.
“You’d really be willing to do this?” Patton asks, “You don’t need to, you know.”
“I want to,” Virgil assures. “So, what do you say?” Patton thinks for a moment before that beautiful smile spreads across his face anew.
“That sounds perfect! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Patton says, standing up from his chair and throwing his arms around the emo, “You’re a lifesaver, Virgil!” Virgil stiffens in the awkward embrace, before accepting it to the best of his ability, trying not to freak out because Patton fucking Hart is hugging him! 
“Sure thing, Pat.” 
After that, arrangements are made. As it turns out, Patton isn’t the biggest fan of lying, hates it, honestly, which makes things a little trickier. But a compromise is come to that they met each other in the Coffee shop, which was true and had been on a few dates prior to the wedding. While that wasn’t technically true (God does Virgil wish it was) they do spend several days throughout the week hanging out and getting to know one another. And within those few days, Virgil’s infatuation with Patton inflames to a full-on crush which is just great.
Getting better acquainted with him, Virgil finds himself quickly getting used to Patton’s bubbly personality. He’s eager to pet every dog he comes into contact with, he enjoys baking quite a bit, though he’s not great at it, he’s adorably awkward in the best ways and he’s one of the kindest, most genuine people Virgil’s ever met. 
Usually, Virgil’s so well-guarded, but with Patton, he’s opening up quicker and more willingly than he has in such a long time. Patton listens with such compassion, and while Virgil’s really happy to have the other friends that he does, he’s never met someone as sweet as Patton is. It’s almost a little overwhelming at times, how caring he is. 
Before they know it, the day is upon them. Virgil gets a rental suite while trying not to swoon at Patton in his sky-blue tux, because really, how is it legal for him to look that cute?
Patton grabs his hand the moment they walk into the venue, sending Virgil a careful glance and squeezing his hand just slightly.
“This okay?” He whispers, ever the compassionate one, and Virgil nods.
“Yeah, ‘s okay.” Virgil can’t recall the last time someone held his hand, and he certainly can’t remember the number of times he’s imagined Patton holding his hand, prior to them even being friends. 
They take their seats, and the ceremony proceeds as usual. It’s beautiful, not that Virgil is paying too much attention, distracted by Patton’s nervous glances toward an older couple that must be his folks.
“Hey, are you alright?” Virgil asks quietly. Patton forces a smile, his eyes trained on his cousin and her fiancé.
“Yeah, I’m – I’m fine,” – he doesn’t sound fine –, “It’s just…” Patton trails off, his gaze flickering back to his parents for a moment. Virgil places his hand over Patton’s, who’s trembling is noticeable immediately. Carefully, Virgil runs his thumb over Patton’s knuckles in an even, circular motion. Luckily, it seems to calm Patton down to a degree, and he doesn’t take his eyes off of Dalilah for the rest of the ceremony. 
However, almost immediately upon the afterparty starting, they’re cornered by Mr. and Mrs. Hart.
“Patton, you didn’t come and say hello,” his mother scolds. 
“Well, there were a lot of people,” Patton says nervously, “I figured we’d –.”
“Who’s this?” Patton’s father interrupts, gesturing to Virgil standing beside him.
“Virgil Storme,” Virgil says as calmly as he’s able, extending a hand for the father to shake. Mr. Hart’s hand remains rigid at his side. “I’m Patton’s boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you.” 
Virgil can’t help but notice as anxiety wells up inside of him because, fuck, they’d never said they were going to call each other boyfriend’s, just that they’d been on a few dates, but Mr. Hart had such a smug look and he couldn’t help it. Despite his raging internal monologue, Patton plants a hand onto the small of his back, lips curling into a smile.
“That’s right,” Patton says, “Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend.” 
The look of slackened shock on their faces would be priceless, weren’t it for the fact that these are still Patton’s parents, individuals who’ve had a direct influence on him throughout the entirety of his life.
“You’ve never – you’ve never mentioned a boyfriend before,” Patton’s mother says, glaring at her son. 
“And certainly not one who looks like some kind of a hooligan,” Mr. Hart grits, gesturing to Virgil’s dyed purple hair and pierced ears. Virgil intends to let the insult go, as it would only cause more trouble to confront it, but Patton has other ideas.
“Hey, you have no right to talk like that about Virgil,” Patton says, an edge to his voice that Virgil had yet to hear until now. Virgil grips for Patton’s hand, lacing their fingers together and giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“How long has this been going on, sweetie?” Mrs. Hart chimes in, though it’s unclear if she’s referring to Virgil himself, or Patton’s sexuality as a whole. Either way, it’s a poor choice of words.
“My whole life, mom,” Patton spits, a venomous tone that would surely be louder if they weren’t at a wedding, “I’ve been gay my whole life, and nothing is going to change that.”
“But –.”
“But, nothing,” Patton interrupts boldly, “I’m not having this conversation, not again. If you can’t accept the fact that I’m never going to end up with ‘some nice girl,’ and that Virgil is absolutely wonderful, then we haven’t got anything to talk about.”
The words are a slap across Mr. and Mrs. Hart's face, who reel back in shock. 
“Patton, son –.”
“Goodbye,” Patton says, realizing it might very well be the last time he says it. He begins walking out of the reception and Virgil follows close behind. They make it outside, and luckily there’s no one else around.
“Pat… are you okay?” Virgil asks, reaching out to touch Patton’s shoulder.
“I’m done, Virgil. I’m done being gentle for them, I’m done pretending. It’s not worth it.” Pride wells in Virgil, even though he’s known Patton a little less than a week. 
“Well, then, I can tell you that was amazing! You kicked ass, Patton! Did you see the stupid look on their faces? They were so –.” Virgil is quickly interrupted when Patton’s lips collide against his, fingers gripping his lapels. Virgil needs a second to adjust and realize this is actually happening before he kisses back just as fervidly, his hands threading in Patton’s curls that are soft to the touch, just as he’d always imagined. 
“We’re – we’re not still pretending, right?” Virgil asks dumbly, and Patton shakes his head with a laugh, light, and airy.
“No, no of course not. Unless… you want it to be pretend?” 
“No! God, n-no! You’re amazing, Pat, you’re so kind, and soft and good and cute and… oh god, I’m rambling.” Patton giggles again, and Virgil decides it’s one of the best sounds he’s had the pleasure of hearing. 
“It’s cute.” 
“You’re cuter.”
“No, you are.”
The never-ending debacle of who is cuter is decidedly ended when their lips meet again, and Virgil’s positive this outweighs anything fantasy had to offer.
In the end, Patton hasn’t told a lie. Virgil is his boyfriend, even if they didn’t start the day out that way. The two walk back into the venue, hand-in-hand, watching as the Hart’s avert their eyes and Patton happily introduces Virgil to the family and friends who matter. 
Virgil’s never been so glad he walked into that coffee shop.
Please let me know if you wanna be added to my general taglist! I’d be happy to add folks!
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Maggie solving a case Alex can't but she also doesn't have the heart to tell Alex she could solve it by herself because Alex was soooo interested on it
I feel like this is not exactly what the prompt asked, but this is what popped up in my head! Hopefully you enjoy! 
Also, send me more prompts to my inbox!
Alex walks down the hall towards her and Maggie’s apartment, carrying a box of pizza and a case of beer with her. Kara is right behind her, carrying another pizza as well as a bag of potstickers. They’re laughing at some ridiculous Catco story that Kara is telling her as she unlocks their door, opening it for her and her sister.
Walking in though, she quickly turns and puts her finger to her lips, shushing Kara.
The blonde looks confused but shuts her mouth and looks around Alex to see what was going on. She smirks when she sees Maggie passed out on the couch, her arm slung over the edge and a case file lying on her chest, almost covering her face. There are also a million other folders and papers spread out on the coffee table and floor around her.
Kara looks back to her sister and sees Alex gazing at Maggie with an affectionate smile, looking at her like she is the most precious thing in the entire Universe. Which, Kara knows Alex believes to be true.
“She’s been working on a new case the last couple of days,” Alex whispers. “She’s been working 24/7,” she sighs, shaking her head slightly. She knows that Maggie’s work is important to her, but Alex also thinks that she overworks herself sometimes. And that is really saying something coming from someone like Alex, who works constantly as well.  
Alex sets the pizza and beer down on the kitchen island before turning back to her Fiance. She smiles affectionately at the woman as she kneels down in front of her. She grabs the case file off of Maggie’s chest and lays it down on the coffee table with the others. She runs her fingers through Maggie’s hair softly, “Baby,” she says quietly, trying to rouse her fiance. “Baby, wake up,” she says just a bit louder.
Maggie scrunches her nose up and lets out a small whine. She turns over onto her side, snuggling into the couch and lets out a deep sigh, her whole body relaxing once again. Alex just smirks as Maggie seems to fall back into a peaceful sleep, clearly not wanting to wake up. She knows that the woman is exhausted, but Alex wants to at least try and move her to the bed.
Kara places the pizza and potstickers down and moves closer to the couple, though she stays far away enough to give them some sort of privacy. She just can’t help but watch them interact like this. They’re both such strong and badass women with tough exteriors when they are at work and out in public. It’s refreshing to see them being so soft with each other. Especially her sister, because she had never seen Alex be affectionate or take a liking to anyone. Other than her, of course but that was a different kind of affection. She’d always wanted this for Alex.
She watches with a soft smile as Alex leans down and starts placing kisses all over Maggie’s face, making the smaller woman groan cutely.
Alex just giggles and keeps kissing her all over. “Wake up, beautiful,” she says with a smile. She pulls back and finally sees Maggie open her eyes and look up at her. She looks annoyed, but Alex knows she’s just pretending. “Hi baby.” she greets, when their eyes finally meet and it makes the annoyed look melt off of Maggie’s face.
“Hi,” Maggie says softly, a yawn escaping her lips. She brings her hands up to caress Alex’s cheek, smiling lovingly at her. “You’re home,” she says happily, and Alex nods, smiling at her fiance, who is still half asleep. She’s always even more adorable when she’s tired.
“Kara is here,” Alex tells Maggie, not wanting her to be taken by surprise. She also knows that sometimes, Maggie isn’t quite as affectionate or ‘soft’ when other people are around. She likes people to think she is tough. Though even Kara knows it’s all a facade. Not that she isn’t tough, but that she can be a huge softy.
Maggie looks past Alex and sees Kara smiling at the two of them. She lets her hand drop from Alex’s face and smiles back at Kara. “Hey little Danvers,” she greets, pushing herself into a sitting position on the couch. She sighs and shakes her head a bit, trying to wake up, and then it hits her. “Oh god, I totally forgot it’s sister night,” she says, putting her hand on her forehead. “I’m sorry, let me get all of this cleaned up,” she says, starting to sort through all of the paperwork.
“Hey, Maggie, stop,” Alex says, placing a gentle hand on her arm. “It’s no big deal, alright? I know you’ve been working really hard on this case. A bit too hard,” she says, giving Maggie a look. They’ve already had this argument a few times.
Maggie just returns the look and then continues picking up all of her work though not as rushed this time. She’s actually hit a break through with the case and arrested someone today. Though, they are still working on proving that he did it and getting him put behind bars permanently. She’s pretty confident that they have a sturdy case against him though.
“What is the case anyway?” Kara asks curiously. She sits down on the other side of the couch and grabs one of the folders on the coffee table.
Before Maggie can respond, Alex speaks up. “A girl was attacked. She’s only 15,” she responds, moving to sit up on the couch as well. She puts a comforting hand on Maggie’s back, rubbing small circles, before looking at Kara and continuing. “They’re thinking it’s a hate crime. She’s gay, and an alien.” Alex adds softly, glancing over at her fiance. She knew the case had hit Maggie harder than other cases.
“Well did the girl see who it was?” Kara asks curiously.
“She’s saying she didn’t see them,” Alex answers. She and Maggie had many conversations about the case the last couple of days, and she felt she was pretty caught up on it.
Maggie would normally be annoyed with someone for jumping in and answering questions about her case like that, but it didn’t really bother her this time. She knew that Alex was just feeling protective of her. The first day that Maggie had told her about the case, she’d broke down crying over it.
“Mags, why don’t we try and help you with the case? I’m sure that we can figure it out together.” She says, turning to look at her girlfriend, hopeful.
Maggie wants to tell her that it’s all pretty much solved and closed, but Alex looks so excited at the prospect of helping her with this case she’d been so upset over. “Alex, it’s fine. We will get it figured out, you and Kara have your sisters night, alright?” She tells her, placing a gentle hand on Alex’s thigh.
“Maggie, I want to help you. And I want to help this young girl. She deserves justice, and I know that we can solve it together. I mean, we even have Supergirl with us.” She says, looking over at Kara. “Or you know, Kara, who is way better than Supergirl anyway,” she says, nudging her younger sister.
“I’d be more than happy to help,” Kara adds, nodding her head along with Alex’s plan.
Maggie looks at the eager face that her fiance is making and just sighs. “Yeah, okay,” she says, not being able to say no to Alex. She’s already pretty much solved the case on her own, but it couldn’t hurt to have Alex look over everything, just to see if she gets the same conclusion. Plus, she knows that it makes Alex happy to be able to help her with cases.
“Where do we start?” Alex asks, grabbing some paperwork off the coffee table, her and Kara both looking over everything with excitement.
Maggie just chuckles and shakes her head, watching the two of them. Sometimes it seems like they have more fun with her “old fashion plain police work” than they do with their rogue aliens. Plus, Alex always gets so happy when she helps solve a case. Most of the time, Maggie could have done it perfectly fine on her own, but she doesn’t have the heart to tell Alex that. She likes making her happy, plus she always loves being able to work with Alex.
“So wait....” Alex says, pausing to turn and look at Maggie. They’ve been looking over all the files and evidence for about an hour now, putting two and two together. “It was her Dad...” she concludes, after looking over all of Maggie’s interviews and evidence she had gathered in the past few days. “Her dad hurt her...” she says in a more quiet voice, turning more fully to Maggie.
“That’s what I’m thinking, yes,” she nods, trying not to let emotion show. This case had hit her hard, and even harder when she’d figured out that it was the girl’s father that had hurt her. But, she’d tried to be strong through it and not let the emotions affect her. She doesn’t like thinking about her father or letting what he did to her affect her life now. She’s done wasting time on thinking about him. Though, it’s been a lot harder than she thought it’d be.
Alex opens her mouth to say something but then closes it, not really sure what to say. She puts the case files down and turns all the way facing Maggie, pulling her feet up on the couch. “Baby...” she says softly, pulling Maggie into a tight hug. “Are you okay?” She asks, pulling away, but staying close.
“I’m okay,” she nods, though she has some tears in her eyes. She’d been keeping it together pretty well, but when Alex hugged her like that, some of her emotions seemed to have slipped through the cracks. “I just want to get the bastard...” she says, her teeth clenching.
“You already had this case solved, didn’t you?” Alex says knowingly, as she wipes tears away from Maggie’s face. She then reaches out for another piece of paper she had come across, talking about having the girl’s father in custody.
Maggie just shrugs sheepishly. “Yeah.. I mean, it’s still not closed, but it will be.” She confirms. “We just have to go to court,” she explains.
Alex smiles comfortingly at her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She asks, running her fingers through Maggie’s hair. She always loves playing with Maggie’s hair. And luckily, Maggie always finds it comforting so it works out for them both.
“I was going to when you got home, but then you were so excited to help...” she says, trailing off and shrugging her shoulders shyly again. “I figured it wouldn’t hurt to let you look everything over. I know that you enjoy helping me and I find it adorable, and also really sweet,” she explains. “I just never had the heart to tell you that I don’t actually need your help with cases,” she admits.
Alex huffs and rolls her eyes, but can’t help but smile at Maggie. “You are perfect,” she tells her. But then she frowns. “Wait, cases? There have been other cases that you already solved before I started helping?” She asks, incredulously.
Maggie grimaces at her slip up. “Maybe,” she admits, reaching out for Alex’s hand. “I just love how happy it makes you, being able to help me. And there have been a couple of times that I actually did need your help, too,” she assures her.  
Alex sighs and shakes her head. “Honestly, I don’t do it because I think you need the help,” she admits, seriously, making Maggie look at her confused. “Maggie, you are the best at your job. Seriously, you amaze me, every day. I know that you are more than capable of doing things on your own.” she tells her with so much honesty that it brings tears back to Maggie’s eyes. “I just like working with you and helping you,” she shrugs. “It’s not because you need it, I just enjoy it.” She says with a shy smile. “We don’t get a lot of free time together either, so if working together gives me time with you, then I’ll take it.”
Maggie smiles and leans forward kissing Alex. “I love you,” she says softly.
“I love you too,” Alex says back. “Forever.”
“Okay....so I’m going to go...” Kara finally speaks up, standing up from the couch, where she had been awkwardly sitting. Honestly, she loved watching the interaction between them but she also felt a little like she was intruding. She just hadn’t wanted to get up in the middle of it and ruin a perfect moment either.
Alex and Maggie both let out small giggles, pulling their gazes away from each other and look over at the awkward Kryptonian, standing next to the fireplace.
“Kara, it’s okay,” Maggie says, wiping at her eyes. “You can stay,” she assures her.
But, Kara doesn’t look convinced. “No, it’s okay. You guys should be alone tonight. We can do sister night another night,” she says, biting on her lip. Of course she had been excited for their weekly sister night, but she also knows that sometimes the two of them need their alone time. And this seemed like one of those times.
“Kara,” Alex says with a sigh, but then stops. She wants to tell Kara to stay as well, but if Maggie needs her, then she wants to be there for her fiance. So she looks over to Maggie who is still wiping under her eyes, attempting to wipe away the mascara that she knows has probably run under her eyes from the crying.
Maggie glances at Alex and then back to Kara. “Kara, after the last few days, I could really use a sister night right now. So, it only makes sense that my sister is actually here.” she admits, making both Kara and Alex grin widely.
Kara claps her hands together, trying but failing to hide her giddiness. “Okay,” she says, not arguing with them anymore about staying. She grins at them both again before running over to the kitchen to start plating the food, and opening up beers.
Alex just looks over at her fiance and wraps her arm around her shoulders, both of them laughing at the youngest Danvers. “I really love you, so much,” Alex whispers, placing her forehead against Maggie’s. “Are you sure that you are okay?” She asks, wanting to double check. She knows that Maggie had dealt with her father a few months ago and she’s let go of a lot of those old pushed down feelings, but she is still worried about her.
“I’m okay, babe. I promise,” she confirms, nodding her head, keeping it pressed against Alex’s. “My dad at least didn’t physically hurt me,” she comments, though she knows that he had definitely left emotional bruises. “We caught the guy, and she’s going to be okay. This is why I love my job,” she smiles, pulling slightly away from Alex. “I want to be able to help people like her.”
Alex nods and smiles at her. “Well, you do an amazing job baby. That’s also why I like helping you. I just like watching you work. You really do amaze me, Maggie Sawyer,” she says, caressing Maggie’s cheek with her fingers.
“And you amaze me,” Maggie comments. “Why do you think that I don’t mind you helping? I love watching you work too.” she admits, both of them staring at each other with loving eyes.
That is until Kara makes a puking noise behind them. “You guys are seriously, so gross,” she says, but she has an affectionate smile on her face. “You are definitely relationship goals,” she says, handing them both a beer and a plate with pizza on it.
Maggie and Alex just roll their eyes and adjust themselves on the couch so that they can properly eat, though they’re still sitting as closely together as possible.
Kara sits down on the other side of Alex and leans over to look at Maggie. “Also, you called me your sister,” she says with a giddy smile.
Maggie groans and rolls her eyes. “Forget I ever said anything,” she jokes, knowing how overboard Kara can go. Maggie has never really been good with feelings, especially with anyone other than Alex. She loves Kara of course, she just doesn’t have as easy of a time showing it to her.
It’s something that she’s working on. And definitely getting better at.
“Of course you are my sister, Kara,” she finally says with a sigh, but a smile on her face. “Officially, in only another month,” she says, nudging her fiance with a wide smile.
“I can’t wait,” both Kara and Alex say at the same time, wide smiles on their faces. It just makes Maggie laugh out loud.
She loves her Danvers girls.
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Rewatch 106: Of Men and Angels
Not a lot of action in this episode aside from the blue flashbacks, but it is still a good one. The focus is on the family dynamics and I dig it. 
lol Magnus asks what happened to Luke and neither Simon nor Clary gives him the right answer. Luke challenged the alpha. He wasn’t “attacked” and we can see that he needs a warlock’s healing magic. Good thing Magnus arrives at the right conclusion on his own.
I don’t understand if Luke’s hallucination is a figment of his imagination or if it is a magical link to Jocelyn. All I got was that they are dressed as their younger Circle Member selves.
Act One
Sure, the Seelies want to be on the winning side, but this argument doesn’t work when the “winning side” wants them all dead. Also, Maryse was such a bitch.
Clary feeling guilty for doubting Luke is a great moment. So is Magnus hijacking Luke’s healing process to ask for Alec to come and see him. Smooth.
Alec thinks Maryse is on edge, Izzy thinks she’s acting as she usually does. We know Maryse is worried because the Lightwoods might lose the Institute. Supposedly, Alec is right but it’s interesting that Izzy doesn’t perceive a difference in treatment: it speaks a lot to her relationship with Maryse. Same thing with how Robert is affectionate with Izzy but goes straight to business with Alec. These parents clearly have favorites.
This suit and shirt make Max look like the rich kid that thinks he’s better than the other kids at the playground. I know kid-actors aren’t usually great, but this is the wrong fit for Max even physically speaking. Emeraude and Matthew look like siblings and they look like they could’ve been Nicola and Paulino’s children. Blonde, round-faced Jack Fulton? Not so much.  
Jace changing “virgin” to “powerful” is hilarious to me.
The issue between Alec and Jace is quite interesting. On one hand, Jace is arguably breaking the rules to do the right thing: he’s helping Clary to get her mother back, he’s interfering in Downworlder business to save Luke’s life. However, Jace has and is able to get away with rogue behavior: in a few episodes we will see Maryse saying that Jace’s methods might be unconventional, but he gets things done. Alec is in a different position. He doesn’t get a pass; in fact, his superiors (who are also his parents) expect and order him to follow the rules. And it is only because Alec follows the rules and bears that responsibility that Jace (and Izzy) get to be the wild younger children. Jace deciding to go rogue is one thing, Alec deciding to go rogue is another.
I really like the uncle/niece dynamic between Magnus and Clary. He praises her a little too much, as previously discussed, but I guess Clary is one of the few people Magnus watched grow up. I’ll resign myself to him doting on her a little.
This macho-dispute between Jace and Simon is making me roll my eyes. You both fancy Clary, get over it. Luke is literally dying, so if you care about her, hurry up and help save Clary’s father-figure.
Simon pseudo-defends Alec while arguing with Jace and that makes me wonder how a friendship between Simon and Alec could’ve been had they bonded even a little in the last episode. That said, Jace freaks out again when Simons rubs salt on the wound: Jace and Alec’s friendship is strained and Jace loses it.
Act Two
I still love this scene between Alec and Maryse so much.
Honestly, the whole dynamic between Magnus and Clary is great. But the still “Bring it, Warlock” ruins it. Clary is about to learn how her beloved mother was a founding member of a blood supremacy group that preyed on warlocks like Magnus. Had Clary realize how racist she sounded and apologized by the end of the explanation, it would’ve been one thing. As is, the line is as tone-deaf as they come.
Kat looks nothing like the actress playing young Jocelyn. That’s a casting mistake because people literally take Clary for Jocelyn when they first see her. They should’ve chosen an actress that resembled Kat or let Kat herself play the part.
And now we get a parallel scene with Izzy and Robert. I dig the Lightwood family so freaking much.
The Clave is doubting the Lightwood command of the New York Institute because of the unauthorized missions Alec sanctioned. Which started after the Clave’s orders to keep Clary in the Institute back in 102. Let’s count those rogue missions, shall we? 1. searching for Dot at Pandemonium; 2. going to the City of Bones; 3. attacking the DuMort; 4. (arguably) meeting with Magnus Bane; 5. searching for J.C.’s box at the Fray’s loft. That’s about five missions (the Magnus Bane one might have been authorized since Hodge knew about it) that Alec sanctioned without the Clave’s approval in the span of about four days. No wonder the Lightwoods are losing the command of the Institute.
Act Three
Okay, Magnus. Sure, if it wasn’t for Jocelyn and Luke, Valentine would’ve taken the Mortal Cup. But if it wasn’t for them, the Circle wouldn’t exist either. One thing doesn’t cancel the other. They have Downworlder blood in their hands and Clary is right to be upset.
Alec’s motivation to go and help Magnus is reaching his breaking point. He’s about to lose the last thing he had, his private life. At this point, he doesn’t care anymore what the consequences of his disobedience will be. He already lost it all.
Act Four
Sorry for the outburst. Anyway, how convenient are Simon’s hallucinations? Always when he’s alone.
Gay Love saved Luke.
It’s interesting how medieval the Shadowhunter culture is. More interesting still is how Izzy didn’t seem to understand that until now. She behaved like the wild child her whole life without realizing there would be consequences? Unfair consequences, but still. I guess Izzy is smart, but not wise.
Some Alec and Clary bonding. Noice. Another superficial making up for the Parabatais. Not so noice. I wonder why Alec doesn’t tell Jace about his impending marriage. Still, Jace is so emotionally dysfunctional he can’t even bring himself to articulate an apology to Simon for putting a blade to his neck, so the young men in this show aren’t exactly great communicators among themselves.
Maryse is so close to telling Izzy about her past in the Circle. Well, of course, she won’t, but she does tell Izzy about how she was wrong for thinking that she could “change the world by breaking the rules.” Only, Maryse’s rule-breaking meant killing innocents. Izzy’s rule-breaking means self-expression and sexual autonomy. There is an important distinction to be made there.
Wait. Is Luke implying that experimenting with Downworlder blood is what turned Valentine into a monster?
Act Five
Oh, yes. It’s the blood injections that made Valentine mad. Not his ideologies, not his jealousy, not his twisted principles. The Downworlder blood. This is bullshit.
I want to point out that Luke (and presumably Jocelyn) were still going on rogue missions to kill Downworlders with Valentine up until when Valentine set Luke up and left him to die. It’s important to me to point this out.
Act Six
While Izzy represses herself into the box her mother wants her in, Alec has that drink he postponed with Magnus. I dig this parallel a lot.
At the risk of losing my Malec card: Magnus’ iconic “you’ve unlocked something in me” line comes out of nowhere. He saw Alec twice: one time for a second or two, and another when they exchanged a few sentences and then Magnus proceeded to hit on Alec hard to little-to-none reaction from Alec. Then they talked on the phone. At this point, Magnus could, at most, feel attracted to Alec. Saying that Alec’s mere presence made Magnus think he’s ready for a serious relationship again is a little hard to believe. I prefer the “breakfast” 218 scene where both Alec and Magnus trust each other against their “better” judgment but also don’t want anyone to know they were nice to a shadowhunter/downworlder. There, I said it. Please don’t kick me out of the fandom. I still love them.
Luke is a little bit exalted, isn’t he? Kind of yelling. That’s a weird direction for the character.
Clary’s power of turning things into drawings was inherited from Jocelyn; they are not due to her pure angel blood. I need to remember that.
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themapleleafdiaries · 5 years
OC Interview- Nayru Gallagher
1 Choose an OC.
2 Answer them as that OC.
3 Tag 5 people to do the same!
Tagged by: @sassyfahliil
Tagging: i already did this lol
(Here’s Nayru now. I had to do her too, you know?)
1. What is your name?
Nayru Leona Regine Gallagher.
2. Do you know why are you named that?
My first name means Wisdom, and my two middle names are both of my grandmothers.
3. Are you single or taken?
Oh, single.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Besides my Dragonborn abilities, I am a mage with skill mostly in the Destruction and Conjuration schools.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Is that really such a big issue? I am what I am, and I say get used to it.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
Oh, it used to be a darker, more golden blonde. But one mishap with an attempt at an appearance changing Illusion spell, it’s progressed to being nearly white. 
8. Have any family members?
Just my older brother, Marcus, now. My parents and younger sister are gone.
9. Oh? How about pets?
A cat! I named him Cabbage! He’s a little brat sometimes, but he’s my baby.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
Entitled asshole men. Mostly men in a position of power. They are quite impossible, I find.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Hmm. I do like to read, I suppose. And i’m getting good at leatherwork, so theres that.
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Is this an interview, or an interrogation? I think if we want to stay friends, we should stick to less unecessary questions.
14. What kind of animal are you?
A dragon, obviously.
15. Name your worst habits?
Oh, i’m sure if you asked my brother, he would have loads to tell you. Or not, maybe he doesn’t want a tongue lashing later, ha.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
No, not really.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Oh, I don’t base the attraction I have to someone on their gender. That’s not a factor. I guess that’s called.... pansexual? I believe.
18. Do you go to school?
I had private schooling back in Cyrodiil, like my other siblings. All of the various subjects were taught by a governess our mother hired.
Now, I suppose, i’m at the College of Winterhold. The Archmage, actually, but that story is far too long and I am guessing you don’t have all day, like me.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Maybe. That’s what I was destined for back in Cyrodiil, to marry a rich lord and have kids and manage a household. My life is sufficiently different in Skyrim, so im not sure. I do adore children, though.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Oh, yes. I’ve met many of my fans. It’s a bit strange, really. 
21. What are you most afraid of?
I apologize, I don’t feel quite comfortable enough discussing that with you.
22. What do you usually wear?
I do love to wear dresses when I can, but trousers are more practical, so I wear those a bit more often. See me dressing up whenever the opportunity presents itself, though!
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
Cheese! Oh, and tea!
24. Am I annoying to you?
Oh no love, you’re alright. This is your job, I understand that.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Alright then. Might I ask we tone it down on the really personal questions? That would be grand.
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I suppose i’m high class. That’s what I grew up as. When I came to Skyrim I had nothing, but i’ve built myself up through hard work. It’s been quite the journey.
27. How many friends do you have?
Oh, quite a few. Always a good idea to be friendly to the people you meet, it’s better than being on their bad side!
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Oh, fruit pie is alright. Meat pies are alright as well, but when I was younger we had this monster of a pie on one or two occasions– Battalia Pie I believe it’s called– and that pie had every kind of meat under the sun. Name an animal, it was in the bloody pie. Honestly ridiculous.
29. Favorite drink?
Oh, tea. I prefer black teas, but herbal teas are alright as well.
30. What’s your favorite place?
Riften has really... grown on me. The forest itself is beautiful, and the city has this certain... charm to it that it didn’t have before. Riften has really picked up in the past while, don’t you think?
31. Are you interested in anyone?
I... thought we agreed on no more really personal questions?
32. That was a stupid question…
You’re all right, love. Let’s just keep to our agreement now, shall we?
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Oh, neither if i can help it.
34. What’s your type?
Oh, no type. Just don’t be dodgy, or an abusive pillock, and we’re alright.
35. Any fetishes?
*sigh* Are you forgetting something?
36. Camping or outdoors?
Uhh, those are pretty similar.
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veridium · 6 years
OC Interview Meme
I have been tagged by @dickeybbqpit to do this wonderful interview, this time I will be doing it for everyone’s favorite petite, sweet badass, Olivia!
I am tagging @orlesianbard, @wardenofmyheart, and @ladylike-foxes but if you have already done one already I’m sorry! whoops!
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This is an UNNOFFICIAL face-claim that I am having stand-in for an image since I do not have access to playing DA:I right now in order to craft her character!
1. What is your name?
Well, that would be Olivia. 
2. What is your real name?
...Olivia? Oh, I’m so silly, you’re probably suggesting my full name. That would be Olivia Berenice Sinclair. 
3. Do you know why you were called that?
My father got to choose my first name, but my mother insisted that ‘Berenice’ be put in somewhere. It’s funny to think I was almost a Berenice, actually! I wonder what my nicknames would be? Hm. Well, my name also means ‘peaceful victory,’ which is a testament to my father’s virtues. If only he knew who he was naming.
4. Are you single or taken?
Oh my goodness, *laughs* how hilarious would it be if I were to tell you I had no sweetheart, if Cassandra heard? She would be so bothered. But, I suppose that means I should say I am happily in love with someone. A certain Seeker who looks very attractive when she’s sparring, and filing reports, and...well, most everything she does. 
5. Have any abilities or powers? Besides the power of persuasion? Oh yes, silly, I am a Mage. I did not develop any particular elemental abilities when I was in the Circle -- I preferred Apothecary and Natural sciences. I can make most anything blow to smithereens, or turn to mush, or chemically break down. That is a hard-won skill, I must say. The construction personnel here are not particularly fond of me, now. 
7. What’s your eye color?
They are a light hazel, though the Seeker insists they are honey-gold. Oh, whoops, *giggles* should I have not said that? Does that complicate her tough persona?
8. How about your hair color?
Blonde, like my father’s. It was very fair when I was small, but gradually it’s turned darker.
9. Have you any family members?
Hm, well, yes. My father passed many years ago, but I imagine my mother is still alive and well -- I would have received a letter dictating the contrary otherwise. She lives on our small estate in the northeastern countryside of Orlais. Then there are my relations on either side of my family tree, though I was never very close with them. My cousin was the only one I had contact with, and she has recently passed. 
10. Oh? What about pets?
Oh, no no, not for me. I could scarcely find the time! I like going for walks out on the trails and watching the wildlife just fine. I don’t need any other tasks to manage. Although, I must say, it would be adorable to have Cassandra be around a puppy, don’t you think?
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
Oh, my, well. That would be...hm. Men who think they know more than me because they see I am pretty, and petite, and kind. Most Orlesian food, besides those little chocolate pastries, uh, I can’t remember the name. The Ambassador would know. 
Other than that, I suppose unkind people? I really don’t pick things to dislike in my life, they find me. 
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
Making explosive substances is always riveting. But, when I’m not hard at work, I enjoy bathing with candles, reading, walking around the fortress...sometimes, I sit by the fire with Varric and he tells me about his writing. Don’t tell Cassandra, but I know what happens in the next book of Swords & Shields.
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
Yes, yes, but is that really a rarity around here? I can’t find a person who is a tried and true pacifist. Also, if you have done the work I’ve done, and made end’s meat like I have had to, you find nonviolence to be an impossibility. 
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
15. What kind of animal are you?
Animal? I could tell you the human speciation term, if that is what you are referring to. But, I am confused as to what you are referring to other than that. 
16. Name your worst habits.
Oh, drats. I’m a terrible workaholic. Really, I could spend overnight hours here in the tower if I get a project that I an enthusiastic about. I am also very silly and clumsy, I’m afraid. If it isn’t precise measurements or recipes, I tend to knock into things or stumble. 
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Plenty of people! My friends, Veronica, Naomi, and Theia, the Inquisitor. They are strong and wonderful souls, and I am so blessed to have them in my life. Cassandra, because she is so brilliant and just...well, just amazing. Vivienne, because she is so endlessly confident in herself. Dorian, because his humor is wonderful and he is terribly intelligent. 
I suppose the better question would be who I don’t admire!
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
Hm. I love people, I do, but...I would be content never knowing the attention of a man ever again. With Cassandra I feel as though that is no longer a concern, but, I would say I prefer women.
19. Do you go to school?
Yes, I was a very attentive scholar. My mother sent me to school in the Capitol when I was of age, and before that I was tutored. I showed great promise in the performing arts, so when I got a bit older my schooling was focused on those talents most of all.
Truth be told, I consider my time in the Circle the most educationally nourishing time of my life. It was where I found something I was passionate about, and now I am here serving the Inquisition with all that I learned. 
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Marriage was one of the first virtues ever instilled in me, so I...hm, I really don’t know if I have an objective taste for it! I think if the conditions were right, and I felt like I wasn’t giving up a life I wanted to lead, it would be something I would consider. 
Children...children, I don’t know. I don’t believe I learned from the right person how to mother, and thus I am not confident motherhood is my fate. There is so much of this world to see, and so much to do, besides be a mother. I could easily spend the rest of my days finding out what all those things are, and not bring a child into this world. 
*Laughter* I just imagined what it would be like to proposition Cassandra about parenthood and just the image of her complexion turning to snow, it’s priceless! I may have to steal that question. 
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
Besides the children that insist I be their best friend, I suppose not. I am a controversial person here, I believe. A former harlot and Circle Mage, who has no ensnared the heart of one of the most faithful Chantry figures who could be the next Divine? That does not exactly make me the world’s favorite person. 
Surely, I don’t see why not, though. I consider myself a splendid person. 
22. What are you most afraid of?
Veronica and Theia when they get into arguments. Naomi and I have to almost threaten freezing them to opposite walls in order to get them to cease. Other than that, I don’t have any real fears.
...Okay, well, my dreams would suggest otherwise, but I am not defined by my trauma as a Mage. I believe fears to be unexplored understandings.
23. What do you usually wear?
I have a couple dresses that are simple and practical, that I wear day-to-day. When I travel, it is typically to the Capitol, so I wear more fitted and formal attire. But, for all other excursions, I prefer a light patented armor I had specifically made for me. It is nimble, flexible, and sturdy -- and I must say, makes my butt end look positively delectable. 
Nothing beats a masterful seamstress. Absolutely nothing!
24. Do you love someone?
Yes, I love many people! Well, alright, I struggled with romantic love for a long time. I had signed myself away to a life of no real romance, and no true love, to protect myself. I felt calloused from my upbringing along with my experiences as a rogue harlot. 
Now, though? Love has been redefined for me, and I intend on exploring its depths for as long as I can. It helps to have someone who inspires such a new direction in your life. 
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
Oh, never! Never, ever, surely. How could you ask such a silly thing? *Giggles.*
Although, on many an occasion, I have stained my dresses in such a way where it looks like I had an accident. Those always make Cassandra chuckle when I come back from the tower. 
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
What fun this has been, I’ve never been interviewed about my life in such a way before!
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
Well, being a Mage, I am pretty nomadic in life. But, I was born into a comfortable gentry life with my family, so, I could say I’ve experienced multiple areas of class in my short life. I don’t need wealth, though, as much as I have depended on its proximity. I like a quiet life where I can do what I want to do.
28. How many friends do you have?
Oh, many! Many dear friends in my life, whom I adore. There’s the girls, and then some of the allies in the Inquisition -- have you by chance met Cole? He’s such a dear. Ambassador Montilyet and I have much in common. Vivienne and I have struck a good reporte as well. 
Friends are wonderful, and I am fortunate to have them in this stressful and uncertain time. 
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
Oh! My goodness, you reminded me that tonight there is to be thindleberry pie in the kitchens. I have to bring several spices for it before dusk hits, or else it’ll be terribly bland. 
Pie? Pie is delicious. The crust bottom is the best part. 
30. Favourite drink?
Honeyed tea, just warm enough to make my tongue tingle!
31. What’s your favourite place?
Somewhere in the countryside with pastureland and woodlands. Oh, and anywhere the Seeker is. *giggles*
32. Are you interested in someone?
Yes, of course. I am interested in you, for example. Where did you come from, and why did you search me out of all people?
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
*Giggles* Precisely one-Seeker’s-hand’s worth. 
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Lake, because that would suggest there is lush land around it, and I love valleys and meadows where there are flowers and trees to enjoy. 
35. What’s your type?
Someone honorable, who is passionate about what they do! I cannot be with anyone who is apathetic or uninterested in life’s intricacies. Someone who is kindhearted and has respectable virtues. Someone who loves to be impulsive and silly sometimes! There has to be sweetness to balance out life’s bitterness. 
Oh, and I have to say, if they have dark hair and battle scars, that also melts my lard, if you know what I mean. 
36. Any fetishes?
*Laughs* No! I don’t need them to be creative. 
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
I prefer the term “Persuasive.” But also, I’m afraid I’m far too flexible and nimble to simply remain on a pillow. I have talents, and just because I’m no longer utilizing them to survive, doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy partaking in them. 
Plus, it is thrilling to find out what makes someone with an assertive and dominant personality feel more...comfortable. *giggles*
38. Camping or indoors?
Camping, certainly! And with those wonderful fleece blankets that come out of the Hinterlands? Agh, there is nothing more beautifully engrossing. 
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
I mean, no, but I do have a kettle of jasper elixir on the fire and it is temperamental once it gets to a certain temperature. Oh, I should show you what it is when we are done here! It turns water into....well, you’ll see!
40. Now it’s over!
Oh, splendid! Let’s go, I have much to show you!
Thank you again for tagging me!
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themalhambird · 6 years
Richard woke with a pounding headache and every inch of his body feeling stiff and sore. His mouth was dry. He wasn't dressed. Last night was a blur, but he vaguely remembered a nightclub, and then-
Oh, fuck. 
He sat up, pressing the palm of his hand to his forehead. The movement made his head spin and he groaned, feeling nauseous. 
“Um- hey. I thought you might want coffee”
He twisted around to look at the door way, where some guy who’s name he couldn’t remember was hovering with a mug. He was cute. Blonde. Richard gave the best attempt at a friendly smile he could when hung over and regretting all his life decisions up to and including being born. “Um. Thanks...?”
“Bushy, right, thanks. Um...”
“I’ll- bring it over.”
“Right.” They avoided eye contact as Richard took the mug and wrapped his hands around it. 
“Weren’t there other people?” Richard blurted out. “I mean-,”
“Yeah, they uh. They left- went home. I, uh, I thought I’d stay. I hope that’s alright, I just wanted...I don’t know, I wasn’t sure that you’d be okay. If you woke up by yourself.”
“That’s the nicest thing anyone’s done for me in a while,” Richard said, raising the mug to his lips and downing the hot coffee in a series of large gulps. Bushy smiled sympathetically.
“Bad break up or something?”
“Can I get you breakfast?” Richard said, ignoring the question.
“No,uh, I raided your cupboards already. I should be off. I have to get home. I’ve got to get on with some work.”
Work. Richard frowned. “What time is it?”
“Oh, fuck.” Richard scrambled out of bed, lunging for his towel and wrapping it around himself. “Fuck, fuck, fuck-”
“You okay?”
“I’m late for work by three and a half- my Uncle’s going to string me up from the-” 
“I’ll get out of your way. Um- would you mind, if I left my phone number on your kitchen table? In case you fancy coffee or something. Last night was fun, I’d  like to get to know you better. If you, know, you were interested in being friends.”
Richard hesitated. His instinct was to brush the man off- he was in the middle of wallowing in misery and self pity and getting drunk and getting fucked by strangers and then moving on- he wasn’t in the mood for making new friends and doing something positive with his time right now. On the other hand, Bushy had made him coffee. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, alright. That would be good, thanks.”
“Good luck with your uncle.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need it. I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you.”
Richard flashed a brief smile and vanished in to his bathroom, switching on the shower. He’d intended to be quick, but the warm water hit his head and decided to hell with it. Uncle John was going to kill him anyway, he might as well have a nice shower. If he was going to die, he’d damn well do it with clean hair.
It was gone twelve by the time he made it in to the office; he had three missed calls from Uncle Edmund, ten from Henry, and forty seven from Uncle John, who followed him in to his office and slammed the door. “Where the hell have you been?” he demanded. 
“I’m sorry.”
“No. Sorry doesn’t cut it, this time. You missed the meeting with Valois.”
Richard froze. “That was this morning?” 
His uncle shook his head in disgust “I don’t understand you,” John said. “You’re twenty one, and you have a position men twice your age would kill for. You are the C.E.O of one of wealthiest, most influential businesses in the country; all you have to do is show up and at least feign an interest, and you can’t even be bothered to do that! More than  a year of work to even get the French to talk to us and you forget the meeting- you’re a spoilt, selfish brat and I’m ashamed of you!” 
“Yeah well, maybe you and Uncle Thomas should start a club.” Richard muttered, wincing as he moved to sit down. “Give me the minuets of the thing with Valois and I’ll look over it. I assume you told them I was ill, I’ll call in a few days and give my apologies in person and-”
“What does Thomas have to do with anything?”
Richard looked up at him. “I’ll give you three guesses,” he said sardonically; John folded his arms. 
“You might give me a clue, first. If the two of you have quarrelled, this is the first I’m hearing about it, and if it’s bad enough to make you this crap at a job you were showing some not inconsiderable promise at up until a few weeks back then I want it sorted.”
“You don’t know.”
“Know what?” John took the seat opposite his nephew’s desk, honestly concerned now. His nephew was looking very young, suddenly, and staring at him with a faint look of guilt in his countenance. “Richard,” he said. “Tell me what’s going on. Maybe I can fix it.”
“You don’t understand, you can’t fix it, it’s not something anyone can fix.”
John hesitated. “Richard, um. If this is about your, um, your- ah, your predilection for the, er- the company of other men so to speak- that is, I am aware that you’re-”
“An ‘unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort’?” 
“Gay,” John said firmly. “You don’t hide it nearly as well as you think you do, and while I will admit to not being the most liberal minded individual on the planet you are my nephew and I love you, and I promise that I will do my best to support you. You and your friend Robert are a couple, I think? He seems a nice young man, and if the time ever comes that you feel ready and able to make your relationship public-”
“It’s never going to happen.”
John frowned. “Why?”
“Why? Because Uncle Thomas offered him a quarter of a million to disappear and he took it. About a month ago. I haven’t seen him, or heard from him since and- my uncle has made it very clear that any future relationship of a similar nature will not be tolerated while I am still connected with this family so please, take your loving and supportive bullshit and shove it up your -”
“Don’t finish that sentence, Richard, I'm not too old to put you over my knee and learn you some manners.” John rose, exhaling with a cold, quiet fury as he ran a hand through his greying hair. Thomas had had no right- no right whatsoever- whatever his personal feelings-
A month. That tallied with the beginning of the sudden decline in Richard’s attitude. H was hurting, and Richard dealt with pain badly. When his mother died- 
He wheeled around sharply. “You haven’t taken any-”
“No, uncle, Uncle Edmund’s lecture did it’s job. Scarred me for life. I hadn’t even thought about...” he trailed off. “I’ve been going out drinking,” he admitted, and John nodded. 
“I’m sending Harry home with you tonight, he’s going to keep an eye on you for the next few days.”
“What-uncle, that isn’t-”
“I know it’s not necessary. It’s going to happen anyway. You can have a nice few quiet days at home while I deal with Thomas.” He shook his head. “It shouldn’t have happened, Richard, and I’m sorry it did, truly. I hope you can believe that. You always seemed very happy with Robert.” He sat back down. Richard stared at the desk. 
“I was,” he said. “How did you-?”
“Oh. Edmund went down to Oxford to pay you a surprise visit and saw the two of you kissing outside the Radcliffe Camera, he left you to it. Didn’t tell me until you asked to bring  him home at Christmas as a friend, and only admitted it because I got suspicious when he kept asking me how I liked him. We assumed you’d tell us when you were ready, maybe it would have been better to have had it all out in the open sooner and none of this would have happened. On the other hand-”
“If Robert cared more about having 250,000 in cash than he did about me then maybe it’ s best he’s out of my life?” Richard asked. “I tried telling myself that. It made me feel worse.”
“Go home,” John said gently. “Take the week off and come back in next Wednesday ready to get back down to business. You’ve the potential to make a fine C.E.O Richard, don’t waste it.”
“I thought I was a spoilt, selfish brat.”
“You are a spoilt, selfish brat. And the original Henry Plantagenet-” 
Richard groaned. “Oh God, here we go-”
“The original Henry Plantagenet was a spoilt, selfish brat who thought he was entitled to take possession of a small little trading company just because his granddaddy had said it ought to go to his mother when he was old and senile and do you know what-?”
“He won the case against his uncle Stephen, took control of small little trading company, expanded it and turned it in to the Plantagenet Group, condemning his descendants to hear you repeat the story on a loop over and over. Here's hoping I take more after him than I do after great-grandfather Edward, even if I do have more in common with him- I’d hate to end up getting shot by my wife’ s lover after stumbling across them doing it in my bed because my bed was where I’d been planning to take my boyfriend, who was shot seconds after me. No, a wife who ends up staying in a different house entirely, a bunch of children who hate my guts and the only one who doesn’t nearly destroying this company over shareholders’ rights would be much more preferable.”
“Manners, Richard, learn them- don’t cheek your elders.” he smiled despite himself. Richard smiled back, though it was more just a movement of facial muscles. Now he thought about it, it had been an age since he saw Richard properly smile- he should have realised something was wrong sooner. He supposed he’d just chalked it up to teenage rebellion, like the history of art degree he’d insisted on doing. 
He’d have to watch that. Richard wasn’t a child any longer, he was an adult, albeit a young one. He found the same with Henry- he expected both boys to still be thirteen, fourteen, and they weren’t.
“When can I expect my baby sitter?” Richard asked. 
“Around seven,” John told him. Henry wouldn’t object, when he explained. Richard and nightclubs was a bad combination, and if Henry’s company kept Richard out of them, so much the better for everyone. “Go on, off with you.”
“Thanks.” Richard stood. “I really am sorry about the meeting. Honestly I am. If I’d remembered...”
“It’s done,” John said. In all honesty, it had gone about as well as he’d expected- which was nowhere- but Richard’s absence actually gave them an opening to try again, if he called to apologize for his absence, as he’d suggested. They could discuss it when he got back. Richard slipped out of the office; John exhaled before walking around his desk, picking up the phone and punching in the number for PR. 
“Thomas?” he said, as his brother picked up. “Get up here, right now!”
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sending-the-message · 6 years
R is for Romance by MikeyKnutson
It all started at a bar.
That's where I met the woman that changed my life. Typical, right?
Average looking guy in his 20s goes out drinking with his buddies and picks up some strange. Almost every bro-movie and frat party story has been based off of that premise. It's not factual, of course. That doesn't actually happen that way. The fact of the matter is most women don't want to be hit on when they go out. One could go so far as to say they even despise when arrogant men swing their dicks around all night trying to see who can throw theirs the hardest. Have you ever wondered why ladies enjoy going to gay bars? That's why.
Despite the odds being stacked against any breathing object with a penis, hook-ups still do happen on occasion. Maybe the girl is going through a rough break-up and needs a rebound. That woman over there hasn't been fucked in two years and is simply too shy to approach a guy about having casual sex. Another one might just like to fuck as many guys as she wants. She gets bored with the same guy and his same bedroom routine that gives him a false sense of pride. She craves adventure like an Everest climber craves warmth.
I found the latter.
A friend that I hadn't heard from in years shot me a message over social media out of the blue. He asked me to come out with him on the Saturday following New Year's Day. I obliged. We exchanged numbers and that was that. I didn't hear from him for another week and presumed that he had forgotten about me. It didn't seem too far-fetched given that the last time I talked to him we had a different president.
Saturday came and went without a peep. I had all but forgotten our plans until I received a text at 10pm sharp:
Meet you at Riverwood in 20.
Strange. A little vague, but I had nothing else going on and it was Saturday. Why not at least get a few drinks in me?
I responded to the affirmative, threw on a shirt that didn't smell, and drove down the street to the bar.
My friend was waiting outside the bar for me, which was a bit odd given the northeast Ohio weather during that time of year. Most people avoid the outdoors like a divorced aunt with an alcohol problem.
"Chris! What's up, man?" The short, ginger bearded man called as he walked towards me. I could tell that his beard was hiding a newly formed double chin.
"Looking a little heavy there, aren't ya?" I teased, going in for a hug. "Drinks on you? Clearly you've got enough money to spend on food...or is that just desserts?"
We shared a laugh and a couple of hard back pats as we walked inside the bar.
There she was. Stunning. Short brown hair with a few strands of blonde. Light brown skin. Thick thighs you couldn't wrap your hands around. Lips that could show you things you didn't know and eyes that could steal your entire being.
I couldn't help but stare.
"You going to go for it?" My friend brought me out of my trance.
"Oh. No, man. No. I just didn't expect to see that here of all places!"
He got us a round and two doubles to knock back as a kick-off. I felt her watching us. Me.
I spent the entire night at that bar one-handed until my half-full pint glass was gently taken away from me by a slender, tan hand with white acrylics.
"Fuck me."
I coughed. "Excuse me?"
Before me stood that stunning, voluptuous woman who I had my eyes on since we came to the Riverwood. I felt mom's spaghetti coming up.
"Did-did you just ask me to fuck you?" I stammered.
"No," she grinned, "I told you to fuck me."
"Alright." I didn't know what else to say, and I couldn't resist.
I walked over to my friend to let him know I was heading out but as I walked up to the bar he already had a target on the girl behind the bar, so I left.
Cynthia, as I later found out her name, lived above the bar in a spacious wannabe penthouse apartment with a 1970s stepdown from the dining room to the living room.
"There's something about you, you know? Like jus-"
Cynthia put her finger up to my lips.
"I'm not here to talk. I'm here to get my pussy wet, let you inside, and shove you out the door. Understand?"
I nodded. The dominatrix style she was putting off was turning me on, I can't lie.
"The bedroom is over there behind that gray door. Go in, take off your clothes, and get your cock hard. I'll be in in five." She commanded.
The room I went into was immediately off-putting, but not because it was some sex dungeon or full of paintings of Vlad the Impaler. Hell, I would've been more okay with that than what I actually saw. The bedroom, if you can call it that, was painted a pale yellow on every surface. Like Homer Simpson with a stomach virus yellow. There was no furniture. No decor. No clothes. No. Nothing except for a large mattress with a blue sheet laying haphazard in the middle of the floor, and a single Edison lightbulb illuminating the room. I couldn't wrap my mind around why a woman who made such an effort to get a penthouse vibe to her apartment would completely give up on her bedroom. Had it not been for the alcohol I might have hesitated, but that five minutes was going to come up quick.
I undressed, tossed my clothes into a corner and began stroking my dick slowly and firmly. I wanted to be at full attention when she came into the room. If Cynthia just wanted a good fuck, I wasn't about to let her down. Besides, those thick, juicy thighs being wrapped around my waist was something I could only dream about having. I was erect in no time.
Cynthia walked in wearing no clothes, carrying a large mirror. She hung it up in the middle of one of the yellow walls, just low enough so I could see myself laying on the bed.
"Interesting piece, where'd you get it?"
She sighed, "Pine Grove Mall. Nice cock. Lay down."
Cynthia walked over to the bed, got down on her knees and took my entire manhood into her mouth all at once. My eyes rolled back in instant ecstasy. I had been deepthroated before but nothing even close to this good. She kept going and going. The gagging sounds we're almost a bigger turn on than the actual act itself. As I began pondering finishing in her mouth and going again, she pulled back.
"Eat my asshole." She ordered.
"What? Uh. No. No thanks. I'm good." I objected instantly.
"I didn't give you a choice." She got on all fours in front of me. This was my night now. I will admit, she looked incredible bent over like that.
I positioned myself behind her and slid my tongue into her. She moaned loud and deep. She loved it. Knowing that made it more bearable for me. I kept licking up and down, throwing in the occasional perimeter move for good measure. Her body was writhing in a way I've never been able to make a woman move before.
I felt my tongue go inside of her.
I went to pull it out...but it was stuck. I tapped her on the cheek aggressively but Cynthia kept moaning louder and began rubbing her clit.
"Fuck!" She shouted.
At that moment a piercing pain shot through the tip on my tongue. A scream made its way out of my throat but it was stifled by my protruding tongue. Tears rolled down my face as I kept slapping her ass and legs, trying to stop this sick game and free myself.
"Oh god!" She moaned, "I'm so close. Just twenty six seconds. I'm almost there!"
The pain intensified. I couldn't do anything. I started seeing spots and white flashes.
Why the fuck did I do this?
Cynthia's entire body convulsed in one strong movement and I yanked myself away as hard as I could, falling back to the floor. I grabbed my mouth in agony, but I tasted no blood. I check my hands. Nothing.
As I lay there discombobulated, Cynthia walked over to me and bent down.
"Your turn. Go find yourself a nice girl. Have her suck the juice out of your little cock."
I grabbed my clothes. I ran out. I ran to my car. I drove home naked. At that point it didn't matter who saw me or what happened. I needed to be away. Safe.
A couple days later I went and got myself checked for any STDs and explained an abridged account of my night to the doctor. He assured me that my tongue must have just cramped due to nerves and all of the motions. I was willing to live with that.
A couple more weeks went by. My tests all came back negative. That calmed me, but at that point it was the least of my concerns. I hadn't heard from my friend since that night. According to the girl that he was hitting on at the bar, he went home with some "sleek, feminine" guy shortly after I left. He was always the biggest homophobe I knew, so honestly him being in the closet didn't surprise me in the slightest. Even more so than that concern, however, was my sex drive. My dick was constantly getting hard any time I was near an even remotely attractive female. I felt like an eleven year old boy who just discovered that breasts are for more than feeding.
After a few days spent masturbating way too much, I managed to convince the server from Riverwood, Olivia, to come home with me after bar close one night.
Once we worked past the kissing and boring formalities, we both stood in front of each other naked and ready to become partners in sin.
"Suck my dick." I told her.
"Ooh, I like a bossy guy." She squealed a little. "I'll suck it so good, daddy."
Olivia got on her knees and took me into her mouth. She couldn't get it all the way in, but she could take enough to scratch my itch. It was good. Not Cynthia good, but enjoyable. I felt her try to pull her head away as I felt my cum getting ready to burst out, but she couldn't. I could see the fear in her eyes as she looked up at me.
"Twenty six seconds, then it'll be all over."
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A Job Well Done
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Eggsy Unwin x Male!Reader
Length: 1425 words
Warnings: swears, the age-old ‘kissing to get out of trouble’ trope
“Come in, Galahad, come in.”
Eggsy let out an annoyed groan as he heard a voice come through his comm., making his good friend Roxy give him a teasing laugh. He’d only just returned from a mission eleven hours ago, and already he was going to be carted off onto another one! Eggsy tapped the edge of his glasses, “I’m here, Merlin.”
“Meet me in the conference room, in ten minutes. You have a new mission.”
“On my way.” Pressing the side of his glasses frame, Eggsy ended the ‘call’. “Sorry, Rox. We’ll chat later, yeah?”
Roxy nodded understandingly, “I’ll eat the rest of your chips, for you.” She spoke as if she was performing a great act of charity.
After giving her a faux-glare, Eggsy consented, “Fine! Next time, you buy my food.” Carefully, the blonde man slid on his blazer, ensuring he didn’t rumple it in the process. “Catch ya’.”
Quickly, Eggsy took off walking towards the tailor shop. A few minutes later he arrived, having only been at a small café nearby with Roxy Morton, a fellow Kingsman. Entering the shop’s front, Eggsy nodded towards the genuine tailor who manned the shop, before passing him to walk upstairs, and waltzed into the conference room. In the end, Eggsy was left sitting at the table for five minutes, waiting for Merlin to arrive, with the mission’s information. In that short amount of time, the young man managed to find a loose thread on his cuff, which reminded him that he needed to take the blazer downstairs, as he also made a tear in the side earlier that day, having caught it on a door-handle he had walked past.
“Galahad.” Merlin, bald as the day he was born (Eggsy assumed), strode into the room with purpose. He had on the Kingsman issued glasses, and held his tablet. “Today, you will be teamed up with a member of MI6. You will work together, infiltrating the gala of Sir Thomas Standish, tonight.” Merlin sat at the head of the table, easily clicking away on his tablet, bringing information onto the television opposite Eggsy. A picture of an old, smarmy-looking man was put onto the screen, followed by several photographs taken at a distance, probably by a surveillance team. “MI6 believes that he is behind a smuggling operation, which has brought into the country several weapons. All of which are capable of shooting through Kevlar, and are undetectable by any of our sensors.” A series of pictures showcased a few large shipping crates, stuffed with large guns, being heavily protected by gruff-looking men, “Usually this operation would be done by MI6, alone, but there’s been rumours of several death threats on notable figures, all mentioning these smuggled weapons – which happens to be our area of expertise.” Merlin leaned forward in his seat, conveying that his next words were going to be important, “All you two have to do, is figure out where on his grounds he’s hiding the weapons… then MI6 can send in their own people, to ‘officially’ confiscate them.”
“Who’ll I be working with?” Eggsy questioned. He wasn’t used to working with people outside of Kingsman, and he wondered if he’d have to act differently, to ensure they didn’t discover too much about the Kingsman operations.
Merlin tapped on his tablet again, this time bringing an electronic file, with a photograph attached to it, to the television screen. “This is Y/N Y/L, previously Royal Navy, currently MI6.” The image showed a picture of a man in a navy uniform, complete with a short crew-cut, and sailor’s hat. Within his mind, Eggsy noted just how well the uniform suited him. “He’s been working on the team who’s been tracking this case, so he should have any extra information you may need.”
Eggsy nodded, “What’s our cover?”
“You’re gonna’ be my boyfriend?” Eggsy questioned the MI6 agent, sounding amused. Both men sat in a black limo, dressed in rather nice tuxedos’, looking ready to star in a James Bond film. Agent Y/L sat to Eggsy’s left, looking even better than he did in his file, but looking annoyed at Eggsy’s questions. “No offense, mate, but you ain’t really my type.”
The other man scoffed, “And you aren’t mine! However, for the sake of this mission; you’re my boyfriend, David Coleman, who I’ve been seeing for a year and a half, alright?” He smiled sassily towards Eggsy, “And I’m…?” He trailed off, wanting Eggsy to finish the sentence, making sure he knew their covers too.
“George Hastings, the third.” Eggsy returned the sassy smile, challenging ‘George’ silently, “We met at Oxford, where we were both studying Literature, and we currently live together in Chelsea, with our beagle, Chester.” He smirked at ‘George’, enjoying the other man’s exasperated eye-roll, as well as his (badly) hidden smile, “Chester’s a shit name for a dog, by the way.”
Y/N rolled his eyes again, “I didn’t come up with our cover story, my teammates did. Also, you might want to lose the accent, love, we’re trying to seem charming – not like chavs, from the ends.” He loaded the single term of endearment with fake affection, making sure Eggsy knew that he was getting into character.
Eggsy was the one to roll his eyes this time, “Oh, thank you, darling, for reminding me!” He spoke in an accent reminiscent of the old Galahad’s, which was far posher than his could ever dream to be.
Nodding his head, still trying to hide his smile, Y/N complimented him, “Not bad, ‘David’.”
“Many thanks, ‘George’.”
The two spent hours at the gala – which seemed to be partly about a charity, but mostly about the extravagancies of the rich and famous. ‘David’ and ‘George’ were a hit, stunning people with the sheer beauty of their ‘relationship’, as well as startling others at the fact they were a ‘couple’. Older, rich men and women were surprisingly interested in the fact they were gay, and happily living together – a few gave others side glances of longing, which surprised both Eggsy and Y/N for moment. Halfway through the event, the two spies quietly left.
They began intently looking for the weapons’ hiding place, all the while skilfully dodging security, guards, and several camera’s that were set up in Sir Thomas Standish’s manor. Eventually, the two made it all the way down to the ‘cellar’, finding several shelves of rare, expensive wines, and several large crates of undetectable, smuggled weapons of Russian origin.
Y/N told Eggsy, “You keep look out, and I’ll plant a tracking device.”
“Alright, but be careful, there’s a trip-wire there.” Eggsy pointed just left of the crates, having easily spotted the ‘booby-trap’. When he saw Y/N nod, he turned back to the door, carefully opening it to see if anyone was coming close to their current position. After several moments, Y/N returned, and the two spies swiftly made their way back to whence they came.
Unfortunately, just as they were approaching the last corridor, Eggsy spotted two security guards coming their way, and quickly pulled Y/N back. They were pushed into a crevice of wall, easily spotted if the security turned the corner, but Eggsy already had a plan for when they did.
“What are you doing?” Y/N whispered, confused by Eggsy’s actions, having not seen guards coming, “What’s going-”
Y/N was cut off by Eggsy pressing his lips onto his. Almost forcefully, Eggsy moved his lips, coaxing Y/N to do the same. The Kingsman agent pressed Y/N further against the wall they were leaning on, pulling the MI6 agent’s arms upwards, trapping them against the surface. They were easily making the impromptu kiss seem more passionate than it was – effectively looking like an embrace between lovers.
“Excuse me, sirs, you can’t be here.” The awkward cough of one member of security pulled the two spies apart, both breathless and red-cheeked. “You two need to go back into the ballroom, no gala member is permitted to be down here.”
“Oh, sorry.” Eggsy, or ‘David’, pretended to look sheepish, not forgetting his accent. “George, let’s head back, we don’t want to seem rude.” Gently, he took ‘George’s hand, leading him past the security, “Sorry, again!” Once they were out of sight of the two guards, the two made their way back to their limo, telling the valet that they weren’t feeling too well, instead of heading back into the ballroom. As they drove back to the hotel room, that acted as their base for the short mission, Eggsy winked at Y/N, “That felt like a job well done.”
@iamwarrenspeace, @stilesloverdaily, @itsnotnormalteen, @snowbubby1
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milominderbindered · 7 years
thirty days of skam fic: day twenty nine aka, isak triple texts his one night stand, even, and the boy squad are in absolute despair at how desperate that looks
beginning. accusation. restless. leaves. rainbow. flame. formal. under. move. silver. prepared. knowledge. denial. cans. order. thanks. look. summer. transformation. tremble. tent. mad. thousand. paper. winter. luxury. letters. promise. simple. future.
“Dude, this is so simple. This is like, entry level stuff.”
“Seriously Isak, how have you ever managed to hook up with anyone before?”
“Bro, come on, did you not take dating 101?  I mean, even I know this.”
Isak slumps back in his chair, gripping his beer between white-knuckled hands and glaring around the table.  At some point soon, he thinks to himself, he really needs to invest in some better friends.
“You can all fuck off,” he suggests, and then turns a baleful look to the middle of Jonas’s kitchen table, which they're all sat around as they supposedly pregame for a big party in someone's university halls tonight, although at this rate Isak’s not sure they'll even make it to the party, since the guys now seem only invested in telling him off.  Isak’s phone is lying on the table between them all, still open to his most recent text conversation.  Mahdi had been holding it, but he'd felt the need to dramatically drop the phone in disgust as soon as he'd seen what Isak had done.
But in Isak’s defence, how was he supposed to know it’s bad to triple text?
“He was really hot,” he moans, bringing his beer bottle up to his forehead and pressing the cold glass against his temples. “Easily the best sex I've ever had, even though we both completely drunk.  Plus he was nice, and funny, and -- I'm just supposed to never contact him again after that?”
There's disbelief in Isak’s tone, because that can't possibly be how it works.  He also refuses to believe he's this out of the loop on the rules of dating -- or that there are rules of dating to begin with, honestly.
“It was a one night stand!”
To be fair, Isak’s had his fair share of one night stands since coming out of the closet a few years ago, just before he graduated Nissen.  Possibly more than his fair share.  His time at University so far has involved a lot of time at parties and gay bars, a lot of guys with dark hair and dark eyes, just Isak’s type, a lot of kissing in shadowy corners and fucking in strangers’s beds.  He's gone on a few regular dates too, but it never really caught his interest, and nothing ever turned into any kind of actual relationship, so he mostly does just stick to the hooking up -- and through all of that, he's never felt the urge to text a guy the next day.  Sometimes he's taken their number but just never got in touch, and other times the parting has been more mutual, or else he's snuck out in the middle of the night without saying anything, but never this.
This guy -- Even, whose name still tastes heavenly in Isak’s mouth -- had been different.  
They'd both been pretty drunk, sure, at a gay club Eskild had dragged Isak to that night.  Even had come over while Isak was alone at the bar, and he wasn't Isak’s usual type at all, but his height and blonde hair and soulful blue eyes were all working for him, and he was somehow the hottest person Isak had ever seen.  There hadn't been any pretence between them about what was going on; Even bought Isak one beer, they tried to have a lighthearted conversation over the thumping music of the club, and less twenty minutes later, Even had leaned over to say wanna get out of here in Isak’s ear.
So they'd gone back to Even’s place, and fucked.  The sex was incredible, but that wasn't really the part that had taken Isak’s breath away, had made him so desperate to see each other again.  Once they were done fucking, in the middle of the night, Even had tugged Isak into a position that was a little bit like cuddling, and they'd just talked.  Isak had talked to guys before sex, the usual generic ‘are we gonna hook up or not’ banter, and he'd talked to guys during sex, litanies of ‘yeah like that’ and ‘what do you wanna do’ and ‘no what the fuck I don't like that go back to the other thing’, but he had never really talked to a guy after sex before.  Even was hilarious and sweet and somehow comfortable to speak to, right away.  They talked for so long that Isak fell asleep and forgot to sneak out in the middle of the night.  The next morning, Even cuddled him some more, and made breakfast, and then said he had to run to cover an early shift at work but gave Isak his number.  
And then Isak waited a few hours, and texted Even three times in a row.  And now his friends are going to disown him.
As they all talk over the top of each other, lamenting Isak’s apparent hopelessness, he feels the need to defend himself -- “Guys, he was really nice, I'm sure he's not gonna care how many times I texted him!  And he was -- he seemed really keen.”  
Isak's cheeks turn a bit pink.  Really keen too, he would say, if the guys would ever let him live it down.  Because Isak definitely is.  He definitely is keen.
The boys all share a pitying look, and then turn back to Isak.
“Isak,” Jonas says, rather gently considering how dramatic they’re all being.  “How long ago did you text him?”
Isak knows exactly how long ago he texted Even, but he scoops his phone up off the middle of the table and pretends to have to check. Looking at the texts makes him suddenly and strangely uneasy.  Has he fucked everything up?
“Eleven hours, nine minutes,” he rattles off, and his stomach churns.
Mahdi winces, and a round of sympathetic mumbles ring across the table.
“Bro. I'm sorry, but he only way you don't respond to someone for that long the day after you fuck them is if you're trying to get them to take a hint.”
Okay.  Isak reads the texts again and thinks, maybe, now that he's not so freshly fucked and clouded with Even’s cuteness, he can kind of see where the guys are coming from.  It's not that he necessarily thinks there's anything wrong with triple texting, but in the words themselves, he might have come across just a tiny bit -- desperate.
Isak had woken up and blushed when he read Even’s note, taken his time having some coffee and gathering his clothes up, half-heartedly made the bed, drawn a bunch of little hearts on the chalkboard grocery list in Even’s kitchen, and then let himself out. The moment he got on the tram home, he texted Even.
Hey, Even. This is Isak. Thanks for leaving me your numba haha. I locked up behind me when I left and put the key back under the door. It was super nice last night. Have a good day at work :)
And then, fourteen minutes later:
Fuck, I can't stop thinking about how cool it was with us last night though.  When can I see you again? I'm supposed to be going to a party tonight but I'll blow it off if you want to do something.
And then, another two hours after that:
Remember when we were talking about parallel universes? Haha I borrowed my roommates yellow hoodie today and it made me think of you. Maybe alternate Even and Isak are wearing blue hoodies today :)
Fuck, Isak thinks.
“Fuck,” he says. “Well, what the hell, then! What am I supposed to do to tell him I'm not some kind of stalker? Should I text him again and explain?”
His thumbs are already flying across his phone keyboard when they're resounding voices shout out, “NO!”
“Isak, if you wanna be in with any chance of him texting back, you have to let him make the next move. Triple texting is desperate, but quadruple texting is -- just plain scary.”
“Man,  I’m taking this off you for the rest of the night,” Jonas says, shaking his head and snagging Isak’s phone or if his fingertips before Isak has chance to protest. “You're not safe when you're sober, let alone drunk.”
Isak groans, takes a long drag of beer, and then thunks his head down onto the table. How has this gone so hideously, unexpectedly wrong? Less than twenty four hours ago Isak was in bliss, feeling like he was completely connected to someone he just fucked for the first time in his life.  Now Even probably thinks he's a serial killer and is never gonna message him back and Isak will have to live alone for the rest of his days, a lonely gay hermit who can't even have a phone in case he messes up everyone's chances at love.
“He was so nice,” he moans into the table. “And so pretty.”
Magnus reaches over and pats Isak on the back a few times in consolation.
“That's rough,” he says, voice gentle. “But at this point, I’d be surprised if you ever heard from him again.  You really screwed this one up, man.”
“Why can't it just be simple?” Isak complains into the tabletop, his voice coming out more like a muffled scream. “If you like like someone, you should just be able to text them, without having to know mysterious rules nobody ever told you.”
Isak reaches up and blindly grabs his beer, bringing it under the table so he can take a pouty sip without having to raise his head from the fort of misery he's created on the tabletop. He starts wondering how much it would be to book a plane ticket to Siberia.
And then, all of a sudden, muffled in Jonas’s pocket but still unmistakeable -- Isak’s phone chirps.  His head snaps up immediately, so quick that he knocks his beer and it sloshes on his hand.
“Is it him?” Isak asks, abandoning his beer completely and nearly lunging at Jonas, who is rolling his eyes as he digs the phone out of his pocket.
“Isak, would you chill? It's probably just Eskild wondering if you got murdered when you left the bar without telling him last night.” Jonas finally gets to the phone, glances at it -- and freezes. “Oh.”
“It's him!” Isak knows it without even looking. His stomach erupts into butterflies, half elated and half absolutely terrified that the text is just ‘please never contact me again’ or something. “Well? Jonas, what does it say?”
Instead of answering that, Jonas places the phone back in the middle of the table, and three heads lean in to read it at once.
Isak! I'm so sorry, I was away from my phone all day, it was so nice getting your texts. I hate to break it to you but I am wearing a blue hoodie today, so does that mean I'm alternate universe Even? I guess it doesn't matter either way, because I think every universe of Even thinks you're cute ;) xx
What are you up to? Did you go to that party with your friends? We can do something right now if you're free. Don't ditch them if you don't want to though! Maybe I could see you tomorrow morning? I could come over and cook you breakfast if you're hungover, and we could just watch some movies all day or something? Whatever you want to do, I'm there, just let me know xx
Fuck, it really was nice with you last night. Have you ever just met someone before and just felt like your soul already met them in a previous life or something? Anyway, thanks for texting. My pillow still smells like you. Haha :) xxx
It takes Isak five whole seconds to recover from reading the texts, but as soon as he does, he raises his head triumphantly. The boys look absolutely mind blown.
Even hadn't just texted back after Isak’s desperate messages. He'd triple texted back.
“Fuck,” says Magnus, and Isak grabs his phone again to call Even and tell him they should absolutely do something tonight, party be damned. “Guys, I gotta rethink my dating strategy right now. Maybe it is that simple.”
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royalfoxfics · 7 years
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Chloe never explicitly asked for a miraculous.  In fact she never thought she deserved one.  But when she’s offered the chance to reinvent herself and be whoever she wants to “Bee” as long as she agrees to help fight Hawkmoth and his Akumas, she’s interested. Too bad she didn’t read the fine print about getting a hot bisexual partner, becoming a gay icon for Paris, her Kwami having a bigger attitude than her, and the part about how her Miraculous might have some issues of its own.  All this plus her own problems of being the mayor’s daughter are a bit to much too handle on her own, but she’s about to learn that she was never as alone as she thought she was.
Slight A.U. with the usual Love Square, Adrien&Chloe friendship, mentioned JuleRose, and eventual Cholya
Art by Twin Doodle
In which we start towards the end, questions are raised, Ladybug talks to much, and Chloe has a tea party.
Ladybug didn’t like being the bad guy.  She didn’t like having to tell people no, or that they couldn’t do something, especially when it was her friends.  However, she was the unofficial team leader, although the other three Miraculous users already considered it pretty much official anyway.  That only made it harder when it became clear that subtle hints weren’t going to cut it and, for the good of the team, she was going to have to take a more direct approach.  
It wasn’t that she necessarily had anything against Queen Bee having an overtly romantic relationship with her best friend. In fact, if circumstances were just slightly different she would have loved to see them together.  Since Queen Bee had joined, all four of them had made it clear to the public that the super heroes of Paris were in very supportive of same sex relationships.  She would like nothing more than to be happy for the first overtly gay superhero couple of France and give them the same approving smile Chat Noir gave the two of them every time they so much as held hands, (though she noticed those looks of approval were mostly directed at Queen Bee.) She might even have been able to tolerate, neigh, embrace their sickeningly sweet giggling whenever she caught them make bedroom eyes at each other, and might not even have wanted to tear her own pigtails out with her bare hands every time Volpina made another “pollination” innuendo to get Queen Bee to blush, if it weren’t for one small detail.  
The relationship was completely doomed to failure.  
Ladybug blamed herself. She should have seen it coming, and really should have taken steps to prevent it.  Alya had always had a thing for super heroes, and when Marinette had reveled who Ladybug really was she had been…  heartbroken wasn’t the right word, more like unpleasantly disillusioned.  Of course, any slight resentment she may have felt towards her best friend was quickly forgotten once Marinette explained why she chose to reveille herself, and asked Alya to join her as the new Volpina. Looking back, it should have been obvious that Alya would be “in the rebound” after her old super hero crush was no longer an option.  However, Ladybug couldn’t possibly have foreseen that Queen Bee would make her grand entrance into the superhero scene by saving Volpina’s life.  Or that Queen Bee would an even bigger flirt with the ladies than her “brother” Chat Noir was.  And it shouldn’t have been a problem when Volpina very passionately returned those attentions except for the fact that, as Martinet kept having to remind her, Alya was still dating Nino.  
At least she was supposed to be dating Nino.  “Volpina” seemed to completely forget that her civilian self wasn’t single as soon as Queen Bee entered the room.  Or swooped in to whisk her to safety.  Or was so much as mentioned in passing conversation.  
Ladybug was beginning to regret choosing her best friend to be the next Volpina, though only ever so slightly.  Truth be told, in almost every other area of heroism Alya had done far better Martinet had initially.  She was brave, quick witted, caring, and even managed to keep up on the Ladyblog despite being personally involved in a fair number of the Akuma attacks she was reporting on.  True she still tended to leap before she looked at times, but she was getting better at thinking before acting, even if she did enjoy letting Queen Bee come to her rescue.  She worked well with the rest of the team too.  Though that really just meant she worked okay with Chat Noir. The two were on friendly enough terms with each other from what Ladybug could tell.  They weren’t as close to each other as either of them were to Ladybug or Queen Bee, nor did they seem interested in becoming so.  They had paired up on their fair share of missions when the situation had called for it, just as Ladybug and Queen Bee had, and had worked together well.  But once the Akuma was dealt with, or whenever the group met up for patrol, Volpina made a “Bee” line right for her partner.  
Not that there was anything wrong with that.  They were a team, just like Ladybug and Char Noir.  It certainly didn’t make Ladybug just the teensy tiniest bit jealous every time her best friend just left her to go slid up next to some aliased blond they’d only known for a few months.  She wasn’t jealous in the least.  It was just unprofessional.  Flirting like that with team members was a no-no, everyone knew that.  Especially when at least one of said team members still technically had a boyfriend.  Even if said team member had never actually gone on a real date with said boyfriend in the seven plus months they had been considered a couple.  And even if said team member had confessed shortly after meeting other said team mate that she had never really felt a connection with said boyfriend like she had with other said team mate, it still had to stop didn’t it? And if said “said team mate” wasn’t going to listen, then she’d just have to talk to said “other said team mate.”
That was how Marinette had explained it to a confused looking Tikki earlier that day, and was why at little past ten o’clock she found herself standing nervously in front of an uncertain looking Queen Bee.  They were supposed to have meet up at the Eiffel Tower that night to do their patrol, but Ladybug had called her shortly before they were supposed to meet up and told Queen Bee to meet her on a rooftop not far from the school instead so that they could talk privately.  Ladybug didn’t want to take the chance that either Chat Noir or Volpina might decide to suddenly join them.  Queen Bee had agreed and shown up only a few minutes later but apart from their initial greeting, neither of them had said anything yet.  Taking a deep breath, Ladybug decided it would be best to just get this over with.  
“Look,” she began, ironically unable to look at Queen Bee, “I need to talk to you about you and Volpina.”  
Queen Bee seemed to relax a little and actually did look at Ladybug.  “Good.  Because I need to talk to you about you and Chat Noir.”
“…Huh?” Ladybug asked, completely confused.    
“Chat Noir,” Queen Bee repeated.  “Cat ears, magic leather jump suit, big green eyes?  Been completely devoted to you for like the last two years?”  
Ladybug blinked again. “Umm, yeah?  What about him?”
Queen Bee suddenly rolled her eyes and stamped her foot in an eerily familiar way demanding, “When are you going to ask that poor boy out already?”  
“W-what?!”  Ladybug took a step back.  This was not how she had expected this conversation to go at all.
“Oh come on, even a blind person can see the way he practically worships the ground you swing over.” Queen Bee huffed, crossing her arms in an expectant, and again hauntingly familiar way.  
“He’s almost as bad as I was,” she added quietly, then shook her head.  “Look, the point is that boy is the best thing that’s ever going to happen to you.  Trust me, I’ve known him nearly all my life and there isn’t a man in this city who would make as perfect a boyfriend as him.  He’s brave, kind, dashingly handsome, and trust me on that, when the lesbian says a boy looks good without the mask, he looks good without the mask,” Queen Bee added confidentially.   “Let’s see am I forgetting anything?  Oh yeah, he loves you so much he’s willing to die for you, and has if that Timebreaker thing last year happened like he said.  So what are you waiting for?”
Queen Bee looked at her expectantly while Ladybug tried desperately to figure out what was happening, and how she had so immediately lost all control of this conversation.  Her lips foundered as he mind attempted to catch up.
“Well, I mean… We’re… partners?”  
Queen Bee rolled her eyes. “So hurry up and become domestic partners too!”
Ladybug felt her face heat up and stammered, “I mean were professional partners!  We’re friends but… but that’s all!  There’s absolutely nothing else between us.”
The look Queen Bee gave her brought to mind a time when Marinette was 4 and had tried to deny to her mother that she had eaten a missing cupcake, while it’s remains were still smeared all over her face and hands.
“You feel absolutely nothing for him?”  Queen Bee asked dryly.  
“Not… romantically, no.” Ladybug replied, crossing her arms and turning away slightly as a mysterious, but certainly not guilty, shiver ran up her spine.
“Hmmm, so I guess Vix and I’ll be getting chin scratches and told were a ‘good kitten’ next time we do a trace an Akuma or coming up with half way decent plan, huh?”
“Th-that’s just… positive reinforcement!”  Ladybug was quite sure the rest of her face was the same color as her mask now.   Though really there was no reason for it.  She honestly didn’t have any feelings for Chat Noir.  Sure, he was a loveable goofball sometimes, and yes she may have had a nightmare or dozen after the Timebreaker incident, and yes, he was completely irreplaceable to her, but still…
Queen Bee sighed and her posture lost that infuriating (and still horribly familiar) air of smugness and superiority.  She walked over to the low wall of the roof and sat down, patting the spot next to her indicating for Ladybug to do the same.  Ladybug complied with the silent request, though hesitantly, as if she expected Queen Bee to sting her at any moment.   Instead, Queen bee gently took her hand as if to reassure Ladybug she meant no harm, and began to speak to her gently.
“You two have chemistry. Whether you want to admit it or not, I can see how much you both mean to one another.  Look, I love that boy.  He’s some of the only family I have and we…  He’s been through a lot.  You’d never know it by the way he acts, both in and out of the mask but he…  he may seem goofy and care free as Chat Noir but if something ever happened to you it would kill him.  You’ve done so much for this city, and he’s done so much for you. I was serious when I said there is nobody in Paris that can compare to him.  Forget that, there’s nobody in France, or the world for that matter who would be a better match for you!  You have to see that.  You both deserve each other, so what are you waiting for?”
“You…  You don’t even know who I really am.  I don’t really know who he is!”  Ladybug argued back.  She felt slightly uneasy that that their identities were first excuse that came to her mind so she quickly added, “Plus, I’m already in love with someone else.”  
Queen Bee’s eyes went wide. “What!  Who?”
“Um… well…”  Ladybug had to fight the urge to pull at her collar, Queen Bee was still holding her hand.  
“Like, Seriously! Who?”  Queen Bee exclaimed.  “I just told you, nobody can compare with my boy for you.  So…  wait…” Queen Bee suddenly looked very worried and let go of Ladybug’s hand.  “It’s… It’s not Vixen is it?”  
Ladybug’s jaw dropped. “W-what!?”
“Well I mean, you always look all angry whenever Vix gives me a kiss on the cheek or anything, and I just thought…”
Ladybug threw her arms across her face in a large “X” in an attempt to call for a time out to what was rapidly becoming one of the most mortifying nights of her life.  Queen Bee seemed to get the hint, and sat silently for a moment looking worried while Ladybug took a very slow, deep breath.  
“Okay, first of all, her name is Volpina.  Not Vix, or Vixen, or whatever other weird, cutesy nicknames you made up for her. So… Stop calling her that.   At least while I’m around.  Second, I am not dating Volpina.  She’s my best friend, but that’s it!  We’re not like that.  At all.”  Queen Bee seemed to relax a bit at this, but Ladybug sensed an opening and deciding that it was high time she gained control of this conversation added, “We’re never going to be like that because she’s already dating someone.”    
Queen Bee blushed and smiled happily so Ladybug added flatly, “Who isn’t you.”
Queen Bee looked confused for about half a second before saying “Huh?  Oh yeah, the civilian thing!  Yeah, I already know about that,” Queen Bee said, her smile coming back. “Vix told me she had been seeing someone before we met but it wasn’t really going anywhere so she was trying to find a good way to break it off with them.  She wouldn’t tell me any details about who it was though, so I thought… well I mean, I just figured if it was you then that would… well, I’m just glad it’s not,” Queen Bee finished happily.  Then her expression darkened again.  “So who do you think is better than Chat Noir?”
Ladybug gaped at her. She blinked several times.  Even considered pinching herself to prove she wasn’t trapped in some horrible nightmare, but no.  This was actually happening.    Without even the grace of a transition or a five second breather, Queen Bee had turned the entire conversation on its head again.  Just gone right back to the topic she wanted like she hadn’t just been worried she might have been making moves on her (unofficial) leader’s girlfriend.  Just gone right back to her original conversation without batting an eye.  
Ladybug was quickly learning that Queen Bee was as ruthless and resourceful in the field of socializing as she was on the battle field.  Her mind flashed back to the expression Mr. Damocles had made in his final moments as an Akuma cowering before Queen Bee.  Suddenly the thought of trying to dissuade Queen Bee from Volpina seemed suicidal.  
That plan abandoned, she was still left her with her current predicament. Ladybug ground her teeth as she considered her options.  When she finally accepted that swan diving off the roof to land on her head came with no guarantee that Queen Bee wouldn’t continue asking her who she was in love with, (even as she was being loaded into the ambulance) Ladybug conceded to option two: Compromise.
“I can’t tell you who it is, that could jeopardize my identity, but to answer your question, it’s…  It’s not that its anything that Chat is lacking it’s just… Chat’s Chat and he’s him.  Their totally different people and I just… I fell in love with him first that’s all.  He’s so kind and thoughtful, and he’s like that to everyone!  Even people who probably don’t deserve it…”  She added, thinking of a particularly mean and blond example.  “And he’s so amazingly talented.  He speaks like five different languages, plus he’s a great athlete!  Not to mention he’s the most handsome guy in Paris. Especially his smile, and those eyes and-“
“Wow,” Queen Bee said softy, as Ladybug looked off into the distance and continued to list all the attractive features of the unspecified “luckiest man in Paris.”  Though it broke her heart for poor Chat, it was obvious to Queen Bee that Ladybug was absolutely head over heels for this guy, whoever he may be. She only hoped she didn’t act like this when she was talking about Vixen.  She couldn’t recall ever looking off into the void and just listing off all her partner’s best qualities, though she could easily spend an hour on Vixen’s eyes alone.  Not to mention those hips and curves…  
Queen Bee snapped herself back into reality and was about to try to do the same for Ladybug when something caught her attention.  She had seen enough public-address speeches to be able to tell when someone was looking vaguely out at an audience, and when they we’re reading off a teleprompter. Ladybug may not have been going off of a script but her eyes definitely seemed to be moving like she really was looking all the details her lips were rattling off.  Queen Bee turned to look over her shoulder as Ladybug continued to about how cute “his” bangs were.  There was nobody there that she could see.  Just some rooftops, a weathervane, a couple of pigeons, a billboard for the new Agreste fall line that of course featured Adrien Agreste for the umpteenth time, and…
Her gaze lingered on the image of Adrien as Ladybug described “his” deep green eyes.  A hint of suspicion crept into her mind and then quickly grew to the size of a bull elephant as Ladybug continued to wistfully sigh and prattle on behind her.  Queen Bee turned her head back to look at Ladybug, who continued to keep her gaze fixed dreamily on one place.  Queen Bee followed her gaze and sure enough it to landed right where she thought it did.
“…Oh, you have got to be kidding me.”
Queen Bee’s voice finally shook Ladybug out of her gushing and back to reality.  She quickly realized that Queen Bee was now looking back at the same billboard she herself had been staring at, and had an uncomfortable feeling that the other girl had just put one and two together and gotten three. Her suspicions were confirmed when Queen Bee said,
“You’re in love with Adrien Agreste.”
It wasn’t a question, or an accusation.  Queen Bee sounded dazed and almost disconnected, as if she couldn’t quite wrap her head around the meaning of the words, despite them coming from her own mouth.
“It’s not what you think.” Ladybug blurted out.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure you don’t know what I’m thinking right now.”  Queen Bee said, looking from Ladybug to the billboard of Adrien. “Because I’m not sure I know what I’m thinking right now…”  
Ladybug closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.   “Look I… Yes.  Okay?  Yes, I am hopelessly in love with Adrien Agreste!  I have been for nearly two years now.  But it’s not some celebrity crush or anything like that!  I know him, he’s kind and chivalrous and smart and… I just…  Look just stop looking at me like that!”
After about second sentence or so Queen Bee’s jaw had nearly dislocated is shock.  She snapped it shut after Ladybug rounded on her, though she continued to stare.  Ladybug glared back and crossed her arms in a huff.  
The two sat there in silence for a good five minutes until Queen Bee suddenly stood up.
“I…”  She began, then shaking her head she said, “You…  Don’t ever change.”  And then flew off before Ladybug could say anything.  
Left alone on the roof top, Ladybug briefly considered doing the patrol by herself for the night before deciding it might be best to just head home.  Better to get some sleep and try to shake off whatever that mess of a conversation had been.  Making a quick swing over to her house, Ladybug opened the trap door and stepped inside, wondering who she was going to get more of an earful about this from, Tikki when she changed back into Ladybug, or Alya when Queen Bee inevitably told her about tonight.
Queen Bee landed back on her balcony and dropped her transformation before she had even stepped into the penthouse proper.  Chloe’s mind was still racing, and she began talking almost before Pollen had finished popping back into existence.    
“Ladybug is in love with Adrien!”
“Yes.  Yes, she is.”  Pollen replied patiently, pointedly landing next to the thermos holding their tea.  
“But Adrien is in love with Ladybug!”  Chloe continued, beginning to pace up and down the living room.  
“Quite so.”  Pollen agreed, tapping on the thermos.  
Chloe failed to notice and instead continued to pace about, waving her arms and continueing, “But Ladybug won’t admit she loves Chat Noir, but Chat Noir is Adrien!”  
Pollen sighed and floated over the sit on the top of the thermos.  It appeared tea would have to wait until their chosen had calmed down. “Yes, each one is pinning after the other’s alter ego.  I believe Wazz was referring to it as a…  ‘Love Square of Ignorance’ or something like that.  Apparently Chat Noir’s are usually much faster at uncovering their partner’s identities, however Adrien has been raised to be a gentleman and has pointedly refused to do so.  Despite Plagg’s insistence.”
Chloe sighed and rolled her eyes.  “Yeah well, that’s Arikins for you.  Polite to a fault.  Wait, Plagg knows about this?”  
“We all do actually,” Pollen replied, not looking at Chloe and longingly stroking the thermos lid they were sitting on.  “Plagg, Wazz, Trixx.  This miraculous masquerade has even begun to test Tikki’s patience, and she’s always been the most adamant voice for our chosen to maintain total anonymity. ‘Reap what you sow’ I suppose.”
Chloe stared at her Kwami in surprise as she digested this information along with everything else she had been given by Ladybug.  Then she noticed the object of Pollen’s attention gave a self-berating grumble.  She went over to the thermos and Pollen quickly took flight so she could open it for them.  “Sorry,” she mumbled, grabbing the tea cup Pollen had designated as their own, and poring a generous amount of earl gray for her tiny friend.  Pollen sipped at their beverage of choice happily, but as always with royal edict.  Chloe pored herself a cup and sat down in a nearby chair, only nursing her tea as her thoughts began to steep in her swirling mind.  
The two sat quietly in Chloe’s luxury though solitary apartment, the silence only broken by the occasional ‘clink’ of Pollen’s tea cup.  When Pollen had finally had their fill, Chloe set down her own cup as well and voiced the bitter thoughts she had been left with.  
“Ladybug said she knew Adrien.  Like, she knew him personally.”
Pollen politely dabbed at their mouth with the corner of a nearby napkin, but offered no input of their own, so Chloe continued.  
“If she knows Adrien personally, that means she probably goes to school with him.”  
Pollen put down the napkin and leisurely sat down on the edge of the table, but still said nothing.
“And if Ladybug goes to school with Adrien, then she knows Chloe Bourgeois. And if she knows Chloe Bourgeois, then that…  explains a lot.”  Chloe said sadly.  Pollen turned their head to look away from , “And if Ladybug knows Chloe Bourgeois, then Vixen knows Chloe Bourgeois, and that,”  Chloe collapsed back into her chair and stared forlornly up at the ceiling for a moment before concluding,  
“…and that means Queen Bee’s kind-of-a-girlfriend, definitely hates her guts, but just doesn’t know it yet.”
Pollen let the sentence hang in the air for a moment as they carefully chose their own words.  
“To quote your father, I can neither confirm, nor deny these allegations at this time.”
Chloe slapped one hand over her face without looking down from the ceiling and gave an exasperated moan.  
“Chloe this is not the end of the world.  Or of your love life for that matter.”  Pollen told her, flying up to hover closer to Chloe’s head.  Something they only did when their concern for their chosen outweighed the royal decorum of observing personal space.  
“It may as well be,” Chloe replied, taking her hand off her face to speak but turning away from looking directly at Pollen.  “When this all ends or we all come clean with each other, Adrien’s love problems are going to disappear a puff of red polka dot smoke.  While my chances with Vix are going to go up in flames the moment she learns she’s been spit swapping with the world record holder for indirect Akuma creation.”
“You’ve gotten significantly better since I’ve known you.”  Pollen argued, flying around so Chloe had no choice but to look at them.  “You may not be the nicest person in Paris but you have gotten much better at only being mean to people who deserve it.”  
“People like Martinet?”  Chloe asked bitterly, turning away again.  
Pollen sighed and flew around to face her again.  “So you have made some mistakes.  You are still quite young even by human standards, and you have begun to learn from those moments of poorer judgment rather than simply repeat them.  Granted you may still be having some difficulty finding or asking forgiveness from some of those you’ve wronged unjustly, but it is not hopeless.  I seem to remember you and I having quite a strained relationship too at first.”
Chloe huffed, but smiled at the memory.  “Strained and sore you mean.  I still remember the looks I got when I showed up to school with a black eye.”
“We imagine they were nothing to the ones your peers gave you after you, how did that article put it?  Oh yes, ‘decimated’ that Lila woman when she attempted to attacked your people.”
Chloe huffed again.  “Rose and Juleka were just my former victims and classmates back then.  And I didn’t even mean to help them at first, I told you I just… reacted.”
Pollen landed on the back of the chair and smiled.  “And though We may have missed that particular ‘reaction’ as you put it, We have seen you ‘react’ on quite a number of occasions,” Pollen said fondly.  “You may not be a forgiving or gentle hero Chloe, but you are a strong and devoted Queen. Remember that.”
Chloe had no choice but to smile back as she recalled them learning that particular lesson, but her thoughts drifted even further back when her eye caught sight of her open laptop over Pollen’s shoulder.  Her lock screen was set to show a short slide show, and she watched at the images cycled through.  The first was of a professional looking man in a tuxedo with a small mustache, standing at attention though he was looking into the camera and giving it a small smile.  Then came two teenage girls, one tall and wearing punk-gothic looking pajamas, with her dark purple hair partially covering her face, and the other short, blond, blue eyed, and clad in the most gagging pink night dress any camera had ever captured.  The girls were asleep, leaning against one another, the smaller one’s head resting on the taller girl’s shoulder, and the taller girls cheek resting on shorter ones head.  Their hands were interlocked between them, and a half-eaten bowl of popcorn off to one side.  Next was the familiar face of Adrien Agreste, posing along with Chloe in what was supposed to have been a funny picture, although Adrien somehow still looked fantastic. And finally, the screen changed show a beautiful blond haired, green eyed woman, laughing while she held two young kids in her arms, one a green eyed boy and the other a blue eyed girl.
“She would be proud of you, Chloe.”  Pollen said, not needing to turn around to know where she was looking.  
Chloe began to blink back tears and her vision blurred, forcing her to close her eyes.  Even as she felt the tears fall, she smiled.  She had come a long way since she getting her miraculous.  As a person, as a leader, and as a member of a family.  An unconventional, and broken family to be sure, but she wouldn’t trade it for the world.  It was still a family that accepted her, and pushed her to be herself instead of the hateful monster she had become in order to please her father.  Her mind floated back to the day she had first begun to realize she still had that family.  The day she had been offered Pollen’s miraculous for the first time.  The day that marked the death of the only mother she had ever known.
Mrs. Sophia Agreste.  
   Authors Notes:
Regarding the A.U. tag,
This fanfiction was written before the release of season 2.  I began to outline this story while watching season one however so key points have changed from the actual cannon, hence the A.U. tag. The biggest change is that Mrs. Agreste is dead, not just missing.  She also died many years before the start of the show’s events.  Apart from that change, and some slight changes to the order of a few events (but then the show has never been strong on the exact continuity of the episodes anyway) the cannon leading up to this fic are the same as the show.  All the past Akuma’s are the same, Chloe’s behavior towards the other students, Alya and Nino’s relationship, Princess Fragrance, ect.
Regarding the next Chapter,
The next chapter will start the story properly off from the beginning, and will take place a few weeks after the end of season one.  
Regrading Pollen,
As of writing this fic, no one knows very much about Pollen so my take on the character is pretty much an O.C.  When I was originally outlining the story, Pollen’s name was first Embllem, and then Reegal.  I actually grew fairly attached to Reegal, as it fit the personality I invented for them perfectly.  However, the name doesn’t look right with the double letter rule, and Pollen is admittedly a much better name.  Their personality stayed however, and we’ll be learning more about Pollen later.  There are two things I think I should address here however.
First, Pollen speaks with the Royal We.  Second, they are referred to with the gender neutral “they.”   Kwami’s do not have sexes, but Tikki identifies as female, and Plagg identifies as male.  Pollen identifies as royalty.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Something New- Chapter 4 (Trixya) - Julie
AN: Chapter 4 includes Brian questioning his gayness and Pat! Thanks for reading! - Julie
“That’s new”, Kim said, pointing to Brian’s nails, as he set down his bag. He had completely forgotten about them and his left hand tingled at the thought of Katya touching it carefully. He made a fist.
“Keira wanted to paint my nails”, he explained.
“She did a very…ambivalent job”, Kim said, “or how come your right hand looks like it was just dipped in a jar of nail polish?”
“Katya did the other one”, Brian fumbled with his sleeve.
“Was that your neighbour?”, Kim asked clearly surprised and Brian nodded.
“The weird one?”, Kim followed up d Brian nodded again.
“Yesterday you told me that she scares you and now you’re letting her paint your nails?”
Brian shrugged, “Keira likes her. And she’s actually kinda nice, we had breakfast together this morning.”
Kim raised his eyebrows, “You had breakfast with your weird neighbour?”
“She isn’t that weird”, Brian mumbled and Kim huffed. They drank their coffee in silence.
“On another note”, Kim changed the subject after a while, “when can I come visit you guys? I wanna see Keira.”
“I wanted to do some decorating today, but maybe tomorrow after work?”, Brian suggested and Kim nodded.
“Keira’s going to be super excited to see you”, he said.
“Yeah me too”, Kim laughed, “maybe she and the weird neighbour will paint my nails too. I mean it sure is a look.”
“Her name is Katya and she isn’t weird”, Brian repeated. Kim looked at him curiously.
“If you weren’t like super gay I’d think you have a crush on her”, he grinned and Brian could feel his face flush involuntarily.
“Fuck off!”
“Oh my god do you?”, Kim screeched loudly.
“Shh!”, Brian made even though the store was empty, “No I do not. I’ve slept with a woman once and I really don’t need to repeat that.”
“Didn’t you say she’s trans?”, Kim said, “maybe she’s got a dick.”
“Oh my god Kim!”, Brian said aghast, “I’m not that shallow. Also I have no idea if she has a dick. Also I’m pretty sure that’s offensive.”
Kim just shrugged and they were interrupted by the bell that signalled the arrival of a new customer.
Keira was sitting by the kitchen table, colouring something, while Brian stood on the couch hanging a framed photograph of Keira and himself that he had taken on their last vacation. It was one of his favourites because they weren’t posing in it. It was a snapshot his mother had taken and the two of them looked incredibly happy in it. He didn’t have the best relationship with his parents but he didn’t want to deny Keira her grandparents when he already had to deny her a mother. And while he and his parents did have their differences, they loved Keira a lot and spoiled her rotten. And they took nice photos so hey, Brian thought.
Even though he had hung several photos and a few paintings already, the wall over the couch was still looking a bit empty. And while Keira’s drawings looked great on the fridge, Brian’s perfectionists heart wasn’t quite ready to hang them on an actual wall.
He had to think of Katya and how she had offered to show him some of her paintings. He could imagine her so well, covered in paint, her hair behind her ears, tongue between her teeth, drawing something on a canvas.
Kim’s words echoed in his head. No, Brian thought. 24 was definitely to late to have a sexual identity crisis.
Still he couldn’t banish Katya from his mind and he stared at the naked wall. It couldn’t hurt to at least look at her paintings he thought and climbed off the couch.
“All for decorating purposes”, he said to himself and turned to Keira, who was still colouring. Her tongue was between her teeth, just like Katya’s had been when she had painted his nails.
“Sweetie is it okay when I leave you alone for 10 minutes?”, he asked and she nodded absently, fully concentrating on her work. Brian looked at his nails. It was about time she learned to colour within the lines.
God, I hope I don’t seem desperate, he thought when he was standing at Katya’s door. He knocked carefully.
“One sec!”, he heard Katya call from within and few moments later she opened the door.
“Oh, it’s you!”, she said surprised and smiled at him, her perfect teeth showing, “Come in”, she said and opened the door more so he could pass through.
He almost didn’t recognize her flat. There was no clutter lying around and it smelled like citrus. The smell of smoke still lingered in the air but it wasn’t as strong by far.
“You tidied”, he said surprised and she laughed.
“My mum’s coming”, she explained, “and I like to do the unexpected.”
“Is this a bad time?”, he asked, “I can come back later.”
“Oh bullshit, she’s always late. How can I help you?”
“Uhm you were telling me about your paintings this morning? I was decorating the living room and something’s missing so I just thought I’d have a look”, he explained.
Katya’s eyes lit up.
“Of course!”, she beamed, “I didn’t think you were actually interested!” She took him by the hand and led him into a room he hadn’t been to before. He found himself standing in the familiar mess, between bottles of paint and various brushes. Canvases were stacked into a shelf and an easel stood in the middle of the room. A half finished painting was positioned on it. It didn’t really show anything but Katya had worked with rainbow colours.
“I was inspired by our nails”, she explained and looked at Brian’s hand. “Oh!”, she said surprised, “You’re still wearing the nail-polish?”
“Yeah, why is that so surprising?”, he asked.
“No it’s just – most straight guys would take it off.” Brian started to laugh at that.
“Why is that funny?”, Katya asked confused.
“You think I’m straight?”, he laughed and Katya looked at him.
“You aren’t?”
“I’m really gay”, Brian grinned and now Katya started to laugh as well.
“Oh I thought because of Keira and…sorry for assuming.”
“It’s fine, I get it”, Brian said.
“And here I am, texting all my friends about my hot straight neighbour”, Katya winked at him and Brian could feel his face flushing red. He coughed.
“So what are you looking for?” Brian’s eyes widened.
“Excuse me?”
“Colour, size?”
“What?!”, Brian asked, clearly confused.
“I’m talking about the paintings”, Katya explained and chuckled, “Why, what were you thinking about?”
Brian’s face felt hot, he was sure he looked like a tomato.
“Uhm”, he stuttered, “Do you have anything with pink in it?”
“By God, you really are gay!”, Katya laughed and walked over to the shelf. She bent over and Brian couldn’t help but too look at her ass. He swallowed.
“Here we go”, he heard Katya say and the blonde woman turned around, holding a medium sized canvas. It was very abstract, Brian could see that she used big brushes and bold strokes to paint it. It was a whirlwind of different shades of pink. It looked almost unsettling and yet oddly calming. Wild and yet comforting. It was amazing.
“Katya, this is really good!”, he gasped and the woman smiled, her cheeks turning red.
“Thank you”, she said, “you can have it if you like.”
“Are you sure?”, Brian asked and she nodded.
“How much?”
“Oh, just take it! See it as some sort of welcoming present”, she offered.
“I can’t just accept that!”, Brian said, “How much do you normally take?”
“No, really it’s fine. I don’t want any money from you. It’s a gift.”
“Then let me at least invite you to dinner”, he offered and Katya smiled.
“If you insist.”
“It’s the least I can do”, Brian laughed and took the painting from Katya to get a better look.
“This is really beautiful”, he sighed, “Thank you.” All of the sudden he was so aware of Katya standing in front of him. She wasn’t wearing heels and he was a lot taller than her. She was standing so close.
“You’re welcome”, she said quietly.
A loud knock on the door made them jerk up and Katya ran out of the room to open it. Brian followed slowly watched as Katya hugged a small woman with short white hair who had to be her mother.
“Hello, sweetheart”, the woman said to Katya when they ended the hug. Then she spotted Brian who was awkwardly holding the painting.
“Oh, a visitor!”, she exclaimed and turned to Katya, “Am I interrupting something? Should I come back later?”
“Mum”, Katya said rolling her eyes and Brian thought it was weird seeing her like this, like a daughter.
“I’m Brian, Katya’s neighbour”, he explained and extended a hand. Katya’s mother shook it.
“Brian, huh? That’s a very nice name.” He could see how Katya grabbed her mothers arm.
“I’m Pat”, she said, letting go of his hand, “It’s nice to meet you. Are you the one with the daughter? Katya told me about you two. She sounds delightful! What was her name?”
“Keira”, he answered and he tried not to smirk. Somehow the thought of Katya telling her mother about him made him happy.
“Are you having coffee with us?”, Pat asked and Brian shook his head.
“Keira’s downstairs and I have to get back to her. But it was nice meeting you! And thanks again for the painting”, he said to Katya. He thought about hugging her goodbye, suddenly thinking of how she had kissed his cheek this morning, but he decided against it.
When the door fell shut behind him he could hear Katya and her mother laugh about something and that sound made him happy.
“I’m gay”, he reminded himself.
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dawnofdaybreak · 7 years
Unfinished/WIP Jongho Fics
As I try to get back into the gist of writing, here’s a few Jongho fics I’ve worked on in the past that aren’t finished but there’s a possibility that they could be finished? Not to quote Jonghyun but Inspiration is needed.
#001 - something new years related
Jonghyun really should stop drinking.
It’s bad enough that he’s emotional when he’s sober but does he have to be an emotional drunk too?
He’d come to this party to take his mind off of all the shit things that have happened in his life lately, to let loose and have a good time. But instead he ends up sobbing on the rooftop of whoever’s fancy apartment and feeling worse than he had when he was sober.
Perfect. Just perfect.
“Oh sorry I didn’t think anyone was up here…”
Jonghyun looks up at the unfamiliar voice. It’s a guy and the first thing Jonghyun notices is how big his eyes are. He then takes in his sharp nose and generally small face. The guy’s lips are stained a pretty red presumably from drinking alcohol and his ash blonde hair is framing his forehead rather nicely. Jonghyun’s (inebriated) brain finally alerts him that this dude is really attractive, and so he rushes to rid his eyes of the tears gathered in the corners.  
“W-wait are you crying?”
“N-no,” Jonghyun replies but his voice comes out all hoarse and wobbly. He curses inwardly.
The guy ignores him, instead choosing to sit next to Jonghyun on the ledge.
“Dude why are you crying…you shouldn’t be crying.”
Jonghyun doesn’t answer the other male. He covers his face, hoping the male will leave and allow him to shrivel up and die from embarrassment.
“It’s New Year’s Eve, and if you spend tonight crying then you’ll enter the New Year all sad and no one should be sad on New Year’s.”
Jonghyun chuckles mirthlessly at the statement. “Is that so?” he croaks out.
“Yep!” The other man says enthusiastically. “So I’ve got twenty minutes to make you happy or my name isn’t Choi Minho.”
Jonghyun removes his hands from his face, brows furrowing over the familiar name.
“Choi Minho? As in Kibum’s Choi Minho?”
Minho smiles at him. “You know my best friend?”
Jonghyun knows Kibum all too well. They went to high school together, probably made out a few times amongst other things, but Minho doesn’t need to know that. Jonghyun instead is wondering why the Kibum never mentioned that this Minho was so hot.
#002 - Professor Jjong & Student Minho
It’s hard being a young, single and handsome, teacher.
Especially when your classroom is filled with college freshman who are surprisingly more hormonal than high school seniors.
Most kids sat in his class and tried to earn their grades, but there was also your small group of students who tried to flirt their way to the top. Jonghyun thought that sort of thing only happened in cheap pornos – but at the end of his first semester when a female student had bent over his desk and asked “Can you please bump me up a letter grade Professor Kim,” practically shoving her B cup boobs in his face, had Jonghyun realized that those pornos he’d watched in middle school weren’t that far from reality.
That was the first time Jonghyun had actually felt proud about the fact that he was gay. He was able to reprimand the young girl without contemplating what she was clearly offering or getting flustered to the point that she thought he was considering it.
After that incident, he was able to listen to the whispers in the halls about how sexy he was, with just a smile of appreciation and nothing more.  
Until Choi Minho arrived that is.
Choi Minho was a freshman in his second semester when he entered Jonghyun’s class. He was a Physical Education Major – the only one of Jonghyun’s students who was taking his course as an elective. Jonghyun had no problem with that, he liked those who took his classes as electives. It was exhilarating to teach the beauty of music to those who had no prior interest in the subject. What he did have a problem with however was the fact that Choi Minho was always 10-15 minutes late, with his jet black hair still dripping wet from the shower he always takes before Jonghyun’s class. He’d come in with this sheepish little grin on his face and say “Sorry I’m late Professor Kim, it won’t happen again,” and Jonghyun would just roll his eyes because he knows that’s a lie.
Jonghyun couldn’t stay mad at him though.
#003 - Smut that I can’t really remember where I was going with...
Minho likes, no loves, to please Jonghyun.
He loves to reduce the older man to a whimpering mess.
He loves when Jonghyun buries his head in Minho’s neck when the pleasure becomes too much and his moans get too loud.
He loves having Jonghyun’s naked body pressed up against his own, with the shorter man’s arms wrapped securely around Minho’s neck.
What Minho doesn’t love however is the fact that Jonghyun only allows Minho to please him with his hands.
Now don’t get him wrong, he loves touching Jonghyun.
He loves rubbing his thumbs over those perky nipples and squeezing fistfuls of Jjong’s ass in his palms. He loves fingering the other male and stroking his cock when his orgasm seems too far to reach.
But Minho is so sure he could make Jonghyun completely fall apart if he could get his mouth on him – if he could kiss those sinful lips and suck that hard cock. If he could just circle Jonghyun’s entrance with his tongue, the other male would have no choice but to beg for Minho’s lips whenever he came to the younger man.
Minho is sure if he could use his cock to really stuff Jonghyun, the older man’s moans would be loud enough for the entire dorm to hear. Jonghyun would then come to him more eager and more desperate, pleading to be fucked.
But since Jonghyun only allows him to use his hands, that’s what Minho’s forced to do.
When the shorter man opens his bedroom door on a late Friday night, Minho takes one look at his eyes and knows exactly what he wants.
“Are you busy?”
Minho puts the book he was reading down and opens his arms for the shorter male.
Jonghyun bites his lip and then quickly strips out of his clothes. He crawls onto the bed and rests his naked body on top of Minho’s clothed one.
This is Jonghyun’s favourite position when he comes to Minho. It’s easier to avoid eye contact this way.
Minho guides Jonghyun’s hands around his neck and then he reaches downward to squeeze Jonghyun’s ass.
Jonghyun hitches at the contact, and then nuzzles into Minho’s neck.
“It’s been a while,” he murmurs.
Minho silently agrees by squeezing a little harder.
“We’ve been so busy,” Jonghyun breathes against his neck. It’s ticklish, but Minho doesn’t want him to stop. “I missed you…”
Minho tenses at that and pulls Jonghyun away from his neck, eyes searching for the true meaning behind those words.
“I m-mean I missed your t-touch.” The shorter man avoids eye contact.
“Hyung, why won’t you let me have proper sex with you?”
Jonghyun squirms at the question.
#004 - More unfinished smut
Minho isn’t too sure how he’s ended up here…
One minute he was eyeing platinum blond hair from across the bar. The next he was grinding into the man’s ass on the dance floor. Jonghyun – he’d said his name was, was a delicious little thing, short with bits of muscle. The perfect size for Minho to manhandle. The dance floor had gotten so hot, so constricting as their bodies had moved together – Jonghyun’s ass pressing back against Minho’s pelvis, while Minho’s large hands gripped the shorter male’s pecs, pulling Jonghyun back into his body whenever he got too far away.
Now as Minho has the shorter man pressed against the hard surface of a bathroom stall, he finds that Jonghyun does like being manhandled – if the whimpers that leave his lips every time Minho tugs on his hair or spanks his ass are anything to go by.
He still doesn’t know if it was the alcohol or pure unaltered lust that ended up with them here, but right now he isn’t complaining.
“F-fuck Minho I’m not going to fucking break, fuck me already,” Jonghyun whines trying to get Minho to remove his fingers from his tight heat.
Minho chuckles, “I want you to break baby,” he whispers in Jonghyun’s ear before tugging lightly on the pierced cartilage.
Jonghyun whimpers in response, throwing his head back against the wall of the stall.
“Shit, please Minho.”
#005 - Jonghyun’s struggles while dating a Minho who’s poly...dialogue only...Probably won’t ever be finished
“Are you sleeping over tonight?”
 “I always sleep over on Friday nights bub.”
 “Yeah but remember last week, when Junmyeon was sick and you stayed over at his to take care of him.”
 “I just spoke to him today, he’s fine. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.”
 “Taemin and Kibum staged an intervention for me today.”
 “Really…what about?”
 “About you actually. They told me they think you’re cheating on me.”
 “So what did you say to them?”
 “I told them that you’re poly.  And that I don’t care because I know you can love me wholeheartedly.”
 “What’s wrong.”
 “It felt like I was lying to myself.”
 “H-hyung we’ve been through this.”
 “I’ve been with you from we were in diapers. I was your first kiss, I was there when your dad kicked you out because you told him you were gonna play soccer instead of going to college. I was there when you got your heart broken for the first time. I’ve been to every one of your soccer games, I’ve taken care of you when you were sick. I’m the first person you call when you get into trouble. I was the one you had your first time with. Am I really not enough?”
 “J-jong you know I-I can’t help the way I am. But I love you, my love for you has never faltered no matter how many people I date”
 “I know Minho and I r-respect that but I can’t help the way I feel whenever I know you’re out with someone else, probably treating them the same way you treat me. Can’t you at least try to stay with only me.”
 “I-I can’t”
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