#Harleen Quinzel imagines
charlotteking23 · 3 months
Hi! Your stories are hilarious and amazing! I was wondering if you could write a story about Batmom secretly meeting with Gotham City Sirens (Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Pamela Isley) and for a private girls night where they accidentally cause havoc (intense barfights (harley), impromptu jewelry store heists (Selina), shady alley deals (batmom), plants going crazy (Pamela), and massive amounts of sweets being "stolen" in metropolis (batmom had to stop the others from eating everything). All of which the batfam has to clean up. They follow the destruction and see what they think is batmom's ✨️Villain Debut✨️ (not really) so they go back to the manor and they stage an "intervention" for batmom. When she gets home bruce and her boys start scolding her and the Sirens for their behavior only for the girls to share a look and burst out laughing. They reveal that they were helping batmom get gifts for each of them. They went to that particular bar because they had a well aged vintage bottle of whisky that Alfred enjoys from time to time. The "shady alley deals" were from them going to a local seedy bookstore that had been open for over 100 years to get one of the only surviving copies of Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated herself. They went to that jewelry store because they were helping to make the remaining pearls of Martha Wayne's necklace into a set of cufflinks and a tie clip for Bruce, and to turn a few of Batmom's family heirloom peices into a ring that was secretly drawn by dick to propose to Kori with. They went to that confectionery because Conner mentioned they had the best coffee brew and an "espresso cake" made with extra strong espresso for Tim. That plant nursery had specific and highly nutritional feed and supplements products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat to keep them healthy. This makes them all tear up and wholesome fluff can happen.
Sorry for the length 😅 😬
Villian Debut
Y/N slowly walked out of the house as quietly as possible, opening the manor gates and hoping in her car. She drove around the quiet streets of Gotham, it was night only those who were bad were up causing chaos in the city. It was easy to sneak out since the boys were out patrolling Gotham, and Alfred was sitting in the common room sipping his cup of tea.
Y/N drove to a secluded area parking her car near a warehouse. Upon entering she met up with the infamous Gotham City Sirens. It was a girl's night with Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Palmela Isely.
"Y/n, your finally hear", Selina Kyle said walking up to Y/n and hugging her sideways. "The sirens are back together", Harley said dragging Palmela's wrist and joining the hug. "guys we saw each other last week but as much as I enjoy the hug we have work to do.
Selina was driving in Y/n's car while Y/n was in the passenger seat turning on the radio. Harley and Palmela were in the back putting their hands in the air having the time of their life.
Their first stop was the bar, One of the best bars open in Gotham City. As they walked in all eyes were on them, I mean it was the infamous Y/n L/n, Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Palmela Isely. The four girls walked up to the bar all sitting down and ordering.
Everything was going fine till "Hey baby, you want to go somewhere" " The guy said laughing with his equally ugly friend while holding a beer.
"Excuse me, Do you want to go I can beat the living shit out of you", Harley said standing up and drowning her drink in one go ready to take the guy down. "Babe, You're a girl you can't take us dow-" Harley took out her bat and whacked the guy in the face before the guy could finish his stupid sentence. She repeatedly hit him all over his body aiming straight for his dick. Selina was still sipping her drink while Y/n was taking a video as Palmela Isely cheered for Harley.
Yeah, so they got Kicked out of the bar but it's okay because Harley was literally about to kill the guy. Next, they went to the "Shady Alley deals".
Bruce p.o.v
"Guy's there's trouble at a bar?", Bruce said checking the alarm.
"why a bar out of everything, I mean at least do something interesting", Jason leans on Dick whining about how bored he is.
"Jason will you shut up", Damian said slapping him.
They made it to the bar entering they saw a man on the floor beaten up badly.
"Who the fuck could do this", Jason said watching Tim check the drunken man's pulse.
"he's fine but way too much alcohol in his body", Tim disgusted quickly wiping his hands on his pants.
"What happened"? Dick said but was astonished to hear a girl had done this because he was being a pervert.
"Go boss bitch", Damian said walking up to Bruce.
" They must have left already, I wonder where this girl went", Bruce questioned dragging the drunken body outside to the emergency care.
Girl's p.o.v
"Aww, this is so boring", Harley said leaning against the bookshelves.
The girls were at the shady Alley deals trying to buy Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated. But the guy refused to sell them this piece claiming it was too precious. I mean that's why it's called shady.
"Look we need this copy now, how about 2,000 for the whole copy", Batmom said with annoyance.
"look lady, these are valuable and you don't seem like the person to take care of them", the stupid guy said.
With a loud dramatic gasp, "Oh know you didn't", Poison Ivy said dramatically.
"he's in for it", Selina said filing her nails.
"Look I work day and night taking care of 4 children and one husband, this is the only time I get a day off so you better give. me. those. books. or else! and trust me you don't want to know what else is.", Batmom yelled grabbing the guy's collar and pulling him face to face with an angry batmom.
"here, take it pls don't hurt me", the guy said closing his eyes in fear.
"Thanks", Batmom said skipping with the books in her hand to the car.
Time Skip
"where to next", Selina said driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on her phone.
"Oh of course the jewelry store", Harley said pointing at the sign.
"Ok here's the plan Selina you go get the pearls", Batmom said looking at Selina.
"huh, why me"
"You are literally a cat, plus I am too clumsy, Harley too loud and Ivy refused to do it", Batmom said.
So Selina carefully went in through the roof slipping in where no one could see her. Walking through the store towards the back, she sees the pearls. She stops taking her white powder compact from the back of her pocket blowing some revealing lasers. If she stepped on one she could set off triggers of alarms. Manuering through them jumping over them, backflipping, crawling till she reached the glass box. opening she switched it out for a cat collar successfully taking the jewels.
Alarms are blaring, flashing red "Damn it", Selina hisses running away.
"what's that noise", poison Ivy says, covering her ears.
nevermind let's get out of here", Selina said hopping into the cars with the girls and driving away.
"here are the pearls", Selina says
"perfect", Batmom put them into a clip and some cufflinks.
Bruce p.o.v
"there's trouble at a jewelry store", Dick said driving towards the store.
As the boys came they saw the owner in complete panic.
"Thank goodness you're here Batman, some robbers took Matha Wayne's remaining pearl necklace", the owner said in a panic.
"The ones she died in", Batman's voice grew deeper laced with emotion only those who knew him deeply could tell.
"Let's look around B", Jason said looking around for clues.
Tim was trying to access the cameras during the robbery but as expected they were wiped out.
"cat hair", Batman said picking it up.
"This could only belong to one person", Damian said with a glare on his face.
"Oh, Batman they also took some other things, a diamond it was a heirloom from the L/N family, the owner said.
All the boys could think about was Y/n and how she would react to this news.
"We need to find these robbers before Ummi finds out", Damian said ready to beat the guys up.
Girls p.o.v
"How much candy are you going to eat Harley", Selina said but Harley only shrugged eating more.
Here they were at the confectionery, it was a small cafe but it looked so pretty pink, there was an outside patio and the inside looked like those 70's diner joints.
The girls sat down at a booth obviously Harley and Ivy sat together so Selina and Batmom were on the other side.
"H-hello, what c-can I get y-you, the waiter said in fear. I mean he is serving notorious criminals, he was shitting his pants.
"Hi, we need a coffee brew and an expresso cake please, Batmom said with the sweetest voice.
" Oh and a giant cake the biggest one!", Harley exclaimed. The waiter quickly nodded running away.
"Isn't that too much sugar, you are going to get a sugar high...again", Selina said crossing her arms and leaning back towards the booth.
"Remember last time, when you crashed right into the wall because you ate too much sugar", Ivy recalled laughing at the memories.
"H-here is your order t-too g-go, have a nice night", the waiter quickly left as we paid for the meal leaving a tip.
"how much did you leave"? Selina questioned as they left the cafe.
"$200", Batmom said shrugging and getting into the car.
The girl's final stop of the night was the plant nursery, It was a big white building, looking kind of spooky in the night.
"This feels like a scooby doo episode", Harley said walking with the girls.
"Okay Ivy we need highly nutritional feed and supplement products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat", Batmom said looking at all the machines and plants in the room.
As the girls walked they heard a strange growling noise, huddling together not because they were, definitely not. For comfort just in case, a crazy plant tried to eat them.
"come here plant...yes who's a good boy you are, yes you are", Ivysaid in a baby voice.
"she does the same baby voice batmom does with her kids", Selina said.
batmom protested but only got a yes you do face or the fucking lying face. Thinking now she did do the baby voice to her kids but they were all just so cute.
Harley suddenly screamed whinning she felt something touch her feet. No one paid attention and it still continued to flow Ivy. Suddenly a huge plant wraps its vines around Harley's mouth and legs dragging her away from the group.
"Hey, where's Harley", Selina said looking around.
All the girls screamed for Harley as they looked around in different areas.
Selina felt something and before she could attack the huge pant monster dragged her away. Only now there was batmom and Ivy left.
"Ivy what the fuck is going on", Batmom said but before Ivy could answer the plant monster appeared growling towards the girls.
the monster took hold of Batmom wrapping her in vines and trying to crush her. Ivy used her powers to fight it but before she could she saw a thorn.
"oh poor baby it's only hurt...oh you weren't trying to hurt anyone were you", Ivy said pulling the torn out trying to keep the plant monster calm.
After it was calm the monster let go of Batmom and cuddled Ivy. Batmom found Selina and Harley tied up, undoing the vines the three were weirded out to see the same plant monster who tried to eat them getting a belly rub by ivy.
"This was the best girl's night ever", Harley grinned hugging the girls in a group hug tightly.
Tonight was a roller coaster, but it was fun, especially with the girls. They got in trouble with the Authorities twice no doubt the infamous Batman and her kids had already heard about the incident. But it was a memory you look back on and laugh at, doing it with those you love.
Batmom signed slowly entering the dark mansion seeing that no one was awake.
Suddenly the lights came on frightening Batmom seeing all her kids and Bruce looking at her with disapproval in their eyes. It's like looking in a mirror.
"Hi, how was everyone's night?", Batmom said trying to diffuse the situation.
"Mom, you were out with the villains Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Selina Kyle again", Dick said crossing his arms in sadness.
"yes, but I had a good reason-, Batmom tried to explain but Bruce interrupted her.
"Y/n, you girls got in a bar fight and stole jewelry and other things", Bruce said trying to keep an emotionless expression. He couldn't believe his innocent wife could do all of this.
Soon all the kids started to talk at the same time, asking questions of all sorts. It was getting too much for Batmom wishing now she stayed with the girls for another hour or so.
"kids, you give the girls a chance to explain what happened", Alfred said as you gave him a grateful nod.
you took a deep breath before sharing a look with the Sirens before laughing out loud with the girls all clutching your stomachs. They reveal that they were helping Batmom get gifts for each of them. They went to that particular bar because they had a well-aged vintage bottle of whisky that Alfred enjoys from time to time. The "shady alley deals" were from them going to a local seedy bookstore that had been open for over 100 years to get one of the only surviving copies of Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated herself. They went to that jewelry store because they were helping to make the remaining pearls of Martha Wayne's necklace into a set of cufflinks and a tie clip for Bruce and to turn a few of Batmom's family heirloom pieces into a ring that was secretly drawn by dick to propose to Kori with. They went to that confectionery because Conner mentioned they had the best coffee brew and an "espresso cake" made with extra strong espresso for Tim. That plant nursery had specific and highly nutritional feed and supplement products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat to keep them healthy.
"see you big goofs all this was a big misunderstanding all the things we did were for you tonight", Batmom said to her family with tears in her eyes holding all the girl's hands.
"Don't worry Ma I never doubted you for a minute, Jason said smiling at his Ma.
"Really, Because when you first heard about Mother Time with the SIrens you were crying out that your Mother betrayed me", Tim said looking smugly.
Jason only huffed at Tim crossing his arms in annoyance before Damian came up and hugged his Ummi burying his head in her chest.
When Damian released his Ummi, Bruce walked up to his wife kissing her with so much passion. Bruce couldn't believe his wife did all of this for him and his kids. Oh, how he loves her.
"I love you", Bruce said quietly for only her to hear.
"I love you more", Batmom whispered back pecking his lips.
"Heyyy, who's up for a sleepover", Harley said shouting while hugging the sirens.
Oh Boy
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fandomnerd9602 · 11 months
Harley finishes handcuffing herself to Y/N...
Y/N: when you said you wanted rings, I thought you meant something else
Harley: I couldn't afford one.
Y/N: i have a job, baby. Check my pocket
Harley fishes through Y/N's pocket and finds a small velvet box...
Harley: ohmygosh! Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!!!
Y/N: you've made me the happiest...now please get me out of these handcuffs.
Harley: not with I want to do next (winks)
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Need I say more
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redr0sewrites · 28 days
”want a pretty femme under me while i squeeze her neck and rut into her with my biggest strap” THE HARLEY QUINN COMMENT. i’m gone. No because she would want the biggest strap too UHDHSHH elaborate pls id love to hear that for research 😁😁
🥀A/n: im going to platonically kiss u through the screen for putting this in my inbox i literally need to elaborate AURGH SHES SOOOO
🥀(based off this post)
🥀Cw: smut, fem!reader, wlw smut, strap, soorta size kink, bratty sub!Harley
🥀men and minors dni
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now, Harley is very intelligent, but you can't tell me Harley wouldn't be soooo bratty- just for funsies! like she would try her best to piss you off, make you jealous, tease you and act all ditzy and airheaded when questioned about it all in the hopes of getting fucked stupid- and it works!!
she's sobbing as your silicone dick splits her in half, pawing at your tits and toying with your nipples while you fuck her until she's babbling- she's loud too, all whiny and pissed about how your going too slow, not fucking her hard enough, and the only way to shut her up is a firm hand around her throat- and oh does she love it
i just know Harley would drag one of your hands (that were placed so firmly on her hips just moments prior) up towards her neck, begging you with wide eyes to squeeze
"are you sure?" "toots, if you don't fuck me right now i swear-"
she loves being gagged, manhandled, slapped and fucked silly. her fave position is mating press, solely so she can simultaneously watch your tits jiggle and your cock slide in and out of her pretty pussy!
i also think she's partial to doggy style, Harley has a nice ass and she knows it. loves when your forcing her to arch her back, her ass rippling with every thrust as she drools into the sheets, your strap so deep inside her she's seeing stars
size is definitely a factor for Harley- not only does she want your biggest strap, she would want your weirdest and kinkiest strap too. she would buy one of those ridiculous monster cocks, tentacles, veins, ridges, the whole nine yards, and would beg you to fuck her with it
"o-oh! ffuck me harder, can y-you? please-" Harley babbles, holding up her legs with ease as you fuck her cunt with your strap. the sloppy thwap! of her pussy squelching around your silicone dick fills the room, only fueling your lust.
you tighten your grip on her neck, watching the nasty grin on her face widen as she struggles to breathe. you both know she's aching to be marked, covered, and painted in bruises from your rough treatment, and your happy to oblige. tears stream down her face from the addicting mixture of pain and pleasure as her mind grows foggy from her nearing orgasm.
your free hand trails down towards her clit, pressing down hard on her aching pearl. Harley's eyes roll back into her head as she squeals your name, makeup all smudged from crying. the tightening in her abdomen is almost unbearable, she's so so close-
your pace slows, and your grip on her neck loosens enough for her to take a few deep breaths. she lets out an indignant whine, trying to rock harder against your strap, but you keep to your slower pace. it's not enough to push her to the edge, but not too little for her orgasm to fade entirely.
"how many times have you cum tonight, honey?" your words are sickeningly sweet, but she knows that this is a test.
"ssssix..?" Harley slurs, looking up at your face and giving a dopey smile. "your so prettyy, 'need you s'bad, i wanna cum," she pleads, rolling her hips against yours.
you chuckle, leaning down to kiss her before speeding up your pace, rewarding her for her correct answer.
"good job, baby, you did so good f'me. you can cum again, now, how many times will that be?"
"s-seven- ffuck-"
"oh, good girl-" you speed up even more, circling her clit with precision. Harley's thighs clench as the cord in her stomach draws taught, and then snaps. her sobs and moans fill the room as her orgasm ripples throughout her entire body. she screams your name like a prayer, pussy drooling all over your strap as she squirts, covering your lower half in her slick.
as she begins to come down from her high, you coo softly, waiting for her to come back to the present. you know she gets lost in subspace more often than not, and needs a few minutes to recover. in that time, you slide out gently, admiring the slick and cum coating your strap.
"you okay, baby?" you whisper, and Harley nods.
"mhm. c'mere, i wanna cuddle," Harley pouts as you shake your head, removing your harness and standing up. "we should clean up first, you made a bit of a mess," you tease, and Harley whines, but obliges. you lean in to press a kiss to her forehead.
"i love you, y'know that?"
"yeah, yeah, toots, i love ya too. now let's get a bath running, i feel a little.. sticky- bleh".
sorry this is lowkey short n the ending is horrendous im fighting for my life trying to characterize her ♥️ i love you harley quinn you deserve the world but you'll have to accept my mid fanfics instead 😔
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moonlit-imagines · 1 month
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requested by anonymous
“You alright, kid? You’re lookin’ a little pale.” Harley nudged you with her elbow and you looked over at her with wide eyes. “You know, I’m a psychiatrist, actually. I know I don’t look it, but you can talk to me.” She smiled through her black lipstick and waited for a response.
“I just don’t belong here. I didn’t want to do this.” You admitted.
“‘Don’t belong?’ ‘Didn’t wanna’—what?!” She, the Harley Quinn—looked at you as if you were crazy. “Then why’d you come along?”
“My sentence is eight more years, I do this and I’m home free.” You explained, fidgeting with your gloves and staring at the floor. “I didn’t do anything that crazy to get in, but I’m more than ready to get out. I just didn’t know I was signing up for a suicide mission.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve done tons of these things. I’ll be your good luck charm,” Harley pat you on the back, “no harm done to my new friend!” You gave her a weak smile and nodded. “Hey, maybe I’ll visit you when I get out!”
“Aren’t you in for life?” You chuckled, letting up on the “nervous kid” routine.
“You never heard of a prison break?”
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @summersimmerus // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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nerdby · 4 months
"And as the insanely good Harley Quinn TV show points out Bruce is dealing with his trauma in the worst possible way imaginable, and the citizens of Gotham should thank their lucky stars that he doesn't have Wanda Maximoff's powers." -Everything Great About The Batman (From CinemaWins on YouTube)
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pandorascripts · 1 year
note: I literally had the strongest urge after seeing a drawing from Harleen (the comic books, go read it), and got a wave of inspiration.
warnings: talk of abuse, talk of Stockholm syndrome, self-consciousness, angst w a happish open ending, Harley being sad :(.
Beyond Harley’s pale complexion and her natural beauty, there are scars. Metaphorical and psychical ones. Ones that she covers with makeup everyday, hiding them from herself and the world. It took awhile for Harley to finally stop covering them, years after her break up with the Joker. And even then it was only when she was home. 
It wasn’t until she opened herself up to friends, and most importantly her girlfriend, that she could handle thinking about them. Harley cant count how many scars run across her back, the few on her face are obnoxious and loud, covering what used the be the favorite parts of herself. There’s two crossing on her nose, one running down her cheek, another slotted just next to the corner of her right eye. 
Lord knows the amount of bullet scars she has on her sides or her arms, probably hundreds. The Joker wasn’t much for safety over sexy. It didn’t matter how many times she flatlined due to an injury, he never gave her anything bulletproof. He said it made her more fun; that the risk of breaking his toy made it more valuable. 
Harley can remember how battered and bruised she was when she finally escaped his clutches— not that she even wanted to. He had tossed her out and told her not to come back, his goons shoving her back on the pavement time after time when she tried to enter the warehouse again. After a day she finally dragged her feet across Gotham, not even sure where she was going. 
Thank God Pamela decided to sweep out her old base, because otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to save Harley. Harley probably would crawled back to him and gotten herself shot. Pamela thinks about that day a lot, the day she finally realized just how deep Harley’s Stockholm syndrome went. They even ended up fighting at one point, Harley saying he had cooled down now, that it was safe to go back. 
Pamela cried for hours after that, Harley should’ve always felt safe around him. Harley never did though, she said it was apart of the game, that she was meant to be kept on her toes. It took five years for Pamela to help Harley realize that, that’s not what a relationship is. Of course she can’t take all the credit, after two years of healing and processing Harley found a girlfriend. You.
You were sweet to her, an abrupt change of pace from the Joker. It took Harley awhile to get used to it. You remember that stage of your relationship the most. Harley was jumpy and afraid, she didn’t dare to look at another woman when she was with you, and at one point asked you straight-up if you wanted to her stop talking to Pamela and Selena. You were completely baffled and told her no, that it wasn’t required and that you loved the both of them. 
For the first time in ages, Harley wasn’t walking on egg-shells. She felt safe, and comfortable around a romantic partner. After three years free, Harley was okay when other women hit on her, she could give them a simple no, hold your hand up and smile. It wasn’t like she’d have to practically fuck you in front of someone to prove who she belonged to, or that you’d get jealous. You said that if you saw her sitting next to someone, you’d ask her out too. You told her you couldn’t blame human nature, and you certainly wouldn’t punish her for other people’s actions. 
That one made Harley’s head spin. She didn’t understand how you wouldn’tpunish her, it was weird. Harley felt like she had no consequences, that she could do whatever she wanted. Of course you told her that she can’t, that you would be heartbroken if she did take an offer from another person, but you wouldn’t hurt her for it. You told her that you don’t have any right over her, the only person who gets to dictate and chose what she does is herself. 
Harley still doesn’t like her scars, there are nights where she throws blankets over the mirrors so she doesn’t run the risk of looking at them. There are days where she thinks she’s ready to go outside, scars on full display, only to run back in the house sobbing. It’s been five years and Harley cant get past them, but she knows eventually she can. Especially when you hold her tight and kiss every scar she has, or when you trace them, tell her that her scars are proof of survival. That they only add to her strength and determination. 
And as Harley takes off a blanket from the mirror, tracing her scars across her chest and shoulders, she understands. She understands that in time, her scars will fuel her success, that her scars will be fully closed and she will cease to care about them. 
Harley smiles at thought.
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tsuvvy · 8 months
Harley Quinn
Back to Gotham
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"I thought you wanted a nemesis.."
Harley Quinn (from her series show) meets Batgirl (y/n), who tries to be her nemesis much like Damian did
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
“Rollin’” w/ HARLEY•Q
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SFW, slice of life, fluff, absolutely no plot
Inspired by - Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Hot in the City (nu52)
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Harley watched as you stood up on her skates, or attempted to, your knees buckling together and your arms waving in the air in an attempt to keep balance.
You were clearly inexperienced considering you'd never skated before - and you had tried to tell Harley this but she’d just waved you off. Saying that everyone knew how to skate, it was just that not everyone got the opportunity.
You'd called bullshit on her point the second it'd left her mouth and begged her to not put you in her damned skates, but of course, it's Harley.
So she held you down and slid those torture devices on wheels onto your feet and then left you to fend for yourself with nothing but a pat on the back, a cheerful: "Go get em' tiger!", and a seemingly excited bark from you guy's new dog friend.
You tried to sit up and failed about eight times till you were very positively ready to quit when, finally on your last "might as well" you stood, now to only move.
That was the problem.
Oh, and to not fall, that was definitely important too.
And once again - with help from Harley's cheers - you moved your legs, lost your footing, and screamed.
Harley proceeded to then laugh her ass off as your body lurched forward and the ground approached quickly.
You mentally braced yourself for impact and closed your eyes, but the thud and pain of your body hitting the ground didn't come.
"Jeez, Y/n, you'd think that all that gym in school woulda thought ya somethin’ bout balancin’."
You cracked an eye open and sighed when you realized Harley had caught you before your clumsiness could end you.
"Ha,” you deadpanned.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
God, I wrote this ages ago in 2019, but I’m dipping into the reservoir at this point.
btw: there is basically nothing here but you can write a lil comment if you want to.
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summersofsalt · 1 year
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a soft place to land (b&w version here)
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poisonousquinzel · 5 months
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Behind the Scenes With Harley Quinn (Dc Secrets Revealed!)
I'll add this little book completely to my collection one day but for rn
jfc I hate him 😭
"Harley loves to leave handwritten notes for The Joker all around his lair. While he almost always throws them away, a few have escaped his waste bin."
Harley baby I'm so sorry that an ugly ass loser like Joker would throw away your sweet little notes!
how truly disgraceful of him
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fandomnerd9602 · 10 months
Hi can you do a male reader Red Robin x Pregnant Harley Quinn(Margot Robbie)
Harley rubs her pregnant belly…
Y/N: you’re gonna be an amazing mother
Harley: you’re gonna be a great daddy. I mean I know you are (winks)
Y/N: Harley (laughs)
Harley: I wanna name her Barbie. Cause she’s my doll.
Y/N: and if it’s a boy?
Harley: Just Ken.
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Mind the gap (between his ears)
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
As you're writing for DC now, can we get pegging headcannons for Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy & Wonder Woman x male! reader?
🥀A/n: UHM YES HELLO??)? i genuinely cooked so hard w this one ngl.
🥀Character(s): Harley Quinn x reader, Poison Ivy x reader, Wonder Woman x reader
🥀Cw: smut, pegging, sub!male!reader, slight feminization in HQ's part, impact play, bondage, cock/strap used interchangeably, strap sucking, oral fixation mention, dirty talk
🥀minors dni
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Harley Quinn:
Harley would be soo mean about it, she's definitely mocking you and giggling the whole time while forcing you to take her strap. she takes prep very seriously, and would absolutely make you wear a butt plug beforehand to make sure you're nice and prepped for her
speaking of her strap, it is very her. its a bright red with glitter, and is definitely at least 8 inches. it has a very prominent tip with the slightest arch that can reach all the sweet spots inside you. you cannot tell me she wouldn't buy a vibrating strap for shits and giggles, she loves to torture you (lovingly ofc)
definitely buys you one of those monster dildos/straps as a gag gift, im talking a full 12 inches with tentacles and ridges. it starts off as a joke, but it isn't long before curiosity gets the best of both of you and she's bending you over the mattress, splitting you in two with her "monster cock" as she calls it
Harley has a brutal pace when pegging you, she's fast and rough and oh so mean. definitely hits it from the back, she looves doggy style and when you get all weak and shaky under her touch? it only makes her even meaner
likes slapping your ass and pushing you around while she pegs you. is infatuated by the sight of her cock sliding in and out of your hole, and loves to watch your ass cheeks jiggle with each thrust. if you're down for it, Harley would definitely buy you a pretty collar she can tug and play with while she fucks you senseless. she loves to mark whats hers, and makes sure to leave a heft amount of bite marks and hickeys across your necks and shoulders.
buys you lingerie just to peg you in it. lacy thigh garters with pretty panties in the color scheme of her clown costume, with a frilly bralette to match. Harley doesn't care how embarrassed you get, she's fucking you silly while switching between calling you her pretty princess or her dirty slut
loves groping your pecs and calling them tits while she fucks you, and when you whimper or complain she coos about how you're such a whiny whore. claims you "cry like a girl", and mocks you for being all needy and depraved
"aw, takin' me up the ass so well, dolly. betcha never played with your prostate like this before, huh toots? who knew all it took was f'me to fuck ya, and then you'd behave like the little bitch you are.."
very rarely touches your cock while pegging you, she's confident you can get off from the prostate stimulation alone. however, she's definitely down for double tapping and would love to fuck you from both ends with her strap and a sounding rod one day
while she can be very rough and degrading, i do think Harley finds importance in aftercare and is very sweet with you once it's all over. she'll tease you a bit, but will get you a warm towel to wipe you off and bring you some food and water. she has a very high libido though, so showering after sex with her often leads to another round... not that you'd mind
"you really are a little slut, aren't cha?" sharp, red nails leave a crescent shaped mark on your hips while Harley's free hand presses down on your lower back, forcing you into a deeper arch as she fucks you senseless. your drooling and moaning into the pillows while your thighs shake from the brutal pace she's set. the lacy thong she had bought you for the occasion had been torn off, but the thigh high socks, garters, and glittery, sheer bra remained untouched- for now.
your cock twitches, pressed between your tummy and the mattress, and you can't help but hump slightly, desperate for friction. you can't tell if you're grinding downwards against the bed for relief for your hard cock, or if you're grinding backwards for more friction against your abused hole. Harley leans onto you a little more, forcing your ass higher into the air so her strap can reach even deeper inside your gummy walls.
Harley watches, mesmerized, as her thick cock slides in and out of your leaking hole, ramming against that sweet spot inside you with every thrust. she notices your desperation, watching closely as you grind like a bitch in heat. the hand on your hip suddenly moves to grasp your leaking cock, and she snickers when you whimper. your dick twitches in her palm, desperate for any form of stimulation.
"aw, are you gonna cum all over yourself? jus' from me fucking ya silly?" she sneers as you grind your cock against her hand, mind lost in pleasure. "what a pretty, dumb whore you are," Harley coos, her pace unrelenting as you begin to sob. "go on doll, you can cum. but don't think 'm done with ya just yet~"
Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley:
Pamela probably wouldn't know much about pegging to begin with but is definitely willing to try it. she's a very confident and self assured dom, so as long as you're comfortable she's down to try pretty much anything
her strap is very pretty, a matte black or green with a few prominent veins. i think her strap would be about 7-8 inches but no more than that, but it would have a decent girth to it as well. big enough to where you feel the stretch, but not so much that it hurts (unlike Harley who wants you to suffer)
fingers you for prep, loves stretching you out and making you cum before she even puts her strap in. her fingers are long, slender, and very pretty, perfect for hitting that sweet spot inside you
i think Pamela would prefer to have you in her lap when she pegs you, with your hands tied behind your back with her vines. she's not as mean as much as she's condescending, switching between praising and degrading you so much it makes your mind all fuzzy
loves to tie you down in general. Pamela very rarely lets you touch her while she's pegging you, instead keeping you bound (and sometimes gagged) and completely at her mercy
COCKWARMING!!!! teases you mercilessly while forcing you to sit on her lap, staying immobile for what feels like hours while she toys with your nipples or kneads the flesh of your thighs. she'll occasionally stroke your cock with her nails, dragging upwards from the base to your twitching tip, only to stop when you do so much as gasp or whine. absolutely makes you suckle on her tits, the sight of you looking up at her with big, innocent doe eyes with one of her breasts in your mouth makes her absolutely feral
loveeesss when you struggle to ride her, grinding down on her strap and blushing like a mess. Pamela forces you to make eye contact with her as she finds it very intimate, and will get irritated if you look away or cover your eyes. she'll also get annoyed if you try to hide your moans or stifle any of your noises
if youre being bratty, she will sometimes offer to let you "take control" and fuck yourself, claiming that "since you're a big boy and can handle yourself, you can pleasure yourself as well". you both know that she's gonna take over for you eventually, but she just enjoys watching you squirm and struggle
puts your cock in a chastity cage while she pegs you so you can't even cum, but will be praising you for taking her so well the entire time. i think she'd find twisted pleasure in watching you cry or beg, so she's definitely edging you until your pleading with her to cum
makes you call her ma'am or mistress, and very occasionally will refer to herself as mommy
Pamela is a little bit into breathe play/choking imo. not enough to make you pass out or hurt you too badly, but definitely to the point where her hand is clamped tight around your throat as she fucks you. she'll keep her hand tight on your throat to help maneuver you as well, especially when she's trying to switch positions or force you to make eye contact
she hates when you get shy or awkward. shes splitting you open on her cock and you're looking away from her? how rude! she's pegging you hard until you apologize, murmuring in your ear and treating you almost like a child. she whispers to you about how she's seen you in even more compromising positions, so don't look away, or else she'll be forced to punish you.
definitely has a high stamina, and probably rides you for a little after pegging you just to bring you both to one more release. Pamela is very cleanly in my opinion, so she definitely prefers to shower or bathe after sex. she's very sweet w aftercare, and will massage you if you're sore.
the familiar feeling of vines wrapping around your wrists makes you shudder, nuzzling deeper into the crook of her neck. Pamela's flowery scent overwhelms your senses as her cock nudges against your prostate, yet she refuses to move. your cock, erect and needy, slaps against your tummy as you squirm.
"i need you to look at me, darling," she coo's, slender hands finding purchase on your hips. "mhm," you murmur, forcing yourself to meet her gaze. "oh? do you want me to fuck you or not?" you realize your mistake, and quickly correct yourself.
"yes, ma'am. m'sorry f'not addressing you," you murmur, and Pamela smirks. "oh, good boy. so polite~" she murmurs, rocking her hips up against yours, making you whine. "good boys deserve rewards, don't you think?"
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince:
listen, i feel like Diana is more experienced than she lets on. theres no way she's never pegged anyone before- this is Wonder Woman we're talking about.
Diana cares mostly about your comfort and pleasure, she's definitely a pleasure dom and wants to make sure you're satisfied. if you're into it, she's down to try it.
her strap is long, i'd say about 9 or maybe even more inches with a prominent tip and a few ridges. i don't think its too thick, but there's definitely enough girth where theres a bit of a stretch, especially at the base. i also think its a plain matte black, she isn't one for extravagant colors and such
very gentle, and cares a lot about prep. definitely fingers you beforehand to stretch you out, and makes sure to use a comfortable amount of lube. i also think she's the type to have you suck her off, even though she doesn't feel anything its SO attractive to see you on your knees and slobbering all over her strap. def fucks your face a little, claiming she needs to make sure her strap is all slick for entry- but really she just loves feeding into your oral fixation
Diana prefers simple missionary position when pegging you, there's something very intimate about watching your expressions and holding intense eye contact. she isn't opposed to the mating press either, and she loves how the angle allows her to fuck you deeper. she often isn't aware of her own strength and, much to your delight, tends to bully her cock deeper inside you by force of sheer will. you are undeniably going to be sore once she's done
wraps her arm beneath you to pull you up against her chest, supporting bot of your weights with just one arm so you can suck on her tits. definitely shoved her boobs into your face, and whether or not that's intentional or not it up to you
speaking of, Diana is literally soooo strong its uncanny. while she prefers the intimacy of the bed, she can definitely peg you up against the wall and hold you up without breaking a sweat. she loves how each thrust causes your hips to slam against the wall, and will force you to wrap your legs around her waist so she can reach even deeper inside you
she's very adamant about praising you, and making sure you know just how much she loves you. Diana definitely has pegged you in front of a floor to ceiling mirror, forcing you to watch her simultaneously peg you and jack you off while praising you the entire time.
"you are taking me so well, beloved, you're so strong and gorgeous... absolutely divine.."
maybe im crazy but. Diana with a breeding kink. HEAR ME OUTTTT. she knows its biologically impossible for her to impregnate you or even cum inside you, but that doesn't stop her from buying one of those straps that allows her to "cum" to satisfy those urges. and satisfy it does. the next thing you know she's fuckinv you absolutely silly, praising you for taking her so well while turning you into her own personal cumdump. its not so bad when she's cooing to you how gorgeous you look like this, and how much she wants to fill you up...
out of the three, Diana is by far the best at aftercare. she'll get you food and water before wiping you down and running you a bath, and then switching the sheets and blankets while you get in the tub before joining you. she gives wonderful massages, and praises you so much you nearly cry.
"your taking me so well, darling," Diana murmurs, pressing a kiss to your brow. you whine, your cock slapping against your tummy as she gazes down st you intently. her thrusts begin to pick up speed and your back arches, desperate to feel her even deeper. Diana slides one hand beneath your thigh, hooking it over her shoulder before repeating the motion with your other leg, until she has you folded in half and is practically splitting you in half on her strap.
the new position allows her to practically rearrange your guts as she drills into you, your gummy walls clamping down around her cock as she whispers sweet nothings into your ear. "you're such a good boy, so pretty f'me," she sighs against your skin. she very rarely slurs her words, but she's caught up in watching you unwind with each thrust. the pure ecstasy on your face is reflected in your wanton moans, and she continues to indulge you. you feel your release approaching as your cock twitches, desperate for attention.
Diana notices immediately, wrapping a hand around your base and pumping your length. "go on, darling, let go for me~" she coos, and you do, spilling onto yourself and making a mess. Diana gently fucks you through your orgasm, watching intently as you come down from your high. "you did so well dearest, i'm so proud.."
ok why did i cook with this hello⁉️ i genuinely love this so much like aaaa i need all of them in my bed asap
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
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a/n: this is what im referencing!!
not requested
“Hel-looooo!” Harley emerged from her room in her “special” holiday attire. A red and green version of her signature outfit with a strange-looking headpiece to accompany it. “You like?”
“What…is it?” You asked, looking at the deer antlers with eight burning candles above her head.
“I call them menor-antlers!” She exclaimed and pointed excitedly atop her head. “‘Cause my mom’s Catholic and my dad’s Jewish! I had Hanukkah and Christmas!”
“Doesn’t that seem…sacrilegious?” You asked Harley, who just shrugged and did a little spin for the full effect of the outfit.
“It’s cool is what it is! Now come pray with me, will ya?”
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @randomfandomimagine // @summersimmerus // @bad4amficideas // @xoxobabydolls // @evilcr0ne // @amirahiddleston // @sydknee624 // @thedarkqueenofavalon //
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