#Harry and Draco friendship
50044w44s · 9 months
Headcanons I have about Teddy Lupin <3
I don't picture father Harry much but i def picture godfather Harry like my life depends on it. Like, Teddy calling Harry "old man" and Harry finding it hilarious. Harry calling him Ted, or Ed, instead of Teddy, makes him feel important and validated.
And he calls them Mom and Dad, or Harry and Ginny, depending on the day. And he would occasionally talk about Remus or Dora and he'd say "My father" or "My mother" and people would ask him like, which one? And I think growing up he wanted to be an auror like his father (Harry) or his mother (Dora), but also growing up he came to realize that it wasn't that great of a job, and he decided for something else, maybe teaching.
He's really good at charms, and bad at transformations, he doesn't do bad at potions but he would never pick it. And for merlin's sake do not ask him to play quidditch because he will die and kill someone in the process. He's a big fan though.
I think he was the most gentle parented kid ever, along with the other Potter kids, and I think he has both surnames cause Harry didn't want him to feel left out of the family, but didn't want to take Lupin's name out. He hopes in the future Teddy will choose for himself which one to use more.
And I think that he wasn't traumatized by his parents deaths, he was able to process them and mourn them and finally listen happily to all the others had to tell him about them.
And I think Andromeda and Molly were the best grandmothers someone could ever ask for. And I think Draco was the cool uncle that offered him a smoke for the first time and was the one Teddy asked for advice with Victorie. And Ron and Hermione were the house he ran to to avoid all the rules Harry's strict ass had.
And he was a happy kid, who grew into a happy adult.
Anyways if you didn't notice, I love Teddy Lupin.
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foxfoots · 9 months
HP Rec Fest: A Favorite Among Favorites (Day 31, aka the finale)
Astra Inclinant by Eleventy7 (Scorpius and James Sirius)
No one was more surprised than me when I loved this story upon first read and then love it above all others. Eleventy7 is probably best knows for their Drarry fics, which is perhaps why this rare pair story centered on Scorpius and James has far fewer reads. (Next gen was never on my radar, and James is typically far from the most intriguing of the Canon offspring.) This fics' lower popularity is a literary shame, as Astra Inclinant is a gorgeous, epic read, the kind of emotionally satisfying saga that spans mutiple years.
This is AU from the very first chapter, and has almost no resemblance to Canon. I love this fic because of the depth and range of emotions contained within. There are tragic losses, deep and abiding love (romantic and familial), miscommunication, hope and happiness, strong friendships... And the most amazing characters. The writing is almost hauntingly beautiful, and this fic remains my most memorable/often thought about HP story among thousands that I've read. It's that good. I promise it's worth the read, even if the main pairing isn't your usual thing.
Also, I send my infinite gratitude to the mods of this Fest! I added quite a few fics to my to-read list (including some new and rare pairs for me.) And thanks to all of the particants for sharing their suggestions.
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drarrargh · 1 year
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handshake 2.0
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daddiesdrarryy · 2 months
Blaise: Hey, you guys came!
Draco: You think we’d miss your first day as a Curse Breaker?
Ron: We’re your friends! And I’m your boyfriend! Who you love! And who loves you! Very much!
Pansy: He was freaking out about everybody seeing you in leather gloves and got jealous
Ron: I told you that in confidence, Pansy!
Pansy: We don’t have that kind of relationship
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oflights · 8 months
i know in retellings draco always befriends hermione because he's a nerd or whatever but this morning i was thinking of a retelling where draco befriends ron because he literally just bribes him. like he sees that harry won't bother with him and lbr no one wanted to be friends with first year hermione but ron seems like he'd be easily bought and draco's dad told him those are the easiest people to get on your side. and also wouldn't it be fun to steal away harry potter's anointed best friend?
so he's like "i'm willing to forget you laughed at my name on the train" and literally just buys ron things until he stops being indignant. he buys him a new wardrobe. endless sweets and toys. he writes to his mother like "hello i'm working on something here can u help" and narcissa is immediately on board.
and ron totally is easily bought. he really is. he pretends to still hate draco but also his mother taught him some manners so it's only polite to accept the little git's gifts. his siblings are sick with jealousy, it's great.
and slowly ron's like "maybe he's not so bad" and progresses to "yes he's weird but i've gotten him to stop with the slurs so" to actual friendship that harry and hermione eventually come around to, too.
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yvieliny · 11 months
Shit my friends have said pt3.
Barty, Evan, Regulus and Severus on an road trip (Evan is Driving , Barty is the co-pilot leaving Regulus and Severus in the back)
Night time 2:50 am
Regulus: There is no way this is fucking happening right now (Regulus said removing his headphone)
Barty turns to look at the back seat: Well I am fucking sorry, how was I supposed to know how far 5 meters where?
Evan: Everyone calm down look there is a gas station up ahead let’s stop and ask for directions
Severus highly annoyed: So we are fucking lost in the middle of nowhere , with no cell service and a creepy ass gas station that looks from the 1600s and you idiots want to “stop and ask for directions” ??!!
Evan and Barty look at each other before nodding : Yeah
Severus : Idiots you both are fucking idiots , this is the type of shit that occurs in Horror movies
Barty: Don’t worry the virgins always survive in Horror movies
Regulus smirks: And the horny slut is the first to go so, don’t worry Barty we will have a nice cock filled funeral for you
Barty sticks his middle finger out
Evan: Fine let’s just turn and go back where we came from even if it is highly illegal since it is a one way road but fine
Severus: So our options are doing something ilegal or dying? Damn this is why my mom worry’s when I go out with my friends
Evan: Holy shit Sev, you got friends?
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halloworhorecrux · 5 months
In case you're wondering.
Goyle is Draco's best man at his wedding.
" I don't have a lot of words, I've always had Draco for that.
But I've to say this.
Potter, I was there when he was chased by peacocks at 3 years old, I was there when he got mauled by a Hippogriff at 13, and now I'm here at 23, so this it --- you didn't ask, but this is me giving you my brother.
You can't hurt him anymore
You've got to take care of him because he has been waiting for you for his whole damn life.
Fuck. Draco, do you remember when we used to play house? Well, Harry, Lucius never knew this, but Draco married you every time. So I know you got shit luck at 3 with the Dursley's, but know that Draco has been yours since then. It may have taken a couple of decades, but he finally found you so he could love you.
It's going to be good, Harry. I know because I've been loved by my brother. So toast ya to my brother and the love of his life"
Draco and Greg dance together to Dean Lewis "How do I say goodbye" as they remember the third member of their trio
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sofixx87 · 3 months
Fears of Harry Potter characters
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🌟Hermione Granger has atychiphobia.
For Hermione, grades were always more important than anything else. Before the exams, she worked all night and knew one hundred percent that she would succeed, but the crazy panic was still present. She was afraid that she wouldn't succeed. That the professor would look her in the eyes and say in disappointment: unsatisfactory, miss.
🌟 Ginny Weasley has pyrophobia.
After the Death Eaters attacked the Burrow and Ginny fearlessly jumped into the fire for Harry, she developed a fear of fire. She was afraid to even get close to the small source of fire. Weasley soon overcame this fear, but she could never use spells that cause fire again.
🌟 Harry Potter is claustrophobic.
Throughout his childhood, Harry spent the night and lived in a small room under the stairs. He was incredibly scared there, and he repeatedly begged his aunt and uncle to let him out of there, but they refused. For this reason, he developed a fear of closed spaces.
🌟 Ron Weasley is arachnophobic.
After yet another joke from his twin brothers, in which Ron almost ate a spider, he became terrified of eight-legged monsters. Weasley was ready to spend the night in another room if he saw a spider in his own.
art: Irina_kulish
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iamnmbr3 · 7 months
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JKR. Ma'am. If you didn't want me to ship drarry why did you write all these darry & jily parallels?
This is almost verbatim what Draco says to Harry in their first meeting.
"Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they, but I know I’ll be in Slytherin, all our family have been — imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?”
These parallels are absolutely intentional. (Tho presumably the point was to show that James was a bully. But JKR really didn't think thru these implications.) And then on the train just as Draco bullying Ron confirmed Harry's dislike of him, James bullying Snape confirms Lily's dislike.
Of course I would argue that James has a much greater penchant for cruelty and violence that Draco does and while he never became a Death Eater as a bully he was worse.
Also why tf does JKR think James is redeemable but Draco isn't even tho Draco canonically regretted his behavior and there's no direct evidence that James did?
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t1oui · 3 months
personally i think love, simon leaving out the book detail of simon and leah shipping drarry was a mistake
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dramioneasks · 2 months
The Handkerchief - Gr8t_78 - E, 140 chapters, Words: 400,277 - **this work is entirely canon compliant** The years at Hogwarts were a trying time for Harry Potter, but he was not the only wizard to experience trials and tribulations over those years. Draco Malfoy, pureblood and heir to two Noble and Ancient Houses within the Sacred 28, finds himself in a secret relationship with a muggle born witch. If his father or his fellow Slytherins found out, he's certain things won't end well for either of them. But his draw to this witch is too great. Following the perspective of Draco beginning in the first year, we see all of the things that Harry missed over the years, namely that his best friend was secretly dating his rival the entire time. How will it all end?
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50044w44s · 9 months
[...] Somehow, they couldn't look up to him, and let him be a child at the same time.
would you read this?
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ceruleanblueshells · 2 days
They lay side by side on the bed, Albus playing with Scorpius's hand. Scorpius wore wrist bands, always, to hide the scars he had gotten. From before. From Delphine. It was a fleeting thought, but Albus couldn't help flinch inwardly. His fingers mapped his palms, reaching his wrists.
It was too hot for wristbands.
Albus didn't dare touch the scars, though he knew they were long past hurting.
He wished he could kiss them, gently. Softly.
" Albus, " Scorpius whispered. When Scorpius said Albus, he meant Albus. And God, he was probably the only one. " Don't. "
He pulled his hands away, and Albus felt empty.
" You know, they're just extra lines. I mean, you get love lines on your palms. I get mine on wrists. "
There was a smile in his voice that sustained Albus like air. He couldn't help smiling as well.
" That's such a shitty joke. "
" You're shitty "
And just like that, everything was fine.
Until it wasn't.
Because obviously Albus couldn't just let things be.
" You know you can tell me anything right ? "
They'd had this conversation in a loop a million times before. He felt Scorpius's shoulder tense beside him, until he let out a long breath.
" Yeah. "
He closed his eyes. The silence stretched so long, he thought Scorpius was asleep , but then ,
" I still dream about him. Craig,I mean. When he ..um..passed away. "
He hates how sad he sounds. When Albus was younger, he had believed he must have swallowed all the sadness in the world to feel the way he felt. But really, he hadn't. Because here was Scorpius, his voice so broken. Albus wished he could swallow it away now.
" I'm sorry. " he whispered, which was inadequate but it was all he had. Because he was sorry. He had lured Scorpius into their save Cedric-time mission. He was the only reason Scorpius had those scars, the reason Scorpius had to carry this sadness.
He felt Scorpius reach for his hand, fingers warm against his. He squeezed gently.
" I still dream about you sometimes. When..when she was torturing you. "
The flash. The screams. The tears.
Scorpius bleeding on the ground.
Even putting words to the image threatened to break something in him.
His breath caught, before he calmed himself. Beside him, Scorpius was still.
There was a long, terrible silence.
Then there was some more.
" Me too. "
And oh.
Now albus's heart really did shatter like fallen china.
He could almost see Scorpius sweating and tossing in bed, waking up from torturous nightmares.
And here was Albus Potter, the culprit, the friend, the one who loved, the one who could do nothing.
Here was Albus Potter, who quietly shifted closer to the boy beside him whom he had a hand in breaking.
"This okay?" He whispered, as he slowly wrapped his arms around his waist. Scorpius nodded, leaning into the touch.
Albus watched as he slowly fell asleep in his arms.
Here was Albus Potter, so completely in love and so wholly destroyed.
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thusspoketrish · 3 months
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A Ferret, a ScarHead, a Weasel, and a Baby Excerpt
Harry sidles up to Weasel, the baby now against his chest, her little cheek right over where his heart is. In several mind-numbingly complicated moves, Weasel has Harry twisting, turning, and lifting his arms until only her little head appears above the sling’s opening, now securely attached to him like the sack of flour she is.
When Weasel steps back, a burst of laughter escapes him so strong that he doubles over, hands on his knees. “Blimey! This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen! Hold on, I have to take a picture of this!” Weasel gasps, all but running out of the foyer despite Draco’s protestations.
“I don’t have all bloody day!” Draco cries, throwing his hands up.
Harry’s arms cradle the baby, a tranquil look on his face. As Draco watches him smile down at her, some of the fiery indignation lodged in his chest begins to die down. He takes a moment to look Harry up and down, and another feeling settles in the pit of his stomach. He’s startled to find that it’s lust.
Draco can’t figure out why or how, but Harry looks astonishingly fitter than usual with a baby attached to him. Draco finds that he can’t look away, instead indulging in the warm feeling spreading from the pit of his stomach to the rest of his body, a hot and hungry feeling, thriving as if it’s sucking all the heat out of the air.
The sack of flour sneezes, and Harry visibly melts. “You are so precious,” he whispers tenderly, one of his massive hands coming up to gently smooth over the baby’s wispy blonde hair before placing her knitted hat on.
Harry’s eyes then meet Draco’s and slowly widen. His eyebrows inch towards his hairline with every silent second that ticks by between them until there’s a blinding flash of light, startling both of them out of their locked gaze.
Draco’s never been so thankful for Weasel’s timing.
Read FSW+B on AO3 HERE!
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aelitnoe-chmo · 2 years
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golden trio and draco malfoy but everything is finally okay and they're friends
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Draco sat with his head resting in his hand staring across the Great Hall in the direction of the one and only Potter. Potter was sat with another nameless girl, charming her with pleasantries and a smile.
“What is your problem,” a voice came from next to him. Pansy leaned in next to him to see what he was staring at. “Oh my Merlin,” she rolls her eyes “you’re actually pathetic.”
Draco turns to face her fully, crossing his arms and scoffing. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“I’m talking about how, if looks could kill, blondie over there with Potter would be dead.” She smirks as Draco rolls his eyes. “I do not care who he chooses to speak to.” Draco turns his head, glancing over at Potter, “There’s no way he has an interesting thought running through that massive head of his”
He looks back at Pansy after hearing her laugh. “Careful Draco,” she starts with a sly smirk “or one may mistake you as jealous.”
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