#He just has the Spongebob treatment is all
shellyswirlz · 8 months
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A little rant..! HELP ME.., Knxmsmsndndnsnn..,
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beybaldes · 9 months
✨mr krabs i have ideas✨
festus with tanners mentor!girlfriend makes my brain tingle because there’s so much there
arachne and her being so happy they get to work together because they both got the 10s. controversially i am an arachne lover so childhood bestie!arachne is everything to me. they could never make me hate her. 😔
festus and her being there when arachne dies at the zoo and (according to book canon) walking home with clemmie and coryo after she’s taken by medics. festus proposes they all go to his apartment but when they get there he bursts into tears and mentor!girlfriend has to send clemmie and coryo on their way and ushers festus inside and stays with him.
later trying to convince festus to create an alliance between coral and tanner and festus teasingly telling her that he could think of a few ways she could convince him
her and festus being together at the arena but went their seperate ways to talk to other mentors and gather information. bombs go off and chaos ensues as they try to find each other
i have so many festus thoughts but im just going to leave this here and not be annoying
SpongeBob! You popped the fuck off with this one! (Also not annoying at all pls send me all your festus thoughts) also also sorry this took so long I finished uni for Christmas and have been in every day since oops, I really enjoyed writing this though. More festus to come ⁎⁺˳✧༚
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- you and Arachne are basically siblings the way you grew up together
- I’m talking inseparable : born within two weeks of each-other and grew up as next door neighbours, walked into the academy on your first day together holding hands, sat next to each other at lunch every day, had joint birthday parties every year, etc
- no one could tear the two of you apart
- well, except a pretty determined festus creed, who laid eyes on you the second you walked into that classroom at 6 years old and knew he wanted to be your best friend instead
- Arachne, ever the social butterfly, was quick to attract a large group of friends around the two of you, which gave festus the perfect chance to get to know you better
- as the years went by you and Arachne stayed best friends, but if anyone asked you to name your closest friends, festus creed would also be on that list
- he was ever so charming, and a good listener (though only when it came to you) and when everyone seemed to move at Arachne’s beck and call, he would wait for yours to do anything
- it was sweet, in its own way, and it’s one of the things that drives the two of you to end up together
- like, obviously, festus has had a crush on you since he was a boy
- but you finally start to realise you like him back when all these little things start adding up
- he looks at you for your reaction whenever someone says something, he sits or walks or stands next to you at every chance he gets, he brings you the homework when you’re sick, he carries your bag around for you, he pulls your chair out for you in the canteen
- honestly the list goes on and on
- but the thing that finally gets the two of you together is when you and Arachne have a fight
- it had only been something stupid, but because everyone was Archane’s friend before they were yours, they take her side
you’d been sat on the steps outside the academy, eating your lunch alone in the sunshine while everyone else had gathered at your usual table. Though you knew you were still welcome there, you didn’t want to have to deal with the silent treatment from Arachne (and therefore everyone else) while she built up the courage to admit she was wrong like she always eventually did when it came to you. It was peaceful away from the noise of the canteen, and you found you didn’t mind being alone - at least, alone until the sound of someone running down the steps and right towards you, reached your ears.
Festus Creed took a seat right beside you, his lunch tray in hand and his backpack in the other. “You didn’t show up to lunch. I was worried sick.”
“Me and Arachne had a fight, a squabble really. It was literally over what we thought one of the answers were on the history of Panem homework.” Festus laughed as you did, swapping half of his orange with half of your apple slices. “She’s upset with me though, so I figured everyone would be upset with me.”
“Well, if it makes you fell any better, I think she’s upset with me now as well.” You looked at him confused; your confusion only growing as a smile curled on his lips. “I don’t think she’s too fond of the fact that I am oh so fond of you.”
you lean in and kiss him before his words can truly settle inside of you. but hours later, when they fully do, all you can think about is how you can’t wait to kiss him again sometime.
- when the reaping finally roles around, you and all your friends having to take on the role of mentors for the tributes, you and Arachne get the boy and the girl from 10 and it couldn’t be more perfect
- well, it’d be more perfect if you didn’t have to be mentors at all but, you know what I mean
- the two of you basically plan for your tributes to team up to fight against the other tributes because obviously 🙄 but all that goes awry when Arachne’s tribute kills her
your first reaction is complete stillness and silence. from the moment Arachne’s girl reaches through the bars of the zoo and stabs her right in the throat you have been completely silent. you couldn’t move, you couldn’t think, you couldn’t breath, you couldn’t scream. Total nothingness. you could only watch as Coriolanus ran forward, bravely pressing his hands against the wound in an effort to save your best friend. You didn’t even manage to get the words out to thank sweet Sejanus plinth, who dragged you to the floor and pressed you under him as peacekeepers rain bullets at the rouge tribute. Even when the gunfire stops and Arachne lies too still for a living person, even when Festus takes you from Sejanus and thanks him on your behalf, even on the walk home sandwiched between festus and Coryo, who’s hands are still covered in the thick of Arachne’s blood, you can’t seem to find the words. It’s only on the doorstep of festus’s apartment - the smell familiar and warm and welcoming - when things seem to catch up to you.
before he can even unlock the door to let you, Coriolanus, and Clemensia inside you’ve burst into hysterical tears: sobbing, gasping, wretching at the thought of what you’ve lost tonight. Festus sends Coryo and Clemmie on their way and ushers your inside, through the house and right to his bedroom, where he guides you to sit on the edge of the bed and kneels before you, hands cradling your face. “You’re okay, you’re okay sweet thing, just breathe.” His grip on your face tightens ever so slightly when you don’t seem to calm down, but it only helps to ground your more. “Breathe with me okay? You’re gonna be okay, sweet thing, it’s all gonna be okay.”
- you sit front row of her funeral beside Coriolanus and selfishly wish you had festus at your side instead
- when festus makes his way to his seat, which he finds is right behind yours, he reaches his hand between the gaps in the chairs and connects it with yours
- he holds your hand the whole way through the funeral and after, until the two of you end up in bed that night and he finally lets go to hold you fully, pressed against his chest as he cradled you to him
- when he wakes up the following morning however, it’s like he’s with an entirely different version of you
- it’s still you, but you’re cold, refusing to cry or grieve or do anything but focus on the games - all you want now is to get things over and done with
- winning doesn’t matter and you don’t really care what happens to your tribute, you just want to go home (which was concerning to you because physically, you were home)
“you need to convince Coral to partner up with Tanner.” you’re sitting at your dressing table as you to speak to Festus, him in his uniform on your bed as he waited for you to get ready to go and bond further with your tributes for the day. “He doesn’t stand a chance alone, he needs the help. Coral does, hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they won.”
Festus only wiggled his eyebrows at you, meeting your gaze in the reflection of your mirror. “Well, sweet thing, I’m sure I could be convinced…” Festus is quickly quietened by your hairbrush smacking against his chest. “I was only saying!”
When he sees you try and smother the smile that tries to form on your face he stands from the bed, crossing the room, and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, speaking to your reflection. “Everything is going to be okay sweet thing. Trust me. In a week from now all this will be behind us and we can get on with the rest of our lives. You and me, a house somewhere in the upper city, two university degrees, other things. Whatever you want will be ours.” Your hands reached up to hold into his arms that wrapped around you, squeezing them lovingly as your stoic composure quickly dissolved. “But if what will soothe your roaring mind right now is an alliance between our tributes, then an alliance you shall have, sweet thing.”
You lean into his hold, titling your head to press a kiss to his clothed arm. “I love you, festus.” It didn’t matter that you knew he wouldn’t say it back just yet, he had always had a hard time verbalising his feelings, because you knew that he loved you, you could feel it right in this moment more then ever before.
- and then, only hours later, the trip to the arena came, and with it, the attack from the rebels
- festus had left your side for approximately 5 seconds, going to drag coral away from Tanner and the boy from 7 (who you hoped were all planning an alliance) when the first bomb went off
your ears ring with a shrill noise that only further disoriented you, your view blurry as you looked up from the rubbed floor of the arena and into the flames. the blast of the bomb from behind you had sent you flying forward, yet, you couldn’t see festus anywhere. smoke filled the room and rubble littered the floors, pieces of the ceiling and walls falling into the centre of the arena in the aftershocks.
you try and stand but your legs fail you and your arms shake with the effort you used to try and push yourself off of the floor. Rubble is falling closer and closer to you with each second, you can’t hear or see anything to anyone, let alone festus, and you’re sure that this is how you’re going to die.
just as you’re about it close your eyes and accept your fate, a shadow emerges from the ashes, running in your direction and yelling what you think is your name. it’s only when they grab you by the arms and hoist you up that you begin to see and hear properly again. “Coral.” You whisper, reaching out and caressing their face.
they seem unfazed, wrapping your arm around their shoulder and holding it against their collar bone while the other wraps tightly around your waist. “your leg is injured, so I’m going to have to drag you, okay? It might hurt.” your barley feel the pain in your leg and if you were any more conscious you might be worried about that, but right now all you can think about is how they came and saved you from the rubble. Coral could’ve ran, for freedom, to leave you for dead, for whatever. but they hadn’t, and a part of you didn’t really understand.
“you saved me.” you whispered, only loud enough for them to hear as they continued to drag you through the arena and to the exit. “what about you’re friends?”
“they’re fine.” they answered, helping you through the barricade and ever closer to safety. “so’s your little boyfriend. they all got dragged out by peacekeepers pretty quickly. we were too far in the destruction to be found as fast.”
you hear him before you see him. festus creed is calling your name in a wretched cry, sobs accentuating everything that came from his mouth. and when you catch sight of his frame, he’s being restrained by two peacekeepers, who seem to be insisting that he can’t go back in there, that’s they’ll find you but he needs to wait out here. before you can call out to him, Coral does so for you. “they need help! their leg!”
all eyes turn to you. you and the tribute from four gripping tightly onto each other, covered in ash and scrapes, hand gripping hand. it’s something festus never thought he’d see and it has him questioning everything he’s ever known. maybe the people from the districts were just like you and him. maybe everything he’d been told was wrong and it was silly to punish children, like himself, for the crimes of their fathers.
what he does know for certain is that he’s never run so fast in his life. he reaches you before the peacekeepers can and tears you from Corals hold, thanking them profusely even as peacekeepers drag them away to go with the rest of the tributes who made it out alive. he grips you with a strength you didn’t know he had, a hand cupping the back of your head and holding you tight against him. “I thought I lost you, God, I thought I lost you. I though you were…” he can’t say it, can’t bring himself to speak it out loud less he makes it come true. “All the rubble and the smoke and the fires, and when I tried to search for you they dragged me out. They told me I couldn’t go back in for you: I would’ve gone back in. I never should’ve left your side, what if you’d-“
He shakes his head, pulling you out of the safety of his hold so he can cup your face, thumbs runnings cross your tear-stained cheeks as he looks at you. “Never leave me. Not like that, not ever. Please. Promise me.”
He’s never sounded so pleading, so desperate, and he’s never wanted for anything more in his life. “I won’t, I’m sorry, I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.” You’re a blubbering mess in festus’s arms, gripping to the back of his red blazer like your life depends on it. Your cries only worsen as the ringing in your ears starts to fade and you start to feel a throbbing pain in your leg. “I’m sorry. I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, I love you too, I love you too.”
- festus follows you to the hospital and everywhere else after that
- but like seriously
- he already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you and the attack in the arena only solidified that idea
- the hunger games are over and Lucy grey is crowned their winner within the week
- festus proposes the following morning
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mugman64 · 1 year
Percy Jackson Headcanons
(A lot of these are inspired by other people’s ideas)
-Percy has Tattoos
Lots of little ones to symbolize his friends both dead and alive, obviously a tattoo devoted to Sally. But he also has forearm tattoos of the symbols of the gods and goddesses he respects, it’s only a rainbow, a firepoker in a hearth, and a silver arrow on his forearms.
-Percy introduces all his godly cousins by stupid names
Sally honestly wasn’t surprised when a god showed up at the door, she was surprised when Percy called him “cousin snake man and his two pocket snakes” (who he promptly fed rats).
-Percy has a New York accent It only comes out when he’s really angry, tired, or horny. Annabeth hears it more than others.
-Percy has long hair
It grew out past shoulder length while he was missing and he hasn’t cut it since. Both Annabeth and Sally like it, but when he grows a beard he looks like the Poseidon of myth.
-Percy can Cook
He learned from his mom and has never stopped. Baking, grilling, cooking, smoking. if it’s a type of cooking, he does it, and he does it well. Nico avoided Percy for two months after losing a pasta competition to him and even that wasn’t long enough to avoid the shame.
-Percy, Lee, Beckendorf, Silena, and Clarrise where all really close friends
It started when Percy wanted to learn to make stuff in the forge, which snowballed into Beckendorf basically adopting Percy and introducing him to his crew. It took a couple years but eventually Clarrise warmed up to him, they were a crucial part of each others mental recovery after the Titan war.
-Percy is a stoner
Just enough to keep the edge off but he refuses to touch alcohol due to Gabe. Beckendorf and Lee spent like 2 months researching demigods, filing a report, submitting it to Athena, and gaining her seal of approval on the “Study of Drugs on Demigod Physiology” (It basically says demigod minds and bodies are durable enough to nullify addictive chemicals and the negative effects of some drugs). The group celebrated the approval of such a study by smoking and watching the live action Alvin and the Chipmunks.
-Percy loves SpongeBob
Percy is currently giving Poseidon the silent treatment because he refused a burger cooking contest with him despite Percy pulling the golden spatula from the grease in front of him. Also, yes, Poseidon does look similar to early SpongeBob Neptune, and no he has no clue how Percy managed to smuggle a bucket of grease and a golden spatula into Atlantis.
-Percy is a pirate
After his third quest Percy went ape shit trying to fight the war and end it before it took anymore lives. It culminated in him carrying a gun at all times and rebuilding an old sunken ship to its former glory. He didn’t get to use it until the summer leading into the titan war where he sunk 4 ships transporting monsters and 2 ships that were moving illegal objects
-Percy doesn’t fight for Olympus
Percy has never cared about the gods beyond making sure they don’t hurt the people he loves. His speech during the battle of Manhattan was a call to the demigods to fight to protect each other, to protect their family, and to fight this war so the next generation of demigods might not have to. Him and every other counselor sees their jobs as protecting the youngest and newest demigods above all else.
-Percy is musical
Whether it’s because he has the sea coursing through his veins or something else he’s good at singing, guitar, and most instruments. He occasionally used to play as a joke for kids at camp. Now it’s mostly a coping mechanism for the wars and Tartarus, anyone that needs music to relate to is free to listen.
Most of the counselors and elder hunters have a shared memory of the night before the last day of the Titan war. None of them could sleep out of fear of the unavoidable casualties tomorrow would bring, so they gathered in the most secluded room and sat and mourned. Eventually, Percy broke out a bag of weed to help everyone relax since they couldn’t sleep while Percy and Grover performed a heart-stopping rendition of Peace Train by Cat Stevens.
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bruhstation · 4 months
can't quite tell when casa tidmouth is set but given how much work has to be done online these days, who do you think would be tech literate v tech phobic? I can see thomas trolling on twitter and james endlessly posting on insta while gordon can barely open his emails and gets furious when anyone brings this up (edward has no idea either but he's willing to ask and learn. and he loves cat memes.)
casa tidmouth is set in the summer of 1999! though their fashion sense and architecture are more leaning to the 60s and 70s due to gold dust shenanigans. there are computers ofc so the cast use the internet
the younger ones are the most tech literate, like thomas and percy. if modern websites were around during the 90s thomas would be trolling people on twitter. he loves seeing people seethe. especially gordon. his opponent would give him well thought out replies and thomas would just reply with a stupid reaction image or “not reading all of that”. he tried doing the same on a subreddit only to get jumped there
percy likes browsing youtube! and blogging about his life on various social medias! he posts pictures of the railway and his friends from time to time. “been getting into yoghurt lately” “does anyone remember that show about talking tugboats” percy doesn’t have a large following but his internet circle likes him because he’s nice and positive. also he and thomas love spongebob youtube poops so so much it pisses gordon off
james would post instagram selfies. correct. he uses way too many tags like #railway #girl #boy #nonbinary #hottie #selflove #selfie etc etc but he gets 10 likes at max on. he has to deal with thomas_a.billington commenting “idc” under his posts almost every week
the older bunch of the cast don’t really use the internet that much. especially edward since he’s got books for the things he need help with. he doesn’t know how account verifications work so he gave up on social media. he’s very online on goodreads and online bookstores though. edward likes history videos. asmr too. the ones titled Gentle Rain - Rain Sounds For Sleeping, Concentration, Healing - 99% Works [10 Hours]. toby’s the same except he’s more casual
henry and gordon would struggle with opening and replying tonemails (edward too but he’s patient and doesn’t even use the internet that much). the latter especially to the point it pisses him off. “we should use letters like normal people” gordon says. he also doesn’t touch social media because “it’s beneath me” but we all know he struggles with it and is most likely to get baited into entering heated debates so he had to restrain himself. he does like cat videos. they’re cute. cooking channels too. he’s a bit embarassed about it though
henry founds himself stopping by forums like yahoo answers or quora every once in a while and even got into arguments with housewives about taking care of plants. gordon gets dragged into the mischief and encourages henry to fight back. show them who’s the boss in petunias and roses and dahlias. “do NOT lose. this is a matter of pride and dignity” the forum then got locked after 500 replies and henry gave gordon the silent treatment for 24 hours after he gained post internet argument clarity
tldr this is thomas’ relationship with his coworkers online
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coco-bee · 3 months
Welcome to Coco’s Review! Where I review and breakdown episodes, movies and etc and overthink every tiny detail and/or give my thoughts and opinions :D
Today I’ll be discussing Ramshackle by Zeddyzi
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Ramshackle is an animated pilot by online creator Zeddyzi that’s been in development since 2010 and has a thesis film, webtoon and now an animated pilot! (I’ll be discussing the Pilot)
It’s about three street rats Vinnie, Stone and Skipp who try to survive the grimy and gross streets of Ramshackle with their various scams and schemes while trying not to die!
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The animation is really good! The characters have very expressive faces and sharp silhouettes! All the designs feel so angular and have a very warm color palette! Not to mention there’s the sorta coffee paper or brown paper texture to it that I really like!!
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And it takes what Disney did during their Bronze Age with the scribbly line art and that scratchy kinda feel. (even using crosshatching)
I also find it interesting how the town of Ramshackle is set in its own universe and not sticking to a specific timeline with its mix of different vintage aesthetics mixed together! (in the creator’s words)
To me it feels a lot like a mix of the Great Depression and the Victorian Era!
The humor is a lovechild of early season Spongebob and Gravity Falls! Because this pilot is so fucking funny for no reason 😭
It just has so much visual comedy and dialogue that makes you go “Did I hear that correctly??”
I’ll be honest the plot isn’t perfect but the characters and humor easily makes up for it and makes things very enjoyable!! THE LITTLE DETAILS THEY PUT IN THE BACKGROUND JUST CRACK ME UP WITH EVERY REWATCH!
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These are some of my personal favorite details but it’s more fun to spot them yourself!!
I also want to talk about Maggot who is a baby the trio found and decided to try and raise!
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I’m not going to spoil the ending BUT MAGGOT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
I love how they didn’t go with just the dumb baby trope with Maggot- I swear he is such an entertaining part of the pilot I’m a little sad he probably won’t appear in the series again 😔
And just the comedy they got out of him is so great I love him smm
The main trio are just as entertaining!
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They complement each other so well!! The way they bounce off each other and have very different personalities but the same goals
I’ll get this out of the way VINNIE IS SO DAMN HOT ARGHHH LIKE AAAAA I LOVE HER SMM- Shes so badass and lowkey reminds me of Grunkle Stan personality wise
Stone is basically the mandatory emo boy but now hes upgraded to main character- I love his unlimited supply of alcoholic drinks and I hope tumblr loves him
Skipp is just underrated imo 😭 I love how he has a heart of gold but he also doesnt mind scamming people (he has no other choice anyway
The way theyre so caring with Maggot just warms my heart<33
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Anyway there are only a few complaints I have- some of the jokes can be hit or miss and it gets a bit chaotic which can possibly be a little overwhelming. Bug I want to talk about the “scam” aspect of the main premise, I feel like the webtoon explored that part of the trio’s lives much better than the pilot. They could’ve done a lot of interesting scams with a baby but applying him to a baby pageant isn’t really a scam.
The obvious commentary on the high class’s treatment of the lower class feels a bit on the nose in my opinion (like it feels almost too obvious) but doesn’t spoil the experience. Like I said the humor and character still make up for it!!
I highly recommend this pilot and series!!
Congrats to Zeddyzi and their team for bringing this year long project to life!
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This is Coco typing… Thank you for reading!
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kiiyunz · 15 days
a look into kihyun’s room ★
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if there’s any two things consistent with kihyun, it’s clutter and colour—and those traits, of course, carried over to his room also; both back when he was living in the DREAM dorm and his current shared apartment with jisung. it’s given the same treatment as any of his bags, except this time on a much larger scale (and with far more lava lamps). there’s posters and cds and photographs all over his walls, figurines and albums and a whole host of other various trinkets he’s bought or been given over the years covering most surfaces and shelves in his bookcase (that is most definitely used more for stuff rather than any actual books), rugs and plushies decorating his floor (and a large corner of his bed—the plushies, that is), and every inch is distinctly him. you can tell from the moment you step inside, and he’s worked hard since moving in to make it that way.
in the cleanliness aspect, he tries, but he doesn’t always succeed. there’s normally jackets tossed over the back of his desk chair, shoes stray from their pair lying rogue after having tumbled from his shelf dedicated purely to shoes, stationery and half-read manga and even the odd photocard lying scattered across his desk. but he doesn’t obsess over the fact it isn’t the picture of tidiness—he defends himself using the fact that his room being a little messy makes it feel far more lived-in, far more homely. and that’s sort of his end goal, anyway. he wants his room to function as not only a space for himself, but also one for his friends to pop into or hang around and feel completely at ease in. that’s part of the reason behind the abundance of soft cushions, low lighting, the assortment of beanbags and blankets he probably wouldn’t need otherwise. he treasures the people he loves, and has no issue in saying it, but he’s found that the unspoken gestures are a good way to get his message across also.
a few of his most treasured possessions that can be found within his room include: the framed picture of him & his family in their apartment, taken the first time he visited home after debuting, his record player (a gift from johnny on his eighteeth birthday), his PS4 (bought by him, despite his general dislike of most video games. it fluctuates between the living room and his bedroom, and he uses it mainly for just dance, singstar, and also has a few games in the yakuza series at hendery’s insistence. and also fortnite, which he only ever plays once in a blue moon. he always begs jeno to gift him things whenever he signs on, and usually gets exactly what he asks for), his completed liar game manga collection, and the various plushies he holds in a slightly higher regard than the rest of his extensive collection—a spongebob won by mark at a hook-a-duck at a fair, and a domo; one of the first things he bought himself for his dorm with the rest of the DREAM members. honourable mentions go to his CHEWING GUM cd, a signed d.o. photocard, and his custom rug of the 1991 ep.
in short, his room to him feels like his own little pocket in time and space that he’s put time into curating, and is always eager to let a friend into should they need it—it isn’t like there’ll be a shortage of things to do, after all, what with the countless manga volumes strewn around, cds and vinyls stacked high on the shelves—and of course, kihyun himself, with conversation always at the ready; or an easy quiet if that’s what’s preferred.
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maxslibrary · 1 year
Hi I heard you do stuff on nicktoons (barely see people do that so that made very happy)
Could you possibly do a spongebob X trans male reader?
[Spongebob X Trans Male!Reader Headcannons]
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(This is my first time really writing anything for the ol' yellow guy so forgive me if it's a little off!)
So let's get the obvious out of the way. Spongebob is SUPER supportive of you!
He sticks by you when you're feeling gender dysphoria of any kind.
He tends to call you a "handsome man!" and all that cheesy junk honestly.
He has a lot of love languages but his main one is touch. He'll often reach his hand to hold yours at random times. He'll respect your boundaries if needed but generally speaking he's big on touch.
Something cute I can imagine him doing is that if he sees you in a binder or with top scars he calls you manly! He doesn't care what your chest looks like he's a man to you. :]
If you go and eat at the Krusty Krab he'll be distracted at his job for once. He'll lean over the window thing (I forget what it's called) and just sigh as he watches you.
Speaking of Krusty Krab! Squidward and Mr.Krabs probably know some random tidbits about you thanks to Spongebob talking about you A. LOT. In the Krusty Krab you're mainly known as "The Fry Cook's Boyfriend." very good title to have when it comes to your treatment in the establishment.
You're just on his mind often and he cares a lot about you.
Sometimes you'll get random letters in the mail from him, love letters about random things he likes about you. He notices little things about you and he loves those little things.
I can imagine when you first came out to him as Trans!Masc he instantly took to the terms that'd be applied to you.
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abubblingcandle · 9 months
🌹🌹 roses for you!
Muchly appriciated. Focus today has been on Ch3 of Where the Hell is the Karma? which I don't really want to share any of because it should be up tomorrow (you know when I said it was nearly done at 3600 words ... it's now 7000 lol), and A Treatment Room Doors Moment because I'm having a kick of inspiration for it. So hears a little bit from Ch5 of ATRDM
“How about this Pheebs? We find Uncle Roy a nice café and get him some ice cream and you tell me all about your season so far while queueing for that Spongebob ride so we don’t have to take your bag with us?” Jamie grinned, bending down to Phoebe’s height to discuss with her. “I can fucking ride the Spongebob ride,” Roy growled. “But wouldn’t it be nicer to have ice cream instead of having to queue with loads of ew, children,” Jamie replied in his best talking to a child voice and Phoebe giggled. “I can fucking ride the Spongebob ride,” Roy repeated, gritting his teeth to try and not lash out at Jamie. Jamie sighed, worrying his lip and staring at the floor. “Mind giving me and your uncle a moment Pheebs. How about you grab that bench for us?” Jamie’s forced smile returned and Phoebe nodded, running to claim a seat before someone else grabbed it. Jamie gave her a little nod before turning to face Roy, smile still plastered on his face. “What the fuck are you doing Roy?” he hissed through clenched teeth. “What the fuck are you doing trying to sideline me?” Roy snapped. “You can barely walk you twat. I know you should be on crutches right now but chose not to start a fight about that. We’ve been on our feet most of the day. Every time you walk up stairs the noise makes me want to vomit. I’m trying to save your leg and also your mood. That queue is fucking long. Just sit down, read a book and eat some ice cream instead of suffering for literally no fucking reason. Fucking idiot,” Jamie ranted. “My knee is fine. I got that damn surgery so that I could do things with Phoebe, so that she wouldn’t have to not do things because of my injuries anymore,” Roy grunted. “Great, well done you for making one sensible choice in the last god knows how long but one, Phoebe isn’t missing out because the hottest footballer in the prem is going to take her on whatever rides she wants and buy her so much sugar because he doesn’t have to witness the consequences. Two, if you fuck up your knee more by being a stubborn little shit then you are just going to miss out on more in the future,” Jamie stated, counting his points on his fingers. Roy had to do the one thing that he hated more than anything else in the world … admit that Jamie had a point.
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theseventhoffrostfall · 6 months
I saw your post where you said your pet theory about Judge Holden is that he’s the narrator of Blood Meridian, which I found both very intriguing and fun.
But the more I thought about it, I eventually realized there seems to be two things possibly hindering the legitimacy of the theory, and I wanted to discuss, if you don’t mind. I know you made your post months ago, so I don’t know if you still stand by your theory, but I don’t really have anybody to discuss BM with.
The first potential snag is a simple question: If we want to assume Holden is the narrator, how would he know about where the Kid came from, why he ran away, what he did before they met, etc. when it seems like the Kid never told anyone about those things, and Holden - for all his incredible knowledge - isn’t omniscient. Do we have to assume he DID tell someone like Toadvine or Tobin off-page during their long travels and the judge overheard him? With how guarded emotionally the Kid is, I didn’t think that would happen.
How I came to an answer for it was by considering that maybe at some point the Judge decided to do research on this boy to understand him, to find out WHY he showed “clemency to the heathen”, in the hopes of one day dominating him, and used reasoning to retrace the Kid’s steps, like perhaps starting off with remembering the Kid would have a Tennessean accent and going to TN as a starting point. It’s a stretch, but that’s what I came up with.
The second hiccup regards the narration’s physical descriptions of the Judge throughout the novel, which come off like we’re supposed to view Holden as strange, off-putting, and kind of disgusting-looking. The example that sticks out in my mind is when the gang is at the bathhouse in Chihuahua City and he’s directly compared to a manatee, which has pretty much never been used as a flattering comparison. In contrast, the way Holden acts shows he’s very comfortable in his own skin to the point where he frequently goes naked, with nothing to suggest he deals with any sort of insecurity, or even a self-deprecating nature.
The only justification I can come up with is that he’s like SpongeBob in that one episode where he goes “I’M UGLY AND I’M PROUD!!!”
All in all, I still find your “Holden is the narrator theory” to be fun on a surface level, but for now I wouldn’t personally believe it. Heck, maybe this whole time you never took the theory seriously either and I’ve just been babbling inanely, but even three months after reading BM I still got it lodged in my brain and I gotta let some of my thoughts out.
Yo, sorry for the late answer.
I wouldn't say the theory is something I dwelt a very long time on, so I don't think it's foolproof by any means, but I might be able to address those two points you mentioned.
One, it's possible Holden out of curiosity did walk up the kid's backtrail--he's shown to be obsessive about knowing everything, especially something like a young kid who manages to defy his influence. He's not omniscient, but he also routinely shows that he has knowledge that no one else has and he has no way of knowing, such as the ancient stone-builders he goes on his infamous rant about. Some thirty years pass between the kid escaping him and their reunion, so he'd have plenty of time to follow up through means mundane or (if you buy into the common theories) supernatural. He's a convincing enough authority figure/intellectual that him showing up at the kid's family farm and ascertaining that the current owners' uncle or whatever ran away at fourteen is well within the realm of possibility.
Two, he clearly delights in making people squirm. Usually this takes the form of tearing down their philosophical and theological views, but it occasionally delves into more blunt methods (like his treatment of the native kid he 'rescues'). I don't think it's wholly coincidental that he resembles the Baron Harkonnen of Dune fame, who's stated to have cultivated a disgusting appearance out of perverse glee for being so loathsome. Being an ugly, unnerving figure galivanting around in 'polite' company seems to me to be completely up his alley.
Ultimately, though, my theory's based more on the voice it takes matching his voice more than any other, along with certain quirks of his--he's obsessive about the natural world while holding (or at least espousing) horrifically racist views, and the narration gets extremely purple regarding the landscape and natural world around them (recall a sunrise being described like the arrival of an eldritch god) while unflinchingly referring to Native peoples as 'savages' and dwelling on the squalor of Mexican and some American settlements.
But yeah, it's not something I'm 100% convinced on myself, and certainly not something I'd bicker over defending.
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jajanvm-imbi · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel 4 episode premiere review Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
I got my main criticisms out of the way so now I get to have fun and gush about the stuff I enjoyed and hopefully will continue to enjoy! Because honestly even though I think the writing and pacing are objectively bad, I'm still having fun with this series like I do with Helluva Boss, and its mainly for one reason:
The voice cast is singlehandedly carrying the show.
Viv may not be great at character design or storytelling, but if she's good at one thing she is damn good at casting.
The voice cast is perfect, they all understood the assignment. Like everyone who was saying the new cast was gonna be worse than the pilot cast for the sole reason that they weren't the pilot cast were just flat out wrong. They all ate and are all easily the most enjoyable part of the series.
Erika Henningsen was the perfect choice for Charlie, she fits the role of "Disney Princess in Hell" like a glove. She's bubbly and sweet and excitable and kind! She fits this role way better than she fit the role of Cady in the Mean Girls musical (I said what I said) She sounds so much like Mandy Moore as Rapunzel, another favorite character of mine!
Blake Roman's performance???? As Angel??? Hello sir???? My jaw was on the floor during Angel's scene with Valentino because I was absolutely blown away by his performance. It was heartbreaking and raw and impactful, a stellar performance. I have a good feeling Blake Roman is gonna get the Alex Brightman treatment after this winning combination of his performance as Angel Dust and his Broadway debut in "Harmony: A New Musical". Blake Roman is a STAR
Speaking of Alex Brightman, man do I love his voice. I've been on the Alex Brightman stan train for years now, waaaaaaaaay before Helluva Boss. I've loved Alex Brightman since his performance as Dewy Finn in the School of Rock Musical (which is criminally underrated. There could not have been a better casting decision for Dewy) Hearing Alex Brightman sing a more rock style song for the first time since his School of Rock days was so so wonderful. "Hell is Forever" was the best part of ep 1 there I said it. Not to mention his performance as Sir Pentious is also quite enjoyable. All of his voice work has gotten him so much positive exposure too! I'm so glad he's getting all the love and attention he deserves after being so underrated for so long. Its like the universe is apologizing for kicking Beetlejuice out of the Winter Garden Theater and replacing it with the Music Man and also robbing him of his Tony back in 2019. (Alex Brightman deserved Best Male Lead in a Musical at the 2019 Tony's argue with the wall)
Christian Borle as Vox was such a fun choice! I've also been a Christian Borle stan for many years now, since I listened to the "Legally Blonde" musical for the first time back in 2017 where he played Emmett Forrest. I'm always happy to hear one of my Broadway faves perform in something, and I was thrilled to find out he was going to be part of the cast!
Lili Cooper as Velvette was also a pleasant surprise! She killed it. She's brash and loud and confident and the accent was a nice touch too! Loved her as Sandy in the Spongebob musical, love her as Velvette.
I don't really have much to say about the rest of the main and supporting cast, they all sound great! I can't wait to hear Jeremy Jordan as Lucifer, Leslie Kritzer as Roise and Darren Criss as St. Peter!
And last but not least, Amir Talai as Alastor. Holy shit is he fun! Amir Talai was the voice that inspired Alastor in the first place, so I'm glad they got him in the cast! I kept seeing people say that he wasn't "intimidating enough" as a Alastor and that he was much weaker than Edward Bosco and all I have to say is:
How does it feel to be wrong?
Because Amir Talai ATE THIS UP. He devoured. Not a CRUMB IN SIGHT. I get all giggly when I hear him sing "let's begin", its so playfully sinister and perfect and lovely. Every single line delivery is perfect.
But even with such a spectacularly talented Broadway cast, the decision to make Hazbin a full on musical was.....interesting. Helluva Boss is similar because they have at least one song per episode, but Hazbin has two, and sometimes they're kind of shoehorned in with no buildup. Ep 3 is the biggest offender of this. I enjoyed Lili Cooper singing "Respectless" but the song was unnecessary. Neither one of the songs in ep 3 made any sense and honestly felt like they were there to fill the quota of "two songs per episode". "It Starts With Sorry" in ep 2 was also kinda weird, but not unforgivable.
The best songs so far are easily "Stayed Gone", "Poison" and "Losers, Baby". All three are bangers and everyone slayed. "Happy Day in Hell" is fun, feels like a typical Disney song, and "Hell is Forever" also slaps, but both songs have a lot of unnecessary swearing that throws them off course.
So yep that's pretty much it for my positives about Hazbin! I'll happily keep watching Hazbin just to hear the cast continuing to slay.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
i like ranting about my own works, so have a bunch of little details about the universe of how to not die young, basically just some small little canon things i like (some may be written & some i might not get to adding,) (psa, some are silly & happy and some are very much not,) (another psa, there is no major spoilers in these,)
middle school James had a baby mustache that he insisted he'd grow out but he eventually shaved it off because he hated the sensory of it
Sirius and Mary used to date, but they split up when they both realized how gay they are (now theyre just very good friends)
Lily and Remus met because Lily used to be the librarian's assistant and he kept hiding in there, (he also had a shit ton of overdue books)
Remus' mom has a degree in english literature, but right now she works for tech support at an old person's home
Remus has never gone trick or treating
Regulus was a biter as a child, Sirius has a scar to prove it
Marlene tries really hard to impress Dorcas but fucks it up everytime by either tripping over her own feet or saying the wrong thing, (Dorcas thinks its cute)
Barty has eaten a bar of soap before
Evan knows Monty because he works as the secretary at his doctors office,
Barty has never met any of his grandparents because his parents never bothered introducing him,
Remus can handle any other kind of 'after fight reactions' besides the silent treatment/being ignored, it makes him severely anxious (*cough* trauma *cough*)
Barty has never watched spongebob,
alternatively, Evan was a spongebob lover as a child
Pandora once tried to see how many crayons she could stick up Evan's nose while he was sleeping, he didn't wake for like twenty minutes, the answer is 17
James absolutely loves children
Dorcas and Barty have spa nights
Regulus is observant as fuck, and knows things before people tells him all the time, it freaks people out
Regulus steals things from Sirius constantly because it's funny,
Barty almost died as a kid because he choked on a coin (he was 13)
Remus is a shit chef, he only knows boxed mac and cheese and ramen
Sirius fucking loves baking,
all of the marauders signed Sirius' arm cast with their nicknames,
James has dyslexia
and Remus has dyscalculia (hes me fr)
Remus is very expressive, like you always know what he's thinking,
Regulus burned one of his bras in a trash can after Sirius let him smoke one time
Peter ate an entire block of cheese on a dare
Mary practices her makeup on Peter
Sybil does palm readings for Peter, he's a very supportive bf
Remus bites Sirius a lot
Marlene punched a teacher in the face on accident before,
Minnie & Poppy are married <3
Barty only has Remus' number to send him the most atrocious takes he has at like three in the morning - Remus leaves him on read frequently
Sybil and Pandora are fairly good friends
Pandora and Evan had a Wii U as kids and Evan was the fucking best at Wii bowling, you have no idea, (he has his own technique, he calls it 'the Evan Method')
Pandora likes eating pomegranates and then going up to Evan and smiling at him with red stained teeth, he screams like a little girl everytime
James has always wanted a little sibling
James' parents don't know he has anxiety problems because he just stuffs it down so much
Sirius eats dandelions, for some fucking reason, he's just weird
Regulus used to have dinner alone some nights because he'd skip dinner with the family to avoid the constant loudness and bickering, sometimes he'd make something for himself, sometimes Kreacher would make something for him and sit with him
Regulus tells Sirius whenever his boobs hurt because it makes Sirius gag
James and Remus are the ultimate people pleasers
anyways, thats all, maybe ill make more, i have sm brainrot for this fic, theyre all my children
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hiya-im-mary · 1 year
In Light Of Girly Teengirl
So,We’ve all seen the talk about Girly Teengirl from SpongeBob and how she deserved better,right?? And I agree!! We all love Girly Teengirl,and I hope she’s doing alright in Farawayville right now-!!
But while we’re on the topic of fictional girls who deserve so much better than what they were handed,I wanna give another example to the world-!!
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THIS GIRL!!!!! She has no actual name,but I’m gonna call her Becky. Say hi to Becky,everyone!!
You probably reconise her from the Girlfriend music video…in which was pretty much a whole video dedicated to making her day a living nightmare (Aswell as Avril clips too)
Let’s start from the beginning.
Becky and her…honestly really douchey boyfriend (Let’s call him Aiden) are on their way to have a date at some sort of activity centre!! It’ll be a lovely day for the both of them,right?
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And Jade has decided to go out of her way to ruin Becky’s day and love life. Because she wants her dream emo boyfriend and considers preps as sub-human.
The moment Becky and Jade cross paths,things go downhill immediately. For Becky,anyway.
Let’s review the various acts of meanery Jade has enacted on Becky!
Made her crash during the car racing event (That might’ve been in the rules,but it was so she can test Aiden’s Will to cheat)
Forcefully threw Becky out of the PhotoBooth to snag some photos with Aiden,as well as her lacky friends blocking the entrance for Becky. (Let’s just call them Ray and Shay. Have fun guessing who’s who! )
As Becky and Aiden were reenacting the famed noodle kiss scene from Lady And The Tramp with a churro rather than a spaghetti noodle…Jade rudely interrupts and steals the churro for herself,clearly rubbing it in Becky’s face. There was good money payed for that churro?? Did Jade even eat it afterwards?? That’s a perfectly good churro put to waste :(
During golfing,one of Jade’s lackey friends notice Becky **GASP** Actually enjoying herself??? HOW DARE SHE?? So Jade tries to shoot her Golfball to go Spesifically for the readhead’s,well…head. And it works! It sends Becky tumbling into the water,and they all laugh at her misery! Full out,pointing as they laugh cackling!!
And to finish it off…Jade swoops in. She gets all personal with Aiden…and they kiss. They do the cheating. Much to Becky’s understandable rage! Which unfortunately goes no where as her attempt to tackle Jade doesn’t work.
So,I think you get my point!! Jade is a meanie head. She was aiming to get her grubby hands on Aiden and pull her out of Becky’s hands if it’s the last thing she’ll do-!!
But what’s even worse…Aiden was into it
It’s quite clear in the music video that Aiden is not very good at boyfriending for Becky. If he was,the moment Jade started her antics,he’d pull out the “Woah,chick!! I have a girlfriend who I’m happy with!!” card!! But NOPE
He was definitely enjoying Jade’s advances more than he was than being with Becky. He was clearly gonna go with goofing around in the PhotoBooth with Miss PunkRock rather than have a churro with his BORING prep girlfriend
He wasn’t even attempting to help Becky get out of the water when she fell in!!
And of course…he cheated.
He had not a care in the world for Becky. Who cares about some preppy redhead who gets happy for doing the easiest golf hole ever??
He’s no heartthrob!! He smells like disloyalty and 10 cans of Monster Energy!
It’s Potrayed as all fun and goofy in the music video,but you gotta take it into view!
Realistically,what did Becky even do?? Yeah,you maybe can say her body language and acting Potrayed her as a “mean girl”,but I think she was moreover just increasingly ticked off by Jade and her punk pal’s treatment of her and her boyfriend’s disloyalty!!
So what am I getting at??
I just want to see how many people agree with me!! I’ve been thinking about that music video a lot…I REALLY hated how Becky was treated XD
Well…Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!!
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probablydinosaurs · 8 months
this was originally a twitter thread but mehhhh. the audience of one-two here get my insane venting instead. its 3am. I've had a rough day and I just want to list it out from worst to least worst. sorry if this is venting. again 3am. 1: my sister showed up completely unannounced, and waltzed in a fight with my other sister and her husband at their place. she had good reason to be here (she's homeless and is a fuckin ice age here. that's not a problem. we are glad she went to us for help.)-sadly she's an entitled fuck who begged my dad for cigs when we have NOTHING BUT A ROOF to give. its SCARY how poor we are. She was also VERY TRANSPHOBIC, which was not on my sister's bingo card this year. mainly about trans woman and their "complaining". my already shit sister saying terf shit was not smth i thought id hear. i was very upset about that. i haven't talked to her bc ik if i do, il cry but I've been giving her the silent treatment unless it's akward. 2: i have covid. had symptoms since like the 13th (i joked that i got it for my birthday) and its been a nightmare. i can't sleep. Eating sucks. my nose hurts. i think i blew a blood vessel in my eye. its just been the worst. 3: due to being unable to sleep, im wildly manic at 3am. i have nothing to do and no one to talk to. and im unreasonably upset that people on tiktok think Spongebob is a kid. like boi your face screams "post movie" pleaaasseee educate yourself on cartoon history. he is an adult! 4: after ALLL of this like 7 mins ago, the fire alarm randomly beeped a few times. luckily not a lot but still. stressed me the FUCK OUT. nothing is on. i think bc its the FUCKIN ICE AGE OUTSIDE, the apartment is a TAD too warm (witch its not. my feet are frozen)
5: found out today that scientists didn't start using real menstrual blood on pads/tampons till AUGUST OF LAST YEAR??? WTF WERE U USING BEFORE? That's why pads are always off SOMEHOW. SOMEHOW there's an issue. and tampons never fit right. they have been fuckin guessin for decades 6: my new cat is a needy hoe. I'm used to it but with covid and barely being able to walk/exist, her sweving between my legs is a nightmare. I always have to throw a bottle cap down the hallway just so she doesn't get in my room. 7: been on upsetting media tiktok. why the fuck is there a fandom forming around a vent cartoon about S/A???? like I won't say its bad but that's not a FANDOM THING! yall are fucked up (also it parodies the peewee's playhouse op and that bugs me. i love peewee.)
interlude: my needy hoe of a cat is named peewee (well to my mom, it's now Princess Pipsqueak but thats not a good name to say in frustration as I'm trying to exist down the hallway. also, we thought she was a boi at first and she has a face that looks like paul Reubens's. I still see it. 8: I have used up all the TP and tissues in the house and have been using paper towels to blow my nose, which is roughing up my already red sore nose. I put gold bond on my nose and it BURNED but now it feels smoother. 9: i feel like i annoy people with my Hannibal hyperfixation. i have yet to truly let it spread here but it's EVERYWHERE ELSE. (and il probs reblog this onto my hannibal blog so hiiiii) and yet it feels like no one cares. ik it's a bit niche, upsetting not everyones thing but Ive NEVER loved smth more and it hurts when i don't talk about it I just. want to get someone into it. someone else got me into it and it means a lot. I hope they are doing ok. I'm grateful they gave me my favorite hyperfixation ever. I've littrally never loved anything more. and I've been into a LOT of stuff. i was called annoying by an ex friend because i got into things too much. and to them, "too much" was anything that wasn't "i like this thing. i think this thing is good and cool. lets rp weird incest about it." (i hate my teen years) but like. that ex friend would HAAAAATE by hyperfixatiing now. i have friends to ENABLE ME NOW. 10: just added this one. kinda put two and two together that corp vtubers birthdays most likely aren't their real birthdays. everyone is celebrating a graduated corps bday and yet they moved to another company and like. no birthday in sight. and it feels weird to latch onto their old persona's bday when they are right there with probs a new (and more real maybe) birthday. you can actually go celebrate with them whenever their "new" birthday is and yet you are clinging to the past. especially since they are THRIVING where they are rn and were not happy as a bigger corp.
thats a bout it. thanks if u saw this and read. its ok if you didnt. i just had a LOT go on lately.
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iboatedhere · 1 year
If you feel like talking about it, can I ask how you feel about last night's storyline now that you've seen the whole thing? I think in the past that last scene would have had me swooning for a couple days. But now I just can't. I don't know if I'm realizing that a small resolution with minimal actual communication between them just isn't enought for me, or if it's the fact that the scene with Carlos acting so dismissive and uncaring still proceeds it which means that there still hasn't been any signs of growth and so I'm just fully prepared for the next conflict to be treated the same with secrets or non communication getting the flippant treatment.
I hate it though. I see others losing their minds over it and thinking it's so great and such progress and I respect their but don't agree. But I'm also so frustrated that I can't just make myself agree with them so I can continue to enjoy the show I once loved so much. The show and fandom have just become so frustrating for me that I've stopped watching and unfollowed all but two blogs that regularly post about it.
I'm basically in the same boat you're on.
Like, listen, I'm not going to complain (because I already did that to Sonia last night) because we got a hug and kisses which is what I've been begging for all season but I'm not on board with the great communication praise because that was, nearly beat per beat, a copy of what we saw in 2.4. I think great communication would've been them explaining why they want, or don't want kids to each other instead of to their parents. Or keep Owen and Andrea but shave some time off that first rescue (which went on way too long, we seriously did not need to see that couple joyriding for as long as we did or the second rescue which I feel like the set up to it went on too long) and gave TK and Carlos the time to talk to each other. If we're going with the reasoning that Carlos doesn't want kids because he doesn't feel like he's going to be good enough at it (which is in character) then I feel like TK should know that. And he should also be going to therapy and taking Gabriel with him. The decision to have or not have kids is a big deal and it's make or break for a lot of couples. The same way I personally couldn't be talked into having kids is probably the same way people can't be talked out of having kids and if they genuinely reach the conclusion one way or the other with all their cards on the table then that's fine. But right now it feels like Carlos has this trauma he's carrying around (shocker) that's holding him back but now it's also kind of holding TK back from what he wants. The way that that needs to be dealt with is obvious (kid talk aside) but my faith in it actually being dealt with is low. I'll believe it when I see it and not a second beforehand.
Long story short, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting but it's also not as good as it could be which does seem to be the theme of the season when it comes to Tarlos. Maybe I'm just so jaded by them and feel like they've already dug such deep a hole that it's going to take a lot more than this to pull themselves out of it. Like, do I want to write a 5+1 fic of them traveling the world and living their best life and then coming home and sleeping in their own bed, kind of. Am I there yet, no. Will I ever be? I don't know. This was definitely a step in the right direction but I want more for them and for us. Their part of the episode was fine, but I'm not losing my mind over it, and maybe I never will again. But it does suck to feel like that Spongebob meme where Squidward is watching Spongebob and Patrick frolic outside his window. I wanna frolic but I've locked all the doors and windows and I can't get out.
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seasaltcosmos · 2 years
as suppotive as i am for mm and want it to coexist w/ rise coming back, there's aspects of it that kinda worry me from what i've seen from it so far. one of them being leo's character, when the voice cast got announced every name is illustrated in a way that you immediately know something about the turtles' personality... but leo's was so... generic looking
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the teaser didn't give much on him either and it just saddens. don't get me wrong, i love all versions of leo, but his character was always the least interesting to me cuz rarely does most iterations give him other personality traits aside from 'the responsible leader' and even when they do they barely focus on it, like how 2k12 made him kind of a goofy space show fanboy and that aspect of him isn't given enough attention.
it's just so... jarring going back to that after rise has given him so much personality, and one could argue that "well that's cuz he wasn't the leader in that iteration" and yeah, but that doesn't other iterations where he is still one can't do the same, esp when the idw comics gave their leo interesting character traits all while still having him be a leader, and that was before rise (btw i highly recommend the idw comics, their character writing is so good)
idk i'm hoping i'm just overthinking, cuz i want mm to succeed even w/ me wanting rise back, but i can't help but be worried cuz y'know... hollywood 😔
listen dude i would be SO on board with mm if it wasn’t created by TWO toxic animation treatments combined into one
celebrity involvement and nickelodeons boner for spongebob 2
like fucking hell i used to make jokes about “we already had one annoying white celebrity named seth involved with tmnt we don’t need another” BUT AT LEAST SETH GREEN IS ACTUALLY A MASSIVE TMNT FAN
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honeybee-taskforce · 9 months
1x02 Rewatch Thoughts and Feelings
same disclaimer i’m on my phone typos and grammar errors can be invoiced to my publicist for review (its me)
-I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH what a fuckin fever dream hearing that song again
-oh wow they are grilling the hell out of him for this routine lmfao i forgot how much they tease him about all of this
-this was one of those scenes i mentioned where the emergency escalated so quick and was not what i expected it to be at all lmfao
-the aging with the bird box netflix comment zzzzzz i hate when media does this but i can overlook it here
-paul doing a thing we need another of these on season five. TWO if i may be so brave to request
-where the hell did this delivery driver even get the mercury for this now that i really think about it
-there’s some weird liberty mutual ad playing right now that has a baby talking about insurance im kind of in awe at the absurdity
-owen struggling to let go of his hair treatment goofy ass
-judd in therapy hits so hard ugh grace being there with him and he is truly trying and even has his comfort pillow for hugging because he needs something but it just isnt enough yet my heart hurts for him so much
-i forgot that grace is near sobbing when he leaves jesus christ that hurts too she loves this man so much and his pain is hers (and vice versa of course) i’m so glad that never goes away as the show goes on. Even if i could use more of it.
-michelle helping this little boy is a great foil to her introduction and i love it a lot, BUT overall i can’t find a way to care about this whole plot with Iris missing. Probably because i know it doesn’t go anywhere after this season except for the start of season 4…. I really wonder how different everything would have been had liv stayed and plot lines not adjusted accordingly. -“what the pissed off look on my fave aint enough proof” judd you teddy bear you know its not lmfao
-“he doesn’t know i’m sick” YOU NEED TO TELL HIMMMMMM
-my extended family cooks a pig just like this in a pit and everything and it tastes soooooo good
-“but just so you know i am a homosexual 😉” this whole bit is so silly and i like that they added it after a few intense back to back bits with the first emergency, michelle’s stuff, and owen’s chat with judd
-shakes ass to last night in my stillettos while these two hook up for the first and definitely not the last time
-tk give him back his damn belt you know that is not yours you rude city boy!
-carlos is all doe eye and soulmate smitten ahhhhh you cutie pie
-michelle goes to a psychic what the hell i dont remember this. BUT NOW IM REALIZING ITS THE SAME LADY WITH THE WORMS LATER ON IN THE SHOW HUHHHHH (right? Or am i losing my mind)
-spongebob movie voice: BALD BALD BALD BALD BALD
-the lady leaving herself to die in a fire because hes bald????? I know its a nightmare but wtf i forgot about all of that too 😭
-owen embracing this guy’s fantasy about the overlords but not being able to wrap his own head around his health’s reality is heartbreaking… at least he’s forced to address it once TK finds the meds
-owen and judd riding horses already getting that brotherly bond started ooooo i love them so much
-oh god first date time oh wow olay here we go CARLOS YOU'RE SO SMITTEN BUT NOWS NOT THE TIIIIME
-the boys miscommunicating for the first and certainly not the last time but its okay because it’s all a part of their story <3
-carlos calling this a hookup boy you know damn well that is not how you feel about this
-tk is so sad when he apologizes for the misunderstanding because the last thing he wants is to hurt anyone else but he can’t stop himself and it all just gets worse and worse in his eyes…. At least we know it gets better eventually. -grace helping judd count to 5 and she is so proud of him oh i love these two so goddamn much they are perfect and i need even more of them in season five
-does every episode of season 1 end with a song playing over a montage of stuff happening like did i just block that from my memory
-owen taking the first step to being more comfortable with his reality outside of the obvious therapy and treatments ugh so good.
god season one feels like a completely different show from the rest of it? Obviously the changes with casting and covid messed somethings up but i wonder how different everything would have been had the pandemic not happened and they were able to collow through on plot lines they wanted to from the beginning
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