#He’s already a knight I can tell he’d be protective of his SO
adviserbylove · 4 months
I just know Silver is 100% the type of boyfriend to treat his female!significant other like a princess
Princess treatment you say? That’s cute. No you’re literally a princess in his eyes
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Coveted.
Pairing: Yandere!Geto x Reader (+Yandere!Gojo) [JJK].
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Set Two or Three Years Post KFC Break-Up, Intimidation, Prolonged Stalking, Future Dub/Con, Mentions of Non/Con, and Unbalanced Power Dynamics.
[Part Two]
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“You’re Satoru’s date, right?”
The voice was masculine, deep and as rough as it could be without crossing the line into gravelly. You stiffened, squaring your shoulders and burrowing your nails into your palm as your eyes darted across the table – where a man with dark hair and an off-putting smile was currently sliding into the unoccupied side of your booth. He reached out, clearly planning to shake your hand, but when you failed to move, he only let out an airy chuckle, propping his chin on his fist as he went on. “I’m a friend of his – Geto Suguru. You can call me Suguru-chan, though. Has he already told you about me?”
He was dressed like he’d just rolled out of bed – his attire limited to a form-fitting black shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants in the same color, his hair pulled into a loose bun. His tone was friendly, light. You returned it with a dead-pan stare, hoping it conveyed the weight of your exhaustion. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Is that what he told you to say?” Another laugh, somehow more blood-chilling than the first. Your attention shifted outward, to the late-night diner where Gojo had asked you to meet him. There were only a few other customers, the skeleton of a proper staff, but single other person would’ve been one too many. You didn’t need to make a scene, not again, not after last time. “That sounds like him. He’s always been a stingy bastard.”
With a pressed frown, you pushed yourself to your feet, but Geto’s grin only broadened. He snapped his fingers and as if it’d only been waiting for a queue, a shape manifested at the end of your bench. You couldn’t bring yourself to look directly at it, but you saw enough out of the corner of your eye; a bulbous torso, shrunken arms, too many eyes to resemble any living thing. Instantly, what little courage you still had was replaced with a knot of dread, a bolt of pure anxiety. You half-expected it to lunge, to bite, to attack, but it didn’t move, only standing guard at the foot of your table.
It didn’t move, but it didn’t have to. In a moment, you’d fallen back into your seat and shoved yourself against the wall, fighting not to shake. It was a sight Geto seemed to take a particular joy in, letting his head lull to the side as he watched you curl into yourself. “You can see them. I was starting to think I had the wrong person.” A pause, a glance towards his summoned monster before his narrowed gaze skirted back to you. “Don’t be shy, now. How much did he tell you?”
It took you a moment to find your tongue, another to swallow back the tremor in your voice. "He said he could protect me.” It was harder to admit than you’d expected – not so much that you needed protection, but that there was something you needed protection from. You’d spent so long writing off your monsters as hallucinations that it was still a struggle to act like they were anything more. But, for as unwilling as you were to confront your little monsters, the resounding ache in your right leg where that thing had dug its claws into you was impossible to ignore. “He… he didn’t mention anyone else, but we’ve only spoken once. He was supposed to explain—” You gestured to the monster. “—all of this today.”
A slight hum, a look of genuine surprise. “So, he’s got some self-restraint after all! I thought he would’ve cracked months ago, considering how long he’s been following you around like a lost puppy.” He must’ve seen your expression fall, your posture slacken, because he didn’t wait for a response before going on. “I mean, you must’ve known that, at least. Did you think he’d play knight-in-shining-armor for just anyone?”
“I…” You trailed off quickly, shaking your head. “I don’t care. As long as he can protect me, I don’t care why he’s doing it.”
“That’s a dangerous thing to say. You wouldn’t want to make Satoru feel so replaceable, now, would you?”  
At that, you met his stare. “What do you want?”
His eyes skirted towards the monster, who took an obedient step back. For a second, you considered running, trying to slip away before the man in front of you or your newly-realized stalker could make you regret ever showing up at all, but Geto was quick to cut off your escape route, filling the empty space beside you before you could so much as pick which door you would barrel through on the way out. “Well, now that we’re on the same page,” Unlike his monster, he didn’t give you the option of leaving him in your peripheral; settling close enough for his leg to press into yours. At this proximity, you could pick up the smoke on his breath, the scent of stale gore clinging to him like a second skin. As if he’d just stepped out of a blood bath. “I’d like to make you an alternative offer.”
“You’d protect me?”
“Oh, I’d do more than just that.” His hand fell to your thigh. “I’d have everything you’ve ever been afraid of bowing to you by the end of the night.”
You swallowed dryly. “You didn’t answer my first question. What do you get out of helping me?”
His answer was nonverbal, but clear enough. With that same idle grin, he nodded toward the streaked window, to the building across the street. Your heart fell into your stomach. It was one of those sleazy, by-the-hour hotels – the sign missing more than a few letters and the parking lot as empty as the diner. It was the kind of place that you only went to for one thing, and you had a feeling Geto hadn’t found some miraculous second reason to want to be alone with you in one of those bug-infested rooms.
You weren’t sure why you said it. Maybe to buy yourself time. Maybe because you couldn’t stand the idea of being left in silence as what was left of your rational mind screamed at you to get out of there. “I don’t have any money.”
“It’ll be my treat.”
“What happens I refuse?”
“I kill everyone here,” His nails bit into exposed skin. “And then fuck you on this table while their bodies attract flies.”
You might’ve cried, if you hadn’t been so tired.
You might’ve done anything, if you could bring yourself to care about anything but keeping those awful creatures at a distance.
Stiffly, with your eyes shut and your teeth grit, you forced yourself to nod. Geto rewarded you with an impossibly wide grin, a breath of a laugh. “Smart little thing.”
This time, he didn’t pretend it was an option; reaching out, taking your trembling hand in his own, and squeezing so softly, you could almost convince yourself he was being gentle.
“It’s only a shame Satoru isn’t here to join us.”
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fastandcarlos · 2 months
Knight In Shining Armour : ̗̀➛ Carlos Sainz
summary: you’re all for carlos protecting you, but the extent that carlos will go to do so even leaves you feeling slightly fearful of what he’s truly capable of
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Your eyes went wide in horror as Carlos turned away from you, holding on tightly to his hand. Drops of blood were already hitting the floor as Carlos shielded himself from you momentarily, refusing to let you see just how much it hurt. You rushed over to him regardless, resting your hand against his back as you tried to hide the frustration that was on your face. 
“What were you thinking?” You scolded, head shaking in disbelief as Carlos smiled weakly back at you. 
He bit down on his bottom lip as he tried his best to mask the pain, “he gave me no choice, what was I supposed to do?” 
“Not hit him,” you shouted, throwing your arms up in the air. You went to speak again but you were interrupted by a member of Ferrari staff bringing across a medical kit to help you sort Carlos out. 
“He’s been flirting with you for weeks, I bet he probably doesn’t even work here,” Carlos tried to explain, “I can only stand back for so long.” 
You took a hold of Carlos’ hand, brushing your fingertips over it gently, “if that’s what he was doing, which I don’t think he was, this isn’t the answer to fixing it.” 
Carlos understood your frustration, but he was desperate to stand up for you and your relationship. His apologetic eyes watched as you wiped over the wound, making sure that it was clean, despite Carlos hissing in pain. 
“I appreciate that you care,” you softly spoke, breaking the slight tension between you both, “but you don’t always have to be my knight in shining armour.” 
Carlos glanced across at you, “I do, I’m your boyfriend.” 
“And look where that’s got you today,” you huffed, pointing back at his hand, “you’ll be lucky if you can still drive this weekend with this.” 
The realisation finally seemed to hit Carlos as he sunk back in his seat. “It would still be worth it, knowing that I was able to protect you.” 
You couldn’t help but feel guilty as Carlos seemed to throw away his career with his words, confidently assuring you that you were the priority. He really would do anything to keep you safe, no matter the cost. 
Carlos could tell you were worrying as you remained silent, “I’m fine, really.” 
You wanted to believe him, but you just couldn’t. As much as you adored Carlos, you were scared by how much he loved you and the extent to which he would go to protect you and keep you safe. 
“I don’t want to be the reason you hurt yourself,” you admitted, closing up the medical kit. Your voice was the softest it had been since Carlos took a swing, making him look back across at you. Your heart was racing as you spoke, unable to block out the fear as to what might have happened if Carlos wasn’t pulled away by members of the Ferrari garage. 
Carlos understood how you were feeling, his reaction had surprised himself too. It was a situation he never found himself in before, he’d never felt threatened, but when he did, instinct kicked in. It was almost as if he just saw red, trying his best to find the quickest thing to do in order to fix the situation. 
Only Carlos hadn’t quite fixed the situation, because now he had you beside him wondering where that side of your boyfriend even came from. 
You knew that Carlos had all good intentions, but knowing that he hit someone, for you especially, left a sour taste in his mouth. He was one of the golden boys of F1, charming, kind, considerate to everyone, but that persona that everyone loved seemed to disappear so quickly when trouble arose. 
After a few moments of silence, Carlos stood himself up from where he sat, soon realising that you had nothing left to say to him, deciding to give you a bit of space to think instead. 
It wasn’t quite the reaction that Carlos was expecting though. 
Whilst he didn’t imagine you throwing yourself into his arms, he had hoped you’d be a bit more understanding. He did it for you, even if it didn’t seem that way, a way that you certainly weren’t appreciative of right now. 
You found yourself back in Carlos’ drivers' room after taking a walk around the paddock, feeling as if everyone’s eyes were on you. You weren’t actively avoiding Carlos, but not bumping into him was a bit of a relief. 
The room was untouched from how you both had left it earlier in the day, random bits of merch were scattered around, the sofa at the back of the room still draped with blankets, one of which you wrapped around your frame. 
With the four walls surrounding you, you finally allowed yourself to take a moment. A tear fell down your cheek, which you quickly wiped away, throwing your head back. 
You lost count of how long you were in the room, waves of fear, pride, nerves washing over you. Your mind was spiralling out of control as you tried to piece together the various pieces of the emotional jigsaw you were fixing. 
The only thing that brought you back was Carlos creeping into the room, smiling weakly as he greeted you. His hand looked a lot better, bandage around it to try and protect the wound, hiding the faint colours of purple that you’d already noticed earlier. 
“Hi,” you whispered as Carlos tentatively took a seat beside you. 
There was still a slight tension as Carlos turned to face you. “I thought you might be in here, do you want me to leave you alone?” 
“No,” you spoke, resting your head in your hands, “this is your room more than it is mine.” 
“I’m sorry,” Carlos spoke as soon as you fell silent. 
“You’re an idiot,” you scolded, but Carlos already knew that. “I don’t even know what you were thinking doing that today.” 
Carlos shrugged back across at you, “it was stupid, but at that moment it felt like the right thing to do in order to protect you.” 
“I don’t always need protecting,” you reminded him, your voice getting louder with every word you spoke. “I especially don’t need protecting if that’s the way that you’re going to do it.” 
Carlos understood your frustrations, he knew you felt let down by his actions, but now he was scared too. “I’m sorry that I let you down, but I was scared too love. I was terrified that this guy was going to start getting involved with you, and then I just wouldn’t have known what to do.” 
Your brows knitted together, “do you really think if anyone else was interested in me that I would pay them any attention when I’ve got you here with me?” 
“I know, and that’s on me,” Carlos whispered, running his hands over his face. “Maybe it’s me, maybe I’m the one that needs to stop watching over their shoulder all the time.” 
You shifted your body so that you were facing Carlos too, making sure that your full attention was on him as he began to open up to you. 
“Everyone thinks that I’ve got it all, the career, the partner, the supportive family, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t worry too,” Carlos confessed, his voice a little shaky. “I still worry most days that something is going to give, that something is going to get taken away from me, and the thing that I’d hate to get taken the most is definitely you.” 
You nodded, taking in every word that Carlos said to you. “I never imagined you’d feel like that, I guess I was one of those people that was under the illusion that you were living the dream too. Do you really worry that someone’s going to come and take me away from you?” 
“Oh, Carlos,” you whispered, feeling your heart break. You moved closer towards him, taking a hold of his unbandaged hand. 
“I know it sounds stupid, but it scares me sometimes how in love I am with you, and I worry that someday all of this is going to be taken away from me. I’ve never been happier than I am with you,” Carlos told you, tightening his grip on your hand. 
You smiled weakly as his tearful eyes looked across at you. “If that’s ever how you feel, you’ve just got to come and tell me, don’t act like this. I didn’t recognise you earlier when you hit him, that’s not the Carlos that I know and love, it was like watching a stranger. 
It was something that Carlos knew he’d have to spend a long time making up to you, knowing that his actions left you frightened earlier was a guilt that he wouldn’t be able to get rid of for a while. He knew he’d let his own insecurities eat away at him for too long, unable to hold it back today and finally letting them tip over the edge and get him into trouble. 
You could see it too, seeing him silently scold himself as he let the voices in his head get the better of him. 
“I love that you love me and want to protect me, but I only ever want you to do that when you’re safe,” you asked of him, “not getting yourself into a situation like this.” 
Carlos nodded at your request, “I don’t ever want to end up like this again, my hand hurts more now than it does after a crash.” 
Your eyes rolled as a snigger came from Carlos. “You’re going to be feeling the effects of that for a while, luckily for you, you’ve got a partner who knows a thing or two about helping you through injuries.” 
Carlos’ head came down to rest against your shoulder, “I think I’m just lucky that I’ve got you, in whatever situation we find ourselves.” 
Your eyes were drawn to the bandage on Carlos’ hand, placing your free hand gently over it. Knowing that was underneath was done for you hurt, knowing Carlos had put himself through that just for you left a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
“Promise me that you’ll talk to me,” you asked him, wanting to hear it one final time from him, “tell me things, that’ll still make you my knight in shining armour.” 
Carlos nodded back at you straight away, “I promise I’ll tell you anything, no matter how stupid it might be.” 
“Nothing is stupid if it keeps you safe,” you reminded him, leaning your head back to press a kiss against the top of his, “that’s all I want for you.” 
“I know, and that’s all that I want for you too.” 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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robynlilyblack · 2 months
Something Important
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James Potter x fem! clumsy! Reader
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Summary: After years of hiding that part of himself, James adores being unapologetically silly with his favourite girl
Warnings: swearing, post-hogwarts, established relationship, mentions of food, small cooking injury, eating and sex, reader bruises like a peach, kissing, flirty reader, flirty james, domestic fluff, sirius black being a terrible gamer
A/n: 1.8k words, was feeling a little James today, I've missed writing him so much I had fun with this one, enjoy ♡
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Navigation | James Potter Masterlist
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“Hi! Not someone breaking in, it's just me…y/n…you know…your girlfriend…but hopefully you already knew that! Sorry Jamie, this door…oh for fecks sake…the door is being mean to me again!” 
James chuckled along with his friends on the couch at your dumbs and whines at the door, putting his controller down he called back 
“You need help, my love?” he asks yet he’s already getting up and walking through as the door finally opens, unaware of his controller being swiped by Sirius, earning a small ‘oh no’ from Remus as he braces himself 
“No, no it’s okay…aw crap...dammit....come on...” you wave it off but then the door grabs you and you’re left trying to un-loop yourself from the handle, unfortunately it does get the better of you this time as you begin to fall, preparing for impact and one hell of a bruise to add to your already impressive collection
Luckily your knight in shining armour is there to catch you and you breathe a sigh of relief when you hit his chest “Hello my sweet” he greets you, the biggest smile on his face
You don’t even try to lift yourself up, just adjust your head, chin poking into his chest as you look up at him “Hello” you pout at him, but that lil smile of yours still peaks through “Our door is mean”
“It is” he agrees, pecking your lips sweetly before gently kicking the front foor with his foot eliciting giggles from you “Bad door” he chastises before turning his attention briefly to the living room door at the chuckling and mocking from his friends 
"You sure showed that door mate!" you hear Remus laugh
“Oh dear prongsie, now you have defeated the almighty door can you come save me from the couch, my arse has but fallen asleep!” 
"Shut it mr and mrs I can't get past the first boss to save my life" James rolls his eyes while you giggle at their offended in sync 'heys!' "Sorry ‘bout them love, don’t worry I’ll kick em out before dinner”
“Oh I assumed they’d be joining us?” you wonder
Something flashes behind his eyes “Not tonight hun” he gives you a flirty look “Tonight’s just for us” he tells you before helping you to stand properly, kissing the tips of his fingers before finding the section of your waist where you jumper got caught, rubbing it gently
You lean into his touch, even more excited than you already were for dinner tonight, all you had to do now was make sure James didn’t see too deep into one of the shopping bags, or he’d see the rather lacey treat you had bought earlier
“Come on sweetheart” James gestures for you to follow, instinctively grabbing the grocery bags that had been dropped during your battle and bringing them through to the kitchen, but not before kissing the side of your head first “I missed you”
“Ditto big guy” you throw him a wink, letting him take the lead
As you pass the living room you do poke your head in quickly to see what they had been up to, sniggering a little as you watch Sirius struggle with some muggle videogame, noting the boy is getting increasingly frustrated to the point even his boyfriend is a tad scared of him, hugging one of your pillows as if it’s to protect him.
As you enter the kitchen you watch as James lifts the bags you had struggled with home onto the counter with ease, eyes fluttering over his muscles, made more prominent by the tightness of his shirt
He’s so strong and dreamy
“So, what am I cooking for dinner?” he asks trying to discern what you actually bought before turning back only to find you unapologetically staring
He’d never admit it but he still blushed when he caught you admiring him
“Enjoying yourself?” he flexes his arm a little
Your eyes flick back up to meet him, nodding with a smug little smile “Very much, did you ask me something?” you wonder, stepping forward to join him properly
He chuckles, hand slipping around your waist “I asked what I was making for dinner?” he glances down at you, his own eyes doing a little wandering as he awaits your answer
“Actually…I was thinking I could make it for us tonight” you flashing a cheeky smile, hands finding his own, you were up to something
“What are you planing?” he eyes you teasingly
“Surprise” you sway back and forth, shrugging, ever effervescent, however, he’s called away before he could rangle any more information out of you as there's a yell from the other room
“Motherfucker!!! What the fuck was is that fucking thing…Moony darlin you seeing this shit!” 
“Oh yeah love I’m seeing it…Prongs!!”  
You burst out in quiet laughter over Sirius’' rage and Remus’ subsequent call for aid, as does James, betting his friend is almost certainly about to die…for the…bloody hell only Godric knows what time
“Crap he’s got the controller…I better go check in before Pads throws the controller again and actually breaks the tv this time” James lets out a breathy laugh, moving around you but stops before he lets go of your hand “You sure you’ll be alright?” he checks in, and when you nod he steals a quick kiss from you before he leaves…plus a cheeky arse squeeze
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A couple hours pass by and it’s time for the other boys to go, just as James had finally convinced Sirius to leave without the game, sparing Remus from a premature heart attack, you appear in the doorway shouting a quick goodbye
“I love them but we are going to need to find less rage enducing…” James closes the door, locking up as he speaks but trails off as he turns around spotting your rather chaotic looking state “...did the kitchen fight back?” he can’t help the chuckle that bubbles
He takes a moment to cherish your appearance, it’s almost like a game to him, trying to figure out what you made him based on the ingredients adorning your clothes. The main culprit seems to be flour, your once black tights and skirt now littered with hand prints as you swiped them clean, though there were no new holes so little wins. He saw some littering of what he can only imagine is various spices on the ends of your rolled up sleeves…and one failed attempt in the centre of your jumper to open what he would later learn was cinnamon.
“I won though!” he’s pulled away from his admiring as you jump a little, excited as you waddle happily up to him 
“Merlin sweets you had anymore food on you you’d be a…ooo that’s good” he reaches out, thumb gently clearing the remnants of what seems to be a delicious creamy sauce from your cheek “What kind of cheese is this?” he enquires, licking his lips before finding your eyes but their lingering a little south of his own, basking in your reaction as he teases you, running his tongue along his lips
“I know you’re doing that on purpose…” your eyes finally break away, finding his own “...but don’t stop” you near beg
He laughs “Never” leaning down, one hand finding your chin, angling it upwards towards his lips while the other subtly removes what he now realises is a carrot from your hair “Now do you want to show me your masterpiece?” he nudges his nose gently against yours
“Yes” you buzz, practically vibrating with excitement as you take his hands in yours but as you do James notices the plaster on your hand “Hun?” you turn back 
“Aww sweetheart, what happened?” he brings your hand up, inspecting it before faux worry floods his handsome features “I’m so sorry my love but…” he takes a break, shaking his head “...we’re going to have to cut it off”
You match his energy “What!” you exclaim “Oh great heavens! Whatever will I do?” dramatically bringing you palm to your forehead 
James’ struggles to keep in character though, his heart always warmed when you were silly with him, it was times like these that made him absolutely sure you were the one for him 
“Hmmm” he rubs his chin in thought “There may be one way we can fix this but I have to tell you it’s a risky procedure”
“Do it, I’ll give you anything oh handsome handsome doctor” you clasp your hands together, pleading with him
He smirks “Indeed…I am a very handsome doctor, so I expect to be rewarded handsomely for my work” he informs you, wiggling his eyebrows
You purse your lips attempting to suppress your growing smile “Of course! Now please save my finger” you hold it up to him
He gently takes it with one hand, using the other to perform fake magic as mutters some fake incantation under his breath, throwing a wink your way before he presses his lips every so softly to your ‘mortal wound’ 
He gives your hand back and as he does you hold it up, bending your finger as you check it works “I’m cured!! It’s a miracle” eyes lighting up as you cheer, beginning to laugh near the end finally breaking character, a cheesy smile on your face as you look up at him
He drops his own act, a loving smile adorning his features as he cups your cheeks “Merlin I love you so much” his words drip with such verity, eyelashes finding audience with his cheeks as his smile widens further
“I love you mo-” he squeezes your cheeks together halting your words before the daily battle of ‘who loves whom more’ transpires
“Nuh huh missy” he pecks your puckered lips before releasing you “You definitely okay?” his playful nature sinks back into concerned boyfriend for a moment, even with all the fun and games he always checked in
You nod “Just just a little nick while I was grating the cheese” you explain 
“Good” he scrunches his nose a little, bending down slightly as his brings your finger up one more, isolating it from the others “Because one day this one is going to hold something very important” James almost falls in love all over again as he watches the sheer giddiness that takes hold on you at the insinuation “You going to keep it safe for me?”
He’s surprised you don’t get dizzy with how firm your nodding is “With my life” you promise, holding your hand to your heart 
“Did that break you a bit?” he wonders, soft laugher escaping his lips when you let out a little hum “You want to show me to dinner before you implode?” 
You hum again, grabbing his hand as you lead him towards the your feast, unaware you won’t have to keep that finger safe for long as in a little drawer by your dining table lays that something important
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Thank you for reading ♡
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marlair · 6 months
hi !! m not sure if u take rqs but if u do ,, do u mind writing the first years x a rllyyy short reader? any gender is fine !! <3
i didn’t expect you to be so tiny
synopsis: the first years with a.. really short prefect.
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this guy is average (i suppose) height, so he’d probably laugh right in your face about your height.
“HAHA bro how are you that tiny😂😂” coded
you, as a member of the short community, want to do nothing more than yank his hair.
if you needed to grab something from a shelf taller than you (most shelves in NRC), he’d probably watch you struggle for a hot minute and then laugh at you — only after that routine is he willing to help you out.
“loud sigh, fineeee, since you need my help so bad, i GUESS i’ll help you out”, he says.
though with his reaction, you think you’d much rather have just climbed onto a chair and done it yourself.
you are sick and TIRED.
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he’s not as.. assholey about it as ace, but you can definitely tell he’s aware of your shortness.
the moment you stand in front of a shelf that is, in fact, taller than you — he’s already behind you and has the item you needed in his hands, smiling warmly.
you died.
he carries stuff for you because apparently, ‘you might not be able to carry it! because you’re, well..’
you appreciate it, of course, but —
— you can carry a single grocery bag, okay?
he underestimates you quite a bit because of your height, which is most of the time annoying, but it’s funny sometimes.
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he’s like 6’3” what the fuck. and considering you’re.. cough cough really short, it’d probably be funny seeing you two standing next to eachother.
the contrast would probably bewilder some people, add-in the fact he’s really muscular and then it’d even be creepy to some.
like deuce, he’d probably underestimate you to some extent because of your.. rather diminutive height.
he’d have to look straight down to see you, and you’d have to crane your neck up to see him, which is honestly sad.
he doesn’t seem like he’d be hard to deal with, though.
he’d just sort of, not really mention the difference.
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short people solidarity WOO!!!
he’d be shaking, crying, shitting, literally all the bodily functions, when he first meets you.
there’s someone in the school who is shorter than him!!
he’d be helping you grab things from shelves, resting his arm on your shoulder or head, and other things.
literally anything to validate himself in the fact he is taller than someone his age.
he’d tease you for being short, but if anyone full-on bullied you about it, he’d beat them up.
the day you wear heels that make you taller than him is the day of his downfall.
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okay, we have to remember what he grew up being taught, alright?
this man is a KNIGHT. bro is CHIVALROUS.
regardless of your height, he’d be helping you carry and grab stuff.
but when you’re short— and much shorter than him—, his, uh, coddling is amped up a bit.
“as a knight, i must protect you! especially because you are so harmless!”
you, who literally survived through multiple overblots: 🧍.
it’s sweet, though.
the effort is definitely there! 
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crystallinestars · 29 days
NSFW Alphabet - Diluc
Here you go @scarlettpebbles! I hope this meets your expectations. I ended up writing Diluc kinkier than intended, but I swear he's very gentle and romantic in bed 🥺 I just got a little carried away in some parts, please forgive me.
Diluc x fem!Reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Diluc is very diligent with aftercare. He always checks if you’re alright before fetching wet towels for both of you and will carry you to the bathtub if you’re too tired to walk. He likes to clean both of you up after sex because he’d rather not stay smelling of sweat and musk throughout the night, especially if he has unfinished business to take care of afterward.
After lovemaking, Diluc prefers to spend some time cuddling and basking in the afterglow, kissing your hands or face, running his fingers through your hair, or giving you a small massage on the areas of your body you say are sore. He’s very gentle towards you during these moments because he wants you to feel cared for and loved (though sex with him is already very passionate and loving).
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself, Diluc likes his arms. They’re surprisingly muscular under that black coat, and the strength they’re capable of allows him to protect or to pick up and carry you, which he enjoys.
As for your body, he finds there’s something incredibly alluring about your neck. Diluc loves to kiss your neck. It can be simple, chaste little pecks of affection or wet, open-mouthed kisses in the heat of the moment. His mouth is simply drawn towards your neck. Diluc also loves the sight of your nape and feels the urge to nuzzle into and kiss it whenever it’s exposed. When he gets lost in the pleasure of making love to you, Diluc sometimes gently bites your nape in a primal, possessive sort of way. It’s not painful but can leave a little mark if he’s not careful.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He cums an average amount. It’s thick, has no smell, and is a healthy white color.
Diluc prefers to come inside you for the added intimacy since he feels closer to you that way. It’s a perfect ending to the otherwise already great moment.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Diluc will never tell you this, but before you had become a couple, you once took a stroll with him around Dawn Winery, when it suddenly started raining. Both of you were soaking wet by the time you made it back to the manor, and the way your wet clothes clung to your figure caught his attention.
Diluc got an eyeful of your bra and cleavage showing through the see-through material of your soaked blouse, and that image seared itself into his brain. Though he quickly averted his gaze and covered you with his coat (“To prevent you from getting cold,” he said, and while true, it was also in part to preserve your modesty), the image never left his mind. It got to him more than he wanted to admit but didn’t show it. If you looked very closely, you would have noticed his reddened cheeks, but otherwise, he remained a cordial gentleman.
Afterward, whenever he masturbated to relieve stress, that memory of you in see-through, wet clothing would float up to the forefront of his mind, arousing him even more. He’s ashamed to admit he masturbated to such fantasies of you, but it would be a lie to say he didn’t enjoy it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Diluc has no experience. As a young knight, he believed in saving himself for marriage, and after his father’s passing, he was simply too busy to find a partner. Moreover, he has a reputation to uphold as a Ragnvindr nobleman, so Diluc takes care to not tarnish it by sleeping around. As such, he has very little experience with sex, but he is knowledgeable about how to please a partner.
He’s naturally a thorough person, so his approach to sex is thorough, as well. He’s a quick learner and pays careful attention to your directions, so he will hone his bedroom skills fairly quickly. Everything from eating you out, to the type of foreplay you like, to how deep or fast you like it—Diluc will find out everything and take that information to heart. That said, he would love it if you directly told him what you liked and disliked so he could better cater to your needs.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Diluc is fond of positions where he can see your face and easily share kisses or hold your hand. His top favorite is missionary because it allows both those things, plus he enjoys feeling you cling to him during the act.
He also enjoys spooning and feeling your body pressed flush against him while leisurely thrusting inside you.
Diluc is also fond of hiking your legs up on his shoulders or pushing your knees to your chest for a deeper penetration and tighter squeeze around his cock.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Diluc takes sex seriously, so you won’t find him acting silly or cracking jokes. However, if you’re more on the goofy side, then he’ll play along with you and even engage in a tickle fight if he’s in the mood. Overall, he’s serious yet romantic during the act.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Diluc keeps himself well-groomed down there, so he occasionally trims his pubic hair to keep it tidy. If you ask, he’s willing to clean-shave, but otherwise will keep a patch down there. His pubic hair is a few shades darker than the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Diluc is a romantic by nature, so he falls into the category of men who view sex as more than just stress relief and a fun time. To him, it’s an act of making love where he can deepen his relationship with you on all levels. His motto is to woo you before even thinking of engaging in sex. He will wine and dine you, give you a massage, cuddle, take you on a date etc… basically, do all he can to create a relaxing and romantic atmosphere to deepen your connection.
Diluc’s goal is to make you feel loved and appreciated as his lover. He knows he’s not always the best boyfriend at making time for you due to his busy schedule, so he goes all out in trying to relay his romantic feelings and appreciation for you through sex. Sex is not just a physical connection to Diluc, but also an emotional one, and he works hard to maintain that bond.
He’s very gentle and sweet with you. You will be pampered and have your every whim catered to (provided it’s not something harmful). Diluc also whispers a lot of “I love yous” and praises about how beautiful you are. He’s very passionate and romantic during sex.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Diluc doesn’t masturbate often. He is very busy with his day and night jobs, so he doesn’t have a lot of free time. When he does have time to unwind, he prefers to do something more productive than getting himself off. However, there are days when he can’t ignore his sexual urges, so he succumbs to the desire and masturbates. When he does, it’s generally in the bath/shower where he has privacy and can easily clean up the mess from his orgasm. He’s good at staying quiet, but he doesn’t want to risk being caught doing something so improper by his servants.
When masturbating, he used to think about scenes in erotic books he once read or of scenarios he found hot, but after entering a romantic relationship with you, his thoughts gravitated toward you instead. He would remember the sounds of your moans and heated praises, your facial expressions during orgasm, how you tasted on his tongue, and how your mouth felt on his flesh. His memories of you are always effective at getting him to climax, though they come with the side effect of him wanting to experience these moments with you again, making him lust for you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Diluc is mostly vanilla and is unlikely to try any hardcore BDSM kinks or something risky, but he does have a few kinks he likes. For example, he enjoys worshipping your body by giving you massages, kisses, and compliments. He also has a thin for seeing you in stockings. Whether thigh-highs or sheer tights, he loves them all if they’re on your legs. There’s something so appealing about fucking you with your legs on his shoulders and seeing them clad in stockings. If he gets frisky, Diluc is not above ripping your tights at the crotch to have better access to your pussy but will stop if you chastise him for it.
Diluc likes seeing you in fancy lingerie, the kind that has lace and frills. He thinks you look beautiful and sexy in it. Due to his affinity for your neck, he also enjoys seeing you wear chokers (not collars though). Additionally, Diluc likes to mark your skin in love bites in areas usually hidden by clothes, such as your chest, tummy, and thighs.
Aside from those kinks, Diluc is also intrigued by food and temperature play due to his love for sensuality. With food play, he likes the idea of decorating your body with fruits or drizzling chocolate or whipped cream on it and licking it off. For temperature play, he enjoys blindfolding you and keeps it vanilla and goes for safe options like ice cubes, sex toys, and his mouth and hands (his body temperature is higher than average due to his vision). If you’re interested, he’ll also play around with textures such as running a feather or paintbrush along your erogenous zones or touching your bare skin with gloved hands.
He can also be convinced to try light bondage by tying you up with silk scarves or rope (specially treated to avoid rope burns), and he’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover he enjoys having you at his mercy. He prefers to be in control of such play since he’s more on the dominant side, but he’s open to having you do all of the above to him as well and will find it refreshing to change up the dynamic and be showered in your attention.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The only places Diluc feels comfortable having sex are your shared bedroom, bathroom, and his office. He values privacy (even more so for an intimate matter like intercourse) but because his manor employs a lot of servants, the only real privacy the two of you have is in your bedroom and bathroom. If Diluc is not expecting visitors or if it’s late at night, he will also fuck you on his office desk, though only once he’s certain the door is locked. His greatest preference is the bedroom, though, because it’s private and has the comfort of your large and extravagant bed.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
There are a number of things you can do to turn Diluc on, whether intentional or not. Dressing up in frilly lingerie, making a few tasteful innuendos, and pampering him with a sensual massage or a romantic bath can all get him in the mood.
Other things that get him going is seeing your curves. Whether display your ass by bending over to innocently pick up a thing you dropped, thereby reminding him of the spicy night before, or hug him from behind and press your boobs against his back—both things work to ignite his imagination and libido. Diluc refrains from acting on his urges because he’s a gentleman, but if you tease him like this enough throughout the day, he will seduce you into bed by nightfall.
Whether you turn him on intentionally or not, you’re the only one who has the power to stoke his lust. As his partner, you have the privilege of making Diluc yearn for you in a way nobody else can.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Diluc refuses to hurt you. The most he’s willing to do is give you light spanks, but otherwise don’t expect him to be rough towards you. He is also against degrading or humiliating you as that is a turn-off for him. He only wants to treat you with love and tenderness, so such demeaning play is not his thing.
Master and servant play is also not his thing, mainly because he has real servants under his employ, so the appeal is lost on him. Plus, he would feel like he’s taking advantage of an employee, which doesn’t sit right with him. He’s also against sharing you with anyone or engaging in exhibitionism.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Diluc is naturally a giving lover, so he prefers giving oral over receiving, though he greatly enjoys both. He loves to hold your hips down while burying his face between your thighs, lapping away at your folds, and attentively listening to every sound of pleasure you make in response. He uses auditory cues to determine what you like best, like which flick of the tongue causes you to buck against his face or which pressure makes you moan the loudest when sucking your clit.
In terms of receiving oral, Diluc will rarely say no, though if given the choice, he would much rather sheathe his cock in your pussy. Don’t get him wrong—he loves the oral you give. He finds it incredibly hot to see you on your knees with his dick in your mouth, and he comes quicker than he cares to admit when he feels the eager way in which you suck him off. There’s just something special about joining his body with yours and pleasing you that he can’t get enough of. Forgive him, he simply loves being intimate and making you feel good.
When you give him blowjobs, Diluc tends to gather hair out of your face so it doesn’t get in your way, or tenderly pets your head while praising your oral skills. Things such as “You’re taking me so well, good girl” or “Your mouth feels incredible around me. Can you take it a bit deeper?” or even “You look so beautiful like this” are a staple when you give him oral.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Diluc usually maintains a slow and steady pace, keeping your comfort in mind. He rarely engages in rough sex because he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you, plus it detracts from the romance and intimacy of the experience, so he doesn’t enjoy it as much. He likes to take his time to experiment with different angles and depths, finding all the sweet spots that make you writhe in pleasure, and then zero in on them with firm and precise thrusts.
That said, if you get him worked up enough, Diluc will be less gentle and more selfish with his thrusts. His hips will snap to yours at a quicker and slightly rougher pace while pulling you into each thrust by your hips. These kinds of sessions will leave you a little sore afterward, and as an apology, Diluc will pamper you during aftercare, give you a massage, and carry you wherever you need until you feel stable enough to walk on your own.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Diluc is not a fan of quickies. As mentioned previously, he likes to take his time with sex, setting the mood and engaging in plenty of foreplay before diving into the good stuff.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Diluc is cautious regarding kinks, so he won’t suggest or do anything outlandish. He does enjoy experimenting in bed and will suggest things like food or temperature play, light bondage, and new positions you two haven’t tried yet. As long as it’s not something from the No section, he’s willing to discuss any new kink you want to introduce into your sex lives and will make preparations to realize it if it’s something you really want to try.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Diluc’s stamina is higher than average despite being a nobleman. He trained a lot back when he was a knight of Favonius and kept up his training when he began his nighttime vigilante activities, so he’s fit.
In bed, he can last for quite a while. If he really pushed himself to the limit, he could last for 5 rounds (with breaks), but on average, he goes anywhere from 1-3, depending on how much time he has and what you’re in the mood for. The amount of rounds you guys go for usually depends on you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Diluc doesn’t own any toys and is unlikely to bring any into the bedroom himself. At most, he can bring silk scarves and rope, but things like spanking paddles, ball gags, and handcuffs get a no from him. If you want to try using toys on yourself or him, then he is open to experimenting, though he still prefers to have foreplay and sex without them.
He has no issues with you using dildos or vibrators to get off when he’s unavailable, but he will be upset if you use toys instead of going to him when the opportunity is there. It will make him think he’s not pleasing you enough if you’re resorting to sex toys instead of coming to him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
As a rule, Diluc is often sweet and tender with you, wanting nothing more than to see you happy. That, combined with his straightforward nature, results in him rarely teasing you in the bedroom. If he’s feeling playful, he might verbally tease you by saying you’re very eager for him or that you look cute in your fucked-out state, but that’s about the extent of it.
He rarely edges or overstimulates you because he enjoys pleasing you too much to be mean, but he can if you’ve been a brat to him. As much as he caters to all your needs, he is no doormat. If you act like a brat, he will be firm and tame you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Diluc has good control of his voice and can keep it down even when engaging in passionate sex with you. Nevertheless, he does vocalize his pleasure even if he tries to muffle it. Diluc tends to bury his face into the crook of your neck and let out low grunts and quiet moans beside your ear, loud enough for you to hear.
He is also generous with praises and compliments. He says sweet things to you, such as how beautiful you are, how much you mean to him, how good you feel around him, etc… his praises are great for boosting your confidence in the bedroom.
Diluc loves the sound of your moans, but he is wary of being too loud and disturbing the servants. If you moan too loudly, he will muffle your voice by kissing you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Unless you take the initiative to be sexually intimate, Diluc will wait until marriage to have sex, most likely your honeymoon. Regardless of the circumstance, your first time with Diluc will be slow and tender. He’ll discuss everything with you beforehand and get your full permission before initiating anything. If you change your mind at any point during the session and want to stop, Diluc will stop everything and check if you’re alright. Your comfort and enjoyment during your first time are his top priority, so he doesn’t want to force you into anything you don’t want to do.
If you don’t want to go all the way yet, Diluc is content to explore each other’s bodies whether through oral sex or heavy petting. If you don’t want to have sex, that’s also fine. Diluc will be happy to cuddle with you. It ultimately depends on what you’re comfortable doing because Diluc will match you, no matter what you decide to do.
If you do go through with sex, Diluc will take everything nice and slow, giving both you and him ample time to explore and get used to new sensations. He’ll kiss you lots and give lots of reassurance that you’re doing wonderful, you’re beautiful, and it’s ok to stop at any time. Even though he spends the entire time catering to your needs, Diluc will be very happy that you want to take your intimacy to this level. Exploring these new sides of each other and bringing one another pleasure deepens your bond further, or so he thinks.
As a side note, I also think Diluc fantasizes about starting a family with you. Whether you want children or not is optional, but he hopes to make you his wife and live out the rest of his days with you by his side. Ever since his father passed away and Kaeya left the manor, he was left with the phantom of a family in the face of his oldest servants. However, he doesn’t feel as lonely with you, and it makes him recall what having a family felt like.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
12.5cm (4.9 inches) in length and 11cm (4.3 inches) in girth. His cock has several prominent veins running along the shaft (he loves it when you lick them), and a dark red tip.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Diluc’s sex drive is average, but due to how busy he is, he doesn’t have as much time to indulge in lovemaking as he’d like. Generally, he aims for 1-2 times per week, but if one of you is too busy or tired to have sex, he has no problem waiting until you’re both in the mood.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Since he has a lot of stamina and is generally a night owl, Diluc doesn’t fall asleep quickly after lovemaking. He helps clean up and then stays awake and cuddles with you until you fall asleep. If he has nothing else to take care of that night, he’ll keep one arm around you and follow you into dreamland. However, if he has a lot of paperwork or a planned excursion to patrol Mondstadt city, then he will reluctantly leave your side and quietly go about his business. He always makes sure to return to you by dawn so you would wake up beside him.
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pokegalla · 4 months
I’ll be honest i haven’t done this in awhile but i hope you enjoy!
Requested by @neko-rose888
Skellies with an S/o kinda like Rapunzel!
* At first he actually joked about you reminding him of Rapunzel. With the aloof personality, long hair, that glows when you…sing- wait a damn minute-
* Watch out for ink spewing out his mouth. He’d be so excited seeing such an incredible power. Can he touch your hair? Would it affect skeletons? Are you ACTUALLY Rapunzel-?! Aaand there he goes hurling again- And you being awkward but still kind self, you help him clean up, chuckling at his excitement. Kinda hard to ignore how adorable this little artist is.
* Soon you two end up hanging out a lot just to do a LOT of painting. And stars Ink LOVES your work. If this guy isn’t the reason you leave your tower, I call bullshit right now because he is FILLED with adventures of his own!
* Wouldn’t be surprised if he takes you with him to start your own adventure….with him by your side.
* He wasn’t surprised that you had powers. He could…just sense it. He just didn’t know how it worked. He simply thought it was a beautiful power of yours.
* Though despite your abilities, he wants to make sure you will never be forced or ever feel obligated to use your abilities. Especially considering your past. It’s your ability and it’s your choice to use it. But he WOULD feel proud if you use it for healing others. And even feel more special if you heal him too. You fretting over him is so sweet.
* He loves to show you around new places just to see you smile, your positivity shining both in and out. Like a literal sun…it’s so warm and nice to be around. He ends up teaching you how to make flower crowns on a walk in the forest. It was worth seeing your smile beam.
* Literally just two beans with a dash of trauma- you both find peace within each other✨
* He probably bumped into you by accident and didn’t realize you were the princess….and when he did, he apologized PROFUSELY- he’s a KNIGHT in training for damn sake and he’s already being a klutz? TO THE PRINCESS OF ALL PEOPLE-
* Luckily for him you don’t find it to be a big deal and quickly tell him it’s fine. You both excitedly introduce yourselves and soon you two become a fun energetic duo.
* Taking you on horse rides, treating you like a lady, you teaching him how to cake (so he doesn’t explode the kitchen again-), and teaching you how to defend yourself. Frying pan wasn’t a weapon he expected but respectfully cool as you show off its power✨
* He vows to be your loyal knight and will always protect you no matter what!
* He’s definitely heard about you because of your ability and studied about the wither and decay spell? Now THAT can be a very useful weapon! So he sends his team to get you! ….which was easier said than done.
* He knew his idiots were…well stupid but it’s just ONE girl. It can’t be THAT hard. So he goes himself….and finds himself tangled up in your hair, almost getting whacked by a frying pan. He turned into a puddle to escape both your trap and frying pan skills before picking you up with a tendril and taking you away, complaining about the hair you left on him (even though he left goop ALL over your hair- 😑)
* After that you pretty much became swift friends with his team as you hang out with them, heal them, bake cookies, and your bright smile makes them happy. That positivity annoyed Nightmare so much. But…whenever you bring him a black coffee and give him that same bright smile….he can’t help the feeling of warmth deep inside his own soul.
* He may be cold at times but you’re definitely safe around him. Would give you princess treatment….even if he’ll never admit it.
* Might be a bit of a unique meeting but I bet you two met under a starry night sky, looking up at the stars together before he starts up a chat with you. Probably a little space pun that goes right over your head making him laugh instead-
* He was pretty chill about your hair although a little surprised at first. He liked showing you his abilities too. It was funny seeing your ecstatic reaction. But he was interested when you one day mentioned the lanterns from your home. He’s never tried something like that before….
* So hell YES you take him to the lantern thing! You even got lanterns for just the two of you to float together. He was in awe seeing your lanterns twirling together to join the VAST other lanterns mixing in with the starry sky. It was…like the city had come to life….and you being here with him made it all the more special.
* That day you gave him a painting you made of the moment just for him to take home. He still has it in his room, on the wall presented proudly✨
* He only visited because there was some odd decay in the area….and he witnessed your wither and decay ability. Definitely….surprising. Hell it was like his death touch. He was the one to snap you out of the trance thankfully. You go to hug him to thank him much to his scare- but….you didn’t die? Huh? But you ARE human so how-? He chuckled though once you realized you’ve literally hugged death-💦
* He took you with him to study up together about how this came to be and it seems the flower you’ve consumed is more powerful then you expected. Even saved you from his own death touch. Fancy that. He ended up sticking around out of pure curiosity. Plus….its rare to have someone he’s able to be around without needing to be cautious…
* Buuut wow you were accident AND trouble prone- seriously how have you SURVIVED this long in life?! Got the poor guy stressed with how much you got him watching over you- but you make it worth it….you always give him headpats and promise him cuddles and cookies. Can he really stay this upset seeing that cute face?✨
* He went from god of death to a sweet loving guardian angel. You simply just had that effect on him!
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vampyrial · 12 days
A World For Her Alone | Born of Love
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18
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cw (chapter specific): threats of violence, assault, parents talking horribly about their children
summary: Mothers of us, be kind to the fathers on whom we rely.
word count: 4.0k
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Claude watched your mother fall to the floor but threw himself down with her all the same. He gripped her by her shoulders, as though the truth he had scoured this house for was only awaiting his anger to draw back from the void as her life slipped away. He called into the hall for help but he sounded not frightened or even desperate but commanding, like his superiors. Like the men who trained him when he was just a child, trying to wield more from his pathetic body than he was willing to give. He knelt on the floor with your mother’s body as she gurgled blood and his grasp never faltered. He looked into the dark, waning pits of her eyes and tried to conjure the answers she’d die with.
Like everything, it was no use.
Your father, having stumbled upon a baffling scene that should have tried the endless patience he held for the lord, still questioned Claude with a gentleness that sickened him. “Was there anything unusual before this?” Your mother lay, already dead, in her bed with the two of them standing at the foot of it. And though he hated your mother with a fervor that begged him to crush her bones under his heel, what angered him more was the fact that the reverence had not ended when he had every reason to believe that Claude had a hand in his wife’s death. The falseness of all of it threatened to overwhelm him.
He allowed it.
He grabbed your father by the collar of his shirt, the man’s body even neglected to flinch immediately, he was that far removed from the harm Claude could do. “Unusual is the entirety of this farce.”
“My Lord–” Your father began, fear only just beginning to darken the edges of his eyes.
“You will tell me what you know of a certain princess and knight I read about in a frivolous story sitting on your shelf.” Claude’s grip did not relax, he flexed his fingers, yearning to curl them around your father’s neck.
Your father’s face betrayed an instant recognition but he held himself aloft from it. “Lord Claude, we all act impulsively when life challenges us this way but let you not sully your own reputation with violence against your family.”
A frenzied and crazed laugh slipped from Claude’s lips and he bared his teeth in some odd approximation of a grin. He could not believe the audacity of it. He was so tired of normal. So sick of it that he could let himself die right then. Still, he pressed on, willing the information from your father’s body as he had done to prisoners before. “Diana’s mother. Who is she?” Your father’s eyes went flat as though he’d recoiled in on himself for protection, already having decided defending himself was not an option. “That…why do you wish to know?” He had stopped pretending there was nothing to know.
“Does she hold it over you, father-in-law?” Claude sneered. “Does Diana use her magic to keep you in her thrall?”
A spark of something ignited and your father was dragged back from the depths of memory. “Diana uses nothing, know of nothing, my lord. Is that truly not apparent to you?” He wrenched himself from Claude’s grip suddenly, holding out his arms in a gesture that signified that he’d tread carefully. Claude allowed him to step back, believing his explanation to follow. “Can you not see her perfect innocence in this? She is above the madness she was born amidst.”
Claude had given him every chance to speak sense, the tips of his fingers were growing cold and numb. The acrid stench of her blood on his clothes and his hands grew difficult to even breathe through, it was everywhere, traces of blood were everywhere in this house. And still he might add more. He unsheathed his sword partially from his belt to which your father did not flinch. “My Lord, I need only know what becomes of Diana, what of her and your child if you act this way.”
What becomes of them? Claude laughed again, the world ebbing with flashes of blurred daylight as he felt himself descend with each gasped breath. He was greeting the pits of madness, he could feel it. Reality was disintegrating again. “I’ll leave here and kill them both now if I don’t have my answers.”
Your father’s expression turned to shock, as though he believed…as though he truly believed in what was sold to him by a self which had retreated. Claude— not the one with a grotesque and near calculable perfection in his single-mindedness, but the one who had been buried underneath, was the only thing left behind to speak but your father did not know him. He could not comprehend that there had ever been a part of him that could not only feel apathy toward Diana but one which could actively hated her. Claude thought placidly that he was soon to sink, collapsed under the weight of this dichotomy and the madness it inspired. “Diana’s mother, the princess.” Your father stared with a sort of wonder into Claude’s eyes, trying to weigh how to proceed in a conversation with a once tamed and now feral animal. “She is gone now, you must have heard it even if before you did not know her significance.”
Somewhere in his memory, he felt around for a name he’d heard but it was difficult, for all of time and thought revolved around this agony. And reality had scarcely moved with the stability it had before, it bisected so that he was of two minds and of two lives at once. Still, he managed to draw a whisper from the depths of his lives. A princess of Siodonna who had been her elder sister’s heir, had succumbed to an unknown illness. The kingdom’s future was uncertain and as his father-in-law and his country at large had ties to them, it had been their concern too. That princess, the immaterial one who had no face and name in face of the consuming thing thoroughly within and without his mind. Nothing had any definition that was not given by Diana’s gaze and Diana treated your mother as her own, the only mother she would ever know. He’d had no reason to care. “She was a mage? She crafted this…” He realized he didn’t know how to describe what it was he was afflicted by. Especially to someone like your father, who seemed like he’d have willingly given in to a life of toil for Diana’s love were he in Claude’s place. “This life.”
“I know little of her work, or I– I knew little. She cast some spell on our princess, perhaps it is so that she gave her this life with you.” Your father compulsively smoothed his clothes out, rearranging himself where Claude had disheveled his neat appearance. “If it is true then…forgive me, Lord Claude but I do not see it as a bad thing. I can’t understand why you would. Is it not a good thing?” He smoothed the lapels of his shirt with a quivering smile. “Something was given to you, Lord Claude, by ordinance of magic that is so very rare in this world. Should you not treasure it?”
Claude could have lunged for him again. Instead, though, he drew his sword in warning. Your father, undeterred, only smiled. “My Lord…No matter what, Diana is a gift to you, whether the princess’ or god’s. Why do you only pretend to scorn her now? Is it out of guilt for her elder sister? She made her own bed, she made it easy for fate to find its way between you. In your love with Diana, she was just happenstance, don’t you think? Wasn’t it always going to be that you two would find a way?”
Another frisson of light and reality rearranged again. Claude was kneeling on your father’s chest with one hand around the man’s throat and the other holding his sword above the man’s head as though he were keen to put it right through his eye.
“My Lord, what is going on?” Felix appeared in the doorway, a hand on his sword which stayed sheathed despite Claude obviously meaning to hurt your father. His voice didn’t sound panicked as it should, he sounded truly conflicted. His eyes flitted from him to your father again and again, his gaze tense but tinged in something akin to…amusement. Yes, it would make sense that he’d be amused by. If Felix hated Claude then he must surely had a father who’d been treating you poorly far before. Perhaps he was debating letting both of them kill each other.
“You may go,” your father replied, placidly. He was panting and clearly a bit afraid but he spoke calmly. “Do not intrude on us, Lord Claude and I were caught in a misunderstanding.”
Felix raised an eyebrow but did not disobey, turning on his heels and closing the door behind him with a click, his pride as a knight long forgotten. Claude would have killed him without a second thought had anything interrupted them, he was tied to a singular desire that was the only thing holding him to earth. Whether it be your father, your knight or his very own child, he’d not let anything stop him. If he did, this life would yet again be nothing but wasted time and wasted agony. He looked down at your father. “I don’t care at all if your mother was a brazen courtesan who let your father knock you about like a disobedient dog if it meant that she could let other men fuck her for position. I don’t care if you feel nothing when you see your wife cold and dead. The cruelty you visit upon your first daughter, that will be repaid. I will see it repaid.” The voice that came out of him was guttural like the call of animal. “But not before I know who put this story to paper. You say you know little of her work but it seems that someone must. Who are they?”
“Lord Claude, pardon me, but if you could find someone to give you what answers you wish to hear…what would it change?” He huffed, struggling to breath under Claude’s weight. “She was never my daughter, that girl. I never felt like her father, she…she was more omen than a child. She was born from me and the misery ever above me. I don’t know who she most took after. If you believe there was a spell that compelled you toward my little princess, then it must have been intended as a blessing for you as much as her. There’s no reason for lies, My Lord, there’s no one here to pity anymore. You could never have loved that girl, it might have been enough for her just to do her duties to you but she was so vicious, so hateful. She has never been innocent a day in her life, always had to be reminded of herself. It would have compounded your misery, that I know, Lord Claude. Believe that I know my own blood even if she has never been held in my arms as a daughter.”
A punch landed on your father’s nose, Claude could feel a part of the bone split. He wished for his gauntlet, wished for the pleasure and ease of watching your father’s face turn into a grotesque portrait of his own viciousness in moments. “I’m not you.” The words came out in a rhythm, like the warning song of a bird of prey.
Your father, with blood all over his face and still gushing from his nose, smiled and revealed the blood on his teeth as well. He was fully crying then, gasping little breaths and squeezing his eyes shut. “No…you’re not me. You have had a fate…that I…might have died for.”
“I will have my way. I must have my way. If not, I will take from you the last shred of that princess you so loved. I will kill them both.” Your father’s eyes popped open, red with blood and terrified. This time, he had no reason to believed that Claude could be swayed from the boundary of anger and a will to see bloodshed done. He took a long and trembling breath in through his mouth, madness defeated under the weigh of Claude’s own. “I saw the book long ago, I’d heard…whispers about it. I bought it from…a common woman’s bookstore, the author called himself…Lucas, I wanted to know…who could know our story so intimately and who could dare publish it but I…I went to where the woman said he’d last lived and he was not there, in fact…it looked like no one had lived there in some time.”
“Right here in this county, I could not believe…across the road from where that shabby little theater is.”
A noise sounded at the door a woman’s voice muffled, sounding pleading against the voice of Felix, giving her what sounded like short and rather curt answers. Your father’s head whipped toward the noise and for the first time, he struggled underneath Claude. “My Lord, I ask that you not let my daughter see this. Whatever you feel for her, she has done nothing wrong.” Claude hesitantly climbed off of him, having gained the answers he’d sought. It had little to do with sparing Diana and more to do with the fact that he could move forward, finally. Claude swung open the door and barged past both Felix and his frantic wife with their daughter in tow, sucking at her thumb. He might not have even noticed there was still blood on his hands if he did not see it in he way their expressions mirrored each other as he walked past. Though their daughter took after Diana most in the first place, fear made them doppelgangers, the sight of him rid his wife’s face of the mature and practiced expression she wore. She looked as young as when they first met.
He pushed past.
“Claude! Oh my god, are you hurt?” She followed after him, letting go of her daughter’s hand trying to stop him from proceeding. “What happened?” She stood in front of him. “Where are you going.
“I’m leaving.” He started to walk around her but Diana put her arms out, moving with him.
“Don’t,” He warned. It was a bit laughable that she was using her body as a shield to keep him from walking away because she presumed he’d not harm her to pass. All the while, the harm he did to her would be negligible in his mind, one drop of her fair, precious blood in a sea of viscera.
“Don’t what? Don’t stop you from leaving when you’re covered in blood?” She cried. “What is wrong with you? Talk to me, please. They’re saying my mother is dead and you…you were there with her. No one will tell me what’s going on.”
“Yes, I was there.” He affirmed easily. A little smile rose at the corners of his lips. “Forgive me, I should be the one to tell you what has been going on.”
She was not soothed but she relaxed somewhat, her gaze growing expectant. She reached out for his arm, perhaps trying to console whatever it was she saw in his expression and the blood drying on his clothes. He took her by the shoulders instead, unable to keep his grip gentle when he had the object of so many miseries between his fingers. His daughter called for him but her voice had simply become part of the chorus of little voices lost to deaths behind him. He did not know her voice from the ones he dreamed of, the voice of the colicky little infant he’d left behind. “Everything in this house has always been for your sake, Diana. Everyone has lived just to give you more but no one paid the price like your sister did. Did you not see that? Or perhaps did you think it was her duty, to be expected that she should survive off of scraps just so that you could have more.”
Diana’s brow furrowed, she did not look nearly as afraid of him as she should have been. She did not approach him with nearly as much caution. “What?”
“Your mother devoted her life to caring for you. Promised to you. Your father holds you like a relic of the past, a keepsake of your mother. But while we’re at it, let’s speak of your mother. They never spoke to you about her, did they? I’ll be the one who does, after all, I am your savior. It is the least I can do.” He stared down at her. “Your mother was poisoning you to keep you inside the house, safe and sound. Did you know? No, of course not, this woman was a slave to your care. What could you think to do other than swallow up her lies?”
“Poisoning me? Claude, you’re not making sense, you’re hurting me.”
“Everything does,” He said simply. “Everything hurts you. Save for the pleasure of your actions. The fallout hurts you, the secret hurts you but never the act. Only how it looks. Did you ever consider your own sister when you spent your days throwing yourself at me?” It wasn’t fair to speak to her of these things as though he had no part in it but what had ever been fair about any of his lives? She could shoulder her share of it. He’d make her. “If it were her, you’d have never forgotten but that’s the point, isn’t it? It’s you so it’s acceptable, you, the poor, sick little darling. Maybe you felt like you deserved it even if you felt a bit sorry, you always came back to that fact. Your mother gave you the chance to excuse yourself this way, maybe you’d have been glad all along to know what she was doing. Maybe it would give you reason to be saved, reason greater than your sister’s.”
Your father came out of the room, blotting his nose with a soaked handkerchief. Diana looked over Claude’s shoulder in horror, letting out a gasp. “Lord Claude. Please. Leave her be.” He was swaying on his feet a bit but Felix did not offer his arm.
Claude paid him no mind. “Your mother was a mage, beloved by your miserable father. I read it in your mother’s diary, it’s still in her room if you wish to read every word your mother inspired. She put a spell on you but your magic was also great, did you know that? Or did you cast this spell on me by sheer will?” He paused, waiting to hear her answer, as though she would give one. He had not realized until then that he wanted her to. He wanted her to have known.
“Let go of me! Don’t do this in front of your daughter, you’re frightening her!”
His fingers flexed, grasping her tighter. “Tell me. Is this love the doing of all that wasted magic buried in a weak body?”
“I truly don’t know what you’re talking about, Claude, please. I love you.” She pleaded, teary eyed. Her tears…for some reason inspired a burning hatred, one that was painful to hold. Tears. She hadn’t earned the right to tears, not for you and certainly not for herself. Their daughter had begun to cry, mirroring her mother. Diana gently called to the girl, trying to calm her while terrified herself. The crying of their child brought him back, reality merged again and he was hearing the cries from a cradle rocked by the wind, this time the hollow between her screams filled by the comfort of a mother she did not have. It enraged him.
“I don’t love you, Diana. More than that, I hate you. More than I ever thought one could hate. This feeling, the misery of laying with you knowing that you reek of the deaths that follow after you…I’d rather kill myself than bear it even once more. You sicken me and I sicken myself for having ever…fallen into you like this.” It came out in a desperate tone, a breathless ramble. “The child with my blood might as well have been born only of you for how little I feel for it. Her birth brought me no joy, because every time I look at her, I think of the child that your sister might have had with me. I love your sister. I love her down to her bones, down to the hollow space in my life that she’s left. You have…again you have stolen it…”
Belatedly, caution entered her gaze. “Claude…” her voice broke. “You don’t mean any of this. You’re ill. You’ve made yourself ill. You need rest.”
He laughed humorlessly. “I’ve never meant anything I’ve said to you until now. You think this is madness and maybe it is! But that doesn’t mean it isn’t me.” He let go of her. “All of it is falsehood and you know it. It was falsehood that benefitted you so you could live with it well enough but no more. I cannot live this way.” He forced himself to leave the anger there, it was of no consequence now, his anger did nothing to save you and was becoming rather indulgent. Only his next pursuit could provide any hope of helping you. And he’d not be tempted from that path for a belated revenge.
Diana went to their daughter and held her, tucking the girl’s teary face into her shoulder as Claude pressed forward, walking down the hall. Your father came over to comfort the two, setting a hand on her shoulder and murmuring assurances which she ignored. “Where do you intend to run?" Diana, who simply could not leave things be called out to him. “Your home is here, your family is here. Whatever you feel now for me…I truly don’t understand what you feel you’ve discovered here but I know that you have always had your regrets and I’m sorry for that. I always sought to be happy with you. But even if I have failed, it isn’t for you to abandon us now of all times. I didn’t kill my sister, I didn’t make her run away. I’m now without my mother and without my sister and you would have me lose you?” She rose to her feet, cautiously, the only sound in the hall being their daughter’s sniffling and the swish of her silk skirts. “Stay. Let a doctor see you.”
Claude looked back at her for a moment. Diana’s gaze held his with fragile hope. She was beautiful in the dull, grey light from the window. Her tears glittered on her cheeks, her white dress was smeared with her father’s blood. It reminded him of you. How many lives you’d spent kneeling at the altar of his sins, waiting for him and still waiting at the end. The innocence of your disbelief worn on your sleeve.
But on Diana, such a look was a profoundly cruel farce. A reminder of just how unearned the tragedy in her eyes was. He felt glad to leave her. He hoped that just once, she’d be made to wait for a husband who would not come, to cling to a promise she knew was already broken, even if in the end he knew it would not matter. Memory is what makes tragedy. For all that happened, the agony is in remembering.
“You’ve never been a wife to me, this has never been a family,” He said it softly, not for her benefit, but because he felt reality begin to waver and his mind become such a fragile and uncertain place. “You have always felt like a trial from god and that child…a shadow of something long gone born only to compound my misery. All of this to punish me.”
Reality melted again, reformed around a memory of you begging him not to leave without you. He knew it wasn't real and still it had been hard to make his way out into the dark without turning back.
tags: @kage-tobiuo @kreishin @rosephantomhive @yeahdrarry @splaterparty0-0 @dear-dairiess @qluvrv @hafsuhhh @eissaaaa @ayolk @doan-19 @fourcefulcupid @ariachaos @cerisearan @irisspade @yaesflorist @jcrml @xiaosprettygf @yevenly @amaris08atoshi012022 @obsessed-with-a-fictional-man @softbummiee @cassanderasblog @waka-babe @bananatwirl@s1mp69 @mitsuyamistress @hottiewifeyyyy @reiko69 @syyyy4ever @pinkpastel-l @dododododooosworld @gwyneveire @mvoonxlightv @noisyenthusiastface @coldpeachkitten @brightykitten @worstliving @kailyan
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ilynpilled · 1 year
i feel like ive seen too many very odd reads of this whole thing, so i do wanna go through jaime & the brutal murder of rhaegar and elia’s children situation.
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first of all, we know jaime’s main function as a kingsguard at 15: he is a pawn in aerys and tywin’s beef. he is a hostage and a means to rob tywin of an heir
this is what rhaegar tells him too. despite jaime’s guilt, it was not a “i am leaving everything in your hands 💔 you are my most trusted knight” being said to an unseasoned teen, rhaegar isn’t dense, but a: “he is tywin’s son, he is the ideal hostage to keep him under control. a crutch for aerys and his dangerous paranoia (even if just to satiate him, which is why he was kept close, again, people knew that aerys was erratic atp.)” we have the actual conversation. rhaegar is open about this, he isnt really tricking jaime here. they also emphasize that he has to stay near aerys. that is his primary role, not anything else. what rhaegar didn’t take into consideration is that tywin, when it comes down to it, will sack the city anyway (neither did he know what would happen at the trident, and how badly the tides will turn, how it will affect aerys and how he will think he was betrayed by lewyn and dorne, how he will not let elia and the children leave etc), the stakes are too great for house lannister and we know tywin will not pick the losing side. it is already a pretty grim situation for jaime, who had witnessed the brutal executions of a bunch of people at this point, to be left alone in the hands of a mad man as someone who eventually becomes solely responsible for the red keep, while also being functionally a hostage while his father decides to betray the crown, but of course, aerys has a bigger plan to retaliate and therefore jaime also has bigger things to worry about.
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jaime feels guilt and responsibility about the whole thing anyway, and the way it is read in the most bad faith way imaginable is kind of odd to me. the dream is extremely integral. it reveals things to us that jaime pushes down as a narrator. it peels off the layers. first of all, jaime is explicit about ned’s judgement, the kingslayer complex, and the role that played, and his concious expects ned to show up in the dream as well, but it is revealed to be not actually about that. he, and that external source of judgement and scorn, is not the thing that haunts him. we see that it is a deep sense of failure over being unable to triumph over contradictions. he reflects on this after the dream too: “it was not him. it was never him.” and the message is deliberately delivered by the ghosts of the people that embody that initial quixotic view of the world that he had as a boy.
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i have seen people claim that the “light dimming” is meant to indicate jaime lying about not knowing (being aware that tywin can be very brutal and is capable of hurting innocents is different from jaime knowing or suspecting this order). even if that wasnt contradicted in the text (ill get to this), it doesnt seem to work with the dream? the fires also gutter out when he gets condemned for killing the king right after, there is no clear him “lying” consistency here. and even if you go by that interpretation, the flame is unaffected by the claim of “i was with the king”, which would then have to be true (and it is—so again what is jaime meant to do here?) because we know the scaling of maegor’s holdfast was happening simultaneously with aerys being murdered and the wildfire plot being stopped. the main function of this part of the dream is jaime’s light, a “romantic burning out” as george puts it, being destroyed by contradictory oaths and a fundamentally unjust and cynical world. the light being withered is about losing hope & purpose, and failing to keep vows that actually matter. rhaegar’s children, his guilt over them, and the oath they embody (protect the weak, defend the innocent) plague his mind. the “I never thought he’d hurt them” is relevant in a different way. jaime is guilty of being an extension of the lannister regime. he is guilty of enabling it. and this is more relevant to him after this event, in the present. the whole dream operates on three levels: past, present, and future.
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it is why this idea comes up with the tysha situation as well. whether he knew or considered it at the time (and i do not personally think he did, or it was compartmentalized) or not is not whats truly relevant. i think the point that is being emphasized is that tywin and his legacy is something that has to be rejected entirely in the present. he knows by now inarguably. no more “looking without seeing.” this justification does not work anymore. anyway, the point is that his light goes out because of the terror of being confronted with these contradictory oaths and impossible situations where these heavy choices have to be made, with devastating costs. the vows cannot compromise. these are situations and choices that destroy a nonexistent ideal that he had always romanticized in every aspect of his life. it is a culmination of the build up of everything jaime held close to his heart being torn down during those two years serving in the kingsguard. it is about the conflict between ethics and morals: “In some queer way, that had been worse than Lord Chelsted’s screaming. “We are sworn to protect her as well,” Jaime had finally been driven to say. “We are,” Darry allowed, “but not from him.” & “After, Gerold Hightower himself took me aside and said to me, “You swore a vow to guard the king, not to judge him.”
but this situation is intentionally impossible in every aspect. morals and ethics conflict. we have the obvious of what do you do when killing the king breaks the oath you swore to protect him? what if not doing it means breaking the oath to protect the innocent? what if your heroes condemn you despite you telling them the full context of this dilemma and make the fire gutter out permanently? what if being with the king (be it to protect him or kill him to save a city) means you are not there to protect the children from your own father (who you are also sworn to obey)? the moral constructs that this society operates with is nonsense, and it is not confronted by people. can the horrors be fought at all? this is how you have someone described as a “very idealistic young man” by george turn into the amoral bitter cynic we see in the actual series who proceeds to revolve his life around another delusion instead, the only one that remains to him, and loses his own moral code due to how extremely it all conflicts with all code of ethics. it results in a cowardly acceptance of the horrors, his selfishness and faux nihilism, and leads to the enablement and perpetuation of evil.
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there is a reason this whole thing haunts jaime and his narrative, and starts blending together with the starks in adwd (something jaime is directly accountable for), and is a huge factor when it comes to jaime effectively contradicting tywin’s dogma when he goes with brienne. jaime became that “knight” in many ways, he, by his own admission, became the smiling knight, who he later also labels “the mountain of my boyhood.” but he is not anymore, which is why there are notable anti parallels in that chapter.
when it comes to how much jaime knew back then, i think the text is pretty clear:
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1. if jaime knew or suspected that tywin had the massacre of an entire family already in motion the hope of “leaving to make terms” would not really be there. 2. after he is found, crakehall informs him that they secured the city and the castle. jaime points out in retrospect that this was only half true, and that he couldn’t have known about the scaling (and other things) still happening by this point. jaime is under the impression that everything is secured as a result. he orders everyone who yields to be spared. he is also under the impression as per his narration that aegon is still there, safe and alive, and could be a potential king. however, he does become concerned about the possibility of another aerys. there is a reason he climbs the throne here imo. i never read this as “jaime too busy fucking around lol” or “is intentionally letting them die because his blood is in both of them.” again, he orders everyone who yields spared, and is under the impression that the castle is already secured. he even entertains the possibility of tywin being hand to aegon as king (clearly not possible with what is in the middle of happening —and if he even suspects this threat, why is this considered a possibility by him?) until he gets an aerys flashback, and decides against it despite it serving his family. he has a lot of things on his mind right now anyway to figure out tywin’s current strategy when it comes to house lannister (not to mention this is not really how jaime’s brain works, he is not very machiavellian minded) considering he just damned himself by committing one of the most significant oathbreakings in history, and that someone will fill the hole left by the person who had the power to nuke a city, something that jaime has nightmares about nearly 20 years later. and even if he was aware of this threat that he clearly wasn’t, considering the fact that it was happening simultaneously with jaime killing aerys and being found, if he knew and tried to rush over there after killing aerys, judging from the distance, it would have been too late. hence “i was with the king…” in the dream.
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veryace-ficrecs · 14 days
Jedi Culture and Customs Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
In Search of Comfort by BreakfastTea - Rated G
A collection of short stories in which Cal gives and receives comfort, originally posted to Tumblr in 2022 and 2023. Expect hugs, blankets and pancakes!
‘The Temporary Temple Guards’ by RoosjeM - Not Rated
It was a widely known fact within the Temple, that the Temple Guards stationed at the Coruscant Temple were experiencing a ‘shortage’ at the moment. Seeing as Knights were sent out to complete missions and went on protective details, they were also the Corp that was responsible for the Temple Guards. - “I may have an issue.” ���What is it?” The boy was alone. No one else was around despite it being the middle of the night. Just the boy who made a bee-line for Obi-Wan. He was way too young to be out at this time let alone out here all alone. It was the boy’s training armour that tipped Obi-wan off that this was more than just a lost child. “I have a youngling in front of me. There is no one else around and I am pretty sure he’s Mandalorian.” Quinlan paused, then asked, “...Come again?” Obi-Wan peered down at the child tugging at his arm. “Aran, ner echoy'la.” Kriff. “Correction, I have a Mandalorian boy in front of me telling me he’s lost.” - Or it’s Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi’s turn to be a Temporary Temple Guard and of course one of his past missions comes back to haunt him.
My head is warm, my feet are cold by themonopolyhat - Rated T
No one knows yet how in the Sith hells Obi-Wan managed to sneak up to his quarters before collapsing, either. The fact that he did so on the morning of his own fucking funeral is so theatrical that Vokara may never forgive him.
Or: Obi-Wan rescues himself, gives a Padawan anxiety, and creates problems for Mace and Vokara.
An AU/remix of Night_Fury's if i don't make it back (from where i've gone).
Knights of the Republic by darkstars12 - Rated G
For too many years the Jedi have been mysterious to us. They have been idolized to the point of legend and today we’re here to set the record straight. The Jedi are not some kind of little gods, but rather a beautiful and unique culture that has yet to be explored within modern media. I’m your host Xiaan Pauk and this is Knights of the Republic: Unfiltered.
carried in your heart by grumpyhedgehogs - Rated G
“I am always with you.” Obi-Wan tells her. Her heart thumps painfully in her chest as her grandmaster rests his palm over it. The organ betrays her, beats away like it can crack her ribs apart and slip between them to leap into Obi-Wan’s chest and stay there with him, always. Slowly, tentatively, Ahsoka lets Obi-Wan guide her to rest her own palm over his heart. It pulses under her fingers, reminding Ahsoka at least one Jedi still lives on. “You are always with me.”
Mace's Headache by Siri_Kenobi12 - Rated G
The Jedi Council is shocked after that fateful meeting with Qui-Gon Jinn in TPM, but should they really be surprised that the ‘Maverick’ of the Order would somehow be the epicenter of the prophesied “Chosen One” and the reemergence of the Sith? Should they really be surprised that the Padawan raised by the defiant Dooku would find a loophole in the code in order to get what he wants? That he’d stubbornly stick to his position even if it meant he inadvertently crushed the future of a promising young man in the process? The question plaguing Mace’s mind now is, does he step in to try and fix it? Or does he just leave things alone? Either way Mace Windu already has a headache.
in the swing over the creek by ash_in_a_burrito - Rated T
Obi-Wan Kenobi was sitting in the corner of the crèche, drawing pictures.
Stardust Showers by ash_in_a_burrito - Rated G
Obi-Wan Kenobi looked to the left. He looked to the right. Now was his chance. Time to escape!
the moon slides down the stairs by ash_in_a_burrito - Rated T
Depa Billaba led her padawan, Caleb Dume, through the halls of the Jedi Temple. The path they took was one that was as familiar to her as the katas of Shii-Cho. or Shatterpoint Lineage Dinner, with a twist
Epistolary Investigations by Knifehawk - Rated T
History is an interesting thing, especially when it involves an organization like the Jedi Order that has records stretching back twenty-five thousand years. One would expect that such an organization would have a relatively clear and accurate understanding of their own history, especially history merely four thousand years in the past, but what happens when a single Jedi, desperately searching for any new knowledge that will quench the ire of his archivist friend, discovers information that calls the entire history, and doctrine, of the Jedi Order into question. Typically, debates would be had, accusations and rumors of heresy and apostacy launched, and the seeker would back down fearing their declaration as "fallen." When that Jedi is Master Yan Dooku, Padawan of Grandmaster Yoda, Jedi Shadow, and close friend of Archivist Jocasta Nu and Seer Syfo-Dias? It turns out that a great many things change. Probably for the best as time is running out, and a Force-gifted confrontation edges closer and closer.
then leaf subsides to leaf by The_Last_Kenobi (orphan_account) - Not Rated
You are a Jedi, and this is what that means.
a stitch in time by ash_in_a_burrito - Rated T
Obi-Wan looked out at his clan of initiates. The Dragon Clan had about ten younglings, all gathered around, looking at him with eager eyes. If he was being honest, he was feeling a little nervous about taking his first class. Quin had told him that it would feel natural, and he’d find it no problem, but Quin had also been practically raising Aayla since she was 4 years old.
Scarab by b1uebear - Rated G
“Master,” she said, “is it wrong for a Jedi to kill?” “It would certainly be wrong for you to kill that poor beetle,” Mace replied. Padawan Bo-Katan gets into a philosophical discussion with her Master. For Jedi June 2024.
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A Jedi may not be able to help everyone. Elara refuses to accept it.
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The Jedi fosterer Master Laeus goes on another trip across the galaxy to collect younglings for the order. Her journey takes her to seven different worlds in the Republic, different cultures and peoples offering different receptions and glimpses of the galaxy, but all holding a part of the next generation of Jedi.
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“I want to keep her.” “No.” Dacken Harfai is a Jedi Initiate of Clan Dewback. Everyone says the war is coming to a close. This is great; now Dacken can figure out how to find who is meant to be his Jedi Master. And, of course, Amon -a muttamok who now lives with the clan- will help.
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venuscxre · 1 month
hii, i was wondering if you could do lancelot x cupid! reader headcanons? she was like adopted by meliodas and elizabeth when she was an infant and stuff so shes like a Holy Knight (or one of four, which makes five😱) she is like the Knight of Hatred/Love if you get what i mean???
idk if this makes any sense but its my first request as you can tell. it would a lot if you could do this since its been on my mind. however, no rush and just taker caree💗
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synopsis ; lancelot x cupid!reader headcannons.
content warning ; fluff.
notes ; thank you for this request!! i’m sorry it took so long, work has been a bit hectic! thank you for this request anon!! i hope it’s to your liking!! :)
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lancelot with a cupid!reader who he always found quite… weird while growing up. he mostly steered clear of her during those years.
growing up, into their teenage years, he found her less of a weirdo and more of an airhead. she’d often space out thinking of who knows what and stood the risk of getting herself hurt.
with her clumsiness and the knack she has for spacing out in the worst situations, lancelot just accepted his fate and would always keep an eye on her, tailing her from behind at a good distance without her knowing.
he’d watch in amusement whenever she’d help someone with relationship problems or even help budding relationships bloom. she seemed to really love helping people find their other halves which is something he found slightly intrusive but didn’t say anything about. he knew just how much love mattered to her.
soon enough, the liones siblings and lancelot slowly hung out less and less as they became increasingly busy with their training as knights of the prophecy.
when lancelot and tristan were assigned to go find the last two knights of the apocalypse, she secretly tagged along, although lancelot was already aware of her presence since he could hear her thoughts from a mile away.
despite his original weariness of her, lancelot didn’t seem to mind having her around as much as he thought he would. and when they managed to find cute lil’ percival? it was like she had cloned and split her brain cell, because those two were birds of a feather.
during their time together, lancelot hated to admit it, but she was starting to grow on him. he’d find himself always listening to whatever thing she was talking about, making sure she’s alright during or after a battle with chaos knights, and making sure that she doesn’t walk into another tree like she did last time. he also found himself becoming a little more protective of her than usual.
as someone who deals with love, the cupid!reader already knows the telltale signs of a crush, no matter what type of person they might be. imagine how overjoyed she was when she noticed some of the signs in lancelot’s recent behaviour towards her; having liked him for the longest time.
by the time they and the percy platoon reached liones, there was a significant change in the relationship between lancelot and the cupid!reader, the both of them being easily mistaken as lovers.
the change in their relationship didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the royal family or the tristan platoon. this sparked a protective streak within the king and prince.
during the showdown with arthur pendragon, she had sustained some serious damage while trying to evacuate the citizens, which further fueled lancelot’s hostility towards the king of chaos.
after getting healed and put on bed rest, lancelot made sure to stick by her side, not wanting to take his eyes off her for a minute. it was bad enough that percy had lost slight control and he and the rest of the platoon almost got taken out by isolde and co.
“you know that i’m perfectly fine now, right? you don’t need to follow me around like this, lance.” the attention she was getting from lancelot was increasingly making her more flustered around him and she wished that he could tone it down just a bit so that her heart doesn’t burst out of her chest.
“i’m not taking any more chances with you. you’re always getting hurt in one way or another, you damn klutz,” he lightly flicks her forehead, snickering slightly when her lips curl into a pout.
“hey! that’s mean—“
“watch it!” lancelot’s arm shoots out to grab her waist, pulling her into his side to avoid her from walking straight into one of the cracks in the middle of the road, curtsey of arthur’s attack earlier. he raises an eyebrow, looking down at her with a ‘see what i mean?’ expression.
“you should pay better attention to your surroundings, princess. i’m not always going to be by your side to protect you,” he gives her waist a light squeeze, not letting go of her.
“yeah, yeah..” she mumbled, trying to supress her thoughts that had begun to run laps in her head from how close he was.
lancelot chuckled slightly as she tried (and failed) to hide her thoughts; one of them did pique his interest. “you think i smell nice?”
she feels herself die inside a little as her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. damn it.
at her embarrassment, he lets out a louder laugh. “you never fail to amuse me, princess. but i must say, thank you for the compliment.”
“you’re a jerk, lance..”
“you know you love me, princess. i know you do,” he presses a kiss to her cheek. she stopped walking to try and process what he had just done.
“did you just..”
“kiss you? yeah, i did. you want another one?” he teased, leaning down so that their faces are inches away from each other.
“your call, princess. i won’t kiss you unless you tell me to,” he murmured.
unable to form proper words, she nods. lancelot contemplates teasing her some more, but decides against it for now. he presses a gentle kiss to her lips, his hand caressing her waist as he does. they kiss for a few seconds before pulling away from each other, both of them a little red faced.
“c’mon, let’s go see percy and the others.”
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© 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓𝐗𝐑𝐑; plagiarism, retranslation or reposts of my work are completely unauthorized
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated. <33
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luffyvace · 10 months
Ace x amab reserved reader
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just on a whim bc i barely see enough content for males and since ace is my fav here ya go! :)
(small tidbits of spoilers but not really)
ace isn’t the most eccentric guy to live persay
but because of his straight forward personality it more so seems like it
which a part of it is
but your way different than him
your a fly solo typa guy
you’d rather stay to yourself and do your own thing
ace respects that he gets why
people can be a real pain sometimes
so if anyone is being overly pushy with your comfort zone??
never fear!! the brave knight, Ace is here!!
he’ll stand up for you if he can tell you don’t have the social energy to do so
he’s very good at protecting his territory
he’s been doing it his whole life
he loves you with his whole heart
so he understands if you need space
ace introduces you to marco and the two of you hit it off
marco’s energy isn’t over the top so it’s just enough that you can handle
perfect for you
same with izo!!
so the four of you become a little group!
ace could nap any time of the day
so if your ever feeling a little drained?
nap time is all the time :)
go and snuggle up to ace and he won’t reject it at all!
he loves you!!
but please not in public honey
its embarrassing and marco won’t stop teasing him about it
ace would do anything he can for you to keep you comfy
this rooms’ too loud?
yeah, he agrees. let’s move to the next room!
he would get a little concerned if you don’t want any human interaction though
from trauma to purely liking to be alone
“you’ve gotta get sunlight m/n!! you cant just coop up like a vampire! yknow? it won’t kill you to just see people right?”
i mean he loves having you all to himself but it’s kinda unhealthy!
”you can’t shun yourself from life all because you dont wanna be around people n/n! life isn’t gonna wait for you to get out of that dark room of yours yknow?”
he’ll tease you and gently push you out of your shell occasionally
but for the most part he understands
he’d love to have deep conversations with you!!
since you don’t talk to people all that often he knows you have thoughts to get out
so talk to him!!
he’ll listen all day to his sweet m/n’s voice, as he likes to say
(if you like that)
he’s kinda nosy and since he knows your always observing others he thinks you simply must have some juicy gossip on people!
also don’t bottle up your emotions on him!
like i said talk to him!
your his boyfriend!
his precious boyfriend!
he wouldn’t want you going through anything on your own when you already have him!!
especially since he knows what that feels like
he also knows your a good listener
so he’ll go to you about his past or father and such once you guys get real deep in the relationship
or if you already are
either way ace loves you just as you are
he will support you and at least try to understand where your coming from to help keep you comfortable :)
ahh these are pretty short but yeah i hope anyone who reads enjoys them
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habibite · 1 year
you could hide beside me / maybe for a while / and I won't tell no one your name
name — goo goo dolls
pairing: bruce wayne/reader no warnings / 905 words / posted on ao3
he thinks he could die here.
there are many possibilities, many opportunities, for him to die, but he thinks that this, this would be his preferred way: you, safe, and still warm from a shower, the beginning of a dream evident in the way your brow furrows over your closed eyes. him: by your side, always by your side as long as you ask, unworried about whether or not the city was collapsing because as far as he was concerned, this moment was all that mattered. 
bruce always wonders how long it’ll last, wonders what it’ll be that breaks everything apart first. he knows he’s not the easiest companion—he knows that some nights he can barely be called a companion. the thought that he hates to think about the most, hates to admit the most, is that he knows he can only keep you so protected for so long. but you assure him, everyday you assure him, that you are so happy. you miss him, but you can enjoy your time alone. that worrying about him is the worst part for you. that you had figured out what you were signing up for; and no bruce, whatever extra precautions you’re probably thinking about and already working on probably aren’t even necessary. 
and then he feels a finger pressed against his forehead.
“hey. i can feel when you’re thinking that hard, you know.” you look at him through eyelashes, your head still tucked in the nook of his shoulder. fingers smooth over his brow, run along his cheek, then settle back underneath the covers. he shifts, barely, stiffening from getting caught in the act. 
“‘m sorry. did i wake you?”
“no. don’t apologize. i wasn’t asleep yet.” you nose along his side, pressing a kiss against a rib. he stops the shiver he feels coming, always amazed by how freely you give your affections. he wishes he could speed himself up, could be that free already, but settles instead for a slight tightening of his grip around you. “what’s got your pretty mind so worked up?”
a pause.
“nothing.” and then a breath. he’s trying. “everything.” another. “you.”
a low hum is your response as you wiggle, pressing yourself up on your forearms to rest above his chest. you take in bruce wayne for all he is before you: not the god of gotham, the dark knight, the prince, the vigilante, the batman, or whatever the hell else they might want to dub him as; but as the man, the flesh and blood and bone that come home so often bloodied and broken, the beating heart you feel against your fingertips, the version no one else sees. you brush the hair off his forehead, reexamine as you watch him try to adjust his focus from his thoughts to you in front of him. 
“oh?” your tone is light, almost teasing. your fingers itch to trace along the contours of his face. one thing at a time, and you feel like you need to concentrate on the very important fact that bruce is finally beginning to speak without being prompted. “why me?”
because you are one of the greatest things to have happened to him. because he can’t picture the life he’d live if you were gone. because he doesn’t know how to have good anymore without fighting against himself for it. the words all jumble in his throat. he tries to swallow them down, to clear enough space to offer:
“because—” he presses his lips together. it’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to you, he just doesn’t want to say the wrong thing. he tries again, rearranging his sentence in his head, speaking deliberately: “sometimes i think i’m too happy. when i’m with you.” 
“really?” your brow quirks before you can help it. “i’m pretty happy around you too, you know.”
“i just—i just want to be here. just here. just for awhile.” no gotham. no gordon. no alfred. no dead parents. no blood on his hands no new ridiculous villain; no public outraged that he doesn’t want to be seen as neither a man nor a vigilante nothing, that makes his head feel like it’s going to explode and his thoughts are racing faster than he could ever possibly train to keep up with. 
he can feel the desperation in his bones silently urging you to read him, to know that his mind has slid down the slope of his own anxiety, that he is holding this thing as preciously as he can.
“okay,” you agree. you barely blink as you settle back into his side. “i like it here best, anyway.”
the simplicity of your agreement triggers a smile. a goofy one. he can’t help it. every affirmation of how you feel is like chipping off pieces of the rock he carries. maybe atlas gets some rest in this story, after all. 
“okay,” he echos. bruce shifts suddenly then, his arm tightening around your middle in a definitive embrace. he can work with this, he decides, he can hold on a little bit longer, like samson holding together the pillars. he will hold together gotham and he will hold himself together and he will let it ruin him if it only means the hope of another moment of feeling this complete. 
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(previous ask anon) OHH MYY GODDDD i found another person that has headcanons?!?!? my few predcrushs are both of them
yess I found another one!!! Yeessssssssssssssssss
(Predcannons under the cut)
-he’s very polite about it, makes sure your comfortable (even if you’re not willing)
-definitely offers prey food and tea before and maybe after he swallows them up, even if you’re an angel/demon.
-normally only swallows people to comfort them or give them a place to sleep, he’s nice and warm inside.
-it’s harder to tell if he’s actually holding prey inside, he wears thick fabrics and is already a bit big, so no one can tell (unless the prey is over a third of his size, then he’s a little chubby)
-he won’t tell anyone but Crowley if he’s holding anyone, mostly because what he’s doing is impossible to humans in-universe but also because you’d probably like to stay hidden inside, and he understands.
-100% reads to prey inside, like, imagine your midway to falling asleep already and all of a sudden you hear the very polite angel who swallowed you whole reading a series of unfortunate events.
-I feel like he’d drink tea or hot chocolate while someone is inside his belly, unless they ask him not to, he understands if you don’t want to be covered in a warm sweet liquid.
-I have a whole mental image of him sitting in a chair, blanket over his lap, holding a cup of tea and quietly reading, and then just feels a prey inside his belly moving, smiles warmly and gently rubs at his stomach
-his insides are dark blue and look like they have stars on the lining, it is very warm and soft inside.
-he’s a bit mean okay I’m gonna warn you.
-will desperately try and convince you he’s evil (he’s not digesting you and your warm, safe and comfortable in his belly)
-he’s built like a twig, so if he dose consume prey, unless they’re tiny, it’s noticeable.
-licks! He won’t tell you if he wants to eat you, at all, but will try and signal to you by licking you (his tongue is forked) or he just swallows you whole.
-he will definitely tell you you’ll be alright, but might let you freak out for a second.
-he has done this many times throughout the years, and first tempted Aziraphale to do it at one point.
-during his time as a dark knight he’d pretended to be a dragon (just a huge snake) and kidnapped multiple people and swallowed them, before caughing them up a while later.
-doesn’t act it but is a very protective pred, someone other then aziraphale tries to touch his slightly larger stomach with a person inside and he’s hissed and foaming at the mouth to scare them off.
-in a more feral au he would bring aziraphale prey to flirt with him, then cuddle up to him (he’s a snake he needs warmth)
-speaking of warmth he becomes really cozy if the prey is warm, just laying on a couch dramatically, gently rubbing the tiny warmth radiating inside the slight bump in his abdomen.
-stomach is black, might look like an oil leak inside, a bit tighter then Aziraphal but still very comfortable.
(A bit more)
If they both have prey inside they cuddle up to each other, Crowley is honestly very happy neither prey are outside of this this because he’ll just melt into putty after a while.
(also Crowley doesn’t mind being prey for aziraphale much)
also Muriel didn’t know what vore was and was totally okay when aziraphale/Crowley swallowed them up, they didn’t know how mortal bodies worked and just kept talking to them
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
Same baji anon here
I kinda wanna continue on with Baji thing…I was thinking of a hc where you reject Baji but for a rlly specific reason:
You reject Yandere Baji bc…suprised your in a relationship already but not like a normal relationship
Surprise again your stuck in a Yandere relationship with a different Yandere.
Soo hc where Yandere Baji figures out your reason for your rejection is due to bc ur already in trapped a relationship with another Yandere. May or may not be someone who’s also affiliated with a gang
pairing : baji x gn!reader
summary : when baji’s darling already has a yandere bf
⤷ warnings : aged up characters, general yandere themes, manipulation, unhealthy relationships,
notes : okay holy shit you have me intrigued?
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OKAY, this can go one of two ways depending on who darling’s yan boyfriend is.
if it’s someone baji knows and is friends with, like chifuyu or kazutora, i think he’d be willing to share you with them. those are people he cares about and trusts with his life, so it’s only natural that he’d trust his beloved with them too. he’ll be a bit bummed about it of course, but at the end of the day, you have another person protecting you and loving you (baji absolutely believes that you deserve all the love in the world), so he can get used to it.
i’m absolutely sure there’d be quarrel’s between them if they end up sharing you, ones that only you are able to stop from getting out of hand. poor you has to deal with two overwhelmingly obsessive yanderes that are affiliated with gangs—like two normal yanderes is bad enough, but two yanderes from gangs??? hell, you’re in for some shit, that’s for sure. but that’s okay sweet thing, they’ll keep you nice and safe.
now, if this other yan is someone baji isn’t close with, he’d absolutely take this opportunity to be your knight in shining armor. he’d kiss up to you, give you so much sympathy and become your support system. he tells you that you’re safe with him and you can trust him to protect you, and you– goodness, you poor, naive thing, you believe him. he’s given you so much comfort, a safe space that isn’t torn to shreds by your controlling boyfriend that you’re so, so terrified of. little do you know that you’re being manipulated to walk away from one obsessive freak and into the arms of another.
after he successfully saves you from your yan boyfriend, baji will keep you close by his side, practically on a leash, and you can’t do a thing about it because he guilt trips you. he saved you from that monster you now call an ex, how can you deny spending time with him? he just wants to protect you, it hurt and worried him so much seeing you so helpless and miserable. you can’t blame him when he doesn’t want you to hang out with that one guy because he gives baji a bad vibe. and he’s right. he has a reason to be so protective over you, no matter how much it reminds you of your ex. and it turns out that guy was terrible too (baji set him up, but you don’t know that). you have no choice but to accept what baji does for you, as he puts it, because you’re indebted to him for getting you out of a bad situation.
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© 2023 by hheizoukiss ━ all rights reserved. plagiarism is strictly prohibited. comments, likes, and reblog are highly appreciated.
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anoddworld · 22 hours
Been thinking about Mercurial Knight being Silent Salt’s vessel so here’s some more about it :)
I think once he accepts his hopeless situation, Mercurial Knight would try and tell someone. Would they believe him? Would they ignore him in favor of focusing more on Shadow Milk? I think it’d be more upsetting if they did ignore him, leaving him with a situation he’s in no way equipped to deal with.
He tries to set up precautions to prevent as much damage as possible. Mercurial Knight orders knights to keep an even closer eye on the tree, keeping his distance from whoever was on the mission to stop the Beasts (likely the Ancients, Gingerbrave and co, and maybe Silverbell), etc. He would never admit it aloud, but he’s terrified about what Silent Salt would do while in control of him and he will not allow them to hurt anyone if he can help it.
As time goes on and he keeps fighting the silent Beast, his health seriously declines. He barely is able to stay standing up, his body is more liquid-like as he’s unable to keep himself together, he struggles to keep up with even simple conversations, etc. If Pure Vanilla’s there, maybe he’d try and help his pitiful condition. It doesn’t help, maybe makes it worse. Silent Salt relentlessly makes fun of him while he’s trying to get even a small amount of sleep. Maybe for being weak or maybe for being helpless, but it certainly makes it worse.
After a long struggle, Mercurial Knight’s strength finally gives out and Silent Salt takes over his body. It wasn’t as painful as he imagined, honestly. Now, it’s up to heroes to stop the obviously possessed commander and deal with the consequences. It quickly dawned on them they’d likely have to seriously hurt (or even kill) him to draw out Silent Salt. It hurts to do it, but they’re forced to go through with it. By this point, Pure Vanilla may have already awakened his full power, and maybe he tries to save him. Whatever happens, everyone is a wreck, because Mercurial Knight told them so. He told them this would happen, and they did nothing. They start making plans of what to do after PV do what he’s doing (like if they need to bury him and what they’d say about what just happened)
And what’s Mercurial Knight (like his ghost/soul/whatever) doing all of this? He’s having a heart-to-heart, either with Elder Faerie or maybe a mentor figure, about what’s been happening lately. He tries to play it off as something that was bound to happen, nothing was going to stop it. Then they say something, something that finally breaks the dam he’s been holding together with metaphorical scotch tape and he finally talks about how he felt during the whole thing.
If PV revives him, he’s barely awake but he knows he’s been fussed over, like a little kid who got hurt in public. When he properly comes to, he’s filled in with what happened. It’s swiftly interrupted by Silverbell tackling him into a hug out of relief that’s he’s finally awake (I headcanon them to have a brotherly relationship), followed by White Lily, who’s also very worried. It’s actually a very touching moment. He manages to get back to work fairly quickly and stays at the home front to protect the tree (and stay away from Shadow Milk). He also doesn’t see Silent Salt anymore! All is well! … for now.
If he dies, well… it doesn’t go well. Shadow Milk messes with more grieving people! His ass is kicked extra hard!
Hope you enjoyed :}
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