#He's kazekage and he's respected
inadragon · 8 months
I love GaaHina arranged marriage aus bc Gaara is so aromantic and awkward and too insecure in his ability to love to seek a close intimate relationship for himself. But also he wants to be known and loved and intimate with somebody and share his life completely.
And Hinata is socially awkward and anxious and sweet and caring. And maybe she's romantically attracted to gaara and maybe she isn't, but she knows he'll always take care of her and she'll always take care of him.
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denouemente · 2 months
gaara is my favorite character not because he and naruto are foils and essentially share the same backstory but because of how he reacts to it. he ( and naruto ) have every single right to want everyone dead but he GOES AND BECOMES THE BEST KAZEKAGE THE SAND HAS EVER SEEN
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dark-konohagakure2 · 27 days
Could I request a Gaara X reader. Please
He sees her admiring his tattoo while at a neighbouring village, decides that noone will mind him taking her home with him. Gives her a matching tattoo somewhere on her body only he'll be able to see.
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tw: dub/noncon, kidnapping, scarification, womb marking, possessiveness, power imbalance, breeding, obsession, abuse of power
All characters depicted are 18+
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Gaara is somewhat insecure about his kanji shaped scar, having had it since he was a young boy, and he's never once been complimented on it, only pitied and mocked. So when he's visiting a small village on official business and a very cute villager girl expresses her admiration of his 'tattoo', it awakens something within Gaara.
Gaara is the Kazekage, and a respected one at that, so surely this tiny village wouldn't mind him taking a little souvenir with him, so that's exactly what he does. The red haired Sand shinobi feels a sense of contentment as he makes his way back home with his prize tucked snugly underneath his arm.
Despite his unconventional means of acquiring her, Gaara treats her rather kindly, doting on her and not letting her leave his side, and nobody bats an eye at the fact that the Kazekage suddenly has a woman they've never seen before at his side at all times. Gaara thinks it's fate, she complimented his biggest blemish, the mark of 'love' on his forehead, and he wants to give her one to match.
Gaara already knows exactly where he wants to leave his mark on her. He won't do it anywhere too visible, he wants it to be somewhere only he can see, so that it's a special secret just between the two of them, although it will hurt quite a bit.
"This mark means 'love', something very important to me... I'll give you the same mark right here, on your most precious spot, then we'll be bound together by our love forever... It only hurts for a moment..."
He'll use his sand to leave the kanji shaped scar just above her pussy and directly over her womb, marking her precious womb as his property and his alone. Gaara will even gently hold her hand in a comforting manner until the pain and her tears subside, although it doesn't take long before he finds himself getting a bit excited.
Now that he's marked her womb, he wants to fill it as well, claiming her body both inside and out. He needs an heir anyway, and he can't think of anyone more qualified to be the mother of his children then such a sweet and perfect girl who was able to see the beauty in something as nasty as a scar.
Gaara will be gentle despite the fact that he's practically forcing himself upon her, easing his cock in and out of her tight pussy, his face buried in the crook of her neck and he pants heavily and murmurs words of praise and love to her, his hips firmly yet gently grinding against her own.
This will go on for a very long time, taking hours until he's completely sure that he's thoroughly bred her full of his offspring before he finally pulls out of her, leaving her pussy leaking with his semen as he looks down at her with a gentle smile, a rare expression from the usually stoic Kazekage.
"Th-There... You did a great job, my love... I'm sure our children will be just as sweet and caring as their mother..."
Gaara is glad that he has found what he believes to be true love at long last after so much yearning for love, and he's not going to let her go anytime soon, and if she does get away, he wouldn't mind giving her another mark, just somewhere much more noticeable.
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venerawrites · 5 months
Hi!! (: Could you maybe do some headcanons for what Gaara, Itachi, and Kakashi's type/ideal partner would be? In terms of personality, traits, looks, or anything else (: Also feel free to only do one of the above or add any other characters you'd want! Thank you!!
author's note: I love this request so much, I've been waiting for someone to ask me about Naruto characters' types, so I can rant about it. Thank you so much for sending this idea! :) <3
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➤ Gaara
Occupation - Gaara's ideal partner would either be a civilian or someone who is involved in state politics (for example, a member of the Council). Knowing how dangerous the life of a shinobi is and how many enemies he has out there, I don't believe he would ever fall for a ninja.
Looks - while I don't think Gaara particularly cares for looks and appearances, his s/o has to be more or less presentable (especially if they are to be seen next to the Kazekage). I've always imagined him with a s/o, whose style resembles the style of the ancients- clothes made of white linen, gold jewellery (especially jewelled collars and bracelets), and different hair accessories, symbols of their status in the village. I also definitely see his s/o wearing makeup as both a way to protect their skin from the harsh climate and a way to compliment their look.
Personality - the ideal partner for Gaara has to be someone who is calm, gentle, and cares for the people, just as much as him. They definitely have to be patient (being in a relationship with him would definitely require a lot of patience!) and understanding person, who is able to accept him for who he is and what he has done in the past. Now, if his s/o is involved in politics of some sort, I definitely imagine them as someone who is calculating and cunning as well. While Gaara has years of experience as a Kazekage, I don't think he is a political strategist, so his partner would usually be the one influencing the other members of the Council or important figures from other villages, in order to further Suna's best interests.
➤ Itachi
Occupation - healer or a civilian, who lives a life completely dissociated with that of a ninja. Preferably someone who lives far away from the Land of Fire, in a remote village or by themselves, and also had never heard of him or his clan before.
Looks - I think Itachi would fall for someone who is very soft and innocent looking - someone who more or less remind him of his mother. As someone whose main occupation is to gather herbs or do some type of craft, I imagine his s/o preferring more simple clothing, in which they can move freely and comfortably. They would probably have tons of amulets/jewellery on them, the majority of which are heirlooms left by their family. Their style is what I would describe as "bohemian" with an emphasis on organic elements and nature.
Personality - I think Itachi's ideal partner is someone who can serve as some form of escape for him - a free-spirited and optimistic individual, who can offer a different view of the world. They have to be caring, sweet, and respectful, especially when it comes to Itachi's personal space. I think he would appreciate having someone, who won't poke their nose in his business too much and press him to open up to them before he is ready. Still, his s/o has to be someone confident, loyal and also very honest. He would benefit from someone, who would tell him openly what they think and would be his pillar of support in moments when he dwells in self-doubt and regret over the past.
➤ Kakashi
Occupation - there is a 99% for Kakashi to fall for a fellow shinobi or at least someone who had worked a shinobi at some point in their life. His work is pretty much his life, so I definitely see him with someone who can understand how demanding this job is, as well as how it can affect people's lives.
Looks - as long as their s/o does NOT resemble Rin or an Uchiha, he doesn't care. If his s/o is a ninja, they would probably wear the same shinobi attire as him most of the time. If they are not a ninja anymore, I imagine Kakashi with someone who still puts some effort in their appearance, but they don't overdo it. Not a "must", but I do imagine him with someone with either shoulder-length or long hair, so he can run his fingers through their locks as a gesture of love or while falling asleep.
Personality - his s/o has to be someone who is strong-willed, honest, and has a deep sense of community and caring about the people close to them. I imagine Kakashi being with someone who can easily take the role of a "parent" or "the wise adult" (as he has to do quite often) and who doesn't shy away from their responsibilities. His s/o has to be someone who he can share his burdens with and who would stay by his side through good and bad. I imagine Kakashi being with someone with a strong personality, who can sometimes act before they think, yet they always have others' best interests in mind. They would often have strong opinions of stuff and while this can lead with occasional clashes with Kakashi, he would appreciate their honesty and their willingness to argue for what they think it's right.
cc artwork: Sin Jong Hun
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dira333 · 3 months
If we have each other - Kazekage Family
Summary: Shinki finds a Mother Figure by accident, or how two people falling in love looks like from a 4-year-old's perspective
Shinki and Shikadai are about 4 years old in this...
Words: 4k
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Shinki didn’t mean to get lost. Father will be upset.
All the trees look the same now, and he knows it’s because he’s panicking, but that realization doesn’t help ease his nerves. His breathing is coming faster now, iron sand swirling around him.
There’s movement in the bushes. He holds his breath, hoping, wishing for someone to come and find him.
But it’s a deer, looking at him with dumb empty eyes before returning to where it came from.
Shinki sits on the damp ground, fighting the tears that threaten to spill.
He practiced hard to get his kekkai genkai under control, to make his father proud. And now he’s ruining their celebration, his first visit to Konohagakure to meet extended family, by getting lost in the woods. 
To his left, he can hear movement. He doesn’t look up this time, expecting the deer to be back again.
When instead a voice speaks up, his iron sand reacts without his incentive, shooting forward.
He turns just in time to see a woman deflect the hit, jumping out of reach. The sand drops, returning to him as he stands, scared and relieved at the same time.
“Who are you?” Shinki asks, voice shaking lightly even though he makes sure to carry a threatening tone.
“You’re Shinki, right?” You ask, eyes surprisingly warm for someone who just got attacked. “I’m Shikamaru’s cousin, Shikadai might have told you about me.”
Shinki thinks back to their conversations. His cousin isn’t that talkative. Shikadai mostly prefers to nap. 
But you look like Shikamaru, he thinks, the resemblance calming him down. You’re family too.
“Are you- are they looking for me?”
“Probably,” you tell him with a smile, “I was out collecting antlers when Mosabi came to get me. That’s the deer that spotted you. You wanna get back to the house?”
“Yes, please.” He carefully dusts his clothes off before looking at you for further clues. To his surprise your hand is outstretched.
“Wanna take my hand? It’s okay if not.”
“No,” he grabs it, relishing in the contact. He’s never too sure when he’s allowed to touch others and the iron sand makes it impossible for others to touch him without his explicit permission. Perhaps that’s why Father isn’t as touchy-feely as his uncle is with Shikadai. 
Your hand is warm around his and you don’t seem afraid of him at all. Do you not know his powers? How dangerous he is?
“So you’re visiting from Suna, right?” You ask just as he readies himself to address the topic. “What’s it like? I’ve never been there.”
“It’s a desert village.”
“I know,” you smile warmly. “But what’s it like? What do you like about it?”
“Like… about it?” 
You point above you. “Konoha has a lot of forests. That’s my favorite part of the village, going to a place where you can’t see the sky anymore, where everything above and around you is all the shades of green you could possibly imagine. I have a lot of plants at home too.”
“Father does as well,” Shinki exclaims, the words spilling from his mouth without his intention. “He collects Cacti and he even gets them to bloom.”
“He does?” You ask, showing interest. It’s the first time someone’s asked him about Cacti in a while and though he tries to respect others for not caring enough about them, he can’t help but judge them a little. Cacti are great. And Father, able to get them to bloom, is even greater.
“Yes! Cacti are very delicate plants, you know, and they only bloom in perfect conditions. Every species has different wants and needs, so you have to know them well.”
“And your father does so?”
“Yes!” Shinki nods eagerly, “Father is very knowledgeable. He is teaching me as well and I’m a good student.”
“I believe you are,” you smile, moving as if to brush through his hair. The iron sand immediately rises to stop you and you freeze, hand in the air.
“I’m sorry,” Shinki apologizes immediately, “It’s my Kekkai Genkai, I don’t mean to attack you-”
“It’s fine,” your smile doesn’t falter. “I should remember to ask before I move to touch. It’s only polite after all. May I mess up your hair?”
“I suppose,” Shinki offers, not sure what the purpose of this kind of touch is. 
But then you do it, and he can feel it. He shivers, warmth spreading through his cheeks.
“Can you do it again?” He asks before he realizes that the words slipped out. But you don’t look taken aback by his request, instead ruffling his hair softly for a while until you tuck a strand of it behind his ear, the gesture warm in a way he hasn’t experienced before. It feels like getting a bath or getting tucked into bed, like Uncle Kankuro making his favorite soup for dinner and pretending he likes it as well.
“Let’s get you home, huh?” You say, sounding just like Father when he takes him to bed.
“Can we visit your aunt?” Shinki asks the next time he’s in Konoha. 
Shikadai blinks at him in confusion. “I don’t have an aunt.”
“Your father’s cousin,” Shinki explains and Shikadai blinks again.
“Sure, I guess. I’ll ask.”
“Ah,” Uncle Shikamaru makes a face. It looks like he’s about to yawn, but then he doesn’t. “She’s at work boys, I’m sorry.”
“Where does she work?” Shinki hadn’t gotten another chance to talk to you the last time he’d been here, but he remembers the warmth of your touch and the way you kept smiling at him.
“At the hospital. She’s a poison specialist and cultivates herbs and medicinal plants for them.”
“Oh,” Shinki considers it for a second. “Can we visit her when she’s back from work?”
“I’ll ask her to come around but don’t be disappointed if she doesn’t show up, okay? Her work hours are pretty long.”
Shinki’s familiar with not being disappointed. He thinks he’ll manage.
The day drags on after that. He manages to convince Shikadai to train with him for a while until he gets too tired. Father comes in around Lunch time to sit and eat with him, before disappearing to another meeting with Uncle Shikamaru, leaving Aunt Temari to look after them. He likes Aunt Temari. She never hesitates to give him something to work with, teaching him stuff Father might think him too young to learn.
“Aunty,” he asks, as Shikadai naps yet again and he’s working on his latest embroidery project, “what do you like about Suna?”
She laughs softly. “Where’s that question coming from?”
“I’m not sure, but-”
“Don’t worry,” she picks up Shikadai’s head and drops him in her lap, carding her hand through his hair in a gentle manner that makes his own scalp tingle, longing for the sensation. “I’ll tell you. But it’s a long list.”
Shinki looks up at that.
“There’s the sunset. The sunsets are not the same here. How the night sky is so clear at night, barely any clouds to cover the stars. How you can breathe freely because no trees are blocking your sight. Do you want me to go on?”
He considers it for a second.
“I really like how warm it is,” he answers a question he’d been asked months ago and not by Temari. “as if the sun’s settling in your bones.”
Temari smiles. “You got that right. What else?”
You show up right after Dinner, exhaustion pulling at your body. He can see it in the way you walk, slow steps, back a little hunched.
But you smile at his sight and your smile is just as warm as it was the last time he saw you.
“Hey there,” you wave at him, “how was your day?”
There are a lot of things he wants to tell you. From the question he still needs to answer to the questions he has for you - not to mention the present he’d been working on for weeks at home - but now everyone’s eyes are on him and he can hear his panic in the rustling of his iron sand moving around him.
“I am fine, thank you,” Shinki says stiffly, wishing for himself to be different. Father’s hand rests warmly on his shoulder, no doubt to calm him down. In the time it takes him to gather himself you’ve exchanged pleasantries with the other adults. Father has his arms crossed now, cheeks a little reddish. Did you say something that made him upset, Shinki wonders, looking from the Kazekage and back to you. But no one else seems upset, there’s even a grin playing around Uncle Kankuro’s lips.
“I forgot,” you say, sending him a look and a poorly veiled wink, “I have a present for Shinki at my place. Do you wanna came with me and get it?”
“Can I?” He asks immediately, thinking of the time he’ll get alone with you, able to say some things without being the center of attention. If he plays his cards right he can give you your present too, without anyone watching.
Father hesitates for a second, exchanging looks with Temari before nodding.
“It’s alright. But I want him back here in an hour, is that okay?”
“More than okay. We’re just going to get a plant or too, nothing too serious,” you promise before turning to him. “Do you need to get your bag first?”
You take his hand on the way over, soft warmth in the cool night, listening as he tells you all about Suna, all the things he likes and learned to notice.
“When you walk through some streets,” Shinki recalls fondly, “the sky disappears too. Everything around you is different shades of brown and red and yellow, depending on the minerals used. It’s like in the woods.”
“That sounds mesmerizing,” you point out, a faraway sound to your voice, “I’d love to see that someday.”
Desire tugs on his heart. He could show you around. He could have you and Father and Suna at the same time.
“You could come-” He starts, cutting off for a second. “Visit me, you know?”
Your eyes flicker over and you smile. “I could, couldn’t I? Maybe I will one day when my work allows.”
He squeezes your hand on accident, thinking about that. You squeeze his hand back.
“I made this for you,” he exclaims in the safety of your apartment, after he’s done three trips looking at every single plant there is. There are so many, despite the small space, making it feel more like being in the woods than indoors.
It is a tapestry, barely big enough to cover both your hands. He’s spent weeks agonizing on what to put on it until he decided on something you’d already talked about.
The bloom of Father’s Cacti had been plentiful that month, each blossom a different, vibrant color. 
Now he’s carefully watching your face, not wanting to miss any hints. Do you like it? 
“Oh Shinki,” you breathe out, “it’s marvelous.”
His face blooms with heat.
“Can I hug you?” You ask and he nods, lump in his throat. You pull him in, warm and safe and oh so different from all the other people who have hugged him before - not that there are many. 
Father is tall and strong, and touching him often means touching another layer of protective sand. He’s careful in his approach, giving, but never taking. He smells like Cacti and the dessert and his hair always tickles Shinki’s neck when they hug.
Uncle Kankuro and Aunt Temari hug him quickly if they hug him at all. More often than not they move as if to mess up his hair before deciding against it, offering him their hands to a high five instead. They’re not the cuddliest people, he thinks, and that’s okay.
But hugging you feels like sinking, like being drawn in, like giving and taking. You’re warm and soft, yet sturdy enough to keep him upright, swallowing him whole yet leaving him be. Shinki doesn’t want to let go. 
“You know,” you tell him on the way back, his arms heavy with the two plants he got to pick out, “if you want, we can write to each other. Shikadai mentioned that you wrote him too.”
“Yes, I do,” Shinki nods, “Shikadai knows a lot of words. I like writing him.”
“You know, most children your age don’t know yet how to write,” you muse. “How do you feel about that?”
The question comes out of left field. How does he feel about it?
“What are they doing instead?” He asks, wondering. Are they napping with their parents, like Shikadai? Do they get to play with their friends, like he’s allowed to do when he’s visiting Konoha?
“I’m not sure,” he answers eventually.
“That’s okay. You might figure it out later.”
“How do you feel about it?” He asks, looking up at you. A shadow travels over your face.
“I am very proud to know such an intelligent child,” you tell him, lips pulling into a smile. “And polite, too.”
His lips pull up as well, unable not to smile back at you.
“Are you going to work the whole week?” Shinki asks, shifting the pots in his arms. He’d wanted to carry them himself, but he’s now regretting it. If you’d taken one, he could have held your hand on the way back too.
“Sadly, I do.” Your smile turns into a frown. “I’d love to spend some more time with you. But if it’s not too late for you, I can show up after work, like I did today. If you want, you can show me how you made this embroidery and I’ll teach you how to take care of your new plants.”
“I’d love that,” he admits.
You stay true to your promise, showing up each evening after work.
At first, the grown-ups seem a little confused by your presence, though Shinki wastes no time dragging you into the room he’s sharing with Father and Uncle Kankuro.
“I prepared everything for today’s lesson,” he explains, showing you the fabric, needles, and the different colored strings. “Today I’m teaching you about the different stitches.”
“Do you want something to eat?” Uncle Shikamaru asks from the doorway. “When did you get Dinner?”
“Oh, I’m not that hungry,” you wave him off, smiling when Shikadai settles in your lap without question, eyes closing instantly.
Shinki’s a little peeved that his cousin’s taking up the space in your lap. If he’d be more forward or if his Kekkai Genkai would allow it, he could- but then again…
“How does that look?” You ask, turning your project for him to see. “Is it good, Shinki-Sensei?”
He blushes at the formal title.
“You don’t have to call me that,” he insists, though it feels good. 
“Shinki,” his Father’s now standing in the doorway, dressed in his proper Kazekage uniform, the hat in his hands. “I’m leaving for tonight. Are you going to be okay?”
“Yes,” he gets up and walks over, torn between wanting to properly say goodbye to father and wanting to cherish every minute he gets with you.
Father gently pats his shoulder. “I see, you have company. Don’t stay up too late.”
“I won’t.”
And there it is again, a quick exchange of words between you and Father that ends with a hue of redness tinting his Father’s cheeks. And your face has changed too, your smile different now. 
“Do you like Father?” He asks as soon as the front door has closed behind him. He knows not to ask questions like that with other people listening in.
Your shoulders pull up to your ears.
“What makes you think that?”
“Because you smile when you talk to him.”
“He’s hard not to like, don’t you think?” You ask and Shinki doesn’t know how to answer that, so he falls silent instead.
Shinki likes getting letters, but he likes getting letters from you best.
You usually start answering his questions before you ask him your own, always following up on the important stuff. How he’s settling in, how his experience is with training, how the Cacti are growing… And then, on a separate page, you add information about yet another plant, poisonous or not, that he can add to his collection. He likes your drawings of the plants, the detail you put into making sure that the petals have the correct color so that he can safely identify them in the future.
Sometimes you write Father letters too, though those have no added drawings and he usually reads them in private. They’re not that interesting, Shinki, thinks because you mostly just talk about your day-to-day.
They’re planning their next trip to Konoha when the letter arrives, from Shikamaru this time.
It arrives out of the ordinary, on an otherwise normal Tuesday, and the way Father’s brows furrow has even Uncle Kankuro stop what he’s doing.
“What’s wrong,” Uncle Kankuro asks.
Father says your name and Shinki turns, a weird feeling in his stomach.
“What is it?” He asks.
“Apparently, she’s fallen ill. A surgery was necessary, but her recovery is thwarted by the amount of work that needs to be done. Shikamaru asks if we could take her in for a few weeks, keep her from her work so that she can fully recuperate.”
“Can we, Father?” Shinki asks, mind racing. He’s going to be able to show you Suna, isn’t he?
Father exchanges a look with Uncle Kankuro, who grins and folds his hands behind his head.
“Don’t look at me, Gaara. You’re the one who can’t keep his eyes of her when she’s around.”
Shinki furrows his brows. “Do you suspect her to spy on us, Father?”
“What?” Father turns. “No, nothing like that, Shinki. I-”
“Your Dad likes her,” Uncle Kankuro grins. “Probably as much as you like her, Shinki.”
“So she can come?”
Father sighs. “She can come. But-” He raises his hand. “Don’t overwhelm her. I know you want to show her everything, but first we have to make sure she’s resting.”
Your skin is paler than he remembers, the white of your eyes a sickly yellow. You walk a little hunched and your bags are being carried by another Konoha-Shinobi. Shinki remembers him, the telltale green of his uniform, the thick eyebrows and the bright smile.
“Friend Gaara!” He launches into an excited tale, but Shinki steps to the side, a little unsure on how he’s supposed to be greeting you.
“Can I get a hug?” You ask, sinking to your knees. He nods, dropping himself into your arms. 
You might look a little different, a little worse for wear, but you still feel the same, warm and safe.
“Are you excited to show me Suna?” You whisper into his ear. “I bet Gaara told you that I’m supposed to rest first, right?”
“He did. But you really don’t look good.”
You laugh softly, flinching at the same time. “I’m going to be as good as new in a few days, don’t worry.”
Back at the Kazekage residence Shinki shows you your room.
“You should lie down,” he insists, pulling back the blanket. “My room is right next door if you need anything.”
“Do you wanna lie down with me?” You ask, flinching again as you stretch out on the mattress.”
“Am I allowed to?” He asks, the words slipping out before he can think twice about them.
You blink slowly. “I’m allowing it,” you tell him softly. “But only do it if you’re comfortable with it. You can try and if you don’t like it, I won’t be hurt if you want to leave again. I’m sure you have a lot to do.”
Curious, he slips out of his sandals and under the thin blanket. Your body is warm and it feels like a hug, but different.
“Where did they do surgery?” He asks, turning onto his side a little.
Your eyes are closed but you raise an arm and point at the side of your stomach.
“Here. You want to see the scar?”
“Can I?” 
Instead of answering you pull up your shirt, revealing puckered skin that’s an angry red and hot to the touch.
“I think it’s inflamed,” he points out, a little worried now. 
“That’s probably right. I’m going to rest a bit now and by nightfall, it’s going to be better, I’m sure. I’ve just been on my feet for too long.”
“Okay,” Shinki turns onto his back again, looking up at the ceiling. “Can I stay with you until then?”
Shinki’s supposed to be in bed, he knows. 
But you’re just a room away and he can’t sleep, skin itching.
So he slips out of bed and out the door, unheard, unseen.
Though, you’re not alone.
He can hear soft voices through the door, both of them familiar.
Father is with you.
For a moment he thinks about stepping through. Sure, Father sent him to bed, but he’s just saying “Good Night” one more time. 
That is, until he hears his name.
“Do you want me to talk to Shinki?” You ask and Shinki freezes, doorknob in his hand.
Talk to him? About what?
“I think that’s my job, is it not?”
“Perhaps, but I can tell you’re having problems with it.”
“I’m not sure if he understands.”
“He’s smart. He will understand.”
Understand what? Shinki shivers, the coldness of the stones around him seeping into his bones.
“Gaara,” you say now, your voice now different from before. It reminds him… it reminds him of Uncle Shikamaru when he calls out to Aunt Temari, that smile on his face that Uncle Kankuro calls lovesick. “Rest. We’ll talk about it in the morning. You’re thinking too much.”
“No one told me that starting a family would be this difficult.”
“It’s not. You’re just making it difficult,” you laugh softly. There’s the whisper of linen. Did Father just slip into bed with you?
Slowly, carefully, Shinki unwraps his hand from the doorknob and takes a step back.
He’s not sure what he just witnessed, just that it’s something of importance.
Father eyes him over the breakfast table.
“You did not sleep much last night,” he concludes. “Do you want to stay home and rest? Keep our guest company?”
“Father,” Shinki swallows around the lump in his throat. If he wants to ask, he needs to ask now, before the rest of the house wakes up. “Did you spend the night… with her?”
Bright red bleeds into Father’s pale cheeks. His eyes widen.
“How-” He takes a deep breath. “You know?”
“I wanted to say Good Night one more time,” Shinki confesses, staring down at the table. “And I overheard.”
“I suppose,” Father sighs softly, “I suppose this is as good time as any. We were talking… We’re considering… What do you think about having a mother?”
“Mother,” Shinki calls out to you, “Hurry.”
“I’m here, I’m here,” you laugh, catching up to him. “Incoming,” you warn him just seconds before your hand messes up his hair. “It’s just Shikadai.”
“Yes, but he’s been training,” Shinki insists. “And I want to know who of us has gotten better.”
“Ah,” you smile. “I’m sure you’re going to do great. I’m proud of your growth.”
Shinki grumbles something, turning away when you move to mess up his hair even more.
“Stop,” he insists. “I’m not a little child anymore.”
“No, you’re not.” You smile, squinting at the Horizon where the Thunder Train is starting to appear. “But you’re always going to be my favorite son.”
“I’m your only child,” Shinki reminds you, nose curled. He likes being called your favorite, even though he opposes it every time.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you whistle an innocent tune. “That might change, you know?”
Shinki freezes. “Are you saying-”
“No,” you smile, shaking your head. “And if I were, I wouldn’t tell you like that. But what are your thoughts about it? Would you mind?”
He considers it, watching the Thunder Train approaching.
His hand finds yours, squeezing it. You squeeze back, no words needed.
“No,” he announces eventually, just as the Train halts in front of them. “I wouldn’t mind.”
part 2
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Reasons for submission under the cut
he overcame his incredible loneliness and childhood trauma with a lot of grace
he acknowledged the people he may have hurt (rock Lee) and did everything in his power to build up from there
he was always very caring (like when he brought the girl he accidentally hurt an apology gift when he was a child)
he was someone who understood Sasuke and shed tears for him
he motivated an entire army of shinobi that were fighting amongst each other, and he did it purely with love for Naruto, showing how powerful his kindness is
serial killer turned babushka. Quite possibly the sweetest and funniest character transformation [submitter]'s ever seen
he enjoys succulent and cactus gardening, based as always
his gardening outfit is the cutest shit ever seen
he has cat eyes which are very cute
nothing but respect for my goth teenaged president 🫡
he's so polite,,
his character development is amazing, he went from being a crazy murderer, to gaining the trust of his whole village and becoming the Kazekage
despite how drastic his character development was, it still feels understandable due to how badly he was treated as a child, and how deep down he always wanted to love but was simply punished for it
eeeing him recover from his trauma thanks to Naruto is really heartwarming
one of the best redeemed villain characters ever imo
very cool character design
storyline that made [submitter] cry like a baby three different times
he's so full of love
has a cool transformation
enjoyable demeanor once he got the help he needs
nice to see a quiet but social introvert succeed in life, overcome his trauma, and learn his self worth
he was an edgy 12 year old who talked like shadow from shadow the hedgehog (2005) how can u not like that
he's funny
he's pretty cool when he's older, a good leader
his arc is [submitters] favorite in the series
lovely to see how far he came and how hard he worked to overcome his demons
was the best hokage
the regulation she created to include medics on every team saved so many lives
she's funny and a complex and interesting character
is a bad bitch
probably THE most competently written female character in the entire series
she has a very rich history that plays into her character's actions and motivations
wanting to be the best medic-nin possible in order to save more lives because she lost her love Dan, and also change the way ninja squads operated to always have a medic to save more lives did so much for the better during the war to reduce casualties
after being broken down by so many people she cares about dying, she dips and leaves behind ninja society, which has taken everything from her (including wiping out her clan)
because Tsunade is also one of the most legendary/strongest ninja alive, no one could really stop her or chain her down. It takes the conviction of a child who wants her to save the village and heal his friends to get her back to Konoha, despite the all the trauma she's endured
she's a medic with a fear of blood that overcomes that to fight her own teammate and beat his ass so Orochimaru stops killing and maiming people
she steps up to be a leader because it's what the new generation need and someone has to fix all the stuff broken by her selfish teammates and old teacher
the strongest female character both in physical strength and the strength of her writing. It's like she was written first as a character versus most of the other female characters being written first as Girl and Love Interest
Tsunade is vain and a chronic gambler and drunk, she is really brash and abrasive, she is traumatized. But she's also deeply caring, an incredibly accomplished woman, one of the smartest people/medics in the world, and a great leader
she's multi-layered. She is a woman, but her entire character isn't just Woman
finally finished the job on Jiraiya on previous poll
strong arms
she is strong and smart and quick as a whip but still soft and caring when it comes to her loved ones. Characters with rough exteriors who are mushy inside are very good
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acquity · 4 months
Gaara Relationship Headcanons (Part 1 - Catching Feelings)
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Summary: Some personal headcanons of mine for how Gaara would catch feelings for his partner.
Warnings: Mentions of Death.
Notes: Since I am lacking inspiration for a longer fic, here are some ideas of mine for how Gaara would catch feelings for his lover! May do more of these for other Naurto boys, so if you have a specific request let me know! :)
Gaara had a rough upbringing to put it simply, and for him to even catch feelings for someone would take a while. I feel he could adore anyone; he doesn't care about your appearance at all that wouldn't be the reason he'd catch feelings for you.
Most likely he'd fall for someone from the Hidden Leaf. Say you two met during the Chūnin Exams where you were a part of Team Seven with Naruto. You were one of the few who didn't immediately fear him and even attempted to speak to him. You were met with a threatening response of course, and the look on your face he'd definitely remember.
You looked disappointed, before listening to his threat and backing off respecting his boundaries. He felt something then that he hadn't felt for a long time, he felt guilty that the small frown on your expression would haunt him throughout the entire duration of the exams.
No one had ever wanted to speak to him before, yet you did and it seemed genuine, but he convinced himself that you were just like his uncle faking being interested in him to gain an advantage to kill him later.
The boy would most likely attempt to kill you, only to be stopped by the combined efforts of you and Naruto after he let Shukaku take over.
You then offered your hand to help him up. He was a monster, yet you offered your hand to help him up even after he tried to kill you. He was shocked. When that occurred, you and Naruto helped open his eyes and he felt guilty for attempting to kill you.
Before he could take your hand, his siblings came to get him and he was still thinking about you and Naruto when he returned to the Hidden Sand.
But, more often than not he found himself thinking about you. Your smile and the way you still held your hand out for him were what motivated him to become better.
You two ran into each other every so often on combined missions between the Sand and the Leaf but he couldn't bring himself to speak to you beyond what was needed for the mission at hand.
The next time he encountered you and really spoke to you was when you came to his village with Naruto and a few other Leaf shinobi to rescue him from the hands of the Akatsuki. While you didn't arrive to save him on time before he was killed, when he was revived by Granny Chiyo your face filled with tears was the first thing he saw.
And the first words he uttered was an apology to you. Why on earth would you cry for him? Yes, he was the Kazekage now but surely you didn't still think of him as much as he thought of you.
He had been waiting to see you, more than he realized at the time, he had tried to take your life, yet you cried when he lost his.
It warmed his heart in a way that only occurred when you first offered him your hand and when you first tried to speak to him three years ago.
But what really brought warmth back into his body was when you instantly lit up when you saw that he was alive once again wiping your tears and offering your hand to help him up like you had done all those years ago. This time he was able to take it and you and Naurto helped the Kazekage back to the village.
He thanked the two of you giving you both a smile, and from then on he found himself requesting you for joint missions to the Hidden Sand more often when he could. Gaara didn't even really realize why he was, he just found himself drawn to your presence.
It didn't take long for Kankurō and Temari to realize how much he requested you be sent on the joint missions to Sunagakure and they stayed silent at first to confirm their suspicions on your next mission.
They noticed how their younger brother seemed to go out of his way to speak to you directly even when it wasn't necessary as you weren't the captain of these missions. On the surface, it may just look like he was being extra cautious, but they knew Gaara better than that and confronted him.
Kankurō first teased Gaara about it, and when he didn't get a response Temari asked him about you. The Kazekage was confused by what his older siblings were on about until they explained how he favored you.
It was then that he finally confessed about this strange feeling in his chest and the warmth he felt when you were around. That was when his older siblings explained to him that what he felt towards you was love or as Kankurō put it a "crush." He didn't know what to do with this information, there was no way you felt the same.
However, with a little push in the right direction and some not-so-helpful ideas from his brother he may have an idea on how to make his true feelings known because deep down he wants your love but would never force you he wants to go about earning your heart in the right way.
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some-beans · 1 year
Saw the Zuko reader and came to request again *lipbite*
Could I request! A Fem!Gaara!Reader (Naruto)? With the hmmM, lemme request individually
With Leona, Jamil, Azul, Vil, Kalim and Jack?
The whole shebang (kazekage title included 👉🏼👈🏼) if not could I request a Fem!Toph!Reader instead?
Here have a pic of my (non-biological, non-adopted) baby brother when he was a kid, he's a whole mood honestly
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gdfhgdcgfh his a mood and i'll do toph cuz i have not watched naruto 😀😀
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✎...pairing: leona, jack, azul, kalim, jamil, vil x toph!reader ✎...themes: blind reader, blind shenanigans, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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y'all. . .
i feel your first interaction with leona would be exactly like toph with the boulder
100% that's how it happens
but shifts his view once you fold his ass when he overblotted
he goes to create his unique magic, but it instantly gets flung back at him with your bending
it also didn't help when you used surrounding metal to cage him
felt stupid ngl
also gets very annoyed cuz he can never skip class bc you always manage to find him with your seismic sense
does respect the fact you treat him like everyone else and not, like, just the second prince
that's jack, straight up
he finds your seismic sense so fascinating
like, he tries to sneak up on you a lot and fails
still, he tries
he does ask you, though almost like a tsundere, to train with him
he did at some point ask you if you could teach him earthbending
. . .
that didn't work out
cuz yk. . . from different worlds and shit
don't tell him that i told y'all this, but. . . jack do be loving those head scratches you give him
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the amount of blind jokes and pranks you pull on this mf is astronomical
your go-to move whenever he offers you a contract is to accept, hum and then wave your hand in front of your face
if only you could see the embarrassed blush on his face
it also doesn't that he has to deal with the mess made by your bending whenever floyd tries to squeeze you
it fails
and he now has to try and fix the lounge's walls
he almost cries when he watches you easily bend it back to its original state
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oh, sunshine baby
he 100% reminds you of twinkle toes back home
bc of that
blind shenanigans ensue
he will cause a flood if you pull one and accidentally offends you
you two cause jamil so much stress
cuz you're an enabler
through and through
pray for jamil y'all
this poor man
someone help before shit hits the fan again
the best way to describe the relationship you two had was when toph and katara fight
that's how you two are around each other
even after jamil overblotted
especially when he tried to hypnotise you bc you couldn't make proper eye contact
lowkey getting grey hairs and wrinkles
however, he is secretly grateful when you help bend broked collums back into shape whenever the dorm's parties get too out of hand
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oh boy
the amount of stress you give him
he's praying he doesn't get wrinkles or grey hairs
you're the epel
but worse
and yet
you never cease to amaze him
with your earth bending, you casually mentioned that a branded deal with some jewellery company was lying about their product being gold
it was not
vil was understandably angry, yet, he was curious about how you knew
something about the pure metal a.k.a. less earth the metal has, the harder to bend
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
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Did Sasuke stalk Sakura during his time with Orochimaru? Even as a fan of sasusaku, and more importantly being a Sakura fan, I’m of the belief that he did not.
This is a really popular opinion or theory amongst supporters of the couple, but I have to disagree with it. The biggest reason for this being that I just highly doubt that Sasuke would want to risk infiltrating the village for something so frivolous and thus jeopardize his training with Orochimaru. Now, this isn’t to say that he doesn’t care about Sakura, but he has no reason to keep up with her during this time. When he left she wasn’t viewed as a threat or as someone possessing any impressive power. Yes, they had a bond, one which is shared amongst teammates, but Sasuke made it very clear that he wanted to cut any bonds until he accomplished his goal of killing Itachi. He saw them [bonds] as not just annoying and a nuisance, but as a weakness as well.
I think that the most logical explanation of how Sasuke came across the information that Sakura is in fact a medic-nin is through either Orochimaru or Kabuto. Sakura was in a very public position as the Hokage's apprentice all while staying in the village to train and work at the hospital making her easy to gain information on. This is extremely notable not just as a development for her character, but she is studying under one of the most respected shinobi out there who also happens to be Orochimaru's former teammate. For these reasons, it makes it highly likely (in my opinion) that her apprenticeship would have been brought up sometime in Sasuke's presence. There is also the possibility that Sakura's achievements during the Kazekage retrieval arc either made it to his ears or landed her in the bingo book, which he probably would've read.
The other thing used to support the idea of Sasuke stalking her is the difference in her outfit from that flashback he has of team 7. Sakura is one of the few people in og Naruto to be seen wearing multiple versions of outfits whereas other characters, like Naruto and Kakashi, don't. I think it's reasonable to assume that there were occasions where she wore more "civilian" outfits while in the village like she did in part 2, but we just didn't see it.
Nonetheless, it clearly means something because either he went through the effort of looking into her training/developments himself or noting whatever someone else told him about her.
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rinisasaki · 4 months
💮 リニの話 • Kazekage’s Rescue Arc 💮
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💮 リニの話 • Kazekage’s Rescue Arc 💮
Rini pays her respects to the now deceased teenager and Kazekage, Gaara. It’s not a first for her to stop and do this, but many are unaware of why she does this, as she’s not in an organized religion. Deidara asks Sasori, Rini’s long time comrade and ex-partner since Deidara had taken over that role 3 years ago. He knows Sasori knows her best of any other member.
Next part is here! Im so excited to give you guy more lore behind Rini and her fellow Akatsuki members. ❤️
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
Day 2: Mutual Masturbation
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Loving Lesson
Pairing: Gaara of the Sand x Reader
Genre: Oneshot, smut, kinktober prompt
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: afab!reader, mutual masturbation, vaginal fingering, fapping, pretty fluffy ngl
A/N: This is the softest smut I've ever written. Very fluffy, very domestic, very loving. For once there's not even any dirty talk which is crazy for me. If you're looking for more intense Gaara stuff don't worry, there will be later. Hope you enjoy!
Read it on AO3
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Physical affections were something foreign to you, but you were learning and adapting quickly. Your boyfriend was rather similar in his comfortability with touching. You both had overcome much, initially hand holding had been the extent of both of your tolerances for a few months before moving forward to embraces and continuing the progress to get to what you were so anxiously excited about. Both of you had been together long enough, longer than most other couples before they passed the stage you had yet to take on but that didn’t matter, what mattered is that you both felt ready.
He had broached the subject first, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks and an avoidant stare to the side the only tells as to his own mental anxiety about the question. You had agreed, maybe a bit too quickly. The both of you had decided on a night where you both had a relatively lax schedule and you waited anxiously for the day to arrive. When it came, you had to ask your best friend to help you prepare.
She had helped you choose clothes, specifically underwear, that you had no idea even counted as underwear. You had never felt so pretty before, it was a good feeling but an unfamiliar one. When you arrived at his door you felt like your heart might burst from your chest. It’s just a regular date, you reminded yourself. A regular date with a little extra after dinner.
Before you could even knock on the door it opened and your favorite redhead stood before you, his body language giving more away than his face. He was a bit tense, his shoulders set back and straight, his hands clenching and unclenching, and there was an unrest to the sand around him. His nerves made you feel a bit better about your own. You smiled at him, wide and loving before he let you in and your date began.
The food was delicious, the conversation lighthearted and mostly steered away from work. When it came time for the after-dinner portion you were so comfortable you had almost forgotten about your plans. He held your hand gently, stroking the roughened skin from years of ninja work and training, as you both sat on the couch. Was he procrastinating or was he just taking your comforts into consideration? Either way you didn’t mind, you knew that he wanted you and that you wanted him too. Hesitation always came with change. Even if he suddenly changed his mind, you would be alright, maybe a bit disappointed, but respecting his boundaries was more important.
He hesitated a moment, his gentle strokes pausing as he looked you in the eyes. That lovely seafoam green made you melt a little bit. His gaze was meaningful and endearing. “Are you ready? We can do this later if you need more time.”
You thought for a moment, despite already knowing your answer, you wanted to be as sure as you could be; masturbating, but together, that was a big step after all. The farthest you both had gotten was some light under the clothes exploration, nothing too heavy. But you wanted more, much more. You wanted the full relationship experience and you only wanted to share it with him. He was the love of your life after all.
“No, I’m ready. Are you ready?”
His light strokes resumed as he gave the same amount of contemplation you did before he nodded seriously. “Yes, I want to—” he cut himself off and looked to the coffee table for a moment. The young Kazekage turned back to watch you intensely, his eyes looked like molten colored glass. “I want to learn how to make you feel good.”
You didn’t think it was possible for your cheeks to feel any warmer.
“Me too,” you muttered, feeling the twisting nerves in your gut from excitement and nerves. A lump began to form in your throat and to distract yourself from the thrum of your overly-excited heart you leaned forward to press you lips to his. You noticed that his were a bit chapped, not that yours weren’t, but you decided that when this was all over you were going to tell him to drink more water. Should you gift him a bottle for your anniversary? Maybe a big one, with cute cactus stickers—focus on Gaara, dummy.
Right, focus, you chastised yourself. He kept his hold on one of your hands as he gently reached behind your head with the other one. Carefully, with little pressure, he brought you closer to deepen the kiss. Your tongue moved first, licking against him and coaxing his own into action. His tongue met yours and they stroked one another with a soft eagerness. You pulled your hand from his and wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his now free hand on your hip. His tongue moved back first, allowing yours access to his mouth which you took full advantage of.
On average, you found that he tasted like sand. Not terrible, but also not the best flavor, but to your pleasure he tasted more like dinner with a hint of sand. A pleasurable change that made you hum into his mouth. Once your tongue was finished stroking the roof of his mouth his tongue entered yours. He dragged his tongue against the inside of your cheek and you begin to run your fingers through his crimson hair.
When you both pulled away you felt alight with excitement, you both watched each other as you breathed before you nodded and detangled yourself for a moment, beginning to fiddle with the hem of your shirt. “Here or the bedroom?”
He took a moment before replying, “Bedroom.”
With eagerness, you both stood at the same time and began to walk, albeit a bit quickly, toward his room. After you both entered, he shut and locked the door, and you took off your fancy shirt and folded it before setting it off to the side. You fiddled with the frilled bow at the front of your bra for a minute before working up the courage to look at him. He seemed enamored, his hands unsure of what to do but his eyes soft and heated as they took in your rarely bare form. Gaara, whether to level the field or to get to the pleasure quicker, he took his shirt off as well.
You’d seen his bare chest only a handful of times, but the more you saw of it the better. His pale skin and lithe muscled form always excited you. For a moment you contemplated removing your pants too before deciding that was indeed the best option. When you had finished folding and setting down your clothes you waited anxiously for his next move. Likewise, he removed his pants and placed them neatly on top of his dresser. “Should we sit on the bed?”
He nodded, and you both got on opposite sides and faced each other. The redhead kissed you this time, and you ran your hands along his exposed chest until he began to shudder. His hands wandered and gently pressed against your covered breasts before stroking along your sides. You shivered when his strong fingers settled on your naked inner thighs. When you both pulled away, a small string of saliva connected your mouths for a moment before it broke and you asked, “Should we get started?”
Gaara’s serious nod made you giggle a bit, feeling high off of your nerves, and he gave you a small smile. You took a deep breath as you sat back from him and he from you, making sure that both got a good view of each other. He kept his boxers on, you didn’t push him to remove them, but his hands shook as he removed his erection from the black material. Your breath hitched in your throat. He was on the longer side with a thickness that looked just right. You felt your sex throb.
Your staring seemed to get to him, as he looked away with cheeks and chest almost as red as his hair. His adam’s apple bobbed, “Can I see you to?”
Broken out of solo staring contest, you nod nervously before hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your panties and sliding them down your hips. You almost squeaked when you realized how wet your underwear had gotten, and when you spread your legs for him you bit your bottom lip as you showed him just how excited you were. His breathing audibly stuttered, and your fingers twitched as they rested on your trembling thighs.
You wanted to squirm as his eyes were glued to you, and you understood how he felt while you stared at him. Were you pleasing? You thought you looked relatively normal but maybe there was something weird you hadn’t seen. “I-I’m going to s-start, okay?”
“Right,” he swallowed thickly. “Right, me too.”
Slowly, you brought your fingers to the wet skin of your lower lips and ran them over your excited flesh. You didn’t masturbate often, but you had once or twice to the thought of your boyfriend. But when he was there in front of you, doing something similar while watching you, it made it hard to think about anything. Your eyes were drawn to the slow up and down stroke of his fist as he began his own show, you became transfixed.
As you watched his rhythm, your own naturally followed. When he thumbed his tip, you circled your thumb on your clit, when he stroked all the way down before slowly stroking up again, you gently inserted a finger into yourself and moaned. Your thumb stayed on your clit and you pumped your finger to the same speed of his hand. It seemed like he hadn’t been fully erect when the two of you started, as his member had only gotten bigger and more agitated as you continued.
Eventually you decided one of your fingers wasn’t enough, especially while looking at such a lovely example of what could be stuffed inside of you instead, and you added a second. The stretch was something you weren’t entirely used to, but Gaara seemed to thoroughly enjoy the sight. His cock had throbbed, so much so that even you could see it, and the tip had dribbled more of the clear fluid than it had been releasing before. He groaned and you moaned in response.
You moved your free hand up and removed your bra, beginning to feel impatient. Your thumb sped its circling as you heard the sounds of his wet skin and your own slick meld together, accompanied by your soft noises and his pants and grunts, in a sensual symphony. “Gaara,” you let out as you thumbed your left breast until your nipple pebbled under your touch. The tightening in your abdomen grew stronger and it became harder to not close your eyes and revel in the feeling, but you didn’t want to miss a second of him.
The tips of his ears, his cheeks, neck and top of his chest was flushed a delicious shade of pink. His brow bone and forehead were furrowed in concentration and his eyes remained glued to your slick soaked fingers and thrumming clit. He had yet to notice your naked breasts. Your boyfriend let out a moan of your name and you mewled and began to scissor yourself. You didn’t think you would last much longer. His lust blown eyes trailed up your body and took in your naked breasts eagerly. The redhead watched them rise and fall with every shaky breath you took, and jiggle with every thrust of your fingers.
“Not much l-longer,” you whimpered. Your skin tingled and you began to feel the pleasure more and more intensely.
“Me too,” his gravelly voice took on an extra level of baritone. So deep that if he had spoken it in your ear you would have cum just from the sound alone. “T-Together?”
“Together.” You nodded, still breathy and on edge.
Your eyes met and stayed glued together. If only you were the one stroking him, if he was inside would it feel even better than this? He reached his free hand out and you leaned toward it, placing your cheek in his warm hand and tentatively licking his open palm. The redhead flinched, his eyes squeezed shut and he gasped your name.
You felt it before you realized, and you let out your own gasp when the hot fluid hit your leg. “G-Gaara,” you moaned out, over drawn and breathy as your orgasm flowed through you. Your eyes squeeze shut and your toes curled as your hands stopped their motion and you tried to catch your breath. His thumb rubbed your cheek continuously, his other hand still as he remained hunched over.
“I didn’t learn anything,” he huffed, slight amusement to his tone. A breathy laugh left your lips and you brought your head down to rest against his forehead, in a teasing lilt you said, “Really? I learned that you need to drink more water and,” you licked your lips before lowering your eyelids in an attempt at being sultry, “I memorized every little move you made, love.”
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tagged list: @therantingfangirl @justmyownreality @hashira-mal
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dark-konohagakure2 · 2 months
wow I found ur account I thought you were gone forever 🥺 but anyways my request is kankuro x little sis reader just general nsfw headcanons tbh
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tw: incest, sibling incest, dub/noncon, teasing, bullying, possessiveness, noncon kissing, groping
All characters depicted are 18+
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Kankuro isn't the best older brother out there, he definitely loves his siblings, but he isn't the best at showing it. He's nice to Gaara and has a tendency to fret over his brother from time to time, but he is nowhere near as nice to his younger sister.
Kankuro likes to tease and play jokes on people, especially girls, and his younger sister is the perfect target since Temari would give him a thrashing if he even thought of pranking his elder sister. He'll intentionally scare his poor little sister with his puppets, he'll also trip her when she's walking around the house and act innocent when she starts crying, the sight of which makes Kankuro feel an unfamiliar heat in his groin.
He'll escalate his 'teasing' after a while, he'll start doing more overtly inappropriate things such as groping her and forcing her to sit in his lap or sleep in the same bed as him. If she ever threatens to tell their siblings he'll either threaten her not to or just give her a smack, it depends on the day.
He isn't trying to be mean to her, but its not his fault that she's so uncooperative. She never agrees to help him with his girl troubles, like learning how to kiss or touch them, so he'll have to force his stubborn little sister to help him practice.
"Stop squirming you brat!! I need practice and big sis would kill me if I tried this with her! So be a good little sister and help me out for once!"
Kankuro is a bad kisser, bordering on horrendous. He practically chokes her out with his tongue as he shoves it down her throat, and his teeth will bump against hers roughly. Whether intentionally or not, he'll pull her hair when he trys to run his fingers through it, roughly enough to make her cry even more than she was before.
Despite his bullying, Kankuro really does love his little sister, and he'll show this love by being quite clingy with her, always making her hold his hand whenever they go wrong the village together, he also does this so that no other men go near her, since no one in Sunagakure with a brain would even think of bothering the Sand Siblings.
Sometimes when Gaara and Temari are out of the house for Kazekage duties and important missions respectively, Kankuro will go to his sister's room and take advantage of her, sometimes he'll just forcibly cuddle and grope her, and other times he'll pin her down and have his way with her.
When Kankuro does fuck her, he doesn't ever last very long, he's a sensitive man due to his lack of experience, so he'll cum inside of her right away, to which he'll get very embarrassed, but his embarrassment quickly turns into anger at her for supposedly forcing him to cum prematurely.
"Fuck..! S-Sorry..! I didn't mean to cum so fast..! But it's your fault anyway! You were being cute on purpose, weren't you?!"
He might be mean to his baby sister just for fun, but Kankuro really does love her a whole lot, not only is she his most favorite sibling, but she's his absolute favorite toy to play with.
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venerawrites · 3 months
Hello! I'm in love with your work ❤️ I was wondering if you could do a scenario where Gaara's girlfriend/fiancée gets hurt on a mission protecting Kankuro?
author's note: You have the patience of a saint and I am so thankful not only for this amazing idea, but also for your continuing support! I think this became a lit bit more angsty than intended, but I still hope you enjoy! <3
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There were many moments in Gaara's life when he felt dislike toward his siblings. Most of them took place in their younger years, during which he was isolated by his father and grew to see them as nothing more than strangers, who just so happened to be related to him by blood.
The turning point in their relationship was his encounter with Naruto. Building bonds at such a late stage was not an easy task - especially since he could tell both Temari and Kankuro were still somewhat scared of him - but he was just as motivated to do it, as he was to prove himself to everyone in Suna. So while it did take some time, he started to get to know his siblings more and get closer to them.
He loved his sister, he truly did. She was smart, strong, and independent and the young Kazekage couldn't be prouder of her. She was the wisest of the three, always there to listen and provide her opinion when he needed it the most. He could trust her with anything that was laying heavy on his heart or mind, and she never judged or criticized him.
The bond he shared with Kankuro, however, was completely different. Gaara considered him as his best friend and right hand, and while he did not admit it out loud, he was closer to him rather than Temari. In his head, he justified it based on the fact that they were both male and that he didn't really have that much time to build a close relationship with Temari, as soon after the war she moved to live in Konoha and live with the Nara.
Since Kankuro was the only one left in Suna, it was only natural for them to grow even closer. Despite their differing views on many topics, sometimes including what is best for the village, the red-haired shinobi trusted him with his life. This was the reason why he was always assigned as your partner when you had to do missions outside Suna - he knew that no matter what, his brother would do anything to protect you.
Or at least he thought he knew.
As he observed your bruised from in front of him, his eyes narrowed once they landed on your arm sling. Your mouth kept moving, but your explanation fell deaf on his ears - all he cared about was the fact you stood before him with a broken arm and numerous cuts and bruises.
"-so we were greatly outnumbered! So my arm was broken in two places, but luckily the nurse said it will be only 12 weeks till-"
"Where is Kankuro right now?", this was the first time he spoke since you started giving him detailed account of what went wrong on the mission and the roughness in his voice did take you by surprise.
Furrowing your brows, you tilted your head to the side, a flicker of annoyance flashing in your eyes. You specifically told your fiancé that his brother was dealing with all the paperwork downstairs, which is why you have decided to come here and attend the debriefing meeting by yourself.
"He is in the office downstairs, doing the-"
Interrupting you once again, Gaara knocked loudly on his desk, his subtle signal that he needs the attention of the guards outside. The door opened and one of them peeked his head inside, bowing slightly as a sign of respect to the village leader.
"Bring Kankuro up here", the Kazekage said, while placing his elbows on the flat surface in front of him, "Now."
The masked guard nodded his head and closed the door without another word. You stood frozen in your place, silently watching him and trying to understand what was up with him. His expression remained stoic, while his shoulders were slightly up, a sign of how tense he was. He couldn't even bring himself to look at you, as his pale eyes remained fixed on the wall behind you.
"What is this about?", your voice was laced with irritation as you rested your free hand on your waist. He briefly glanced at you, before letting out a heavy sigh and closing his eyelids.
"I don't know what you are talking about."
Faking ignorance was definitely not his strong suit and your gritted your teeth in annoyance at his behaviour. Gaara was a fairly mature man - sure, he did had his childish moments sometimes, but given that he did not had a normal childhood, you excused his odd behaviour in the rare moments it occurred. In fact, most of the time it was easy for you to understand what was wrong without him even telling you, as he has never been that good at hiding his emotions.
As you studied him now, however, you were completely lost. The mission was success and while you and Kankuro did get ambushed by eight ninjas at once, you managed to get away relatively uninjured.
Well, if you excluded your broken arm.
"Is that because of my injury?", you felt suddenly enlightened at what the problem may be and given the way his jaw clenched, you knew you hit the jackpot. Gaara has always been fiercely overprotective of you, not only because you were his fiancée, thus making you the target of many rogue ninjas, but also because you were the one person he could not afford to lose.
Before he can reply, there was a faint knock on the door, followed by your partner's low "Enter". The door opened and Kankuro stepped into the room, his lips curving into a small smile once his eyes landed on you. The moment he turned his head to his brother, his whole face fell and he cleared his throat, before bowing his head.
"Kazekage-sama", he greeted in a small voice, almost ashamed. Gaara did not return the greeting, instead moved one of his arms to motion to one of the chairs on the other side of the desk. Understanding his silent request, Kankuro slowly dragged his feet to it, buying himself time to come up with good explanation of what went wrong.
The puppet master may be a lot of things, but stupid was not one of them. The boiling rage behind his brother's eyes was easily recognisable for him, even if his younger sibling was trying to mask it behind a cold and stiff expression.
"What did I tell you before you left?", the Kazekage asked, while leaning forward. Kankuro gulped at the question, focusing his attention to his fidgeting fingers in his lap, while you moved closer to the two males, eager to finally get some clarity.
Did they make some kind of secret deal without you knowing?
"Answer!", Gaara barked, his patience running thin and both you and Kankuro jumped at the unusual loudness of his voice. The Kazekage, who was always so calm and collected, never raised his tone like this.
The painted man cleared his throat, before lifting his gaze and trying to offer a diplomatic response:
"Well, technically you said a lot of stuff..."
The red-headed shinobi scrunched his nose and his lips twisted into a scowl, obviously unhappy with the answer he was given. Sensing there is a storm brewing, you sat on the other available chair next to the puppet master, while your attention kept jumping between the two men. At this point you felt like a third wheel to their discussion, even though it was obvious that you were somehow connected to the topic.
"Is anyone going to tell me what is going on?"
They both ignored you, instead continuing to stare at each other, one with clear distaste, the other one - with shame. One long minute passed, during which you felt all three of you will suffocate because of the rising tension.
"Your future brother-in-law is incompetent and useless fool", Gaara finally broke the silence, moving his focus toward you, "is what is going on."
Without the chance to even assimilate what he just told you, your head whipped to the side once Kankuro slammed his hands on the desk, his face twisted in a mix of frustration and guilt. He glared draggers at his brother, yet the slight tremble of his bottom lip hinted that he was more afraid rather than angry.
“It’s not my fault! I have only one head, you know?! I can’t have my attention and sight at everything! She jumped behind my back and I didn’t even notice her before it was too late!”
Your lover shook his head, a disgusted scoff leaving his lips.
“Thank Kami you don’t have more than one head! You don’t even use this one, I can’t imagine what it would be if you had more”, the mockery in his tone soon left and was replaced by annoyance, “I told you to keep your eye on my fiancée and keep her safe! At. Any. Cost! And here she is, covered in bruises and injuries, with a broken arm!”
Hearing his words, your jaw fell. Now it was your turn to look at him with disgust. Did he think you were that weak and unskilled, he had to ask his brother to supervise you?
“Wait”, you closed your eyes , trying to gather all your thoughts together, “You ask him to keep his eye on me?”
The note of disbelief in your voice finally caught the attention of both males and they exchanged a look, before turning toward you. Gaara's face softened and he cleared his throat, but the moment he opened his mouth to answer, Kankuro beat him to it.
"You bet he was - "Don't let her out of your sight!"; "Don't let her fight unless absolutely necessary!"; "Make sure to escort her everywhere she goes", the puppet master recited the list of orders given to him by his brother. With each sentence, your breathing became more and more rigid, while your lover burned holes at the other man's head.
Did he take you for some kind of helpless damsel in distress that needs constant protection? Of course, as the partner of the Kazekage you knew it would be hard to separate your personal life from your work, but you always tried your best to keep things between you professional on the workplace. Learning he has been giving directions to Kankuro behind your back, when he specifically promised you that he would treat you as any other sand shinobi, did feel like a low blow.
"I can't believe you!", you scoffed, turning your attention back to Gaara, "You promised me you won't interfere in my missions!"
"It's not like that", your lover sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was worried about you, was that a crime? The world out there was dangerous, especially since he had enemies everywhere and the fact you did not seem to appreciate this frustrated him to no end. Why can't you just understand?
"Should I leave?", Kankuro looked between you awkwardly, his hands already gripping the edge of the stool so he can lift himself. Deep down he knew that maybe he did say more than he was supposed to. So far he always kept the arrangements he had with his brother private, but as he felt almost cornered by you and him, it wall just... slipped out.
The Kazekage nodded his head, but not before mouthing "I am not done with you" to his sibling. Once the door closed and you were left alone in the room, his focus landed back on your fuming form.
"My love-"
"You promised!", you interrupted before he can butter you up and make you question the reasonableness of your anger, "Do you doubt my skills as a shinobi? Do you not trust I can handle myself?"
He winced at the tone of your voice and he briefly glanced at your arm sling, before looking back into your eyes. Taking a deep breath, he stood from his chair and walked around his desk, so he can sit at the place previously occupied by Kankuro next to you. While his hands itched to reach out to you and just take you in a hug, he held himself back, choosing to rest his palms on his knees instead.
"Love, you are one of the most skilled and powerful sand shinobi", he started, carefully choosing each word, "I know you can handle both yourself and your team! But I am worried about you - you are the fiancée of the Kazekage, the dangers are-"
You shook your head interrupting him once again mid-sentence. Pressing your tongue against your cheek, you tried to control the urge to just stand up and leave. He had shared his worries with you before and while you understood his point of view, you felt like he didn't even try to get yours.
"Do you know how embarrassing this is? No wonder everyone in the team treats me strangely", you huffed, "I am your fiancée, but I also your subordinate and you are my leader and employer. You can't just... interfere with my work like this!"
Leaning back against the chair, you buried your head in your hand and waited for the long excuse which you knew was coming. It was not the first time you have discussed this and you also suspected it won't be the last.
"You are right. I shouldn't have done that", he said after a minute of silence, "I am sorry."
Here it goes-wait! ... Did he really said he was sorry?
Lifting your head almost cautiously you eyed him with a mix of suspicion and surprise, not expecting for him to apologize. While he was often good at self-reflection, it was no secret that apologizing was not really Gaara's thing- in the rare occasions when he was wrong, he always found a way to justify his decisions and actions, because the truth is, he did always have good intentions.
"Are you really?", the question came out sharper than you intended and once you saw him flinch back, you reached for his hand, your anger disappearing almost immediately. You rubbed small circles on his skin with your thumb, while you decided to be honest with how you felt.
"Look, I am just... Other ninjas are already thinking that I do get special treatment because we are together. And when you specifically ask them to act as my protectors, even if it is just your brother, it doesn't really help my case. I can take care of myself."
Gaara's pale eyes fell down to your broken arm before lifting to your face again, one invisible brow raising. You clicked your tongue while rolling your eyes at him.
"Hey, don't give me that look! I saved my teammate as any shinobi would do!"
He looked at you for a few seconds, before finally letting out a sigh and he brought your hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on top. His lips lingered there for a few seconds, before he pulled away, resting his chin on your intertwined fingers.
"I hate seeing you hurt", he finally admitted, "But you are right, I just... I can't help but think the worst every time you go away. I can't lose you! I really can't!"
"And you won't!", you squeezed his hand lovingly, your voice falling down to a whisper, "But I need you to trust me. Okay?"
The corners of his mouth twitched into a small smile and he leaned forward, placing his forehead to yours. If there was one thing you both hated doing, it was fighting. You felt his arms sneaking around your shoulders, carefully pulling you closer to him so he avoids hurting you. Before you can fully relax in his embrace, however, you lifted your head, searching his eyes:
"And no more scolding for Kankuro."
His body tensed and his expression twisted in disatisdaction.
"No", you gave him one of 'your looks' and he watched you with a blank expression for a while, before he let out a huff and slowly nodded his head.
Little did you know, that while there was no scolding, their "talk" did take a long, long time afterwards... and maybe Kankuro was forced to give a few secret additional promises.
cc artwork: Ankush Sharma
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Reasons for submission under the cut
her main jutsu is just throw so many knives at you and I respect that
her weapons mastery/sealing jutsu had so much potential and it never got the treatment it deserved
team Gai is best
he overcame his incredible loneliness and childhood trauma with a lot of grace
he acknowledged the people he may have hurt (rock Lee) and did everything in his power to build up from there
he was always very caring (like when he brought the girl he accidentally hurt an apology gift when he was a child)
he was someone who understood Sasuke and shed tears for him
he motivated an entire army of shinobi that were fighting amongst each other, and he did it purely with love for Naruto, showing how powerful his kindness is
serial killer turned babushka. Quite possibly the sweetest and funniest character transformation [submitter]'s ever seen
he enjoys succulent and cactus gardening, based as always
his gardening outfit is the cutest shit ever seen
he has cat eyes which are very cute
nothing but respect for my goth teenaged president 🫡
he's so polite,,
his character development is amazing, he went from being a crazy murderer, to gaining the trust of his whole village and becoming the Kazekage
despite how drastic his character development was, it still feels understandable due to how badly he was treated as a child, and how deep down he always wanted to love but was simply punished for it
eeeing him recover from his trauma thanks to Naruto is really heartwarming
one of the best redeemed villain characters ever imo
very cool character design
storyline that made [submitter] cry like a baby three different times
he's so full of love
has a cool transformation
enjoyable demeanor once he got the help he needs
nice to see a quiet but social introvert succeed in life, overcome his trauma, and learn his self worth
he was an edgy 12 year old who talked like shadow from shadow the hedgehog (2005) how can u not like that
he's funny
he's pretty cool when he's older, a good leader
his arc is [submitters] favorite in the series
lovely to see how far he came and how hard he worked to overcome his demons
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theheirofthesharingan · 4 months
Hi! I had a fic question and I don't know where to ask it? Feel free to ignore this if you'd like. But I was wondering if my fic would count as an AU if I had a konoha resident character living in a house, and the weather was snowing? I'm still new to naruto and I'm not perfectly acquainted with the different villages. It doesn't snow in konoha right so would that mean my canon character would need to be in the land of snow? I don't really have a reason to put them there. Would anyone read my fic if I wrote it snowed in konoha or nearby? Or should I label my fic as an AU? 
Okay, I'm going to explain a little bit what AU/canon divergence/canon compliant fics are. So depending on that you can probably identify where your fic would fit better.
Alternate Universe (AU): The only things AUs are compelled to take from the source material are the names of the characters, and the rest you can decide on your own. You can keep the basic traits of the characters as it is or change them a little bit, because a character in canon went through the things to become what we know of them. In your AU it's not necessary. So, it would work either way.
Canon Divergence: You take the characters, their canon dynamic, and equations, the world as they are, without deviating from it, but change one major plot point and that consecutively changes their future from how things happened in canon.
For example, if Sasuke learns Itachi's truth before their battle - it would change everything that goes on in canon after Itachi's death. It Naruto isn't taken care of by Iruka, it would change everything with Naruto not being able to handle the hate he received from the village. If, upon Orochimaru's suggestion, the Ame orphans are killed, it would affect the entire future story of Naruto. Fics like this are canon divergent.
Canon Compliant: These fics don't contradict canon too much. There will be minor changes here and there, but unlike an AU or a canon divergent fic these fics take place within the restrains of the source material.
If you're writing a fic with modern setting, are the characters in your story also something other than ninja? Do Shinobi exist? If not, you can tag it as Modern AU. If yes, it could easily fall into canon divergent or canon compliant, depending on whatever you want to convey.
Personally, I take inspiration from not only manga, but also filler episode and novels. Manga doesn't say anything about snowing, but in the Itachi Shinden arc there's a scene with pregnant Mikoto where it starts snowing. I've used that to show it sometimes snows in Konoha.
Some briefing on the village and nation in Naruto.
There are Five Great Nations in Naruto - Land of Fire, Land of Water, Land of Lightning, Land of Wind, and Land of Earth. These lands were the defined by the chakra nature of the Shinobi... As explained by Kakashi
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Naruto is set in the Feudal era of Japan in terms of its politics where these countries have a leader they call Daimyō. And all these countries have a powerful village.
Land of Fire has Konohagakure. Land of Water has Kirigakure. Land of Wind has Sunagakure. Land of Lightning has Kumogakure. Land of Earth has Iwagakure.
They have their respective leaders - Hokage, Mizukage, Kazekage, Tsuchikage, Raikage.
There is Land of Iron, but it's not run by the Shinobi forces but Samurai, and it's meant to be neutral. So no other nation can attack it. According to most maps, it lies to the north of Land of Fire.
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There are some other villages/lands mentioned like Amegakure, which is situated in an unnamed nation. Land of Waves has no strong military, which is why they needed Konoha's help. There are mentions of the villages scattered here and there but they're insignificant. The major confict in the world happened because of the Five nations.
That's it about the villages (that I know of).
As to the readers not reading your work, I'll say readers are a lot gentler than you give them the credit for. To grab the readers' attention you need to write a proper summary, tag your posts properly, focus on your writing and give proper paragraph breaks. Include the characters in the story only if they are recurring characters. Don't clutter your 'character' and 'relationship' section or even tags. Keep things up that are relevant to you as a writer. I'm assuming you're going to write on AO3 and not on FFN or Wattpad.
We readers don't care about trivial things that are bothering you, although I can understand your feelings. If you can utilise the modern setting and make the readers feel, that would be a win. Don't shy away from taking creative liberties. Fics are meant to explore the uncharted aspects of canon. And writers do this all the time.
You did not ask for such a long answer but I couldn't stop from rambling. I hope this answer helped you and gave you what you were looking for. Good luck for your fic.
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jacksgreysays · 5 months
Hello, this is Mergen! I read your response to my comment in Ao3 and really, there is no need to apologize, considering that I am also not giving my answer soon. Since you spend more time on tumblr, I decided to respond here, and then I got sucked into your other passages for weeks. Thank you for giving this idea a chance and if you don't mind, I'll throw some more in for you.
Even if the math doesn't work for Souichi to be Shikako's son, you mentioned that you see the solution to the Konoha civil war in Shikadai becoming Hokage, but he is still young and there is no guarantee that he will become strong or respected enough for the title of Hokage to replace Naruto. He will have the support of half the clans, but this is just politics. So I will again turn to your OC Nara and propose to make Souichi Hokage, he is much older and judging by the description, have the will and motivation and intelligence, some can even get Deja View second coming Shikako.
The second idea was inspired by your fic about Shikako meeting Shinki's mother. I love Gaara and Shinki's relationship in canon, the best thing in Boruto, so I want to reunite this duo and while one is not born yet, we need to confirm Schrödinger's Gaara status. Since Shikako is the only one who has the opportunity to continue the search for Gaara without drawing attention to it, without hope ti find him alive, I wondered what could kill Gaara in the desert. After Gelel, he is the strongest being in Suna. So...
...what if he's not dead?
Back in time, when the war is over, his sister recently married Shikamaru and is about to have a child, everything is going well, Suna is strong and the world is at peace. What if Gaara wanted to sign the summoning contract after seeing how well Naruto and the others did with their summons and how effective they were? Perhaps he lost Shukaku and decided to compensate for his fighting strength by becoming a sage. So he uses reverse summoning and moves to some kind of summoning world. Then there are a dozen developments of events to suit your taste:
1. Gaara failed the test, he was eaten and his body will never be found. Dark enough for a primadonna Au to be real but if you go this route I will cry. Just saying.
2. Time flows differently in the world of Summons and for him 12 days may have passed when for others it is 12 years. He returns to meet a much older and tired Kanuro wearing a Kazekage hat.
3. Shikako finds the domen of the summon, which is located in their world, just very well hidden. Gaara either turned into stone and she will save him in her sage mode, or he meditates for a long time to become a sage and didn’t even notice the passage of time. A punch to the jaw from Shikako is part of the reunion.
This may be an unnecessary plot point, but it will clear the air for Gaara's family and friends.Feel free to use the ideas or not, anyway thanks for your attention!
Hello! I’m glad to see you over on tumblr since, like you said, I really am better at responding on tumblr than I am on ao3—but I do still very much appreciate your ao3 comment as well!
I do love your enthusiasm/affection for my silly Nara OC Souichi, I’m glad that he’s endeared himself to someone besides creator, lol. However he’s not actually THAT much older than Shikadai—or, well, I suppose in the world of shinobi he could be considered much older—I’ve mostly been vague about the timeline, but Souichi is 18 and Shikadai is probably 10ish. He’s due to graduate from the Academy soon. So eight years for a shinobi is a lot, I guess, especially so early on in their careers, but I would still consider them the same generation. Additionally, while he has the motivation and intelligence (and quirkiness) he really is “just an average Nara chuunin.” He made chuunin at 16 years old which isn’t BAD per se, but I think in terms of “Hokage potential” is pretty late in regard to making that international name for himself. Additionally, I know I haven’t explicitly said so, but Shikadai is ALSO motivated and intelligent. The way I see it, Shikadai is more similar to Shikako in her more desperate times, than Souichi is to Shikako in her fun relaxed times, and considering this is the bleak!Primadonna AU, it’s that desperate, battle-oriented Shikako that people would be looking for than an eccentric innovator.
Also, Shikadai doesn’t have the strength/power or the respect/influence NOW, as an Academy student, but that is roughly why if I were to write a “how to resolve the situation in Konoha” it would be a Shikadai-centered fic about how he gains that either through missions or over time or by interacting with other will-be-important figures his age.
As for your second idea—actually it was your initial theory about Souichi that made me bring up Shinki in this series, because the way I’ve written him, in my other DoS Shikaara future fic he is raised by Shikako while Kankurou is his clan head. And I realized, with your initial Souichi theory, that Shinki is probably the closest thing to a child that Shikako and Kankurou could feasibly/safely have in this bleak!Primadonna AU. Especially since Shinki, with his confirmable Magnet Release (as opposed to Shikadai with his probable-but-not-tested Magnet Release) would be the Kazekage heir and thus slightly alleviate some of the stress on Shikadai.
In the ficlet in which Shikako meets Areki (made up name for Shinki’s mother because I don’t know if she has one in canon but I kind of assume not considering what the source manga/anime is) Shinki is definitely already alive. It’s also earlier in the timeline than the first installment/ao3-chapter, so Shikako meets Areki when Shinki is probably about 8 (putting Shikadai at about 6?) and then basically adopts both of them and sort of mentors/helps raise Shinki so that he can safely be introduced to the world as the heir to the Kazekage when the time is right (as opposed to putting that target on the back of an untrained child before he’s ready)
But, that’s not your point: Schrödinger’s Gaara. I super agree with you that after Gelel he is the strongest being in Suna. I also agree that he’s probably not dead so much as like… transported elsewhere (or else-when if we’re getting time travel-y with it) or trapped somehow.
I had briefly though of Gelel Empire related things—like, just because the Dead Wastes are where the “heart” of Gelel’s power was, doesn’t mean they didn’t have other sealing arrays elsewhere through their vast empire. Also, considering sandstorms and since Gaara can control sand, it wouldn’t be to surprising if something was uncovered and Gaara went out to investigate it alone since, after all like you said, who could possibly be a threat to him in the desert where he is strongest? And then mumbledy mumbledy he gets transported somewhere (or some-when) and either can’t find his way back, or doesn’t realize how long it’s actually been, or is stuck. (I did, even more briefly, consider a sci-fi vibe, in the sense that Gaara discovers a Stargate or an old Jedi Temple or something like that but abandoned that since it would be bringing in a crossover and huge genre shift to something that already required a lot of implied background/worldbuilding from readers)
But the summoning realm is very good. And I’ve also previously posited that maybe the summoning realm is not necessarily just for summons. Like, perhaps it should more accurately be called the Spirit Realm, because while most of them are summonable creatures that theoretically look like animals, there could be other non-animal/non-contractable spirits there. I think I also considered writing a fic where the Shinigami and other gods kinda lived in that same alternate plane of existence? However, like you said, the summoning contract card is already so plentiful by itself that I don’t necessarily need to throw in spirits.
1) Oh noooooo, don’t eat Gaara! He’s a good lad TT_TT But that is maybe a little too dark for the bleak!Primadonna AU. Like, I know I have Shikamaru being assassinated, but the idea of Gaara being eaten by summons and never found again is just too dark for some reason? The assassination has political causes and ramifications at least D: Gaara in some boss summon’s stomach is noooooooooooo
2) Time flowing differently is almost… ooh… like, if he were to come back after 12 years and it’s just because time flowed differently. Like, obviously it’s not his fault, but I can see how frustrated Kankurou and Temari and Shikako (and maybe even Naruto?) would be with him if it’s like. THIS ALL COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED IF YOU HAD JUST COME BACK SOONER. There’s something to be said about those Fair Folklore and similar mythologies about a human going to another world and dancing for a night and then coming back and realizing a century had passed. Like. It’s almost more forgivable if Gaara comes back AFTER Shikadai is an adult (and possibly Hokage) and everything has resolved itself in one way or another because that’s a scale of time that almost seems like—well, there’s nothing he could have done. Versus any time before that would be frustrating. They wouldn’t be mad at him, but god it would be so frustrating.
3) I will always be so fond of Shikaara, so my heart does love the idea that Shikako—who is the only one who can/still believes enough to keep searching for Gaara—does find him trapped somehow (either turned to stone or in a seal or a sand cocoon that was meant to protect him but then backfired, etc etc) and not freeing him with True Love’s Kiss but, like, practical treatment either via Earth chakra or seals or, as you said, a punch to the jaw, lololol.
It’s the mystery of the ages, truly :)
Thanks again for your comment/asks, Mergen!
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