#He's not very good at it so Willow comes over to his room to help him with that.
anaargent · 22 days
Ok but like... Five in Harry Potter PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE i know it's very unlikely but like just imagine him and his siblings in Harry Potter, with reader please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
You caught my favorite hyperfocuses, I wrote something simple, but I would like to go into more depth in the future.
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You were sitting in the shade of a large willow tree, making the most of the small moment of respite with the Hargreeves siblings. You weren’t sure when or how you had gotten pulled into their mess, but you were more than grateful for it. You smiled, watching Klaus and Ben at the edge of the lake playing with a frog, levitating it back and forth.
“This is disgusting, you idiots.” Allison threw the frog away as she pulled Viktor, who was resting his feet in the icy water, away from the mischievous siblings. “Will we have to put up with this until we grow up?”
“Don’t be so optimistic, we’ll have to live with them until the grave,” Viktor said, smiling, as he hugged his sister, who was whimpering in frustration.
Not far away, Diego and Luther were in the act of interacting with what you charitably called Luego’s fan club, a medium-sized group of girls and a few boys, who seemed enchanted by the Gryffindor bigwigs. They posed and flexed their muscles while their fans sighed in amazement "this is all natural babe, you can squeeze it" Luther said showing his biceps.
It was a funny fact, as much as the grumpy old Reginald Hargreeves was a perfect example of a Slytherin, almost all of his children went to different houses. Viktor and Ben went to Hufflepuff, they were kind souls, usually the first to offer help to their brothers and friends. Diego and Luther went to Gryffindor, the hat barely touched their heads, it was quite obvious to you that the two hotheads went to the house of the impulsive and courageous. Klaus was a stranger, after about ten minutes the hat left him in Ravenclaw, along with you to your great pleasure, there was never a dull moment with someone like Klaus around. Allison had gone to Slytherin, always standing out in the class, the girl was a perfect example of talent and discipline mixed with a rebellious and independent spirit. Finally… "There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere" Five says, pulling you out of your contemplative moment, shoving a chocolate cupcake into your hand and plopping down on the grass next to you "What are you doing here alone? Don't tell me you finally realized I'm the best of them and now you just want to hang out with me" he smirks as he looks at you.
You just laugh, shaking your head "If you were any bigger your ego would fill the common room, you know that, right?" Then you stop for a moment and take in the view. Five was still wearing his Quidditch uniform, just like you, his moss green t-shirt was worn and wet from intense training, his hair was a messy wave of strands slightly damp with sweat, giving him a wild look, which perfectly matched the playful and challenging eyes of its owner.
You sighed and shook your head, not wanting to be caught dissecting every part of Five, he already had a lot of self-confidence.
"Just watching?" Five smiles, leaning closer, his breathing still labored from the tiring workout, the light puffs of air hitting your cheeks.
You contemplate for a moment, pouting as you bite into the cupcake, Five's eyes darting between your eyes and lips, he wasn't good at disguising his intentions, maybe he wasn't even trying to "wanna taste?"
Five looks at you hopefully, his mind racing with the question - what were you trying to insinuate? "I will."
You move closer to him, your shoulders touching under the cool grass, the light wind carrying Five's scent from him and intoxicating you with the mix of moss, parchment, sweat and something that was only his. Then you place the cupcake on your parted lips and quickly stand up laughing and heading over to where Klaus and Ben were still playing with floating things "Forget this loser, come here and levitate worms on Allison" Ben waves with a cute smile at you.
"We're not done here yet, sweetie, I'll see you at the Quidditch game this Saturday," you hear Five shout in the distance, and you fight the blush that rises to your cheeks.
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Skeletons don't have eyelashes....
S/O decides to give the main 10 skeles those cute fake eye lashes.
Undertale Sans - He's working his puppy eyes even more after that. Sans masters the art of slow pitiful blinking in a surprisingly short time. See? When he wants to do things, he can. Even if it's really so you don't scream at him for emptying the fridge during the night.
Undertale Papyrus - Well not only he puts the eyelashes, but he's getting himself a beautiful blond wig, a sexy dress, and high heels. Papyrus feels fabulous today and he's definitely going to show off his beautiful body in front of Undyne and Alphys. The only problem now is how you're going to convince him to take everything off. Good luck with that.
Underswap Sans - He's not a big fan. He did it only to please you and he's looking at you with defiance. See? He did it. Is he free to do something else now? He leaves, sobbing you, not noticing all the remaining eyelashes are stuck to his jacket.
Underswap Papyrus - Oh no. You were trying to explain to him how to put them, but he's way too clumsy for that and now the eyelashes are inside of his socket and he can't get it them off. Throwing his fingers in his eyes definitely didn't help either with the problem. You're not sure how you're going to explain this to Alphys when you go to save him later that day.
Underfell Sans - He kinda didn't understand it was eyelashes so he used them as eyebrows. Angry eyebrows. He looks like some Wish version of mad Frida Kahlo now, which is actually hilarious. Except he's not laughing. He didn't appreciate and you mocking him is annoying him even more. He's grumpy for the rest of the day.
Underfell Papyrus - You insist he wears a red dancing dress but he doesn't want to. It actually looks good on him, he looks a bit less angry, and well, maybe it's turning you on a little. However, all you will win is a "YOU ARE A WEIRD HUMAN." and a huff as he leaves the room some minutes later, losing interest.
Horrortale Sans - He's mostly confused about what's going on since he forgot he has eyelashes after ten minutes. He can see Willow is staring at his face, struggling not to laugh, with you clearly seeing something he doesn't see and he gets a little defensive. What? He has something on his face or something? He's even more confused when you both suddenly burst into laughter after he said that. Oak hisses at you both and goes to pout in the horse stable.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's cringing so hard because it's reminding him of his (very) edgy teenage years and that's definitely a period of his life he wishes to forget forever. Apparently, Oak remembers it too because he immediately points at his face, smirking. Of course, he would forget half of his life but not these three embarrassing years of his life to embarrass him even more. Oak calls him Edge Lord all day and you're a bit confused why Willow seems so mad.
Swapfell Sans - It was supposed to be a prank but now you're just jealous. Turns out that's actually not the first time he's doing that and that he's crazy good with makeup, way more than you, which makes him look incredible. You are defeated. Nox smirks at you and tells you that he can put makeup on you to appease all the salt he can see in your eyes.
Swapfell Papyrus - You understand you made a mistake in giving him several pairs of eyelashes when he comes out of his room wearing all of them, everywhere on his face. Rus acts like it's perfectly normal and worse, refuses to take them off for three days. It could have lasted longer if it hadn't been for Nox blocking him in a bone cage to get them off his head himself. What can he say? Not everybody has his sense of fashion. No need to be salty losers over it.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He never thought about this and he's glad it's actually looking good on him. Now he can look even more scandalous and genderfluid to make his conservative Karen neighbor even more furious by showing off in front of her children. He laughs like an epic villain. You're not too sure why though.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's a bit unsure about this, fleeing your stare. At the first compliment, he turns entirely purple and then starts to frantically search for a way to hide from you. He can't take too much compliments or he explodes.
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okminer07 · 1 month
Mice Among Beasts Pt 1
A Baldur's Gate fanfiction.
The dungeon-like space smelled awful, like death, rot, and goblins. It was impossible to see where they were going, what with the cage constantly rocking back and forth with each step the goblin took, clearly taking pleasure in jostling them around.  
A look of shock was still painted across Willow’s face, her brain struggling to keep up. How had she been so stupid?! Trying to steal food from that camp, and without any sort of plan? Had she even taken the time to scope the place out? No! She had simply seen the food and gone for it. Now, she was facing the grim reality that they themselves might become food. Did goblins eat her people? It seemed like a very real possibility, seeing what had been on- 
She jumped when a loud, high-pitched wail filled the air, the source being right next to her. Belle had been sniffling and whimpering from the moment they had been captured, but now she was screaming.   
The goblin above them groaned. He gave the cage a good shake, sending the two tiny humanoids falling from one side to the other, “Shut up!” 
Belle only cried louder. Holding her aching head, Willow stumbled over to her. She wrapped her arms tightly around her sister's frail body and pulled her into her lap. Cooing at her and petting her golden hair very slowly quieted the girl down, being content to cry into Willow’s shirt.   
The two were both trembling, but Willow tried to mask it by slowly rocking the sobbing mess in her arms. The corners of her own eyes burned, but she gritted her teeth and tried to remain composed. It wouldn’t help anyone if both of them began to crumble. Then again, could anything help them now?  
She turned her head to glare at the underside of their captor's chin, “What do you want?” she hissed.  
The two shrunk away as the cage was brought up to the goblin’s eye level. He smirked, “Entertainment.” 
He lowered the cage back down to his side, pushing open a large double door with a guttural grunt. Willow peered through the bars, vaguely able to make out the room they had entered. There were two rooms on either side of them, but the goblin walked past them and down a short set of stone steps. All sorts of crates and wooden boards peppered the room's perimeter, but what caught her eye were the two large cells across the room, one on the left, and one on the right.   
The goblin turned right, going down another short flight of stairs. Willow’s eyes widened, seeing ahead of them a small group of even more goblins. Three looked to be young ones, all of which were cackling with laughter. A guard of sorts seemed to be supervising them, a look of content amusement on her face.  
“Listen! Did you hear it squeal?” one of the young ones laughed, pointing into the cell before them.  
“Make it do it again!”  
One of the goblins bent down and when they straightened, had a large rock in their grasp. They promptly threw it into the cell. A deep yet pained whimper came from behind the bars, pitiful and animalistic. Willow tensed at the sound, goosebumps beginning to pop up along her arms. What sort of animal did they have in there? Anything larger than a rabbit would have been enough to send her running.   
The group burst into laughter, “Hand me another one!” 
Willow flinched as their captor cleared his throat. The oldest of the group turned, her face lighting up with a similar sinister smirk.  
“Hey, Crusher! Come to join the fun?” 
“Actually, I plan to add to it.”  He raised the cage and gave it another harsh shake, exciting a shriek out of Belle, “Lookie what I got ‘ere.” 
The whole group descended upon them. All the kids hurried forward, pushing and shoving one another to get to the front and peer inside the birdcage. Willow’s arms tightened around her sister as the pairs of eyes on those hideous faces slowly settled upon the two of them.  
“Woah!” exclaimed one child, “What are those?”   
The goblin next to him gave him a shove, “They’re clearly some kind of fey, idiot.” 
“What kind though?”  
“Well… uh…” the smartass peered through the bars once more, “Uh… I’m not sure. Are they pixies?”  
The eldest pushed them aside, leaning her ugly face down to scrutinize the girls, “No… no, pixies got wings, and these nibblets seem smaller. At least from what I’ve seen.” she gave the cage a small shove, causing Belle to cry out once more, her bony fingers clawing into her sister. 
“Hah! They make even funnier noises!” Willow flinched at the volume of the child’s voice, wishing her hands were free so she could cover them, “Make ‘em do it again!”  
“Oh oh! Let me see!” the smartass lept forward, his massive pudgy hands groping for the cage.  
Their captor- Crusher he seemed to be called, held them higher up, chuckling, “Now now, you’ll all get plenty of time to hear them make their noises.” he shot the two a grin before turning to the other adult, “Notice you haven’t fed that furball to the worgs yet.”  
“Nah, I’ve been having too much fun with ‘em.” she peered over her shoulder, “But if we ever run out of fresh meat-” 
Crusher held up his hand, silencing her and turning to the kids, “How would you guys like to see a real show?”   
Those greenish-yellow faces lit up, “Yeah!” 
“You wanna see a real show?” 
“Alright then.” he smirked from the cage to the cell, “This will be fun.”  
The cage started to sway once more as Crusher pushed past the kids, approaching the cell. Willow, her sister still in her arms, began to back towards the opposite side of the cage. 
They were suddenly lifted higher, being held right against the bars. Her heart hammered against her ribs as if trying to escape itself. She didn’t want to look, didn’t want to know, but her eyes betrayed her as they peered down into the cell.  
She gasped. Through the bars, standing in the very center, was a bear. An absolutely massive brown bear.  
Belle screamed, trying to backpedal further away to no avail. The goblins burst into fits of laughter, “What? You don’t like ‘em?” The cage was spun so now their backs were right up against the cell. Willow held her sister’s head against her chest as she whimpered. 
Chancing a glance over her shoulder, Willow saw that the bear’s eyes were fixed upon the cage. When Belle let out another whimper, its ears perked up at the sound.  
“D'aww look, I think he wants to be friends” teased Crusher, receiving more laughs in response.  
A shiver ran down her spine as the bear released a low, long drawn-out growl. Oh gods. 
“You wanna go in and say hello?” 
Belle shrieked, frantically shaking her head as if it would do anything.  
“Is that a yes?”  
“No!” she screamed. 
“Well, if you say so.”  
They began to be lowered, the cage nearly being touched down to the ground before the floor suddenly began to tilt. Willow hurriedly pulled her and her sister up the growing incline and wrapped her legs around the cage bars. Her sister screamed, clawing her way up her body and desperately trying to also grab onto something as their world continued to turn.  
Her arms began to burn as they became vertical, but she didn’t dare let them loosen their grip around Belle, not even for a moment. A large clawed hand came around and pried open the cage door.
“Come on now, “ Crusher gave the cage a good shake. Willow winced, straining to keep the two of them up, “Don’t want to keep ‘em waiting do ya?” His eyes zeroed in on what was keeping them from falling. Those clawed fingers crept towards her, nails slipping beneath her legs. A mere flick of the finger, and they were falling, falling into a death trap.  
She spun around in the air, putting herself between Belle and the approaching stone floor. An airless gasp escaped her as she collided with the ground. She coughed and wheezed, wincing at the throbbing pain now blooming across her whole back. 
Belle began to shake her and tug at her shirt collar. Willow pushed her away, forcing herself up. She froze as another low growl filled her ears. Grabbing hold of her sister, she looked up and wanted to scream. The bear’s eyes were fixed upon them. Even from afar, it towered over them, a huge mass of fur that could swallow them whole.  
Whipping her head around, her eyes landed upon the cell’s bars. The space between them was big enough for them to slip through. She ran for it, dragging her sister behind her. Almost as soon as she had started towards it, the goblins took notice. All of them crouched down in front of the cell to block her path, laughing at her pitiful attempt at escape.   
She spun around, heading in the opposite direction. Heart pounding in her ears, she began scouring the stone walls for cracks, holes, anything. The ground beneath them quivered and Willow looked over to see the bear taking a step towards them, head lowered and shoulders up.  
It stalked towards them, throwing her off balance with every step. She frantically continued to search the walls, running along the perimeter of the cell. When she reached a corner, she stopped, out of breath. She turned and froze. The bear was close now, its shadow beginning to cover the two of them. They couldn’t run now, they were cornered.  
Belle began to whimper. Willow stepped in front of her and began to back away. She only made it a few steps before they were pressed against the wall. Looking up in horror, she watched as the bear's head began to encapsulate her entire vision. The air around them stunk of its rancid breath. Its eyes were piercing, the gaze as sharp as its protruding fangs. This was it, they were dead. 
Willow’s arms came up to shield her and her sobbing sister. She braced herself as the beast closed in, opening its gaping maw. It descended upon them and she snapped her eyes shut, praying it would be a quick death for the both of them.  
Nothing. Nothing happened. She didn’t feel anything. Not the feeling of teeth tearing them to shreds like she had expected. Not the feeling of being doused in drool, not anything. However, she did hear something, the snapping of the bear’s jaws. 
Willow cracked open her eyes, freezing. The bear was mere inches away, its warm breath blowing back her silvery hair. It was still staring at them. It remained motionless.  
Suddenly, its massive form began to shift as it turned away from them. It began to make a noise that sounded like chewing. Willow hurriedly checked behind her, worried that it had somehow gotten a hold of Belle before her. But no, her sister was still huddled up behind her, looking up in terrified confusion. 
The bear continued to chew, at least that’s what it sounded like. She wracked her brain for an explanation of what else it could be but came up short.  
“Aw man, where’s all the blood?” rang out the familiar voice of one of the goblin children.   
Another voice sighed, “I guess if we wanted a real show, we should have thrown in something bigger, or maybe something that would have at least put up more of a fight. Ah well.”  
Willow’s eyes widened. Did they think that they had been- she looked up, seeing that the bear’s form was completely blocking them from the view of the goblins.   
“I guess we should get you lot back to work.” 
The young goblins all began to protest, “Aw come on! Can’t we throw more rocks at it or-”  
“Do you want to keep our True Soul waiting?” growled Crusher. 
True soul? 
“N-no. N-not at-” 
“Then get to it!” he barked, and Willow felt and heard the multiple pairs of feet hurry away, “Oh, and Butch wanted to see you, something ‘bout his worg. Won’t stop whining over it.”  
“Ugh, fine. Take me to him, will yah?” 
Another rumble of footsteps and the goblin’s grumbling murmurs slowly grew distant. With the slam of a door, the room fell silent.  
Hope you enjoy! and let me know if you want to hear more!
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
The Lake Between Us - Part One
The Nurse who's frayed at the seams
Ezra AU x plus size OFC (Nickname Moonbeam - has a name in later parts)
This fic is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 868
Warnings: insomnia, alcohol use, anxiety, mutual voyeurism, brief mentions of death, cancer and post-mortem care
Notes: My first series with Ezra! It's been fun writing this and therapeutic for me. I envision the setting to be on a bayou in Louisiana with the weeping willows and slow waters. Plus I wanted Ezra to have an air boat. ☺️ I'm not sorry for anything.
Main Masterlist / Ezra Masterlist / The Lake Between Us Series
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It’s fine during the day, the rapid fire and thinking quickly on your feet. It’s what makes you good at what you do. Able to keep so many details straight while answering questions about six patients and more if you’re keeping an eye out on another nurse’s assignment while they’re at lunch.
It’s why it bothers you so much. You’ve taken your medications. Stopped looking at your phone an hour before bed. The room was pitch black before bed and the white noise machine was going. You even took your shower earlier than normal because apparently a nice warm shower doesn’t promote sleep according to the experts. You personally found warm water relaxing, isn’t that why tea is good before bed?
One of them needs to come to your house and see why you’re not sleeping.
It’s three a.m. You’ve at least gotten five hours of sleep. Enough to function. You’re awake in this darkness though and you’re well acquainted with it. There’s one thing you can do that will at least relax you now. You’ve done it the last few weeks despite all these changes to your sleep hygiene and routine. 
Your legs are over the side of the bed and carry you to your back door where your yellow crocs are. It’s off the back of the kitchen so you grab some rum and mango juice. A chair you bought when you went to an antiques show with some friends sits on your back porch and you plop down. It rocks and that helps your nerves slightly. Your large thighs press into the sides of the rocking chair but not painfully. The periwinkle sleep shorts you have are matched by the camisole that has bunched up at the bottom exposing the pooch of your stomach.
The crickets are loud and there are even some lightning bugs about dotting around the tall grass that surrounds the lake in the middle of your backyard. The lake is connected to an estuary that your neighbor across the way often drives his airboat off in. Thankfully the water is at least slow moving to it only attracts but so many bugs, but that’s also why you’ve taken to lighting a lavender eucalyptus candle when you come outside on the porch. Ironic considering the very same scent that keeps various insects away is supposed to lull you to sleep and it does not. You’ve never met the man. Only seen him on his back porch.
You know very little about him, not even his name. He’s at least your age, if not older. Tall and broad with sun-kissed skin from working during the daylight hours you assume or it could be his natural skin tone. His hair is brown except for a gray or blonde patch in the front. From what you’ve seen, he has a patchy beard that could have gray or more blonde and a wicked smile. It’s then that he emerges from his abode the same as you. He has something to drink as well. Usually he’s wearing a t-shirt or tank top but it’s balmy this morning so he’s shirtless in some loose shorts. You’re not sure if they’re for sleep or lounging. There looks to be some definition to his chest as he takes in the night air. He looks up after pouring himself a glass of something that might be brown, it’s hard to see from here and it’s dark. The man’s limbs are weighted down like yours are. Could his thoughts be running a mile a minute as well? What would lead him to be on his porch too? Is he alone like you? Shouldn’t he have someone warming his bed? Given how he looks from here, he shouldn’t have any issue in that department. Maybe it’s by choice, but why would he choose to? Divorced? Separated? Recent break-up? Maybe a fight with someone and they’re letting each other stew…
Planning different scenarios for the day, reviewing what you’ve seen, the care you’ve provided the people you encountered. Today you discharged a patient home, consulted one where the doctor sort of explained that they have cancer but it didn’t really sink in and assisted with post-mortem care because you were the nurse with the most experience on the unit. The rest were new grads, bless them but they really needed to remove teaching care plans and expand on communication, psych and discussions with biases surrounding death. Maybe you should email the state board, do they even check their email? They had to, right? They’re a government body, but are they gonna do anything with it? Your mind has spun again in that short time. 
The lack of restful sleep is having the same encumbering effect on the pair of you. Fatigued bodies to match your brains. 
His glass raises and he nods in your direction. You do the same. Then you both drain your glasses and refill them. No words are exchanged. The sounds of water, insects, and a light breeze fill the void where speech would be. Normally these sounds are what lull most people to sleep in Louisiana, but not you nor him.
A toast to another night of sleep lost.
Part Two
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You're Special to Me | Us Too
You’re Special To Me is so? mmm I don’t have the words to describe it but. (it’s really good) (all your fics are really good but this one just hit the spot for whatever reason) …any plans for a second part with more comfort than hurt? where the others realize what they’ve been doing to Remus and make it up to him (and summon a mattress from the room and have a cat pile sleepover)? – anon
All I've got to say is: touch-starved Remus. That's it. In anything. Just poor Dukey needing a damn hug. (/nf) – anon
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Word Count: 3323
The others have a nasty habit of comparing Roman and Remus. It starts to get grating after a while. Good thing Roman's always thought his brother was the best.
Logan comes up to him when he's in the Imagination weeding Ollie's pond. The Kraken rumbles and shifts in the water, making the reflection dance as he turns to see a figure with a large bag over its shoulder emerge from the mist. He stands up and wipes his hands on his overalls.
"Lolo? Is that you?"
"Yes, it's me." Logan finally steps out of the fog, holding one hand in front of his face as if to shield his glasses. "My apologies for intruding, but Roman said I might find you here."
"You found me, good job. Did you want something?"
"I was hoping we could talk."
A cool greyness far starker than the surrounding fog starts to creep into the edge of Remus's vision. "Talk? What about?"
"It's come to my attention that I've been very unfair to you. And by that I mean Roman gave me a kind reminder as to what it's like to have your work process judged, verbally or otherwise, and I'm here to make it up to you."
Remus blinks. Logan is here to what, exactly? And Roman did what? And Logan what? "What?"
Logan sets down the bag on a nearby rock and comes to stand next to Remus, who only then realizes he's wearing over-the-knee muck boots. "It was my fault for assuming that you and Roman would have similar processes because you are both Creativity. My response to realizing my error should not have made you feel as though your process is inferior or inadequate compared to Roman's."
"O-oh. Uh, I don't think you meant it, but, um, thanks?"
"Of course."
"Why're you…" He gestures to Logan's everything. "This?"
"Well, I was hoping we could have another brainstorm if you were feeling up to it—no pressure to say yes, obviously, this was not planned ahead of time—and I brought things to help."
"Help with the brainstorm?"
"Roman had mentioned you were looking to test the salinity of Oliver's pool in case you needed to introduce other creatures to his habitat," Logan explains as he opens the bag and unfolds it to reveal a series of vials and jars held in fabric sleeves, "and so I thought I would—"
"You made this for me?"
Logan pauses, looking up at Remus's disbelieving face. He huffs a laugh. "Yes, Remus, I made it for you. I was intending to leave it with you to do on your own time, but I figured as I had an apology to make—"
"You're forgiven, exonerated, whatever." Remus all but pounces on the bag. "Now shush and help me run some tests. Ollie! Get ready to throw your ball around a lot 'cause we got work to do!"
Logan chuckles and pulls out a notebook as Ollie trills in excitement, already fishing around in the kelp for his ball.
"You got your gloves, right?"
Roman flexes his hand—his already gloved hand—and Remus rolls his eyes. "It's okay, I'm excited too."
"Shut up and let's get going. I want to try and have this ready for the afternoon."
"Shutting up!" Roman opens the Imagination door with a flourish and they walk out into a sunny field of lavender. The smell is nearly overpowering; if it weren't so pleasant, Remus might offer Roman something to plug his nose with, that's how strong it was. The last time his nose had been so thoroughly ensorcelled had been when— "Re? You okay?"
Remus blinks and sniffles. "Yeah. Sorry. Smell got me remembering Willow."
Roman joins him in the quiet as they walk through the field, both of them remembering the baby dragon that loved the flower fields so much when she was still a hatchling. The dragon had grown up and flown off to the Cloud Kingdom, somewhere high up in the Imagination that they could only get to on the back of Roman's dragon—so they didn't go very often anymore. The lavender rustles around their legs and does a great job of cheering them up when they finally find a spot to gather the plants.
"How much do we need?"
"Let's try and fill these baskets if we can, I think we need to have enough for both the glaze and the cake itself."
"Sure." Roman nudges him as they crouch down. "This was a really good idea, Re, I'm glad you suggested it."
"Thanks for coming with me."
"Oh, shoot—" Roman pats his pockets and stands up. "I think I forgot the stopwatch."
"You mean the one that we take into the Imagination each time so we remember what time it is in the rest of the Mindscape? That one? The really important one that we keep on the hook by the door—"
Roman cuffs him half-heartedly on the shoulder. "I'll be right back, you asshole."
"Love you too, Roro."
Roman walks back down the rows of the field as Remus gets to work. He doesn't bother with the gloves, not at first. His hands spend too often smelling of Kraken slime and other gross things, which normally he doesn't mind, but if he has the chance to smell of lavender instead, he'll take it. He falls into a soothing rhythm of plucking and pruning, the basket at his side growing slowly fuller, until a shadow falls across his lap.
"Ro, you're back, did you…?"
He trails off when he looks up and sees someone who is decidedly not Roman.
"Hey, Remus!" Patton looks around. "This place is really pretty. Did you and Roman make it?"
"Yeah." The flowers start to grey a little at the edges. "Did you see him on your way in? Is he almost back?"
"Yeah, I, um, passed him in the hall." He suddenly looks sheepish, fiddling with the sleeves of the hoodie tied around his shoulders. "He agreed to give me a few minutes to apologize to you."
"To what?"
"I'm not very nice to you," Patton says bluntly, "I know I'm not. It was—Roman was really upset with me over the whole baking thing. I didn't know—I didn't realize how it felt that I basically bossed you around for the whole time and you didn't even get to make what you wanted."
"…so you're apologizing for it?"
"Yeah, I am. I'm sorry, Remus, I was mean to you and it wasn't your fault."
"Uh, thanks." He drops another lavender leaf into his basket. "I appreciate that."
"Are you guys making something will all the lavender?"
"Yeah, we're gonna make a tea cake."
Patton claps his hands. "Ooh, that sounds really good! Can I help at all, or should I just wait?"
"I think you'd better wait, Patton, too many cooks and all that," Roman's voice comes over Patton's shoulder and Remus thanks everything he's ever made that his brother knows how to say the stuff he wants to say in the way where no one actually gets mad at him. "But we'll be sure to save you a big slice!"
Patton claps his hands and squeezes Roman in a hug before he's leaving the Imagination. Remus holds his breath until the door closes and then sags into Roman.
"I'm sorry," Roman murmurs, "I didn't realize he'd…I thought that'd be easier on you than it seems like it was."
"It's fine, it's not your fault. He's just a lot sometimes."
"Yeah, he is. But on the good side, I'm pretty sure that means you and I have free run of the kitchen all afternoon."
"Can we make him regret it slightly?"
"Oh, we can make him regret it way more than slightly—"
"—with how good this tea cake is."
Remus pouts and Roman laughs.
"You look sad," comes Janus's voice from beside him as arms wrap around his waist, "so you're getting cuddled now."
Remus just turns his face into the crook of Janus's neck and breathes out, long and slow. Janus hums, setting his chin on top of Remus's neck and rubbing his back. They shift around a little to get elbows out of ribcages and knees out of groins before Janus starts scratching his hand through Remus's hair. Which isn't fair, and he knows it, because it always makes Remus want to tell him what's wrong, even when he doesn't want to.
Like now.
"I'm so tired," he whispers, the words leaving him with no small amount of shame, "I'm just so—I want it to stop."
"Want what to stop, sweetie?"
"This," he mumbles and bonks his head against Janus's chest, "this, this thing in my brain that won't shut the fuck up, I want it to go away and leave me alone."
"Do you want to tell me what it's saying?"
Janus pauses, then shifts up enough to press his mouth against the crown of Remus's head. "You be quiet in there, you here me? Don't make me put my angry gloves on."
The reference to a set of gloves Remus had made when they were younger, complete with snarling mouths that opened up when the palm was exposed, makes him laugh. Janus chuckles along with him, kissing his forehead and holding him a little tighter.
"You're doing so well, sweetie. Everything is a lot right now and you're dealing with it as best you can. You're going to be okay."
"I'm really tired, Janny."
"Then sleep." He shifts underneath him to lie down properly, Remus arranged atop him like some great weighted blanket. "You're nice and warm and I am excellent at cuddling. Have a nap."
"Right here?"
"Yes, on this couch, where we're both safe, where I can take care of you and steal all of that body heat you and Roman hoard to yourselves." Another kiss to his temple. "Do you want a blanket too?"
A quick snap of Janus's fingers and there's a thick green comforter resting on top of them, not too heavy, not too hot, just enough weight and cover that some part of Remus actually relaxes underneath it. His eyes begin to drift closed against his will, something he knows Janus realizes by the slightly smug turn in the air.
"Shh, now," comes the soft voice, "that's it, sweetie, just go to sleep. It's alright, everything's alright, you're safe with me, I'll take care of you."
"I don't know when the last time someone hugged me who wasn't Roman was."
Janus is quiet for a minute. Then: "I hope you know I'm not letting you out of here until dinner time, and maybe not even then."
"And I might kidnap you to warm up my room since I've been getting cold falling asleep."
"And I might have to get Virgil to help me too."
"As long as you're aware of what's about to happen, sweetie."
Janus does end up telling Virgil, which is how he ends up with a heavy lapful of Emo one evening when they're all lazing around before movie night. He'd sat down on the couch to finish digesting the insane about of spaghetti he'd managed to eat during dinner, and yelped when something landed on his lap, sighed, and squirmed around to get comfortable.
"Hey, Remus." Virgil grins up at him. "You don't get to be mad about me surprising you when that's literally all you do to us."
"I wasn't—okay, maybe slightly," he amends when Virgil gives him a look, "but…it's not like you do this, not to me."
"Yeah, well." Virgil shifts a bit more and one hand comes up to clumsily pat Remus's shoulder. "You and I haven't been around each other that much lately. I gotta make up for lost time and all that stuff."
"You do?"
Something flickers across Virgil's expression and he sits up, his face only a few inches from Remus's. "Yeah, Remus. We were—not as close as you and Janus were, but we were close. You used to sneak into my room to put on crazy shadow puppet shows and I used to run to you when I was scared of the thunder. And then I…left, and we haven't really been that close since."
"Because you made everyone think we didn't like each other."
He winces. "Yeah, I know. But I—hmm. I'm really trying to be better about that, Remus, I am. I really did miss you."
"You did?"
"Yeah." Virgil quickly glances around and leans closer. "Don't tell anyone about this, okay?"
"The reason I started picking on Princey at first was because he reacted kinda like you did when I pushed Janus's buttons. He got all uppity and loud and it made me think of how you'd always pretend to be some weird knight riding to Janus's defense whenever I pissed him off."
Remus's cheeks flushed. He'd forgotten about that, when Virgil was being a pest and Janus was running out of patience, he'd jump in between them and start a play fight with Virgil to defuse the tension and get everyone laughing again. To hear—well, he'd known that Virgil got close to Roman for similar reasons—but something like this? Just because he missed Remus? And here he was thinking that Virgil was thanking his lucky black holes that he was away from Remus.
"I didn't know."
"I know you didn't," Virgil says, his voice softer now, "and I know you didn't think I cared enough to notice you were touch starved."
"Well—I—I didn't—I only—Janny said—"
"Janus said, Roman said, I thought." Virgil flops back down onto his lap, burying his face in his stomach as he wraps his arms around Remus's waist. "You get cuddles because you need them, and I give them to you 'cause I spent too many years pretending I didn't wanna."
"That was mean," but it's weak as Remus starts to sag into the warm embrace.
"I know, bud, and I'm done with being mean to you. Now we just get along unless we're play fighting, deal?"
Remus nods back, but his voice is too shot to make anything close to a reasonable response, and Virgil doesn't seem to mind.
He's having another bad day when Roman sinks into his room and carts him back off to the Imagination, this time picking one of their favorite rooms in the high castle. It's all warm grey stone and warm wooden floorboards that've been sitting in the sun all day, pillows and blankets tossed about the room for making temporary mattresses. He sags into Roman's side and refuses to budge when Roman insists on getting some of the blankets and pillows.
"In a second," he laughs as Remus whines in protest, "just let me go for two seconds and you'll be happier, I promise."
Remus pouts but does wait the few seconds for Roman to throw something together. Then he just lifts his arms like he's a toddler asking to get picked up. Which he does, and he's tossed unceremoniously onto the pile of pillows. He bounces and Roman laughs at his surprised face.
"Come on, no pouting," he teases, lying down in the blankets too and pulling Remus into a cat pile, "let's just enjoy the sunset, okay?"
Imagination sunsets are the best. There are always a ton of pretty colors, always enough strategically placed clouds to keep you from being entirely blinded, and they last for just as long as you want them to. The one today they can see through the wide windows of the high tower is no exception. Rich blues and purples chase the reds and pinks around the sky, the clouds airbrushed with the most delicate versions of the colors as the sun slowly descends over the hills. There's no risk of mugginess this high up, nor any biting insects thanks to the constant breezes around the top of the tower. Remus feels his eyelids growing heavier and heavier as he sinks into Roman's embrace.
"Hey," Roman whispers and he hums something in reply, "you're the best brother ever, you know that?"
"No, you."
"No, you." Roman squeezes him around the middle and presses a gross, smacking kiss to his cheek. "And I love you."
"Don't get all sappy, Ro."
"Sunsets are sappy times, Re! Besides, you've had a really long day and that means getting cuddles while I tell you how much I love you 'cause you're a great brother."
"You mean it's the time you try to kill me with sap overload."
Remus swats half-heartedly at him and his drama queen of a brother yelps like he's been struck with a whip, but he can't keep the smile off his face.
Roman loves me. He really, really loves me.
It would be a very different world if he didn't have such an amazing brother.
There are still bad days where he doesn't feel like getting out of bed or talking to someone who isn't his brother.
There are more good days. Days like this, where he gets to spend it surrounded by his family.
"Shush," Virgil mumbles, swatting Logan's leg with a pillow as he tries to go on another rant about a certain trope that Remus never caught the name of, "it's sleep time."
"You're going to fall asleep on the floor?"
"Right, good point. Princey?"
"Coming right up." Roman snaps his fingers and the familiar giant mattress appears in the middle of the living room, much to the delight of Virgil and Janus, who both sprawl onto it like overgrown kittens.
"You both need to make some room," Remus grunts as he shoves at an errant leg, "c'mon, let the rest of us on."
"Ooh, I want Remus cuddles today," Virgil mumbles, only for Janus to snatch him. "Hey!"
"Too slow."
"Children," Logan scolds, reaching out and ruffling Remus's hair with a wink, "I could've sworn we talked about consensually abducting cuddle victims."
"I'll fight you for him," Virgil declares, already reaching for a pillow, but Patton grabs it instead. "Hey!"
"No," Janus whines as Patton joins in the playful fight for Remus cuddles—when Remus himself is more bemused than anything else and Roman and Logan are just smiling, the useless wonderful bastards— "get your own Remus! This one's mine!"
"That's all of our Remus, you have to share!"
"Yeah, give us each a limb or something."
"No, I want the torso!"
"I want the head," Logan remarks casually with another wink when Remus blushes, "but I think Roman would prefer we kept his brother intact as much as possible."
"You can share," Remus gasps out eventually when he's getting battered with pillows, "I wanna cuddle all of you!"
"Well, if that's what he wants—"
"Who are we to say no?"
Janus just chuckles as the four of them quickly make themselves at home in the middle of the blanket, arms slung over Remus until he can't quite tell whose limbs are whose. But the warm pressure and familiar scents of all of them right here, safe, under the blankets are sending the everything good, sleep now signals that his brain is having a hard time ignoring.
So maybe he won't ignore them and he'll just fall asleep.
He makes eye contact with Roman before his eyes slip closed properly and the last thing he sees is Roman's soft grin.
There will be good days, there will be bad days.
But Remus never feels truly grey ever again and for that, he's happy.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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fairy-verse · 9 months
Do the firstborns play any instruments or find themselves fond of any human creations?
Ink (despite seeming to hold a not-so-secret grudge) absolutely loves human creations, though he is especially fond of utensils, such as forks and spoons. He also really likes intricate belts, especially those that have other things hanging from them that go clink, clink, clink when the humans walk about. He’s stolen many, many things from the Big Folk, and he’s hung many of them up in various trees as decorations. They’re an omen of bad luck for any Big Folk that enter his forest, because they’re a sign that that certain area is often frequented by Ink himself, and that is no good thing for them.
He likes to play wooden instruments that make deep, sometimes rumbling noises, though it is the flute he excels at, and its sound is the first thing the Big Folk will hear – if they take care to listen – when Spring finally begins its arrival. It will echo through the hills, past the trees, and over the mountains as it causes the ice to melt and break, and the snow to turn into flowing water as the grass so green begins to stand up to greet the warming sun.
Nightmare doesn’t play any instruments and isn’t too fond of human creations… until the pipe organ is invented. He only needed to hear it once to find it wonderful to listen to, and he’d have a copy made straight away; once he learned how it was constructed. It was built in a naturally formed cavern beneath his Underground nest, and there he sometimes likes to go and play it, making the very earth around him tremble with awed shudders. He tends to lose himself in the moment and has been known to miss hours and hours until someone comes to remind him that he needs to return to his duties.
He is also enchanted by the discovery of the astrolabe and the compass, and he just might have had some of his fairies steal them for him. He also has a human-sized book with illustrations depicting the inside of a giant castle, and the words describing it are attention-grabbing to be sure.
Dream plays the harp and the effect it has on other fairies and Big Folk alike is strikingly clear; it’s enthralling. You’ll hear no other sound like it ever again, less it is from him. Unless you’re a fairy you might just run the risk of losing your mind once you’ve heard it, as its effect has a way of glazing your eyes with a golden glow for as long as it plays, and you’ll see the world in a near heavenly light that makes everything just look so… enchanting. It’s not strange that any Big Folk who experiences this will feel grief-stricken once the music stops and the effect goes away. Everything just looks so… dull and dark after that, and those who’re unable to cope with it go mad from the search of finding it again.
He doesn’t know too much about human creations since he doesn’t travel near the borders these days, but a few years back he’d seen a human with a very intricate chest in his hands that held some warped silver coins, a scroll, and some gunpowder in a small purse. He only knows this because he snatched the chest – with some help – whilst the man wasn’t looking. He still has it hidden within a hollow hole in his willow tree.
Error might despise humans and pretend to hate everything they do and make, but he can’t deny it to himself that he likes their wooden and woollen creations, especially those he sees around the time of the winter solstice. Shapes of stars and circles made from twigs and strings are strangely appealing, dried orange slices and wheat goats decorated with red ribbons make him tilt his head in fascination. The only Big Folk creation he’s sought out and stolen was a deep blue glass sphere with a hollow room inside of it. The reason for this theft was solely because he witnessed one of the strange Big Folk traditions where they all held one of these spheres in their hands as they walked in a line, singing softly about light wishes and hopes of peaceful times to come. He found it all oddly… beautiful, especially since their singing seemed to make the glass spheres glow a pretty dark blue. He’ll never admit (not even to himself) that he’s fond of this tradition, but the Big Folk did notice that the winter winds calmed significantly after this specific day.
He does not play any instruments, but his singing is the sound of the freezing ice expanding and thickening on the lakes on cold days, and that is a particularly special kind of instrument, so, in a way, Error himself is an instrument of music; the one of winter itself, you could say.
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volterran-wine · 2 months
Plagues of the Mind || The Guards
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 @rainxbun: "If you are still taking headcanon requests, would you be able to do the guards x human mate who suffers from chronic migraines? I have chronic migraines irl and I love hearing headcanons for that, it’s very comforting! Thank you! 💕 🐇"
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Good evening dear, and my apologies for getting to this request so late. But here is my answer to your inquiries. Now who I have chosen is left as s surprise below, hopefully that will be a little fun surprise for you.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Knowing Felix he would probably ask if they wished to be turned sooner rather than later, knowing that it would remove the ailment all together. The executioner is damn near offering the bite himself, the thought of his mate in pain is torture in itself.
Would spend a good hour asking the secretary about how to best deal with headaches and migraines, seeing as though he is quite sure Roman remedies he remembers must be horribly outdated (gnawing on willow bark is not appropriate any longer).
If they need someone to massage their scalp through out the night he will gladly do so. If they are lucky their migraines flare up during the winter, meaning the executioners core temperature would be lower than normal.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
If there ever was a gentle and caring soul to watch over you during a horrible time; it is Chelsea. Several guards have ended up referring to her as mom, in various languages, and she considers it an honour that other view her as such.
The fussing would me immediate, perhaps even a little overbearing with how she would lock the two of them in a dark room the very moment a migraine hit. She would most likely send requests to Heidi depending on what they would need.
Would hum and run her fingers through their hair, a gentle tune she learned back during her tune she used to sing to her children.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
As much as the tracker wants to pretend he know a and understands everything, human ailments is not one of them. Would have an initial panic attack about how to best deal with the situation. There is a 9/10 chance he will go straight to Heidi or Felix for help because he needs someone with more knowledge about humans to deal with this.
Demetri will probably hole them up in his own quarters, piling blankets and whatever he can find on top of them. Would return from a small drug store with every painkiller known to man, even the ones who are definitely not meant for any sort of headache.
If the tracker has to be away from Volterra he will regularly check in on them through their tenor. Though he normally cannot feel anything special, a part of him is convinced he is able to see if they are alright.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
I believe Corin would go rather scientifically to work when it comes to helping an ailing human mate the short time they have left as a human. That means she is reading every research paper known to mortal or immortal, on the topic of migraines.
There will be ten kinds of painkillers, two glasses of water and a dark room at their disposal any time of the day. If their stomach is upset she will gladly cook light meals as well.
If push comes to shove she will try to use her gift to elevate the aches, with her being able to render just about anyone content she hoped it would lead to a moment of peace at the very least.
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sidemenxyn · 11 months
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Come dine with me, chips video
Tw: language, Bunch of shenanigans, play fighting and I believe that is all!
w2s x Y/n Willows
“Welcome to another come dine with me, todays chef will be the one and only Y/n Willows!” Chip did his voice over as clips of the video played. So today was the day you were cooking for the boys. You were excited yet nervous, you had critics who would minus a point for the smallest thing (he being Theo) but he wasn’t gonna stop you today!
You spoke to the camera “right so today is the day, I’m gonna kick everyone’s arses.” You added “with the help of Harry.” The camera zoomed out to reveal Harry standing next to you. You looked at Harry as he said “we are gonna win I know it!” You agreed. You looked at the camera “so todays menu!” The clip cuts you off revealing Calfreezy saying “the starter is some small wings and some garlic bread, sounds nice!” Cuts to Chip “yeah, sounds nice although will the garlic bread be homemade? Knowing Y/n it probably is.”
You looked towards Harry and spoke “right, so, Harry go grab the sauces and wings.” Harry walked over to the fridge and cupboards and did what he was told. You spoke “So right know I’m going to be making the garlic butter as I’ve made the dough yesterday.” You filmed yourself making garlic butter as the camera man filmed Harry smothering the sauces on the wings. Once he placed them into the oven, you heard a knock on your shears apartment’s door.
You looked at Harry “babe, can you get that and grab the drinks.” He smiled and nodded. As you placed the garlic bread into the oven more of the boys started to arrive.
Once your starter was done you played everything up and handed out the plates to everyone who was sat on the table.
You stood there as everyone took a bite and to see their faces be delighted by the flavours. Theo trying to be a proper critic asked “what sauces did you use?” You answered “I made them all last night, you have bbq, chilli and some tzatziki sauce on the side.” He nodded as the boys continued to dig in.
Once you had collected everyone’s plates you then went back into the kitchen to finish making the main course.
The video cuts to Randolph speaking “for dinner we’ll be having a 8oz steak with home cooked chips with steamed vegetables and garlic butter. Sounds fucking wonderful!” Clip cuts to Theo “yes I like the sound of this! Hopefully and most likely it will be better than Chip’s that’s for sure.” Clip cuts to Cal “I’ve lived with Y/n for years and I know full well she can cook a good steak. Like she’s toot tier steak cooker! If that makes any sense…”
As you and Harry were working away Harry decided to grab the flour for the dessert and throw a handful towards you. Leaving you covered in flour, you both burst out laughing. You said “Gosh Harry! That’s for desert, you dick!” He laughed and replied “made you laugh though didn’t it?” You smirked and playfully smacked his arm.
The main course didn’t take long as you prepared it before filming, as you walked into the dinning room Cal laughed “what the fuck happened in there?!” You rolled your eyes jokingly “Harry get his hands on the flour for the desert didn’t he.” The boys laughed as they watched as dinner was placed onto the table. Everyone was digging in and enjoying it, you and the boys were joking around and having conversations.
As everyone was finishing up their food you asked “is everyone still up for desert?” Everyone was nodding and replying with a “yes.” So you went to the kitchen and you walked into the kitchen and prepared to make the last dish of the night.
Clip cuts to Callux “for desert Y/n’s making cookies and cheese cake, it has and/or so I’m guessing we get to pick?” Clip cuts to Chip “I’ve had good cheesecake in my time so I’m hoping that Y/n can live up to those very expectations!”
You quickly walked back into the dinning room and asked “who wants cookies with ice cream and who wants cheesecake?” Theo asked “could I get cookies and ice cream please?” You nodded as Randy asks for the same. Everyone else wanted cheesecake, thankfully you had made the cheesecake earlier as it was now perfectly set. You quickly placed the homemade dough into the oven so the cookies were nice and warm for Theo and Randy.
You asked “Harry can you ask the boys if they want another drink?” He nodded and went back out to shortly return to the fridge and grab a few bottles and cans. As the cookies and such were in the making the boys had entertainment of a magician who was actually really good. You smiled as you could hear the boys laughing and enjoying themselves; the smell of cookies filled the kitchen as the timer went off. You placed the pan onto the counter. You scooped the ice cream onto the plate, then placing the nicely warmed cookies onto the plate. Now that desert was done and so was the entertainment, you walked out with the deserts in hand. Everyone seems happy to see the final dish to the evening.
Everyone was praising your good desert as you and Harry high-fived. You and Harry were proud of what you made.
The clip cuts to the boys giving you a score, Chip gives a 9, Randy gives a 8, Calfreezy gives a 8 so does Theo gave a 7 and Callux gave a 7.
You said “hope you enjoyed my cooking! If you’d like me to make a recipe or step by step go check out my channel, w3s. If you enjoyed and want to see more, subscribe to Chip! See you in the next one!”
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Headcannons for Darius, Eberwolf, and Hunter as a family
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Darius and Eberwolf already lived together (well truth be told mostly Darius spends nights there. Eberwolf shifts between out door campsites, and the house’s basement when the weather is to cold/hot/stormy) in an older house just outside of bonesborough, and inside the country. They like the quiet of it. They clear an extra room out for Hunter and offer to help him with setting it up and decorating.
As soon as he can Darius drags Hunter to the healing coven get his scars looked at, find out what kind of medicine they need, and if their are any cosmedics that will iritate them. You best believe Hunter is getting a crash course on skin treatment from Darius.
Darius also takes Hunter to get some new cloths. Hunter at first tells Darius he doesn’t need him to because Camila already took him to earth “thrift stores” for cloths
When he shows his new cloths to Darius, and lets him see all the mismatching colors and clashing patterns, Darius has to bite his tounge and forces a smile as he comments that it still looks Hunter only has a few outfits, and could use some more. He also suggests they look for plainer cloths that’s colors will maybe match what Hunter already has, or that Hunter can sew designed onto.
The last part actually turns into a really nice continuation of the sewing lessons they already bonded over at the castle between ASIAS and HM. Darius helps Hunter work on formatting and spacing his designs. Hunter starts telling Darius everything he learns about this awesome earth concept called “cause play”.
Hunter is quick to decide he wants to learn Eberwolf’s language, which delights Eberwolf because apart Darius and Raine few witches have ever made an attempt to
Eberwolf does most of the cooking in the house. Yes when they eat meat it is often very fresh. He will let Hunter help sometimes with side dishes or setting the table. No Hunter does not have to help clean or gut kills. Like Darius Hunter perfers to not even be in the room while Eber is doing that
Eberwolf will also allow Hunter to come with him to his stables and help take care of the beast he keeps there. Hunter decides he wants to learn to Ratrace after hearing Boscha smugly brag about winning a race. Hunter wants to learn to to race on the big, scarred ratworm that Eberwolf brought on the mission in ER. Eberwolf growls at him that that worm is a rescue, from a really abusive situation, and does not trust anyone except for Eber himself on top of it. He points Hunter to a smaller, more gentle ratworm to learn riding with. Hunter listens to Eberwolf, but makes befriending the scarred ratworm a personal goal afterwards.
Hunter also gets the mistaken idea that Eberwolf must be really slow, because he is always riding everywhere either on one of his worm creatures, or On Darius’s shoulders. Darius learns Hunter thinks this first and just laughs and says “well what can you do? He is to suborn to improve”.
After that Hunter goes to Eberwolf and tells him that speed is important and Eber should start joining him, Darius, and Willow on runs in the early mornings. That is how Hunter finds out Eberwolf is actually the fastest out of all the former coven heads. His reason for hitching rides so often is in fact due more to his small size and wanting to see over peoples heads.
Oh yeah Willow comes by before for school, so she and Hunter can work out together. Darius makes changes to his sleep/morning schedule to make sure he is up too. Even if Hunter and Willow are generally trustworthy individuals, he remembers what teenagers can be like, and does not like the idea of Willow and Hunter being completely alone together.
Willow’s is as nervous to properly meet Darius and Eberwolf for the first time as Hunter is to meet her dad’s. She tries to bring them flowers to make a good impression. When she tries to give them the flowers they both back away, Eberwolf starts hissing. Through his cloak Darius impassively tells her that he is allergic to pollen, and that the type of flowers in her hands also happen to be poisonous to Eberwolf’s species. The Flowers quickly go in the trash and Willow is certain she has messed up both first and any impression the pair will ever have.
Willow cannot understand Eberwolf, and Darius is his usually stoic self throughout dinner, so neither really alleviate Willow’s concerns. At the school the next day though Hunter excitedly tell Willow that after she left they remarked that she seems like a very nice girls, and that Darius said he was impressed by how neat and tidy she is.
When Hunter first moves in he ask for the house rules. Darius tells him the basics. No shoes worn in the house, wash dishes after eating, do not leave your things out in the open. Bed rooms, which include yours, are a private space and no one will go into them without your permission. Keep your scroll on you when you go out encase you need to call us or vise versa
After Hunter has lived with them for a short time, and they learn just how foreign a concept relaxation is to Hunter, Darius has to give him some new rules. You need to be home by this hour and in bed by this hour. Do not try and get up in the morning until this hour 7-9 hours later. Eating three meals a day IS required. We are going to carve two hours out of every day for mandatory down time, during which time you are need to find something relaxing to do. That is not training, school work, or rebuilding plans for the isles. Hunter uses relaxing time to work on sewing, carving , or geeking out over cosmic frontier.
Because of the current state of the isles school moves first to online, then to partially online partially in person. Hunter is allowed to come with Darius and Eberowlf to work on clean up and repairs to the isles. They also give permission for him to attend therapy with Luz (Luz goes to Therapy in the demon realm because no human therapist will understand what “gliphs” or “tricked by belos” means) and to research alternative ways of using magic with Luz and the Clawthorne sister, (thank you to the poster who told me that Hunter does not infact have a bowl-sack after TTT and can only do the teleportation trick).
It seems like in the time skip Darius and Eberwolf become police, for keeping supporters of Belo’s form of tyrannical government from trying to bring it back. I also notice that they do not have Hunter with them while on the job. I imagine that he wanted to join them on that, and tried to pitch a fit at not being allowed. But they told him very firmly “No. This is dangerous work. Being a teenager is your job now”
Generally Darius and Eberwolf will have set their schedules so that one of them can be home with Hunter, or are only both working when Hunter is out. Sometimes they will both have to be away overnight, or for a couple days at a time though. Then Hunter will sleep over either at the Noceda residence, or the Porters.
 One time when they come back home early from what was supposed to be an overnight trip only to find out that instead of going to the Porters house like he said, Hunter invited the hexsquad and EE’s to a house party, which totally trashed the living room. They send everybody home, and Darius angerly yells at Hunter to clean up this mess and that he is grounded indefinitely. Hunter cleans the mess and then goes to his room to text some of the adults he visits houses that he thinks he needs a new place to stay
Darius gets several messages on his scroll wanting to know what happened, and why he is kicking out Hunter. He explains what he came home to, and that he is not kicking Hunter out of the house, he has just grounded him. Because this is the first time Darius has ever had to ground Hunter, he is honestly not even sure what he is supposed to do to ground him. Once they understand the situation the other parents are happy to give Darius some suggestions based on how they will be grounding their kids for lying about their whereabouts and sneaking off to an unsupervised party.
Darius later goes up to Hunter’s room and tells him that he is not being thrown out. He and Eberwolf love having him here and will never do that to Hunter. But that lying to him is wrong and its also dangerous for Hunter to stay in the house alone at night. What if someone got hurt, or somebody tried to break in? Yes Belos used to leave Hunter alone in unsafe environments, but that was one more thing Belos did wrong. He finished by saying that Hunter will have extra house chores and an earlier nighttime curfew for the next two weeks, but that is going to be the extent of grounding.
Darius and Eberwolf go to all of Hunters Flyer Durby games once teams start back up.
 Before carving waffles Hunter uses Darius’s palisman (The mini abomination thing Darius hid in his hair). Darius does not fly anymore (teleporting is faster and poses less risk of wrinkled cloths or bugs in his teeth) So Hunter reasons that he is not replacing Flapjack, he’s just helping gooey get to have a little more fun and activity in his life.
When Hunter tells them he wants to be a palisman carver, and has been asking Luz and Amity to get Eda and Lilith to recommend him as a student to Dell, Darius and Eberwolf help him create a pitch and practice interviews. This turns out to be over preparing. When Dell learns Hunter wants to learn the trade his only concern is if Hunters scars are anything like his and weather or not they impact his mobility.
Hunter calls Darius and Eberwolf by their first names, and that is also what he refers to them as in conversations. But eventually he gets to where he starts introducing them to people as his father and his Patruus (Latin for paternal uncle). Darius and Eberwolf love this.
Hunter is sad to learn that kids are supposed to move out of their parents house at or shortly after turning 18. He never had a real home or family until he was 16, and does not want to leave it after only 2 years. When Darius and Eberwolf learn this they tell him that he is welcome to stay with them as long as he wants.
Hunter lives with Darius and Eberwolf until he and Willow become engaged, then they get their own apartment close enough for both their families to visit.
Darius and Alador become friends again during the rebuilding of the isles, but do not start dating until after all their children have become adults. Emira and Hunter are the first two to learn about their dads being a couple. One day Hunter goes to hang out with his friends to find Amity distressing because her dad has just told her he has been dating someone for a while now, and wants to do a dinner between their two families. Alador did not say who his boyfriend is, Ed does not know, Em does but will not say who,  just that “I’ve seen him at work. He can be pretty alright”. What does that mean? He is dating Amity’s dad, and his last partner after all was Odalia!
Hunter laughs, puts his hand around Amity’s shoulders, and tells her that he is sure things will be alright and her dad’s new boyfriend is not someone she will ever have to be sacred of. When Amity see’s Hunter at the restaurant, and learns that Darius is who her Dad is now dating, she informs Hunter that she will get him for not telling her so earlier.
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stargazer-sims · 5 months
Belle’s Artifact
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Félix spent several hours meticulously cleaning up the artifact Belle had found. It was packed with dirt, but it was obvious to Félix that there was something wonderful beneath all that debris.
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Eventually, the shape of the artifact emerged, and Félix was able to make out some faint markings on it.
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He took measurements and made some notes to add to his field report.
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Finally, the artifact was fully revealed!
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Félix: Belle! Come and look at this! You found an Omsican quartz skull.
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Belle: This is so cool! Is it a super rare and important artifact?
Félix: We’ve found several of these over the years. They seem to be fairly common, but this one is in amazingly good condition. As for Its importance, all the artifacts and relics we discover here are important.
Belle: Because they help you understand the Omiscan culture?
Félix: Exactly. You know, Dr. Santiago’s going to be very excited when I tell him you found this. It might be the most well-preserved one yet.
Belle: Is he going to take it to the museum?
Félix: Yes, I expect so.
Belle: I kind of wish we could keep it.
Félix: Sometimes I wish I could keep some of the extraordinary things I’ve found too, or take them home to the museum in Willow Creek, but that wouldn’t be very respectful.
Belle: Why not?
Félix: Because it’s not right to keep things that don’t belong to us. All the artifacts we’re uncovering belong to Selvadorada, to the descendants of the people who built the ancient village and the temple.
Belle: People like Dr. Santiago?
Félix: Yes, him and everyone in Belomisia and in the whole country. We can help discover as much of the ancient culture as we want, and we can learn all about it, but we always have to remember to respect its origins.
Belle: That makes sense. It’d still be cool to have a statue of a skull in my room, though.
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Félix: Maybe you can.
Belle: Really? But… how? You said we have to give it to the museum.
Félix: Yes, but if you ask Brink, perhaps she’ll take a cast of it. Then, once we all get home, she might be able to make a reproduction. That’s one of her areas of special interest, making replicas of things so the originals can stay safely where they belong.
Belle: Ooh that's awesome! Would she really do that for me?
Félix: You'll have to ask her yourself, but I think she would. She's always looking for opportunities to practice.
Belle: I'll ask her after dinner.
Félix: Sounds good. Now, why don't you come over here for a minute? Take a look at this and tell me how you want me to write your name in the report. Do you just want 'Belle Blanchet' or do you want your whole name?
Belle: My whole name, please, 'cause I have a really great name and everybody should know it.
Félix: All right. 'Belle Fleur St-Jean Blanchet' it is.
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Angst/Very Light Suggestive Smut. 2847 words. Inspired by the song 'The Other Woman' by Lana Del Rey.
Trigger warnings:- cheating/infidelity, suggestive mature themes, mature language.
A/N:- Play this video in the background for an enhanced reading experience.
3rd Person POV
She quickly brushed her fingers through her curls for the last time and looked at her reflection in the mirror in a quick glance. She could see a perfectly dolled-up woman with thousands of hopes and desires in her eyes. She smiled to herself and sprayed his favourite french perfume all over her.
She rushed down the stairs into the living room and glanced at the clock. It was almost midnight. It wasn't uncommon for James to come home this late but she was kind of hoping he'd come early tonight.
Today was their Anniversary and she knew he didn't forget because he himself wished her this morning. She couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach when she remembered his words this morning.
It was like any other day, she woke up to an empty bed which she made with so much perfection, not a single wrinkle was to be seen. James usually returned home late and slept in the guest room, so as to not disturb her. She was going through her daily routine of freshening up and then preparing breakfast for her and James in the kitchen, when she heard footsteps approaching her. Thinking he was just there to grab a glass of water like every morning she didn't pay much attention to him but something unusual happened in a very usual morning. James grabbed his glass of water but instead of heading back out he turned to his left and kissed her temples.
"Happy Anniversary, Love." He said in his husky, morning voice."
"You too, Jamie." She replied, barely able to keep of that girlish smile off her face.
He just smiled at her and went on with his routine, unaware of the beautiful storm brewing in her heart.
His one little jesture made her clean the entire house, change every curtain, every bedsheet, every pillow cover.She even cut a bunch of flowers from the backyard and put them in each room. She went on to have a full spa treatment and get all embossed for her Jaime.
He was so sweetly unaware of the effect he had on her, how his little jestures would put a smile on her just like the one playing on her lips right now.
She was staring at her manicured nails when the sparkling diamond embedded in her engagement ring. Her smile widened thinking about the day he proposed.
It was a crisp Autumn evening and James had invited her to meet him at a park near River Thames. She had dressed up as good as possible and with a rosy glow on her cheeks due to the cold breeze, she got the location a few minutes earlier. When James arrived a few minutes late, the sun was already setting, reflecting a beautiful scarlet hue on the river. If an artist were to paint the scenery, he would've gotten confused as to which was a brighter shade of red, the sunset or her billowy hair. In that serene environment, James bent down on one knee and got straight to the point.
"Love, I suck at speeches so I won't waste my time on confessing my eternal love for you, so without the cliched confession, will you marry me?"
She couldn't say anything. Water sparkled both in the river and her green eyes. She could do nothing but bite her lips and nod her head in a yes.
Moments later Sirius and Peter would jump out of the bushes, congratulating them.
She couldn't help but go down the memory lane. The lane that took her back to Hogwarts. She clearly remembered the day she officially met James. There wasn't a single soul in Hogwarts who didn't know that Marauders. She did too, in fact she was close friends with Remus, close enough to know about his 'little fury secret', but this closeness was limited to only Remus. His friends were mere acquaintances to her, the only contact with them being the polite smile that she gave them while acknowledging Remus.
It was one fateful day, she was sitting under a willow tree, reading a book, when Sirus practically dragged James in front her and spoke to her with a grin.
"Hello Moony's friend, I am Moony's other friend Sirius and he is Moony's other, other friend James. James here wants some new female company, will you please do the honours of being James' first girlfriend in his sixteen year long life." Sirius gave his monologue with a dramatic tone.
She had to quickly settle down the butterflies dancing in your stomach and said with a smile,
"I'd love to but only if you wouldn't tag along with us on our dates."
This made James laugh and assure her,
"Don't worry, if he does something like that, I would personally hex him."
That tone if assurance and the charming smile made the heat creep up her cheeks.
She remembered their first date, his romantic dialogues and the warm butterbeer they had shared.
She remembered their first kiss. It was out in the open, in the middle of the yard, beside the fountain, with atleast 50 students watching. She had felt a sense of pride bloom in her when he decided to show the world who she belonged to.
And how could she forget the night they lay together the first time. The nervousness, the excitement, the desire were all making her dizzy. She was visiting James' parents for the first time, it was a big step for them but she was ready. In the night, James had snuck in her room to makeout with her but things going a little too heated and James asked her the question, his hands moving all over her body.
"Wanna do it?, I can cast the protection spell."
It was a simple question but it sent shock waves throughout hey body. She did what she did almost all the time in front of him. She bit her lips and nodded her head.
If she closed her eyes she could still feel his hands on her bare body. How he took his time with her, covering her neck in hickeys, sending waves of pleasure down her spin.
She remembered the increase in her heartbeat seeing him all bare in front of. A sight only she could witness
"Try to keep it low and ask me to stop if it becomes too much." He had said to her gently.
He then proceeded to give her a taste of heaven, he made her wish for the time to stop, so that he continues the movements with his hips for the rest of eternity.
No drug in this world could have given her the feeling of ecstasy that the feeling of being full with James gave her.
Thinking of that night still makes her stomach tighten and her body to long for his touch.
James had always been dedicated to his work, which resulted in him coming home late and finding her asleep in their bedroom. Their intercourse had become rare, only doing the deed on special occasions. Today was such an occasion, they had been married for two years.
Too lost in her thoughts, the lonesome queen didn'tnotice that James had already entered their house. It was only when James stumbled upon the coat rack that she noticed his presence. She quickly rushed towards the doorway to support James. When she got near him she could easily smell the Fire Whiskey coming from him. She could've sworn she heard something crack inside of her.
She quickly helped him up the stairs in their bedroom. She lay him on the bed and removed his shoes. She moved towards his face to take off his glasses when he took hold of her hand and pulled her on the other side of the bed.
He started scattering kisses on her neck and taking of her clothes. He took off her expensive pashmina shawl and threw it at the ground like it costed noting. He wasted no time and practically ripped out the Satin dress from her body.
He took a moment to appreciate her matching lace undergarments but then went back to devouring her lips with a ferocious passion. He quickly freed himself from his clothes and again hovered over her. Usually James would hold both her hands on top of her head. To spice things up, they even tried bondage from time to time, so she had rarely touched him during coitus. But, tonight he did nothing of the sort, he used one hand to keep him hovering over her and the other buried deep inside her underpants, his lips never leaving hers.
In the heat of the moment,even if she tried to place her hands on his back but every time he would place them back on the top of her head but tonight he didn't stop her from touching him. She scratched his back with her long nails, eliciting a grown from his lips. To her his sounds of pleasure were the purest form of music. This new-found intamacy was making her crave for more.
She saw stars when James suddenly entered her, making the both of them moan at the same time. He kept rutting in her wet pussy in a feverish pace. She felt all sorts of vibrations in her body, lust for her husband fogging her eyes. She bit James' ear to fasten his pace. She covered his neck with hickeys.
The perfect rythm of James' hips drew both of them near the edge. She could feel the knot in her stomach tighten more and more after each thrust and also how his pace was faultering. She felt him twitch inside her but then something happened that destroyed every strand of pleasure in her body.
"Lily! Shit I'm close." Those were the first words James had spoken to her on their Anniversary night.
That name. That damn name. The name that had been the bane of her existence.
One moment her face that was contoured in a sensual expression, the other it was stoic like an statue. Her body became numb, jerking back and forth due to James' thrusts.
James' didn't last much longer after that and came inside of her with a string of curses and that wretched name.
"Fuck, fuck , fuck fuck! Lily! Shit!"
She could faintly hear his heavy breathing over her thudding heartbeats.
She felt the crack inside her grow every second and before she knew it, a single tear fell from the corner of her eye, something inside her shattering like glass.
She came back to her senses when James lifted his weight off her and fell limp on the other side of the bed.
She got up from the bed and cleaned herself in the bathroom. She then wore his shirt that was thrown carelessly on the ground. That's when she realised that it wasn't her heart that shattered, it was the bubble she had created when she started going out with James.
She knew it because, she couldn't just smell the Fire Whiskey and his woody perfume from his shirt, she could smell the citrusy perfume that clearly belonged to a female. Now, she could also clearly see the red lipstick stains on his collar that was smuged in an attempt to clean it.
She couldn't wear the shirt anymore, since she felt another presence beside her husband's. She quickly removed it as if it was burning her body and threw it back on the floor.
Instead she opted to wear one of her night gowns and climbed down stairs. She went down to the kitchen and started boiling water in the kettle for a cup of tea. Then she sat down on the dinning table, gulping down the dinner she made for James.
She wondered to herself, how could she be so blind. She saw those little gestures in a whole different light now.
Sirius made him ask her out when Lily refused to go out with him for a thousandth time, this time clearly stating that she wanted to focus on her career and he stood no chance whatsoever.
During their first date, they were not alone in The Three Broomsticks, just a few tables away was Lily Evans along with her friends.
When he kissed her in the open yard, Lily was one of the 50 students. She refused to believe it back then but now she was sure that James' eyes did flicker toward the bench where Lily was sitting.
The once one of the most romantic proposals In her eyes, had now become a hollow moment lacking any and all emotions on his sight.
She now remembered Remus' absence that day and the conversation that they had after that.
"Didn't James tell you he was gonna propose?" She had asked him.
"He did." Remus had replied munching on his chocolate.
"Then why weren't you there with Sirius and Peter." She had questioned back.
"That's because I don't want you to marry him."
"But why?"
"Why? You don't see why? Hon, he doesn't love you, you're a replacement for Lily. Please don't do this, he won't keep you happy." Remus had voiced his concerns.
She didn't say anything back and got up from her place.
" You'll get the card in a few days, please come, I don't have many people whom I call my friends."
But when Remus didn't show up at their wedding either, she went to his place to confront him.
"How could you do this Rem. Your two closest friends tied a knot and you didn't find the time to at least show up."
"I have told you this before and I'm going to say it again, I don't think he'll keep you happy and I couldn't come and just watch my closest friend get her life ruined by my other close friend." Remus had calmly answered her.
"What makes you think he won't keep me happy!" She had screamed at him.
"Honey....... Other women are never happy." He had hesitated a bit.
"Remus, I am married to him, how can I possibly be the other woman."
"The other woman isn't the mistress, dove, it's the woman who's the second choice and you know Lily has always been his first choice. It's a matter of time before they get together behind your back, I have seen the way they look at each other." Remus had explained.
"James would never do that to me and Lily clearly told him he wanted to focus on her career." She had reasoned.
"And now that she is an accomplished healer, she would want to focus on other aspects of her life." Remus had tried to explain the situation.
"I'll never be the other woman, I will always be better than her." She had stated.
And it was true, she was better than her. Lily was academically brilliant but she was both academically and athleticaly strong. She was the keeper for her house quidditch team. Lily didn't care about her looks but she was always dressed up in perfectly crisp uniform or in an outfit that complimented the latest fashion trend. She was better than her in every aspect and Lily knew this. She had said so herself. Lily visited her in the dressing room when she was getting ready for her wedding.
"You look beautiful." Lily had complimented.
"You know I have always been jealous of you. You're perfect in all the aspects where I fail." Lily had stated, masking her jealousy in laughter.
After only a few months of their marriage, people had began warning her about the budding proximity between her husband and a certain red-head but she had chosen to ignore them and stay in her bubble. But today when her husband moaned her rival's name in her ear, her bubble had bursted and the reality had hit her hard on the face.
She put the empty plate on the sink and went back to her bedroom to find her man sprawled on the bed.
She carefully placed herself in the empty space on the bed, her back facing the man she loved. The pain of loving a man who would never love her back seemed new to her but the feeling felt oddly familiar.
Her gaze went on the wall where James had stuck countless polaroids accounting for the countless happy moments of his life but one polaroid always caught her attention.
The picture of her standing alone in a wheat field in her wedding dress. Whenever she saw this photo before today, she could see a Happy woman, hopelessly in love with her man. But now a she could see was her future.
A future where she'll cry herself to sleep e every night. A future where as the years pass she'll be alone.
All Alone.
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A/N:- I reposted this because I got a Community label, so I changed the smutty part and made it Pg 13. If you want to read the original version, I'll be uploading it on my Wattpad soon.
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S/O’s extremely abusive father they cut ties with has tracked S/O down and is banging on the door, shouting insults that are not very family friendly while S/O is having a panic attack in another room.
(Main boys, your writing is extraordinary!)
Undertale Sans - He refuses to open the door and calls the cops. He then goes to join his S/O and asks if they want to hang out somewhere quieter. He then teleports his S/O to Toriel's place so you can calm down with some pie, before returning home to deal with the police and your father. Sans makes sure he's not coming back this time.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus and you are locked in his room, waiting for the police to arrive. Papyrus keeps talking about random subjects to cheer you up and calm you, while hugging you close. Nothing bad is going to happen, he can even block the door with a thousand bones if he manages to enter the house, which he won't be able to do of course. It's ok, he knows parents can be bad. He knows quite a lot about this actually. You're safe.
Underswap Sans - He locks his S/O in the room and opens the door to confront your father, asking aggressively what the hell his problem is. Your father tries to pass by force but he underestimates Blue's strength and only ends up pushed back on his butt, in shock. Blue warned he's a police officer and that he should think twice before attacking him again, or it will not end well for him. Unfortunately, your father is determined, and you quickly hear chaos and broken objects downstairs, as Blue is fighting your father waiting for back ups. He ends up being lightly injured, but also he pinned down your father on the floor until his colleagues arrive, preventing his escape. Blue is quite proud of himself and can now come back to you to comfort you.
Underswap Papyrus - Your father is freaking him out as well, so Honey teleports the both of you to Asgore's place. He's not sure what to do from here, but Asgore helps them to collect their thoughts. Honey calls his brother for help, and on his demand, you hang out all day with Asgore so the King's size dissuades your father from coming near if he finds where you went. Asgore distracts the two of you with a nice movie and some cooking so you don't think too much about this.
Underfell Sans - Even if S/O begs him to not open the door, Red refuses to stay that horrible man insults you without doing anything. So yeah, he opens, and immediately attacks your father. He's not good with hand-to-hand though and quickly has to retreat back home. He manages to close the door before your father comes in. Somehow, it makes him even angrier, and he ends up breaking the door. Red is waiting for him behind though, with two huge blasters blocking the way to get to you. He called Edge, he just has to gain time until he arrives. So he taunts your father, which is probably not the best move of his life, but somehow, it works and opens a way for Edge to sneak behind him and knock him out with a big rock.
Underfell Papyrus - He violently opens the door and takes a step forward, a few inches from your father's face. He's growling and he put his royal guard armor on to look even scarier. Your father thinks twice about this and finally decides to retreat, saying it's not over and that you will pay for this. It's all bluff though. Edge has enough experience to know your dad shit his pants and won't make the mistake of coming if he's here. He didn't even need to say anything. Edge goes to comfort you after that and assures you're safe.
Horrortale Sans - He's anxious because of all the noise and the more it lasts, the more agitated he is. You try to keep him with you while dealing with your panic attack because you know that if Oak snaps, he might make a big mistake. You try to make him focus on you, and eventually, he takes a deep breath and calms down. Your father gets bored eventually and leaves. The next day, Oak is putting bear traps in front of the house though (and Willow took them off not ten minutes later without him knowing because he doesn't want trouble with the police.
Horrortale Papyrus - He locks you in his room and goes to confront your father, to try to talk to them. Willow understood very quickly that talking wouldn't do anything when your father made the mistake of punching him. When he tries again, Willow grabs his fist and slowly crushes it, to prove to your father it's really not a good idea to start a fight with him. Willow's strength is scary and he's not using it only because he chose not to. But that's a warning. Either you leave or you find out. Your father decides to retreat, thankfully. Willow is a bit shaken, but he hopes it will be enough to bring you some peace of mind for some time. He comes to cuddle with you after that scary event.
Swapfell Sans - Nox has a short temper. He tries to ignore your father, he really does, but eventually, he snaps, goes out, and punches him in the stomach at full force before he can even react. He then makes his soul turn blue and he pushes him towards the sidewalk while threatening him to do way worse to him if he dares to come back and insults his S/O again. If he screams he's not scared, Nox will break his arm with cold blood. He's dead serious right now. He's a threat to his family, and you really don't want to see him when he defends the ones he loves.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's frustrated because he knows he's going to lose if he engages in a fight with your father. So he does this the only way he knows. He fills a bucket with burning water and throws it from the first floor on your father, who has no choice but to retreat. If he comes back, he's doing the same with frozen water. He has a bathroom and he knows how to use it. Leave already!
Fellswap Gold Sans - Oh he's really not amused. Wine takes death threats very seriously and he's extremely protective. He opens the door and tries to reason with your father, but the second he leans a hand on him, Wine stops holding back and he throws your dad on the floor and sends a sharp bone through his leg. He then kneels next to your dad and says that if he ever sees him again around his S/O, the next bone will end right between his eyes. He illustrates his words by bruising his front with the edge of the bone he used to injure him. Your father will for sure not make the same mistake again.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Seeing you have a panic attack made him have a panic attack as well. You're both hiding in his wardrobe, desperately cuddling to each other and jumping at every hit on the door. Coffee panic calls his brother for help, who takes care of the situation the same way as above. Coffee and his S/O stay hidden until Wine comes to tell them there's no danger anymore. Not a good day.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 2 months
Don't Go Blindly Into the Dark
To hide that he can't read, Jan Van Eck has been forcing his son to pretend he's blind since he was eight years old. Wylan is now attending Ketterdam University, and meeting Jesper Fahey may very well be about to change his life. But is he safe to tell Jesper the truth? And what will Jesper say if he does?
Jesper is struggling to weigh up his life in the Barrel and his life at the University of Ketterdam, and there's a good chance that his growing debt is about to make the decision for him. He hasn't attended class consecutively for months, but maybe that will change when his newest project includes partnering up with Wylan Van Eck. But can he really leave the Barrel behind him? And how long can he keep up the pretence of who he thinks Wylan wants him to be?
Meanwhile there is a darkness growing in Ketterdam, and it seems a killer may be stalking the streets of West Stave. An unknown evil is closing its jaws over the city, and it’s starting to feel like nowhere is safe.
Tags: @justalunaticfangirl @lunarthecorvus @i-need-help-this-is-my-obsession
If anyone else would like to be tagged let me know :)
Content warnings for this chapter: ptsd, trafficking references, separation from family/loved ones
AO3 link
Chapter 48 - Nina
Nina was sitting alone in her room, sipping a steaming cup of tea and listening to the rain that had not long since begun to pour as though the entire sky was weeping, when her window was opened from the outside. Too quiet came her intruder for Nina to immediately realise they were there; it was only when someone whispered her name that she whirled onto her feet to face the window, heart racing, hands raised - 
She almost laughed as the relief poured through her; she felt like a decanter soaked in wine. 
“Inej,” she pressed a hand briefly over her chest, fidgeting with the collar of her dressing gown, “Saints, you scared the life out of me, I… Inej, are you okay?”
Inej was just standing there, shaking. She was wet from the storm but Nina didn’t think it was just the cold causing these shivers; Inej’s eyes were rimmed with red, her breaths loud and shuddering. 
“I’ve just been to the Willow Switch,” she whispered and, like she’d cast an incantation, it was then that the dams burst open. 
Inej’s knees buckled and she sank to the floor in such a fluid moment she may as well have been water tipped from a jug. Nina hurried down after her far less gracefully, wrapping her arms over her shoulders and clutching her close against her chest as she began to sob. 
“You’re okay,” Nina murmured, lifting a hand to cradle the back of Inej’s head as she settled on her knees, the hand on Inej’s back moving up and down in slow rhythm, “Just breathe. I’ve got you,”
Inej sniffled, shaking her head against Nina’s shoulder. 
“Do you want to take your jacket off?” Nina asked gently, “You’re soaked through; I can lend you something-”
“No, thank you, I…” she gasped a little as she tried to level her breaths, wriggling a little away from Nina. 
Nina released her from the embrace and let her settle, studying the thick tear tracks down the Suli girl’s cheeks. 
“I need to get back to the Slat, I’m already late to see Kaz. I just… I couldn’t…”
Nina nodded, slowly, slipping her fingers around Inej’s hand; a loose enough hold that she could pull away at any moment if she needed to. She clutched at Nina’s hand so tightly that her fingers might have turned white. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, “I couldn’t… I didn’t know where else to go,”
“You can always come here,” Nina promised her, “You can burst through the window and tell my clients to piss off if you want to. You come find me, okay? Always,”
A deep sob burst from Inej’s throat and she collapsed back into Nina’s shoulder. 
What day of the week was it? Nina added it up quickly in her head, trying to remember what dates Inej had given her last month.
“You need a warm drink,” said Nina, gently encouraging Inej off her as she stood and offered the girl her hands to rise, “And probably some cake,”
Inej smiled through her tears, shaking her head again as she took hold of Nina. She placed more of her weight into Nina to lever herself onto her feet than Nina had expected, and she found herself drifting focus to her knee. 
“I have to go,” she said, “Kaz is waiting-”
“He can wait a little longer, sit down,” she led Inej to the settee and began to root through her wardrobe for the blanket she’d shoved in there when she woke up that morning, “I got a message from Anika earlier, apparently he needs me at the Crow Club for something tonight,”
She had a busy night ahead; a client had not long since left and was due to be followed by a two hour appointment with a merchant whose wife had recently passed away - he should be arriving in about half an hour but Nina didn’t want to tell Inej that and make her feel like an inconvenience - after that an hour with a lawyer from the Zelvar District, and later into the night at least three more appointments. She had also been invited - or rather requested, she supposed - to return to the Van Eck house. She would not be attending. 
Nina still had not shared with anyone the entire nature of her most recent meeting with the wretched man, and it had been so long since that she’d begun to think he’d given up on trying to pull her back. Or hoped, maybe. She’d been planning on instead dedicating that time to her search for Wylan’s missing friend. Anya. The name felt distantly familiar the more she thought about it, but Nina wasn’t sure if that was for any real reason or just because the idea of her had been populating her thoughts all afternoon. Anya would have to wait another night though, it seemed, because Kaz wanted Nina to be at the Crow Club for eleven bells. Personally she deemed it completely stupid to start important card games at midnight, but what did she know? 
She encouraged Inej to at least temporarily shed her sopping hood and jacket, giving her the blanket to pull around her shoulders, and rang for a maid as she made a harried job of clearing her own recently discarded plate back onto a little tray. When Petra appeared at the door Nina slipped outside to meet her, asking for another cup of tea and a plate of cakes and hoping that Petra would not notice the very wet, very frightened girl curled up on her chaise. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked quietly, when she was back in the room and sitting down next to Inej. 
Inej rested her head on Nina’s shoulder. 
“Do you want to talk about something else?”
There was a long silence, before Inej whispered: 
“I’m running out of something elses,”
They spent a good while curled together on the settee in the closest thing that they could find to resemble easy quiet, hot mugs of tea cupped between their palms, the blanket pulled over both their laps. 
“How’s your leg?”
“Not bad,”
“You do know I can tell if you’re lying or not, right?”
“Nina, please…” 
“Hush,” Nina stood up, lifting the blanket and tossing it over the back of the sofa and taking Inej’s empty mug from her so she could deposit both onto the table before tapping the seat with her palm, “Up,”
Inej begrudgingly stretched her leg out across the cushions and let Nina kneel in front of her. She raised her hands over Inej’s knee, choosing slow, deliberate movements to find the place where her ligament had severed. It was far better than it had been when she’d finally relinquished her attempts to keep Inej on bedrest, and the progression made it far easier to see, in the places she guessed were still causing Inej’s pain, what needed to be done to fix them. 
“When did you last sleep?” she asked, keeping her voice calm and casual as she laced her fingers over Inej’s leg. 
“Why is that relevant?”
Nina raised an eyebrow. 
“If you avoid the question, Inej, it’s definitely relevant. Come on, you’re exhausted. Are you working tonight?”
“Not for long. I was going to-”
“Sleep,” Nina finished, ignoring Inej’s second attempt at finishing the sentence, “You are going to go to sleep, or I’m going to lower your heart rate and keep you unconscious until such time as I think you’ll have enough energy to function,”
Inej muttered something in Suli that was mostly too quiet for Nina to catch, but she did hear the edge of shevrati in the comment and couldn’t help but almost laugh. 
“Gracious, what on earth would we call you then?” she asked in Suli, smiling, “Because I definitely know more than you do,”
Inej glared at her playfully, then after a moment - and keeping the language the same - ventured: 
“Why don’t we ever speak Suli?”
Nina considered. For the most part they conversed in Ravkan, at least when alone, and had been doing so today, but it was true that there was no real reason they couldn’t speak in Suli instead. Nina could admit she’d had little experience in using the language with a native speaker and did not trust her knowledge of it as much as she did Kaelish and Kerch, but she also knew that if she never practised that she would lose what she did know of it quickly. There was a block in her head that she had not passed, something that had prevented her from daring to step over an invisible line - one that she had constructed herself. She was realising now, hit by the real confrontation of it, that on the few occasions she and Inej had spoken in Suli it was Inej who initiated it, not her. She swallowed. 
“You thought it would be hard for me,” Inej whispered, nodding slowly, “I noticed,”
Nina opened her mouth, closed it again. When she first came to Ketterdam she’d been offered a contract to join the Dime Lions and set up her business at the Sweet Shoppe by Pekka Rollins, a deal that, as a frightened stranger to the city with no other options before her, she’d very nearly accepted - and would have done, if it weren’t for Inej crawling through her window that night. She still didn’t know, nor did she ever hope to understand, how Inej had managed to scale the Emerald Palace and slip in through the barred upstairs window, but she was endlessly glad of it. And upon that first meeting, when the perfect candidate to convince her - she was practically sure Kaz had found some kind of personnel file on her and specifically selected Inej based on the details - that she should take a deal with the Dregs, she had spoken to Inej in Suli. She hadn’t really thought about it. Inej had told her, without detail and yet somehow without sparing it either, that there was a pretty important difference between the contract she’d been considering signing and the one Kaz would have drawn up for her. And after that, whether it had been a conscious decision or not, Nina had avoided speaking to her in Suli. 
“I don’t…”
“I understand,” Inej said, her voice gentle, “But you don’t have to do that. I - well, I don’t know anyone else I can speak it to, here. It’s… it can be, when…” she paused, clearly trying to choose the right words, “I can’t always, but… maybe I could tell you when it’s a day not to do it, instead of when it is?” 
“Of course,” Nina managed, nodding, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong. But if it’s something we can talk about… is that okay?”
“Always,” Nina closed her hand over Inej’s, “Anything, okay? You can talk to me about anything, and you can tell me anything - though, maybe later?” her eyes had fallen on the clock, hanging on the wall behind Inej’s head, “I don’t want to kick you out, but I have about ten minutes until my next client gets here,”
Inej leant forwards and pressed her forehead against Nina’s for a moment, squeezing her fingers as she pulled away. 
“You’ve done more for me today than you ever needed to, Nina Zenik. Can I…” she hesitated, “Can I tell you something, quickly?”
Nina nodded. 
“I’m sixteen,” Inej whispered, and as she spoke she laid her hand against one of her knives, “As of this morning. It doesn’t feel very different,”
“No,” Nina murmured, thoughts drifting to turning seventeen in Ketterdam. She would turn eighteen here, almost definitely, and maybe nineteen too. But what after that? Would she be able to go home again, even after her debt to Per Haskell was paid? Would she be able to find the strength within herself to do so? Would she tell them the truth of it all if she did? “No, it doesn’t,”
She drew a picture of Inej’s parents in her head, on their daughter’s sixteenth birthday, and almost immediately wished she could erase it again. She wondered if Zoya had thought about her, when she turned seventeen. 
“May you have a blessed year,” she whispered in Suli, doing her best to recall the traditional phrase, “May each be better than the last,”
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Photo by the amazingly talented Gia @l0veisntbrains this story is inspired by her photo.
Buffy wakes up snuggled next to Spike. She smiles for the first time in a while she is waking up next to Spike. She has Spike back and they love each other, bonus they are not living on a hellmouth. They both have been busy and today is the only day they both have off together.
Spike half asleep half awake brushes his lips over her bare shoulder. “Happy Valentine’s Day Buffy.”
She glances over her shoulder at him. “Happy Valentine’s Day Spike.”
He opens his eyes and smiles at her, he rolls over and opens the nightstand drawer on his side of the bed. He turns back to her with a little square box. “Your first prezzie.”
She gasps excited. Buffy loves getting presents. She quickly unwraps the little box and inside the little box sitting on a tiny pillow is a silver skull ring with ruby eyes.
Buffy glances up at him. He takes the ring out. “So many years ago we were under a spell and got engaged but we’ve come so far from then and now under no spell I want to ask you if you would marry me and make me the happiest man on earth.”
“Oh Spike of course it’s yes!” Buffy tackles him back onto the bed kissing him. They both laugh as they remember they both said that under the spell too. He slips the ring onto her finger.
“Happy Valentine’s Day luv.”
She pecks him on the lips again. “Happy Valentine’s Day honey.” She frowns and he tucks a piece of hair off her face. “What’s with the face
“I feel like my gift to you fails in comparison now.”
“What did you get me?” Spike loves getting gifts and especially from Buffy.
Buffy leaves his embrace and moves about their bedroom Spike enjoying the view of Buffy in her little sleep shorts and tank top. She comes back from their living room with a wrapped present.
When he unwraps it he smiles she knows him so well she got him a book of poetry a first edition limited edition. “Here’s the best part.” She flips through the pages looking for the page she wants. She stops and points to one of the poems.
“By William Pratt.”
He looks over at her and she smiles so proudly at him. He can’t believe he is seeing his own name in this book he is a published poet.
Spike leans over and kisses her passionately. “You don’t know what this means to me, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, it took me forever to find it, I eventually found it in this little shop in London that sold rare books.”
He places the book on the nightstand and wraps an arm around her bringing her underneath him. Peppering her with kisses their hands entwine. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
As they are getting dressed it hits Buffy she sits down on the footstool they have in their closet. He finishes getting dressed and finds her looking at her hands and at the ring very in her head. “Hey what’s going on in that brain of yours.”
She shrugs and he bends down In front of her and kisses her on the temple. “I just remembered the last time we told everyone we were getting married or when we told them we’re together. Nobody except Dawn was happy for us. I know our last engagement was spell induced but still us becoming a couple wasn’t, I love you and that never changes but you and Giles have come far but no where as far as you used to be, Wood doesn’t want to be in the same room as you. You and Faith are good and you help out with the Slayers in training. Giles and I have come far in our relationship since sunnydale. I just want them to be happy for us.”
“Want me to take them out?”
She chuckles. “Knew I could get a grin.”
“I love you, I can’t wait to be Mrs. Pratt.” He entwines their fingers.
“You’ll have to be waiting a long time because I’m taking your name, I’m becoming a Summers.”
She smiles down at him. “William Summers. I like it.”
“Sounds better than Buffy Pratt.”
She shrugs. “Do you think they will be happy for us?”
“Dawn will, Connor will be happy because Dawn is happy, Faith will probably say it’s about time. Willow will be happy. Xander no matter how much time it’s been to him I’m always going to be that guy. Wood probably not. He might even pull you aside and ask if there’s anything wrong with you. Like he did when we announced we were dating. Giles it’s iffy on if he’ll be excited. He’ll be happy that you’re happy. When the news gets back to captain forehead he’ll be pissed, that will be fun.”
Buffy side eyes him and looks down at her ring. “One thing that hasn’t changed is we still have each other.”
“That’s never going to change, come on it’s time for breakfast, and if we don’t go down Dawn will barge in again.” Spike pulls her up off the footstool and kisses her. They both remember after Buffy came back from helping out in the battle against the senior partners. She came back with Spike. Him and Buffy were up all night talking about everything, and figuring out what their relationship is going to be. They fell asleep after the sun came up. They were snuggled up together. They didn’t go down to breakfast, next thing they know the door to their suite is being slammed open and Dawn is shouting, “‘Stop doing it like bunnies, you missed breakfast.’”
Buffy didn’t want negativity so she told a few people of her engagement and they were all happy for her. As they are leaving the dining room Buffy slinks her arm around his waist. “What do you say we go back to our suite and stay in bed all day we could order champagne and chocolates celebrate our engagement and Valentine’s Day.”
He smiles down at her and kisses her hair bringing her even closer to him as she snuggles into his side. “I would love to but I have to put the finishing touches on your surprise.”
“My surprise? What did you get me?”
He chuckles. And kisses her on the nose. “If I told you it would ruin the surprise.”
She pouts up at him and he smiles down at her kissing her pout away.
Buffy and Spike’s suite is the biggest in the castle, when Giles bought the castle for all the new slayers to stay in. He gave the room to Buffy as a show of affection and forgiveness. When Giles originally gave her the room some of the still new slayers were not happy that Buffy, a then single woman and Buffy being Buffy, got such a big room. When she came back from LA with Spike he moved in with her. Their suite consists of two bedrooms, a walk in closet, a huge bathroom and a living room.
While Spike was off on his secret surprise mission Buffy took a bubble bath, painted her nails. As her toes her drying Spike comes back. “Buffy come with me.” He goes to pull her up.
“Spike! My toes are not done drying. I don't want to mess them up.”
He sighs he really wants to show her his surprise, but he knows not to mess up fresh nails and especially a Summers mani/pedi. She has painted her nails pale pink.
“Where are we going? Am I dressed ok?”
She’s in blue jeans and a blush lace tank top she hasn’t put her sweater on yet, she was just lounging around their suite. “You look beautiful. I've always loved this outfit on you.”
She blushes even when he first saw this outfit when they almost ran into each other outside the bathroom all those years ago in Sunnydale he complimented her on her outfit saying she looked nice. “Can you get my shoes when you come back my toes should be dry.”
He comes back with a pair of white heels. She raises an eyebrow why did he choose those shoes. She watches him bend down and blow on her toenails to make sure they are dry then slowly slide the heel on her foot.
When he’s done he takes her hand and they walk out. She has put her black sweater on too. He brings her hand up to his lips. “So where are we going?”
Instead of ruining the surprise he tells her. “Shortly after I got her I couldn’t sleep one night nightmares of what I’ve done and of the battle with the senior partners. I didn’t want to wake you so I slipped out of bed and was wandering around the castle. I found this beautiful hidden area. It looked like it was taken out of a book. I would go there at night if I couldn’t sleep or wanted to think.”
“That was seven years ago, you found a secret place in the castle and didn’t tell me.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Recently I wanted to know if this place was just as beautiful in the daylight as it is in moonlight so I enlisted Spike's little helper and was informed that it is just as beautiful in the daylight as it is at night.”
“Spike’s little helper?” Her tone evidently teases him.
“Sod off.” She chuckles.
They are in the back hallway and go through a shadowy arch which leads to a heavy door behind that is a private chapel, they go through the private chapel but stop at the marble statue of a head, Spike moves the head back to reveal a secret passage. They go down a hallway, and they stop at the end.
Dawn and Willow come out of one of the secret rooms at the end of this hallway. Buffy looks at them then at Spike. “This was your surprise?”
“No, this is only step one of my surprise. You need to change for the second part.”
She goes to open her mouth but he puts a finger up to her lips. “You were dressed for this part but not for the next part. Don’t worry I have it all figured out. Trust me.”
Buffy nods. “You go with them and I will see you soon.”
He kisses her on the lips delicately and goes into the room opposite the room Willow and Dawn came out of. “Do you know what is going on?”
“We’ve been sworn to secrecy.”
Buffy looks at Dawn. She is in a suit and Willow is in a nice floor length champagne colored dress. Then she enters the changing room and there’s a white dress hanging up.
“Oh my god! Just have to ask, am I fighting the master again and am I dreaming?”
Dawn and Willow shake their heads. Buffy’s face breaks out into a huge smile she knows what Spike’s surprise is. She can’t believe it. “Spike, I love him.”
She looks over at Dawn, “You’re one of Spike’s helpers?”
The younger Summers smirks. “I can’t say I’ll lose my helper title.”
“I never thought all those years ago when we first encountered Spike that we would end up here. He’s really changed. He did all of this for you.”
“We all have, I know the vampire who when we first met said on Saturday I kill you would become one of my best friends, my boyfriend, and soon my husband. Spike is always trying to make me happy or laugh and he does I’m so happy with him.”
Dawn and Willow help Buffy into this floor length strapless white wedding gown. The top of the dress is beaded, there is a light pink ribbon around her waist, and the rest of her dress is very flowy. While Willow goes to do Buffy’s hair Dawn goes to leave but Buffy stops her rushing over to give her a hug and whispers to her. “I wish mom was here.”
Dawn nods and hugs her sister. “She would be so proud of you, she hoped you would get married one day. Plus she has always liked Spike.”
Buffy chuckles. “Yeah I remember coming home from college and there would be two cups of hot chocolate in the sink, mom had said Spike came over to watch Passions and they had hot chocolate.”
Dawn laughs. “Is there anything you want me to tell him?”
There’s so many things Buffy wants to tell him she closes her eyes and takes a breath. Trying to collect her thoughts. She smiles when she whispers in Dawn’s ear.
Dawn squeals as she nods and is so happy she practically bounces out of the room and across the hall.
Spike is tying his black tie, to match his black suit and white dress shirt. “Wow Spike you look amazing.”
“Thanks Niblet. Is she mad at me for surprising her like this?” Spike knows Buffy hates secrets in a relationship and he kept her in the dark about their wedding location but also the wedding so he wants to know if he’s going to be marrying a mad Buffy or a happy Buffy.
“Not at all actually she has a message she wanted me to tell you. ‘She can’t wait for you to be a Summers.’”
“I can't believe you’re taking our name.”
Spike looks over at Dawn; she has always been a little sister to him and soon she will be officially. “Your sister radiates Summers. I couldn't take that from her.”
Dawn wraps her arms around her vampire brother. “I’m so happy for you guys.”
Willow has fashioned Buffy’s long hair in a low messy bun. She also French braided some of her hair and wrapped it around the top of Buffy’s head and left two pieces of hair dangling on each side of her face. “One more thing then you’re ready.”
She places a long veil at the back of Buffy’s hair. “You look beautiful Buffy. I’m so happy for you and Spike.” Willow dabs at her eyes trying not to cry and mess up her makeup.
Buffy and Willow come out of the room and go down another hallway and Giles is waiting for them at the end of that hallway he is in a black suit matching Dawn’s. “Giles?”
“You asked me all those years ago if I would give you away I would be honored.”
Buffy blinks trying not to cry and mess up her makeup. “There is one thing I have to say….. Spike and I are getting married!” She holds up her Skull ring. Buffy throws her arms around Giles and he hugs her back. “I’m so proud of you Buffy and I’m so happy for you, I know in the past I haven’t been the biggest supporter of your relationship with Spike but seeing you together for the last seven years, I can see how happy you both make each other.”
Willow hands her a tissue to dab her eyes; she also hands Buffy a silver ring with a red ruby in the middle. She smiles at her. Willow leaves through the door and Giles looks down at Buffy. “Are you ready?”
She nods.
They open the door and Buffy gasps; she can’t believe what she is seeing. It's breathtaking, majestic and beautiful. It’s this wooded garden filled with fairy lights shimmering everywhere in every tree and on the ground. The sun does not shine directly on this garden; it's shaded by all the black trees.
Underneath the tree at the end of the aisle made of fairy lights is Spike in a suit with a light pink rose on his suit jacket, Dawn is behind him and Faith is also in a suit and she is next to him as the officiant.
This is not a big wedding so the guest list is short and it’s only the Important people and Andrew is their only guest outside of the wedding party. Andrew is also the videographer; he has his camera and is recording the whole thing.
As Buffy and Giles walk down Buffy mutters. “A daytime ceremony in the park underneath the trees indirect sunlight only.”
“What was that?”
Buffy looks up at Giles and shakes her head. “Nothing.”
Giles walks Buffy up to where Spike is and places her hand in Spike’s outstretched hand. Buffy hugs Giles again. He takes his seat in between Andrew who has already started crying and Dawn’s boyfriend.
Spike squeezes her hand and they both mouth I love you.
Faith smiles at the happy couple, she was surprised that Spike was asking her to officiate the wedding. After everything she has done to Buffy and that one time she hit on Spike in Buffy’s body. Maybe because she knows them but is still an outsider in their relationship she is the perfect person for this.
“I’ve known Buffy longer than I’ve known Spike. When Willow brought me back to Sunnydale one of the first people I ran into was Buffy and Spike. I punched Spike thinking he was attacking a young girl we got into a fight and then Buffy punched me in the face. She checked on Spike before she had her quippy line for me. They watched as the young girl was actually a vampire attack me I took care of the vampire. The next day Spike and I were talking in the basement smoking and needed a little breather from the wannabes we were getting along. Buffy came down and you could feel the shift in the room. Buffy was jealous, Spike tried to assure her he could pick up on it immediately. They always could read each other and knew what the other wanted from just a look. When Sunnydale collapsed I saw Buffy take Spike’s hand. I saw the look in her eyes and she did not want to leave him. Like I said I’ve known Buffy a long time I’ve never seen that look in her eyes for any one of her than Spike. That pure love and trust. Buffy knows whatever happens she always has Spike and when you look at Spike you can see the same look of pure love devotion Spike knows Buffy will always have his back. That’s real to find someone like that in this world. That's incredible. They have had so many people tell them that this would not work or that Buffy deserves better. When you look at them they make each other better. There's been ups and downs like every relationship but they make it through together.”
Neither Buffy nor Spike knew where Faith was going to go with her speech. Buffy is surprised it was actually a touching speech. Spike wipes a tear off Buffy’s cheek and she softly smiles at him.
“Did you write your own vows?”
Buffy’s eyes widened when she just found out she was getting married half an hour ago. She didn’t know they were writing their own vows. Spike swallows. “Buffy, I have loved you even before I knew I loved you. I’ve lived in the shadows for so many years. Meeting you, fighting beside you, falling in love with you, you are my own personal sunshine. I've seen the best and worst of you and I’m still here, you're the one Buffy, I will always be next to you, I’m not leaving you.”
Buffy sniffles that was beautiful she is going to take her lead from Spike. Words and Buffy sometimes are not mixy. “William, I loved you even before I could admit it to myself. You have always been there for me and I’ve been there for you too. You turned my world upside down and it has never gone back to normal but I wouldn’t want it to. You fought the monster inside of you and you won you’ve done things nobody ever would do. I’ve always believed in you. I’ll always be next to you too, I’m not leaving you.”
Spike smiles at her and it’s genuine and full of love his eyes sparkle in the fairy lights. “Do you Buffy take Spike to be your wedded husband for richer or poor.” Faith went to continue but realized sickness and in health Spike doesn’t get sick and till death do you part Spike is already dead. “For the rest of your life.”
Buffy side eyes Faith and she noticed that pause and the words for the rest of her life. “I do.” She places the ring that Willow gave her on Spike’s ring finger. The ring is from the same gem that the ring of Amara was made from.
“Spike, do you take Buffy for rich or poor in sickness and in health for the rest of her life.”
He also side eyes Faith, maybe he should have asked Andrew who is still crying, Giles handed him a tissue. “I do.” Spike places a silver ring with a diamond in the middle on her finger.
“By the powers invested by me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Spike cradles Buffy’s face in his hands and passionately kisses her. One of his hands has gripped the back of her neck while her arms wrap around his neck pulling him even closer to her. His tongue licks her lips asking for entry and their tongues caress and they continue to kiss.
Giles, Andrew, Faith, Dawn, Dawn’s boyfriend Connor, And Willow all clap for them.
Wind beneath my wings begins echoing through the trees and Buffy looks up at Spike, surprised. “You remembered?”
“Of course I remembered.” He places a hand out for her. “Can I have the first dance Mrs. Summers?”
She chuckles and smiles at him, placing her hand in his. “Of course you can, Mr. Summers.”
Buffy and Spike sway to Bette Midler singing. Buffy asks. “How did you do all of this? I can’t believe you remembered so many things from when we planned our wedding so many years ago in Giles' living room.”
He kisses her hair as they sway to the music. “Before we left to go find Red I put our notes in my pocket and I kept them all this time in my pocket. It started out as a reminder of when we were truly and deeply happy but as time went on it became sentimental, something I had to have with me.”
She kisses his neck lovingly. “Thank you Spike. for giving me the best wedding I could have ever asked for.”
“I wanted to give you everything you deserve.”
“And you have I just married the man I love. I can’t picture my life without you in it.”
He presses his lips to her forehead.They sway to the music and Buffy cups his cheek and looks into his piercing blue eyes. “This has been the best Valentine’s Day ever. I love you.”
Spike leans his forehead against hers and smiles. “I wouldn’t have wanted to spend it any other way. I love you so much Buffy.”
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Huntlow height difference from willows pov
If you wanted it written in first person I’m sorry but I simply can’t write that style very well but I hope this is just as good anon
“Hey Hunter, can you come get the cake pan off the top shelf for me?” Willow called from the kitchen. Hunter eagerly hopped off the coach and sprang into the next room to assist her.
“Here ya go,” he said as he carefully handed her the glass pan. “Is there anything else I can get for you?”
“Hmm I don’t think so,” said Willow, reading the recipe. “Oh, wait I think the brown sugar is up high as well. If you wouldn’t mind-.”
“On it!” said Hunter effortlessly bringing the bag down to her.
“Thank you,” smiled Willow taking the bag from him and setting it on the counter.
“If you want I could stick around in case there’s anything else you need that’s high up,” said Hunter, leaning against the counter attempting to look as causal as possible. “I could also help chop up the apples.”
“Sounds good to me,” smiled Willow, grateful for the help and the excuse to spend time with Hunter. She got a spare apron from beside the stove and Hunter ducked down so she could place it over his head like a medal. “I can start beating the eggs, just let me know if I’m in your way okay?”
“You could never be in my way,” Hunter assured as he tightened the bow around his waist (trying not to blush at the fact that Willow had given him one that read “Kiss the Cook” on the front) and the two began their work. The kitchen wasn’t big by any means, but the pair didn’t mind the lack of counter space. This had become their routine. By constantly offering to help Willow, Hunter found that he enjoyed the rhythm and method of baking. It was calming.
And the company wasn’t bad either.
They both worked side by side in silence, focused on their task. Willow began to him quietly under her breath, a habit she didn’t notice but Hunter adored.
“I think it needs cinnamon,” Hunter murmured to himself as he slid to the side to reached up into the cupboard above Willow. She was so focused on her own project she didn’t notice he had moved until she went to turn around to check if she had preheated the oven and found Hunter standing over her.
She sometimes forgot how tall he was. Had he gotten taller since they’d gotten here? Maybe his posture had just gotten better. But looking up him now with a view of his jawline highlighted by the kitchen light, Willow was grateful that she always conveniently forgot to remind Mrs. Noceda to pick up a step stool when they were out shopping.
“Oh, here it is,” said Hunter to himself as he found what he was looking for. He placed his other hand back on the counter as the other held the cinnamon as he looked back down to meet Willow’s gaze and realized he was standing over her. “Oh, sorry! I-I didn’t mean to-.”
“Oh it’s totally fine,” Willow squeaked. “Um could you see if the green spatula is up there?”
“Oh yeah of course,” he said as he continued to search, moving jars and cans around. “Hmm, sorry I don’t see it...”
“Oh, silly me it’s right here,” said Willow, as she miraculously found the mentioned spatula sitting beside her hand all along. There was something about having to look up to him made Willow want to reach up pull him down to her level to... help him hear her better.
“Oh, good,” said Hunter with a smile as he went back to his station as he combined Willow’s mixture with his own to send to the oven. “Well, let me know if there’s anything else you need.”
“Ya know it’s kind of funny,” said Willow as she placed the dishes in the sink. “Mrs. Noceda is barely taller than I am, I don’t understand how these things end up so high.”
“I mean, if you’ve got the storage, might as well use it right?”
“I guess,” chuckled Willow. “But I really appreciate you helping me, I don’t know how I’d do it without you.”
“Well, I know how much you love baking so it’s really no trouble at all,” said Hunter, admiring the way she cleaned her glasses with the end of her apron. “Anything to help, ya know?”
“Oh, Mrs. Noceda, please allow me,” said Hunter, swooping in as Camila began emptying to dishwasher. “Let me put those away for you.”
“Oh, why thank you mijo,” she said, allowing Hunter to take the clean baking pan from her. “Do you need a step stool? You don’t need to put them up so high.”
“Well, I figured you have the storage why not use it, right?”
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prose-for-hire · 2 years
Headcanons for spending the Christmas period with the Scoobies:
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! ❄️
A/N: I think most main characters are mentioned, so there should be a little something for everyone (You seem to get on with everyone, you’re welcome).
She’s a long one, so it’s below the cut.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption and food mention. Also a bunch of super cheesy holiday cheer (yay). 
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- Giles is, naturally hosted the big meal
- Nobody had any plans that year and so he just said that his door was open if anybody wanted to come
- But he had enough food planned out for the entire Hellmouth by then
- Xander was the first to agree, Christmas around his place was not what you would call festive
- Xander had taken to insisting you and the others did Christmas activities leading up to Christmas, you couldn’t tell if this was because he wanted to stay clear of his parents or not
- Either way, you always agreed. That night it was baking and assembling gingerbread houses
- His collapsed about twenty times before he gave in
- While you were fixing his and your own, he decided to convince you all to come on Christmas Day
- Willow reminded the room once again that she was Jewish and wouldn’t be celebrating Christmas
- But when Xander decided that it was less a celebration of Christmas and more a way to warm up your holiday blues together, she agreed
- So did you, Buffy and Dawn
- (It was a rare holiday season that had lined up where you were all single and without your family around)
- After finishing the gingerbread houses Buffy called Giles in to get him to judge the best gingerbread house
- When he stopped in front of the leaning tower of gingerbread that had been Xander’s effort everyone’s jaw dropped
- Xander cheered and gloated his way around the room, conveniently forgetting that it was technically your win
- You had done all the hard work after all
- Dawn sulked in the corner for the rest of the evening after not winning the contest
- Later that month, as Giles was still planning what had turned into a five-course meal at this point, you had been surprised by a visit from Angel
- He was surprisingly big on Christmas and had brought Christmas presents early, muttering something about an LA apocalypse between then and the big day
- He was annoyingly good at gift-giving, he’s more of a listener than a talker
- So you knew you had to get him something equally as good
- You had to race to the store that evening, having not even started your gift shopping yet
- You had Tara and Anya with you, bribing them into coming by buying them something at the Espresso Pump
- You had to get gifts for Angel and his team, you knew Cordy the best and you really missed her (and her high standards) so you needed to pick something very good for them
- The crowds were hard to manoeuvre through and Anya kept elbowing people off the sidewalk that wondered into her path
- It was why you had invited her, she was like a battering ram in these kinds of situations
- She also always had a knack for haggling
- You had found some dusty antique books for Angel and she managed to get the price right down for you
- (but she also warned that if you bought her anything discounted for Christmas you would be sorry)
- By the time you were done it was late and you still needed to wrap your presents
- You grin, having an idea
- You called up your friends, inviting them over to your apartment
- For a ‘gift wrapping party’
- Aka a Trick-your-friends-into-helping-you-wrap-presents-party
- Xander brought alcohol and some gifts for Angel’s team he clearly swiped from a gas station on his way to your place
- Willow had already wrapped hers (cos she loved giving gifts, not because she wanted to be involved Christmas) and she had helped with Buffy’s too 
- but they both came for the party element
- (and… to help you obviously)
- Tara and Anya were already with you, seemingly in high spirits despite the three of you having to fight your way out of the mall
- You cranked the Christmas music up and everyone got their preferred drinks, some danced while the rest of you wrapped up your presents
- You had even bought Oz a little gift, knowing that Angel would no doubt see him in LA when he was touring
- You had always been close with Oz and you knew that although he wasn’t big on Christmas, you wanted him to know that you thought about him
- Angel ended up crashing, literally having heard your music from across town
- He was a bit hurt that you hadn’t invited him but once you explained why, you swear he smiled at you
- Maybe just for a split second
- But that was a Christmas miracle in itself
- You hugged him and loaded him up with presents for him and his team
- He was really grateful and you all partied through the night
- Angel seemed to relax and so did everyone else
- There were drinking games and a lot of bad singing to Christmas hits
- After recovering from your party and saying bye to Angel (and wishing him good luck for his apocalypse) you all piled round to Giles’ place
- You promised that you would help decorate
-You and Buffy were in charge of the tree
- While Anya, Tara and Xander were hanging paper chains
- (with anya and Xander fighting over the placement)
- Willow had joined Giles in the kitchen, watching the cookies that they had made
- Willow and Tara had been very close at your party the night before
- You decided you needed to do a bit of match-making
- You asked Giles to help you reach the top of the tree, getting him out of the kitchen
- When Buffy saw what you were doing, she instantly understood and winked at you
- Buffy went over to Tara, under the pretence of saving her from being stuck in the middle of another argument with Xander and Anya
- The witch went into the kitchen, unaware that it had been perfectly orchestrated by you and Buffy
- When you heard laughter coming from the kitchen your heart leapt
- You could only hope they were going to be together again
- By the time you were done, the house looked amazing
- Giles thanked you all with festive drinks and freshly baked cookies
- Everyone kept asking you what you wanted for Christmas, you were apparently notoriously hard to buy for
- They all groaned when you told them your only wish was for snow
- Some days, you were such a cliché
- By Christmas Eve, you had all of your presents wrapped and ready to take to Giles’ for the next day
- You had made a short trip to the hospital to visit Faith, none of you had been on the best terms when she was last conscious
- But you wanted her to know that she had someone thinking about her at this time of year
- You knew how lonely she had always been
- You left a Christmas card on her bedside table and replaced the grapes with ones you had freshly bought
- You squeezed her hand and told her she was invited to Christmas dinner the next day if she could hear you
- You ran more errands through the day, it was your favourite time of year so you didn’t mind one bit
- Most of it was ingredients for the ever-growing menu Giles had been
- He had a lot of spare time on his hands and he wanted to make it a good festive celebration for everyone
- You were laden with loads of bags, weaving through gravestones
- It was at this point you realised if any demon came your way you would be a great target
- You would not let go of the bags if your life depended on it, so a vampire could very easily overpower you
- Luckily though, nobody had stopped you
- Perhaps even demons had a little bit of Christmas spirit
- (Or, maybe, they had better things to do)
- You knocked twice on the door of the crypt before you entered
-  Spike squinted at you before muttering something to the tombstone next to him
-Harmony removed the lid and popped out to greet you
- You weren’t necessarily close with them, but they liked that you weren’t threatening their lives every time you saw them
- So, they let you off on a lot of things that they wouldn’t with anyone else
- Namely, they let you live despite often walking into the crypt they were living out of uninvited
- “Oh, I’m glad you’re here Harm!” you found yourself saying, much to the room’s surprise (mostly your own)
- You reached into your bag
- (that was much more akin to Santa’s sack by now)
- You handed her a wrapped present, it was a unicorn figurine
- She ripped into it and squealed with excitement
- “Spikey, look! Look! Aw, how cute! I can restart my collection after my horrible minions destroyed the others”
- She pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, whispering ‘oopsie’ when you made a noise that told her she was suffocating you
- “Don’t encourage her, pet, she’s already sending me round the bend about the bloody trinkets” He groaned as Harmony released you
- You were building yourself up to say something to Spike but you weren’t sure how to go about it
- You clutched the (gift wrapped) bottle of spirits in your hand, took a deep breath and tried your best
- “Spike, It’s Christmas and because at Christmas, you tell the truth… I wanted you to know that it wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t come to Giles for Christmas Dinner”
- Spike wasn’t convinced.
-He insisted it was a stupid idea, but he did snatch the liquor-shaped gift you bought him to try and convince him to come
- Honestly, as annoying as he could be, it just wouldn’t be the same without him at the meal
- It was a time to have good-will to all men (…women, people, demons and even vampires)
- So you wanted him to know he was invited
- He nodded at your gift and then gestured towards the black stocking hanging against the corner of one of the nicer tombstones in his crypt
- “Lucky dip” He said, a sparkle in his eye that meant only one thing
- It was some kind of trick
- You shuffled over there anyway, knowing that if you didn’t Harmony could probably bite you from where she was stood
- Having a chunk bitten out of you wouldn’t be the best Christmas present
- You reached in, frowning as you felt around inside the sock
- You retrieved your ‘present’, frowning at the object in your hands
- It was a single, unwrapped lump of coal
- “Uh, thanks… Spike. See you at Giles’ tomorrow”
- It was that or an tangerine, so you had lucked out really
- By Christmas morning, you were super excited
- You had always loved this time of year and you were so grateful to your little Scooby family
- You dressed quickly and made your way to Giles’, catching Dawn and Buffy on their way too
- Dawn hugged you and listed all the cool things that she had received from Buffy and her Mom
- (Joyce was on a trip for the holidays, healthy and promising to make it up to her girls in the new year)
- She liked talking to you because you never appeared to just be humouring her, you seemed genuinely enthusiastic about her new gifts
- Buffy mouthed ‘thank you’ to you and linked her arm with you
- You had never seen her so carefree and you were so glad that there had been no evil plots this Christmas
- When you arrived, Giles was busy in the kitchen but he did greet you over the sound of an electric mixer
- Willow and Tara arrived soon after, holding hands which made you smile
- Xander and Anya had even managed to keep the arguing to a minimum when they sat on the sofa in front of you
- It was so cosy and warm in Giles’ living room
- There was a fire, helped along by the coal you had sourced from Spike
- The tree looked beautiful in the corner and everyone was in a good mood
- You couldn’t remember a time when you and your friends had been so happy
- You laid the table as Xander found something festive on the tv
- Willow and Tara had brought dessert and were discussing the recipe with Anya who was looking into trying human hobbies in the new year
- She was apparently going to start with baking
- You all tucked into the meal, it was so much food but the best you had ever tasted
- Giles had covered every single food group
- After you couldn’t possibly eat any more of Giles’ food, you pulled Christmas crackers that Giles had brought
- You all groaned at the terrible jokes and fought over the colour of the little hats
- It was late afternoon when Spike took you all by surprise and entered the house, slamming the door behind him
- He grunted a greeting and went straight into piling a plate high with food
- You and Xander had to hold Buffy back more than once
- And Tara hid all the sharp wooden objects from the immediate area
- Giles gave you a withering look when he figured out who invited the vampire
- You apologised but convinced him that it was Christmas... which was your excuse for everything at this time of year
- It was lucky they were all so fond of you
- When you asked about why Harmony hadn’t come, Spike snorted almost shooting mashed potato through his nose
- He was on his third plate and it appeared to have a blood-gravy poured over the top which you tried not to think about too much
- “Didn’t want to come. ‘Fraid her archnemesis over there was setting a trap to ‘kill ‘er to death’” He gestured to Buffy who shrugged
- She was still 50/50 on whether or not to stake Spike, stating it would be giving the world a Christmas present
- But after a quick look from you, she rolled her eyes and ripped a turkey leg from the centre of the table
- Later on, you all played party games
- You paired with Giles, hoping that he would let you coast through the trivia questions
- Buffy and Xander were a team
- And Anya had to join with Willow and Tara (who were much more interested in each other than the game – which irritated a very competitive Anya)
- Dawn and Spike joined forces and managed beat you all
- Ending in you all accusing them of cheating
- Although none of you could figure out how they did it
- The argument settled down eventually and you swapped presents
- You all had a lot of fun that year and promised that this would be a new tradition
- Except Spike, who claimed that he would eat you all given half the chance
- You ignored this and focused on all the positive things
- Everyone loved your gifts
- And you got some great things, your friends knew you really well
- But your favourite gift came from Tara and Willow
- They led you outside, whispering under their breath
- You frowned for a moment until you saw it
- The first flakes of snow started to fall around you
- You couldn’t believe it, it never snowed in Sunnydale
- Everyone raced outside, making snowmen and snow angels
- You even had a massive snowball fight, where Spike sulked and went home when he realised he couldn’t even throw snow at you all without getting a headache
- You played in the snow until it the magic started to wear off
-You all went back in and warmed up, watching films together wrapped in blankets until late
- You couldn’t stop yourself grinning as you leaned against one of your friends
- It was the best Christmas you could remember
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