#Headcanon For She who Devoured the Sun
gatorbites-imagines · 11 months
Kinktober day 14
Conner Kent + Breeding and/or excessive cum
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I shall always devour my kryptonian headcanons. Atlantean reader, because I was feeling nasty when I wrote this. *tucks hair behind ear*
I may have taken the word excessive too far...
Kinktober 2023 masterlist.
You were Atlantean, going by the hero name Cetus. It hadn’t been your choice, the name, but one the public started calling you because of your uniform when you started. You were the offspring of an Atlantean and an Amazon warrior. You had been born on Themyscira, but the fact that you were born male and with the need to be in the ocean, you were given to your father to be raised.
You still visited your mother regularly, and got trained by not only her but her friends, that mixed with the training of your father, who was a skilled warrior himself, you became very skilled. When you chose to start fighting crime, your mother had given you a uniform created by the same individuals who armoured the Amazonians, as she wanted you to be safe.
It was similar to the outfit of a gladiator, but had been made in a material that allowed you to stay in the ocean. Your outfit also had actual shoes, and had little exposed skin to keep you safe from enemies, but the Greek inspiration was very clear. It had led to all kinds of theories amongst the people that you were some secret warrior raised by the Amazonians, which was partly true, but your Atlantean heritage didn’t stay a secret for long since you did many of your battles side by side with Aquaman, Aqualad, and the likes.
You were put on the young justice team since you had more experience than the rest, but you were still young enough to not count as a full-fledged hero just yet. You worked well together with the team, getting along better with some more than others. There were some arguments with Megan, as an Atlantean you possessed telepathy, and you disagreed with her ways of using her powers at times.
This led to arguments with Conner, as he was defensive of the girl he had feelings for at the time, but as time passed you all matured. Conner and Megan broke up after a short relationship as teens, you split off from the team to be your own thing, so on and so forth.
This didn’t mean you didn’t work with the other heroes on the regular, but you weren’t a member of any team, except for a place on the justice league roster like most others in your situation. It was because of this you were placed on a mission with Conner, to a dessert of all places. It must have been a mistake, or the ones sending you there hadn’t planned on you guys staying there for so long, but even as a halfblooded Atlantean you still needed water after a while.
Conner had panicked when you suddenly dropped like a bag of bricks, as you’d been out of the ocean for a long time before the mission even started, having to work together with other members of the league on reports and the like. It had been a plan for a quick scouting mission, but here you were, dehydrated and with your consciousness fading in and out.
Conner had never dealt with you become dehydrated, sure he’d seen other Atlanteans, but your half status allowed you to go longer without. The two of you ended up in a small cave Conner had found, as he hoped bringing you out of the sun would help. Normally he would have just carried you off to the ocean, but seeing you, someone he thought as almost unbeatable and someone he had come to develop feeling for as well, collapse in that way, he had panicked.
In your half-conscious state, you had knocked off your helmet, one that looked similar to that of a gladiator but without the hairs on top, the golden metal rolling across the cold floor of the cave. You were splayed out across the cold stone floors, your half lid eyes looking up at the kryptonian standing above you through your lashes, your dry tongue subconsciously running across your bottom lip.
Maybe it was the candle you had held for Conner for a long time, maybe it was just delirium, but you nudged his subconscious with your own, planting images of him crouched above you on his knees, his hands undoing the bottom of his suit. Conner sputtered, going completely red in the face as he tried to stutter out words, his kryptonian biology kicking in at the fact that the one he yearned for seemed to return the want.
His hands came to cradle his crotch, trying to hide how he was already becoming hard at the mere thought of doing what you seemed to want of him. Conner was still trying to fully comprehend what you had hinted at wanting, his face only going redder and cock growing harder as you made easy work of removing the upper part of your armour and undersuit, leaving your upper body completely bare.
“Please Conner…” you mumble out, your tongue already feeling thick and useless as you gulp, your mouth dry and uncomfortable. Conner gulped, glancing behind him towards the entrance of the cave as if debating on simply flying off to gather water, but the wanting look in your eyes seemed to be what he needed to make his decision.
You both moaned softly as Conner undid the bottom of his suit, his heavy length twitching to the colder air of the cave as he shuffled forwards, placing his knees on either side of your torso as your hands came up to rest of his tense thighs. You gulped dryly as his cock twitched in his hand, a thick bead of precum already dripping from the tip and landing on your neck, a shiver running through you as your eyelids fluttered as you felt the water inside the liquid slide into your skin.
It probably wasn’t the most useful or sanitary idea on fixing your situation, but laying there as Conner jerked himself off above you quickly made those thoughts disappear from the both of you. Conner let his hips buck into both of his hands that he had wrapped tightly around his thick length, twisting his already wet hands as precum dripped in a constant river down onto your skin.
You didn’t have to do much, just squeezing his thighs seemed to do the trick as Conner looked down at you, his pupils large as they almost swallowed up the blue of his eyes. His cock throbbed, a moan leaving him as you opened your mouth, sticking out your dry tongue. That seemed to do the trick as the hero above you let out a deeper drawn-out groan as he came, shooting thick heavy spurts across your face and tongue.
He shivered, but his erection didn’t seem to let up, one of the positives of being kryptonian it seemed, his hands only growing slicker, the noises only growing wetter and more erotic as his movements only seemed to grow more desperate. The cum on your tongue assisted in returning the wetness to your mouth, the light-headedness seeming to leave you to a certain degree.
With your newly returned awareness, you leaned up, pressing the flat of your tongue against his leaking tip, causing Conners hips to buck as another spurt of cum shot out of him, striking the top of your mouth, and spilling down your chin and soaking the skin of your throat and chest. A satisfied hum left you as you swallowed the thick liquid in your mouth with an audible gulp, growing more and more confident in your movements.
Conner couldn’t help but buck his heads, the hands gripping himself letting go so he could lean forwards, supporting his weight instead so he wouldn’t collapse on top of you as you closed your lips around his tip, starting to work your head up and down as you rubbed your tongue all over the skin you could reach.
The kryptonians noises had reached a higher pitch as you kept moving your lips up and down his slick length, drawing out orgasm after orgasm from his heavy cock, letting it fill your mouth just to let it overflow and start running down the rest of your torso. Conner had never dabbled much with his refractory period or his biology, but now he cursed not being curious in the past as he seemed to be stuck in a constant state of orgasm as you drew more and more out of him, it seemed never-ending.
With one last lewd slurp you finally withdrew from his cock, a thick string of spit and cum connecting the tip of your tongue with his length, the string pulling before it snapped, joining the rest of the lewd mess that had been left all over your torso and face. Conner was still shivering above you, somehow still hard but so sensitive as you carefully pushed at his torso to get him to sit up again.
He blushed as he finally focused on the sight of you as you laid there covered in his fluids, making a huge mess of the cave floor beneath you, but neither of you seemed to truly care at the moment. Conner bit his lip as he shuffled down your torso, straddling your hips instead as his hand came up to wipe away some of the cum covering your lower face, his face still red as he leaned in, pressing his lips almost shyly against yours.
You couldn’t help but find it amusing how the guy who had just covered you in so much of his essence seemed so shy about kissing you, or how he was still hard against your stomach, but you responded in kind to his kiss, shutting your eyes to enjoy the press of lips on lips. You found your hands resting on his hips as the kiss was disconnected, spit connecting your mouths as he sat back. “Guess you aren’t dehydrated anymore, huh?” Conner chuckled breathlessly, gulping as he sat back on your thighs.
You found your lips pursing as you reached down, grabbing at his hardness, causing Conner to whimper as his hips bucked into your hand. “That doesn’t mean were done though” you mumble, starting to jerk your hand, much you Conners enjoyment. It was gonna be a while before you two would be done here, maybe you’d actually end up finding the limit to the kryptonian refractory period, but only time would tell.
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qin shi huang with yoriichi tsugikuni!fem!reader headcanons
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warnings: spoilers from manga, ooc, slow burn friends-to-lovers troupe
Special thanks to @onecantsimply, @yellow-snark and @thatstrangesheep for their feedback and help with these headcanons! Enjoy! :)
Even in death, Qin Shi Huang was an emperor whom everyone respected as the ‘king who began everything’. He had reunited the annexed nations of China, a guiding light who led his people bringing peace and prosperity after almost a millennium of strife. Now, within the vast afterlife known as Valhalla, he reigned over a substantial amount of territory alongside his successors, working as a cohesive council when conflict arose.
Today, however, he has come to handle the problem on his own terms. For the last two months, men, women, and even children have gone missing from the foot of the northeastern mountains. Given the harsh environment, it is not too odd to believe that the cause of their disappearance might be an attack from a wild animal, angering the spirits who guard the terrain, or just simply got lost.
But the disemboweled bodies told the emperor a different story: there is a beast devouring his people, and it is certainly not a bear. For a split moment, Qin Shi Huang feared that Chi You had somehow returned from beyond its miserable grave and had come back to take revenge on the ‘insolent whelp’ who would not bow before its bony knees as payment for being accepted as an emperor of China.
If that were truly the case, though, there would be more corpses strewn about the mountain base than the current number of victims. Qin Shi Huang had already defeated the god, and he will do it again to protect his subjects. Such is the road he leads as an emperor, after all~.
So imagine his surprise when he comes across a six-armed being with pasty skin and glowing golden sclera, hunched over the corpse of a man cradling his child. It was not Chi You, but a demon. A demon that was the stuff of legends many years ago, only for them to suddenly vanish and become nothing more than a bedtime story to keep children from sneaking off at night.
And now, here is the great emperor, face-to-face with this drooling beast. Qin Shi Huang frowned, bending his sinewy body into an offensive position. Just when he was about to launch an attack, his opponent’s head rolled off its shoulders. He blinked, watching the demon’s body collapse onto the grass, twitching rapidly before disintegrating into dust. Hm? He hadn’t even moved! Unless the presence of an emperor is that powerful before a demon that it self destructs?
“Are you all right?” Qin Shi Huang then saw a figure standing where the demon had been, sword unsheathed. At first glance, she seemed like an ordinary traveler by the way she dressed, but the emperor knew that she was certainly not an ordinary person. Not from the tremendous amount of chi circulating around this woman’s body and the sword fastened at her waist.
She was a warrior as Chun Yan had been.
He grinned. “Hao!”
[Eye Color] orbs blinked at him in confusion, tilting her head to the side as she repeated the word. “Does that mean…you are hurt?”
Zori sandals stomped against the bloodied soil as she strode over to him, astounding Qin Shi Huang with her agility. She frowned slightly, her eyes scanning over his body. “You…are all right, it appears.” She glanced up at him. “I…apologize if I had gotten…your clothes dirty. You are a young lord, yes?”
Qin Shi Huang frowned. “Buhao.”
He raised his right hand, pressing his middle and index fingers together before he pointed them towards the ground, the golden nail guards glowing beneath the moonlight. “Humble yourself. You are in the presence of an emperor. Be grateful I have not executed you for your impudence.”
“You…are an emperor?”
That was how the greatest emperor in all of Chinese history crossed paths with the greatest Demon Slayer in history, the Mother of All Breathing Techniques, the Sun Hashira [First Name] [Last Name].
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In your defense, you never would have guessed that the man who had been endangered moments ago had not been a feudal lord looking for trouble in these woods, but an emperor who had come to kill the demon devouring his people.
You did apologize for being rude, and politely asked His Imperial Majesty if there was a town close by. You lived deep in the mountains, though in the opposite direction of his territory. It would take about two days to return should you leave now. That was only if you were lucky enough to not come across any more demons on your journey back home.
To your surprise, this emperor all but commanded you to follow him to his palace. He boasted that it was the largest one in Valhalla, with the finest food and rooms available for only esteemed guests and members of his court. However, since you did humble yourself before him, he will make an exception and allow a weary traveler to stay in the guest quarters for the night. You thanked him, trailing after the man through the woods to the crowded streets of a bustling city and right up the stone footsteps of an extravagant palace the likes of which you had never seen before.
You dared to say that it was much bigger than the Ubuyashiki compound.
With a clap of his jeweled hands, a group of young maidens in flowing robes appeared before him. He ordered them to make sure you received the most excellent care, including running a warm bath and mending your damaged clothes. Before you could have a moment to say something, you were immediately whisked away to another part of the palace until dinner was ready.
The food was just as extravagant as the clothes that the maidens had dressed you in. It was almost too much, but you dared to not insult your host. Instead, you bowed your head to him in gratitude and ate as much as you could without being too rude. Thankfully you could recall some of your table manners from when you had been alive, before becoming a Hashira and just the daughter of a prestigious household in the Sengoku era.
Between the raucous laughter and idle chatter amongst the others who dined at this table, you had almost expected to be asked to leave or escorted out of the banquet hall so that the emperor could speak to his fellow countrymen freely without the presence of an outsider.
Instead, His Imperial Majesty asked you many questions. Who you are, why were you in the woods, how did you defeat the demon, etc. You answered them to the best of your ability, humbly explaining that you had once been a Demon Slayer and trained to exterminate the ones who came out at night to consume human flesh. There is nothing special about you.
You had simply worked hard, protected humanity until your untimely death. There was no need for him to know of your ability to see the Transparent World, much less the Breathing Techniques of a Demon Slayer.
Some secrets were meant to be just that: secrets. And you were bad at explaining things; it had been a miracle that the Hashiras, those whom you had worked alongside all those years ago, could comprehend your words and adapt the Sun Breathing techniques into their own variations: Water, Insect, Flame, Wind, Stone, and so forth.
Again the emperor surprised you; he seemed intrigued by the Breathing Styles and continued to ask questions about how to use it until the handmaidens escorted you to the guest quarters later that night, although His Imperial Majesty wished to keep speaking even in a drunken stupor.
The following morning, you thanked the emperor for his hospitality and left the palace. An armed entourage followed you out to the city’s borders to make sure you would not try to attack His Imperial Majesty nor the citizens. You thanked them for their vigilance and hard work before beginning the journey towards your humble home.
You were certain that this was the first and only time you would come across royalty and thought nothing of it in the days that went by upon returning, weeks becoming almost two months since the demon attack. You would either be tending to the crops or practicing your swordsmanship. Eventually, it was time for you to venture down from the mountains to restock on your supplies.
The villagers who lived at the mountain’s edge were kind people. Some of them were elderly and required assistance with manual labor or errands. You did not mind helping them, and were quite hesitant to accept anything from them, especially rice or other precarious commodities.
Most were merchants who traveled a great distance from the village to the city to sell their wares. How could you even consider taking that away from them? To your dismay, they were quite stubborn and practically shoved it in your hands.
The ‘payment’ from the villagers, including the usual amount of items you purchased from the vendors, became too much for you to carry without making two trips up and down the mountain.
You were almost considering having to borrow a cart when a voice called out to you.
Turning around, your eyes widened in shock at the appearance of the emperor Qin Shi Huang walking down the muddied main road, flanked by four or five armed soldiers. He recognized you immediately, almost running with a wide grin on his face.
He’d been wanting to continue his conversation with you, yet due to his workload in the palace prevented him from venturing out sooner. You had also been difficult to track down as no one seemed to be aware that a Demon Slayer wearing hanafuda earrings existed in Valhalla except for a young whelp and his little sister living in the floating cities alongside the Valkyries.
But now, he’s here and ready to chat~. You should be grateful he had traveled such a long way to visit. He is an emperor after all. He was willing to help carry the supplies up the mountains if it meant he had an opportunity to challenge you to a fight and idly chatter over drinks.
Upon explaining that you did not drink alcohol, the emperor told you not to fret. He’s come prepared. Revealing a large jug of corked liquor in his hand with a wide grin, you realized that he would not go away even if you politely asked him too.
So with great reluctance, you guided Qin and his entourage up the mountains, some of them carrying your supplies.
A peaceful day became chaotic. And from this single afternoon of idle chatter and sparring with an incredibly powerful fighter transitioned to an unlikely friendship. Qin Shi Huang was nothing like Sumiyoshi, that much was certain.
Where Sumiyoshi was a humble man blessed to have a family in turbulent times, the boastful emperor had been an unwanted child from the moment he was born. If it had not been for his mentor and mother, that meek little boy would not have the confidence to move forward and pave the road for his people to live in peace, let alone find a method to deal with the Zhao’s anger aimed at him simply because he was from royalty.
He had many children sired from his concubines but he never took an empress, much to his council’s annoyance even in the afterlife. Chun Yan too, of all people!
Yet despite such different personalities from two different people who are your friends….you knew they both possessed kindness and empathy. Why else would an emperor continue to maintain contact with you via letters and occasionally visit you in the mountains over the next thirty years?
He’s a man who had led his people into prosperity after all, the king of all kings.
You had lost so much when you were alive…is it truly all right to be selfish and treasure Qin Shi Huang as a friend, an emperor of all people?
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Qin Shi Huang quickly discovered that there was more to his new friend than being a calm, unreadable individual who never raised her voice once even when he had been purposely annoying just to gauge a reaction.
The Sun Hashira…she was perfect. A beautiful, complex creature who values integrity and kindness above all else. She did not enjoy fighting, preferring a quiet life away from society than challenging one opponent after another. And like him, she knew what it meant to lose a loved one.
When it came to strength, she once told him, those who are marked like herself will all meet the same fate. He had an idea as to the cryptic meaning behind her words…and he prayed that she would live in this afterlife.
When he revealed his past to her, what he had done as a child until his death, the Sun Hashira simply accepted it all as they say together on the snowy veranda of her small home.
“To live in an era of conflict…there can never be true peace without bloodshed. Your Imperial Majesty had gone through so much….and you were loved deeply by Chun Yan. I wish….I could have met her….and thank her for raising a wonderful, strong son.”
Qin Shi Huang.exe stopped working for a span of five seconds before he tried to hide his embarrassment with a swing of the warm sake that his host had prepared especially for them to celebrate the New Year together.
Another year has come and gone…so why was it that his heart hasn’t stopped hammering against his ribcage?
Bonus Content:
After five years of sending luxurious gifts and love letters, it took a stammering confession from the emperor to convey his feelings towards the Sun Hashira.
Although she did not want to marry right away, she humbly accepted a period of courtship from China’s greatest emperor until it was appropriate to be welcomed as his empress.
Some of his court were pleased that he had finally selected a wife to become the mother of the nation, but there were others who believed that [First Name] was too independent and would not respect the traditions required to follow after becoming an empress.
Needless to say, Qin Shi Huang made an example of the courtiers who dared to disrespect his new wife behind closed doors. His warning also extended to the concubines, should they try to do something malicious out of petty jealousy.
Quality time included sampling delicacies in the garden, sparring matches, and cuddling in his private quarters.
Chun Yan approved of [First Name], congratulating her adoptive son on finding a woman who can keep up with his shenanigans.
The domestic bliss between the emperor and empress never wavered…until Brunhilde approached the palace and asked for their aid to fight against the gods. Both of them.
If it hadn’t been for [First Name]’s benevolence, Qin would have immediately executed the Valkyrie on the spot for her arrogance. Instead he gave her the courtesy and listened to her proposal regarding the event called Ragnarok. A battle royale until one opponent is annihilated.
The emperor would be lying if he said he wasn’t interested, but he had no intention of bringing his Sun Hashira into it. He wanted her to spend this afterlife in peace, not to put her life on the line again.
Alas, his wife was stubborn. He agreed to Brunhilde’s terms so long as she agreed to his terms. Once she left the palace, he pulled his empress into a long talk about this…situation.
Whatever obstacles will come their way, they will face it together. The Sun Hashira isn’t alone anymore.
Honorable mentions:
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𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬
Just some headcanons about how I think Copia, Mary, and the ghouls would kiss you.
Copia kisses you like you're about to disappear and he doesn't know if he'll see you again. He cups your face, holds you close, takes it slow so the taste of one another may never leave your mouths again. He whispers against your lips, telling you how much he loves you and how he can't bear to leave you and that he would bring you on tour with him if he didn't think it would cause problems for Imperator.
Mary Goore's kisses come across as aggressive and bruising, but you know he's trying to show you with his actions rather than words how much he loves, wants, needs you. It's desperate hands pulling on each other, twisting into hair, Mary directing you to where he wants you. His teeth biting into your lip, a tongue pushing into your mouth. He's not comfortable with the vulnerability of saying "I love you", but his desperation for you is enough to tell you that he can't let you go.
Sodo is fiery passion and pushing one another up against walls. You make him feral, make him want to say fuck everything else, because in that moment you're all that he can see and smell and hear and feel and taste. He tries to engulf you, to swallow you whole, but in reality it's you who envelopes him with your heart, and you both feel it with the intensity of your kisses. There are times when you take it slower, savour one another, but it's when you devour each other that you feel that fire burn the brightest.
Aether kisses you slowly, gently, touches feather-light as if he worries he'll break you if he holds onto you too tightly. He's aware that he's the strongest out of the other ghouls physically, and so he's careful every time you kiss. His lips ghost over yours, they meld together so seamlessly, he caresses your face so gently it almost tickles. It's always you who has to deepen it, make it rougher, and he's okay with letting you have that control. Rather that than he hurt you. He couldn't live with himself if he harmed you trying to show you his love.
The kisses between you and Swiss are plentiful, the ghoul grabbing your face and placing kiss after kiss on your lips until you're giggling and pulling him in for a longer, deeper one. You press yourselves up against one another as much as you can, leaving little to no space between you both, and it's like you're in your own bubble. He has so much love, so much passion, to give to you and he'll shower it upon you as much as he can with each and every kiss.
A kiss from Rain is full of so much raw emotion, so much that he's too nervous to say to you in front of everyone else, because he's convinced - like Copia - that this kiss could be your last and he may never see you again. But the difference is that while Copia fears he'll never see you again because he knows there's a chance he'll suffer the same fate as the other Papas, Rain is terrified that you'll bore of him and go for one of the other ghouls. So he puts all his love, all his being, into all of your kisses, foreheads touching and noses brushing. And every time, you reassure him that you're not going anywhere. You love him, nobody else.
When Mountain kisses you, unless you're taller or the same height as him he always ducks his head to brush yours. Your kisses are always slow, leisurely, and it's like the two of you become one with each other and nature itself. You feel everything draw to a standstill as you cling to one another and allow yourselves to feel everything. Sometimes, when he takes you out to a secluded spot in nature, he'll sit and bring you into his lap as you both bask in one another's glorious love while you kiss. To the two of you, the rest of the world doesn't exist. There's just the two of you.
Sunshine is unadulterated joy and love. Kisses interspersed with smiles and laughter and pure adoration for one another. When your kisses sadly end, she looks at you as if you're the moon to her sun. Your fingers intertwine as you press your lips together, bodies as flush against one another as you can get, the bumping of noses that make you break apart and giggle. She radiates pure love and happiness and she channels that into the kisses you share, her tail gently stroking your cheek because she doesn't want to let your hands go.
Cumulus' kisses always taste of whatever she and Mountain have been baking in the kitchen. They're sweet, both in taste and in essence, as she holds onto your shoulders to keep you rooted where you are. She doesn't tell anyone else, but sometimes she worries that like the wind you'll blow away and she may never get to tell you again how much she cherishes and loves you. She tries her best not to make it so obvious with her kisses, but sometimes they're so filled with need that you have to reassure her that nothing could tear you both apart. You'd fight for her, do anything for her, and she is the same with you.
The way Cirrus kisses you is similar to Sodo in that they're full of heated passion, but not as aggressive. She's forceful, pushing a knee between your legs, tugging your clothes or your hair, but not to engulf you. She wants and needs to feel you, to know that you're just as real as she is, and that this isn't a dream. But when you fight back, trying to take control and dominate the kiss, it's your way of letting her know that you're very real and that she couldn't get rid of you even if she tried. There's biting, sucking of lips, squeezing of flesh, and both of your hearts rattling against your chests. In that moment, you both feel so electric and alive.
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spacebarbarianweird · 10 months
The Rogue and The Barbarian
Summary: Six months after the game, Astarions asks Tiriel why she's stayed with him.
Pairing: Astarion x OC (Tiriel)
Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort, post-game, patch 5 epilogue, named Tav, established relationship, f!tav
Read on AO3
This line from the epilogue really got me so I decided to write the confession scene featuring my beloved OC Tav named Tiriel.
One night he tells you that these six months of happy memories are the counterweight to two hundred years of misery.
Thanks @satanicspinosaurus for the amazing work as a beta-reader. Your comments and suggestions were super helpful.
Tiriel is a half-elf Barbarian with Chaotic Good allignment. More about her here
Steam rises over a small pond at the back of the cave, and it almost looks as good as a hot bath in the inn. The warm spring nicely heats the air, contrasting to the cold nights Astarion and Tiriel have faced for the last few months. 
Six months, to be precise.
Astarion cautiously approaches the pond. The murky surface can’t reflect anyone, and the vampire touches the water. 
"Go on, I'll join you!" Tiriel says, and her voice echoes in the cave.
"Don't make me wait too long, then," he answers.
Six months ago, the tadpole which allowed him to walk in the sun dissapeared. Six months ago, the insane adventure he had found himself in was over. Six months ago, he murdered the monster who had made him a vampire. 
Six months ago, he became free. 
Astarion undresses, laying his clothes beside the pool. The clothes are dirty with blood, and so is he.
Being naked feels weird and uneasy. The sense of vulnerability returns as he sits at the pond's edge, submerging his legs in warm water. 
It would be naïve to believe his demons and darkness would disappear after the monster's death. That the gnawing void in his chest would somehow miraculously heal in one day. His darkness lingers in his mind daily, devouring thoughts and sanity. The only thing he can do is fight. 
Astarion takes a piece of cloth and starts washing dirt off his skin. If only it was possible to wash away all the non-consensual touches he'd endured over years. To forget, to peel it off. 
If only…
A soft thump takes Astarion out of his thoughts, and he sees a pile of clothes getting bigger – adding Tiriel's trousers and shirt under her armor. 
Tiriel stays at the edge beside him for a heartbeat and then jumps into the water, splashing Astarion with a warm wave. 
"Finally!" the half-elf says, returning to the surface and sitting at the pond's edge. 
Astarion can't take his eyes away from Tiriel. Hair, red as fire. Her right eye is greyish blue, like the autumn sky. The other used to be green as spring before the hag had transformed it. 
Freckles dance all over her body, especially plenty on her back. Half-elven ears with a thin scar on one of them. Breasts, small and perky. A bigger bottom. "Elven tits but human butt!" she once told him after receiving yet another playful slap from him. Hands so elegant and feminine, elven-like. Legs more human-like, thick, and strong. 
She is stuck between two worlds and takes the best from both. 
Tiriel the Barbarian is a woman of no kin and no home. 
"Need help?" she asks.
"I am pretty capable of washing myself."
"I know, but do you need help?"
"Yes, please."
Tyrael smiles and kneels behind him with a piece of rag.
"Tell me if it hurts".
He nods. Somehow, being both naked doesn't have anything sexual. It is something else, some new level of intimacy. Tiriel lovingly washes his body, and her touches are gentle and caring. Occasionally, she plants a kiss, and a shiver goes down his spine.
Astarion relaxes, closing his eyes like a content cat. His world reduces to the sound of dripping water and Tiriel's humming.
The song sounds unfamiliar. Sometimes, Astarion thinks he's already heard all the songs and ballads Tiriel knows. Still, every other evening, she chooses another. Sometimes, he thinks she composes them, but she laughs at the suggestion.
Astarion, my heart, do I look like a bard to you? It's just how humans tell their stories.
Astarion concentrates on Tiriel's voice and her gentle caress. She starts washing his hair, massaging the scalp with long, stiff fingers.
"I never heard this song."
“It’s a ballad of half-elves. A human woman falls in love with an elf. She offers him gifts – a heavy sword made of iron, sleeping potions to make him dream, a fur cape to warm him in the coldest winter, a stallion fast as the wind. And he just mocks her. Because human lives are short and their ways are animalistic. But it seems the mocking is dishonest, since half-elves are born anyway."
Astarion catches her arm and presses lips against Tiriel's wrist. She giggles and nuzzles his neck.
"Which would you take if someone offered you such gifts?"
"Difficult choice," Astarion chuckles. "I don't think I could pick up the sword; horses fear me. The cape sounds nice."
"The cape enchanted with fire magic - that has its own warmth," Tiriel sings.
"Then definitely the cape."
She laughs. "I would have taken the sword."
"Who would ever doubt that, my ferocious love?"
Tiriel hugs Astarion from behind, placing her cheek on the upper part of his scars. Her grip is tight, as if she tries not to let him fall. 
Astarion places a palm over her hands. Tiriel is so warm. He doesn't want to let her go. If, a mere year ago, someone told him that this would be his life very soon enough-he would bitterly laugh at their faces.
Freedom? A monster dying a painful death? Tiriel? Those things were unreal. 
Tiriel finally lets him go and returns to washing herself. 
She looks up at him. Her eyes were so close he could see the green iris behind the foggy hag eye.
"What is it?"
"Why do you stay?"
She pulls back a bit.
"What do you mean?"
"I – I don't understand why you are with me. You could choose any man but chose me. Why?"
Tiriel is silent and Astarion fears he has hurt her. There is an instinct to apologize, to beg for forgiveness. He shouldn’t have asked. 
She sighs. "Apart from the fact you are the most beautiful and handsome man I ever met in my life?"
"Six months ago, I would have thought that was enough."
Tiriel takes his hand. "Look at me, please." 
Her smile shines like the summer sun. "You want to know why I am with you? Because you sometimes think that I am with you either for pity or just because of your looks?"
He nods. 
"I love you for being brave. For being strong. All these decades of torments and you preserved yourself. You survived where madness was the only choice. You never allowed to break yourself. What can be more heroic? Every day you fight the darkness in your soul – and win. It is an invisible fight but, gods, it's more formidable than fighting dragons and monsters. I can see it. I see it daily, and I admire you for that. Because accepting darkness is easy."
She touches a loose strand of silver hair and kisses his cheek. "I love you for being so smart and good with words. I can't even read – and you know so many things I didn't even know existed! You open a new world for me, every day!"
"You know I can teach you how to read?"
"My eyes hurt when these letters jump on the page."
"Unless the book is enchanted, they are not supposed to."
Tiriel cups his cheek and plants a kiss on his forehead.
"You care about me. You protect me. No one ever did! I am this wild warrior girl who can kill a giant with one swift of her sword. Who can be beaten to death and then stands up with bones broken and wounds bleeding and shrugs it all away. No matter how in pain I was, no one ever asked me how I felt. No one cared. Do you know why people like me drink ale all the time, especially celebrating victories? Because we're in pain. But we can't show it, it's a weakness. And we can't be weak."
Tiriel suddenly turns her eyes away, and Astarion sees a glimpse of pain as if she re-lives those moments. He pictures a wounded woman who drinks herself to numbness while people cheer her for slaying a monster. Then a bleeding half-elf curled up in the tent, hollow and miserable. 
"But you – you care. When I don't rage anymore, when I feel the pain and exhaustion again, I don't have to think how to get back to camp and make sure my companions don't steal my part of the loot. I can just fall into your arms and let you take care of the rest. Washing me, helping to undress. You help me with my flesh wounds and broken bones. You wait till I recover – and don't let me risk myself."
"It would be cruel to let you return to the fight with internal bleeding."
"Aastarion, that's the point. I've never had anyone who would do that to me. I never knew I could sleep so worriless. My heart, you are safety. You are protection. You let me hide behind your back. No one ever did. Because if someone with a two-handed sword joins your party, she is supposed to protect you. Sometimes I would vomit blood after the fight and people would surround a delicate looking maiden-sorceress who was just shocked by seeing so much blood and gore. I was always the last one to get the potion or healing. I am Tiriel the Barbarian, after all. No one would check up on me, no one would look after me. But you – you do that. Astarion, you can't even apprehend how much love there is inside you. And how much I need it."
Astarion finally makes himself move and pulls Tiriel closer. She wraps her hands around his neck. 
"You remind me of a fairytale I loved as a girl. When I was beaten by my mother and when my stepfather called me a "fairy bastard," I would run to the village healer and listen to his wife telling fairy tales. There was one which always caught my attention.”
"A long time ago there was a warrior woman whose ancestors were giants. She was fierce and strong. One day she got a mission – to kill a monster. She realized the monster was indeed an enchanted prince. She broke his chains and they married. I always pictured this prince as an elf in my head. Like, he was described as someone very beautiful. It couldn't be a human! Human males are ugly. Or maybe it was my own desperate hope my elven father would come back and take me with him".
"And what is more important, you understand me. You laugh at my stupid jokes. You know how to make me feel better. I love talking to you. I never thought I would find someone I would be so comfortable with. Yes, I fell for your looks. For your sweet words. You made me feel wanted, desired. Everything I thought I wasn't. I knew you were manipulating me; it was easy to understand. But I felt good when you dragged me to the woods. I am going to live for fifteen or twenty decades more and I want to live these years with you. I don't want and don't need anyone else." 
Astarion stares at Tiriel as if seeing her for the first time. As if they hadn't shared a bed for half a year. It was like she was talking about someone else. Someone he doesn't even know. How come… how come he has her? What a weird coincidence made them meet? Maybe some god was responsible after all. Heard his prayers and made that unknown elf hook up with a married human woman thirty-six years ago. 
A married human woman who hated the little girl she gave birth to. Who abused Tiriel and beat her for her mere existence. 
"My stepfather once lusted for me and he suppressed his desires with violence. He snatched a knife and cut my left ear off. The healer stitched it back but I have a scar left."
The girl grew up. Survived. Made her way to Baldur's Gate.
Tiriel, with her absolute lack of self-control or respect for anyone, solved most of the problems threatening to break people's bones.
"He told you "No!", I will smash your head against the wall if you don't leave him alone, you drow bitch!"
His very own knight in shining armor. Well, barbarian rags rather than actual armor, but Astarion is also far from an innocent prince. 
Tiriel puts her head on his chest as if trying to hear his undead heart. They both don't move, holding each other in silence. Astarion wants to say a thousand words. How much he loves her. How she makes his undead heart ache. How he adores her – with her dark humor, easygoing nature, and bravery.
But he can't. The words are stuck in his throat; meanwhile, Tiriel keeps humming. A song of the north, of the wilderness. There is wind and cold, battles and blood. The smell of burning wood. The rage. The sorrow. And dragons. 
Tiriel, the unwanted daughter of the barbarian kin, holds Astarion, and he drowns in her arms. Safety, protection, freedom, love. Such simple concepts and yet so unknown.
He doesn't want to let her go. He won't let her go unless she wants.
"Ok I am freezing and want to sleep. I will be in the tent," She pulls away, shivering. "How do you say "my love" in Sylvan?"
"Salen Aster," Astarion answers, and the words sound like a spell.
"Then see you later, Salen Aester."
He chuckles – Tiriel pronounces the words clumsily with a terrible Common accent. 
"Have a good rest, my love."
Being alone is uncomfortable. So he quickly puts on clean clothes, leaving the dirty pile for the latter, and returns to the small camp they had put up. Tiriel is already under the fur blanket but knows she hasn't fallen asleep yet. She never goes to sleep without him. So while she rests, Astarion stays beside guarding her or meditating himself.
Astarion crawls beside her, and she immediately wraps herself around him, placing her redhead on his chest, sharing body warmth.
Astarion concentrates on the heartbeat. He can feel blood streaming around her body. Her short breaths. Tiriel is so alive it's enough for two of them. 
"Hm?" she looks up at him, her eyes already sleepy.
"These six months we've been together are the counterweight to two hundred years of misery I endured. My worst memory lasted longer than I know you but somehow… somehow it holds the same gravity as those years of darkness. I don't even know how this is possible."
She smiles and caresses his cheek.
"Rage is louder than tears, fire is brighter than shadows. Rags are cheap but fur is paid with gold."
It seems like she wants to say something else, but she falls asleep in his arms. Astarion looks at her with adoration, trying to memorize every small detail of her face.
"Salen Aester", he whispers in her ear. 
Tag List
@tragedybunny @caitlincat-95 @tallymonster @astarionsbeloved @lumienyx @fayeriess @elora-the-slutty-songstress @veillsar @astarion-imagine-archive @micropoe10 @starlight-ipomoea @herstxrgirl @theearthsfinalconfession @ashrio20 @not-so-lost-after-all @vixstarria @wintersire @marcynomercy
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One,I love the Sleepy scenes~ and two,Maybe The Gorillaz at the beach with their SO please?👉🏻🥰👈🏻
Oh my god, I absolutely LOVE this request!! Thank you so much for requesting it!! 💕💕
At The Beach With Their SO!
Murdoc F. Niccals
•Doesn't like the beach, but also doesn't hate it.
•The man absolutely HATES the feeling of sand on his feet so he will be wearing his iconic boots.
•If you decide to wear a more revealing outfit to the beach, he will be feral. And try and pick fights with anyone who so much as looks at you wrong.
•If you splash him while you're swimming together he will tackle you into the water and make his silly grumpy Murdoc noises because you ruined his hair.
•Old man gets tired fast so he won't be in the water for too long.
•He tries to keep his eyes off of other people but he can't help himself sometimes! If you catch him staring at someone, he reminds you that he loves you and only you.
•Will give you so many cuddles and acts of physical affection just to show you off.
•He will be pushing children's sand castles over.
•Absolutely will not build a sandcastle with you.
Stuart '2D' Pot
•He both loves and hates the beach.
•He loves it because he enjoys the water and all the fun activities you can do at a beach like building sand castles.
•But he hates it because of everything that happened at Plastic Beach.
•Speaking of sandcastles, PLEASE build one with him. He will be so happy.
•Will definitely love having a splash fight with you! Until you get water in his eye.
•Please don't mention whales, he will start to panic and there's a good chance he will start crying.
•If you cuddle him on the shore he will fall asleep. He can't help himself when the sun is so warm and you're so soft!
•If there's a popsicle stand nearby keep an eye on him. He will run over there and buy every sweet item he can, then devour them in a few minutes.
•He will refuse to bring an extra pair of clothes, if you don't bring an extra pair, there's a good chance he will get overstimulated because of the sand.
Russel Hobbs
•He doesn't like to swim in the ocean because of Plastic Beach.
•But he will stay on shore and watch you swim (if you want to swim).
•He will absolutely love to build a sandcastle with you!
•He will pack a little basket full of your favorite food so you can have a picnic on the beach!
•Russel will definitely try and catch a crab or two.
•If he does catch a crab he shows it to you and lets it go as soon as he can so he doesn't hurt it.
•Please sit in his lap, he loves to hold you while you're sitting in his lap.
•Expect a lot of forehead kisses.
•She will bring pool floaties for sure.
•Especially the big obnoxious ones.
•Noodle will definitely build a sandcastle with you! But she will always ask you if she can smash it after.
•If you give her permission to smash the sandcastle, she will make little noises while she breaks it!
•When she's done breaking the sandcastle, she will always ask if you two can build another one.
•She likes to hold onto you, especially in public so that everyone knows that you are hers and aren't up for grabs.
•She especially loves to wrap her arm around your waist while you two walk.
•If anyone says you're friends or anything along those lines, she's quick to tell them that you're dating!
Ace Copular
•He likes going to the beach at night.
•If the beach closes before midnight, he has no problem with trespassing.
•He just loves to watch the stars with you while laying on the beach!
•He does like going to the beach during the daytime though.
•That's only because it's warm enough for you to wear less clothing.
•He will stare at you the whole time, no one else.
I am still working on other requests! I just tend to get out headcanons faster!
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elirastudio · 8 months
Helloooo <3
I have a bunch of questions about your Shadow King au (my fav au btw), but you don't have to answer to all of them if you don't want to
1) Does Lady Bone Demon exist and if so who frees her (and what is her relationship with the monkeys)?
2) Does MK ever meet Pigsy, Tang and Sandy?
3) Does the Demon Bull family have an important role in your au?
4) Were Sun Wukong and Spider Queen exes? (I know this is a stupid question, but I'm just curious😭)
Love your art btw *devours it*
(Also I never really understood the people that said that they liked someone's art so much they wanted to eat it until I saw yours😭your art style really looks edible)
(And if you have answered those questions before, sorry I asked I've been told I have a memory if a goldfish)
First I want to say that I am about to cry, is thanks to people like you and this kind of comments that I can keep going, so I really thank you and I hope you will keep enjoying my stuff.✨💕
1) the lady bone demon obviously exists, she will be freed by the spider queen.
2)obviously yes they are his uncles
3)not really, red son yes but the rest of the family is a little less important, cuz we didn’t have the all seal away demon bull king and stuff
4) no😂, to be honest i always found it a funny headcanon but for me there were other demons more suited to be wukong exes
5)yes they will, they are childhood friends
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2x04 Interstice: Eglee
Below is an excerpt from the initial fanfic I intended to write about Eglee and Santiago. Since watching the finale, my headcanons on her personality/backstory have significantly changed, rendering the below story incompatible with this new profile. But I still like it enough not to want to just scrap it without posting the remains, so here they are.
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As flowers have no choice but to gaze upon the sun which scorches their petals and withers their gentle stems, so too is she rooted in agonizing wilt behind the curtain, unable to tear her gaze from the brightest star gleaming across their hallowed stage, even as the very sight of him crushes her heart in its brawny grip and devours the scraps with relish. 
A heavy hand, not of fate but of discipline, clasps gently her trembling shoulder. She swallows the gasp which threatens to interrupt the sacred performance, to earn his ire, and tilts her head back to meet the sternness of Romaine’s glowing gaze.
‘Eglee, focus.’
At the bottom of the backstage stairs, it is Celeste’s arms which wrap around his neck, Celeste’s lips which bestow sultry praise and receive deep kisses in glad return, while she scurries past like a rat on its way to the body box, chin tucked down to evade seeing the object of her desires in the arms of another. 
Unfortunately, their entwined thoughts are not so easily avoided—strolling in hot and heavy through her white picket mind, trampling her orchid thoughts and wildflower dreams with malicious abandon. 
She slumps down before her vanity, leaving the lights off to let the shadows ease her throbbing forehead and conceal her ruby tears, as the rest of the coven’s jubilations drown out her raging sobs. 
Santiago is the most breathtaking of anyone she has ever loved, but in equal measure also one of the most cruel, second only to her maker, he who had abandoned his precious fledgling in the mountains and left her to fend for herself, when he had not raised her to be capable of such survival, deliberately dampening her most natural vampiric instincts to keep her in a perpetual state of dependence, a pretty little whore in a golden tomb of his own creation. 
And yet, has Santiago not treated her worse? 
Her maker, wherever he may be, at least was never so cruel as to return to her embrace, only to then parade any new lovers right in front of her. She has already experienced this exact situation several times in Santiago’s two decades in the coven—always with Celeste as l’autre femme.
And always, Eglee takes him back. 
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landslided · 4 months
Do you have any headcanons for Johnny’s life between the end of tkk and beginning of ck? The show gives us a lot of background for his life before tkk but not so much after that
but omg, yes of couuuurse i do.
as a slight warning: canon is my sandcastle, i get to reshape it as i please, this might not be totally accurate to the info given by the show but i! don't! care!
tw: alcoholism, sex work mention, sickness
johnny did graduate high school but it was very precarious. bobby and jimmy pulled through in those last months by making the three other boys study as much as they could, tommy and johnny managed to graduate but dutch dropped out at the last second (and got his GED later, in prison).
johnny enrolled to business school because sid told him this was all he would pay for. he was more interested in a sport related career but sid told him trying for sport coach or exercise physiologist would just be a waste of time.
the cobras had a shitty rock garage band from 1992 to 1994, there are extremely cringe clips robbie would have definitely found and left anonymous hate on. johnny played the bass and sang. (robbie was upset that, yes, it was cringe, but his dad was kinda good)
johnny had messy MESSY relationships for whole of his twenties and the start of his thirties. he had a pretty serious girlfriend after his short time at business school but they broke up because he absolutely did not want her to meet his mom and it started a huge fight.
johnny also DID have relationships with men because i am of the #BiJohnnyAndAwareOfOIt school at least as he got older. he was extremely repressed in high school but had an awakening in his twenties. he and the cobras did fool around when they were younger but only johnny really seems to have stuck with it. (take that as you want)
(meanwhile to ME daniel larusso was aware that he liked men as a teenager but it didn't really become an issue until he was an adult and he is now creating levels of repression totally unreachable by the common man)
okay back to the question: johnny dated/slept with a few guys, mainly it was casual sex because he accepted he wanted to fuck men, he less accepted that he could also fall in love with them. he did have a pretty serious boyfriend who broke up with him to get married to a woman and it made johnny SO FUCKING UPSET (he couldn't really??? express it?? like yeah okay dude, it's chill we basically lived together but yeah go marry her i mean it was just fucking around right?) that he crashed the avanti. when he asked sid for money to fix it, sid said no and took the keys.
johnny had a bunch of jobs going from handyman to server, to basically anything under the sun that could pay his rent once sid threw him out. i do believe jhnny was a type of sex worker for a while although im not sure what and i don't think he stayed long.
johnny and laura were very close but as he got older, he started looking more and more like his father and it upset laura a lot.
he and shannon met in a bar, she was scamming guys out of their money at the pool table, johnny saw her and was like... i need to know her.
they WERE in love, it was genuine and real for a while but very quickly they understood they were too similar and couldn't have an actual relationship without devouring each other. they did continue to have sex for a long time because they trusted each other and stayed friends... until robbie.
when shannon got pregnant there was a moment they didn't know if it was his and johnny was like, even if its not mine i will help and it would have probably been easier for him to step up if it hadn't been his kid. shannon did a test, robbie was his kid and the mess started there.
laura got sick and it was long and agonizing. johnny tried to save face but that's truly when he started drinking (he always had a drink problem but this was the breaking point), shannon had robbie and johnny crumbled.
shannon and johnny tried to get back together for robbie but they did end up doing what they were afraid of doing: destroying each other.
for a while johnny was forcefully admitted to a psych ward by bobby and it worked as rehab for about six weeks but the moment he got out, it got worse.
meeting miguel is what saved johnny's life in many ways, however, meeting daniel larusso back in high school and then seeing him again at the dealership is what gave him the drive to keep trying (absolute spite)
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pepmint-art · 11 months
May we have some badguyshipping headcanons? And maybe learn Wu’s reaction to seeing his son date former(current??) bad guys?
Wait… Did Harumi try pulling what she did to Lloyd on canon on Morro? And she dragged Echo along with her?
ninjas' team and lloyd (who did not want to be there) met harumi (and echo) in line with canonical events and it was a love at first sight, but only for morro. harumi had other plans, in which she ignors and doesn't acknowledge his existence while having a typical teen girls' crush on older guy who, reasonably had many reasons to try and run away from them. and we goes like that till crystalized.
and to explain a little more, harumi doesn't hate lloyd in here. while the team and garmadon were dealing with great devourer in season 2, lloyd knew he couldn't do much as he's not a fighter, he can't use his powers intentionally (he does it accidentaly in the end but still), he would go for a sure death, so he did all he could and helped escorting people out from the danger zone and he actually rescued little harumi. garmadon was a hero, he saved ninjago, but lloyd was her hero. she litteraly wanted to reunite son and father in season 8, but it all went wrong and we have exactly same shit going on as in oni trilogy.
harumi is obsessed with lloyd in the end understanding that he's old and she's a god damn weirdo (girl, leave him alone, he has a puppy and boyfriend and HE'S TOO OLD FOR YOU), morro has multiply mental breakdowns and grows up to accept that he can't make someone love him, love will come by itself to him (give me cute cousins moment with lloyd being intelligent for the first time in his life), and echo is happy to be there (he deserves all the hugs)
and than, no one knows why or how, things happened AND BOOM they're in love.
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for the headcanons:
-their love aroused over my chemical romance and my little pony
that's all. the rest is just FACTS and facts only.
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echo is a true romantic. for him love always wins. for him, there always his partners to love. he's neat.
also them getting to have their teen years as a couple is what i live for. even if only a little, it still works. were they drinking heavily? no, it was a capri sun. were they smoking? no, they're too cool and poor for this. were they doing crack. yes.
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morro is bi. bi himself. and two bad bitches he pulled out by being autistic.
like, rumi and echo are walking fushion icons, baddest of the bad bitches, they slay while doing crimes, charming and deadly beautiful/handsome
and wu is surprisingly supportive :)
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and really competitive with misako. they hate each other so badly. trans woman that destroyed his (also trans, but he forgets about this. he actually refused to remember he ever had a sister in his life, because he didn't, it never happened, life is a simulation and everyone made it up) brother (not really, actually made him really happy) and garmadon was never the same
oh, and one more thing
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in dragons rising, they are divorced
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bluravenite · 1 year
What are your favorite things about fire rain? Also I’m devouring your fire rain design I love it so much it’s so pretty and creative I love it and ily 💚💚
Fire ghoul rain timeline headcanons I think because it just means I can develop his backstory?
CW: ghoul backstory shenanigans, general angst I stuff, murder/violence/self-hate vocab may be present, not aiming for triggering but I want everyone to be able to feel safe reading it so just watch out! Happy ending tho :3
Fire ghoul Rain would be violent and agile, I think.
When rain gets summoned as water ghoul he and dew get along easily, dew would be supposed to pass down his position to him, they are both aware of their situation and dew pleads to rain to let him bite the bullet.
"I'm older, I've been here longer, I can take it-" cries dew.
"if I don't turn into fire myself they'll burn me to ashes, lilypad"
"there has to be a way.. Rain, fuck!... please??" Cries dew again...
Rain would betray dew I think, put him to bed, swear nothing will happen ever, that they'll never separate them, or hurt them, until dew hears the screams in the middle of the night. The heat emanating from the stone and wood feels dry and hot... almost debilitating, but still everyone makes it down to him, and there in the middle the still small, long frame of the once water ghoul, writhing in pain, his fins and gills actively burning out, suturing at the core, engraving the scars into his skin. He cries and screams. There is a blue glow surrounding him, and then an orange red hue, which at this hour, the ghouls cannot tell if it's coming from the early rising sun, or from the hellfire itself, burning inside their packmate.
The recovery period is spent with dew... who refuses to let go of his mate, as much as rain pushes him away at times and struggles to communicate with the little water ghoul.
And Dew is angry. Rising like a riptide, he flicks his hair and gives him the pout™ and rain feels the guilt consume inside him. Dew rants away, condescendingly, disapproving. It's the only way he knows to show his worry.. his own guilt... the disappointment. And rain takes it because he knows deep down he deserves every minute of it. It was a calculated risk and he took it on purpose, and he forgives and forgets, and he holds dew right in his arms placing his forehead just behind dewdrop's jawline... and for a minute, he cannot stop the tears.
And Dew sees him... understands him. just like dew will forever be his lilypad, rain, will always be his rain. Dew is that last bit of water he can cling onto in a desert of fire and pain.
At first the powers are terrible... he burns himself constantly, he lives on the infirmary for the most part, between aether, mountain and dew, making sure his skin doesn't fall off. Ifrit tries to help... teaching him, guiding him and it sometimes works... then there's alpha... alpha who will not take his eyes off dewdrop, who will not shut his mouth about the pretty little water thing he is... and it boils everyone's blood, and rain knows the way mist scolds alpha for running his mouth, the way he tires every time she steps in front of him to stop his bullshit, and he knows... as a water Ghoul he could only do so much as mist did. But as a fire ghoul?
As a fire ghoul alpha would also make stupid condescending comments about his lack of control, his weakness, the way his body rejected itself... it's elements... how pathetic it was of him to not even naturally have fire. As a fire ghoul, Rain could prove alpha wrong, as a fire ghoul rain could step in and let alpha pick on someone his own element... and thought smaller in size... stronger in fire.
Rain is violent, and quick. Anyone who dares look at Dew in the wrong way gets a hiss directly to the face from Rain. The quick protective motion, bait and switch. Pushing the smaller ghoul behind him, lighting himself up like a wall of flame between the danger and its target. And it burns, just the cold dead stare of the turned fire ghoul through the hissing. The threat is not that rain will attack, he is small and lanky still. The real threat is that he cannot hurt anymore than his body already hurts itself the fire burns so hot that even rain cannot feel it... that he no longer has warmth to lose with death, he does not fear. And he is willing to put everything on the line for dew, so a hiss is usually all it takes for any ghoul to know their place near dew and with rain.
He is ruthless and cold, despite his element.
And still every day, hour, minute, and second is a struggle. His body hates itself, his mind fights him, his past haunts him, his future quivers before him. And his pack all has thoughts and feelings they'll never end or speak up. And it will always be uncertain how things would've gone for him if they had found other ways, other outs... but why dwell in the past, when the only certainty is that his one promise to dew, that they'll never be apart again, remains kept.
Have mercy I proofread once and it's 4 am as I'm writing this... on the queue we go...
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somethinga7 · 9 months
A depressing ass hc me and oomf accidentally created:
Underfed/disordered eating Luca
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I mean I like darker hcs, we just don’t have much cause Luca is a (mostly) nice and innocent little world but an underfed/disordered eating Luca makes a concerning amount of sense to me (as someone who was underfed as a kid)
(And while I do project onto Luca quite a bit, this is one of the times where it, 1: makes quite a lot of sense, and 2: means a lot to me. Also depressing headcanons pave the way for the cutest headcanons, especially for ships)
• Like we all obv know about the one snack he got for lunch, and while I don’t think his parents were DELIBERATELY under-feeding him and I don’t think he’s severely underweight, I do still think they were under-feeding him, just accidentally.
• I think it’s partly to do with his mum trying to shut down his curiosity like she did in the movie. She’s sending him back to work before finishing lunch for asking questions, Luca’s like main trait is his curiosity, this has probably happened quite a bit, which also means he’s probably not been eating enough
• Also let’s be honest, Daniela would 100% be the type of parent to be way too obsessed with “healthy” eating to the point where she accidentally was underfeeding him
• There’s also his body type compared to the rest of his family. His whole family (that we see) are plus size, Daniela, Lorenzo, Grandma and Ugo are all the same body type, a plus size body type, while Luca is skinny. Realistically if they were eating the same things, Luca should be a similar body shape/size to his family, especially considering they are all similar to each other but he’s just… not
• While he is the youngest of the underdogs, under the lens of this hc, it is concerning that he is so short. The only source I could really find said he is 4’11 and he’s 13, nearly 14, that’s pretty short for a boy his age, I would know cause that was my height at that age and everyone my age was a lot taller than me, and I *was* underfed) this could very easily be stunted growth, which is commonly caused by lack of nutrition/feeding
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• Then there’s the getting full the quickest. While I understand it was a challenge as part of the race so it’s supposed to be a lot, he was struggling when compared to Giulia (sure she’s done it before but eating that much once a year doesn’t make you better at it next year, how much you can eat in one sitting is really dependent on how much you eat everyday)
• “Oh but he ate the trenette al pesto quickly and wasn’t full” I hear you saying to yourself. The only thing he “ate” that day was, at most, a small chunk of gelato. He ran away from home immediately after the fight with his mum so at night/early morning, got to Alberto’s tower at around dawn that day (we can see the sun barely up) so he would’ve skipped breakfast. We can assume they didn’t have anything else to eat as they spent most of their afternoon busy with going to and being in portorosso (and Alberto kinda confirms it with “I’m definitely hungry”)
Of course Luca would devour the (smaller than the race) plate of pasta, poor boy was starving that day
• Also I’m not sure if you can burp underwater but if you can then it’s also kinda concerning that he’s never eaten enough to burp/was so surprised by it during the race because surely they’d have some sort of sea monster celebration where they eat a lot of food AT LEAST, he should’ve experienced this before
Anyways, in conclusion, Daniela, feed your damn child.
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marvelmusing · 2 years
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Gorgon!Billy Russo x Goddess!Reader
headcanons under the cut
A/N: features brief mentions of sex and violence. Reader is based on Athena, and the gods in this are based on the Greek Gods but it’s a loose inspiration
Growing up in the group home, one of Billy’s only sources of refuge was reading myths and stories about the old gods and how they used to bless mortals who were dedicated enough.
Several years later, Billy is struggling to keep Anvil afloat. He hadn’t been caught up in the illegal activities of Rawlins, but his old commander’s actions still had an impact on Billy.
He’s walking by a trinket shop when he spots a familiar symbol. The Goddess of Wisdom’s symbol. It’s a dull golden charm, hanging from a thin piece of black string. Something inside him calls out to the charm, and he buys it.
Billy hasn’t had time for reading or hobbies over the years, too busy fighting, trying to stay alive, then create a business for himself. Alone. But after buying the necklace, he feels the urge to go back to the stories he had read as a child.
All the while, he keeps the necklace on, the charm settled next to his beating heart.
He goes to the library, spending hours reading through countless books. Anything about the old gods - but particularly the Wisdom goddess. Original texts. Academic analysis. Poems and plays. Trashy romantic retellings written for teenagers. Billy devours every word of it.
He reads online discourse and debates. He goes to museums and art galleries, admiring how the artists tried to capture the Goddess’ likeness.
Eventually, he finds a summoning spell, to call the Goddess to you. He doesn’t really think it will work, so he tucks it away in his office at Anvil.
He only finds the spell again one Sunday morning when he comes into work, hoping to distract himself from the ache in his chest.
He knew people saw him as a one-time thing. He knew that the girl he’d been flirting with over the last week probably wouldn’t want to stay and have breakfast with him. He would settle for whatever morning sex she wanted and hopefully she’d want to see him again. Because he liked her. He always liked them.
Only for her to wake up and immediately get dressed, telling him she had only gone out with him because her father wanted to make an offer on Anvil.
Now here Billy was, in his office on a Sunday, feeling used, when he wanted to still be in bed with someone who cares about him. Clearly that’s too much to ask for, he thinks bitterly, swiping his papers to the floor in pain-fuelled frustration.
Then he spots the summoning spell.
He draws the complex diagram on a piece of paper, writes his name in the centre, encircled by the many names of the Goddess. Billy says the words of the spell, his tongue pronouncing the syllables clumsily.
He waits for a long moment, looking around for any sense of another presence. He strains his ears, listening for some sort of sign for the God’s. Something to take away the awful ache inside him. To make him feel whole.
Then Billy passes out.
When he comes to, he’s on a cliff top, overlooking the sea. The wind whips at his hair as he looks around wildly. A voice calls out calmly,
“Hello William Russo.”
He turns. You’re sitting on a tree stump, leaning back on your arms as you enjoy the warm glow of the sun on your skin. Your eyes are hooded, due to the brightness, as you look over at him.
The breath catches in Billy’s throat. You’re ethereal. More gorgeous than he could ever imagine. His lips part, and you appear to be amused at his expression. He briefly wonders whether he should kneel at your feet. Then he shakes himself.
“What’s going on? Where am I?”
“You called out to me.” Your voice is soft, and he could listen to you all day long. “So I brought you here, to my island.”
“Why?” You shrug lightly.
“I’ve seen your pursuits, William Russo. It’s been quite some time since a mortal was so dedicated to me.”
The skin over his cheekbones reddens.
“I’ve seen your struggles too. I’d like to make you an offer.” He narrows his eyes. He knows to be wary of the gods and their gifts, but you don’t seem to mean him any harm. “Any mortal that looks at you with ill intentions in their heart will suffer greatly for it.” His stomach flips. That’s what he’s always wanted.
“What’s the catch?”
“You will be bound to this island, and serve here as the protector of my temple for the rest of your life.”
You point through the trees to where a large marble structure stands, though it looks like it’s seen better days.
“That’s all?” He asks. You nod. He runs it through his mind. He doesn’t have much waiting for him back in his old life. Here, he would have safety, and a purpose, and you. “I’ll do it.”
“Will you swear it?”
“One condition.” You nod. “I want your blessing as well.”
A smile creeps over your lips. You do love it when mortals are clever.
Then Billy swears an oath to remain on your island, and protect your temple for the rest of his life. You step closer to him, asking him to close his eyes. There’s only a moment of hesitation, before he obeys.
Leaning close, you press a featherlight kiss to each of his closed eyelids. Then one on his forehead.
“Say goodbye to your mortality, William Russo.”
He breathes out a nervous laugh.
“I think you can call me Billy, all things considered.” You chuckle quietly, and Billy wants to hear that sound for the rest of his life. You step back, allowing your magic to settle over him.
“Open your eyes then, Billy.”
You smile at your work, taking his hand in yours and leading him towards the temple. There’s an adorable frown of confusion on his face. He doesn’t feel any different.
His eyes widen when you step foot in the temple. High ceilings and beautiful paintings on the walls, now faded with the sun and smudged by rain. Ornate columns and carvings that are crumbling slowly with time. You stop in front of a large mirror, and Billy finally sees his reflection.
He stares in shock.
If he could tear his eyes away he would notice that you look nervous.
“A Gorgon?” He says faintly, reaching up towards the mass of dark snakes sitting on the top of his head.
“I kept most of your human features. No hooves or wings or tail.”
“Snakes.” He says, running his hand tentatively over the creatures.
“Yes.” Your voice is very quiet. “I sharpened your teeth, and nails.” He observes these features, looking them over curiously. “Changed your hair, obviously. And your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
He looks closer into the mirror, studying his eyes. They look the same dark brown as they always have, though when the sunlight hits them appear to shimmer like moonlight over a still lake.
“So I can turn people into stone?”
“Only those who wish you ill will.” You remind him, before adding in a soft, dangerous tone, “I’ve heard it’s quite an agonising way to die.”
Billy tilts his head as he looks at you. So kind and gentle with him, but he sees the cruelty underneath. He sees how dangerous your beauty is. You’re just like him.
“Thank you.”
From then onwards Billy lives in your temple. After his first day on the island, you’re called away to the Council of the God’s. You warn Billy that you may be gone a long time. Years feel different to immortals, and trying to gather all twelve of you, then come to a decision together takes the patience of a saint.
Billy assures you that he’s used to being alone. Though that doesn’t make you feel better as you dematerialise and drift away to the Council.
While you’re away, Billy cleans up the rubble and the weeds growing in the cracks of the temple. He then patches up those cracks, to the best of his ability. He manages to come to an agreement with the local bees, and makes beeswax candles for your altar.
As you’re sitting through the meeting, sighing as your sibling falls from their chair after one too many glasses of wine, you feel the changes Billy is making. With every pile of dust removed, your head feels clearer. With every animal he befriends, your heart flutters. When he lights the candles on your altar, you feel powerful for the first time in years.
Your brother observes the change as the two of you walk out of the Council Hall once the meeting has finally concluded.
“You seem happy. Don’t tell me you’ve finally found someone to warm your temple.” He teases with a smug grin, and you shove his shoulder, eyeing the sky as sunrise is about to begin.
“Don’t you have a chariot to pull, little brother?”
Before he can respond, you shift into an owl and soar off into the night.
Billy is in the temple when you arrive. He turns when he hears you coming, his eyes wide as you move towards him in a glistening silver gown, the thin fabric rippling as you walk.
“My Goddess.” He greets you with such awe in his voice that you shiver.
“Hello Billy.”
He grins wickedly with a confidence he hadn’t shown you before.
“I never got to thank you properly.” You frown at him, and he steps closer, pressing his body against yours. His fingers trace under your jaw, as he breathes the words against your skin, “May I?”
He perches you on your altar, parts your thighs, and buries his face between them, worshipping you with every ounce of devotion in his body.
From then onwards you slowly become lovers.
One day you’re working in the forest together. Picking berries as Billy chops at some wood. You drop your basket when you hear a startled cry from Billy.
“You should be more careful, my love.” You warn him, the endearment slipping out at the alarming sight of his blood. You feed him ambrosia to heal his wound, and his eyelids flutter at the sweet taste.
You are very affectionate towards his snakes. He often lowers his head into your lap, allowing you to thread your fingers through them and coo at them.
“Hello, my darlings. Oh you poor things, all tangled up aren’t you? Let me help you.”
Billy hides his grin when you help his snakes to detangle themselves, knowing full well that they could do it on their own.
Your siblings soon hear about the mortal man turned immortal by your hand, who now protects your temple. Of course, they decide to visit.
“This is my brother. You probably know him as Apollo, or Helios, or… Well he’ll probably list all his titles and ask you to choose your favourite. He’s rather vain in that sense.” You remark teasingly, at which your brother rolls his eyes.
You tell Billy that should be want to bed any of them, he’s more than welcome to. As long as he doesn’t do it in the prayer room. He tilts his head in confusion at your words.
“I thought the gods were possessive over their mortals.”
“You aren’t mortal anymore, Billy. Forever is a long time, and I wouldn’t want to confine you anymore than I have done already. Besides, my siblings may have you for a night or two, but I’m the one who gets to keep you on my island, in my temple.”
He smiles at your words, but he still has questions.
“They’re your siblings though. Isn’t that a little weird?”
“We’re not actually related you know.” He frowns at you, and you explain, “God’s aren’t made up of genetics like humans are, we’re intangible. After all, can you hold wisdom in your hands?”
“Yes.” Billy says immediately and you frown at him.
He cups your face in his hands and you laugh.
“Very clever, Mr Russo.” He shrugs lightly with a bright smile on his face.
“I try.”
When the word spreads of the Gorgon in your temple, you begin to feel worry for the first time in centuries.
“Please be careful, Billy. Now that the gods know about you, before long it will reach the demigods, then the humans. They’ll see your head as a prize to claim.” He kisses your forehead in reassurance.
“I’ll be careful.”
You’re lying in bed one night when Billy asks you,
“What happens when a monster dies?”
You turn to face him with a frown, eyeing the distant look in his eyes.
“I didn’t turn you into a monster, Billy.” You state firmly, holding his face in your hands. “Despite the things you did, even as a mortal, you have never been a monster.” He nods and you continue. “If you did die, I would go straight down to Hades or Tartarus or wherever you ended up, and I would bring you right back.”
“Gods can’t go to Hades.”
You smile mischievously.
“I have my connections.”
Said connections visit a month later, when Spring arrives at your island.
Persephone sits in the sunlit field with you as she weaves Billy a flower crown, and you discover that his snakes can sneeze - much to his embarrassment.
You and Billy Russo have a very long existence ahead of you, but you’re sticking together through it all.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @chickensarentcheap @stardustmorozov @sweetwritingfanficfriend @witchcraftandwit @ladyofsoa @ily2lia
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors
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Chen Gong with tanjiro!fem!reader headcanons
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warning: ooc, manga spoilers, violence
The long anticipated collab work with @praisethesuuun is finally here! Guys, go check out their amazing blog if you wanna read more Chen Gong content! Here's a link to some more romance headcanons with this ball of sunshine! :)
With that being said y'all, sit back, relax and enjoy these headcanons!
Whether it was Brunhilde’s twisted judgment or it was simply because she wanted the best for the soul she guided to Valhalla, Chen Gong was extremely grateful to the Valkyrie placed the soul in Lord Lu Bu’s care. 
The soul in question was [First Name] Kamado, a swordswoman who centuries ago alongside like-minded individuals, secretly protected the public from the demons that prowled at night to devour human flesh. Yet in exchange for the knowledge of learning the art of Sun Breathing, she had paid it with her life and died at the tender age of twenty-eight. 
Those who had possessed the Mark of the Demon Slayer were cursed to perish. It seemed like a myth originally intended to scare off anyone from becoming a Hashira was not simply just that; it had been a truth, one that the Ubuyashiki family had known and shared with very few because it would discourage Demon Slayers who wanted to the Mark just to prove that they were the strongest within the organization. A badge of honor paid in blood.
It did not take much effort from the swordswoman to win over his heart. She was kind, empathetic, and extremely helpful around the camp. She’d do any task that was asked by himself or another soldier without complaint:  laundry, polishing armor or weapons, and preparing meals. 
The soldiers grew to like her and were often bewildered at the tales she’d share with them over the fire about her days as a Demon Slayer. They all laughed when she vehemently said she’ll never step foot in the entertainment district again because she feared it’d crumble in a single night like it had when she went undercover as an oiran-in-training. In her defense, the demons she’d faced were incredibly powerful, and she almost died from that fight! 
However, Chen Gong remained oblivious to [First Name]’s strength until Lu Bu had received orders from the higher-ups to investigate a peculiar situation: there was new territory to be explored, and all of the expedition teams were never seen again. The only clue of what actually happened was a half mutilated corpse of a soldier, the top half of his face removed…yet the army could see a blissful smile stretched across that rotten cadaver. 
As if he’d died a happy man and not in fear of the unknown. 
[First Name] took a single whiff at the corpse and immediately confirmed that the culprit is in fact a demon. She asked Lu Bu to allow her to handle the situation. She hypothesized that this demon targeted only men, or used their Blood Demon Art to immobilize them long enough to be devoured. Whether it was through their honeyed words or another method, she was not sure. 
But please allow her to go so that no one else would be killed. 
Lu Bu simply looked at the swordswoman and nodded, grunting to bring back proof that she carried out the deed. The demon’s head would be sufficient. [First Name] thanked him profusely, pressing her forehead against the floor before departing the tent. 
Hours before nightfall befell upon the skies of Valhalla, [First Name] was prepared to leave the camp, her sword strapped to her right side and fitted in borrowed, dirty armor. She surmised that the scent of a man would lure the demon out from its hiding place to hunt and conceal her own odor. 
Chen Gong did not like this strategy, not at all. But Lu Bu’s word was the law. He had to follow the commands of his lord. He wished [First Name] to come back safely, preferably not in critical condition or nearly comatose like in her stories of fighting against demons in the Taisho era.
She smiled brightly and said she would come back. Squeezing his shoulder gently, her form disappeared beneath the covers of the night. The longest night Chen Gong had experience thus far since he’d arrived in Valhalla.
He wanted to have faith in [First Name], to trust that she will keep her promise…but should he have given the Demon Slayer his most prized possession so she would be reminded to come back? No, that wouldn’t be right. He was the great Lu Bu’s genius strategist, not a fair maiden worried about her lover!
Yes, he might have known her for less than six months but damn it all he wanted to marry her! Who wouldn’t?!
Night passed before Chen Gong realized it, the faint orange-red rays of dawn approaching over the horizon. Just when the men were about to move out, however, a soldier noticed someone walking towards them. [First Name]. Covered in dirt and blood, and smiling at them tiredly as she slowly, steadily, headed in their direction. 
She made it back. She’s alive. 
Chen Gong broke into a run, passing the soldiers and embraced her tightly in the grassy fields. When he pulled away he did not hesitate to chastise her for worrying him and Lu Bu, pressing kisses around her dirty face. When he realized what he’d done, the swordswoman’s cheeks were flushed dark red as she stammered an apology, holding up a single amber eye in the air. 
She did try to bring back the head like the general wanted, but a demon’s body immediately disintegrates when the head is severed from the neck. The eyeball was the only piece of the demon she was able to salvage. 
Chen Gong didn’t give [First Name] another chance to apologize before he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the infirmary tent without a second thought. When he saw it was empty, he grabbed some supplies to start treating the most superficial wounds on his own until the doctor arrived. Once he’d gone outside though, some of the soldiers teased him about how he acted earlier. Realizing what he’d done made his face burn with embarrassment. 
Gods, what would [First Name] think of him now after acting like a barbarian?! He didn’t mean to act like that, but how can she be so reckless?! 
His troubled thoughts were shortly shattered when the doctor informed him that aside from having some deep lacerations and a broken rib, the Demon Slayer was in good health. She just needed to be on light duty and get plenty of rest. Chen Gong was relieved…yet at the same time, nervous. 
He needed to tell her. He needed to let her know that he was in love with her, and soon. 
So that was exactly what he did once she woke up three days later in the infirmary tent. He lightly scolded her for making him worry to death as he held her in his arms. When she asked about the eyeball, he informed her that he personally took care of it. 
Lord Lu Bu wasn’t all too happy that she didn’t bring back a head, but something was better than nothing. Now that he knew demons existed in Valhalla, he’d consult her if they ran into unnecessary trouble again. 
 A silence between them before the strategist took a leap of faith and sealed it with a light kiss. 
[First Name] grew flustered from his actions, stammering and wiggling as he continued to place smaller kisses around her face. He only stopped to look her in the eye and solemnly asked her to become his wife, if she’ll allow him to court her. 
Wide-eyed and with a pinkened face resembling a plum blossom, [First Name] nodded in acceptance. Chen Gong grinned, hugging her tightly again before she released a pained yelp. 
He quickly apologized, loosening his grip around her hips as he embraced her once more. 
Upon arriving at their designated military base, Chen Gong did not hesitate to begin the courtship immediately. Horseback riding, exploring the marketplace, and cuddling were some of the activities they did together. 
He did try to spoil his soon-to-be-wife with hairpins and perfume bottles, but she was insistent that she didn’t need it at all. He still bought it when she wasn’t looking, anyway. The marketplace was also where she’d reunited with her blacksmith, Lord Haganezuka….and he had a very violent reaction to seeing her chipped sword.
By ‘violent reaction’ he chased them both around the vendor booths with knives in either hand, two more were wrapped around his head with a black cloth.  It took a good while for the man to be calm enough to agree to fix the blade.
In less than three months, Chen Gong was a happily married man and obtained a new ability that would greatly benefit him in the next war: complete immunity towards all forms of seduction. 
In summary, Chen Gong is a loving, committed man who will not hesitate to simp over his spouse just as much as he fawned over Lu Bu. 
Bonus Content:
Ordinarily, Chen Gong would celebrate the New Year with the soldiers at the barracks, eating and drinking until the following morning. But this time, he will not be joining them. Instead, he would be secluded in a forested area within the territory’s borders, mesmerized by his spouse dancing bare-footed in the middle of pillars of ignited torches. Her face was concealed by a white veil, tiny bells jingling from the red sash that wrapped around her head. 
The sleeve of her ceremonial robes billowed in the wind, twirling a decorated wooden blade between her fingers. For generations the Kamado family have performed the rite to please gods, and recently, to pay their respects to Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the man who had founded the Breathing Styles and saved their ancestor’s family from demons. It had been passed from father to son, and in [First Name]’s case, from father to daughter. 
Yet after her father passed on, she persisted in carrying out the tradition, even when some of the villagers believed bad luck would happen if a woman carried out the sacred dance. Nothing happened….until that fateful winter morning.
But she never believed her family’s demise had been because of ‘bad luck’. Muzan attacked her mother and siblings simply because he wanted to see if a demon could withstand the sunlight. Her and Nezuko’s survival would be considered merciful in his perspective. 
Remembering the tragic tale behind the dance brought fresh tears to Chen Gong’s eyes. His wife had been through so much, and she is still kind to everyone even in death. Above all else…she was simply divine in that celestial garb. 
How did he get so lucky?!
From dusk to dawn, he watched [First Name] perform the rite with jugs of wine sitting by his feet, a warm smile stretched across his face, marveling at this spectacle.
It is said amongst the soldiers that at the start of each new year, the strategist’s simping for his wife increases tenfold and he acts like a lovestruck fool around her for the first three weeks…and progressively gets worse. 
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artthemasquerade · 1 year
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New Orleans Coterie in Amon Style
So this requires some explanation, so since there are kind of some similarities between Devilmen and how Kindred work, they both have a beast/demon to overcome and to stay human they have to keep their human heart of sorts or they'll lose themselves to the beast/demon, also they have to merge and gain power they have to devour another demon/Kindred and overcome their will. Honestly Akira's journey in the original Devilman manga is a perfect example of someone slowly losing themselves to their inner beast despite their good intentions, and him giving up on saving humanity is also him giving up on his humanity, in vampire the masquerade terms he's no longer on the path of humanity. So in my headcanon au for Devilman/Vampire the Masquerade crossover, Kindred are Devilmen who can make more through the embrace, have to feed on blood and hide from the sun, Devilmen and Demons in Devilman have this eyeliner like markings under their eyes to intricate their demonic nature and that's why I've given it to mine and my friend's vampire the masquerade new orleans by night characters here, and changed around the shape and colour of it to intricate what clan they belong to.
Also I thought it would be fun to draw them in the Amon OVA style and it really was :D
First up is Andy the Ravnos and his famulus Elliot, he's the baby of the group, having only been embraced under a year ago, he belongs to @qwibwib, the storyteller of the New Orleans by Night chronicle :D.
second is Moreen the Volgirre and the eldest and fleshcrafter of the group she belongs to @morbidoptimisim.
third is Iris the Salubri, she's the healer and sniper of the group and also a mother to a five year old child who we are currently working on rescuing this season, she belongs to @cthylla-rlyeh.
forth is Rose the Tremere, she's the blood and water magic user of the group and she belongs to me. :3
fifth is Dolly the Daughter of Cacophony, Moreen's wife and former longtime ghoul now a Kindred herself in order to save what was left of her family after Moreen got kidnapped by the main villains of the chronicle last season (Moreen is back safe and sound now) and she belongs to Morbid.
and finally sixth is Kevin, Rose's longtime ghoul (21 years of service!) and a big brother figure to her, he also belongs to me.
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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scargivr · 6 months
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# ARTHLEIS , an indie 𝙺𝙾𝚁𝙰 from snyder's REBEL MOON . a study in the ᶜʰᶤˡᵈ warrior / the child of war , self - sacrifice vs. self - slaughter , finding what you 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 🙳 fighting for it , devouring your 🇴​🇵​🇵​🇷​🇪​🇸​🇸​🇴​🇷​🇸​ , 🙳 BEING A WEAPON . est. april of 2024 , written as an oc by druid ; ( they + them , 22 ) 𝟐𝟏 + .
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🇱​🇮​🇳​🇰​🇸​ : rules [ FROM MY MULTI ] , headcanons , prompts . bullet bio + verses / au's can be found below the cut .
you do NOT have to have seen the source material to interact with kora . they have multiple crossover verses & will have a handful of fandomless adaptations as well . activity may be sporadic as i shift between here and my multimuse . i write kora as nonbinary .
[ this information applies to most sci - fi verses to varying extents . ]
GIVEN NAME: kora anders . OTHER NAMES . . . ↦ arthelais ( given by general balisarius . ) ↦ soldat solntsa ( " soldier of the sun " , given by princess issa ) ↦ ishcheyka ( " bloodhound " , bounty hunter / merc verse ) ↦ scargiver GENDER: nonbinary , they / she . ORIENTATION: pansexual / panromantic . CONNECTIONS . . . ↦ general balisarius ( kidnapper , murderer of their family ) ↦ princess issa ( a princess said to be the reincarnation of an ancient queen whom kora was tasked with protecting )
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note : things are subject to CHANGE as new material is released .
kora was 8 when soldiers came pouring through their front door . general balisarius of the motherworld had given orders to slaughter every last person on the small planet , kora's family falling victim to the massacre . kora , always a brave one , approached balisarius with a gun taken from a soldier . his crazed eyes dared them to shoot him - seeming curious as to whether the child could bring themself to pull the trigger . she did , & the gun jammed . accepting this as a sign of strength & purpose , balisarius took kora from ahriq --- she was the sole survivor .
they were raised into the army of the motherworld , indoctrinated into their regime . kora became the youngest imperium officer to hold a field command , bringing multiple previously unconquered planets under the motherworld's control . eventually they were given the honor of becoming a seneschal , a royal bodyguard tasked with protecting princess issa .
kora witnessed many unexplainable things around issa . once , she brought a bird back to life after the family dog killed it . issa was said to be the reincarnation of an ancient queen who could restore & give life . kora protected her fiercely , & loved issa like a sister .
it was on the day of princess issa's coronation that tragedy befell the royal family . with the support of senators & other high - profile individuals of the motherworld , balisarius launched an assassination plot on the royal family , killing the king , the queen , and arthelais' charge, issa . balisarius named himself regent of the realm , & put all of the responsibility for the assassination upon kora . she fled , taking a ship out from the motherworld & traversed the stars for days until crash landing on the farming planet of veldt . the people of veldt took them in , never asking too many questions about where they came from .
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a. arrakis verse ( dune ) ... after leaving the motherworld , kora crash lands on the desert planet of arakkis . with a concussion & limited resources , kora traversed the hot desert for fifty - four hours . they eventually came upon the fremen people , who were wary of outsiders in their land . kora gave a display of power & strength , earning herself a place among them . she stayed there for two years , until balasarius and the harkonnens arrived seeking spice .
b. smuggler pilot verse ( star wars / dune / canon ) ... upon crash landing in veldt , kora was taken in by the farming community there . a portion of the year's harvest would be secretly given to the rebel alliance , something kora became heavily involved in . they often made drop runs for the rebels , leaving them food & wares . after two years on veldt , kora asked to be taken with the rebels . they acquire a ship through the rebellion , & a reliable crew . the majority of their work was providing food , weapons & other resources to those fighting in the rebellion .
c. bounty hunter verse ( star wars / dune / canon ) ... upon fleeing the imperium , kora goes off the radar & enters the role of a bounty hunter operating in the seedy underbelly of the galaxy . it kept them safe , being faceless & known only by ishcheyka [ "bloodhound" ] they primarily target those affiliated with the imperium ( or empire / first order ) .
d. knight of ren verse ( star wars ) ... at a very young age , kora's parents discovered that they were force sensitive . they were sent to train with luke skywalker , & ultimately met the same fate as the other children there the night that kylo ren dissented . becoming a knight of ren , kora was forced to put her past behind her . after years spent under their reign , kora themself dissented- fleeing & becoming a fugitive of the rebellion .
e. merc verse ( marvel / dc / fandomless ) ... after years of working as a covert operative for a private military contractor , kora broke away from that line of work & began doing hit jobs - taking on dangerous missions for the highest bidder . their moral compass , while skewed , still tries to point north - as they're very selective in who they agree to 'take out' . most often it's targeted between crime syndicates or the occasional corrupt political figure .
f. supernatural verses ( any supernatural fandom ; tvd , etc. ) ... in the majority of supernatural verses , kora is a werewolf . backstory varies depending on each fandom's rules .
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charmedglass · 4 years
Long Headcanon Post about the Fenris Tribe!
                                  ( Also known as the Tribe that Cymbeline and Aycan come from, as well as their cousin, Zenphyr. Wife let me do the lore work on this one! Proud of how it came out~ )
                                                 The tribe of Fenris was once a nomadic tribe, worship of the single Deity Fenrisulfr, whose name in modern times has been lost. The only remnants are with the Chieftain, who always take on the name Fenris in honor of the old ways. Many centuries the tribe of Fenris have lived through, beginning up when the Faunus first returned after the Gods of Dark and Light first destroyed humanity.
                                                    Given that Faunus were viewed as mindless beasts in that era, many faunus of the same type would band together. Fenris was one such group though at the time they had no name, just called the wolf folk, travelling the majority of many centuries to avoid capture through humanity. It is through these times, rumors of a great faunus lord were born, from a human of power. He was called Fenrisulfr, and abandoned his own home. While his name was lost to history, what remains are the chains which bound him inked into his flesh through unfavorable means.
                                           Fenrisulfr was a wolf faunus of great power, who advocated for freedom for his kin. That kin and loyalty and strength should be prized above all. Humans were eyed with distrust, and when Fenrisulfr encountered the wolf folk, he was very quickly welcomed into their family as Chieftain. Under his rule, the wolf folk prospered, and eventually settled in the tundras, just outside where Atlas would eventually be founded.
                                                      Things were peaceful, for a time. Their chieftain, with his trait simply being wolf's fangs, was able to easily make negotiations with humans regarding trade, and guidance through the tundras. The wolf folk trained in the cold and blizzards, and eventually built up a tolerance to the extreme cold, as well as the vicious grimm that scoured the land. The Wolf Folk were now a fully recognized group, able to secure trade, offer escort protection, and protect their own home.
                                                                         Everything collapsed when their Chieftain was called back by his birth family, where he was swiftly thrown behind bars and chained. The Wolf Folk waited for years for Fenrisulfr to return, but he never did. In honor, they began to refer to themselves as the Fenris tribe, to be led later on by Fenrisulfr's son, Van Fenris.
                                         Fenrisulfr did break his chains eventually, and in return, took arms against his family. Word spread to the Fenris tribe, who did receive their previous Chieftain home with open arms. The Fenris tribe, and their old and new Chieftain, demolished the Æsir family. Not even the stones to build the great family home's were left standing.
                         Fenrisulfr and the Tribe would then divide in two. Led by two Chieftains, Fenrisulfr would rage against the land in a moving war unit, whereas the remaining, led by Van Fenris, would stay in the tundras.
                                                                      Fenrisulfr would implement chains and dust into his fighting style, and was known to be little more than a beast on the field, here is where history would distort him as more a Deity then a faunus. Fenrisulfr would meet his end on a war path, but those who followed him, dispersed across the land, taking new lovers and returning back to the tribe. Van Fenris led as proudly as his father, and teachings were passed down, to honor Kin, Loyalty, and Strength.
                                   Over time, Fenrisulfr would be known as the great wolf deity of chains and power, whereas Van Fenris, would go down as the first Cheiftain, blessed by Fenrisulfr with power and leadership.
                                                                  Like all tribes, Fenris was met with both great and terrible leaders. One such terrible leader, Skringla, would shut out the outside world, cutting off the trade routes and refusing to aid passage through the tundras. An uprising was born, but the damage had been done. The Fenris tribe was suffering a lack of goods, and from the revolt, a lack of people. A new leader would come after, and rebuild the tribe. With no trust from outsiders, the remaining began to wed cousins, and what was once frowned  upon, became normal from desperation.
                                     From desperation, the new Chieftain Jarn, tried to implement outsiders. Few came, but it staved off the results of inbreeding for a time. It did not last. For the next Chieftain after, Risul, would challenge Jarn for rights to rule, and won.
                                          He claimed in honor of Fenrisulfr, they needed to fully follow the ideals in tradition. Kin, Loyalty, and Strength. Thus, the inbreeding continued, in pursuit of creating strength through loyalty to kin. With time, the origins that started the inbreeding were lost, and it became the next normal, with each Chieftain upholding it after the last. For the closer they were to Fenrisulfr, the safer they were.
                                   The tribe of Fenris has one major stain against them however, one greater than even the inbreeding. The Fenris tribe, under yet another great and terrible Chieftain, Enrisu, would send out groups of themselves in small, lethal packs to destroy settlements built too nearby to their homes. They raided these settlements, killing, stealing, and taking materials for whatever they needed.
                                          This Chieftain was killed during a raid, where Zenphyr's Great Grandfather would take over to make amends. The results of these Pack Raids, often referred to as Crimson Raids, are felt even to the modern day. The Fenris tribe once were even referred to as, Unchained Beasts, a title that still lingers.
The most current Fenris, are Zenphyr, and his father Gleip. ( Glii fe )
The Tribe has gone through these titles, 
Wolf Folk, Fenris, Unchained Beasts, and Fenris once more.
Notable Chieftains
Fenrisulfr Van Skringla Jarn Risul Enrisu Gleip
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