#Health Advice
broccoli · 6 months
a broccoli a day keeps the doctor away. just like an apple
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asking-jude · 9 months
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Do you want free mental help? What about remote, pay-what-you-want counselling? Visit askingjude.org.
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theglasshatstud10 · 2 months
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Guys I just found out that these glass bowls that belonged to my great grandmother that me and my family have been using for years, we're uranium glass this whole time.
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bodyalive · 11 months
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Fatigue that improves with caffeine (as it forces increased cortisol secretion) or hydrocortisone intake may suggest transient (reversible) hypoadrenalism due to excess cortisol requirement. Unfortunately, hypoadrenalism is difficult to detect in blood work and is often normal even in patients with who are severely ill, unless suffering from pituitary or supradrenal tumors, etc.
One of the most important causes of reversible adrenal exertion symptoms in patients with chronic pain, is TOS CVH. TOS CVH causes high arterial brain pressures that lead to paradoxical systemic hypotension due to cerebral autoregulation. This will raise adrenal output to perform daily tasks, ie. raise blood pressure and cardiac output through the sympathetic system, often resulting in profound fatigue, and as a worst case scenario, myalgic encephalomyelitis, if it goes on over a longer period of time. Usually, years.
Patients who have fatigue that responds to caffine but who do not have chronic pain, should mainly look to their sleep, diet and training habits. If sleep and diet is ok, then cardiovascular health is perhaps the most important aspect. Poor cardiac compliance to physical stressors, ie. inadequate strength of the heart, will be compensated for by a raised sympathetic tone and raised adrenal output. Increasing sodium intake can also help, but this should not be done excessively, as the heart may not tolerate a greater blood volume until its strength has been increased. This patient group should stick to [no more than] one cup of coffee per day, preferably in the morning and avoiding high-carbohydrate meals in the evenings. Mental stress also influences, needless to say.
A good indication of improved heart strength is reduced resting heart rates, but also overall lower heart rates during activities. Training too hard too often will strain the adrenal system and make the problem worse than it was initially, so starting with a 45-minute brisk walk once to twice per week, then gradually "feel it out from there", can be appropriate.
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cringyguuurl · 4 months
So tired of puking everyday
Anyone has any tips on nausea? It's literally ruining my life. The only thing that seems to help is weed.
I'm wondering if it's not anxiety induced...
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swole-beard · 8 months
On days where you're so mentally or physically exhausted it's still important to show up and do something, anything, the bare minimum, enough to say that you put in the effort.
Sometimes when all you have is 20% to give, giving that 20% is giving your 100%. Don't let your pursuit of perfection and lofty goals stop you from showing up when you're down.
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hi!! me again. turns out whatever’s wrong with me isn’t JRA which is. something. honestly it was kinda my best case diagnosis, everyone’s best guess now is fibromyalgia which means. so many doctors. so far most of them have been nice though, witch is good. i have to get blood drawn again though and i might also have POTS. genuinely why is the medical system like this why does it take waiting forever in pain it’s so frustrating.
Hey, dirtling. That sucks, I'm sorry. Navigating the medical system can be frustrating and disillusioning at the best of times. Don't be afraid to advocate for yourself (or have someone with you who can advocate for you) even if it means you come across as pushy. Taking care of your health has to be your first priority.
If you don't already know, @thebibliosphere has a lot of really informative posts on navigating the medical system with chronic pain and POTS. I would definitely check those out if you're looking for resources.
I believe you when you say your pain is real and that you're not making it up or exaggerating, and you deserve compassionate medical care to address your needs. Don't give up. The improvement in your quality of life that can come with adequate medical care is amazing. Things might suck right now, but it doesn't always have to be that way.
Llelo and I both send our best wishes.
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jellypawss · 6 months
Why is my leg pitting so bad I cut back on sodium and I drink a lot of water. My kidney and heart are not failing 😭 is it just cause I’m overweight
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asking-jude · 11 months
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Do you want free mental help? What about remote, pay-what-you-want counselling? Visit askingjude.org.
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queer-frenchmermaid · 5 months
I'm so annoyed when I give chill health advice using plants instead of medication and people accuse me of being antivaxx and super dangerous.
You don't get it.
If my throat is sore (and it's not too serious obv) I drink an infusion of thyme, lemon juice and honey.
Thyme as antimicrobial properties. Honey has antiseptic properties. Lemon juice is a natural preservative.
If I have a wart I can try using greater celandine's latex to get rid of it without using a painful treatment for the same result.
However, when I got bitten by a tick I took antibiotics because I'm not messing with Lyme disease.
I got every single shot I could for the flue since I was 9y.o. and every COVID shot since they were available.
All I'm saying is you can take care of your health without spending crazy amounts of money if it's not necessary.
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hello! it is i again. being an artist can be hard. especially when you need to sit in uncomfortable positions.
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suuuch as,, slouching!! while this drawing is a bit of a.. dramatic recreation, much of the time when writing or drawing, you need to slouch so that you can see what your doing. so to prevent heartburn and slowed digestion (like said on harvard.edu’s article about bad posture) you could prop up your surface !
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like it’s shown in this drawing here, when you prop up your surface, even by a small angle, it would help you not slouch as much!!
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fayrobertsuk · 2 years
Some simple health advice
If you have a cervix, get regular smear tests.
If you have breast tissue, check it regularly, and take anything concerning to the doctor.
If you have a prostate, get regular prostate exams.
Drink more water. Dietary needs change as you age. Headaches are a sign of something that needs attention.
I love you, and, selfishly, I want you around for longer. Go tell your doctor about the changes. That's their job.
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breezemachine · 7 months
This’ll probably fall upon deaf ears but I’m curious:
What are some coping mechanisms or abortive ways you can stop a migraine.
I took one OTC medication at 4pm, and then Excedrin at 8pm and nothing has helped it. I got 10+ hours of sleep last night so I’ve not been tired and I want to hopefully fall asleep at a normal time tonight. Eating and a hot shower were not my saviors today. I should’ve taken my prescription but I really thought the first med … then 2nd would help.
I’ve not even checked the community here yet but I ran though all my options. By the morning it should no longer be an active migraine but until I can fall asleep it’s just some agony for a few more hours.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
A quick tip to eating healthier for those thay struggle with it is to stop approaching it as "I can't eat this or this or that" and instead just make a commitment / plan to try a new dish / food every [insert comfortable pacing] and have each new thing you try eating be generally healthier than your usual pallete
Cause of biases humans have, its a lot easier to add more than it is to restrict, and if you only have so much time, money, and energy / ability to eat food, by expanding your palette of food you like with healthier foods, you will innately increase the average nutritional quality of your meals
Like you don't have to stop eating safe / comfort foods, just try some new "healthier" meals every so often and continue eating ones that you find out you like from time to time along with what tou currently eat.
Not eating enough veggies? Well maybe once a week try a dish that incorperates veggies in a way you havent tried or try a new vegetable. If you don't like it, thats unfortunate. If you do like it, take a mental note and consider having it again whenever you feel like it.
Its slow but its a lot more sustainable than "dieting" and involves a lot less self torture
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blinktimes182 · 1 year
TW: blood clots, life-threatening illness
In January I had what was described as a 'very large' blood clot in my lungs that caused a pulmonary embolism. Originally, they couldn't figure out the cause.
At the beginning of this week, my resting heart rate was around 15/20 BPM lower than usual, sitting around 52. Noticed swelling/slight pain in my ankle. Ended up going to urgent care.
I had an ultrasound yesterday on my right leg - turns out this is the source of my issues. I have clots running down most of the main artery, with only behind the knee being completely clear. complete DVT. I'm now being referred to a vascular surgeon.
I also have a high chance of suffering from more clots, and another pulmonary embolism.
My anxiety is through the roof. I'm constantly thinking I'm going to have a heart attack. I can't stop monitoring my HR and panicking over it.
If anyone has any previous experience with either DVT, Pulmonary embolisms, or blood clots in general and has any advice, please get in touch. I need help through this.
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