#Healthy Summer 2024
remindingpersephone · 1 month
When life gives you . . . stitches? So I had to have a cyst removed from my back and it was a big boy, so it took 13 stitches to close that hole up (there are so many jokes here). The doc said no lifting, no stretching, because stitches on the back (it's actually closer to shoulder) can rip easily. Since I can't get into the pool - healing wound = no soaking - and it's 9,823 degrees outside so no walking, my living room workouts are the only option. But when I do those it's a lot of arm flailing and improvising because I cannot follow choreography to save my life.
Now, there was a time when I would have used these restrictions as an excuse to completely abandon my fitness goals. I would stop all cardio, sit on the couch, eat way too many brownies, and totally derail my fitness progress.
But this time was different. I've kept up with all lower body strength workouts, and for cardio I bought an under-the-desk, mini-bike-peddle machine. Now, no one is going to mistake this for a real bike. But let me tell you I have gotten my heart rate way the hell up on that little thing. And I can keep my upper body stabile so as not to rip those stitches.
I've also been trying out intermittent fasting, although it didn't really start out with that as the goal. I wanted to see if I was eating because I was hungry, or just out of habit/schedule/when I thought I should eat. Also, my 6:30am breakfasts were starting to feel like habit instead of hunger. So I stopped eating until I was actually hungry. Turns out I'm not really hungry until about 11:30 AM. I also stopped eating after 8PM at night. I had always been a late dinner and even later dessert/snacker. Not only has eating mostly between the hours of 11:30am and 7:30pm helped my digestion, it's lowered my overall calorie intake. It's also making me stop and really think if I'm actually hungry before I eat. Do I need that snack or am I just bored? Do I need that treat or am I just emotional? I know the word "intuitive" is over-used these days, but that's pretty much what I did.
Now, I know tomorrow or next week this could all change. I am a person who not only embraces change, but seeks it out. I am always changing things up in small and large ways. Sometimes routines work for me and sometimes they don't. I'm getting better at not trying to force myself to do things just because the generally accepted wisdom says I should. Or the current trends are encouraging this thing or that thing.
Since we're talking about health, I will tell you I've cut way back on my social media consumption. It just got to a point where I was internalizing a lot of what I was reading and watching, and as we all know, a lot of what's on social media is negative. That negativity was having a bigger effect on me than I realized. Until that over-exposure was gone, I couldn't make the connection on some unexpected effects it was having. Sorry, I'm not intentionally trying to be vague. I just can't really explain it other than to say reducing my exposure to the ugliness and fear that perpetuates even Tumblr and Instagram has had a positive effect on my state of mind. This is a long and rambly way of me saying I'm sorry if I haven't been hearting and commenting on my mutuals posts like I once had. I try to pop in when I can, and I really do read what I heart. I just can't consume it at the rate I once did. But please know that I am always here for DMs and you can email me at anindependentguinevere {at} g mail dot com anytime you want to chat or need support. I am here for that always.
Wow, that was way longer than I intended. Hugs and kisses to those you who made it all the way through. Now let's go get some ice cream!
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pastel-charm-14 · 4 months
12 habits to take up in june
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1. starting your day with a gentle morning yoga routine. bonus points if it's outside.
2. take a daily nature walk and enjoy the weather.
3. add slices of your favorite fruits like strawberries, lemons, and mint to your water.
4. start a daily journal to reflect and practice gratitude.
5. try new seasonal recipes like salads and smoothies.
6. plant a flower, herb, or veggie garden.
7. read a good book at a park or in your backyard.
8. try creative hobbies like painting, knitting, or scrapbooking.
9. dedicate one day a week to being a self-care day. relax, take a long bath, do a face mask.
10. meditate for a few minutes every day.
11. go for bike rides in your neighborhood or on new trails.
12. go stargazing in a cozy spot with a blanket.
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cannibalgh0st · 3 months
Summer goals for myself this year🌺✨️
♡Gua Sha ( I've been doing it lately and seen a huge difference!)
♡Morning Yoga
♡Staying hydrated with more infused water! Water can wash out a lot of your vitamins and minerals. So I'm trying to incorporate fruit/herbs and electrolytes!
♡Walking more often to work. I don't live far from my job, so I should take advantage.Helps with circulation and more time spent outside.
♡Work and Life balance - It's hard since I work full time, but I definitely need to live life more and not be in the office so much.
♡More protein and green intake and less unhealthy carb. This is a personal thing. Everyone gets different and needs different amounts of nourishment.
♡Sleeping earlier
♡Draw more
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ivyandana · 2 months
Summer Journal Prompts <3
I love when seasons change because it gives us a new opportunity to reflect, look at out current routines, and make changes to our lifestyles. Here are some Summer journal prompts to help you get started❤️
Write a letter to yourself to open in September.
What is your favorite childhood summer memory?
What is something you want to achieve this summer?
What does your ideal summer morning look like?
What does your ideal summer evening look like?
Enjoy your journaling!
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lexapenndari · 29 days
Breakfast ~
August 19, 2024
Cherries, oranges, and peaches
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Something I've enjoyed having for breakfast this summer, is oven-warmed fruit.
The cherries in this batch are super sweet - too sweet - and the weather is cooling 🌧️ This may be one of my last batches 🍒 for this summer season.
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Fruit for breakfast,
before 8:00am 🕗,
is surprisingly filling.
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#Food #Nourishing #Sattvic #Sattva #Vegetarian #Healing #Agni #Digestion #Life #Fruit #StoneFruit #BC
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disciplinedselfrya · 22 days
Summer of 2024
Hello, loves!
As the summer of 2024 comes to a close, I hope you’ve had a chance to enjoy these past three months and can look back with a smile.
Another season has ended and this is the perfect time to reflect on our accomplishments, to identify the things that we need to work on and to find solutions for our problems.
I will be honest with you. In June, I had huge expectations about this summer. By the end of it, I thought I will have started volunteering, I will have lost some fat and maybe I will have my next year all figured out. It didn't happen. And now that I think about it, I don't blame myself. I had an important exam this summer that I worked a lot for and afterwards I needed some time to rest and recharge.
However, I can't say that I wasted the time. Sure, I had my days and I scrolled a bit when I shouldn't have, but…life goes on. And I am really proud of myself for what I accomplished.
I will share with you some of the things that made this summer one of the best so far and I encourage you to do the same, to celebrate the changes that you were able to do.
So, this summer…
I took my exam and passed it with perfect score;
I started this tumblr blog and I let go of the idea that every post needs to be perfect;
I painted three paintings;
I read a lot;
I met many friends of mine and learned to enjoy talking to people;
I started writing reviews and notes based on the books I read;
I worked for the Olympiad and made a bit of progress;
I started studying Japanese again after a one year break;
I learned to enjoy dancing again;
I worked out and accepted my body;
Right now, there is nothing else that comes into my mind, but reading all these…it makes me feel accomplished. And even though I could have done more, I learned so much this summer. I had so many experiences! I am grateful for everything.
Love, write down! What have you accomplished? Even the smallest wins…write them and thank yourself for the good work.
Now, I will write down what could've been better because I want to keep growing. Leveling up means accepting your mistakes and learning from them.
I wish I was more disciplined when it comes to working out and moving my body;
I wish I learned to eat healthy and understand my hunger cues, as well as all the signals my body is giving;
I wish I didn't put so much sh*t into my body;
I wish I had more courage sometimes and not feel like everyone is watching me;
That's it. These are mine…how about you?
Once again, I hope that you have no regrets! Remember to keep trying, to be consistent and the results will come to you!
Keep going! Rya
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korraofthereef · 2 months
It may not seem like much big of a deal to y’all, but I’m very pleased with myself because I’m making a big change in myself this summer and I’m excited to be seeing progress 💗
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mindlesstoughts · 2 months
tips on how to improve my blog/make it reach more audience?<3
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sweetygirlm · 5 months
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لو انت في فترة بتظبط فيها اكلك ومش عايز تعك 😁
دي حلول بديله لتصبيره وانت برا وجعان وقدامك فترة اعقبال ماتروح بدل الشيبسي او باتيهات وبيبسي .
دخلت السعودي لقيت محشي ورق عنب ( وده هيلثي والله عادي ) و كوباية الفاكهة فيها ( ٦ فواكه ) وبجد شبعوني ل ٤ ساعات لحد ما روحت 😌 .
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girlshavewings · 9 months
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can’t wait for the summer. Take me to the beach 🤙!
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beatglow · 1 month
🪷August 23rd🪷
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After a few days of me eating badly (and regaining some weight I lost) I decided to count calories again....
My goal is to get at least between 48/49 kg before the beginning of the Semester in October
Also one of the kids I tutor is back from vacation so tomorrow I'll start working again
Btw today was a productive day and I'm satisfied with what I have done
🪷Skincare twice
🪷 Brushed teeth twice
🪷 Workout (42 minutes)
🪷 13.9K steps
House duties
🪷Gave water to plants
🪷 Vacuumed
🪷Cleaned the bathroom
🪷Did the dishes
🪷 Watched YT videos
🪷 Watched TV and Netflix (Cold Case + Shameless)
🪷 Played phone games
🪷 Korean daily studies
🪷Drew two sketches
🪷 Breakfast: coffe
🪷 Lunch : 6 Ravioli + Salad with carrots
🪷 Dinner : Scrambled eggs + Corn + Beans
🪷 Snacks: coffe + Chips (30g) + Watermelon
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remindingpersephone · 3 months
Healthy Summer 2024 Update
So perimenopause is a bitch, ain't it? My blood pressure and weight were drastically different one week apart at two different doctor's offices. The anxiety, brain fog, and heart palpitations are fun, too. What are ya gonna do? 🤷‍♀️
Also, I passed my first skin check at the dermatologist. Not bad for a Florida native. I do have to get better about using sunscreen before my luck runs out.
Up next month: my first mammogram!
How are you all doing?
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minutemedwalkinclinic · 2 months
Staying Healthy, Active, and Fit During the Summer Months
Welcome to MinuteMed Walk In Clinic and Urgent Care Facility! As the temperatures rise, it’s the perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine. But staying healthy, active, and fit during the summer months can be a bit challenging. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some practical tips to keep you at your best all season long.
The Importance of Staying Active in Summer
Why is Staying Active Crucial?
Staying active is like keeping the engine of your car running smoothly. It boosts your energy levels, enhances your mood, and keeps your body functioning optimally. During the summer, the opportunities for outdoor activities are endless, from hiking and swimming to playing sports and gardening.
Benefits of Summer Activities
Engaging in physical activities during the summer has numerous benefits:
Improved Cardiovascular Health: Activities like swimming and cycling get your heart pumping.
Weight Management: Staying active helps burn calories and maintain a healthy weight.
Mental Well-being: Sunshine and fresh air can do wonders for your mental health, reducing stress and anxiety.
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Gang I think I need to fix my sleep schedule.
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ommorphiabeautybar · 3 months
CHANEL · Les Beiges 2024
  As an avid collector (& wearer) of CHANEL’s Les Beiges range since its inception, I’m always excited to see the new launches. For 2024, the brand has released new bronzing powder trios, along with adding new shades in both the Les Beiges foundation and face powder ranges. And yes, I’m loving it all.   Continue reading CHANEL · Les Beiges 2024
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7listyleme · 4 months
Get Inspired! Top Summer Nail Designs & Trends for 2024 | Summer Nail Art 2024
Summer Nail Art 2024: Fun & Easy Ideas for Every Fingertip
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Suns out, nails out! ☀️ Ditch the boring mani and embrace the sizzling summer nail trends for 2024! From vibrant colors to playful patterns and elegant touches, we've got plenty of inspiration to keep your fingertips on trend all season long. Get ready to turn heads with summer nail designs that are easy to achieve at home! Click on the link for all the hottest summer nail trends & DIY tips!
Summer Nail Styles 2024: Hot Designs for Sizzling Fingers | Top Trends for 2024 Nails!
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