#Hehe :]
moonyswarmsweaters · 3 days
Uncle Bee and uncle Evy with baby luna- a canon interaction Barty: Okay Luna, there are 206 bones in the body, but! I’m gonna teach you how to dislocated someone’s body in 230 ways-
Pandora: Barty, She’s a child
Barty: Oh yeah! You’re right.
*turns around for a few moments before turning back with puppets over his hands*
Barty, in somewhat a kermit voice: Hi kids! We're going to show you how to dislocate someone's body! Let's start with the Clavicle region. Do you know where that is?
Pandora: Oh my god
———*after a while*———
Evan: Wait what did you teach her?
Barty: There are 206 bones in the human body...
Evan: Barty! She is a CHILD!
Evan: If you are fighting an opponent your age Luna, there may be up to 270 bones in the human body. Children's bones ares still fusing together. Here is how you can use that....
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izabelle777 · 2 days
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that’s a first
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sunglassesmish · 17 hours
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spot the difference
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lamichicuenta · 2 days
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POV: the tamest fight in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero
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Aventurine and morning wood and you
He wakes up and looks over at the clock. It reads 6:20AM. 10 minutes before he needs to get up.
He exhales, running his fingers through his bangs, noticing the ache in his pants for the first time. He palms his erection, feeling the stiff morning wood with his free hand and lightly flexing his hips.
Tedious, he thinks. But it'll go away faster if he takes care of it.
"And I guess I have time." He mutters to himself.
He pulls his pants down just enough for his length to spring out, looking at the dot of precum on his pink tip.
He sighs and lets his head hit his pillow as he strokes himself.
His mind is already racing with all the things he has to do today: people he has to meet, paperwork he has to submit, calls he has to make. His most challenging task, though, is you. You have intel the IPC needs, and Aventurine has been tasked with getting it from you.
His grip tightens.
But no matter what he does, you elude him. You're immune to his well-timed compliments, his lavish gifts, his intimidation. It's like a game of cat and mouse but he's not sure who's who. He's never been so frustrated by someone in his life.
His pace picks up, sweat starting to dot his brow.
What would it take? How could he break you? Everyone has something, something that they desire or something they would do anything to avoid, and he was determined to find what yours was.
Cum leaks down his shaft, his breathing picking up in time with his slippery strokes.
He's never met someone who resists him so easily, who thwarts his every calculated move. As irritating as it is, he can't help but also be intrigued by you. It almost seemed as if you were the antithesis to his famed luck. He became an ordinary gambler in your presence, losing more often than winning. He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the game a bit more this way.
He felt a familiar tightening in his core as he got closer to climaxing. His strokes growing sloppy.
But why you of all people? What made you special? Why was it in you that he met his match? Was it your subtle cunning and intelligence that let you see through his schemes? Your way with words that had him tripping over his own? Your confidence that overshadowed his intimidation? Your looks that had everyone turning their heads, including his?
His release came suddenly, coating his stomach and hand, a light grunt leaving his mouth. Thoughts of you continued playing through his mind as he came down from his orgasm.
He sighs as he feels himself soften, glancing over at the clock to see it reads 6:45AM.
Aventurine's eyes go wide and he scrambles to get out of bed, tripping over his lowered pants in the process and falling face first onto the floor.
"Damned woman isn't even here and she's already messing things up for me." He grumbles, rubbing his head.
He gets up with another sigh, pulling his pants with him and heads toward the shower, wondering what else you had in store for him today.
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squee333 · 2 days
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do not.
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sleepyhighslvt · 2 days
Damnn sooo heavenly 🔥😍
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✨️ Heaven sent and hell bound ✨️
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parasitic-anomaly · 2 days
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Happy gay month rottmnt enjoyers🗣️🗣️
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likesdoodling · 1 day
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Wanted to do some more apothecary diaries stuff, so I did. :D:D:D
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So I've mentioned Keith being a theater kid
Whenever he has a show, Lance goes to every single one and brings him flowers every time.
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margareturtle · 2 days
I’m excited to see Tavvy in his inquisitive 10 yr old boy era and see how his relationship with Helen and Aline has developed
Because I think that Aline would sign herself and Tavvy up for surfing lessons
But I also hc that Aline starts speaking Mandarin with Tavvy
Bc when Haline has their own kid Aline would speak mandarin with them and Tavvy is *her kid* now
And Tavvy has always loved stories and language and he is excited to have a language that his siblings don’t know so he takes to it quite well
Plus I think this would lead to some iconic Tavvy moments in TWP
Jem is in charge of Kit’s training and ofc I think that Jem would cover all the regular shadowhunter demon languages and martial arts training
But I think that Jem would add in learning an Instrument and learning Mandarin into Kit’s training
(Esp bc Jem will speak mandarin with Mina and Tessa already knows it)
Therefore what I need to see happen
Is sometime mid TWP Ty and Kit have made it back to the LA institute and they’re having a big Blackthorn Family dinner.
And Ty says something to Kit and Kit responds under his breath in mandarin “i love you”
Kit ofc doesn’t expect anyone to hear him, much less understand
But Mr Nosy “I will never be left behind on info again” Tavvy is like loudly “Kit why did you just tell Ty that you love him?”
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piiinkfreak · 21 hours
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wahhh it's been such a while since i last drew her!!! I hade so much fun doodling these honestly after some weeks of artblock this is nice!!
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archangelsarchway · 2 days
ahhh! it's snowing! ahhh! it's snowing! ahhh! it's snowing! ahhh! it's snowing! ahhh! it's snowing! ahhh! it's snowing! (idea from the amazing @amzthycrazzy ! thank you kindly >:3)
Sloan took you on a expedition with the Wayfinders 3 months ago. They had unearthed an ancient artifact that was said to have inflicted immense pain to anyone who touched it, so of course they flaunted it around and showed it off to anyone who would listen. "See this one? It has a CURSE! Isn't that so cool!" They held the small dog statue in their hands and showed it to you, but not letting you touch it, citing your "inexperienced hands." you could have sworn its beady eyes flashed green and it bared its teeth just the slightest, but you cited the excitement of the day to explain it. That day was the last time you'd ever go outside again. Progressively, you got sicker and sicker. Your legs were the first to degrade, becoming unsteady and frail. you crossed between feeling swelteringly hot and chilling cold, and you spent your days in your shared bedroom with Sloan, waiting for them to come back to the house after they took up a desk job so they may take better care of you. They studied. Oh they looked, asked doctors, asked their Wayfinder friends to desperately find a cure, a fix for whatever was ailing them. Finally, they found the Dog artifact. All of the symptoms lined up- they knew how to solve the problem- your sickness. The plan was perfect, but Talon had stolen the artifact a week before they were scheduled into going to retrieve it from a warehouse in Havana. They cried with a mix of frustration and guilt that night on their way home. -+- One day, after another restless night, you attempt to stand up. Sloan finds you face down on the floor by the time they get home, after the sun had set fully. You look up at them, vision blurry but you can still feel the calloused, warm hands rub your back. They kiss you softly and you can feel the wetness of tears running down their cheeks. they whisper softly into your ear how much they love you.
Sloan had taken a long break from work. They stayed with you every minute of every day, playing video games if you felt strong enough they cooked food, caring for you while bedbound. They showed you pictures of their abuela in Mexico, dig sites in Ilios and artifacts from Petra. Every night they slept by your side. -+- One day, Sloan opened their eyes. You had not woken up yet. Snow cascaded down softly, showering the world in a soft white. They got up slowly, making their way to the kitchen to make breakfast. After they were done they sat back down on the bed again to shake you awake and give you your food. Sloan also wanted to show you the snow, they had talked with Mei about how Snowball worked and they wanted to share.
They shake you once. You don't stir. "Mi tesoro? You up?"
More aggressively this time, they shake you. "Ah, are you messing with me? Not funny." they smile softly at the notion, thinking they got some of you back when-
They roll you over and pick you up bridal style with one swift movement and they see it. You unnaturally vibrant green eyes and a wide grin on your face, lying still. They sat there, staring at your body until the light snow became a blizzard, then back to a flurry overwhelmed with grief. They let out one final wail and cried out, clutching you close just as the storm picked up again.
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spiderware · 1 day
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Day 17 - Crossover! (click here for alternate universe)
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blobee · 1 day
How’s Jeff doin? Did he get the bomb I mailed him
He's doing great
I think...
You did what
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How is Taurice doing?
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ask-milo-suzuki · 3 days
(Rp time :D)
*Ames was sitting on a purple blanket at the beach one day, playing with some of her plushies and watching the waves hit the shoreline, the sounds of the beach were relaxing…ignoring all the people running around and being loud-*
*There’s a big rock further into the ocean, upon looking at it Ames sees a pair of gilled cat ears peeking above the rock*
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