#Holland x happiness
waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
I Can See You
pairing: Peter Parker x Happy’s daughter!reader
synopsis: You can see Peter being your addiction and Peter can see you as a secret mission
real synopsis: Happy forbids you and Peter from dating, which only makes you want to do it more
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“Hey.” You nodded at Peter as you wandered into his room. The hair on Peters neck stood up on high alert now that a stranger was in his bedroom. He shut his laptop and swiveled in his desk chair to follow what you were doing. He watched you walk over to his Lego shelf as if you’d been in his room a hundred times and admired his Lego titanic.
“Um, hello. Can I help you?” Peter asked.
“Did you build this?” You asked in reply.
“Oh, yeah. I did. It took me almost a full month.”
“Wow. It’s huge.” You said and gently ran your hand along the side of it.
“I know. It’s kinda cramped in here, though. I want to display it in the living room.” Peter told you. His tingle was telling him you weren’t a threat so now he just saw you as a pretty girl who had wandered into his room.
“You totally should display this thing. It’s awesome. What’s stopping you?” You wondered.
“The family pictures in the way.” Peter laughed dryly.
“Psh. Who needs those?” You joked, making him smile.
“Not me.” Peter played along. “But my aunt might be just a little upset if I replaced photos of her dead brother and dead husband with my Lego titanic.”
“That’s nothing. My dad replaced my high school graduation picture with a photo of his dead best friend eating a cheeseburger. It’s not even a good picture. It’s blurry and my dads pinky is in the frame.”
“Damn, your graduation picture? That’s next level. Either he really loved his best friend or it was a really good cheeseburger.”
“Probably both.” You shrugged. “Uncle Tony knew all the best cheeseburger spots in Queens.”
“Wait, Tony? Like Tony Stark?” Peter asked and stood up from his desk chair.
“Yeah, Tony Stark. Oh, that’s right. I forgot you knew him.” You said and tapped the side of your head.
“Your dads best friend.” Peter said to himself. “Wait a second. Are you…”
“Y/n Hogan. Your aunt invited my dad and I over for dinner.” You said and you held your hand out.
“Wait, you’re Happy’s daughter? But you’re so pretty.” Peter said in disbelief as he shook your hand.
“What?” You laughed.
“I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. Your dad is a very beautiful man. I can see the resemblance.” Peter quickly followed up.
“Seeing the resemblance is impressive considering I was adopted.” You laughed again and continued looking around his room. You saw his Spiderman suit hanging in the closet and touched it with a fond smile on your face.
“Oh God. Can we start over? I feel like I failed at this conversation.”
“You didn’t. I actually think you’re doing a pretty good job talking to me considering the deep lore that runs between us and our mutual acquaintances.” You assured him.
“Oh.” He blushed. “Thanks.”
“No problem. So did this thing come with a Lego iceberg?” You asked and pointed to the Lego titanic.
“No. That would’ve been perfect. But unfortunately, Lego didn’t have a dark sense of humor.”
“But I do. Do you have any blue legos?” You asked with a devious smile.
“Yeah. What are you thinking?”
A few minutes later, you and Peter were sitting on his bedroom floor with his Lego bin between you. You led the conversation, much to Peters delight, as you added onto each others creations. Even though Peter was usually shy and awkward around strangers, he found it very easy to talk to you. Maybe it was because you were already apart of his secret world and he didn’t have to lie about anything, or maybe it was just because you got along. Whatever it was, Peter really enjoyed talking to you. You felt more like an old friend rather then a stranger. Happy came into the room after a little while and was surprised to see you already in there.
“Oh, there you are. I was looking for you. But I see you found Peter.” Happy said and gave Peter a stern look.
“You never told me you had a daughter.” Peter playfully scolded him to keep the mood light.
“That’s because I don’t disclose any personal information to teenagers in spandex.” Happy said curtly.
“Dad. Be nice.” You whispered harshly.
“What are you guys doing in here anyway?” Happy asked as he folded his arms.
“Making a Lego iceberg for Peters Lego titanic.” You explained and held up what you had built so far.
“Interesting, interesting. Peter, can I talk to you for a second?” Happy said through a fake smile.
“Yeah. Sure. Be right back.” He told you before getting up to follow Happy into the hallway.
“What’s up?” Peter asked kindly.
“Don’t even think about it.” Happy said immediately.
“Huh? Don’t think about what?”
“My daughter. Don’t even let it cross your mind. Because if it crosses your mind, I’ll know about it. And if I know about it, I’m gonna kill you.”
“Wait, you think I’m trying to date your daughter? I just met her. Relax.” Peter laughed.
“No, I won’t relax. I don’t ever want to see my daughter in your bedroom, okay? That’s gross. I don’t want you getting your horny little nerd germs on her.”
“We were just playing with legos.” Peter pointed out.
“That’s always how it starts.” Happy wagged his finger. “I know your type. You lure girls in with your boyish charm because they think you’re safe.”
“I am safe, Happy.” Peter insisted. “You know me. You know I’d never break her heart.”
“I know you won’t. Because you won’t get the chance.”
“I’m sorry, but why is it okay for you to date my aunt but not for me to date your daughter?” Peter asked and folded his arms.
“Oh, so it has crossed your mind? I knew you were thinking about dating my daughter.” Happy pointed accusingly at him. “I knew it the second I walked into your room. You’re thinking about her right now, aren’t you? Well stop. My daughter is not allowed in your head, okay? Ever. Get her out.”
“I wasn’t thinking about dating her until you put the idea into my head. But I kinda want to do it now.” Peter laughed in amusement and looked back at his room where you were.
“Don’t you even dare.” Happy whispered and took a step closer to him.
“Or what? What’ll you do?” Peter challenged him. He didn’t even care that much about it, he just wanted to antagonize Happy for his own amusement.
“Kill you.” Happy stated like it was obvious. “Like I said.”
“What if she likes me? Huh?” Peter smirked. “You can’t tell her not to date me. That’ll just drive her straight into my arms.”
“That’s not gonna be a problem because she’ll never like you. She’s too smart.”
“I’m a good guy, Happy. Tony knew that. Wouldn’t you rather her date a nice, responsible guy that you’ve known for years over some random stranger whose intentions might be impure?”
“She can date a guy I know.” Happy shrugged. “Just not you.”
“We’ll see.” Peter shrugged as well.
“What? What does that mean? We’ll see? We’re not gonna see anything because you’re not dating my daughter.” Happy declared.
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” Peter shrugged again.
“No, you definitely won’t.”
“How are you gonna stop it?” Peter asked him.
“With a gun.” Happy replied. “That I use to kill you. To death.”
“I don’t think your daughter would appreciate you killing her future boyfriend.” Peter said innocently.
“You’re not her future boyfriend. You’re not her future anything. But you’re a future dead person if you keep this up.”
“Relax, Happy. I’m just messing with you. I’m not gonna date your daughter.” Peter laughed and patted Happy’s shoulder. Just then, you came out of Peters room with the Lego iceberg you had built.
“I’m gonna help May in the kitchen. Maybe I’ll accidentally knock down a few family pictures while I’m in there.” You said and winked at Peter.
“Why would you do that?” Happy asked you.
“Peter gets it.” You smiled coyly before disappearing down the hall and into the kitchen. Peter watched you walk away and felt something blossoming in his chest. That simple moment of sweet understanding between you was all he needed to fall head over heels for you.
“Happy?” Peter said without taking his eyes off where you had just been standing.
“Yeah?” Happy replied. Peter turned to face him, put his hand on Happy’s shoulder, and smiled sympathetically.
“I’m gonna date your daughter.”
Before Happy could respond, May called everyone in for dinner. Peter and Happy exchanged a look before throwing on smiles so that you and May wouldn’t suspect anything. Happy sat across from Peter with you sitting beside him, meaning that every time Peter looked at you, he got a kick under the table from Happy. Similarly, anytime you tried to ask Peter a question or start a conversation with him, Happy cut you off. Peter tried to do the same with you but was always met with a death glare from Happy. The incredibly silent and awkward dinner ended all too soon and Happy could not have taken you out of Peters apartment fast enough. You waved to Peter as Happy pulled you out the door but there was no time for an exchanging of words. What a beautiful wedding jk jk iykyk.
Peter was fully prepared to let his little crush on you go away on its own without any intention of acting on it. He knew it was a bad idea anyway to get involved with the daughter of the head of security, but that didn’t stop him from thinking about you from time to time.
“Hey Happy. I just wanted to report that I found a lost dog today. But then it ran away again after I returned to to the owner. I’m starting to think it wanted to be lost. Maybe he met a bunch of stray dogs and felt more at home with them on the streets than he ever did in his owner’s apartment. What do you think?” Peter asked over FaceTime as he gave Happy his daily report from patrolling the neighborhood.
“Kid, I don’t care. I never have. You don’t need to keep calling me with random updates of what you do on patrol.” Happy told him. In the background of Happy’s video, Peter could see you walking into the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around yourself and your wet hair hanging around your face. He perked up and felt his face heat up at the sight of you.
“Is that Peter?” You asked and walked over to where Happy was sitting.
“No. It’s not.” Happy said and tried to shut his laptop.
“Hi Peter.” You opened it back up and waved, leaving you with only one hand to hold your towel onto your body. Peter turned bright red as he stared at the screen and felt all dialogue options leave his mind.
“Oh, uh, hi.” He stammered. “I didn’t see you there. I didn’t even know you were home. How’s it going?”
“Pretty good.” You shrugged. “What kind of dog was it?”
“The dog you found. What breed?” You asked with genuine interest. Peter smiled at you wanting to know and felt his blush deepen.
“Chihuahua. His name was Pinto.”
“Aw.” You smiled. “That’s so cute.“
“Oh, yeah. Very cute. Very, very cute.” Peters eyes glazed over as he stared at your through the screen. Happy looked back and forth between Peter and you before realizing what Peter was staring at.
“I’m hanging up now.” Happy warned.
The call ended abruptly and Peter was left alone staring at a black screen. If Happy was going to stop him from seeing you, he would going to have to get creative.
A few nights later, Peter formed a new plan. If Happy was gonna date his aunt, he was going to use it to his advantage.
“Oopsie. I just accidentally ordered two pizzas instead of one. Silly me. What will we do with all this incoming pizza?” Peter asked as he dramatically scratched the top of his head to make it look like he was thinking.
“I don’t know.” May shrugged. “Eat a lot of pizza?”
“That’s a great idea, May. Or, and this is just coming to me now, what if we invite Happy over to eat some? So you guys can have a little date night. He even can bring his daughter. What was her name again? Telulah? Annabeth? Marcy?”
“Y/n?” May chuckled and raised her eyebrow.
“Right. Her.” Peter played dumb. “She probably likes pizza, right?”
“I know what you’re doing, but I’m gonna go with it anyway because there’s no way we can eat two pies and I hate wasting food.” May playfully scolded him as she dialed Happy’s number.
Much to Peters delight, you and Happy showed up a few minutes later. You were standing behind your dad with a bag behind your back.
“Hey. Thanks for the invite.” Happy said and kissed Mays cheek. You looked at Peter over your dads shoulder and waved.
“No problem.” May replied. “It was actually Peters idea.”
“Oh, was it?” Happy asked and stared daggers at Peter. Peter shrugged innocently before making eye contact with you. He discreetly nodded towards his bedroom before going to it. You followed after him once the coast was clear.
“Hey.” You smiled at him and shut his door behind you.
“Hey. Thanks for coming over. I’m glad you could make it.” Peter played it cool but was screaming on the inside over you being in his room again.
“I’m glad you invited us. I have a present for you but I didn’t have any way of getting in touch with you.”
“You wanna touch me?” Peter said in a low voice as he stared at you with his eyebrows raised.
“What was that?”
“I said you have a present for me?” He quickly corrected himself and threw on a smile.
“Uh huh. Look what I found.” You held the bag up and pulled out the Lego Super Star Destroyer, a Lego set Peter had dreamed of owning since he was a kid.
“What?! You got this for me?” He jumped out of his chair and held the box to read it.
“Yeah. You mentioned last time that you always wanted this one. I know you’re a big fan of the movies so I wanted you to have it.” You smiled sheepishly as you stared at him. His childlike excitement and wonderstruck expression made him even cuter than you typically found him. His expression changed suddenly when he realized he could never accept such a costly gift.
“This set costs a fortune. You really didn’t have to do this.” Peter looked apologetic as he looked into your eyes. You laughed a little at how bad he felt and put your hand on top of his.
“It’s okay. I wanted to do it.” You assured him. “Plus, Uncle Tony put me in his will so I’m kinda flushed with cash right now. I would’ve just spent the money on something stupid. And I know he loved you so he’d be happy I used the money to buy a Lego set for us.”
“Us?” Peter cracked a smile and felt his excitement return.
“Yeah. I thought we could build it together while my dad makes out with your aunt.” You suggested.
“Gross.” Peter grimaced. “But the part about building it together sounds fun.”
Now that he was willing to keep it, you tore the box open and dumped the pieces out. You and Peter sat next to each other with your knees touching as you built the spaceship. Peter snuck glances at you every now and then, and you caught them every time. You accidentally made eye contact at one point and he turned pink.
“You know, my dads been up my ass all week because of you.” You said with a soft laugh.
“Me? What did I do?”
“I don’t know. Did you tell him we were dating or something?” You questioned him, making him gulp.
“Actually, he told me not to date you.” Peter admitted.
“He told me the same thing. Little does he know, that just makes me want to date you even more.” You replied. Peter froze and realized that if what Happy said made you want to date him more, that meant you already wanted to date him in the first place. You realized that you had said too much at the same time Peter did and looked at him out of the corner of your eye to see if he was weirded out. To your surprise, he was staring at you with a soft expression. He quickly cleared his throat and looked away when you caught him staring.
“Doesn’t he know that the hottest thing a guy can do is be disliked by the girls dad?” Peter said like it was obvious.
“Exactly. I told him disapproving of you was just going to send me straight into your arms. And who could even blame me? They’re really nice arms.” You shrugged and gave Peter a coy smile. Peter laughed shyly and busied himself with the legos so you wouldn’t see him blushing.
“What did he say to that?” He asked you.
“That there will be a cold day in hell before he lets me go out with you.” You laughed.
“And what did you say?” Peter asked as he looked up at you and found that you were already looking at him.
“I told him that he can’t tell me who to date and if I wanted to go out with you, I will.” You said simply. Peter gulped and never broke eye contact with you and he reached for a Lego brick. Your hands accidentally touched and he saw sparks fly.
“Do you want to go out with me?” He asked quietly. You opened your mouth to answer just as May opened hers.
“Hey, kids. Pizzas here.” May said as she appeared in Peters doorway. You looked at him apologetically before getting up and following May to the kitchen. He desperately wanted to get you alone again to finish your conversation, but Happy was never gonna let that happen.
It came time for you and Happy to leave and Peter was visibly disappointed. As Happy and May said their goodbyes, you pulled Peter to the side.
“Goodnight, Peter. I had fun tonight.” You said sincerely.
“So did I. Thank you again for the legos. It’s the nicest thing anyones ever done for me.”
“I’m glad you liked them. Hopefully I’ll see you again. Hopefully soon.”
“Yeah. Totally.” Peter nodded eagerly.
You held out your hand to shake Peters, which Peter found a little strange. But when he shook your hand, he felt you slip a piece of paper into his. Peter waited until Happy was out the door before opening the paper up. Written in your handwriting was your phone number. Peter looked up in surprise and made eye contact with you.
“Call me.” You mouthed to him and made your hand like a phone just as Happy pulled you away.
And that’s exactly what Peter did. It became your nightly secret mission to sneak off and call Peter once you were sure Happy was asleep or preoccupied in front of the TV. You would talk for hours in hushed voices so no one would hear.
“Can you imagine what my dad would do if he found us out?” You asked Peter one night as you hung over the edge of your bed to talk to Peter.
“So there’s an us to find out about?” Peter asked and felt grateful you couldn’t see his blush over the phone.
“I don’t know.” You smiled timidly. “I really like talking to you, Peter.”
“Well that’s good. I’m happy to hear that. Because I like it too.” He laughed shyly.
“I think about you a lot when we’re not on the phone.” You admitted as you switched positions and rolled onto your stomach.
“You do?” Peter gulped.
“Uh huh. All the time.”
“What do you think about?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe half the things I see inside my head.” You chuckled. Peter gulped again and felt his face heat up. He cleared his throat before speaking again.
“Why don’t you explain it to me then?” He asked. Before you could answer, a loud crash sounded from his side of the phone.
“What’s all that noise?” You asked him.
“Mays looking for the pasta maker.” Peter sighed. “We have a thousand boxes of mezzi rigatoni but she wanted fettuccini.”
“Fettuccine actually sounds amazing right now. I need to get up and make some food. I just hope my dad went grocery shopping or else I’m eating sleep for dinner.”
“You should come over tonight.” Peter said before he would overthink it.
“Yeah. Come make pasta with us. May usually burns something and then gives up about 15 minutes into cooking so we wouldn’t have to hang out with her the whole time. We could make pasta together. Just the two of us.”
“Okay. My dads watching a movie in the den so he won’t mind if I go out. I’m in.” You smiled and started to get ready to see him.
“Awesome. Great. See you soon.” Peter grinned and hung up the phone. He quickly brushed his teeth and put on a fresh shirt before joining May in the kitchen. There was a knock on the door soon enough and Peter practically ran to open it.
“Ciao.” He said as he flung the door open.
“Ciao, bello.” You replied. “Scopiamo stasera o cosa?”
“Wait, what? I don’t actually speak Italian.” Peter sheepishly.
“That’s probably for the better.” You laughed and walked into his apartment.
“Oh, good. You’re here. And you brought wine! Even better. Come in, come in.” May kissed your cheek before taking the bottle of wine and opening it.
“Peters been dying for you to get here.” She whispered in your ear, but loud enough for Peter to hear.
“May.” Peter whined and motioned for her to zip it.
“What? I’m just being honest.” May shrugged. “Honesty is the best policy. That’s what I always say.”
“She’s right. That’s a great policy.” You said and gave Peter a look.
“Oh yeah? Does your dad know you’re here?” Peter asked you and folded his arms, already knowing the answer. Your smile dropped when you realized he was right.
“A little lie never hurt anybody.” You replied. Peter smirked, knowing he caught you.
“Come here. I’ll show you how to make the dough.” Peter said and led you to the kitchen with his hand on your back. You and Peter made the pasta dough while May chopped up some tomatoes and made a sauce. May switched the radio on to play some instrumental background music that made the apartment feel like a small cafe in Italy.
“All right. I think we’re ready. I’m gonna get the pasta maker. It should be in the attic.” May broke up the party and put the meatball back in the sauce.
“If you can’t find it, what do we do with all this dough?” You asked her.
“I don’t know. Make a shit ton of Pizza.” May shrugged and left to go find the pasta maker.
“Okay then.” You chuckled. Once you and Peter were alone, you hoped up on the counter and leg your legs swing.
“Should we try it to make sure it tastes good?” You asked as you rolled some dough between your fingers and made a snake.
“Yeah, but not that piece. You made a worm.” Peter said and pointed to your dough.
“So what? It’s just dough. Try some.” You replied and dangled the dough in his face.
“Dough way.” He laughed at his own pun and swatted the dough away.
“Oh, we’re making pasta puns now? You’re gonna pay for that.” You playfully warned him.
“But I dough not want it.” Peter pouted and leaned on the counter you were sitting on so you were caged in between his arms. You both became aware of how close you were at the same time and laughed shyly.
“Can’t think of anything other than replacing “do” with “dough” huh?” You asked and raised an eyebrow.
“Dough, I can’t.” He shamefully admitted. You gave him a look and he held up his hands in defense.
“That one was different.” He pointed out.
“All right. I’ll give it to you. Now eat the pasta worm.” You playfully demanded and dangled it in his face again.
“No. Get that thing away from me.” He laughed and smacked it away. It flew across the room and stuck to a nearby cabinet with a loud smack.
“Wow. Look at that.” Peter said, genuinely dumbfounded.
“It’s kinda beautiful.” You said as you quietly stared at the pasta in awe. Peter turned to look at you and rested his hands back on the counter.
“You’re kinda beautiful.” He said in a soft voice. You tore your eyes away from the pasta to look at him but couldn’t form a single word.
“Even with flour on your face.” He chuckled and wiped a smudge of flour off your cheek with his thumb. You gulped and discreetly picked up some flour off the counter.
“You have some flour on your face too.” You told him as you stared into his eyes.
“Where? Here?” Peter asked and touched his cheek.
“No. Here.” You smirked before throwing the handful of flour at him. Peter coughed and waved his hand to get it away from his face.
“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.” He warned and grabbed a handful of flour. He went to throw it at you but you caught him by the wrist to stop him. Peter wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him so that you couldn’t block his next attempt. But instead of feeling flour on your face, you felt Peter kissing you. You weren’t actually sure if you kissed him or he kissed you, but you didn’t really care. You wasted no time in tangling your hands on his hair and deepening the kiss. His hands slid up and down your back before finding their way up your shirt. You felt your entire body heat up as you kissed him and felt all the tension that had been building up release into the atmosphere between you. He kissed you until you felt dizzy but you didn’t stop even then. You started to unbutton his button down when the moment was interrupted.
“Found it!” May called from the hallway. You jumped apart so quickly that you fell right off the counter. You screamed on the way down as Peter watched with his hands over his mouth. He rushed to pick you up just as May came back into the kitchen. She took one look at the flour covering the two of your, most noticeably the flour handprints on either of Peters cheeks, and knew what had happened.
“Oh my God. What happened in here?” May played dumb.
“Fell.” You and Peter said in unison.
“Oh no. Are you okay?”
“Maybe?” You smiled weakly and rubbed your throbbing head. Peter touched his hands, which now felt cold from the absence of you.
“Oh my God. How did you get flour all over your back?” May laughed and turned you around to see the flour Peter had left all over your clothing.
“I’m a messy girl.” You shrugged and hoped she’d buy it.
“Look at that. The flour on Y/n’s butt looks like a perfect handprint. How funny is that?” May laughed again and pointed to the handprint Peter had left on your black leggings. He turned so red that he had to turn around so May wouldn’t see it.
“I’m gonna go potty.” You said quickly and ran to the bathroom.
“She okay?” May asked once you were gone.
“Her? What? Yeah. She’s fine. Nothing weird happened while you were gone.” Peter said a little too quickly.
“Hm. How did that piece of pasta get stuck to the cabinet?” May asked and pointed to the pasta Peter had flung.
“I’m not sure.” Peter lied.
“Are you feeling okay? Your face and neck is all red.” May asked and pressed her hand to Peters forehead. He knew she was getting suspicious and had to think of a lie to get out of there.
“I have to poop.” Peter blurted and walked out of the kitchen.
“Y/n is in there.” May called after him.
“I’ll go to the other bathroom!” He shouted back.
Peter passed the bathroom in the hallway and stopped outside of it. He pressed his ear against the door to try and hear if you were freaking out or not.
Which you 100% were.
“What the hell are you doing? You can’t just kiss him. You slut bag! You hussy! You don’t even know how he feels about you.” You whispered to the mirror. You splashed some cold water on your face to calm down before looking at your reflection.
“Woman up and get your shit together. Go out there and make pasta with your dads girlfriends nephew like a fucking normal person.” You warned yourself in the mirror.
The bathroom door suddenly opened and Peter fell inside. You gasped and pulled him the rest of the way in before shutting the door.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t doing anything!” Peter said quickly.
“What are you doing out here?!” You whispered harshly.
“Nothing! I just wanted to talk!” He whispered back in a panic.
“So you wait outside the bathroom door? What if I was pooping?! You would’ve heard it.” You whispered even louder and angrily shook his shirt.
“But I didn’t.” He said weakly.
“I think I need to go home.” You sighed and left the bathroom.
“Wait, no. Please stay.” Peter pleaded as he followed after you. He caught you in the hallway and gently pulled your arm to get you to stop.
“I can’t. I can’t go back in there. She’s gonna know something sus happened.” You whispered to him and pointed to the kitchen.
“It wasn’t sus. But I really think we need to talk about it.” Peter said and looked at you with his big puppy dog eyes. You knew he was dying to talk about it and you felt guilty leaving him after what happened.
“Peter, look. I’m really sorry that I kissed you-“
“I’m not.” He cut you off and pushed you against the wall. The interrupted kiss was resumed and even more passionate than the last. He had you up against the wall as he kissed you as if he hadn’t seen you in years. You forgot all about the pasta and your dads warning and just got lost in his touch. You both knew it was wrong and that you could be caught any second, and that’s what made it feel so right. Peter squeezed your hip, signaling you to jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. You couldn’t feel him smiling into the kiss as he pressed you against the wall. That was the moment you knew you were never giving this boy up, no matter what your father said.
“Peter! Y/n! What happened to my sous chefs?” May shouted from the kitchen. You pulled apart and stared at each other as you caught your breath.
Peter gently set you back down on the floor but stayed in your personal space as he leaned against the wall. You never broke eye contact with him as he fixed a strand of hair that he knocked onto the wrong side of your part. You gulped and smoothed your clothing down before looking away.
“Can we talk after? Please? Don’t go home.” Peter pleased as he buttoned his shirt back up. You looked him up and down and knew you were at his mercy.
“Fine. You’ve convinced me. I’ll stay.” You agreed. Peter smiled in relief and led you back to them kitchen.
“Look who decided to join us.” May smiled proudly and stepped to the side to reveal Happy standing behind her. Peters knees buckled and he immediately fainted onto the ground. You caught him and let him lean on you as you waved your hand in front of his face to wake him up.
“Dad? What are you doing here?” You asked through a big fake smile.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He said through an even faker smile.
“I was making Peter with Pasta. I mean, pasta with Peter.” You stumbled over your words as Peter came to and nearly fell over again. You held him upright but his waist until he could stand on his own. Happy was watching the whole thing and growing more suspicious by the second.
“Hm. You didn’t mention you were going over my girlfriends house when you said you were going out. I find that a little strange. Don’t you?” Happy shrugged as he folded his arms.
“Maybe I find you a little strange.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“Now that Happy’s here we’re gonna need some more pasta. Honey, can you knead the rest of the dough?” May asked you.
“Sure. I can dough that.” You laughed nervously. Happy gave you a strange look and you gulped.
“I’m sorry. I kiss-poke. I mean, misspoke.” You gulped again and went over to the dough. Peter went to follow you and earned a longing glare from Happy as he did. The two of you bumped into each other and dropped things on the floor numerous times from how nervous you were now that Happy was there. Once Happy and May disappeared to the couch to drink wine, Peter knew it was safe to talk.
“Stop being weird.” He whispered to you.
“I’m about to murder-suicide us.” You said at full volume.
“Peter, can you help her? You gotta put your elbow grease into it.” May called from the couch.
“Yeah. I can dough that.” Peter replied.
“Stop making dough puns.” You hissed.
“I literally fucking can’t.” He deadpanned. You suddenly felt his arms wrap around you as he put his hands on top of yours to knead the dough.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
“Helping you knead the dough.”
“Why wouldn’t you just stand beside me?”
“Because this is how men show women how to do things in rom coms.” Peter said very seriously.
“Okay, but we’re not in a rom com. We’re in real life in your real kitchen with my dad who has a real gun.”
“He won’t shoot me. I’m his girlfriends only nephew. I’m untouchable.”
“And so am I as long as my father is present.” You said and slipped out of his arms.
“Is everything okay over there?” Happy asked from the couch.
“Yes.” You and Peter shouted back in unison. You finished with the dough and brought it over to the pasta maker.
“You better speed run this fucking pasta before I lose my mind.” You whispered in his ear.
“I’m going as fast as I can.” Peter whispered back as he put the dough in the pasta maker as painstakingly slow as possibly. The pasta maker squeaked as he turned the handle and echoed off the walls of the silent kitchen. You could feel sweat running down your face and started to fan yourself.
“I can’t handle this. My dad is gonna know what we did.” You said and gave your hair a stressful tug.
“We haven’t done anything wrong.” He pointed out as he finished up with the pasta. You nodded in agreement and picked up the pasta he had made.
“Yet.” He added and stole a kiss against your neck. You gasped and put your hand where his lips had been.
“What are you doing? My dad is in the next room?”
“I know. That’s what makes it so exciting.” Peter said and leaned in to kiss you again.
“The water should be boiling by now. Can you start putting the pasta in?” May asked as she appeared in the kitchen. You quickly turned around and pretended to be doing something so she wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Sure.” Peter smiled calmly at her and put the pasta into the boiling water. May went back to the living room, leaving you and Peter alone once again. You picked up a wooden spoon and pushed the pasta around the pot in an attempt to look busy.
“I can see you. Stop staring at me.” You said when you felt Peters eyes on you. You looked up and sure enough, he was watching you with a soft expression.
“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.” He said as he walked over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and pulled you into him. It felt nice for a moment but you knew it shouldn’t be happening.
“I am off limits, okay mister? You cannot be staring at me like that.” You whispered and slipped out of his arms.
“Off limits? What does that mean?” He played dumb.
“It means that we cannot happen.” You said and gestured between the two of you. “We can never, ever happen. My dad will reign hell fire on you for even thinking about it. And he’ll reign regular fire on me because I’m his daughter which will be less hot but still really bad.”
“Psh.” Peter scoffed. “I’m not scared of him.”
“You should be. He has access to all of Uncle Tony’s weapons. So unless you want to get blown up or turned inside out, you need to stop. That’s means stop staring at me, stop touching me, and definitely stop kissing me.” You whispered as you got in his face. Peter smirked now that he had you close again and put his hands on your hips. You gulped and looked anywhere but his eyes as he got close to you.
“You want me to stop kissing you?” He asked as he tilted your chin up to look in his eyes.
“Yes.” You replied, but it came out like more of a question than a statement.
“Are you sure?” He asked and moved in even closer. His lips brushed yours when he spoke and you felt your eyelids flutter shut. Right before your lips could touch, you covered your mouth and stepped back.
“No. No more. We can’t.” You said behind your hand. Peter smiled sadly and nodded his head. He looked disappointed but like he understood.
“I know we can’t happen.” He said in a soft voice. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want it to.”
“It doesn’t matter what we want.” You gently reminded him and nodded towards the living room where Happy was.
“So you want it too?” He asked innocently and tilted his head to the side. You sucked in a sharp breath and thought about the way it felt when he had you up against the wall and how badly you wanted that again.
“Peter.” You breathed out.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful I find you?” Peter asked you. Footsteps approaching made you jump apart and turn your backs to each other.
“Hey guys. How’s the pasta coming?” May asked as she walked into the kitchen.
“It’s coming.” Peter replied.
“It’s definitely pasta.” You nodded in agreement.
“Great. I’ll set the table.” May laughed at your strange behavior and grabbed some plates. Once you were alone again, you answered Peters question.
“Yes.” You told him.
“You asked me if I’d want this to happen too. My answer is yes.” You said and looked into his eyes. Peter smiled now that he knew you felt the same but didn’t want to let you off that easy.
“Oh. But then I asked you if you knew how beautiful I found you so I thought you were answering-“
“Shut up.” You laughed as you cut him off. Peter smiled fondly at you from across the kitchen and you felt yourself smile back.
“Do you really feel the same?” He asked, all teasing in his voice gone.
“I do. But I told you, it doesn’t matter what we feel. We can’t date. Ours is a forbidden love.”
“I know. That’s what makes me want you even more.” Peter said with a wicked smile. You stopped leaning on the counter and started to walk to Peter when your dad suddenly walked into the kitchen.
“What are you guys talking about?” Happy asked suspiciously when he noticed the love struck expression on both your faces.
“Dad.” You whined. “Don’t you knock?”
“Knock on what? You’re standing in the middle of the kitchen.” He pointed out. You and Peter exchanged a look, and then you and Happy exchanged a look. Happy looked at Peter and narrowed his eyes, making Peter panic.
“Dinners ready!” Peter shouted despite 75% of the people in the apartment being right in front of him.
“Um, Peter, the pasta is still raw. It’s only been in there a few minutes.” You reminded him.
“Dinner!” Peter said again. “Let’s sit and eat.”
You shrugged and went with it to keep your dad from getting suspicious. You drained the pasta and put it in a big bowl before Peter added the sauce on top. You brought it to the dining table that May had set and put it in the center. Everyone sat down and served themselves some pasta.
“So what’s new with everyone?” Happy asked.
“Nothing.” You and Peter said at the same time. You gave him a look and he gulped nervously.
“Is anything new with you?” You asked May politely.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded. “Talk about yourselves. Tell us everything.”
“Well, um, May and I have been thinking about getting married.” Happy said sheepishly. You spit out your water as Peters jaw dropped.
“Oh.” May smiled tightly. “I didn’t realize we were telling them.”
“Wait, married?” You asked them.
“Yeah. Thinking about it.” Happy nodded as May shook her head.
“But, uh, if you guys got married, what would that mean for us exactly?” You laughed nervously and gestured between you and Peter.
“Well, I’d become Peters uncle, so you guys would technically be cousins.” Happy shrugged as May nodded in agreement. A chill ran down your spine at the use of the “c” word. Peters mouth started to heavily salivate like it usually did before he threw up.
“Cousins?” You choked out.
“Or would they be siblings?” Happy wondered.
“Oh God.” You whimpered. “Not siblings. Anything but siblings.”
“No, just cousins.” May explained. “Because I would become Y/n’s stepmom but Peter isn’t my son so they would be cousins. But you guys could consider each other siblings if you really wanted to. It might be nice to have a sister, right Peter?”
“Stop talking.” Peter said in a grave voice as he gripped the table to keep from fainting again.
“Relax guys. It won’t be too weird. You’re basically cousins already.” May said with an innocent smile.
“Oh no. Don’t say that.” You whispered and clutched your stomach.
“I’m gonna throw up.” Peter said through a gag.
“Why?” Happy asked as he narrowed his eyes at Peter.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t you want to be cousins? It’s just you and me on holidays Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bigger family?” May asked Peter.
“Don’t call us “family”, please.” Peter said and gagged again.
“Yeah, no more.” You pleaded. “Not while we’re eating.”
“Are we missing something?” May asked.
“I don’t want her to be my cousin.” Peter grimaced and shook his head.
“Peter. That’s disrespectful.” May scolded him.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want him to be my cousin either.” You assured her as you wiped some sweat from your forehead. You looked over at Peter and he was just as distraught if you were. He was pale and sweating and extremely close to breaking. You snapped your fingers at him under the table and motioned for him to keep his mouth shut. May and Happy exchanged a suspicion look at the strange behavior in front of them.
“Is there something you guys aren’t telling us?” May asked and leaned on her hand. She stared at Peter, who looked at you in a panic. You shook your head at him, making Happy frown in confusion. He turned to stare at Peter, and that’s what made Peter break.
“I made out with my cousin.” Peter blurted before gasping for air. You groaned and put your head down on the table as May and Happy reacted.
“You what with your what?” May scrunched her nose in disgust.
“You what with my what?” Happy asked and glared Peter.
“Haha. He’s just kidding.” You laughed nervously and waved your hand.
“He better be.” Happy stated without taking his eyes off Peter. Peter was staring all around the room at everything other than Happy.
“This pasta is amazing. Let’s all eat it and stop talking.” You said and shoved some pasta into your mouth.
“It’s a little undercooked.” May commented. “How long did you guys leave it in the water for?”
“Peter?” Happy asked calmly.
“Yes, sir?” Peter answered while looking up at the ceiling.
“Look at me.”
“Yes?” Peter said and looked near Happy, but not at him.
“Peter, look me in the eyes.” Happy commanded. “Right now.”
“I am.” Peter scoffed as he stared at Happy’s ear.
“Not at my ear. My eyes.”
Peter shut his eyes and turned to face Happy head on.
“Open your eyes.” Happy said through clenched teeth. Peter slowly opened one eye, then the other. Happy was glaring at him with a face redder than the sauce May had made.
“Did you make out with my daughter?”
“Which daughter?”
“The one sitting beside you. The only one I have.”
“I don’t understand the question.”
“Let me ask it again then. Did you or did you not make out with my daughter?”
“Okay. Good.” Happy nodded in satisfaction.
“She made out with me.” Peter clarified.
“Peter!” You shouted and looked at him.
“You’re a dead man. He’s a dead man.” Happy declared and lunged across the table at Peter.
“Wait! She kissed me! I didn’t kiss her.” Peter defended himself as he scrambled to get out of his chair and run away from Happy.
“You did the second time.” You pointed out.
“Second time? There was a second time?” Happys voice got louder as he chased Peter around the table.
“Daddy, no. Don’t hurt him!” You protested and stood between your dad and Peter.
“Move it, honey. I’m gonna fight him. I’m gonna fight him up real nice.” Happy declared and grabbed the bowl of Italian bread off the table. He started throwing pieces at Peter, but Peter dodged every one.
“Stop dodging my bread!” Happy shouted and threw his last piece.
“Ha! You’re all out of bread.” Peter pointed at the empty bowl before hiding behind you.
“I’ll just have to use my hands.” Happy said and lunged for Peter again.
“Hold on. Step away from my nephew.” May said as she stepped in front of you and held Happy back. Happy stopped trying to attack Peter and caught his breath.
“Happy, you need to calm down.” May told him. “Your daughter isn’t your property. She’s a beautiful young woman. She is allowed to make her own decisions. And that includes deciding who she wants to date.”
“I know that.” Happy sighed. “She just can’t decide on him.”
“Why not, dad?” You asked him.
“For starters, he rented a very inappropriate movie when we were in Germany. No man who respects women would rent a movie called “Grinding Nemo”. I can’t have a guy like that dating my daughter.”
“I was like 15!” Peter whined. “I just bought the first one I found!”
“Grinding Nemo?” You turned and asked Peter.
“It’s like Finding Nemo but instead of fish it was this guy looking for this girls-“
“I don’t even want to know.” You cut him off.
“Happy, you know Peter.” May reminded him. “You know he’ll stop at nothing to protect the people he cares about. She’s in good hands.”
“But why do they have to be his hands?” Happy pointed to Peter and sat back down. You squeezed Peters shoulder before going to sit down beside your dad.
“May is right. You knew I was gonna start dating eventually. And you also know that Peter is a great guy. You should be glad someone like him turned my head. He’s nice, responsible, smart, respectful, and loved by Uncle Tony. So come on, dad. Let me date my cousin.”
“But Tony asked me to look after him. And I don’t always so the best job. I try, but you know he won’t listen if he has his mind set on doing something. God forbid something had ever happened to him….” Happy trailed off and looked down at the ground.
“You’d be letting down the two most important people in your life.” May finished his sentence with a sad smile.
“Its hard for me to remember you’re not a little girl anymore. I thought I would have more time to prepare for this.” Happy admitted. “And I thought Tony would be here to help me. But you’re just growing up so fast. I can’t keep up.”
“We’re both growing up, dad. But we’re doing it together so it’s less scary.” You told him as you put your hands on his shoulders. Happy smiled fondly at you before looking over your shoulder at Peter.
“Do you really like him?” He asked you.
“I do. He listens to me. And he makes me smile.”
“Gross.” Happy gagged.
“Dad.” You whined. “Stop it.”
Happy sighed and looked up at everyone in the apartment. When his eyes landed on Peter, he got up and went over to him. Peter raised his fists in case Happy tried to attack him again, but Happy lowered them.
“Peter, you have my blessing to date my daughter.” Happy said sincerely.
“You have my blessing too.” May spoke up. “But I don’t love the whole cousin aspect.”
“Me either.” You agreed. “Please never get married so we’re never actually cousins.”
“We were never actually talking about marriage. May just said “Aw” during an allergy commercial that showed a wedding.” Happy admitted.
“So we’re good then? We can date without it being incestuous or forbidden?” Peter asked hopefully and wrapped an arm around you.
“I guess so. Just no PDA in front of me, okay? I don’t need to be reminded of this. Ever.” Happy asked and Peter immediately removed his arm.
“No problem, sir.” Peter replied.
“I’m glad that’s settled. Let’s get back to the family dinner.” You smiled and sat back in your seat. Everyone scrunched their face in disgust and you realized your mistake. Calling it a family dinner now that everyone knew you and Peter had kissed and nearly become cousins made everyone a little queasy.
“I, um, I apologize for my choice of words.”
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indyanapolis898 · 9 months
mcu!peter parker x f!reader
Synopsis: Peter wonders why you didn't come over or answer your phone one night, so he decides to talk it out with you in your room.
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🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
Peter slid the window up quietly, climbing onto the ceiling with grace. Dropping onto the floor, he looked around, seeing the room was void of people- one person in particular. His girlfriend, Y/N L/N, should've been in his room. 
"Y/N?" He whispered. No response. 
He invited you for dinner with him and May, yet, you weren't there. He dropped his suit and changed into a crewneck and jeans. 
"Oh! Pete, you're back?" May called out from the other room. Her footsteps approached Peter's door. 
"Yup," he pursed his lips into a smile and nodded. 
"I didn't hear you come in. I must've been deep into the movie I was watching. It's a really good action movie I think you'd like, Pete."
"Yeah, I'll see it with you another time. Uh, did Y/N happen to come here already?"
May furrowed her brows as if she was thinking. "Mmm, no. She was supposed to for dinner, right?"
"Yeah. Maybe something got in the way. I-I'll call her." 
"OK, I'll go start on dinner, though."
Peter shut his door, dialing your number. It rang until it hit your voicemail. That worried the high schooler. You usually answered, especially on a night when you two had plans. Except, that was usually- before the past two weeks. You were becoming late to answering texts and calls, but this was the first time you ditched on plans.
He sat on the edge of his bed, his phone and hands on his lap. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how off you'd been acting. 
Did he do something? Did you do something? 
Maybe he was overthinking. He probably was. 
Peter dialed your number once again, listening to it go to voicemail. He shot you a quick text and decided to let the matter rest until you answered. 
He lay on his bed, phone at his side, waiting for a buzz. He'd occasionally hear one, yet it was usually for some dumb app. 
After ten minutes of lying and thinking, a few knocks were heard at his room door. Peter shot up, hoping it was you. You had just been late, and your phone was dead on the way to his apartment, right?
He groaned and deflated when he saw it was just Aunt May.
"Wow. You're happy to see me," May said facetiously with a chuckle. 
"Sorry," Peter shot a guilty smile. "I was hoping it was Y/N."
"Yeah, that's why I'm knocking. She called me and said she wasn't feeling good. Sorry, hun. Update me on how she feels throughout the week."
"Right," Peter nodded. "I will, thanks, May."
"Dinner's ready if you want it."
"I'm actually not very hungry," Peter looked down to the ground. "I'm gonna sleep... long day at school."
"Yeah, get some sleep, sweetie," May nodded with a knowing look, understanding he was upset about you.
Spider-Man peered through the window, sticking to the side of your building. He supposed he was being quite creepy, but he desperately wanted to talk to you. 
Your blinds were close except for the kink that had always been there. It was mostly dark in your room except for the faint glow of a phone in your bed. He could see your barely illuminated face.
Peter took a deep breath in and knocked lightly at your window. He could see you look up, slightly startled, until you spotted him at the window. 
You looked upset at the sight, reluctantly sliding out of your bed to your window. You unlocked the window, bringing it up.
"Peter!" You hissed in a quieter voice. "What are you doing here?" Your face was red up close, and it looked like you'd been crying.
"I- I mean, you weren't replying to your phone, and you didn't come over, so I-"
"So you came to my apartment while my parents are home, and you're in your suit!" You whisper-yelled. 
"Well- I- yes," Peter answered in disappointment and shame.
"Peter, you can't be here. Please go."
Peter's heart broke at that. "W-why? I don't get it... I do my best to be a good boyfriend. I thought I did enough?"
You broke down into silent tears. Peter climbed into the room and pulled you into a hug- you embraced it. 
"Please, Y/N/N, tell me what's wrong."
"I just-" You say through tears. "My parents say that you barely spend time with me, and they just talk bad about you, and that hurts. A-and the more I thought about it, the more I realized how busy you always are, and the times you aren't out being Spider-Man, you're thinking about Spider-Man work."
"Oh," Peter breathed out. He pulled his mask off, letting it fall to the floor. 
"I'd never agree with any of the bad things they said about you- it's just so hard to have your family bash your boyfriend. Sometimes I wonder if they know best."
"I don't know what they said... but I promise I can do better because you're right, and they're right. I haven't given you my all."
"Don't get me wrong- being Spider-Man is so important, and what you do is incredible. I just can't continue a relationship with two different people- it's taking a toll on me. And as much as it pains me... if we need to break up so you can continue being Spider-Man full time, then it's for the best," you choked up more tears. "But I don't wanna break up, Peter."
Peter felt his throat close up. "I don't wanna break up either. I can't ever quit being Spider-Man, but I can be a better Peter. You deserve more, and I'm so sorry. Give me one more chance, and I promise I'll make more time for you."
You hug him tighter. "I trust you. I don't ever want to guilt you, Peter. I'm sorry for pulling away over the past few weeks. I guess it's just been a lot on my mind."
"It's ok. I should be sorry. And, Y/N/N, if you ever need to tell me something important, I promise you can."
You nod. "I know. I guess I thought you'd be upset if you thought I was trying to make you quit your work or break up."
"I would never think that. We're strong- we can make things work."
You chuckle, breaking away from his embrace to sit on your bed. "I'm exhausted now, but at least I feel better."
"I'm glad I came here. I should go, though." 
You yawned. "No, don't go. Will you sleep next to me?"
Peter grinned. "What about your parents?" 
"Just sneak out before seven."
"Can do," Peter grinned, slipping under the sheets of your bed- wrapping his arms around you as you both drifted off to sleep, knowing things would be okay.
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smithsibsceo · 1 year
thinking about barb and nancy + that 'it didnt have to end this way vs it was always going to' post. because at first glance, it DIDNT have to end that way. barb could have lived and loved and her and nancy would be happy. if nance had gone home with barb, or declined steves invitation, she would still have her best friend. but then, when you look deeper into it - it did have to happen. if barb hadnt died nancy would still have heels in her shoebox instead of a gun, and the pretty pink wallpaper coating her walls, and she wouldnt have ever been able to protect hawkins. their town would have fallen a long time ago if nancy didnt go upstairs. barb is both the unstoppable force and the unmovable object. her death isolates nancy, turns her on herself, festers in the back of her mind like a parasite - but its that same guilt that drives her forwards. nancy has to grieve to allow the anger it puts in her to fight. it was always going to end that way. barb was always going to die. nancy is a soldier, and barb is her sword, sharp and bright and cutting.
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kidney9-9 · 6 months
Birthday Girl - Tom Holland
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happy birthday to my best friend!!! i love you very much and i hope you're having a great bday today :) this is for you! ilyy you have brought a lot of joy into this world and i want you to have the best year possible! thank you for being such a sweet person, you deserve so many great things in life!
Tom Holland x Reader [Fluff and Smut] Warnings: Cursing, smut, little bit of praise, fingering Word Count: 5.2k
Tom was so excited about your birthday tomorrow to the point you weren’t really surprised when he pulled out a list on his phone about possible things to do to celebrate your birthday. It was currently 11pm, the day before your birthday and Tom was grinning widely as he wrapped an arm around you as he showed you the list.
“Alright, so I had way too many ideas about what to do for your birthday tomorrow that I had to put it in a list. And I know you’d like each of them, but I couldn’t choose what to surprise you with because each of them were too good to disregard. So, I was wondering what you’d like from this list to do, think of it like a spa brochure, and we’ll start once it turns midnight.” Tom rambled happily and your jaw dropped as you stared down at the list.
There was two pages of notes and ideas of what to do! “Oh god, Tom, how in the world did you think of all off these?!” You gaped at the list, scrolling through it.
“Oh, I’ve been preparing since the day after your last birthday.” He shrugged like it was no big deal, but you stared at him with wide eyes, completely flabbergasted.
“What?!” You laughed slightly but turned your head to kiss his cheek gently. “You’re so sweet to me. I love you so much.”
His cheeks warmed just a little, “I love you too. I just wanted your birthday to be an extra special day for you since you’ve been working so much.”
You looked at the very first suggestion on the list and felt your cheeks warm slightly, “Aw, love making? And – oh you scheduled it for 3 hours!” You were flustered but you found it a little funny that he added that time suggestion to it.
“Only if you want to!” He cried out, shaking his head and looking incredibly embarrassed. “It’s completely up to you, seriously. I just put that there since I thought maybe you’d like that suggestion.”
“It’s okay, I like it, don’t worry.” You shrugged and smiled at him.
You smiled at his words, feeling grateful for him. You gazed down at the list again and laughed at one of the funnier suggestions, “Did you really put this one down? A brigadeiro making party?”
“Yeah! I know you love them – I also put down acai making party. If you want to do either of those, I can go get all the ingredients at the store and I’ll invite our friends over.” Tom responded, pointing out the other option on the list.
“You’re ridiculous.” You giggled and shook your head, “But they do sound fun.”
Tom smiled at that, “Yeah, and there’s also some stuff we can do by ourselves, and we can celebrate your birthday with friends and family another day.”
You hummed and nodded at his words. You did want to hang out with him one-on-one since you guys haven’t been able to spend as much time together lately. You had a lot of work since you took on a new project at the company you worked at, and you were in and out of meetings most days, so you only really saw Tom at night. You were glad you had tomorrow off!
“I think I want to just hang out with you tomorrow, babe. I miss hanging out with you.” You confessed and Tom’s face softened, and he leaned closer to you and kissed your lips gently.
“I missed that too. Remember when we’d slow dance on the balcony whenever that song came on the radio?” He stopped for a moment and smiled even more, “I keep thinking about how beautiful you looked out in the sunshine – even in the moonlight too, you’ve got this glow that I always miss.”
You practically melted into him, bringing him into an embrace. “Such a romantic sap,” You teased softly, and he added onto your words, “But you love it.”
“That’s right. We’re definitely dancing out on the balcony tonight. Right when it turns midnight, that’ll be a perfect way to start my birthday.” You murmured to him, and he squeezed you extra tight at your words, kissing your cheek.
“That’s perfect, darling. And we’re about forty minutes away too.” He stretched his arms up and leaned away, “I’m going to put some music on now and set things up on the balcony. I’ll clean the dishes up too.” He pointed to the dishes on the coffee table. You two ate a late dinner and snuggled on the couch for a while.
“Mm, thank you.” You said as he stood up from the couch. You shivered from the loss of the heat coming off his body. He quickly picked up a throw blanket and pressed it over you, smiling and leaning down again to peck your lips softly.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything like that, I’ll do it any day and anytime.” He paused as he picked the dishes up from the table, “Also don’t come in the kitchen, I got to get your surprise ready!”
You laughed and shook your head, “Baby, it’s not a surprise anymore if you say there’s a surprise.”
“Oh shit, yeah.” He chuckled at himself. He took the plates away and a minute later, you heard him setting up the speakers and playing some music. It was a slow romantic song that started first and your smile widened when you recognized it. It was the first song on the playlist he made you for Valentine’s one year.
He started singing the lyrics and you sung along with him softly, as you looked through more of the list on his phone. A few more of the options made you giggle a bit. “Tom, baby, what does it mean when you put ‘Taylor Swift’?” You wondered if it meant you two would listen to her albums for a while, which sounded like a fun time.
He walked back in and pushed a hand through his hair, “Oh, yeah, that’s a birthday gift that’s coming in a few months. I got us some front row tickets to one of her concerts!”
Your jaw dropped and you stared at him in silence. Tickets to her concert were extremely hard to get, especially front row ones. How in the world did he get them!? And why is he acting all nonchalant about it?
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Tom looked nervous and concerned, “Do you not like that gift? We don’t have to go.” He continued, walking closer to you.
“What! No, we’ve got to go! Oh my god, how did you get two front row tickets?” You snapped out of your shocked silence.
“I emailed her manager and asked politely.” Tom laughed and you were still completely shocked, and you laughed along with him.
“You are so crazy.” You breathed out and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He happily squeezed you back in the hug.
“I’m happy you like this early birthday gift – oh there’s like twenty minutes left now until your birthday.” Tom chuckled as you pulled away.
“Hmm, are you done with the dishes?” You asked, peeking over his shoulder to look into the kitchen.
He nodded, “Yep, but I have one more thing to do. I’ll be back really quick.” He leaned down and pecked your lips again and you smiled happily at him. He was so sweet.
“Okay… but don’t leave me trying to slow dance by myself for so long!” You called back laughing as you walked over to the balcony. You opened the doors up and sighed as the heat from outside hit you. You put the blanket back on the couch, no longer needing it. You and Tom had the habit of turning the AC on super cold all the time, even to the point you two were freezing during the heat outside.
“I won’t!” He said back. You walked back to the balcony and went outside, peering down to your garden, happy to see that the flowers were doing good down there. You and Tom planted a few a while ago when you guys had some free time. You planted some of your favorites, including tulips, and Tom planted one of his favorites and one of his mom’s favorites.
The music got louder when Tom adjusted the speakers, and then you gazed at the doorway to see Tom bringing in a mini cake on a platter, with a candle on the top. He turned on a few lights to make the balcony brighter.
“Aw, Tom! You didn’t need to get a cake!” You gasped as he brought it closer. It looked like it was one of your favorite types of cake too. A few pieces of fruit were surrounding the cake on the plate, all of which were fruits you liked.
“I wanted to! And it’s just a small cake. The one your family is planning to make is huge.” He responded, placing the cake down onto the outdoor table. Your eyes widened at the mention of your family making a cake.
“Oh god, not again.” You burst out into laughter. The last time your family made a cake, it was so large that there was barely a dent in it at the end of the party.
“Yeah, I’m prepared for it this time. I’m going to eat all the cake I can when they celebrate your birthday.” Tom snorted and you shook your head at him, amused.
“Alright, cake man.” You rolled your eyes playfully and motioned for him to come closer to you, “Come get your cake.” You joked and he looked shocked at your joke, before laughing with you.
“Don’t mind if I do. I didn’t expect you to start calling your ass cake after I started calling it that.” He chuckled and walked over to you.
“My ass looks good today, I couldn’t help it.” You responded and he nodded enthusiastically at your words.
“Very true. Looks great every day.” He said and wrapped his arms around your waist, lowering just slightly right before they hit your ass. You put your arms around his neck, and you both started to slow dance, swaying back and forth in the nightlight.
A new song started, and Tom grinned, “Aw, remember this one?” He spun you around and brought you back to him, then lowered his head and kissed your lips softly. “It was the song that you had sung at karaoke that made me blurt out how much I love you. The first time I said it.”
You smiled and nodded, staring up into his eyes. You could see all the love and joy in them, you almost swooned. “That was the point I really just confirmed you were the one. I could tell you actually meant it when you said it.”
His hand stroked your back up and down, “Yeah, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I wanted to say it for a while, but I thought I’d sound a bit crazy since it wasn’t long since we officially started dating.”
“You know, your brother, Harry, actually told me before that, that you were in love with me. He said he’d never saw you so lovestruck before.” You murmured, “I didn’t believe him. I thought he was just saying it to be nice.”
Tom raised his eyebrows in shock, “Oh god, when was that?” He stopped dancing at that moment, but you continued to pull him around, smiling at his expression.
“Our first Christmas with each other when we had dinner at your parents’ house. We were watching The Princess Diaries, and I went to go get more snacks and he helped me in the kitchen.” You recalled the memory, smiling as Tom shook his head.
“He’s so sneaky, but he’s good about it.” He smiled and you nodded, agreeing with him.
“Mm, yeah, he’s a good guy, even though he accidentally drove into my dad’s car that one time.” You joked, laughing as Tom started too as well.
“He’s still so sorry about that, he doesn’t trust back up cameras on cars now.” Tom laughed loudly then sighed and shook his head. He looked towards the clock inside the house, on the wall nearby and his eyebrows shot up.
“Oh! It’s almost midnight.” He pulled away and went over to the cake and lit the candle with a match he had in his pocket. You grinned happily as he excitedly walked over to you with the plate in his hands.
“Happy birthday, my love. Make a wish.” He whispered to you, after he checked the time again. You closed your eyes and blew out the candle. You opened your eyes and Tom cut a slice of cake for the two of you.
“It looks so good. Thank you, baby.” You whispered to him and kissed his cheek as you two sat down next to each other.
“You’re welcome, I love you.” He replied, yawning slightly as he took a bite of the cake. You took a bite as well, groaning in pleasure at the taste. It was delicious and you could practically melt in delight from it.
“I love you too. We should get to bed after this.” You said, snuggling into his side. He nodded in agreement and you two finished eating the slices of cake. He went and put the rest of it away to eat later and you turned the lights and music off before you two went to your bedroom.
You slipped your body under the covers on your side of the bed as Tom yawned again and got in the bed as well.  He set a hand over yours and you scooted closer to him in the bed. “Goodnight baby, thank you for tonight – and tomorrow.” You smiled sleepily.
“Goodnight birthday girl.”
By the time you woke up, you could smell a delicious breakfast waiting for you in the other room. Sunlight drifted into the room from the blinds, and you stretched in the bed, shifting as you got up from the bed.
“Y/n?” Tom called out gently, walking into the room. You tiredly walked over to him and hugged him, making him chuckle and hug you back.
“Hi baby.” You whispered to him and pulled away, walking with him to the living room. One of your familiar favorite tv shows are on and you gazed at Tom with a happy expression, “You even put my favorite season on!” You gasped at that, and Tom nodded.
“Yeah, I also made us some breakfast. I made a few of your favorites.” He grinned and went over to the kitchen to start pulling out the food. He set it all on the dining room table and you walked over to see what he made. You gaped at it when you realized he really did make a few of your favorite breakfast foods. A lot of it!
“Tom! How are we going to eat all this?” You laughed, sitting down when he finished putting everything out. He sat beside you and took a sip of his tea.
“Um, I didn’t think of that – but we can save it all for the next couple days, I think!” He said, laughing. He picked up some of the food and put it on his plate, then offered to do the same for you but you shook your head.
“It’s alright, I can get it.” You responded and he pouted but nodded.
When you started to cut a pancake, he stopped you, “Wait, I’ll do that for you. I can cut it into pieces. How many pieces do you want?”
You furrowed your eyebrows once you realized he was being genuine about that, “Tom, baby, what?”
“I can cut like 4 big pieces of like normal 8 pieces – oh do you like it being cut in triangles? I can do that.” Tom rambled a little, about to cut your pancake with his fork and knife.
You started laughing silently, shaking a bit, “I’m good with cutting it on my own!”
“Eh? But it’s your birthday, I want to do everything for you, so you have the perfect day.” He explained, looking like it was a completely normal thing to say. You shook your head and set your hand over his.
“Baby, no. It’s alright. I can do it by myself. I’m not a kid.” You giggled a bit more as he looked a little bit down at your answer.
“Aw okay, well if you want anything just tell me.” He responded, putting his silverware down and squeezing your hand.
“Thank you, you’re incredibly sweet.” You mumbled to him and kissed his cheek, causing his frown to disappear.
When you were done eating a very full breakfast, you and Tom moved over to the living room, where you saw a huge box sitting in the corner of the room, with a few more gifts spread around. You gaped, “When did you do this? I was just in the living room before breakfast.”
“Oh, I did it when I put the dishes in the sink. These are just a few of the gifts right now, I’ll give you some more throughout the day!” He said happily, pleased to see your expression.
He pulled the huge box over to the couch and you started to open it with a pair of scissors, laughing when Tom started to stare at you with obvious excitement. “Ooh, what is this? I’m really confused.” You spoke up, trying to look in the box, but there was something hard you could feel.
“Open the box a little bit more, you’ll see.” He grinned widely, scooting closer to you.
Once you opened the top of the box completely, you pulled out the gift, eyes widening as you realized what it was. You pulled out a new guitar case, and you opened it up as quickly as you could, gawking at the very beautiful new guitar. You ran a hand over the wood, blinking a few times before it really kicked in that he got you a guitar!
“Wh- what?! You seriously got this?” You gasped, falling in love with the guitar instantly. It looked perfect, and you could tell it was great quality as well.
“Of course! Since you’re good at playing it, I thought maybe you’d like to have another one too.” He said sheepishly, but he looked extremely delighted to see how happy you were with the gift.
“I love it, thank you seriously. This is one of the bests gifts I’ve ever gotten.” You mumbled, still in awe of the guitar.
“Aw, yeah, you’re going to play it beautifully, I can tell.” Tom responded, brushing his hand up and down your back.
After opening a few more amazing gifts, you turned to Tom with a big smile on your face, “I think I know what to pick from your list.” You spoke up, changing the subject.
“Oh, what do you want to do?” Tom asked, shifting in his seat on the couch.
You cheekily leaned closer to him, going up to his ear and whispered, “Number one.”
His face was blank for a moment before he realized what you meant and then his expression shifted into an excited one and he moved his neck slightly to turn to face you and he brought his hand up to cup your cheek softly.
“I would very much like that too.” He whispered back and you giggled softly, closing the gap between you two with a kiss. It was firm and loving, and slowly turned a bit harder as you opened your mouth a bit and his tongue slipped against yours delicately, then messily.
He pushed himself closer to you, his other hand slipping underneath your shirt and squeezing one of your breasts before pinching softly around and on your nipple. You moaned against his lips, feeling him move closer and closer as you fell back against the couch.
He climbed on top of you, moving his hips against yours, grinding and making you gasp his name loudly when you felt something poking down there after a few more seconds. His hard on rubbed against you, and you shifted, letting it hit your clothed clit.
You moaned heavily, dragging your lips against his as you pushed your hips up to grind against his harder.
“Need more.” You panted out and he nodded, pulling away hesitantly from your lips, “Fuck,” He breathed out.
“That got hot really fast.” He continued, starting to take his shirt off. He threw it across the room, not caring where it landed. He got up and undid his pants and pushed his underwear as well. Your vision focused on his dick, and you squeezed your thighs together, feeling your underwear dampen even more. He got a condom from his pant’s pockets, rolling it onto his dick.
You took your top off, glad you weren’t wearing a bra and then you pushed your pants down, not caring that they didn’t go off your ankles as Tom climbed back over you, kissing down your neck and pinching your other nipple.
“I love you so much.” He sighed against your neck, licking, and sucking a certain spot that made you press up against him even more.
“I, ahh, I love you too.” You gasped out as his hand slipped down to your pussy, rubbing two fingers over your clit in circular movements. He hummed against your neck, moving to your mouth. He paused as he sunk one finger into your pussy, pumping in and out.
“You’re taking my fingers so good.” He whispered against your lips, pushing another in, causing you to shiver from the pleasure.
“I need you, Tom. Please, I need you in me.” You whimpered against him, chasing an orgasm.
“Ah, okay, shit, you’re going to make me finish earlier than usual because of what you’re saying.” He huffed out before he pulled his fingers out. He put them into his mouth as he pulled away from your lips, and he groaned deeply.
“Tastes so good, all the time.” He muttered and with that, he slowly pushed himself in, making you gasp loudly.
“Fuck, oh, yes, yes, Tom!” You panted, moving to push his cock into you even more. He finally was fully in, and he started to rock in and out of you slowly at first.
He pushed up against your g-spot, making you moan more, eyes squeezing shut as waves of pleasure continued to hit you faster and harder. “That’s it, keep taking me like that. You’re such a good girl.” He cried out against your neck, and his hand snuck back down to your pussy, starting to rub your clit again.
It sent you over the edge as he started to rub it in tempo with fucking you, going a little faster. Your legs wrapped around him tightened just a bit before they loosened as your orgasm hit you. “Tom, I’m coming!” You shouted and he continued his actions, groaning your name out.
“Yeah, fuck, I’m almost there too. Keep going, baby.” He cried back, and he started coming, your name falling from his lips.
“I love you, so much.” You struggled to get out.
“I love you too baby, happy birthday.” He panted back, kissing you once more.
He continued to pulse in and out until you both were breathing heavily, and when he stopped coming. He pulled himself out of you, taking the condom off as he stood up and tied it together before throwing it in the trash near the door.
“That was so good.” You sighed out, wiping your forehead to get the sweat off.
“Yeah, birthday sex is always the best.” He laughed gently as he sat next to you, pulling you up softly from the couch.
You felt a little sleepy but just being next to him, seeing him all hot and sweaty from what just happened made you want to do it again. You stood up, holding your hand out to help him stand up from the couch.
“Round two in the shower?” You winked at him, and his eyes widened, and he immediately took your hand, standing up to walk with you to the bathroom.
“You are insane, but yes please! Round two of love making!” He laughed, following you.
After finishing three more rounds, you and Tom were exhausted, laying on the bed together. It was around 5 in the afternoon now and you were checking your phone, texting back your friends and saying thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes.
“I’ve got to call my family, I’m going to put it on speaker. I know they’ll want to talk to you too.” You spoke up, shifting to put your head on his chest. He smiled gently back at you and nodded.
“I like talking with them, they’re pretty nice.” He yawned slightly.
You called your mom, who answered after the second ring. “Daughter! Hello! Happy birthday!” She shouted over the phone, and you heard some shuffling over the phone before you heard a lot of voices singing the birthday song together.
“Aw, guys. You don’t have to sing that.” You laughed as Tom started to sing happy birthday too.
“Happy Birthday to Y/n, Happy Birthday to you!” Your family sang loudly over the phone. You heard your dad add on, “And many more…”, clapping at the end. You chuckled a bit at it.
“Thanks everyone. How are you guys doing?” You spoke up, feeling Tom’s fingers going through your hair. You sighed, feeling relaxed and sleepy as he continued.
“We’re all good! How is your birthday going? We want to celebrate it next week when everyone is able to get together for some lunch!” Your mom asked.
“It’s really good, Tom surprised me with some good gifts today.” You answered and your dad gasped.
“Oh! Tom, how’s he doing?” He questioned and you gazed up at Tom to see him smiling.
“I’m doing good, sir. We’re celebrating Y/n’s birthday all day today, but we’re taking a little rest right now.” Tom responded.
“Ah, good. Are you taking her out to dinner?” Your dad asked, and you laughed slightly.
“Dad, I’m right here still.” You commented.
“Well, I still want to know. Are you romancing my daughter? Is she happy?” Your dad continued.
Tom silently chuckled, but spoke up, “Yes, she is happy! And it’s her choice if she’d like to go out to dinner. I have a few reservations saved for tonight if she does want to go out to dinner at three of her favorite restaurants.”
“Hm, that’s very thoughtful of you. Good work. Keep it up.” Your dad responded and you heard your mom sigh.
“Okay, enough of that. Send us some pictures! We’ll see you next week. Happy birthday again, sweetheart!” Your mom said goodbye and ended the call after you and Tom said goodbye.
You shifted to look up at Tom, “Did you really reserve all those restaurants? Even with the one with great burgers?”
“Yeah of course.” He nodded.
You pouted as you tried to sit up, feeling extremely sleepy. “I want to go get those burgers, but I’m so tired.” You said, stretching your arms up in the air.
“Oh, that’s okay! I can order them and have the food delivered here.” Tom responded and you grinned widely, collapsing back on the bed next to him.
“Really? This is the best day ever! We’ve got to get extra food too because we skipped lunch.” You said and he laughed, agreeing with you.
“Yeah, we got to get those chili fries too. And milkshakes.” Tom added.
The two of you ordered a bunch of food and moved over to the living room. You started to tune the guitar that he got you, still so surprised with the gift. Tom was happily watching you before he got up and moved to the kitchen to get something.
“I got you one more gift.” He spoke up, walking back to where you were. You looked up at him, wondering what it was, but you were also a bit surprised. He was giving way too many gifts!
“Baby, this better be the last gift.” You joked.
“It is! I promise. Here you go.” He handed you a small box. You looked at it and shifted it in your hands, before opening it. The box had a dark red, crushed violet feel to it, and when you opened it, you saw a stunning necklace with the letter T on it.
“Aww, Tom! This is so cute.” You were shocked and in awe of it. It was so pretty, with a few jewels on it. “Can you put it on me, please?” You asked, watching as Tom looked relieved to see you like it.
“Yeah, sure.” He delicately put it around your neck. It sat down on your neck neatly, and Tom smiled as he watched you grin happily as you looked down at it.
“I love it so much. I love you, Tom. You’ve made this day absolutely perfect.” You whispered, gazing up into his eyes.
Tom leaned down and kissed your lips gently, pulling a breath away from you, “I love you too. You deserve every great thing in life. You’ve brought me a lot of happiness and whenever I look at you, I feel like I can see the entire world in color for the first time.” He murmured sweetly to you.
“Thank you, Tom, really.” You responded.
The food arrived about thirty minutes later and you and Tom devoured it all. It was delicious, and you absolutely loved it because it was from one of your favorite restaurants. You two ate while watching another one of your favorite movies.
When you two were finished, you guys cleaned up and threw the trash away, then went over to the garden to go sit on the porch swing to watch the sunset.
“It’s so pretty tonight.” You said, loving the view. You and Tom swung softly on the bench. You were finishing up your milkshake, while Tom got himself a cup of tea.
He gazed at you as he responded, “Yeah, you always are.”
Your eyes shifted over to him, and you realized what he meant after a moment and you felt your cheeks flush slightly, “Tom…”
“Mm, just speaking the truth.” He mumbled back, enjoying your reaction as you playfully rolled your eyes at him.
“I love you. I’ll always love you.” You spoke up after a moment of silence. Tom shifted his hand into yours and squeezed.
“Love you too, birthday girl.” He replied, scooting closer to you.
“I think this is one of the best parts of the day.” You said, a smile forming on your face as you gazed at him. “Because I’ll remember each time I see the sunset that you’ve given me something so precious in life. I feel so lucky to have your love.”
Tom squeezed your hand, “And I’m lucky to have your love as well. If I could, I’d give you all you’d want in the world, just to see your smile.”
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lnfours · 1 year
birthday | t.h
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summary -> it’s tom’s birthday, which calls for a perfect day
warnings -> fluff, language (duh), and an overload of cuteness that it genuinely makes me want to cry !
wc -> 1.2k
                                 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the house was quiet. there were no sounds of pans being pulled out from the cupboards to make an early morning breakfast, there was no echoes of footsteps in the hallway and coming up and down the steps. just silence. 
and it was nice, beings there’s always something that pulls you out of your sleep. wether it’s the sound of tom’s alarm going off to remind him to go to his daily early morning workout, tess needing to be let outside, or someone coming in and asking you a random question that could’ve waited until you decided it was time to open your eyes. 
so when you woke up to nothing but silence, no questions, no alarms, nothing, it made you sit up. you almost questioned if everything was alright, but when you grabbed your phone off the charger on the nightstand next to you and saw the date. that's when you came to the realization that it’s because it’s june 1st. 
toms birthday. 
as you rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, you remembered that the twins had mentioned they were going to go out this morning to get breakfast for everyone, wanting to treat the birthday boy to his favorite meal from his favorite spot. 
you also remembered asking tom if he remembered to set his alarm for the morning before he climbed in bed next to you last night. to which he replied, “it’s my birthday, i deserve the day off from a brutal workout.”
so you flipped back on your side, leaning your head on tom’s shoulder, his bare back facing you as he slept with his cheek squished against the pillow. you smiled softly, wrapping your arm around the front of his body, pressing a soft kiss to his warm skin. 
he gently stirred, and you mentally cursed yourself because you didn’t mean to wake him. you really felt guilty when he rolled over, grabbing your hand with his as he faced you, eyes slowy opening as his brown orbs met yours, a sleepy smile on his lips, “mornin’,”
you smiled back, brushing the tangled curls off his forehead, “didn’t mean to wake you.”
he shrugged softly, “‘s okay. was gonna get up soon anyway.”
you nodded, scooting closer to him as he wrapped his arms around you. you tucked your head under his chin, fingers warm against the cold metal of the necklace that sat lowly on his chest. you looked back up at him, meeting his gaze once again. 
“happy birthday, tommy.”
he smiled again, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on your hairline, “thank you, darlin’.”
“you’re gettin’ old, y’know.”
he laughed softly, his chest sending little vibrations to your cheek, “we’re literally 5 months apart,” you smiled softly, turning so you were fully facing him, “if i’m getting older that just means you’re not far behind me.”
“nah, i’ll stay young forever.” you joked. he rolled his eyes playfully. 
“i can give you notes from my skincare routine, y’know so you don’t get all old ‘n wrinkly.”
you laughed, “tom, you don’t remember to wash your face, what makes you think that i’m going to get wrinkles before you?”
he smirked as he squinted, raising a finger towards your forehead, “oh, i think i see one startin' to form-“
you laughed, gently slapping his hand away, “oh, fuck off!” 
he let out a chuckle as he pulled you closer, lifting your chin up to meet the same level his face was at, “i love you.”
“i love you, too.”
he leaned down and gently kissed your lips. you smiled into the kiss, your hand resting on his chest as you felt his heartbeat under your fingertips. the sun was coming in softly through the curtains and everything about this moment was just… 
that was until the door was flung open, “happy birthday tom!!”
you both jumped apart, you moving as the two of you looked towards the door. tuwaine, the twins, paddy and harrison had made their way into the room, everyone jumping on the bed to bombard the birthday boy. 
in this moment, you were thankful you were able to convince tom to get the larger mattress. 
tom laughed, thanking his brothers and friends. you giggled next to him, your own heart full from watching the whole thing unfold. 
“we got you breakfast from molly’s.” haz said. 
“and your gifts are downstairs.” tuwaine added. 
“sounds good, lads. we’ll be down in a minute.”
the group of boys shared a look and laughed, you two rolling your eyes as harry let out a wolf whistle. you both chuckled, shaking your heads as they walked out the room and closed the door. 
you had kicked the covers off and made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. after, you made your way to the closet and gently tugged at the hoodie that was hanging up on tom’s side. you looked towards the door, making sure he wasn’t walking in before grabbing the small gift bag from the hiding spot on your side of the closet. 
you snuck it behind your back, walking back out to the bedroom and seeing tom dressed, buttoning up his shirt. you smiled at him in the full length mirror, his eyes meeting yours as he smiled back at you. 
“whatcha got behind your back, love?”
you twisted your lips in fake thought, “hmm, i dunno. a little something for the birthday boy, maybe?”
“i told you that you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“do i ever listen to you when you say that?”
he shook his head, a smile still on his lips, “never.”
he tucked his shirt into his jeans, buttoning and zipping them up before hooking his belt. he turned to look at you, his hands instinctively reaching for your hips. 
“do i have to close my eyes?"
“only if you want.”
he thought about it for a second, shaking his head, “i don’t really want to.”
“then don’t,” you giggled, pulling the bag out from behind your back, handing it to him, “happy birthday.”
he smiled, taking the bag from your grip. he took his time opening it, not wanting it to see like he was rushing. he pushed aside the tissue paper and reached a little box at the bottom of the bag. he placed the bag on the bed, opening the small jewelry box. 
“it’s like yours,” he smiled, fishing out the ring. your initials engraved on the top of the band, just like the ‘th’ one that sat on your ring finger. 
“yeah,” you smiled, “i figured we could match. our own little version of promise rings or something, i dunno,” he nodded along with you, meeting your eyes, “oh, uh, check the inside.”
he read the engraving in the gold metal on the inside of the ring, “‘to my london boy’,” he let out a chuckle, “always a taylor swift reference, huh?”
you laughed, smiling up at him, “always.”
he shook his head, pulling you closer to him by your hips again, “thank you. i love it.”
“you’re welcome.”
“can you two stop mackin on each other and get down here?! we’re starving!” sam called up the steps. you both rolled your eyes, tom leaning down to meet your lips in another kiss. 
“i’m tempted to take even longer so they have to wait.”
you smirked, “i mean, it is your birthday after all.” 
he nodded, “you’re right.”
and with that, your feet were lifted off the carpet of your bedroom. you laughed loudly, wrapping your arms around his neck as he carried you back to the bed, calling back to his brother over his shoulder. 
“sorry, mate! you’re gonna have to wait a little longer!”
“oh, come on!”
                                 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
💌 beings my tagged list has gotten so long that tumblr literally won't let me add it, the tagged list is temporarily closed until i can figure it out. in the meantime, be sure to follow and turn on notifications for @toms-gf to be notified whenever i post imagines :)
xoxo, jordan
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bradtomlovesya · 2 years
Choices 3
Three: Take Me Back To The Day We Met
Peter Parker x Reader series
Summary: Everybody forgot who Peter Parker was. All his world tunerd grey until he met you and you started dating. It could have been perfect if it wasn't for the fact that MJ comes back and, surprise! She remembers EVERYTHING.
Warnings: Pure Angst!, mentions of cheating, swearing, descriptions of sex +18, fluff!
w/c: 3k
a/n: Enjoy this chapter! As always, coments, reblogs and likes are completely appreaciated. Thank you so much for all the love and support this series is having. I will be forever grateful! Thank you for staying 'til the end ❤️. Gif not mine.
Series Masterlist
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Peter felt his heart sink in his chest and could blame no one but himself.
There you were, laughing with Austin at something trivial he had said. You had only gone on one date. You told yourself that you should move on and get on with your life just as you thought Peter had gotten on with his.
But that wasn't true because Peter was standing there holding back tears and the roses he had bought you behind his back.
He had set it all up, flowers, invite you, dinner, apologies, tell you the whole truth, promise ring, hug, kiss, happy again. Everything exactly in that order and without skipping a step.
However, Peter had overlooked one small detail. You guys had broken up almost two months ago and that made you free to date someone else.
Even more so if that someone was as cute smart and kind as Austin.
Austin was the exact opposite of Peter. Tall, blond, thin, blue-eyed, bad at science but very good at history. That explained why he was studying literature. Austin loved the attention, going out to parties (though not too much drinking) and spending time with his many, many friends.
Peter... Peter was totally different from that.
Probably for that reason you had agreed to go out with him. Because he was different from Parker and you didn't want to go through the same thing. He had already made you suffer enough.
Spiderman followed you on several of your dates. 3 to be exact. He wanted to make sure Austin didn't get smart with you and that you were healthy. Although it was probably also out of pure morbid curiosity. Peter felt a thousand knives go through his heart when he saw him kiss you and yet he didn't take his eyes off you for a second.
His mind wandered and he imagined himself in Austin's place and it was then that he resigned himself. He had lost you. He had lost you through his own fault and you weren't coming back.
That day Spiderman stopped following you and you wished he had continued to do so because Austin was starting to turn a little dark.
One night, you were in your bedroom watching a movie when Austin started kissing your neck. That was fine with you. What wasn't fine was that he slipped his hand under your skirt and between your legs and you weren't ready for that.
"Austin, I'm sorry. I'm not ready for this yet" you pulled his hand away.
"Please, y/n. We've been dating for two weeks, do you want to make me wait any longer?" The blond asked and moved his hand back up between your legs.
Peter would never have done that.
"Austin, seriously. Please stop" you pushed his hand away and sat down. You were not at all comfortable right now.
"God..." he swallowed deeply and then exhaled. "Can we at least do something oral? Seeing you wear that skirt has given me a huge hard-on. I need your help."
Peter had already seen you in that skirt and had only said it matched the color of your eyes.
"I'm not going to do anything. I don't feel comfortable and I'm not going to do it" you said firmly. You feared his reaction but you weren't going to give in to something you didn't want to do.
"Then I'll have to find someone to fix what you caused?" he stood up and took your arm. "A little unfair, don't you think?"
You wanted to scream. You wanted to spit at him. You wanted to tell him you were going to finish him off but you'd seen too many documentaries on female homicide to act any better than that.
"Austin, I'm on my period and I ate tuna in the morning so if you don't want your penis bloody or smelling like a fish fry we'd better save it for another day." You looked at him and he just nodded.
It was the best you could say... you weren't very proud but at least you could get out of that room in one piece. The documentaries had taught you that you don't tell a man you're going to leave him and take the kids. You just disappear the next day without a trace.
Obviously you weren't married and you didn't have children. But you weren't going to give him any more reason to get upset in front of you and earn an aggressive action from him. If he could run his hand up your legs without your permission, he could certainly do other things and you weren't going to stick around to find out.
You broke up with him by text message and talked to some of your friends, teachers and the principal. If Austin ever went crazy and did something to you, everyone would already know it was him because you had told them.
This news reached Peter's ears. Now he knew what Austin had done to you and his blood boiled like lava in an active volcano. Parker decided to take revenge. He didn't beat him, he was too good for that, but he did make him take off all his clothes except his underwear and threw two spider webs into his hands to stick him to the campus pole. It took several hours for the web to dissolve and by then everyone had seen him apologize to you in public, because it was part of the plan. Obviously you knew this was Peter made.
Parker still cared about you. You didn't know how that made you feel...it was like something about him drew you to him and your heart always ended up going back to him.
Peter had it in mind to use this to get you to come back to him or to at least listen to what he has to say.
Parker decided to start small. He knew he couldn't just walk up and ask you out after what he had done so he took it slow.
The first thing he did was leave you a note over a pizza box outside your bedroom that said: Thursday is pizza night.
When you saw the note you couldn't help but smile slightly. Too bad he wasn't around to observe your reaction.
The next thing was to leave you a stuffed dog stuck to the window with his web. The note said "No dogs allowed on campus but I know how much you want one. It's the best I can do... For now."
Your heart went out to him. If Peter was trying to get you to forgive him...he was succeeding in a small way.
Although, it still hurt that 1. he betrayed you like that and 2. it took him so long to try to fix it. However, it was you who asked him for time and space. So you were just mad and hurt.
But you had the right to feel whatever you wanted. He lied to you. He hurt you. Your feelings and reactions are yours and yours alone. You had learned that you shouldn't keep them to yourself. In part, Peter was the one who helped you to be more open emotionally...
The last of his moves was a small box with a note taped to it that read. "Sorry, can we talk?" And inside the box was the key to his apartment.
With this Peter wanted to tell you: I'm not with MJ because I didn't give her the key.
That's exactly what you thought. But it's never good to have false expectations so you took it as calmly as possible. Under the keys was another note that read. "7 pm. My apartment. Please."
You were going to go. But you wanted it to be a last minute surprise for him. If you were nervous, Peter was six times as nervous.
His spidey senses were driving him crazy. He was pacing back and forth all over his apartment as he counted the candles (artificial because we don't want fire accidents), dinner in the oven...lasagna. The only thing he had learned to cook from his Aunt May and nobperfectly because the cheese was a little browner than it should be.
The music, his favorite songs on a playlist and some of his own choice that repeated the word "I'm sorry" a lot, the message was explicit and implicit. Peter was sorry and wanted to make amends more than anything else in the world.
Parker was about to go crazy. He even hung upside down from the ceiling trying to calm his nerves. You were 16 minutes and 37 seconds late (not that Peter was counting) but you arrived and he was more than relieved.
He opened the door and there you were. Wearing that cute skirt again. Autin had ruined it for you, yes. But nothing Peter's smile at seeing you in it couldn't fix.
"You came" he looks at you like you're not real. Like you were a product of the blood pooling in his head after hanging from the ceiling.
"I'm sorry. I'm late... Anya needed help with the hem of her dress and it was torn so it was tedious to get it fixed" you bite your lip. If your heart is going fast you know hers is going with propellant.
"It's okay" he quickly replies. "It doesn't matter" he smiles that smile you missed so much. "The important thing is that you're here now."
"I think so..." you nod slightly and bite your lip walking into his apartment.
You inhale deeply and there's that signature smell of his home. It's an indescribable scent that every home has and you missed that smell so much...
"Did you like my gifts?" he asks hoping to hear the answer.
"It was nice... I didn't think you still remembered I wanted a dog" you fold your arms. You're here to talk. But you're still hurting and you were never good at being a hypocrite pretending everything is okay when it's not.
"I pay attention to you. I have always done" walks over to the dining room table and pulls the chair over to sit you down. "I made lasagna...the cheese is a little burnt so we can order food if you don't want to eat it or I can-"
"Peter" you stop him before he talks too much and smile. "It's okay... I like the golden cheese on the lasagna." You sit down and thank him as he pulls your chair into the dining room.
"Okay..." he inhales deeply and takes the lasagna out of the oven which wasn't on but, he kept it in there so it wouldn't get cold. "Water, right?" He asks as he places your lasagna in front of you.
"That's right" you watch the water fill your glass and then him sit down across from you. "You wanted to talk?" You blurt out once you both start eating.
"Yes...I did. I wanted to apologize for everything" he sighs and looks down at his fork after taking a big bite. "What I said about MJ last time didn't-."
"You don't have to explain that to me." You interrupt him.
"Please let me finish..." he looks at you pleadingly. "I want to explain to you why my choice of words wasn't the best and made you think I had called you because MJ couldn't and that's not true." He denies. "I didn't call MJ because I didn't want to call her. I called you because you're the one I wanted around, I want around." He clarifies.
"I see..." you take a sip of water. You know how hard it is for him to express himself in a good way.
"About what happened at the fair..." he sighs heavily remembering it. He hated himself for what he had done. "I got carried away with my emotions. I regret that every day and it will never happen again. I will never put you through that again if you decide to give me a chance."
"Why did it take you so long to ask her? Couldn't you decide between me and her?" You raise an eyebrow.
"No. I chose you. It took me so long to tell you because you'd asked me for some time and.... then I saw you with that asshole Austin." Her jaw tenses. "He's a jerk. And if it wasn't for my mistake we never would have broken up and you never would have dated that monster."
"You can't blame yourself for that. It was my decision to be with him" you close your eyes for a moment. "Thanks, by the way. Friendly neighbor spiderman came to the rescue." You smile and your eyes meet his.
"I couldn't sit still" he shrugs.
"And I'm glad you didn't" you move your hand across the table and take his.
"I...I'm really sorry for everything, y/n" his voice cracks. "Absolutely for everything and I miss you and I love you and I need you. Please..."
"So... to clarify..." you pause. "You and MJ didn't get back together?"
"No," Peter denies flatly. "We never kissed again or tried to go out as anything more than friends. That kiss was a mistake. Our relationship ended then, we moved on with our lives and I found you. The only good thing that has happened to me in so long...please don't tell me I blew it."
"Peter..." you sigh "it's true that you hurt me like I never thought you would but... there's also more to this story like the fact that you guys never had closure because of the multiverse" you laugh lightly thinking about how crazy that just sounded.
"Does that mean you don't want to get back together with me?" he asks in a low tone of voice.
"No, Peter" you sigh. "I do want to get back together with you" you look him in the eye. "But if something like this happens again I promise you that will be it. No more chances, okay?"
"Wait wait wait wait" peter gets up like a bolt of lightning and runs to his room to get the promise rings. He comes back with you and opens the little box so you can see it. "They're promise rings. I'll never put you through anything like this again, I swear."
You nod with a smile and Peter places the ring on your finger.
"You don't know how happy you've made me" he helps you up from the table and takes your cheeks to kiss you. "I love you, I love you, I love you..." he repeats over and over as he leaves kisses all over your face.
"I love you too, Peter" you laugh lightly and grab him by the collar of his shirt to kiss him deeply.
It's a needy kiss, so in the blink of an eye you're already on his bed as he kisses your neck.
"We can stop if you'd rather go slow" he pauses to watch your eyes.
"Are you kidding me? Peter, I need you" you moan and kiss him again.
Peter smiles and his hand goes up the inside of your skirt. Peter looks at you and asks if you agree before his hand lands on your underwear.
That's your Peter, the man you love more than anything in the world. A man who respects you, values you and makes you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
As his cock slips in and out of you, you try to maintain eye contact. His face of concentration mixed with pleasure as he feels your walls squeezing him just as only you know how is the most precious thing to look at.
"Is that okay?" He increases his speed a little and holds your hips.
"Harder, please," you beg. You arch your back to give him a better angle and pull on his hair.
"Fuck, princess... you're going to be the death to me" his hands intertwine with yours and he penetrates you deeper keeping up the pace. His Spider-Man skills make him last longer and tire less. Which you are infinitely grateful for.
When you both finish. Peter helps you clean yourself gently and lies down next to you extending his arm for you to lay your head on his chest. His fingers run lightly up and down your arm and his lips kiss your forehead.
"I'm sorry for being a jerk" He is the first to break the silence.
"It's okay...it's in the past" you leave a chaste kiss on his left pec and feel him bristle.
"No more secrets, no more lies, I won't ruin it again, I promise" he looks you in the eyes and takes your chin to kiss you.
"Remember the day we met?" you smile slightly at the memory.
"Of course I remember, I was going through a bad time and you made some horrible jokes that lifted my mood" he lets out a chuckle.
"That's when I knew you were the one" you laugh and caress his cheek.
"Why?" he frowns in confusion.
"Because you were the one who always laughed at the stupid things that go through my head." You scoff.
"You know when I realized you were the one?" He kisses the tip of your nose.
"When?" you ask intrigued.
"When you cooked a whole dinner to tell me you liked me and didn't run away when you found out I was Spider-Man" his eyes sparkle watching yours.
"I love you, Peter Parker" you lean in to kiss his lips.
"I love you too, Y/n Y/l/n" he kisses your lips deeply and full of love. "Forever and ever."
Peter Parker Tags
@raajali3 @fangirling-galore @powerpuffluuvv @itszulli @hallecarey1 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kaitieskidmore1 @lnmp89 @pure-a-tea @vixparker @army24--7 @spiderydreams00 @my-name-duh @nani-2305
'Choices' Tags
@parkerpeterparker2004 @afro-hispwriter @sakaki-chaaaaannn @insertsupercoolusernamehere @local-mr-frog @diasnohibng @stilesismyhusband @tombolland1996 @ellesalazar @cursedandromedablack @ifilwtmfc @newtmaskilledme @sweetenertea @wonieeee @jackiehollanderr @parkthothwa8 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @itsmadamehydra @luvherfairy @reneinii @pauuuus @rootbeerfaygo @janoskiansecondsofdirection @bubble-blu @silscintilla @agustdeeyaa @zadri @mrstangerinejohnson @amarawayne @rootbeerfaygo @roses-ztdx @marvelfreakgirl @greekmythsthing @pbeckn26 @brittney69 @ykyouluvme @fucktthisworld @dogmomalsop @midnightmystic @rayan39 @kneelforloki @555stargirl555
761 notes · View notes
groovebunker · 9 months
me: i'm going to continue the holiday fic trend with some nice fluff for nye
also me: how can i make this sad for my sweet angel cc babcock?
39 notes · View notes
broskiblurbs · 1 year
Ring on the Brain (A Tom Holland FanFiciton)
Words: 3238
Summary: Tom has been asking to marry you, but you have some concerns. Perhaps, a trip to the ER when he is in the States will change your mind.
Disclaimer: Mild cussing, mention of blood, and lots and lots of dialogue. Also, probably a few grammar mistakes. Sorry, not sorry.
It’s crazy how much a person could change in the matter of four years, or even two. Four years ago, you were a sophomore in college, struggling to keep up. Friends didn’t flock to you like you had expected. Turns out you have to actually talk to people to make the whole friendship thing happen, who knew? So, you were pretty lonely, but you were okay with that. Well, you did have your boyfriend, who was always needing you, leaving room for no one else in your life.
Two years ago, you were graduating college with your best friends, Sam and Harry Holland. Sam and you were partners for class that neither one of you cared for and needed Harry’s photography skills for a project, since then, the three of you were inseparable. They had just helped you get out of an abusive relationship with your now ex-boyfriend. You were absolutely thriving.
Now, you were practically a part of the Holland family. You came over to their house every Sunday for brunch, went to all of Paddy Holland’s baseball games, and were invited to every vacation. Not only that, but the eldest brother, Tom Holland, had taken a fancy to you and you to him. It kind of happened suddenly. You had just gotten out of a relationship with your ex and he had just been dumped by Zendaya, so at first it was a rebound thing. It was never supposed to be more than that, but feelings got in the way. The twins weren’t exactly happy about it, which you understood. Sam took it the hardest. He wouldn’t even look at you for a month, and even now, your friendship isn't the same. Harry on the other hand was disappointed, but supportive. 
For the last few weeks, Tom kept mentioning the idea of marriage. He was ready to tie the knot and spend the rest of his life with you, however, you weren’t quite there yet. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to marry Tom, quite the contrary, that was everything you ever wanted. It was the fame that was bothering you. You weren’t sure if you could deal with him being gone for weeks at a time for filming or the constant flirting from girls. Not to mention, the never-ending invasion of privacy. There was also Sam to think about. You were just finally getting him to open up again. Did you really want to erase that progress? 
It was a sunny afternoon in the Holland’s backyard. You were sipping some lemonade in a purple lounge chair watching Paddy practice baseball with some of his friends and family. You always loved the feeling of the sun rays soaking into your skin.
“You look like you're enjoying yourself,” a voice said. You push your sunglasses to the top of your head to see who was talking. It was Harry, who was setting up a chair to sit next to you.
“I love afternoons like this. I could lay in the sun forever,” you reply, gleefully.
“Speaking of, did you ever put on the sunscreen my mom gave you?” He asked.
You knew he already knew the answer to the question, so you gave him an innocent look and said, “Oops.”
“Pfft. Americans,” he murmurs.
“Hey!” You give him a light slap on his shoulder, causing him to chuckle. “You are so quick to use the whole ‘Americans’ gimmick. You know, most Americans wear sunscreen. It’s just a me thing.” 
“Alright, alright. I’ll give you that one,” he responded. “How’s everything with Tom?”
Tom was currently filming in the States for the new Spider-Man film. It was a lot of moving around with him. You moved to London with him this past year and you have been going back and forth a lot, so you decided it was best to stay here this time to give your mind and body a rest. 
“We’re good.” You beam a smile at your friend.
“He told me about the whole marriage thing,” he revealed.
“Did he?” Harry nodded. Feeling guilty you start to say, “It’s not that I don’t want to! It’s just that-”
“I know. He told me that too. He understands. I don’t, but it’s whatever”
“What do you mean you don’t understand?” You ask, getting defensive.
“You’re worried about him going off for filming and the fans, which I get, but aren’t you already dealing with that? I mean look at you now. He’s in a different country filming and here you are, enjoying yourself with his family. You are already practically married to him. The only difference being a certificate.”
“But, Sam-”
“Who gives a shit about what Sam thinks. I get it, you're his friend, but he’s never going to fully be okay with you and Tom. He needs to start being your friend and get the fuck over himself and be there for you and his brother.” Harry sees the stern look you give him. “Okay, fine. Then maybe, talk to Sam about it first. He might be more open about it then.”
Looking for an escape from this conversation, you stand up and say, “I’m going inside to get another lemonade. Do you need anything?” Harry shakes his head. You turn to head to the kitchen, but a striking pain hits the side of your head and causes you to fall over.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Harry asks frantically and rushes to your side.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” The ringing in your head says otherwise.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. The sun was in my eyes,” Paddy apologizes. This is when you see the white baseball laying right next to you.
“It’s okay, Paddy. It happens. I’m alright,” you reassure him. You unsteadily stand back up.
“Let me take a look, love,” Nikki Holland, the boys’ mother, insists. She carefully moves your hair out of the way to examine your head. “It's red and already starting to swell up. We might want to take you to the hospital, just in case.”
“No, we don’t have to do all that. I’m okay,” you smile, but everyone is giving you a disapproving look. “Really, I am fine.”
“Y/N, it’s a head injury. It could be serious,” Sam interjects.
“It’s not. You don’t have to worry about me. Paddy, keep practicing. You got a mean throw.” You notice the sun is getting a bit bright for your eyes, so you put your sunglasses back on.
“Should we at least let Tom know?” Harry asks.
“No!” You demanded. “He will just get all worried for no reason. He needs to be focused right now. I’ll tell him about it once he gets home and we can all laugh about it.” They finally gave up and continued their game, but had moved further away so no one else would get hurt.
Dominic Holland, the father of the Holland boys, had grilled steak for dinner, which you loved. He always made the best steak. You were helping Nikki clean up when your headache started to pound even worse, which you didn’t even know was possible. Nikki had noticed you were now clenching to your head.
“You okay, dear?” She asked. You could feel your dinner starting to rise in your throat. Sam and Harry, who were just by the bonfire with Paddy, were now next to you.
“Gonna. Be. Sick.” You try to get the words out and rush to the trash can next to the silver grill. You start to throw up, ridding your stomach of the delicious steak. 
“Y/N, you need to go to the doctor,” Sam insists. 
“No! I fine. Me good.” You slurred out. 
“We aren’t asking,” Harry forces and grabs your arms.
“No!” You yank yourself free. You try to walk away, but your vision blurs and you are on the ground before you know it.
“Y/N!” Harry yells, his voice full of worry. Dominic and Paddy are now on the patio, watching the events unfold in front of them.
“Honey, get the car ready to go, I’ll stay here with Paddy,” Dom says to his wife. She nods in agreement.
“I want to go. After all, I’m the one who did this,” the youngest urges.
“I know, son, but it’s already going to be crowded. She’ll be alright.”
“No,” you barely manage to whisper before going out cold.
“She’s out.” Sam panics and checks for a pulse. He sighs in relief, picks you up, and carries you to the car.
Thankfully the hospital wasn’t as busy and was able to see you immediately. Nikki offered to wait in the waiting room, while Sam and Harry were with you. You were still knocked out, which seemed a bit obsessive for an apparent concussion. 
“Her CT scan showed that she has a brain hemorrhage. It’s not anything that is a huge concern yet, but if we don’t act soon, it could be more damaging. I think the safest option is surgery. We will just relieve the pressure and drain the blood in her brain.” The doctor notices the scared looks on the twins face. “It’s not as scary as it sounds. It’s not a hard surgery. We would have to shave the hair where we make the incision. Won’t even be able to tell the difference.”
“How is it a brain bleed? Our little brother threw a baseball. We just thought it would be a concussion,” Sam said.
“Well, any type of head injury could cause one. Not to mention, if she has had previous head injuries that didn’t heal properly could cause one very easily. So, would you like to do the surgery?”
“Yes, please,” Harry agreed.
“Alright, I will say it might take a bit before an OR opens up, but once it does, we will prep for surgery.” The doctor gives the boys a gentle, reassuring smile before heading out of the room. 
“Oh my god, she’s going alright, right?” Nikki worries about the news her sons just gave her.
“The doctor seemed confident,” Sam reassured.
“Poor girl. How far away is Tom? He’s probably a mess right now,” Nikki asks, causing a panicked look on Harry and Sam’s faces. “What?”
“We might’ve forgotten to call Tom,” Harry admitted.
“Oh no! I thought you guys would have informed him. He’s probably wondering about my text.” Nikki starts to dig out her phone.
“What did you say?” Sam asked.
“‘Everything is going to be alright. We are with her, hoping and praying.’” She read.
“I’m going to call him.” Harry pulls out his phone and calls his brother. A nervous gulp could almost be heard as Tom greets him.
“Enjoying staycation? Miss me already little bro?” Tom’s voice rings through his ears.
“Not exactly,” Harry replied.
“What was Mum talking about? In that weird text she sent me?” He questioned. The little brother took a deep breath.
“Don’t freak out-”
“You can’t start like that. Now, I am freaking out.”
“Shut up, you dyke and listen,” Harry urges.
“Harry!” He heard his mom yell.
“Sorry, Mum.” He takes another deep breath. “We are in the hospital. Paddy accidently hit Y/N in the head with a baseball.”
“What?” Tom’s voice is full of concern, which sends a pain to his heart. It was just then when Harry could hear voices in the background; Tom was still on set. “Is she-she going to be okay?”
“I think so, she’s going to go into surgery once a room is available,” He answered.
“Surgery? Oh no,no,no,” Harry could hear his brother’s voice cracking. He was on the verge of crying, if he hadn’t started. “I’m on my way. I will be on the first flight out.”
“Tom, I’m so sorry.” The sound of the call ending interrupted his apology. Harry turned back to his family. “He’s on the way.”
“What did he say?” Sam asked.
“Not much. He was on set, but he’s on his way.” A tear left Harry’s eye.
“Oh, sweetie” Nikki came to hug her son. “He was so worried. We should have told him as soon as it happened. We sh-should have taken her to the hospital,” Harry cried out. Sam buries his head in his hands.
“Shhh, there was no way we could’ve known” She coddles her son.
“He wants to marry her, like he’s waiting for her approval and he’s going to propose!” Harry let slip, which caught Sam’s attention. “What if he doesn’t get to now? What if we lose her? What if I lose her? She’s my best friend.”
“He wants to marry her?” Sam repeats. Harry nodded.
“Y/N was afraid of how you would react. That’s why she hasn’t given him an answer. She doesn’t want to lose you, again,” He informed his twin.
“I-I don’t want to lose her either.” Sam, feeling overwhelmed by everything, continued, “I never wanted us to fall apart or anything. It’s just, Y/N was our person. She was one thing Tom didn’t have and when she told me that she had fallen in love with him, it was like he had taken her away. It’s stupid, but it made me bitter.”
“Sam, honey, we can’t control who we love,” Nikki responded.
“I know, Mum. I’m going to go check on her.”
By the time Tom arrived at the hospital, you were well into surgery and the early sunrise was peeking from the windows.  His hair was ruffled from the many, many times he ran his hands through his curly locks. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were stained from his salty tears. He had bags underneath his eyes; he was severely jetlagged and going on the 20th hour of being awake.
“Is she-is she alright? I got here as quickly as I could. Please, please tell me she’s okay,” Tom cried. Nikki immediately hugged her.
“She should have been out hours ago,” Harry muttered, but his older brother caught it.
“Harry.” Nikki gave her son a stern look that said, “He doesn’t need to know that now.”
“No, no, no. This can’t be happening,” Tom continued to sob.
“She’s going to be alright,” his mom reassured him.
“When did it happen? When did she get hit in the head?” He moved away from his mother’s hug.
“Yesterday afternoon,” Sam answered, readjusting in his very uncomfortable seat. 
Tom did the math in his head and anger rose in him. “Why did you guys wait so long to tell me?”
“She told us not to. She didn’t want you to worry and she kept insisting it wasn’t that bad. She didn’t pass out till hours later,” Sam responded.
“Pass out!?” His voice thundered through the waiting room, causing a lot of strange looks.
“Tom, honey,” Nikki tried, but he didn’t want any of it.
“I could’ve been there for her,” he whispered and finally sat down. “I see now. How could I be a good husband if I can’t even be with her in the fucking hospital.”
“It isn’t your fault,” Harry comforted.
Few minutes later, the doctor came out to the waiting room, where the Hollands were aweing at a tiny black box in Tom’s hand. “Excuse me,” the doctor interrupted. The Holland family redirected their attention, anticipating news. “I’m sorry about the wait. There were some unexpected complications, but she was able to pull through. She will make a quick and easy recovery. She might be dazed and confused for a few days. I suggest she take it easy for a while.” Tom could feel the weight lift from his shoulders. Everyone took a deep breath of relief. “By any chance, are any of you Tom?”
“I am.” Tom stood up and shoved the box back in his pocket.
“When she was coming off the anesthesia, she was calling out for you. You guys are more than welcome to see her.” Sam and Harry got ready to come see you, but their mother stopped them, suggesting this should be a time for Tom to see you alone.
When Tom saw you, his heart sank. You had IVs and monitors hooked up to you and stitches on the side of your head, yet you were still the most beautiful person in the world to Tom. A weak smile instantly formed your face when you saw Tom. He slowly inched his way to you, scared if he moved too quickly he would scare you. Once he reached you, he gently moved a piece of hair in your face.
“Hey,” you say softly. He didn’t respond, but with a kiss to your forehead as joyous tears escaped his eyes. “Why are you crying?”
Tom couldn’t help but giggle at you. “I was just so scared I was going to lose you, love.”
“You thought you could get rid of me that easily,” you joked. He laughed with you.
“Do you need any water? I could maybe get you some ice chips.”
“I don’t want you to leave me,” you say, softly. 
Tom grabs your hand, “Then, I won’t go anywhere, love. I’m sorry I couldn’t be here for you when everything went down.”
“I want to marry you,” you announced, which caught Tom off guard.
“I want to marry you, Tom,” you repeat with more confidence.
“Oh, darling. You don’t have to make that decision right now. The doctor said you might be confused and-”
“I’m not confused,” you interrupted, sitting up more straight. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you!” Tom’s eyes glisten with love and excitement.
“Is that what you really want?” Tom asked, making sure it isn’t the drugs or the surgery that’s causing this.
“Yes, is it not what you want?”
“Yes! More than anything. You have no idea; I’ve been waiting for this for weeks,” He responded eagerly.
“Do you have the ring?” you questioned. Of course Tom had the ring. He bought it a year ago and kept it on his person for the last few weeks. He wanted to be prepared for this moment, granted he didn’t think it would be in a hospital. He even had it in his pocket at this very moment, since he was showing off the ring to his mom and brothers moments before.
“I’m not proposing to you in a hospital. You deserve better than that.” He scoffs.
“So, you do have the ring?” You investigate.
“Maybe, but that doesn’t change my answer, silly.” 
“What if that’s what I want? I want it to be official. You could propose to me in a landfill and I would say yes,” you begged. “Please.”
 You gave him the eyes. The eyes he could never resist. He gave you another kiss on your forehead. He slowly got on one knee, pulled the tiny black box out of his pocket, and exclaimed, “Y/N, today, I was terrified I was going to lose you forever. I was scared I wouldn’t get to even tell you goodbye. I never ever want to feel like that again. Now, more than ever, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you give me the honor of marrying you?”
“Yes! A million yes!!!” You jump on him, forgetting about your IVs. “Ouch. I accidentally pulled one out.” Tom gives you a concerned look. “Oh well, it’s fine.” You lock your lips with his, anticipating becoming his wife.
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badassbutterfly1987 · 9 months
Thought experiment: So Osaron is usually a spooky shadow creature or a disembodied voice but in that time when he was half-possessing/manipulating Holland, do you think it ever tried to look like Vortalis?
Because that's a wound that's barely been allowed to heal, a death Holland couldn't really grieve under the Danes and even though he's free form them now, he's ruling alone.
Now he's working with an oshoc he doesn't fully trust but then it looks like Vortalis-
It's not a perfect replica. The voice and mannerisms aren't real enough. But it's a reminder that always catches him off-guard, a constant confrontation of what he's lost but also a reminder of what they were fighting for.
And maybe in brief moments he can almost pretend Vortalis isn't dead.
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the-purest-wolf · 2 years
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
How abou a one-shot about tom & y/n and tom’s friends & brothers went to a amusement park where they have a haunted house 🥺
Spooky Frights
Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader
Summary - You and Tom go to a haunted house at a fair (Amusement park) with Harrison and his brothers. 
Warnings - Angst such as screaming and fear
A/N - Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! Much appreciation to all the love and support 🥰
Requests are closed, however if you do want to send them in.. you can but don’t expect me to write any because they are closed!
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“Are you sure you want to go?” You ask Tom, not wanting to show your fear and anxiety of haunted houses.
Harry, Sam, Paddy and Harrison all looking at you from a far.
“Well, I’ve already payed for it now.. love,” Tom laughed, “I kinda do have to go,”
“Yh, Let’s go now,” you nodded to Tom, taking his hand and walking to the haunted house.
“Harry, Sam,” Tom shouted, “you coming?”
“Yh,” Sam mumbled, following them. The others followed.
Inside the haunted house..
“It’s pitch black,” Paddy mentioned, “Yh, no shit,” Harry scoffed.
“Ow, that’s my fucking toe,” Harrison grumbled, “Sorry, mate,” Tom sarcastically, said.
You burst out laughing, falling into Tom.
“Woah! Be careful, Darling,” Tom grasps your hand to comfort you “Don’t want you getting hurt,”
“Oh, yh,” Harrison said devastated, “What about me?”
“Just suck it up, buttercup,” Tom smirks, even thou no one could see it.
You could feel his mouth against your head, the haunted house walls.. where very narrow to scare you more.
“Tom, I’m fine,” You breathed out, not wanting another cob web to dangle against your head, “Fuck,” Tom screamed.
“Will you shut up,” You laughed, “But there was a cob web, clearly didn’t get you,” he mumbled.
You was in-front of everyone with Tom’s arms wrapped around your waist as you walk through the house.
“I would rather have it in my face than yours, Darling,” he winks at you, you did see it because of the flashing lights with the haunted ghost noises.
“Shit,” Harry screamed, as a skeleton popped up out of no where, “You pussy,” Sam laughs, “Shh,” Harrison said.
“Be careful where you step, ha ha,” A voice said as you went through the narrow walls. 
You come through to a room, a little bigger but not that much with decorations with webs, vines..
You turn around to see an actor dressed up with fake blood and dark make up up on behind you, “Ahh,” You scream running away towards Tom, actually bumping into him.
“It’s ok, Darling! I’ve got you,” Tom comforts you as you walk through the dark room.
A few other actors come walk around you, mostly going towards Harry, Sam, Paddy and Harrison, to try and scare them.
You could hear their screams from a mile away as they run towards you and Tom.
“Fucking, hell that was extreme!” Harry pants, walking through narrow, Dark hallways again.
“Suck it up,” Paddy smirks, “You said you was a big boy the other day to mum,”
“That is true,” Tom laughs, “Shit, oh it’s fine just these skeletons,” he screams.
“My poor ears,” You mutter, laughing.
“How long, does this bloody thing last,” Sam scoffs looking around to see glowing Green vines, “Do not trip on me, might leave you a surprise,”
“You wanted to come in here,” You and Tom laugh, “Guys it’s this way, your going to bump into that mirror..” Harrison told as..
“Ow,” Harry groaned, hitting his head against a hard, glass mirror, “Told you,” Harrison laughs.
“Better look where your going with your hands,” Sam teases his twin, “Oh shut up, remember when you got stuck in that window,” Harry teases back.
“It was only because you left the keys, got knows where!!” Sam complains, “Oi idiots, look where your going because we can hardly see you,” Tom shouts.
“They might get lost,” You laugh, “Not the worse thing to happen if that did happen,” Paddy laughs, “I’m smarter than them combined,”
“That you are pads, come to think of it! You haven’t bumped into something,” You shook your head.
“Exactly, putting out your hands first.. don’t hurt anyone,”
You can hear a loud Thud as you hear Harrison groan, “Shit, that hurt,”
“You alright? Mate,” Tom asks, while Sam and Harry snorts out, “look like you took one for the team,”
“Yh, I’m good,” Harrison got up, dusting himself off as the other keep laughing, “ I didn’t see that vine there,”
“Clearly,” Harry snorted again.
“Not funny,” Haz shook his head, “A little funny,” you giggled.
“Oh my fuck,” Tom groans, falling down just after Harrison.
“You good? Tom,” You burst out laughing, Sam and Harry and even Paddy snorting harder, “What is it with everyone falling over?”
“God knows,” Paddy shook his head, “Ha, now you know how I feel,” Harrison laughs.
“That fucking vine again!” Tom shook his head, “It comes right out for you,”
“Did you fall for me Thomas,” You winked, “I already did that,” he mumbles, laughing.
You help him up dusting him off, “Thanks, love,” he kisses your forehead.
“You see you get special treatment, when you date a girl like Y/N,” Harry teases, “You see you get a bong on the head, when your a guy like Harry,” You smirk, tapping his head.
You continue to walk through the narrow hallways coming to a cage in the middle of the room.
“Of course, Actors,” Harrison mumbles.
One of them tap him on the shoulder, making him look a certain way and then pounce, jump scare.
Some other actors did that to you and Tom as Harry actually had a lucky escape.
Tom grabbing your hand to run away and making sure your safe because your his girl!
Sam got scared by 3 actors dressed up each time, screaming and running but then running right into another one.
Paddy was properly the most chill one out of all of them, not screaming or getting scared that much in the final room.
Screaming and shouting again when they run away from the made up characters.
They get in a safe zone again following the hallways with even more blood across the walls.
“That wasn’t that bad, was it?” You sigh in relief as you step outside..
“Wasn’t that bad!” All the boys, exaggerate. 
“Let’s go home,” Tom mumbles, Harry and Sam agreeing.
Harrison and Paddy laughing at the way they were stumbling after the haunted house.
“Never doing a haunted house again!” Tom groans, sitting on the sofa with Paddy and Harrison as you, Harry and Sam get snacks.
“Tell me about it,” Harrison groans.
You snuggle into Tom as you watch a movie with him and the rest of the boys.
You all decide to do something much more relaxing then getting scared to death.
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kidney9-9 · 1 year
Birthday Girl - Tom Holland
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BESTIE @evermoreparker I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I hope you enjoy this oneshot featuring Tom :) in bold, it is Portuguese, in italics, it's Portuguese but written in English to be read. thank you!!!
Tom Holland x Reader [Established Relationship/Fluff] Warnings: cursing, stupid gifts, lil make out session Word Count: 3.1k
Tom was thrilled about your upcoming birthday. He bought you so many gifts that he was sure that you’d like, since you did ask for them before – even though he knew they were a bit unreasonable. Tonight, you two were going to your parents’ home for a birthday dinner. Tomorrow was your actual birthday, and you two were going to hang out for the day driving around.
Back to the gifts he got you – he went through hell trying to bring them over to Brazil in the airport. He ended up shipping it instead and spending a small fortune to do it.
And the gifts were… questionable. But you said you really wanted these things, so Tom bought them.
He remembered each item like it was yesterday.
You two were at the dermatologist to pick up one of his friends from his appointment to go to lunch. You were sitting in the lobby and had been looking through the advertisements in one of the medical magazines, pointing out the silly things.
“Woah, Tom look at this thing. It’s a foil hat and it makes sure there’s enough cool air around your head. I love it so much, imagine if we wore this together and watched Alien movies at the theaters. I think we might be kicked out for that, or maybe laughed at, but this is an important medical thing apparently.” You giggled, passing the magazine to him.
He snorted at it, “I used to think aliens read our minds IF we put on an aluminum hat.”
“Oh baby, you’re adorable.” You laughed hard at him, “How old were you?”
“Thirteen… I know, I was dumb.” He responded with an embarrassed blush on his face. You shook your head, not believing it but continued to laugh and pat his arm.
“No way, you’re actually pretty smart. Because you know how much I would love to wear aluminum hats for my upcoming birthday.” You snickered and Tom’s head snapped up to yours, suddenly concentrating to remember that.
He was 100% sure that you truly wanted a foil hat for your birthday.
The next time was at a fair. You two were waiting in line for a ride and there was a food stall right next to you. You pointed out something on one of the shelves and Tom looked at it, interested in where it was going.
“Tom, please, we got to get this huge jar of mustard-cotton candy flavored pickles. PLEASE, WE NEED THIS.” You almost shouted at the end, laughing hysterically.
Tom nodded, “Oh, yeah, if you really want it.”
“Not right now, but some time in my life, I need to try that.” You continued to talk about it.
Tom saw that as another thing that you really wanted for your birthday. He bought four jars of the very kind you pointed at.
The last thing, he was still unsure of why in the world you would want this. You had been laughing while texting one of your friends about toilet paper and a specific British brand that you two never used. He bought it after you talked about it the fourth time after he heard you say something about your birthday.
“So, you really want this toilet paper?” He asked once while you were joking about it on the phone with your friend. He heard on the other line, “Yes!” And it caused you to laugh even more and agree, saying, “Yes, we need this toilet paper.”
He bought it!
He had no clue why you would want this for your birthday specifically, but he bought it for you. He hoped you’d like the gifts. He bought you a few more practical gifts, like some jewelry and makeup, and some clothing that you’d love.
He made sure all the gifts were wrapped prettily and ready for your birthday. He hid them under the bed in the hotel room and was now getting ready with you to go to your parents’ place. He was planning on giving you the gifts after dinner tonight, when you two get back from your parents’ home.
You were wearing a beautiful deep blue dress, after telling him not to worry about dressing casually. He ended up dressed in a suit, thinking it would match your outfit and impress your parents. You said that you were only wearing the dress because it was from your parents, but Tom thought he had to do his best to impress them.
It did impress your parents that he owned at least one suit, but it was not impressive that he wore it to their home. They were only wearing some jeans and a casual shirt, which made Tom feel like an absolute jerk.
When they opened the door, Tom greeted them with what he memorized in the notes you gave him earlier to speak Portuguese.
He tried his best to recall what the notes said:
Hello, how are you doing? You have a beautiful home. It is great to meet you in person. I just have to say that your daughter is incredible, and I love her very much. Thank you for raising such a lovely lady. Bendito seja o Petróleo do qual extraíram o diesel que abasteceu o caminhão que levou o concreto para construir o hospital onde sua filha nasceu.
Another note card said:
Thank you so much for welcoming me into your home. I love this food, it is delicious. Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas, De um povo heróico o brado retumbante, E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos, Brilhou no céu da Pátria naquele momento, que sua filha nasceu.
And more:
You are very kind. I am so happy to see you in person. I would very much like to welcome you into our home in England as well. You are free to come visit us whenever you’d like. Se o penhor dessa igualdade, Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte, Em teu seio, ó Liberdade, A própria morte desafia nosso peito para ver se sou digno de sua filha.
There was a lot more and he did his best to remember and recall it now.
“Blessed be the Oil from which they extracted the diesel that fueled the truck that carried the concrete to build the hospital where their daughter was born.” He introduced himself, and asked how they were doing, which was the first note he memorized. He didn’t know how he sounded in Portuguese but based off your parents’ wide smiles and wide eyes, he thought they were impressed.
They looked at you with amusement and a bit of shock. “Did you really get your fiancé to say this? Does he know what he’s saying?” They asked you in Portuguese to which you quickly shook your head while covering your mouth to hide your laugh.
“No, he doesn’t know what he’s saying. He thinks he’s saying something nice about the home and how it’s good to meet you in person.” You responded with a small snort, which you quickly coughed over when Tom looked over at you.
“Oh goodness, Y/n.” Your mom spoke up and shook her head, but by her smile you could tell that she thought it was really funny.
“I’m sorry I don’t know Portuguese well enough for a conversation, but I promise to try to learn some more.” Tom said in English, becoming a bit shy as he glanced over at you for help.
“Oh,  no, it’s okay! We can talk in English a little bit.” Your dad voiced out in English, a bit hesitant but his English was good to which Tom smiled, feeling relieved.
“Thank you! I wasn’t sure about how to talk in Portuguese the whole meal.” He responded, scratching his hair slightly. You pouted over at him, noticing how nervous he felt about the conversation. You stepped closer to him and pulled his hand into yours and squeezed gently.
He squeezed back instantly and gave you a sweet smile as your parents welcomed you inside the house.
“Don’t be nervous, baby. It’ll be ok!” You promised him, whispering up into his ear and he nodded slightly, and squeezed your hand again in agreement.
“Thank you,” He mumbled back with a small smile.
During the dinner, things were great. The food was definitely delicious. Your parents were serving your favorite foods and a few of your favorite treats, including brigadeiro. You had packed the food on Tom’s plate, wondering if he would like it or not.
“How is it?” You asked, nudging his side as he took a bite of the rice in one of the dishes. Tom grinned over to you with food in his mouth.
“This is amazing.” He responded with wide eyes, making you and your parents laugh softly.
“We’re glad you enjoy it. These are Y/n’s favorites.” Your dad said as he poured Tom some more water.
Tom smiled to him, “I can see why these are her favorites. Did you make them a lot when she was growing up? What was she like growing up? She never tells me any embarrassing stories.” You stared at him, shocked he brought that up while your mom snickered.
“Oh, we’ve got a lot of embarrassing stories of her.” Your mom said, nodding over to you, to which you groaned and covered your face with your hands.
“Mom, Dad, please don’t.” You begged, making everyone at the table laugh again. You shook your head at Tom for bringing it up.
“As a baby, she was such a sweet little girl. She barely cried but as a toddler… she was crazy. She climbed everything! Tried to climb up on trees like a cat, even tried to climb on a truck!” Your mom said, giggling as Tom choked on his food, trying not to laugh.
You groaned loudly, “Stop it please, now is definitely not the time for this.” Your parents continued to tease you and tell Tom a few more funny stories from your childhood, that you definitely didn’t want Tom to know about.
“And then there was the time in high school, at one of her friend’s parties,” You cut your dad off with a loud obnoxious fake cough.
“Thank you for that, I think Tom has heard enough now!” You cleared your throat, looking at each of them seriously. Your dad snorted before he took a drink of his water.
“When we’re in private, Tom, I’ll tell you more.” He said and Tom nodded eagerly, “I’d love that.”
Your mom laughed and continued, “And we’ll show you the baby pictures.”
“No!” You denied, groaning, and laughing at the same time.
During the meal, Tom thought it would be best to try to talk Portuguese again, using those notecards that you gave him.
He gave a smile to you and leaned over to tell you, “I’m going to try talking in Portuguese again!” He whispered excitedly to you. “The placid banks of the Ipiranga heard, The resounding cry of a heroic people, And the sun of Liberty, in brilliant rays, Shined in the sky of the Homeland at that moment, when your daughter was born.” He spoke up in a confident voice, thinking he was saying the second notecard he memorized in Portuguese.
The table went silent as the three of you all, except for Tom, stared at him confused and amused.
“Tom, your Portuguese is incredibly good.” Your mom giggled at first, grinning widely at him and he sighed, relieved and thankful for the compliment.
“Thank you! But yes, really, this food is amazing. Thank you again.” He responded, nodding to her.
When he did it again, the three of you finally burst out laughing at the language. Tom gazed around the room confused and a bit concerned, wondering if he said something wrong by accident. All he was trying to say was that he would love for them to visit your home in England.
“Baby, I’m so sorry, I gave you a script – it was some weird tweet and then the national anthem but with a little twist.” You apologized, confessing to what you did.
Tom gasped, “What? It wasn’t too weird, was it?” He asked, pleading as he glanced around at your parents, who avoided his gaze with another laugh.
“It was – ah, charming, personality-building. Yes.” Your dad said, shrugging at Tom, who gasped again at you this time.
“Oh god, it was so weird.” He coughed out, shaking his head.
“I’m so sorry.” He apologized, then looked at you again, “Meanie.”
By the time you two got back to the hotel, it was pretty late and you two were a bit tired. Tom still wanted to give you the gifts though, that you asked for and those that he bought thinking of you. While you were in the bathroom, Tom pulled them out and set them on the bed.
He arranged them into a neat pile and then waited for you to come out of the bathroom. When you came out, you were only wearing a robe, ready to go to bed.
“Tom, baby? Are you going to take a shower tonight or in the morning?” You asked, yawning slightly as you walked closer to him. He smiled at you and pulled you into a hug.
“Mm, I’ll take one in the morning I think, but I got you a few things for your tomorrow, birthday girl.” He spoke up and gestured to the gifts on the bed. You gasped with surprise, happy that he did this.
“What? You didn’t need to bring it on the trip with us! That’s so kind of you.” You shook your head, but a big smile was forming on your face.
“Kind enough that you want to maybe give me a kiss?” He teased, and you rolled your eyes playfully at him but leaned up and kissed his lips gently.
He wrapped an arm around you to tug you closer to him and you sighed into the kiss, causing Tom to slip his tongue up into your mouth and gently caress yours. You moaned at the feeling, kissing him back more eagerly than before, putting a hand on his face.
“Wait, wait, before we get carried away, I want you to open your gifts.” Tom pulled away reluctantly, sighing a little bit in defeat.
You chuckled, “Okay, then we get back to that.”
“Deal!” He agreed quickly, making you both laugh a bit. He handed you the first gift, which was the foil hat. When you started to open it up, Tom gave you a bright smile, making you pause.
“Is this something weird?” Your question made Tom bite his lip and nod.
“You asked for it though. I thought you were being serious, so I got it and a few other – uh, questionable ones.”
“Oh shit, what? I don’t remember asking for anything.” You laughed hard, shocked. You were being honest too, and Tom could see it, making him freeze.
“Oh, no… no no no.” He groaned, pushing his hands up to his face and smacking himself.
You pulled his hands away from his face with a snort, “Come on, you didn’t do anything bad, did you?” Your question made him tilt his head a little bit.
“Well… you’ll see the gifts.” He said as you finished opening the first present.
As you pulled it out, a bizarre look was on your face, and then you glanced over at Tom, who was still suffering from self-misery.
“Is this… aluminum?” Your question made him groan.
“Oh no, you don’t remember this, do you?” He asked, eyebrows raised. You shook your head no, making him fall back on the bed with a laugh.
“It’s something you saw in a magazine and made a joke about… I thought that you were asking for it for your birthday!”
Your jaw dropped at what he was saying. “No fucking way. Did you buy more weird stuff I joked about?” You asked and he nodded with another moan of disappointment at himself.
“This is going to be so weird, I’m so sorry. I bought you more gifts too, because I thought you might not like these ones.” He said, sitting up as you started to open the second gift, the pickle jar.
“Aw Tom, I do like these ones, don’t worry, it’s funny and cute. Thank you.” You spoke up as you started to realize what it was. “And I love pickles! I’ve never tried this flavor before, thank you.” You told him, and he chuckled again.
“This is crazy, I’m sorry again, darling.” He shook his head at himself. Then he pointed to the last one and chuckled, “Uh, you might not want to open this one.”
“Why? It can’t be that bad.” Your words made him take a deep breath in and again, he groaned.
“It’s that bad.” He mumbled back.
You opened it almost immediately after he said that, and then you instantly started to laugh hysterically. You clutched your stomach and your face got warm from how much you were laughing.
“Is this – British toilet paper?” You almost gagged as you were laughing so hard and Tom stared at you, bemused but completely confused at your reaction. It looked like you loved it.
“Yes, unfortunately.” He said, watching your reaction.
You laughed even harder and dropped it and slid over to him, falling on top of his body to hug him. He let out a huff of air as you hugged him hard, while still laughing which caused him to start laughing too. You both giggled until you ran out of air.
“I love these gifts, thank you baby.” You mumbled up to his ear and he grinned brightly, happy that you liked those weird gifts. “And I love you.” You finished, moving your head down so you could kiss his lips.
He responded to the kiss quickly, kissing you back just as hard and passionately. You two continued to make out as his hands ran up and down your body before stopping on your ass, and squeezing it tight before pulling his head away from yours.
“I love you too, I’m happy you liked those gifts, I thought you might hate them.” He replied and you laughed a bit more.
“No, of course not. Here, help me put on this foil hat thing.”
The two of you woke up late in the morning, but didn’t get out of bed for a while. You two lazily stared at each other and spoke slow words, memorizing each other’s morning beauty.
“Happy birthday, love.” Tom whispered, leaning down to your lips and kissing you softly. He pulled away and then kissed your forehead.
“I love you so much.” He mumbled, as he cuddled closer to you. You murmured the words back as he pulled you into another kiss.
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yasamlynn · 1 year
Today I bring you...
Another lazy Freyden edit!
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badassbutterfly1987 · 9 months
Thinking about Holland's ending and yes it feels fitting and i'm glad he finally gets to rest after a mostly miserable life (and he does seemingly come back as a ghost in Threads of Power at least) but also he doesn't get a happy ending! He doesn't see White London heal, he just dies! It's not even clear that he knows his death is healing White London and that he became the Someday King!
Obviously this has spawned two different fic ideas:
Firstly, Vortalis was the only person to love Holland and never betray him (however you interpret the relationship, there was at least genuine care), and so he's the one there while he's dying. Holland doesn't die alone, and maybe figures out the Someday King thing, and is welcomed to the afterlife by his best friend. And maybe he still checks in on White London as a ghost.
Obviously, Vortalis is happy to see him. It's been a long time and he would have hated seeing Holland suffer. But his whole thing was "the world sucks but we can't wait around for miracles, we have to do what we can to improve it". so he takes one look at Holland and what he's planning in the Silver Wood and just goes "no! you can live! you can save Makt without throwing your life away! you don't need to become a martyr for your life to mean something!" So he firmly but lovingly pushes Holland back into the land of the living. And maybe Holland now has a ghost buddy to help him.
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wolflurker · 2 years
After finishing our playthrough of Forspoken, my partner and I have been watching our friend play and every time Auden shows up my partner chimes in with “oh hey babe” xD Frey x Auden forever!!!
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h-i-raeth · 2 years
Reasons Why Barbara "Barb" Holland Should Have Lived (after being MIA until at least mid-season 2 to preserve the main effect of her loss on the narrative):
I Love Her, Your Honor
You know how the show has painted itself into a corner, where it's obvious that they're pushing Mike & El as endgame, but then you've got Will with his unrequited crush? The most satisfying solution (IMO) is Barb getting over a crush on Nancy & then mentoring Will through getting over his own best friend crush on a Wheeler. (Also parralels with them both as survivors of prolonged exposure to the Upside Down)
I think that Barb x Robin would be cute if Barb had survived. The vibes told me so.
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