#Hollywood doesn't take risks anymore.
curiousorigins · 1 year
Man, I just really miss when they bothered lighting things on TV Shows and in Movies. Like the shadows were beautiful and everything had more depth.
Now they just brighten up everything use fills and like add shadows after.
It looks cruddy. Maybe because with all the post-darkening it's too much work to make them move when things move? Like they're doing their best, but nothing beats a scene that was lit properly in the first place.
I'm watching a no-name B-Horror Movie from 2005 (This was right before they started lighting everything cruddy and doing it in post.) And I'm 3 minutes in and it's just so much more beautiful than what's on TV and what's in Movies today. Like I can think of one movie that had particularly good lighting, and that's "Ready or Not". Probably because it was an Indie Movie and the people were filming in a historical place and were required to light it very carefully. (Similar to what happened with Woman on Fire which was also quite beautiful and an indie film.)
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ceasarslegion · 1 year
Ive made my stance on oppenheimer discourse very clear but one detail of it that really bothers me is the "movies about sad white men are always bad" attitude, and i didnt really know why until i was able to sit down and parse it out.
Here's the thing. I have a film degree, I've spent more time in movie theaters than I have sleeping and I've easily seen more films and shows than all of my peers combined. Which isn't a flex btw, I'm a little hermit who prefers the warm embrace of a cinema seat to human connection and is the most annoying mfer imaginable during family movie night; don't be like me.
But I know hollywood, I know cinema history, and I know the legitimate frustration this attitude comes from. Hollywood doesn't like to take risks, they have to historically be dragged kicking and screaming into any territory that isn't a guaranteed profit, which usually means that we get periods of stagnation where every film is the same goddamn formula over and over again until audiences get sick of it and stop buying tickets en masse. Hollywood also tends to reflect the dominant culture and the sociopolitical issues of the time, but not SOOO much that you'd rock the boat. As an exec, you wanna hit that sweet spot where audiences relate to your films without them being so blatant that they'd cause them to question things that weren't acceptable to question. Noir was a picture-perfect example of that.
And in the modern day, that DOES tend to translate into the weird genre of Sad White Man Who Regrets Killing Foreigners movies. Like American Sniper. But I've seen American Sniper, so I can speak on how lowkey disturbing I found it, and the history it's based in and the goals it had as an art piece were to make you sympathize with a system of corruption. And here's my unpopular opinion: if done RIGHT, those films still have a place within the cinematic sphere of influence, like if you made a film exploring the psyche and experiences of what leads a man to willingly participate in a system like that, but that's not really what it was.
Now let's move onto Oppenheimer and other films like it. I don't think these films are at ALL equivalent to films like American Sniper, even if they follow a sad white man who regrets killing foreigners. You are looking at the bare bones surface level of it and assuming its contents both real world and dramatized and judging it based on that instead of the, well, actual film.
One of the biggest differences here is that Oppenheimer WAS an important historical figure just, objectively. Even removing all western racial influence from the equation, you can not look me in the eyes and tell me that the man who invented the atomic bomb in the middle of the largest world war of modern history was not an important historical figure. If you try to make THAT argument just based on the sad white man-ness of him, I'm sorry but your point is already moot, because it's not based in historical fact anymore but your own personal subjective feelings. He IS an important historical figure, he's not soldier number 648 in the middle of a massive battlefield who followed other peoples orders.
And also to be completely honest, you are a huge fucking liar if you try to claim that people like Dr. Oppenheimer are not interesting. Flawed people who make flawed decisions with complicated variables are what make for good fiction, so when one exists in the historical record, of course they are going to interest people. They are going to be studied and interviewed if they're still alive and have their entire lives and every word they said picked apart and analyzed because they are interesting. You are straight up lying if you try to act like these people arent interesting enough on their own to have media made about them, regardless of what identity they had that fits into the opposing side of the 21st centure culture wars. This attitude reminds me a lot of the people who claim that the only reason anybody could find true crime interesting is because they MUST want to fuck jeffrey dahmer or whatever. The argument just doesnt hold up because all it takes is one person going "thats not what i find interesting about them" to collapse that entire absolutist argument.
So yes, hollywood absolutely has a racism and war glorification issue. But I take issue when these accusations are just made blindly against any historical dramatization based on nothing but the poster. If you're going to talk about hollywoods sad white men issue, at least make sure the films youre citing actually fit that bill AND that you actually understand whats WRONG with those sad white men movies, because its not just the presence of a sad white male protagonist, its a conglomerate of various sociopolitical issues that must be present within those characters and what they represent.
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mk-wizard · 2 months
The Acolyte was NOT a failure. It was failed. Hear me out.
Hello, friends. I want to talk seriously for a moment as a creator myself and a Star Wars fan who did not like the Acolyte. Specifically, I am here to stand up for the Acolyte despite it not being good in my opinion especially after seeing Mr. Pablo Gunner's rage review video where he shared many words of wisdom that Yoda would be proud of. I suggest watching it first.
The Acolyte itself was not a failure. It was failed by mistakes, taking risks that did not pay off and amateur writing. And to be honest, that's not the worst way a show can fail because in spite of its flaws, it doesn't change the fact that the series itself had many great ideas: a murder mystery, the villain's POV, calling out that not all Jedi are good, showing that there are other force users that fall into the gray area and so on. Plus, those fight scenes were worthy of being in the cinema and the characters you did connect with were great. In the end, I was rooting for Osha. In fact, I still am despite what she did in the end.
More importantly, just because the show was not good in my opinion doesn't mean it cannot be good in anyone's opinion. And beyond that, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have the right to be mean about it. In fact, that shames the lore of Star Wars more than all the bad works altogether even the ones that had obvious resentment behind the writing (but that's another discussion). The quality of how you react to art is just as important as the quality of the art itself. Yes, I admit that Hollywood's obsession with DEI, representation and inclusion has gone too far and in fact hurts the very groups they're trying to uplift, but you don't solve one problem by creating another.
Also, the amount of badmouthing and hatemongering isn't just embarrassing anymore. It's mean. An artist doesn't deserve to be hung, crucified, sued, grounded or humiliated just because they made a work of art you didn't like. Heck, I believe that the cartoon Daria even addressed this. Kathleen Kennedy, Amandla Stenberg and all these other folks behind Star Wars are people with feelings and lives. Even if they act silly themselves or make bad decisions, they're people. And for many of these people, the Acolyte was their first ever project. Sadly, not everyone's first big project is a hit, but that's ok. What is not ok is beating people down. Now, I myself have given negative criticism on art pieces, BUT I criticize the art not the people and I try to be fair while removing anger from the equation. And I try not to be spiteful because as an artist myself, I've been there and know how it feels. Putting your art out in public is scary and I can tell you from experience that it doesn't get easier. However, it takes courage to do it in general and that within itself is admirable.
In closing, I want to add that I take absolutely no joy in how the Acolyte was not good. I wanted it to be good. I wanted Amandla Stenberg to do good. I even believed that its good points alone made it deserve a second chance with a season 2. I'm sad that this project didn't work out and I'm more sad for Amandla which is why I want her to still have a second chance in general. She has good ideas.
Please, be kind when media fails because kindness and support when people do wrong can inspire other people to be better. I mean, that was the whole point of Luke's struggle with Darth Vader. When everyone gave up on Vader, Luke still believed in him and fought to pull him out of the darkness with his heart, and he did it. Hence his famous line "I am a Jedi like my father before me." Luke was not talking about what his father used to be. It's what he believed he still was which was not only worth fighting for, but living up to as well hence why he showed mercy and support to Vader.
With that all said, let's all strive to be "Jedis" like your fathers, mothers, siblings and friends before us. Stop the hate and show support even when people fall to the dark side.
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blazingstar29 · 1 year
It fucking sucks for everyone involved. Mav knows that and the longer this apocalyptic (that's how it feels, at least) goes on he also knows the harder it is to follow the rules. But he knows that it means it keeps Ice safe, that's all that matters. The treatment is rigorous enough, but their self-enforced isolation abolishes their creature comforts. No late night cuddling, morning forehead kisses.
Taking leave for treatment cut out a lot of Ice's contact with the general public, but for Mav his world keeps ticking. The Darkstar is a year away now, from being finished and it's all coming down to crunch time. The supply chain market is affecting even military orders from suppliers, the dead line feels like it's getting extended every week. It means that every day he's out dealing with people whilst the rest of the world is locked up. He's metres away from people, masked to the nines and face shielded.
He's this close to showering in Dettol. Because of his exposure, he and Ice made the decision three weeks ago that whilst Ice underwent another round of treatment it's better that they not risk Mav carrying something into their home. It's left Maverick confined to his barracks. The mess hall is...other wordly. He's never seen it so empty. Every where is empty, sectioned off.
It's wearing his patience thin. Maybe that's why he lost his shit.
They're young, maybe with young parents and young grandparents and over all boringly healthy family. Maybe they just couldn't take the dystopian world anymore and just needed to talk to someone without a mask. Maverick doesn't care.
Two of them in the common room, masks down. A half metre apart. Maverick walks past, tired, missing Ice and just at the end of his tether. He falters, doesn't recognise them. Maybe the anger forces their identities from his mind.
"Are you fucking stupid?" He spits, feeling his breath fill his N95 mask. "Are you fucking stupid?"
The ensigns jump apart and pull their masks up but it's too late.
"If I see you doing that shit again you are gone. Do you understand me?"
They nod joltingly. But it's not enough. He's angry.
"We are the gold standard. The fucking NAVY. I'm on the phone every fucking night with Admirals, congressman. The country is looking to us to see their patriotic fucking aviators doing the right thing. I get this is hard, believe me. I'm here, protecting my husband by isolating from him as he undergoes cancer treatment. I don't want to see this shit ever again. You transmit the virus, and they die, it's on you. You carried it, you killed them. Get to your fucking barracks."
The ensigns scram and he's left breathing hard, tears pricking his eyes.
That night he's sending a voice message to Ice when his husband sends a message first.
I: I heard you lost it today.
"...The supply- Yeah I did," he continues in the voice message. "Couple of ensigns standing close without masks on in the common area. Told them they'd be gone if I caught them doing that shit again."
He sends a message and waits for Ice to hear it and text back.
I: Yeah no, Hollywood caught wind of the whole thing. Test, isolate, come home. Just for a while. We can forget the word for a while.
M: I will when you finnish immunotherapy. I'll take leave, let Hondo watch the darkstar for me.
I: We'll watch the world burn together
inspired by this post by @fist-of-the-fleet
paraphrased quotes from tom cruises covid rant if yal couldn't tell
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theghostofashton · 1 year
Hi 🥰🥰 Hope I don't bother you, but apparently, it's a "thinking about you saw the truth in me" type of day 😅 so... if you wouldn't mind rambling a little - any future headcanons? Will they at all announce their relationship to the public or let the paparazzi sort of do it? If they get engaged, will they 'talk' about it or keep it a secret until the wedding, and TK'll just show up with a wedding band one day?😅 Will there be any red carpet event Carlos'd accompany him or have they agreed on TK going alone/with castmates only?
no joke this ask has made my entire day. talking about my fics is one of my most favorite things to do so thank you for giving me that opportunity! it means so much that you're still thinking about my fic <3
so, one of my original thoughts on how to end the story was actually going to be the red carpet of tk's movie. carlos would walk with him, as his plus one, but there wouldn't be any explicit attention drawn to carlos being his boyfriend or anything. i decided to go with the interview instead because i loved the idea of things coming full circle with tk finally getting to control his narrative, getting to have the last word.
tk wouldn't want to announce their relationship publicly, but it wouldn't be too much of a secret (because carlos is relatively known in hollywood as a trainer). tk would early on get asked questions in interviews, and he'd shoot them down quickly, until nancy finally put carlos on the list of things interviewers are banned from asking him about.
the final interview also reveals they've moved out of california, but doesn't say where, and that information would also be heavily guarded. tk finally takes gwyn's advice from years ago and involves a legal team that's ready to take action against any future defamation.
tk and marjan have a lot of conversations about the steps she takes to protect herself, the security she hires, the way she balances being open with her fans and sharing her life and keeping things private enough to keep her safe (mentally and physically). she helps him work on setting boundaries and shows him that it is possible to enjoy his life and see the world without things getting messy.
tk thoroughly freaks out before meeting carlos's parents for the first time, completely prepared for them to have already read everything that's been said and judge him. he works himself up so much about it (despite carlos's insistence that they would never) but everything melts away when andrea hugs him the moment he sees her. he's worried about what gabriel will say, but the first words out of his mouth are a compliment about the movie, and tk feels like he can breathe again after hearing that.
carlos does get mobbed once. he makes a trip to la with tk so they can visit tommy, charles, and the girls (and see paul, marjan, and mateo), and gets recognized while out on a run. it's nothing too wild, and nancy quickly sends in security to disperse the crowd. carlos is shaken, but physically unharmed. the whole incident freaks tk out a lot, and sends him down another spiral of wondering if it's fair to risk carlos's safety like this. he's quickly reassured that he is the most rewarding risk carlos has ever taken, in more ways than carlos can even tell him.
when they get engaged, it's also kept quiet. carlos proposes. tk wants to, but struggles with the thought of proposing forever with the knowledge of what his life is like. he wants to marry carlos more than anything, but he feels like in good conscience he can't ask for that, subject carlos to it. when he tells carlos this, he's reminded that they are a team and he doesn't get to make those decisions on his own anymore, and they finally do get engaged. and yes, tk doesn't say anything about it, he just starts wearing a ring for maximum chaos. (i can see him casually dropping 'husband' in an interview and freaking the internet out, but refusing to say more)
i think eventually, carlos would start accompanying him on red carpets, but it would be years in the future, possibly when they're engaged or married. carlos wants to do it much sooner, but tk isn't ready, and carlos knows not to push.
when they have a child, tk insists that it stay completely under lock and key. their baby girl grows up entirely protected from the spotlight for a few years, knowing her aunt marjan and uncle mateo as goofy grown-ups that skype her at the strangest hours (while they're off shooting) and always bring her the coolest goodies. seeing her uncle paul is her favorite, she loves when he lifts her into the air and does overhead presses with her. and aunt nancy is the funniest person she's ever met, she and her daddy have the silliest arguments, she loves when she comes over.
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drunkenskunk · 1 year
Something in my life switched several years ago, but I didn't realize it at the time it happed. It's only now, looking through the rear view, that I can pinpoint when I started existing in the haze I'm in now.
See, I'm no longer under the delusion that I could have ever achieved any of the goals, dreams, or ambitions I had when I was a child.
Like, you know how when you're a kid, and people ask you what you want to be when you grow up, and other kids say shit like, "I wanna be a firefighter!" "I wanna be an astronaut!" "I'm gonna run for President!" and shit like that?
Well, I wanted to be a filmmaker. I wanted to make movies like my heroes, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and James Cameron. George Lucas in particular. I loved Star Wars, and i wanted to do that: I wanted to be the triple threat auteur, the writer/director/producer, taking the ideas and stories in my head and translating them 1 to 1 onto the silver screen!
I had this whole plan, y'know? Go to film school, move to Hollywood, start with small indie films, and work my way up to my end goal of getting the Big Time.
I didn't even clear the first hurdle. Not only did I not get into the university I wanted, I didn't even apply. And to this day, I still have no idea why.
That was the big turning point. Things rather fell apart after that.
I kept setting my sights lower and lower, giving myself "lesser" ambitions, thinking they would be more achievable... and each one still proved too much for me to handle.
I don't remember exactly when I gave up. Like, it wasn't really a specific moment, I don't think. But I'm pretty sure it happened after I finished that New Vegas fanfiction. The fic itself was an experiment: I wanted to prove to myself that I could actually finish a project, because that was something I'd never been able to do. It took me 5 years to finish, and by the end, I had written just shy of a million words. And, it's like... that kind of says it all, doesn't it? Yes, I technically succeeded in my goal of starting a project and then seeing it through to completion. I finished something. That gave me a brief glimmer of misplaced hope, but at the end of the day, I couldn't even crack a million words. It's like... if I'm gonna go for excess, I should've at least followed through. But I didn't.
Either way, I said to myself: "Okay. I finally proved I can finish a project. I'm going to use this experience to write something original, get it published, and maybe I can start a career as an author! I hit a speedbump in my life, sure, but now things are getting back on track!"
Two years passed with nothing to show for it.
After that, it was just... this gradual erosion of my hopes, my dreams, and my every ambition... until I finally got to the point where I fully expected to be dead before I was 35.
And here's the punchline: I'm 36.
I can't even succeed at failure.
So. Here I am.
Just... existing.
I don't dare have any ambition anymore because every ambition of mine has ended in dismal failure. I don't take risks because every time I've taken a risk, it's left me worse off than when I started. I stopped making any long-term plans or goals because I thought I wouldn't be alive to see any of them through... and every day I'm still alive, I'm left wandering around in a sense of "... well, shit. What do I do now?"
No matter what I try, I'm not good enough.
And I am so very tired.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
didn't women directors say that many men don't want to work with them because it "devalue" their "worth"? if that's the case, i don't see Chris working with a female director anytime soon... same way he doesn't take chances with indie projects anymore... i think he believes his name is big enough to like risk it that way, i don't know but that's my impression. look at his latest projects... all big movies with big budgets, big platforms... he just doesn't like to take risks and that's okay i guess... but Chris please, at least do female centered projects 🫠 we don't need to see you, or other men, in front all the time
I don't know if I've ever seen a female director say that, I just always assumed it has to do with there being proportionally fewer in Hollywood working at the top levels of movies.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I think Jensen has reached in such age where he doesn't have the hunger to enhance his skills and achieve better career aspects by putting real efforts. Had SPN ended 10 years ago, he might have hired an acting coach and try his best to ride the higher tier in Hollywood, but after getting comfortable in a stable job for 15 years and spending the golden time of his youth there, he is kind of going with the flow guy now. He will get his new roles through networking, and when he is free he will reminisce how things would have been if he were Chris Evans or Deadpool and blah blah blah like a lot of middle aged frustrated people do and get more frustrated. I am sure he is not lazy and really enjoys his work after getting them, but he won't give any special effort to get better roles or break his mold anymore.
You're right but he needs to acknowledge that if he won't put forth the professionalism, effort and excitement neither will Casting Directors for him. If only he was capable of going with the flow, instead he is stuck in the same pattern he's been stuck in for 15 years. He's going with what's familiar which is the death of any creativity. An Actor that wants to grow needs to take risks and please, there are extraordinary Actors like Ian McKellen that still take risks at 83, let's not excuse lazyness. I know you weren't at all trying to but most of Jensen's AAs are.
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macademia-nut · 1 year
ai as the rebirth of art
I'm sitting in my office listening to some 70's revival/old bluegrass. I'm wearing a shirt with a print on it I bought at some niche site when I was 14. I don't play video games often, but when I do, it's those with an story to tell - how disco elysium is Eastern Europe The RPG. I have a controversial opinion on AI art, and all the artistic seethe it's brought about.
On the music, I have fallen down some algorithmic rabbithole after following the recommendation of my friends. On the surface, it's a post-ironic enjoyment of music created from the heart at a time when the american heart was unbothered. But the original enjoyers of this music were people in bars and concerts and getting tapes from their friends. There was heart in it, I mean to say; everyone who came into contact with it did so because someone they had an emotional dynamic with thought they should, a network of relationships going back to the original creator (the bluegrass fits that description slightly better, I'll admit). The shirt I still own because someone I cared about thought it fit my vibe. Because it was part of my phase of self-definition. Disco Elysium written to fail, but written from the heart.
'But macademia," you may say, "we're all perfectly aware of emotionality being the only true connection one has to art- what does AI have to do with it?"
Because, dear imaginary conversationalist taking my words genuinely, 70s music in the 70s wasn't actually *good*. It was cringe and weird and different. It was, dare I say it, based on the context, kind of bad. But someone sang it to someone else. Someone was talking to someone else in it.
I'm sure you've noticed that there isn't quite anything like subcultures anymore. All modern punks are posers; everyone is trying to fit a look they saw somewhere else. Sure, all creation is imitation; but through inspiration, not through complete access to replication. The internet doesn't really let you be an individual as much as you're just influenced by the thoughts of someone else; ultimately, an advertiser. The purchasing of personality, you and I know this whole bit.
Who is the professional creator in this context? The writer, the corporate artist, the movie director?
Heartless. Content-creators. They're at risk of AI generation taking their jobs because what they're doing isn't Art. Art is communication from the heart; it's ugly, it's bad, it's personal and different and cringe. It's something you show someone that they love because you made it, and the essence of you and your emotionality are visible in every line of it. Art is what you keep despite that, what you share because of it. Sure maybe these creators in hollywood are writing to their mothers or the one who got away- but the rest of us don't have any feeling for it. We're not connected to that social network.
"Okay, sure, but the AI-"
Content for the sake of content is dead.
Every random asshole can create something half-decent, play with it, manipulate it, and leave it behind without engaging in Content.
The only thing that has value is that which has heart.
"Okay, but you like DE- it was still advertised to you through something like steam, or word of mouth - it's not AI generated either- what gives? You're not personally tied to the artist's social network, you're just the target audience."
Ah, but wouldn't it be so much better if I was?
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1-up-chump · 2 years
Mortal kombat MK 1 roster general SFW relationship HC
Liu kang
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A relationship with liu kang is a sweet one, he's the type who would never be afraid to hold your hand in public. Although before an established relationship, would get annoyed with "ooo you like them" comments from others, which yeah he likes you but also "shut up they're not my bf/gf" until he gets over himself and just goes "yeah and?"
Liu kang would give meaningful gifts, something he knows you would like but also use. But obsesses a little bit over it being your "favorite color"
If you're not "kombat ready" liu kang would at least want you to know how to defend yourself bc he knows he can't always be there to protect you (but by the elder gods he will always try anyways)
Johnny cage
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Mr Hollywood himself takes absolute pride and joy in your relationship, Johnny may be a funny cocky man but he is 100% loyal to a fault and will go above and beyond for you. No price is too high for his sweetheart, the financial kind or the life risking kind. And contrary to what some might think, Johnny prefers more privacy between you two bc paparazzi is a bitch and a half, but also his love is something thats for you and nothing to prove to anyone else.
Johnny gives all the "klassic" romantic gifts, flowers, chocolates, teddy bears dressed up as scorpion. The amount of cheese this man gives off when it comes to love is astounding, but Johnny is just too charming to completely say "no" to when he's trying to woo you.
Despite the glamour and dramatic cinematic esque romance, Johnny would literally die for you no questions asked "Kombat ready" or not. But if you can kick some ass he wouldn't mind being "damsel in distress" for a moment even if it might hurt his pride a little (who knows, Johnny might find it kinda hot)
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Raiden's affection for you in private vs public is like night and day, but one thing no one can deny, you make him so much happier. He's more reserved in public but he's not going to deny you a kiss to the hand or a flirty, playful wink that's so quick you might miss it. But in private he's so much more relaxed around you, expect like, a lot of kisses and cuddling. Raiden might be a little touch starved, but even then he always asks for consent even if you already agreed to it before. He's also sassy as hell (raiden absolutely has personality and a sense of humor and just bc nrs forgot doesn't mean I did too)
Raiden is more of an "acts of service" type than a gift giver. But if he does give a gift it's either practical like clothing or maybe a little treat, or something very sentimental like a protective charm, something to give you peace of mind and to remind you he's always there for you even if not physically.
Raiden is definitely making sure you can handle yourself to some degree however capable you can be. If you are very willing to be "kombat ready" be prepared for some pretty intense training, but raiden is fair and won't push you unnecessarily anymore than you can handle
Scorpion/hanzo hasashi
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Baby is so fucking protective of you its no joke, has the energy of a big looming dog if someone so much as look at you the wrong way. Very circumstantial with showing affection publicly, only comfortable when it's around people he knows wouldn't lay a finger on you. In private he is the biggest sweetheart, very very touchy and cuddly, and not afraid to show just how much he loves you and how much you mean everything to him.
Hanzo isn't much for gift giving, rather doing things for you more than anything. However he gives small but very thoughtful gifts, be it your favorite treat or a beautiful piece of jewelry that you once eyed like a week ago. He sees the little things that you like and takes note to give it to you, especially if it makes you smile, your smile gives him life.
Do i even need to tell you how devoted this man is? The man literally went through all manners of literal hell for his family before, the same applies to you. Only this time he will be better to not let rage blind him, should the worst happen. But by the elder gods whoever hurt you will pay dearly
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(Listen i know thats his noob-saibot form but i couldn't find a better gif of him)
Like hanzo, very devoted and passionate but less intense about it. It's cheesy as hell but you warm his heart, he might not like being overly affectionate with you on the account someone might "attack his soft spot" but regardless he still loves you no matter what, his actions will always say otherwise even if he's being "cold"
He's traditional with the gifts, flowers, hand written notes, and on rarer occasions he might give you a frozen treat. His letters however is where he can pour his heart out comfortably, where verbal words fail him, written poetry tells you just how soft you make him
Bi-han might be distant with you, at least to outsiders. But you know better, you know he'd do anything for you when it comes down to it. Perhaps even challenge his other loyalties if it comes to it
Sonya blade
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Sonya is a bit awkward with affection, she's not the touchy feely type but she does love to sneak kisses when no one is looking or paying attention. She does love and care for you but she shows it a bit differently
Acts of service all the way, sonya would rather do something for you or with you. Not really the material type at all, but not to say she wouldn't give practical gifts like clothes or an item you would use often. However sonya would give you flowers on a very special occasion, sunflowers. Roses are usually the "klassic" but she thinks sunflowers are prettier anyways
Sonya cares so much she absolutely would die and kill for you. She'd probably also make sure you're "kombat ready" too, as much as you can as she knows she won't always be there to protect you, but by fuckin elder gods she'll try anyways
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Kano is a stinky bastard, the obvious being said, it's no secret you're his soft spot. And kano makes sure to dial up the "big macho man tough guy" to 11, just to make sure no one even thinks about using you against him. Which may include kano being mean to you in public on purpose to keep up certain reputations. But in private? Like a whole new man, he's rough around the edges but he genuinely tries to be considerate. Super touchy and handsy, there's no inch of you he hasn't laid his hands on and thats not even in a raunchy way, he just likes holding you.
Kano is definitely the type to get you anything you want, but mostly gives you some nice (totally stolen black market) jewelry. You can have literally anything as long as you don't ask where kano got it (bc the answer is always something illegal probably)
Kano will never give you up without a fight and by elder gods he's gonna put up a fight because no one is gonna touch you except him. And perhaps fighting because of you he has some shred of honor. Although he wouldn't mind you defending yourself at all, hell that makes his life a lot easier
Shang tsung
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Shang tsung isn't afraid to show affection, however in public it feels more like a display of "look at my pretty little toy" than something closer to a legit relationship, but that's only because shang knows better than to ever let anyone know the truth that you have his heart and soul. In private he is sensual, he's intense, passionate and all consuming. Shang is very vocal about showing his love to you in private and he will always remind you that not only your soul belongs to him, but his belongs to you. A rare gift you shouldn't take lightly.
Speaking of gifts, they are the most extravagant and expensive things. But shang pays attention, he knows exactly what you want when you want before you even know what it is that you want. Basically shang tsung's gifts are flawless and he will settle for nothing less.
Shang tsung may not seem like it to others (for obvious reasons) but he would quite literally raise hell if anything bad were to happen to you to a point he'd put his own ambitions on hold if it ment you'd be safe. Which is very significant for a man like him, consider yourself the most lucky (or unlucky depending on who you ask) person in the whole universe to ever had won his heart
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Everyone is shocked to see syzoth take a lover, but for syzoth this is very much a big deal. Therefore he protects you fiercely, the one person to show him not only the respect he deserves, but also kindness. His race never truly had this sort of show of affection, they were lizard folk so they're detached from those sorts of bonds. However this doesn't mean syzoth can't feel love, he actually loves how warm you are. And as such will cuddle you to a point you might get annoyed bc good luck trying to get this big lizard off of you.
Food is a big gift you're gonna get, it's going to be a lot of raw meat so definitely tell him what you actually can and like to eat. Syzoth tries his best to give you things he thinks you'll like, so if you don't actually tell him what you like he'll give you shiny things and flowers (that are mostly weeds)
Syzoth absolutely defends you to the death and no one is gonna keep a limb if they dare hurt you. Although you might have to watch out bc syzoth might attack anyone else around even if they weren't involved in hurting you. You'll have to calm him down
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Goro is the type to pick you up and go "look at my lover they are amazing" if the shokan prince takes a lover he's gonna show them off like a prize. But make no mistake he loves you and someone's gonna have to have some balls to disrespect you in front of goro.
Goro will make sure you have everything you ever need or want, although he's not much of the spoiling type, he might just make an exception if you bat your eyes at him and "put on your charm" so to speak. Depending on his mood goro might give you something no problem, but he might be either cheeky or moody and you'll probably have to literally fight him for that so, don't even try if you know you can't beat him in a fight.
It's a bad idea to hurt goro's beloved so rest assured that goro is gonna tear the limbs clean off whoever so much as dare threatens your life. And then proceed to beat them to death with their own limbs with one pair of arms, while holding you close with the other
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do you know what has always frustrated me? marco after the war(canon/in 54). i just don’t like the concept of him swinging right back into society, becoming a mainstream celebrity seemingly perfectly fine especially compared to literally every other animorph. i get that his personality is to act okay, act like the comedian etc but that was usually due to their group dynamic. i just think it was unrealistic the way he was written to readjust to society like that and seem so fine, loosing contact with the surviving animorphs for the most part too. i can chalk it down to unreliable narration on his part but that would be lame lol his mental health should reasonably be just as bad as anyone else’s
I think you've hit the nail on the head with "unreliable narration." Unfortunately we don't know a ton about Marco's inner life post-war (we don't get the self-reflection from him that we do from Cassie and Tobias and Jake) but there are a few moments in #54 that suggest he's not as fine as he pretends to be.
Marco apparently acquired an eagle morph for the specific purpose of following Jake around, as he tells Cassie in the cafe before Visser formerly-Three's trial. And he seems to do a lot of following Jake around, since he knows everywhere that Jake goes (and doesn't go) in a given week.
When Jake and Tobias show up to recruit Marco for their rescue mission, Marco's narration says "In a heartbeat it was as if everything around me turned translucent, like it was all fake, a set created with the help of trick lighting... The last three years were magically reduced to a daydream. An old reality emerged from beneath the illusion." The war is real, and his "perfect" post-war life is an illusion? Not a good sign.
At the time when Jake shows up, Marco is morphing lobster. Why? His keys are at the bottom of the pool. Is turning into lobster really the best way to get keys from >8 feet of chlorinated water? Probably not. So why's he really morphing lobster? He doesn't tell us, but again: not a good sign.
After boarding the Rachel, Jake and Marco have the following exchange
"Marco, you were bored out of your mind." "Yes, I was." "If I hadn't asked you to come you'd have killed me." "Yes, Jake, I would."
This being Marco, all we get is what he tells us: three houses, two boats, several girlfriends, at least one full-time staff member. But taking risks for the sake of risk-taking, using casual sex in place of intimacy, longing to connect to others but feeling unable to do so... those are all PTSD symptoms. We could argue for derealization while we're at it, depending on how you read that quote about the world becoming "translucent, like it was all fake."
It's FASCINATING to me that all of the surviving Animorphs get exactly what they said they wanted at the start of the war... and that, for all of them except maybe Cassie, it proves to be hollow. As early as #2, Marco says he wants to use morphing in Hollywood. In #1 and continuing through the series, all Jake wants is to go home with his family and not have to worry about the war anymore. Cassie's unapologetic about (again, starting in #1) primarily wanting morphing power to protect the planet. Ax is desperate to come out from Elfangor's shadow and earn glory in his own right. Tobias just wants to be left alone.
And they all succeed. Only it turns out even Tobias gets lonely, after three years of no one to talk to. It turns out Jake has to irreparably destroy his family in order to get his parents back. It turns out that Ax is "the Aximili" after the war, and he's also "bored... looking for trouble" and so reckless he gets almost his entire crew killed. Again, Cassie the Designated Survivor does okay for herself, since she figures out how to continue the fight for hork-bajir freedom on a different battlefield. But Marco doesn't appear to be satisfied or even remotely happy with fame and glory and Hollywood stardom. He looks like he's coming up with excuses to use dangerous morphs, and like he's downright eager to join in on a suicide mission when one comes along.
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emsylcatac · 3 years
Sorry if this is tiring djshsh but now that the finale episodes are out in French, are there any important dialogue changes in the dubs?? I caught Adrien saying Thank you in the hand hold scene in risk but am really intrigued dvhsgs
Hey! I can't do the whole episodes cause it's getting long, so I checked some key scenes. From what I've noticed and remembered as well as rewatching some scenes, here are some of the differences (there's probably more though, but some are minors):
Froggy's song
en: I'm Froggy here I come, I'm not afraid of anyone!
fr: I'm the frog it rains it wets, I'm the frog and I'm not scared!
(the point is that it rhymes in French and it includes lyrics of a famous nursery rhyme, so the translation doesn't make much sense as it is now)
Lila, to Adrien when they record the commercial
en: This is even more romantic than the Hollywood film I starred in!
fr: It's even more emotional than in that movie I was in!
(It's a very small difference but it's funny how they used Hollywood in the English version while in the French they were like 'we don't care about Hollywood' kjdjk)
Then the one you're mentioning with Adrien, to Marinette in the dungeon
en: Well, you're the only one.
fr: Thank you. But you're the only one.
Marinette, to Adrien, right after he took her hand
en: You've got to talk to your father, Adrien.
fr: Find the courage to talk to your father, Adrien.
The canteen scene, Nino, to Marinette
en: If he didn't want to model anymore, he would have told me! He's my best bud!
fr: If he didn't want to be [a model] anymore, he would have told me! No, really, he's my best bud, we tell each other everything!
Alya, to Marinette, canteen scene
en: Marinette, you can't decide what Adrien does with his life, Lila or no Lila. As your bff, I refuse to follow along with this plan, for your own good as well as his. You cannot risk messing with someone else's life!
fr: Marinette, it's not your place to decide what Adrien's gotta do with his life, this is going too far! As your best friend, I refuse to follow you in this plan for your own good as much as his. You can't take the risk to ruin someone's life.
Félix, to Adrien after he tells him that's not how he talks
en: you're right, you sound even more pathetic
fr: You're right, you're even more full of mawkishness
Ladybug, to Félix thinking he's Adrien
en: Adrien, you can't leave, I need you!
fr: Adrien, don't leave, I need you too much!
Strike Back
Ladybug, to Chat Noir
en: Who knows what your powers do directly on an akumatised person, and if it's a sentimonster, a cataclysm would send it out of control!
fr: Except if it's a sentimonster, cataclysming it would be like sending it out of control, and we can't take that risk!
Ladybug, to Chat Noir after he told her they'll never be akumatised
en: You don't know what you're talking about!
fr: You don't know the full story, Chat Noir.
Ladybug, to Flairmidable
en: I knew you were the one I needed!
fr: I knew you'd be perfect for the role!
Ending scene, Chat Noir, to Ladybug
en: You haven't lost me.
fr: Me, I'm still here.
Ladybug, to Chat Noir
en: I didn't listen to you, I lied to you, I kept you at a distance [...]
fr: Not only did I not listen to you, but I lied to you, I kept you at a distance [...]
Chat Noir, to Ladybug
en: [...] and me, your loyal partner.
fr: [...] and me, your faithful teammate*.
*teammate in the sense "partner" but he doesn't use the word "partner". If I recall, that's how they've always referred to each other in the French dub but I could be wrong.
There's probably other minor differences, I haven't looked into everything cause it's taking lots of time and it's getting late haha, but yeah here you go 😊
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Gorillaz: The Now Now
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1The other controversial Gorillaz album. Damon told us this shit would drop quick and lo and behold, we got an official album the very next year. Apparently, it was being worked on so quickly because Damon wanted more material for fewer concerts. Anyway, it's easy to see how it was so quick to release this album due to the lack of guest artists on it. Depending on who you ask, this works to the album's benefit or detriment. One of the main complaints on the last album was the lack of Albarn but some people say that Gorillaz simply doesn't have the magic anymore and that's never been more apparent then on this album. Me? I like this album. Far from their greatest but I don't really see a drop in quality either. Anyway, let's explore the tracks and see what all the fuss is about...
1. Humility
Damn, George is killing it on the guitar. And Damon knows it because he lets him do most of the work on this track, simply crooning along as he manages to place the listeners on a nice day near the coast in the Southwest, regardless of whether you've seen the video or not. An awesome track and the right one to release as the lead single.
2. Tranz
Named after a transformer, which is apparently not only a toy by Hasbro and a part in the car but also a device used in audio recording. Versatile little fucker, ain't it? Anyway, this is my favorite song off the album. Awesome, trippy, ominous and look at the video! Ace is there! Gyrating like Elvis! What a magical time 2018 was.
3. Hollywood
Where my beautiful people at, indeed? Nice song and it's nice to see Jamie and Snoop Dogg come back but this song could stand to take a few more risks. Hollywood: did you know that it's not all it's cracked up to be? You don't say...still, neat track.
4. Kansas
Yes, we're all not gonna cry. It's would be pretty hard to considering how chill this track is. Nice gasping voice by Damon and beautiful beats. This album would dry the eye of anybody in the room, even if it was pollen season.
5. Sorcererz
One of the first tracks I've heard off the album and I fell in love atthe first cry of Damon's voice. He really does sell the coolness of a track about somebody having a freak out. Is...that not what this song about? Guys? Please. Someone tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this.
6. Idaho
Pretty normal track although it does put you in the mood for potatoes. What else does Idaho have to offer? Its parks? Get outta here.
7. Lake Zurich
Ah, the classic Gorillaz instrumental. How I've missed you...oh, you're leaving? Okay, see you in a song machine one day, I suppose. This instrumental doesn't really do anything special but it doesn't offend the ear drums either. It'll make nice walking music, it will.
8. Magic City
Awesome song. You know my main gripe with it though? It sounds so final. It seems like something that should be placed at the end of an album, not near the end of one. Still, Magic City will make you feel like you're in a magical place...that closes with you still inside.
9. Fire Flies
Well, I can't believe my eyes. A depressing song about fireflies! This has a bit of a bummer tune to it and it deserves as it sings about a lost love one cannot help but think about.
...2-D must have really missed Murdoc while he was in prison, huh?
10. One Percent
A nice trance song to trip to while out of it. Reminds me of something The Residents would make on one of their later albums. Pretty nice ear feel.
11. Souk Eye
A nice song to end the album on...not as nice as Magic City would have been but whatever. Damon just warbles while the album comes to a close and you think, "Hm...I wonder how this would sound in concert?"
Album Score: 9.6/10
Next week, we wrap up our Gorillaz retrospective with the review of Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez. A lot of the songs from that album is on my personal playlist so you know my scoring will be fair! Stay tuned.
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sassyfrassboss · 4 years
Apparently the Texas Crisis Text Line is related to Tyler... don't know what to think about that. Are they trying to quit UK charities because they're getting that UK doesn't care about them and their projects anymore and now prefer to focus in charities in US? UK charities don't want to work with them anymore because they damage their image and out at risk getting other help? Are they trying to sell themselves to the US public as the UK is lost? Most Hollywood actresses work with US charities.
I think at this point they are taking anything they can get. 
I do think they are trying to transition to the US segment so focusing on US charities makes sense. However, trying to keep connected to their UK charities gives them also an in still in the UK. 
They don’t have their social media accounts set up yet so I think that they are using any platform they can to gain attention. By using the charities they can say they are trying to bring awareness that the charity but it is actually they are just using the charity to get an audience since they can’t do it on their own yet. 
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mcnyhearts · 5 years
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@denbroughsguilt​​  asked:    (possessive meme) This was common occurrence, when you date the most beautiful woman in the room, it's only a matter of time until someone tries to flirt with her. He doesn't exactly feel jealous anymore, but sometimes an idiot won't take no for an answer and he'd had to come and rescue her from the bothersome situation. He handles her a new drink from behind, kissing her exposed shoulder without breaking eye contact with the asshole. "Everything alright, love?"
                   LYNN  WAS  POLITE  EVEN  WHEN  THE  MAN  WAS  BEING  AN  IDIOT          ...          saying  no  never  seemed  to  work,  some  of  the  men  just  liked  to  hear  themselves  talk  and  liked  to  make  her  listen.  bill  of  course  never  had  to  worry,  no  man  but  him  could  sweep  her  off  her  feet.  she  maybe  polite,  but  she  was  never  interested  either.  even  now  she  stood,  arms  slightly  crossed  over  her  chest  as  she  nodded  her  head  as  the  man  spoke.  engaged  in  the  conversation?  not  really,  looking  for  an  out?  hell  yes.  bill  had  only  left  for  a  few  minutes  and  he  had  swooped  in  without  a  second  thought  as  if  he  had  been  waiting  for  him  to  go.
                    he  was  some  actor  trying  to  get  started  in  hollywood,  most  likely  thinking  he  could  get  some  leverage  out  of  her.  or  maybe  he  wasn’t  thinking  that  far  ahead,  maybe  he  really  did  see  a  beautiful  woman  he  wanted  to  try  to  get  with  for  one  night.  to  lynn,  it  felt  like  high  school  all  over  again.  some  immature  boy  trying  to  get  something  out  of  her  just  so  he  could  say  he  did.
                   they  didn’t  stand  a  chance  then,  and  they  didn’t  stand  a  chance  now.
                  “  HEY  DARLING,  EVERYTHING  IS  GREAT.  ”        ...          lynn  smiled  at  him  over  her  shoulder,  taking  the  drink  in  her  delicate  hands.  “  this  gentleman  was  just  telling me  about  how  he  just  bought  himself  a  hot  tub,  isn’t  that  interesting?  very  impressive.  ”  another  smile,  taking  a  sip  of  her  new  drink  as  she  looked  at  bill  before  back  at  the  man.  “  i  was  just  telling  him  it  was  a  very  brave  thing  for  him  to  buy.  not  just  anyone  would  risk  something  like  that.  hot  tubs  are  just  baths  cooking  with  diseases,  he  should  be  careful  right?  ”
                   “  we  wouldn’t  want  him  getting  a  nasty  disease  between  the  legs  now  would  we?  ”
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