#Homophobic Lesbian red head girl.
hallowedmistress · 6 months
stardew sexuality hcs!
bachelors + bachelorettes
definitely gay
grew up in a homophobic, religious family
first time he saw gay people was on tv on a news program about same-sex marriage being legalised
george immediately turned it off in disdain and evelyn distracted him with some food, but the thought lingered at the back of his mind
as he grows up, he collects sports magazines. more often with lean, muscular men on the covers than not
he suppresses it for years but it comes to a head when the cute new farmer moves in
and the rest is history
knew he was into men since he was very young
his family wasn't pleased to say the least. their only son, gay and a writer? the blasphemy.
didn't dare confess to any of his childhood crushes because he grew up in a pretty old fashioned area
instead wrote letters and stuffed them into used cans and threw them into the sea
lived in zuzu city for a short while before moving to stardew valley, had a relatively unhealthy lifestyle of drinking and hookups and no sleep. the cabin on the beach helped with his insomnia
very rarely attracted to women; usually into the type of women who mistake him for a lesbian
leans more towards men
vincent called him weird at first but wrapped his head around it pretty quick
jodi doesn't talk about it but she just wants him to be happy and not hide any part of himself
kent absolutely flips when sam brings the farmer, his boyfriend, over
they make it work. kent warms up to the farmer, and the strict military rules drilled into his head slowly come undone
he reluctantly tells sebastian he likes guys at the saloon one night while abigail isn't around. sebastian just says 'huh', and beats him at pool.
queer, on the aromantic spectrum
never really thought about romance. he has enough to deal with by himself, why should he want someone else?
has a little crush on sam when they're kids
only realises it was romantic when sam tells him that he likes guys. and sebastian realises oh, i can do that.
he doesn't really tell anyone but he blurts it out to his mother one afternoon
robin is supportive, and curious at first
demetrius... doesn't say much.
after kissing sam for a dare, he huddles inside a blanket with a red face for a whole day
he likes women, but likes the occasional buff man
he's vocal with his support of the community, and pins up a pride flag on the clinic's wall
he lost a trans girlfriend to suicide back in the city. it sticks with him, and he makes sure to respectfully inquire about all his patients' mental health and if they need anything
he likes the farmer for their cool, confident demeanor regardless of their gender.
never thought about his sexuality
kissed a few of his homies back in college before he dropped out
hasn't really "fallen" for anyone before the farmer
this girl is so, so bi
she definitely read manga on sites named stuff like yaoiparadiseheaven growing up
always shipped the protagonist and rival in pokemon games
has a few bi pride pins. pierre hates it and wants her to tone it down, but she refuses. loud and proud
caroline chides her, but is secretly proud of her and even buys her some sapphic movie dvds
it's complicated. she knows she has some sort of comphet, and she hates it
she wants to be out to the whole town just to prove a point, but she wants to present as straight at the same time just to feel more accepted
she flirts with guys and then feels like throwing up
she tries to flirt with girls and ends up insulting them
she and abigail have some sort of sapphic jealousy thing going on
when the farmer comes to town, abigail knows she's head-over-heels for the butch immediately despite her previous insistence that she only likes femme women
definitely a lesbian
chill about it. she doesn't tell anyone, but she doesn't hide it
she has a vase painted the lesbian colours
her ex from the city is non-binary
she doesn't expect to fall for the farmer at all, but ends up yearning for months
boldly sculpts a messy piece of two women kissing
she and male!farmer would talk about women together
her labels keep changing
she's into women, and into pretty guys.
she used to always keep an eye out for the woman who worked the jojamart counter
pam catches her reading a lesbian romance once, and penny fears the worst
instead, pam just nods and mentions she went out with some women herself and penny just stops in her tracks wide-eyed
when she first meets the farmer, she can't stop blushing around them
she never really fathomed being attracted to men in the first and doesn't get why demetrius is so against her having male friends
demetrius is obnoxiously supportive once he finds out. the farmer sighs every time they walk in on an overly large display of support
he celebrates her coming-out anniversary every year
lesbian in stem
she's also on the asexual spectrum. something like demisexual, maybe. she doesn't have it figured out yet
pansexual, and open about it
every time someone asks if she has a boyfriend, she corrects them to 'significant other'.
romance doesn't work like 'normal' to her
every friendship has a little romance, and every romance has a lot of friendship. isn't that the best way to live?
she's very affectionate. with friends, family, s/o's, anyone.
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yourbestbuddie · 1 year
“The truth is every queer person has right to come out on their own terms and on their own timeline. They also have the right to choose not to come out at all.
The forced conformity of the closet cannot be answered with the forced conformity in coming out.”
- Alex Claremont-Diaz, Red White and Royal Blue
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Those who participated in bullying this then eighteen year old child actor into coming out on social media, calling him a queer baiter because he played a bisexual character on a lgbtqia centered Netflix series really didn’t understand what that show was about.
This is a show about acceptance and love and just being yourself and showing that there are no social ideals that you have to conform to. You can be masculine and like guys. You can be feminine and like girls. This is a show about being confident and who you are but it’s also a show where they’ve made it clear that you only come out when you’re ready, and on your own terms.
It’s representation for so many people gay, lesbian, bi, trans, arocace… it’s showing that representation which is so important for so many people.
To those people who forced him out of the closet through constant bullying you’re not supporting the ideals of this show at all. You’re not being progressive by publicly harassing an actor who played a queer character because he’s seen with people of the opposite gender, so “he couldn’t possibly be queer himself”. You’re being a fucking asshole who couldn’t get it through their thick heads what this show was trying to get across to their audiences.
The term queerbaiting is being thrown around so loosely these days that even playing a queer character on show and not labeling yourself as such yourself is queerbaiting. Queer actors play cishet characters all the time. Are you going to bully them into announcing that they’re straight? I mean by your logic they have to be for playing that character or else it’s morally wrong.
Kit Connor played a bisexual sixteen year old who just realized he was such and had a whole identity crisis. He was scared and was worried that people close to him wouldn’t support him. His ‘friends’ are homophobic assholes and his brother is a bully. He’s scared that people he loves won’t accept him. He’s scared they won’t think of him the same way. When he tells his mother that he’s bi he gets that moment of relief when she hugs him tells him she’s sorry if she ever made him feel like he couldn’t tell her that. He’s relieved that she accepts him for who he is and that she doesn’t think of him differently than before she knew.
Kit Connor never got to have that moment with his mother because people who call themselves fans harassed him to the extent that he was forced to come out to social media before he was ready.
People need to just be more fucking aware.
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 10 months
As a sapphic myself, how could I not write a bit about the cutest lesbian couple (almost) on the qsmp?
The day Bagi got picked for Team Soulfire was one of the best days of her life, that she remembered at least. That Eye guy must really be homophobic because Bagi was going crazy with not being able to see the adorable girl that had so captured her heart.
Bagi picked the last of her supplies into her backpack, shouldering it quickly. There was no telling when her former teammates who had got chosen for Red could show up, and she wasn’t keen on finding out if the Green Gay spirit would grant her immunity from her former team.
Plus the sooner she saw Tina the sooner she could find happiness in this cruel horrible world of Purgatory.
Bagi smiled as the sun beat down on her face, soaking up the sounds and smells of the jungle one last time. The spicy hint of cacao, the distant squawk of a parrot, the gentle mist kissing her face, the earthy loam beneath her feet, and the far off crashing of waves against a sandy shore.
With spirit determined, she marched forwards towards the sounds of the waves.
Admittedly, she did in fact tense up a little bit when she saw the terror of the island Badboyhalo, who was doing figure eights in a motorboat (on the beach), but considering she already knew he was coming down to pick her up she wasn’t too surprised.
“BAGIIIII” Bad yelled when he saw her coming from the dense woods.
“BADDDDD!!” Bagi couldn’t help smiling at the sight of her dear friend, and she jogged forward to greet him.
Bad’s eyes narrowing in a manner that Bagi had come to associate with mischief, and as she approached, she noticed him type something out on his communicator.
Bagi stopped in front of him, leaning her hand on her hip. “Ok, whaaat are you typi- OOF”
Her sentence was cut short with a loud impact to her back, causing the Brazilian to fall onto the sand. The confusion only lasted a few seconds because with the impact came a high pitched happy squealing and even though it had been a week, Bagi would know that sound anywhere. “TINAAAAAAAAAAA”
The weight on her back shifted, and Bagi turned over in the sand, not minding the beach sand that was getting into her hair. In front of her, was her beloved-
Woah wait were those abs????
Bagi gawked at the crop top exposing Tina’s midriff. Where once was soft squishy belly, not that Bagi was specifically ever checking Tina out haha never…, were now sharply defined and well tanned muscles.
Bagi could hardly breathe as she tore her eyes away, face bursting into heat. It really didn’t help that as she did so she caught sight of the lean muscle now attached to Tina’s arms, and the pretty tan that the other girl had gotten.
Speaking of the other girl-
“Oh my god. What was I THINKING. Why did I DO that? I literally do not even know why I did that Bagi I am SO sorry. Ohhh god this is so embarrasssiiinngggg. Oh my god let me help you up.”
As Tina talked anxiously, Bagi could feel her senses returning, and briefly registered the shi- the muffin-eating grin on Bad’s face.
“Wow Tina I can’t believe you ATTACKED poor Bagi! I’m so sorry, I guess she doesn’t want you on our team!” Bad said far too cheerfully.
“Shut up you FREAK!” Tina yelled at the…vampalien?
“Freak??” Bad scoffed pompously, “I take offense to that! Bagi get your dog under control!”
Bad grumbled, rubbing his head, expression that of a kicked puppy. “Such violence! I cannot believe you would hit me, and with a cooking pot of all things!”
Bagi hefted the weight of the pot in her hands “Yeah, well I don’t have my frying pan, so this will do!”
“Wait, you have a cooking pot? Oh my god we should totally make a dinner for each other tonight!” Tina said, grasping Bagi’s arm with stars in her eyes.
Bagi stared. Tina’s face, while slightly cut in bruised from the trials of literally existing in purgatory, was gorgeously sun kissed, a faint tan spread evenly across her complexion that spoke tales of working in the sun.
“Um. Errrr. Yeah. Do you have any ingredients?” Bagi managed to get out.
Tina smirked proudly. “Ingredients? Girl, I’m like, the co-leader of the entire farm! I could get you anything! Anything for you Bagi!”
Bagi grinned, heart fluttering. “Then let’s have a nice dinner tonight. Might as well enjoy something in this hellish place!”
“Could I co-“
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ria-writes-stories · 10 months
Ship: Dizzy
Genre: Pillow(extra cotton/wholesome) Deep romance
Description: A cozy little day in a cold world
(No one's pov)
Doll was walking through the empty dark hollow halls of the colony making her way to her home where nothing but cold emptiness awaited her as always, for there was nothing alive in that house other than her, or well, that's the way it should be eitherway.
"I don't remember you saying you'll come over." Doll said as she hugged the shorter female from the back holding her closely to her as her hands rested on her waist while burying her face in Lizzy's neck. "Oh- you're back early..." Lizzy mumbled under her breath as her eyes widen in shock as Doll simply looked up at her with an empty look as Lizzy simply smiled awkwardly and that is when Doll noticed that Lizzy was holding some pans. "What are you doing?" "Cleaning...?" Lizzy said in a puzzled manner as Doll took a look around to see that her messy oily house was slightly less messy.
"..." "You're welcome by the way." Lizzy said as she placed the pots away. "Seriously, you need to clean this place once in a while it's a health hazard!" Lizzy turned around cleaning Doll's cheek which was covered in oil from her most recent victim.
Doll simply held Lizzy's hand, taking it up to her face and placing a loving soft kiss upon it.
Lizzy blushed softly at this action and simply looked away shyly. "So uh- wanna go to my place? Girls night?" Lizzy was overly shy when it came to their love, ashamed maybe even, whatever you wish to call it she felt it was wrong to some extent. No she wasn't a homophobic lesbian, she just never expected to be so sloppy when she is used to be in control and confident, so, they had a bunch of codes that meant different things depending on the circumstances, for example, right now Lizzy wanted to be alone with Doll in the comfort of her home.
In a blink of an eye the two girls were on Lizzy's bed as Doll held Lizzy closely on top of her with her hands warped around her waist in a firm gentle loving manner while looking into her eyes with a calm cold look.
Lizzy sighed and rolled her eyes as she rested her head on Doll's chest. "You're such a drama queen." Lizzy was indeed slightly annoyed with Doll's powers, because they concerned her. Ever since Doll's parents kicked the bucket Lizzy had to keep her now psycho girlfriend in check. She knew she couldn't. She knew it was a lost cause. She knew she'd only get hurt from this point on but she couldn't let go, she couldn't she-
Doll gently cupped Lizzy's cheek and it wasn't until then that Lizzy realised that she was crying while her mind trailed off into the worst scenarios possible. Doll's gentle yet cold touch made Lizzy look into her deep red eyes, hollow and empty and yet, so pure, pure for they were filled with love, the reason why Lizzy was still there, because Lizzy was there to begin with. That strange unreadable look yet so calm and gentle was what always got Lizzy.
Lizzy sighed softly as Doll cleaned her tears away while pulling her closer to herself, gently pressing their foreheads together. "What's hurting you?" "Nothing." "Don't lie to me." "..." "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to ever worry about me?" Doll said as she kissed Lizzy's cheek affectionately. "I worry about us." Lizzy said in a quite frail voice as Doll kissed away her tears away before placing a soft loving kiss upon both of her eyelids. "I love you." Doll said as she kissed Lizzy's forehead. "I love you." Doll whispered as she kissed her cheek, and a kiss after a kiss Lizzy was covered in Doll's affectionate smoothering.
Lizzy's cheeks turned into a soft pink rose shade as she looked at Doll sheepishly as she went in for a kiss while Doll held her by the waist as her other hand intertwined their fingers together while they shared a deep loving soft kiss. It was gentle, it was slow, it was a slowly rising heat within their bodies and heart and it was what made such moments together so very special and wonderful for there was only one and the other.
She was her everything. Her beautiful laughter, her perfect eyes, her mesmerizing voice, and that thick accent of hers, oh the ways Doll would drive her crazy to the point she'd find herself crying helplessly knowing in the vulnerable state she ended up for this woman she adored so much.
She wasn't her everything, not by a long shot, because that would mean she had anything to begin with. Her soft pink eyes, her soft tender lips, her delicate skin. Doll felt hollow and empty, always attaching herself to those she considered as not leeches, for that is how she saw most people, as leeches. But Lizzy wasn't a not leeches, or a leech. Lizzy was something else, something that Doll could never express. They call it love. Doll doesn't know what to call it. All she knows is that she engulfs herself within her presence and everything else around her goes numb and silent in the most comforting way possible.
The two cuddled up closely to each other constantly moving restlessly searching for the best position to embrace each other but each moment they stopped moving for longer than ten seconds they'd start moving again, no position was good enough for them. If Doll was scooping Lizzy, than Lizzy couldn't scoop Doll. If Lizzy was curled up into Doll's chest, than Doll couldn't see her face. If Doll was holding Lizzy on top of her, Lizzy couldn't rest her head down because she couldn't see Doll's face anymore if she rested her face in her neck, but that was her favourite place to rest as well.
The movement would stop when Doll would pick one of the many hug holding positions and firmly hold Lizzy not allowing her to move anymore, because truly Lizzy was the pretentious queen always having a complaint, always changing something, as while Doll would settle for whatever. Trapped within her arms Lizzy had no option but to lay down and rest as they kept each other warm despite the fact that Doll could very easily overheat, it was a risk that Doll didn't mind taking for her.
Doll kissed her over and over again as Lizzy simply let it happen, slowly closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.
Doll held her closely and lovingly, kissing her affectionately as she looked at her with adoring eyes. What was there not to love? She was confident, she was strong in her own ways, she was smarter than she looked it, she was incredible, a wonder, a star among particles of dust in this vast world, and she wanted her all for herself, forever and ever.
Lizzy's eyes open immediately as she felt herself alone, looking straight in front of her without moving an inch or moving her eyes, feeling cold and alone as Doll was nowhere to be seen, before she sadly closed her eyes again going back to sleep sadden that her lover had left her without a warning, only to awaken again with Doll holding her tightly as if she would vaporize otherwise. "Sorry. Your father came in to check on you." Doll explained as she kissed Lizzy all over her face to take away her sadness and pain as her still half asleep girlfriend simply whined and nuzzled into her affectionately.
Doll gave her neck a soft peck as she continued to hold her tightly to herself.
Lizzy ran her fingers through Doll's hands as she hummed softly resting her head on her chest.
The two eventually fell back asleep while holding each other, but they would wake up in the middle of the night at different times, adoring each other in looks and soft caresses before going back to sleep unknowingly doing this like a night cycle to one another.
Each expressed themselves differently but their love was there and it was strong, and nothing would change that. Doll would make sure.
The end
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
Avengers Gender & Sexuality Headcanons, but cleaned up a bit
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hello hello! I revisited my old post, and it was messy af and I don't really headcanon a lot of these anymore. SO I PRESENT TO YOU:
The Avengers Being Gay As Fuck
STEEB ROGER ROGER || CAPTAIN AMERICA - ohhhhh boy... - bro is kinda not up to speed with how ✨🏳‍🌈 the gays 🏳‍🌈✨ are treated nowadays - so peter decides to teach him - and at first, he's kinda confused, esp about trans people - because hello, he was born in the fourties - it's kinda non-realistic to expect him to snap to reality just like that - anyhoo, peter ain't having the "how tf do trans people work" bullshit - he, like any good gen z kid would do, creates a shitty powerpoint presentation - after two full fucking hours of explanation, steve starts to get it - he still slips up sometimes... - but he tries his fucking best and honestly that's all we can ask of him - i don't really see steve labeling himself, but if you asked, he'd probably just steer the conversation away from that topic - would still use he/him - fuck that was long
TONY STARK || TIN CAN IRON MAN - bro has fucked and been fucked, taken and given head - by both men and women - cmon. there's no way that this billionaire playboy isn't fruity - pansexual, doesn't care about the gender of the person he loves - he's either in a poly relationship with pepper and rhodey or enemies-to-lovers with a certain stephen strange - he/him - funds the annual manhattan pride - qpr with rhodey
BRUCE BANNER || JOLLY GREEN GIANT - oh poor child - i feel like he is not one for sex - like bro practically radiates aroace energy - doesn't really feel the need for gender conformity. gender is an unknown subject and he doesn't like to meddle with it. end of story - pretty sure he's agender - i feel like he wouldn't care what pronouns are used, but if asked, i think he would answer he/they - bro is a triple a battery fr - prefers to be adressed as dr. banner or just banner
NATASHA ROMANOFF || SCARY ASSASSIN LADY - she/her. nuff said. - asexual. i will die on this hill - the red room taught her to use her body to get what she wants - but she never really wanted that - coughseggscough - i wanna say she's demiromantic & bi - clint is her biggest supporter - started the ace avengers club 🍇🐘👻🐈‍⬛
CLINT BARTON || LEGOLAS - i really can't see a queer clint. i can't - i also don't really see him being that one overinvested ally - he/him, straight, cishetallo - sorry :(
THOR ODINSON || THAT ONE THUNDER DUDE - he comes from asgard, where nobody really sees being queer as different - so when he comes to earth........just imagine his surprise when he finds out about homophobia - he found out when some dudebro was yelling at a girl who seemed like she wanted nothing to do with him - another girl was with them, and she looked like she wanted to kill the guy - thor was confusion - he asked what was going on, and the dudebro said that he caught his sister on a date with another girl - yknow, expecting thor to lash out at the girl - but thor was the exact opposite - he grinned, and congratulated the two on their relationship - WLW FOR THE WIN!! - dudebro started going off on a homophobic rampage - one glare from thor and he nearly shit his pants - and THAT is where thor got his title as protector of lesbians - he/him - tried using thunder based pronouns once but decided it wasn't for him - unlabeled. he thinks human labels are weird
JAMES RHODEY RHODES || WAR MACHINE - is he/him - gay as fucking hell oh my god - literally so gay - GAY MAN OVER HERE - k im done - i'm nearly 100% sure he's graysexual. doesn't really care for sex but if his partner(s) really want it...well, he loves them - probably has to steer tony away from fans all the time at pride - i'm also 100% sure he's down for polyamory. there's too much love for just one person in his heart - qpr with tony
PETER PARKER || SPOODERMAN - TRANS PETER TRANS PETER TRANS PETER!!!!!! - 🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧ - i know it's a really common tumblr headcanon but i FIRMLY support it! FTM - 60% sure that flash bullies peter because he's trans - i mean like it's more believeable than peter being a nerd - prob uses he/him - comes out to tony first, tony buys peter his first binder - may finds out next and she's just so happy. peter asks for name suggestions and she nearly cries - that's how he got his name :) - this kid forgets to take off his binder so often omg - like ned and mj and may MUST REMIND HIM or he'll forget - i feel like he'd be asexual but sex-neutral - doesn't care for it - bi. bi peter parker.
MICHELLE JONES || EMJAY - is enby 💛🤍💜🖤 - ain't no way she's a girl. like ain't no way - uses she/they if asked, but doesn't really give a fuck about pronouns - bisexual with a pref for gals. callin it now
NED LEEDS || NEDANIEL - pretty sure he uses he/they because he like the pronouns - thought that they/them was cool and just decided to use it :D - sweet boi, supports mj and peter sm - buys them pride flags ✨🏳‍🌈✨ - ned literally radiates aroallo energy like cmon - CMON - aroallos are so cool and sexy actually
LOKI LAUFEYSON || LOW KEY LMAO IM SO FUNNY - is genderfluid 💖🤍💜🖤💙 - like this isn't even headcanon fuck off - will use any and all pronouns, at any given time - idk...maybe it's just me but i'm getting MASSIVE asexual vibes - probably sex positive ace - like slay queen - panromantic. like do i even need to explain this
BUCKY BARNES || BUCKET - i will die on they/them bucky hill - and you will see my corpse there - and you will know i was right - unlabeled. doesn't fully understand themself rn, labels will probably make it worse - sam is a huge part of bucky's queer journey - probably uses peter as a queer encyclopedia
SAM WILSON || CHICKEN MAN - gay as freaking hell omfg - that is HOMOSEXUAL MAN RIGHT THERE - he/him - takes bucky to their first pride parade - queer legend - ✨🏳‍🌈✨
VISION || ROBOT MAN - is undecided on gender for now - decides to just use he/him while he figures everything out - i think he figures out that he's asexual real fast. like sex-repulsed - why humans would ever want to have intercourse is beyond him - same, girl, same - but he's definitely omniromantic. he does experience love, albeit a little differently than the rest of society - don't we all...
WANDA MAXIMOFF || WITCHY BITCHY - found out she was a lesbian after a failed date with vision - neither of them felt the attraction that they had before - so yes. gay. sapphic. wlw. - i hate the term but i feel like she would be a lipstick lesbian until she falls for a butch - she/her - has girl nights with her twin - hmm gay - ❤️🧡🤍💖💜
PIETRO MAXIMOFF || SPEEDY BITCHY - they/he/she - genderfluid, is particular about pronouns - like ik people don't really headcanon it but... - cmon. pietro is LIQUID GENDER. - (this also probably stems from my belief that every single fucking speedster is genderfluid no matter what fandom) - sees a pretty dress? will buy two. one for them and one for wanda - he really does slay stilettos tho - i think she's probably gay (mlm) - stfu pietro can be a gay man if they want to - fuck you
T'CHALLA || CATMAN - gay. GAY - he/they icon - wakanda is a safe place for EVERYONE - besides, all the dora milaje are wlw - probably homosexual, like what else would he be - nakia? 99% sure nakia is trans and they're in a qpr - AROACE NAKIA AROACE NAKIA - *aroaces every single character* - fuck yeah gay t'challa
SHURI || GENIUS GIRL - she/xe - sapphic asexual - shuri x riri is the hill i will die on - leaning towards women and fem aligned genders - started first wakandan pride parade - i'm 99% sure she officiated ayo & aneka's wedding - change my mind
STEPHEN STRANGE || DR WIZARD - agender, doesn't see the point in gender most of the time, so they/them/he/him - believes there are three sexes but an infinite amount of genders - demiromantic, demisexual - fight me - is most likely gay 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 - had a qpr with christine before the incident
{\__/} ( • . •) / >🏳‍🌈
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storkmuffin · 1 year
19 !
19. Who is your favorite parentdale character? Why?
Penelope Blossom!!!
Penelope is the single most effective member of parentdale. Just to name two examples: (a) Husband kills her darling son? Kills the husband & gets away with it! (b) Nightmare-child daughter pisses her off? Crawl around inside the walls of the house to terrorize her using the Julian doll!
Penelope is the best dressed woman in the world. It's not even about her (fabulous) clothes. Nobody has ever looked so elegant entirely wrapped in bandages.
Penelope's dessication into her hard-shell-with-hollow-innards middle age fueled only by poisonous rage when she started out as the weepy-girl softy she'd been in the 80s haunts me.
Penelope has superhuman resilience. Look at all she's survived: a terrible house fire, imprisonment, in-wall-living, attempted gas poisoning, maple syrup waterboarding, being raised by Nana Blossom, sex with Hal Cooper (by contrast, look at what it did to poor Alice Cooper), getting smugged-at by Bughead, being trapped in the Fuck Bunker etc etc. Total Icon.
Penelope contains multitudes - abuse survivor, murderer, brothel madam, nun, mother, orphan yet old money, art-understander who hates art, heteronormative homophobic lesbian, red-headed ginger fetishist... I could go on and on but this answer is long enough.
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multiversxwhore · 2 years
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate it if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is pinned to my page if you wish to see more! ☽☽☽
Parings: Edward Cullen x Black!oc
tw: light mentions of sexuality, homophobic remarks, and bullying.
Word count: 1k
Chapter 3
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Edward and I haven’t talked in a long while after our last “argument” three weeks to be exact. I didn’t even bother to read his mind, I knew what he was thinking. His mind was filled to the brim with thoughts of me, I knew this because he was basically shouting them at me. From afar, and up close. His gaze was so intense I didn’t even need to see him to know he had already seen me. Every time I was in his presence, it felt like holes were being burned through me.
I bet he thought this would make me start talking to him again, he’s tried to strike up conversations with me a few times. Though I never take the bait, he hasn’t gotten to know me enough to know how to butter me up. I give him credit for consistently trying though, but that’s just about it.
“Okay this is so stupid…just talk to him Denny.” Bella has been calling me by my nickname since she heard my father call me by it last week. She’s also been begging me to forgive Edward, and try our nonexistent friendship again.
“Fuck him, he can suck my dick…from the back. I hope he can fit my balls in that smart ass mouth of his.” I spit, the sight of him annoys me sometimes.
“Jesus Eden…” Her eyes widened in shock, I’m sure Bella would be more shocked if she found out what I am.
“Anyway, how’s things with Jacob?” I needed to change the subject before I decided to stab Edward in the eyeball with my plastic fork.
“Um, I mean, it’s great. Jacob is literally the sweetest, this may sound a bit dramatic, but I can see us being together for a long time.” Bella smiled, her dark eyes softened at the thought of the young boy. I can see flashes of his face pass by her thoughts, at least one of us is being treated right by the boy we liked.
“I wonder if Edward is going to prom?” Jessica Stanley, Little Ms. Look at me, wondered out loud. Oh yea, that’s a recent development I forgot to tell you about…Bella thought it would be a good idea to start mingling with the other girls. She constantly lies to herself about it, but she’s trying to give her dad, Charlie Swan, the police chief, peace of mind. I often ignore any, and everything Jessica says. Usually her topics revolve around Edward, and other high school gossip.
“I should ask him.” She continues, a playful smirk on her lips as she watches for my facial expression, but I remain cool. The last person I’m worried about taking my spot next to Edward is her.
“I'm sure he’d rather take Eden.” Bella chortled, I bit my lip to keep from laughing.
“Eden? Does she even like boys?” Jessica whispered the last part, Bella’s eyes found mine as I was already looking in her direction. My head tilted backwards, and my nose turned up.
“Even if Eden was a lesbian, she’s more than certain you’re not her type. She likes girls that aren’t major sluts, and good girls with 4.0 gpa’s...isn’t that right babe?” I turned and blew Bella a kiss. She blushed a deep cherry red, and offered an awkward smile.
Jessica scoffed, and went back to scouting the lunchroom, it was ridiculous really. Prom isn’t till the end of the year, and she’s already trying to dig her claws into some unfortunate soul.
🕊️꧂ ꧁🕊️
I stood outside my car in the parking lot waiting for Bella. My headphones over my ears keeping them warm, Ed Sheeran singing softly to me. Though the music is as loud as possible, that still didn’t stop Edward’s voice from pushing its way into my mind.
Eden…can we talk? My head snapped up, and across the lot, Mr. Popularity can be seen leaning against a silver Jeep next to a girl with pixie cut hair—one of Edward’s sisters, Alice—I look down at my watch, and back over to the door. I roll my eyes, this is Bella’s fault, how the hell did she of all people get detention?
I sighed, and crossed the parking lot. I stopped a few feet in front of him, Alice watches me quietly. My lips pressed together in a tin line, Jasper was nowhere around, and I could make out Emmet’s stocky figure from inside the Jeep. A bitchy looking blonde woman—Edward’s other sister Rosalie—sitting on the passenger side next to him, she glared at me from the rearview mirror.
“Gosh you really love to put on a show don’t you Cullen?” I quipped, my eyebrow pulled upward. The corner of Edward’s lips barely turned upwards into a smirk.
“This is the only time I could get your attention…listen, I shouldn’t have said what I said. And I shouldn’t treat you the way I do, I’m sorry.” His eyes swept the ground, head tilted downward, and his hands shoved deep in his jacket pockets. I bit my lip, I didn’t think he’d actually apologize, and it looked like it pained him to say it.
I have so much more to tell you, about me…about my family. I’ve gone long enough keeping this secret from you…I don’t think I can handle it anymore. Edward’s voice sounded rough, and raspy. So unlike his quiet, smoothness I’ve become accustomed to. Alice looks over to the right of me, I turn to see Bella finally coming out of the tall double doors of the school.
We’ll talk later, “I gotta go.” I swiftly turned my back to him, as I weaved my way through the parking lot, I could hear some shouting going on. I ignore it, probably some dumb ass teens arguing. I’m almost to my car when I finally hear the screeching of tires against the frozen pavement.
EDEN! Edward’s voice shouted at me, I looked up just in time to see the end of a burgundy red van come skidding in my direction. It’s already so close to me, there’s no way I’d make it, not without flying. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to brace myself…I’m not even sure what happens to Angels when they die, I think I’m immortal. I can’t remember thanks to The Council fucking with my mind last year.
I opened my eyes to meet whatever fate awaited me, first I heard a rushing of footsteps towards me, and a horde of voices. They all talked at once in panicked voices, I felt something cold underneath my clothes. I look down to see whatever had caught me, it seems like a last minute decision the way the hem of my clothes were ruffled. This was not done with graceful movement, but rather anxiety, heart thudding pacing.
Shit. Edward’s voice— Edward? I turn my head slowly to my right where the cold sensation was coming from. At the same time our eyes widened, one of his long arms was wrapped around the back of me. His hand was clutching onto the back of my shirt, and jacket. His icy knuckles digging into the exposed skin on my back, and his other arm. I couldn’t believe what the hell I was seeing; Edward’s other arm was extended outward, and his hand was holding the end of the van away from us. A huge creator like dent underneath his palm from impact.
“What the hell are you?” I hissed, but he didn’t bother to answer me, his face look like a mix of fear, and regret. Edward drops me as if the close proximity was burning him. With a speed I’ve witnessed before, Edward hopped through the open gap, and left me there. Someone’s hand reached down to grab me, I could see The Cullens speed away from the school. Students crowded all around me, all at once they rushed me with questions, and shoved each other trying to get to the front. After what I just witnessed, there’s no denying Edward Cullen is far from human.
🕊️꧂ ꧁🕊️
a/n: hiiiii hope you enjoyed thisss 😭 um, this chapter was almost 6k lmao, so I had to break it in half. Btw I hope y’all like the new tiny font, and story collage . Anywho, reblog, like, and pls say something nice in the comments.
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writing-rat · 11 months
The Guitarist
Pairing: Robin x Nancy
Content Warning: None
Summary: Nancy is a journalist assigned to watch Robin's tour. She is happy
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It was a well-known fact that Robin was lesbian. She had came out 2 years ago and everyone had celebrated and talked about how they could have a chance with her. Nancy, a not so popular journalist at the time, had talked about it, and how it would help Robin appeal to many more people. She also started to talk about her crush on her.
Since her bosses knew about her crush, they thought it would be fun for Nancy to go to all of Robin’s shows for her tour. Nancy was shocked when she heard about her case, pleased at first before she was realising something… she would become a flustered mess. She shook her head, she was dedicated to making the tour go well and make sure she wasn’t as flustered. 
It was soon the first day of the tour, and Nancy was to be around Robin a lot it seemed, to the point she had her own bunker in the trailer. The guitarist had insisted on it so the journalist could rest after each show but also not be stranded in a probably shit hotel. Acting confident, Nancy walked over to the trailer door, and knocked on it. “Coming!” Robin called out. Nancy waited patiently, holding her backpack and her suitcase. Eventually the door open and Nancy looked up with a smile. Robin stood there, in a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra. Nancy flushed red before she smiled gently. “Hey, I am Nancy. The journalist,” she introduced herself.
“As you know, I am Robin. The guitarist. Let me get a shirt and I can show you where to place your things,” she spoke, allowing the smaller girl in. 
Nancy proceeded to walk in with her stuff and looked around, seeing Robin put on a tank top which wasn’t helping Nancy’s case. She was blusing hard as she waited patiently. Soon Robin showed her where to put her stuff and Nancy proceeded to, telling Robin the logistics of what she would be doing and how she would invade her life for 2 months. Robin listened, intrigued before nodding. It consisted of her going to every show, either being backstage or at the front, consisted of her taking photos and interviews after. Robin eagerly agreed to everything. This was a massive newspaper company after all. 
What Nancy didn’t expect after all those months was to actually become friends with the taller girl. She was happy about the surprise of it though, but her crush had grown and she was sure the musician knew. The tour had extra dates so Nancy was spending more timme with Robin. Nancy was currently in the living room while Robin was in her bunk, both having their downtime. Robin was reading a Spider-Man comic while Nancy was doing her work. It was a unusually hot day too so both girls were just in their bras and a pair of shorts. Soon, Robin was coming out and smiled at Nancy, offering a shirt. “Let’s go out and eat,” she exclaimed, giving no room to talk. Nancy would’ve taken it anyway as she nodded, realising it was one of Robin’s shirts she was offered which made her embarrassed.
Both girls were soon walking to the McDonald’s, Robin and Nancy talking about life experiences. They still didn’t know much about their lives in Hawkins. Sure, they were in the same school but they never really noticed each other so it was a surprise to hear that both of them came from the same place. “You know, I used to be in band, and it was the worst. I wouldn’t recommend band when you are in a homophobic town,” she spoke laughing. Nancy nodded. 
“I dated Steve just to try and seem normal,” Nancy admitted. Robin nodded.
“Who was your crush in highschool?” Robin asked curiously.
“Chrissy,” Nancy answered immediately. “Yours?” Nancy asked.
“Tammy. She was cute. Then Vickie. Vickie didn’t like me back though,” she responded, knowing that everyone thought her and Vickie dated at one point due to being friends even after being rejected.
Nancy nodded. “So… about your article about me when I came out.” Robin teased. Nancy blushed a bright red and was covering her face embarrassed as she was walking with the musician. “I don’t know whatever you mean,” Nancy remaked, trying to act casually. Robin grinned.
“I… was lying about not knowing you in high school,” she then spoke. “I found you hot and always wanted to have a chance. So now that we are closer… are we able to?” she asked. Nancy smirked. 
“How do you know I’m still into you?” she teased. Robin shrugged.
“You go red around me,” she explained. “So?” she added on. Nancy nodded. 
“We can,” Nancy spoke and smiled. “Be friendly at first though, see how it goes,” Nancy explained. Robin nodded with a smirk.
“McDonald’s isn’t our first date,” Robin then rushed out, causing Nancy to laugh and nod.
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in-cognito1990 · 1 year
Piper vs. The Brain Bandit
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Another easy class. Piper barely made any notes. She had expected university to be a lot of work but so far she really didn’t feel challenged. She was easily top of the class and her tutors praised her constantly. She couldn’t imagine what it was like for the less intelligent students, she was so proud of her intellect and did her best to keep her mind sharp even when the courses she was studying were vastly oversimplified to her.
As piper walked back towards her dormitory she was distracted by her thoughts and didn’t notice her classmate Charlie approach her. She was only snapped out of it when Charlie grabbed her without warning and pushed her up against the nearest wall forcefully. Piper yelped but was quickly silenced as Charlie’s soft lips pressed against hers and her tongue slid into her throat invasively. Piper’s eyes widened as for the first time in her life she tasted another woman’s saliva as Charlie’s tongue continued its assault on her tonsils, exploring the inside of Piper’s mouth freely and wrapping around her own tongue like a snake coiling around its prey.
Charlie grabbed Piper’s wrists as she tried to struggle free. It was futile, Charlie was considerably stronger and Piper felt so confused and distracted and wasn’t used to fighting. As she stopped resisting their faces separated, mixed spit clinging to each woman’s lips and sloppily dripping down their chins and Piper’s chest heaved as she tried to wrap her head around what just happened. Charlie was still holding her up against the wall, but for the moment she could at least speak to her attacker.
“Ch-Charlie? What are you doing? I didn’t know you were…I mean I’m not homophobic but I really…this isn’t appropriate. You can’t just kiss me without my consent. I’m really not into women so…” Piper was interrupted as Charlie bit Piper’s lower lip seductively which distracted her for just a second.
That second of distraction was long enough for Charlie to move one hand down to Piper’s skirt, lifting it up suddenly and sliding her fingers underneath her panties giving her easy access to Piper’s vulnerable tight slit. As Charlie’s fingers slowly circled her pussy lips causing an unsettling rush of sensitivity and a flush of Piper’s cheeks, Piper gasped in shock (and definitely not pleasure she told herself). 
“N-no please! Not there! Stop this Charlie I don’t want this. I’m not a lesbian. Please!” She begged and once again began struggling but Charlie responded by wrapping her free hand around Piper’s neck and she soon felt her face turning red and her breaths shortening and the will to fight drained away as dizziness washed over her head.
“Silly Piper. I’m not really a lesbian. I’m not trying to turn you into one either…although you will no doubt come back to me begging for another steamy session of sapphic pleasure. Still it’s not about that.” She said in a somewhat deep and sultry voice as her fingers rubbed along the entrance of Piper’s most intimate area and steadily increased their speed, drawing out her sticky juices and making Piper whimper uncontrollably.
“Wh-what? What is it about? I really don’t get it…” Piper gasped out as Charlie loosened her grip around the poor confused straight girl’s neck and she inhaled deeply.
Still Piper couldn’t seem to fight back properly. With every moment her strength was being sapped as her body began to writhe in unwanted delight and her virgin pussy opened up and leaked excessively for Charlie’s slender, skilled fingers which were invading her pink little hole more and more. Now she was inserting them deep into her pussy, coating them in gooey girl cum and pressing up to her g-spot frustratingly, just straying far enough that she couldn’t get that burst of sensation, keeping her wet and needy but unable to cum.
“You’re going to have to get used to saying that! ‘I really don’t get it’. You see, I t’s about that great big brain of yours. You’re top of every class. A real life genius. Well I think it’s only fair you share some of that intellect. You know, I scratch your back you scratch mine kind of thing. Except I finger your slit and you lose a little brainpower.” Charlie explained as a dumbfounded Piper was wriggling and humping her hand, moaning softly as she failed completely to fight the waves of heat spreading through her entire body.
“Um I don’t…I don’t understand. Th-that’s impossible. You can’t steal someone’s br-ahhhhh…brains!” Piper stuttered out through rugged breaths and barely suppressed whines of lust.
“Oh I can Piper. Would you believe I used to be a bit of a dummy? A silly bimbo. Then I found out about this power. Now I’m the second most intelligent student in our course. Still you are one special case. I’m going to become incredibly intelligent once I drain your mind. Don’t worry, I’ll leave you some brains. Not enough to continue at university but you know, enough to get a job as a waitress at hooters or something. Won’t that be nice?” Charlie teased Piper who was shivering and quaking in time with the expert fingers sliding into her sopping pink pussy. Bending and moving precisely to Charlie’s will like a sweaty, moaning human puppet. “In fact I’ve already siphoned part of your mind away. I’m guessing you’re no longer top of the class. Can you feel it? Isn’t it a weight off your mind? Literally. You’re probably getting quite lightheaded by now.”
“I don’t believe you. You can’t do that. You’ll never take my brains. It’s stupid. Shut up!” Piper yelled out in anger, partly at the idea of losing the most precious part of herself and partly at the desperate need to cum that was saturating her mind and making it hard to think straight.
Actually it was getting really hard to think straight. Her head did feel strange…bubbler and lighter and kind of…emptier. She dismissed the terrifying thoughts that she was actually having her mind sucked out by this lunatic. In fact it was surprisingly easy to push that idea out of her mind. Somehow she felt like there was some kind of thought gradient where thoughts could flow out of her head with ease but trying to drag them back was almost impossible. It was kind of natural to let them just…slip out of her. Thoughts just dripping out like the constant flow of juices from her overstimulated, tender little pussy that was greedily sucking up Charlie’s sticky fingers and grinding against them eagerly.
If Piper could just cum. It would be so good. She felt kind of like she would willingly give away her brains for a chance to cum right now she was so horny and soaked and flushed and panting and sweaty and needy and soaking and….her mind was going crazy. Charlie once again locked lips with the dazed Piper and Piper could feel the heat of Charlie’s breath and the now familiar taste of her sweet saliva and her head became even more numb. She was starting to feel good to let her mind drain away. Every thought that slipped out of her head sent shivers down her spine and gave her a tiny mental orgasm that she couldn’t resist.
'Don’t wanna think. Take my thoughts. Wanna cum. Take my thoughts. Don’t wanna be smart. Take my thoughts. Wanna get fucked. Take my thoughts.’ Ran through Pipers ever more feeble mind as she pushed out the last pieces of useful knowledge and Charlie’s kissing was interrupted by delighted laughing as she felt the rush of completely draining the once intelligent Piper of her mind. 
“That’s a god girl Piper. You’re a dummy now. Barely intelligent enough to serve tables at Hooters I bet, maybe a strip club would be a better suggestion. Anyway I think it’s about time I let you cum.”
Piper, with her tongue sticking out, panting as she drooled mindlessly and whined in desperation at the thought of cumming, was now utterly dim and a shadow of her former intelligent, studious self. Charlie’s fingers bore down on her g-spot and Piper was thrown into mad spasms and delirious guttural moaning as the long awaited orgasm hit her. Unbeknownst to Piper her amazing orgasm was the part that cemented her change. Closed off her newly emptied mind and permanently transferred her lost brains to Charlie. She didn’t and couldn’t understand it. All she knew was the pleasure washing over her, jolting from her pussy all the way down to the tips of her toes which twitched erratically and all the way up to her dizzy, empty head and glassy, dull eyes which rolled back in ecstasy.
Withdrawing her filthy, soaking fingers and smiling down at the mess of a woman who writhed and moaned dumbly before her, still coming down from the high of orgasm, Charlie thanked her former classmate and walked away. Within days Piper was kicked out of the university after she was sent to the counsellor for acting strange during her classes. Specifically masturbating and asking both male and female students sat near her to help her cum. She was deemed her to have some kind of brain damage and later found work at a local strip club where she could play with herself in front of men men on stage and had so much fun
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softnslowao3 · 2 years
my intro no. 3 or smth
fun fact: this post is sponsored by my insomniac issues and weird humor, enjoy WELCOME TO MY BLOG :) i support all races, genders, sexualities, and if you don't, i suggest you exit 🤗
✻ about alias and pronouns: you can call me nicole, nini, or coli. she/her. i'm a taurus personality type: infp-t. chloreic-melancholic. chaotic good. gryffindor.
im an asian-american bi-curious disaster teen with a mouthful of vulgar language and a head full of dreamscapes and colors, and a fanfic enthusiast. i tend to drown myself in overthinking and fake scenarios. you'll probably see me leaning on the wall of a cafe on a rainy evening while reading something like the bell jar or anything that involves a depressed lesbian woman from the 1900s (it's weird, i know). i'm often lost in my head and losing my grip to reality because reality hurts. despite the fact that i'm a dreamer, i have high expectations for my future (such as becoming a marvel actress in my late teenage years and meeting THe ZeNdaYAaa). anyways...
i am a mcu fanatic. in fact, the reason why i'm not straight is because of scarlett johansson as the black widow in captain america: civil war (i mean how can a woman look so beautiful). i am in love with middle aged/early thirties female celebrities (taylor swift, anne hathaway, scarlett johansson, kristen stewart, rihanna, lizzie olsen, i could go on and on), and also with old men that fought in world war ii (bucky barnes and steve rogers). it's kind of weird. also i'm obsessed with tom holland and zendaya. VERRRY obsessed.
i write spideychelle fanfics iykik
dni list: any homophobic/transphobic/whateversexualityphobic person. y'all are not welcome.
anon is always open! 💕
✻ favorites flower: lily of the valley season: autumn (think about it-- cloudy skies, red and orange leaves everywhere you go, doc martens against scattering pavement, scraps of waxy parchment under fingers, the cool crisp air) or maybe summer (cardboard cutouts of the city under rooftops, hot mid july air, that kind of sugar high you get without illegal shit, dragonflies landing on spllitered wood, sunlight streaking across green hills) holiday: christmas ⭐ scent: the yellowing pages of an old book, laundry detergent (idk it smells good ok) tv show: wandavision or gilmore girls movies: oh sweetheart i have so many... (spider-man: homecoming, captain america: civil war, black widow, thor: ragnarok, basically ANy MARvEl mOVie, 10 things i hate about you, twilight etc) model: def naomi campbell colors: platinum, periwinkle, midnight blue, garnet red, maroon books: OMFG (the bell jar, the unabridged journals of sylvia plath, villette by charlotte bronte, so basically any 20th century queer women's book, my year of rest and relaxation, the harry potter series, red white and royal blue, normal people etcetc) actors/actresses: ZENDAYA (seriously how does someone that hot exist), kristen stewart, tom holland, chris evans, scarlett johansson, anya taylor joy aesthetics: downtown girl, chaotic academia, messy french girl, uptown girl, divine feminine animals: cats and dogs!! MUSIC ARTISTS: taylor swift, lana del rey, arctic monkeys, girl in red, lou reed, deftones, phoebe bridgers, mazzy star, dream ivory, cigarettes after sex, ariana grande, taylor swift (yeah i mentioned her again but cmon) comfort characters: natasha romanoff, yelena belova, michelle jones-watson, peter parker, tony stark, remus lupin, luna lovegood, mia thermopolis, lane kim cities: new york city, paris, london, austin, los angeles, rome
✻ faq what do you look for in a significant other? what's most important: that i'm comfortable with them. i can laugh and be carefree. they have to be cute and shit, but also kind and funny, sort of chaotic (like me when i'm not shy). the thing i want to do the most is just to hang out, to laugh and feel giddy, to do the cheesiest things like dancing in the rain and watching sunsets and sunrises and doing each others makeup (if they do makeup), and watch early 2000s rom coms and do a marvel movie marathon. im sorry ok how much do you curse? um, it depends. on who is around. if i'm with my wild and unruly friends then i'm the most vulgar of them all, it's actually kind of disturbing but i get really proud when i use 289237479238 vulgar words in a 5-word sentence (how is that possible, you say? well hon everything is possible so). if i'm around my parents, then i'm as clean as a christian minecraft server that you can lick it off the floor (if that fancies you, darlin') (god why did i become british for a sec there). if i'm with people i'm not very familiar with, then it depends on how much they curse. least favorite things/pet peeves? I HATE IT when someone mistakes the lyrics for a song that i know and keep on going. idk but it just gets on my nerves a lot, so beware. especially a taylor song. also, maybe irrelevant but i absolutely despise sad endings in a movie. surprising because i've married to marvel, divorced it, and married it again, had five kids with it (why did i say that god). but still, hate sad endings bc i'm the most tear-sensitive piece of shit you'll ever meet. i cried reading a dog man comic book at age 12. don't ask. future dream? become a marvel actress in late teens, meet and work with tom holland and zendaya (who will both be, hopefully, husband and wife), also simultaneously get into a sapphic summer film about a depressed teen and a lesbian hot chick, meet the love of my life by film and eventually die happy. doubtfully ambitious, i know. i should be a slytherin.
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emile-hides · 3 years
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“Payton’s face was so open, so apologetic, Sam felt like they were at the water tower again, Payton standing with her sisters, Sam slipping his jacket onto Miel. They had all been children then, so he’d never considered just how young Payton was, the smallest of four sisters. A girl offering to share her favorite thing with a girl she did not know.”
I don’t know what it is about the books I’m reading and making me want to try digital painting, but here I am.
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capisback · 4 years
“Are you like... homophobic..?”
“I’m literally listening to girl in red right now.”
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vampyculture · 3 years
I have a uhm!! i have a danganronpa fanclass its nnot finished yet i havent got enough students or,, a chapter 5 yet,, or chapter 3 victims BUT i have almost everything else and tbh none of them have happiness im ridding them of their happiness lemme see uhh
in chapter 2 the ultimate model’s bestie 4 life and only friend she’s ever had gets killed !
in chapter 4 ... pirate girlfriend kill circus girlfriend?? Woaah!!!
in chapter 6 !! antagonist man who is also a conman gets killed BUT not before he has a massive sad argument / therapy session w his super homosexual ult actor best buddy. they are the bestest buddies who also wanna kiss each other lol but its not gay cuz thry r wearing socks ....
anyway i have a lot of thoughts abt my fanclass especially the pairs i mentioned in this post abababa,,, theyre so cool,, they all need therapu becaude of me..
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mayumiiyuu · 2 years
Eddie and his lesbian bestie
as a queer woman myself, i love this.
ok picture this:
you come out to eddie, your best friend of god knows how many years who's known you since you were practically in diapers, despite how you trust him with all your deepest, darkest secrets, you can't help the fear that crawls up your throat while you told him your truth: that you liked girls.
you chewed your lip as he pursed his, features clearly conveying that he was still processing what you had just told him, before he sucks his teeth and utters: 'so like, see any cute girls lately?' in his dorkiest voice to lighten up the mood. and all you can do is roll your eyes and punch him in the arm because of course he'd say that.
honestly, nothing in your friendship changes, like, at all.
he's your bestfriend, he loves and accepts you wholeheartedly with his entire being.
he !! is !! your number one supporter in everything and anything u do. he's proud of you, he always is, and even though he might not say it often, he's eternally grateful that you had trusted him enough that you came out to him.
sometimes he can't help but play into stereotypes tho.
'hey (y/n), can you help me out with my sink? it's leaking again.'
'eddie, i'm not your fucking plumber.'
'ok fine i'll get my wrench.'
if u ever want to get piercings or tats, eddie immediately pulls up to your house *insert get in loser, we're going shopping gif*
sometimes you can't help but steal some of his clothes, after all, punk rock looks rad asfuck on you.
'is-is that my old flannel?'
'yeah? got a problem with that, doofus?'
eddie shakes his head. 'nah, looks better on you than me.'
and if youre more of a femme gal, eddie uses whatever money he earns from selling weed to get u cute shit, whatever it may be. amps it up 1903838298 times more when ur birthday or christmas comes around.
sometimes when u play d&d with him he just randomly inserts love interests for u.
'and here comes a beautiful maiden, bow in hand--'
'eddie, i told u, i'm not interested--'
'--with taut biceps she earned from all her training in the art of archery--'
'i want to roll a charisma check'
'but i haven't even--'
whenever you gush to him about the cute girl with finger tats who worked at your local coffee shop who memorized your order by heart, he can't help but be all giddy with you, hyping you tf up.
despite being best friends, eddie often views you as his sister, naturally protective of you, especially when people tease you.
a few days after you had been openly out, the two of you had been cornered by a bunch of bullies who used to make your life a living hell since middle school, one of the, a guy, sends a disgusting homophobic remark your way, and eddie just sees red.
next thing you know he's knocked out on the floor, nose bloody and cheek imprinted with marks from eddie's rings.
if you ever have difficulties involving your parents, he's always there by your side, arm wrapped around your shoulders as he rubs your back comfortingly, listening to whatever you had to say intently. damn the whole world if they ever showed you an ounce of disrespect for your sexuality, if anyone wanted to bring you down for loving who you wanted to love, they'd have to deal with him first. if he could defend you from all the cruelty the world had to offer he would. (he can and he WILL protect you at all costs bc you are simply one of his favorite human beings that deserves nothing but love and respect)
eddie's always there for you, through thick and thin, and all he wants is to be in your life for the long run, celebrating who you are and whoever you choose to love.
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
I’m having the brain rot... Do you think Team Red would go to pride? Do you have any headcanons for it?
-Anon 1
Team Red Pride Headcanons 
[Author’s Note: Yes, yes and yes.]
ShadowSan doesn’t like the crowds but goes to support his chaotic bisexual of a daughter (Carmen) 
Probably has a backpack filled with snacks, a first aid kit, water, everything. 
I headcanon him as an asexual or an ally. 
Is literally everyone’s dad at pride.
Literally everyone there loves him.
He’s definitely there giving hugs to those who don’t fathers that accept them.
He comes in wearing his normal clothes and comes out wearing a rainbow fur coat, matching sunglasses, a drink with one of those plastic swirly straws, and stickers on his face.
He’s the samurai that protects the lgbt.
Ivy does everyone’s makeup/face paint and it looks absolutely fire. 
Gets extremely excited and loud.
She makes some friends and probably punches a homophobe in the face. 
ShadowSan has to pull her away. 
I headcanon Ivy as a lesbian! 
Gets almost everyone to sing. 
Gets a fan blog dedicated to her and a large following.
Becomes the lesbian mascot. 
The Boston Lesbian Fairy Warrior.
I headcanon him as an ally who’s excited to learn! 
In the past he liked a girl and confessed but she was gay so he shrugged and went: “Oh I got pretty cute sister, ya like red heads?” 
Hates homophobes
Hates homophobes who call Boston “Bean Town” the most. 
Probably wears a shirt that says: “I love and support my gay sister.”
Makes a lot of friends and learns things he didn’t know much about!
Definitely a bisexual.
Ivy helps put pink, purple, and blue streaks in her hair with hair chalk. 
She does like hanging with those in the crowd but she often finds people who are alone and makes sure they’re okay. 
Helps people who are there for the first time and don’t know what to expect. 
Definitely runs into Julia when she went for the first time.
And yes they do dance and share a smoothie.
There was a rainbow sticker on his laptop-
Probably doesn’t go in person but helps the team decide which parade they should go to and which place would be the most safe. 
Bakes himself cupcakes with rainbow frosting, he deserve it. :) 
Educates Zach and ShadowSan. 
Bonus!: Haber and Amelia team red au
Both of them are bisexual 
King and queen bicon 
Dash’s first time at a pride parade, it’s dirty, loud, and full of benign things yet he kinda likes it.
Not Amelia’s first rodeo and she’s completely desensitized. 
Girl boss and male wife I’m just sayin-
Amelia gets Dash to dance. 
For the first couple of hours Dash is clinging onto Amelia out of fear. 
Ends up loving it though. 
Amelia adds different color threads into Dash’s vest for the occasion. 
Amelia does his makeup and Dash does her hair.
Both of them can’t wait for next year.
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Irt lesbian dating culture; I think there’s this notion that lesbians are just ‘bad’ at dating, that we just ‘don’t understand’ if a girl is interested in us, that women just don’t know how to make the first move, and that we’re just inherently oblivious and prone to making poor decisions, so it’s entirely our own fault if we’re single. And I disagree strongly with that notion.
Obviously, the lesbian dating pool is small and if you have any other ‘niche’ preferences (i.e. being childfree) then good fucking luck finding anyone. But more than that, the lesbian dating pool is toxic and out-right dangerous in a way that the heterosexual dating pool isn’t. I think non-lesbians have this wonderful little idea of lesbian dating as totally safe and easy, because it’s just women and they don’t think lesbophobia exists or just have no idea how it manifests. In reality, the lesbian dating pool is rife with overt (and sometimes violent) lesbophobia. As a lesbian about 2/3rds of your dating pool consists of: 
- men catfishing you on lesbian dating platforms. 
- men (and women!) stalking you because they just straight up want to physically harm a lesbian.
- women unicorn-hunting for their man who have no respect for your disinterest in the latter.
- troons who show up to a date looking nothing like the photos they stole from an actual female’s profile
- and who then proceed to use male intimidation tactics that would put date-rapin Chad to shame.
- women who just want to get into a serious lesbian relationship for clout, or to annoy their ex-boyfriend, or to attract a new boyfriend.
- accusations of and public shaming for being x,y,z-phobic for having any preferences or boundaries whatsoever.
- an entire society that won’t believe a word you say if you talk about any of the above.
Meanwhile, maybe you do find another actual bona fide lesbian but because she’s spent her life wading through the violently homophobic swamp that is the lesbian dating pool she’s probably guarded, suspicious and on high alert for red flags. It’s not that she’s ‘bad’ at dating or just ‘doesn’t understand’, in fact she probably understands all too well. So even if you have a pair of actual lesbians who might be interested in one another, chances are nothing will happen because in their previous experience it’s more likely than not this other “lesbian” is batshit insane and wants to do serious damage.
Like, if you’re a straight girl, you go to a date with the cautious idea in your head that maybe the guy is a psycho. If you’re a lesbian, you go to a date knowing this woman/man/serial killer is most likely a psycho. And you can’t just ‘ask the bartender for help’, you can’t just ‘phone a friend’, because whoever you ask will probably be a) homophobic themselves, b) accuse you of being phobic, c) not believe you, or d) all of the above.
So TL;DR I really hate the concept that lesbians are just ‘bad’ at dating when actually we’re just trying to protect ourselves from an overtly lesbophobic society that no one else thinks exists.
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