chamomile-g-tea · 3 years
apologizing for all the roof/railing/emotional damage i’d cause as a giant because i want to touch everything i see
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sapphicflower-ao3 · 3 years
post: hello i am blocked out because you filtered this tag to not be visible
me: hello yes i understand. i am going to view this post
post: are you sure? you filtered me out-
me: i’m sure
me: *clicks View Post*
me: i did not want to see that
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rehiraeth · 2 years
would  anyone  be  down  for  smol  rp’ing  on  discord  ?
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robthomissed · 2 years
may or may not have just spent an unnecessary amount of money to but candy for the uk
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wait atla fans question: if you could choose any character in the atla-universe to punch hahn, who would you choose (and why, if you want)
or, alternatively, who in the atla-universe deserves to be punched the most (other than the obvious oz*i and zh*o)
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theoathkeeper · 4 years
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You Can’t Save Anyone
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Not the same anon just shy. I always thought that Hannibal eating the brain was in part fueled by his fascination with how Will thought and also deference to Will's discomfort with being "studied" eating the brain keeps Will and his thoughts with him and him alone. Kind of a synergistic little bit of consumption.
Watching the show I got the impression that Hannibal is incredibly possessive and also doesn't think very highly of the sort of person who would wait until someone is dead to scavenge their corpse for stuff to profit off of.
This is a 'yes and' not a disagreement with your post by the way. I'm not intending to argue but to add.
Yeah, he is possessive as fuck. Will called him out on it like “you won’t let me have anything that isn’t you” and Hannibal said “damn right, gonna kill your family.” But in all seriousness, I do think him eating the brain was very calculated and intentional. Will never wanted to be “cracked open” and seen, he was afraid of what hid in the shadows, afraid of rejection. And Hannibal figuratively and literally did that anyway. Hannibal kept Will’s secrets, and would keep the brain to himself too. He saw what no one else did, he appreciated and loved what no one else could. Why would he share? Though, I do not see him sharing any of Will to be honest. There would be a special part of his freezer dedicated to Will, his flesh not even allowed to mingle with the sounders. He’d parcel it out to make Will last as long as possible, only for Hannibal to enjoy.
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snom-pixelates · 2 years
How,,,do you draw owl face,,,,
i suck at drawing animals and I think your Foolish design is so fucking cool but drawing emotions on an owl face is so hard like what is the basic construction of his face please how do you draw him-
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ahhh hello hello! I'm super happy you think my Foosh design is cool! /^V^/
Honestly, I don't know how to draw realistic animals all that well, so I just took a barn owl and simplified it down as much as humanly possible to make my design for c!Foolish, meaning his face is mostly just basic shapes! I tried to break it down my process of drawing it a little bit, but basically cubes and hearts are your friend now if you wanna draw this version of him.
The hardest part is honestly the beak and the ears. The ears are sort of a macaroni shell shape? Idk how to explain it much better other than that. It honestly just takes practice to get it down. I'm still learning exactly how to shape the ears myself! As owls don't have ears that stick out like that, you could honestly leave them out, but I like drawing the ears simply because pointy ears are fun to draw! And also because I like using them to display more emotion. Having them droop for sadness or facing forward with intent or perk up with joy--I just think they're a really cute way to further push expression!
The part I don't have much of a basic shape language for is the beak. I usually just go by what looks right? And if I need extra help, I usually look up some refs. Hooty from the Owl House is a FANTASTIC ref for drawing simplistic and expressive beaks, so I do use him as a reference fairly often!
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While you're constructing his face, don't be afraid to morph some things around for expressions, like that heart shape for example! The top of the heart kind of acts as his brow line and helps to push his expressions a little further. Don't be afraid to squash and squish it to get an expression that you like!
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Once you have the basic shapes down [square, heart, beak, ect] , you can take them and try to make them 3-dimensional to get more interesting angles. Like I said, cubes and hearts! And be sure not to forget his scruffy feathers! ^U^
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But, yeah! That's how I draw my c!foosh design! I hope I explained things... at least a little okay-ish?
Happy drawing! ^V^/
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ramrage · 2 years
the whole “love is a dagger” thing pisses me off so severely because i get the impression that mr waldrypoo was inebriated in some way and thought it up and wrote it down because he thought it was the deepest shit ever. and he still does despite acknowledging that it makes no fucking sense. and after all that, he feels the need to show it off to the world because he’s an imbecile highly trained in the art of licking out his own asshole.
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newborn-phoenix · 2 years
*Master, Lonely Cyberman, Daleks, Kate Stewart, Ace etc etc coming back next episode*
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lit-in-thy-heart · 3 years
Theory that Gwaine used to be a bandit
(yes I'm aware that I've headcanoned this in many of my fics but you're getting evidence this time)
In 2×04 we get a cameo from Lancelot, now working as a cage fighter for the bandit leader Hengist. He wears chainmail (who knows where he gets it from but I digress) and, for all intents and purposes, looks very much like a knight. Apart from one small detail.
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He has a scrap of cloth tied around his right hand. Knights, of course, wear gloves, but Lancelot is not wearing gloves, and only one hand is covered. And this scrap of cloth looks remarkably similar to one that crops up in s3:
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It's never explained why Gwaine wears this cloth and it disappears altogether in s4 and s5, being replaced with the standard issue leather gloves. What's interesting, though, is the way the material is arranged. Lancelot’s covers his knuckles, leaving the skin just above his wrist exposed, whereas Gwaine doesn't mind getting his knuckles out but is very careful to keep his wrist concealed, even having the leather cuffs come up very far.
Later on in 2×04, you can see that Lancelot’s knuckles are bruised, so it's presumable that he kept his hand covered either as a flimsy attempt at protection or to stop his hand from bleeding everywhere. When he's not fighting, Lancelot removes the material.
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But Gwaine removes his when gearing up to fight the two assumed knights in 3×04.
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He's not trying to protect himself from injury, nor does there seem to be any injury to speak of. Unless Gaius and Merlin treated something, Gwaine's hand seems largely unblemished when we get a shot of it when he wakes up in Camelot.
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Aside from those two moments, one of the only times we see his hand fully is in the boot-cleaning scene with Merlin. Shortly afterwards, when Merlin has cut his finger on the enchanted swords, Gwaine is back with the cloth.
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So, to recap thus far: Lancelot ties a scrap of cloth around his right hand when fighting for bandits to protect his skin. Gwaine ties a scrap of cloth around his right hand when he is not fighting and doesn't appear to be protecting any injuries. He doesn't wear it as much when he's just around Merlin. The bulk of the coverage for Lancelot is his knuckles, whereas the bulk of the coverage for Gwaine is his palm.
So what if that scrap of cloth is the mark of a bandit? After all, in 2×04 we see several other characters sporting such an accessory, including Kendrick, Hengist's right hand (pun not intended).
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Now, Kendrick's is tied in a similar manner to Lancelot’s, rather than Gwaine’s, but he isn't the only one who wears a scrap of cloth: several of the bandits in 2×04 also wear one, but apparently there is a 10 image limit soo...
The cloth that Kendrick has is more similar to Gwaine’s than it is to Lancelot’s. Lancelot’s is still in relatively good condition, especially since it's worn in combat, but both Gwaine’s and Kendrick's are significantly more frayed. Say that the cloth is the mark of a bandit -- you could argue that Gwaine takes it off to fight the 'knights' because he is equal to them, being of noble blood, and wants to do away with any thoughts of him being a bandit. Or perhaps the cloth isn't the true mark, but one lies beneath.
Perhaps there is something more permanent marking the bandits as such, like a scar on their palm. Perhaps Gwaine wears a cloth to cover up the mark, just as Kendrick and his men do to maintain the mystery before Gwen reaches Hengist. Perhaps the only person he feels comfortable revealing the souvenir of his past to is Merlin. Gwaine is one of the only knights to constantly wear gloves in the later seasons -- Percival never wears them, Elyan infrequently, and even Leon and Lancelot don't always wear them. But Gwaine does, even when he's just wandering around the castle (thinking of the 4×06 scene where he tries to get food from Merlin). Say that he does have a brand or another scar that marked him as a bandit. No way would he want to expose that in front of the other knights, particularly if he also had to explain how he was actually nobility.
We don't know what happened to Gwaine after Caerleon refused to help them. We know things didn't go well and there was perhaps something that happened with his sister (he calls her a toad but doesn't elaborate further, which makes me think she did something pretty terrible that he'd rather just brush past), so it doesn't seem completely implausible that the only way to eat was to join a group of bandits. After all, where better to learn about enchanted swords than in an environment where any means necessary are taken to be able to survive and gain as much money as possible?
Maybe Gwaine started off like Lancelot, once, using the material to protect his injuries. Lancelot removes the material outside of combat, when he's with Gwen, as if recognising that the person he is in the arena isn't the person he truly is. Gwaine removes his around Merlin. With Merlin, he doesn't have to pretend to be someone he's not. He doesn't have to be ashamed of his past. The uncovering in the fight with the 'knights' is a warning, if there is indeed a subtle mark on his skin: he knows how to fight and has potentially killed just as many people as they have. And he will not play by the rules.
In conclusion: Gwaine was a bandit before meeting Merlin. And, judging by the state of his covering, he was one for a long time.
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theladyyavilee · 3 years
okay okay okay this is a post that goes out to all the visual!content-creators in the buddie fandom (as in edits/gifsets/fanvids etc) because I simply cannot believe I am the only one who has a 'for when buddie goes canon’ folder reserved for quotes and lyrics and general concepts that work really well for buddie in general, but would work SO MUCH BETTER with just one more scene for that one specific line - like one explicitly yearning look or a first confession or a first kiss or first time waking up next to each other or something similiar - just a scene we won’t get until they are canon, but that is just what’s missing to take your vision with that quote or lyric or concept from good to great and you are willing to wait for that!
so yeah if you are create any of these kinds of content please reblogs this and let me know whether or not you have such a folder (or something similiar) and if you do, how many things are in there (for me it currently sits at 21 xD)
(also if you don’t create content yourselves I would absolutely love you forever if you signal boosted this anyway <3)
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b-blushes · 2 years
okay ENOUGH misery tomorrow morning i'm going to the garden centre which is mostly outside/open air and i'm going to buy PLANTS AND PLANT POTS with some vouchers i was gifted and it's going to be a NICE DAY!!!!!
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actualbird · 3 years
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i cant wait for the electrifying night event artem sr to hit global server
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coldmorte · 3 years
How do you think Dutch would react if his son/daughter came out as gay?
This is quite a layered question! It depends on whether we are talking about one of his fellow gang members (if you believe in the “family dynamics” interpretation) or if we are talking about a biological child (which is a whole new realm entirely that opens up many other questions).
Anyhow, I tried to make this response applicable either way! It even has a bit of a plot thrown in 🥰 Hope you enjoy it!! 💜
(Warning: Homophobia and angst)
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“The promise of this great nation - men created equal, liberty and justice for all - that might be nonsense, but it’s worth trying for. It’s worth believing in.” ~ Dutch van der Linde (1899)
It’s a real journey for Dutch. A learning curve.
At first, he’s unhappy about his child coming out. He claims he doesn’t want to see them suffer or be persecuted by others, and he feels the revelation will make that inevitable.
But more than that, he is self-conscious about what others will think of HIM. It's a personal pride issue because there is such an intense stigma around homosexuality. He is afraid his leadership and his gang will be shunned, if the word gets out.
And he knows it WILL get out.
So, the first time his rival, Colm O’Driscoll, makes a snide remark about it? Dutch is furious. He regards Colm’s insult as a direct attack on not only his child, but on himself.
Due to his personal frustrations with both sides - his child and Colm - he does little to initially react. He broods over the situation and chooses to distance himself from his child. He feels humiliated.
Dutch stops listening to his child’s fears and feelings. They begin to leave camp unattended to rebel against him, and he allows it to happen.
However, when he learns that the police arrested his child in Saint Denis for “sodomy,” he is positively livid. He is enraged at the legal system for punishing something consensual, while allowing for crooks (like Angelo Bronte and Leviticus Cornwall) to go unpunished.
But that’s not all. He won't openly admit this, but he is even more disappointed in himself for allowing his pride to get in the way (again).
The arrest is an awakening call for Dutch. He realizes he and his child should have been on the same side the entire time. Instead of denouncing them for coming out, he recognizes that he should have been celebrating it. He begins to see it as an advantage, rather than a weakness.
After all, Dutch’s entire life revolves around the idea of fighting the establishment and high-society.
If the people in power don’t like his child just because they prefer partners of the same sex? Dutch decides he will openly support homosexuality as another way of revolting against dominant social standards.
Especially since these same people “enforcing the laws” fail to punish manipulative mobsters and crony capitalists for their crimes. In Dutch's mind, this is hypocritical and backwards. A scam.
Dutch decides to put risks aside, and he breaks his child out of jail.
Once he gets them back, he begins to take pride in their identity and encourages them to do the same. He is determined never to let anybody hurt his child like that again. Not on his watch.
The next time Colm makes an offhand remark? He better watch the hell out.
Same with the others in the camp. Somebody so much as makes a joke, Dutch will not hesitate to put them in their place.
Ultimately, Dutch wants to make his new stance clear. He even goes so far as to throw a party to celebrate his child’s return. He puts some gang money aside to purchase champagne. As the corks pop and the drinks pour, he wraps an arm around his child’s shoulder and whispers in their ear, “welcome home.”
In the end, Dutch comes to understand that sexuality doesn’t really define his child or his ability to love them. The stigmas surrounding any type of “deviant” sexual behavior should not disqualify people from life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
To Dutch, that’s the REAL American way 🇺🇸❤️🏳️‍🌈
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feelslikegold · 3 years
ok so idk about you all but I need a distraction so I made a quiz!!! what moment are you when time completely stops? 💐☀️
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