cammie-wammie · 10 months
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Did a quick sketch of Fionna bc I just rewatched the first Fionna and Cake episode and I’m so incredibly excited for the show
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malkaviian · 1 year
i am having a great time here on life dot com
#/s#i only ate a scrambled egg today; i couldnt finish it and i feel sick#something else happened today that just showed how this girl is even more manipulative. how did you turned out like this.#or maybe you were ALWAYS like this and youre just showing your true nature now? how i didnt realized this before? we were friends for years#and honestly at this point i would say whatever ruin your life; nobody is going to stay that long around you like we did.#but you have A WHOLE ASS CHILD. A 4 NEARLY 5 MONTHS OLD BABY THAT DEPENDS TOTALLY ON YOU!!!!#STOP BEING SO SELFISH!!!! AT LEAST THINK ABOUT THE SON YOU CLAIM TO LOVE!!!!#maybe im exaggerating but i feel betrayed by someone i saw as a sister + i saw her son as a nephew.#i already lost a 11 years friendship last year why is this happening to me again. and is ending in a horrible way#sorry that the rest of the group dared to still do friend stuff even after you became a mom and thus became unable to do certain things now#i *get* it; you feel envious. but we cant stop our lives just because YOURS changed. we told you multiple times we love you and your son#we love when you bring him with you because we love him; and two of us dont even like kids that much. we were excited the whole pregnancy#we supported you because we can imagine how difficult being a young; single mom is. we did that because youre important#but we committed the horrible sin of doing things without you; because you yourself said you couldnt and/or dont want to go#we committed the horrible sin of still being friends with each other and eventually bring in another friend#whom we tried for you to get along; but it didnt happened and were in the wrong for still hanging out with him.#we tried to talk about you feeling excluded from the group; but you only told us 'i dont know'; because if you directly said#'i dont like that you three have a social life together without me even when im literally unable to follow your steps now because im a mom'#you would sound extremely selfish. and you know what? you are. i get missing the stuff youre not able to do now being a mom; its normal#but its not a fucking excuse to try to destroy the rest of the group. i love how youre pretending to be the victim in this case#by saying 'oh [x] said she felt uncomfortable with me she doesnt want to be friends with us anymore :((' when its not what happened#she said the problem is YOU; not the rest of us. she told you the problems she has with you; we saw the fucking convo#and youre twisting her words to make her look like the attacker. plus trying to make us think she also wants to stop being friends with us?#literally not whats happening. you think were just going to take your word anyway and not ask her about it?#even when breaking a friendship out of nowhere is pretty important? were just going to go 'oh [x] is a bitch' without asking anything.#also we know now she has been your punching bag for so long. we saw convos and your recent attitude towards her confirm it.#anyway youre a fucking selfish manipulator who cares about things going her way only. and were seeing it now#well; i guess at least it means were aware of your true nature; even if we feel betrayed for how long you pretended towards us#things are going downwards and is literally your fault#negative
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youarentreadingthis · 9 months
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rainboww0lfie · 1 year
a ghosts graves
In the aftermath of a battle, Phantom, Batman, and Superman could be see talking between each other. 
During a lull in the conversation a tiny girl comes running from underneath caution tape taped around the vicinity, holding a bouquet of marigolds between her small hands. She’s out of breath and seems to be embarrassed when she stands before the heroes, Batman reacts the quickest to the sudden encounter. Asking her about why shes here and what the problem is, he’s about to ask about her parents when she interrupts with “i have something for mister Phantom”. 
Danny who had been only half listening was caught off guard, he looks at her and tries for a reassuring smile but his confusion must show through because she suddenly looks down shyly at her flowers. 
“I heard from mommy that you put flowers on graves for people you like, ” she starts, “i don't know where yours is though, so i got you flowers to put it wherever it is”. She’s obviously embarrassed about interrupting, but she says the words with a form of determination. Suddenly what seems to be her mother comes running from out of the crowd. 
“I am so, so, sorry for Miya, i didn't mean to loose sight of her, she slipped away, we’ll get out of your hair now. ” the woman says in a rush, gently tugging the child back from the slack jawed heroes. Danny can just make out her gently reprimanding the child for her behaviour when he suddenly steps forward. “Wait, wait, wait” he says quickly, crouching down to the child now hiding a bit behind the mother, “you got me flowers. . . so i can put them on my grave?” the tiny nod he gets from that has him smiling, “you wanted to put flowers on my grave?” is asked with excitement, gaining n even bigger nod in return. 
He takes a small step forward, still crouched, and asks “are you alright with me hugging you?”, the nod lets him quickly move forward a spin the child around in a tight hug, laughing. He smiles brightly at the girl, holding her in his arms with enough space to make sure the flowers were safe, who is smiling back just as brightly. Danny laughs, “no ones ever given me flowers before! And you want them on my grave!” the actions have gained the attention of both civilians and other heroes, Danny could honestly care less though, someone wants to put flowers on his grave! Someone went through the effort of giving him flowers! He is so excited!
Both the mother, Superman, and Batman all look uncomfortable, “have you. . . never gotten. . ahem. . Flowers before?” Superman asks, “i mean, you look young so. . . have your parents never. . . ?”, the ending never gets finished but its definitely implied what he wants to really ask. Danny doesn't care, its not exactly important, right?
He looks at the heroes and says cheerily “i don't think my parents even know im dead!” before looking back at the child in his arms, not seeing all the shocked, pale faced staring( minus Batman, he never emotes, like, at all). 
Eventually the kid has to leave due to dangerousness of the area, but not before a final hug and happy goodbye from Phantom after she hands the flowers to the undead hero. Danny says his goodbyes to the surrounding heroes, not understanding why they all look at him funny as he carries around the marigold bouquet before he flies off. He holds the flowers close to makes sure they dont get destroyed by the wind, but he cant help a few happy loops and twirls in his flight home. 
The first ever flowers for his grave, how exciting!
Ever since then the heroes and a few civilians make sure to give Phantom flowers each time they see him for his grave. Phantom is so excited people want to give him flowers each time a new set is given to him. 
wooooooo ok
i finally actually wrote something after so long, sorry for the long break between shit, stuff happened :/
sorry if there's any big misspellings or anything like that in here, i had an idea and wanted it down as fast as possible and i fucking ran with it as far as i could lol
y’all can continue this if you want, i just thought this idea was so cute
have a good night/day/afternoon/life
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pinkaditty · 9 months
Hi, hi!
I loved your perverted obey me brothers and you catching them with your underwear. Will you make a part 2 with the other dateables?
If not, no worries!!
I love your work and I hope you have a nice day!
anon. did u know that ur my first ask? did u know that anon? ily. i've been thinking abt this ask since i saw i first got it. i never knew getting an ask could be so euphoric.
Pervert (Obey Me: Shall We Date) Part 2!
summary: you are suspecting that someone is stealing your underwear. it will go missing and randomly reappear like it was never gone. you pretend not to notice, but set a little trap for the culprit… and catch them red handed.
a/n: folks. wow. i did not expect part 1 to be soso popular omg!! ily guys thanks so much for enjoying my stuff waaaah! sorry this second part took so fucking long man so much shit happened. like sooo much im so tired. anyways. here. this part includes the royals, angel, and human. ill be back with the others (thirteen, mephisto, and raphael) soon! they may be slightly ooc bc im unfamiliar with them but ill do my best! also im like literally praying that the characters i wrote here aren't ooc. I tried SO hard please lmk if they are. <;/3
content warning: as usual fem!mc unless you like to imagine yours as a crossdresser (mc's physical attributes are not mentioned but fem undergarments are), and suggestive nsfw content! lmk if there's anything i missed :(
read part 1 here!
For a short while, you had been reassigned to stay at Purgatory Hall/The Demon Lord’s Castle/wherever else the Dateables are due to Satan having accidentally destroyed your section of the House of Lamentation. No big deal, but all of the brothers were less than happy to see you go. It’s okay, though. You’ll be fine among the others…
The story is the same, of course. You think someone has been nicking your intimates in their spare time. Which is, of course, strange but simultaneously exciting. 
You decide to set a trap to find out who they are, leaving your hamper full of clothes in the washroom before leaving to grab some scent beads. When you return, as expected, you can hear someone rifling through your intimates, but it’s not rushed. Rather, it’s calm and calculated, as though said person was desperate to not be heard. You decide to wait outside the door for them. Once they collect the spoils of their work, they quietly slip through the door, only to find you leaning against the wall outside, looking at them expectantly. Your arms are crossed and you’re tapping your fingers on your arm. You raise an eyebrow at them, stifling the urge to cackle at their panicked expression.
“Explain yourself, pervert.” 
You know, simultaneously, you expected him and didn’t expect him at all - at the same time. It wasn’t exactly a secret that Dia was fascinated with humans, especially with you, but… To such lengths? Really? If only Barbatos could see him now. 
For a man that loves to talk… He sure is speechless now.
He’s frozen. The panicked expression remains on his face, his eyes flickering from the surrounding hallways and walls to you, to the floor, and back to the hallways. If there was a way out, he couldn’t find it. Before long, he deflated, resigning to looking down, a pitiful pout on his face. You got the feeling it was partially for show, though.
He whimpered like a hurt puppy before muttering a very formal apology. Keeping his head down, he held out the panties towards you. As you watch him, you realize this man has probably rarely ever felt shame before. It's almost entertaining - watching his eyes spin as he tries to adjust to feeling this way. Though he tries to hide it, you can hear his heaving breaths from here. He was ashamed. You could tell he wasn't ashamed for his actions; rather, he was ashamed because he was caught.
The thought makes you want to laugh, and you do, snatching the panties from his waiting hand. He looks up as you laugh, confused, his lips in a soft pout. His eyes almost look teary, as though he's that sad that you're laughing at him. You stifle your laughter with a hand and wave it off, walking past him into the laundry room to put your panties back in the hamper. Once your laughter dies out, you don't face him, but you do speak to him, knowing he is listening.
"Dia, the next time you find yourself fascinated with me, you can just ask. I'll be happy to spare a worn pair for your sake." 
You hear a surprised gasp, a shuffling of feet, and a relieved exhale. You turn to him, finally, to see him bowing his head in thanks. He's biting his lip and his face is bright red. Probably too embarrassed to make eye contact. He covers his mouth with his hand, muffling his words before speaking.
"Thank you, MC, for letting this slide… And please, don't tell Barbatos…" His face burns red at his final words, and you smile, amused.
"Don't worry, I won't tell." You wink at him before returning to your laundry, hearing his hesitant steps as he walked away.
He's frozen. Mortified. He stands there, rooted to the spot like a statue of stone. He stammers out your name in surprise, nervously shifting his gaze from you to your surroundings. He clears his throat, holding a hand up to his lips, and keeps it there, as though attempting to hide his growing blush. "I-I deeply apologize, MC. I should not have been here… You were not meant to see me… " He sounds out of breath, his words light and mumbled.
He turns away from you at an angle, shutting his eyes tight and keeping his hand in front of his face. You watch him take deep breaths and attempt to steady himself and regain his composure. You had to admit, watching him fumble through such an embarrassment was awfully entertaining. His chest visibly rose and fell with each audible breath. He gently teetered on his feet, as though he could fall over if he couldn't keep up. What a sight to behold, Barbatos at a loss for words and composure. 
You approach him quietly, walking slowly to prevent the click of your shoes from being heard. You know that while he can't hear you, he can feel you, and he knows you're close. He shuffles backwards shyly, attempting to replace the distance you remove with every step. Ultimately, however, he is too slow, and you manage to get close enough to him, cornering him against a wall inside the laundry room. You make no effort to cage him in, but simply watch as he continues to attempt to get ahold of himself. He swallows thickly and slowly opens his eyes, calming down. He lowers his hand back to his side, and looks at you levelly, his expression still embarrassed but not mortified any longer. You smile, raising an eyebrow.
"I'd like my panties now, thanks." You hold out a hand expectantly, and Barbatos obliges, pulling the panties from his coat pocket and placing them in your waiting hand, all signs of embarrassment gone from his face, replaced by his trademark smile instead. His ears however, were a dead giveaway, as the tips of them remained red. You simply chuckle and lean away from him, humming in thanks and placing them back into the hamper. He moves to assist you with your clothes, and does so efficiently, though you watch him carefully to ensure his nimble fingers don’t grab hold of anything else without your permission. When the task is finished, he bows respectfully.
“Is there anything else I can assist you with, MC?” 
You shake your head, smiling. “No, but thank you, Barbatos.”
With that done, his ears still burning red and his smile faltering slightly, he moves to leave. You stop him, grabbing his arm as he passes you. He looks back at you curiously, embarrassment still painted on his face. “And, please, ask me next time.” You smile, your eyes filling with mirth. “I’d be happy to give you a pair later as thanks for your assistance.”
He swallows thickly and his eyes widen. He bites his lip before nodding, thanking you briskly, and walking away hurriedly, his face red.
You think you see a flash of lace in his back pocket as he leaves, but maybe you’re imagining it...
Now, this was a surprise. The angel? Really?
He yelps in surprise, fumbling with the panties and dropping them on the ground, hiding his face in his hands and backing into a wall. He’s visibly shaking, his hands trembling as he hides behind them, not even peeking out to observe your reaction. His knees wobbled and he began to shrink in on himself, eventually kneeling on the floor. You watch him wordlessly, amused. He’s unexpectedly quite dramatic. 
After a few moments, you hear him mumbling to himself. Confused, you tentatively approach him, listening carefully. You catch little bits of what he’s saying before kneeling down, to which he shrinks further and his mumbling speed increases. Then it hits you. He’s… praying.
He’s literally fucking praying. 
You are so thoroughly amused at this that you want to laugh, but you wonder if being a victim of the wrath of Simeon or the almighty was worth it, so you decide against it. You stifle and disguise your laugh as clearing your throat, doing a comically loud “Ahem” to get Simeon’s attention.
Not one to be disobedient, he stops his muttering and slowly lifts his head to look at you. You smile smugly at him, your eyes narrowing with mirth. You reach out towards him and gently touch his chin. He flinches, but doesn’t pull away, looking between your fingers and your face curiously. You hold his chin and lift it upwards, and he follows your movements, adjusting himself so it’s easier to peer upwards at you. You smile wider, even more amused than before. 
“I don’t think that’ll work down here, Simeon.” Your voice is low and taunting, and Simeon gulps, his eyes still not leaving yours. He still doesn’t say anything, merely trembles, as though he were being judged.
Maybe he was, a little bit, but favorably so. It’s not everyday you’d find an angel ballsy enough to do this, right?
You tut at him, clicking your tongue and shaking your head disapprovingly. “Oh, Simeon…” You put on a fake pout, looking at him with pity in your eyes. “Don’t you know better than to do this?”
“Ugh…” Simeon bites his lip. His eyebrows furrow and his mouth creases downwards into a pathetic expression. You continued to stifle your laughter by biting the inside of your cheek. However, you are ultimately unsuccessful and end up bursting into an amused smile and a few breathy chuckles at him. 
When your laughter dies down, you look at him, still holding his chin. “Come now, Simeon.” You smile, winking at him. “All you have to do is ask… If you‘d like another pair.”
Simeon sucks in a breath in shock, and his eyes widen as he looks at you. He suddenly scrambles to his feet, straightening up, his head still bent forward in embarrassment. 
“I-I’m sorry, MC! It won’t happen again!” He swiftly walks past you, not looking at you and barely opening his eyes enough to see, narrowly missing the wall in his rush to leave. You listen to his retreating footsteps and only laugh. Maybe you’d drop by his room later and give him a gift.
Shameless. But he’s old and barely human. He’s also the worst.
He doesn’t react much besides his initial panicked reaction, which soon melts into mirth, a smug smile appearing on his face. He’s confident, but not that confident. His exaggerated smug smile twitches at the corners and his face remains flushed a deep red. He dramatically clears his throat and smiles coyly, the picture of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. “Ah…” He starts, shrugging his shoulders, still smiling, the corners of his lips still twitching. His voice shakes just slightly. “You got me!”
Your face can’t seem to decide if it wants to fall into a disappointed expression at his brazen admission or burst into a fit of laughter at his obvious fear. Instead, it seems to settle on a pitying smirk, and you have to stop it from turning into a full on grin. You sigh and shake your head, not super surprised. 
You approach him, and he visibly stiffens, but his arrogance forces him to stay in place, his confidence crumbling at your certainty. When you stand just in front of him, you hold out your hand, a smug look on your face. “I’ve got you indeed! Hand them over.” Your words are quick and terse, smug smile and knowing look still on your face. Solomon swallows, and looks to the side, gently dropping the panties into your hands. He makes no move to look at you again after that, still facing you but looking away. 
You scoff as you watch him simply stand there. You find it amusing, but you are also dissatisfied at his lack of retorts. You put your hands on your hips and smirk, attempting to provoke him. “Hm. I’d expect a panty thief to be more ballsy. What, cat got your tongue?” Your smug smile only grows and your eyes narrow with mirth. His confidence almost seems to fully crumble under your gaze, and he relents, his blush spreading all across his face. Yet still, he remains silent.
You approach further, your steps slow and deliberately intimidating. He’s rooted to the spot, unable to move, still frantically finding anything to gaze at instead of you. Eventually you stand mere centimeters from him, your body just barely touching his. You smirk at him and lean your head forward, blowing on him before pulling back. He flinches immediately, startled, and bumps into the wall behind him. You giggle at him, thoroughly amused at his frantic nerves. He looks at you pathetically, lips red from worrying at them with his teeth, pupils blown wide, red blush from his forehead to his neck. 
“Aw, don’t look at me like that~!” You tease him, pressing your finger into his cheek. He watches you warily, seemingly at a loss for words. Your lips pull into a wicked smile. “How long has it been, hm?”
Immediately his eyes widen and he stammers out some indignant words, trying to deflect and explain himself. You only laugh at his stammered words, and he eventually stops, worrying at his lips again with his teeth. “Oh, don’t worry, I imagine you have plenty of escapades. But why couldn’t you just ask me?” You tilt your head at him, looking at him with hooded eyes. “Hm? It couldn’t have been that hard to just ask.”
Surprisingly, he only sighs and shakes his head, blush still present. “My dear apprentice, I am only human. Even I still don’t know how to properly act in the face of attraction.” A small, wobbly smile pulls at his lips before he purses his lips again, biting down to stifle any further words. His answer was straightforward, but you can tell he is still nervous. His breathing remains heavy, his eyes are still wide, and he’s still covered in a crimson blush. You laugh again.
Instead of teasing him further, though you really want to, you smile. “Well, now you know. Simply ask, Solomon. I am willing to help you… if you want me to.” You smile before turning away, dropping the panties into your clothes hamper, and starting the wash. It takes Solomon a moment to snap out of it and leave, but he does. You could feel his eyes on you and his magic still lingers in the air.
a/n: *super saiyan yells* thank you for reading waaaaaah! i did my best and im soso sorry if any of these characs are ooc... if they are too ooc i might actually rewrite it fr im so scared :(
anyways as usual feedback is always appreciated, and so are comments, likes, reblogs and asks! (especially asks) please show me your appreciation! i love to know i've done a good job.
@ikevampharem asked to be tagged :3!
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minhosimthings · 2 months
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Girl Dad!Enhypen headcannons
Pairings: Enhypen × fem!reader (sep.)
Warnings: fluff fluff I'm choking on this fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, mentions of food, also swearing because I can't handle myself lol
A/N: alright bitches I am high on baby fever so if I'm dying IM TAKING Y'ALL DOWN WITH ME. Tagging @jaeyunluvr for obvious reasons.
Stray Kids version!
Lee Heeseung
Is SO Bambi eyed when you tell him you're pregnant
Like 🥺 this be him, all teary eyed and happy
As if he didn't rail the brains out of you last night but whatever
He was already a simp for you but now that you're pregnant?
"My wife is my entire life and I will walk through every element in this world for her and I would destroy this entire world for her did you know that I love my wife?"
SO EXCITED WHEN YOU START SHOWING He cries over how soft you look sometimes
When I say he sings to your belly at night- (he rants about how the baby kicked when he sang his fav song to the guys)
And gets so starry eyed when baby kicks at his favourite song
Literally the best during birth, he's such a cheerleader
Sobs literal rivers when he holds the baby
"She looks so much like you."
Looks at his daughter as if he would end the world for her
Singing lessons are basically free for her and Heeseung sobs to you every night about how good she's been getting
Loves to have Karaoke dates with her and teaches her how to make music
Brags so much
"Y/N can you take your husband please he's been talking about his child for hours now we are tired" "hey guys do you know what she did yesterday-"
He died inside when she tried to hit a high note and succeeded
10/10 dad, must marry Heeseung I have a ring
Park 'Jay' Jongsoeng
Do I hear the best girl dad in the entire world?
When you tell him, he kisses your face so much
WORSHIPS YOU you are a Goddess in his eyes
normally Jay wouldn't let you do anything but now? He will ravage the earth if you lift even an atom
"what are you doing out of bed?" "I have to pee Jay for god's sake-"
Belly massages are free and unlimited with a husband like him
And so is the food because he will cook everything you ask for as if it's the last thing he'll do
Builds the bassinet properly, and makes sure to turn you on because mooscles SHUT UP IM HAVING A MOMENT
Asks his mom for advice if he doesn't know what to do
Is a brave boi during birth like he is NOT hesitant to do any shit you want
Cries part 2
And I mean he sobbed his entire water weight out of his body when he held his tiny baby
"I have two princesses to take care of now"
Takes care of everything, and I mean everything
Not a surprise to see your baby girl strapped to his chest by a harness 24/7
Daddy-daugher dates are a must!!
His phone storage is literally just her
"Hey guys look at this picture of my baby"
Sim "Jake" Jaeyun
Jake.exe has stopped working
Literally just stares at you when you tell him, so much so you have to wave your hands in front of him to snap him out
Congratulations dear reader, because now your husband is basically attached to your belly
"Baby did she kick-" "bro I just moved chill"
Double congratulations because now Layla and him are fighting for your attention
Literally so lost in everything related to women, pregnancy, and birth but he tries
And by that I mean, he stares at you doe-eyed while you explain everything
Most likely to faint during the birth because lord he can't handle this, he's a princess babygirl
Sobs part 3
"she has your eyes" JAKE STOP
Layla and baby besties forever which makes Jake weak in da knees
Will not leave your baby alone even for a second like he's attached to her now
Loves shopping for her
Literally spoils the shit out of her do y'all see this man buying diamonds because I do
"Baby, of COURSE we have to get her matching outfits how else will we do movie night without matchy pajamas"
Jake come home the kids miss you
Park Sunghoon
Yay you have officially broken Park mf Sunghoon
When you tell him, he's literally just 😶😶
No thoughts, brain has evaporated
But then-
You're like chill mf what the hell
Will literally carry you everywhere no matter if you tell him to put you down
"Hoon I can walk-"
*already picking you up* "sorry can't hear I'm deaf"
He makes so many plans, and organises literally everything
Also will get confused on how to build the cradle thingy
He's shit scared of birth, but will definetly allow you to squeeze his hand as hard as you want
Sobs part 4
She looks like you part 3
I'm crying just imagining hoon holding her tiny hands and guiding her through the ice
Your daughter is a fashionista thanks to her dad
Spoils her shitless part 2
Kim "Sunoo" Seonwoo
My dude is so chill
Probably the normalest out of all of em
Hugs you and kisses you all over
But inside he's screaming crying throwing up shaking kicking his feet in the air
Literally treats the house like a military base once you staart showing
*talking to Enha* "If anything goes even the slightest bit wrong I will murder all of you."
So obsessed with literally just watching you because in his eyes you're so adorable
Gets so cocky over helping you like he's so proud, showing off his muscles and everything
Sunoo please you're my age STAPHH
Will probably be disgusted by birth but he's a strong sailor he pulls through
Mentally breakdowns while holding your child because omg she's so tiny!!!
Mint choco lover agenda lessons starts from day 1
No child of Sunoo's is gonna hate mint choco
Daddy-daughter dates are a MUST
Loved bonding with her so much
Will definitely do her hair if she decides to grow it long
Sunoo I am a weak woman STOP
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monamourbladie · 9 months
hi!! <3 im the anon who req the dan heng headcanons.. TYSM IT WAS AMAZING!!! OmG OMG OMG best idea ever. well not best idea ever. but imagine like blade is super distant and cold towards you as he normally is, right? but he secretly likes the reader for plot purposes. but one day, the reader is js like "oh well" and talks to someone else for a change, having fun w the other person instead of blade since blade 'doesnt' like them. would blade just stand there and watch knowing he cant rightfully do anything since it was partly his fault (and he has too much pride for himself), or would he try to get you to talk to him again?
HI ANON AHH tysm for the requests :D i’m glad you enjoyed it so much~! that’s a great idea i was so excited to write this one i tried to write it as fast as possible LOL
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Secretly Loves You - Blade x F!reader
warnings: none~
You had been apart of the Stellaron Hunters for about a year now. You had grown the closest with Silver Wolf, as you both shared an intense love of games. You were picked up from their time on the Xianzhou Luofu for your healing capabilities and quickly became a core member of the crew.
Elio liked you and so did Sam, Silver Wolf adored you and Kafka respected you. But the person who you wanted to like you the most seemed to despise you.
Blade — Kafka’s golden boy (you always swore they had something for each other, but neither ever confirmed it and nobody could guess if they were together or not) Fierceness aside, he was absolute eye candy to you.
Blade was extremely closed off — it’s been like that since day one. It took him months and months to warm up to Silver Wolf (and now he treats her like an irritating little sister that he secretly adores but claims he hates), and even though it’s been almost a full year, you haven’t been able to break through to him just yet.
You didn’t exactly know why. It wasn’t like he was talkative and excitable to everyone else by any means, but he definitely showed at least some kind of enjoyment speaking with people. With you? It seemed like he absolutely hated you.
Maybe it was the fact that he hated being nursed back to health due to him wanting to die so badly. You never understood that, and were just simply doing your job to protect him.
You’ve lost count by now of how many times he complained to you about helping him was unnecessary. It irritated you, but you always smiled at him and told him you were just doing your job.
“I told you, I don’t need your help,” he grunted as you rubbed special Xianzhou healing oils on his back. You bit your lip as you continued to massage it into his skin, “Do you ever not complain?” you said teasingly as you pat his back playfully.
He only grunted in response. He hated having you see him like this. He was shirtless on the med bay table, sitting up with his chest bandage off for once. His upper chest was heavily scarred and destroyed from all the times Jingliu killed him over and over again. The first time you saw those wounds, you were determined to try and heal them so he wasn’t forced to wear as many bandages on the daily.
You were using special Xianzhou healing oils to increase the healing speed — and within a few months, you were noticing small bits of healthier skin, showing it was working.
“Complain all you want, Bladie, but it’s actually working to help you.” He glanced back at her with a glare, “I told you not to call me that, L/n.” His voice was bitter and cold as always to you.
It hurt, but eventually you grew thicker skin to it. It hurt especially because over the months you began to harbor a nasty crush on the immortal man.
Silver Wolf loved to tease you about it, and swore she would help get you two together. But little interactions like these with Blade helped cement in your mind that there was no way he saw you as anything more than an annoying healer.
What you didn’t know was that Blade actually harbored feelings for you, too.
Due to his painful past, he was very adamant about not getting close to anyone again out of fear he’d lose everyone he loves again — especially a lover.
He thought you were absolutely beautiful. He secretly loved the extra attention you were giving him, and although he wanted nothing more than eternal rest, he was thankful that you were giving him a distraction from the pain.
He just had no idea how to tell you. He had a reputation with the Hunters as being the cold and brooding one. He definitely wasn’t sure how to approach a girl he liked and say “Hey, I like you” without feeling like an absolute pathetic fool.
It stayed this way for months. Neither of you saying anything to the other that would let the other know you like each other. Until eventually, a new member on the medical team started to work for the Hunters — a man named Leon.
Leon was everything Blade was hoping he could be for you. He was handsome, he was nice, gentlemanly — he was attentive to you and could speak his heart. You and him quickly became close, and there were even some moments where Leon took care of Blade instead of you.
He absolutely was growing jealous over the man. Some nights Blade wondered if he could just kill Leon and get on with it and swoop you off of your feet, but being a romantic was not Blade’s strong suit by any means.
His final straw finally made him snap to go to Kafka for advice. After his weekly checkup with you, he got home and realized his bandages weren’t tight enough around his chest, so he had to go back to the med bay. As he walked back to the med bay he froze, seeing you kissing Leon from a distance.
He felt his anger consume him and he decided to just deal with the loose bandage and fix it himself. He stormed off as he felt the Mara flare up within him, making him angrier than he normally would’ve been.
Of course you’re moving on. Why wouldn’t you? He never made any move on you to let you know he liked you. Why would you risk waiting around when a perfect man for you was right there?
Blade found himself at Kafka’s door as he knocked. She opened it and frowned seeing Blade angry, “Bladie? What’s wrong?” she asked.
Blade pushed himself in the door and slammed it behind him, huffing in frustration, “Can I just fucking kill Leon already?”
Kafka raised as brow as she motioned for him to sit down on her couch. “You can’t kill the rookie. Why do you want to?”
Blade unbuttoned his shirt and jacket and slid it off of his arms, revealing his bandaged chest. “Can you fix these for me? Y/n’s too busy getting fucked to deal with it.”
Kafka bit her lip as she smirked. “Am i sensing jealousy from you? Over Y/n and the rookie?”
He grumbled as he shook his head, running his fingers through his tousled hair, “Would you just leave it and fix this shit for me?”
Kafka raised her hands in defense as she sat behind him, beginning to unravel the bandages. “You just want it tighter, right?”
“Yes,” he muttered, looking out at the photo of them all on her wall.
Blade, Elio, Sam, Silver Wolf, Kafka, and Y/n were in it. He felt his heart ache seeing her so happy beside Silver Wolf. She looked just as happy in the photo as she did leaning in to kiss Leon.
The image of them kissing was seared in his brain, and it made him angrier the more he thought of it.
Kafka, whose used her Spirit Whisper on Blade long enough to understand when he was angry, rest her hand on his shoulder. “Blade. Talk with me. Why are you so angry right now?” she asked, her voice gentle with him.
He was silent for a moment before realizing this might be his only shot for help. He sighed, “…It’s about Y/n. I… I like her,” he said, his gravelly voice low and soft as he spoke. Kafka was the only person he felt comfortable opening up around.
“And I’m angry that she can’t see that. She knows I have a hard time expressing myself. So why couldn’t she tell?” Kafka unintentionally let out a laugh at his commentary.
He turned around, glancing back at her confused, “You’re laughing at me? Seriously, Kafka?”
“No — it’s just… have you even attempted to tell her that you like her? Everything I ever see, you’re ignoring her, glaring at her when her back is turned, and badmouthing her whenever you’re alone with her and she’s patching you up. It hurts her, Bladie. I refuse to believe that you think you’ve made your feelings clear,” she replied.
Blade blinked in confusion. “But I like her. I don’t treat anyone differently than that.”
“Are you even aware of how many people think we’re dating?” Kafka asked him. “I’m sure she thinks we’re dating, too. She probably gave up and moved on with that rookie.”
“Gave up? Does she like me too?” Blade asked quickly, feeling a slight glimmer of hope. Kafka shrugged, “It’s so obvious. She definitely gave up trying since you made no effort to show you were interested.”
“Well — help me out, what am I supposed to do now? Did I fuck up already and lose her to that damn rookie?” he asked her.
Kafka sighed, sitting back against the couch. “I don’t know. I’d recommend asking her tomorrow and just pray that you have a chance still. I know you really like her.”
Blade grumbled at this and nodded, grasping at his shirt and sliding it back on over his head now that Kafka had finished bandaging him up.
“Yeah, well. I don’t know if I’m that lucky. She was kissing him and seemed to be very happy with it,” he said with a bitter tone. “Thanks.”
“If it comes to it, I can always pull strings and check with Elio-“
“No,” he said firmly, standing up to leave. “I don’t want to know the answer.”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The next day sometime after lunch, Blade headed to the cafeteria with his heart pounding. He had never felt this anxious before, not for a long, long time.
Just tell her you like her. She’s just confused, that’s all. It’ll be fine…
He saw you sitting alone at one of the cafeteria benches, obviously on your lunch break. He took in a breath and walked over, sitting across from you.
You looked up from your data pad and smiled, “Hi, Blade. Did you need me to fix your bandages already?” you asked sweetly.
He was embarrassed that he felt his cheeks burn from the kindness in your voice. “No. That won’t be necessary. Kafka fixed them last night.”
Your smile visibly fell a bit and Blade cringed at himself. “Oh, Kafka… right. Well, what did you need?”
“I’m not with Kafka,” he said quickly. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”
“Wrong idea?” you raised a brow, curious as to where he was going. “Wrong idea about… you and Kafka?” you muttered. He could sense a bit of irritancy on your end at the thought of them together.
“Right. We’re not. But… you and that Rookie. Leon, right? Are you?” he questioned. You seemed surprised that he asked and you let out a soft nervous laugh, “W-well, no… but. I mean, it’s complicated, I guess.” you took a sip of your drink as Blade tensed up.
“I want us to be, because the guy I like really, really doesn’t like me. So I’m just cutting my losses and trying to move on, I guess. It just so happens Leon has an interest in me. I’m just anxious to make the jump,” you confessed. There was no way he’d figure out it was him, so you felt comfortable saying it.
“Don’t,” Blade quickly said. “Don’t date Leon.” You furrowed your brows at him, “I’m sorry, why do you care? As far as I’m aware, you hate being around me. Quite frankly, I’m shocked you’re even speaking to me right now.”
Blade felt offended that you believed so strongly that he hated you. “You think I hate you? Why the hell do you think that?” he questioned.
“Because you’re always so cold and closed off towards me! You always are grumpy whenever you have to speak to me and have me work on you, you’re closed off and never speak to me unless you absolutely have to, and it honestly hurts! I don’t know why you treat me this way, but I’m tired of it.”
Blade felt like a total idiot hearing you open up like that. Kafka really was right…
“I don’t… I don’t hate you,” he said quietly, averting his eyes out of embarrassment. “I like you, Y/n. I just had no idea how to deal with it. I figured you’d just… know.”
You couldn’t help your eyes widen at his confession. “You mean to tell me this entire time I’ve been trying to get over you, you just assumed I knew you liked me?” you gawked.
“Yes?” Blade replied. It was so obvious that he was so, so bad at relationships but clearly was trying hard. You could only giggle at this, shaking your head. “Jesus, Blade, you’re really something, aren’t you?”
Blade wasn’t really so sure how to answer your comment. You started to smile, “So, since you don’t want me to go out with Leon… I’m assuming you want to take me out on a date instead, right?” you asked.
Blade felt his cheeks flush again as he nodded, “I would love to.”
You smiled and stood up, walking over to him and leaning in. “I get off of work in 4 hours. Meet me at my room at 6, okay?” you said, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
You were shocked to see the man actually blush at your action. He looked up at you with a smile and nodded, ��…Okay. I’ll see you at 6.”
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Crowley. Just everything about Crowley. God I love him. I fucking love him. This is why I avoid reading the book. I'm such a slut for Crowley. It's manageable on the show when I know it's an actor. But WORDS CROWLEY? WORDS CROWLEY IS REAL. I AM SO IN LOVE.
Aziraphale has perfectly manicured hands. I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned three times in the first 70 pages. Three times at minimum. I forget how twink he is in the show (idk how) but man the book does NOT let you forget and I love that.
Crowley absent-mindedly sank a duck. Aziraphale called him my dear (fanfic authors everywhere: write that down write that motherfucking shit down it's better than porn). Crowley un-sunk the duck. The duck was cross.
Anyway right yes sorry what were we doing oh right the book.
Anathema is so adorable as a kid what a little brat holy shit I love her. I want to see all her homework written in Middle English. I want to know which teacher finally summoned the balls to correct it.
NEWT MON CHERI HE'S SO EXCITED ABOUT ONLY DESTROYING THE HOUSE'S POWER CIRCUIT WITH HIS EXPERIMENT. Because apparently last time he fucking caused a power outage in the whole block. Or county. We stan an optimist (no one talk to me about Crowley being an optimist I will go feral and rip your larynx out).
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asurix · 4 months
emo choso.... emo boy choso... c'mon f me emo boy choso... brainrot
OMG YESSSS EMO CHOSO, you're so real for this anon, imagine cumming on emo choso's fingers OASJASHAJ
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Genre: choso x fem!reader, emo choso, dom!choso, sub!fem!reader
Content warning: degration,fingering,vaginal sex,oral,sex,public sex, train grope,loads of scenerio in one post, non con, dub con(in different scenerios, brain rot(putting my soul into this writing this 12 am in the night, kissing,swearing.
im legit so excited for this omg like anon ilysm, imagine just imagine choso finger fucking you on a train in public omg degrading imagine omg hJSAJSAJSH
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 CHOSO
you and choso were roomates, unlike choso, you were kind, warm, friendly and nice, you were the sun, but for choso, he was aloof,mean,irritated easily, and was also in his room glooming, he was the moon to you're sun, you and Choso didn't have romantic feelings for eachother, you both knew it, but everytime he brushed his hand against you're whike you're both standing at the fridge trying to reach the last packet of milk? you cant help but blush a bit of his touch, of course you didn't let Choso see you blushing because he would bully you for all enternity, later that night you were touching yourself to Choso, moaning his name out quietly so that he couldn't hear you, but oh but little did you know, he was listening at the next room, listening to you touch yourself to him.
The next day you both had to go to the groceries to buy milk,eggs and bread you asked choso to tag along because he's that person that says he doesn't need anything but then calls you, what a pain he is, you were taking the train to tokyo city, to go to a convinence store, you both were in the train, it was a busy day today, so there was a few extra people, you both had to stand, Choso was behinde you and you were infront of him, you were infront of the train door due to the lack of space, while you were waiting for the station, you felt a touch underneath you're skirt, you're tight, oh god oh god, a train groper?! where is choso? wasn't he just behinde me? you looked behinde you to see who was the gropist, all for you to find out, it was Choso?, ''choso w-what the hell,was that you?'' you whispered just so that you both could hear eachother, ''yeah it was me so what?'' he scoffed, he grabbed you're ass, ''you better be quiet about this, going around making me hard, touching yourself to me in you're bed'' he frowned, he knew? he knew i was touching myself last night?? oh god how? i was quiet?! right?, ''u-uh what makes you think i was touching myself'' you cleared you're throat, ''you were hella loud idiot'' he's expression showing how annoyed he is, ''w-well mind you're bussiness for gods sake!'' you said a bit loudly, but calmed yourself down, after you realised you were loud, ''how can i mind my own bussiness when you're touching yourself to me, hm?'' he asked raising an eyebrow, ''i-i god i dont know...'' you whinged, he started pulling down you're panties, making you whimper, you held the leverage, ''d-dont choso, not here atleast'' you said irritated but horny all at the same time, he dragged a line down you're pussy, the nectar dripping on his fingers, he slowly put his hand to his mouth, then licked his fingers dry, ''you're so impossible Choso-'' you said whimpering, you felt his erect poke in you're ass, ''d-dont do what i think you're gonna Choso please not in a train'' you groaned, ''dont worry ill be quiet'' he grinned, he took out his hard cock, pressing it against you're cunt, he pushed his tip inside you causing you to quietly yelp, ''f-fuck you're so tight...'' he whined in you're ear. ''if i dont destroy you as soon as were home'' he groaned in you're ears, he took out tip out of you're cunt, you were left panting due to the overstimulation, you looked back at Choso, and he exhaled putting his twitching cock back into his pants, as soon as he was finished he started rolling his hips with youre's, making you whine a bit, he started grinding on you're ass until you guys reached you're station.
After you guys went home, you put the groceries on the kitchen counter, you could feel the atmosphere being...not as it used to, fighting, yelling and annoying eachother, it was just...quiet, all tho you could hear Choso...breathing...weirdly, ''h-hey Choso are you al-'' just as you were about to finish you're sentence you got cut off by Choso grabbing you're waist, picking you up, walking to his bedroom, closed the door then threw you on the bed, ''you know...'' he said taking his shirt off while talking, ''this was were i heard you touching yourself to me'' he grinned getting on top of you on his bed, you blushed at the sight of the anti-social man on top of you panting, his erect brushing on you're leg, ''t-the fact you even listened is weird!'' you yelled, ''does it even matter? you were touching yourself to me!* he scoffed, you groaned turning you're eyes away from him to look anywhere but directly at him, he grabbed you're chin, reaching to your lips, sharing a tendering kiss with you, making you're stomach flip upside down. he flopped on the bed taking you with him, now you're on top of him, ''now what...'' you say shyly, ''i fuck you rough thats what'' he grinned, grabbing you're waist, pulling you're panties out of the way just for him to push his tip inside you, ''ah~ Choso dont go to d-deep...'' you whine, he pauses for a quick 5 seconds before slamming inside you without any warnings,
''WHAT THE FUCK?! CHOSO, NGH s-shit so deep...!'' you cry out, ''didn't feel like preparing you'' he rolled his eyes, ''f-fuck you're so tight are you a virgin?'' he asked curiously, ''NO!'' you yelled at him moaning at the same time due to the pain, ''what a bummer, wanted to be you're first'' he frowned a bit but switiching to a grin, he grabed you're face kissing you again, you can taste the coke he drank while you guys were picking out groceries, ''mhm~'' you muffled, Choso pulled away, he raised a eyebrow, ''what?'' he asked a bit irritated by you're interruption, ''s-stop biting my tounge'' you whimpered, Choso still fucking you're cunt, after 1 hour of panting and moaning, he finally released his thick seed inside you, ''fuck...'' he groaned, you came right after him moaning as well, ''damn...we should fuck more often'' he looked up at you, you were still on top of him processing what just happened, ''are you serious Choso?!'' you groaned, ''i sure as hell am'' he rolled his eyes, before grabbing you're chin capturing you're lips to his, for a kiss, you felt his tounge inside you're mouth, swirling around, exploring and tangling with you'res
After a day
A day after the intense sex you both had the tension between you both was really akward, you both greeted eachother but after that... complete silence, after minutes of silence, Choso broke the silence, ''h-hey uh how was..'' he cleared his throat ''last...night..'' he akwardly smiled at you, ''oh yeah uh...it was quite nice actually, i enjoyed it'' you smiled geniually at Choso, ''so what are you eating for breakfast Choso'' you asked trying to keep the conversation alive, ''oh yeah uh im just thirsty thats all'' he looked away thinking about something, ''oh..would you like a glass of water?'' you titled you're head, ''n-no'' he turned a bit red, ''oh what you want orange juice, apple juice pineapple juice?'' you tried figuring out what Choso wanted ''can...i have you're juice..?'' he asked glaring at you, ''m-my what?'' you're face flushed with red, ''you're juice'' he said again confidently, ''n-no you ca-'' you got cut off by Choso lifting you up then making you sit on the kitchen counter, he pushed you're body back a bit so you're lower body was a bit outside the kitchen counter, you were still wearing panties, he pulled the panties to the side before licking a stripe on you're wet cunt, you gasped a bit at the sudden move, ''ngh~ choso-'' you moaned out, he contiuned licking you're cunt, he started sucking on you're clit, he burried his face in to you're cunt, not one drop of nectar escaping, after minutes of choso eating you out, he finally finished, ''what a nice breakfast'' he grinned, he went to the living room to play games, leaving you drained out on the kitchen counter.
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voltronisanobsession · 11 months
Miguel codes Lyla a Friend
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I had this idea since I was thinking maybe sometimes Lyla gets lonely being the only hologram in the spider society apart from Spider Byte. So I decided to do this and show what it could be like if Miguel finally coded and programmed Lyla a new friend!
This also might be the very few writings I’ll do for this fandom since I wanna focus on the ones Im active in now :D
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For this to even be CONSIDERED a possibility, Lyla would have to have been annoying Miguel for awhile, complaining about how oh so lonely she’s gotten being the only hologram
“Come on.”
“There’s Spider Byte.”
“She doesn’t count, plus she’s still a spider. Come oonn.”
“Is my company not enough, Lyla?”
“Look me in the eyes and you tell me. Come ooonnnnn.”
In the end Miguel will succumb to Lyla’s persistent complains much to the her delight
I can already see her excitedly yapping away while Miguel begins programming her new ‘friend’
I totally see Miguel just copying and pasting Lyla’s original coding while making some changes like the personality and appearance just because he didn’t want to spend too much time on this
It takes a couple of runs before both he and Lyla are satisfied with the final outcome, you😍
Miguel made it so that you were the more compassionate and kind one between the two of you while Lyla is the honest and blunt one
You chose your own name, which surprised both him and Lyla since you were already adapting and growing as an intelligent form of tech
“Well then Y/N, welcome to the team.”
Cue Lyla grabbing your arm and disappearing to who knows where while Miguel sighs
Omg she would totally give you star glasses so you could match with her heart glasses!!!
You guys are rarely seen without the other ever since your arrival
Lyla would show you all the ropes to being Miguel’s assistant and would be so proud when you help file your first report on an anomaly :,)
“They grow up so quick.”
“But I can’t ‘grow up’ Lyla.”
“You’ll understand those sayings soon.”
You guys do everything together, like karaoke nights with Miguel, make friendship bracelets for each other and take silly pics with that one bunny filter Lyla’s obsessed with
It’s like you’re Thing 1 and Thing 2 according to Peter :]
Because this is technically your shot in ‘living’, you definitely look at everything with stars in your eyes
Everything is still so new to you and so exciting that you often get carried away with rambling about how fascinating life is
Which causes Miguel to raise an eyebrow at times because it’s almost like your becoming more self aware of yourself, gaining more… human emotions despite you being only a hologram
And he isn’t wrong
Once learning of Miles Morales’ story and how he’s essentially going to destroy the multiverse according to Miguel, you can’t help but feel for the boy
Your traits grow from being compassionate to feeling real emotions which confused you at first when you began feeling so different at times
(You asked Lyla about the weird feelings you’ve been getting but she only looks at you weirdly so you don’t bring it up again)
You make it a habit to mention every now and then that Miles had no control over what happened and how you feel sorry for him
How you even theorize that with him, the cycle of Spiderman could possibly be broken!
Lyla would 100 percent lecture you on how that would be terrible and all that fun sunshine stuff which you definitely don’t listen to
Hobie would be around when you’re on one of your tangents on how Miles could be the change the multiverse could benefit from, capturing his attention
“Rebellious one, aren’t you?”
“Oh Hobie hello! What do you mean by that?”
“I sure as ‘ell know bossman wouldn’t program your own ideas to go against his, now would he?”
After that small talk, your hologram self would realize ‘hey! Im thinking for myself, I have my own ideals and beliefs!’
Cue you acting out against Miguel cuz you’re in your rebellious phase
Bro would totally tell Lyla to control you
You’ve been giving him more headaches than Lyla has and that’s saying something
I think Lyla would try to tap into your programming to see if there was something wrong only to find out you put a PASSWORD on that file LMAO💀💀💀
Her reaction: 😦
Besides that concerning factor that is making itself way more known after Miles arrives, most of the spiders do enjoy your company
They love how you just float around them as you beg to hear more of their stories and fights they’ve experienced
You have an almost childish light because of how interested and amazed you are at them
You love being around Peter B. though because of Mayday
She loves just swishing her hand at your frame, giggling as you reappear in a different spot, your soft glowing light capturing her attention every time
Overall I think being Miguel’s second assistant isn’t the most terrible thing in the world
Lyla’s sarcasm has rubbed off on you so you both like to make Miguel’s job a little more difficult than it needs to be
But he definitely has a soft spot for both you, especially since you often sympathize with him whenever he watches those videos of his past life
You’re just a silly member of the society trying to learn more about life and the special moments it holds
You want to be apart of the real world instead of being confined to the digital world, which Lyla and Miguel don’t realize is a problem until you finally go against them
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ot3 · 4 months
I mean this in entirely good faith, I promise, but I'd love to hear the "shortcomings" you think those shows have
she ra i mostly just found boring i don't think i could point to a single thing it did (out of what i watched, that is. i didn't finish the show) that i found to be an objectionable writing choice, but it just didn't do anything to keep my interest. which is a shame because i went into it REALLY excited!!! i had long been a fan of nimona so hearing that ND stevenson was getting the chance to make a cartoon i was SO prepared to be all over it. and i watched it and it all just fell pretty flat for me
steven universe and the owl house i feel like are shows with some pretty major structural issues. i really think they try to have their cake and eat it in terms of episodic moments vs overarching series narratives that are kind of at odds with each other.
with steven universe i feel like this manifested in some pretty bizarre tonal whiplash that prevented either of the shows angles from sticking its landing. i think if steven universe had either been an epic space opera about a kid inheriting his mother's war, it would have fucking banged. i think if steven universe had been a more slice-of-life oriented show about a boy coming of age by realizing he's sort of the living manifestation of the war trauma of the people around him and learning to navigate and help people heal from that through fantastical, alien super-powered twists on mundane life that would have banged in a completely different way. but as it stands i think trying to do both at the same time detracted from the overall experience.
it feels weird to have them fucking around at the barn when there is something that is going to literally hatch from the earth's crust like an egg and destroy the entire planet and theyre just ignoring it. it feels weird in a different way to have them visit an alien zoo full of human beings and know that the structure of the show means we will absolutely not be taking the time to fully unpack that one. for me this cognitive dissonance really reached its peak an episode where steven explicitly calls his mother a war criminal, but that was a throwaway line because the A plot was that lars, the guy who works at the donut shop, bakes as a hobby and is embarrassed by that. to be perfectly clear i don't think it's impossible to balance more mundane slice of life moments with big adventures to combat existential threats. but whatever that balance looks like is not what steven universe was doing
the owl house on the other hand i don't feel like was ever really willing to commit to a particular vibe long enough to get invested in it. it's trying to be a show about a girl who is a witch's apprentice, but that doesn't really feel quite fully realized because it's also trying to be a show about a Magic School, but we don't spend enough time at the Magic School to get invested in that setting as a framework for the character interactions and narrative events, but then it also starts trying to be this big adventure/questing show. and then before too long luz is the one teaching magic to everyone else? it refuses to really commit to any one thing it's trying and just kind of throws everything at you with out actually getting to spend time with its concepts
in general i also think luz was a weak protagonist. in terms of writing. i think she wasnt given enough meaningful flaws, didn't make enough mistakes, and didn't really have to learn any hard lessons or make decisions that fundamentally went against who she thought she was. her whole thing is basically being Nerdy and Kinda Weird which i think is kind of an outdated substitute for meaningful character writing in the current zeitgeist. im sure she is an absolutely fantastic power fantasy for a lot of 12 year old girls who consider reading books to be their main personality trait and i absolutely do not fault that for existing. i think that's a critical thing to exist and all those 12 year olds really deserve it. but it has no appeal to me as an adult woman who has grown out of that phase, yknow?
i feel like once again the comparison to akko from little witch academia invites itself very easily, and anne from amphibia too, which was also a disney teen girl isekai airing at the same time. i loved both of those two as protags a ton and i think its because they really fumbled repeatedly and went through the wringer in a way luz didn't
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AITA for lashing out at my mom?
This is something that happened a while ago (like a couple years) and im moreso just curious what people think.
A little backstory before we get started, I was in high-school during this time and was severely mentally unstable. So unstable that prior to this I had JUST gotten out of the Psyche ward. My mom is notorious for being abusive and neglective, and anyone who knows me well will recognize my mom instantly from this. I also have DID, which can make remembering to do tasks pretty hard. With that out of the way:
I, (17nb), was driving home with my mom (40f) and two sisters (15f) and (16f) from my adoptive dad's house. He isn't important to the story, moreso that we were in the car during this time. I was on my phone which at the time I was punished from but was allowed to have to look at my grades. Because of my frequent hospitalizations (the most recent one had been my 8th) I wasn't doing very well in school on top of my already struggling mental health. (When something reminds me too much of high-school these days I actually pass out.)
I had been working really hard to bring up my grades! They went from straight Fs to Cs in a couple of weeks, and it was very close to the end of the year. I had pulled off what you could honestly call a miracle because if anyone knows the American school system, they know it's INCREDIBLY difficult to raise your grades at the end of the year. I was very excited because of this. I showed my mom the grades because I was so excited, and instead of validating me, she responded "that's great now do better"
I remember it felt like my world went silent, and I remember shouting "why can't you just be proud of me?!" I don't remember a lot of the conversation, but at some point she hit me. She'd hit me a lot in the past, and at this point I was really at my limit and I hit back. This is where I might be tah, because I escalated the fight by hitting back while we were in a moving vehicle, but I did demand she pull over the car shortly after. As soon as she did, I got out the car and ran as far as I could with the thought of going back to my dad's in my mind. However somehow she convinced me to come back and I got in the car. She yelled and berated me a bunch, before calling my grandmother and planning to drop me off with her. She then went back to where we were staying (where her current husband lives) and said husband almost attacked me. Eventually they got my things (some of which he destroyed) and then dropped me at my grandma's house and left me.
At this current point in time, she actually ended up giving up custody of me, and i live with my grandparents nowadays. I'm content here, though I wish I could change some things. Overall, I'm really just curious since my mom paints me as the badguy. Was I the asshole???
What are these acronyms?
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playingdxngerous · 9 months
guitar lessons
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Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!! some impact play (barely, like almost not at all), degradation, teasing, talk of a safe word, handcuffs (in a way?? but not for very long), praise, a little fluff, fingering, masturbation, oral f! and m! receiving, penetration f! receiving
Hookups with Jake were not unusual. It happened more often than you wish to admit. However, today will be different. Today is a guitar lesson, and only a lesson. Nothing more, nothing less. Right?
As you begin to knock on the all too familiar door of Jake's house, he opens it immediately. He greets you with a bright smile, seeming genuinely excited to see you.
"Hey pretty girl," he smirks. Your face automatically gets hot, but you do your best to shut it down.
"Jake stop. We agreed just a guitar lesson today. That's it." You respond. He rolls his eyes.
"I know. Come in." He widens the door and locks it behind you as you walk in. The smell of pumpkin overwhelms your senses as you walk into the living room. A small candle is lit on the table, creating a comforting vibe to the area.
"Since when did you even own candles," you laugh. He looks at you and struggles to hold down his smile.
"Fine then," he blows it out. "Guess someone doesn't appreciate fall like I do." You can't help but stare at him. He is built with beauty. From his blue plaid shirt to his skinny jeans, everything about him is so beautiful. Today is going to be very hard to keep as just a guitar lesson when all you can think about it how badly you wish to kiss his perfect lips.
"See something you like?" He teases as he looks himself up and down.
"Bring me the stupid guitar," you laugh, trying to avoid the question as you both know the answer already. He walks over with a basic black guitar and places it in your arms while he sits on the couch beside you.
"Aw is your beloved too precious for me to play?" You say through a grin.
"You are so needy. We are never going to get anywhere like this." Nevertheless, he gets up once more and brings you his well-known Gibson SG. There's small chips and scratches along the paint of it, reminding you of all the times you've watched him absolutely destroy it on stage. All the times you've watched him pulse into it just like he does to you.
"So, what all do you know about guitar already?" He asks, breaking your dirty thoughts.
"Absolutely nothing."
"Okay great," he says sarcastically. "Guess we can start with chords then." He begins to give you finger placements which you try your best to follow. You fail of course, with it being your very first time even holding a guitar.
"Alright here I'll show you," he says as he grabs your left hand and places it correctly on the fretboard. You scoot closer to him and angle your body, your back laying against his chest. He grabs your right hand and helps you strum the strings.
"You're doing so good now," he says softly into your ear.
"As if you aren't doing all the work for me."
"Fine then I won't help you." He says as he pulls away from your body. His absence leaves your body cold, longing for his warmth.
"Wait no, come back I'm just kidding. I like your help." You pull him by the sleeve back to where he was. He sighs and starts to talk about another chord, yet all you can think about is him and his perfection. His cologne now becomes more visible with the scent of the candle fully gone. You take note of his calloused fingertips grazing across yours. His soft brunette locks touch your shoulder every time he leans against you further.
"Are you even listening?" He asks, bringing you back to reality.
"Yeah sorry." You apologze.
"What did I just say then?" You do your best to come up with a response, but there's no way you could even try to lie your way out of this. His beauty getting the best of you, you turn a little and kiss him. You remember all the promises to keep this just a guitar lesson, but deep down you know it's impossible with Jake Kiszka this close to you. He sets his guitar on this ground and grabs you by the hips. The passion in the kiss turns to lust as he runs his tongue across your bottom lip, begging to let him in.
The kiss gets deeper and deeper as time goes on. You run your hand down the buttons in his shirt and begin to undo the top one. All of a sudden he pulls away.
"You said just a guitar lesson and I don't want to make you do anything you don't-" he says before you interrupt him with another kiss.
"Fuck that Jake. I want you."
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Very." You say shortly. He kisses you again, this one somehow even more powerful than the last few. You undo the last buttons, and he slides the sleeves off him arms.
"Just couldn't avoid me enough huh? Too wet and desperate for my dick?" He rasps, making you literally stop breathing. You've waited far too long to see this side of him again. His words turn you on, making you feel your cunt get wetter by the second.
"Holy shit your attitude changed." You breathe out heavily.
"Oh yeah? Should I stop then? You know you have a safe word pretty girl." He raises his hands to your tits, squeezing them softly.
"Please don't stop Jake. I need you so bad." You begin to grind against the crotch of his jeans, making a mess in your underwear.
"Let's go to the bed?" He asks, to which you nod and drag him by the hand to his room. He pushes you on the bed and you crawl back against the pillows. He kisses your thigh, stopping at the zipper on your jeans. He unzips them, and you help guide them off of you. You pull your shirt off, causing him to reach up and unclasp your bra. Throwing it on the ground, he immediately starts sucking on your tits. You squeeze your legs together in order to relieve some of the tension between them. He pushes them apart as soon as he notices.
"C'mon now, let's not get too fast."
"Please Jake, I need you." You whimper. To your surprise he listens and slides his fingers across your wet panties.
"Like I said before, you're always so, so needy. Begging for me like a little whore." He stops his hand and pushes two fingers against your hole, the fabric still covering it. "Say it. Tell me you're my whore."
"I"m your whore..." you whisper.
"Speak up sweetheart." He somewhat gently slaps your thigh with his free hand.
"I'm your fucking whore Jake please just fuck me already oh my god." He takes his hand away. "Please," you say nicely as you grab his wrist.
"Should I really? I think I'd prefer to watch you squirm and beg for me." He grabs your tits once more and sucks a hickey onto your chest. Tired of waiting, you reach down and rub your clit yourself. You moan and grab his hair with your other hand. He pulls away again to no surprise.
"That's not going to work sweetheart." He confusingly gets off the bed. "Don't you fucking move." He says, walking out of the room. He returns seconds later with a guitar strap in his hands. He steps over to you and ties your wrists together with the strap.
"Where did you learn how to do that?" You smirk.
"Not important," he says shortly. He finishes tying and kisses a trail from your lips to your soaked underwear. He slides his finger over your slit, still covered by the stupid fabric you wish you took off earlier. "This what you want baby?" He asks. You nod vigorously. He pulls the panties off, sliding his fingers once more. He brings them to your mouth, making you taste yourself. He then sucks on those same fingers before sliding two of them into you quickly. You moan as he curls them just right.
"I'm going to cum if you keep doing that." You say, yet immediately regret. He pulls out of you, edging you worse than ever.
"We can't have you doing that so soon my love. We just started." He moves his head down right after, licking circles around your clit yet refusing to touch it. You try to reach down and guide him, yet the guitar strap stops you. You grind your hips into his face instead. He actually lets you do this, shocking you to your core. The feeling of his tongue moving so smoothly against your clit sends chills down your back. The knot in your stomach burns even more, just begging to come undone. Jake notices and pulls away once more. This man will be the death of you.
"I said not so soon." He smirks. His starvation for you fills his eyes. He wipes his mouth with the side of his hand and undoes the guitar strap. "Touch yourself."
"What?" You're taken aback by his comment.
"Touch yourself like the slut you seem to be. So needy to cum so do it already." You reach down and rub your clit as he watches. He leans down and kisses your thighs. You move faster, to which he responds by sadly grabbing your wrists and stopping you. "You really think I'd let you finish that easily?"
"You're such a fucking asshole." You groan. He suddenly unzips his jeans, his dick hard already. He reaches in his nightstand and throws a condom at you.
"Put it on me." He demands. You slide it on him and pull back to let him fuck you. He immediately begins to pulse into you, moaning under his breath. "So hot watching my dick in your pretty pussy," he whispers into your ear. This sends you over the edge, finally allowing your orgasm to release. Your moans turn into yells. He pulls out of you to let both of you catch your breath. "Make me cum sweetheart." You turn around and sit on top of him. Your shaky legs straddling his waist. You scoot further down and pull the condom off, putting his dick in your mouth. You go as far as you can, your hands covering the rest of his length. You bob you head up and down, before he quickly finishes into your mouth.
"Such a good girl," he says, pulling you up by your jaw. He kisses you shortly. "My good girl." You kiss him lovingly, your hands moving up his neck and into his hair. "So pretty and perfect. You did so good."
"So much for the guitar lesson," you giggle. He pulls you in close and squeezes you.
"This was much better."
"Are you saying I suck at guitar?" You scoff.
"No!, he clarifies, "I was just aching to touch you the whole time."
"Mhm yeah, keep trying to defend yourself Kiszka."
"Fuck you," he laughs.
"Pretty sure you already did." You fall back into his arms, kissing his cheek as he embraces you.
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zyonsay · 9 months
Blinding Lights
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Warnings: NSFW-> guk guk 3000,Alcohol, Gay shit
Reader: Male
Word count: 1'655 Words
Song i listened to while writing: "I threw at my friend's eyes and now im on probation" by Destroy Boys
AN: Hey :] Lemme know what u thought about this! Im open for tips, as i still struggle with writing. Also this is like the first time i wrote smut. Deadass. But anyways, Enjoy!
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Your black military boots made a slouching, wet sound as you walked through the city streets of London. It had rained earlier, but that didn’t stop you from having fun at the club.
The entrance that greeted you looked absolutely disgusting, the only thing you’d expect to occupy the old sewage system would be rats or some old, sick stray dogs. But behind the big, withered cloth that probably inhabited maggots a dimly lit, colorful tunnel hid itself. It was covered in Graffiti and colorful bottles hung from the ceiling. Loud music could be heard from the other end, which was covered by a dark blue curtain, resembling the night sky you had abandoned just a few minutes ago.
The colorful lights blinded you temporarily, but you felt right at home. This was one of the less popular meet up spots for underground artist and queer people. It wasn’t just some nightclub, it was a safe space for all kinds of people, that’s why you loved it so much. You too were very much part of the LGBTQ+ community, so you sought out your nightclubs very carefully. Being involved in a hate crime wasn’t exactly on your bucket list, obviously.
 Some unknown band was absolutely tearing up the stage with their messily decorated instruments. People were dancing, drinking, and singing. It was a big chaos, but you felt at peace, surrounded by your people. The big, broad room was filled with a bar, a few sofas and the stage and it was also thoroughly decorated with graffiti, more colorful bottles, and fairy lights.
You ordered yourself some alcohol, vodka being your favorite. The band was finishing up their last song, then thanked the lively crowd. Then another band stepped foot on the stage, their guitarist and lead singer looking familiar. You’ve seen him around a lot, but you’ve never talked to him. You were basically eye banging him, he looked very good. The way his eyeliner had already smudged made him even more attractive. It almost seemed like he read your thoughts, because he stared right at you, a big grin plastered on his face. You thought it might’ve just been your imagination, the crowd was way too big for him to have looked at you specifically.
The band began performing their first song, the mass of people around you immediately started dancing and singing. Everybody was having a good time, including you. You were dancing with your drink still in your hand, gripping it tightly as the alcohol was way too expensive for you to spill it. You directed your glance towards the stage again, wanting to grace your eyes with the hot man shredding his guitar solo. People were cheering and clapping for the young man, showing him exactly how amazing he is. He continued singing the lyrics to his song and while doing so he grinded against the mic stand, firing on his ego even more.
People were screaming at his cheeky action, a drowned “GET ME PREGNANT!!!” could be heard from the other side of the crowd, many people laughing at that. The punk on stage was smirking at that, though he was seemingly looking at you again.
Now shit got absolutely wild, he was pointing at you and then pointed to the door, which hid a storage room for the band’s instruments. You grinned at him, taking another sip of your drink. He then sang along to the suggestive lyrics of his song, looking at you again, making a very distinctive gesture with his hands. He wanted you to blow him. You felt hazy, blood rushing to your face as you smirked at him, nodding while raising your drink to him.
His band finished their set, people were cheering them on, excited for their next song. Meanwhile a young woman went on stage and announced a campaign for disabled people, receiving a lot of cheers and support.
You on the other hand had made your way to the storage room, feeling a hot, burning feeling in your core. Your cheeks were slightly reddened – whether it was from the alcohol or from your excitement, no one knows. You must admit, giving a blowie to a random guitarist wasn’t the most unhinged thing you’ve ever done. You really didn’t care to be modest anyways.
Then suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to spin around and look at whoever was behind you. You were greeted with two beautiful brown eyes and a cheeky grin.  
“Sorry if I put you on the spot there, mate” You smirked at him, then replied “I would’ve let you know if I didn’t want to, but who would say no to you?” You smiled, checking the person opposing you. He was tall and handsome, something mischievous glimmering in his eyes. He smiled at you, slowly growing impatient, since there wasn’t much time in between his band’s sets.
He led you into the storage rooms, revealing a sofa and wall covered in mirrors. This was probably where the bands waited for their performance and could freshen up their makeup. “By the way, I’m Hobie Brown.” The man now known to you as Hobie sat down on the sofa, gesturing you to come over. “Names’ Y/N.” You muttered with a smile, eyeing the bulge building up in the punk’s pants. You shifted closer to Hobie, not wanting to waste too much time. You settled between his legs, kneeling on the orange and pink patterned carpet.
You started fiddling with his belt, looking up with your big eyes, almost looking innocent if it wasn’t on the big smirk on your visage. “Ready?”, you were barely whispering. The young man, who was looking down at you with a grin only nodded his head. You opened up his jeans, slightly pulling them down to give you space for slutty activities. You touched his member through his plain grey boxers, that already had a wet spot on them, revealing his excitement. Hobie let out an impatient groan, wanting you all over him this instant. You quickly got rid of the remaining cloth in your way, your own erection pressing painfully against your jeans. You took his cock in your hand, Hobie hissed at the feeling of your soft hands around him.  You pumped him slowly, before leading your lips towards his tip, enjoying yourself a lot. “Mmmhhhh…” The man above you threw his head back. You then took more of his dick into your mouth, enjoying the feeling. You swirled your tongue along his shaft, earning quiet grunts and sighs from Hobie. He gripped a handful of your fluffy hair, slightly fucking into your mouth.
He looked at you through lust filled eyes, a pleading expression painting his face. “Can I fuck your mouth?”, he whimpered.
 You nodded, slowly letting his member out of your mouth. He stood up, facing your kneeling figure. You got right back to savoring him, as he held you by your hair again. He then began thrusting into your mouth, enjoying the wet, warm feeling. He still held back some of his length, waiting for you to look at him with your doe eyes. He smirked down at you, whispering something along the lines of “Get ready, darling”.
 You took the rest of his cock into your mouth, tears building in the corner of your eyes. Hobie fucked your throat slowly at first, but quickly fell into a more violent pace. You glanced to the side, seeing a sinful scene playing in the mirrors covering the wall. It could’ve well been a baroque painting on the wall of a filthy rich art critique. But there you were, in an underground nightclub, full of drunk queers, sucking off a musician. 
Hobie was now thrusting at a devilish fast pace, using you like a cheap toy to get off on. He looked at you, grinning at your face. “You gonna swallow, like the good little slut you are?” You nodded slightly, not wanting to disturb his pleasure. Your own dick was pulsing in your pants, starved from any kind of stimulation. You were stabilizing yourself by holding the back of Hobies thigh, feeling slightly dizzy due to alcohol and lust. You wanted to make the man in front of you feel good, even tough you merely met him a few minutes ago.
Your thoughts were cut off by Hobies cock twitching in your mouth, you quickly looked up at him, watching happily as he threw his head back and let out a moan. “Ngahhh… Fuck!” Thick ropes of cum flowed down your throat. You tried your best to swallow all of it, as you didn’t want any of the white fluids landing on the fluffy carpet beneath you. Even though this carpet is probably covered in it anyways, you thought to yourself. This was a messy nightclub after all.
Hobie slowly pulled out, grinning down at you again. He pets your fluffy hair, with you sitting at his feet like an obedient dog. “Good Boy.” The punk zipped his pants up again, as you got up from the floor, straightening your messed up clothes. Paying little to no attention to Hobie, you didn’t expect him to tip your chin up. He captured your lips in a feverish hot kiss, getting a taste of himself. You two then parted, leaving a fragile strand of saliva between you two. Outside of the storage room, a loud voice announced Hobies band again, receiving many loud cheers. “Gotta go sweetheart”, he turned around to leave, when you gripped his wrist gently. You looked at him, smirking.
 “Ya wanna come home with me later?”, you received a mischievous look from the man. You cocked your eyebrow, wanting an answer. Hobie then leaned forward, leaving a small kiss on your neck. “Deffo.” He then left the storage room, leaving you with weak legs. You were definitely planning to take this man home tonight.
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baalzebufo · 1 year
'I don't know what you're-a trying to say…' Peppino sighed, exasperated. He went to turn away, when-
The voice… it was his voice, but the cadence was just slightly off. An imperfect mimicry, but close enough that it immediately fired every panic neuron in his brain at once.
A little piece of writing to nail down the vibes im going for with my interpretation of Fake Peppino! Having a normal fun day in the kitchen where nothing uncomfortable or weird happens.
'Pe- pi- no.'
Peppino tried not to flinch when he felt the heavy wet hand on his shoulder and the voice gurgling in his ear. Deep breaths- okay. He inhaled sharply and grit his teeth, bracing himself before he turned around.
It hadn't been easy, getting used to… that thing. Fake Peppino, as he had been calling it in his head. But he did feel admittedly a little guilty for destroying the tower- its home, really- and it didn't ask to be made like that. Still, he wished it hadn't decided to stick around sometimes. He'd spent an entire week just trying to make sure it didn't attack him on sight! And even then, it STILL chased him from time to time...
But he had reached an uneasy accord with his doppelganger, or at least thought so. He seemed more sedate at any rate, and Peppino had even managed to talk it into helping in the kitchen- which is where he was now, spreading a ball of dough thin with his knuckles, before he was so rudely interrupted.
He turned and forced a smile, trying to cover up his nerves with fake confidence. Ghh- he never got used to seeing him. His fake looked like him, but… uncanny. Stretched. Something wearing the wrong size of his skin. It made a weird bubbling noise- Peppino had come to learn that was its 'excited sound'- and grasped his wrist to tug him to the other side of the kitchen.
'Okay, o-kay! Slow down- whats-a the rush, paisano? What do you want to-a show me?'
Peppino tugged his wrist free and returned his hands to their comfortable position, tugging nervously on his tank top. Fake Peppino had dragged him over to the pizza oven. It was a great brick thing- a traditional piece and easily the most expensive thing in the whole restaurant, but also something he would never sell. After all, what kind of a pizza chef would he be without his pizza oven?
His clone straightened up then, drawing an involuntary shiver out of Peppino. It looked at him. Peppino looked back. He briefly made eye contact, watching as the fake's right eye slowly dribbled down his face- he glanced away before it started to make his heart pound any louder.
'Ah… what? What is it?' He mumbled again, shrivelling a little under the unyielding gaze. He may have been his clone, but they apparently didn't copy the part of him that hated prolonged eye contact, ugh. He chanced another look. His double was looking at him almost expectantly.
Suddenly, he raised an arm- quick enough to make Peppino flinch. But he didn't strike. He simply pointed- one finger poking Peppino in the chest. Then he moved his hand to point at the oven, the heat of which was beginning to make even more sweat bead on his forehead.
'I don't know what you're-a trying to say…' Peppino sighed, exasperated. He went to turn away, when-
The voice… it was his voice, but the cadence was just slightly off. An imperfect mimicry, but close enough that it immediately fired every panic neuron in his brain at once.
'Peppinos. Pi- Za.' The fake nodded, looking pleased- then slapped one hand down on Peppino’s head, crushing his chefs hat down and drawing a yelp of surprise out of him.
'Peppino. Pi-zza.' The words sounded smoother as he rolled them around his mouth, smiling wide enough that his teeth looked as if they were about to drip out of his lips. He pushed Peppino a little closer to the oven- his heels dug into the ground instinctively. The heat was oppressive... 'Peppi-no. Pizza.'
Peppino froze. He had learnt not to run- bolting only excited his fake. He stood stock still, even as its face slowly lowered to his. His eyes widened- there wasn't anywhere else to look but into his own distorted visage, the oven's heat only causing it to drip more. Oh, god, it was dripping everywhere…
His hands balled into fists, ready to react, but his body seemed stuck. Damn his freeze instinct-! He held his breath as his fake tilted his head curiously, and then laughed. A bubbling gurgle, face practically split in two.
'Pizza. is. Peppi-no.' He said, happily. Peppino couldn't bring himself to figure out what exactly that meant, because the only idea he had right now- well, the heat wasn't helping, and his vision was blurring, and it wasn't good…
'Peppino. Pizza. Nothing. Compares!'
All of a sudden, he was pushed back. Away from the heat, a cold blast of air hitting him as the doppelganger shoved him. All at once Peppino’s body reacted, scrambling back along the floor and breathing- wheezing, really- trying to get enough air in his lungs so he didn't pass out. All the while he watched as the wax figure of himself dripped like a candle in the heat, spun on its heel happily and giggled.
'Not- yet!' It smiled, face still firmly turned to look at Peppino even as its entire body twisted 180 degrees to stick to the nearest wall- his neck creaked with the strain, more of its doughy flesh sloughing off onto the floor as he moved away from the heat.
'Cook.' It's hand found one of the open vents- it's favorite hiding spots. 'Let him. Cook. Not ready!' It smiled, eyelids squeezing shut happily over misshapen sockets, tongue lolling out the side of its mouth.
'Later? Pizza later. Nothing Compares...' He mumbled, voice softening as Peppino could only watch in wide-eyed terror as it folded itself in half to slide into the narrow vent- he'd seen it many times but he still wasn't used to it. The wet sounds of a body moving in ways it shouldn't, the scrape of the metal... As it pushed itself into the darkness, Peppino saw its face- his face- the last thing to disappear.
'Peppino. Pizza...? Soon...'
And then it was gone.
He didn't move.
Honestly, he stayed on the floor for an uncomfortably long time.
After what felt like hours, his body finally decided to return the feeling to his joints- and all at once he scrambled upright. What- what was that? He thought…
He thought he was reaching… some kind of agreement with that thing. But clearly it was still far, far beyond his understanding. And what it said- no. No, Peppino shook his head violently. He didn't want to think about it. Because if he thought about it, it sounded an awful lot like...
No. No, no, no. That was silly. He just needed to get back to work. He needed to push this out of his mind and forget it ever happened.
He stumbled over towards his pile of pizza dough. Looking down at it, he couldn't help but feel… uneasy, suddenly. A wave of strange nausea rose in his chest.
Maybe… maybe that was enough pizza for one day.
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fcknstar · 1 year
hi babe! yup i do actually! i just havent really thought of any ideas, so itd be a pleasure for me to work on your imagine request! but yes, if youd like, i can think of some soon! /// I'm glad you write dark stuff... could you write about harry being a stalker, obsessive, needy, possessive and jealous of the reader? (female reader)
hihi!! thank you for the request, the ending has mentions of bj and if you dont like it you can skip that! im not entirely sure if youll like this but here you go! i might do a redo to this, not entirely sure tho.
,, our own needs "
harryosborn x reader x peterparker
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a.n : when i got the request, i was quite excited. its abit challenging but it was fun to work on nonetheless! this is my very very first time writing smut btw!
warnings : possession/obsession/stalker-like-behaviour/needy/jealous harry osborn (thats a mouthful, literally) , MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! , oral sex (m receiving) , masturbation , slight peter parker x reader , lmk if i missed some.
**lowercase intended**
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harry seemed like a normal ceo, one that looks strict with a constant expression on which was hardly ever readable. you, being his assistant hardly ever got to know harry. you were just carrying out your job and wanted to get it over quick. harry has 'thrown' himself onto you multiple times, but you were quick to dismiss it thinking that he was probably joking around wanting to keep things professional with him. 
what you didnt know was that harry liked you, a lot. probably too much that he knows every detail in your life, what you liked, what you hated, who dated you and so on. what didnt help was the his penthouse was opposite your apartment. he basically saw everything that happened as your apartment was a level lower from his.
" f-fuck, (y/n) " harrys hips buckled into his fist. he tried his hardest to contain his moans, but the images of you changing clouded his mind edged further into his climax. it wasnt his first time masturbating at the thought of you naked, on top of him and tearing him apart or pictures of you that he took without your acknowledgement. he knew hed be damned if you were to find out about his dirty little secrets. as much as he wants to destroy you, he cant help but find himself crumble under your touch. 
he didnt know whether it was his hormones changing or the way you knew how to get him weak on his knees. what really did it for him was when you came to work in those filthy black dress that hugged your figure perfectly. the way he had to hold himself back and learn self control before he could even rip your dress apart to fuck you deep and slow, show you who you belong to. but again, it was only his imagination of you that kept him going. as much as he wanted to keep things professional between you both, he couldnt help but imagine the drama and mess that could happen if you found him moaning your name while touching his needy self or worse, someone walking into the whimpering mess you are while harrys in you. 
while harry felt a knot deep in his stomach, he saw a cctv camera from his desk, you and someone walking towards the entrance of his office. cursing under his breathe, he had to quickly clean and zip himself up knowing how embarrassed he would be if you and someone foreign were to see him fucking his fist. he felt deeply uncomfortable not being able to release such pain and pleasure he was currently feeling. and there you walked in, with peter parker. right, he was deep in thought of you that he had forgotten his appointment with peter. 
" sir, peter parker. " you had missed the way his gaze faltered when you addressed him so highly. the way your voice intoxicated him that he knew he was about to cum on the spot. swallowing harshly and walking towards you and peter not realizing how wobbly he was, knocked down a vase of his desk. 
" m sorry, just abit clumsy right now " harry let out a breathy laugh when he saw you walking towards him with such concern in your eyes. 
" you okay? " again, it wasnt like he didnt get enough attention from everyone, but the way you showed such sweet concern towards him made him want more. when he saw you kneeling down to help clean the shattered glass, he felt his heart beat faster and vision beginning to blur out. 'so this is how she looks like..' he thought. 
but once you picked up a piece of glass, harry stopped you. insisting that he was able to call a cleaner up to clear the mess. nodding, you left the two boys alone. 
" bye peter " you gave a little wave towards peter. peters gaze softened, seemingly pleased that you acknowledged him. harry didnt like the way peters gaze followed you out of the door. for a man who got everything in his life, he seemed very jealous of peter. you had never seen peter in your life, and now you are all over peter? waving goodbye to him?
turning around to face harry, peter was quick to notice harrys hard look. 
" my assistant, shes very.. " as harry was about to compliment every part of you, wanting to make it clear that you are his and his only, peter cuts him off. 
" very beautiful. " harry merely let out a nod, feeling abit too tense. harry and peter had a long conversation about harrys new military body armor that he was going to work on. 
when peter walked out of the door after talking to harry, he bumped into you. 
" hi. " peter breathed out. he didnt know your name, remembering that you were only referred to as harrys assistant. the only reason why harry didnt want to mention your name was because he felt the need to protect such an angelic name, and wanted to be the only one to moan it while thinking about you. 
" hi peter. " you greeted back. it felt as if peter was in a trance when he didnt say anything. laughing quietly, you went around peter to get into harrys office. but before you could even get to it, peter stopped you. you felt your whole body tense up when you felt peters hand touch your stomach. you knew how attractive peter was upon meeting him, how slim and built he was. how gentle his hand touched you. looking up at him, you quirked an eyebrow. 
" your name? " 
" oh, (y/n). " peter voiced your name out repeatedly in his mind. when peter placed his hand down, you were about to walk past him when he stopped you again. 
" heres my number, i want to get to know you more. " it sounded more like a question than an actual statement. when he placed the crumpled paper with his number in your palm, he smiled when you didnt reject it. 
" will do. " you whispered, waving him goodbye.
walking into harrys office, you notice him drinking down a shot of alcohol. it was barely five and hes already drinking. 
when harry felt a presence behind him, he turned. 
" oh, its you " he didnt mean to come off as rude but the images of you and peter interacting outside his office infuriated him. he was always watching you. 
" uhm, yea its me? anyways, i was about to inform you that you have nothing else planned for the day. " you looked up from your tablet, making sure you got it right. harry caught on to your first sentence, he heard how hurt you were but it was probably just his imagination. 
nodding in acknowledgment he walked towards you. when he was close enough, he cant help but smell the cherry scent you had on. grabbing the tablet off your hand and placing it on the nearby desk, he let his hand fondle with your arms, rubbing it slowly. harrys love eyes for you had turned to something more than that and was jealousy-drunk despite drinking. harry needed a few shots to make the alcohol take effect, so he was moderately sober. 
he let his mind wild free and began holding you close to him and began swaying from side to side to the nonexistent music. being confused, you pulled away, your action angering harry. 
" sir, i don't think itd be- " 
" shh. all i need is you, so please " harry had barely rasped out. he didnt care about anything as his only focus was on you. 
" you can tell me to stop if you dont want it, okay? " harry began to hold you, resting his right arm on your head, playing with your hair, with his other hand on your waist, thumb gently rubbing circles.
and there you were, letting your guard down. you didn't realize how much you liked harry, to blinded in the duties of work. when he felt you lean into his touch, he couldnt help but smile, planting kisses on the crown of your head. 
harrys lips then moved towards your cheek, planting a peck. you didnt know what you wanted at the moment, too unsure about the consequences if you let this continue, but you were also dazed to care as the man you wanted dearly was finally giving you what you wanted. 
harry then held your face with his hands. your expression was unreadable. you could tell that harry was very hesitant to kiss you. i mean, harry did say that you could ask him to stop if you didn't want any of it, but he was still unsure. helping harry understand you better, your arms snacked around his neck making his arms move to your waist, smashing your lips onto his. the moment felt so unreal, it wasnt like his imagination, it was better. as much as he wanted to fight for dominance, he moaned into your mouth when you bit his bottom lip. allowing entrance quickly he leaned you against the desk, trying to stabilize you better. he let you take control quickly and it was so out of his character because one would think that he is very dominant, but with a single touch he was soon crumbling under your touch. he tried to deepen the kiss, as if you are the last thing on earth that can make him survive. as if you are the oxygen he needs. when he heard you moan when he placed his knee in between your legs, he swore he felt his whole body heat up. 
pulling away to catch your breath, harry leaned towards your neck, hands gripping your hair to grant him more excess to your neck. it was as if he was a vampire and dearly needed blood. the way he sucked your neck, leaving tender kisses and bruises on it, marking you immediately. you have slept with a few people, but they didn't feel like this. you felt like you were in heaven with the way harry touched you. you have neglected your feelings way too well to not realize the way your heart yearned for harry. pushing harry of off you confused him. why did you want to stop now? noticing an office chair near you, you pushed harry down. climbing onto his lap, you began attacking his neck.
" f-fuck (y/n) " placing his hand onto your waist to try and pull your body closer to his. he cant help remind himself of his own whereabouts, his office. part of him is slightly eager to find out what were to happen if you both gets found out, but part of him wants this moment to be uninterrupted. but he couldnt contain himself when you knew how to push him over the edge. he felt you grind against his growing erection, you played with him like you knew how to please him. climbing off his lap and kneeling down in front of him, harry tried to keep eye contact. your expression questioning him for consent and without a doubt he whimpered a 'please'
without wasting time, you unzip his pants which showed you off a better outline of his dick. pulling his pants down enough, you take his erection in your hand. 
" oh god, fuck " it felt even better than he imagined. his body shivered when your thumb glide over his tip, thats already sticky with precum. 
" please (y/n), fucking please " harry begged to be destroyed. 
" just one gentle touch and youre already a whimpering mess.. " you whispered to no one at all, but harry heard it and replied with another strangled moan. " i wonder howd you react if i put you in my mouth " you continued, he loved the way you teased him. pumping him slowly, you began placing soft kisses onto his tip. 
" fuck, better than i have imagined " he saw how dark you gaze became. 
" imagined? why imagine when you have the real thing in front of you? " harry felt his body go limp and the immense amount of pleasure was throwing him off the boat. with every hard and fast pump, he felt a familiar knot in his stomach that he felt earlier in the day. that was when you finally put his whole into your mouth. you couldnt lie to yourself, you were enjoying it. the guys that ever slept with you only wanted to dominate you and not vice versa. although you did enjoy it, this experience was new to you. hollowing your cheeks out and began sucking harshly, harry tried to contain himself and stop himself from cumming, which from his end was tough considering the way you toyed around with him. due to his loud moans, you stopped. pulling away, you saw needy harry was. harry felt lonely and empty without any contact with you. 
" shh, if you want me to continue, you have to be a good boy and shut it " 
" please i want you " untying his tie that he had on, you rolled it small enough to put into harry mouth. 
going back to your previous actions, you began sucking hard and pumping what your mouth couldn't take. that was when you felt harry grip onto your hair. you enjoyed it, the hair pulling. it did turn you on, making you moan against his dick. harry, feeling the vibrations of your moan on his dick, moaned loudly into his tie. feeling his dick twitch multiple times, you released. 
" cum for me sir. " was what did it for him. webs of cum began painting your mouth, and you didnt waste anytime tasting it. the sight of you on your knees, with his cum all over you made harry feel different. it was all real, he reminded himself. he finally had you, after seeing you go out on dates with multiple guys. 
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