#I SPENT A HOUR ON THIS! I usually only take 15 minutes
4theitgirls · 1 year
study methods
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the second brain method
this method focuses on organizing the information you learn to maximize effectiveness. a common way of doing this is through the CODE method:
capture - be quick and efficient in how you receive the information
organize - organize the information in a way that works for you
distill - break the information down to its key elements
express - apply the information you’ve learned
* there is a ton of information out there about this method. if you struggle with burnout and knowing where to start, i recommend researching this method further to figure out what works for you.
the pomodoro method
the pomodoro method is a time management method. the most common expression of this method is to pick a task, work for 25 minutes on that task, then take a break for 5 minutes. then, repeat. if you’re planning to work all day, you may up the time spent studying. for example, after a while of this, you may work for 30 minutes at a time, then 40, then 45, and so forth. this method is particularly good for when you’re feeling unmotivated or having a hard time focusing. if you’re still not feeling it after a while, you may start to take longer breaks. for example, you may study for 30 minutes, break for 15, and keep going like that.
the 5 minute rule method
this method is good for when you have to do a shorter task, but you’re procrastinating doing it. this method requires you to dedicate only 5 minutes to do your task. after that, you may stop, but chances are, once you’ve started, finishing won’t be as difficult.
the blurting method
this method is particularly good for revision. the blurting method requires you to read over the content you are learning, then put it away and write down everything you know or can remember. then, check the content and revise everything you didn’t write down.
spaced repetition
spaced repetition requires you to spread out your study reviews over the period of a few days. this has been shown to improve memory. rather than studying one thing at a time, then studying something else the next day and so on, review the information right after you’ve learned it, then recall it after a few hours, then a few days, then a few weeks, and so on. if you’re studying something you will need to remember for an extended period of time, this method would be perfect for you!
active recall
this is my absolute favorite method! it’s been shown to improve your studying immensely and so many people have benefited from practicing active recall. active recall involves retrieving information from your brain, usually done through questions. a good way to do this is to explain the concept to yourself, to someone else, or act like you’re doing a presentation on the subject. after you’ve recalled all of the information you know about the subject, go over your material again and be sure you covered everything and explained everything the best way you could. if you didn’t, review everything you did not remember or got wrong, and go again. do this until you get everything. doing this can also be referred to as the feynman technique.
the SQ3r method
survey - skim your text and identify bolded text, headers, images, etc.
question - generate questions about the text based on what you surveyed. what are the key concepts in this text? what is each paragraph about? what information do i need to take away from this text?
read - read through the entire text and answer the questions you created
recite - summarize what you learned in your own words
review - recall the key concepts and answers to your questions
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fudgechocolatepuff · 3 months
a simple night for us ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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1.9k words [7-8 min read.] keigo t. x fem . reader
summary: you wake up from a long nap nearing 10pm. your apartment is a mess, but all you want to do is see your keigo..
mentions: a summerween fluff fic where you and keigo spend time together until the moment you fall asleep together ♡
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you jerked up out of your arms that your head was resting on seconds before, roused out of your deep slumber that was intended to only be a light nap. 
you were exhausted to say the least. your bones ached from doing all of your daily activities and chores, yearning to rest once again, but you were already past feeling drowsy and sleepy, now alert and wide awake. 
wearily, you attempted to sit up from the couch you’d been napping on but winced, your limbs sore from the awkward position that you had fallen asleep in. 
as you readjusted yourself on the cushions, stretching out your arms and popping a few joints, your eyes glanced over your dimly candle-lit living room in search of the loud noise that you swore you heard from your phone…
once you had found your phone tangled within dozens of papers from work in front of you on the coffee table, your warm fingers scooped it up from the mess on the table, hands shifting, fixing themselves to cup your phone within your palms. 
the bright glow that emitted from the cellphone made you squint and scrunch your face a bit as your eyes weren’t used to the brightness, and you opted to turn the brightness down on your phone yourself. 
your eyes darted to the bottom of your screen to the notification that woke you up in the first place.
sent 5 minutes ago.
9:46 p.m. 
Hey, are you busy rn? Just got off early from my night patrol.
your breath slowed and softened as you realized it was only keigo. oh how you missed his silly cute charming self. poor man was being worked to the bone and he’s had to sacrifice his entire schedule primarily for work, which included spending time with you.
looking up from the glow of your device to scan your living room and kitchen, you cringed at the state it was in, appearing unkempt as you recall you hadn’t been able to even start drying the many dishes left in the sink. 
a tired sigh left your lips as the clutter of your apartment would possibly sabotage a night spent with your boyfriend. 
then, suddenly, a wave of motivation came over yourself, and you quickly typed back in your messages:
9:48 p.m
no im not busy rn, can u come over pls? i just want to have an us night.  ——
text bubbles popped up seconds after you sent the message.
9:48 p.m
Of course, sweets. How about a movie night? I can go to the nearest 7-11 for snacks. I’ll try to be at your place in 30 minutes tops, just gotta close up my office for the night. 
well damn did he type fast, and DAMN WAS HE GOING TO GET HERE FAST! maybe, just maybe you could have time to clean up the work in front of you, dry the dishes as hurriedly as possible, and take the quickest shower of your life! 
immediately, you got to work, clearing the table and stuffing the immense amount of paperwork in your folder and into your bag. ‘25 minutes.. okay. i got this.’ 
you scrubbed and scrubbed at each bowl and cup frantically, nearly throwing them all in the cabinets as 18 minutes remained. 
scattering to the bathroom, you turned on the shower, and cramped your usually-one-hour-shower-routine into one that lasted merely 15 minutes. 
lunging for your robe and towel, you run back to your bedroom where you made your bed as neat as it could look, taking a few steps back to do a final inspection of your room to make sure everything seemed right in place and cozy enough for you and keigo.
turning your heel back to the living room, you picked up your phone resting on the sofa and checked to see if keigo had given any update about his whereabouts, to which your eyes lit up at the message he sent: 
sent 2 minutes ago. 
10:20 p.m
I might be a little late, I got caught up in something happening out on the street. I’ll be there in 10, for real this time :)
sent just now.
10:22 p.m
Also, batman or hello kitty? 
okay, that was not a question that you expected, but at least you still had time to dry off and wait for him. 
why would he ask you about.. whatever. you responded back: 
10:22 p.m 
hello kitty, and its okay dont worry about it <3
tap tap tap tap! 
the pattern of keigo’s taps on your balcony door were almost silent from your bedroom, but you could never miss it, because it was keigo of course; you knew it was him. 
mincing your way to the balcony door, you were greeted with keigo waving at you like a little boy, an infectious smile on his face while holding a number of bags in his right hand stuffed with goods.  
sliding the door open, he stepped in, kicking off his boots as he sent some of his feathers to take ahold of the goodies, emerging from his back and snatching the bags to make their way to the kitchen counter. 
he took you in his arms and hugged you tight, with a subtle “hey..” whispered in your ear that made you tingle. 
your arms slid up his back, careful to not accidentally brush against his wings, as the pads of your fingers reached the back of his neck, holding and brushing through the soft blonde locks at the back of his head. 
“i missed you,” you muttered against his shoulder.
“missed ya’ too, sweets. so much.” he replied, engulfing the scent of your shampoo in your hair, his gloved hands rubbing circles on your back. 
you didn’t mind taking a few minutes to just be in the moment with keigo. you had missed him so, all you could do was rest on his shoulder and sway with him. 
eventually, he pulled away to take off his jacket and gloves as well as the visors sitting on the top of his head. he then took ahold of your hand while he led you into the kitchen. 
he grabbed one of the bags placed on the countertop and took out the contents inside. he handed you the softest pj set of hello kitty that you’d ever felt, only it was halloween themed, with witch hats and pumpkins and bats embroidered on the set. 
“i thought the bats on yours would match mine,” he explained, gesturing to the set he was holding in his hands. batman pjs.
ohh, so that’s what he meant with that text..
you agreed with him, “i think its adorable, they match so cutely!” smiling at keigo with your eyes beaming up at him, he chuckled to himself, internally cheering himself on as his little plan to match with you worked. 
“wait for me in your room. im gonna take a quick shower, then we’ll have the whole night to ourselves, yeah?” 
giddy was an understatement for what you felt. you nodded your head as you both headed to your room. 
you sat down on your bed while keigo pinched your cheek before entering the bathroom. 
“so.. i was thinking about a movie, but honestly i don’t know what to choose.” you admitted to keigo, who had his head rested comfortably on your shoulder. 
“how about a halloween movie? it’d match our outfits pretty well, kinda like a little theme, like summerween maybe.” 
his suggestion intrigued you. it wasn’t fall yet, but you always loved the idea of a summerween movie night. 
“i’d love that actually.” 
the two of you settled on the nightmare before christmas to watch, cuddling one another with a blanket wrapped around you two, nice and snug together like two peas in a pod. 
[secretly, the two of you always have a debate whether it’s a halloween movie or a christmas movie. you always win every time with halloween.]
although it was ones of your favorites, the movie that you were supposed to be watching was drowned out as you turned to look at keigo. 
his sharp irises focused on the screen in front of him, his tusks of blond hair that usually stood upright and slicked back at his forehead were rested upon his eyes, flowing downward as if they were bangs, and they complimented his features so well. every few seconds or so, he would feed himself with a fist full of of popcorn, and you couldn’t help but just stare at him.
you loved when he was so calm, looked so sure that he was safe and didn’t need to have his guard up, he just looked so genuine right now.
you didn’t want him to catch you staring so you zipped your head back to the screen before he could bat an eye at you. 
it wasn’t until you turned back to him when you felt something poking at your cheek. when you peeked at him this time, his hand was holding a chocolate covered pretzel to your mouth, waiting for you to take it. 
reluctantly, you leaned closer to him, and his hand approached your face even closer just as you bit off a piece, flinching almost when his thick fingers grazed your lips. 
swallowing down your own flusterdness, all you wanted was to pretend nothing happened, and you decided on fiddling with the blanket to help ease the embarrassment. 
keigo on the other hand was on the brink of bursting with laughter. the way you stiffened to his touch was so adorable to him, he just wanted to tease you even more.
however he was a gentlemen, and he didn’t want to overwhelm you further, so he just left it at that, a proud smirk remaining on his face. 
wrappers were littered on both of your nightstands along with empty popcorn bags that were long forgotten on the floor that you’d soon have to sweep up when you had the will. 
twinkling orange-hued fairy lights remained lit capturing the halloween ambiance as the movie began to reach its end. 
your mouth opened wide in a yawn , eyelids growing heavy and you started to feel sleepy again. 
gazing up at your boyfriend from his chest, you noticed that he also was struggling to keep awake. he blinked serenely, a frog-like blink at that, and his chest that you were using as a pillow rose and fell gently, slower and slower as midnight approached. 
keigo still felt you looking up at him, and so he tilted his head down and kissed at the crown of your head.
“maybe we should get some rest. you need your beauty sleep, sweets.” 
his voice has coated with honey as he said it, laced with chocolate kisses as he sounded so sweet and soft but definitely ready to hit the z’s. 
“m’kay.. should i try’ta pick up some of the-”
“no no, ‘s alright, i got it for you. just rest that pretty head of yours on those pillows, i’ll take care of everything.” he shushed you, cradling your jaw in his large hand as his feathers scattered, cleaning up your room, not missing a speck of trash. 
these were the best nights you could ever spend with keigo. the ones that mattered to you most were the quaint and simple ones. it wasn’t easy to catch him every night, which was why you cherished these nights in your heart, wishing that they would never end. 
the fairy lights flicked off, leaving you unable to see your winged companion. it was okay though, the warmth radiating from his body was enough to lull you to sleep. 
his strong arms snaked around your waist in a protective embrace, not planning to let go anytime soon. 
“g’night..” you slurred, “love you..” 
he pecked your cheek.
“night.. love you most, doll. sweet dreams. ” ღ
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a/n: i 1000000% love summerween its now my new obsession. i wish i could do everything with this man 😞 ik the pjs that i chose to pair didn’t rlly make sense but it was all i could think of 😭 💗ty 4 reading and see u next time byebye !
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seungkw1 · 11 months
halloween night — ksy
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⛧ pairing: kwon soonyoung x fem!reader ⛧ theme: strangers to lovers, nonidol!au ⛧ word count: ~2.5k ⛧ warnings: smut, swearing, praise kink, oral (m. & f. receiving), softdom!hoshi, petnames (f. receiving - baby, pretty girl, etc.), unprotected penetration (stay safe kids), tiny bit of fluff at the end
your halloween night is going pretty lousy — that is, until you meet a handsome, tiger-print-wearing stranger at a party
♡ moodboard by @myhimbomingi ♡
“You look fine. Stop worrying, you’re gonna have a good time tonight!”
You stop fiddling with your skirt and look up at your best friend with a sigh. ”I can’t believe you talked me into wearing this stupid thing.”
Halloween is, in your humble opinion, the greatest holiday ever invented. You always love putting together your costume, something unique and creative each year – which is why you feel like a fucking idiot standing here dressed in a cliché sexy nurse costume. But, you needed to get your shitty ex off your mind – it had been two weeks since you found out he was cheating on you – and what better distraction than alcohol. Hell, you might even find someone to make out with if you drink enough. Not your usual M.O., but fuck it.
Now that you’re here though, you’re starting to have second thoughts. Your best friend Mina is bubbly and sociable, so she thrives naturally in a party environment – you, not so much. To make matters worse she’s the only person you’ll know here, so you’re now realizing how awkward this whole thing is going to be. Wishing now that you had worn something more comfortable, you slap on a fake smile as you step inside. Here goes nothing, I guess.
Mina spent about 15 minutes introducing you to everybody as you did your best to engage in polite small talk, but she eventually got absorbed in chatting with some old friends while you inadvertently joined a very boring conversation with some cryptocurrency bros where some guy named Chad or something was going on about bitcoin. You pretended to be interested in whatever Brad was saying, but you kept zoning out. Stifling a sigh, you went to make your escape. 
“I’m gonna use the restroom, I'll be right…”
Nobody even looked at you. Brent had moved on talking about stocks or some shit. You rolled your eyes as you walked away. Assholes.
The other room was too crowded for your liking, and so was the kitchen. Spotting the back door, you quickly made your way outside before anyone else could talk to you. 
The cool October breeze hits you as you practically burst through the door and out onto the patio. You know you’ll probably get chilled before too long, especially in this dumb miniskirt, but the crisp air feels delightful. The relative quietness is a relief too. Taking a few moments to breathe, you start to relax, but soon enough your mind drifts back to your ex against your will. It’s not like you miss him – you’re definitely over that jerk – but you’re still extremely pissed off about the whole thing. You feel tears starting to form as the anger wells up inside you – you hate that you cry when you get mad, which only makes you even more upset. 
“God fucking dammit,” you mutter under your breath as you go to wipe your tears away before you start full-on crying. You know bottling up your emotions isn’t ideal, but neither is having a breakdown at some stranger’s house.
You can have your breakdown later, you tell yourself firmly. Just not right now. Don’t make a fool of yourself, just hold on out for a couple more hours and then-
“Are you okay?”
You nearly jump out of your skin at the voice coming from behind you. Quickly turning around, you find yourself face-to-face with a ridiculously handsome stranger. The man is so striking it takes you a few seconds to process the horribly tacky, bright orange tiger-print shirt he’s wearing.
“Jesus Christ, you scared me,” you say as you collect yourself.
“I- sorry, I didn’t mean to…” he says, his sentence trailing off.
You both stand there for a moment in silence. You find yourself trying not to blush at how good-looking he is, but you notice him noticing your low-cut top but trying to act like he didn’t notice it. Yeah, that is not helping…
The man clears his throat. “You just seemed like you were crying or something and uh… sorry, I guess that’s not really any of my business…” he apologizes, turning red. “Sorry,” he repeats, “I’ll leave you be…”
“No no it’s okay!!” you blurt out, perhaps a bit too fast. “I mean, you can stay, I don't mind.”
“Are you sure? If you want to be alon-”
“No, I don’t,” you interrupt before he goes to turn away again. “I mean, I did originally, but uh…”
What are you doing?? You literally don’t even know this man.
You ignore the voice inside your head. Fuck it, didn’t I say I wanted to find a hot stranger to make out with tonight? Here’s one right in front of me.
You introduce yourself and stick out your hand. His face turns into a soft smile as he takes your hand in his – he shakes it firmly, and you try not to think about how strong he feels. He locks eyes with you and holds on to your hand for a few moments too long. Your heart seems to skip a beat. 
“Soonyoung,” he replies. Letting out an even bigger grin, he finally lets go of your hand. “Nice to meet you.”
You don’t even know how long you two have been sitting on the patio couch talking. All you know is that not only is Soonyoung incredibly handsome, he’s also funny, charming, and easy to talk to – and, he’s clearly very attracted to you. Usually it takes a number of drinks before you get flirty, but the tension between you two is too strong to resist. It’s taking all of your willpower not to drop everything and kiss him – and the way he keeps stealing quick glances of your lips tells you the feeling is reciprocated. 
Despite how flustered you are, it is pretty chilly out, and eventually you start to shiver. Soonyoung notices and gives you a concerned look.
“Oh shit, we should probably get you inside.”
You glance back toward the chatter of the house party regretfully, not wanting to go back in and be amongst everybody else once again. But you are getting cold.
You look back to Soonyoung and you both sit there in silence for a few seconds. A sly smile creeps back onto his face, and he hesitates for a moment before suggesting, “Or… we could get out of here.”
You can’t help but grin back at him.
And so you find yourself on Soonyoung’s couch, straddling his lap, making out with him – the cheesy horror movie you had put on in the background long forgotten. Time seems to be at a standstill as you press your lips into his – softly at first, but more intensely with each kiss. His muscular arms tighten around your waist, pulling your body even closer to his, and a small moan escapes you as he pushes his hips into your core. 
Soonyoung stops kissing you momentarily so he can look at you. “You’re so fucking pretty, you know that?”
His low and raspy voice sends a jolt through your stomach. Your skirt has risen up over your hips, leaving your underwear as the only barrier between your pussy and the growing bulge in his jeans – you push yourself into him even further and this time he lets out a moan as you feel his cock twitch against your aching cunt.
Grabbing onto your waist he pushes you over onto the couch and rolls over on top of you. He kisses you again, his hand cradling your face, his body weight pressing down on you as you feel the blood rushing through your veins. He kisses you for a few moments more before he jumps up, pulling you along as he leads you into his bedroom. 
He stops right before the bed and pauses to look at you, his hand delicately tracing your neckline. “You know, I really like this costume, but I think I’d like it more off of you.”
You let out a laugh as you roll your eyes at him. You begin to unbutton his shirt as you reply, “Well I don’t really like it at all, so you can definitely help me get rid of it.”
He grins back at you. “You look incredible, but I will happily oblige.”
Grabbing the hem of your top, Soonyoung pulls it up over your head and tosses it behind him. He pulls his shirt off too, disregarding the rest of the buttons, and you have to keep your jaw from hitting the floor – to say he was toned would’ve been an understatement. 
He grabs you by the arms to pull you in for another kiss, and you place your hands on his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin. You slowly run one hand down the defined curvatures of his abs until you reach the waist of his pants. Your lips still pressed against his, you begin to undo his belt and unbutton his pants.
Getting down as you undo the zipper, you pull down the band of his underwear and his cock springs free. You run your tongue up his length, your mouth stopping to take just the tip in between your lips as you taste his juices before taking him in your mouth. Soonyoung lets out a groan, and you begin to slide his cock down your throat – slowly at first, but as you begin to pick up the pace he places his hand on the back of your head, making sure you take his entire length with each motion.
“Look at me,” he commands.
You look up at him, his cock halfway in your mouth still, your lips red and your eyes teary from choking on him.
“That’s my pretty girl,” he murmurs, his voice gruff and low.
He thrusts into your mouth a few more times before he pulls your head back up, his cock glistening with your spit. 
“Stand up for me.”
You quickly stand up – it’s impossible to ignore how wet you are at this point.
Soonyoung takes you by the hips and gently pushes you down onto the bed. “Get comfy baby.”
You rest your head against the pillows as he situates himself between your legs. He lifts your skirt up just enough to reveal your visibly soaked underwear. 
“Fuck, you’re already this wet for me huh?” he says he starts kissing your inner thighs, close enough to your entrance to make your clit throb but just far away enough to drive you crazy.
He teases you with one finger tracing over your clothed cunt, sending a shiver down your spine. Not giving what you want just yet, he reaches his hand behind your back and unclasps your bra, taking it off of you. 
“God, you’re so hot,” he says as he begins to kiss your breasts. You let out a small whimper as his hand makes its way back down to your clit, his thumb circling over the fabric gently.
Finally, he reaches his hands under your skirt and slides your panties off, his face resuming its position right in front of your cunt. You let out a hiss as his tongue makes a stripe over your folds, slowly taking in your wetness – you cry out suddenly as he begins to suck on your clit. 
Soonyoung goes down on you for what feels like an eternity, only stopping here and there to shower you in admiration.
“You taste so good, baby.”
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”
“Pussy so pretty for me.”
Just as you feel the heat welling up inside your body, he slides his fingers inside of you. The vibrations of his mouth moaning on your clit combined with the pressure against your g-spot nearly sends you over the edge.
“Fuck, Soonyoung – I’m gonna cum…” you cry.
“Cum for me, baby.”
Your orgasm rushes over you as you grab him by the hair, cumming hard on his mouth. Out of breath and seeing stars, you start to come down and your body relaxes into the bed – you run your hand through his hair as he delicately kisses your soaked pussy, his mouth and chin covered in your juices.
Soonyoung comes up to give you a few soft kisses on the lips. Wrapping your arms around his back, you pull his warm body into yours. His erection presses up against your still-throbbing core – you try to position your entrance right on top of his cock but he teasingly pulls away and starts kissing your neck instead. 
“Please Soonyoung,” you beg.
“Please what baby? I wanna hear you say it.”
“Want you to fuck me.”
He kisses you on the neck once more before slipping his cock inside you, making you gasp at the sudden sensation.
“Mmm I made you so wet baby, you’re so perfect for me.”
He slowly starts sliding his length in and out of you, but before long you find yourself trying to ride his cock, trying to make him go faster – which only makes him slow down even more. He smirks, locking eyes with you – undeniably addicted to how much you need him.
“Such a little slut, you want me to fuck you harder?”
You nod, looking up at him – desperation in your eyes.
“Use your words baby.”
“Harder,” you plead.
“That’s my good girl.”
Soonyoung thrusts into you, picking up the pace this time, until he’s fucking you senseless. Your cries fill the room from the overwhelming pleasure, and much to his enjoyment you start to whimper out his name. 
“That’s right – say my name babygirl.”
You repeat his name as every inch of him continues to pulse into you, stronger with each stroke. 
“You’re taking me so well. My cock so good to you baby?”
You cry out something, presumably some form of yes, but you don’t even know at this point. You feel yourself start to climax once more. 
“Fuck, Soonyoung – I’m gonna cum again.”
“Cum with me, pretty girl.”
Electricity rushes over your entire body as your walls tighten around him, and you feel his cock pulsating as his cum fills you up inside. You both lay there for a few moments, his strong arms wrapping around you as you breathe heavily together. He slowly removes himself from you and rolls over to pull you into an embrace – him as the big spoon. You giggle as he holds you tightly and gives you little kisses on your cheek. 
“You know,” you admit, “I didn’t even want to go to that stupid party.”
Soonyoung laughs. “Well, I’m sure glad you did.”
“I am too,” you say as you begin to yawn. You are completely worn out in the best way possible.
He nuzzles into your neck, clearly also getting sleepy. He pauses a moment before he asks.
“Stay here with me?”
You can’t help but smile. “Okay,” you reply softly. 
You drift off to sleep in Soonyoung’s arms – blissful and content.
you can also find me on ao3 ��
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remikuii · 7 months
I'm not sure if I can request, happy new year btw! I hope your new year goes so well, wishing you happiness.
About my request, if you are okay with it ofc I would like to request Reader who is really similar to Fyodor (Like smart, lonely and quiet most of the time etc) x Fyodor. I really wonder how Fyodor would act towards her! (You don't have to do this :), you can just share your ideas too if you don't feel like making this!!)
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15 hours, 25 minutes, and 45 seconds
( ᪥ ) : i’m back y’all, i’m gone for days since i’ve been busy with studies lately. soo, another request !! i can’t mention you so i’ll reply to this one :>
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characters : fyodor dostoevsky x reader
synopsis : oh, to be one of fyodor's enemies, he definitely cares about the written threats he will send you. well, fyodor's busy with writing something for his beloved enemy—Dazai, that he even threw multiple drafts to perfect his 'kanji". It goes on for exactly 15 hours, 25 minutes, and 45 seconds while not giving you anything even a spare glance. Jealous for a certain piece of paper tainted with ink, you decided to challenge him on a one-on-one chess match.
warnings : nope because i said no HAHA
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Looking around the lounge, you spotted the usual workaholic short raven hair, busy nipping on his fingers—must be having a hard time writing in kanji. You took the opportunity to invite him for a friendly chess match with you, which he couldn't easily decline.
"Please do enlighten me to why I should play chess with you, myshka." Fyodor simply took his eyes off the screen and ran his calloused yet delicate fingers on your cheeks.
Living with Fyodor, two years later after the orphanage incident, is filled with intellectual arguments. Not the actual fights like shouting, harming—but rather, a battle of minds. You considered the tragedy in the orphanage as a blessing in disguise. If that didn't happen, maybe you're still being shout at by one of your so-called 'masters'.
"First of all, you're doing that usual habit of yours which sometimes bothered me, it's almost bleeding! Second, I would like to know if I am really not clever enough just like what you told me two years ago."
Putting up the pieces, Fyodor watched your hands, swiftly gliding through the pieces. He smiled in defeat, he knows to himself that he couldn't win against your lovely invitation.
"Chess, like life, demands sacrifice."
"But not all sacrifices lead to victory...Fyodor, dear." You shrugged, moving a knight to challenge Fyodor's position.
"In literature and chess, foresight is the key," He remarked, sacrificing a bishop to open an attacking path.
"Yet, in every move, there lies a story..."
In the endgame, Fyodor, with a cunning smile moved the piece and turned his attention back to you.
"Checkmate, where every move is a sentence in the narrative of defeat."
You sighed in defeat, letting Fyodor's pride to enlarge. You never won, but you can buy some time—you're not running out of ideas to throw against him, which surprisingly, amazed Fyodor.
He caressed your cheeks with his cold pale hands. His calloused hands itches your skin but you don't mind.
"You're still not clever enough, myshka..But I think, that's enough to entertain me." Fyodor stood up and placed a kiss on your forehead while softly caressing your hair. He tried to move away after the kiss but you pulled him soon after.
"Letting yourself stress over writing kanji merely for that bandaged man and not even sparing me an hour? You've spent a total of 15 hours, 25 minutes, and 45 seconds only for that letter..." You huffed and pulled out a book out of his random piles.
"Nietzsche's 'Beyond Good and Evil'...Hm, interesting choice you have there...Please do enlighten me about this book, Mister Dostoevsky." Fyodor's sharp and alluring gaze pierced your soul in somehow—a good way.
"Take my hand then, my love. I truly grieved for that 15 hours, 25 minutes, and 45 seconds I spent not to you."
"But to my next 15 hours, 25 minutes, and 45 seconds, I shall please my queen with these hands which I used to writing kanji and maybe, explore each and every part of her."
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and yeahh, it took me a month to finish this one. damn school works :< but dw, it's hereee. i'm actually planning to post scaramouche x reader huhu
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silenttale22 · 11 months
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IDOL!BF!Jungkook x Chubby!reader Genre: Fluff, slight angst, suggestive(at the end) Warnings: curses, past/current low self-esteem, insecurities, avoiding, reader is a lil bit stupid, some sugar daddy theme(but not really), Word count: 5k Note: Hi there! As I won't be able to post another MHBTW chapter, I don't wanna leave you without nothing soooo, here's my Gguk`s fic I wrote when 'Seven' came out. I supposed to post it much earlier but kinda lost it in my drafts <sorry>
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Since you were in middle school, thinking about dating anyone seemed to you as something impossible. Always being insecure because well…you didn't look like someone who got the attention of the whole school. And yeah you could be loud and funny sometimes around your group of friends where…of course were also boys.
Handsome boys you used to have crushes on but the thing with any of them, who found their place deeper in your heart, became only a friendship and you couldn't even imagine it in a different way. 
Does it break your heart? At first, sure, but with the passing time you just get used to it, bottling up the emotions and just keep explaining to yourself that this is how the world is going…if you're bigger, not really 'cute' with your behavior, and despite tight clothes you prefer the baggy ones - your chance of having a boyfriend is zero.
That is why when you finished your school education, life seemed much different. Even after all these high school or college years, it was still so hard for you to change your way of thinking and your habits of pushing yourself into a corner with doubt that you could get someone's attention…and what even more - make someone to fall for you even a bit, was lingering to you without the change. 
So when one day, the principal from your department in the work office came up with the plan that you are the one - ideal person to be sent to deliver important documents to one of the biggest studios in South Korea, you never thought that everything would turn upside down in a few hours. 
When you arrived, the people who were supposed to take over the documents from you must have stayed late in meetings that had been going on since morning, so you spent a good few hours sitting at the reception desk looking at the wall or at the phone, as you couldn't just left the paper in the reception. Occasionally moving your gaze to the papers you had begun to memorize.
But when, out of nowhere, a group of young men with smiles on their faces walked through the main hall where you were already sitting half-asleep, you found it difficult to take your slightly blurry gaze away from the gentle and pleasing to the eye figures.
By pure coincidence, one of them met your gaze, and as an even wider, even more, charming smile came to his lips, you felt your cheeks begin to burn through the sudden rush of emotion. 
Your cold-as-usual hands quickly found their way to cool your warm - probably reddened - skin and you tried to push the brief attraction out of your head as quickly as possible when you looked down at your spilled thighs on the leather couch. You got up from it quickly, smoothing down your trousers and trying to collect quickly the documents in your folders, a number of which you had with you.
It took you a good 15 minutes to disappear into the toilet, but as you reached it you were still trying to calm the sudden euphoria that had erupted in your chest over a silly little minute exchange of glances. You felt like a childish teenager who had managed to get any interest in her object of admiration for the first time. 
However, could you even call it "getting interest"? A simple exchange of eye contact, no big deal. Yet it succeeded in confusing your mind.
At that moment, your head did not necessarily overthink the whole "escape" plan with precision. Because, again - how could you have known that when, right after leaving the restrooms and exiting the corridor leading out of the room, he would be standing leaning against the wall? The one you were trying to get away from as quickly as you could.
But the boy, unfazed with dreamy eyes, waited patiently holding a few sheets of paper in his hand. Another plan come up quickly, you thought - trying to walk past him unnoticed.
 Maybe this time it will work out for you?
His hand soon reached over your shoulder, making you come face to face with the most beautiful being you could ever meet. 
"You dropped this getting up from the sofa" he said with a friendly smile after staring into your eyes for a moment, pulling a paper towards you that must have fallen out of your bag 
"Oh, thank you," a quick nod and you were about to pass his figure when once again a slender hand covered in tiny tattoos blocked your way.
"Will there be any chance of us seeing each other again?" his question knocks you completely out of your right mind, so for a moment you stare dully into his face, not knowing if it's all a stupid joke, or if you're dreaming and your head is making up some sick scenario, or if it's all true after all..." Hello? You there?" his hand waves in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.
"I-I don't know. I don't think so," you mutter under your breath rather than answer him, but the boy without even waiting pulls out his phone with the keypad on in your direction
"Maybe then there's a chance to get your phone number and know your name?" You can't resist his smile and his deer eyes begging for any kind of contact so you tap a few numbers into his mobile phone, saying also your name, and the boy almost with jumps wanted to leave your figure when this time it was you who stopped him with your hand
“But, wait! Can I at least know your name or something?"
"Oh, right. Sorry,” he chuckled quietly “I'm Jeongguk." 
“Nice to meet you then” You smiled at him and even your constant insecurities disappeared for a second.
And from day one the two of you used to text almost all the time. It was hard for you to take your phone away sometimes because it kept buzzing every freaking time. 
At first, you were excited because damn, he was still interested in you. You felt like you never did earlier. Being especially happy that you're not being judged by the way you look.
It seemed as the both of you had so many topics and it more than once made your heart flutter. You finally met someone who understood the rules of your favorite games or was eager to learn the new ones just because he wanted to know more about the things you like. And you could listen to him talking about new songs, choreographies, or when it was enough for his career being mesmerized by the sound of his voice and excited about every little thing…It happened that you even listened to the latest news from the motorization world, which Jeongguk seemed really fascinated by.
And it made you really happy. 
Happy that you already have someone like that. Even if it was only for a while, only by phone…because what's the point in planning any meeting if you know very well that it will only bring the end of this friendship forward? Your head was always filled with this damn lack of confidence, so the thinking that maybe it would be better to end things sooner will be better. 
You couldn't imagine the picture of yourself right next to Jungkook, you just couldn't.
It's hard to think about the possibility that people won't judge you…and what's even worse…that they can judge Jungkook, why would he ever suffer in any way because of your looks?
And yeah, despite every nice feeling you had inside, after a while, for a person like you - not used to this kind of constant attention, especially from someone like Jeongguk…his messages started to irritate you a little bit. Even if they still made you happy at some point, something seemed not right. He seemed clingy to you, in some way maybe even annoying…and with passing time it became too much. 
Or you just thought it was too much…
That's why at first your phone was in constant silence mode, often ignoring the texts all along, pretending that you're busy…with work, with home stuff, with everything. Of course, sometimes you answer, from time to time trying to swallow down the enthusiasm filling you inside. Especially trying to calm down so often pounding heart inside your chest when a boy comes up online every freaking time when you send the shortest answers you could come up with. You've been sometimes answering with a dot or...emoji only, swallowing down the hard knot tightening inside your throat.
Eventually, you stopped answering at all. Knowing that he will just stop after some time because yeah, you're nothing special. Easy to replace. And you really thought that you were right when the phone stopped buzzing at every possible moment. 
You thought that you're life would be filled with the same old silence as earlier. 
However, the moment when the messages stopped popping up, an even heavier feeling dropped onto your chest. A silly longing for someone you barely knew began to embrace you with tight arms, and at certain moments you've been kind of cursing yourself a little. Because why do you feel so bad about the decision you made on your own. You may have made it under the influence of negative emotions flooding your head, but it was still yours.
With each growing feeling of guilt in your chest, you were soon reminded of who you were. What do you look like with your extra back rolls, extra scars, or stretch marks from growing too fast in some places. You run your hands over your cellulite-covered thighs and guilt turns to self-disgust. And then you realize how you sometimes behave, often interested in 'what's masculine', not really keeping your nose in fashion magazines or surfing the internet to find sales on new beauty products.
So the mere fact that the boy let it go shouldn't surprise you. 
And yet it did hurt a little. 
It was one of the next days when your phone was lying without any sounds in your bag. You were leaving the office late at night, and through an intense week at work and the previous weekend without sleep, your body was heavier than bags filled with grain. Your eyes were closing by themselves through being irritated by the light, so when you left the building lit by fake lighting, you felt quite relieved.
When you closed them for a short moment, you felt a sense of comfort. As you took one step after another with your eyes closed, you hit an unfamiliar object with a stronger impact. But it was softer than a pole, and yet was still hard and delicate to the touch under your fingertips. Only after a moment did you realize that it was the material of someone's shirt, and a sudden embarrassment crashed all over you. You jumped away quickly almost losing your balance, but strong hands grabbed you by the waist again pulling you close in a just as smooth manner.
"Am I that scary?" Your eyes widen as you hear the familiar voice that has lulled you to sleep more than once through your headphones, and your gaze drops to the tattooed hand clutching tightly at the fabric of your shirt.
"I-no, I mean, you.." is what you began to lose yourself in your own words through which you eventually let out only an annoyed huff, but the familiar hand begins to caress you with a thumb where it still safely keeps you from falling. 
You feel the warmth spreading from this place and for a brief moment you feel so good, so different...but the thought that he's only doing this out of pity, and inside he squirms with disgust because has to hold someone like you, makes you want to push his hand away and get as far away from here as possible.
“I thought something bad had happened. You stopped responding so suddenly” you swallowed saliva heavily, avoiding his gaze, hearing that worried tone.
Because you knew that if you put an eye on his face, not only would the sense of guilt eat you up, but the fear that the lingering self-sense of inferiority would grip you even tighter, cutting off your access to oxygen. There was always this agonizing dread inside, every time you found yourself surrounded by pretty people. And Jeongguk in special was a pretty person. A person who could nevertheless intimidate the other one.
“I just simply wanted to get out of the way quicker,” you muttered, feeling that it wouldn't do any good at all, but then again, sooner or later the boy would get bored anyway, right?
There was no point in dragging this out.
“What the hell? Getting out of the way? What are you talking about?" this time you laughed meekly at his tone of voice, full of wonder, perhaps in the full sense of sadness.
He must have been not only a good singer but also an actor
“Jeongguk I know how I look. And it was really nice of you to, like uh, that you wanted to... talk to someone like me, but I don't need attention out of pity,” you said, finding the courage to look him straight in the eye.
And you soon regretted it, as the sparkling gaze scanned your face with all possible stars. A knot tightened in your stomach by the way with which Jeongguk looked at you with a twinge.
"Did you actually think my messages were...pity?" The boy tried once again to look you in the eye, but this time you avoided that look at all costs  "I barely have time to look at my phone, and even more rarely I look at the messages.. but with you I did because I wanted to. I wanted to get to know you and with each another conversation I wanted even more"
"But, why?"
"Because you caught my eye, and well, now I can even say that I like you. Even if you played with my feelings a little. I wanted to get your attention at all costs. I wished that all the planned meetings were going to happen. Because I found in you someone who understands me. Who isn't just looking to get laid for my money." your brow furrowed, still feeling an uncomfortable tightness in your chest
"It doesn't make sense."
'Maybe for you. It makes a lot of sense to me, so if you doubt so much that my care and attention...Is caused by genuine affection, then let me prove it''
"Huh? What do you mean"
"I want a chance from you. I want to stay by your side until you kick me out yourself. There won't be a day you're disappointed in me. Every day of the week, every month...I'll do anything to make you feel good about me. Break my heart if you want to, but for now, let me be with you."
And from that day on, your heart didn't stop beating faster for Jeongguk even for a moment, and just like he said, he really did. There wasn't a day that the smile on your lips wasn't dancing because of him.
You can't lie, it was hard for you to get used to him at first. It was very often that your boy would shower you with some kind of gifts with every single meeting. As he couldn't understand that his time was completely enough for you.
That for you, it was enough to hold his hand in yours. To feel his fingers touching you softly when the two of you were out, assuring that he was right here. Staying up late at night, when he fell asleep tired on your tights (because it's the most comfortable pillow ever) just to watch his relaxed face and stroke his hair gently as he pouts adorably then.
 It was enough for you to watch him playing on the console, pretending that you're reading a book behind his back, sometimes even knowing the plot of the game better than he does and helping him with quests. That's why, from time to time, he was pushing his head back and catching you staring so both of you giggled at the end. 
It was enough to just have him. Nothing more was needed.
But even if Jeongguk knew that very well, because that was one of the reasons he fell for you more and more, he wanted to spoil you. Wanted to give you everything as he promised. And sometimes it was hard for him, to buy you something that reminded of you so so much, just to be scolded by his girlfriend as you never really wanted this gift. This expensive gifts, because when he came home one day with handmade paper flowers for 'his beautiful girl', your face lit up and you were about to cry. 
Because that was one of the most genuine things someone did to you. He spends time making these flowers…thinking about you all the time while doing it. It made your heart flutter. Most of the things connected with this boy did.
"I don't want your money Jungkook, so please stop with these expensive gifts," you said once, as he came home with another necklace for you
"That my love, so just accept it" he huffed with a pout
"Koo, it's too much. You have to stop buying me stuff. I love it but I love you more, okay?" your hand gently brushed his cheek as he whined quietly
"But I want my baby to be happy"
"And I am more than happy when I'm with you Bun"
But does it change anything?
Yea, for a week so you could have another damn gift. And as time passed, you kind of got used to it. You knew that this is just one of the ways Jungkook showed his affection, but sometimes you wished to snap his head off because damn it feels so much like you'd have a sugar daddy or something like that. But in that case…it was enough that you're just here with him.
Promising your boy that he's not letting you down.
"Gguk," you said when your boy with a smile came inside the room hiding something behind his back when you've been lying down on a couch.
As he didn't even answer, you closed your eyes with a loud huff as a sign of being ignored and tried to play cool as his heavy steps could be heard around the apartment. Your nose twitched as it was reached by the faint scent of his cotton perfume. And this time you heard giggles coming closer but you tried to brush it off just like Jungkook did and fight with a smile dancing on your lips.
Quiet music played from the TV so you could relax after a whole day in the office, where never-ending phone calls were so often ripping your head apart. Not going to mention filling out all of the boring documents, every time the same, and all it did was hurt your eyes. But it was your job. Even if you couldn't bear it sometimes. 
That's why you needed this calm time at home. When your head could finally rest. Where you could change your formal clothes into a big Jungkook hoodie and sniff it every time when the unknown stress lingers on you. But as much as you needed it, you needed your boyfriend's arms around you too.
And as for your wish to be fulfilled, a shadow falls on you, and as eyes open wide, his face hovers over. Now, miserably losing the fight, when a smile appears on your lips. And firstly boy hovers even more over you, brushing gently your hair so after that a soft peck lands on your forehead.
But as he hears your giggle, making his heart go crazy, Jungkook can kiss it more than once, making you laugh. And he'd love to do that over and over again just to make you happy like that. And yeah, he's only starting as he slowly goes down with warm lips, touching your cheeks and lips making you giggle again and again as he tries to reach your face fighting with the couch backrest. Often losing his balance and falling a little bit stronger on you.
"Hello to you, my pretty Sunshine," he said pinching your cheek, and finally only looked at you from a small distance 
"Hi Bun, tired?" you asked seeing his a little miserable face but he only sent a small nod.
"I swear, you look the prettiest in my clothes" you laughed, as he began to play with the strings of the hoodie
"How the recordings are going?" he smiled now, still standing behind the backrest hiding one of his hands behind his back
"Good, it was good. But I missed you sooo...."
"Googie" you chuckled when he took his hidden hand to see the bouquet of sunflowers  "Aish, boy I told you to stop," you said but couldn't resist seeing him pout so you got up to peck his lips with a smile and a quiet thank you.
You took flowers from him to put them into the water but it wouldn't be a normal day if Jungkook's arms weren't wrapped around you so you were walking with extra weight...but what a sweet weight.
"You know, I was there and they are just as pretty as you so, I had to."
"Yea, yea. You had to," you rolled your eyes playfully just to be gently stabbed with his fingers, which made you whine as you tried to free yourself from his arms
"You not going, I missed you"
"Gguk, you need to eat"
"'m not hungry"
"Yeah, and later the fridge will be empty." you turned around still in his embrace, and brushed your fingers through his long hair falling on his forehead "Put your ass on the chair"
"But..." he begins with a pout
"You can sing for me" and knowing that this will bring a smile to his face again, arms around your waist loosen to let you go as the melodic voice of your boyfriend filled the apartment with random songs interrupting the giggles from time to time when you tried to dance to the melody he was making.
Even if at first you thought the boy would actually listen to you and just keep watching the whole time, Jeongguk changed your mind quite quickly.
After a couple of minutes or so, he was standing right next to you, asking meekly what he could help you with. Oh, and just try to get him out of the kitchen...his body would hover quickly over yours and a low whine with tiny kisses would escape his lips. So this time too, you let the boy peel the vegetables or just stir the noodles every now and then when you really needed to focus on the recipe. 
And maybe in front of him, you pretended to be annoyed a lot, or even angry that he was circling around under your feet stealing your kisses, or tickling you gently when he found an opportunity to go behind your back. But you both knew that if you really were you wouldn't have that small smile on your face, and you yourself wouldn't sometimes reach out to him with the gentle touch on his arms.
"As you already know... we're in the middle of shooting a video for that song you heard" he begins, as the two of you sat finally down to eat
"Seven days a week, or something like that, right?" the boy snorts with laughter as you lift your head from above your plate, a bit dirty at the corners of your mouth, that Jeongguk doesn't hesitate to brush clean
"Mhm, precisely correct"
'Mm, that's good, right? You said it's going good”
"Yeah but, you know…as the lyrics say…" your facial expression changes for a short while and you quickly try to mask the shadow of worry with a small smile.
"There's someone with you in the music video, right?" he nods quickly, and a hum leaves your lips.
"Yeah, a girl" you chuckle, recognizing the tone of his voice. Knowing that he's already anxious about this chat.
"Well, looking at the words in the song that's the whole point, am I wrong? And I heard something from people when I've been last time bringing you cookies, so yeah…we can say I knew" 
"The cookies were from you?!" You rolled eyes and tried to joke some more about that only to push away the uneasy feeling sitting hard on your chest. 
You really didn't want Jungkook to be extra worried about your stupid growing anxiety at this point, so you wanted to play it cool. And it wasn't even along the lines of you being angry at him. It's just simply the fact that a slim, beautiful actress has to spend so much time with him face to face concerned you because it's not hard to fall in love with pretty people.
For as long as you have been with Jeongguk as your boyfriend, there has never been a time when you doubted his feelings. Whenever a shadow of uncertainty ran across your face, it was soon caught and soothed with tender gestures, which the idol lavished you with. But what could you do, that habits from the past so easily returned to you?
"Sun, I know you. And I know you can be…" almost as if he knew what kind of thoughts were running over your head. The tattooed hand quickly grabs yours, doing circles with the knuckle on it, 
"I'm fine Gguk, don't worry' bout me. Just do a great job as you always do. It's fine, I promise." You send a smile and continue eating. "Hope Hybe found this actress to be the prettiest one so ARMY could be happy" you added, feeling his eyes on you
"Then you should be the one starring in it" You rolled eyes again, and sent a quick look at him to see his shiny but nervous eyes
"Bun, I said it's okay"
"But you're sad."
"No, I'm not" you cut it, as you continued to eat your food, ignoring his eyes on you.
And of course…he huffed like the offended child, always knowing better so the rest of the dinner was silent. 
"You coming lie down with me?" a question fell from your lips, as the dishes were put into the dishwasher and both of you headed to the bedroom.
"Can I?" He asked, making you to look at him with disbelieve
"Better question, why wouldn't you? Thought I'd feel the strong arms of my man this evening" and his face lit up immediately but as quickly is felt sad again.
"I let you down" he mumbled, and your happy expression fell down
"With m/v" pout decorated his lips again, and the sadness overcame you again. The soft sight left your lips, as hand reached to hold his.
"Oh, Googie. What are you talking about? I told you I'm fine. Of course, it will be a bit hard for me to know that my pretty boy is recording with some pretty girl, but you never let me down. I trust you, okay? Don't even say that you let me down ever again."
You came closer to him and grabbed his pouty face in hands to squish it adorably and kiss the sadly twisted lips. Your eyes met and again you could see the small stars shining inside his espresso-brown ones. 
"I love you" words came out as you nuzzled nose with his.
And it was enough for Jungkook to pick you up just to fall together on the bed a minute later so he could hide his head in your neck, slipping his hand through the hoodie to stroke your belly gently with his fingers. Squishing the skin a little bit harder from time to time, just to massage it after it.
"Damn you're much better than this stress relieving toys," boy said, after squishing your skin one more time
"'sxuse me?" you gasped with a rough voice, looking down at his hidden face, feeling his hands freeze on your belly. You were about to snap his hand off but he was quick to hold you tighter and look at your face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in the negative way you probably thought. I mean that your presence soothes me down, and just laying like that means everything to me" he explained fast, and you caught hardly anything but as Jungkook's hand again began to caress skin, a soft huff left your lips
"Yea, yea…" you murmured, feeling his eyes on you
"And the fact that I'm freaking addicted to your skin its the other point" you groaned, trying to hide face into the sheets but as a laugh left Jeongguk's lips, you couldn't not look at his face, as the wrinkles decorated his small nose making you leap with joy inside.
"So…" he began again, making you look down at his face now pressed to your boobs. Your fingers were playing with dark, messy hair and a hum encouraged him to speak his mind "Should I talk to PDnim and get you to the M/v?"
"Googie..." you giggled as he rubbed down his nose onto your chest and looked at you with doe eyes
"What? The lyrics will match better. Your waist is the only one I kiss, and your lines are the only ones I wanna trace" you snored at his words, but couldn't deny it didn't make everything inside explode with an amazing feeling connected to love and care.
"Yeah, and I hope I'm the only one you leave with afterglow" you pondered quietly, so the giggle came to ears as an answer
"Wanna check?" his brow snapped as he came even closer to your face, and rubbed his nose softly on yours 
"Maybe?" you smirked and it was enough for him, as rosy lips peck your skin with tiny kisses, with each successive one assuring how important you are to him.
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clarisse0o · 1 month
Camp Wiegman-Part 37
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Friday, January 15; 6:00 AM -  Lucy's Room.
Even though the ringtone is more pleasant than the alarm in our dorm, it doesn’t stop me from groaning and burying my head in the pillow when it echoes through the room. I hate waking up, no matter what sound comes out of the alarm. I feel a light pressure on my back, encouraging me to roll onto my stomach.
"Get up, Ona."
"No," I mumble.
We stay like this for a little while. I start to worry when her presence lingers on me longer than usual. This isn’t normal. I turn my head to the side to check on her. A smile creeps onto my face when I see her eyes are closed. My movement must have woken her up because she opens one eye, then the other.
"Is getting up tough, Miss Bronze?"
"Whose fault is that?"
"It’s not like I didn’t warn you..."
I clutch my pillow a bit tighter. Guilt washes over me when I see her like this. She hasn’t been spared during the last five nights I’ve spent here. She has as many dark circles under her beautiful eyes as I do.
"I don’t blame you, Ona. But get up now, or we’ll be late."
"Hmm... Don’t feel like it."
Instead of listening to her, I roll over in her bed, pulling the comforter over my head to escape her. Silence reigns until I feel a foot in my stomach, sending me tumbling off the bed. I open my eyes wide to see her grinning triumphantly. The shock leaves me speechless.
"I already let you sleep in my bed, even though I tell you every night it’s the last time... At least do me the honor of getting out when I tell you to, will you?"
I groan as she gets up and walks past me, but I smile when I’m sure she’s in the bathroom. This girl is completely crazy, yet I like her more and more every day. I didn’t think that was possible. Neither did I expect my episodes to worsen after coming to this room. Neither of us was prepared for it. Lucy even thought I had lied about the previous ones, but that wasn’t the case. In the end, we realized the only way for me to fall back asleep after an episode is to sleep in her arms until morning. If that doesn’t happen, I can’t get back to sleep for at least one or two hours.  Lucy kept telling me each time that it would be the last time and that we’d find another solution, but here we are, five nights in.
"Ona," she scolds as she comes out of the bathroom, standing in front of me with her arms crossed. "You’re really pushing it. Get up, now!"
"Alright, I’m getting up!"
"You better be! Hurry up, we’re leaving in ten minutes, max."
The one thing that hasn’t changed since coming here is her commanding nature. Sometimes I think it’s just a front to make her orders seem more fun. But deep down, I know that’s not the case. She wouldn’t hesitate to punish me if I didn’t listen. She has the authority, so she takes advantage of it. With these thoughts, I head to the bathroom, where my things are already set. Lucy has managed to change all my habits in less than a week. She makes me prepare my clothes the night before, and sometimes we even go to bed earlier than the imposed curfew to catch up on sleep. That’s unheard of for me. I quickly get dressed, brush my teeth, and apply some makeup. I barely have time to fix my hair when the door opens, and  Lucy walks in.
"Ready to go?"
"Yep, I just need to grab my jacket and bag."
 Lucy hands me my jacket with a small smile. In her other hand, I also see my bag.
"Thanks," I say, holding back an eye roll.
I’ve discovered that  Lucy is very particular about order. I thought I was meticulous, but she’s on another level. Her room is always impeccably tidy, and she’s incredibly organized. Case in point: our suitcases are already packed, just waiting for our return later this afternoon. Once everything is set, we leave her room. We greet an instructor who came out at the same time as us, then I follow  Lucy down the stairs. I still feel a bit strange being here, but I’m no longer afraid of what her colleagues think. All the educators were informed that I’ve been staying with Lucy ever since a teacher caught me in the hallways when I was heading to her room alone one night. I had been hanging out late with Alexia, not paying attention to the time. The teacher dragged me to the principal’s office without listening to a word I said. He felt pretty foolish when Wiegman explained the situation to him.
"Shall we meet up later?"  Lucy asks me.
"Yep, I’ll meet you at the car, then?"
"Around one o’clock, yes."
"Alright, have a good morning."
"Thanks, you too."
We’ve settled into a bit of a routine. I leave her to wait for her friend at the back door of my dorm while I head to the cafeteria to meet up with mine. Alexia always waits for me out front to ask how my night went. No one has noticed our routine yet because we always join them at the table anyway. Today, we’re the last ones to arrive. We sit in our usual spots with our full trays and join in on the discussions already happening during our absence. It’s the best part of the day. Since we wake up early, we always have time to chat until eight o’clock. Sometimes, there are exceptions where we leave the cafeteria early, like today. I don’t return to  Lucy’s room. I’m not allowed to. Besides, I know she needs to shower since she always goes for a run after breakfast. Since I live with her, I’ve started to learn her habits. We already spent a lot of time together, but now it’s even more. However, I’ve been trying to balance things since Alexia confessed that she misses me. I realized I was spending more time with  Lucy, so I decided to organize myself better. Now, I dedicate my classes and free time before meals to Alexia and my evenings to Lucy in her room. I’ll see how I manage once I’m swamped with homework again, as I’ve asked to work in Lucy’s office, and I know she won’t forget that. In the meantime, I head to class. The day goes relatively well. For a week now, we haven’t really been following the lessons since these are our last few weeks. We’re still working, but nothing important, so we end up laughing a lot with Alexia, making the most of our last two hours together. Maybe too much, as we get reprimanded by our teachers quite a bit. Today is no exception.
"Seriously, you should’ve seen her face when I told her," she giggles, talking about her girlfriend without any discretion. "It was hilarious!"
"Alright, enough!" shouts the teacher. "Out, both of you! Now!"
I widen my eyes at the tone our teacher suddenly took. I expected him to react again after his first warning, but not this harshly. He’s the only one who’s gone so far as to kick us out. We must have pushed him to his limit. Our teacher in the first class was more lenient with us.
"No, it’s fine, we’ll calm down," my neighbor replies.
"You’ve already told me that ten minutes ago," he retorts. "And the rest of the week too. This is the last straw. Out!"
To accompany his words, he points to the door. Alexia reluctantly packs up her things. She gives me a stern look to prompt me to do the same when she notices I’m not moving. The only problem is that I’m frozen. I’m going to be in so much trouble if I leave this room.
"Batlle, do you need a special invitation?"
"No, it’s fine..."
"Excuse me?!"
I don’t reply anymore, afraid of making things worse and getting written up too. It wouldn’t be the first time. I grab my bag and join Alexia, who is already at the door. As if that wasn’t enough, the teacher asks another student to escort us to Bronze' office. I’m in so much trouble. Ale is teasing me.
"Oh, come on, you shouldn’t be that scared! It’s been ages since Bronze punished you."
"You don’t get it. If I’m denied the weekend because of this, I’m a dead girl!"
"You’re overreacting," she laughs.
Oh no, I’m not. She doesn’t understand why I’m so scared. We arrive at my supervisor’s office quicker than I would’ve liked. Two pairs of eyes are on us as the student escorting us knocks on the door. My first instinct is to stare at my feet.
"Ooh... This doesn’t look good," Ingrid comments.
I bite my lip. If she caught on that fast, I have no doubt  Lucy will too. I hear the latter stand up from my peripheral vision. I fidget with my fingers, dreading making eye contact with her.
"What’s going on?"
"I—," my classmate tries to explain.
"I wasn’t talking to you," she interrupts. « Ona?"
- We-
- I said Ona, snaps Lucy harshly in response to Alexia’s attempt to speak.
I lift my head for the first time since I’ve been here. I realize that I’ve positioned myself behind Alexia without meaning to. To my surprise,  Lucy doesn’t look angry, or she’s hiding it very well. She raises an eyebrow when our eyes meet and crosses her arms.
- We got kicked out, I mumble.
- Excuse me? I don’t think I heard you correctly.
I swallow hard. She’s right about one thing—she’s a very good actress. She’s angry. I doubt her lack of sleep will help matters. I press myself against the wall as she approaches us. She sighs, ripping the paper from Megan’s hands violently.
- Alright. Go back to class.
She’s so terrified that she bumps into me as she leaves the room.  Lucy doesn’t take her eyes off me, which also tends to scare me.
- Reasons? she asks me.
- Talking...
- Talking? she repeats, raising her voice. Are you kidding me?!
- No...
- I can’t believe it, she says bitterly. You promised me you wouldn’t do it again! And here you are, as soon as I loosen the reins just a little, you do it again, she snaps at me.
- Luce-
- Oh no, no, she cuts me off. Shut up, will you!
- Whoa, calm down, Ingrid intervenes. Have you seen her face or what?! She was already terrified just walking through the door! she defends me. I think she’s learned her lesson, right Ona?
I nod timidly, thanking her with a look, unable to speak. I knew she would be mad at me. Even though she’s my friend, she’s always prioritized her role as supervisor. I turn my eyes back to her when she sighs again. Her hand rubs her forehead, as if she has a migraine.
- I’m sorry, she says. I’m sleep-deprived.
- Let’s look at the bright side. We can now finish our work faster, Ingrid says, trying to lighten the mood.
 Lucy doesn’t say anything else, just gestures for me to sit in my usual spot. Alexia, who still hasn’t said a word, simply gives me a sorry expression, realizing that I was completely right to be scared.
- Well, I guess I’ll team up with mini Putellas then, Ingrid says. Come sit with me, will you?
Alexia follows the orders she’s given. I smile slightly, noticing she’s not used to being here. I’m sure it’s the first time she’s been kicked out.
- Does this change anything about our weekend? I ask Lucy timidly, who’s now standing in front of me.
- No, but you won’t have the next one, and neither will I.
- Why not?
- Because that was part of the deal with Wiegman! she informs me. How can I go if you’re not sleeping at night?
Now I feel guilty. I should have negotiated to stay in class and asked for a different seat, for example. It’s too late to come up with solutions.  Lucy slides a sheet of paper in front of me. I don’t understand her intention until she asks me to read out the numbers to help her with her work.
- Can I go to the bathroom first?
- You’re kidding me, right?
I bite my lip, wanting to collect myself before diving into her work. Her bad mood makes me anxious. She grants me this favor but insists on coming with me. I say nothing, even though I made the request to get away from her. When we arrive at the bathroom, I only breathe when I’m locked in a stall.
- I’m sorry... I dare to say once I can no longer see her.
- I’m the one who should be sorry, she surprises me by replying. You could have held off for your last class at least.
Not knowing what to say, I stay silent. I come out of the stall after flushing and stand beside her to wash my hands. I look up into the mirror when a pair of lips touches my cheek. The contact lasts longer than it should. I remain speechless at this more-than-pleasant gesture.
- Do me a favor and don’t get kicked out again for the rest of the year. I won’t be as lenient next time, knowing what you’ve become. Got it?
- Yeah... Sorry again about your weekend... There’s no chance I’ll have it.
- I’ll make sure you don’t. That will be your punishment, she tells me. I had planned to offer you a weekend in the Alps with my friends. Now I’ll have to reschedule everything since I can’t go anymore, and I’m not sure if you’ll be invited then.
- What’s this about...?
- I wanted to surprise you since I’m forbidding you to go back to Barcelona.
- You would have taken me with you...?
- Of course.
- And now you don’t want to take me?
- Not until you prove you deserve it.
She winks at me before leaving the room. I quickly toss my paper towel and follow her. Damn it! I’ve messed everything up! I’m sure she’s trying to make me feel guilty, and it’s working perfectly. I try to convince her to change her mind on the way back, but it’s no use.
- Please, Luc-
She puts her finger on my mouth, making me stop so I don’t run into her. I look around and see that we’re back at the office, and our friends are laughing at us.
- That’s enough. I said no.
- So, are you two best friends again? Ingrid asks.
- No, she’s just trying to persuade me to take her on the weekend we planned.
- Oh... I forgot about that... Damn. Can’t we go now? Can’t you work something out?
- That’s what I’m trying to ask her! I reply.
- I said no. It’s your punishment. Now move your chair over here. You’re supposed to be helping me, remember?
She sits behind her desk with a determined look. I glance at Ingrid, who seems exasperated by her friend’s behavior. Without much enthusiasm, I follow the order and sit next to her. Alexia also sits next to Ingrid to work better. I retrieve the previous sheet and make myself comfortable, crossing my legs.
- First to finish wins? Ingrid challenges us. We’ve been waiting for you for this.
- Fine by me,  Lucy surprises me by agreeing. You’d better be efficient. I hate losing.
I chuckle and nod.  Lucy gives the signal to start our silly contest. I quickly give her the first eight-digit code to avoid getting scolded. We keep going like this for a good half hour until the bell rings in the hallway.
- Already? Ingrid exclaims. Do you have one or two hours of detention?
- Two, I respond instinctively at the same time as Lucy.
 Lucy gives me a dark look.
- What? It was my turn to answer.
- Hmm.
I sense amusement from Ingrid. It’s true, it’s pretty funny to see us connecting this way. Alexia is more discreet next to her, even though she’s probably thinking the same thing as us.
"Alright, give me the next one?" she reminds me.
Friday, January 15; 12:40 PM - Manchester Airport.
Ten minutes have passed since Lucy and I arrived at the airport. The morning had been tense since my dismissal, but  Lucy calmed down after we crushed the other team just before lunch. After that, we separated to eat, then I met her on the same side street as last time when it was time to leave. Now, I’m eagerly waiting for Mapi to arrive, and I think I’ve mentioned that enough already. I’m starting to get fed up with the tension between Lucy and me. It feels like it’s only getting worse. She’s been ignoring me since we got here, tapping away on her phone doing who knows what. I sigh in frustration. This situation is ridiculous. I was about to speak when she finally looks at me, but then she steps back, looking behind me. The next moment, something literally jumps on me. Lucy catches me to stop me from falling. I’m attacked by a wave of kisses, causing Lucy to step back.
"Mapi, cut it out," I laugh.
"I missed you so much! Oh my God, I thought I’d never land! Seriously, how do you manage to sleep through every flight?"
I laugh, recognizing my best friend and her way of complaining without mincing words. I turn around when she finally climbs off my back.
"Good to see you, Commander! Maybe not as much as my Ona, but still!"
"Good to see you too, Mapi."
Mapi sticks close to me until we retrieve her suitcase. Since I no longer have a phone to communicate, she catches me up on her crappy week in detail without paying any attention to Lucy beside us. She missed an important exam that she hopes to retake. She also tells me she ran into her ex with Feli. Judging by Lucy’s reaction to this news, I’m not holding my breath for her to change her mind about returning to Barcelona. She eventually talks about her casual flings, which I could have done without hearing next to my supervisor. I feel extremely embarrassed, unlike Mapi, who seems totally at ease. I get a brief break when she grabs her suitcase from the conveyor belt.
"Does she always talk this much?"  Lucy asks.
"It’s just the beginning..."
"Great. I thought no one could be worse than you."
"Hey!" I lightly punch her. "I’m not that bad! And I did warn you that you were taking a risk by picking her up."
She pinches my cheek when I pout. I give a victorious smile when she apologizes, saying she was joking. She quickly withdraws her hand when Mapi comes back. She resumes her monologue all the way to the parking lot.
"Wow, nice ride! An Audi? You didn’t mention that, Ona! Can I sit in the front?"
"No!"  Lucy and I reply in unison.
"Whoa, calm down, you two," she chuckles.
 Lucy avoids us by getting into her car. I help Mapi put her suitcase in the trunk before we get in too.  Lucy hasn’t let me drive her car since last week, but I was glad she let me do it at least once. The feeling of driving her car was magical, and I understand why when it purrs at startup.
"By the way, Ona?" Mapi asks.
"Can’t you just shut up for, like, five minutes?"  Lucy growls.
"Is she always this grumpy?"
I laugh as my best friend points at  Lucy with an indifferent look.  Lucy’s going to explode any second if she keeps pushing her buttons like this.
"If you don’t stop soon, I’ll leave you on the side of the road!"
This scene is truly hilarious. Mapi eventually cooperates by sinking into her seat and sulking. Now she knows what it’s like to be put in her place by  Lucy Bronze.
"What was your question?" I finally ask.
"Um, I’m not sure I’m allowed to talk..." she pouts.
"Don’t be upset. She was joking. Right, Lucia?"
"Mm," she responds.
"So?" I press.
"Did you sort out your phone problem? You said you would this week."
I sigh and shake my head, thinking about that issue.
"I called my mom. She gave me a hard time when I explained that mine was broken. We argued until she finally agreed to let me cancel the line and get a new one."
"Well, I eventually got the green light."
"So it’s good? You can get a new phone?"
"Normally, yes."
"Then why don’t you already have one?"
"Because Lucy will take me when she feels like it."
I see Mapi flinch in her seat through the rearview mirror. I glance at  Lucy, who sighs heavily. I place my hand on her shoulder to try to calm her down. I think Mapi’s presence is irritating her. She was happy to host us last week, though. Maybe I’m wrong. Her mood has worsened since my dismissal. I feel responsible. We had started the day off well. I smile as I realize that my touch has an effect, against all expectations.
"Go ahead, Mapi, spit it out,"  Lucy encourages.
"Well... We could go get one now, right? But, you know, it’s up to you! You’re the driver, after all..."
"Alright, let’s go. I’ll have the opportunity to leave you there if you keep annoying me."
I laugh, removing my hand from Lucy. She changes direction towards a street I recognize. She’s actually heading downtown.
"Take out my phone and send a message to Ingrid asking her to meet us," she orders.
I don’t think twice and do what she asks. My best friend is here, so she can ask hers to join us too. Ten minutes later, we’re in the underground parking of the shopping mall. I’ve visited a lot of places, but I’ve never been here. We follow Lucy, who heads for the stairs. She’s tapping away on her phone, as if we’re not even there. We arrive in the middle of a dozen brand-name stores. I spin around to see if I spot any stores I might like. It only lasts a second, but when I stop, I don’t see anyone beside me anymore. I move forward a bit, hoping to spot  Lucy, Mapi, or maybe even Ingrid, but I don’t recognize any faces. There’s no one. I’m alone, and I start to panic like a little girl who’s lost her mother in the supermarket. I look around and even search my pockets, but I quickly remember that I haven’t had a phone for weeks. I stop when I start to feel overwhelmed. I’m beginning to think I’ll never find them with all these people around. I jump when a strong hand suddenly presses on my shoulder. I was ready to fight back, but I relax when I come face to face with  Lucy.
"Oh, thank God..."
Without thinking, I hug her. She chuckles softly, accepting the embrace. She doesn’t seem to notice my panicked state. Yet, I can feel my heart racing against her warm body. I pull away from her so she doesn’t realize how exaggerated my reaction was.
"Sorry, I... I didn’t see you leave, and I thought I’d never find you again."
"Calm down," she smiles. "I’m here now. Give me your hand so I don’t lose you again. Your wonderful best friend and Ingrid are waiting for us."
She knows exactly how to calm me down. I smile and happily take the hand she offers. She pulls me along in a direction I definitely wouldn’t have taken if I had gone looking for them.
" Lucy?" I call out to her.
« Mm?"
- "I'm sorry for ruining your mood... It's my fault, and I hate seeing you like this."
I bite my lip when our eyes meet. She smiles tenderly.
- "It's not your fault."
- "But—"
- "I promise, Ona," she interrupts, tightening her grip on my hand. "If you don't want things to get worse, don't stray from me again."
I smile at her, and she finally lets go of my hand when we reach Mapi and Ingrid, who are deep in debate. It almost seems like they've known each other for ages, even though they've only met twice.
- "Oh, there you are at last!" Mapi exclaims when she sees us. "Can we go now?"
- "Of course. Try not to get lost again."
Ingrid and Mapi walk ahead of us as if we weren't there. Well, they do glance back at us occasionally.  Lucy tells me that the mobile store is on the next floor when I ask her. We take the escalator to get there.  Lucy takes my hand again as I start to lag behind them. The other two girls decide to leave us to check out the store across from the mobile shop when we arrive. At least we'll have a little peace, and I'll have time to choose a phone without any pressure.
- "Hello," a salesman approaches us right away with a predatory smile. "Can I help you?"
- "We're fine, thanks,"  Lucy replies coldly. "We're just browsing for now."
I give the salesman an apologetic smile, realizing that he's unwittingly sparked my boss's ire. I hurry to join her when she calls me over a bit further away. I apologize and quickly catch up to her.
- "I guess you want an iPhone? Can you even afford it?"
- "Yes, yes! My mom sent me some money."
- "Do you want to look at anything else?"
- "Are you kidding?" I giggled. "I only have Apple products; I'm not going to look at Samsung!"
- "As you wish," she smiles. "So, which model? You had a 13, right?"
- "Yeah," I sighed. "Actually, I'm torn. I could get the latest model, but I think it's too expensive. What do you think?"
- "What I think? It's not up to me to decide."
- "I'm just asking for your opinion..."
- "There's not much difference between the latest models. It's up to you to decide what you want."
- "Do you need advice?"
 Lucy lets out a grumpy sigh towards the salesman who returns. I stifle a laugh and place my hand on her arm, which is holding one of the displayed phones.
- "We'll come to you when I've made my choice," I simply say.
He nods. I think he got the message now. I smile, seeing  Lucy glaring at him as he walks away. I call her to get her attention. She raises an eyebrow, noticing my amused expression.
- "You think this is funny?"
- "He's not doing anything wrong; he's just doing his job."
- "Yeah, well, if his job is to check out all the pretty girl in this store, I hope he gets a bonus considering how often he stares at you."
I look at her, stunned by that comment I didn't expect at all. A burst of laughter escapes me, causing her to frown. It's one of the last things I expected to hear from her. I wipe away the tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
- "Are you done?" she snaps coldly.
- "Sorry, Luce, but why are you reacting like this? Who cares? I won't ever see this guy again anyway."
- "Yeah. Well, are you done so we can leave? The last thing we need is for the others to show up, and that would be the icing on the cake."
- "Hey, are you done being like this? As long as those two are together, they leave us alone. It's pretty nice, isn't it?"
- "Which one are you choosing?"
I sighed, realizing that my words wouldn't change her mood. I hope it'll fade soon because I won't be able to put up with it for long. I give up and change the subject, pointing to a phone in front of us, the iPhone 15.
- "That one, then?"
- "Yeah."
- "You know it's really expensive?"
- "Let's just say my mom transferred me a generous amount," I giggled. "Might as well enjoy it, right?"
- "You could use it for something else."
I stare at the new iPhone for a moment. According to people, it's the phone to have. I'm so tempted, but  Lucy's eyes are much more compelling. I let out a defeated sigh.
- "Alright, alright, I’ll go for the other one then."
I settle for the iPhone 14 that was right next to it.  Lucy nods, as if she approves of the obvious choice.
- "So, black or white, Princess?"
- "White," I finally said without hesitation, crossing my arms.
- "Okay," she laughs. "Let's find a saleswoman."
- "The salesman was fine by me," I teased. "Especially since I told him we'd go back to him."
- "You really want to irritate me to the end?"
We lock eyes for a moment until I look away to find the salesman in the store. I’m not trying to annoy her, but I don’t want to give her the final say on everything either. I smile when I finally see him and waste no time going over to him.
- "Ona," she
 growls behind me.
- "Have you made your choice?" he asks warmly when I reach him.
- "Yes, I have. Can you take care of it?"
- "I'm not sure your girlfriend feels the same way..."
- "Oh, she’s not—"
- "If it were up to me, I would have gone to your colleague already," my boss retorts. "Just do your job."
- "R-right... If you would follow me..."
The poor salesman is almost running out of fear as he heads to his desk with a computer. I wait a moment before following him to turn back to  Lucy.
- "Are you serious? Why did you let him think we were together?!" I giggled.
"I’m saving you from his flirting tactics."
"Oh yeah? Who says I didn’t want to be flirted with?"
"Doesn’t matter," she rolls her eyes. "Come on, he’s waiting for us."
I smile unconsciously as I walk past her. This situation is actually quite funny. The poor salesperson doesn’t dare look at us when we sit on the stools in front of his desk. He prefers to focus on his screen to do his job. I suppress a smile when  Lucy continues her act by placing her hand on my knee. I have no idea what’s gotten into her, but I don’t mind it.
"So... uh, what would you like to do?" he finally looks at me.
"Open a new line."
"Alright... Are you already a customer with us?"
"She’d like a new no-contract plan,"  Lucy intervenes. "That’s what you wanted, right?" she asks me for confirmation.
I nod with a sly smile. The guy taps on the keyboard as I give him my line number. He accesses all the information my mom provided when setting it up. Fortunately, she had the sense to put it in my name, or else I wouldn’t have been able to change anything. He quickly switches the line when I tell him the plan I want with a new number.
"Uh... what model do you want?"
"iPhone 14 in white," I replied.
"Are you sure you don’t want to go for black, being undecided that you are?"  Lucy asks with an amused smile.
"Stop it," I giggle. "You’re really silly."
"Yet, I’m the one on top," she murmurs.
Her words were a whisper, but loud enough for the salesperson to hear. I can’t hide my surprise when I catch her smirking. I can’t believe she dared to say that! My cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I can’t think of anything to say in response. She’s taking this role-play way too far. The salesperson is so uncomfortable that he gets up, saying he’s going to get my phone from the stockroom.
"What were you thinking?" I spitied as soon as he left.
"Oh, it was just a joke. I’m not sure which of you was more uncomfortable," she teases.
"It wasn’t funny at all, you idiot!"
I can’t hold back my smile as she laughs even more. Goodness, I don’t understand what’s gotten into her all of a sudden. Just a few minutes ago, she was completely grumpy.
"We should play this game more often."
I turn my head to hide my embarrassment. I didn’t know she could be so teasing. I push her hand away when she tries to slide it up my thigh to provoke a reaction. I glare at her, but she’s not intimidated in the slightest. She just chuckles and places her hand back on my knee when the salesperson returns. He sets the box with my new phone on the counter after scanning the barcode.
"Alright. Now we just need to set it up. We can do it together if you’d like."
"Yes, please."
He removes the plastic wrapping and pushes the box toward me.
"Do you know how to do it yourself?"
"Of course."
"I’ll let you handle it then. Is there anything else you need?"
"A screen protector,"  Lucy replies.
I hadn’t thought of that, but it’s a good idea considering how my last phone ended up. I nod, and he gets up again. Meanwhile, I take my new phone out of the box and insert my new SIM card under  Lucy’s watchful eye.
"This game is ridiculous," I say.
"I thought I was doing you a favor," she says, removing her hand.
"A little, yeah. But we both know he wouldn’t have tried anything more."
"That’s true. I don’t know what made me react that way, but it annoyed me to see him looking at you like prey."
A foolish smile spreads across my lips. I appreciate that she doesn’t let people disrespect me. I try to convince myself that there’s no hidden motive behind it. That’s probably the case anyway. I turn on my phone and start setting it up, syncing it with my account. I feel relieved when I see my home screen, as if I never broke my previous phone. I’m thrilled to find all my data intact.
"Did you manage?" the salesperson asks upon his return.
"Yes, everything’s working," I reply with a smile.
"Great, here’s the receipt," he hands me a sheet of paper. "You’ll find a one-year warranty, your new phone number, and of course, the price. Are you paying by card?"
"Yes," I confirm.
He hands me the machine once he’s inserted my card. I enter my code before handing it back.  Lucy takes the bag where the salesperson has put the empty phone box and the receipt. I thank the salesperson as he returns my card.
"Have a good day," he wishes us.
"Thank you, you too."
I put my phone in my pocket before anything can happen to it, and we head out to meet Mapi and Ingrid. It wasn’t difficult to find them. They were waiting on a bench across from the store. The first thing Mapi asks me for is my new number. I choose the simplest way: sending her a message. I do the same with  Lucy and end up getting Ingrid’s number, which she readily gives me. “Just in case,” she says. I’m not sure I’ll use it, but at least I’ll know who to contact if I can’t reach  Lucy one day.
"So, movie night at my place tonight?"  Lucy suggests.
"Really?" Mapi enthuses. "Like, all four of us?"
"I’d love to leave you behind, but Ona wouldn’t let me."
We all laugh except for Mapi. The girls get up, and we head back down to the parking lot. Mapi immediately agrees to Ingrid’s offer to ride with her. I stay with  Lucy, who seems pleased to get rid of my best friend. I know she likes her and that it’s just her bad mood talking, so I’m not worried about the rest of our weekend. I’m beaming when she hands me the car keys.
"You’re letting me drive?!"
"But I don’t know the way to your place..."
"I’ll guide you."
I don’t ask her a third time and take her keys. She makes sure I’m settled in and have my license with me before letting me go. I start the car, unable to hide my smile as I think about the evening ahead.
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slytherinshua · 4 months
genre. slice of life. kind of open ending. warnings. none. pairing. fuma x fem!reader. wc. 913. request. requested by @heavenfilm for fuma inspired by beautiful stranger by laufey. a/n. i hope this fic like?? makes sense?? def heavily inspired by the song and doesn't have much plot but i think its cute :(
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The train ride to work was more often than not, almost completely empty. You enjoyed the silence of being one of the 10 or 15 passengers travelling so early in the morning. It was pleasant. You usually took train 112 to your office, but it had recently gone out of business because of how little people it transported each way. A newer, fancier train had taken its place, going throughout the capital to many different stops. It was more cost-efficient, you had to admit, but you missed the quietness you once had on the one hour ride.
It was early in the morning when you boarded the compartment. The sun had barely been up for an hour, and you clutched your hot cup of coffee in your hands as you took a seat. Waiting patiently for the train to start moving, you started to people-watch to pass the time, scanning the unfamiliar faces of other passengers taking the same train, doubtless to one of the other stops.
There was a father reading a book about cars, and his son reading over his shoulder. Two teenage girls were talking to each other in whispers and giggles, most likely about a crush at school. There was a young woman staring out of the window, and in her hand was a small knitted baby hat. She looked sad, and you wondered what her story was. Your eyes travelled to the door of the train as you heard the sound of it closing. 
A young man had just walked through the doors as one of the last passengers to board. As soon as you saw him, your breath was caught in your throat. You looked away quickly, immediately shy in the presence of one of the most dashingly handsome men you had ever seen in your entire life. 
He took a seat right across from you, and pulled out a newspaper from his back pocket. You dared to take another glance at his face, memorising his jawline and cheekbones. How could someone be so effortlessly attractive?
He seemed to feel your stare on him, and he suddenly glanced up, catching your eyes before you could act discreet. You felt your face grow hot— you hoped he didn’t notice. From the corner of your eye, you were almost certain you caught a small smile on his face. What is it because of you? No. He probably read an amusing headline.
The entire train ride seemed to go by far too quickly, and you spent almost all of it studying the beautiful stranger. You tried to not be obvious, but you were sure that you failed within the first 10 minutes. It was as if he was hypnotising you, sucking all your willpower away, glueing your eyes to his figure.
A stirring feeling in your stomach told you that you should ask for his name. Maybe he was also on his way to your stop. Maybe you would see him again. You cursed yourself for being so nervous. You could never get yourself to take a risk. What if he already had someone in his life? The embarrassment would be unbearable if he did. Who were you to try to make a move, anyway?
So, you sat in silence, imagining what you thought his life might look like. You decided in your head that he was a plain office worker in the big city, and he was on his way to work as usual. Each morning was exactly the same, the comfortable routine that people dreamed of, but once achieved always seemed to be more underwhelming than expected. 
As you studied his face and mannerisms, you decided that he was probably an only child— taking after his father, though his mother adored him. He grew up with humble roots, his only dream being to be able to make his parents proud. And he was able to achieve it when he landed his job for a successful corporation. 
But life in the city was lonely, and he wasn’t one for socialising. While his coworkers went off to parties on the weekend, he stayed in his small apartment and read books. He liked all kinds of books, but romance was his favourite. He would never admit how much he longed to experience it himself, but he adored the idea of it. Not dramatic, adventurous romances, but quiet, serene love stories that budded like a flower, blossoming and blooming to perfection. 
Yes, that was what he longed for, you decided. But given his shy nature, he never had the courage to ask any lady out. He was worried he wouldn’t have time for romance, though the loneliness continued to eat away at him. It would be more bearable with someone by his side.
The announcement of your stop rang throughout the compartment and broke your train of thought. You sighed and took one last glance at the man, still contentedly reading his newspaper. You stood up and grabbed your bag, one last urge to ask for his name flashed through your mind, but you suppressed it and stepped off the train. You secretly wished that you would see him again— maybe he would be on the same train tomorrow morning. If he was, you would take your chance. But, for now, he remained your beautiful stranger; one that you had no guarantee of ever stumbling upon again, but had stolen your heart in that hour, and you were content with him keeping it. 
↳ &team taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @kpoprhia,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @blossominghunnie,, @chiiyuuvv,,
@seunghancore,, @heavenfilm,, @sobun1est,, @bananabubble,, @talkingsaxy
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poledancingdinos · 3 months
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Pairing: Young!Syverson & OFC (Gen fic)
Word Count: 1670 words
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha​ @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @elizabetharegina @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos @geralts-yenn @peaches1958 @avengersfan25 @sillyrabbit81 @lena-banena @mrsevans90 @confessionbrain-writings @eclecticfashionbookszipper @rosecentury @shellyshellshell
A/N: I haven't been able to write anything for a while so instead of making actual progress on a WIP, I spent way too many hours formatting this for AO3 to justify having only written dialogue. So if you want to get the full experience, I recommend checking it out here. Made a creator skin and everything.
You 12:47 A.M. : Desi’s new friends are EXACTLY like Chris’ friends used to be, it’s almost disturbing
Sy 12:53 A.M. : Ain’t that a good thing? I thought ya missed the metalheads after the breakup.
You 12:54 A.M. : I did. It’s just so out of character for Desi, you know? Her new BF is so different from others before
Sy 12:55 A.M. : But yeah, when me and L left your place I joked that it felt like Desi was sitting between you and your boyfriend rather than her sitting next to her own BF. So weird to see her with an emo kid instead of a suit.
You 12:56 A.M. : I’m headed home
You 12:57 A.M. : It’s about an hour
Sy 12:57 A.M. : RIP
Sy 12:58 A.M. : Didja take your sleep aids so you can just go to bed when you get home?
You 12:58 A.M. : Not yet
You 12:58 A.M. : Don’t want to risk having a dizzy spell on my solo walk home
Sy 12:59 A.M. : Fair.
You 12:59 A.M. : I’m pretty far from home so I’m being a little more safety minded
Sy 1:00 A.M. : Good. We just finished up a bit of cardio so now I’m wide awake and L is passed out 🤣
You 1:00 A.M. : Funny, it’s usually the other way around
Sy 1:01 A.M. : It’s the clean up afterwards that always wakes me up.
Sy 1:02 A.M. : I can doom scroll a bit and keep ya company if ya want.
You 1:03 A.M. : I wouldn’t mind a witness to my survival
You 1:04 A.M. : Right now I’m sitting in the first subway car behind the driver but as I walk I may call you
Sy 1:05 A.M. : Sure thing.
You 1:06 A.M. : Anyway, the guys were nice but loud as fuck
You 1:06 A.M. : Very into screaming along with the music
Sy 1:07 A.M. : Oh boy. How was Desi handling it?
You 1:07 A.M. : Well actually
You 1:08 A.M. : Even when her BF’s band showed up and things got extra loud
Sy 1:09 A.M. : You know, I was a little bummed I missed the night out with you guys when ya texted me earlier.
Sy 1:09 A.M. : Doesn’t sound like something I would have enjoyed after all lol
You 1:10 A.M. : Not at all. You like good music but not at that volume
You 1:12 A.M. : I wasn’t supposed to go but Leon said I was welcome as he left and Desi confessed that she had never met most of the people that were there and that she would appreciate a familiar face so I went with her after supper
Sy 1:13 A.M. : That’s nice
You 1:14 A.M. : But it was loud enough that my throat is a little raw now. I was honestly concerned that someone would call the cops
Sy 1:16 A.M. : Maybe with enough alcohol I would have been able to have fun lol
You 1:16 A.M. : I was the only sober person. The others had either had copious amounts of alcohol or copious amounts of weed
Sy 1:17 A.M. : It’s better you be sober for the return trip anyway.
You 1:18 A.M. : Leon and his back up vocalist were singing Bohemian Rhapsody at one point and Leon was chugging beer to rehydrate between the different parts 🤣
Sy 1:19 A.M. : Isn’t that how the professionals do it? 😅
You 1:20 A.M. : Only the ones in need of weekly meetings in church basements
Sy 1:21 A.M. : To be fair, the fact that he was able to both remember and sing the lyrics while drunk and high is impressive.
You 1:22 A.M. : Gotta give credit where credit is due, I guess 🤷‍♀️
You 1:23 A.M. : Getting off at the next stop
Sy 1:24 A.M. : Alright.
Sy 1:24 A.M. : Then you catch a bus?
You 1:25 A.M. : No, it’s a 15 minute walk
You 1:26 A.M. : Out of the station and walking
Sy 1:27 A.M. : Call whenever.
I wait until I’m across the street from the station to lift my phone to my ear. It only rings once before the call connects and I hear Sy’s deep voice.
I hop down from the sidewalk onto the street to pass a man walking ahead of me. Why do people insist on moving at a crawl dead center in the middle of the sidewalk I will never understand.
“Didja have fun tonight?”
“Surprisingly, yes but not as much as you, I bet.”
Sy chuckles on the other end of the line. “Matter of perspective.”
“How was your family dinner?”
“Painful. Except for the dog. It was nice to have her around again.”
Sy’s apartment doesn’t allow pets other than for short visits so he wasn’t able to get his own dog after leaving his mother’s. Frankly, the dog is probably the main reason he didn’t move out sooner. He held out way longer than I would have. He’s also a good southern boy and doesn’t ever talk back, unlike me. I’ve got a mouth on me and I ain’t afraid to use it to tell people where they can shove it.
“What about you? Anything interestin’ happen after I left?”
“Not really, we mostly got caught up on our girl talk. Leon left around five to get to his mother’s day dinner. Desi and I left my place around eight. We ate at the little burger place on the corner then got to Leon’s a little before ten.”
I walk past the restaurant in question as I speak.
“Did it start rainin’ out?”
“More like lightly drizzling.”
“Are you still only wearin’ your shorts and crop top?”
I know he’s mostly asking out of worry that I’m going to get cold but I have no doubt there’s also a little part of him that’s worried my outfit from earlier would attract unwanted attention.
“I changed into jeans before leaving since I knew the walk home would be chilly and I put my giant hoodie on for the trip home.”
It’s a triple XL zip front I got from my old job. I found a bunch of old seasonal shirts when cleaning out the store room and my boss had let me take my pick of the leftovers before donating the rest. There had been one hoodie at the very bottom that had likely remained unclaimed because of the size. You could fit three of me in it at the same time but it’s comfortable and right now, it’s a small protection against potential unwanted attention.
“I’ve only seen, like, three people on the street and the road is well lit but, you know…”
“Better safe than sorry. I don’t mind darlin’.”
I can tell he’s getting tired since it’s about three hours past his normal bedtime. I’ve never been particularly worried about walking home alone at night. Hell, I’ve wandered around strange cities in the middle of the night to sober up in the hopes of avoiding a nasty hangover. Just the other day the girls I work with were saying how they don’t like taking the subway at night because they had too many bad experiences with being catcalled or with other passengers making them uncomfortable.
Me? Well, I’ve never been catcalled and men don’t normally look twice at me. I guess my above average height and my resting bitch face have made me overly confident. Or I’m just proof that women don’t come out of the womb feeling the need to clutch their keys in their fist at night unless men have done something to make them feel unsafe.
“At least I remembered to charge my phone before leaving.”
“Thank fuck for that.”
I wasn’t expecting Sy to actually be awake when I texted so the phone battery was more to make sure I knew when the last subway was and to call a cab in case I missed it.
“So are you camping out on the couch while we talk?”
L is surprisingly cool with our friendship but I’m pretty sure being woken up by your boyfriend talking on the phone with another woman in the middle of the night is a no-go for even the most laidback of girlfriends.
“Yeah. I got up for some water so I figured I’d just stay out here and avoid wakin’ L.”
“How dirty did you get her that the clean up pulled you out of the post nut drowsiness? You start dabbling in watersports or something?”
“Fuck off, there were no water sports involved.” Sy releases an audible yawn. “I didn’t think I’d miss condoms but they sure as hell made cleanup faster. By the time we both finish up in the bathroom I’m always wide awake.”
I hum in understanding. L is Sy’s first long-term girlfriend and they just recently dropped the latex after L got on birth control. “Do you have to get up to do that?”
“What, ya want us to just roll over and go to sleep? I already sweat my balls off at night, I don’t need to add wet spots into the mix.”
“You could keep baby wipes by the bed for late night cardio sessions. Avoid having to get up and go to the bathroom. Or bring a wet rag in with you beforehand.”
“That’s… not a bad idea actually.”
I pull my bag off my shoulder as I wait for the light to change. Might as well dig my keys out since I’m almost home. “Yeah, I’m full of good sex advice.” 
“I knew I kept ya around for a reason.”
I smile to myself. We both know that we wouldn’t have made it to ten years of friendship if all I had to offer was sex advice.
“I’m about to turn onto my street. I feel like the walk was shorter than usual.”
“Well, you’re breathin’ kinda heavy. You must’ve been walkin’ faster.”
He’s not wrong. I must be really out of shape if I can’t walk and talk without getting winded. Holding my phone between my cheek and my shoulder, I put my key in the lock and pull the door open.
I don’t remember what time it is until the door slams shut behind me. Oops.
“I’m safely behind a locked door. You are relieved from your babysitting duties.”
I linger in the entrance for a few seconds since the call would probably cut off if I stepped into the elevator.
“I’m up for babysittin’ whenever ya need it. Glad you’re home safe. G’night.”
“Good night.”
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ryker-writes · 1 year
I have no idea why but for some reason i cant get the idea of Azul's sibling getting together with Rook especially in the scenario where they have a broken relationship, like little ashengrotto just deserves a freak who loves them ok
I feel like Rook would be a good person for each of the broken sibling relationships. Like you said they need a freak who loves them. This may have ended up longer than I planned and turned into less of getting together with Rook and more of like the beginning of the relationship with Rook
I'm assuming you were talking about the original broken sibling relationship with Azul so this is almost like a spinoff of that. For those who didn't see it, you can find it here.
Request Rules and Masterlists
Broken Sibling relationships
Azul's broken relationship sibling getting together with Rook
ever since you came to NRC, your relationship with Azul had only kept getting worse
not only could you not call him brother anymore, but he was always making you work long hours and do the worst jobs at the lounge
even while working there so much, you didn't see Azul very often
he made it pretty clear that you weren't worth much of his time, and he didn't really want to be associated with you
but it was during all those long and painful hours of work that you met Rook
he was just visiting the Mostro Lounge one day and happened to be seated at one of your tables
while serving him his food, he expressed that he was interested in merfolk and the culture of the Coral Sea
since you grew up in the Coral Sea with Azul, you were able to tell him a lot about it
until Jade came over and mentioned that you had other tables
that's when you realized you had been talking to him for the past 15 minutes
after apologizing to Rook for cutting the conversation short and to Jade for not realizing, you got back to work
but the very next day, Rook came back to the lounge again and sat in the same place
he told you that he wanted to continue the conversation, and you happily agreed
so in between serving tables and doing your other jobs, you would stop and chat with Rook when you had a moment
it was quite fun
you actually had someone you could talk to in between your work
but even after all the short conversations about merfolk, he wanted to know more
Rook actually came to find you the next day since you had the day off
and like the hunter he is, he was pretty quick to find you even though you weren't in Octavinelle
you had to admit, he seemed to have quite the interest in merfolk to want to continue learning for this long
after he got to hear about the overall culture, he was interested in learning about the different types of merfolk
so of course you went over a bunch of them that you've met before including the Leech twins
"But what about you?"
"You come from the Coral Sea as well. What about your family?"
my family...
can I tell him about Azul?
Azul has made it clear that he doesn't want to be known as my brother
but Rook has been so nice and we've spent quite a bit of time talking together now
you would feel bad about having to hide it from him
"I grew up in a family of octomers. Me and my brother used to swim around and collect shiny objects off the surface floor, but octomers aren't very fast, so it would sometimes take us a while to gather things."
"I see! You're Roi d’Effort's sibling."
Roi d’Effort...
is that Azul?
considering Azul is the only octomer I know of in the school, it's probably him
"Well...yeah. But I'm not supposed to tell others about it."
naturally, Rook was curious about why you're not supposed to tell others
and seeing as he already knew about Azul being your sibling, what's the harm in telling him?
Rook happily listened to everything you had to say
everything from your childhood with Azul to how he treats you today
at the end of it all you asked if he could keep the fact that Azul was your sibling a secret, and he agreed
you started talking to Rook everyday after that
usually he would come find you during your shifts, but he also came around on your days off
one day Jade had walked up to him and said that Azul wanted to speak to him in the VIP room
Rook did head into the VIP room, but not before promising that he would be back
you started to get a little worried that Azul would drag him into some sort of contract
Could Azul have found out you told Rook everything?
was he going to force Rook to stay away from you?
but just like he promised, Rook came back and sat at your table with his regular smile
he didn't even say anything that happened in the VIP room, and just picked up the conversation you two were having before he left
strangely enough, Azul gave you the next day off work even though you were originally scheduled
it was very surprising but also incredibly suspicious
so when you went to meet up with Rook later, you decided to ask about when he went into the VIP room
"No need to worry Mon amour. I signed no contract. We spoke and were able to work something out that benefits you. Now I'll be able to see your beauty even more often."
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moonsaver · 7 months
sunday... celebrating valentines day... I beg
Ask and you shall receive. Unfortunately i am very unaccustomed to valentines traditions, so please forgive me if this writing is more words strung together than actual content.
Sunday isnt exactly fond of PDA, mainly because of the risks.
But it is technically for one day, despite the fact there are many things that are calculated and take place in one day, he knows its an endearing celebration that means more in action than in name.
Thus, he decides with a good minute of thinking – he shall make room in his schedule of daily affairs for you.. as long as you don't mind the fact its for barely 3 system hours.
Don't get him wrong. Unfortunately, Sunday would like to keep you out of prying eyes, so one system hour is dedicated and well planned into checking out clothing stores of all kinds. Even if it draws a bit of attention, he strategically places a few Bloodhound guards around the centres and plazas.
And the other 2 (system) hours are well spent in private behind closed doors. His schedule for the next few days is quite thoroughly packed, so he makes sure to satisfy you enough before he has to busy himself. Lovingly peppers kisses all over you. Brushes his lips against your knuckles, inciting a soft chuckle from you. He brushes through your hair, watches you model every piece of clothing you brought, suggests certain combinations, and discusses all sorts of things with you. For this moment, you have his full attention, not a single thought is spared for any other business official or representative he has to speak to. Only you.
You didn't realise how.. intense his gaze can be, as you accidentally make eye contact with him while speaking and suddenly get thrown into a trance. He asks you what's wrong and you snap out of it, laughing awkwardly and looking somewhere else, trying to hastily get back on track. Suddenly.. your legs feel like jelly under his gaze.. your palms are sweaty.. was his gaze always this.. mesmerizing? You feel almost selfish for wanting it on you for longer. You look to see if he's still staring at you, and it seems like he hasn't moved a single inch, despite the fact you've been talking for 15 minutes straight about who-knows-what, and he hasn't said a single word. You should probably go back in and try another piece of clothing for him.
And he stops you before you go in, and asks to see what you're about to try on. He stands near the door, almost expectantly as you put it on and come out. He knows you'll need help. The strings on your back won't tie themselves, after all. Especially since he requested to do it for you. You almost squeak at the feeling of his gloved hands making quick work of the string on your back, gently feeling the curve of your spine after he's done. Trailing up to the bottom of your neck, dancing across your shoulders. You can practically feel his gaze scan your body underneath the clothing. He retracts his fingers and asks you to turn around. You hope he doesn't notice your heated face.
And it might feel overwhelming and awkward at first (for the lack of a better word), not being used to his full 100% attention. He knows it, and tries to smoothly make up for it by initiating most of the conversation, but deep down does feel a tinge of guilt at not being able to do it often.
He is very adept with his fingers. Take that as you will, but for now, lets focus on the more sfw side.
He probably knows origami quite well. Makes a few small, mini figures and guides you on how to make them, praising you softly in a slightly professional tone. It may seem awkward at first, but he's trying to praise you genuinely. He makes more conversation and jokes along the way, and kisses the side of your head every time you make a successful paper figure, even if it's just as simple as a mashed up paper star. Efforts are well appreciated by Sunday.
At the end of the day, once you are thoroughly exhausted, he lays you down anywhere soft – usually the couch (as unromantic as it sounds), and sits beside you. He talks in a very soft, gentle voice, which surprisingly lulls you to sleep very well. If you focus on his sweet-nothings, you realise his casual conversation has turned into sweet, heart-melting appreciation of you. He recounts every detail – when he met you, where it was, conversations between you two that constantly spin in his head. Before you know it – you're asleep. He kisses your forehead, drapes a blanket on you, leaves your Valentine's day handwritten card on the desk with an elegant box of chocolates right beside it. Who knew Sunday was so adept at making chocolate? It's quite rich in flavor, too. Perhaps.. these are meant to be shared at night?
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livin4woso · 4 months
Breaking the media
Chapter 9- the media can be scary
You woke to the sound of your name being shouted along the corridor from alexia, so you picked up your phone and walked to the kitchen to find alexia had made breakfast for the two of yous. You opened your phone, and you looked as every single social media of yours had blown up, and the news was all on you. The comments of the next england star girl takes stage at Barcelona at just 16. You almost couldn't believe it. Your transfer had already gotten some attention from the media, but this. This was collosal in less that 24hrs you had gained over 100k followers on Instagram, you couldn't really believe it. Since you had played at arsenal you had been under a watchful eye by the media yet it never phased you but this was different there was alot more news on you and the pressure started to weigh on your shoulders.
Alexia had snapped you out of your thoughts by telling you to hurry up to go to training. You had arrived sharply on time for a match debrief "ohh heres the famous y/n watch out" mapi joked with you "oh shut it mapi you're just jealous that im all over the news and you're not" you responded to her laughing lightly. You had sat on the end of the row hoping to get some peace as everyone sat next to their respective friends, and then it was lucy who came to sit next to you. "You okay?" you asked her "yeah yeah its just a calf pull its not anything to worry about, the only thing i should be worried about is you taking my spot" she responded laughing at the last part of the sentence "oh god no i could never take your spot but in a a year or so cant garentee that one" you responded to her while being told to sushh by your teamates as the meeting started. The meeting was boring you spent more time playing with the strings on your shorts then paying attention as the whole presentation was in spanish and although alexia had been helping you learn to speak spanish it wasn't going on the easiest of paths. However, you did understand one bit when lucy translated that you were going to do media with ona alexia and ingrid for the next hour or so.
"Media really this isn't going to go well, why not someone else" you asked begging to be swapped "no can do, you're the one with all the hype around you the club has to capitalise of it" alexia said putting her arm around your shoulders and dragging you to the media room. You and alexia had been set with the first set of press while ingrid and ona did interviews then yous would swap."bon dia alexia y y/n tengo algunas preguntas sobre el juego" the man continued alexia waited till he was finished when she translated the conversation to you "he said he had a few questions about the game" she whispered to you. The man had asked you how you felt with all the media stories and before you started you decided to make the conversation potentially easier "ermm no hablo espanol sorry i haven't gotten round to mastering the spanish language but i think the media can be positive influencing to motivate me but too much of it can be pressuring especially the ones bringing in national teams" you responded trying to be as professional as possible. After 15 minutes later of questions you and alexia were promptly moved out of the room and to interviews you were each given a list of places to go to luckily yours had been to the English media where alexia had the spanish media. The interviews went okay there was a few questions which were definitely different than usual but one sparked your thoughts "so y/n how do you feel about the increasing number of comments on your post of people commenting on your looks" the reporter asked "if im being honest i haven't looked at the comments but i am 16 so depending on the nature of the comment would depend my response as im open to compliments but i dont think its appropriate to sexualise a teenager or any player as a matter of fact i want to be known for being a good player not for looking good" you replied.
As soon as the media had ended you clicked on your recent post and went straight to the comment section and god it was not a sight you wanted to see it was a mixture of positive comments some wierd over sexulising remark or a hate comment about how you didn't deserve to play on the team or you only played because it would bring attention to the club. You wished you never opened them as a swirling pit of guilt formed were you just there to bring attention to the club? Did you deserve to even be at Barcelona? The thoughts clung to you like a dark web clouding your mind and it was showing. Training followed and you were playing sloppy missing easy tackles and making bad passes this just made your thoughts spiral so when yous were instructed to take a break it was alexia who decided to ask what was wrong as she could tell not just by your preformance but by the way your eyes were dulled and your eyebrows ever so slightly knitted together she knew something was bothering you.
"Hey pequeña what wrong your not playing like you normally do whats on your mind" she said looking at you the minute she asked this tears welled in your eyes it was pathetic you thought to yourself "i.. erm i dont know i guess i just paid too much attention to what everyone was saying and its not very nice" you said dropping your head in defeat "oh come here, do not believe what they say okay whatever it is its wrong i promise you" she said wrapping you in a hug as you pulled back you grabbed your phone out of your bag and showed alexia the comments and the dms of people "trust me y/n they're wrong you are good enough to play for this team and ignore those creeps because unfortunately we cant do much to make it stop but we can move on as if they never existed" she said standing back up to train again. And yet again alexia knew what to tell you how to remove that cloud that sat in your thoughts weighing you down you now just felt lighter.
Alexia had become a solution to your problems one you could rely on. One who cared for you it was unusual but nice the last time you had felt this loved by a person was your foster family back in London who looked after you while you were at arsenal. She had drove yous home and had began to cook dinner for both of you when she casually slipped into conversation "you know jona is thinking about starting you next game due to lucy and jana being injured" "what, you're joking right" you responded "no no of course not but you need to put in the work tomorrow to make sure he will" she replied as she put the pasta on the boil. You had ate your dinner together and watched tv before going to sleep and the thought of starting lingered in your head it was like you had gone to sleep with a smile on your face at the thought of starting.
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findmeintheferns · 1 year
sweet dreams
fuck me like you missed me then
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𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: y/n can’t sleep, how could she? she had gotten so used to ellie fcking her every night before bed. since ellie and cat were back together they can’t anymore. uno because that would be wrong, right? right???
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: angst, smut (oral sex, fingering), apologies if there is typos i got sick of rereading this lol
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 1.5k
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: ellie williams (TLOU) x reader
You had tried everything, you mediated, downed 2 cups of chamomile tea, took a warm shower, read. Hell, you even counted sheep for a solid 15 minutes to no avail. You just could not sleep. Usually you wouldn’t really care that much, you enjoyed your quiet time and would spent the night finishing a book or watching whatever movie you could scavenge from crumbling houses. Nighttime was really the only time you could be alone. However tomorrow you had patrol at 5am and you didn’t really love the idea of no sleep before that. You stared at the clock as the hand crept closer and closer to the early hours of the morning.
“That’s it. Fuck it.” you groaned in frustration, pushing yourself off your couch and marching towards the door. You knew deep down this wasn’t a great idea, but you were desperate. It was freezing outside, you didn’t even bother to put on a jacket before making your way to Ellie’s. You see, the past few months between you and her had been kinda awkward. You were best friends since Ellie and Joel had returned from Salt Lake City. You met her during a rough time, and you bonded over that. She was the first person you ever did a patrol with, you know, without a group. You always knew there was something more there, you just didn’t act on it. However when Ellie and Cat went on their first ‘break’ you slipped up. The two of you had been drinking alone in her room, she couldn’t stop complaining about her ex and you were getting fed up of hearing about it. You didn’t like Cat in the first place, and the idea of making her jealous lit a fire in you, one didn’t know was there before. Ellie was mid sentence, saying something along the lines of, “And you know what fucking gets me? She says that I should cut YOU out of my life because you secretly want me blah blah blah yet she’s always with stupid Bailey, the one person I know for a fact wants to fuc-“ you cut her off, pressing your lips against hers and making her shut up. She pulled away, looking kinda shocked. That shock however didn’t last long because about 2 seconds later she was pulling you into her lap by your tank top and roughly kissing you back. After that incident you continued to fuck for a few weeks, spending almost every night in her bed or her in yours. The problem was you didn’t talk about it, probably because you knew it was wrong. You’d simply wait for one another the second it got dark out to show up at the door and then spend a solid chunk of the night having the best sex of your life. This was up until a week ago, which is when you noticed Cat desperately trying to fix things with Ellie.
“Wait- y/n, don’t go. I don’t understand?” Ellie quickly followed after you as you made your way to the door.
“Cat wants you back Ellie, come on we can’t keep doing this.” You grab the door handle but Ellie’s hand grabs yours, stopping you from being able to twist it. You make eye contact with her and sigh.
“Why does it matter if she wants me back?” she asks, confused.
You push her hand off yours, aggressively opening the door.
“You clearly want her too, you shouldn’t ruin your chances by continuing something that’s purely just sex.”
You don’t give her a chance to reply, you don’t even look at her face, scared that her expression will convince you she’s feeling something she’s not. You didn’t have the balls to tell her how you actually felt, like how you wish you were hers instead of Cat, or how you were scared to take it any further because you couldn’t risk losing her as a friend. From then on you had barely been talking, she seemed kinda pissed off at you actually. Plus her and Cat were back together, so yeah, you knew it was the wrong thing to do, but you no longer gave a fuck. You reach her door and gently knock three times, wondering if she’ll even be awake to hear it. Suddenly a sleepy, groggy Ellie opens the door, looking puzzled.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” she mumbled staring at you with confusion. You don’t waste anytime making your way into her room and slamming the door shut.
“Y/n I don’t understa-“ You cut her off again, grabbing her face and pressing her lips to yours. You expect her to get angry at you but instead she returns the kiss even more rough then you were. Before you know it she has pushed you onto the bed, her lean but muscular body on top of yours. You moan at the sight of her, she’s wearing a singlet with with no bra, so you can see how hard her nipples are already. Her hair is a little messy, probably from sleep, but still looks good somehow. She practically tears your shirt off you and moves her kisses from your lips down your neck and to your breasts. You gasp at the feeling of her lips on your chest as she intently sucks your nipples, making your whole body tingle. You pull on her hair and she lets out a moan, moving back to your lips. You’ve made out for too long, you need more, you grind against her leg and she retaliates, pressing her thigh into your clit. You grab her singlet and pull it off without hesitating. You begin unbuttoning her pants however you’re interrupted by her raspy voice.
“Wait, wait, wait, Y/n. Are we really doing this?” she says, clearly out of breath.
“I mean, only if you want to” you shrug
“I want to. I really want to. But i’m confused, you told me to get back with Cat? You made it clear that what we had was just sex, are you just really horny because if that’s the cas-“
You press you finger to her lips.
“Ellie, come on did you really think this was just sex to me? I hate Cat, I envy her. I’ve wanted you since we were 15 but I couldn’t risk losing you. I just can’t pretend anymore.”
You watch Ellie’s face carefully, scared that what she’ll say next will cause you two to never speak again. Instead she softly rubs her fingers on against your cheek.
“I really wish you told me earlier, we wasted so much time. I missed you this last week, a lot.” she sighs.
You are so relieved you could actually cry, but now is not the time for that.
“Fuck me like you missed me then.” you don’t have time to say anything else, because the second you finished your sentence Ellie has lifted you up and roughly placed you on top of her hips so that you are straddling her as she lays down. Your lips reconnect and you grind down hard.
“I need you” you moan, drunk on the how good this feels.
“I’ve got you baby” she replies, flipping you over and pulling your pants down quicker than you thought was humanly possible. She unbuttons her pants so you are both naked, your pussy pulsing from the sight.
“So wet for me huh baby?” she hums, causing you to groan.
Wasting no time she presses her mouth against your clit, moaning at your reaction to her tongue. It isn’t long before you feel your stomach begin to grow warm, you’re not going to last long. You grab her hand that is tightly gripped against your thigh. She always does this so she can hold you in place while she licks and sucks in the perfect rhythm. You push her hand further down and she knows exactly what you want. She presses her fingers inside you and you throw your head against the pillow, making the headboard loudly hit the wall. She continues to finger you while using her magic mouth on your clit as you feel yourself begin to come undone. It makes you so fucking wet how much she loves eating your pussy.
“F-fuck, FUCK, Ellie i’m so close. I’m so so fucking close ughh” you moan worryingly loud but oh well, you couldn’t care less in this moment. Ellie moans into your pussy and you’re thrown over the edge, cumming arguably harder than you’ve ever cum in your life. Ellie rolls over, laying next to you, as you both try and catch your breath.
“Fuck.” You groan, thinking about how good she makes you feel. You roll over and look at her, sweaty and breathless.
“You okay?” you ask “You seem kinda out of breath.” She turns to look at you, her cheeks bright pink.
“I-I um, sorta”
“Spit it out Ellie” you say impatiently, worried something is wrong.
“Shut up” she retaliates “I came. When I was eating you out idk how but I finished”
You giggle, moving so that you are now on top of her.
“Naw don’t be embarrassed Els, wanna cum again?” you whisper in her ear causing her to groan,
“You know I fucking do”.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Faking an orgasm with Nico?
Fake- Nico Hischier
A/N: I love these different ideas that come into my inbox! You all have great ideas and I’m honored when you trust me with them! For real tho, don’t cheat yourself out of a good time. If they aren’t hitting you with what you need, explore that with open communication!
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: SMUT 18 + Content.
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The headboard slaps against the wall with each one of Nico’s sloppy thrusts into me. The bed groans with the same inflection as my boyfriend. I wrap my feet around his butt, trying to keep him deep while tightening up my inner muscles to create some friction. It doesn’t help me, but Nico moans against my mouth as he leans down to kiss me.
“I’m close.” He says through another wet moan.
I’m not, but I can tell by how this has all gone that Nico is more about himself tonight than me. And that’s fine because usually it’s the opposite. Plus I’m still having a damn good time with him. I exaggerate a needy moan to him that he matches. I tighten my breathing, producing needy gasps, until I almost believe that I’m actually orgasming.
“Yessss.” He sputters as he jerks his last few thrusts into me. 
The headboard finally silences and only Nico’s rough breathing fills the room. He shakes the hair out of his eyes, grinning down at me in blinding satisfaction. 
“Mmm, I love ya.” He muses then rolls off of me. 
“Love you.” I murmur back, arching my back to stretch out a compressed kink in my lower back.
“Come here.” He opens his arm for me to bury my face into his side. He drops a kiss to my scalp then combs his fingers through my hair in steady strokes. Now this feels incredible.
Nico’s hot, wet kisses awaken my naked body the next morning. He tastes every part of me before practice, ending our love making with a ravenous and sweet breakfast between my legs.
“So how was your night last night?” Ryleigh asks me later. We both lay flat on our backs after an hour long workout session at our apartment gym. Her and Dawson live in the same building, so we usually squeeze in a work out and lunch a few times a week while the boys are at practice.
“It was fine.” I bring my leg up, stretching out my hamstring. I sigh at how good it feels.
“Just fine? With how Nico was hanging on you when you two left?” I roll my eyes at the memory of him licking the shell of my ear obscenely in front of the team. Drunk Nico hits different when he sheds the C for the night.
“Yeah, take that eagerness and move it to the bedroom.” I chuckle, wiggling my hips in an awkward motion.
“Oooooo….” She cringes. “Sloppy?”
“He rocked your world in the end?”
“God, no.” I snort. “Could have won an Oscar with my performance though.”
Ryleigh laughs at the same time I hear the door to the gym swing open. I look up from my spot on the floor, not seeing anyone there. I bring my other leg up to stretch out.
“He more than made up for it this morning though.”
Ryleigh’s phone dings.
“Boys are back.” She says, surprised.
“Wow, must have been a quick practice.” We both gather our water bottles, phones, and headphones before heading to the elevator. When we get to our floor, we both peel off in different directions, confirming to meet up at the same time tomorrow.
“Hey!” I say brightly to Nico when I get back to our place. He gives me a strange smile from the counter where he is flipping through the mail. “You’re back early.”
“Yeah, we worked on special teams for like 15 minutes, then spent a good chunk of time in recovery. Got a lot of games coming up.” He tosses a pile of mail onto the counter, then comes to give me a stack.
“Thanks.” I pucker my lips. He pauses for a moment, studying my face, then slowly leans down to brush our lips together. “Hey, that was lame. Kiss me for real.” I wrap my hand into a first with his shirt. I hold him there until the pressure of his mouth on mine is satisfying. “Mmm, better.” I think I catch an annoyed tiff from him, but it’s so quick I’m not sure. I slide my gaze to the mail, fingering through the envelopes and deciding it’s nothing urgent. 
“I’m going to rinse off in the shower.”
“Okay.” I say to the empty room because Nico has already disappeared. I stare at the empty doorway, wondering what happened at practice that took away his cheery mood from this morning.
Nico is usually an in and out of the shower kind of guy, so I’m surprised when I look up from my book and realize its been about a half hour since he went into our bathroom. I set my book down, strolling down the hall as he is coming out of the bathroom. His hair is towel dried and he’s already dressed in new boxer briefs and pants. The wide, thick muscles of his back tense as his fingers work to button his jeans closed.
He doesn’t look up as I come behind him. I wrap my arms around his body, gliding my fingers slowly up his abdomen. He doesn’t react, just stands there silently.
“I know you just showered but maybe you and I can work up a little sweat?” I murmur, pressing my lips to his bare back. He tenses under my mouth.
“How so?”
“You touch me… I touch you… we touch some things together….” He snags a random t-shirt off the hanger, tugging it hard off the plastic.
“I think one Oscar performance from you is enough for one day. Or was it two?” He pulls away from me, leaving me confused in our closet. Then, I remember the swinging door from earlier. I close my eyes. Fuck.
I walk into the bedroom where Nico has already thrown the shirt over his shoulders, moving it down his abdomen so it rests against his jeans. He runs an exasperated hand through his hair before moving to the dresser to strap his watch back on.
“You heard me?”
“Tell someone else you faked an orgasm? Yeah I did.” His tone is gruff and he scoffs after he says it.
“Can we talk about it?”
“I think the time to talk about it was last night when you were faking it beneath me.”
“Neeks, come on.” I reach out for his forearm as he tries to walk around me. He stops next to me when my hand squeezes his skin.
“Why would you do that?” His voice is low with an obvious hurt.
“You were almost there and… I wanted you to feel good.” I shrug.
“But I want you to feel good. Every time.”
“I know. Last night was just an off night for us.”
“Did you this morning too?” A harsh line forms between his thick eyebrows.
“No. Last night was the first and last. I promise.” I run my hand up his arm to his neck. My fingers grip it, bringing his face down to mine. “This morning was amazing. You’re all I thought about during my work out.” I kiss his cheek, working my way to his mouth. The first press is against slacked lips. But then his lips slowly firm under mine to kiss me back. “I love you. I’m sorry. I should have told you I needed a little extra.”
“Yeah.” He sighs against my mouth as my fingers rub his penis over his jeans. He’s thickening with each pass.
“I can make it up to you?” I murmur as I lower to my knees.
“I think I’m supposed to make it up to you.” He says with heavy eyes.
Instead, his hand gathers my hair into a tight fist while he slides himself deep into my mouth, without another distinguishable word.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 9 months
Fluffcember Day 12 | All the reasons why I love you
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Pairing | Husband!Chris Evans x Wife!Fem!Reader
Word count | 2K
Summary | Today is your wedding day, and Chris recalls some of his most fond memories of you, his wife. From the moment you first met to the moment he first heard your laugh, not a single moment is forgotten by him. It is at that moment that you realize how much he paid attention to all the little things, and why you have fallen for him in the first place all those years ago.
Rating | General (G)
Warning(s) | RPF, Established relationship ~ Husband & Wife, use of nickname ~ Beautiful
A/n | This one-shot is written for day 12 of my Fluffcember 2023 Challenge! I want to dedicate this to @cevansbaby-dove, I truly hope this will make your day just a little brighter in the tough time you're going through right now. I want to give a massive thank you to @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this one, it is truly appreciated 🎄
Events Masterlist | ''That's the first time I ever heard you laugh | @buckys-wintersoldier Masterlist | Love at first sight | @ultimatechrisbingo
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Owner
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist | Read on AO3
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You're seated at the big table, ready for dinner, when your brand new husband, Chris, looks at you and gives you a reassuring smile before standing up and reaching for a microphone.
''Can I have everyone's attention, please? Because I would like to take this moment to tell all of you something about my beautiful partner in crime and wife, Y/N Evans-Y/L/N,'' Chris starts as he looks back at you, now standing in the middle of the dance floor.
His light blue suit compliments his eyes beautifully and matches the decor around the wedding venue, tying the whole outfit together. His beard and hair are styled in his usual way, making him look handsome, and you feel like you have found heaven on earth in this man.
Your husband. The more you think about it, the harder it is to believe, but it's true. You married your best friend, the love of your life, your partner through thick and thin.
''I'd like to start by telling you all how I met the most beautiful lady I have ever met, and who turned my world upside down from the moment she came into my life nearly 15 years ago.''
You just finished your work for the day, and now you're walking home from the school where you teach. Having a job only 10 minutes from your home is perfect, and being an elementary school teacher has always been one of your biggest dreams.
But today, you decide to stop in the bookstore on your way home as if something was pulling you into that building. The door swings open, a familiar warmth engulfs you, and you feel instantly at home.
You have spent many rainy days here and are good friends with the owners.
''Y/N! What a surprise to see you here; how is everything going?'' May asks; she's one of the two owners with her husband, Jason.
''It's good to see you again, May. I'm so sorry I haven't been here lately, but it's hectic at work now that we're nearing the end of the school year again. But I decided to revisit two of my favorite people; I have missed you both a lot,'' you tell her, and May nods in understanding.
''You're always welcome here, Y/N. We got a few books over the last few weeks that might be right up your alley. I stored them in the back until you would visit again,'' she says before walking off and getting said books.
Meanwhile, you're on your way to browse your favorite store section: True Crime. Something about this topic never ceases to amaze you, and you have spent many hours browsing the section.
Your eyes glide over the books until you spot one that immediately piques your interest. It's a little too high for you, but you try to reach for it anyway, but to no avail. You can't reach it even when you're standing on your tiptoes and let out a frustrated sigh.
''Can I help you with that?'' a deep voice on your right asks you, and when you turn your head, you look right into the eyes of the most handsome man you have ever seen. You stare at him for a few seconds until it dawns that he asked you a question, and your cheeks turn bright red in embarrassment.
''Oh! I'm so sorry! Uhm... Yes, please, can you hand me that one?'' you tell him as you point towards a book about Jeffrey Dahmer. The man reaches for it and grabs it off the shelf effortlessly, handing it to you with a charming smile.
''Here you go, Beautiful,'' he tells you, and you take the book from his hands with a shy smile and a chuckle leaving your chest.
''Thank you, uhm-'' ''Chris!'' ''Well, thank you, Chris,'' you tell him, and just as you're about to turn around and see if May is back, he stops you.
''I hope I'm not too forward here, but you're beautiful, and I was hoping we could get some coffee sometime if you're up for it,'' he tells you, and you happily agree.
A few days later, you're having coffee with the man you fell for in the bookstore, and you've never believed in love at first sight until you met Chris. He felt the same way and told you exactly that a few dates later. You two have never looked back and been together ever since that moment.
''I still remember that day like it was yesterday. That was the first time I ever heard you laugh. It has become one of my favorite things to hear, and I know I will never get tired of hearing it. It makes me feel like I'm home because you're nearby. And you're my home,'' he tells you before blowing a kiss your way.
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''One of my favorite moments we have experienced together has to be the moment she met Dodger for the first time,'' Chris starts as he paces over the dance floor, his arms moving to emphasize his point.
Are you ready to meet him, Beautiful?'' Chris asks as you're sitting on his living room couch. You've always loved dogs, and ever since Chris told you about his furry friend, you couldn't wait to meet him.
He has told you about how he rescued him after filming in a shelter, and it warms your heart each time. You're getting a little impatient to see him now.
''Been ready for ages!'' you tell him with a chuckle, and that's when you hear it: his excited taps on the floor as he runs to the new person in his house, curious as ever.
''Who's that, Buddy? Say hi to her; she won't bite you!'' Chris tells him enthusiastically. Dodger can't contain his excitement, and he jumps on the couch where you're sitting, greeting you excitedly as Chris looks at the two of you.
''See? I told you he would like you,'' Chris tells you, and deep inside, you knew he would because he's the absolute best dog in the world. And to have Chris as his owner makes him the luckiest dog in the universe.
''Aren't you an excited little boy? Yeah, you are! God and you're so cute too, just like your Daddy,'' you say, and you look at Chris from the corner of your eye, seeing him turn bright red at your compliment.
''You two are way cuter together, though,'' he tells you, making you smile. From that moment on, wherever you went, Dodger went with you. He would be by your side anywhere inside the house; if you went outside, he would always want to accompany you.
That year, naturally, you had to take a photo of yourself, Chris, and Dodger in front of the Christmas tree, which is still your favorite photo of the three of you. Your own little family was enjoying their first Christmas together.
''I wouldn't want it any other way,'' you tell Chris when he's done telling the story, and once again, he blows a kiss your way. He's head over heels in love with you, and so are you with him. You can never get enough of him telling stories.
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''The fondest memory I have of her, however, will have to be the moment I proposed to her while we were on vacation in Mexico,'' Chris tells everyone in the room, and a big smile adorns his face.
You and Chris have been together for a little over 13 years now, and even though you have discussed the idea of marriage a few times, it only became concrete now.
A few weeks before your departure on your yearly vacation with Chris, he started his search for the perfect engagement ring. He has visited several shops but eventually found the perfect one for you.
Now, all that's left is to pop the question.
You two just had dinner in an authentic Mexican restaurant and had some fantastic food, and now Chris is offering to take you on a walk on the beach. What you did not know, however, is that Chris's mom, Lisa, has prepared the place of the proposal for both of you.
''God, that food was amazing! I'm glad you chose that restaurant, Beautiful,'' Chris tells you as his fingers are interlaced with yours. The restaurant you initially wanted to visit was closed due to a personal emergency, so you decided to hit up an authentic Mexican restaurant nearby.
''I don't know what the other place would have been like, but I'm so glad we decided to go here because I would eat here again if I ever have the chance!'' you tell him, and Chris can't help but smile.
All he can think about is how that might be your go-to restaurant every time you come back to visit to relive your memories of the day he proposed to you.
He turns to you and admires how your dress flows in the wind, making you look nothing short of angelic. After you have walked for about 20 minutes, you spot the proposal site, and your head shoots over to Chris.
Is this happening?! You ask yourself, and you soon find out that it is happening. Right here, right now.
''Y/N, I'm not sure how I would have gotten where I am today without your encouragement and joy, without listening to your singing and watching you dance when you think no one is watching,'' he starts.
''I enjoy dreaming with you because you understand me like no one else could. I enjoy being sick now that you're there to care for me. You inspire me to get out of bed each morning, no matter how difficult the day ahead may be, and you make me want to accomplish the impossible,'' he tells you, and you're trying your hardest to conserve your make-up as the tears are escaping.
''We both want to live a colorful, memorable life, and we can make our wildest dreams come true if we work together on them. And that's why I want- no, need you for the rest of my life,'' he finishes his speech.
He grabs the ring out of his pocket, clutching the little box tightly before going down on one knee, and you put your hands over your mouth to stifle the sniffles coming out.
When he's down on his knee, he opens the small velvet box, revealing the engagement ring he picked out for you, and he asks the question you've been dying to hear ever since you realized he's about to propose.
''Y/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man on earth and become my wife?''
''Oh my god, YES!'' you exclaim, and Chris takes the ring out of the box and gets up before grabbing your face gently, sealing your moment with a tender, sweet kiss.
''I love you so much, Chris, and I can't wait to marry you,'' you tell him, and from that moment on, you're going through life as the future Mrs. Evans.
''And now, here we are all gathered on our wedding day. Honestly, I couldn't have done this without you, Beautiful. You're the reason I am where I am today, and to have you by my side to witness it all is the cherry on top of the wedding cake!'' he says, and you have to wipe some tears away.
Your road may have been challenging, but you wouldn't change it for anything. If your relationship with Chris has proven anything, you can go through anything as long as you have him by your side and want to prove that to him every single day of your lives together.
When he's about to let everyone know they can start their dinner, you get up from your chair and jog over to him with the front of your wedding dress raised so you don't slip and fling yourself around his neck when you arrive.
''I love you, Chris, and thank you for that. Now you have made this day truly unforgettable,'' you tell him, his arms wrapped around you to pull you close to him.
''I love you too, Beautiful, and I will show you just how much every single day of the rest of our lives.''
And with that, your promises to each other are sealed with one more kiss. Your lips move as if they are made for one another, fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle. You have found heaven on earth in your husband, and you're officially the happiest woman in the universe.
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bingo6776 · 2 years
Heyo, here is a Wednesday x autistic!reader. its more so from wednesday’s POV ig? not strictly but yeah. i used alot of my own experiences/feelings, but from readers POV it was slightly harder to have it flow in a way?? idk
not the best, but i havent written in ages and figured i would put something mid out over nothing :))) 
requests are welcome n shit
Wednesday ground her teeth together as she looked at the watch on her wrist.
 1:15 pm.
 You were only 15 minutes late, but for you, that was as good as being hours late.
 Ever since Wednesday had known you, you were always early. No matter what the event was, you’d be there waiting for everyone else to arrive.
 Once, on you weekly coffee dates at the weathervane, she had attempted to get there first. To be the one waiting for you this time.
But, of course, no matter how early she had gotten there, you’d always be waiting at your usual table, with an amused look on your face as you saw her deflate at being beaten, of course, you’d only be more amused at the fake glare she sent you, paired with her worryingly inventive threats of bodily harm and psychological torture.
 So, yes. 15 minutes may not be monumental to the rest of this incompetent school, but for you, it was.
 Wednesday felt her foot tapping lightly, to others it would have looked comical. An impatient Wednesday Addams tapping her foot as the seconds ticked by as if she was in some kind of cartoon.
 Wednesday’s mind was slowly overcome with a never-ending stream of violent occurrences that could have happened to you preventing you from meeting her at the agreed upon time and place.
 If she were anyone else, she would have let them cloud her mind, dull her sharp senses. Yet, luckily for her, she was not.
 Which is why  when Enid passed by the shrouded area Wednesday darted an arm out, aggressively tugging the blonde werewolf into the shadows with her.
 “You have a class with Y/N,” Wednesday decided to ignore the shocked yelp Enid let out, along with the way Enid was barely able to prevent herself from clawing Wednesday away from her. “She’s late meeting with me.”
 Enid shot Wednesday a sympathetic look, she knew the morbid girl would never say such a thing to anyone but you, but you were a vital part of her schedule, you kept her clam. Levelled. Balanced. She cherished any time you spent together. Even though Enid had been witness to numerous die hard romances amongst outcast and normie alike, she had never seen such a pure and unrelenting love that the two of you shared.
 “Oh, uh, yeah. Yoko said she saw some nurse taking her to her dorm earlier, apparently, she got caught in the middle of the change over rush,” Enid grimaced at the thought of being stuck in the throng of teenagers who hadn’t grasped onto the concept of personal space or volume control yet.
 Wednesday hardly waited a second after the werewolf finished her sentence before she turned away, storming towards your dorm.
 ‘And Yoko says I’m a lovesick puppy,’ Enid thought as she rolled her eyes at the brisk departure and returned to her friends.
 To Wednesday, it wasn’t too hard to string together the rest of the events that had occurred.
 She knew you weren’t embarrassed to have autism, no. But, as she herself was autistic, she could understand the struggles of avoiding overstimulation and the prying stares you’d receive in the aftermath.
 Once she reached the dorm, people in the hallway parting to let her through, not wanting to meet the wrath of an obviously determined Addams, she softly tapped at the door.
 One second
 With no reply, she slowly pushed the door open walking into the small gap she created.
 Your room wasn’t dark, yet it wasn’t light either. There was just a soft silver glow coming from the small lamp on your bedside table.
  It illuminated your figure that was curled in on yourself on top of your bed, hands clamped over your ears, eyes screwed shut in a way that Wednesday knew should have been uncomfortable. You were making a consistent, yet urgent sounding hum, more so for the feeling of it vibrating in your chest over having the actual noise.
 And Wednesday felt her heart break. No, no. it was more as if it crumbled. Slowly, but surely, it withered away. She hated seeing you so distressed, so in pain due to the ignorance and downright bone-headed students at Nevermore. She swore that she would kill each and every person who put you in this position, shed ensure that before she pushed them into the black abyss of death that they would experience every torture method known to man and spirit alike.
 No, she could focus on that later. Now you were more important, much more important.
 Trying not too make too much noise, she walked over to your bed, noticing how your figure rocked back and forth slowly. Once she had come close enough, she simply sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to take notice of the slight dipping of the mattress and how she emerged in your line of sight.
 As your eyes sprang open and focused onto hers, Wednesday truly did try not to flinch at the tears that were held there, the panic that still filled every brim of your body at being pushed and pulled in the crowd, the overlapping conversations feeling as if they had been cutting into your brain, your skin suddenly too hot, too tight.
 Slowly, she raised a hand, moving it at a pace that if at this moment you didn’t want to be touched, you could give her a sign that space was what you needed, but when you didn’t make any such sign she gently laid on top of your arm. The second her cool skin made contact with your own overheating one, you practically launched yourself into her arms.
 Your arms wound your way around her shoulders, burrowing your face into her neck, revelling in the calming scent that filled your space, the darkness that engulfed you as you pushed your face into the crook of her neck.
 “Cara Mia,” Wednesday murmured as her arms tightly wound around your waist, knowing you preferred pressure over light, barely there touches. “What is it you need from me right now, how can I help?”
 You would have given her an in-depth description of the how’s, and the why’s, if it hadn’t felt like your fucking throat had sewn itself shut. The feeling of not being able to talk, not be able to force the words out of your throat without being overcome with discomfort only made more tears spring to your eyes, made you push your face deeper into her neck, trying to get lost in anything over than the fact you felt like your body and mind were becoming so overfilled that you were about to break at the seams.
 Yet, Wednesday was fluent in many languages, luckily she had recently become more than acquainted with your body language.
 She could practically feel the desperation and distress radiating off of your body.
 Not knowing what else she could have done in the moment, she placed a hand o your hair and started slowly running her fingers through it in the way she knows you liked, gently scratching your scalp every now and then.
 “Would you prefer if we were to stay in silence?” she was glad no one was around to hear how sappy and soft she sounded.
 You shook your head, never lifting your head from the safety of Wednesday’s body, enjoying the way her skin was soft, yet had clearly refined muscles lurking beneath the surface. How she smelled of something so indescribable, yet so unbelievably her.
 Laying her head on your own, one hand still working its way through your hair, the other keeping its place at your waist, Wednesday pushed away thoughts about her reputation, or what people may think of the presumed dangerous, murderous Addams being reduced to a pile of mush all for you, and started humming a soft tune instead.
 So what if shed picked up a few of Enid’s softer songs, knowing you and the werewolf had similar tastes. She knew that one day they could come in handy, either from her own mouth or her cello, they’d be useful. Not because she wanted to impress you, no way.
 For an unknown amount of time, Wednesday held you against your body, rocking you both back and forth, never once halting in her movements or her humming.
  To you, it felt like she was a shield against the outside world, protecting you from it. She was your safe space, the one person you knew you could rely on to be there, no matter the circumstance. You hoped you were that for her too.
 Eventually, you felt somewhat better, your body still feeling slightly tense, your muscles aching slightly from not being strained for so long. But still. Better.
 You pulled back from Wednesday slightly, still keeping your arms loosely tied around her shoulders, ignoring the flushed, sticky feeling that coated your cheeks from your tears.
 “I-“ even from the simple letter, your throat closed up, feeling rough from the shallow breathing, not being able to pull much more air into you lungs despite having wanted nothing more than that one big breath that felt like your body was reset. Clearing your throat, you carried on. “I’m sorry. For, you know… this. And being late.”
 Despite your short sentences and the quiet way you uttered the words, Wednesday felt her heart crack again, she was reminded of the way she practically itched to get her hands on the people who mad you feel like this.
 “My love, don’t you dare apologise,” she trailed a finger from your brow, down to your jaw. “You have done nothing wrong. We both know more than most that this is not something you can control. The least those insufferable cretins could have done was be more aware of what they were doing. It’s amusing how they think I’m the intolerant one.”
 You huffed out a soft laughing, your eyes tracing over Wednesday’s face, not settling on one space for too long. You were still astounded to this day that you had been able to win Wednesday’s affections, to have her hold you in such a caring manner without holding a knife against your throat in the next second.
 “Wends, no murder, no maiming. We have a deal, remember? You leave at least half of the school alive, and you get to carry that ancient mace around with you.”
 “It’s not much of a deal, Y/N. You wouldn’t be able to pry the mace from my dead hands, I can do as I please and murder who I please. Regardless of whether you think it’s polite, or not.”
 At that you only quirked a brow at her, all you would have to do was say please and shed give you the world, shed burn it to the ground to watch you smile, or nurture it with a gentleness she had buried long ago. Until you. Still, whichever you pleased. She’d prefer the burning, but that’s irrelevant, watching as she rolled her eyes and grumbled some half-hearted excuse.
 “Irrelevant, my love. We are focusing on you, and what you need. Would you like to watch one of those inane movies you like? The ones that are a disgrace to every cinematic piece ever made?”
 Not having the energy to delve into how ‘Shrek’ was a masterpiece in its own right, you only nod gently.
 Tugging the gothic girl to lay down beside you, with your head resting on her shoulder as she pulled your laptop from your bedside table, already knowing how to load the movie due to the “innumerable amount of times” you had forced Wednesday “to watch such a pathetic excuse for entertainment.”
 You knew she’d say she hated it, but you didn’t miss the way her lips tugged up slightly when Donkey was petrified for whatever reason throughout the movie.
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allthingseddie · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours - Part Three
Part One Here Part Two Here
Note: I just want to thank everyone that’s read the first two parts of this for all of the love you have left it means so much. I am wanting to do use this part as the final part of the ‘main’ series as this is what I intended. I do, however have some ideas for a few small fics with the same characters that I will post separately, but if you would like to continue being on the taglist for those, let me know! Thank you so much again for your support! :)
It was Thursday morning and you had already left for work and Eddie was trying to get Halle ready for the day and failing miserably. She was usually a well tempered child, but she had woken up in a terrible mood. Eddie was desperately trying to get her to eat breakfast but she was crying instead.
“Halle, baby, please eat. Please. Do you want something else? I’ll make you something else,” Eddie pleaded with his daughter.
“No. I don’t. Want it!” Halle cried and crossed her arms over her chest. Her face was red and stained with tears and her nose was starting to run. This had been going on for the last 15 minutes. He had made her oatmeal and she was acting like he committed a terrible crime against humanity.
“Do you want pancakes? Cereal? Eggs?,” The more Eddie questioned her, the louder her cries got. She gets off the chair throws herself on the ground, knees hitting the floor first. She continued to cry and Eddie lets out a sigh of frustration. She didn’t get like this very often but when she did, she wouldn’t communicate with him to save her life. There was always a reason for the tantrums but getting it out of her was like pulling teeth. The tantrum went on for what felt like hours, when in reality it had only been a total of 45 minutes. Halle was now laying on the floor on her stomach, looking at her dad. Her breathing was finally starting to slow and she was calming down.
“I want Y/N,” Halle says softly. Eddie gets on the floor beside Halle and gently strokes her back.
“Baby, she’s at work. You’ll get to see her tonight when she picks you up from Mrs. Wheeler’s house,” Eddie says. This was not the answer she wanted and loud cries returned as she starts kicking her feet on the floor. Eddie glanced up at the clock and realized that he really should have been getting ready for work by now. He had spent a good part of his morning trying to calm his toddler and he was in the same boat he was in earlier. He sighs and knows he can’t take her to Karen Wheeler’s house like this. He gets up and calls into work, something he rarely does, all while his daughter screams in the background. He cringed the whole time, wondering if his boss was going to think he was a terrible parent. Without realizing what he’s doing after hanging up with his boss, he’s calling the bank and asking for you.
“Eds? What’s wrong?,” You ask over the phone as you hear Halle crying in the background.
“Halle’s freaking out. She’s throwing a terrible tantrum and all that’s she said to me in the past hour is that she doesn’t want to eat and that she wants you. I even called off work because I can’t get her to calm down.” Eddie responds, rubbing his hand over his face. You can tell how frustrated he is even through the phone and you want to give him a hug and tell him it’ll be alright.
“You know what, I can go to lunch early today. Bring her by the bank,” You say in response.
“Are you sure? It’s a bad one,” Eddie says.
“Yeah Eds I’m sure it’ll be okay,” You say.
“Thank you sweetheart, I’ll see you soon,” Eddie says and gets off the phone with you. At these words, Halle looks up at him knowing there’s only 1 person he ever calls sweetheart. She’s still crying but stops her movements.
“Do you want to go see Y/N?,” He asks looking down at Halle. Her breathing starts to slow again and she nods her head yes. ,”Okay well you have to get cleaned up first. You’re looking awfully snotty”
Halle slowly gets up off the floor and does a walk of shame to Eddie’s bedroom. She sits on her bed and lets him get her changed. She sits on the floor of the kitchen afterwards while Eddie packs whatever food he can quickly into her lunchbox. He picks Halle up and loads her into the car and makes his way to the bank to see you. Once he gets there, he walks in the building holding Halle’s hand. Her face was still red and splotchy from her tantrum but she had finally calmed down. You come out from behind the counter and she runs to you. You pick her up and she starts softly crying again in your arms.
“Hey, its okay sweet girl,” You say as you rub her back gently. Eddie motions for you to follow him out to his car, not wanting to risk Halle throwing another tantrum at your place of work. He opens the passenger side door for you and you sit down with Halle in your arms. Once you sit down, you gently lift her body off of her chest so you can see her face.
“Okay, deeps breaths princess,” You say as you demonstrate how to settle her breathing. She follows your actions and finally calms down a little bit more. ,” What’s wrong baby?”
“You didn’t like me anymore, when I was as-sleep,” She says and lays her head back on your chest.
“What do you mean baby?,” You ask her.
“You left our house and didn’t come back and I missed you,” She responds. You realize that she had a bad dream and your rest your head on top of hers.
“Oh sweet girl, I would never leave you. I love you too much,” You respond and stroke her back again.
“Promise?,” She asks quietly looking up at you. You start to tear up a little bit just thinking about the fact that she was so upset over the idea of you leaving.
“I promise baby, I’m not going anywhere. I will love you for the rest of my life,” You say kissing her forehead. She lays her head on your chest again and you look over at Eddie. He’s staring at you with a look of appreciation and you give him a small smile.
“Are you hungry baby?,” You ask her and feel her nod her head yes. Eddie pulls out the lunchbox he threw a bunch of food into and starts sorting through everything. He hands Halle a peanut butter and jelly sandwich first and she starts eating it and he gives a sigh of relief.
“Thank you for eating baby,” He says leaning over and kissing her forehead. Eddie gets back into the lunchbox and pulls out 2 more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and hands you one ,”It’s not gourmet but it’s made with love and panic.” You chuckle and take the sandwich from him and start to eat it.
“It’s damn good,” You say and smirk at him.
“Damn good,” Halle mimics.
“Hals that’s a grown up word you can’t say it yet,” Eddie says to her and you try not to laugh.
“Fine,” She says and rolls her eyes at her dad and continues eating her sandwich.
“Jesus Christ she does not like me today,” Eddie says somewhat playfully but you know his feelings are hurt.
“Are you kidding? She loves you. You love your daddy don’t you baby?,” You ask her.
“Yeah daddy I love you, but you always tell me I can’t say stuff,” Halle says.
“That’s because you say grown up words you’re not supposed to say,” Eddie says and you chuckle.
“You’re arguing with yourself Eds, you realize that right? She’s just a smaller, girl version of you” You say to him amused.
“Yeah the universe wanted to really show me what my family put up with,” He says and chuckles. You ate a lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a banana and chips and it was just about time for you to get back to work. Halle was in a much better mood now but both you and Eddie were scared to tell her that you had to go back to work.
“My lunch is almost over baby, so I have to go back to work. You’re gonna go home with daddy and I’ll see you as soon as I get off okay?,” You ask her.
“But I want you to play with me,” Halle says jutting out her bottom lip in a pout and staring up at you.
“You know what, I bet daddy will let you play with his hair if you go home with him right now. He will let you brush it and braid it and everything,” You say to her and she looks over at her dad excitedly. You can feel his annoyance behind the smile he’s giving his daughter and you look at him smugly while she doesn’t see.
“Anything for you princess,” He says and Halle laughs in excitement and climbs on her dads lap.
“Alright I gotta go. I love you sweet girl and I’ll see you later okay?,” You say. She gives you a sticky kiss and tells you she loves you back and you head back into work.
“He’s cute,” You coworker Ashley teases you as you enter the building, suspecting that you have a bit of a crush on Eddie and you blush slightly.
“He’s single,” You respond trying to play it off to her.
“Uh huh, sure,” Ashley says and walks away chuckling. You make it through the rest of your work day and head home. Once you open the door, you are greeted with a very frizzy-haired Eddie who had rainbow hair ties and clips all throughout his hair. You laugh as he looks up at you from the ground and you can tell he’s never going to let you live this suggestion down.
“Well don’t you look beautiful,” You say laughing at him. He holds his ring, middle and first finger up at you, silently saying ‘read between the lines’ and you laugh again.
After work on Friday, you stop by the Wheeler’s house to pick up Halle and take her home. You sing Hey Jude by The Beetles together on the way home and Halle is singing her heart out. Once you get home, you make some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. You can Halle sit down and eat it together and she tells you about her day at the Wheelers house. After dinner, you give her a bath and get her ready for bed. You get her tucked into her bed and cuddle with her for a little bit before she falls asleep. You read her her favorite story book and she falls asleep quickly. Once she’s asleep, you get settled into the couch and decided to watch a movie until Eddie gets home. You are watching a horror movie on low volume when the phone rings and you get up to answer it.
“Hey sweetheart its me. I just wanted to let you know that my car took a shit on me at work. My buddy gets off in an hour so he’s gonna drop me off on his way home so I’ll be home late. Didn’t want to worry you,” Eddie says over the phone.
“Eds, you can’t stay at work for another hour waiting for someone to bring you home. I can come get you,” You respond.
“You really don’t have to do that sweetheart. I know Halle is probably asleep and I don’t want all your hard work putting her to bed go to waste, and you have to work in the morning”
“Eds, I am not letting you stay there that late waiting for a ride. I will put Halle to bed again if I have to, I’m coming to get you,” You say. You hear him sigh over the phone.
“Yeah okay, thank you. I’ll see you soon,” He says. You carefully pick Halle up out of bed and make your way to your car. You get her buckled into her car seat and make your way to the plant. When you pull up, Eddie is standing out front smoking a cigarette with a few others guys. You park in front of him and get out of the car.
“Thank you for coming out here sweetheart I really appreciate it,” He says and blows smoke away from you.
“I had ulterior motives, I left my good sunglasses in your car. Keys please,” You say holding out your hand to take his keys from him. He watches as you walk over to his car in the parking lot and lean over to get your sunglasses.
“Damn, Munson, where have you been hiding that one at?,” Andy asks putting out his cigarette and coming to stand side by side with Eddie. Eddie turns to him and sees him looking at your ass.
“Away from you assholes that’s for sure,” He says and puts out his own cigarette.
“You bangin her?,” Jake asks from behind them.
“No, for your information, I am not ‘banging’ her. She’s my best friend and we live together,” Eddie says.
“You not like chicks?,” Andy asks him jokingly. He rolls his eyes as his coworkers words.
“Isn’t your smoke break over?,” Eddie asks them without looking at them.
“Okay, fine we’re going. If you don’t make a move on her, give her my number will you?,” Andy asks.
“In your dreams,” Eddie responds.
You come back from his car and hand his keys over to him.
“You ready to go?,” You ask him and he nods his head yes as he gets in the passenger seat of your car. You get behind the wheel and Eddie flips off his coworkers as you pull the car away from the building. You finally arrive at home and Eddie carries Halle back inside. She only stirs as her lays her down in her bed.
“Daddy?,” She asks.
“Hey princess, sorry we woke you up. Daddy’s car broke at work and Y/N had to come pick me up,” Eddie says and strokes her hair.
“I want to cuddle,” Halle responds and reaches out her arms to him. He would be sad when the day his daughter would stop asking him for cuddles would end. He knew she would eventually find it annoying. Eddie brings her over to his bed and cuddles with her as you start to leave the room.
“I want Y/N, too.” Halle says. You turn around and look at Eddie and Halle.
“The child wants what the child wants, c’mon,” Eddie says and makes room on the other side of Halle for you to lay down. It wasn’t the first time you had ever layed in Eddie’s bed. You used to hang out in his room all the time when you were teenagers and vice versa and this wasn’t the first time Halle had wanted to cuddle with both of you, but it still made butterflies erupt in your stomach as you layed on the opposite side of the girl and wrap your arm around her, leading yours and Eddie’s arms to be overlapped. Without meaning to, you fall asleep in his bed with him and Halle both. When you wake up the next morning, Halle is already awake and out of bed and you realize just how close you are to Eddie’s body. Your face is just a few inches away from his and his arm is partially around your torso. Your face flushes and you carefully get out of the bed and make your way to your own room to start getting ready for work.
You shower and get ready for work and head out the door after pouring yourself a travel mug of coffee. Thankfully its a Saturday so the bank closes at noon, meaning you only have to work for about 4 hours. Throughout you work day, you keep thinking about how you woke up this morning basically wrapped in Eddie’s arms since Halle had decided to leave. Before you left the apartment, you told her to go lay back down and put on cartoons in Eddie’s room so she would stay in there with him until he woke up. You didn’t know if she saw you and Eddie in the position you were in once she left bed this morning and the thought made your face flush again. Your work day goes by pretty fast and it’s finally time for you to close. You head out to your car after work and wish your coworkers a good weekend before heading home.
Once you arrive home and walk in the door, you notice that it is not nearly as loud as you expected it to be.
“Hello?,” You call out.
“In here sweetheart,” You hear Eddie call and enter his bedroom where he’s playing his acoustic guitar. You lean against the doorframe. ,”How was work?”
“Not too bad actually. It went by pretty quick. Where’s Halle?,” You ask him.
“She literally begged me to stay the night at Waynes tonight so I dropped her off over there a little bit ago,” Eddie says looking up at you.
“Sweet girl. I was hoping to see her,” You say. Eddie loves how much you love her.
“Hey, at least you get to hang out with your second favorite person tonight,” He says and smiles.
“Robin’s coming over?,” You tease him.
“Oh hardy har,” He says rolls his eyes and you chuckle.
“We haven’t gotten to hang out on a Saturday without Halle, well, since Halle was born,” You say and laugh.
“I know, its gonna be weird. It’ll be just like old times,” Eddie says.
“Does that mean horror movies and pizza night?,” You ask him excitedly.
“Uh duh, I was thinking maybe a little bit of beer too if you’re down,” He says.
“That sounds awesome. I’m gonna go change into comfy clothes and start picking out movies to watch,” You say and leave the room. He smiles to himself as you leave. You go to your room and change into some sweatpants, an oversized band shirt and some fuzzy socks and then make your way to the living room. Eddie runs to the store to pick up some beer and the pizza when it is ready. You pick out all of your favorite horror movies and put one on when Eddie gets back. You take a slice of pizza out of the box and a can of beer and start eating your dinner.
“Mmmm nutrients,” You say as you take a big bite of pizza and chase it down with a swig of beer.
“I don’t think this dinner is very nutritious,” Eddie says and chuckles, taking his own bite of pizza.
“Just let me have my moment,” You laugh back and continue eating your pizza. You’re both sprawled out over the couch eating together. You and Eddie were currently watching Christine and you were loving every minute of it.
“Do you remember Ashley I told you about at work?,” You ask Eddie. You always tell him all of your work gossip.
“The blonde with glasses?,” Eddie asks and you nod your head.
“Yeah, she called you cute on Thursday when you stopped by the bank,” You say not making eye contact with him.
“That honestly shocks me, I figured she would be into the jock type, not a metal head. ,” Eddie says and chuckles.
“I think its the whole dad thing honestly. When you’re good with kids, girls find that shit really attractive,” You say, still watching the tv screen.
“Huh I never thought about that,” Eddie says pondering the thought a little bit and laughs again.
“Don’t go getting a big head there Munson,” You tease him.
“Never,” He says back and smiles at you. After Christine is over, you put on A Nightmare on Elm Street.
“Now that is one attractive man,” You say as Johnny Depp comes on screen.
“I guess someone else is into the Jock type,” Eddie says and chuckles, but his heart secretly plummets.
“Only when its Johnny Depp, no other jocks are attractive to me,” You respond.
“Hmm, what is your type then? I’ve never seen any of the guys you’ve dated,” Eddie says and chuckles.
“Um, I don’t really know,” You say and blush slightly. You couldn’t tell him your type without describing him and you really didn’t have the balls to do that.
“Hey change of topic, there was a promotion at the bank for a better rate on a savings account and I hope you’re okay with it, I opened one for Halle. I guess I should have talked to you about it first, but I just wanted to grab it while it was still there,” You say looking at him.
“Sweetheart you did not have to do that at all,” He says looking at you lovingly.
“I know, I wanted to though. A small little portion of my paycheck will go in there each time I get paid. I figured she could use it to help buy her first car, or if she wants to go to college she can use it for that,” You say to him, not wanting to overstep your bounds more than you probably already have. Eddie just continues looking at you and you didn’t realize how close you were before. He is slowly leaning in towards you when there’s a knock at the door and you jump. You make your way over the the door so he doesn’t see the blush across your cheeks. You answer it and are in complete shock when you see Jules standing on the other side.
“What are you doing here,” Eddie asks her suddenly.
“Wow that’s a great way to greet the mother of your child, how about how are you Jules?,” She says as she steps into the apartment. You look awkwardly between Eddie and Jules for a moment.
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” You say as you make your way to your bedroom. You shut the door behind you but you can’t help but be curious as to what Jules is doing here after years of not being in Halle’s life.
“What do you want Jules?,” Eddie asks.
“I came here to see you and Halle,” Jules says.
“You haven’t seen Halle in 3 years,” Eddie responds harshly.
“Okay, well I’m here now.”
“You don’t get to just pick and choose when you want to be a part of Halle’s life.”
“Listen Eddie, I couldn’t do the baby shit. They’re so needy. They have to be on your boob like 24/7 when they’re that young.”
“So you think the hard parts over and you can just come back now? Because I can guarantee you the hard part is not over.”
“It’s gotta be easier when they can walk and talk and not shit all over you.”
“She doesn’t even know who you are Jules. She does not consider you her mother.”
“Well she can get to know me.”
“No. You walked out on us. I was willing to try to make a relationship work with you and raise her together but you didn’t want that.”
“Oh don’t give me that shit. You didn’t want that either, not when Y/N is constantly around.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Everyone knows that you’re in love with her Eddie! It never would have worked out between us!”
“Well you could of at least stuck around and been a part of her life this whole time instead of leaving altogether!”
“I’m here now! We can try to make it work! I can move in here! I can be a stay at home mom and get to know our daughter! You can kick surrogate mommy in there out and let me be the mother our daughter really needs! She will never be her mom no matter how badly that pathetic loser wants it!”
Eddie’s blood was boiling now and he couldn’t contain the volume on his voice anymore. He had already been slightly raising it but he couldn’t help it anymore, not when she just insulted the love of his life like that.
Jules was starting at Eddie with anger on her face and she couldn’t hold back anymore either.
You slowly make your way out of your room after giving Eddie a little time to calm down. You know he just went through something extremely stressful but your heart can’t help but soar at the fact that he said he loved you. He loved you. You loved him and he loved you. If it wasn’t for Jules being an absolute bitch you wouldn’t have thought this was real life. You make it to the living room and look at Eddie sitting on the couch.
“Eds, are you okay?,” You ask softly.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m sorry about that,” He says and looks at you.
“No it’s okay, you don’t have to apologize,” You say. You sit down beside him and turn your body towards him and place a hand gently on his arm.
“Are you alright?,” You ask again.
“Honestly, there was a lot of things I said that I’ve been meaning to get off of my chest and it does feel really good,” He says and chuckles looking at you.
“It was nice to hear you put her in her place honestly,” You say and chuckle back.
“Oh fuck, you could hear us?,” Eddie says, his face suddenly turning a bright shade of red.
“Uh, yeah,” You say looking down at your hands awkwardly and slightly blushing yourself ,”You were yelling a little bit.”
“I never wanted you to find out that way. I’m sorry. I know you heard how I felt about you. If you’re uncomfortable with any of it we can just pretend like it never happened,” Eddie rambles.
“Eds, I don’t want to forget it. Those were the sweetest words anyone has ever said about me,” You say, finally meeting his eyes with yours again.
“I meant all of them. I think you’re perfect Y/N. I see you as Halle’s mother and I,… I love you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way,” Eddie says and blushes again. You smile at him and instead of responding you bring your lips to his. It felt better than you could have ever imagined. His lips were so soft and fit yours perfectly, like they were made for each other. He is startled at first by the kiss, but then he puts his hands on each side of your face and kisses you back.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for years,” You say and giggle as you pull away from the kiss.
“Are you serious?,” Eddie asks you.
“Yeah. Actually the day you told me Jules was pregnant, I came over to your place to tell you that I was in love with you,” You confess and your face turns a shade of crimson again.
“I could have been kissing you this whole fucking time?,” Eddie says flabbergasted and you giggle.
“Well I didn’t know how you felt about me!,” You respond.
“Man, I’ve been in love with you since our senior year together,” He says.
“Something was in the air that year because that’s the year I realized I fell in love with you, too,” You reply.
“I can’t believe this. This better be fucking real,” Eddie says and kisses you again and you laugh into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. Once you both pull away from each other, you hug him tightly and lay your head on his chest.
“I’m so happy right now Eds,” You say.
“I am too sweetheart. I can’t wait to tell Halle. She really is going to think you’re her mom,” Eddie says and chuckles.
“I don’t mind that at all,” You say and smile at the thought.
“Neither do I,” Eddie says and kisses the top of your head. Your could not have wished for your life to turn out any other way.
Taglist: @corrodedcoffincumslut @kjcmama @paleidiot @eddiesguitarskills @sirsbabygirlsblog @eddiemunson95 @skyline4446 @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @daisyridleyyyy @yujyujj @euphoric-rush @b-irock @brassreign @blueberry—lemon
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