pumpkster · 1 year
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zephyrchama · 3 months
Hide & Seek
The House of Lamentation bustled with activity. Not only had the palace residents come to visit, but Purgatory Hall as well.
While everyone busied themselves with socializing, Luke challenged you to a game of Hide and Seek. The house made for an incredibly ideal location. After several challenging rounds of both wins and losses where you and Luke battled impressively, the game started to grow. More and more started taking interest.
"Thirty five... thirty six... thirty seven..."
Luke shouted with all his might so that his voice would permeate the house. He stood in the hallway, facing the wall with his eyes covered. You hurried to the place you knew best - your bedroom.
"Hey, let me hide with you." Mammon appeared by your side, giving you a fright.
"Seriously? Find your own hiding spot!" You told him.
"C'mon, it's more excitin' this way."
He persistently tailed you to the bedroom. There was no time to waste fighting or shaking him off. You didn't know how good angel hearing was, so just to be safe, you opened and closed the door as quietly as possible. Mammon ran over to your table.
"This'll be perfect." He kicked a chair out of the way and squatted down, ducking his head to crawl under the table. He was met face to face with Barbatos.
Mammon jumped, banging his head against solid wood, as he shouted "What the-!?"
You and Barbatos shushed him with a hiss, the two of you bringing your fingers to your lips in sync.
"What the hell are you doin' here?"
Diavolo and Simeon popped their heads out from behind the butler.
"Quiet!" Diavolo said with a massive grin. The prince was having fun.
"We're playing hide and seek," Simeon smiled.
Mammon tsked. Under the table was no good. Under the bed would have to do. He got down on his hands and knees and lifted the bedsheet.
A pair of glowing eyes stared back at him, making him yelp.
"Occupied," Asmodeus leered. Something shifted in the dark beneath him. It was Solomon craning his head to see who had found them.
"Huh? You're not Luke. Hurry and go away before Luke finds us," Solomon told you.
"Damn it. Plan C." Mammon jumped on the bed itself and began moving the covers around, hoping a messy pile wouldn't be overly suspicious. He picked up one of the many plush pillows to unveil an arm.
"I believe I was here first," a muffled voice stated.
"Are you kiddin' me?" Mammon pushed aside another pillow to reveal a face. "Raphael?"
The angel stoicly nodded and grabbed a stolen pillow from Mammon's arms. He carefully laid it back over his face.
"I hope you took your shoes off before getting on my bed," you commented as you tried to wiggle behind a shelf.
"Don't worry, I did," Raphael reassured you.
Mammon was now frantically pacing around the room in anger, his eyes darting to find any viable hiding spot.
"C'mere!" he beckoned. "It's dumb but we'll hide in the closet."
You chose to stay put at your shelf and watch.
He rubbed his hands together as if he could make this the greatest hiding spot in the world and pulled the closet handle with a confident flourish. Several "oofs" resounded through the room as Leviathan and Belphegor tumbled out.
"I told you there were too many of us in here!" Satan's voice angrily whisper-yelled.
Mammon groaned as Leviathan and Belphegor smacked his legs, going "this is all your fault!" and "why'd you have to ruin it?"
"Hurry up and close the door," Beelebub said.
"You've gotta be jokin'. Let me in!" Mammon was brash and tried to trudge head-first into what little space there was, but couldn't move a step with two siblings whacking his feet.
Lucifer, Satan, and Beelzebub remained inside the closet. They were sandwiched in tightly.
"I was here first," Lucifer remarked, irked that his siblings had destroyed an otherwise roomy and nice hiding spot. His cheek was pressed against the wall, squished. Satan was not very happy to be pressed up snugly against his big brother as the middle filling of this demon sandwich. He looked ready to scream. Beelzebub was pressed against the other wall with one of your shirts on his head.
It appeared that every spot in your room was fully occupied. There was nowhere left to hide.
Time was already up.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
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utterdrip · 8 months
part iv of my favorite line reads by neil
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moonshine-nightlight · 3 months
Courtship Confusion: Part One
You’ve been working with your siren partner for a couple years now. A consummate flirt, you’d initially been put off by his whole charming deal, somehow he's become your best friend. You’ve been wanting to see if he’s still interested in dating, but unfortunately he’s not picking up your hints. A pair of visiting cubi remind you of the cultural differences that come with interspecies dating. Maybe you’ve both been misunderstanding each other. Maybe it’s time you set the record straight.
Modern Fantasy, friends to lovers, siren/harpy, male monster x reader, Part 1 of 8
Ao3: Courtship Confusion Chapter 1
Part One
“Start blocking the exits, people. They’re making a run for it. Team Lure, you’re up,” the static-y voice says from your radio.
“Confirmed. Lure moving into position,” you answer for yourself and your partner before clipping the walkie talkie back onto your belt. You glance over to your partner who, per usual, looks far too unconcerned and cheerful for the mission of stopping a crew of smugglers. “Where do you want to set up?”
Morgan grins at you, sharp white teeth flashing even in this dim warehouse. “You know where.”
You stifle a grin of your own, knowing one of you needs to remain professional, and roll your eyes instead. “Wherever you can be the center of attention, right.”
He preens as he fluffs out his feathers. You only asked once how exactly his wings can go from resting comfortably and unobtrusively on his back, hardly seeming to take up any space at all, to a full wingspan that was enough to carry him. The highly technical arcane answer he’d given had been enough to serve as a reminder that, despite his carefree attitude, he was a fully licensed arcanist and make sure you never asked again. You’re the investigator and rules side of your inspector partnership—Morgan was the technical and social side. You liked it that way.
A career as an investigator of potentially illegal arcane workings isn’t nearly as glamorous or exciting as most people think it is. Most of the time it was just about handing out fines to people dabbling in things they shouldn’t and accidentally flooding their apartments or conjuring too many hamsters. But, sometimes, like today, you end up having to bust an illegal coven.
When containment spells failed and the criminals scattered, it’s your job to pull them all back. Well, mainly Morgan’s job.
From his high quality suit to his expertly applied eyeliner, he didn’t look the least bit like an inspector. Even the other department arcanists didn’t have his flare. Lively and cheerful where most were bored and weary, he breathed life wherever he went. And he loved to show off.
As you enter the large open area of the warehouse, you quickly begin setting up the broadcasting equipment—probably not needed, but protocol—while Morgan picks his spot. Within a few seconds, your carefully managed set up, ready to unfold for fieldwork in record time, is ready to go. You’re long practiced after being partnered these last couple of years.
Looking up, you find Morgan spreading his gorgeous black and white wings to alight on a stack of old pallets the cult left in this warehouse they’d been using as their base putting him several feet above everyone else.
“Careful!” you call despite knowing it's a lost cause.
Morgan flicks his wings in a careless, shrug-like gesture. “Worrywart,” he teases. You only have to give him a look to remind him of the incident with the ice for him to pout, the dark red of his lipstick making the expression obvious even with the height and distance. “That was one time! Are you set up?”
His voice is easily audible, as always, but you have to raise yours to reply, “Yeah, ready to go.”
He looks at you expectantly.
You put your hands on your hips to communicate ‘really? Do we need to do this every time?’ and he grins in response.
“Let the show begin!” you grudgingly prompt.
He’s no longer a performer by profession, but you can’t deny that's who he is in his heart. It’s hard to begrudge him the little bow he gives. Not when his eyes glitter with simple glee as he does so. “Thank you, darling.” Morgan clears his throat and closes his eyes, thankfully keeping him from noticing the effect the endearment had on you. Regrettably, the effect of him calling you “darling” to you has only gotten stronger with time.
Before you can dwell on it, Morgan makes a sort of clicking noise in the back of his throat. He’s tried to explain to you once why all of his songs started that way, but you’ve never truly understood. Not that it really matters because it’s always followed by him opening his mouth to sing.
A beautiful wordless melody begins to flow from him.
Haunting and alluring on its own, you know his siren song must be far more potent to the criminals he’s purposely luring back here. Every member of the team was introduced to Morgan before the operation began, so Morgan was able to exempt them. His control is impeccable, but they’re still liable to get distracted. Nothing magical about that. It’s hard not to when a master like Morgan sings.
Morgan primarily sings in the siren’s language when he performs spells such as this one. He says that for spellwork there’s simply more nuance and specificity in Soprety than in any other language when it comes to the subject of things such as lures, madness, lullaby and so on.
Despite knowing very little of the language, you still understand the message the song is trying to convey: where are you going? Come back, join me, this is where true happiness lies. Such is the power of a siren’s song. It’s hard to articulate the difference between the magical pull of a compulsion and the mere auditory pull of Morgan’s smooth voice. He’s never truly tried to compel you, but each time you hear him you have to put effort into focusing, into not simply basking in his voice. That’s only gotten worse the longer you’ve known him too, the more times you’ve heard him.
You don’t think it's that his singing is better, it’s only that it had seemed in the beginning, despite it’s obvious beauty even that first time, somewhat generic. Artificially or distantly beautiful. Now, his voice is so clearly entwined with who Morgan is, you can’t fathom how you thought it generic initially. His coaxing nature, always ready to persuade you to follow his lead, is woven through the words he sings as clearly as it is when he tries to convince you to take a coffee break. His promise of something better, something more fun and entertaining, if you only would listen. Of course, in this case, the outcome will only be entertaining for him. His seductive way of complimenting those he wants so that they will make the best choice by choosing him.
The music he makes is all very compelling is the point. You huff and focus back on the messages from the team—text since they’ve all got ear plugs in and don’t want to interfere with Morgan’s spell.  You don’t need the plugs, as his partner he can exempt you easily and you’ve practice functioning while he sings. Besides it's always good to have someone who can hear him in case he does need help. You check again to confirm how many you are nabbing. Seven, natural for a coven, even a criminal one. That means the rest of the operation didn’t manage to catch a single member.
Usually illegal covens are more subtle, caught due to smaller disturbances or the wrong people stumbling upon them on the wrong night. This crew has been smuggling truly nasty ingredients for dark magical spells, bewitching or killing anyone who tried to interfere. They’d been making a big enough splash despite their travels and have caught major heat by now.
The National Investigatory Agency has been tracking them. They followed the trail of memory loss and death they left in their wake. That’s not even mentioning the longer term problems that would impact a community after they’d traded their illegal and dangerous wares—increases in love potions, poisoning, and general curses. You’d managed to catch a break locally. Someone had lost their nerve about this year’s shipment in your city and your department was coordinating with the NIA for this capture. Well, at least your team was—truthfully most of the local office was just providing backup.
Morgan, as always, had a habit of disrupting the usual with just his presence. His skills had been enough to catch the head NIA officer’s attention and your captain had vouched for your effectiveness. As such, while NIA coordinated a wide-spread tracking net, your team would try to simply pull them back. It was a common enough play you two ran and this was no different.
There was some worry a witch might have protection, but most aren’t prepared for a siren song, not given how rare sirens are and especially inland. Besides, you’d unclicked the safety on your tranquilizer gun, that’s why you were here to watch Morgan’s back. He’d be pissed if you let someone interrupt his song.
Movement on your left draws your attention. A woman stumbles out from between to shipping crates, her expression muddled but searching, urgent. You check for the signs she’s ensnared as she walks closer. You’re only supposed to handle the ones who weren’t, so you let her approach once you’re convinced. When she spots Morgan, high on his perch and singing his heart out, a look of joy and greed takes over. She hurries towards him.
You wait a second before nudging a fellow officer with your boot. A transfer from another precinct, he’s not been involved in one of these operations before. He shakes himself, tearing his eyes away from Morgan to look at you. You jerk your head at the coven member and he blushes. Hastily pulling out his handcuffs, the orc goes to secure her while you train your tranq gun on the man darting out from a different doorway. This time an NIA member snags him before he can press up against the base crate Morgan’s on, for which you’re grateful.
Technically, Morgan should have crafted his spell so that the listeners won’t be too desperate to get to him, despite how he was enticing them. People will still react differently than each other so there’s no guarantee when trying to pull in a group like this. Morgan said that the more people, the less control he had over anything more than the base aim of the spell. A lullaby could put ten people to sleep, but they would likely all end up sleeping for different amounts, whereas if it was just one or two, he could control how long they slept for.
Similar thing here. He can pull them in and do his best to keep them calm, but there’s more margin for error. And Morgan’s one of the best there is. Arcane workings are always more complicated and nuanced than most people assume. If they weren’t, you’d be out of a job making sure any mistakes or malicious workings didn’t hurt anyone.
There’s a text that the NIA agents caught a pair on their own, meaning three more to go. It’s not long for them to join the others. The officers who are familiar with these types of stings are efficient, cuffing the ensnared with practiced ease.
You wait for the confirmation, all using sign language to confirm the criminals are secured. That’s your cue to whistle, two fingers in your mouth and loud enough to cut through Morgan’s song—you’ve had to practice. The whistle lets Morgan know you had them all and he flips his hand to show he’s heard. He’d never just cut off the song—for specific arcane reasons, but also because he considers it poor etiquette from a musician’s perspective. He carefully and artfully wraps up and slows down, gentling the song until it fades out.
You can’t help but feel as enraptured as the criminals are, although you try to hide it. It's too hard not to when you’re in love with him.
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veveisveryuncool · 4 months
dear diary today i got a haircut and the first thing my sister did was pull it up into a hideous high ponytail to look like little my
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courtchip · 1 year
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November 7th, 2006 ; Extreme Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match CM Punk vs Mike Knox
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mythtiide · 7 months
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guysss stop staring lovingly into eachothers eyes we have a facility to run omg guyssssssssssss
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papita474 · 1 day
Having a group of stray dogs in your neighborhod that protects you every time you get out of your house bc they follow you everywhere,must be the most precious thing ever :3
You give them food and they protect💪.
This guy rh is like a son to me,he keeps papita safe😌👍
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084392 · 2 years
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future trio!!!
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kirby kiss sound effect
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ratgingi · 2 years
hello yes mx may i perhaps please have an encouraging oliver,,
i went a little overboard with this one shhhhh . tried to keep the message kinda general, hope you enjoy :-) <3
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still takin dialed town doodle reqs fellas
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darling-stardust · 8 hours
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The little voice in Hermie’s mind spoke up again, and this time, there was nothing to distract him. He wasn’t ready to listen - but then again, he didn’t think he would ever be ready. As sunlight trickled in through Normal’s window and spilled across the floor like melted gold, he finally let himself think it: I am in love with Normal Oak. ...And I’m never going to tell him.
Have you read Cosmiado's fic as long as you're here i will live like this ?? Because I have and I had to do something about my feelings !!
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
Evidence: He exhibits ADHD traits, he acts without thinking a lot, like spontaneously “WE SHOULD BLOW THIS BUILDING UP”, he also fidgets a lot and cannot sit still! “Agent Curt Mega has ADHD” is a tag on ao3 for saf fics
Additional note from mod: Under Personality section on the wiki page for this media, it says "He is shown to be brash, dramatic, and often not the smartest, often making inadvisable decisions to the detriment of himself and those around him. He is often seen upping danger without reason and making situations more complicated then necessary." which sounds like a pretty typical part of ADHD coding to me. (I often see characters who are clearly ADHD coded have their impulsiveness interpreted as unintelligence...)
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ashorterurl · 4 months
Video from World Tour 2016, Paris
Happy Birthday Reita
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lifeof-pink · 7 months
kdj trying to kill himself after seeing the OD is such a visceral and gut wrenching part of the book—
“Something was wrong. A blade… I, I needed to find a blade.” <- this scene (chapter 515) actually broke my heart, i genuinely felt sick reading it. he’s so desperate to die that it’s honestly palpable, it’s like finally seeing that truth behind the snarky mask kim dokja always wears. it took me until this point to realize that every time he tried to sacrifice himself for his companions, it wasn’t just a well thought out plan but a true, genuine suicidality and the acceptance that he might not come back. that he isn’t worthy of living a good, happy life with a happy ending. (which maybe i’m just slow, but i really fell for dokja’s lies, every single time i thought to myself “everything’s going to be fine because he has a plan to survive this,” and almost every single time i was right. except for the end i suppose.)
and fuck, it hits so, so hard.
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reds-skull · 5 months
This is it! The last chapter before the epilogue!
It's also the end of a sort of riddle I've been leaving between chapters... I wonder if anyone even noticed, haha
I decided against splitting this chapter, so it's extra long!
Its name is "Famous Fate"
Page 59 of the “Blooede Starvatfōre-dēde”, parable 16:
My brothers, who endured the agony of exile, Who suffered many winters in the cold cage, Were once knights, only to fall, They too, were called Beast. The young maiden, who left your companion, A pure heart, was her only sin, To not pray for a daemon’s death, only for her to live, She too, was called Beast. A man, fallen in battle, Abandoned by all but Death, but by worms of the earth, He too, was called Beast. The hunter, the knight tells, Who chases monsters, who alleges to be righteous, He calls himself, a hero. He is no better man than us, the knight says, One who declares himself justice, one who proclaims to be above the word of God, Is one we, as oath-bound knights, Must send to be judged, by the only true measurer, By the only arbiter still by our side, by Death itself.
“I know I won’t be able to understand, probably never will, but… I have to ask, Simon. Why didn’t you reach out? You knew how to contact me. I could’ve helped.”
“I didn’t think there was enough of me left to save, Captain.”
“...What changed then?”
He looks away for a moment, to blue eyes that never knew fear from him. To arms that refused to hurt him. To a man that showed him more kindness than he ever deserved.
“I met Johnny.”
Ghost watches Soap sort through the supplies the 141 brought with them, wondering what kind of new contraptions the Sergeant’s vivid mind is imagining up right now. He’s grown sickly fond of them, just like everything else Johnny does.
Compromised, a voice growls in the back of his head. You’re only worsening a future pain, only making the inevitable betrayal more torturous.
No pain would make this any less worth it, another voice answers. It doesn’t matter if their destiny only holds blood and ruin, Simon would stay with Johnny as long as he’s wanted. And even then, maybe just a little more.
He senses the presence of another person a moment before Gaz speaks up, “Ghost.”
“...Gaz.” he answers, curious.
The Lieutenant shifts in his place, shoulders taut and squared, “since we’re going to work together, for this mission at least, I figured I should… apologize.”
Gaz continues, his eyes finally landing somewhere on his mask, “Soap explained to me, you never tried to hurt him, after that time we caught you two. I shouldn’t have jumped into conclusions.”
Ghost tilts his head, “I’d doubt your capabilities if you didn’t.” he looks back at Johnny, huffing when the Sergeant grumbles in Scots, “I’m glad he has someone like you on his side.”
Gaz’s mouth hangs open in surprise. He shakes it off to say, “It’s- of course.” Ghost can tell he’s hesitating at his next sentence, “I still have a hard time comprehending you were Simon Riley all along… You’re a bloody legend in the SAS.”
“I suppose they had an easier time making my death seem heroic than trying to actually save me.” Ghost mutters lowly. Gaz just nods slowly, eyes dropping to the ground.
And that’s a kicker, isn’t it? That apparently, the SAS made him a myth, someone for the rookies to look up to, a glamorized shell of a man that no one, including himself, will ever live up to. The same men that left him to die, now say his name with fondness and admiration.
Funny, how those same men now fear him enough to send the 141 on him. Ghost wants to grin with the twisted satisfaction it gives him.
“What’s your name, Lieutenant?” Ghost eventually asks.
“Huh? Uh, Kyle Garrick.” Gaz raises a brow.
Soap gathers up the last of his creations, face turning to his to nod, “Garrick. I know we started on the wrong foot-”
“Understatement of the century.” Gaz offhandedly remarks.
“-But you can trust me with Soap’s six. And I hope we can trust each other on ours, as well.”
Garrick blinks, expression growing serious. He then nods, offering a hand to shake, “enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that?”
Ghost hums, taking the hand and squeezing. He can feel, even from their short interactions, how Johnny and Gaz were cut from the same honest cloth.
He takes off his mask, “affirmative. Let’s move.”
Price’s eyes mellow, the hand on his bicep squeezing gently, “that lad is something else, isn’t he?”
Simon’s scars stretch with a small smile, “I thought he was an idiot, at first. Saving me, giving me another chance again and again. No matter what, he refused to kill me.” he breathes out slowly, the numbness of his limbs ebbing at last, “whoever discharged him was a goddamn moron.”
The Captain sighs, “I tried convincing Shepherd to let him off the hook, but the bastard was mental. He had Makarov in the palm of his hand, wanted to show off how he locked up the worst criminal of the decade, only for MacTavish to choke him out on exfil.”
It was Shepherd, then? Of course it’s that bloody wanker. Ghost can’t help the laugh that bubbles up from his chest, “and here’s Johnny, fucking everything up for the higher ups yet again.”
God, what did he do to deserve meeting this man…
Konservy warehouse is a large building, surrounded by silos and containers. At least they’ll have some cover, besides the shadows of the night. Ghost can tell the offloading garage is blessedly open, even from the road their vehicle has parked in, meaning infiltration will be easier than they originally thought.
A thunder makes them all look up to the sky. A heavy storm is brewing, threatening to cover the stars and moon. Good. The darkness is their ally.
They jump out of the truck, gathering around the trunk, doing final checks to their gears. His hands move automatically, in the same way all of them were trained in the SAS. Some part of him is unsettled, the one that labelled himself a lost cause, a monster, a sinner with no salvation.
But as he looks up, at the masked faces surrounding him, Simon can’t call the position he’s in anything but atonement. 
He’ll carve forgiveness from the Hunter’s flesh, write amends with their blood. Untie the last knot on his self-made noose.
The poison in Simon’s body makes itself known at all times now – an uncomfortable buzzing tightening around his knuckles, weaving through sinews and leaving little pinpricks of pain. He looks towards Johnny, his blue eyes a silver grey in the moonlight.
Price wordlessly nods to him, a silent check. Simon schools his features and nods back.
They begin making their way to the garage door, the tall grass their only cover. The Captain motions to the left, where two guards stand under a weak light. Garrick pulls out his EBR, and not two seconds later, both soldiers fall dead with silenced shots. Their group continues pushing forward.
Soap stops walking in front of him, struggling with something. He stops besides him, watching for a moment as he tries to get something out of his pack.
He leans in to whisper, “what are you trying to get, Johnny?”
The Sergeant freezes, “I made some proximity mines with the C4 Price brought, but they’re stuck down there-”
Simon reaches into the pack, gently moving Soap’s hand aside. Their fingers wrap around the bomb at the same time, “you ought to organize it better, what would you do if you were alone?” he admonished.
Johnny’s eyes widen a little, before they crescent in a hidden smile, “but I’m not alone, am I? Ah got ye.”
Soap pulls away, quietly catching up to Gaz and Price. Simon, for his part, stays motionless for far too long, his brain looping Johnny’s words again and again.
It strikes him then, a sudden stab to his heart, that Soap trusts him. With his weapons, with his wounds, with his six.
Johnny trusts him. Simon fights down a smile, happiness overflowing him. He trusts him.
The others send him a confused stare, when Simon doesn’t move. He finally unsticks his legs and sneaks in, eyes instantly drawn to Johnny strapping his unhinged bombs under each vehicle, his “gifts” for any hostile trying to get reinforcements in the future.
Simon can’t force down the smile that his lips form then, when the Sergeant turns around and gives him a thumbs up, almost child like and so at odds with the amount of potential destruction he just planted in the garage.
The others return from clearing the area, Price readjusting his bucket hat over the mask (which looks as daft as it sounds, but Simon can’t help but feel fond of that stupid hat), giving Simon one last look, “how are you feeling, son?”
“Solid.” he flexes his hands, testing the numbness. It’s not enough to inhibit his performance, not yet at least.
Price places a hand on his shoulder, patting it, “good, keep it that way. Our mission may officially be to eliminate the Hunter, but finding an antidote is no less important.” Price’s face darkens, “don’t take unnecessary risks, Simon. I… I don’t want to lose you again.”
Simon swallows thickly, unused to this amount of people caring for his fate. It was far easier to accept a bloody end when no one was there to mourn him, “...I’ll do my best, Captain.”
Price’s moustache lifts with a smile, “good lad. I’ll see you when it’s all over.” he gives him one last pat before drawing away, “let’s move out, Gaz! We need to clear the way for our boys.”
Gaz gives Soap a fist bump and comes by the Captain’s side, “we’ll radio in when you have a way through.”
“Solid copy.” Soap responds, finished with the mine setting, “give ‘em hell, mate.”
Garrick grins, “as always.”
“Do you think you’ll be able to fight?”
Simon scoffs, “I don’t ‘ave a choice, Captain.”
“I am giving you a choice right now. If you think you can’t fight… We can take the Hunter down without you.” Price says, expression severe.
He thinks about it. It is not only a matter of what he wants. When working with a team, he must take into consideration that his inability to fight will endanger the others.
“The poison gives me enough warnings to know a few minutes ahead when I’ll be incapacitated. If I fall while we fight, I’ll be able to secure myself beforehand.” he rolls his wrists, muscling through the pain of regaining feeling, “you’ll need every help you can get. Don’t do my mistake, do not underestimate the Hunter.”
“We won’t, I just need to know-”
“I’ll be fine, Price. Been fighting my whole life with much less.”
“...I know, son. That’s why I would prefer you didn’t.” Price’s brows pull down in sorrow, “but I trust your judgement.”
“...Can’t ask for more than that, John.”
Johnny is silent beside him, eyes glued to the exit he’s overwatching. They’ve been waiting for Price and Gaz’s go-ahead for several slow minutes now, each trickling more sluggishly than the other. The pinpricks on Simon’s hands are growing – he doesn’t have much time.
“Ye think they need backup?” Soap eventually breaks the silence.
“If they’re compromised, we won’t be able to save them now, Sergeant.” as much as he hates the idea of leaving Price and Gaz to fend for themselves, they all knew the risks of splitting up. “For now, assume they’re still solid.”
“Aye, LT- shite, uh-” Johnny fumbles through the words, turning around to give Simon an apologetic look.
He huffs in slight amusement, at how much Soap seems to care if a word hurts him or not.
“It’s alright, Johnny.” he stops the Sergeant from continuing to backtrack.
Johnny’s teeth click shut, and he frowns, sheepishly asking, “...ye sure? It seemed to really bother ye, before…”
‘I wasn’t willing to lay my life for you, before’ he wants to say.
‘I didn’t have your trust, before’
‘I didn’t have trust in myself to lead you, before’
“You’ve earned it, Johnny.” he settles on. It seems to be the right choice, when Soap’s eyes almost close with how wide his grin must be. Simon hates the mask covering his face, for hiding that smile from him.
Their comms choose this moment to start crackling, and Price’s tinny voice comes through, “CCTV room is under our control, haven’t located the Hunter just yet.”
Simon radios back, “have you been spotted?”
“We may not be the Ghost, but we’re still professionals, mate.” Gaz joins in.
“Have ye professionals spotted any potential spot fer the Hunter to hide in?” Soap asks, his eyes still squinting with a smile.
“Still looking, this place is massive.” Price grumbles, “start making your way to the machinery room at the center, take out anyone on the way. I’m seeing a lot of equipment there, but no soldiers…”
“Copy.” Simon clicks his comms off, motioning with his head for Soap to take point.
The halls of the warehouse are eerily empty, little mementos of past life barely clinging to the barren concrete walls. Not for the first time, Simon wonders why the Hunter chose this city, out of all of them.
Soap’s careful steps thump behind him, a calming presence at his back. Simon is not used to trusting, but trusting Johnny feels… natural.
Not for the first time, Simon thanks whatever brought him to Soap. Fate, destiny, a God he doesn’t truly believe in, it doesn’t matter.
He shakes off those thoughts. If it was important for him to be at his best before he met Soap, now it matters a thousand times over, because he’s not alone anymore.
Their fates are interlinked now. And Simon refuses to be the reason they all fall.
He won’t fail his team a second time.
“After all of this is said and done… What will you do?”
Simon grunts as he sits up, finally able to move his torso. He stalls his answer for a moment, the truth so simple it scares him. “...I don’t know.”
He may have been lost many times in his life, tossed between his father’s cruel hands and the cartel’s, but he always had a goal.
‘Get out’
Now, though? The only thing he wants to run away from is the shell of a monster he was before meeting Johnny. A weapon, to be picked up and discarded as needed. 
Price must’ve seen a conflict twisting his expression, because he starts talking again, “I’d have you back in our ranks in a heartbeat, you know. But I don’t think that’s what you need.”
Simon frowns at the ground, hands massaging his aching legs, “and what do you think I need?”
“Someone to ground you. Make sure you don’t forget yourself again.”
“Someone like Johnny, then.”
“Another hostile on your 3, Simon.”
Simon steps around another stack of crates, every move calculated and muted. The unsuspecting soldier walks right past him, arms relaxed on his weapon.
He waits for him to reach the end of the hallway, and the moment the soldier starts turning, Simon claps a hand over his mouth and slices his neck in a well practiced motion. He catches the body and shoves it into a nearby storage room. “Anyone else, Garrick?”
“You’re clear for now.” Gaz responds. He continues guiding Simon through the mess of halls that lead to the main room of the warehouse, alerting him to enemies. Soap has separated from him about ten minutes ago, taking the other rooms and making sure no one will be alive to raise any alarms.
Even if Price is keeping an eye on Johnny, Simon would’ve much preferred if he was in his sights. But he trusts the Captain.
“Any sign of the Hunter showing on CCTV?” Soap radios in, voice steady and calm.
Price sighs, “negative-”
“Wait-” Gaz cuts him off, “next to the main conveyor belt, right in the middle of the main room, is that…”
Simon holds his breath in anticipation as the line goes silent, Price and Gaz likely attempting to verify the ID.
“Skull mask, that’s them. Soap, Simon, PID on the Hunter!” Price nearly shouts.
Gaz’s voice is far more tense than before when he adds, “it seems like they know something’s wrong, prepare for combat!”
Shit, “Johnny, where are you right now?” they can’t be separated if they’ve been discovered.
“On my way to ye- fuck!” grunts and muted punches fill the comms, the sounds of struggle a sinking feeling in Simon’s chest.
Simon starts running. “Price, where is he?!” these bloody hallways all look the fucking same! He retraces his steps to the point he and Johnny split ways.
“Turn left, he’s straight ahead from there!”
He almost slams into the wall with how fast he turns, but the pain is barely registered when he spots Johnny.
Johnny, whose chest is heaving, three dead soldiers at his feet. His bright blue eyes meet his, “Simon?”
He’s capable. You can trust that he won’t die on you.
He blinks a few times before asking, “what’s your status, Sergeant?”
Soap wipes a bloody knife on his pants, “solid. Let’s move.”
“Your cover is blown. Soldiers are making their way to you!” Gaz tells them, “they’re going to the trucks to the front exit, might be trying to get reinforcements!”
He doesn’t need to see Soap’s mouth to know the way it curves into a dangerous grin, “they won’t get far.”
Simon slings his rifle around, toggling the safety off, “time to go loud, Johnny.”
Soap does the same, “with pleasure.”
The sounds of shots line up with his heartbeat. In a fast-paced melody of war, Simon and Johnny continue pushing hostiles back, headshot after headshot.
Heavy drops of rain shake the roof, thunder booming so close to them, Simon feels it in his heart.
Somewhere amidst the battle, several far away explosions rattle the warehouse, the soldiers in front of them taken by surprise. Simon thinks he can hear Johnny chuckling darkly under his breath.
Red paints the walls, brushstrokes of blood and fallen soldiers of the Hunter. It gives Simon newfound strength to push through the growing pain in his limbs, a blinding rush of adrenaline that lies to him sweetly, convincing him he could resist the poison in his heart.
One second, he’s shooting down enemy after enemy.
The next, he falls.
His gun clatters to the ground, legs convulsing uncontrollably. Simon uses the last of his powers to drag himself around the corner, to cover.
“Simon?! Fuck-” Johnny appears a moment later, attempting to scan him for injuries between shots, “poison?”
Simon groans, “affirm. Sorry, Johnny.” shame bubbles in him. He should be right beside Soap, helping him fight, and the poison decides to take it away from him.
He should be stronger than this.
“None of that, mo chridhe.” Johnny says softly, taking down another hostile, “I’ll clear this wave, and we’ll get ye to a better spot.”
How could he be so gentle while killing people? Simon lays back down with a smile, loosening his muscles and letting the poison have its way.
Soap gets the last of them and returns to his side, looping arms under his shoulders and heaving him up, “steamin’ Jesus, ye weigh as much as a baby elephant.” he complains under his breath.
Simon chuckles, hissing as the jostling shoots pain up his limbs, “you’re just short, Sergeant.”
“Away an’ bile yer heid, bastard…”
Soap drags him to one of the side rooms, a storage unit that seems like it hasn’t seen the light of day for decades. About this time, Simon wishes he had his mask on, if only to filter all the bloody dust in this room.
Johnny fusses over him for a few seconds, until Simon stops him, “I’ll be fine, Soap. Once I regain movement, I’ll come to you.”
Soap stops, hands frozen on his shoulders. He frowns like he wants to argue, but he rises to his feet all the same. “I kept yer comms open, so if ye hear anyone gettin’ close-”
“I’ll radio in. Don’t worry.” Simon smiles, “go.”
Johnny opens the door, hesitating. Simon is about to order him again when Soap unexpectedly turns around, takes three loud steps towards him, and rips his mask off.
“What are you doing, Johnny-”
Warm, shaky hands cup his face, tilt it up. Johnny bends down, and softly kisses his forehead.
In the space between them, he whispers, “I’ll come back for ye, Simon. I promise.”
He puts the mask back on, and leaves.
Simon’s heart burns, his cheeks surely bright pink. He doesn’t know if it’s from the poison, or from…
No, the tight grip around his heart is definitely from the poison. An agonizing ache wraps around his chest, heavier than 6 feet of dirt. Simon’s lungs shudder for a breath.
He can distantly hear the others talk on comms, but the blood rushing through his ears prevents him from deciphering what they’re saying. Simon understands then, that this might be the end. With the poison gripping his lungs, and the lingering warmth of Johnny’s lips, Simon closes his eyes.
His last thought is of regret, that Johnny won’t be able to keep his promise.
“-The Hunter, they’re going after-”
Simon groans, unimaginable pain thumping at his head. Couldn’t death have at least taken that away from him?
The rain beats in incessant song in his head.
“-Wait for backup, MacTavish-!”
MacTavish… Johnny….. Simon remembers the kiss, his promise, and smiles. 
Garrick sounds frantic. What are they shouting about?
Gunshots make his brows crease. Fighting someone… Where is he?
The warehouse. Price, Garrick. The Hunter.
“Johnny…” Simon rasps. A loud static is buzzing on comms. He pays it no mind.
He needs to get up. His limbs don’t shake anymore, but his lungs hurt like he breathed in sandpaper. Simon whimpers, pushing himself forward.
His rifle is laying right next to him. Trembling fingers wrap around the weapon, and with gritted teeth, Simon manages to take it with him as he gets up. He stumbles through the door, blearily noticing the trail of bodies leading deeper into the warehouse.
Simon follows the paths of blood.
He doesn’t know how long it took him to walk all the way to the central room of the warehouse, time slipping between the cracks in his mind. It’s so hard to breathe, dark spots take permanent residence in the edges of Simon’s vision.
The lights went out before he woke up, plunging the building into shades of red, the emergency lights making the blood appear black.
Only one light remains, a spotlight encompassing two figures. A crimson skull makes Simon’s steps falter.
The Hunter.
Their gun pointed directly at Johnny’s head.
It takes everything Simon has left in him to lift his gun. His lips move around a prayer, a plea to whoever is out there listening.
His fingers shake around the trigger.
He takes one last heaving breath, his eyes wide with fear.
The Hunter’s head moves from Johnny to him.
Simon shoots.
His bullet hits the Hunter’s arm, the rifle in their hands getting knocked away and sliding under a conveyor belt.
Johnny turns around, blue eyes shining in the light.
Simon smiles.
“...Simon…?” Johnny asks.
He falls unconscious not a moment later.
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Several minutes earlier
Soap closes the door on the storage room. He takes a second to roughly scrub down his face. What the fuck did he just do?! Did he bloody lose it?!!
“Soap, what’s your status?” Price asks over the radio.
“Solid. Poison got Simon, left him in a storage room.”
The Captain sighs, “we will keep an eye on the door, son. He’ll be safe.” Soap exhales shakily. “More hostiles your way, keep pushing Soap.”
No time to consider his fuckin’ action. He needs to focus.
He hears the rumbling steps of soldiers echoing through the empty halls, and pulls out a flash grenade. Now that he’s alone, he can start using some of his more… lethal equipment.
Soap huddles behind a filing cabinet, throwing the flash over his shoulder. Even though he covers his eyes, his vision is still painted bright red for a moment. He pops out of cover, noting the disoriented soldiers clutching at their eyes and ears, and methodically dusts them.
From here on out, it is total chaos.
Drill charges, Semtex, frags, every explosive in Soap’s arsenal gets thrown at seemingly endless waves of soldiers. He moves on instincts, hands shooting at targets his mind didn’t even register yet.
It is only when he gets to the main machinery room, that he comes back to himself.
Sentry turrets have been set up at the entrance, waiting for him.
Soap rolls away not a moment too soon, the floor he just stood on turning to shattered bits of concrete in seconds. 
“Captain, they have sentries!” Gaz yells, “Soap is pinned!”
Soap scans the room he’s in, noting the snaking cables wrapping around the sentries legs. Following them, he spots a large electrical enclosure. If he could create a shock, the sentries will stop working…
A thunder rattles the windows around them, soldiers spreading out in search of him. “On your 9, Soap!” Price informs him, and he shoots two soldiers getting too close to his position.
The rain… if he can get it to drop on the enclosure…
Soap scans the roof for any weak points. There!
“Captain, Gaz, are there any hostiles around me?” he growls into his mic.
Gaz answers, “Negative, what are you-”
“Ah’m gonna drop the power to take the sentries down, might take out the CCTV.”
One beat passes before Price replies, “understood. We will come back you up if it goes.”
“Solid copy, Captain.” Soap lines up a shot at a precariously placed piece of the roofing. With only the iron sights on his rifle, it takes precious moments to aim and finally press the trigger. The hairs on Soap’s nape raise as he hears soldiers close in on him.
Time slows as he watches the water spill down, flooding the electrical enclosure.
“He’s here! Get him!” A soldier shouts to his left.
The warehouse instantly falls dark. The electric hum stops, making Soap’s surroundings eerily silent.
He ducks away, sneaking around crates and containers, moving position to the soldiers’ flank, and just as the red emergency lights turn on, he strikes.
5 shots, and they’re down.
“The CCTVs are out, we’re making our way to you. Do not engage the Hunter alone, Soap.” Price orders through comms.
Soap lifts his hand to press the button to answer, but a new group of soldiers appears, shots wild as they spray the area he’s in. He jumps back, searching for his attackers, tracking the glint of the gunmetal. He shoots them, bodies falling, and for a moment he believes he’s in the clear.
Pinpricks at the back of his neck make him turn.
Soap’s eyes widen as he comes face to face with the Hunter.
They stare at each other for a second, before the Hunter simply walks away.
Back towards the way he came from, towards… Simon!
“Soap?! Soap, give me sitrep, now!” Price yells, snapping him out of shock.
“Price, the Hunter, they’re going after Simon!” Soap doesn’t have time to figure out how the Hunter knows that, no time to figure out how he knows that.
“Wait for backup, MacTavish! That’s an order!”
“I can’t let Simon die, Captain!”
At those words, the Hunter snaps their gaze to him, and with near inhuman speed, lift their gun and shoot.
Pain shoots through his right shoulder, making him drop his gun. Soap bites down a scream of agony, the burning of the gunshot spreading down his arm.
The butt-end of a gun comes at his head, Soap falling to the ground on his back to avoid it.
A single light turns on above them, the sharp shadows casted on the grotesque red skull mask hiding the Hunter’s eyes.
The commander circles him, Soap crawling towards his gun. If he could only-
The Hunter kicks it away, the firearm clattering when it hits one of the metal support structures keeping the warehouse’s roof up. The reverberating sound bounces on the barren walls.
“I’ll never let ye kill Simon.” Soap snarls, desperation clawing at his chest. He frantically searches for an exit, a way to stall the Hunter, before they line the barrel of their rifle with his head.
He’s going to die here, Soap realizes.
He won’t be able to fulfill his promise to Simon.
A shot from behind him makes him jump, the bullet hitting the Hunter’s hand, making their gun fly off and land under a conveyor belt.
Soap turns around, heart beating out of his chest.
Simon stands behind him, his form shaking, face even paler than usual, standing out against the red lights.
Simon crumples, body falling heavily to the ground.
“-NO-!” Soap rushes to him, when a blade unsheathing makes him freeze.
The Hunter is flexing their injured hand, a knife held tightly in the other. Soap growls.
So this is how it’s going to be, huh?
Soap searches Simon for a moment, unsheathing his knife. The blade is long and cruel, one he’s seen take so many lives in the short time they’ve known each other. It’s only fair it will take one more.
Soap gets his feet under him, grunting at the pain from his wound.
They start circling each other, waiting for the other to strike first. The Hunter’s head moves for a second away from him, to look at Simon.
That’s when Soap rushes in, knife in his left hand, slicing at the Hunter’s other arm. He jumps away before the commander can retaliate, and they start trading blows.
Soap manages a cut at their wrist, bright red blood mixing with their uniform. The Hunter slashes at his injured shoulder, making Soap yell.
He disengages for a moment to catch his breath, watching the Hunter do the same. He feels doomed for a moment, when he realizes he’s fighting a soldier that bested even the Ghost.
How could he win?!
Another blow to his torso that Soap barely evades. He tries to go for the Hunter’s neck, only for them to block it, shoving Soap away with frightening force.
Think, MacTavish! You’ve always been shorter, weaker, younger than both your squad mates and your opponents!
Take those disadvantages, and make them work!
Soap inhales sharply, dodging another lethal attack. The Hunter is far stronger than him, if they managed to get a stab in…
A sharp grin stretches on his lips. Soap twirls around the Hunter, their knife predictably following with immense speed.
He lets it sink into his left shoulder, and he pushes towards it, snarling as it sinks in further.
The Hunter attempts to take it out, but it sank far too deep. Soap locks eyes with the red skull.
In a wide arc, Soap swings his knife, and slices the Hunter’s neck.
Blood sprays on his face, as the commander clutches at him, a pathetic attempt to keep themselves standing.
Soap freezes when he hears the Hunter talk.
Their voice is startlingly old, decrepit, as they whisper, “You are nothing but a Blind Man… a Beast… following… a Beast… you will not be more than that… you will die… monsters…..”
The Hunter’s grip slips from his biceps, and they fall to the ground, dead.
Soap stares at the blood spreading on the floor, as an unsettling sense that this has happened before washes over him.
He shakes it off when his eyes drift away towards Simon’s still form.
Soap falls to his knees, frantically searching the Hunter’s body, “Fuck, c’mon, c’mon…”
His fingers brush over a set of vials and syringes at their hip, and he yanks them off, trembling fingers slipping while he tried to get the liquid in the syringe.
Once he manages to fill one, Soap throws away the rest, crawling to Simon and tilting his head to access his neck. The poison has blackened his veins, the injection site the epicenter. Soap stabs it and pushes the liquid from the needle into Simon.
He sits back, arms pulsing pain from both of his wounds, the Hunter’s knife still in his shoulder.
“Simon… Mo leannan, please.” his eyes start to water, uncoordinated hands pawing at Simon’s chest, “please, wake up…”
He places a bloody hand over Simon’s cheek, tears now streaming down his face, “I kept my promise… I told you I’ll come back, right?” his voice cracks, “now ye just have to come back to me… Please…”
Soap feels his adrenaline waning, leaving him tired, so fucking tired. He rests his head on Simon’s chest, sobbing at the stillness of it.
“I…” Soap closes his eyes, “I wanted to tell ye…” his exhales shudder out of him, “I love ye…”
Soap stills. Did he imagine…?
“Fuck…” Simon groans. Soap’s head shoots up, and his brown eyes soften, “Johnny?”
Soap barks a laugh, blinking away tears.
Simon’s eyes trail down, to the knife in his shoulder, “fucking ‘ell, Soap, how did you manage that?!”
“The Hunter…” 
“Is he…” Simon stares behind him, at the growing puddle of blood, “fuck, Johnny, you took him out by yourself?”
“You and me, Simon.”
Simon smiles up at him, dark eyes breathtakingly deep. He sighs a moment later, slowly getting up to walk to the body of the commander. Soap follows.
Simon takes hold of the red skull mask, staring intently at it before taking it off.
Beneath it, was a face Soap feels he’s seen before, yet in the weeks following, he could not remember. The only feature burned into his memory were the four scars slashed across the Hunter’s face.
The claws of an animal.
Simon examines the mask. It looks similar to Ghost’s, but the red skull is sculpted to look furious, a permanent frown on it.
Simon offers it to Soap, who gives him a confused look.
“You’ve earned it.”
Soap stares at Simon, before taking the mask. 
The two of them swivel their heads back when a pair of footsteps sound through the hallway behind them. Simon slides a knife down his sleeve, ready to fight, when the source is revealed to be Price and Gaz.
“Soap, bloody hell mate, we told you to-” Gaz’s brows slowly rise as he registers Simon, and then the mask in Soap’s hand.
Price approaches them, “the antidote…?”
“Administered.” Soap says, “it’s over.”
The warehouse falls silent as they process the words.
The Hunter is dead.
It is done.
Page 63 of the “Blooede Starvatfōre-dēde”, parable 17:
And the Beast attacked, cruel claws reaching the hunter, His eyes blinded, by blood and rage, And the Beast says to the Blind Man, you will fight as equals. The Blind Man, the Fallen Knight, Takes a sword, and strikes the hunter down, And as his blood became one with the dirt, the hunter tells, You are not but a Blind Man, not but a beast following a beast, You will not be more, you will die Monsters. And the hunter falls silent, forevermore belonging to death.
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