#I am obsessed with these two and this planets story it's so cool
cassmouse · 1 year
Cake for Lunch - Honkai Star Rail fanfic✨
pairings: Bronseele all the wayyyy
summary: Bronya is stressed out in her new role as Supreme Guardian, so she asks Seele to have lunch with her.
words: 1.9k
author's note: Sooo, my first fanfic on here! I love these lesbians to the moon and back so thought I'd at least try to do them some justice... 👀 This will also be on my ao3 of the same account name!
warning: This is set after the Jarilo VI storyline, so there will be spoilers for the first planet of the game!
Bronya hadn't found it difficult to adjust to her new role as Supreme Guardian, per se. It was true that Cocolia, despite everything, had prepared her well, and she was a capable person, everyone in Belobog knew that much. But that didn't mean that she hadn't had her fair share of sleepless nights and endless anxiety on how to heal an almost broken nation. It was a lot of responsibility to put onto one person, especially when that one person knew exactly what happened to the previous Supreme Guardian, even when few other people did.
That was one of the many things she found herself turning to Seele for.
The two grew into a sort of routine after the Astral Express Crew's departure, with Bronya settling into her workload, and Seele mainly serving as an ambassador of sorts for the people of the Underworld. She also occasionally helped with keeping the peace, but didn't believe in having a proper job title, she just did whatever she saw fit to help Belobog. Bronya entirely trusted her judgement, so she just allowed it to happen. Agreeing with Seele was a lot easier than arguing with her after all, and she knew what she was doing.
Through all this, the sun continued to rise over Belobog, and while they didn't exactly feel it getting warmer just yet, hope was on the horizon.
It was on one of those sunny days that Bronya called Seele up to meet with her. This wasn't remotely unusual, it was more the timing that made Seele question things. Bronya rarely had time for anything in the middle of the day, and the two generally had to keep their meetings to late evenings. But here she was, making her way over to the Supreme Guardian in the bright, early-afternoon daylight.
"Bronya?" Seele called, voice echoing around the entrance of Qlipoth Fort, "You in here?"
"Seele," Bronya replied immediately, voice soft with that slight hint of affection that tended to creep into it whenever she spoke to the other girl, "Thank you for joining me at such late notice."
"Yeah, of course- What do you need me for, is there trouble?"
"Oh, no, it's nothing like that. Sorry, did I make you worry?"
"Uh- Kinda? It's just weird for you to ask to see me at this time."
"Well, I..."
Bronya closed her eyes for a second, as if going over the words she was about to say in her head.
"I was thinking of taking a break to eat today, and I... Wanted you to join me."
The two exchanged glances a little nervously, both fighting to keep their blush to a minimum.
"Yeah," Seele started, an uncharacteristically shy smile forming on her face, "Yeah, I'd love to."
Bronya returned a similar pleased expression, going to exchange a few words with the other people dotted around the grand workspace and then wandering over to join Seele.
"Where are we going, anyway?" She asked when Bronya started walking, gesturing to the other girl to follow.
"I have a place in mind."
"...Always so mysterious, huh?" Seele sighed, hurrying to catch up.
The two walked in step with each other through Belobog, Bronya confidently leading the way to a quaint little outdoor seating area to the far side of the district. It was mostly empty and had one of the old, questionably drawn wanted posters still up.
"...Haven't you taken these down?" Seele commented when she saw it.
"No, I find them a little amusing, to tell the truth," Bronya admitted, eyes following Seele's to see what she was talking about. "So I requested to keep some of them up. Gepard was certainly pleased when he heard I liked them."
Both of them giggled at this as they took a seat, Bronya visibly less tense already. This certainly didn't go unnoticed by her companion.
"What are you gonna get? Got something in mind?" Seele asked, picking up the menus which were already on the table.
"There's something specific I usually get here. A few years ago I was doing some training nearby, and came here for my food every day. They have one of the finest cakes Belobog has to offer." Seele looked up, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, I haven't actually tried that yet."
"Yeah. It's one of those things we didn't have in the Underworld, because we didn't really have the resources to make it. The people who were alive before the whole separation thing talked about it sometimes though, and I've seen pictures..." Seele gazed wistfully into the distance, remembering how Natasha would talk about the dessert, or the images of it she'd seen as a child and gotten immensely jealous of.
She paused, turning back to Bronya accusingly, "Hey, hang on, the Overworld Princess eating something unhealthy? I never thought I'd see the day. And you're not having cake for lunch, are you?" She was obviously teasing, the grin on her face no doubt giving her away. In truth, she was pretty happy that Bronya was loosening up a little, especially after all of the... Cocolia business.
"Hey, I'm on break, and am I not allowed to enjoy a treat once in a while?" Bronya shot back, a mirrored smile on her face.
When someone came over to take their order, Bronya calmly requested the cake she was talking about. Seele, realising she'd been so busy talking to Bronya that she forgot to choose something for herself, just quickly blurted, "I'll just have whatever she ordered."
"I was hoping you'd at least try it." Bronya admitted once the waiter had gone.
"Well, you seemed so excited about it, so..." Seele mumbled, suddenly not able to meet the other girl's eyes. And even now, she had too much pride to admit she absolutely wanted to try the recommended cake.
A few moments of silence passed between them. Bronya cleared her throat.
"So, what have you been doing today?"
"Um-" Seele rested her elbows on the table, grateful for the change of subject. "Mostly just helping everyone move stuff from the Underworld to the Overworld. The people who were able to find places to stay here, anyway." She sighed, now turning to look the buildings that surrounded them up and down.
"I'm... Sorry I can't do more to help them." Bronya said quietly, eyes cast down. She looked so genuine that Seele forgot to be annoyed about the Underworld not being a priority in the Guardian's eyes.
"Hey, it's okay." Seele replied eventually, shocked at her own words. She suddenly wanted so badly for Bronya to smile again. "They're getting on okay. Everyone's grateful that we can at least go up to the Overworld now, even if they can't stay there."
"Well, I'm glad then. And I promise you, as soon as I'm able, I'll turn my priorities over-"
"We don't have to talk about this now. We're having dessert lunch, remember?"
"Yeah..." Bronya looked up, her guilt leaving her a little when she saw Seele's encouraging smile. "Yes, you're right. Um, sorry."
Seele burst out laughing, "Now you're apologising! I thought you'd loosened up when you suggested the cake."
"Sorry-" Bronya said again, and then clamped a hand over her mouth. The whole ordeal just made the other girl laugh even more, suddenly grateful she got to see a side of the Supreme Guardian that barely anyone else did. And to her, the expression on Bronya's face was startlingly adorable, making Seele feel strangely giddy.
"I'm just teasing you, I'm sorry." She said once she'd stopped laughing so much.
"I shouldn't have indulged you..." Bronya muttered, feigning annoyance. But she'd missed this. Talking to Seele so freely like this, someone who wasn't constantly reminding her of permits she needed to look over or conferences she had to attend. It felt freeing. It was one of the reasons she was so keen to have lunch with her like this.
The waiter came back over with two plates of an admittedly exquisite looking slide of cake. Seele found herself forgetting entirely about... everything else when she lay eyes on it, hardly believing it was real.
"Oh my god Bronya, look at this!" She said excitedly, an almost childlike expression of awe on her face.
It was Bronya's turn to laugh then, "I knew you'd like it, isn't it excellent?"
"Yes!" Seele replied, entirely letting go of her usual demeanour, "You really weren't lying, huh?"
"I'm a little offended that you thought that was a possibility." Bronya joked, watching Seele pick up her fork and take a bite. Her face somehow lit up even more, and it took everything she had to not squeal with excitement.
"Bronya, that's incredible, you really went and ate stuff like this every day? Wow, I knew you were an Overworld Princess, but wow."
Knowing she was the one that caused Seele such happiness made Bronya's chest tighten a little in a way she wasn't entirely used to. Just watching her companion now with such an excited smile made sheer delight nestle itself inside her heart, and she was suddenly very conscious of her own expression. She'd had this dessert many times before, but Seele's reaction was contagious, and Bronya found herself grinning almost as much.
"I can't wait to tell Natasha about this. I'll definitely recommend this place to her too." Seele said once she'd calmed down a little and had a few more bites, slowly getting more used to the taste of it.
"And Hook!" She continued. "God, I won't be able to get Hook away from this stuff."
"Have you been spending a lot of time with them recently? I wish I had more time so I could see them all."
"Yeah, just this morning I spent some time with the Moles. They're having a pretty great time finding new hiding spots in Belobog, since there were so few places in Boulder Town that they started sneaking into the Fragmentum just to have more exciting games of hide and seek."
Bronya's face fell. "Oh, that's awful."
"Well-" Seele just shrugged. "Good news is, it's over now. We can't really change the past, right?"
Bronya admired this mindset. Maybe she did need to stop blaming herself for not realising how badly the people in the Underworld were treated before she became Supreme Guardian.
"Anyway, Natasha's gotten real friendly recently with that woman, what was her name... Serval! Yeah, she's cool, I like her. She asked after you the other day, by the way."
"Serval, she... Used to be friends with my mother. I've known her for a very long time."
"Wow, she's older than she looks. We should go one of her shows one day, would you wanna come with me?"
The question suddenly silenced the both of them when Seele realised what that sounded like. Did she just accidentally ask Bronya on a date? She felt the need to start denying it out loud immediately, but she'd only end up looking like a bumbling idiot. She knew that much, at least.
After a few seconds of charged silence, Bronya just smiled.
"Of course, I'd love to."
When they left and Bronya paid, the two wandered back to the Fort side by side, the air between them charged with unspoken feelings and ultimately, the happiness of enjoying cake for lunch together. Seele knew she'd be asking Bronya to do this again tomorrow.
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eevees-hobbies · 3 months
Heloo I just read your post about the bold reader and I was like HSKFMMSDKDK
can I request hayato suo with the reader who can make him flustered and put on in his place?? Like she leads the relationship? Thank you!! Nsfw or sfw is fine:3
Authors Note: Hi, Anon! I wanted to take my time thinking about this specific scenario because while I don’t consider myself a Suo girlie, I love writing for him, and I’ve grown to love the version of him that I’ve crafted. I probably have him one degree away from being a Yandere, if we’re being honest. Anyway, I’m turning this into a thirst response for now. Still, I also might continue this at some point because it deserves the time and respect to dive deeper into the complex relationship that Reader has with Suo.
Also, my friend Evie did an excellent job encapsulating a similar ask using her style, and I can’t recommend that piece (and everything else she makes) enough. 
Let’s get into, babe 💕
Content Warning: Fem! Reader x Hayato Suo. Teasing, dirty talk, fem! receiving oral, obsession, overstimulation, hands-free orgasm. Minors Do Not Interact
Word Count: 1.1K
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Control is paramount to Suo’s identity as he’s very well aware of what happens when he loses control: people can get seriously hurt or worse. So it’s essential for Suo to remove any variables that might compromise his cool—and sometimes detached—demeanor. He keeps people at arm's length with ever-changing stories and blatant lies, and it works because no one has come close to cracking the mystery that he is.
But the variable he couldn’t control for? You. 
At first, he found himself avoiding you. You brought out feelings within himself that he’d always try to swallow like bile threatening to come up. Vulnerability? Good for others but not for him. 
When he couldn’t avoid you because you were absolutely everywhere—you weren’t everywhere, you two just have a gravitational pull towards each other like a planet to its moon—he found himself increasing his meditation. 
He’d close his eyes, willing himself to breathe, clear his mind, and…there’d you be. As clear as day in his mind's eye with your sweet smile, the sound of your infectious laughter that makes his heart flutter, and your intoxicating smell. 
As soon as you started to permeate his thoughts, even during the sanctuary of his meditation sessions—something that had never happened before—he knew he was a goner.
And if someone affects you this badly, they have to be yours, right? It would be absurd to see you with any of the imbeciles that pine after you. He almost laughs himself silly at the thought of them thinking they have a chance with you: his love, his moon, his reason for breathing, his everything. 
If you’re familiar with my work, you’ll know how I describe your intimacy with Suo. He’s a pure pleasure dom; if you’re not coming undone on his tongue or fingers until you’re a sobbing and begging mess, well, he simply has to try harder, and Suo has the stamina to back that threat up. 
He considers himself an expert of you, your body, and what makes you cum so intensely that his well-equipped arsenal of depravity has you doing your damnest to crawl away from him and to safety.
“Where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you, Dove. Now get back here and spread your legs like a good girl.”
And you’re into it because Suo is your type of crazy—what you two have simply wouldn’t work if that weren’t the case. If a man isn’t obscenely infatuated with you, is he really your man, am I right? 
But sometimes a girl likes to be in control, ya know? And outside the bedroom, you have Suo wrapped around your finger. You say jump, and he asks if you want him to do a backflip on his way down. You use that sweet little voice to ask him for a kiss? He’s on top of you in an instant—and even to Suo, an instant isn’t quick enough. So, while he may have control in every aspect of his life, you are a dangerous variable that supersedes his free will.
But inside the bedroom? He’s much less willing to let you take the reigns; in fact, it might even be a point of contention initially. As you reach for his waistband, you underneath him entirely naked, and he, fully clothed as he comes up from between your thighs, preparing to plant a kiss on your luscious lips; he stops you as your finger coils around the elastic, silk fabric of his pants.
“What are you doing? This is about you.”
So, in what scenario will he finally let you take over? If you ask nicely, bat your eyelashes and use your sweet, honey-coated voice, perhaps, but that’s not always guaranteed to work. 
The best chance of getting what you want? When Suo has been working at your pleasure for hours, so much so that his cock is twitching in his pants, eyes shrouded with dark, swirling shadows of desire, and he’s ready to ruin you by sinking into you—he’s uncharacteristically more easily influenced in this state. He’ll do anything you say because, god, he just wants to feel you in any way he can; lips wrapped around his cock? Yes, please. Deep in your silken, cum saturated guts? God, please don’t make him beg because he just might. 
So when you tell him to lay down for you, and he falls backward onto the bed without questioning your intentions, you can finally have your way with him. 
And as you hover over his face, flirting your swollen pussy lips over his hungry mouth, ruby-toned eyes staring—pleading—up at you between the warmth of your plushy thighs for a taste, you’ll know that you’ve got him right where you want him.
“Eat my pussy again like a good boy, Hayato, and maybe I’ll touch your cock.”
His breath will hitch because fuck he loves when his sweet girl talks filthy like that, and as his tongue once again dives into your folds—his licks desperate—he’ll buck his hips into the air imagining the feel of your pussy—his pussy—wrapped around his dick.
And if you continue to talk to him like he’s a plaything for you—like his pleasure is an optional afterthought at best and unnecessary at worst—until you get what you want in a tone that almost sounds like you’re above him? His eyes are rolling back, and his hands are clawing at the sheets under him.
“Suo, I just want to fuck your tongue with my pussy all night. Will you let me, baby? Let me use your tongue to cum?”
“Y-yes, baby, use me, please. I’m yours to have.”
And before you know it, at some point between the licks, the whimpers (from him), and his bucking into the air, he’ll groan into your cunt because that intense feeling that he was so desperately trying to stave off finally washed over him and he just couldn’t help himself. You’ll look behind you, eyes bright with amusement and something a bit more sinister, as you watch geyser upon geyser of cum shoot from his hiccuping, over-sensitive cock until his seed smothers his well-groomed pubic hair, abs, and puddles beneath him. 
You’ll be so proud of yourself for reducing the Hayato Suo into a hands-free orgasmic mess. 
But here’s a warning: Suo will only be more insatiable after that, flipping you over with ease, making you wonder how in control you truly were, and after a heated kiss to your lips and feeling his already hardening cock dragging against your folds, you’ll be right back to where you started: at the mercy of someone who thinks that pleasure is infinite.
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sarandipitywrites · 10 months
Writeblr Intro
(i should probably make one of these, shouldn't i?)
about me:
hi! i'm saran (any pronouns). i spend 99% of my free time writing, thinking about writing, making playlists for my writing, rotating my other obsessions in my head (currently jak & daxter; voiceplay; and motionless in white), and sometimes spewing those on my blog as well. this is my primary blog (i can barely keep up with this one, so a sideblog is not likely in the near future), so be aware that you'll see everything that spills out of my head/crosses my blog that i feel like sharing. if you're just here for the writing, that's cool, too! all of my original writing is tagged #my writing, and all longform works and snippets are tagged with their titles. i'm open to tag games, asks, and dms for anything and everything, even if you just need to talk 💜
about the writing:
i both read and write most genres, but fantasy and speculative fiction are my favorite (with a heavy dose of monsters and the paranormal, whether the genre otherwise calls for it or not). i write both original fiction and fanfiction. my main characters tend to be queer, neurodiverse, disabled, or all of the above. i write with an adult audience in mind (my writing has a tendency to delve into heavy topics, including mental health issues and societal commentary, and several of my stories contain graphic violence), so while minors are welcome to follow, i would encourage you to self-curate your experience. i try to tag anything potentially triggering, but i am human and sometimes miss things; if you notice anything that you think needs a tag, please do let me know!
general taglist (ask to be added or removed): @innocentlymacabre
find all the links and tags for my work under the cut:
the WIPs:
The Art of Empty Space (wip intro, tag)
Lienzo's search for a cure for his parent's condition entangles him in a years-old curse with an arcane beast at its heart. As he works to break the curse and free the city of Rookport, he finds an unexpected ally in the beast — and, perhaps, something more. (subversive fairytale; paranormal romance; original fiction)
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @notwritinganyflufftoday
Dead Roots, Dark Water (wip intro, tag, Ao3)
After two years of genetic experiments at the hands of Haven City's Minister of Science leave him almost unrecognizable, Jak isn't as eager to go home as Daxter would have hoped. Daxter's rescue mission becomes a quest to undo the damage the dark eco experiments inflicted upon Jak's body and psyche — and the only one who can help them is Haven's most beloved public figure, who also happens to be Minister Acheron's twin sister. (adventure; dark fantasy; dystopian; fanfiction - Jak & Daxter)
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @sam-glade, @televisionjester, @surroundedbypearls
the Short Stories:
A Haunted Home
A haunted house gets its latest in a long string of owners. Is it possible to have a QPR with a house? You're about to find out. cw: implied past domestic abuse
The Belltown Butcher takes a trophy from each of their victims. Ness survived, but not before the Butcher took their prize. cw: referenced kidnapping, trauma, eye trauma
A cartographical ship picks up a distress signal in the unexplored Groombridge 1618 system. Instead of the lost Kasandra, they find a seemingly-habitable planet.
I Am Alive
A group of friends breaks into the local haunted house for an All Hallow's Eve séance. It doesn't go as planned.
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So I just finished Dungeon Meshi. The manga.
I am yet again blown away by the amazing story. I am also blown away by the fanfiction fandom and it's incessant need to ship anyone and everyone. I get it. You think some of the interaction are romantic. They aren't. That's not what any of this is meant to be. But I get it. Romance ships have their own place in the ecosystem and any healthy community has a dedicated group that really likes to ship anyone and everyone.
It becomes less healthy when I go to AO3 and you can go through pages and pages only finding like two or three fics that aren't ENTIRELY "Two random characters have the sex" with occasional romantic undertones. Of those three that aren't just that, two are instead "cleverly crafted AU but the focus is still on the secks". People I get it, it's nice, it's got, and by god everyone is horny for the Faligon x Marcille ship. I get it, I do.
But the story has so many interesting aspects to it! I'd go as far as to say it's a modern day Lord of the Rings! I really fucking would, and I love LotR like no other story on this fucking planet! I'm barely holding back from gushing about it right fucking now. I'm taking deep breaths.
Look, my point is, it's an amazing story about friendship and genuine camaraderie, the sort of thing that sends the message of "people can forget extremely strong bonds without having the hots for one another." The story, beyond it's generally tasteful comedy and the repetitive but reliable skits, is chock-full of meaningful messages, pondering and it has some of the most beautiful and tasteful conclusions to story arcs I've seen in a while! I'd go so far as to say it's fairly innovative as well, not unheard of but you don't see something this good all that often. You really don't. I usually obsess over just sticking FromSoft protagonists into everything to have them fuck around and mess with everything but for once I'm genuinely unappreciative of the idea. The conclusion to the story is perfect if very traditional in a certain sense and all in all it's got very few real flaws. In the end, a very simple, kind and good lad alongside his party of misfits saves the day and everyone gets to live happily ever after.
So why the shit is almost everyone only ever thinking about hot ladies or hot men fucking each other? No, actually, forget the distinction, it's irrelevant! Why is sex with a side of corny romance the only thing everyone is doing?! Fuck, make literally anything else! I get having a niche but for Christ's sake expand your horizons or something! FF doesn't even have the damn tag for the setting yet, AO3 is just porn and SpaceBattles only has Vs discussions and one single story ideas thread that I myself also sperged out in while I was only halfway done.
Christ, there are so many ideas in my head it's actually hard to focus! What about a serious setting examining the end of the story and how it could have gone on? Remake it into a tragedy, or just a feels-good epilogue that's only slightly longer than the story. How about tossing someone you KNOW would mess up the story into the story, but have it be so messed up it loops back around to the same end? Why not just do something really stupid and see where it leads? What if Laios and Kabru switched places? What if Laios and Falin were in Utaya when they were young (they're still the same people inherently just with a more tragic backstory) while Kabru is just some country schmuck that no longer has a tragic story to spur him on to the Dungeon? Does Kabru actually become even more of a textbook hero type? Would the Touden siblings let their past bog them down and make them gloomy or would it only make them more aware of the world around them and thus more willing to look at the other? The story establishes that they're inherently selfish people - they are of course also selfless, but the initial drive for the story is a selfish one for pretty much everyone. Laios just wants to look at and eat cool monsters. Falin wants to tag along and experience new things. Marcille wants to research ancient, forbidden magic. Chilchuck... Uh... Wants to make money and not be constantly scammed at best and backstabbed at worst, I think. Senshi just kind of wants to vibe. Izutsumi wants to stop being a beast-person and is by far portrayed as the most openly selfish in everything she does and decides.
The whole story is really about people being selfish and realizing that's no good, realizing that the people around them are PEOPLE and they should maybe consider each other more. That's how Laios learns to take responsibility, for instance. Oh sure some characters end up not ACTUALLY bring selfish at all, some of them right from the start even, but narratively until told otherwise we start off thinking everyone in the main group are first and foremost in it for themselves. The unifying moment and first instance of selflessness comes when they decide to immediately go rescue Falin - well, Shuro and Namari didn't but we don't know that right away.
Look what I'm saying is there's so many fucking themes in this story and what everyone is focusing on is sex. My argument isn't "sex bad", in fact. It's that the porn with plot - or even the tasteful romance stories - would be even better if you had some other nice fics alongside them. After all, if you eat the same thing the whole time it's bound to become boring eventually, but have a good spread and every part of the meal will be all the better in combination with other parts. If I just ate soup I'd be kind of disappointed, but make some simple rice and cook some simple meat for AFTER the soup and now both the soup and rice and meat feel so much better based on the other things I ate alongside them. Fics are the same. Please. I beg you. Give yourselves some diversity.
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exocynraku · 1 year
9 & 10 for the violence ask game?
9: worst part of canon wc: the sheer amount of characters and how none of them have personalities & the intense focus on thunderclan are the two worst things for me . there are so many characters that COULD have really interesting personalities an COULD have really interesting stories and COULD be from different clans and yet the erins just!!!!!!!!!! dont care!!!!!!!! and i hate it!!!!!!!!!! one piece: the whitewashing of a bunch of different characters in the anime and the.... sexification (?) of nami and robin. robin and usuopp used to have REALLY COOL DARK SKIN and now they are AS PALE AS SNOW its awful. and with nami and robin. MANNNNN nami used to be so cool with her short hair & loooooooved robins mysteriousness and vague androgyny and !!! then. they got rid of it. and now both of them are just sexy girls with the blandest designs ever and i am so upset about it 10: worst part of fanon wc: the intense obsession's with tpb/tnp/po3 and oots. everyone and their mom has read those four arcs and NOBODY ON THIS PLANET HAS READ DOTC/AVOS/TBC/ASC . this might not Sound that bad the earlier books are VERY GOOD i will admit but EVERYWHERE i look there's stuff for lionblaze & hollyleaf & jayfeather & leafpool & squilf & firestar & sandstorm & dovewing & ivepool and like. i love a lot of these characters but like!!! guess what guys!!! there's cats like tree & rootspring & bristlefrost & flipclaw & shadowsight & lightleap & thunderstar & jagged peak & turtle tail & bumble & probably a bunch of other characters that are just as cool and interesting!!!! and theres little to nothing about ANY of them!!! plus all of the SEs and novellas!!! i have NEVER heard ANYONE talk about skyclans destiny or firestars quest or ravenpaws farewell and it SUCKS!!! yall need to read more of these books i swear!!! i know that avos wasn't like the greatest thing ever which is why i assume a lot of people dropped the books but tbc and asc (so far) have been!!! pretty cool!!! quit hiding in the past of nostalgia and childhood memories and learn to accept the future !
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Coming Out Story
Basically, I’ve bored right now, so this is my coming out story, except coming out to myself and being accepting of my own identity if that makes sense. Also, I’ll only be doing elementary school and then a brief summary as to not reveal my age. Stay safe kids!
Trigger Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia
I was a pretty “sheltered” kid, by that I mean no one told me anything about anything important in the world. I remember when I was six someone mentioned two men getting married, and I was flabbergasted. It seemed the like craziest thing on the planet to me. But, I probably moved on and just held that memory without thinking much on it. Now, we skip to kindergarten, and I have what I really hope was my first crush but to be honest I have no clue- Basically, there was this boy, and I guess little me was like, “But the way he smiled at me as he threw sand in my face.” Needless to say, I got over that pretty quickly. Now, in first grade I meet this other guy, and I like him. It’s mutual so we have one of those little ‘first grade relationships’. But, the person I really liked was his sister who must have been in… Second grade at the time? I don’t really remember. But, in my head, I convinced myself that I just thought she was really cool. Then, when I started second grade I moved and started a new school, and it was very different. Here kids would openly shout swears and throw handballs at each other’s faces. It was usually fine if you weren’t hanging out in specific areas. Another big thing that happened here were these two girls that were best friends. And they said they would get married one day and have a family because that’s how close of friends they are. And I remember thinking (maybe I even said this), “Isn’t that a bit weird?” I don’t remember what happened next. Let’s skip to third grade, and I start to become OBSESSED with Harry Potter- Well, he’s cool too, but Ginny Weasley was probably the reason for that obsession. (Yes, I would read an entire book series for a pretty girl, you dare underestimate me?) And she was my favorite character ever, and I was even her for Halloween. Other than that, I don’t really have many other core memories for third grade. After that, fourth grade is a bit of a blur. I think I finally learned what gay is, but was still denying that I am. At this point, I’ve had quite a few crushes on girls, but I had always played it off as, “I just want to be her friend,” or something like that. Okay, now a lot happened in fifth grade, bear with me. At sometime in fifth grade I had bought a pride pin not knowing what it was, that’s kind of insignificant, but also some silly foreshadowing. Oh, also in fifth grade I found out that a few of my classmates were queer. And then, my mom taught me what the word queer meant when relating to gay people. Then on top of all that, I finally realized that I had a crush on someone, a girl. And the classic sapphic logic states that it was clearly my best friend… I ignored my feelings and shunned them. Called myself horrible things, for some reason brought religion into it? But at some point I learned the term bisexual. And I was like, “Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that seems fitting,” so I stuck with that and didn’t tell anyone until the following school year. But that’s a story time for a different day. Now, skipping to the present, I identify with the terms omnironantic, sapphic, asexual, and queer. Thank you for reading my chaos!
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agentnico · 6 months
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024) review
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Someone should call child services, as Kong uses a baby monkey as a weapon and flails him around like a whip, using the poor little fella to bash against incoming enemies. Granted the little chap is durable, but like….. I’m sorry, this movie is ridiculous. Like I can’t even!
Plot: Godzilla and the almighty Kong face a colossal threat hidden deep within the planet, challenging their very existence and the survival of the human race.
2021’s Godzilla vs. Kong holds a special place in my heart in that during COVID-19 it was one of the first and only films to come out during lockdown. I recall sitting in my living room suffering from high depression (I mean, who wasn’t at that time, am I right??) and I stuck on the Godzilla vs Kong film with low expectations……and I had the greatest time ever. By no means was it a masterpiece. It’s even far away from being a good film, but at that time when I was cinema-deprived and life was in a constant state of limbo, a big trashy Hollywood blockbuster with two massive CGI monsters beating the living crap of each other was exactly the entertainment I needed.
In cometh Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Naturally we’re no longer in a pandemic so the WOW factor is gone, and also Godzilla Minus One only recently came out reminding us that Godzilla can be sophisticated when need be. That being said, am I opposed to seeing some ridiculously over-the-top kaiju brawls for absolutely no other reason other than Hollywood wanting to throw money against the wall and seeing what happens? Yes. Look, from the set-up the whole thing doesn’t make sense in the first place. I get it is fantasy and suspension of disbelief is required, but it’s a giant walking nuclear power plant that holds the title of king of the monsters against a bloody monkeh. I don’t care how cool or likeable Kong is, if we’re being realistic he’d get smushed just by touching Godzilla. Like, ain’t that lizard boi radioactive?? Last time I checked radioactivity is pretty fatal. Kong should have developed multiple forms of cancer since the 2021 film, I’m just saying. But again, that’s if we’re thinking logically, however as we’ve learned from these MonsterVerse movies, logic isn’t a word that exists. So let’s enjoy the lizard and monkeh for what they are - bring it on!!
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is exactly what you expect it to be… in the last 30 minutes. The first hour and a half is actually a casual sequel to Kong: Skull Island, with Godzilla a fleeting cameo just getting up to random shenanigans, with every appearance lasting no longer than 5 seconds. I’m serious, Godzilla to this movie is like Scrat is to the Ice Age movies. If you recall the little saber-toothed squirrel hardly ever connects to the main plot-line of those films, and instead is only obsessed with getting his stupid acorn. Same with Godzilla, he fights random kaijus just cause. He takes naps in the Colosseum just cause. He eats nuclear plants for breakfast just cause. He turns Barbie-level pink just cause. His entire role in this movie is just cause. Otherwise this is through and through a King Kong movie. Not that I’m complaining, if you want to make a somewhat engaging and emotionally resonant narrative (as if this movie has a plot!), it’s easier to focus on Kong as he has the baggage of being lonely and wanting to find a home and more of his kind, so there’s something there to work with. So we spend most of the movie wit Kong as he explores Hollow Earth that’s discovered from the previous film, and I quite enjoyed all that. Does the movie need to be 2 hours long? Nope, as the whole Hollow Earth story-line is dragged out so much when in fact all that happens could have easily been told in the size of a short film. Essentially nothing much happens is what I’m saying. Like the whole thing is a set-up for the inevitable and highly anticipated final showdown that we’ve all paid for.
About the final showdown - it’s so dumb. I mean the whole movie is dumb, but the final battle breaks any last remaining realm of reason and turns into this crazy bonkers monsters v monsters smashy-bashy bonkers beat ‘em up, and it was absolutely fantastic! Again, I fully admit the stupidity of it all, but watching this movie’s finale in a crowded theatre with everyone cheering, laughing, clapping and howling alongside all the CGI madness that is thrown at our faces - it was awesome! I’d give the final 30 minutes a 10/10 score easily, as it is exactly what we want from a Godzilla and Kong movie. Godzilla spears Kong through a pyramid and then immediately follows that up with a suplex. That right there is cinematic genius!! The rest of the movie is fine and has its moments, but is just a meandering set-up for that ending.
This being a MonsterVerse movie naturally there are also some human characters that we are forced to care about. Like I give a f***, gimme me more lizard and monkeh!!! I want them here, and I want them now! To be fair the producers must have listened to the audience feedback as there is much less human stuff in this movie. There’s a useless sub-plot with Rebecca Hall and her adopted daughter that was so boring and generic and was the dullest part of the movie. Brian Tyree Henry and Dan Stevens are a delight though, providing some enjoyable comedic tongue in cheek, with Stevens especially excelling at the one-liner quips. Nice also to see Stevens teaming back up with director Adam Wingard, the two having previously worked on the wonderful indie thriller The Guest. Honestly if you have not seen The Guest you’re missing out big time - a delightful slice of action horror with a fantastic atmosphere that sucks you in with a dash of dry black comedy edge.
Speaking of Adam Wingard, he’s evidently a good match with these goofy Fast & Furious-level silly monster flicks. He directs the movie using a fun colourful visual palette, with some fantastic sci-fi set pieces, and Hollow Earth is reminiscent very much of a Jules Verne-type adventure locale, very much in the vain of a Journey to the Centre of the Earth, or a Mysterious Island. There’s also a strong 80’s retro vibe to the movie with the techno-synth music score from Junkie XL that had strong Thor: Ragnarok feels to it. I must say through all its stupidity, visually the film is really cinematic and looks awesome on the big screen.
I had a solid time with Godzilla x Kong, especially with those last 30 minutes. Satisfyingly entertaining blockbuster fast-food. It does get a while to get there, and also the movie is fit with so many plot holes and inconsistencies, and also it really did feel like the writers were making things up as they were going along, but I don’t care. This was never intended to be high calibre award worthy filmmaking. It’s only a monkeh, standing in front of a radioactive lizard, asking him to fight together. Really entertaining and super fun. Best part was when it was revealed that Kong could talk and screamed “it’s KONGIN TIME!!’
Overall score: 6/10
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buriedalienfma · 1 year
Another week, another episode of ‘My Adventures with Superman’. Honestly, I am getting a little restless having to wait for an entire week for a new episode, but that’s just because I really like the show and want more of it. This week saw the release of episode 4, and I wanted to talk about it. This episode follows a similar pattern to the previous episodes in that the relationships and the dynamics between the main characters are very well written, but the actual superhero stuff is comparatively weaker.
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Here’s my thoughts on episode 4 (obligatory spoiler warning for those who haven’t seen the episode yet) :
- I was surprised that there was no follow up to Superman unlocking his heat vision in the last episode. You would think that it would be a pretty big deal to Clark since he’s been shown to struggle with controlling his powers in previous episodes.
- I do like that Lois was frustrated with how her interview with Superman went in the previous episode. She’s absolutely right in being angry that Superman didn’t really answer any of her questions, especially since he initiated the interview in the first place. I like it when Lois isn’t completely and entirely enamored with Superman and is willing to call him out when she needs to. It just makes their dynamic more interesting and shows that the characters are on equal footing.
- On the other hand, I like that Clark is protective of his secret identity, and even takes measures to hide any evidence that might point to him being Superman. I’ve always considered Superman to be a very introverted character. He tends to keep people at an arms length and and has some loner tendencies that sometimes strain his relationships with others. It’s a nice little contradiction in his character. Superman’s public image in-universe and out is that of a cool and confident hero, but he’s far more reserved than you would expect and that’s one of the more interesting facets of his character.
- I like that there’s a focus on the reporters of the Daily Planet trying to expose the corruption and other unethical activities of the rich and elite of Metropolis. It makes the series feel a little more relevant and topical.
- In this episode the trio is tasked with covering a Gala held by Anthony Ivo, a CEO of the fictional Amazotech. In this episode, Ivo seems to be reminiscent of Tony Stark, especially with how grandstanding and egotistical he is.
- A small moment, but I like that Clark is a little passive with how he interviews Ivo - until the latter insults Lois, at which point Clark becomes way more confrontational. It’s a very cute bit of characterization.
- This episode further develops the relationship between Lois and Clark. The scene where the two are talking to and opening up to each other right after Clark is kicked out of the AmazoTech building is definitely the highlight of the episode. It’s revealed that Lois has a strained relationship with her father and that she has been an intern for over a year, which explains why the character has been so obsessed with chasing a good story in both this episode and previous episodes. It goes to show that Lois isn’t one note and there’s layers to the character. And Clark comforting Lois when she’s opening up to him is such a sweet moment.
- And another thing about that scene - this show very clearly knows just how attractive the main characters are. I remember that one of the people working on the show even confirmed that they deliberately tried to make Superman look cute and/or attractive in every scene that he’s in. I very much approve of that. It’s about time that Superman breaks away from his “America’s stern father figure” image. And as for Lois, well - there’s a good reason why a lot of people are falling head over heels in love with her tomboy design in this show.
- The villain of the episode is Ivo, who is using a mech suit that can absorb and imitate Superman’s powers. In the comics and other media, Ivo is the creator of Amazo, an android that copies other superheroes’ powers, but this episode combines that idea with the character of Parasite, a classic Superman villain that has the power to drain the life energy from his victims. Now I know that some comic fans are upset that many of the metahuman and fantastical characters from the comics are being changed in this adaptation so that they are more tech-based. I’m on the fence on this one. On the one hand, I think that fans should just accept that this adaptation is trying something new instead of being slavish to the comics. It’s an adaptation and it’s allowed to change things. On the other hand, I think that the writers could have gone a lot further with how they adapted Parasite, by playing into the body horror and bio-weapon aspects. They could have been a lot more creative, but they play it a little too safe, since Ivo’s ‘Parasite’ Mech suit is a little generic.
- I do like that once again, Jimmy and Lois are able to help Superman defeat the villain. I also like that Superman ultimately uses his brains to gain an advantage over his enemy rather than simply spamming his superpowers. It shows that Superman isn’t just a meathead.
- Ivo not being able to understand that Superman is simply helping people out of the goodness of his own heart is a neat bit of characterization. I like that this aspect of the Superman is played sincerely. The show isn’t trying to imitate the MCU style of humor that likes to lampshade and poke fun at the premises and tropes of superhero stories. Superman helps people, because he’s a good person. That’s played 100 % straight and I really appreciate that.
- Jimmy isn’t given a lot of focus in this episode and the previous episode. I hope that changes in future episodes as I would like him to get more spotlight. Ideally, I would have Jimmy be the first person to find out that Clark is Superman, and then become Superman’s secret keeper, just to reinforce the idea of Jimmy being Superman’s best friend, but I don’t think the show is going in that direction.
- And the thing that really got me interested - the epilogue of this episode. Lois puts the pieces together and starts to realize that Clark Kent might be Superman. From previous scenes, we know that Lois already has an issue with people keeping secrets from her. That means that there’s going to be a little bit more tension and drama in the relationship between her and Clark, and I am very much looking forward to that. So far, the romance has been played as wholesome and sweet, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but there is a part of me that wants to see a little bit of tension and maybe even some angst in the relationship, just because I think that would be pretty engaging.
So that’s episode 4. I am enjoying this show, though I acknowledge that it has some flaws. The people behind this show have worked on shows like Ducktales and She-Ra, which were pretty good from what I’ve heard, so I think I’m justified in having faith that they’ll eventually iron out the flaws of this show
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 5
5: Audition time!
The ad cuts are taking me out hahaha
We see Sharpay give Darbus some sort of gift, we can guess she’s one of those students where the teachers think she’s the most loveliest thing on the planet but to other students she’s a nightmare
Ah, the first of the classic silly Chad shirts – “I come with my own background music”. How much time does he spend picking these out? And the watches from earlier?? If you think about it the only other guy with an outfit quirk is Ryan- /shot
Chad you’re a terrible spy
Obsessed with this kid who can’t speak because otherwise they’d have to pay the extra more. They actually try to dub over with a voice but it’s so faint it's not even subbed, looks like this kid just randomly grabs Chad’s hand to greet him it’s so funny, but Chad is just like “Oh, hi! :D”. Actually I am now proclaiming this guy is mute.
There’s an auto shop in this school???? So apparently some schools with a focus on trades do have these, huh pretty cool
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I love Kelsi’s fit. It’s just so her <3
The first girl is me when I try to sing
Girl with the pink flower's singing skills are about right for the plays I did tbh, it was a small thing in a church hall and not a single one of us kids were actually good at it. But it was fun!
Hey what was with the 2000s and thinking bad opera singing was the height of comedy? We’re only missing their glasses breaking
Darbus: What... courage! To pursue a note that has... not been accessed in the natural world! Bravo, uh, brava! Darbus: Perhaps the spring musicale?
SAVAGE. Also, spring musicale? SO THERE IS A SPRING ONE. WHEN?? If you’re doing AUDITIONS for the winter one in JANUARY, when is the spring one supposed to be??
Mad respect to this ballet guy. Maybe they let him join the ensemble? This reminds me, I caught Billy Elliott on TV the other day and I'm planning on watching Jump In soon, I'm just watching the same old themes this month huh
Darbus: Well that was just... very disturbing. Go see a counsellor
HELLO??? 😭😭😭 I mean I see they were going for the originality points and tried to do some interpretative dance, honestly it’s not too far from GCSE drama productions that always seem to have something to do with peer pressure, drugs or a car crash lmao
Reaction montage because same:
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OK now that Gabriella’s here I want to point out that Troy did actually come here of his own accord, of course he’d hoped Gabriella would be there as he was checking the audition sheet earlier, but I see this as being an “it’s less scary if it’s the two of us” thing, rather than him only being interested in the musical because of Gabriella. Sure, she sparked his curiosity as he realised how much he enjoyed the karaoke singing, but once he got to the theatre he wasn’t looking around searching for her - I think due to the sequels where Gabriella has to convince Troy to do the performance and he’s all reluctant at first, we kind of forget that initially, he was the one to take the first step, even if he’s too scared to actually audition here. I kind of wish they’d kept this and progressed it into the sequels so he’s more confident with his love of theatre going forward, but instead they keep repeating the whole “ahhhh I don’t sing” thing.
Gabriella: So you decided to sign up for something? Troy: Uh... no. You? Gabriella: No...
Hahaha Troy and Gabriella are basically like “No I won’t do it uh, unless you wanted to”
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Haha, little callback to when she asked him why he's whispering and he said his friends don't know about the singing thing.
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Okay Sharpay and Ryan’s version of What I’ve Been Looking For is more fun than Kelsi’s original for sure, but look Kelsi wrote the song that way for a reason – it probably fits the vibe of the scene and the emotions of the characters at that point in the story. So to see your vision ignored, and your song reworked without consulting you, that’s a pretty big insult for an artist. Like, that’s her song! Her creation! Also Sharpay and Ryan don't have the chemistry for the roles for obvious reasons, and their choreography can be a bit… idk... literal? At the line “that you were always there beside me” they often look at each other like “Oh! Haha there you are!” which is a bit of a shallow interpretation of the song imo. Like I get their limitation because they’re siblings, but that’s just showbiz you can’t expect to fit every single main role you audition for? Anyway it’s B tier for me, catchy enough but nothing show-stopping.
I like how there’s little hints at conflicts between the two though, like Sharpay stopping Ryan so she can walk out first, bumping into him during the number and her telling him not to do the jazz squares but Ryan doing it anyway. He’s not completely subservient to her.
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Sharpay is so mean to Kelsi and y’all wanna say she was the victim here? She’s an elitist that doesn’t encourage new talent or cooperation, she just likes to be on top.
Gabriella: I'd like to audition, Ms Darbus!
I feel like they could have portrayed Gabriella’s motivations a bit better because they’re a tad unclear for me – with Troy we had scenes about his conflict and we can see he’s genuinely curious about singing on stage, but Gabriella seemed pretty certain she didn’t want to do anything like that right at the start of the year, plus she’s got major stage fright. So what exactly got her to go to the audition? Did she guess Troy would be there? If anyone's got any thoughts or meta on that I'd love to hear it
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Troy is so kind to Kelsi aw, taking the time to boost her confidence. It’s not like he knew she’d play them the music, he genuinely just saw someone being mistreated and wanted to boost them up. In the novelisation, Kelsi is freaking out because THE Troy Bolton is talking to her and turns out he's just a nice sweet guy who doesn't think he's above everyone else, it's sweet.
OK I know people laugh at them being able to sightread here, but they already heard how the tune goes as they saw Sharpay and Ryan’s audition, and this is essentially just the same thing slowed down, with some prompts from Kelsi. It’s not thaaaaat farfetched.
So for Troy and Gabriella’s version of the song? I’m sure this version suits that part of the musical more, they have great chemistry when singing it and they can sing well, so I can see why Darbus would consider them. It’s just that in my personal rankings I wouldn’t really listen to this so it’s C tier, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The song does exactly what it needs to do at this point in the story.
Aw Kelsi’s so excited! Even inviting them to her house for breakfast practice ^^
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s-p-o-d-e · 2 years
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Adam vs. Blake - RWBY: The Atlesian Superman AU
Link to story: ALL CHAPTERS My submission for Celtic Phoenix Production's Fanart Contest/Showcase The Prompt for the contest: Missed Opportunities. Two characters from my AU, with Adam being introduced in chapter 1, and later Blake introduced in chapter 6. "Every mortal on this planet was once an Edenite. Slowly, little by little the humans began to drift away from Old World’s Lost Virtues. But not us Faunus – we stayed on our path. The path passed down by our forefathers to the sacred soil below. So I plan to take back our ancestral lands." PROFILE 1 Name: Adam Belladonna (Originally Taurus) Age: 20s Race: Faunus/Edenite Height: 6'4" (193 cm) Occupation: Rebel Leader Semblance: Unknown so far Relatives/Relationship: Ilia Amitola (adoptive sister), Blake Belladonna (self), Kali Belladonna (adoptive mother), Ghira Belladonna (adoptive father) PROFILE 2 Name: Blake Belladonna Age: 20s Race: Faunus/Edenite Height: 5'10" (178 cm) Occupation: None Semblance: Unknown so far Relatives/Relationship: Adam Belladonna (self) Adam is obsessed with the past, in contrast to many other characters like King Oz or Rubio who possess the power to see the future. He believes in the supremacy of a mythical ancient race called the Edenites, who he believes all Faunus are descendants of. It is said that the bloodlines of the people of the Valley are magical, but who's to say the same isn't true of other bloodlines? There is great power and importance in the blood of Eden, but who exactly is Blake Belladonna? How did King Oz separate Adam into another being? Can Blake find her own identity? Or is she forever bound to this man? Now to explain how this fits the contest prompt: While it's true that we did get a Blake vs Adam fight in the show proper, I myself am not a fan of how it was handled. But what's more is that I personally think we missed out on a "true" one on one between the two characters, with no outside interference. The drama here being: the fight between mentor and mentee, not that of lovers. Can Blake overcome Adam's strength and rise from his shadow? The man who taught her everything? For me, the devil's in the details for this fanart piece. As you can see, Blake is using a fighting style that is very much similar if not identical to Adam's own style. Which is where the drama is, where Blake tries her best to leave behind the past and evolve into something she could call her own. The past is the past, of course, and it will always follow her. So traces of what Adam taught her will always be within her fighting style. But once she is able to reconcile these feelings and become her true self, she may find peace. This is where the evolution of the fighting style comes in. Because in the show proper, Blake has never really gotten a meaningful upgrade or a power up. But I think this could be her opportunity. Maybe by tying her iconic rope/ribbon to the blade, she will be even deadlier, and of course, it will be reminiscent of the canon fighting style (though I still kinda like Adam's style, so I think combining the two would look very cool). I do not own RWBY, all rights goes to Rooster Teeth and the creator Monty Oum (may he rest in peace). Consider donating if you enjoy my work: www.patreon.com/sirspoder
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allthingsfook · 1 year
Hi! I just saw your ships post and I’d love one if you are still doing them :))
I’m a cancer sun and a leo rising. I have short red hair but i dye my bangs different colors all the time. I’m 5’8. I have a tattoo on my ribs of a bouquet of flowers. I wear a lot of funky earrings and love bold eye makeup! My love language is acts of service 100%. I am in school for theater and dance. I have been obsessed with music for as long as i can remember. My parents are artists. I love collecting records, poetry, and visiting local coffee shops! I love a good cry session! You’ll most likely find me spending time doing witchy and ghostly things. I’m pretty quiet and don’t speak much in public settings, but I have a lot of emotional intelligence and strength, which is my favorite quality about myself. I love my car! I drive a bug that is filled with stickers and greenery! I love planes and traveling. I’m uncomfortable when I’m still for too long. I think that love is the most important thing on earth and I genuinely take time each day do my best to find the beauty and love that is scattered around this planet (as corny as it sounds haha)! I hope that’s a good enough description!
Thank you for doing these! I have so much fun reading them :))
Hello beautiful Anon!!!! I ship you with….
Danny 🤍✨
I think Danny would notice your style from across the room and immediately be intrigued. Only to meet you and find out that you are wickedly cool!!! The first time he gets a glimpse of your tattoo (I imagine him noticing it as you change in the bathroom, door slightly ajar), he would admire the beautiful detail 🥰 Then reflect on how he’s always wanted one but never could decide on what he would get. Maybe that’s an excuse for him being a little nervous that it would hurt.
Through acts of service, which I feel all of the boys identify with, Danny and you would be volunteering at animal shelters, benefits, and charity events. It truly is a sense of community and accomplishment when you know you are helping those around you 💛🤍
Danny would take great interest in theatre and dance. He’d support you in every way possible. Whether it’s giving you alone time to practice, helping you prepare for a show, and most importantly, cheering you on during a production. He’d always have a bouquet of flowers ready for you 💐 Also, Danny would get along with your parents so well! Not that he wouldn’t win over any dad 😉 He’d be curious about their careers and stories throughout the years.
You and Danny certainly are the ones of the group that just sit back and take in all the goofiness of everyone around you. With a group of friends like Josh, Jake, and Sam, he has to let them get all their energy out. There’s no doubt that you two would have the greatest time during a night out, watching all the other’s crazy antics!
I love that you identified such amazing qualities in yourself, and Danny would admire that too! Emotional intelligence and strength….. that sounds so attractive!!!!! Danny definitely gravitates toward someone who is authentically themselves and independent. That shows him that you can stand for yourself when he’s away. Although it might be hard, he’d appreciate the dedication and strength it takes to be in that sort of relationship. Besides, he’d so do anything to make it up to you when he got home.
To build off that, travel would be a huge part of your relationship. As much as you think he’d be tired from the demanding travel schedule with his work, and want to stay home…. He loves to vacation 🏖️ All of those boys are incapable of staying still! Go ahead and be Danny’s little wanderer! (Check out Little Wanderer by Death Cab for Cutie!!! It’s such a Danny song!)
You are gunna have to struggle to get Danny from his Corvette, but once he rides in your bug, he’d realize how much he loves the aesthetic! Imagine road tripping it to the coast in it. His lush curls flowing in the sea salt breeze!!!
Your appreciation of love would be the biggest thing that brings the both of you together. Most of the time we don’t discuss our need of love and giving it to others, we more often show it. Isn’t that beautiful?! Our actions really speak louder than words, and that’s so pronounced with love. Although, when your dealing with a band like GVF, they tend to paint amazing images in our heads with their words…. And Danny did write a lot of Light my Love 🤍🤍
Let me know what you think!!!! I thought it was amazing 🤩
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so uhm just finished Trigun stampede and I haven't really read/seen any opinion about it but I'll vomit my own here cause I have lots of thoughts and I'm so mad
so number one will be the soundtrack cause holy shit. holy shit. this is all. i- holy shit.
number two will be the 3D animation cause everyone was talking about it and. well. it's great, sure, but tbh it still sucks for me. i'm sorry, it's cool to see, but it looks like a videogame and the voices are off. it's just weird.
number three is about Wolfwood. So. Let's talk. He's a cool character. The cool character™. But what the heck is his role really. What does he DO. He has his own story which is totally independent from Vash and when Livio's stuff is over he just becomes background. They let you believe he's a traitor and will at some point betray Vash and the others but it just doesn't happen. His character is the same for the whole time. Like, why did you even throw him in.
not really a point but the journalists are pretty weak characters too. They literally just tag along (for no good reason really) and you can't tell me in the end it was Meryl who brought Vash back cause their relationship was nonexistent.
the most important thing. Nai was right. okay? okay. human destroyed one planet by abusing its resources and they are doing it again. Plants have been enslaved for more than a century and awful things have been done to them. He wants to save his kind and the only way (proved true by Earth's destiny) is killing the humans. Meryl is just egoist by not accepting this, but comprehensible. from Vash's point of view?? just doesn't make sense. Why is he not mad? and what is his solution to his kind's abuse? sitting and waiting? really?
also a small parenthesis I am obsessed with villains playing piano and Nai's tunes were fucking majestic.
this is not a real critique, but I think Nai's character would have hit that much harder if they hadn't made him a total villain. The villainous laugh, the crazy ass eyes and everything. If they'd made his side relatable (which it still is, but if they'd shown it as such). If they'd made him a caring (perhaps by wrong ways, crossing every line) brother. If they'd shown his pain more and his madness less.
Last. the finale. what the heck dude? vash tried to sacrifice himself in order to save the city and failed. he is responsible (not really but you know) for those deaths. and the typically save-ass, fake-shock, most-hated memory loss finale?? really? it essentially kills the purpose bond to his final words to his brother. he didn't "keep running when they hated him", unless you consider memory loss as a psychological escaping mechanism (which, being subconscious and involuntary, still doesn't comply). this is simply not a conclusion of any arc at all. watch me being bitter about it for months to go.
oh i forgot all hail Matsuoka Yoshitsugu for he was a miracle in this
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antirepurp · 2 years
ok im ready to sit down and give some real thought to frontiers beyond nonsensical first-impression fueled gushing let’s go gamers
im not here to discuss the gameplay tbh like it’s good and fun and all that jazz but im more of a story kinda guy y’know. anyway.
reflecting on the story while watching the credits gave me sort of similar vibes to the first sonic movie in the sense that, all the building blocks and the ultimate vision were there, but the pacing was just a tad too fast to explore everything to their full potentials. the beginning felt definitely more fluent in that regard, thought this could also be just my experience in wanting to explore/get all the memories and THEN do all the plot shit in one go lol. i do think the ending needed a little something more special, i was hype to be in space but then it lasted a grand total of a single cutscene which was... not as cool as it could have been. same thing with sage, and my goodness i have a lot of thoughts about her
i seriously wish they had explored the whole corruption thing more! it seemed like such a huge deal but then it sorta. got thrown aside at the last moment. like okay fair how else would they have solved this issue without using resources to like idk create new playable characters for a single segment in which they save sonic or something? but i would’ve liked more, hm, spice in the whole situation. maybe the corruption overtakes sonic and, for a while, the story would force us to act against our friends. perhaps sage would be the one to stop sonic when he begins to threaten eggman’s safety, perhaps she is the one who gets shlorped into the corruption to stabilize sonic, perhaps the two of them are, for a brief moment in time, the same entity, and defeat the... whatever the final boss was together uh. it was some, corruption shit right? was that ever really addressed like the mechs and shit were ancients’ tech and there was another threat which was the fucking thanos planet or whatever?? and that planet was like possessing the mechs through cyber space?? did they actually address this or did i take too long fucking around to remember the plot anymore
regardless im overall fine with the story though! i can see why people would have issues with it, it’s far from perfect, but still a step-up from the 2010s sans sonic boom. i loved the interactions with amy and tails specifically, seeing the former become a more fleshed out character from what she’s used to and having a lot of things with tails addressed as well, especially forces. knuckles was a bit more history focused i feel but i think that fits him honestly
sage though... i was left craving more interactions with her and eggman, more direct ones anyway. the egg memos and the occasional cutscene was fine sure but i feel like something is still missing. either way im a sucker for sentient AI characters, i love how both her and sonic operate morally grey grounds for the most of the game and both see one another as enemies more or less (even if sonic is a lot friendlier towards her.) she’s a very interesting character and i do want to see more of her, im very much a fan of the implication that she might return in the future, and that it’s implied that frontiers leads up to a more cohesive narrative within sonic games from what we’ve had! i mean it would be a fucking shame to throw a character like that away, especially with the character development she brings out in eggman as well.
im not entirely sure how i feel about the ancients being aliens, it’s a bit... well, we had aliens before so did we really need more of them i guess? that said i am fucking obsessed that since the ancients are related to chaos, and chaos is related to chao, that chao are just heavily fucking mutated ancients that became babies it’s fucking hilarious to me akjsdhajds
the last thing that like actually bothers me is the goddamn mural that appeared in the sky and in the end on eggman’s machine, i severely wanted it addressed but we never really got that? i mean it has something to do with cyber space and the ancients but the hell is it? also i lowkey hate that every time i see it i read it as “up” but that’s just me aksjdhd
ah. i probably will have more thoughts later on after i’ve let my brain soup sit around for a while. but frontiers is good, pretty fucking good. and sticks confirmed please show her in a mainline game soon i miss her so much
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
Hello Quil!
I am here to finally tell you about the book I mentioned before that I think you might like. I have essentially needed to obsess over this book for months because I have to write a very long essay about it, so I have a lot of thoughts and hopefully you will enjoy some of them. 
The book is The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin. You might have heard of it before, or maybe even read it, since I saw you reblogging a post about Le Guin a few months ago, but since you have not brought it up I’m just going to tell you about it and hope you will be interested! :)
To start, the book has this really interesting format where most of the chapters are the story narrated by the main characters, but every so often they’ll be a folktale from one of the cultures which relates to the story in an interesting way and really shows off the world building. 
As for the plot, the book is about this guy called Genly Ai who’s a representative of “the Ekumen”, which is kind of like the UN but for space, and he’s trying to get these people on a planet called Gethen to join so they can all benefit from trade. 
Two important things about Gethen:
It’s super cold there. A ton of the world is just ice sheets, and then there’s a small inhabitable section of land. This actually has some cool effects on their culture, like the fact that a ton of people use sledges, or that there’s literally dozens and dozens of words for different types and textures of snow (I thought you would like that part when I read it)
Almost everyone who lives there is androgynous. They don’t really have concepts of “opposite” sexes or genders except for animals, which are sexually dimorphic. So basically everyone is intersex and non-binary, which is pretty forward-thinking for a book written in 1969. 
The gender thing is pretty interesting, but my favorite parts of the book were the politics and the interpersonal relationships. I don’t want to spoil too much of the book if you haven’t read it, but there’s a lot of interesting political intrigue bits and towards the end two characters form a really close relationship which was fascinating to read about. 
Also this book just has really good world building. With the descriptions they gave I felt like it could actually be an alien world with its own culture and ways of life. All of the places had pretty awesome names, too. 
I think one of my favorite parts about this book is the narration, though, because the way the narrator talks about stuff is actually kind of funny, without really trying to be? Like there’s this one point where he’s running away from a burning village but talks about it so nonchalantly that it took me a whole page to realize he was actually running away from a burning village? He’s also a really bad judge of character but you don’t realize this until like halfway through the book, at which point it sort of becomes dramatic irony and I found it kind of entertaining?
Also this book uses the misunderstanding trope in a way that actually makes a lot of sense and it’s very cathartic when the characters finally understand each other, so that’s awesome. 
Anyway, I’ve been talking about this book for a while and I should probably wrap up but I guess I’ve just had a lot of thoughts, which makes sense given that I’ve had to think about a book that I actually love for months for a school assignment. I hope you read this book and enjoy it! 
I’m doing well (just helped to crowdsource a speech and I’m now on a not-field-trip and listening to random acoustic performances.) I hope you’re having a good day too!
- Amethyst
Hello Amethyst!! This is actually a little wild, because while I haven’t read the book myself, I have already (fairly recently) received an incredibly enthusiastic endorsement for the book from a classmate and I’ve read a short story set in its world about kemmer (i forget how to spell it). My fantasy class read it for gender week!
I’m always a sucker for worldbuilding, though. love hard/high fantasy. the more complex and confusing, the more I fall in love. i want to know the methods and frequency of food transportation across and between countries <33
I gotta admit though, I do think when I get around to it that the planet being named Gethen will throw me off for a little bit. I’ll just keep thinking of a cryptic blond guy in spandex jogger shorts. but!! you’re absolutely right I do love the language detail! reminds me of a project i did once that (anecdotally) showed how the vocabulary of a language reflects its location/culture.
okay, I went to find the title of the piece I read. it’s called “coming of age in karhide” by sov thade tage em ereb, of rer, in karhide, on gethen. so I am familiar, at least through that, of kinda how the gender and sex work on gethen! though I didn’t understand that in karhide on gethen part of the subtitle until now, since I didn’t know gethen was a planet. and I agree it’s quite fascinating. apparently the inspiration for creating the system was because le guin wanted to be able to write the sentence “the king was pregnant.” and while there are easier ways to get there (transgenderism), she did achieve that.
political intrigue!! love when we get to explore the political systems of the fantasy cultures and they have impact on the story. though sometimes it can get overbearing. there’s a balance, as with everything. side note: love the incorporation of politics in the lady trend memoirs. they’re tied to everything because the structure of the world shapes how you can act and move in it, but it doesn’t overtake the mc’s passions and focuses.
and of course the funny narrator is always a bonus. especially when its done well. i read a book the other day called the similars that had a pretty classic teenage nihilism kind of humor, and it wasn’t great (the book as a whole, but I knew that going in), but it was startling in a fun way to get to like page two and see, “Grasping for some semblance of order, I began naming my different moods. For example: ‘A Zombie Just Ate My Body,’ which is like being frostbitten and stun-gunner and about 94 percent dead inside. At least that one is bearable, unlike ‘Get That Serrated Knife Out Of My Chest,’ which is as painful as it sounds.”
ough the misunderstanding/miscommunication trope, the bane of my existence. it can be done really well, it just can also be done really really bad and when it’s bad? infuriating. being misunderstood/misjudged is one of my least favorite things irl. i don’t know why, it just sets off this like visceral frustration and need to correct it
anyway! i fully intend to read this book someday! I actually had meant to pick it up a few months ago, but it wasn’t where it should’ve been at the bookstore, and I was sneaking in a trip between other things to pick up a specific book for my dad’s birthday, so I didn’t have time to stop and look more thoroughly unfortunately.
i’m glad you’re doing well! i’m like a week late on this one, but i’m also alright--officially done with the semester. which is nice because no more schoolwork for a while. but also weird because I. am a very well trained worker who now needs to figure out what to do with myself in the absence of assignments. i’ve just been reading so far, but i’ll have to figure something out or i’ll lose my mind a little :)
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1d1195 · 6 months
Definitely get the whole vibe of everyone relying on you! I basically have the same role in my family too :/ While i would literally do anything for my family(not extended family bc thats a DIFFERENT story lol) it is very draining especially when at times it may not be reciprocated in a way that actually helps. So youre not alone in that and it doesn't make you a bad person for saying those things either! And yeah i did say im the eldest daughter! I only have one sibling which is my brother but he's only 2 years younger than me. We are actually very close and i love him to death! BUT what's wild is that personally I don't think we are too similar but apparently we are according to others lol We are also both Aquarians which is also WILD!
ANYWAYSSSSSS That is kinda sad to think about it like that :( But honestly I think you would love to see and particpate in a Day of the Dead celebration! It's just a different way of viewing death and th process of it like making the offerings and decorating is so fun! Well at least when we do it we cook/buy our loved ones fave foods and it comes naturally the nice memories we have shared with them. also idk if i've mentioned this but i LOVE flowers like obsessed! so I enjoy that aspect too! Plus it really does kick off your b-day month so IT"S A WIN! also WE ARE THE SAME once again, i have ALWAYS been obsessed with my ancestry too! Have you taken one of those DNA tests or Ancestry tests??? And you can ask whenever/whatever you want!
I say you could totally write a cool biography or even like a memoir! I think that would be such a fun little project even if it's just for yourself!
like bestie you don't understand, this man's arms look GOOD so i get the vibe of liking forearms! it's totally not weird! I mean I have a thing for noses(according to my friends bc i have never truly noticed 😭) and hands! Or maybe something might be wrong with me 😂
It was for a good deal too! It was $10 for a HARDCOVER of Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and im exicted since it looks like I might actually start this book lol Have you read anything fun or new recently?
ALSO SAM THE RIGHT HERE EXTRA WAS SO GOOD 😭I forgot how cute these two are and how perfect they are 😭 Harry in this is just so 😭 i love a good sick fic and the comfort of it all! BUT HER SAYING I LOVE YOU FIRST!? Why did i think Harry already said that?? lol But I found it so cute it was her and its so perfect the way you wrote about how knowing that Harry loved her back was like the last thing for her to FULLY be herself! loved it so much Sam, you never disappoint!-💜
That's so funny. My extended family is a mess too. I was actually discussing it with one of my aunts on my mom's side this weekend. My dad's side is A LOT™ Like idk what happened we were discussing it and I was like "wow, i love these people but I do not like them. wtf." That's cool you have a brother, I always wanted a brother. But I'm def the son my parents never had either lol. I bet you're a killer older sister. My sister is also ~2 years younger than me and that's so wild how similar we are! My sister is way more outgoing than I am, she's probs smarter, and infinitely more confident (I said double it and give it to the next one in the womb). What's your brother like? It's funny you think you're not like him but others do! I think my sister and I are different but we have SO many similarities.
I've done 23 and Me! The results were unsurprising. I was hoping for more nitty gritty details but I'd like to do the Ancestry one too because then I could maybe get some of the more interesting info I want. Okay you've convinced me. Maybe I'll write a memoir 😂 OH I LOVE FLOWERS TOO! I bought a headband at TJMaxx and wore it. My coworker (Spanish teacher) loved it! It had really pretty flowers and I know I mentioned it last but I think Coco is one of the most BEAUTIFUL Disney movies on the planet and it's DEFINITELY the flowers. That's a beautiful tradition--eating their favorite food 😭 that's so so nice. I hope I can participate somehow sometime that would be really cool.
Noses and forearms aren't we a pair!? 😭
Picture of Dorian Gray is on my bookshelf! I tried reading it years ago but I struggled. It's on my shelf though so it means it's gonna be read by the end of the year hahahaha Let me know how you like it! 😊
HAHAHAHAHA I always go back and reread when I write a new part to check for plot holes but I REALLY had to go back and read to see if he said it (if you read between the lines of the original part he def says it) I feel like I kinda struggled falling in love--as much as I write about it I feel like there's something wrong with me--love in books and the way I feel love is very different. Idk maybe I'm weird. I've been fantasizing about love since I was 11/12/13. Maybe I set myself up for failure in believing the stories more than reality. ALL OF THAT was to say that I think I wrote her just finally feeling at peace to be herself, to really feel in love because it's something I always struggled with.
Thank you for being the utmost supportive in everything 💕
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leclerced · 10 months
what are ur fav games?
oh baby i have a lot to say, im sorry. ive been gaming my whole life so theres a lot. i know i’m forgetting some, but here we go. im adding a read more because it accidentally got kinda long bc i nerded out
im a whore for godd howard sorry i mean todd howard games, just games developed by bethesda really. top two of all time are skyrim and oblivion from the elder scrolls franchise, they are impeccable games. oblivion has the strong nostalgia factor, it’s definitely outdated graphically but i love the way it looks. its like a dreamland to me. i’ve been playing skyrim since release, i have bought it on just about every console, multiple times. well worth the money in my opinion. both have incredible story telling, world building, characters, gameplay is pretty simple. i could go on forever. it is the only game ive ever played that i have always wanted to pick up and play again immediately after, i have hundreds to thousands of hours on it. oblivion is just in the hundreds, but still a lot.
the other games by todd howard are incredible too. i love new vegas and fall out 3 and have played those a few times each, but didn’t play much of 4 but i need to tbh. post apocalyptic isn’t generally my style but these games fascinate me and have since i was a kid.
starfield is my latest obsession and i put it down after one playthrough to give myself a rest so i could come back to it and enjoy it fully! its an incredible game that fucks your mind up, beautiful graphics and lovely characters that feel incredibly lifelike and weirdly like real people to me. love everything about it.
onto other games ! i play a lot of fortnite with friends it’s just simple and easy, fun. not a lot to it other than that but ive been playing for 5 years so i feel like if i don’t call it a fav im doing it a disservice.
portal and portal 2 are my favorite puzzle type games, also a mind fuck but very very very enjoyable. super satisfying to beat. have been playing since childhood. was playing portal 2 last night and its still just as fun as it was 10 yeas ago
star wars jedi survivor and fallen order were beautiful, i’m not a star wars fan or a souls like fan generally speaking but i had a ton of fun. it was challenging at some points but its really satisfying beating the bosses they throw at you.
i played it once but it takes two is a super fun two player game that made me cry.
little big planet, little big planet 2, and sackboy (skipping 3 and karting bc i didn’t play much) are all super super fun!!! i think lbp and lbp2 may only be available on ps3 so you may not be able to play those, but sackboy is on ps4 and ps5! lbp and lbp2 are games i grew up playing and love so so much but i can’t explain them tbh. just fun.
cyberpunk is another super fun one, ive only played it once but i tried to 100% it and gave up. im gonna go back to it and start a new game soon though because there’s multiple endings and i need to see the secret one.
the borderlands games are good and kinda brain melty. cool stories, incredible art style, great characters, there’s a lot to the game i can’t begin to describe. it’s food if you like to focus/fixate on something because there’s a ton of grinding and enemies respawn after leaving areas and returning. there’s different characters to choose from and perks to create different skill builds, theres an entire community that has created builds you can follow and guides to farm the best loot, so if that’s your thing i recommend it!
love playing assetto corsa and pretending i am a formula one driver. i wanna get a sim racing set up but they r expensive.
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