#and there we have it people finally
cassmouse ยท 10 months
Cake for Lunch - Honkai Star Rail fanficโœจ
pairings: Bronseele all the wayyyy
summary: Bronya is stressed out in her new role as Supreme Guardian, so she asks Seele to have lunch with her.
words: 1.9k
author's note: Sooo, my first fanfic on here! I love these lesbians to the moon and back so thought I'd at least try to do them some justice... ๐Ÿ‘€ This will also be on my ao3 of the same account name!
warning: This is set after the Jarilo VI storyline, so there will be spoilers for the first planet of the game!
Bronya hadn't found it difficult to adjust to her new role as Supreme Guardian, per se. It was true that Cocolia, despite everything, had prepared her well, and she was a capable person, everyone in Belobog knew that much. But that didn't mean that she hadn't had her fair share of sleepless nights and endless anxiety on how to heal an almost broken nation. It was a lot of responsibility to put onto one person, especially when that one person knew exactly what happened to the previous Supreme Guardian, even when few other people did.
That was one of the many things she found herself turning to Seele for.
The two grew into a sort of routine after the Astral Express Crew's departure, with Bronya settling into her workload, and Seele mainly serving as an ambassador of sorts for the people of the Underworld. She also occasionally helped with keeping the peace, but didn't believe in having a proper job title, she just did whatever she saw fit to help Belobog. Bronya entirely trusted her judgement, so she just allowed it to happen. Agreeing with Seele was a lot easier than arguing with her after all, and she knew what she was doing.
Through all this, the sun continued to rise over Belobog, and while they didn't exactly feel it getting warmer just yet, hope was on the horizon.
It was on one of those sunny days that Bronya called Seele up to meet with her. This wasn't remotely unusual, it was more the timing that made Seele question things. Bronya rarely had time for anything in the middle of the day, and the two generally had to keep their meetings to late evenings. But here she was, making her way over to the Supreme Guardian in the bright, early-afternoon daylight.
"Bronya?" Seele called, voice echoing around the entrance of Qlipoth Fort, "You in here?"
"Seele," Bronya replied immediately, voice soft with that slight hint of affection that tended to creep into it whenever she spoke to the other girl, "Thank you for joining me at such late notice."
"Yeah, of course- What do you need me for, is there trouble?"
"Oh, no, it's nothing like that. Sorry, did I make you worry?"
"Uh- Kinda? It's just weird for you to ask to see me at this time."
"Well, I..."
Bronya closed her eyes for a second, as if going over the words she was about to say in her head.
"I was thinking of taking a break to eat today, and I... Wanted you to join me."
The two exchanged glances a little nervously, both fighting to keep their blush to a minimum.
"Yeah," Seele started, an uncharacteristically shy smile forming on her face, "Yeah, I'd love to."
Bronya returned a similar pleased expression, going to exchange a few words with the other people dotted around the grand workspace and then wandering over to join Seele.
"Where are we going, anyway?" She asked when Bronya started walking, gesturing to the other girl to follow.
"I have a place in mind."
"...Always so mysterious, huh?" Seele sighed, hurrying to catch up.
The two walked in step with each other through Belobog, Bronya confidently leading the way to a quaint little outdoor seating area to the far side of the district. It was mostly empty and had one of the old, questionably drawn wanted posters still up.
"...Haven't you taken these down?" Seele commented when she saw it.
"No, I find them a little amusing, to tell the truth," Bronya admitted, eyes following Seele's to see what she was talking about. "So I requested to keep some of them up. Gepard was certainly pleased when he heard I liked them."
Both of them giggled at this as they took a seat, Bronya visibly less tense already. This certainly didn't go unnoticed by her companion.
"What are you gonna get? Got something in mind?" Seele asked, picking up the menus which were already on the table.
"There's something specific I usually get here. A few years ago I was doing some training nearby, and came here for my food every day. They have one of the finest cakes Belobog has to offer." Seele looked up, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, I haven't actually tried that yet."
"Yeah. It's one of those things we didn't have in the Underworld, because we didn't really have the resources to make it. The people who were alive before the whole separation thing talked about it sometimes though, and I've seen pictures..." Seele gazed wistfully into the distance, remembering how Natasha would talk about the dessert, or the images of it she'd seen as a child and gotten immensely jealous of.
She paused, turning back to Bronya accusingly, "Hey, hang on, the Overworld Princess eating something unhealthy? I never thought I'd see the day. And you're not having cake for lunch, are you?" She was obviously teasing, the grin on her face no doubt giving her away. In truth, she was pretty happy that Bronya was loosening up a little, especially after all of the... Cocolia business.
"Hey, I'm on break, and am I not allowed to enjoy a treat once in a while?" Bronya shot back, a mirrored smile on her face.
When someone came over to take their order, Bronya calmly requested the cake she was talking about. Seele, realising she'd been so busy talking to Bronya that she forgot to choose something for herself, just quickly blurted, "I'll just have whatever she ordered."
"I was hoping you'd at least try it." Bronya admitted once the waiter had gone.
"Well, you seemed so excited about it, so..." Seele mumbled, suddenly not able to meet the other girl's eyes. And even now, she had too much pride to admit she absolutely wanted to try the recommended cake.
A few moments of silence passed between them. Bronya cleared her throat.
"So, what have you been doing today?"
"Um-" Seele rested her elbows on the table, grateful for the change of subject. "Mostly just helping everyone move stuff from the Underworld to the Overworld. The people who were able to find places to stay here, anyway." She sighed, now turning to look the buildings that surrounded them up and down.
"I'm... Sorry I can't do more to help them." Bronya said quietly, eyes cast down. She looked so genuine that Seele forgot to be annoyed about the Underworld not being a priority in the Guardian's eyes.
"Hey, it's okay." Seele replied eventually, shocked at her own words. She suddenly wanted so badly for Bronya to smile again. "They're getting on okay. Everyone's grateful that we can at least go up to the Overworld now, even if they can't stay there."
"Well, I'm glad then. And I promise you, as soon as I'm able, I'll turn my priorities over-"
"We don't have to talk about this now. We're having dessert lunch, remember?"
"Yeah..." Bronya looked up, her guilt leaving her a little when she saw Seele's encouraging smile. "Yes, you're right. Um, sorry."
Seele burst out laughing, "Now you're apologising! I thought you'd loosened up when you suggested the cake."
"Sorry-" Bronya said again, and then clamped a hand over her mouth. The whole ordeal just made the other girl laugh even more, suddenly grateful she got to see a side of the Supreme Guardian that barely anyone else did. And to her, the expression on Bronya's face was startlingly adorable, making Seele feel strangely giddy.
"I'm just teasing you, I'm sorry." She said once she'd stopped laughing so much.
"I shouldn't have indulged you..." Bronya muttered, feigning annoyance. But she'd missed this. Talking to Seele so freely like this, someone who wasn't constantly reminding her of permits she needed to look over or conferences she had to attend. It felt freeing. It was one of the reasons she was so keen to have lunch with her like this.
The waiter came back over with two plates of an admittedly exquisite looking slide of cake. Seele found herself forgetting entirely about... everything else when she lay eyes on it, hardly believing it was real.
"Oh my god Bronya, look at this!" She said excitedly, an almost childlike expression of awe on her face.
It was Bronya's turn to laugh then, "I knew you'd like it, isn't it excellent?"
"Yes!" Seele replied, entirely letting go of her usual demeanour, "You really weren't lying, huh?"
"I'm a little offended that you thought that was a possibility." Bronya joked, watching Seele pick up her fork and take a bite. Her face somehow lit up even more, and it took everything she had to not squeal with excitement.
"Bronya, that's incredible, you really went and ate stuff like this every day? Wow, I knew you were an Overworld Princess, but wow."
Knowing she was the one that caused Seele such happiness made Bronya's chest tighten a little in a way she wasn't entirely used to. Just watching her companion now with such an excited smile made sheer delight nestle itself inside her heart, and she was suddenly very conscious of her own expression. She'd had this dessert many times before, but Seele's reaction was contagious, and Bronya found herself grinning almost as much.
"I can't wait to tell Natasha about this. I'll definitely recommend this place to her too." Seele said once she'd calmed down a little and had a few more bites, slowly getting more used to the taste of it.
"And Hook!" She continued. "God, I won't be able to get Hook away from this stuff."
"Have you been spending a lot of time with them recently? I wish I had more time so I could see them all."
"Yeah, just this morning I spent some time with the Moles. They're having a pretty great time finding new hiding spots in Belobog, since there were so few places in Boulder Town that they started sneaking into the Fragmentum just to have more exciting games of hide and seek."
Bronya's face fell. "Oh, that's awful."
"Well-" Seele just shrugged. "Good news is, it's over now. We can't really change the past, right?"
Bronya admired this mindset. Maybe she did need to stop blaming herself for not realising how badly the people in the Underworld were treated before she became Supreme Guardian.
"Anyway, Natasha's gotten real friendly recently with that woman, what was her name... Serval! Yeah, she's cool, I like her. She asked after you the other day, by the way."
"Serval, she... Used to be friends with my mother. I've known her for a very long time."
"Wow, she's older than she looks. We should go one of her shows one day, would you wanna come with me?"
The question suddenly silenced the both of them when Seele realised what that sounded like. Did she just accidentally ask Bronya on a date? She felt the need to start denying it out loud immediately, but she'd only end up looking like a bumbling idiot. She knew that much, at least.
After a few seconds of charged silence, Bronya just smiled.
"Of course, I'd love to."
When they left and Bronya paid, the two wandered back to the Fort side by side, the air between them charged with unspoken feelings and ultimately, the happiness of enjoying cake for lunch together. Seele knew she'd be asking Bronya to do this again tomorrow.
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endusviolence ยท 3 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut fรผr Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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bet-on-me-13 ยท 2 months
Wes ruins everything
Wes had finally done it, he had finally realized why nobody ever belived him about Fenton and Phantom! It made so much sense now, he had been looking for an answer for years, thinking he was going crazy because everybody refused to see the Obvious!
He was Cursed!
He literally had an Ancestoral Curse on his Bloodline that made it so that all those born with the gift of Prophecy would be ignored! A Gift of Prophecy that he apparently had.
It was Cassandra's Curse, the one from Greek Myths. Apparently she was his Greatร—1000 Grandmother and passed down the Gift (and Curse) of Prophecy to him. And he knew how to break it!
All he needed to do was gather the right resources, chant the correct incantations, make sure not to accidentally summon a Demon in the process, and he could just foist the Curse onto some other poor schmuck. Sure it would suck for them, and he would loose his Gift of Prophecy, but Wes had been ignored for Years at this point, he needed validation!
So he did the Ritual, and he didn't mess it up, and he managed to get rid of the Curse.
Now all he had to do was convince everybody that he was right for the first time in his life! This was going to be great!
Cass didn't know what was going on.
A while ago, she had started getting these...gut feelings that she couldn't explain.
She would look over the details of a Case her Family was working on, and see a patern that the others were seemingly ignoring. Like when she realized that The Penguin was about to raid the Docks on the East Side, but the others were convinced it was going to be on the West.
But when she had tried to tell them, they had brushed her off. "We've already concluded that he will begin the Raid on the West side, no need to go to the East."
She had gone anyways, and low and behold she had been right. But nobody even acknowledged that she had been right at all, they had just wondered how they had missed the signs, not even questioning how she had known.
It wasn't limited to Cases either. Even small things, like telling her brother's where the TV remote was were brushed off, and hours later they would still be looking, never even having checked where she told them.
It seemed that no matter what, nobody cared about her point of view anymore. They kept brushing her off, telling her she was wrong, actively ignoring her ideas.
And it was getting worse. They were starting to ignore her more and more, forgetting she was in the room, not calling her down for Dinner, even forgetting to check in on her during Patrol.
She knew that there must be something going on, Magical or otherwise, but when she tried bringing it up with her Dad or JLD, they would also Brush her off.
Her Family was forgetting her. And they didn't even realize it.
Danny was not okay at the moment.
When he had gone to school a few weeks ago and noticed everybody staring at him, he didn't give it much thought. Maybe Dash or Paulina had spread another Rumor about him again, not too out of the ordinary.
When his name had been called over the Intercom, he hadn't thought much of that either. His grades were falling even more than usual, so he assumed his Guidance Counselor wanted to have another talk with him.
When he walked into the Principals Office to see both of his Parents and some GIW Agents, that's when he realized something big must have happened.
He didn't have much of a chance to react when the Shields went up, but he did react when the first Ecto-Blast scorched the wall behind him. His Parents began to scream at him as they fired their Blasters, something about replacing somebody? He didn't know, he was pretty preoccupied at the moment.
It took more effort than he cared to admit to escape the Room, but a stray shot to the hidden Shield Projector under the Principals Desk proved to be his saving grace. Unfortunately the moment he escaped the Office, he was met with a veritable Army of GIW Agents, all armed to the Teeth with Weapons he had never even seen before.
He managed to get away for a moment, hiding in the Bathroom as the Agents chasing him passed it by. That's when he met Wes.
He obviously hadn't been expecting him, but the moment he saw him Wes put on a smug look. "Oh hi Fenton, trying to get away from the other students?"
Danny had replied with confusion, "What the hell are you talking about?!"
"I finally managed to convince everybody about you, now everyone knows that you're Phantom! I'll bet you're hiding from all of the other Students hounding you for questions right?"
"...it was you?"
"Yeah, so? I finally get to be right!"
"...You absolute MORON-"
That was the last Danny got to say to Wes before an Ecto-Blast launched him through a Wall, seeing his face morph into a look of Shock just before the dust cloud covered it up.
Since that day, Danny had been on the Run. Nowhere was safe anymore now that the GIW knew both his Human and Ghost's faces, but he had to keep running. He crossed state Lines already, and was on his way to the next Ecto-Rich City he could sense, somewhere in New Jersey.
He cursed his Fenton Luck every day. Why had everybody believed Wes this time?! Nobody had ever belived him before, nobody even seemed to acknowledge his existence after a while! What had changed?
Danny just wanted to rest already.
Cass had taken to Patrolling alone recently. She had taken to doing a lot of things alone, actually.
After the first month, it seemed that nobody could remember that she was in the room with them, even if she was within their eyeline, she just faded into the background. By the 2 Month Mark they had stopped talking to her entirely, although occasionally she would get a Text or two from her dad. By the 3 month Mark she was completely invisible, and By the 5th she had been forced to get used to it.
She didn't know what was going on, was it a Meta Ability? Magic? Alien Tech? She had no idea.
She had begun to cook for herself after the first time Alfred forgot to set her Plate at the Table. The same with Washing her own Clothes, Cleaning her Room, and Paying her Phone Bills. At the very least the Automated Allowance Payments to her Account had kept up, or she wouldn't have been able to go to her favorite Cafe anymore.
It was bittersweet for her. She used to go to that Cafe every week with Alfred, but he didn't even come on his own anymore. Had he only come for her? Did she really mean that much to them? It hurt, she finally had a family that cared for her and suddenly she didn't exist to them.
She sat alone at a Table, ignored by everyone in the Cafe as usual, when a new face walked in. He looked about her age, a little roughed up, walking with a sort of cautious gaint, as if he was scared of something. His Body Language seemed to agree with her assessment, as his body practically screamed "Worry" in its movements.
Cass stopped watching at that point. Just another Gotham Teen, probably worried over something like getting not having enough money or getting mugged on the way home. It was a Common sight in Gotham.
She attention was pricked again for a moment when she heard a voice speak up. "Uh, can I sit here?"
She ignored it, he wasn't talking to her.
"Um, excuse me? Miss? Could I sit here?" He repeated.
She ignored him again, he wasn't talking to her. Nobody talked to her.
"Hello? Do you have Earbuds in?" He said, and he waved his hand in front of her face.
Her face. He waved his hand. In front of Her Face.
He was talking to her.
She looked up at him sharply, seeming to startle him for a moment before he asked, "So, is that a no?"
"You can see me?" She asked.
He looked a bit bewildered, but replied "Uh, yeah? Why would I not? Are you...a Ghost?". That last part sounded a bit suspicious.
"No. Not a Ghost. But nobody sees me. Ever. Nobody remembers me." She replied. She had never spoken this much to anybody outside of her Family, but in the past few weeks she had been starved for interaction.
He seemed slightly interested, and sat down at her table. He looked her in the eyes, and said "Do you...talk about it?"
She smiled. He could see her.
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bizarrelittlemew ยท 8 months
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calling it right now that season 3 starts like this
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pokeberry5 ยท 11 months
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thug beatdown round 2: electric boogaloo
(extras, cw flashing gif:)
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the fit:
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poorly-drawn-mdzs ยท 6 months
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Welcome to the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger.
#Fear and Hunger#D'arce Cataliss#Cahara#Ragnvaldr#Enki Ankarian#Unlike Dungeon Meshi - I cannot in good faith recommend this game to a broad audience.#My background with F&H goes as follows: I am hanging out with a friend. He says โ€œhey try this game I've been playing.โ€ I say โ€œOkay!โ€#I have never heard of this game. I pick the mercenary. I go through 5 min of character history and background. I am mauled to death by dogs#It took me 4 resets to even get in the dungeon. But I finally get there. I am caught by a guard. He cuts off all but one of my limbs#I am forced to crawl around in a blood and corpse pit until the game tells me 'give up idiot'.#I reset. I am mauled by dogs again. I realize this is not for me but I am intrigued enough to go home and watch some playthroughs#And WOW what an interesting game it is! I really do appreciate games that blend their design philosophy with the theme it wants to set#This is a game about fear and hunger. And persevering. And penis (my god is there a lot of penis)#I recommend this to people who like extremely challenging games and can handle the many *content warnings* within this series#If the idea of Bloodborne/eldenring and undertale having a little RPG maker baby sounds appealing to you - give it a shot#It's made by ONE GUY and it's a great horror game. I am just really bad at it.#My friends just enjoy putting me in situations where I scream and yell. We don't talk about the corn mazes. Or the other horror game nights#Apparently I'm funny when I'm Scared!#As people who follow me on twitter might know; I am deep in the pits of this series right now. I will be back with more art.
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motianz ยท 3 months
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Why is He Tian here?
Because he wanted to see you so much
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laterisers ยท 2 months
the new bluey episode was awesome
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neverevan ยท 2 months
I saw a post saying that the whole bucktommy thing was coming out of the blue and it should've taken longer and I don't know how to tell you but we had Ali for half a scene after her initial rescue and they were already dating the next time we saw her.
we had Natalia for one scene after her initial rescue before Buck and her started going out... we had Tommy just this season for an entire episode and a half before the kiss happened... it wasn't even a love confession or anything, they just kissed because they were attracted to each other and now we are building up to something more, which mind you, is a pretty realistic way of going about relationships, especially for someone's first queer relationship.
and the other thing that ticked me off in that post was that according to op, 7x04 should've made it clear that Buck was after Tommy and not Eddie and christ on a bike, that was the goddamn point of the entire episode.
they built it so you could be surprised!! just like Buck was surprised by how he felt, because he was still confused until Tommy showed up at his place.
some people need to realise that they know jackshit about how TV shows โ€” or any media, really โ€” are made and maybe let professional writers and showrunners decide how to do things and sure, that won't always work for every viewer, but if you don't like something, for the love of god, just don't engage with it and focus on the things you do like.
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itwoodbeprefect ยท 6 months
the thing about bad buddy is that calling it enemies to lovers is not entirely wrong and is a very succinct and easy way to indicate the general plot, but also one of the only moments that the two main characters are actually personally in conflict with each other lasts about four minutes and is expressed mainly through upset shirtless xylophone playing contrasted with a montage of happy moments that features a time there was triumphant shirt-wearing xylophone playing. and then they both say sorry at literally the exact same time
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pikahlua ยท 1 month
MHA Chapter 423 spoilers translations
This weekโ€™s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 ใญใ˜่พผใ‚“ใ ไธ€ๆ’ƒใƒผใƒผโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใญใ˜ใ“ใ‚“ใ ใ„ใกใ’ใใƒผใƒผโ€ผ๏ธŽ nejikonda ichigeki--!! A single, exacting blow--!!
tagline 2 No.423ใ€€OFA vs AFOใ€€ๅ €่ถŠ่€•ๅนณ ใƒŠใƒณใƒใƒผ423ใ€€ใƒฏใƒณใƒปใƒ•ใ‚ฉใƒผใƒปใ‚ชใƒผใƒซใƒใƒผใ‚ตใ‚นใ‚ชใƒผใƒซใƒปใƒ•ใ‚ฉใƒผใƒปใƒฏใƒณใ€€ใปใ‚Šใ“ใ—ใ“ใ†ใธใ„ NANBAA 423 ย WAN FOO OORU vs OORU FOO WANย  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 423 One for All vs All for One Kouhei Horikoshi
1 ไฝ•ๆ•…ๆฐ—ไป˜ใ‘ใชใ‹ใฃใŸ ใชใœใใฅใ‘ใชใ‹ใฃใŸ naze kidzukenakatta Why didn't I notice?
2 ใ“ใฎ็ชถใ‚ŒใŸ"่บซไฝ“"ใซใ€Œ่ถ…ๅ†็”Ÿใ€ใŒ้ฉ็”จใ•ใ‚Œใชใ„้•ๅ’Œๆ„Ÿ ใ“ใฎใ‚„ใคใ‚ŒใŸ"ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ "ใซใ€Œใกใ‚‡ใ†ใ•ใ„ใ›ใ„ใ€ใŒใฆใใ‚ˆใ†ใ•ใ‚Œใชใ„ใ„ใ‚ใ‹ใ‚“ kono yatsureta "karada" ni ใ€Œchousaiseiใ€ ga tekiyou sarenai iwakan [This] sense of discomfort that Super Regeneration no longer applies to this worn-out body.
3 ใ“ใ„ใคใ โ€ฆใ„ใ‚„ใƒผใƒผใƒผ koitsu da...iya--- It's this guy...no---
4 ใ“ใ„ใคใ‚‰ใŒใƒผใƒผโ€ผ๏ธŽ koitsura ga--!! All of these [people]--!!
5 ่ฌ€ใฃใŸใฎใ  ใฏใ‹ใฃใŸใฎใ  hakatta no da They conspired.
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1 ใใ‚Œๅ˜ไฝ“ใงใฏ ใใ‚ŒใŸใ‚“ใŸใ„ใงใฏ sore tantai de wa By itself
2 ใ‚ใพใ‚Šใซ่„†ๅผฑใช"ๆ•ตๆ„" ใ‚ใพใ‚Šใซใœใ„ใ˜ใ‚ƒใใช"ใฆใใ„" amari ni zeijaku na "tekii" [each one's] enmity was too frail,
3 ใ—ใ‹ใ—ๆ’šใ‚Š้›†ใพใฃใฆ ใ—ใ‹ใ—ใ‚ˆใ‚Šใ‚ใคใพใฃใฆ shikashi yori atsumatte but when they gathered together,
4 ใ„ใคใ—ใ‹ๅƒ•ใ‚’่ฆ†ใ„ๆ„Ÿๅ—ใ‚’้ˆใ‚‰ใ›ใฆใ„ใŸใฎใ  ใ„ใคใ—ใ‹ใผใใ‚’ใŠใŠใ„ใ‹ใ‚“ใ˜ใ‚…ใ‚’ใซใถใ‚‰ใ›ใฆใ„ใŸใฎใ  itsu shika boku wo ooi kanju wo niburasete ita no da before I knew it, they enshrouded me and dulled my sensitivity. (Note: He means his ability to sense one person via Danger Sense became dulled because there were too many people with enmity gathered together in one place.)
5 ไธŽไธ€ใจ็ถ™ๆ‰ฟ่€…ใฉใ‚‚ใ‚’ๆ‰“ใก่พผใพใ‚ŒใŸใ‚ใฎๆ™‚ใซใ‚‚ใ†็ฒพ็ฅžใฎใฟใชใ‚‰ใš ใ‚ˆใ„ใกใจใ‘ใ„ใ—ใ‚‡ใ†ใ—ใ‚ƒใฉใ‚‚ใ‚’ใ†ใกใ“ใพใ‚ŒใŸใ‚ใฎใจใใซใ‚‚ใ†ใ›ใ„ใ—ใ‚“ใฎใฟใชใ‚‰ใš Yoichi to keishousha-domo wo uchikomareta ano toki ni mou seishin no minarazu Yoichi and all the successors were cast [into me]. At that time, not only my spirit but
6 ่บซไฝ“ใ‚‚โ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ ใ‚‚โ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽ karada mo...!! my body, too...!!
7 ็”ŸๅŠๅฏใช"่บซไฝ“"ใงใฏ ใชใพใฏใ‚“ใ‹ใช"ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ "ใงใฏ namahanka na "karada" de wa (literal) A half-baked body (official) Your limp-noodle body isn't ready for it.
8 ๅ—ใ‘ๅ–ใ‚Šๅˆ‡ใ‚Œใšๅ››่‚ขใŒ็ˆ†ๆ•ฃใ—ใฆใ—ใพใ†ใ‚“ใ ๏ผ ใ†ใ‘ใจใ‚Šใใ‚Œใšใ—ใ—ใŒใฐใใ•ใ‚“ใ—ใฆใ—ใพใ†ใ‚“ใ ๏ผ uketori kirezu shishi ga bakusan shite shimaunda! (literal) can't receive it. Your limbs would explode! (official) Your limbs would pop right off!! (Note: This frame is from chapter 2.)
9 ใŸใฃใŸ2ๅนดโ€ฆ๏ผ8ไปฃ็›ฎใ‚ˆใ‚Šๅฐ‘ใ—ไธŠไน—ใ›ใ•ใ‚ŒใŸโ€ฆ ใŸใฃใŸ2ใญใ‚“โ€ฆ๏ผ8ใ ใ„ใ‚ใ‚ˆใ‚Šใ™ใ“ใ—ใ†ใ‚ใฎใ›ใ•ใ‚ŒใŸโ€ฆ tatta 2nen...! 8daime yori sukoshi uwanosesareta... "Only 2 years...! I only added a little more to [what it was with] 8th..." (Note: He means he only added 2 years' worth of power to OFA, a tiny amount after what it was when All Might passed it off.)
10 9ไบบๅˆ†ใฎๅŠ›ใฎ็ตๆ™ถใ  9ใซใ‚“ใถใ‚“ใฎใกใ‹ใ‚‰ใฎใ‘ใฃใ—ใ‚‡ใ†ใ  9ninbun no chikara no kesshou da "It's the crystallization of power in proportion to nine people."
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1 ๆ—ขใซ"่บซไฝ“"ใ‚‚ ใ™ใงใซ"ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ "ใ‚‚ sude ni karada mo This body also has already
2 ็ •ใ‹ใ‚Œใฆใ„ใŸไบ‹ใซ ใใ ใ‹ใ‚Œใฆใ„ใŸใ“ใจใซ kudakarete ita koto ni been broken, unfortunately.
3 "ๅ€‹ๆ€ง"ใŒๅดฉใ‚Œใฆใโ€ฆ "ใ“ใ›ใ„"ใŒใใšใ‚Œใฆใโ€ฆ "kosei" ga kuzureteku... "His quirks are crumbling..." (Note: This is a word often used to describe the effects of Tomura's Decay.)
4 ใ‚„ใฃใŸใฎใ‹็ท‘่ฐทโ€ฆ๏ผ ใ‚„ใฃใŸใฎใ‹ใฟใฉใ‚Šใ‚„โ€ฆ๏ผ yatta no ka Midoriya...! "Did you do it, Midoriya...!"
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1 ใพใ ใ โ€ผ๏ธŽ mada da!! Not yet!!
2 "ๅ€‹ๆ€ง"ใง็„ก็†็Ÿข็† "ใ“ใ›ใ„"ใงใ‚€ใ‚Šใ‚„ใ‚Š "kosei" de muriyari With his quirks, he forcibly
3 ใคใชใŽๆญขใ‚ใŸ๏ผ ใคใชใŽใจใ‚ใŸ๏ผ tsunagitometa! tied himself together! (Note: This word also means "to save someone's life." In this case AFO is forcibly preserving his own life by using his quirks to keep himself from falling apart.)
4 ใพใ ไฝ•ใ‚‚็‚บใ—ใฆใ„ใชใ„ ใพใ ใชใซใ‚‚ใชใ—ใฆใ„ใชใ„ mada nani mo nashite inai "I haven't achieved anything yet."
5 ่ชฐใซใ‚‚ๅฅชใ‚ใ›ใฏใ—ใชใ„โ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใ ใ‚Œใซใ‚‚ใ†ใฐใ‚ใ›ใฏใ—ใชใ„โ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽ dare ni mo ubawase wa shinai...!! "I won't let anyone steal it away...!!"
6 ๅƒ•ใ ใ‘ใŒๅคขใ‚’็‚บใ™ ใผใใ ใ‘ใŒใ‚†ใ‚ใ‚’ใชใ™ boku dake ga yume wo nasu "Only I will achieve my dream."
7 ่ชฐใซใ‚‚โ€ฆ๏ผ็ถ™ใŒใฌโ€ฆ็ดกใŒใฌโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใ ใ‚Œใซใ‚‚โ€ฆ๏ผใคใŒใฌโ€ฆใคใ‚€ใŒใฌโ€ผ๏ธŽ dare ni mo...! tsuganu...tsumuganu!! "No one...! [They] won't inherit it... [They] won't spin the tale*!!" (*Note: The word used here means "to spin (thread), to make up a story, to assemble, to put together.")
8 ้ญ”็Ž‹ใฏๅธธใซๅ”ฏไธ€โ€ผ๏ธŽ ใพใŠใ†ใฏใคใญใซใ‚†ใ„ใ„ใคโ€ผ๏ธŽ maou wa tsune ni yuiitsu!! "The Demon King is always the only one!!"
9 ใใ†ใ ใจใ‚‚็นฐใ‚Š่ฟ”ใ›ใฐใ„ใ„โ€ฆ ใใ†ใ ใจใ‚‚ใใ‚Šใ‹ใˆใ›ใฐใ„ใ„โ€ฆ sou da tomo kurikaeseba ii... Even if that's true, I can just do it over again...
10 ๆ„šใ‹ใชๅผ”ใซใใ†ใ—ใŸใ‚ˆใ†ใซโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใŠใ‚ใ‹ใชใจใ‚€ใ‚‰ใซใใ†ใ—ใŸใ‚ˆใ†ใซโ€ผ๏ธŽ oroka na Tomura ni sou shita you ni!! Just like how I did to foolish Tomura!!
11 OFA็„กใไปŠ็ท‘่ฐทใงใ‚‚โ€ฆ๏ผ่ชฐใงใ‚‚โ€ผ๏ธŽ ใƒฏใƒณใƒปใƒ•ใ‚ฉใƒผใƒปใ‚ชใƒผใƒซใชใใ„ใพใฟใฉใ‚Šใ‚„ใงใ‚‚โ€ฆ๏ผใ ใ‚Œใงใ‚‚โ€ผ๏ธŽ WAN FOO OORU naki ima Midoriya demo...! dare demo!! Even Midoriya, now that he doesn't have One For All...! Anyone!!
12 "ๅ€‹ๆ€ง"ใ‚’ใ€ŒไธŽใˆใ€ๅฅชใˆใฐใ„ใ„โ€ผ๏ธŽ "ใผใ่‡ช่บซ"ใ‚’ใ€Œใ‚ใŸใˆใ€ใ†ใฐใˆใฐใ„ใ„โ€ผ๏ธŽ "boku jishin (kanji: kosei)" wo ใ€Œataeใ€ ubaeba ii!! I can give and take away "myself" (read as: my quirk)!!
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1 ๅ™จใ‚’!!! ใ†ใคใ‚ใ‚’!!! utsuwa wo!!! "[I'll make] a vessel!!!"
2 ใ‚‚ใ†ใ‚„ใ‚ใ‚AFO ใ‚‚ใ†ใ‚„ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ชใƒผใƒซใƒปใƒ•ใ‚ฉใƒผใƒปใƒฏใƒณ mou yamero OORU FOO WAN "Give it a rest, All For One."
3 ็ท‘่ฐทโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใฟใฉใ‚Šใ‚„โ€ผ๏ธŽ Midoriya!! "Midoriya!!"
4 ็™ฝ้›ฒโ€ฆโ‰๏ธŽ ใ—ใ‚‰ใใ‚‚โ€ฆโ‰๏ธŽ Shirakumo...!? "Shirakumo...!?"
5 ๆถˆโ€ฆๅคช ใ—ใ‚‡ใ†โ€ฆใŸ Shou...ta "Shou...ta"
6 ๅฑฑโ€ฆ็”ฐโ€ฆ ใ‚„ใพโ€ฆใ โ€ฆ Yama...da... "Yama...da..."
7 ใ‚ดใƒกใƒณโ€ฆใƒŠโ€ฆโ€ฆ GOMEN...NA...... "I'm...sorry......"
8 ่กŒใ‹ใชใใฆใฏโ€ฆ็งใฏใƒผใƒผใƒผใƒผใƒผ ใ„ใ‹ใชใใฆใฏโ€ฆใ‚ใŸใ—ใฏใƒผใƒผใƒผใƒผใƒผ ikanakute wa...watashi wa----- Have to go...I-----
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1 ๆญปๆŸ„ๆœจๅผ”ใ‚’ๅฎˆใ‚‰ใชใใฆใฏ ใ—ใŒใ‚‰ใใจใ‚€ใ‚‰ใ‚’ใพใ‚‚ใ‚‰ใชใใฆใฏ Shigaraki Tomura wo mamoranakute wa I have to protect Tomura Shigaraki
2 Xใ‚โ€ผ๏ธŽX็”Ÿโ€ผ๏ธŽ Xใ‚โ€ผ๏ธŽXใ—ใ‚‡ใ†โ€ผ๏ธŽ XA!! Xshou!! (Note: This speech bubble is partially cut off.)
3 ใ‚„ใฃใฑใ‚Šโ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽใฉใ“ใพใงใ‚‚โ€ฆ yappari...!! doko made mo... "As expected...!! No matter what..."
4 ๆ‰‹ใ‡ๅทฎใ—ไผธในใกใพใ†ใ‚“ใ ใ‚ˆใ‚ใ„ใคใฏโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใฆใ‡ใ•ใ—ใฎในใกใพใ†ใ‚“ใ ใ‚ˆใ‚ใ„ใคใฏโ€ผ๏ธŽ tee sashinobechimaunda yo aitsu wa!! "he's that guy who'll hold out his hand [for someone]!!"
5 Aโ€ฆFOโ€ฆ ใ‚ชใƒผใƒซโ€ฆใƒ•ใ‚ฉใƒผใƒปใƒฏใƒณโ€ฆ OORU...FOO WAN... "All...For One..."
6 ๆญปๆŸ„โ€ฆๆœจๅผ”ใ‚’โ€ฆใ‚ช่ฟ”ใ‚ทโ€ฆไธ‹ใ‚ตใ‚ค ใ—ใŒใ‚‰โ€ฆใใจใ‚€ใ‚‰ใ‚’โ€ฆใ‚ชใ‹ใˆใ‚ทโ€ฆใใ ใ‚ตใ‚ค Shigara...ki Tomura wo...OkaSHI...kudaSAI "Tomura Shigara...ki...Please give...him back."
7 ใ‚ชใƒƒใŠใ‚ฉใƒƒ OoO "Ooo"
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1 ใ‚ชๅ‹้”ใŒๅพ…ใฃใƒ†ใ‚คใƒซใ‚“ใƒ‡ใ™ ใ‚ชใจใ‚‚ใ ใกใŒใพใฃใƒ†ใ‚คใƒซใ‚“ใƒ‡ใ™ Otomodachi ga matTE IRUnDEsu "His friends are waiting."
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1 ็ˆ†่ฑชโ‰๏ธŽ ใฐใใ”ใ†โ‰๏ธŽ Bakugou!? "Bakugou!?"
2 ็—…้™ขใซใฃใฆโ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽใ†ใฃใใ ใ‚ใ‚ใ„ใค๏ผ ใณใ‚‡ใ†ใ„ใ‚“ใซใฃใฆโ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽใ†ใฃใใ ใ‚ใ‚ใ„ใค๏ผ byouin ni tte...!! usso daro aitsu! "They said [you were heading to] the hospital...!! That guy's unbelievable!"
3 ใ€Œ็ˆ†็ ดใ€ใงไธ€ไบบใงๆฅใ‚„ใŒใฃใŸโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใ€Œใฐใใฏใ€ใงใฒใจใ‚Šใงใใ‚„ใŒใฃใŸโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใ€Œbakuhaใ€ de hitori de kiyagatta!! "He went and came over alone using Explosion!!"
4 ่ฝŸใฎ"ใ‚ธใƒฃใƒณใƒ—ๅฐ"่ฒธใ‚ŠใŸใ‘ใฉใ‚ˆใ‚ฉใ€œใ€œใ€œใ€œใ€œ ใจใฉใ‚ใใฎ"ใ‚ธใƒฃใƒณใƒ—ใ ใ„"ใ‹ใ‚ŠใŸใ‘ใฉใ‚ˆใ‚ฉใ€œใ€œใ€œใ€œใ€œ Todoroki no "JANPU dai" karita kedo yoO~~~~~ "I borrowed Todoroki's jump platform, but~~~~~"
5 ไฟบใซ่ฟฝใ„่ถŠใ•ใ‚Œใฆใƒณใชใ‚ˆๅ‡บไน…โ€ผ๏ธŽ ใŠใ‚ŒใซใŠใ„ใ“ใ•ใ‚Œใฆใƒณใชใ‚ˆใ„ใšใโ€ผ๏ธŽ ore ni oikosareteN na yo Izuku!! "don't let me overtake you, Izuku!!"
6 AFOโ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽใŠใพใˆใ‚’่จฑใ—ใฏใ—ใชใ„ ใ‚ชใƒผใƒซใƒปใƒ•ใ‚ฉใƒผใƒปใƒฏใƒณโ€ฆโ€ผ๏ธŽใŠใพใˆใ‚’ใ‚†ใ‚‹ใ—ใฏใ—ใชใ„ OORU FOO WAN...!! omae wo yurushi wa shinai "All For One...!! I won't forgive you."
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1 ใ‘ใ‚Œใฉ็†่งฃใงใใชใ„ๅŒ–็‰ฉใ ใจใ‚‚ๆ€ใ‚ใชใ„ ใ‘ใ‚Œใฉใ‚Šใ‹ใ„ใงใใชใ„ใฐใ‘ใ‚‚ใฎใ ใจใ‚‚ใŠใ‚‚ใ‚ใชใ„ keredo rikai dekinai bakemono da to mo omowanai "But I don't think you're an incomprehensible monster."
2 โ€ฆใ‚„ใ‚ใ‚ ...yamero "...Stop."
3 ใŠใพใˆใฏ้ญ”็Ž‹ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ˜ใ‚ƒใชใ„ ใŠใพใˆใฏใพใŠใ†ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ˜ใ‚ƒใชใ„ omae wa maou nanka ja nai "You are not actually a Demon King."
4 ่ฆ‹ใ‚‹ใช ใฟใ‚‹ใช miruna "Don't look [at me]."
5 ใŠใพใˆใฏใŸใ ใฎ omae wa tada no "You're just"
6 ๅฏ‚ใ—ใŒใ‚Šใชไบบ้–“ใ โ€ผ๏ธŽ ใ•ใฟใ—ใŒใ‚Šใชใซใ‚“ใ’ใ‚“ใ โ€ผ๏ธŽ samishigari na ningen da!! "a lonely person!!"
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1 ไธŽไธ€โ€ฆโ‰๏ธŽ ใ‚ˆใ„ใกโ€ฆโ‰๏ธŽ Yoichi...!? "Yoichi...!?"
2 ็ท‘่ฐทใใ‚“ใฏ ใฟใฉใ‚Šใ‚„ใใ‚“ใฏ Midoriya-kun wa "Midoriya-kun"
3 ้™ใ‚Š้™ใ‚Šใฎใƒฉใ‚คใƒณใงใ‚ซใ‚ฑใƒฉใŒๆฎ‹ใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ† ใŽใ‚ŠใŽใ‚Šใฎใƒฉใ‚คใƒณใงใ‚ซใ‚ฑใƒฉใŒใฎใ“ใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ† girigiri no RAIN de KAKERA ga nokoru you "seems to have a fragment remain for as long as possible."
4 ใถใคใ‘ใ‚‹ๅŠ›ใ‚’่ชฟๆ•ดใ—ใŸใ‚“ใ ใญโ€ฆโ€ฆ ใถใคใ‘ใ‚‹ใกใ‹ใ‚‰ใ‚’ใกใ‚‡ใ†ใ›ใ„ใ—ใŸใ‚“ใ ใญโ€ฆโ€ฆ butsukeru chikara wo chousei shitanda ne...... "I guess he adjusted the force of his hit......"
5 ใใ—ใฆใ€€ๆฎ‹ใ‚Š็ซใซใ‚ˆใ‚‹"ๆ„Ÿๅฟœ"ใงๅฉใ่ตทใ“ใ—ใŸใ‚“ใ  ใใ—ใฆใ€€ใฎใ“ใ‚Šใณใซใ‚ˆใ‚‹"ใ‹ใ‚“ใฎใ†"ใงใŸใŸใใŠใ“ใ—ใŸใ‚“ใ  soshite nokoribi ni yoru "kannou" de tataki okoshitanda Then, I was roused awake in response to his embers.
6 ๅƒ…ใ‹ใชๆฎ‹ๆป“ใจใชใฃใŸๅƒ•ใ‚’ ใ‚ใšใ‹ใชใ–ใ‚“ใ—ใจใชใฃใŸใผใใ‚’ wazuka na zanshi to natta boku wo I, who became mere dregs,
7 ใƒฏใƒณใƒปใƒ•ใ‚ฉใƒผใƒปใ‚ชใƒผใƒซใ‚’ WAN FOO OORU wo One For All.
8 ๆญฃใ—ใๅฎŒ้‚ใ•ใ›ใ‚‹็‚บใซ ใŸใ ใ—ใใ‹ใ‚“ใ™ใ„ใ•ใ›ใ‚‹ใŸใ‚ใซ tadashiku kansui saseru tame ni In order to properly follow [things] through. (Note: The order of the lines here makes this confusing. He's saying that, in response to Izuku's final attack with his embers, the barest dregs of Yoichi's vestige was roused. This one last piece of his vestige remained likely because Izuku held back on his attack using Yoichi's vestige. Now that he, the base One For All quirk, has awoken, he will carry out the mission of One For All.)
9 ใฉใ†ใงใ‚‚ใ„ใ„โ€ผ๏ธŽ dou demo ii!! "I don't care!!"
10 ใฉใ†ใงใ‚‚ใ„ใ„โ€ผ๏ธŽ dou demo ii!! "I don't care!!"
11 ๆถˆใˆใ‚‹ใชโ€ผ๏ธŽ้ก”ใ‚’่ฆ‹ใ›ใ‚๏ผ ใใˆใ‚‹ใชโ€ผ๏ธŽใ‹ใŠใ‚’ใฟใ›ใ‚๏ผ kieruna!! kao wo misero! "Don't disappear!! Show your face!"
12 ็„ก็†ใ ใ‚ˆ ใ‚€ใ‚Šใ ใ‚ˆ muri da yo "That's impossible."
13 ๆถˆใˆใ‚‹ ใใˆใ‚‹ kieru "I'll disappear."
14 ้ง„็›ฎใ  ใ ใ‚ใ  dame da "You can't!"
15 ๅƒ•ใฎใƒขใƒŽใ โ€ผ๏ธŽๅƒ•ใ‚’่ฆ‹ใฆใ„ใ‚โ€ผ๏ธŽ็›ฎใ‚’่ฆ‹ใ›ใ‚โ€ผ๏ธŽ ใผใใฎใƒขใƒŽใ โ€ผ๏ธŽใผใใ‚’ใฟใฆใ„ใ‚โ€ผ๏ธŽใ‚ใ‚’ใฟใ›ใ‚โ€ผ๏ธŽ boku no MONO da!! boku wo mite iro!! me wo misero!! "You're mine!! Look at me!! Show [me] your eyes!!"
16 ๅ…„ใ•ใ‚“ ใซใ„ใ•ใ‚“ niisan "[Older] Brother,"
17 ่ฒดๆ–นใ‚’ๅฐŽใ‘ใชใ‹ใฃใŸ ใ‚ใชใŸใ‚’ใฟใกใณใ‘ใชใ‹ใฃใŸ anata wo michibikenakatta "I couldn't guide you."
18 ใ“ใ‚Œใฏ็ท‘่ฐทใใ‚“ใŒ่ฆ‹ๅ‡บใ—ใฆใใ‚ŒใŸ ใ“ใ‚Œใฏใฟใฉใ‚Šใ‚„ใใ‚“ใŒใฟใ„ใ ใ—ใฆใใ‚ŒใŸ kore wa Midoriya-kun ga miidashite kureta "Midoriya-kun discovered this for me."
19 ๅƒ•ใ‚‰ใธใฎๆœ€ๆœŸใฎๆ•‘ๆธˆใ  ใผใใ‚‰ใธใฎใ•ใ„ใ”ใฎใใ‚…ใ†ใ•ใ„ใ  bokura e no saigo no kyuusai da "It's our final* salvation." (*Note: The word used for "final" here means "one's last moment at their time of death.")
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1 ้ง„็›ฎใ โ€ผ๏ธŽ่จฑๅฏใ—ใชใ„โ€ผ๏ธŽๅคงๅฅฝใใ ๏ผ ใ ใ‚ใ โ€ผ๏ธŽใใ‚‡ใ‹ใ—ใชใ„โ€ผ๏ธŽใ ใ„ใ™ใใ ๏ผ dame da!! kyoka shinai!! daisuki da! "You can't!! I won't allow it!! I love you!"
2 ๅคงๅฅฝใใชใ‚“ใ !!!ใŠใพใˆใŒใ„ใชใ„ใจๅƒ•ใฏ้ง„็›ฎใชใ‚“ใ !!! ใ ใ„ใ™ใใชใ‚“ใ !!!ใŠใพใˆใŒใ„ใชใ„ใจใผใใฏใ ใ‚ใชใ‚“ใ !!! daisuki nanda!!! omae ga inai to boku wa dame nanda!!! "I love you!!! If you're gone I have no purpose*!!!" (*Note: The word used here, dame, means many things depending on context. It means "bad, no good, useless, broken, hopeless, wasted, in vain, purposeless.")
3 ใใ†ใ‚„ใฃใฆ sou yatte "In that way,"
4 ๅ…จใฆใ‚’ๅทฑใŒ็‚บใซๅˆฉ็”จใ—ใฆใใŸไปฃๅ„Ÿใ‚’ๆ‰•ใ†ๆ™‚ใ  ใ™ในใฆใ‚’ใŠใฎใŒใŸใ‚ใซใ‚Šใ‚ˆใ†ใ—ใฆใใŸใƒ„ใ‚ฑใ‚’ใฏใ‚‰ใ†ใจใใ  subete wo ono ga tame ni riyou shite kita TSUKE (kanji: daishou) wo harau toki da "it's time to pay reparations for taking advantage of everything for your own sake."
5-6 ๅฝผใŒ่ตทใ“ใ—ใŸใฎใฏๅƒ•ใ ใ‘ใ˜ใ‚ƒใชใ„ ใ‹ใ‚ŒใŒใŠใ“ใ—ใŸใฎใฏใผใใ ใ‘ใ˜ใ‚ƒใชใ„ kare ga okoshita no wa boku dake ja nai "I was not the only one he awoke."
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1 ๅ…ˆ็”Ÿใซๅ–ฐใ‚ใ‚Œใฆๆถˆๆป…ใ—ใŸใจๆ€ใฃใŸใ‚“ใ ใ‘ใฉใชโ€ฆ ใ›ใ‚“ใ›ใ„ใซใใ‚ใ‚Œใฆใ—ใ‚‡ใ†ใ‚ใคใ—ใŸใจใŠใ‚‚ใฃใŸใ‚“ใ ใ‘ใฉใชโ€ฆ sensei ni kuwarete shoumetsu shita to omottanda kedo na... I thought I had been devoured by Master and disappeared, but...
2 ใ‚ใ‚“ใŸใŒไฟบใ‚’ ใ‚ใ‚“ใŸใŒใŠใ‚Œใ‚’ anta ga ore wo were you
3 ๆถˆใˆใชใ„ใ‚ˆใ†ใซ็น‹ใŽๆญขใ‚ใฆใŸใฎใ‹ ใใˆใชใ„ใ‚ˆใ†ใซใคใชใŽใจใ‚ใฆใŸใฎใ‹ kienai you ni tsunagi tometeta no ka tying* me down so I wouldn't disappear? (*Note: Again, this word also means "to save someone's life.")
4 ใŠใฐใ‚ใกใ‚ƒใ‚“ obaachan Grandma,
5 ้ป’้œงโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ ใใ‚ใŽใ‚Šโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ Kurogiri............... Kurogiri...............
6 ๅ…ˆ็”Ÿใ‹ใ‚‰่บซไฝ“ใ‚’ๅฅชใ„่ฟ”ใ—ใŸใ ใ‘ใง ใ›ใ‚“ใ›ใ„ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ ใ‚’ใ†ใฐใ„ใ‹ใˆใ—ใŸใ ใ‘ใง sensei kara karada wo ubai kaeshita dake de I only stole my body back from Master, and
7 ไฝ•ใ‚‚ๅฃŠใ›ใ‚„ใ—ใชใ‹ใฃใŸ ใชใซใ‚‚ใ“ใ‚ใ›ใ‚„ใ—ใชใ‹ใฃใŸ nani mo kowase ya shinakatta I didn't destroy anything.
8 ็ตๅฑ€ไฟบใฏใŠใพใˆใฎ่จ€ใฃใŸ้€šใ‚Šโ€ฆๆณฃใ„ใฆใ‚‹ใ‚ฌใ‚ญใ ใฃใŸใฃใฆไบ‹ใ‹ ใ‘ใฃใใ‚‡ใใŠใ‚ŒใฏใŠใพใˆใฎใ„ใฃใŸใจใŠใ‚Šโ€ฆใชใ„ใฆใ‚‹ใ‚ฌใ‚ญใ ใฃใŸใฃใฆใ“ใจใ‹ kekkyoku ore wa omae no itta toori...naiteru GAKI datta tte koto ka "In the end, I was just as you said... A crying kid, huh?"
9 ใ“ใฎๆ‰‹ใ‚’XๅฃŠใ›ใชใ‹ใฃใŸX ใ“ใฎใฆใ‚’Xใ“ใ‚ใ›ใชใ‹ใฃใŸX kono te wo X kowasenakatta X "This hand X couldn't break X"." (Note: Some of this speech bubble is cut off. It could say something like "I couldn't break these hands of yours.")
10 โ€ฆใ‚„ใฃใŸไบ‹ใ‚’่จฑใ›ใฏใ—ใชใ„ใ ใ‹ใ‚‰ๆˆฆใฃใŸ โ€ฆใ‚„ใฃใŸใ“ใจใ‚’ใ‚†ใ‚‹ใ›ใฏใ—ใชใ„ใ ใ‹ใ‚‰ใŸใŸใ‹ใฃใŸ ...yatta koto wo yuruse wa shinai da kara tatakatta "...I can't forgive the things you've done; that's why I fought."
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1 ๆญขใ‚ใŸใ‹ใฃใŸใ—โ€ฆๆญขใพใฃใฆใปใ—ใ‹ใฃใŸใ‚“ใ  ใจใ‚ใŸใ‹ใฃใŸใ—โ€ฆใจใพใฃใฆใปใ—ใ‹ใฃใŸใ‚“ใ  tometakatta shi...tomatte hoshikattanda "I wanted to stop [you]... I wanted [you] to stop,"
2 ๆ‚ฒใ—ใฟใŒ็ดกใŒใ‚Œใชใ„ใ‚ˆใ†ใซ ใ‹ใชใ—ใฟใŒใคใ‚€ใŒใ‚Œใชใ„ใ‚ˆใ†ใซ kanashimi ga tsumugarenai you ni "so that the sadness wouldn't [keep] spin[ning]*." (*Note: This is back to that word that means "to spin yarn, to spin tales, etc." Izuku is saying he didn't want the sadness to beget more sadness. He wants the chain of sadness to stop.)
3 ใƒใƒƒ HA "Ha." (Note: This is an exhalation that could mean any number of things, like shock, laughter, realization, etc.)
4 ็ท‘่ฐทๅ‡บไน… ใฟใฉใ‚Šใ‚„ใ„ใšใ Midoriya Izuku "Izuku Midoriya,"
5 ใ‚นใƒ”ใƒŠใƒผใŒ็”ŸใใฆใŸใ‚‰ไผใˆใฆใใ‚Œใ‚ˆ ใ‚นใƒ”ใƒŠใƒผใŒใ„ใใฆใŸใ‚‰ใคใŸใˆใฆใใ‚Œใ‚ˆ SUPINAA ga ikitetara tsutaete kure yo "if Spinner is alive, please tell him [something]."
6 "ๆญปๆŸ„ๆœจๅผ”"ใฏๆœ€ๆœŸใพใงๅฃŠใ™็‚บใซๆˆฆใฃใŸใฃใฆ "ใ—ใŒใ‚‰ใใจใ‚€ใ‚‰"ใฏใ•ใ„ใ”ใพใงใ“ใ‚ใ™ใŸใ‚ใซใŸใŸใ‹ใฃใŸใฃใฆ "Shigaraki Tomura" wa saigo made kowasu tame ni tatakatta tte "Tomura Shigaraki fought until the very end* in order to destroy." (*Note: Again, this is that "finale" word that means "one's last moment at their time of death.")
7 ใ‚‚ใ†โ€ฆๅฃŠใ—ใŸใ‚ˆ ใ‚‚ใ†โ€ฆใ“ใ‚ใ—ใŸใ‚ˆ mou...kowashita yo "You already...destroyed [it]."
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tagline ๆฑบ็€โ€ผ๏ธŽๆฐธใใซใ‚ใŸใ‚‹ๅ› ็ธใŒๆ™ดใ‚ŒไธŠใŒใ‚‹ใƒผใƒผโ€ผ๏ธŽ ใ‘ใฃใกใ‚ƒใโ€ผ๏ธŽใชใŒใใซใ‚ใŸใ‚‹ใ„ใ‚“ใญใ‚“ใŒใฏใ‚Œใ‚ใŒใ‚‹ใƒผใƒผโ€ผ๏ธŽ kecchaku!! nagaki ni wataru innen ga hareagaru--!! Settled!! The chain of cause and effect that spans a long time is cleared up--!!
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emblazons ยท 23 days
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"This is only the beginningโ€” the beginning of the end."
STRANGER THINGS SANS VISAGES S04E09 - The Piggyback (Part II of II)s
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fuwaprince ยท 24 days
๐ŸŒŸ Calling ALL Compassionate Souls! ๐ŸŒŸ
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In the heart of my local community lies a sanctuary of hope. A haven where lives are transformed and futures are rebuilt. My dear friend's family home, which has been a beacon of kindness and generosity for many (myself included), is in jeopardy. As in it could be lost FOREVER in 1 week! For good! Countless souls of every background have found solace within its walls and were guided back to stability and success. Now it all faces an uncertain fate... unless, we come together to make a difference!
This is not just about saving a house; it's about preserving a legacy of compassion and support. Every dollar donated, every share, every act of kindness WILL make a monumental difference.
We positivity bloggers/tumblrinas know not to underestimate the power of a supportive community!! ๐Ÿ˜ค We have made literal fucking miracles happen in the past through our unwavering camaraderie and solidarity. I know we can do it again, collectively. Let's band together, once again, virtual hand in virtual hand, to ensure that this sanctuary of hope continues to shine brightly for those in need. Please! People deserve safe spaces... that aren't just virtual.
Please lend your support and spread the word, and together we can make a difference and ensure that this sacred space remains for generations to come.
Mr. Leonard is a talented man. He is a proud native and the modest master of a few trades. He is a carpenter, a painter, a jeweler, an arborist, a plumber and more... He never charges anybody for his work and, you know, if he did- which he wouldn't, then his contributions to local and overarching communities would have earned him a mansion by now. Seriously, maybe two.
He built this home alongside his grandads. His handprints are on the ceiling still. It's a token of his love and the labor he's willing to put into this home. He is a father, a survivor of many things. When his babygirl passed, he gave all her stuffed animals away to people who needed them. He's the kind of man who feeds his dog and neighbor before his skinny self. This man is such a light and I cry so hard typing this, realizing that nobody rly supports him. He doesn't get the support he deserves. He starves to keep the lights on for everybody here and, only if he's lucky, a friend might bring him fast food so that he has more than cereal to work on. Many people take full advantage of a generous soul like his. He knows this, accepts it and that never stops him from doing what's right and needs to be done. He has saved my life and making this post is the least I could do. He's a grown ass adult but even grown ass adults (like me and all my friends still here) need help along the way.
The oldest resident here is a senior transient with no family and no place to go. Just like Mr. Leonard. And I've met young men as young as 18 with no families come to his home for much needed guidance, for protection from the streets. Mr. Leonard has empowered women to escape abusive marriages through the process of divorce. He helped me escape my tormentors. He has my admiration and respect. He has my support.
Please help my friend. I have known him for a few years now, talking nearly daily, minus the times I go on hiatus. Now he's desperately reaching out for our support. Please don't ignore him. He is the type who never asks for anything. Even when he needs to. I... don't even think he's asking for himself... He's probably asking for all the people that he knows depend on this home to still exist. I rly want him to be able to exist in this home for the rest of his life. To him it's still "grandma's home" but to me it is truly all his. He's the one taking care of it. Please believe me, he is worth the time it took for you to read up to this point.
He is human. Worthy of unconditional compassion, respect and support... worthy of a home- like you and I. And he's happily willing to share his gifts with those who need it, which makes him a hero in this community. ๐Ÿก๐Ÿ’–
or as Mr. Leonard would always say: "Whatever you do today, do it well. Don't forget to eat today. You're awesome, stay awesome."
#save the sanctuary#community strong ๐Ÿ’ช#please signal boost and help#i rly should have helped Mr. Leonard sooner!! i regret not typing this post for him during summer#it took a long time for us to meet but he is truly one of the nicest and most positive souls#he has a dog named karma who keeps everyone here safe#i came here with a bunch of cleaning supplies to clean this place from top the bottom just for the realtor to ask him to leave#he has somehow been allowed to stay here in the home he grew up just by what seems like sheer fucking luck#when his grandma passed he didn't get left with anything no help no family PLEASE#this man deserves to be in the home he grew up in#he still calls it his grandma's#this is their family home#i type this now while being protected under their roof#this place has offered me peace and the people here have offered me so much love#this place restored my humanity#this is the place grief is finally shared and traumas are healed from#people have come from all walks of life#so many people will be out of a home#of hope and of care and of help#myself and karma and Mr. Leonard included#pls pls pls remember me#i have been gone for so long but if we're friends and you're part of the community then don't let the chance to help slide by please#ANYTHING helps even if its $1#if all my followers donated $1 he would at least have a solid 40K#idk how many more helpful souls we can reach but please reblog if you cant donate#boost#crowdfunding#gofundme#fundraising#donations
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seasideoranges ยท 28 days
y'all i gotta be honest for a sec, the "atla wouldnt change much if aang wasnt there, in fact it might be better" and "the atla finale wouldnt change much if aang wasnt there to fight ozai" debates is the funniest thing ive seen come out of this fandom
#'this show wouldnt change much if the main character wasnt there' hmm me thinks otherwise!#do people just. not realize that the gaangs arcs ESPECIALLY zukos and kataras would not have happened if aang was taken out of the picture?#ppl praise zukos redemption arc sm and rightfully so but aang is such a HUGE factor in zukos arc!#hell you could argue that it kickstarted because of aang#'if we knew each other back then do you think we could have been friends too?' the question that forever changed zukos life#without aang katara would still be stuck in the south pole with sokka and she wouldve never gotten the training she needed#toph wouldve never left if aang wasnt in the picture#hell you could argue the same with suki shed still be stuck on the island#tbh without aang theyd all be dead or at least in serious trouble by the end of the series#and the finale argument... cmon now#did people forget the scene of iroh explaining to zuko (AND THE AUDIENCE) that aang HAS to be the one to fight ozai#ONLY aang could defeat ozai#the strongest firebender in the series#without aang they all wouldve been cooked#by this point both zuko and sokka were seriously injured and katara and the rest were absolutely exhausted from fighting their own battles#ozai is only one guy yeah but again he is the strongest firebender in the whole series#even iroh was like 'nah theres no way in hell i could beat him'#ozai was in the air spinning around like a beyblade shooting fire from all parts of his body destroying everything in sight LMAOOO#delete later#probably
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poorly-drawn-mdzs ยท 5 months
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The girls are plottinggggg
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen chao#wang lingjiao#Realizing she was supposed to have an upper lip mole was a cold slap in the face. So sorry ma'am. I won't forget again.#They are evil dumbass 4 evil dumbass and I think we are all missing out on the sheer potential of the comedy between these two.#They have way too much power and are using it for the wrong reasons - which makes them truly great villains.#And when things don't go their way they become piles of whining sludge.#Wang Lingjiao is forever fascinating to me even though we only get crumbs about her.#She's a servant girl who's greatest asset is her beauty and her attractiveness.#Meaning she's had a life being in the gaze of people with significant positions of power over her.#I can't help but read her childishness and petty tantrums as someone who has finally been given the chance to not feel powerless.#If she was a more virtuous type we might 'like' her more but honestly...I don't think she would have survived to this point.#WLJ has only known power hierarchies her whole life. Probably accused of seduction before she even understood what that meant.#I love contrasting her with mianmian because they have similar(ish) backgrounds but different approaches to moving forwards#But WLJ's story is about flying too close to the sun and mianmian's is about going too close to the water.#Like the sea mist dragging her down into complacency - all the sect powerplays are mandatory to 'go along with' if she wants to climb-#-the social ladder. Yet she is the cautionary tale (and a foil to JGY as well) she leaves before sacrificing her own morals.#Mianmian flies away with her wings only slightly plucked while those who sacrificed everything to reach for the top crash and burn.
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lunarharp ยท 6 months
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hehe. almost christmas!
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