#I bet Weiss wouldn’t mind if Jaune grabbed hers
nerdlydelicious · 11 months
Consider the following:
Brawler Jaune. He uses his semblance on his arms, enhancing the power of his blows and protecting his arms from the force of impact. He can punch through a brick wall with his bare hand without so much as bruising his knuckles.
He’s in a fight with, let’s say, Mercury, who knocks Crocea Mors out of his hand and away from him, and mockingly asks what he’s going to do without his weapon.
The next thing he knows, Jaune is serving him up a knuckle sandwich on a right hook platter.
And yes, this idea was inspired by watching Nanami run Haruta’s fade in the most recent JJK episode
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I mean, I’m straight and all, but if Nanami grabbed my ponytail I-
You know what? Nevermind.
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
Jaune of the Dead II
  -------------- Two Hours earlier ------------
“C’mon Rubes, you can’t depressed all day just because you’re imaginary boyfriend ghosted you.” Yang said playfully to Ruby.
“He’s not imaginary! He’s taller than dad, blonde, and wears a white trench-coat, I keep telling you this! That the mean Schnee made me blow up, and then he showed up did a glowy thing, and I felt great! Then walked me to the place, and then disappeared like a ghost! Then I found out he supercharged my aura! How do think I could have done so well in Initiation!” Ruby said to her sister rapid-fire.
A tall redhead puts her hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “You shouldn’t sell yourself so short Ruby, accepting your successes is necessary for good mental health, and from what I saw was enough to put some huntsmen to shame.”
Ruby pouts. “Yeah, I know! The thing is I can’t one shot a Nevermore and fly on my own! The thing is I know how strong I am, and I am not strong enough to do those on my own!”
Yang and Pyrrha sigh. 
“Ruby, c’mon you’re awesome! You’re talented and you’re strong, so stop selling yourself short, wait never-mind that does apply to you.” Yang said with a shit-eating grin.
Ruby’s face was a brilliant red as she started pounding weakly against Yang’s arms. “Yannng! I drink milk, I’ll be tall one day!”
“If you say so, Rosebud.”
Pyrrha watched the exchange with a amused smile, feeling very pleased with her team so far.
She hadn’t expected to partner up with a prodigy and her sister, but destiny was full of twists and turns.
Many, many twists, like Yang’s partner and the leader of team BYRN.
Bleiss Schnee.
The notorious Black Sheep of the Schnee household and disowned daughter of Jacque Schnee for reason’s kept private, though considering what she heard of the man in the day she has known Bleiss, it didn’t paint flattering picture why he did what he did.
Who disowned their child based on appearance?
The Black Sheep slept noisily in a dark corner of the room with her limbs thrown all across the bed as she slept under neath a black canopy bed with... her toys all still vibrating under her sheets.
A series of black glyphs floated menacingly around her bed as she slept.
Thankfully the curtains on the side of canopy bed only showed a hazy figure behind the curtains. 
Bleiss had made her team go out last night to celebrate making it through initiation. They had gone to club after club, well Yang and her did, Pyrrha and Ruby left not feeling comfortable on that scene.
Yang had come back to the dorm alone, as Bleiss wanted to find someone to ‘Break her in half while folding her legs over her head,” or to find “A soft little sub to break between her legs.”
Bleiss had somehow come back empty-handed and frustrated.
Then she brought out the toys.
It had been hours before she went to sleep.
She had no idea how Ruby slept through it all, especially Yang screaming bloody murder trying to break her glyphs, which when broken unleashed somesort of insect like grimm that stung Yang without mercy. 
Pyrrha was one-hundred percent sure that she started moaning louder to annoy Yang.
Thankfully, Ruby seemed to know what was going on. Apparently having walked in on Yang in a private moment before, but she still blushed red at noticing what her leader was doing calling it ‘Filthy.’
Pyrrha was also sure that it was a fools errand to try and wake her up for class. Bleiss had struck her as the type to have a couple trips up her sleeve. It did make Pyrrha ponder why she needed defenses why she slept though, but following those paths of thought those only led to dark explanations. Bleiss might make it clear one day if they grew close, and maybe, hopefully, it would have a more happy origin.
Bleiss had also made clear as leader of Team BYRN, she would go to class when she damn well felt like it. She had pointed out a loophole in the Beacon Rule book, apparently she could skip class as long as she maintained a 90% average in her classes, she could not be dropped from the classes. 
A rule that was normally reserved for 3rd and 4th years who often took missions and had spend time recovering and could not attend classes, so were normally given abridged lesson and makeup tests.
Pyrrha had no idea how she going to do it, but she’d try her best to support her leader.
Pyrrha looked back to her teammates, and hopefully friends.
Yang had gotten Ruby into a headlock and was rubbing her head with her knuckles.
“Ah! AH! AH! I yield, I yield!”
“Yeah, you do, who’s the big sister, I’m the big sister, woo-woo!”
Yang dropped Ruby to the ground, who then started pouting.
Then a look of realization hit her. “See that proves it!” Pyrrha raised a elegant brow towards Ruby. “Proves what?”
“That I didn’t do all that crazy awesome stuff at initiation on my own! If I could Yang wouldn’t be able to beat me up like that!”
Pyrrha gave it some thought she had a good point.
Yang flexed her arms. “I don’t though, maybe you’re just making it excuses.”
“Maybe you just a big head!”
Yang smirks at Ruby, and then cups her chest. “I got some big somethings!”
“Ah, Yang!”
Pyrrha shook her head at her teammates antics, then her internal clock told her they had around ten minutes before class started.
Pyrrha gently clapped her hands together, not loud enough to cause shock, but enough to gain attention.
“Ahem, I do believe we have classes soon.”
The sisters looked at each other and then started cleaning themselves up for class.
Ah, she could scarcely imagine the day becoming more interesting.
--- 10 minutes prior ---
Professor Port’s lesson was interesting if veiled behind misdirection. At first Pyrrha had considered that he might be a little self-absorbed, until she started listening closely. He was purposely distracting them with long-winded stories to test their observation skills, which if one actually paid attention to would start to reveal valuable information on Grimm.
Bleiss’s twin had also the same class period as them along with her team, SBRN, Saturn. It seemed Weiss went out of her way to ignore all of them expect Pyrrha, offering her hollow praise and empty compliments.
Pyrrha had politely decline her offer to take notes together. Her team seemed nice, but it was clear there was division among-st them.
Weiss then proved to be as superficial as Pyrrha thought, having clearly been taking notes but not understanding the subtext. Prof. Port had to step in once it was clear the Greater Borbatusk was too much for her, it’s armor plating across its back and head, remained unscratched till Prof. Port grabbed it by it’s tusk and flipped it, cutting it’s belly open.
“Well, children let this be a lesson to you all, that if nothing else remember you have room to grow! And to cut a Borbatusk across the belly! HO-Ho-ho!” Despite his cheery demeanor, Pyrrha couldn’t help but notice the glint of disappointment in his eyes.
Pyrrha wished she had imagined the pleased look in Weiss partner’s eyes at her failure, and her teammates apathy towards their leaders failure. What had she done to sow such discontent in her team?
The class was dismissed and they walked to their next class, a new one if rumors were true, one that had been set up merely a day ago before suddenly being added to their schedule.
What, a odd occurrence.
It was hosted by a new teacher too, one Pyrrha had never even heard of, or the seniors if the rumors where true. But, if the rumors were true, which they usually weren’t, he was the youngest teacher in Beacon history.
How exciting.
Pyrrha, Ruby, and Yang stood outside the door staring at Weiss with her teammates entering beside her.
“I see my sister is not coming to this class, either.”
“Nope.” Yang said popping the p.
Weiss gave them all a haughty look. “Fine by me, that noisy harlot is an annoyance anyway.” She gave Pyrrha a fake smile. “It’s not too late to make the best team in Beacon history,” She looked towards the sisters. “I don’t mind trading one of mind for her to join.”
Pyrrha felt a flash of anger inside her, that was mirrored on Yang’s face, but she quickly suppressed it. “I’m sorry, but,” She put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder, and gave Yang a winning smile. “I feel I’m already on Beacon’s best team.”
Weiss scowled and stomped into the classroom.
Yang simmered before tskking. “What’s her problem.”
“I sincerely have not idea.” Pyrrha actually did if one did consider what was heard about Jacque Schnee. But, best wait before jumping the gun.
“She’s shorter than me, she probably mad she doesn’t have enough milk.” Ruby said seriously.
A snorting laugh echoed out of Yang and Pyrrha.
Pyrrha wiped a tear out of her eye.
Yang laughed. “Yeah, I bet she doesn’t have enough milk!” Yang said giving Pyrrha a knowing nod.
“I’m glad you two understand the power of milk!” Ruby said going into the classroom.
Pyrrha and Yang followed in after Ruby, and where momentarily amazed by the interior of the classroom.
It was bigger on the inside, with shelves of books covering the walls, diagrams and maps covering the walls, not an inch of the room was bare. Where there were not diagrams and books, where glass-cases, and various objects, ranging from swords, glass shards, skeletons, and weird objects that Pyrrha couldn’t hope to identify.
This did not look like the work of a day or two, this room looked as though it had been used for years!
“Wow, impressive.” Yang said from beside her. Then she scowled. “Uh-oh, looks like we got trouble this period.” She said elbowing Pyrrha to get her attention to nod towards a group of people even Pyrrha had no tolerance for.
Team VMMP; Vampire.
Vernal Wennbar
Milita Malachite
Melanie Malachite
Neo Politan.
A team of thugs and low-lifers that had somehow managed to get into Beacon. 
Who, unfortunately had real skill to back up their attitude.
Yang squinted her eyes. “Something is off about them tho,”
Pyrrha had to blink thought to make sure they were the same team, though.
They were so quiet, and actually dressed for class.
Was.. Was Vernal wearing makeup?
No, she must be imagining things.
Pyrrha decided to ignore them and go sit with Ruby, Yang following behind her.
Then they waited, the class deathly quiet. 
Team VMMP unusually quiet had been more than enough to cow the others into silence.
6 minutes passed.
5 minutes passed.
4 minutes passed.
and soon it would be only one minute before class started.
Their teacher, who ever it might be, hadn’t appeared yet.
Then came the sound.
Of heavy shoes rhythmic hitting the floor.
It had started near the edge of their hearing, sounding as if it was coming from across the school. Only for it to grow louder and louder, becoming more noticeable till it was evident it was coming towards them.
He entered exactly as the 9:59 went to 10:00, right on time.
A head of long, messy, blonde hair came through the doorway, the hair easily coming to his mid-back. His face sharp and judgmental, but looking handsome in a imperious way. Two deep blue bloodshot eyes scanned the room as he went in, underneath his eyes were deep black bags, that spoke of a lack of sleep.
His body language tense and wary, not that much of his body could be seen as hit was covered by a billowy white leather duster, which opened to reveal stained, faded, well worn, and stitched up work clothes and pair of heavy duty work boots.
A sheathed sword on his belt.
That’s not what drew Pyrrha’s attention to him though, no it was her semblance. He was wearing metal gauntlets too over his hands and had some sort of metal armor underneath his clothes or maybe worked into them.
He was also wearing five necklaces, had a dozen rings, and had nearly twenty pounds of things, Pyrrha couldn’t imagine what, stuffed into his pockets. And that was just metal! It wouldn’t surprise her if he had more in there made of other materials.
Why did he have all those things?
She then heard Ruby’s breath hitch. “That’s him!” Ruby whispered to her and Yang.
Before she cold react he spoke.
It was not what she expected.
It was quiet, very quiet, tired too, like he had just woken up. His voice was deep, but raspy like he had a cold. But it commanded attention and impossible to ignore as within its core was a razor thin edge of Power. Of something that made his voice make her her shiver and alert to him.
‘He is dangerous,’ Something insider her warned.
“My name is Jaune Arc, I am eighteen years old, and I will teach you all the in’s and out’s of advanced aura manipulation, Soul Theory, and defense against the Paranormal. Any questions?”
9 years and 360 days ago
Little Jaune Arc was on his own.
He didn’t get it.
He told his parents, but they laughed at him and told him everything was fine. There was no scary lady in his closet.
He told them again. They laughed again.
He told them everyday, but they weren’t laughing anymore, they were mad. 
They said if he kept making up stories for attention they’d ground him.
When he asked if he could sleep in their room, they said he was a big boy and had to sleep in his room.
Jaune stopped talking to his parents on the fourth day. They hadn’t even gone into his room. It was like that with everyone though, no one seemed to believe him, or want to go near his room!
Alicia was out hunting and out of Scroll range.
He tried Saphron and his elder sisters, but they were too busy for him. Saphron was always talking to Terra. And told him to get more creative if he wanted attention from her. Terra just laughed at him.
June was always on her scroll, and told him to buzz off.
Daisy wanted to watch tv or to paint, and told him he was distracting her, or be a model for her.
Jazz would just turn her music up till he left, or drag him into dancing.
Grace would just make him work in the garden with her, but everything he said went in one ear and out the other.
And the Rachel? 
She is too young, couldn’t even walk yet.
He vented to them anyway. That was a new phrase he learned. He also learned what a phrase was at school.
“I don’t get it,” He said to his youngest sibling. “they won’t take me seriously! I keep asking and asking them to just wait till a storm hits and stay with me, but they just keep laughing, getting mad, or ignoring me!”
Little Jaune Arc grabbed his hair with both hands.
“It’s so annoying! Why is this happening?”
Rachel just played with her toys, pretending to drive a car.
A glint appeared in Jaune’s eyes.
He started playing too. 
He sighed though. 
“What should I do, what should I do?” He repeated to himself.
“I tried to get them to look at the window, but they keep ignoring it, I tried showing them my scars and they said they were from playing in the woods, it’s like everything I say is just being ignored.”
Jaune rolled the toy car back and forth.
Rachel bumped her car into his, pinching Jaune’s finger inbetween the metal.
A light white glow appeared on his hand.
Jaune looked at his finger in wonder.
He focused on it and tried to force the feeling back out.
Nothing happened.
Jaune frowned and looked at his hand.
He grabbed a toy car and slammed at his pinky.
A warm feeling engulfed his pinky as a white light block the car, the car bouncing off of it.
He tried to imagine it being warm again.
A faint white light ghosted over his finger, before dying.
“Hmm,” He looked at his finger. “I have no idea what I just did,” He looked at Rachel. “but, you helped.” He gave Rachel a kiss on the forehead. “Thanks sis, I don’t know if you can understand me, but thanks anyway.”
Rachel looked at him with baby blues and gave a toothy smile and giggled.
“You want to keep playing?”
An: Pyrrha’s more fun to write than I thought she would be. Next up though, on the fan fic list is Arc Acres, then Dead Knight, then Prodigy AU, then Sacred Rites II.
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Nice Guys Finish Last
Weiss stands anxiously outside of Winter’s room, knocking on the door. It’s pretty late at night but she hopes her sister is up. There’s something she needs to get off of her chest. Several minutes pass before Winter opens the door. Her hair is a little messy and her body is covered by a silk robe.
Winter:Weiss? It’s almost midnight.
Weiss:I know, and I’m sorry if you were sleeping but I have a confession. Jaune and I are....sorta together. Sorry I hid that from you.
Weiss:Now I know what you’re thinking, but believe me when I say he’s more than he appears to be. Sure he’s a regular person, but what’s wrong with that. Simple isn’t boring. It’s refreshing when everything in my life feels so detached from the norm!
Weiss:I understand you probably need convincing so do what you must, but it won’t change my mind. I’ll date him even if you disapprove! That being said, please support my decision. I don’t want-
The younger sister jumps from the shout. Winter stares into her eyes with such neutrality that it’s impossible to gauge the situation she’s in. Weiss watches Winter slowly grab the door and open it wider. Weiss assumed it was an invitation in. That was until she saw a shirtless, no pants wearing Marrow a few feet behind Winter. Fortunately he was wearing boxers but that didn’t stop Weiss from turning red. His hair was weighed down from dampness and sweat glistened off his bruised, miltary trained body. Weiss refused to check out his package and slowly turned back to her blushing sister. Now that Weiss was looking closely, Winter had a few bruises too.
Winter:There’s nothing with a nice, normal guy. Congratulation.
Weiss:Isn’t this against some kind of code?
Winter:One, he doesn’t report to me. Two, there’s nobody in my room right now, understand? You woke your big sister up from sleeping. Also number three, no one will believe you anyways.
Marrow:I barely believe it.
Weiss:I....wow. No offense but, why him?
Winter:He makes me laugh. I bet you understand that feeling in regards to Jaune, right? *smiles*
Weiss:Yeah, I do. Well I guess I’ll let you get back to....is it racist to doggystyle?
Marrow:In this situation? No.
Weiss:Ah, think I learned too much just now. Have a nice night.
Winter:You too.
The door closed quickly and Weiss just stood there, rationalizing the events that just took place. That was interrupted by the flirtatious giggling. Not only did she not know Winter could giggle, but knowing why she was giggling made Weiss move as fast as Ruby. Better to leave before she hears something she really wants no business hearing. She left not a moment too soon.
The sounds of giggling had stopped as Winter’s lips pressed against Marrow’s. The loose fabric that draped over her body slid back down to the ground where it was before Weiss’s intrusion. The older Schnee welcomes the feeling of her secret lover’s hands squeezing her ass while her tongue hungrily explored Marrow’s mouth. His hands turned her body around and playfully pushed her back to the bed.
Winter laughed seductively at Marrow’s eagerness. “Relax, we won’t get interrupted this time. She got down on her hands and knees, dipping her upper body and wiggling her ass to him. Winter looked over her shoulder, blush deep on her face. She was glad to Marrow’s boxers were already off and the feeling of his aching cock already pressing into her pussy. The way it rubbed up and down her slit and hit against her clit was more than enough for Winter to push her hips backwards to get what she clearly wanted. “Don’t you dare tease me.” She moaned. A hand grabbed her waist and jerked her back hard, spearing herself onto Marrow’s six inched cock in one go. “Ahhh! Ffffmmmmm~”
It felt like tension left her body. Weiss might’ve joked about it but doggie was Winter’s weakness. As easy as it would be to straddle Marrow and make him obsessively moan her name as she rocked his dick and make him fall victim to worshiping her sexy body, Winter wanted to be the one screaming. Marrow’s second hand finally grabbed her waist and the young man’s hips started to crash into the cushion that was Winter’s ass. Running juices from her entrance made access to her womb extra easy, as well as coated her in thighs and a thick shaft with creamy discharge. Winter felt Marrow hunch over body while maintaining his jackhammer-like thrust; his hands moved to her sizable breasts and began kneading them like dough.
“Aaaahhh~ Yessss! Just like that!” The overwhelming pleasure made Winter drop her head down and let her body simply experience Marrow. She could feel her own pussy quiver and cling to him with every thrust that threatened to make her scream. Still, Winter had some pride. If it wasn’t for that, then she’d confess to feeling like a bitch in heat, lusting to be filled. As much as she wanted to fully express those feelings, Winter just couldn’t bring herself to act like that completely. Not like Marrow didn’t realize the sentiment with how much she was moaning. His fingers clamped down on her erect nipples and Winter felt her entire body tense. Sharp inhales were sucked through her teeth and she knew Marrow could feel just how tight she had gotten around his swelling cock.
“Oh? You like it when I touch you roughly? How naughty for a specialist.”
“Shut up!” Winter mewled. Trying to look imposing in this situation was impossible, yet she tried anyways. She could hear Marrow chuckle huskily at her. “You’re..ah! The worst!” She whined. Her body finally gave out and Winter came, hard. The stern woman bit down on her sheets and wailed as her orgasm drowned her in pressure. She could feel Marrow quickly pull out from behind her, then paint her backside with his searing hot seed. The two breathed heavily, remaining in their lustful position the entire time. Winter looked back to see Marrow catching his breath as he stared at body. “Enjoying the view?”
“It’s the best in Atlas. How could I not?” Marrow half joked. He doubt he’d see a sight better than this. “Ready for round two?”
“Only if you can handle it.”
“Winter....” Marrow slid back into herb and reached for her arms, pulling them back and leaving her nothing to gain leverage. “Let me show you what it means to really fuck like an animal. Tonight I’m in heat, and you’re my bitch.”
Winter could feel the blood rush to her face and her body respond to the crude statement by gripping down on his shaft harder. Pride crumbled away as Winter bit her lip in anticipation. “Fuck me like a bitch then.” A sudden and strong thrust of Marrow’s hips into her made Winter yelp. Again and again he pounded into her and made her ass shake from the impact. Winter could already feel her knees buckle and orgasm build up inside herself. This was gonna be a long night for her. Briefly, Winter couldn’t help but wonder, were all nice boys like this in bed? Surly her sister wouldn’t be a person to go for this type of rough intimacy.
“Aaah! Harder baby!” Weiss moaned, letting her petite frame become over taken by Jaune’s hands as leaned back into is lap; begging for his lips to grace her neck as he continued to thrust straight up into her heated core. “Gods, you feel so good!” She brought his hand downward to her clit and he began to rub it for his princess. Weiss couldn’t stop from squirming and panting from the pleasure of being played with so hard. Her left boob was trapped by Jaune’s calloused hand and his head rose from her neck to nibble on her ear. All of this was mere icing on the cake to go with the feeling of being split apart a throbbing cock that made Weiss thankful to be her size. It felt as if she was gonna split apart with how full he made her .
Jaune listened to the moans and cries of his girlfriend, who was far more excited than usual. “What’s got you so pent tonight? He grunted as his pace picked up. A jerk move on his part. Jaune knew Weiss wouldn’t be able to answer. All she could do is lay on his body and pant like a dog as her pussy took a pounding. Her beautiful eyes were shut tight and face was beat red, still Jaune was in love with her beauty and stole her lips. Something Weiss loved. She happily returned the same frenzy of emotion as they stole lustful moans and grunts from one another. Weiss pulled Jaune’s head further down into the lip lock and her toes began to curl. Any thoughts she had left her mind in a haze of white as her body gave way to the pleasure. Jaune thrusted four more times into her before Weiss’s grip around him became too much to deny. Reaching is own orgasm by the feeling of Weiss’s soaked walls squeezing as much seed out of him and into her body.
Their bodies slowly rocked to draw out the pleasure as they kissed for several more seconds. Finally, Weiss removed her lips from Jaune’s and allowed air back into her body. A faint ache in her body set in as she felt Jaune slide out of her. “Winter...approves...” Weiss huffed. She had no strength to continue the story, choosing to lay peacefully in her boyfriend’s arms instead.
Jaune had zero complaints. He too leaned back to rest on the backboard of the bed. “That’s...good. Funny, who would’ve thought she’d be okay with a guy like me?”
Weiss said nothing, only silently snickered to herself. Tomorrow she would tell him just how okay a guy like him was. He’d be the only person to believe a story like that.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 32
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
I chased Ruby's bottom lip with hunger and she rolled her fingers through my hair. She giggled against my lips as I sighed in pleasure at the touch of her small hands.
I pinned her down against my unkempt bed with a vigor that made her roll her pelvis up at me and I growled.
"You rascal ." I broke off the kiss to look her in the eye but her grey gaze just seemed to say 'who, me?'
Yes you. If it wasn't you, then who?
I ran one frustrated hand under her body and along her back, pulling her close to me. I slid under her shirt and I bodily picked her up off the bed and held her against me as I devoured her lush, full lips with some savagery.
I touched the whole of her curved back with my arm and she heaved up into me with heavy breaths. Her skin just felt so fantastic against my own as I cradled the whole of her small form against my larger one. She let out another noise, one that made me feel like a demigod and she breathed out my name with a tiny mewl.
"Oh, Jaune..."
It left her pink lips like a prayer and I dove back upon them with my own.
It had been weeks since I'd held her so close. It had been weeks since we'd been able to share more than parting looks and careless touches. I could feel her want against my own in a steady rhythmic pulse which only sped up over time. She flushed as red like the tips of her hair as I chased her tongue around her mouth. Then she suddenly closed her lips and sucked on my tongue gently in a way that made my chest heave. It made me throb for her.
Our teeth met briefly and savory, softly clicking together when I deepened our kiss. She moaned, a low sound in her throat I wouldn't have thought the young woman capable of making. It only made me want to devour her flesh more. I kissed down her neck and over her jaw line until I arrived at the dimple in her collar and sucked against her supple skin.
So great was my hunger as I knelt between her legs that I nearly left behind hickies and marked her smooth flesh with my possessiveness. I had to remember not to mark her as she grabbed my face in her arms and moaned again. Gods I would do so fucking much just to hear her moan like that. That was why I did what I did. This is what I fought for. It nearly made the weeks of passing touches worth the wait just to hear her cry out quietly and writhe against the sheets.
Our aura's merged and flared like touching candle flames and she hissed beneath me, clawing against my shirt, just searching for purchase. She rubbed against the massive scars the Scorpion had left along my chest and I moaned loudly, almost a deep grunt. Red mixed with gold and flickers of blue flame. Crimson petals drifted from the air around us as the heat of our moment intensified.
Her legs tried in vain to wrap around my waist but my frame was too wide to allow that. She gave a little noise of protest which was absolutely delicious as she failed to pull me even closer to her.
The door to the room burst open.
"Hey Jaune have you seen my- what the fuck!?"
I was hauled off of Ruby by pure main strength and was turned to face Yang. I saw her eyes flash red from violet. I met the heated glare with pure stupid apathy as I was brutishly shoved against a wall hard enough that my head cracked against it.
"Have you seen," she hissed, "My. Sister."
"Yeah." I muttered duly. "She's around." My head cracked against the wall again painlessly. I felt slow, big, and dumb.
"Yang what the hell?!" Ruby shouted from where she sat up on the bed. Her fingers still deep in the sheets as she propped herself up.
"You were having sex!"
"I was super well aware!" Ruby huffed and blew her messy hair out from in front of her eyes. "Will you let him go, please?" Yang released me and I stepped back from the tan wall and away from one of the green plants which lined our Mistrali rental.
"Well. Explain, asshole." Yang demanded her hair burning in orange and yellow. Her enormous mane was inflamed from the heat of her anger.
"Yang I like him," Ruby spouted from behind her sister. "I should have told you, Jaune was helping me keep it a secret."
I nodded dumbly, still half cocked. Blood was flowing from other places back to my brain. I wasn't reacting swiftly to the situation and I wasn't sure there was much I could have said.
"Really? This dumb motherfucker?" Yang turned her gaze around at Ruby.
"Yang!" Ruby sat up straighter on the bed and dropped the sheets she'd still held clutched in those tiny hands. "I. Like. Him. And why not? He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel good. I like him. He always has my back and I love how much I trust him."
Yang staggered, looking at Ruby in disbelief. "How long?"
"A little before we picked up Qrow. Maybe a month." Ruby 'pffted' upwards blowing her hair out of her face again.
"This whole time," Yang whipped back towards me. "This whole time you've been taking advantage of my sister."
"I keep telling you it isn't like that!" Ruby protested.
"Then why sneak around about it?!"
Ruby geastured emphatically. "This! This is why, Yang." She turned her head sideways slightly. "I was trying to find the right time to tell you."
"And what? He was all too happy to go along with it?"
"Yes! He does whatever I ask him to do, he's like a big puppy. He's harmless."
"I just saw him murder a bunch of people. Calmly."
"We haven't had the chance to talk recently…" Ruby confessed, sounding meek for the first time. "But that's the job, Yang. Sometimes bad guys die. Roman Torchwhick died. You killed people too. That's the job sometimes. I knew that. You knew that."
"Yeah but I was busted up about it was the difference."
"Jaune was super messed up the first time he killed someone. You weren't there for it. You were back at Dad's. And Jaune had my back. When Tyrion came for me, to kidnap me and take me to Salem, Jaune was willing to die for me! He almost did die for me! How much more ideal and sweet a guy could I have found and you're still not happy with it? What was I supposed to do? No one was going to be good enough for me in your mind."
Yang's hair deflated. Her eyes flicked back to violet as something like shame took her over. If I was a betting man it wasn't over her outburst of anger, but rather over the fact she'd flinched.
"Jaune," I looked up at Ruby still feeling dazed. "Would you give us the room? Please?"
I nodded along. "Sure. Of course." I walked past the crouching tiger I felt Yang represented within the room and shut the door behind me. I leaned back against it and wiped my hands across my eyes and sighed out loud.
"You got caught." It was Weiss. I couldn't muster up the heat of a glare. I felt too tired, bone deep tired. I met her icy blue eyes, her hair was down around her shoulders and not in its usual ponytail.
"Yeah. We 'got caught.'" I let out. I was leaning deeply against the door such that our eyes were level.
She flushed a little scarlet. "Just kissing or something more?"
"A little of column A and a little of column B."
"Well you're still…" she trailed off pointing downwards. She was only looking out of the corner of her eye with her head turned away, as if to give me a sense of modesty.
I was still half cocked, thank you Weiss. Super appreciative.
It wasn't her fault, though.
I exhaled, hard, and took a few deep breaths. I tried to slow my heart rate back down and get my anatomy under control.
"Yeah well you know." I managed. "It'll go away."
"Is that how it works?"
"Yeah. That's how it works." I spouted stiffly.
"You could have locked the door."
"The doors don't have locks." I said dry as ice. "We figured somebody would knock first."
"And that would have helped?"
"Maybe? Probably? I don't have a plan for everything!"
She snorted at me in a quiet 'ugly' laugh. Yuck it up, Weiss.
I leaned against the door and tried to forget Ruby's pulse between her legs. It was pretty difficult. I was intentionally avoiding the word 'hard' but 'twas also that.
"Seems to me this whole situation could have been avoided if you'd just talked to Yang."
"Wasn't my decision. I'm just the dumb boyfriend. Dumb boyfriends follow their smart girlfriends' orders. Especially where family is concerned."
"What about your family?"
"They'd be amazed I got this far."
"With a girl?"
"Just in general." I crossed my arms over my chest.
Weiss gave me a pleasant smile at that, the sort I would have killed for freshman year. It was warm around the edges, yet firm in the center. Blue eyes glowing softly in the morning light of Mistral. The deep dusk reds couldn't seem to touch Weiss's eyes.
"Coffee?" She asked. "Or were you going to avail yourself of a cold shower?"
"Ha. Ha." I pronounced my 'ha's. "I think I'm good on that shower." I felt confident enough to stand up straight and I followed her down stairs for some of the brown beverage.
Weiss evidently took her's dark. I watched her quietly make it, arms folded in the kitchen over my blue cotton shirt. She handed a cup to me and I guess she knew I was a pussy because she offered me cream and sugar. I availed myself of some mixing the white with the brown. Just a little though. I wasn't Ruby. I heaved yet another sigh.
"So now the only one who doesn't know if Qrow." She blew over her drink.
"And Oscar, I guess." I cheered her when she offered her mug in my direction."Or Ozpin or whatever they are."
I took a sip and winced at the temperature.
"Careful, it is hot."
"I just about got that memo, thanks. One more just to make it sink in." I took another sip and winced. "Yep, still hot."
"Well don't do it again! You'll just hurt yourself."
I shrugged. "Pretty sure Yang would be on board with the concept of me suffering."
"Well let's not give her what she wants. I'll take it from you, you know. You have to be patient."
I blew over the top of the liquid distinctly impatiently.
"You're worse than Ruby sometimes." She was smiling, though.
"Yeah." I agreed. "How are you holding up after yesterday? Couldn't have been easy on the inside."
"Not sure if you heard or not but the Don picked me to be his escort for the night. He had some lines of hyper laid out on his bedside table, even. For the evening, I suppose. A man of indulgence."
"I hadn't." I prompted.
"I held him down with my semblance and made him talk. On the whole, I'd say I had the easiest job. Not like you boys outside."
"It got messy, I'm just glad none of you got hurt."
"How are you holding up with it?"
"Killing people, you mean?"
She nodded, leaning her head on one hand as she looked up at me from the table she'd taken a seat at.
"I'm alright at it. I think I might even be good at it. Killing people. It does get easier."
"How many?"
"I used to know, used to have a number. Went from one, to two, then five but... But now I've lost count. A bunch. A whole bunch of people."
"I'm sorry, Jaune."
"Sometimes it be like that,” I snapped my fingers and pointed off in the distance. She didn’t look distracted by my antics so I sighed. “It's what we signed up for."
"I haven't killed anyone, not yet. I probably will at some point, though. Seems inevitable, doesn't it?"
"Some poor sap without aura and then, bam." I nodded. "Even with aura you can't exactly tell how full they are sometimes so you just go right through."
"That's how my first one went. This bandit. I had my semblance and I just spent it and I cut him."
"You're unbelievably strong with your semblance active." Weiss nodded along like she could see it. "The point of Myrtenaster will probably be like that, especially if I have some speed behind me."
"Exactly." I took a sip, the coffee had finally cooled down enough that I could drink some. I almost found myself pounding the drink.
"Well, aren't we chipper?" She sighed.
"Just pragmatic. You didn’t actually tell me how you’re holding up.”
“Didn’t I?”
“No. You dodged it.”
“Did I now?” She teased with an upwards tilt of her chin.
“You just said you figured you had the easiest job then you changed the subject. You should answer the question I asked you. Just so long as we’re both being completely honest with one another.”
“And are we?” She wondered.
“If we’re not, I want to take back everything I told you since you arrived in Mistral,” I blew on my coffee. She gave me a dainty laugh. “So, how are you holding up?” I pressed.
“Not so great,” she confessed. “I’m not doing so great. But it wasn’t the absolute worst day of my life. So there’s that. I didn’t have to kill anyone which I’m thankful for. Just torture which I’m not sure is any better.”
“It’s not. Plus you had to wear those outfits.”
“Which you should admit you liked,” she fired right back. “It’s okay. I saw you stare at Ruby.” And you . It went unsaid but she saw me stare at her too. I couldn’t… I couldn’t really help myself. Her platinum hair went good with the black. And you know me. I’ve always thought that she was beautiful and talented and smart and a little queerly funny. So yeah. There was that.
“So what if I did? A bit of a nightmare if I ever asked Ruby to wear one. Besides she’s sexy enough in one of my shirts or her pajamas.” I sipped my coffee.
“Is she really?”
“You ever see Ruby blush?” I asked. “It gets me out of bed in the morning.”
“Well, I suppose…”
“You see how Ren's holding up?"
"Nora got him out of the place early. She called it a 'not-date' and left. I think she killed somebody too. Just crushed their rib cage."
"Lords above." I sighed. "Just you, Ruby, and Oscar, now. I suppose, depending on how you wanna cut that Ozpin thing."
She took a long drink of coffee at that, deep in thought and staring out a window onto the little courtyard we trained in.
"So the only thing left to do is get Qrow back up and walking. Job's done."
"Aren't we taking some ganglords word on that."
"Qrow thinks she'll honor it."
"She? Well isn't that progressive?"
"I figure Malachite isn't so bad. She seemed to run things clean, or as clean as such things can be run, and Qrow has had past dealings with them."
"You've met some of them?"
"This pair of twins. Evidently they're Malachite's daughters. One in white and one in red. Huntresses, the both of them."
"One on white and one in red huh?" Yang was standing by the banister. "Well I think I know where I heard that name before now."
"We cool?" I asked.
"Yeah. We're cool. Sorry for blowing up on you."
"S'no biggie."
"Kinda. You were there for my sister when she needed you. Needed somebody and I… I wasn't."
"No one blames you for that." I said. "You were hurt."
"So were you, what with Pyrrha and all."
"S'no biggie. It affects us all differently. My motivations to keep going weren't all so pure."
"Join us, Yang." Weiss encouraged. "Coffee?"
"Thanks." She strode into the room. Weiss stood up to pour Yang a mug. "Nora and Ren?"
"Out." Weiss and I said together.
"Ruby?" Weiss asked.
Yang snorted and I heard some plumbing going. "Said she was going to take a cold shower. Thanks," She said, accepting the coffee from Weiss.
"We were discussing yesterday," I said. "What horrific thing happened to you?"
Yang snorted again. "I uh I killed two people."
"How'd that go?" I asked.
"Awful. After Weiss got chosen we started hearing screaming from the 'presidential suite.'" Yang quoted. "Not even the kind you could maybe think was ‘the dirty.’ That sorta kicked things off. I just reached out and killed a guy. Just crushed his head. I thought he'd have aura."
"And even if he did…" Weiss trailed.
"Right." Yang nodded. "I shot another guy with my gauntlet and Ruby and Nora took care of the other two guys. Then I ripped my way through the locked presidential suite door. Weiss already had things under control by then but…" She trailed off. "Well then we came down the stairs and saw the mess you and Ren had to deal with. Saw you kick that guy."
I nodded. I still remembered the way his head had felt under my boot.
"And the rest…" She gave a shuddering breath and lifted the coffee to her lips. "The rest is history."
"Miserable," Weiss said, shaking her head.
"Some guns went off. You saw the girls who got shot." Yang said. "Just waitresses or whatever."
I nodded.
"And that was my day. How was yours?" Yang asked, sipping coffee.
"Wasn't quite the worst day of my life." I said. "But it's up there. It does get easier."
"Jaune, and I mean this with all politeness, I really really don't want to hear that," Yang said. "It should be hard. It deserves to be hard. It's well… you know."
I nodded like I got it, which I did.
I heard the plumbing shut off and Ruby exiting one of the bathrooms. I just listened.
"So you and my lil' sis." Yang broached. "How'd that happen?"
"She kept saving my life."
Yang let out a low whistle. "Way she told it, it was the opposite."
"You know how modest Ruby is."
She nodded. "You knew about this kerfuffle, Weiss?"
Weiss nodded. "Ruby told me. She- well - she was happy to share it with somebody."
I could have flushed at that.
"And that somebody couldn't have been me." Yang agreed sullenly, Weiss and I shared a look but Yang seemed mostly disappointed in herself. "That day you were also covered in blood. You'd just killed somebody then, too."
Three. Killed three. I even knew two of their names. I just nodded. "Some dumbasses without aura. Needed some information and he and his friend tried to fight me. Over nothing was the worst part. He died for nothing. I mean I went and unlocked his aura but he was already nearly cut in half so I'm not sure if he lived or died. I'm counting it as a death, though."
"You keeping count?" Yang asked.
"Was. Stopped yesterday." I finished off my coffee.
"He says he lost count." Weiss stepped in and refilled my mug. Bless her. She said it like it was the worst thing that could happen to a person and to be fair it really sucked.
"Good gods." Yang sighed. "That'll happen to me too. One day I'll just be like 'was it ten or twelve. I can't remember.'"
"The fight was fast and had a lot of bodies yesterday. You might get luck. Or unlucky. Whichever."
"Which is worse not knowing or knowing?" Yang laughed.
"Not knowing," I answered.
"You weren't supposed to answer that fast, Jaune." Weiss handed me my mug back.
"Ask me no questions…"
Ruby popped her head down. "Oh, you're…?"
"We 'aight." Yang answered.
"It's fine," I said.
"I have coffee here just for you Ruby." Weiss brushed some spilled coffee grounds into her hand and into the sink. Ruby came jostling down to us and accepted the cup.
Ruby came over and gave me a peck on the cheek. Yang rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Just get it out and done with now."
"Is that how you think it works?" Ruby asked.
"Oh just because you have a boyfriend now doesn't make you all knowledgeable."
"It might." Ruby responded but there was a quiver of laughter to her voice.
"Please share what it's like with us humble mortals," Weiss said. Ruby fell back and I caught her. I put an arm around her waist and held her close to me.
She leaned her head back against my chest and sighed. "It's nice. It's nice not having to hide it, either."
"Ugh." Yang rolled her eyes but she was smiling. I wasn't sure what they had talked about up there but something must have gotten through to Yang.
"Are Ren and Nora dating yet?" Weiss asked.
"Kinda. More than before but less than you'd think," I answered.
"Figures," Yang said.
"Hey kid," Qrow wheeled up. "What's uh what's going on here?" He was looking at Ruby in my arms, looking relaxed.
"Jaune and Ruby are a thing." Yang answered. "Sorry you're the last to know."
"I could have guessed," he grunted. "Come on kid. Meeting with the Malachites."
"So just me then. Okay." Yang muttered.
"Will you be okay alone?" Ruby asked me.
I slammed back my coffee and nodded. I would be just fine, I think.
"I'm coming too." Ruby decided. No one argued with her.
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Arc-en-Ciel: Hammer's Twain:  Part I/IV
(sequel to Arc-en-Ciel:  Hammer of Love)
Jaune: *knock's on RWBY's door*
Weiss: Just who is knocking on our door at this hour?
Yang: I have my bets.
Blake: Jaune, obviously.
Jaune: *hears shuffing from the opposite side of the door before it opens*
Weiss (eagerly): JAUNE!
Yang: I don't think you need to be knocking.
Weiss: *face quickly changes from giddy to distraught*
Weiss: I do not think we are... quite... at that stage...
Ruby: *grab's Jaune's arm and pulls him into the room*
Jaune: *let's himself get pulled into the room a few feet before stopping Ruby*
Ruby: *turns around to look at him questioningly*
Jaune: *kisses her passionately*
Ruby: *nearly falls over as Jaune let's her go*
Weiss: *tries to say something, but is stopped by Jaune's kiss*
Weiss: *swoons as she is let go*
Yang: *adopts a sexy pose*
Yang: *confused look at Jaune walks passed her*
Jaune: *pulls Blake up from her bed and passionately kisses her*
Yang: *turns around, nervously looking at Jaune*
Jaune: *opens his arms towards her*
Yang: *rushes into his arms and receives a passionate kiss*
Jaune: *let's her go and she slinks away*
Weiss: I'm curious, did Pyrrha receive such treatments as well?
Jaune: *points his arm to the door and waves towards him*
Pyrrha: *nervously walks into the room*
Jaune: *waves towards himself again*
Pyrrha: *nervously walks up to Jaune*
Jaune: *passionately kisses her*
Jaune: I didn't want her to get special treatment. You're all too important to me.
Ruby: So... if Jaune can't just walk into our room, what kind of relationship do we have?
RWBY: *nervously look between each other*
Jaune: I want the ability to grab you and kiss you whenever I feel like it.
Weiss: I suppose... if we are your girlfriends... that is... reasonable...
Blake: If not downright encouraged.
Pyrrha: *giddy noises*
Yang: *raises her hand*
Jaune: Uh... Yang?
Yang: I want ass grabbing to be on the table?
Weiss: *scoff*
Blake: Him grabbing our asses, or us grabbing his?
Weiss: *quieter scoff*
Jaune: I... can't have you all grabbing my ass. That's a lot of ass grabbing.
Blake: How much ass grabbing should we have?..
Jaune: *leans forward dejectedly*
Weiss: I suppose this means we'll have to limit it to him grabbing our asses.
Weiss: *gasps and covers her mouth*
Yang: Didn't know you had it in you.
Weiss: *even louder gasp*
Jaune: *grabs Weiss about her waist*
Weiss: *lip nervously quivers as she looks up to him*
Jaune: *let's Weiss go and grabs Yang by her ass*
Blake: *nervously steps towards him*
Jaune: *reaches over with his free hand and grabs her ass*
Jaune: *let's go of the both of them, gently petting their heads*
Weiss: *nervously steps towards him, arms clutched to her chest*
Ruby: *eagerly walks towards him*
Jaune: *gently pets their heads*
Ruby and Weiss: *pleasant white rose noises*
Jaune: *kisses their foreheads*
Jaune: *turns towards Pyrrha, arms low but wide*
Jaune: Come here.
Pyrrha: *rushes up to Jaune*
Jaune: *grabs her ass with both hands and kisses her on the lips*
Weiss: I do believe she has an unfair advantage.
Weiss: *looks up to both Jaune and Pyrrha*
Jaune: *let's go of Pyrrha and picks Weiss up, kissing her on the lips*
Ruby: *eagerly jumping up and down next to him*
Jaune: *holds his other arm up*
Ruby: *turns into rose petals to jump into his arm*
Jaune: *steadies himself for a moment*
Jaune: *kisses Ruby*
Jaune: *let's both of them down*
Jaune: Okay, new rule.
RWBY + P: *eagerly, expectantly look at him*
Jaune: I have to give you affection. Otherwise you are going to stretch me too thin.
RWBY: *dejected*
Pyrrha: He makes sense. There is only one of him.
Weiss: I suppose... he has shown... that he wishes to treat us equally...
Blake: But that he wants to treat us differently.
Yang: Yeah, yeah, but... promise you will take care of us.
Jaune: I will.
Pyrrha: *shrieks*
RWBY: *recoil*
Ruby: Are... you alright, Pyrrha?..
Pyrrha: *shyly looks down, blushing, nods her head*
Yang: Care to share with the rest of the class.
Yang: *snickers*
Blake: I take it you are imaging us as students, with Jaune as the teacher?
Yang: *blushing, nods*
Weiss: I am curious as to what Pyrrha was...
Weiss: *clears her throat*
Weiss: ...shrieking over.
Pyrrha: Oh, nothing.
Ruby: Spill it!
Jaune: *gently places his hand on her shoulder*
Jaune: Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: It's just... I can't... I mean... it just kind of sounded... like...
Pyrrha: *blushes, hiding her face in her hands*
Jaune: *breathes deep for a moment*
Jaune (softer): Pyrrha?..
Pyrrha: I just sounded like... I don't know... a proposal?.. But you wouldn't think about us like that?
Jaune: *stunned silence*
Jaune: What the hell do you mean?
RWBY + P: *shocked silence*
Jaune: You are all just SO - amazing - that I would win the jackpot if I married any of you. Though, I don't think our current relationship suits marriage.
Glynda: Pardon me, children?
RWBY + JP: *quickly turn around and stare at Glynda standing in the doorway*
Nora: uh-oh.
Glynda (ignoring Nora): Would you mind if I come in?
Jaune: *nervously opens his arms, gesturing inside*
Glynda: *walks in, closing the door behind her*
Glynda: So, tell me, did I hear that correctly?
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Rosebud prep 8
[Tai’s House]
Today was a special day. Lately Ruby has been having a life’s worth of those. From the excitement of Weiss’s luxurious baby shower, to the knowing what it’s like to not see her own toes. She’s roughly roughly eight months pregnant and has been assaulted with every conceivable thing they pregnancy had to offer. It was very fortunate that not only had she married a patient man. She married one with enough sisters to handle any obstacle. Truly Ruby has lucked out once again. Combat skirts and corsets had been ditched for months and replaced with Tai’s oversized T-shirts and her red sweat pants. It was scary how used she had gotten to do nothing. The thought of weighing herself gave her dread to the point Jaune keeps track of the number without revealing it. Everyday there was pain coursing through her feet and the baby has obviously gotten her high spirits because boy did it kick hard! Ruby loved every moment of it.
Right now the woman sat in one of Maria’s many rocking chairs and enjoyed the fresh autumn air. The sky is painted an intoxicating orange that gave her chills. Her hand on her stomach as she lightly hummed. As much as she loved fairytales, nursery rhymes escaped her mind often. The only song that was constant in her mind was Gold since Yang had lovingly lulled the girl to sleep with it all the time growing up. It would just be another thing to bond over along with being an autumn born child. At this point she was crossing her fingers that this kid would get something from Jaune. Her train of thought was broken the moment her gaze went away from the sky and back to the porch’s other guests.
Ruby:*smiling* You know y’all didn’t have to take time off for me right?
Yang:You are actually insane if you believe for even a second that I am going to be across the world when you go into labor. I will be around for my baby sister giving birth to her baby. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Ruby:Blake can you please tell your future wife that being here for a month is crazy and better spent planning the wedding she’s dreamed of?
Blake:Do you think I would be here if I agreed with you? This baby tops whatever plans we have. Yang has already bought a shirt that says “hot aunt” on the front.
Ruby:I wanna believe you’re joking, but I absolutely know your not.
Weiss:I begged her not to.
Yang:Then she found one in white.
Weiss:Now we match.
Ruby:You didn’t....
Weiss:We both know how I feel about kids. Better believe that shirt is hanging up in a proud spot in my closet.
Blake:If it makes you feel better they also had a black one. We are all still color correct.
Ruby:And I thought Jaune was losing it over this bundle of joy. All of you are no better.
Yang:Where is the baby daddy anyways? I thought he’d never leave your side.
Jaune:*opens door* He hasn’t.
Tai:*walks out with ice tea pitcher* He was just helping me in the kitchen.
Jaune:What did I miss?
Ruby:Yang is replacing you as clinging blonde who loves this baby.
Yang:Oh don’t act like you don’t love it.
The older sister walks over as tea is passed around. She kneels down and gently wraps her arms around Ruby; laying her head on the baby bump and making her little sis giggle.
Yang:Hey there little rascal. Your mother thinks we’re all looney for loving you so much but she’s just playing cool. I can tell out of everyone that she’s thrilled the most. Just wait, I’ll gonna smother you with love the way only an aunt can. This family is pretty noisy but we know you’ll get used to it.
Ruby:Pfft, now I feel bad. I- Yang....?
Yang:Right now the whole family can’t be here but that’s okay. You’re gonna love uncle Ren and auntie Nora. If anyone who’s an expert on kids by now it’s them. Not to mention your great uncle Qrow. He might look grumpy but he’s a big softie. His semblance makes him wary to be around Ruby right now but I’m sure you’ll get along great.
Yang:Am I forgetting anyone really important? Well there’s-
Ruby:I uhhh, I think my water just broke.
Suddenly Ruby hunches over like the wind got knocked out of her. Yang quickly jumps to her feet and is fully alert and caught of gaurd.
Yang:Right now!?
Ruby:Ri....agh! Yeah it’s definitely right now!
Tai:I’ll drive!!!
Blake:I’ll call ahead!!!!
Weiss:I’ll make sure we have everything. This is actually happening!
Jaune:Alright Ruby, up you go. Let’s go have a baby....
Ruby:Ugh, this gonna hurt a lot isn’t it?
Doctor M:You’re doing great Ruby. Just a little bit more to go I promise!
Ruby:It........really hurts........
She had been screaming for at least half an hour now; not that she could really tell. First it was from the contractions but now came the time to actually push. Desperately she tried to control her breathing as did nothing but focus on the task at hand. Her hair clinged to her forehead that was covered in sweat that coated everywhere. Ruby never felt so tired before. Fighting Salem was ten times easier than this hands down. Once or twice Ruby looked to her right to see Jaune looking at her with nothing but vigor and determination; silently letting her know that he was here and that she could do this. His hand being grabbed like a vice by hers as she nodded. Screw the pain, the sweat, the blinding lights; none of that mattered. She had a job to do and she knew that it’ll be worth it. The only thing that mattered was to-
Doctor M: PUSH!!!!!
The echoes of scream mightier than a grimm dragon filled the halls off Vale’s hospital. Everyone sat in the waiting room in nail biting anticipation. Few people around them needed to ask what had them so tense. Consciously Yang knew the reason for the screaming yet it didn’t calm her big sister instincts as she paced around the tile floor. Each scream making her flinch hard. She doesn’t think she ever heard Ruby in such pain. Blake saw her partner gradually start to unravel bit by bit and took her hand in reassurance.
Blake:She’ll be alright.
Yang:I know but.....
Tai:Trust me when I say Summer screamed louder. I know Jaune must be scared to death right now.
Blake:My mom apparently sounded like some primal beast with me. I hope I don’t sound too bad.
Yang:You....want kids? *blushing*
Blake:Yeah. Wait, do you not?
Yang:Oh I want kids we just never really mentioned it before. That’s just...phew, anyone else light headed?
Weiss:Yang please go sit down and I’ll go get you some water.
Yang:*sits* Thank you.
The Heiress wonders off at brisk speed. I’m truth, Weiss also really couldn’t take hearing the screams of her partner happen in intervals. She was granted a reprieve however since the vending machine was a few floors down; the sounds being almost like whispers. The glare from the setting sun hurt her stress filled eyes to the point she wanted to cover the window in solid ice. Two water bottles finally came out and Weiss immediately put one of them on her forehead with her eyes closed.
Weiss:(Ruby I love you pieces but you’re making my head pound)
Thump Thump Thump....
Weiss:*opens eyes* That...that wasn’t my head.
Thump Thump Thump....
The noise continues in random succession as Weiss confusingly walks around the area until it eventually gets louder. Her head turns to see a door completely on the the other end slightly jiggle in beat of the thumping with a nurse by it. The blue sign next to it quickly told her what room it was.
Weiss:The restroom???
Doctor M: Alright Ruby, just give me one more big push. You’re in the home stretch.
Ruby: huff...Sweatie..?huff
Jaune:I’m here. *tighting grip*
Ruby:I know. *smirks* Ready to lose our bet?
Jaune:*smiles* Only one way to find out.
Doctor M:All set!?
Ruby:Bring it on.
Doctor M:One three then. One...Two...THREE!!!
Call it her second, conviction, you can call it the absolute power of the Gods and women itself. Regardless of the label, Ruby Rose summoned every once of strength she had left to push as hard as she could; a kind of strength that she didn’t even know was possible at all let alone something she could possess. With it came a scream but from the pain. It was resolve. Love. Soon the screamed was met another that silenced hers. It was small yet so mighty that Ruby couldn’t help but succumb to tears. She wasn’t the only one. Jaune braced his arm against her hospital bed while his right hand covered his mouth; tears forming as easily as rain.
The doctor grinned at both of them as she held the source of the small scream wrapped up in a blanket in her arms. All Ruby could do is put her hands out in an eager and tired attempt to hold finally see her baby; the doctor didn’t make her wait a second longer and put it gently in her arms. Time felt like it stopped; reality slipping away. The only thing that remained was her, Jaune, and the new addition to their life. Her finger brushing a head of black and faded red hair out of the way to reveal eyes that dazzled like the moon; like hers. Ruby slowly pulled it closer to her chest to embrace tiny warmth further. Jaune reached out to cradled the both of them and doing his best not to fall apart.
Jaune:Doctor, can you do the honors?
Doctor M:Congratulations to your healthy baby boy.
Ruby:A boy. Jaune we have a beautiful baby boy. *sniffling*
Doctor M:Looks like someone needs to be fitted for a dress.
Jaune:Wouldn’t be the first time. I’d lose a thousand times over for this moment.
Tai:Oh my goodness...
The new parents look up to see Tai, Yang, and Blake crowding the doorway in awe. Ruby waves them in one by one happily seeing their face light up as they get closer.
Ruby:Hey you guys. Come meet the newest member of the group. Dustin Arc Rose.
Tai:I’m a grandpa.....*tearing up*
Blake:He is gorgeous.
Yang:How are you feeling?
Ruby:Like I fought a hundred battles in a row. Jaune I have no idea how your mother did this eight time. Arc’s really are a sturdy bunch.
Jaune:Trust and believe that no one knows what makes her such a trooper but hey, you’re one too now. Is there anything the number one huntress can’t do?
Ruby:Not as long as she has you. All of you.
Yang:Can I hold him please?
Doctor M:Hold up. As much as I love creating beautiful moments, still have a job to do which ruins them. I gotta clean the little guy off properly and make sure he’s actually all ready to go. Those screams where a good sign and if he’s anything like his parents then this won’t take too long. Ruby I hate to be a mood killer but....
Reluctantly she handed over her baby and received a wink from the doctor as she exited the room. She already missed him but was immediately surrounded by family smiles. Tai handed her another well deserved pillow for his daughter. Adrenaline and holding Dustin was all that kept her body from instant fatigue black out but now it was trying to catch her. Sleep never sounded so good.
Jaune:You okay there Rubes?
Ruby:You think the doctor would be upset if you used your aura to give me a pick me up?
Jaune:I feel like this type of tired is above my threshold.
Tai:If you’re anything like your mother then you’ll bounce back better than ever.
Ruby:Hehe, looks like I’m getting cooler from here on out.
Yang:That’s nothing new. Just rest up, you can have my water whenever Wei-Oh my god Weiss missed all of this because of me!!!!
Ruby:I was wondering where she was.
Blake:She’s going to be so livid.
Yang:Wh...who knows? Maybe she will be completely calm about the whole thing?
Weiss:*runs in* H E Y ! ! ! Tell me I’m not late!?
Yang:Ahh! I’m sorry! We already saw the baby and he’s adorable! He’ll be back in a few minutes with- *turns around*
Yang’s words got caught in her throat as she saw the shaken expression on Weiss’s face. Urgency filled the shorter girls eyes but that’s not what stunned th room. Weiss’s clothes, they were covered in blood. The Two more sets of footsteps come from behind her. One was a trembling nurse who was also covered in blood as she supported a body around her shoulder. The person was bleeding from their torso and looked half dead; their head hanging and in ruined surgical attire. The room went pale and stomachs dropped when they saw person raise their head with fading eyes. It was doctor Michaels.
Doctor Michaels:Tr.....p tr...a..p
Tears ran down her face before her body went limp. The nurse layed her on the ground and was about to rush in to grab tools but immediately stopped at the sight of the doctors face. She gone. Ruby felt completely numb. If this was the doctor....
Ruby watched Jaune and her team dash out the room immediately and slpit off; busting open Every single door they came across. Tai took the nurses hand and guided her and the doctor to Ruby before heading out the door way.
Tai:Lock this door and call the authorities immediately!
Ruby:D...dad? W....where’s my baby?
He watched tears form in Ruby’s eyes. What could he say? What do you say? His hands clenched tightly before running off and joining the search. Time was everything. The nurse immediately closed the door and followed Tai’s instruction. Ruby reached for the bed rail to pull herself up but her arm went limp in a second. Making her fall back against the pillow. She tried again but the outcome was the same. Not even her legs would respond properly as she desperately tried to move before the nurse restrained her so she didn’t injure herself. Giving birth had taken to much energy. Ruby was a sitting duck.
Ruby:Let me go!!! I gotta find my son!
Nurse:You are in no condition to move! Right now you’re-
knock knock knock
Both of them shifted attention to the door. There wasn’t anymore knocking. Instead the door handle slowly grew brighter and brighter until it melted off completely. That was all Ruby needed to immediately feel terror and rage grip her soul. The nurse reached for phone but was immediately struck with glass right through her stomach through the newly made hole. She didn’t feel pain at first; just overwhelming heat ripping through her body as the door opened. Revealing Ruby’s fear complete with an old outfit she hadn’t seen since she was fifteen.
Cinder:Helpless. That’s what you were going to say right?
Yang and Jaune raced down the hall in full force. She recklessly swung open every door to her right and knocked into people while Jaune did the same one the left. Nothing. With each failure they got faster and faster as they raced up the stairs to the higher floors. Yang grabbed her scroll to call Weiss and Blake who where going down.
Yang:Please tell me you found him!
Blake:Not yet!
Weiss:Damnit!!! There’s too many rooms and people!
Jaune:KEEP LOOKING! They couldn’t have-
His eyes shifted to see the “Doctor” standing in the elevator holding the baby; his baby. The person locked eyes with the bonds as they struggled to reach the kidnapper before the doors closed. Unfortunately it was in vain. Halfway way there they watched the door closed on a sadistic smirk but that’s not all. Yang’s eyes went deep red watching the set of emerald eyes turn pink and brown. With one powerful step she lunged over all the people and pried the doors open to see the elevator car going up fast. If wasn’t for the baby she would’ve snapped the cable right then and there.
Weiss:Does that mean Cinder is here?
Yang:She’s heading to the roof!
Tai:Damnit all! I’m heading back to Ruby!
Blake:You’ll need back up. I’ll head back too. Everyone else go to the roof.
Yang:Okay. Jaune let’s-
He was already moving towards the staircase. His aura washed over his body in a divine white and pushed his body beyond its normal limits. Increasing his speed dramatically. Yang followed his lead by jumping of the railing and propelling herself upwards like a rocket with her arm.
A few floors down, Weiss smashed a window and jumped out. She waved her left hand to form a glyph platform then made a line of them running along the entire building. She ran up towards the top while Blake stopped at the floor Tai was on and continued back to Ruby’s room. This was beyond bad; they were completely blindsided. Worst of all, it had been in a hospital. They were weaponless.
Cinder:Surprised to see me little Rose? Well, I guess you’re not that little anymore now are you? You seemed to surprised to see me. I guess that makes since; it’s been a few years since our last encounter. Longer since you seen me in this.
Ruby:Cinder. I....I spared your life....
Cinder:Bet your regretting that decision now aren’t you?
The nurse tried to move until the blood in her veins lit up along with the shard in her. Bringing the woman to her knees and hacking like a feral animal. Ruby leaned forward before the weight of Cinder’s grimm arm pressed her back down. The nails slightly digging into her neck. Ruby’s eyes lit up dimly before fading and draining away what little energy she had.
Cinder:I wouldn’t try to move. It’ll only get worse.
Ruby:Leave her alone Cinder or-
Cinder:Or what? Silver eye blast? You can’t even sit up. Kids really are the death of us huh? It’s almost sad really.
Ruby:If you want me then fine. Just....cough let everyone else go.
Cinder:Pfft, typical. Always trying to play the hero. Always thinking your above others; stronger than them.
Ruby:You’re deranged.
Cinder:And you are pathetic. Brain dead even. Are all honest souls like this or just you? I wonder how that kid is the same? Or at least, would he have been? Given the chance to grow up.
Ruby couldn’t do anything but listen as Cinder laughed at her. Tears rolled down her face uncontrollably. Grabbing Cinder’s wrist weakly in desperation and despair.
Cinder:That’s what I wanted to see. How long has it been? Since you’ve felt so powerless.
Ruby:If you want me dead then just do it already but please......leave him out of this. He has nothing to do with this!
Cinder:*grabs harder* He has everything to do with this. Listen closely, I’m not gonna kill you. That doesn’t settle what you did to me. After all you didn’t kill me. No, you killed my dreams; my perception this world. You made me realize I wasn’t as strong as I thought. Because of you and your friends my dreams of ruling under Salem and being on top are history. Now it’s your turn for dreams to die. I’m killing your happy ending and the best part is it’s all because you had to take the moral high ground. Reap what you sow right? Eye for an eye. Speaking of which, I guess I have a two brand new ones. You think his left or right eyes would look best on me.
Ruby:I’m going to kill you....
Cinder:Little late don’t you think? Maybe in your dreams.
Monstrous fingers squeezed tighter until Ruby’s vision went blurry. Seconds passed until she blacked out; never standing a chance. Cinder stared at her work. Even the sight of Ruby knocked out and still crying made her furious but she kept composure then left the room. She didn’t get one step in before Tai and Blake turned the corner to see her leaving the room. Both of them rushed her instinct but wasn’t expecting Cinder to yank the nurse out the room and throwing her towards them. The glass glew brighter than ever until bursting into flames and spreading it throughout the hall. The nurse screamed before turning into ash and distracting the pair. By the time they got through the flames, Cinder had vanished. Tai immediately ran into the room to check on Ruby.
Tai:She’s breathing but roughed up!
Blake:Guys we saw Cinder but she got away! Did you get Dustin!?
Blake:Yang!? Weiss!? Jaune!? Someone answer me!!
They didn’t feel tired or scared or anything for that matter. The three of them just simply ran and ran and didn’t once stop. Never stumbling. Never losing sight of their goal. All at once they arrived at their destination. Weiss over the edege if the building, Yang through the door to the room, and was immediately followed by Jaune. The trio locking eyes on Neo and closing in around her with arms stretched out. Just to be met the sound and sight of shattering glass the moment they can in contact. Their surroundings crumbled like their resolve. It was only them on the roof; staring at a helicopter fly away into the dreadful sunset and out of their reach in silence. Yang’s mouth open in an attempt to scream but was stopped by Weiss grabbing the girls hand. The fiery rage died painfully the moment she turned towards her. Weiss’s other hand was clinging to Jaune’s as the man dropped to the ground shaking in uncontrollably. The aura around him dying down to a complete stop; revealing tears running down his face.
Only one person should be screaming but he didn’t. He just watched. Yang’s red eyes turned back to normal and bent down towards Jaune with Weiss. The two women put their arms around him and held tightly. Finally he broke the silence; Wailing and screaming at the world for doing this to him. To Ruby. All while Weiss and Yang sunk into the shared sorrow. Tears staining Jaune’s shirt, but they never screamed. Only one person should be screaming right now. The man who just lost his son.
Part 7
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danurso · 5 years
Part 2 / Part 1
Jaune: *sits down on the cantina table*
Yang: morning vomit boy, whats u-
Jaune: uhh? *looks at her with a dead look and dark bags under his eyes*
Yang: err. . .you okay vomit boy? You look like you skipped your beauty sleep. . .and your normal sleep too.
Jaune: me? Pff, im fine. *dozing off* im totally. . .fine. . . *head falls on the table making him jolt up again* im awake! Im awake!
Blake: what's wrong with him?
Ruby: *sighs* he and weiss made a bet. Apparently they were being too "intimate" way too often, and weiss said it was because jaune couldn't control himself, so they made a bet to see if jaune could resist weiss for a week.
Yang: oh, i remember that, but why is he like that?
Ruby: *deadpans* yeah, i wonder why? *turns to weiss* it probably wouldn't have anything to do with her speech yesterday or the pictures she constantly sends him.
Weiss: *looking away with a blush* i-i have no idea what you're talking about.
Ruby: oh really? *picks jaune's scroll* then you won't mind if we check your conversations right?
Weiss: wait what!? Give it back!! *tries to pick the scroll*
Yang: *picks it from ruby before weiss* okay, now i'm curious.
Weiss: *blushing harder* t-there is nothing there for you to see! G-GIVE IT BACK!!
Yang: *grinning and keeping her away with one hand* nope, now lets see what our naughty weiss-crean is sending to her boyfriend.
Weiss: *dark red* w-w-what?
Yang: damn, a maid outfit, a naughty schoolgirl, a sling swimsuit and even a playboy bunny girl. Congrats ice queen, now im seriously questioning my sexuality.
Weiss: *atomic red* s-shut up!
Blake: and the talk isn't that bad too. "Master, your dinner is ready, do you want to eat it or would you like to eat something else" kinda cliche but still good.
Weiss: *even redder and burying her face on her hands* stop!
Yang: *grins* i still think the schoolgirl one is better "professor arc, i know i've been a naughty girl and that i skipped your classes, still, isn't there anything i can do to raise my grades? I'll do anything you want. . .anything" she's even sucking a lollipop in the picture! This is gold!
Weiss: *so red that the sun is pink in comparison* p-please s-st-top.
Blake: i'm honestly surprised you went for a bunny outfit, i wonder what would happen if the people who hate your family found this picture.
Yang: it looks good on her, but the swimsuit is still better, now i know why jaune looks so exhausted, to resist all of this must've been hard. . .literally. i mean, just look at it, she might not he the most endowed but the swimsuit looks really sexy on her, imagine if-
Jaune: *slams hands on the table while breathing raggedly*
Yang: . . .you okay vomit boy?
Jaune: . . . . *sighs and control his breathing* that's it for me. *calmly* congratulations weiss, you won.
Weiss: wait, really?
Jaune: *gets up* yup, but before we can discuss the terms of my defeat *picks her up*
Weiss: w-what are you doing?
Jaune: *with a scary smile and a very hungry look* i have a lot of pent up energy, so i hope you still have those clothes on your room, you'll need them for the rest of the weekend.
Weiss: *blushing* w-weekend!?
Jaune: of course, and be thankful that i'll let you go after just a weekend. *walking away and whispering* after everything i got through, i should keep you in that room for at least a week.
Weiss: *deep red*
RBY: . . .
Yang: am i the one who just got really scared and really aroused at the same time?
Blake: that last part was more scary than arousing to be honest.
Ruby: serves her right, jaune is always nice with her but she kept pushing him to his limits, i guess we can call it karma.
Yang: i just hope her "punishment" don't take too long, i'm tired and need to take a nap.
Ruby: *tapping her scroll*
Yang: what're you doing?
Ruby: talking to nora, she's setting some sleeping bags and ear mufflers for us on JNPR dorm.
Yang: why?
Ruby: remember when we went out on a mission three months ago?
Blake: the one we had to research some grimm species with professor oobleck?
Ruby: *nods* we were out for two weeks and when we got back, jaune grabbed weiss and disappeared for three days.
Yang: . . .and?
Ruby: and on the same time they disappeared we heard the news that constant screams were being heard in a hotel on vale, the screams only ceased three days after they started, the same day jaune and weiss came back.
Blake: and when weiss came back she couldn't talk. . .
Yang: or walk. . .
Blake: . . .
Yang: . . .
Blake: does she have ear mufflers for my cat ears too?
Ruby: yup.
Blake: thank god.
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ask-garnet-n-ruby · 5 years
Halloween Special: Costume Mishaps
Summary: It’s the end of the Halloween/Birthday Party, and Garnet finds himself surrounded by his sisters and friend dressed up in sexy costumes. What’s bound to happen next? 
Word Count: 4,225
Life...was cruel. That was the thought of one Garnet Rose as he sat down the couch. A huge blush on his face. 
It was late in the evening as the Birthday Bash/Halloween Costume Party had finished; coming to a satisfying end within the shared House of Garnet, his sisters Ruby and Yang; along with Weiss & Blake. The four girls and lone boy resting after hosting such an amazing festive night for their friends. 
“That was actually pretty fun,” Blake said with a smile. Despite not being one for parties, she had actually enjoyed herself.
“See what I’d tell ya?” Yang smirked, as she laid back in her seat. Feeling proud at the successful party they had. 
“I suppose you were right,” Weiss said with a small smile. “At the very least, I’m just glad we aren’t left with a huge mess to clean up.”
“That’s true after party clean ups SUCKS,” Ruby whined as she slumped down on the couch next to her brother. Smiling as she leaned on his shoulder. “What about you Garnet? What’d you think of this party?” 
“H-Huh?” The teenage boy, who had been utterly silent until now. Finally registered what his twin sister had asked him. “I-It was fun,” He stuttered, “H-Happy that we all had a great time.” 
Ruby blinked, raising a brow at her twin brother’s stutter. “Huh? Garnet is everything okay?” She asked, grabbing the attention of the rest of the RWBY Girls. “Your face is kinda red.” She said, noting the hot blush staining Garnet’s cheeks. But not for the reason the cute Rose believed it to be. 
“I-I’m fine Rubes, really, I’m just probably a little lightheaded from the punch. You know how Nora tried to spike it earlier.” He lied; though technically, it wasn’t a lie. Nora really did attempt to spike the punch earlier, saying she had wanted to make the party a little more ‘Fun’. It was thanks to the efforts of Ren Pyrrha, and Jaune, that they managed to stop the girl from doing something stupid. And would undoubtedly get her shit knocked out by Yang. 
Hey, Yang loved her alcohol, make no mistake; but she drew a hard line on any alcohol being consumed by her young twin siblings. Especially on their birthday. 
Regardless, the semi-lie worked, and Garnet managed to get Ruby to buy it. Even more so as Weiss crinkled her nose at the moment. 
“Ugh, I swear, Valkyrie is that girl to use any form of celebration or parties to go absolutely nuts at.” The lovely heiress said with a huffed. “Well, if you’re not feeling well, why don’t go rest?” 
“Weiss is right Garnet,” Blake chimed in with a smile. “We’ll check up on you after we get done cleaning the house, it’s not like it’s a huge mess.”
Garnet nodded and stood up, quickly running to the room and leaving the rest of the girls behind. Yang frowning a bit with furrowed eyebrows. 
“I hope he’s alright.” The busty blonde said. 
Little did any of the ladies realize, their little evening was about to get started in the most unsuspected way. 
“Finally!” Garnet let out a huge sigh of relief as he entered his and Ruby’s bedroom. Happy to have gotten away from his friends and sisters. “I’m not sure how much more I could’ve taken being in the same room as them.” He groaned as he trudged to his bed. 
Now some of you might be wondering to yourself, just what exactly had Garnet in such a state earlier with the girls. The answer to that was rather simple.
“I’m not sure how long I could’ve hidden this from them,” Garnet muttered, staring at the massive tent pitched in his costume.
Garnet couldn’t handle just how hot friends and family were, this evening. 
He should’ve seen it coming honestly, Halloween was Ruby and Yang’s favorite time of the year. Not only because of the sweets and parties; but also, it was because they could dress down however they wanted. And while Garnet didn’t mind at first, over the years as they all got older. Did he start to notice, and realize just how much his sisters had developed in terms of their figures. He was positive that Ruby and Yang knew about this as well, as they had started wearing costumes that would help show off what they had. 
Not to the point where it could be considered slutty. But it WOULD turn the heads of those who managed to see them. When they met and became friends with Blake and Weiss and even manage to live together under the same house when they all started college. It just added more to crimsonette’s problems and pent up frustrations. Sun and Neptune often claimed that Garnet had a sweet life, living under the roof with four hotties. The painful constant erection that Garnet sported on a daily basis, was more than happy to disagree with that statement. 
You try waking up seeing all of the roommates walking around in nothing but their panties. Not bothering with their clothes until they had something to get their day started. 
But back to the main issue; this year’s Halloween was no different in have Ruby and Yang unconsciously frustrate poor Garnet. Along with the combined efforts of Weiss and Blake as well. As stated before, they had managed to make each of their costumes show off their figures. 
Ruby had dressed up as Android 21 from Dragonball FighterZ; her reason for the costume was due to how much she and the Majin had a shared love for sweets. So that’s why she wanted to cosplay as her for the evening. The bellydancer-like outfit just served to remind Garnet of the curves, chest, and ass, he didn’t know that his sister had. While not completely on Yang’s level, it definitely caught the attention of some of the guys during the party. And with the way Ruby had been all over the place, hopped up on candy and cookies. It was nothing short of amazing, that small black tube top kept her, not so little puppies, contained. 
Speaking of Yang, her choice of costume wasn’t any better. Deciding to go with the classic icon Dark Magician Girl; Garnet wasn’t the least bit surprised that she had decided to come to the party dressed up like that. But he was CONVINCED that Yang purposely got a costume that was one size too small for her. Cause unless she went through another growth spurt that he didn’t know about. There was no way that outfit should’ve had trouble containing her jugs and keeping that ass hidden. Seriously, with how tight it looked on her, one sneeze. One good sneeze was all it took for Yang, that’s all that would be said on the matter.
Garnet let out a sigh, smiling weakly. “But at least Ruby and Yang’s outfit was better than Blake and Weiss’.” He muttered.
In hindsight, they should’ve never made that bet with Yang, and let her have control over what the blonde should choose for their costume when she had won. He had never their faces so turn so red out of anger and embarrassment when Yang showed them what they would be wearing.
For Blake, Yang had gotten her to dress up as Raynare from Highschool DxD. Anyone who knew the character or had seen that series wouldn’t need any further explanation beyond that. Just that the borderline BDSM costume did a spectacular job in not only showing off Blake’s tits trapped behind that bundle of straps that was considered the top of the outfit. But also the amazingly dubbed ‘Bellabooty’, housed in that form-fitting black panty-like bottom.
To this hour, Garnet still wasn’t sure how Yang managed to convince Blake to wear that willingly. And to be honest, he didn’t want to know; he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy seeing Blake walking around dressed that that. He knew the others did. 
And then there was Weiss. 
Truthfully, Weiss’ costume was arguably better than Blake’s. But considering it was still Yang who chose it for her, that wasn’t really saying much. Nor did that piece of knowledge offer much comfort. Regardless, Yang had Weiss dressed up as Ishtar, the Goddess from Fate Grand Order. Naturally, Weiss wasn’t happy when she had been shown her costume. And even made her discontent for it apparent; so Garnet and even Yang was surprised when she appeared at the party dressed up as the beautiful Goddess. Again, he wasn’t sure what managed to make Weiss change her mind on wearing it. But like with Blake, he wasn’t going to look the Gift Horse in its mouth.
As for him, and his choice of costume; he should’ve never considered a skin-hugging costume, like Starforce Megaman’s outfit. Especially if he knew what he would be exposed to this evening. With another sigh, he quickly snapped his head up and looked at the door, before back to his bulge. A look of contemplation on his face, as he gulped silently. 
“M-Maybe I can rub one out quickly.” He muttered, feeling himself throbbing intensely again the fabric. He knew if he left this unchecked, Ruby and the others would see him like this. And he really didn’t want the awkwardness of explaining his hard-on to the others. But before he could even get started, he found himself interrupted. 
“Garnet” Came Ruby’s voice from the other side, as the door opened. Revealing the still in costume younger twin. “I just came in to check on up you. How are you- Eh?!” 
There was a long, LONG silence as both twins stared at one another, one in pure horror, and the other in pure shock. Neither one managing to say anything as Ruby’s eyes slowly cascaded down to the massive bulge housed in her brother’s costume. A blush forming on her cheeks from the sight of it, h-had Garnet always been this big? Realizing she was staring, she quickly ripped her eyes away and scratched her cheek with an awkward laugh.
“U-Um… I-I just… came here to- to check up on you. See if you were alright.” She said, trying to look anywhere that wasn’t her brother and his big long… *Ahem* you know. “I-I see that was disturbing you, so I think I’ll just…” 
Ruby turned to leave but was stopped when she felt Garnet grab her by the shoulder. Making the girl jump a bit and look up at her older twin. Who had his eyes, completely shadowed by the bangs of his hair. Ruby shifted a bit as she had a confused look on her face. Unknowingly giving her brother a nice view of her bust. 
“U-Um… something wrong Garnet?” 
“Ruby’s certainly taking a long time isn’t she?” Blake commented. 
By the time Ruby had left to go check on the sole male of the house. The rest of the ladies just finished up cleaning the house. And were looking to end the evening with a scary movie night, they had wondered if Garnet would be willing to join. And Ruby had all but eagerly volunteered to see if he would be okay with joining them. 
It had been a good bit since she had run upstairs to check on her brother. 
“It is odd for the dolt to be taking this long,” Weiss commented, folding her arms underneath her petite breasts. “What on earth could she be doing up-”
“Wait,” Yang interrupted with a hand “Do you hear that?” 
Upon hearing that question, both Weiss and Blake became silent. Their ears perking up to listen for something; in return, they were greeted to muffled sounds coming from upstairs. Sounding oddly like Ruby and Garnet’s voices. But they couldn’t figure out what was going on.
“Is… Is that Ruby and Garnet?” Blake said with perplexed narrowed eyes. “What are they doing?” 
Looking at each other, the girls left for upstairs. Wondering what was going on, or what the twins were doing. As they got closer, the noises and voices started becoming more profound. Gripping the handle, Yang opened the door, and what they were greeted too. Shocked every last one of them. 
“WHAT THE-?!” 
Weiss, Blake, and even Yang were rendered speechless as the sight before them. There was Garnet, on his bed; and underneath him, taking his massive dick was Ruby. The pants to her outfit torn around the crotch as they witnessed Garnet’s cock savagely being pumped in and out of Ruby’s tight wet folds. The fleshy slaps of Garnet’s heavy balls plapping against Ruby’s shapely ass filling the air. While one of her sizable tits freed itself from her tube top, bouncing erratically from the intense fucking she was receiving from her twin. 
“GAH! NGH! G-Garnet! W-Wait! It-It’s… too much. I-I’m gonna break!” Ruby squealed loudly, her silver eyes going crossed with pleasure as she unconsciously wrapped her arms around her twin’s neck. Her legs bouncing wildly in the air at Garnet’s sides. The speed and power behind his thrusting causing her to cum her brains out once again. Soaking not only her costume but also her brother’s bed. 
With one final thrust, Garnet came, his hips colliding with Ruby’s violently as he blasted her insides with a heavy load of his hot seed. Ruby’s pussy, milking his cock as much it could for his cum. Moaning brokenly as her womb and insides were quickly filled, causing the excess to spill out the sides with a soft splash. Her legs twitching with ecstasy. 
Yang and the others were shellshocked at what they had just witnessed. What could they after seeing Garnet and Ruby commit the sinful taboo of twincest. And so shamelessly right before their eyes. Neither Yang nor Blake could find anything to say on the matter. Their eyes still transfixed on the thick creampie oozing out of Ruby’s cunt. Weiss, on the other hand, was another story. 
“Garnet! What in God’s name are you doing?!” She yelled, her voice nearly shrill, as she had a ripe blush on her face. Whether from anger or embarrassment, no one would know. “That’s your sister! How could you do such a thing to her?!” 
Had Weiss been in a more level headed state of mind, she would’ve caught the wild look in Garnet’s eyes as he pulled out of the cock drunk Ruby. The lust-fueled teen glancing in their general direction now; Blake, however, spotted the look and tried calling to the irate Schnee. “Uh, Weiss?” She said tapping the girl’s shoulder. 
Weiss, however, ignored her friend’s warnings; too lost in her anger to really think. “Well?! Answer me, Rose! I demand to know what possessed you to do such a thing to your sister!” She watched Garnet make her way towards her. “Are you listening to me you perverted… d-dolt…?” 
Looking up at Garnet, Weiss’ anger started to dwindle down in time to see Garnet standing before her. His appearance suddenly putting her off, as his taller frame, mixed with his crazed look in his eyes. Made the costume-clad Schnee feel very small all of a sudden. Though that didn’t stop the heiress from maintaining her stern gaze at him, even if it was weakened. 
“W-Well? Aren’t you going to say anything?” She said, her voice wavering a bit under the wild gaze.  
“Holy Shit...” That was all Yang could say to the scene before her. Being the only girl left compared to the limp bodies littered all over the floor or bed inside of Garnet and Ruby’s bedroom. Weiss and Blake joining Ruby in her cock drunk high state, completely out of it as their holes leaked with Garnet’s seed. 
Weiss had been the first to go down, pulling her close and smashing his lips against hers. Garnet’s actions on the ivory-haired beauty managed to sap all of her strength away considerably. The dominance behind his kiss, acting like some sort of makeshift drug to the girl. Prompting soft moaned to leave her, a ripe blush forming on her flustered face. Before she knew it, her back was against the wall, her body pressed up against Garnet’s, the scantily designed costumed provided easy access for Garnet. Who pulled off the bottom half, tossing it aside before plunging his still hardened cock into Weiss’ core. 
A cry of pleasure and pain from the massive cock left the girl as she helplessly bounced up and down like a whore on her roommate’s dick. Her legs held up by the boy in question while her hands dug into the wall behind her. Letting loose a serious of moans and screams throughout the room that Yang and Blake didn’t even know Weiss had been capable of making. Which only grew more perverse and slutty as the cock drilling inside of the petite Heiress, brought deeper into the depths of depravity and lust. Feeling her bouncing legs from Garnet’s hold and wrapping it around the boy’s powerful waist. Her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. Not even caring that her stunned friends were witnessing her in this unsightly state; her mind long since shattered from the pleasure washing throughout her entire body. 
Once Garnet brought the two of them to their limit, Weiss’ visible toes curled up tightly. Breaking her kiss with Garnet to let out another whorish scream as she and the stud pounding her reached a simultaneous climax. Her juices creaming all over the fat cock lodged inside of her while Garnet pumped a hefty load of his pearly white jizz into Weiss’ folds. The amount just as much as he unloaded into Ruby, causing a thin stream to run down the lithe girl’s thigh and drip onto the floor. Weiss going limp in Garnet’s arms as the teen pulled out of her. Letting her body slid to the floor in a twitching daze. 
That’s when Blake decided to step in, but much to Yang’s surprise, it wasn’t to stop the boy. Blake instead coaxed him, wanting him to do the same thing he had done to Ruby and Weiss, unto her. The sight of Garnet taking her two friends so aggressively like a wild animal turned her on to no end. Even causing her to pull him into a heated kiss; shuddering excited with no form of resistance as Garnet ripped parts of her skimpy costume off of her body. Managed to somehow get onto the bed, where Yang’s little brother started fucking her Doggystyle. 
Yang had to admit, hearing and seeing the normally level-headed Blake lose herself to her lust, was actually really hot. The dark-haired girl was definitely letting the faunus part of her heritage take control. Having the girl shaking her hips and ass like a woman possessed, meeting it halfway with Garnet’s powerful thrusts. Her large chest smushed against the bed; her face contorted into absolute bliss. Letting out a yelp then moan when Garnet grabbed her by her hair and yanked roughly, causing the girl to seize up and clench his did tightly. 
Soon it wasn’t long before Yang witnessed her friend reached a bone-rattling orgasm with Garnet. The boy letting out a grunt, as he creampied yet another one of his friend’s cunts. Smiling, Yang finally started walking towards Garnet, whom she noticed, was beginning to come down from his lustful frenzy. Looking a little confused and stunned at what happened. 
“Wait, what did I…?” He jumped when he felt a pair of large breasts press up against his back.
“Seems like you came down from your little sex crusade,” Yang smirked, giggling cutely whilst wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him close. Running a finger down the fabric of Garnet’s now messy costume. “I hope after all of that, you still have some leftover for me.” She purred with a small salacious grin. 
“You… planned this…” Garnet said between labored pants. 
“Jeez Garnet,” Yang laughed. “You make it sound like some sort of sinister plot when you phrase it like that. Though...” Yang gently moved his head to make him face her. “Would you believe me if I said, Ruby and the others had a part in this, too?” 
Garnet looked at his unconscious sister and friend stunned, before back to a grinning Yang. “W-What?” 
“Who knows, it might be just the words of a playful little witch this evening.” Yang winked. “Now are you going to just sit there, or am I going to get a piece of this alpha dick tonight as well?” She said, grabbing and stroking off, the still amazingly hard member. “Seems you’re good for at least a few more- Eep!” 
Yang jumped as she was pushed flat on her back, Garnet looking at her with lust and a grin on his face. Yang could feel her heart skip a beat as her baby bro yanked off her costume’s top. Letting her massive tits pop out and bounce freely, her thighs rubbing together with excitement, her arousal already soaked clean through her panties. 
“You’re a cheeky little blonde aren’t you?” Garnet smiled. 
“O-Only for you.” Yang panted softly, feeling Garnet peel her wet panties off and tossed them aside. Spreading her legs, and using two fingers to open her lower lips. She felt him stab his cum coated member into her. Her walls slowly spreading, taking her brother in inch by thick deliciously throbbing inch. 
“H-Holy fuck!” She gasped, gripping the bedsheet underneath her as Garnet started plowing. Her tits bounced wildly, her hips slapping against lewdly, filling the air and mixing with the prominent moans already beginning to leave Yang. Her tight walls already drenched, squeezing down tight wanting to keep his cock deep inside of her as much as possible. Yang reached up and pulled Garnet close to her, smothering the boy deep inside soft bosoms. Her legs wrapping around the powerful small stud’s waist. 
Garnet groan muffled in between the valley of Yang’s chest. His pace and speed of thrusting picking up. The very tip of his shaft kissing Yang’s womb entrance, rubbing along the sweet spots in the process. 
“F-Fuck, y-yes, like that Garnet! Harder, Hard- Mmph!” Garnet silenced her with a passionate kiss, the sibling’s tongues fighting for dominance. Their bodies drawing closer to their climax impending climax, unaware of the three other girls slowly coming to. Slowly attempting to pick up their weakened bodies from either the floor or bed. 
Feeling Garnet stabbed her sweet spot once again, Yang let out a muffled squeal as her folds coiled around him like a snake. Tightening up and cumming all over her brother, her juices spraying all over. But that didn’t stop Garnet in the least, riding through the climax. He soon repositioned himself, lifting up Yang’s legs and pinned them to her sides. Effectively putting the girl in a mating press, giving everyone a nice view of her ass. The healthy skin-colored rear rippling from the impacts of Garnet’s balls slapping against it. 
“N-Ngh, Yang! I’m-” Garnet couldn’t even finish his sentence as he came. Burying his cock balls deep inside of her, piercing into her womb and flooding it with his hot creamy baby batter. Yang’s lilac eyes rolled slowly in her head, her mind becoming hazy with euphoria. Garnet remained still, his cock throbbing with each spurt as the last of his discharge was pumped into his older sister. Panting heavily at the release, slowly pulling out, his cock now starting to soften after four heavy ball draining loads. He looked down at Yang, who was panting, struggling to catch her breath. But had a satisfied smirk grace her soft lips. 
“Heh, you didn’t hold back did ya?” She commented, looking down at her oozing pussy. Even after cumming four times, her brother could still let out this much? Talk about stamina. “But don’t think we’re done just yet.” 
“Eh?” Garnet blinked before feeling Blake, Weiss, and Ruby started to rub up against him. With grins and seductive looks on their faces. 
“We can consider this your’s and Ruby’s extra special presents,” Yang smirked, rubbing her chin. “I hope you still some left in ya. Cause now that you claimed all of us; we’re not gonna stop until you successfully ‘Megabusted’ inside each and every one of us. And keep it up until you brought our HP doing to Zero. Our cute little Megaman.” She giggled with a tap on his nose for emphasis. 
Garnet blushed as he realized the situation he was now in. The redness on his face deepening as he felt Ruby and the others pressed their bodies into him more. Each one, eager to get their turn with him the crimson-haired boy first. And yet, despite him being complete terrified at what would happen next. His body couldn’t help but twitch in excitement. Happy and eager for what the rest of the Halloween night would entail. Something the girls couldn’t help but take notice too. 
“Seems we’re in agreement then.” Yang hummed with a pleasant filled smile, looking at the twitching cock. “Now then. How about we get you all comfortable, huh?” 
And for the rest of the night, loud moans and screams of pleasure would be heard coming from the Team RWBY household. As a new annual Halloween tradition would be born that night. 
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hasbrobear · 6 years
How Jaune met Neo(my version, its a bit long though)
Ren:Why are we here again?
Jaune:Because today the shops having a 20 percent discount on Neapolitan ice cream.
Ren:We already have Strawberry, chocolate and vanilla at beacon.
Jaune:But this is Neapolitan. Now stay here I bet there's one more inside.
Jaune walked in and went to the ice cream section and saw his prize. A small Tub of Neapolitan ice cream. Sure it was for one person but ice cream is filling. As he grabbed it another hand came in contact with his. It was a small black gloved hand.
Jaune:Hello. Do you mind?
Jaune didn't like this. Someone wanted to take his ice cream! Only Ruby can do that. He got a better look at the person and it was a short girl. Like really short possibly shorter than Nora. And she had the same colors as the ice cream he wanted. With pink and Brown pupils. Getting tired of the no answers he took the ice cream and walked to the cash register.
Jaune:Huh. Weird.
He kept walking until a hook went around his ankle and tripped him. He let go of the ice cream as it was taken by Neo who had her parasol out.
Jaune:Hey that's mine!
She stuck her tongue at him and walked towards the register. Only for him to grab her by the waist and throw her to the other side of the aisle. She recovered quickly and glared at him.
Jaune:Alright. Just let me get the ice cream and no one gets hurt.
As he said that an old man walked on the other side and slipped over some water.
Old man:Ow my back!
Jaune:Except him.
She took the challenge and held the ice cream under her arm and motioned him to come at her. He did and ran until she gracefully maneuvered around him making him run into the cheese table. He got up and spat the string cheese out of his mouth and ran at her again. She jumped over him again but her small ankle was grabbed as he threw her into the meat aisle. She landed on a turkey and the ice cream went flying above her. He made for it only to get a foot the the chin as it fell on his head as the ice cream fell to Neo. But before she could grab it he moved his arms and got the ice cream. She kicked his side and got on his shoulders like a Jockey and scratched at his eyes which were protected by his aura.
Jaune:Agh! GET OFF ME!
He moved the ice cream out of her arms reach as she kept punching and scratching his face.
Having enough Jaune slammed his head into a glass door breaking it as she went in and let go. She kicked his ass making him fall face first into the floor letting there ice cream slide on the floor. Jaune crawled towards it only to be stepped on by her. She got the ice cream but was tackled into the milk aisle. Thinking fast Neo grabbed a milk jug and slammed it into Jaune’s face. It broke and exploded the milk into his face. Blinded momentarily Neo kicked his stomach but he grabbed her wrist and spun her into the sea food section. Cleaning The milk out of his eyes Jaune got the ice cream and grabbed the tail of a lobster. He wasn't going to use real weapons. Neo saw this and grabbed a handful of live shrimp and threw them at him. He smacked them away and threw the lobster at her but she opens her parasol and it bounced off. She ran towards him and jumped over his head grabbing the Ice cream then planted a crab into his pants.
As the crab nipped at his butt cheeks and thigh but he let out a long and Girlish scream as it used its claws on his Privates.
Jaune:Ow! Ow! Ouch! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
He quickly ripped it out and threw it at the back of Neos head which knocked her to the floor. He then jumped onto her and grabbed the ice cream but she got the upper hand and flipped him over with her legs on his sides and kept pulling on the ice cream. Behind them a customer walked in and saw this but his perspective thought the wrong thing and started recording it.
Jaune:Cmon! Give it to me you small multi colored girl!
Neo glared and head butted him only to regret it cause his aura was stronger. He smirked and took the Tub and slide it across the floor and Neo placed both hands on the side of his head as she went for another headbutt but but Jaune grabbed her face. She opened her mouth and bit onto his thumb making him yell loudly.
She then crossed her legs around his hip and started squeezing hard. And guy would get the wrong idea if they saw them from behind. Like the one with the scroll on record. Jaune the let go of her and went for his own headbutt and as the heads collided they both fell. Jaunes head fell back as Neos was on the crook of his neck. He groaned as his head started to hurt. The guy kept recording as Jaune threw her off of him gently and crawled towards the ice cream. She did the same and it was like a race between turtles as they kept going. Once there they both put a hand on it. They looked at each other and exchanged death glares. Until they both fainted. The guy laughed hard as he uploaded the video on Dustube.
30 minutes later
Jaune woke up and saw the ice cream on the ground. He got it and slowly got up and wobbled towards the cash register where a young cashier waited there. He smiled and kept walking until Neo got on his back and put her legs around his stomach and squeezed.
He went to the cashier gagging and placed the tub on the register and threw a black Lein card. The cashier was scared and did the exchange and gave him his change back. He took it and let out a small groan as he walked outside and fell on his back into the pavement. Neo was still on his back and got crushed. After a couple minutes Jaune weezed out a couple words.
Jaune:Why don’t we share it?
She nodded as they both sat against the wall looking like hobos since their clothes were extremely messed up and dirty. He opened it as she took out a spoon as he did. They both blinked and chuckled. Well Neo looked like she chuckled and as Jaune removed the Top they were both met with a liquidy mix of the 3 flavors. It was a sloshed up light Brown mix. They stood silent for a moment until Jaune sighed and took a spoonful into his mouth. She looked at him as he let the taste sink in. He gulps it and looked at her.
Jaune:Not bad.
She greedily takes a spoonful and another.
Jaune:Hey! Don’t eat it too fast!
He then went and ate some more. It was a nice exchange between Freinemies.
At beacon
Ren went into his dorm sighing. His leader took so long that he just left. He saw Nora and Pyrrha laughing at Nora’s scroll as they watched a video. Ren went and saw, his eyes widened as he saw Jaune and another girl on top of him with her legs around his hips from a back Perspective. He then heard Jaune yell from far away.
Jaune:OH NO!
Ren laughed also once he saw the name of the video.
In RWBYs dorm Yang laughed at the video while Weiss chuckled lightly and Blake was writing it down in a book. Ruby stood still promising to chew Jaune out for this. It got more intense once the couple in the video both did the headbutt and fell unconscious.
Back at the store
Jaune finished the ice cream with his new frienemey as they sat against the wall like a homeless couple. A random man walked past and dropped a few Lein into the Empty bowl. Neo sent him the bird and stood up with Jaune offering his hand.
Jaune:Nothing like eating some ice cream.
She nodded and got a piece of paper then a pencil and wrote on it. She then gave it to him and smiled sinisterly. He took it and saw the name NEAPOLITAN
Jaune:So that's your name. Suits you. I'll call you Neo.
He looked at the back and saw an address and her number and blushed at the message.
He placed the paper in his pants and saw that she was gone. He sighed and walked to beacon humming to himself not knowing his fate at the hands of a pissed Rose.
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fadingemeralds · 7 years
Pyrruby - Carving Hearts
“... so then she said “I thought it was a nice jester” but the others didn’t find it very funny I guess.” Ruby shrugged, setting down the pumpkin on the newspaper-covered table. “And that’s how we got kicked out of the venue. Weiss wasn’t happy with Yang, but I think they reconciled by now.” Pyrrha caugt herself staring a second too late to not make it awkward. She cleared her throat. “Yang seems to have a talent for that. Getting you kicked out of places, I mean.”
“Yeah… sis just has a temper. But it’s okay, most of the clubs that ban us weren’t that great to begin with. If all else fails, Blake can call her girlfriend and get us in. She owns half the town. The part that doesn’t belong to Weiss’ sister, I mean.” Ruby shot her a smile and she swore she could hear her heart skip a beat. “You can put yours down on the table too, you know”, she added as an afterthought, pointing to the pumpkin that was still comfortably nestled in her arms.
“Aren’t we gonna… crack them or something?”, Pyrrha asked, confused. It was getting a little heavy.
Ruby blinked. “You.. you don’t crack a pumpkin, Pyrrha, uhm. It’s not a coconut. Have you never carved pumpkins before?”
“I… no, actually.” She sighed. I really just wanted to spend time with you. “We never really celebrated Halloween in my family. I never went trick-or-treating and I don’t think I’d survive one of those haunted houses you guys always go to.”
Ruby was rendered speechless for a second, her mouth half-open in shock and Pyrrha briefly panicked over the possibility that she might have offended her in some way or other.
But when her lips curved into the biggest, most elated grin and her eyes got that certain glint people feared so much, she suddenly had other things to worry about.
“This is awesome! I’m gonna make this your first and best Halloween ever, we’re gonna do so much fun stuff, I can’t wait! You’ll love it, I promise.” Pyrrha had trouble holding onto the pumpkin when Ruby more or less jumped at her, hugging and twirling her around.
Her own cheeks felt flaming hot for some reason.
“Ruby - the pumpkin -”
She backed off immediately, looking a little embarrassed. “Sorry, sorry, I got a little overexcited maybe. I just love my birthday season.” She took the pumpkin from Pyrrha and set it down next to her own before grabbing one of the chairs. Once she’d taken her place, she motioned Pyrrha forward.
“Come on, I’ll show you how it works.”
Slicing the pumpkin open would’ve been less difficult if Ruby wasn’t guiding her hand, but the sensation of her skin pressed against her own, her hair brushing her cheek as she leaned over to hold the knife steady left Pyrrha tingly and warm and soft inside. And not a word left her lips.
She struggled not to let her disappointment show once Ruby was done.
“Scoop the pulp into that bowl over there, we’re going to turn it into pumpkin pie later. And we might even get to eat it if Yang doesn’t come home early”, she joked.
“Can you blame her? You’re a great baker, Ruby.”
Ruby smiled brightly and Pyrrha couldn’t help but notice the slight tinge of her cheeks under the halogen lights. Lights. Trick of the light.
“Alright, now take the marker and draw a face on the front of your pumpkin.”
She frowned. “Any face?”
“Yes. Well, it’s supposed to be scary, but you can make it friendly if you want.”
Pyrrha nodded absently, trying to draw something that looked remotely like a face. She wasn’t very good at this and it didn’t help that her eyes kept darting to the girl on her left, watching her screw her face up in concentration as she worked. It’s something she admired about Ruby. That she always put so much passion in everything she did.
Her pumpkin’s eyes weren’t the same size and his nose looked sad and crooked, but at least he had a face at all.
“Looks great, Pyrrha!”, Ruby piped before handing her a carving knife.
“Now make sure you don’t cut too close to the top or the bottom while you carve.”
Cutting out the face proved easier than expected and she actually started having fun with it - before she remembered what she had promised herself to do today.
Nervousness swept over her in a sudden, nauseating wave and the knife in her hand seemed to slip out of her grasp before she caught it with her fingertips inches away from the blade. Well, she was as good as done anyway.
Pyrrha hadn’t really planned how to go about this but she knew that if she didn’t do it soon, she’d never work up the courage again. But what to tell her? Ruby was stunning, sweet, brilliant and beautiful, she was all of these things but so much more and the sheer weight of trying to fit all of her feelings into a single sentence felt heavy on her shoulders.
Maybe she should just keep it simple. Ask her out like a normal person. After all, Jaune wouldn’t ler her hear the end of it if she messed this up. Pyrrha put down her knife.
“Ruby? There’s something I’d like to ask you.” Well, here’s your moment of truth, Pyrrha.
“Mh?” She looked up from her carving with a smile and she really wished her nerves wouldn’t start to flatter like mad just now. “What is it?”
Breathe. You can do this. You’ve done worse. “I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime?” The words felt rushed on her tongue, spilling onto the table in front of her as if she’d tipped over a glass of water, but she didn’t stutter, didn’t stumble, didn’t falter.
For an agonizing second, Ruby just stared at her. Pyrrha couldn’t help biting her lip. “What?”
The lump in her throat felt like ice. “A date. You and I.”
She could barely bear to look at her but she forced herself to keep her gaze steady.
Ruby cleared her throat. “I-I mean I… I’m… that’s… -” This time, Pyrrha was sure it was not just the lights that made her blush.
“It’s okay Ruby, if you don’t want to that’s totally -”
“No!”, Ruby hastily intercepted, shaking her head. “It’s not that. I just... I thought this already was... kind of... a-...a date?” She laughed nervously, looking anywhere but at her.
She frowned. Wait, what?
Pyrrha would’ve liked the world to swallow her whole. How had she misread the situation so completely? What in the world was wrong with her that she didn’t realize this earlier? “Oh”, she mumbled, averting her gaze. “Well now I feel very stupid.”
“Please don’t! I could’ve made it clearer I guess, I just.. you’re always so cool and nice and I thought you must’ve noticed for sure how much I’m into you by now and I was so happy when you accepted I kind of didn’t even stop to consider that maybe you didn’t think this was a date, so…” She trailed off, looking sheepish.
Pyrrha paused. Did she hear that right?
How much I’m into you.
Warmth unfurled in her chest, spread through her stomach into her knees and she was sure Ruby could see it on her face too but for once, she didn’t care. She liked her. Nora just lost her bet against Jaune. She liked her. How she imagined this to end, she wasn’t sure, but this felt surreal, too good to be true and if she was honest with herself, it might just be one of her favourite feelings.
She didn’t have a backup plan anyway.
Silence passed between them for a heartbeat, maybe three and when Pyrrha began to snicker, she was relieved to hear Ruby join in soon after.
“I can’t believe this was all just one big misunderstanding. I mean I was so nervous over nothing and - and now it turns out I simply misread the situation.” She shook her head in mild disbelief.
“You were nervous?” Pyrrha wanted to justify herself, but relaxed when Ruby added: “Me too.”
“Still, that doesn’t really answer my question”, she said, noticing the fresh blush colouring the other girl’s cheeks. It suited her so well.
Ruby sighed happily. “Yes, of course, I’d love to.”
Pyrrha glanced at the mismatched face of the Jack-o-Lantern before her and a giddy smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
“It already is the best Halloween ever.”
This story can also be found on AO3.
First day of spooky shorts! This was written with my friend @rampantlytyping in mind, hope you like it!
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Once Upon A Prompt: One
Prompt: [RWBY]
Arkos Power Play
As requested by reddit user Deathisrebirth:
Jaune dominates Pyrrha. Makes her wears outfits. Grabs her hair and face fucks her.
“Almost done?.” Jaune’s voice had cheerfully rung out as he smiled and sat on the edge of his bed, his eyes occasionally bouncing from one random object to another in their dorm. This seen was a very common one for the members of Team JNPR as it was a Tuesday. Tuesday had been the day that Nora insisted that Jaune and Pyrrha kept to themselves, being an incentive for Pyrrha in the past to try and admit her feelings to Jaune. And, boy, did she. What was once a fruitless venture of Pyrrha trying and failing to try and get the young Arc to try and look at her in a new light, the same light that she saw him in, had somehow one day bore fruit. She confessed her feelings, and after a brief amount of time for Jaune to look at his admittedly beautiful partner as more than just a friend, he returned the gesture on a later Tuesday.
But, as time would pass and their relationship blossomed, it became increasingly more apparent that both partners would draw odd looks from Nora and the rest of their friends, barring Ren and Blake, of course. They continued on for many weeks until one week Jaune found out from Ruby, who may or may not had sold her friends out for a box of cookies, that Yang, Nora, and somehow Weiss had all been placing bets on what the young couple did with their Tuesdays. After they confronted their friends, one thing led to another, and Nora and Yang bluntly admitted that they should be ‘bangin’ by now, and that was one of the only reasons Nora and Ren still left the room available on said days.
After defending themselves with words of awkward embarrassment and shallow words of supposed abstinence, the couple claimed that they never thought of it, which was met with different levels of doubt. But, with the thoughts now in their heads, Pyrrha admitted that should Jaune ever want to, she would be more than happy to advance their relationship. Needless to say, the young Knight was awestruck and positively blighted by nervousness. How could he not be with someone like Pyrrha?
But Pyrrha became adamant, seeing how Jaune not only doubted himself before even trying, he also distanced himself from her. She wouldn’t have that, she refused to lose what she tried so hard for to gain and make her own, especially over something as trivial as sex. It was a healthy thing, and everyone had needs they needed to take care of, and after a week of trying, she finally convinced him to give it a try.
She was blown away.
While it was obvious that they both enjoyed themselves, Pyrrha was astonished at just how amazing everything felt. She wasn’t sure if Jaune was just so amazing at it, or if her body had been longing for him for so long that it trained itself to accept whatever he did or tried with her. Whatever it was, she had to have more.
And more she would have as she eased into the conversation of kinks and fantasies, telling him that, once again, it had been a healthy step in a healthy relationship. While she was more than willing to announce hers to him, she was met with resistance from him as he claimed that she was perfect how she was and nothing needed to be done differently. And though she agreed that he already took care of her needs, her wants were another story that had yet to be opened. She gently pushed to learn more, trying to ease him until he was comfortable to admit of his guilty fantasies.
“Yes, I’m almost done!” Pyrrha called out from the bathroom which had the door creaked open to allow easy communication between the two, but not open enough for Jaune to see her like this. Pyrrha pushed and she prodded to squeeze something, anything out of him, and she could definitely say that she saw why he was apprehensive over the subject. She admitted to him that she wanted to feel him dominate her, and he admitted he wanted her to dress up into a certain outfit. Jaune told her that he could get it, so long as she agreed that she wouldn’t tell anyone and get mad, to which she eagerly promised.
Well, she wasn’t expecting this...
Jaune’s attention was pulled back to reality as he heard the door open further and the familiar sound of heels clicking off of the floor. The sound had truly been distinct… but not to Pyrrha’s heels. As he looked at her, he couldn’t keep his enjoyment hidden as his jaw dropped. “W-wow, I really owe Ruby for this one.”
Pyrrha stood before him, a playful smile donning her lips as she was adorned in Weiss’s typical combat uniform. And not just a replica, or even a larger set of the no doubt custom clothing, but the genuine article, snatched expertly by Jaune’s inside girl. The difference between Weiss and Pyrrha’s clothing preference was as apparent as their differences in stature, which was only even greater displayed given Pyrrha’s current attire.
Where Weiss stood 5’3” in heels, Pyrrha had been 6’0” in her own. Where Weiss’s dress went down to her thighs, it rested noticeably higher, riding up her much larger and supple legs by a few more inches and giving a better display to her creamy skin. The small piece of black lace that normally sat in front of Weiss’s necklace, that Ruby was unable to grab, had been stretched out while the dress scarcely contained Pyrrha’s much larger bust. Even the bolero clung to the Champion’s arms, barely even making it to the sides of her breasts. All around, the outfit was far too tight and almost seemed a bit childish on someone with Pyrrha’s strong, but womanly shape.
“Well… how do I look?” Pyrrha asked in a low, sultry tone as she slowly stepped towards him, swaying her wide hips in an almost exaggerated fashion that made the bottom of the dress bounce up with each step, giving him a glimpse of her white laced panties that left him wondering if Ruby stole those, too.
As he looked at her, Jaune admitted that the thought of Pyrrha in Weiss’s outfit seemed almost like a joke to put on her when written down on paper, but to actually see her in it, not even including whenever she was in motion, was really getting his blood pumping. A thrill slowly made its way up his back and he gave the covers beneath him the smallest of squeezes as he found his pants becoming increasingly cramped.
“Like a Queen.”
“Oh? I think I like hearing you say that..”
"Say it.." Pyrrha’s breathing had been hitched, her well experienced body trying to keep itself regulated. She found her knees to be trembling as they pressed against each other in the slightest of ways, her eyes would occasionally glaze over from the stimulation she'd been receiving, and finally she'd slowly been arching her back just at the right angle to push her large and firm rear out into view. These were all seemingly done unconsciously, as if her body know what she wanted, what she needed; even if she couldn't say it. Of course, he would notice these things.
He always noticed. Her body had been pressed against the wall, kept at an angle that allowed no comfort to her. His left hand had a powerful grasp along her long red hair as he'd been using that to pin her body, and more specifically her head, against the wall. With her arms bound by Weiss’s bolero, she was completely open and at his mercy. "J-Jaune, please..." Pyrrha’s voice had been shrill as she turned her head back towards him as best she could, her green eyes big and bright as the build up of tears threatened to ruin what was left of her make up. "Please don't make m-" Pyrrha’s eyes winch shut as she bit her lip from the sensation of Jaune giving her big ass a firm smack, causing it to bounce and shake from the impact. The skirt of the dress had been hiked up a bit further to expose her rear to his prying eyes and his harsh punishment. Pyrrha’s breathing accelerated at the sharp sting and her body trembled. She panted and kept her eyes closed, trying her best to keep from whimpering like the weak pet she'd become whenever she'd so much as touch him. "Try again." His tone was uncharacteristically serious, but so familiar to Pyrrha. His cobalt eyes were glaring down at her statuesque body that’d been confined in an outfit at least two sizes too small, so cultivated by years of hard work, so well maintained. It was all his now, and she knew it. She begged him to make it his, begged him to claim her and begged him to do everything he wanted to do to her. Built up saliva slowly drip down from her lips as she panted, her creamy breasts rising and falling in the tight, white dress with each labored breath. She couldn’t handle much more, she desperately wanted him to just fuck her already, to give her the mind-numbing orgasm that he threatened her, but would let slip away whenever she could feel its maddening embrace. It was always like this. "Jaune..." This time, Pyrrha squealed and pressed against the wall when Jaune gave her ass another harsh slap, making sure to hit the same exact spot that now burned and left a large red mark, an imperfection on her smooth and creamy skin. Tears welled up in Pyrrha’s eyes as she pressed her face against the wall, her forehead driving against it as her body shook from the pain and the following pleasure. "I told you to beg for it, we both know just how badly you want it.” Jaune said, finding the sight of her trembling, loving that she so desperately pressed herself against the wall to try and escape anymore punishment yet pressed her now burning red ass back against him just as frenzied.
“Look at you, you're already trembling and whimpering just from getting your fat ass spanked." He continued, now leaning in closer, each word that escaped his mouth being directed towards her ear. He was so close now, so close he could feel the heat that radiated off of her and smell the light sheen of sweat that had been developing on her body from the past thirty minutes of 'training'. He chuckled at how stubborn she could be, having seen this song and dance so many times, yet it never bored him. He found it thrilling to take his 'Invincible' partner, who was no doubt leagues more skilled than he still was, and put her in her place. The place she wanted. Even if he wasn't fucking her to his heart's content, enjoying how tight and soaking she'd be around his cock and how she used them to try and milk out load after thick, creamy load, Jaune still got an insatiable power high from pinning her down, spanking, groping, and turning her powerful body into little more than puddy for him. It was addictive, and that's why he couldn’t truly care whether she begged or not for his fat cock to fill her up just right. But, that’d be a reward, and bad girls couldn’t get rewards. They got punished, punished with spankings, punished with being forbidden to reach their peak, and punished with a good time for someone else.
“You know, if you don’t speak up, Pyrrha, I’m going to find a use for that mouth of yours.” Jaune nearly growled into her ear, the captive redhead gasping and sucking in air through clenched teeth as the blonde’s fingers slowly trailed over the red marks on her shapely ass. The skin had been sensitive to the touch as blood rushed their, the sensation alone being enough for the poor girl to shake, a deep tingling dancing up her spine.
When Pyrrha still said something after a few seconds even as her eyes met his, he decided that she didn’t want it at all. Instead, he gripped her hair much tighter and pulled her face off of the wall as he forced her back to arch before he gave her ass a powerful and rough smack, then another, then another, and one final slap, each met with her literally squealing and screaming out for dear life at the sharp sting. The tears spilled down her cheeks from all the movement as she’d been bouncing on her toes in short but powerful spasms, her legs shaking and her back arching even further. Pyrrha could do nothing but cry from the burning on her rear, the abused skin alight from each punishing strike that left it a vibrant red in contrast to the rest of her skin. The strong Champion sobbed and whimpered, the tears that now so freely streamed down her cheeks, bleeding her makeup with them, were born the the sharp pain of being spanked so hard and thoroughly, and the pleasure of it all. Pyrrha didn’t care how deprived she was, she wanted more, she wanted to be treated like the bad little girl that she was when she was with Jaune.
Without being any ounce of gentleness, Jaune all but forced Pyrrha down onto her knees and turned her around towards him. He was greeted with the sight of her eyes slightly swollen and red from crying, but she’d been panting as if she put her body through a marathon, each breath being so heated with excitement that he swore he saw steam. As she sat on her knees, she bit her lip and looked at him, her eyes unwavering, begging for more. He had to admit, he was having fun being a bit rough with her, but he couldn’t explain why he so easily went along with the idea of doing things to this level with his girlfriend. He long since abandoned the idea of holding back as he’d only get lies of she enjoyed herself or she was completely satisfied.
There was only one way to guarantee that Pyrrha had been utterly satisfied, and that was him to push her boundaries, constantly remind her that until she said stop, or no, all was fair and accepted and she was worth as much to him as a cheap toy. And because of that, as Pyrrha was down on her knees, her ass sore and abused, her arms tied behind her back, and her breathing being as frantic as it was, Jaune lifted up his hand, and brought it down directly against her cheek.
Pyrrha’s heartbeat spiked as her breathing stopped, her eyes winch closed and her body nearly gave out, a powerful wave of tingling shock cascaded down her spine. She wept, her lips quivering as she felt the amazing heat coming from her cheek, the pleasure causing her to double forward as she squeezed her knees together, soaking Weiss’s panties in her own hot juices. But, as she tried to move, Jaune’s hand snapped up and gripped her by her cheeks, squeezing as he lifted her head back up towards him. “What did I tell you, huh? If you won’t do anything useful with that dirty mouth of yours, I’ll give it a use.”
Pyrrha took in what breaths she could like this, her panting having evolved into loud huffing as her head was swimming. Her vision blurred and she nearly lost her balance with each sway of her head, but Jaune kept her grounded. Oh, how she loved this. Oh, how she loved him. As she drifted from consciousness and to the innate, almost primal state of euphoria, she was suddenly brought back when she felt something long and thick smack against her face. With a few confused blinks to bring the life back into her eyes, Pyrrha had become absolutely delighted at the realization that she’d now been greeted with Jaune’s hard and throbbing cock pressing against her cheek. She marveled at the heat it gave off as she drank in the manly scent in deep breaths until she’d uncontrollable let her tongue slip out of her panting lips. She gulped, her gaze fixated on each fat vein and pulse. Then, almost on cue with a silent command, she tilted her head back and opened her mouth, letting the upsurge of hot saliva drip down from the tip of her tongue, staining Weiss’s dress. She fought back a few gulps, desiring to keep her mouth nice and lubricated like a hot bath just for Jaune’s member.
Jaune watched as his deprived girlfriend made herself available for the punishment that he was sure she no doubt expected back when her mind was rational. It was invited, he had to admit, and would love to take things slow and just ease things in and enjoy her hot mouth, but he had other plans. He gripped her now disheveled and messy red strands of hair tightly, angled her head just right, and looked her in the eyes once more. Then he roughly, and unceremoniously, drove his hips forward, driving each thick inch down into her waiting throat, his pulsing cock now all the way into the tight, squeezing embrace with one just thrust.
Apologies to reddit user, Deathisrebirth, as this was all I was willing to write for just a prompt. I do hope that you enjoyed it all the same.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
*rolls eyes* Then you won’t be bothered if I “shit post” back.
*Open at a dining table. WY+RNR are currently seated, and nibbling on food while waiting for the others*
Yang: So, what have you guys been up to?
Ruby: Oh, you know. Training. Learning new things.
Weiss: Oh! So, have you learned how to control that weird eye thing that you did back at Beacon?
Ruby: No… Ozpin said that I should learn how to do Hand to Hand combat.
Weiss: Ozpin’s dead, Ruby.
Yang: You’re more willing to take advice from a dead guy over your own sister? What about the time when I tried to teach you how to fight without your weapon?
Ruby: Yang, at the time, the world wasn't on the brink of destruction and I wasn’t fighting anything smarter than a dumb animal. I just wanted to use my dear Crescent Rose because she meant so much to me and because that's where I felt at home with. Now I don’t really have a chance if I wanna help people. Not mention I think Ozpin is probably a better fighter than you.
Ren: *looks at Weiss* Wait, how do you know about Ruby using her Silver Eyes? You weren’t there and you couldn’t have talked to Qrow.
Weiss: ... Um, Qrow told me?
Nora: *narrows eyes at Weiss* And he didn’t tell you about Ozpin?
Weiss: Um... Moving on! Ren!
Ren: That’s kinda complicated. See, Ozpin-
Nora: He ended up inside a fourteen-year-old kid!
Weiss: *Spits out tea*
Yang: *coughing* What?
Ren: Well, more accurately, his soul reincarnated into him. It’s apparently a curse that he has.
Yang: That’s still a bit creepy…
Weiss: Not as creepy as your sister when she’s scarfing down a box of cookies.
Ruby: Weiss!
Weiss; What?
Nora: Seriously, why did you go and insult your partner like that? That is NOT cool!
Ren: And to answer your concerns Yang: We did find it creepy at first. But with everything that is going on, we moved it aside and focused on what matters. I am concerned about how you didn’t question HOW Ozpin got into this situation in the first place...
Yang: Uh... Leyt’s keep it moving!
Yang: Where is this kid? I want to meet him.
Ruby: He’s out training with Jaune. Working on unlocking his semblance.
Weiss: What about you? Ren, I’m sure you could work on endurance. Did Ozpin already help you out with that?
Ruby: Um, Weiss? You’ve seen how Ren fights. With the jumping and the kicking karate-ing. How is doing that for so long not endurance? Do you mena durability?
Weiss: Well, I guess I do ...*Sees everyone leer at her suspsciously* Well, the thing is-
Jaune enters the room.
Jaune: Ugh! Training is hard! Can’t we find some other way to unlock my semblance?
Ozpin: Unfortunately not, Mr. Arc. This is something that you must do on your own, without help.
Ruby: Jaune, are you okay?  You’ve never had a problem with training before.
Jaune: I’m fine Ruby. I was trying to convince someone *glares at Ozpin* that if I couldn’t unlock my Semblance with my team helping me, why does he expect me to do it on my own?
Ozpin: Good point Jaune, I’ll help you out next time
*Team RNR looks on with success while Weiss and Yang make faces at Jaune*
Jaune: *Sits nest to Weiss* So, Weiss… How have you been?
Weiss: I’ve… Been… Better…
Jaune: WOW, why so hostile?
Weiss: Hmph, like you don’t know harasser.
Jaune: WHAT?! How was I hitting on you? You looked beat up, I thought some chit chat would help! I’m not getting romantic, not...after...Pyrrha...
*Ren and Nora look at Jaune sadly while Ruby glares at Weiss.*
Yang: Did Ozpin’s voice just come out of that kid?
RNJR: Yep.
Weiss: and, none of you find this at all disturbing?
Ruby: Weiss. The world is ending. Haven is gonna be attacked. there’s a woman out there who wants to destroy humanity and kill everything we hold dear. I’ll listen to a green god-alien if I have to.
Qrow enters the room
Qrow: So, how was your trip?
Jaune: Yeah, I heard about your mom. She apparently has some girl hostage-
Yang: Wait! You told them?
Jaune: Told us what?
Yang: How long have you even known Jaune?
Qrow: I dunno. A few weeks. Maybe a month or two.
Yang: So, let me get this straight. I keep asking you for literally anything that could help me get closure on why Raven left me for nearly ten years, and you’re basically as vague as she is when it comes to this stuff, but you know three-fourths of them for a few weeks at least, and you tell them most of everything?
Ruby: Yang, I told them. You think I didn’t know about her after we nearly died looking for her? 
Qrow: And even if I did, THIS is precisely why I never said anything to you. You’re too immature. Raven would have taken all that angry and resentment against her and use it to manipulate and control you. I would bet all my booze she tried that with you, canned speech about how strong you became to find her and all. *Yang looks down stubbornly* yeah, that’s what I thought. In all honesty, I’m surprised you aren’t serving her now.
Yang: Fuck You QROW!
Ozpin: Now Yang, there’s no need to be irrational-
Yang: How old is that kid again?
Ruby: He’s fourteen.
Weiss: Doesn’t he have a family? Do they know what’s going on?
Ozpin: Well, the thing is- *stops talking as if hearing some. He mutters a few answers before closing his eyes and Oscar resumes control*
Oscar: There we go. And to answer your question Weiss, no I didn’t. But that’s because I wouldn’t be able to help the world like I wanted to, like Ozpin allowed me to.
Weiss: You mean the guy who hijacked your body to-
Oscar: Hold on, what are you saying? Ozpin never forced me to do anything, I CHOOSE this. yes, he talked to me about it and yes it was sudden when we met. But I’ve come to accept this as my role to paly for the world. And I’m happy to do it.
Weiss: Yang, are you finding it a bit… unsettling that our headmaster is inside a farmboy and made him leave his family?
Yang: Incredibly. What was the justification for making that family worry?
Qrow: The fate of the world?
Weiss: Fate of the world won’t matter much to a family that probably thinks their son is dead.
Oscar: And the family won’t matter much if the world is destroyed and they die, except I’ll have KILLED hundreds of thousands. It was my choice, stop using me to attack Ozpin!
Weiss: *Wanting to change the subject* S-so Ruby…. How was your trip?
Ruby: It could have been better. We had to walk all the way to a town called Kuroyuri, and Ren got all weird, and then some weird scorpion faunus attacked me, but it was alright. Qrow saved me at the last minute.
Yang: How?
Qrow: Yang, you know why I was able to do that. In fact, when you got here you said you were DEPENDING on me being close to Ruby to make it to her. *narrows eyes* WHy are you so surprised?
Yang: Uh....
Weiss: Well, from what I heard, you were using them as BAIT so-
Ruby: HANG ON JUST A MINUTE! Qrow WASN’T using us as bait! He didn’t even know who that scorpion guy was! He was PROTECTING ME! Something you didn’t try at for months.
Weiss:Well, I still think Ozpin is at fault here. Right Jaune?
Jaune: Oh NOW you want me to speak to you?
Weiss: Just hurry up and tell us about what Ozpin did to Pyrrha.
Jaune: Yeah, I’’m not happy with what Ozpin did o Pyrrha, or how Qrow helped him. *Oscar and Qrow look away* But *they look back at him* They both admitted to their mistakes and really, everyone makes mistakes. They do, you do, I do. The best thing we can do is just make the most of them...Pyrrha taught me that...
*Qrow puts a hand on Jaune’s sholder” 
Qrow: Thanks kid. It’s more than I deserve.
Ozpin: *inside Oscar’s head* As well as I.
Weiss: …
Yang: …
Nora: So, who’s in the mood for food? I know I am!
Yang: Raven! I know you’re listening! I change my mind! Take me back!
Raven: *Via portal* *Grabs Yang*
Qrow: *Grabs Raven and flings her out of the portal* Okay Sis, you are gonna tell me what the hell you did to my niece and her friend NOW!
Raven: I didn’t do anything!
Qrow: Right, like I’m to expect my niece somehow suffered about twenty blows to the head when I wasn’t looking! Because Yang would know better than to pull all of this. She wouldn't do any of this. So tell me or so help me Oum above won’t e able to stop m-
*Weiss and Yang burst in, kicking and striking the first set out of the window*
Everyone: WHAT?!
Weiss: Sorry for that everyone, we found out that Salem sent some Doppelganger Grimm in our forms here.
Nora: So wait, the people we ere talking to...were Grimm?
Yang: Yep.
Ren: It does explain why they barely even acted like you two.
Ruby: I knew Yang wouldn’t be that petty or Weiss wouldn’t be that much of a jerk...anymore.
Weiss: HEY!
Raven: Well, now that’s take care of, I’ll just be taking my daughter and-
Yang: Shut up mom.
Dudeblade, we both know damn well that this isn’t a shitpost. That would imply that you don’t support a thing said here and your blog shows that eveyr opinion expressed and forced here is yours.
This isn’t a shitpost, this is you YET AGAIN trying to use a fanfic to express your opinions as wholly valid without getting criticized.
And you wonder why you aren’t a popular writer...
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dyde21 · 8 years
An Arkos Valentine’s Day.
Pyrrha wandered through the hallways, trying to keep her clear thoughts of frustration and concern from her mind. Her partner had been mysteriously absent the past few days, and it was starting to get under her skin. At first, she thought he may just be in a mood and needed space. But as the days passed, he seemed to be around less and less and that was starting to worry her.
Memories of when Jaune found himself blackmailed by Cardin kept flashing through her mind. She hadn't heard the full explanation till after, but she knew the hell Cardin had put him through. All the assignments he made him do, all the errands he had him run. Of course Jaune had chosen to shoulder the burden by himself, rather than relying on his team. The fear of that happening again had given Pyrrha the resolve she needed. Rather than staying passive like last time, she would confront him and get to the bottom of the situation before he found himself facing Grimm alone again.
But, Pyrrha had faith in her partner. She knew he wasn't dumb, and he had learned from his experiences before. She had a feeling he wasn't in trouble, but whatever it was, she wanted to be there for him.
The fact that today happened to be valentines day was just a coincidence. After all, she was just bringing her partner chocolate in order to cheer him up potentially and show she is there for him. Team RWBY and JNPR had given each other chocolate as a group to each team. Part of Pyrrha wondered if Jaune had been worried about the day, and if he was moping because Weiss hadn't given him any special chocolate. Which both made Pyrrha relieved, and feel sorry that her partner would be facing yet another disappointment.
“Jaune, it's okay.” Ren's voice came from the kitchen nearby suddenly, causing Pyrrha to freeze.
“No it's not!” Jaune's voice snapped out.
“You're over thinking things Jaune. It's not a big deal. Take some time then head back to the room. We're starting to get worried.” Ren's still patient voice offered before he left the room, meeting Pyrrha face to face with a look of surprise.
“Pyrrha!” He said suddenly, before hushing himself.
“Is Jaune in there?” She asked curiously, taking a step. She was surprised when she felt Ren's grab her arm.
Seemingly thinking for a moment, he mulled over something. “Give him a minute before you go in there.” He offered. Noticing the box of chocolate Pyrrha was holding, he smiled. “Nora's going to be happy.”
Pyrrha just blushed, nodding meekly. She saw Ren leave with a small wave.
Taking a deep breath, she decided to listen to Ren and wait for a few moments. She heard the sounds of metal and plastic clanking against each other, and listened curiously. Jaune would let out exclamations of frustration, but after a little while of silence Pyrrha took another deep breath. Coughing once to let him know someone was approaching, he turned the corner.
Jaune's head snapped up at her voice. “Pyrrha!” He said in a panic, his voice cracking slightly. Clearing his throat, he quickly hid something behind his back.
“Hello again. Jaune, is everything okay?” She asked a bit hesitantly, approaching him slowly. “You ran off after our teams exchanged the group chocolate.”
Jaune smiled sheepishly. “Yeah I'm sorry. I had some things to do.”
Pyrrha noticed the stack of used baking bowls that were stacked up in the sink next to him.
“Jaune, were you... making chocolate?” She asked surprised.
Jaune's eyes looked down as he let out a sigh. “Yeah...”
Pyrrha thought for a moment. “Is that what you've been doing these past few days? Why you've been avoiding m... us?” She asked softly.
Eyes widening in surprise, Jaune quickly stepped forward, waving his arms back and forth. “I didn't mean to avoid you! Ugh, I'm sorry Pyrrha. I promise you I wasn't trying to. I was just trying to get it right...” He mumbled at the end.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Pyrrha was relieved to at least hear he wasn't trying to avoid her. She must have been over thinking things again, not an uncommon occurrence when she thought about him.
They both stood there in awkward silence for a moment, before the burning curiosity in Pyrrha got the better of her.
“So Jaune... did you happen to give the chocolate to anyone? Or did someone give you some? I saw you with quite a few boxes earlier.” She said carefully, trying to keep her fear and concern out of her voice. Jaune wasn't exactly the most popular guy out there, so she was surprised when he had stopped by the dorm earlier to drop off a few boxes of chocolate that he had gotten. Perhaps others were starting to notice him as well?
Jaune thought for a moment, before laughing. “Oh those! Those are from my family. My sisters all sent me some, I think they were just trying to make sure I wasn't the only one without some today. They're kind... in their own way.” He said with a bit of a sad chuckle.
Pyrrha let out a muted sigh of relief. “So what did you do with all the chocolate you made.” She pressed on, a little fidgety and feeling guilty for prying but she had to know. Her next actions depended on the answer.
Letting out another sigh, Pyrrha noticed his hands clench at his side. “It didn't turn out well, so I'm not going to give them to her. I tried to get advice from my sisters, but making chocolate from scratch is too difficult I guess.”
Pyrrha frowned, now she understood the frustration she had seen in Jaune recently. She knew how he took disappointment, and she felt bad baking seemed to be another skill he struggled with. One she could relate to him on.
Stepping forward, she pulled every ounce of courage she could.
“Jaune. These... are for you.” She forced herself to say, holding out the box of chocolates. They weren't hand made, but she had made the trip earlier to pick them out specially from a shop. Pyrrha knew from past experience that she was... not very good in the kitchen.
Jaune looked at her in surprise, his jaw dropping. “Are... are you sure? Thank you! You really are the best partner.”
Pyrrha shook her head. “Not as partners. Jaune... will you be my valentine?” She forced herself to say.
Jaune's brain stopped for the second time in thirty seconds. “Me?”
“Yes you, Jaune.” She said, suddenly shifting in place as her courage failed her. Maybe she could walk it back somehow?
“Yes...” Jaune croaked out meekly.
Snapping her head up, Pyrrha looked on in surprise.
“If it's fine.” He stammered out.
Pyrrha blushed. “Jaune, there is no one else who I'd rather have as my valentine.”
Jaune matched her blush. “I... see...” He stammered out nervously. Glancing over his shoulders, he sighed before grabbing something.
Holding out a plate of chocolates in the shapes of hearts, he offered it to her, his gaze shifting to the ground.
“I... I had planned on giving you these from the start. I said if I made them well enough that I would ask you. But... they didn't turn out well.” He confessed, wishing a hole would open up and swallow him.
Pyrrha felt her heart skip a beat. “Were these really for me?” She asked cautiously.
Jaune smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, I promise. I wouldn't lie like that.” He had started to feel feelings for his partner for a while now, having moved on from Weiss a while ago after the dance.
Pyrrha smiled. “I know.” Reaching over, she grabbed one of the chocolate hearts.
Eyes widening, Jaune shook his head. “No! You shouldn't. They aren't that good.” He said, reaching for it.
Smirking, Pyrrha just stepped back and popped it in her mouth. To be honest, she was expecting something awful, but was determined to show him it was fine. Her eyes widened in surprise. “These aren't that bad.” She said truthfully after a moment. Sure the flavor was a little off, slightly too strong towards dark chocolate for her taste, but certainly not the worst thing she had tasted.
Jaune just stared at her in surprise. “But I tried them. They aren't great.”
Smiling warmly, Pyrrha just closed the distance. She took the plate from him, leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek, causing them both to erupt in blushes.
“I love them Jaune, thank you.”
Clutching the ones she gave him closer to his chest, Jaune smiled as well. “Thank you for these Pyrrha. Happy Valentine's day.”
“Happy Valentine's day, Jaune.” She responded, feeling like her heart was going to beat out of her chest.
“Kisssssssss.......” A long drawn out whisper was heard from the hallway, causing them both to jump and look. They saw Yang peaking out from the doorway, snickering.
“Yang!” They scolded, causing her to flinch, before she fell down and the rest of team RWBY and JNPR collapsed on a heap next to her.
“All of you were spying on us!?” Jaune asked shocked.
Yang just laughed nervously. “We couldn't help it. We had been waiting for this for a while.”
“We've taken bets.” Nora explained cheerfully.
“I won.” Blake said with a slight smirk.
Pyrrha and Jaune just looked at each other, blushing madly as they gently set down the chocolate. Nodding at each other, they turned to the door and started chasing their friends. “You guys are the worst, if we catch you it's all over!” They threatened as they ran down the hallways, unable to suppress the smiles on their faces.
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day, whether single or taken! :D This is a little late but I had a bit of a weird night. I promise I’m almost done with the next chapter of my Mechanic!Jaune AU but it’s taking a while and I wanted to do something for this couple. The world can always use more Arkos. =P Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 4 years
Motion Sickness 180: Temptations (in the city)
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
We got pizza in the shopping center we were in and sat down for our lunch. Ruby got straight cheese and Weiss got peperoni and I got a garbage pizza. Weiss sat down and took a fork and knife to her slice on her plate. 
“Sometimes, Weiss, you make me want to flip tables and over the smallest things,” I said. 
“What do you mean?”
“Who eats pizza with a fork and knife. It’s pissing me off. Just pick it up and eat it.”
“It’s greasy. This dress is nice.”
“It’s. Pizza. Pick it up. And eat it,” I demanded. 
“What will you do if I don’t?” She challenged.
“I’m going to make you.”
“You think you can make me?”
“Yeah. Do it. Force my hand.”
“Make. Me,” Weiss took an elegant bite of pizza with her fork and gave me a cheeky grin. 
“Wow. The sexual tension you two have over the slightest things is absolutely crazy,” Ruby pointed out. “How often does this happen?”
“Occasionally,” I confessed.
“You should have been here when he took me out drinking,” Weiss agreed. “I got him really riled up.”
“This sounds like a story…” Ruby trailed. 
“We went out drinking together and she teased me like the whole night. She says ‘make me’ like that and she knows that I will make her beg. I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again. She likes it when I make her.”
“Only because I make you want me that bad. It goes to show that even when you’re the one in control, you’re not the one in control,” she gave a little shrug and a small smirk. 
I gestured at her with the business end of my pizza slice. “Smirk all you want with that little mouth. I’m going to grab you by the hair and make you use it.”
“Don’t be vulgar. You crossed the line,” Weiss tisked. 
“That wasn’t a ‘no.’”
“It certainly wasn’t a ‘yes.’” 
“I bet I could make you beg to suck my-”
“Alright! Okay. Maybe you can,” Weiss cut me off. “This reminds me, we have to take Ruby out drinking.”
“Yeah. Fuck me sideways I bet she turns into a chatterbox.”
“What? Are you trying to say I’m chatty?” Ruby pouted. 
“Quite the noise maker,” Weiss pointed with her fork. 
“Only when you’re relaxed. And I bet if I got you nice and relaxed you would talk my ears off.”
“And you want that?” Ruby asked.
“Yes,” Weiss agreed immediately with a sip of water. Even the way she sipped her water pissed me off. Pinkies up? Seriously? We’re in a mall.
“Yeah. I could listen to you talk about weapons or some other bullshit all day,” I agreed. “I bet you either start chatting about your special interests or you get all sleepy and adorable. I know Weiss turns into an utter tease.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Weiss asked.
“Not if you’re willing to take what you deserve,” I informed her. 
“Oh and I suppose you’ll give me what I deserve?”
“I will seriously make you beg. Can your pride take that, darling?”
“We’ll have to see.”
“Do it. Make me make you.”
“What if I told you that it isn’t a punishment.”
“I’ll have to do it harder.”
“Be gentle…” Ruby pleaded.
“With you, sweetheart, maybe. I make no promises because you’re such a snack I might have to devour you. You taunt and tease me.”
“How do I tease and taunt you?” Ruby wondered.
“You have the audacity to sit there and look like that and breath. It sexually frustrates me. You’re not a little girl anymore. You could at least act like you know that but instead you walk around looking absolutely delicious without a thought in your head about how hungry you’re making me.”
“Really. Ruby,” Weiss sighed. “You do it to me too. You make me want to make you wet.”
“Really?” Ruby repeated.
“She has no idea. And then she’s all like ‘be gentle.’ In that pouty adorable voice. How am I supposed to be gentle with that? She makes me want to be rough with her when she begs me to be gentle.”
“Like this?” Weiss asked. She took a second to prepare herself and reset for her attempt. She opened her eyes and batted them up at me. “Won’t you please be gentle with me? I don’t know that I could take it if you were rough…”
I took a long drink of water and stared her down. They were both waiting for me. I had to say something. 
“Yeah. A little like that. Except she is all genuine. You know what I mean? I know that you want me to actually be rough with you.”
“The fact I want you to be gentle with me makes you want to play rough?” Ruby asked. 
“Little bit. It’s a little bit sexy.”
“You shouldn’t have told me this…” Weiss muttered. “I already had everything I needed to drive you crazy. I didn’t know the ‘innocent princess’ bit would have so much appeal.”
“You utter fool. I want you to tease me. I like it when you tease me,” I pointed out. “Do it again and I will wrap your pretty little mouth around me.”
“Oh, I don’t know if I could handle that…”
“You’re a grown woman. You’ll be fine.”
“And you’ll be able to treat me like a woman?”
“I’ll treat you like an absolute princess. On her wedding night.”
“Hm,” Weiss gave that dainty shrug but her cheeks were a touch rosey. 
“You two need to bang.”
“And we’re gonna,” I promised. “It’s on my to do list. Right after we spit roast you.” 
“Why me?” Ruby whined. 
“Because you’ll love it. All that attention on you. You would lose your mind and I want to watch,” Weiss took another little bite of pizza with her fork. “Jaune told me about some time in Mistral where he made you look at him while you finished and I have never wanted anything more.”
“Her eyes got half closed and deep like she was flirting with passing out,” I said. “Her mouth dropped in a little ‘o’ like she was just a little surprised at her own body.”
“Mmm,” Weiss sighed and put her fork down and looked away. “Yeah. I’ll have some of that please and thank you.”
“You guys…”
“Poor thing,” Weiss pitied. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll take such good care of you, Rubes.”
“Will we?” Weiss asked.
“We’ll take her apart together, darling. I’ll let you be dominant for a bit.”
“I don’t need your permission,” Weiss returned. 
“Yeah you do,” I promised. “Or else it will be you I take apart. And why not? Ruby will do whatever I say. Maybe it should be you in the middle. That sounds like fun, I could set that up.”
“No, I want to do Ruby.”
“Beg,” I ordered. I glanced across the table to where Ruby sat next to Weiss. Ruby looked at Weiss with a look of something like amazement and shock at what I said. 
“You really like it when I beg, don’t you?” Weiss sighed. 
“You really like it when I make you, don’t you?” I returned. “It turns you on. Go on. Beg for me to share Ruby with you.”
“Does this feed your ego?” Weiss wondered. “Maybe Ruby and I should put you in the middle. Right Ruby?”
Ruby said nothing. I laughed. Yeah, it really fed my ego. Ruby said fucking nothing and Weiss glanced over at her and realized she was on her own. My ego just ate a feast when the realization hit her and she just swallowed. She wouldn’t get any support from Ruby. She looked back over at me and where I was just smiling.
“Go on,” I whispered.
She licked her lips. 
“Please,” she murmured quietly. She looked me in the eye and I knew that she knew what she was doing to me. “Please let me watch you take Ruby. Let me take Ruby with you.” She begged. Suddenly the front of my pants was awfully tight. 
“Yeah. This is going to be a lot of fun,” I said. I took a drink of water. 
“Was that a yes?” Weiss pleaded.
“Maybe you can earn a ‘yes,’” I agreed halfheartedly.
Weiss flicked her hair back and swished her chin to the side with her eyes closed. Then she ran a hand up my thigh under the table. The flat of her tiny palms stopped about midway up my knee. She looked back over at me with doe eyes. 
“Maybe you have some ideas?” She asked imploringly. 
“Wow…” Ruby trailed. Her cheeks were a real dark red. 
“Does our little banter turn you on? Sweetheart?” I asked. 
“Maybe she feels neglected,” Weiss asked. I felt Weiss’s hand slide off my leg. From her posture she ran her fingers up the inside of Ruby’s right thigh before coming to a rest. She slowly rubbed a circle into Ruby’s leg and Ruby turned as crimson as the tips of her hair. 
“Ah…” she actually panted. “Weiss please…we’re in public...”
“I haven’t done anything yet,” Weiss leaned over and bit Ruby’s ear gently by the lobe. 
Ruby let out a squeak and turned even darker. I leaned back and watched in fascination. “Poor Rubes. She just wants a little attention. Not too much. I asked you a question, sweetheart.”
“I don’t…”
“You don’t remember?”
She nodded a little. Weiss kissed her cheek. 
“I only asked you it a moment ago. Are you a little distracted maybe?”
“Come on Ruby, answer the question. Focus up,” Weiss pressed. “You need to pay attention.”
“Wh-what wa-was the question?”
“Does our banter turn you on? Does it get you wet?”
“Oh…” Ruby gasped at something Weiss did under the table. “Weiss-ss…” 
“Don’t worry, Jaune. I’ll fact check.”
“Well, does it Ruby?”
“I like it. It’s fun listening to you two…” she muttered. “I liked when you made her beg. That turned me on.”
“I think she likes all the attention. Do you like it, Ruby?”
“She’s lying,” Weiss informed me. “She likes it.” Weiss did something and Ruby jumped in her tight yoga pants.
“Y-y-you guys… it isn’t funny.”
“It’s a little funny,” I disagreed. 
“But it’s even more sexy,” Weiss whispered right in her ear. 
“Do you like teasing us? Rubes?”
“I-I-I’m not teasing you guys. You guys are the ones teasing me...”
“I recently learned some things about the female form,” I began. “I learned that it’s possible to make it hurt so good. I learned that for girls a good orgasm really can make you wax and wane out of consciousness. Now, I’m not an expert but it seems to me that when a girl finishes her next orgasm is even closer and more intense. How many times in a row would you have to finish before we started flirting with that line?”
“I-I-I-I....” Ruby stuttered off. “Weiss please…”
“You know? I’m curious too? Two or three gets pretty intense. Five or six would start to hurt. But it would hurt in a way that you kinda sorta want to keep going, if that makes sense. I’m not sure what would happen if you hit double digits.”
Ruby let out a low moan and shivered. 
“What do you say? Rubes? Want to shoot for ten?”
“Ten?” Ruby asked, sounding shocked. Her mouth transitioned into a little ‘o’ from whatever Weiss was doing to her.
“Like that? Was that how she did it?” Weiss asked.
“Yeah. It was a little like that. Except I was worried she was about to pass out. Look at her taunting us. She wants us to take her. Why else would she bait us like this?”
“She wants it. If she didn’t want it then she wouldn’t be flushing like that.”
“You’re… Weiss is the one teasing me. Weiss please you don’t have to take his side…”
“But I want to…”
“Weiss please…”
“Do you think we could make her beg for ten orgasms?” I asked. “Or would it just start to hurt at that point?”
“I don’t know. It definitely starts to draw the line between pain and pleasure. I bet we could. I bet we could make her beg for it. We could make her want double digits.”
“Well, sweetheart? Won’t you beg us for it?”
“Please… no… I don’t want it.”
“She is lying. She’s very much lying.” Weiss informed me. 
“Is that true? Would you lie to me Ruby?” I wondered. “Really? You think she’s lying, Weiss?”
“She is definitely lying. She wants it. I guarantee it.” 
“How can you tell?” I wondered.
“Oh, Jaune, a girl just knows.”
“Huh. Ruby, sweetheart, why would you lie like that? It’s only going to make things harder for you. Do you want us to make it harder for you? Is that why you did that?”
“I… don’t know. I… I don’t know if I can do ten. Ten is a lot. You guys. Would you do ten? Weiss?”
“I don’t know. I want to see what it does to you first.”
“I’m not your guinea pig!”
“But you want it. Let’s start with one. Just one. And then we’ll go from there. We have that whole big bed to break in. I think you want it. Won’t you ask me for it, Ruby? Ask me to put your little body through the gauntlet. Go on.”
“Weiss don’t help him… We could work together… Don’t take his side… Not against me… please…”
“But I want to help him. Do you really think we could overpower him together? Not a chance and it’s either you or me. He’ll do it to me if I don’t help him do it to you. You’ll do whatever he tells you in the bedroom. You two would take me apart. You would side with him against me. Why shouldn’t I take my chance against you? That’s only fair and I want to watch. I want to see what we can really do to you. I’m curious. I want to know.”
“But Weiss please…”
“Kinda scary. Isn’t it? Ten? Kinda exciting, though. I’m really not sure what’s going to happen once we start putting you through the paces. But I bet we can make you want it. I bet we can make you beg for it. That’s all we want. We want you to beg for it. Won’t you beg us for it, Ruby?”
“Please Weiss. We can beat him. He’ll do whatever we tell him too.”
“We can’t make him Ruby. I riled him up. He’s going to eat one of us. He’s hungry. He’s curious. He wants to know. And I do too. And I kinda don’t want it to be me. That means it’s going to be you. And you know what? You’re going to love it. You love all the attention on you. We’re going to pick you to pieces and you’re going to love it and you’re going to beg for it and you’re going to thank us for it. Don’t you want to thank me, Ruby? For this opportunity?”
Ruby shuddered and looked down at her plate. “Thank you, Weiss. And…”
“And?” Weiss pressed. Ruby gasped and trembled. 
“Please make me finish ten times. I want to know. I want you both to devour me. Please give it to me ten times in a row. Please give it to me until I choke, and pass out, and beg you to stop. Please keep going anyways. Won’t you? Please?”
“That’s a good girl,” I said. “We’re going to take such good care of you.”
Ruby shivered a little. She reached over with both hands and cupped Weiss’s face and kissed her hard. She let out a little moan as she did and she whined. She hunted for Weiss’s lower  lip but Weiss took her time and found Ruby’s own and cupped it between hers. Then she entered her pink slender tongue into Ruby’s mouth and Ruby sighed and closed her lips around Weiss’s tongue and sucked on it gently the way she did mine. Weiss pushed down harder and Ruby groaned. 
I smirked slightly and stretched both hands over my head. 
Tonight was going to be a lot of fun. 
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 4 years
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
I chased Ruby's bottom lip with hunger and she rolled her fingers through my hair. She giggled against my lips as I sighed in pleasure at the touch of her small hands. 
I pinned her down against my unkempt bed with a vigor that made her roll her pelvis up at me and I growled. 
"You rascal." I broke off the kiss to look her in the eye but her grey gaze just seemed to say 'who, me?'
Yes you. If it wasn’t you, then who?
I ran one frustrated hand under her body and along her back, pulling her close to me. I slid under her shirt and I bodily picked her up off the bed and held her against me as I devoured her lush, full lips with some savagery. 
I touched the whole of her curved back with my arm and she heaved up into me with heavy breaths. Her skin just felt so fantastic against my own as I cradled the whole of her small form against my larger one. She let out another noise, one that made me feel like a man and she breathed out my name with a tiny mewl. 
"Oh, Jaune..." 
It left her pink lips like a prayer and I dove back upon them with my own.
It had been weeks since I'd held her so close. It had been weeks since we'd been able to share more than parting looks and careless touches. I could feel her want against my own in a steady rhythmic pulse which only sped up over time. She flushed as red like the tips of her hair as I chased her tongue around her mouth. Then she suddenly closed her lips and sucked on my tongue gently in a way that made my chest heave. It made me throb for her. 
Our teeth met briefly and savory, softly clicking together as I deepened our kiss. She moaned, a low sound in her throat I wouldn't have thought the young woman capable of making. It only made me want to devour her flesh more. I kissed down her neck and over her jaw line until I arrived at the simple in her collar and sucked against her supple skin. 
So great was my hunger as I knelt between her legs that I nearly left behind hickies and marked her smooth flesh with my possessiveness. I had to remember not to mark her as she grabbed my face in her arms and moaned again. Gods I would do so fucking much just to hear her moan like that. That was why I did what I did. This is what I fought for. It nearly made the weeks of passing touches worth the wait just to hear her cry out quietly and writhe against the sheets. 
Our aura's merged and flared like touching candle flames and she hissed beneath me, clawing against my shirt, just searching for purchase. She rubbed against the massive scars the Scorpion had left along my chest and I moaned loudly, almost a deep grunt. Red mixed with gold and flickers of blue flame. Crimson petals drifted from the air around us as the heat of our moment intensified.
Her legs tried in vain to wrap around my waist but my frame was too wide to allow that. She gave a little noise of protest which was absolutely delicious as she failed to pull me even closer to her. 
The door to the room burst open. 
"Hey Jaune have you seen my- what the fuck!?"
I was hauled off of Ruby by pure main strength and was turned to face Yang. I saw her eyes flash red from violet. I met the heated glare with pure stupid apathy as I was brutishly shoved against a wall hard enough that my head cracked against it. 
"Have you seen," she hissed, "my sister."
"Yeah." I muttered duly. "She's around." My head cracked against the wall again painlessly. I felt slow, big, and dumb. 
"Yang what the hell?!" Ruby shouted from where she sat up on the bed. Her fingers still deep in the sheets as she propped herself up. 
"You were having sex!"
"I was super well aware!" Ruby huffed and blew her messy hair out from in front of her eyes. "Will you let him go, please?" Yang released me and I stepped back from the tan wall and away from one of the green plants which lined our Mistrali rental. 
"Well. Explain, asshole." Yang demanded her hair burning in orange and yellow. Her enormous mane was inflamed from the heat of her anger. 
"Yang I like him," Ruby spouted from behind her sister. "I should have told you, Jaune was helping me keep it a secret." 
I nodded dumbly, still half cocked. Blood was flowing from other places back to my brain. I wasn't reacting swiftly to the situation and I wasn't sure there was much I could have said. 
"Really? This dumb motherfucker?" Yang turned her gaze around at Ruby. 
"Yang!" Ruby sat up straighter on the bed and dropped the sheets she'd still held clutched in those tiny hands. "I. Like. Him. And why not? He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel good. I like him. He always has my back and I love how much I trust him."
Yang staggered, looking at Ruby in disbelief. "How long?" 
"A little before we picked up Qrow. Maybe a month." Ruby 'pffted' upwards blowing her hair out of her face again. 
"This whole time," Yang whipped back towards me. "This whole time you've been taking advantage of my sister."
"I keep telling you it isn't like that!" Ruby protested. 
"Then why sneak around about it?!" 
Ruby geastured emphatically. "This! This is why, Yang." She turned her head sideways slightly. "I was trying to find the right time to tell you."
"And what? He was all too happy to go along with it?"
"Yes! He does whatever I ask him to do, he's like a big puppy. He's harmless."
"I just saw him murder a bunch of people. Calmly."
"We haven't had the chance to talk recently…" Ruby confessed, sounding meek for the first time. "But that's the job, Yang. Sometimes bad guys die. Roman Torchwhick died. You killed people too. That's the job sometimes. I knew that. You knew that."
"Yeah but I was busted up about it was the difference."
"Jaune was super messed up the first time he killed someone. You weren't there for it. You were back at Dad's. And Jaune had my back. When Tyrion came for me, to kidnap me and take me to Salem, Jaune was willing to die for me! He almost did die for me! How much more ideal and sweet a guy could I have found and you're still not happy with it? What was I supposed to do? No one was going to be good enough for me in your mind."
Yang's hair deflated. Her eyes flicked back to violet as something like shame took her over. If I was a betting man it wasn't over her outburst of anger, but rather over the fact she'd flinched. 
"Jaune," I looked up at Ruby still feeling dazed. "Would you give us the room? Please?" 
I nodded along. "Sure. Of course." I walked past the crouching tiger I felt Yang represented within the room and shut the door behind me. I leaned back against it and wiped my hands across my eyes and sighed out loud. 
“You got caught.” It was Weiss. I couldn’t muster up the heat of a glare. I felt too tired, bone deep tired. I met her icy blue eyes, her hair was down around her shoulders and not in its usual ponytail. 
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If you liked this excerpt try my fanfic Motion Sickness.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Twin Snowflakes pt8: It’s Tricky
Back at home, Weiss snuggles up under Jaune as he flips through tv channels. His left arm wraps around her waist to hold her closer; causing her to giggle. This is always the highlights of her days off. Good breakfast, pj’s, and alone time with Jaune that usually leads cuddling. After more explicit activities of course.
Weiss:Jaune as much as I love you, please find a channel soon? I’m falling asleep.
Jaune:That tends to happen post three rounds of sex.
Weiss:Please, you’re the only person who gets tired after three. This is just boring watching... *rubs eyes* channels flip.
Jaune:Keep telling yourself that. I’ll just put it on the news. Might as well see what’s going on in the world.
“And now Lisa Lavender with a special weather report.”
Lisa:People of Remnant, scientists around the world are still scratching their heads over the surge of different climate changes ever since appearance of the Two Brothers. Multiple areas of temperatures spiking all time numbers in their respective climate are still flowing in. While there still seems to be no life threatening injuries being caused by it, there is strong advisement from researchers and kingdom leaders. For those of you in hotter area’s it’s advised not to stray from any water source. Those in Atlas, be sure to buddle up as an extra cold winter is here.
Weiss:*frowns* Maybe Summer being outside was a mistake.
Jaune:She’s fine. Summer knows her limit better than anyone besides Penny. I bet she’s held up at some coffee shop right or theater. Not to mention her clothes.
Weiss:Still I can’t help but worry. *grabs scroll*
Jaune:Calling her?
Weiss:No, texting Winter if she could see how she’s doing. Lately I have this feeling that Summer isn’t telling me everything. She used to be so vocal and now she’s....
Jaune:A teenager?
Weiss:More than that! *nudges him* I don’t know how to explain it. Summer seems....tired.
He looked down to see a puzzled look on his wife’s face as she read Winter’s reply. Deep down he knew what Weiss meant by Summer being tired. He was like that for a long time after losing Pyrrha. Weiss was too for parts of her life; especially after giving birth. It was hard not to notice their daughter getting lost in deep thought. Thoughts nobody seemed to truly know; not even Oscar was a hundred percent certain. Jaune tilted Weiss’s head up and pressed his forehead against hers. The contact eased both of their troubled minds. Silently letting each other know things will be alright.
Jaune:You know what we should all do? Have a giant vacation.
Weiss:What? The kids just went back to school.
Jaune:I’m not talking about right now. After the tournament and everything happens. We can get Whitley, Ruby, Blake, Yang, everyone one we can to just go on a trip somewhere warm. It would be a nice victory lap for our kids.
Weiss:Victory lap? Don’t you think you’re celebrating their victory too soon hehe.
Jaune:You don’t believe our kids will kick butt?
Weiss:Oh I know they’ll kick butt. What’s that saying you taught me? Don’t count my chickens before they hatch?
Jaune:*smiles* Not sure if you noticed but your chicks have been spreading their wings for awhile.
Weiss:I hope you know chickens don’t fly.
Jaune:You get what I’m saying though. They’re coming into their own. I think that deserves a proper vacation. Blake, Yang, and their kid Veronica no doubt will be for it.
Weiss:I guess we’ll find out when they show up for the tournament. In the meantime I’ll toss the idea around to everyone else. After I enjoy my little vacation I have to day.
Jaune:And what left do you have to do today my queen?
Her arms hook around his neck and pulls him into a kiss. Jaune can’t help but smile as her fingers start combing through his hair. Weiss leans her body back in an attempt to be as close to him as possible. Finally they break the kiss and stared at each other with the same fire they had when they first kissed.
Weiss:For starters, two more rounds with you.
Today was a slow day. Well it was for Summer anyways. School might’ve been a prison but at least it was interesting prison with things that made time go by. Those thoughts unfortunately weren’t going through her head earlier in the morning and now she finds herself walking down the pearly white streets of the kingdom. It was a bit lonely. Not to mention cold.. luckily the white winter coat, red scarf, and white ear muffs was doing what they could to keep heat close. What was really doing the jobs was the black thermals underneath; mad by top Atlas finest for military personnel and herself. A snug white shirt hugged her underneath the coat while black thermal leggings went down into her boots. The seam stitching on the side of it glowing ever so slightly with fire dust. The cold was not going to bother her.
Street’s were relatively quiet but that’s a no brainer. Kids are at school and adults are working. It was beautiful in a ghostly kinda way. The silence was a bit too much for her unfortunately. Despite her reserved nature, she did enjoy people. Talking to them was just weird most of the time. Finding the write thing to say was harder than any test, yet Nick always made it look easy. Family members and friends were easy but anybody else made her feel like she was being judged; kinda ironic considering her status. There were two people though she could always manage to speak too. If she could really call arguing speaking. Her options weren’t looking good and boredom was sinking in.
Summer:Might as well sneak in a bit of training.
She raised her left hand to pull down her scarf a bit while her right hand took of the ear muffs. The crisp air immediately hit them and gave her a chill. The color of her eyes barely getting lighter around the iris as she exhaled to see her breath appear in front of her when she walked. Anyone close enough would’ve saw the tiniest of snowflakes.
I knew you were bored but not this bored. Or maybe you actually wanna give up already?
Summer:In your dreams Shiva. I thought I’d train is all. Hearing you in my head is a sad sacrifice for that.
Keep telling yourself that..... you’re committed at least. That’s about the only thing I’ll give you props for. I guess following ideals and plans is easy when you don’t ever come up with your own. Better hope brother dearest has a good one for the tournament.
Summer:So you’re moving on to insulting my mind now? Finally tired of calling me weak?
Unlike you, I’m interesting and like to mix things up. You just do the same thing as always. Try and fail. Like that little team attack your are always attempting with Nick. I bet I’d get it right on the first try. How’s it feel to always be protected?
Aw I thought you wanted a talk buddy? Tired already? I bet you’re tired of a lot of things huh? Stress, disappointing everyone, yourself; especially yourself. I mean just look in the mirror.
She didn’t know why she listened but she did. Summer stopped on the sidewalk and looked at her reflection through a building window right next to her. It was impossible not to frown at the sight. The world feels like it slips away as she cloeses her eyes. Darkness surrounds her until an image of Shiva slowly becomes more visible and the room in her head takes its usual form of cold emptiness.
Shiva:Besides this cute face can you think you’re worth anything? Weiss sings better than you, your brother is stronger than you, all your friends get by just fine, and it’s not like you’re making a difference. All I’m really saying is why keep being like that when I can make them look at this body as it rises above all of their worth. No one would look down on me. You’re too afraid to even change out in P.E.
Summer:*inhales*...........*exhales* I am greater than I think. I am greater than what anyone thinks. My mind is my mine; my body is mine. You will never take it from me. Nor will anyone else.
Shiva:Just keep letting your consular feed your head with lies.
Summer:The only one who does that is you.
The room and Shiva quickly fade away the moment Summer reopens her eyes. Once again she looks at herself. Still have no joy at the sight of it. At least it’s her reflection though. That’s what matters at the end of the day. It’s all that ever mattered to her. The conversation with her not so pleasant company continued but at this point even Shiva was running low on insults. A small victory for a moment. Finally Summer reached her destination; the edge of Atlas. Her head tilted down as she followed the giant chain all the way down to Mantle with her eyes. Somehow it always seemed to get longer to her for some reason. The cold formed around her hands in the form of swirling ice until it came together and expanded into a snowboard. Summer hopped right on it with ease as the ice stuck to the soles of her boots.
Again with this crazy stunt? I was right about you not thinking wasn’t I?
Summer:*clenches fist* You’re talking a lot of shit for someone who’s gonna die if I screw this up. Maybe try encouragement for the first time in your life?
Please, the adrenaline and the panic of you falling to your death will be more than enough for me to take the reigns. If anything I’m hoping you fall immediately. Wouldn’t be the first time I saved your life. You have the nastiest habit of needing help.
Summer:We’ll just see about-
“Summer Nichole Schnee!”
That voice. That anger; Summer recognizesd those all too well. She looked to her right to see her fears confirmed. In the distance and getting closer at alarming speed was her dear aunt Winter who obviously looked like she was about to prepare to give the longest lecture possible. Whenever she gets close enough.
Summer:Aunt Winter!? What are you doing h- ugh, mom....
First she makes you go outside and then she has someone keep watch on you. Talk about no freedom. If I were you I-
Summer:*puts on ear muffs* (I’m not in the mood for one lecture, let alone two.) Hello! Fancy meeting you here.
Winter:What in the devil do you think you’re doing!?
Summer:N...Nothing!? I-
Winter:Stay right there! I need to have a talk.
Summer:Sigh, so much for.....
Her sentence got caught in her throat as she thought about it. Shiva was annoying but she had a point. Summer didn’t wanna be outside in the first place, but now she was for better or for worse because she was told to by her mother. Then this happens!? Summer looked at the chain one more time before taking the ear muffs of again; replacing them with headphones. The feeling of loneliness she had before was starting to be messed. At least back then no one was telling her what to do; trying to keep her within arms reach for better or for worse.
Oh so you can think for-
Winter:What did you just say to me!?
Summer:What? No no I was talking to-...screw it. I’m in trouble regardless. *jumps*
Winter:Gasp! Summer!!!
She races towards the edge to see her niece free falling with her arms spread out. Summer bends her upper body forward to make her do a midair front flip before twisting to the side and landing on the massive chain with incredible speed; making sure to do small hops over the links as rides down in an “s” formation. The wind shear is brutal and her focus remains unwavering. Unnervingly so, but necessary. Every moment on the chain grinds away at the board causes friction and that’s not the best for anything made with ice, but that was point of the training.
Summer:(That’s it Summer, you got this. Control your speed, balance, awareness and fear. Definitely control your fear. Watch how thin the board gets and right before it shatters...)
She angles her board straight to avoid a short hop; choosing to jump the length of one full link. Summer caste a glyph underneath it for more air by giving her a second jump. Her feet swing to the left to meet her left hand with the board. She couldn’t help but feel a bit bold and did a 360 just to satisfy herself. All while her hand was restoring the ice. The speed and temperature outside gradually increases just how much she was in control but it dangerous to screw up. Too slow and a number of mistakes could happen.Going too fast was the real caution warning. That board wouldn’t fair too well crashing into a chain link and definitely hurt. Worse yet, getting colder than she can tolerate before reluctantly handing over the reigns.
You’re going to falll...
Summer:*turning up music*......
Try to drown me out all you like, but at the end of the day I’m still here. I’m always here. Waiting for tiniest....littlest......most insignificant mistake. You always make you; it’s in your nature. Imperfection trying to be perfect.
Shiva’s voice was getting louder. Like a distorted whisper in her ear from a broken radio. Summer wiped the tears forming from her eyes and kept going. Her lungs were starting to feel like fire; the center of her chest feeling gripping tightly and making her movements sloppy. The next link she jumped over clipping the bottom of the board and caused an auditable yelp from the girl. The wind blowing behind her felt like fingers wrapping around her throat. She was getting too cold; Summer didn’t need a mirror to know how she looked right now. She wasn’t out of options yet though. Summer turned her body sideways and started to grind on the outermost part of the chains. It wasn’t gonna do the durability of the ice board any favors but she needed to slow down. Her new clothes was the next step. Summer made a small glyph on her pointer finger and dragged it along the fire dust stitching so the heat washed over her body more intensely for a moment. Her plan didn’t stop the cold completely but it was enough to get her out of danger.
Oooo that was a close one.
Summer:*trembling* (My mind is mine and my body is mine. My mind is mine and my body is mine. My mind is mine and my body is mine. My mind-)
Isn’t focusing on the chain...
At that moment the board had shattered right where one chain meets another. Summer didn’t even have time to scream before falling into the space between them and gets swallowed up by the clouds. What could’ve only been seconds felt like an eternity when she came through the other side greeted with the intense sight of Mantle’s lights. Snow gave way to the heated air and turned into ran that poured down as fast as she was falling. Summer couldn’t help but be terrified. Shiva wasn’t even speaking anymore and yet Summer couldn’t help but chastise herself at the entire situation. Lost focus, lost control, and about to lose her life.
Summer:(Maybe Shiva was right? I am an idiot) *closes eyes*
Shiva:*sitting* Of course I’m right. You make it too easy hehehe. Now.... *extends hand* about time I claimed my reward. Don’t worry though. I’ll make sure we never look wrong again.
Shiva:N...no? I’m sorry, did I just hear you say no? You do know a few minutes at best you’ll- *eyes widened*
Dread came over her face as Summer smiled weakly at her. Shiva’s features slowly turned into a scowl; all appearance of having fun was replaced with pupils shaking with rage. Shiva quickly jumped at her but was blocked by a glyph. Her blood was starting to boil as she dragged her ice tipped nails down it. Nothing was going to keep her from the prize she has so diligently been waiting for. Summer felt like at rat starring at a python in a glass cage. The way their eyes met; the complete lack of hope she felt as Shiva keeps her eyes dead set on her. It was enough to scream if she could find the courage to even breathe.
Shiva:If you think I’m just gonna let your body hit the ground then you’ve got anything coming. I don’t do draws. I win and you lose. Then you keep losing, and losing, and losing; day after day as I live the life you could only dream of.
Summer:Any life you live is a nightmare I never want to have. If I can’t beat you then I’ll stop this stupid game of property dispute once and for all. Whatever it takes to keep my family safe from the likes of you!
Shiva:.....Hehehe hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHA!!
Summer:Why....why are you laughing? You’re not supposed to be laughing. You’re about to lose. You’re losing!
Shiva:You...haha you think....you think I’m the one hurting your family! Oh that is hilarious!!
Both of her hands raise up and press against the glyph. Shiva extends her arms forward before bending them quickly and head butting it. Creating a giant crack before it crumbles away right before Summer’s eyes. The scared girl can’t believe it. Even her last stitch effort has been destroyed. Summer turns halfway around to run before ice traps her legs and crawls up her body to her collarbone. Muscle and bones fail to giver the strength to free her while Shiva skips towards her. The fight was over before it truly began. Summer felt a hand grab her jaw and turn and forced her to look at Shiva once more; the playful demeanor Summer hated so much was back on Shiva’s smug face. It was enough to make her cry. The warmth of fresh tears should’ve washed over her face but got dismissed unexpectedly by her captor.
Shiva:Crying makes you look ugly. Your looks are all you have remember? Even if they’re basically a copy of dear old mommy.
Shiva:*grits teeth* What, now you’re just gonna play with me!? Get it over with alre- ah!
Shiva:*tightens grip* You’ve gotten too casual with me. Nobody orders me around. Especially a shrimp like you. Since you’re too dumb to notice, trying to take over right now would be stupid beyond belief and almost impossible. You’re not falling anymore; someone caught you. Oh well. Next time....
Summer:What are you talking ab-
Shiva snaps her fingers and everything starts to fade away including her and the ice. Summer starts to feel a strange sensation around her ribs before the blank space around her once again becomes a bird’s eye view of Mantle. Long white talons find themselves around the girl’s midsection and the face of a giant white nevermore looking at his lucky catch.
Summer:.....I’m guessing Winter is on your back huh?
He flings her forward and swoops underneath so she can land on his back. Yeah, suspicions confirmed.
Winter:I’ll give you fifteen seconds to explain yourself.
Summer:You can just yell at me.
Winter:I highly suggest you take the remaining twelve seconds. *raising right hand*
Summer:I wanted to against the cold while using diamond dust! I thought snowboarding down the chains would be perfect since I’m really good at it and you taught me so much about multitas-
Winter:Times up.
Summer:*flinches* Not my face! I’m so sorr-
Winter’s hand grabbed the girl and pulled her into a tight hug. Wind roaring the air and the sound of the summoned nevermore wings flapping was the only thing to break the silence. A minute passed before Winter’s finally spoke. Her voice slightly shaky and relieved.
Winter:I didn’t...I didn’t see the board when I first saw you. All I saw was you standing near the edge. Then you jumped....*sniffling* Do you realize how much of a heart attack you just gave me? Your mom said you were acting strange so I thought....I thought...
Summer:Auntie I would never! Honestly. Not in a million years. It was just training gone bad. Really bad. I’m sorry. *patting her back*
Winter:Thank the gods I was fast enough to save you!
That was right. She was saved again wasn’t she? Just like always. Summer’s arms finally hugged Winter back. Her thoughts and feelings swarming at the results of her so called challenged.
Summer:Yeah, thank goodness....
“Funny, I’d forgotten about that day till now. The way Winter held me; cried for me. And what did I do to ease such concern? Same thing I always did to her. What I did to everyone. To myself. Damnit. I....I really was the monster here wasn’t I? Should’ve told the truth. Why in the gods didn’t I tell the damn truth? Guess I really am an idiot huh? Maybe if I wasn’t then things would’ve be different. I would’ve different. I...would still have them, but I don’t. I don’t have anything anymore; just the cold.”
Part 7
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