#I can't even begin to imagine or comprehend how it must be for the people who live there
haunted-xander · 9 months
Since people seem to really like my vision requirements illustrations, I figured I could elaborate on my theories/headcanons!
(EDIT: Since people keep mentioning it in the tags of the illust. post, so just to be clear, I am well aware Archons don't hand out visions personally😅 it IS however heavily implied they have a subconcious effect on who gets one, even if they have no active say. It's why no electro visions where granted during Inazumas vision hunt decree, for example)
Anemo: Purpose.
Anemo users have been unsure or hesitant about how to live their lives or what to do at some point, but all ended up finding something to strive for. Venti found purpose in rebuilding Mondstadt after Decarabian fell, to make the nation a place that the nameless bard would've loved to live in.
Jean found purpose as the Dandelion Knight, Xiao found purpose in serving Morax, Wanderer found purpose in freedom etc. Everyone has something they find fullfilment in.
Geo: Determination.
Geo users have a set path and/or ideal they live by, something they will not budge on no matter what. Zhongli is solid on his contracts, the written word is law and cannot be allowed to go broken, regardless of circumstances. His path is one of mutual agreement and fairness, to ensure everyone and everything gets their due.
Ningguang walks the path of Liyue's pillar, Noelle walks the path of self-improvement, Itto walk the path of acceptance etc. They are determined in their ways and will not bend them.
Electro: Protection.
Electro users all have something/someone they hold dear, and will do anything to ensure it's safety and longevity. Ei loved her sister more than anything else, and would've done anything to keep her safe and alive. Her actions in Inazuma was her terribly misguided way of "protecting" it from erosion, to keep the nation her sister loved so much in prosperity in her place.
Sara wants to protect her people, Keqing wants to protect Liyue's prosperity, Fischl wants to protect her imagination and fantasies etc. They hold things close to their heart and will do anything to protect it.
Dendro: Understanding.
Dendro users are seekers of knowledge and wisdom, wishing to understand the world around them and all that lives in it. Nahida wants to understand people, for wisdom means nothing when it can't be put to practice. People aren't something that can easily be comprehended by textbook knowledge, they must be observed extensively first-hand to even begin to understand.
Baizhu wants to understand the secrets of immortality, Kirara wants to understand human society, Collei wants to understand how to help others etc. They earnestly search for ways to expand their world.
Hydro: Duty.
Hydro users tend to have a strong sense of responsibility and personal principles they live by. We don't know enough about Furina to say for sure what her deal is right now, but I speculate her duty is closely connected to the Heavenly Principles, and that she views herself as Celestia's "executioner" so to speak.
Ayato's duty is to the yashiro commision, Candace's duty is to the desert-dwellers, Childe's duty is to the Tsaritsa etc. They have solid loyalties and set principles they work by.
Pyro: Passion.
Pyro users are full of love and passion for what they do, dedicating themselves whole-heartedly to their chosen field. We know very little about Murata, so it's hard to say what she's like. As the God of War I assume she has a passion for battle? Who knows.
Yoimiya is passionate about fireworks, Bennett is passionate about adventuring, Diluc is passionate about defending Mondstadt etc. They have a profound love of life and what is in it.
Cryo: Contradiction.
Cryo users are at odds with themselves, rife with inner conflicts and clashing desires. The Tsaritsa is described as an archon with no love for her people, and has been noted to have grown cold post-cataclysm. Her harbingers, most notably Childe, say otherwise, though. She's not unloving, but she is disillusioned and vengeful. Her hatred for Teyvat and Celestia is at odds with her love of her people.
Rosaria is conflicted with her lifestyle(s), Ayaka is conflicted with her status and wants, Kaeya is conflicted with his loyalties etc. They are torn by irreconcilable opposites.
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markrosewater · 2 months
"It varies mechanic to mechanic, but they don’t score any lower as a group against other mechanics. Some, like Monarch, are quite popular."
People are criticizing the helper card mechanics because they are very complex, require specific varied tracking and they are virtually impossible to play with unless you constantly refer to helper card (compared to most cards that you can understand by simply reading its oracle text or reminder text).
The Monarch doesn't have any of those issues. It's an elegant and masterfully designed mechanic. The Monarch is very simple and straightforward, so much so that the oracle text from The Monarch token could fit as reminder text on several monarch cards. That can't be said about Day/Night, The Initiative, Venture in the Dungeon, Rad counters or Tempted by the Ring. I've probably looked at the double sided Tempted by the Ring helper token over 100 times and I can't confidently tell someone exactly how the mechanic works if I don't have the helper token to read from. It's an extremely complex and multifaceted mechanic. I would say more complicated and wordy than 98% of other Magic mechanics.
Can you please make more "outside of the game" helper card style mechanics that are easy to comprehend and intuitive?
The Monarch and Ascend are examples of mechanics like this. More of that please! The more complex mechanics that create outside of the game elements are intimidating (i.e. Venture into the Dungeon, Tempted by the Ring, The Initiative, Day/Night) and in my experience, they slow down the game because players can't understand them easily.
Lastly, I'm offering this feedback as a major Magic enthusiast and long time veteran player who also plays with experienced players regularly. I can't even begin to imagine how daunting these types of mechanics must feel for novice players!
I talk a lot about how different players enjoy different aspects of the game. What I talk far less about is different players struggle with different aspects. Some can’t handle excessive processing; some have issues with sequencing; some don’t understand the nuances of the rules; some aren’t good with memory.
My best guess with you is you internalize (aka work from memory) card abilities most of the time, so cards which exceed your ability to memorize cause you issues.
Because players see the game through the lens of their own experience, the feedback they tend to give is “stop doing thing X” because thing X is the element that they personally struggle with.
The challenge is there are players that don’t struggle with that element of the game and thus enjoy thing X. For example, my biggest note on this blog about dungeons isn’t they’re too hard to process, but there aren’t enough of them.
So, it’s a balance. We need to understand the ways in which people struggle and help accordingly where we can. I agree that we need to be cautious how complex and wordy we are on elements off the card. And we have to be careful how often we use that tool.
Now there is a threshold where enough players struggle, that we have to question if a particular aspect is worth it. I don’t think we’re there yet with external game pieces, but I do loudly hear the note that we have to be better with as-fan of the helper cards showing up. The note that we need to auto-include more helper cards in the prerelease kits is also a strong one.
So yes, I’m aware that outside game pieces come at a real cost for a certain type of player, and it is something we have to keep in mind when designing them. I personally think we could have simplified Tempted by the Ring a bit, for example, but I do think it was right to include in the product.
Thanks for your feedback.
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kerubimcrepin · 25 days
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 21]
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I've already said how weird this whole situation is from Joris's pov, but imagine dying, being given a new body with a way smaller brain and no speech yet, as well as no object permanence, and having to comprehend while in this condition, that your brother, who spent the last 50–80 years trying to hunt you down and make you into a coat, just saved your son from being blown up, and is now dying.
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But you lack the brain capacity to understand any of that. Or remember any of that history.
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You just know that he's hurt, badly, and that you don't like seeing him in pain.
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Joris knows now, that for an ecaflip demigod, it's not that big of a deal to die. At least not the first time.
So it's really more of a "You sacrificed yourself for me?" question.
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He's paying back his debt. He can't be mean to Joris, when all he's done is be nice to him, he's not that kind of person.
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And when he wakes up again, things will be different, between him and Kerubim. Something new is going to happen.
To quote Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim: It will have a different taste. A different feel.
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Kerubim's current lack of object permanence or the idea of death, is both a blessing and a curse, because he has no fucking idea what happened, or where Atcham went. Poor kbitty.
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On one hand, this is inherently traumatic for Joris. He must be tired of watching ecaflip demigods evaporate.
On the other hand, I can't help but feel that this is the moment Joris and Atcham truly begin to love one another. So I can't even feel sad about this moment, like a normal person.
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Chat, this is what I cal coping and perhaps even seething. Joris is inclined to think Bakara is wrong because Bakara fucked up Majorly at this part of the movie. Also because Joris has not slept the entire night. Also because he watched 2 people die. Also Simone is far away. Also what IS Simone to do with a dofus-related issue?
Julith would absolutely have hurt Lilotte. There is absolutely not a single doubt in my mind, that if it got her what she wanted, she would dismember Lilotte as Joris watched.
I don't blame him for making mistakes and fumbling, though. He's like 10.
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If she really isn't that bad... If ALL she wants to do, is to bring Jahash back... If that's what it takes for her to leave Lilotte and Kerubim alone...
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And among all else, if this brings the man she loves back? He doesn't mind, then.
(Puts on a giant, Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim themed tinfoil hat)
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Joris is a difficult character to read due to his insane multitudes and affinity for lying to everyone and himself.
Due to his passion for wanting to learn about his birth parents, I think spending time with Julith and Jahash is like a dream to him.
But I can't miss the dimension in this interaction that Julith is a scary dark mage called "the butcher", who already killed his father once and then kidnapped his friend, and they are both standing near her, behind him, and she is holding what is essentially the magical equivalent of a nuclear bomb in her hands.
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And the things he says to her may or may not be affected by like, idk, two or three of these factors? Like there might be a slight possibility that he said "I'm sure she wouldn't have hurt you" and "a real family" specifically to decrease the chances of her killing Kerubim and Lilotte. Not sure where I get this idea from, though.
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This is literally the worst day in Kerubim's life as a father. There is literally no going back. Thank god his little kittybrain is going to forget all about this in roughly 3 minutes.
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formulalfc · 3 months
Dom being by readers side after her mother died?
(I am currently going through that)
i'm so so sorry anon, i can't even begin to imagine how difficult this must be for you, if you ever need someone to vent to please don't hesitate to reach out!! sending you all my love <3
you had never felt a heartbreak like this, you had lost people in your life before but losing your mother had truly broken you in two. you find yourself feeling lost and unable to comprehend what is going on around you, just sitting there unresponsive as family members talk to you about funeral arrangements. the only thing that was keeping you centred was the feeling of domi's hand clutching yours, stroking the back of it with his thumb. he hadn't left your side since you found out, being the rock that tethered you to reality while also not forcing you to talk if you weren't ready. as they spoke about flower arrangements you pushed yourself into your boyfriend's chest, trying to block out the conversation by surrounding yourself with domi. he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you fully, a hand smoothing down your hair while the other drew circles on your hip, letting you use him as your comfort.
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witheredoffherwitch · 2 months
some hatred towards alysmond is coming from people with weird moral indignation i'm afraid. how do i know? cause in 9 out of 10 aemond×oc fics reader is soft, submissive, boring as hell and aemond is possessive, jealous and control freak. certain people will never like alys cause they can't relate to her. she is cunning, knows how to survive and make the best of it, and she is immediately labelled as dangerous seductive famme fatale. i don't care what they say, i knew for many years that really strong women don't put down those who clearly are confident and smart because they don't feel threatened by them. even if that's about the fictional character but you see those people can't tell a difference between real person and fictional character as they proved when telling olivia they hate her cause she plays a cunt and insulting gayle looks just because they expected eva green of katie mcgrath so they can get the confirmation she seduced him with her looks. sorry to disappoint you but even maesters noticed aemond in harrenhall didn't choose some younger ladies to bed but alys. they can't understand aemond fell in love because she was smart, witty, resourceful? maybe to him looks didn't matter but i dunno, something like personality? but they don't know what personality is so what to discuss here? now having oc with no personality bland as fuck is sign of genius. you know you can't write smart character with personality because then people won't self insert. they only can self insert into complete idiots. good to know they are impressed by someone nameless and faceless and personalityless. fools can only identify with fools.
not gonna lie helaemonds have a part of trashing alys cause they can't get over their disappointment she would be casted when they were sure alys would be cut cause her powers went to helaena. i have ss of their comments or posts so if they piss me off i would public it. they also can't comprehend why aemond would leave capital to begin with he was to fuck helaena during the war. huge bunch of helaemonds openly admitted they don't care about aemond, all they care about is helaena being with someone better than aegon. they don't understand aemond and his motives, they constantly trash aegon as worse than daemon and viserys combined so best to ignore them, their brains don't work anymore.
alys suffers from both teams cause both teams need a punching bag. tb does want every woman to uphold the patriarchy to just call them karens and they will be hugely disappointed because alys doesn't support the patriarchy so this argument works only with alicent and even helaena. tg is full of people with parasocial relationships with ewan and aemond as if any of them would ever have sex with them. they are jealous alys gets to have sex with him and they have to self insert into bland copy paste oc.
i feel really sorry for these writers who think writing alys as bad bitch will make their uninteresting self insert bland oc great or more shippable with aemond. how they are stuck in their black white thinking of the world when they write alys as smart, ambitious=bad bitch and oc naive, innocent, soft, submissive=great girlfriend material. it must be so boring to feel threatened by fictional character who isn't brainless like most of their ocs. so they need to cope by writing blushing virgin for aemond and that's how they convince themselves they'll find their aemond is real life. imagine how sad their life is!
Hi nonnie 🤗
This ask has been sitting in my inbox pile for ages; but fear not, I have finally unearthed it 😭
And honestly, there's not much to add - your words ring true and I couldn't agree more. Keep spilling that pipin' hot tea!
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moon-thething · 6 months
Yo it's me Kevin Anon again—you can answer this if ya feel like it and what not
But I had a more light-hearted ides for a Kevin x Reader lmao
Kevin with a reader who admires him on an almost child-like level and praises him a lot despite him obviously finding them annoying and not really wanting them around, and reader usually doesn't get that he doesn't like them because they're too stuck finding him "cool" to really comprehend that. But despite how annoying they can be, Kevin begins to slowly fall for them (because he's moron-sexual /j) and when he realizes it, he goes into denial because he can't believe he might like them of all people.
- Kevin Anon
I got so happy when I saw you left a request ngl
And yes, I absolutely love this
Also, sorry this took so long! I totally forgot I had this in my drafts!
Romantic or platonic?: Romantic
Readers gender: Neutral
Type: Fluff
¡Warning!: Not proof read, also probably cringe
Let's set the scene first, aka explain how you two actually met
You met through a close friend (Streber)
It was just a normal day for you and Kevin, but you both received a text from Streber saying he wanted to introduce all his friends to each other
He told you all to meet up at some place that isn't that important to the plot rn
You, being sort of weirded out by his actions since you already knew everyone, just decided to go along with his evil scheme
It doesn't matter if you arrived first or if you arrived last, your first interaction with Kevin was pretty chill
I imagine that Kevin must have done something cool to impress you and to make you start drooling over him (hypothetically that is)
It probably wasn't that impressive, but hey, it's what got your attention 🤷‍♀️
You were just walking around town with the group + Kevin. You didn't really have a destination you wanted to go to, just walking, nothing wrong with that (you got kicked out of a cafe for being too loud)
It was so sudden. A cat had landed in front of you, causing you to stop. But, since you were going at a quick-ish pace, you lost balance. You were trying to just grab onto something, but it lead to your phone falling from your grasp
Kevin was the first one to take notice and he was quick to grab you and your phone. He tumbled back a little, the noise finally seemed to catch the groups attention and they turned around only to see you and Kevin
"What happened?!" Streber yelled before anyone else could
"I think Y/n tripped on something." Kevin sighed, pulling you up to stand instead of him holding you, "You have to be more careful." He muttered in annoyance
You were too awestruck to even catch his annoyed tone, only nodding as you let out a hum of agreement
You focused more on Kevin for the rest of the hangout. Just chatting with him and asking him questions
It was weird, to Kevin at least. But he shrugged it off, thinking you just wanted to get closer after he saved your ass from spending who knows how much money on fixing your phone
But what really got him confused was when you continued talking to him after that day
I mean- he just saved your phone! It's not like he stopped world hunger or something
But that little action he did seemed to really stick with you, thinking it was sweet of him to save you from falling (delulu)
Kevin could've swore he lost braincells whenever you were around, it only got worse when you found out where he worked at
Each interaction you had with him just seemed to make him more and more sick of you
Until one day, where one little thing made his heart flutter a little
The candy clubs doors opened with a familiar ring, signifying that a customer has walked in
"Kevin!" Kevin scrunched up his face in annoyance, letting in a deep breath before turning towards you
"What do you want, Y/n?" He asks, his gaze catching a bax in your hands. What were you planning now?
"Oh, well I remember you mentioning that you were getting annoyed with the uncomfortable textures of clothes. And Streber mentioned that your birthday is in a couple of weeks. So I decided to give you an early birthday present, since it's kind of depressing to see you wearing the same hoodie over and over again." You laughed lightly, setting the box on the counter
Kevin raised a brow before opening the box. His eyes widened slightly as he saw two sweaters in the box, including what looks like to be... A bracelet?
"I added the bracelet for extra flare." You spoke up, laughing as you read the words on the bracelet, it was a little nickname that the group collectively have Kevin, "I made it myself.. If that means anything." You laugh awkwardly
Kevin only stared at the sweater in the box in awe, picking one up to get a better look. It was a plain one colored sweater, you remember hearing Kevin complain that he couldnt find a single non-tacky sweater, and the extra hour of you seeing the printed logo was totally wort it. Also, the sweater felt like heaven underneath Kevin's hands, the more he held it the more relaxed he felt
He put down the sweater looking at you with awe, the anger he previously felt suddenly dissapearing
"Thank you, Y/n" He said, giving you a kind, genuine smile. You smiled back
"It was nothing really, it just took a while to find everything..." The next words that came out of your mouth seemed muffled to Kevin. The only thing he was focused on was the perfect curvature of you face, how your lips moved as the voice that he previously viewed as annoying sounded more angelic to him. His heart fluttering as he felt like he was going to puke with all of the thoughts running through his head
He was definitely in denile for a while before he finally accepted his feelings for you
He could not look you in the eye, all of the emotions hitting him at once when he even glanced over at you. Don't even get me started when he accidentally brushes hands with you, or god forbid you hug him
He is totally embarrassed of his newfound feeling since he ranted to Streber how annoying you were
With all of his complaining it lead to Streber keeping the two of you away. Which was a relief on his behalf, he didn't have to be so tense anymore
But the relief quickly turned into fear, fear that Streber was gonna say that you annoyed Kevin and that you would stop with your acts
My mans was stressed
He was on a late night call with Streber, not being able to sleep and knowing Streber barely ever slept as well
And on that call was when Kevin finally accepted his feelings for you and told Streber
Streber was overjoyed, already planning in his head on how you two were going to interact more and how those interactions were going to lead to your guyses first date
And, with that information, whenever he started calling group hangouts he made sure both of you would be as close to each other as possible. Leading to Kevin giving him death glares
But hey! It all turned out great in the end!
Your childish behavior only led to Kevin falling harder of you and eventually blurting out that he has a crush on you
And it was so random too! You were just gossiping with him, as Streber had led you to Kevin to tell him all of the gossip, and he just blurted out how beautiful/handsome/amazing you are
You stopped mid talking to look at him, pure shock on your face. It took Kevin a few moments to realize when he said, and he was apologizing for it
You told him it was okay and after his embarrassment has faded he confessed. He was 100% ready to shrivle away, that's until you told him you liked him too
Overal, very wholesome. Also he felt really bad about hating y97 and didn't want to tell you when you two started dating 👍
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 2
"Even if you say you believe in me..."
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
Idia: Why…
Idia: There was less than a 30% chance, so why was I chosen…?
Idia: And on top of that, the three selected were Malleus-shi, Azul-shi, and me… All Dorm Leaders…?
Idia: That's gotta be a statistical anomaly!! I demand a re-do!!
Ortho: Ni-san…
Ortho: I came all this way to Diasomnia to check in on you, 'cause it felt like it was taking forever for you to come back…
Ortho: But now I see you were just clinging to a pillar in the dorm lounge refusing to practice. No wonder you weren't coming back at all.
Idia: Ortho, you're here to pick me up, right!? Okay, let's team up and head back to Ignihyde.
Ortho: Hmmm. I don't know if I can do that, even if you're the one asking me…
Idia: Eh. Why!?
Ortho: That's 'cause I'd be happy, too, if you'd sing in front of everyone!
Idia: You little…!
Sebek: Hey, human! Why don't you try to be a little more like Malleus-sama!
Sebek: Despite his already melodious singing voice, he wastes no time whatsoever and continues training with Lilia-sama!
Silver: Azul is also practicing hard every day.
Silver: He said he wished to return to basics, so once practice was over, he went to speak to the music teacher.
Idia: I-I can feel the fire burning within those two… B-But that's why I don't want to deal with it!
Idia: But no matter how much I offer to give the main vocal spot to one of the other guys going to the cultural exchange…
Idia: "That would not be fair," they'd say, or "I do not wish to incur Malleus-shi's wrath" and they all refuse me…
Idia: I really want you all to give me a break!
Sebek: I cannot comprehend why you would shirk singing this much… And you call yourself a mage!? How are you even passing your usual music classes?
Sebek: Music are essential in order for a mage to cultivate their imagination.
Silver: That's right. In order to become a distinguished mage, if there is something you aren't proficient in, this would be the best venue to overcome it.
Idia: Th-Th-Th-That's not what I mean…
Ortho: My brother doesn't hate singing, nor is he terrible at it.
Ortho: Back in his room, he's always singing the opening songs of anime, or video game theme songs.
Idia: Ortho… You can't just blab that out to people like that! I'm gonna be lying awake tonight with embarrassment!
Ortho: Why? You're so good at it, so I've been hoping for a while that others can listen to you too.
Ortho: You can sing on key, and your emotions have such an expressive range that even I can tell. I really love your singing voice!
Ortho: That's why I was so happy to hear that you were selected to be one of the main vocalists. Because you're so good.
Idia: Ortho…!
Idia: I mean, sure, I'm glad to hear all that praise… It's nice and all, but…!
Silver: If it isn't a skill issue… Then it must be an issue of self-consciousness.
Idia: Y-Y-Yeah! That!!
Idia: It's too high of a hurdle for me to have to stand in front of others, and sing while being at the c-center of attention…!
Sebek: How weak. Just think of everyone, other than the Young Master, as mere rocks!
Idia: So a huge rock's just trying to lecture me right now. 'K, I'll just ignore it, then.
Silver: Idia-senpai… Allow me to teach you the secret to singing.
Idia: The secret to singing…?
Silver: That's right. This.
Ortho: That's a glass cup filled with drinking water. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual with it…
Idia: Wh-What, you want me to drink this…?
Silver: No, I don't.
Silver: When you see your face reflected in the water like this… Doesn't it feel like a song begins to naturally build up from inside yourself?
Idia: NO, IT DOESN’T!?
Silver: Ever since my father taught me this "ancient method passed down for generations," I've used this approach whenever I required it.
Idia: What do you even mean by "see your face reflected in the water"? I don't get it at all.
Sebek: Unfortunately, I'm also at a loss…
Silver: If that method does not work for you, then you must simply practice.
Silver: As you sing in front of all of us, you'll slowly build up your courage. I'm sure that will help you develop the courage for the actual performance.
Ortho: It's just as Silver-san says. C'mon, Nii-san, you gotta practice, so we can go back to Ignihyde!
Idia: I DON'T WANNA~~~!!
Idia: I'm definitely, absolutely, hundred percent, never going to sing!
Silver/Sebek: Sigh...
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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avatar-of-the-web · 2 months
This was going to be a response but Tumblr has the best timing with making me lose a post forever, so the context is TMA "Are there loving God's?" Gerry said, he doesn't believe so.
They appear to all be fear-based.
He specifies, “At least not that I've seen” [they are not anything else]
Smart boy, the information tugs at the edge of the subconscious where you can barely see it. You know it's wrong without the means to prove it.
You know they're beyond your imagination but you still yet cannot help being trapped in a world of fear; this was true before they literally consumed the world. They already had. So caught up in fear that it had practically swallowed it all to begin with. All Elias had really done was make it official, to cut everything else out of the picture.
So there was nothing left to balance, it slides on an incline downward; but this is an ecosystem and the balance is off. They can't feed forever if even they can die—this world was finite.
In a sense, ours isn't. Of course, the flesh disagrees and the clumsy host produces waste without thinking of solutions will disagree; “it's all finite to me” but this energy is never created nor destroyed only moved, only changed.
They'd be different sides of the same entity, not completely different entity's; they're ELDRITCH, or incredibly difficult, dense to comprehend; Different faces, same beast—a different man sees their own unique version of each god as unique as their relationship with it.
To a vast avatar, the vast is a loving god, She changed you for the better; Gave you what you Needed, though She may still ask for payment in an exchange. That's not unreasonable.
Of course how we draw the lines in the sand are circumstantial. One calls it the Eye because they believe this section of the beast is worth separating as its own; and for good reason. In every head, the witness of life observes and fed and fed and fed She changes too. Different forms of course; some continually feeding without consideration, some drink the sea to know to apply, some cannot help this obsession spurred by terror what will happen if I don't see it all? And more.
The Eye is a dominant entity for Her presence is nearly guaranteed. The Web us a dominant entity because it is or lays in the connection of everything.
We section these things to better understand them. The total of it all— it's too overwhelming to process all at once.
But it comes down to this.
You make a relationship with your slice of The Gods.
“In exchange for being my vessel, here is a prize; but you must be calibrated. Not just anybody can be a vessel for # you must fulfill the needs, be capable of performing My actions of thinking My thoughts.
You are My Vessel the embodiment of Me and you must Become to Be.”
Gerry is biased by WHAT HE COULD SEE, the patterns that trapped him, and what he could see was ultimately dictated by the people that insisted on controlling his life; so when he escaped he could only make how he viewed the world his own, so he saved people from fear instead of creating it.
He fought limitation though limitation still lay as it were, he could only go so far but even so
If that's not love, I don't know what is.
So he did not See it for he could not understand it but he could Feel it still; it drove his actions though he separated them.
He only knew these things could hurt people because he Saw what they could do. He only saved them because he Knew. Otherwise, there is no reason to Fear.
Of course, doubt and denial and misunderstanding, misaligning information leads to blindness; one could ask "how could god do that?" thinking of a god as something akin to a man making decisions; but they're far more complex than that.
The human brain does not dictate every little thing the stomach does, and goes through, though it certainly influences decisions we typically don't understand every single thing going on and don't control every single muscle and behaviour inside. A god on a greater scale—as a given consciousness could be a god to it's cells whom practice their devotion by serving their own respective purposes for the greater good of the whole and the individual—this is no different.
In our complicated dimension we have more of a choice.
We get to be privvy, get to know, get to share that know, if we so choose, if we find ourselves capable.
But I can only choose how I'd choose as I am with my life and my knowledge.
I become what I can reach.
And I believe there is every side to them, and an infinite number of ways to slice them. They are only reduced to Fears in a world of Fear.
I make no predication to the angle the podcast will take; but I see the seeds of reality that bloomed to creative ideas in TMA. And I see what cannot be avoided; I see what is being depicted.
In it's full complexity, from the eye of the beholder, from the centre of fear is our vantage point as the audience as it is the writers.
The Witness of Life, The Eye, The Evil Eye. All the same. Whatever angle it takes.
So we will See.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
What would you say to Harry? by u/Economy-Alfalfa-2241
What would you say to Harry? So, in a hypothetical world where we all have an opinion, what would you say to Dimbo if you could? Or Meghan? Or the kids?I'm going to do my annual nice because I'm running out of year soooo...Don't get me wrong, I *despise* his behaviour. He can't even begin to comprehend the wider ramifications, we should have reeled him in and chloroformed him if necessary, don't even get me started on Ghastlywife etc etc. But ahead of all that - which I would shout a lot, repeatedly, later. So just for now and probably for ever, "*you can always go home.*Yes, it will be embarrassing. Yes, you will have to eat Humble Pie with a heavy slosh of Mortified Custard and yes, it's all a bit bigger than family. But when you've thunked your thunkings, taken your accountabilities and sorried your sorries, a heartfelt regret voiced to one gets you absolution from the whole. We don't want to dislike you, we really don't. It's so much easier when we're not up the snotter with the RF; most of us like to hold you in a kind of benevolent ignorance and you must admit, it's a good deal. And yes, you have a LOT to rebuild but again, goodwill really does grease the bearings.Harry. Ask Siri to help with the big words, but they don't really matter. The words that matter are:You can always come home.​And that goes for anyone - if you understand this, you'll understand why. "Spare" should never have been published because its a voyeuristic nosy around in someone else's mind that might've slipped its gimbals . That's nothing to do with Americans being more open or whatever bollox he's been led to believe cos I don't for one minute think any one of you would think it appropriate outside your closest friends ears or those of your therapist. How Harry went from conservative to vomiting up every second of every injustice for the entire world is...worrying (any psych people in here?)But I think Scobie's new shlockfest slammed the door for him. Or he may think it has. Some - well, most - of his slights were over such minutiae that I think they're maybe misperceptions rather than memories, and the obvious culprit is depression. He really does seem to have this bleak outlook that the distorted lens of depression casts across everything; every memory, every occasion, every event. But Scobie's book really removes any of what little nuance that remained after the rest of the whining and it draws a line much harder than any Harry has wanted to so far. It just seems like an aggressive move whereas Harry really relies on the passive-aggressive, he receives offences that haven't been sent. But if you get to the point where you can't see a way forward you always have to know there's a way back. I think I might be at the point of worrying about whether he knows that.​I dunno. Praps I've been boiled too long and am going soft, but it's hard enough to do the accountability thing for any reason. It's hard to realise your perceptions were skewed, your memory the faulty one. So if it's hard when it's just a family who want to forgive and don't really see much to forgive anyway.....imagine what it's like thinking a whole country is against you. Yeeesh.On the other hand, it'll be that country paying so you can concentrate on screwing your head on straight with no teensy little worries like the mortgage or which box you left the kids in (dammit! I was determined to be snark-free. Huh!) so there's that. Swings n roundabouts. post link: https://ift.tt/y7Ogbs5 author: Economy-Alfalfa-2241 submitted: December 11, 2023 at 08:42PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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near-dareis-mai · 9 months
Hi! I'm the anon who asked about Moirane and Siuan and I'm crying so much, I never expected you would be so incredibly awesome and kind with your reply. I was honestly shocked by it and I literally have no words to thank you for all the time and effort that must have taken. I was expecting a short and simple "They interact two more times and never see each other again" or something like that at most but you went so far with it and it seriously means the world to me. I also absolutely loved your funny comments, you had me laughing in many parts.
And yeah, that's actually why I couldn't find anything explicit about what happened to them, I didn't exactly know what to look for, their wiki pages barely mention their relationship to each other outside of New Spring and I've seen some tumblr posts but they're not specific. Some mentioned Moiraine dying, Siaun dying, them never speaking again but implying it ended on bad terms or that they just never cared about each other again after their last meeting so I was just getting more and more confused, that's why you even including moments when they thought about each other even after believing the other was death meant everything to me.
And you were right, learning more about it made me happy because of the knowledge and because of the affirmation that even after everything they still thought about each other and how this entire series basically started because of them (which makes it worse that they didn't have a proper culmination regarding that) but it also made me so sad and even more mad.
One of the things that surprised the most was what happened to Siaun, I've read many fans say that while they don't care about Thom that much, they do love Garrett and his relationship with Siaun so imagine my surprise when I read that he was an old man infatuated with his "almost teenage slave". How can anyine love that? There is no context or excuse that would make that entire relationship better in my eyes, I'm so shocked. And the way she changed I just can't believe it. Of course so far my take of Siaun comes from Sophie's interpretation so I can't, in no way, imagine that woman that I met in episode 6 behaving like you just described. It's so absolutely awful and wrong, he created an entire different character and said it was Siaun! I'm absolutely shocked.
And Moiraine's story got no better either. I knew she and Siaun weren't really gonna have a happy ending, definitely not together, but I had NO IDEA the Lan/Moiraine beautiful platonic relationship would also be ruined. Again, I just know them from what I've seen on the show so I can't even begin to comprehend a world were Moiraine is believed dead for a long time, then comes back and her and Lan don't try to at least fix their relationship. I know the Warder thing is complicated but I always liked to believed that their love for each other was more than just the bond, that they really loved and cared about each other as friends, so I'm really sad about that just being destroyed.
I'm really sad that Siuan had the opposite of character growth for the most part and then had an awful ending that wasn't even an important part of the story and that Moiraine ended without the people she loved the most, with a guy that didn't respect her. That was also shocking, I can't believe the Moiraine I got to know would not only marry a man intimidated or threatened by her power but that she would tell him she would renounce her power for him. I just can't imagine that ever coming out of her mouth. I know she changed and suffered and stuff but it doesn't make sense.
I'm not from the USA and finding the books is a bit hard here but I found a way to buy New Spring online so I got that one and I will definitely read it! The little bits you wrote about it had me squealing and hugging my pillow because of the cuteness and gayness and just knowing that it focuses on my two best girls and Lan made me instantly get it. I will just try and pretend their ending was different though lol I know fans of book series hate changes, I get that in a way but hopefully some things do change in the show because I'm just no ready to accept some of the things I just read.
I know the story was never about Moiraine and Siuan, but knowing that they were meant to know each other, all thins that they accomplished together, both of them hearing that prophecy and starting this mission together, basically the whole plot of the book, for that to not have a real ending. Just using them to start the engine but then not having a good resolution about it? And I don't even mean a happy ending, but something!
There are so many more things I could say and I have so many opinions about this and I'm still in awe that you took the time to do this but I'm not gonna make this longer than it needs to be and bore you even more, you already did too much for me and I will absolutely treasure everything you wrote and I will save it so I can read it many more times.
Thank you so much for everything, I hope you have the nicest of days!
Spoilers for the entire Wheel of Time book series
You're quite welcome. I hope you enjoy New Spring! However, I feel dutybound to warn you that there's triggering content in the book.
(TW for grooming: In New Spring, Lan has interactions with a woman who basically groomed him when he was a child. The narrative tries to pass it off as a Malkieri cultural thing, but. It. Is. Grooming. So go in forewarned.)
I've read many fans say that while they don't care about Thom that much, they do love Garrett and his relationship with Siaun so imagine my surprise when I read that he was an old man infatuated with his "almost teenage slave". How can anyine love that?
(I hate defending Gareth Bryne but i feel honourbound to clarify: he only thinks Siuan is ~18 when he begins to chase her down. When he finds her and realizes who she really is - the deposed Amyrlin - he realizes she's 42 years old, and is still utterly infatuated with her, so it becomes un-creepy at that point. Again, I HATE having to defend this man but he's meeting the very low bar here.)
I presume it's easier for some people to find Gareth/Siuan romantic than Thom/Moiraine because if you're not thinking too hard about it, the barebones of Gareth/Siuan fits certain romantic tropes that were popular in the 90s and early 2000s (a highly decorated lord/general falling in love with a commonborn fisherman's daughter when she's lost all her power, a highly ambitious woman finding that what she actually values is romantic love above all else, the whole servant-master dynamic, etc). Everyone can ship whatever they want, but I will never see eye-to-eye with people who find it romantic, and I personally want to beat Gareth Bryne to death with my bare hands for what his introduction into the narrative does to Siuan's arc and personality.
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Of course so far my take of Siaun comes from Sophie's interpretation
IMO Sophie is a perfect Siuan, I really can't see anyone else in that role anymore and I feel like she really gets across the complex and seemingly contradictory facets that make up Siuan's personality in the books perfectly - and she's why I hate Siuan's character deterioration in the later books even more now than before I watched the show, because imagine Sophie!Siuan putting up with any of that, LMAO.
but I had NO IDEA the Lan/Moiraine beautiful platonic relationship would also be ruined
Yeah. Sorry. i don't have even snippets to comfort with you here but the good news is the show most likely won't treat their relationship as something to be discarded by the wayside. IIRC, Rafe Judkins - the WoT showrunner - got a huge binder from amazon of fans' opinions on what they want improved from the books to the show, and one of those was fans asking for a proper resolution/interactions for them. so like. have hope.
Enjoy New Spring!
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
an addendum to that ask now that my head is a little clearer (although i am still shaking);
i do, honestly, feel like a part of myself died with alex. although it's not the technoblade part. and that feels like it sounds like an incredibly selfish thing to say, so know that i am not trying to claim any sympathy from his death. he, in the far too short time between when i started watching his videos two years ago and today, left an insanely huge impact on my life. i started going by techno because of him, i read the art of fucking war (seriously, that book is so dense. how did my past self ever read that?), i nearly dyed my hair pink, and most importantly, i found a part of myself that without him i would've never remembered. and now that part of me- the c!techno part of me- his story will never truly be finished. i can recall clearly- which to be fair they weren't that long ago- all the days i threw on my clunkiest pair of boots and a poet shirt, trying to reobtain some of the effortless piggy coolness i'd had then, that he still had. it never quite worked, but i'm sure i'll get there someday.
jesus, i can't even begin to imagine how the people who actually knew him must feel, if i'm in genuine shock just because my silly little brain grabbed the cube pig by the neck and went "this one. that's me." if any of them are for some fucking reason reading this; i send my condolences, as little as that means.
when he said he'd never die, he was not, in totality, lying. immortality doesn't mean living on forever- it means having a legacy that will carry on for so long you may as well have never physically passed. and techno, no doubt, has that sort of legacy. his impact on the mcyt community- the minecraft community as a whole- is so immensely large i can't even begin to comprehend it. he touched so many lives before his was ended too soon. too soon. it's always too soon.
he was only a few years older than i am.
and even then, if you think that's some philosophical bullshit (which i don't blame you for, it is); i'm still here, and i'm still (c!)technoblade. i and all the other technoblades are still here. in everything but the literal sense, he is not dead. technoblade never dies. we can't and we won't- even if our time on this physical plane has ended.
so to misquote the man himself; i hope he's having a good time taking down the kingdom of god right now. it's what he deserves. i may be a biased party, but blood's a lot more epic than christianity.
-c!technoblade, the blood god. gg. 🐷 #🍭✨😈💥
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mannyegb · 2 years
There's a part of me that just really hates how I do things. I want to forget about the past and move on but I could never do that....I want to block and forget the people that treat me like a stranger now but I can't because of that stupid fucking bond that we had.....I swear I treated those people like they were family....trusted them with all of the things that I wanted and yet here I am....alone with my thoughts haunting me....always being alone and afraid of how the hell I function every single day. I hate that I do this to myself and hate that this is how things are now....and it wasn't even my fault?!?!
I will always take blame for the things that I do. Yes I did cheat on someone but I am willing to admit that. Yes I was very clingy in the beginning but I fixed that. But the fact that someone tells me you didn't know about this person that well and had to go along and tell them you were too much without even mentioning anything to me!?!?!? Makes it very hard for me to understand how I was the fucking problem.
Like I am willing to communicate and comprehend so much to understand your situation and everything that you stand for. I was never asking for so much, I did what I thought was fine and thought was right for this specific ideology that you believe in. Did I push on? No, did I make it awkward? No, and did I make things weird? No the fuck I didn't.
But the fact that you went on and assumed all of the things that I wanted to do, tell me that I was still unstable, tell me that I didn't work my ass off just to be a better person mentally and physically, and then to top it all of say that I was still to pushy even though hugs and kisses were fucking fine.
Here's a thought.....MAYBE FUCKING MENTION THAT!?!?!? Like why is it so hard for people to communicate!?!?! Why is it so hard for people to say something Jesus!?!?! What???? You think you're going to hurt someone's feelings?!?! That's fine!!! That's how life works!!! This is how it is and if they can't take it then that was their first lesson!!!
You can not be like that and expect them to know everything about you the moment they see you. People are meant to communicate and comprehend and the fact that these people blamed me....are the ones that did not want to do any of that fucking shit. You wanna know the worst thing??? They wanted all of that. They wanted all of the things that I have mentioned before and now they have a problem with it???? Why didn't you tell me that this was going to bother you??? Why didn't you just tell me! What was so hard about doing that????
That's the only part that confuses me. Either you assumed to much of how I was going to react or how you thought I was going to try and change you....if you thought any of those two? You must be delusional because that was never my intent. I never wanted to change you. I never wanted force you to do anything irrational. I never wanted to make you do anything that was going to change your life forever. Why the fuck would I take that away from you??? You think this is how it is??? *sighs*
I'm just disappointed that this happened to you. Because right now, the fact that I can call you out and tell everyone how much you've lied about this stuff just shows how much I have fucking changed as a human being. Never in my life do I hate. Never in my life do I hold a grudge. But the fact that you think this was the way to end things, you will have more enemies then you can fucking imagine. Using people like that will make Karma get you right fucking back.
So many good people that I used to call my friends now ignore me. Only one person talks to me and I really hope they are still a good friend. Because if they are just there making sure I don't come any closer to you people, then you must be the most fucking sick and disappointing people I have met in my fucking life. You using people and making them feel like shit will just be the worst. I wish I could warn people about you, but honestly....you keep doing that. Because I want them to learn these lessons. After all that's how life is.
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the-11-doctor · 2 years
The Portrayal
Imagine the impossible if you will! A blog run by a well thought out, extremely educated and CLEVER human actor, definitely human everyone shut up. Right now.
Someone who takes their work so fucking seriously because they ENJOY IT. A person who lives to be creative in ways they enjoy, and DOES NOT put out writing until they themselves are proud and happy with it.
The perfect blog that approaches their muses with an air of respect, insight, and c a r e.
That is this blog.
I mean look at the material bitch? This shit has formats and icons to express e x a c t l y how you'd picture the man standing in front of you, TELLING you to turn it off.
Be it your humanity, or the TARDIS Klaxon.
There is a commitment behind the words out here that people will never truly understand unless you have BEEN THERE on the journey through uni to figure out what makes portrayals of a character so REAL and TANGIBLE.
I highly worship every notification I see with this url, I get so excited and drop everything. I seriously do.
Always and Forever!
-Space Twin
The Portrayal
Lemme just:
Your portrayal of Ar Elizabet is so canon, canon itself quakes when she's welcomed into new verses, and fits so perfectly like the puzzle was always meant to have her in the trailer (then I make it later).
We have crafted several verses, worlds and hundreds of ideas, and it's not that she's molded to - it's Lizzy being so lovingly crafted and admired and conveyed in a way that she just belongs. The universe says, she must be, will be, and always has been, and from the very beginning The Doctor knew she was a space child BECAUSE of that.
You understand and articulate ideas and inspiration perfectly, and you are always open to learning and adapting writing styles - not to mention the performative side where you GET IT - you k n o w that art is not a singular performance, it comes in different combinations. And how to use it! (Imagery etc).
Not one word of your replies lacks meaning, or depth, or something you have yourself stood as Elizabet and tried to comprehend from an angle that isn't yours.
Your writing style is as authentic as it gets, and it helps to HAVE the intel of your excellence in acting it from our little improv on the side as well, because I know how to dissect what you put into everything and I can r e a d an entire scene from a single line and GIF/icon. Your art style is so fucking unique, and is my favorite.
Lizzy is a star. A whole constellation, you have birthed, and I am so thankful that you are my space twin and the planets aligned to bring our writing together, because there is truly nothing like - nobody GETS it! And my muses love her, dearly, even the ones we don't talk about DAMON. The content you put out is always loved, and it fucking shows.
Loving your character as a part of you really makes a difference in the quality of writing you put out, and even in my absences here on Tumblr we still meet the energy in Discord and Wire - your adaptability is astounding, and your talent is u n fucking met, girl. Learning new methods alongside me, who sat through a whole 3 hour class to learn them, and you picking it up immediately - this is such a refined s k i l l.
You can't tell me Lizzy hasn't been in Doctor Who. She has been in The Vampire Diaries, she has. She IS. She's from Sherlock, that's where The Doctor found her. She IS in The Babysitter, and The Duff, and every single franchise - she i s there. It's not a b e l i e f, you proved it. You done proved it.
Every time we write, and every thing? I am s o enthralled with, likewise I drop EVERYTHING because it is so VALUABLE, and when we do threads - it's like painting a whole canvas, and I have hanged every painting we've done up in a gallery in my mind palace (take the stairs, turn right, 3rd door on the left and down another set of windy stairs, NOT THE WOODEN STAIRS).
Elizabet is now and forever within ar Hearts, and she won't be going anywhere. As a space daughter, as kiddo, as the Original daughter, as the Almost Wife, she has made place as a permanent resident of my verses, in my muse's lives. Because she has ALWAYS BEEN THERE.
Always and Forever is right, because we don't actually have to merge despite the Gemini thing.
Space Twins until the final frontier (my 162nd birthday). Not sorry for the essay. I could write a dissertation on why Elizabeth Holmes-Salvatore-Mikaelson-Petrova-Bathsheba-Patrice-Monsoon-Lungbarrow-Eddie-Bateman (I missed and mixed some of those sorry for that I COULDN'T FIND THE CERTIFICATE) is just, canon. And so, so wonderful.
We're just not going to address your whole definitely h u m a n thing.
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cyruspavels · 4 months
They Don't Believe in Love
I think I figured love out.
I've maintained that love is a mythical idea for some time. Until I learned that the disconnect between Women and Men is simply because of two very different species that look and seem related are attempting to act as one.
Us humans, we see: positive And automatically assume that the polar opposite to that positive is negative.
Well, Sometimes negative isn't the absolute opposite of positive.
Let me explain.
Bipolarity is the product of mood change. Mood change can be a product of not getting enough Vitamin D, or bad dieting or loss of iron through blood loss during menstruation periods. Yes, even sudden mood changes or swings.
Women get colder than men because of loss of iron. These things affect how a woman reacts as well as mood. Iron, I mean. Loss of iron will make a woman get colder sooner than a man in environments with temperature drops.
Chemically, women's bodies adjust, which is why we say women are awesome beings. Magical. They make babies and that must be the craziest mood-swinging experience of all. Rightfully so.
A man, Not in a zillion years— Can ever understand those mood changes, Nor can a man feel them. The discomfort of a tiny being sitting inside of your belly trying to punch and kick its way out as it begins growing and losing space to do so. We can imagine, but it will never get us close to knowing the thoughts that must linger, the sensations that must be turned on and off.
The same way a woman can't ever comprehend the sensational feeling one feels at the tip of their penis—right at the opening that we feel when ejaculating. It overpowers our entire nervous system and for a split-second paralyzes our entire bodies. And it's a rush; an adrenaline rush. The sort of rush that people easily get addicted to. The same adrenaline rush in sober people who need extreme sports to find an equivalent.
Men can get that from simply ejaculating..
Science says that when a woman is ovulating she seeks the stronger alpha males, but once she is pregnant she wants the caretaker. There's a lot of bipolarity in there, but bipolarity is simply a consequence of natural chemical reactions occuring.
Men can't understand any of that because we can't feel it therefore we cannot empathize. Women, neither. They cannot understand nor empathize with the ways men's bodies were designed to function.
Both are factories for procreation— Except, both factories contain completely different assembly lines.
So what is love? It's Men & Women attempting to comprehend one another. Without trying or needing to analyze one another, by accepting that they are two different species that only seem alike the way Dolphins & Whales do, to us.
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genshingarbage · 3 years
Hiii, Good Morning/Good afternoon/Good evening Mod Kaeya,Mod Diluc^^, It's my first time requesting, Can I request? Angst with any Genshin Impact characters?,Soo The genshin characters are much more spending time with Lumine? Then the reader asks why they aren't spending much time with them and the genshin characters snaps and said the readers are weak ( reader is already insecured because they can't fight) and they have work to do then the reader leaves to fight hilichurl camps and unfortunately there's 2 Mitachurls ,luckly the genshin characters were on time to save the reader? Then they apologized to them? (It's Gn reader^^) sorry if it's alot and sorry if my grammar is wrong you both can disregard this ask stay safe ^^
Good afternoon dear Traveler!! Well done for making your first request! And such a lengthy one too oh my~ Your grammar is fine don’t even worry about it. Sorry for the long wait, Mod Diluc and I have been busy on the Kuzuha banner haha but I hope you enjoy this tear jerking tale (。•̀ᴗ-)✧- Mod Kaeya
Recommending this song for this oneshot!
Go checkout Anna_drw01 for more art like this!! Here’s her artstation!
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The distant scientist, renowned for being hard to get close to was someone you used to consider one of you closest friends. The two of you spent day and night together, hellbent of cracking open every single challenge you possibly could together. Many considered you two to be able to solve any mystery put in front of you together.
The keyword was together.
There was a mystery you yourself couldn’t solve; Why was Albedo’s time with you slowly becoming a rarity?
You’d been wondering why he’d been spending so much less time in the lab he’d meticulously built over years of his life or on site where his precious research was being buried little by little by crystalline flakes, tending to his experiments and recording time sensitive data that would be valuable for months to come for the research team. Albedo had been gone so long both you and Sucrose had designed a plan in order to cover the work he’s left unattended whilst managing your own on top of the store. It was beginning to get concerning. If the leader of the investigation squad was absent constantly then what did that mean for the rest of you? Surely he was only gone for the sake of something important he’d found, something he placed above everything else he was researching. That’s what you lent yourself into believing.
That is, until you saw him with her.
You couldn’t blame him honestly, Lumine was gorgeous. Her golden hair and fiery eyes are what a lot of men probably look for in a partner, even more so was the mystery behind her origins and the raw power she held in her fingertips at any given moment.
You didn’t have to have a vision to be able to tell that.
Maybe that was another thing he sought in her.
A traveling partner that could wield the powers of the elements, a traveling partner that could hold their own against the world. Maybe that wasn’t all he was looking for but also a romantic partner.
He finally came back to the investigation camp briefly one night, it was during a particularly rough blizzard ravaging across Dragonspine and the areas surrounding it a little like a turbulent child tossing snowflakes across already painted, buried monochrome peaks. He trudged into the camp with her rambunctious adventuring party, shouted something over the whipping wind about how they should get warm inside one of the communal tents dotted around the sparse camp halfway up the summit you inhabited and then ducked into the burgundy tent you were working away in with nothing but the clinking of vials harmonizing with the bubbling of flames. It was nothing but candle light right then in the morbid lonely night, only the sounds of the howling gales outside of the ones in your lab. If you’d felt like you were being watched during the night before now, Albedo’s piercing analytical gaze did nothing but soothe the loneliness you’d held inside yourself all night.
“I need a strong multi use Geoculus locator, if we have any.” The blonde said
He must’ve seen your shoulders perk up because he waited patiently as you searched through the shelves upon shelves of prototypes you’ve developed. After somehow finding one, you patted over to him. He seemed pleased with your work, if a bit distant as usual. He was in a good mood so you guessed would be the best time if any to ask. “Sir… with all due respect why have you been away so long?”
Albedo’s pale face was blank as usual though he blinked as if surprised you spoke, “Lumine needed someone with a sufficient Geo vision, I happened to be the one she knew the best to get the job done.”
“So you’ll be returning?”
“I never said that.”
You tried not to take it harshly, this was just how he spoke after all. “…could I come along then?” It was a long shot yes but you still missed his company, if it meant having to deal with him getting buddy buddy with that Outrider then you would suffer. 
It was quiet for a moment between you two as you stared him down and he observed the locator thoroughly. After he was pleased enough with the golden glowing device it was packed away into his back pocket without so much as a second thought, the man was obviously stalling while he thought carefully over the question but the result wouldn’t be to your liking evidently. You were about to make  a point you hoped would be convincing before he spoke, his voice sharp and words cold like the very ice being tossed around the blackened sky.
“No, you’re not a skilled enough fighter so you’d only slow us down more than we can handle to be right now. You’d be useless to us.” He put a hand to his chin for a moment in thought, “If you’d had been able to development a synthetic elemental burst like Sucrose’s swirl mark II…I would have considered but you can’t even do that.”
Watching him leave with them the morning after was torturous, they rushed off into the snowy landscape with barely a goodbye and never a second glance from Albedo beyond that. It stung.
Maybe that’s why when hilichurl camps, specifically ones becoming a nuisance to caravans as well as supply lines along Dragonspine almost avidly to the near point where there would be commissions called in, were brought up in conversation you elected to take a weapon and simply clear them out yourself. You could barely fight one off but usually they were smaller towards the base of the mountain so you figured it would be alright. You would just patch yourself up if you got a bit injured. Surely the pain of the injures would busy your silly little heart long enough to forget about Albedo and his cruel words to you, surely you would barricade your feelings of pining behind walls of broken bones and struggling through the snow. Maybe that was the remedy, the answer you needed to your mystery. Your pleas would probably be hidden by the snowstorms anyways.
Mitachurls unfortunately inhabited bigger camps. Thankfully, Frost Lawlichurls tended to live alone. The former happened to find it’s way to you, charging with the might of a bull on ozmanthys wine. As you were bowled over you heard an abrupt shout, maybe saw a brief flash of familiar golden light as the battle grounds around you erupted further into chaos but it didn’t matter that pale arms were abruptly gripping you to a panicked sword user. Your vision was to blurry, the shouts of attacks and spells too muffled and faint, your body felt too limp to comprehend even the though of moving. You could barely breathe.
Someone was muttering, crouched around you and holding you close, muttering something over and over again. Something important. The feeling of their lips pressed against your forehead, his quiet gut heaving sobs as he rocked you back and forth. Albedo’s pleas for you to just hang on a moment longer—
Where were you again?
There was sunlight and it was warm, a pleasant warmth that almost lulled you back to the sleep you’d fallen into. The only thing that kept you awake was that this was indeed not your bed.
Where were you?
Sitting up hurt, your whole body ached and you were certain something must have been rearranged or was missing because the pain shot through you like an arrow. Your sharp exhale alerted the two others in the room, one who immediately sprinted to get a nurse in an emerald and navy flurry of skirts and capes.
You were dizzy, only steadied by a gentle hand on your limp shoulder. Ah, when did you turn to face him?
The blonde man infront of you asked if you remembered what happened, his voice was soft but didn’t hold any emotion. The smoky circles around his beautiful striking cerulean eyes did nothing but worry you slightly as they implied a long period of time without sleep. You’d imagine him to be the sciency type who didn’t really know what to think of other people so he stayed nose deep in books to pass the time, though there was a deep sadness in the way he held himself you couldn’t understand.
“I don’t…who are you?” You thought you saw him flinch but figured it was a trick of the light.
“No one important, nevermind me.” The man sat up with an unreadable expression even for how blank it had been for this whole brief conversation after you had awoken, getting up from his chair to begin walking to the door when he stopped. “I’m sorry.”
“…for what?” You didn’t understand.
“Nothing that would natter now, please. Rest.”
You didn’t remember.
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lazypeachsoul · 3 years
you promise?
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Request: by anon “Could you write an Osferth drabble. About anything you'd like. Please and thank you.”
Warnings: Nothing.
Word count: 1,8k
A/N: Here's the first fic for The Last Kingdom Week! Hope you enjoy some sweet baby monk. I might have gone overboard with this story, but I can't help it when it comes to osferth. Enjoy 🌼
The streets of Cookham were bustling with workers returning home from the fields that surrounded the village. Thanks to Lord Uhtred and his fame the once forgotten town had become a stop for every merchant that traveled through Wessex and the workload had increased. And you were no different than any of those other people.
The sun was now setting and it was your time to return the children you minded back to their homes, where their overworked parents would take care of them. It wasn’t normal for common workers to have child minders, normally leaving the kids at home with their mothers, but Cookham was busier than ever and women were working the fields too. And that left you to take care of the little rascals that lived in town.
You had tried to work as a seamstress and at the alehouse, but nothing seemed to really suit you. Well, at least until you started taking care of the kids. You didn’t get much pay since the people you worked for were underpaid to begin with, but the little you got you saved for a new fabric, or a sweet treat or for those times you would meet Osferth at the alehouse and you wanted to prove him that you were a hard working woman.
And how you loved those times. Osferth seemed to always be busy either training or meeting with the rest of what had now been named the “Cookham squad”. Lord Uhtred and his loyal warriors were the talk of all Wessex and a great source of gossip for the entire town. Lord Uhtred and his beautiful wife Gisela took care of the people that lived inside their walls. Then there was Finan, the loud irishman who seemed to bring joy and fun to any occasion celebrated, always close to him was Sihtric, the mysterious dane who didn’t speak much but said a lot with just a look. And the last one was the monk who is not really a monk Osferth.
When you first met him you were trying to learn to become a barmaid and accidentally tripped on his foot, sending a pitcher of ale flying everywhere and leaving you both embarrassed and asking for mutual forgiveness. Since that moment, you had started to meet together at the alehouse every few days, providing you with a nice friendship but keeping all the rules a respectable young unmarried woman should follow.
And that’s exactly where you were headed after dropping your last child at home with his grateful mother. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the familiar blonde mop of hair sitting on one of the outside benches, and you had to admit to yourself that maybe it was more than just casual meetings at the alehouse. At that moment Osferth turned around and waved in your direction and with a small wave you made your way to the bench, sitting in front of him.
“I thought you didn’t see me, you looked distracted.” Osferth's sweet voice spoke and you had to admit he was right, you almost missed it because of your constant daydreaming about the man. But you couldn’t admit that.
“Excuse me, the children were wild and I’m extremely tired. Must be because of the nice weather.”
“Maybe we should meet another day, I wouldn’t want to tire you more Lady-” “No!”
You hadn’t been able to stop the agitated answer from coming out when you heard his dismissal. You were tired but never too tired to stop meeting Osferth. You could feel your cheeks hot with embarrassment and you tried to clear your throat to diffuse the tension.
“I mean, I would rather stay here with you and relax with a friend.”
Osferth’s face seemed to harden at your words but as soon as the barmaid brought you two cups of ale everything seemed to go back to normal, except for a small curious voice at the back of your head wanting to know why the expression changed.
“A friend. Of course. I enjoy the time we spend together too.” He nodded his head, his blonde hair falling in front of his eyes before taking a sip from his cup. “The weather is really nice so I wouldn’t blame the children. Lord Uhtred told us that the weather would turn nicer before we leave.”
You felt the ale you had been drinking get stuck in your throat but you tried to conceal it with a soft cough so as to not cause a scene in the packed alehouse. Leave? They were leaving?
“Are you leaving soon? You didn’t say anything before.”
“Lord Uhtred just confirmed it this morning. The King has requested the Lord’s help in some negotiations with the danes. He thought it best for us to accompany him since his history with the king is not the most amicable.”
You nodded along as he spoke but your brain was overworking itself trying to comprehend the situation. They were leaving to assist the King of Wessex and they would leave Cookham unattended for God knows how long. Of course the real reason you were worried was not the village, Lady Gisela could take care of it and more without a problem, you were worried about Osferth and you. Was there even an 'Osferth and you' to worry about?
“That’s...great that the King and our Lord are speaking again. Maybe it might help us get resources from the crown.” You tried to excuse your previous silence but it must have been obvious you were deep in thought because Osferth looked at you with a curious face. “And when are you leaving?”
“We’re expected to depart tomorrow morning. Apparently those matters are very important and require us to be there as soon as possible.” He shrugged in a move to downplay the entire situation.
Silence was the only thing that could be heard from your side of the bench, a deep contrast from the rest of the groups happily chatting and drinking. The table was silent but your mind was not, still overthinking every word your companion had said. You were overthinking so much that you almost missed his quiet voice.
“I am going to miss you.” Osferth spoke and as soon as you looked at him again he seemed to flush. “And our conversations. Or friendly conversations as...friends.”
You wanted to laugh at the poor man in front of you. In the many months you had known Osferth you had never seen him that flustered in his life, cheeks and ears bright red and a stuttering mess.
“I’m going to miss you too Osferth. And our friendly meetings.” You placed your hand next to his on the table next to his, not wanting to overstep and make the poor man more uncomfortable.
He moved his hand carefully almost imperceptibly until his fingers touched yours and a warm feeling ran down your entire arm from your hand. He seemed to be the one deep in thought at the moment and you almost wished you could pick at his brain to see what was going on. Is that how he felt every time you zoned out?
“Maybe you could remember me-” “Of course I’m going to remember you Osferth, don’t be silly. You are not going to war, only a mission for the king.”
A nervous chuckle was the only thing he could let out now and his reactions were starting to worry you a bit. If it was only a small trip he shouldn't have been that nervous.
“Let me finish. Maybe if I gave you something that you could remember me by, it would be easier.”
“You don’t have to do that, Osferth. I will remember you anyways.” You tried to reason with him but you couldn’t stop him from moving to look for something in the pockets of his robes.
After a bit of fussing with the robes he placed his closed fist on top of your hand, opening it just enough for something small and metallic to fall into your hand. Moving your hand closer you found a small fragile chain that seemed to have been at least as old as you.
“It’s not much, just a scrap of metal if you try to sell it. But it was my mother’s, the only thing I have from her. I hid it from the monks when I was growing up so they wouldn’t take it away. Carried it into battle with me every time I’ve fought too.”
Every single word of the explanation seemed to make your throat close a bit more and your eyes glossier. You knew Osferth had no real memories with his mother and you could imagine how important that bracelet must have been for him.
“I can’t accept it, it’s so important to you. Why would you give it to me?” You debated with your head shaking and trying to push the chain into his hand again. “Don’t be silly, Osferth. It’s your mother’s bracelet.”
“You must keep it. Please.” He kept his fist tightly closed to avoid you giving him back the piece of jewelry. “I want you to have it.”
“But I don’t have anything to give you in return.”
You kept trying to pry his fist open, all in vain because he wouldn’t even budge. You wanted to get up and hug him for such a meaningful gesture and hit him at the same time for wanting to part with such a meaningful piece.
“You have.” He spoke, grabbing your hand and halting your movements. “Maybe you can give me your promise.”
You looked at him curiously at what his proposal might be. Maybe he just wanted you to take care of Lady Gisela, you knew how he saw her as the mother he never had. Or maybe he wanted you to care for Lord Uhtred’s children.
“You can promise me that once I’m back from Wincester you will allow me to properly court you.” He explained and you felt your heart stop. “I-If you want, of course.”
Courting Osferth was not something you had thought about, mainly because you had nothing to offer. Your parents didn’t have fields or many resources they could offer a prospective husband. And Osferth was a warrior, so you thought settling down seemed to be out of the picture for him. But you had to admit the idea made your stomach turn in the best way possible.
You realized you had been thinking for a long time and still hadn’t given an answer when you felt him squeezing your hand. Could you promise him something like that?
“I promise.” Of course you could, the idea of a lifetime with Osferth only made you more excited about life. “Only you have to promise me to come back soon.”
He nodded with enthusiasm, moving his hands to take the small chain from your delicate hand and clasp it around your wrist. This mission hadn’t even started and you already wanted it to end.
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Taglist: @webreathfandoms @thebohemianpenguin @emilyhufflepufftlk @solinarimoon
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