#I could have went for more dragon like appearance but I couldn't help it
fly-sky-high-arts · 11 months
Dragon fruit + Axolotl
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Just a friend :)
@mysterious-luck Let me know if you're interested in claiming it for 13$ or more. If not, I will add it to my ko-fi listing~
Update in the reblog~
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shallyouobeyme · 1 year
Platonic Yander Malfoy!Family x Dragon!reader (GN)
Summary: A long time ago there lived a species of dragon-hybrids with magical gifts. You - one of these hybrids - had the gift of bringing good fortune to whoever was close to you, but as you'd soon learn, using your gift to help others would only endanger you...
! Minors do not interact !
TW: Not Canon Complainant about the Malfoy's backstory, imprisonment, manipulation, kidnapping, infantilisation (kinda), I do not condone this - this is all fiction
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One or two Centuries ago, when muggles still believed in magic and fantastical creatures roamed the earth almost freely, many more kinds of species lived in nature. Some of them were closely related to creatures still on this planet in the present. One example of such a case was a kind of dragon that had long since left the face of the earth, one that shared many similarities with the humans around it. In fact, these dragons had the ability to shift from their full dragon form to that of a bipedal, humanoid dragon-person hybrid. Further than their ability to shift though was their ability to innately use magic.
Now, their abilities were not like the abilities of wizards and witches who could put their magic into words and gestures, using their magic as a medium to achieve many different goals. Instead, they tended to be born with a specific magical talent that differed from case to case - some could control different elements (since these dragons did not naturally have the ability to breathe fire or water), some could communicate with nature, some changed the weather, and others could use their scales to make themselves invisible to any living and dead being.
One of these dragons, still a young fetchling when this story began had a rare and sought-after ability - the ability to attract fortune. Something every dragon with a knack for hoarding (so almost all) would kill for, which was why the little dragon-hybrid was told from a very young age to keep hidden from creatures that would use them and their powers for their own gain. This young dragon was you - and often, when you now fell asleep, you still dreamt of the night that would turn out to be the one to doom your entire life.
You had barely just started to fly without your parent's supervision and after being kept at home for your entire (short) life in hopes that no one would try to use you, your curiosity for real life and everything beyond the mountain you called home grew restless. So you did what any curious child with the ability to fly would do and you took off to where you knew the nearest village to be. You landed a few miles away from it, well aware that your parents would be furious beyond belief if you went into town and let your existence be known to humans. After all, your parents always did make a point of mentioning just how greedy and selfish humans tended to be.
You were a fool to not believe them. You were in your humanoid form - comparable with a human child of about eight or nine years - as you stepped into a clearing. The sound of sobbing echoed through the trees around you and your eyes fell onto a form hunched onto the floor in sobs. They looked similar to you, but a lot smoother, and without any horns or wings protruding out of their back. Honestly, they looked really strange, but your parents had described something similar to what you were seeing and they had said that these smooth wingless things were humans. Obviously, you were intrigued.
"Why are you crying?" you asked in your young, squeaky voice and the human jumped up, turning to look at you in shock. Their eyes widened even further at your appearance, but they seemed too shaken to properly realize what was going on.
"You-You're a - You're a dragon?" they finally stuttered out, their tears long forgotten. You couldn't help but giggle, of course, you were a dragon, what else were you supposed to be?
"Yes I am, and you're a human, right?" you asked and they only responded by nodding, "then why were you crying, human?"
"I-" They seemed to question their reality for a second, probably wondering if they should tell a random little dragon-hybrid their sorrows, but they responded nonetheless, "My mother... She's very ill and I don't have the money to buy the medicine she needs, I fear that she'll pass away soon and then I will be all alone in the world."
As their tears build up again, you feel yourself sympathize with the human. Sure, you had your parents, but they were travelling all of the time, leaving you to your own devices and even your siblings had been allowed to leave the nest and make a way of their own, it was just you who was kept alone in the cave under the pretence of protection. So you very well knew how it felt to be alone, to be lonely. And so you knew that if you could do something against someone else feeling like that, then you would.
"I can help you!" you exclaimed excitedly at the thought of doing something good.
"What? How?" the human - you decided that if humans were at all similar to your own kin then they must have been a man - asked, completely perplexed as you walked towards him, stopping just a step away.
"It's my gift, I can bring fortune to people, I can help you make the money you need for the medicine," you were smiling brightly now, but the human still seemed confused. 'How,' he just asked and you told him to kneel down. Usually, your presence alone was enough to attract riches and riches beyond most people's dreams, but you knew that if you wanted to help someone attract fortune without being near them, you had to use a different tactic. And so, once the man had knelt down, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and a shimmer of silver light sparkled over his face - the same silver of your scales.
After that you left for home, but before you could take off the human called out to you: "What's your name? Will I see you again?"
"I'm Y/N - and I don't know, I hope so," you responded as you took flight and the last thing they shouted to you before the distance was too large to hear them was that their name was Layton Malfoy.
After that, you used every chance you had to fly to that clearing where Layton was usually already waiting for you - he'd tell you all these amazing stories of his life and he'd entertain you, trying to be your best friend. At least you thought that was all he wanted. What you didn't realize was that slowly but surely he was trying to keep you by his side longer and longer, always finding another reason as to why you should stay, telling you how your parents were using you, about how they weren't these amazing dragons that you thought them to be. And maybe because you were just a lonely child who was just desperate for the attention or maybe because Layton was your first friend and you didn't believe friends would lie to each other, you believed him. And so after he kept telling you all these things about how he was the one who would actually protect you, about how he'd finally let you live a normal life, you left the clearing with him towards his home town - thinking about how you'd return home one day and tell your parents about how wrong they were about humans and about all the great things you lived through.
You never returned home though, in fact, you never saw your parents again. Decades later - you were now comparable to a human teenager - Layton's grandchildren had told you that the dragon-hybrids had been declared extinct after they had been hunted for their powers and their horns. The Malfoy heir told you that he was so happy that his grandfather had 'taken you in' and how the entire family just felt thankful that you hadn't been hunted as well. He elected to ignore the fact that you were shackled to a wall in a secret Cellar below their large estate - possible only because they had you locked away to attract them money,.
After finding out about the cruel fate of your kin, you shifted into your dragon form attempting to not give the Malfoy any sense of result by responding to them or even just paying attention to them. You rolled into yourself, closed your eyes and stopped things but eat, drink and sleep. No matter how often the ever-evolving generations of Malfoys tried to get you to interact with them, you just stayed silent. Honestly, you were surprised that after decades of silence, they still tried to talk to you - wasn't your presence in their cellar enough? You were still attracting fortune for them, what more did they want? Over the years they tried to get you out of your shell by decorating your cellar with numerous pillows and blankets and things that dragons loved in their hord. Your Chamber probably had more money, jewels and riches in it than their bank account. And yet, as much as you secretly appreciated your new horde, you stayed silent.
At least until a new Malfoy was born and old enough to come down to you on his own. Lucius was just a child when he saw you for the first time lying curled into yourself in your pile of riches and pillows and blankets, but even he could see the sadness in your form. And so he tried to talk to you, but like his parents and grandparents had told him, the dragon in their cellar did not talk. But he didn't stop, he told you about how he thought the family had enough money already, about how he thought they should let you free and how you'd be able to breathe fresh air again once he became the patriarch of the family. Maybe it was the earnestness in his voice or the fact that he reminded you of yourself when you were a hatchling, still trusting in the world around you, but you caved and you shifted for the first time in what must have been over 100 years.
It was safe to say Lucius was ecstatic and the two of you soon became close. You talked to him and him only, and he enjoyed it immensely. He tried to spend as much time as possible down with you and was so close to you that you actually let him nap with you in your horde (he always got to lie on the parts with lots of pillows and blankets, because you knew humans were a lot more sensitive than you). And as he grew older you tried to remind him of his promise and at first he agreed, but the older he grew the more unsure he seemed. Still, he agreed - probably knowing that you'd stop your friendship with him once you realized that he didn't intend to keep his promise anymore.
It was only once he came down, dressed all in black, now an adult with his own child, telling you that his father Abraxas had passed because of a case of Dragon Pox - a cruel wink of fate as you couldn't help but think - that you excitedly ran towards the bars of your cage, believing that you'd finally be let out of this horrible prison. Only that Lucius didn't open the door. 'Why?' you asked him, silver streaks of tears streaming down your cheeks, 'Don't you have enough Fortune? Is the money really worth it?'.
"It was never about the money, at least not for me if it was just that I would let you go in a heartbeat, but I know that the second I let you out you'll be gone. You'll leave me behind, here without you, and I don't think I can do that Y/N. I need to know that you're here, safe, where I always know you're well cared for. I hope one day you'll be able to forgive me - even if I'm not there to experience it."
That was the day you realized that Lucius and Narcissa - and after his son Draco as well - would never let you go. They did try to make your living 'situation' more comfortable, changing out the bars to your cave with an actual door after putting enough spells on you to keep you from ever leaving the premises of their mansion, keeping you from kind of violence against them and keeping alerting them should you ever be in any kind of distress or danger. Soon they had integrated you into their everyday life, treating you like a child to be protected and not like you've had lived longer than they could ever imagine. Even Draco - who grew up with you as a constant in his life - developed the same sense of protectiveness that his parents had, as if he wasn't a literal child, and when it was time for him to leave for Hogwarts he insisted you writing him at least once a week, because otherwise he was sure he'd go insane with worry (at least that was what he said).
And so, while for a few decades, you had actually thought freedom was close, you soon realized that you had just switched one prison against a slightly more glamorous one - and it seemed that as long as there were Malfoys, you'd never be able to escape it.
A/N: This is based on another great idea by @sol565 so I wanna give them a big thanks and a big shoutout ❤️❤️❤️
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avatar4life · 2 months
Sad girl in Westeros
"send me your grace. Rhaenys may have the biggest dragon we have but I have the fastest one. And we need Meleys more then ever." That's what y/n while at the black council after Rhaenyra came back from King's Landing.
She, of course, was worried sick about Rhaenyra being in the enemy's territory but she had the hope she came back safe and sound and it seemed like it., but now, word comes that Criston Cole was leading an army towards one of their allies and they needed aid. That's where it comes the current situation:
"Y/-" Rhaenyra tried to protest against her request "Your Grace, my dragon is the fastest one yet, and Criston Cole is already on his way with his army" reader interjected her before she could refuse the request.
As Rhaenyra didn't say another word, y/n left the council to prepare her dragon Eclipse.
As she prepared her dragon and herself for battle, she was deep in thought about how since her marriage with Jacaerys, his only focus was to his first wife Baela, and even though y/n doesn't hate her, she couldn't help but feel envious of the dynamic between them, as she hoped to have the same with Jacaerys and also have a child with him, as it was her biggest dream: becoming a mother, someone that the child could rely to, someone who she could hold close to herself and adore them, but alas, she only managed to consummate her marriage once. She was also thinking about how she could sacrifice herself for this cause, to protect Rhaenyra's rightful claim to the throne, and how it wouldn't matter to anyone if she died in the battle she's about to go to.
She walked towards Eclipse, and leans her forehead to her dragon's nose "time to shine again my dearest" she said to her dragon, who growls as she gets ready to fight.
Y/N was on the ground with Eclipse after getting hit hard by Vaghar and Aemond, and even though she feels like she couldn't fight anymore, she couldn't help but feel a bit proudful in making Aegon and Sunfyre fall and tearing out one of Vaghar's horn and clawing her chest. She got off Eclipse's back and went to check on her, and sighed in relief as she saw her safe and sound even though they fell from the skies.
"think you can still fly home?" She asked her dragon and nodded as Eclipse stood up ready to fly. She got on her back and yells "Soāves Eclipse" and they flew away.
Once she got back she instantly made the dragonkeepers go and take care of Eclipse as she goes to see Rhaenyra, even though she was injured. Once she arrived she knocked on the door before coming in "your grace" she greets her "Y/N! You must sit down, you're wounded. Aelys, go fench a maester" Rhaenyra said to her maid as she helped Y/N sit down.
Once she sat down she sighed on relief of her pain lessening before looking at Rhaenyra "I found and killed Criston Cole, but with him there were also Aemond with Vaghar and Aegon with Sunfyre. I managed to wound both Aegon and his dragon, and injuring a bit Vaghar, but they made a sneak attack on me and Eclipse and we fell from the sky. But, most of Cole's army is down and our allies are safe" she reported to Rhaenyra, who sighed in relief at the news and worried about the sudden appearance of Aemond and Vaghar, still grieving Lucerys's death. Soon the maester arrived and y/n got bandaged and treated. "You must go and rest, now" Rhaenyra said to her and y/n couldn't help but agree for once as she was tired both from flying and from the whole battle.
She went to her chambers, as she doesn't share Jacaerys and Baela's chamber, and immediately fell asleep.
A few weeks have passed and y/n's injuries were healing and with the passing of time Baela's pregnancy continued, causing some jealousy in y/n's heart as she yearned for a child of her own, which brought the current argument
"I have nothing against Baela but I would also like to have a child of my own from our marriage!" She said to Jacaerys frustrated, who only looked at her in indifference as he said words that shattered her heart "you are never going to get my seed, cause only Baela is worthy of it" he said before leaving without even sparing her a glance. She stood there, shocked and hurt as her mind repeats his words like a mantra, feeling like her own heart was burning from the ache she was feeling and the hurt such words caused her. And a few days became weeks, weeks become a month before she sent a raven asking her father this
'Father, I hope you are well, and so is mother and sister. I send you this raven is hope of you to annul my marriage with Jacaerys Velaryon / Targaryen. As i hoped to have a marriage like yours and mother's, such dream never came true and I fear I'll never be able to give you the grandchildren you two always wanted, and never make my dear sister's dream of becoming an aunt come true. So I hope, that if you wish to, to annul this marriage as I am not happy in it. And I hope that even though the marriage gets annuled that our house continues to support Rhaenyra's rightful claim, as you knew her before and know that she's fit for the throne more than anyone else we know or knew.
Hope you are well, Y/N'
She wrapped the paper and tied it to the raven's leg before sending it flying back to her home. She knew that no one could understand her decision, no one but Rhaenyra herself, so she stood up and went to see her.
"you cannot be possibly asking this" Rhaenyra said as she was shocked of her decision "your grace, as much as I love having you as my mother in law, you and I and many others can see that your son does not harbor any feelings for me, no matter how much i want it. I asked my father to continue his support to your claim. Because, even though there's a possibility that we may not be family anymore, I want you to know I will fight for your rightful claim until my very last breath." Y/N said to her as she sat in front of her in her chamber. She looked at Rhaenyra confused as she stood up and hugged her, shocking her before tears came due to feeling her warm and kind embrace, reminding her of her own mother, and hugging her back, not knowing she will talk to Jacaerys later on about what they spoken about.
A few months have passed and even though y/n felt the coldness is her relationship with Jacaerys she couldn't help but feel ecstatic when she learn about her pregnancy, finally, a child of her own to love, to protect, to keep safe.
She also noticed how Jacaerys started to spend some time, even briefly, with her and that made her feel hope again in thinking that maybe he's falling in love with her. But, unfortunately, that hope gets shattered just as fast as it came when the announcement of Baela's third pregnancy came and Jacaerys disappeared again.
Y/N's pregnancy was harder than most women, due to the fact that her belly was much bigger than normal, even more than someone carrying twins. And that's when she found out she was having triplets, a very uncommon thing.
She was put under close guard since this was the first time in Targaryen history that triplets came, and it was a certain relief for y/n since it was a very difficult pregnancy, so when she reached her fifth month, she was put on bestest until the end of her pregnancy.
When she went in labour, she was feeling stressed from Jacaerys's neglect, the council getting more tense and the whole pregnancy that she refused the help of her maids, maesters and midwives and gave birth on her own, almost passing out due to the fact that the time between each birth was long, fifteen minutes for each babe, but she couldn't help but feel extremely relieved and happy as she held her babies, two girls and one boy. She was even more happy because they looked exactly like her., and as she kissed each babe's head, she thanked the gods for the strength they gave her during such difficult birth.
Soon Rhaenyra came to look at the babies and check up on her, and she felt her heart melt at the sight of the babies in y/n's arms
"y/n, they're beautiful...they look just like you" Rhaenyra said as she looked at the babies
"thank you, they're my sweet babies, my dearest girls and my little boy" she said as she kissed their heads.
Three years have passed and the triples looked more and more like y/n every days, anyone could see the resemblance from miles away. Jacaerys spent some time with them from time to time, but was mostly focused on his and Baela's children. This, of course, upsetted y/n's kids but every time they felt sad, she always went to comfort them and make them laugh, hiding the bit of resentment she felt towards Jacaerys's negligence.
One day, everyone was eating at dinner, and while y/n was cleaning one of the girl's mouth from the spilled food, her boy asked a question that made not only her, but also Jacaerys freeze
"Mama, why don't we have other siblings?" "Yeah Mama , why don't we?" One of the girls said "yeah, why?" The other girl said to her with child wonder as she looked at them before making a soft smile at him as she continues to clean the second girl's mouth "cause your mother and father feel like you three are enough for now" she said to them, feeling bad for lying but she knew she couldn't handle their faces if she tells them the real reason.
Meanwhile Jacaerys, was looking at the children, feeling bad for what he had caused y/n, for the pain he inflicted on her and most special, the fact he acted like Daemon and wasn't there for her when she gave birth to the triplets.
After y/n put her children to take their nap, she was about to go and check the children's dragons and see their growth but got stopped by Jacaerys "Y/N wait.... I'd like for us to speak alone, if you wish to" he said to her. She looked at him confused by his request but nodded and went to somewhere more private "is there a reason for you to call me he-" she said but immediately got interrupted by two words she never thought she'd hear from him "I'm sorry" he said to her with a guilt ridden look on his face, with also shame for his actions.
"....what?" She asked confused, shocked and perplexed by what she heard .
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for causing such pain in our marriage, for ignoring and neglecting you in your hard times and in your kind gestures in trying for us to bond. I'm sorry for not being there in your pregnancy, especially because it was hard on you due to growing three children and it being complicated on you. I'm sorry for not being there for their birth, even though I vowed myself to not be like Daemon when mother gave birth to-... I'm sorry for neglicting our children and hurting you and them.... I'm sorry for everything I've done to you and to them. I hope that you can forgive me and for maybe to....try again? I would like for us to try and be a family like we were meant to be: me, you, our children, me and Baela's children too. All of us a family" he said to her as he felt like he couldn't stop talking once he started speaking.
She looked at him with a shocked face bed leaving the private chamber and walking away, not even sparing him a glance as she left.
There it is @aemondwhoresworld hope you like it
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forsworned · 6 months
Holy shit hesh content instant follow. ~ local pocket dragon is frothing at the mouth.
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𓈒༑•̩̩͙ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝗁𝗎𝗌𝖻𝖺𝗇𝖽!𝗁𝖾𝗌𝗁 𝗑 𝗐𝗂𝖿𝖾!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝖾, 𝗉𝗇𝗏, 𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗑, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒, 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗍, 𝗆𝗒 𝗆𝖺𝗇𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗈𝗏𝖾, 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝖻𝗁
⤷ links: masterlist rules buy me a coffee!!
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Even after three years of marriage, you were still a flustered, stammering mess around him. Whether he bent down to tie your shoes or brushed your hair away while you cooked, lifting your chin to gaze into your eyes with his gentle, viridian hues before giving you a delicate kiss. You just couldn't help but melt into a puddle when he was around.
It seemed to hit him when you two were readying yourselves for your monthly trip to Costco (literally Hesh's second home). He had all the reusable bags packed in the trunk, and he always happily jogged around to open your door for you. You giggled at his enthusiasm as you climbed in, and he reached over to buckle you in. The warmth of his body, his grey henley clinging deliciously to his torso, sleeves rolled up as his cologne wafted into your senses. Cedarwood and Hinoki enveloped you, sending you into a daze.
The warm sunlight painted him golden, and for a second, it felt like constellations were gathering around him in a clinquant fashion. He tilted his head as he gazed down at your dulcet features so lovingly, but the curve of his lips was certainly impish.
"You gettin' all flustered again?" he inquired, obviously knowing the response. He had always known the effect he had on you and he was no stranger to the influence you had over him. This man would blithely get on his knees for you at any given moment. But right now, he was having fun toying with you, seeing how far he could go with provoking you.
You blinked back, doe-eyed, and he observed the way you thickly swallowed. "Again?" you croaked out, causing him to swipe his tongue over his lips and latch his teeth into the rosy flesh to stifle his laughter.
"I see the way you're lookin' at me, missy." He began to close the gap between you two, your heart faltering against your chest as warmth rushed to your cheeks. Your hand reflexively went to the handle to maneuver yourself backward, and he clambered on top of you in a fit of giggles.
Your heated cheeks and quivering, jutted-out lip only made you appear more adorable to him. "I'm not looking at you in any kind of way!" you retorted, but he was already adjusting himself on top of you, kissing your cheeks and jaw, immediately succumbing to his hot touch.
"We're gonna be late," you breathed out, carding your fingers through his grown-out buzz, indulging him in a soothing cafuné. He hummed against the skin of your neck, and you felt the wetness pooling at your core. The passenger door was still open in your driveway, encapsulated by the woods that came with the ranch you two drafted a deed to when you fixed your signatures together on that sanctimonious sheet of paper as your moans filled the air.
He chuckled against your sternum now, buttons to your blouse already coming undone. "Late to Costco?"
You glanced over at your watch; it was still noon, but it was impossible to know how long Hesh could keep you. His stamina was unmatched, and his hunger could sometimes be difficult to satiate when he was in the mood, which right now looked like he wouldn't be done with you for the next hour and a half if even that. His question quickly burrowed itself into the backlog of your mind as his lips latched onto your hardened nipple and you rocked your hips at him. He returned the motion as he groaned against the delicateness of your bud, circling the other with the pad of his thumb.
Emboldened by his actions, you reached to unbuckle his leather belt, but he grasped your sneaky little fingers. "Gettin' brave now?" his breath briskly fanning at your ear. You whined at him. "Use your words, sweetheart."
"Fuck me, David, please," it came out as a dreamy plea, and his heart impelled the rigidity of his cock under his jeans. The thing about Hesh is, you only ever have to ask once. Your skirt was already hiking up around your waist as you both fiddled with the button of his jeans, and he barely shrugged off the denim to free his strained dick that slapped his abdomen. It was dripping with opulent, ivory pre-cum, but Hesh wasn't even thinking about that. He wasted no time, slipping his fingers past your waistband to collect the arousal that was saturating your panties and velvety folds. 
Your lips both parting, ragged breaths leaving your throats. "Jesus, doll, you're all worked for me." He groaned, laboring at your swollen clit and gathering the wetness at your puffy cunt before wedging them past your opening. You let out a soft whimper as he curled his taut fingers into you, memorizing every ridge and crevice into you knowing exactly where your g-spot was. It took him no time. Years of familiarizing himself with your body, what you liked, disliked, and what really made you scream out in pure rapture. Hesh knew it at all.
"Davi--I want you--" You whimpered, seizing his fingers between the fluttering walls of your soaking pussy as you reached out to his cock that was standing tall and creaming at the tip. 
He caught your lips between his, knitting his digits into your hair in a feverish kiss. His tongue gently entwined your own and you felt like he was devouring you. Sucking and nibbling at your lips as he began to align himself with your dripping cunt. "Need you." You huffed out, bucking your hips toward him.
"I know, sweetheart." His Adam's apple bobbed up and down in anticipation as he stroked his member and you felt the needy achiness building up between your sodden thighs. He tauntingly pushed his tip at your entrance, allowing you to soak around it and observe the way your lacquered lips parted once more. Brows scrunching together as you whimpered, nails digging into his ass cheeks to fill you up and he chuckled, jolting a bit at your urgency. 
His hankering, earthy hues never left yours as he buried himself into you to the hilt. Broken, erotic whines stumbled out of the both of you, and Hesh lost it.
A cacophony of slurred unadulterated, half-said profanities and pet names came out in desperate gasps as he began to pound into, angling himself on the passenger seat so he was striking your sweet spot. "Shhhhit, baby." He lolled his head over his shoulder, drinking in the way you were taking him so well. Your mixed arousal, permeated the fabric of the seat beneath you as he eagerly transfixed into your throbbing, warm walls. You were so snug around him, clinging to his cock as he slammed into your pussy and voraciously kissed you, tongue swirling into your mouth as he sucked on your own, leaving you lightheaded and ready to blow. 
"David!" You barely managed to sob out, but your husband was ravenous for you. He was guzzling you down, supping up every lewd noise that came out of your mouth and doused, squelching cunt. The grin that spread on his perfect lips, as his mouth hung open made you squeeze around him and another vulgarity tumbled out of the soldier. 
"Oh, fuck, [name]. You're so sexy." He moaned out, wrapping his burly hand around your throat as he began to tease at your repleted clit. That garnered him a well-earned plaint and the gratifying return of your gyrating hips. He fucking loved it when your body corresponded to his in the form of your fucking him back. The neediness in your grinding was prompting his dick to twitch inside of you, the oncoming orgasm bubbling in his lower belly.
But, Hesh was a gentleman. He'd never cum before you and the times when he did, it was encouraged by you. Disciplined, level-headed, and calculated. He took pride in his work and fucking you just the way you loved, it was his ultimate objective. So when he saw the way you were pining for your orgasm, fingers seeking purchase in his perspiring locks while drool accumulating in the corners of your mouth he knew you were enjoying it. But it was the elongated wanton moans, the hold your rhythmic, juicy cunt had on him as he assaulted your g-spot while your jaw slackened that revealed that to him. 
Those pretty eyes of yours drifting to the back of your skull as you reach your seventh heaven on earth with him were certainly welcoming his climax. But he swiftly reeled himself back in, because the pleasure and gratification never came from his own splooging, it came from you. You were his everything, and he'd die on that hill.
"Gonna cum...!" You mewled out, as your moans dragged out and your back arched under the palm of his hand and soon you're reaching your peak. Warmth in your belly, pocket seeds of ecstasy bursted in your belly and every nerve in your body felt electrifying as Hesh, rode through your orgasm. His own soon followed after you, feeling it reverberate through the contracting of your walls and he soon overflowed your succulent pussy, spilling over your pulsating folds. The dewiness of your enwebbed cum, bordered around his twitching member and between your plush thighs. 
There was a brief silence as chests heaved, cheeks flushed and dilated pupils fixated on one another before you both erupted into a bustle of laughter. And suddenly the nervousness crept up again as Hesh perched your hair behind your ear and adoringly caressed your cheek. Your quivering eyes were bewitched by your husband as he hovered over you, exertion written over his skin in the form of perspiration that glimmered in the halcyon of the afternoon sun. 
But fuck, if only you could see yourself the way you saw him. A zephyr swept through the air, sending wisps of your hair over your captivating visage and he was anchored by your beauty. His damp forehead leaned against yours and he can't stop looking at you. 
"You are so goddamn beautiful, [name]." He sursurrated, adulation laced into his tone as he felt his heart swelling with adoration toward you. 
A coy smile drifted onto your lips. "So are you." You murmured, cupping his stubbly cheek in your hand and his grin spread to his ears, his cheeks burned a fiery crimson before he felt a nervous chuckle rise to the surface. 
"Oh yeah?" He kissed your wrist and then peered at you. Now it was your turn to be aflush and the mirth returned into the atmosphere. 
"Yeah." You giggled, and he leaned down once more to seize your lips with his own in an affectionate kiss, solidifying the devotion he had for you. The redemancy that afflicted your hearts had to be one of the biggest mysteries of this world to him. He counted his lucky stars every day to have ended up with a woman like you. 
He withdrew from you and a silly grin was painted on his handsome features. "So, Costco?"
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lunarbreaksblog · 6 months
*Crashing noise* *Glass shatters* *Rolls into ask box* A TF WRITER WITH OPEN REQUESTS? IN THIS ECONOMY? Ahem. Can I get hc's for how tfp team prime would react to human reader who can shapeshift into like a dragon (let's say like a light or night fury from httyd as kinda reference) and has secretly been sneaking away from the base at night to go destroy decepticon bases/get into minor scuffles.
Like reader wants to help the team, has feelings for a bot, but hides their abilities out of fear what they'd all think, and also has kept their feelings a secret. They feel like the team kinda dislikes the humans, so they try to help in secret this way, until their random small injuries and constant sleepiness give them away to everyone (Also I have a fem reader in mind but if you prefer gn that's fine too! Sorry if this is too much specifics lol but i like to give details to be helpful :> )
TFP!Autobots x Dragon!Human!Reader
Note: Bumblebee x reader-ish
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You are a mighty beast, you've lived for eons, seen kingdoms rise and fall. Now you've even seen other life not from your planet.
You take the appearance of human girl, one you knew once long ago. You even came to love the human girl but, she is long gone.
The robotic lifeforms notice you when you stand and watch them fight each other, you were intrigued by their weapons.it seemed like Dragon fire but more handable.
Soon, the Autobots took you in, the leader even made you want to fight for their side of their war. However, you couldn't help but notice the subtle way some of the robots would act around you and the others.
It made you angry to feel like you were underestimated.
Optimus prime
He knew something was up with you, had Ratchet do a scan on you when he first met you. The scan showed that you were human but some DNA of something was mixed with your own DNA.
When he sees new injuries littering your body with purple and yellow bruises as well as cuts. He immediately knows something is up.
When it comes clean that you've been destroying energon mines that the Decepticons had. It confuses him on how you do it until you reveal yourself.
Your dragon form towers from above his helm.
Everyone is freaked out until he steps in and asks that you don't put yourself in harm's way for the sake of his people and that he is proud of you for trying
Is the one thats most freaked out but also so blown away. When you first 'transform', he wasn't expecting a scaly beast that towers over Optimus prime.
You did tell him your secret before, you trust him and he trust you. He'd just never imagined to see your other form. How your scales seem to reflect light, how mighty you looked and how beautiful you were.
He won't admit it but he screamed a little since he was not expecting this on a Saturday night after you came back with more injuries.
He was concerned about you but now knew you could take care of yourself. You kinda scared him with those jagged teeth and spiked tail.
He loved you though, as a friend but respectfully you scared him
Was ready to shoot you, she already went through the five stages of grief in a nanosecond as she aimed. Luckily the team took notice and stopped her before she could shoot.
She apologies for it but demands answers why you kept this form secret and that you cannot go hitting Decepticon bases all alone.
She scowled you like a mother
He knew you were different because of the scans, he just never thought this was it. That you were some so called mythic dragon from human stories.
He wants to laugh at but all that you see is him looking dead inside.
Accepts your form quite quickly, look he's seen things and will continue seeing weird things. This was quite tame
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faghubby · 4 months
Fishing trip
I was looking forward to this trip for months. The four of us had rented this cabin. Well not sure you can call it a cabin. Four bedroom two floor, huge porch, balcony over looking a pool. Set on a hill over looking a lake. We had use of a fishing boat. And ATVs not to mention the streams and river near by. The weather was going to be perfect. I was packed and set to leave. When tragedy struck. The deal I had been working on, my huge bonus to close the deal. Went sideways I could fix this but it meant a trip to Cincinnati.
I called Walt, Pete and George and broke the news. Maybe I could meet them later in the week. After some teasing on how at least I wouldn't scare the fish they all understood and hoped to meet me there.
Phoebe , my wife of 15 years. drove me to the airport the next morning, she had already planned on me being away. Where I went didn't really matter. I was kinda complaining about missing the trip the money already spent.
"Maybe I will go so it's not a waste" Phoebe told me. She hated fishing.
"And do what?" I said knowing she was just trying to make me feel better.
"Sit by the pool, kyack, walks in the wood" she told me. As I kissed her goodbye. My flight being called.
"Go then have fun with three guys who smell like fish" I said jokingly.
"Okay I will" she told me in defiance of my joking. I didn't think about it again. Till I had already landed met with the clients lawyers and checked into my hotel. When I read a text.
"Cells are spotty at the lake, George is driving me" the text read as she showed me a pic of her loading her stuff in his SUV. I called her they where still on the road.
"Hello sweety, you're on speaker " she sang.
"You really are going fishing" I laughed.
"She promised to cook, buddy" I heard Walt say. They where driving up together. Pete was going to meet them there. After a brief conversation of their plans she took me off speaker.
"Hurry up if you can, miss you already" Pheobe told me and hung up.
I spent the next three days talking them out of walking away from the contract. And two more writing changes to a new one.
We arrived at the cabin after midnight. I was still wide awake from too much coffee or general curiosity. Went exploring. The guys gave me the master bedroom saying I should have the private bathroom. I went to shower and couldn't figure out how the shower worked. It was one of those showers with all kinds of different showerheads. I went to the bedroom door.
"Hey guys, can someone help me" I called out Walt appeared.
"Um I can't figure out the shower" I said fully aware I stood in front of him in nothing but a towel. Walt ever the perfect gentleman. Went to investigate. He gave me a quick explanation. But as he went to leave he paused for a brief moment. It was nothing.
"What?" I asked.
"Sorry never knew you had a tattoo" he said excusing himself.
"OH, here it goes up" I raised my towel to show him the tattoo on my thigh of a dragon and unicorn some thought they where locked in an epic battle. I thought of it as both sides of my personality. But as I did my towel slipped and exposed my breasts.
"Sorry, I should" Walt said. I grabbed his shoulder to steady myself as I grasped the towel. He took it differently. He turned and pulled me into his arms. I should of pushed him away. I wanted to.
But I looked up into his deep brown eyes, he was a very handsome man. White hair sprinkled in his beard. Contrast to his ebony bald head. His body hard from a life time of hard work. He stood alot taller then Paul. I let the towel fall. His huge hands grasped my breasts. My c cups still not big enough to fill them. He kissed me. Then stopped
"Nothing has happened yet" he told me. I jumped into his arms and he carried me to the bed. I watched as he shed his clothes. His cock. My God I had never. It jutted out from his body, Paul's always pointed up. But I think the sheer size of Walt didn't allow that. He must be twice my husband I thought. As he climbed on top of me.
"Go slow, you are so much bigger" I pleaded. Despite his strength he was gentle and carresed my body. He didn't fuck me he made love to me. I came twice. Loudly as he did. We laid there in the afterglow. I admired his tattoos.
"I love my husband" I shared.
"Paul is great. Let's just call this a fling" he told me. As he held me tight I fell asleep. I woke and took that shower finally. It was already 10am the guys where gone. I figured out early.
I put on a bikini and laid out by the pool. It was mid afternoon, when I put down my book. Romance smut I thought after reading a well description of sex. I thought about Walt. I was alone the sun warming me. My fingers slid under my suit and I was soon rubbing my clit. Suddenly I opened my eyes to see Pete standing there watching me.
"Pete, I " I turned beet red. He sat at my feet. He rubbed my feet
"Don't stop on my account" he smiled. I couldn't I mean I had fucked Walt last night. I thought back to a time in collage when I had allowed 5 guys to gang bangs me. I pulled my bottom down exposing myself and started to masterbate. I felt Pete kiss my thigh higher and higher. Soon he pulled off my bikini and was sucking my clit. I wanted him I pulled his hair pulling him on top of me. He smelled of sweat and push. As I tried to tear his clothes off of him. Pete took his time. He liked to tease me. Get me close then stop. He even worked two fingers in my ass. He offered me his cock to suck. As much as he teased me it was like a present. I sucked it down my throat, he wasnt hss big and think as Walt but still bigger then Paul. But before he came he pulled out. And slid it into my very wet cunt. It didn't take long for me to dig my nails into his back as we came together. I didn't want to let him go but we heard the ATVs co,ING back. I jumped in the pool and fixed my suit as Pete vanished into the house.
In less then 24 hours I had fucked two of my husband's friends and cum more then I had in a year. I knew Pete was married. His wife and I friends but I hadn't cared. Later that night I sought out George.
George was funny, probably Paul's best friend. I found him in the hot tub.
"I am sure Walt and Pete" I said.
"Well Pete has a big mouth" George said. I looked at him and removed my robe. I was naked as I got in the hot tub.
"You are a nasty little mink" he told me. He pulled me onto his lap.
"Have you and Cindy ever talked about" he asked me. He pinched my nipples. Cindy was his long term girlfriend. They had been together for years.
"No" I moaned. He pushed me up and bent me over the edge of the hot tub. Without warning he drove his cock balls deep into my pussy. He fucked me like a man just out of prison. He pulled out and spun me just to cum on my face. Then shoved his cock innmy mouth. As I sucked him hard again.
"I am going to take that ass" he told me. As soon as he was hard he pulled out and bent me over again.
"Please some lube" I begged. He squirted something on my ass and again drive his cock in balls deep. I was in tears as he fucked my ass. Whatever he used was no longer lubricating but he didn't slow. Petre came all over my ass. He didn't even let me rinse off instead marched me naked back into the house.
"You are the cabin slut for the weekend, I don't want to see you even wearing clothes" he told me both Pete and Walt where in the room.
Pete, George and Walt although all friends where very different. Although I abided by George' s rule of no clothes. Other then when we went into town. And then I wore a sundress, no bra or panties. I had some kind of sexual experience with each of them. Everyday. Walt gentle and kind. George forceful and dirty , while Pete was funny and playful. By Wednesday night Pete and George even split roasted me on the balcony.
Thursday I sucked Walt's huge cock. Proud I had managed to take it all before they headed to the lake. When a car pulled up.
I glanced out the window to see Paul pulling up. I rushed upstairs and jumped in the shower.
I finished up in Ohio and rushed to the lake. I would still get in a long weekend. As I entered the cabin I heard the shower, the guys must be on the lake I was right I found Phoebe in the shower. I joined her. She kissed me surprised to to see me. Fishing could wait . I took her to bed.
"Paul, I have to tell you" she stopped me. "I don't know exactly how it happened but I slept with The guys" she confessed, I was stunned.
"What? Who?" I stuttered
"All three of them. I had to tell you.i am sorry" Phoebe cried.
"At the same time" I asked but I was kissing and pawing at her. I was so turned on by her being a slut.
"Paul?" Phoebe asked as she grasped the stiffest hard on I have had since I was 15. "You're not mad" she stroked me.
"Tell me about it" I begged. She stopped me pushing me back.
"I was so worried you would leave me" she yelled at him hitting him in the chest. Then she looked me in the eye. "Walt is very big" she held her hands apart to show me. I pinned her down. I wanted her.
"Stop, if it turns you on so much I should just finish the week out ad their slut" Phoebe told me. She reached down and stoked my dick.
"Sit up" she told me. Never letting go of my now leaking penis. I came in her hand.
"Let's go down to the lake" she suggested. I got dressed. But Phoebe only wore sandels and a sheer rap. Like woman wear over thier bathing suit on the beach. We reached the dock and called the boat on the shortwave radio. They headed right in. They took one look at Phoebe. And laughed.
"You okay with your wife dressing like that Paul?"
"Yes, she looks awesome." I replied. Phoebe kissed me.
"Maybe they will let you watch later" she said and smacked my ass.
The four of us spent the day fishing. And Phoebe was the topic of the day. The three of them compared notes, and told stories about the last few days. I was rock hard the whole time. Even sharing a story of my own back when me and Phoebe had first met.
As we got back to the cabin Phoebe was cooking diner. George walked straight up and bent her over the counter. He started to play with her ass.
"George please' She begged handing him a tube of lube. He took it.
"Paul finish dinner don't let it burn" George picked Phoebe up and took her outside on the patio. I could hear them bit not see focusing on not ruining dinner.
"You are really okay with this" Walt smiled
"Yes" was all I could muster.
"Well I guess you get the couch then" Pete laughed. They treated me like a bitch after that. I was the butt of every joke or prank. Not permitted to drink to much since I wasn't man enough. I don't know if it was Phoebe or the guys but she made sure I got a good look at each one of their cocks over the next two days.
Phoebe fucked all of them at least once a day. I got even more turned on. As they teased me.
"Maybe you should ride on the back of thefour wheeler. It might be too much for you to handle" they even made me fish with Phoebe's pink pole I had bought years ago. She never used. But hadbought along for the weekend cause you never know.
Friday night. Phoebe came down stairs sat on couch where I was sleeping. I woke up. She wore her robe.
"You need to come clean, explain this all to me" She said. "You get excited when I fuck your friends, but also when they treat you like a sissy" she told me. I was rock hard and rolled to rub against her.
"Explain first" she told me.
"I don't know, I always loved it when the guys would talk about how hot you where. Made me feel like a million bucks. I had fantasies of you fucking George. I knew what he is like. Way he talks about his conquest. Plus I know I am not very big. And it's hard for you to finish with me,
"I will admit I have had more orgasms this week them in the last 5 years" she told me.
"And you let them have your ass" I moaned. We had never. I had asked her to try it once but she was unsure about it and I let it go.
"Walt took it tonight I don't think it will ever go back." She laughed stood up and showed me her still stretched asshole. I kissed it even running my tounge along the rim. This made Phoebe giggle. She spun and showed me her gapped pussy as well. I went to kiss it too. She pulled back.
"He finished in" she started I grabbed her ass and pulled her back kissing her pussy. My tounge probing the creves. I could definitely taste Walt mixed with her. Phoebe just let me continue.
"It's in there deep" Phoebe reminded me. Soon she was rocking back on forth riding my face. I made her cum she regained her composure.
"Be right back" as she got up and went upstairs. She returned a few minutes later.
"Put these on" she held a peach colored panties, with lace across the ass.
"Phoebe?!" I said surprised
"If you're going to suck men's cum out of my dirty cunt. You are going to wear the proper underwear" she told me. I got up took off my boxers as she slid them up my legs. She rubbed my never ending erection thru the soft material till I came. It didn't take long. Then went back to bed.
I was up first showered and dressed. When Phoebe came down in just her robe and made breakfast. As we ate Phoebe just crawled under the table and sucked Pete's cock. She came up. And kissed me. She hadn't swallowed Pete's load. Instead she fed it to me. Forcing me to swallow it. To laughs from the three of them.
"Last day" she handed me a flower print bikini. "Since you love to eat cum so much you should dress the part on the lake." I felt warm. I couldn't not in public. Not with my friends. Suddenly they where all insisting. I went and changed. The suit was very small barely covering my ass. And I had not tits. I wanted to protest but everyone could see my erection straining against the material.
We went out on the boat. But fishing was done. They had fished for the last 8 days. Today they made sure I got a nice tan. They went and jumped off the cliff into the lake. I wasn't allowed to try I was delicate. And although it pissed me off. It excited me also. So inplayed the part of the unimpressed girl watching them be jerks. But at noon they headed back to the cabin. We surprised Phoebe. They sat me down and I watched as they all fucked her. In every hole. She was covered in there sperm by the time they finished.
"Go clean your slut up" they told me. Phoebe was exhausted and falling asleep as I started to lick and slurp up 6 or was it 7 loads of cum off of her. The guys left us alone. But I didn't want to stop. Phoebe even fell asleep until I sucked two loads out of her cunt
"Sissy, don't forget my ass" is all phoebe said rolling over to give me better access. I let Phoebe sleep. The guys left rather then spend another night. I spent the rest of the day in Phoebe's bikini. When Pheobe woke she gave me another handjob.
"Paul, I am going to at least counting to see Pete. Since he is technically the only one single. And I will have to find some more since I know now you are a total cum fag" Phoebe told me. We left in the morning.on the long drive home. Phoebe made me make a detour to an adult store. Where she made me pick out a strapon along with other toys. After a brief breakdown where I admitted I wanted it. She also had me change right in the parking lot. Into a pair of her panties. She let me choose. Since she hadn't worn any all week.
All I could think about was when was the next fishing trip?
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
In The Eyrie P3
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Jacaerys Velaryon Couple - Jacaerys X Reader Reader - Sharra Arynn (OC - Dark Hair / Plus Sized / Pale Skin) Rating - Sweet Word Count - 2363
Part One
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She led them to the fire where a char and sofa sat, she took a teapot and began to pour them each a cup of tea Jacaerys would notice how she settled herself apart from him, as to give herself the space she needed. He took his seat on the sofa and smiled. She was cautious, and he admired that quality in her as she served him tea. He would take a sip as he looked at her.
"My lady, may I ask for your name? My dear, I was never provided with it during our introduction."
"Sharra, Sharra Ayrrn," she answered
"Oh, Sharra is a beautiful name," Jace said a genuine smile and a soft nod. He was finding himself more at ease as he spoke with the girl. It felt as if he was speaking with an old friend though he knew her for only a day. "My lady, may I ask you some questions? Only if you are comfortable answering of course."
she nodded sheepishly,
"Have you ever been loved before?" He asked her. He was curious as he thought about her words earlier to him about her appearance. She seemed too self-conscious, he hoped she had some experience. Her answer would determine how he approached certain subjects with her in the future.
"no, most do not stay long enough for me to grow attached to them" she explained sipping her tea to fill the silence, "the ones that do only stay to tease me... I thought I was in love once, but he was only giving me compliments to be cruel"
Jace's heart would sink when he heard her answer. She had not been loved before, at least not truly. He could hear the disappointment in her voice and could not help but feel as though he understood. His eyes widened as he took his sip of tea and continued to try and get to the root of her issues. He couldn't let her think she was unwanted. "May I ask how he was cruel to you?"
"every year my family holds a harvest ball, to celebrate the sweet weather. He came to the ball and asked me to dance, he paid me sweet compliments and ... made me feel pretty, he proposed that night and said he marry me in the morning... So I went with him, only to wake up covered in mud. He threw me in a pigstie told me his proposal was just him buying another piglet." She explained fighting back tears
Jace's mouth would drop open. He felt his heart sink to his stomach as he listened to the girl's words. To think that someone would hurt her like that was heartbreaking. He could feel himself becoming irate. He wanted to find this man and end him himself. After a few moments, he took her hand. It was soft and delicate, he had to be gentle with her. "And your family allowed this to happen?"
"They didn't know his intentions, they were just happy to sell me off. I have had many suitors visit none last longer than an hour... Forgive me if I have rather given up on love as a concept completely,"
The anger in him was building as he heard what she said, what her family allowed her to be exploited in such a way. She didn't trust others easily and her body was filled with scars of an emotional nature. He realized she had built walls around herself to shield herself from the pain. His eyes looked at her hand as he softly kissed it. "You have no need to apologize. Your fears, your trust, are all valid. I will not try to win your heart in a day or a week, I have time if you will allow me."
"... I... I would like to hope, but I find it hard to imagine you staying. You are a prince, heir to the throne. Any daughter if any noble house would fight for your hand, you should not give it to me so willingly"
Jace's heart hurt for her, she thought he would abandon her just like the rest. He could not stand to see her hurt any longer, even if he was here for politics he… wanted her to feel like he wasn’t, after all he had the rest of his life with her, "My dear Sharra I would give all the kingdoms in the world away if it meant I could keep you by my side. I do not desire the political gain by marrying some lord's daughter, I desire the warmth and compassion which you offer. Do you understand? I could have any woman in Westeros. Yet I would choose you. You are the only one I wish for."
"... I understand your words, but fail to understand your reasons for them"
Jacaerys took her hand in his own and looked into her eyes as he continued to speak. She was so beautiful, yet she didn't see it herself. His words were true though they may sound false and shallow, their meaning was deeper than it sounded. "You give me something none of those other women would. You give me compassion, the ability to look at a person past the surface. I want that more than anything else. I want someone who will be my best friend, a partner in life. I want someone who loves me for who I am and not what I am."
"... I will certainly try, I'd be delighted to know who you are behind the titles and heirships"
Jace smiled, she had his heart beating at a pace that made him dizzy. She seemed to want to know who he was more than just what he was. A part of him didn't think he was interesting at all but for her, he would gladly tell her every bit of him, both his virtues and his flaws. He looked into her eyes once more. "And I would love to know who you are behind the chubby girl who hides herself from the world."
"I suppose you are brimming with questions”
"You suppose correctly, Sharra. I wish to know everything about you. So yes, I have many questions. If that is ok with you." Jace took a moment to glance over her form. He found himself drawn to those gorgeous curves of hers, and those wide hips that would be perfect for bearing children. The thought made him shiver.
"ask away Jacaerys - sorry... my prince."
"You may call me Jace, no need to be so formal.” He smiled at her and would take her small hand once again, her touch was light and soft. "Tell me, how is your relationship with your family?"
"my father was kind to me but he passed many years ago, my mother pays me little mind and my older brother is a cruel man who cares only for sword fights and horse riding"
He sighed as she spoke, he was already coming to the conclusion that her family was the problem. That is why she saw herself as unworthy and unwanted. He would take a sip of his tea as he thought carefully about his next set of questions. "Do you have any close friends? I know you said you have your birds, but humans perhaps?"
"no, just the birds. Mother doesn't like for me to leave the castle she says I shall embarrass myself and our family. It's alright I like it up here"
She lived a sheltered life, her mother restricted her movements and her brother was cruel. No wonder she had no love of humans. She was locked away and he knew what it felt to be locked away. His eyes drifted down to her hands again, her nails were so small and delicate. They were perfect. "Would you mind if I asked one more question?"
“You may, Jace,”
“How uhh how many birds do you keep here Sharra?”
"fourteen but there are more eggs that are yet to hatch" She blushed,
Jace smiled, She had taken the time and care to hatch and nurture over 14 birds. It was clear that she was a gentle and compassionate soul. He found more and more to love about her, even if other people were quick to judge her, "That is an impressive amount of birds. I'm sure you love them all too?"
"I do, I do my best to take care of them"
He let out a sigh, it was truly heartwarming to hear her speak. She seemed so genuine and kind, something that you rarely saw from nobles. Her beauty came from the inside and he saw no flaws besides the ones others had placed on her. "Tell me, Sharra, Do you have a favourite amongst the fourteen?"
she chuckled "no, no I couldn't choose a favourite. Officially... Unofficially, Bartok he likes to sing me a song every morning"
Jace smiled at the name of the bird. She had given names to all of them, she viewed them more as her children than mere pets. Her caring nature was something that he could relate to. In all honesty the more he spoke with her the more he felt happy for her to be his wife. "I have never heard of a singing bird, what does he sing to you?"
Sharra chuckled before she got up and opened the door to the bird's house, the house was built in so it could be accessed from the balcony and from inside she cooed sweetly before she picked out a black bird with some orange spots she brought it over the bird sitting so happily in her hands "Bartok!?" She cooed "Hell-ooo" she sang and the bird mimicked her almost trying to sing it back "Would you sing our morning song for our visitor?" She cooed but the bird only chipped "Come come now I know your shy, won't you sing Jace a song?" She asked and the bird began a soft little song just a gentle little tune and fluttered down to the table almost hopping about to do a small dance,
Jace couldn't wipe the smile off of his face when he heard the bird begin to sing. He had never seen anything so adorable as the little songbird danced around the table. He loved that she had encouraged it to perform even if it was shy at first. The bird truly was beautiful, and he could tell this woman cared for it more than many would. He was falling for this woman more and more every moment. "My lady Sharra, if you would be so generous to allow me to hold your pet?"
"I don't know that's up to him, Bartok cuddles" she cooed but the bird fluttered into her arms so she hugged him "Not me silly our guest go give Jace a cuddle I'm sure he'll be gentle" she cooed so the bird came and landed on jacaery’s knee looking up at him he looked down at the bird landing on his leg, it was small and delicate.
He was terrified of breaking it or accidentally crushing it. But he was careful and picked it up without being too rough, it fit easily into his palm as he cradled it carefully. A soft smile found its way to his face as he looked down at it. "I will be very careful with such a beautiful creature," he said gently looking down at it. the bird then nuzzled into jace’s shirt as he had with Sharra which made her laugh
"he likes you"
Jace smiled wide as the little bird nuzzled into his chest, he felt the soft feathers tickle his chest and the little chirps it did warmed his heart. He didn't want to admit it, but it was adorable. "I'm not usually a bird person, but this little fella has won me over. I have to admit that your Bartok is quite charming."
"he can be, I suppose little creatures don't much bother you, given your focus mostly on your dragon I imagine?'
Jace couldn't help but chuckle at her statement, it was a clever observation. A dragon was quite terrifying after all, but they were also incredibly majestic. He had never felt a threat from Vermax, he truly loved him. "I spend most of my time with Vermax, you're right. But there is something about your Bartok that makes me smile. He reminds me of how I first bonded with Vermax."
"Perhaps in truth dragons are just big birds" she chuckled helping Bartok back into the birdhouse
Jace couldn't help but laugh as she said that, perhaps it was a slight truth in her words.
"It would appear the way you care for your Bartok and how he listens to you, perhaps you're right my lady. Vermax listens to me and would never do anything to hurt me, he seems to get me in a way other humans can't."
"Still you can ride with him though I would give anything to fly with my birds, I think I'd fly away and... Not sure I'd return"
Jace could tell just how much she loved her birds. They seemed like the source of her happiness more than anything. Maybe that is what he was starting to become to her as well, a source of happiness. "I would be afraid of you disappearing as well my dear Sharra. Would you let me come find you if you ever did? I would move heaven and earth to reach you."
"I'm sure you and Vermax could come to find where I fly off too" she joked "If you wanted to find me of course"
Jace was struck by the words she spoke, maybe there was a little more meaning in them than he originally thought. He couldn't help but hope she was asking him to come find her and bring her home. And he intended to make sure he had her by his side forever. "I couldn't let anything happen to the woman for whom I bear such adoration for. If you ever flew away you can count on me to be there in short time. Or would you rather I just join you and fly off with you? Perhaps someday I can take you on Vermax, we can take Bartok and your other birds and… just fly, all of us. Would you like that Sharra?”
“I think I would Jacaerys,” she smiled, 
Masterlist Of Jacaerys Velaryon
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radiance1 · 1 year
Back on my bullshit with the Eastern Dragon Danny and Phoenix Vlad au:
So basically, Vlad decided to go to sleep for a while, inside a modified coffin built to withstand him and all that. So, he tells Danny a specific time to wake him so that he could resume his duties as Duke.
Why did Vlad decide to take a really long nap? Because he was extremely tired of ghost zone politics and decided to just go fuck it, I need a nap.
The deadline he needed Danny to wake him up at is relatively short in ghost terms really, just about a period of 40 years, he's currently 20, so at the end of this he should just be an even 60. Which would give him plenty of time to finish forty years of work before his rebirth cycle kicked in again.
He gave Danny the key to said coffin, with its specific magical signature and everything. So he expected and trusted that Danny would awaken him within a span of forty years, perhaps a bit earlier if push came to shove.
Then he just went to sleep.
Danny doesn't like his decision to just, up and go sleep for forty years, only because he would have to be the one doing the paperwork but its like, whatever he guessed. Do Danny was now actually handling the paperwork and navigating ghostly politics once more!
He was buried in work for a fair amount of time, sometimes literally, and had to kick it back for a bit before going back to work. He felt like he was forgetting something, though...
A key appeared under a stack of papers that he just worked through, a veeeeeeery familiar key that he was sure had some kind of importance based on that itchy feeling in the back of his skull.
Eh, it's probably not important.
Welp, back to work!
Danny worked in silence for a bit, before getting up and slamming his hands on his desk.
It's been waaaay more than 40 years last he checked, enough time that Vlad must've rebirthed inside his coffin already by like, a lot of times by now.
Considering that 5 millenniums have passed.
Well, shit.
So he hid the key in his hair, shifted, and flew off to Vlad's domain to wake him up. But when he got there, weeeeell, let's just say that Vlad's coffin was. Well.
It was gone.
Now, you see Observants. He had a totally reasonable explanation for this, you know. It was uh, well, you know, he just, ya'know?
He just, kinda, forgot...
He'll get him back! He swears! He just, need to, ya'know, find the guy!
Couldn't be that hard!
Another five millenniums later, he felt like punching his past self for fucking jinxing future him! The Observants were literally breathing down his neck to find the guy, and he didn't want to go back to doing paperwork either!
His salvation came in the form of a summoning, one he answered and finally, finally found the location of Vlad's coffin. He honestly got extremely, he didn't want to face paperwork again, so he asked these group of heroes to help him find this specific coffin in exchange for whatever they wanted him to do.
And he's Ancient damn thankful he did cause oh boy, cause like 2 days later he was presented the coffin that was just sitting collecting dust in some magician guy's house that was apparently passed down throughout generations that the Justice League managed to get their hands on.
So he opened it, and literally had to catch Vlad, who fell out of his coffin and looked like a literal 10-year-old. Did Vlad's temporary retirement plan include his deadline of 40 years being stretched by 9,960 years? No, no it did not, and unlike the previous ghost king, he was not unaffected by the length of his sleep.
So forgive him if he had to relearn how to do basic body functions, his memory foggy, and his powers were a bit outta wack.
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rea-grimm · 6 months
Dragon Zoro
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You spent your entire life on a winter island known for its hatred of dragons and the best dragon hunters in the world. You had the impression that you were the only exception. You have always been fascinated by dragons and opposed to killing them. There were already few of them in the world. You didn't want them exterminated.
You were looking out the window when you first saw him. A green dragon circling above the island. Only later did you find out that he appeared there on the same day as the pirates who anchored on the other side of the island.
As you watched him, you got the impression that he was lost. He flew from place to place, but he didn't stay anywhere extra long. You were sure the hunters would notice him at this rate.
It didn't take long for your words to become true. Hunters with a single mission began to gather in the vicinity. Shoot down and dispose of the dragon.
During the one day you were out, you watched the hunters try to shoot the green dragon out of the sky. They kept missing him when one of the hunters finally got a shot. Until the last moment you thought he missed, but when the dragon started to fall to the ground, you knew it was true.
You watched the fall and knew approximately where the dragon was falling. You couldn't just leave him to the hunters, so you made your way to where he was supposed to fall. But you had to hurry, because you knew from the clouds that a blizzard was coming soon.
Before you even got to the dragon, it started snowing heavily. You arrived at his point of impact. But you didn't see him anywhere. However, you knew you were in the right place by the broken trees.
You looked around as a giant pile of snow moved next to you. You jumped aside before you realized it was the dragon. The dragon shook off the snow cover and looked at you. However, when you approached him, he started growling at you.
"I just want to help you. The hunters who were shooting at you will be here in a moment. If you don't want to end up as their new trophy, let me help you,” you said, undeterred. 
The dragon stopped growling at you and watched as you walked up to him and started to get him out of the net that was attached to the arrows that hit him in the side.
That net you got him easily, but you were more worried about the arrow in his side. The dragon tried to stand up, but the arrow was in the way. He tried to get to him himself, but he couldn't.
“I'll pull it out,” you said, taking an arrow in one hand and bracing yourself against his body with the other. The moment you touched it you were momentarily blinded by a white light. You had no idea what it was, but you weren't about to find out. You heard a gunshot and knew you didn't have much time.
“Follow me,” you ordered as you temporarily treated his wound with a scarf. The dragon looked back towards the approaching hunters before deciding to follow you.
In the safety of your home, you hid the dragon in the barn. Your family used to have cattle, but that was a long time ago. Now you had a barn full of unnecessary things you didn't want to get rid of.
Without you being able to prepare something more comfortable for him, the dragon lay down on the pile of hay. In the meantime, you reached for the first aid kit and properly treated his arrow wound. The dragon watched you the whole time but didn't even flinch.
When you were done, the dragon looked to its side before yawning to reveal a row of sharp teeth. After that, he laid his head on the ground again and fell asleep.
You didn't want to unnecessarily disturb him, so you returned to your cottage, which was right next door.
You made yourself a hot drink, wrapped yourself in a blanket and sat down in the chair. You were proud of yourself for saving the dragon from the hunters.
Now you were about to get some rest and relax when there was a knock on your door. With a blanket draped over your shoulders like a coat, you went to see who it could be.
You opened the door and peeked out. To your horror, they were hunters. You didn't like this at all.
“Good afternoon, sorry to disturb you, but we are looking for a dragon. We managed to shoot him down and followed his tracks all the way here,” they explained. 
You hoped the snow would cover all tracks when you remembered that they might have been following him from the blood from her wound.
“Afternoon, a dragon? Where would I hide the dragon? Besides, it's against the law,” you lied.
"We have to check all options. Do you mind if we look inside?” he asked. You didn't want to look suspicious so you let them in. Maybe they won't go to the barn.
But that was just wishful thinking because when they searched your house, they immediately headed for the barn. Now you feared the worst. You wanted to stop them, but nothing you said deterred them.
You prayed for him to change their mind, or for the dragon to escape. The hunters opened the door, but the dragon was nowhere to be found. A young man with green hair in a green coat was lying on the pile of hay instead of a giant lizard. He sleepily sat down and lazily stretched.
“Something wrong?” he asked sleepily, sitting up. Hay was still falling from his hair.
"Who are you? This island is small enough for us to know everyone here,” the hunter frowned.
“I'm Roronoa Zoro…” he introduced himself before you cut in on him.
"He got lost in a blizzard. I was walking around when I found him buried in the snow. I couldn’t leave him freezing there,” you improvised.
The hunters looked at you questioningly, then at Zoro, before finally deciding that you might be telling the truth. With that, they apologized for disturbing you before leaving to search for the dragon.
When you closed the door after them, a stone fell from your heart. You took a breath and were about to roll onto the couch when you noticed Zoro leaning against the door frame.
"What about your wound?" you asked him, noticing his bandaged waist.
"It's better. I'll sleep it off and it will be completely fine," he replied as if it was nothing.
“I had no idea dragons could change like that,” you said, pointing at his human form.
“Among dragons, it's more of a legend too,” he shrugged before walking closer to you. “Thanks for the rescue.”
"You're welcome. I'm glad we got rid of them so easily,” you smiled, pushing a strand of hair out of your face.
"Can I look at your hand?" he asked
“Uh, yeah,” you didn't understand, but you didn't see a problem with it. Zoro took your hand which you touched him as you pulled the arrow out. You had a dragon symbol on your palm.
"What is it?" you asked as you hadn't had anything like that there before. You were sure of that.
"That means you're my rider," Zoro replied with a satisfied smile.
"What?" that caught you off guard. You've never heard of riders. Maybe only in legends.
"That's right. You belong to me," he said as if it was a matter of course and collapsed onto the couch.
After this, he promised to tell you what he knew about it. Although even among dragons it was relatively rare. Some have given up the search altogether.
But before he tells you, you have prepared something for you to eat and drink. After all, he was still your guest.
"Do you live here alone?" Zoro asked you as he followed you into the kitchen after a while. In the meantime, he inadvertently looked around your house, because he was able to get lost even in such a small place.
“Yeah, both of my parents died a few years ago,” you replied. It still bothered you, but with each passing year, it hurt less and less.
"Why did you save me?" he asked, and this time he took a bottle of alcohol from the closet and drank.
"I don't know. I just didn't want them to kill another dragon,” you shrugged. It was true and you didn't need any other reason for it.
Once the food was finally ready, you sat down at the table as Zoro told you what he knew about dragons and their riders.
You were barely halfway through your meal when there was a knock on the door. You walked to the door with Zoro hot on your heels. When you opened the door, the same hunters that were there before were standing there again.
"We're going to get the dragon," their commander told you, showing you the Zoro’s wanted poster. "He's a pirate and a dragon!" he added sternly. Without waiting for your answer, the two hunters grabbed your arms and held you in place while the others burst into your house.
"You will come with us. We have a cell ready for traitors like you," one of the hunters holding you mocked you.
"Zoro, run!" you screamed until one of them put a hand over your mouth and silenced you like that.
These hunters had been annoying Zoro for a long time and this was the last straw. You saw him make his way through the hunters out the door as if they were dolls and turn into a giant green dragon as he ran. He turned around and knocked several hunters aside with his tail before charging in your direction.
When was Zoro close to you, the two hunters let go of you and ran away. However, the dragon caught you in its claws and rose into the air with you. You yelped in shock and immediately grabbed onto his paw. You had the impression that as his rider he wouldn't let you go, but the primal fear was there.
Zoro didn't fly far with you, though you couldn't tell for sure in the snow. You landed on a mountain, high above the clouds, where he carefully placed you on the ground.
"Aren't you hurt?" he asked you when he turned human. You shook your head, you were fine. However, when you were now prey for hunters, you had nowhere to go.
"We should get back to the ship," Zoro said, looking around as if trying to find the right direction.
"Do you think I could go with you?" you asked him weakly. Zoro looked at you like you had grown a second head.
"And you would rather stay here?" he asked.
“Now that I'm blacklisted by hunters? No idea,” you replied without thinking.
"Then there's nothing to talk about," he said matter-of-factly.
"Do you think the others won't mind?" you asked.
"As I know them, they will be excited about you," he replied, and the cook immediately came to mind. He will have to guard you from him. That calmed you down a bit.
You wanted to make your way to them as soon as possible, but it looked like Zoro had no idea which direction their ship was headed. You could have helped him with that. After all, it wasn't such a big island and you were sure that you would find her together.
You hid until dark so the hunters wouldn't see you. Zoro turned into a dragon and you climbed up his neck. As he took off into the air and descended below the clouds, you were able to make your way to the ship together.
As soon as you landed, you were surrounded by crew members who were happy that the dragon had finally returned. You jumped off his neck just in time as the blonde with the cigarette kicked him in the head.
"Stupid Marimo, where have you been hanging out again?!" he shouted. Zoro growled at him like a dragon and looked like he wanted to dismember him. The others noticed you too and the angry blonde immediately turned around.
“Aww, Meroline! I hope this idiot didn't kidnap you. Was he nice to you? Are you hungry?" he was melting over you, his eyes just shining with excitement. You didn't know what to say to that. You didn't have to either, Zoro turned into a human and stepped in front of you.
“Hands off my rider,” he said angrily with his arms crossed.
"Are you telling me that this beautiful Mellorine is your rider?" he didn't want to believe it, and a similar surprise was visible to the other crew members. However, this soon resulted in joy and had to be properly celebrated.
As you found out later, Sanji had prepared a giant dinner in your honour and prepared several of your favourite foods. All the crew members welcomed you warmly and treated you as another member of their family.
As the crew members started to fall away, you noticed that Zoro had disappeared as well. You just caught a glimpse of the end of his tail as he headed out the door. You followed him as he spread his wings and flew up the mast to the nest. That didn't deter you and you climbed after him.
“Nice view,” you said finally making it to the top. Zoro just smiled and motioned and you sat next to him.
“I never thought I would find my rider. And especially this early,” he said while looking ahead.
“I never thought of something like that either,” you agreed, resting your head on his shoulder. 
Zoro then told you about his goal, to defeat a dragon named Mihawk and become the best dragon swordsman. You had to admit that was an admirable goal. You then told him yourself that you didn't want to be a burden to him, and that you would support him as much as you could.
With that Zoro pulled you closer and hugged you from behind. He covered you with his wings like a blanket and kissed your hair before resting his chin on your head.
This was a harbinger of the wonderful adventures that were yet to come.
Zoro Masterlist
Dragon riders Masterlist
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 8 months
For your wounded heart
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Pairing: Mizu x reader
Word count: ~1,6k
Notes: Heyhey im dropping part two, sorry for the delay, currently I need to prepare for my upcoming exams so i don't have much time to get creative, also this part may feel forced?? weird?? short??? if so its because i have no will to exists rn eheheh but i'll get back to this as soon as im able to
Ps.: Mizu's pronounce changes with the povs, reader is gn so far (if you want to change that let me know, i'll go with this for now)
Part 1
Something squeezed her chest tightly. The pain tore through her heart like lightning - dipping it into frozen snow, bitter poison, molten iron until she felt nothing but pain and rage. She was angry at everyone and everything for letting her hurt. And it hurt because everyone only brought sadness to her.
Blackness, red, and blinding white alternated, zigzagging before her eyes like a dragon. Black, red, white. Red, white, black. White, black and–
Mizu's eyelids popped up, and she rose from the ground, eagerly sucking in the air into her lungs.
The fire was there before her. It found her again — it could finally hold her in its grip again. Wherever she went, she was at the corner of the raging fire, the tongues of flames reaching high and rushing after her to swallow her up, to erase her from the world.
In the wake of a child that brings death, only fire that brings death can follow.
"Hey, hey…!" A strange voice spoke from behind Mizu, barely louder than the crackle of fire.
Mizu turned and extended her arms. Everything was blurry, she only saw colors and shapes. Something warm and soft touched her palm. She squeezed it and pushed it to the ground.
A thump, a painful squeak, and Mizu was on her knees. Underneath, there's something soft, or better said, someone soft.
The air quickly escaped from your lungs after the stranger pulled you to the ground so quickly and then weighed down on top of you. Suddenly you couldn't even comprehend it – one moment he is still sleeping on the ground, wounded and harmless and in the next he jumps up with the speed of a shot arrow, and tackles you to the ground.
For a few moments you could only gape like a fish; searching for air and words.
When your mind finally worked enough to not only care about your situation, you were finally able to look into the eyes of your savior, who was just trying to crush you.
The yellow-lensed glasses slipped slightly on the bridge of his nose as he looked down. At first, seeing it on the road, you thought you must have bad eyesight from so far away. Then his iris appeared in a strange greenish-brown light resembling mud. But your very first judgment proved wrong.
A sea of blue eyes stared down at you.
Now it wasn't just the lack of air that made you unable to speak - shock silenced you.
Mizu stared at the figure in front of her. They didn't seem like someone who could cause her serious trouble if a fight took place. Judging by the stranger's expression, they were more scared to death than determined to get rid of her.
She looked around — her chest rising and falling rapidly.
Rough wooden walls, rammed earth floor, open stove, small room. Twilight. A roaring fire, pleasant warmth. Smell of strong spices and greens and flowers. Bouquets hung on the wall.
…. The bandits. That someone, who was being chased, flashed into her memories.
“Were you on the road…?” She asked in an uncertain voice, weakly.
"Please don't hurt me! I only want to help you!" The one she saved begged under her.
As if the threads of her thoughts had been cut off, all of a sudden Mizu felt a slow, sluggish nothingness in her mind. 
There were no thoughts, no reactions anymore.
Where was she? Who was that in front of her? What happened?
Why did the searing pain from her heart begin to sink down to her torso?
Before she could voice her confusion, a sharp jab hit her side, numbing her entire body. Teeth gritting and snarling - she loosened her grip as she was leaning to the side, ready to fall like a full sack although still had enough alertness to catch the force of the fall with her arm. 
And her vision darkened again.
Ignoring what you're knocking over or going into-you crawled away from him as soon as he fell back to the ground. With a gasping breath, you tried to grab anything in your reach that could serve as defense if the stranger decided that he had no intention of "rescuing you" anymore.
"Damn it...what was that?" You panted as you threw your back against the wall, watching the still body- sickle in hand.
You just wanted to thank him for what he did for you, whether it was an act from the heart or forced. This stranger saved your life, that's why you brought him - dragged him all the way to the hut. And he has the courage to attack you in his fever dream after that?
It was a thankless situation.
After a few minutes of consideration, you realized that this mysterious wanderer is probably hallucinating in a feverish dream. Sometimes muttering incomprehensibly, groans as his face gets distorted.
"He’s just imagining…" You tried to convince yourself. "Surely having visions..."
The lanky stranger then moved; his body shook, a low, bitter sob broke from his lips as he pulled his knees and chest together in front of him.
"Visions of great pain and troubled times." You acknowledged with a sigh, finally getting up from the wall, walking over to him and slowly lifting the blanket back over him.
Kneeling next to his head, you stilled. 
You bit in your lower lip as your gaze fell upon his face. 
In his sleep if he’ll think that you are part of the dark images that are now tormenting him and try to attack him…
Slowly, as if you wanted to touch a fine spider web, your fingers hovered on either side of his head – unsure whether to touch it or wait for his dreams to stop.
Then your fingertips reached the dark curls of his; to the grizzled, sweat-damp, black hair. It was just a gentle touch of a breath, but as soon as it happened, the blue-eyed stranger's features softened.
A wanderer with blue eyes. A stranger - not only to you, but to all your people. Only those of faraway lands had colored eyes…
A cold gaze, translucent and restless. 
Blue like water, like the sky.
And those blue eyes then saw you on the road and decided you were sympathetic. Blue eyes helped defeat the bandits. Thanks to these blue eyes, you are still alive and breathing.
You didn't even notice how your fingers slid along his forehead, combing the stray strands to the side.
"It was up to you whether my life would end or continue. Now it's my turn to return the favor." You whispered to him with a faint smile.
You had to tend to his wound as soon as possible - putting himself to sleep won't be enough to heal.
But with that, you had a problem – you couldn't know how he would react in his sleep if you started treating his wound. Judging from the previous ones, you didn't think it was worth prodding the sleeping bear…
No - not again, you didn't want him to tackle you down half-asleep, hallucinating.
You thought about leaving your hut again; finish getting the herbs for your order.
But you didn't want to run into any of the stragglers again. So what if this half-blood wakes up just when you're away; without a word vanishing before seeing him again one last time, or worse - your home could be destroyed even.
You decided that, in the absence of a better decision, you too would go to rest, even just for an hour or two - winding down the previous excitement and letting your wounds heal.
When her eyes opened again, she felt as if she were being tossed around by a gust of wind; the room spun around Mizu, the figures blurred, the lights stretched. She sat up with a painful groan, her eyes glazed down to her stomach, her sides burning like embers—a dull but convulsive and unrelenting pain raging inside.
So much for being guided by noble actions. Once guilt, compassion wins over her better knowledge and she's already slipping to the brink of death...
From which the herbalist brought her back, the one whom she saved.
Carefully scanning the room, Mizu confirmed to herself that the healer was sleeping lying on a sack, huddled together, small, almost lost in the surroundings. A holey cloth blanket covered their body, which barely covered their - bare legs and arms hung out, revealing the thin, red scratches they might have gotten during escaping.
Now both of them carried the mark of the events of that day on themselves - maybe forever. Another wound, another lesson for Mizu: if you help others, it only gets you into trouble.
This was also the curse of the herbalist. They bring medicine, rescue those in need, and what is their fate? People turn their backs on them, chase them away, leave them alone in a little hole they can call home. 
Predictably leaving them to both nature and man…discarded because nobody needs them.
Perhaps the two of them had more in common than she had first thought.
As Mizu tried to get up from her bed, another spasm shot through her body, crippling her muscles. Gritting her teeth - so as not to make a sound - she fell back to the ground realizing with a frustrated puff that she unfortunately had to stay there for a while.
"Still – as stagnant water." She grumbled to herself with a sigh.
The fire continued to blaze, the embers continued to glow - covering the two sleeping figures in warmth.
Maybe only for a short time - but until then; the destinies of the two were intertwined in the web of life.
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[It is done]
[mod note: this is temporarily replacing the link to magma (the art drawing thing we have so we can draw together!) as pinned post so heres the link: https://magma.com/d/zzg8vd99i2]
[the reason gangle isnt included is because she went to go get snacks totally not because i forgot to draw her. nope]
[credits to shard anon, @theoneandonlysun, and the mod of zooble's blog for majority help! @eeboshmeebo also contributed to the art!!][if you helped with the art and you wanna be credited, message me please, because i might've missed you? a lot of people swung by i just wanna make sure i credit them all]
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[TA DAH!!! below the read more thing is the list of people featured + pings (sorry yall, i just wanna make sure you see art,,)]
[btw, bonus: @easton-likes-sandwiches my bad i couldn't include you (since easton is kinda. not in digital land.) but here ya go, a bonus!]
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1: @rook-specter [i hope i drew you correctly, i couldn't really find a sona to use]
2: @the-moth-from-elsewhere [btw i know you wanted to add details but imo i think it looks fine like this,,thanks for some of the help and support, though!!]
3: pickle anon [unsure if they have a blog, so i can't @]
4: shard anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog, but they helped alot!! ty ty]
5: @unfunnyaceartist [OK i know you only appeared for a bit but you agreed to move night.,,and your sona looks cool..so..obilgatory appearance in the art!]
6: @sugarcane-soup [I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO COLOR YOUR SONA,,i hope i did well]
7: @zooooble [zoob...]
8 and 9: [@askobjects firey and leafy look so goofy in this image,, i hope you like them]
10: @sign-anon [in the middle of drawing this i did NOT know sign anon died..whoops?]
11: @boldtextanon [bold text anon is fine guys. Hes fine. i swear]
12: @yougotjinx3d [mage anon and vamp anon were drawn by sun if i remember correctly, so erm..ya!! they're silly people]
13: @bloodforvampanon [me when i GET YOU. but fr. silly guy]
14: crownon! [unsure if they have a blog, but erm..crow]
15: eepy anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog..they literally look so silly its crazy]
16: rat [you know who you are /silly]
17: @gummy-axolotl [I HOPE I GOT THE COLORS RIGHT,,HERE YOU GO!!!]
18: @liloblogs [im gonna be fr we got this close to confusing lilo with juko,,,im not very great at oc lore. but lilo is so silly]
19: panic anon! [i think they're also the same blog as lilo? unsure. but yea!! they are goofy and silly and probably terrified of the horror movies]
20: @justadustymoth [MOTh. moth,,,,, moths are so silly. like. fr..]
21: bow anon! [idk if you have a blog but i hope you like the design!!!!]
23: @eeboshmeebo [there was barely any room so i could only include a mask,,but i hope thats okay!! also ty for help on the mask]
25: FISH. ANON.. [you got included last minute HGKDHJSHJSHS but . fish]
26: @lightthepathwithalantern [i hope i drew lantern anon okay,,,they're so cool looking,,,]
28: @ru-bwee [thank you for. the plush images. I will use them to mark important events /silly]
29: @bob-the-cemetery-ghost [Oh no,,,also i hope you dont mind being a bit in the background i didnt know how else to include youuu]
[literal walls of text,,hope yall dont mind all the @]
[erm,,if yall don't mind,,i hate asking but reblogs please ? i wanna see the art around !!!!]
124 notes · View notes
aemondsvisenya · 2 years
Hello! I saw you were taking requests for House of the dragon and wanted to request something if that’s okay! I had this idea for quite a while but haven’t been able to find any fics like this. I’d like to request a Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader hurt/comfort fic in which the reader comforts him after Viserys’ death. Maybe she finds him having a breakdown and like breaking things so she goes to hug him (with the head bump thing he does when he hugs people bc that makes me melt) and he just lets go for once. I know this sounds a bit ooc for him but I’ve heard that they cut off the scene in which he cried for Viserys and his daughter and I can’t get over it. I believe Daemon is actually more emotional than how we see in the show and that he feels a lot and is a very complex character. I’d love to see a scenario in which Daemon actually can’t hold his emotions in anymore and someone is there for him. Idk I just love him🫶🏻
Sorry for my english, it’s not my first language. Anyway, take your time and feel free to ignore this if it you’re not really inspired, have a great day!
Hi anon! Of course it’s absolutely okay to request! ☺️ I love this idea so much, oh my gosh - I actually did write a fanfic a couple of months back about Daemon in episode 10 (grieving not only his brother but also his daughter and stepson), and I totally agree that he’s incredibly complex. It’s a shame there were scenes showing his complexity cut from the show!
Anyway, I apologise for it being kind of short but I've been busy with work unfortunately! I also apologise if it sucks!
Grieving | Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
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Warnings: mentions of illness/death, angst, hurt/comfort, Daemon using his favourite four letter words beginning with c and f
Also, a note: Obviously this isn't canon-compliant - you're in a relationship with Daemon in this fic, so you could assume he's not married to Rhaenyra but... anyway.
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The first thought on your mind when you heard the news of Viserys’ death was not of the inevitable power struggle for who would be the one to seize the throne, of the inevitable war and pain for both sides this would cause, or even your own feelings of sadness at the king’s passing.
No, the only thing on your mind was Daemon.
It didn’t take long for everyone around you to busy themselves with plotting how best to help the king’s named heir take the throne that was rightfully hers, Daemon chief among them; to anyone else, he appeared angry, filled with a dangerous rage that threatened to boil over and destroy everything in his wake, his desire for war and revenge clear. It was true, you admitted; it was obvious that your lover wanted to hurt each and every person who had caused his brother pain, who had disrespected that same brother’s wishes, who had held any part in usurping a niece he held dear. There was no question that Daemon Targaryen wanted revenge or that he would be the one to swing the sword as he sought it.
But you knew him well enough to know that there was more than just anger and hate driving him - everyone thought him a heartless man, incapable of loving or truly caring for anyone, but you knew this assumption couldn't have been further from the truth.
As darkness fell over Dragonstone that evening and the council meetings drew to a close, you saw the Rogue Prince leave quickly; his face was grim, mouth set in a firm line and a hand on the sword he kept with him at all times. No one noticed as you silently slipped away after him, too occupied in their own politics and war to care what you did or where you went - you were of little importance compared to the lords, princes and queen, after all.
You knew immediately where he had gone - there was only one place in the castle he would go now after a long day like this, especially in the aftermath of such news. In no time at all you were standing outside of the chambers the two of you were occupying during your stay, taking a deep breath and steeling yourself before ordering the guard posted outside of the doors to let no one else in unless of an emergency; the knight agreed, bowing his head low as you entered the room.
A goblet clashed against a stone wall, thankfully empty and not filled with wine that would stain the rugs. Your prince barely seemed to notice your sudden presence, so consumed by his anguish and rage that it seemed to blind him to all else; you tried not to wince as he next overturned a large table, sending the books and scrolls that had decorated it clattering to the floor in a mess. You had known he would take the news harshly: the king had been his older brother, his only brother or sibling for that matter, and while their relationship had been somewhat uneasy over the years, it was clear that they had loved and cared for each other despite any quarrels or disagreements they may have once had.
He let out snarl, kicking a nearby chair. "Those bastards... those fucking Hightower cunts..." He picked up a nearby vase and threw it to the floor; the object shattered upon impact, something else the servants would have to clean come morning. Most would have been afraid by his behaviour, by this violence - but not you. You knew he would not hurt you, that his actions were merely his way of expressing his pain and hurt.
He spared you a glance, enough to acknowledge you, before letting out a harsh exhale and stalking over to the window; he sat on the ledge underneath it, resting an arm against the glass and leaning his head against it. Like this, you could not see his face - but you knew what the small tremors that shook his shoulders meant, what he needed from you even as he tried to hide.
"Oh, love..." You crossed the room and without hesitating cupped his face, turning it towards you. "Come here."
Daemon looked at you once more, his eyes glassy. "My brother..."
"I know," You whispered. "I'm so sorry. I'm certain he knew you were loyal to him, that you loved him - he knew it until the end."
"He's gone," He said, voice thick with emotion that he was only now allowing himself to feel properly. "Viserys is gone."
Your heart broke at the pain in his voice. "It's okay, Daemon... you don't have to be strong here, not with me."
There was a moment's pause before he leaned forwards, forehead gently bumping against your chin as he pressed his face into your chest. As your hands started to run through his hair almost absent-mindedly, knowing that this action helped to soothe him, he began to let go for you; his hands reached for the fabric of your clothes as if to clutch onto you, to hold you closer, and soon the tears came.
Very few people had ever seen the Rogue Prince cry, for he hated to be seen as weak, but the love and years you had spent together meant he trusted you enough to be vulnerable in front of. It didn't take long before his tears turned to quiet sobs, muffled by the way he pressed his face into you; all you could do for now was hold him tight and whisper comfortingly to him, to to be there for him by giving him the freedom he needed to grieve his loss.
Daemon would avenge his brother, of this you had no doubts - but for tonight he allowed himself to let go and mourn, and you were all too willing to be there for him when he needed you most.
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kradogsrats · 3 months
Prompt from @dragonprincedrabbles: Ezran + Queen Aditi, No Time Like the Present
G, ~1K words
The night that Queen Janai officially becomes Aunt Janai, Ezran went to bed very, very late. He'd stuffed himself full of spicy Sunfire cuisine and rich Katolian sweets, all of it so delicious that every time he cleared his plate, he couldn't keep from trying just a little more—not to mention that he might have single-handedly put a visible dent in the mountain of jelly tarts Aunt Amaya had insisted on to honor his mom. He'd also danced until he was completely exhausted, whirled around the floor more times than he could count by Aunt Amaya and Aunt Janai, and then by Callum and Rayla, and by a half-dozen others after, and that was only the beginning. By the time he and Soren finally managed to wheedle Corvus into a dance, the party was really in full swing, and he'd dived right back in.
So in the wee hours of the morning, tired and full and—for just one night, even in the face of Aaravos maybe ending the world—happy, Ezran fell asleep.
He didn't know how long he slept before the space behind his eyes began to lighten, as if the sun crept across his sleeping face. He rolled over to escape the intruding light, but it did not dim—instead growing brighter and brighter. He could make out a figure striding toward him, not silhouetted against the brilliant light but made from it, part of it. The light continued to brighten, and for a moment the figure became too bright to look at, forcing Ezran to squeeze his eyes shut and raise a hand to block out the glare.
When he cautiously opened his eyes again, an elf stood before him, dressed in the manner of Sunfire royalty. Her brown skin was a shade darker than his own, and the thick braids of her hair glowed like embers, auburn shifting into gold where light shone through the strands. The golden armor layered over her blood-red tabard shone no less for being battle-worn, cleaned and polished with attentive care. A crown sat on her brow like a sunrise, and a crystal-topped scepter hung from her hand like a ray of light piercing some shadowy place. Something about her face was familiar, in the strong point of her chin and the almond shape of her golden eyes.
"Finally, we are able to meet—I was beginning to think dawn would greet your revels, first." Her lilting voice carried a warm note of humor, and her eyes crinkled slightly when she smiled. Ezran couldn't help but smile back.
"I... apologize for my lateness?" he offered, raising his hands in a sheepish shrug. "I didn't realize I had an appointment."
"I have waited a long time to speak with you, orphan king," she said, still smiling. "Long enough that having waited a few hours more matters little. With my daughter's daughter's daughter and your own blood-kin bound by love in the light of the Sun, I may now greet you properly—as my nephew. I am Queen Aditi."
Aditi. The beloved, long-ago Sunfire queen, a guiding light to elves and dragons alike. So powerful and wise that she was called to divine the true dragon monarch when the throne stood empty—then vanished, just as Aaravos's plans threatened to come to fruition.
"Your Majesty," Ezran said politely, placing his hand over his heart and inclining his head in respect.
She laughed, a low, rich chuckle. "Please, we are family, now—there is no need for such things."
"Would it be 'auntie,' then?" he asked impishly. Despite her imposing appearance, he liked her. "Auntie Aditi?"
"I admit, I like the sound of that." Her smile didn't fade, but a flicker of sadness passed through her golden eyes. "I saw so little of my daughter's life—I would have liked to know her children, and their children."
"Then why not talk with Janai?" Ezran asked. "She leads your people now, and I know she'd welcome your counsel." He winced at his own clumsy words, waving his hands. "Not that I don't! I'm just—why me?"
"Janai may doubt her footsteps, but they are guided by her heart, and that is truer than any counsel I could offer. Given the chance, she will become a great queen—far greater than I." Aditi's expression turned grave. "That she will have that chance is what I am here to ensure."
"I don't understand."
"Your path has been set to cross with with a great darkness. The choices you make in facing it will shape the future of both our peoples."
Ezran swallowed hard. "Aaravos."
"Yes... and no. He is the point on which this age will turn, for good or ill, but you are called from beyond. Yours is the flame that can forge the ruins of a fallen star into the brilliant sun that dawns on a new world. The future must be different than the past, or all will be lost—but you already know that." She tapped his crown lightly with the crystal of her scepter. "Just as you already know a thing or two about forging peace and hope from violence and pain."
Ezran lifted the crown off his head to look at it, running his fingers along the smooth edges of the steel. His father's sword, now his own burden of blood and history to carry—or to release. "Will I make the right choices?"
"I can only tell you this: do not be afraid to show mercy, but defend what you love without regret. Understand the need for sacrifice, but cleave hard to what you know you will not give up. Most of all, what others see by the shadow of Moonlight, you must choose to see in the full light of the Sun—even if it means your eyes no longer meet."
She touched a hand to his cheek, warm and soft. Despite all the regal pride of her appearance, she radiated the affection of a mother and a sister in one. "You are strong, brave, and wise. You will feel all the darkest sorrows of love and all the brightest joys of loss, and your light will not be dimmed. When the time is right, that light will be what leads the whole world."
"How?" he asked. He didn't feel particularly strong, or brave, or wise—just small, and worried, and confused. "When?"
"I have found," she said, her grin blazing so bright that Ezran had to shut his eyes again, "that when it comes to forging the future—there is no time like the present."
He woke to the first fingers of dawn creeping across the floor of his tent, and the ghost of a warm hand on his cheek.
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rearranged-fanfic · 4 months
(Update 6/3)
Sit down a spell, weary traveler. Come and sit by my fire; bask in the warmth of the flame and rest your aching scrolling finger. You'll be sitting a while, for I have a tale to tell:
Okay, so I've had a Toshiba laptop for the better part of ten years. Maybe a little longer. That laptop has survived being struck by lightning, submerged in a bathtub, and literally having a whole bookcase topple down onto it. I thought it was immortal...
I was sadly mistaken.
About six months ago, I noticed that the typing was getting sluggish. I'd patter away at the keyboard and the letters would appear with a bit of lag. That's fine, since I use Dragon to talk-to-text for quite a bit of my writing. I really only use the keyboard for final assembly, editing, and doing quick rewrites. So, it really didn't bother me. Fastforward to April, which we will call The Great Depression. The time discrepancy between typing and having letters appear on screen became a whopping 40 seconds. Yes, I timed it.
But that was okay, because I could still use my Dragon headset.
Until I couldn't.
It would connect, but the words wouldn't appear on screen. I made sure that all of my programs were up-to-date, and that everything was working. The headset connected to my family's computers just fine. So that meant it was something wrong with mine.
Without being sure if it was the hardware or software at fault, I backed everything up to OneDrive and Google Docs.
I factory reset.
Twice. To no avail.
Over the next few days, my laptop stopped registering any keyboard input at all. It got to a point where I wasn't able to turn it on or off.
Taking it to an electronics store to get repaired didn't help, either. No luck. They said that it would be more cost effective to just buckle down and get a new one, since the age of the laptop meant that I would probably be constantly maintaining it.
My poor Toshiba died kicking and screaming, putting up a fight worthy of an epic ballad.
I saved up for a few weeks, got a new laptop, and went through the rigmarole of getting all of my programs back on it. My files are in order. My life is in shambles (but that's normal, LOL).
I DID do some story work without my computer, but... it's bad. Like, I'd die in shame if I posted anything that I thumbed in. So. Many. Spelling. Errors. How people write on their phone is beyond me. That's a talent I simply don't possess.
At this point, I'm thinking of renaming this story "HIATUS" lol. JK. But I'm seriously peeved that this happened after my last big break. Why couldn't the Depression and laptop breakdown coincide nicely? I guess that's too much to ask of the universe *Shakes fist at the sky*.
I'm creating a damn bingo card for every stupid thing that happens to me while I try to write. Because this is getting ridiculous. I broke my fingers, there was a total solar eclipse, I had a major-ish mental breakdown, and my computer bit the big one. With a free space, that's a bingo. Let's hope I don't get a blackout before the end of 2024.
I doubted the fanfiction curse. I really did. But it's apparently real. And this writer's curse has teeth, people. It bites hard.
I have my MerMay two-shot pretty well done (because I was typing it during The Great Depression), but the next chapter for REARRANGED is still rough. Crimson Chapter 3 is halfway done, but who knows how long that'll take.
The bottom line is that I'm alive and still working on the stories. The next update on this blog will be the posting of several chapters for a few different works. Fingers crossed.
Also, I'm very, very slowly answering the comments in my AO3 inbox. Some of them were pretty lengthy, so it might take a bit. Oof.
If there ever comes a time that I drop this fanfiction or am unable to continue for whatever reason, either I or my husband will be posting the entirety of my outline, as well as anything that's been pre-written for you guys to enjoy. That way there are no questions left unanswered or mysteries unsolved.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Previous Chapter ☆♡☆ Masterlist ☆♡☆ Next Chapter
AO3 link
CHAPTER TEN: "I witness that a lot of people are dying because they consider that life is not worth living."
NOTE: Next chapter WILL be late due to me going on vacay! Juuuust wanted to get a chap out before I go lol!
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Thanatophobia is the fear of death, Originating from the Greek "Thanatos" meaning death. People who suffer from this are extremely afraid of death and may have excessive thoughts about it.
This coupled with something like Suicidal Desire can create a reckless sort of behaviour. Making a person actively seek their death due to the fact they cannot do it themselves out of fear.
The smell of burnt gunpowder lingered in the cold night's air, Bursts of vivid colour exploding in the sky and fizzling out into sparks mid-flight. The entire sky was alight with hue's of reds, blues and purples lighting up the atmosphere.
The bitter liquor ran down her throat yet it barely burned as it went down, Her tongue trained to the taste and the fire tamed in due time.
[F/N] gazed out over the city of Osaka from the balcony of her inn. The festival in full swing below her, The sounds of laughing and festivities were low and echoed from the tall height their room sat at.
She gazed upon the fireworks, Enraptured within the colourful dance as she took another swig of her sake. A bottle she snaked from the bar below, Her hands trained to steal took it with relative ease and replaced it with the coins it cost.
It wasn't something meant for someone of her age. Her younger frame and the baby fat only just burned off from her face showed her mid-teenage years, Only around fifteen to be precise.
The night was chilling, Making her tug the dragon-patterned haori over her shoulders just a little more. The wind ran through her, The height she was at made it blow just a bit more intense as the mouth of the bottle pressed against her lips.
As the next round of sake pooled on her tongue, [F/N] could hear the soft patter of footsteps approach from behind her.
"Heyy~! What'cha doin up so early?" Mitsuri teased, Her bodyweight pressing up against the balcony railing to match [F/N]'s own pose. Her cheeks full of colour and a wide smile shining brighter than her eyes played on her face.
[F/N] smirked a little as she lowered the bottle.
"Can't sleep.. Not with this noise anyways." [F/N] responded as she gestured to the lively crowds below them in the streets, The stalls packed and laughing echoed from the tall buildings.
"Still, We're gonna head out soon and you haven't gotten any rest.. This isn't the first time you've done this y'know!" Mitsuri teased as she slowly swayed back and forth with a hum.
[F/N] shrugged as her eyes met Mitsuri's form. Her unbrushed hair let loose out of her usual braids and the baggy uniform she wore was lazily put on, Obviously haven just woken up from her nap during the day.
Even so she seemed as lively as she always did. Something that made [F/N]'s smile soften, Seeming much more genuine than it did before.
"Okay, Mom." [F/N] teased lightly as she turned back to take another swig "If I get a chance I'll rest for a little bit, Okay?"
Mitsuri's eyes landed on the glass bottle, Watching the bitter liquid slosh around inside the container as another rush of it entered her mouth. Mitsuri couldn't help the slight frown appear on her face.
"You know you shouldn't be drinking that stuff, Mama says it's really bad for kids like us. Even then I can't believe you like the taste, The stuff's yucky!" Mitsuri stuck her tongue out in a display of playful disgust.
[F/N] giggled a little bit as she swallowed, Covering her mouth to make sure it didn't bring up any residue.
"Tsuri', We watched your mother pick a fight barehanded with a wild racoon for rummaging in your trash." [F/N] chuckled as she shook her head. "I think I know what's good for me, Mkay?"
"If you say so!" Mitsuri huffed yet the smile tugging at her lips couldn't be extinguished.
[F/N] turned her eyes back to the display of fireworks exploding further ahead into the city, Bursts of burning sparks igniting into the most beautiful colours to reflect in their eyes. The glassy look of her sclera mimicking it greatly.
[F/N] smirked.
"..Besides, It's not the taste I like." She admitted as her eyes trailed down to the bottle held like a gun in her hands. Tightly gripped with care as she examined the clear yet pungent smelling booze mixing with the fading gunpowder.
"Then what do you like about it?" Mitsuri asked as she pursed her lips and looked at [F/N] in confusion.
"It's the affect it gives me, It makes me feel warm inside. That's what I like about it." [F/N] smiled half-heartedly as she rested her free palm on her chest. The spoken effect already starting to take affect as she felt the light blur in her mind.
"Seriously? You always wake up grumpy afterwards though, Can't make you feel that good." Mitsuri rebutted, Her lip quirked to the side in confusion.
"Not if I drink more." [F/N] shrugged as she took another drink, Eyes still trapped upon the fireworks and the city set alight in celebration. She didn't even seem to take in Mitsuri's words but instead took in more of the bitter liquor into her system.
Mitsuri looked like she wanted to say more, To open her mouth and object but she resisted in turn.
Instead she just turned her head back to the show above them, Wind brushing through her hair and leaving only the faintest of chills in it's wake.
"Anything else you been thinking about? You seem out of it, Kinda.. Distant?" Mitsuri asked. Recalling the past few days they had been travelling, Noticing the way [F/N] always seemed to be in thought when they spoke.
"Well.. A few things honestly, Nothing much really just kinda complicated thoughts" She sighed half-heartedly though her eyes narrowed in on nothing in particular, Nothing in sight but a picture vivid in her head.
"You can tell me if you want to, There's nothing I won't understand. You know that right?" Mitsuri reassured softly. A comforting tone both tended to use with one and other, All since the day they first met.
[F/N] shrugged once more yet this time she bit her lip.
"Really?" She prompted as she stared into the honest green of her best friend's eyes. The way the fireworks bursting hues reflected off them as they exploded in the air only shown truth.
"Really." Mitsuri hummed with a gentle smile with [F/N] returning it in kind. [F/N] inhaled, Taking in a deep breath before she spoke.
"…I'm just not that motivated lately. I've been thinking about my purpose to be honest with you.. Life stuff. It just kinda feels like I'm having a mid-life crisis when I'm only fifteen and that just feels really stupid to me.." [F/N] admitted as she played with the bottle.
Between the two girls it was [F/N] who had always been the mature one. Ever since they met it had been like that. She often abstained from activities other kids liked to enjoy such as playing with Temari Balls or wrestling in the mud.
Instead she often stood back and watched. Most times with either a book or a pen and paper, Mostly favouring her time being spent on wondering how much money she needed to earn for dinner that night or how long she could go without eating at all.
[F/N] never really was much of a kid. More of an adult in a kid's body, Carried herself as such too. Even back then she never cracked a smile or laughed at all, Instead speaking with a polite yet monotonous tone.
Mitsuri hummed, Tasting [F/N]'s words on her tongue.
"Well you came along with me to become a slayer for a reason, Right? We're doing this because we wanna help people and protect the ones we care about!" Mitsuri proclaimed as she lightly swayed back and forth.
"..Well.. And maaaybe help me find a husband too but.." Mitsuri added on quickly, Her blush burning bright as she fanned her cheeks.
[F/N] didn't speak, Instead choosing to look down at the bottle. She examined the light reflecting off the polished and sharply cut glass as her eyes narrowed at it.
"..You've been doing that a lot as well. You keep looking at your drinks and food like you personally despise them, It's weird. I'm maybe starting to think this is a deeper issue?" Mitsuri prodded.
As soon as she mentioned the way [F/N] was looking at her liquor her gaze instantly softened and glanced away from it, Away in the other direction as she pouted slightly.
"It's nothing. I'm fine, Really. I don't know why I told you, I shouldn't of said anything.." [F/N] trailed off, Shaking her head in dismissal.
The burn in her chest seemed like it just wasn't from the liquor anymore. It was desire, One she couldn't act on. How dearly she wanted to tell her the truth, Let it all out to her but there were no words to say.
There were, But there wasn't at the same time. How can you just say all of that to someone? How could you say it without writing it down on paper to log everything, Saying it is so difficult. There was no way she could say anything aloud.
Besides, [F/N] didn't want to worry Mitsuri. She was her best friend and bringing her own sorrow onto her was the last thing [F/N] wanted to do. Mitsuri was a happy person and [F/N] wanted to keep it that way.
She agreed with this once she turned back to meet Mitsuri's concerned face, As such she decided to act quickly.
Reaching into the small satchel hanging loose from her shoulders she fished out something covered in cloth. The navy felt wrapped around it dropped from the her grasp as she pulled it out.
"Besides.. I've got other things to worry about right now." [F/N] said as she held the Kitsune mask in both of her hands. The dark sapphire eyes staring right into the irises of it's owner with a soulless glare.
Mitsuri's eyes widened in interest as she nudged closer on the balcony towards [F/N]. Eyes locked onto the festival mask held so tightly in [F/N]'s palms.
"Woah, No way! Isn't that the spooky-cursed-thingy you got a while back?" Mitsuri gasped as she leaned over to examine the structure of it herself. Chartreuse eyes gleaming with a spark of interest as she recognised it.
"Mhm.. Took the sword with me so I felt it was only right I'd take the mask too.." [F/N] replied as she stared into the porcelain.
"Ah, Okay! You ever gonna try it out or use it? It might be a good time to use it cause of the festival and all- Oh my gosh that reminds me! Did you see all the snack vendors and festival games? I'm dying to try them all!" Mitsuri squealed as she rapidly fanned her overheating cheeks.
Her short attention span distracted her from the previous topic, Good, It was something [F/N] predicted and something that was for the best. [F/N] smiled and shook her head as she put the mask back into the satchel.
As for it, [F/N] was conflicted on whether to use it or not. The way it made her feel or the way it made her look just didn't seem like her at all, It made her different, Someone she wasn't yet even then [F/N] kind of preferred it that way.
For the short time she used it before she felt more carefree. Less people asked questions about her and less worried, It was good. [F/N] liked that.
"We can't waste time with the activities there, Mitsuri. We're here to slay a demon, Not relax or play games." [F/N] argued softly as she placed a hand on Mitsuri's shoulder, Who was currently.
"Oh come onnnnn, [F/N]. Live life a little! They have goldfish scooping and are doing one of those shinto-play thingy's that you like so much! Can't we have just a tiny little detour?" Mitsuri pouted as she quickly pulled out a brochure from her taffy-coloured haori and shoved into [F/N]'s free hand.
[F/N] chuckled but still stood adamantly as she looked down at the brochure.
"I told you! We can't waste time with meaningless activities!" [F/N] laughed as she rubbed Mitsuri's shoulder to try and calm her down, Which was useless because Mitsuri was practically shaking in excitement.
"Come onnn! Not even just a single goldfish?" Mitsuri pouted, Tilting her head towards [F/N].
"Nope." [F/N] replied.
"Please with extra cherries?"
"I hate cherries."
"Liar! You love cherries."
"I love the smell, Not the taste."
"I don't think I can be friends with you after learning that information but pleaaasee?"
"If you two keep arguing like this I fear that we may never slay that demon in time!" The voice of Shinobu cut through the two's bickering.
[F/N]'s shoulders raised as she snapped her body round to meet the other girl, Who was to the other side of her and leaning against the balcony.
"Ah! Sorry Shinobu-chan! But you agree that you would also like to see the festival too right?" Mitsuri butted in, Leaning over the side of the balcony to meet Shinobu's constant grin and teasing façade.
Shinobu hummed, Bringing a hand up to her chin.
"Well I do think that we should slay the demon. But I suppose it wouldn't hurt if we did spend a little time enjoying ourselves. These things only come around once a year so if we slay the demon quickly we might have time to see the parade." Shinobu concluded with a smile as she turned around to meet Mitsuri.
"Oh not you too, Shinobu-san.." [F/N] dramatically groaned. Shoulders deflating as she realised she was outnumbered by her comrades.
"Yay! Come on then! Let's go slay the demon so I can catch goldfish. Let's go, Let's go, Let's go!" Mitsuri cheered as her hands lunged for both [F/N] and Shinobu's palms. Taken off guard they were both lugged along by Mitsuri's inhuman strength.
"Agh!" [F/N] exclaimed, Taken by surprise as she was swiftly dragged along out of the inn's room.
"Oh good! Let's get moving, Girls!" Shinobu however kept smiling as she complied with Mitsuri's hyperactivity, Giggling along with Mitsuri as they ran out. The cold night's air barely bothering the two.
[F/N] wiped the sweat off her brow and sighed. Keeping up with the two's more upbeat behaviour has always been a job of it's own.
Though as the saying goes that if you choose a job that you like, You'll never have to work a day in your life which [F/N] could attest to.
She only smiled a little as they ran towards their next mission. Hand being tugged along by Mitsuri as she thought on her own. Even though the two had enough energy for a hundred people, [F/N] could still feel the phantom taste of the bitter sake on her tongue wear her down.
Though she could admit she was having fun she also had to say that it was dampened by her own feelings. The feelings she had been fighting against for a while now and ones that seemed to get even more pungent everyday.
But it didn't matter. She had a job to do, Work is to be done so she shut out her feelings once more and smiled instead.
It seemed like it was better that way, Anyways.
"Well.. I certainly see what you meant by hopeless"
[F/N]'s voice echoed far, Her own realising tone reflecting back at her in a yell. Her eyes were wide as she stared over the cavern, Hands on her hips as her jaw was lain slack at the sight.
It was huge, So much so that she couldn't see the bottom. Stairs and doors getting smaller and smaller as it went down, All until it was only a speck in this accursed dimensions horizon. The fact that it had a horizon like the normal world was terrifying.
There was a strong wind rushing through the cavern, It was fresh too, Not like the indoor air but organic and powerful.
[F/N] stood at the edge of a dock. The end of it was destroyed or rather fell off down into the cavern below.
It was like tectonic plates moving away from each other. One of them was the sea of nothingness with docks spread everywhere, The other was a a labyrinth of doors, walls, staircases and millions of other structures. The two only separated by a wide split, One which was further than valleys or fields she'd ever seen before.
They were like files kept in a drawer. Different files archived on top of each other, Different worlds sat side by side. Herself standing on only one of what seemed to be millions.
It was so surreal, [F/N] was basically a speck of dust compared to the Infinity castle. She had to steady herself on the dock to make sure she didn't fall off into the infinite expansion of a pit below.
"You understand that you won't be able to escape from here? If you tried to jump down it would take hours for you to fall only to be killed. And there's no way you could climb upwards because there isn't any point for you to scale on." Akaza said, His voice echoing and repeating back to her tenfold.
[F/N]'s eyes however weren't resting on the demon stood beside her, Instead they were sat on the abyss of architecture below as she contemplated her next move. Her eyes wandered along the wide wooden border keeping the ocean in at her world, Her brows furrowed.
"How was I not able to come across this earlier? You know, When I ran for the first time. It just looped back around." [F/N] commented absentmindedly as she locked down on the rimmed gate keeping the entire pocket of abyss she was in.
Akaza shrugged.
"This is the only route that hasn't been changed by the biwa demon throughout my time coming here. Figured that this must have some kind of anchoring effect or something.." Akaza replied but he sounded just as confused as she did.
[F/N] sighed as she ignored the implications of his significant memory, Already accepting it through all the other craziness.
"Alright.. So I also need to memorize the escape route. There's another thing to add to my list." She groaned in slight irritation as she took a mental note of the chore.
"You have a list?" Akaza questioned, Looking over at her with a scrutinizing gaze.
"Erm.. Yeah. Got an issue with that?" [F/N] hissed lowly as she looked back at him with an equally-as-venomous glare.
"No. You do whatever, I don't give a shit" Akaza spat back and shook his head as he turned around to look down the cavern again.
[F/N] did the same as she stared down into the new void. She could almost hear the cogs in her head clash and clank against each other as they got to work. Hopeless, Akaza said. The cogs seemed to ignite the lightbulb that hung over her head.
"Hmm.." [F/N] hummed as she surveyed the unnaturally polished wood. The wind repeatedly hit at her face, The skirt of her kimono whipping back and forth as she nudged closer to the edge.
"Hey! What are you doing, You have a death wish or something?" Akaza scolded, His hand grappling onto her shoulder with his nails digging in. Yet the pain never bothered her as she turned back to look at him.
"So.. You said earlier that there was an exit door somewhere down in that hellhole, Right?" [F/N] questioned as she started to tug at her kimono, The front of it easily coming undone as she shook Akaza's hand off.
"Yeah, There is but you won't be able to get to it." Akaza rebutted as he watched her take off the emerald sunset of fabric, The garment too big and loose for what she was about to do and leaving her in only a snow white Susuyoke and Hadajuban. "What the hell are you undressing for?! Try have some decency!"
"Lost that years ago. Now you mentioned that the biwa demon character moves the castle around to her will, Correct? If that's true then how often does she change it around here?" [F/N] asked once more, Near shouting over the power of the wind as she did.
"She only started changing the shrine section assumedly once you showed up but the docks don't change. We're near the outskirts of the castle and away from the centre, Doesn't change anything near here but why? What are you planning to do?!" Akaza argued as he watched her stretch out a hand and present it to him.
"I'm gonna see what's below, For that I need you to hold onto me while I hang from the side of the ledge." [F/N] explained, Nudging her hand further towards him as she stared him dead in the eyes.
Akaza's jaw dropped open, It was the last thing he had expected to hear from the rather weak looking girl as he gawked at the mere idea she proposed. He double-taked before taking a heavy step towards her, Making the dock below it creak rather aggressively.
"No. Are you fucking crazy?! What the hell makes you think that'll get you anywhere?!" Akaza near yelled at her as he got up in her face again. His sharpish teeth were bared and near breathing saliva at just the thought.
[F/N]'s nose scrunched up and her lip turned into a near snarl.
"I don't see why you're so angry, Akaza. I just want to see what's under here and I want you to help me do it." [F/N] argued lowly as she levelled down to meet his kanji-adorned eyes, Her own shining with the exact same fire to match his perfectly.
"Why I'm angry? Forget that, Why the hell do you trust me so much to keep you steady from the ledge? What if I drop you?!" Akaza argued back, A clawed finger pointing into [F/N]'s chest to emphasise his point.
"I don't trust you, I trust that you want to kill Kokushibo.. Well, That and your demon strength that can hold my weight, That is." [F/N] replied as she carelessly tossed her shamrock coloured kimono behind her down the dock.
Akaza moved back a few steps, Looking at her like she was insane but at this point that wasn't much of a stretch. He looked her up and down and once he realised she had no doubts about putting herself into a potentially fatal situation, He snapped his jaw shut and stared at her with wide eyes.
[F/N] on the other hand pushed it further towards Akaza, Urging him to take it.
"Come on, As I told you Akaza, I'm a Hashira. And as much as that title doesn't fit me I can say with certainty that I'll be able to scale this stupid ledge, So take my hand and lets do this." [F/N] pressed on.
Akaza looked back up at her expression, Of which was as cold as steel and as firm as such too. She looked at him with such chilling determination that it near ran a shiver down his spine, A feeling he hadn't felt in a long time.
"Fine, But we need to be quick. Upper six might figure out we've left and could alert Upper one." Akaza spat as he wrapped his taloned fingers around [F/N]'s palm and nodded. [F/N] in turn smirked slightly.
"I'll be as quick as I can be." [F/N] agreed as she lowered down onto her knees, Akaza's hand still squeezing her palm as she got down onto her backside.
[F/N]'s legs dangled off the edge of the rickety dock. She stared down towards the endless abyss of Japanese architecture below and took a deep breath in to steel her nerves, Her empty hand gripping onto the end of the dock while the other gripped tightly onto Akaza's.
"Ready?" Akaza prompted. [F/N] responded with a sharp inhale and a hum of confirmation. Closing her eyes she took in one large breath.
And then she dropped.
[F/N] fell from the ledge, Gravity pulling her body towards the ground as her weight started to accelerate. The wind rushed through her hair and her undergarments, Her eyes clasped shut in anticipation.
[F/N]'s body slammed against the side of the ledge, Making her yelp out in surprise. Her acceleration was cancelled out by the firm grip of Akaza who was draped over the side, Making it so she could be further down.
"Good gods-..!" [F/N] exclaimed in pain as her body hit against the ledge. Her skin firing up in pain as her body swung side to side slowly, Only kept elevated by the claws digging into her hand.
"I thought you said you were ready?" Akaza called out from above her, Though [F/N] could hear the mockery dripping from his tone like the water leaking over the ledge. It made her huff in annoyance.
"Shut it!" [F/N] yelled back as she gripped a hand onto the carved side of the edge, Trying to steady her swaying movements and her rapidly pounding heart. Her breath turned to vapour in the rushing chill of the winds.
[F/N] dared to look down from her position and saw the infinite abyss much closer than it was before, [F/N] watched her legs hang above it. It was almost like the entire castle was trying to reach out to her, Aching, Desperately trying to pull her down and make her fall.
Fall. If she did then that was it for her, If Akaza's grip slipped from her hold then she would be nothing but smashed organs and flesh. Destroyed bits of membrane smeared across some demon's flooring.
[F/N] could tell that the saying was true, Stare into the abyss and it will stare back. It felt almost alive as she glared.
"Hey? Aren't you going to get to work? I told you to hurry up!" Akaza scolded as he saw her phased out expression as she gazed into the castle interior below, But he raised a brow at her sudden disassociation.
[F/N] quirked a lip, Her free hand sweeping the hair hitting her face away from her vision. She could barely hear Akaza over the turbulence, Both of the aggressive atmosphere and the thoughts coming back to her head.
Drop. It would be so easy, So why was she hesitating? Why was her body still holding onto Akaza for dear life? It seemed like that's how it's been lately, Her body and her mind had different ideas for their future. Conflicting each other, Going to war.
Her body ached for survival, Some kind of primal instinct embedded into every single living thing on the planet and one her mind wanted to erase entirely. Her mind ached for release, Wanting an end to the tunnel.
The grip on Akaza's hand started to.. Slip. At first it was just a twitch of her palm, But then it was the lift of a single finger. Then another, Then another.. Then just one more until she'd start to fall-
"Gods! You are weak! I can't believe your a damned Hashira!" Akaza yelled out and his free hand shot out and grappled onto her wrist, Stopping her descent entirely. His teeth were bared and his forehead had a vein popping out.
[F/N] blinked once, A sudden dim light reappearing back in her eyes. She looked around once, Realising where she was and what she was doing before the tight grip on Akaza's hand returned once more.
"Shit.. My bad, I don't know what came over me there!" [F/N] called out as she bit her lip in confusion. [F/N] looked up towards Akaza and nodded once towards him. He wouldn't let her fall, Not when she was considered valuable to him.
"Lower me!" She yelled.
Akaza looked back at her, Examining the expression that seemed more reeled into the situation before nodding back. He moved a little further over the side, Legs kept firmly locked into a nook in the dock as [F/N] lowered down a little more.
She snapped her head round dead centre. The ledge she was hanging over was gigantic, Extremely, It was both taller and wider than her herself. But as Akaza lowered her further and further, Her sandals near slipping off her feet she could now see the underside of it.
Her eyes widened as she saw the vast beneath of the slice of hell she lived on. Her eyes scattered around and the dim light started to burn with idea's, The cogs in her head kicking up once more.
The way the underside was designed was like a table, It seemed larger than it was on the outside but when she looked underneath it dipped.
Below it had quite intricately designed structure beams going across the entire way, Thee way the architecture was ingrained into the beams made them tightly pact with hooks and curves carved in.
[F/N]'s eyes squinted, Trying to see further ahead. It was around the staggering length of a football field, At the end of it there was several pillars and clusters of misplaced walls and structures. They were all clumped together, Making it almost a staircase for her to use.
It was beautifully made, But also an opportunity. [F/N]'s eyes ran across the carvings and infrastructure as a sly smirk started to shape her face. The cogs finally clicked, The lightbulb brightened.
"What are you seeing?" Akaza called out from above as she surveyed the scene, Near seeing the mechanics work in her head as he watched her face light up.
"Opportunity, And I've seen enough. Pull me back up!" [F/N] yelled back, Glancing at him once with that working gaze before he nodded.
Locking his legs further onto the dock he started to haul her up with relative ease. Her body weight was nothing but a feather for his demonic strength as she ascended, Higher and higher until her upper chest was draped over the ledge.
Akaza grabbed her by the shoulders, Hoisting her full body over and up onto the dock once more. She groaned in effort as she rolled over onto her back, Staring up to the dark sky above them as she rendered the shrine section.
"Thanks.." [F/N] breathed heavily, Out of breath from both the high stress situation and the effort she had to put in to pull herself up. She lain there on the old and freezing dock, Listening to the sound of the waves as she tried to calm down.
Akaza on the other hand leaned over her, Looking at her like a rather irritating rodent who washed up on the shore. He clicked his tongue once as his annoyed visage bore into hers.
"The hell was up with that earlier? You almost died and all of this trouble I've gone through could've been for nothing!" Akaza hissed as he watched her haul herself up into a sitting position.
"I told you. Dunno what came over me, Alright?" [F/N] said absentmindedly "Anyways, Contrary to what you said earlier it is certainly not hopeless." She added on.
Akaza raised a brow. From what he had learned throughout his years of coming here there wasn't any visible way down from here. The outskirts haven't changed in decades, Could he have missed something?
[F/N] got up from the ground. Pushing herself up with a single hand and a groan as she raised to meet him eye to eye.
"Anyways I know what I need to do now, Well both me and you really. I actually need you to get some stuff for me." [F/N] said as she dusted off the dock's soot from her snowy underclothing.
Akaza groaned.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"A few things.. Maybe.. Uh.. Oh right. As much rope as you can get me, The strong kind. A surplus of nails and erm.. Could use a few tools too, A hammer might be nice.. Just anything you can get me" [F/N] explained as she counted the items on her fingers.
Akaza's jaw dropped, Realising the implications as his head shook in slight disbelief.
"You want to scale the fucking infinity castle, Don't you?"
Akaza raised a hand and pinched his temples, Almost sensing the oncoming headache this one human being was giving him. The sheer audacity to think that she could somehow maneuver her way down into the outskirts of the castle.
If she died then the stress he went through with this deal would be to waste. If she did die, Kaigaku might link him to her death when explaining it to Kokushibo. If that happened it meant he would go down with her.
But as his dandelion hued irises met back up with hers he could see the confidence burning in her retinas. It was a look he somehow recognised, That old connection clicking in the back of his mind, One from his human life.
He shook it off however. He had no time for that kind of useless reminiscence.
"What makes you think you'll be able to do something like that?" Akaza asked rather harshly as he signalled his hand towards the void below, Reminding her of her position.
[F/N] shrugged.
"Cause I'm a Hashira?" She said as if it was obvious, Using her title once more as a trump card of sorts to get her way.
Akaza looked back at her, Remembering her so called title. The fact that she was a Hashira still didn't register to him, Her weak frame and out-of-practice muscles telling him otherwise. He huffed.
"Last time I checked, Hashira couldn't about a hundred metres with only rope and nails to do so. I'm not letting you die until we finish this deal" Akaza repeated back to her like it was obvious.
[F/N] in turn clenched her fists. She knew Akaza wouldn't let her do this, Her only escape route. He wouldn't let her do this, Not without a good enough reason. It made the spark inside her light up again, The one from when Kokushibo gave her the hairpin.
It was that angry spark, The one she had been feeling more and more lately and the one she tried to dwindle into annoyance.
"Look.. I grew up in a place where scaling things was part of the description. Things like climbing or moving around dangerous area's is basically nothing. This is nothing." She exasperated, Gesturing to the void below and trying to keep her voice to a minimum to convince him.
Akaza gawked at her, Not understanding a thing.
"Like where. Where the hell would you need to grow up to scale an infinite void?" He argued back, The idea completely insane to him as he did.
"Nowhere good, Okay? Somewhere if you don't learn how to move quickly and efficiently you don't survive, And I did, So I think I'm more than qualified to climb my way out of here. Not unless you have any better ideas?" [F/N] said, Her voice mocking and sarcastic from both the irritation and reminder of her childhood.
Akaza lowered his brow, Thinking over her words. Though he didn't need to think for long because the spark inside her showed in her eyes, It made his agape mouth shut tight. The human part of his resonating once more, That part of him seemingly recognising the look.
How that was possible he didn't know. He didn't want to know what that implied but knew very well what it meant, Something inside him told him so. Something that trusted her skills well.
"..Fine, You better know what you're doing.." He spat lowly, A warning. [F/N] could tell as Akaza stepped away from her going a few feet down the dock.
"But the items you wanted will be difficult to smuggle in. The biwa demon knows everything that comes in and comes out. If I try bring in a bunch of nails and rope she'll certainly suspect something, So I'm going to need to do it in parts at a time." Akaza continued.
"Seriously? I suppose it's fair, It'll take time for me to construct it so while you gather the item's, I'll just work on it then I guess." [F/N] groaned.
"Good. Then afterwards I'll be out of this damned deal." Akaza commented, Obviously as annoyed as her.
[F/N] nodded.
"Same. I won't need to be here to deal with this place or the demons that inhabit it.. I'm just glad the only somewhat decent one can get me outta here." She sighed as she grabbed the side of her head, Feeling a sudden, Strange migraine coming on.
Akaza turned back to look at her, Raising a brow.
"Decent? What do you mean by that?" Akaza questioned.
[F/N] hummed slightly, Her lips pouting slightly in thought as she mulled her words over. Once she finished though she shrugged lazily.
"Well, As much as a bastard you are. You're also the only one who has some form of morals since you don't kill women, That and you did change my bandages that one time" She explained.
Akaza groaned, Obviously not happy that it was brought up again.
"I thought I said I didn't want you to talk about that." Akaza huffed, The vein in his head pulsating once more at the remembrance.
"Well I didn't want to be injured in the first place but here we are." [F/N] retorted, The hand gripping the side of her head throbbing once more. Her grip tightened and her teeth grinded slightly in futile attempt to relieve it.
"Oh, like that's my fault for injuring some pathetic human being. How about next time you d-" Akaza's rebuttal was quickly silenced by a hand over the mouth. A movement quicker than a lightning bolt made by [F/N], Her eyes wide and stretched open to their limits as she pressed a single finger against her lips.
Akaza's eyes opened in tandem with her own, Sensing the situation and a faint.. power. As he looked back towards [F/N] he could recognise the contorted expression on her face.
It was fear.
They stood in silence. The sudden sound of the running winds and the waves sloshing against each other below seemed so much louder now, Their breaths stilled and their eyes were locked together.
[F/N]'s ear twitched as the wind brushed against each of their skins. Though her eyes stared into his she wasn't focused on him, Instead she looked like she was trying to listen in on something.
Her still lungs took in a sharp intake of air. Her entire frame shot up like a terrified cat and the hand on his mouth quickly retracted, Falling to her side and stiffening like a wooden board.
"Kokushibo.. He's here"
Akaza stumbled back. [F/N]'s words echoed into the vastness and hit him like a ton of bricks, The broken glass of his eyes looked back and forth as his shoulders raised in defence.
"Upper six must of informed him I'm gone, He might've told of you- I don't know- But you need to leave. Now!" [F/N] exclaimed. She wasted no time in running over the crumpled kimono lying on the deck.
"Shit- Does he know I'm here?" Akaza exclaimed as he desperately searched around for any sign of the other demon. [F/N] started throwing the fabric over her shoulder, Too engrossed in dressing to look at him.
"I- I don't know." She responded quickly as she put her arms into the sleeves. The sudden headache, She had sensed his prescense returning to the shrine. His soul aura, A rotten and vile tasting soul, One that [F/N] could sense from miles away.
And she could sense that it was angry.
"I've got to leave, Immediately. But for what it's worth, Akaza." [F/N] said, Finishing tying her obi and looking back at him once. Their eyes connecting once more within the cold seas that surrounded them.
[F/N] smiled slowly. It wasn't genuine, But the meaning behind it spoke more than she said.
"I really do appreciate what you did for me, As much as a bastard you are you're not a bad person. It's not much but thanks for helping this pathetic human being anyways" She nodded once before turning away, Running down the rickety dock back the way they came from without another word. Left with only the shocked visage of the demon behind her.
Akaza watched her run away, His body unmoving. He saw [F/N] get smaller and smaller as she navigated the maze of docks, Jumping and leaping away until she was a speck on the shadowed horizon, Leaving him completely alone.
Akaza blinked once, Only as she entirely disappeared did he snap out of his stupor. He muttered angrily under his breath for her delusion and wasting time before bending his knee, Pushing himself forward off the dock.
He leaped into the yearning abyss, [F/N]'s words being nothing but an aftertaste as he fell.
[F/N]'s feet hit against the dock like storming raindrops on a tiled roof. She watched them carefully to make sure her sandals didn't get caught in the wide gaps or splintered off pieces of timber.
Her lungs laboured. The further she ran and the more she jumped between routes the more she could sense his aura, The putrid decay of his soul writhing around in her skin.
[F/N] had always been able to sense it somewhat. Though before it was fainter than others, Now the stench was overwhelming her. The rot of it reeking of death, And most importantly anger.
Sweat dripped down her brow. [F/N] begged to Inari that he had no idea of what happened with her and Akaza. If he found out and killed him then she was basically done for. She swallowed, Begging just a little more to her patron.
The way they had gotten out of the shrine in the first place was with care. Akaza snuck her out through the front and made sure that Kaigaku wasn't there to see them and follow on, Afterwards he had quickly shown the pathway out.
She knew that this might happen, Akaza had informed her of their link on the way to the edge. [F/N] knew that once Kaigaku knew they had left he would inform Kokushibo of the situation.
Though she wished she had more time. More time to figure out what she was going to do with her business partner.
Akaza himself. [F/N] didn't like him, She didn't like the way he reminded her of the boys from her youth or the fact that he slaughtered Rengoku. But as anyone else she saw the silver lining within the rusted metal, He had principles and stood strong.
She appreciated that. There was some semblance of good in him, There was with everyone and he was no exception. The morals he did have must of carried on from his human life but how he became a demon in the first place baffled her.
But it didn't matter, They weren't suppose to get personal.
It was business only.
[F/N] saw the shrine get larger in the distance. Her pace quickened along with her breath, She saw the growing tuft of leaves sticking out the middle and the dim lanterns lining the inner docks as she ran.
Though as it grew closer and closer, The more she saw the lights of the dock the more she could see the one thing she dreaded, And it was standing tall on the porch and looking down at her.
"[F/N].." Kokushibo drawled out as she stumbled onto the main deck. His face appeared emotionless but [F/N] could tell he was angry, The stench he put off evidence of that as his eyes narrowed in on her.
[F/N] bit her tongue as she came to a standstill. She looked up into his eyes yet noticed the bulging vein appearing on the side of his forehead. [F/N] gulped.
"Took you long enough to appear.. Was wondering where you were.. I was starting to think I'd need to drag you here myself.." Kokushibo commented lowly, Tilting his head as he seemed to gauge her appearance.
"..I'm sorry, Kokushibo-sama. I was busy.." [F/N] replied quickly, Trying to make sure the shakiness in her voice wasn't as noticeable as her expression.
Kokushibo's expression didn't shift in the slightest as he stared down at her, Eyes wide yet his lips pressed together in a deep frown. They stood there like that for a moment, [F/N]'s heart feeling like it was about to implode.
It was broken however by the knowing voice of her tormentor, Speaking out a single sentence.
"You tried to run again, Didn't you..?" He interrogated. He lifted a single foot and placed it down, He took a few steps down the short porch steps towards her. Slowly, He made his way down until they were only a metre or so apart.
[F/N] looked down at her feet and away from the blinding glow of his eyes. She steadied her breath no matter how shaky it was. She tried to think of an appropriate answer but the power coming off his aura made her head want to explode.
"Yeah.. I did." [F/N] answered slowly. "I want to get out of here. I don't want to be here."
Kokushibo hummed slowly, A deep reverberation coming out as a near growl within his throat. The way he looked at her sharpened, His gaze could cut through rock and pierced her deeply.
"How many times have I told you.. Being here is for your own good.. You are safe within these walls, You cannot get out.." He emphasised it in that same infantilizing tone, The way he spoke to her made the spark reappear. The one [F/N] desperately tried to hide from him in fear of retribution.
"..I'm sorry. It won't happen again." [F/N] said bluntly, Hoping to get this entire interaction over with as quick as possible and avoid the now burning eyeline of her captor.
He in turn took one more step towards her, Making their already suffocating distance too close for her taste.
"But.. From what I've been made aware of is that you've been out for a while.. Much longer than it should take for you to run the entire way.." Kokushibo pondered as he raised a finger to emphasise his point.
"What can I say? Blocky sandals, See?" [F/N] said, Pointing down to her feet. "Takes me longer to run in these, I thought you knew.." She said as she lied through her teeth.
Kokushibo nodded.
"I suppose you are correct there.. I cannot fault that.. But let me ask you this.." He agreed slowly as his eyes narrowed. [F/N]'s breath stilled as she dared to take a peak at him, Body going rigid on sight as his hand reached out to cup her cheek.
His hand tilted her face up to meet his, [F/N] struggled slightly but it was impossible within his strong hold.
"However if you were running.. Then why didn't you come from behind the shrine? You came from the front.. If you were truly trying to escape then you would've looped around to the back.." Kokushibo whispered, Irises digging into her like the fury of a thousand spears.
Her eyes widened.
[F/N] opened her mouth as she tried to speak, To respond to him with some rational explanation but her tongue felt like it was weighed down by rocks. She felt her stomach turn and twist into knots.
He knew something was up. He knew. Think of something, Say something, [F/N]. You need to explain this somehow, He can't know about you and Akaza or how you're planning to escape. Come on, Think.. THINK!
"I.." She stammered. The voice in her mind screamed and hollered at her to say something, Anything at all to try and explain this. [F/N]'s hands felt more and more clammier each and every second that passed, Her mind came up with blanks.
Kokushibo leaned down further towards her, Eyes like headlights in the fog as he scrutinized every tiny speck of her. Down to the very last atom she was bonded to was made aware of.
"You've found the escape route.. Haven't you?" He mumbled.
"I don't know how you've been able to find it.. Maybe on chance or perhaps you were informed.." The claws that were tracing her cheeks before started to dig in a little more, It took everything [F/N] had not to make a whine or whimper of pain.
Kokushibo's eyes shone brighter.
"But of course.. I made sure to ensure you were completely alone in this place.. So that wouldn't be the case, Correct?" He asked lowly and calmly but the radiation of his soul was akin to a maggot infested corpse, [F/N] knew what he was truly feeling.
Her mouth felt like a desert, The sand of it weighing down her tongue until she couldn't speak anymore. Even if she could she didn't know what to say. How would she get out of this? Would she need to throw Akaza under the bus?
She didn't want to and hell would it impede her escape if not end it but.. If she couldn't think of anything soon then that might be the case. The way Kokushibo was looking at her made her want to shrivel away into a corner more than she already did and she was absolutely horrified.
[F/N] swallowed back her fear as she spoke, Mind blank as her voice guided her along.
"I.. I.. I was informed." [F/N] said slowly as she looked into his eyes. He blinked, Almost surprised.
"..Hm? Really now..?" Kokushibo drawled, Prompting her to go on and see how she would explain her fault.
[F/N] gulped.
"Yes. I was told.." She confirmed, Not just to him but herself as well as she spoke. [F/N] had no idea what she was going to say even now as she started to ramble off.
His eyes narrowed in on her.
"Tell me now and perhaps I might forgive you for your little attempt, Just this once.." Kokushibo promised though it sounded more like a threat as his claws dug in just a little more, Urging her on.
[F/N] tried not to wince at the painful sensation. She looked deep into the eyes of which seemed to be vast golden oceans, Cold steel looking back at her as she took in a deep breath. A bead of sweat forming on her forehead. Was she really willing to sacrifice another for her own survival?
[F/N] found out as she spoke.
"..It was upper six."
Kokushibo's narrowed eyelids went agape along with the tightening of his lips. The bead of sweat dropped from her brow and onto the deck below as the oxygen in her lungs slowly departed.
He seemed to be thinking over her words. His own Tsuguko, The one he had so generously appointed to watch over his beloved little sister tried to help her escape from his grasp? [F/N] could only wonder what was going on inside his head.
"Upper six directed me where to go. He approached me a while back and told me you sent him to watch me, He said he didn't want me here because he didn't like observing me all the time." [F/N] said slowly, Making sure it sounded right.
[F/N]'s skittish expression formed back into a normal cold faced expression, Well, It was as stable as a toothpick tower but it was something. She still wasn't out of the woods yet, Whether he would believe her or not was up to a coin toss of fate.
Whether he believed her or not meant life or death.
"Upper six.. You are saying that he has been assisting you this entire time?" Kokushibo repeated, His eyes scanning over her body with a hawk-eye that could rival the bird itself.
"Yes.. He did. I'm sorry for listening to him.. Kokushibo-sama." [F/N] said as she felt the pounding of her heart against her ribcage, Drumming and beating almost as if it would expose her words for what they really were.
Kokushibo hummed slightly as the grip on her cheek got excruciatingly painful.
"…And.. You're telling the truth, You understand what will happen if I find out you are lying.. Right? It would end rather.. Horrendously" He asked again.
The threat was a burning inferno kept behind the closed door of his stoic tone, One where she could feel the heat licking at her skin and ready to engulf her at any given moment. It was burning, Absolutely scorching.
"Yes.. I understand and that's why I would never lie to you. I don't want to deal with the consequences." [F/N] said, Bowing her head down to meet her feet, Eyes fixed on her sandals not wanting to see his reaction and hide hers.
She didn't breathe. She waited on baited breath for what felt like hours, Days even. The cold air felt like the antarctic wind against her skin and ran a bone-chilling shiver down her spine. But [F/N] kept a poker face, Despite all odds her face made no move or twitch.
Kokushibo sighed before speaking.
"I'm glad you we're able to be honest with me, Little one.. I will deal with this soon.." Kokushibo said finally, Letting go of her cheek and taking a step back from her to let her breathe. [F/N] in turn quietly let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding.
She bowed once.
"Thank you.. Kokushibo-sama." [F/N] said, Her shoulders relaxing as she did. She felt as if she dodged the bullet of the century, Out of the woods and home free. Metaphorically of course, He wasn't that gracious.
"You won't try running back to the ledge.. Will you? You understand how fruitless an endeavour would be to try and escape from there.." He asked once more, His gaze still soft yet sharpened by an inch as he asked.
It didn't go unnoticed. [F/N] knew it well and took no time in nodding right back in response.
"..Yes. I.. I saw it and I understand.. I.. Won't be getting out anytime soon, I know that now.." [F/N] said, Trying to seem as defeated as possible in her tone and body language. Lowering her shoulders and her head drooping downwards.
Kokushibo stood there in silence for a second, Taking in her words. "Good.." He finally spoke, Nodding once in approval though he didn't smile or make any positive gesture. His face was still contorted in a disappointed scowl though it wasn't as harsh as it was.
"You have interrupted me during my feeding and I wish to return to it.. Now run off back inside.. And for your own good I hope you stay in there." Kokushibo said as he turned back. His arm lightly brushing her's as he passed her by.
A light shiver came by at the cold, Slow feeling of his forearm dragging past her. [F/N] didn't dare to turn around as he stalked past her, Her face as motionless as a statue as she waited for her.
"Be good.. Don't try anything else, I will know if you do.."
It was the last thing he said. The last thing [F/N] heard before a turn in the wind and the sudden lightening in weight of the dock. She didn't need to look around to know he had left, Leaving only the lingering vile stench of his soul to lilt in the air.
[F/N]'s body instantly relaxed, Her shoulders slumped and her head drooping to the side in relief. Her heart was still pounding in her chest yet it started to stutter and slow until it was a simple rhythmic beat in her ribcage.
"Thank Inari.." [F/N] sighed lightly under her breath. She had survived that somehow, Whether he believed it or not was a completely different matter but for now he had bought it.
Despite the fact she lied pooling in the depths of her stomach, Even if it was necessary it still left her with a nasty aftertaste. But that didn't matter, Her relief outweighed her disgust right now.
Hopefully, With any form of luck that would take the Upper six out of the picture. Maybe Kokushibo would deem him as a failure and behead the guy. Though, Even if she hadn't met him [F/N] still felt a little bad.
Whatever. She thought to herself.
[F/N] knew that it didn't matter anymore, She had done the right thing. He was a demon and it didn't matter whether he was beheaded or not, It was probably for the best too.
Besides, This would help her escape immensely. She would be able to get around without the threat of being spied on or not, She wouldn't need to worry about who was watching her without permission.
From her list step one was completed. At least half of it anyways, She had a route out and a plan to make the exit. [F/N] huffed a little, She was lucky at least, The things she use to do in her childhood seemed to come in handy after all.
Next up, She needed to find the sword and mask. She wasn't sure whether they were being kept within the shrine or somewhere else, That was her main concern. Right now though her next course of action would be to rest.
Pushing open the heavy doors of the shrine they came ajar with a creak, Stepping inside she was greeted with the emptiness of the hallway once more. [F/N] almost expected the chatter of Kakushi and the sound of muffled laughter among the hallways.
But as usual it was silent. Nothing but the scuttling of spiders and the settling of the old structure to keep her company, [F/N] didn't know why she expected anything different as it had been like that for the past while.
It brought her back to what happened before she got here. The people she use to talk to and the people she adored and cared about. Mitsuri, Her face was the first to appear along with others in similar fashion.
[F/N] wondered if they missed her at all, How things could of changed since she left. Wondered if Mitsuri had gotten over her death yet. [F/N] hoped so, Mitsuri deserves happiness and it brought her back to the time they were so young, New slayers going on missions.
Memories came back to her. [F/N] remembered how Mitsuri blew her first pay check on cherry blossom mochi and pork cutlets, They had laughed about it all night. She remembered how they stayed up all night to look at the stars, To speak of made up stories ingrained in them all until they fell asleep.
[F/N] didn't know what would happen when she got out of here, How Mitsuri would react to her being alive. Would she cry? Would she be angry with [F/N]?
She did get Seijun to wrestle her out of the shrine.. The way her face looked so scared back then, It was the last expression [F/N] knew of Mitsuri before she was taken.
[F/N] shook it off however, In whatever way Mitsuri would think of her once she was back with the corps [F/N] just hoped it would be positive. That maybe she would get to say those words, The ones she had been wanting to say more than anything.
As she took a few quiet steps down the hall, Her movements were shaky and swaying with every little settlement of her foot. [F/N] felt the weight of the day or night fall down onto her shoulders once more, Making them slump.
It wasn't an oddity. She had been much tired than usual lately, Even being exhausted when she just woke up or just doing menial tasks. Her body feeling like a worn out paper doll, Just yearning for the embrace of her bedsheets.
If she wanted to search for the mask and the sword then she would need her energy to do it. That and she needed to wait for Akaza to return with the materials she would need to construct her exit.
So as she dragged her feet down the hallway and her mind half-asleep, [F/N] knew that it was for the best if she went to bed. If she wanted to go searching for her stuff then she needed to do it on a full nights rest.
Hauling open the shoji door to her room she stumbled inside like a new-born fawn. She barely bothered to take off the green lotus pattern of her kimono, Only tossing it to the side once she pulled it off herself.
[F/N] collapsed onto the bed, Her body melting into that of a puddle as soon as the mattress caressed her skin. Her laboured breathing starting to slow into a drift as her mind did the same, Floating off into the dark unconscious of her mind.
The last thing she wondered was what dream she would appear in again. Would it be the cold wasteland of the blizzard or the warm embrace of the midsummer sun? Would she be faced with that of her other life or that of her past.
She'd find out soon enough. Her eyes fluttered shut and the darkness spread over her vision into a shadowed sea.
It was peaceful, And she begged to Inari that it would stay that way.
Next Chapter
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Hi Raven! I have two theories about diasomnia (I'm trying to keep this short, really– sorry for the rant)
1. What if what Lilia was refering to as "being too reckless during his youth" was actually giving part of his magic so Malleus's egg would hatch?
At first I thought it would be something to do with the war, but after thinking a bit more about it, I thought perhaps it was actually that what drained his magic and life span so much. Like, imagine after Malleus' parents die his grandmother spends years and years trying to give the egg the love and magic it needs to hatch, but it never worked. During that time perhaps Lilia grows more "tender" with the whole situation and ends up giving a good part of his magic, which ends up making the egg hatch, but not having as much magic as a dragon fae it is what takes a toll on him (in this, it could be argued that in this situation there would have been a dragon fae and a other type of fae giving love and magic, such as it would have been with his parents, but maybe it is actually the fact that they weren't the egg's parents what made it take more effort? It would also be similar to how in the Maleficent movie she goes from hating children to her love being the reason the curse is broken)
2. Maleficia(?) Was the one what cursed either Silver or his ancestors
Imagine this. The queen not only lost the war and a good part of her country to her enemies, but also her only daughter and her grandson on the process (at least until many years later). She then hears the news about the princess of the enemies and the Dawn knight(?) Having a child and with all the pain she was going through, she refused to let them be happy. So she appears in a scene similar to the one Maleficent made and curses either Silver (if he himself was their child and somehow the curse kept him sleeping as a newborn baby) or his ancestors (in "a child for a child" sort of way). Either way, years later Silver somehow ends up on Lilia's hands and Maleficia decides that his family's sins aren't his, and it is what remains of the curse what makes him so tired all the time (I think it is more likely that it was his ancestors rather than Silver because otherwise Lilia would know why he is like that and wouldn't have taken him to many doctors as it is mentioned)
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Hi hi, no worries ^^ I love hearing theories and general TWST-related rambling!
My thoughts are under the cut for huge main story spoilers!
It's not the first time I've heard theory 1 being talked about or brought up in discussions of book 7 (post-part 4). I'm not sure if I personally agree with it though??? I suspect the story will explain the few hundred years' worth of difference between Malleus's egg existing and hatching, but I'm not sure why Lilia would be the one responsible for bringing his prince into the world. Maybe he felt like it was now his duty to honor the princess he couldn't protect and the duke/best friend who went missing. Maybe he thought looking after their surviving child was the way he could honor their memory and the friendships he had with them. I buy either of those explanations. What I don't buy is why wouldn't Malleus's grandmother's love and magic be enough to hatch him? She's also a Draconia, and therefore is related to Malleus by blood and has all the mighty powers of their bloodline; wouldn't her magic be much more effective than Lilia's to help her grandson hatch (and she's also clearly still alive and seems to be doing alright in present time)? Unless maybe there's some other factors or details we aren't privy to yet that would contest this...?
Regarding theory 2, I think the concept of "an eye for an eye" (or, in this case, "a child for a child") is an interesting one? 🤔 I don't think Silver is directly the son of the Dawn Knight because (as far as we know) there's no magic that can stop someone from aging, and that includes sleeping curses. One danger that is noted by the characters is that if everyone stays under the effects of Malleus's UM for too long, their physical bodies will waste away (which implies that not even slumber can stave off their physical needs that come with the passage of time). Cursing a whole family line in revenge though... Knowing that the Draconias can do frightening things, especially under emotional distress, uhhhh... yeah, that's completely plausible. However, I don't know why Lilia wouldn't be aware of it, seeing as he seems to know Maleficia well and she trusts him with things. Surely he can't be ignorant to it??? I'm not sure if I see Maleficia as being particularly... forgiving either?? We may not know a lot about her personality, but if she's anything like the rest of the Draconias we've been told about, then she may just hold a grudge instead of seeing Silver as an innocent child.
Something else that's interesting is that, at one point, Vil explains how curses work: once the conditions are set, not even the curse spinner can lift it until said conditions are met. I wonder if a sleeping curse was cast on Silver's ancestors where really specific conditions have to be in place for the curse to be dispelled; this would explain why Lilia keeps taking him to doctors/medical mages: he's trying in vain to seek an alternate way to lift the curse. Maybe Lilia knew this whole time that Silver was cursed but couldn't bring himself to speak the truth to his son (especially seeing as Silver has become Malleus's bodyguard and would then have to come to terms with knowing that an ancestor of his killed his prince's mother).
Crazy thought, but what if it's not Maleficia that cursed Silver's bloodline but... Mallenoa (Malleus's mom) who did it??? If we think about it, Lilia has described her to have a temperament and great destructive power. An enraged dragonic princess trying to protect her unborn child from belligerent invaders... It works on a symbollic level too: the humans are ambushing her when she's in a vulnerable position and her child is still "sleeping". So what would she, someone who is reckless and selfish, do with the last of her magic and dying breath?? Maybe... curse the Dawn Knight and his descendants with narcolepsy--narcolepsy that's so bad that it constantly puts them in a vulnerable position... sleeping? Then, because Mallenoa ultimately ends up dying, the original curse spinner is gone from this world. She can't lift the curse because she's dead, which means the only viable way left now is for Silver to fulfill the original conditions for it. (Will a parental "act of true love" do it??? Just like it did in Maleficent?) This, again, would play well with the idea that Lilia is searching for a cure for Silver (and feels a lot of secret guilt over knowing the origin of the curse).
Anyway! That's my rambling done and over with~
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