#I currently have 6 asks in my inbox
llysaan · 7 months
Oh boy!!! I absolutely love the way you draw DA elves so here’s my Surana warden if that’s alright 👉👈
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YES!!!! I love Suranas so much! They are my favorites and I AM biased 😌
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fisheito · 2 months
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hiya l'il-- medium?...large?? Assorted Sizes-Guy
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oh thanks! i could always use more spices-
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. what am i supposed to do with this.
#surrounded by henchmen (smaller Me's) i peer reproachfully into my inbox#2: ...get him pregnant?#*slaps 2 upside the head* you absolute GOON he's ALREADY pregnant we can't get him DOUBLE pregnant#2: well... why not? if creatures can have two uteri then i don't see why--#Me: *drags my hand down my face* yes i know but. just. dont#3: Picture this. your snake wife is so full and round (because who knows how many snakelets are in there)#3: one day he has to stop working much earlier than usual. u kno. cuz of the MASS. and he starts getting insecure about his body changes#3: so he touches his tummy . looks up at you with those big eyes and murmurs 'am i... unsightly like this?'#3: and u whisper reassurances to him while kissing his face#3: then u promptly rail him on the nearest comfortable surface to erase any doubt of him being unattractive#Me: ..............WHAT THE FUFK?#3: *shrugs aggressively while maintaining eye contact*#Me: NO. pregnancy isn't even our kink. why are we-#3: not YOUR kink maybe#Me: *incredulous stare* how the-- you know what . Go to the timeout zone. i'm not dealing with this today#4: the ask says 'snakumo' though. Wouldn't he be in snake form then...?#3: so? THIS CHANGES NOTHING.#Me: GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#3: *rolls eyes and mutters while walking away*#5: who's greg?#4: dude you can't be serious. if WE know the meme then YOU know the meme#5: i'm serious. i haven't been online in 16 years#4: look. when you wonder if sex will hurt baby top of head-#Me: WHY ARE WE DISCUSSING THIS?#2: because we are currently engaged in a circle of ppl squicked by pregnancy... who must make pregnancy jokes#4: it's all about the joke potential ya see. gigglemaxxing#Me: *massaging my temples* i'm not ready to be a father. i never will be.#6: KNOCK HIM UP AND EAT HIS EGGS SO U CAN KNOCK HIM UP AGAIN. NO ONE SAID YOU HAVE TO BE A FATHER !#3: (muffled from a distance) HELL YEAH BROTHER#Me: SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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micer2012 · 10 months
a reflection on MatPat's plagiarism
Hello, my name is Della, or micer2012, and 2 years ago Game Theory plagiarized three Tumblr posts of mine, making a video that now holds almost 6 million views.
My posts explaining his plagiarism made their rounds on Reddit, Tumblr and Twitter, but despite the Hermits and Pooka commenting on it (generally in support of me or saying they don’t know enough details about the situation to say either way), MatPat and his team have never owned up to anything, and no mention of my name is present on the video. The one Reddit post they made denying it (which was made before my detailed takedown, which they have never responded to (though the mods on the r/GameTheorists Reddit were kind and made sure it stayed up)) didn’t even mention me by name, just referring to me as “a tumblr user”. (Though one of the screenshotted comments in the body of the post does say my name)
This experience was baffling, but it’s overall had a positive impact on my life. r/Hermitcraft gave me a Golden Apple Award (post of the year, 2021). My inbox was filled with excited fans, wanting to ask me questions or pose their own theories, far more than the hate I got. (Though the hate I got from Game Theory fans was VERY funny. I wondered why none of them gave me shit about saying “MatPat misgendered Evil Xisuma” before realizing none of them read that far into the post.)
And getting on a more personal, and much more important note, I met most of my current online friends through this, including my partner. It helped me grow closer with my irl friends as well and gave me an entertaining story that I tell whenever I have the chance. It was one of the first things in my life that really made me feel like my talents, my autistic hyperfocusing and analyzing of things I love, could be valuable. Useful. Exploitable. It blew my mind that MatPat thought an autistic kid’s ramblings about a Minecraft Youtube joke character were good enough to steal. To put an audible sponsorship on. To get 6 million views off of.
And that’s why I’m writing this post, this update years later. As you might’ve been able to guess, Hbomberguy’s Youtube video on plagiarism reopened this wound. It was really hard for me to sit through, it took days of pausing and taking breaks, because I had experienced everything he was talking about firsthand. 
In my 10 page long takedown post, I wrote about how his rewording of my sentences made him say things that were incorrect, just like Filip did. The content farm production style that made big companies like Cinemassacre take one creator (AVGN/MatPat) and turn him and his content into a brand, a voice that reads out scripts by other people with other opinions/theories, is a history shared with Game Theory. What really hit me was Harris talking about how big creators only do this to people they think they can get away with doing it to. How they view their victims as lesser, as not deserving of their words, repackaging them as their own to give to an audience that can gain from hearing them, but deserves better than to have to listen to the original victim.
That’s the thing, I 100% think a video version of my theory to expose to a bigger community than “Evil Xisuma Fans on Tumblr” is a great idea!! Near the end of the video Harris talks about how video adaptations of things could be a great market, even an accessibility tool, and I completely feel that about my posts. I wrote them quickly assuming the reader was someone well versed on Evil Xisuma lore, after not even watching most of the CarnEvil series, and the diagrams I made to explain them are even less comprehensible. Harris makes a joke that I completely agree with, 
“I’m sure some of my videos would do very well if someone translated them into English.”
I don’t think I would’ve ever made my posts if I didn’t have autism, and a special fixation on Evil Xisuma and Hermitcraft. I made them because I felt the character was being done an injustice, and because I wanted to share with other superfans this theory that might explain it away. I do think that MatPat plagiarizing me was ableist. I used to wonder a lot if this would’ve happened if my posts were articulated better, if they had been peer reviewed, if the posts themselves had been spread to a wider audience before MatPat made his video. At one point when the discourse was fresh (before I had the time to write out my 10 page rebuttal), a bigger YouTuber (100k subs at the time) messaged me and started talking on Discord, interested in possibly making a video on the discourse, but I think my style of typing and general enthusiasm drove him away. You can tell by a single look at my blog (or my original 3 posts!) that I don’t usually type like this. This post you’re reading now has been peer reviewed and edited, and took me hours to format correctly. That video could’ve been huge, the entire outcome of this MatPat situation would probably be much different.
I also used to stress a lot about “being the one who ruined Evil Xisuma’s story”. If you didn’t know, to me S8 Evil Xisuma’s story got wrapped up pretty quickly and unsatisfying (in my personal autistic opinion). (though this might’ve been due to s8 being experimental and ending early with moon big) There was no real culmination of the plot points and arcs going on, and I don’t want to blame myself, but when Xisuma said on stream (when the MatPat thing was first going on) that he didn’t want to focus on the discourse or draw more attention to it, it makes a lot of sense to me that he just wanted to wrap it all up as quickly as possible. For a while I beat myself up about it, of ruining the story of this character I love, but it’s not my fault. If anyone’s, it’s MatPats, but I don’t think it’s useful to just blame someone else. That’s how the story ended up going, and that’s fine. This is Evil Xisuma we’re talking about, their inconsistent lore is what made them such an interesting character. And notably, Pooka made an animation with an awesome culmination of Jeff, the Dreamer, Evil Xisuma, and his own sona’s story, and it makes me so happy to watch. Whatever Pooka does is of course his own choice, but I’m glad he got to give this personal story his own ending (if it is an ending, and not just the start of a new chapter!). 
Typing this all out and getting it off my chest has made me feel a lot better. For a while I wanted to make my OWN video essay about Evil Xisuma’s lore and CarnEvil’s lore, actually going episode by episode to explain it instead of just assuming you knew as much about Evil Xisuma as I did. That idea is still not off the table, but MCYT isn’t something I’m that into right now. Maybe if something else comes out about Evil Xisuma I’ll get back on it, but for now I’m fine with letting that go. But I want to make other videos, share other theories and analysis… if I have the freetime I’d love to make YouTube videos, and if I don’t have the time I’ll continue posting to my tumblr and infodumping to my friends. Apparently my infodumping is valuable enough “content” to steal! Writing this out has made me feel a lot better though, I’m really glad I got it out.
If anyone ever wants to talk to me about the things I’m obsessed with, or reach out to me as a source in a bigger discussion about Game Theory or other channels, my inbox is more than welcome :] Thank you for reading! 
Sincerely, a tumblr user.
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sansaorgana · 7 months
OMG I need a Buck x reader with Bucky as a third wheel I think it'd be brilliant! Buck just wants a moment alone with his girl and Bucky keeps popping up
thank you for this request, honey! it made me laugh so much and it reminded me of that song "me, you and your friend steve" 🤣
I currently have like 6 requests in my inbox 👀 so please, be patient with me, especially that I'm also working on Feyd-Rautha multi-chapter lol
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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You adored Bucky, really. He was funny but also kind and helpful. He loved to mess around and to make you laugh by making funny faces and teasy comments. You were glad that your boyfriend had a best friend like that and you enjoyed his company, too.
But everything has its limits.
Bucky’s company was more than welcome but sometimes you just wanted to be alone with Gale. Especially since there weren’t many moments like that on the base where you could just sit somewhere alone in silence and make out or cuddle or talk about serious things.
Each time you luckily had a moment like this, Bucky would spoil it. He was like a dog sometimes, following you around and constantly requiring attention.
“You should talk to him,” you whispered to Buck the other day when you were sitting with him behind one of the buildings. Hiding from the rest of the world but mostly hiding from Bucky. “I mean it, I adore this guy but I sometimes feel like I have two boyfriends. Or an annoying son,” you pouted.
“And how do you think I feel?” Gale chuckled and shook his head as he pulled you closer to his chest. “Do you think I enjoy him following us everywhere?”
“Then why can’t you talk to him? It will be less rude if you do it, you know him for a long time,” you insisted. “Also, I will just look like a jealous girlfriend. It has to be you.”
“It’s difficult, you see, I think I’m the only person he has. The only person he cares for, I mean,” Buck explained. “He rarely mentions his family, he doesn’t have any girl waiting for him at home or anything…”
You pursed your lips. You felt bad for Bucky, you really did.
“I understand this but… I sometimes just want to kiss you…” you teased and Buck leaned in to place his soft lips on yours.
“Like this…?” He smirked.
“Like this,” you nodded your head.
“Hey, what’s up?!” Bucky’s voice made you both jump in your seats as you looked up angrily at Bucky standing right above you, blocking the sunlight.
“Jesus Christ!” Gale raised his voice. “Were you spying on us?”
“I don’t have to. At this point I know all your secret places,” Bucky shrugged his arms and sat on the other side of you. You clenched your jaw, trying very hard not to say anything.
“Has it ever occurred to you that we go to those secret places because we want to be, well, ALONE?” Buck asked. “Just a thought,” he added sarcastically.
“But we are alone here,” Bucky leaned back and smiled at the feeling of the sunlight on his face.
“Excuse me, we?” You asked.
“Well, you two, doing whatever you’re doing there, and me. Don’t mind me at all,” Bucky mumbled with his eyes closed.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. If he said he didn’t mind, your goal was to make him start minding.
You moved slightly to sit on Gale’s lap and face him. You tangled your hands in his hair and started to make out with him in the sloppiest and most passionate way you could think of, as if you tried to devour him whole. Buck was shocked at this sort of behaviour from you but he couldn’t say no to you, not ever. He was kissing you back and pulled you closer.
Bucky opened one of his eyes and looked at you two, a little taken aback. But he still remained silent.
You got rid of your jacket in a haste and went back to tugging on your boyfriend’s hair as you moaned into his mouth.
Bucky moved uncomfortably but he still pretended not to see or hear anything.
You pushed Gale down and he landed on the grass with you on top of him, still attached to his lips. You placed his hands on your breasts and began to work on the buttons of your shirt.
“Aaaaand I think it’s time for me,” Bucky stood up suddenly and you stopped all your movement to look up at him. He was blushing slightly but he still pretended not to be bothered at all. “I just remembered I have some papers to fill…” he scratched the back of his head. “Major’s duties, you know… See you later,” he waved at you and walked away as fast as possible.
You smiled triumphantly and looked down at Buck, visibly proud of yourself.
“Jesus, woman, what was that?” He breathed out. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“There’s a lot you still don’t know about me, Major Cleven,” you teased him.
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Since then you started to do similar things every time Bucky was bothering you and Gale. And as much as Buck found it amusing, he also noticed a slight change in his friend’s behaviour. He became less cheerful around him and he made a few remarks about you to Buck.
“Hey, will you help me with that?” Gale asked Bucky the other day as he struggled with filling one of the papers by the desk. “I don’t know what they want me to write here…”
“You can ask your girl to help you,” Bucky teased but in an unusually mean way.
“What is your problem, Bucky?” Gale looked up and furrowed his brows. “You’re acting weird lately.”
“Me? It’s you and her acting weird,” Bucky crossed his arms and leaned on the desk.
“What do you mean acting weird?”
“When we’re hanging out together, you two are dry humping each other. Like, gee, get a room!” Bucky rolled his eyes.
That was the moment when Buck just couldn’t stand this anymore. The audacity…
“For God’s sake, we are getting a room. We are alone. But then guess what, you are showing up out of nowhere and bothering us!” Gale raised his voice. “Forgive me for wanting to kiss my girlfriend. Maybe find yourself one, too, and stop following us.”
He immediately regretted his harsh words but it was too late to take them back now. Bucky didn’t say anything at first but he looked hurt.
“Forgive me for wanting to spend time with my best friend,” Bucky said finally.
“I didn’t mean to…” Buck sighed. “I’m sorry, man, but… We really want to be alone sometimes, you know? I spend most of my time with you. Like here, now, can’t you see? We have beds next to each other, we eat by the same table, we go on missions together. I don’t get even half of the same amount of time with her.”
“It’s okay, just…” Bucky sighed and smiled sadly, “she could have just told me herself if she doesn’t like me so much…”
“Jesus, Bucky, it’s not about that!” Gale shook his head. “She adores you. She thinks you’re fun and kind and she knows how our friendship is important to me,” he explained as Bucky’s eyes lightened up. “And she loves to spend time with the both of us. But sometimes, listen to me, just sometimes, she wants to be alone with me. And I want to be alone with her. Alone, do you understand? Alone means without you.”
“When am I supposed to know then, if you want me around or not?” Bucky whined.
“Well, I don’t know, maybe by assuming that you’re not wanted around when you haven’t been asked to join us?” Buck asked, ironically.
“Are you done with those papers or not?” Your voice interrupted them as you walked inside the room, visibly irritated. “You’re slow as hell and I’m done with Colonel yelling at me for the work going slow. I told him it’s not my fault my boyfriend is a knobhead when it comes to filing the paperwork.”
“A knobhead?” Buck pretended to be very offended. “Watch your mouth, miss.”
“I’m not in the mood, give me that,” you approached him and took the papers from him.
“Hey, hey, hey…!” Bucky suddenly raised his voice and you raised an eyebrow at him. “Why are you interrupting our alone time? Are you following us around? Can’t I just have a moment with my friend?” He asked and grinned.
“Another knobhead,” you rolled your eyes. “I think I’ll ask for a free weekend, I’m sick of the both of you,” you sighed and walked out of the room.
“Wow, thank you very much,” Buck gave Bucky an unpleasant look.
“Come on, I can’t interrupt you two but she can interrupt us whenever she wants? It’s gotta be fair, man.”
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adelphenium · 6 months
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my last post for a lil while with the sheriff 🌟🌟🌟 !
things are ramping up for me this time of the semester so i've gotta double down and focus more on that >.>;
tysm to everyone who's sent in reqs so far!! (i may or may not currently have 50+ asks in my inbox.....) i love reading all your lovely messages + reqs and i'll do my best to get to them when i can; in the meantime, tysm for everything in the past 6 months, hockeyblr :D💗
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aarontveit · 9 months
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I have been trying for days to get assistance with the remainder of my arrears. I have only received $20 so far. I am having minimally invasive but major surgery on January 12th for a full hysterectomy and my appendectomy (yes, happening at the same time). I have to have secure housing for my 4-6 week recovery period, which means paying off the remaining balance of my arrears on or before December 31st.
🙏 I am pleading for help with these arrears, every dollar helps, even if just a $1 or $5 donation. Absolutely anything helps. I really don't know what else or how else to explain or ask for help right now. I am so desperate to ensure my safety and security at this moment.
If you do not have a PayPal (which is the listed link above, my PP) and you live in Canada and would like to send an e-transfer, you can send me a message (an IM, not inbox) to ask me for my auto-deposit info.
As said in the tweet posted above (which is currently pinned to my Twitter profile - I update and repin daily), I am making a payment TOMORROW (December 20th) toward the outstanding arrears. I would greatly appreciate any bit of help toward that payment if possible.
🆘 I am at $20, needing $1780.
🙏 Thank you for any & all help.
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whatcoloristhatcat · 2 months
hi! hope it's ok to ask, but I was wondering, how long does it usually take to answer an ask about a coat color? I feel like I sent some pics of my kitty a while ago, but she hasn't shown up yet. I was wondering if Tumblr ate my ask or something, haha
have a nice day!
it’s gonna take over a month at this point :p i get way more asks per day than i can answer and the inbox is at about 600 rn. i’m currently (aug 6) answering asks from about july 1-5
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butch-reidentified · 9 months
# of Asks currently pending in my inbox as of 8/11/2024: 534
1. What is a woman?
Deep dive into my perspective on gender identity ideology (GII) & my response to an anon regarding "autogynephilia"
Argument for Using "Cis-Identifying"
Pitch: New Terminology to Replace "[Biological] Sex"
And related: A conversation with a "NERF" about radical feminism, gender identity ideology, and what we/I actually believe.
2. Inform yourself on some of the work I've done for trans people before you continue the trend of cowardly hypocrisy.
3. My thread responding to the way much of the tumblr trans community handled my sharing my story of surviving the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting (often by stealing my lived trauma and removing my url) is easily one of the most - if not the most - important posts pertaining to trans discourse I've made to date, and Tumblr won't let me pin it. Of course. So here it is. And a bonus: This lovely ask.
4. Hope for Women (this is a very new project, WIP)
5. Comparative Analysis of Cult-like Patterns in Gender Identity Ideology, Radfeminism
Another post (not mine) listing indicators something may be a cult
6. Response to an anon asking why radfems team up with conservatives (spoiler: we don't), including THE QUESTION I have about gender identity ideology that would make me change my views completely if answered; response to a similar anon simplifying the differences between TRA, radfem, & conservative views on gender.
About Me:
I am a butch lesbian, married to a badass gnc (but not butch) radfem lesbian goddess whose misandry surpasses even my own; she does have tumblr but rarely uses it - @psychichologramnightmare is hers. I'm 27/Taurus/May baby, though I'll be real, I've never liked astrology and found my birth chart n whatnot always laughably wildly inaccurate to me (sorry astrology girlies). Former competitive rock climber, still in love with hiking and climbing. Wilderness survivalist. Trained & armed woman, advocate for female-only firearm ownership.
My wife and I run our own business, and bought our first home together at 24 & 25 respectively - it's a lovely 4/3 on a quarter acre where we have 5 mango trees and more, plan to start growing our own food and herbs, foster kittens, and provide free housing (and more) regularly for those in need. We do a LOT of IRL feminist action/work/organizing. I post about some of that work pretty often, but I couldn't possibly post about all of it (even if it were safe to do so). I am basically organizing (mostly offline, but some online as well) full-time now.
Survivor of abuse, CSA + captivity, trafficking in my teens where I was forced into porn as a minor, the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando 2016, and more. I am no longer affected by any of these in any negative psychological manner. I own my past, every moment of it, and wouldn't change a thing I've experienced. What I often tell people is, "I'm not glad it happened; I'm glad I was there."
I got my Bachelor's in Neuroscience/Neuropsych, used to work in a top neuro research lab, and have been a coauthor on a peer-reviewed scientific journal publication. I wrote my undergraduate thesis on POTS, ADHD, some of the relevant epigenetics, and norepinephrine dysregulation. I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos & POTS in 2015, before pretty much anyone had heard of them (including most doctors). My POTS is very well-managed now, but chronic pain from EDS is more of a struggle. I recently went for testing for EDS subtype and was diagnosed with Type IV/vascular-type EDS (VEDS).
I practice "witchcraft" (kind of...) as a form of artistic expression. I don't subscribe to any literal metaphysical/supernatural/whatever set of beliefs or narrative, and have had a lifelong inability to believe in such things, but I am passionate about lesbian-centered/lesbian-exclusive (esp butch & gnc lesbian) witchcraft. I am also using this practice in part to connect further with my ancestors and their culture & way of life, but this would take a full essay to elaborate on/explain.
Adoptee with complex history. Working through a lot of feelings surrounding my ancestry - one birth parent was white, other was almost entirely indigenous Mexican (Nahua), and I have like zero personality traits in common with the former but have only been able to meet them irl not the other side - and the fact that my adoptive family (white) has not always handled things well in raising adopted kids. I only learned my full biological family history as an adult and was lied to by them about it my whole life. Which, looking back it feels like I always knew on some level, as adoptees often seem to, and it puts a lot of my childhood difficulties etc in context. Adoption-critical but not abolitionist - I plan to adopt with my wife in a couple years. I've talked a fair bit about my experiences, adoption trauma, ethical adoption, and more. Check out my tags such as #ethical adoption, #adopted, #adoptee, and so forth (tagged on this post for easy accessibility).
I spent many years surrounded by majority-trans-identifying friends/acquaintances both irl and online, deeply involved in trans spaces & activism, and even identified for a bit & was on T for a while. I am not "uneducated" or unfamiliar with trans-identifying people, their experiences, or gender identity ideology in general. You, like me back then, very probably have been lied to about radfems ("terfs") and what we believe and fight for. I am happy to talk in good faith (provided you do the same) 1 on 1 with anyone who is curious about what we actually believe and what we stand for, what common radfem takes on gender identity ideology & trans identity actually are and why.
I have a history of purely physical sex dysphoria (physical sensation like pain or itching). I got "top surgery" (elective mastectomy) due to this and other reasons: constant painful breast cysts & very large breasts (DDD even when I weighed under 100 lbs). I was not trans-identifying by the time I got this surgery (though I tried to briefly identify as nb/transmasc just bc I felt obligated, but hated it). I have never wanted to be a man socially and genuinely hated the very thought. I came out the womb feminist, got in trouble throughout primary school for fighting boys who tried to pull sexist bullshit, always lowkey believed in female superiority (I mean just look at our biology, lifespans, pain tolerance, the things we've done throughout history despite violent patriarchal oppression...). I spent years preparing myself. I read from & spoke to women who regretted this surgery, challenged myself at every turn, dove deep into my mind and thought processes, tried alternative treatment attempts, worked with a non-affirming therapist, made sure my past traumas were fully healed, and waited until I was in my mid-twenties so my brain was more or less fully matured. I have no regrets about it. I still have some (still purely physical sensation) dysphoria ("phantom male genitals" type of thing) at times, but have come to manage this very well. More on this here.
Formally assessed psychopath & participant in research by leading psychopathy experts (read on before jumping to conclusions). Check out this post and my #psychopathy tag (tagged on this post for easy accessibility) for info, particularly about high-EQ female psychopathy, & to find out everything you think you know about us is wrong 💕 (what you know about male psychopaths is usually right tho 💀)
Note: When it comes to politics, I strive to discuss exclusively that about which I am *uniquely knowledgeable* - by which I mean, essentially, that I (believe I) have something to contribute that is unlikely to be found on every other blog. I do not and will not make posts or reblog posts about topics I do not feel this way about. You are not entitled to know my views on every hot-button issue, and I have no intention of speaking on that which I know little about, or that I don't know enough about (through study or personal experiences) to contribute something you can't get a thousand other places.
Tag Guide (WIP):
#mine -> original posts, including ask responses
#ask -> ask responses only
#anon hate, #anon love -> should be self-explanatory. anon love does include some non-anon love for simplicity.
#catposting, #dogposting, #petposting -> images of cats, dogs, and both, respectively (not always my own)
#Wilder wives -> posts pertaining to me & my wife (last name Wilder)
#mvawg, #mvaw, #male violence -> male violence against women/girls
#what we believe -> fairly new tag for posts trying to educate on what radfeminism is actually about/damage control for disinformation & misinformation about it
#ethical adoption -> my takes as an adoptee on the issues within the adoption industry & how adoption can be done ethically
#nahua, #nahuatl, #mexica -> ranges from personal journal style posts about my process of reconnecting with the Nahua community to sharing facts about the language (Nahuatl, pronounce it Nawat) and stories from Mexica mythology etc. posts I make specifically as part of the facts-and-stories series are tagged #indigenous reconstructionism.
#trans violence -> violence committed by trans-identifying people, including threats of and graphic violent fantasies (primarily misogynistic ones)
#trans misogyny, #trans lesbophobia, #woke misogyny, #woke homophobia, #woke lesbophobia, etc. -> what it says on the tin
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thesensteawitch · 10 months
🌟Message From Your Higher Self 🌟
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right-- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls!
I hope you're all doing well. This reading sheds light upon the messages from your future self. As this is a collective reading take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Keep your current situation in mind while taking this reading. 🍁
Book A Personal Tarot Reading|Rate Card|Tip Jar
Feel free to message me in case of any booking related queries.
Pile 1
Cards- 2 of cups, 8 of cups, ace of pentacles, the hierophant, the world, ace of cups, 10 of wands
Hello, my dear pile 1. I hear, “Open your eyes and see the way our horizons meet.” Perhaps, currently, it seems difficult for you to keep believing that you will ever experience the good things. But somewhere deep down you know that good things happen and people go from rags to riches. Tables turn and the wheel of fortune takes a turn. But all of this is just an idea in your head. You may BELIEVE in these things but you don't have enough FAITH in yourself. Your stars are guiding you. They are the reason why you are even taking this reading. Your future self can see the roadmap for you so you need to trust that new beginnings are on the horizon. You need to open your eyes. You are very lucky pile 1. Your stars align so well. Every power in the universe is ready to start many new chapters in your life. It seems difficult for you to understand the spiritual world from the 3D perception. You guys seem too tired and burdened. Some of you may even have become pessimistic. You have been trying your best to make things right but one human can't make any kind of relationship better. Any relationship's survival depends on the people involved in the relationship. You alone can't make things right. You are not going to make it alone is what I hear because some things are meant to go two ways. I feel that the situation you have been in was one-sided. And you are not able to see what this situation is doing to you. For some of you, it seems regarding a relationship or your job. It's only you doing all the work. Your higher self is asking you to quit. Surrendering is the best thing we can do sometimes. Find the courage to break this pattern in your life. Your future self is here to tell you that new opportunities knocked on their door as soon as they let go of the one-sided responsibilities they were carrying. To let new things enter your life you need to make space for them. So throw out everything out of the window that does not serve you anymore. Your creativity is suffering with so much heaviness that is burdening your heart. Your future self wants you to focus on healing your wounds. Feel your emotions and share them with the person who truly listens to your concerns. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. This situation is trying to teach a very important lesson. Be grateful for what you have, this way you will find your lost hope. I also see that some sort of fortune/success/good news is coming your way. Don't worry because even if you quit your efforts are not going to go to waste. You'll be rewarded but you need to let go of your attachment to the result of your actions. You are only putting pressure on yourself. And pile 1, I see that you know you need to detach but you are still not able to convince yourself. At least take this reading as a sign. The more grateful you are for the things you have the more things you attract to be grateful for.
Drop a message in my Tumblr inbox to book a reading with me!
Pile 2
Cards- 2 of pentacles, Justice, 3 of pentacles, page of wands, 9 of pentacles, 6 of swords, the sun, 8 of cups
Okay, so my dear pile 2 your future self wants you to know that they made it. They have been working on something for a very long time. They did not let challenges stop their growth. They are currently living their most vibrant life. And it only happened because they did not let their spark die. Remember that only fire can ignite a room filled with darkness. Currently, for you, I see that it's difficult for you to follow your fire and find your passion. For some of you, the purpose of your life seems blurred. Movement is round the corner for you pile 2. But without action, no manifestation can take place. So you are asked to not intellectualize things so much that they stop you from achieving your life's purpose. Walk away from old patterns. It's time that you do justice with your life. You (just like all of us) signed a soul contract to fulfill. But some of you seem a bit distracted currently. If you remain in this state for a long time then you are only going to distance yourself from achieving your purpose. Your future self is doing so well because they made the right decision. Because they chose to work with love. Your passion can free you and give you the strength to overcome the challenges that may come your way. So make a decision. Sometimes, it's now or never. This new journey may seem unknown and unfamiliar to you but it is going to bring you so much abundance and self-growth. Pile 2, it's your purpose calling you. Be patient with yourself but don't drown in the narratives you have framed in your mind. Just forget about the past because your life is bringing a refreshing start. Get your mind out of your way. Get your insecurities out of your way. It should be you and your goal. If some of you have been waiting for justice to be served then know that the scales are in your favor. You don't need to worry if you were wronged. Divine will take care of it. You need to take care of your career/purpose. Keep going. Life moves in cycles and a new cycle is beginning. Consider taking guidance from someone you know can help you with your life's purpose so that you can avoid potential challenges or at least know how to overcome them. You need to show more resilience in the face of adversity. Find your spark. I see that your overly emotional nature has diminished your spark. Turn around and see what you were and how something/someone took the light away from you.
Drop a message in my Tumblr inbox to book a reading with me!
Pile 3
Cards- 3 of pentacles, four of pentacles, ace of cups, three of cups, queen of swords, queen of wands, knight of cups, ten of cups
Okay so pile 3 your future self is asking you to have fun. Stop worrying too much about the future. You don't need to stay reserved and in hibernation mode. Meet people, talk to them. Give yourself a break. Your future self is so strong. They have strong boundaries but they aren't caged. Your future self wants you to know that you are going to find a new connection. For some of you, it's a romantic connection. It's going to be a dream come true. You both are going to be so in love. It's going to be an honest and healthy relationship. Currently, you have caged yourself and you are afraid to let go of the security and safety you have created for yourself. Your whole life will feel short to explore the wide world. Your future self wants you to make new friends and create ever-lasting bonds. You will meet all kinds of people. You have so much to share. You are just denying it. There's only so much you can keep in your heart. One day it overflows and you can't hide it. Don't be afraid of social interaction. I hear, “It's everything you wanted, it's everything you don't. One door swinging open, one door swinging close.” It may be difficult for you to interact after a long period of solitude. Go out and meet just one person, maybe an old friend. This new love is going to bring so much happiness in your life. Please let people in. You don't need to trust them blindly. Trust yourself that you can handle human interaction. You don't need to be alone. Spend some money on yourself, you deserve it. Start with solo dates if you must. You are about to meet some amazing people who are going to be catalysts of change in your personality. Your future self has finally let go of all the fears that are there in your head. They are free from the constant anxiety and bickering of the mind. Your cards are so positive, pile 3. Nothing is stopping you except for yourself. Believe me, you are going to say thank you to the universe for such amazing people your future self has met. You are going to wonder why you didn't meet them earlier. Don't expect the worst because you are the creator of your destiny. Your WILL still plays the most important role. So don't let your past govern your future. Don't let your mind deceive you. Just think of the best and you'll make it through. Many of you are soon going to meet the true love of your life. And if not love then the friendship of a lifetime. Face your fears pile 3. It's going to be amazing, believe me!
Drop a message in my Tumblr inbox to book a reading with me!
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gryficowa · 15 days
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You were supposed to be talking about Gaza, not fucking silent about it
Now that I have your attention:
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danieyells · 4 months
Hello! Thank you so much for posting the guys’ voicelines! If it’s not too much trouble, could I ask for Yuri’s and Ritsu’s? I’ve been especially curious about Yuri’s since reading his line at the beginning of the game if you choose him lol Again, thank you so much!!
(i posted ritsu's separately!)
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no anon you may not study yuri. yuri studies you. how dare you. bad guinea pig! you get no experiment tonight!
the rest of you, however, may come appreciate the good doctor with me. You can come too studying anon i won't tell yuri
some of his lines really kinda subverted my expectations of his character? /affectionate) like i thought he would be quite different! not to say his profile is dishonest, but. . .idk lol i love him he's. . .he's special.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"What are you dawdling for? Change out of those rags and report to my lab immediately!"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"What madness is this? Why do you have unread messages!? Check them immediately! Research is a race against time!"
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"You should feel honored to be chosen as the test subject of Dr. Yuri Isami, genius and visionary!"
"Jiro! Jiro!! What on earth are you doing!?"
he calls for jiro the way a parent calls for their kid who's minding their business in another room--
"Lowbrow schools of thought with the gall to oppose my research will bear a mark of shame for generations to come. One day, the world will be forced to acknowledge me."
i realized this early on since i chose him in the pre-prologue so i always had access to him on the home screen but. since anomalies have to be kept secret from the world he kind of can't be acknowledged for what he does in the long run, can he? since he specifically works in anomalous medical sciences much of what he does and works with has to be kept only within the institute's understandings. . . .
"I always preserve the lives of my patients. I cannot make guarantees for any other parts of them, however."
sure you're a disembodied head in a jar but you are a living disembodied head in a jar! don't worry they'll get you a new body!!
"I ask their cooperation for the sake of the future of humanity, and this is what I get!? Jiro, how much do we have left in our research budget!?"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"What a bracing morning. Jiro, prepare my wake-up tonic."
is 'wake-up tonic' a fancy way of saying coffee or do you have some mixture of herbs and spices that wakes you up
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Are you injured or ill? Oh dear, how unfortunate. I shall begin the experi— Ahem, the treatment, immediately."
the way he says this is so incredible but tumblr will not let me upload the video for some reason he is so hype to try putting strange things in you.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Jiro's not feeling well, you say? Very well. I shall test my latest formula on him."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Oh, it's you. And here I thought I had a patient. I am currently reviewing today's lessons, so please leave unless you're here for treatment."
he's very studious for a genius. not a lot of the ghouls actually go to class.
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Wha... Wh-Where did you come from!? Th-Th-Th-This!? It is a medical journal! The Ace Doctor Wows Minds In Another World Thesis!"
MY GUY IS READING ISEKAI MANGA ABOUT DOCTORS AND PROJECTING do you think he reads like hentai about doctors and scientists too. probably not right he's too haughty to think about things like that before they happen
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The only blood I stain myself with is that atop the operating table. On missions, I have Jiro to fight in my stead."
it's okay to say you're just not much of a fighter lmao
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Anomalous medical science is uncharted territory. Should I become its pioneer, all will bow before my intellect until the end of time... Ha ha... Ah ha ha ha ha!"
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hmph. We have no time to spare on your drivel. Hurry up, Jiro!"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"It's about time for Jiro's check-up... Hm? Wake up, Jiro! I've discovered an abnormality already!"
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Hmm, this case is somewhat complex... No, there's no need for my expertise here. Jiro, prepare to operate immediately."
'this is too complicated for a human but not too complicated to be jiro's problem!' disregard that jiro may be smarter than him. . . .
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Prepare the new formula, Jiro. A specimen has arrived. What? You're not here for treatment?"
listen sometimes you just wanna pay someone a visit! it's not my fault you live in a goddamn hospital.
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I will soon be finished with today's lessons— then I shall return to the lab to confirm the status of my latest test subject."
this is between 11 and 4pm, so you're basically just hearing him talk about his plans for after school lmao just normal student things!!!
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Why yes, I attended every lesson today, as always. All studies are linked, after all. Though it takes a mind such as mine to recognize that."
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"What is that slovenly visage, worm? Tell me, do you have an excuse for looking more emaciated than me when I spent all night researching? I didn't think so!"
would you like my laundry list of reasons i look tired yuri because i can get it
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"I must personally administer Jiro's shots three times a day. The treatment is rather unique, you see."
'you see i use my peni--'
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You have business with Jiro? Not before bringing it to me, you don't. He is merely my assistant—as house captain, it is I who possesses the authority."
no talking to his son assistant without going through him first! sorry anon who asked for an appointment with jiro yuri has to approve it
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I'm busy with my experiments. Go back to your dorm and ready yourself for your next appointment. Jiro, see her home."
i feel like he doesn't want you to see what he does to his other test subjects. . .not because they die or anything, they always live, it's just a little gruesome to see. He's not as rough with you. And he needs to make sure you keep coming back. And he needs to make sure you get home safe, so he's sending Jiro with you.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Even harmful anomalies can have use as medicinal ingredients... This is the sort of immeasurable value my work provides."
isn't that common knowledge in the medical world though. . .i mean obviously getting the right balance is crucial but that's not an entirely new concept, 'let's use the harmful thing for something good'--
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Don't forget that body of yours is a vital specimen! Is it not common knowledge that lack of sleep is the root of all illness!?"
DON'T YOU AND JIRO REGULARLY PULL ALL NIGHTERS IF NOT FOR DAYS AT A TIME?????? maybe yuri is just immune to illness. . . .
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning, M... M... M... My,  what an adequate morning it is, no!? Hmph... Don't confuse me like that..."
IF YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE YURI IN THE PRE-PROLOGUE IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW. . .when Yuri jumps he says "goodbye, mama."
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In Japanese it's somewhat more apparent that he's about to call you 'mama' in the voiceline. Maybe it's just my interpretation based on lines 23 and 24, but I think something happened to his mother where he failed to save her with surgery and at higher affinity he begins to project that need to save terminal/cursed patients' lives on you in particular. And he starts to think of you the way he thinks of his mother, but also as his favorite test subject. That or it's a loop/timeline thing and you're actually his mother--do you guys think he'd be able to be convinced into mommy kink shit he clearly has mommy issues it might help
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Mark my words, I'll have those pompous, preening parasites at Frostheim kneeling before me..."
man they do not like frostheim here in mortkranken. the fact that this is so high up is like. . .i wonder if there's some serious beef here.
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Jiro's gone!? ...So be it, then. I grant you the privilege of being my assistant for the day. Be grateful, worm."
jiro will come back when he needs his medication, it's fine! woohoo! do we get a nurse outfit!?
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"There is no life I can't save... There can't be... I am Yuri Isami...the genius visionary doctor..."
it sounds like he's downright scared to fail to save a life.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"My next surgery must be a success... I... I cannot afford another failure..."
i am once again assuming his mother died on the operating table while he was trying to save or otherwise help her and he's extremely traumatized by it. on the other hand would he say 'goodbye mama' if she weren't still alive? maybe she's alive but she's in a coma or hospice or critical condition or something. and he's studying anomalous medicine to figure out how to save her.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"You belong to me. I will never hand you over to another researcher... (gasp) N-N-N-No, you've misunderstood! I-I just...!"
i'm literally the doctor's favorite lab rat because i am so obedient and intelligent and-- he blushes in the second line--he meant it as a test subject/lab rat or assistant thing but he also accidentally said how he really felt at the same time. . . . But you're his, he will be the one to save you, when he stands atop the world as world renowned genius anomalous medical doctor yuri isami you will stand by him as his proudest subject who's helped him confirm many theories and save many others' lives and he will work so hard to keep you well you are his and he doesn't want anyone else to learn what he can learn from you--
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"Struggling with pollen allergies? I have a new formula here developed in Mortkranken, shall I test it on you?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm! Hmm hmm hmm! Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm! Pa rum!"
so i don't know enough classical music to be able to tell what the songs he hums are, but if anyone wants to give it a shot i can try uploading the audios of him lol just lmk
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Which house's ghouls are out in the field at present? Oh my, I do hope they come back with some exciting injuries."
i wonder who his favorites to fix up are. . .on the one hand, he hates frostheim. so he might wanna be rougher with them or subject them to more unique experiments and make them admit his intelligence and skill. on the other hand obscuary must be the most interesting ones to work on since they're so unique?
(between 8pm and 5am)
"When did the cherry blossoms bloom...? The changing of the seasons seems rather superfluous when I am engaged in my research."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Jiro, make a record of today's temperature. We need to take the changing climate into for illnesses particular to summer."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Darkwick will provide me the materials I need for my research, provided they fall within our budget... But that is simply insufficient."
have you tried selling organs? taiga says it's very lucative. surely you have some lying around?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hmm...hmm...hmm...hmm... hmm hmm hmm hmm, Pa pa pa pa pa pa rum!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Why do you look so distressed? If the heat is proving too much for you, I can prescribe you something to lower your body temperature."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Why must a peerless genius such as myself be saddled with performing piddling health checks for the new students!? It's asinine!"
aren't you the only legitimate doctor in this place by your own admission!?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A trip to admire the fall foliage? Why yes, I am interested. After all, I'm sure Jabberwock's mountains possess all sorts of undiscovered ingredients. Let's get going."
just make sure you ask towa before taking anything. . .he might not appreciate you messing with his plants. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Sports...? Hmph, such nonsense is entirely superfluous to my life. Why needlessly expend energy in such a manner?"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Hmm hmm, hmm hmm, hmm hmm, hmm, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmm!"
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Freude! Schöner! Götter! Funke! Tochter aus Elyyyyyyysium!"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Eureka! A new formula utilizing an anomalous plant that only grows in subzero temperatures has been discovered, by...! Jiro..."
c'mon yuri be proud of your vice captain!
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Our research budget for the new year is nearly spent... Come, Jiro! We're going to negotiate with the faculty!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I despise the snow. It brings nothing but revolting memories... There, we're done with today's checkup. Any other questions?"
. . .what happened between Yuri and Jin. I NEED TO KNOW.
His birthday: (September 14th)
"You...remembered my birthday!? Ahem... If you wish to give me a present, make it either a talented assistant or a useful test subject."
people don't remember his birthday much i assume. . .or they tend to stay away from him so much he just doesn't get much attention or appreciation.
Your birthday:
"I am here to celebrate your birthday. Do you feel honored? I've prepared a new formula for you. Let's continue this in the lab, shall we?"
your birthday present is being part of more experiments! aren't you honored???
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I am on my way to make my first shrine visit. You didn't think me the type? I-It's just a tradition!"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Hmm, my blood sugar was just starting to drop. I suppose you do have it in you to be considerate every now and then... Pardon? Valentine's Day? ...(gasp)"
oh he has never gotten valentine's day chocolates before has he. or at least not recently.
White Day: (March 13th)
"I suppose I can concede you have proven yourself useful in the lab, worm. ...This is a token of my gratitude."
he didn't blush when he got the gift but he did blush giving you one so. . .i'm taking it this isn't obligation chocolate.
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Hmph, did you honestly think you could fool me? I won't fall for your cheap tricks. I've already been fooled by Jiro seven times today!"
comically jiro's says he doesn't remember pulling any tricks on yuri at all. . .so yuri may be assuming anything he dislikes or is inconvenienced by is a trick lol
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat! I have coordinated the ultimate matching costumes for Jiro and I... Yes, perfect."
the fact that he wanted to match costumes with jiro is so cute. . .like he really has this goofy side that doesn't come out much, but it seems like he enjoys celebrations and relaxed things, he's just too busy to engage in them. he likes isekai manga and holiday traditions and costumes. . .then again there's coordination and order involved in a matching halloween costume. so maybe he just likes the order and structure of it all.
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas. You can hand me my present at your earliest convenience. You did prepare one for me, didn't you!?"
he's surprised you remembered his birthday and valentine's day but he expects a christmas gift???
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"I am a very busy man, so if you don't require examination, then we're done here."
(13 affinity and above)
"Hmph. You really think yourself important enough to make a genius like myself wait around!?"
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Where on earth have you been, worm!? Next time you plan on taking an extended leave of absence, I expect you to inform me in advance!"
THERE WE GO. after yesterday where tumblr decided to freak out on me and just fuckin delete it all i'm glad it's out of the way today lol. I REALLY LOVE YURI HE REALLY FEELS SO. . .PATHETIC. he's the self-reinforcing type who really feels the need to hype up his own greatness and reinforce his authority while, as you get closer to him, letting you see how vulnerable he is and how scared he is of failure. and at first you're a specimen and a lab rat but after getting close enough he shoos you away from his experiments and you can even be his assistant(in jiro's absence) instead. . .his profile makes him sound very in control and aggressive but he doesn't really seem that way in his voicelines i guess? and here and there he's goofy and caring. . .he's kind of a loser(affectionate)!
one of my favorite characters lolol i am so looking forward to the mortkranken chapter because that's going to be so dramatic i bet. . . .
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lemotmo · 2 months
Okay it has a bit more of their lunacy but more importantly it looks like we also got one of the reasons why some people are jumping ship, and it makes sense. Also we should all totally start saying that is who these people really are, haha. They would die.
Q. What does it feel like to ship a couple of playground bullies? You must be so proud.
Q. Wow Oliver's true colors are so disappointing. What an utter lap dog he is to Ryan. Hope they enjoy one another because no one will want anything to do with either one of them when Lou comes out and says how awful they are to him.
Q. I just feel so bad for Lou. He tried so hard to fit in with them and be friends and they went out of their way to exclude him and make fun of those of us who genuinely love and appreciate him. They can have each other. I'm all for the show giving Tommy a different love interest. He deserves better than Oliver/Buck.
Q. So I was a B/T shipper because it was the canon ship. But I was there for Buck and those psychos wanted us to start going around and bashing Oliver and spamming Twitter and Instagram with how awful he is. Yeah they can keep their crazy. I'll go back to happily waiting for Buddie. What a brunch of losers.
Q. Current canon ship or not, I'm out. I don't play about Oliver/Buck. I was happy to ship the current canon but I draw the line at openly hating on Oliver. They're crazy.
Q. You come for my boy and the other boy I have loved for 6 years and I'm out. I shipped it because it was the current canon. You want to try and force me to turn on Oliver and Ryan you're sadly mistaken. You freaks can have each other. What a complete waste of my time.
A. Once again this has all resulted from a mustache Instagram filter. I cannot make sense of you people at all. So I've decided that you are not actually Lou/Tommy fans. I think Lou got together with a couple of his friends and decided he wanted some attention. So he asked his friends to go online and pretend to be massive Tommy fans to see if he could force the show's hands. Only no one cared so you all double drowned and decided to try and prove that the audience actually prefers Tommy to Buck. But that has backfired spectacularly and now you and Lou are stuck because he can't come out and say he made all of you up for attention because that would be pathetically embarrassing. So instead you all just have to pretend to become more and more detached from reality. I hope he paid you all well for this because yikes. Don't try to convince me that you're not actually Lou and his friends. I've decided that makes sense in my head so it is now fact, and you're all bigots if you try and disagree with me (did I do that right, guys?).
Anyway, to the Oliver anons, that was always going to be the problem for the Lou diehards. The majority of you were going to be there for Buck. And the more obvious it became, especially with Oliver, that it isn't anything to really invest in most of you were always going to walk away. That's why they were so desperate to start a fandom war. Their only hope was to try and turn people against Oliver and Ryan. It was the dumbest of dumb strategies and watching it completely fall apart for them over an Instagram filter Oliver and Ryan were having fun with is absolutely fitting. They deserve their demise to be this utterly ridiculous.
I know I'm repeating myself over and over again, but still-- thank you so much Nonny for dropping this into my inbox.
A bit of a follow up to the previous ask and-- yeah, I just. No. I promised myself to not lose anymore brain cells to this lunacy. I can't anymore with these people.
But I am so thankful and happy to see that a lot of the more mainstream BT shippers who love the show, who were mostly in it for Buck and because they enjoyed the BT dynamic (Nothing wrong with that by the way. Ship and let ship!) have seen how this small subset of Tommy fans is behaving towards the cast. I know that some of the shippers weren't sure about the stories and rumours going around about Tommy stans being blocked and things like that. Today we have seen enough proof of that kind of behaviour to leave no doubt.
Anyway, on to better things I hope.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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unluckywisher · 7 months
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Hello, hello! My name is Irene. This is my Love & Deepspace sideblog, but I also run one of the roleplaying L&DS blogs: @zayne-snowman , and I have a blog for my Love & Deepspace OC: @cheshire-liddell ! My actual main blog is @lovelyvoidless and I follow and like posts through it <3
Don't be afraid to drop by my inbox as long as the asks are open! I love yapping :D
If you click the "read more", you'll see all the stuff I have written, updated as soon as I write more. You can also see my most popular posts at the bottom of this!
Fic requests are closed! Currently working on: Hide and seek with Sylus.
Anons taken: ⭐️, 🩸.
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- You died.
- You married someone else.
- Rafayel's "The Little Mermaid".
- Zayne's "The Snow King".
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- Kissing them all over their face.
- A Wanderer turned you tiny. (+ Sylus) (+ Caleb)
- Spanish pet names they'd use.
- A Wanderer turned them tiny.
- Drawing with Rafayel.
- Zayne as a dad.
- Taking care of Sylus after a fight.
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- The boys meeting each other.
- Going clubbing with everyone.
- You died again!?
- Playing with the Crow.
- They turned into animals.
- My grandma sold me to Love and Deepspace.
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- Varied post.
- Caleb play fight.
- Xavier's typical night.
- Fem!Dawnbreaker.
- Sylus filth.
- Period sex with Sylus.
- Nero unfinished drabble.
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- Sylus drabble.
- Random headcanons I have.
- Drunk Zayne.
- Sylus predictions. More Sylus headcanons.
- Lumiere/Xavier drabble.
- Sylus aesthetic pics.
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Random and fun popular posts of mine (in chronological order):
[1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5] , [6] , [7] , [8] , [9] , [10] , [11] , [12] , [13] , [14] , [15] , [16] , [17] , [18] , [19] , [20] , [21] , [22] , [23] , [24] , [25] , [26] , [27] , [28] , [29] , [30] , [31] , [32] , [33] , [34] , [35] , [36] , [37] , [38] , [39] , [40] , [41] , [42] , [43]
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Dividers made by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more and @/anitalenia <3
90 notes · View notes
dirtybg3confessions · 11 months
Help! I can't see the confessions! What is your policy on Dead Dove: Do Not Eat?
Blog Moderation FAQs
How do I submit a confession?
You can send your naughty, naughty confessions anonymously through the ask box. (Make sure you hit the toggle!) You can also submit posts, though those aren't technically anonymous. But rest assured, anything you submit stays between us and Loviatar, darling- they'll be edited and posted in the same manner as the others.
When will my confession be posted?
Right now, the inbox is staying steady at 2,000+ open asks (that's 167 days of posts!) at a time. Generally, this means that confessions are edited and added to the queue around 4-6 months after they're submitted, and then posted generally within a week after that. Tumblr probably did not eat your ask, though we understand the concern as tumblr hungers for asks the same way Gale hungers for your boots.
How often do you post?
The queue is set to post 12 posts a day over 24 hours. This means that there's roughly one post every 2 hours. This is a change from the prior settings.
In what order are confessions posted?
Generally, confessions will be posted in roughly the same order they're received. Order will be adjusted within a "batch" to make sure we're generally not double or triple posting the same character in a row.
Sometimes an ask may take a little longer based on the complexity. How many characters are in this confession? Do we need to hunt down unnamed goblin #3 who is a secret appearance in the goblin camp if and only if you're wearing a purple hat? These confessions will be posted- but may take a little bit longer.
Do you double post confessions?
No. Every confession is unique. Though, fandoms tend to go through "phases" where a lot of people have similar ideas about the same character for a burst of time, which can lead to similar confessions. Additionally, people tend to write with a "voice" so when the same anon is writing for a different character (or the same one), it may read similar to an earlier confession.
How do you tag your posts?
Generally, everything receives bg3 and dirty confessions tags. From there, we tag the characters involved. Recently, we have begun tagging more extreme kinks beyond the standard smut someone scrolling on "Dirty Baldur's Gate 3 Confessions" can reasonably expect to see.
If there's something specific you see that you would like us to tag, a simple "Hey, can you please tag x thing?" in the ask box goes a long way. Detect thoughts was not on our spell list.
Do you post every confession you receive?
We are the wardens, not the judge. We post 99.9% of confessions we receive. Your kinks won't get you shamed here- but being rude to other confessors will. It's all in good fun and some lighthearted teasing is one thing, but don't be mean (without consent, anyway).
Ultimately, your mods reserve the right to decide whether or not to post a confession.
Can I be a mod?
DBG3 is not currently looking for mods, but an announcement will be made when/if that changes!
Hopefully this has answered most of your burning questions. Now...
Turn and face the wall, darling.
167 notes · View notes
pjoxreader · 1 year
Masterlist & Rules
~Requests are Closed!~
[Request Inbox: 16]
Saturday and Sunday are my days off so no writing will be posted on those days!
Like my writing? Please consider sending me a Ko-fi! ☕
(Rules may change as time goes on so check often before you request!)
1: I am currently reading The Hidden Oracle so no spoilers please!
2: Only three characters max at a time please!
3: No smut!
4: One request per ask
5: Readers around the world will be limited to one character!
6: Cannon LGBTQ will either stay non binary reader or with their correct gender!
☀️ Fluff
🌧️ Angst
🌤️ Slight Angst
✨ Headcanons
⛈️ Trigger Warning
🌑 Platonic
❤️ Female Reader
💙 Male Reader
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Anon list:  ✒
PJO Character.ai Bots:
Frank Zhang 🐻
Leo Valdez 🔥
Charles Beckendorf 💥
Percy Jackson 🌊
Jason Grace ⚡
Leo Valdez:
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(art credit)
PJO characters realizing they have a crush ☀️
Reader Sacrifices Themselves 🌧️
PJO Cuddle Headcanons ☀️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Reader Betrays Them 🌧️
Reader Betrays Them Part 2 🌧️ ⛈️
PJO Characters Favorite Place For a Date ☀️
PJO April Fools Headcanons ✨
PJO Boys Helping With Reader’s Period ☀️
PJO Characters Reaction to Abused Reader (Platonic) 🌧️ ⛈️ 🌑
Messenger Reader Punches Octavian ☀️
Reader Has a Prophesied Death 🌧️
Proposal Headcanons ☀️
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
Frank and Leo Fighting Over Reader  🌤️
Poly Leo/Reader/Frank  ☀️
PJO Boys Having to Share a Bed  ☀️
Twin Reader Meets Leo  ☀️🌑
Autistic Reader  ☀️
Child Of Apollo With Puppy Crush on Leo  ☀️
Daughter of Aphrodite x Leo  🌤️ ☀️
Leo Valdez x Modern!Reader x Percy Jackson  ☀️
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️ 
Reader Disappears  🌤️⛈️
Complementive Reader (Platonic)  🌑 ☀️
Younger Sibling Reader Scared of The Dark  🌑 ☀️
PJO Boys Reacting to a Period Cramp Simulator (200 Follower Special)  ☀️ ✨
What Kind of Hugs They Give  🌑 ☀️
What Kind Of Friend They Are  🌑 ☀️
Leo Dating A Brazilian Reader  ☀️
What Kind Of Dad They Are  🌑 ☀️
Monster Reader Gets Discovered  ☀️
Filipino Reader  ☀️
Drunk Reader ☀️ ❤️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
They Get In A Fight And Reader Has A Panic Attack  🌧️ ⛈️
Polynesian Reader (Tongan) ☀️ ❤️
Reader Gets Betrayed by Their SO  🌧️ ⛈️
Powerful Reader Feared By Camp  ☀️
Dominican Reader (Leo)  ☀️
Frank Zhang:
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(art credit)
PJO characters realizing they have a crush ☀️
Reader Sacrifices Themselves 🌧️
PJO Cuddle Headcanons ☀️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Reader Betrays Them 🌧️
Reader Betrays Them Part 2 (2) 🌧️ ⛈️
PJO Characters Favorite Place For a Date ☀️
PJO April Fools Headcanons ✨
PJO Boys Helping With Reader’s Period ☀️
Possessed Reader 🌤️
Reader Has a Prophesied Death 🌧️
Proposal Headcanons ☀️
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
Frank and Leo Fighting Over Reader  🌤️
Poly Leo/Reader/Frank  ☀️
PJO Boys Having to Share a Bed  ☀️
Former Kronos’ Soldier Reader 🌧️
Autistic Reader  ☀️
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
Asking Reader to Live in New Rome  ☀️
Reader Comes Back From the Dead  🌧️⛈️
PJO Boys Reacting to a Period Cramp Simulator (200 Follower Special)  ☀️ ✨
What Kind Of Dad They Are  🌑 ☀️
Deaf/HOH Reader  ☀️
Male Reader Being Frank’s Bi Awakening  ☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Filipino Reader  ☀️
Russian/German Reader  ☀️
Frank Zhang x Dominican reader ☀️
Percy Jackson:
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(art credit)
PJO characters realizing they have a crush ☀️
Reader Sacrifices Themselves 🌧️
PJO Cuddle Headcanons ☀️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Reader Betrays Them 🌧️
Reader Betrays Them Part 2 🌧️ ⛈️
PJO Characters Favorite Place For a Date ☀️
PJO April Fools Headcanons ✨
PJO Boys Helping With Reader’s Period ☀️
PJO Characters Reaction to Abused Reader (Platonic) 🌧️ ⛈️ 🌑
Ex-Reader Saves the Boys (1) 🌤️
Ex-Reader Gets Sent On a Solo Quest (2)  🌤️
Percy Waits For Ex-Reader to Return (3)  ☀️
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
Step Sister Reader Struggles With Substance Issues 🌤️ ⛈️ 🌑
Child of Neptune Reader Meets Percy (Platonic)  ☀️ 🌑
PJO Boys Having to Share a Bed  ☀️
Former Kronos’ Soldier Reader 🌧️
Sibling Reader Calls For Help  🌧️ ⛈️ 🌑
Leo Valdez x Modern!Reader x Percy Jackson  ☀️
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
Pessimistic Reader About the Gods  ☀️ ⛈️
Modern World Reader Helps Beat Kronos  🌤️
Complementive Reader (Platonic)  🌑 ☀️
Percy Protects Half-Sibling Reader  🌑 🌤️
Reader Thought Dead After Losing Limb  🌧️ ⛈️
PJO Boys Reacting to a Period Cramp Simulator (200 Follower Special)  ☀️ ✨
What Kind of Hugs They Give  🌑 ☀️
What Kind Of Friend They Are  🌑 ☀️
Deaf/Hard Of Hearing Reader ☀️
What Kind Of Dad They Are  🌑 ☀️
French Reader (Romantic)  ☀️
Drunk Reader ❤️☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Percy Meets The Only Son Of Ares ☀️
They Get In A Fight And Reader Has A Panic Attack  🌧️ ⛈️
Snuggling Reader’s Chest  ❤️ ☀️
Percy x Electric Guitar Player Reader  ❤️ ☀️
Percy x gn! S/o who listens to Melanie Martinez  ☀️
Reader Gets Betrayed by Their SO  🌧️ ⛈️
Belmont Reader 
Powerful Reader Feared By Camp  ☀️
Percy & Younger Sister With Nightmares  🌑 ☀️
Poly Percabeth x Touch Starved Reader  ☀️
Annabeth Chase:
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(art credit)
PJO characters realizing they have a crush ☀️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Best Friend With Annabeth HC’s ☀️
Reader Betrays Them 🌧️
Reader Betrays Them Part 2 🌧️ ⛈️
PJO Cuddle Headcanons ☀️
PJO Characters Favorite Place For a Date ☀️
PJO Characters Reaction to Abused Reader (Platonic) 🌧️ ⛈️ 🌑
Proposal Headcanons ☀️
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
Reader’s Cat Hates Them  ☀️
Sibling Reader Calls For Help  🌧️ ⛈️ 🌑
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
Reader Disappears  🌤️ ⛈️
Parental Figure Reader  🌑 ☀️
French Reader (Romantic)  ☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Indian Reader  ☀️
Poly Percabeth x Touch Starved Reader  ☀️
Hazel Levesque:
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(art credit)
PJO characters realizing they have a crush ☀️
PJO Cuddle Headcanons ☀️
Reader Betrays Them 🌧️
Reader Betrays Them Part 2 (2) 🌧️ ⛈️
PJO Characters Favorite Place For a Date ☀️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Possessed Reader 🌤️
Reader Has a Prophesied Death 🌧️
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
Former Kronos’ Soldier Reader 🌧️
Hazel With Female Reader  ☀️
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
Asking Reader to Live in New Rome  ☀️
Parental Figure Reader  🌑 ☀️
Complementive Reader (Platonic)  🌑 ☀️
Reader Sings Them a Lullaby  ☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Jason Grace:
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(art credit)
PJO characters realizing they have a crush ☀️
PJO Cuddle Headcanons ☀️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
PJO Characters Favorite Place For a Date ☀️
PJO Boys Helping With Reader’s Period ☀️
Reader Betrays Them 🌧️
Reader Betrays Them Part 2 (2) 🌧️ ⛈️
Ex-Reader Saves the Boys (1) 🌤️
Ex-Reader Gets Sent On a Solo Quest (2)  🌤️
Possessed Reader 🌤️
Messenger Reader Punches Octavian ☀️
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
Step Sister Reader Struggles With Substance Issues 🌤️ ⛈️ 🌑
Reader’s Cat Hates Them  ☀️
PJO Boys Having to Share a Bed  ☀️
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
Reader Disappears  🌤️ ⛈️
Pessimistic Reader About the Gods  ☀️ ⛈️
Reader Comes Home From a Long Quest ☀️
Jason Returns Back To Camp With No Memories of Reader  🌧️
PJO Boys Reacting to a Period Cramp Simulator (200 Follower Special)  ☀️ ✨
Deaf/Hard Of Hearing Reader ☀️
What Kind Of Dad They Are  🌑 ☀️
Jason x Daughter Of Poseidon Reader  ☀️
Monster Reader Gets Discovered  ☀️
Drunk Reader (Fem)  ☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
They Get In A Fight And Reader Has A Panic Attack  🌧️ ⛈️
Mortal Reader  ☀️
Jason Breaks Up With Reader  🌧️
Reader Gets Betrayed by Their SO  🌧️ ⛈️
Jason x Turkish Reader  ☀️
Powerful Reader Feared By Camp  ☀️
Jason x Eldest Hades Kid Reader  ☀️ ✨
Jason Remembers Ex!Reader  🌧️ ⛈️
Dating Jason Grace  ☀️
Piper Mclean:
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(art credit)
PJO characters realizing they have a crush ☀️
PJO Cuddle Headcanons ☀️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Reader Betrays Them 🌧️
Reader Betrays Them Part 2 (2) 🌧️ ⛈️
PJO Characters Favorite Place For a Date ☀️
Messenger Reader Punches Octavian ☀️
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
Reader’s Cat Hates Them  ☀️
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
Reader Comes Back From the Dead  🌧️⛈️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Monster Eater Reader  🌧️⛈️
Belmont Reader
Nico Di Angelo:
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(Art Credit)
Ex-Reader Saves the Boys (1) 🌤️
Ex-Reader Gets Sent On a Solo Quest (2)  🌤️
Reyna Secret Dating + Nico Accepting Himself ☀️ ✨
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
PJO Boys Having to Share a Bed  ☀️
poly!solangelo x child of poseidon!reader (merperson)  ☀️
poly!solangelo x child of poseidon!reader (merperson) part 2  ☀️
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Parental Figure Reader  🌑 ☀️
Reader Thought Dead After Losing Limb  🌧️ ⛈️
PJO Boys Reacting to a Period Cramp Simulator (200 Follower Special)  ☀️ ✨
What Kind Of Dad They Are  🌑 ☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Child of Hades Reader  🌑 ☀️
Snuggling Reader’s Chest  💙☀️
Solangelo (Ftm Will) x Ftm!Reader  💙☀️
Will Solace & Nico di Angelo x Necromancer!Reader  🌤️
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano:
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(Art Credit)
Reyna Secret Dating + Nico Accepting Himself ☀️ ✨
Helping Reader With Insomnia  ☀️
Autistic Reader  ☀️
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
Asking Reader to Live in New Rome  ☀️
Reader Comes Back From the Dead  🌧️⛈️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Reader Sings Them a Lullaby  ☀️
Deaf/Hard Of Hearing Reader ☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Monster Eater Reader  🌧️⛈️
Indian Reader  ☀️
Belmont Reader
Will Solace:
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(Art Credit)
poly!solangelo x child of poseidon!reader (merperson)  ☀️
poly!solangelo x child of poseidon!reader (merperson) part 2  ☀️
Sibling Reader Calls For Help  🌧️ ⛈️ 🌑
PJO Characters Reacting to “I Love You”  ☀️
Pessimistic Reader About the Gods  ☀️ ⛈️
PJO Favorite Musical Headcanons ✨
Modern World Reader Helps Beat Kronos  🌤️
Younger Sibling Reader Scared of The Dark  🌑 ☀️
Reader Thought Dead After Losing Limb  🌧️ ⛈️
Will Comforts Overwhelmed Reader  🌑 ☀️
PJO Boys Reacting to a Period Cramp Simulator (200 Follower Special)  ☀️ ✨
Reader Sings Them a Lullaby  ☀️
What Kind Of Dad They Are  🌑 ☀️
French Reader  🌑 ☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Will Solace x Suicidal Reader 🌤️  ⛈️
Snuggling Reader’s Chest ❤️ ☀️
Will & Child of Apollo Reader Getting Ready For Quest  🌑 ☀️
Solangelo (Ftm Will) x Ftm!Reader  💙☀️
Will Solace & Nico di Angelo x Necromancer!Reader  🌤️
Grover Underwood:
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(Art Credit)
Modern World Reader Helps Beat Kronos  🌤️
PJO Boys Reacting to a Period Cramp Simulator (200 Follower Special)  ☀️ ✨
What Kind Of Dad They Are  🌑 ☀️
Monster Reader Gets Discovered  ☀️
PJO Characters Jobs 🌑 ✨
Monster Eater Reader  🌧️⛈️
Readers From Around The World
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(art credit)
((Fair warning I am a dumb American but I did my best!  🫡🥲))
French Reader (Leo) 🌑 ☀️
Indian Reader (Annabeth, Reyna) ☀️
French Reader (Annabeth, Percy)  ☀️
Filipino Reader (Leo/ Frank)  ☀️
Leo Dating A Brazilian Reader  (Leo) ☀️
Russian/German Reader (Frank) ☀️
Polynesian Reader (Tongan)(Leo) ❤️ ☀️
Turkish Reader (Jason)  ☀️
Dominican Reader (Leo)  ☀️
Frank Zhang x Dominican reader (Frank)☀️
Death Siblings Reaction to Cats
Percy x Annabeth + Leo
Frank and Leo Archery Practice Mess Up
Percabeth Lake Day
The Lightning Thief Background
PJO Punk Tactics Animation
Icon Credit
Background Credit
585 notes · View notes
n3hmof1sh · 5 months
Pfp by: @/colsetsnoozer on Twitter
Inbox: 423 asks :(
Name: Nehmo Fish (Nicknames are fine!!)
PRONOUNCED "Neh-moh" fish !!!
Gender: Trans male :3
Age: Minor
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: AroAce and Cupioromantic
Some of my current interests: Big Hero 6, The Coffin of Andy And Leyley, OMORI, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, In Stars and Time, Danganronpa, NEXT!!! Sound Of The Future!! Steven Universe, Kirby, Saiki K, NSO(kind of), Vocaloids, Flowers, plants, gardening, baking, food, Bocchi The Rock, Too Many Losing Heroines, Little Nightmares 1 & 2 & DLC (have yet to see mobile game pls stand by)
Wont be answering go fund me asks. Sorry for this.
Hallo so we're actually plural!!! Here's our system thing!!!! I will update it as soon as a new alter has formed but I may take a while sometimes due to confusion and depression :3 call us Fish & Co or Mudshroom sys collectively!!! ^^
Plush (partner) sys -> @starfilled-galaxy !!!
Here's our system stuff!!! Is the emoji tags!! So taht you know who is fronting and stuff!!
(Side note: I'm very disgusted by and have a crippling fear of bugs, insects, and spiders. Please do NOT send me any asks or tag me in any posts containing any of those.)
Blinkies, userboxes etc underneath
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Last two userboxes are made by: @dreamsofuserboxes
56 notes · View notes