#I didn't end up watching the video and I'm not going to go seek it out because I don't actually want to blow up their spot
giantkillerjack · 1 month
12 hours after the amazing digital circus episode 2 airs, I see a video on youtube entitled "THEY RUINED JAX!!! 😡"
Like, chill! They literally haven't even finished SHOWING US Jax!! 😂 He's still only had a few dozen lines! I'm sorry about the Jax in your headcanon that you've been growing in the space between episodes, but I don't think there's been enough time to ruin that rabbit yet! 😅
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transmascrage · 1 year
Video by ErinInTheMorning on TikTok
[Transcript (there's captions on screen but in case you can't turn on audio):
Erin: "File this one away for the transgender history books, whenever they write about our history; today Lindsey Spero, a trans man, stood in front of the Florida Board of Medicine, which was about to vote to medically ban all gender affirming care for trans youth.
He stood there to deliver his testimony, he delivered a little bit of it, but then he took the remainder of his testimony time to stand there and inject his hormone therapy in front of all of them in stunned silence, and then he turned around and raised his fist. Watch this."
Lindsey: "My name is Lindsey Spero, I'm 25 years old, I'm a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida. I'm also transgender.
I am someone who was subjected to treatments that have been questionable, that were mentioned by people like that woman who came up and spoke, I can tell you for a fact that her child is going to grow up hating her.
I'm sure you've heard many stories that sound like mine already, over the last few months my trans siblings and family members have stood before you, put their hearts on full display and vulnerable pleaded with you to listen to our stories and perspectives.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has condemned your actions and our federal government has spoken out against the actions you seek to take regarding the necessary health care for trans youth.
I could stand here and tell you about the times I attempted to end my life because I didn't have access to gender affirming care but I know, I know you don't care. I see you sneering at us while we come here and talk to you.
Instead I'm going to take the rest of my time to demonstrate the sacred and weekly ritual of my shot in front of you, in this body.
My medication is life saving, I will use HRT for the rest of my life, your denial of my need for this medication, doesn't make my existence as a trans person any less real.
I will be giving myself my subcutaneous shot in my stomach. If you have a needle phobia, please look away."
Lindsey injects his T-shot in silence, helped by another person who passes him a needle and the testosterone in its vial.
After finishing, he raises his fist and turns around to the audience.
Lindsey: "Tomorrow and forever."
The crowd cheers and a few people get up to clap.
Erin: "That, that is what I'm talking about! Good job Lindsey! This is the kind of resistance that matters!"
End transcript.]
(As a sidenote, it seems that Lindsey identifies as nonbinary, not necessarily (or exclusively, anyways) as a trans man. Some articles identify him as transmasc but all of his socials state nonbinary.)
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muchosbesitos · 7 months
idk if you know the water-tyla tiktok trend where the girl is bouncing their booty in front of the camera, but i imagine miguel’s girl doing that and he’s standing from behind watching her but soon when she about to twerk her booty to the beat he immediately rushes towards infront of her and goes ‘ain’t no fucking way yall seeing my girl’s ass’ HED BE SI POSSESSIVE UGHHH
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(he looks so pretty pouting in this LMAOO)
pairing: miguel o’hara x fem reader
contents: cockwarming
author’s note: bit of a short one, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless. i did change it up a bit but not too much
word count: 854
"Miguel, come onnn. Just take a break, at least for a little bit."
You practically whined as you begged your boyfriend for what to be the 50th time now to take a break after he spent most of the morning in front of his computer. "You know I'd take a break if I could but I have to get this ethics paper done," he spoke up, not bothering to look up as he continued typing away. You let out a small grumble in response, sitting down on the couch as you scrolled through tiktok in order to pass the time.
You'd tried to offer some under the desk assistance earlier, but your efforts were quickly dismissed when Miguel repeated that this was an important paper. You scrolled through, a new trend popping up on your page consistently. You figured that you'd give it a try, even if you wouldn't post it.
While you were pretty open about your relationship with Miguel on social media, that didn't stop the messages and comments that you received under your videos. Most of them were pretty supportive while some of them asked you to dump Miguel in hopes that you'd date them instead. You usually ended up deleting those comments before Miguel berated them for even suggesting that.
You propped up your phone on the nightstand as you checked your attire on the screen, satisfied by the way the top and leggings you had on fit. The leggings gave your butt a lift, the material accentuating every curve as you moved around. You set a timer, turning around to shake your ass once you heard it go off. You tried to keep up with the hand movements as you moved your butt, eventually giving up after you messed up.
You decided to try it out once more after being unsatisfied with your previous attempts, putting the timer on your phone as you waited for it to go off. "What do you think you're doing?" You heard from behind you, your eyes widening as you saw Miguel standing at the doorframe. "I thought you had an ethics paper to work on," you countered, starting off with the dance before getting lifted off the air. "I couldn't focus with the damn song playing over and over again," he said, his teeth gritting together as he stepped closer to you.
"No way in hell that these cabrones that follow you are gonna be staring at your ass," he grumbled, turning your phone off as he placed you on his shoulder. "I thought I didn't matter to you, with your paper and all," you spoke up, using a cheap manipulation tactic to get out of trouble though you were certain it wasn't gonna work. "So what? I don't pay you attention for four hours and you're already seeking validation from other men?" He asked, his tall frame imposing yours as he set you down.
You pouted as you looked up at him, batting your lashes innocently. "I'm sorry, Miguel. I just wanted some attention," you responded, trying to get him to sympathize for you a bit. He let out a small grumble, sitting down at the kitchen table as he spread his legs out. "And you should know that only I get to see you move your ass like that," he told you, his tone sounding agitated as he spoke. The sound of his belt clicking made your head tilt, seeing that Miguel had beckoned you to walk over.
You pushed your leggings down, wrapping your arms around Miguel’s neck as your cunt engulfed his cock. Your pussy clenched up around him and you were about to move when Miguel’s strong hands pinned you down. "No movement until I'm done with this essay. You wanted to be impatient so deal with it. No pouting either."
You buried your head into his neck, trying to entice him into postponing the essay he had to do. You slightly nipped at the skin, kissing down his collarbone as you marked him up. "Pinche puta impaciente. You're not pleased with anything, hm?" He spoke up after you clenched around him once more, your cunt practically leaking as his cock buried deep inside of you. (fucking impatient whore) "I just wanna spend some time with you, Miguel," you repeated, your hands coming to touch his abs under his shirt. “I don’t treat you good enough, that what this is?”
"If I get up from this kitchen table, you're not getting up without having shaky legs tomorrow," he warned you, but you moved your hips as you moved down his cock. You knew that you were testing your luck, but you just needed him so badly. He got up from the kitchen table, your legs wrapping around his waist as he led you to the bedroom. You were under the impression that he was finally taking a break from his essay when he took you inside, but the way that he looked down at you and the way that he tossed you into the bed quickly pushed those thoughts away.
You were definitely in for a long night.
(i couldn’t stop thinking ab this video as i was writing)
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auroreliis · 2 months
Not sure if you'll even see this LMAO. But I love the way you think, so I wanna know your take on Nightwing/Dick Grayson with an antihero. Someone who's constantly swinging between hero and villainy
I love this idea!
The thing with Dick is that he would be so annoying on this:
"Be careful, you'll hurt yourself!"
"I don't want to fight you. I'm doing this for your own good"
"I didn't want to give back ALL the money you stole, but if you do not stop fighting now, I will return the whole lot of it!"
You often find yourself knocked out and tied to a chair by him. In a safe place, of course, he wouldn't want you to get hurt, but man, those chains are thick...how will you get out? (You don't, he comes and frees you when everything has settled and brings you home...)
After his first encounter with you, he'd get Bruce to find out who you are. And then you're in for it...
He'd casually call you by your real name on your next encounter. The smirk on his face merely widening as you look at him confusedly.
"What the hell do you want?"
"So that IS your name? It has a nice ring to it..."
Your eyebrows furrow as he mumbles your name to himself a few more times like a madman. He didn't even notice you slip away.
The panic ensues as he goes around for a bit, trying to find you. He lost you...completely...what an escape artist you are...
And not only the first few times, you manage to slip away every time he even dares to blink. How sneaky of you. He's impressed truly.
However, he does not tolerate it when youngsters like you, with no training, try to act tough. Whether you're a good guy or a bad guy, he will not allow you to fool around anymore. Haven't you got a life? How do you expect to get sleep if you jump around on roofs every night? How immature of you.
And so starts his nagging.
His first thought is bribery. He'll give you whatever you want, as long as you stop fooling around like this, lest you hurt yourself.
If your main interest is material things, this will work. He will give you whatever you want. Whatever your heart desires. Just keep away from Gotham's moonlit streets. Go to bed, watch a film or something else, just please stay inside.
If your primary interest is more adrenaline than anything else, then he will need to get more creative. He will encourage you to seek entertainment through other means. Video games, escape rooms, laser tag, in fact, he will even encourage you to become a hero instead of being on the borderline.
If this doesn't work, he won't give up, it's just that Bruce finds a few holes in the walls of the manor. And Jason notices Dick being more irritable. And Tim, Steph and Cass notice that he doesn't joke around as much. And Damien notices the serious look on his face.
His attempts usually end with this line:
"Being a hero is extremely exhilerating, so why not choose to be good?" (Or, in other words, why not choose to be closer to me?)
Luckily (for you), you chose to come with him. God knows what would've happened if you hadn't...
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Hi, I still have so many feelings about this, I will never shut up. I also made a gifset out of it because watching the video wasn't enough, i need to memorize every pixel.
(These gifs are free to download & use, they literally took me 5 minutes, so... cheers~)
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"It is your job to f-" still haunts me. Also the way light falls on his face exactly when he fumbles is like him getting exposed. Shining a light on his fakery so the others see through it? And then he retreats back into the shadow trying to hide again, but does so only partially? Amazing.
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The quick look up at Fang, he's so adorable🥺 i think for a moment there he actually considers admiting something's wrong but backs out of it and right back into defense. The way he freezes at the end sends shivers down my spine. it's so personal to me, Con, staaahp, fr! Also we get the "unhand me" line, or rather [if you touch me now i will start crying and that's embarrassing so don't touch me] That's how i see it.
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Now we get to the good shit. Looking up trying not to cry. Avoiding any and all eye contact. His fckn lips shaking. You can clearly see that he's broken by the fact they've even noticed THIS. That expression is like a defeated "oh fuck me". Him being off focus makes this bit even worse.
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Actually I was looking at this bit a lot and it almost seems like he doesn't know what Fang is trying to do at first? Like he was defensive because he didn't realise Fang was going in for a hug? Or maybe it's a reflex for anything coming from behind. He's a fighter, after all.
He looks ahead, approximately where Archie and Jim are standing as if to see their reactions or maybe seek help?! But then you can see the moment he understands - he turns his head back towards Fang and leans into it, with a hint of disbelief on his face.
God, the loose strand of hair adds so much to that delicious skrunklyness he has going on. He's so pretty...
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In this gif it's clear he's leaning into Fang a lot, even actively pressing his head against him. He could've easily turned away or pulled away, but didn't. He WANTS to be comforted. He WANTS to be held. The way he scans over Frenchie as if checking what he's about to do, I'm suspecting he like. Put a hand on him somewhere or something of the sort. I am so unwell from this-
For the last time he tries to produce words, but it comes out as more of a moan than anything, so he gives up and bites his lip. (im loosing my sanity, Con, what have you done)
Also Frenchie's pout is my H2O He literally went :c
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Izzy looks over to Frenchie again as if to verify he's not there to mock him and when it turns out that no. He actually wants to comfort him. Izzy fully looses it and lets out the most gut wrenching puppy dog skrunkly whimper ever produced by a human man. It must mean so much to him... Those last few micro expressions are killing me. He looks up again as if to say "oh god they mean it. They don't think im stupid for this, they're actually taking me seriously" And he can't believe it, he's so dumbfounded that poor guy.
What if this was his first hug in ages? I wouldn't be surprised...
Im breaking my own heart with this why do i do this-
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Shovel Talk(s) Final Part
Part One 🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four
Steve starts with Dustin. Not for any particular reason. Dustin is just the first person he ends up seeing after an entire weekend spent at Eddie's house. They'd redone their date in Indy on Saturday, getting back into Hawkins late, so Steve stayed the night. He had a morning shift at Family Video but it was Robin's day off so he didn't see her.
Dustin called at 11:00am on Monday to ask for Steve's assistance with his bike's flat tire. He needs a ride to Melvald's for a new tire tube and pump, and since Steve's shift doesn't start until 2:00pm he agrees.
Steve picks him up and listens to him ramble about his weekend and how he the tube got a hole in it. He stays in the car while Dustin runs inside to make his purchases, and then they're back at Dustin's house. Dustin knows how to change out the tube on his bike; he's been raised by a single mother for longer than Steve's known him so he's pretty self-sufficient, but Steve still offers to do it and Dustin lets him.
It's little moments like these that really let Steve feel like Dustin's brother. Which is what makes it easier for Steve to say, as he is peeling the tube from inside the tire out, "hey, do you remember a week or so ago, when you said we were happy for Eddie and me?"
"Yeah," Dustin says as he's ripping open the package the new tube is in.
"You also told me to not hurt him. I- why'd you say that?" Steve halts his progress on peeling the tube out to look up at Dustin.
He watches as Dustin turns sheepish, "I. Well, mostly I said it so that when I talk to Eddie, I might feel less bad about threatening him."
"What? Why did you threaten him?"
Dustin finishes freeing the new tube from its prison before finally looking back at Steve, "I haven't yet. Mike was talking about how Nancy gave you a shovel talk a while ago, as Eddie's 'best friend'," he makes air quotes around the words, "and I'm your best friend, so I have to give Eddie one. But Eddie's also my friend, so I had to say something to you, too."
"That's so-" Steve cuts off, because he was going to say that's so childish but Dustin should be allowed to be childish just a little longer. Part of his childhood was stolen by monsters and Steve can give him a little bit back, "that's a nice thought but please don't shovel talk Eddie. Besides, Erica beat you to it."
"Well, since Erica did it there's really no point in me doing it. She's terrifying when she wants to be."
Steve laughs because Erica can be terrifying. "Give me the tube, or do you want to finish this?"
"No, continue," Dustin thrusts the tube at Steve, who takes it with a grin and gets back to work.
Robin and he are closing on a Wednesday night, so it's been slow all day, and while Steve wants to talk to Robin, he doesn't want to be interrupted. So, they go about their shift like normal and it's only once he's locked the door and flipped the open sign to closed that he seeks out Robin in the back room, where she's counting down the till.
"Can you pause after that? I need to talk," Steve says and feels his stomach churn. He's never.... he and Robin have never had a fight, never really had any issues that required a talk. Not about anything between them anyway. Robin's always just understood him, in the same way he's understood Robin. They've never been the source of each other's pains until now.
"Yeah, of course," Robin finished the coins, marking down the amounts on a piece of paper before shifting to give Steve her full attention. "Are you ready to talk about it?"
"Whatever's hurting you," she says. "I don't know what it is, but I knew you'd come to me when you were ready."
"It's been heard to try and talk about," Steve confesses, "because it's never. It was never you that I've been- I still don't know what to say but I know I don't want to be..." he trails off, waving his hands as he grapples for the words he wants.
"Oh," Robin whispers, standing from the desk to approach. "I hurt you. Tell me what I did, so I can properly apologize."
"When you told me to be careful with Eddie," Steve says, "after I told you about our first date. I don't understand why you'd say that me."
Robin looks pained and swallows before she says, "I'm so sorry, Steve. I shouldn't have said that. And I don't- I don't even have a good reason why I did. I know you'd never hurt Eddie. I know you and what I said wasn't even about you. Not the real you, anyway."
"So, why'd you say it, then?"
Robin frowns and looks away from him, shuffling her feet before she says to a point at the wall, "I was friends, or friendly, with a lot of the girls you were with in high school. A lot of one and done dates that I had to hear about, while they cried in the bathroom or on their bedroom floors, wondering what they'd done wrong, why you didn't stay or-" Steve winces as the reminder of who he'd been in high school comes easily out of Robin, but not for the usual reason he winces. It's not because Robin's reminding him he used to be a douche; she's reminding him of all the people he hurt and never cared that he'd done it. He never apologized, and now it's far too late even if all those girls deserve to hear it.
Robin is still speaking, "or whatever. But that doesn't matter now. You aren't that guy anymore; haven't been the entire time I've actually known you and it wasn't fair for me to say what I said. I just- you took Eddie out, and the part of me that spent years of high school consoling friends who felt used by you just spoke. I-I need to work on filtering the words that come out of my mouth, because if I'd waited like, four more seconds to process your words and settle in the fact you went on a date we both thought you'd never be brave enough to ask for, then I never would have said it. I'm so sorry, Steve. I know you and I should have known better."
Steve swallows thickly, because it hurt to hear but he also knows she's sorry and that's enough. He steps forward and sweeps her into a hug, crushing her against him. She squeezes back just as hard.
Steve has never felt really hurt about Wayne's shovel talk. It was the first, and the only one he'd say he deserved. Not because Steve deserved to have a shovel talk given to him, but because Wayne should get to have the honor of giving one. Eddie's never had a boyfriend before, and Wayne had spent so long worried about how this town would treat Eddie if they knew he was gay.
So, when Steve sees Wayne again, he just smiles at the man, and gets a genuine smile back. He and Wayne are ok.
He and Jeff apologize to each other next time they cross paths on a Hellfire night. Steve apologizes for being snappy and rude. Jeff apologizes for automatically assuming the worst of Steve. They agree to a truce and a start over.
Steve's convinced he can win over Eddie's friends eventually.
Steve can't talk to Nancy. There's too much left unsaid between them for him to feel comfortable with telling her she hurt him. But it's okay. He and Nancy aren't close friends, and she's leaving for Boston in a few weeks for college. He's sure that the distance, and not seeing her weekly for Lunch Date Day, will help.
So, he's a bit surprised to answer the knocking on his front door to see Nancy. It's an exact recreation of the day she shovel talked him and immediately Steve tenses.
"Uh, hi," he says.
Nancy takes a deep breath and says, "I'm sorry. I thought I was being funny when I gave you that shovel talk, but I- someone made it clear to me that we aren't friends enough to be able to make jokes like that. That's my fault, too. For everything I've done and never apologized for. So, I want to say that I'm sorry."
Steve's a little stumped, a bit perplexed even, so he speaks on autopilot, "It's fine, Nance. We're good."
Nancy squares her jaw and narrows her eyes and says, "no."
"No. Don't forgive me. Not yet. Make me earn it."
Steve don't respond right away. He wants to just forgive Nancy, but when he thinks about it, he just wants to do that so Nancy will quit looking so defensive. He's not sure he does forgive her. "You're right. I- we'll work on that, then. Being friends one day."
"Good. Good," Nancy nods. "I'll see you are Lunch Date day, yeah? Or... or would you like me to stop coming?"
He shakes his head. "No, please keep coming. There's, what, three more before you're off to college? We can work towards friends in that time, yeah?"
"Yeah," Nancy gives him a small smile, "see you then, Steve."
"See you," Steve replies and shuts the door as she heads down the walkway back towards her car.
He wants to know if Eddie or Robin gave her the dressing down that brought her here to say sorry.
(It wasn't Robin or Eddie. It was Mike, learning what Nancy had done and telling her it wasn't her place to do that.)
There is one final shovel talk for the remainder of their relationship.
It's the final day in Steve's room at his parents house. He's moving in with Eddie and Wayne, at least until the kid's all graduate. Then he and Eddie might go off somewhere on their own.
He's finished packing up his things from the bathroom, and looks up in the mirror. He sees himself, and almost doesn't recognize the reflection staring back. He looks happy. Actually, really happy.
Eddie appears behind him in the mirror, leaning himself against the doorjam, smiling softly at Steve through the mirror.
"All done, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, babe," Steve says. "Just one more thing."
Steve slides his eyes away from Eddie in the mirror, back to himself. He lifts a finger and points one accusingly finger at himself and says, "if you fuck this up, Harrington, I'll kick your ass myself."
Eddie's full belly laughter rings loudly in the bathroom and Steve just smiles.
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writingduhh · 8 months
Clingy || Jschlatt
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Pairing: Schlatt & Y/n
(A lil Angsty but ends in fluff)
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It was just another ordinary evening in the household of Y/N and Schlatt. He was engrossed in his nightly TV show, and you had just finished your much needed shower. Wrapped in one of his oversized hoodies with your wet hair still tucked beneath a towel, you settled down beside him. Before long, you found yourself resting your head against his sturdy shoulder, seeking comfort in his presence. Schlatt, with a subtle sigh, lazily draped his arm over your shoulder.
"Why'd you sigh?" you inquired, lifting your head to meet his gaze.
“Hm? No reason,” he responded, leaning in to plant a quick peck on your temple before refocusing on the TV.
"No, tell me," you insisted, remaining seated to study his expression more closely.
"It's just... You've been a bit needy recently," he admitted.
Hearing those words sent your heart sinking. The fear of being labeled as clingy had always been a lingering anxiety, one that stemmed from a toxic past relationship. It was something you'd never experienced with Schlatt before. Quietly, you shuffled away on the couch, ensuring that your arms no longer touched.
"It's fine," Schlatt reassured, giving your thigh a comforting pat.
Standing up from the couch, you stretched your arms and said, "I'm gonna go get ready for bed."
The question gnawed at you: Were you really being clingy? It seemed quite possible. Schlatt had been attentive all day, devoting as much time to you as he could. But at night, while watching his show, he cherished his alone time, a brief respite from his video work. You knew he wasn't the overly affectionate type; it simply wasn't his nature. You cringed inwardly, realizing how much attention you seemed to require. (After all, who doesn't love attention?). As you brushed your teeth and crawled into bed, you almost instinctively began to call out for him, letting him know you were in bed. However, this time, you stopped yourself, letting out a deep sigh, and swiftly removing his sweatshirt.
You rolled onto your side, pondering your actions. After about an hour of lying in silence, you must have drifted into sleep, as you were awakened by the soft creaking of footsteps approaching the room and the gentle opening of the door.
"Hmm?" you grumbled, slightly annoyed.
"Y/N?" Schlatt called, turning on the bedside lamp.
"What?" you replied, your irritation evident.
"Are you going to sleep without me?"
"Yeah? Aren't you going to watch your show?"
"Well, I mean, I was, but you hadn't called me to bed yet, so I got worried."
"Don't be worried, I'm fine. I was just going to let you watch your show," you yawned, resting your head back down.
"Oh..." He mumbled, his face showing a hint of disappointment.
Noticing the change in his voice and expression, you lifted your head back up.
“Something wrong?
"It's just that you always call me before you go to bed. It's our routine."
"I know. I was just giving you some alone time."
"But I like it when you call me to bed. It's our thing. It makes me feel needed and loved..."
"Aww, Jay, of course, I love you. Come here," you cooed, patting the empty space on the bed beside you.
Excitedly, he practically leaped onto the bed, knocking you over as he collapsed onto you, his head buried in the crook of your neck.
"I’m sorry I called you ; I didn't really mean it... Promise me you won't ever go to bed without me, okay?" he requested, his voice muffled by your shoulder.
“I promise,” you assured, wrapping your arms around him. “Promise you’ll tell me if I’m being too needy?”
“You could never… I was out of line. But I promise.
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ailelie · 2 years
I want a Leverage/Stargate crossover in which Parker, Hardison, Eliot, and Sophie all know about Stargate and all think they are the only ones who know.
Eliot is easy. He worked for them. He's been off world and has seen aliens up close. He doesn't want that danger anywhere near his team and, if they knew aliens were real, they would seek them out.
Parker, pre-Leverage, was once going to steal from a goa'uld. She's hidden away and safe, but sees the goa'uld change hosts or similar. It is one of the few times she walked away without her score. She still stole something, just not what she had gone for. She also neatly accepted that mind controlling snake monsters are real and that made her much more accepting of the impossible and, weirdly, less afraid in general. Nothing beats a mind controlling snake monster.
Hardison hacked his way into the mountain base while setting up in Portland. He didn't go in deep; he was just looking for something cute and Santa related for Parker. Instead, he found a mission report some idiot had sent in via email. The report had video. Brutal video. He watched. Three times. And then bought himself a new computer solely to hack deeper and figure out if what he saw was real or fake. It was real. He was thrilled--space ships and aliens were real! He was terrified--space ships and aliens were real and not very friendly. He wanted no part of that.
Sophie conned her way into a dinner with military officials. It wasn't even for a job. She was just bored and wanted to test out her skills. (Part of her also wanted to get caught. Part of her post-Nate was a bit self-destructive). She found a man fuming and lent a listening ear. With a bit of alcohol and a lot of pretending to know more than he did, she learned about the Stargate program. She locked that knowledge up deep, ready to wield it if ever needed.
And then, one day in New Orleans, SGC comes knocking for Eliot. It is one of the times that Hardison is home with them. Eliot is cooking and Hardison and Parker are teasing him in the kitchen. Harry is out. Breanna is working to undo a virus Hardison created for her as a challenge.
Then, say, Cameron Mitchell walks in. Eliot glances over from where he's cooking at the stove and says, "No. Turn around. Walk away."
Hardison has gone still. He remembers Cameron's face from the reports he read and watched. "How do you know Eliot?" he asks.
"We used to work together."
Hardison turns to Eliot, eyes wide. "Eliot?"
"Better question," Eliot says, turning off the heat. "How do you know Mitchell here?"
"Someone has to keep an eye on what the government is doing," Hardison vamps, part of him still hoping to end this conversation without Parker learning about the spaceships and aliens.
"Dammit Hardison."
By this time, Parker has hopped off the counter and walked up to Cameron to get a better read on him. She also nicks his wallet and firearm. "Catch," she calls to Eliot as she tosses the firearm to him.
"Parker!" Eliot chastises as he snatches the gun. "Don't throw firearms."
She shrugs. "I knew you'd catch it."
This is the first time Cameron has looked wrongfooted this entire time. "What?"
"Cameron Mitchell," Parker reads from his ID. "Airforce."
Cameron swipes it back from her. Parker lets him. As she turns, she catches Breanna's eye and gestures to her ear.
Breanna pulls out of the code she was working on and starts looking for any foreign frequencies to find out who is talking to Mitchell.
Sophie, who has been watching quietly this entire time and noting Cameron's military standing, takes into account his actual division and the ways Eliot and Hardison are acting and clearly talking around something. She decides to make a gamble.
"Does this have anything to do with the Stargate program?"
Eliot, Hardison, and Cameron all freeze and look at her.
"I'm sorry, ma'am," Cameron says, "But how do you know about the Stargate program."
Sophie offers him a beatific smile. "People do talk--" she pauses and gives him a searching look "--commander is it? Interesting that the commander himself came to talk." She turns to Eliot. "This might be important."
Cameron spins to Eliot. "Did you tell her?"
Eliot crosses his arms. "I've not said anything."
Parker raises her hand. "What's the Stargate Program?
Hardison is the first to speak up. "It is a secret program that deals with threats from space."
"Like aliens?" Breanna asks, continuing to hack into Cameron's comms. She's surprised by the layers of protection.
"Okay," Breanna mutters. "Cool. So aliens are real."
Parker raises her hand again.
"You don't need to raise your hand, Parker," Eliot mutters into his hand.
"Are any of these aliens mind controlling snake monsters who like Egyptian antiquities?"
Now every eye is on her.
"Yes," Cameron says, stretching the word out. "How?"
Parker just hops back up onto the counter. "I stole from one."
"Did she just say she stole from one?" A woman's voice plays from Breanna's corner.
"So I've hacked their comms," Breanna says.
Cameron nearly growls in frustration. This was not how this was supposed to go.
"Why don't you invite the rest of your team in?" Sophie says. "Eliot, will we have enough food?"
Eliot rolls his eyes and turns back to the stove. He turns the heat back on and gives his dish a stir. "I was making enough for leftovers. We'll be fine."
"Who are you people?" Cameron asks. "I mean, I've read your files, but--"
"Oh, how did you like those?" Hardison asks. "Beauties, aren't they?"
"You forged your records?" Cameron asks, his tone flat.
Sophie touches his elbow and guides him to a seat. "When you've taken over a small country, darling, paperwork is child's play."
Cameron looks at her, sees she isn't lying, and laughs. "Okay. Fine." He calls his team in. They'll have dinner. And then they'll discuss saving the world.
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cuppajj · 8 days
Don't mind me as I found out this AU a day ago and heard you're waiting for BY ep 4 to form stuff w Dark Choco and Frigid Cacao and BOY do I have ideas.
(This is going to be a long ask, it's been cooking for a while and I need to ramble abt it, hopefully Tumblr won't eat it. Also a little spoilers about ep 13 & 14 and odyssey ch 1 if you're not there yet)
So, we're not talking about Dark Choco's perspective just yet (I'm also waiting on BY ep 4 for that) but from Cacao, we can establish stuff about how he feels about Choco in canon and go from there and speculations on BY ep 4.
Canon Cacao very clearly loves his son and truly longs for him back in his life. But, as referenced from the Hollyberry interaction, he's very reluctant to seek him out, preferring Choco approach him first instead.
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One of the ways Cacao shows his love is how he respects the boundaries of those close to him (and, in turn, expects the same for them to him. That's why he violently snaps at Clotted Cream and feels very betrayed by Vanilla for keeping Lily a secret in Odyssey) and I feel this applies to Choco the most. He understands Choco needs his time and space, especially after the whole ep 14, and won't feel comfortable around him or his kingdom for a while. There's also the chance that Choco may not want to have him in his life again (untrue) and he'd rather not risk finding out that's true by personally seeking him out and further upsetting his son. (That last one was just my interpretation but AUGH)
This is the building blocks I found for forming Frigid Cacao's side of the relationship. Should Dark Choco return to the kingdom, Frigid Cacao would feel Very Much Conflicted™️ about having him back, but for different reasons.
On one hand, he would be relieved and overjoyed to sense his son's return. There's so much lost time, so much regrets, he wanted to make up for it and rebuild his relationship anew. But on the other hand, this clashes with the Soltitude he built for himself. Accepting his son back in his life would mean breaking down his walls, thus tearing down everything he built and betraying his own light. Perhaps that part of him would also be angry that Dark Choco would impose this on him. But it saddens him to turn him away. And so on and so forth it cycles.
This duality is the internal conflict that, while it opens the gate for redemption (or at least loosen his terror and maybe actually get him outside), is also very hectic for Choco himself because it also manifests in his powers.
The licorice monsters are noticably more docile around him, but they can just as soon lash out randomly, coming in big waves and heading for only one target. The weather is constantly shifting from mild snow to freezing blizzards in minutes. The paths feel cleared out but it feels like there's always something out to get him.
That's assuming Choco didn't return to the kingdom after the Beast Yeast expedition (bc I'm assuming you're setting Cacao's fall after BY ep 4). But if he did, there's two possibilities. One is the more boring Frigid Cacao's reign didn't last really long bc Choco was there from the beginning. The other one, ooh the other one also works as a bad ending for the first scenario.
(I ended up writing a full oneshot for it. If you want, I can send it in another ask, hahaha)
As someone who hasn’t gotten to that chapter in odyssey yet (i really oughtta watch a video on it bc these quills brake for nobody), this is a really good reference for Cacao and Choco in beast ancients!! I won’t say much about Choco since yeah I’m waiting for apathy pt 2 but I’ve definitely been wanting him to be a huge source of conflict for frigid cacao in the au, and this helps describe it pretty well. Cacao’s fall is being worked on because the timeline of beast ancients is a WIP, it does come after BY 4 for all I know atm, and whatever happens to Choco in that episode will determine where he is and how he affects his dad when he becomes a beast. But the bottom line is that it is not gonna be easy for either of them either way :D
Would love to see your one shot btw!
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sunchaserwings · 6 months
Incoming rant about The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney, and the BBC Sherlock (no major spoilers ahead I promise).
A preface before I begin; I was never a big fan of Sherlock Holmes or any adaptation of the stories. I've seen Elementary although I was very young so I only have the vaguest of memories of enjoying it, and my roommate had me watch a couple BBC Sherlock episodes when I was a tween/young teen. My mother claims she tried to get me into Sherlock Holmes but I'm rather skeptical. Anyhow, onto the story.
Back in March my boyfriend bought me the Ace Attorney games for my birthday which included the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (or Dai Gyakuten Saiban for those who are still stuck on the pre-localization names ;p). I was on my flight home from my birthday trip after I got the news my manager fired my brother while I was out of the state and figured why not, I'd start playing the first TGAA game on the flight. I'd probably enjoy myself and I couldn't sleep.
Second biggest mistake of the year (first biggest was trusting Les Schwab to do my brake job). I. Was. Hooked. I played the first case and fell in love with Kazuma instantly (he's so Zero shaped!). I played the second case and realized that calling him Zero shaped was way too accurate. We all know what happened there. Most important to this rant, I met Herlock Sholmes (more on my opinions on him later). I could barely put the game down but I had to take a break due to finding a new job and getting adjusted. I ended up finishing the game in June or July, one of the two. I finished the final case of the first game in one long 12 hour gaming session it was that good (my back didn't thank me though).
Now, the man of the hour: Herlock Sholmes. I didn't think much of him initially. He was simultaneously charming and annoying in the second case but as I played more he grew on me. I cried when the start of 1-5 happened. He clawed his way up into like the top 7 favorite characters at the time. The ending of the game with him playing his violin made me bawl my eyes out. I. Loved. This. Game.
It took a few more months to start and finish the second game. In between Adventures and Resolve I played Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, and some others so I had a healthy break. I came back to play Resolve and finished it like two months ago. It hit me in the gut just as hard as the first game did although there are a great many things I'd tweak and do differently. But Herlock Sholmes... man, he's not my favorite but he's up there underneath Kazuma and Van Zieks.
Anyhow, I finished the game but the hyperfixation had started and would not let me go. I've never been one to go out and seek fanfiction due to... personal stuff but I had a feeling I didn't want to go probe the depths of AO3 yet for fear of crying. I started a graveyard shift at my job which severely limited my ability to talk with people about stuff and also there's so many major spoilers but very few people I knew had played the game. A thought occurred to me, however. What about Sherlock Holmes audiobooks? I have an auditory processing issue which has made listening to audiobooks hard but I decided to give it a go. Perhaps it would satiate the TGAA hyperfixation hunger.
I found the ones produced by Magpie Audio, expertly narrated by Greg Wagland. Go check him out, he has over 77 videos of Sherlock Holmes audiobook recordings and all of them are a minimum of 40 minutes, often times far more. I went through over 30 hours of audiobook in a few weeks listening to these. Sherlock Holmes is such a good character and I can understand how and why he took late Victorian England by storm. And you know what the best part is?
Herlock Sholmes is the most faithful adaptation I have personally seen as a character of the original Sherlock Holmes.
They got so many of Sherlock's little idiosyncrasies right and you can tell the entire team were genuine fans of the books. I listened to Mr. Wagland's narration *and I saw 221B Baker of the games*. Especially the jack knife impaling the communications to the mantle being referenced in the game? The sheer mess of the flat? It's so good!
My roommate (whom is also a Sherlock Holmes fan) noticed my newest hyper fixation that spawned off of TGAA and that reignited his Sherlock Holmes obsession. He was a fan of the BBC Sherlock and now recognizes it was not a very great show but it's a comfort media for him nonetheless. He just dragged me into rewatching it and... okay, it's playing into a lot of inaccurate Sherlock tropes I don't like but goddamn Martin Freeman carries the whole show. I love his John Watson because it feels like a reasonable version of a modern, younger Watson. He feels real in a way. I do like the fact that even in the first episode, it's established that John and Sherlock can make each other laugh and smile just like in the books. I don't forgive them calling Sherlock a sociopath, however (speaking as someone with a brother that has been diagnosed with being a high-fuctioning sociopath). He's AuDHD to the max and deserves recognition in that department.
All of this to say, I can trace my current Sherlock hyperfixation back to Mega Man. Finding Mega Man in 4th grade led to watching the Ace Attorney anime in late 2021 which led to playing The Great Ace Attorney and that led to listening to Sherlock Holmes. I don't know why I decided to make this post but maybe I might start live blogging this shit? All in all, this is going to be a wild ride.
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shinozaki-ayumi · 3 months
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This is something that I was thinking about myself but I didn't really want to write about it on Twitter (Kedwin follows me so I feel a little guilty for being negative on there, I know that's a bit dumb but whatever lol), so I guess I'll spill my thoughts on here.
Anyway I really hope there's a lot more to the premise of DD than they've given us so far because "seeking social media fame" is just so bland... I appreciate the setup of Blood Covered because it establishes a lot in from the get-go about both the characters themselves (and how they feel about each other) and the story's major themes (coping with loss and change, in particular). It gives the story solid ground to build up from, like:
Ayumi's guilt stemming from "I just wanted to keep us together as friends and instead I got you all killed"
Mayu's death feeling especially awful since the whole situation was started in an attempt to make her feel better, and she yet dies first/in the most gruesome way
Kind of a sick irony that the survivors are definitely closer with each other by the end of it all than they were at the start, so in a roundabout way the charm "worked" when it comes to keeping them together
So I'm hoping we get some more robust thematic/character buildup other than "streamer does a challenge to up her subscriber count."
There's also been comparisons floating around about how it's just the modern equivalent of the Sachiko ritual spreading via blog sites in the 2000s and I actually agree with that! Paranormal phenomena going viral on the internet is completely rooted in reality and I've watched my fair share of YouTube videos reviewing/debunking "paranormal" TikTok content myself lol. But even then, Naho's motivations were still in line with the overall themes of the story. Her goal wasn't to find fame, it was to stay close to Kibiki -- and, like Ayumi, she got the people she cared about killed instead (Kibiki, Sayaka, etc.).
Anyway all of this is just a really long-winded way to say, I really really hope the story previews we're being given are extremely simplified and that the starting incident isn't JUST "I want subscribers." I want these characters to be emotionally invested in their relationships with each other and I want to watch them suffer for it lol. Maybe there could be some turmoil over prioritizing internet fame/validation over genuine, real life relationships? So the opposite of Ayumi's good intentions, basically. I just hope a character with as unserious a vibe as Nemu can be taken that seriously lol.
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emillyverse · 3 months
This is not an update to the Comic, but it still has something to do with it !!!
(call it a little gift for the Wish Rewrite and KoW fandom)
Hello my little stars! How are you?
I mentioned in the last post in the series that I would be traveling for a week or two and that's why I wouldn't be working. Well I'm still traveling Lmao.
It's been a lot of fun, I'm visiting my Prince Charming and family, both of whom I haven't been to in a long time. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about KoW and Wish's Concept Arts. Disney sealed the fate of its fan artists by discarding so much good material, now they are embedded in our minds and we will not be able to rest until we see them realized. This is crazy but it's beautiful to see how much these discarded concepts generated creative potential in the fandom.
Because of all this I couldn't help but make some small sketches! And well, I came to show them here. They are not sketches of Comic panels, but they have something to do with it and I will show the photos and explain how.
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This first one, very faded, are Magnificent and Amable's clothes (designed by @uva124, for the characters in @annymation's rewrite of Wish "The Kingdom of Wishes"). The drawings that Aled did are very complex, I don't judge her for that, in fact I thank her, she gave beautiful clothes to the centuries-old Disney villains and they are perfect. I really wish I could draw them with all the details, but I will do everything by hand, alone and seeking a minimally professional quality (I want to be a comic artist/book illustrator one day. This comic is my first step Lmao, and I want to do something that conveys the best I can give at the moment), so I need to make some things easier for myself. The costumes are one of those things.
" Better something simple and well done than complex and poorly done." — This is my motto for this Comic and for my life.
The next sketches are related to aesthetics. I've been watching a lot of "Analyzing the Art" videos of some Disney films and I was inspired to adopt some "Disney Style" features in my arts for this comic (not everything obviously, because I don't want to be sued by Disney lmao).
What you'll see next is me trying to mix this influence with my own style in some KoW character sketches.
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(this last art specifically references a meme in which @rascalentertainments tagged me, Thanks for that, by the way! <3 )
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(credits to the artist, I don't know who it is because I was just tagged in this meme and I was busy So I didn't look for more information, but I'll leave the post link and you can check the official credits)
Speaking of aesthetics. Anny received Chiara's aesthetic from someone — the north star, "daughter of Aster", created by his magic at the very end of Anny's fanfic. This Aesthetic inspired me to create an aesthetic for Asha and Aster too and these were the results:
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What's your favorite?
Lmao, It took a lot of work to make Aster's. There are almost no things for "starboys" on Pinterest.
I'm leaving this up to you to share as you wish, consider it a gift to the fandom!
Lastly, I want to say that the artistic analysis videos They also inspired me to put together a moodboard for KoW and I'll be leaving it here. Not even Anny and Aled know about this and I can't wait to see their reactions! I wish I could print this painting and leave it on the wall, but unfortunately I don't have a printer T-T.
This moodboard is helping me with the artistic direction of colors, style and is a visual motivation to stay active at work.
I hope you like it too!
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That's it for today, it's already midnight in Brazil and I should be sleeping instead of posting crazy things on the internet. I'm going to tag my friends and go to sleep, Lmao.
Kisses full of light and stars!
~ Emy
@wings-of-sapphire @flicklikesstuff @frogcoven88 @chillwildwave @gracebethartacc @gracebethartacc @kstarsarts @oh-shtars Come and get your therapies after the anguish caused by certain publications by Anny!
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agentplutonium · 10 months
"After a Long Day" Headcanons
I'm bored, sick, and thinking about a brief conversation that me and @penncilkid had the other night, so here's a list of different redacted bois coming home after a long day.
I'm not gonna do all the redacted bois, but here are the ones that are in this post: Milo, Asher, David, and Guy
Milo is always about physical contact. He usually uses this tactic for when Sweetheart is working too hard, but he loves being able to hold his mate close at any moment. When he's had a hard shift, he wouldn't even say anything to Sweetheart before dragging them to the couch and trapping them there. This always amuses Sweetheart. They would spend this time talking at to Milo, finding any way to kiss any part of him. There would be nothing going on, just Sweetheart's soft voice, their hands and lips against his skin, and the love that he feels for them.
Asher seeks out comfort foods when he gets home from a long day. Baabe would help prepare said food (most of it was junk, or things that he would make with his family, but it didn't matter to Baabe what it was as long as it helped.) After the things were made, they would build a nest in the living room and settle in it to play games for hours on end. They would eat, laugh, and make stupid bets while playing games just for the fun of it.
David is a tough guy, and he usually won't admit when he's tired after a long day. However, when he gets home and is just a little bit more clingy than usual, Angel usually catches on. This is where they would start to do damage control, complaining about how tired they were, and how much their coworkers got on their nerves, and "will you cuddle with me?"s until David 'gives in' because he'd do anything for his Angel. This was the first part of their plan. Angel would then get David to lie down in their lap so they'd be able to play with his hair. David would protest half-heartedly, but he never won the fight. Angel moved on to the third part of the plan, putting on a series of YouTube videos that they watched regularly and turned the volume down so it was just background noise. They would run their fingers through his hair, and David would slowly relax and close his eyes. Sometimes he'd fall asleep like that. Angel never did tease him for when he was like this, but they did take pride in the fact that he could help them relax.
Guy would usually be the opposite of how he normally acts, which is Honey's first clue to how his day went. When he's had a long day, it's usually because he had a lot of deliveries/customers and was just human'd out for the day. Honey would ask him point-blank if he wanted to have their presence or not. If he said no, Honey would give him a kiss before sending him to bed, telling him they were there if they needed him. They would get made fun of for being so soft, but he still listened. If he did want them to stick around, the two of them would end up on the couch tangled together watching one of their shows. Honey would be running their hands along his body in a soothing manner, sometimes running their fingers into his hair, but there would be no talking. There would be no expectation of conversation, or jokes, or anything like that. Guy appreciated it more than anything being able to just exist like that.
anyway that's all from me :D i hope you guys enjoyed this cause idk it was fun for me. i might do more like this in the future ngl.
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dragonydreams · 1 month
No Crisis, Only Calm (Redux) - Buck & May
Title: No Crisis, Only Calm (Redux) Fandom: 9-1-1 Rating: General Audience Pairings/Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley & May Grant Tags: mentions Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard, Coming Out, TV show recs, pseudo sibling bonding Summary: May shares with Buck the magic of Heartstopper after Buck tells her about his date with Tommy. Timeline: post 7x05 Word Count: 1,633 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Reamworks, Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Television, and 20th Century Fox Television. Betas: Thank you to @medieshanachie for looking this over for me. Author's Note: This idea popped into my head after seeing an article about Heartstopper S3.
Author's Note 2: I wasn't satisfied with the first version of this story so I reformatted it and expanded it. I'm much happier with this now and hope you enjoy it too.
Read on AO3
Are you on shift?
The text popped up on Buck's phone and he couldn't help smiling at it. He didn't hear from May as much since she'd started college, but she has been checking in more since the lightning.
Not today, Buck responded. What's up?
His phone lit up with May's face as he was alerted that he had an incoming video call. He immediately accepted. 
"Why were you being weird Saturday night?" May asked before he could even say hello.
Buck did a wonderful impression of a fish as he stared wide-eyed at May. He nervously licked his lips before he asked, "What do you know about Saturday night?"
"Eddie texted me to ask if I knew why you were acting weird."
"Why would he ask you that?"
"That's what I said!" May exclaimed. 
"And it took you a week to follow up with me?"
May rolled her eyes. "I had classes.  And study groups. And homework. So much homework."
"Well, Eddie and I have talked since then and he now knows why I was acting weird," Buck said, hoping to end this conversation. It wasn't that he didn't want May to know about Tommy. He actually kinda wanted to shout from the roof to tell everyone about him.
"...and?" she prompted. 
Buck took a moment to decide if he wanted to tell her. He hadn't told Bobby yet, but he could trust May not to gossip. If he asked her not to, at least.
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering. "When I saw Eddie, I was on a date. With a man. But I was caught off guard and reacted badly."
"Since when do you date men?" May asked. 
"Since Saturday," Buck said, wincing slightly.
"OMG, was he your bi-awakening?" May squealed, excitedly.
"I suppose you could call it that," Buck admitted. "He kissed me the Thursday before our date and it felt like the whole world came into focus." He could feel himself grinning like an idiot as he remembered the kiss.
"How far down the research hole did you fall after?" 
"Not very, if you can believe it."
"I'm having trouble believing that," May teased.
"I know, it's very not me. Then again, so is being into men." He paused to think about what he'd just said. "Although, I guess that is me, now."
While he'd been speaking, May was obviously looking something up on her phone. 
"In that case, go watch this," a text with a link popped up for a trailer, "and then call me back."
Buck clicked on the link after May hung up on him and watched the clip about two teenage boys in England falling for each other - one was gay and the other was bi. Apparently it was based on a graphic novel. 
As soon as Buck finished watching he called May back. "How did I not know about this?"
"Because you weren't seeking out queer YA shows?" May suggested. "But you should watch. The episodes are only like half an hour each."
"I guess I know how I'm spending the rest of my day."
Buck watched May look away briefly and bit her lip before meeting his eyes again. "Want some company while you watch?"
Buck blinked back the sudden moisture in his eyes. 
"Yeah, I think I'd like that."
"I can be there in an hour. With ice cream," she said.
"I'll be here."
"I'll see you soon," May said before ending the call.
Buck stared at the phone for a minute, moved by May's offer to share this show, which she obviously enjoyed, with him.
Buck was sitting at the kitchen table when there was a knock on the door 58 minutes after he'd hung up with May. Now that May was going to introduce him to this show about a bi-awakening, as she'd called it, he was curious about what else was out there. 
He'd found the expected "Could I be gay?" quizzes, but he already knew the answer to that question. He still loved women, but he was also definitely attracted to men. Which made him bisexual, or pan, but he thought bisexual was the right word for him.
He went to open the door and May was grinning at him as she held up the bag with ice cream in it. 
"You know, I don't think I've ever actually been here before," May said as Buck held the door open for her. "This is nice."
Buck blinked as he closed the door and realized that she was right. "Well then, it's about time. It's a loft so the tour will be quick. This is the kitchen, bathroom is over there," he pointed to a closed door next to the stairs, "bedroom is in the loft, and living room is this way." He led her through to the room in question.
May took the ice cream out of the bag and noticed that Buck had already set out a couple of spoons and glasses of water. The show was pulled up on the TV, just waiting for them.
As she made herself at home on the couch with one of the pints of ice cream, May said, "So, tell me more about this guy that turned your world upside down."
Buck felt his cheeks heating up as he settled next to her with the other pint. "Well, Tommy's a firefighter with Harbor. A pilot. He's actually the one that flew us to rescue your mom and Bobby."
"Hold up," May said, sitting up from her slouch and holding out her hand. "You don't mean Tommy Kinard?" 
"Uh, yeah," Buck confirmed. 
"Damn, Buckley. He's fine," May said. "I mean, he's old enough to be my dad, but damn."
Buck felt his face flush again as he couldn't help but agree. "Yeah, he is." 
"So how did you go from him helping to rescue Mom and Bobby to him kissing you?" May asked as she settled back.
"Well, uh, I guess both Eddie and I wanted to get to know Tommy better after he helped with the rescue. Those two started spending a lot of time together and I guess I got kinda jealous. Like Eddie was replacing me? But also because he was spending all this time with Tommy. Things got a little out of hand at this pickup basketball game and I got Eddie hurt. Later that night Tommy came over to tell me that he wasn't trying to come between me and Eddie and I told him that I just really wanted to get to know him better. That trying to get his attention was exhausting and then he kissed me." 
Buck took a big bit of ice cream after he finished word vomiting all over May. 
"Wow," she said. "That was a lot."
"Oh, and after making sure I was okay with the kiss he asked me out for Saturday."
"And you didn't spiral after that kiss?" May asked. "That seems like something that would cause you to spiral."
"Yeah, I was kinda surprised about that myself," Buck admitted. "But it was more like a puzzle piece finally turning the right way to fit in a hole in a larger puzzle. Everything just felt right. Settled in a way that I've never been in my life before." 
"That sounds wonderful," May said, in awe.
"It is. Of course then Eddie and Marisol showed up at the restaurant Tommy took us to on Saturday and I was so surprised that I went all dudebro and told Eddie we were just two guys hanging out and were gonna go pick up some hot chicks later."
"You. Did. Not."
"Oh, I did. Tommy was not amused and instead of going to a movie after dinner he got an Uber home by himself. Just left me in front of the restaurant."
"Can't say I really blame him," May said. 
"Neither could I. But I told Eddie and he convinced me to call Tommy. Luckily he agreed to meet me for coffee and I invited him to be my date at Maddie's wedding."
May's eyes widened. "You're bringing him as your date to your sister's wedding? Way to come out to everyone at once."
Buck shrugged. "This is who I am. It shouldn't matter if I want to bring a man as my date instead of a woman. I'm happy and that's all that should matter. If anyone has a problem with that, that's on them, not me."
"I am loving this attitude," May said. "And you're right. It doesn't matter."
"Just, uh, I haven't told Bobby yet, so for now can you not say anything? I'd rather he find out with everyone else."
"Of course. So just me and Eddie know?"
"Maddie knows, too. It was kind of an accident, but she does know. I let the pronoun slip when I was talking about my interrupted date to her."
"How'd she take the news?"
"You know Maddie, she was totally supportive. Surprised, but supportive. Eddie, too."
"And now me," May said. "Thank you for sharing this with me."
"Thank you for sharing this," he gestured to the television, "with me."
"Is that your way of telling me you're talked out?" May teased.
"Yes, but I also want to see this show," Buck said.
"Then let's watch. It's been a while since I did a re-watch," May said. 
"How many times have you seen it?" Buck asked.
"A couple," May answered. "It's a really sweet story. Lots of good queer representation."
"Is this your way of trying to tell me something?" Buck tentatively asked.
"No, I just like watching all kinds of love stories, not just heterosexual ones," May said. "But thank you for asking."
"Anytime," Buck said. 
He grabbed the remote and hit play.
Link to trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrK4xPy4ahg
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dawnofdiscovery · 5 months
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Heya People! How are you? I'm here to recommend some Tmnt fanfics! (Mainly crossover because that's what I'm looking for the most, I don't know if I'll do this correctly)
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ Crossover 🐢
the question is violence and the answer is pizza by @shoppingcartshells
Summary :
Another one of those crossover stories, wherein the 2012 turtles are all grown up and the 2018 turtles are troubled teens determined to give them gray scales
Chapters: 32 ( not yet finished )
Tots and Interdimensional Space Portals
I don't know if the author has Tumblr but if so please tell me
Summary :
In a last-ditch effort to save his brother when faced with a possibly life-ending weapon, Leonardo threw himself in front of Michelangelo to protect him from the oncoming blast of an advanced Kraang device, not expecting to walk away from the shot unharmed. What Leo hadn’t anticipated happening was being thrown into an opening portal and sent halfway across the multiverse only to be found by four familiar but much younger turtles.
Chapters: 24 ( not yet finished )
The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin by @melonpalooza
Summary :
The Last Ronin survives the fight with Oroku Hiroto. He didn't expect that. He no longer can hear his brothers, and it makes him just a little bit lonely. One day, he finds an old laptop left behind by his late brother. On it is a single messaging platform, filled to the brim with other turtles from other dimensions. They were just like his brothers, yet so different…
Why did his brother make such an invention? For what purpose did he intend for it? And why do these kids keep trying to get him to open up?
Chapters: 44 ( not yet finished )
( The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin also crossovers with other fanfics )
Ghost in the Shell by @bluepeachstudios
Summary :
In one universe, 2003 Donatello disappears from his brother's lives, which leads to the Shredder's takeover and the death of the remaining turtles.
In another, 2003 Donatello appears, and spends 10 years trying to find a way home. Then he sees something he can't imagine; an alternate version of him, Splinter, and his brothers, seeking shelter in the sewers.
Chapters: 31 ( concluded )
( Ghost in the Shell also crossovers with other fanfics )
Double Rainbow (Beyond Space and Time) by @alicat54c @bluepeachstudios
Summary :
When Ultimate Draco sends the turtles across time and space, Splinter meets four little turtles and decides to take them home with him. The boys are delighted by their new little sisters.
Tmnt 2003 xover with Empathy is Learned
Chapters: 20 ( concluded )
Purple Squared by @alicat54c @bluepeachstudios
Summary :
Ghost finds Dannie and his little brothers wandering alone in the sewers after the death of their Splinter, and takes them home with him.
Crossover of Ghost in the Shell by AmevelloBlue and A Different Eldest Brother by alicat54c
Chapters: 20 ( not yet finished )
Connect Four
I don't know if the author has Tumblr but if so please tell me
Summary :
In which a fight goes wrong, but doesn't go catastrophically wrong, and the 2003!turtles find themselves in the Rise Universe. A lot of fluff and family bonding follows.
Two Souls by @virgilisspidey
Summary :
Leo was never lonely.
Sure he has his pops and his brothers and his best friend sister April, but he also has someone else he's known almost all his life.
He's a mutant turtle too, and for some reason, only he can see him.
It's alright, it's not like he wanted to share him anyways.
A rewrite of some of the episodes where 2012 Leo is connected to Rise Leo's soul and acts like a weird imaginary friend
[Part of the Mama Leo Series.]
Cross Dimension Kidnapping (with pics)
by @aealzx
Summary :
After spending some time harassing John Bishop's successor, keeping her from progressing with interdimensional experiments, a message is sent to Raphael (03) claiming that Agent Augustine has custody of his three brothers. Except Don is there watching the video message with him, and only one of the three mutant turtles shown on screen are related to them.
Originally posted on tumblr, short chapter format
Chapters: 27 ( not yet finished )
shaking the latch
I don't know if the author has Tumblr but if so please tell me
Summary :
Yoshi was getting quite tired of running, honestly.
Only a few months out of Draxum's lab, Rise!Splinter finds himself once again among strangers who nevertheless look suspiciously familiar
Chapters: 10 ( not yet finished )
Too Many Turtles by @dysfunctional-doodle
Summary :
In universe 2003, Donnie tries to experiment with the inter dimensional gun the 1987 turtles had given him. Instead, he accidentally creates a multiversal chat room for many different versions of his brothers, and counting.
It certainly makes life…interesting.
TLDR: multiverse group chat between most iterations of the turtles. Starts with 2003, 2012 and 2018 but more are added as I go. 50% plot and 50% chaos.
*now includes the 87 and mutant mayhem boys!*
Chapters: 24 ( not yet finished )
Wedding Bells and Magic Portals by @melonpalooza
Summary :
It had been ten years since they had lost Splinter, the patriarch of their family. But now the Hamato Clan was celebrating new beginnings, including a marriage and the upcoming birth of the next generation. Things never go to plan, though, and the Hamato brothers find themselves in an alternate dimension. Again. Oh, sewer apples.
Chapters: 7 ( concluded )
interdimensional minecraft
( I hope that one day it will return )
Summary :
Another crossover chatfic between the tmnt universes where they teach other how to be a healthy family, except its only some of them, and none of them know its their siblings from another universe, let alone know their acting as a family therapist for each other.
Chapters: 12 ( not yet finished )
Well, I think that's it for now 🤔 I have a few more but as I haven't read them yet I don't know if I should post them or not, I know that some of the ones above are already very well known, but there's no reason not to give them more love, right? Then that's it! Maybe I'll update more when I read the ones I saved (or maybe if some of you want to see it anyway)
( please let me know if you have any errors )
Bye Bye Manos ☄️🐢
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Hi! I saw you wanted some JonDami idea sooo:
• First time they hold hands
• First time Damian felt safe enough to fall asleep on Jon
• Discussing baby name when still in high school (which I did lmao)
• Seeking help from their siblings on how to ask the other in a date
• Eloping right out of high school to get married because they're idiots in love
• First kiss!! How did I forget that!!
• During patrol while high on adrenaline or maybe they were at the farm relaxing under the sunset or after playing video games and laughing with each other!
• One of my soft favourite to picture: leaning on each other, forehead against forehead or cheek against cheek, just existing and feeling the other's warmth
I have ton of other ideas and some hc but I think it's enough rn lol
Thx u byye!!
LET'S DO IT. (assume all ages are 16+ I guess, idk does it matter?)
First time they hold hands: pre-romance. Jon's powers shorted out and he fell outta the sky. Damian caught him by his hand just in time, and when he pulled him to safety he just...didn't let go. Jon noticed but didn't say a WORD.
First Time Damian fell asleep on him: Probably right after the relationship started/became official. They'd both had a rough hero week and Damian had been on edge just, forever. So they sit against a wall in the cave and one second they're sitting there in silence and the next, Damian's dropping against his shoulder already konked out. Jon panics for half a second but then Dick sees them and says 'He only sleeps when he feels safe.' and those words shake Jon to his core.
Baby names: This is all Jon. Jon just starts rambling about it one day. "How would we honor both our cultures? Or do we at all? Do we go with an -El name, or a name from your mom's side or just call him Bob?" Damian is endeared for a while but quickly gets so fucking annoyed because every name is more ridiculous than the last.
Siblings help: Jon obviously asks Kon and Kon is SO. JACKED. TO. HELP. He hesitates a little when he finds out it's Damian but, honestly, the kid is at least alright. Damian, much to the Kents surprise, does NOT ask Dick or even Tim. He consults Cass first, who asks Steph to standby as she gives her advice, and Jason, for reasons mentioned in previous asks in that he's a sucker for a classic romance novel so, clearly, he is An Expert.
Eloping: Honestly? Yes. And it happens at the same time one of them (I'm thinking Jon) says I love you for the first time. The other reciprocates (Damian) and one of them (Jon) sarcastically says 'really? well damn let's just go get married right now.' and Damian just goes. "Okay." and.......................they do. Maya officiates, Kathy is the witness, and the only family in attendance is the pets. (Goliath is flower girl)
First kiss: First kiss is at a Wayne Holiday gala/Justice League xmas party not long after they started dating and the end up under mistletoe. They do the hesitant peck thing first but then oh boy they like it and mmmmmm Clark and Bruce might have to rethink allowing sleepovers anymore.
Chillin': Jon gets so entranced when Damian laughs he literally just stops functioning. He will stop and stare and was even caught drooling a little bit once. (by Jason, no less.) If he's with Damian/it's just them, if Damian's laughing, he'll start laughing and just pull Damian as close as he can and they just keep laughing together.
SOFT FOREHEADS: There's some world-ending situation and they've been separated for most, if not all, of it. The day is saved and they're finally reunited on a rooftop somewhere. And they run desperately at each other but when they reach, they know the whole League is watching them and Damian's not big on PDA (and tbh neither is Jon, if only for protective reasons) so they just grab each other's hands and stare deep into each other's eyes until one of them well up with tears and closes his eyes and they just ~gentle forehead touch~
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