#I do think it’s really cute that she wants to listen to Christmas metal music specifically
dnd-shithouse · 2 years
I’m gonna say something so evil and controversial!!
If I knew Glenn in real life, I would despise him.
Not because he lets his son smoke pot, or because he is an absent dad or even because he likes Disney world.
I’d hate him because he plays Christmas Rock music.
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ravenromanova · 1 year
What dating them would be like:
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Hi! i just wanted to do this little blurb for what i think it would be like to date Wanda, Bucky or Nat :) I will be posting soon once this cold goes the fuckkkkk away! Anyways i love y’all and i hope you have a good day! ❤️🖤
What dating Bucky would be like ✪:
~ He didn’t admit he had feelings for you til he got drunk one night on Thors asgardian mead. So when he did admit it he was slurring his words and stumbled over his feet. But when he got the words out it was the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard.
~ Once he was sober the next day he re-said his words to you and properly asked you out with breakfast in bed.
~ He likes when you really aloud stories from the 40’s to him.
~ Loves when you braid or just play with his hair.
~ Always has to be touching you in some way (ie: Holding your hand, His hand on your thigh, Gently brushing against you etc)
~ He takes you in a date night every friday unless he has a mission or vice versa.
~ He is extremely overprotective of you out in public and on missions.
~ Always tends to your wounds before his.
~Impromptu dancing in the living room to 40’s music.
~ Asks you to help him polish his metal arm.
~OBSESSED with your thighs and tits.
~ Has a mommy kink that comes out after a long and hard mission.
~ Loves to confess his love for you whenever he can.
~ Adores your smile and laugh.
~You’re the only one he will listen to on the field.
~ Major dominance kink!
~ Loves calling you endearing nicknames (Doll, Sweetheart, Sugar, Peach, Babydoll, Sweets, Love, Baby, Honey, Princess)
~ Speaks to you in russian even though you don’t understand it.
~ He is the only one ‘allowed’ to train with you other then the girls on the team (a male agent got too close for comfort one time)
~ Helps you through your panic attacks by wrapping you in a blanket and holding you close while whispering words of affirmation in your ear.
~ Buys you little things that make him think of you.
~ Always comes home with flowers for you.
~ When your sick he makes you chicken noodle soup and babies you til you feel better.
~ Takes care of you on your period (runs you a bubble bath, gets you a heating pad, cuddles you etc)
~ Loves dressing up with you for halloween.
What dating Wanda would be like ᗢ:
~ She asked you out after she saw you flirt with Maria hill at one of Tony’s parties. She took you outside and confessed her love for you underneath the moonlight.
~ She loves to watch sitcoms with you and relive her childhood.
~ Tells you stories of her growing up and what life was like in her country.
~ She is always cooking and she makes some of the best things you’ve ever had.
~ Loves to play with your hair while you’re cuddling.
~ Will use her magic to calm you if you’re having a bad day, nightmare etc.
~ Is quick to defend you if you mess up even if it’s your fault.
~ Checks up on you regularly on comms during missions.
~ Calls you nicknames in russian and english all the time.
~ When you’re having a bad day she turns on your favorite movie,gives you hot chocolate and cuddles you til you fall asleep.
~ Takes you on mini dates throughout the week.
~ When your sick she makes you chicken paprikash, Gives you medicine regardless of your protests, Makes you your favorite dessert to cheer you up.
~ Loves to shower you in affection and gifts.
~ Gets really excited when you ask her to decorate for christmas.
~ Bought you a kitten for your six month anniversary just because the kitten was cute.
~ Uses her magic to soothe your cramps on your period along with running you a bath, making your favorite meal and endless cuddles.
~ Tries to convince you to stay in bed all day everyday.
~ Is in love with your boobs (she uses them as a stress reliever)
~ Is a soft dom but when you make her made that’s when she gets really dominant.
~ Asks to do matching couples costumes for halloween.
What dating Natasha would be like ⧗:
~ She asked you out after you got hurt on a mission where you nearly died and told you she couldn’t bear the thought of you dying without knowing how she feels about you.
~ Hated physical touch until she met you.
~ Teaches you russian so you two can have private conversations.
~ Won’t let you go on a mission if she isn’t there just in case you get hurt.
~ Shoots daggers through her eyes if someone gets to close.
~ Extremely protective of you.
~ Got you a german shepherd to help with your mental health.
~ Would rather cuddle and stay in bed then do any work.
~ When you’re having a panic attack she wraps herself around you and plays with your hair while telling you how much she loves you.
~ She loves to be lovey dovey with you at all times which takes everyone off guard all the time.
~ Asks you to show her all your favorite movies even if they are stupid.
~ Treats you like a princess when you’re sick or on your period.
~ Tells you everyday that she plans on marrying you.
~ Takes you on motorcycle rides at night to look at the moon and stars together.
~ Bought an apartment six months after y’all were together so you two could have your own space.
~ Loves cooking for you even though she’s not the best (like at all)
~ Asks you to take ballet lessons with her.
~ MAJOR mommy kink that you found out about after you accidentally called her that and she went feral.
~ Is surprisingly really dominant in bed.
~ Braids your hair for you before missions.
~ Takes you on a date every saturday.
~ Had you meet her other family a year after dating just in case they scared you off.
~ Literally cannot be away from you at all.
~ Thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in the world and never fails to let you know.
~ Likes to take you hiking in secluded areas so it’s just you two.
Hi babies! I’m so sorry i haven’t actually posted anything in a while. I got hit with major writers block and then i got really sick and i’m still recovering. But i swear i will have the next part of “is it really you?” out soon along with a bunch of other fun stuff! Thank you so much for being so patient with me. I love y’all so much 🖤❤️
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
If you feel like doing more HotR, could you do a Christmas (or any other family event) scene? I had a thought of Ben having a huge family Christmas for the first time in his life and it made me feel some type of way
Ohhhh, that’s such a cute and sweet idea. I ended up not going for Christmas, because the idea of a Thanksgiving meal occurred to me and wouldn’t let go. This is SO DOMESTIC. Codywan with a lot of family feels.
Ben had tried to cook a meal on Thanksgiving precisely once in his life, while in college and sharing an apartment with Quin. They’d attempted to cook a turkey in their oven, promising to handle the stuffing and potatoes, as well. Luminara and Bant were each supposed to bring other dishes, he could no longer recall exactly what.
None of them had succeeded.
Some of the resulting food had been, at least, edible. Much of it had not.
They’d eaten stale cereal with milk while sitting around and watching a football game, instead.
It was a good memory, in the end. Something they laughed about together. And Ben had never tried to cook anything like that, again. Qui-Gon had never been interested in such things growing up. He said it always ended up being a waste, and that true thankfulness had nothing to do with cooking too much food or overeating.
And so, really, Ben wasn’t expecting anything when he woke up on the last Thursday in November, tucked in close to Cody in the new bed they’d bought a month ago, tired of trying to wedge into Cody’s little twin.
Technically, he mostly noted Thanksgiving because it meant he didn’t have to work and could, allegedly, sleep in. But Cody was always up early. Cattle didn’t take holidays, after all, and Ben was generally up when Cody rose, after sharing a bed with him for a few months, and so he was sitting at the table in the pre-dawn light when Cody put a cup of tea in front of him and said, “Eat a big breakfast this morning, we won’t eat again until late.”
“Hm?” Ben asked, tilting his face up, and got a kiss in answer.
“I’ll be back,” Cody said, brushing a kiss to his forehead, as well, before zipping up his coat and disappearing through the door. “You finish waking up.”
Ben nodded, drank his tea, and pulled out his books to make some headway on his final paper; not due for weeks yet, but it was a huge project. By the time Cody came back, cold clinging to him, he’d gotten most of his work done and grinned, standing to pull Cody into a hug, murmuring, “How about you let me warm you up properly, hm?”
Cody grinned against his mouth, slid his cold hands up under Ben’s shirt, and said, “Later. We’ll warm each other up. Come on, get dressed. We’re about to start the cooking.”
And it was only then that Ben really, truly, recalled that most people around the country did something for the holiday. “Ah,” he said, with a little grimace, thinking about the delicious food that Jango and Val managed to produce on a regular basis, “I really can’t cook.”
Cody snorted, thumbs brushing over his skin, and said, “We know. That’s alright. Anyone can cut up vegetables. Come on.”
Which was how Ben ended up standing in the kitchen in the main house, which had been cleared of all chairs, the counters and table stacked with meat, vegetables, and large metal baskets.
“Here,” Cody said, nudging Ben between Wooley and Echo, “just cut whatever mom tells you to chop. I have to go check the pit.”
“The pit?” Ben asked, but Cody was already heading out the back door. Echo was involved in an animated conversation with Fives, and Wooley was humming along to whatever music playing through his earbuds, and so Ben just shrugged, took the yams he was handed, and started peeling and chopping them.
The parade was playing on repeat in the other room, the television turned so that everyone working around the table could kind of see it, and Ben fell to talking with Boba and Ahsoka - also contributing by chopping vegetables - as Val and Jango did something with what appeared to be a bunch of chicken over by the counters.
It wasn’t until Fox - and Ben had only met the man the night before - brought over a basket lined with aluminum foil and started putting the vegetables in, that Ben thought to ask, “What are we cooking, anyway?”
Fox blinked across at him. Despite having only met in person the previous day, Ben felt like he knew Fox well enough. They’d spoken often throughout his court cases, after all.
“Dinner,” Fox said.
“It’s a hāngi,” Boba said, tossing yams into the basket. “Mom and dad only do them for special occasions. You missed the one in July. Just put the vegetables in, you’ll see, it’s really good.”
And that was that. Ben helped load up the vegetables, and carried one of the baskets out through the back door when instructed, over to what appeared to be a pit, well back from the house.
Cody and Wolf - who had also flown in the night before - were standing over the pit, which was radiating heat, leaning on shovels. A large pile of ash sat to one side, and Cody’s pants were covered with it. Jango and Val reached the pit first, and Ben watched as baskets were lowered in, one after another, meat first followed by the vegetables.
Cody covered the food with blankets before he and Wolf grabbed up their shovels again and started burying the whole thing.
Ben lingered to watch, smiling when Cody finished and stepped over to kiss him sweetly. “Now what?” Ben asked, since he’d just watched them bury dinner.
“Now it cooks for a few hours,” Cody said, nuzzling back against his jaw. Cody no longer felt cold, but he’d been, apparently, standing by a fire pit and doing manual labour. “And then we eat it.”
“No,” Fives said, bounding up and pushing Cody’s shoulders before continuing on, “now we play football.”
Cody rolled his eyes and said, “That, too.” His expression grew more serious as he looked Ben up and down. “You don’t have to play.”
“I think there’ll be an uneven number of players, if I do,” Ben pointed out. It seemed handy, having twelve children if you wanted even teams for sporting events.
“Nah,” Rex said, arriving at a jog, “Ahsoka’s playing, so you have to, otherwise we’re a man down.”
Which was, he supposed, how they all ended up down in the field where Ahsoka still did the dog training classes, though the obstacles had all been cleared away, giving them lots of open space. The brothers agreed, after only a little arguing, that Fox and Wolf should get to be captains, to welcome them home, and the oldest set of twins quickly picked teams.
And Ben only realized that Cody thought he didn’t know how to play when Cody tugged him to one side - they were on the same team, which Boba had thought was hilarious - and said, “Just have fun, alright? We don’t play tackle anymore, and it isn’t a big deal who wins or loses.”
Ben stifled the smile that tried to curl across his lips at Cody - quite possibly one of the most competitive people he’d ever met - claiming that it didn’t matter who won or lost. He just nodded and said, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
And, when he got the ball, two plays into the game, he scrambled back, looked down field, and nailed Crys a few feet away from the line they’d designated the end zone. Crys caught the ball, shouted, laughing, dodged past Ponds, and took the two necessary steps before getting jumped on by half his brothers and buried.
Ben laughed, well back down the field, blood pumping fast with a swell of pleasure, and Cody grabbed him by his shoulders, turning him and pulling him into a kiss. “You!” Cody said, after a beat, pulling away from him. “You can--”
“Throw a football?” Ben suggested, kissing him again, briefly. “Indeed I can. Not as well as I could in highschool, but--”
Cody kissed him again, laughing against his mouth, and only quit when his brothers all gathered around to heckle them, insisting on getting back to the game. They chased one another around the field, grabbing for the rags tucked into belts, tossing the ball around, until Ben felt breathless and delighted, until Jango hollered for them from back towards the house.
Cody took his hand on the way back up the lane and led him around to the back of the house as many of the rest of his brothers flooded inside. Cody, Fox, Wolf, and Rex seemed to be on, well, unburying duty.
Ben watched them work for a moment, turning as Val stepped up to his side, offering him a beer, asking, “Good game?”
“Seemed to be,” Ben said, nodding his thanks and taking a long drink. It was cold, which felt good after all the activity. Despite the chilly temperatures, he was sweating all down his back, even with his coat thrown to one side.
“Good,” she said, and nudged him, “come inside and get cleaned up for dinner. Then you can come back and watch Cody, if you want.”
He snorted a laugh and followed her, scrubbing his hands clean over the kitchen sink, watching Cody through the window over the counter, listening to the family bicker about setting the table behind him and--
Swallowing, thickly, as his throat got tight all at once. He took the opportunity to splash water across his face, drying his skin even as cheers started going up, the brothers outside pulling the first of the baskets from the pit.
Ben shook himself and went to help out, bringing food inside, watching Val and Jango start dividing things up among all the different plates set around. It felt kind of like getting caught in a whirlwind of delicious smells and laughing people, all of it sorting itself out in the end with them clustered around the table, chairs all pressed together, wedged so close that Ben wondered, for a beat, if Cody were about to end up in his lap.
He didn’t, but it was a near thing.
The food smelled delicious, savory aromas filling up the room, chicken and some darker meat on his plate beside sweet potatoes, potatoes, cabbage, and what he thought might be pumpkin. The family talked and yelled and laughed through the meal, and Ben just...absorbed it, sat in the middle of it all and took it in, even as they finished and even as everyone pitched in to clean up.
“You’re quiet,” Cody said, much later, when all the work was done and they were back in their space, Ben toweling off his hair after a shower that he’d desperately needed.
“Mm?” Ben asked, tossing the towel into the hamper and shivering when Cody caught his hips, tugging him over to the bed, pressing a kiss low on his stomach.
“Today too much?” Cody asked, looking up at him, expression concerned, his hair still wet as well, curling up more from the moisture.
“No,” Ben said, leaning into his touch and threading his fingers back through Cody’s hair. He smiled, just a little, feeling his chest aching with an overabundance of contentment. “No,” he repeated, and sighed when Cody kissed his stomach again, “It was just enough.”
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ficclings · 4 years
Y/N - Reindeer Hybrid
Yoongi - Amur Leopard Hybrid.
A/N: I got super carried away with this and it was supposed to be up for Christmas but my brain shut down for a bit and it missed my own deadline. I haven’t proofread this but I wanted to get it out there. Again it’s a bulletfic as I’m terrified to write proper full fanfictions for KPop but I hope that you all enjoy it anyways. Please like or comment if you would...be...so kind to...
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Y/N always had a small aversion to Christmas.
This wasn’t because she despised the day or anything, it was how she was teased relentlessly because she was a Reindeer Hybrid.
She thankfully didn’t have giant antlers like the actual Reindeer; she could hide them with a hat whenever the season arrived.
She could handle herself with the comments but it was always appreciated when her best friend Hoseok stood up for her; his strong Stallion aura greatly intimidating when he needed it to be.
She often stayed at home during winter and worked on her computer, trying to look as if she was at all interested in what her colleagues were saying to her via their small little video chat.
Staying at home wasn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world but she did enjoy a couple of things.
She could go do things in her home like taking a break often and having a small nap whenever she started to get a headache from working too hard. 
Also, she got to listen to her neighbour.
Her neighbour was an amazing rapper and even though a lot of people would assume she liked musicals, she actually enjoyed rap and heavy metal the most; dabbling in a love for all Japanese music.
 He had the deepest voice she’d ever heard when it came to rap and sometimes he spoke so fast that it took her a moment to comprehend just what the hell had happened.
Y/N always wanted to sound an applause afterward but knew it would most likely be a little weird for him to suddenly hear the squeals of a mostly shut in Reindeer Hybrid.
He always practiced right as the afternoon started for a couple of hours and then she would hear nothing from him again until the next day at the same time.
Unknowingly, he became apart of her routine.
It was like having small daily concerts just for her and as each day passed she found herself gaining a little crush despite most of her knowledge of him came from listening to him through her bedroom wall and one small shared glance they had had with one another when she had just come back from gathering supplies for her Instax Camera.
He was about the same height as her with gorgeous fluffy black hair; bucket hat covering any indication on whether or not he was a Hybrid.
Dressed in all black with only one red tie to add colour, he looked like an absoloute dream to Y/N and she nearly walked right into her front door when she finally got a look at his eyes.
Wonderful dark eyes that held such sleepiness in them; something she found rather endearing.
The moment quickly ended though when she felt her face completely burn up and she hurried into the apartment, leaning against her closed door with a loud gasp of air as she tried to calm down her small panic.
He was there again.
Right by her wall, where she worked, rapping like he was born to do it and her hands immediately stopped typing.
She clambered over her bed and pressed her ear to the wall, smiling and her small tail tingled with excitement.
He added music?!
She clenched her fists tightly with such utter happiness; her mouth opening and before she knew it, she let out a great big “You’re so cool!”.
Y/N froze with wide eyes as the music stopped suddenly and the silence began to pound in her ears; fingers twitching and she curled up away from the wall.
Oh no, he’s talking to her.
His voice is so close to the wall that she couldn’t even pretend he wasn’t talking to her.
Y/N couldn’t bring herself to speak and she began to nervously pull at her right antler.
Then a knock at her front door just about made her heart drop to her feet.
Why did this situation have to arise? She’s so bloody awkward with social interactions!
“I know you’re in there Reindeer,” 
Oh that made her shiver for some reason and her tail twitched as she managed to get herself to move off her butt and open the door; eyes glued to the floor with red decorating her skin and if he could see that, he never mentioned it.
“Have you been listening to me?” 
She just nodded like one of those stupid bird desk toys.
Brilliant response.
Stunningly eloquent 
“What did you think?”
That one question allowed for a friendship to blossom between the two of you.
His name was Min Yoongi and he was a very lazy Amur Leopard Hybrid.
But a very handsome one.
One that made Y/N want to throw up in nervousness whenever they hung out, which was practically everyday despite her having to work whilst he lazed on her sofa and played on her Playstation.
It was one of those blinding crushes where if Y/N were in a cartoon a pink mist would be surrounding her and hearts and butterflies would dance around her face.
It really didn’t help that winter was also when her Reindeer side would go a bit loopy with hormones and would make her act like, just such a moron around Yoongi.
He had no idea.
He was very clueless when it came to women’s inner turmoil let alone a female hyrbid’s inner turmoil.
Y/N was a woman that he was interested in knowing the inner turmoil of though; she was just...special to him for some reason.
He could blame it on the fact that she was a Doe and very skittish and it brought out his protective side.
Something that made Y/N feel fuzzy.
It was also a bit of a problem when both Yoongi and Hoseok were standing up for you at the same time because they were both very Alpha but Hoseok would always calm down quickly and just nudged Yoongi playfully on the shoulder.
Hoseok loved Yoongi too, it was nice to have a brother to help him out with guy things; something that always made Y/N laugh.
Yoongi had discovered a lot about Y/N when it came to himself.
She liked his ears.
Like a lot.
It was annoying at the beginning because he wasn’t used to it and they kept flicking around as it tickled to no end.
Now he just sat there most days as she ran her forefinger and thumb around on his soft fur.
It made him feel slightly warm under the collar now.
It wasn’t his fault.
You’re just so fucking cute with everything you do.
Even your grumpiness towards Christmas was adorable to him.
The pride he feels when you give him an applause after he practices was the best feeling in the world...only second to the ears.
Your eyes get so big as you stare at him and he almost always falters in his rapping whenever he catches your gaze, red flashing against his pale skin.
“When you get famous you have to invite me on tour!” 
Oh his heart aches.
Oh look at your little hands grasping his arm in graceful giddiness.
Oh your antlers are so fucking cute and oh god look at your little tail.
He wants to tug on your tail.
Not entirely sure why.
But he does know that the thought sends him to the shower every night.
Uh-oh you’re talking to him and he hasn’t been listening.
Totally not imagining things a friend should never imagine.
He was pretty sure he was malfunctioning because there was a very concerned expression on your lovely face.
“W-what?” his canines bit harshly down on his bottom lip as he stuttered.
“You alright?” 
Y/N’s hands were tugging on the fabric of his shirt as she tried to look at his face more.
“You’re so red,” she giggled quietly feeling quite drunk on nothing but her own Hybrid side.
Yoongi’s breath got stuck in his throat when the wave of your hormones suddenly slapped him across the face.
He really wished you were sitting directly next to him in your comfy clothes.
You looked so soft in them that he just wanted to gather you up in his arms and rub all over your scent gland.
“I’m good, Reindeer,” he practically purred out getting a scent of mints and chestnuts, setting his skin on fire.
Neither of you have any clue as to who actually made the first move but Y/N found herself laying on top of Yoongi on the sofa, kissing him with the most amount of passion she’d ever felt.
Soon finding her hands gripping the back of the sofa as Yoongi helped her ride him, his face first pressed against her collarbone; hot breath panting against her causing goosebumps before he buried his face in her neck as he continued to scent her heavily.
Your little cries of “oh Yoo,” made his brain feel as if it were melting into a puddle of heaven.
His large hands shyly cupping your backside before finally, finally getting the pleasure of tugging your tail causing a delightful and horrifically erotic squeal to leave your swollen lips.
Both of them consenting before they took the plunge and bit into each other gland as their release rushed over them; fingers causing cuts into each other’s skin as they shook.
After you two had become a mated couple (with the approval of one Hoseok of course), Yoongi had made it his mission to get you at least a little interested in the Christmas Spirit of things.
And boy did he.
His plan would only come into effect on the actual day.
And with his arms wrapped tightly around you on Christmas morning (both of you walking around practically glued to each other after heavy love making the night before) he led you towards the bathroom where he’d hidden his present.
“Merry Christmas, Reindeer,” he bit flirtatiously on your earlobe before opening the door.
A sharp bark sounded around before it was followed by loud squeals from you, hands picking up the small brown dog and snuggling into it’s warm, warm body.
“Oh he’s lovely, oh Yoongi,” cuddling into the Leopards side, he purred in content.
He looked down at you, eyebrow raised.
“It’s Christmas,” you stated with a determined expression
“His name is Holly,” 
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youth | tsukishima kei x reader
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characters: childhood friend!tsukishima kei x g/n!reader
genre/warnings: fluff, a tiny crumb of angst, typical unrequited love EXCEPT IT’S NOT UNREQUITED, maybe crack if you really squint, no warnings except maybe cussing? anyways they slow dance in a playground 💞
words: 2.4k
summary: you and tsukishima are on a late-night snack run when you pass by the playground where you met as kids. together, you reminisce about childhood memories, make a few realizations, and make plans to fulfill an old promise.
notes: listen to youth by troye sivan while reading if you’d like. also, i tried to make the reader gender-neutral, hopefully i didn’t accidentally miss something
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The sound of distant traffic and rustling leaves filled your ears as you and Tsukishima walked home from your trip to the nearby 24-hour convenience store. The snack packaging crinkled in the plastic bag he carried, and your footsteps fell into a comfortable rhythm beside him. The orange gleam of the streetlamps created tall shadows of your silhouettes, stretching across the pavement in front of you. Turning your head, you recognized the familiar metal railings of the old playground you visited countless times as children.
You tugged at his sleeve to stop him and pointed to the entrance. 
“Do you remember when we used to come here all the time? Let’s go sit for a while, I don’t feel like going home yet.”
“Suit yourself. It’s cold, I’m going home,” he responded, a scowl on his face. He hands you the bag and continues walking.
“Hmm, I bet you just want to leave so you can go text your crush. Your mom would be pissed if she found out that you left me out here alone at this hour, though. Auntie loves me like I’m her own child, you know that” you called out, grinning mischievously. 
He stops in his tracks. “____, are you threatening me?”
“Nope,” you replied in a sly tone. “I’m just a master of persuasion.” You don’t wait for him to reply and started cheerfully towards the swings, knowing he would follow you. You grinned even wider when you hear his strides coming closer.
You couldn’t see it, but a ghost of a smile softened his expression as he trailed behind you.
“You’re annoying,” he muttered. 
Fine, whatever. As long as it makes you happy.
You set down the plastic bag next to the swings and nudged his shoulder as he approached you. “Look, I’ll treat you to a hot drink to make it up to you. There’s a vending machine over there, what do you want?”
“Coffee’s good.”
As you hurried over to the machine, he gazed at your retreating figure illuminated by the dim glow emitting from behind the glass. He chuckled as you propped your chin on your hand, carefully pondering the options before you.
Your eyes flitted over the labels before finally settling on what to get for yourself. 
Milk tea it is.
You returned, tossing him his coffee which he caught effortlessly. 
He met your eyes with an amused look. “Took you long enough.”
“Hey, it was a difficult decision!” 
You plopped down on the swing next to him and popped open the tab on your own drink.
You swayed back and forth, tracing circles in the gravel with your foot as you and Tsukishima recounted your childhood antics. Breaths rise in puffs as you nursed your drinks.
“Sometimes I wish we could be kids again. We didn’t have anything to worry about…”
He hummed in agreement. You snuck a glance at his handsome features. Moonlight reflected off his glasses as he sipped from his can and you felt your cheeks burn when you realized you were staring at his lips.
And I didn’t have to hide anything from you. Especially not my feelings. I didn’t need to suppress my jealousy when girls asked you for “help” on solving problem sets, or when you brought up your crush. I didn’t have to act like I wasn’t sulking when you received other people’s chocolates on Valentine’s Day. I didn’t have to worry about ruining our friendship.
You quickly caught yourself and shook it off, putting a plastic smile on your face. “…I want to go back and relive it again,” you continued.
He quirked an eyebrow. “You sure? What about the time you tried to play hero when Yamaguchi was getting bullied, and then you ended up twisting your ankle?”
“I didn’t expect those boys to actually fight back. Plus, they were nearly twice my size, I didn’t think they would be that low,” you huffed.
“Who knows what would have happened if I wasn’t there.” 
“Luckily, my knight in shining armour came to the rescue,” you giggled, recalling how he had to carry you home on his back. “Anyways, if that didn’t happen, then we wouldn’t have become the Three Musketeers.”
“Dude, stop calling us that, it’s embarrassing.”
“The point is, as far as I know, all my memories with you guys are good memories.”
Tsukishima felt a smile tug on the corners of his lips yet tried hard to conceal how happy that made him feel.
“You’re such a sap. That’s because for the last ten years, I was constantly saving your ass and cleaning up after your messes,” he scoffed.
But I don’t think I’d mind doing that for another ten years. Or twenty.
You noticed faint music coming from his earbuds and perked up.
“Hey, you’re using the earbuds I got you for Christmas!”
“Of course, dumbass. What else would I do with them?”
“I still think you seem cooler with headphones but at least now no one gets to call you broke,” you joked.
He winced. “Isn’t that a dead meme? Also, they’re convenient and I like how they’re wireless.”
You just beamed at him.
He loved how pleased you get over the smallest things. He loved how your eyes became crescents when you smiled. He loved how easy it was to read you. Your emotions were always written on your face and you never made him guess.
God, I’m whipped. 
You finished your drink and placed it on the ground. “So, what are you listening to?” You reached over to take an earbud and found a saccharine love song crooning in your ear. “I didn’t know you listened to stuff like this,” you teased. 
“That’s because I don’t. Did you forget that you were the one who added this to my playlist?”
“Excuses, excuses. Just admit it, it’s a good song.” You leapt up and made a move to pull him up. “Let’s dance.”
“The hell? No way, why would I?”
“Come on, there’s no one else here except us, and I really want to.” You gave him your best puppy eyes and begged. “Kei-chan…Please?”
Tsukishima felt his resolve weaken.
This is bad. Why is it so hard to say no?
“I told you already, drop the -chan,” he said, reluctantly letting you drag him away.
You wrapped his arms around your waist and looped yours around his neck. “Oops, I guess old habits die hard.” You looked up at him. “Kei.”
The tips of his ears tinged pink and he felt the back of his neck heat up.
Shit, shit, shit. Calm down, she only said your name. Stop freaking out.
“Hey, your neck feels really warm right now. Didn’t you say you were cold?”
“Shut up, that’s just because of your sweaty hands.”
“Deal with it.”
You gently swayed to the tune and closed your eyes, savouring the moment. 
He glanced down. The moon shined on you and accentuated your long eyelashes, cute nose, and rosy lips. A slight breeze swept over the two of you and your hair fluttered softly in the air before coming to a rest, framing your face once more.
When did this brat get so attractive?
He averted his eyes just in time before you noticed. The current song ended, and a more upbeat track began to play. It was “Youth” by Troye Sivan.
“Do you want to stop? This is probably too fast to dance to, and you’re going off the beat,” he pointed out.
“No, it’s alright. I’m having fun and I really like this song.”
You reached into his coat pocket to put the song on loop then laid your head on his shoulder. Truthfully, this was the most romantic thing you’ve ever done. You wanted to press pause on the entire world and stay in your haven for as long as possible.
“Kei, do you know what just came to mind? This is the place where we first met, and I remember being obsessed with you at first because I thought you looked similar to the main character from my favourite movie. Back then, I made it my goal to marry someone just like him.”
You smiled wistfully at the memory, recalling how you followed him around everywhere like a lost puppy. You found it hilarious that you liked him even then.
He smirked. “Yeah, I avoided you like the plague and I got so fed up because you wouldn’t stop pestering me to marry you.”
“Yup! You even told me that kids are too young to marry but I just made you swear not to kiss other people and to marry me when we were old enough,” you laughed. “Now that I’m looking back on it, that was a pretty stupid promise.”
He honestly didn’t think it was that stupid. There were things that were more stupid in the world. One of them being your taste in men, for instance. He was tired of hearing you gush about a new guy every month.
You and Tsukishima allowed yourselves to get lost in the music and immersed yourselves in the lyrics.
My youth, my youth is yours Tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours Run away now and forevermore
My youth, my youth is yours A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth My youth is yours
  “We should go soon. You mentioned you had plans tomorrow morning, right?” he asked.
“I do, but it’s nothing too important. I’m meeting up with Terushima-san.”
His expression soured. “You mean that greasy bastard with the tongue piercing who tried to hit on you at one of our games? Why are you going on a date with that guy?”
“It’s not a date!” you protested. “He asked me to hang out with him once and then he’ll stop texting me.”
He tightened his hold on your waist.
Don’t go.
“You should have just ignored him, it’s not like you owe him a date,” he grumbled.
Why are you wasting your time on him?
You shrugged. “Too late now, it’d be rude to cancel so last minute.”
He rolled his eyes.
Are you trying to make me jealous? Open your eyes, I’m right in front of you! 
You froze. 
Did I hear that right?
You slowly pulled out of the embrace and scanned his face. He looked at you with an indecipherable emotion. Your heart sped up and you hesitated, wondering if you should say something. 
But why would he be jealous, that’s just wishful thinking right? Isn’t he in love with someone else?
You questioned him with a hopeful tone. “Kei. Can you say that again? I might have misheard.” 
Tsukishima’s expression morphed into one of perplexity. And then it dawned on him. 
Oh. Oh. Fuck, fuck, FUCK. 
You started talking before he got a chance to collect his thoughts. “I heard something about jealousy, and I think I heard you say, ‘Open your eyes, I’m right in front of you.’” Your imploring eyes nervously met his own. “But that can’t be right. You were just telling me about the person you were in love with last week.”
Shit. So, you heard it all. 
His mind was racing for ways to take himself out of the current situation. He didn’t think there was much damage control he could do at this point, but you seemed confused and skeptical of what he just said. Maybe he could try to play it off. 
Or... what if I took the opportunity to come clean?
He took a deep breath. “Actually, I’m in love with you, ____. The person I was talking about was you.”
You couldn’t believe your ears.  Never in your wildest fantasies did you entertain the possibility of him returning your feelings. 
He’s in love with…me? This is a dream. This has to be a dream. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to respond. This is why I didn’t want to tell you,” he continued. “Look, just give me some time, it doesn’t have to be awkward between us or anything, we can act like how we were before.”
He loosened his hold and started to pull away when you suddenly gripped his shoulders.
“Kei. Pinch me.”
“Pinch me,” you repeated. “Ow!” You rubbed your cheek. “Okay, this is definitely not a dream then.”
You gazed up at him and carefully placed your hands on both sides of his face. 
“Listen, I feel the same way. I love you. I’ve loved you since we were sixteen.”
His eyes widened. He gathered you in his arms and engulfed you in a hug. He felt relieved. He felt like he was in the clouds. He felt like he was on a high that he would never come down from. 
You laughed and wrapped yourself around him. 
After a couple minutes, he finally spoke. “____, this might be happiest moment of my entire life. The only thing that can top this would be the moment I see you walking down the aisle towards me. I’m serious. I fully intend to marry you.”
“I have no complaints. As long as you don’t go back on your words, I guess you’re stuck with me.”
“I’m your idiot now,” you grinned. 
He kissed you on the forehead and smirked. “That’s right.”
You melted at the rare display of affection. Almost immediately after, an amusing idea came to your attention and you cracked up.
“What’s so funny?”
“I was just thinking, I feel like I should pat myself on the back and congratulate myself. Six-year-old me would be very pleased at how things turned out.”
He snorted. “Yeah, maybe you were onto something there.” 
“There’s one thing I’m curious about though. When did you realize you had feelings for me?”
“I’m not exactly sure. I think it was sometime during the first year of junior high that I started seeing you differently and noticed that I liked you as more than a best friend.”
Your jaw dropped. “You’re kidding. For real? You’ve suffered for way longer than I had.”
His cheeks flushed scarlet and he avoided looking in your direction for a few seconds. “Well, I wouldn’t call it suffering, but at least now you know.” Then, he caught your eyes and stared at you intently. “Hold on, you’re not still going on that date tomorrow with Terushima, right?”
You smiled reassuringly. “Not anymore. I mean, tonight changed things. I have a boyfriend now, yes?”
“Yeah. Unfortunately for him, you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.”
My youth, my youth is yours A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth My youth is yours
My youth is yours
My youth is yours.
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a/n: okay if you actually read to the end, thank uuu!  i’ve had the idea of slow-dancing in the night while listening to youth for a couple years now, it’s just been floating around in my head and i decided to take a chance to write it out! started as a cute date idea but alas, i have no partner to re-enact this with... so there you go! i honestly wanted to write kageyama for my first piece but tsukishima fit a bit better lmao. please feel free to give feedback or general thoughts!
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starryse · 4 years
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Stranger From The Café
13 Days of SVT Christmas- Day 2
Joshua x Reader
Christmas au, fluff, slight angst in the beginning, no warnings
They say Christmas is the most magical time of year. The snow falling acts as a beautiful scenery for pictures with your loved ones, Christmas dinners allow you to spend time with family and friends, and the music and gifts all symbols of the love you have for each other. Christmas is the one day a year where you forget everything, all your struggles and worries are out the window as you spend time with the ones you love.
Unfortunately for you, you weren’t one of those lucky souls.
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“Y-you’re breaking up with me?”
“I’m sorry, y/n. Things were just getting boring between us. Besides, Haesul is-“
The tears threatening to spill suddenly haulted at that. Your eyes snapping up to stare at the man in front of you, “Haesul? The same girl who you said was just a friend?”
Your now ex shifted in his seat, eyes drifting to look outside the window instead of at you. His hands fiddled with the spoon in his empty bowl, the metal clinking against the glass. Oh, you understood now.
You folded your arms against your chest. “She was never just a friend, was she?” The man bit his lip, shaking his head. He opened his mouth to speak, but God forbid would you sit here and listen to anymore of his lies.
“Just leave, Seojoon. You don’t have anything to explain to me, we broke up, remember?” And at that, the raven haired man stood up, slipping his jacket over his shoulders, leaving without a single trace but the couples bracelet you two wore that now sat on the café table.
You let out a shaky sigh, propping your arms on the table, hiding your face in your hands. You sat there for a solid 10 minutes, soaking in what just happened. Your boyfriend, of 2 years, broke up with you over a woman he claimed was just a friend. The day before Christmas for Gods sake. You groaned into your hands, probably receiving weird looks from the customers around you. Not that you cared, the only thing on your mind was the prick you unfortunately spent two long years- time you can’t get back.
Sure he wasn’t the best boyfriend, let alone man, but he at least made you feel wanted. When you were stressed from work or class, he always found a way to take your mind off it- need be it was typically through going clubbing (something you weren’t fond of but did it anyways). You couldn’t say you’ll miss him as your boyfriend, but you’ll miss the feeling of having someone. Your own person who you know will love you and be there for you through anything. Now who do you have?
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You weren’t ready to go home, then you’d face the reality of the fact you’ll be spending Christmas alone this year. Your family lived in the states and your friends were too busy with their own significant others. Not that you need a new partner or even just a one night stand, but you could use somebody to be free with, to be happy and careless all at the same time.
“Hi, do you mind if I sit here? You seemed pretty glum and I’m kind of by myself too, haha”
You lifted your head, hair falling in front of your eyes. Moving your hair away from your face, your vision cleared to see a good-looking, young man in front of you. He resembled a cat the way his eyes were sharp and looking into your own. Though his smile had a whole different vibe, his teeth looking like that of a rabbit. Your heart started beating just a little faster at the looks of the man, he truly was someone you would fall in love with at first sight.
Finally clicking that he asked you a question, you quickly formed incoherent words, “u-uhm yeah go ahead.” Really y/n? Smooth.
The mans smile widened, his head nodding in appreciation as he moved to sit in front of you. The male leaned forward, sitting just a little closer to you instead of leaving an awkward space. You quickly reached across the table, moving the dirty bowl and silverware that sat in front of him. He seemed pleased, offering a quiet thank you.
“I’m Joshua! But you can call me Josh, or Shua”
You smiled for the first time since you had been left alone in the café, “I’m y/n”. Joshua grinned, eyes crinkling at the corners. Cute. “Nice to meet you, y/n. I’m sorry I just kind of shoved my way over here”. You waved your hand out, the smile not leaving your face, “no it’s okay, truth be told I was kind of alone too” Joshua’s smile faltered a bit, his head tilting to the side a bit, “may I ask why? You don’t have to tell me of course!”
Meh fuck it.
“Myyy boyfriend, well now ex, just dumped me. Like 10 minutes before you got here” you weakly smiled, though it probably looked a little frightening in his pov. His eyes widened, his mouth opening then closing, “oh shit, wow, I’m so sorry y/n. That’s kind of a dick move of him to do it right before Christmas” Joshua swore at himself, seriously Josh? Way to overstep your boundaries.
You laughed, agreeing with the boy. “It was a dick move, huh? And the worst part-“ Josh leaned it, a huh leaving his lips, “it was because of a bitch he swore was just his friend” The raven haired man oohed, his face wincing at your words.
“What a classic douchebag move, wow. I’m sure he doesn’t deserve you, y/n. You seem like a great person” you blushed at that, face heating up at his remark. Stuttering over your words, you went with just smiling and looking away towards the waitress who was coming your way.
The blonde woman stood in front of your table, asking if there was anything she could get you or the cheesy man in front of you.
“What are your best Christmas drinks right now?”
The waitress pondered, looking at her notepad, “well we have peppermint egg nog, those are pretty good if you’re into mint. We also have double chocolate hot chocolate, which is basically chocolate milk hot cocoa instead of white milk”
Joshua took notice of the way your eyes lit up when she said chocolate, smoothly telling the waitress he’d like two double hot chocolates. You glanced at Josh in confusion, “two?” The male nodded his head, folding his arms in front of him.
“Mhm. I saw your face when she brought up chocolate, so I went on a whim and figured you’d like one too”
Is this an angel Gods sent your way in remorse of the way your poor, sad excuse of life has turned out?
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The double hot chocolate was now your favorite drink, you ending up drinking both yours and Josh’s (he didn’t like the sweetness). The sun had started setting, meaning the café was going to be closing soon. The last 2 hours were spent bullshitting with the newfound friend in front of you, your mind completely forgetting the fact you had been dumped and Christmas was indeed tomorrow.
Josh kept you distracted, his witty jokes making you laugh and forget all your problems, all while his pretty face kept your attention on him. You could say you definitely weren’t ready to leave the café. Leave Josh. Do you ask him for his number? Is that creepy? I mean you’ve only known him for 2 hours, he’s still a stranger, and you were always told stranger danger. But damn, if every stranger looked and acted like Joshua, then danger was your middle name.
“This might be a little weird, but could I have your number? I swear I’m not trying to have sex with you, I know you’re literally just going through a breakup.”
Oh, well that solves that problem.
You laughed, already passing your phone to the stuttering man. He thanked you, sending you a message to let you know it’s him. Your phone dinged, signifying you for his text.
From: stranger from café
This is Josh! :)
You smiled at his choice of name, mumbling a cute to yourself. Unbeknownst to you, the smug male in front of you heard the comment, his cheeks turning a shade of pink.
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That night after you had returned back to your quaint apartment downtown, you quickly shot Josh a text. Eagerly waiting for his response, you distracted yourself by making your favorite Christmas dish in the meantime.
The sound of your phone dinging in the living room caused you to stop in your tracks. You quickly tossed the oven kits on the counter and ran to check your phone. Why were you so excited, you just met him today?? Huffing, you unlocked your phone, your gaze immediately landing upon your text messages. His contact name popped up, following with a line of messages he responded with. You read through the messages, your eyes bulging at the last one:
From: stranger from café
Would you wanna spend Christmas with me and my friends tomorrow?
Your heart started beating fast, fingers quickly typing an
“Id love to” in response.
You were ready to get no sleep tonight.
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Morning came faster than you anticipated, not that you could complain- it was Christmas! Though more importantly, you get to spend it with the cute stranger you met at the café.
You raise yourself from the comforts of your bed, vision still blurry from sleep. Normally you’d stay in bed, wake up whenever Seojoon decides he wants to be up, and do nothing but sleep and watch movies all day- not the most extravagant way to spend Christmas. Today was a change of pace, and whether the urge to vomit was excitement or nervousness you’ll never know. You yawned, stretching your arms over your head, before standing up out of bed and beginning to get ready.
After the process of fixing yourself up enough to not look like a gremlin, you were finally on your way to Joshua’s house. Your palms were sweaty as you knocked on his door, nerves running through your body. “Just be cool, y/n. He’s just a cute guy you met at the café and just happen to maybe think it was love at first sight, no biggie. Confidence bitch, confidence!”
“Did you just call yourself a bitch?” Your head popped up at the sudden voice, eyes locking with said cute guy. You chuckled nervously, muttering a no. Joshua ignored your nervousness, laughing instead and inviting you inside.
As soon as you entered the apartment, your nose was immediately met with the smell of honey glazed ham and freshly made bread. You followed Josh to where you were assuming is the kitchen, eyes mindlessly lookijg around his place. “Mingyu, this is y/n!” You softly smiled, waving at the tall brunette in front of you.
Mingyu walked over, wiping his hands on the apron he wore around his waist,
“Hi I’m Mingyu! I mean you kinda already know that cause he already said it, haha” you giggled, responding with an it’s okay as he smiled at you. You looked behind Mingyu, seeing the cause of the strong food smell when you entered. Your eyes widened, mouth opening just a tad, “holy shit, did you make all this?”
Mingyu‘a cheeks grew pink, eyes twinkling in happiness as he nodded his head in confirmation. You stood in awe, there must have been food to feed at least 20 people here, how did one man make all this? You looked back at the blushing man who’s hands were behind his back as he swayed side to side, “wow I can’t wait to try everything, it looks really good, Mingyu!”
Mingyu’s chest puffed, his cheeks becoming even redder than before. Oh my God he’s like a puppy, you thought.
“Josh I love her already, please keep her around”
Now you were the blushing fool, thanking Mingyu. Meanwhile Josh stood there watching the exchange, happy to see his friends were getting along. He smiled at Mingyus comment, “that’s the plan, Gyu”.
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Josh continued to show you around his place, introducing you to his friends along the way. It was then you later realized why Mingyu had made so much food. Each of the boys seemed insanely sweet, some hyper and loud, but sweet nonetheless. You understood why Josh was friends with them, you would be too.
The two of you had made you way to the living room with everyone else, making small talk (or in this case loud talk because holy shit, 13 guys in one room is chaos) with the boys. You had gained a liking towards the youngest, maybe it’s because you were closer in age, but he was probably your favorite so far- other than the cute man-puppy you met earlier, of course.
“Let’s play a game!” The one you presumed to be Seungkwan suddenly announced, moving to stand on his knees.
Agreements were heard around the room, including you and Joshua. Seungkwan began to explain the rules to the best of his ability, separating everyone into teams of 2. Lucky for you, you really hoped at least because your competitiveness was no joke, you were paired with the raven haired boy.
The point of the game was simple: you and your partner were to complete each mission successfully, all while trying to be the first to complete it. Whoever finishes first the most amount of times, wins the game.
Let the games begin
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“Oh my God again??!”
You fell to the ground hand cupping your mouth, tears threatening to spill as Joshua stood on the other side of you, laughing his ass off at his members' yell of frustration.
“I mean seriously people?! This is the 4th game you’ve won in a row!!” Chan’s cries were as loud as the music blasting over the tv’s speakers, his body crouched on the ground while his hands ruffled his dirty blonde hair in frustration.
You grabbed the towel on the table next to you, wiping the vaseline from your face as you stood up.
“Okay I think we have a clear winner- team cat eyes wins!” Seungkwans announcement caused you and Josh to scream victory, arms clinging around one another as you jump around. The rest of the boys watched, sourness from losing etched over their faces- especially the poor maknae who was currently having a mental breakdown on the plush carpeting.
Josh unwrapped his arms from your shoulders, stepping back to stand by your side. You could feel the sweat drip down the back of your neck, body completely exhausted from the last 2 hours of playing against the 13 competitive boys. The stickiness of the Vaseline was still evident on your cheeks, the makeup you had thrown on in the morning completely melted off. You patted Joshua’s shoulder, him turning his head to look at you, “where’s the bathroom? I’ve gotta get this Vaseline off”
“Ah it’s right down the hall, I’ll show you!”
Joshua smiled, heavy breaths leaving his mouth as he guided you. He flicked on the switch, the overhead light lighting up the bathroom with a soft orange glow. You thanked him, sitting on the counter as went to grab you a towel.
“Here ya go” he passed you the towel, going to sit on the bathtub next to the sink. You ran the towel under the faucet before beginning to wipe away the gunk that was sticky on your skin. Josh tapped his fingers on the tub, propping his feet against the side, “the guys love you”
You glanced over at him in the mirror, rinsing the towel before continuing to wipe your face, “what can I say, guess I’m loveable” Joshua laughed, his face scrunching up forming whisker-like lines next to his nose. “I can’t say I disagree.”
Your face was warm, and not just from the constant rubbing of the harsh towel. Joshua’s words had no intent other than pure friendliness- you knew this; but you couldn’t help the pink that spread against your cheeks. You suddenly forget that you’ve know the boy on the tub for a short 24 hours, your brain already working so many future scenarios that involve him.
You simply shook your head, a soft smile appearing on your face. You placed the now dirty towel next to the sink, turning to face Josh. “Ready to re-join the circus?” The man snorted, nodding his head, as you both exited the bathroom.
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It was nearing midnight, meaning your Christmas festivities were coming to an end. The boys had left about an hour ago, leaving just you and Josh.
The sky was a dark grey, the streetlights highlighting the area with specs of white as the final Christmas snow fell. The coat Josh let you borrow was keeping you warm, but the boy currently huddled against your side made you content. Your hands were covered in a thin pair of white gloves, a to-go cup of cocoa from the same café you met Josh at currently being coddled in between your hands.
You looked over at Joshua, his face settled in a small smile as he watched the cars below pass by. His fringe was sprawled flat against his forehead, the cream colored beanie he wore covering the rest. You scooted closer against the male, his head turning down to look at you. Your head nuzzled against his shoulder, face being squished against his puffy coat.
“I’m really glad you came, y/n”
Joshua’s voice was gentle, his own gloved hands reaching up from its previous spot behind your back, fingers lightly moving your hair behind your ear. His hand cupped your cheek, constellation filled eyes looking into your own, “Would you hold it against me if I kissed you right now?”
You leaned forward, softly placing your lips against Joshua’s. Your noses pressed together as he moved his lips back against your own, soft breaths slipping through the small gaps. Your lips slowly detached, a thin layer of saliva the only thing keeping them together as you rested your forehead against his. “I think that was an answer, what do you think?”
Joshua smiled, “I think I’m gonna need a more solid yes or no”
“Oh yeah?” You grinned back, your lips already going to press on his own, his hands pressing against the small of your back. He pulled back, a soft pop sounding in the air from the disappearance of your lips against his.
“Ah see now I understand, thanks for clarifying”
You laughed, head leaning back while Joshua watched, his own laughs leaving his throat. A sudden gust of wind blew across the rooftop, your hair flying against your face. Joshua shivered, hands pulling you up from your spot as he stood up, “Wanna head inside? I have a soft bed and warm clothes with your name on it.”
“Does the soft bed come with a cute, shivering boy?”
Josh snorted, kissing your forehead before tugging you along with him towards the rooftop door, “the cute shivering boy goes wherever his adorable, shaking girl is”
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True to his word, the change of clothes Josh let you wear were indeed warm. The clothes smelt of light cologne, the old UCLA sweatshirt long against your body, sleeves falling to the middle of your palm.
You currently sat against his beds headboard, Santa Clause playing on his tv. Layers of fuzzy blankets were covering your lower body, pillows propped against your back. The Christmas lights you found in the corner of his closet were currently strung against his walls, you insisting that you put them up.
The sounds of the movie were faded in the background, yours and Joshua’s laughter much louder in comparison. Pieces of cheddar popcorn were scattered on the bed and floor due to the failed attempts of tossing them into each other’s mouths.
“I think-“ you laughed, “I think this is the most amount of fun I’ve had on Christmas ever- actually scratch that, that I’ve ever had in general”
Joshua smiled, his hand pulling you tighter against him, “and I think I have to agree”
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
EUPHORIA - Chapter 16
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: Flangst, NSFW
WC: 2871
A/N: This chapter fills my ‘striptease’ square for @spnkinkbingo Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​ <3
This series is more than two weeks ahead on patreon!
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
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Once inside, Y/N couldn’t fight Dean anymore and she let him crowd her against the wall next to the entrance. His lips quickly finds hers again, his tongue invading her mouth and she tastes him, swallows his moan, drinks in what he has to give her. Her senses are flooded by him. 
She hears people working inside, hear them stacking bottles, scrubbing floors, but they are hidden behind a heavy curtain, nobody can see them.
Dean’s hands are on her thighs, skimming upwards along her skin, and he groans into her mouth when he feels that she’s wearing stockings. She bucks her hips against his touches, arches her back, wants him to touch more of her. Needs him to touch her fucking there.
But before Dean goes any further, he pulls his hand away and she winces at the loss. He knows, because he chuckles before he pecks her lips. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Dean thumbs over a number, dials it and pushes the speaker button. He holds it between them so she can see the caller ID. 
Sam Winchester.
“Dean,” Another male voice could be heard through  the speaker.
Dean smirks at her as his tongue darts out to wet his lips, his other hand on the side of her face, stroking her cheek. His eyes are on hers unblinking, as if he’s afraid that she’s not real, as if he’s afraid she’ll disappear with a blink of his eyes, “Yeah, uh, Sammy, I’m staying down here.”
“Okay, Jess and I have to leave anyway. Did you manage to find her?”
Dean tears his eyes from hers, looks down a little and she can swear that he’s blushing. It’s crazy how cute he is. He’s quick to lean forward though, kissing her nose to conceal the rise of color on his face, “Yeah, I did,”
“Good, tell her sorry. Jess feels absolutely horrible,”
Y/N has to frown at the statement. That was not her intention but in her defense, she felt absolutely shitty too.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dean shrugs, “I’ll see you in a couple of days, okay?”
“Yeah, sure,”
“Lock the door, Sammy,” Dean reminds his brother.
“We will,” Sam says and adds, “Say hi to her from us,”
“She says hi back, says she can’t wait to meet you two,”
Her mouth opens to say something, but Dean hushes her by placing his index finger to her lips. Sam talks about something else for a brief while, but she doesn’t listen, because she has her hands around the wrist of his finger that’s right by her mouth, parts her lips and lets it slide over her tongue to the back of her throat. Dean groans and she twirls her tongue around it with a mischievous grin.
Dean swallows hard, clears his throat, “Sammy, gotta go, bye,” 
He hangs up and places his phone back before he watches her tonguing his digit. Dean slides another finger in, his gaze is on her lips, watches her sucking in his fingers. She feels the heat rising in her face. 
His one hand sneaks around her waist, works it down and under her coat. Dean groans when he feels that she isn't wearing anything else than lingerie. Pulling his fingers out of her mouth, he lets them trail along her chin and down her throat, until he strokes them along her chest. He lifts one side of the coat collar to peek underneath, sees the lace bra and lets out another audible groan, “Fuck, baby, you wore that for me?”
Admittedly, she feels a little embarrassed, but she nods her head while her teeth tugs at her bottom lip, “Wanted to surprise you,” She says, because it’s true. She wore it with the intention to show him, maybe as a thank you that he helped her, and really it’s a win for her too. 
Dean’s lips widen into a bright smile, and he crashes his mouth onto hers, kisses her deep and rough and it’s all need and want . She didn’t know that she needs it right now but she does, she fucking does.Y/N melts against him. It’s hard not to.
After a while, he breaks the kiss. Her head’s spinning. His forehead rests against hers, his breathing is hard, ragged. “I need you to trust me,” 
She does. It’s just… she doesn’t know? She’s confused. But yeah, she does. And now she thinks she’s a complete idiot for not trusting him. 
“I do,” She mumbles, “I’m sorry I reacted the way I did,” 
His lips curve into a smile, “No, you had the right to be upset. I would be too, if it was the other way around,” He places a hand on the back of her neck, draws her close and kisses her forehead, “Do you trust me?” He whispers again, as if he wants to really make sure.
She nods with a smirk on her face, “Yeah,”
Dean takes her hand and smiles brightly, showing his teeth, his body relaxed visibly. As if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, “Come on, I have a surprise for you too,” 
Before Y/N could ask what it is, Dean pulls her along with him, dashes up the stairs and she has to run to keep up, which is actually really hard with her heels. Some employees are staring at them, but they soon went back to minding their own business.
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He slows down when he feels that she’s lagging behind. No wonder, he doesn’t know if he could walk in those heels either. Dean weaves his arm around her waist, pulls her close, helping her go faster. He’s fucking giddy, still can’t believe that she’s dressed up for him.
They walk through the VIP room until they reach the hallway to the rooms. He determinedly walks to a room and slips in with her clutched to him. 
When he closes the door, Dean flops himself into a big chair and she walks in further. He watches her and takes the remote control that’s sitting on the table next to his chair, pushes a button for the music. It comes out loudly and they both jump and squint their eyes. He tunes the volume down with a chuckle.
Y/N walks to the pole that’s in the middle of the room. Her hand reaches out to touch the metal, letting them skim over the smooth surface. 
After a while, she turns around, her lips curving up a little and he kind of knows that she likes it. 
“Come on, show me,” His voice is raspy, his throat feels constricted, maybe it’s because of what he’s going to see, and it feels like fucking Christmas mornings where he wouldn’t get any presents but he’s excited anyway because he can watch Sam unwrap the present Dean got for him. But he’s even more excited now actually, because this time, he knows that it is all for him. 
She trails her eyes over him, and there’s something unspoken between them. She’s still not sure and he knows that he’s not going to force her into anything.  Hell, if she’d say that she wants out, he’d get up right away. The thing is, though, he knows — is actually quite certain — that she wants it. She’s just awfully shy and innocent and knowing that, makes his cock ache.
If she only knew how much she affects him and Dean’s kind of disappointed that she really thinks that he could fuck someone else when she’s really the only thing he fucking wants. Always have, probably. He just never knew it until now.
“Dean,” She whines, and stomps her feet, her hands up in the air and she lets them drop down to her side. 
It’s cute, he can’t lie and he chuckles, “What?”
“I can’t dance,” Y/N pouts. 
Cutest little fucking thing. He’s hard from just watching her throwing a tantrum because she can’t fucking dance. 
“You don’t have to dance, just show me,” Dean leans back in his chair some more and watches her walk towards him.
She comes to stand right between his thighs. Dean’s close enough that if he would reach out, he could basically tug at the knot that binds her coat together. But he doesn’t. Instead, he rests the back of his head on the chair, looking up at her and smiles.
“Promise me you won’t laugh,” She mumbles and she pulls her bottom lip up. Fucking irritating, is what it is. Because it’s too fucking cute.
Dean’s eyes widen. He doesn’t understand how she can think that he would laugh? Does she really think that he won’t like it?
“Baby,” Dean’s voice is soft, he likes the sound of the word. Likes how it fits her and only her. It’s not just a thing he says when he’s trying to sweetalk someone into fucking. It’s sincere, has more meaning to him when spoken to her, and he doesn’t think that he could use it on anyone anymore now that the rightful owner of that word claimed it for herself, “I promise, I won’t. You could wear a furry costume and you’d still turn me on.”
She laughs at that. 
Mission accomplished. 
And he’s not even lying. Would have to try it to know if it would be the complete truth. He doesn’t think that she’ll agree to wearing one, though.
“Fine,” She scoffs, feigning annoyance, but he can see right through that facade. She’s smirking underneath those tight pressed lips. 
Dean’s dick twitches when he sees her fingers working on the knot around her waist. He leans his elbow on the armchair, lays his head into the palm of his one hand, places his ring finger on his lips and he nibbles on it with his teeth to hide how excited he really is.
His eyes are on her face, he sees her looking down. She does not want to look him in the eye. At least not yet.
The knot opens up, and Dean’s watches in awe as she parts the coat. He starts to drool. It’s fucking embarrassing really. He swallows it down thickly before he exhales. He didn’t even realize that he was holding his breath.
She shrugs off her coat, lets it pool around her ankle. The lace of her bra doesn’t quite cover the peak of her nipples, the darker shade of her areolas. The fucking bra might as well not be there.
Don’t get him started on the panties. They cover enough, but they for sure leave too much to the imagination and boy, does Dean’s imagination run wild. His eyes widen some more when he sees that they are fucking crotchless. Jesus fucking Christ. He rubs his hand over his face, his heart doing somersaults.
Y/N’s shoulders sag down, and she tries to cover her modesty with her hands. 
“Shhhhh,” Dean hushes her, “Let me see,” 
He swallows again and his hand goes to his cock, strokes it through his dress pants, moans at the relief he feels by the friction his own hand provides. 
Dean sticks his index finger out, twists it in the air while he grins cockily. She tugs her bottom lip between her teeth again, rolls her eyes for the effect but he can see that little smile hiding behind it. 
She turns around and Dean bites back a groan.
“Fucking beautiful,” His voice is heavy, thick with arousal. 
Her ass is barely covered but the lace is clearly there. 
When she completes her twist, she begins to pout again, not knowing what to do since she said that she can’t fucking dance and Dean doesn’t even expect it from her because it’s enough for him when she can dance on his fucking cock — which she’s exceptionally good at. 
“Come here,” Dean takes his hands off his cock to pat his lap. 
The pout is still there but she comes willingly and Dean pushes his thighs together to let her straddle him. Her knees are placed on either side of him and she sits right on top of his cock which stirs at the feeling of her heat. 
His arm sneaks around her waist, one hand strokes at her skin, fingertips trailing along her cheek, the pad of his thumb paints along her bottom lip, evens out her pout. 
She bites on this thumb playfully and Dean chuckles. He’d love to kiss her but he can’t quite take his eyes off of her body. His fingers trail downwards, past her throat and she cranes her neck. He grabs a hold, chocking her lightly and she fucking moans, the sound of it goes right to his dick. He loves how much she likes to be choked by him. 
Dean closes his eyes briefly, imaging his cock buried deep in her throat, imagining the bulge he left there when he fucked her face last. He’s drooling some more at the thought, and swallows down his saliva audibly. 
Hesitantly, he lets go of her throat with a whine from her. His hand has now reached her chest, and he feels the material of her lace beneath his fingers. Her nipples are peaking, and she shudders when he runs the pad of his thumb over it. Dean goes underneath the fabric, tweaks at it with his thumb and forefinger, making her arch in his grip but he’s holding her tight, his hand spans over her back. 
“Fuck,” He mumbles, feels her wriggling in his lap, grinding down on his already leaking boner and he feels the material dampen. She’s turned on as well.
“You like it? She asks, moving her hips to coax another reaction out of him, that little minx, and Dean bites back a groan. 
“Love it,” He answers, his voice deeper than usual.
His hand goes back up, places it on the back of her neck and he pulls her down, making her crash her mouth on his and Dean groans into her mouth at the slide of her wet tongue against his own. Groans because she’s fucking finally dancing in his lap, grinding down on his hard cock, wetting his goddamn pants with her slick. 
The kiss is much anticipated. It starts soft and slow and  grows heavier, grows more demanding. Dean kisses down her throat, and she has her arms around his neck, fists them in his hair, fingers digging at his scalp. Just on that right side of hurt. 
Dean’s mouth finds her nipple, sucks at it through the material of her bra, uses his teeth to scrape over the hard little nub and she keens, grinding down harder into his bulge. He feels like seven-fucking-teen again when they make out like that and it isn’t bad. It’s like he’s making up for lost time. 
He worries at her other nipple, pulls the fabric away this time so he can twirl his tongue around the peak, sucks as if his life depends on it, and she digs her nail deeper into his scalp while her movement picks up. He’s so close to creaming his pants and that’s not normal is it? She has no idea what she does to him. 
Y/N’s panting hard above him and Dean wonders if she can come like that. If she can find release by only grinding on him. She’s close, he knows because she feels her body tremble. Feels her thighs squeezing together and his dick is trapped underneath her wet pussy. 
Looking up at her, he rests his chin on her chest, “Come for me, baby, can you do that?” He licks a broad strip up her chest and her throat, nibbles at the flesh on her chin, “Be a good girl and come for me,”
“Fuck,” She lets out a breathy cry. His hands are on her hips now, helping her grind down on him, harder and faster. 
“Come on,” 
“Dean, fuck—”
His name sounds so fucking good when it comes out of her mouth in a choked moan. It makes his dick throb, can’t lie about that.
He claims her mouth, breathes “Come” into it, and she does, twitching and shaking above him and he has to actually hold her tight not to let her fall. 
“Good girl,” He smiles, as he pecks her lips and nose, “Such a fucking good girl for me,” Dean sees her smiling back at him, her face laced with that afterglow, blissfully content. Abso-fucking-lutely pretty, “You look so beautiful when you come,”
He lets her come down from her high, hopes that she’s not too tired because the fun has actually just begun, “You okay?” Dean asks. Can not not ask. He’s so obsessed with knowing that she’s okay.
Her lids are heavy but she looks at him with lustful eyes. There’s a grin tugging at her lips — cocky is what it is — as her fingers start to work on his belt. 
“Nuh-uh,” Dean says, and brushes the tip of his nose against hers.
Her shoulders sag, there’s a slight pout and Dean kisses it away. 
“You’re not too tired?” He whispers.
There’s a smile on his face, “Then come with me,” 
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Chapter 17
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200 notes · View notes
ruzek-halstead · 4 years
all i want for christmas is you 🎄
part one
pairing: luke patterson x julie molina
when julie finds herself in a situation where she needs luke to come home with her to celebrate christmas with her family, he is more than happy to oblige. too bad julie's already in love with him, and not sure when she stopped pretending.
holiday university au
series masterlist || masterlist || ao3
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ps. i'm sorry but not sorry for choosing the cheesiest title ever for this fic
"I need you." Luke choked on his iced coffee. He had just walked into Julie's dorm room, iced coffees in hand when she nearly attacked him in the doorway. "What?" With a small smirk, she backed up, pulling him inside and closing her door. "I need you. I need your help, actually." Luke furrowed his eyebrows, but pounced onto her bed anyway like he usually did. He reached out to hand her the iced coffee. Julie met Luke on her first day of university. She was struggling to find her classroom to Composition 101, when she ran smack into a hard body. The hard body happened to be Luke and he also happened to be carrying an iced coffee. It got all over the two of them, and instead of yelling at him or apologizing, she started crying. He was more freaked out than anyone she had ever seen in her life, and to comfort her, he awkwardly patted her arm and dug out a packet of tissues from his backpack. When she calmed down and realized what happened, she nearly died of mortification. But then she stopped crying and Luke's eyes softened; he asked her what was wrong and once she started talking, she couldn't stop. It just so happened that Luke was also in Composition 101 and the classroom was just to their right. She was mortified, but he was cute and understanding, and they've been inseparable ever since. Sure, maybe at one point she thought something more would happen between them. But school kept them busy, and their friendship came first; so, she never made a move, and neither did he. Instead, they continued to hang out (they ended up having more classes together since they were both in the music program) and once Julie met his friends, and they met her best friend Flynn, the five of them became inseparable. Julie discovered Luke and his friends were in a band; they were trying to build a following and since Flynn was amazing with public relations and social media, she took over as their part-time manager. And Julie started writing songs with the band and she occasionally joined them on stage. They were all thinking it; that Julie should join the band, but it was a big step and no one wanted to bring it up first. "What do you need me for?" Luke asked. If he weren't so focused on his iced coffee (it was so delicious), he would have noticed she was pacing the small floor of her dorm and chewing nervously on her fingernails. When she didn't immediately reply, he looked up. "Jules, talk to me. What's up?" She stopped her pacing and moved to stand in front of him. He was gazing at her with soft brown eyes and she just wanted to melt because of how utterly adorable he looked. "I did a thing," she admitted, but didn't elaborate any further. "I do a lot of things every day, Jules. You'll need to give me a bit more than that," he replied with a smirk. Julie still appeared uneasy so Luke reached out and tapped her fingers with his in a comforting gesture. "Come on. Did you kill someone? Are we getting rid of a body? I don't care what it is, but you'll have to tell me if I'm going to become an accessory." His goal was to elicit some type of reaction and he was graced with a small smile. "My Tia has been on my back about not having a boyfriend for a while now, so a while back I told her I had a boyfriend because it's not like she would ever meet him and I could just say we broke up or something," she gushed out in one large breath. Luke blinked, hiding a smirk so she didn't slap him and crawl back into her shell. "But the entire family is getting together for Christmas and she just assumed I was bringing my boyfriend and then when I tried to explain, she mentioned you by name and I just kind of blanked and basically, my whole family thinks you're my boyfriend and you're coming to spend Christmas with me." Julie expected him to look surprised, or even angry, but definitely horrified. So, she was shocked when he merely took another sip of his iced coffee and smiled at her. "Cool. When do we leave?" "Wait — what?" "I'm assuming we're leaving after exams, right?" He continued on speaking as if she wasn't gaping in his direction. He proceeded to pull out his phone from his front pocket and open his calendar. "My last exam is on the 22nd. Does that work for you?" Julie blinked. What the hell was happening? "But — aren't you — Luke, did you hear what I said?" He looked up at her with teasing eyes. "Yeah, Jules, I did. What about it?" "And you're okay with that?" Luke shrugged. "Well, let's weigh it out. Pros: I get to eat delicious food, hang out with my best friend and avoid the Patterson household. Cons: I can't really think of any, can you?" "Well — I — God, I am so confused right now." "Don't sweat it, Jules," Luke smiled charmingly and if Julie wasn't at a loss for words already, she definitely was now. "I'm excited. Plus, you know I love spending time with you," he added in a flirty tone. One problem with Luke? He was unbelievably flirtatious. Julie doesn't even think he's aware; it's mostly because he's incredibly kind and such a people's person, that his friendly approach comes off flirty. And it normally would be fine. Except he's basically the man of her dreams, and even when he merely smiled at her, her brain short-circuited. So, handling his flirty behaviour when it's directed at her? Honestly, she feels like she needs a crash cart with her at all times. "But like, they think we're dating, Luke," she clarified because she honestly didn't think he understood what he was getting himself into. She loved her family with all her heart, but they could be incredibly invasive and nosy. It's why she loved them, but also why she despised bringing anyone around. “You’re going to have to act as if you like me.” His smirk returned; he seemed to be enjoying this way too much. “I do like you, Jules.” She ignored the butterflies battling to the death under her ribcage. “Don’t be cute,” she admonished with a huff, “You’ll have to act like you’re in love with me.” “Okay,” he shrugged. Sometimes he was the most carefree, loveable dumbass in the world and it infuriated her to no end. “That doesn’t sound that hard. What’s not to love?” Julie was starting to get flustered and he was seemingly going along with everything she said, so she didn’t see much of a point to this conversation anymore. “Okay,” she agreed, nodding. “Then we’ll leave the day after exams. We’ll probably need to set some rules or something, but we have time for that. Deal?” She held out her hand in between them. Luke glanced at it and then back at her with an amused smile on his lips. He waited a moment before grasping her hand in his, chuckling. “Yeah, deal.” When he let go of her hand, he proceeded to flop back on her bed, while she headed straight for the iced coffee she hadn’t gotten a chance to drink yet. “Hey, Luke?” She called out and he hummed in response. “Thank you for this. It means a lot and I appreciate it. And you. I appreciate you.”
Luke pushed himself up on his elbows, shooting her a wickedly bright smile. “Anything for you, Jules. Or should I say muffin?” “Hell no. Never repeat that again.” “Yes, ma’am.” It was very clear who would be wearing the pants during their relationship. 
The flight from New York City to Los Angeles was approximately six hours, which gave Julie and Luke ample time to hammer out the details of their newfound relationship. It also helped to distract Julie from the fact that she was essentially flying a metal death trap; it’s not that she hated flying, it just always made her uneasy. And because it was Christmas time, the flight was crammed. Luke had humbly offered her the window seat while he took the middle; his neighbour ended up being a sweet old man who slept for most of the flight. “If you squeeze the armrest any harder, you’re going to break your nails. Or a finger.” Julie relaxed her grip; it was a force of habit. “Sorry,” she replied sheepishly. “You can squeeze my hand instead if you want,” he offered, turning his palm to face up. It was a tempting offer, but things were already about to get complicated enough, so she needed to keep her head clear. So, she politely shook her head and spoke instead. “Okay, I need to be distracted. Let’s talk rules.” “Just the words every man wants to hear,” he quipped sarcastically. Luke had opted for a very casual airport look. He had his signature orange beanie pulled over his head, with a black hoodie and matching sweatpants; he completed the look with a pair of runners and his backpack. Even though he was dressed as casual as possible, Julie thought he never looked better. She had opted for a casual look too; an NYU hoodie with black leggings and her favourite white converse. Comfort was key on airplanes. “What, let me guess. You think we should go rogue and forget rules.” Luke laughed, shooting her a quick look from her left. “Yeah, pretty much.” “And you think that’s a good idea?” “Yeah,” he added, turning slightly to face her. “Listen, we don’t need to make this difficult. We should just act normally around each other, maybe a bit more touching here and there, but just keep it overall simple. You just let me know anything you’re uncomfortable with and it’s completely off the table.” Julie nodded, biting her lip. “Okay, that makes sense. What about our story though? We need a good story." The smirk returned to his lips. “But we already have the best story. You dumping coffee all over the both of us is really a way to make a first impression.” “It was your coffee!” “You ran into me!” He laughed, gently poking her ribs. “And then you started crying, which I will admit, freaked me the hell out. But hey, it all worked out.” Julie rolled her eyes. “Fine. So, what’s the story? You fell in love with me because I just looked so fabulous crying?” “Definitely not,” he shot back in a teasing tone. “Keep it simple, Jules. We were friends and things just happened from there. When did you tell your Tia you got a boyfriend?” “Like four months ago maybe?” “Perfect,” he agreed. “But seriously Jules, you’ll tell me if you’re uncomfortable, right? I don’t want to do anything you’re not okay with.” Julie nodded, her heart warming at his wide, worried brown eyes. “Yeah, I’ll tell you. But you have to tell me too. This goes both ways.” “Please, Julie,” he scoffed, “You could push me in front of a bus and I’d be okay with it.” She punched at his bicep. “Shut up, you weirdo. I’m serious though. If my family is too much or you’re just not into it anymore, let me know. We’ll shut it down and leave.” “You worry too much,” he brushed her off, straightening in his seat and putting in an airpod. “It’s cute but don’t worry, I’m going to be the greatest fake boyfriend you’ve ever seen.” Julie didn’t doubt that for even a second. x When Julie called her dad to tell him she was bringing her boyfriend home for the holidays this year, he was absolutely ecstatic. He was just so incredibly happy for his daughter and unbelievably excited to meet the man Julie chose. He wasn’t like those dads who were overprotective and tried to scare the boyfriends off; he just genuinely wanted everyone to be happy. And he trusted Julie, and he trusted her to make smart decisions and surround herself with the best of people. She had been at university for three years now after all; if he didn’t trust her now, he never would. “Your dad’s picking us up?” Luke asked as he and Julie walked through customs. They had picked up their suitcases and were heading out into arrivals. Julie nodded. “Yeah. He’s excited to meet you. Are you nervous?” “Not really,” Luke shrugged. “We’ve technically spoken before on FaceTime. And I’m a people person; fathers love me.” Julie laughed, passing through the doors and maneuvering through the crowd waiting for their arrivals. “Mine definitely will. You two are both dorks.” “Hey!” Luke called out, genuinely offended. But Julie was too busy hurrying off to the side in the direction of a tall man. Luke assumed it was Julie’s father because she jumped on his unsuspecting back and when he whirled around to see her, there were unshed tears in his eyes. Julie wrapped her arms around her father’s neck. It always amazed Luke just how tiny she really was. But seeing her bury herself in her father’s chest reminded him all over again. After a moment, she pulled back and swiped at her face. Luke could only assume she teared up a little bit too. Julie whirled around to face Luke; her nose was red and she looked adorable. She held out a hand for him to take. “Dad, I want you to meet Luke.” “It’s so nice to officially meet you, Mr. Molina,” Luke greeted him politely. He reached out a hand for him to shake. “Call me Ray, we’re basically family!” Ray gushed, grabbing Luke’s hand and pulling him in for a hug instead. Something inside Julie started heating up. “I knew I recognized you. We’ve spoken before, haven’t we?” Luke nodded, a bright smile in his face because he couldn’t hold it back. “Yes, sir.” At Ray’s disapproving look, he stammered on. “I mean Ray, sorry. Force of habit.” “That’s good,” Ray winked, “You have good manners.” Looking between his daughter and Luke, Ray had never felt happier. “I’m so glad you’re both here. Are you ready to meet the family, Luke? We’re a tad bit wild.” Julie hopped into the conversation once again. “Don’t worry, I’ve briefed him.” Luke shared an amused look with Julie. “Yeah, I’m very ready. My family is quite the opposite, so I’m looking forward to some excitement.” “I’m glad to hear that. Should we get on the road? It’s getting late and you both are probably tired.” “Exhausted,” Julie huffed, reaching for her suitcase. Ray smacked her hand away and took it upon himself to roll it for her instead. With both hands now suddenly free, she happily slid one into Luke’s and together they followed Ray to the underground parking garage. She thought it might feel weird, pretending with Luke. But holding his hand felt natural and introducing him to her dad felt easy, almost as if it was meant to be. She knew the dangers of the comfort she was feeling, but she really couldn’t be bothered as she cuddled into Luke’s side when the cold air hit them. Julie climbed into the backseat with Luke, and it wasn’t long before her head started to feel heavy and she was having trouble keeping her eyelids open. Luke crept a hand along the seat, tapping on her thigh. With a start, she turned to him with tired eyes. He nodded his head in his direction and Julie took that as an invitation for her to slide over and lay her head on his shoulder. They’d taken naps together before, so this wasn’t unusual for them. They’ve always relied on touch to show their affection; their whole friend group did. It came with the territory of being so comfortable with a person that certain boundaries cease to exist. And her boundaries with Luke were blurred, and it was only getting worse as time passed by. Julie cuddled into Luke’s side once again. Her head rested on his shoulder and his hand moved to her leg. His touch seemed hesitant as he hovered above her knee but close to her thigh; he obviously wasn’t sure if this would make her uncomfortable and he didn’t want to risk it. Julie grabbed his wrist and set his hand down on her thigh, murmuring a quiet, “It’s okay.” That’s all the assurance he needed.
Luke met Ray’s eyes through the rearview mirror, and Ray smiled fondly.
When they arrived at Julie’s childhood home, Luke gently nudged Julie awake. “Hey, look where we are.” It took her a moment, but she finally pulled herself away from Luke. The sight of the house in which she grew up in was a sight to behold. She hadn't been back in quite a while (flights weren't cheap and school was killer). But seeing all the lights and decorations littering the house made her heart swell, and for the first time since she arrived, she was genuinely excited for the next few days. Luke and Ray took care of their suitcases while Julie rushed into the house, revelling in the warmth feeling of home. Everything looked exactly the same, save for the extravagant Christmas tree and decorations; Julie loved it. "Carlos is sleeping, but you can see him in the morning. I'll make breakfast," Ray told her, as he followed Luke into the house. "I'm sure you're both tired too. Julie, your room is all set up. I'll see you both in the morning, okay? Goodnight." When Ray was out of sight, Luke took a moment to look around the house. There were a number of decorations, but what really caught his eye were the multiple photo frames scattered around the room. He approached one on a side table; it was a young Julie encased in an older woman's arms. Their resemblance was uncanny, and Julie didn't talk much about her mom, but he knew. "Is this your mom?" He asked quietly when she came to stand next to him. Julie nodded. "She's beautiful." "Isn't she?" Julie murmured back. "Come on, let's go to bed." They grabbed their luggage and made their way upstairs. Julie's room looked exactly like Luke expected it to; it was a larger version of her dorm room, complete with soft colours and flower print. "I'm going to take a shower. Make yourself comfortable." With a sleepy smirk, he dropped his suitcase off to the side and collapsed face first onto her bed. "You know I will," he mumbled into the mattress.
Julie laughed with a roll of her eyes. She quickly dug through her suitcase to pull out the essentials and went across the hall to hope in the shower. There was nothing better than a nice, hot shower after a long and grimy plane ride, and Julie savoured every second. She changed into a pair of pj shorts and a NYU crew neck (she had a lot of NYU clothes). When she returned to her room, Luke had dozed off. “Get up,” she ordered as she walked over to his lifeless body. “Go take a shower. You stink.”
She poked at his cheek and he groaned. “You love it,” he mumbled into the pillow. “Debatable.” With another loud groan, he went over to his suitcase to grab his essentials. While she waited, she turned on her television and continued her New Girl rewatch (one of the best shows in existence). It was also a bad habit of hers to fall asleep watching Netflix on her laptop, but since she had her TV once again, that would do. When Luke returned, his hair was all wet and messy and so adorable. He was wearing an old band t-shirt and a pair of plaid pj bottoms, and he loudly dropped down beside Julie. He was so exhausted after travelling all day (not to mention the incessant studying/cramming he'd been doing the entire week for exams). All he wanted was to pass out and wake up the next morning feeling well rested and prepared to spend Christmas Eve with the Molina clan. "This okay?" He mumbled to Julie, but he was nearly clocked out. While he was laying down on his back, Julie was sitting up with her back rested against the headboard. She was mindlessly scrolling through her Instagram feed, but her eyelids were starting to droop. "Yeah, of course," Julie replied, reaching over to set her phone down on her bedside table. “How do you think this is going so far?” Luke had his eyes closed, but he wasn’t quite asleep yet. “Good,” he muttered, “Your dad is amazing.” “Yeah, he is,” Julie smiled proudly. She shimmied down in her bed after turning off the lamp and kept a respectable distance between her and Luke. They'd taken naps together before, but they'd never officially shared a bed for an entire night. If he or any of the boys stayed over, they always built a fort of blankets on the floor. She just wanted to make sure he was comfortable. "Are you okay? Is this weird?" He let out a sleepy chuckle. "It's not weird for me, Jules." After a moment, he turned to face her with a serious expression. "Is it weird for you? Want me to move to floor?" "No!" She objected, louder and quicker than she expected. Luke seemed to relax. "No, I'm fine. I just want to make sure you're comfortable with this." Luke's sleepy smile returned to his lips. "I'm always comfortable with you; you don't have to worry about me." "But I do," she added, a knowing lilt in her tone. He rolled his eyes lightly before settling back down comfortably. "We should sleep. Big day tomorrow." "Yeah," Julie sighed. She wasn't sure what the protocol here was; does she face him to sleep or does she turn away? Admittedly, it may be a bit challenging to sleep when staring at his serene, adorable face, but she decided to face him anyway. Luke popped open an eye, and a warm smile appeared on his lips. "Goodnight, Jules." He reached out a hand between them. It was a small, comforting gesture but that was Luke. He would do anything for the people he loved and it warmed Julie's heart to know she was one of those people. Her fingers met his and she intertwined their fingers gently. "Goodnight, Luke."
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Slippery Slope || peter parker imagine
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Request: hey :) so could you write something where read and peter are dating and it’s either summer break or christmas break or something and reader goes on a family vacation where brad is (he doesn’t know her and brad are cousins) and he gets super sad and jealous and when he sees snaps of them together so when she gets back he’s like ignoring her until she snaps and is like peter wtf and he accuses her of cheating w her cousin and it’s like a funny wtf moment
hi... sorry for not posting in like five months. I haven’t really been in a peter vibe and i think i accidentally turned into a theater kid because I listen to musicals now
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Peter sat on his bed, bored out of his mind as he absentmindedly scrolled through his phone. YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, you name it, Peter was on it. He bit his lip going back to his messages again to see whether or not Y/N had sent a text that he missed. When he opened their messages, he wasn’t surprised when he noticed the lack of a response from her as she is on vacation after all. She went all the way to New Jersey for some family thing. If Peter was being honest, he wasn’t really listening.
He groaned in annoyance, closing the app and tapping on Snapchat. Sighing, he swiped over to where his friends’ stories were, Y/N’s being the first in his line of site. He quirked his eyebrow, curious as to why his girlfriend can’t text him but has time to post on her story.
He tapped on the small icon above her name to see a picture of Y/N…and Brad together at the beach. “What!” He yelped sitting up, looking at his phone as if he saw some unearthly entity, again.
Why the hell was she with Brad at the beach? He wondered what was going on as he got a notification. His phone dinged, finally receiving a text from Y/N that read, “I’ve been at the beach all dayyy what’ve you been up to? :)”
Peter scoffed, locking his phone and hopping out of his bed to practically throw his suit on. He shook his head as he pulled the infamous red mask over his head, flattening his curls in the process. He glanced over at the backpack on his desk chair already prepped for school starting in almost a week. Shaking his head and dreading the thought of having to see Brad with Y/N again, Peter jumped out his window ready to help the citizens of New York once again.
Y/N returned home the Sunday before her first day of school. Like every high school student, she was cramming all of her summer homework into that afternoon with the thought of her boyfriend not speaking to her for a week. Six months of talking to each other nearly every day halted last week, and Y/N had no idea why.
She just wanted everything to go back to normal as she had no idea why Peter was ignoring her. She went to her messages, immediately tapping on Peter’s name. All of the messages she had sent in the past week had no replies other than the small ‘read’ under her words. She bit her lip, nervously typing a response yet again.
‘hey peter. I hate not talking to you. I’m sorry if I upset you or something. please call me, I miss you’
Y/N read over the message recognizing how pathetic it must have sounded but disregarded that as she knew that feeling didn’t compare to losing her boyfriend while she pressed the send button. Anxiously waiting for a response, all she could do was look at the message and wait for a response. Minutes passed and Y/N saw the small word that made her heart ache slightly. A bubble with three dots appeared making her heart flutter, but that flutter quickly diminished.
Read 5:37pm.
She closed her eyes, letting a small breath escape her lips as she locked her phone and proceeded to do her assignments.
Peter bit his lip when he slipped his phone into his pocket. “I just don’t get why she was kanoodling with him at the beach.”
He threw the ball in his hand against the wall, prepped to catch it again. “Maybe they’re just friends,” Ned offered, scribbling down half-assed answers to the summer reading.
“Okay, but if she went to Jersey for what she said was a supposed family thing then why was Brad there?” Peter questioned as he caught the ball and stared at his friend who was sitting on the bed in Peter’s room.
“Oh my god,” Peter spoke quietly, dropping the red ball onto the ground next to his desk chair before covering his face with his hands in realization. “What?” Ned asked now looking at his best friend with concern.
“She’s totally cheating on me,” he spoke softly as he turned in his chair to face the bed. “Woah Peter,” Ned exclaimed, “I don’t think she’s cheating on you. It’s Y/N we’re talking about. She’d never do that to you.” 
“But what other explanation could there be?” Peter groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. “I-I would never do that with MJ without telling her.”
Ned scoffed, “yeah but that’s completely different because you dated MJ.” Peter mumbled a short ‘yeah’ as he absentmindedly spun in the chair. “Just talk to her man. Maybe you’ll find an explanation then,” Ned suggested, picking up his pencil to begin focusing on his homework yet again. Peter sat in his thoughts for a minute, maybe his best friend was right after all. 
The next day at school, Y/N decided to wear a cute outfit for the first day. It was an outfit that Peter helped her pick out, and she completely forgot that until she approached her new locker. She sighed after entering in the combination a billion times without any success. “Need some help,” Brad questioned as he noticed the disheveled girl. 
Y/N turned to look at him, with desperation clear on her face, “please?” Brad took the paper out of her hands and showed her how to open the metal box. “You have to twist it three times before entering the last number,” he explained as the door popped open. 
“Oh,” she whispered softly, “thanks Brad.” Sadness was evident in her voice as she swung her backpack in front of her to drop off some excess school supplies.
 “Has he talked to you at all?” He spoke quietly, putting a supportive hand on her shoulder. She shook her head, looking down, “he hasn’t even texted me back.”
He pulled the sad girl into his arms, knowing that this past week has been rough on her.
“I don’t even know what I did,” her voice muffled into his shirt. Across the hall, Brad saw the boy she was talking about alongside his best friend. 
Peter made eye contact with the teenager who had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend. Not wanting Y/N to notice him, Brad put a hand on her head to keep her there, but to also show comfort. 
“He’s such a fucking idiot,” Brad spoke loudly to make sure that Peter could hear him. The hero looked away, not wanting to witness the scene any longer. Clenching his jaw, Brad pulled away and immediately softened his features when he saw Y/N. 
She pulled out her phone to look at the time with a small amount of hope that dissipated when she saw she didn’t have any notifications from Peter. “The bell’s gonna ring soon. Better walk to class early in case I get lost.” She chuckled lightly as a small smile made its way onto her lips.
The day went by slowly with the standard first day business. Syllabus after syllabus and ‘get to know me’ activities that seemingly had no end.
Lunch was the sweet escape that the upperclassmen thrived in while the new freshmen had struggles navigating to find a seat.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite guy at Midtown,” Brad spoke sarcastically, swinging his arm around Peter’s shoulders roughly as he took a seat next to him. Peter closed his eyes, trying to ignore the situation as much as he possibly could. “What do you want?” He muttered, now glaring at him. 
“I wanna know why you’ve been a total dick to Y/N,” he smiled bitterly, clearly showing the anger within him. Peter scoffed, pushing Brad away from him gently.
 “Why do you want to know so badly?” He grumbled. Ned sat there across from the two, eating his food quietly as he watched the scene unfold. “Because you hurt her, Parker. And we both know she, of all people, doesn’t deserve that,” Brad spoke, his tone serious. 
“How can you be so sure about that? She was probably too busy making out with you to talk to me,” Peter exclaimed, emphasizing his point with flailing his hands about. “Maki-what?” Brad now started laughing, standing up to get a better view of Peter, who was much shorter than him. “You really are stupid, aren’t you?” 
“What?” Peter questioned confused with his angry tone lacing through. Brad shook his head, putting a hand on the smaller boy’s shoulder. 
“Y/N, she’s my cousin. You dumb piece of shit,” Brad scoffed. Suddenly, Peter’s eyes widened as everything started to make sense. A vague memory from over the summer that he had forgotten suddenly resurfaced. 
“Yeah, my mom and I are gonna meet up with my Aunt and Brad before we go to New Jersey for that stupid reunion,” Y/N spoke as she scrolled absentmindedly through her phone. Peter stopped typing on his laptop to turn and question his girlfriend. 
Y/N furrowed her brows as she looked at the teenager before her, “yeah. He’s my cousin. I’ve told you this before, Peter. But, for your sake, we were both dead for five years, so I’d forgive you if you’ve forgotten.” 
She chuckled lightly at her statement, leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek as he returned to his laptop.
“I-I only remember her talking about you before the whole blip thing. I just completely forgot that you’re basically the same age as us now. Holy shit,” Peter confessed, looking down in shame. 
“God, I’m such an idiot,” he ran his hands over his face as he thought about the past week and how douchy he was acting. “Yeah, you sure are,” Brad commented, crossing his arms while taking a step back. “You better fix this, Peter. I don’t want to see her cry over you again.” He walked away, leaving that side of the cafeteria to find his cousin.
Peter’s heart broke at the thought of Y/N crying. Especially over him. He sat down at his seat feeling utterly defeated. Holding his head in his hands his mind went blank when coming up with solutions. “I don’t know what to do,” he mumbled, looking up at Ned who was concerned for his friend. 
“Okay,” Ned spoke after swallowing a fry, “I have an idea.”
Peter stood at the door, a bouquet of roses in his hand. He let out a breath as he ran through what he was going to say to her. “Okay, Peter. You got this,” he whispered as he pressed the doorbell. 
The wooden door swung open to a slightly distressed teenage girl.
“Hey,” he mumbled with a shy smile. Y/N wiped her face dry, her eyes obviously puffy. “What are you doing here Peter?” She whispered, leaning against the door. 
He sighed, brushing a hand through his dark hair, “apologizing for being such a dick.” She looked down at the floor, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. They stood in silence for a minute.
“Well I’m waiting,” she softly spoke. Peter started with a breath, “I was jealous.” Y/N’s head shot up at the comment, crossing her arms with furrowed brows. “W-What? By who?” She was intrigued now as this was new information. Peter let out a short chuckled, “Brad.”
Y/N was now even more confused at his answer. 
“Yeah. I forgot that he was your cousin. So, I thought you lied to me about the family thing and that you just went to hang out with Brad, and-and cheated on me,” Peter pressed his fingers into his forehead disappointed with himself. “I forgot that the whole blip thing made him go from a middle schooler to a junior in high school,” he sighed with slightly slumped shoulders, “so when you said you were going with Brad, I thought it was like some eleven year old not, not him.”
Peter dryly chuckled as silence returned between the pair. “Why would you think I’d cheat on you?” Y/N asked shyly as she leaned against the door frame with crossed arms but no look of resentment gracing her features. 
“I don’t know,” Peter muttered, looking into her eyes before looking at his shoes, “really I don’t have any idea why because I know you’d never do that.” 
Y/N gave him a tight smile at the comment when he looked in her eyes again.
“This year has been so shitty, Y/N,” he finally broke.
“I-I disappeared for five years, I had to help save the whole universe, then the whole thing in Europe happened and- and everything with Tony,” his voice cracked at the thought. Tears started pouring out of his dark brown eyes as Y/N grabbed his hand to comfort him. “Peter,” she whispered, about to console him but he wasn’t finished.
“I thought the universe was out to get me, you know? With everything I’ve lost, I wouldn’t really be surprised at this point if I lost you too,” he sobbed as Y/N wrapped her arms around him. The flowers were now on the ground, but they were long forgotten.
Peter’s tears spilled onto Y/N’s shoulder while his arms wrapped tightly around her as if it’d be the last time. He felt so relieved to finally be able to hold her again. 
“Thank god you won’t be losing me anytime soon,” she chuckled lightly as she rubbed his back soothingly. Peter’s laugh mimicked her own as he pulled away while wiping his eyes. 
“Oh man, I’m sorry,” he directed towards her wet shirt. He looked down at the ground as if he was trying to remember something, “oh no! The flowers!” He sounded stressed as he bent down to pick them up. 
Y/N smiled at his child like action, “Peter it’s okay. I’m just glad I have my boyfriend back.” Despite their redness, Peter’s eyes glimmered as a grin grew on his face.  
“So, you don’t want to break up with me then?” He spoke, slightly unsure of himself, but growing confident as Y/N beamed. She leaned forward pressing her lips against his. His eyes were wide at the sudden action before he fell back into the standard routine of placing his hands on her hips as their lips moved together. A slight crunch could be heard from plastic on the floor. 
Peter pulled away with his eyes closed and his lips pressed in a fine line, “I dropped the flowers again.” 
“Oh my god,” Y/N giggled as her arm laid on her stomach and the other hand went to her mouth as he bent down. Peter stood up, with his hair slightly ruffled and a big grin on his face. “These are for you. They look kind of beaten though now,” he spoke as he examined the new frailness the roses had. 
“They’re perfect,” she smiled as she took the flowers from his hands. “Come inside before my neighbors see us. We both look like an absolute mess.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
How are you doing today? It’s only 1:56AM, but so far I’ve just ate a bowl of ramen and watched a couple YouTube videos. What was the best thing that happened to you today? My ramen was quite delicious, ha. Which cell phone network are you on? Verizon. Do you like the smell of cinnamon? Yesss. What was the last book you've read? I just finished, “The Secret She Kept” by Elle Gray and I’ve started, “Autumn’s Strike” by Mary Stone.
Are you hungry right now? No, I just finished eating. What was the last thing you've had to drink? Water. How often do you visit this website? I’m on Tumblr all the time. Do you like frogs? No. Are you afraid of dying? Yes. Do you like bananas? I love bananas.    Do you like the show American Dad? Meh. It has its moments, but overall I’ll pass. I don’t ever watch it by my own choosing, I just catch it here and there because my family watches it.  What TV show do you miss the most that's no longer on TV? Gilmore Girls, Degrassi, and True Blood come to mind first. Are you currently fighting with someone right now? No. Is your life full of drama? No. I have other stressful things I’m dealing with, but not of the drama variety. How long can you hold your breath underwater *shrug* Where's the last place you've been to out of state? When I went to Arizona to visit my grandparents about 6 years ago. Have you ever been kissed in the rain? No. What letter does your last name start with. -- What are you listening to right now? I’m watching Gilmore Girls. Have you ever had a pet that died? Yes. Would you rather use a trackpad or a mouse? Trackpad. Do you consider yourself politically intelligent? No, not at all. Have you ever done any volunteer work? Yeah, I’ve done a lot with Girl Scouts, school clubs, and class assignments. Do you like the Beatles? I like some songs. Is it night time where you're at right now? Yeah, it’s 2:08AM. Do you like steak? Nope. Do you eat healthy? No, I definitely don’t. How often do you work out? I don’t. What was the best gift you've ever received? I couldn’t possibly choose. Have you ever participated in a spelling bee? Nope. If you could have one wish right now, what would it be? Good health. Do you owe anyone an apology right now? I kind of do. Are you the jealous type of person? I can be, but it’s not something I feel much. Or at least haven’t felt in a long time. I feel envy more. Have you ever tried doing yoga? Nah. Do you like getting massages? I’ve never gotten one. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Cold. Are you good at telling jokes? No, I’m pretty much the worst. I don’t tell many jokes. When was the last time you've attended a sleepover? Several years ago. Tell me one of your pet peeves. Eating sounds. Do you wear glasses? I do. Do you like to keep your nails painted? I haven’t painted my nails for the past few years. Have you ever had a pedicure? Nope.  What is your favorite smell? I have several favorites. Do you like the TV show Full House? I do. Would you rather listen to country music or rap music? I like both. Are you a Duck Dynasty fan? Nope. Have you graduated high school yet? Uh, yeah, back in 2008.  What kind of person were you in middle school? Quiet, shy, awkward. Nothing has changed. Do you have any major regrets in your life? I have a few. :/ Do you like pixie sticks? Eh. I did as a kid, but I don’t have much interest in them the older I get. Do you like French toast? Mmm, yes. Are you a fast typer? I am. Are you good at doing math in your head? Nope. Or at all. Have you ever played with Silly Putty? Yeah. Do you take in a lot of caffeine daily? I do. I love my caffeine. Do you like watching Football? Nope. Or an sport. What language do you wish you could speak? Spanish. Do you know a lot about history? No, I wouldn’t say that. If we could travel back in time, where would you travel to? Can I travel back to childhood? Would you ever consider joining the military? No. I couldn’t anyway, I’m physically disabled. Are you a cigarette smoker? No. Have you ever done something you didn't want to just to look cool? That’s kind of how it was when I used to drink and smoke. I wasn’t a big drinker or smoker, only did so socially, but still. I also did so on my own accord, I’m not blaming anyone, and I’m not going to say I hated all of it because I did have good times, but there was a big part of me that did so because I felt I had to. My friends liked to do it and I wanted to partake with them and not sit out on the sidelines by myself. It’s just that truth be told I think I would have rarely drank at all if it weren’t for that and likely would have never smoked. It had its fun moments, but I didn’t feel the need to partake all the time like they did. Do you like zombie movies? Nah. Have you seen The Hunger Games? Yep, all of ‘em. Do you have a favorite piece of clothing? All my graphic tees, t-shirt dresses, leggings, and lounge shorts. All my comfy clothes, basically. Do you own any Uggs? Nope. Are you wearing any rings on your fingers? No. Name a TV show that you absolutely can't stand. Most sitcoms today. Do you have any unusual talents? No. Or any kind of talent. Do you look like your age? *shrug* I’ve been told I look younger. Do you feel confident in a bathing suit? Nooo. Do you do a lot of online shopping? I do. Do you like the Harry Potter films? Yeah. Do you judge people based on their sexual orientation? No. I care about who a person is, their personality, and whether we vibe. Have you ever been told you had an accent? No. Have you ever ridden an elephant? Nope. Are you allergic to pollen? I do have seasonal allergies. Have you ever eaten sushi? Ew, yes. Not a fan. If so, do you like it? Nope. Are you a fan of anime? No. Would you rather play Xbox or Playstation? Playstation. Are you a big fan of seafood? I don’t like seafood at all. What kind of food are you craving right now? I’m good right now. Are you currently in a relationship? No. If not, are you happy being single? Yeah, it’s for the best. Do you like to go fishing? No. Are you a fast runner? I used to be. I don’t have the energy or strength anymore for that.
Have you ever worked at a fast food place? Nope. What's on your mind right now? Now I’m thinking about food cause of some of the previous questions. Are you texting anyone as you're taking this survey? No. Have you ever had a nasty rumor spread about you? No. Have you ever sent someone sexual pictures of yourself? No. Do you like who you are on the inside or the outside more? Neither. :/ Are you good at drawing? No, I have no artistic abilities. Do you know how to dance? Nope. What's your favorite reality TV show? Catfish, Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom 2, The Voice... Do you think Kim Kardashian deserves to be famous? I don’t care. Are you excited for Christmas this year? I’m always excited for Christmas. Do you celebrate Halloween? I mean, I put up some decor, watch scary movies, and partake in treats. I stopped dressing up and carving pumpkins a few years ago. Have you ever had a concussion? No. Do you pretend to be someone you're not? No. I certainly wouldn’t pretend to be... *gestures vaguely* this. Do you listen to heavy metal music? No. Were you sad when Michael Jackson died? I was just surprised. Do you have more upper or lower body strength? I barely have any strength anymore it feels like, but I used to have really great upper body strength. Have you ever been in a tanning bed? No, and never want to be. Do you like hot tubs? No. Do you know anyone who is battling cancer? No. Have you ever donated money to a charity? Yes. Do you get bored easily? More so nowadays. I didn’t used to. Have you ever peed your pants in public? Maybe as a little kid. Are you afraid of roller coasters? Yes, except for the Cars and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad roller coasters at Disneyland. Are you good at doing tongue twisters? Not really. What was the last movie you've seen in theatres? Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie? Yeah, a few times but it’s been a long time. I’ve been wanting to go to one, though. Are you good at doing fractions? Meh. I’m alright. Me and math don’t get along, but I could do some things somewhat. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and Halloween. Do you prefer Apple or Android? Apple. Would you rather have a tablet or a computer? Computer. Do you like things that are touch screen? Yeah. What age did you have your first kiss at? 16. Do you regret losing your virginity to whoever you lost it to? I’m still a virgin. Do you have a good relationship with your mother? Yes. Do you like the color lime green? Sure. What are your plans for tomorrow? I don’t have any. Would you rather wear jeans or yoga pants? Yoga pants. Do you like your clothes to be baggy and comfortable or tight and revealing Baggy and comfy. Do you wish you could change something about your hair? Yeah, it’s really not a good look right now. I pretty much chopped it off a couple months ago for reasons and it’s in that awkward phase as it grows out. I want it to be longer and dyed red again because currently it’s all natural and I don’t like it. Have you ever gotten a makeover? Yeah. Do you get mad easily? No. but I get frustrated and irritable easily. Have you ever punched someone in the face? No. Do you think the minions from Despicable Me are cute? Ehh. Did you have a Gameboy as a child? I did. Would you rather have chocolate or gummy worms? Chocolate. I’m not a gummy fan. What are your favorite pizza toppings? Extra cheese, garlic, green onions, spinach, cilantro, crushed meatballs, and pesto. Have you ever auditioned for a talent competition? No. I don’t have any talent. Do you make good sandwiches? I think theyr’e better from a deli or when my mom makes them haha but sure. Would you rather get high or get drunk? High. Have you ever failed a drug test? Nope. Do you like the Silent Hill movies? I actually haven’t seen them. What is one thing you need to work on to make yourself a better person? I have a few things I need to work on.
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a-libra-writes · 5 years
Imagine Dating the GoT Characters in Modern Times
okay im still working on that confession request, but this sucker just got away from me lol. couldnt help meself. this is a bit more casual than the others
if i missed any of ya favs, send my ask box a mail pigeon and ill add em!
In this preference, you'll be dating: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Dolorous Edd, Tormund Giantsbane, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Petyr Baelish, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Beric Dondarrion
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He always worries so much after you, like if you’re unusually late getting home or you don’t call him back for some time. He won’t bother you about it because knows he worries, and he’s always ready to give you a warm hug when you finally get home. He’s very considerate of how you like things in the home and will fix anything immediately - although, you’re convinced he’s going to drop the AC in a lake if it acts up one more time. He has a picture of your wedding day that he absolutely loves and keeps in a safe spot in his wallet. The same picture is in frame on his desk, along with pictures of the kids. It’s the only decorations he has on the desk.
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He’s convinced Grey Wind is starting to like you more because you’re the one who gives the goodnight treats. His favorite memories are the times when you both were able to get away to the lake or beach for a few days; he has a picture of you both on his desk at work. If you get him something you’d think he’d like, such as a scarf, he’ll absolutely wear it until it falls apart. Before you two moved in together, he really enjoyed calling you in the evening to hear about your day. Before you started dating, he’d send you pics of Grey Wind because you had the cutest reactions to them - soooo many emojis.
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She loooves trying new things and hobbies with you, even if it doesn’t always end up so hot. The baking fiasco of 2018 shall not be spoken of, the pictures have been erased, it didn’t happen. She likes doing your make-up if you’ll let her, and she loves it when you two clothes shop together, mostly so she can dress you up. Lady is the most spoiled princess in the Stark family; you and Sansa have an instagram for her, she has her own rhinestone collar and custom bowl, it’s a whole thing. Sansa likes to brush her in the evening while she listens to you about your day or you both catch up with your fav TV shows. You two are way too invested in some of them and sometimes you stay up too late angry tweeting about it.
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You two were mutual friends for a while before you started hanging out exclusively more and more and finally someone asked if you were dating... At that point, you basically were. He really likes going hiking in the woods with you and Ghost, and some of his favorite pictures of you are from these trips - obvs they’re his phone background, and he gets shy if someone looks over his shoulder and asks if you’re his girlfriend. You both have gotten Ghost a nice dog bed and couch but he still likes to sleep at the foot of the bed, then promptly wake you both up at 6am for a walk. Jon was nervous but excited to introduce you to his family; he enjoys holidays with them much more because of you. He loves it when you text him cute things about your day or say you miss him.
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He caught your attention when you two began casually dating and he absolutely lit up when he talked about his nieces and nephews, and he showed you lots of pictures. It was just so cute. He absolutely loves it when you wear his shirts, especially the morning after - he will pull you back into the bed. He’s a total night owl but is very considerate of being quiet when you’re asleep. If you end up falling asleep after trying to stay up with him, he’ll carefully carry you back to bed. He works evenings too, so when he comes home early in the morning, he’ll cook you breakfast before staggering to bed (obviously he wants a good morning/night kiss as you get up and get ready).
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He’s an absolute sweetheart who will adopt all the dogs and fill up the house with them if you don’t stop him. When he’s playing with them or holding them, you like to take sneaky pictures because it’s just so cute and set it as your phone background. He always has the sweetest compliments for you, regardless if you’re dressing up or you just got out of the shower. The easiest way to fluster him is throw your legs over his lap while you’re wearing shorts or a skirt and just casually snuggle up. One day one of your dogs got out and you two were so beside yourself with worry, calling all the shelters and making posters and just stressing out together. The pup showed up a few hours later covered in mud and you both ran to hug her at the same time.
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You’d actually been hanging out with him for a while because of your mutual friends, mostly Jon. You two had such an obvious crush on each other but wouldn’t make a move, so he and Sam did the trick where they invited you both out, then made an excuse and left you two alone. He’s the master of sending a meme in response to a text you sent two hours ago. He won’t admit how much he really likes it when you wear his shirts, either to bed or out on a date. They’re almost exclusively black metal band shirts with really weird art. You both tend to go to a lot of outdoor music festivals; he always wants to hold your hand so he doesn’t lose you in a crowd.
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His beard and hair are still wild, don’t you worry, and he’s endlessly amused when it tickles you when he kisses you. His clothes are kind of a mess so you always try to straighten them out or iron them, which he really appreciates. Whenever he sees something cool, he has to immediately take a picture and send it to you. Sometimes he’s too excited about something, he just calls you or comes over. He’d totally want to go to nature reserves, zoos and parks for dates; he loves being outdoors and thinks you look best when the sunlight is on you. He’ll take so many pics on these dates but he’s a pretty bad cameraman (he tries!). He’ll go for the tallest rollercoaster at an amusement park and immediately regret it once the drop starts; he’s secretly relieved if you don’t want to go on one. 
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Let’s be honest, he’s kind of a fuckboy so you don’t date him too seriously. He’s the one who gets attached first and starts exclusively dating you. He really likes collecting guitars and would be stoked if you’d play or sing along with him. He prefers outdoor dates, but sports bars and music clubs are fun, too. No matter what, he’d be giving lots of PDA and wouldn’t take kindly to guys hitting on you. He always finds the most bizarre food or drink recipes online that he wants to try, usually resulting in your kitchen being a warzone afterward. Yara totally bullies him on his insta, no matter how much he blocks her. 
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She’s the definition of the types of girls your parents really didn’t want you to bring home but Here We Are. She has the most badass boots that she wears with an eyeliner with a wing so sharp it could kill a man. She loves pulling you close and being touchy with you in bars and clubs, especially when men are bothering you. Her diet 80% microwave so you have to cook actual food for her and make sure she eats. Family gatherings or phone calls always bother her, so you have to help calm her down afterward, usually with lots of making out. She’d like you to go with her when she gets tattoos so she has someone to chat and laugh with, and she’d subtly suggest you’d look cute with a piercing. She’ll kill the bugs in the relationship as long as you give her a thank you kiss, no matter what you’re in the middle of.
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She absolutely LOVES Christmastime and wants to decorate the whole house, send a Christmas card with you and her three bearded dragons and wear matching Christmas sweaters (she can be surprisingly stubborn about that). Cuddling on the sofa and watching movies usually ends her falling asleep on you, and if you try to move her she grumbles and hugs you closer. The background for her phone is you looking very worried, holding her three bearded dragons after she posed them on you. She’d much rather wear your hoodies and shirts than her own, sometimes only that if she’s lounging at home with you. She tries to plan a really nice date at least once a month, preferably you two going on a little weekend trip to a musical festival or a beach.
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He texts he loves you at least twice throughout the day. When you go out on dates, he’s always worried if you need a jacket or if you’ve had enough to eat. Heel is digging into your ankle and giving you a blister? This guy has band-aids. When he gets home early, he likes to cook a quick dinner that’ll be ready when you’re home. Watching kdramas with Jorah is great because he gets so baffled and ask you if this is what kids watch nowadays, but then he gets surprisingly emotional over the big confessions and love triangles. Walking through a park or boardwalk at sunset while holding your hand is maximum serotonin for him.
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Her absolute favorite part of the day is the chat you two have in the evening while you take off make-up, wash your faces and fix your hair before bed. Sometimes you talk about your day, sometimes you listen to music or have a show on. She really doesn’t like phones or laptops in bed because she just wants to cuddle or be intimate. You introduced her to theme parks, and now she absolutely loves them. Missandei will find the biggest coaster and pull you toward it, she also would like you to win her one of those stuffed animals at the shooting games. She’ll put them on a shelf in your room. Sometimes she reads a book that bothers her so much, she has to stop everything, march in the living room and tell you all about it.
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You asked him out by writing your number on his cup at the cafe you worked out. You never got a text or call, but he suddenly showed up a few days later, totally blushing and asking you out. It was kind of adorable. He really likes keeping the apartment tidy and totally loves your baking. You didn’t think he had a sweet tooth, and he's been trying out different recipes to share with you. He can be pretty shy around your friends, so you hang with him solo. He has surprisingly strong opinions on movies, so movie dates always spiral into film theory discussions. He's so baffled by social media but he follows and likes everything you because your posts and pics are cute.
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You two met at your company’s expensive party, he interested you right away and you had fun flirting and trading verbal spars. You weren’t sure how he got your number, but he’d end up calling you up for dinners and dates and so on. That ended up turning into trips and long stays at his manor and basically you ended up living there. Tywin enjoys giving you all sorts of expensive gifts and clothes, which he of course doesn’t see as a big deal because you deserve it. Eventually you’d bother him about what you mean to him, and that’s when he’d just outright ask if you’d rather be married. Quite frankly, he doesn’t care about his children’s thoughts on the matter. He really prefers the dates and vacations that are more relaxing, especially when he gets to see you smile at something you haven’t seen. 
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You and Tyrion discuss books like some people discuss politics. Actually, you both tend to have a lot of long discussions, but you both are so opinionated on books. He actually writes quite a bit and dedicates a lot of it to you. His favorite thing to do is make you laugh in public while you’re drinking something; he knows it drives you nuts and it’s adorable how much you sputter and look for a napkin. He blames you for Jamie’s love of ironic emojis, and he likes to send you screenshots of Cersei’s weird facebook rants. When he’s stressing over a writing deadline, he adores it when you give him a massage and help him calm down.
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He’d often tease you about using so many cutest emojis in your text messages, so he started ironically using them. You’re positive he just picks them at random but he figured out that eggplant and peach REAL quick. When you first started dating, he tried to impress you with expensive gifts and dates, but he vastly prefers the lowkey cuddles at your apartment. His head in your lap, your pet curled around his legs and him reading off ridiculous shit Cersei posts on facebook … That’s the ideal. He was a nervous wreck when you met Tywin, although he was trying to play it off and be cool. 
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He’s such a grumpy bear that a lot of people wonder how the heck you two got together. You both like to hang out at music bars and clubs, and he’s always got a protective arm around you, and as the evening winds down he likes to nuzzle your hair and receive any kisses you give. He sleeps in really late and grumbles when you pull him out of bed to get his ass outside. He’ll always take care of the yard work and grills the best barbecue. He actually really likes when you ask him what he thinks about an outfit, even if he just says it’s fine, because he likes the way you twirl and show off your backside. There’s probably a football team he’s obsessed with and he WILL text you angrily about someone getting a red card or missing a goal. 
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When you asked for his number, you were shook that he still had a goddamn flip phone. Even after dating for forever, he still has that damn thing. Your favorite date spot is live music bars, even if he starts to get overly affectionate and pull you in his lap. He has leather jackets and sometimes wears black cowboy boots with them and it just … works? He also probably rides a motorcycle but makes sure you have the proper clothes and helmet and actually obeys traffic laws when you’re riding with him. He’ll still flip off drivers, though. He doesn’t go to the doctor, his sick ass shows up on your doorstep half-dead and you force cold medicine down his throat while scolding him. He just likes being looked after, not that he’ll ever admit it.
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You’re kind of surprised he asked you out, he seemed like a very wealthy, prominent person and you were a little worried. But on all your dates he’s nothing but a gentleman and he wants to go places you enjoy to know you better. Even if you both go somewhere more lowkey like a cafe or an art museum, he just has to impress you by picking you up in a nice car. He’s much more genuine in evenings at your apartment when you cuddle with him, or when you send sweet texts that he has trouble responding to right away because they’re just so nice. He likes to follow your social media just to see what you’re up to, and he has a picture of you on his desk, probably one where you’re wearing something he got you.
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He’s on top of anything that needs to be fixed or dealt with around the house, sometimes without you even noticing they were broken. He’s very grateful when you plan dates for fun or for anniversaries, because he has trouble with such things. He also totally melts when you bring him coffee in the morning with a kiss, or take his coat when he comes home. Holidays are an absolute mess; last year he was THIS close to throttling Renly with a string of holly. You like changing his phone background to saucy pictures of yourself, because he already sucks at phones and now he’s bright red and it’s taking him five minutes to figure out how to change it. You were pretty bummed when he finally figured out how to set up a phone lock, so now you just text the pictures while he’s at home. It takes a few seconds before you hear him sputter and drop his phone in the other room.
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Admittedly, Davos is a little insecure about the age difference between you two, but he’s always very comforted when you hold his hand and kiss him in public. He always has interesting places to take you, and somehow he seems to know at least one person there. He always has a new story about how he lost his fingers and now it’s just an inside joke between you two. You think its hilarious how worked up he gets about his sports teams, and he cracks up when you yell at competitive cooking shows. Sometimes he needs your help deciphering Stannis’ weird, cryptic texts. He’s very weak when you’re dressing up to go out, especially when you slip on pantyhose and heels.
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You didn’t realize how big of an influencer she was until she innocently asked for a selfie of the two of you. You were on a beach date and you kissed her cheek while she made a cute pose. Much later she showed you the pic on her instagram and holy shit is that’s 20k likes what in the seven hells. If it’s a sunny day, she absolutely wants to go out to the beach or an outdoor mall or anything. She likes to show you pics of outfits, ask your opinion, and buy it as a surprise if you really love it. If you both got a pet together, she’d basically treat it like your kid. She loves taking you with her on her family’s expensive vacations, and she can’t stop holding your hand and grinning the whole time.
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Brynden is also worried about the age gap between you two, and it often bothers him when people mistake him for your father while you two are out. He loves talking about you to his nieces and nephew. He held off on telling his brother out of spite, because he knew Hoster was going to bug him about proposing. His favorite thing to do with you is go boating on the family’s lake, especially when you’re laughing as you try to keep your hat on. His absolute favorite picture is a selfie you took while you were in his lap, you’re making a silly face while he’s kissing your cheek.
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He loves doing the silliest, most domestic stuff with you. Doing laundry together while joking around, picking out furniture to match in the living room, even adopting a dog or a kitten who would end up spoiled rotten. He’d actually fall for you quickly while you were dating and already think of your wedding and a family, but he wouldn’t want to pressure you at all. He has the worst bedhead and you have to grab him before he runs out to work and try to tame it. You both have the most ridiculous in-jokes and when you watch dramas, you both get way too emotionally invested and try not to cry in front of each other.
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She’s very shy about taking selfies with you until you encourage her and insist she’s adorable. She takes good care of her health and works out a lot, and she’s definitely want you to join her for the latter. She’s great with motivating and praising you! She likes dates where you two just wander around outdoor malls or museums, you just walk and chat about all sorts of things. You’re absolutely her phone background and lock screen, and when her dad calls to check on her she ends up talking about you a lot. You both like to put on cooking shows while you fold laundry or clean and you end up getting so distracted.
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You weren’t totally keen on introducing him to your parents, then they suddenly came over while he was hanging out with you and he was such a Perfect Gentleman™ you almost got whiplash. He’s the reason stray dogs always hang around your backyard and porch, he leaves food out for them. He always frowns when you cover up his hickeys with concealer. He’s not the least bit phased by horror or slasher movies, but puts them on TV anyway so you can cling to him and hide your face. He’s absolutely the sort to threaten any male friends he thinks are too close to you, then play innocent when you confront him. He likes date spots that are a little more secluded, so he can grab your body and give you a deep kiss anytime he’s wanting you.
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In the morning, he always has to kiss you when he wakes up and before he leaves for work, no exceptions. He’s very private so those he works with are surprised to learn he’s married, but once you two are together at some company party it’s obvious he dotes on you. His kinks are even more pronounced now and he loves buying you things he wants to see you wear. He’d like to have a family with you once you’re ready. He’d be super into you sending him sexy pictures during the day, but he won’t respond right away or pretend the picture didn’t load just to mess with you. 
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He looooves surprising you with thoughtful gifts, weekend trips or even just flowers sent to your work with a loveydovey note that has all your coworkers teasing you. He hangs around at your apartment so much, you wonder why he just doesn’t move in. He will absolutely love any flirty texts or sexy pictures you send him over the phone, and he’ll respond in kind. When your relationship started getting more serious, he introduced you to his family and daughters, and fell even more in love with you because you were so kind to everyone. He always wants to take you places because he thinks you’re the cutest when you’re amazed by new things.
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A mutual friend hooked you both up for a blind date, which bothered you a lot, but Beric was so nice, genuine and apologetic that you decided to go through with it anyway. You’re grateful you live in a cold climate because he looooves the fireplace and snuggling with you in front of it. He’s not the best at cooking and would appreciate you teaching him, also you look super cute in an apron so that’s a bonus. Expect a ton of different outdoors and camping trips from him, also he’s the worst about getting injured and insisting he’s fine, even when there’s blood all over the bathroom sink.
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Survey #397
“you’re my religion, you’re my reason to live  /  you are the heaven in my hell”
Do you think that you’ll always love who you love now? Even if we're never together again romantically, I will ALWAYS love her at least as a best friend. Have you ever made out with a random person? Yeah, no. If you could do your first kiss over, would you? No. I'm lucky that my first kiss was honestly cute as hell. Do you like your country’s president or prime minister? Well I voted for him, so I obviously can't hate him. He seems to be doing fine so far, though take that with a grain of salt seeing as I don't keep up with politics. Even before voting for him, I just did a small bit of researching on his values. What color is your house? Yellow with white accents. Do you listen to Christmas music during the holiday season? No, I don't enjoy it. Man, Jason's mom sure did, though... I loved how in the spirit she'd get and always played Christmas music in the car during that time of year. I miss that woman and I sure as hell hope she rests easy now. Do you like ginger ale? Solely if I have a stomach bug, and I can only ever sip it. What are you listening to? "Electric Sugar Pop" by Jeffree Star. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? The TMS office has the TV on, and the woman who overlooks it (I have zero idea what her position is called) tends to have it either on a cooking channel or a home improvement one. Today was a cooking one. Is your favorite author the author of your favorite book? I don't have a favorite author. Describe someone you find really attractive: M-Mark Fischbach. *___* If you HAD to look like someone else, but could choose who, who would you choose? Hm... maybe my friend Alon. I've mentioned I feel like a million times that she is like, ethereal with how gorgeous she is. Have you ever seen someone get a tattoo done? If so, what was it? Did they cry or were they in a lot of pain? Yeah; it was a watercolor feather with "ohana" written below it. She didn't cry at all, but she grit her teeth a few times. Do you have anything you couldn’t go a day without? Some form of technology. Have you ever gotten caught doing something illegal? No. What’s your favorite flavor of Vitamin Water? I don't even think I've ever tried it. Is there someone you wanna date right now? Yeah. What first attracted you to the last person you kissed? If we're talking the very first, our vast similar interests. How many brothers does your father have? None. Does your best friend have any tattoos? No. Do you like Ben + Jerry’s? Yep. Man, I want their Phish Food ice cream now. Would you ever wish to be the opposite sex? Nah. Do you think you’re attractive? Nope. What is your favorite card game to play? Magic: The Gathering. I really miss my PS3 where I had Duel of the Planeswalkers installed on it, it was really fun. Do you own a globe? I don't think we still do. What is your favorite wild cat? Perhaps clouded leopards. If your bedroom had three portals to anywhere, where would they lead? South Africa, Sara's place, and maybe a nice little cabin in the mountains for when I'm feeling a peaceful getaway. You can ask any author one question about their story. What do you ask? I have zero idea. What’s a place you have a strong emotional connection to? The pond behind the local community college. Jason and I took our first prom pictures there. Do you take yoga classes? No, but I'm actually considering it since they offer those at the YMCA Mom and I now go to. What is a decision you’ve made that changed your entire life? To let Jason go. It's pretty great, my PTSD has been less of a bother lately! Have you ever made any money from a side-hustle? Could you consider being paid to take pictures once in a blue moon a "side hustle" when I don't even have a main job? Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you? Ugh... it's incredibly painful to wonder how life would be if Jason never left. If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose? Adele's or Amy Lee's, probs. What are your top 3 favorite genres of music? Metal, hard rock, alternative. Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime? No. Have you ever been homeless? If so, what led to your homelessness? Technically, yes, because Mom couldn't afford the rent. She, my little sister (who still lived with us at the time), and I each were accepted into the homes of willing, kind people, though. Have you ever been on a ship? No. Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? David. Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes? Heath Ledger's Joker is quoted all the time, so probably him. What do you think of the "Healthy At Every Size" movement/philosophy? Before I answer this, I want you to keep in mind that this is coming from someone who is obese, so I would positively love to agree with that for my own self-confidence, but I don't. I believe it's a very dangerous mentality. I think you should cherish your body unconditionally, like it's an amazing machine, but I firmly believe you should have an active interest in becoming what is physically healthy. You couldn't pay me millions to convince me that, say, a 300 lb. person is healthy. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them? I think my first *real* crush was this guy Sebastian my freshman year of high school. I thought he was very sweet, funny, caring, and attractiveness was a bonus. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Sashimi, caviar, raw eggs... Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Bindi Irwin, for one. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Hurricanes. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? No. Have you ever been bitten so hard that there teeth marks were there after? I mean I've had hickeys before if that's what you're asking. Ever gave one? Oh, I guess you were. Yeah. Do you think its weird if guys wear make-up like eyeliner? Not at all. Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest) Yes. Would you rather adopt or have your own child? IF I wanted kids, I'd rather have one myself because I'm well aware I personally need that special connection. Stepkids count, too, because they'd be my partner's and therefore very important for me too. What is the most personal question you have ever been asked? Probably TMI, so here's your fair warning, but I've been asked before if I "touch" myself and I was absolutely repulsed that someone would ask me that. Were you abused by your parents? No. If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara. Were you one of the smartest in your class? Up to finishing high school, modestly, I was. Where did you meet your first crush? Art class my freshman year of high school. Do you ever go places with wet hair? Yeah, idc. Who is your favorite little girl? My niece Aubree. She's such a wonderful girl. Does your best friend have kids? No. If you were pregnant, would you want a boy or a girl? Hypothetically, a girl. What place outside of your own home do you spend the most time at? Um, maybe my older sister's house? Have you ever participated in a medical study? No. Do you have any family members who are cancer survivors? Yes, including my mother. Twice. Are you allergic to any medications? None that I've tried. Do you have any licenses other than your driver's license? I don't even have that. If you’re atheist, would you raise you kids believing in God or not? No; I wouldn't intervene with their own spiritual (or lack thereof) journey. They'd learn what they'd learn and decide themselves what they believe. Do you like reading self-help books? No, I just can't get invested in those. What is your opinion on sex change? If you're unhappy with your body, you're more than free to surgically change that with no judgment from me. Do you have any goals for this summer? If so, what are they? Yes, to lose weight. Can you get a strike at bowling? I have before. There was one occasion where my first go was a strike RIGHT after saying I sucked at bowling, hahaha. Do you ever take pictures of negative moments? Well, I photograph roadkill, and that's one hell of a sad moment. I actually wouldn't mind broadening my horizons of photographing negative moments (with permission of course), because I actually find these very impactful and even builds empathy. I will never, ever forget this one picture I saw sometime of an emaciated boy huddled in the dirt with a vulture close by watching him... like fuck, it made me want to sob. No one should ever have to live like that, especially a child. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said, I just wouldn't be able to do it myself. Have you ever held a newborn baby? Once, when my last niece was born. I'm terrified of holding them because they're just so fragile. Do you know anyone who has twins? My friend just had triplets. What is your favorite country in Europe? Germany. Are you thriving in your life right now? BOY HOWDY- Do you remember to water plants? I don't keep plants. Name three YouTubers you aspire to be like. 1.) Markiplier in a vast plethora of ways; 2.) Jeffree Star for his incredible work ethic; and 3.) Shane Dawson for his incredible compassion. Yes. I know the controversy, but regardless, he cares a lot about people. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I wouldn't know, given I haven't read the books or seen the movies. Do you watch PewDiePie? Not anymore; his content doesn't interest me anymore. I watched him religiously back in the day when he was a serious let's player, though. Do you have a Steam account? Yes. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No, not personally. I like watching LPs of it and I find the story fascinating, but it's not the kind of game I'd enjoy playing. Have you ever tried Akinator? Yes. I don't think I ever beat it, except maybe once. Are you wearing socks right now? No; unless I'm wearing closed-toe shoes like sneakers, I never do. I hate the feeling of them. Can you twerk? Haven't tried, don't wanna. Do you like dabbing? No, it looks stupid. Do you like fishing? I honestly do think it's fun with all the anticipation and thrill of seeing how big the fish is, however I don't support it anymore unless, like hunting, you genuinely need it for food. The only case where I'd go again was if my dad asked me, because that's always been our bonding experience. Do you have a Spotify account? Yes. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? Well, they're the company behind World of Warcraft, so obviously. Do you like bananas? Yes, but only for a VERY short window of time. I am beyond picky with the ripeness of bananas. Are you addicted to anything? Caffeine and technology. Do you know your phone number? I actually don't. Do you swear in front of children? No.
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littlesliceofmarvel · 5 years
I’m Here For You
Request: Hi! Can I please get one where the reader is friends with Steve and is introduced to Bucky. They both feel an instant connection but Bucky tries to push her away because he thinks he's not worthy of her. So she does little things like puts a blanket over him when he falls asleep and other things to make him feel more comfortable and to be there for him and help him. Then eventually it leads to them getting together (which also makes Steve very happy). Thank you!
Warnings: Swearing, HELLA FLUFF
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
A/N: Listen this idea is SO CUTE ok enjoy, it’s also really long, sorry not sorry. x
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Calling Steve Rogers your best friend was an understatement, the guy was practically a brother to you. You had been his neighbour when he got his first apartment, waking up 70 years after falling under ice. The two of you grew close and when he joined the Avengers, you grew close to them as well. Tonight, he had invited you to Stark’s Christmas party because in his words, you ‘don’t party enough.’ You agreed, loving the chance to get dolled up. You wore a floor length red dress and had your hair styled very 40s - what can you say? Steve rubbed off on you. 
You stepped out of your apartment and came face to face with the soldier, who wore a clean tuxedo.
“Look at you, you stud,” you grinned at him, causing him to blush slightly.
“Me? You look amazing, (y/n).”
You winked at him and thanked him, before locking your door and making your way out of the building, calling a cab. Tony insisted on sending you guys a limo to pick you up, but that luxury was so not your style, so the two of you hopped into a cab and took off. 
Once you arrived at Stark Tower, the two of you made a beeline for the elevator and up to the top floor. Steve seemed clearly nervous about something, so you gave him a small nudge of the shoulder.
“You seem antsy, what’s up?” You smiled up at him.
“Sharon’s going to be here,” He sheepishly admitted, causing you to smirk.
“Oooooh, I see, I see,” You chuckled, “Is that why you got extra glammed up? You trying to woo her with your fashion sense?” You teased and he shook his head, laughing slightly.
When the elevator reached your floor, Steve let out a long sigh before the two of you stepped out. There were already a couple dozen people in the room, the music blasting, and a large Christmas tree stood dead center. You immediately noticed Tony standing by the window, a large crowd around him, as usual. 
“Hey, man,” Steve stuck his hand out and fist bumped a brunet who approached the two of you. His long brown hair hung in his face, and your eyes immediately went to his left arm, which was metal. This must be Bucky. You had heard a lot about the infamous James Barnes, but because of his past, he was always being monitored, so you never got to meet him.
“Buck, this is (y/n), my neighbour,” Steve grinned to you and you smiled at Bucky, who kept his eyes on you without saying anything.
“It’s really nice to finally meet you,” you smiled, “I’ve heard so many stories about you from Steve here,” you gave the blond a small nudge.
“I’ve heard a lot about you too, it’s nice to finally have a face to the stories,” Bucky smiled and you chuckled slightly. You had seen images of Bucky back in the 40s from Steve and the museum, but there’s something about him in person that’s breathtaking. His blue eyes were warm, yet cold at the same time, and his hair was quite luscious. 
“Oh, shit, there’s Sharon, what do I say?” Steve pulled the two of you closer and motioned in the direction of Sharon Carter, who you had also heard about waaay more times than you care to admit. 
“Be yourself, Steve,” you gave him a thumbs up.
“But not too much,” Bucky smirked at him, to which he rolled his eyes before walking off, leaving you and Bucky grinning at him as he approached her like a teen boy with a crush.
You turned your attention back to Bucky, “So...”
Bucky chuckled, “Yeah, Steve really isn’t that great at introducing people, I’ll do it better, I’m Bucky.”
“(Y/N),” you smiled up at him, taking in his facial features as he swooped his hair out of his beautiful face, “This must be weird for you, huh? You know, not being in the 40s.”
He nodded his head, “Yeah, it’s really something. I still wake up sometimes expecting to be back home in my bed in Brooklyn, it takes a while to adjust.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed an empty couch by the corner of the window, and nodded your head in it’s direction, “You want to go sit?” He nodded and followed you over. Once you sat down, the bustle of the party was no longer surrounding you, so maybe you could get a chance to know this guy.
“So, what do you do for a living?” Bucky asked, turning his attention to you.
You smiled, “I’m sort of in between things at the moment. I recently got fired from my job at the New York Times for refusing to write about the Avengers, actually.”
“No shit,” Bucky said, “Well, I’m sorry to hear.” He smiled at you, moving his hair out of his face once again.
“Nah, it’s okay,” you shrugged, “Boss was a twat anyways, so it was about time I got out of there.”
You sat there for another half hour, maybe more, getting to know the man in front of you. You understood why Steve was so fond of him, he was a genuine, kind man, and he had been horribly misunderstood. It broke your heart to think of how he had been treated, and you knew he deserved so much better than that. You felt a connection to him from the moment you met him, and you knew that it was something you wanted to pursue, but you didn’t want to overstep your boundaries. Bucky clearly had some personal issues he needed to deal with first, but you really wanted to get to know him.
“(Y/N)!” Steve came rushing over to you, phone to his ear, “There’s been a break in, in both of our apartments.”
“What?” You stood up, eyes wide, “Why? Who was it? What did they take? Should we go?” You waited for Steve to get an answer before pestering him with more questions.
“No, I don’t think we should,” he pulled the phone away from his ear, “They found two guys in your flat, both Hydra. They need to do a scan of the building, they say it might take two days.”
“Two days?!” You shouted, “I can’t afford a hotel, Steve, where am I going to stay?”
Steve hung up the phone and put his hands on your shoulders, “Tony’s got loads of space, don’t worry.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not going to impose on Stark, I can’t do that.”
“You’re not imposing,” Tony walked up behind Steve, smiling, “I’d be honoured to have you stay here. Fair warning, you’ll be getting the room next to mine.”
You smiled, “Thank you, Tony. But I don’t have anything except this dress, heels, and my phone.” 
Tony grinned again, “I’ll take you shopping tomorrow, done deal. See you then!” Just like he arrived, he disappeared back into the crowd and you shook your head, smiling, before sitting back down, noticing Bucky was no longer on the couch next to you. You looked around and couldn’t find him anywhere, he must have left.
The next couple of days went by without a hiccup. Tony got you a change of clothes, toiletries, and new shoes, keeping his promise. You stayed in the room next to Steve, much to Tony’s dismay. Across from your room was Bucky’s, who spent a lot of time in there. The past couple of days you hadn’t seen him much and when you did, he didn’t talk to you that much. You were worried that the only reason he spoke to you at the party was because he was drunk, and that in his sober reality, he didn’t actually want to talk to you.
This was keeping you up one night, and after tossing and turning for about an hour, you decided to get up and get a drink of water. You stood up and threw a shirt on, and slowly walked down the hallway, not wanting to wake anyone up. When your reached the kitchen, there was already a light on, but no one in sight, so you shrugged it off and walked over to the fridge. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a hand resting on the back of the couch, but your heart picked up it’s pace when you noticed it was a metal hand. You slowly walked towards the couch and what you saw melted your heart. Bucky laid passed out, one arm thrown over his torso and the other on the back of the couch. He clearly didn’t plan on falling asleep here as he still had his shoes on. You smiled at the sight and picked up a blanket from the back of the couch, lightly placing it on top of the sleeping soldier, being careful not to wake him.
You walked back to the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water with the utmost care, not wanting to disrupt Bucky. Once you finished your glass, you turned to place it in the sink when you heard a small whimper come from the couch. Looking back, you noticed Bucky’s fingers twitching.
“No...” he mumbled, and you realized he was having a nightmare. Your heart shattered and you placed the glass in the sink before slowly walking over to the couch. His face showed signs of distress and you softly placed your hand on top of his.
“Bucky, hey, wake up,” you whispered, rubbing his hand lightly. He jumped out of his slumber and faced you, instantly relaxing and taking a deep breath once he realized it was a dream.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
You shook your head, “Don’t apologize, it’s alright.”
He smiled softly at you before closing his eyes once again, sighing, “This happens all the time.”
You smiled sadly, “I know, I’m sorry.”
He sat up and scooted over, making room for you as he didn’t take his eyes off of you, “I hate it, you know? I feel so guilty all the time, everything is my fault. People keep trying to comfort me telling me it wasn’t me, but I still have to live with the visions of what I’ve done. It doesn’t just go away.”
You sat silently, letting him vent.
“During the day I can at least try to push the Winter Soldier out of my mind, but at night, it hits me and I can’t escape it.”
You placed your hand on his metal one, causing him to tense up slightly, “Bucky, I can’t imagine how you feel about all of this, really, because I haven’t been through that, but you need to know that everyone in this building is willing to help you. We all care for you and you’ve been through enough shit to last a lifetime, and you don’t deserve that. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I really am, but I’m here if ever you need me. I helped Steve through his dark times so I’m good at that sort of thing,” you chuckled slightly and he smiled, still never taking his eyes off of you.
“You don’t need to deal with my shit,” he grumbled before standing up, tossing the blanket aside with a confused face, and starting to walk off, but you grabbed his hand and stood up too.
“Hey, you don’t deserve to deal with that stuff either, but doing it alone is so much worse than having someone there for you, I’m not going to let you suffer,” you said, eyes locked on his.
He shook his head, “I can’t drag you down with this, my guilt is too much for a lot of people, I don’t deserve someone like you to help me.”
You placed a finger to his lip to shush him, “I’m here for you, Bucky.”
He turned away from you, “No, I don’t deserve it, leave me alone.”
The next couple of days went much better. Steve still didn’t feel safe with you returning to your apartment so Tony agreed to let you guys stay as long as you wanted, and now that you knew Bucky well enough, you wanted to stay to help him. You often rushed to his room in the middle of the night while he had nightmares, or stayed up late with him when he was too afraid to sleep. You never left his side when he was down and Bucky will never understand how he got lucky enough to have you help him. He knew you were sad about his situation, but you kept a smile on your face around him and because of that, he felt a smile more often.
You would wake up early in the morning and be the first face he saw before going for his morning run with Steve, and when he returned, you had made them a nice breakfast. You knew Bucky didn’t take care of himself so you did it for him. He hated that you were taking up your time to take care of him, not because he didn’t like you, but because he didn’t feel worth it.
He felt himself being drawn to you, he felt a strong connection to always want to be with you, and you with him. Steve constantly asked you if there was something going on, and you’d have to brush him off before you found yourself blushing and imagining what that would be like.
It’s a night when you thought about these things the most, naturally, so you found yourself being kept awake a lot more often than you’d like. Deep down, you knew it was because you wanted to be awake for Bucky’s nightmares, but you couldn’t admit that because when you accept your feelings, it’s just a downward spiral from there.
This night, you were doing just that, and no matter how much tossing and turning you did, your thoughts didn’t drift from the mysterious soldier once.
“Miss (y/n), I sense high levels of stress coming from Agent Barnes’ room,” Friday’s voice broke your thoughts and you jumped out of bed, completely forgetting pants, and rushed across the hall to Bucky’s room. You opened the door and saw him tossing in his sleep, small groans coming from the sleeping soldier. You sat next to his figure and placed a hand on his forehead, and his eyes opened instantly.
“Fuck,” he groaned, shoving his face down on the pillow, “I’m so sorry, you need to sleep, go back to bed.”
You shook your head, smiling, “No, no, I’m not leaving just yet.”
He pulled his face from the pillow and looked you dead in the eyes, a small smile on his lips, “You’re amazing, I’m sorry. Thank you.”
You placed a light kiss on his forehead and he shivered under your touch, “I’m here for you, Barnes, remember?” he nodded, “Do you want a glass of water?”
He shook his head, “No, no, I’m alright, I have one,” he motioned to his side table where there was indeed a glass of water. You smiled down at him and started running your fingers through his hair, something that you found soothed him instantly. His eyes fluttered shut and your heart soared at the thought of you being the only one who can calm him down like this. You continued to do so for another couple of minutes until you noticed him drifting off.
“You need to get back to sleep, Buck,” you whispered, “I’m gonna go back. I’ll see you in the morning,” you started to get off the bed, but Bucky grabbed your arm and looked up at you.
“No,” he mumbled, “Can you... uh, can you stay... for tonight?”
“In here?” You asked and he nodded, cheeks slightly rosy. You grinned at him and nodded, climbing under the blankets. Your heart was going absolutely wild, and you mentally cursed because you know he could hear things like that. You tried to keep still, not showing how excited you were to spend the night with Bucky. 
Before either of you could say anything, Bucky’s arm wrapped around your torso and he pulled you closer to him so that your bodies were touching. His arm was cold - it was metal, so no surprise - but his body was extremely warm and you found yourself leaning into his touch, resting your head against his chest as he rested his head on top of yours. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled against your forehead, placing a light kiss to it that sent you over the moon. You didn’t answer, but you smiled up at him before cuddling back up to him. Within minutes, the two of you were fast asleep.
“Bucky, wake up, man,” Steve’s voice broke the two of you our of your slumber. You woke up with your head shoved in the crook of his neck, his arm around your torso and your legs all tangled within each other. Your head shot up and Bucky groaned, pulling you back down.
“Go away, Steve,” The brunet grumbled, nestling his head against yours. You were lucky that your face was covered because your cheeks felt bright red. You managed to sleep through the night in the comfort of Bucky’s arms and you really didn’t want it to end. 
“Dude-” Steve opened the door and you gasped, pulling the blanket up above your head so he didn’t see you there, “Oh, my god, I’m sorry.”
Bucky chuckled, running a hand through your hair, “I told you to go away.”
“(Y/N)?” Steve’s mouth dropped as you waved a hand at him, not daring to face him, “I KNEW IT!” he shouted with a massive smile on his face, running out of the room and shutting the door behind him.
“Ugh, that was embarrassing,” You groaned when Steve finally left, turning to face Bucky who had a look of awe on his face.
“I don’t care,” he smiled at you, “I didn’t have a nightmare. The first sleep in years that I didn’t have a nightmare.”
You shot up, a huge smile on your face, “Really? That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you, Buck. That must feel nice.”
“Not as nice as sleeping next to you, I can say that,” he smirked and pulled you back down, snuggling up to you once again as the two of you drifted off. Guess your apartment was going to have to wait...
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jackie-tristam · 5 years
[So i’m getting a little bit more confident doing headcanons but I wanna stay sfw for a bit before I make an actual imagine blog and ultimately move into more spicy headcanons since i’m scared i’m not as good with writing some of the characters]
Random hcs I just thought of pt.2
Rin Murasame
-  Alright Rin was a Gymnast and I feel like with how awesome and quirky she is, she would be the type to freak out/impress people with her hyper-mobility and I feel like people would’ve found out about it because something would’ve gotten lodged in a weird spot and no one could get it
- Everyone is like ‘well there goes that item’ and when she asks where it is, they just see her bend and squeeze in and grab it and come out so casually while everyone else was blown away
-  Also, I could see her making Yakumo squirm because of how loud her joints pop when she does it. Cracking Knuckles? Sounds like she broke something. Popping her back? You could swear she split in two with the sound. Not to mention if she can dislocate something like her shoulders or can turn a body part farther than what most people can do. Like its one of her favorite tricks and while Yakumo and even Louis shudder from it, I feel like Nicola would find it amazing and ask her to do it all the time
- Lastly I feel like before the collapse, when she was in school she took robotics and metal shop and now I can see this tiny girl pretty much being in metal shop working on her projects and she brings that to the table and with help from Yakumo that’s how she became capable of repairing most of the weapons you present her with in home base as well as how she could get game consoles back up and running
- I just overall see her being this smart girl who’s just naturally bubbly and even with everything that’s happened, you give her a chance to flex some of her talents she picked up and she just lights up like a Christmas tree and you can pry this from my cold dead hands
Eva Roux
- Alright I’m coming straight out the gate with this one: Eva knows how to sew, let out, bring in and mend clothes and that’s why Jack’s suit always looks so nice. I feel like this is also why her outfit was ultimately shredded because she would mend it and not too long later it would get torn apart in a fight so after a while she just accepted it staying that way until it gets absolutely crucial to replace it
-     You think that stopped Jack from trying to find her a new dress or fabrics though? Hell no! this man is dedicated to her and I fully believe the only reason why he stopped is because everything was too hectic and after a while he gave up but always worried that her dress would snag on something or that it would fall apart at any second
- She once caught Jack singing and when she found out he was tone deaf? This wonderful angel literally convinced him to let her teach him how to sing and it was one of her personal achievements that she to this day keeps close to her heart because whenever she can get him to sing with her? The harmony between the two is awe inspiring
Jack Rutherford
- So like I said in the last hc for Eva, Jack was taught how to sing and wooo boy if you can somehow get him to sing for you, you’re a lucky soul for two reasons: He actually likes you enough to trust you to hear him sing, be it friendly or more and more importantly? This man can SING when he gets into it
- Like you give him a song and if he can sing it, you get to hear that deep husky voice shine in such a way that any one who had the chance to truly hear him sing would just melt
- One thing he will never do, though? You will never catch him willingly singing in a falsetto in front of everyone. Man cares about his pride and despite it sounding amazing, he likes to maintain his reputation of being terrifying to anyone who dares to cross his path
- Does this mean he never uses it? Nope! Contrary to popular belief, he’ll sing like that if he’s alone or really comfortable with someone outside of Eva hearing it which means you gotta get really close for that or else he will threaten you if you so much as breathe a word of it to anyone else
- I could really see his music tastes being slow songs from before the great collapse. With how he dresses? He strikes me as the type to have all those songs meant for romancing people since they’re perfect, whether for setting a mood or just something to listen to that’s pleasing. Also picture the following: You’re dancing with Jack, listening to slow dance songs and you just hear him softly singing them in your ear. You’re welcome
- Okay so Io is innocent about certain topics but I could definitely see her asking you to join her in watching the 35mm reels so she can learn about humans and humanity. Like this would be a movie night with her and just seeing the look on her face as she understands what it means to be human? Heartwarming stuff, man
- Now as Io is learning how to be a human, I could see her wanting to try things from before the collapse. Just her going “I’d like to try a spa day with you.” because she wants to find out why people in movies find them so much fun or how massages are considered relaxing and with how sweet she would be when she asks, it would be impossible to tell her no
-  A cute idea I had? Io learning how to do pottery. Like seriously, being able to make her own little novelties? She would love that since as she’s learning, she would need help to make sure she’s doing it right but once she learns? She takes to it like a duck to water and suddenly you see that her collection has suddenly expanded, and she may even give you one of her creations as a gift
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yodawgiherd · 5 years
Overcoming Obstacles pt.2
Rating: T
>>>Read on AO3<<<
The second part (and ending) of that old WIP, hope you guys will like it x) More importantly, Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Enjoy & Till next time!
“E-Eren..”, she took an involuntarily step back upon noticing him, hugging the books she was holding closer to her chest. Mikasa wasn’t ready for this, not now, not ever.
“What are you doing here?”
“You’ve been avoiding me.”, he stated, matter-of-factly, pushing himself away from the wall he leaned at while waiting for her class to end, “For days by now. May I know why?”
The walls were closing in from all sides, and Mikasa could feel her heartbeat quickening. Out of all things, being confronted about her behavior was one she didn’t enjoy. Especially when she couldn’t really respond to any questions Eren might have, for the sole reason that she didn’t know the right answer either.
“I just needed spa-space, I think…”
“I can respect that,” Eren agreed, “but I feel like an honest conversation would do us both better than pretending that I ceased to exist.”
Seeing that she didn’t know what to say, he took the lead.
“First of all, I want to apologize for overstepping, it shouldn’t have happened.”
“You don’t have to,” Mikasa was shaking her head, “It was nothing.”
“Then why? Why did you start ignoring me?”, Eren took a step towards her, green eyes intense, “Mikasa, please, I want to understand you…”
He was too close. This was happening too fast. Mikasa almost felt like fainting as she took an instinctive step backward, away from Eren and his burning desire for her to open up to him. Seeing her retreat, he stopped, giving her the space she craved. Yet everything still felt awkward, from the way Eren looked at her to the sound her rings made when they clicked against the metal circles piercing the upper part of her ear, the two types of jewelry brought together as Mikasa nervously smoothed a strand of her hair behind the ear.
“Because this was never going to work.”, she finally squeezed out, saying it more to the ground then to Eren, unable to meet his eyes.
“Just look at you!”, Mikasa finally snapped, gaze shooting up to his, “You can have any girl you want, looking the way you do, why would you ever waste your time on someone like me?”
The sudden intensity in her words has taken Eren by surprise, making him blink a few times.
“Someone like you? What do you mean by that?”
With a groan, Mikasa gestured up and down herself, hoping that he’ll understand her point.
“I’m weird, Eren, and not in a good way. I dress weird, I listen to weird music, I spend way too much of my time at the gym, I’m not good at socializing and terrible at talking to anyone. I have one hundred and one problems which I never share, and whenever anything comes up that I don’t know how to deal with I close it up inside myself.”, she shook her head, “And that’s just the opening part of the whole list of problems in me.”
Yet her rant didn’t move Eren, who kept looking at her with the same tender expression.
“I just listed you a number of things why you should stop wasting your time on me and that’s the best you can come up with? So?”
He shrugged.
“That list? It’s nothing we can’t work through.”
Damn, he still didn’t understand.
“Eren, I..”
“Back when we were dating, I thought that it was obvious that you are more to me than some kind of one-night stand or a short fling. But if you didn’t catch it, then let me say it out loud: I want to get to know you, Mikasa Ackerman, I want to earn your trust and respect, and I want you to want me as a partner. With you, it was never about anything less than that.”
Eren tried taking another step towards her, but Mikasa backed off again, desperate.
“No! you just… You just can’t!”
“I can’t what?”
“You can’t like me!”
While Mikasa was on the edge of screaming,  frustrated by his boneheadedness, Eren seemed completely composed for once.
“Why is that?”
“Because… Because I said so.”
“So I can’t like you for who you are because you said so. Huh..”
He was giving her a fucking headache with this. Dull pain behind her eyes, Mikasa pressed a hand against her forehead, still retreating, away from Eren and his determination to want her, away from his reasons and willingness to be there for her.
“It’s better this way.”, she said, convincing herself as much as him, “Leave me alone, just… just forget that anything happened between us, okay?”
When he did reply, it was hardly more than a whisper.
“I can’t do that.”
It didn’t matter. Eren would thank her one day, that she ended this failure of a relationship now before it had the chance to truly plant roots. Turning away, feeling the headache building, Mikasa walked away at a brisk pace, determined to reach her dorm room before the dams that held her tears back give way and she will break down crying. No-one had to see that, she was already the weird goth girl, she didn’t want to be known as the crying emo. It was the right thing to do, even if it hurt, and Mikasa was sure that she will get over it. One day.
“I just don’t understand it Armin, I thought everything was going great.”
The blond nodded knowingly at his friend, offering the brooding Eren a supportive shoulder squeeze.
“I felt like I was doing my best too, and now…”, Eren sighed, head dropping, “Now I’m not sure what to do.”
“And I like her man, I don’t care what she says. I like her.”
“I didn’t mind that she was different, alt or something, I liked the things she wore too, the piercings, rings, the choker, everything. I think it looks cute.”
The list went on, with Eren listing all the stuff he liked on Mikasa while Armin just sat there with a hand on his shoulder, doing those neutral humming sounds to show that he’s listening to his friend’s ranting. In conclusion, Eren still had it bad for the girl who so unceremoniously dumped his ass, clearly unconvinced that Mikasa was as unlikeable as she apparently thought she was.
“I wish she would listen to me for a sec, but she just keeps talking about how wrong I am and how terrible she is.”, Eren sighed, finally finishing his speech, “It sucks man, it just sucks.”
Sensing a chance to say something apart from humming, Arming cleared his throat.
“Have you perhaps considered that while you like Mikasa, she is doing this for the simple reason of her not liking you back with this being her way of letting you know?”
That made Eren look up.
“You think?”
“Well, if I look at you two, there are certain… differences, that she might find too big to bear. You might find her style cute and all, but maybe she doesn’t find yours… compatible.”
“You’re saying I’m not goth enough for her?”
“Not the word I would pick but yes, basically. You have to admit that you two are not exactly similar in your way of life.”
Liking someone was great and all, but not even Eren was stupid enough to think that relationship was a one-way street. And if it was like this, it made sense that she was so eager to get rid of him. If Eren’s feelings for Mikasa weren’t reciprocated then… Then what the fuck was he supposed to do?
“Perhaps… Perhaps you’re right. I, uh, haven’t thought about that.”
Eren fell silent, staring into the distance before speaking again.
“Armin, how should I deal with finding out that the girl I really wanted doesn’t want me back.”
“I’m not sure I know the answer to that. What I do know, however, is that there is a party tonight, one that you should certainly attend to take your mind off Mikasa.”, he squeezed Eren’s shoulder again, “What do you say, wanna go there with me, clear your head?”
Sometimes, Eren felt like he didn’t even deserve having such a supportive friend that Armin was. Forcing a smile upon his face, one that was quite hard to conjure considering his currently heartbroken state, he nodded.
“Fine, let’s do that.”
Look, Mikasa didn’t want much from life right now. Just some quality time spent on her own, crying into the pillow while her music blasted from the speakers at too high of a volume. Yet the universe wasn’t prone to granting her even this simple of a wish, as her self-pity period was interrupted by her roommate knocking at the door.
“I know you’re in there Miks.”, Sasha did sound muffled from behind the wood, “Let me in.”
“Go away.”, the girl tried to drive her friend away, but knowing Sasha, it was a wasted effort.
“C’mon.”, the knock came again, more insistent, “Let’s talk.”
She wouldn’t give up, that was for sure. So giving in to the inevitable, Mikasa stood up from the bed, shuffling towards the door and turning the lock open. Sasha squeezed in almost immediately, eyes darting all over her friend’s visage and taking it all in. Full-on in passive mode, Mikasa just went to sit down on the bed, watching as Sasha lowered the music to a more acceptable volume before coming to sit next to her.
“Okay so…”, she leaned in, “What happened?”
“I don’t really want to talk about it…”, Mikasa replied dismissively , the memory still hurting.
Sasha clicked her tongue, unsure for a second before a new idea lit up in her mind. Leaving Mikasa to sit there on her own for a sec, she walked over to the table and retrieved something before coming back.
“Here, let’s make a deal.”, she suggested, “I’m going to clean the makeup from your face, because your eyeliner is totally ruined by the tears, and in turn, you’ll tell me what happened.”
She held up a wipe, eyeing the mess Mikasa had on her face, tear-streaked face with traces of eyeliner kinda everywhere.
“No rush.”, she cooed, gently tapping the soft material against her friend’s cheek, “Take your time.”¨
Sitting silently, Mikasa was organizing her thoughts while her face was getting cleaned, but before she could start speaking Sasha gasped, eyes widening.
“Jesus, what’s wrong with your eyes? I thought it’s just makeup but…”, she rubbed the skin more insistently with the wipe, but the shadow still wouldn’t come off, “are those….”
“Dark circles.”, Mikasa finished for her.
“Do you even sleep at all? Damn.”
“I’ve had trouble sleeping lately.. “, Mikasa sighed, ”the nightmares…”
“I thought it was getting better?”, Sasha queried, “Wasn’t it?”
“It was but then it got worse when… you know…”
“You two broke up?”
It was rather selfish to think about him that way, but Mikasa couldn’t deny that she missed Eren’s dream-catching abilities, among other things. Rare enough to find a guy who was willing to share the bed with her without expecting anything of a more intimate nature to happen. His presence at her side allowed her to sleep better than usual, the nightmares somehow warded off by that arm around her waist. Sure, they still happened sometimes, but nowhere near as intense or often than they used to. Now, however, with her mind in a poor state caused by all this break-up mess, they were back in full force.
“Why did that happen again?”
“The breakup.”, Sasha was delicately wiping off Mikasa’s lipstick now, “Why did you leave him?”
“I didn’t want to hold him back.”
Sasha paused in her cleaning duty, looking up with an arched eyebrow.
“Hold him back? From what?”
“Someone better than me. Look, we just aren’t compatible, that’s it.”
“Really? That’s what you think about yourself? That you’re some kind of baggage to weigh people down?”
“Am I wrong?”
“Yes! Hundred times yes!”, Sasha exclaimed, bewildered, “Mikasa, I’m not saying that you’re perfect, but damn it girl, you keep overplaying that worthless card.”
The goth was already shaking her head.
“He didn’t know me…”
“Because you didn’t let him! I’m pretty sure that not even your brother knows what’s going inside that head of yours. If you won’t let anyone in, how are they supposed to get to know you?”
“You keep making it harder for both yourself and anyone who tries to like you, while in fact, you should be trying to make it easier.”, Sasha sighed, a bit fed up by her friend's unwillingness to see the worth of herself, “It comes down to two things. Did you feel good with him?”
“Err... Kinda?”
“I’ll take that as yes. Now, did he feel good with you?”
“I think so..”
“See? So, what is the damn issue?”
“You don’t understand.”
“Because there is nothing to understand, apart from you being so dismissive of yourself.”, Sasha took a deep breath, calming herself after the outrage and focused once more on making Mikasa’s pale skin appear from underneath the runny makeup.
“Listen, let’s make a deal.”, Sasha offered, “I’ll stop pestering you for now if you agree to come with me to a party tonight. If you are really determined to go through with the breakup, maybe you’ll meet someone new. If not, it’s still a good opportunity to make new friends and forget about all this for a time. We have a deal?”
Sasha never took no for an answer. And her presence alone seemed to make the headache that bothered Mikasa ever since she ran away from the conversation with Eren lessen. Mikasa might not have preferred to attend events like these herself but going with Sasha usually meant a somewhat good time, as she really was the life of any party.
“Okay,”, she smiled at her friend, “Deal.”
Now that Mikasa agreed to this, she watched with a sinking feeling in her stomach as Sasha’s grin widened, a new reality sinking in. Going with her meant that she was now going to suffer a beauty treatment from the hands of her best friend because going to party with Sasha meant that you went all out. No holds barred. Mikasa’s ruined makeup finally removed, it was time to do it again, this time Sasha’s way, which meant substantially less black color that Mikasa would like. Giving in to her fate, the goth sat there silently, playing the role of a dress-up doll for her friend.
Lips lightened by a bright red, hair let down from their usual braids to hang freely around her face, a touch of makeup on the cheeks and forehead. Sasha was truly in her element now and had no intention of letting Mikasa out of her clutches until her appearance reflected what Sasha thought was best for her. The bright red dress was also one of hers, and while Mikasa did fit in, it was a bit loose around the chest. Nothing too bad, Sasha decided, stealing away the choker and necklaces from the goth after. Seriously, who would wear more than one at the same time? Mikasa really had no fashion sense.  
“I’m going to die in those.”, Mikasa said, wide eyes watching the heels that Sasha intended for her friend to wear, “I won’t be able to make a single step without tipping over.”
She never wore heels. Ever.
“Oh please, you’ll be fine!”, gently but insistently, Sasha pushed her down on the bed again, helping her fasten the shoes on her feet. “I saw the way you move at the gym, this is not that different.”
“Wearing heels isn’t different from fighting, huh?”
You know what? Sasha did a damn good job. Watching her friend waddle around with a horrified expression, she had to congratulate herself on bringing out all of Mikasa’s good looking features. There, she did what she could. Looking like this, Sasha was sure that Mikasa could have any guy at the party if she wanted to. Now the wanting part was something that she had to do herself, so her job done, Sasha checked the clock and began to work on herself too.
The party was loud, obnoxiously so, and Eren had trouble keeping his thoughts straight with the music pounding into his eardrums. Others didn’t seem to mind, doing the usual activities one does at a party, ranging from drinking and dancing to making out in dark corners. He could be one of those guys, his mouth working its way down some girl’s neck, making her moan into his ear. If only he wasn’t so fucking stupid. Armin did a bang-up job, being a wingman, practically delivered several very good-looking women to him, but all he did was fuck it up, over and over again.
Anyone he met just annoyed him, for some reason, something the girl said, or the way she acted made him bail out. Hell, he even danced with the last one, but whatever you’re supposed to feel when being grinded on by a very pretty girl just didn’t happen, and Eren found himself at his wit’s end, mindlessly wandering the party, unsure what to do anymore. Relaxing and just forgetting about Mikasa didn’t seem to be possible especially when that girl leaning at the wall was so similar to her, down to the shade of her hair, but Mikasa would never wear such a revealing dress and high heels, would she? There was no way…
It was her. Whatever dark magic had to be invoked to make her dress this much out of her comfort zone was a mystery to Eren, but the second he was sure of the girl’s identity he found himself walking towards her, unable to stop his legs from moving. So much for moving on. Not sure what to say, not sure what to do, he reached out, gently tapping her on the exposed shoulder. She turned, her eyes glaring daggers into whoever touched her, a preemptive defensive system against creeps she developed over her life. One that was very effective too, as Mikasa could be damn scary when she wanted to, able to make anyone’s knees buckle with a single look. The murderous gaze softened only when she realized who it was.
Smooth. He was silent, she was silent, as they just looked at each other in the muted light, neither of them having any idea how to proceed. That was when Eren finally decided to man up, and he held a hand towards her with a crooked smile.
“Wanna dance?”
Her lips, which as he now realized were painted in a bright red color instead of the usual black one, curved up, and she accepted his hand, intertwining their fingers. At least her nails were still black, Eren noted with a smile of his own.
“Let’s go.”
Sasha might have been wrong about a lot of things, but her assumptions that Mikasa will get used to moving in high heels proved to be a correct one. With her natural agility and grace she managed to not only walk without making a fool out of herself but also dance, to a degree, her movements making Eren understand what the phrase “hot and bothered” means. The party was more or less forgotten for them, receding into the background as all he could see was the girl in front of him, the smile on her face and the twinkle in her eyes, and in a moment of a terrible clarity he realized that forgetting her and moving on was no longer an option. Maybe Mikasa really was a witch, as Eren felt completely and totally under her spell, enchanted by whatever magic she cast upon him. And fighting that power was a lost cause.
“Can I take this as you giving me another chance?”, he spoke, loud enough for her to hear it over the music when she was close again, her back to his front.
Eren couldn’t see her face, but from the way Mikasa’s body stiffened, he guessed that she still didn’t know what to do herself. Turning in his arms, she faced him, the heels giving her height enough of a boost that they were looking eye-to-eye. The thing was, Mikasa could hardly remember a time she ever felt happy in her life. It was a drag, more or less, to exist, grey days blending together. But with Eren, it was just so colorful, his hand in hers bringing her more joy than anything she could remember. In short, Mikasa had never felt more alive than when she was with him, but she had to make sure he understood what kind of trouble he was signing up for.
“Are you completely and totally sure that you want to put up with my mess?”, she asked, serious, “I know that it’s a bit of a joke at this point, but I really am not like the other girls. I’m a half Japanese half Russian mess that is so hard to understand that I’m not that I fully understand myself. Knowing this, do you still want to date me?”
They had a lot to work through, it wouldn’t be all fun and games, but still. Eren was never more certain about giving the correct answer to any question in his life.
“Without a doubt.”
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Felt like doing some replies the ~ old fashioned ~ way. I should be packing, but I don’t wanna. One good thing about this semester is that I don’t have classes on Monday morning, which means I don’t have to go to Prague on Sunday. But I’ll be once again going home late on Friday -_- Oh well. Maybe I could skip the lecture every once in a while to go home on Thursday afternoon.
I’m scared. Not really of what I’ll have to learn because I know that even if it’s difficult, I’ll probably get it in my brain in the end. Somehow. I’m more scared that once again, I’ll be left alone. I haven’t really found a stable friend group. I mean, I talk to some people sometimes, but I wouldn’t call it a friendship. One friend that I thought I could rely on doesn’t even bother saying hello to me anymore. I don’t know what I did to him, he just stopped talking to me. But maybe it’s for the best. Even when we still talked, I couldn’t believe how judgemental he was, and I often wondered if he talks about me like that too when I can’t hear it. He probably did. Oh well, I’ll see what I can do. I hope I’ll run into someone who is kinda like my best friend from high school.
As for sims stuff, I know I still owe some things to some people and I feel bad about it. You’ll get it eventually. I’m actually looking forward to doing it too. Makeovers are fun. I’d also like to release some more sims, I have one more sim dump and then some old legacy characters I want to share, plus some BC contestants that didn’t make it. They like to get eliminated in the first rounds.
Also, thanks for the comments on my mental health update post. I’ll see how this turns out and if it doesn’t get any better (I’m kinda hoping that better weather brings better mood, it worked before), I’ll start looking for a therapist or something. No offense to my parents but talking to them about this didn’t help in a slightest. They just don’t get it. And I swear I’m not reverting back to the “I’m an edgy misunderstood teenager” phase. Even though “edgy misunderstood teenager” is an aesthetic I still live for. Whatever that means.
And thanks for the tips on the laptop post. I’ll keep them in mind and I’ll probably ask again when the time comes and I actually buy a new one.
Ahh...I guess that’s it? Replies under the cut. As per usual, they’ll probably be the shorter part of this post, but oh well.
abysims  replied to your photoset  “Let’s find Lilith Vatore some love! In my game, I’ve had Lilith in a...”
Honestly Cassandra and Lilith would be amazing (... In my Glimmerbrook Academy story Cass is actually gonna have a huge crush on Lilith so I'm voting for that, yas!)
Ooooh that sounds great! Also, I’ll have a post announcing the results of the post coming up later, either today or tomorrow, but...spoiler alert: Cassandra might have won ;)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Simmer - Get to Know”
Lol this thing with Mermaids made me remember that when my friend and I were like 12 years old, a 6-year-old made her a "proposal" and we answered him that she'll marry him when he buys her a house by the sea in Prague
Omg sea in Prague sounds kinda cool, my faculty would be so close to the beach *-* Haha but at the same time it’s kinda terrifying, where would the sea come from? From the north? From the south? Would that mean my home doesn’t exist? Or, actually, considering my town was built on a big hill, would that mean I live on an island? And which part of Prague would be under the sea and which one would stay?
Sorry, I got distracted thinking of this AU where my country actually has access to the sea :D But we used to have it, back in like I think 12th or 13th century. We’re wayyyy smaller now.
amuhav replied to your post “Me, looking up some specs of my current laptop: you're...you're...”
If it's anything like me with my first 'gaming' laptop, the store clerk basically straight up lied to me about how good it was, and I was too young and naive to know better �� sims 3 almost burnt that thing to a crisp ������
Lmao I have a similar story with my first laptop, we were told that it has this super amazing graphic card...and it wasn’t amazing at all, as I later learned when my laptop broke.
amuhav replied to your photoset “Sims Moodboard Challenge I was tagged by @blurrypxls,...”
Oh no... don't make me want to go back to pinterest and do more of these �� They're ADDICTIVE
THEY ARE! I haven’t done much today, but I’ve spent a lot of time there all through this last week.
amuhav replied to your photo “I need to stop. This is more addictive than scrolling through memes....”
Pssst, not to enable or anything, but Picasa 3 has this nice feature where you can take a bunch of pics and it makes them into a nice collage. That's how I made mine, and then used them as my desktop backgrounds ��
I think I’ll use Photoshop, like I do for everything else, but thanks for giving me an idea for my new background! I used to have my sims or some other characters set as a background, but now that I take my laptop to school I feel a bit uncomfortable with that, so since October I’ve had this kinda boring background and I’ve been meaning to change it into something nicer, I just didn’t know what to put there. Now I do.
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “How dare you pretend you’re Father Winter?” Father Winter:...”
Holy crap, Sunset is a lot more buff than I ever realized. Those arms! ��
Yup. That’s because she has to get her Athletic skill higher for work. I think her muscle slider might be at max, actually!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Father Winter: “That’s it! You’re going on my Naughty List. Your...”
How could she not with with muscles like that?? Damn his Christmas magic!
Next time we should just call Caleb. I mean, he defeated Grim Reaper with no problem, surely Father Winter won’t be any more difficult for him!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Okay, cool. You won’t give us gifts but I have a special one...”
Lmaoooooo, get him, Sunset! ������
He deserves it
asplashofsims replied to your photo “~ daylight”
Cute picture! ♡ I hope you feel better soon and omgg winx club, it's my guilty pleasure for sure hahah all the childhood memories��
I love Winx Club so much. It’s a little ridiculous and the plot holes are terrible (and don’t let me talk about anything after season 4, those are not my Winx D:), but I can’t let it go.
blubrich replied to your post “I forgot how traumatizing Toy Story 3 was ��”
Especially the ending! ��
YES. I remember the whole cinema was crying.
Also, Toy Story always unpacks this weird guilt in me haha. Because as a child, naturally I was like “I would NEVER abandon my toys, I’ll keep them forever!”. And now...they’re in boxes...under my bed and in the basement...some of them I gave away or to my younger sister, who then also gave some away because she’s fifteen now. I still have my plushies and teddy bears in my bed though, it would be too empty without them :D
silverspringsimmer replied to your audio post “(via...”
I love Within Temptation and they got me into heavier music later, too!
I don’t even remember how I found them. I was just bored of the music I was listening to all the time back then, so I clicked through playlists and stuff on Spotify and somehow I landed on their page, I guess. And I immediately fell in love.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your audio post “(via...”
Oh this song was the first song of this bad which I heard! It was also 5-6 years ago.though I do not listen to them often these days.
I think the first song I heard was What Have You Done, which I liked and still like very much, but then I heard this one and went kinda crazy because it just sounded so epic and exactly what my poor slightly depressed fifteen years old soul needed. In one day, I completely switched from pop to metal and it took me a few years to appreciate my old favourite music again. (I know that I say all the time that I’m a Taylor Swift stan, but actually I only really started LOVING her music again last year.)
I’ve always thought that it’s kinda funny that in my Music class, for the first semester I prepared a project about Taylor Swift. In the second semester, that changed, the old pop loving Ronnie was dead, and my new project was about Within Temptation :D But I remember that I was actually upset that day, I chose to show my classmates the video of What About Us and they didn’t appreciate it. And then after me, my other classmate had a project about some singer who had this weird song about getting high. They wanted to replay it. I was so bitter, in my head I was like “this song that I showed you has an interesting meaningful message and you’d rather listen to a song about drugs, how dare you?! You’re absolutely terrible!”
Yeah. I mean, I get it today, but I was so, so bitter.
amuhav replied to your audio post “(via...”
I recently found out they had a new album out (and Nightwish had a new single out too ��) and early 2000s emo teenage me immediately surfaced and threw money at my screen!
Ahhhh I’ve basically had Noise on repeat since it came out, I love it so much! And the video is cool too. I can’t wait to hear the whole album. Nightwish never disappoints, I hope I’ll one day get to see them live. I’ve had a few chances but then it never worked out.
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