#I don’t hate jt but wonder if it’s just cause
miss-floral-thief · 9 months
Bro got McDonald’s again
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igotanidea · 1 year
No strings attached (3) : neighbor!JT x reader
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part. 1
part 2
Warning: swearing and innuendos, but nothing explicit, yet....
He didn’t really run far that night.
In the first alley he turned into, hoping to get some space away from his brothers he spotted a young woman getting attacked by some very drunk and very aggressive men and it made him cool off instantly once he beaten them off. Not for long though.
“Lena!” some way to familiar voice came from behind and another girl, who apparently did not care that it was the Red Hood in the flesh, came running, pushing him away before getting to her friend.
What was she doing here.
Was she all right?
God, it could have been her getting assaulted….
If so, Jason would probably tear the half of the Gotham down to ease his anger.
“Lena, are you all alright?” Y/N asked her friend, hugging the other girl tightly, checking for any bruises, cuts or other possible damages “I told you not to go outside!”
“I’m…. I’m sorry…..”
“Shit, Len, why can’t you just listen to me for once. You don’t know Gotham, you have no idea how shitty things can get in a matter of seconds……”
“I ….”
“Ekhem….” Jason took the moment to clear his throat and capture the girls’ attention.
“Oh, great” Y/N rolled her eyes “you just have to attract the Red Hood, Len. Why couldn’t it be Nightwing? At least we would know the blue one wouldn’t mock us.”
“Oh, not again” Jason grabbed his chest in the fake pain “why does every single lady in this hell hole dream about Nightwing, huh? Why is there no love for me?” he whined and looked down.
“Go inside, Len. I need to have a word with our underestimated protector.”
“Just go.” Y/N pushed her towards the door to the bar and the other girl did not oppose this time. Once she disappeared, Y/N turned towards Jace and sighed deeply. “You probably don’t hear it very often, so thank you, Red. On the behalf of my crazy acquaintance. She’s not from around, not really familiar with the rules even if I told her thousands of times.” She shook her head lightly “Stubborn girl.”
“Seems like someone else I know.” Jason mumbled
“I’m sorry?” Y/N widened her eyes and it made his mind spin again.
“N-nothing, never mind.”
“did you just stuttered?” Y/N smirked in disbelief. “Is Red Hood intimidated by a common girl?”
“Do you want to see the scary version of me?”
“I’m afraid I don’t have enough time for this. Anyway, like I said, thank you for your help. And sorry to bother you, guess you have enough on your plate.”
“I always find some time for pretty ladies.” He smirked under the helmet not that she could see it.
“Right.” Y/N laughed “then I’m definitely not the one you should be talking to.”
Shit. She was just unreasonably good at diminishing herself and it was truly painful.
“Don’t you have any other place to be?” she tilted her head when he still didn’t move, eyes fixed on her face, making her a bit uncomfortable ‘because it’s all fine here and I’d hate to stall you.”
“Yeah, um, right.” He came back to reality, in which she was standing in front of him, not laying underneath, whispering his real name, not the vigilante one.  Back from the world, in which she was pulling him in and arching her back to get closer to his body, letting his hands roam all over her curves  and not telling him to go away. In which she didn’t need any clothes, even that pretty little outfit she had on at the moment.  “You…. you try to stay safe, sunshine, will ya?”
“In Gotham?” she raised an eyebrow “And people say you have no sense of humor, Red. Anyhow, I hope we will never get to meet under similar circumstances.”
“cause you want Nightwing?”
“Cause I don’t want trouble. Trust me, I already got enough of them. “ her eyes became a bit blurry and he started to wonder whether she was now thinking about her unruly neighbor Jason and what exactly was on her mind about him.
Shit, he was getting hard for her again.
“Nevermind. Gotta go scoff my friend for being reckless. You…. don’t get killed, I guess?  I’m not really sure what to say as a farewell to a vigilante….”
“That will do.” He smirked again and watched her as she turned around and disappeared inside the bar.
“Who was that?!”
“DAMN IT!” Dick took him completely by surprise by coming so close, without being noticed. In any other circumstances Jason would feel his presence from far away, but seemingly Y/N got him too distracted for that.  “what the fuck, Dickhead?”
“Do you know her?”
“It’s not your damn business.”
“She’s pretty you know. And seemingly bold. Couldn’t blame me you for falling for her. “
“I’m not falling for anyone! I don’t do relationships!”
“Right. You’re Mr. no-strings-attached. So, to say the least, you just want to fuck her, don’t you?”
“She’s my freaking neighbor!”
“Oh, I see.” Dick laughed “not ideal, but it can work for you, though. You can always come live in the Manor if something goes wrong. “
“You’re a terrible person” Jason hissed and walked away.
However, secretly, he started to think about what Grayson said. Not living in the Wayne Manor of course, but what if he truly did get what he wanted and then switched places? Could he do that? Was he that desperate to bed her and then leave? That was what he used to after all.
Y/N was always the responsible one. The mum of the group. Sticking to the rules, making sure her drunk as skunks friends got home safe. It was how she was. Trying to act mature. Trying to avoid trouble even if sometimes it  didn’t seem to work otherwise.
But it was a pain in the ass, since she obviously did not get to have a single drink during the night. Not much fun. So once she drove all the girls homes and made sure they locked the doors behind her, she came across the liquid store that was still open at 5 am. Good thing it was Saturday and she could sleep for as long as she wanted. But before going to bed, she was planning on having a one-person pity party getting wasted in the cosines of her own apartment. Seems like she couldn’t have counted on anything else.
Not that she really minded ,being the person who would rather avoid big crowds. Honestly, she was out tonight only because Lena dragged her out. It was supposed to be a celebration of the success of her newest play. Wonder if she would still consider it a success when upon waking up in the morning the hangover would dominate her mind and body.
Y/N didn’t even wait to get to her apartment when she opened the bottle. She took the first sip while still sitting in the care, not giving a damn about the rules and expectations. Not anymore. Then, taking off her pinching shoes started walking onto her floor, barefoot. When she reached the 6th floor, half of the bottle was already gone and she started getting dizzy. She was always light-headed. And maybe that was why she remembered that her crazy neighbor promised her a wine for help. Might as well do it now, while she was still in her “hot girl shit” phase.
“Todd!” she whispered-yelled, knocking at his door wondering how hard his sleep was and whether she could wake him up “Todd! Open up!”
“What the hell?!” indeed, he did open, but this was not the sight she was expecting to see. It looked like he was just taking a shower (who showers at 5 am on Saturday?!), and was standing in front of her wrapped up only in a towel hanging loosely on his hips. His bare torso was glistening and the angle of the light coming from the hallway routed out all the scars that littered his skin. He however doesn’t seem to care at all. Good choice since her hazy mind was now barely registering what was real and what not. “Y/N?” his voice became concerned and he himself got aware that he was standing half-naked in front of his neighbor.
The neighbor that was making him horny.
“Hey, Jason….” she slurred “Never knew you look so good, under all those layers you wear. Damn, not I understand why that …. what was her name again? Maddie? Madison? Whatever…. I get why she is so stuck on you. With that body, damn boy, every girl would love to have you over or under or truly, everywhere” god please let the poor girl forget about all that drunk talk in the morning. If she knew, she would be the one switching places, not Jason. “But….” she staggered before catching her balance “I’m fine, I’m fine” those assurance were not really convincing, but Jason let her continue “I came for that wine you promised me.” She leaned on the doorframe, taking another sip from the bottle
“At 5 am?!” Jason reached inside his apartment grabbing a hoodie and putting it over his head trying to cover himself.
“Why not?” she giggled “I had a party with my girls, you know….. I didn’t really have any fun, so this…” she pointed towards her drink “is a compensation I guess. Might make it two.”
“I think you have enough” he stated and took the bottle from her hands, making her whine and whimper.
Shit again.
She truly was making pretty sounds.
“Give it back to me!”
“No, Y/N.”
“You’re a party pooper, Jason Todd.” She pouted “but if that’s how you are going to play, I guess I just go back to my place and ….”She didn’t get to finish that sentence, suddenly bending down and throwing up on his doorstep. Thank god, Jason’s instincts kicked in and he managed to hold her hair back. “Fuck….” She mumbled “this is so embarrassing ….. I’m sorry….. I’ll clean this up, I promise……”
“Don’t bother.” He shook his head “guess that makes us even, doesn’t it?”
“Mhm….” She muttered sleepily “I’ll be more than happy to start this acquaintance once again. We didn’t have a really good start, did we?” she chuckled
“Will you remember what you just said in the morning?”
“No…..?” she hesitated for a moment, her eyes falling shot and it took a lot of fight to not let them “will you remind me?”
“I…. I feel sick to my stomach….. I’d better go.”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m leaving you by yourself in this state” he grabbed her waist gently and pulled her inside.
“Jason Todd, are you trying to  get me to bed?” she giggled drunkenly
“You have no idea…..” he hissed, but it was obvious he was not going to use a wasted girl. He needed consent, verbal consent if anything were to happen. He always made sure of that. Otherwise, it would just be sick and beyond any level.  He was one-night-stander but not a savage or a rapist, damn it. So instead of letting his mind get consumed by lust he just carried her towards the bathroom and washed her face and forced her to get some water to clear the throat after throwing up. Her skin was just so soft and felt so right when he was touching her face. So smooth and silky it took a lot to not test if her lips were equally supple. But he gritted his teeth and fight the urge.
Before she could even realize what was happening he picked her up, bridal style and carried towards the bed. It was still made since he barely got back from patrol and had no time to mess it up. At least one thing was fixed in that crazy situation. He gently laid her down, but her limbs and her body refused to let him go. Apparently, once the first flirty and funny phase ended she got clingy and childish, wanting hugs and cuddles, even if they were coming from him (if she even knew who him was).
“Jason…..” she whined, when actually managed to free himself from her. Unwillingly, obviously, since he could keep her pressed to him like that for hours. But again, she had to be sober for that. Otherwise, how would she know how good he truly was  in bed (yes, it was not only about girls’ safety and consent but also a bit about bragging.)
“where will you sleep?”
“Please, don’t….”
“What?” he froze at the spot. Was she really asking him to lay down with her? In his bed? With her body so close to him? With those flesh for the taking? His body ached for that, his hands started to shake as he imagines all the places they could wonder. Her waist, her belly, her breast…… “NO!” he yelled suddenly, startling her and getting another whimper. Shit, she was going to kill him, involuntarily “you sleep here, I’m taking the couch. Can’t risk you trying to grope me in your sleep with those sleazy hands…..
“Very funny, Todd. Ha, ha….” She trailed, but the sentence was finished only by the little snores and the sound of quiet breathing. “Thank you….” those two words reached him when he was almost out the bedroom door.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” he only responded.
This was going to be a long, sleepless night.
How could he even close an eye, knowing she was right behind the wall.
So fucking close……
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Hey so i need to get this off my chest, i actually had a dream about carson etc and it was carson was feeling sick and so she handed mia off to willy and he had a press interview (ps in Sweden) so he was just holding her doing the interview and a reporter asked about his contract and maybe leaving the team and mia just said no her willys not leaving and held him tighter!!!
Omg stop the way I saw “I need to get this off my chest” and immediately got stressed 🤣 no reason to be after reading the rest of your message hahaha. But please ugh ok like maybe Auston’s off doing something else and Carson’s waiting with Mia for him and Willy is nearby talking with them and just an intense wave of nausea hits Carson and Willy sees that she physically pales and asks if she’s ok and she tries to play it off but she can’t so she asks Willy if he can watch Mia for a moment, which he has no issue doing. He tells her “of course” and then kinda just watches as Carson rushes away to get to the nearest washroom because she’s gonna be sick and like that has Willy a little bit like 🤨 cause clearly something is up and he wonders of Auston knows especially with how she tried to play it off so much. Anyways, he doesn’t ask questions. He’s just happy to help and so he’s chatting with Mia as he holds her and then someone comes along and tells him that they need him to do media asap. And Willy is like “ok ok but can it wait a minute? Carson needed me to watch Mia” and he’s told it can’t wait. So he doesn’t know what to do and asks if anyone knows where Auston or even Mitch, JT or Mo are because taking Mia to media with him doesn’t even cross his mind especially because he knows that Carson and Auston very much so keep Mia’s life private for her and like don’t even post her on social media unless her face isn’t showing or she’s with them or a trusted family member/friend and ofc Willy respects that. So he panics a little bit because he can’t leave Mia with just anyone but none of her guys are near and she’s clung right to him. The person that tells Willy he needs to do media says they can watch Mia but Mia does not want to leave Willy and says “no Wiwee” then hides her face against him and he just doesn’t have it in him to hand her over when she clearly doesn’t want to go and it’s obvious out of everyone around, she’s most comfortable with him. And so he takes a breath and realizes his last option is to take her with him and so he looks down at Mia and says “I really hope your parents don’t hate me for this” then heads to media with her. Mia’s so good during it too, mainly because she gets shy, but when Willy sits down she just stays cuddled against him and quietly observes her surroundings. Naturally, media addresses that not only does he have a child with him, but that he has Auston’s child with him lmaooo and Willy explains the situation that he was watching Mia and couldn’t leave her alone when he was rushed to do media then says “but that’s alright, I don’t mind. You ok, Mia?” And Mia just nods and fiddles with his sweater. She’s not super chatty because she’s a bit unsure of all these people in front of her and Willy but she doesn’t fuss or anything either. Then eventually someone talks about Willy’s contract and how he’s made some meaningful connections in Toronto, they can see that Mia is one of them, and just how he’d feel to leave it behind if contract conversations went south. And Willy starts with saying how much he loves Toronto and the team and the people he has there and then Mia interrupts saying “Wiwee no go” and just snuggles even closer to him and it has Willy SO alarmed because it pulls on the heartstrings so much and he just gives Mia a little squeeze then says how he’s really hoping to find a common ground regarding his contract and he’s just very levelheaded and mature about it. And soon after, he’s done answering questions. By the time he’s away from media, both Carson and Auston are back and Willy immediately apologizes but they cut him off saying they’re not mad, they were brought up to speed on what happened and appreciated the way he still put Mia first in it all and poor Carson feels so bad that he even got put in that situation because she was gonna be sick but Willy assures her that he didn’t mind at all
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fedzkun · 3 years
Villain Hunt Arc Meta: All For One’s Horrific Guide to Methodically Breaking Down Your Local OFA Holder
Ft. Turning the ‘Overpoweredness’ of OFA into a Setback, and AFO’s Successful Manipulations Of Midoriya Izuku
In which I also give AFO too much credit for all the pain he’s probably caused, and theorize that his plans to break Izuku actually started getting enacted even before he’d escaped Tartarus.
(A.k.a. me loving the angst because this is really good angst writing, but also hating it because the manga doesn’t come with a Angst with A Happy Ending tag unless you count Izuku’s ‘this is the story of how I became the greatest hero’ which isn’t really a guarantee of happiness )
So. What an arc! In the span of ten chapters (starting from the end of the War arc) Hori delivered a full-on Villain-looking, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku. Congratulations, Horikoshi, for finally introducing Akatani Mikumo!
The fast pacing and lack of breather panels are so fitting for this arc truly. AFO never gave them a moment’s rest. Yes, from henceforth as he’d promised... It’s always going to be his turn.
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Izuku is making amazing progress with unlocking the full power of One For All. In his words, his abilities might as well already be on par with what a healthier All Might could do, and with no recoil to boot. Plus, there’s only one last quirk to unlock. For villain fights, I don’t think we need to worry about him losing, or him breaking anymore bones at this time.
Which, some might argue, makes Izuku too ‘OP.’
To start with, I want to talk first about the ‘overpoweredness’ of the One For All quirk. It’s a wonderful quirk truly, having inspired and amazed so many because of its sheer power. Used well, it could grant instant victories and restore the people’s wavering faith to the heroes. Because with a quirk like that on your side, everything’s going to be alright, right? There’s always gonna be that bit of hope that something is still strong enough to stand against the looming evil...right?
Yeah. That’s what the people who’d lived under All Might’s Era of Peace thought so too. History repeats.
OFA’s ‘OP-ness’ is both a great blessing and a great burden.
Here are some points on how the narrative has made OFA's 'overpoweredness' a setback:
1. All For One—that bastard—exploits the urge that comes with OFA. Just as ‘AFO the quirk’s’ goal is to steal OFA, OFA’s job is to defeat AFO, and Izuku is sacrificing himself to its cause.
Here’s another thing I want to point out: The conclusion that the heroes drew about AFO planning to capture Midoriya Izuku alive? In rereading, I’m starting to believe it’s nothing but a mere assumption of his plans. Aside from the deal made with Lady Nagant—of which I think AFO didn’t take seriously anyway and set her up for failure— (and while we as readers are already aware of his true intentions to wear Izuku down) it’s weird that nowhere had AFO directly mentioned to Izuku that he’s going to kidnap him and take his quirk from him.
2. OFA made Izuku so brilliant (e.g. Pros and former Pros alike going “This kid...”) that they really can't help but place all their hopes on him. Sighs. In an ideal world, this would be a dream come true of Izuku getting his due credit for all his heroic achievements Pro heroes have started to do to Izuku what they’ve done all their lives to All Might--which is to put him on the pedestal, while they fall back to cover him like guards/safety net. Hence, falling back to the One Pillar Model mindset.
3. OFA makes Izuku untouchable, not only to the villains, but also to his allies. Prime material to reinforce isolation. And if Izuku doesn't want to be caught, he won't make it easy for either side.
4. OFA IS SUS AF, OKAY? What are the Holders doing?! While gaining access to them makes it easier and convenient to have personal trainers in handling OFA, the vestiges prove to add a lot to Izuku’s mental load. If they’d allowed Izuku to come to the point of being caked with blood and filth, they’re not doing very well at guiding him. Realize that most of their arc interactions with Izuku is Quirk Talk. They, of all people, should know how AFO’s machinations work! Hey First, for the love of god, warn Izuku! He’s showing so many signs of being manipulated that you should be picking up on. please /sobs ;;
Tbf, like, I’m pretty sure that the Holders haven’t been as mentally okay either, which would feed into Izuku’s current mindset.
Now that the setbacks have been listed, let’s dive in to AFO’s plans to toy with Midoriya Izuku.
PHASE 1: Pre-Tartarus Breakout
Speaking of OFA being sus, there’s something that has been niggling at the back of my mind.
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All For One basically tells Izuku: “You were my main interest that entire time I was in prison”. So, to pass the time in Tartarus (since he can’t use any(?) of his quirks), AFO has been doing nothing but apparently daydreaming and designing a personal hell for the Ninth Holder during that entire period. HOWEVER, it also made me wonder…
…Even before he’d broken out, had AFO made any moves at all in enacting his plans to break Izuku?
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And here’s the kicker: he says that before Blackwhip bursted out.
AFO is a master manipulator. Assuming that Izuku doesn’t have any latent AFO quirk (for whatever reason *coughs* maybe dfo if you're a believer) or that Quirk Singularity has anything to do with it, what is the trigger to Izuku suddenly having access to Blackwhip?
I’d argue that it is All For One himself.
Why? What’s his goal? If you notice during the Joint Training arc, Izuku is feeling pretty confident about his progress. He’s rather happy and feeling blessed, and he is making leaps and bounds with base power OFA.
AFO can’t have that. He can’t allow the Ninth Holder to become too emotionally stable, or else he’d have a stronger will. So by somehow activating Blackwhip, AFO makes Izuku feel like he hasn’t made any progress with his quirk at all. During the evaluations, Izuku mentions that he still needs a lot to work on, and while not all of it is visible, with the way he behaves, it’s pretty evident that his self-confidence has taken a rather large hit.
But, wait! If AFO had tampered with OFA during the JT arc, paving the way to unlocking the rest (like he’d also done during the War arc when he tried to ‘steal’ it then), then wouldn’t AFO be sabotaging himself since he’d be making Izuku a more formidable opponent?
Sure. Except that the quirks inside OFA are mostly useless when it comes to the mental part of the fighting. The only thing they’re useful for is for the current Holder to be able to play keep-away in the physical realm. And AFO could easily just find counters for those through his work on Tomura.
You know how else the situation becomes advantageous for AFO? With every quirk unlocked, Izuku’s goalposts keep on getting away from him, and Izuku will always feel like he isn’t ready or prepared enough. Izuku will push and push himself to master OFA to its fullest, to become more powerful, at the cost of his mental/emotional stability and physical wellbeing as he wears himself down.
And every time Izuku grew more powerful, and became more ‘OP,’ he is burdened with all the aforementioned setbacks that came with it. He could be the most powerful person in the world, but it’s all for naught if he doesn’t take care of himself. This plan is both a high risk and high reward on AFO’s part, and as of the moment, with a bloody Izuku staggering all over, AFO is visibly reaping these high rewards.
PHASE 2: Post-Tartarus Breakout
He’s going to toy with Izuku until Izuku fucking breaks. What follows is his series of actions that instills the desired responses from Midoriya Izuku. Let’s see how the master manipulator plays this game of chess, shall we?
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Izuku’s plan: Reach out to villains and try to save them.
AFO’s counter: Kill off those who turn their back against villainy and/or acknowledge Izuku as a true hero.
Izuku’s resulting response: Stop reaching out to villains. Gain an instant victory and move on.
After all, what do you get when you block a hero from showing sympathy? You get an unfeeling living weapon.
Izuku’s plan: Work with the top pro heroes to bring down AFO.
AFO’s counter: Make plans that will serve to highlight how the top pros are just slowing Izuku down. (e.g. Making moves while it’s raining, so as to divide them, but also to bring out No. 1 Hero Endeavor’s "slowness" in the rain. Nope, I don’t think that’s a throwaway line at all.)
Izuku’s resulting response: Grows more reckless, often leading the charge.
Izuku’s plan: Track AFO down.
AFO’s counter: Lead them to dead-ends. Or when they do supposedly reach something, endanger them.
Izuku’s resulting response: His tunnel vision worsens, as he grows more desperate.
Izuku’s plan: All Might following him around is okay since it would help All Might from worrying so much, and Izuku could simultaneously keep an eye on and protect All Might.
AFO’s counters: There are a lot to really fuck with this bond, damn you AFO.
Taint that passing the torch memory of ‘You’re Next.’
Declare that All Might no longer interests him. Liar. He outright stated before that he’s one for keeping a grudge
Send another assassin to Izuku [Underlying Message: You yourself are a walking danger zone to those whom you dearly care for.]
Izuku’s resulting response:
Interpret that memory of ‘You’re Next’ as taking up the position of being AFO’s shiny new plaything, and therefore supposedly sparing All Might from the torment (Unfortunately, making Izuku push AM away is just part of the torment ;A;)
Think that AM is no longer in the direct line of fire as long as AFO focuses on Izuku
Finally, push his last line of morale support away, and completely isolate himself.
Btw, I wonder how All Might feels about Izuku using Nana's quirk to get away from him.
The suffering doesn’t end.
Izuku’s plan: Save people.
AFO’s counters: (possibly offscreen) Send more villains and assassins to torment Izuku some more with the knowledge that he can’t save them. Sending villains out also puts innocents in danger.
Izuku’s resulting response: He won’t stop for anything. He won’t sleep, won’t eat, won’t slow down. He will always do his best to save as long as someone is in danger.
His body will keep on moving and moving and MOVING on its own.
--- All For One is very effective as a supervillain. He has managed to make the heroes think that his only goal is to capture Izuku alive for his quirk. He has Izuku right where he wants him: dancing to his tune at the palm of his hand, utterly toyed with, left with no escape in sight.
Psychologically vaulted.
And so, if Izuku is being manipulated to drive himself further and further into self-destruction, what then is there left for All For One to do?
So much more. Because, my god, I think AFO has mastered the art of traumatizing the OFA Holders.
All For One once told All Might, “I will destroy all that you’ve protected.” And boy, is he delivering. He's definitely not done with AM btw.
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First, he destroys All Might's image. And he is manipulating Izuku to drive himself to that point. To looking into his absolute worst.
And when that point arrives, AFO will hammer the final nail home.
Something like...
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And oh, how it'll hurt. To see All Might's pride and joy be flaunted about as looking nothing like a hero to the masses, for him to be so utterly humiliated.
"See what I did to All Might's successor."
AFO will be banking upon the possibility that the angry masses will not want to be saved by whom they're tricked into viewing as someone that's the cause of all the pain. Izuku might have the willpower to stay true to his resolve, but with him on the verge of total breakdown, what would happen when he is shunned by the very people he is trying to help?
I once wrote a post about how the current events seem to be a bastardization of Izuku's wildest fantasies: he's working with the top pros, he has the most powerful quirk, and he's working with All Might (whom technically acts as a sidekick to him rn).
AFO has warped all that into a never-ending nightmare. And Izuku...
Izuku is really in need of saving.
Last thoughts:
Let me just say that it shouldn't be a competition about who gets to get through to Izuku. Right now, he’s gonna need all the help he can get, and it can’t be delivered by only one or two people. Saving Izuku is going to be a team effort, a solid support system that sees Izuku as their classmate/friend/student/actual person that they care about. And there’s sufficient space for that.
More hands reaching out means more chances to catch him if he falls.
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ingeniousmindoftune · 3 years
Hi gorgeous. Whenever you get to rewatch Graceland (I have started watching it again & in love with JT) and begin writing for him, I would like to request Johnny dating a woman not connected to the house or any cases he’s working. Like she’s normal & he’s falling hard. Do you think he tell her the truth about what he does & risk burning the house? Like this is someone he wants a future with & don’t want to keep building on lies 😭 honestly whatever you write, I know it’s gonna be amazing. Thank you. Goodnight & get some rest sis! <3
Hi, gorgeous. 🤗 GoodMorning. 💕
Of course I can do that. Please check my page under the answered asks hashtags. I hope you enjoy and love this piece.
Here you are…
Proofread? Yes/no.
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Infatuation wasn’t even the word for the way that Johnny felt for you. He wasn’t sure when he fell for you, but he fell. He found himself wanting to spend more time with you, wanting to be more open and real with you. He could talk with you for hours but the only thing he couldn’t seem to do was tell you the truth about what he does for a living, or where he lives. He knew eventually you would question why always your place or hotels. He knew you were better than this. You looked back at him as you smiled softly, getting out of the bed. He laid in bed still, with his back up against the headboard. “Miss lady, where do you think you’re going?” You smiled, grabbing your robe. “I’m about to shower.”
“Mm, a shower can wait. Come back to bed,” he threw the covers back.
You shook your head giving in to him, getting in the bed, you lay down next to him wrapping your arms around him. He lifted your chin, pecking your lips a few times. You took his breath away, and that was rare. “You all right?” You questioned, tracing his chest with your finger, planting a soft kiss there. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? I’m with you.” He leans down kissing your lips again. You blushed, smiling against his lips. “Yes but you’ve been quiet ever since last night,” he pulls the ends of your curly hair. He knew you hated people putting their fingers through your hair but you’ve always given an exception for him. The day he met you on the beach, he knew there was just something about you. It was real with you. The feelings, the vibes, everything. Only thing unrealistic was the little white light he told about his coming and going or his job. You were different. He felt free with you, not just because you were oblivious to the world that surrounded him, but because you were just a free spirit. It took one day. One, for him to realize that he wanted more with this woman.
“You’re so sweet,” you chuckle pecking his lips repeatedly, snuggling more into him.
He felt like a teddy bear next to you. He was warm and soft, you felt safe with him. He ran his fingers up and down your arm, thinking about a future with you, he didn’t want to continue on lies but he couldn’t risk burning the house either. And he wouldn’t even know where to start. If he told you the truth, he could possibly lose you. And if he didn’t tell you the truth, you could find out and he still would lose you. You were someone he wanted a future with. He wanted children with. He couldn’t have that with you being at Graceland. He must’ve sighed rather loud because it caused you to ask if he was okay for the third time today. “It’s just work baby. I actually do need to go, but I was wondering.. you wanna go on a date tonight? Just you and me, candlelit dinner. Some romantic shit out of a movie.” You laugh. “Doesn’t sound to romantic the way you’re putting it,”
“I know, but just say yes. I promise it’ll be worth your time.”
In the beginning, when he was forced to live in Graceland with every one else, people he didn’t too much like or care for, some he’d grown close to, some he didn’t. He didn’t know he would fall for someone and just want out. There was the motto, “When you work for the bureau, your lies are your life.” But he couldn’t bring himself to continue and lie to you. He couldn’t continue to live a lie with you. He wasn’t undercover with you, he could be his true self. But it was proven difficult to be two people at once. To live to lives. Because he wanted to be with you. But he also didn’t want to lose his important life. Johnny kisses you once more, but what he didn’t know as you and her both stood at the end of the walk way to your beach home, as he pushed your hair behind your ear and gave you one last kiss farewell until that evening, the big man was watching from afar.. Paul Briggs.
“I’ll see you later today, alright?” He smiled at you.
You smiled at him. “Later baby, be safe.” You each shared another kiss before he walked down the beach, he continued watching you, waiting to make sure you were out of sight and he was further out of sight before he made his way towards the seized, undisclosed location.. the safe house.. Graceland. A couple minutes later he had made his way into the home, walking down the hall he went to Briggs’ room, knocking at the door in a rhythm manner. “Hey, yo, Briggs.” He opens the door. “Hey.” He enters the room seeing Briggs asleep. “Come on, time to get up, man. We got 5’ sets comin’ in.” He leans against the door
“Get out, Johnny. I have a gun.”
Johnny lightly chuckles. “Yeah? So do I. Come on, let’s go.” He continued talking, Briggs reaches over grabbing his shoe and throwing it at the door. Briggs didn’t care about your little relationship as long as it didn’t come back to hurt the house. He also knew when the time was right, he would come tell him about Y/n. Johnny slowly reopens the door. “Come on man, now was that cool?” Johnny asks with frustration plastered over his face. He could be elsewhere, laid up with you but instead he was here. He was working. “You told me no matter what you said or how ugly you got not to let you sleep in, right?” Johnny questioned. Briggs leaned his head up. “I’d been awake 32 hours when I said that,” Johnny wasn’t taking that as an excuse, “So what? No, if I let you nod off, you’re just gonna yell at me cause I didn’t do what you said, let’s go.” He knocked on the door some more. Briggs reaches down grabbing another shoe to throw, Johnny hurried and closed the door. “Dang it, man.” Briggs buried his face back into the pillow and sighed thinking about a way he would confront Johnny about you.
Johnny shook his head as he made his way down the hall to the kitchen, when his name was called by the big boss. “Lauren! Tuturro!” He rolls his eyes answering making his way back into Briggs room.
Talking about getting a fellow room mate things out of Graceland, it pissed Johnny off. More than he expected it to. But it did, it was the way they just pushed him out. And how they had a new agent coming in. After the long conversation and such, he knew Briggs was going to send him to the airport to pick up this new agent. “Oh man what the hell? I have plans.” Briggs snapped his neck at him. “Do as I said.” Johnny shook his head. “Nah’ man. I got stuff to do.” Briggs sighs heavily brushing the tip of his nose. “Like what? You don’t have an undercover. Or is it something to do with that honey in the beach house not too far from here.”
Johnny, of course, was taken back. No one knew about you then again, nothing ever got past Briggs. “What?” Johnny stammered. “You heard me. She can wait, go to the airport. After picking up the new agent and everything, “No, you see the girl I’m seeing thinks I’m a Lear Jet Pilot.”
He chuckled reaching in his pocket. “Dude, you see this? Lear Jet Key.” Mike pointed out that it was just a bike lock, Johnny laughs. “Exactly. But my girl doesn’t need to know that.” He laughs leading him inside the house. Explaining to him about everything. “So, the chick you’re seeing, you ever bring her here?” Johnny rubbed the back of his neck. “I brought her once. We can have civilians here but, never past the living room so it’s easier out there. I guess.” Mike nods. “Is things serious?” Johnny chuckled shaking his head. “You are asking a lot of personal questions man. But yeah, it’s serious.”
“I just guess I’m curious, is all.” Johnny nods his head slowly leading him to his room, “Alright man. Grab me later and we can grab some to eat.” He shouted on his way out the door, he grabbed his burner shooting you a text, letting it be known that he misses you already.
He was scrolling trying to find out some places to take his lady, while seated at the table. Jakes came in bitching at Mike for eating his cereal and drinking his Oj. Johnny found it funny knowing he had set Mike up, no harm in fucking with the new kid just a little. Mike was kissing you to Briggs when Briggs suggested that Mike did all of his chores, Johnny just sat back and laughed. “That’s Paul Briggs?” Mike questioned. “That’s briggs.” Johnny laughs leaning against the chair. “Briggs.” Johnny made his way in the room, “what Johnny?” Briggs groaned, shaking his head.
“How’d you know about, Y/n?” He questioned closing the door
Briggs smacked his lips. “It’s no secret. Everyone knew you were dating someone, yes. But, you two weren’t alone the day you snuck her up the stairs. I told you, no one without clearance is allowed up the stairs.” Johnny shook his head. “How serious is it?” Briggs questioned, grabbing what he needed for his surf. “You should know by now there’s no secrets in Graceland,” Johnny shook his head. “Except for you.” He chuckled as his dimples poked out. “Except for me.” Briggs sits on the couch. “Man, It’s serious. I see something special happening with us. I think I want to marry her.”
“Marry her?,” he laughs.
Johnny furrowed his eyebrows. “And why’s that so funny?” Briggs shook his head. “In this line of work, this is your life. Marriage is out of the picture. You’re devoted to Graceland man and you aren’t in love with this girl, Johnny. You’re in love with the idea of her. You really think you can keep two lives separate when one is a personal one? You won’t be able to do both Johnny. And God forbid, you ever get blown when you’re undercover.. it could come back on her. You need to keep things the way they are.” Briggs sighs. “I love and care about you man, trust me when I say that.. marriage? Nah’.”
“I have very strong feelings for her. Briggs, I don’t want to keep lying to her. I want a life with her.”
Briggs sighs. “Then your best bet is to keep lying, you know the rules and you know the motto. Any little screw up can burn Graceland or you. Love is love, kid. I get you have feelings for her. But you need to keep being whatever name you told her, to her.” It was then and there Johnny had a decision to make. Should he tell you the truth and risk burning the house? Or should he continue building on his lies? “I have a decision to make.” Johnny sighs deeply. “I’m going to be late. I promised her a date night, no distractions.” Briggs looked over at Johnny. “Just be careful man. And I don’t care about you dating her. Just be sure it doesn’t come back on us or get you killed.”
• • •
Johnny sighed looking at his attire. “Where are you going looking all spiffy?” Charlie smirked leaning against the door frame. Johnny turned around looking at her and laughed softly. “I’m going out. Got a hot date tonight.” She smiled, walking closer to him fixing his leather jacket. “Briggs doesn’t know what he’s talking about. If you trust her, you do what you need to do but he’s right about one thing- being honest about Graceland and your job will open a can of worms that are far worse than you’ll ever see. If you want to spend your life with her, spend it with her. But just remember… there are rules in place not just for us but for you.” She looked at him. “If she makes you happy, Johnny, don’t do anything to put her in jeopardy.”
The whole walk to your place was just full of thoughts. Should he or shouldn’t he tell you? He wanted a future with you in it. But he also hated looking you in the eyes and lying to you. He held the flowers in his hand as he knocked his rhythmic knock, he smiled once you opened the door looking gorgeous as ever. “Wow,” he smiled.
“I can say the same to you.” He smiled, you blushed. He handed you the bouquet of your favorite flowers. “You remembered?” He nods his head taking your hand, leaning in kissing your lips. “Of course I did. You ready to go? I don’t want to lose our reservation.” You nod coming out closing the door. Your roommate was already making her way to the door to lock it, he smiled wrapping his arm around your neck leading you to his car parked close by, getting in the jeep after he secured you, he played some tunes. His hand linked with yours. He knew he couldn’t lie to you. He looked over at you. “Baby.” You looked at him as your hand was outside the vehicle riding the wind. “Yes?”
He sighed. “I love you,” this was his first time saying that he loved you. You smiled. “I love you too, Johnny.”
“I want to tell you something about me but, I don’t want to ruin our date night.” You nod your head, surprisingly you were calm. “Then don’t tell me until the date is over. I want to enjoy you, and I don’t want anything to ruin this date. It’s already going so well.” He nods. He still was a little indecisive. He wasn’t sure if telling you was the right thing but he trusted you. He knew you would never do anything to hurt him. So, what if he told you the truth? Graceland would still stand. You would still stand. You weren’t a criminal. You weren’t anything of the sort.
* * *
You smiled over at Johnny as the two of you walked the beach. A different beach. He wanted privacy. He turned his phone off and just wanted to spend his entire time with you, his focus on you. In the beginning his job came first, but, right now.. you came first. And he didn’t care. All the lies needed to end tonight. Right here.
“You know I never saw myself falling for you, not this deep.” He said honestly, as you sat between his legs.. in his arms
Tilting your head back, you glance up at him. “I didn’t think this would get this serious either.” He leans down pecking your lips as he held you in his arms. “So what is it you wanted to tell me?” The sounds of the waves and ocean swinging back and forth, it was soothing. You took your hands from the sand and held his arm with your hands giving him your undivided attention. “I’ve been lying to you.” You frowned. “What?” You didn’t like the sound of that phrase. “I’ve been lying to you. But with good reason. If I tell you who I am and what I do could put you and a lot of people in danger. But I can’t keep lying to you.”
“I know.” You sighed with relief. You had been knowing about him being an FBI agent. Briggs had already told you. He knew Johnny was becoming serious with you. He didn’t go into full detail but he told you enough.
Johnny frowned. “What?” You chuckled pecking his lips. “Your boss told me that you’re a cop and when we met you were undercover and that everything about you has to be secret, and he knew you would never tell me because he warned you not to. I know, I just didn’t care. Because, I hope that this is real that who you are with me.. is real?” Johnny smiled at you, he kissed you, smiling against your lips. “Of course. Of course. I can be my true self with you, I want to spend my life with you. I want a future with you.” You peck his smile. “I want a future with you too but, how could we possibly do that?” Johnny leaned back. “I’ll find a way.” He smiled. You smiled back.
@skyesthebomb @rio-reid-sluttt @bbygirlchristina @rosegoldcoco @sesamepancakes @lovesanimals0000 @pearlkitten33 @laylasbunbunny
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ectoplasmicbaloney · 2 years
LIVE BLOGGING CHUCKLESANDWHICH EP. 54 (spoilers for that episode)
guys i’m so fucking sad holyshit
dude i love charlie slimecicle for real he’s such a key member of the podcast :(
goobey sons :,)
FOR A WHILE :( oh man
Oh man he’s doing so much :( oh god, time and mental space
that is a good way to put it :(
it’s good he’s prioritising his mental health and just, gah, man.
they played dayz lol and they were having a good time i really wanna see a like, chuckle sandwhich gaming thing WHICH SLIME as a guest i guess :(
i don’t even know how schlatt has moved 5 times and is still making content man
charlie and his guinea pigs is so cute :) and the way he talks about them is really endearing
the energy in this episode is just like: im smiling but im basically just like, tears!! TEARS!!
i need to buy from slimestory and just roll with it
yo mamas??!!?!! (sorry)
my mommy is needy??! SHE NEEDS THE MEAT??!!
dad deli? :(
just roll with it is super fun, i’ve listened to it for a while and just… man
don’t hate on me for this, but schlatt seems like a genuinely great friend tbh, the stuff he’s saying ti charlie is really nice and cool
who are they gonna replace him with? i don’t want to think of the new person as a replacement but honestly it’s gonna be kinda hard to not, for a while at least, cause of how charlie IS the meat so…
it’s all sad chuckles rn :,|
schlatt’s fake crying lol
charlie is a wonderful boy, a great guy too, really passionate, he’s cool :)
NON-NEWTONIAN FLUIDS!!!!! - my favourite state
he’s so good at lifting the mood :>
they’re using past tense god it’s like a celebrity’s wiki page after they die
schlatt being genuine is so weird but it’s really nice “charlie is an actual saint walking among men. i cannot think of one negative thing to say about you.” damn bro :,)
the fallout :,(
im glad there’s no drama, they’re great friends :)
i’m really excited for more chuckle dungeon
but their dynamic is so balanced and really nice, they bounce off of each other so well and the convos just go so smoothly! the next person is gonna be great for sure, but charlie’s energy and personality is hard to find and or replicate. i do hope the next person doesn’t try to replicate him though, it’s best to be natural :)
the chaotic evil/neu/good thing is so true lol
maybe it’s better for it to not be filled? idk :(
enough to last a year if you watch one every week :(
CHUCKLE DUNGEON IS SO COOL HONESTLY!!! chuckle dungeon is such a cool fucking thing and they all really get into it and show ernest interest it’s so :)
yeah he wrote it out, i was looking at the laptop trying to decipher what it was saying lol
me and ted both are a dungeon masters worst nightmare, my last dm hated me, and to be honest it was fair i was very annoying.
“that ted thing” lol… i probably do that
“i was thinking ‘he’s a misogynist, that’s probably a highly misogynistic thing to do, cut a woman’s head off’” that is exactly my line of thinking, just going straight to the extreme traits of the character cause subtly? grace? nuance? don’t know her
“there has not been a single chuckle dungeon without a sexist or racist” LMAO (until schlatt’s off the podcast there will never be one (jokes lol))
a creepo?
the goopey elevator 💀 i think he meant the tomato lol
charlie is an amazing dm
“racial aspects of dnd” bro 0_0
“so you wanna take my spot?” LMAO SCHLATT
god how bad was the smoke lmao
oh wow really bad
oh my god he thought 9/11 was 2011, his brain goes so fast why did he consider 1988 and think it was stupid cause he was a baby???
everybody was shocked, even me man
ah yes the best bit
ouh a flashback
the freddy wong episode was so good honestly
chulk me out chulk man 😟
me too ted nivison i want to keep something going
dude seeing schlatt so genuinely excited about machinima respawn and boruff and the spider is nice cause he’s such a big fan dude, look at him go!
he ate a termite •_•
i just noticed charlie’s salt rock lamp lol
adventure awaits, i guess
coconuts know when to grow when the water stops moving?? interesting
the cocoknow 😨
“it’s the minerals” sir is saying words
charlie’s humour is really refreshing and i love his storytelling content, especially like the dnd esk adventures and stuff :)
termites taste like lemon, interesting
popped em in, crunched em, got the zest and boom
wait are there termites in my house
guys i just confirmed i have a termite infestation in my house LOL i just thought they were funky looking ants with weird white butts but nope! they live in our big ass wooden table
ok back to the video
“get in… gringos” LOL
idk about cilantro tbh
nice fact ted
why does he have an nft painting??? it’s… it’s FUNGIBLE? Tommyinnit bought it for him 💀
do people not have items around them at all time? heavycube
big block of tungsten
and ted has two lint rollers!
boruff gardening is really cute lol :) he’s growing lettuce and tomatoes 😭😭
oh ok future plans:
ok there’s a hiatus coming soon :( understandable
i must buy from slimestory the products are actually cool and interesting to me!!!
GILLION TIDESTRIDER??!? i will watch let’s roll with it again
charlie’s not getting replaced :)) and charlie may just come in occasionally:,)
charlie cam dear lord
He got a gift :DD
love you to death charlie :)) but not in a parasocial way dear lord ok nvm
“keep chulking, you’re da bomb.com”
LMAO OK why are they switching to different POVS LOL
ok so that was it :,)
Charlie is such a cool guy, i’ve been watching his stuff for like 5 years now and he always makes enjoyable and amazing videos and he just seems like a generally awesome person. i’ll miss his puns and energy on the podcast, but i’m glad he’s taking care of himself and i hope he feels less stressed out after this :) Can’t wait to see what he does next and i’m excited for more episodes of the podcast!!
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
Hii! I just read chapter 1 sneak peek!! I'm so excited, it's so good! 🥺 Oh! And also, I wanted to know if you ever wondered where your readers are from? Cause for example i'm from Argentina, and it really makes me wonder how many people of different cultures and backgrounds come to your blog and enjoy your writing, it really catches my attention.
That’s awesome! I’m always a little curious but a while ago when I was getting boatloads of hate from blinks I downloaded an app that tracked where people where coming from when they accessed my page! Don’t worry, I never could find people’s names or anything just where they where on the globe and about 50% of my followers where outside the us!!! The closest to me that anyone’s ever accessed my fanfic was 5 miles away 😅 kinda crazy!
It’s wild to think that people from all over the world have read my words like- it’s crazy!!!! I can’t belive jt most of the time! Feel free to chime In where you’re from below or in my ask box!
I’m so happy you’re excited to read it 🥺 I’m really excited to get past the more expositioney parts of this story and get to the meat of it! This is the last part of background before we get to the v heavy parts of the plot. I’m not going to lie- the next part is focoused on some triggering domestic abuse moments with the m/c and her husband.
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idjitlili · 4 years
They hate us cuz they anus
Eomer x reader
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Summary: caring for merry the eve of battle as he misses pippin, he ends up asleep on your lap , but you are so tired that you cannot move him. This leads to certain person helping you.
Word count:2016
On the way to where you would set up tents for rest on the eve of battle of Pelennor Fields. Merry had been very upset about having to be separated from Pippin, so much so he was moping around. He sat on the horse , you behind him.
You had met Eomer when searching for merry and pippin , when you had crossed the lands of Rohan. It was rare to see a women , a young only aswell dressed in clothes commonly a man would wear,plus with weapons upon her. You had been wearing a large tunic , that went very low, it wasn’t yours it was your fathers, he wouldn’t have agreed for you to join the fellowship. Gandalf requested you too , so you did you stole your fathers armour and weapons and clothes. Your pants now into shorts as they weren’t lose like your shirt because they were in fact yours, you had cut them so you would be able to run easily.
Your fathers armour was lost because you couldn’t barely run with , you made sure to note to replace them when you got a chance. Yet your fathers sword still laid upon your belt. Your hair had been braided tightly back by legolas , he was very kind to offer, as he noticed you struggled with it in your face when fighting. You would’ve done it yourself but you really couldn’t be bothered. You faced laced with sweat , you pant slightly, this was the most running you had down this whole quest.
Eomer had eyed your group suspiciously, you were a shy girl around new people, it was different when talking to your friends. you had coward behind legolas and Aragorn. That was until , Eomer had began talking to you. “And why does a women accompany a group of men?” You spoke loudly to, you gulped up at the man, almost not knowing how to speak, he was indeed handsome. “Uh...I w-wish to save my friend m-my lord.” You voice shaky as you spoke , Eomer nodded at you , he understood you wasn’t much of a talker, he decided to leave you alone.
Yet he admired you for being a female , especially when it was frowned down on. He had gave you two horses, you had mounted behind Aragorn, looking back at Eomer he smiled at you which you returned with a small blush upon yo ur cheeks.
Yeah so now you sat upon a horse with merry, hopping off, then lifting merry off too. You went to put him down but he shook his head ,” can you carry me a while y/n?pleaseeeee.” He pleaded wrapping his arm around your neck. You held on your hip with one arm. “If I must .” You replied ruffing his hair with your other arm.
You were staying in a tent with eowyn and merry , yet the tents were still being set up, so you just walked around for a couple of hours with merry on your hip, that was until he was hungry. Yet he wouldn’t let go of you , so you grabbed some potatoes and sat next to Eomer on the log , with a knife and pot. You placed merry onto your lap, while you peeled the potatoes, and diced them placing them in the pot with water. Eomer watched you as merry hold the pot. After you had completed that you placed the pot on the fire, still holding merry. Merry was starving and didn’t forget to remind you everything two seconds, you tried to keep your cool, damn this must be what it feels like to be a mother.
“Is he always like that?” Eomer asked from next to you chuckling, merry let’s out a ‘OI.’ You rub merry s shoulder with your hand. “Not usually, you just miss pippin don’t you. I guess I’m his replacement.” You smirk at merry knowing jts absolutely true. “No, you are my mother.” You gasp at his answer , pulling the pot from the fire onto the ground, to cool.
“If I was I think you would be taller plus you are older than me.” Eomer laughs at you , merry just hugs tighter, “still my ma.” You giggle , now mashing the potatoes turning it into mash before giving it to merry. Who eats it like if they had a time limit of a minute otherwise they would disappear. “I’m not surprised he thinks you are, you carry him around for hours , feed him and now he’s falling asleep on you.” Eomer had whispered, Merry had eaten and now lay against your chest eyes fluttering closed
“You are very right.” You smiled up at Eomer, it was late , you sat next to Eomer for hours, briefly chatting, your eyes began to feel heavy. You began drifting off to sleep, that is until Eomer whispers your name , you slowly open your eyes at him “yes?” You spoke barely above a whisper.
“I think it’s time you get to bed.” You groan, knowing you have to walk. “But... the tent is so far away, and then I have to carry merry too.” You drag out , tiredly. “You are in the same tent as eowyn? You nod your head at Eomer eyes closed. Then you feel someone lifting you bridal style , with merry on your chest. “Whaaat” you reply , as the strong arms carry you to your tent with easy. “Sleep y/n.” Thats all it takes for you fall asleep.
Once you woke up in the morning, Merry was cuddled into your side , in your bedroll with you. Eomer must have carried you to your bed, eowyn probably teased her brother, for doing so. It was unusual for Eomer to behave this way, he always act tough infront of everyone but he was just a softie and he showed that to you last night. He was only like that around 1his sister , he was indeed a kind man. I
The next time you talked to Eomer , was after the ring was destroyed and at Aragorns ball in celebration of him claiming his right to the throne of Gondor. You wore a dress that Eowyn had forced you too, it was a navy blue dress like the tunic you wore when you first met Eomer. It was only a simple dress, you really would have preferred to be at home eating potatoes or something. But instead you would stood at the side away from the dance floor near the food.
Now merry and pippin were reunited , merry had told pippin all about his time with you and you being his human mother. Now pippin insisted that you were his mother too, forcing you carry both of them, on your hips, Frodo and Sam laughed at you as the hobbits swung about on you Eating some sort of cake.
You stayed like this for a while trying to get the hobbits to behave, then Eomer had approached you with a huge smile admiring your kindness. Your h/c hair that is loose fell upon your face due to the movements of the hobbit. Eomer stood infront of you , the hobbits looking at him in confusion, you looked past your hair at Eomer smiling.
“Merry , pippin could I speak to your mother please?” He had asked politely, you blushed at his words , giggling at the hobbits that looked at Eomer in disgust. “You hurt our ma , you become a kebab king.” Merry growled and pippin hissed at him. “That’s enough , go annoy legolas hm?” With that you leant down placing them on the floor and then they ran for legolas nearly knocking a bunch of people over.
You stand up , looking at Eomer , pushing your hair from your face. “What did you need to ask me ,king of Rohan?” Your voice is quiet , as you fiddle with your hands. “Just Eomer ,no need for formalities, miss y/n. I was wondering if you would talk a walk with me?” His face turnt slightly red ,with nervousness.
“Just y/n then Eomer, and yes I will.” You smile at him, as he offers you his arm which you take as he walks you to the gardens. He was dressed in navy too Damn, Eowyn must have done that on purpose. It was no surprise, when ever he would walk near you in that bar which legolas and Gimil has that drinking contest, your face would flash red. Eomer smiled at you , once you had reached a the gardens that were covered in sunflowers,the music barely audible.
He had brought you to a stop, his hands grasping yours, before he spoke “would you dance with me? I didn’t want to ask you to dance in there, as I couldn’t help but notice you get very nervous infront of large crowds.” His voice full of kindness , he was a very respectable man, and indeed handsome. You face blushed, you nod your head eagerly,”but I do not know how..” you look at your feet , that wore navy slippers. His hand let go of your hand to pull your chin up slowly “it doesn’t matter, we can just sway.” You send him a hopeful smile, wrapping your arms around his neck as his come around your waist.
He guides you to sway with him, looking you in the eyes smiling. “Thanks for saving me from the hobbits , I was sure my back was going to give in.” He chuckles at you ,” you are very welcome, anything for you.” You blushed at his words. “...uh like why can’t they pretend Gandalf is their mother and swing off him like he’s a tree. “
“If they did I’m pretty sure he would’ve turned them into frogs.” You giggle at him , “yeah then they would came after me , ‘oooh kiss me’ no thank you.” You bury your head into his chest laughing hard he just holds you still swaying, laughing with you.
After a few minutes you calm down and Eomer breaks the comfortable silence, when you look back into his eyes.” I’m guessing you don’t like being kissed?” You face turned beet red “uh..it’s just I wouldn’t want to kiss a frog, plus I-I’ve never been kissed before.” You look away from him embarrassed. “Oh..why not you are so beautiful.” He questioned, causing you to blush even more than before.
“B-because no one ever wanted too..” he cups your cheeks so you can’t turn away from you “well I know that’s not true at least one person does.”
“W-who?” Your eyes search his eyes for answers , before he whispers “may I kiss you?” You nod your head nervously , he leans forward down slightly to meet your lips with his soft ones. You can taste the wine on his lips before he pulls away. You hug him tightly “thank you.” You mutter into his shoulder, which he pulls you right to him. “ may I court you y/n” he whispers into you hair , “yes” not even a second later , pippin and merry are dragging you by the hands.
“No no , stay away from our ma, we are her children she doesn’t need more.” Merry shouted at Eomer.
“ I almost die but I survive only for you to try steal our ma.” Pippin growls.
“Hey hey, my sons Eomer will carry you on his shoulders how about that?” The hobbits eyes light up, Eomer looks at you in surprise, you gesture him let them up. He kneels , sitting there hobbits on his shoulders, they hold on to each other, whilst you grab Eomer a hand, as you walk into the hall again, only to get a bunch of eyes on the three of you, eowyn laughs along side faramir.
“They hate is cuz they anus.” You spoke in a low pitch voice , nudging Eomer.
“ maybe it’s time we take our children home?”
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majwrites · 4 years
Profiling friends (Part 1)
Malcolm Bright x platonic!reader
Don Flack x platonic!reader
Description: The reader is a young profiler for the NYPD and works with Don Flack and the Crime Lab most of the time. On a case they meet Malcolm Bright.
A/N:this is my first reader insert fanfiction, I hope you enjoy it. This contains incredibly unrealistic descriptions of profiling and law enforcement. And my grammar is really bad.
You felt like something was off the very moment Flack and you got out of the car. Something about this crime scene was odd. Well, more odd than other crime scenes, but not because of the murder.
"Flack, there's a guy sniffing the victim already", you weren't sure why there were people present who you didn't know, this was your part of town. Only after looking at who appeared to be another consultant you noticed that Hawkes was already there too.
"Seems like we're sharing this case", said Flack before spotting an older looking Lieutenant he seemed to recognize. Then he looked back at you:"Go ahead and sniff the corpse, kid. But listen to what Sheldon tells you". "Sure thing, boss", with that you made your way over to where the victim was located.
You didn't let yourself be bothered by the unknown guy, and sat down on the floor in front of the victim starting to analyse the scene. "She's been most likely poisoned", said Hawkes after he felt like you were ready with looking at the corpse, "what do you think?"
The way she's placed on the ground all dressed up and killed with a poison that I can't smell I say that killer is definitely a bit extra. He wants his victims to look perfect even after they died...she probably didn't even know that she was about to be killed, it was totally unexpected for her and then she just died out here where everyone could see".
You saw the unknown guy who sniffed the victim before you even got your chance to do so approaching. He definitely looked fancier than you. He was wearing a suit and you had given up on the formal outfits after two days on the job. Flack didn't care and you felt uncomfortable all dressed up so you stuck to your favourite clothes you used to wear in college. But you weren't about to let him intimidate you. "Hello, my name's Malcolm Bright. I'm a consultant for the NYPD". "Same", you replied, "You know, your eyes remind me of Tobey Maguire". By that point Flack and the older lieutenant had approached too. "Don't worry about them", said Flack, "(Y/N)'s way of thinking is a bit different and their conversation skills reflect that". He really occasionally acted like a parent. The lieutenant, you'd learned by now that his name was Gil, looked at Flack in an understanding way. Then he looked like he got an idea.
"I think we should not fight about who gets this case and instead work together. Bright and (L/N) can work on a more detailed profile together". While you really listened carefully to Gils idea you got distracted by something. You trailed away from the victim over to a nearby dumpster. You spotted a pair of flat shoes, they still looked very pretty with glitter and all that stuff. You called over Lindsay who by now had also arrived at the scene so she could take some photos of the dumpster and then put the shoes in an evidence bag.
You both presented them to the rest of the team. "It seems like the shoes belong to our victim", concluded Malcolm. "She's in high heels here...",he began. "So she took flat shoes in case she wanted to go dancing later",you finished his sentence. "Exactly", he confirmed.
Once everything was done at the scene you found yourself sitting in the car with Flack again. "Where are we going?", you knew the way to Flacks office building and this wasn't it. "As we said, this is gonna be a shared case, so I'm gonna drop you off with Gil and Malcolm. You can help him with the profile". "But that's a different office, I want to use the board in our office and I don't even know if they have neon post-its and red markers", you didn't really enjoy changes in the routine. "Don't worry, (Y/N), you can call me whenever you want. And I have something for you to make this change a bit more bearable", he pulled a package of (favourite candy) out of his suit pocket and threw it to you. You caught it right in front of your face.
So Flack dropped you off at Gils office and properly introduced you to the other detectives, Dani and JT. Like the well raised profiler you were you offered them some of your candy before Flack said his goodbyes and left to discuss the case with Lindsay and the others at the Crime Lab. You and Malcom were left alone to profile in peace. You focused on that and gladly used the board and red markers they had. Malcolm apologized for the post-its (they only had basic yellow) and threw in his ideas. In the end you came up with a pretty decent profile.
"It'll be a few minutes until everyone gets here and we can present our profile", said Malcolm, "why don't you tell me how'd you get this job?" "I feel like you know that already", you answered, "because I know your backstory, it's not that hard". "Your face was all over the news, but how you ended up at the NYPD is beyond me. (Y/N), you have a criminal record", Malcolm wondered. "You know that I exposed that political scandal", you started, "profiled the guy, got my hands on some info, had my best friend hack the NSA server. Since that guy deserved to be exposed and to my own luck Flack was the one to arrest me I was given a choice. It was either being stuck in a state prison for a few years or being stuck in a contract with the NYPD. And unfortunately I hate to be bored so this was the better option". "What happened to your friend", asked Malcolm. "They got hired by the NSA, but got passed on to Homeland. They work there now". "How do you know about my backstory then? You most likely weren't even born yet in 1998", Malcolm sounded slightly confused. "My main task is to look into cold cases, but to solve those you need some reference. So I was given access to a bunch of solved cases, including the surgeon case. Wasn't hard to make that connection".
The moment you were finished with your explanations Flack, Lindsay and Gils team entered the room. They all looked at Malcolm and you with an expecting expression. Flack started talking first: "We'd like to hear the profile". And before you could open your mouth to speak he added: "And (Y/N), please try to explain it to me without pop culture references, stories about your grandparents or high school yearbook quotes this time". "Alright", you started, "The murderer seems to be a person who's slightly older than the victim. They knew her well cause they got close and the victim got most likely dressed up for them"
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Me again! I was wondering if you could write something with him with a younger so? maybe headcanons on how their relationship would work? -🙈
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You got it! I ended up making a full story line?:
Let’s be honest, he was SUPER hesitant at first! “She’s practically still a kid, she has her whole life to get fucked up without me helping! She has no idea what she’d be getting herself into!”
Of course he was interested! But she seemed so off limits for him. Others told him to keep away.
But she was interested too. “At least let me TRY to get to know you!” Eventually he gave in and part of it was to see how quickly she’d run.
But she didn’t run. He showed her all his demons and she was a lot stronger than he gave her credit for.
Is is fully aware of who he is, and what his father has done. But she’s not afraid to ask him questions about his father and his childhood. She’s even offered to go with him to see Martin, if that is what Malcolm needs. She can handle it.
She’d be wicked smart - it’s the only thing that would catch his attention in someone just old enough to drink. She’s working to get into grad school and it’s a lot of late nights and ordering Chinese food, and it suits his insomniac schedule just fine
Varied and unique dates; from museums to fast food, to walks in the park, to checking out old antique shops, and buying old books, and going to oddball events, the list of what they did together is a beautiful jumble of both their interests, from the high-brow to the low, and they enjoy all of it together.
He has the courage to go to one of the uptown holiday parties that his mother attended that year, with her at his side (she looked absolutely stunning in that dress)
People don’t know why she’s “settled” for the crazy son of a serial killer. She could have had anyone, but she chose him.
When she hears anything that sounds remotely like that - the anger comes out, and watch out, she kicks. She’s got a temper on her worthy of a Whitly
“Just because I’m younger than you doesn’t mean you can talk down to me Malcolm!”
“Stop profiling me” from her
“What exactly is a “yeet” from him
Discovery of avacado toast - and other pop culture things she’s more aware of than him
Jessica thinks he’s being selfish in putting the weight of his problems on a “young, innocent girl.”
But this “young, innocent girl” can drink Jessica under the table, and Malcolm adores that about her, but finds it also an equal cause for concern.
She is the responsible party for the yoga in his healing journey. She even gave him some lessons, and the first few were just a disaster.
She’s responsible for the the daily affirmations too. He drew the line at lavender essential oil.
Couples. Counseling. So. Much. Couples. Counseling.
And Malcolm hates it
He relies on her more than he should, let’s be real. And it’s a lot to handle. He’s worth it, but it’s still a lot
She enjoys the restraints too 😉 do with that what you will, because you won’t hear any information from them. They value each other too much to cheapen what they have, and since most people assume they are just together for the sex, they don’t talk about it to others, at all.
But....yes, they have a crazy insane sex life
Their fights were just as epic as the sex. Often they were about feeling an imbalance of power. He feels he is taking care of her while she feels she is completely taking care of him and he’s not doing enough to take initiative for his mental health.
The team would absolutely judge at first. They’d say it was a bad call. Of course jokes would fly now and then about the age difference but they make sure not to cross the line. That only happened once.
It was JT’s fault; he mentioned daddy issues and he got full dark side Malcolm in his face.
Because Malcolm is SUPER protective of her, almost to a fault. She has to counsel him to back off, that she’s actually an intelligent adult and she is fully capable of taking care of herself
They seem like such an odd pair but in the end, he keeps her grounded and she keeps him hopeful.
One day she tells him she wants kids and he spits the whisky out....it’s going to be a crazy adventure
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hoffkk · 4 years
Going All In
A Brightwell Fanfic
Story By: @hoffkk
Prompt: Gimme a question, and I’ll give you a brightwell fic that ends with a kiss
Questions given: 1. What the hell?! from @luna-colorata 
                               2. Are you dating him? from  Anon
Summary: When JT opened the door to the file storage room, the last thing he expected to find was Powell and Bright sucking face...
Note: This is definitely my favorite in the Questions and Kisses series so far. I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I did writing it! :)
"What the hell?!" JT wailed in surprise, causing his friends to jump apart.  When he opened the door to the file storage room, the last thing he expected to find was Powell and Bright sucking face. Completely confounded, he looked to Dani and, pointing at Malcolm, asked bluntly, "Are you dating him?"
The blushing pair who now had a good two feet of space between them shared a glance, then, as Malcolm swiped some lipstick off of his lip, Dani spoke up, "Sort of." She paused to push some curly locks out of her face then added, "It's a long story."
JT crossed his arms stoically and retorted, "How long?"
Malcolm chimed, answering, "I first kissed her three weeks ago, and things evolved from there."
"We decided it was best to keep it quiet though until we figured out exactly what this was." Dani went on to explain.
"So, you've been lying to me?" JT asked, looking between the two. "All this time?"
"Yeah." They replied in unison, both sounding sheepish.
"I can't believe you guys. We're supposed to friends, we're supposed to be teammates." JT scolded. "How can I trust either of you after this?"
"Look, JT, we are really sorry." Dani apologized, hating that she hurt her friend. "We just--
"Wait a minute." Malcolm interrupted, taking a step forward and looking at JT with a meticulous glance. After a brief moment of reading his body language, he sighed, "He's messing with us."
"What?" Dani tossed back exasperatedly.
"He already knew about us." Malcolm clarified, shaking his head. He couldn't believe he fell for his act.
"You knew?" Dani repeated, shifting her gaze to JT. "For how long?"
JT cracked a smile as he answered, "About three weeks."
"Seriously? You knew the entire time?" Dani queried, feeling both surprised and annoyed.
Malcolm wondered aloud next, "What gave it away?"
"Let's just say that subtlety has never been your strong suit, Bright." JT told him as he leaned a shoulder against the doorway and crossed his arms.
"So, you're not really mad?" Dani question for clarification. "You're okay with this?" She probed, moving closer to Malcolm and waving her index finger between them.
"Of course, I mean, I was a little weirded out at first, but the more I watched you together, the more sense it made." JT admitted. "Now, I can honestly say that I think you two really are good for each other."
The couple shared a shy smile, then Malcolm asked, "Does that mean we have your blessing?" It wasn't that he needed it, but he knew how close JT was with Dani and that JT wasn't always his biggest fan. So, if he did approve, it would really mean a lot.
"Totally." JT nodded, then after standing up straight once more, he added pointedly to Malcolm, "That being said, Dani isn't just my friend or partner, she's like a little sister to me. So, you would do well to remember that if you hurt her, I hurt you."
Malcolm stifled a smirk as he retorted, "Noted."
"Uh, hello?" Dani interjected. "You guys do know that I am standing right here, and that I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself?"
"Yeah, you are." JT agreed. "But you know that I always got your back." He winked.
Dani rolled her eyes then relented, "Thanks, JT." before giving him an appreciative nod. Sometimes he was too much, but his heart was always in the right place.
He grinned back briefly then cleared his throat and said, "All right, enough of this mushy gushy crap. We better get back before Gil starts to wonder where we are."
"Does he know too?" Malcolm blurted, suddenly worried.
"Nah, I don't think so. After all, you two are like the son and daughter he never had, and parents don't really picture their kids making out." JT teased. "In all seriousness though, if this thing is real between you two, then you need to let him know sooner rather than later."
"Yeah, we know." Dani asserted, starting to feel guilty about their little secret.
"And we will." Malcolm noted, putting a comforting arm around her.
"All right, come on, love birds." JT tossed out, eager to leave before witnessing any more kissing. "Let's get back to work." With that, he turned and made his way out of the file room.
Dani followed with Malcolm a few steps behind. However, instead of exiting the room like JT had, she closed the door and turned to face her secret boyfriend.
Furrowing his brow, Malcolm inquired, "What are you doing?"
Dani bit her lip then moved closer as she responded, "I'm not quite done with you yet." Stopping in front of him to wrap her arms around his neck, she looked at Malcolm affectionately and told him, "That was sweet of you to ask for JT's blessing. Don't get me wrong, the feminist in me was annoyed, but the romantic in me was very impressed. No one I've dated has ever done anything like that before."
Malcolm's hands that had rested automatically on her waist wound further around Dani, pulling her in closer as he replied with flushed cheeks, "Yeah, well, the thing is... I know we agreed to keep our relationship on the down-low until we figured out exactly what it is, but I know what it is now. It's amazing and incredible and probably--no-- definitely the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, and I want more. I want to take the next step. Most importantly, I want to do it right. I want to make us public and get approval from our friends and family and do whatever else couples do in normal relationships. I want you, totally and completely, in the most real way possible..." He trailed off, finally letting himself take a breath before finishing, "I love you, Dani." Her eyes widened and hands slid down to his chest as she found herself speechless, which was a hard feat that not many were able to accomplish. However, it seemed this guy had quite the knack for it. Malcolm took the silence as his cue to continue and found himself rambling on, "I know that's a lot to take in right now, especially since we've only been dating a few weeks, but it's how I feel, and I want you to know. You don't have to say it back. I don't expect--
He was quickly cut off from his rant when Dani reached up to grab his face with both hands and pulled his head downward, crashing his lips into hers. She kissed him long and hard. Then, after a long moment, she pulled back just enough to look into his steel blue eyes with her twinkling auburn ones and say, "I love you too, Malcolm."
Malcolm felt a wave of tension release from his body as he confessed, "Good... because I don't want to pretend anymore. I'm done pretending and hiding and having one foot out the door. I'm. All. In."
Catching her breath from his kiss and his words, she beamed, "Me too. Let's do this. For real."
Returning her smile, Malcolm eagerly sealed the deal with another kiss. This one longer and even more passionate than the last. Their kissing continued for a few more minutes until Dani pushed him away by the shoulders and said unenthusiastically, "Okay, we really need to go now. I have paperwork to finish, and you have the most difficult task of all."
Malcolm sighed and spoke reluctantly, "Telling Gil about us?"
"Telling your mother." She retorted cheekily.
"Come again?" Malcolm blurted.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of Gil." She stated matter-of-factly. "Then we'll meet up later."
"But--" Malcolm began to argue. However, Dani interrupted with a swift peck on the lips.
Pulling back, she gave him two quick pats on his left shoulder and said, "Good luck." then hastily scooted from the room.
"Dani, wait... let's talk about this." He called after her as he followed from behind. "I'll trade you! Please?  Dani?!"
Dani Powell always did have a way of keeping him on his toes. That was for sure. So was the way he felt about her. Malcolm loved her, truly and deeply. So, at the end of the day, it didn't really matter whose approval they did or didn't get. If the worst happened, and Gil fired him, or his mother disowned him, Malcolm would deal with it and accept it. He meant what he told Dani. He was all in, and he was all hers. No matter the consequences.
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Episode 3: Fear Response
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You know the drill. Thoughts with time stamps coming your way.
0:55 - Is Martin really that delusional? He killed people and he thinks his wife isn’t going to divorce him?!? 
1:23 - “A woman overlooks things.” No. I’m sorry. But Jessica’s mother sounds kind of awful. No one should have to overlook “things” in a marriage. Communicate people. Don’t settle. Compromise. Love. Forgive. Don’t overlook red flags.
1:47 - Lay down the law Jessica. That’s my girl. This is the moment I fell in love with Jessica. 
3:19 - Malcolm leaves his phone in another room when he sleeps? Good for him. My technology addicted ass could never do that. Plus it’s my alarm clock so you know - there’s that. 
3:30 - Jessica owns the building Malcolm lives in. This raises a lot of questions for me about Malcolm’s finances. He was clearly getting paid by the FBI. I assume the NYPD is also paying him. Does he have access to the family money? Is he paying rent for his loft? Or does he live rent free because it’s the “family building”?!? The finances of people who grew up rich is such a mystery to me. How does it work when your rich parents are still alive? 
3:49 - He flung himself out a window. He was having a nightmare and it caused him to fling himself out a window while he was still asleep. This. Boy. Needs. A. Hug. Also real sleep. And peace. 
4:48 - “I just watched you throw yourself out a window.” Did you see Malcolm’s facial expression after she said that. It was a look that says “I know I’m broken. I don’t like it. I’m sorry. I’m doing my best. I’m ashamed.”
5:10 -  He knows. He knows his mental health is a mess but he lies to his mother anyways. He wants to be brave for her. He doesn’t want her to worry about him. She’s suffered enough. She’s worried enough. He doesn’t want to be a burden. My heart breaks for Malcolm in this scene.
5:35 - Look I have personal issues with shrinks but I’m really happy Malcolm has someone to talk to. Also she’s such a cool therapist. She’s kind and respectful without being demeaning and coddling. 
7:00 - I LOVE that Malcolm is sitting with his legs folded. It’s super cute. Also it reinforces the idea that he’s in a vulnerable state.
7:22 - Does Malcolm have social anxiety? The way he approaches this crime scene it almost looks like he’s rehearsing what he’s going to do/say when he arrives. It’s a very common social anxiety habit. 
7:38 - He took enough lollipops to share. That might be the sweetest thing in the world. Gil looks so happy. Dani and JT look so confused. I wonder if Malcolm is sharing lollipops to subtly tell Gil that he’s seeing his therapist and he’s getting help. 
8:11 - Another awkward Edrisa and Bright interaction. I’m cringing. 
8:50 - Do you ever wonder what Mr.David’s job description is? I do. I mean does he just stand there watching Martin all day. Is he supposed to talk to Martin? Is he supposed to prevent Martin from hurting himself? I mean I love Mr.David but if Martin is alone in his room why does Mr.David need to be there? Martin is chained to the wall. 
10:10 - Oh hell no. That’s nasty. Also Malcolm looks way too excited about the brain removal. 
10:34 - Ok. So I don’t ship Maldrisa. BUT that little smile that Malcolm just gave Edrisa is warming my cold, dead heart. 
11:05 - The victim was scared to death. Malcolm is currently suffering from increased mental distress caused by his father and extreme night terrors. And now the victim has been scared to death. Irony? Foreshadowing?
12:03 - hahaha Gil’s face. He’s like “I can’t explain that boy’s behaviour.”.
12:07 - STOP. Right now. Does Malcolm really have his own desk?!? So he’s like officially employed right? This isn’t some irregular consultation gig that Gil has arranged. Our boy has a desk. Our boy is permanent. I am so happy. 
12:30 - Mr.David doesn’t deserve to have to bend to Martin’s will.  “Could you mute that please”. That man better be getting a pretty penny from this job. 
12:40 - How does Martin get this case info?!? I don’t see the newspapers/newscasts mentioning the incision on the side of the victim’s skull. 
13:30 - Oh and whose fault is that Martin? Ugh. I wish Martin just wouldn’t talk to Malcolm anymore. He really aggravates Malcolm’s anxiety.
14:33 - I am both touched and slightly creeped out that Gil has been staring at Malcolm through a window while he was on the phone. 
15:07 - Fanboy alert. It’s honestly so freaking sweet to see Malcolm this excited....but it’s really not the time. 
16:10 - What exactly does Jessica do all day? Does she just watch the news and keep tabs on her children? That’s kind of sad. For Jessica. I wish she were able to have more of a social life despite what Martin did.
17:12 - Ainsley, sweetheart, I love you. I see where you’re coming from. But your Mother did the right thing for you. You shouldn’t have to remember a monster. 
18:40 - Dang. Dani looks beautiful in that shade of blue. 
19:30 - Do you ever wonder why Malcolm doesn’t carry a gun with the NYPD? He’s qualified to carry a gun since he used to work for the FBI. Do you think he’s not allowed to carry one since he’s technically not a police officer with the NYPD? I prefer to believe that he refuses to carry a gun with the NYPD because he’s terrified of what he might do with a gun. To a suspect. To himself (presuming he stores it at home when he’s not working).
20:12 - Again. Malcolm is not a killer. Look at his concern for Dr. Brown in this scene.
21:21 - JT’s writing the report. Do they all have to make a report for every case or do they take turns writing a single report (like a group project) for every case? I’m very curious. 
21:23 - oooooohhhh Dad is angry. And concerned. 
21:50 - Do you ever wonder what classes Bright took in university? I do. He has a degree in psychology but he seems to know a lot about specific medications, medical conditions, and medicine in general. Is that because of Martin? Maybe? But a lot of his knowledge seems way beyond what a 10 year old could understand and retain. 
24:10 - I love this scene. It suggests that there was a point in time when Gil and Jessica talked frequently. Maybe they were even friends. It suggests that they bonded over how much they love Malcolm. Makes me wonder what kind of a relationship Gil has/had with Ainsley.
27:48 - This. This is how much Jessica loves Malcolm. Yes she oversteps boundaries and she can come across as cold and distant. BUT she is willing to see a man that terrifies her. Who caused her so much pain. A man that she hates. Simply because she wants to keep her son healthy and safe. That right there is a good mother. 
28:28 - This is my favourite running gag of the series. I genuinely want to know what JT stands for. If it’s not something ridiculous like “James Tiberius” or “Justin Timberlake” because JT’s parents were big nerds I will be so disappointed. 
29:00 - This conversation about trust and respect between JT and Malcolm is everything. It really solidifies their friendship. You can tell that from this point onward JT is much warmer toward Malcolm. I love this. So much. 
29:15 - What branch of the military was JT a part of? Marine? Air Force? Army? Navy?
30:08 - Malcolm’s list of diagnoses. Yikes. :( My heart is shattered.  
30:21 - The look in Malcolm’s eyes here. Just. No. Ouch. That hurts. This boy needs a hug. 
32:30 - I kind of don’t feel bad for this woman. She kind of sucks.
32:50 - I like to believe that JT is texting his wife in this scene. I like to believe he’s telling her about how he got stuck babysitting the weirdo who keeps guessing what his name stands for. 
32:52 - I’m sorry. What? What did JT see that caused him to get out of the car. Malcolm hasn’t called him yet and that house looks normal on the outside. 
34:14 - The fact that Malcolm can empathize with killers is beautiful and terrible. It’s a wonderful quality but it’s probably not great for his mental health.
34:55 - That’s a concussion.
36:15 - I get the feeling that half the time when Malcolm’s talking down a killer he’s really talking to himself. That breaks my heart.
36:38 - Malcolm’s manic guesses of JT name is very concerning. I’m worried for this boy. I really hope someone got him checked out for a concussion.
37:12 - Ugh. Don’t look at her like she’s a piece of meat. 
37:33 - The way Jessica and Martin interact really makes me question what their married relationship was like. Did they argue a lot? Did they show a lot of PDA? I have questions.
38:30 - The way Jessica insults Martin is my favourite thing. It’s freaking hilarious.
39:10 - If Martin is a psychopath he legitimately can’t feel pride for his children. Right? So he’s lying here?
40:40 - What was the whole story? What did Jessica do? Was it the alcoholism? Is that what he’s referring to?
42:00 - DUDE. Please don’t drug yourself. You are so desperate for answers that you’ve become self-destructive. I want you to be safe. 
I love this show. Ugh. If you read through any of this - thanks for hanging out. I hope to post my thoughts on the next episode soon. 
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ghouls-dream · 5 years
YALL THAT’S THE PROMISED SMUT uhhh :’))) from the depths of my filthy mind.. Behold. Swiss army one-shot 🖤 (hella NSFW, +18!!!)
“Seestors… And Witchees…” Papa Nihil mumbled as he clapped his hands once, putting a big smile on his face. He was happy or at least he seamed that way because of our progress in being part of the weekend rituals. And he was right, we really worked hard on all the worshipping and dancing parts as well the spells. “I told you my girls wont disappoint you, Papa!” Imperator smiled proudly as Papa Nihil and the Ghouls started applouding us. This caused a lot of us to feel a little embarrassed and anxious… But most of all - powerful! We bowed in order to respect Papa’s opinion and Sister’s words as The ghouls made their way to the scene. Some of the girls had blood smeared around them, other mud… Thankfully I was one of the “spellers” in the ritual so all I had on myself was a bit of black wax around my fingers. 
The ghouls started examining all the work, they were fascinated by the ways we worked and worshiped the Lord because it was way more different than theirs. My eyes locked with those of Dewdrop who was touching some of the blood on the ground. I smiled shyly, bowing slightly, as he growled “Impressive really. Very cool but very sad, cos I lost a bet with Aether.” I raised my eyebrow. “You bet on us?” I asked confused as he nodded and stood up next to me. Believe it or not I was shorter than him which made every other ghoul look like a giant to me. “I bet him that this time you’ll be leading. Guess I got it wrong” Dew explained coming closer to me as I started feeling more and more uncomfortable, sensing the sexual pressure. I looked down to my feet, but before this happening my peripheral vision spotted a very well known figure. Wide arms, tall man and long legs. Swiss… I looked at him standing next to us as I was speaking with Dewdrop. He was looking at us… Somehow weird. I could feel the buzzing around him - something wasn’t right, he was furious and no wonder. I knew he had a sweet spot for me just like I did for him. I smirked at the masked man and looked at Dew provocatively and went for a hug, closing my eyes and whispering “We really appreciate your support during the rituals. I’m so glad you are here…” . And just before he could say anything I heard Swiss’ voice behind the ghoul, which made me jump a bit. “Dew, Cardinal wants to see us” he mumbled. Hidden, quiet rage could be felt in his words. “Now?” Dew looked confused. “Now.” Swiss confirmed, looking angrily at me and smiled and watched them go. As the ritual was completely over all of us started walking towards our rooms. Most of us needed a really long shower and others - just to lay in our beds.
I was going through the corridor of the Ghouls’ rooms to get to mine, as I heard a door opening and a hand grip on my arm. I quickly turned around as I saw the same angry face of before. A smiled started forming on my lips as the man pulled me agressively into the room and gripped my wrists into his hand. Wait that wasn’t Swiss’ room… His perfume was a lot stronger than this one. It was Dew’s chamber! Soon after that I heard a door locking and after that.. “You thought I didn’t notice what you were doing, huh?” Swiss’ voice whispered into my ear as his hand was gripping both my wrists behind my back. I could feel his hot breathe next to my cheek, mixed with the coldness of his mask. It was intoxicating, being so helpless yet having so much power over one man. A beast. The human for of the word “seduction”. I bit my lip as I smirked and whispered back rubbing my butt against him “And what exactly was I doing? Innocently flirting with Dew maybe?” And with that sentence I felt how his grip got tighter. I was getting him pissed of. Swiss was about to explode, he hated sharing. Especially went it came to personal attention and adoration. 
The ghoul growled into my ear and forcefully turned me to face him as I panted. Chest going up and down, heart racing like crazy and body temperature reaching newer highs. Every single cell in my body wanted that guy. They craved him as much as I did, while I was staring into his dark blue eyes. They were now filled with lust and anger I could tell and this couldn’t made me more happy. Before I was able to do anything else I felt both of Swiss’ hand on my waist, as he literally “glued” me against his body. He was pressing me thightly, his lips were moving in sync with mine. That kiss had nothing to do with romance. That was a primal instinct, that was lust. Soon after one of his hands gripped my butt as the other one got tangled in between my locks, pulling my hair down, breaking the kiss. I was breathless once again, heating up and waiting in anticipation for his next move. I didn’t even feel the “pain” from the hair pulling. My senses were way to aroused for that. Swiss’ lips came next to my neck, just where my pulse was beating wildly, and whispered… Almost growled “Dewdrop is just a boy. A horny, little boy who doesn’t know how to fuck. But me… I can screw you senseless” These were the only words my knees needed to instantly become soft. I was a mess. 
My mind was a chaos of lust and seduction. I couldn’t even think properly so my brain didn’t do great filtering my next words, sounding more like a desperate moan “Then do it”. “Oh, I will!” Swiss chuckled as he let go of my hair and once again put me against the cold wall. I could feel how my almost bare skin was covering with goosebumps, but it definitely wasn’t because if the chilly bricks… Before I was able to anything I felt a grip on my white thin dress and soon after a ripping sound. Swiss just destroyed my ritual white dress and if I made it out of here alive, Imperator would have finished me. “You wont need that anymore.” Swiss whispered against my bare shoulder before kissing it and gently bitting it, causing me to gasp as his palm hit my butt. His other hand tho traveled down my stomach to the most sensitive place of mine. This sent shivers down my whole body as I whimpered “Please… Please stop teasing…” “Stop teasing? After all day of getting me bat shit crazy because of some skinny pervert?!” I could hear the rage in his voice. That was turning me on even more! I bit my lip harder as i felt his leg going between both of mine and spreading them slightly. Swiss’ fingertips started playing with my most sensitive part as I whimpered. This was agony. It was enough to feel the touch, but far from being enough to give you any pleasure. “Please!” I almost cried out as I heard his low chuckle, before being turned to him. I was panting. My pulse was once again jumping like crazy as I whispered “Please fuck me.” Swiss smirked before kissing me roughly and pinching my nipples. This was getting even harder to me! “I will. All with time” he whispered as he started placing butterfly kisses all over my neck, and chest, spending some special time around my breasts. 
At this point I was A) helpless B) aroused as hell and C) absolutely incapable of taking charge. I was left at his Mercy. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the surprising feeling of the ghoul’s lips next to my lady parts. Just his got breathe and small blows were enough to send my over the edge. “Pretty” he whispered against me before I could feel his lips pressed against my sensitive spot. His tongue was dancing  around, creating a sensation I’ve never felt before. I was so close, I knew I wasn’t gonna last longer as I started whimpering and grabbing small locks of his hair, beneath the mask. “Please…” I cried out as Swiss stopped and quickly took my in his arms, throwing me on the bed. If that was his way of showing anger… I loved it! “Is this the part where you screw my brain up?” I asked panting as put his hand around my throat and squeezed it slightly. Swiss placed a kiss on my cheeks before undoing his own pants and whispered “You have a big mouth. Should I make it shut up or put into use?” “Shut me… Up..” I whispered reaching for his boxers. I could see what I was about to deal with and my eyes widened slightly. Each one of my senses was aroused at this point. I couldn’t think. I slowly started rubbing the tip of his manhood as I felt his grip around my neck becoming weaker. I smirked against his lips and whispered “Fucking me in Dew’s bed? You’re nasty” . And with those words I felt the buzzing again. Swiss was jealous of Dewdrop! But why? The little firecracker was everyone’s favorite psycho he had nothing to do with the sexual intoxication of Swiss! (lol yeah right) the ghoul then pinned my hands on both sides of the bed before positiong himself between my thighs and growled “He won’t be able to get you in his bed. So I will do it for him”. And with that being said I felt a sweet pain going through my body. Shivers covered all my skin as I was taking in all of Swiss inside me. This never felt better! Before becoming part of the Church I had boyfriend’s, I had sex with them but nothing like this… Not even close! “Y/N… I think… You don’t deserve to come.” The ghoul whispered, thrusting harder into me as he felt the tightness around his member. “What?! No! Please…” I whimpered as Swiss out a hand on my throat and squeezed. He bit my neck, sucked jt, kissed it… I was lost. Lost in sensations and thoughts. “Please who?” he grunt in my ear as I managed to moan “Swiss… Please make me come..” After that I felt his right hand reaching down to my woman’s parts, rubbing them agressively. That was too much… Too much for me. The bed was moving in Swiss’ agonizing rythm. With every single hard thrust he was sending me closer to the edge.. “I can’t hear you” Swiss whispered as I grabbed the black bed sheets and shouted “Make me come, Swiss, please! Please fuck me faster!” I saw his sudden smirk as he increased his speed. I could feel his breathing becoming harder, groans were coming out his lips as he put his forehead against mine. My legs instinctevly wrapped around his torso as I whispered against his lips “Swiss…” but before I could continue he moaned loud “Now! Do it now!” And I did as I was told. I wasn’t waiting a second invitation. The sensation that was ruling my body was pure pleasure, Bliss and release. 
I was trembling, my heart was going to rip out my chest as I panted… Swiss was still resting his forehead against mine still not being able to move as he whispered “Stop being so flirty around him… He’s a good guitarist I don’t want to break his hands” This made us both chuckle as I kissed him gently and ran my nails on his back, whispering “Alright. But you will explain to Imperator why my dress is in pieces” . Swiss shook his head giggling slightly as he stood up and looked at the white… Nothing at this point and joked “Well rituals might become more fun. No clothes is the best clothes.” I threw a pillow at the smartass as we both laughed.
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mugsywrites · 5 years
Prodigal Son Ep 4 Review
I’ve been roadtripping for the past few days, so only just now got a chance to sit down and watch the ep. It’s my favorite so far.
-Jessica Whitly remains my fave, she’s just so damn interesting. Jessica: “I don’t need you to love me, I just need you alive.” Ouch. She's a controlling jackass and her parenting skills leave a lot to be desired but I really thinks she feels she’s doing what is necessary to protect her kids. Later in the ep when Malcolm watches the tape of her interview just reinforced it--she feels horrible guilt for not knowing about her husband’s crimes, and responsible for the lives lost. I think she subsumes this guilt into protecting her kids--doing whatever it takes to keep them alive and safe even if they hate her for it. This being the show it is I won’t be surprised if they decided to do some tired ~*twist*~ that she was in on the murders/complicit, but for now I continue to believe she knew nothing and is a victim as well. Yeah, she seems shady still but I still think it’s a red herring, or if she knew/suspected it was more than an affair she didn’t think it was that he was a serial killer. Maybe doing something medically shady/unethical.
-She mentioned during those final months she was drunk a lot, and we know she still has problems with substance abuse. New theory: Dr. Whitly was taking Malcolm along with him for some of his murders, Malcolm is repressing it due to trauma/being drugged, and to top it off the Surgeon was drugging his wife as well so she wouldn’t catch on. She just didn’t realize it because she was also drinking heavily.
-I’m curious as to how old Mama and Papa Whitly are meant to be. I mean, obviously Bellamy Young is *way* too young to be believable as a mother of a thirty-something year old but I just roll my eyes and go with it. Still, I wonder if she is meant to be significantly younger than her husband. Like, they met when she was in her late teens and he was in his early twenties. This is verging more into “fanfic ideas”, but some thoughts on their relationship: College freshmen Jessica meets a freshly graduated from med school Martin, he’s dashing and brilliant and fucks her good™, she’s swept off her feet, madly in love, and her age makes her easier for the Surgeon to manipulate. SN: I wonder if there are way more victims than anyone guesses? He could’ve been killing people all through med school (there are quite a few serial killer  nurses irl) but since he was only preying on the sick and elderly he was able to pass it off as natural causes. Eventually it stopped giving him a rush so he moved on to more elaborate murders.
-I really liked learning more about JT! In the pilot he just came across as a paint by numbers “rival” character who clashes with Malcolm, this ep gave him a bit more personality. His crush on the victim, something that could’ve come across as creepy, was very sweet and almost...wholesome? Mentioning how just her smile kept him going during his tour of duty. Plus his reaction to Malcolm calling him ‘partner’ was hilarious.
-The cases of the week remain boring and formulaic to me; only memorable for what they make us learn about the core characters. I feel like the writers are trying to make them weird/quirky but it’s not working.
-Related to the case of the week--I’m not a fan of how Malcolm bullied the stalker photographer. This is an issue I have with any show about the police; how cops “breaking the rules” and whatnot is portrayed as noble and the right thing to do, and how suspects and witnesses asking for a lawyer is a sign of guilt/a bad thing. True, Malcolm’s not a cop but he may as well be.
-Another issue I have with the cases of the week--Malcolm explaining things that homicide detectives should already know. I know it’s for the audience benefit but it takes me out of it every time. It wasn’t as bad this ep as when he explained what a goddamned family annihilator is but was still jarring. (I’m debating on whether to call this “Malsplaining” or “Brightsplaining”)
-Best parts of the show remain the Whitly family drama. I wish the show had more flashbacks and whatnot; sort of a cross between This is Us and Hannibal.
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themachiavellianpig · 5 years
Prodigal Son, Episode 12: Psychiatrist, Analyse Thyself
Episode 12 of Prodigal Son, and Malcolm actually deals with some consequences. And also saves someone from a cult, because he's good at multi-tasking like that.
Full review and spoilers below.
This episode begins with a little flashback to "Last Night", involving some sort of argument between Gil and Malcolm, resulting in Malcolm locking himself in a room at the precinct and firing up some sort of threatening technology, while a worried Dani bangs on the door. Malcolm's little science project either causes or is interrupted by a blackout - and then we jump ahead to the next morning, when Malcolm is, to my endless joy, going to have to talk to a psychiatrist! About his feelings! And his trauma!
The rest of the episode unfolds as a mixture of flashbacks, Malcolm and Dr Coppenrath speaking about the case, and the rest of the Malcolm's team giving their sides of the story. I have a massive weakness for set-ups like this, particularly when used to comic effect, and they did it very well here. More characters giving sarcastic commentary on Malcolm's actions, please!  
JT, also, is clearly enjoying the opportunity to tell someone just what he thinks of Malcolm's mental state: "If Bright was an actual state, he'd be Florida."
The murder of the week involves a young man called Tristan, who was electrocuted and strangled, then literally dumped in a pauper's grave. We only know this, of course, because Malcolm refuses to take any time off after being kidnapped and tortured by a serial killer and gleefully followed Dani to a crime scene.
At least Edrisa was pleased to see him - almost as pleased as I was to see her. Oh, Edrisa, you adorable dorkiness almost makes up for the creepiness of reading Malcolm's medical records behind his back. Her inviting him to the autopsy because, a), he's very good at his job, and, b), she missed him is just straight up adorable.
Tristan leads the team to the Vosler Institute, a self-help/therapy group allegedly specialising in trauma who is already on the FBI's cult index. The leader, Quentin Vosler, comes across as wonderfully smarmy in his first appearance, then gives the NYPD the time of day, claiming that he cannot help them in their inquiries because of all the "propriety knowledge" his group has.
So while Gil and the others are trying to find a subpoena, Malcolm goes and signs up as a new member. The Vosler Institute apparently screens their potential members for trauma and Malcolm manages to set off all sorts of bells and whistles - enough to get the personal attention of Quentin Vosler. Malcolm maintains later that he cheated the test - I wonder which way? Did he tilt his trauma up for effect, or down for believability?
And then we discover that the Vosler Institute is using electroshock therapy to suppress trauma.  
(To be honest, this was the moment when I actually started to like Dr Coppenroth a little bit, because he was so wonderfully mad that Vosler was using ECT in such a way.)
Malcolm, being Malcolm and also being haunted by hallucinations of his younger self, allows Vosler to shock him. When he wakes up, he convinces one of the Vosler members - Andi - to leave with him to give evidence against Vosler who, between the control he exhibits over his members and his fondness for ECT, seems like a likely bet for "who electrocuted and murdered Tristan?"
Unfortunately, Andi is kidnapped by an imposing gentleman in a black van before Malcolm can get her to safety - and his accusations against Vosler lose a little of their impact when Vosler himself turns up at the police station to report Andi's disappearance as a kidnapping - not by him, but by a deprogrammer, who either 'liberates' people or 're-traumatises' them, depending on your feelings about Vosler and other such groups.  
Gil and Malcolm use Jessica to stand-in as a wealthy women looking to hire a deprogrammer to save a family member, letting Malcolm profile all the deprogrammers they can find until he spots Curtis, a huge and imposing man with stains on his boots that match the soil at Tristan's ignoble resting place.
Curtis seems like a sure-fit for the murder, a man hired to save Andi from the cult and who snatched a fellow member to get information - but lost control before completing the job. While the rest of the team is satisfied, Malcolm can't accept it - Curtis lacks the skills necessary to do anything other than extract a cult victim. He couldn't deprogram them.
Gil's less convinced and, in the way that these disagreements so often do, the matter escalates until Malcolm blames Gil for bringing all the murderers back into his life. That takes us neatly back to where we started, with Malcolm reaching for the ECT machine and Dani trying to stop him.
Back in the present, talking through the case with Dr Coppenrath, Malcolm finally tells someone what's been bothering him. He tells Dr Coppenrath about Martin Whitly apparently being prepared to kill his own son and admits that, while as an adult he understands his father's pathology, the child in him just wants his dad to love him. He even admits that he's been hallucinating and that he wanted to shock himself to make them stop - because Vosler had been able to make them stop. Understandably, Coppenroth is unwilling to allow someone in such a state to continue to consult for the NYPD and encourages Malcolm to get proper, professional help.
And then Dr Coppenroth makes a glorious mistake; when asked about what will happen to Andi, he replies that he's sure that the NYPD will find her.
But Malcolm never told him that Andi was female.
Turns out that Malcolm's not really being evaluated for a return to work, he's laying a trap for the real deprogrammer, who became obsessed with saving Andi after he was unable to save his own daughter from a similar bad situation. The confrontation between Malcolm and Coppenroth escalates to the point of Malcolm having a gun in his face, but it honestly felt more tense before that, in the moments before they revealed that Malcolm was running this sting operation with his team, not alone, because really, who would have believed Malcolm if he suddenly turned around and accused the man who blacklisted him from consulting of being the mastermind behind his last case? I mean, really?
Fortunately, we don't have to see Malcolm being gaslit for any period of time, and Coppenroth gets shocked by the ECT machine he hated so much, which does at least get him to put the gun down. A little psychological profiling and they find Andi in the place when Coppenroth and his daughter had spent their last family holiday.
I'm a little torn about how this plotline was resolved, to be honest. I knew from the trailers that Malcolm was going to be evaluated and I was intrigued by the idea of Malcolm trying to process his experiences in such a setting, so I'm a little disappointed that potentially Malcolm has been vindicated in his poor life choices because the man who told him that he had to deal with this stuff properly turned out to be the bad guy. Dr Coppenroth was, admittedly, unstable and unhelpful and was happy to label Malcolm as incompetent to save his own interests, but he wasn't wrong. A man who's currently and persistently hallucinating probably shouldn't be at crime scenes.
Fortunately, it looks like I'm not the only one to think this. A tired but victorious Malcolm tells Gil that, actually, no, he's not okay - and Gil, ever the optimist, says that the fact that he knows that will be enough to make it okay.
I mean, admitting you need help is a good start and all, but also I would really like Malcolm to get some help which isn't from a cult deprogrammer trying to cover up his own crimes, if that would be alright?
Left alone in his apartment, with two weeks of leave stretching out in front of him, Malcolm tries talking to the hallucination of his younger self, who offers a new perspective on the issue. Yes, Martin Whitly may have tried to kill them, but he didn't succeed.
I don't know if that will be enough to carry Malcolm through the next dark period of his life, but it's certainly a starting point.
Previous Prodigal Son reviews are available here. 
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Truth Pt. 11
Truth Master List
What’s up sug! sorry you’re struggling right now but I’ve come to help you If you could bring this to light for me I’d absolutely love for YOU TO DO JT So basically Bucky X Enhanced reader who are fuckin enemies. Hate each other to every last fiber of their beings bc Bucky is rude and she calls him out on it. AnywHs, they get drunk, truth or dare (go crZy baby) and LOTS LF dirty talk if u wanna do smut but if u don’t then buck taking care of her while she’s drunk cause she admitted her feelings
Pairing: Bucky X Reader (Enhanced)
Summary: Since The Avengers gave you a home the only blight has been Bucky Barnes, a ghost from your past that you can’t seem to shake. It makes you hate him. The feeling, it seems, is mutual. But… a simple game reveals that maybe things aren’t quite so simple. (Post Winter Soldier AU)
Warnings: Feels, mentions of addiction, violence 
A/N: HELLO MY DARLING PRECIOUS PATIENT PUMPKINS! Did you miss these two? I know I did. This starts off domestic and then veers into like two-three completely different territories. It’s a ride that’s for sure. 
I hope y’all like it! 
Tags are open!
@midnightdream83 @mywinterwolf @disagreetoagree @breezy1415 @peachthatdrinkslemonade @wonderlandmind4  @piensa-bonito  @handplucked  @buckysstar  @sam-jae  @marauderconvos –harder @for-the-love-of-the-fandom   @meg-asaur @jewelofwinter @fairislesheets  @animegirlgeeky @lydklein1 @katecolleen @siriuslycloudy2 @zannemes
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He stills your hands with his. Your eyes meet his, tears sneaking down your cheeks. He wipes them away.
“You keep your memories displayed… I shove mine in a box under my bed…”
When you had pulled all of this out you were on the verge of completely melting down. Days without sleep, hardly eating, seeing that woman’s face over and over again, the flashbacks… You wanted to remember what you were before you became a monster.
It only served to remind you of everything you lost. That’s when you’d gone to the gym when Bucky found you… You’d forgotten your misguided attempt to keep yourself together until there it was spread on your unmade bed.
There wasn’t much. Your family hadn’t been big on photos, just a few posed pictures, school photos, some holidays. But you loved photos… A grotesque amount of polaroids of your friends… people whose names you forgot or who were possibly long gone… at shows, parties, on the street. Glazed eyes, leather jackets, cigarettes hanging between smudged lips are spread out. 
Maybe the names alluded you for some but you could smell the sweat, the smoke, the whiskey. Faded flyers from underground shows at Safari Club and other D.C. and East Coast punk venues add pops of color to the mix. A few misbegotten AA coins peak out to remind you of wasted time.
You pick one up as he looks over at a photo of 15-year-old you standing stiffly between your parents in front of a Christmas tree. Your expression annoyed, kohl heavily lining your eyes, hair bleached within an inch of its life and huge.
“Is this you?!” A smile curls his lips and you almost laugh.
“Yeah, don’t judge me too much… it was the 80’s.” You flip the coin in the air and catch it. “Probably the last Christmas I spent sober.”
His brow knits and you sigh. “Hi, my name is Y/N, I’m a cocaine addict… and an alcoholic... and… you get the gist.” You toss the coin at him. He looks it over. “Nine months… as long as I ever got.” Picking up the photo of you and your parents you feel your chest tighten.
“She wanted me to be perfect. Her pride. Pushed me to be the best at everything. I was a nationally ranked athlete, excelled in everything from cross-country to martial arts, incredible at any art she threw at me, damn near a genius, graduated high school at 15, got into every Ivy League school…”
Setting it aside you pick up a photo of you and someone who’s name you do remember, Dana, your first girlfriend. “I was even excellent at being a drug addict, never OD’d, high tolerance… Others weren’t so lucky.” You toss the photo aside, not wanting to linger.
Bucky takes your hand, lacing his fingers through your own. “Who kept these for you? Family?”
“I don’t have any family.”
“But… anyone? I mean… you’re so young?”
You snort, “Is 47 young?” Jesus, you were almost 50… such a strange thought.
“Well,” he laughs a small empty sound, “in comparison.”
You nod conceding. “My Mom… she lost her family in the war… in the camps,” you can’t look at Bucky. “Dad was an only child. Fury kept them tucked away in a storage locker at S.H.I.E.L.D. after…”
He nods, “He knew your father didn’t he?”
“Yeah, they worked together…” You release his hand and push through photos to find your favorite of you and your Dad. It was from that nine-month stint of sobriety, he’d been so happy that you’d been doing well that on your 20th birthday he took you to Paris. His smile was so bright… your hand trembles a bit.
“You look happy here,” Bucky rests his cool left hand on your bouncing knee as he looks at you and your Dad, posed in typical cheesy tourist fashion in front of the Eiffel Tower.
“I was… we were…” Your voice cracks. “I never knew what he did… just thought he was some low-level diplomat, never questioned it… I don’t even know that Mom knew…”
“Was she here?”
“God no,” your eyes slide shut for a moment, remembering. “She was hardly speaking to me… I was a disappointment.”
“She didn’t…”
“Tell me that? Oh yes.” You hold up a hand as he opens his mouth, “I don’t know that she was wrong. I… I did everything I could to be the opposite of what she wanted me to be. I doused her American Dream in gasoline and set it on fire…”
“Still you’re not-”
You shrug, “Doesn’t matter. I… never got to prove otherwise.” Your eyes scan your memories, hazy and painful as most of them were.
“They killed her, ya know? Hydra…”
He gives your knee a gentle squeeze, “I assumed.”
“After my last go at rehab… I really thought… I was going to be better, I wanted to be better. Go to school, live my life, make her proud. They took that away… left her bloody on the kitchen floor.” Your skin tingles, energy pulsing through you.
“I… what about your Dad?” The look on his face is pained like he doesn’t want to ask but feels like he must.
“He killed himself.” You shake your head, “At least that’s what the official report says. “Makes sense though… wife dead, daughter missing, all because you were getting a little too close.” Glancing over at his smiling face a tear slides down your cheek, “Who could blame him?”
A small sob trips over your lips and Bucky pulls you into him. Surprising yourself still, you allow him to comfort you and allow yourself to feel this… to mourn them even a little.
Ever since being here you had tried to bury the guilt and the grief. Thinking about the void they left in you, the years you wasted, the final image of her… dead for days collapsed by the back door… It was too much. You couldn’t help but think that maybe if you’d been there, instead of in rehab, you could have saved her… even though you knew the ending would have been the same.
After a bit your sobs quiet. He’s leaned against the headboard, you’re curled into his arms, the steady beat of his heart soothing. When you look up at him his eyes are so soft, warm despite the cool color. The feeling of his fingers gently grazing your skin as he pushes stray strands of hair from your face sends shivers through you.
He smiles, “For what? Having feelings?” You shrug a little. “Well if you want to make it up to me,” he reaches across the bed a bit and grabs a picture of you sporting a particularly heinous head of Aquanet enforced hair looking like some combo of Cindy Lauper and a Clash groupie, “explain this.”
You can’t help but laugh and agree to explain your questionable fashion choices.  
The rest of the day is spent intermittently cleaning your apartment and telling Bucky what you remember of who you once were. The good, the bad, and the ugly. He listens and most importantly doesn’t judge.
When you put on some music from your own youth he's not too pleased. It was safe to say that bands such as Bad Religion and Misfits were maybe not his speed. However, he’s much more in tune with Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, and surprisingly The Runaways.
“I’d say you’ll pass inspection,” Bucky says as he puts your mop in the closet.
“Definitely.” You look around and feel oddly sad. His place really was so much warmer than yours. It felt like someone actually lived there, rather than just existing.
“What’s wrong?” Your face must be showing your disdain.
“Nothing,” you flash him a smile. “So… got any dinner plans?”
The smile that lights up his face takes your breath away, “None.” He grabs your waist and pulls you close to kiss you.
“How about I cook? Your place?”
“You cook?”
“I mean, I’m no Julia Child but I can promise it will be better than those packaged meals in your fridge.”
He laughs, “I’ll take your word for it.” You grab some things from your own kitchen and a change of clothes, which he doesn’t even question before you both head down to his place.
Five days later Bucky watches you slip into a pair of leggings as he sips his coffee.
“Are you sure you can’t even have some coffee?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m sure, 12 hours fasting for the tests.”
“You don’t have-” You cut him off with a glare. “Fine. But if you decide you want me there-”
“I’ll call. I promise.” You toss on a tee and a cardigan.
He looks away, chewing on his bottom lip. “Hey,” you pluck the coffee from his hands and set it on the nightstand, “I’ll be ok, Buck.” Cupping his face in your hands you place a kiss on his lips. He can feel his heart stutter just a touch, he wonders if it will ever go away. You release him and he buries his face in your chest, breathing in your now familiar scent.
When he lifts his head your smile makes his breath catch. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” Your soft lips press against his forehead. All he can do is nod. 
As soon as the door closes he feels himself wilt a bit, anxiety rising with each passing moment. He wants to believe you but he knows they could accidentally trigger something in you. Be it a memory or a reaction with your power, either could have horrible consequences.
After almost an hour of running worst case scenarios, he can’t stay here anymore. He tosses on some gym clothes and texts Steve to see if he’s free to train. Bucky’s already to the gym when he gets a response of ‘No, sorry pal.’
Sighing he turns around and heads to the shooting range. Clint is already there, experimenting with some new arrows Tony whipped up for him. While Bucky usually prefers to be here alone, he doesn’t necessarily mind Clint. He’s a fellow sniper after all and doesn’t ever seem to want to force Bucky into conversations he’d rather not have. 
The two men shoot in silence for a little more than an hour before Clint pipes up. “So, you and Y/N seem to have taken a turn for the better.” He’s taken up the spot next to Bucky under the pretense of changing his angle.
“What of it?” He may like Clint but the thought of sharing details of his private life isn’t high on his to-do list.
“Nothing. I think it’s great.”
“Yeah, you and Romanoff seemed to have an opinion the other day.” Bucky’s tone is gruff remembering Clint’s quip about her owing him.
He laughs, “Just a good-natured bet. I saw the chemistry between you two.” Bucky doesn’t respond. Some mix of anger and embarrassment blooming in his chest.
“Look, man,” Clint has stepped out of his booth and is leaning on the wall between them, “people like us should take any chance at love we can and run with it. It’s rare enough for civilians and most of them don’t spend their free time getting shot at.”
The tone in his voice drips with sincerity and Bucky can’t help but look back at him, the glare quickly melting off his face. “Who said anything about love?”
Clint shakes his head smiling, “You’ll be one lucky bastard if it ends up being that Barnes. Even if it doesn’t, friends are worth a whole hell of a lot too.” He claps a hand on Bucky’s metal shoulder, “As soldiers, it’s sometimes hard to allow ourselves to be happy. You deserve it. Promise.” Bucky says nothing for a minute and Clint nods, walking away.
“Thank you,” Bucky’s tone is low, sort of unsure. He does mean it though…
“You got-”
“Sargent Barnes and Agent Barton, you’re both needed in Mr. Stark’s lab immediately.” Jarvis’ voice cuts Clint off and Bucky feels the blood drain from his face. The two men hold one another’s gaze for a fraction of a second, a flood of emotion and information being exchanged in that one fleeting moment, before sprinting to the elevator.
When they burst out of the elevator they’re met by Steve and Natasha. Everything seems fine, nothing is on fire or blown to bits so that has to be a good sign. Still, as soon as he’s got eyes on you nothing could keep him back.
You’re sitting in a chair, wires stuck to you all over leading to a computer, tendrils of white light pulsing beneath your skin. “Y/N?!”
“Hey! I’m fine,” his hands are lightly grazing your body where the wires touch you, eyes frantically searching your own for any signs of distress. “Really, Bucky, I’m fine.”
You do seem ok. He wishes he was. His heart is thundering, muscles tense, ready and willing to do whatever he needed to keep you safe. Taking a shaky breath he rests his forehead on yours, trying to calm himself.
“Sorry if we scared you, Manchurian.” Tony quips from beside the computer as he pops a baby carrot in his mouth. Bucky shoots daggers at him.
“They were able to get a lock on the specific energy signature I emit pretty quick and scan for it. We found a match.” His eyes shoot back to you, unsure if you’re glad they found something or not.
“Well,” Bruce pipes up from another monitor, “near enough anyway. Too close to her unique signature to be a coincidence.”
“Another base?” Natasha asks from behind Bucky, who’s still kneeling in front of you, unable to move away.
“That’s what we were hoping you and Clint could clear up for us,” Tony flicks some images up so everyone can see the area they narrowed the signal down to.
Your eyes dart between the two and Bucky finally looks back. The map shows a spot just outside of Cleveland. Yet another nondescript building, nothing that says den of torture about it at all. Clint and Natasha exchange a look.
“Yeah,” she holds a finger to her lips for a minute thinking. “We may have something on this, didn’t seem like much so it’s low on the list.”
“Well, it’s top priority now.” Bucky doesn’t like the tone in Steve’s voice. It’s the one he gets when he’s going to do whatever bullheaded thing he has in mind no matter the consequences.
He sees you nod in his peripheral. “When’s the soonest we can head out?”
Bucky’s glare shoots back to you. “Absolutely not!”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?”
“You’re not doing this.” His tone is just as stubborn as Steve’s, if not a bit more so.
You scoff, “Oh? I’m not?”
“No. You are not.”
“I hate to break it to you but you don’t get to tell me what I am and am not going to do, Bucky.” Your eyes darken just a touch as the air around you dips just a touch toward cool.
“After last time you really think this is a good idea, Y/N?!”
“No. But I’m the only one who can properly handle these assets if they attack. I’m the only one who understands even a little how this energy functions. I’m the only one-”
He can’t believe this. “So you’re just gonna throw yourself back into that?! After what almost… after… Y/N you’re being-”
“I’m doing what needs to be done. I cannot in good consciousness allow this to pass unchecked. Too many people are at risk if-”
“This isn’t a negotiation!” He bellows. “You’re my-”
“I don’t give a damn what I am to you or you to me.” It feels like you punched him in the chest. “You don’t give me orders, Barnes.”
When you look away from him to Natasha the dismissal is clear. “There’s some good surveillance footage of the area from local businesses security and traffic cams. Should be enough to establish patterns. After last time we know trying to scan is a lost cause.”
Bucky feels his rage prickle under his skin. You don’t look back to him when you’re done. Huffing he stands and stalks to the elevator, unable to be a part of this ill-begotten plan a moment longer.
“You know he’s coming right?” Natasha’s tone is light but she knows her words are heavy.
“Yeah.” You clip the stabilizer cuffs Tony made for you onto your belt. They were just a prototype and only to be used if you felt like you were about to lose it but they still felt strangely comforting to have. Nothing like the comfort you’d felt with Bucky… who you hadn’t seen in three days.
“Assuming you still haven’t spoken to him?”
“Not much to say.” You don’t want to have this conversation now.
“That’s bullshit.” She slips her Widow’s Bites on.
You shrug, “No. You heard how he spoke to me. In front of everyone. Like I was a fucking child like he could just say no and I’d say yessir.”
“He’s from a different time, Y/N.”
“I don’t give a fuck. It’s not 1945.” You slam your gear locker closed. “Plus, not like he’s spoken to me either.”
You barely catch a glimpse of him before he gets on the jet. Grinding your teeth you hang back for just a second.
“Need me to whoop his ass,” Sam says from behind you.
“That is not a fight I’d care to see.” You sigh, “But no. Just think we got ahead of ourselves is all.”
“Well,” he slings an arm over your shoulder, “you’ve still got me, kid.”
You laugh, “You do remember that I’m older than you right?”
“Psh, age is just a number. I got one of them old souls”
As usual Sam’s ridiculousness puts a smile on your face and by the time the two of you are boarding the jet you’re cackling. That all fades the moment you feel Bucky’s stare. Steeling yourself for the uncomfortable mission ahead you keep your eyes averted and your mind on the prize.
Things have gone smoothly for the most part. Some minor scuffles, every computer has been beyond destroyed, and no files that tell you a goddamn thing to be found but less than an hour into the mission and it seems this will be in and out. You’re not even sensing any of the telltale energy like you did last time.
You’ve all spread out a bit to try and wrap this up quickly since it all appears quiet. The area you’ve chosen is just about clear, or so you think. There’s the slightest whoosh in the air before you feel a blade nestle itself in your back.
“Fuck!” You scream as you stagger in pain and surprise. Just barely you can hear Bucky’s voice call out in the com as a foot crashes into your jaw.
It takes you a second but you get your bearings and land a blow to the asset’s abdomen. “I’m good!” No need for anyone to run to your aid when you don’t need it.
You focus a thin sliver of energy in your right hand and shoot it toward them like a tiny spear. They dodge and for a moment you think nothing of it, spinning despite the throbbing in your back from the knife wound, determined to take them out. A groan rings both in your com and from behind you followed by a thud.
Somehow you know before you even turn who’s going to be on the ground. You feel yourself somehow grow cold while also pulsing with energy, dread and rage and heartbreak crashing into you all at once. The asset forgotten, you rush to Bucky’s crumpled form on the floor.
“What the hell?!” His eyes are squeezed shut, teeth grinding in pain as he grasps the wound in his side, red sliding over his fingers.
“Heard you,” he grunts through clenched teeth. You can’t even feel the knife in your back at the moment.
“I said I was good!” You force his hands away and he groans. It’s bad, not as bad as it could be but still…
“Behind-” He doesn’t finish his statement. The asset grabs the knife and twists.
You scream, pain surging for an instant before it’s replaced with something else entirely. Thick cords of energy curl around you, pulsing in time with your suddenly steady heartbeat. There’s nothing in your mind for this moment, not even Bucky. One goal. Eliminate the target.
Pulling away the knife rips out of your back. It should feel like something. It’s just a tingle. Whirling you grab the asset by the neck. You could make this much faster than you do but… Pinning them against the wall you let your power trail down their body from your hold on their neck. They make a noise somewhere between a scream and a gurgle as superheated energy burns its way through them. It only takes a minute.
Once their eyes go dark you hurl them to the side. The sound of bones cracking. It’s then you come back to yourself, the monster sated. Bucky.
“Bucky is down. West sector cleared, I’m taking him up.”
“No, I-”
“Shut up,” you growl as you lift him.
Sam is stitching up Bucky when Nat and Steve declare the facility cleared. Nothing of value gained. They know you’re all looking for them, that’s clear enough by how quickly they abandoned this place.
The ride back is quiet. Sam takes care of the wound on your back and you can’t take your eyes off Bucky’s side. You could have killed him. If you had…
As soon as the door opens you’re bolting out. You think you’re going to run to your apartment but instead, you go to the range. Even so, all you manage to do is pace in the space anxiety thrumming through you, yet you’re unable to bring yourself to let loose the energy that almost killed him…
Before your brain knows what’s happening you’re riding the elevator up to not your apartment but Bucky’s. You know he’s in medical but he’s not hurt badly enough to stay there more than an hour or so. Pacing the hall, you wait.
The elevator doors slide open when you’re at the end of the corridor. Two voices, Steve’s and Bucky’s. You freeze.
“I’m good, promise,” you hear Bucky say.
“Alright. Call me if you need anything.” The doors slide closed and Steve is gone.
He hasn’t even opened his door before you’re on him. A small surprised noise comes from him as you turn him to face you. Logically you know he’s injured, need to be careful, but…
Your fingers tangle into his hair, pulling him to you. His kiss tastes like sweat and desperation. Tears burn your eyes as his tongue finds its way between your teeth, his arms winding around you, holding tight.
Suddenly you pull away, pushing against his chest. You punch him hard in his left pec. “You fucking idiot!” Your voice cracks.
“Yeah. I am.” A sardonic smile curls his lips. “Just for you though.”
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