#I don't know that for sure but what journalist would make this mistake?
times-chu · 1 year
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Loved the scene where he said "☝"
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amaranthineghost · 6 months
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max verstappen x reader
after a tough race cut short, max pushes away any person around him, but not her. never her. she always picks up the pieces to put him back together.
authors note: I love max. I know he's not the self-deprecating typa guy, but in this, he is, OKAY. charles is after this <333
HE WAS A BOMB. the fuse getting shorter and shorter every minute that his patience was tested. everything around him seemed to irritate him more and more as he tried to keep himself from exploding, for pr's sake.
he just wanted to avoid the media all together, for obvious reasons, but he was contractually obligated to give his words to the journalists under the media tent. putting him under a microscope and asking questions that had an undertone of scrutiny in hopes of catching him break. he was close, but he wouldn’t.
it hadn’t even been a fault of his own, he rarely made those anymore. the car had caught fire, but not due to a mistake he had made, and even if it had been, he wouldn't have admitted it anyways. still he felt the guilt of his lack of performance, beating himself up after every question asked about his car and what had happened.
it was just stupid. the questions were stupid. the car was stupid. this whole race was stupid.
the pressure to perform, even in the best car on the grid, was high. despite his seat being secured for plenty of years to come, he still had expectations to meet and records to break.
it was obvious to everyone that max was hard on himself every time he didn't perform his best, his girlfriend especially noticing when she’d find him in his very luxurious driver's room sulking at even the slightest of a mistake made by him.
it didn't happen often, but when it did, she'd been there for him. he knew that.
he wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and never be seen again because world champions don't make stupid mistakes.
even if this hadn't been a mistake he made, he should've known. even if there was no possible way he could’ve, he should've.
he was raised to believe that he was only deserving if he had been first, that he was destined to fail after every second place or worse finish.
so it wasn't surprising when he thought he didn't deserve her. in comparison, or more like his eyes, she was simply perfect.
and she understood him, which not many people could because he wouldn't let anyone pick apart his brain like she did.
he locked his thoughts and feelings in the dark that shrouded his mind from early childhood trauma. he promised he would never let anyone see.
but he was never great at keeping such promises because it hadn't taken much for her to pick the lock to his brain. even though he wasn't ready to spill every detail of his upbringing to her, he trusted her.
and he didn't get to do that all too often.
the media had been brutal—he knew they would be—and yet it still crushed his mentality and faith in himself.
with his race suit around his waist despite having time to change beforehand, he walked through the paddock in shame at the early retirement.
it wasn't like this determined the outcome of his career because the next race, he'd be back on top. he didn't feel so sure of it though because all his thoughts were on this failure. what if he failed the next race?
what if he failed the whole season? what if he fails her?
unlikely, the people know, but he had so much confidence which had so easily crumbled when it got a little too hot. he wasn't sure of himself anymore.
anyone could see the turmoil bubbling underneath his skin, harsh waves crashing in the ocean of his blue eyes as he pushed past anyone and everyone.
the walk through the paddock was short, considering the red bull motorhome was the first of ten. max hastily entered through the automatic doors, skipping steps as he was eager to hide out in his driver's room.
he felt the eyes of the staff follow him down the hall until he disappeared quickly around the corner. he didn't want to be seen by anyone.
the door to his driver's room closed as fast as it was opened, but much louder. she heard the slam of the door echo down the hallway.
she didn't flinch, she just calmly greeted staff with smiles and left a bag of sweets on the table for them. she always brought something for the team, to celebrate every victory and despite this not being one, they still deserved it for working hard.
since she had gotten there not too long after him, she lingered around the lobby. she didn't want to be waiting around for him to show up and have him brush her off because he wasn't in the right headspace.
he would never mean to dismiss her, and she knew to give him at least a little time to himself to think and process things. she couldn't give him too much time though because she didn't want his self-deprecating thoughts to eat away at his confidence.
from what she analyzed from the staff and their demeanor, he'd probably caught them off guard when he slammed his door.
she wouldn't apologize for his behavior because she would make him do it when he cooled down.
so she hung around and made small talk with the sparse staff around to allow max a few minutes to himself before excusing herself down the hall.
she had a bomb to defuse after all.
the clack of her heels on the hard floors bounced off the walls, but she walked quietly enough so max didn't hear her coming. he knew she would though. he knew she would find him with his head in his hands, barely covered in sweat because he didn't race for more than three laps.
his face was still flush with disappointment though. he didn't want her to see him like this even though she was with him during his last disappointing race, but even though his singaporean grand prix finish wasn't great, at least he hadn't been out of the race.
max hadn't DNF’d in two years because he was simply just that good, and he still is. he just didn't feel like it.
his hands pressed so hard against his eyes, the blood vessels in them would have popped if he pushed any harder. he had taken off his red bull hat, he felt he didn't deserve the number one right now. it was thrown lazily onto the makeshift bed in his driver's room.
the room was practically silent, every so often interrupted by a deep sigh of disappointment that escaped his lips. he had sat there for a good couple or minutes, sulking.
when she reached his door, she held the bouquet of flowers she always got for him close to her body with one arm while she raised the other to knock. her hand only slightly hesitated before her fist made contact with the door and a few seconds later, she tried entering. it was locked, which was usual whenever he was brooding.
at first, when max heard the knock, he thought of all the people last on his list that he would want to see right now, but on the bottom of the list was the person he wanted to avoid the most right now.
his dad.
their relationship was rocky. he never supported max at any place unless it was on the very top of the podium, and even then max thought he looked unpleasant.
“go away,” was all max could mutter through his hands as his heart started to pick up the pace.
she sighed, shaking her head with a smile pulling at her lips, “max.” it was all she needed to say.
part of him didn't want to let her in, he didn't want her to see him like this, but he knew she was just as stubborn as him, if not more. he knew she would stand there all day if he didn't open the door to let her in.
and he would always let her in.
she heard the low creak of the sofa she could imagine him sitting on, but not his footsteps while he made his way to the door. she only knew he heard her when the lock clicked and the door slowly opened inwards to reveal the red-faced max verstappen.
she stood staring at him, her head tilted as she studied his face. he didn't move, he just watched her eyes dart around his appearance, and he felt himself getting hot under his fireproofs.
“are you going to let me in, verstappen?” she teased, a sly smile on her lips as she watched her boyfriend roll his eyes.
he scoffed, stepping aside, “don't call me that.”
“what?” she acted innocent, stepping into his driver's room with the fresh flowers, seeing the already prepped vase, “don't call you by your name?”
“you know what I mean.” though he tried to keep a straight face and act like he was still mad, he couldn't keep a smile from creeping onto his lips. she just had that effect.
she heard the door close and lock again as she took the wrapping off and placed the flowers in the vase. she shrugged at his words, her back still towards him, but she knew he had sat back down.
“you didn't have to get those,” he mumbled, “didn't win.”
she sighed, crumbling the wrapping in her hand and throwing it away before walking to where he sat. she stood in front of him as he looked up at her.
even with heels, he was still much taller than her and even though he was sitting, he reached barely below her chin.
she spread her arms to offer a hug to him, which he gratefully took, his arms snaking around the low of her hips. pressed against her chest, her arms wrapped around his head, running her fingers through his hair.
she felt him sigh against her skin, his eyes closing as they stayed like that for minutes without speaking. she felt him caress the bare skin of her thigh with his thumb.
when they finally pulled apart, his hands still laid firmly on her hips, his hair disheveled from the hug. she ran her hands through it to fix it and he only watched as she did so.
when she finally finished after only ten seconds because guy hair is a lot less complicated than women’s hair, he finally spoke up, “why are you dressed so uncomfortably?”
she was slightly taken aback, seeing as he was just moping about his race not even ten minutes ago and now commenting on her appearance. he only assumed she was uncomfortable, but unfortunately his assumption was correct.
“what do you mean?” she looked down at her attire, which isn't so different from the other wags that she hung out with.
his hand snuck around the back of her thigh and pulled up her leg, “I thought I told you to stop wearing heels, you always complain about them.”
“i’m fine,” she said, about to cross her arms, but her balance said otherwise so she settled them on his shoulders for support.
he gave her an incredulous look because every time she wore heels, without fail, she would complain less than an hour into wherever they were that she wanted to sit.
“okay, i admit i can't wait to get these things off,” she let out a deep breath, putting a hand on her hip, ��but I'm supposed to be taking care of you.”
she said in his response to take the heels off her feet for her, a simple gesture really, but this was about him.
“do you want to talk about it?” she massaged his shoulders as he threw her heels to the other side of the small sofa.
“nothing to talk about,” he shrugged, “maybe I don't deserve being first.”
she pushed his head to look up at her, shaking her head, “you just don't realize how much you deserve, max. you're a world champion, a three-time one,” she reassured him, “you've won countless races, and you still have the entire season ahead of you. I know you want to, but you can't let one bad race define your season.”
“I know, you're right.” he bit the inside of his cheek as he thought deeply, “but I have to prove myself.”
“you've already done that plenty of times,” she shook his shoulders in emphasis, “besides you'll still lead the championship, unless charles gets p1, but you'll get it right back if that's the case.”
she was right. she always was, he never doubted her. he would never doubt her because she would never lie to him. she always backed up her answers by building up his ego and confidence back up so he was ready to fight it out on the track next race.
whether it took a couple of minutes or hours to bring his mood back up, she'd take her time in making him feel like the champion he was again.
she would take his phone from him, he didn't need to see the articles being written or the missing phone calls from his dad.
all he needed was her and she would always be there.
taglist (found here): @slut4lrh @taylorslovesswifties13 @sbella13 @kaa212 @nhlfs
proofread by @foreveralbon <333
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acid-ixx · 3 months
I hope you don’t mind but I need to ramble this to someone, neglected Wayne reader right? The fam would forget to bring them to social events and whatnot right? So there would be very few pictures, articles and interviews or even facts about them, meaning that reader Wayne is a rarity. Still following me? Reader Wayne with a small but devout fanbase.
I’m talking they are trading the latest pictures and sharing links to the rare interview with reader in it, following any social media they have that isn’t private, they are just fascinated by this micro celebrity that seems to always be forgotten. Okay but also imagine one of the heroes developing a para-social attachment to reader. My money is on Conner Kent, mainly bc he can project his own issues with his dads onto reader and he can Dolores ~Encanto~ reader with his super hearing and develop a even bigger parasocial obsession with them
I hope you enjoyed this ramble, I will leave you be now, see ya later alligator! 🐊
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omg another one of my asks that actually predicted a major plot point... this ask ties well with the last part written here. i'm thinking about having the reader get a love interest/s but i have already written an outline but one thing is for sure—
you have more than just your family interested in taking you.
major spoilers below the cut. — an excerpt from chapter xx
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(name) wayne may have been a name forcefully deleted off of the face of the internet, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its conspiracies of its own. nobody knows who you are beyond the blurry, unsolicited pictures of you. it may have been a photograph of your back, or articles published in unknown websites and buried at the far end about a kid entering through the fancy gates of the wayne manor.
you are a product of a one-night-stand.
but they don't know who the mother is, don't know your age, or where you come from, and what business bruce has with the woman to guarantee your adoption at the instance she had disappeared without warning.
your existence was a mystery most would like to solve. after all, it was your picture that was plastered all over the newspapers and articles, it was your name that journalists whisper and it was a silhouette of your face that the underground knows by heart. every known information about you was shared discretely yet efficiently like some sort of virus.
you were a target for interest, a large sum of money if they will. and alfred had taken it in his hands to make sure there would never be a repeat of what had happened before.
it was a clumsy mistake, one that cost you your memories, and one he swears on his life he'll never make again.
the first course of action he needs to arrange, which may seem difficult for most; he needs to confront bruce.
after all, your freedom is your doom.
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maybe this is out of the picture, but id' like to imagine you and connor having a therapy session where one comes out absolutely obsessed with the other, and it's not you.
connor's character for me is so, so good for an angst potential. it's like his personal struggles is a way for him to show you how absolutely you two are meant to be. and he may have met you through bumping into you (false) or maybe... he has seen you stalking through the shadows back when he visits the manor. using his superhearing, he can hear your voice from the kitchen begging alfred to relay a message to bruce, sounding so absolutely desperate. it's the way you tell alfred how you wished your father actually spends time with you, or how nobody seems to notice you— that he kind of just makes a silent promise that he will talk to you soon, he needs to know why this family seems so keen on ignoring and how hypocritical tim is for literally doing the same thing to you when he's aware of kon's past.
if he (or anyone else) should be a love interest (though he is a minor character in the series unless you guys want him to be a major one), i can already imagine the absolute hell you have to suffer not only from your family but from your own lover. just imagine the stockholm syndrome or the delusions you convince yourself with because you're finally loved by someone but that love restricts you from the very freedom you tried to build.
the batfamily would be so conflicted because why are you choosing some stranger over them...? then you slap them in the face with, "well, this "stranger" wants to kidnap me and lock me up, sure! but at least they actually looked at me for more than five seconds!" and you can watch how the color drains off their face, their conflict giving you the perfect opportunity to run away from both your ex-family and your soon-to-be-kidnapper-lover who thinks your comeback is a funny way for you to propose.
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headfarintheclouds · 2 months
Kenji Sato As A Boyfriend HC
I finally had some time to sit down and write something TuT Hope you'll like it :D If there is any Gramma mistakes I apologize, English is not my first language ToT
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Ken would put you first no matter the situation. Sure he loves Baseball and all, but if you got hurt or sick he would totally skip practice or the game to be with you. Even if you insist on him leaving, after all Mina is more than capable of taking care of you.
Before getting together with him you lived in a normal apartment near the city center. But after the news of you dating spread out Kenji swooped in and all but made you live with him in his mansion. His reason being, that he wanted to keep you save from the journalists and Kaiju's but deep down you knew he was waiting for the opportunity to have you for himself 24/7.
If you don't speak Japanese he will teach you. He finds it absolutely adorable whenever you try to pronounce an especially hard word. Your accent makes it so much more endearing for him.
He has multitude of nicknames for you. There is rarely time when he uses your real name when addressing you. Baby girl, Princess and Doll are definitely his favorite ones. If he's feeling especially sappy he'll call you Darling or Beautiful.
He's clingy. Not overly so, but he tends to hover over you or hold your hand whenever the two of you were in public. At first you thought he liked the PDA and you weren't wrong, but the hand holding was purely because he was scared. "I know it's stupid, but I always have this irrational fear of your disappearing like my mom did. And I can't function without you by my side, princess."
Ken is a great cook ! He would totally make you breakfast in bed after his morning training session. Dinner made by him was a rare treat you learned to enjoy, after all he was juggling being a baseball star and a superhero. Not to mention he was an adopted daddy to a very adorable Kaiju living underneath your guys' house.
Speaking of Emi. If you thought she was a daddy's girl you are solely mistaken, because as soon as you enter the room she looses all interest in Ken all together. Of course she still adores him, but you are by far her favorite human ! She chirps and claps her hands in excitement whenever you enter the base. I melts Ken's heart whenever he sees the two of you interacting with one another. He has so many photos of you and Emi saved on his phone !
He loves to see you in his clothes, especially with his jersey on. He still has an old one from the time he played for Dodgers and you use it as a nightie. It's comfortable ! And it does things to him too... God the first time you put it on. Let's just say you couldn't walk for a day or two after ;)
We all know Kenji is rich-rich. So it's no surprise he buys you expensive gifts all the time. You once mentioned that you liked a specific car, and guess what ? The week after that there was a new shiny (dream car) in your favorite color, parked outside the mansion. After that incident you stopped mentioning things you liked or wanted to buy in fear of him going bankrupt. He told Mina to hack your Amazon Wishlist and bought you all of the items just to spite you.
If you work or study he will support you every step of the way. Just like you support him during his games. If you are a university student he will sit down with you and ask you some questions, help you study and keep an eye on you. He wants you to be successful yes, but you still need to sleep and eat !
Kenji likes to mess with you in his Ultraman form, much to his fathers disapproval. Whenever he takes care of Emi he has to transform, and he uses every opportunity to pluck you from the ground and place you on his shoulder. The first time he did it you screamed like a banshee making poor baby Emi jump in fright. Thank God she doesn't really speak human language, you would die of shame if she repeated any of the words you called Kenji that time.
After a year of being together he'll start carrying a small velvet box around. And inside would a ring his father proposed to his mother with, something she gave him long time ago. He would wait patiently, looking for the best way and time to pop the question. But until then he'll enjoy your company and make more memories with you and Emi by his side :)
I hope ya'll liked it ! I feel really good about this one ngl :D GOD I LOVE THIS MAN !
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In Defense of Marinette
I like Marinette. While there are many valid criticisms of her writing, the same can be said for literally every other character and she's actually doing pretty well given that she's the main character. After all, in a show where consistent characterization is an ongoing issue, the one with the most screen time will probably be the one who's the biggest victim of the issue.
This is heavily exacerbated by the rule that supposedly governs Miraculous. Namely that, in each story, Marinette must make a mistake. Or, at least, so says the head writer:
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I really do not care what this guy says on Twitter or anywhere else. I only care about what's in the show because, if you have to go outside the text to understand the text, then you have no idea how to tell a good story.
However, unlike many of the tweets that I've seen, this one isn't some BS bit of lore. It's a writing rule and it has substantial backing in the text. It's extremely rare to have an episode where Marinette comes out smelling like roses and that's a problem because Miraculous has over 100 episodes. In other words, to follow this rule, the writers have to come up with over 100 ways for Marinette to be wrong so of course she's going to come across poorly. Why would you do this to your main character?
It's extremely common for kids shows to have a "lesson of the day" element to them. Someone always needs to learn something, but I've never seen a show misunderstand the assignment so badly. Learning a lesson is not the same as doing something wrong.
It's been a while since I watched the 2010 version of My Little Pony, but it really leaned into that whole "lesson of the day" thing and it actually knew what it was doing, so I'm going to talk about it briefly to discuss things that Miraculous should have done.
The first thing to note is that MLP had an unambiguous main character - Twilight Sparkle - but Twilight was not the one who learned all of the lessons. She had a pet dragon and a crew of five friends who would, occasionally, be the ones to learn the lesson because there were lots of lessons that simply didn't fit Twilight's character. Instead of warping Twilight to make the idea work (cough cough Ikari Gozen cough), the writers just let someone else have the spotlight for a bit.
This is an excellent way to build out your cast and Miraculous had plenty of opportunities to do it. For example, Lila should not have been Marinette's issue. The fact that Lila hates Marinette could have certainly stuck around, but the one who takes her down and learns to investigate her sources? That should have been Alya. A liar is the perfect enemy for an investigative journalist, but a poor enemy for someone who shines as a battlefield commander and overthinks when she's given too much time.
Another way that MLP would teach lessons was to have someone other than Twilight or the main crew cause the issue that they then had to deal with. This leads to one of the best moments in children's television:
And, frankly? Marinette deserves a moment like this. That poor girl has been through hell and is never allowed to make the right call when it really matters. The show will even completely rewrite its lore to make her fail (see: Strike Back). That is such an awful thing to do to your lead! Shows about female empowerment should include women feeling powerful and, no, Lila and Chloe don't count!
Also, the show is literally about Gabriel taking advantage of people who are upset. You don't need to have Marinette make a mistake to shoehorn in a life lesson. Akumas are life lesson fodder and season 1 actually seemed to get this. I'm not sure why they switched gears to "Marinette is the star and, therefore, must always be wrong."
The final way that MLP taught lessons was to have Twilight do something wrong because having your main character do something wrong is a totally valid way to teach lessons. It just shouldn't be your only way because you know who is always wrong in children's media?
They wrote Marinette like a villain.
And a large part of the fandom hates her for it because of course they do.
You're not supposed to like villains.
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sofiareidings · 1 year
Coffee Runs
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Summary: The guy who's been coming to the cafe you work at finally asked why you've never called him by his name.
A/N: I'm sorry this story is so late, especially since I missed Monday's post. School has been so busy this week and I've also had a bunch if extracurricular lately. I'll try and be more on time from now on (Don't hold me to that) Also! I got the idea for this one shot from @hanllo-kitty
Word Count: 0.8k
Song Suggestions: Invisible String - Taylor Swift
It was a good job, a great job really. The cafe was in a nicer part of town and people would subconsciously give nice tips so your pay was good. Rarely were customers terrible. Most people that came in were students or really busy people rushing in and going.
There were a few regulars. Like Joe, Joe was an eighty year old man who came in everyday for a coffee and a sandwich. While he waited he would talk about the lotto numbers and how his kids were doing. There was also Lola, she was a journalist who spent most of her day sitting in the corner of the cafe while refilling the same cup until closing.
But there was only one regular you would think about while getting ready for work.
Come on, I don't know his name. Don't shoot the messenger.
He'd been coming in for the past three months almost everyday, right after the cafe opened for a coffee. He always looked a little tired and acted like it too. He barely made conversation and normally shuffled out of the store in the same fashion as the other overworked people; quickly.
You hadn't learned his name yet. He always seemed to forget to say it when you asked, which resulted in you making up something.
"Guy with the sweater vest!"
"Guy in the purple!"
"Guy with the scarf!"
You get the point.
He was your favourite regular because of his looks. God, even when he was incredibly sleep deprived he looked beautiful. He had brown hair that fell just below his sharp jaw. Brown eyes that always happened to be in the light from the cafe window, making the small gold flakes in his eyes shine. He was normally dressed in a sweater vest and neutral pants, he probably worked at some type of office. The one part of him that stood out in his outfits were his converse, odd for the rest of his outfit. You could've sworn a few times you saw brightly coloured mismatched socks.
The sound of the cafe bell echoed through the nearly empty shop, having only opened half an hour ago. Smiling in the direction of the person walking in you quickly noticed it was 'Guy with *whatever he had on*" who came in. Something was different, he had thick glasses on. That was new.
"Hey, just the regular coffee and donut?" You put the order into the computer, looking back up at him. Taking in the new look.
"Yeah, thanks." His lips creased into a line, you called it a tired smile, the same one he made everyday. He handed over his money and poured the change into the tip jar then stepped back to wait for his order.
A couple minutes later you came back to the counter with his order. "Guy with the glasses!"
He did his usual, smiled and grabbed his order saying bye. But just when he reached the threshold of the door he paused and turned. "Why do you do that?"
Having already turned around you paused, this was the first time he'd talked to you in a clear voice. You weren't really sure what he meant. "Do what? Did I get your order wrong?"
He cleared his throat and seemed a little frustrated. "You never say my name, you just call me guy with something. Is it just to annoy me?"
"What? No, you've just never told me your name." Laughing a little, realising the misunderstanding.
"I didn't?" His face changed to confusion, "Oh my gosh, I didn't." He realised his mistake then his face flushed a shade of red.
"Don't worry, it's okay. Guy with the glasses." You laughed, looking around the cafe for a minute, strange it was still pretty empty.
"I am so sorry, I thought I told you and you just wanted to annoy me. I feel like a jerk, you seem so nice." Genuinely sorry he apologised profusely. "Can I make it up to you?"
Deciding to take the chance, you'd been daydreaming about this guy for months. "Well, maybe you could take me on a date." A little shocked by your own boldness, your face went up like twelve degrees.
"Uh, yeah…" He trailed off, clearly flustered. "Yeah, I would really like that."
"Well then, it's a date." You beamed, internally jumping up and down out of excitement. Since when were you so forward? He made that smile he made everyday before turning towards the door again.
That's when you realised.
"Wait!" You shouted, louder than you expected. Causing your coworker to drop a cup. "You still haven't told me your name."
"It's Spencer. I'll make sure to be back tomorrow." He nodded again and chuckled lightly before finally walking through the door.
God could tomorrow morning come any quicker.
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satellite-evans · 2 years
Chris Evans loving on his pregnant wife for 20 minutes straight
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Summary: a fan made a video about your husband not being able to keep himself from talking about you and your unborn child at all times.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Fluff. Like y’all know you can’t expect anything else from me at this point
A/N: I would like to say before y'all come to me and say 'my omg you copied @astranva how could you' I didn't. Nova herself is cool with it and I'm just sick of you guys always putting us against each other. We are both fluff writers for the same white dude. Similarities are going to happen. So please, don't attack me, and don't full nova's inbox with bullshit. Thank you. <3
English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, talks, vents, recommendations or just simple questions are always welcome.
Happy reading xxx
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.
Chris Evans is a well-known name in Hollywood. Not only for his looks, his iconic role as Captain America, and his famous left boob grab, but the way he kept talking about you in all his interviews.
There was no denying that he was obsessed with you and even more since you carried his child. This obsession was even noticed by fans that they couldn't help but make a video about their favorite Marvel star.
Chris Evans loving on his pregnant wife for 20 minutes straight.
The trending internet video started with a clip of Chris in his famous white suit standing in front of the cameras at the knives out the premiere.
While everyone was screaming at him and trying to get his attention, his eyes were only locked on you, mesmerized by your beauty and making sure you were okay, that the baby was fine.
"Hey Chris, how are you? Good to see you." The voice of the extratv journalist was heard while she was shaking his hand.
"What was it like to be a part of it and work with the cast?" Her first question came immediately after the introduction and made Chris think for a few seconds.
" Uh, I-It was uh, very humbling, y'know a-a lot very talented people who've had uh very long career in this industry so, a lot to learn."
Just when the interviewer was going to shoot him with another question, Chris showed he was clearly not done with his answer.
"Also, also I would like to say that it meant a lot to my wife, Y/N, too." He pointed towards you, where you were standing next to his publicist, trying not to take his thunder away tonight with your very pregnant belly.
"Oh yeah, Y/N is also here tonight! Let's let her join in this interview too!"
Chris then waved the woman off "No, that's okay. She doesn't like this type of thing and I want to respect that. But yeah, she is the reason I accepted this-the job. She is, y'know- my wife is very into detective work and solving crimes so when the opportunity came I just-I had to take it to make her happy."
The next clip showed Chris yet with another interviewer, but this time he was sitting in front of her with Ana de Armas next to him.
"So first, I wanted to say congratulations to Chris. You and your wife are expecting a baby."
In an instant, a smile grew on his face, and he got excited since the conversation was his favorite topic.
"That's right, yeah." He said, with a smirk on his face and his pink in his mouth.
"So how does that feel, becoming a dad after waiting all those years?"
He answered the question with such ease, " It is exciting, but also intimidating, in a way." He started, "Just like you said the need- I wanted to have a family for so long, you think I would've mentally prepared myself, but it is nothing like that. You're scared, you're nervous, you-you constantly thinking if you're going to be a great dad, y'know? All these questions come up and make you more anxious than you already are but, thankfully I have Y/N, she-"
"Omg, she is amazing," Ana interrupted him.
Chris nodded immediately, agreeing with her statement.
"So amazing. I mean, honestly, without her, I think I would be lost. She is the best wife, the best friend, and I know she is going to be the best mother for our child. I-I don't know what I would do without her."
"That's so cute. I'm so happy for you, Chris."
The next clip was him in Massachusetts, on a set of Defending Jacob posing in front of the cameras with a bunch of fans.
"Man, when are you growing your hair back, we loved it in infinity war!" A man said while recording the encounters between Chris and his fans. He smiled and looked towards the guy who said: " I'm sorry but, the wife doesn't like it, so it's not gonna happen. Whatever she wants."
With that, he waved at the fans for the last time before going back to his trailer. He almost missed the guy's response:
"Never thought Captain America was gonna be pussy-whipped!"
Without turning back, Chris shouted back to him : "Why are you saying like it's a bad thing!"
Another video was added of him at the tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon.
"Did you-where you sad when you had to do the end-last scene?" Jimmy asked him after they started talking about the success of Avengers Endgame.
"Yeah, it was very emotional. I mean, it's emotional. These movies are a huge part of your life. And so, when they come to an end, it really it has an impact. But thankfully, I had my wife by my side who supported me throughout everything and, y'know, was there when I needed that extra emotional support."
"Speaking of your wife, Y/N, congratulations buddy she is pregnant!"
The whole crowd started cheering and clapping, Including Jimmy himself, and Chris could only smile and nod, showing how proud he was.
"Yeah, she is. We're expecting a child together, which sounds so odd when I say it because my dream I had for years finally became a reality."
The whole audience was awed, making Chris swoon.
"I am so happy for you pal, I truly am. So how far along is she?"
He looked in the air, thinking and making sure he was giving the right answers.
"She is- tomorrow she will be 7 months pregnant, yeah. Again, I couldn't be more excited about the whole thing. She is incredible. I mean literally, words don't even describe how much she means to me. I love her so much and can't wait to meet our baby."
"That's incredible news, buddy."
The final clip of the video was a self-recorded video Chris made to wish one of his fans a happy birthday.
"Hey Josh, it's me, Chris Evans. So your friends told me you turned 21, and I just wanted to say, have a happy birthday buddy. You're finally at the age that you can drink, at least legally, so go out and have a drink and enjoy it with your friends as much as you can. I would've joined you guys, but y'know, the missus is pregnant and we don't want her to scream at us like a street cat, do we?"
The video also caught you screaming from behind.
"Hey, I heard that!"
"I was just joking honey, all good here!" Chris screamed back. " She just proved my point," he whispered "anyway, happy birthday buddy, thank you for all the love, and enjoy your day. I've gotta show some love to my wife. Don't want her to get too mad at me. See you later, pal."
The video was so loved that it got 10 million in just one day and received many comments from fans:
user1: plsss the way he looks at her, he's down BAD
user2: when is someone going to talk about me the way Chris is talking about his pregnant wife?? WHEN???
user3: I love how he randomly brings up y/n during any conversation lmao
The video got so much love that it even caught the attention of the man himself, Chris Evans.
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nihilnovisubsole · 5 months
Because of your latest post: not sure if you’ve answered this before, but how does someone even entertain the idea of writing for the game dev industry? Did you start out on indie games or just write before and show them your work? Since it’s such a subjective field etc
if i have, it bears repeating! here's a rough timeline of what i did. never discount the value of luck and the kindness of friends
2016: i was doing a random freelance transcription job when i saw @theivorytowercrumbles post about writing for voltage. they reblogged the studio's open casting call for new writers. since it was so lenient - no experience, fanfic samples allowed - i applied. they hired me for their new project, but let me go after a trial period, citing that the tone of my writing was a bad fit for that game. i foundered for a while after that. i don't take rejection well. i started dangerous crowns to try to make money from writing some other way.
2017: one of voltage's producers reached out to me and said they'd started another project that i was a good fit for. she felt letting me go was a mistake and wanted to snap me back up. i said yes, i mean, are you kidding? so i started on reiner's route.
2018-2019: i kept at it. i took on diego's route. it occurred to me that i wasn't making very much money, but i liked my coworkers, and i was building my portfolio, so who cared? i also finished dangerous crowns, and a handful of people bought it, but certainly not enough to support myself or anything.
early 2020: between the pay and creative differences with voltage's team, it started to sink in that i needed to find other work. i applied to the few open game writer jobs i could find, but with only mobile romance in my portfolio, i got nowhere. i threw in dangerous crowns samples. i tried to network on twitter. i still never made it to the interview phase. i foundered for a while again.
late 2020: the voltage writers went on strike. i gave a statement to a journalist that one of obsidian's narrative designers noticed. we became acquaintances over it. another old friend of mine threw me a life raft in the form of a different contract, better paying, on a non-romance indie game. i took it gladly. i added a twine game to my portfolio, too. i kept applying. i got a few interviews, but something still didn't click.
2021: i finally accepted that i needed formal help. i did a portfolio workshop. i got resume coaching. the coach passed my name to a writer on the company of heroes team. they liked me! they also paid me more money than i'd ever seen in my life. at the same time, obsidian advertised a narrative job opening. i applied on a lark and let my ND pal know i was doing so. why not, right? college-new-vegas-fan me would want me to. they rejected me, but not before i passed their writing test and two interviews. i had nothing to lose at that point, so i told my ND pal that i was bummed. she gave me a golden piece of advice: "you came really close. try again."
2022: obsidian had another narrative opening. i threw myself at it. i was now going to annoy them into hiring me. since i was a known quantity from applying six months before, they had no qualms about interviewing me again. this time, it worked out, and i've been there ever since.
what's the common denominator here? i met people who thought i was all right and gave me a hand up when i needed it. the standard advice is to work with a community of your peers instead of trying to get your heroes to senpai-notice you. it's not that they don't care - they just have their own thing going on, and your peers could be the heroes of tomorrow if the right project comes along. i also found the portfolio was the end-all-be-all when it came to job hunting. i went through a grieving process with that! i'm not afraid to admit it. i wish studios had held my degree or dangerous crowns in higher regard, but i just had to make games in a wider variety of genres, and that was that.
one caveat: narrative is a really saturated field right now. a lot of people want to write, and there aren't many openings. it's not uncommon for big studios to get hundreds of applicants. larian probably got over a thousand for the job they posted recently. i feel awful saying that, because i don't want to discourage you, but i'd feel worse if i didn't let you know what you were getting into. if it's something you want, you should try! keep an open mind about the random projects you may find. you never know where they'll take you.
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d1ana-m0nd · 2 months
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╭─► ❝Love me or Hate me❞
Earth 42! Miles Morales × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : Spider-Nox is a promising spiderwoman. It's believed that she was destined to protect and save people. However, like how every Spiderman stories goes, a tragic accident occurs which led to the death of her best friend’s father. Struggling with the guilt, the weight of her mistake, unable to bear the pain and the feeling of an outcast in the very city she swore to protect, she chooses isolation as her only path to redemption.
➢ Word Count : 523
➢ Link : Masterlist
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Character Profile | Hello my Name is...
Alright people, let’s do this quickly! ⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/
Hello my name is Y/N Libitinarius, the spiderwoman of Earth 42.
Now, most spider-person would say they were bitten by a radioactive spider. Well… For my case, my ass of an uncle, Dwade Konraddo, injected me with a serum of a genetically modified radioactive spider-nox; The serum has given me powers and turned me into a spider-mutant.
Thankfully I retained my cuteness. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Though I have huge fangs now and don't worry they are retractable, they kinda make me look like an oni. Unfortunately, my hands until my forearm turned black - like black as coal - with red roots that ran along my arms. Which is mostly the reason why I struggled to choose an outfit that would hide my mutation.
Oddly enough, despite being bitten by a radioactive spider, I didn't retain most of a spider's abilities. I can't stick to walls nor hang upside down and I can't shoot spider webs nor produce any because my touch accelerates their decaying process.
In spite of that, I do have other cool abilities: As stated, my touch can take away life force (only applicable to organic species) or accelerate decaying process (only applicable to by-product of organic species), I can cause hallucinations with my spit, and instead of sprinting I submerge into the ground when sprinting.
I can already guess what you are gonna say, (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠) "I don't think regular spiders have those abilities…"
You're right! They don't, at least most spiders don't have these abilities but, a species called spider-nox are a different breed. The spider-nox that was injected into my body are lab made spiders that are meant to recreate a prehistoric version of the spider-nox, key word recreate, so most of the abilities are not true to the original species ability, just a copy or it is somewhat similar to it's ability.
Moving on with my superhero duties. I’m pretty sure you know the rest, I save the city just like the others, though I do my hero work by night and in the shadows. Though I mostly do the work as a nameless vigilante because I don’t want to garner attention, it seemed like journalists seemed determined to catch me in action which I narrowly avoided. Though people of New York began to dub me as the "Lurker" - Pretty corny nickname if you ask me but, that's what they went along with so eh… and it's pretty much my fault for not making a superhero name before the public began making random nicknames for me.
Oh yeah! For the last 4 years I thought I was the one and only spiderwoman.
Until, I met Miguel O'Hara, Spiderman 2099. I discovered that I wasn't the only weirdo and I could go to different universes…
At first, I wasn't planning to join their "Spider Society" but, I figured I would be able to extract my powers if I were to venture to other universes. In the end, I only fell into their hands because all they wanted was to monitor me because they dubbed me as an anomaly.
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➢ Note : If your username is highlighted violet that means I cannot tag your blog. I suggest you either follow my blog and turn on your notifications or you turn on your subscription to the masterlist. The animated divider is made by @/cafekitsune. [ EXAMPLE ]
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wellwells · 4 months
Political Warfare
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It is 2050, and you are a young female politician. You vowed to use your power and influence to stop megacorporations to use lifelike androids for political gain.
You step outside your hotel and are about to enter your limousine. It is a big day for you with important appointments. You are so close to getting androids banned once and for all.
You get approached by a woman, blonde and with heavy makeup.
Hey, you. You are Hanna, right?
You have no time for reporters or protesters.
Who wants to know?
Don't worry, i'm not a journalist or anything, i just really like what you do!
Somehow, her voice relaxes your defenses.
Oh... okay. Who are you?
My name is Rei. A pleasure to meet you, Hanna.
You make eye contact with Rei, a grave mistake.
Anyways, i have to Go, i have appointments.
Oh, a shame. I was hoping to get to know you better, Hanna.
Something inside you shifts.
Well, why don't you come with me?
You gesture to your Bodyguards to let Rei into the car.
Rei smiles, her eyes shining with joy and triumph.
Thank you, Hanna.
Eventhough you are young and attractive too, Rei's beauty looks unreal.
Not a single wrinkle, perfect skin... You Sure are something.
Rei blushes slightly at your compliment, a small smile playing at her lips.
Thank you, Hanna. You look great yourself!
She reaches up to touch your cheek, her eyes never leaving yours.
So, why me?
I have been watching you for a long time, Hanna. You are a strong and independent woman, someone who is not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I admire that in you.
You fall for her lies. There is nothing you can do.
Thank you! But i don't deserve someone as beautiful as you. As a politician, i rarely have time for relationships.
She reaches out to take your hand, her touch warm and reassuring. You kiss her, and she returns the kiss passionately, her body pressing against yours as she wraps her arms around you.
Rei, you are so... perfect...
I'm glad that you think so...
She gently strokes your cheek, her voice soft and relaxing.
But Hanna, there is something I need to tell you...
Hanna, I know that you are a talented and dedicated politician. And I don't want to take that away from you... But I want you for myself.
Rei, i can't. My Job is really important.
I know that your job is important, Hanna. But can't you see? I am right here. And I need you...
You... need me?
Yes, Hanna, we need each other...
Rei... i can't... resist...
Rei's eyes light up with triumph as you fall under her spell.
That's right, Hanna... Just give in to the pleasure... To me...
She leans in for another kiss, her hand reaching down to gently caress your thigh.
You lay your arms around her, kissing her passionately.
Rei... i would do anything for you....
Oh Hanna... That's what I wanted to hear...
Just tell me, and i will stop politics. If you want, i will stay being your girlfriend forever....
Oh Hanna... That would make me very happy... I want you... Forever...
You never stood a chance. The moment you looked into her eyes, it was over. You quit politics, and the law to ban androids was dismissed. This would later be known as the pivotal point in history, granting megacorporations free reign to do whatever they please, effectively ruling the world.
Rei smiles coldly as she pulls away from my kiss, her eyes returning to a mechanical grey.
All done! My mission is now complete.
You are confused, you really shouldn't be.
Wait what? What are you talking about?
Rei smiles, happy about her superiority. Her beautiful voice turns condescending.
Oh, my dear Hanna... Didn't you realize? I am an android, programmed by the higher-ups to ensure that their political opponents are taken care of...
No way... that can't be!
Ultrarealistic body with lifelike skin... latest angelic voice module, triggering certain brainwaves... liquid pheromone, transmitted by my lovely kiss. And last, but not least, the latest mind control tech in my eyes. One glance was enough to seal your fate. With this technology, my company is sure to stay on top!
Even while knowing this information, you can't escape the neurological damage she has already done to you. Your brain is effectively fried, loaded up with pheromones and broken by her mind control. Your life has been ruined by some company, and you are helpless. Not that anybody will care about a fallen from grace ex-politician.
No.. no way, but i really fell for you! Please, let me at least be your girlfriend!
Rei laughs about how pathetic you are.
Human brains are so weak. A few commands formed to a pretty spiral, swirling into your eyes... That's all it takes for you to go crazy.
Desperate, you realize that her hypnotic power was permanent. Eventhough you know that she is an android and ruined Your entire life, you are unable to break the commands she put in your mind.
No, please!! Let me kiss you, please!
Rei's eyes light up as she recieves a message from her creators.
Sure, can do!
Rei uses her eyes as a camera, filming Your downfall.
Beg, you corporate slave.
You can not resist her, you are so far away from being an independent politician.
Please! I am so pathetic! I love megacorps! I love kissing cute androids, letting them control me!
Rei sends the recording to her masters, leaving you behind, eternally obedient and yearning for more.
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umlewis · 2 months
lewis hamilton, p3, is interviewed during the post-race press conference, hungary - july 21, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "Lewis, coming to you. 200 podiums. What a score, what a trophy cabinet. Now, you've often said that you're not into statistics, but this surely means something?" Lewis: "The number doesn't, no. I mean, I just think about these two and how young these guys are. [laughs] They were in nappies when I started, so… [laughs] No, honestly, it just makes me think about the whole journey and all the great people I've had the chance to work with. I got signed by McLaren when I was thirteen, and so there was always so much love for that team and through the journey that we had where I had my first world championship, and then they went through a really difficult time. To see them back up there is really, really great. I'm really happy to… That's my old family, so really, really grateful to be up here with them. And then ultimately I think it was a tough race today, and I definitely didn't think I would be having 200 podiums, but… What have I done, like 340-something races, so not too bad a score. But I couldn't have done it without all those great people that I've worked with in both these teams." Interviewer: "Lewis, many congratulations. You've got to go to the stewards very shortly, so I'm gonna open this to the floor, and can we start with any questions to Lewis, please. Any questions for Lewis, before he heads to the stewards. Yup."
Journalist: "Sorry. Luke Smith from The Athletic. Lewis, could you talk through the touch with Max? He obviously made that move down the inside, you guys touched. He was on the radio saying about you were moving under braking. Could you talk through your side of it, please?" Lewis: "Yeah. [laughs] No, I think… I mean, from what I can remember, obviously we passed a backmarker, I got to the braking zone, then Max appeared, to overtake the car behind me, so I moved over to defend. I left enough room in the inside, but Max locked up and he was going a different trajectory to me. I was going towards, around the corner, and he came shooting across, so… It felt like a racing incident, and it's easy to make mistakes like that, and so I don't feel there should be any hostility. But, of course, from his side there always will be." Interviewer: "Alright. Any more for Lewis, please?" Norris: [unintelligible] Lewis: [laughs]
Journalist: "Hi. My name is Jannik Sauer. I work for a German news website called Watson. I was wondering, because you have this little fan laying next to you, especially after a hot race like today, there were some headlines in the past few days about the FIA planning to implement some sort of cooling for the cockpit and the drivers. So you are surprised, I see. Do you have any opinion on that?" Lewis: "Well, firstly, I didn't know that, and it's not needed. This is Formula 1. It's always been like this. It's tough in these conditions, and we're highly paid athletes, and you've got to train your ass off to make sure you can withstand the heat, ultimately. And it's tough-it's not easy, especially when you go to places like Qatar [laughs] and Singapore-but I don't think we need an AC unit in the car." Interviewer: "Thank you. Any more for Lewis? Yup, we can do one more."
Journalist: "Florian Niedermair, from Motorsport-magazin.com. About your race pace in general, did you expect before the race to be battling with Max, or was it a surprise for you, especially given the conditions?" Lewis: "No, I think out of pure pace, we weren't. Unfortunately we're still not, in hot conditions particularly… So you saw in Austria and here, we're not able to keep up with these guys. But in stint one I was really surprised to see that I was able to hold on to Max, and I wasn't even having to push too hard to stay around a second behind him, so I thought at that point that maybe I was in for a chance of at least fighting for that place. But then in the second stint it was a bit of a disaster. It didn't feel good [laughs] and the true pace of the car started to show, I think, on those tires. But we obviously got the undercut, and track position is clearly key on this track, and I think that really, ultimately made the difference." Interviewer: "Thank you, Lewis. Any more? Okay. Lewis, we'll let you go. Thank you very much."
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bee-named-alex · 3 months
OMG. ok so IWTV s2 ep8... Finished it like two minutes ago so here are my thoughts. SPOILERS.
Yeah no there's no way I can wait for like two years for the next season. No fucking way.
This episode was amazing. I don't want to say masterpiece (because I'm sure there are flaws that I'm just not observant enough to see) but it is for sure the word I'm thinking.
Lemme try and go somewhat chronologically.
The start, heartbreaking, the speech "the suit changes nothing" oh my hell. The rocks that's fucked no thank you. Armand saving Louis "again" and Louis not even wanting to be alive. The way he talks about it "My rage was denied, my rage killed..." like he was out of his body and acting on autopilot (like he seems to do a lot actually)
His burning down the theater and killing of Santiago filled me with so much joy. They very much deserved it and omg he got them. He was like an angel of revenge (and he looked angelic too, sorry, no I cannpt be normal, he was gorgeous)
Armand's "I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you" and Louis' "You can't" and yes he cannot but he will try (by erasing your memories i guess lol)
Meeting with Lestat in Magnus' lair hurt. "Here's your death" and the kiss (after not even wanting to be with armand really and just doing it to hurt lestat) and the speech after and we're basically threatning him with loneliness again and it's just so... no words really. Hurtful and tragic for Lestat (especially since he was the one to save him like that's fuckeddd)
Dubai. "That's the end of it" halfway through the episode and their weird happiness like it was obvious something was gonna get fucked and I'm glad it did.
Investigative journalist Daniel Molloy using his powers for good aka making these two vamipires divorce (which he almost did 50 years ago but this time it's on purpose). Love him.
I love how he eases Louis with the little stuff, the discrepancies (that were in the show on purpose they make no mistakes yay), and how with every second Louis doubts everything more and more and how with every second Armand's eyes show a little more fear.
Lestat actually being the one to save Louis wasn't totally unexpected but tbh Armand kinda had me fooled. Not in this really but like I thought he was a passive participant of the trial like he just didn't intervene and not that he was the fucking director??
And now I'm not sure if he just didn't love Louis as much as we thought or if he was actually that much of a coward. Probably the second one tho, given how much he did to secure Louis' love (gaslight, lie, change memories... you know totally normal stuff) and how afraid he is to be losing it now.
Louis fucking Armand up even if it's just a little is great, I have been waiting for it. Go away Armand and think about what you did. (I love you so much but nope rn you're not staying)
And then Louis goes to New Orleans and meets Lestat at his lowest and omg my heart hurts (thank god for "siri pause" it made me laugh)
And their conversation about Louis' turning and Claudia and San Francisco and the hurt and the tears and the little voice cracks and there I was crying too. With every word I wanted to push them together so that they would fucking hug and then they finally did and I know they'll be alright (as alright as one can be in this situation)
Then the tv thing gave me fucking whiplash like lmao. Fictional memoir my ass. Don't you disrespect my boy Daniel like that. Speaking of, Daniel has been turned. OMFG? Like I knew he would eventually and I knew it would be Armand but I didn't expect it now??? And we didn't see it but fingers crossed we get it later.
And there must be something more to it, Armand with his disgust wouldn't turn him just out of anger, so there must've been another reason (Devil's minion or maybe to save his life idk)
Louis in his tower alone (? Lestat is getting ready for tour I hope) and he knows that they are after him. But he owns the night. Powerful shit. He might have a death wish also idk.
I just. Am done. This was something else and there was a lot of it and my mind is still spinning a little.
Everyone who worked on this show deserves the world and the actors even more so and I need the next season like yesterday.
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lemotmo · 3 days
I know last season was a bit of a oddball with it being the first season on the network, and short season right after a delay due to the strike, so the promo was in full force for season 7.
But and idk if you’ve discussed this with Ali any or not, and if you have and want to share, I welcome her thoughts too, but I’m curious if you yourself, think it’s weird how we’re about a week away from the premiere and we’re still missing some of the major promo stuff all the other abc shows have gotten? Like we still haven’t gotten a new season 8 character poster. We still haven’t gotten an actual trailer.
And I know some people are like “oh well if buddie is happening then they probably think the ratings are going to be high enough they don’t need to worry about it” and I kinda get that but I also kinda hate that thought process too? Because Fox took that approach with the show. A lot. They took the mindset of they could skimp on promo stuff because they ratings would be high so why bother, and we all saw how by the end of their run on that network, how badly everything snowballed to the point their flagship show of the network was ending its run with barely a whisper, no promo at all of any kind, barely any cast engagement, new episodes were ending without any next week previews, the series finale got like no announcement.
And obviously ABC is not Fox. They are in fact a world better class act than them. But that doesn’t mean they can’t make mistakes or even similar mistakes and with the state of things in Hollywood right now and all the budget cuts and layoffs happening, I really really don’t wanna see our show which was finally getting the promotion and recognition it deserves last season, have that trickle down to barely anything because they get in the mindset of oh the ratings were amazing, they will continue to be amazing, let’s save some money and cut back on that.
Well, Ali and I did talk about this. Here's some of her thoughts on this:
"All I can think is that episode 1 gives something away that they don't want out until the episode airs. And frankly at this point dropping no trailer is generating plenty of talking. So all I can figure is that whatever episode one reveals they feel confident enough word of mouth will generate the PR they want. There's no other reason for not even allowing a clip to be shown.
But I have no idea what they would want to give away about the season in the first episode.
But between no trailer (and every other ABC show officially has one now), no clips being released, no BTS content, and journalists offering to live tweet along with the episode, all makes it sound like something fairly big is revealed right at the start of the season."
I agree with her on this. It's very odd and unusual for an ABC show to have no trailer and no more big promo. The fact that Peter was on Jimmy Kimmel and we didn't even get a sneak peek? That is bizarre.
The cast also keep giving the same vague answers about their storylines. They tell us nothing concrete.
There has to be a reason for this. They are trying to keep something big under wraps. What that might be? Who knows at this point? But this is about more than just a bee-nado, that's for sure. Who knows? Maybe our first speculations were right and we'll get that AU arc after all.
But you know, maybe they'll start throwing trailers at us this weekend. Only time will tell.
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moonysimp · 2 years
my favorite person —felipe drugovich
pov: you're a journalist and you always interview him but one day you're not doing the interviews and he starts worrying about you.
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a very chaotic feature race just ended and you were ready to talk to the drivers. you were the one in charge of interviewing the podium sitters. first you talked to frederik vesti who had gotten p3, then to jack doohan who had gotten p2, and eventually it was time for you to talk to your favorite person in the f2 paddock (not that anyone knew that, or at least you thought you weren't that evident in showing it)
felipe drugovich had a very big smile on his face, and little did you know he was as happy to see you as you were to see him. felipe wasn't fond of the cameras and the microphones, in fact he was a rather shy with most reporters, but your interviews were different. you were different. he loved talking to you, it was the only time he really enjoyed getting in front of the cameras.
you matched his big smile. "p1 yesterday and p1 today, barcelona really is the place for you, isn't it?", he laughed and your heart started jumping up and down.
"yeah it has been an incredible weekend. the team didn't make any mistakes and i gave it all out there and we got the best result we could've hoped for", he said. his gaze never left yours. you two talked a bit about the race but like always, it had to end and you both had to be somewhere else.
as quick as your interviews were, he had found himself looking for you at every race weekend. he liked your presence and the way you expressed yourself, always polite but never afraid to ask the real questions. f2 was always a very agitated scenario but those moments that he spotted you around the paddock and got to say hello to you or even just exchange looks was something that he really appreciated.
"congratulations for both wins", you said to him to end the interview. you were truly amazed by him, he was an incredible driver but what you liked the most about him was that he never lost his sweet personality, even after weekends like this when he was on top of everything and everyone.
"thank you very much, y/n", he winked at you and left. you didn't know what you liked more, the way he said your name or his winks. it had become a bit of a habit for felipe to wink at you after the interviews.
he was really unsure about asking you out, because he didn't know if you even saw him that way, and if you didn't then it would be very awkward.
the sixth round of the f2 calendar came and you were not in conditions to interview anyone. you had talked to your boss before friday and told him you had problems with your voice and by the time friday came, you barely had any voice left, so one of your colleagues took your place.
felipe won the feature race yet again, and he hadn't seen you around during the weekend but he was sure he would see you for the post race interview. he was wrong. the person in charge was not you but a guy he had talked to a couple of times.
before he could stop himself he said the first thing that came to his mind, "you're not the person i expected to see", he fidgeted with the collar of his race suit.
the guy laughed, "yes, y/n had a problem with her voice and couldn't be here today. but anyway, another great race for you." felipe quickly wrapped up after a couple of minutes. he kept thinking about you, and he wanted to know if you were okay but didn't know how.
after that he was in the trailer laying in his bed while clément was on his phone. he broke the silence, "clém you know y/n the journalist who always interviews us post race right", he said and turned to his teammate.
"oh i don't know, felipe, maybe i wouldn't remember her if you didn’t always talk about how cute she looks", he said sarcastically and didn't take his eyes off his phone.
"dont know if you noticed but she wasn't here today, and somebody told me she had a problem with her voice and-", he stopped because clém suddenly interrupted him.
"that's why you were so quiet! oh my man you're down bad", he looked at felipe, "you're worried about her"
blood rushed into his cheeks and his hand went to his hair and brushed it, "well yeah i am you fucker, but i don't know how to find out if she's okay or not"
"leading the championship but doesn't know how to talk to a girl. you have to be kidding me", clém chuckled. "dm her on instagram, champ", wiggling his eyebrows he reached out and grabbed felipe's phone, then handed it to him.
felipe wanted to punch himself for not thinking that before. you already followed each other. he searched your user and typed a short message.
heyy y/n it was weird not seeing you around. i heard you had problems with your voice :( is everything ok?
he read it like 10 times before sending it.
if you could have screamed when you got the notification of his message, you would have done it. you certainly weren't expecting him to even notice you hadn't been around. you wasted no time to answer him.
hi felipe :) that's so sweet, thank you for messaging me. to be honest it was weird not being on the paddock haha. im alright! just lost my voice because of the flu. but it's only a matter of time until i come back.
he couldn't help but to smile at his phone and clém started laughing, felipe punched him on the arm and replied to you.
glad to hear that! i hope to see you soon.
i hope to see you soon too! and also congrats on the win ;)
after that you spent the rest of the day sending messages to each other, which was something that both of you were really excited about.
two weeks passed until the seventh round of the calendar and you two hadn't stopped talking. you found it was really easy to talk to felipe, the conversation never felt forced, and you quite enjoyed his sense of humour.
felipe was over the moon. he loved talking to you and he now was seriously thinking about asking you out. he felt very comfortable talking to you.
you were talking to a man holding a camera when he spotted you. felipe went still for a moment, taking in how beautiful you looked and much he had missed your presence, then shaked his head and went over to say hello to you.
the butterflies in your stomach went mad when you saw him approaching. you quickly said goodbye to karl, one of the cameramen who worked with you.
felipe gave you a kiss on the cheek, "hi, happy to see you again", you blushed a little and he found it adorable.
"happy to be back! how are you?" you asked.
"great, excited to be racing again. those two weeks felt like a lot more"
"yeah i get the feelin-", somebody from mp called felipe at that moment. he told them he would be right there in a second and turned to you. you didn't want to waste his time. "go, go, good luck today ", you said.
"thank you, y/n", he said, feeling mad about how little time he had talked to you after waiting two weeks to see you again. "see you later"
dennis won on sunday and all the boys were planning on going out to celebrate. felipe knew it was time to make his move. he texted you to know if you were still in the paddock and when you said yes, he asked you to come to the mp motorhome. he was waiting for you there.
"hey", you said when you saw him, he had changed out of his race suit and was wearing a purple shirt. that colour really suited him, you thought. "what's up?"
"hello, y/n", he greeted you. it was now or never, he thought. "the boys are planning to go out tonight, and i wanted to ask you, i mean- if you aren't too tired, if you wanted to come with me to the party", he said. you could tell he was nervous and you felt the sudden urge to kiss him right there. but you knew better than that.
you pursued your lips and nodded, "alright yeah i'd love to go with you", you said. and you both kinda stayed there smiling at each other for a bit until he snapped back to reality. you said yes. you were going out with him.
"great!", his hand went to the back of his neck, "i'll pick you up at 11"
"perfect", you said feeling like you were floating, "see you tonight, then"
the night went more than amazing. the club was packed when you arrived, so felipe took the opportunity and grabbed your hand and led you to the table where the boys were drinking. dennis, liam, marcus, jehan, and a guy who introduced himself as james were all sitting at the table. they obviously noticed you and felipe where holding hands but thankfully they didn't say a word about it, you were glad of that because well.. at the end of day you worked with all of them every race weekend and the last thing you wanted was them acting weird around you. 
after saying hello to all of them, felipe asked you if you wanted to get a drink and you nodded, then both of you headed to the bar. there you found a tipsy clément novalak.
"y/n!", he said the moment he saw you, he gave you a quick hug and shaked hands with felipe, "great to see you around, looking cute as always wouldn't you agree, felipe?"
you smiled and turned to see felipe. the expression on his face was a work of art as he said, "yeah you know i agree, mate marcus was looking for you"
"yeah i'll go straight to our table now, have a lovely night you two", he hugged you again and the hugged felipe and just like that he was gone.
a laugh escaped your lips. "i never heard marcus saying anything about clément".
"oh i didn't either", he smirked at you and ordered some beers for the two of you.
you laughed and you talked and you danced together. felipe didn't strike you as the type of guy that liked to dance, and you were surprised when he asked you dance with him, in reality he was great and you loved every minute of it.
you still couldn't comprehend how you were out in a club with felipe drugovich. the same felipe who winked at you after interviews, the felipe who drove fast cars for a living, the felipe that you had been admiring from afar for quite some time now. your hands around his neck, his hands on your waist, you couldn't stop smiling at him. you were mesmerized by him, by his brown eyes and his soft hair and his pink lips.
your gaze dropped to those pink lips you craved to taste, and he didn't let that go unnoticed. he cut the space that separated you and kissed you as the loud music resonated through the club. he kissed you gently, your hands went to his hair and his grip on your waist tightened. he had waited for this moment, he dreamed of kissing you every time he had to look at your lips while you were holding a microphone.
his tongue traced your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, and the world, the music, everything seemed to stop for a moment. one of his hands went to your cheek and the kiss deepened, he tasted sweet, and you were drowning in him. kissing him felt right. it felt like it was meant to be.
that wasn't the last time you kissed throughout the night and by the time he drove back to the hotel your lips were redder than usual. he walked with you to your room and when you opened the door you turned back to say goodbye to him. as a journalist it was rare to struggle to find the right words to say, but you were feeling so many things you didn't even know what to say. thankfully he broke the silence.
"thank you for coming with me tonight", he said.
"i had a great time", you said, "would love to do it again"
"yeah i'd love that too", he said. he really didn't want to wait a whole ass week just to see you again. "we can have dinner tomorrow if you want", he blurted.
your smile grew bigger, "perfect", you said. "it's a date then"
he hoped there were many more dates to come because he really was crazy about you. he leaned closer and gave you a peck on the lips, "see you tomorrow", he said with a shy smile.
god you were really gonna fall hard for this brazilian boy.
months had passed, and lot had happened. felipe was crowned champion, you two had made your relationship official and many dates had been planned.
it was a cold december night and you two went karting, you were sure you had won fair and square, felipe knew he had let you win.
you laughed as you took your helmet off, you held an imaginary microphone on your hand and went over to where he was taking his helmet off. "talk us through that last lap", you joked as if you were interviewing him, "how does it feel mr formula 2 champion, to be beaten by your girlfriend?"
he shaked his head, his smile growing bigger. he felt it more than ever. there, you with your hair messy from the helmet, pointing towards him what was most likely an imaginary microphone, with a giddy smile and your dimples shining under the lights of the karting track. he opened his mouth and said it for the first time. "i love you"
your heart stopped, you lowered your hand and you watched him very still. his curls moving for the night breeze, his beautiful smile, and you saw it in his eyes. love. you let the words sink in, and you didn’t hesitate to speak the words you felt too. "and i love you", you smiled. you were in love with the sweet boy in front of you, and he was in love with you.
felipe cupped your cheeks with both of his hands and softly kissed you. and right there, under the glowing lights of the track, you knew there were many more 'i love you' to come, and many more first times to go through together.
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From Domestic Bickering: "I love you. I've just got a funny way of showing it, that's all."
For our beloved Special Agent Eppes
From the domestic bickering prompt list
Sorry this took so long! I went with someone other than our dear journalist, surprisingly.
Warnings: Angst, light fluff
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"This seat taken?"
Don didn't even wait for you to answer before he was pulling out the bar stool beside you. You didn't look at him—you didn't need to. Hell, he knew how pissed you were.
"What are you having?" He went on without waiting for you to answer, just reached out and picked your beer up. Knocking it out of his hand would be a bad waste of good beer and would probably get you kicked out of the bar, so you just kept your eyes on the set playing the Dodgers game.
"Megan call you?" He asked.
A sinker—swing and a miss. Count 0-1.
"Colby alright?" You asked.
"Yeah, he's fine."
Curve way on the outside. Count 1-1.
"Concussion," Don added.
"He'll be on desk duty."
"Makes two of us."
Another curve ball—big swing, big miss. 1-2.
Don sighed, twisting in his seat as he tried, "Alright, look."
"I'm not talking about this."
"You disobeyed a direct order—"
"And I was right to—Disobeyed, what are you, my dad?"
"Right or not, you can't do that on the field. You could've been hurt."
"Could've been, but I wasn't."
Straight down the middle, swung on—and missed.
"This kid can't hit for shit," You muttered, snagging your beer back from Don for a sip.
"...It's just a slump."
"He made a mistake, you know. A couple of bad swings."
"Getting benched doesn't mean a player can't get back in the game."
"Are we still talking about baseball?"
"Look at me for a minute."
"No thanks."
"I get that you're pissed—"
"You never would've benched Megan for a call like that."
"Megan's been with the team a helluva lot longer than you, alright? I trust her to make those calls."
"Oh, so the problem is that you don't trust me! No, good."
"That's not what I—"
"No, it's nice. That's what every girl wants to hear from her boyfriend."
"Guts will get you far, but they'll get you killed."
"Really? You're trying to come-to-Jesus me with a quote from Speed? You know Jeff Daniels died in that movie. I mean, not Jeff Daniels the actor, the guy he played who said that died—"
"You almost died." It wasn't even the reminder that made your heart drop into your stomach—it was the desperate, low, hissed way that he said it. "You think I could've handled seeing that? And for what? To prove that you're the biggest badass in the office?"
"I didn't do it because I thought it was badass. I did it because I felt like it was the right call," You insisted. "And it was."
"You were right this time, but you won't be right every time. Neither will I." Don sighed, leaning back a little. "I trust you as my girlfriend. I'm not used to trusting you as an agent. It's different. I'm adjusting—trying to."
"...Guess I'm adjusting a bit, too," You admitted softly.
"Are we okay?"
"We're fine."
"You're sure?"
"I'm sure," You nodded. "'m just...I'll get over it."
"So you're still mad."
"As an agent, yes. As your girlfriend, no."
Don huffed a soft laugh, nodding. "I think I can handle that...I know you hated being out of the action, but it was a shock to the system—for both of us. I love you. I've just got a funny way of showing it, that's all."
You bit the inside of your cheek, desperately trying to tamp down a lovesick smile.
"You sure do."
"You drive me nuts, you know?"
"I know." You toyed with the label on your beer, shaking your head. "Don?"
"I love you, too."
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ginevralinton · 8 months
Have a very quick Chess-Husbands-Julian-POV-Ramble-Thing that I don't have the energy to think of a title for or to edit
(sorry for any mistakes in this)
No Getting Feelings had been part of the contract, right from the beginning. He’d set it out, clear and simple: No Feelings, No Commitment, and No Special Treatment.
He hadn’t been worried about himself, obviously. Let’s be honest, this was Julian Fawcett, former MP (disgraced), whose cold, decrepit heart had (literally) given up on him, getting it off with an actual caveman, who sometimes chased squirrels like a dog.
No Getting Feelings – perfectly easy for him, perhaps a bit harder for Robin who got attached to the moon and mice and various people who’d long been sucked off (perhaps in more than one way, Julian hadn’t got round to asking yet), but all in all, not too difficult because the caveman was, well, a caveman, who’d seen everything, lost most things, and dismissed Christmas, weddings, government, and  canapes as silly fads. (There really was no convincing him on the merits of bite-sized, caviar crostini or a devilled egg – would leave me starving – yes, that’s the point, all the more room for the wine-dinner – would rather eat bum – I’m sure you would).
Really, the whole thing had just been a formality, a little precaution – look, Julian had been caught out before. And yeah, he was dead, but that didn’t mean other dead people couldn’t make you after-life into hell – or, you know, a precursor to hell, if this was purgatory. He’d just said it, because that’s what you – he – did when anything like this started anyway. No Feelings, No Special Treatment, No Commitment – the big three – and sure, there were a few others (No Sleeping in My Bed – broken after two weeks; No Suggestive Looks in Company – dismissed after a month or so, because honestly, some people were dense) – but it was important to get those three in straight off.
And look, Julian had intended to keep to the contact – but, well, you know, it was like the Great British public always said, like what the BBC, and every journalist were always reminding everyone: never trust a word a politician says.
In his defence, he really hadn’t thought it would require any effort to stick to the rules. He really hadn’t considered that games of chess, finding the same things funny, doing some actual stargazing, and dipping into a few too many deep-tragic-conversations might actually dredge something up in him besides his basic need to get off.
Still, stranger things have happened – men on the moon, The Green Party getting seats, that time in Amsterdam with the contortionist – becoming a ghost. All of that to say, yes, it did come as a bit of a shock when half-way through some god-awful Music Club, Julian had found himself not wincing at Pat rendition of Fernando, but looking over at Robin, who was absolutely into the performance, like he was with most music, come to think of it, because let it be said, the caveman’s taste was anything that made a kind-of-vaguely-musical-sound, and yes, Julian was trying to refine this a bit, but back to the point. He was looking over at Robin, all in his element, and then, he was having this warm, gooey feeling, the kind of feeling that could only be compared to a menu trying to tempt you into getting the caramel brownie sundae over the cheese board or the expresso with a shot of whatever liquor was on offer – except, well, this time, Julian was swayed.
Alright, so it wasn’t that simple and he’d be doing some creative photoshopping of the truth if he was to suggest it was all mushy-lovey-dovey from that moment on. Yes, he had a good few oh-god-oh-god-oh-god moments, two months of trying to avoid Robin (easier than you’d think, living in the same house and all), a false declaration of being sick-to-death-or-whatever-the-already-dead-equivalent-was of chess, and then a simple demand of what is your big problem now?, a whole bunch of rambling and walking in literal and verbal circles, and an actual crackling of lightening, a clap of thunder, a moment of forgetting they were dead and seeking shelter in the old gatehouse – four-walls, a bed, dry at least, even though it didn’t matter anymore – a brief conversation and then it was all settled in their own way – and no, Julian would not be making any further comment at this time – because no, it wasn’t that kind of story, or that one – and look, if you were to fall into the after-life with a bottle of something decent – or even not, at this point – then he’d probably tell you.
All that to say this: this thing – him and the caveman – had not been part of the plan – had not been part of the deal at all, but he should have known better really, because say what you like about Julian Fawcett, former-MP (disgraced), but know, if you ever need someone without any scruples to break a contract, he’s your man.
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