#I dunno. I don’t know genres anymore.
floral-hex · 9 months
“you should get all your patches from local bands and live shows!” Honey, I’m poor and I live in arkansas, how am I supposed to do that?
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taeyeonschild · 11 months
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《sleeping apart, after a fight || maknae line ver.》
pairing: maknae line (separate) x gn!reader
genre: i dunno, you tell me. (fluff? angst?? SMUT??!?? no it’s not smut dw😌)
contains: exactly as it says in the title
warnings: !!!uncomfortable couch!!!
A/N: idk what i’m doing, any more than you do. why did i choose to write this? i have no clue 🤷‍♀️
on a completely unrelated note: here’s a song i’m obsessed with right now
hyung line | maknae line
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He watches as you grab your pillow and blanket from the bed, then angrily stomp into the living room.
When he hears the door slam, he sinks to the ground in a sigh.
He sits there, in silence for a few minutes, just to calm himself down, before anxiously tiptoeing into the living room, and approaching you.
“How about, I take the couch, and you go take the bed? I know your mad at me, and I feel bad, but I’d feel way worse if you wake up tomorrow with a sore back from this couch.”
You silently agree, while getting up from the couch to hand him the pillow and blanket.
“We’ll talk tomorrow morning?”
You reply with only a nod, too tired and overwhelmed to do much else.
The bed is a lot more comfortable than the couch, it’s a good thing you have a boyfriend who cares enough to make that trade for you.
An hour later, Jisung is still lying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. It's not comfortable at all, and he can feel every spring poking into his back. He rolls around, doing anything he can to try to get comfortable, but it is no use.
He groans quietly to himself, and he eventually picks himself up off of the couch and walks to the bedroom.
A strong arm wraps around your waist. Still angry, but you don’t fight it.
“The couch is uncomfortable. I’d rather be here with you. I love you”
In the morning the fight is forgotten, and all is well in quokkaville.
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He can’t sleep without you.
He’ll lay alone in the guest bedroom for an hour or two, scared to anger you more.
At 3am he finally sneaks into the bed beside you.
(If you’re asleep, he will quietly climb under the covers, and wrap you in his arms, very careful not to wake you up.)
If you are awake he just sits there, looking at you.
His hand gently rubs up an down your shoulder.
You are stubborn, and refuse to face him.
“Y/n i’m sorry… okay?”
“I forgot our date I know, I’ve just been so caught up with work… and I know that’s not an excuse, it’s my fault for forgetting. but I promise it won’t happen again, my love. I’m so sorry”
He practically begs you to forgive him
“Please darling… forgive me. I love you, and I can’t stand you being angry at me. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I’ll take you out tomorrow, and the day after, and every day after that. I’ll never forget a date again. I’ll even take friday off of work, and we can spend the whole day together!”
He rambles on and on, just trying to convince you to look at him.
But he stop’s suddenly when he sees your shoulder shake slightly, and he hears a sniffle.
“Oh god, oh no. Are you crying? Y/n I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to!”
He holds your waist tightly and kisses your neck, doing anything he can to comfort you.
“i just feel like, i’m not a priority anymore. we haven’t gone out in a month.” you speak through sniffles, and choked sobs.
“No no no! Y/n you are always my number one! I’ve just been really busy with this new comeback, i haven’t had much time to think about really anything else. But i’m sorry, truly. I never want you to feel unloved. You are, and will always be, the most important thing to me, my love.”
He hugs you, and rocks you slowly off to sleep. All is well, all is forgiven, all there is, is love, between you.
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“I’m done!! I’m sleeping in the guest room. We’ll finish this tomorrow!” you finally snap, then storm out of the living room.
Stubborn x equally as stubborn, is your relationship trope. You both know that this fight won’t end, until one of you puts your pride aside, to start the apologies.
Tonight, you refuse to be that person.
The guest bedroom is cold and lonely, you spend the whole night wondering how Seungmin is doing… He’s probably having a fantastic time in the big bed all to himself…
Your prediction couldn’t be any less correct.
Seungmin is eating himself up inside with guilt, he can’t sleep any more than you can.
Part of him is glad that you aren’t in the same room, since he always wants to appear strong infront of you. He would never want you to find him weak and crying like he is now..
The night is long, and uncomfortable, and cold, and neither of you can sleep.
After an hour or so, of suffering, Seungmin gives into the pain, and knocks on the guest bedroom door.
Angrily, you ignore him, but he enters anyways.
You look like a mess, your hair is a rats nest from hoe much you’ve tossed and turned, your face is all red and puffy from crying.
Without speaking, he crawls into the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around your torso.
He gives you no space to refuse, but it’s not like you’d want to anyways…
“Let’s just stop fighting. I love you. Goodnight y/nnie”
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“I’m sleeping on the couch tonight”
His disappointed, quiet tone, hurts you even more that it would’ve if he had yelled it.
Before you have any time to rebut, he leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
“Jeongin!!” he ignores your call.
He sets up the couch to the best of his ability, but it is anything but comfortable.
He lays in silence staring at the ceiling for what feels like an eternity, till he hears your footsteps echo down the hall.
Your sniffles break him, but he wants to remain strong. He knows that looking at you will break him, so he pretends to be asleep.
You kneel beside him, on the floor, and gently stroke his arm.
He doesn’t reply initially, keeping his eyes closed to stay in character. But hearing your sniffles breaks him.
“Please come to bed. We don’t have to talk, we can stay on opposite sides of the bed. I just need you with me.” you beg.
Hearing this hurts him. He tries his hardest to avoid eye contact, knowing that he will instantly forgive you, if he even so much as looks at your face.
“Okay, i’ll come. I just need some time. We’ll talk tomorrow, alright?”
He then gets off of the couch, slowly walking to the bedroom. He climbs into his side of the bed, and you follow after.
You lay, facing away from eachother. Both wide awake, and unable to sleep.
There’s no way to prevent the tears that fall from your eyes, and you begin to choke back sobs. You try your best to stay quiet, to allow Jeongin peace and quiet. But of course, he can hear you.
As much as he wants to pretend he’s asleep, he feels bad seeing you like this. It’s clear that the guilt is eating you up inside, and it’s making him feel even worse.
Carefully, he wraps his arm around your waist, and you can feel his breath on your neck.
“Sshhh, lovely.. It’s okay. I am mad, but we’ll figure it out tomorrow. I still love you. Now go to sleep”
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spicyyy-muffin · 2 years
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Mentions of punching, missiles, misogyny 
Genre: Fluff 
Simon Riley x Reader
Negotiating as a woman was the most frustrating, teeth pulling part of my job. 
Men didn‘t take me seriously. Especially when I was trying to get information out of them. 
“I’m gonna ask you one more time, who told you American missiles would be transported at that time, and at that location?”
He spat blood out on the floor smirking back up to me, “What will u give me if I tell you sweetheart?” 
My fist flew across his cheek again. I couldn’t say anything back because that would just add fuel to his fire and I refused to give him that satisfaction.  But his words are cold stones, sinking my stomach further into the ground. 
It was just Ghost and I in the room alone with him. 
“Tell me sergeant, do they take turns on you? Who leaves you the sorest-” 
It was Ghost’s fist flying this time. 
“It’s lieutenant. Watch your mouth or I’ll sew it shut.” 
“Ohhh full of threats, I bet you're the one that gets the most fucks in.” 
Ghost’s fist swung a couple more times before Price pulled the metal door aside and walked in. 
“Enough, back to base, both of you.” 
Ghost swiftly turned his head walking out without another word. 
Turning around to follow him, Price gripped my wrist. 
“The facade is fading lieutenant. You better tell him to rein it in before Shepard finds out and you're on a one way ticket back to the states without a brooding boyfriend.” 
His mustached face grinned staring down at me. 
“He’s not my boyfriend sir.” 
“Do you copy lieutenant?” 
I walked out following the hot path behind Ghost. 
His long legs moved swiftly in front of me making it hard to catch up. 
He ignored me. 
He kept walking. 
He turned around, I bumped into his chest and my cheeks were being held in the palms of his hands. 
“Why do you do this to me?” His eyes gleamed into mine expecting a response. 
I’m not sure what I expected him to say but it wasn’t that. 
Was he even blinking?
“Do you know?” 
“Know what?” 
He shut his eyes in imitation pain. 
“How much you mean to me, do you know or not Lieutenant?”
His hands shook. 
“Yeah, yeah Ghost I know, what’s wrong with you?”
“You. You are my problem.” 
He took his hand off my cheek, pulling the bottom of his mask up and bringing his lips down to mine before I could rebuttal.
We stayed there for what I wished was forever but only a short amount of time before he pulled away. 
“I wanna take you away. Show you where I grew up, my favorite pubs, the shitty flat my mum raised me n my brothers in.” He shook his head in disapproval. 
“What’s wrong with wanting me to see that baby?” 
“No you don’t get it. I could care less if I ever saw Soap or Price again-” 
“That’s not true.”
“Y/n please.” His voice was vulnerable and shut me up quicker than a hot iron. 
“Be with me.” 
“I’m right here Ghost.” 
He pulled me closer into him. 
“No baby.” He smiled softly. “Just be with me. Be mine.”
I smiled back, stepping on my toes to press my lips against his. 
“You're funny if you think I’d be with anyone else.”
“Why cus I’ll cut their lips off?” 
I laughed against his mouth.
Walking through the cafeteria I felt a tap on my shoulder.
“So you n Ghost aye?” 
I smiled while putting some meatloaf on my plate. 
“Don’t know whatchu mean.” 
Soap laughed, “Full of shit, the both of you’s.” His eyes crinkled gleaming across the room to Ghost nonetheless. 
“Have you seen his face yet?” 
I paused, turning around, “Why? Sad you're not gonna be the one to sit on it anymore Mctavish?” I bit into my apple, smirking at him while walking away. 
Walking up close to my hunched over man staring directly into Alejandro. 
“Dunno ‘bout that one mate.”
I set my tray down as he looked up at me. 
“Ello love.” 
His arm slithered around my waist pushing me flush to his side. 
“Missed yeh.” He mumbled into my ear, pressing his face momentarily into my neck. 
It wasn't a large act of PDA, but noticeably enough among our peers. 
“Christ, is this what it’s gonna be like from now on?” Soap muttered sitting across from us. 
“Why are’you jealous Mctavish?” 
Soap stared incredulously at the two of us as Ghost’s hand slipped to my inner thigh. 
“For fuck’s sake, you two are made for eachother.”
Lmk what you think!
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wlntrsldler · 5 months
Hiiiiii!!!! I love Apple Pie by Lizzy McAlpine!! Can I get Jamie Tartt to apple pie?
apple pie | jamie tartt
based on the song apple pie by lizzy mcalpine
description: jamie gets insecure sometimes, but having you with him helps.
pairing: jamie tartt x actress!reader (f!reader she/her)
warnings: lots of kissing, self-doubt, insecurities, mention of jamie's dad
word count: 2631
ted lasso requests are open | main masterlist
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When Jamie first got into a relationship with you, he knew that both of your busy schedules would pose a problem down the road. With his football career seemingly reaching new peaks every season and your acting career taking off after being cast in what is being called “the film that revived the dying genre of romantic comedies,” the amount of time you get to spend with each other decreased significantly since the start of your relationship. 
You first met Jamie halfway through his returning season at AFC Richmond. You met him at a birthday dinner party for a friend of a friend where you relentlessly teased him for his ridiculous, but outstanding performance, on Lust Conquers All. You had originally praised him for it when you were fully under the impression that he was putting on an act. You didn’t find out that he was just being his prick-ish self, albeit his younger prick-ish self, until about four months into your relationship when he embarrassedly admitted it to you. That’s how you found yourself rewatching the entire season together on his couch until 2 hours before Roy knocked on his door for his training session. 
At first, Jamie thought you were making fun of him. His insecurities would still peek in here and there and sometimes he couldn’t help but worry that you’d see him as nothing more than a dumb footballer like everyone else does. He quickly realized, though, that while you were losing your mind laughing at how he acted in the show, making fun of him was the last thing you wanted to do. 
“Why’d ya wanna watch this shit anyways?” he grumbled, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. “It’s just poopy. ‘M not even like that anymore.” 
“I know,” you sat up, pausing the show when you heard his voice crack. You knew the tone of Jamie’s voice when he was cracking jokes and when he was happy, and this voice wasn’t one or the other. You turned your body to face him, “I know you aren’t like this anymore, I just thought it would be funny.” 
“I dunno, I suppose it doesn’t make much sense to me.” 
“What doesn’t?” you questioned. “Why I want to watch it?” 
“Yeah,” Jamie replied. His eyes were looking at everything but at you. He was playing with the threads of the blanket loosely draped over his legs. He rubbed his nose with his balled-up fist. “Why does it matter how I was before you? I’m better now, yeah? Unless you don’t think so...” 
“Oh, love,” you grabbed his face, forcing him to look at you. You were so engrossed in the episode on the TV that you didn’t realize how uncomfortable Jamie was feeling about the whole situation. “I’m sorry, I should’ve been paying more attention to how you were feeling about this. We can stop watching it.” 
“Yeah, I’d like that.” He hummed, tugging on your hoodie to pull you closer to him. “I just don’t want you to see how I used to be and realize you don’t want to be with a prick like that, even if I have changed, you know? I don’t know… I just thought that with ya, I’d have a fresh start.” 
“Jamie Tartt, enough of that now,” You took over being the big spoon, which made Jamie nuzzle into your neck contently, “You have changed. You’re an amazing man and the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. I only wanted to watch this show because it’s such a shitty show that it’s nice to just unwind. When I watch this Jamie on the screen, my brain can’t even comprehend that it’s you.” 
“You don’t think I’m a prick anymore, yeah?” Jamie asked again, hoping that he’d get a confirmation, “Like you wouldn’t leave me over that?”
You’ve learned over the past few months things about Jamie– one of which is that he needs to be told positive things or else he’d spiral. The thing is, if you could go into his mind and turn off that control box that spews self-doubt and insecurities to him, you would do it in a heartbeat. But since you can’t, you were more than happy to shower him with love and adoration in hopes that your voice can drown the rest of them out. 
“Never,” you placed your lips on his in a soft kiss. “You’d have to work a hell of a lot harder to get rid of me.” 
“I’m working double overtime just so you’d keep me, love,” he murmured, pulling you in for another kiss. His hand reached for the remote to turn the TV off to leave you both in the glow of the floor lamp in his living room. 
“You don’t have to work hard for that.” 
Jamie had gotten used to having you around his flat. He would leave for 4 AM training with Roy with you on his bed, often naked, then return at around 6:30 AM to shower and join you back in bed for another hour before you woke up. He’d wake up for the second time that day with you drawing patterns on his chest and a soft smile on your face. He’d lean over and place a loving kiss on your lips and he’d feel prepared to start the day. 
You were filming a show in London for three months, which meant that for three months, this was Jamie’s life. In between projects, you stayed at his place. For two weeks after the wrap party, you came home to him, visited him at the facility, and went to all the team outings, home games, and away games with him. He was with you 24/7 and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He didn’t realize how he took it for granted until filming ended.
Three weeks ago, you flew to New York City to begin filming another movie. With training and games, Jamie hasn’t been able to take time off to visit you, and with filming just starting, you couldn’t fly back to Richmond either. 
Jamie was doing fine– as fine as someone can be when their daily routine was abruptly disrupted. He was proud of you. The premise of the movie seemed perfect for you and was a seamless continuation of the romantic comedy trend you were on. People were buzzing for your next project, especially after your last one was so well received. He was so proud of you…. But he also missed you. 
During the three weeks that you were gone, you and Jamie still texted each other constantly and FaceTimed everyday, despite the crazy time difference. He wanted to make it work, and so did you, so you did what you could to stay in touch. While not being able to hold you and kiss you for three weeks was killing Jamie, he was glad he was still able to spend time with you. Things didn’t get to Jamie until Jan Maas made an off-handed comment about it.
All of them were packing up after training, feeling extremely antsy with the Man City match on the horizon, Jamie especially. There were a lot of things on his mind, including the possibility of seeing his father, who he hadn’t seen since Wembley, and playing against his old team was always a trip. In short, he wasn’t feeling his best and the fact that you weren’t nearby made it worse. 
“Jamie, we have not seen Y/N in a while,” Sam noted, “Is everything okay with you two?” 
“She’s filming a movie in New York, bruv,” Isaac replied before Jamie could speak, “Right, Tartt?” 
Jamie nodded, putting his shirt over his head, “Yeah. She’ll be gone for a few months, at least.” 
“I do not know how you’re gonna survive, Jamie,” Jan Maas said. “You are so clingy when it comes to her. I don’t think you can make it all those months.” 
The rest of the team chuckled at Jan’s teasing tone, but Jamie furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Was he clingy? He frowned as he continued to put his things away. He picked up his phone from his cubby, smiling when he received a few messages from you while he was at training. As he was about to respond, Jan’s comment made him stop in his tracks. 
Maybe it would be best to let you have a night to yourself. You had a life outside of him and you deserve to be able to live it without having him cling to you all the time. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, slipping his phone in his back pocket, before walking out of the locker room to head to his place. 
When you woke up to no text from Jamie, you assumed that he was just worn out from training and didn’t have the energy to reply. You’ve seen the intense training he went through, so you wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. But as the day went on and there was still no word from Jamie– you’d even checked the timezone clock on your phone to make sure you weren’t being unreasonable– you began to worry. FaceTime calls went unanswered and instead, you were met with the Apple automated response, “Sorry, can’t talk right now.” 
To: lover boy <3
“Hi, love. Got some exciting news, you free to chat? Xx” 
By the time you were boarding the plane to Manchester, Jamie still hadn’t texted you back. After begging the producers to give you a week off filming, they finally agreed. You asked for this week in particular, knowing that you wanted to be there for Jamie for the Man City match. There was a lot on the line for Jamie and you wanted to be there for him no matter what happened. 
The entire plane ride back to England was filled with dread and anxiety. It wasn’t like Jamie to not respond. Unless he was at a game, training, or sleeping, but even then he had a special ringtone for you that wakes him up whenever you called, he always replied to your messages as soon as possible. When you landed, everything that could go wrong went wrong. Your plane was stuck on the tarmac for an hour because there were problems with the gate. Your luggage got delayed which left you sitting at baggage claim for another 45 minutes. When you finally arrived at the hotel the team was staying at– shoutout to Ted for being yours and Jamie’s number one supporter and telling you where they were staying– Jamie was nowhere to be found. 
You dragged your luggage to Jamie’s room, plopping on the bed tiredly. You glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. 9:28 PM. Ted mentioned that there was a 10 PM curfew so you hoped that tonight was not one of the nights where Jamie decided to break the rules. Ted also mentioned that Jamie has not been himself lately, which did nothing to soothe your panic. You hopped in the shower to rinse yourself from the long day you’ve had. You did your night routine and dug into Jamie’s bag to retrieve his AFC Richmond hoodie. Before putting it on, you held it up to your nose, sighing as your senses were filled with Jamie. You missed him. 
It was 9:57 PM when you heard the door unlock. You were on his bed, scrolling aimlessly on social media, when you saw him. You sat up, shutting your phone off. He walked in with his head low. His shoulders were hunched over a bit, but he looked okay. He looked better than how Ted described him. 
He kicked off his shoes, before looking at you on his bed, startled. His eyes widened, first in fear that there was someone in his room, then in surprise that it was you in his room. His lips curved down in a frown, eyebrows furrowed in sadness. 
“Baby,” you whispered, moving to the side of the bed to make room for him. 
Jamie knew that he needed to not be clingy. He didn’t want to bother you too much. He was trying to be cool. But when you called him “baby,” with that voice, in his hoodie on his bed, his resolve crumbled to pieces.
He ran to you, nearly tackling you off the bed when he engulfed you in his arms. He buried his face in your neck, a mix of your lotion and the cologne he sprays on his clothes surrounding him. You cradled the back of his head, mumbling how much you missed him into his shoulder. Jamie could cry. He hasn’t seen you in so long, but here you are now. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked when he finally pulled away from you. He couldn’t stray too far though. His arm was still wrapped around you while you cuddled into his side. “I thought you were in New York.” 
“Well, if you bothered to answer my texts,” you trailed off, faking a voice of sadness. You poked his side, “You would’ve seen that I had exciting news. The producers gave me a week off after begging them since I first got to New York and this week is perfect because I know tomorrow’s match is gonna be a lot for you. I wanted to be here for you, whatever the outcome is.” 
“Oh.” Jamie was speechless. Here he was ignoring you like a prick while you were planning to come back just to be here for him. He didn’t deserve you. 
“Yeah,” you continued, “If tomorrow we celebrate, I’ll be here making sure that you drink enough water so that your hangover the next day won’t be too much. If tomorrow we try to never think about it again, I’ll sit next to you on the bus in silence holding your hand and when we get home we can do the same thing.” 
Home. You were here and he felt like he was home. 
“I missed you so much,” Jamie sighed. He kissed you all over your face, giving your lips extra attention. “‘M sorry if I was bothering you by texting and calling so much over the last few weeks… I just missed you loads and I wanted to talk to you.” 
“Baby, you didn’t text and call me enough,” you played with his hair, running your fingers through the strands. “If it was possible, I would stay on a call with you all day, everyday. Can’t get enough of ya.” 
He smiled, his worries disappearing with every word you said, “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah, I love you, Jamie Tartt.” You kissed him deeply. “Couldn’t get tired of you even after a million years. Now, catch me up! Tell me everything.” 
Jamie, feeling like himself again, began to tell you everything you missed over the last few weeks– meeting Sam’s father, meeting Ted’s mum, Roy and Keeley, and seeing his mum earlier that night, which is why he came home late. He talked about how a visit to Georgie and Simon helped lift his spirits, and how Georgie was gushing about you and asking him when you’ll come to visit again. 
Then he talked about his fears for tomorrow and everything that’s been piling up on him ever since you left. As he spoke, you rubbed his back comfortingly, a small reminder that you’ll always be here no matter what. 
Jamie knew that he still had a lot of work to do. He knew that his insecurities could get the best of him sometimes and it can cause him to push back on people who love and care about him, but he was trying. You believed in him and that’s all he needed.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
✰ seventeen as boyfriends: hoshi edition
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event taglist (send ask to be added): @rubywonu @cinnamoroxie @belladaises @wheeboo @minhui896 @slytherinshua @kokoiinuts @jun-of-love @dandycharmer @sweet-like-caramel @hannyoontify @doesthismeannothingtoyou @fashionminghao
pairing: hoshi x gn!reader
genre: fluff, headcanon, mini scenario
word count: 528
warnings: none
notes: hoshi edn. of the 500 event
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hyper, clingy, protective, encouraging, basically everything
will be your biggest (!!!) hypeman ever, praising you endlessly if you do something well/ something you were scared of doing. loves telling everyone your list of achievements, especially if you’re too shy to say it yourself
bc why are you shy??? you’re The Most incredible in his eyes
bullies you into joining in his horangi agenda, even if you ‘hate’ it bc pls. you’re dating him like you’re not exactly allowed to say no
type to store away every piece of information about you in a special drawer in his brain, making an effort to remember everything you say, because you’re precious to him, and he wants you to know he remembers and he cares
also just. adores you. it’s not even simply love anymore like this man is Gone.
he loves with his entire being and without hesitation and every day, he swears he’s falling even more in love with you when you ask him about his day or leave post-it notes around the house or appear out of nowhere to give him a kiss before disappearing again
you’re his rock, his comfort, and he’ll love you even when the world ends.
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“Y/N. Y/N.”
“I’m bored,” Soonyoung groans, and then drapes himself over your lap. You lift up your arms obediently to allow him to be as dramatic as he wants across your legs on the sofa, not taking your eyes away from your phone. “I’m so bored! What do I do?”
“Cook something,” you say absentmindedly, and then realise it’s your boyfriend you’re talking to. “Wait, no, don’t cook something.”
Soonyoung whines again, shuffling around a little so he has his head in your lap, looking up at you. “I need something to do! Why is everything so boring suddenly?”
You just hum, not really acknowledging his agonizing pain. “Dunno.”
“Hey, pay attention to me,” he huffs, then sits up properly, poking you in the shoulder until you eventually look at him. You look a little exasperated, but also a little endeared, and he just grins. “There we go! Now I get to see your pretty eyes properly.”
That makes your cheeks heat up a little, even as you put down your phone and roll your eyes. “You’re bored, huh?” You think for a little. “Wanna pull a prank on someone?”
His eyes widen. “Who are you thinking of?”
“Oh, we could do it to loads of people,” you say, and a grin is spreading across your face, beautiful and mischievous. “It would be epic.”
He pats your knee, excited, already certain he’s going to love your idea. “What? What?”
You beam. “Wanna buy a hundred plastic chicks and hide them everywhere in everyone’s apartments?”
Oh, that was just brilliant. Soonyoung gapes at you, eyes sparkling, and then he’s whipping out his own phone, immediately searching up where he can order those mini chicks in bulk.
He pays for the first one he sees with a flourish then turns to you, grinning widely. “This,” he says, “this is why I love you.”
You laugh, and he swears it’s the most beautiful sound ever. “I love you too.”
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Earned It
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requested?: no genre: established relationship, smut, office AU pairings: choi seungcheol x afab!reader, kim mingyu x platonic!reader (not mentioned that much) warning(s): smut, daddy kink, thigh riding, not proof read, slight mention of cheol pushing reader underneath his desk, rough smut, unprotected sex (stay safe), spanking, hair pulling, lmk if i missed anything;) summary: 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘴 𝘣𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘭'𝘴 𝘰𝘧��𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴 word count: 2.1k a/n: hi guys, im back, just decided to write a small smut for seungcheol, i got kinda carried away with this one lol, enjoy! xoxo
you were about to go out with mingyu on a night out, but before you went, you wanted to say goodbye to cheol. he was working, which was barely a surprise for you anymore. he was always working late, he barely ever had time for you anymore. he spent more time yelling at his colleagues on the phone then he ever did with you, barely even have time to speak to you. you walked into his office, your hips swaying with each step you took.
you were wearing a short red dress, barely passing your mid thigh. it hugged your hips and curves perfectly, showing off your flawless body. there was a split spaghetti strap, showing cleavage but not too much, and almost an open back, but again, not too much. your heels had red bottoms, painted all black. you and mingyu were going to go clubbing, so your outfit made sense, or at least to you. in colour, it was a gorgeous wine red, cheol’s favourite colour, small ripples in the fabric. as you walked, it rode slightly upwards, sitting just beneath your ass. the fabric was gorgeous and smooth, giving it a more sophisticated look, but still as slutty as you needed it to be, to be eye catching enough to make cheol jealous.
you knocked on his door before stepping in, almost soundlessly
“hi cheol,” you smiled at the man in front of you innocently. he took in your form, making sure his eyes kissed every inch of your body before they landed on your cleavage point. “i’m gonna head out now, i should be back later, I dunno when,” you shrug shamelessly, turning around to walk out of the office.
“woah, woah, woah. where do you think you’re going dressed like that, princess?” he drawled, staring at your ass as you turned away from him
“you don’t like it?” you spun back around, a frown splayed across your face.
there was barely anyone left in the office now, but people were still working. your plan was working as far as you were concerned.
“like it?” cheol took a step out from behind the desk that was, just about, covering his lower half, showing you his hardened length stretching his briefs, “oh no, princess i love it” he grinned, grabbing your bare elbows and caressing them slightly.
“really?” you spoke sweetly, batting your eyelashes at his comment
“yes, really. i would just like to know where the fuck you are going dressed like the needy little whore you are” he almost growled, moving his hands up your arms and back down again, grabbing your hips to pull you flush against him, making sure you feel his hardened dick.
you tried to rub your thighs together to get at least a bit of friction to relieve the growing need in between your legs, he smirked as he felt you move against his leg.
“fuck, keep moving against me like that and i might have to bend you over my desk and show you how much of a dirty little slut you’re being, rubbing up against me like this? what would mingyu say if you were a little late? do you think he would care all that much if i fucked you right here in my office?” cheol husked in your ear, you whimpered in response.
he smirked as he picked you up, wrapping his arms around your thighs. he sat back comfortably in his big office chair, sitting you down so one leg was either side of his right thigh, he held your hips, squeezing the warm soft flesh.
“you are gonna sit right here and rub your pretty little pussy against my thigh until you cum over and over again and your begging me to stop baby” he ordered, you nodded in response. cheol harshly grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him “words, princess, use your words” he cooed
“okay daddy, i’ll be good, I swear” you beg, rocking your hips against his thigh, moaning and throwing your head back at the delicious feeling of his thigh against your dripping core. your panties were now soaked from the way you had been so aroused earlier on.
cheol places a hand over your mouth in order to keep your moans muffled and quiet, after all, you couldn’t afford anyone walking in and seeing you two like this. cheol moved your dress further up your ass, stopping it just above your hips and where your sides dipped in. he reached his hand down to your pussy and moved your panties to the side, so that now your bare clit was rubbing harshly against his briefs, giving you the best amount of pleasure.
you swayed your hips against his thigh, grasping at his shoulders and letting your nails dig into them through the fabric of his rolled up sleeves. it turned you on to see your boyfriend like this, his veiny arms digging into your hips, guiding your movements against him. then, you got an idea, you wanted to pleasure him too, so you moved your right hand down to between his legs to palm his length through his pants, keeping on with your movements.
“fuck, honey, that’s right, make daddy feel so good” he groans out, throwing his head back to rest on his chair.
the moan you let out would have been painfully loud if you didn’t have cheol’s hand covering your mouth as tightly as he was. you were seeing stars as you felt yourself come nearer and nearer you high.
“fuck, daddy, gonna cum” you whimpered out through his hand
“good girl, so am i, gonna cum with me? yeah?” he groaned. he sounded sinful but angelic at the same time.
you let everything go as  you came, your nails digging harshly into cheol’s shoulders. He held you as you shook, slowly coming down from your high.
suddenly, you both heard someone come near the office, the person’s footsteps becoming louder as they neared the door. cheol quickly moved you into a standing position and shoved you down onto the floor, you know he didn’t mean to be harsh. you were now curled underneath his desk as the person knocked at the door. cheol’s chair wasn’t that far away.
you could reach your hand out to his lap without the other person being able to see as they spoke about work, so that’s what you did. you wanted to tease cheol, besides, he looked so hot talking to someone about his work. he always did when he was talking to you about all of the shitty things that happened at his work that day.
you palmed him through his briefs again, feeling him grow hard once again. he glanced down at you, giving you a small warning look before looking back up to continue the conversation with his colleague.
not long later, his colleague left, and you could tell that cheol was close to coming again. he closed his eyes and let out a small breath. grabbing your hand and stilling your movements with it. he gently pulled you from underneath the desk and up to a standing position, he came up with you, towering over your smaller figure.
“did i not tell you to be good? hm?” he cooes
“i’m sorry daddy, i really am” you beg
“just wait until i fuck you dumb like the little slut you are honey, turn around” he ordered, you did as he said, turning around so that your ass was facing him. you felt him press flush up against your ass, his hardened dick pressing into the soft flesh. “such an obedient girl when you want to be, take your panties off” again, you do as he says, he nods “good fucking girl, see, its not that hard to be good is it now?” he husks in your ear, you shake your head.
his hand grabs your chin roughly.
“what did i say about using your words honey, use them” he growls
“i’m sorry daddy, i can be good, i promise”  you whimper, he lets go of your chin
“that’s what i thought, good girl, next time i wont be so nice about it. now bend over so i can see that pretty little pussy of yours”
“yes daddy” you say, doing as he says and bending yourself over, placing your upper half on the desk you were just underneath, giving a handjob to your sexy boyfriend
“such a good fucking girl” he groans, you yelp as a harsh slap lands itself on your ass
you feel another and another until he eventually stops, smiling down at you and pulling down his pants. he pumps himself a few times before pressing his hardened tip to your entrance, precum and the cum from not long ago sticking to his large dick.
he teases you as he pushes himself into you agonizingly slowly, but eventually he was fully inside of you. before you knew it, his tie was off, and he was shoving his fingers in your mouth to open it. he tied the tie around the back of your head, it was in your mouth, acting like a gag.
you moaned as you felt him start to move, pulling almost entirely out of you before slamming right the way back into you harshly. he snapped his hips faster and faster as he grabbed both of your hands, pulling them above your head, taking you from the behind.
“i bet you fucking like this don’t you, you slut? having daddy take you from the behind as punishment for your actions, being so needy that you couldn’t wait a few more hours for me to fuck you dumb like the little whore you are. so fucking needy huh?” he drawls out into your ear, you moan out in response, too fucked out to respond “aw, look at my poor baby, too fucked out to respond to a simple question daddy asks you, huh?” you nod in response “yeah? well maybe i’ll just have to fuck you harder so you can’t respond to anyone for the rest of the night, yeah? how do you think everyone would feel about that? my girl being too fucked out by her own boyfriend to answer a question they ask her huh?” he starts pounding into you faster and a lot more harder, making sure his massive cock hits the spot deep inside of you that makes you feel pure ecstasy and see a ton of stars clouding your vision. he holds your wrists above your head with one of his hands, while the other grabbed a handful of your hair and snapping your head back harshly, you moaned out loudly in response, making cheol grin widely.
the only sound that could be heard bouncing off of the office walls was skin against skin and your wetness taking his cock perfectly, fitting him snug inside of you as you clenched around his dick.
“look at you, taking my dick so fucking well, huh? maybe we should do this more often, what do you think?”
“yes daddy, please, gonna cum” you whined out pathetically, your voice being muffled slightly by the tie.
“you can cum since you’ve been such a good girl and taken daddy’s cock like the good little slut you are” he groans out, throwing his head back.
you cum harder than before, your pussy clenching around cheol’s dick, your body spasming from the intensity of your orgasm. he came not long after, pulling out and replacing his dick with his fingers to push his warm seed back inside of you.
“here’s what you’re gonna do” he pulls you up and turns you around so that you are now sat on top of his desk, “you, are gonna go out with mingyu, with my cum buried inside of you, and if you manage to keep all of it inside of you, i’ll reward you later. sound good?” he says as he unties the tie from your mouth and pulls your panties back up, pulling your dress down to cover yourself. he had already gotten himself redressed.
“yes daddy” you mutter under your breath, he smiles and lifts your chin up to look at him
“good, now go and doll yourself up again, and have fun. i’ll send you some money, okay?” he pecks your nose
“you don’t have to-“ you try to protest
“i want to, princess, now go” he pecks your lips before getting you to stand up.
you make your way over to the door, but just as you leave, you feel a playful slap on your ass again
“cheol!” you almost screech
“i couldn’t help myself” he shrugs, wrapping his arms around your shoulders “ass looks so good in that dress” he shoves his face into your neck
“i know” you smile cheekily
“damn princess, your ego is bigger than my dick” he brings his head back up to look you in the eyes
“well now it just got even bigger” you smrik
“so did my dick” he says sincerely
“choi seuncheol!”
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cloudcountry · 1 year
you octopi my thoughts.
Genre/Tropes: Mutual Pining!! Also we have a little kabedon moment at the beginning so we're starting off strong!! C:<
Summary: I have another brain wave/request! Would you mind doing a flirty/a MC who’s not afraid to make bold advances?
Author's Comments: PLEASE I'd be such a menace. Azul would hate me because I'd flirt with him all the time.
“Oh Azuuul!”
The student in question braced himself for your presence, letting out a deep sigh as his cheeks flushed. Your incessant flirting had only gotten worse over the past week, and it had gotten to the point where just hearing your voice could turn his cheeks red. It was an endless source of amusement for Jade and Floyd, and he resented you for it.
“What is it, Prefect?” he adjusted his glasses, giving you the coolest gaze he could manage.
The facade he tried to put up immediately shattered when your hand slammed into the wall behind him, your eyes bright with mischief. A strangled yelp tore from his throat at your close proximity, your face only getting closer to his as you smirked.
“It’s my afternoon, Azul.” you hummed, eyes darting from his eyes to his lips, “It’s so dreadfully empty. I have nothing to do!”
“Hm. Maybe you should study for the upcoming history exam.” Azul couldn’t stop himself from wetting his lips anxiously, ignoring the furious pounding of his heart in favor of holding your gaze.
“What if I want to study marine biology instead?” you shot back, leaning even closer—there was practically no space in between you two anymore.
“You can consult-” he stopped himself from suggesting that you see Jade or Floyd, a flare of jealousy making him reconsider, “...Nevermind.”
“Who? Who can I consult for this lesson? I’d like to know about octopi…their camouflage, their hunting habits, the way they show interest in potential mates…” you lowered your voice to a whisper, a light giggle ending your trailing sentence.
“Well…I…” Azul cursed his stuttering heart, the sound of blood rushing in his ears doing nothing to quiet the thundering noise of his heart.
“But oh well.” you pulled away suddenly, eyes dropping to his tie as you pinched it in between your fingers, “I suppose if your afternoon isn’t free, then I’ll have to find something else to do. Something boring and lonely.”
“If it’s a study session…I suppose I can make time. Show up at the Mostro Lounge after your classes and I’ll see what we can do.” he blurted, flushing a brilliant shade of red as you twisted his tie around in your fingers.
“Lovely! Now maybe you’ll stop octopi-ing my thoughts!” you laughed loudly, releasing his tie and smoothing down the front of his uniform in one fluid motion, “It’s a date, then. See ya, Azul! Thank you!”
You practically jumped away from him, bouncing down the hallway without looking back at him. Azul adjusted his tie nervously, staring after you until you turned down a corner. What was he going to do with you? This couldn’t keep happening-
“Having fun, boss?” Floyd giggled, popping up from behind him.
“It seems like he is.” Jade hummed, showing up from his other side.
“It’s nothing like that.” Azul insisted, beginning his walk to class with the eels hot on his tail, “Don’t mention this to anyone. It’s not important.”
“I dunno…I think it’s octopi-ing your thoughts!” Floyd mimicked your voice, batting his eyelashes flirtatiously.
Jade chuckled as Azul’s face burst into another blush, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the nearby classroom door.
“Go to class you two!” he shrieked, shooing the brothers away.
Azul had never walked faster into a classroom in his life, the cackles of the brothers and your voice ringing in his skull. Great Sea Witch, he’d never get you out of his head, would he?
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wooahaes · 6 months
where the heart is
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pairing: non-idol!mark x gn!reader
genre: fluff. established relationship au.
word count: 0.7k~
warnings: yearning. silly sweet bf mark. reader is written to be a foreigner, but its left vague where they're from.
daisy's notes: maybe one day ill know enough to write abt the other members but he is just so <3 to me ok
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The familiarity of your family’s house should have been all you needed to chase away your homesickness. So… Why were you still feeling like this?
A few days ago, your parents had picked you up from the airport, and you’d slept in your room for the first time in almost a year. This time you’d come alone, since Mark had been unable to take off work (you’d fight his boss one day for denying the request he put in months ago—him ‘needing’ Mark to work was bullshit when they had plenty of time to plan around his absence). Hopefully next time, you’d have Mark asleep next to you while you planned for something else to show him about your home. Yet the entire time you’d been home, you couldn’t shake this feeling from your chest. You were home with your family, and yet some part of you felt this awful yearning to go home again. At first, you had chalked it up to you knowing that you’d leave again…
But it clicked after a while. You had yearned to see your family and the house you grew up in, that had been true, but now you were yearning for your home. So you decided to pick up your phone and try to remedy that, even by a little.
Mark had picked up, half-asleep when he answered. You weren’t sure if he was just napping or actually sleeping with his current work schedule, but you’d apologize for that later. All you needed was to see that sleepy face squinting at the phone, his hair messy as hell as he slowly recognized your face.
“Hi, baby,” his sleep-riddled voice had croaked out. “Everything good?”
That feeling dissipated a little. “It’s better now,” you said, sitting down on your bed. “Sorry I woke you up.”
“Nah, nah,” he mumbled, “I’m good. I’m awake. I’m—” He stifled a yawn for a moment. “I’m awake, I swear. Everything good at home?”
“Yeah, yeah… Everything’s fine.” 
Mark sat up, suddenly looking a bit more awake than before. “You can tell me,” he said. “I’m awake now, I swear—”
With a sigh, you flopped back onto your bed. “Just… I dunno. I’m here, and I thought that would get rid of the homesickness, and it mostly does, but…”
How were you supposed to say it without getting embarrassed…? “I… miss my home still.”
“But you’re—” Mark stopped short, the realization dawned on him. “Aw… Babe…”
“Don’t say it.”
“I’m your home?” He was smiling hard, and you buried your face in your free hand. “No, no, it’s cute! Don’t get embarrassed! It’s cute, I swear!”
“It’s just weird to hear it out loud.” 
He chuckled warmly. “Well,” he shifted, running a hand through his hair. “You’re my home, too.”
You whined, “Mark…”
“I mean it! It always feels like home when you’re around.” His eyes were twinkling when he looked at you, and you started to wish he was there with you all over again. “It’s like… I dunno. I go out with my bros and stuff, but it’s not the same, y’know? You’re not here to remind me to stop ordering so much takeout and stuff.”
It earned a snort from you. “Because you’re not the best cook, Mark.”
“Right! But, like, I can manage… probably. I’m gonna get better. Once you get back, you can teach me all those cool recipes again and I’ll keep practicing.” 
You let out a blissful sigh at the idea. Sure, not all of your cooking lessons landed well, but you still loved spending the time with Mark. “We can try again, yeah,” you smiled, not quite so focused on him anymore. That hollow feeling in your chest had disappeared. “Mark?”
“I miss you.”
He smiled again, eyes twinkling. “Oh, yeah?”
“Don’t be a dork about it,” you giggled. “I just wanted to say it.”
“Well, I miss you, too.” He ran another hand through his hair, only making it messier. “Bring me back something cool, alright? Other than you.” 
It earned a snort-y laugh from you. “Mark. Baby. I’m not cool.”
“No, no, you’re like… the coolest person I know, easily.”
You rolled your eyes. “And you’re my favorite dork, you dork.” 
“Your dork.” 
It made you smile again. “Yeah,” you sighed blissfully. “My dork.” 
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
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delcakoo · 2 years
enha healing your inner child。⊹˚.⋆
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requested <3
↻ PAIRING ! enhypen x gn!reader
↻ GENRE ! tooth rotting fluff
↻ WC ! 4.5k new record woop
↻ WARNINGS ! fake chainsaw in niki’s, ynwon slapping each others butts i dunno?!
a/n: this request was so detailed and creative, lots of credit goes to the amazing anon <3
please enjoy, especially dear anonnie who requested this, and thank you again~
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when heeseung first found out you didn’t know how to ride a bike, he started laughing
“seriously? that’s adorable,” he thinks for a moment, “and a perfect date idea.”
your eyes widened, “wait, what?”
there’s no turning back now
before you knew it, heeseung had ushered you to an empty parking lot, his bike being pulled along next to him the whole time
“yah, if i fall and break my back you’re paying for the hospital bill.” you mutter, arms crossed as you watch your boyfriend lower the bike’s seat to suit your height
he snickers, reaching into his backpack to take out his helmet, “you really think i’d let you fall? stop worrying and put this on.”
you huff in defeat, walking over to the boy and allowing him to buckle the helmet securely around your head
after continuing to baby you by helping strap on the elbow and knee pads, heeseung starts giggling uncontrollably
“you look like a little kid,” he coos in adoration
you pout, smacking his shoulder, “i don’t wanna hear it, you’re the one making me do this.”
heeseung doesn’t deny that, instead deciding to help you get up and onto his bike for the first time
“so, first make sure you always have a strong grip on both handles,” he instructs, guiding your hands in his up to the front of the bike, “and be careful not to lean your body to one side, or you’re just going to fall over.”
after explaining more of the basics, heeseung eventually allows you to begin pedalling for the first time, his hand protectively wrapped around your waist as he slowly jogs along next to you
“see, you already got it!”
“now i really feel like a little kid,” you laugh, continuing to slowly drive along the concrete
heeseung smiles in adoration, “you definitely look like one,” he teases playfully.
“let me take a picture for my lock screen,” he suddenly decides, removing his hand from your waist to pull out his phone
wait, he what
why the hell would he do that? you’ve only been on this thing for a minute and he thinks you’re ready to go?!
the second you no longer feel your boyfriend’s grip steadying you, you start losing control out of nervousness
“hee!” you scream as you begin zig zagging uncoordinatedly, attempting to slow yourself down
meanwhile this idiot was in the middle of opening his camera app, looking up to see you a frightening distance away from him and completely out of control
but luckily, this boy had some long ass legs
he sprinted over to you just in time, wrapping his arms around you to grab the handles right before you inevitably fell over
“never fear, your knight is here~” he says cheesily, as if you didn’t just almost fall to your death
you scoff, “you’re cringe.”
by the end of the day, you’ve become a bike riding pro with the help of a determined heeseung
you can successfully move on your own now, and heeseung took pride in it, saying it was his ‘amazing teaching methods’
you let him believe what he wants… 😒
“y/n, swimming is a life lesson! what are you going to do if you fall off a boat?”
“y/n, swimming is a life lesson! what are you going to do if you fall off a boat?”
“uh, drown probably?” jay facepalms, “i don’t know, okay! i just never got put into lessons.”
that’s the backstory of how you found yourself at the public pool for the first time in years
well, it wasn’t exactly public anymore, as jay insisted on renting out the entire building just to give you swimming lessons
you were sitting at the edge of the pool waiting for jay to finish changing
when he finally comes out from the men’s shower room with a damn whistle around his neck
you can’t help but burst into a teasing chuckle, “yah, are you the new lifeguard or something?” you ask, not so subtly checking him out in the process
“nope, this is for teaching purposes only,” jay clarifies proudly, joining you at the edge of the pool
you decide to not question whatever that means as he helps you into the cold water, sighing in relief as you realize your feet can reach the ground
“i really feel like a little kid at swim class right now,” you sigh
“you pretty much are,” jay adds unhelpfully, suddenly turning you around so your back is pressed against his bare chest
gulping at the close contact, you watch as he grabs your arms in his hands and guides you, “first let’s just make sure you can float, since that’s the most important thing.”
jay demonstrates by lifting your arms up and down, while also instructing you to constantly move your legs back and forth
“there we go,” he watches proudly as you kick back and forth, suddenly moving backwards to leave you by yourself
out of nowhere, he blows his whistle making you yelp in surprise, “alright, now go touch the end and come back!”
excuse me
“yah! i just learned how to float you dumbass, how am i supposed to get all the way over there?” you demand, pointing to the other side of the pool in disbelief
he shrugs, “fine, let me show you how it’s done.”
of course, instead of teaching you jay ends up showing off for the next ten minutes doing fancy tricks and techniques in the water
“now this one is called the frog kick, basically you have to..”
“so for this technique, you have to put a lot of strength into your legs..”
“see how i angle my arms here? that’s because..”
finally, you cut in, “babe, can we start with like, doggy paddling before we get to all the complex methods?”
“oh,” jay realises, “yeah that’s probably a good idea.”
besides getting distracted and completely off topic every once in a while, your boyfriend was an amazing teacher
by the end of his lessons you could keep yourself afloat quite well, and even hold your breath while swimming to the other sides of the pool
after jay would definitely be telling this to the members, bragging about how good a teacher he is and that maybe he should quit being an idol to be a swim coach instead
then he’d go out and buy you goggles because apparently you weren’t done learning just yet
from now on, enjoy swim lessons with jay once a week !!
there is one reason you and jake have shown up at the autumn carnival that you usually skipped every year
a brand new event has been opened
a corn maze.
not only that, there was a prize for the first team that could reach the middle of the maze and get the trophy:
free food coupons that were valid to be used anywhere else in the carnival
neither you or jake were ones to turn down free food
so as soon as your boyfriend found out about it, he practically dragged you there, insisting that it’d be ‘a piece of cake’
you agreed the whole thing sounded quite fun, it definitely made you feel like a little kid again looking up at the ridiculously tall, flowering corn that you’d have to be racing through
however, it seemed like a bunch of other couples had the same idea, lining up to get entrance tickets right behind the two of you
“it’s fine babe,” jake whispers, following your slightly worried glances at all your opponents, “we just have to assert dominance right off the bat by running in front of everyone else.”
you scoff, “yeah, then what’re we gonna do at the actual puzzles? you don’t even know what 7x8 is.”
jake gasps in offense, “wh— of course i do! it’s…” he trails off, a concentrated look on his face
“exactly,” you conclude, making jake pout in defeat
the beginning of the race went rather smoothly, while everyone else walked calmly through the entrance, you and jake sprinted past them like children, grinning competitively
“why are those losers walking anyway? don’t they wanna win?” jake asks out of breath
“maybe some people are just here to have fun instead of treating it as a life or death competition, couldn’t be us,” you shrug
yeah, you two were perfect for each other
soon enough you and jake have made it to the first checkpoint where if you want to get through, you have to answer a riddle on the screen
“what goes up, but never comes back down,” you read
“what kind of bullshit question is that? a balloon?” jake suggests
you type in his answer on the screen, but it only flashes red, signalling it was incorrect
after a few more minutes of failures, you both begin to get nervous at the sound of other contestants footsteps
“oh, i got it,” you suddenly smirk, typing in another answer
as soon as you finish writing in “age”, the light above the screen turns green
you grin proudly, taking jakes hand in yours to continue running through the maze
“i think i just fell in love with you,” he sighs dreamily
the rest of the checkpoints had puzzles of their own, but unfortunately for jake, none of them were anything physical
luckily, you ignored the boy calling you a ‘nerd’ as you were able to answer all of them yourself
it looked like you and jake had just won a marathon by the time you finally escaped the cornfield
you both came to a stop, panting and absolutely exhausted
“why were we even running? we were the only ones actually trying to win,” you huff with your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath
jake shrugs, “it made it more fun in my opinion, even though i had to carry you halfway through.”
you smack his shoulder making him yelp, “don’t act like i didn’t get us through the actual hard part, you didn’t answer a single question!”
even if you guys continued bantering, all that mattered was the fact that you earned the prize
in you opinion you had mostly won because of your amazing puzzle skills featuring jake being confused in the background
but at least he piggybacked you through the maze when you got tired!
either way it was a hell lot of fun, and after you both enjoyed eating as much as you possibly could with your newly achieved food coupons <3
“i have a really bad feeling about whatever you’re doing,” sunghoon grunts, watching you pull on your favorite yellow rain coat
you only snicker mischievously, searching deep through your closet until you pull out your matching rubber boots
“y/n, have you looked outside?” he mutters, putting his phone down entirely to continue watching you
it was an absolute downpour, not just any light shower outside
and all sunghoon knew was if you were planning to go out there, somehow he’d be coaxed into doing the same
and outside in a damn rainstorm was the last place he wanted to be right now
“why else would i be putting these on, dumbass?” you reply, gesturing to your boots
“now get over here and put on yours too,” you grin
“absolutely not,” your boyfriend says simply, picking up his phone again in an attempt to ignore you
however the sound of your loud boots stomping towards him made him gulp nervously
“hoonie,” you coo, “come outside and dance in the rain with me pleeeasseee~”
sunghoon was a weak, weak man
in a raincoat of his own, he found himself being pulled down the wet pavement by you, who was smiling a bit too brightly considering how ugly the weather was
the whole time he asked where you were even going, but you insisted that it was a surprise
when you finally stopped, sunghoon looked up to find the both of you in the middle of downtown, right in the town centre
the sidewalks lined with stores that were usually crowded were now solemn and empty due to the weather, the only sign of movement being the raindrops racing down the mini roofs covering each entrance
it was getting darker and darker too, the only source of light being the lampposts in each corner of the roundabout
you watch sunghoon look around, his mouth parted slightly in awe
you smile at his adorable expression, “i knew you’d love it, aren’t you glad you listened to me now?”
sunghoon swallows, pulling his hood higher over his head, “this seriously feels like a kdrama, how did you think of coming here?”
you shrug, “it looked pretty in the daytime, i wondered what it’d be like all silent at night,” you take his hands suddenly, making him look at you, “now c’mon, did you forget why we’re here?”
the next twenty minutes was full of giggles and smiles as you and sunghoon did all sorts of dancing around the town square
everytime you’d jump in a puddle, sunghoon would scold you and your childish antics, but eventually he gave up and began doing the same
you were both a soggy mess, absolutely drenched in water yet without a worry in the world
“babe!” you happily call out to your boyfriend who was adjusting his own rain boots behind you
sunghoon looks up, “yeah?”
he glances down, realising you’re standing in the middle of what could possibly be the biggest puddle he’s ever seen, resembling more of a mini lake
he starts laughing, “yah, seriously, how the hell did you get there?”
you grin back, “c’mere!” you shout back, making grabby hands towards him
he smiles, shaking his head in disbelief
only for you would he walk into a damn puddle in the middle of a rainstorm at 10pm
right as sunghoon takes his first step into the deep water, you suddenly lift your foot in his direction, splashing all the water onto his front
his jaw drops, hand coming up to wipe the water from his face, “you are so dead,” he swears, running towards you while you cackle, dashing the opposite way and leaving splashes of water behind each step
the chase didn’t last very long, as sunghoon easily outruns you, pulling you backwards and into his most definitely wet embrace
he turns you around, smiling instantly at the sight of your beyond happy expression before tugging your hood down
you gasp, doing the same to him, “if my hairs getting wet, so is yo-“
you’re interrupted by sunghoon sealing his lips to yours, hugging you closely as the rain continues to cascade down the both of your faces
you both stay like that for a bit, enjoying each other’s presence
but before it turns into a full on makeout session, he pulls away, “thanks for bringing me here, i swear i’ve never had more fun in my life.”
you roll your eyes, “yeah, if only you listened to me more you could experience more things like thi—“
“park sunghoon!”
you’re at an outdoor mall shopping with sunoo and jay
it’s been a pretty successful trip so far, having bought some new outfits and a few gifts for the other members
sunoo insisted on paying for pretty much everything you wanted, no matter how much you protested
meanwhile jay being the rich mf he is bought literally anything he set his eyes on
which is also how you guys ended up having to rent a whole wagon to carry all your bags
all three of you are continuing your journey outside the entrances to the stores when you suddenly notice a unique sign up front
“oh my god, guys look!” you squeal, making both jay and your boyfriend turn to see where you’re pointing at
sunoo gasps instantly, while jay groans
“plushie world!? that sounds amazing, we have to go there hyung!”
you nod along, watching jay take the wagon from sunoo’s hand, “i wouldn’t be caught dead in there, you two kids go and i’ll wait outside.”
he glances between the both of you once more, “and don’t you dare buy anything, it already looks like a ripoff from out here.”
“yes, dad,” you reply snarkily, watching jay walk ahead of the both of you to find a bench
sunoo seems unphased though, grabbing your hand in his and skipping along through the door
plushie world was, well, like the name suggests, absolutely full of plushies from top to bottom
shelves upon shelves of different animals with cute faces lined the walls, all of them well made and colorful
“i feel like a little kid again, this is literally heaven,” you grin, running to pick up an eagle plushie
you giggle, presenting it to sunoo, “baby look, it’s jay.”
he laughs, “we have to buy that for him, it’ll be so funny.”
“he’s going to kill us,” you pointed out, placing it into your basket anyway
your boyfriend suddenly gasps again, making you look over to see him now holding a penguin
“this is so cute, we have to get sunghoon hyung too!”
anyone can see where this is going
only a few minutes later, your basket is filled to the brim with plushies for every member
a cat for jungwon, a deer for heeseung, a cheetah for niki, and a dog for jake
the last one you added in was a fox for your boyfriend of course~
“and that totals to 122$ please,” the cashier states, making both your and sunoo’s jaws drop
“for- for seven plushies?” you wondered aloud
“yes, these plushies are extremely high quality and well made.”
sunoo gulps, putting in his card pin anyway
“maybe jay was right about this place being a ripoff,” you mutter, watching your ridiculously long receipt print out
*a few minutes later*
“one hundred!?” jay says, flabbergasted, “do you guys not know what price tags are? and not only that, i said don’t get anything!”
“but once we got one for you, it wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t get something for everyone else too,” sunoo explains, pouting
jay facepalms, watching as you shyly drop your bag of plushies into the already overflowing wagon
from that day on, sunoo and you were permanently banned from plushie world <\3
“you have to admit, zuko is kind of hot.”
jungwon rolls his eyes, “fine, maybe before he shaved all his hair off.”
you had begged your boyfriend to sleepover at your place tonight
and it was a pretty achieving night so far, as you’d successfully forced jungwon into binging avatar with you
because this uncultured mf hasn’t watched it before… imagine 🙄
but it was okay as he was absolutely invested in it now and you bonded over hating azula <3
you’d just finished watching the entire first arc when jungwon decided he wanted to go for a late night walk after his eyes started burning
his excuse was pretty valid, so here you both were, holding hands as you walked down the dimly lit sidewalk
“so i told sunoo hyung that he was overreacting because i seriously didn’t shower for that long, right? like, first of all i have to shampoo and condition twice, then i do body wash and shave so honestly, how is fourty minutes even—“ jungwon pauses mid-rant when he noticed your attention suddenly shifting to the left
he quickly bends forward to look over you, a small playground coming into view
without another word, he grins, dragging you across the road until you’re both stood in front of the giant playset
“wah, this takes me back to elementary school,” he sighs, releasing his grip on your hand to begin climbing up the rock wall
you giggle, taking the opportunity to smack his butt, making him yelp out and turn to see your playful expression, “you seriously need to stop doing that!”
you only continue laughing, climbing up yourself once he’s reached the platform
once you’re both on top of the playset, you turn to see a big, silver slide
“remember when other kids would put wood chips at the bottom to block your way?”
jungwon looks away from you shyly, “i may have been one of those kids.”
you look at him with disappointment, “that’s why i think zuko is hotter than you.”
your boyfriend gasps in offense, suddenly forcing you to sit down in front of the slide, flopping down behind you
“i’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that,” he deadpans, wrapping his arms around your waist
“okay, but i think we’re a bit big for this,” you acknowledge, watching as jungwon tries to squeeze his legs outside of yours on the tiny slide
“stop ruining the moment,” jungwon scolds, smirking like an idiot before beginning to push you both forward, “okay, three, two, one, go!”
the enjoyment lasted about well
two seconds as you and jungwon reach the bottom of the slide almost instantly
“that felt way more fun as a kid,” you whine
when jungwon doesn’t reply, you turn to see him already running to find a new source of entertainment at the monkeybars
you quickly catch up to him, watching as he swings from bar to bar, skipping one in between like a real show off
before he reaches the end, you don’t miss the opportunity to take out your phone and snap a few candid pictures of him
“jagi, you try now,” jungwon insists, pushing you towards the ladder, “i want pictures of you too. my lock screen of jay hyung snoring is getting kinda old.”
you gulp, anxiously walking over to begin climbing up the steps while staring down at the ground
jungwon, knowing you ever so well quickly catches on to your nervousness, putting his phone back into his pocket
“what’s wrong?”
you flush slightly, feeling embarrassed, “well—“ you look away from his worried gaze, “i never actually learned how to do this as a kid, i was too scared.”
the boy quickly smiles again, eyes turning into crescents, “you’re so cute,” he skips over to you excitedly, “i’ll help you, c’mon.”
“this is embarrassing, won!” you complain, gripping the first bar anyway
meanwhile jungwon stands behind you, helping you kick off the platform so you're now midair
“you look so cute, c’mon keep going! one hand in front of the other babe!” he grins, both hands still hovering near your waist in case you slip
slowly but steadily, you’d made it all the way to the last monkeybar with the help of jungwon’s encouraging praises
“one more!” he cheers, giggling a bit too excitedly
“my hands probably have about thirty blisters by now,” you mutter, finally swinging to the last bar before planting down onto the ending platform
jungwon suddenly slaps your butt, “woohoo! you did it! i’m so proud of you~”
“yah, why do i get a slap as my congratulation!?” you say, rubbing your backside and watching as jungwon giggles mischievously
“i only got my revenge,” he says sassily, pulling you in for a peck, “is that better you big baby?”
“yeah..” you look behind jungwon for a moment, barely making out a set of swings in the distance and grinning, “won, come push me!”
jungwon sighs happily, watching you run off towards the swingset
he was in for a long night at the playground
though if it was with you, he wasn’t complaining <3!
you and niki were at an amusement park, having set a goal to go on as many rides as possible before your tickets expired
so far you’d been on pretty much every roller coaster they had to offer, the whole ride niki would be laughing his ass off while you screamed for your life at each drop 😞
the both of you even went on the little kids carousel, ignoring the disapproving looks parents gave you as you climbed onto the horses and took selfies
next, like the children you were, you both decided to play rock paper scissors to decide who’d pay for the cotton candy
but luckily for you, niki was much too predictable
this idiot almost always played rock, and, just like you expected, he did
you easily beat him with paper, which led to niki grumpily pulling out his wallet now the both of you were continuing through the park with cotton candy in hand, trying to decide where to go next
looking at the colorful map, you smirk when you notice a giant black castle labelled “horror house”
“i bet you’re too scared to go in there,” you smirk at your boyfriend, pointing down to the drawing teasingly
the boy next to you looks over and scoffs, “a haunted house, seriously?”
“what? they can be really scary sometimes!”
niki ruffles your hair, making you frown at him in annoyance, “yeah ‘cause you’re a wimp. that place is for kids, why would i be scared of that?”
bro ate his words real fast
after about ten seconds of entering the house, some fake zombie statue jumped out of the darkness and sent niki absolutely screaming into your chest, which only scared the both of you even more
“i told you they were scary!” you yell, finding niki’s hand and gripping it nervously
niki sighs in relief once the zombie disappears, “that wasn’t even scary, really.”
you roll your eyes, continuing to walk cautiously through the house, “i just wanna get out of here now.”
he laughs at that, looking over to you and barely making out your side profile in the darkness, “don’t worry babe, i’ll protect yo—“
“niki,” you interrupt, suddenly going completely still
he stops next to you at the use of his real name, looking down to see your hand gripping his even tighter than before, “what?”
you don’t say anything, stepping backwards hesitantly
this mf still seems to be amused for some unknown reason, smiling and searching around the pitch black hallway to try and find what you were so scared about
finally, he notices a barely visible silhouette in the shadows, a masked figure with a clearly fake chainsaw
he chuckles, “c’mon babe, that’s just a statue, it- oh shit!” out of nowhere, the person started running towards you, the fake chainsaw turning on and buzzing loudly
you scream instantly, pulling your boyfriend along as you practically sprint the opposite way, the sound of the chainsaw getting closer edging you on
niki is having the time of his life, a bit scared himself but also laughing uncontrollably at your reaction
from next to you, you can see him turning his head around to make stupid faces at the person chasing you, still giggling like an idiot
“what is wrong with you!?” you yell, completely out of breath by the time you’ve both escaped the house
“that was amazing!” he exclaims, looking back to see the masked actor still there, waving goodbye
without hesitation, niki jogs back towards them, “can i get a picture?”
yeah, instead of asking if you were okay after just running away for your life, your boyfriend goes to take selfies with the enemy 😒
omg finally you reached the end *claps* if you enjoyed, commenting your thoughts n’ reblogging is always appreciated and motivating <3
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker
2K notes · View notes
Hiya! I dunno if your requests are open or not, because it doesn’t say, but i’m gonna hope they are ( ̄▽ ̄)! This a bit of an odd request, but could you do some headcanons of how Ranpo would act if he met Fukuzawa’s, like, biological child? So, Reader is like 10-12 meeting Ranpo for the first time (*´∀`*)! Thanks a lot! Just remember that you aren’t obligated to take my request if you don’t feel like it, take good care of yourself!
Ranpo meeting Fukuzawa's child
Tw! None
Type: Hcs/Oneshot skit
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: None
Synopsis: When Ranpo meets Fukuzawa's 11 year old biological child things would go very chaotic in the Ada, not because of the child no no. Will jealousy take over the greatest detective's feelings? Or will there they share cute moments together?
A/n: I really love this idea! Also thank you I'll take care of myself you too! Not proofread.
When Ranpo first found out about your existence he was quite happy to know that there would be a mini Fukuzawa but then it occurred to him...
He didn't hate you no, he just wanted to have affections and attention.
What if his father figure Fukuzawa replace him?!
Maybe he wouldn't care about him anymore and focus on you?!
That's why he made a plan..
A plan to make so much achievements that Fukuzawa doesn't replace him and maybe be his son figure in the process.
That was what he had planned...
"everyone. Please listen." He coughed and everyone's attention and eyes shifted to him.
"What is it Fukuzawa-dono?" Kunikida asked.
"I want you all to meet my child." He declared which made almost everyone dumbfounded with Ranpo opening his eyes that was full of determination.
"P-pardon??" Kunikida stuttered. After processing Naomi and the others squeeled in joy while Kenji's eyes brightened. As Ranpo stood up from his seat to face Fukuzawa he asked:
"Where are they?"
Fukuzawa sighed and Ranpo took notice of a hand clutching his yukata.
"Y/n. You can come out" Fukuzawa's eyes softened which Ranpo noticed and pouted.
"Hello. I'm Y/n..."
When Ranpo saw you his eyes widened the girls on the back squeeled while Kunikida looked away coughing clearly shocked. They surrounded you while he stood there supposed to be facing his arch nemesis for your father's affection.
"aww! How old are you Y/n?" Naomi asked.
"I'm eleven." You said with confidence looking around the room. Your eyes met Ranpo and his eyes met yours, you mouthed 'help' after all you couldn't breath on how tight the black haired girl is hugging you.
"I see!" She exclaimed.
"Naomi-san.. I think you're hugging her too tight-" Kunikida tried explaining but his mouth closed shut after seeing the fire in her eyes.
"ahem. We still have work to do." Fukuzawa ordered.
"Yes. Boss." Everyone replied.
"So who would like to take care of Y/n for me..?" He asked but Ranpo's mind wandered somewhere. He thought:
''If I take care of his child well... The he might give me a pat in the head! And a praise!''
"I volunteer to take care of her!" Ranpo exclaimed raising his hand. which made some surprised to think he would volunteer to take care of a child.
"Very well.." Fukuzawa replied giving him a pat in the head making him flabbergasted but he smiled.
After that, both you and Ranpo did all kinds of things. His supposed plan backfired greatly. He took you to a bakery and he found out that both of you shared the same taste and sweet tooth. You enjoyed chess together. He shared his sweets with you which he doesn't share with anyone. You tied his hair and he did yours. You fed him sweets you like and he did so. You watched 'inspector gadget' together. He felt happy to spend time with you. Without noticing time passed and the sun set.
"But I don't want to leave Ranpo-kun.!." You muttered biting your lip.
"Yeah! I don't want Y/n to leave!" He pouted cuddling you and you cuddled with him.
You two were sitting on the couch watching TV and cuddling for warmth as you two fought each other for the warm blanket. In the end you shared the blanket and continued to munch on the popcorn.
"Hai.. both of you would see each other tomorrow" Fukuzawa sighed.
"fine.! But one more episode!" You bargained. At the start of your sentence he was relieved. He pinched his nose but could only sigh when he saw you and Ranpo's sparkly eyes. He ended up agreeing and left the TV room.
When he entered you and Ranpo were both asleep while the TV kept playing. He acted as your pillow and you acted like his in the comfortable blanket. Ranpo was snoring and you were drooling. He chuckled at the sight and closed the TV.
In the end, Fukuzawa praises him and pats his head telling him:
"you did a good job"
My heart! Ranpo was really happy and you spent more time together slacking at the agency and being bored.
279 notes · View notes
The things I do for you: (Santiago “Pope” Garcia x fem!reader x Frankie “Catfish” Morales)
Summary: you don’t have a cock… but sometimes you wish you did, specifically so that you could make Santiago suck it 😇. Luckily, Frankie thinks he has a bright idea to help with that. (Aka, maybe this is niche content idek anymore)
Genre: purely smut. Poly! Established Realtionship (MMF)
Reader: fem!reader (vagina-owning)
Author’s note: just don’t even think about looking at me, okay? 😝 Just don’t look at me. Clearly I was on a very specific thing when I wrote this. I found this hiding in my drafts from an age ago and it’s not proofed or refined at all and probably shouldn’t even exist but I got super sick of not having anything to publish, so here it is. (As ever, credit to @astroboots for inspiring Frankie / Santi poly thoughts that I can’t escape through her incredible and flawless Homecoming universe. Consider this a meagre tribute.)
Rating: EXPLICIT. MINORS DNI. Do not read or interact unless you are 18+ or you will be BLOCKED.
Warnings: reader is vagina-owner and in this scene is “wishing” she “had a cock”. As it’s written, this desire is for fleeting and fantasy purposes only, rather than connected with, for example, gender dysphoria. This may however be difficult for some readers even if it is presented exclusively in a fantasy context. Other than that, lots of MM, MF, slightly rough consensual blow job (M/M but fem!reader controlling the situation), oral m to f, general sexy times, some dirty talk, slight praise kink, reader calls Santi good boy a fair bit, lot of cumshot/cum play. Out of character maybe, it was purely for the smut. Not proofed. Probably a ton of autocorrects which will come back to embarrass me. Questionable logistics also. Like I said, don’t look at me 🙈
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“You know. Sometimes, I wish I had a cock so I could make you suck it,” you blurt out of nowhere, fracturing the lazy ambience of the morning, and causing your two boyfriends to snap their gaze up at you around the breakfast table.
You could back-pedal. Add some qualifiers, maybe - but given the looks on their faces you feel it will be much more fun to stand by your statement.
“Oh yeah?” You can tell by the instant sweep of his eyebrow that Santi is interested in this conversation. Interested enough that he puts his book down on the table without bothering to save the page, leaning forward in his chair. Meanwhile, Frankie’s spoonful of cereal falters just before it reaches his mouth, crunchy hoops plunging right back into the milk as he loses his faculties.
“Which of us do you want to suck it, hermosa?” Frankie asks, gathering himself immediately and mustering concentrated heat in his mahogany-dark eyes. Meanwhile, you take a deliberate sip of your coffee, looking deviously between each of them from beneath the rim and stoking their suspense.
It’s a tough call but…
“Santiago,” you purr definitively, a positively lewd glint in your eye which causes his jaw to go slack and his big brown eyes to fixate on you. His gaze is brewing with heat but a dull spark settles there too, like he’s somehow dazed. Cock-drunk already.
Okay. He’s listening. And it’s not lost on you that, in your periphery, Frankie squirms in his chair as though he needs to make himself more comfortable all of a sudden.
“So pretty when he sucks cock,” you praise, and Santi’s eyes grow instantly hooded with want, pupils lust-blown and devouring. He talks a good talk but he’s a sucker for a little praise, this one. Not opposed to earning it either. You like that about him.
“Tell me more about that,” Santi says, a hard swallow sinking down his roped neck, and his rough morning voice flecked with grit, as deep and dark as his black coffee.
The two of them are rapt with you, and you love that after all this time together, you can still make them feel so needy. That rarely is a want of yours ever off the table. At least, not without fair discussion.
“I dunno,” you breeze, standing and circling the table, Santi’s gaze following you in your oversized tee and bare legs. His head is already turning and tipping up as you come to stand above him, your crotch falling level with his pretty face. You cup his sculpted jaw almost gleefully in your hand and tip it up further, his thickened fleck of Sunday stubble bristling beneath your hand.
His head goes so easily where you lead, and you think that could prove to be a lot of fun. You shuffle forward, lifting the hem of you tee and pressing his proud nose into the seam of your panties, your fingers snaking tightly into his mussed morning curls. He exhales gruffly against you and you feel his hot breath permeate the fabric, a damp warmth suffusing over your mound. “Hnnngg. I just wish I could fill you up,” you purr, tugging his curls and pressing his face more firmly against your heat. “Sink you down on me until you made those pretty little gagging noises.” Santi lets out a wracked moan already, and you feel him begin to pant ragged breaths against the thin strip of material - all that stands between his lips and your now aching clit. “Use this pretty little mouth up.”
“Fuuuuck.” Frankie expels in a low, abrasive keen. “If you need a cock for him to suck you can borrow mine.” He does so love getting sucked off by Santiago.
Santi twists his head towards Frankie then, licking his lips, but you fist more firmly into his curls and push him back into your heat.
“Do it then.” Santi goads Frankie with little concern for logic, his words sending a vibration right through your core. His robust thighs are now spread on the chair beneath him, and you can clearly see him growing fat and rigid beneath his painfully thin grey sweatpants. Instead of taking care of himself though, Santi -ever the giver- languidly snakes his hands up your bare thighs, and you know it won’t be long before he is moving the dampened strip of fabric aside and delving into your wet heat, his tongue rolling against your folds right here at the kitchen table.
God, you want that, but…
“I wish I could, Frankie,” you coo, almost petulantly. “I want to bury myself in him. He’d look so pretty taking me.”
“Really, Princesa,” Frankie says urgently, watching what Santi is doing to you with a slack-jaw and a razor focus. “You can lie on top of me, put my cock between your legs, grab a handful of those gorgeous curls and make Santi suck you off.” You don’t know what is more compelling in this moment - the way Santi’s long lashed eyes flutter closed or the intense scope of Frankie’s gaze on his mouth and your clit as Santi’s wet writhing tongue fleets teasingly against you. You throw out an arm to steady yourself against the table’s surface as your legs start to wobble.
Christ though. Santi is reliably the cheerleader for your ideas, but Frankie is one hell of a logistician. And he’s deadly serious.
Meanwhile, Santi simply makes an indecipherable sound against your folds as a single thick finger swipes through your slick, noting how wet they both have you already. He looks undone and lust drunk already, even as he hitches one of your legs up on to the chair for better access. “Uh huh. Pussy or cock - whatever, querida. Just tell me where to point my mouth.” You yelp as he curls a finger inside, sending a jolt of pleasure through you, a smugness blooming on his lips as he feels you react. “Or my hands. Or my cock. Or my ass.”
You smile with glee. Your boys sure do know how to treat you right.
You could easily forget the trajectory - the specific thrust of your want, and simply let Santi eat you out like this; however, you hear the scrape of a chair on tiles to your side, and Frankie’s eyes remain full of determination.
He always does enjoy giving you exactly what you want.
The man stands. Apparently, he’s had just about enough of watching. “Upstairs. Now.”
You and Santi each turn to him in unison, and give him the same devilish smile.
Then; you move.
That’s one thing about Frankie. He doesn’t have to tell you twice.
The noises are everything. Frankie’s gruff, abortive exhales against your neck. The deep hum and delicate wet sounds of Santi bearing down on Frankie’s thick veined shaft.
The logistics are working as perfectly as they can. You are sprawled on top of Frankie, his broad chest flush to your back as he sits slightly propped on an array of pillows. His head hooks over your shoulder, and his hands under your ass keep you in position. His thighs are spread to make room for Santi to settle in between them and yours are spread too, laying just outside of his, providing contact with his smooth, lightly muscled quads.
Reaching down between your legs, you wrap your hand around Frankie’s hardened length, earning a gentle huff of air into the junction of your neck as you settle Frankie’s shaft up against your heat - because you can’t resist the wet, warm grind. The feeling of him all rigid and needy like this.
From this angle, with his proud length settled between your legs, it almost looks like it could be your cock - regardless of skin tone. You lose some length -perspective wise- given he is settled under you, but he is so deliciously and generously endowed that you still have plenty to enjoy. To take control of.
You pump Frankie languidly in the circle of your hand, angling so the shaft of him bumps against your clit, even planting your feet so that you are better able to angle your hips and grind your folds along the length of him, coating him with your arousal.
You enjoy the way his thighs tense up against yours. The way his broad hands claw a little more insistently into the flesh of your ass, and the way you can feel his chest heaving at your back.
“Come here, baby. Make me feel good,” you command Santi, and he wastes little time.
Within moments he is there on his hands and knees, bowing his head towards Frankie’s need. Of course, the smug fucker doesn’t do exactly what he’s told right off the bat - but you let him off since he does something better.
First, he writhes his tongue all over, licking a wide stripe up the side of Frankie’s shaft and your folds at the same time, shimmying and undulating to reach each of your most sensitive spots.
You know that Santi is nothing but dedicated. You know that if he can make the both of you come undone he will, and you know he’ll drag it out too, until you are barely sure where you end and Frankie begins; however, that’s not exactly what you had wanted. Not the reason you have him bowed before you, his mouth all ready to be used. You’d wanted the power here, and you plan to take it - from both of them.
Indeed, you grip Frankie’s aching, veined cock and you smack it cruelly against Santi’s cheek, causing each of them to whimper deliciously. Then, you run the swollen head of it along his plumped lower lip, swiping the pearl of precum beading there along him and leaving an irresistible salt tang. Lids heavy and brow burdened with need, Santi’s pink tongue swipes the taste of Frankie away with a hum.
“You gonna be a good boy and suck my nice big cock, Santiago?”
You are enveloped by deep, resonant moans as you hold Frankie’s pleasure in the palm of your hand - quite literally. You feel him twitch with anticipation, and you relish Santi’s slack-jawed, needy expression too.
“That right, Frankie? This my cock now?”
“Yes, bonita. All yours. Do anything you want with it.” Christ, he sounds undone already, voice wracked with need.
“And this?” you ask, pushing your thumb past the pillow of Santi’s lips and gliding it along his eager tongue, his lips closing around you as he sucks gently. “This my mouth to use too?”
“Yes,” he croaks obediently.
“Good, ‘cause I’m going to make you choke on my dick.”
With perfect timing, Santi’s mouth falls open with a musical, flowering moan, and that is when you grip his curls and push Frankie’s length past his lips with an insistent surge, until he is all filled up.
Tears prickle at the corner of Santi’s eyes but he takes it with relish, surging wetly down Frankie’s -your- length until you hear his throat rebel with a glug; sounds like crushed fruit spilling over. You release him and he surges off, Frankie’s length gleaming for him, linked to him by spit trails.
“Do you like that, baby?”
“Uh huh,” Santiago nods, a blatant tremor in his voice, looking blissed out and hungry. “Tastes of b-both of you. So f-fucking good.”
When he’s ready, desperate - both of them desperate for more, Frankie’s thighs now trembling against yours - you guide Santi’s head back down on this thick, slick shaft.
This time, his gag reflex relaxed, Santi takes it almost all the way. At least, deep enough that his proud nose nudges against your clit, even whilst his lips and tongue are folded obediently around Frankie’s arousal.
“Fuck,” you breathe at the sudden pressure, Santi all too deliberately nosing gently at your sweet spot until he needs to surge off of Frankie again, his cheeks glistening with squeezed out tears. “So good for me. So pretty like this, Santiago.”
With relish, with your own barrelling need and that of Frankie shuddering and moaning and writhing under you, you control the pace of Santi’s ministrations. Frankie helps you out, thrusting lightly in time to deepen his passage into Santiago’s eager throat, the whole motion grinding you up against them where it counts. Your own arousal swells, your juices leaking from your cunt until they coat Frankie’s shaft too, Santi tasting you as he works so diligently to suck this cock for all it’s worth.
You fall into the rhythm of it, the pace, the wet surge and slip and slide and the choke and release and those pretty tears beading in Santiago’s eyes - practically poetic with need now - his breath ragged and his lips plumped and beaded with spit and cum. Everything so wet and liquid.
Frankie helps you too, finding space for his girthy finger to massage your clit in time with the sensations being delivered to his length, almost as though the pleasure delivered by Santi’s mouth is going directly to the core of you. Almost as though the swirl of his tongue around that fat, contoured head is one and the same as that white hot pleasure spreading through your middle.
You thrill as you watch Santi surge off that cock another time, your stomach lurching pleasantly.
“Good boy. Such a good boy for me. You like this, don’t you? All needy for us?”
It’s not lost on you that -yes- he’s enjoying this. Very much. That besides the moans and the way he pushes his curls insistently into your palm, eager for your control, he’s also hard as a rock, beginning to rut himself up against the mattress less than subtly too to relieve his own throbbing want.
God, he must be aching. Must be so needy as he takes care of you.
“Good,” Santiago gushes, mouth still full of ‘you’, words all rounded and incoherent. “Tastes so good.”
The fact Frankie’s head is now thrown back on to the pillow, his hands fisting into the sheets, is a sure sign that he is close too. The jagged breaths he’s submitting to the air now are a dead giveaway, in fact.
“I’m not going to cum yet,” you insist, even if Frankie evidently has other plans. Even if he seems thoroughly ready to pop and paint Santiago’s throat. “Gonna take a little more from you, sweetheart.” Frankie’s breaths are gusts of air now, like he’s fighting hard to stave off his release. To truly give you the control you crave here.
God, you’re close to your own end too though. You’re dripping now, your nectar coursing down to dampen Frankie’s thatch of coarse dark hair. Dripping to coat his tightening balls.
Frankie’s hand finds your clit again, with new resolve, and somehow he manages to find words - fighting through the pre-nut fog. “You are gonna cum now. Santiago’s making you feel so good with his mouth, hermosa. You are going to come.” He’s warning you. He can’t hold it much longer before he bursts. He’s inviting you - to feel it with him.
You moan into the air, Frankie’s words and fingers both making a rather compelling argument. And, Santiago’s ministrations show increasing vigour, the suck and pop louder and wetter and that crushed, glugging rhythm growing far more insistent.
So eager to please. Such a good boy. Ready to drink it all down.
“Gonna take my cum on your face, pretty baby? Gonna let me paint you?” you ask him, and you hear a muffled affirmative spoken around the girth jammed deep into his face.
You could let Frankie spill over into Santi’s throat - that delicious salt-tang flooding over his tongue. You could keenly watch the bob of his corded neck and he swallows it all down… but you want to see him covered in it. Want that pretty man to be left a mess from you, all chaotic curls and tear-tracks and glistening seed coursing down over that proud chin. That’s what you want.
And so, you reach between your legs and you pump Frankie’s slick, sensitive length in the circle of your hand, just how you know he likes. He groans for you, the sound rattling through you as his hips start to stutter.
Santi waits obediently, basically presenting his face to you while he waits for this thick load to be delivered all over his face.
Frankie follows your lead, his diligent, skilful fingers making your own release bloom through you. At the same moment, your explosion of pleasure is made visible, as Frankie shoots himself, thick and abrupt ropes of cum coating Santi. Spilling over his grizzled curls, his nose, his cheek, his lips, his eyelashes, his face scrunching up with the initial shock of it and then settling into a blissful, awed calm. Then, as you continue pumping his gratified length - pressing the head of Frankie’s cock into Santiago’s cheek as the final pulses of his seed spillover, all warm and creamy over your knuckles too - your core convulses in time, your throbbing waves of pleasure only heightened by the delectable sight before you.
“Fuck,” Santi breathes after a while, lazily swiping seed into his mouth from where it has settled on his mouth.
Beneath you, meanwhile, Frankie is still wordless as he floats back down to Earth. You felt how hard he came, his whole body tightening under you - now slack and boneless and sweat-sheened.
You both flutter down from your high, eyes closing as you drift back down to your bodies. However, as soon as your eyes are opened, you are each eager to survey the mess you jointly made of your beloved Santiago, Frankie’s seed now slowly coursing down his face, already beginning to stiffen in that way it does, but you opt to let Santi enjoy/suffer with it for a few extended moments more.
Then, you feel Frankie’s warm throaty chuckle wrap around you like a blanket. “You got it in his hair, hermosa. Need to work on your aim,” he teases fondly, wrapping an arm around your soft middle.
“Nope. My aim was perfect,” you insist, allowing yourself a devilish smile as Santiago looks mock-accusingly at you - as if he isn’t loving being covered like this - marked as yours and Frankie’s. All used up.
You reach for a cloth from the beside table and laugh gently -fondly- yourself as you help him to clean up.
You’re waiting though, for his inevitable question, his brow and his cock still burdened by his own need.
“Have I been a good boy?” he purrs sinfully, knowing fine well that he has. Knowing that that tone can only help him to get what he wants. Permission to find his own end.
“You have.” Surprisingly. He’s far more of a brat for Frankie. “You can take care of yourself now, baby.” You know he’ll spill himself in moments. Can see the ruddy, swollen head of his cock, flushed almost purple with need as he languidly pumps himself in his own hand - almost reluctantly, as those he’s almost too sensitive to be touched after being made to wait for it while you were pleasured.
“Yeah? Who wants it?”
You roll off of Frankie, and you settle on the bed with your legs wide open, all spread for him. “Cum on my pussy, if you wanna? You earned it.”
From the way Santi practically growls and shifts himself on the mattress, you know he likes the sound of that. Very much. “Fuck. Look at you, hermosa.”
“Mmm,” you hum, fingering your own slick - playing with it, as Santi appears rapt with your plump, glistening folds. “Did you like sucking on my cock? Did it get you all hard?“
Your voice is velvet, and apparently, your words and the sight of you is all that Santi needed. With only a few thrusts into his palm he is coating you, pulsing his seed over your heat until you are a warm, creamy mess. His release is punctuated too by Frankie and Santi both firing gentle, breathy expletives into the air, loving how you look all laid out like this.
Well. Alright.
It seems like your idea worked out pretty well? It seems like everyone had an exceptionally good time - you included. But still, you’re not averse to a little praise yourself, so you simply have to ask. “How was I with a cock then, boys?”
“Honey, we need to get you a strap.” Frankie insists immediately. Oh yeah? He’s keen? That’s… very interesting. “I gotta watch you fuck our little brat. Fill up all those holes of his.”
There Santi goes again, that dazed, lust-drunk look overtaking his face. “Uh. Uh huh,” he agrees efficiently. “Fucking hot.”
No complaints from him either, then? You take that as a good sign too, and a happy, giddy grin spreads over your face as your boys set about cleaning you up too and showering you with long, slow, loving kisses.
With these two, almost anything is possible, it seems. Apparently, Santi can be relied upon to cheerlead any kinky idea you may have. And luckily, the two of you have Frankie to help you work out the logistics.
Actually… there’s an idea.
You bite your lip shyly. “Frankie? Do you think… Can we maybe get Santi a cheerleading outfit?”
The man’s jaw goes slack now as he plays with that mental image, but when you look at Santi to absorb his take, he appears nothing but smug.
Santiago flings himself on to the mattress by your side, nestling himself in between yours and Frankie’s naked bodies. Little attention-seeker he is. Always looking for snuggles. “Cariño,” he teases, with a playful flutter of those pretty lashes. “You’re not ready for how good my cheeks would look in a cute little skirt.”
“Probably not,” you admit, thinking about how on Earth you would survive the sight. “But I’m willing to find out.”
“The things I do for you,” Santiago jests, snuggling even closer into your side. Yeah right, as though he doesn’t love every minute of this. The way that you and Frankie both fawn over him.
Still, you notice Frankie reach to the bedside in that moment, cutting the snuggles unusually short as he reaches for his phone and reading glasses, post haste. “Watcha doing, babe?” you ask curiously.
He turns the screen towards you both and his quest becomes immediately evident. “Your wish is my desire,” he says in all seriousness, and you wonder how you managed to get so lucky. “I’ve got some shopping to do.”
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edsnun · 11 months
fluffly request!
female reader (if your okay writing that)
imagine reader has a spiderperson as an older sibling and Gwen (coughs in i love her too much.) develops a crush on R but is too scared of her older sibling to go for it. and then R confesses or something.
YESSYSYSYSS YES YES YES this was so fun 2 write i love it sm
i think this could be passed off as gn! reader BUT there’s one description of your sibling calling you their sister so!! lmk if this is good or bad or if i should tweak anything 😔🫶
words // 1024 genre // fluff, (s/n) = sibling name, warning this is not proofread so i’m sorry for any spelling errors 🫶
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you were drawing in your room, sketching peacefully when a bright light comes open you. shielding your eyesight with your hand, you see a familiar figure drop in on your bed.
“gwen!” you say excitedly, hugging her. she giggles and hugs back, rubbing her hand up and down your back. “hi.” she mumbles back.
“where’d you come from?” you ask, watching the previous portal disappear. “oh, i’m supposed to be going on a mission with s/n, but they haven’t been picking up the alerts.”
“ah! they’ve been knocked out for a while now.” you mutter, taking gwen’s hand and leading them to your siblings bedroom. there they lay, knocked out in their spidersuit.
“s/n!” you whisper, slightly shaking them awake. they jolt awake and wipe the drool off their face. “hmm??”
gwen chuckles and helps them up. “cmon, you got a misssion alert 5 minutes ago and you’re still knocked out, let’s go!” you chortle, leaving the room. “be safe!”
gwen smiles as she watches you walk away. over the past couple of months, gwen grew closer to you through your sibling, and eventually the three of you hand out regularly. the closer you got, though, the more attracted she got to you.
the way you laughed, smiled at her. how you’d share a piece of food with her before if she’d never try it. how caring you were, and mainly how good of a personality you had.
but gwen was scared that if she confessed, s/n would forbid it to the max. they were a little overprotective of you, especially since they were a spider person , and that’s what gwen admired about s/n.
at the same time, though, she was petrified that they wouldn’t want to be friends anymore if she confessed.
“nd i just dunno what to do! wait, am i interrupting your mission?” you ask, on a call with miles. you heard some trains bustling and weird grunting happening on the other line.
“no, you’re not, i swear!” miles yells, making you cringe and put him on speaker, putting your phone on your desk.
“if you feel like confessing, then just do it! i’ve seen too much of you guys awkwardly flirting to know that you’d be perfect for each other.” miles rambling on, as you sketch, drawing you and gwen as cats. “awkwardly? are you sure?” you asked, feeling self conscious.
“awkwardly.” look, just confess by tomorrow, hm? don’t have that big of a gesture, okay?” you nod. “i gotcha. thanks, miles.” you hang up the phone, and continue your sketching.
as the day goes by, you walk into the kitchen to make a couple of snacks, when you hear the portal opening again, s/n and gwen coming through.
“hey! you’re back!” you giggle as you hug your sibling, and then gwen. the hug lasts longer than usual, her arms sliding to your waist, giving you a firm hug. “you’re okay? no scratches?” you ask, checking gwen’s spidersuit. “i’m fine too? thanks.” s/n jokes. you check their spidersuit as well, then give them a quick side hug.
“i told gwen that she could hang for a bit until she goes back to hobies place, that okay?” s/n asks. you nod. “can we go draw together?” you ask, nervously fiddling with your hands. “i’m shit at it, but yeah.” gwen says, as you both walk to your room.
you shut the door, and then sit on your bed, inviting her to sit on it as well. “i actually have to- to talk to you about something first.” you say, and gwen looks at you with worry. you look away from her, picking at your nails. “is it bad?”
you shake your head, and sit in silence for a bit, trying to think of what to say.
“this is nerve wracking, yknow. i just- is it getting hot in here?” gwen rambles, pulling on the hoodie part of her costume. “yknow lately the humidity just gets wors-“
“i like you, gwen.” you blurt out.
“i like you.” you say, as you look up at her, smiling warmly at her. she mirrors your action, as she leans in closer to you. you lay her head on her shoulder, heart pounding out of your chests, she lifts you up and cups your cheek, caressing it with her thumb.
“can i kiss you?” she asks, face flushing a deep red. you nod, breathless already, as she presses her soft lips into your plush ones. you softly grab her wrist and smile into the kiss, cupping her face lightly as well. she pulls apart as you look at each other, giggling softly.
you hear a door freak open and you nearly jump out of your skin and jump practically off the bed as you see s/n walk in. “hey, i made snacks and popcorn, we can watch a mov- are you okay?”
you nod, feeling your face heat up. gwen giggles and helps you off the floor, standing up with you. “i’m- in fine.” you say, brushing off.
“i take it you did it gwen?” s/n asks gwen. you look at gwen shocked and then your sibling, who looks at you with a knowing smile. “you- you knew?” you ask, looking at them with a scared expression. “course i did. we have thin walls, yknow. why didn’t you tell me sooner?” they say, looking at you, then gwen.
gwen and you share a look. “i’m scared you wouldn’t let me.” you say. “you can be kinda..”
“overprotective.” gwen finishes. when your siblings mouth gapes, she chokes and waves her hands around. “i-i mean! that’s what i like about you though, and especially as a spider person, you-“
“i don’t care if you date. i was teasing.” they joke, throwing a kernel of popcorn at gwen. “you guys are really good for each other, and you better treat my sister right, you hear?” gwen nods, and you hug your sibling. “thank you so much, s/n. i love you.”
“i love you too, now come on, let’s go watch this movie.”
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leti666bigboss · 1 year
I've got a atsumu x sunshine!reader request where the reader gets insecure of being so positive because atsumu is grumpy and dismissing the reader. Angst to fuff!!
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featuring: miya atsumu x sunshine!gn!reader
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: none except i might have let some cuss words slide in
wc: 1,025
a/n: please excuse and tell me about any grammar mistakes. i apologize if atsumu is kinda ooc? the reader isn't very sunshine in this but i tried my best. also sorry if the scenario ended up abruptly i just ran out of inspiration but i still wanted to post this
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You have been by Atsumu's side for quite some time now and out of all people he knows you best. Although he likes to keep a mysterious aura around him every so often, he's opened up to you a lot, so you're pretty much aware of how cold and tough he can be at times. But this? He's never been like this before.
"Ah? Dunno what got into him lately, his tosses are just getting worse and worse n' now he doesn't wanna talk to anyone" states Osamu. "Can I at least have a word with him?" 'his brother doesn't seem to be in a very good state either, so he's getting influenced by 'Tsumu's mood as well? I mean- well- obviously since they live in the same hous-' "You comin' or nah?"
As you enter your boyfriend's room your whole face lights up as if you just saw heaven standing in front of you. He's just sitting down, at his desk. Probably writing something, but he seems bored and unmotivated. You're the opposite of that, you're like a ball ful of happiness that just explodes from time to time and radiates positivity. That usually always comes in handy as it can lit up people's moods pretty fast, and that's always what you used whenever a close one was feeling down. So, with no second thought you just sprinted towards him with your arms opened: "HOW'RE YOU DOINGGGG MY ONE AND ONL-" "Don't". That was his only response? 'Don't?' Well, that was very much not like him. If he wasn't in the mood for affection by any means, he would just hug you with one arm and that's it. He's a pretty lazy person himself, so he doesn't bother with being overly-affectionate.
Back to reality, "`Don't"? That kinda shook you up, but not letting your emotions get affected by it... "Are you doing alright? Do you need anything? ANYTHING YOU NEED I HAV--" "Can you just shut up for a sec?" 'Well, damn that hurt..' you thought. But, without letting his words have too much of an impact on you, trying to keep your composure but with the same energy, on a much cooler yet optimistic-tone, you say "So, how have you been lately?" giving him a warm smile. His liveliness isn't on the same page as yours, though... "Good." 'Good? Well, it's great that he's fine, I mean that's exactly what I needed to know, he answered my questions, yet there's still something not clicking...' And there it was. Overthinking, overthinking and overthinking again. You always try to fight it- even so it haunts you. You've always been nothing but optimistic, trying to look at the bright side, even when there was a room with no light. Obviously that had always been facilitative, in spite of that, no living creature is a robot. You are human. You have feelings as well, and Atsumu seems to be forgetting that "detail" right now. At this point, all of these thoughts covered one minute, 60 seconds with zero dialogue, but full of tension and silence, but your boyfriend decides to break the ice: "What do you want, damn it?" the ice has been broken, yet at what cost if it's so cold? You're tired. And sick. From all of this positivity going to waste. You can't hold in your bottled up emotions no longer, so, you're just letting them out while having your mind blank and no shame: "What do I want from you? What do you mean what I want from you?" Your tone wasn't warm anymore. It was cold-hearted... and Atsumu could feel that. Suddenly, he is not-so-careless anymore, paying attention to everything, without saying nothing, astonished... "You've been so goddamn distant lately... I don't know what's gotten into you, but do something about it yourself! Since you can't accept my help. I'm tired from this NoN-cHaLaNt game or whatever it is that you're playing-" "It's not that!!!" "Then? And you're not the only once being influenced, just like an idea." "Listen, I don't know what happened, jus' everythin' started goin' downhill and suddenly I'm at a low point. I don' wanna bother anyone with my problems, so I'm staying alone, tryin' to solve 'em. D'you get me?"
But was that seriously it? ""Tsumu. You wouldn't bother anybody if you talked about this. What's actually bothering me is that you're putting this barrier between us". You sat on his bed and patted the spot next to you, which he gladly took. Atsumu was looking straight down, trying to stop all kinds of intrusive thoughts from taking over his mind. Looking back at his actions and words, he realized that he was WAY too harsh, but time-travel is impossible, right? Instead of looking at the past and what he should have fixed, he decides to fix what should be fixed at the present moment. "[name]". "Yes, 'Tsumu?" 'What the hell? What do I even tell them? And since when have my own emotions become a problem to me?' "What's even--" Your words have been cut my him, enfolding in your arms out of nowhere. He didn't sob, cry or say anything either. It was just pure silence, you two have been sitting like this for like 5 minutes, you didn't mind it, though. 'Cause you'd rather have him like this than losing him completely.
After a hot minute, Atsumu finally spoke up; "I'm sorry". 'And I forgive you. Just- I don't know- Tell me when you're feeling down, you wouldn't be bothering me in the slightest way. And I'd love to help". "Yeah, okay. But sometimes you're being too clingy ya'know? Like cool it down...-" 'Ouch, that kinda hurt- but he's right'. "I'll try to'. As he said that, he literally embraced you even tighter in his arms; 'How ironic'- you thought. But you were getting used to that by now, he always says something and does the complete opposite- which is kinda funny, not gonna lie, although it's not always something to laugh or be happy about.
But, as of right now, you're just happy that you had fixed things with your beloved Atsumu.
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softbobamilktae · 10 months
Who Are You Attracted To?
Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Clothing Designer!OC
Genre: fluff, kinda a teeny bit of angst?
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: drinking
Summary: Mutually drunk, Yoongi and Rosaelia finally talk about their sexualities.
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Rosaelia draped herself across Yoongi’s lap.  The two of them were in their hotel room, seated on the couch, and she had a bit too much alcohol in her system.  The day had been stressful, and she’d been attempting to get her mind off of it.
“Hey, Yoongs?” she asked.
“Can I talk to you about something?”
He set his drink down on the table, deciding he wanted to stay sober enough to actually be able to attend to this conversation.  She sounded like she had something serious to talk about, so he wanted to be able to talk about it seriously.
“Sure, Rose.  What’s up?”
She blew out a long breath. “Have you ever questioned your sexuality?”
He furrowed his brows.  That was not what he’d expected her to say.
“Yes.  Why?”
She pouted. “Because.  I don’t know.  My mom acted like no one does.”
She lolled her head to one side, staring at the table in front of the couch.  She was clearly pretty drunk, so he wasn’t sure this was the right time to have this conversation.
“Have you ever been with any guys?” she asked suddenly.
He blinked. “No,” he replied frankly. “I haven’t been with many girls either.”
She hummed. “Would you hate me if I liked girls too?”
“No.  That would be stupid.”
He felt her relax against him. “Ok.  Good.”
“Why do you ask?” he asked, too curious not to pry.
“Because…you’re the only guy I’ve dated.”
“Really?” he chuckled. “I was that good, eh?”
She laughed then. “No.  Well…ok, yeah.  You’re only my second relationship, though.”
“Oh.  That’s it?”
She nodded.
“What happened to the first person?”
Rosaelia pressed her lips together. “Um…nothing.”
He nodded, realizing he’d pressed a bit too far.  He simply tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, waiting for her to continue the conversation.
“So…you’ve questioned your sexuality?” she asked again.
“I have.”
She hummed. “You only like girls?”
“I didn’t say that.”
She glanced up at him then. “You like guys?”
He shrugged. “I wouldn’t say I care that much.”
She sat up and looked him in the eye. “Huh.”
He furrowed his brow. “What?”
“I dunno.  I guess I didn’t expect you to say that.”
“Why not?”
She stared at him for a few moments. “The States is the only place I’ve really ever met queer people.”
He tapped her nose. “I think they exist everywhere, Rose.  You’re not from there.”
She continued to stare at him for a few seconds. “I know.” She glanced down at her hands. “I don’t know.  It doesn’t really matter anymore since I’m with you, right?  I’m normal now or whatever.”
“Why would you say that?”
“That’s what my mom would say.  That I’m ‘fixed’ now.”
“Well,” he sighed, “People are like that.  You shouldn’t let that take away from how you feel.”
She glanced back up at him. “So…you don’t care that I’m attracted to girls?”
He could only hope she’d remember this conversation in the morning.  He could feel her shaking from nervousness on his lap, and he didn’t want her to have to ask him again.  He wanted her to know that he loved her no matter what.  The two of them weren’t very good at being emotionally vulnerable with each other, so he wasn’t sure they’d even have this conversation again.
“You’re not disappointed in me?” she asked.
“No.  I couldn’t be.  There’s no reason for me to be.”
She pouted, and he leaned forward to kiss that pout off her face. “Rose.”
She stared at him, wide-eyed, still very much drunk. “Yes?”
“Are you trying to tell me that you’re bi?”
She blinked at him, and then she nodded. “Are you saying you are too?”
He shrugged. “I don’t need a label.”
She hummed.
He pushed her rumpled hair out of her face, trying to figure out how to word what he wanted to say to her.
“You’re not any less bi just because you’re dating me, Rose, just like how dating a girl wouldn’t make you any less bi either.” He tapped her forehead with his finger. “Don’t let your mom’s voice in your head get to you.”
She smiled, and then she threw herself into his lap again, resting her head on his shoulder and letting her full body weight sink into him. “I love you.”
He chuckled. “I love you too, Rose.  I think we should get some water in your system and get you to bed, though.  You’re very drunk.”
She groaned. “I don’t wanna sleep.”
“I’ll sleep with you, ok?  I won’t leave you.”
She made another noise of disagreement.
“Rosa,” he whined. “Don’t do this to me.  We can’t sleep on the couch.”
“Yes, we can,” she argued back in a mumble.
He poked her thigh. “Rosaelia.”
She groaned and pushed herself off of him. “Fine.”
She nearly lurched forward into him the moment she was on her feet, but he caught her shoulder.
“Do you need me to carry you?” he asked with a chuckle.
“No.  I’m perfectly capable on my own.”
She wasn’t, really.  She tripped her way over to the bed and faceplanted into it a moment later.  Yoongi dug a bottle of water out of the fridge and brought it over to her.  He twisted the cap off and took a sip of it before handing it to her.  She smiled lazily and pushed herself up so that she was leaning against the headboard.  Then she took the water from him.
She downed the entire bottle in less than a minute, and then she was hiccupping and throwing the bottle to the floor.  She curled up on the bed and tugged the covers up over herself.
“Goodnight, Yoongs.”
Rosaelia woke up the next morning with no memory of the previous night, and thus no real progress had been made in their relationship.  Their mutual hesitation to have conversations about anything serious, especially along these lines, would stall their progress on this particular topic for years to come, even if somewhere deep inside they both knew how the other felt.
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This is part of the Dad!BTS series that can be found here
A/N: I literally was not planning on writing more fanfic anytime soon but these characters sucked me back in don’t @ me
It would be greatly appreciated if you reblogged the story if you liked it!
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @jinnie-forthe-winnie @thornedswan
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lonepantheress · 1 year
eye of the beholder
genre: fluff (angst if u squint)
warnings: some self-image talk?
pairing: bsf!soobin/fem!reader
wc: 521 (i need to make something long and full length soon ikik. <3)
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“You know,” you casually scrolled on your phone not thinking much about the words that left your mouth, “if you told me, like, ‘I like girls with longer hair,’ you would see me with extensions the next day.” You continued to scroll on your phone without looking up and you realized there was a silence on the other end of the conversation.
Sitting next to you was Soobin, who had heard you words but clearly not understood them as he held a confused expression on his face. You looked to him and he was looking at you, eyebrows knitted together trying to find the right words. “I don’t really get that…” he mumbled.
You sighed, feeling slightly frustrated and slightly embarrassed, “Just… If you had a preference for something I wouldn’t mind changing it up or something. It’s not a big deal. I wouldn’t get like surgery or something just because you like small noses. I dunno.” You began rambling, feeling more and more embarrassed at your own words. 
Soobin still looked confused but didn’t press it any further, clearly wanting to avoid anymore weirdness. You went back to your phone, the awkwardness lingering in the air. 
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Soobin spoke up, “You wouldn’t have to.” You quickly looked up at his sudden speech, but he didn’t look away from the TV when he spoke. 
“You wouldn’t have to change anything. I like you as you are.”
Your heart began thumping so hard that you were scared he could hear. Like a broken record, you repeated yourself, “What?”
Soobin finally turned his gaze to you and he smiled, “I like you for who you are, not how you look. And even then, I think that you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.”
You melted into your seat next to him and felt your face burning. Your heart swelled. No one had said anything like that to you before and it was slightly overwhelming. You looked away, trying to gather your thoughts and hide that blush on your cheeks.
Suddenly, you felt a warm hand on top of yours causing you to look back up, seeing the Soobin had now turned to face you completely. He locked his eyes with yours, “I mean it.” He spoke softly like if he was too loud you might disappear, “I like you just the way you are - you don’t need to change anything for me, ever.”
You smiled and turned to fully face him too, “Thank you,” you mumbled. You gave him a small and sweet kiss on the cheek and continued, “it means a lot when it’s coming from you.”
Now he was the one blushing at your words while he put a hand over the spot where you kissed him. You scooted a little closer and leaned on his shoulder, and in response he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in. You two stayed like that for awhile and pretended to watch whatever was on the TV while enjoying one another’s presence.
“I like you just the way you are too.”
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number1mingyustan · 2 years
Study Break ☾ ♡
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highschoolbf!vernon x fem!reader (HIGHSCHOOL SENIORS THAT ARE BOTH 18!!)
Genre: nerdy oc athlete vernon highschool au
Warnings: oral (f.), finger sucking, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, cursing, fingering (f.)
Summary: Your idiot boyfriends decides to sneak in while you’re studying.
Word Count: 1.4k
(a/n: no its not proofread lol I'll get there one day)
You were deeply immersed in your studying with a soft melody playing in your airpods. It was a Wednesday night in May and you’d been studying for AP Chem for the past hour or so.
The house was quiet, your parents settling down and getting ready for bed.
You turn your head toward your window, eyes following the sound. You think it’s just your imagination when you don’t see anything, but the noise repeats itself and you see a… pebble? A pebble flies at your window, causing you to stand up and open it.
You look down only to see your cheeky boyfriend waving at you like a child. What is he doing here?
“Hi!” he whisper-shouts from your lawn.
“What are you doing?” you whisper shout back.
Instead of getting a response, Vernon begins climbing the outer brick of your house. Was be out of his mind?
Thankfully he makes it up safely, sliding his body through your window and closing it back. “Missed you,” he shrugs.
You look at him in disbelief. He plops down onto your bed, causing the books and papers to jump up off your covers.
“Vernon you can’t be here, my parents are home and I’m studying for AP Chem,” you sigh. “My test is tomorrow and it’s a school night so I know your parents didn’t let you come over here anyway.”
“I tried calling you!” he whines. “You didn’t pick up so I just came over here. I didn’t know.”
You smile, planting a kiss on his forehead. “Sorry, I was studying. Had my phone on do not disturb and it was charging.”
You point to the outlet in the corner of the room. “How long have you been studying for?”
“Dunno, Like an hour and a half maybe?” You shrug.
“You’ll be fine then,” he snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you closer as you stand in front of his seated body. “You already got into your dream school with early decision, grades don’t even matter anymore. Besides, I came all the way over here just for you.”
You laugh. “You live next door Vernon. And grades do still matter, this is an AP.”
He groans, falling back into the bed, taking you with him. “Forget how much of an overachiever you are sometimes.”
You attempt to stand back up, but instead Vernon pulls your body closer to his from under you. “Don’t go.”
“Baby I have to study,” you whine.
“You don’t,” he says matter of factly. “I know if I tested you on any of this, you’d know it. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with taking a little break.
His hands lay on your back, slightly lifting up the hem to draw circles on your bare skin. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy feeling his touch, his warmth. It’s comforting, but you still have priorities.
You try getting up again, but this time Vernon switches positions, pining you down. You exhale at the sudden change. He begins leaving soft kisses on your neck.
“Missed you so much,” he mumbles into your skin.
“Vernon,” you moan. “H-Have to study.”
You feel him shake his head against your skin. “10 minutes. ‘S all I need baby. You know I don’t always last long with you.”
He hasn’t lying. It’s not like you had any unrealistic expectations when it came to his stamina considering you guys were still seniors in highschool. Vernon could go at it for 10 minutes on a good day… others closer to 2 minutes. However, you didn’t mind because making you finish was always his priority. If you didn’t finish during the deed, he was going to make sure it happened.
He pulls your shirt over your head. A goofy grin appears on his face when he notices that you’re not wearing a bra. “My parents,” you whisper.
His lips begin nipping at your skin. “Just don’t be too loud,” he whispers back.
His fingers traveled down your body, reaching your bottom. He pulls down your pajama pants and underwear down in one swift move. He begins placing soft kisses on the insides of your thighs.
“Explain the VSEPR theory,” he says.
You open your mouth to respond to him, but no words come out. Rather you let outta a loud moan. His tongue is circling your clit, lips wrapped around the sensitive nub.
Your back arches off the bed, and you quickly cover your mouth with your hands. He punches your thigh, indicating that he’s still expecting an answer from you.
You let your hands fall to his hair. “It-it’s the theory about the- nngh”
Without removing his lips from your heat, you feel him slider of finger into your leaking hole. You were so wet, surly dripping your essence onto your bed sheets,
He hums against your clit. “About what baby?”
He begins lightly sucking on the bud. Your breathing becomes ragged as you try to stay quiet.
“The 3D Models of the… the,” you whimper out a moan.
You feel your orgasm approaching. You squirm on the bed, finding it impossible to stay still as Vernon slips another finger into your core. You let out more breathy moans as he continues to work both his tongue and fingers on you. His pace is quick, never faltering as though it’s his mission to get you to your high.
“Can’t let you cum until you give me the answer baby,” he teases.
“-of the molecules and their shapes and fuckfuckfuckfuck!”
Your words are jammed together, coming out as a quick sentence. He cuts you off by pushing two fingers into your mouth the keep you quiet. You suck harshly as your orgasm takes over. Your legs shake as you enter a state of euphoria, eyes rolling back and back arched.
Once you recover, you muscles relax and you sink back down onto the bed. Vernon hovers over you, slipping his fingers out of your mouth. He looks down at you with pure lust in his eyes. His hard cock pokes at your inner thigh through his pants. He licks his lips as you try to regain your breath.
“You okay?” he asks.
You nod, looking up at him with half lidded eyes. Your hands find their way to his body, pulling off his shirt and pulling down his pants. His cock springs up, his reddened tip leaking with precum. You swipe the fluid off with your thumb before leading him to your entrance.
He’s quick to follow along, guiding his hips into yours. The two of you let out a breath in unison at the feeling of him filling you up. You spread your legs wider as he pounds into you. He buries his face into the crook of your neck while covering your mouth with his hand. Your moans over muffled, but just loud enough for him to hear how good he’s making you feel.
Vernon too struggles to keep quiet as he thrusts into you, pressing his face deeper into your skin. His thrusts are fast and hard, filling you up to the brim. Every time he pushes into you he hits a different sweet spot inside your core.
“Shit, I’m close,” he moans into your skin.
His grip on your mouth tightens and he continues bottoming out inside of you. His cock slips in you with ease, allowing his sloppy thrusts to pick up in pace.
It’s only another few shorts moments before he’s cumming. His thrusts get sloppier before he pulls out, stroking himself quickly until he spills his load onto your inner thigh. His head falls back as he does so, mouth agape as he lets out ragged and breathy moans.
He collapses onto the bed next to you, both of you panting softly. “You’re gonna ace it tomorrow, don’t worry.”
“Yeah because our little study session helped so much,” you plays fully roll your eyes.
He chuckles. “Look, I just saw it in your notes. I don’t know what the VESPER theory is but I trust that you’re right.”
He gets up, going into your bathroom to get a wet rag and enters, helping you to clean up.
“VSEPR,” you correct him.
“Yeah that,” he kisses your forehead. “It was cute seeing you get all flustered though.”
You push him playfully. “If you’re not actually going to help me study, then go home.”
He pouts, redressing himself and handing you your clothes. However, when you put your shirt over your head, you’re surprised to see him still standing there with your notebook in hand. He gives you a goofy grin before plopping down onto the bed next to you and quizzing you.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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