#I for one am glad to be back in Middle Earth
deadsetobsessions · 8 months
What Do You Have There?
A knife!
Danny plunked the butter knife in its pedestal of importance. The nice thing about having a billionaire vigilante for a... foster is the amount of money Danny was allowed to drop on his hobbies. For example, his extensive collection of souvenirs.
They're not just any old regular souvenirs. No, no, no. That would be so boring! No, these souvenirs, he obtained from the various muggings, knife fights, and various other situations he's been in ever since he was dropped ungraciously into Gotham.
The butter knife? Damian. Precocious, stabby Damian who he had startled into the stab instinct. A point of pride, really. Danny knew Damian was good at fighting! It was practically, in ghost terms, a super enthusiastic hello! Yes, the butter knife would be kept in the well lit part of the wall. Alfred had told him to stay home today to recuperate. He didn't need it, since the wound would heal in an hour or two, but he'd take staying at home any day.
A couple of hours later, well into the afternoon and right before what Danny knew to be their patrol hours, Danny had a visitor.
"Oh, hey, Damian! What's up?" Danny turned around to see Damian hovering awkwardly near the door.
"I am here to... check upon your wound. It is imperative that it gets proper treatment."
Ancients, Damian was exactly like those alley kids. He just ate a thesaurus instead of the drawling accent the alley kids picked up. Which meant Damian endeared himself to Danny pretty quickly. Like a little ghostling.
"Oh, I'm good. See? No blood is leaking out of the wound." Danny held up spotless bandages.
Danny watched Damian step into his haunt- his room- with a pleased hum. Damian inspected the bandages and stepped back with a sharp nod of approval. His eyes flicked to the wall that Danny was rearranging (again) and did a double take at the butter knife in the middle.
"Is that the butter knife I stabbed you with?"
"Why, yes, it is!" Danny beamed.
"Why on earth would you display that?"
"Because you stabbed me with it?"
"That makes absolutely no sense, you simpleton! When someone stabs you, stab them back!"
"That would be mean!"
Damian spluttered. Danny tugged the kid closer to the wall, cheering inwardly as Damian didn't shove him away. It might be because he was exaggeratedly wincing as he moved his "injured arm" but Danny has learned to take a win where he could find them, especially with ghosts. Not that Damian was a ghost, but he sure acted like one.
"Do you want to see my collection?"
"Your collection?"
"Yeah!" Without giving him time to answer, Danny barreled ahead. "So this is the knife you stabbed me with. Which, by the way, was an awesome show of strength and accuracy."
Damian grimaced. Danny continued blithely, secretly memorizing Damian's reactions to laugh at later.
"And this is the knife those guys stabbed me with that one time Cass found me. And this one is a bullet someone shot at me down by the docks. I think I interrupted some kind of meeting?"
Damian's jaw had a slight tick to it that would have been a baffled frown on anyone else.
"And when was this?"
"Oh, like a week ago."
"What? When did you go to the docks?!"
"At night. I couldn't sleep."
"And you went to the docks?! How did you even get there?!"
"Walked," Danny lied, like a lying liar. He floated, obviously, but none of them knew that. "Anyways, this is a law book! Someone threw it at my head!"
"Hey, guys! What're you doing?"
Danny and Damian turned around.
"Richard? Brown? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Bruce wanted me to come back for the weekend," Dick said. Danny knew it was code for "something's going down and we need back up." Man, he still couldn't believe they didn't know he knew they were crime fighting vigilantes.
"Same!" Stephanie said. Danny was glad to see that her wounds from "cartwheeling in the manor" were healed.
"I see. Danny was showing me his collection of... objects people have used as weapons against him."
"Yeah!" Danny beamed, completely innocent. "Come on! I'll show you!"
With that, Danny continued to ramble. He just knew that the way Dick's and Stephanie's smiles strained would give him a good laugh for weeks to come. "And this is the glass bottle a drunk tried to shank me with in Crime Alley, and this is a knife the Red Hood himself threw at me."
Dick interrupted, face stiff. "Hood threw a knife at you?!"
"Yeah, but that was because my kids broke into his safe house and I was trying to get them to stop looting the place. And he didn't know I was a kid too, so he aimed a gun at my head. He shot at me too, but I couldn't go back to get the bullet, or else it would have joined my collection." Danny grabbed a box and shook it, metal rattling inside.
Dick smiled sweetly, Stephanie and Damian inching away from it.
"Oh, wow, I see!"
In his apartment, Jason shuddered. He grabbed his guns.
"Something's wrong. I just know it," he muttered to himself.
Danny smiled innocently as he described the horrific, near death events he got his souvenirs from.
"This is my bullet box! Man, Gotham has a lot of gun fights. I got shot so many times!" Danny complained, shaking the box like a rattling toy.
"Did you know Danny snuck out to go to the bay?" Damian snitched immediately, like a snitch.
"The Bay?! Danny! You know that's where people dump bodies, right?!" Stephanie poked him in the arm.
"Yeah, but like... I wouldn't die. And besides! I missed my friends!"
"You mean the minions you made in Crime Alley?" Steph asked. Danny pouted, eyeing the way Dick's gaze roved over his souvenirs and paling the more he realized how often Danny "got hurt."
Damian bumped a shoulder against Dick's arm. Danny returned to the conversation.
"If anything, I'm their minion." He said, remembering the times the Alley kids sent him on food runs.
"Fear Danny, the overlord of street rats."
Danny snorted. And- "Oh! Yeah, there was like a weird owl looking guy? And then they stabbed me with a finger and I kept it because woah, cool talon looking thing, right? And then they threw a bunch of those tiny knives at me? And then they just kind of vanished? Gotham is so weird."
And now, with all of them pale and stressed out of their minds, Danny swung a devastating blow called guilt trip.
"And that's the batarangs!" Three heads swung over to the line of batarangs. "Those vigilantes kept throwing them at me! One of them even hit me in the arm. Those things are sharp, man."
"Uh. Which ones?" Stephanie asked.
"Hm?" Danny hummed obliviously.
"Do you know which vigilantes?"
"Oh, it was like... the purple one. And the sword one? And like the one with the yellow insignia in the middle. And... all of them, I think? Except for signal. That guy's cool."
Stephanie and Damian had matching veiled looks of guilt. Dick shot them a sharp look. Danny decided to deal the last bit of damage to Dick.
"I'm glad you guys are way less stabby than the general Gotham public though, butter knife incident aside. At least I don't have to worry about you guys getting into danger, right? If you guys got hurt like my family did... I don't know..."
Danny smiled-squinted at them, channeling Cujo at his cutest and saddest: when he doesn't get to eat off of Danny's plate. So, pretty sad and pathetic.
"Uh, yeah." Dick said, guilt splayed all over his face. "Alfred said dinner was almost ready."
"Yes," Damian cleared his throat, looking away. "We shall partake in Pennyworth's hard work."
"Ahaha!" Stephanie laughed, nervously. "Welp, let's go bother Tim!"
Falling into step behind them, Danny grinned.
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lxkeee · 7 months
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim Angel! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Angst (for now)
Warnings: Depression and mentions of self h*rm.
Notes: Heads-up, this chapter is filled with the Caeles Family trauma/lore lmao.
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Two angelic beings—currently in their human forms, sat across each other outside their garden, early morning sunlight streaming past the leaves of the large wisteria, they sat underneath the tree, a tea table in the middle with of course, a steaming and freshly brewed lavender tea and a platter of tea sandwiches to go with. The smell of roses and lavender is present around the garden as the sun rises through the horizon, calm and gentle cool breeze caressing their skins as they enjoy this peace and quiet. They are in the mortal realm at the moment, they didn't want heaven's ears to listen.
Xavier can be seen talking animatedly to his mother, his eyebrows furrowed as he did so, his hands moving around comically as he explained something to the older woman. [Y/n] sighs and nodded, bringing back the teacup into the table.
“So you're saying that Sera approved of this cleansing without the other's knowledge?” [y/n] asked with a small hum, bringing the teacup to her lips once more, pinky extended, she sipped her tea slowly before bringing the teacup back down to the table, making sure to use her pinky as a cushion to avoid making unnecessary noise.
She was awestruck, in disbelief by the information Xavier told her. Unacceptable. Sera's decision mocks the heavenly hierarchy, who is she to play God? Sure, God left her in charge as the higher being is off to who knows where but the reason God chose Sera is because the Seven Virtues were busy with work in the mortal realm. To think she made a major decision such as this without consulting the Seven virtues is unacceptable.
[Y/n] was bubbling in fury inside, as the angel of kindness, she can't imagine what the sinners are going through with the cleansing. Sera's decision is truly unacceptable. It felt like Sera didn't respect the status of the seven virtues and that is something she cannot allow. She worked so hard to be here, to where she is now. After Lucifer messed up and left an empty spot with the seven, she worked herself to the bone to fill that spot and is now one of the strongest and Sera couldn't even consult one single virtue to this decision. Blasphemy.
Xavier looked worried as he could tell that his mother is beyond pissed despite the gentle and calm look on her face, but he knows her. He could tell just by how tense her shoulders are, how deep the exhale she let out or the way her left eye twitched.
“I am glad you told me, I'll request a meeting with the others soon but I doubt it'll happen immediately as everyone is busy here on earth.” [y/n] sighs, picking up a small tuna sandwich and taking a bite of it. Xavier nodded as he took a sip of his own tea, nodding at her.
“I couldn't let Sera get away with this, after all.” He answered, looking away from his mother and to gaze at the garden. [Y/n] chuckles, her eyes darkened a bit as she follows where Xavier is looking—at the mini pond of the garden, two ducks and two swans swimming around. Surprisingly, a duck and swan were playing with each other. It brought a smile to [y/n]'s face, remembering the times she and Lucifer would play together in the skies, laughing and giggling. Times were easy and peaceful before. Oh how she wished she could turn back time.
Xavier's eyes narrowed slightly as he watches the two birds swimming around. A sigh escaping his lips before turning back to look at his mother once more.
“What do you want me to do for the time being?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest, [y/n] smiled as she looked at her son, he grew up so fast. Proud of how far he came in life, though, she still felt a little guilt and sadness within her as she remembers how she neglected him during his toddler years, she was far too depressed that just one look at her son she would spiral into depression as Xavier bears so much resemblance to Lucifer. Her negligence to Xavier caused the boy to hate his looks so much to the point he tried to carve out his face with his weapon, thankfully Azrael was there to stop him and it served as a wake up call to her and realized how her actions affected Xavier so much. It took awhile and lots of therapy for her to finally face her son without having a mental breakdown and she apologized to the boy over and over again for the horrible things she had done and it took some serious therapy for Xavier too to accept his face—though, he hasn't fully accepted it but it isn't as worse as before.
[Y/n] sighs softly, shaking away the depressing memories. She's healing now and finally getting better, she doesn't need to look back at the negative memories. She smiled at Xavier, a look of adoration in her eyes, proud of her son for all the things he did for her. Her pride and joy.
Placing her hands on her lap, she gave him a small nod, “Just continue doing your duties, I'll take care of the rest, hmm?” she suggested with a smile and Xavier nodded, “Alright, I'll leave you to deal with it mother.” he says and [y/n] hummed in agreement.
[Y/n] took out her phone, typing something. Her fingers danced across the screen as she pressed the letters.
You: @everyone, when will you guys be available for a meeting? Seen by Michael, Azrael, Gabriel, Uriel
Michael: I won't be available for a couple days, I am unsure about the others. Why? Did something happen? Seen by [Y/n], Azrael, Gabriel, Camuel
Azrael: Did someone mess up? lmao Seen by Michael, [Y/n], Gabriel, Camuel, Uriel, Jophiel
Camuel: It's rare for you to actually summon us for once @Y/n Seen by Michael, Azrael, Gabriel, Camuel, Jophiel, [Y/n]
You: I am requesting for a meeting as a certain Seraphim left in charge is currently playing God. Seen by Michael, Gabriel, Camuel, Uriel, Jophiel, Azrael
Gabriel: What the fuck? Seen by Michael, [Y/n], Camuel, Uriel, Jophiel, Azrael
Azrael: Hey, watch your fucking language ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ Seen by Michael, Gabriel, [Y/n], Camuel, Uriel, Jophiel
Uriel: Well... That is certainly news.. Seen by Michael, Gabriel, Camuel, [Y/n], Jophiel, Azrael
Jophiel: Indeed. Seen by Michael, Gabriel, Camuel, [Y/n], Uriel, Azrael
Michael: We'll have a meeting in a week, all of us are far too busy at the moment. Thank you for telling us, [n/n]. Seen by Gabriel, [Y/n], Uriel, Camuel, Jophiel, Azrael
Michael: Is the schedule fine with you guys? @everyone Seen by Gabriel, [Y/n], Uriel, Camuel, Jophiel, Azrael
Jophiel: The schedule is fine, I guess I'll meet you guys soon. Seen by Michael, Gabriel, [Y/n], Uriel, Camuel, Azrael and everyone heart reacted to his message
[Y/n] turns off her phone and slips it back to her pocket, Xavier looks at her with a raised eyebrow, “So...?”
[Y/n] chuckles a bit, “I already told them and we'll have a meeting in a week or so. We'll handle it, don't worry.” she says, sipping her tea. “I am sure Michael will do something about it.”
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“That meeting certainly didn't go well for me.” [y/n] muttered in annoyance as she left the office of the Seven. They just finished holding the meeting and Michael thought it was a good idea to make her take care of it, Azrael offered to help her but he has his own plate of responsibilities to finish, he is the angel of death after all. “Why did I have to lose the rock-paper-scissors?!” she whined to herself, pouting slightly.
She looked down upon her hands to see it shaking and pale, she's scared of going down there, she's afraid of what'll happen to her if she ever sees Lucifer again.
Contrary to popular beliefs, [y/n] doesn't consider Lucifer her ex-husband, no divorce ever happened and even after all the pain she went through, she remained loyal and always acted upon her vows to him even if he wasn't here in heaven with her.
Her eyes landed on the gold metal band around her ring finger, the very ring that Lucifer slipped into her hand when they got married. She didn't have the power or the courage to remove it.
She won't remove it unless Lucifer actually tells her to, unless Lucifer says it to her face that he no longer loves her or needs her.
She'll let him go willingly once he tells her all those things. But for now, she'll hold on. No matter how bruised and wounded her hands are, she'll hold on. She hopes that they will be a complete family one day, heck, even Charlotte can join. She'll treat the girl like her own daughter. She just wants her family complete, is that too much to ask for?
She dreams to give her son the father he deserves, Xavier didn't say it but as his mother she can tell how envious the boy is when he looks at other families. The longing look in his eyes, he's jealous that Charlie had the father—the very same father that left him for another family.
Her steps faltered as she finally arrived at her own office, opening the door and quickly got inside and locking it. Her back pressed against the door, her body getting heavier as she slid down to the floor.
Looking up at the ceiling, the ceiling of her office, the chandelier with apple and duck crystals hanging from it—she commissioned it in memory of Lucifer.
“Some people long for a life that is simple and planned”
She softly sang, standing up from the floor, her eyes softening as she gazed outside the window of her office.
“Tied with a ribbon
Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land
To follow what's written”
She sang softly, her feet gracefully bringing her across the room, reaching to her desk. Her hand opened the cabinet of her desk, grabbing a small black box. Opening it to see a gold necklace with a pink crystal heart pendant. Sighing before closing the box once more and returning it back to the drawer.
“But I'd follow you to the great unknown
Off to a world we call our own”
She says softly, her eyes downcast as her voice became significantly lower. [Y/n] remembers Lucifer giving her the necklace for their first anniversary.
“Hand in my hand
And we promised to never let go”
A tear streamed down her cheek, remembering the promises they've made for each other. The room was tinted pink from the rays of the setting sun, shadows casting into her dull office.
“We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below”
The memories of them flying together in the skies, laughing and joking with each other.
“We're walking a tightrope
Never sure, never know how far we could fall”
Lucifer catching her when her wings gave out.
“But it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope
With you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
With you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
With you”
Despite fearing for her life, she trusted him to catch her always when she falls.
[Y/n] sighs softly, her steps light as a feather, graceful as she dances as if Lucifer is there with her. Slow dancing in her office like he's with her.
“Mountains and valleys, and all that will come in between
Desert and ocean”
They promised to never let go of each other regardless of what comes in-between them.
“You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream
Always in motion”
She listened to all of his hopes and dreams of the future, future of the world and his future with her.
“So I risk it all just to be with you
And I risk it all for this life we choose”
She knew what she was getting into when she dated him, he was the most beautiful angel of all of creation. Many wanted him but she trusted him to only want her.
“Hand in my hand
And you promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below”
With a flex of her wrists, golden dusts of her power came of her hands, forming a faux Lucifer. She still remembers what he looked like. The Lucifer made of golden dust smiled at her, holding her body close as they waltzed across the room.
“We're walking a tightrope
Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall?”
[Y/n] was crying softly, Lucifer wipes away her tears with his thumb, leaving specks of golden dust in her cheeks. Lucifer twirls her and dips her, effortlessly catching her. He pulls her up to allow her to stand.
With a sad smile, [y/n] waves her hand and the Lucifer made of golden dust gently disappears like a dust in the wind. [Y/n] extending her hand, as if to stop the love of her life from disappearing once more. Even if it was just something she conjured up with her powers.
“Well, it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope
With you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
With you
With you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
With you, ooh, ooh, ooh
With you.”
[Y/n] grabbed her handkerchief from her pocket, dabbing the fabric onto her eyes. No matter how much she tries to dry her eyes, tears never seem to stop falling.
“After all these years, I am still a mess without you.” she whispers, eyes gazing outside the window of her office, the sunlight shining down on her like the universe is listening to her anguish. She grips the fabric of her dress, on where her heart is beating and aching.
“What happened to death do us apart? Why did you leave me Lucifer? WAS I NOT ENOUGH?!” She asked, screaming in anguish and as always, no answer to her questions.
“I need you, Lucifer... I still do...” she whispers, defeated as she dragged her emotionally heavy body to her office chair, slumping down with a loud and choked out sob.
With shaky breaths and trembling hands. She calms herself down, calming herself down. She still has work to do.
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@valerie-36 @blackbleedingrose @adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @ok-boke @random-3455 @izzieg3987 @snoozewritezz @dreamzaremyrealityy @hcneyiced @witchbunny1210 @ghostdoodlen @aikobakugou @just-here-reading @dzhanett-blog @des-deswain5621 @cocomollo @haleypearce @onyxstarhigh06 @nirvana5874 @shaebutter-baby
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kokomyass · 2 months
Genshin headcannons ☆ Traveller finding out that you are in a relationship with genshin characters pt.3
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Genshin x Fem!Reader
Genre: ☁️
Trigger warnings ⚠️: none!!
featuring: Itto, Tighnari, Lyney
synopsis: in which, traveller and paimon find out you are an ✨️ITEM✨️!!!
Notes: for itto you are part of the L/N (last name) clan, for tighnari you are a forest ranger and for lyney you are his wonderful assistant!!
a/n: thank you anon for the request I enjoy writing these and it makes me giggle with I write them because I feel like I can imagine them happening....anyways enjoy lovlies!!
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The Traveller and Paimon had found themselves in Inazuma again, this time just for some fun.
To their suprise one of the first people they encountered was the infamous Arataki Gang having what seemed to be a meeting in the middle of nowhere making an absolute ruckus with Shinobu stood with her arms crossed wishing she was somewhere else.
"Alright, gang! Today's meeting is super important! We gotta decide what to buy for our new, amazing, drop dead gorgeous, special member....AKA my girlfriend!" Arataki Itto's voice echoed.
"Well, if it isn't Bull Chucker! Fancy seeing you hear...making a LOT of noise as usual...." Itto turned his head and noticed the Traveller and Paimon making their way to where he was stood, a beam making its way on his face.
"Well, if it's isn't my amigos, the Traveller and little Lavender Melon Paimon!!" he boomed out.
"Hello, Traveller and Paimon it is nice to see you once again." Kuki said calmly in contrast to Itto's voice.
"Hey guys! Nice to see you too! What are you all up too? You seem awfully excited Itto....well more excited than usual..." Paimon asked with confusion.
"Well I am glad you asked, we have a newest member who also happens to be-"
Before Itto could finish his sentence, you approached, holding a pot that steamed with a delicious aroma.
You had a confident yet gentle smile on your face as Itto looked at you mesmerised. The Traveller definitely didn't miss this romantic gaze.
"Sorry I'm late, everyone," you said, setting the pot down. "I brought food for everyone too eat!"
"Y/N! You're just in time! Everyone, meet Y/N from the L/N clan AND my girlfriend. She has joined the Arataki gang to be in charge of making meals, since she loves to cook for people!"
"Hello all, nice to meet you. I have heard so much about you! All good things don't worry!" You chuckle as Paimon and The traveller looked back and forth between you and Itto looking stunned.
"The L/N clan?!?! How on earth did you pull a member of the rich, powerful and famous L/N clan? I suppose your good at some things...."
"HUH?! Shut it Lavender Melon!! The way we met isn't important-"
"Oh, it's rather romantic, don't you think Itto!" you wrapped your arm around Itto's after interrupting him and resting your head on his arm, as he sweatdropped.
"He broke into my residence to get some flowers, but I caught him and then we got chatting and obviously I fell in love with him!"
"WHAT?!?!?" Paimon and The traveller shouted as you and Kuki laughed and Itto couldn't look up.
"What can I say....I am a charisma king, I must say!"
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Despite being in a relationship with the smartest person you know, his knowledge clearly didn't rub off on you because you felt like you were getting dumber by the day.
It all started when Tighnari had asked you and Collei to go identify some mushrooms to distinguish if the were edible or not to update the Avidya Forest Survival Guide.
After seeing a mushrooms that 'had to be edible' in your terms you decided to take a bite. Whilst the flavour was lovely to start off the with dizziness that came after was a clear indicator that it was probably poisonous
"Collei! Who is this and what's going on?!" you see through your lidded eyes a high pitched flying fairy and someone who looks like they are from out of Teyvat.
"Traveller, Paimon! Perfect timing! There is no time to explain but please help me take her to Master Tighnari!!"
Next thing you know you pass out completely and wake up with Tighnari sat on your bed checking your temperature and checking for any rashes.
"Tigh...nari??" you mumble reaching for him as he holds your hand.
"Ah Y/N, you are awake. Now what did I tell you and what have I always told you about the mushrooms you eat? What made you think eating this mushroom would benefit you! You have to listen to me or worse things could happen and you-" He stopped rambling and let out a big sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I'm sorry, Nari...I promise I won't do it again..." you were now sat up looking guilty as he engulfed you in a hug that you reciprocated.
"Don't worry, just....be careful. I don't want to lose you."
"AHEM!!! Sorry to interrupt but the are still 2 very confused people stood here!!" Paimon burst out.
"My apologies, this Y/N a forest ranger and my girlfriend, she also takes care of Collei from time to time. Y/N, this is the Traveller and Paimon that I have told you about." Tighnari casually said patting your head as he got up to go to his table.
"Hey guys! It is a pleasure to meet you! I apologise for the circumstances...I can be rather clumsy at times..." you chuckle slightly as you sweatdropped.
"Nice to meet you too! I hope we become close friends! We didn't know you had a girlfriend Tighnari....it must be refreshing since you are opposites"
"Quite! It Master Tighnari says no about something I can go to Master Y/N and she will say yes!!" Collei happily exposes you and herself as you sweatdrop and Tighnari's head snaps back.
"COLLEI!!" both you and Tighnari shout as the Traveller and Paimon sit there chuckling.
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It was very dark at night and the Traveller and Paimon had just finished doing a commission for Katheryne and decided that the weather was nice enough to go on a scenic walk.
What they didn't expect to see on a cliff was a figure who looked like Lyney and another figure opposite him sat on a picnic blanket.
After some consideration they both mutually decided to approach you both.
What they didn't know is that you and Lyney were on a date, something you barely went on due to being busy. Lyney was the most romantic person you know and he always knew how to show you magic that you had never seen before that sent your heart aflame.
"My dearest rainbow rose, it pains me we cannot spend time together as romantically as we used to...when we are at work we are forced to keep is hidden..."
He holds your hands tightly and when he removes them a rainbow rose was in one hand and a box of expensive chocolates was in your other's you embrace each other.
"Uhhh, I hope we aren't interrupting anything...." Paimon suddenly speaks up scaring you both as you jolt away from each other pretending nothing happened.
"O-oh Traveller and Paimon!! What are you doing here?? I mean nice to see you again...." Lyney chuckles nervously as he hadn't intended for anyone to see him and you. You relationship was secret after all.
"Nice to see you too....but we should be asking what you are doing here embracing a woman!! And why do you look suspicious?!" Paimon laid all the questions on him, he let out a sigh giving up.
"Well, this woman here is Y/N, my personal assistant and also....my girlfriend. We have been keeping our relationship secret because it's a personal thing we don't want others to see."
"Hello Traveller and Paimon! It's lovely to meet you! Lyney has nothing but praises for you both!" you speak up smiling warmly.
"Hi there Y/N, nice to meet you too!! We are shocked you have a girlfriend Lyney considering how secretive you are...."
Lyney let out a heartly laugh intertwining his hand with yours.
"Well, I too would've said that 1 year ago but Y/N managed to steal a magicians heart, the hardest trick of all." Lyney looks at you lovingly as you look back at him lovingly too.
"Well, you guys are so wholesome and sweet, we are in support of your secret-"
Everyones head snapped around to see Charlotte the Journalist taking pictures.
"CHARLOTTE NO!!" everyone shouted as The Traveller and Paimon sais their farewells and quickly caught her making sure she deleted those photos for good.
a/n: thank you once again for the amazing request and if anyone wants anymore of these or anything help lemme know and I'll try my best!! love you all 💜🌙💜🌙💜🌙
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hi. Love your fics!!! Could you do a Charles + Ruby one where Y/N is a singer and they go to one of her concerts or a big performance like her Super Bowl halftime show or something? Thank you!❤️
mommy’s biggest fans | charles leclerc
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y/n is in her harry styles fifteen nights at msg era 🫶🏼 so for this imagine we are doing her final night at msg or the kia forum or whichever arena you’d like
also taylor is going to be the faceclaim this time because why not 🙃 also kelly mention but only because p is the cutest kid 🥲
“We are getting ready for my wife’s concert tonight,” Charles spoke to the camera. He decided that Y/n’s last concert would be a great place to make a vlog. He looked at his phone. “It is four thirty and the kids are not ready. Ruby is watching Bluey.”
“And Bingo! Don’t forget Bingo!” Ruby said as she munched on her fruit snacks while seated on the bed.
“Right, Bingo too. All of the family is coming and so are our friends. Maman and Théo are having a nap, but soon we’ll have to go to the arena to see my wife perform, isn’t that exciting, Ruby?” Charles asked the girl.
“She’s going to sing my favorite song, she told me.”
“What’s your favorite song?” Charles asked.
“All of them, duh!”
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“How are you feeling?” The camera was pointed at Y/n, who was getting her makeup done for her show. Charles and the kids had arrived so they spent their time in Y/n’s dressing room until the show began. Y/n’s dressing room changed over the years. First, it was filled with makeup and dresses and lots of food for before and after the show. Now, it had a stroller, toys and diaper bags.
“I am so happy. My family and friends are here. I’m so glad all of the nights have been sold out.” Y/n smiled.
“And do you have any surprises for tonight?”
“I have some. . .”
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Ruby was escorted to her seat along with the Leclerc family and their friends. As the show began, the lights changed which caused Ruby to scream as loud as she could. She had been to many of her mother’s shows before, but she always had the same reaction.
Y/n started singing and so did Ruby and Mathéo. They knew all of her songs even the unreleased ones. Towards the middle of the show, a man apart of Y/n’s security team whispered something into Charles’ ear then walked with him to the side stage. Ruby was the only one who noticed as her family and friends danced and sang along.
“So this is the part of the show where I usually have some big surprise. And I do have one, but I just want to take the time to thank all of you for being here, for singing these songs, dancing, making friendship bracelets, dressing up. I love you all and I hope you love this next duet.” Y/n said. She smiled as the crowd erupted into cheers.
She walked further down the stage to her piano. The fans immediately thought she would be the one to play the piano, but they were mistaken since Charles had made his way to the piano with the biggest smile on his face.
As Charles sat on the piano bench, Y/n spoke again to the crowd. “Ladies, gentlemen, friends. I am very happy to introduce you to the man that makes me the happiest woman on earth, my husband, my muse, Mr. Charles Leclerc!” Y/n clapped as the crowd cheered for Charles, who got shy by the love he was receiving. “and also the father of my two kids, just had to add that.” She chuckled.
“Hello.” Charles spoke into the microphone which caused more cheers.
“They love you,” Y/n teased as she looked back to Charles. “So Charles and I talked and we had a hard time trying to pick which song to play together. We didn’t know if we wanted to do a cover or one of my songs and finally we decided why not play a new song.”
As Charles played a bit with the keys, Y/n looked back once again to him just to make sure he was alright. She then nodded at him so they could start.
Moon, a hole of light
Through the big top tent up high
Here before and after me
After the duet, Charles whispered an ‘I love you’ to his wife, which she returned. As the show went on, Y/n would often walk to the section that her family was in and blew them a kiss.
Y/n knew that most drivers on the F1 grid were going to attended, one of them being Sebastian with his wife and kids. She remembered Charles mentioning that it was Sebastian and Hanna’s wedding anniversary so she knew that she just had to sing a love song to them.
“This next song is dedicated to two special people who are celebrating their anniversary today. Seb, Hanna, congratulations and you know I will always love you and your family.” Y/n smiled at the Vettel family who were next to hers.
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
And this is our place, we make the rules
f1wagsupdates has added to their story // lilymhe has added to their story
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After the show ended, Y/n couldn’t believe she had just played fifteen nights straight. She loved performing, but what she loved the most was her family and her family needed her more than ever. She was finally coming home to her babies and Charles.
When she got backstage, she immediately started asking for her family. A stage manager had told her they were on their way backstage. When she spotted the kids, she ran up to them and hugged them.
“Maman! You sang my favorite song! And then papa played the piano with you! I waved at you but I don’t know if you saw me. I was with uncle Thur and Théo was with uncle Enzo. We sang so loud, could you hear us?” Ruby asked her mother.
“I did. You both sang so beautifully.” Y/n told her babies. They walked together to her dressing room where the rest of her family and friends were waiting.
“Ma fille! You did amazing as always! And that duet with Charles! You two know how to make a grown woman cry.” Pascale gave a hug to her daughter in law.
“Thank you for being here.” Y/n wiped away a couple of tears.
“You know I’ll always be there for you no matter what.”
After greeting and thanking everyone for coming, she finally got some alone time with Charles. He had surprised her with a giant bouquet of flowers and a cake to celebrate the end of tour. Charles sat on the sofa in her dressing room as Y/n was taking off her makeup in front of the vanity.
“When do you think you’ll be back on tour? I know you just finished.” Charles asked.
“I’m not sure. I don’t want to retire from the music industry. I want to be home with the kids, be able to help them with homework, make cakes for their birthdays, I would give anything just to be able to walk them to school.” Y/n explained. She began to feel emotional so she stood up and paced around the room in her white robe.
“I know, and you’re finally going to be able to do that, Mon amour. The kids are going to have their maman home.”
“I love you, I love you so so much.” Y/n said.
“I love you more.”
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liked by kellypiquet, charlotte2304 and 2,377,790 others
y/nleclerc i will miss all these special moments we made during tour. thank you to everyone who came, everyone who helped. THANK YOU! thank you for singing, dancing, trading friendship bracelets and most of all, thank you for making me feel loved! I’m going to go away for some time so in the mean time, take care of each other and I will see you soon ❤️
love, y/n.
carmenmmundt you are incredible ✨
pierregasly can confirm
kellypiquet P and I had the best time! Thank you for inviting us!
susie_wolff amazing as always!
carla.brocker THE music industry 🫶🏼
charles_leclerc i love you forever and always
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liked by arthur_leclerc, joris__trouche and 1,366,890 others
charles_leclerc congratulations on everything, mon amour. the kids and i are always proud of you. y/nleclerc
ferraridepressionclub i wish i didn’t know how to read 😭
wolff_toto_ sleeping on the highway tonight
roscoesacutalmom i was there and the way y/n’s eye lit up everytime she saw Charles or their kids 😭
y/nscardigan the speech she gave after the concert 🥲
leclercstype what did she say? the livestream i was watching was lagging 😭
y/nscardigan basically she thanked the fans and she also thanked her family for being so supportive and then she apologized to her kids for being away for so long but she said ‘now maman is coming home’ 😭 which made me cry even more
y/nleclerc I’m not even mad you picked these. Come back to bed, the kids and I miss you.
charles_leclerc on my way 😘
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sindar-princeling · 27 days
rop season 2 episode 1 thoughts
at this point you gotta admire the creators' dedication to absolutely bizarre choices when it comes to sauron. 15 minutes in I'm already going what the hell and fuck. like what was that supposed to be. genuinely
Charlie Vickers has grown on me; he still doesn't have much to work with in terms of the script or the plot though
this whole introductory sequence was there....... I'm not sure why? we could already extrapolate all that, and I mean All That, from the previous season
it still pisses me off that Galadriel is The Main Idiot and Everything Is Her Fault
also, I am reminded of all the plot and worldbuilding choices that annoyed me before. why is mithril important for the elves' survival again?
I'm so glad they kept his beard
believe me, I AM trying to find things to like about this show, but the plot choices feel like so much unnecessary drama. Galadriel and Elrond fighting feels.... tiring. I feel like all Galadriel does is fight with people
oh are we getting Rhun?? 👀 Nice
this is a personal opinion but the elven women have wayyy too strong and modern-looking make-up
it's a shame galadriel gets the ring because she's power-hungry and reckless, not because she's one of the mightiest elves in middle-earth. she SHOULD be power-hungry, don't get me wrong, it's one of her best traits, but this way you don't put any sort of accent of how very important and mighty she is
sauron having a Badass Walk into mordor at the end of s1, which was a really cool shot to end a season on, only to then get himself in chains and then turn away and come back to Celebrimbor has got to be the most '???' moments of this show. they really have no idea what to do with him
overall I'd say my main gripe, apart from the plot solutions, is that this show doesn't have much to say. it's showy, it's lore-heavy (even if I don't like the lore they came up with), but so far it still has little heart and thought behind it. to me at least it doesn't feel like it really wants to tell you something
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cherryfennec · 10 months
Okay I love your most recent art work of Mario and Mr. L!!! I’m just curious how on earth did you draw their hats so well?? Especially the brim of their hats?! Hats are the one thing I struggle with when drawing them! I can’t make it look believable!
Hi! First of all thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you like the art! Now as for hats (more specifically Mario and Luigis type) there can be different ways you might go about drawing them.
(I should probably mention at the beginning that I am not an expert and sometimes struggle myself as well. Despite this I'll try my best to explain how I usually approach it.)
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Let's start with brims because they seem the most problematic (as I see it.)
What I'm going to talk about might already be intuitive for a lot of people, including myself, however I thought it'd be a good idea to break down the mindset so everyone is on the same page and those who have trouble seeing it can hopefully understand stuff better.
First it's obviously the idea. No real details, just the general idea. With it we'll be able to establish the basic rules for what you're drawing, most importantly the angle and perspective.
Now this is going to be pretty self explanatory but: if I'm drawing a character looking up I know that the bottom of the brim will be visible, if the characters looking down it won't and etc. An easy way to check which parts of the brim will be visible from a specific view point is to imagine it as a slab.
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Now this isn't anything mind blowing, I know, but saying this out loud can be handy and save you some overthinking.
Alright, let's talk about the hat itself now!
In most of the pictures I could find of the bros hats they're divided into two parts: the front, which is taller and slightly spiked up, and the back, which is noticeably shorter. Now this kinda goes back to the idea of simplifying shapes:
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At some point it unfortunately becomes rather difficult to explain why some stuff is drawn the way it is because it's kinda justified by: "that's how the real life counterparts act". Above everything I highly recommend references, both irl and ingame ones. It's not embarrassing to use them, trust me, no one will criticise you and they'll help!
Now that we got the brim and the hat, let's put the two together!
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There isn't really a strict order of how you should draw things, everyone has different preferences and processes which should be taken into consideration. For example, I personally like to draw the entire head before I touch on the cap:
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(I added the hair and colours for the sole purpose of this post, this process is usually done during rough sketching.)
This way I have a point of reference where the brim ends (right before the ear for me) and where I should place the middle line on the cap (it's a bit of a stylistic choice than anything but it also lets me know where the fold will be). You can find your own way and make your own rules and with time the process will get much easier! I hope this somewhat helps.
Just practice, have patience, experiment and most importantly: have fun!
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writing-in-the-impala · 8 months
Secret Smokes (Part 11)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 4495
A/N: Yes I did drop off the face of the earth for a bit but can I make it up to you with an extra long chapter?
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 11, Next Chapter
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Your fight was the last time you saw Remus Lupin that week, the next lesson you had with Lupin was taken over by Snape, even your tutoring was now with McGonagall. Lupin returned on Friday evening, you saw him in the great hall during dinner, and that's when you received an owl from him which was rare during dinner. He didn't pay you any attention, so you decided to take the letter to the lake and read it by yourself so no one could interrupt you and he couldn't watch or analyse you open it. You sat down by the water and opened it.
"My dearest, Y/N,
Oh how I've fucked up, in life constantly but with you in more ways than one. I don't know how to express my words in person I've never been good at words when it came to the important things like people. This is version five of this letter.
I traveled home after Monday. I couldn't bare to look at that desk, I couldn't go to Sirius as his home will forever smell like the first time I kissed you. When I arrived I found your letters, they made me realise you left to protect us from ending up in this very situation, I thought it was from fear of getting told off for being home late but really you knew that Percy was looking for clues. Unfortunately his letter found me first and convinced me to push you away, that I was risking too much by risking your schooling, I don't care about my career, what's life if you only live for a job but I don't want to mess up your future. I take my job very seriously but life is  more important.
You were right when you said I'm scared of having something good, however you were wrong when you said you were convenient. You're far from it. I might be lonely but that's not why I'm drawn to you, I'm drawn to your wit, I'm drawn to your smile and I'm drawn to your world. If we could spend forever sitting on my sofa listening to music and talking I would die a happy man.
I don't know what my feelings for you are but they are strong and they scare me, you're much more important to me than anyone else I know and I fear to admit it. New Year's Eve I messed up, if we were ever going to kiss I wanted it to be after a date where I show you how you're meant to be loved and offer you the world not drunk on the steps of my best friends house.
I don't know how you feel about me and if I hurt you too much, if that's the case I am terribly sorry I wish I could make it right. If an inch of you still thinks I'm a decent man I have two offers for you.
A. If you want to remain friends and go back to last year's rules "no dear, no alcohol and no kissing" meet me tomorrow evening in my office for tea and tunes, or let me know in your own way
B: If you are up for an adventure my dear and willing to see what happens if we risk it and you still feel any attraction after my poor behaviour: Meet me tomorrow morning at 9am in Hogsmeade, next to the three broomsticks.
C: if you simply hate me like you said (at least 4 times using my full name I'm glad you don't know my middle name) all I ask is show up to my lessons, we can arrange another teacher to take over you 1-on-1 schooling but please show up. I promise to pretend I don't think you're the most amazing witch and woman I've ever met. Please don't let me ruin your exams or future.
Yours, Remus John Lupin.
P.S. To answer the question in your original letters from the 1st of January keep my sweater, it will simply be a painful memory if you choose C and I like the way it looks on you if you choose B ."
You felt a mixture of excitement and relief with his letter, it felt like everything has magically explained itself. Remus was an anxious writer with a tendency to sabotage his own happiness but he was trying. He was trying for you.
The next morning you woke up early to get ready to see Remus, you didn't know what to expect but you were excited. You arrived in Hogsmeade early knowing Remus as someone extremely punctual you were shocked to find Remus wasn't there. You waited until 9:05 but nothing, so you began to walk back at towards the castle. "Wait!" Remus said and you turned around to see him holding two cups of coffee, one of which had obviously slightly spilled on him. "It's with milk!" He said holding a coffee forward towards you.
"Thank you." You said grabbing it.
"I'm glad you came." He said softly.
"I'm glad you sent that letter." You replied. "You have coffee on your sweater." You pointed out reaching in your pocket for a tissue.
"I didn't think through apparating with two cups of coffee.' He admitted with a shy smile as you dabbed his jumper dry. "Thank you dear." He continued softly.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked.
"London, grab my hand and hold your coffee tight." He said reaching out a hand and you took hold of it and you appeared in Holborn, London.
"I thought that wasn't possible in Hogwarts." You admitted.
"That's why we met in Hogsmeade dear, sorry about being late, there was a queue." He admitted showing you the coffee.
"I thought you may have changed your mind." You admitted.
"I was scared you wouldn't come." He admitted.
"Liar you got two cups of coffee." You pointed out.
"I had a feeling you'd show up, now dear, see today as my way of apologising to you. I have a small plan but if you want to do anything just tell me." He said and at that moment you turned the corner to the British Museum. "Have you been here before?" He asked.
"Maybe once or twice as a kid."
"Okay but have you ever had a magic tour of this place?" He questioned and you shook your head. "Great." Remus led you into the British museum, he looked quite excited and more young now than ever. "Now not everyone knows that many treasures in this building are actually artefacts from great magicians."
"So they stole from wizards too?" You asked and Remus laughed.
"They sure did, now not many people know how some of these great people used magic to help muggles and how some of this stuff is either cursed or enchanted." Remus continued as you walked through the beautiful foyer.
"But I'm sure you do." You said teasing him and he nodded.
"I'm not just a pretty face, unlike you I spent a lot of time in libraries."
"Are you saying I don't study? I spend a lot of time in my professors office."
"You spend a lot of time listening to music and distracting me while I try to mark work, dear." He shot back and you laughed. "Now as I was saying, I may not be a rich man or have much to offer but I have a lot of knowledge."
"You should be a teacher." You said with a wink.
"You should be a comedian. Now enough talking watch this." He said and then one of the Egyptian statues moved and stood up.
"Holy shit, are you allowed to do that?" You asked looking around.
"Don't worry no one will notice." He said
"What was that?" You asked.
"It's a Pharos tomb guard, they're enchanted to stand when an attacker approaches, they have a lot of ancient magic in here."
"So why didn't they do that when they were removed from the tomb?" You asked as you and Remus continued to walk and look at the different statues.
"They did, they did for a very long time, however when dark wizards realised there's money in helping archaeologists they helped lift curses or limit enchanted objects. Those guards were stopped from being the soldiers they were, the only thing left is the command to stand when you summon them." Remus explained, you were impressed by his knowledge. You walked through  the ancient Egyptian part for another few minutes before Remus took hold of your hand and hurried you to the Ancient Greek part. "This bits my favourite, sorry is it okay if I do that?" He asked gesturing to your hand.
"It's encouraged." You blushed.
"Tell me when I cross a line Y/N, we still need to talk about us but first I want to hold my part of the deal, showing you who I actually am."
"And who are you profesor?"
"A lonely bookworm with a furry problem and a teaching job to pay the bills."
"Don't forget the cottage." You winked making him laugh.
"Now these are the Parthenon marbles, the Parthenon was being used as a base to store ammunition by the Ottomans and some idiot messed up and blew up the whole thing."
"Some idiot is that the technical term profesor?" You poked him in the arm and he rolled his eyes. You found him very attractive when he was more casually dressed, with his jacket drooped over his arms and a warm sweater on.
"It is now." He replied. "Long story short some guy named Lord Elgin went to Greece and asked the Ottomans can I have this? And they said sure and he took it, as lords usually do. It's missing a lot of parts as they're back where they belong but a small part of me feels lucky to have them here as they tell a story. You see if you come over here you'll see the Centaur." He led you over to the far wall. "He tells a story of the battle between Centaurs and Lapiths at the marriage feast of Peirithoos. And if you do this even with it's missing parts you get to watch it." He lifted his wand and the marble moved. It began plaything the story throughout the panels as if they were alive just like the paintings in Hogwarts. "And if you think that is cool look behind you." You turned around and the main sculptures were all moving, they were missing parts but they felt human.
"That's incredible, show me more." You expressed with a big smile and Remus couldn't help but smile back. "Come on." He said putting one arm around you while his other arm still had his jacket drooped over it. And like that, he led you through the museum holding your waist and making your heart flutter at his actions and brain amazed at the world of knowledge he was sharing with you.
It was one of the few times you saw Remus truly happy as he immersed himself in history. It was beautiful to see him care free not putting himself down, not talking about his condition just being himself. As you walked out the museum hours later he still had a hand around your waist. "Now dear what would you like to do?"
"Should we go get some food?"
"What a wonderful idea, there's a great pub not too far from here, only thing I need to get some cash out as I'm low on muggle money." He explained.
"I can pay."
"I'm sure you can but you won't I'm taking you out on a date it's my treat." He said as he rushed in front of you to the cash machine. "Okay" he said looking at it. "Okay, okay." He continued looking for where to insert his card. "Just a moment." He said after inserting it and just starring at all the options on the screen. "Merlin." He whispered quietly while pressing random buttons.
"You do know how to use it?" You asked suggestively.
"Of course I do." He said but he was obviously struggling.
"Here let me help you." You stood alongside him pressing the buttons for him. "How much do you want to withdraw?"
"£20?" He said hesitantly.
"£20?" You confirmed.
"£50 are you sure?" You asked in disbelief.
"I'm not good with this, I haven't been in a muggle pub in forever I don't know the prices these days. I'm sorry, get however much you think it'll cost for us to have food. This is so embarrassing." He admitted.
"£50 it is, Remus the muggle world is my world it's okay to ask for help, I literally didn't know you could aparate in Hogsmeade." You calmed him while you finished the transaction.
"Yeah that was silly, everyone knows-"
"You don't know how to use a cash machine Remus!" You interrupted.
"I'll shut up. Now off to the pub, thank you for your help." He took your hand and lead the way. The pub was quite busy but you expected it as it was lunchtime on a Saturday. It was nice to sit opposite Remus having a meal, flirting, chatting and being yourselves. You didn't feel anxious like you did sometimes on dates, you felt like you were hanging out with a friend that you had a crush on, he would make you blush a lot with his words but he was also clumsy and stumbled a lot, something you never saw in him at Hogwarts. He ordered fish and chips and knocked over the sauces with his hand, when he went to pick them up, he hit his head on the edge of the table, you found it all cute and amusing but he was obviously embarrassed. "Am I making you slowly think I'm an idiot?" He asked after the incident and you simply replied with. "Only a little bit, makes you less intimidating."
"Am I intimidating?" He asked.
"Not at all." You said and he shook his head while laughing. After you ate you decided to take a walk along the river at first you began to talk about meaningless stuff like how you missed the Christmas lights or how Remus enjoyed the fact you can find oyster shells and old pipes on the rivers edge from the Victorian era. However the conversation changed when Remus asked. "What do you see us as?"
"I don't know." You admitted a bit of anxiety started to grow inside you.
"I don't know either, but I think we need to set some ground rules."
"What do you suggest?"
"Defining what's okay, like for example I think if either of us is developing strong feelings like love for the other we should cut it off as we don't want to hurt each other and with our current position we can't be in a relationship and be student and teacher." He said his eyes moving all over the place but avoiding you and he used his hands to emphasise what he was saying.
"How come?"
"Well for starters we can't do this all the time, if I was in love I would like to offer that person all my love, I would like to take them on dates, I would like to walk around and hold their hand, I would like to bring them to see my friends and so on... we can't do that, it will hurt to love someone but not be able to live in public, I don't want to risk the pain for either of us." He explained and you nodded.
"So what can we do?"
"What do you want to do?"
"I want to continue to relax in your office with you." You began and he nodded. "I want to be able to kiss you, I want to be myself with you, I want to smoke on the bridge with you and when no one is watching I want to be held by you."
"And we can do that we can just not love each other, and give each other a relationship that's the line."
"So we can see other people?" You questioned him and he looked puzzled.
"I would prefer not, I can't stop you but I may not feel comfortable with sleeping with you if you're kissing other men." He admitted.
"I'd prefer if you weren't kissing anyone else either... Can we do this sometimes?"
"Of course dear, however not as much as either of us would like to, maybe once a month or every so often not to raise suspicions."
"But I can come see you in your office every night?"
"My door is always open for you dear."
"Can I sleep in your office?"
"Where on the desk?" He remarked in a snarky way.
"Is that where you want to fuck me?" You matched his energy y.
"Well it's not for sleeping." He winked and the grabbed your hand."Enough serious conversations, let's just live a little before we have to worry about rules. Today, exists in a world of its own, what do you want to do?" He asked with a cheery tone.
"I mean checking out that desk sounds fun but maybe before that we should enjoy London."
"I'm already enjoying it right here." Remus said stopping and pulling you in closer, putting his arms around your waist. "I think I like London." He said looking at your lips.
"Oh really." You stood on your toes to get closer to him and he leaned down and kissed you lightly.
"Alright let's go I have an idea." He said once again grabbing your hand and leading the way. You walked into a small cosy record shop. You both started looking through the shelves showing each other records you thought the other would life and either replying with a "yes" or "not my style" once the yes like became tall enough you walked over to the record played and started listening to them, there was only one pair of headphones so you had to share, bringing in your heads close as you listened to the music. "Oh listen to that trumpet." You said listening to a Chet Baker vinyl. "Do you like it?"  Remus asked and you nodded. "This is one of my favourite songs, the earnest vocals, I fall in love too terribly fast, for it to ever last..." you began to sing along to the song and Remus smiled warmly at you, he couldn't help but kiss you on the cheek. "Let's buy it." He said.
"What Remus it's quite expensive?"
"That doesn't matter today dear." He said putting it back in the vinyl sleeve and taking it to the till. "Besides there's nothing more I want to do than lay in bed with you and listen to this here vinyl." He said while paying for the vinyl, he thanked the cashier a grumpy old man who didn't seem to care about your conversation. You continued to walk through London for a bit longer but it started to get colder and you both decided it was time to head home. "Okay, we need to aparate back separately as it may be busy with people at this time." He began. "You'll go first and I'll follow, I don't want to leave you alone back here, I'm sure you'll be okay but I don't want the stress." You nodded in reply. "Okay dear, once you are back it would be a good idea for you to go to your dorm or walk around somewhere far from my office, and in about thirty minutes from now come to my office and we can continue this evening." You nodded in reply and that's when he gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll see you soon my dear." He said and you left. As you walked back to Hogwarts all the emotions rushed in, the excitement, the love you felt but shouldn't, the confusion from the conversation about not falling in love. You felt very overwhelmed but you also felt so many positive emotions that you couldn't wait to go visit Remus in his office. It was weird not being able to travel back with him after you were able to spent so long acting like a couple but it made sense you just wished it could be different. You walked back to your dorm room where Percy was sitting on the chair. "Hi Y/N." He said as he saw you coming in, you didn't reply. "Still giving me the silent treatment? You know I haven't done anything wrong all I wanted to do is spend time with my friend." He continued as you walked away.
"Our dear brother causing you trouble?" Fred asked as you walked past him.
"I'm going to hex him." You replied as your turned to the girls chambers.
"Be our guest." George said before you went into your chambers. It was good that Percy saw you, helps avoid his suspicions. You waited the thirty minutes before heading straight to Lupins office, just in case you checked if Percy followed you but he didn't so you were in the clear to go meet Remus. You walked through the corridors with a hint of excitement as you approached his office, you knocked on the door and Remus opened it almost immediately. "Hey you." He said with a smile letting you in and checking behind you if anyone was in the corridor, he closed the door and turned the lock before leading the way upstairs to his office where he also locked the door after you came in. "Hungry?" He asked as you sat down on the sofa.
"More peckish."
"Perfect, I have some cheeses here and some bread."
"How fancy." You pointed out looking at the small charcuterie board he prepared.
"Only the best for you." He said as he sat down beside you, a record he already had playing way playing in the background as you both sat their indulging into the different flavours. "Thank you for joining me today." Remus suddenly changed the subject.
"Thank you for showing me everything, and for the food and the vinyls, everything." You said a bit overwhelmed by his generosity.
"Come here." He gestured for you to come in closer, you lay on the sofa with your head on his crotch and he stroked your head lovingly, slowly playing with you hair. "I love how soft you hair is." He pointed out as he continued to stoke your hair. A few minutes later the vinyl playing finished and Remus gestured for you to sit up so he could change the music. "How about we try this one out dear." He said pulling out the new Chet Baker vinyl and your heart warmed. "Anything to drink? I've got a nice bottle of wine I've been thinking about opening."
"That sounds great."
"The music or the wine?" He clarified.
"White or red dear?" He asked while opening a cabinet.
"What do you prefer? Maybe red?"
"Red it is." He pulled the bottle out and began to open it placing two glasses on the table in front of you and filling them up. "To wonderful day." He said raising his glass as he sat down. You rested your head against his shoulder as you sat in comfortable silence.
"You know moony, I prefer this when we're allowed to cuddle on the sofa and kiss sometimes." You broke the silence.
"Me too dear." He bought his hand up to your cheek and pecked your lips slightly before going back to the resting position. "I craved this every time you sat here and I sat at my desk aching to kiss you." He admitted. This was peace, you were in your safe place.
"Are you aching to kiss me now?" You asked quietly.
"Always." He whispered into your ear placing his glass down on the small table in front of you and then taking yours to do the same for you. He leaned in to kiss you, as the kiss depended you ended up laying on the sofa. He was above you his lips and your lips colliding as you both struggled to catch a breath. You felt him getting hard as he slowly moved his body up and down over you, you reached up for his shirt unbuttoning it and pushing it off his shoulders. "You're not wasting any time." He said between the kisses. His arms moved under your ass and he scooped you up in one movement so you were now straddling him, he pulled your shirt up and unclasped your bra as you began to grind on him making him harder and harder. He pulled away from your lips to suck on your nipples, the sensation made you moan in reply he grabbed your hair and pulled it down roughly making your head tilt back as he continued to worship your body. "Let's take this somewhere more comfortable." He said lifting you up and carrying you.
"You don't want to do it on your sofa?" You asked curiously.
"Oh I do, and my desk and every wall however today I will show you how you're meant to be loved not fucked." He said while pushing the door to his bedroom open and throwing you down on his bed. He unbuttoned your trousers and pulled them off along with your underwear, getting down on his knees and kissing your legs all the way up to your pussy. His hand reached up to your breasts where he started massaging them as his tongue flicked your clit making you moan. As he continued this movement with his tongue he moved his hand to slowly slip his fingers inside you pulling in and out while starting to alternate between sucking and licking. "Merlin you're either so wet or I'm drooling like a dog over how good you taste." He went straight back in and continued until you started begging for him as you felt yourself getting close. "Beg for me again." He growled as he moved to be just above you.
"Please." You barely whispered and he smashed his lips into yours, unbuckling his own trousers and taking them off while still keeping his lips on yours. You felt him thrust inside you leaving time for you to adjust, even though you remembered his size it shocked you how deep he filled you. "Are you okay dear?" He whispered checking in on you. "Mmhm." You confirm and he picked up the speed. He kissed you while going faster and started to slowly move his kisses down to your neck and breasts. You felt yourself get close as he ramped up the speed. "Cum for me dear, I want you to feel how good I make you feel." He said kissing his breath a bit. You couldn't hold it any longer and came which made him cum in you, you felt the warmth inside you as he slowed his pace and rested more of his body weight while moaning into your lips. He kissed you deeply once more before pulling out and laying down beside you. You were both panting as you lay there, Remus moved the covers and covered both of your bodies and kissed your forehead. "Good night dear." He whispered and you placed your head on his chest hugging him as his arm was around you. "Good night, Moony."
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
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Turning Points
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Pairing: Éomer x reader (who doesn’t want to imagine themselves hanging out with Éomer??). Plus an Elfhelm cameo because I love that dude.
Summary: Éomer’s lifelong best friend reckons with how much and how quickly his life has changed as a result of the war and wonders what that means for the life she had hoped to have with him.
The clear, deep sound of horns rang out in the distance and alerted all of Edoras to the imminent arrival of the army, home for the first time since that urgent, panicked ride to Helm’s Deep more than two months ago. Although word of their subsequent deeds and victories in Gondor had already reached the city, many details were yet unknown, and the mood of those who gathered in the streets was celebratory but tinged with anxiety as hopeful eyes prepared to scan the returning éoreds for a first glimpse of deeply missed loved ones.
The terrace in front of Meduseld quickly filled with people, and you slipped easily into the crowd as the first few companies of horsemen began to climb the hill. The riders smiled broadly at the cheers and flowers that rained down on them, though some still bore clear evidence of painful wounds and fractures. Others led behind them riderless horses, the mounts of those soldiers who would never return. You whispered a quiet prayer of gratitude, knowing from the messengers who had gone back and forth from Minas Tirith that both of those most precious to you were safely in the host.
No sooner had you finished your prayer than a cry went up from the crowd–“Hail, Elfhelm, Marshal of Edoras!”—and your father came into view. As gregarious as he was popular, he played shamelessly to the crowd, doffing his stallion-crested helmet and waving a shield that had clearly been confiscated from some defeated Haradrim commander. When his eyes finally landed on you, he gave a joyful whoop and sprang from the saddle. Throwing the helmet and shield aside, he ran to you with the speed of a much younger man, and the strength of his embrace forced the breath from your lungs. He spun you around several times as you kissed his sunburned cheeks, and when he placed you on your feet again he grasped your shoulders and gazed for a long moment at your face.
“Many nights have I dreamed of just this view,” he said. “There is no finer one in all of Middle Earth.”
You gave his hands a squeeze. “I have not known a moment’s peace since you left. Now that you are back, I may never let you leave again.”
“I am at your command, my lady,” he said with a smile and an exaggerated bow. “But I do not flatter myself so much as to think that I am the only one you have been missing. The royal household will be arriving soon, and I am certain you are as eager to see the new king as he must be to see you.”
Your heart leaped in your chest at the mention of Éomer, but this was not the time or the place to open the gate that held back those feelings. “For my part, I shall certainly be glad to see him home and safe. But a man such as Éomer has many friends, and no doubt he desires to see them all.”
He burst into laughter. “Do you speak such nonsense on purpose, or have I really raised you to be so naive? I know that you do not admit it to others, and perhaps not even between yourselves, but I have watched the two of you for many years now and I know love when I see it. Let us not pretend you are just one friend among many, a single star in a crowded sky. You are his sun, just as he is yours. I may be old, but I am certainly not blind.”
Your face flushed in pain and embarrassment. If your father had perceived all of this, likely others had, too. It was true that you loved Éomer, and you had always believed he loved you back. You felt his devotion in the way he trusted you and watched out for you, in the look on his face when you walked into a room. But neither of you had ever stated it outright. Perhaps you had been wrong all along, reading a great deal too much into a cherished friendship. Or perhaps what he felt was no longer relevant given his new responsibilities and duties. Either way, when Éomer married another in a few months' time, your crushed hopes would be on display for the whole city to see and discuss.
“Things have changed, father. You know that. The Éomer that I have known all my life was Éomund’s son. He was not heir to the throne of Rohan and certainly not its king. His life is very different now from the one we might have expected just months ago when Théodred was still alive.”
He sighed. “Much has happened, I concede. He has gone from nephew to heir to king. He nearly lost his sister. He comes home with much to reflect on. But his heart itself has not changed.”
“Has it not?” Despite your best efforts, your voice broke and tears began to slide down your cheeks. “Then what of the news that has already made its way back here in advance of your return? Amongst word of your victories and the death of poor Théoden, it also said that Éomer is to marry the princess of Dol Amroth. They say she is considered a proper match for a king of the Mark, and that none less than the new king of Gondor himself proposed it. If I have heard this, surely you have, too.”
Your father reached up to gently brush a tear aside. “Anyone who would claim that you–the finest woman in all of Rohan–are not a proper match for our own king does not have sense enough to offer an opinion on the subject. I have heard this talk of Dol Amroth, it is true, but I have not heard any of it from Éomer’s own lips. And I will not believe it unless I do. His choice was made long ago. You will see.” He put a finger under your chin and tipped your face up to him. “Now, I would stay here and debate this with you all day if your mother were not surely waiting for me at home. And if she thinks I have not hurried there with sufficient speed, she will soon accomplish what all the swordsmen of Harad could not!”
You smiled in spite of yourself and kissed him one last time before he remounted his horse. He gave you a wink as he rode on, and you dried your eyes before turning back to the procession of riders making their way forward.
Before long, the king’s banner appeared at the bottom of the hill. Even at that distance, it was easy to identify Éomer among the many men of his household–you would always recognize his frame and the way he carried himself even if he were not wearing his distinctive horse-tailed helmet and sitting astride Firefoot, who had now been arrayed with a saddle and bridle that sparkled with the gold of a monarch.
As he came into closer view, you could begin to discern the new trappings of royalty–the beautiful green cloak trimmed with shining gold embroidery, the neatly braided hair, the fur-lined boots. But underneath these superficial changes, he still looked like your Éomer. The same man who shared with you a lifetime of confidences and mischief and private jokes. The one who cried in your arms when he missed his parents. Who doted on you whenever you were sick and angrily confronted anyone he thought had hurt your feelings. Who stole your breath every time he turned his hazel eyes and dimpled smile in your direction.
His company dismounted near the bottom of the terrace, and he moved toward the stairs, trailed by attendants, guards and throngs of well-wishers eager to greet their new king. The clamor presented a perfect opportunity to slip away now that you had confirmed with your own eyes that he was safe and unharmed. It was the coward’s way out, but even one more day before you had to directly confront your new reality would be a gift. Just as you began to turn away, however, the sound of his voice carried over the tumult, calling your name.
You froze in place as he approached, feeling immediately uncertain of everything–how to stand, where to look, what to do. A lifetime of affectionate greetings and easy companionship had not prepared you to meet under these circumstances, not as intimate friends but as ruler and subject. Beloved and left behind. Hearing nothing but the sound of your own blood pulsing in your veins, you bowed and looked down.
“Hail, Éomer King.” When you finally raised your eyes, you could see uncertainty written on his face as well. He took another step toward you but stopped, and tentatively reached out a hand before dropping it back to his side. He looked in both directions, where dozens of attentive faces observed his every move.
“I am glad to see you,” he said quietly. His eyes sought yours, and when you allowed them to meet he gave you a soft smile. “I have missed you.”
“I…I am much relieved to see you home. These have been long and anxious months.”
Before either of you could speak again, an armored man at Éomer’s side cleared his throat and nodded in the direction of Meduseld. “You are expected in the hall, my lord. There is much business awaiting your attention, including messages due both to Minas Tirith and Dol Amroth.”
The mention of Dol Amroth sent an icy stab of pain into your chest, and you shrank back several steps, seeking a swift retreat. “Go ahead, my lord,” you managed to say. “A king’s duties must come first.”
His thick brows drew together and he frowned slightly, but eventually he nodded his assent. Your feet carried you away and down a maze of small streets and back alleys, picking up speed as you got further from the crowd, until at last you reached the edge of the city and disappeared into the surrounding fields and paddocks. You cast yourself down in the tall, sweet-smelling grass, shedding tears until you had none left and then staring up dolefully at the flat, blank sky. No matter how you considered and reconsidered your position, only two excruciating choices seemed to lay before you–either to find a new way to love Éomer, shorn of all romantic possibility and content to exist on the terms available to you, or to lose him entirely from your life. The first option felt beyond your strength, but the second was utterly unthinkable.
Uncounted hours passed until it began to darken and torches and candles sparked to life in the distance. Miserable and cold but not yet ready to join the revelry of your family, you wandered back to the city and found yourself headed to the old tack room at the marshal’s stables. Ever since childhood, the abandoned little storage space had served as a private spot to meet your friends, talk or simply to think, and during the war you had spent many hours there alone ruthlessly poring over your fears and concerns.
Throwing open the door and expecting to find it empty as always, you instead walked straight into Éomer, practically bouncing off his chest as he stood just past the threshold. Gone were the outward adornments of royalty, and he looked as you were accustomed to seeing him—simple clothing, well-used boots, hair in loose waves on his shoulders. “Éomer! I mean….I’m sorry. Excuse me, my lord.”
He grimaced a little. “Please, that is not necessary here. Not when it is us. I would like one piece of my old life that is familiar, someone who will still treat me not as king but as myself. I thought you might be here and hoped we could talk as we always have.”
He sat on an old saddle trunk and looked up at you expectantly. Here now was the first opportunity to test your strength—to be there for him simply as a friend and see if you could endure it—and so you nodded and sat next to him.
He was quiet at first, looking around the room and seeming lost in thought. The issue of his pending marriage felt to you like a heavy, palpable presence in the room, but you did not have the heart to raise the subject yet. Instead, you clasped your arms around yourself and waited for him to speak, to give some indication of what he was thinking.
“Do you remember my fifteenth birthday?” he asked suddenly.
“Your…fifteenth birthday? Yes, I think so.” Fragments of distant memories quickly reassembled in your mind. “That was the night you dragged a stolen cask of ale in here, wasn’t it? And then you drank more than half of it all on your own.”
“Which meant you had to spend the rest of the night holding back my hair while I experienced the consequences.”
You smiled. “Yes. Though I experienced some of your consequences, too, if I recall. Those shoes were never the same again.”
He snorted a laugh, and for just a moment things felt almost normal again. Easy and light, as they had been when you were just those two coltish teenagers, having fun and testing the limits of your adolescent independence. But as the laughter faded, the awkwardness returned and his face turned serious.
“I am sorry about this morning.” He shook his head slowly. “That was not how I imagined our reunion, but everything has become so difficult and formal now. I have few moments to myself or chances to do as I once would.”
You could hear in his voice the strain of this adjustment to always being the focus of attention, to being one who is honored and deferred to instead of one who is engaged with. No wonder he was thinking of earlier, simpler days. You longed to comfort him, to take his hand or sit with your head against his shoulder. “Do not apologize,” you said instead. “I understand that you have new demands on you. I regret only that I was not able to tell you how sorry I am about your uncle. I will miss his kind heart.”
He nodded. “Thank you. I take comfort in knowing that he would be proud of what his death achieved.”
Another small silence ensued before he looked up and smiled at you. “But now I must apologize again,” he said, “for I have not yet asked after you. Please, tell me how you have been since we last saw each other.”
You gave a dismissive wave of your hand. “There is not much to tell, at least nothing to stand alongside the great tales we have already heard of your heroic deeds.”
“I do not ask for great tales,” he insisted. “I want only to hear about you and what I have missed, great or small.”
“Well, what you missed were endless hours of inventories and supplies and checklists and stockpiles. Many of the men who typically see to those basic concerns were injured or killed at Helm’s Deep, or they were called away to your muster. So I filled my days with work that they would have done…tracking stores of food and medicine and equipment, ensuring they were sent where they were most needed, planning for replenishments when stocks ran low. It was nothing I have ever done before, obviously, but I am careful with numbers and can keep good records, which is most of what was required.”
He chuckled. “Old Elfhelm has always been so proud that his daughter is one of the few in Rohan to read and write. I heard him bragging as much to one of Lord Elrond’s sons back in Gondor.”
You smiled and shrugged. “That certainly sounds like him. He has never lacked paternal enthusiasm. Or the confidence to share his enthusiasm with literally anyone.”
“That is true, but he is right to be proud. You should be proud as well. Hunger and disease often follow in war’s footsteps, even for the victors, and that has not been allowed to happen here despite the destruction of so many villages and farms and the absence of so many of the normal laborers. That is a service any king would value.”
Your cheeks bloomed a bright red, and he smiled at your discomfort with praise. In truth, though, you were quite proud of what you had accomplished, and it was only hearing the praise from his lips that sent waves of warm color to your face. “Thank you,” you mumbled at last.
He seemed on the verge of speaking again, but instead he leaned back against the wall and contemplated the floor for several long moments. His knee jogged quickly up and down, a nervous tic he’d had ever since boyhood. Before you could ask what was troubling him, however, he looked up with an unsettling intensity.
“May I ask you something? And you will respond to me honestly, no matter what?”
His earnest tone sparked a flare of anxiety in your chest. Was this the moment when he intended to tell you of his engagement? When you would have to somehow react to this news with the graciousness and dignity you knew were required? “I will certainly try.”
He took a deep breath and winced slightly in anticipation of speaking. “I have spent many hours now reflecting on things that Éowyn related to me before I left Gondor. How she did not feel that she was able to live the life she wanted when she was here. That she could not be who she was meant to be simply because she was born a woman. I am ashamed that I was blind to the causes of her unhappiness and that she did not feel that she could confide her true feelings to me earlier. But having failed her then, I worry now that I may have failed others in my life as well. Others who are equally important to me.”
He suddenly turned and grasped your forearms, repositioning you both so that you now sat face to face rather than side by side.
“If you have ever felt that same unhappiness or believed that I was not willing or able to understand your feelings, will you now forgive me? I would not want anyone else to suffer as Éowyn did, and least of all you.”
Your heart broke a little at his words. It broke for Éomer, who would sooner give his life than intentionally hurt someone he cared for, and it broke for Éowyn, whose full feelings had never before been revealed to you. But, hearing now how she had felt, something in her words resonated with a deep part of you, reverberating off a chord you had not always been consciously aware of. You thought carefully for several moments before responding.
“If you ask me whether I ever resented you or the life that I led, the answer is no. I have always trusted in you above all others, and my life never felt anything but normal to me. But I, too, have reflected on these last months, and perhaps I can now better understand Éowyn’s mind.”
He nodded, encouraging you to continue.
“Amid the tragedy of these days, I found some purpose and meaning in the work I did. It was gratifying to feel truly useful for the first time. I did not know it before, as you do not know to miss something you never had, but once that instinct is awakened it is difficult to ignore. It seems it was awakened in Éowyn long ago. But, for myself, I cannot deny that I will now be deeply saddened to lose my sense of purpose once the men are all returned to their old duties and the help of a woman is no longer accepted.”
“Maybe that is not what has to happen,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I would not come to a new understanding of the world, to learn a necessary lesson at a steep cost, only to ignore that lesson and rule my kingdom as though I do not know any better. This will not be a land that I want to rule if half the people must always limit their talents and hopes to fit within the meager bounds afforded to them by the other half.”
His words hung in the air as you struggled to make sense of what you had heard. A chance to share in the great works and deeds of the kingdom, just as the elven women had always done in their own lands? To learn and achieve and stretch yourself in ways that had never before been possible, and not just when dictated by the necessity of war but as a part of everyday life? You had scarcely the courage to even dream of such a thing, but now it was being offered to you. And you knew you wanted it. “I will be the first to stand behind you in any such effort,” you say at last. “But what you suggest is a radical departure from the way that things have been for all the years of our history, indeed from the way that they have always been in all the lands of men. There may be strong opposition to change.”
“I do not fear a difficult task if I know it to be necessary. I will see it done.” He paused and gently picked up your hand to hold it between both of his. “Though I would be aided by the help of a capable queen. One who will rule with me, not as a token or a symbol, but as a true partner.”
His touch sent a jolt of lightning through your arm, and you looked down at your hand to watch his thumb run lightly back and forth over your wrist. It left a trail of fire on your skin. “I…Well, I do not think I understand. Surely you mean Prince Imrahil’s daughter?”
“Imrahil’s daughter?” He looked startled. “Why would you say such a thing?”
“Because news of a royal engagement travels quickly, perhaps faster than you realize. Half of Edoras has already heard about you and the princess of Dol Amroth.”
“Then half of Edoras has heard wrong.”
A small gasp escaped your lips before you could act to hold it back. You looked up into his eyes and drew a shallow breath. “Then…then you have changed your mind?”
“I have not, but only because it never needed changing. I am certain that any daughter of Imrahil is a good and worthy woman, but I declined that match when it was suggested. Any report to the contrary is the result of confusion or rumor. It is true that I am ready for marriage, but I do not wish to bind myself forever to someone I barely know. To someone whose heart and mind I do not yet fully understand. Not when my own heart has long been reserved for one who I already know to be the best of women.” He drew your hand up and pressed it tightly to his chest, where you could feel the steady, strong beat of that heart against your fingertips. “If she will have me.”
All the world seemed suddenly still, as though you were balanced precariously on the crest of a hill, waiting for the last tip forward that would send you rushing headlong down into a new and joyous life. You opened your mouth to respond but found that no words would come. Instead, you raised a hand to his face, lightly tracing your fingers along his jaw before sinking them into his dark golden hair and pulling him toward you for a kiss that had been decades in the making.
It was worth the wait.
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ririya-translates · 6 months
Kokuto Neji's Story
Translation of Neji's concept art short story (original) for his birthday on March 22nd. Story by Shin Towada (JJ lead writer and Ishida's sister). Art by Lownine. Much like the others, there aren't really any spoilers as it's at the very beginning of the game before the first play.
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The stage is a gigantic machine. Jacks and Jeannes are the gears and I'm the mechanic who assembles them all.
The darkened room is lit solely by a clattering computer with light strong enough to rival the midday sun. The bookshelves along the walls are crammed tight beyond usual capacity. The remaining books that couldn't fit have been turned into a fort on the floor. "Hmmm." Out of that pile, he easily picks out a book while holding a cup of coffee in his other hand. The one craning his neck towards the computer screen is the owner of this room. He's a third-year at Univeil Drama School. Working under somewhat special circumstances, he's the leader of Quartz: Kokuto Neji. His classmates include the Quartz Al Jeanne, Sarafumi Takashina, and Jack Ace, Kai Mutsumi. Taking liberal advantage of Univeil's culture of respect for personal autonomy, Neji doesn't just write and perform. He's able to act as both a Jack and a Jeanne, using his many talents to bring the performance together. Even now, he's in the middle of making preparations for the newcomers' performance. His eyes dart around as he scrolls through the screen. He's fidgety inside his head. For this reason, a knock at the door rings out unusually strongly.
"Yes, yes, come iiiin!" As Neji snaps back to reality, he opens the door with a feeling of anticipation. "Thanks." Behind the door stands a person with pale skin and soft hair. So soft it's as if the colour has faded and dissolved. This utterly adorable person raises his eyes towards Neji. "Why on earth would you call me over here then ignore me? I have things to do too you know." The edge of criticism in his voice gives a very different impression from his outside appearance. "Sorry about that, Shirota!" Mitsuki Shirota. He's a second-year, one year below Neji. As one would expect from his looks, he's been assigned to female roles as a Jeanne. "Honestly, I didn't think you'd actually show up." Shirota's eyes grow sharper as he speaks without hesitation. "Using a first-year as your carrier pigeon, what kind of excuse is that?" Neji had casually requested one of the brand new Quartz students to send Shirota to his office. "Well weren't you the one who told me to stop asking Kai to do things?" "Obviously. You shouldn't be using our Jack Ace for your trivial errands." "Right, so instead I asked this new person to be a pinch hitter." "I said to stop doing that too. Ugh, what do you want?" "How did that kid get you to come here? What kinda trap did he use?" "…You called me here for no reason didn't you. I'm leaving." "Hey, wait!" As Shirota turns to leave, Neji holds out both of his hands as if to say 'I'm sorry, I'm screwed up!' Shirota's expression darkens, recognizing that Neji hasn't reflected on his actions one bit. "So? What do you want?" Neji prefaces his words with, "I guess I messed up a bit," before finally cutting to the chase. "What is your impression of the first-years?" Shirota furrows his brow. "You asked Fumi and Kai this too, didn't you?" "You're right, I did!" He had asked both Fumi and Kai the same question. "If you have answers from both the Al Jeanne and Jack Ace, that should be enough. Why do you need to ask me too?" "What are you talking about?! You're our Tresor. You're our flower too!" Tresor is the name for Univeil Jeannes with strong singing abilities. The title suits Shirota perfectly. His outstanding vocal talents add vibrant colour to their performances. It's popular with audiences too. "I am glad you're with Quartz still though. I know you're pretty in-demand with Rhodonite." Shirota stays silent at the mention of that name. Univeil is divided into four separate classes with their own special traits. As the "transparent" Quartz class, they are primarily made up of inexperienced performers who have yet to find their true colours. This could put the class at a disadvantage, but really there are quite a few who enrol brimming with hidden talents. Quartz gives them the space to let those talents free. The content of their performances are tailored specifically for the current state of the class. The songs, dances, acting, all of it.
In contrast, classes like Onyx and Rhodonite have clearly defined colours. Powerful Jack dancers are the main selling point of Onyx, whereas Rhodonite pushes the dazzling singing talents of their Jeannes front and centre. Considering Shirota's abilities, it wouldn't be strange at all for him to have been sorted into Rhodonite. Actually, Rhodonite's class leader is pretty taken with him. But whatever class you look at, all of them are desperately aiming for that top spot -- now more than ever.
"So? What do you think of this year's new students?" Neji's tone of voice drops for the first time in this conversation,"You know it won't be good if things stay as they are, right? What with Amber and all…" That's the name of the fourth Univeil class. But it's hard to act as if the others are on equal ground with them. Shirota seems to grasp the weight of these words. He grips the sky blue tie around his neck as he appears deep in thought. He finally opens his mouth. "…There are three people I noticed," he says bluntly. Starting with Person 1. "Orimaki. I don't know how he got into Univeil with his singing skills so low, but his voice is strong and direct." Onto Person 2. "Yonaga. Him being as he is, he's a late bloomer who's constantly nervous about how he even got into Univeil. But he also thinks twice as much about the meaning of each song. That being said…"
Shirota's immediate answer suddenly hits a pause. "It's possible both of them just got my attention because they aren't very good." "In that case, they should consider themselves lucky you graced your eyes on them." Neji jokes then stares at him intently. "And the third person?" Mitsuki sighs at being asked for his final answer. "It's the one you made into your little carrier pigeon." A voice deep in Neji's heart whispers 'I knew it.' "So then, does our carrier pigeon also have a glimmer of sparkle out of a mountain of problems like Orimaki and Yonaga do?" "No, that guy is…" Shirota hesitates a moment as he chooses his words carefully. "I still don't know yet." "You don't know, which means…?" "Exactly what I said." He speaks as if to say he will give no further comment on the matter. "Is that enough for you now? I'm leaving." Having finished what he was asked, Shirota heads for the door. "Ah, one last thing! How did this pigeon get you to come over here?" Shirota is the type who prefers not to group up with others in class. He keeps a distance between himself and other people. He's not the type someone could easily convince by just asking outright. Even moreso if it comes from a student younger than him. "……" Shirota responds to Neji's hastily thrown words with silence. He opens the door to leave. That's as far as we're getting today, is it? "…It wasn't anything special." Neji's mood suddenly shifts at the sound of a reply he didn't expect to ever hear. "I was just taking a short break during practice and he came up to me and said 'Neji was asking for you'." A surprised 'ohh?' slips out of Neji's mouth. "So in other words, he chose when to make the request based on timing that would work for you?" There are times when Shirota is busy singing of course; however, there are also a lot of times when he appears to be doing nothing, but is actually busy arranging music in his mind. Figuring out the timing of when he's truly taking a break is no easy task. Even aside from the music, there are times when he doesn't want to be hassled with having to talk to someone. Using this understanding of his quirks, that carrier pigeon was able to start up a conversation. "Isn't that actually quite special after all?!" Neji says with a nod of admiration.
Upon hearing this, Shirota restrains himself from turning around and calling him a bald-faced liar. "This was all part of your plan, wasn't it?" His eyes sharply say, 'You haven't fooled me.' "Turning him into your carrier pigeon worked out just as you planned. Getting me to show up here and to name him as one of the students I noticed. You already knew all these things. It was just a ploy to confirm them." Shirota states his assertions strongly. Neji grins. He keeps up the act that there's no hidden motive behind his actions, but it smells like a lie. Shirota's face fills with disgust. He passes through the door, speaking as if he cannot bear to be around Neji any longer. "Please don't use me as a ruler for measuring other people." He shuts the door immediately to not let the conversation linger. "My my, Shirota is quite clever isn't he." Listening to the footsteps fade into the distance, Neji stifles his smile. "But regardless, the fact that pigeon was able to navigate this sense of distance with Shirota shows he might have quite a number of uses." This could be precisely reflected on-stage too. Neji's mind overflows with so many different ideas at an intensity that could give birth to a whole other world. "However, the 'I still don't know' part is there too. Fumi and Kai said the same thing." It seems difficult to learn the true nature of this bird. Even for Neji, there's many things about this younger student he's still unable to grasp. "The stage is a gigantic machine. Jacks and Jeannes are the gears…and I'm the mechanic who assembles them all. What shape will these talents take? Just watch and see." Neji takes a sip from the coffee he's been holding all this time. It went cold ages ago, but in this moment it's just what his body needs.
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sweetracha · 1 year
its like im too anxious to sleep 😞 but i have been drinking lots of fluids!!! im sure my meds will kick in soon and hopefully let me drift off 🥹
on another note - could you maybe write a daddy!jeongin thing but its mostly just reader being obsessed with his hands? (totally not projecting 🥴)
Oh Sugars, I understand that feeling it is awful! I'm very glad to hear you are drinking lots of fluids! My Sweeties got to stay healthy!
Sugar Content: Spicy Sweet (SMUT!)
Allergy Warning: Daddy Dom Jeongin x Sub reader, female pronouns, choking, gagging, and pet names
Daddy's Hands
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A soft light illuminated your room from the window on your right. You stretched and groaned, not wanting to face the world today. When you reached out to find comfort in your lover, he was gone. His spot in bed has a phantom warmth meaning his departure was not long ago. As your bare feet hit the cold wooden floor you hissed. You straightened out your sage green silk nightgown and made your way into the hall. It wasn’t long before the smell of toast and bacon filled your senses. If your suspicions were correct, you would find Jeongin in the kitchen.
“Good morning sleeping beauty” his chuckle at his own joke was raspier due to it still being the morning.
“Good morning prince charming” You strolled past him and gave a quick kiss on his cheek. While he was distracted you stole a piece of bacon.
“Wrong movies but I will let it pass because you are so adorable in the morning, princess. Now sit down and no more stealing food!” You followed his whiney instructions and sat at the kitchen island.
You watched Innie finish making breakfast but soon it was your turn to be distracted. Long and slender fingers grasped the whisk tight as he stirred the pancake batter. His other hand skillfully flipped the meat in the pan. When a bit you batter splashed out of the mixing bowl, he used two fingers to scoop it up and pop it into his mouth. How was this so sensual? You two had never fully discussed your addiction to his hands before. When he would tease you for staring too long you usually changed the subject or laughed it off. It was painfully obvious now, as you were soaking the seat below you, that you had a thing for his hands.
“Earth to y/n, baby? Hello?” it was clear he had noticed too. When you snapped back you saw the smug expression on his smirking lips. “Someone sees something they like?”
“I just spaced out while you were cooking, I am probably still tired” you deflected but he wasn't buying it.
“You just happened to be spacing out on my hands? You seem to be doing that a lot these days, hmmm” he grabbed something out from the fridge and set it in front of you. His hand cupped your face gently as he ran his thumb under your bottom lip. He stayed there and played for a second longer before pulling down your lip with the pad of his thumb. A soft moan left you. “if you are so distracted baby, maybe I need to give you something to do” he pulled the bowl closer and dipped his middle and ring finger into the sauce. “tell Daddy how this tastes.”
With that, he opened your mouth up and slide in the two fingers. He let the weight of the fingers sit on your tongue for a moment before he slides further and further back. The sweet taste of honey was left on their trail. As he inched towards the back of your throat you felt your gag reflex acting up. You attempted to pull away but Jeongin was quick to stop you with a hand to the back of your head. He cradled you in a position that should otherwise be sweet but inside was tainted with pure lust. “Uh Uh baby girl, no pulling away from daddy. Taste it” he looked into your watery pleading eyes with his own darkened cold ones. He slipped his fingers as far back as he could and gagged you. You fought back with a coughing fit as spit filled your mouth. When he was satisfied he retreated.
“Messy little thing for daddy” he cooed as the smeared your spit to coat your now plump lips. “What do we say, princess?”
“Thank you, Daddy” Your voice was almost gone at this point.
“Good girl” Along with his words went your panties as he ripped them off of you. “So fucking wet princess. All for me? Just a messy desperate thing for daddy, aren’t you?” he rubbed his hand up and down your cunt.
You moaned in pleasure at his soft petting movements but one particular motion elicited a gasp from you. Your clit hooked on his smooth cold metal rings and you couldn’t help expressing how good it felt. All of a sudden innie’s hand got wetter.
“Oh princess, you liked that? Are daddy’s rings cold on your hot skin? Must feel so nice”. He rubbed his rings into your spot with more intention and pressure now. He loved how you were falling apart in the kitchen chair, all because of his hands. Jeongin knew there wasn’t a single thought besides pleasure in your head. As he slipped in those same two fingers he used to gag you, the others wrapped around your throat.
His instant speed and pacing left you speechless. The fingers around your neck closed tighter and tighter the closer and closer you came to release. It was like his calling card to tell you he knew just how good he was fucking you. Then he hit that spot.
“FUC—DADDY!” you were begging and pulling away but being stopped by the back of the seat. You both knew however that you did not want this to end.
“Take it. Sit there and take it like the desperate girl you are. Finally getting fucked by my hands just the way you wanted.” His hand finally choked you fully. “So be grateful and cum for me”
Those words sent you over the edge as you spammed on his hands. He helped you ride out your high and was careful not to overstimulate you when he pulled out. Before he started aftercare however he had one more thing to do. Jeongin collected your juices on his fingers and shoved them back down your throat, the scene mirroring the one before. As you gaged he praised you.
“Daddy’s good girl”
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generalllimaginesss · 8 months
I would like to apologize for the amount of time this took to write lmao. I couldn’t find a good stopping point and got overwhelmed with how I would finish this part, but at least there will be a part 4 in the foreseeable future. I’m working on some headcannons for Hattie so we can get to know her a bit more!
Thanks for reading!!
No Expectations
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“Jack, I need your moral support. Please come here now,” Hatton’s hands threatened to begin sweating with the amount of anxiety that was coursing through her body. She had her MacBook out, the cursor hovering above the attachment that Trevor had sent her. She didn’t know why she was so nervous, but she knew that Jack would bring her back to earth.
“Sure, Hattie. Let me drop everything I’m doing and come at your beckon call. There’s literally nothing more in the entire world that I would want to do right now,” Sarcasm laced Jack’s words.
“Attitude Mister. Check it now,” Hatton quickly brought it to his attention.
“Sorry, I’m just trying to make sure I have everything packed to go back to Jersey. Luke is coming over tonight and I want to check his stuff and make sure he’s ready to go. When do I need to come over?” Jack was rustling through some papers as he held his phone to his ear with his shoulder.
“Now?” Hatton put her innocent voice on, knowing Jack could never say no to her.
“Hattie, you better be glad that you’re my best friend in the world,” Jack sighed as he laid the papers down.
“Thank you, Jacky boy,” Hatton smiled.
About 20 minutes passed when she heard the front door open and close, followed by footsteps that skipped up the stairs. Jack pushed open Hatton’s door and plopped down beside her on the bed.
“What’s up,” he asked, pulling out his phone to keep him occupied.
“Trevor sent me a PowerPoint on why he would be a good boyfriend. I don’t know why I’m nervous, but I am and I need your company here,” Hatton explained as she fiddled with the rings on her hand.
“You couldn’t just FaceTime me with this?” Jack groaned. This whole ordeal gave Jack flashbacks of their middle school days of romance.
“Jack, this is my future we’re talking about. What if he’s the one? What if I say yes to be his girlfriend? What if we get married and have kids and finally get a happily ever after?” Hatton was serious, but Jack was trying not to laugh.
“You realize, like, 2 months ago you didn’t like him…” Jack smirked, but was met with an unamused look from Hatton.
“3, 2, 1,” Hatton took a deep breath and clicked the attachment. She clicked the ‘present’ button and began to read the slides.
“Ok, I actually want to see these,” Jack admitted as he scooted closer to Hatton and read the slides.
“I will buy you flowers when you least expect it,” Hatton laughed, “Because that’s boyfriend material.”
“I have a dog?” Hatton was getting upset. She wanted him to take this seriously, but he’s giving her these lame reasons? Actually, the dog isn’t lame, but basing an entire relationship on one is.
“Uh oh, here’s the mushy ones,” Jack announced as he clicked to the next slide.
Hatton’s eyes scanned the slide.
“Every time I look at you it gets harder to breathe. You’re quite literally breathtaking and I’ll remind you that every single day,” Hatton could feel the heat in her cheeks rise.
“That’s gross,” Jack fake gagged, but stopped when Hatton gave him a look.
“Every time your name pops up on my phone (which isn’t much, but still…) my heart races a little,” Hatton began sporting a smile.
“I know that Jack Hughes will always be by your side (hi buddy) and that would be the closest I could get to be his brother. I’ve already asked Quinn to marry me and he told me to fuck off,” The slide caused a rupture of laughter that filled the entire room.
“He’s got a point,” Jack chuckled.
“Every time I picture my future, at least for the last 3 years until now, I always picture you in it. I’d like you to be more than a friend, and I’d love for you to give me a chance to prove that I can love you the way you deserve,” Hatton couldn’t shake the smile off of her face even if she wanted to.
“I would’ve bullied him in high school for this,” Jack shook his head and leaned back into the pillows, pulling his phone out to go through his Snapchat.
A link on the last slide caught Hatton’s attention, but she managed to read the text that sat above it.
“Here’s a plane ticket. If I convinced you to allow me to be your boyfriend, I’d love to see you and keep explaining how I can be your boyfriend while being thousands of miles away,” Jack squealed as he watched Hatton open the link to the plane tickets.
Sure enough, there was a ticket for first class from Detroit to Anaheim that was a week away.
Jack kept glancing between the ticket and Hatton while she just sat there staring at the computer screen.
“It’s not going to disappear if you look away you know,” Jack poked her in her side, resulting in an elbow to his stomach.
“I don’t know what to do. I mean, I guess I could skip school for the week. I could do my assignments online,” Hatton wasn’t talking to Jack in particular, but more so thinking out loud. Jack didn’t seem to pick up on that memo though.
“I’m no genius by any means, but it sounds like you do know what to do,” Jack raised his eyebrows at the girl sitting beside him. She couldn’t be annoyed with Jack because he was right. She wanted to jump on that flight. Hell, she’d probably jump on a flight sooner if possible, but she didn’t want to begin this relationship with being so spontaneous.
“When do you leave for Jersey?” Hatton turned to face Jack, quickly changing the subject, but eager to know the answer.
“Um, 6 in the morning,” He scratched the back of his neck, preparing for a lecture of why he should’ve told her he was leaving sooner.
“Jack Hughes, what the hell?!” She pushed at him, hoping to push him off the bed, but he barely budged.
“I probably would’ve told you sooner….actually I shouldn’t lie I probably wouldn’t have. In my defense, I did tell you I was busy before I got here,” he pointed out, but it didn’t fix Hatton’s frustration.
“Yeah, but you failed to mention that you’ll be leaving in less than 24 hours, dumbass,” she thumped him on his ears, eliciting a wince from him.
“I was going to come over tonight to tell you bye,” he grumbled, but Hatton just rolled her eyes.
“I’m FaceTiming you when I get there,” Hatton announced.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” he patted her leg as he began to stand up.
“Wanna come help me finish packing?” He knew she wouldn’t say no to his request.
“I guess I could,” Hatton played as if it was even a thought that she wouldn’t.
Because he was leaving in the morning, they took separate vehicles back to his house, so Hatton just planned on spending the night, wanting to spend as much time with her best friend as possible before hockey stole him back.
The next week passed painfully slow as Hatton had said goodbye to all of her boys. She had friends that were girls, but none that she trusted as much as Jack, Turcs, Cole, or Quinn. Maybe Trevor, too.
The boys just made life interesting. They weren’t full of drama, and everyday was some sort of adventure. She missed them a lot when they were gone, so to think that she would get to see Trevor, and possibly Alex, gave her something to look forward to.
She appreciated the gesture of the plane ticket from Trevor, but what the hell was he thinking with a 7:00 am flight? There was an hour drive from her to the airport, and she had to be there at least 2 hours prior so that she wouldn’t be an anxious mess. And that leads her to now, lugging her bag from her room to her car and making the drive to Detroit.
The drive wasn’t terrible, but Hatton had to stop for coffee so that she wouldn’t fall asleep behind the wheel. The traffic was steadily getting worse as she made her way to the airport parking, though. She went through TSA and checked her bag groggily, the sleep not too distant from the night before.
Once Hatton was awake enough to be aware of her surroundings, she knew she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, even if the flight was four and a half hours. A shaken espresso from Starbucks would do the trick to give her enough energy to get through the travel day without catching an attitude with somebody.
After grabbing her coffee and finding a corner to read one of her books, the intercom finally came on, announcing that her flight was boarding first class. She grabbed her backpack and book and made her way to her seat next to the window.
The book she was reading seemed to speed up the flight, the one and only time she glanced at her watch and there was only an hour left until they landed. She spent the last hour watching outside of the window, taking a few pictures, and just thinking about what this next week could lead to.
That was great, until she thought about the fact that she hadn’t even talked to Trevor to let him know she was coming. She couldn’t text him, so she just had to wait until the plane landed, mentally kicking herself for forgetting such a major detail for the day.
The plane landed and everybody deboarded. Hatton quickly grabbed her suitcase from the baggage claim and tried to find a place outside to make a quick call to Trevor.
As she pressed his number to call him, she heard a phone ringing behind her. Confusion swept over her as she turned around to see the tan skinned, wind-swept hair that Trevor wore so well. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes and smile when he smirked at her.
“Let me guess…Jack?” She knew that Jack couldn’t keep his fat mouth shut even if he wanted to, but for once it turned out in her favor.
“Did you really think he wouldn’t tell me that you were coming? Which brings me to my next question, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” He grabbed the suitcase from her and walked her to where his car was parked, all the while taking in how she could possibly be as beautiful as she was right now after traveling all day.
“I’ll be honest, I completely forgot to. I don’t really have a good excuse,” She admitted. She placed her backpack into his backseat, but Trevor wouldn’t let her grab the door to get into the front because he had to.
“Thank you,” Hatton smiled up at him and waited for him to get in so they could drive away.
The drive wasn’t long, mostly filled with a few road rage moments for Trevor along with small talk to fill the silence. They pulled up to the house that Trevor called home. He wished that Hatton had come a year ago, that way she could’ve experienced life with him and Jamie, but he was sure his friend would make an appearance at some point while Hatton was here.
“Wow, you’re house is really pretty,” Hatton commented while unbuckling and grabbing her backpack from the backseat. Trevor grabbed her suitcase and they made their way inside.
Trevor smiled, a blush rising onto his cheeks, as he shrugged his shoulders.
“I have a couple of extra rooms that you can choose from. You could always just room with me, though,” he smirked and threw her a wink.
“And there’s the Trevor I know,” Hatton chuckled as Trevor began to show her around the house. A part of her wanted to just stay in the same room as Trevor, but she’d be here for a week, so they would have plenty of time to make rooming changes if need be.
Trevor let Hatton unpack by herself, giving her some time to decompress on her own from traveling all day. He had planned for the first day to be less action packed so that the two would be rested for his game day tomorrow.
“Okay, I think I’m unpacked,” Hatton breathed a sigh of relief and plopped down on his couch, momentarily closing her eyes as she was realizing that it would just be him and her sleeping here for the entire week. It was never just the two of them, there was always somebody else with them, even if it was just Jack.
“So, I have some pretty cool things planned for the week, but I figured we take it easy today…that ok?” Trevor plopped down in a recliner beside the couch.
“Yeah, sounds good,” Hatton kicked her shoes off and tucked her feet beneath her, making herself more comfortable.
“Um, I know this conversation is just going to be awkward no matter when we have it, but seeing as you’re hear you saw my reasons why I think we could work out,” Trevor watched as Hatton nodded her head, urging him to continue with the conversation.
“Yeah, speaking of, where’s your dog?”
“He’s getting a bath. We can go pick him up in a little while. Back to what I was saying....I just feel like I need to say some things in person so we can just completely clear the air about how we feel about each other,” Trevor was just going to rip the bandaid off and get everything out of his system. He's had ample time to think about what to say to Hatton, but none of it sounded good enough now that she was sitting so close to him, just the two of them. He let his heart go on autopilot, deciding that may be the best way to go about this.
“You obviously know I like you. Like a lot. But, um," Trevor stuttered as he rubbed his arm, subconciously trying to ease the anxiety that seemed to peak when he tried to take about his feelings. That was something about Trevor that only a select few knew; Trevor loved attention, but he avoided showing his true feelings at all costs. He would rather just make everybody around him smile or laugh than let them in on how he feels.
"Hattie, you mean the world to me. You meant the world to me when I knew you couldn't stand me, and you mean the world to me now that you've traveled this far and you're sitting right here," The words were flowing from his mouth, reaching Hatton and wrapping around her heart like a ribbon on a gift.
Hatton could feel her cheeks go rosy, not caring if Trevor noticed or not. She listened to each word that left his lips as if they were a raft that could save her from drowning from confusion. Because that's what Hatton felt most of the time: confused. Why did he feel like this towards her? Could she really let herself be in a relationship with him? Let him see the most vulnerable parts of her that very few were lucky enough to know about?
"You told me I needed to figure out how to make a long distance relationship work, so that's what I've been doing. I've talked to some buddies that have been in a long distance relationship and they gave me some words of advice. Long distance can't, and won't, work if we both don't work on it. I can tell you when I'm free from practice and games so that we could FaceTime or text or something. I'm willing to pay for your travel when you come here, and I swear I will make time each month to come see you as well. Even if it's for short periods of time. I really want this with you. More than anything, more than the fucking Stanley Cup, Hatton," Trevor chuckled, but he was completely serious. If hockey didn't pay his bills, then he'd drop everything to be with her.
"You must want me lot," Hatton grinned, teasing him.
"You have no idea," Trevor sighed, returning her grin.
"Ok. You have to ask me to be your girlfriend, though," Hatton's upside down smile was plastered on her face as she watched Zegras process what she just said.
"Wha- so that's a yes?" He could hardly form words because of the excitement that was running rampant in his head. His heart was working overtime.
"Did you ask me?" Hatton raised her eyebrows inquisitively, waiting for him to ask her the question that would start their future.
"Hatton Carlisle, would you do the absolute honor of being my beautiful, loving, caring girlfriend," Trevor was being a bit dramatic, but he didn't care because it made Hatton giggle.
"I would love to, Trevor Zegras," Hatton smiled.
Trevor got up from the recliner he was in and walked the two steps it took to get to Hatton. He cupped her face in his hands, taking a few seconds to take in her features, and placed a passionate kiss on her lips. The kiss saying everything that Trevor might have left out when previously discussing his feelings for Hattie. Hatton's fingers immediately grasped for his hair, slightly pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. Trevor took this as an opportunity to place himself between her legs, supporting his weight by placing one hand on the arm of the couch while the other was still cupping her cheek, his thumb caressing her smooth, rosy pink cheek.
Before things went too far, Trevor broke the kiss.
"We've got all week to show each other how much we like each other. We've got about 30 minutes to go pick up Louis," He chuckled, tucking a piece of Hatton's hair behind her ear.
The two loaded up into Trevor's car to go pick up Louis.
All that Hatton could think about was that Trevor wasn't just the annoying third wheel of her's and Jack's friendship anymore. He wasn't the one that pushed her buttons constantly, or made her question her sanity. He was her boyfriend.
Her phone ringing interrupted the comfortable silence in the car. Of course it was Jack.
"Bitch, did you not tell me you would call me when you got to Anaheim? I can't exactly help you when your literally on the other side of the country from me," Jack was yelling from somewhere off screen, but there was no way Trevor and Hatton couldn't hear him. His voice echoed all throughout his apartment.
"Sorry, bud. We've got some exciting news though," Hatton smiled.
As soon as she said that, Jack's face popped up on the phone, "Is my boyfriend there?"
"You mean my boyfriend?" Hatton smiled, knowing that Jack would have something to say about her statement.
"No fucking way..." Jack wore a grin as big as the sky, giving the Cheshire Cat a run for his money, "Let me see our boyfriend!"
"Jacky! My man, what's going on?" Trevor glanced at the phone before returning his attention on the road.
"It's about time. I'm telling Cole and Alex," And with that he hung up.
The two laughed, Trevor interlocking their hands. He couldn't believe that she actually agreed to be his girlfriend. It felt surreal, 3 years of pining after her and it all paid off.
"I'm glad you're here, Hatton," Trevor smiled.
"I'm glad I'm here too, Z," She gave his hand a squeeze. This week just might be one of the best weeks of their lives so far.
That night Hatton decided to sleep in a bed by herself, not quite comfortable with being completely vulnerable with Trevor quite yet. She tossed and turned all night long, replaying the day in her head over and over again. The sudden feelings she had developed for Trevor scared her, quite honestly. If she was capable of falling that hard that quickly, how much more control over her could Trevor have?
Before she knew it, the sun was peeking through a tiny sliver of the blackout curtains in her room. Like usual, there was no way she would be able to go back to sleep now. Her natural timer prohibited it. It made her feel a little better though when she heard a door open and the pitter patter of paws, followed along with what had to be Trevor's footsteps. She could hear him disarm the alarm system and open the back door.
Hatton decided that it would probably be rude of her to stay in bed all morning, so she stretched, tossing the covers off of her in the process. She put on a bra and brushed her teeth, but didn't bother doing anything else this early in the morning. If Trevor, for some odd reason, expected her to look like a model, he could suck it.
She put on a pair of slippers and made her way to the living room, quickly spotting Trevor sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs that circled a fire pit on the back porch, playing on his phone as Louis inspected the perimeter of the yard.
Before Hatton could even open the door, Louis somehow spotted her and began barking. Trevor quickly apologized as he picked him up and opened the back door for her.
"He's not aggressive, but he'll let me know when someone's here," Trevor chuckled as he scratched the dog behind the ears.
"No worries! When you're as cute as him you can get away with anything," Hatton gave the dog a pat on the head as she made herself comfortable on the couch that sat across from the chair that Trevor had previously been sitting in.
"Do you happen to have a coffee maker?" Hatton desperately needed caffeine. Now that she thought about it, she might have a caffeine addiction.
"I do not, actually. Jamie took it in the divorce," Trevor managed to say with a straight face, but furrowed eyebrows from Hatton gave away her confusion.
"Yeah, he moved out and had the balls to move down the street. He can be a bitch, but he's no threat to you," Trevor said so nonchalantly that Hatton couldn't tell if it was a joke or not.
"That's nice to know..." Hatton trailed off. The two sat enjoying the peace that the early morning exuded, watching Louis be Louis and occasionally mentioning something insignificant. A chill washed over Hatton, goosebumps quickly rising.
"So, I have a preseason game tonight, as you probably know. The game isn't until 5, but I do have a practice this morning if you want to tag along...," Trevor explained, hoping Hatton would want to come to the stadium.
"And what's in it for me?" Hatton was obviously going to support Trevor, but was it really Hatton if she didn't make him work for it?
"Well, that depends on what you're thinking of...if you want to go out to eat, there's plenty of places that will be open after the game. If you want to do something, Disney is literally like 5 minutes away and I have an off day tomorrow. If you're thinking a little alone time..." Trevor wiggled his eyebrows, but he was completely joking, unless Hatton wasn't. In that case he would definitely keep the offer on the table.
"Z, what if I actually said yes to the last option. What would you do?" Hatton chuckled as she spoke.
"Probably think somebody kidnapped the real Hattie and replaced her with whatever is sitting right here," Trevor rubbed the bottom of his chin, pretending to think about what he was saying.
"Disney tomorrow would be amazing," Hatton didn't even have to think about it. She adored Disney, the smell, the rides, it was one of her favorite things. She couldn't wait.
The two made their way inside to get dressed for the day, but not before a knock at Trevor's front door elicited a howl from Louis.
"I got it," Trevor announced, leaving Hatton alone in the kitchen while she poured a bowl of Lucky Charms.
She could hear somebody come through the front door, heading to the kitchen. Hattie could tell that Trevor was quietly chewing out whoever it was that he let in, but she couldn't quite make out what he was saying exactly.
"Trevor shut the fuck up. You never used this damn Keurig, anyway," A dark-haired, fair-skinned guy sat a black Keurig down on the counter adjacent to Hatton, not noticing there was a girl right next to him.
"Why do you even need-" As soon as the guy turned and caught a glimpse of Hatton, he knew exactly why Trevor blew his phone up asking about the stupid coffee maker.
"I think I might know who you are," Jamie sent an innocent smirk to the girl across from him.
"I think I might know who you are as well," Hatton giggled, connecting the dots as to the whole "divorce" thing that Trevor had mentioned.
"You must be the infamous Hattie. Trevor hasn't shut up about you for as long as I've known him," Jamie winked, chuckling when he saw Trevor giving him a death glare.
"You must be Trevor's ex in...some capacity. You didn't have to bring the coffee maker back. I could've run through Starbucks or Dunkin," Hatton rolled her eyes as she made eye contact with Trevor. He, in turn, shrugged his shoulders.
"It's no problem, I'll just make my morning coffee here and then we can carpool," Jamie popped in a coffee pod and started it for you.
"So how did Trevor mange to get you here? I thought you didn't like him..." Jamie waited patiently as the coffee poured into the mug he had placed underneath.
"She's my girlfriend now," Trevor interjected, immediately sending Hattie the biggest grin he could manage. He would never get tired of telling people that. He had worked hard to earn that title.
"Willingly? I don't normally judge people, but I'm judging a little bit," Jamie widened his eyes jokingly, causing Hatton to chuckle. He passed her the cup of coffee and began to make his.
"You know, I kinda feel the same way. He's a weirdo, but he's very convincing," Hatton could feel Trevor staring at her, but she just watched Jamie as he smiled.
"Yeah…you know I'm right here?" Trevor spoke up.
"Yeah, we know," Jamie nonchalantly said as he sipped his coffee.
Trevor rolled his eyes as he walked away towards his room to change into his outfit for the day, Hatton filing to her room shortly after to do the same.
As she ruffled through the articles of clothing that hung in the closet, she smiled. She was going into this week with an open mind and heart. No expectations, just experiences.
She was eager to see it all unfold.
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LOTR Newsletter – September 17
Today’s entry covers everything from the end of Bilbo’s 111th birthday party (after he leaves), which is also Frodo’s 33rd birthday party, to many years later, when Frodo is 49 years old, in April.
So, what’s been going on (outside the Shire, in particular)?
First: Bilbo’s behaviour before leaving makes Gandalf strongly suspects that his Ring is the One Ring (before that, he had been sometims worried, but unsure). In “The Shadow of the Past,” Gandalf says to Frodo, “He [Bilbo] said and did things then that filled me with a feat that no words of Saruman could allay. I knew at last that something dark and deadly was at work.” At the Council of Elrond, Gandalf says, “Time passed with many cares, until my doubts were awakened again to sudden fear…That was seventeen years ago. Soon I became aware that spies of many sorts, even birds and beasts, were gathered round the Shire, and my fear grew. I called for the help of the Dúnedain, and their watch was doubled; and I opened my heart to Aragorn, the heir of Isildur.”
I find it quite sweet that, while Gandalf acknowledges to Frodo that Bilbo’s behaviour around the Ring on the night of the Party was startling, at the Council of Elrond he obscures the reason (‘my doubts were awakened again’) to avoid alluding to things that could be embarassing to Bilbo in front of a large group of prominent people.
Appendix B confirms that Gandalf’s conversation with Aragorn, and the doubling of the Rangers’ guard on the Shire, happened in the same year as the Party.
Bilbo travels to the Lonely Mountain for a visit, and then settles in Rivendell, as he later tells Frodo: “I got here without much adventure, and after a rest I went on with the Dwarves to Dale: my last journey. I shan’t travel again. Old Balin has gone away. Then I came back here, and here I have been.”
Gandalf and Aragorn look for Gollum over many years without succeess, and Gandalf checks in on Frodo itermittently:
For three years after the Party he [Gandalf] had been away. Then he paid Frodo a brief visit, and after taking a good look at him he went off again. During the next year or two he had turned up fairly often, coming unexpectedly after dusk, and going off without warning before sunrise. He would not discuss his own business and journeys, and seemed chiefly interested in small news about Frodo’s health and doings. Then suddenly his visits had ceased. It was [at the end of today’s reading] over nine years since Frodo had seen or heard of him.
From Gandalf only entering or leaving Bag End after dark, he evidently still fears the Shire is being watched, and does not wat to draw attention to Frodo.
About six years after the Party (about a year before the nine-year-break in Gandalf’s visits to Frodo), Aragorn’s mother Gilraen dies. She has been living among the Dúnedain in Eriador (she left Rivendell a few years after Aragorn fell for Arwen and Elrond told him that she could not marry him until/unless he becomes King of both Gondor and Arnor – in effect, until there was peace and Aragorn had played a substantial role in bringing it about; this suggests to me that things may have been at least a bit uncomfortable between Gilraen and Elrond after that). By the time of Gilraen’s death Aragorn and Arwen’s first meeting is 56 years ago, and they have already been engaged for 27 years
She [Gilraen] seldom saw her son again, for he spent many years in far countries. But on a time, when Aragorn had returned to the North, he came to her, and she said to him before he went:
“This is our last parting, Estel, my son. I am aged by care, even as one of lesser Men; and now that it draws near I cannot face the darkness of our time that gathers upon Middle-earth. I shall leave it soon.”
Aragorn tried to comfort her, saying: “Yet there may be a loght beyond the darkness; and if so, I would have you see it, and be glad.”
But she answered only with this linnod: ‘Onen i-Estel Edain, û-chebin estel anim [I gave Hope to the Dúnediain, I have kept no hope for myself]’
and Aragorn went away heavy of heart. Gilraen died before the next spring.
Over the nine years that Gandalf does not visit Frodo, he and Aragorn continue interrmeittently to search for Gollum. For many years they do not find him, and at some time in these years Gollum enters Mordor and is captured by Sauron. These years are also when even hobbits in The Shire begin to heard dark rmours of outside events.
At some point in the year 3017 (the year before the main events of The Lord of the Rings begin), Gollum is released from Mordor. “The Hunt for the Ring” in Unfinished Tales gives us some dates for the events that follow.
At some point in late 3017 or early 3018, Gandalf departs from his and Aragon’s search for Gollum on the borders of Mordor, and goes to Minas Tirth. As he tells at the Council of Elrond:
“There [on the edges of Mordor] we had rumour of him [Gollum], and we guess that he dwelt there long in the dark hills; but we never found him, and at last I despaired. And in my despair I thought of a test that might make the finding of Gollum unneeded. The ring itself might tell if it were the One.”
He remember’s some if Saurman’s lore about hidden markings on the Ring, and goes to Minas Turith and finds Isildur’s scroll about it, and about the fire-letters.
Not long after Gandalf leaves for Minas Tirith, on February 1st, 3018, Aragorn captures Gollum in the Dead Marshes. Aragorn has an unpleasant journey to Mirkwood with Gollum as captive, lasting fifty days (and covering nearly 900 miles; that’s 18 miles/day, with a hostile captive), and reaches Thranduil on March 21st. Fron Unfinished Tales:
Hoping to escape detection by any of Sauron’s spies he drove Gollum through the north end of the Emyn Muil, and crossed Anduin just above Sarn Gebir. Drifwood was often cast up there on the shoals by the east shore, and binding Gollum to a log he swam across with him, and continued his journey north by tracks as westerly as he could find, through the skirts of Fangorn, and so over Limlight, then over Nimrodel and Silverlode through the eaves of Lórien, and then on. avoiding Moria and Dimrill Dale, over Gladden until he came near the Carrock.
As Gandalf rides north, messengers from Lothlórien tell him that Aragorn has captured Gollum and is bringing him to Thranduil. Gandalf arrives in Mirkwood on March 23rd, and questions him for several days, then leaves in the morning of March 29th, travelling to the Shire as fast as he can. He reaches the Shire the evening of April 12th, right after Sam’s argument with Ted Sandyman at The Green Dragon.
(One other thing I wanted to mention that amused me: apparently in medieval writings the village miller is almost always disliked and antagonistic. Medieval farmers were reliant on the miller to grind their grain to flour, and this left the miller with ample opportunities for overcharging, or for skimming off some of the flour. The Canterbury Tales is one example of a disliked miller character. I found it entertaining that Tolkien carried over this trope in first the Gaffer Gamgee arguing with the elder Sandyman, and then Sam arguing with his son.)
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queenshelby · 1 year
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Angst, Age Gap, Teacher x Student, Fluff, Smut
The following day…
There was something about this place, in the middle of nowhere, but yet close enough to the shore to take a stroll on the beach, which impressed you. You could see why Cillian liked it here and you most certainly appreciated him taking you somewhere like this.  It was idyllic and beautiful. The cottage fronted a backdrop of forest with towering pine trees, hundreds of years old, whispering into the wind, with a blanket of old rust pine needles covering the soft mossy earth.
The air felt incredibly clean and the hiss and sting of the millions of leafs being slapped with gentle raindrops falling onto them was rather calming.
The weather was not great. It was raining a lot while, yet, the air was syrupy and surprisingly warm for this time of the year. But, despite the rain and wind, Cillian and you went on several walks throughout the day after he cooked you some breakfast and, every time you left the cottage, you did not even encounter anyone else. It was just you and him and this, in your mind, was perfect.
Unlike James, Cillian was romantic and tender and his tenderness was something you loved about him a lot as no one else had ever shown you this kind of tenderness before.
He made these two days special for you, allowing you to escape from reality and the fact that, back in Dublin, you still had to keep your relationship a secret. Here, on the other hand, there was no need for secretary as the only person you eventually came across in the afternoon was a local ranger who walked the beach with his dog.
You too walked on the beach, hand in hand, while taking in the scenery and, just as you walked barefooted through the cold sand, the occasional brush of Cillian’s lips as he brought your hand to his mouth to kiss, sent shivers down your spine. It was such a simple but yet meaningful gesture and each time you stopped; a smile formed across his lips.
“I haven’t been as happy for a very long time” he told you as you saw his blue eyes looking over at you in awe. He was clearly unbothered by the increase in rain and, for some reason, so where you.
“Me neither” you admitted before bringing your hands up towards Cillian’s face and then running your fingers through his hair.
“In fact, I wish we could just stay here forever and live totally of the grit” you then chuckled while Cillian pulled you into his arms.
“Trust me babe, you will probably get bored of it after a while” he teased before pressing his lips onto yours for a passionate kiss until the heavens opened up.
‘”Fuck, we should probably get back” Cillian told you seeing that this was clearly an incoming storm and, by this point, you both knew that you better made a run for it and get to shelter.
After less than fifteen minutes, you arrived back at the cottage and dried yourself off in laughter before putting on some dry and comfortable clothes.
The cottage was still warm as the fire had been crackling for the past two hours. Cillian had stacked it up with some more wood before you left and quickly refilled it again, being the only source of heating.
“This is just perfect” you told him as you watched him in front of the fireplace, filling it with some more wood logs that had been left outside by the owners of the cottage.
“What is?” Cillian asked while turning around, seeing that you had placed a few warm blankets and pillows onto the floor in front of you so that you could sit closer by the fire.
“Everything!” you told Cillian while sitting down on the blankets, wearing no more than a cotton nightie and a cardigan, matched with some warm woollen socks. “Us being together, the cottage, the fire, the rain, the wind…just everything” you then told Cillian who, after giving you a quick kiss, wandered off into the kitchen.
“Well, I am glad that you aren’t too disappointed by the weather” Cillian chuckled while boiling some milk and making you your favourite drink, namely caramel hot chocolate with marshmallows, as suddenly, you heard a loud dash of thunder.
“Actually, I think that the weather itself is quite romantic, wouldn’t you say?” you giggled right after having startled yourself while listening to the storm raging outside.
“Yeah, sure, if you say so” Cillian said teased before he joined you on the blankets and handed you the large cup of caramel cocoa he had prepared for you as well as a small light blue box with the engraving “Tiffany” written atop of it.
“Happy Birthday babe” Cillian then said before kissing you gently and your chin dropped.
“If this is an engagement ring Cill, it’s way too fucking soon” you told him, causing Cillian to laugh.
“Relax! It’s not an engagement ring. Unfortunatly, I am still fucking married as you know” Cillian chuckled before explaining to you that he thought of jewellery as being an appropriate present for his girlfriend.
“You told me a while ago that no one ever gifted you jewellery before and that’s why you chose not to wear any. You said that it wouldn’t mean anything to you if you bought it yourself, so I hope that this will mean something at least” Cillian then said, explaining to you why he chose to gift you something he wouldn’t normally have chosen as a gift after such a short time.  
“Oh my god, you shouldn’t have Cillian! This is expensive and you are doing too much for me already” you told him while you opened the box and saw a beautiful necklace featuring an engraved pendant.
“Do you like it?” Cillian asked as his gesture made your eyes water up and all you could do for a moment was nod.
“I love it. Thank you!” you eventually told him as the lightning and thunder became stronger, and the rain was lashing against the glass of the windows.
“I love you Y/N” Cillian then told you before kissing you again while only one soft light remained to be working now, far across the room, as the others turned off again, for the fifth time that day.
“I love you too” you told Cillian as your lips drifted apart and he decided to check out the fuse box again, which is when you stopped him.
“No!” you told him as you were comfortable in the semi-dark room, sitting with your legs tucked under you, leaning against the pillows, and looking out.
“Leave it. It’s nice like this” you then went on to say while Cillian stopped and watched you for a moment.
“In fact, we should make the most of this very romantic scene, wouldn’t you say?” you then winked and, just as you did, your face was in profile, enthralled at the chaos outside as your simple cotton dress was clinging to your curves. It was mesmerising sight for him.
“We should” Cillian thus confirmed before approaching you again, this time from behind in order to help you with the clasp of your new necklace, which was something you were clearly struggling with as it had been caught up in the wool of your cardigan.
You took the cardigan off while Cillian untangled the neckless from it and then, eventually, you managed to put it on, closing the clasp at the back of your neck all while listening to the symphony of the storm, watching the flashes as they light up the world, inside and out.
Cillian then kissed you from behind. He kissed your neck first and then you turned around, allowing him to kiss your mouth and thus tasting the caramel on your sweet lips as your lips brushed and your tongues met before you indulged in a passionate kiss.
“You are so beautiful Y/N. I cannot get enough of you” Cillian whispered as he began to trace his fingers from your exposed shoulder, down your arm to the tips of your fingers before squeezing your hand and forcing his fingers in between yours.
“That’s good Cill, because I can’t get enough of you either” you told him as you could feel him growing hard against your back, which is also when he let go of your hand.
Cillian then brushed his fingers over your belly as he drew his hand up between your beautiful pert breasts and, of course, by that point, you longed for his touch and began to tingle between your thighs.
“That feels so nice. I love when you touch me” you moaned as, eventually, Cillian grabbed your lower breast beneath your cotton dress and felt your dime-sized nipple harden beneath his palm as he squeezed, before making you turn to the side and taking your other already engorged nipple into his mouth after pushing down the fabric covering it.
“Fuck, you have the most perfect breasts” Cillian told you and you let out a quiet moan in response which was all Cillian needed to continue further.
He took off your dress and his very own clothes all the same time, scattering them across the floor before he rolled you onto your back as you reached for his neck to pull him in for another heated kissing interlude.
His member was fully hardened now and pulsing against your thigh as he held both of your breasts in his hands and kissed between them before giving each of your nipples his full attention.
“Cillian, fuck” you moaned as you began to part your legs and then proceeded to move one of your feet to his now extremely sensitive cock, gently caressing the head and shaft and tickling his balls, while your hardened nipples were being tongued and nibbled.
“I need…” you then began to stammer as you sensed your flower becoming increasingly wet and hungry for attention.
“What do you need?” Cillian asked, seeing that you abandoned your sentence to give way for a low moan.
"I need you inside of me” you whispered in a breathy voice as you pushed Cillian off your belly and onto his back before rolling onto him.
“Not yet. Bring your pussy up here” Cillian told you while pulling you towards him and causing you to spread your legs over his torso. “I want to taste you first” he then said as he was looking up at your beautiful face and bouncy breasts while you tried to shuffle away from him in order to lie down.
“Uh uh, don’t lie down. Sit on my face!” Cillian demanded while holding you tight and you stared into his eyes and obediently began to shimmy up his body as your freshly waxed pussy moved within inches of his face.
“Now that’s fucking perfect” Cillian determined and you bit your lip, looking down at his excited eyes.
“You want me to…” you stammered, intending to question him about what he wanted you to do next which is when, without words, Cillian pulled your hips towards his lips, thereby abruptly positioning your glistening lady flower above his mouth.
He saw you looking down at him briefly, almost shocked, before your gorgeous orchid filled his whole line of sight, shimmering before him.
He then pulled you down towards his awaiting tongue and inhaled your womanhood deeply. Your smooth lips were inches from his nose and, within seconds, he lifted his head to bury your wet pussy fully into his face.
“Oh my fucking god” you gasped as Cillian tasted you and your sweet musk overwhelmed him.
“You taste so fucking good” he groaned as this must have been his favourite thing to do. Pleasuring you like this was intoxicating for him and, as he began to run his tongue up and down the inside of your silky soft labia, you shuddered out moan after moan.
You began to moan a little louder as Cillian' tongue was tracing out the letters of 'I Love You’ around your swelling clit and your legs soon wanted to give way, reminding you again of why you should have laid down instead.
You were ready and close to climax now and eventually moved up and down, grinding against Cillian' face like he was your personal sex toy while Cillian was clearly loving every minute of it, especially the sounds you were making when his tongue made direct contact with your most sensitive bud.
“Cum on my mouth babe. I want to taste you!” Cillian groaned as your juices began to flow more heavily now and you reached back with one hand on Cillian' other thigh while your other hand was pulling up and down on his now pulsating cock.
“Fuck” Cillian groaned against your mound, seeing how flexible all this dancing had made you as you arched your back.
“Oh god, Cillian” you moaned as Cillian continued to go to work on your beautiful pussy and sensitive clit with an incredible view as you leaned back, moving your other hand from his shaft to squeeze your breast before, finally, taking charge and slowly flipping around.
“What are you doing? I wasn’t done yet” Cillian complained cheekily before noticing that you repositioned yourself above his face.
“I know” you then winked before you went face down in to 69 position.
When you leaned forward to engulf him, your hair first tickled Cillian’s thighs and balls while you were giving him an incredible view of your gorgeous heart-shaped buttocks.
You then went down on him with unbridled enthusiasm, kissing his long, thick shaft and silky soft balls before running your tongue around the mushroom-shaped head and taking in his veiny pulsing cock fully to the hilt.
“Jesus Y/N” Cillian groaned as you came up for air and to tease the underside of his shaft with your tongue as his legs began to squirm.
At the same time, Cillian grabbed your hips to move your soaked pussy back to his awaiting mouth which, eventually, sent you over the edge.
With a loud moan around his cock, you came so hard that your juices gushed against Cillian’s lips whereupon he excitedly lapped up your sweet nectar until you could not take it anymore. You were quivering uncontrollably and eventually pulled away from him.
"Stop. I want to cum inside you” Cillian then told you as you wanted to resume sucking on his cock, but he had another idea and made you face him again. “Sit on my cock” he then groaned and you complied by positioning yourself on top of him.
You then began to insert his cock, cowgirl style, while grinding your sopping wet pussy back and forth as Cillian watched his thick head continually disappearing within you.
“Fuck that feels good” you moaned every time he bottomed out against your cervix and whilst it was slightly painful too, you enjoyed every second of it.
Pulling up slightly, you began to fuck him harder, pounding against his balls and rubbing his now extremely swollen head against your sensitive g-spot with every insertion.
“That’s it, babe. I love watching you ride me like this” Cillian groaned as he watched you fuck him, his thick cock going in and expanding your inner pussy lips with every thrust. Your juices were creamy and trickling down his shaft and he was having a difficult time resisting release in this position. It clearly was his weakness, you on top of him right after having eaten you out for almost half an hour. So, he lifted you up, pulled out of you quickly and then came around to face you before pushing you onto your back.
“Are you still not satisfied?” you moaned as Cillian opened your legs widely and pushed them both back to render your fully exposed.
“No. You just taste too fucking good” Cillian told you as he bends down and tastes your sex, licking you hard from side to side and pulling your silky hood back and then flicking against it with his tongue, rapidly and lightly.
Within five minutes though, Cillian could tell that you needed him inside again so he crawled up in between your spread open legs to penetrate you.
But, before he did, he placed a pillow beneath your buttocks and even though you were usure as to why he did this, you did not dare to question him as his eyes were filled with pure lust and hunger for you.
“Oh fuck! That’s deep!” you then moaned as he pushed his cock into you again and, this time, he bottomed out in one swift thrust, hitting your cervix and g-spot all at the same time.
“Too deep?” Cillian asked as he could feel it too and, when you shook your head and told him that it felt good, he began to thrust.
“Oh god yes” you moaned as you felt how hard and warm he was and Cillian couldn't believe how good it felt to hit your deepest inner point over and over again.
“I feel like I can feel you all the way in my stomach” you gasped as Cillian moved in and out of you consistently and with force, sliding his full length in and out, hitting your cervix and rubbing against your g-spot each time. If you were more aware of things, you would have been amazed by how steady and rhythmic he was that night, with his thrusts. In and out, in and out, deeper and deeper, pressing your crotches together, burying his stiff cock inside of your warm hole.
"Oh, god, Cillian!" you called out again as his strokes intensified. Your moans and groans grew louder as did his grunts.
As the minutes passed, your pace increased rapidly and both of your bodies were rolling and undulating in a languid rhythm. You probed each other's mouths eagerly as you could barely hold onto him, your hands desperately clutching at his sweat-slicked back.
Cillian’s solid body worked every muscle and sinew to drive the most pleasure from the moment and his hand gripped your outer thigh as your legs clamped to the side of his body.
Cillian then rolled up onto his knees and you grabbed the blanket beneath you hard and arched your back as he took hold of your hips and pulled you on to his cock over and over again.
“Fuck, this feels so good” Cillian groaned as the moist slapping of your bodies coming together was alternating and mixing with your gasps and heavy breaths.
"Yes. Fuck me harder Cillian. Fuck me as hard as you can” you then moaned as Cillian stole an appreciative look at his cock sliding into your swollen pussy before picking up the pace.
He rocked you harder and faster, his cock swelling painfully. Your ample, round breasts shuddered in circles with every stroke.
"Cillian!” you called out through the roughness in your throat and when you did manage to focus your eyes upon him, you were greeted with the image of a handsome, over-heated man, leaning over you and pouring his lust into you.
“I am so close” you eventually announced as it was sweltering hot in the room now.
“So am I babe. I can’t wait to fill you with my cum” Cillian groaned as he dug his fingers deep into your hips now. His thrusts grew even faster, harder, more erratic. He pulled and pushed at you roughly and you continued to hold his hair tightly.
“Cum inside me. Oh god yes” you moaned as your back strained to an impossibly high arch, Your head was rolling back over the pillow and you grit your teeth, parting them only to call out towards the ceiling.
"Cillian!” your voice was raw but still the sounds of your groans continued to grow louder.
Slapping flesh, strained moans and cries and the sounds of your lustful coupling were enough to wake the forest beyond the walls of the cottage. He leaned back on one hand, his other supporting your arching back and thrust upward, raising your butt high off the ground, hitting your cervix hard again this time and, eventually, you screamed.
Your body quaked and you felt Cillian fill you with his throbbing, swollen cock as, together, you climaxed. You were focused solely on Cillian now as he poured himself into you, arching and bucking and, just as he filled you with his cum, you felt an electric rush cursing through your body. Your fingers wrenched at his hair, your toes curled and your body tensed so hard, you thought you would explode.
Your bright eyes, rounded wide open along with your mouth and you cried out again.
You came hard a fast and Cillian could feel the sweet warmth and silkiness of your juices surrounding his cock. He grasped at your slick, soft hips pumping as long as he could. He grit his teeth and then raised his head as he filled you with yet another spurt of his seed. It seemed to burn and stream relentlessly as his throbbing cock unloaded everything it had built up.
Eventually though, your bodies started to relax. Almost painfully, both of your fingers eased their grasps. Cillian slumped on his knees and you lowered yourself down from the strained crescent you had shaped your body into. You felt him slide out of you and, just as he did, Cillian ran his hands through his damp hair, sucking in oxygen, feeling the strain on his ab muscles.
“This was incredible” you acknowledged as, after momentarily regaining your breaths, you looked at each other.
“It was. Fuck” Cillian cursed as he managed to smile first. His head was clearing and delirious thoughts were replaced by a feeling of overwhelming satisfaction while you relaxed against the pillows and pulled him down to join you.
“This is the best weekend ever and it isn’t even my birthday yet” you told him before Cillian cleared his throat said “No, not until Tuesday, but you may as well enjoy another few days of being twenty something” he joked, seeing that he still believed that you were going to turn thirty and, of course, when he said those words, your guilt crept back into your mind and you passed a few minutes in silence. You knew that you had to tell him but you did not want to ruin this moment, which is why you decided to put it off, again…
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||A Confession Years in the Making||
Summary: A reunion between two friends, turns to something.....more.
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Fluff. A little mention of blood and death. And some kissing in the end.
A/N: @aidansloth​ and @chocotacobread​ suggested that I continue this and I couldn’t help myself so here it is!
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The battle of Helm’s Deep was won.
It was hard-earned and brutal. So many lives had been lost.
You were one of the few elves that had survived. It had not been easy. The enemy had seen to slaughtering you whatever chance it could get. Yet you had been steadfast and true in your skills as a warrior. You still had so much to live for and one mere battle would not deter you from your true purpose.
Sustaining no life-threatening injuries, you had taken to carrying out other tasks. One of them being searching for survivors amongst those fallen. More then once you had stooped down to carry an injured soldier to the Healing Halls. Your elf strength aided in carrying them, though it didn’t take long for your clothing to be stained with blood and grime from your task. You had removed your armor earlier, or rather what was left of it. You had used several pieces of your armor as ammunition during the battle.
Despite your relatively high level of endurance, you were beginning to tire now. You had not rested after the battle, and now it had been nearly a full day since you had any rest. Before that there had been the long march across Middle-Earth. Suffice to say when Aragorn approached you tell you there was a room where the remaining Fellowship and elves were resting, you were quick to follow him.
Entering the room you were greeted by the sight of several figures slumbering upon the ground underneath warm blankets. You were too exhausted to notice anyone or anything as Aragorn guided you to an empty spot and handed you a blanket and a rough looking pillow. You barely thanked him as you pushed off your boots and outer tunic, revealing the slightly cleaner one underneath. You would’ve preferred a bath but you were just so tired. As soon as you laid down you were asleep, unaware of the elf that lay beside you, lost in his own dreams.
A warmth enveloped your hand, prompting you to open your eyes, staring sleepily at the eyes of the elf lying beside you. He seemed to have just woken as well, since his own eyes were barely open, yet there was a small smile playing on his lips as he stroked his thumb along the back of your hand. You closed your eyes with a gentle smile, your body subtly moving a little closer to his.
“Thank the Valar you are safe.” He whispered so softly that the words reached no other ears but your own. You lifted his hand to your lips, pressing them softly against his skin. “And I am glad that you are safe as well, Legolas.”
The both of you fell asleep again.
You had been to countless elven festivities during your lifetime. And those of men was not so different from your own.
There was drinking involved, of course, songs, dance, merriment and laughter. Wherever you looked, you saw families reunited with their loved ones, soldier’s sitting together and remembering their fallen comrades. The Hobbits, Merry and Pippin, as you had been introduced, were dancing on the table. The White Wizard, Mithrandir, was watching amused. He caught your gaze and gave you a warm smile, which you returned. However, your gaze was directed towards a certain elf and his dwarf friend. You navigated your way over to them, amused to see what they were up to.
There seemed to be some sort of drinking competition, you deduced from the many many tankards that were now resting upon the table. As the Prince of Mirkwood appeared from behind a tankard, once he had drained it of course, you couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. “Would not be cheating if you were to win? You know their ale cannot effect us.” You whispered to him as you watched Gimli reach for yet another tankard.
Legolas smiled mischievously before pressing a lips to his fingers. You couldn’t help but laugh softly at his antics. It didn’t take long for Gimli to promptly keel over and begin snoring as the ale finally got to him. You couldn’t help but laugh at the smug yet unbothered manner in which Legolas stated his victory. “Game Over.”
You patted his arm gently before moving to the unconscious. Together the both of you managed to pick him up and carry him out of the Feasting Halls. Finding the rooms where you would be sleeping, Gimli was deposited there, and after throwing a blanket over him, and listening to him curse at Legolas for winning, though in jest, the two of you stepped out of the room and into the hallway.
The two of you turned your heads to look at one another, before you reached out to clasp his hand within you own and began to lead him down the hall. Past the crowd of happy people and out into the cool evening air. The both of you stood next to one another, hands still clasped. The silence seemed to stretch on and on, yet it was one of comfort.
“I did not think we would survive.” You finally spoke, allowing a slight tremble to your voice as you did. Legolas nodded. “There was a moment I thought as such as well.” He responded. If it had not been for Mithrandir and Éomer’s timely arrival they would have been overwhelmed quickly by the enemy.
“We elves tend to not think about death, given that were are immortal.” You turned so you could face him. “But during the battle, watching our kinsmen fall, I realized we are just as vulnerable as Man.” He gave your hand a light squeeze as if in reassurance. Your gaze flickered to your joined hands and raised them between the two of you. You lifted your other hand as well as you began to play with his fingers, and drawing patterns against his palm. “And though I had resolved to tell you even before the battle of how I felt, I realized I should’ve done it a long long time ago.”
You finally looked up at him, eyes shining with unshed tears to see a storm of emotions darkening his gaze. Yet he looked at you so tenderly. You had never seen him look that way before, though little did you know, over the years, when your gaze had been fixed on something else, he had looked at you with that expression quite often.
“I suppose it was a mistake on both our parts, to keep something from one another for so long.” He finally said, reaching up with his other hand to push some of your hair behind your pointed ear. The wind was blowing softly, allowing strands of your hair to dance in the breeze. You had borrowed a dress from Lady Éowyn for the occasion, but it hardly mattered to Legolas what you wore. You looked just as beautiful as you did after the battle at Helm’s Deep. His hand lingered at your ear, fingertips only barely brushing against the pointed tip. The sensation prompted you to inhale a shuddering breath, unable to look away from him.
“Shall we promise never to do that again?” You asked, clasping his hands in both of yours, stepping closer to him as you did. The scent of pine and wood enveloped you completely as you drew comfort from simply being in his presence. He gave a small nod of confirmation, his hand cupping the side of your face as he drew you even closer.
“I promise, never to keep a secret from you Y/N, again.” You had been expecting his lips to meet yours. Your eyes had closed, which was why you were a little surprised when he passed your mouth completely. “And here is my final secret.” He finally stopped a mere breath away from your ear as he whispered his final secret, his final undoing. His breath was warm against your skin. His closeness and scent was making your head spin, and yet you had never felt so grounded, so alive before.
A shy yet delighted smile stretched across your features as your body leaned against his completely and you turned your head to whisper your final secret to him as well.
The promise the two of you made that night was sealed with an embrace that was both passionate yet gentle. His lips found yours at the same time yours found his. There was no denying that whatever spark there had been between the two of you only seemed to shine brighter as you kissed. It had always been there, but this would be the first time you were both allowing yourself to explore for the first time.
You pulled back from the kiss, your nose brushing against his for a moment. You opened your eyes to see him looking back at you, and the emotion that lay within urged you to fuse your lips together once more. The first kiss had been soft and gentle, this was anything but.
With a hand at the back of your head, Legolas tilted your head slightly to allow him to better slant his lips against yours. The slight shift had him making the kiss even deeper.
You poured every ounce of love and devotion into the embrace, trying to convey the depth of your feelings to him. Legolas seemed matched your pace perfectly, as he wrapped his arms around your waist, his hands stroking along the length of your back. Your hands were occupied with his hair, before roaming down to his shoulders.
He was the one who pulled back this time, taking satisfaction at your breathlessness the blush across your cheeks. “No more secrets?” He asked, as his thumb ran along the bottom of your lower lip. You shook your head. “No more secrets.”
You pulled him back down, your giggle at his startled expression muffled as your lips met once more.
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greedyhoneyz · 2 years
We’re Doing Just Fine
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・pairing: neymar jr x reader
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・synopsis: when emotions are at an all time high, it’s time cool down and take in everything.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・cw: fluff.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・authors notes: I don’t think this is one of my best efforts so i might revamp it a bit but enjoy! there are many requests waiting to written so please be patient with me. 😁
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The gentle patter of footsteps crept along the hardwood floors as (name) busied herself around the house. She swept up around the kitchen, fluffed the pillows on the couch and lightly wiped the walls all whilst soothing herself with a warm glass of milk.
Setting her glass on the coffee table, (name) ran her hands down her shirt, pressing through its creases and stared attentively at the front door just meters away from her.
She could hear the muffled roar of Neymar's car as it pulled into the driveway, followed by his shuffled footsteps alongside the cobblestone floor after he slammed his car door shut.
There was a moment of silence shared between the interior and exterior of the shared home as Neymar’s keys rattled and clicked against the front door.
The front door opened, Neymar’s shadowed figure glinting grimly under the front porch’s bright lights as he stepped into the mansion. In his hand he lugged a gym bag, his keys rattling around his pointer finger.
Dropping his bag on the floor, Neymar let out a heavy breath. He rolled his shoulders and paced his hand around the walls, searching for the light switch.
(name) crept slowly towards her boyfriend and called for him softly, her back pressed against the wall as he flipped the light on. “Ney….”
The overhead light, beaming above Neymar, tunnelled across the entryway. His eyes followed the light trail until it stopped at the end of the hallway, where (name) stood.
“Meu amor," Neymar whispered, a sparkle glimmering in his eyes. With extended arms, he walked towards (name), and a wide smile crept upon his face.
(name) stared at her boyfriend curiously, her gaze switching from his hands to his face as he stepped closer and closer to her.
Raising his hands, Neymar held her face between the palms of his hands. He bore his eyes into hers as a low chuckle escaped between his lips.
Confused, her brows knitted together, and (name) breathed. “What?”
Bursting into a fit of gleeful laughter, Neymar wrapped his arms around (name’s) middle and lifted her.
Perplexed and taken aback by her boyfriend’s reckless actions, (name) yelped.
He spun her round and round, the world around twirling as he cheered. “Nós ganhamos!” (We won!)
It took a while for (name) to return to Earth, her gaze stood distant and dazed as her head hung off her neck.
Blinking slowly, she raised her head and peered up at Neymar with a squinty glare, the grin painted across his face almost blinding.
Cupping her cheek, Neymar gently set (name) down. His tattooed hand grasped hers, their fingers intertwining together. He dragged her to the living room, (name) stumbling behind him and settled himself on the couch, pulling her onto his lap.
He embraced her tightly, his single hand brushing against her arm as he smiled manically, kicking his feet.
After a while, Neymar noticed (name’s) hooded eyes and a lazy smile. He frowned, his eyebrows furrowing. “Você não está feliz?” (Aren’t you happy?)
“I am.” (name) retorted softly, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck. “Estou feliz.” (I’m glad.)
Inhaling deeply, (name) swallowed Neymar’s scent through the fabric of his shirt, her hand pressed to his chest. She snuggled into him, her arm wrapped around his neck.
“Por que você está tão quieto?” (Why are you so quiet?) Neymar asked softly, his thumb rubbing her tender cheek.
“I’m just tired.” (name) shrugged, propping her chin on his shoulder. She ran the tips of her nails along his neck as he snaked his hand underneath her shirt and stroked her back, his other hand gripping her thigh.
Blowing a breath of air, (name) spoke quietly. “Então, quando é sua próxima partida?” (So, when’s your next match?)
“Na próxima semana, não me lembro quando.” (Sometime next week, I don’t remember when.)
“Okay….” (name) droned slowly. She fidgeted in Neymar’s lap, her hold around his neck growing tighter and closed her eyes. Her breath settled, her chest rising and falling as her body began to shut down.
“Meu amor.” Neymar whispered. “Você está cansado, devemos subir?” (You’re tired, should we go upstairs?)
Shaking her head, (name) squeezed Neymar even tighter and reclined the side of her head against his. “No…I want to stay here with you.”
“Ok…” Neymar smiled softly, soothing his hand across (name’s) back. He embraced her solidly as her relaxed breath blew against his shoulder, tickling the hairs on his skin. Her arm eased around his neck as (name) slowly fell into slumber, leaving Neymar awake in their soundless, cosy home.
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
Anomaly Part 4
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Pairing: Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider) x Reader HUGE SPOILERS FOR ATSV
Characters: Y/N, Gwen, Hobie, Pavitr & Miles, with some Miguel and Jessica Mentions
Description: Everything you said to Miguel was wrong, Gwen did indeed drop the ball a tiny bit because of her relationship with Miles causing you to get an earful from both Miguel and Jessica. The spot was on the run and was going to different universes trying to gather as much power as he could. You get assigned to assisting them with taking down the spot and finally get to meet Miles.
“I told you if this happened you would be held responsible” Miguel looked furious at Y/N Who was once again on his platform with his superiority complex.
“I have no regrets about letting her go she needed to see him and I’m glad she got too, I just wished it was under different circumstances”
“Give her a break yah!” Hobie said beside Y/N with his hands in his signature jean jacket and his guitar slung over his arm. His big bushy hair bouncing around.
“No, they convinced me to let this happen, the most IMPORTANT anomaly we should of captured and stopped is now running amok in the multiverse” Miguel punched his desk again, it’s a wonder how that thing stay intact it’s probably made out of vibranium or something.
“Look it happened, leave us to go fix it and handle it from here” Hobie grabbed Y/N’s arm and dragged them off towards the portal he opened to earth 50101 dragging them through the portal. As soon as they arrived they could hear them bickering over who would open the barrier. Hobie sent Y/N a smirk and put his mask on running forward and kicking the barrier down.
“HOBIE!” Both Pavitr and Gwen yelled out in unison. Y/N watched him jam out on his guitar rolling his eyes as he did, he knew how to make an entrance. Y/N followed closely behind with their mask down.
“Y/N!” Gwen said, they could hear the smile radiating from her mask.
“Hobie? Y/N” Mile said mildly confused in the back. Both you and Hobie looked up facing down the spot.
“Look at that another two, I love how many variations of you there are” The spot said directing to all of the Spiders in front of him.
While the other Spiders were bickering in the background Y/N leapt into action. Although they could catch every couple words coming from Miles and Hobie.
“Is this thing the one from 1610?” Hobie said giving Pavitr a noogie and pointing at Miles.
“You understand this guy?” Miles said gesturing to Hobie.
“And who’s the other one? Y/N did you say? Is this the one you haven’t stopped talking about since…” Gwen cut him off promptly swinging away.
“Hey Hobie thanks for breaking the shield!” Pavitr said dodging all of The Spot’s attacks “Ahhh I loosened it” Said Miles also rushing in to battle.
“Main advice, use the palms not the hands” Hobie said gesturing to his own hands.
“Ahhh yeah Miles this is Hobie and Y/N they’re my friends”
“Well I’ve never heard of either of you because Gwen hardly mentioned you” Hobie then started going off a tangent about who he was, where he came from and what he believed in. Y/N laughed at the blatant introduction he had about how unpolitical he was.
“Okay well since we’re doing this for the last time, Hello my names Y/N and for the last 2 years I’ve been the one and only Spider. Same as everyone else I was bit by a spider, got these cool powers, I live with my Aunt who has raised me since birth and is a borderline mad genius with the amount of science she does out of her house. I lost my parents, my uncle and now I’m here. I am also apart of this so called band that Hobie is/isn’t in” Y/N finished their introduction managing to get a small hit on The Spot who just teleported away.
“Gwendy you left your jumper around my place” Hobie said crouched on the ground next to her and then swinging off to go after spot
“What’s a Jumper?” Miles asked standing in the middle of the room following Gwen around
“It’s like a sweater” Pavitr said disappearing after Hobie
“That’s Y/N’s jumper actually” Gwen said landing next to Miles and then pulling herself towards Spot who put a portal in front of her only to smash into Pavitr
“Yes I can also see your wearing my chucks too” Y/N said ducking underneath one the Spots portals only to get hit by another one and land on Gwen. Furiously blushing Y/N stood up super quick dusting off their clothes and trying so hard not to make eye contact.
“Are you okay?” Gwen asked, concern laced in her voice as she walked towards Y/N, she put her hand against their cheek and pulled away quickly. “You’re very hot at the moment this isn’t normal are you sick?” Trying everything they could do to get away from Gwen they shot a web in any direction causing Miles to hit it and fall face first on the ground.
“This isn’t fair” Miles said flat on the ground. Y/N was trying so hard not to think about the conversation they had with A/N about their feelings for Gwen but was trying so hard to shake it off.
Pavitr let out a loud gasp and Y/N turned towards him with the most evil glint behind their mask as they could. “Don’t you dare!” Y/N yelled towards Pavitr who was giggling like a school girl. “I know” He said before swinging away just before Y/N could grab him.
“You shut up Pavitr you know nothing” Y/N yelled once again and Gwen just grew more and more confused. “We don’t have time for this we need to take down the spot” Just as both Y/N and Gwen went to swing off The Spot managed to get Miles in a corner and used his port to get the other Spiders away.
“This is going to be good for us Spider-Man” The Spot said to miles. While the Spot was going through his evil monologue Gwen gave Y/N another look.
“What was that with Pavitr?” She asked, Y/N glanced away and shook their head. “Nothing Important” Y/N could hear giggling coming from the pile again.
The collider started going off, all the Spiders got up and chased after the spot trying to stop him from entering the collider, before he did they managed to web him holding him back before he entered the collider.
“You’re not a joke, right gang?”
“Absolute not”
“Completely Unamusing!”
“I don’t believe in comedy….just kidding”
“I don’t think its that funny that you managed to turn into this just because of the bagel”
All the spiders turned to look at Y/N who yelled out that last thing, before they could respond the spot had snipped the web and floated into the collider. They all flew backwards and began dusting themselves off. Just as they stood up Pavitr started speaking.
“Well that was another easy adventure for Spider-Man”
“No no no no no no” Said the other 4 Spiders in unison. The collider exploded causing the spot to gain the abilities he wanted to take down Miles. He emerged from the collider pure black and spoke to miles briefly.
Once they were all able to they ran out of the collapsing Alchemex building towards the exit avoiding all the rubble. Once they made it outside they could hear the foundation of the entire building itself start to collapse and fall.
“Y/N, Hobie and Gwen slow down the building, Pavitr and I will clear a path!” Miles jumped off rushing down to save the people below with Pavitr, Hobie, Gwen and Y/N leapt after them webbing up the building as best as they could.
Y/N managed to get to the very tip of the building and stood on a roof top of another building. They rubbed their hands together and held them out waiting for the impact. As soon as it hit them they stumbled backwards about 10 feet just on the edge of the building underneath them but began to push back. Y/N had an outstanding amount of strength ever since they took that serum their Aunt had given to them, they managed to get a hold of building stopping most of the damage. However there was still a lot of rubble getting away from the building.
“Don’t worry about this part you guys go help those below!” Hobie and Gwen nodded letting go of their webbing and rushing below to help/ Y/N with the whole building on their back managed to web up the main building and stop it from going any further. Once they had done that and it was safe to leave the area the swung down to the rest of the commotion. Y/N could see they managed to save everyone, Hobie was congratulating Miles and Gwen was staring down at her watch. Y/N could clearly see the words “CANON EVENT DISRUPTED” Flashing across the screen. Y/N scoffed as they didn’t believe in all that nonsense and knew they could control their own destiny so was happy that Miles was here and managed to save Captain Singh.
The whole crowd was cheering for them briefly and was replaced with horrified screams as a giant black hole opened up. Y/N watched a giant spider robot come down from the sky and out came Miss Jessica Drew herself, they watched Gwen try to explain the situation about Miles but she brushed them off saying Miguel wanted to see all of them at HQ.
A big sigh left their lips as they trailed behind the other spiders entering the portal and heading back to the Spider Society.
Y/N was too lost in thought about what was happening with themselves and wasn’t 100% focused on the mission. Don’t get them wrong they understood what was at stake here but A/N’s words kept playing on in their head.
“You won’t admit it but you feel something for her, I just want you to be absolutely sure that this is something you want, because if it isn’t and things start to spiral down I am worried that she may never open up to another person again. Because I know you wouldn’t” Sometimes Y/N hated how right she was about all of it, how she could read them like a book. It was an unfair advantage she had on them sometimes but Y/N knew that their A/N was right, it was just hard because she wasn’t as focused as she should be.
When they got to Spider Society Gwen was so distracted with Miguel’s demand of him wanting to see them that she turned into a robot who followed orders obediently. Y/N knew why, she didn’t want to lose access to any of this, her favourite people were all here and this was the only way she could see them. Plus she was still very much running away from her past and her dimension.
Y/N shoved their hands in their pockets and followed like a lost puppy, stuck in their head going over every scenario, every situation that had led them to this point. They already knew what was going to happen, they knew Miguel was not going to be okay with Miles changing the canon events and they knew that Miles was not going to like that, not when he found out about his own dad and also that he was never meant to be Spider-Man.
Hobie noticed the glum look on Y/N’s face and walked in pace with them.
“Whats wrong with my singer?” He asked facing towards Y/N. “I’m just distracted at the moment Hobie is all” They said quietly while trying to not draw attention to themselves and also continue walking at pace. Miles was too busy making comments on everything they saw while Gwen was trying to get them to hurry up.
“Yes bruv but whats going on in that big brain of yours” Y/N let down their guard for a split second, if anyone was going to agree on the events that were about to happen it would be Hobie.
“You already know what’s about to go down right?” Y/N asked quickly, Hobie smirked and nodded already holding a couple of pieces of electronics he had taken from different pieces of equipment. Y/N had to give it to Hobie he was always prepared no matter what was going to happen, its like he had been waiting for Miles to show up and cause a disruption.
“No matter what happens we will have to pick sides and I know who’s side we’re going to be on, its just her I’m worried about” Hobie said gesturing to Gwen. Even now she looked terrified, looking down at her watch waiting for it to disappear in a second.
“When it come’s down to it I bet you Gwendy will be the one leading the charge I reckon, especially for him” Hobie pointed at Miles, Y/N wasn’t an idiot they knew with the way Gwen went on about Miles she held a special spot for him in her heart, they just didn’t know how deep it went and to be honest they didn’t want to know.
“I don’t know what this is, I don’t know where its going, I don’t know if she even likes me the same, All I know is that pain and suffering she has gone through I want to fix that” The conversation Y/N had with A/N echoing in the back of their head. That’s all they cared about right now was to take care of Gwen, was to take care of that pain and suffering she has been feeling her entire life and get rid of it. Y/N would fight every single spider if it meant that they could take on that pain for her.
“Don’t you worry Hobie, I’ll always have Gwen’s back, regardless of what happens”
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