#I had such a fun day today with my younger brother but the second I get home that fun is immediately gone
Life is so much Better when I’m not at home 😁
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Out of the Bag (Jamil, Ace, and Idia x Yuu)
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"Oh can I help you? You seem to be lost." You attempt to cheerfully ask the vaguely familiar looking person in front of you. As if he is deliberately trying to rub salt in your wounds, Crowley ignored your request to leave campus for NRC parents day and is instead making you and Grim run errands. The person in front of you, blissfully ignorant to your inner turmoil perks up at your attention.
"Forgive me for asking, but are you the magicless prefect?" You and Grim exchange a confused glance. "You've got to be right?" They're practically glowing with how happy they are to see you. " Oh I'm sorry, I've just heard so much about you!" Wait, what?
notes: (so uhhhh Jamil and Ace were supposed to be a part of the original post but I cut them out because I had to go to bed but forgot to remove the tags, sorry </3) they/them pronouns used for Yuu, sibling snark (Jamil and Ace) vs light angst (the Shroud parents), light reference to certain events in Ch. 6, but nothing specific. If you liked this please check out the first version on my masterlist.
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"Oh yeah, you're Najma, right?" The younger girl looks pleasantly surprised you have remembered her from your visit to the Scalding Sands.
"Well that makes this a lot easier, do you know where Jamil is?" You internally cheer at how polite she is, some of the other families you have been dealing with today have really been testing your patience. "I've been looking everywhere for him, but couldn't seem to find a good opportunity to sneak up on him." Or maybe not, that doesn't sound like she hasn't seen him at all, why is she asking you?
"According to my schedule he's probably in the gym for the club activities program." You confirm with your clipboard and Najma sighs.
"Lame, he's gonna be all sweaty and gross." She checks her phone as you sneak a glance at Grim trying to figure out how much longer you have before you need to find something shiny to distract him. "Actually maybe I can just ask you." You turn your attention back to Najma who seems to be tapping her cheek with her phone and sizing you up. "Is there anywhere to get snacks on campus?"
"Now you're talkin!" Cheers Grim, bringing a really bright smile to Najma's face and a tentative one to yours. "Mr. S's Mystery Shop's got all the tuna you can ask for!"
"And other things to." You helpfully add and Najma happily begins to follow.
"So what do you like to do?" she asks almost ten seconds into your walk. "Like what fun stuff is there to do around campus?"
"Shouldn't you be asking your brother?" You ask, thankful Grim is too caught up in his tuna thoughts to make any snarky comments.
"About you?" Najma laughs and you feel a bit silly. "Nah he hates being honest about things like that."
"Well I don't have much free time..." but you manage to list off some things that you like as Najma nods, still tapping her phone on her chin for some reason.
"What about food?" she stops fiddling with her phone and just goes straight to texting on it as the Mystery Shop comes into view. "I know Jamil's food looks boring but it tastes super good."
"It sure does." Grim says, well more like whines. "He only ever gives it to Yuu and gets mad when I eat it though."
"That's because he asked for my opinion, not yours." It's a petty thing to say, but hey Jamil's a good cook. Najma seems to agree, giggling before you both jump ten feet backwards as a strangely shaped blur nearly knocks you over.
"NAJMA!" Jamil is indeed, sweaty and gross looking, his basketball jersey is practically drenched through, almost like he ran the entire way to here from the gymnasium. He's doubled over, hands on his knees as you fumble around looking for the water bottle Crewel made you bring with you earlier which he gratefully takes.
"Oh hey what are you doing here Jamil?" You don't know Najma super well, but she almost sounds disappointed to see her brother. "Prefect said you were at the gym."
"Don't start." Jamil passes you back the empty water bottle, hesitating just a bit before he lets you take it. "She didn't do anything weird, right? Hasn't said anything strange?" You blink in confusion.
"No? She's just been asking a bunch of questions about stuff. Jamil relaxes, letting you take the bottle with a genuine smile-
And gets cut off by a shutter sound effect making you both turn towards Najma, who doesn't bother looking up from her phone camera.
"Whoops thought I turned that off."
"Well, well, well, just what should I do with you?"  The ginger stranger is stroking his chin with an all too familiar look that puts you on edge, not because you think he is going to try anything illegal (yet) but because you can practically see the collar on this guy already.  There really is no beating around the bush about who this guy is, even if you really wished you had some plausible deniability.   "I could tell you about that time I told him if he kissed a frog it would turn into royalty and he actually did it-"  Too much information he technically just did.  "Or what about that time he only wanted to eat carrots so I freaked him out by saying he was turning into one because his hair was orange-"  So is yours big brother Trappola!  And where the hell is Grim he is supposed to be suffering through this with you.  "Nah those are too boring- oh I got it!"  Before you can break out in a dash for the mirror chamber, big brother Trappola claps an unintentionally (you hope) firm hand on your shoulder.  "Listen to this- wait I didn't introduce myself I-"
"Ace's brother."  He seems genuinely taken aback.  "He talks about you all the time." 
"Oh does he?"  Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned that, little Trappola's ego was insufferable already, older Trappola's has got to be worse right.  It's so obvious you can't even bring yourself to put the question mark on it.
"Funny you mention that, from my end it seems like all he ever talks about is Yuu."  He makes a big show of looking you over.  "Always talking about what a pain it is to look after you, but he never does stop."  He maneuvers himself to look directly into your eyes.  “You must be pretty special then, right?”
“Didn’t you used to go here?”  You ask, crossing your arms and fixing your best “not today Trappola” look onto your face.
“Sure did!  Also got put into Heartslabyul, must run in the family, we’re all a bit mad.”  Older Trappola breaks eye contact for just a second, something dancing on the tip of his tongue you have no desire to entertain at all.  You just want to ditch this overgrown root veg on his brother and then take a nap.
“So then, just to be clear, you don’t need me to show you around.”  You fumble around your clipboard looking for a map anyway.
“Oh no I absolutely need you to do that.”  You like it when Ace plays dumb better, at least it’s cute.  “Would be a really bad thing if you just left me all alone and I went somewhere I wasn’t supposed to.”  He stands up straight, looking off into the distance behind you with a dramatic sigh.  “Somewhere like Ramshackle Dorm maybe?  I hear that’s one of Ace’s-”
 A surprisingly strong pair of arms wraps you into an embrace from behind.
“Back off.” snaps Ace, a lot harsher than either of you have heard before “This one’s mine.”
"Dear! Dear! Come look it's the prefect!" A very excited very pink woman in a sundress and comically oversized sunglasses beckons to a very tall, very out place looking man who is... also wearing comically oversized sunglasses.
"The who?" he sheepishly walks over to his wife and gives you a little wave, clearly out of place but trying his best.
"The prefect! Ortho and Idia's friend." The realization seems to hit both you and Mr. Shroud at the same time, causing you both to retreat just a bit. You because you feel desperately dumb for not noticing the flaming hair and him because-
Well you hope it's because of the whole house thing but who knows.
"Oh sorry. Um we're Mr. and Mrs. Shroud but you probably already guessed that it's really nice to meet you." You awkwardly shake hands while Grim hides behind your legs.
"Do you have any plans for today?" Asks Mrs. Shroud. "I'd hate to interrupt things too much."
"Oh no that's not really an issue for me." You look down at Grim for half a second before adding. "For us."
"I'm sorry to hear that." whispers Mr. Shroud, gently taking his wife's hand and you stand around in silence for a little bit, trying to figure out how to walk the conversation from the ledge it's found itself on.
"Um if there isn't anything you need help with-"
"Idia speaks really highly of you." Mrs. Shroud says gently, and you have to keep yourself from fainting from shock. Idia speaking highly of- no forget that. Idia talks to his parents? And you were the conversation topic? If she had said it was Ortho that would make sense but Idia? "I know he can be a bit blunt, but he treasures your friendship. And as his mother, I am very grateful he has someone as kind as you in his life."
"We both are." whispers Mr. Shroud. "If you need help while you are here please don't hesitate to ask us." And with that they leave you and Grim
[Fullmetal] hey ortho said u ran into our parents irl
[Fullmetal] srry that had to be awkward
[yuu] it's cool
[yuu] I mean they spooked Grim but they were nice lol
[Fullmetal] ...so do you think that he'd be cool to come over so I can like
[Fullmetal] apologize
[Fullmetal] u know for the stress
[yuu] and not for talking about me behind my back ( ̄ε ̄)
[read at 6:57 pm]
[Fullmetal is typing... ... ...] [... ... ...] [... ... ...]
"I don't need to apologize if I said nice things... right?"
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oathbips · 1 year
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summary: the older itoshi brother was caught off guard after seeing his younger brother with a girlfriend
word count: 2.2k
content: f!reader x itoshi rin, slight fluff towards the end, focuses more on sae and rin's relationship, sae being a sore loser with his feelings
author's note: my first fic after like 6-7 years. it was fun writing this but i feel like it's still lacking a lot after reading it so I'm sorry if it's not good. i always try my best to keep everyone accurate to their characters so hopefully, this is not too oc.
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It’s been a week since the u-20 match. Itoshi Sae didn’t really expect to still be here in Japan walking around and about. The prodigy midfielder was dead set on going back to Spain the day after the match against Blue Lock but a call from his parents and some convincing on their part persuaded him to stay back a bit longer. He is scheduled to meet them today around noon to pick up a few packs of salted kelp his parents got him to bring on his trip back to Spain.
He’s not one to ever possess this sort of feeling but as he approached the front porch of his childhood home, he can’t help but be hit with some sort of nostalgia. It’s been years since he last stepped foot into this house. Feeling a little weird with how nostalgic he is suddenly getting, Sae stood right in front of the house entrance for a good minute or two, zoning out before he finally felt ready enough to ring the doorbell. 
Distant footsteps could be heard inside the house before the door swung open and his mother was standing in front of him ecstatic to see her son after so long. 
“Sae!” she exclaimed happily and followed with an open hug for her oldest son. “I’m home.” Sae finally exhaled after realizing he’s been holding his breath the whole time. He shifts awkwardly in the hug before his mom releases the hug a second later. It's not like he had anything to be awkward about. He always called and texted his parents when he was away from home, and they would always send stuff over to him monthly. He himself is confused about the way he was acting and feeling. The red-headed boy cannot understand it. 
Before long, another pair of footsteps was heard. He turns around to be met with his father approaching, waving at him. “Ah Sae, you’re home. It’s good to finally see you again. It’’s been a while Sae.” 
“It has been,” Sae replied. “Come in Sae. The salted kelps are set on the table in the kitchen for you. Have you eaten? I just made lunch. Have some before you leave.” His mom insisted as she guides her son into the house before closing the door. It felt like Itoshi Sae was more like a guest at this house now. 
“I'll prepare the food and table. In the meantime, you can look around the house again if you like. Quite a few things have changed since you moved out.” 
As she headed towards the kitchen, leaving her son behind in the living room to take in his old home again, Sae found himself standing stiffly in one spot once more as he looked around the house. It indeed did change a bit. Everything looks like it has been rearranged. He can still see the family portraits he grew up seeing with a few new additions. After a while when his unexplained feelings finally started to settle down, he then soon realizes once he lay eyes on some new framed photos that his younger brother had yet to make his appearance. You can definitely hear when things are happening around the house so it’s unlikely that Itoshi Rin could’ve missed all the commotion that just happened. 
The look on his face was so obvious that his mother took notice after one glance at him. “Rin's not home right now. He’s currently out.” 
“Where did he go to?” Sae asked. “He said he was going out for a bit but didn’t specify where before he swiftly left the house.” She replied before continuing, “We saw the game. Sorry, we couldn’t make it last week. We decided to watch it on tv instead. It was an amazing game Sae.” 
“mhmm.” he hummed absent-mindedly while walking towards the stairs leading up to the bedrooms.
“But you know Sae… he’s been acting different after the game.” That made the older Itoshi do a double take as that statement piqued his interest. He turn towards her and she continues, “Ever since he got back from Blue Lock for his short 2 weeks break, he’s-” She stopped to think on how to explain it. “I don't know how to explain it, Sae. It’s like he’s more distant now because he always seems to be zoning out like there’s something on his mind.” 
Sae took in what his mother had just told him. He honestly didn’t see any deal with it all. “He's always like that even when we were little. I don't see any difference. Nothing has changed with him.” Sae stated. His opinion of his little brother is very complex to understand. It's almost like he doesn’t really have an opinion towards the young striker anymore. Not after their last departure at least. Or so he thought. What the midfielder failed to realize is that deep down, there are still lingering feelings of endearment he’s not aware of himself towards Rin. Even right after the match when they finally talked again for the first time since their fight, he’s still unaware of that feeling. 
His dad who has been listening in on this whole conversation, stared at his older son’s face. Lingering on his facial expressions before letting out a sigh and finally speaking, “My son, I think you’re more unaware of the situation between you two than we thought.” That caused Sae’s face scrunched up in confusion. 
“What do you mean?” 
Now it’s his mother's turn to give a small sigh. “Oh, Sae… It’s okay. Just forget it. I think this is something that you two have to work out amongst yourselves. Nothing your father and I say will help fix anything. Sorry to interrupt your little plan of going upstairs but lunch is ready now. Come eat and you can head up afterward.” At that, Sae gawked at his parents debating whether or not to press them on about it. He was more confused than ever. 
Throughout the meal, he too started spacing out in his thoughts about what his parents had just told him. His thoughts kept swaying back and forth trying to decipher their words. “Our situation?” He thought to himself. “I’m unaware of what exactly?” He debated again if he should bring it up once more but after some more thinking and realizing his mom said to work it out between his brother and him, he decided to just brush it off as no big deal and figure it out on his walk back to his hotel. If it continues to bother him later, he’ll ask his parents to elaborate on their statements. 
After the meal and his little tour of the house again, Sae said his goodbyes and thanked his parents for the package before setting off to his hotel. He suddenly finds himself taking in the neighborhood around him and that uneasy feeling of nostalgia he felt earlier strikes again. The conversations with his parents at noon start to replay in his head. He feels even more uneasy remembering it. This causes him to do what he never expected himself to do ever again after declaring to never step foot into Japan after he left. The Itoshi Sae is now witnessing himself walking around the area of his old hometown. He walked to the schools he and his brother used to attend, to the playground he and his brother used to play at, and to the shops he and his brother used to go to. It was almost as if he was fulfilling his guilty urges that he became aware were the causes of his uneasy feelings earlier. Now here he is, walking towards the soccer field he and his brother used to play together at. He's mentally kicking himself for suddenly being so sentimental about all of this. For him to waste his time so he could fulfill his “urges” that were bothering him so he could shake off that uneasiness. He hates it all. 
As he got closer to the field carrying the grumpiest face ever, he notices two figures on the field. The figures were still pretty far from his vision but he didn’t care for who it was. Too grumpy over his emotions to care, he told himself he is just going to look at the field real quick and immediately leave. So he just kept walking closer and closer until he couldn’t anymore because he can’t help but stop in his tracks. The two figures he’s seeing are now suddenly something he cared for because one of them is literally his younger brother, Itoshi Rin. The black hair boy is sitting next to someone. The prodigy couldn’t believe it as he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. His younger brother is sitting next to a girl? Careful to not get caught, Sae is now moving cautiously and quietly as he could to the nearest hiding spot he find himself in, peeking out the tiniest bit to see his brother. “Is that a friend?” He thought. 
“I think you can do it Rin.” She spoke. “I will.” The striker replied. The girl gave a heartfelt smile at him and then giggled. 
“What's so funny?” 
“Hehe, nothing. Just happy to get to see you again. That’s all.” 
Rin gave a little huff at that before standing up and dropping the soccer ball he was holding. “Hey, teach me how to play a little!” The girl exclaimed excitedly. 
“You’ll suck.” Rin quickly commented. 
“That's why you’re teaching me!” 
She took the ball from the tall boy and lightly kicked it around while having the biggest smile on her face. Rin watches her as she attempts to kick the ball into the goal and completely misses. “I told you, you suck.” 
“Cause you’re not teaching me!” 
Rin looks at her before cracking the faintest smile as he got the ball and walked back to her. He ruffles her hair and she tries to fight him back for doing so before bursting out a laugh.
Sae is watching all of this in his hiding spot, baffled. This was not something he had ever seen coming from Rin even in their childhoods. Was this what his mother meant by him acting differently? When was this? Who is she? His mind is filled with questions as he looks at the two people in front of him. He had never seen his younger brother giving such a soft, endearing look like that towards anyone. Well, back then Rin used to look at his older brother like that too but this feels a lot more different. Sae was too deep in his thoughts now to realize that his younger brother has now spotted him. The redhead quickly snapped out of it as soon as he saw the identical pair of teal eyes staring straight at him. Both of them wearing the same expressions on their faces as they're both staring at each other.
Rin was shocked. His mouth was agape at what he was seeing with his own eyes. “Nii-” He let out before stopping midway and changing his expression back to that cold, aloof expression he always wore. Seeing this, the girl turned around towards the direction her boyfriend was looking at, wondering what had caught his attention. She then saw the red hair and those same teal eyes that her boyfriend also possesses. It was now her turn to be shocked. Standing in front of her own two eyes was the Itoshi Sae, famous midfielder prodigy, and the older brother of her boyfriend. 
“What are you doing here?” Rin was the first to speak. 
“…Mom and Dad called to pick up some packages for me to take back to Spain.” Sae quietly stated, wanting to dig a hole for being caught. 
“The house is that way. Did you forget?” Rin said coldly and pointed in the direction of the house. 
“Tch.” The older brother smacked. 
“Huh?!?” Rin snapped back, annoyed. He's not the one going around stalking people. 
Sensing the tension, the girl chimed in hoping to ease the atmosphere, “Uhm! hello, I'm y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” 
Sae turned his attention towards her and stared at the girl who brought out a side to his younger brother he has never seen. His gaze lingered as he wondered how. Seeing his older brother now intently staring at his girlfriend, Rin got irked once more. “What are you looking at? It’s rude to stare.” 
“Apologies… Nice to meet you. I’m Sae.” He gave a small nod and she returned it with a small bow. 
“Well, I’m off.” He said as he turns around and walk off. “Huh?!? Seriously? You came here stalking me and then just leave? You didn’t even answer my question!” Rin yelled out to his brother. Sae ignores his remarks and continues walking away. “Hey!!” Rin shouted once more. 
“Rin-” The girl whispered while reaching out to him to calm him down.
“I will beat you and Isagi.” This declaration from Rin made Sae pause in his tracks. He turns around to his little brother, staring at him before giving a scoff and walking off again. Rin glared at his brother’s back. Seeing his brother again filled him with a new sense of determination. “I will beat you.” He thought to himself. As Sae walks further and further away from the field, he looks back one last time at the two figures. The girl was now holding Rin's hand and placing her head between his chest. The striker soon follows, placing his hands on the back of her head. Sae took one final glance before turning his head and never looking back as he walked away. “A girlfriend huh?” He thought to himself. 
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shekeepswriting · 4 days
A Little More Heart (3)
[Syverson x Reader]
Word Count: 5310 (Someone got carried away. Me. It was me.)
Summary: Sy answers your grandmother's summons for dinner.
Warnings: None
A/N: I'm back from the dead hellooooo! Grad school has truly been kicking my ass. I hope this is a fun surprise for everyone
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Sy was standing three inches from an industrial box fan, sweating his ass off and  questioning every last one of his life decisions when he heard his brother shouting for him from across the garage. 
Easily as tall as Sy but two years younger and with a little less mass, Aaron was the second of three Syverson boys. Unlike Sy, he preferred his hair long and took great pride in caring for it, an abundant mass of dark curls that usually reached his shoulders. But at work, and during most of the summer, he kept it tied in a messy knot on the top of his head. 
“Sy! Phone!”
Aaron moved fast across the floor, hand clamped around the bottom of a cordless landline to block the sound, two cheap blue popsicles still in their conjoined plastic tubes clenched between his teeth. 
“By name?” Sy asked with a sigh as he approached.
Aaron shifted his grip on the phone to take the popsicles out of his mouth.
“Yep. It’s Ms. Bea. We expecting her in for something soon?”
“No, but I drove her granddaughter home last night, so - ”
Aaron’s eyes widened, and he frantically mashed at the button to put Ms. Bea on hold.
“You did what?” he asked, an obnoxious grin taking over his face. 
“Settle down,” Sy mumbled, turning back towards the fan. 
“My permanently single, grumpy-ass older brother drove a girl home last night. I’m not settling down.”
“Not a girl. She’s a woman.” 
Aaron let out a wordless shout, jostling Sy’s shoulder and plopping down on the table beside the fan, grinning even wider than before.
“Oh, there’s no way in hell I’m letting this shit go now. A woman, you say.”
Sy rolled his eyes.
“You gonna give me one of those?” he asked, jerking his chin toward the slowly melting popsicles. 
“Only as a bribe,” Aaron answered, ripping the perforated wrappers apart and holding one out tauntingly. 
“For what?”
“Information, dumbass.”
Sy snatched the popsicle  out of his hand, holding it behind his back when Aaron swatted at it. 
“Saw her walking home in the dark. Stopped to drive her home. Simple as that.” 
“Uh huh. And what earned her the distinction of ‘woman,’ I wonder.”
“She’s a grown-ass woman, that’s what,” Sy said bluntly, stepping out of Aaron’s reach to rip open the top of the popsicle wrapper. 
“Noticed her ass, did ya?”
Sy shot him an unimpressed look, breaking the top inch of frozen blue sugar into his mouth with a harsh bite and holding his hand out.
“Just give me the fuckin phone.”
“Five questions first,” Aaron argued.
Aaron clapped in delight, taking a moment to think before launching into his limited interrogation.
“Did you smile?”
“Did she make you laugh?”
Aaron smiled again, but this time there was no mischief tied up in it. He looked uncharacteristically sincere.
“Did you get her number?”
“Yes. Last one.”
He squinted thoughtfully.
“Fuck off, Aaron.” 
“Oh, shit, that’s a yes!” But still he wasn’t teasing. His eyes were wide with surprise, his smile still genuine, not mocking.
“You could barely grow facial hair the last time you had butterflies! The good butterflies, anyway. Shit, I have so many more questions now.”
“I gave you four, and you asked four. Now, gimme the phone.”
Aaron slapped the phone into Sy’s open palm but kept a hold of the bottom.
“We’re talking about this later.”
“Fine. Don’t tell mom.”
“Fine.” And there was that familiar smile again, the one that rarely ended well for anyone. The little shit. 
Sy retreated to his office in the back of the garage, phone and popsicle in hand, before taking Ms. Bea off of hold. There was little to no chance she’d be able to hear him out on the floor.
“Hi! Busy day today? Staying cool out there, I hope.”
“Doing my best, Ms. Bea. How are ya? That car of yours still treatin you right?”
“Oh, I’m alright. I haven’t driven in a few days, but as far as I know, it’s just fine.”
“If that changes, you let me know, okay?”
“I will!” There was a brief pause. “So listen! I hear you’re the one to thank for seeing my grandbaby home safe last night.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Well, I didn’t get this far in life leaving my debts unpaid. So you just come on down to the house when you’re through with work, and we’ll treat you to a nice dinner. How does that sound?”
“That’s a very generous offer, but you don’t owe me a thing, Ms. Bea. I didn’t know who she was when I stopped. I would’ve done the same for anyone walking that road at night.”
“Oh, I trust you would have, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve some gratitude, now does it?”
Sy shook his head. If he didn’t make an appearance tonight, Ms. Bea would only show up tomorrow with the promised dinner wrapped up in foil and glass containers. He knew better than to expect this to go away on its own. And honestly, if it afforded him the possibility of seeing you again, he may not want it to. 
“Well - ”
“Pardon me, dear. My phone is being stolen.”
Sy raised an eyebrow. There was a shuffling sound, a sigh, the closing of a door. Your voice came through, flustered and apologetic.
“I’m so sorry. I tried to talk her out of it, but the woman will not be denied.”
He smiled a little, imagining the look on your face.  
“That’s alright. I had a feelin’ something like this would happen.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just what happens around here. You do someone a favor, they find a way to thank you for it.”
“Oh… I did say thank you though, didn’t I?”
“You did,” he said through another smile. “That’s not what I meant though.”
“So you’re saying it really should be me offering you dinner?” you asked. “Did I accidentally cause a blood feud by not knowing that?”
“Just a short one. Couple decades, tops.” 
Your laugh sounded muffled, like you’d moved the phone down to your chest in an attempt to hide it. 
“So do I have your permission to come see you and Ms. Bea this evening?”
“Depends. Will there be a torch and pitchfork involved?”
“Nah. Lost ‘em both in a poker game.”
“What a shame.”
“That mean I’m in the clear?”
“Yeah, I guess you’d better come around. Especially considering I was sent on a separate grocery run specifically for this dinner.”
“I’d ask you not to go to too much trouble, but I have a feeling it’s not really up to you.”
“Rude but accurate. There’s a whole raw chicken out there. I’m mildly terrified.”
Just as he was opening his mouth to answer, the office door creaked open, letting in a flood of sound and one very stressed woman. 
“Hold on one sec,” he said to you quickly before lowering the phone to his chest and raising his eyebrows in question.
“Someone up front wants to talk to you.”
Sy grimaced.
“Me specifically or a manager?”
He gestured her out of the office then followed, eyes sweeping over the collection of cars and people. 
“Yeah?” he yelled from under a car Sy had been working on earlier. 
Sy crossed the garage impatiently, reaching down to drag him out from under the car by the ankle. 
“Pretty face up front.”
Aaron groaned.
“I was the pretty face last time!” he complained. “Why can’t you do it?”
“Never been pretty a day in my life.”
“Fuck you. You know there’s no good comeback for that.” 
“And I’m on the phone still. Get.”
“God damn it.” But he was already reaching up for Sy’s hand to haul him up to his feet. 
“Have fun,” Sy called after him before lifting the phone back to his ear. “Sorry about that.”
“No, that’s okay! I should probably let you go. You seem busy.”
“You got me out of talking to a customer. Far as I’m concerned, we can stay on the phone all damn day.” 
You laughed again, but this time you let him hear it.
“Does that mean you owe me a dinner now too?”
“We can talk about it,” Sy said with a smile, turning his back when one of his mechanics looked up curiously at his tone. 
“Either way, I guess I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yes, ma’am. Can I bring anything?”
“Better not. We’ll be stuck in the thank you cycle forever.” 
That really didn’t sound like the worst thing, but he didn’t want to push you farther than he already was with this dinner tonight.
“Alright. I’ll uh… I’ll text you when I’m on my way then.”
“You mean to tell me you have my number?” you gasped. “How did that happen?”
“Some troublemaker gave it to me at the bar last night.”
“I thought so. Haven’t had time to use it yet, but I was planning on it.”
“Very interesting… Well, I’ll let you go now. See you at dinner.”
“Lookin forward to it.” 
Sy tried to keep himself occupied all day, tried not to leave his mind free to dwell on you or try to predict how this dinner would go. Tried not to let himself be cornered by Aaron. Again. 
He took off a little early, running home for a shower and a change into something nicer than a stained t-shirt before heading your way. Though his warning text had prompted you to share your grandmother’s address, Sy didn’t need it. The town was small enough, and he’d been down to the house before, a couple of times, to drive Ms. Bea to church when her car had been out of commission. But he’d never been inside before, or even past the gate. 
By the time Sy’s shoes hit the driveway pavement, you were rounding the corner of the house in a pale green sundress and a clunky pair of slippers several sizes too big for your feet. Confident, as you had every right to be despite the footwear, but maybe a little flustered too. 
“Well, hello,” he said with a small smile. He let himself look you over, let you see him look you over, but only for a second. Before he could pay you an appropriately polite compliment, you blurted out,
“I didn’t wear this for you. Just so you know.”
Sy’s eyebrows rose along with his hands. It had honestly never occurred to him that you might have worn it for him. But three times was enough to pick up the pattern. Walls up at first greeting. He had to earn your ease again.
“I know you didn’t,” he said quietly, keeping his eyes on yours. “Known Ms. Bea long enough that I’d call her an ambulance if I ever saw her in a pair of jeans.” 
The corner of your mouth twitched up for a second, and you took a breath, rolled your shoulders. 
“Yeah… Sorry, I just…”
“You’re not used to this,” Sy offered with an easy shrug, lowering his hands again.
“I’m not,” you agreed. “I don’t introduce people to my grandmother. Ever. And definitely not…” You glanced over your shoulder towards the windows, lowering your voice slightly. “Definitely not a man I was flirting with the night before.”
“Did you flirt with me? Can’t recall. Where was I when all that was going on?
You rolled your eyes, more tension leaving your shoulders.
“You know I did.”
“Now, let’s see…” Sy said, running a hand over his beard in a way that earned him a real smile this time. “I remember you making fun of my handwriting. Making fun of my pickup lines. Threatening me with a knife.”
“I didn’t threaten you with a knife,” you laughed. 
Sy smiled at the sound. Now he was getting somewhere.
“No? So that was you flirtin’ then?”
“Must have been. Couldn’t be when I asked for your number.”
“Nah, I asked first.”
“No, you didn’t!”
“In my own way.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, but the smile was still there. Like you knew what he was doing, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be annoyed by it. 
“Well, anyway,” Sy continued. “You’re not introducing me because I already know your grandma. And I’m well aware that I’m here on her invitation, not yours. So when I tell you that you look nice, it’s just an observation. No motive behind it beyond the fact that I think you ought to hear it.”
A couple of rapid blinks in surprise, a deep breath, a slow nod.
“Well… Thank you.”
Sy nodded back, and then you were turning in a pretty flutter of skirts, heading back towards the gate with a call for him to follow. 
“Rules of the house. No cursing. No wandering unsupervised. And dinner guests don’t enter the kitchen for any reason ever,” you listed, closing the gate behind him.
“Got it.”
“One more thing. Nana takes hosting extremely seriously and therefore takes my hosting extremely seriously. A lot of pageantry went into this evening. But despite all of that, rest assured you are not being husband hunted.”
“Should’ve left the ring at home then, huh?” 
“Don’t even let her hear that,” you warned with a grimace.
“Wouldn’t let me leave?”
“On the contrary. She’d light the house on fire just to get you out of it.” 
“Well now you’re just hurtin my feelings.” 
You rolled your eyes, the corner of your mouth tugging up in a reluctant smile.
“Don’t go feeling special. She’d do that to anyone she thought was proposing to me.” 
You spun around again, as graceful as you could manage to be in oversized slippers on pebbledash, and Sy smiled at the extra, intentional swish in your skirt as you led him to the back door.
“Ready?” you asked, hand pausing on the handle.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the dogs,” you said breezily as you opened the screen door. 
You were ambushed the second you walked through the door. There was a small black terrier, hopping around on two feet, desperate for your attention, and following behind at a slower pace was the largest boxer that Sy had ever seen.
“Hi, Bertie. Go make a friend,” you said softly, ruffling the small dog’s ears and shooing her gently away from you as you stepped to the side to intercept the dog that was staring down Sy with laser focus. 
Bertie came hopping up to Sy, bright pink tongue lolling out from her underbite as she braced her front feet on his shin. 
“Pleased to meet ya, little miss,” he said with a smile, crouching slowly to give her the attention she was seeking. She was a sweet one, falling all over herself to love on him.
A sharp whistle drew both Sy and Bertie’s attention, but you remained focused on the boxer, who had been leaning around you to take a peek at him.
“Brass,” you said firmly when the dog’s attention was back on you. “He’s okay.” 
Brass let out an unconvinced grumble, going back to monitor Sy until you snapped your fingers. 
“Hey. Look at me,” you said firmly. “He’s okay. Be nice. And I promise you can help me run him off if he misbehaves.” 
You held out your hand, and Brass sat just long enough to offer you her large paw. You shook it gently, laughing at the baleful eyes she was still giving you.
“Can she perform a routine inspection?” you asked over your shoulder. 
“Of course,” Sy said, sitting all the way down on the kitchen floor. 
“Be nice,” you reminded Brass as you stepped aside to let her pass. 
Sy kept still, leaving his hands open and palm up as Brass made a slow circuit around him, sniffing diligently. Up close, she was even more impressive, one of the most solid and imposing dogs he’d ever seen, not yet softening with the age that had a few greys growing around her mouth and eyes. Brass completed her loop quickly, stopping in front of him to stare at him just a little longer.
“Ma’am,” he greeted quietly, and he saw you smiling as you called her back over to you. 
“Got yourself a real guard dog, don’t you?” Sy asked, watching as Brass bumped your hand with her nose before retreating to lay in the archway between the kitchen and living room. 
“Oh yes. The General takes her job very seriously. And she’s not a fan of men. Try not to take it personally.” 
“Ms. Bea named her General Brass?” he asked with a smile. “Or do you just want a dog to outrank me to prove a point?”
“How dare you,” you gasped. “I’ll have you know we named her General Brass Knuckles together.” 
“Well, now I know you’re lyin,” he laughed.
“I would never - Nana!” you called as your grandmother finally entered the kitchen. “Tell Sy what Brass’s full name is.” 
“General Brass Knuckles. Why?” she said, holding a hand out to Sy as she approached with a welcoming smile. 
“Your granddaughter likes to tease me,” he said, squeezing her hand gently in greeting. “It’s good to see you, Ms. Bea.” 
“She’ll do that. But I happen to think it’s a wonderful name. Suits her. She’s tough like me and like my granddaughter.” Ms. Bea squeezed his hand back. “Did you come hungry?”
“Yes, ma’am, I did.”
“Good! Go on and sit. Table’s already set.” 
Set very nicely too. Cloth napkins and the fancy salt and pepper shakers. Matching serving dishes. Ms. Bea didn’t do anything by half measures. 
Sy took the seat you gestured to, hesitating just long enough for you and your grandmother to sit before he did. 
The way you’d spoken on the phone made it sound like this was an unfamiliar process to you, but it didn’t show. You began serving and passing food smoothly, your expression pleasant but neutral as Ms. Bea took the lead on conversation.
“How’s your family? We’re getting lots of sun this summer. Your mama’s garden must be a vision.”
“She sends me pictures every day,” Sy said with a polite smile. “And she’s been doing her research, trying to figure out what to put in the greenhouse now it’s finished.”
“I think that woman could plant just about anything and make it grow. She has a real gift.”
“That was the plan. As long as she gets some use out of it, I’ll be happy.”
“Wait, did you build a greenhouse?” you cut in curiously, pausing with a forkful of roasted potatoes halfway to your mouth. 
“Not as hard as it sounds,” Sy said, chancing a wink when you squinted skeptically at him. 
“I doubt that very much,” Ms. Bea said mildly, making you laugh. “And your grandmother? She still living out there in the country on her own?”
“Nana, this is out there in the country.” 
“Alright, city girl,” she said, patting your cheek as your mouth dropped open in surprise.
“You were literally born in Brooklyn.”
“Were you really?” Sy asked, surprised. She sure didn’t sound like it, never had to his memory. Her accent was soft, but it was there, syrupy and southern like every other elderly woman in town. 
“A lifetime ago,” Ms. Bea said with a secretive little smile. “Wouldn’t recognize it now.” 
“With how many pictures I sent you last month?” you challenged with a fond smile. “You know, you could come with me next time I go.” 
“You don’t need an old lady slowing you down.” The look she gave you put an end to that conversation, and you raised your hands slightly in surrender. “Now, you still owe me news of my old friend.”
Sy nodded as her attention turned back on him.
“She’s doing alright. Gonna head up that way tomorrow to fix her air conditioner.”
“Okay, seriously? You can build a greenhouse and fix an air conditioner?” 
You almost sounded irritated, and Sy tried not to smile.
“Oh this man can fix just about everything,” Ms. Bea said.
“Wow,” you said mildly, smiling around a sip of water. “Take that compliment and run. I’ve never heard her speak so highly of a man in my life.”
“Oh, hush. Yes, you have,” your grandmother said in a no-nonsense tone.
Hush, Sy mouthed at you with mock sternness when you glanced his way. Your eyes narrowed playfully, and you kicked at his shin under the table. 
“How are those brothers of yours?”
“Oooo brothers. Now that’s interesting.” And that grin you were wearing was specifically designed to get a rise out of him. Sy eyed you, watching that smile widen just a touch before he turned his attention back to Ms. Bea. 
“They’re doing good. Jimmy’s teaching summer school. Aaron’s just the same as always. But he has been eating instant potatoes for lunch every day if you want to have a word with him about it.”
Ms. Bea gave him a knowing look, her pursed lips relaxed into a smile that verged on mischievous.
“I certainly will. That boy get a haircut yet?”
“No, ma’am. Past his shoulders now when it’s not tied up.”
You hummed with interest.
“Did he steal all of yours?”
Ms. Bea let out half a surprised laugh before she pressed a napkin to her lips demurely, regaining her composure. You were staring at him, eyes bright with amusement and challenge as he shook his head slowly at you, huffing a laugh through his nose. 
“Now don’t go giving him too hard a time,” Ms. Bea said before Sy could respond. “He did you a good turn last night.”
“He did,” you agreed.
“You should have seen it before he started cutting it all off. Just as soft and curly as anything.”
“Like a poodle,” you supplied, looking him over with a poorly-suppressed grin, as if trying to imagine it.
“You wicked thing,” Ms. Bea said with a little grin, nudging you with her elbow. “He looked just exactly like a porcelain doll when he was younger.”
Sy took a breath, wishing Ms. Bea would kindly stop digging his grave as your smile grew.
“Oh, really? Do you have any pictures?”
“I’m sure I do. Somewhere.” She squinted thoughtfully towards the living room. “In the old Christmas cards if nowhere else.”
“You’re really not giving up on that, are you?” he sighed.
“Absolutely not,” you answered. “I might have before, but a porcelain doll? Come on, now. I’m not walking away from that.”
Ms. Bea shot you a curious look but didn’t comment, guiding the three of you to a different subject with the confident ease of someone who had been navigating the passive aggressive waters of southern social life for decades. 
Things carried on that way for quite a while: Ms. Bea asking polite questions and you finding ways to subtly or not-so-subtly tease him. 
The plates had long been clear when Brass interrupted the conversation with a single, sharp warning bark, rising from her position in the doorway to bully her way behind the blinds on the nearest kitchen window. Sy heard it a few seconds later: a car making the turn onto the long driveway.
“Were you expecting anyone else?” you asked, glancing to your grandmother with a frown.
When Ms. Bea shook her head, Sy leaned back in his chair, moving his head to the side until he caught a glimpse through the window over the sink.
“Little blue Toyota, looks like.” 
Ms. Bea rose quickly, her lips pursed to the point of disappearing.
“Darling, would you take our guest out to the pool house so he can pick a drink for the road? I’d like a private word with your cousin.” 
Your eyebrows raised, but you nodded wordlessly, grabbing at Sy’s arm as you stood from the table. He followed your lead, letting you tug him along out the back door.
“Poor Kat,” you said once the door closed behind you. 
“Well, she did leave you stranded,” Sy said quietly. 
“Turned out okay,” you said with a shrug, dropping your hand back to your side when you caught his eyes. 
Sy held your gaze with an easy nod, not pulling back or looking away until you took a flustered breath and tilted your head to the side.
“Let’s get out of here before the fireworks start, huh?”
You hopped off the porch steps, following the end of the driveway to a small carport that backed into an even smaller outbuilding. A later addition, it looked like. Several decades newer than the house. 
“You gonna tell me why we’re calling this a pool house? Not seeing a pool anywhere.”
“Patience,” you huffed, skirting around the two cars that were squeezed together beneath the carport. 
You paused at the door, bouncing lightly on your feet as if to gather some nerve.
“Alright, full disclosure, sometimes a lizard or a snake gets in here. And if I open this door and see a snake, I will either fully abandon you to deal with that shit by yourself or climb you like a tree.”
And there were all sorts of things he could say to that, but he chose to keep his damn mouth shut and nod instead. 
You led the way into the tiny building, wading through air that somehow felt even hotter than it had outside. After a second of endearingly impatient flailing, you caught hold of the thin chain hanging from the light on the ceiling, turning it on with a swift tug. 
It didn’t do much for the space, which remained dim and dusty. There was very little room to walk, a thin avenue of clear concrete circled a large tarped object in the center of the room. Boxes, folding chairs and tables, and a long abandoned workbench lined the back wall. To the left, nearly overlapping the door, was a refrigerator and large separate freezer.  
“Pool table,” you said, lifting up a corner of the tarp to reveal a glossy wood corner. 
Sy smiled a little. 
“Pool house. Cute.” 
“We’re unbearably adorable. We can’t help it,” you said breezily, turning away from him to open the refrigerator door. “Adorable and overstocked with beverages.” 
Every Coke product known to man filled the fridge, accented by bottles of peach tea and cans of lemonade. And…
“Are those Capri-Suns?”
Your eyes widened when you followed his gaze to the three shiny pouches tucked away on the bottom shelf. 
“Huh…” you said softly, turning one over in your hand to check the expiration date. “Why does she even have these?”
“Gotta have all the bases covered, I guess.” 
You hummed, turning your head to look up at him. For half a second, you seemed a little startled at his proximity, blinking rapidly and taking a sharp breath. Sy was doing his best not to crowd you, but there honestly wasn’t enough room for personal space. When he tried to back off a little, all he really managed to do was hip check the pool table and throw off his balance, shrinking the distance even more when you grabbed a handful of his shirt in a quick attempt to steady him. 
There was a pause, neither of you daring to take a breath. The hot, still air of the tiny outbuilding seemed to draw in a little closer, barely cut by the draft from the open refrigerator. 
“Um…” You blinked hard, pulling your hand away like he’d burned you, shuffling to the side to earn a few precious inches of space. 
“Sorry,” he said softly, belatedly. 
“S’okay…” You shook your head a little. “Uh, do you want…?” 
You lifted the little juice pouch still in your hand.
It took further rearranging to get the refrigerator door closed again, and Sy tried not to feel too bad at the speed with which you rushed from the building. 
The open air seemed to soothe you a little, the sight of you rolling your shoulders with a deep breath greeting Sy when his eyes readjusted to the bright sunlight. 
That playful confidence crept back over you, a little more tentative but still a sight to see. 
“Are you qualified to open one of these?” you asked, tossing Sy his juice. “Don’t know how much experience you’ve got.”
“Plenty,” Sy said, arching a brow at the smirk that set across your face. “Said what I said.” 
You laughed, reaching to pull the plastic-wrapped straw from the back of the pouch. 
“You sure? You can’t brute force it, ya know. You’ll just stab through both sides and end up with a mess. It takes finesse.”
“I can do finesse.”
He took the straw back from you, making smooth and efficient work of pushing it through the clear plastic circle at the top of the pouch. He took a smug sip, earning a grin from you as you raised your hands in surrender.
“Fine, fine. You have the dexterity of an eight year old. I’m sorry for doubting you.”
“No winning with you, is there?”
“No, sir!” you said proudly, glancing quickly towards the back door at the sound of raised voices, your smile fading slightly. “Guess I should escort you to safety.”
You plucked lightly at his sleeve as you headed back towards the gate where his truck was parked. He followed, falling into step beside you.
“Sure you don’t need backup?” 
Through a gap in the curtain, Sy caught sight of Kat, her face pinched, arms crossed. 
“Oh, I’m not going back in there,” you scoffed. “I’ll walk a lap of the neighborhood or something. Go sit by the pond for a bit, maybe.”
Sy hesitated, his steps slowing.
“I could - We could go somewhere, if you want. Give them time to cool off a little.”
You glanced at him curiously.
“Go where?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Wherever. Get a drink or something.”
“Two nights in a row? The town would implode.”
He smiled a little, leaned against the door of his truck. 
“That’s not a no.”
You shot him a look, mouth twisted up in something that looked very promisingly like indecision.
“Should be a no. Wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.”
“What’s the wrong idea?”
You let out a slow breath.
“You know I’m only going to be around a couple weeks.”
He hummed, standing up straight again.
“Doesn’t have to be a drink. Could just go for a drive. No getting any wrong ideas about a drive.”
“No wrong ideas about sunset on a backroad?”
Sy cleared his throat.
“No ma’am. We’re in for a platonic sunset tonight. It told me so.”
You laughed, but there was something a little sad in it. 
“Drink your juice and get outta here before I do something stupid, please.”
Sy knew better than to push, but damn if he didn’t like the sound of that. 
“Yeah, alright.” 
You made no attempt to mask the once-over you gave him as he got into the driver’s seat. He risked holding out his hand one last time, rolling down the window before closing the door. 
“Mind if I use that number you gave me? Sometime.”
“I think you’d better.”
He smiled at that, let it be a full one, earned himself a smile back. 
“I’ll do that then. Thank you for dinner.”
“You’re welcome.”
Sy lingered a moment longer, taking in the sight of you barefoot on the driveway, a late summer breeze making the hem of your dress dance lazily around your legs. 
You shook your head at him, shooing him away with a smile.
As he pulled out of the driveway, he could see you still standing at the gate, watching him until the truck tail lights were out of sight.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I've really missed this story. Would love, love, LOVE to hear what you think.
Tags: @firstcashheroathlete @melissareadsstuff @juliaorpll78 @mrsevans90 @kajjaka @kebabgirl67 @foxyjwls007 @luckydiorxoxo @just-chirpin @deandoesthingstome @mindingmyownbusiness @summersong69 @endofalldays01 @happydistraction @identity2212 @henryownsme @mysweetlittledesire @islacharlotte @cynic-spirit @mollymal @emily-roberts @mrs-degenerate @sweetandgentlecreature @paintlavillered @geralts-yenn @enchantedbytomandhenry @sillyrabbit81
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miss-tc-nova · 1 month
Big Kitty and the Ducks - Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Going for a straightforward title today.
Anyway, a couple months ago, when I visited my family, someone brought miniature ducks and hid them everywhere, so my brother and I had fun finding and re-hiding them. It got kinda silly but that's the inspiration for this nonsense.
Premise: Ducks are infesting the school and Leona's not thrilled
Words: 1,314
               Huffing, the lion turns his gaze away from the front of the class to the windowsill. It takes all of a single second to spot the little round body and bright orange beak basking in the sunlight.
               What the fuck?!
               There’s been a wild phenomenon emerging at Night Raven College in the form of water fowls the size of marbles. These miniscule birds have been popping up literally everywhere. Light switch: duck. Commons potted plant: duck. Potion vial: duck. Spelldrive goal: duck. Ceiling: duck. Duck duck duck! Hell, he even found a duck in the soap dispenser in the bathroom.
               And the whole damn school was fascinated.
               It started out with a handful of birds being found around the campus. Students laughed and collected them, but then more appeared the following day and then the next. Soon, it became a whole thing that ducks found were to be documented on magicam and relocated to another, equally ridiculous location.
               Yet while the rest of the school seemed fascinated by their sudden arrival, Leona is getting sick of seeing the little, yellow demons. Even his usually blunt, brutish dorm were enjoying the duck hunt. He can’t even begin to count the number he’s spotted in his dorm alone and it’s annoying.
               “Yo, Leona.”
               As class lets out, Leona finds his gold-digging hyena waiting for him in the cafeteria. The underclassman places a tray on a table, having already obtained the lion’s lunch for him.
               “How’d history go? Get a decent grade on that exam?”
               A fork stabs at the cut of beef. “If yer looking for next year’s answers, forget it. Trein didn’t let us keep the graded copies.”
               “Damn,” he sighs. “I didn’t really expect the exams to be the same, but an old exam would’ve been good study material.”
               “Sounds like more hassle collecting old assignments than just doing the work.”
               “You’d be surprised. Some of your second-year assignments are the exact same as this year’s.” The sophomore’s smug demeanor turns suddenly distracted. “Oh look, a duck!”
               With a toothy grin, Ruggie plucks the trinket from the table center piece. As he does, he apparently notices Leona’s annoyance and offers his finding.
               “What? You wanna take ‘im?”
               “Get that stupid thing away from me,” Leona growls back.
               “Ooo, spicy. Shishishishi.” He earns a glare. “I figured you wouldn’t be into it, but I didn’t think you’d care enough to hate it.”
               There’s a pause. Then another laugh escapes the younger student.
               “Especially for a guy who has one in his hair.”
               Leona’s eyes widen, his mouth pursing to contain the shock and fury. He’s lying—Ruggie must be lying.
               With that devious smirk, the second year gently tugs at one of his housewarden’s braids. There, wrapped into his hair with his hairtie, is one of those stupid, yellow, unassuming, miniature, goddamn ducks.
               Exhaling all his indignant fury, Leona rises. Not another word leaves his clenched jaw as he promptly leaves, ignoring all questions. From the cafeteria the lion stalks, in search of the one single individual who could’ve done this. Other students quickly clock in to the dark aura and provide a wide berth on his path. His rage leads Leona from the main building of the college down to the little rundown dorm tucked neatly in the shadows of the castle. A swift kick slams open the front door but no one is there to greet him. At least not until half of the dorm’s residents come rushing in from the kitchen.
               “Leona? What’s wrong?”
               “C’mere,” he demands, closing the gap himself.
               The Ramshackle prefect goes tense at his quick approach. A hasty hand takes hold of that adorable face, fingers pressing into the soft flesh of the cheeks.
               Low, dark, Leona’s voice rumbles. “It was you, wasn’t it?”
               The response is somewhat muffled. “Huh?”
               “You did this—you started this stupid duck thing, didn’t you.”
               Recognition sparks. “How did you find out?”
               Eyes narrowing, Leona shows the figure wrapped up in his hair. A smile works across warped lips. Despite Leona’s ire, the prefect giggles, thoroughly pleased with the ordeal.
               “Where the hell did you even get that many ducks?” he snaps, not even bothering to ask why
this whole thing even started to begin with.
               Of course it was Sam.
               “You menace.” With a growl, Leona pushes the magicless student back a step. “Now fix it.”
               Eyes roll, smile still intact, while the student motions towards the sofa. The grumpy lion flops onto the couch, his head falling into the lap of the offender, as had occurred some few times before.
               Fingers play with the end of the braid. “I wondered when you would notice.”
               Huffing, Leona elects not to engage in this line of conversation.
               “It’s only been there a week.”
               Eyes snap open, his body goes rigid, lips purse, and ears flatten. There’s no way he went a whole week with this damn bird tied into his hair, mocking his disdain for the frivolity. That giggle burns in his ears for more reasons than one.
               “I found this giant bag of little ducks at Sam’s a couple weeks ago. At first, I was just using them to bug the other first years, but I didn’t expect the whole school to get in on it. You should’ve seen Sebek’s face when he found one stuck to Hornton’s horn. Of course, I asked first and he was happy to be part of the fun, but man was Sebek mad. And Ace freaking biffed it when he spotted the one I stuck to the basketball hoop. That was funny. And—”
               As the prefect prattles on about misadventures, Leona feels all the tension seeping from his muscles. Yes, the ducks were still stupid and, yes, they infested the school like locusts, but it was harmless after all.
               And it made the prefect happy.
               “And oh my gosh, I think it was Jade who managed to put one on Crowley’s hat! It’s been there for like a month and—”
               Leona’s interruption silences the freshman.
               “You done yet?”
               “Oh, one sec.” The end of the braid is tied with the golden tie. “There.”
               Before he can sit up, the prefect reaches down, placing the damned bird on his chest, staring him down with its stupid, unblinking eyes. Sneering, Leona swats the plastic from his shirt and sits up. It clatters across the floor, making its way somewhere beneath the coffee table.
               “Aww. Oh well. Guess Grim will get to find that one.”
               Leona’s nose scrunches at some pungent scent wafting in. “What’re you burning?”
               “THE COOKIES!”
               The prefect could almost apply for the track and field club for the speed used to rush back to the kitchen.
               Now on his own, Leona simply sits in the Ramshackle commons, his thoughts slowly wandering beneath the table. A string of curses slips his lips as he gets to the floor, feeling around under the table until he finds the figure. He scrutinizes the trinket in his fingers before his gaze begins scouring the room. The chandelier finally holds his gaze long enough for a quirk to tug at the corner of his mouth.
               With a steady hand and careful concentration, the flightless bird levitates its way to its new nest on the light fixture. Surely, it’ll be weeks before anyone finds it there.
               The lion’s admiration is snapped by the return of the prefect.
               “Good news! I saved them!”
               “Aren’t you supposed to be having lunch?”
               “Hey, do you want a cookie or not?”
               A brow quirks but Leona accepts a treat from the offered plate. “Might as well. It’s your fault I’m missing lunch.”
               “Nothin’.” Turning on heel, he heads for the door.
               “Wait! What did you say?!”
               His back to the prefect, Leona smirks to himself.
               “That furball’s never gonna find that duck.”
Just some pics of our fun we had
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stubz · 3 months
"Have a good summer Pollix! See you in September Zyz! Have fun in the Lakes of Nebula Ezshi!"
Today was the last day of the youngling centre and the first day of summer vacation. Although according to the Captain and his second in command it's the Galactic Solar Solstice. But Kim and Max preferred to call it summer.
Both humans walked around the centre saying goodbye and farewell to the younglings. Many of whom gave hugs or small gifts as a sign of thanks or respect in their respective culture and planet.
All but two children who stood away from the others. Looking not as happy as the others.
"Hey. Look." Max nudged his friend to the two kids.
"Ah...Sam and Dan." together the two walked towards them.
"Where's Kim and Max?"
"They're over there."
"What are they doing?"
"I think they're checking on Sam and Dan."
"I don't know."
"Look they're hugging. Maybe they're just sad that we won't see them for a long time."
"Probably. Lets play!"
"Yes Emira?"
"Why did you hug Sam and Danny longer than any of us?"
"Oh...because this is probably the last time I'll see them."
"Sam and Dan are leaving. They're going to a new school. One that's on Earth and we live in different parts of Earth so this is probably the last I'll see them."
"But your only supposed to have one teacher! They can't just leave!"
"Humans are different. We don't have one teacher all our school life. We have different teachers and can change schools."
"Even if you really like your teacher?"
"Even if you really like your teacher."
"Even if you really like your friends and classmates?"
"Even if you really like your friends and classmates. It's not always easy."
They stand in silence. Emira's feathers ruffling as she thinks.
"That must be sad." she finally says.
"It is. Sam and Dan tried to convince us to go work at the new school they'll be going to. They were pretty sad today too but we told them to remember the good memories we have-"
"No I mean for teachers."
"I know they were the first ones here. They love you a lot, Danny even called you both Mom and Dad before. And I know you both love them."
"...Your quite observant Emira. You know what that means?"
"I'm good at noticing things."
"Yeah. I don't have siblings like Kim and I'm actually not that much older than Sam. I'm the same age as their oldest brother...and to be honest they sometimes felt like my younger brothers."
"So you're going to miss them a lot?"
"Yes. Kim has done this before but this is my first time. Kinda sucks that its with kids I've known for over 3 years..."
"Do you want a hug?"
He nodded and the little avian hugged him.
"Hey Kim."
"I got something for you."
"Thanks...but my birthday isn't till next week?"
"Not from me, from Sam and Dan." she handed him the wrapped up gift.
He slowly opened it. It was light, like a feather, and was the size of a picture frame. It was a black screen.
"What is it?"
"Tap the screen."
He did and the screen lit up. Dozens of holographic pictures shot out from it. Most were from class field trips and events but were zoomed in on him and the two brothers. Some he doesn't remember Kim taking but he remembers the time the place.
"I got one too. It started out as a gift for the boys so they could remember us but then they and their parents wanted to return the favor so they made an extra two for us. Some of these are from the parents." she explained smiling at the biggest picture of the boys holding a sign saying 'Thank you for the memories, love Samuel and Daniel'
"I know I don't show it but I'm gonna miss them too. It does get easier with each time but you never stop missing the kid. Remember the kid I told you about, Penny?"
"The girl who gave you 3 stitches?"
"She was my first goodbye. She was at the preschool I first started at. Sweet, kind, a little ankle biter, but I really liked her. I had known her for 3 years when she left."
"...I'm really gonna miss them." he sighs, slumping towards his friend. She holds him in a side hug.
"I know buddy, me too...me too" they looked at the pictures in silence and if one of them let a tear fall then that was nobodies business but their own.
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spotsandsocks · 8 months
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Fuck it Friday
Tagged by @wikiangela @giddyupbuck @daffi-990 @tizniz @diazsdimples with amazing snippets go check them out
Beautiful cover by @ronordmann this was my first fic for one of Ro’s challenges and I’m so glad I joined in with it, I’ve had so much fun since and made a lovely friend (no pressure tags under cut if anyone wants to share today)
Felt like a fantasy theme for today’s FIF (and a bit of self promo for an older fic) I was particularly pleased with my use of Oliver’s tattoos in this fic 😆😆 and now he has so many more…
Once upon a time, that’s how it starts isn’t it.
Once upon a time, it’s how his sister started all the stories she read to him when he was little; a prince, a princess, a wizard, challenges to overcome true love and a happily ever after.
Well he’s a prince and he’s been waiting for his happily ever after, he’s been waiting for it for a long time now. He thought he’d found it in brown eyes that turned gold and a warm smile that made him feel seen like no one else ever had, but that was lost. Turns out you don’t get a happily ever after when you’ve been cursed, not even if you're a prince.
Eddie was the seventh child of a seventh child and that means magic. He was born on a night with a new moon, when the sky was illuminated by the stars and the rainbow colours of raw magic. The magic glowed and wove a pattern into the inky blackness, high above the cottage where his mother laboured to bring him into the world.
He took his first breath and his parents felt the magic gather around him and settle into his skin, his eyes turned gold then settled back to brown.
He grew as children do and he was four when the second prince was born and he was eleven when the first prince died, leaving behind a sister, heir to the throne and a brother, the younger prince, the one with a curse in his blood.
Of course Eddie doesn’t know anything about that yet, he’s just a child, but he won’t be forever and one day he’ll learn what was done to his prince, the man who will become his friend, the man he’ll love and lose when even all his magic isn’t enough to break a curse.
But that’s not now, that’s later.
His parents always said they hadn’t known what would happen. They’d gone to the fair folk with a sick child to ask for help. Their son and heir was dying and they needed a cure. All they did, they said, was ask for help, but there is always a price to pay for help from the fae.
A bargain was struck for a healthy child and the price agreed was something of equal value.
The queen hadn’t known, that’s what she said, again and again, she hadn’t known that there was already a life growing inside her, their third child.
The fae knew; it smiled before vanishing, sharp teeth flashing, eyes lingering on the queen’s stomach. That was when she understood what the price would be and she knew too that there was no purpose in becoming attached to something you’d already lost.
Nine moons passed and payment was due.
The creature that arrived to collect the fee was clearly not of this world, Its hair, midnight blue trailed down its back, skin the colour of moss glowed softly from within. There was no mistaking what they were or what they had come for. It was very beautiful, mesmerising and bewitching but in much the same way that a fire is beautiful and with the same risk.
The King and Queen accepted the inevitable and stood aside but his sister and the older prince said no, they stood together and tried to keep him safe, tried to keep him theirs.
The princess picked him up and held him close, lips pressed to his brow. Her love for him was new but already so strong. His brother stood before them both, young but brave and determined to keep the ones he loved safe, unsure what he could do but willing to try.
Their actions provoked laugher, bright and brittle it rattled round the hall. The fae found itself amused by the futile gesture of the young ones before it and being capricious in nature it changed its mind on what it wanted and the ripples of that decision were sent into the world.
The children shivered as a melodious voice, laced with cruel, mocking humour rang out.
“Such courage, such love, such a thing should have a reward so you may have him a while longer but you will remember the promise, who he really belongs to. When the moon is new you will not forget that he is already ours.”
So the children were given time and although it was not the intention they were also given a chance at changing his fate.
“25 years I think.” it said, amused, it could wait, 25 years after all was only a moment to the fae for whom time moved so differently but it was enough to cause trouble in the human world.
The princess and the oldest prince exchanged a glance, they were just children but they knew their brother had been given both a gift and a curse.
The beautiful face smiled but no glimmer of kindness could be found in it. The parting words left them cold.
“You love him now, think how much harder it will be to say goodbye then.”
The princess closed her eyes to hide her tears.
The king said nothing throughout it all, remaining silent on his throne, unable to look any of his children in the eye. He had made a bargain and although the price was high, the heir was worth it.
That was until the accident;because when the younger prince was just seven years old he lost his beloved brother anyway.
A fall from a horse; no magic, no curse. Just bad luck.
So in the end the kingdom was destined to lose both its princes anyway.
Except there’s that one chance, a gift of time; time to find someone who could help.
@monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @the-likesofus @hoodie-buck @loserdiaz @buddierights @fiona-fififi @rogerzsteven @bekkachaos @thekristen999 @hippolotamus @spaceprincessem @disasterbuckdiaz @like-the-rest-of-la @disasterbuckdiaz @heartshapedvows @underwater-ninja-13 @wildlife4life @wikiangela @stagefoureddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @honestlydarkprincess @pirrusstuff @elvensorceress @jesuisici33 @eddiebabygirldiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @rainbow-nerdss @lover-of-mine
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pepsiboyy · 7 months
beyond the contract - part 4
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
pairing: matt sturniolo x reader summary: where the sturniolo triplets are part of an organization known as the eclipse alliance, matt has constantly failed to pull through with pulling the trigger on a target. fed up, their boss gives matt one last chance, where he is sent to northside high school to get some answers out of a girl. warnings: cursing, mentions of drugs and a lot of mafia shit??, some smooches rahh author's note: HI FRIENDS!!! lots of important context in this chapter, i hope it's a good one <3 back to reader pov next chapter!! some fun sibling banter too yayyy also yes i Did delete this chapter on accident after LITERALLY FINISHING IT. :D WC: 2024 (lol xd) lowercase intentional !!
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i couldn't help but allow my gaze to linger across matt's features as he kept his eyes on the road, a hand on the wheel and the other on his own leg.
matt seemed to pick up on this as he turned to face me, his eyebrows furrowed. "what's your deal?" he smiled.
"where are you taking me?" i questioned.
matt and i were having our first date today. it had been about a week since he asked me that night at the pond.
"uhh, well.." matt trailed off. "i don't like crazy stuff, i could only think of more chill stuff, so…" he trailed off.
"soo..?" i continued for him and smiled as he shot me a joking death glare.
"we're going to an art museum?" he stated, but it was more of a question as he turned to me for half a second and back at the road.
i gasped and clasped my hands together. "i've never really been to one!" i chuckled as i looked out the window at the trees passing by.
matt just smiled softly to himself as he continued to drive. he really hadn't been to one either, but he knew that wherever you two went, it would be a fun time.
"where's matt?" chris called to nick from the kitchen.
nick was laying against their couch, his eyes glued to his phone. while they had a lot to do, he needed the break more than anything. he scrolled through his phone as he let out a deep sigh. "i don't know, chris, he's probably out getting tutored. or his dick sucked or something."
"ew, nick," chris muttered as he opened the fridge and grabbed a pepsi, moving to take a seat on the couch as well. "gross."
they sat in silence for a few moments before chris cleared his throat and turned to nick. "i talked with the coordinator the other day," he breathed, and nick immediately dropped his phone and gave chris his full attention. he nodded his head at him with wide eyes as if to say, 'go on.' chris let out a deep sigh as he messed with his hair. "it.. didn't really go well. we need to break the news to matt soon. or else.." he trailed off.
"or else what?" nick muttered, before he sat up from his previous laying down position to look at chris. "what, chris?" he repeated, shifting to be directly in front of the younger's face.
chris immediately shoved him out from in front of him. "no need to be so close, god," he muttered before he shrugged. "he said he'd complete the mission himself." he stated.
nick blinked a few times before he let out a deep sigh. he leaned back against the couch as they both stared at the ceiling.
"nick… how did we get into this situation?" he questioned, almost as a whisper as he turned to the oldest triplet. "to be completely honest, i don't really know why we're doing this all. i just want to be with my brothers. but it doesn't make sense to me. why are we killing people, why are we kicking up dirt on people and.. why are we getting each other involved so severely? we both know matt wants nothing to do with it, and i'm not entirely sure i want to be involved either." he trailed off, and nick simply listened to him.
"it's… a long story." he stated softly, but his eyes closed.
"i have time." chris stated firmly, sitting up to listen to nick.
"okay well, are you gonna interrupt me every five seconds? that'll make this five hours longer than it needs to be." nick spat, but chris only cracked a smile.
"no, just get to it kid," he responded as he took a sip of his pepsi.
nick took a deep breath before starting. "well, as you know, the eclipse alliance prioritizes discipline, order within ranks, and most of all, loyalty. the alliance was established decades ago amongst a few teenagers who seeked power, wealth and control. they got this tightly knit group and developed a hierarchy structure. with their goal to expand their influence, the alliance grew rapidly. this caused them to expand to various legal enterprises including smuggling, extortion, drug trafficking, and money laundering-"
"nick, stop with the big words, bro. i understood maybe half of what you just said." chris stated blankly, but he was clearly interested in the topic.
nick rolled his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. "anyways. we got involved with eclipse alliance because.. well.. we had financial struggles growing up," nick stated bluntly, shrugging as he stared into space in front of him. considering they lived from ten onward without parents, nick took initiative at a young age to try and keep him and his brothers stable. "since around when i had joined eclipse alliance, black veil operations emerged as a challenger to us. their logo is a silhouette of a woman with a veil and a growing flame behind it." nick stopped to take a soft breath before continuing. "they were fueled by the desire to trial their dominance and establish themselves as a rival power." nick took a deep breath as he looked at chris, who was listening closely. "while eclipse alli-"
nick cringed at chris, who let out probably the most disgusting burp known to man. "can you fucking listen?" he spat, and chris immediately threw his hands up and pointed at his pepsi. after a few moments, nick continued. "while eclipse alliance prioritizes hierarchy, order and loyalty, black veil operations takes a more decentralized approach to their operations. they're known for their cunning tactics, flexibility, and willingness to exploit weakness within their rivals, which is us." chris nodded along. "they're determined to undermine the eclipse alliance's power and expand their own influence by using any means necessary."
chris stared at nick and slowly nodded before blinking a few times. "i see. i guess." he thought for a few moments before he shrugged. "i don't know, i think people need to let go of grudges."
nick chuckled and stood up. "what i'm saying. but i did what i could to get us to where we are today. even if it means risking my life, or.. ours, now." he shrugged.
chris nodded and smiled. "thanks for explaining to me, nick."
no pov.
the sun had began to set, and matt was now driving home with y/n in his car. when he pulled up in front of your house and noticed the empty driveway, he cocked an eyebrow. "business trip?"
you smiled and nodded to him, shrugging as you began to get out of the car.
matt quickly followed and got out with you.
your first date was great. matt felt like he had an amazing time with you. he loved the way your hand felt in his, like they perfectly molded together. but now it was time for matt's plan to end the night. he smiled at you as he bit his lip, expression clearly nervous.
you seemed to quickly pick up on this and spoke up, "you okay? what's got you so nervous?" she questioned, and matt internally cursed at himself.
"i uhh. got you something? but don't be weird about it." he breathed as he watched you stare blankly at him. fuck, he felt so shy. this was the worst moment to start kicking himself in the ass. "can you uhh.. turn around?" he chuckled nervously when you looked at him confused before you obeyed and turned around, moving your hands over your eyes.
matt bit his lip as he pulled a few things out from his car.
"y- you can turn around now," he stammered.
you did just that, and upon turning around, your jaw dropped.
matt had a small posterboard with "PROM?" written on it, and a bouquet of flowers in one hand that held the sign while his other just held it tightly.
"you're such a dork," you whispered as you smiled and stepped towards him, carefully taking the bouquet of flowers to relieve him of awkwardly holding them with the poster.
"i know you really wanted to go to prom, and… i don't, but. if it'll make you happy," he trailed off, and tried to bite back a smile as he watched you smile in awe at him.
"i'd love to." you responded.
matt smiled warmly at you. his heart was racing. to get answers out of this girl, did he need to ask her to prom? no. but did he really, genuinely care about this girl and what she truly wanted? yes.
they stared at each other for a few moments as matt put his arms down, letting the sign sit at his feet. he hadn't even realized how close together you guys were now, standing between his car and the curb.
you both smiled at each other, you faces both a shade of pink.
how could this girl have any ties with black veil operations, matt thought to himself. she was an innocent girl, a beautiful innocent girl. a sweetheart. his internal dialogue rambled, but it immediately came to a halt when he felt your lips press against his.
his eyes widened for a moment before they fluttered shut and he felt his hands subconsciously move to your waist.
when you pulled away, matt stared at you for a few moments, his eyes wide, and yours were just as wide.
just as you were about to apologize for the action, matt gently squeezed your hand.
"wanna come inside for a bit?" you asked, and matt felt his stomach turn.
chris groaned as he turned to the clock beside him. matt was supposed to be home an hour ago. he sighed as he set his headset down and carefully picked up his phone, pulling up matt's contact and shooting him a text.
hey wya??
matt allowed a soft groan to leave him upon feeling a hand of yours run up his side and gently along his back.
'wanna come inside for a bit' led to you both against your living room couch with matt on top of you.
matt gently ran a hand down your side and tucked it under the hem of your shirt, his cheeks burning pink as he stopped.
the way you smiled against his lips and parted your own softly gave him enough permission to gently tuck his fingers under the hem.
matt couldn't help but glance down at the now exposed skin under your shirt before an inked spot on your skin caught his eye. he immediately halted and turned to the decorated skin, his entire expression falling.
"what's wrong..?" you questioned, sitting up slightly.
"what is this?" matt was pale. he looked up at you, his entire demeanor changing.
you smiled nervously as you looked away. "ahh, i don't know.. i've had it since i was like twelve." you chuckled, but your smile faltered when you looked up at matt.
matt let in a deep breath as he stood up and checked his phone. 12:37am.
"fuck, i promised chris i'd play fortnite with him." matt chuckled as he shoved his phone in his pocket.
"are you okay?" you questioned, scrambling to your feet and straightening out your disheveled clothes and hair.
matt smiled reassuringly at you and nodded, walking to the door. after walking outside, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips that lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away and hugged you tightly. "thank you for today, i had an amazing time." he whispered against your ear.
you nodded softly and hugged him back.
as matt began to walk to his car, he smiled brightly at you and waved. he got in his car and started it, driving away once you re-entered your house. he drove down the street before he pulled over and buried his face in his hands. the only thing he could think of what the inked skin just above your pelvis.
a silhouette of a woman with a veil and a growing flame behind it.
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taglist;; @star-saturn-xx @sturniolo-girl @p1xieswrld @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @sweetbabydoe @iloveneilperry
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Prompt 'You're mine' whit aemond? pls sister×aemond
How it is.
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Fem!Reader
Plot: Your eighteenth name day was a beautiful day, but a few hours in it didn’t fulfill your dreams. 
Words: 1087
Taglist: @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @second-try-stevie @a-dorkier-book-keeper
Warnings: Targ!cest, jealously, possessiveness, sexual themes.
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Ever since you were younger you remember your older brother being your best friend. He was nice and kind to you but also very smart, the two of you would sneak off and read together at any point in the day. He would hold your hand and make sure to keep you safe, he may have been one to get picked on but he wouldn’t let it happen to you.
But you always stuck up for him, he even recalls a time you kicked your other brother and nephews for making fun of him. He didn’t have a dragon but you did and even that you shared, you always told him that one day when you get older he could ride.  Suvy is what you named her, and she was very gentle then all the other dragons but she didn’t like to listen. Much like you, you were the sweetest thing but if anyone upset you then you turned into a true Targaryen.
But those years were gone and your brother changed drastically after he had lost a eye and gained a dragon all in one night. The boy you remembered wasn’t there anymore but you still loved him deeply. Aemond treated you the same as he aways had, kind and sweet but only in the shadows. But everyone knew never to mess with you unless they wanted the wrath of the one-eyed prince.
But today was unlike any other- Today was your eighteenth name day and a feast was thrown. Your mother worked very hard to give you the most beautiful day, flowers all around the castle, dresses and jewelry thrown all around your room when you awaken. You knew suitors from all over were coming to try and win your hand and it was exciting but at the same time you didn’t want to marry a man you just met. But rather someone else…
At the feast it was amazing: your favorite foods were served, the music was lovely and the people seemed to be having fun. But after a few hours you grew bored and drained from the conversation of men. They all treated you like a price and not a person, just about having children and their titles. So you snuck out when everyone was dancing and not focused on you for some air.
You walked through the halls and could still hear the voices from everyone in kingsland but it did quieter when you walked near the gardens. You missed having time alone or the time you spend here in your youth. After time went on you realized your feelings for aemond grew, the love you felt for him change. Sometime you wished it was him you’d marry so you can stay by his side and in the castle. You loved him and knew he would treat you well but it wasn’t up to you. You’re job as a woman was to be sold for your hand for titles and heirs.
You looked out to the gardens from the window, “Not enjoying yourself, princess.” The voice made you jump in surprise and you turned to see who said it. It was Aemond, looking at you with a small smirk on his lips. “I just needed some air brother. No need to worry.” You gave him a kind smile to show that you were okay but he stepped closer.
“Is the fight for you hand not what you thought?” He joked but you didn’t really find it funny. “You know if you come to make fun of me- On my birthday- that’s rather cruel.” Crossing your arms and a small pout on your lips made him prideful. “Oh? And what ever will you do?” He closes to gap between you.
You stared up at his mischievous eyes and smirk, he was much taller then you and his body was more muscular. He made you feel weak when he was so close and for some reason it excited you to no end. Most nights you thought of what would happen if he wanted you the same why you wanted him..
“And what about you brother? Does the thought of me leaving not hurt you in some way?” Looking back at him with a taunting look. “I might be married in less then a year to a lord who is here right now. In fact you reminded me of just how much I should go back, I need to find someone to give me heirs.” His face held a sour expression and his eyes narrowed, he was jealous.
You smirked and went to walk away but his grip on your arm caught you and spun you around, he place a hand on the wall and pushed you forward. He now has you pinned against his chest and looked into your eyes as they twitched just like his tightened jaw. One hand now over you and the other squeezing your hips to keep you in place.
“I dare you to say that again. I have been patient these last few years, eagerly awaiting your feelings to reciprocate. But you have overflowed that cup and now I must tell you exactly how it is.” His voice was tight and it matched his feelings of being annoyed.
You felt your cheeks burn and you for sure knew they were red. “I have been aching for you every night and day, and knowing you belong to me but having to hold myself back was more painful then I can say. Those men having their hands all over you tonight made my blood boil and mother had to stop me from placing their heads on a spike.” He spoke the truth and you watched his anger spike.
His eyes never leaving yours and you found his jealousy and anger attractive, here he was now confessing his feelings for you.
“You’re mine.” His hand came off the wall and gripped your chin, “If you want heirs then you’ll get them, anyone who dares think other wise will be killed. You’re my betrothed and you better start acting like it.” His lips crashed onto yours in heat and passion. All those years of pinning and wanting finally coming to a end.
His lips worked with yours as the both of you huffed, his arms now going around you and holding you close and tight. He was a feral dog in truth and now you had let the beast out.
You had always belonged to him.
You’re his and he is yours.
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I think the idea of George introducing (y/n) to his parents is totally cute and I think your style off writing would rock that. Happy new year by the way! All the best for you and your stories :)
This is my first ever request. I had such fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: brief allusion to sex, one mention of alcohol
Meet the Weasleys
"Ugh, gross. Why are my palms so sweaty?" Y/N muttered to herself, grabbing a paper towel, to wipe the sweat from her hands. Her early morning boost of confidence was gone, leaving her pacing from one end of the kitchen to the other.
She tossed the used paper towel in the trash and looked out the window for the 982nd time. George would be here any minute to take her to have lunch with his parents at his childhood home. A place called the Burrow.
Never in her life had Y/N been so anxious about meeting someone's parents. George seemed confident that she'd "be a hit." But, she wasn't entirely convinced. What could she, a "muggle," offer to people who could perform magic, real magic, with the simple flick of a wand? She glanced over at the apple spice cake she'd baked for dessert and hoped it would be enough.
Four months earlier
George woke up with a craving for one of the chocolate filled croissants that Ginny had purchased from a muggle bakery for James' second birthday party. Luckily for him, he had the address, and it was his day off.
The Pie in the Sky Bakery wasn't too far from Diagon Alley, so George decided to walk and enjoy the warm summer morning. Whistling as he went, he just knew it was going to be a good day. And he was right.
He didn't notice Y/N at first, distracted by all the enticing baked goods.
"Can I help you?" Her voice floated over to him, soft and melodious.
George turned and nearly stumbled over his own feet. The owner of that sweet voice somehow managed to brighten the already sunny shop even more. He was mesmerized.
"I-uh, hi." George stuttered and gave a goofy wave before clearing his throat and starting again. "Do you have any chocolate filled croissants today?"
"Of course! They're right over here. How many would you like?" Y/N bounced to the far end of the counter while George followed, a big, dopey grin spread across his freckled face.
He paid for two croissants and an espresso. Then, rather than taking a stroll, as he originally intended, George sat down at one of the little bistro tables and spent the rest of the morning exchanging shy glances and flirty banter with the lovely lady behind the counter.
When he could no longer make excuses for lingering, George approached Y/N. "Could I interest you in dinner tomorrow night?"
"Yes! I'd love to have dinner with you!" She answered, her brilliant smile melting George's heart into a puddle.
Two months later, to Y/N's delighted surprise, George confessed he was a wizard. And today, for the first time ever, he was taking her home to meet his parents.
George was practically bouncing off the walls.
"Hey mate, try not to leave any George-shaped holes in anything," Fred joked.
"I'll try!" George yelled from his bedroom. "But, I can't make any promises."
Fred shook his head and chuckled. He hadn't seen his twin this elated since he came home from the bakery four months ago gushing over Y/N.
"Ok, how do I look? George asked, suddenly appearing in front of his brother.
"Like a crazed lunatic who just broke out of the asylum."
"Ha, ha. Very funny." George deadpanned.
"Seriously though," Fred continued, scrutinizing his brother. "You look great. It's just..."
"Just what?" George looked down at himself.
"You seem a tad nervous."
"Oh that," the younger twin responded. "Well, I am bringing a girl to meet mum and dad for the first time ever. And mum didn't fancy the last two girls you and Bill brought home."
"Georgie," Fred retorted. "The reason mum didn't like Lizzy is because she had a mohawk and tattoos. And as far as Fleur goes, once mum realized she wasn't after Bill for a quick fling, she warmed right up to her."
"Yeah, you're right. I know you're right." George agreed. "I'm just overthinking again."
Fred patted him on the back. "It'll all work ou--" Fred stopped mid-sentence, closing his eyes and putting his fingertips to his temples. "Wait! I'm getting a vision...I see...you and Y/N together...in a house...and..and, there's something else. Hold on, it's starting to come into focus...yes, that's it! Loads of ginger babies!"
Fred opened his eyes to see George standing with arms folded, his lips quirked up in amusement. "Are you done?" George asked.
"Yes, quite." Fred said, lifting his chin and sauntering away.
George snorted, wondering if Fred knew he was secretly eyeing a cute, little muggle flat halfway between his shop and Y/N's.
George arrived at Y/N's oozing his usual easy confidence. "Ready for this, my love?" He asked Y/N as they walked to his car.
Y/N took a deep breath, then smiled. "Ready as I'll ever be."
"Don't worry, darling." George said, bending down and planting a kiss on her cheek before opening the car door for her. "They'll love you."
The closer they got to the Burrow, the faster Y/N's heart raced. George seemed to sense this, and reaching out, he clasped her trembling, sweaty hand in his warm, steady one.
Y/N sighed as a wave of calm rolled over her. A small smile crept across her face, and she began tracing little circles on his hand with her thumb. He squeezed her hand in return, as his own small smile made an appearance.
Neither one spoke the rest of the drive. There was no need. Everything that needed to be said was conveyed through that one simple gesture connecting them to one another.
Y/N didn't have time to marvel at the impossible higgley-piggleyness of the Burrow. As soon as she stepped out of the car, Mrs. Weasley pulled her into a hug. "Oh my goodness, look at you. Cute as a button! You know, George talks about you all the time. It's so good to finally meet you! He tells me..." Mrs. Weasley's non-stop chatter faded as she led Y/N into the house, leaving George and Arthur to collect the cake.
George released a long breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Relieved, son?" Arthur asked.
"Yeah, actually." George admitted. "I was afraid she'd give Y/N the cold shoulder like she did to Fleur."
"Ah, you needn't have worried about that." Arthur began. "Bill sprung Fleur on us out of nowhere. We had no idea he was even dating anyone. But you've been talking about Y/N for months. Your mum has had time to get used to the idea. Not to mention," Mr. Weasley added with a chuckle. "She’s ecstatic that Y/N's a baker. Now she has someone to talk shop with."
The same dopey grin that had spread across George's face the day he met Y/N returned, and to Arthur's amusement, his son practically skipped into the house.
A wonderful lunch turned into an impromptu bake-a-thon with George bounding around the kitchen "helping" Y/N and Molly as they made one treat after another. His unrestrained joy was so sweet and infectious that neither of the women were upset when he accidentally put a cup of salt and a teaspoon of sugar into one of the batters, rather than the other way around.
Even Arthur, who generally stayed out of the kitchen whenever Molly was cooking, found himself pulled into the mélee by his giddy son. By the end of the day, they were all covered in flour, frosting, and a vast array of sprinkles, thanks to George and Arthur getting a bit too happy with decorating the colorful little confections.
"This ranks as one of the best days of my life," George commented as he and Y/N relaxed on the tiny balcony of her flat, sipping whiskey and nibbling on chocolate chip cookies.
"I have to agree, Georgie." Y/N concurred, using the nickname reserved only for her and Fred. "I can't believe I was so nervous. Your parents are wonderful."
George smiled and lifted her hand to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss on her knuckles. Then, he turned his gaze to the moon. "It's getting late."
"It is." Y/N responded.
"I don't want to leave."
"You know my bed is always open to you." Y/N said with a cheeky grin.
"I know." George's eyes twinkled as he uttered the next words. "But, I mean, I don't want to leave ever again."
"I know, love. We never want to part at the end of the day." Y/N responded, still not quite catching on.
"Exactly." George said, jumping right to the heart of the matter. "Will you move in with me? I know it might seem too soon, and if you aren't ready, that's okay, we can w--"
Y/N ended his ramblings with a kiss that made him forget everything he'd ever learned for a few brief moments.
"Of course, I'll move in with you." Y/N said, once they pulled away.
"Yes, really."
"Yes!" George exclaimed and fist-pumped the air. "This calls for a celebration," he said, picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the bedroom.
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creative-kny-fics · 5 months
For flame's birthday!
Lee! Kyojuro, Lers! Senjuro and Shinjuro
Please and thanks!
Yes, why not? Kyojuro is one of those who would tell you "you always need your birthday tickles!", so he won't have any problem accepting them hahaha
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Lers: Senjuro and Shinjuro Rengoku
Lee: Kyojuro Rengoku
When it's someone's birthday, it's normal for that person to hear "it's your day, you should relax" or "take the day off, you deserve it!", among others.
But Kyojuro had not accepted that, he was a young man very committed to his work, although he wanted to have fun with his friends, perhaps spend some time with his family, he couldn't, his duty was relentless.
'Brother, I insist, I'm sure that if you don't go today they will understand you. It's your birthday, why don't you stay and we go out to eat?'
'I'm sorry Senjuro, but unfortunately I can't do that, maybe you don't understand now, you're still very young', he said, ruffling his younger brother's hair as he finished getting ready.
It was still too early, and when I say it was too early, it's because the sun hadn't even risen.
And why was Senjuro awake? When Kyojuro stood up, he did too, to convince him one last time to stay and celebrate with them. 'Well, I think everything is ready! I have to go Senjuro, but I'll try to come back soon. Say goodbye to father for me, take care!'
'And where do YOU ​​think you're going?', Kyojuro turned around, not expecting Shinjuro to be awake too.
He was also like Kyojuro at some point, but it wasn't that that forced him to get up early that day, it was his son's stubborn behavior with his work, so he assumed that he wouldn't accept the day off they were offered and would go anyway
'Good morning father! I'm happy to say goodbye to you before I leave! It's the best gift you could have given me! Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to-' 'You're not going anywhere'
Shinjuro held Kyojuro by his clothes, preventing him from walking further, something that confused both him and Senjuro, who was already nervous.
He wasn't going to hit his own son, especially on his birthday, right?
'Mmmm father? Excuse me, but this is not the time for jokes, I need to go!'
'Well, you're not leaving here until you receive something' 'Mmmm?! What could it be?!', mhm, acts innocent Kyo, because I'm telling you in advance that it's not food.
Since there was no longer any need for him to continue holding him, he let him go, telling him to close his eyes while he "brought the surprise."
Kyojuro smiled and closed his eyes, curiosity was killing him, what could it be?!. 'Senjuro, take the surprise to your room, I'll go with you in a few seconds...'
'Eeeeh? But what a surprise-?' 'You know, that "surprise". Do you remember it?', when he mentioned the word 'surprise', he winked.
Senjuro understood, so he nodded and went to his room, peeking through the door to make sure he didn't misunderstand.
And he didn't, Shinjuro began to guide Kyojuro towards the room, he seemed like a completely different person.
'And?! Can I open my eyes now?! I want to know what you have prepared for me! I want to know! Tell me, I'm starting to feel nervous about not knowing!'
'Birthday tickles!' 'EEEEH?!', wait, had he heard wrong?
He didn't think Senjuro was lying, it wasn't like him to lie to his brother, but the fact that his father was also there didn't help.
And needless to say, Kyojuro continued with his eyes closed, as he opened them in surprise when someone grabbed his wrists, bringing them together and putting them above his head, it was undoubtedly Shinjuro. 'O-oh! This it is?! What do you think if we leave them for when he returns? I'll be late and...'
'We told you that you're not going anywhere, you're going to stay here to celebrate' 'You can't make me! I have to go!'
Oooh of course they can force you, Kyojuro, you're talking to your father and your brother, they know you and they know that tickling is probably the only time you lie when you ask them to "stop" when you're clearly enjoying it. 'Come on brother, stay for a while!'
'I'm sorry Senjuro, but-! Ehehehehe!! He-hehehey! Yohohou cahahan't stahahart theheherehehe!!'
'Well, how do you always say "you should get your birthday tickles" or did you forget?', Kyojuro denied, that's what you get for always going to the kill and not starting with something light.
Kyojuro is someone who is difficult to knock down when tickling him, he can't help it if someone starts kneading above his hips, of course, not so hard or it will hurt.
Senjuro was good at it, after all, because of his height he could always do it without difficulty, so he was an expert at it. 'C-Cohomehe ohohon!! We can do this when I get back!! Fa-Fatheheher!! Nohohot yohohou tohohoho!!'
'Wow, it usually takes you a while to laugh when I tickle your ears. You can't help it if someone started tickling your hips, right?', Kyojuro blushed but nodded.
But this was just the warm-up, the day had barely begun after all.
'O-okahahahay!! Nohohow you ahahaha guys aharehehe tahahakihihing ad-advahantagehehe of me!!'
'We're not, stop pretending you're not having fun! Besides, you know the rules perfectly, you can't let the birthday boy leave without first giving him a raspberry!'
'Wait!! Wahahaihit!! It's not necessary, it's not necessary!!'
Kyojuro would have been wishing he had closed his eyes, perhaps the effect would have been less, but seeing both his brother and his father start to inhale made him nervous and he started to laugh.
Too bad he couldn't do anything, Shinjuro had changed his grip, making a hug while still holding Kyojuro's arms so he wouldn't shake them, he knew him well. 'W-Wait!! AHAHAHAHAHA!! O-OKAHAHAY!! NO AGAIN!! COHOMEHEHE OHOHOHON!!'
'So soon do you give up? I propose something to you, if you stay, there will be no more raspberries, but if you decide that as soon as we finish this you are going to leave, we will keep you here until you accept your day off', Kyojuro saw them both and laughed.
He didn't want to say no to staying, but he also didn't want to look bad by canceling something he had already promised. 'There's no answer? Well then, we have to use more persuasion, don't you think Senjuro?'
'Mhm! Yes, you're right!' 'Hey, wait! Let me think! I can't do it if you TIHIHICKLEHEHE MEHEHE!!', well, we'll have to think of a quick answer to get out of that
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vermithorn · 2 years
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pairing: aemond targaryen x fem!reader!stark
summary: aegon is drunk and you have an urge to the defend the younger prince.
author’s note: bro i cannot sleep properly i have to post everyday at 3/4am god help me!!!!!!!!! enjoy and please remember english isn’t my first language < 3… he is my babygirl after all,,,
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aemond never wanted a protector, he could do very good on his own.
aegon was too much in today’s dinner, after a few cups of wine he became a mean drunk with his favorite target of the month, his younger brother. queen alicent and king viserys were in dragonstone with the hand of the king, dealing with very urgent foreign affairs so in the dinner table were only prince aegon, princess helaena, prince aemond and you, lady stark, a very important guest from winterfell.
he knew bringing up the day he lost and eye was a sore topic, knowing he could get away with anything because his mother wasn’t there to reprimand him, so he started making fun of his little brother for his ‘lack of body parts’ and ‘ugliness’, it was enough for aemond to stand up and slam the table, but you did it first.
you went off, and aemond could only look at his brother scared face, eyes widened and mouth agape. you went on saying he was lucky to have someone like prince aemond as his brother, and if he continued to say the horrid words he was speaking the north would have his head in a spike, because he was no one to say things like that to his younger brother.
dinner was quickly dismissed, aegon running behind helaena to their chambers, without giving you or prince aemond a second glance.
“i’m so sorry, prince aemond, my outburst was beyond inappropriate.” you bowed and escorted yourself out to your designated chambers.
aemond’s head was spinning, he couldn’t take you out of his mind, he never had someone stand up for him besides his mother and probably he’ll never had someone to do it again. it all made him blush of embarrassment, he was fighting with himself, on one side he could very easily defend himself against aegon, who was no match for him… but in the other side he really wanted to hear you again, and again, and again.
he paced like a maniac in his room, the moonlight touching everything around him. it was very late, and of course his best idea was to go and knock on your chambers, totally uninvited.
you were probably sleeping, this was the worst idea ever, he was about to turn around and come back to his own bed when the door before him opened.
your eyes softened as you saw him in front of you, you were still wearing the clothes you wore for dinner. “prince aemond? how can i help you?”
he coughed a little, “i wanted to speak to you,” you opened the door a little to make space for him to enter.
“make yourself comfortable,” he sat in the couch you had near the window.
he tried to speak but words wouldn’t come out of his mouth, you gave him a little smile as you sat on your bed. “my prince, i would like to apologize again for my outburst on the supper, you don’t need me to defend you at all, i am, again, so sorry.”
his features softened, as he tried to relax himself.
“i wanted to thank you,” your eyes widened. you weren’t expecting that at all. “my brother is like this since we were young, so i am kind of used to it now.”
you frowned, “that’s not an excuse, my prince, he cannot treat you that way.” you crossed your arms as aemond looked away, with a sad smile.
“you wanted to thank me? thank me when i beat his ass from here to flea bottom.” a blush formed in his face because of your words.
“i will not do that again…” you stopped, as he tilted his head looking at you, “in front of other people.”
he smiled slightly, making you feel good as he looked mesmerizing under the moonlight, like a god. you took your time examining his features as he looked out of your window.
“thank you, i don’t think i had anyone defend me besides my mother…” he confessed in a moment vulnerability, trusting you to not break the trust he had put on you.
“do not worry, my prince,” you said walking up to him, kneeling to get on his level because he was seated on the couch, he looked like a scared cat with your presence so close to him. “i will do my best to defend your name and integrity until you don’t want me to anymore.”
he grabbed your hand, caressing it softly as he nodded with a lump on his throat.
maybe he could allow himself to have someone on his side for once.
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© all content belongs to @vermithorn. do not copy / plagiarize / repost or translate my work on any other platforms.
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imashoe69420 · 2 years
Rise!Leo X Reader Headcanons☆彡
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Some points are from my other works I’ve written on here so some stuff may look familiar lol
Relationship: Dating (official)
Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (but in second person)
Warnings ⚠️ : Swearing
Genre: mostly fluff, some angst
• One thing about Leo is he is a very touchy person.
• Whenever you're around, he has to hold your hand or set you on his lap with his chin resting on the top of your head or something of the sort.
• He would never tell his brothers, but he loves to carry you around. If he has to go anywhere outside of viewing distance, he will carry you like a koala wherever he needed to go. Yes, it slightly inconvenienced him, but at least he could occasionally kiss your cheek or neck as he prepared a snack in the kitchen.
• Although he was charming, he often poked fun at you. Especially when he found your diary from the 5th grade where you had an obsession with this one boy that's presently kinda ugly.
• “Dear diary, Colin is soooo cute!" Leo read in an exaggerated breathy voice.
•"Leo, don't!" You screamed playfully as you tried to reach for the diary, but he held it away out of your reach.
• "Hold on, just one more page!"
• "Leo! Give it back!"
• But sometimes, he didn't register your mood before making a crude joke.
• One time, he made a joke about something you were insecure about. Usually you'd just laugh it off, but you had had a bad day and that was your breaking point.
• He felt like the worst boyfriend seeing you cry because of him. He apologized over and over until he practically went horse. "I'm sorry, that was dumb. I'm dumb. That was stupid. I thought it was gonna be funny. I'm sorry, don't cry!"
• "No... it's just... today kinda sucked." You told him.
• Leo was relieved that it wasn't solely him that made you upset, but he was still pissed at himself.
• He got you a few blankets to wrap you in, and then he tried to cook you something that epically failed, so he settled for some canned tomato soup that he tried to pass off as his own. Which epically failed again.
• "You did not!" You accused him. "You don't know how to cook.”
• "I do too!"
• "Do not!"
• "Do too!" Leo grabbed you, smothering you with kisses as you giggled and tried to push him away.
• He always knew how to make you feel better.
• During every one of his missions, he would send you a selfie of him posing with the villain in the background. The villain was usually getting their ass kicked by his brothers.
• Be back soon, babe! He would text you.
• You laughed and texted back, You shouldn’t be texting me! You’re gonna get hurt!
• Just checking in w the love of my life, he texted back, making you blush.
• Of course, Leo can’t meet new people often, but you had introduced him to your younger siblings when he had swooped in through your open window and your eight (8) year old sister stood staring at him in awe.
• Leo didn’t know what to say as he didn’t even know you had siblings. He just stared awkwardly for a bit.
• “(Y/N) has you on her screen saver.” Their sister ratted on them.
• (Y/N)’s ten (10) brother stalked out of his room to see who his sister was talking to. He screamed when he saw Leo. “(Y/N)! There’s a monster in the living room!”
• (Y/N) rushed out of their room and sighed when they just saw the turtle still staring dumbfounded at her little sister, Harriet.
• “Harri, Carson, this is Leo.” (Y/N) said slowly as they approached Leo rested a hand against his shoulder, finally shaking him out of his stupor. “He isn’t a monster. He’s… uh, a friend.”
• Harriet quickly took advantage of Leo’s social awkwardness and forced him into a tea party, then a makeover. She kept asking him question after question: how old are you? Where do you live? What’s it like being a turtle? Do you go to school? What grade are you in? Do you like to color? What color lipstick do you want: red or purple?
• Although he was uncomfortable, Leo tried his best to be nice and charismatic.
• Your brother sat in the corner of his sister’s room to make sure that what you said was true and Leo wouldn’t to eat her.
• “Are you and (Y/N) in love?” Harriet asked the turtle. He tried to laugh it off, but the little girl stared intently at him, waiting for an answer.
• Of course Leo’s in love with you, but he’d never said it verbatim. Maybe an “I love you” or “you’re the love of my life”, but he’d never said he was in love with you.
• “No duh!” Carson scoffed before Leo could answer. “They’re always talking about him but didn’t think to tell us that he was a big green monster!”
• “Stop it! You’re hurting his feelings!” Harriet threw a dusty eyeshadow at her brother. “You’re being a bad brother in-law!”
• “He’s the in-law, not me!” The boy retorts.
• “Hey, can we just—” Leo tried to deescalate the situation for the sake of his heart mere seconds away from pounding out of his chest at the idea of him and (Y/N) getting married.
• The kids continued to argue until (Y/N) came into the room with a plate of cheese, crackers, and grapes cut in half. The siblings flocked over to the plate, leaving Leo in a chair that was way too short for him.
• (Y/N) stifled a laugh at the makeup smeared all over Leo’s face.
• “Looks like Harri likes you.” They took a makeup wipe sitting in a pack on their little sister’s dresser.
• The turtle shrugged, a smile on his face as you wiped away his colorful yet messy “makeover”.
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svfttachi · 1 year
hiiii, I just love you writing😭 and i have a request (i know that it's a bit general): a really fluff e cute scenario between reader and Sasuke. Thanks in advance if you accept the request🥰🥺
WC ━ 2.0k
TYPE ━ GN!reader
✎ this was really fun to write, and i'm sorry if it's a little rushed at the end. this is my second sasuke piece for this blog, so it was a good change of pace from writing for his older brother, itachi. anyway, i hope this is the fluffiest thing you read today!
───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────
TINY bells rang from above the glass door to the small, quaint shop in the busiest part of this city’s shopping district. Two men of similar heights walked into the shop with neutral expressions written on their faces. As they walked closer to the glass counters, the view of all of the expensive, shining jewelry came into contact with the younger man’s charcoal stained orbs. In fact, with such a wide selection of unique and flawlessly cute jewels, Uchiha Sasuke was beginning to feel overwhelmed as his eyes danced from one piece to the next.
A hand pressed firmly onto Sasuke’s shoulder, instantly bringing a wave of relief when his body sensed the familiar presence standing next to him. Looking over at his older brother, Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke’s eyes darted down at the hand on his shoulder, specifically at the polished, golden ring that was encircled around his brother’s left hand ring finger. The ring caught on the dim lighting of the store and shined brightly. Sasuke shook his brother’s hand off of his shoulder and stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets, looking back down at the assortment of engagement rings in the display counters.
Before Itachi could question Sasuke’s current mood, one of the workers of the store walked up to the two gentlemen with a small smile on his face. “Who is proposing today, if you don’t mind me asking?” the worker asked, looking from Sasuke to Itachi. Itachi tapped the tips of his fingertips against the glass counter, glancing at Sasuke for a second before pouring his attention onto the kind worker. “My little brother, over here, wants to propose to his longtime partner of I believe… seven years, and quite frankly, he is picky with his presents, as is, so this is the third shop we have been to in the last couple of days,” Itachi replied, feeling a smirk come into play. Sasuke attempted to elbow his older brother in his side, but the man swiftly stepped away to look at some of the sparkling engagement rings in the display cases.
“Seven years is a long time, my friend. How did you decide they were the one?” the worker asked as he began to take out some of the finest of rings in stock. Sasuke peered down at the small display sitting on top of the glass countertop, taking in the amount of sparkles that shimmered against each individual ring. Completely ignoring the worker’s question about his significant other, Sasuke picked up one of the rings he pulled out, bringing it up to his face for a closer inspection.
The ring had a clean, silver band which held a squarish, sparkling jewel right in the middle of it. Compared to many of the rings available here, it was the shiniest and had the biggest rock. Sasuke wasn’t too sure of which ring would fit best on your finger and with your style, but he definitely knew you’d rather keep it simple.
Setting the ring down, Sasuke picked up another one, copying the same actions he took with the previous choice. Contrasting with the big, shining, silver ring from before, this ring had a pretty, thin rose gold band with a smaller, oval stone in the middle. After looking through countless options for the past couple of days, Sasuke’s thoughts were circling around how much you would adore this ring. Many of the rings he looked at before didn’t scream you at all, and now that he was here looking at this ring right before him, he knew it was the one he wanted to use to propose to you.
Oblivious to Sasuke’s surroundings, Itachi walked up to his younger brother and glanced down at the ring settled between his index finger and thumb. Sasuke looked up at the awkwardly smiling worker after having just dazed away because of the impact the ring had on his mind. He was going to do it… after seven years of being together, as one, Sasuke was motivated to make it more official through marriage, and the thoughts were beginning to clog up whatever was left of his mind after finding the perfect ring. “I’ll take this one,” Sasuke spoke in his low and deep tone, holding the ring out for the worker.
Itachi widened his eyes a little at how quick of a decision Sasuke had made just then. They had quite literally just stepped foot into the store, and after looking at only two rings, Sasuke was ready to go with the second choice. However, Itachi trusted his brother’s decisions, so he watched as Sasuke paid for the ring and got handed the bag which contained the delicate, velvet ring box inside of it. The two Uchihas walked out of the shop with silence resonating between them as well as the strange, three feet distance between their figures whilst they walked around the shopping district.
“Have you thought about how you’re going to propose yet, Sasuke?” Itachi asked, glancing over at his brother. Sasuke pulled the box out of the shop’s bag, flipping open the lid to take another look at the ring. The light sparkle hitting the small stone shined brightly within the box, and just like that, Sasuke was beginning to grow anxious thinking about the moment he was going to get down on one knee and ask you to be his forever. “Something simple… Y/N doesn’t like big celebration type things,” he muttered, closing the ring’s box and setting it back down in the shop’s bag.
Itachi agreed with Sasuke on the approach. He, himself, went with a simpler approach for his own proposal, and in his experience, it has a lot less tension in the air. “Would you like some pointers? I can give some—”
“No… no. I don’t need your help anymore. I’ll be fine on my own,” Sasuke declined, making his way to the car. Itachi sighed and followed Sasuke.
The night sky was shining brilliantly as the clocks struck eight o’clock. With every passing minute in the car, Sasuke was anticipating the proposal. He couldn’t stop moving, and you, who were seated beside him in the passenger’s seat of the car, grew curious. To you, it felt like this was going to be another dinner date with Sasuke at some fancy restaurant that he had picked prior to getting in the car. Yet, you started to notice how there was sweat beginning to accumulate on his forehead and how his fingers tapped anxiously against the steering wheel.
Unconsciously, you reached over to Sasukes’s side of the car and rested your hand against his own. Thankfully the car was stopped at a red light because Sasuke froze much like a statue in a museum at the familiar, soft sensation of your hand upon his own. Immediately, he took his hand off of the steering wheel and intertwined your fingers with one another, now resting his elbow over the armrest in between your seats.
“What’s got you so anxious all of a sudden?” you questioned. Your thumb made small caresses against the softness of the outside of his hand in an effort to comfort him. “I–It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” he responded in his blunt manner and his deep tone.
When the signal turned green, Sasuke pressed down on the gas pedal to accelerate the car forward. You remained silent throughout the car ride, but as you glanced out the window, your eyes were keen on spotting less buildings than the normal streets you can recall from memory.
Soon, the car came to a halt, and again, your eyes roamed the view in front of you. Rather than a fancy, five-star restaurant, you were looking out a glorious, open field of colorful, blooming flowers. Somewhere near the car, there was a small picnic blanket set up with some string lights sat around it.
You were aware of how romantic your partner could be towards you, but this was a new experience for you. It started to warm your heart as you took in the area once more, thinking about how much effort and planning must have gone into this. You were so stuck in your surprise that you didn’t notice Sasuke had exited the car and opened the door for you.
With a hand extended in front of you, you tore your eyes away from the view for a moment to take Sasuke’s hand in your own. He shut the door after you exited the car and led you towards the grass where the picnic was set up. The two of you carefully sat down next to one another, and instantly, you hooked your arms with Sasuke’s right arm. Resting your head on Sasuke’s shoulder, your eyes remained on the beautiful setup in front of you.
“This is really amazing, Sasuke. How much time did it take to set up?” you curiously questioned, moving your head to aim your sight at the handsome man you were attached to. Sasuke felt your gaze on him, so he also turned his head to capture the glow in your eyes, “Not long… I had Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi help me.”
“Well, it looks wonderful, and I can’t wait to dive into the delicious food you must have prepared,” you stated, unhooking your arms from Sasuke’s arm. As your hands were about to reach for the picnic basket, Sasuke quickly placed a hand on your wrist, motioning you to stop.
“Before we eat, I have something to say,” Sasuke began. You nodded and sat back with your hands gently resting on top of your legs. Your eyes took note of the rising blush arriving on Sasuke’s face as well as the silence that followed his statement.
Sasuke took a deep breath and stuffed his hand into his blazer pocket, “Ever since we met in elementary school, I have always vowed to protect you at all costs. My feelings for you only grew deeper as we got to high school and graduated. It was hard to go four years without seeing you, but I’m glad that we are sitting here together and able to call each other our own. I don’t think I would have ever stopped waiting for you to come back, even if it meant waiting for an eternity, Y/N. My life isn’t complete without you in it. And… I have been thinking about asking you this for a while, so I decided that it’s now or never that I ask you. I don’t ever want to lose you, Y/N, because you make me a better person, all together.”
By now, tears stung your eyes at the beautiful words that Sasuke spoke about you. Your eyes shot down to Sasuke’s hand, and a hand came to cover your mouth as your eyes squeezed to a squint. The ring box came into view in Sasuke’s hand, and his other hand opened it up to reveal the pretty, thin rose gold band that he had picked with his brother. At that point, you couldn’t contain the happiness, and your eyes proceeded to douse your face in salty tears that began to run down to your chin and over your hands that cupped your mouth.
“I feel that I am ready to take the next step in our relationship, and I hope that you are, too. Y/N, will you do me the honor and agree to marry me?” he asked in his deep tone. The hand that held the small ring was visibly shaking, signaling how nervous he was for the response.
Much like the incident in the car, you reached out to place a hand on his empty hand, and his eyes kept themselves locked on you. The shaking had stopped almost instantaneously, and in that very moment, Sasuke knew what you were going to respond with.
“Of course.”
Sasuke let out a hiccup as the tears began to come to his eyes as well. Carefully, he slid the ring onto your finger and reached over to bring you into his arms. Your face was hidden in his shoulder as his chin dug into your head. Soft kisses were placed into your hair on your head, bringing you the most comfort you’ve ever felt.
“Thank you for everything, Y/N.”
───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────
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Kinktober Day 6: Chastity- Michael
Summary: Michael thinks humans and their sexual ways are disgusting but maybe he’s just a bit of a hypocrite
Word count: 4,757 words (god damn my longest one yet. Idk how this happened)
Note: this is not what chastity style Kinktober fan fics are usually like but this is my take 😅. This fan fic also ended up being a bit more sweet then I expected
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It wasn’t completely unknown how a lot of angels viewed humans, it was usually with disdain but that disdain did vary. Some saw them as more like an annoying little sibling you have to look after, others saw them as stupid apes that were good for a laugh and sometimes sex, but others, like Michael, saw them as disgusting and a mistake.
Michael and Lucifers views on humans were not as different as they seemed. Michael was just better at hiding it and following orders. The main difference was that even though Lucifer saw humans as disgusting mistakes, he was also similar to Gabriel where he could still get a laugh and have some fun.
Some thought Michael was more like Raphael where yeah sure he didn’t like them but he was mainly pretty indifferent, but no, Michael really did hate humans. He saw humans as disgusting creatures who run on nothing but primary urges. Urges that make them kill, fight, gorge and fuck. That was one thing Michael truly did loath about them, how casually they treated sex and sexual desires.
Michael believed his father created humans to enjoy sex with one person they cared for and to create more humans and that was it, not to fool around, masturbate and use sex in a primal and almost feral way. The way humans treated sex was disgusting.
Chastity, that’s what Michael believed in, to stay pure and good. Humans were supposed to be beautiful children, not these disgusting animals.
Now that Michael had lost his grace and had to live with the Winchesters, he had been on edge and grumpy every second of the day. Dean Winchesters sexual antics made everything worse and today it was especially bad.
“You have a good night, Deanie Beanie?” You ask smirking at him. Teasing him with both the nickname and his scruffy hair as he walked through the bunker door.
He replied simply with a smirk and a wink as he walked through the bunker, likely to have a shower.
Lucifer, Gabriel, Sam and yourself look between each other and snicker and slightly roll your eyes. Raphael seemed pretty indifferent as he continued drinking his coffee and reading his book, not really caring about human drama. However as per usual, Michael scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“That’ll be you one day, Mikey.” Gabriel slapped Michael on his shoulder laughing.
Gabriel often liked to tease Michael about his views on sex, especially since Gabriel is literally a porn star. It had been stressful having four archangels now living in the bunker and trying to get their grace back, but one thing that made it easier was when you all teased Michael. Despite being the oldest out of all of you, you’d all tease him like he was the youngest.
“Don’t be disgusting, Gabriel.” Michael glared at his younger brother.
“You know you’re kinda hot when you get all flustered, Michael.” You pile on with the teasing, both you and Gabriel smirk at each other.
“Hey, that’s my dad, sort of.” Sam commented, feeling conflicted.
“Well then I know where you and Dean get it from, Sammy.” You lightly flirt and wink at him, rustling his overgrown hair.
“You are shameless.” Michael jabs, causing the rest of the table, surprisingly even Raphael, to chuckle and throw a few ‘ooohh’s’ your way.
“Don’t feeling jealous, Mikey, I’ll flirt with you whenever you like,” you wink at him, beginning to stand up, “now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna have a shower and start to get ready for the day, gentlemen. You’re welcome to join me, Michael.” You smirk at him as you send a wink his way.
“Shut up.” Was all he managed to angrily grumble out as you blew him a kiss while you walked off.
The nice warm shower really did to wonders for the stress all this archangels business had caused you. Now getting into some comfy bike shorts and top stolen from Sam you were officially ready to start the day and actually get some things done.
You were looking for your car keys are you hear an angry knock on your door. You assumed it was Michael but were still surprised when you open it to find it really was him. While Michael may make snide comments here and there, since losing his grace he’s never really been overly combative.
“Taking me up on that shower offer Mikey? Sorry to disappoint but I’m all done.” You continue yet again to make fun of him as your hand touches his chest.
Grabbing your wrist he lightly pushes you back into your room and closes the door surprisingly gently. Even when he’s mad he’s still very stereotypically angelic.
“Look I am forced to be here and I try to be a civil as possible but you need to stop. I know my father has told me not to judge humans but to respect them but I can not do that with you.” He told you sternly, more feeling like you were being told off by a patient teacher then you were by an archangel of the lord.
“Why me, Michael? Why not Sam or Dean or Gabriel? They screw around a lot more than I do. Is it because I’m a woman?” You ask him now getting more than a little fed up.
“Yes! But also no.” He stated, almost confused.
“Firstly, it’s because you say such suggestive and vulgar things to me directly and that needs to stop. Secondly, women are supposed to be soft and delicate, it’s how my father created you to be.” He further explained, hoping to straighten this all out but not realising he was just making it worse.
“I’m not sure if I should feel insulted or a little turned on.” You replied honestly as you thought of his words.
“There you go again! Can’t you even attempt to be less vulgar!” You retorted, now beginning to get worked up.
“What and be like you, daddy’s boy?! Huh? Walk around preaching chastity and purity and abstinence?”
“Yes!” Michael yelled, now officially feeling aggravated.
“You walk around in tight clothes or clothes stolen from a man who is not your husband! You make sexual comments, lewd jokes and touch every one of us. Why just last week you managed to sit in Sam, Deans and Lucifers lap all in one night! Why can’t you just be good and pure?”
Wow, you didn’t know why but this little rant of his was really making you want to tease him. You wanted to see if you could pull a little blush from the archangel. Smirking devilishly you began to enact that plan.
“So you’ve been watching me very closely then have you, Mikey? Looking at my body and how I touch people? God it must be so hard for you, starting to be more human everyday. I mean before you saw humans as being no more than animals, filthy creatures and now you’re noticing what one of us wears and how we act.” With every word you walk closer and closer to Michael, him walking back as you walk forward. Now he sits on your bed, watching you with almost awe in his eyes as you continue.
He sits on your bed, with his hands almost submissively placed on his knees, you lean down and whisper into his ear.
“I bet losing your grace, becoming human, has been really hard on you,” accentuating the word ‘hard’ with a squeeze of his thigh, “I mean you’re so pure and a man of such chastity, it must be difficult now such primal urges are slipping their way into your body and your mind.” Now looking directly into his eyes, you place your other hand on the side of his face.
“Tell me, what do you think about when you see me in those tight clothes? How does it make your body feel? I bet you get real excited and I bet you count down the hours until you can go to your room and have a nice shower. Somewhere private where no one would even know how hard you were and how good it felt to be human and to finally touch yourself. I bet you have, I bet you wished I would sit on your lap or touch you just a bit longer.”
Michael wished he could push you away and walk out the door but he was frozen, it was all true and he hated himself for not being able to deny it.
Seeing that he doesn’t move you now sit on his lap, like you said he wished you would. Not even realising he’d done it, his hand naturally slips around your waist.
“Do you want me to be a good girl for you, Michael?” You ask taunting his as your lips make their way to his ear.
“Or do you want to be a good boy for the me, baby?” The question making his eyes close and a little moan escape his lips. Noticing the reaction you’ve had on him you smirk and begin to softly kiss his neck.
The feeling of your soft lips and the way his pants begin to feel tighter and tighter pulls him from the trace-like state you’ve put him in. He suddenly stands, almost making you tumble over, as he walks out your bedroom door. Not saying a single word, just leaving in a hurry.
That night the boys decide to go out to a bar, everyone needing a break from the bunker. The only one missing being Michael. The rest of the group didn’t care at all but you were hoping he’d come out, hoping you’d be able to tease him some more. He wasn’t even in the entrance of the bunker when you went to leave so you couldn’t even tease him with the tight low cut shirt and short skirt you wore.
Your outfit wasn’t a total loss and you knew it would get a reaction from Michael because of how every single one of the other men in the group seemed to react, even Raphael and Cas gave you a look over.
You always had a great time with the boys but honestly right now all you could think about was Michael.
Quickly excusing yourself you went to the bathroom of the bar that was luckily empty. You quickly snapped a photo of your outfit in the bathroom mirror of the bar and sent it to Michael.
‘If you really want to be a good boy for me you’ll be waiting in my room on your knees 😇😘’
You sent the message and quickly went back to the boys to let them know you were heading off.
God the whole drive home you were feeling antsy. You would barely sit still as your pussy began to throb just thinking of Michael on his knees.
When you walked through your bedroom door you let out a moan seeing just that, Michael had even taken the liberty to remove this shirt. Having this perfect angel on his knees in nothing but his grey sweats was enough to make you cum there and then.
As you walk through the door his face shoots up and you swear you could see his dick twitch in his pants. Finally getting that blush you wanted from him, his eyes raked over your body as you bit your lip and started circling him.
“You really are an obedient little soldier aren’t you, Michael?” You whispered hotly in his ear as you stood behind him, hands on his muscular shoulders.
“Yes.” Was all he could moan out as you began massaging his shoulders and kissing his neck.
“You were such a good boy for me, waiting here on your knees. But have you always been a good boy, Michael?” Your tone becoming dangerous as you raise up and tug his hair back as you do, looking him dead in the eyes.
Despite being a fierce warrior of heaven, you accusing the archangel of being anything other than your good boy shot fear into him. You could see this fear in his eyes as you stared at him for a little while longer.
“I’m gonna ask you something and if you’re lying, I’ll know.” You tell him with a warning tug on his hair, causing a moan to escape passed his now open lips.
“I’ll tell you anything, y/n.” He assures you as his filled eyes seem to become doe like.
“How many times have you touched yourself since you’ve been here, Michael.” You ask him in an authoritative tone.
Both fear and shame run over his face as that cute blush of his becomes deeper.
“Five times.” He answers you shamefully.
“Five times? You’re just as filthy as I am Michael.” You taunt him as you now make your way to stand in front of him, both hands now on either side of his face.
“Dirty little boy. No worse than us humans now. Not as pure and filled with chastity as you seem, baby.” You smirk now as his face is filled with shame, tears beginning to well in his eyes.
“Aaawww, is the little angel gonna cry? You feel so dirty and now it’s making you cry? You were a naughty boy, Michael. Now you tell me every dirty little thought that went through your mind and maybe you’ll be forgiven.” You taunt and chastise him. Despite your words being filled with taunts and threats Michael seemed to like it, he seemed to crave your touch and your approval.
“I don’t want to be bad… I- I’ll tell you. Please just make me feel good, please.” He begged you, never feeling this need before and not fully know what your touch will do but knowing he needed it.
“Begging like a little whore now? I think I told you to tell me your dirty thoughts, not to beg me to fuck you.” You scorn him as you rip his head back.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Little tears beginning to fall as he tries to think of where to start.
“When-when w-w-we were at the bar I thought of you sitting on my lap and how you’d feel on me and if you’d rub yourself against me. When you were cooking for us and I saw you bend over the counter, I thought of ripping your clothes off and having my way with you.” Every fantasy he admitted seeming to hurt him to say, as if he was admitting the terrible crimes.
“Was that all or was there more? Come on and be a good boy for me.” You ask him softly now, stroking his cheek.
“No, there’s three more. New fantasies came to me every time I touched myself. I feel so ashamed.” He tells you, now genuine worry on his face.
“That’s a lot of dirty thoughts for my sweet angel.” Wanting to tease him some more but also starting to feel a little bad you walk away from him and bring over the small lounge chair in the corner of the room.
You sit on it comfortably with your legs spread nice and wide, Michael getting a view of your lacy black panties just barely covering your pussy, making him bite back a moan as he stared.
“You sit between my knees and place your sweet little head on my thigh and tell me the rest, baby. If you’re good I’ll let you touch my pussy. I still need to punish you for touching yourself but I will reward you if you tell me your other dirty fantasies.” Hearing this Michael begins to rise but is quickly stopped.
“Uh uh, crawl over.” You tell him, pointing to the ground.
Ever the obedient soldier, he follows your order perfectly. Crawling between your legs, he finds home resting his head on your thigh and looking up into your eyes.
“Keep going, baby.” You tell him as you stroke his hair.
Closing his eyes and almost purring he begins to get lost in your touch but continues telling you.
“I saw you and Sam kissing and grabbing at each other in the training room and thought of myself in Sams place. When you and Gabriel were baking I thought of what your tongue would feel like all over my body, and then this morning when you said I join you in the shower, I thought of how gorgeous you’d look over covered in soap and how soft your body would feel under my hands.” With that last confession spoken, Michael let out a big breath and broke eye contact from you. Feeling so anxious from letting you know his fantasies.
“Wow, baby, those were some really delicious fantasies, we might have to make some of them come true one day. For now however you can have a little reward for being such a good boy and telling me all of that.” You coo at him as you gently stroke his hair.
Spreading your legs even wider you beckon him towards you with a curl of your finger. Slowly leaning up towards you, you take his face in your hands and plant a kiss on his perfect lips. Starting off slow and sweet, the kisses get more and more heated, the hands on his face move to his neck and in his hair and he begins to stand up further on his knees, slotting his body to press against yours.
When you feel him begin to grind onto you, quickly you push him away and break the kiss.
“You wanna touch my pussy, Michael?”
Michael first looks at you with excitement but then with worry as he looks away ashamed. Feeling bad you take his face in your hands.
“Baby. You’re not a bad boy for wanting those things or wanting to touch me.” You reassure him sweetly.
“But you said I’d be punished.” He tells you weakly, sounding like a scolded child.
“Oh sweet boy. I need to punish you for touching yourself not because your sexual urges are wrong but because you’re my good boy, your cock his mine, your pleasure is mine. I decide when you cum and if you’re a bad boy and cum without my permission I have to punish you. Do you understand, baby?” You ask, stroking his face.
“I understand.” He replies, face now full of intrigue.
“Now do you want to touch me on the chair or on the bed?”
His face lights up like a kid at Christmas, acting like those were the best words anyones ever said.
“Bed! Bed please!” He quickly replied excitedly.
Giggling at his excitement, you leave the chair and take his hand in yours, leading him onto the bed. As he sits on the bed like he had done early that day, you begin to strip out of your already pretty minimal clothes. Putting on a bit of a show for him his eyes never leave your body as he watches each item leave your body until you’re left naked in front of him.
Crawling on the bed you sit with your back against the headboard and open your legs for him, making sure he can see your whole pussy.
Turning to kneel between your legs he just stares at you in awe, almost too nervous to do anything.
“You don’t have to know what to do, sweet boy, you just touch me wherever you like, I want you to just learn and feel me.” You reassure him as his hands slowly creep up your inner thigh.
“I think I’m beginning to understand the beauty my father saw when he created humans, you’re so beautiful and unique. Soft and sweet skin and body. So beautiful.” Michael sighed, mesmerised by you as his hands began to wander, staring at your body in marvel and awe.
His hands reach from your inner thigh and over your hips, squeezing them as he went. Once he reached your stomach he held his hands there for a second in thought, just staring. Slowly he began to move again, one hand moving to your breast and the other moving to your pussy.
The hand that was on your breast began to gently squeeze and his finger gently rolled over your nipple. His other hand swiped through the spread lips of your pussy, gently and experimentally.
You don’t think he realised what he was doing to you and you tried your best to stay as quiet as possible to let him have this moment. You bit your lip trying hard not to make a sound but once he rolled your nipple between his fingers and his light touches brushed over your clit you couldn’t help the little gasp that left your lips.
Michaels eyes lit up as he looked up to you, excited he was able to make such a pretty noise come out of you. Lightly grazing over the spot again he noticed that that was what was making you feel so good. He continues to gently rub his fingers over this spot again and again, each time you make one of those pretty noises.
He looks between your face, your breasts and your pussy, so excited and eager.
“Ooohh, Michael you’re doing so good. Keep going and you’re gonna make me cum.” You smiled down at him sweetly.
“Can I? Please? Can I make you cum?” He asks you excitedly as his fingers move a little faster.
“Yes! Be a good boy and make me cum, baby!” You shout out in utter euphoria. As the pressure gets tighter and tighter you forget this was supposed to be an experience for Michael. Cumming hard your hands fly to his hair and your mouth collides with his again, kissing him with heated passion as your body shakes.
“You did such a good job, sweet boy.” You tell him gently as you stroke his face, still coming down from your high.
“I still have to punish you but then I’m gonna ride your cock, my sweet angel.” You tell him, biting your lip as your hand makes contact with his cock for the first time, rubbing him over his sweat pants.
This new feeling is so exciting to Michael his head flys back just from your light touches.
“Yes! Yes! Punish me then aaa-ah then-then. Make me cum! Please!” He managed to get out as your strokes become faster.
“Okay, sweet boy,” you whisper in his ear “you take off your pants, place your hands on the desk, legs apart and bend right down for me, okay?” You instruct him gently.
Without even responding he’s quick to follow your every command. You watch him with great interest as he follows your instructions perfectly.
Slowly you walk up behind him and hold onto his hips tightly, pulling his ass back into you, earning a small yelp from Michael.
“Okay, sweet boy. I’m gonna spank you 5 times, once for each time you came without my permission and you’re gonna count with every hit. Can you do that?” You ask him sweetly as you rub his ass.
“Yes. I can do that, I’ll be a good boy.” He replies weakly, his head now low and ass pushed out further.
Standing beside him you put one hand on the small of his back as your other hand hits his left cheek with one big slap.
“Aah, one!” He calls out.
Another smack hits his right cheek now.
“Two!” He calls again.
Switching sides between each hit he counts each time.
“One more, baby.” You coo in his ear, his head getting lower and lower with each slap.
This last hit was the hardest by far, even stinging your hand a bit.
“Fuck! FIVE!” He shouted as loud as he could.
“Ooohh. Did you just swear, baby? That wasn’t very sweet and pure of you, my good boy. That’s something a bad boy would say. I should punish you again, shouldn’t even let you cum.” You tease him as you crouch down in front of him.
Fear falls to his face as he takes in what you’re saying.
“No, no, no. I’m sorry, please, please, I’ll be a good boy!” Michael pleads with you, now on his knees in front of you.
“Okay, baby, I won’t punish you, but good boys don’t use that kind of language. Okay?” You tell him, stroking his hair.
“Yes, y/n.” He simply replies, looking into your eyes.
“Good boy. Now you lay down on the bed and I’ll make you feel really good.” You tell him sweetly as you kiss his cheek.
Almost running to the bed he lays on his back right in the middle, eyes never leaving you as his chest heaves up and down. Slowly you make your way over to him, teasing him as much as he can. Once you approach the bed you straddle his hips and begin to grind down on him, earning you a gasp as his hands flew to your hips.
“Are you ready, baby?” You ask him, lightly tracing patterns on his chest as you continue to grind your bare pussy on his bare cock.
“I’m ready.” He sighs out, his eyes beginning to close.
His eyes open again as you begin to lift your hips off of him, lining him up with your entrance. You slowly sink down on him and his hands tighten on your hips.
As you bottom out you look down at your sweet angel and see his head fallen back, eyes closed and muttering in enochian, he looked so beautiful.
Slowly you started grinding on him and his muttering turned to moans and groans as he opened his eyes to look at you.
“You’re so beautiful.” He gasped out as your grinding picked up speed.
“So are you, my sweet angel.” You tell him as you lean down and kiss passionately.
As your grinding turns more into humping Michael starts to get the rhythm and pushes his hips up into you at the same pace, looking at you in marvel.
“Guess you don’t think I’m so impure anymore, baby.” You tease him once again as you lean yourself down to his neck and begin to bounce on his cock.
At this new position his groans become louder and his gasps more frequent, you could tell he was close.
“No, no, no, nooo… you’re pure and perfect and divine! Aaa-aah! Please y/n I’m gonna cum! Please I wanna be a good boy please! Let me cum!” He pleads loudly.
Sitting back onto your knees and placing your hands on his chest, your thrusts slow slightly in this new position, making Michaels breath slow too.
“You remember that spot you touched before, baby?” You ask him panting with each thrust.
“Yes, yes, yeeesss.” He gasps and groans out, enjoying this pleasure but trying so hard not to cum.
“Touch me there and make me cum and then you can cum, baby.” You command him as you take his hand and guide his fingers to your clit.
Again following orders so well, he rubs you there nice and fast as your thrusts pick up again. Knowing you were so close you take his other hand to throw it onto your breast.
“Yeh, just like that, baby, aaa-aah! Oooh! You’re making me feel so good, Michael!” You praise him as you begin to feel yourself come undone.
“Aaaah! Michaaaeel!” you scream out as your orgasm takes over.
Quickly following yours Michael grabs onto your hip tightly and fucks into you with a few more hard strokes before releasing himself inside of you with a loud groan.
Panting loudly you fall down beside him and tiredly pull the blankets over both of you. Looking up at him you give him a sweet kiss to his soft lips.
“How you feelin, Mikey?” You ask him in a soft blissed out voice.
“Amazing.” He simply states, holding you as he looks up to the ceiling continuing to catch his breath.
“You know, when I have my grace back I’ll have more control and I could make love to you even better.” He tells you sweetly as his face now turns to you, cupping your cheek.
“Sounds fine by me.” You tell him smiling as you kiss him again.
“But for now let’s get you into the shower, angel boy. Let you see what I look like covered in soap.” You whisper into his ear as you both rush off to the shower.
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justagirl-with-aphone · 5 months
Hi! Umm..this is my first time making a request, so I'm not sure what to do 😂.
Anyway, I read bakugo's little sister and I have to say that it is adorable and wholesome! 😍, and I was wondering if you could do a part 2 of it, please. But no need to rush, you can take your time!
P.s. When I saw you followed me, I literally screamed out of excitement and I love your writing by the way!! 🤗
~Bakugo's Little Sister Pt.2!~
OMG, OFCCCCC, this was so much fun to write! and you're so sweet, OMG!!! TYSM :) @yourmajestyqueena (check out her art it's 🔥🔥)
Bakugo's little (young) sister ~FLUFF~ (NOT PROOFREAD)
(some extra headcanons and extra drabble at the end :) )
Edit: why do I like the second drabble better than the main one? T-T
Just imagine...
His little sister doesn't like loud noises or yelling. Which is the embodiment of Bakugo Katsuki... Your brother... he's still in UA at the time and just as loud as ever; knowing how angsty he Is, his friends are surprised when they meet baby you for the first time. The spitting image of him, same eyes and posture, but awfully quiet. Let's just say Mina was all over you. So the squad is over at his house, and it was like a switch that was flipped as soon as he walked into the house. No longer yelling at Kiri but softly grumbling while stuffing his hands in his pockets. The sounds of little pitter-patters rounding the corner put a (small) smile on his face. You smile unintentionally big, showing the baby teeth you lost.
"Me and Momma made cookies!!" You giggle, frosting all over your face. You're only really talking to your brother because, like him, you're sketchy about new people. This shows when Mina bends down to pinch your cheeks, and you duck out of the way. (Much to her disappointment, you walk over to Katsuki.) You tug on his shirt, your cue to be picked up. which He smugly obliges to your request.
"Nuh Uh! He's not a meanie!" you and Kaminari were going back and forth; you were tricked convinced your brother was an angel that wouldn't hurt a fly. But unbeknownst to you, kaminari had more than his fair share of beatings from the blondie.
"yeah, right, he's an Assho- a butthead!" You were as stubborn as him, too. The glare Kami received from said blonde told him hell was waiting for him after they left. But unlike his usual yelling, Kats just rolled his eyes and leaned back on the couch, muttering a quiet "shut up." sending and receiving an identical smirk to his own from you. maybe you guys were siblings after all...
~Extra headcanons I wasn't sure where to put~
~I SWEAR you would go on the longest rants about how cool your brother is, like you guys thought Midoriya was bad- all while this is happening, said blonde is just sitting there smirking.
~Mina and Kiri would totally tie for your favorite people in his friend group. You adore Kiri because he admires your brother and sees how he is under his shell, just like you do. He treats you like his little sibling while not patronizing you for being little. Mina is just Mina; I STRONGLY believe that Mina is amazing with kids, like Kiri, she would so treat you like her younger sister, you guys braid each other's hair, and she lets you play around in your makeup. Kats swears you talk to his little sister more then him...
~You and Kaminari bicker all the time, I swear. It happens so much that it's a running joke in the group. Anything Kami says, you automatically disagree (you know? like, why do some kids just want to argue?).
Extra mini drabble
Katsuki picks you up rarely. He has his own school, which lets out later than yours does. But your favorite days are the ones he has off. You walk out of school to see your favorite person waiting for you. So when you run into his arms today after school crying.
Let's just say he was ready to hurt a little kid...
Crouching down to your level and rubbing your back, "what's wrong? What happened?" there's a twinge of panic in his voice that he's trying not to let show.
"S-she keeps ripping up my drawings." You finally get out between sobs. He was already picking you up and walking over to the teacher, who was completely unaware of the situation. Let's just say he had a word with the teacher and the parents about their kids' behavior.
Unbeknownst to him, that picture you drew was a present for his birthday the next day. it was a picture of him, and you decked out in dynamite gear. You worked hard on it, and when you returned from recess, it was completely ruined, torn, and water-soaked. That night, you drew your little heart out, recreating the photo, and on his birthday, with your toothy smile, you proudly handed him the drawing. "I redrew it last night, and it wasn't ripped this time!" The dots connect in Kats's head, and he hugs you, patting you on your head. Let's just say it's not coming off his wall.
I tried my little heart out I swear I'm not sure if it hit as good as the first one T-T, but Finals are kicking my ASS! I hope you liked the main drabble and the extras!!! Good luck to anyone who has finals or tests coming up!!!
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